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Published by 

Willing’s Press Guide 

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Willing’s Press Guide 


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Willing’s Press Guide 



; (1s. Monthly) 
WOMAN’S JOURNAL is eminently suitable 
for the advertising of products of a high-class 
nature. It is the most sumptuously produced 
monthly magazine of the present generation. 


(6d. Monthly) 

WOMAN & HOME is an active seller of all 
goods which are associated with any sphere 
of feminine activity. It is devoted to the 
` practical needs of the woman in the home. 


(6d. Monthly) 

MY HOME is exclusively devoted to the 
interests of home lovers and home makers. 
It is of undoubted value to all sellers of pro- 
ducts and services associated with the home. 

Sample Copies and Rate Cards apply to 

W. B. ROBERTSON, Advertisement Manager 
The Fleetway House, London, E.C.4 

Telephone: City, 0202. Telegrams: “ MISTITLED, CENT LONDON.” 

bPa a a aa a a a ee ee 


Willing’s Press Guide 

tt a ath À cane 



The Headquarters of 

356-364, Grays Inn Road, W.C.1 

Telephone: Telegrams : 
4141 LONDON 

Willing’s Press Guide 

wey y THE SPHERE wey i- 

Telegrams : ‘‘ Sphere Rand, London.’ Telephone : Temple Bar 8020 (20 lines). 


Rates for 13 or 

Inner Pages. Rates for Single more Insertions 
Insertion. Per Insertion 
Page facing Editorial matter .. : .. £100 0 O .. £90 
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Per inch, single column .. Ne a 118 6 .. 114 6 

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Per inch, single column .. ss a i 111 0 .. 170 
Size of type page. 13 ins. by 9 ins Four Columns to page. 

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Advertisements printed in 3 colours s3 ša = : oe oe a re per page. 

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Front Cover, 

Space 2 inches across page oe £16 1$ 0 Space 3 inches across page oA £25 4 0 
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Back Cover, (In one or two colours). 
Rate per insertion for a series we oes a es we ae ee s6 3% £80 0 0 
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(1) Front cover spaces are allotted annually on written application only. preference being given to old advertisers. 

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Annual Issue 

A Comprehensive Index and Hand- 
book of the Press of the United 
Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern 
Ireland and the Irish Free State, 
together with the principal Dominion, 
Colonial and Foreign Publications 


Published by WILLING SERVICE, Advertising 
at Willing House, 356-364 Grays Inn Rd., London W.C.1 
Branch Office — 86 Strand, London, W.C.2 


Willing’s Press Guide 


ITH this issue Willing’s Press Guide makes its appear- 
ance for the 57th year and with full confidence we ask 
for the cordial welcome which has consistently been 
extended in the years that are past. 

The Press Guide contains in concise form all the 
information that is required in a work of this character, 
presented in the manner which we believe from long experience 
to be best suited for the purpose. | 

The main feature is, as heretofore, the alphabetical list 
of newspapers and baie ea published in Great Britain, 
Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State, an exhaustive list 
which makes the book invaluable. 

This is supplemented by Classified entries, presented in 
a variety of sub-sections to which a Table of Contents gives 
facile reference. 

A further feature is the long lists of Dominion, Colonial 
and Foreign papers, essential to Manufacturers and Agents who 
desire to extend the sale of British manufactured goods over- 
seas, now so necessary to the welfare of this country. The 
increased volume of these lists adds somewhat considerably to 
the cost of the Guide but the producers are determined that 
nothing shall be spared to maintain its utility. 

It is with sincere regret that we are compelled to record 
the cessation of publication of many papers, worthy upholders 
of the traditions of British journalism, which have either retired 
from the lists or been amalgamated with other journals. In 
their long careers they recorded many stirring events in British 
History: and participated in marvellous developments in . 
newspaper. production. The withdrawal of no less than four 
papers iti the County of Worcestershire represents an unusually 


Poel ial Willing’s Press Guide 

high percentage of the total number published in the county. 
It may be understood, however, that the interest of the inhabit- 
ants will be amply served by the publications remaining available. 

Many will regret, but without surprise, the decision to 
terminate the publication of so personal a periodical as T.P.’s 
Weekly. Its passing, like that of its originator, represents a 
loss to the community. 

New publications, while somewhat considerable in 
number, are mainly of a technical or mmor description. This 
classification does not, of course, apply to certain important 
ventures which have been floated in the larger Provincial Cities. 

Our best thanks are rendered to the proprietors of those 
journals, periodicals, etc., the names of which are recorded in 
this book, for the ready assistance we have received in verifying 
the entries. A few have omitted to reply to our communica- 
tions and such cases are distinguished by an asterisk in the 
Alphabetical Index. 

Where this appears, purchasers will kindly understand 
that we have made every effort to secure authoritative confirma- 
tion but that the particulars given are either of old standing or 
lacking the imprimatur of the owners. 

We can honestly say that the greatest care has been 
exercised in the compilation and revision of the Guide in order 
to retain its reputation for trustworthiness ; but we make no 
claim to infallibility and are always grateful for criticisms and 
corrections where required, being fully assured that our own 
interests are best served by concentrating on the service 
we render. 

It is on such grounds that we present our 1930 issue for 
the use of its readers. 


Willing House 
356-364, Grays Inn Road 
London, W.C.1 

Willing’s Press Guide 

The House of Willing 
realises the responsibility 
that an account involves 
and by accepting it gives 
its clients a Service that 
is honest, sincere and 



Willing Service 
356-364 Grays Inn Rd 
London W.C.1 


Write for a copy of The Story of 
Willing Service (free to Principals) 




Willing’s Press Guide 


The utmost care ts taken to ensure correctness, 
but the Publishers cannot be responsible for 
any inaccuracies or omissions that may occur 



INTRODUCTION TE a2 Ss pi ee ee Be 

PUBLICATIONS se sty ne sa at 





PROVINCIAL DAILIES ss pa T Si et set ee 


This issue of Willing’s Press Guide 
is printed on ARTINE PAPER 




Willing’s Press Guide 






‘Established 1783 

The premier newspaper of Scotland, and the largest and 
leading advertisement medium out of London. “ The 
Glasgow Herald ”’ occupies a position of unrivalled power 
amongst the well to do classes thoughout the whole of 


The only picture-paper published in Scotland. National 
advertisers. who appreciate the value of the Pictorial 
Daily for appealing to women find “The Bulletin ” 
can produce results which compare favourably with any 
similar publication in the United Kingdom. 


Certified Net Sales, exceed 240,000 copies per day. 

“The Evening Times” is the most popular Evening 
newspaper in Scotland. Its guaranteed net sales are far 
in excess of the combined circulation of any two other 
Evening Newspapers North of the Tweed. 

Advertisement Rates on application to :— 

The Advertisement Manager 


Willing’s Press Guide [Abc-Abe 


Newspapers and Periodicals 

published in Great Britain and Ireland, including 
the year of establishment, when published, 
price and publishers name and address. 

General Newspaper Titles are printed in BLACK CAPITALS ; Class and Trade Journals, 
Magazines, &c., in Black letter; and Annuals, &c., in italic. 

Politics are contracted thus—(/) (c) (l.c) (u) (vad.) (nat.) (lab.) (ind.) (f.s) (Irish Free 
State); publications undistinguished are neutral or non-political. . 

When the place of publication of a newspaper is not the leading word in the title it 
is printed in ztalic in the address. Postal initials indicate London addresses. 

* Signifies that no reply has been received as to the correctness of the information. 

Monthly publications, unless otherwise stated, are issued for the first day of the month. 
M signifies monthly. 

The Index to Class Papers will be found on page 248. 


A BC Descriptive Priced Catalogue of Postage Stamps, 1895. Biennially. Price 
varies. Bright & Son, 164 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 6534). 

A BC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1896, Annually. 3s. Heywood 
& Co., Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

AB C Railway Guide, 1853. M. 2s. 15 Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1894). 

A B C Time Table, 1878. M.—lIst. 3d. Aberdeen Journals Ltd., 18-22 Broad St., 

A Thousand and One Uses for Gas, 1912. M.—lIst. 6d. British Commercial Gas 
Association, 28 Grosvenor Gardens, s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 8226). 

_ Ato Z of the Midland “ Red,” 1929. Quarterly 3d. Tram Guides Co., 147, Corporation 
St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 7895). 

ABERCARN AND RISCA WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (/) Fri. 14d. 14-15 High St. 
Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

ABERDARE AND MOUNTAIN ASH EXPRESS, 1912. (/) Fri.—6 a.m. for Sat., 
2d. H. W. Southey & Sons Ltd., Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. One of the 
Merthyr Express series. ia 

ABERDARE LEADER, 1902 (with which is incorporated the Aberdare Times, 1861; 
formerly Y-Gwron, 1838). (ind.) Thurs., 8 a.m., for Sat. 2d. Pugh & Rowlands, 
19 Cardiff St., Aberdare. (Tel Aberdare 136). 

Aberdeen Advertiser (Northern Edition), 1927. M.—Ist. Gratis. Wilson Publishing 
Co., 10, Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. Dundee 2890). (Circ. 5,000). 

Aberdeen Almanac, 1771. Jan. 2s. 6d. Aberdeen Journals Ltd., 18-22 Broad 
St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen- Angus Herd Book, 1879. Jan. 20s. Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, 91 
Union St., Aberdeen. (Tel. Aberdeen 1778). 

Aberdeen- Angus Review, 1919. June and Dec. ls. Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, 
91 Union St., Aberdeen. (Tel. 1778). 

Journal (Dundee) series. 

2d. Sub. 13s. perann. H. Munro, Ltd., 22, Union Row, Aberdeen. (Tel. 4114). 
(Circ. 16,000). 

Aberdeen Book Lover, 1913. May & Nov. 1s. D. Wyllie & Son, 247 Union St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen Catholic Herald, 1894. Fri. 2d. Scottish Catholic Printing Co., 16 Huntley 
St., Aberdeen. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 


Abe-Act] Willing’s Press Guide 

Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 
2s. per ann. E. J. Parker, Ltd., 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 

ABERDEEN (CITY) PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine, 1894. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Rose- 
mount Press, Aberdeen. 

~Aberdeen Post Office Directory, 1850. June. 5s. Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 
Ltd., 32 Diamond St., Aberdeen. 

ABERDEEN PRESS AND JOURNAL, 1922 (with which are incorporated Aberdeen 
Free Press, 1853 and Aberdeen Daily Journal, 1748). a.m. 14d. Aberdeen 
Journals Ltd., 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen Public Library Annual Report, 1884. Jan. Gratis. The Librarian, Public 
Library, Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen University Calendar, 1853. Aug. 4s. Aberdeen University Press Ltd., 
Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. (Tel. Aberdeen 174). 

Aberdeen University Library Bulletin, 1911. Terminally. 1s. Aberdeen University 
Press Ltd., Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. (Tel. Aberdeen 174). 

Aberdeen University Review, 1913. Terminally. 2s. 6d. Aberdeen University Press 
Ltd., Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen. (Tel. Aberdeen 174). 

ABERDEEN WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1748 (with which is incorporated Weekly Free 
Press, 1806). Fri. ld. Aberdeen Journals Ltd., 18-22, Broad St., Aberdeen. 

Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. M. Morgan & Co. Ltd., 26 Frogmore St., 
_ Abergavenny. (Tel. No. 87). 

Abergavenny Pocket A. B. C. Time Table and Monthly Diary, 1908. M.—lIst. ld. 
Littlebury & Co. Ltd., Worcester Press, Worcester. (Tel. 13). 

Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales Weekly 
News series. 

for Sat. Id. T. Leigh, Caxton House, Abergele. 

ABERGELE AND PENSARN VISITOR, 1856 (with which is incorporated the Colwyn 
Bay Gazette). (ind.) Fri., for Sat. ld. Roberts Bros., Abergele. 

Aberlour Orphanage Magazine, 1885. M.—S8th. ld. J. Skinner & Co. Ltd., 27, Thistle 
St., Edinburgh. 

ABERTILLERY WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (/). Fri. 14d. Church St., Abertillery. 
Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Abingdonian, 1890. Terminally. ls. The Editor, Roysse’s School, Abingdon. 

Abkari, 1889. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. F. Grubb, Anglo-Indian Temperance 
Association, 3 Home Park Road, Wimbledon, s.w.19. 

Abolitionist, 1899. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per annum. The British Union for ` 
Abolition of Vivisection, 32 Charing Cross, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 2546). (Circ. 

Abstainer, laso. M.—Ist. ld. Cardiff Temperance Union, 35 Windsor Place,Cardiff. 

Academy Architecture and Architectural Review, 1889. Oct. & May. 10s. H. W. 
Martin Kaye, 44 Doughty St., w.c.1 

Accountant, 1874. Fri.—3.30 p.m., for Sat. 9d. Gee & Co. Ltd., 6 Kirby St., Hatton 
Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5484). 

Accountants’ and Secretary’s Year Book, 1926. Feb. 10s. 6d. Industrial Transport 
Publications Ltd., 17-18 Water Lane, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 4028). 

Accountants’ Journal, 1887 (as Accountants’ Students’ Journal, 1884). M.—Ist. 1s. 6d. 
Gee & Co. Ltd., 6 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5484). 

Accountants’ Magazine, 1897. M.—Ist (except Sept. & Oct.). Is. net. W. Blackwood 
& Sons, Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. . 

ACCRINGTON OBSERVER AND TIMES, 1866. (/) Sat., 2d.; Tues., 1d. Accring- 
ton Observer Ltd., R. S. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington. (Tel. 2156). 

Across the Rockies, 1907. Quarterly. 2s.6d.perann. Allen & Donaldson Ltd., 15, 
24 & 33 Marsham St., Westminster, s.w.1 (Tel. Victoria 5217). 

Across the Seas, 1898. M.—Ist. $d. Sub. Is. per ann. Pickering & Inglis, 229 
Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Central 7424). 

Active Service, 1916. Sat. 6d. Sub. 28s. 2d. per ann. Society for Spreading the 
Knowledge of True Prayer, 12 Buckingham Palace Gardens, s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 
4635). (Circ. 800). 

ACTON AND CHISWICK OBSERVER, 1855. (ind.) Fri. 2d. E. W. Carter, 16 Queen 
St., Hammersmith, w.6. One of the West London Observer series. (Advt. p. xix). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Act-Afr 

Acton (Borough of) Directory, 1927. Annually 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

ACTON GAZETTE AND WEST LONDON POST, 1918 (with which are incorporated 
Acton and Chiswick Gazette, 1868, Acton and Chiswick Express, 1896, Acton 
Borough Post, 1922, and West London Post, 1910). Fri. ld. Middlesex County 
Times Co., Ltd., 3 King St., Acton, w.3. (Tel. Chiswick 0021). 

Actuarial Students’ Magazine, 1926. Mar. Price varies. C. & E. Layton, 56, Farring- 
don St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2121). 

Adair Monthly, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Adair Wounded Fund, 4 
Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2084). 

Administrator, 1920. M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Sub. 19s. per ann. Gee & Co. (Publishers) 
Ltd., 6, Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. 5484). 

Admiralty List of Lights, 1870. Feb. 58s.6d. (9 Parts). J.D. Potter, 145 Minories, 
E.l. (Tel. Avenue 6394). 

Adsain (The Echo), 1903. Tues. Id. W. H. Scattergood, Green Lane, Corwen. 
(Tel. Corwen 66). 

Adshead’s Street Directory of Greater Glasgow, 1893. July. 2d. N. Adshead 
& Son, 11 Union Street, Glasgow. 

Adult Education Handbook and Directory, 1926. Biennally, 3s. 6d. net. H. F. W. Deane 
& Sons The Year Book Press Ltd., 31 Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3183). 
Adult School Lesson Handbook, 1911. Dec. ls. 6d. and 2s. 6d. National Adult 

School Union, 30 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5492). 

Adult School Year Book and Directory, 1901. Biennially. 1s. National Adult School 
Union, 30 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5492). 

Advance, 1923 (as Herald of the Primitive Methodist Society, 1916). M.—Ist. 2d. 
J. Swinden, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1508). 

Advanced Styles, 1928. Mar.-Sept. 5s. 6d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. R. D. Franks, 
6 Oxford Mansions, Oxford Circus, w.1. (Tel. Museum 1245). 

Advent Witness, 1921 (as Advent Testimony Prayer Union Bulletin, 1919). M.—10th. 
2d. Pickering & Inglis, 14, Paternoster Row, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4801). 

Adventure, 1921. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D.C. Thomson & Co. 
Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Adventure Land, 1923. Sept. 5s. D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Albert Square, 
Dundee. (Tel. No. 4144). 

Advertiser Rugby Almanack, 1859. Dec. 6d. Advertiser Ltd., 1 Albert St., Rugby. 

Advertiser's A B C Standard Advertisement Press Directory, 1886. Jan. 21s. T.B. 
Browne Ltd., 163 Queen Victoria St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 3311). 

Advertiser's Aid, 1927. Irreg. 2s. Newspaper Society, Salisbury Square House, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 2968). 

Advertiser's Weekly, 1913. Fri. 4d. Sub. 20s. perann. Business Publications Ltd., 
Whitefriars House, Tallis St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 9761). 

Advertising Display, 1927. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. Business Publications 
Ltd., Whitefriars House, Tallis St., =.c.4. (Tel. Central 9761). 

Advertising News, 1928. Twice M.—Ist and 15th. 1d. Sub 4s.4d.perann. Indus- 
trial Newspapers Ltd., 49, Wellington Street, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar, 3951). 

Advertising Register, 1927. Annually £1. Rolls House Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Advertising World, 1901. M.—Ist. 2s. Sub. 24s. per ann. Industrial Newspapers 
Ltd., 49 Wellington St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3951). 

Adviser, 1849. M.—25th. $d. Sub. ls. per ann. Scottish Temperance Alliance, 
226 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 4095). 

Aerial A B C and Continental Air Line Gazetteer, 1928. Quarterly ls. Sub. 4s. per 
ann. Aerial A B C Ltd., 4, Duke St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8150). 

Aero Field, 1926. Alt. M.—lIst. 3d. F. J. Field Ltd., 57-58 New St., Birmingham. 
(Tel. Sutton Coldfield 748). 

Aeroplane, 1911. Wed. 6d. Aeronautics Ltd., Cannon House, Pilgrim St., £.c.4. 

Africa, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6s. Sub. 22s. per ann. Oxford University 
Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

African Industries, 1921. Sat. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. All Africa Press, 8 Philpot 
Lane, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2343). 

African Manual, 1912. Sept. 21s. Mining & Industrial Publications of Africa Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

African Missionary, 1914. M.—20th. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. African Missions, Black- 
stock Rd., Cork. (Tel “ork 768). (Circ. 35,009). 


Afr-All] Willing’s Press Guide 

African Tidings, 1889. M.—Ist. ld. A.R.Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w.1, 
(Tel. Langham 2813). 

African World and Cape-Cairo Express, 1902 (with which is incorporated African 
Review, 1892). Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. African Publications Ltd., 801 
Salisbury House, London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 0239). 

African World Annual, 1903. Dec. 3s.6d. African Publications Ltd., 801 Salisbury 
House, London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 0239). 

Age of Plenty, 1926. M.—Ist. week. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. H. E. B. Ludham, 
12, Grantham St., Coventry. 

Agents’ Journal and Officials’ Gazette, 1890 (as Life Assurance Agents’ Journal, 1885). 
with which is incorporated Insurance Advocate, 1902). Tues., for Sat. 2d. 
Rea & Inchbould, Merton House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6521). 

Agricultural Market Report, 1925. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Agricultural Statistics, 1915. Annually. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Ainsley’s Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables, 1867. Sept. 3s. P. L. Ainsley, Ltd., Mill 
Dam, South Shields. 

Air, 1927. M.—20th. Is. Sub. 14s. per ann. Air League of the British Empire, 
Astor House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Chancery 7258). 

Aircraft Engineering, 1929. M.—lIst. 2s. Sub. 26s. per ann. Aircraft Engineering 
Co., 6, Norfolk St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2801). 

AIRDRIE AND COATBRIDGE ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. Baird 
& Hamilton Ltd., 46 Graham St., Airdrie. (Tel. No. 4). 

Airways, 1924. M.—25th. ls. Sub. 14s. per ann. Newton & Co., 110 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

A.K.C., 1891. Sept. 6d. King’s College Theological Society, King’s College, 
Strand, w.c.2. 

Albanian, 1902. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, St. Alban’s School, St. Albans. 

ALCESTER CHRONICLE, 1864. (ind.) Fri—6 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Redditch 
Indicator Co. Ltd., High St., Alcester. (Tel. 31). 

ee ei M.—lst. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Thos. Waide & Son, Kirstall 
Rd., Leeds. 

Aldenhamian, 1871. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, Aldenham — 
School, Elstree, Herts. 

Alden’s Oxford Guide, 1874. June. ls. 6d. and 3s. net. Alden & Co.. Ltd., Bocardo 
Press, Oxford. (Tel. 3176). 

ALDERLEY AND WILMSLOW ADVERTISER, 1894. (c) Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Swain & Co. Ltd., Station Road, Wilmslow, and Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 
2026). One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1900 (as Primitive Methodist Magazine, 
1821, as Methodist Magazine, 1819). M.—25th. 6d. J. Swinden, Holborn Hall, 
Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1508). 

Aldershot Command News, 1927. Tues. ld. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Wm. May & Co. 
Ltd., 45 High St., Aldershot. (Tel. Aldershot 14). 

Aldershot Command Official Directory, 1860. M.—7th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Wm. May & Co. Ltd., 45 High St., Aldershot. (Tel. Aldershot 14). 

ALDERSHOT GAZETTE AND MILITARY NEWS, 1859. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Wm. May & Co. Ltd., 45, High St., Aldershot. (Tel. Aldershot 14). 

1894). (imd.) Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Gale & Polden, Ltd., Wellington 
Works, Aldershot. (Tel. Aldershot 2). 

Aldine Boxing Novels, 1925. M.—15th. 4d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 
Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

Aldine Football Novels, 1925. M.—15th. 4d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 
Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

Aldine Racing Novels, 1922. M.—30th. 4d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 Crown 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

(as Alfreton Journal, 1870). (c) Thurs. Id. Hobson & Son Ltd., King St., 
Alfreton. (Tel. No. 14). 

All in One, 1923 (as Men’s Magazine, 1902). Jan., Apl., July, Oct.¥ 2d. Sub. 1s. 
per ann. Church of England Men’s Society, Church House, Dean’s Yard, West- 
minster, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 2893). 


Willing’s Press Guide _ [All-Amb 

All Sports Illustrated Weekly, 1919 (with which is incorporated Sports for Boys, 1920). 
Thurs.—for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Alleynian, 1872. Six times a year. 6d. The Editor, Dulwich College, s.z.21. 

Alliance News, 1854. M.—Ist. ld. United Kingdom Alliance, 1 Victoria St., West- 
minster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4785). 

Alliance Printer, 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. South Wales and Monmouthshire 
Alliance of Master Printers’ Associations, 17 Quay St., Cardiff. 

ALLOA ADVERTISER, 1841. (/) Sat. 14@ Buchan Brothers, 29 Candleriggs, Alloa. 

ALLOA CIRCULAR, 1868. (ind.) Wed —5 a.m. ld. Alloa Circular Printing Co., Mills 
House, Shillinghill, Alloa. 

ALLOA JOURNAL, 1844. (c). Fri., p.m. for Sat. 14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. M. 
Gardner, 20 Candleriggs, Alloa. (Tel. 121). (Circ. 4,250). 

Alma Mater, 1883. Thurs. Oct. to May, Monthly May to June. 4d. W. & W. Lindsay, 
Market St., Aberdeen. 

Almanac y Cymro, 1830. Oct. 2d. M.M. Thomas & Co., 39 Mary St., Cardigan. 

Almanac y Miloedd a Llawlyfr o Wybodaeth Fuddiol, 1879. Oct. 2d. Hughes & Son, 
Regent St., Wrexham, North Wales. 

ALNWICK AND COUNTY GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN, 1923 (with which are incor- 
porated Alnwick and County Gazette, 1854, and Alnwick Guardian, 1885). (ind.) 
Fri. for Sat. 2d. Northern Press Ltd., Bondgate Within, Alnwick. (Tel. No. 34). 

Alphabetical and Chronological Arrangements of the Wesleyan Methodist Ministers, &c., 
1912. Last issue—1926. 6s. net. Methodist Publishing House, 25-35 City 
Road, £.c.1. 

Alpine Journal, 1864. May and Nov. Price varies. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., 39 
Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

2d. E. W. Langham, Normandy St., Alton, Hants. (Tel. Farnham 26). One of the 
Herald series. 

a.m., ld.; Fri.—9 a.m., 2d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 71 George St., Altrincham. 
One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

ALTRINCHAM ADVERTISER, 1880. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per annum. Swain 
& Co. Ltd., George St., Altrincham, and Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). One 
of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

ALVA TRIBUNE, 1899. (l) Tues. ld. W.M. Bett, Tillicoultry. (Tel. 22). One of 
the Devon Valley Tribune series. 

ALYTH GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN, 1925 (with which is incorporated Alyth Gazette 
1898, and Alyth Guardian, 1884). Thurs., 5 p.m. ld. A. Lunan, 8-10 Airlie St., 
Alyth. (Tel. No. 30). . 

Amalgamated Engineering Union Monthly Journal, 1920. M.—8th. ld. Amalgamated 
Engineering Union, 110 Peckham Road, s.E.15. (Tel. Rodney 4701). Circ. 

Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers’ Monthly Journal, 1863. (lab.) M.—Ist. 2d. 
The Secretary, 131, Wilmslow Road, Willington, Manchester. 

Amateur Films, 1928. M.—5th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Newton & Co., 110, Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

Amateur Gardening, 1884. Tues. for Sat. 2d. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Alders- 
gate St., E.c.l. (Tel. City 1086). 

Amateur Menagerie Club Year Book, 1911. June. 3s. 6d. G. T. Drake, Sandling 
Farm, Maidstone. (Tel. Aylesford 40). 

Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer, 1918 (with which are incorporated 
Photographic News, 1858, Amateur Photographer, 1884, Photography, 1888, Focus, 
1903 and New Photographer, 1923). Wed. 3d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset 
House, Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Amateur Stage, 1925. M.—lst. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Amateur Stage Ltd., New 
Scala Theatre, Charlotte St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 4084). 

Amateur Wireless and Radiovision, 1922. Thurs. for Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. 
Bernard Jones Publications Ltd., 58-61 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3733). 
Ambassador, 1926. M.—ist. łd. Sub. 6d. per ann. G. F. Vallance, 2, Broomhill 

Road, Goodmayes. (Tel Seven Kings 2396). (Circ. 30,000). 

Ambition, 1923. Alt. M. 2d. International Correspondence Schools Ltd., Interna- 

tional Buildings, Kingsway, w.c.2 (Tel. Holborn 3971).. (Circ.; 30,000). 


Ame-Ani] Willing’s Press Guide 

American Machinist, 1877 (European and Colonial Edition). Fri., for Sat. 9d. 
Sub. 35s. per ann. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 6 Bouverie St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 4965). 

2d. Amman Valley Chronicle Ltd., Quay St., Ammanford. 

Ampleforth Journal, 1895. Terminally. 2s. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, 
Ampleforth College, Yorkshire. (Tel. Ampleforth 24). 

AMPTHILL AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1891. (ind.) Fri—noon. ld. Bedfordshire Times 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 2285). One of the 
Bedford Record series. 

Amusement Workers’ News, 1922. Irreg. Free to Members. National Association 
of Theatrical Employees, 29-31 Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1305). 

Analysis of the Accounts of the Principal Gas Undertakings in England, Scotland, and 
Ireland, 1869. June. 42s. Eden Fisher & Co. Ltd., 6 Clement’s Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Mansion House 7131). 

Analyst, 1876. M.—12th. 3s. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 3 and 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge. 
(Tel. No. 862). 

Ancient Egypt, 1914. Quarterly. 2s. net. Sub. 7s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

A. J. Holmes, 10 High St., Andover. (Tel. No. 48). 

Andrew Thomson's Yachting Guide and Tide Tables, 1885. May. ls. A. Thomson 
Ltd., 25 Haymarket, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 1520). | 

Anerley Times, 1928. Occas. ld. A. Hatchard, 189 Anerley Road, Anerley. 

Angler’s News and Sea Fisher's Journal, 1900. Sat. 3d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. 
Angler’s News Ltd., 188 Elms Road, Clapham, s.w.4. (Tel. Brixton 4327). 

Anglican and Eastern Churches Association Report, 1907. Oct. 3d. Rev. R. M. 
French, 66 Holland Road, w.14. 

Anglican Third Order Quarterly, 1909. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d. per ann. J.S. 
Nicholas, 34 Brecknock Road, Bristol. 

Anglo American Times, 1905. M.—lIst (Apl.-Oct.). 6d. C. Damiens, 3 Pleydell 
Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. 

Anglo-American Trade, 1919 (as Bulletin of the American Chamber of Commerce in 
London, 1917). M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 6s. per ann. American Chamber of Com- 
merce in London Inc., Aldwych House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2327). 

Anglo- American Year Book, 1913. Feb. 15s. net. American Chamber of Commerce 
in London Inc., Aldwych House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2327). 

Anglo-Belgian Trade Journal, 1921. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann., free to members. 
8 Union Court, Old Broad St., £E.c.4. (Tel. London Wall 6423). 

Anglo-Catholic Almanack, 1915. Nov. 3d. Society of S.S. Peter and Paul, Ltd., 8 
Great Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8805). 

Anglo-Catholic Kalendar, 1896. Sept. 2s. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 
Margaret St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

ANGLO-CELT, 1846. (/). Sat—7a.m. 2d. Anglo-Celt Ltd.,Anglo-Celt Place,Cavan. 

Anglo- Jewish Association Annual Report, 1871. May. Gratis. Anglo-Jewish 
Association, 2 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, w.c.1. 

Anglo-Latin Traders’ Review, 1922. M.—3lIst. 2s.6d. Fleet Hammond & Co. Ltd., 
22 Northumberland Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 6690). 

Anglo-Norman Review, 1929. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Ashelford, 
Burrard St., Jersey. (Circ. 1,000). 

Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal, 1915. M.—25th (except Dec.). ls. 6d. Sub. 21s. 
for 12 issues. Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, London, Inc., 21-24 Cockspur 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 2734). 

Anglo-Spanish Trade, 1907. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. £1 1s.perann. (Gratis 
to members). Spanish Chamber ot Commerce, 42 Trinity Square, E.c.3. (Tel. 
Royal 2572). 

Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal, 1921 (as Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal, 1908, as Journal 
of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, 1918). M.—Ist. Free to members. Swedish 
Chamber of Commerce for the U.K. 14 Trinity Square, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2378). 

Angola, 1900. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. C. Thurnam& Sons, 11 English St., Carlisle. 

ANGUS AND EAST COAST PEOPLE’S JOURNAL—one of the People’s Journal 
(Dundee) series. 

Animal World, 1869. M.—25th. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 



Willing’s Press Guide [Ani-Ann 

Animal's Calendar, 1919. Oct., 1s.6d. National Anti-Vivisection Society, 92 Victoria 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4705). 
Animals’ Advocate, 1922. M.—Ist. 2d. M. E. Dickin, 14 Clifford St., w.1. 

Animals’ Champion, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ld. Sub. 6d. per ann. World 
League Against Vivisection, 47 Hamilton Road, n.5. 

Animals’ Defender and Zoophilist, 1919 (as Zoophilist, 1881). M.—Ist. ld. National 
Anti-Vivisection Society, 92 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4705). 

Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1841 (as Magazine of Zoology, 1837 ; as Annals 
of Natural History, 1838). M.—Ist. 3s. 6d. Sub. £3 per ann. Taylor & 
Francis, 7$ Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). ; 

Annals of Applied Biology, 1914. Irreg. 40s. Cambridge University Press, Fetter 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Annals of Archzeology and Anthropology, 1908. Quarterly. 6s. (Double No’s.—12s.) 
Sub. 21s. per ann. University Press of Liverpool, 177 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. 

Annals of Botany, 1887. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 15s. net. Sub. 40s. per ann. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Annals of Eugenics, 1925. Quarterly. 50s. Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, 
University College, w.c.1. 

Annals of Natal Museum, 1907. Price varies. Irreg., last issue 1929. Adlard & Son, 
Ltd., 21 Hart St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 0530). 

Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 1882. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. 
Sacred Heart College, Cork. (Tel. Bishopston 44). 

Annals of Surgery, 1885. M.—Ist. 4s 6d. net. Sub. 54s. perann. Cassell & Co., Ltd., 
La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1120). 

Annals of the Pickett—Thomson Research Laboratory, 1924. Irreg. Sub. 42s. per ann. 
Bailliere Tindall & Cox, 7-8 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Annals of the Propagation of the Faith, 1838. Quarterly. Gratis to subscribers. Associa- 
per teag the Propagation of the Faith, 59 Eccleston Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 


Annals of the Society of the Holy Childhood, 1854. Feb., June, Oct., Dec. Gratis to 
Subscribers. W. Brady & Co., 96 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0662). 

Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1907. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. Sub. 22s. 
per ann. University Press of Liverpool, 177 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. 

ee a) Thurs. 13d. Dumfriesshire Newspapers Ltd., 92 High St., Locherbie. 
(Tel. 8). 

ANNADALE OBSERVER, 1832. (ind.). Thurs.—5 p.m. 2d. Dumfriesshire News- 
papers Ltd., 96-98 High St., Annan. 

Annie S. Swan’s Annual, 1925. Oct. 2s. -J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Anniversary Album, 1899. Feb. 8d. J. Blackburn, Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. 
(Tel. Headingley 51754). 

Anniversary Budget, 1907. Feb. 6d. J. Blackburn, Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. 
(Tel. Headingley 51754). 

Annual Charities Register and Digest, 1897 (as Charities Register and Digest, 1884). 
Sept. 8s. 6d. net. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 5214). 

Annual Circular of the Corps of Commissionaives, 1859. July. Gratis. The Pay- 
master, Corps of Commissionaires, Exchange Court, 419 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 6453). (Circ. 500). 

Annual Cotton Handbook, 1871. Sept. 5s. Comtelburo Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse Yard, 
E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 5060). | 

Annual County Courts Practice, 1889. Jan. {£2 net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery 
Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Annual Digest, 1871. Feb. {£1 net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Annual of the British School at Athens, 1896. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Annual Practice, 1881. Oct. {£2 net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Annual Register, 1758 (N.S. 1863). About May. 30s. net. Longmans Green & Co. 
Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and 
Firemen, 1880. May. 1s. Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and 
Firemen, 9 Arkwright Road, Hampstead, n.w.3. (Tel. Hampstead 7100). 



Ann-Ann] Willing’s Press Guide 

Annual Report and List of Members of the National Union of Teachers, 1870. July, 
3s. Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1570). 

Annual Report and List of Members of the Norwich Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, 
1896. Feb. Gratis to members. Chamber of Commerce, Norwich. 

Annual Report and Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Chamber 
of Shipping of the United Kingdom. May. 10s. 6d. Chamber of Shipping of the 
United Kingdom, 28 St. Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 7360). 

Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution, 1911. Sept. Price varies. 
W. Brendon & Sons Ltd., West Hoe, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 1548). 

Annual Report and Transactions with List of Members of the Manchester Microscopical 
Society, 1880. Sept. 1s. 6d. The Society, 36 George St., Manchester. 

Annual Report of King Edward V I I. Sanatorium, 1907. ls. Medical Superintendent, 
King Edward VII. Sanatorium, Midhurst. 

Annual Report of St. Dunstan’s (for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors), 1915. April. Gratis. 
=e oe Headquarters, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, N.w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 

Annual Report of the Ackworth Old Scholars’ Association, 1881. October. 3s. 6d. R.C. 
Moore, 42 High St., Norton-on-Tees. (Tel. Norton 390). 

Annual Report of the Asylums Committee, L.C.C., 1890. July. Is. P. S. King & 
Son Ltd., 14 Great Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4324). 

Annual Report of the Bankers’ Clearing House, 1868. Jan. Gratis. Bankers’ Clearing 
House, Post Office Court, Lombard St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 6269). 

Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792. Oct. 1s. 6d. net. Carey Press, 
19 Furnival St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5882). 

Annual Report of the Boys’ Brigade (Incorporated) 1883. Nov. Brigade Executive, 
Abbey House, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7056). 

Annual Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1804. Sept. ls. to non-sub- 
scribers. The Society, 146 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2036). 

Annual Report of the British Science Guild, 1929. 1s. The Guild, 6, John St., Adelphi, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2789). 

Annual Report of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 1914. Mar. Gratis. C. U.K. 
Trust, Comely Park House, Dunfermline. 

Annual Report of the Central Employment Bureau and Students’ Careers Assoctation, 
Incorporated, 1897. April. Gratis. 54 Russell Square, w.c.l. (Museum 7396). 

Annual Report of the Christian Literature Society for India and Africa, 1858. Oct. 
Gratis. The Society, 35 John St., Bedford Row, w.c.1. (Tel.Holborn 9550). 

Annual Report of the Church Association, 1865. June. 1s. 6d. Church Association, 
13-14 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4593). 

Annual Report of the Church Benefit Soctety, 1878. Aug. Gratis. The Society, 

_ 2 Little Smith St.. Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3025). 

Annual Report of the Co-operative Congress, 1928. Nov. 3s.and6s.6d. Co-operative 
Union Ltd., Holyoake House, Hanover Square, Manchester. (Tel. City 8228). 
Annual Report of the Fabian Society, 1883. July. Gratis. Fabian Society, 11 

Dartmouth St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 1915). 

Annual Report of the Federation of Working Girls’ Clubs, 1886. The Federation, 73 

_ Bolsover St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 6976). 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Service Council, 1927. May. Gratis. The Council, 
Friends’ House, Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 6335). 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Temperance Union, 1878. June. Gratis. The 
Secretary, Friends’ House, Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 6639). 

Annual Report of the Friends’ Tract Association, 1814. June. Gratis. The Secretary, 
Friends’ House, Euston Road, N.w.1. 

Annual Report of the Hospital Saturday Fund, 1873. April. The Secretary, 52- 
54, Gray’s Inn Road, w.c.l. (Tel. Hotborn 2772). . 

Annual Report of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 1902. Nov. Gratis. The 
Secretary, 8-11 Queen Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2857). 

Annual Report of the Indian Church Aid Association, 1880. June. 6d. The 
Association, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8145). 

Annual Report of the Jews’ College, 1866. Nov. Gratis. Jews’ College, Queen 
Square House, w.c.l. (Tel. Terminus 4672). 

Annual Report of the London Chamber of Commerce, 1882. April. Sub. London 
Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court and 97 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Mansion 
House 5427). 

Annual Report of the London Missionary Society, 1795. Sept. ls. 6d. net. London 
Missionary Society, Livingstone House, Broadway, Westminster, s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 5057). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ann-Ann 

Annual Report of the London Soctety for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1809. 
Sept. Is. The Society, 16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0354). 

Annual Report of the Magdalene College Club, 1902. Dec. Gratis. Magdalene Boys’ 
Club, Wyndham Road, s.£.5. 

Annual Report of the Manchester Field Naturalists’ and Archaeologists Society, 1860. 
Mar. Is. The Society, 38 King St. West, Manchester. (Tel. City 4555). 

Annual Report of the Manchester Guardian Soctety for the Protection of Trade, 1826. 
Nov. Gratis. The Society, 47 Mosley St., Manchester. (Tel. City 0682). 

Annual Report of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, 1898. March. 5s. M.A.B., Victoria 
Embankment, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7200). 

Annual Report of the Metropolitan Water Board, 1904. Date varies. 5s. The Board, 
173, Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3300). 

Annual Report of the Midland Daffodil Society, 1900. July. 2s. H. Smith, 19 
Tenby St. North, Birmingham. (Tel. Central 5428). 

Annual Report of the Misston to Lepers, 1874. June. 6d. The Mission, 33 Henrietta 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2124). 

Annual Report of The Missions to Seamen, 1856. July. 6d. Missions to Seamen, 
11 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8304). 

Annual Report of the Mount Vernon Hospital (incorporated), 1861. March. ls. The 
Secretary, 7 Fitzroy Square, w.1. (Tel. Museum 4728). 

Annual Report of the National Bible Society of Scotland, 1860. March. Gratis. National 
Bible Society of Scotland, 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 22383). 

Annual Report of the National Canine Defence League, 1891. May. Gratis. National 
Canine Defence League, Victoria Station House, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3663). 

Annual Report of the National Equine Defence League, 1909. Aug. Gratis. National 
Equine Defence League, 16, Beaconsfield Road, New Southgate, n.11. (Tel. 
Finchley 1086). 

Annual Report of the National Museum of Wales, 1905. Oct. 6d. The Council of the 
Museum, Cardiff. (Tel. Cardiff 5873). 

Annual Report of the National Society for Cancer Relief, 1912. June. 1s. Folk Press 
Ltd., 15 Ranelagh Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4360). 

Annual Report of the N.S.P.C.C., 1884. June. 4d. The Society, Leicester Square, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1550). . 
Annual Report of the Navy League, 1896. Jan. 2s.6d. The League, 13 Victoria St., 

s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 8586). 

Annual Report of the Northampton Trades Council, 1887. Mar. Gratis. The Council, 
Avondale Crescent Road, Far Cotton, Northampton. 

Annual Report of the Organists’ Benevolent League, 1910. Annually. Gratis. T.Shindler, 
Royal College of Organists, Kensington Gore, s.w.7. 

Annual Report of the Port of London Authority, 1909. Sept. 6d. Port of London 
Authority, Tower Hill, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2000). 

Annual Report of the Proceedings of the London County Council, 1889. Oct. 2s. 6d. 
P. S. King & Son Ltd., 14 Great Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4324). 

Annual Report of the Protestant Reformation Society, 1827. May. 3d. The Society, 
57 Berners St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 1597). 

Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 
1839. Date and prices vary. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). | 

Annual Report of the Registrar-General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered in 
Scotland, 1856. Date and price vary. H.M. Stationery Office, 120 George St., 
Edinburgh. (Tel. No. 23155). : 

Annual Report of the Registrar of Friendly Societies, 1915. Price varies. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
Annual Report of the Religious Tract Society, 1799. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. The Society, 

4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 
Annual Report of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, 1908. Varies. 2s.6d. Lawes 

Agricultural Trust, Harpenden. (Tel. Harpenden 621). 

Annual Report of the Royal College of Organists, 1864. Dec. 10s. 6d. Royal College of 
Organists, Kensington Gore, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 1765). 

Annual Report of the Royal Drawing Society, 1888. Oct. Gratis. The Society, 18, 
Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5933). 

Annual Report of the Royal Hampshire County Hospital, 1736. May. Gratis. The 
Hospital, Winchester. 

Annual Report of the Royal Humane Society, 1774. March. Clauss The Society, 4 
Trafalgar Square, w.c.2. . (Tel. Gerrard 4024). | 


Ann-Aqu] Willing’s Press Guide 

Annual Report of the Royal School for the Blind, 1799. Aug. 6d. The School, Leather- 
head. (Tel. Leatherhead 4). 

Annual Report of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 1891. May. ls. The 
Society, 82 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2412). 

Annual Report of the Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool, 1841. March. Gratis. 
Superintendent, Caryl St., Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 1420). 

Annual Report of the Saint Andrew Society (Glasgow), 1912. April. 6d. The Society, 
93 High St., Paisley. 

Annual Report of the S.P.C.K., 1698. March. ls. 6d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 

Annual Report of the Society for Promoting the Training of Women, 1859. Nov. 
Gratis. The Society, 251 Brompton Road, s.w.3. (Tel. Sloane 2834). 

Annual Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701. 
May. Is. net. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1398). 

Annual Report of the Society of Genealogists, 1911. June. Gratis. The Society, 
5, Bloomsbury Square, w.c.1. 

Annual Report of the Trinitarian Bible Society, 1831. July. 6d. The Society, 7 
Bury St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2817). 

Annual Report of the Victoria League, 1901. June. Gratis. Victoria League, 
81 Cromwell Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 3584). 

Annual Report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 1813. July. Is. 
Wesleyan Missionary Society, 7 Carlisle Avenue, E.c.3 (Tel. Royal 0610). 

Annual Report of the White Cross League, 1884. June. Gratis. White Cross League, 
36 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w.1 (Tel. Victoria 3980). 

Annual Report of the Yorkshire Archeological Society, 1863. Feb. The Society, 
10 Park Place, Leeds. 

Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry, 1904. April. 10s. 6d. net. Chemical 
Society, Burlington House, w.1. 

Annual Reports issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1915. Price varies. 
H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Annual Statutes, 1866. Jan. Price varies. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Annual Trade Review. Supplement to the Chamber of Commerce Journal (January). 

Answers, 1890 (as Answers to Correspondents, 1888). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Answers Football Annual, 1929 (as All Sports Football Annual, 1921). July. 3d. 
Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Antiquaries’ Journal, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. net. Sub. 18s. 6d. per ann. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Antiquity, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. 6d. Sub. 20s. per ann. O. G. S., Craw- 
ford, Nursling, Southampton. 

Anti-Slavery Reporter and Aborigines’ Friend, 1840 (as Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter 
1825). Quarterly. 6d. Anti-Slavery and Aborigines’ Protection Society, 51 
Denison House, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6065). 

Anti-Vivisection and Humanitarian Review, 1909. Alt. M. 6d. Sub. 3s. 9d. per ann. 
35 Old Bond St., w.l. (Tel. Regent 0845). 

Anti-Vivisection Journal, 1921 (as Animal’s Guardian, 1890). M.—Ist. 2d. London 
and Provincial Anti-Vivisection Society, 76, Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

An-t-Oglach (Irish Army Quarterly), 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. Sub. 6s. 8d. 
per ann. Cumann Cosanta Naisiunta, (National Defence Assn.), 2-3 Yarnhall St., 
Dublin. (Tel. 21681). (Circ. 1,000). 

An-t-Ultach, 1923. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s.6d.perann. Arus Chonnradh na Gaedhilge 
5 Plás no Trágha, Dun Dealgan, Ireland. (Tel. 171). 

Anuario Internacional, 1923. June. 2s. 6d. Trade & Travel Publications Ltd., 
14 Leadenhall St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 9120, Ext. 116). (Circ. 4,000). 

Apollo, 1925. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Apollo Press Ltd., 6 Robert 
Street, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3277). 

Appeal, 1848. M.—25th. ld. E. Stock, 7 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2471). 

Appleyard’s Cleveland Diary, 1866. M.—Ist. 2d. W. Appleyard & Son, Ltd., 14 
Albert Road, Middlesbrough. (Tel. No. 3156). 

Applied Psychology, 1924 (as Talisman, 1903, as Practical Idealism, 1909, as New 
Thought, 1918). Six times a year. 5s. per annum. Talisman Publishing Co., 
Station Parade, Harrogate. (Tel. No. 3255). 

Aquarist and Pondkeeper, 1928 (as Amateur Aquarist, 1924). Alt. M. ls. Sub. 
6s. 6d. per ann. A. E. Hodge, 14 Astonville St., Southfields, s.w.18. 


Willing’s Press Guide - [Aqu-Arg 

Aquarius, 1905. M.—Ist. 3d. Metropolitan Water Board Staff Association, 173 
Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3300). 

Arbitrator, 1872. M.—Ist week. 1d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. Maddison, 53, Victoria 
St., s.w.l. 

ARBROATH GUIDE, 1842. (ind.) Sat.2d. T. Buncle & Co., Market Place, Arbroath 
(Tel. 50). 

ARBROATH HERALD, 1885. (/). Fri. 2d. Arbroath Herald, Ltd., Brothock 
Bridge, Arbroath. (Tel. No. 43). 

Archeologia Aeliana, 1813. July. 15s. Society of Antiquaries, Black Gate, New- 
castle-on-Tyne. (Circ. 650). 

Archeologia Cambrensis, 1846. Twice a year. Gratis to Members. 15s. non- 
members. Bedford Press, 20 Bedfordbury, w.c.2. 

Archeologia Cantiana, 1858. Annually. Sub. 10s. per ann. Kent Archzological 
Society, The Museum, Maidstone. 

Archeological Journal, 1844. Annually. Members 21s. Non-members 25s. Royal 
Archezlogical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 18 Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w.1. 

Architect and Building News, 1926 (with which is incorporated Architect, 1868, and 
Building News, 1854). Fri. 6d. Sub. 27s. 6d. per ann. Gilbert Wood & Co. 
Ltd., Rolls House, Breams Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 0603). 

Architects’ and Surveyors’ Pocket Diary, 1921. Nov. 2s. 6d. Association of Archi- 
tects, Surveyors and Technical Assistants, 26 Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 9300). (Circ. 3,000). 

Architects’ Compendium and Catalogue, 1886. March. 42s. Compendium Publishing 
Co., 93-94 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1768). 

Architects’ Journal, 1895. Wed. 6d. Sub. 23s. i0d. per ann. Architectural Press 
Ltd., 9 Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6936). (Advt. p. 242). 

Architectural Association Journal, 1887. M.—15th. Is. Architectural Association, 
34-36 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0974). 

Architectural Association Year Book and Diary, 1859. Dec. 6s. 6d. Archi- 
tectural Association, 34-36 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0974). 

Architectural Journal. Twice Monthly. Royal Institute of British Architects, 9 
Conduit St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0434). 

Architectural Review, 1896. M.—Ist. 2s.6d. Sub: 25s. perann. Architectural Press 
Ltd., 9, Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6936). (Advi. p. 242). 

Architecture, 1922 (as Journal of the Society of Architects, 1902, as Architect’s Magazine, 
1884). Alt. M. Is. Builder Ltd., 4 Catherine St., Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Regent 5940). 

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1926. Alt. M. 4s. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. British 
Medical Association, Tavistock Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9861). 

Ardingly Annals, 1871. Terminally, 1s. The Editor, St. Saviour’s School, Ardingly. 

(with which is incorporated the Cummock News, 1880). (/) Fri—9 a.m. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. perann. <A. Guthrie & Sons Ltd., Princes St., Ardrossan. (Circ. 10,000). 
(Tel. 82). 

Argosy, 1926. M.—7th. Ils. Sub. 15s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

ARGUS (BOGNOR), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. ld. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Railway Approach, Bognor. (Tel. 105). 

ARGUS (CHICHESTER), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. ld. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 56 South St., Chichester. 

ARGUS (EAST GRINSTEAD), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. 1d. Southern Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 94 London Road, East Grinstead. 

ARGUS (EASTBOURNE), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 26 Terminus Road, Eastbourne. (Tel. 185). 

ARGUS (HASTINGS), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
14 Castle Hill Road, Hastings. (Tel. 39). 

ARGUS (HORSHAM), 1880. (ind.). Daily, p.m. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 60 West St., Horsham. (Tel. P.O. 4). 

ARGUS (HOVE), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. ld. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Church Road, Hove. (Tel. 2052). 

ARGUS (LEWES), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
180 High St., Lewes. Private wire. 

ARGUS (LITTLEHAMPTON), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. ld. Southern Publishing 
Co., Ltd., 8 Terminus Road, Littlehampton. (Tel. 14). 

ARGUS (TUNBRIDGE WELLS), 1880. (ind.) Daily,p.m. ld. Southern Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Vale Hal', Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 208). 


Arg-Ash —SWiililing’s Press Guide 

ARGUS (WORTHING), 1880. (ind.) Daily, p.m. ld. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 7 Bath Place, Worthing. (Tel. 373). 

Argyll and the Isles People’s Journal. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

3 p.m. for Wed. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. W. C. Harvey, Argyll St., Lochgilp- 
head. (Tel. 27). (Circ. 2,500). 

2d. Argyllshire Leader Ltd., Kinloch Place, Campbeltown. (Tel. 102). 

Armachian, 1912. Mar., July, Dec. 9d. D. Trimble, 36 Upper English St., Armagh. 

for Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. D. Trimble, 36 Upper English St., Armagh. 
(Circ. 2,500). 

Armchair Science, 1929. M.—28th. 7d. Sub: 10s. per ann. E. J. Burrow 
& Co. Ltd., 109 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6333). 

ARMLEY AND WORTLEY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri. 2d. West Riding A B C 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 77 Hall Lane, Armley. (Tel. Stanningley 71581). 

Army, Navy and Air Force Gazette, 1860 (with which are incorporated Broad Arrow, 1868 
and Naval and Military Gazette, 1833). Wed. for Thurs. 6d. Sub. 30s. 4d. per 
ann. G. W. Holt, Cannon House, Pilgrim St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5822). 

Army Guild Quarterly. 1921 (as Sentry, 1893). 3d. Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. Army 
Guild, Church House, Dean’s Yard, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5871). 

Army List Half Yearly, 1880. Jan., July. 15s. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Army Orders, 1868 (formerly Army Circulars, 1865). M. 3d. Sub.4s.perann. H.M 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Army Quarterly, 1920 (as United Service Journal, 1829, as United Service Magazine, 
1890). 7s.6d. W.Clowes & Sons Ltd., 94 Jermyn St., s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 2822). 
(Advertisement Department: 63 Ludgate Hill, E£.c.4). 

Arrow, 1892. Terminally. 6d. Editor, Owen’s School, Owen St., E.c.1. 

Arrowsmith’s (late Bunt’s) Bristol Channel Tide Table, 1830. Nov. Is. J. W. 
Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 98). 

Arrowsmith’s Railway Guide, 1854. M.—last day. 3d. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 
Quay St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 98). 

Ars Quatour Coronatorum, 1886. Three times a year. 10s. 6d. to members. Lionel 

. Vibert, 27 Great Queen St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 7340). 

Art Gallery, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Art Trade Press 
Ltd., 13 Buckingham St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5573). 

Art Prices Current, 1907. Oct. 63s. in two parts, 35s. each. Art Trade Press Ltd., 
13 Buckingham St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5573). 

Art Silks as an Investment, 1927. Dec. 2s. 6d. Business Statistics Co. Ltd., The 
Exchange, Cardiff. (Tel. 1323). 

Art Teachers’ Guild Record, 1906. Irreg. 1s. ld. Art Teachers’ Guild, 29 Gordon 
Square, w.c.l. 

Art Trade Journal, 1921 (as Fine Art Trade Journal, 1905). M.—10th. 10s. per ann. 
Art Trade Press Ltd., 13 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5573). 

Art World, 1925. Quarterly. 1s. Sub. 5s. per ann. Art World Publishing Co., 38 
Heath Road, Twickenham. (Tel. Popegrove 1127). 

Artificial Silk Handbook, 1926. Oct. 3s. 6d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Man- 
chester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Artists’ Almanac, 1789. Jan. 6d. Geo. Rowney & Co. Ltd., 10-11 Percy St., w.1. 
(Tel. Museum 6220). (Circ. 10,000). 

Artists’ Rifles Year Book, 1928. Dec. 2s. 6d. Howlett & Son, 10 Frith St., w.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0360). . 

Arts and Crafts, 1925. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub.7s.6d.perann. Arts and Crafts Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 34 Bloomsbury St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5728). 

Arts and Crafts Trader, 1928. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Arts and Crafts 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 34 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5728). (Circ. 3,000). 

Arts and Crafts Year Book, 1926. Jan. 2s.6d. Arts and Crafts Publishing Co. Ltd., 
34 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5728). 

Artwork, 1924. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Sub. lls. per ann. J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 11 
Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8981). 

Ashbourne Advertiser. One of the Derbyshire Advertiser series. 

p.m., ld. Hobson & Son Ltd., St. John St., Ashbourne. ¢ (Tel. No.47). 


Willing’s Press Guide  —[Ash-Aus 

ASHBOURNE TELEGRAPH, 1903. (ind.). Thurs.—12 noon, for Fri. ld. Sub. 
6s. 6d. per ann. J. H. Henstock, Avian Press, St. John St., Ashbourne. (Tel. 
No. 34). 

ASHBURTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. 14d. Mortimer Bros. 

Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Ashore and Afloat, 1886 (as Naval Brigade News, 1878). M.—25th. 2d. R.J. James, 
10-12 Ivy Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3998). 

ASHTON GUARDIAN, 1923. Fri—Noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. MHarvey’s, 
13 Bridge St., Earlestown. One of the Earlestown Guardian series. (Tel. Newton- 
le-Willows 112). 

Ashton’s Enterprise Time Table, 1905. M.—last day. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. W. 
Ashton & Sons, Ltd., 34a Tulketh St., Southport. (Tel. No. 2818). 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE HERALD, 1889. (c) Fri. noon. for Sat., 2d. Herald P. & P. 
Co. Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE REPORTER (as Ashton Weekly Reporter, 1855). (.) Fri. for 
Sat. 2d. J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. (Tel. No. 1132). 

Asiatic Review, 1913 (as Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1886; as Imperial and Asiatic 
Review, 1891). Quarterly. 5s. East and West Ltd., 3 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 1201). 

Aspinall’s Maritime Law Cases, 1861. Irreg. 5s. 6d. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

A.M.A., 1906. M.—15th, except April and Aug. 6d. Incorporated Association of 
Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, 29 Gordon Square, w.c.1. 

Associated Accountant, 1906. M.—Ist. 6d. Central Association of Accountants 
Ltd., 5 Salter’s Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Mansion House 6200). 

Associated Accountant’s Year Book, 1906. Biennially—Feb. 5s. Central Associa- 
tion of Accountants Ltd., 5 Salters’ Hall Court, £.c.4. (Tel. Mansion House 6200). 

A.E.C. Gazette, 1924. M.—lIst. Gratis. Association Equipment Co. Ltd., Windmill 
Lane, Southall, Middlesex. (Tel. Southall 1501). (Circ. 10,000). 

Association News, 1921 (as Liverpool Association News, 1881). Jan., Apl., July, Oct, 
ld. Sub. 8d. per ann. Young Men’s Christian Association and Gymnasium. 
56-60 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 2262). (Circ. 1,000). 

Assurance Agents’ Union Chronicle, 1889. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per 
ann. Assurance Agents’ Press Ltd., 132 Great Ancoats St., Manchester. (Tel. 
City 7443). 

Assurance Review, 1887. M.—15th. 2d. Assurance Review Co., 1 and 2 Market St., 

Astrology, 1926. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 1s. Sub. 4s 6d. per ann. Astrological 
Lodge of London, 6 Queen Square, w.c.1. (Circ. 700). 

At Home and Abroad, 1877 (as Wesleyan Juvenile Offering, 1844). M.—24th. ld. 
Wesleyan Missionary Society, 7 Carlisle Avenue, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0610). 

ATHERSTONE HERALD, 1876 (ind.) Sat. 2d. W. Morton, 14 Silver St., Tamworth. 
(Tel. Tamworth 12). One of the Tamworth Herald series. 

Colman, 90 Long ` t., Atherstone. 

ATHERSTONE OBSERVER, 1877. Tues. ld. Nuneaton Observer Ltd., Bond 
Gate, Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton Observer series. 

Athletic News, 1875. Mon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Alied Newspapers Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Athletic News Cricket Annual, 1886. April. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Athletic News Football Annual, 1886. Aug. 9d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Athro (The Teacher), 1928. Alt.M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 3s. 9d. perann. Hughes & Son, 
Principality Press, Wrexham. 

AND COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1851. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s, per ann. 
North of England Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. (Tel. 2770). 

Auctioneers’ Pocket Book and Diary, 1919. Nov. 3s. 9d. to 8s.9d. W. K. Morton & 
Sons, Sleaford. (Tel. 27). 

Austin Magazine, 1927. M.—24th. 4d. Sub.7s.6d.perann. E. J. Burrow & Co. 
Ltd., 109 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6333). (Circ. 40,000). 

Austral Avian Record, 1912. Irreg. Subs. H. F. & G. Witherby, 326 High Holborn, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 91). 

Australian A B C Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1896. Annually. 3s. 
Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 


Aus-Bad] Willing’s Press Guide 

Australian and New Zealand Trade Journal, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. W. 
Judd, Ltd., 47 Gresham St., £.c.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

Australian Bush Leaves, 1897. Three times a year. 4d. Sub. 1s. perann. Church 
House, Deans’ Yard, Westminster, s.w.1. 

Author, Playwright and Composer, 1891. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 4s. 6d. per 
ann. Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers, 11 Gower 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9966). 

Auto Cycle Union Pocket Book, 1903. March. Gratis. Auto-Cycle Union, 83 Pall 
Mall, s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 5350). 

Autocar, 1895 (with which are incorporated The Motor Car and Motor-Cycle, and 
Motoring Illustrated, 1902, and Light Car, 1913). Fri. 4d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 
Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Automatic World and Scale Trades Review, 1929. M.—20th. 9d. Hillman & Co., 
2, Wine Office Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0240). 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1902 (as Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1898). 
Dec. 3s. 6d. Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal Ltd., 36 Worship St., 
E.C.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1185). 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal, 1902 (as Carriage Builders’ Journal,1898). 
M.—15th. 12s. 6d. per ann. Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal Ltd., 
36 Worship St., E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1185). l 

Automobile Electricity, 1925. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. Motor Commerce 
Ltd., 53 Short’s Gardens, Drury Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4956). 
(Circ. 10,000). (Advt. p. xxxvii.). 

Automobile Engineer, 1910. M.—2nd Thurs. 2s. net. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset 
House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Auto-Motor Journal, 1902 (as Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal, 1896). Fri. 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Auto Ltd., 5 Clements Inn, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4771). 

1890. Thurs. for Fri. ld. C. H. Mills, Fleet House, George St., Bridgwater. 
One of the Bridgwater Independent series. (Tel. Bridgwater 335). 

Avicultural Magazine, 1895. M.—lIst. Sub. 32s. 6d. per ann. S. Austin & Sons, 
Ltd., 5 Fore St., Hertford. (Tel. No. 46). 

AYLSHAM, REEPHAM AND FOULSHAM POST, 1916. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Norfolk Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. (Tel. Holt 2). One of the Norfolk 
Chronicle series. 

Ayr A B C Time Table, Local Guide and Diary, 1896. M.—Ist. 2d. Ayr Observer 
Co., Union Building, Smith St., Ayr. (Tel. 144). 

AYR ADVERTISER AND GALLOWAY JOURNAL, 1803. (/.u.) Thurs.—5 a.m. 2d. 
Sub. 14s. per ann. T. M. Gemmell & Son, 100 High St., Ayr. (Tel. 196). 

AYR OBSERVER, 1832 (with which are incorporated Ayrshire Express, Western Argus, 
Ayrshire Courier, Galloway Review, and Ayrshire Weekly News). (c) Tues. ld. 
Sub. 9s. per ann. Ayr Observer Co., Union Buildings, Smith St., Ayr. (Tel. 144). 

Ayres’ Cricket Companion, 1901. Mar. ls. F. H. Ayres, Ltd., 111 Aldersgate St., 
E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 9755). 

Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Almanac, 1908. Mar. 2s.6d. F.H. Ayres Ltd., 111 Aldersgate 
St., E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 9755). 

AYRSHIRE POST, 1875. (/). Fri 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Ayshire Post Ltd., Nile 
Court, Ayr. (Tel. 121). (Circ. 11,829). 

Baby's Annual, 1928. Sept. 3s. 6d. Wm. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 48 Pall Mall, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Bacon’s Oxford A B C Railway Guide and Visitors’ Handbook, 1913. M.—lIst. 3d. 
Bristol Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 11, Small St., Bristol. (Tel. 3693). 
Bacon’s Reading and Thames Valley A B C Railway Guide, 1925. M.—Ist. 3d. 
Bristol Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 11 Small St., Bristol. (Tel. 3693). 

Sat. 2d. A. Riley, 25 Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall. 

BACUP TIMES, 1865. (/). Sat.—5 a.m. 2d. L. J. Priestley, 9-11 King St., Bacup. 
(Advt., p. xxix). 

Badminton Fixture Card, 1900. Dec. 1s. A. Webster & Co. (Piccadilly) Ltd., 
44 Dover St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 3628). 

Badminton Gazette, 1907. M.—Ist. Nov. to Apl. 6d. Sub. 3s. 6d. Badminton 
Association, 110 The Avenue, Ealing, w.13. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bad-Ban 

Badminion Kalendar, 1908. Dec. 4s. 6d. A. Webster & Co. (Piccadilly) Ltd., 
44 Dover St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3628). 

Badminton Sporting Register, 1908 (as Badminton Diary, 1893). Dec. 2s 6d. A. 
Webster & Co. (Piccadilly) Ltd., 44 Dover St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3628). 

- Baeda, 1896. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, St. Bede’s College, Manchester. 

Baily’s Hunting Directory with Diary (formerly Baily’s Fox Hunting Directory, 1897). 
Nov. 10s. 6d. net. Vinton & Co. Ltd.. 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Holborn 1180). 

Baird’s Irish Railway and Steamboat Guide, 1861 (as Irish Railway Guide, 1852). 
M. 6d. W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Baker and Confectioner, 1892. Fri. 3d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Baker & Confectioner 
Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., Chancery Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

Bakers’ Record, 1864. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Bakers’ Record Ltd., 
184 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3555). 

BALHAM, TOOTING, MITCHAM NEWS AND MERCURY, 1921 (with which are incor- 
porated Balham and Tooting News, 1905, Balham and Streatham Mercury, 1910, 
Borough Mercury 1914, Mitcham and Tooting Mercury, 1878, Tooting and Mitcham 
Mercury, 1878, Wimbledon and Merton Mercury, 1910). (c). Fri. 2d. Samuel 
Stephen Ltd., 7 Selkirk Road, s.w.17 (Tel. Streatham 3273). 

Balham and Tooting Directory, 1889. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. Duncan, Knox St., Ballina. (Tel. 36). 

Thurs., for Fri.—7 a.m. 2d. J. Weir, 70 Church St., Ballymena. 

BALLYMENA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1887. (c) Fri., for Sat. 2d. W. & G. 
Baird Ltd., Wellington St., Ballymena. One of the Belfast Weekly Telegraph 

(u). Thurs. $d. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. Coleraine Chronicle Co., 64 Maine St., 
Ballymoney. (Tel. Coleraine 10). 

6a.m. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Reps. of J. E. Emerson, 14 Bridge St., Ban- 
bridge. (Tel. Banbridge 46). (Circ. 3,000). 

BANBURY ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.). Wed. for Thurs. 1$d. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
B. R. Morland, 72 High St., Banbury. (Tel. Banbury 169). 

BANBURY GUARDIAN, 1843 (as The Guardian, 1838). (ind.) Thurs.—a.m. 2d. 
W. Potts, 51 Parsons St., Banbury. (Tel. Banbury 34). 

Bancroftian, 1892. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, Bancroft’s School, Woodford 
Green, Essex. 

Band of Hope Chronicle and Temperance Workers’ Companion, 1877. M.—26th. ld. 
Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. United Kingdom Band of Hope Union, 59 and 60 Old 
Bailey, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8223). 

Band of Hope Reciter, 1928. M.—Ist. ld. R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 3998). 

Band of Hope Review, 1850. M.—25th. 43d. R. J. James, 10-12 Ivy Lane, E£.c.4. 
(Tel. City 3998). 

Bandsman and Songster, 1907. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d., per ann. Salvation Army, 
117 Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

BANER AC AMSERAU CYMRU (Banner and Times of Wales), 1860 (as Amserau 
Cymru, 1843). (1). Thurs. 2d. Denbigh and Aberystwyth. (Advt. p. xxviii). 

BANFFSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1881. (/). Thurs. 2d. W. F. Johnston & Sons, 13 
West Church St., Buckie. (Tel. Buckie 65). 

1892. (u). Fri., 4 p.m. for Sat. 14d. J. Mitchell & Son, 119 Mid St., Keith. 

(Tel, 20). (Circ. 3,000). 

NESS REVIEW, 1845. (l.u). Tues. 2d. Banffshire Journal Ltd., 9 Old Market 
Place, Banff. (Tel. Banff 38). 

BANGOR AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1905. (/). Thurs. 2d. R. E. 
Jones & Bros., Conway. One of the North Wales Weekly News series. (Tel. 
Conway 12). 

BANGOR OBSERVER, 1877. (l). Wed. for Thurs. 2d. National Press of Wales, 
Ltd., Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 


Ban-Bar}] Willing’s Press Guide 

B.M.G. (Banjo, Mandoline and Guitar), 1903. M.—Ist. 6d. Clifford Essex & Son, 15a 
Grafton St., New Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0299). 

Bank for Russian Trade Review, 1927. M.—lIst. Gratis. Bank for Russian Trade 
Ltd., 58-60 Moorgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 9815). 

Bank Officer, 1919. M.—lIst. 2d. Bank Officer Ltd. 28 Old Queen St., s.w.l. 

Banker, 1926. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Sub. 33s. per ann. Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd., 
6-8 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8327). 

Bankers’ Almanac and Year Book, 1844. Dec. 42s. net. T. Skinner & Sons, 330 
Gresham House, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Bankers’, Insurance Managers’, and Agents’ Magazine, 1890 (as Bankers’ Magazine, 
1844). M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. net. Waterlow & Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, £.c.2. 

Bankers’ Journal, 1889. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 9635). 

Bankfield Recitations and Dialogues, 1905. Jan. 2d. J. Blackburn Ltd., 232 
Cardigan Road, Leeds. 

Banner of the Covenant, 1894. M.—lIst. 4d. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. Bridge, 

- Banner of Truth and Irish Missionary News, 1849. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2d., Irish 
Church Missions, 11 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6304). 
Baptist Handbook, 1860. Jan. 5s. net. Baptist Union, 4 Southampton Row, w.c.l1. 

(Tel. Holborn 2045). 

Baptist Quarterly, 1908. 3s. Sub. 12s. per ann. Kingsgate Press, 4 Southampton 
Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 1664). 

Baptist Record, 1913. M.—25th. 2d. English Baptist S. S. Union of Wales, Lindum 
Caerleon, Mon. 

Baptist Teacher, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Baptist 
Union, 4 Southampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 1664). (Circ. 2,500). 

BAPTIST TIMES, 1855. Thurs. 2d. The Kingsgate Press, 4 Southampton 
Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 2045). (Circ. 16,000). 

Bard, 1928. Pe Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. H. M. Leon, 8 Taviton 
St., w.c.1 

Ham "Advertiser, 1888). (ind.) Fri.—1 p.m. for Sat. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Essex Weekly News Series Ltd., 26, High St., Chelmsford. (Cir. 6,000). 
(Advt. p. xxii). 

BARKING CHRONICLE, 1910. (ind.) Thurs., 5 p.m. for Fri. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per 
ann. 8la High St., North, East Ham. Tel. Grangewood 2639). 

5p.m., for Thurs. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. perann. M.G. Roberts, Barmouth. (Tel. 81). 

BARNES AND MORTLAKE HERALD, 1887. Sat. 2d. R. W. Simpson & Co. Ltd., 
15 High St., Barnes. (Tel. Putney 1711). One of the Richmond Herald series. 

Barnes, Mortlake and Sheen Directory. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Barnet, Hadley, Potters Bar, South Mimms, &c., Directory, 1886. Annually 2s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories, Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 1124) 

CHRONICLE, 1859. (ind.) Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. 13d. E.Cowing & Son, High 
St., Barnet. (Tel. Barnet 0090). 

BARNOLDSWICK AND EARBY PIONEER, 1905. (ind.) Fri.6a.m. 2d. Lancaster 
Guardian Ltd., Skipton. (Tel. Skipton 89). ( Advt. p. xxxvi). 

BARNSLEY CHRONICLE, 1858. (/). Fri.7a.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 4d. per ann. 
Barnsley Chronicle Ltd., Peel Square, Barnsley. (Tel. No. 67). 

BARNSLEY INDEPENDENT, 1882 (as Barnsley Times, 1855). (c). Fri.—a.m., for 
Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Barnsley Independent Co. Ltd., George Yard, 
Barnsley. (Tel. No. 56). 


Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. News Publishing Co., 24 High St., Paisley. (Tel. Paisley 


Daven: 1870. Terminally. 1s. M. J. Backwell, Malew St., Castletown, I. of M. 

Barrovian, 1907 (with which is incorporated The Guardian). Terminally. 9d. Barrow 
Printing Co., Lawson St., Barrow-in-Furness. 

BARROW GUARDIAN, 1910. (l). Sat. 2d. Barrow and North Lonsdale Press Ltd., 
91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow-in-Furness. (Tel. Barrow 12). 

BARROW NEWS, 1881 (with which is incorporated Barrow Times). (ind.). Sat. 2d. 
Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furneéss, .. (Tel. Barrow 35). 


eee teed eg, — ee 

Willing’s Press Guide [Bar-Bed 

BARROWFIELD LEADER, 1900. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Caulton & Co. Ltd., 
Stanley St., Nelson (Tel. 114). (Circ. 10,887). One of the Nelson Leader series. 

BARRY ADVERTISER, 1921. Fri. Gratis. Barry Advertiser Ltd., Watson St., 
Barry Dock. (Tel. 452). 

(ind.). Thurs. for Fri. 1d. Barry & District News Co. Ltd., 156 Holton Road, 
Barry Docks, Glamorganshire. (Tel. Barry 378). 

for Fri. ld. W. M. Davies, 31 Holton Road, Barry Dock, Glamorganshire. (Tel. 
Barry 227). 

Basingstoke and Neighbourhood Directory, 1929. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bath and Neighbourhood "Directory. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Directory and Almanack, 1889. Jan. 2s.6d. Clare, Son & 
Co. Ltd., 5 High St., Wells. (Tel. 38). 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Gazette, 1884 (as Ruri-Decanal and Parochial Magazine, 
1883). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. Clare, Son & Co. Ltd., 5 High St., 
Wells. (Tel. 38). 

BATH AND WILTS CHRONICLE AND HERALD, 1911 (as Bath Daily Chronicle and 
Argus, 1900 with which are incorporated Bath Daily Argus, 1870, Bath Daily 
Chronicle, 1877, and Bath Herald, 1880). (c. and imp.). p.m. ld. Sub. 26s. 
perann. Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. (Tel. Bath 2281). 

BATH CHRONICLE AND HERALD, 1925 (with which is incorporated Bath Chronicle, 
1757, and Bath Herald, 1792). (c. and imp.). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Wessex Associated 
News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. (Tel. Bath 881). 

BATH OBSERVER, 1859. (lib. ind.). Sat. ld. W. Reid & Son Ltd., Baldwin St., 
Bristol. <A localised editior of the Bristol Observer. 

Bath Pictorial, 1889. Jan. 1s. Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath. 

Bath Sports Chronicle, 1925. Sat. 1d. Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate 
St., Bath. (Tel. 881). 

Batley and Heavy Woollen District Free Press, 1898. (ind.). Tues—4 p.m. 4d. J. 
Fearnsides & Sons Ltd., Commercial St., Batley. (Tel. Batley 289). 

Fri.—2 p.m. 2d. News Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Bradford Road, Batley. 

BATLEY REPORTER AND GUARDIAN, 1866. (/.) Fri., p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. The Reporter Ltd., 46 Commercial St., Batley. 

BATTERSEA BOROUGH NEWS, 1905 (as Wandsworth and Battersea District Times, 
1869). (c.) Fri—9 a.m. 2d. W.C. Waddingham, 144 High St., Wandsworth, 
s.w.18. (Tel. Putney 0325). One of the Wandsworth Borough News series. 


NORTH WEST LONDON CHRONICLE, 1926 (as Paddington, Kensington and 
_ Bayswater Chronicle, 1860). (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Morton. 
Burt & Sons Ltd., 56-58 Porchester Road, w.2. (Tel. Park 5311). 

Bazaar, 1868. Mon., for Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. per ann. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville St., 
E.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Beacon, 1917. M.—15th. 3d. Sub.3s.perann. National Institute for the Blind, 224-8 
Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Beaumont Review, 1895. Terminally. 5s. per annum. The Editor, Beaumont 
College, Old Windsor. (Tel. Windsor 224). 

Beckenham, Penge and Anerley Directory, 1908. Biennially. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

BECKENHAM AND KENTISH TIMES, 1903. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., 39 East St., Bromley. (Tel. Ravensbourne 0017). 

BECKENHAM AND PENGE ADVERTISER, 1888. (ind.). Thurs. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St., Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 3121). 
One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

Fri.—2.30 p.m., for Sat. ld. T. W. Thornton Ltd., 42-44 High St., Beckenham. 
(Tel. Beckenham 0128). 

for Fri. ld. W. A. Locks, 34 High Road, Ilford. 

Bedales Record, 1893. Nov. 5s. Bedales School, Ltd., Petersfield. 

Bedells’ Pocket Street Directory of the City of Nottingham, 1887. May 6d. J.Sands & 
Son, St. Peter’s.Gate, Nottingham. 


Bed-Bel] Willing’s Press Guide 

Bedford and District Daily Circular, 1903. (ind.). 6.30 a.m. 4d. County Press 
(Bedford) Ltd., 103 High St., Bedford. (Tel. 737). 

Bedford Directory, 1885. Dec. 2s. 6d. net. Bedfordshire Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
22 Mill St., Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 2285). 

BEDFORD RECORD, 1924 (as Bedford and County Record, 1880, Bedford Record, 1872, 
with which is incorporated the Bedfordshire Mercury, 1836). (ind.). Tues. 6 a.m. 
ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Bedfordshire Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., 
Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 2285). 

Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire, and Northamptonshire Directory, 1848. Every four 
years, last issue 1928. 40s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1124). 

' BEDFORDSHIRE EXPRESS (with which is incorporated Biggleswade and District 

News, 1855). (ind.). Fri., 12 a.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. W. Carling 

& Co. Ltd., Hitchin. (Tel. 93). One of the Hertfordshive Express series. 

BEDFORDSHIRE STANDARD, 1883. (u). Fri—6a.m. 1d. County Press (Bedford) 
Ltd., 103 High St., Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 737). 

BEDFORDSHIRE TIMES AND INDEPENDENT, 1872 (as Bedford Times, 1845). 
(ind.). Fri. 6 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bedford Times Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 2285). (Circ. 15156). 

BEDS AND HERTS PICTORIAL, 1916. Tues., 4 p.m. ld. Gibbs, Bamforth & Co., 
Luton News Buildings, Luton. (Tel. Luton 1121). (Circ. 14,477). 

BEDS AND HERTS SATURDAY TELEGRAPH, 1914. (ind.). Sat.—6.15 p.m. ld. 
Gibbs, Bamforth & Co., Luton News Buildings, Luton. (Tel. Luton 1121). 
(Cir. 16,562). 

ld.. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 

BEDWORTH OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. Sub. 10s. 6d. 
per ann. Nuneaton Observer Ltd., Bond Gate, Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton 
Observer series. 

Bee Craft, 1919. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Kent Bee-Keepers’ Association, 
The Knoll, Church Avenue, Sidcup. (Tel. Sidcup 0456). (Circ. 3,100). 

Bee World, 1919. M.—15th. 9d. Apis Club (Apis Ltd.), Brockhill, London Road, 

Beehive, 1910 (as the Jewish Missionary Advocate, 1893). M.—25th. ld. Church 
Missions to Jews, 16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0354). 

Beekeepers’ Gazette, 1901. M.—lIst. 24d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Bee Publications, 
Lough Rynno, Mohill, Co., Leitrim. . 

Beekeepers’ Record, 1882. M.—lst. 2d. 23 Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 


Beekeeping Annual and Diary, 1928. March. 1s. H. Mace, Station Road, Harlow, 

BEESTON GAZETTE AND ECHO, 1902. (ind.). Fri., 3 p.m., for Sat. 14d. Kirk 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 6 St. Peter’s Church Walk, Nottingham. (Tel. Nottingham 
41310). One of the South Notts Echo series. 

BEITH SUPPLEMENT AND ADVERTISER, 1865. Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
James S. Millar & Co., 9-11 Main St., Beith. (Tel. 39). (Circ. 2,500). 

Belfast and Ulster Directory, 1852. Jan. 17s. 6d. Belfast News-Letter Ltd., 57-59 
Donegall St., Belfast. 

Belfast Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1923. M.—20th. 6d. Chamber of Commerce, 
Donegall Square West, Belfast. 

BELFAST NEWS-LETTER, 1737. (u). Daily—a.m. ld. Belfast News-Letter Ltd., 
Donegal! St., Belfast. 

BELFAST TELEGRAPH, 1870. (c). Daily—2 p.m. till 8 p.m. 14d. W. & G. Baird 
Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (Tel. 7550). 

BELFAST WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. (u). Thurs. 2d. Belfast News-Letter Ltd., 
Donegall St., Belfast. 

BELFAST WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1873. (c). Thurs., for Sat. 14d. W. & G. 
Baird, Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. . (Tel. 7550). 

Believers’ Daily Thought Calendar, 1914. Dec. 1s.6d. J. Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Believer’s Friend, 1909. M.—30th. 2d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Believer’s Magazine, 1890. M.—lIst. 2d. John Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Believer’s Pathway, 1880. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Pickering & Inglis, 
229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Glasgow Central 7424). 

Bell Yard. June, Dec. 2s. Solicitors’ Law Stationery Ltd., 29 Breams Buildings, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1853). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bel-Bet 

Belle Vue Magazine, 1913. Terminally. 8d. Sub. 2s. per ann. The Editors, Belle 
Vue Secondary School, Manningham Lane, Bradford. 

a.m. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. W. Combe & Son, 201-5 Main St., Bellshill. 

BELPER NEWS AND DERBYSHIRE TELEPHONE, 1901 (with which are incorporated 
the Belper News and Mid-Derbyshire Mail, 1896, and Derbyshire Telephone 
and People’s Advocate, 1898). (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. Id. W. Edmunds Ltd., 
Station Road, Chesterfield, and King St., Belper. (Tel. Chesterfield 2258). 

Belton’s Railway and Motor Bus Time Table for Gainsborough and District, 1889. 
M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. W. F. Belton, 50 Trinity St., Gainsborough. 
(Tel. 222). 

Benedictine Almanac and Guide to Abbey’s Parishes Monks, Convents of the English 
Benedictine Congregation, 1875. Jan. 4d. Rev. V. H. Dawes, Lee House, 
Longridge, Preston. 

Benfleet and District Weekly Gazette, 1923. Fri. 4d. Sub. 2s. per ann. A. F. Naish, 
Victory Press, South Benfleet. (Tel. S. Benfleet 42). (Circ. 1,500). 

Benham’s Colchester and East Essex Almanack and Directory, 1845. Nov. 6d. 
Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 High St., Colchester. (Tel. 2842). 

Benn's Encyclopædia of Hardware and Ironmongery Diary, 1909. Nov. 15s. Benn 
Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Benson’s Liverpool Railway Guide, 1857. M.—ist. 2d. Sub.2s.6d.perann. Benson 
& Holme Ltd., Drury Lane, Water St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 193). 

Berean Christadelphian, 1923. M.—Ist. 8d. Sub. 8s. per ann. W. J. White and 
B. J. Dowling, 102 Ribblesdale Road, Streatham, s.w.16. 

Berean Expositor, 1909. M.—lIst. 3d. F. P. Brininger, 14 Hereford Road, £.11. 

Berkeley and Sharpness Gazette, 1878. One of the Dursley Gazette series. 

Berkhamsted Directory, 1874. Jan. ls. G. Loosley & Sons, 176-178 High St., 
Berkhamsted. (Tel. No. 81). 

BERKHAMSTED GAZETTE & TRING & DISTRICT NEWS, 1904. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. E. Needham, Lower King’s Road, Berkhamsted. (Tel. 
No. 374). 

Berkhamstedian, 1880. Terminally. 6d. Editor, The School, Berkhamsted. 

BERKS AND OXON ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.). Fri. 14d. W.D. & A. Jenkins, 3 
St. Mary’s St., Wallingford. (Tel. Wallingford 123). 

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and. Oxfordshire Directory, 1848. Every three years, last 
issue, 1928. 45s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

BERKSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1770. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Reading 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 17 Valpy St., Reading. (Tel. 1583). 

Bermondsey Book, 1923. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2s. Sub. 9s. perann. W. Heine- 
mann Ltd., 99 Great Russell St., w.c.1. 

BERROW’S WORCESTER JOURNAL, 1753 (as Worcester Postman, 1690 ; as Worcester 
Journal, 1709). (c). Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co. 

© E Ltd., 55 Broad St., Worcester. (Tel. 401). 

BERWICK ADVERTISER, 1808. Thurs:—1l1 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. H. R. 
Smail, 90 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed. (Tel. Berwick 78). 

Berwick Journal, 1855). Thurs. 2d. Northumberland and Berwickshire News- 
papers Ltd., 25 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed. 

BERWICKSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1893. Mon.—5 p.m. for Tues. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
per ann. H. R. Smail, 90 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed and Castle St., Duns. 
(Tel. Berwick 78). 

umberland & Berwickshire Newspapers Ltd., 25 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed, 
and Market Place, Duns. 

Best Way Cookery Gift Book, 1926. Sept. 4s. 6d. Fashions for All Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). | 

Best Way Series, 1921. irreg. 6d. Fashions for All Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. 
(Tel. City 0202). 

BETHNAL GREEN NEWS, 1894. (c) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. ld. East London 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Mile End Rd., £.1. (Tel. East 4071). 

Better Health, 1927. M.—1I1st. ld. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-8 
Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (City 7464). (Circ. 257,000). 

2d. R.E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales 
Weekly News series. 


Bet-Bio] Willing’s Press Guide 

Betty's Paper, 1922 (as Girls’ Own Stories, 1919). Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann 
Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

incorporated the East Riding Telegraph, 1895). (c). Fri. 4 p.m. for Sat. 14d. 
Sub. 9s. perann. Green & Son, Market Place, Beverley. (Tel. 10). (Circ. 5,000). 

Bexhill and District Directory, 1887. Jan. 1s. 6d. Bexhill Printing Co. Ltd., Town 
Hall Square, Bexhill. 

BEXHILL CHRONICLE, 1887 (with which is incorporated St. Leonard’s Chronicle and 
Hastings Post, 1919). (c). Sat. ld. Bexhill Printing Co. Ltd., Town Hall 
Square, Bexhill. 

BEXHILL-ON-SEA OBSERVER, 1896. (c) Sat. 14d. F. J. Parsons Ltd., 57 Devon- 
shire Road, Bexhill. 

BEXLEY HEATH OBSERVER AND KENTISH TIMES, 1918 (with which are incor- 
porated Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, 1867, and Bexley Heath, Bexley and 
District Times, 1881). (ind.). Thurs.—p.m. 2d. Kentish District Times Co. 
Ltd., 73-75 Broadway, Bexley Heath. (Tel. Bexley Heath 1). (Advt. p. xxxv). 

Bible Almanac, 1887. Oct. 2d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 4802). 

Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Messenger, 1923. M.—-Ist. 2d. Bible Churchmen’s 
Missionary Society, 14 Victoria St., S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 3470). 

Bible Faith Church Gazette and Evangelical News, 1929 (as Bible Standard Church 
Gazette and Evangelical News, 1928). M.—lIst. 3d. Pastor G. T. Fletcher, 
35 Abbotsford Place, Glasgow. 

Bible in the World, 1905. M.—25th. ld. Sub. 1s.6d. British and Foreign Bible 
Society, 146 Queen Victoria St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2036). 

Bible Lands, 1889. Quarterly. 4d. Sub. ls. 4d. per ann. Jerusalem and the East 
Mission, 12 Warwick Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3232). 

Bible Monthly, 1921. M.—25th. 2d. C.A.Hammond, 3-4 London House Yard, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 7950). 

Bible Searching Almanac, 1875. Oct. ld. John F. Shaw (1928) & Co., Ltd. 3 
Pilgrim St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2793). 

Bible naon, 1914. Quarterly. ls. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Bible Student Publishing 

Ltd., 19 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 4388). 

Bible Sinden 1919. Quarterly. 6d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 7424). 

Bible Text Calendar, 1873. Oct. 1s. 6d. George Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Bible Witness, 1914 (as Newness of Life, 1898). M.—25th. 2d. Protestant Truth 
Society, 3-4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5963). 

Bibliotheca Celtica, 1909. Annually. 3s. to 7s. 6d. net. The Librarian, National 
Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. (Tel. 92). 

corporated Bicester Herald, 1855 and Brackley Observer, 1865). Fri.—2 p.m. 2d. 
W. E. Pankhurst, Market Square, Bicester. (Tel. 47). 

Bicycling News and Motor Review, 1900 (as Bicycling News, 1876). M. 2s. 6d. per 
ann. Sport & Play Ltd., Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birmingham. 

BIDDULPH CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.). Fri. p.m., for Sat. 2d. R. Head, 11 High St., 
Congleton. (Tel. Congleton 64). One of the Congleton Chronicle series. 

Letter, 1835). (ind.). Tues.—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bideford Gazette 
Ltd., Grenville St., Bideford. (Tel. No. 78). 

—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. C. Elphick, Shortmead St., Biggleswade. (Tel. 
No. 22). 

Billiard Player, 1920. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. perann. Newspaper World Press Ltd., 
14 Cross St., E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2393). . 

Billy and Bunny Book, 1921. Sept. 2s.6d. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 3984). 

BILSTON AND WILLENHALL TIMES, 1925 (as South Staffordshire Times, 1911). (ind.). 
Sat. 1d. Midland United Newspapers Ltd., Lichfield Chambers, Bilston. 

Bilston Weekly, 1922. Fri., 2 p.m. J. Wilkes, The Orchard, Bilston. (Tel. No. 151). 

BINGHAM ADVERTISER, 1907. (ind.) Sat. ld. Heanor Observer Co., Market 
St., Heanor. (Tel. Langley Mill 74). One of the Nottingham and Notts Advertiser 

Bio-Chemical Journal, 1906. Irreg. 60s. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). . 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bio-Bir 

Biological Reviews and Biological Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 
1923. Quarterly. 12s. 6d. Sub. 42s. per ann. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Biometrika, 1901. Quarterly. 44s. per ann. Biometric Laboratory, University 
College, Gower St., w.c.1. 

Bioscope, 1906. Thurs. 6d. Bioscope Publishing Co. Ltd., 8-10 Charing Cross Road, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8853). . 

Bird-Lover, 1914. Occas. ls. Selborne Society Bird Sanctuary Committee, The 
Hermitage, Hanwell. (Tel. Ealing 0642). 

Bird Notes and News, 1903. Quarterly. Sub. 4s. per ann. Royal Society for the 
Protection of Birds, 82 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2412). 

Birkbeck College Calendar, 1890. July. ls. P. C. Bartlett, 27 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0693). 

BIRKENHEAD ADVERTISER, 1853. (ind.). Wed. ld. Sat. 2d. B. Haram 
& Co., 61 Hamilton St., Birkenhead. 

Sat., 2d. Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd., 62-68 Chester St., Birkenhead. 

Birkonian, 1893. Terminally. Is. Willmer Bros. & Co. Ltd., 62-68 Chester St., 
Birkenhead. l 

Birmingham A B C and Midland Counties Railway Time Tables (Pocket Edition), 1920. 
M.—Ist. 3d. J. Upton Ltd., Cambridge St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5354). 

Birmingham A B C and Midland Counties Railway Time Tables and Trade Directory, 
1854. M.—lIst. 1s. J. Upton, Ltd., Cambridge St., Birmingham (Tel.. 
Midland 5354). 

Birmingham A B C Railway Rates Book, 1908. Every 4 years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham and Midland Counties Original Motor Bus Guide, 1914. Jan., Apl., July, 
Oct. 3d. Tram Guides Co., 147 Corporation St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 7895). 

Birmingham Catholic Magazine, 1912. M.—Ist Sun. 2d. Shakespeare Press (Bir- 
mingham) Ltd., Stratford Works, Hinckley St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Catholic News, 1895. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. New Catholic Press 
Ltd., Jordan St., Knott Mill, Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 5818). One 
of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1903. M.—15th. 6d. Birmingham 
Chamber of Commerce, 95 New St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 1712). 

BIRMINGHAM FREE PRESS, 1926. (ind.). Sat. Id. C. H. Stacy, 60-61 Lionel 

St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 4174). 

BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, 1741 (with which are incorporated the Birmingham Daily 
Gazette, 1862, Midland Express, 1901, and Picture World, 1916). (l). Daily.— 
a.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. Birmingham Gazette, Ltd.,168 Corporation St., 
Birmingham. (Tel. Central 0589). 

- BIRMINGHAM MAIL, 1870. (u). Nine editions daily, 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Id. SirC. 
Hyde, 13 Corporation St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Medical Review, 1926 (with which is incorporated Midland Medical 
Journal, 1901). M.—20th. ls. 6d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Medical Institute, 
154 Great Charles St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 5239). 

BIRMINGHAM NEWS, 1892 (with which is incorporated Harborne News, 1918; as 
South Birmingham News, 1880). (ind.). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Birmingham News 
and Printing Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 

BIRMINGHAM POST, 1857. (u). lam. ld. SirC. Hyde, 38 New St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Stock Exchange Daily Official List, 1855. Daily—4 p.m. Birmingham 
Stock Exchange, Birmingham. 

Birmingham T. O. S. (Tram, Omnibus and Street) Guide, 1907. Jan. 3d. Tram 
Guides Co., 147 Corporation St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 7895). 

Birmingham University Calendar, 1881. Dec. 2s. net. Cornish Bros. Ltd., 39 New 
St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5960). 

BIRMINGHAM WEEKLY POST, 1857 (as Birmingham Journal, 1825). (u). Fri., for 
Sat. ld. Sir C. Hyde, 38 New St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham with its Suburbs and Smethwick Directory, 1852. Annually. 25s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

BIRSTALL HERALD, 1886. (/). Fri—p.m. 2d. Senior & Co., Ltd., Cheapside, 
Heckmondwike. One of the Heckmondwike Herald series, . 

BIRSTALL NEWS, 1886. (u). Fri. 2d. News Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Batley and Dewsbury. One of the Batley News series. 

21 B 

Bir-Blu] Willing’s Press Guide 

Birth Control News, 1922. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 5s. perann. Founders of the Mothers’ 
Clinic, 108 Whitfield St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 9528). (Circ. 5,000). (Advt, 

p. xxix.). 

A. &. L. Hayward, Church St., Bishop’s Castle. One of the Ludlow Advertiser 

Blackburn and Accrington Catholic News, 1893. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. New 
Catholic Press Ltd., Jordan St., Knott Mill, Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 
5818). One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

BLACKBURN TIMES, 1855. (/). Sat. 2d. Provincial Newspapers, Blackburn. 

Blackfriars, 1920. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. B. Blackwell, 49 Broad St., 
Oxford. (Tel. Oxford 3487). 

Blackheath, Lee, Greenwich and Eltham Directory, 1882. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Blackheath Local Guide, 1889. . Twice a month—Sat. 2d. Blackheath Press (H. W. & 
A. Mitchenall), Blackheath Village, s.£.3. (Tel. Lee Green 1224). 

Blackie’s Boys’ Annual, 1922. Sept. 5s. net. Blackie & Son Ltd., 50 Old Bailey, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1248). 

Blackie’s Children’s Annual, 1903. Sept. 5s. net. Blackie & Son Ltd., 50 Old Bailey, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1248). 

Blachie’s Girls’ Annual, 1922. Sept. Ss. net. Blackie & Son Ltd., 50 Old Bailey, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1248). 

Blachie’s Little One’s Annual, 1921. Sept. 3s. 6d. Blackie & Son Ltd., 50 Old 
Bailey, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1248). 

Sat. 14d. J. Bagot Ltd., Market Place, Middleton. (Tel. Middleton 43). One 
of the Middleton Guardian series. 

BLACKPOOL GAZETTE AND HERALD, 1843. (prog. c.). Sat. 2d. Blackpool 
Gazette and Herald Ltd., Temple St., Blackpool. (Tel. Blackpool 1782). 

BLACKPOOL TIMES, 1877. (J). Tues. 14d. Snb. lls. per ann. Fri., 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Blackpool Times Ltd., Central Drive, Blackpool. (Tel. No. 1865). 

Blackpool Weekly, 1920. Fri. Gratis. H. H. Hewiston, 6 Back Talbot Road, 
Abingdon St., Blackpool. (Tel. 1002). 

BLACKWOOD WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (/.). Fri.forSat. 14d. High St., Newport, 
Mon. (Tel. 2244). One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Blackwood’s Magazine, 1817. M.—Ist. 2s.6d. W. Blackwood & Sons Ltd., 45 George 
St., Edinburgh. (London: 37 Paternoster Row.) 

BLAENAVON AND ABERSYCHAN WEEKLY ARGUS, 1832. (ind.). Fri. 1$d. 14-15- 

- High St., Newport,Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Blair’s Commercial Directory and Buyers’ Guide, 1929. June. 40s. T. Blair & Co., 
54-55 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. 

BLAIRGOWRIE ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.). Fri. p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. D.G. 
Monair, Reform St., Blairgowrie. (Tel. No. 2). (Circ. 3,400). 

BLANTYRE GAZETTE, 1926. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. Clifford, 
236 Glasgow Road, Blantyre. (Tel. 31). 

BLAYDON COURIER, 1905. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. R. Jackson & Co., 8 Church 
St., Blaydon-on-Tyne. One of the Consett Guardian series. 

Blaydonian, 1912. Annually. 1s. The Editor, Blaydon Secondary School, Blaydon. 

Blaydon-on-Tyne Co-operative Record, M.—lIst. Gratis. Co-operative Union Ltd., 
84 Westmorland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Blessed be Egypt, 1900. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Nile Mission 
Press, 22 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 1541). 

Blind Advocate 1899. M.—4th ld. National League of the Blind, 76 Gray’s Inn 
Road, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 2166). 

Bloodstock Breeders’ Review, 1912. Jan. 40s. British Bloodstock Agency Ltd., 
26 Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 3337). 

Bloxhamist, 1875. Terminally. ls. Editor, Bloxham School, Banbury. 

Blue, 1869. Twice aterm. 9d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Christ’s Hospital, Horsham, 

Blue Book Court and Parliamentary Guide (Royal), 1822. Jan. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Blue Book Electrical Trades’ Directory and Handbook, 1926 (as Electrician, Electrical 
Trades’ Directory, 1882). Jan. 25s. E. Benn Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0244). 

Blue Peter, 1921. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Blue Peter Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 12 St. Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 9941). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Blu-Boo 

Blue Triangle Gazette, 1884. M.—22nd. 2d. World’s Y.W.C.A., 17 Clifford St. w.1. 

Blundellian, 1877. Twice aterm. 9d. Sub. 5s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, Blundell’s 
School, Tiverton. 

BLYTH NEWS ASHINGTON POST, 1874. (ind.). Mon. and Thurs. 1d. Northern 
Press Ltd., 7 Simpson St., Blyth. (Tel. Blyth 33). 

Board of Trade Journal, 1886. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). . 

“ Bob Stubbs’ ’’ Original Comic Yorkshire Awmynack, 1906. Sept. 6d. Watmoughs 
Limited, Idle, Bradford. (Tel. Idle 263). 

Bodleian, 1909. M.—15th. ld. John Lane, The Bodley Head Ltd., Vigo St., w.1. 
(Tel. Regent 5025). 

Bodleian Quarterly Record, 1914. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. 2d. Sub. 4s. 8d. per ann. 
The Librarian, Bodleian Library, Oxford. (Tel. Oxford 3268). 

for Fri. 2d. A. B. Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian 

Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. R. J. Acford Ltd., Lennox St., Bognor Regis. (Tel. 
Bognor 163). One of the Chichester Observer series. 

Bognor Regis Directory, 1929. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

(ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. &s. 8d. per ann. Southern Post Ltd., London Road, 
Bognor Regis. (Tel. 288). 

Boiler Explosions Reports. Irreg. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Bolton and Bury Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 31 Hilden 
St., Bolton. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Bolton Co-operative Record, 1890. M.—Last Thurs. Gratis. The Society, Bow St., 
Bolton. (Tel. 691). (Circ. 10,000). 

BOLTON EVENING NEWS, 1867 (with which is incorporated Bolton Evening Guardian) 
Daily—noon. 1d. Tillotsons Newspapers Ltd., Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. (Tel. 
Bolton 1993). 

BOLTON JOURNAL AND GUARDIAN, 1871 (as Guardian, 1859). (l.). Fri. 2d. 
Tillotsons Newspapers Ltd., Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. 

Bolton Public Libraries Annual Report, 1853. Oct. Gratis. Bolton Public Libraries 
Committee, Bolton. 

BOLTON STANDARD, 1923. Fri. and M.—3rd. Wed. 1d. Pendlebury & Sons, Ltd., 
Victoria St., Bolton. (Tel. 28). (Circ. 15,000). 

Boltonian, 1899. Terminally. 8d. Bolton School (Boys’ Division), Chorley New 
Road, Bolton. 

Bondholders’ Register, 1872 2ndand 4th Tues. in each month. 8d. Sub. 16s. per 
ann. E. C. Filby, 30 Brooke St., E.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 8814). 

9a.m. 14d. W. W. Broome, Market Square, Bo’ness. (Tel. 70). 

Book Auction Records, 1902. Quarterly. 30s. per ann. H. Stevens, Son & Stiles, 39 
Great Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0843). 

Book Lover, 1925. M. Gratis. Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 34 Paternoster 
Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462) 

Book of the Old Edinburgh Ciub, 1908. Annually. To members only. Subscription 
10s.6d. T. & A. Constable Ltd., 11 Thistle St., Edinburgh. 

Book of West Ham, 1924. June. 2s.6d. Official Publications Bureau, 98 Woodgrange 
Road, Forest Gate, E.7. 

Book Prices Current, 1887. May. 32s. 6d. E. Stock, 7 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 2471). 

Bookfinder, 1928 (as Books Illustrated, 1927). M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Campbell & Co., 19-20, Temple Chambers, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9386). 

Book-keepers’ Magazine, 1905. Four times per annum. 8d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 

. F. Dingwall, 32 Crescent Grove, s.w.4. 

Bookman, 1891. M.—lIst. 1s. net. (Apl. and Oct. 2s. 6d. Xmas (Dec.) No. 6s.). 
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 20 Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3704). 

Bookman’s Index, 1923. Irreg. 2d. Edinburgh Public Libraries Committee, George 
IV. Bridge, Edinburgh. (Tel. Edinburgh 21756). 

Bookmark, 1925. Feb., May, Sept., Nov. 3d. Sub.1s.perann. J.M. Dent & Sons, 
10 Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2436). 

23 B2 

Boo-Bou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Bookplate, 1921. Occas. Subscribers only. Bookplate Society, 27-28 Eastcastle St., 
w.l. (Tel. Museum 2264). 

Books of the Month, 1895. M.—Ist. 3s. 6d. per ann. Simpkin, Marshall Ltd., 
Stationers Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel Central 8431). 

Books of To-day and the Books of To-morrow, 1894. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. Hatchards, 187 Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Regent 3201). 

Bookworm, 1929. Alt. M.—ist. Id. Sub. 9d. per ann. J. R. Proctor, 87 Streath- 
bourne Road, s.w.17. (Tel. Streatham 5920). (Circ. 200). 

Bookworm Book Mart, 1930. Alt. M.—lIst. Gratis. Sub. 3d.perann. J.R. Proctor, 
87 Streathbourne Road, s.w.17. (Tel. Streatham 5920). (Circ. 500). 

Boosey’s Brass Band Journal, 1869. M. 8s. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent St., w.1. 
(Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Boosey’s Drum and Fife Journal, 1895. M. 2s. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent St., 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Boosey’s March Journal, 1892. M. 4s. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent St., w.1. 
(Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Boosey’s Military Journal, 1835. M. 12s. 6d. to 20s. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent 
St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Boosey’s New Supplemental Journal, 1903. M. Price varies. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 

295 Regent St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Boosey’s Orchestral Journal, 1893. M. Price varies. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent 
St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

B.T.A. Gazette, 1924. M. 2d. Shoe & Leather Trade Press Agency, Ltd., 198 
Bermondsey St., s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 5412). 

Bootham, 1902. Terminally. 2s. Sub. 6s. per ann. W. H. Smith & Son, Stamford 
St.,s.E.1. (Tel. Hop. 5364). 

Bootle Herald. One of the Waterloo and Crosby Herald series. 

BOOTLE TIMES, 1876. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Bootle Times Ltd., 30 Oriel Rd., Bootle, 
Liverpool. (Tel. No. 93). 

Bo-Peep, 1929 (as Playtime, 1919). Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lis. perann. Amalga- 
mated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Bo-Peep Annual, 1882. Sept. 3s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Border Churchman, 1899. M.—lIst. 2d. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co. Ltd., 
Caxton Press, Oswestry. (Tel. No. 5). 

Border Magazine, 1895. M.—26th. 3d. A. Walker & Son Ltd., Galashiels. (Tel. 114). 
BORDER STANDARD, 1906 (as Scottish Border Record, 1881). (ind.). Sat. 14d. 
Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. S. Brown, 27 Channel St., Galashiels. (Tel. No. 12). 
BORDER TELEGRAPH, 1902 (as Galashiels Telegraph, 1896). (ind.). Tues. 1}$d. 

A. Walker & Son Ltd., 113 High St., Galashiels. (Tel. No. 114). 

Stratford Times, 1854). (ind.). Wed.—1 p.m., ld.; Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat., 14d. 
Broadway, Stratford, E.15. (Tel. Maryland 2910- 1). ( Advt. p. xl). 

Borough Polytechnic Magazine, 1892. Five times a year. 3d. The Governors, 103 
Borough Road, Southwark, s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 6700). 

BOSTON AND LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1912 (with which is incorporated the 
Boston Independent and Lincolnshire Advertiser, 1878). (c). Fri. for Sat. 2d. 
Lincolnshire Standard Ltd., Wide Bargate, Boston. 

PENDENT, 1854. (L). Fri.—noon, for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Lincoln- 
shire Guardian Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 94 West St., Boston. (Tel. 1). 

1873). (ind. u.). Thurs. 14d. H. Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. One of the 
Wetherby News series. 

Botanic Garden, Royal Edinburgh, Notes on the, 1900. Irreg. Price varies. H.M. 
Stationery Office, 120 George St., Edinburgh. 

Bottler and Packer, 1927. M.—lIst. 1s.6d. Sub. 20s.perann. Attwood & Co. Ltd., 
St. Ann’s Chambers, Waithman St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3355). 

Bottling, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. per ann. W. H. Phelp, 13 
Little Trinity Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. City 6751). (Circ. 2500). 

Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole, d:c., Directory, 1897. Annually. 6s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bournemouth A B C Railway Guide and Visitors’ Handbook, 1908. M.—lIst. 6d. Russell 
& Co. (Southern Counties) Ltd., Waterloo Chambers, Fir Vale Road, Bournemouth. 
(Tel. 2606). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bou-Bra 

Bournemouth and District Amusements, 1894. Sat. ld. A. Sutton & Co. Ltd., 
580 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. : 

Bournemouth and Southampton Graphic, 1902. (ind.) Fri. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per 
ann. J. E. Barnes, 16 Lansdowne Road, Bournemouth. (Tel. 4580). 

BOURNEMOUTH DAILY ECHO, 1900. (ind.). Evening—five editions. 1d. Southern 
Newspapers Ltd., 49 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. (Tel. 3000). (Advt. 
p. xviii). 

BOURNEMOUTH TIMES AND DIRECTORY, 1919 (as Bournemouth Visitors’ Direc- 
tory, 1858). (ind.). Fri. 2d. W. Mate & Sons (1919) Ltd., 58 Commercial Road, 
Bournemouth. (Tel. 94). 

Bournemouth Weekly Diary of Coming Events, 1923 (as Weekly Diary of Social Events, 
1910). Sat. 2d. E. Pearce, 566 Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 
(Tel. Bournemouth 3699). 

Bournemouth What’s On Guide, 1925 (as Little Red Book, 1910). Sat.a.m. 2d. E. 
Pearce, 566 Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. (Tel. 3699). 

Bourne’s Handy Insurance Guides, 1878. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. 
Bourne’s Insurance Institute, Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

Bourne’s Insurance Directory, 1886. Sept. 17s. 6d. Bourne’s Insurance Institute, 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Bourne’s Insurance Manual, 1886. July. 2s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. Bourne’s Insurance 
Institute, Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Bournville Works Magazine, 1902. M.—lIst. 3d. Cadbury Bros. Ltd., Bournville, 

Bouverie Stories, 1904. Occas. 2d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Bovian, 1894. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Grammar School, Cowbridge, South 

BOWES PARK WEEKLY NEWS, 1903. (ind.). Fri. ld. Penfold & Sons, 8-9 St. 
Alban’s Place, Upper St., Islington, N.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 8464). One of the North 
Middlesex Chronicle series. 

Bowls News, 1927. Thurs. 2d. 19 Harcourt St., w.l. (Tel. Paddington 0077). 

Box Makers’ Journal, 1904. M.—Is.6d. Sub. 6s.6d.perann. John Heywood Ltd., 
Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Boxing, Racing and Football, 1892. Wed. 3d. Sub. 15s. 6d. per ann. E. T. Burt, 
4-8 Greville St., E.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Boy, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. 1s. 6d. perann. N.A.B.C., 27 Bedford 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2051). (Circ. 2,000). 

Boy's Own Annual, 1880. Sept. 12s. 6d. net. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie 
St., E.c.4. 

Boy’s Own Paper, 1879. M.—25th. 1s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Religious Trac} 
Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Boys and Girls, 1886. M.—Ist. d. Sub. ls. per ann. Pickering & Inglis, 229 
Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac, 1887. Dec. 14d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette, 1889. M.—lIst. June. 5d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Brigade 
Executive, 30 George Square, Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7304). 

Boys’ Cinema Weekly, 1919. Tues. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Boys’ Favourite, 1929 (as Football and Sports Favourite, 1920). Wed., for Sat. 2d. 
Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd, 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0202). 

Boys’ Friend Library, 1905. M.—I1st. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 18s. perann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Boys’ Magazine, 1922. Sat. 2d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(Tel. City 6501). 

Boys’ Magazine, 1926 (as Our Boys’ Magazine, 1887). M.—20th. ld. Children’s 
Special Service Mission, 3 and 5 Wigmore St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2782). 

BRACKLEY ADVERTISER, 1921. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Sub. 12s. per ann, 
B. R. Morland, Market Square, Brackley. (Tel. Brackley 16). ' 

Bradfield College Chronicle, 1878. 5 times a year. 8d. Poynder & Son, Gun St., 
Reading. (Tel. Bradfield 5). 

Bradford A B C Railway Rates Book, 1911. Every 4 years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 


Bra-Bre] Willing’s Press Guide 

Bradford and Suburbs Directory, 1900. Irreg., last issue 1927. 12s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bradford and West Riding A B C Railway Guide, 1874. M.—ist. 4d. West Riding 
A BC Publishing Co., Stanningley, Leeds. (Tel. Stanningley 71005). 

Bradford Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 29 Kirkgate, 
Bradford. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Bradford Chamber of Trade Journal, 1907. M.—Ist. 2d. Bradford Chamber of Trade, 
31 Sunbridge Road, Bradford. (Tel. Bradford 4664). 

Bradford Exchange Directory and Diary, 1923. Dec. 10s. 6d. J. Crewe & Co., 
7 West St., Leeds. (Tel. 25917). 

Bradford Gazette, 1927. Alt. Mons. Gratis. Bennett Williams (Advertising) Ltd., 
17 Piccadilly, Bradford. (Tel. 4507). (Circ. 10,000). 

Bradford rea Record, 1925. M.—15th. Gratis. J. Hall, Chapel St., Leeds Road, 

Bradford Pioneer, 1913. (/ab.). Fri. ld. Labour Institute Ltd., 17 Little Horton 
Lane, Bradford. . 

Bradford Post Office Directory, 1879. Triennially, last issue 1928. 15s. W. Byles & 
Sons, 6 Hall Ings, Bradford. 

BRADFORD TELEGRAPH AND ARGUS, 1926 (with which are incorporated Bradford 
Daily Telegraph, 1868 and Yorkshire Evening Argus, 1892), (ind.) 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. 
ld. Bradford & District Newspaper Co. Ltd., Hall Ings, Bradford. 

Bradfordian, 1877. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Bradford. 
(Tel. 2572). (Circ. 1,300). 

Bradshaw's Continental Guide and Handbook for Travellers through Europe. 1847. 
Part I. Time Tables, 3s. 6d. Part II. Descriptive, 3s. 6d. H. Blacklock & 
Co. Ltd., 5 Surrey St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2676). 

Bradshaw's General Railway and Steam Navigation Guide and Hotel Guide, 1837. 
M.—Ist. 2s. H. Blacklock & Co. Ltd., 5 Surrey St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

Bradshaw’s Manchester A B C Guide, 1861. M.—lIst. 6d. H. Blacklock & Co. Ltd., 
5 Surrey St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2676). 

Braille Literary Journal, 1911. M.—10th. ls. Sub. lls. 6d. per ann. National 
Institute for the Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 
Braille Mail, 1906. Fri. 14d. National Institute for the Blind, 224-228 Gt. Portland 

St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Braille ‘Musical Magazine, 1910. M.—20th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. National In- 
stitute for the Blind, 224-228 Gt. Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Braille Radio Times, 1927. Fri. 14d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. National Institute for 
the Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Brain, 1869. Quarterly. 6s. net. Sub. 24s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual, 1920 (as Naval Annual, 1886). Jan. 25s. net. 
W. Clowes & Sons, Ltd., 94 Jermyn St., s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 2822). 

Brazen Nose, 1909. May & Nov. 1s. Editor, Brasenose College, Oxford. (Tel. No. 2281). 

Brear’s Monthly Guide and District Time Table, 1888. M.Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. 
Wm. Byles & Sons, 6 Hall Ings, Bradford. (Tel. 6860). 

BRECHIN ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.) Tues.—a.m. 2d. D.H. Edwards, Swan St., 
Brechin. (Tel. No. 67). 

BRECON AND RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. (/.) Wed. 4 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 
13s. perann. Sayce Bros., The Bulwark, Brecon. 

Brecon County Annual, 1896. Dec. Brecon County Times Ltd., Bulwark, Brecon. 
(Tel. No. 12). 

BRECON COUNTY TIMES, 1866 (with which is incorporated the Brecknock Beacon). (c) 
Wed. p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Brecon County Times Ltd., 7, Bulwark, Brecon. (Tel. 
No. 12). 

Breconian, 1885. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Christ College, Brecon. 

pees AND CHISWICK TIMES, 1927 (as Chiswick Times 1895). (ind.) Fri. 

d. F. W. Dimbleby & Sons, 125 High Road, Chiswick. (Tel. Chiswick 0871). 
re: and District Directory and Year Book, 1923. Dec. 6d. Brentwood Gazette 
Printing Co. Ltd., St. Thomas’ Road, Brentwood. (Tel. Brentwood 273). 

for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Brentwood Gazette Printing Co. Ltd., St. 
Thomas’ Road, Brentwood. (Tel. Brentwood 273). (Circ. 6,000). 

Brentwoodian, 1891. Terminally. 6d. Sir Anthony Browne’s~School; Brentwood. 
i 26 

Willing’s Press Guide [Bre-Bri 

Brewer and Wine Merchant and Brewers’ Guardian, 1871 (with which is incorporated 
the Brewers’ Weekly, 1899). M.—Ist. 20s. per annum. Attwood & Co. Ltd., 
St. Ann’s Chambers, Waithman St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3355). 

Brewers’ Almanack, 1892. Jan. 5s. net. Review Press Ltd., 13 Little Trinity Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 6751). 

Brewers’ Gazette and Wine and Spirit Trades’ Chronicle, 1902 (as Country Brewers’ 
Gazette, 1877). Alt. Thurs. ls. Sub. 20s. per ann. Country Brewers’ Gazette, 
Ltd., 131-3 Middlesex St., E.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2164). 

Brewers’ Journal and Hop and Malt Trades’ Review, 1865. M.—15th. 3s. Sub. 30s. 
per ann. W. Reed Ltd., Eastcheap Buildings, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 1192). 

Brewery Manual, 1890. Aug. 10s.6d. Country Brewers’ Gazette Ltd., 131 Middlesex 
St., E.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2164). 

Brewery Record, 1922. M.—14th. 21s. perannum. T. Waide & Sons, 10 Darlington 
St., Leeds. 

Brewing Trade Review, 1886. M.—Ist. 3s.6d. W.H. Phelp, 13 Little Trinity Lane, 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6751). 

Brewing Trade Review Licensing Law Reports, 1913. Jan. 8s. net. W. H. Phelp, 
13 Little Trinity Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6751). 

BREWOOD COURIER, 1895. (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 13s. per ann. M. Praill, 
Wolverhampton Road, Cannock. (Tel. Cannock 33). One of the Can :ock Chase 
Courter series. 

Brick Builder, 1925. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. H. G. 
Montgomery, 43 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. City 9714). 

Brideian, 1926. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. St. Bride Institute, Bride Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 2371). 

Bridge Magazine Auction Contract, 1929 (as Auction Bridge Magazine, 1926). M.—lIst. 
Thurs. Is. Sub. 12s. per ann. J. Waddington Ltd., Charing Cross House, 
Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 6347). 

BRIDGE OF ALLAN GAZETTE, 1884. (/.). Fri.—noon, for Sat. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
perann. Jamieson & Munro Ltd., 40 Craigs, Stirling. (Tel. 118). 

Bridgen’s Wolverhampton and Midland Counties’ A.B.C. Railway Guide, 1830. M.— 
Ist. 4d. Cullwick Bros., Market St., Wolverhampton. (Tel. Wolverhampton 

Sat. ld. Sub.9s.2d.perann. R.S. Fallows, 58 High St., Bridgnorth. (Tel. 67). 

1871). Fri., for Sat. 14d. C. H. Mills, Fleet House, George St., Bridgwater. 
(Tel. 335). 

SUPER-MARE CHRONICLE, 1855. Tues.—12 p.m.; for Wed. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Woodley, Williams & Dunsford Ltd., High St., Bridgwater. (Tel. 17). 
(Circ. 8,167). (Advt. p. xl.). 

14d. William Forster, Manor St., Bridlington Quay. 

BRIDLINGTON FREE PRESS, 1859. (prog.) Wed. ld., Sat. 2d. Scarborough 
& District Newspapers Ltd., Prospect St., Bridlington. (Tel. No. 384). 

Thurs., p.m., and Fri., p.m. 2d. W. Frost, West St., Bridport. (Tel. No. 42). 

Brierfield Leader, 1900. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Coulton & Co., Ltd., Stanley 
St., Nelson. (Tel. 114). (Circ. 10,887). One of the Nelson Leader series. 

Brigade, 1896. M.—15th. 3d. Church Lads’ Brigade, Aldwych House, Catherine St., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9018). 

BRIGHOUSE AND ELLAND ECHO, 1887 (with which is incorporated the Brighouse 
News, 1866). (imd.). Fri. 2d. Brighouse Echo Ltd., Park Row, Brighouse. (Tel. 
No. 48). 

Premier Printing Co. (Brighouse) Ltd., Bethel St., Brighouse. (Tel. 55). (Circ, 

Bright Words, 1887. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Faith Mission, 262 
Morrison St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 24305). 

BRIGHTLINGSEA AND WIVENHOE TIMES, 1923. Sat. Id. A. Quick & Co., Jackson 
Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. Clacton 177). 

BRIGHTLINGSEA NEWS, 1905. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
East Essex Printing Works Ltd., Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. Clacton 20). 
One of the East Essex Advertiser series. 


Bri-Bri] Willing’s Press Guide 

Brighton, Hove and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1881. April. 7s. 6d. 
Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Rd., Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 

Brighton, Hove, Preston and Neighbourhood Directory, 1888. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

BRIGHTON AND HOVE HERALD, 1806. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Brighton Herald Ltd., 
164 North St., Brighton. (Tel. 3831). l 

Brighton and Hove Illustrated, 1928. (c). Wed. 2d. Eagle Press, Church Road, 

Brighton College Magazine, 1864. Terminally. 1s. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, 
The College, Brighton. (Tel. 2773). 

Brighton Season, 1904. Annually. ls. E. F. Patmer, 68 Ship St., Brighton. (Tel. 
2132). i 
Fashionable Arrival List, 1858). (ind.). Tues., Thurs., Sat.—8 a.m. 2d. Sub. 26s. 

per ann. E. F. Patmer, 68 Ship St., Brighton. (Tel. 2132). 

Bristol A.B.C. Railway Guide and Complete Time Table for the West of England, Hotel, 
Boarding House, and General Advertiser. M.—Ist. 6d. Bristol Printing and 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 11 Small St., Bristol. (Tel. 3693). . 

Bristol A B C Railway Rates Book, 1910. Every four years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Bristol Advertiser, 1928. M.—Ist week. 1d. Blackfriars Press Ltd , Smith Dorrien 
Road, Leicester. (Circ. 5,000). . 

Bristol Catholic Herald, 1895. Sat. 3d. New Catholic Press Ltd., Herbert Chambers, 
Gt. Western Approach, Cardiff: One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 
Bristol Diocesan. Review, 1921. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Diocesan 

Church House, 23 Great George St., Bristol. (Tel. 5169). 

BRISTOL EVENING NEWS, 1877. (lib. ind.). Daily. 1d. W. Reid & Son Ltd., Baldwin 
St., Bristol. 

Bristol Grammar School Chronicle, 1879. Terminally. 9d. The Editor; Grammar 
School, Bristol. 

BRISTOL GUARDIAN AND GAZETTE, 1923 (with which are incorporated Bristol 
Gazette, 1772, and Bristol Guardian, 1893.) (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld. C. J. Mason 
& Sons, 11 Narrow Wine St., Bristol. (Tel. No. 2745). 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal, 1884. Quarterly. 3s. net: J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 
11 Quay St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 98). 

BRISTOL OBSERVER, 1859. (lib. ind.). Fri. and Sat. ld. W. Reid & Son, Ltd., 
Baldwin St., Bristol. 

BRISTOL TIMES AND MIRROR, 1865 (as Bristol Postman, 1713). (c). Daily-3.30 
a.m ld. Sat.—3.30 a.m. 2d. Sub. 58s. 6d. per ann. Bristol Times and 
Mirror Ltd., St. Stephen St., Bristol. (Tel. 9440). 

Britannia and Eve, 1929 (with which are incorporated Britannia, 1928, and Eve, 1919). 
M.—lIst. ls. British National Newspapers Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1201). 

British Advertiser, 1927. M.—lst. Gratis to members. I. S. B. A., Ltd., Aldwych 
House, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2472). (Circ. 500). 

British and Colonial Mineral Water Trade Journal, 1886. M.—17th. 10s. per ann. 
National Union of Mineral Water Manufacturers’ Association Ltd.—T. E. Lewis, 
98 Queen St., Cardiff. (Tel. No. 4319). 

British and Colonial Pharmacist, 1915 (as British and Colonial Druggist, 1884, as Export 
Drug and Chemical Circular, 1878). M.—3rd Fri. 10s. 6d. per ann. British and 
Colonial Druggist Ltd., 194 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2148). 

British and Colonial Pharmacists’ Diary, 1887. Dec. 5s. British and Colonial 
Druggist Ltd., 194-200 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2148). 

British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, 1878. Thurs.—10 a.m. (Bookbinding 
and Lithographic sections monthly). 3d. Sub. 17s 6d. per ann. Stonhill & Gillis, 
Ltd., 58 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2439) 

British and Colonial Review, 1922. M.—15th. ls. 6d. Sub. 21s. per ann. Merville 
Press Ltd., 32 White Hart Lane, N.17. (Tel. Tottenham 0143). 

British and Foreign Confectioner, Baker, and Restaurateur, 1877. M.—lIst. 6d. 
Laughton & Co., Ltd., 3-7 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7232). 
British and Foreign Guide, 1877. Mar. 35s. Anglo Continental Publishing Co. 

Ltd., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. . 

British and South African Export Gazette, 1892. M.—Ist Fri. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. 

W. Eglington Ltd., 76 Finsbury Pavement, £.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1799). 


Willing’s Press Guide | [Bri-Bri 

British Australian and New Zealander, 1924. (as British Australasian, 1884). Thurs.— 
p.m. 6d. Sub. 26s. per ann. British Australasian (1910) Ltd., 414 Australia 
House, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2271). 

British Baker, 1887 (as Northern Miller and Baker, 1885). Fri. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per 
ann. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 37-38 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

British Bandsman, 1887. Fri. 3d. Bandsman’s Press Ltd., 210 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Central 1166). 

British Bee Journal, 1873. Wed.—6 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. 23 Bedford St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 0027). | 

British Beet Grower and Empire Sugar Producer, 1927. M.—Ist. 10d. Sub. 10s. per 
ann. J. L.Schapringer, 57-59 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6539). 

British Berkshire Annual, 1923 (as Annual Report of the British Berkshire Society, 
1916). Feb. Gratis. The Society, 27 Cavendish Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 

British Berkshire Herd Book, 1884. May. 10s. Gratis to members. British Berk- 
shire Society, 27 Cavendish Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 3420). 

British Birds, 1907. M.—lIst. 1s. 9d. net. H.F. & G. Witherby, 326 High Holborn, 
w.l. (Tel. Holborn 91). 

British Booksellers, 1924. July. 3s.6d. Literary Year Books Press Ltd., 67 Dale St., 
Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 5598). 

British Boy’s Annual, 1911. Sept. 5s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

British Chemical Abstracts—A—Pure Chemistry, 1924. M.—30th. 6s. 6d. Sub. 
70s. per ann. Chemical Society, Burlington House, w.1. 

British Chemist, 1922. M.—16th. Gratis. Sub. ls. per ann. W. R. Boston, 20 
Orville Gardens, Leeds. 

‘British Chess Magazine, 1870. M.—Ist. 1s. Whitehead & Miller Ltd., 15 Elmwood 
Lane, Leeds. 

British Citizen, 1929. Occas. ld. J. A. Kensit, 3-4 St. Paul’s Chirchyard, £.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 5963). 

British Clay Worker, 1892. M.—15th. 1s. H. G. Montgomery, 43 Essex St., Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. City 9714). 

British Coasters, 1925. Sept. 21s. net. Sampson, Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 100 
Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

British Deaf Times, 1896. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Mrs. L. Hepworth, 
26 Victoria Park Road, East Canton, Cardiff. 

British Dental Journal, 1903 (as Journal of the British Dental Association, 1872). lst 
and 15th. ls. Sub. 25s. per ann. British Dental Association, 23 Russell Square 
w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4719). 

British Empire Review, 1899. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. British Empire League, 
Norfolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Mansion House 7786). 
British Engineering Catalogue, 1914. July. 1s. Direct Publicity Co. Ltd., 20 

North John St., Liverpool. 

British Engineers’ Home and Export Journal, 1919. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. 
Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., St. Brides House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7713). (Circ. 6,000). 

British Esperantist, 1905. M.—24th. Members only. British Esperanto Association, 
142 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4794). (Circ. 2,300). 

British Evangelist, 1868. M.—Ist. ld. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

British Export Gazette, 1908. M.—Ist Fri. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. W. Eglington 
Ltd., 76 Finsbury Pavement, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1799). 

British Federation of Musical Competition Festivals Year Book, 1923. Jan. Is. 3d. 
B.F.M.C.F., 22 Surrey St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3911). 

British Film Journal, 1928. M.—15th. 6d. British Empire ‘Film Institute, 139 
Abbey House, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2449). 

British Flag and Christian Sentinel, 1852. Quarterly. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Army 
Scripture Readers’ and Soldiers’ Friend Society, 21 Catherine St., s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 1314). 

British Food Journal and Hygienic Review, 1899. M.—10th. 9d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per 
ann. British Press, &c., Co., 22 Northumberland Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 


Bri-Bri] Willing’s Press Guide 

British Friestan Cattle Herd Book, 1909. Dec. 21s. British Friesian Cattle Society, 
11 Southampton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6680). 

British Friesian Journal, 1919. M. 6d. British Friesian Cattle Society, 11 Southamp- 
ton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6680). 

British Fur Trade, 1923. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. British United Publica- 
tions Ltd., 100c Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1608). 

British Girl’s Annual, 1911. Sept. 5s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

British Homeopathic Journal, 1911 (with which is amalgamated British Homeo- 
pathic Review, 1907, and Journal of the British Homeopathic Soctety, 1891). 
Quarterly. 5s. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. 
(Tel. Museum 2077). 

arr Industries, 1924 (as Bulletin of the Fedevalion of British Industries, 1916). 

M.—20th. ls. Federation of British Industries, 39, St., James St., s.w.1. (Tel. 
Regent 6050). 

British Industry and Finance, 1921. Sat. 6d. 1-4 Holborn Viaduct House, E.c.1. 
British Inter Club Tennis, 1929. Alt. Mon. 6d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Hyde Park 
Press Ltd., 59 Edgware Road, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 9533). (Circ. 10,000). 

B.I. Crusader, 1929. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. National Message Ltd., 
6 Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8961). 

British Israel Herald, 1924. M.—Ist. 2d. E. J. Larby Ltd., 30 Paternoster Row, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 5991). 

British Journal of Actinotherapy, 1926. M.—Ist. 2s. Sub. 21s. per ann. Actinic 
ace, Ltd., 17 Featherstone Buildings, High Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 

British Journal of Astrology, 1915 (as Old Moore’s Monthly Messenger, 1907). M.—25th. 

6d. W.Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 10-11 Red Lion St., Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. city 7166). 

British Journal of Bio-Physics, 1929 (with which is incorporated Actinic Practitioner 
and Electrotherapist, 1928). M.—Ist. 6d. Professional Publications Ltd., 
139 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 3019). 

British Journal of Children’s Diseases, 1904. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. net. Adlard & Son 
Ltd., 21 Hart St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 0530). 

British Journal of Dental Science, 1856. M. Is. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 
83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis, 1888. M.—Ist. 4s. net. H. K. Lewis 
& Co. Ltd., 28 Gower Place, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2853). 

British Journal of Experimental Biology, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 40s. Cambridge 
University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

British Journal of Experimental Pathology, 1920. Alt. M. 7s. 6d. net. H. K. 
Lewis & Co. Ltd., 28 Gower Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2853). 

British Journal of Inebriety, 1903. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Bailliére, 
Tindall & Cox, 7-8 Henrietta St., Covent Garden w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1920. Quarterly. 30s. net. Cambridge 
University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

British Journal of Nursing, 1902 (as Nursing Record and Hospital World, 1888). M.—Fri. 
following last Thurs. 7d. Nursing Press Ltd., 39 Portland Place, w.1. (Tel. 
Mayfair 5138). 

British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1917. M.—1Ist. 5s. G. Pulman & Sons, Ltd., 
24-27 Thayer St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 6486). 

British Journal of Photography, 1860 (as Liverpool Photographic Journal, 1854). Fri. 

—9 a.m. 3d. Sub. 17s. 4d. per ann. H. Greenwood & Co. Ltd., 24 Wellington 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5330). 

British Journal of Physiological Optics, 1926. June, July. 5s. (Free to members). 
British Optical Association, Clifford’s Inn Hall, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 0922). 
British Journal of Psychical Research, 1926. Alt. M. Is. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
National Laboratory of Psychical Research, 16 Queensberry Place, South 

Kensington, s.w.7 (Tel. Kensington 6016). 

British Journal of Psychology (General Section), 1904. Quarterly. 30s. net. Cam- 
bridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

British Journal of Radiology, 1924 (as Atlas of Skiagraphy, 1896). M.—I15th. 4s. 
Me Heinnemann (Medical Books), Ltd., 99 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 

British Journal of Surgery, 1913. Quarterly. 42 i per ann. J. Wright & Sons Ltd., 
Stone Bridge, Bristol. (Tel. No. 115). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bri-Bri 

British Journal of Tuberculosis, 1907. Quarterly. 2s.6d. Sub.10s.perann. Bailliére 
Tindall & Cox, 7-8 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

British Journal of Urology, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 7s. 6s. Sub. 25s. net. per ann. 
Constable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St.. w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

British Journal of Venereal Diseases, 1925. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6s. net. Sub. £1 
per ann. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1860 (with which is incorporated the Year 
Book of Photography and Amateurs’ Guide, 1859). Jan. 2s.; cloth, 3s. H. 
Greenwood & Co. Ltd., 24 Wellington St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5330). 

British Launderers’ Year Book, 1920. July. Gratisto members. National Federation 
of Launderers Ltd., 17 Lancaster Gate, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 4384). (Advt. p. xxix). 

British Legion Journal, 1921 (with which is incorporated Comrades’ Journal, 1918, and 
the D.S.S. Bulletin, 1919). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub.2s.6d.perann. National Execu- 
tive Council British Legion, 26 Eccleston Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9620). 

British Lion, 1923 (anti-communist). Fortnightly 2d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. British 
Fascists, 99 Buckingham Palace Road, s.w.1. 

British Machme Tool Engineering, 1920. Alt. M.—15th. 6d. Associated British 
Machine Toolmakers Ltd., 17 Grosvenor Gardens, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7060). 
(Circ. 9,000). 

British Malaya, 1926. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Newton & Co., 110-111 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

British Medical Journal, 1832. Fri., for Sat. 1s. 3d. Sub. 63s. per ann. British 
Medical Association, Tavistock Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9861). (Circ. 

British Melodist, 1898. Jan. 3d. J. Blackburn Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. 

British Mercantile Guide, 1877. Annually. 35s. Anglo Continental Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

British Messenger, 1853. M.—Ist. ld., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depét, Stirling. 
(Tel. No. 84). 

British Museum Quarterly, 1926. 2s. Sub. 8s. perann. Kegan Paul, Trubner & Co. 
Ltd., 38 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1252). 

British Musician and Musical News, 1926. M.—Iist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. S. 
Grew, 53 Barclay Road, Warley Woods, Birmingham. (Tel. Bearwood 1515). 
(Circ. 3,000). 

British Olympic Journal, 1926. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 6d. Sub. 2s. per ann. British 
Olympic Association, 71 Eccleston Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2610). 

British Optical Almanac, 1904. Jan. 3s.6d. Hatton Press, Ltd., 72-8 Fleet St., £.c.4. 
(Tel. City 4548). 

British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1923. Irreg. 30s. Pharmaceutical Press, 17 Blooms- 
bury Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 8771). 

British Pharmacopeeia, 1914. Irreg. 10s. 6d. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10 and 12 
Orange St., Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

British Philatelist, 1908. M.—30th. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. C. Nissen & Co. Ltd., 
63 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8181). 

British Plastics and Moulded Products Trader, 1929. M.—l0th. ls. 6d. Sub. 15s. 
per ann. Plastic Press Ltd., 19-23 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6128). 
British Printer, 1888. Alt.-M.—last day. 1s. 6d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Raithby, 

Lawrence & Co. Ltd., 231 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 5338). 

British Rainfall, 1861. Aug. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

British Record Society, 1888. Twice-a-year. 21s. and 3ls. 6d. 120 Chancery Lane, 

British Russian Gazette and Trade Outlook, 1920. M.—25th. Is. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
S. C. Talbot, Walter House, Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1180). 

British Sea Anglers’ Society's Quarterly, 1907. March, June, Sept., Dec. 2s.6d. British 
Sea Anglers’ Society, 4 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4823). 

British Sentinel, 1914. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub.2s.6d.perann. Pillar of Fire, Brent Green, 
Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 8746). 

British Shoeman, 1921. M.—Ist. Subs. only. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury 
House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

British Ski Year Book, 1926. Autumn. 10s. Ski Club of Great Britain, 14 Great 
Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2479). 

British Soap Manufacturer, 1924. M.—20th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Raggett & 
Co., 30 Red Lion Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5157). 


Bri-Bro] Willing’s Press Guide 

British Sports Equipment for the Overseas Markets, 1929. Aug. Pilley & Reddy, 
19 Garrick St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7918). 

British Stationer, 1904. M.—10th. 2s. F. W. Bridges Ltd., 4 Vernon Place, South- 
ampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 6663). 

British Temperance Advocate, 1834. M.—the end. ld. C. Smith, 29 Union St., 
Sheffield. l 

British Trade Journal and Export World, 1929 (as Morgan’s British Trade Journal, 
1863, as British Trade Journal, 1870). (English and Spanish editions). M.—Ist. 
ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Benn Bros. Ltd., Bouverie House, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0244). 

British Trade Review, 1893 (English and Spanish Editions). M.—Ist. ls. W. 
Duff & Sons Ltd., 113 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 6906). 

B.U.A. Monthly, 1922. M.—lIst. Gratis to members. British Undertakers’ Associa- 
tion, 24 Holborn Hall, Grays Inn Road, w.c.1l. (Tel. Holborn 4899). 

British Waterworks Year Book and Directory, 1926. 21s. British Waterworks 
Association (Inc.), 173 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3300 Ex. 25). 

British Weekly, 1886. Thurs—9a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Hodder & Stoughton 
Ltd., 20 Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3704). i 

Brittain’s A.B.C. Tram, Rail and Motor '’Bus Time Table, 1913. M.—Ist. 2d. G.C. 
Brittain & Sons Ltd., Ripley. (Tel. No. 33). 

BRIXHAM WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Thurs. 14d. Mortimer Bros., 34 
Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Brixton and Clapham Directory, 1880. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

BRIXTON AND STREATHAM TIMES, 1888 (as Brixton, Streatham, and Norwood 
Times, 1881). (tnd.) Fri. 2d. A. W. H. Morgan, 156 Falcon Road, Clapham 
Junction, s.w.11. (Tel. Battersea 1331). One of the South Western Star series. 

BRIXTON FREE PRESS AND BRIXTON NEWS, 1882 (with which are incorporated 
Brixton Magpie and Ye Merrie Magpie). (ind.) Fri. 2d. A. C. Musselwhite, 
429 Brixton Road, s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 4524). 

Brixton Illustrated Press, 1922. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. 13s. per ann. Brixton Free 
Press Printing and Advertising Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton Road, s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 

Broadcaster and Wireless Retailer, 1922. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Od- 
hams Press Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

and St. Peter’s Echo, 1907). (ind.). Fri. ld. H. C. Flowerdew, 27 High St., 

Broadstairs. (Tel. Broadstairs 129). 

TIMES, 1902. (ind). Wed—p.m. 13d. East Kent Times Ltd., 13 The Broad- 
way, Broadstairs. (Tel. Broadstairs 151). One of the East Kent Times series. 

Tues.—4 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. South Eastern Press Ltd., 139 Greenwich 
Road, s.£.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1453). One of the South-Eastern Express series. 

BROMLEY AND KENTISH TIMES, 1884. (ind.). Fri—6 am. 2d. Kentish 
District Times Co. Ltd., 39 East St., Bromley, Kent. (Tel. Ravensbourne 0017). 
(Advt. p. XXXV). 

Bromley, Bickley, Chislehurst, Orpington, &c., Directory, 1887. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bromley Local Guide and Advertiser, 1903. Sat. Gratis. C. A. Hopper, 46 East St., 
Rromley. (Tel. Ravensbourne 1215). (Circ. 4,000). 

BROMLEY MERCURY, 1919 (with which is incorporated Bromley Chronicle, 1865), 
(ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Merritt & Hatcher Ltd., 81 High St., 
Bromley, Kent. (Tel. Ravensbourne 0649). (Circ. 5083). 

(iînd.). Fri—4 p.m. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Bromsgrove Messenger 
Co., 92 High St., Bromsgrove. (Tel. No.3). (Circ. 6,786). 

Bromsgrovian. Five times a year. 6d. Bromsgrove Messenger Co., High St., 
Bromsgrove. (Tel. No. 3). 

BROMYARD NEWS AND RECORD, 1903 (as Bromyard News, 1883). (ind.). Thurs. 
ld. V. B. Weeks, Rowberry St., Bromyard. (Tel. Bromyard 52). 

Brotherhood, 1887. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. Is. 2d. per ann. J. Bruce 
Wallace, 10 Rathmines Park, Dublin. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Bro-Bud 

Brotherhood Outlook, 1920 (as P.S. A. Gazette, 1893, as P.S. A. Leader, 1878, as Leader, 
1907, as P.S. A. Brotherhood Journal, 1908, as Brotherhood Journal, 1903). M.—Ist. 
ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. Brotherhood Movement (Inc.), 37 Norfolk St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1329). 

Brotherhood World, 1925. Quarterly. 6d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. World Brotherhood 
Federation, 1 Charing Cross, s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 6333). 

Brothers and Sisters, 1890. M.—26th. 1d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. The Children’s 
Union Waifs’ and Strays’ Society, Old Town Hall, Kennington Road, s.z.11. (Tel. 
Reliance 1763). 

Broughty Ferry, Barnhill and Monifieth Advertiser, 1925. M.—lIst. Gratis. Wilson 
Publishing Co., 10 Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

(tnd.) Fri. ld. J. Simpson, 250 Brook St., Broughty Ferry. (Tel. No. 7075). 
Brown’s Boy Scouts’ Diary, 1908. Sept. 1s. Brown Son & Ferguson, Ltd., 52-8 

Darnley St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 

Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical Almanac, Harbour and Dock Guide and Advertiser, 
and Daily Tide Tables, 1878. Sept. 3s. Brown, Son & Ferguson Ltd., 52-8 
Darnley St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 

Bruin Boys’ Annual, 1926. Sept. 3s.6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Brushmaking, 1915. M.—3rd Sat. 8d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Metropolitan Press 
Agency Ltd., 83-85 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3626). 

BRYNMAWR AND BLAINA WEEKLY ARGUS, 1900. Fri. 14d. Sub. lls. per ann. 
South Wales Argus Ltd., High St., Newport, Mon. (Tel. 2244). One of the 
South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

BRYTHON, 1906. (/.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. H. Evans & Sons, 
356-360 Stanley Road, Liverpool. (Tel. Bootle 591). 

Bubbles, 1921. Wed. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Bubbles’ Annual, 1923. Sept. 3s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Tues. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. P. Scrogie Ltd., 15 Chapel St., Peterhead, 
(Tel. No. 17). (Circ. 5,000). 

BUCKFASTLEIGH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Weds. 14d. Mortimer 

Bros., 34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

6s. 6d. per ann. M. Hickman & Sons, Old Station Road, Loughton. (Tel. 
Loughton 231). 

BUCKHURST HILL EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1920. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. 14d. 
Express and Independent Newspapers Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone, £.11. 
One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

Fri.—2 p.m. 1$d. E. N. Hillier, Market Hill, Buckingham. (Advt. p. xxix). 

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1906 (as Broadwater’s Journal, 1840). Fri. 2d. 
King and Hutchings, Ltd., Hillingdon Press, Uxbridge. 

14s. 6d. per ann. Bucks Advertiser Co. Ltd., 5 Bourbon St., Aylesbury. (Tel. 
No. 71). 

BUCKS EXAMINER, 1906 (as Chesham Examiner and Rickmansworth Times, 1889). 
(tn .) Fri.—2 p.m. 2d. Page & Thomas Ltd., 16 Germain St., Chesham. (Tel. No. 23) 

BUCKS FREE PRESS, 1917 (with which are incorporated South Bucks Free Press, 
South Oxfordshire Gazette, and Wycombe, Maidenhead and Marlow Journal, 1856). 
(tnd.) Fri—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bucks Free Press Ltd., 20 High 
St., High Wycombe. (Tel. No. 306). (Circ. 14,000). 

BUCKS HERALD, 1832. (c). Fri—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. G. T. De 
Fraine & Co. Ltd., 5-7 Walton St., Aylesbury. (Tel. No. 59). 

BUCKS STANDARD, 1859. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. J. & 
C. R. Line, St. John St., Newport Pagnell. (Tel. 20). (Circ. 3,000). 

Buddhism in England, 1926. M.—Ist (except Aug. and Sept.). 1s. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. Buddhist Lodge, 121 Saint George’s Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4977). 

13s. per ann. Cornish and Devon Post Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

roe 2d. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly 

ews series. 


Bud-Bul] Willing’s Press Guide 

Budget Exchange, 1923. M—27th. 3d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Fosh and Cross Ltd., 
88-92 Mansell St., E.1. (Tel. Royal 0945). (Circ. 4600). 

Buff Book, Classtied Commercial Telephone Directory, 1919. Mar. and Sept. Free to 
Business subscribers. Others 3s. Buff Book Ltd., 25 Lawrence Lane, E.c.2. 
(Tel. City 8946). (Circ. 175,000). 

Buffalo Bill Library, 1903. M.—30th. 2d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., 1-3 Crown 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

Buffalo Bill Novels, 1916. M.—15th. 4d. net. Aldine Publishing Co., Ltd., 1-3 
Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

Bugle, 1922. M.—10th. 6d. Editor, Roft Castle Cottage, Marford, Wrexham. (Tel. 
Rossett 4). 

Builder 1842 (with which is incorporated British Architect). Fri—3a.m. 9d. Sub. 
40s. perann. The Builder Ltd., 4 Catherine St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6251). 

Builders’ Compendium, 1889. April. 25s. Compendium Publishing Co., 93-94, 
Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1768). 

Builders’ Merchants’ Journal and Builders’ Ironmonger, 1920. M.—3rd week. Subs. 
only. Westacott, Quaife & Co., 104 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8575). 

Building, 1926 (with which is incorporated British Builder, 1919). M.—7th. Is. 
Sub. 12s. per ann. St. Margaret’s Technical Press,. Ltd., 33 Tothill St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 8836). (Adut. p. xvii). 

Building Industries, 1889. M.—15th. 6d. Jack & Carrick, 134-138 Holm St., Glasgow. 

Building Science Abstracts, 1928. M. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Building Societies’ Gazette, 1869. M.—Ist. ls. Reed & Co., 37 Cursitor St., B.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 5959). 

Building Societies’ Year Book, 1927. July. 10s. Reed & Co., 37 Cursitor St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn $959). 

Building Trades Directory, 1870. Biennially, last issue, 1929. 50s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Bulletin, 1926. Wed. Gratis. Stage Guild, 9 Newport St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 3385). 

BULLETIN AND SCOTS PICTORIAL, 1915. (ind.) a.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
G. Outram & Co., Ltd., 65-9 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (Tel. No. 9200). (Circ. 
245,275). (Advt. p. xii). 

Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1910. Quarterly. 6s. Sub. 29s. per ann. 
Imperial Bureau of Entomology, 41 Queen’s Gate, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 6656). 

Bulletin of Hygiene, 1926. M.—20th. 2s.6d. Sub. 2ls. perann. Bureau of Hygiene 
and Tropical Diseases, Keppel St., Power St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3747). 

Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 1921. Irreg. 7s. 6d. net. Oxford University 

- Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Bulletin of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1913. Quarterly. 6d. 
London School of Economics, Houghton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 9783). 

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 1892. M.—Oct. to June. Subs. H.F. & 
G. Witherby, 326 High Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 91). 

Bulletin of the English Association, 1906. Three times per annum. Free to members. 
English Association, 4 Buckingham Gate, s.w.l. 

Bulletin of the Food Manufacturers’ Federation, Incorporated 1914. M. Gratis to 
Members. The Federation, 22 Buckingham Gate, s.w 1. 

Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, 1905. Quarterly. 3s 6d. net. Sub. 15s. perann. 
J. Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 1923. Feb., June, Nov. 2s. Long- 
mans, Green & Co., Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 
Bulletin of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1904. M.—2nd Thurs. 31s. 6d. 
per ann. The Institution, 225 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3670). 
Bulletin of the International Council of Women, 1922. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 3s. 6d. 
per ann. International Council of Women, 117 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 


Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 1903. Irreg. 2s. 6d. net. The University Press, 
23 Lime Grove, Manchester. 

Bulletin of the National Council for Prevention of War, 1926 (as Circular of the 
National Council for Prevention of War, 1911). Alt. M. 24d. Sub. Is. 3d. per 
ann. 39 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9507). 

Bulletin of the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew), 1887. Irreg. Price varies. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 




Willing’s Press Guide | [Bul-Bur 

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, 1917. Irreg. 6s. School of Oriental 
Studies, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 6792). 
(Advertisement Office—8 Serle St., w.c.2). 

Bulletin of the World Association for Adult Education, 1919. Quarterly. 1s. The 
Association, 16 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0867). 

Bulwark, 1851. M.—Ist. ld. Scottish Reformation Society, 17 George IV. Bridge, 

BULWELL AND BASFORD LOCAL NEWS, 1902. (ind.). Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. 
ld. Kirk Publishing Co., Ltd., 6 St. Peter’s Church Walk, Nottingham. (Tel. 
Nottingham 41310). One of the Nottingham Advertiser and Bulwell Local News 

Sub. 8s. per ann. R. Wilkerson, Sunny Hill, Buntingford. 

Burdett’s Hospitals and Charities, 1889. Dec. Nursing Mirror Ltd., 24 Russell Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9543). 

Bureau Veritas International Register of Shipping, 1828. Jan. Subs. Bureau 
Veritas, 155 Fenchurch St., £.c.3. (Tel. Monument 1653). 

Bureau Veritas Monthly List of Wrecks and Casualties, 1896. May. 15s. Bureau 
Veritas, 155 Fenchurch St., £E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 1653). 

Bureau Veritas. Repertoire General, 1870. Oct. £3. Bureau Veritas, 155 Fen- 
church St., £E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 1653). 

Bureau Veritas Rules for the Building and Classification of Steel Vessels. Annually. 
20s. Bureau Veritas, 155 Fenchurch St., E.c. (Tel. Monument 1653). 

Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, &c., 1826. Dec. £5 5s. Burke’s Peerage 
Ltd., 66 Basinghall St., £E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 5083). 

Burlington Magazine, 1903. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 32s. per ann. Burlington 
Magazine Ltd., 16a St. James’ St., s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 4095). 

Fri.—4 p.m. for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Dilliway & Co., Station Road, 
Burnham-on-Crouch. (Tel. 27). 

BURNHAM-ON-SEA GAZETTE, 1864. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. Patey & 
Co., Victoria St., Burnham-on-Sea. (Tel. No. 55). 

Burnley and Nelson Catholic News, 1905. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. New Catholic 
Press Ltd., Jordan St., Knott Mill, Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 5818). 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Burnley Corporation Year Book, 1881. Nov. 1s. Town Clerk, Town Hall, Burnley. 
(Tel. 2101). 

Advertiser, 1852). (u). Wed. id. Sat. 2d. Sub. 21s. 8d. per ann. Burnley 
Express Printing Co. Ltd., Bull St., Burnley. (Tel. Burnley 3036). (Circ. 39,865). 

BURNLEY NEWS, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Burnley Gazette, 1863). (i). 
Wed. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Provincial News- 
papers Ltd., 9 St. James’ Row, Burnley. (Tel. No. 2060). 

Burns Chronicle and Club Directory, 1892. Jan. 4s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. Burns Federa- 
tion, 19 Glebe Road, Kilmarnock. 

BURNT OAK GAZETTE, 1929. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch 
Press (Cricklewood ) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.W.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 
One of the Golders Green Gazette series. 

BURRY PORT STAR, 1916. (ind.). Sat.—noon. Id. Llanelly Star Publishing Co. 
Vaughan St., Llanelly. (Tel. Llanelly 309). One of the Llanelly Star series. 
BURTON DAILY MAIL, 1898. (u). Daily.—p.m. 3 editions. 1d. Burton Daily 

Mail Ltd., High St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. No. 485). 

Burton Football Gazette, 1922. Sat., p.m. during season. Id. C. Tresise, 186-7 
Station St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. 76). 

Burton Football Mail. Sat., p.m. during season. ld. Burton Daily Mail, Ltd., 
High St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. No. 485). 

Burton Daily Mail Ltd., High St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. No. 485). 

BURTON-ON-TRENT CHRONICLE, 1860. (ind.). Thurs—6 a.m. 2d. C. Tresise, 
186-7 Station St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. No. 76). 

BURTON-ON-TRENT EVENING GAZETTE, 1880. (ind.). Daily—p.m. 2 editions 
ld. C. Tresise, 186-7 Station St., Burton-on-Trent. (Tel. No. 76). 


Bur-Cad] Willing’s Press Guide 

(c). Fri. 2d. Bury and Norwich Post Co. Ltd., 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. 
Edmunds. (Advt. p. xxx.). 

Bury Co-operative Society Quarterly Review and Balance Sheet, 1856. Quarterly. 
Gratis. The Society, Knowsley St., Bury, Lancs. 

BURY FREE PRESS, 1855. (/). Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bury 
St. Edmunds P. & P. Co. Ltd., King’s Road, Bury St. Edmunds. (Tel. 105). 
BURY GUARDIAN, 1857. (u). Sat., 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bury Guardian Co. 

Ltd., Cross St., Bury, Lancs. (Tel. Bury 137). 

BURY TIMES, 1855. (/). Wed., ld.; Sat., 2d. Bury Times P. & P. Co., Cross St., 
Bury, Lancs. (Tel. Bury 53). 

Bus and Coach, 1929. M.—last Sat. Is. Sub. 15s. per ann. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 
Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Business, 1928 (as System, 1902). M.—Ist. ls. A. W. Shaw & Co. Ltd., 6 Carmelite 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8255). 

Business Directory of South and Central Africa, 1920. Annually. 70s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Business Ideas, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. perann. Jeffries Services 
Ltd., St. Peter’s Chambers, High St., Colchester. (Tel. 3744). 

Business Man, 1918. M.—28th. 7s. 6d. per annum. W. Unite Jones, 9 Midland 
Chambers, 3 Warwick Passage, Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 6211). 

Business Man’s Railway and Motor Bus Time Table, 1919. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 
per ann. H. T. King (Norwich), Ltd., 16 White Lion St., Norwich. (Tel. 1002). 
(Circ. 2,000). 

Business Organisation Magazine, 1919. M.—lIst. 1s. net. Sub. 12s. per ann. Type- 
craft Ltd., 12 Bury St., w.c.1. 

Bute County Directory, 1880. July. 2s. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge St., Rothesay. 

BUTEMAN, ad (u). Fri—4p.m. 1$d. Buteman Ltd., 10-12 Castle St.,Rothesay. 
Tel. 31). 

Baits. 1922 (as Comic Home Journal, 1895, as Butterfly and Firefly, 1904). Tues. 
for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Butterick Quarterly, 1908. Jan., Mar., May, Aug., Oct. 1s. 6d. Butterick Publishing 
Co., 2 Breams Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Butterworths Annotated Statutes, 1910. Feb. 22s. 6d. Butterworth & Co., (Pub- 
lishers), Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Butterworths’ Five Years’ Digest, 1913. 50s. Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 
Bell Yard, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Butterworths’ Licensing Law Reports, 1915. Jan. 8s. Butterworth & Co. (Pub- 
lishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Butterworths’ Workmen’s Compensation Cases, 1909. Annually in Jan. and Quarterly. 
Price varies. Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Butterworths’ Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 1914. Feb. 21s. Butterworth & Co. 
(Publishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

BUXTON ADVERTISER AND LIST OF VISITORS, 1852. (u). Sat.; 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Derbyshire Printing Co. Ltd., Palace Road, Buxton. (Tel. No. 17). 

BUXTON HERALD AND VISITORS’ GAZETTE, 1842. (ind.) Thurs. ld. Sub. 
8s. 8d. per ann. Herald Printing Co., South Avenue, Buxton. (Tel. No. 77). 

Buyer, 1929 (as Industrial and Technical Buyer, 1928). M.—l1st. Sub. 27s. per ann. 
Industrial Manuals Ltd., 11-15 Broomhall Road, Sheffield. (Tel.61417). 

Buyers’ Guide, 1918. Feb. 25s. Lamb’s International Directories Ltd., 598 High 
Road, Leyton. (Tel. Walthamstow 1023). 

Bystander, 1903. Tues. for Wed. Is. Sub. £3 3s. per ann. Illustrated Newspapers 
Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). ( Advt. p. xx). 

Ca Ira, 1930. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 9d. Major C. Hinchcliffe, West Yorkshire 
Regiment, Fulford Barracks, York. (Tel. 2775). (Circ. 2,400). 

Cabinet, Furniture, and Upholstery Trades Directory, 1877. Irreg., last issue, 1925. 
30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Cabinet Maker and Complete House Furnisher, 1880. Sat. 6d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 

154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Cabinet Makers’ Diary, 1904. Dec. 10s. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 0244). 

Cadet, 1889. Apl., Aug., Dec. ls. Lee & Nightingale, 15, North John St., Liverpool. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cad-Cam 

CADISHEAD AND IRLAM GUARDIAN, 1918. (ind.) Wed. ld. Sat—6 a.m. 2d. 
Mackie & Co., Ltd., Liverpool Road, Cadishead. One of the Warrington Guardian 

CAERPHILLY JOURNAL, 1°09 (prog.). Fri. ld. P. S. Phillips, 5 The Arcade, 
Pontypridd. (Advt. p. xxviii.). 

Cage Birds and Bird World, 1£02. Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. E. T. Burt, 
4-8 Greville St., E.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Cage Birds Annual, 1904. Jan. 1s.6d. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville St., E.c.l. (Tel. 
Chancery 8601). 

Caian, 1891. Terminally. 6s. The Editor, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 

Cainscross and Ebley Co-operative Economist, 1893. M.—Ist. Gratis. B. Hudson, 
Cainscross, Stroud. 

Caithness and Sutherland Almanac, 1921. Dec. 3d. P. Reid & Co. Ltd., Bridgend, 

Caithness and Sutherland Records, 1907. Jan. 2s. The Viking Society, c/o A. Wintle 
Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, s.w.10. 

COUNTIES, 1866. (ind.). Thurs. noon for Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
Dochertys, 43 High St., Thurso. (Tel. 15). 

Caledonian Medical Journal, 1891. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. A. Macdougall, 70 Mitchell 
St., Glasgow. 

Calendar of the Ancient Records of Dublin, 1889. Irreg. 21s. Town Clerk, City Hall, 
Cork Hill, Dublin. 

Calendar of the Council of Legal Education, 1901. Oct. 3s.6d. Council of Legal 
Education, 15 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4665). 

Calendar of the East London College, 1900. Sept. ls. The Registrar, East London 
College (University of London), Mile End Road, £.1. (Tel. East 3384). 

Calendar of the London College of Divinity, 1866. Oct. 6d. London College of 
Divinity, St. John’s Hall, Highbury, n.5. (Tel. North 0246). 

Calendar of the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895. Aug. 2s. 6d. 
and 3s.6d. London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton St., 
Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 9783). 

Calendar of the; National University of Ireland, 1911. Jan. A. Thom & Co. 
Ltd., 2 Crow St., Dublin. 

Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1865. Oct. ls. Taylor & 
Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

Calendar of the School of Oriental Studies, 1926. Sept. 1s. 6d. London Institution 

_ (University of London), Finsbury Circus, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 6792). 

Calendar of the Trinity College of Music, London. Jan. 3s. Trinity College of 
Music, Mandeville Place, w.1l. (Tel. Mayfair 0627) and A. Hammond & Co., 11 
Lancashire Court, w.l. 

Calendar of the United Theological Colleges at Aberystwyth and Bala (Presbyterian 
Church of Wales), 1925. Gratis. The Librarian, Theological College, Bala. 
Calendar of University College, London, 1873. Oct. 3s. 6d. Taylor & Francis, 74 

Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

Calendar of the University of Sheffield, 1905. Oct. 5s. The University, Sheffield. 
(Tel. No. 20305).. 

CALLANDER ADVERTISER, 1884. (/). Fri—4p.m., for Sat. 1d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
per ann. Jamieson & Munro Ltd., 40 Craigs, Stirling. (Tel. 118). 

CALLINGTON AND GUNNISLAKE POST, 1924. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cor- 
nish & Devon Post Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

Calvert's Mechanics’ Almanac, 1873. Nov. 6d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Man- 
chester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

& Polden Ltd., Wellington Works, Aldershot. (Tel. No.2). Oneofthe Aldershot 
News series. 

Camberwell, Peckham and Dulwich Illustrated Press, 1924. M.—7th. ld. Sub. 2s. 
perann. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertising Co. Ltd., 429 Brixton Road, 
s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 4524). 

CAMBERWELL NEWS, 1888 (as Camberwell, Peckham, and Dulwich News, 1876). 
(ind.). Fri. 2d. A. W. H. Morgan, 156 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w.11. 
(Tel. Battersea 1331). One of the South-Western Star series. 

Camborne School of Mines Magazine, 1929. Feb., Apl., June, Nov.—l5th. 2s. 6d. 
Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Camborne School of Mines, Cornwall: 


Cam-Cam] Willing’s Press Guide 

CAMBRIA DAILY LEADER, 1861. (/). Three editions. 1d. Swansea Press Ltd., 
Leader Buildings, Swansea. 

CAMBRIAN, 1804. (c). Fri. ld. D. Davies, 211 High St., Swansea. 

GAZETTE, 1860. (ind.). Thurs. for Fri. 2d. Cambrian News (Aberystwyth), 
Ltd., Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. (Advt. p. xxviii). 

Cambridge Chronicle Ltd., 9 Market Hill, Cambridge. (Tel. No. 434). 

CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS, 1888. (ind.). Sp.m. ld. A.C. Taylor, St. Andrew’s 
St., Cambridge. (London: 44 Fleet St.) 

Cambridge Gownsman, 1923, (with which is incorporated New Cambridge, 1919). Sat. 
(during term). 2d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 9 Market Hill, Cambridge. (Tel. No. 

Cambridge Historical Journal, 1923. Oct. 6s. Cambridge University Press, Fetter 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Cambridge House Annual Report, 1897. Sept. Gratis. The Secretary, Cambridge 
University Settlement (incorporated), 131 Camberwell Road, s.E£.5. 

NEWS AND EXPRESS, 1917 (with which are incorporated the Cambridge Inde- 
pendent Press and University Herald, 1807, the Cambridgeshire Weekly News, 
1868, and the Cambridge Express, 1868). (tmd.). Fri. 2d. A. C. Taylor, 
Theatre Buildings, St. Andrew St., Cambridge. 

Cambridge Inter Collegiate Christian Union Magazine, 1929. Terminally. 9d. 
Sub. 2s. 6d. Dr. Atkinson, College House, Grange Road, Cambridge. 

Cambridge Law Journal, 1921. June. 5s. Stevens & Sons, 119-120 Chancery Lane, 
w.c 2. (Tel. Holborn 1386). 

Cambridge Pocket Diary, 1910. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Cambridge Review, 1879. Fri—9 a.m.—during term. 6d. Fabb & Tyler, Ltd., 
8 Corn Exchange St., Cambridge. 

Cambridge Sporting News, 1929. Daily, 10 a.m. ld. A.C. Taylor, St. Andrew St., 
Cambridge. (Tel. 1547). 

Cambridge Street and General Directory, 1875. ‘Sept. 8s. 6d. W.P. Spalding, 43 Sidney 
St., Cambridge. (Tel. No. 330). 

Cambridge University Agricultural Society Magazine, 1925. July. 2s. 6d. W. Heffer 
& Sons Ltd., 3 and 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge. (Tel. 862). 

Cambridge University Calendar, 1796. Sept. lös. net. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). ; 

Cambridge University Medical Society Magazine, 1922. Mar., May, June, Dec. 5s. 
perann. W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge. (Circ. 500). 

Cambridge University Reporter, 1870. Tues—during term. 3d. University Press, 
Cambridge. (London: Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane). 

Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk Directory, 1846. Every 3 years, last issue 1929. 
50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

1872). (ind.). Fri.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High 
St., March. (Tel. March 9). (Circ. 16,005). (Advt. p. xxx). 

CAMBUSLANG ADVERTISER, 1596. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. Lithgow & Sons, 
10-12 Tabernacle Lane, Cambuslang. (Tel. No. 276). 

CAMBUSLANG PILOT, 1902. (ind.). Fri—p.m. ld. J.S. Forrest & Son, Brandon 
St., Hamilton. One of the Lanarkshire series. 

Camden and Kentish Towns Directory, 1885. Irreg. Last issue 1926-7. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE GUARDIAN, 1901. (J). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. A.B. 
Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 

CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE POST, 1924. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cornish 
& Devon Post Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE WEEKLY NEWS, 1913. (u). Fri. and Sat. 2d. 
Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly News 
series. | 

Camera and Amateur Cinematographer, 1921. M.— Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann, 
A. Thom & Co. Ltd., 2 Crow St., Dublin. (Tel. 22123). (Circ. 6,000). 

Campbell’s Diaries, 1832. Sept. ls. 3d. D. Campbell & Son, 96 St. Vincent St., 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cam-Car 

Campbell’s Dundee A.B.C. Time Tables, 1891. M.—Ist. 2d. Campbell Sons & Co., 
10 Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. Dundee 2890). 

_ CAMPBELTOWN COURIER, 1873. (u). Thurs. 2d. A. J. MacLeod, 54-58 Long- 
row, Campbeltown. (Tel. 98). (Circ. 3,000). 

Campine Club Year Book, 1920. Jan. 2s. Campine Club, 1 Leadenhall St., E.c.3. 

Camping, 1903. M.—ist. Sub. Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 2-3 
Greville St., E.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 7062). 

Canada, 1906. Thurs. for Sat. 1s. Canada Newspaper Co. Ltd., 26-27 Cockspur St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 3450). 

Canada To-day, 1911. Annually. 2s. 6d. Canada Newspaper Co. Ltd., 26-27 
Cockspur St., s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 3450) 

Canadian Export Pioneer, 1919. M.—15th. 10s. per ann. Canada Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., 26-27 Cockspur St., s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 3450). 

Canadian Gazette, 1883. Wed.—10 a.m., for Thurs. 6d. Canadian Gazette Ltd., 
330 Gresham House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Canadian Progress, 1924. Dec. 4s. 6d. Canadian Gazette Ltd., 330 Gresham 
House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Cancer Review, 1926. Tentimesa year. 30s.perann. J. Wright & Sons Ltd., Stone 
Bridge, Bristol. (Tel. No. 115). 

*Candy News, 1923. Alt. Sat. Id. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. R. Maltby, 19 Wicker, 
Sheffield. (Tel. 21423). 

CANNOCK ADVERTISER, 1878. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per 
ann. V.L. Withington, Market Place, Cannock. (Tel. Cannock 39). 

(ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. M. Praill, 3 Wolverhampton 
Road, Cannock, Staffs. (Tel. Cannock 33). | 

Canterbury, Herne Bay, and Whitstable Blue Book and Local Directory, 1892. June. 
3s. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. 
Brighton 3760). 

Canterbury, Whitstable, Herne Bay, &c., Directory, 1890. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Canterbury Diocesan Directory, 1864. July. 2s. 3d. Gibbs & Sons, 16a Orange St., 
Canterbury. (Tel. 107). 

Canterbury Diocesan Gazette, 1892. M.—Ist. 3d. Gibbs & Sons, 16a Orange St., 
Canterbury. (Tel. 107). 

Canterbury Kalendar, 1928. Nov. 6d. Society of S.S. Peter and Paul Ltd., 8 Great 
Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8805). 

Cantuarian, 1882. Terminally. 8d. Gibbs & Sons, 16a Orange St., Canterbury. 

Canvey News and Benfleet Recorder, 1928. Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. R. L. 
Washburn, 25 Queen’s Road, Southend. (Tel. Canvey 47). (Circ. 1,500). 

Capuchin Annual, 1930. Dec. ls. Capuchin Franciscan Fathers, Church Street, 
Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 1488). 

Car Topics, 1924. M.—5th. 6d. Simpson (Publishers) Ltd., Talbot House, Arundel 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2122). (Circ. 40,000). 

Cardiff A B C kailway Rates Book, 1911. very tour years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Cardiff and District Directory, 1883. Dec. 25s. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

Cardiff and South Wales Advertiser, 1919 (ind.) M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 
T. F. Lewis, 25 Hamilton St., Cardiff. 

Cardiff Naturalisis’ Societv Transactions, 1867. Annually. 10s. 6d. The Society, 
39 Park Place, Cardiff. (Tel. 5475). (Circ. 700). 

Cardiff Suburban News, 1920. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 4d. per ann. Priory Press Ltd., 
The Friary, Cardiff. 

Cardiff Year Book, 1921. Mar. 21s. A.S. Williams, 5 Exchange Chambers, Mount 
Stuart Square, Cardiff. (Tel. Cardiff 1385). 

CARDIGAN AND TIVY-SIDE ADVERTISER, 1866 (with which is incorporated the 
Cardigan Herald). (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. M. M. Thomas & Co., 
39 St. Mary St., Cardigan. (Tel. 13). 

- Carliol, 1878. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Grammar School, Carlisle. 

Carlisle and District Motor ‘Bus and Tram Time Table, 1924. Quarterly. Id. C. Thurnam 
& Sons, 11 English St., Carlisle. 

Carlisle Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1867. Dec. 2s.. nett. C. Thurnam 
& Sons, Carlisle. (London: Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Carlisle Diocesan Gazette, 1897. M.—Ist. 2d. C. Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle. 


Car-Cat] Willing’s Press Guide 

CARLISLE JOURNAL, 1798 (with which is incorporated the Carlisle Express and Ex- 
aminer, 1857). (I). Tues. Id. Sub. 9s. per ann. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per 
ann. Steel Bros. (Carlisle) Ltd., English St., Carlisle. (Tel. 50). 

CARLUKE AND LANARK GAZETTE, 1905. (ind.). Fri. ld. J. Bell, Market 
Place, Carluke. 

CARMARTHEN JOURNAL, 1911 (as Carmarthen Journal, 1810; as Journal, 1887). 
(u). Thurs.—a.m. for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Journal Co. Ltd., 8 King St., 

CARNARVON AND DENBIGH HERALD, 1832 (as Carnarvon Herald, 1831). (l) Fri.— 
l p.m. 2d. W. G. Williams, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 

CARNFORTH NEWS, 1892. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey 
Road, Barrow-in- Furness. (Tel. Barrow 35). One of the Barrow News series. 

CARNOUSTIE GAZETTE, 1913. (ind.). Fri—3 p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
J. Simpson, 66 High St., Carnoustie. (Tel. 117). 

CARRICK HERALD, 1909. (ind.). Fri. 14d. T. Gourlay, 33 Hamilton St., Girvan. 
Fri.—8 a.m. 14d. Matthews Bros, North St., Carrickfergus. (Tel. No. 57). 
Carthusian, 1872. Eight times a year. 8s. 6d. per ann. Editor, Charterhouse, 


Cases Decided in the Court of Session, House of Lords, &c., 1821. Irreg. Prices vary. 
T. & T. Clark, 38 George St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 20398). 

Cases Decided in the High Court of Justiciary, 1917. Irreg. Price varies. T. & T. 
Clark, 38 George St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 20398). 

Cassell’s Children’s Annual, 1909. Sept. 5s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202.) 

Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 1912 (as Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874; as Cassell’s 
Magazine, 1867; as Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper, 1853). M.—26th. Is. 
Sub. 15s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0202). 

Caster’s A B C Time Table, 1846. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. G. C. Caster & 
Co., Chapel St, Peterborough. (Tel. No. 172). 

Castle’s Fishing and Allied Trades Guide, 1908. March. 10s. 6d. Castle’s Guides, 
166 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1811). 

Castle’s Guide to the Fruit, Flower, Vegetable, and Allied Trades, 1912. Feb. 10s. 6d. 
Castle’s Guides, 166 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel: Central 1811). 

Caterer, Hotel Keeper, and Restaurateurs’ Gazette, 1878. M.—20th. 1s.6d. Practical 
Press Ltd., 1 Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. 

Fri., for Sat. 2d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., 47 Croydon Road, Caterham 
Valley. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 

Caterham District Directory, 1901. March. 1s. 6d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., Lad- 
broke Road, Redhill. 

Caterham School Magazine, 1887. Terminally. 1s. Editors, Caterham School, 
Caterham, Surrey. (Tel. Caterham Valley, 28). 

Catholic, 1891. M.—25th. 2d. Connellan Mission, 5A Townsend St., Dublin. 

Catholic Almanac, 1886. Sept. 2d. Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 43-45 
Newgate St., E.c.1. (Tel. Central 2502). 

Catholic Bulletin and Book Review, 1911. M.—JIst. 6d. M. H. Gill & Son Ltd., 50 
Upper O'Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 43260). 

Catholic Children’s Realm, 1927. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. S. Walker, 
Station Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire. (Tel. No. 156). 

Catholic Citizen, 1918 (with which is incorporated Catholic Suffragist, 1915). ( Non- 
party), M.—I15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. St. Joan’s Social and Political 
Alliance, 55 Berners St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 4181). 

Catholic Diary, 1909. Sept. ls. and 2s. 6d. Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 
43-45 Newgate St., E.c.1. (Tel. Central 2502). 

Catholic Directory, 1838. Dec. 3s. 6d. Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 43-45 
Newgate St., E.c.l. (Tel. Richmond 0665). (Advt. p. xxx). 

Catholic Directory for the Clergy and Laity in Scotland, 1828. Dec. 2s. Sands & 
Co., 37 George St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 27713.) 

Catholic Fireside, 1879. Fri. 3d. M.—9th. Is. & ls. 3d. The Catholic Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4909). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cat-Cha 

Catholic Gazette, 1910. M—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. perann. Catholic Missionary Society, 
Mission House, Brondesbury Park, N.w.6. (Tel. Willesden 0682). 

CATHOLIC HERALD, 1894 (as Weekly Herald, 1888). Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press 
Ltd., 12 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4289). 

Catholic Medical Guardian, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. 4d. Burns, Oates & 
Washbourne Ltd., 43-45 Newgate St., E.c.1. (Tel. Central 2502). 

Catholic News, 1889. Fri., for Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 16 Jemmett St., 
Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

CATHOLIC TIMES & CATHOLIC OPINION, 1860. (:md.). Fri. 2d. ‘the Catholic 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4909.) 

Catholic Truth and Catholic Book Notes, 1924. Alt. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. ls. 9d. per 
ann. Catholic Truth Society, 72 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6852). 

Catholic Who's Who and Year Book, 1908. Dec. 5s. Burns, Oates & Washbourne 
Ltd., 43-45 Newgate St., E.c.l. (Tel. Richmond 0665). 

Catholic Women’s League Magazine, 1911. M.—8sth. 2d. Catholic Women’s 
League, 116, Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 3381). 

Cavalry Journal, 1906. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. Sub. 21s. per ann. Royal United 
Service Institution, Whitehall, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0654). 

Cavendish Music Books, 1880. Occas. ls. 6d. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent St., 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Caxton A.B.C. Time Table for Rail, Road and River, 1902. M.—Ist. 3d. Sparks & Co. 
Ltd., St. Nicholas St., Ipswich. 

Caxton Magazine, 1899. M.—Ist. 1s. F.W. Bridges Ltd., 4 Vernon Place, Southamp- 
ton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 6663). 

Caxton Year Book, 1898. Dec. 3s. 6d. F. W. Bridges Ltd., 4 Vernon Place, 
Southampton Row w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 6663). 

CEFN CHRONICLE, 1907. (ind.). Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. B. Pritchard, 
Crane St., Cefn Mawr, Wrexham. (Tel. Ruabon2y6). (Circ. 1,500). 

Cement and Cement Manufacture, 1928. M.—20th. 2s. Sub. 24s. perann. Concrete 
Publications Ltd., 20 Dartmouth St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4581). 

Cement, Lime and Gravel, 1928. M.—1l0th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Quarry 
Managers Journal Ltd., 53 Broad St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 4749). 

Cenhadwr, 1922. M.—Ist. 2d. Calvinistic Methodist Book Agency, Caernarvon. 

Central Africa, 1883. M.—lIst. 2d. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w.1. 
(Tel. Langham 2813). 

*Centre Broadsheet, 1928. 6 issues per year. d. Sub. 6d.perann. Dr. Mary Barclay, 
2 West Crosscauseway, Edinburgh. (Circ. 6,000). 

Central Literary Magazine, 1873. Quarterly. 9d. Central Literary Association, The 
Elms, Denham, Bucks. 

Thurs., for Fri. 14d. J. A. Gilbert, 27 High St., Glastonbury. (Tel. No. 6). 
Certified Accountants’ Journal, 1905. M.—lIst. 6d. London Association of 

Accountants Ltd., 50 Bedford Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5163). 

Certified Secretary, 1924. Alt. M.—l1st. 6d. Sub.3s. perann. Corporation of Certified 
Secretaries Ltd., 20 Fishergate Hill, Preston. (Tel. 1693). 

' Challenge, 1926 (/ab.).  Occas. Gratis. Stanley L. Hunt, Coffee Tavern Lane, 

Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1882. Fri. 6d. Sub. 27s. 6d. per ann. London 
Chamber of Commerce Incorporated, 97 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel Mansion House 

Chambers’s Journal, 1844 (asChambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 1832). M.—25th. 1s. net. 
Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 38 Soho Square, w.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 0669). (Circ. 45,000). 

Champion, 1922. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls per ann. : Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Champion Annual, 1923. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). l 

Champion Library, 1929. M.—lIst. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Channels of Blessing (Braille), 1893. Alt. M.—20th. 6łd. Sub. 3s. 3d. per ann. 
National Institute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701) 

1873. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Young & Son, Fore St., Chard. (Tel. 36). 

Charing Cross Hospital Gazette, 1897. Quarterly. 9d. J. Smith Ltd., 3-4 Lincoln’s 
Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1506). 


Cha-Che] Willing’s Press Guide 

Chart and Compass, 1808. Alt.—M. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1, 2, 11 and 
12 Paternoster Buildings £.c.4. 

Charis, Plans. and Sailine Directions, 1830. June. Gratis. J. D. Potter, 145 
Minories, E.1. 

CHATHAM, ROCHESTER & GILLINGHAM NEWS, 1885 (as Chatham News, 1859). 
(ind.). Fri. 12 noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. perann. Parrett & Neves, Ltd., 30 High 
St., Chatham. (Tel. Chatham 2213). 

GAZETTE, AND KENT COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1870. (ind.). Fri—8 a.m. 
2d. Sub. 13s. 9d. per ann. Mackays Ltd., Fair Row, Chatham. (Tel. No. 2243). 
( Advt. p. xxx). 

Chatterbox, 1867. Thurs. 3d.;5 M.—25th 4d. 30-31 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 2281). Annual Volume, Sept. 5s. and 7s. 6d. Simpkin Marshall 
Ltd., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

Chatterer, 1920. Terminally. 3d. R. J. Saunders, Hoxton Central School, Hoxton, 



CHATTERIS AND HUNTS ADVERTISER, 1872. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. 
per ann. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., March. (Tel. March 9). One of the 
Cambridgeshire Times series. (Advt. p. XXX). 

CHEAM TIMES, 1929. (ind.). Sat. 1d. Sub. 6s. per ann. J. M. Sinclair, 9 Park 
Road, Cheam, Surrey. (Tel. Sutton 2383). (Circ. 3,000). 

Cheap Steam, 1916 (with which is incorporated Cheap Transport, 1916). Alt. M. ls. 
E. Bennis & Co. Ltd., 28 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0627). 

CHEDDAR VALLEY GAZETTE, 1926 (with which is incorporated Cheddar Valley 
Times, 1906). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. C. J. Mason & Sons, 11 Narrow 
Wine St., Bristol. (Tel. 2745). 

Cheering Words, 1850. M.—Ist. $d. Marshall Press Ltd., Milford Lane, Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 9330). 

Chelmsford and Neighbourhood Directory, 1927. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle, 1915. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. per ann. Earls Colne 
Printing Co., High St., Earls Colne. (Tel. 64). 

Chelmsford Diocesan Directory, 1915. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. 
Ltd., 3 Paternoster Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2713). 

Chelsea, Pimlico, and Belgravia Directory, 1877. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

CHELSEA AND WEST LONDON GAZETTE, 1924 (as Chelsea Courier, 1920, as 
Chelsea Gazette, 1919). (¢md.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Western 
Metropolitan Newspapers (1928) Ltd., 565 Fulham Road, s.w.6. (Tel. Fulham 

Cheltenham, with Charlton Kings, Leckhampton and Bien Directory, 1926. 
Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel Temple 
Bar 1124). 

Sat. 2d. Cheltenham Newspaper Co. Ltd., Clarence Parade, Cheltenham. 
(Tel. 3057). 

Cheltenham Ladies’ College Magazine, 1880. April & Dec. 2s. Ladies’ College, 

Cheltonian, 1866. M.—except Feb. and Sept. 7s. 6d. per ann. J. Darter, College 
Book and Stationery Depot, Cheltenham. 

Chemical Age, 1919 (with which is incorporated China Clay Trade Review, 1919). Sat. 
6d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Chemical Engineering, 1911. Alt. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. S. S. Dyson, 144 Snargate St., 

Chemical Engineering and Chemical Catalogue, 1925. Jan. 10s. 6d. Leonard Hill, 
Ltd., 231 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 8217). 

Chemical Industries Directory, 1869. Irreg., last issue 1926. 30s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Chemical Manufacturers’ Directory, 1886. Apl. 4s. 6d. net. Simpkin Marshall Ltd., 
4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

Chemical News, 1859 (as Chemical Gazette, 1842). Thurs—4 p.m. 6d. Chemical 
News, Ltd., Merton House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. 

Chemical Practitioner, 1927. Alt—M. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. British Association 
of Chemists, 175 Piccadilly, w.1l. (Tel. Regent 6611). Circ. 1,500) (Advt. 
p. XXxi.). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Che-Chi 

Chemical Trade Directory, 1899. Mar. 5s. net. Bandon & Morris, Fairfax House, 
High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8106). 

Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, 1887. Fri. 6d. Sub. 19s. 6d. per 
ann. Davis Bros., 265 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3361). 

Chemist and Druggist, 1859. Fri. for Sat. 9d. Sub. 20s. per ann. Morgan Bros. . 
(Publishers), Ltd., 42 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3617). (Circ. 10,505). 

Chemist and Druggist Diary, 1869. Dec. 10s. Morgan Bros. (Publishers) Ltd., 42, 
Cannon St., E.c.4 (Tel. Central 3617). 

Chemistry and Industry, 1881. Fri. 1s. 9d. Sub. 84s. per ann. Society of Chemical 
Industry, Central House, Finsbury Square, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2511). 

CHEPSTOW WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (l). Fri. 14d. Beaufort Square, Chepstow, 
Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Cherwell, 1920. Sat. during term. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. 33 St. Aldates, Oxford. 
(Tel. 2779). 

CHESHIRE DAILY ECHO, 1883. (c). p.m. ld. Sub. £1 19s. per ann. Swain & 
Co. Ltd., High St., Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). 

Cheshire Directory, 1880. Irreg., last issue 1928. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd. 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

CHESHIRE OBSERVER, 1851. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cheshire and 
North Wales Newspaper Co. Ltd., 8 Bridge St., Chester. (Tel. No. 31). 

Chess Amateur, 1906. M.—Ist. 6d. Stroud News Publishing Co. Ltd., George St.. 

(l). Fri. and Sat. 2d. C. Smith, 27 Bridge St., Chester. (Tel. No. 114). 

for Wed. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. J. A. Birchall, 8 Bridge St., Chester. 
(Tel. No. 31). 

Chester Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List, and Church Almanack, 1857. Jan. 3s. 
Phillipson & Golder Ltd., Eastgate Row, Chester. (Tel .No. 3) 

Chester Diocesan Gazette, 1886. M.—2Ist. 4d. Phillipson & Golder, Ltd., Eastgate 
Row, Chester. (Tel. No. 3). 

Chester Directory of Streets, Trades, Professions, and Gentry, 1866. August. 3s. 
Phillipson & Golder, Ltd. Eastgate Row, Chester. (Tel. No. 3). 

Chesterian, 1919. Eight times a year. 9d. Sub. 5s. per ann. J. & W. Chester Ltd., 
11 Great Marlborough St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 7841). 

CHESTER GUARDIAN AND RECORD, 1857. (ind.). Tues.—4 p.m., ld., and Fri.— 
6a.m. 2d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 110 Northgate St., Chester. One ofthe Warrington 
Guardian series. 

Thurs. 1$d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. Clarke & Son Ltd., Front St., Chester-le- 
Street, Co. Durham. (Tel. 38). 

Chichester and Neighbourhood Directory, 1929. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

CHICHESTER AND SOUTHERN POST, 1925 (as Southern Post, 1922). (ind.). Fri.— 
p.m. for Sat. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Southern Post Ltd., 100 London Road, 
Bognor Regis, Sussex. 

Chichester Diocesan Gazette, 1894. M. 6d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 56 South 
St., Chichester. (London: 69 Fleet St.). 

Chichester Diocesan Kalendar, 1873. Jan. 2s. 6d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
56 South St., Chichester. (Tel. No. 16). 

a.m. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. R. J. Acford Ltd., 1 Little London, 
Chichester. (Tel. Chichester 164). 

Chickabiddies Annual, 1929. Sept. 3s.6d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Chicks’ Own, 1920. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Chicks’ Own Annual, 1923. Sept. 3s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St.,£.c.4 (Tel. City 0202). 

Chief Steward and Ship Stores Gazette, 1905. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
Shipping Publications, Ltd., 44-6 Leadenhall St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2722). 

Chigwellian, 1879. Terminally. 2s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, Chigwell School, 

Child Education, 1924. M.—25th. ls. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell 
Square, w.c. 1. (Tel. Museum 5100). 


Chi-Cho] | Willing’s Press Guide 

Child Life, 1891. N.S. 1899. Quarterly. Is. 4d. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd. 32 
Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6542). 

Child Welfare Worker, 1919. Quarterly. 6d. National Children’s Home and 
Orphanage, 85 Highbury Park, n.5. (Tel. North 0771). 

- Children of Mary’s Own Magazine, 1929 (as Child of Mary Magazine, 1893). M.—25th. 
2d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. “ The C.O.M.” Office, 7 Mitcham Lane, s.w.16. 

Children’s Birthday Book, 1923. Oct. 2s. 6d. C. Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge 
Buildings, s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 1250). 

Children’s Country Holidays Fund ( Incorporated), 1884. May. Gratis. 18 Bucking- 
ham St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3762). 

Children’s Dress, 1926 (as Harmsworth’s Children’s Dress, 1921, as Children’s Dress, 
1920). M.—7th. 44d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Fashions for All Ltd., 22-5 Farring- 
don St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Children’s Friend, 1852. Sept. 2s. 6d. S. W. Partridge & Co., Ltd. 83 Southwark 
St., S.E.1. (Tel. Hop 6694). 

Children’s Gospel Magazine, 1905 (as Little Messenger, 1896). M.—25th. ld. Sub. 
ls. per ann. W. E. Sibthorpe, 21 Woodbury Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 

Children’s League of Pity Paper, 1928. Alt. M. 2d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. National 
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Gerrard 1550). 

Children’s Newspaper, 1919. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Children’s Own Booklets, 1919. Occas. 3s. per 100. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 8428). 

Children’s Play Hour Book, 1927. July. 6s. Longmans Green & Co. Ltd., 39 
Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

C.S.S.M., 1921. M.—25th. 2d. Children’s Special Service Mission, 3 and 5 Wigmore 
St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 2782). 

Children’s Treasury of Pictures and Stories, 1888. July. 2s. 6d. net. T. Nelson & 
Sons Ltd., Parkside Works, Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. (Tel. 42071). 

Child's Guardian, 1884. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. N.S.P.C.C., Leicester 
Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1550). 

Childs Own Magazine, 1832. M—25th. ld. National Sunday School Union, 57 
Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

Chilean Review, 1920. Jan. Apl. July. Oct. 2s.6d. Sub. 10s. perann. Vicente 
Echeverria, 7 Union Court, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 1703). 

Chimes, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Catholic Records 
Press, Haven Road, Exeter. (Tel. 3888). (Circ. 600). 

China Express and Telegraph, 1922 (with which are incorporated London and China 
Express, 1858, and London and China Telegraph, 1858). Thurs. 9d. Sub. 42s. 
per ann. (Technical Supplement—Eastern Engineering.—M.). Eastern Papers 
Ltd., 5 Fenchurch St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3073). 

China Year Book, 1912. Jan. 42s. Simpkin, Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

China’s Millions, 1875. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & 
Scott Ltd., 1, 2, 11 and 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

PENDENT, 1917. Fri., for Sat. 14d. Express and Independent Newspapers 
Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone. (Tel. Wanstead 0599). 

CHIPPING SODBURY GAZETTE, 1900. One of the Dursley Gazette series. 

Chiropodist, 1915. M.—Ist. Is. Sub. 12s. per ann. Incorporated Society of 
Chiropodists, 33 Fitzroy Square, w.1. (Tel. Museum 0091). 

CHISLEHURST AND KENTISH TIMES, 1881. (ind.). Fri.—a.m. 2d. Kentish 
District Times Co. Ltd., Times Building, Sidcup. (Advt. p. xxxv). 

Chiswick, Brentford, and Gunnersbury Directory, 1886. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Chitty’s Statutes of Practical Utility, 1866. Jan. Price varies. Sweet & Maxwell 
Ltd. 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Chivalry, 1916. Quarterly. ld. Alliance of Honour. 112 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 2421). 

Choir, 1910. M.—25th. 4d. net. Sub. 5s. per ann. J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City Road, 
E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cho-Chr 

Choir Musician, 1869. Irreg. 3d. Sub. ls. 3d. per ann. James Broadbent & Son 
Ltd., Meanwood Hill, Leeds. (Tel. 52958). 

Cholmeleian, 1873. Mar. June. July. Dec. ls. Sub. 4s. per ann. Editor, 
Highgate School, n.6. 

Choralist, 1864. Occasionally. Price varies. Boosey & Co. Ltd., 295 Regent St. 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0826). 

Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Chorley Guardian Co. Ltd., 34 Market 
St., Chorley. (Tel. Chorley 205). (Cir. 8,200). 

CHORLEY WEEKLY NEWS, 1908 (as Chorley Standard and District Advertiser, 1864). 
(c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Chorley News Co. Ltd., Market Place, 
Chorley. (Tel. No. 29). 

Christ's College Magazine. Terminally. 1s. Christ’s College, Cambridge. (Tel. 894). 

Christadelphian, 1869 (as Ambassador, 1864). M.—last Thurs. 9d. C.C. Walker, 21 
Hendon Road., Sparkhill, Birmingham. 

Christadelphian Family Journal, 1924. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. E. W. 
Browne, 14 Elms Road, Clapham Common, s.w.4. 

ADVERTISER, 1855. (ind.). Fri. 14d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann, Christchurch 
Times Printing Co., 5 Bridge St., Christchurch. (Tel. 145). 

Christian, 1859. Thurs.—9 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott 
Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

Christian Advocate, 1921 (as Bible Advocate, 1890). Fri. 2d. Churches of Christ 
Book Depot, 20 Brighton Road, Birmingham. 

Christian Democrat, 1921. M.—last Sun. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Catholic Social 
Guild, Oxford. (Tel. Oxford 3220). 

Christian East, 1920. Quarterly. ls. 6d. Anglican and Eastern Churches Associa- 
tion, 66 Holland Road, w.14. 

Christian Endeavour Times, 1893. Thurs. 2d. T. J. Pringle, 16 Pilgrim St., E.c.4. 

Christian Graphic, 1921 (as Springing Well, 1871, as Gospel Graphic, 1919). M.—Ist. 
2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. 
Central 7424). 

CHRISTIAN HERALD, 1876 (as Signs of Our Times, 1867). Mon., for Thurs. 2d. 
Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 6531 and 2370). ( Adut. 

p. xxxi). 

Christian Irishman, 1872. M.—22nd. ld. Sub. ls. perann. Rev. R. Parke, Church 
House, Belfast. (Tel. No. 2786). 

Christian Messenger, 1865. M.—25th. 3d., John Swinden, Holborn Hall, Clerk- 
enwell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1508). 

Christian Novels, 1905. Mon. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Shurey’s Publications 
Ltd., 1 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4177). 

Christian Progress Almanack. Dec. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1, 2, 11 and 
12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Christian Spiritualist, 1925. Mon., for Wed. 2d. Society of Communion, 34 Lancaster 
Road, South Norwood, s.£.25. (Tel. Sydenham 0249). 

Christian Words, 1861 (as Wesleyan Reform Union Magazine, 1861). M.—lIst. 2d. 
Wesleyan Reform Union, 25 Change Alley, Sheffield. 

Christian Worker, 1911 (as Sunday School Worker, 1885). M.—lIst. ld. J. Ritchie 
Ltd., Kilmarnock. | 

CHRISTIAN WORLD, 1857 (with which is incorporated British Congregationalist and 
Examiner, 1906). (ind.). Thurs., 5 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Christian 
World Ltd., 7 Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Central 0646). 

Christian World Pulpit, 1871. Wed—9 am. 2d. M. 10d. Christian World Ltd., 
7 Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Central 0646). 

Christian Year Calendar, 1899. Sept. 4d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret 
St., w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Christian’s Daily Text Calendar, 1803. Oct. ls. 6d. J. Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. 
Christian's Pathway, 1896 (with which is incorporated Calvinistic Pulpit, 1891). M.— 
27th. 2d. E. J. Larby Ltd., 30 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. City 5991). 
Christian’s Pocket Diary, 1897. Oct. 2d. to 3s. 6d. J. Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 
Chronicle of Convocation, 1857. Irreg. Price varies. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 

Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 
Chronicle of the Berkhamsted Girls’ School, 1906. Twice yearly. 6d. Editor, 
School for Girls, Berkhamsted. (Tel. No. 40). 


Chr-Chu] Willing’s Press Guide 

Chronicle of the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, 1912 (as Sons of the Brave, 
1896). Terminally. 8d. Sub. 2s. 6d. perann. The Editor, The School, Dover. 

Chronicle of the London Missionary Society, 1867 (as Missionary Magazine and Chronicle 
1837) M.—25th. 2d., London Missionary Society, Livingstone House, 
Broadway, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5057). 

CHRONIQUES DE JERSEY, 1814. (ind.). Wed. and Sat. ld. Chroniques de 
Jersey Ltd., 11 Royal Square, St. Heliers, Jersey. 

Chummy Book, 1913. July 3s. 6d. net. T. Nelson & Sons Ltd. Parkside Works, 
Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. (Tel. 42071). 

Chums, 1892. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann., and M.—26th, ls. net. Sub. 14s. 
per ann. Sept. 12s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5, Farringdon St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 0202). 

Church Abroad, 1903. M.—15th. ls. 6d. per 100. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 1398). 

Church Almanack, 1888. Oct. 2d. Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0682). 

Church and People, 1836. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2d. Church Pastoral Aid Society, 
Falcon Court, 32 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1517). 

Church and the Jews, 1928. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. East London Fund for the Jews, 
33 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4156.) 

Church and the Sailor, 1912 (as Word on the Waters, 1856). M.—Ist. Sub. 2s. per anne 
Missions to Seamen, 11 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8304). 
Church Army Gazette, 1886 (as The Baitleaxe, 1883). Sat. d. Sub. 3s. 3d. per ann. 
Rev. Preb. Carlile, C.H., D.D., 55 Bryanston St., w.l. (Tel. Paddington 9211). 

(Circ. 120,000). 

Church Army Review, 1883. Alt. M. 3d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Rev. Preb. Carlile, 
C.H., D.D., 55 Bryanston St., w.1. (Tel Paddington 9211). 

Church Assembly News, 1924 (with which is incorporated National Church, 1870). 
M.—18th. ld. Press and Publication Board of the Church Assembly, Church 
House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5136). (Circ. 10,000). 

Church Assembly Notes, 1928. M.—15th. Gratis. Press and Publication Board of 
the Church Assembly, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.]. (Tel. 
Victoria 5136). (Circ. 1,050,000). 

Church Directory and Almanack, 1900. Jan. 7s. 6d. J. Hart & Co., 6 Arundel St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2804). 

Church Gazette, 1906 (as Ladies’ League Gazette, 1900). M.—Ist. 2d. C. Murray, 
11 Ludgate Square, E.c.4. 

Church Intelligencer, 1884. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Church Associa- 
tion, 13 & 14 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4593). 

Church Kalendar and Lectionary, 1919 (as Calendar and Lectionary of the English 
Church, 1901). Sept. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co., 28 Margaret St., w.1. (Tel. 
Langham 2813.) 

Church Messenger, 1925. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. S.P.C.K., Northumber- 
land Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944.) 

Church Missionary Outlook, 1921 (as Church Missionary Gleaner, 1841). M.—27th. 

2d. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7994). 

Church Missionary Pocket Book, 1879. Oct. 2s. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 7994.) 

C.M.S. Home Gazette, 1905. M.—27th. Id. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Church 
Missionary Society, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7994). 

Church Monthly, 1888. 25th. Id. Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. Churchman Publishing 
Co., Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0682.) 

Church Overseas, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. Press and Publications Board 
of the Church Assembly, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.1l. (Tel. 
Victoria 5136). 

Church of England Almanack, 1889. Nov. 2d.and9d. Church Association, 13 and 14 
Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4593). 

Church of England Newspaper, 1894. Thurs.—5 p.m. for Fri. 2d. Home Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 17 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6789). 
(Advt. p. 238). 

Church of Ireland Gazette, 1900 (as Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette, 1856). Fri. for Sat. 
14a. Church of Ireland Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey St., 

Church Pulpit Year Book, 1903. Jan. 3s. 6d. J. Hart & Co., Maltravers House, 
Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2804), 


Willing’s Press Guide [Chu-Cit 

Church Quarterly Review, 1875. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. S.P.C.K., Northumber- 
land Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 

Church Reading Magazine, 1901. Quarterly. ls. per ann. Wright & Haggard, 
Minster Press, Beverley, Yorks. 

Church Record, 1912 (as Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1891). M.—25th. ld. 
net. Sub. 2s. per ann. J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City Road, z.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 

Church Self-Government Chronicle, 1929 (with which is incorporated Free and Open 
Church Advocate, 1872). Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. 
Church Self Government League, 25 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4941). 
(Circ. 2,500). ( Advt. p. xxxi). 

Church Standard, 1909 (with which is incorporated Day of Days, 1878). M.—25th. ld. 
C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.c.4. 

A. & L. Hayward, Market Place, Church Stretton, Salop. One of the Ludlow 
Advertiser series. (Tel. 28). 

Church Teacher, 1926. M.—Ist. 3d. Sunday School Institute, 13 Serjeants Inn, 

Church Temperance Times, 1920. M.—25th. ld. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. C.E.T.S. 
40 Marsham St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0562). 

CHURCH TIMES, 1863. Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. J. Palmer & Sons, 
7 Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1789). Anglo-Catholic newspaper and 
review. (Circ. 60,062). ( Advt. p. xxxi). 

Church Union Gazette, 1870. M—lIst. 1d. English Church Union, 31 Russell Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1243). 

Churchman, 1879. Quarterly. ls. 6d. net. Sub. 6s. per ann. Church Book Room, 
Dean Wace House, Wine Office Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9203). 
Churchman’s Almanack and Pocket Book, 1842. Oct. 14d. to 5s.6d. S,P.C.K., Northum- 

berland Avenue, w.c.2.. (Tel, Regent 3944). 

Churchman’s Magazine, 1846. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. J. A. Kensit, 
3-4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5963). 

Churchman’s Year-Book and Encyclopaedia, 1909. Dec. 3s. 6d. A. R. Mowbray 
& Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Cigar and Tobacco World, 1898 (as Cigar and Tobacco World and Tobacconist, 1889). 
M.— Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Cinema, 1921 (as Cinema News and Property Gazette, 1911). Wed. 6d. Sub. 17s. 6d. 
perann. Technical Section Gratis with first issue in each M. Cinema Press 
Ltd., 80-82 Wardour St., w.1 (Tel. Gerrard 2504). 

Cinema Construction, 1929. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Phoenix Industrial 
Services Ltd., 12 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 6921). 

Cinematograph Times, 1928. Sat. 6d. Sub.20s.perann. Cinematograph Exhibitors 
Association, Broadmead House, Panton St., s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 2918). (Circ. 

Circuit Stewards’ List, 1907. Feb. 9d. net. J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

Circular of the British Manufacturing Confectioners’ Export Union, 1917. Irreg. Free 
to members only. The Union, 22, Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. 

CITIZEN (Gloucester), 1876.  (ind.). Daily—1 p.m. ld. Chance & Bland Ltd., 
St. Johns’ Lane, Gloucester. (Tel. Goucester 3006). 

CITIZEN (Letchworth), 1906. (imd.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Letchworth 
Printers, Ltd., Norton Way North, Letchworth. (Tel. No. 5). 

Citizen, 1878 (with which is incorporated Insurance Spectator of London, 1880). Wed. 
4d. Sub. 21s. perann. Russell & Co., 2 Copthall Buildings, £E.c.2. (Tel. Avenue 

HACKNEY CHRONICLE, 1857. (ind.). Fri. 2 p.m. for Sat. ld. Scott, Ady 
& Co. Ltd., 48 Whitechapel Road, E.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 9262). 

City and Guilds of London Institute Programme. July. 3s. 6d. net. J. Murray, 50 
‘Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510.) 

City and Guilds of London Institute Syllabus of Handicraft. July. 6d. J. Murray, 
50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

City and Guilds of London Institute Syllabus of Women’s Subjects. July. 6d. J. 
Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 


Cit-Cla] Willing’s Press Guide 

City Diary and Almanac, 1863. Nov. 2s. W.H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate 
St., E.c.l. (Tel. City 1086). 

City of Ely Red Book, Almanac, Diary, and Street Directory, 1893. Dec. 6d. J. P. 
Tibbitts, Exors, High St., Ely. (Tel. 17). (Circ. 1,500). 

City of Liverpool Official Handbook, 1906. Spring. 1s. Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 3 
Crosshall St., Liverpool. (Tel. Liverpool Central 2711). 

City of London College Calendar, 1861. Sept. 6d. City of London College, Rope- 
maker St., Moorfields, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2433). 

City of London College Magazine, 1913. Terminally. 6d. City of London College, 
Ropemaker St., Moorfields, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2433). 

City of London School Magazine, 1877. Terminally. 1s. City of London School, 
Victoria Embankment, E.c.4. 

City of Oxford School Magazine, 1923 (as O.H.S. Magazine, 1903). Terminally. 5s. 
perann. H. J. Sanders, 34 Holywell St., Oxford. 

City of Perth Co-operative ‘‘ Pioneer,” 1876. M.—Ist. Gratis. City of Perth Co-opera- 
tive Society, Scott St., Perth. 

City of Worcester Official Handbook, 1907. Annually. 1s. Littlebury & Co. Ltd., 
Worcester Press, Worcester. (Tel. No. 13). 

CITY PRESS, 1857. Fri. 2d. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c.1. 
(Tel. City 1086). 

City Sparrows, 1894. Quarterly. 2d. Scottish Children’s League of Pity, 6a George 
St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 23802). 

Civil Engineering, 1906. M.—2Ist. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon St., E.c.4 
(Tel. Central 6424). 

Civil Service Argus, 1925 (as Aspirex, 1914). M.—Ist. Private circulation. R. O. 
Crook, 47 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Franklin 6244). 

Civil Service Arts Magazine, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 8d. per ann. 
Civil Service Arts Council, 208 Treasury Chambers, Whitehall s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 
1234, Ex. 57). (Circ. 4,000). | 

Civil Service Confederation Annual Report, 1922. July. Gratis. Civil Service Con- 
federation, Parliament Mansions, Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3000). 

Civil Service Opinion, 1923. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Association of 

Executive Officers and other Civil Servants, 1 Central Buildings, Westminster, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 5223). (Circ. 5,000). 

Civil Service Sports Journal, 1922. M.—15th. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Civil 
Service Sports Council, Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1234). 
(Circ. 12,000). 

Civil Service Tutor, 1904. M.—Ist Fri. 3d. Sub. 3s. perann. M. Hughes, 82 Royal 
Avenue, Belfast. (Tel. 75). 

CLACTON GRAPHIC AND GAZETTE, 1877 (with which is incorporated Clacton 
Gazette, 1877). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Clacton-on- 
Sea Graphic Co. Ltd., 31 Electric Parade, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. 33). (Circ. 2,500). 

CLACTON TIMES AND EAST ESSEX GAZETTE, 1913. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld 
A. Quick & Co. Ltd., Jackson Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. 177). 

Clacton “ What’s On? °’ 1924. Sat. (during summer). ld. A. Quick & Co. Ltd., 
Jackson Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. 177). 

Clan Lamont Journal, 1912. Jan. 5s. H. Lamond, 52 Hatherley Road, Winchester. 
(Circ. 300). 

CLAPHAM AND BALHAM CHRONICLE (South-Western Star), 1881. (ind.). Fri. 2d. 
A. W. H. Morgan, 156 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w.11. (Tel. Battersea 
1331). One of the South Western Star series. 

Clapham Free Press, 1882. (ind.). Fri. 2d. A.C. Musselwhite, 429 Brixton Road, 
s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 4524). One of the Brixton Free Press series. 

CLAPHAM OBSERVER AND ADVERTISER, 1865 (as Tooting and Balham Times, 
1866 ; with which are incorporated Surrey County Observer and Clapham Advertiser, 
1924). Fri—8a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s.perann. E. Baldwin, 105 High St., Clapham, 
s.w.4. (Tel. Brixton 1092). 

CLARE CHAMPION, 1903. (nat.) Thurs—p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Clare 
Champion Printing and Publishing Works, O’Connell St., Ennis (Tel. 11). 
(Cire. 12340). . 

Clare Market Review, 1905. March, June and Nov. ls. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
Students Union, London School of Economics, Houghton St., Kingsway, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 7402). 

Clarendonian, 1919. Quarterly. 3d. Council of the Clarendon Press Institute, 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cla-Clu 

Clarion, 1891. (lab.). M.—Ist Fri. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Clarion Publishing 
Co., 44 Worship St., E.c.2. (Tel. Central 0340). 

Clark’s Shorthand (Script Phonography) Journal, 1887. M.—2nd Mon. 3d. Sub. 
344). per ann. Clark’s College Ltd., 126 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 


Classic Anthems, 1919 (as Free Church Choir Album, 1902). Irreg. 4d. J. Black- 
burn Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. 

Classical Quarterly, 1907. Jan., April, July, Oct. 4s. net. Sub. 16s. per ann. 
J. Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gérrard 8510.) 

Classical Review, 1887. M. (except Jan., Mar., Apl., June, Aug., Oct.). 2s. (July 1s.). 
Sub. 12s. per ann. J. Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Clavinian, 1869. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, Weymouth Col- 
lege, Weymouth. (Circ. 300). 

Claycraft, 1927. M.—4th. ls. 3d. Sub. 12s. per ann. Mineral Publications Ltd., 
53 Broad St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 4744). (Circ. 1,000). 

2d. Senior & Co. Ltd., Albion St., Cleckheaton. One of the Heckmondwike 
Herald series. 

Sub. 13s. perann. E. Hirst & Son, Northgate, Cleckheaton. (Tel. 441). 

Clegg s Oldham Annual, 1891. Jan. 6d. J. Albinson Ltd., Oldham. 

Clergy Directory and Parish Guide, 1871. Mar. 6s. Printing & Advertising Co. Ltd., 
99 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1216). 

Clerk, 1907. (/ab.). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. perann. National Union of Clerks and 
Administrative Workers, 17-20, Holborn Hall, Grays Inn Road, w.c.1l. (Tel. 
Holborn 1733). 

CLEVEDON MERCURY AND COURIER, 1860. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Clevedon Printing Co. Ltd., 8 Linden Road, Clevedon. (Tel. 108). 

CLEVELAND STANDARD, 1908. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld. T. Nicholls & Son, 
67 High St., Redcar. 7 

Thurs. ld. F.G. Warne, Ltd., 30 Baldwin St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 920). 

Cliftonian, 1867. Terminally. 6d. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay St., Bristol. 
(Tel. Bristol 98). 

Clinical Journal, 1892. Wed. 6d. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 28 Gower Place, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 2853). 

Clique, 1890. Sat. 15s. per annum. Clique Ltd., 180 Brompton Road, s.w.3. 

. (Tel. Sloane 3703). 

CLITHEROE ADVERTISER AND TIMES, 1920. (with which is incorporated Clitheroe 
Advertiser, 1886, and Clitheroe Times, 1888). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Clitheroe Advertiser and Times Co. Ltd., 6 Market Place, Clitheroe. (Tel. 
113). (Circ. 5180). 

Clock Tower, 1919. Occas. Alden Press (Oxford) Ltd., Binsey Lane, Oxford. (Tel 

Clongownian, 1895. June. 2s. 6d. The Editor, Clongowes Wood College, Sallins. 

(ind.). Tues., Wed., Fri., and Sat., 6 p.m. ld. Sub. (Wed. and Sat. issues) 
17s. 4d. per ann. Clonmel Chronicle Newspaper and Printing MORES: aa, 
33 Parnell St., Clonmel. (Tel. 45). 

CLORIANYDD, 1891. Tues. 2d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., Bridge St., 
Llangefni,-Anglesey. (Tel. 3). 

Close Up, 1927. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 14s. perann. J. & E. Bumpus, 350 Oxford St., 
w.l, (Tel. Mayfair 1223). 

Club and Institute Journal, 1893. M.—lIst Sat. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. Working 
Men’s Club and Institute Union Ltd., Club Union Buildings, 127 Clerkenwell Road, 
E.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 1706). (Circ. 60,000). 

Club Challenge, 1923. Wed. 4s. per ann. Dudfield & Co., Southwell Grove Road, 
Leytonstone, E.11. (Tel. Maryland 2763). (Circ. 1,400). 

Club Gazette, 1928. M.—18th. 5s. per ann. 151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Club Life, 1889. Thurs.—12 noon for Sat. 14d.: Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. New Goswell 
Printing Co. Ltd., 220 Goswell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6574). 

Clubs, A List of English Clubs in all parts of the world, 1892. Jan. 7s. 6d. Spottis- 
woode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New St. Square, E.c.4. ((Tel, Central 5284). 


Cly-Col] Willing’s Press Guide 

Clyde and Forth Bill of Entry, 1840. Mon., Wed., Fri. £3 3s. per ann. C. Vernon & 
Sons Ltd., 56-62 South Castle St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 8711). 

Clyde Train and Steamboat Guide, 1924. M. June—Sept. ld. W. Macpherson, 
Strand, Beith. (Tel. No. 42). 

CLYDEBANK PRESS, 1891. (ind.). Fri. 2d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. 
One of the Govan Press series. 

Clydesdale Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. Scottish Catholic Printing Co. Ltd., 2 
Watt Place, Greenock. 

Clydesdale Stud Book, 1879. April. 10s. 6d. Clydesdale Horse Society, 93 Hope St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 2230). 

Coal Merchant and Shipper, 1900. Sat. 5d. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wel- 
lington St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3951). 

Coal Trades Diary and Colliery Managers’ Guide, 1881. Dec. 6s.6d. F.W. Bridges 
& Sons Ltd., 4 Vernon Place, Southampton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6663). 

1892. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. A. Wilkins & Son, 9 High St., Coal- 
ville. (Tel. 83). i 

COATBRIDGE EXPRESS, 1885. (ind.). Wed. ld. Baird & Hamilton, Ltd., St. 
Jobn St., Coatbridge. (Tel. Airdrie 4). 

COATBRIDGE LEADER, 1899. (/). Sat. Id. Murdoch & Co., 9 East Canal St., 
Coatbridge. (Tel. No. 336). 

Coates’s Herd Book, 1822. Oct. 31s. 6d. The Shorthorn Society of Great Britain 
and Ireland, 12 Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 5576). 

COLCHESTER GAZETTE, 1814. (c). Wed.—8.30 a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 High St., Colchester. (Tel. 2842). One of the Essex County 
Standard series. 

Cold Storage and Produce Review, 1898. M.—3rd Thurs. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. 
J. Raymond, Empire House, St. Martin’s-le-Grand, E.c.1. (Tel. National 7494). 

Fri., for Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Coleraine Chronicle Co., Abbey St., Coleraine. 
(Tel. 10). (Circ. 5,500). 

Sat. Id. W. Moorwood, High St. Coleshill. 

Collector 1929 (as Old Furniture 1927). M. 10th. 2s. Sub. 28s. per ann. Halton and 
Truscott Smith, 57, Haymarket S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6685). 

Colliery Engineering, 1923. M.—lIst. ls. St. Margaret’s Technical Press Ltd., 33 
Tothill St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xvii). 

Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, 1860. Fri.—2.30 p.m. 8d. 
Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30-31 Furnival St., Holborn, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1354). 

Colliery Manager's Pocket Book, Almanac, and Diary, 1869. Nov. 3s., 4s. 6d. and 6s. 
Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30-31 Furnival St. Holborn, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1354). 

Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory, 1923. Mar. 21s. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 
22 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5771). 

Collingwood’s International Mercantile Directory, 1883. Jan. 20s. Collingwood Bros., 
329 High Holborn, w.c.1. 

Collins’ Adventure Annual, 1915. Sept. 5s. net. W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., Bride- 
well Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Collins’ Boy Scouts’. Annual, 1926. Sept. 5s. W. Collins, Sons & Co., Ltd., Bride- 
well Place, £.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Collins’ Children’s Annual, 1914. Sept. 5s. net. W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 
Bridewell Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Collins’ Girl Guides’ Annual, 1926. Sept. 5s. W. Collins, Sons & Co., Ltd., Bride- 
well Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Collins’ Painting Annual, 1924. Sept. 6s. net. W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., Bride- 
well Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Collins’ Schoolboy’s Annual, 1923. Sept. 5s. net. W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 
Bridewell Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). : 

Collins’ Schoolgirl’s Annual, 1923. Sept. 5s. net. W. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 
Bridewell Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

COLNE AND NELSON TIMES, 1874. (ind.). Fri—5 a.m. 2d. R. Hyde & Sons, 
Ltd., North Valley Road, Colne. 

COLNE VALLEY GUARDIAN, 1896 (as the Slaithwaite Guardian and Colne Valley 
News. 1896). (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. Ils. per ann. J. W. Roberts & Son, 
Bridge St., Slatthwaite. (Tel. 90). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Col-Com 

Colonial and Dominion Office Annual Reports. Price varies. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Colonizer, 1903 (as Freir’s Colonial and Foreign Register, 1895). M.—lIst. 4d. 
Sub. 5s. per ann. Paternoster Printing Co. Ltd., 37-38 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 6581). 

Colour, 1914. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 14s. per ann. Colour Magazine Ltd., 25 Cockspur 
St., s.w.l. 

Columba, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Knights of St. Columba, 
81 Berkeley St., Glasgow. 

COLWYN BAY ADVERTISER, 1892. (ind.). Fri. Gratis. H. & W. Powlson, 
Erw Wen Road, Colwyn Bay. (Tel. 2156). 

Colwyn Bay Directory, 1911. Biennially. 5s. Wentworth Publishing Co., 3 Crosshall 
St., Liverpool. 

COLWYN BAY AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1889 (with which is incor- 
porated Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Visitor, 1883). (J). Thurs. 2d. R.E. Jones 
& Bros., 8 Station Road, Colwyn Bay. (Tel. No. 2631). One ofthe North Wales 
Weekly News series. l 

Combined Price List, 1922 (with which is incorporated Anti-Cutting Record, 1895). 
M.—15th. 1s. British & Colonial Druggist Ltd., 194-200 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. 
Bishopsgate 2148). 

Comercio Hispano Britanico, 1886. Quarterly. Free to members. ls. per ann. Sub. 

ls. Spanish Chamber of Commerce, 42 Trinity Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Royal 
2572). (Circ. 2,000). 

Comic Cuts, 1890. Mon., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Coming Events in Ealing and District, 1929. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. Is. perann. Mrs. 
J. C. Burke, 35 Castlebar Road, Ealing, w.5. (Tel. Ealing 0601). (Circ. 5,000). 

Coming Fashions and Ladies’ Review, 1913. M.—Ist. Sub. 14s. per ann. Coming 
Fashions Ltd., 222 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 5691). 

Commercial; 1920. Thurs. 3d. Manchester Guardian and Evening News Ltd., 
3 Cross St., Manchester. 

Commercial and Mercantile Directory, 1929. Jan. 40s. Law Publishing Co., Cook- 
ridge Chambers, Cookridge St., Leeds. : 

Commercial Art, 1922. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 16s. per ann. Special No.: Posters 
and Publicity, Sept. 7s. 6d. Studio Ltd., 44 Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Gerrard 3267). 

Commercial Compendium, 1855. Wed. Sub. Trade Protection Gazettes Co. Ltd., 
12 Norwich St., E.c.4. 

Commercial Directory, 1890. June. 35s. F. L’Estrange Publicity, 27 Chancery 
Lane, w.c.2. 

Commercial Motor, 1905. Tues. 3d. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery Avenue, 
E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). 

*Commercial Oldham, 1926. M.—12th. 6d. Sub. 10s. perann. C. Atkins, Prudential 
Buildings, Oldham. (Tel. 181). 

Commercial Review, 1901. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 5s. perann. International Association 
for Promotion and Protection of Trade Ltd., 3 Berners St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 

Commercial Weekly Statement, 1836. Tues.—a.m. 30s. perann. Smith, Gowland & 
Co. Ltd., 3 Church St., Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 7919). 

Commercial World and Insurance Budget, 1868. Ist and 15th. 3d. F. Buckle, 57 
Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1060). 

“Commercial Year Book of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1905  Irreg., last 
issue, 1927-8. Gratis. The Secretary, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 95 
New St., Birmingham. 

Common Sense Gardening, 1909. Jan. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 
Commonweal, 1919. Fri.—a.m. for Sat. ld. Sub.6s.perann. J.W. Graham Peace, 

43 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0309). 

Commonwealth, 1896. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. G.W.Wardman, Common- 

wealth Press, Letchworth Garden City, Herts. (Tel. Letchworth 217). 

Commune, 1923. (soc.). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. G. A. Aldred, 13 
Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3550). (Circ. 5,000). 

Communist Review, 1929 (as Communist, 1927). M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
Alice Holland, 29 Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 1705). 


Com-Con] Willing’s Press Guide 

Companies’ Diary and Agenda Book, 1883. Nov. 4s., and 5s. 6d. Jordan & Sons, 
Ltd., 116-118 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0434). 

Companion Library, 1920. M.—lIst. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press, Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Comparative Prices and Statistics of Metals, 1889. Fri. Sub. W. H. Barnard, 24 
Lime St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2782). 

Compendium and Industrial Power and Plant, 1916. M.—Sth. 21s. per ann. Com- 
pendium Press, Ltd., Cromwell House, Surrey St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 

Competition, Racing and Football Winner, 1929 (as Football Winner, 1926). Mon. 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. Sinclair, 3 Little Gray’s Inn Lane, E.c.1. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 8028). 

Complete Current Digest, 1912. Quarterly. 21s. per ann. Incorporated Council of 
Law Reporting, 30 Montague St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3040). 

Complete Novel Weekly, 1925. Mon. for Sat.,2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Shurey’s 
Publications Ltd., 1 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4177). 

Comradeship, 1908. Four issues between Oct. and June. 4d. Co-operative Holidays 
Association, Birch Heys, Fallowfield, Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 175). 

Concise Guide International Lessons Annual Volume, 1920. Oct. 3s. 6d. National 
Sunday School Union, 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

Concrete and Constructional Engineering, 1906. M.—10th. ls. 6d. net. Sub. 18s. 
per ann. Concrete Publications Ltd., 20 Dartmouth St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Concrete Publications Ltd., 20 Dartmouth St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4581). 

Concrete Way, 1922. Alt. M. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. British Reinforced Concrete 
Co. Ltd., c/o 110 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6131). (Circ. 7,000). 

Concrete Year Book, 1924. Jan. 3s. 6d. Concrete Publications Ltd., 20 Dartmouth 
St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4581). 

Confectioners’ Union, 1898 (as Confectioners’, Bakers’, and Pastrycooks’ Union, 1887). 
Twice Monthly, Ist and 15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 
Drury House, Russell St.. w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Confectionery Craft, 1929. M. ls. 6d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Maclaren & Sons 
Ltd., 37-8, Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

Confectionery Journal, 1919 (as Confectionery, 1895). Wed. 3d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per 
ann. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 37 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

Conference of Educational Associations Report, 1913. March: 4s. 6d. Educational 
Conference Committee, 29 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0658). 

CONGLETON CHRONICLE, 1855 (with which is incorporated Congleton and Maccles- 
freld Mercury). (ind.). Sat. 2d. R. Head, 11 High St., Congleton. (Tel. No. 

CONGLETON GUARDIAN, 1889. (ind.). Tues.—2 p.m., ld.; Fri—6 a.m., 2d. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., 14 Bridge St., Congleton. One of the Warrington Guardian 

CONGLETON TIMES, 1872. Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Macclesfield 
Times, Ltd., 7 Queen Victoria St., Macclesfield. (Tel. Macclesfield 2070). One of 
the Macclesfield Times series. 

Congregational Church Monthly, 1924. M.—Ist. 2d. The Editors, Memorial Hall, 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 5604). 

Congregational Quarterly, 1923. 2s. 6d. net. Congregational Union, Memorial Hall, 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 5604). 

Congregational Year Book, 1846. Jan. 6s. net, and 7s. 6d. net. Congregational Union, 
Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 5604). 

CONNACHT SENTINEL, 1925. Tues. 6 p.m. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Connacht 
Tribune Ltd., Market St., Galway. (Tel. No. 21). 

CONNACHT TRIBUNE, 1909. (mat.). Fri. a.m., for Sat. 2d. Connacht Tribune 
Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Market St., Galway. (Tel. No. 21). 

3 p.m. for Sat. 2d. T. H. Gillespie, Ellison St., Castlebar. 

Connoisseur, 1901. M.—Ist. 2s. net. Connoisseur Ltd., 1 Duke St., St. James’s, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 7995). 

Conquest by Healing, 1924 (with which is incorporated Medical Missions at Home and 
A broad, 1880). March, June, Sept., Dec. 2s.6d.perannum. Medical Missionary 
Association, 49 Highbury Park, N.5. (Tel. North 1572). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Con-Cop 

Conservative Clubs’ Gazette, 1895. M.—lIst. 2d. The Association of Conservative 
Clubs, Palace Chambers, Bridge St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5625). 

DURHAM GAZETTE, 1860. (/). Thurs., for Fri—a.m. 2d. R. Jackson & Co., 
Front St., Consett. ’ 

Constitutional Year Book, 1885. Jan. 2s. and 4s. National Union of Conservative 
and Unionist Associations, Palace Chambers, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Consultant, 1908. Irreg. 2d. T. Russell, Clun House, Surrey St., Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1981). (Circ. 1750). , 

Contact, 1914. M.—20th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Association of Supervising 
Electrical Engineers, 43 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7024). 

Contemporary Review, 1862 (with which is incorporated International Review, 1913). 
M.—ist. 3s. 6d. Sub. 45s. per ann. British Periodicals Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

Continental Directory of Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers, 1912. June. 16s. net, 
J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. (Tel. 427). 

Continuative Teacher, 1926. Occas. Gratis. Continuative Teachers’ Association, 
6 Shelbury Road, Honor Oak, s.E.22. (Tel. Sydenham 5023). (Circ. 3,000). 
Contract Journal, 1879, Wed.—2a.m. 9d. W. L. Pitman, 127-130 Temple Chambers, 

Temple Avenue, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4703). 

Contractor, 1884. Fri.—9 p.m., for Sat. 2d. W. L. Pitman, 127-130 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4703). 

Contractors’ Record and Municipal Engineering, 1908. Wed., 9d., and Sat., 2d. Con- 
tractors’ Record Ltd., 237-251 Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. 
Holborn 0516). 

Contributor, 1925. M.—Ist. 1d. Hospital Saving Association, 77 Cambridge 
Terrace, w.2. 

Conveyancer, 1915. M.—Ist. 3s. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Convocation of Canterbury Reports, 1918. Irreg. Price varies. S.P.C.K., Northumber- 
land Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 

CONWAY AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1883. (/). Thurs. 2d. R. E. 
Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales Weekly 
News series. l 

Cook’s Continental Time-Table and Steamship Guide, 1873. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. Thos. 
Cook & Son Ltd., Berkeley St., w.1. (Tel. Grosvenor 4000). 

Cook’s Sailing Lists, varies according to country. Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd., Berkeley 
St., w.l. (Tel. Grosvenor 4000). 

Cook’s Traveller's Gazette, 1904 (as Cook’s Excursionist, 1851). M.—Ist. 3d. Thos. 
Cook & Son Ltd., Berkeley St., w.1. (Tel. Grosvenor 4000). 

Cook’s Travellers’ Handbooks. Prices vary. Thos. Cook & Son Ltd., Berkeley St., 
w.l. (Tel. Grosvenor 4000). 

Co-operative Educator, 1917 (with which is incorporated the College Herald). Quarterly. 
2d. Co-operative Union Ltd., Holyoake House, Hanover St., Manchester. 

Co-operative Guildman, 1925. M.—15th. ld. 1s.6d.perann. National Co-operative 
Men’s Guild Co-operative Union, Holyoake House, Hanover St., Manchester. 
(Tel. City 8228). 

Co-operative News, 1871. Sat. 2d. National Co-operative Publishing Society, Long 
Millgate, Manchester. 

Co-operative Official, 1917. M. 2d. Holyoake House, Hanover St., Manchester. 

Co-operative Productive Review, 1925. M.-—-3rd. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Co- 
operative Productive Federation Ltd., Alliance Chambers, Horsefair St., Leicester. 
(Tel. Leicester 59673). (Circ. 3,500). 

Co-operative Review, 1926. Alt. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Co-operative 
Union Ltd., Holyoake House, Hanover St., Manchester. (Tel. City 8228). 

Co-operators’ Year Book, 1893. Dec. 6d. Co-operative Productive Federations Ltd., 
Alliance Chambers, Horsefair St., Leicester. (Tel. 59763). (Circ. 10,000). 

Co-ordinator, 1914. M.—lIst. Fri. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Agricultural and Indus- 

trial Union. 7 Queen St. Place, E.c.4. 
Co-Partners’ Magazine, 1911. M.—Ist. 2d. Gas Light & Coke Co., Horseferry Road, 
s.w.1. ! 

Co-partnership, 1907 (as Labour Co-partnership, 1894). Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d. 
Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. Industrial Co-partnership Association, 6 Bloomsbury 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 8112). 

53 C 

Cop-Cou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Cope’s London Motor and Allied Trades Directory, 1929. Apl. 2s. 6d. Emporium 
Publications Ltd., 166 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6487). 

Copec News, 1925. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Copec Consummation Com- 
mittee, 92 St. George’s Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7082). 

Cordage World, 1919. M.—2nd Sat. 10d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Metropolitan Press 
Agency Ltd., 83-5, Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3626). 

CORK EXAMINER, 1840. (nat.). Daily—a.m. 2d. Sub. £4 per ann. T. Crosbie 
& Co. Ltd., 95 Patrick St., Cork. (Tel. Cork 185). 

Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. T. Crosbie & Co., Ltd., 95 Patrick St., Cork. (Tel. 
Cork 185). 

Corner Magazine, 1922. M.—7th. 7d. net. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Cornhill Magazine, 1860. M.—26th. 1s. 6d. net. Sub. 20s. per ann. J. Murray, 50 
Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

CORNISH AND DEVON POST, 1877 (as East Cornwall Times, 1857). (D. Fri.— 
12 noon, 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Cornish and Devon Post Ltd., Western Buildings, 
Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

noon. 2d. Cornish Echo Co., 13 Church St., Falmouth. 

CORNISH EVENING TIDINGS (as Tidings, 1870; as Evening Tidings, 1886). (ind.). 
Daily, except Wed.—5 p.m. ld. H. Thomas, Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Parade St., Penzance. (Tel. No. 51). 

CORNISH GUARDIAN AND COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1901. (/). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. 
A. B. Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. (Tel. No. 17). 

1889. (ind.). Sat. 2d. H. Thomas, Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., Parade 
St., Penzance. (Tel. No. 51). 

CORNISH TIMES AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1857. (ind.). Fri. and Sat. 2d. 
Sub. 14s. per ann. Philp & Sons, Great Place, Liskeard. (Tel. 75). 

Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book, 1912. March. 2s. 6d. & 3s. 6d. net. Cornish 
Bros. Ltd., 39 New St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5960). 

CORNISHMAN AND CORNISH TELEGRAPH, 1878. (ind.). Wed. 2d. H. Thomas, 
Cornishman Newspaper Co. Ltd., Parade St., Penzance. (Tel. No. 51). 

Corporate Accountant, 1925 (as Accountants’ Notes, 1905). Alt.—M. 6d. Corporation 
of Accountants Ltd., 121 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 1586). 

Cos, 1886. Terminally. 104. Editor, St. Edmund’s School, Canterbury. 

Cost Accountant, 1921. M.—5Sth. Is. 6d. Sub. 18s. per ann. Institute of Cost and 
Works Accountants, 6 Duke St., St. James’, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 5407). 

Costume and Mantle Worker, 1927. Jan., Apl., July., Oct. Gratis to members. 
United Ladies’ Tailors Trade Union, 12 Great Garden St., E.1. (Tel. Avenue 9293). 

Costumes et Manteaux, 1919. Twice a year. 5s. 6d. Bells Fashion Bureau Ltd., 28 
South Molton St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 1788). 

Cotton, 1§95. Sat. 63s. per ann. Manchester Cotton Association Ltd., Ship Canal 
House, King St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester City 2830). 

Cotton Factory Times, 1885. Thurs., for Fri. ld. J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., Market 
Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Cotton Gazette and Cotton Markets Advertiser, 1894. Fri., for Sat. 1s. 6d. 70s. per 
ann. Direct Publicity Co. Ltd., 20 North John St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 4776). 

Cotton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Directory of Lancashire, 1882. Feb. 16s. J. 
Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. (Tel. No. 427). 

Cotton Year Book, 1909 (as Textile Year Book—Cotton, 1906). Dec. 7s. 6d. 
Textile Mercury Ltd., 20 Mount St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester City 4682). 

COULSDON AND PURLEY WEEKLY RECORD, 1912. (ind.). Fri. ld. T. Minty, 
Central Buildings, Station Approach Road, Coulsdon. 

Country Illustrated, 1922. M.—3lst. 2s. 6d. Fleet, Hammond & Co., 22 Northum- 
berland Avenue, w.c.2. 

Country Life, 1897. Fri., for Sat. ls. Sub. 65s. per ann. Country Life Ltd., 20 
Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7351). 

Country Side, 1905. Quarterly. 9d. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., Church St., 
Kkingston-on-Thames. (Tel. Kingston 1890). 

Countryman, 1927. (ind.). Jan., Apl., July, Oct.. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann- 
J. W. Robertson Scott, Idbury, Kingham, Oxford. (Tel. Shipton-under-Wych, 
wood 26). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cou-Cra 

SHIRE, 1908 (as Advertiser for Brierley Hill, Stourbridge, Dudley, &c., 1853). 
(ind.). Sat. 13d. Ford & Addison Ltd., 42 High St., Brierley Hill. (Tel. No. 
25). l 

County and Municipal Record, 1903. Tues. 6d. Sub. 30s. perann. W. Hodge & Co. 
Ltd., 12 Bank St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Edinburgh 20985). 

County Councils Gazette, 1907. M.—15th. 6d. County Councils Association of 
England and Wales, 13 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9153). 

COUNTY ECHO, 1880 (with which is incorporated the Fishguard Times, 1908). __(ind.). 
Thurs. 13d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. L. Evans & Sons, High St., Fishguard, Pem. 
(Tel. Fishguard 40). 

Stourbridge Observer, 1867). (ind.). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. County 
Express Ltd., 135 High St., Stourbridge. (Tel. No. 141). Also editions for 
Dudley and Kidderminster. (Circ. 15,600). 

COUNTY HERALD, 1883. (/). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. County Herald Ltd., High St. 
Holvwell. (Tel. 39). 

County Louth Archæological Journal, 1904, Oct. 5s. W. Tempest, Dundalk. (Tel. 
No. 13). l 

County Mail and Business Magnet, 1898. (ind.). Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
F. N. Parsons, South St., Crewkerne. (Tel. 37). 

COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1858 (with which is incorporated the London 
Chronicle & County Record). (c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Thomasons 
Ltd., 151 High St., Hounslow. (Tel. Hounslow 0016). (Circ. 11,000). (Advt. 
p. xxxvii). 

COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX INDEPENDENT, 1883. (ind.). Wed. and Sat. ld. The 
Brentford Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Albany Works, Brentford. (Tel. 
Ealing 1032). 

County Telegraph Handbook and Directory and Colchester Almanac, 1884. Jan. 6d. 
Essex Telegraph Ltd., 38 Head St., Colchester. (Tel. 2089). (Circ. 6,000). 

COURIER AND ADVERTISER, 1926 (with which are incorporated Courier, 1816, and 
Dundee Advertiser, 1801). a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
7 Bank St., Dundee. (Tel. No. 4061). 

Coventrian, 1885. Three times a year. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. King Henry VIII. 
School, Coventry. (Tel. 3442). (Circ. 500). 

Coventry A B C Railway Rates Book, 1913. Every four years. 84s. Railway & 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

& Foleshill News and Coventry Chronicle, 1900). (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
perann. Leamington Spa Courier Ltd., Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton. One of the 
Midland Counties Tribune series. 

Coventry Engineering Society Journal, 1919. M.—15th. (Jan. to June). ls. Sub. 
6s. perann. E. A. Hiorns, 15 Maudslay Road, Earlsdon, Coventry. 

COVENTRY HERALD, 1808. FriandSat.—a.m. 2d.Sub.13s.perann. R.Simmons, 
18 Hertford St., Coventry. (Tel. Coventry 5011). 

AND THE MIDLANDS, 1836 (as Coventry Mercury, 1741). (c.) Fri. for Sat. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. T. Burbidge & Sons, 20 Broadgate, Coventry, Warwickshire. 
(Tel. No. 4754). 

Coventry Stock and Share List, 1901. M.—1Jst. Gratis. T. M. Daffern, 19-20 High St., 
Coventry. (Tel. 2187). 

COWDENBEATH AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1927. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. 
perann. J. Westwater & Son Ltd., High St., Cowdenbeath, Fife. (Tel. 126). 

Cowley Evangelist, 1891. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Society of St. John 
the Evangelist, Marston St., Oxford. 

Cox’s Legal Circular, 1802. Three times a year. 2d. E.Cox & Sons, 1 New Court, 
Carey St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1522). (Circ. 500). 

Cox’s Merseyside Annual and Year Book of the Port of Liverpool, 1928. Jan. Is. 
John Furness & Co. Ltd., 66 Bold St., Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 4904). 

Cox’s Reports of Criminal Law Cases, 1844. Quarterly. 6s. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

Cox’s Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show Souvenir, 1923. July. 2s. Publishers and 
Advertisers Ltd., 66 Bold St., Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 4904). 

Crackers, 1929. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press, 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

55 Ge 

Cra-Cro] Willing’s Press Guide 

Craigmillar Harp, 1895. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 9d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Royal Blind 
Asylum and School, Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh. (Tel. 41100). 

Cranleighan, 1871. Terminally. 6d. The Editor. The School, Cranleigh, Surrey. 

CRAVEN HERALD, 1874. (c). Fri.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Craven Herald 
Ltd., 38 High St., Skipton. (Tel. 191). (Circ. 10,000). 

CRAYFORD CHRONICLE AND KENTISH TIMES, 1915. (ind.). Thurs.—p.m. 2d. 
Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., 49 High St., Dartford. (Tel. Dartford 4). (Advt. 
p. Xxxv). 

Creamery Manager, 1903. M.—25th. 4d. Irish Creamery Managers’ Association, 
32 Kildare St., Dublin. 

Creche News, 1915. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. National Society of Day 
Nurseries, 117 Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Grosvenor 1283). 

Credit Trader, 1921 (as Credit Draper, 1906, as Credit Drapers’ Gazette, 1882). Sat. 
20s. per ann. G. Woodhead & Co. Ltd., 79 Dantzic St., Manchester. (Tel. City 
1470). | 

Credit World and Hire Purchase Trader, 1929 (as Retail Credit World, 1928). Fri. 4d. 
Sub. 15s. per ann. Trade Chronicles Ltd., 6 Carmelite St., E.c.4. (Circ. 7,000). 

Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. Gregory & Son, High St., Crediton. (Tel. Tiverton 5). 
One of the Tiverton Gazette series. 

Cremation Society’s Transactions, 1880. June. ls. 6d. Cremation Society of England, 
23 Nottingham Place, w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 4168). (Circ. 2,000). 

CREWE AND NANTWICH OBSERVER, 1908. (u.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Cheshire and North Wales Newspaper Co., 13 High St., Crewe. (Tel. No. 85). 

CREWE CHRONICLE, 1874. (/). Thurs.—6 a.m. for Sat. 2d. C. Smith, 2 High St., 
Crewe. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

CREWE GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.). Tues.—1 p.m., for Wed., ld. Fri.—6 a.m., 
for Sat. 2d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 46 High St., Crewe. One of the Warrington 
Guardian series. 

Cricket Clubs’ Annual, 1916. Apl. 1s. 6d. Club Cricket Conference, 12 Devas Road, 
Wimbledon, s.w.10. (Tel. Wimbledon 0967). 

Cricketer, 1921. Fri. (May to Sept.). 6d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. Cricketer Syndi- 
cate Ltd., 15 Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 1500 Ex. 39). 

Cricketer Spring Annual, 1926. Mar. 2s. 6d. Cricketer Syndicate Ltd., 15 Tudor 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 1500 Ex 39). 

Cricketer Winter Annual, 1921. Nov. 2s. 6d. Cricketer Syndicate Ltd., 15 Tudor 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 1500 Ex 39). 

CRICKLEWOOD GAZETTE, 1923. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch 
Press (Cricklewood) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 

Criminal Appeal Cases, 1909. Occas. 40s. Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Cripple, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. Sub. 8s. Bale Sons & Danielsson 
Ltd., 83 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). (Circ. 2,000). 

Critic Annual, 1919. Jan. Is. F. H.—U. Bowman, 141 Duke St., Liverpool. 
(Tel. Royal 326). 

Criterion, 1922. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 7s. 6d. Faber & Faber Ltd., 24 Russell 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9543). 

Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1857. Jan. 42s. net. Oxford University Press, Amen 
House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

CROMER AND NORTH NORFOLK POST, 1890. (u.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Norfolk Press Syndicate, Holt. (Tel. Holt 2). Oneof the Norfolk Chronicle series. 

Crompton and Royston Guardian, 1929. (ind.). Fri.—3 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. per 
ann. Crompton & Royston Guardian Ltd., 10 Beal Lane, Crompton. (Tel. 
Shaw 7480). 

Croquet Association Gazette, 1904. Weekly—during season. 4d. Holmesdale Press 
Ltd., Redhill Junction. 

Cross, 1910. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 5s. 6d. perann. (Annually in Dec. 6d.). Passionist 
Fathers, Mount Argus, Dublin. (Tel. Rathmines 165). 

Crouch End High School Magazine, 1905. Twice a year. Is. The Editors 
Crouch End High School and College, London, n.8. (Tel. Mountview 3165). 

Crow Pie, 1923. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Ministry of Labour, Ruskin 
Avenue, Kew. (Circ. 1,500). 

CROWBOROUGH AND UCKFIELD WEEKLY, 1903. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Vale Hall, Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells, and 130 North St., 
Brighton. One of the Southern Weekly News series. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Cro-Cym 

3 p.m., for Sat. Id. Isle of Axholme Printing Co. Ltd., Crowle. 

are incorporated Croydon Guardian, 1877, and Croydon Express, 1878). (ind.). 
Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St., 
Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 3121). (Circ. 28,000). 

Croydon, Coulsdon, Kenley, Purley, &c., Directory, 1887. Biennially. 3s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Croydon Directory, 1851. Dec. 5s. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St., Croydon 
(Tel. Crovdon 3121). 

CROYDON TIMES, 1860. (ind.). Tues. for Wed., Fri., and Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. Croydon Times Ltd., 108 High St., Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 0074). 

Cruel Sports, 1927. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. League for the Prohibition 
of Cruel Sports, 101 Chandos House, Palmer St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 8496). (Circ. 4,000). 

Cruising Association Bulletin, 1909. irreg. Sub. 42s. per ann. Cruising Association, 
16 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2816). 

Cruising Association Year Book. 1909. April. Subs. Cruising Association, 16 
Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2816). 

CRYSTAL PALACE DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1888. (c.). Fri.—a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 
8d. per ann. A. J. Moore, 34 Westow St., Upper Norwood, s.z.19. (Tel. Syden- 
ham 2169). 

Cubs’ and Brownies? Annual, 1925. Sept. 5s. Wm. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 
48 Pall Mall, s.w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Cumberland and Westmorland Directory, 1858. Every four years, last issue 1929. 36s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

ERLAND AND WESTMORLAND HERALD, 1868. (/.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 
lls. 6d. per ann. Herald Printing Co. Ltd., King St., Penrith. (Tel. No. 79). 
Cumberland Catholic News, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd.,32 Clayton 
St., Newcastle. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 
Cumberland County Annual and Diary, 1890. Dec. ls. Whitehaven News Ltd., 
148 Queen St., Whitehaven. 

CUMBERLAND EVENING NEWS, 1914. (c.). Daily (except Fri., when it is merged 
in the Cumberland News). ld. R. N. Burgess, 27 English St., Carlisle. (Tel. 

CUMBERLAND NEWS, 1910 (with which is amalgamated the Carlisle Patriot, 1815, 
and the East Cumberland News, 1883). (c). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. R. N. Burgess, 27 English St., Carlisle. (Tel. 723). (Circ. 21,000). 

14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. James P. Ballantine, Ayr Road, Cumnock. (Tel. 
75). (Circ. 4,000). 

Current Literature, 1858. M.—5Sth. 2d. J. Whitaker & Sons, Ltd., 12 Warwick 
Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

*Current Newspapers, 1927. Thurs. Gratis. Greenup & Thompson Ltd., Wellington 
St., Sheffield. (Tel. 20184). 

Curtain, 1922. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Twenty-one Gallery, 15 Mill St., 
Conduit St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 7788). 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1787. Four parts per year. 17s. 6d. Sub. 63s. per 
ann. Royal Horticultural Society, Vincent Square, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 

Cuthbertian, 1895. 3 times a year. ls. Worksop College, The Dukeries, Notts. 
(Tel. 33). 

Cycling, 1891. Fri. 2d. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 6000). 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette, 1878. M.—Ist. Members only. Cyclists’ Touring 
Club, 3 Craven Hill, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 8971). 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Handbook and Farmhouse List, 1878. March. Members. 
Cyclists’ Touring Club, 3 Craven Hill, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 8971). 

Cyfaill Eglwysig (Church Friend), 1862. M.—Ist. 2d. W. Spurrell & Son, 36 King 
St., Carmarthen. (Tel. No. 100). 

Cyfarwyddwr, 1921. M.—Ist Sun. R. Evans & Son, 12, Belwyn St., Bala. 

CYMRIC TIMES, 1927 (as Celtic News, 1923). (l.). Thurs. for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Cymric Times Ltd., 108 Lammas St. Carmarthen. (Tel. No. 68). 
Cymro (Welshman), 1869. (/.). Tues. 2d. E. W. Evans Ltd., Dolgelly. (Tel. 13). 

Cymru'r Plant, 1891. M.—Ist. 2d. Hughes & Son, Regent St., Wrexham. 


Dag-Dai] Willing’s Press Guide 

Fri. Id. W. A. Locks, 34 High Road, Ilford. (Tel. Ilford 43). 

DAILY CHRONICLE, 1876 (as Clerkenwell News, 1855). 3 am. ld. United News- 
papers Ltd., 3-5 Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9330). 

Daily Commercial Report. 1854. 5.15 p.m., except Saturday, 63s. per ann. Bagot 
& Thompson, 21 Cullum St., Fenchurch St., £.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2001). 
DAILY DISPATCH (Manchester), 1900. (imd.). a.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. 

Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Daily Doings in Herne Bay, 1922. Fri. for Sat. Sub. 2s. 2d. per ann. Ridout & Son 
(Herne Bay) Ltd., 2 William St., Herne Bay. (Tel. 104). (Circ. 3,350). 

DAILY ECHO (Northampton), 1921 (as Northampton Daily Echo, 1880). Daily—p.m. 
ld. Northampton Mercury Co. Ltd., Market Square, Northampton. (Tel. No. 876). 

DAILY EXPRESS (London), 1900. (Imp. dem.). a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
London Express Newspaper Ltd., Shoe Lane, £.c.4. ( Advt. Office—23 St. Bride 
St.). (Tel. Central 8000). (Circ. 1,633,892). 

Daily Film Renter and Moving Picture News, 1927 (as Film Renter, 1913). a.m. 2d. 
Sub. 40s. per ann. Pictures and Pleasures Ltd., 89-91 Wardour St., w.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 4925). (Circ. 4312). 

Daily Freight Register, 1893. a.m. 90s. per ann. Comtelburo, Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse 
Yard, £.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 5060). 

DAILY HERALD, 1912. (/ab.). a.m. 1d. Sub. 52s. per ann. Daily Herald (1929) 
Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Editorial, Temple Bar 7788, Advt.—Temple Bar 

- Daily List of New Companies, 1898. Daily—p.m. Subs. only. Information Bureau 
Ltd., 140 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6308). 

DAILY MAIL (Hull), 1885 (as Hull Packet, 1787). (u.). ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Six editions. Provincial Newspapers Ltd., Jameson St., Hull. (Tel. Hull Centra) 
5700). (Circ. 68,000). ( Advt. p. xvi). 

DAILY MAIL, 1896. (ind.). a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Associated Newspapers 
Ltd., Northcliffe House, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6000). 

Daily Mail Atlantic Edition, 1923. Daily—a.m. 3d. Associated Newspapers Ltd., 
Northcliffe House, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6000). 

Daily Mail Year Book, 1901. Nov. ls. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Northcliffe 
House, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6000). 

Daily Meditation Calendar, 1922. Annually. ls. 6d. Pickering & Inglis, 14 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4802). 

DAILY MIRROR, 1903. (ind.). a.m. ld. Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd., Geraldine 
House. Rolls Buildings. Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4321). (Circ. 1,071,200). 

Daily Mirror (Overseas Edition), 1913. Thurs. 6d. Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd., 
Geraldine House, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4321). 

“ Daily Mirror ” Reflections, 1908. Dec. is. Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd., Geraldine 
House, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4321). 

DAILY NEWS AND WESTMINSTER GAZETTE, 1928 (with which is incorporated 
Daily News, 1846, Morning Leader, 1892, and Westminster Gazette, 1893). (L). 
a.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. The Daily News Ltd., 19 Bouverie St., E.c.4 
Advt Office, 154-160 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5000). (Circ. 900,000). 

Daily News Cricket and Tennis Annual, 1921. April. 3d. Daily News Ltd., 19 
Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5000). 

Daily News Football Annual, 1919. July. 3d. Daily News Ltd., 19 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5000). 

Daily Notes, 1923. M.—20th. ld. Children’s Special Service Mission, 3 and 5 
Wigmore St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2782). 

Daily Oil Bulletin, 1914. Noon. 5s. and Subs. 32 Great Saint Helens, £.c.3. City 

DAILY RECORD AND MAIL (Glasgow); 1895 (with which is incorporated the North 
British Daily Mail, 1847). a.m. 1d. Associated Scottish Newspapers Ltd., 
67 Hope St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 9880). 

DAILY SKETCH, 1909. (ind.). a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Daily Sketch and 
Sunday Graphic Ltd., 200 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9841). 
Daily Sketch (Overseas Edition), 1914. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 46s. perann. Daily Sketch 
and Sunday Graphic Ltd., 200 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9841). 
DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (u.). a.m. 2d. Sub. 91s. per ann. 135 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6850). 

Daily Weather Report, 1869. 3 Sections—British, International and Upper Air. ld. 
per Section. Meteorological Office, Air Ministry, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 
3434 Ex. 685). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Dai-Day 

DAILY WORKER, 1930 (com.). a.m. ld. Sub. 35s. per ann. Workers Press, 41 
Tabernacle St., E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 0204). 

Dairy and Creamery Journal, 1889. M.—3rd Sat. 3d. Sub.4s.perann. 21 Farring- 
don Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2860). 

Dairy Farmer, 1928. M.lst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. English Guernsey Cattle 
Society, 12 Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2945). 

Dairy World and British Dairy Farmer, 1892. M.—16th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
J. North, 98 and 99 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6539). 

Dairyman, Cowkeeper and Dairyman’s Journal, 1909 (as Cowkeeper and Dairyman’s 
Journal, 1878). M.—Ist Sat. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Dairyman Ltd., 43 Great 
Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 6597). 

DALKEITH ADVERTISER, 1851. (ind.). Thurs—6 a.m. l1$d. P. & D. Lyle, 
45 High St., Dalkeith. (Tel. No. 59). 

DALTON GUARDIAN, 1910. (l). Fri., 5 p.m. for Sat. 2d. Barrow & North Lons- 
dale Press Ltd., 91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow. One of the Barrow’Guardian series. 

DALTON NEWS, 1882. (ind.). Sat 2d. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, 
Barrow-in- Furness. (Tel. Dalton 6). One of the Barrow News series. 

Dalton’s Weekly House and Apartment Advertiser, 1869. Fri.—8 a.m. 2d. E. & S. 
Hebert, 21 South Lambeth Road, s.w.8. (Tel. Reliance 2861), and 86 Strand, 

Dancer, 1928. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann, E. Kelland Ltd., 39 Lonsdale Road, 
Barnes, s.w.13. (Tel. Riverside 1241). 

Dancing and Ballroom, 1927 (as Ballroom, 1895). M.—2nd. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
W. E. Quarry, 32, Furnival St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5138). 

Dancing Times, 1894. M.—Ist. Is. Sub. 16s. per ann. Dancing Times Ltd., 25 
Wellington St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 7854). 

Danielite Star, 1887. Jan., Apl. July, Oct. ld. T. C. Richardson, Claybrooke, 
Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, N.21. 

Dark Horse, 1919. M.—12th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Lloyds Bank Ltd., 20 King 
William St., £.c.4. (Tel. Avenue 6430). (Circ. 5,500). 

Darkness and Light, 1894. Alt. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Pickering 
& Inglis, 13 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4802). 

(tnd.). Sat. 2d. Darlington & Stockton Times Newspaper Co. Ltd., Printing 
House Square, Darlington. 

Darlington Business Directory and Year Book, 1920. Dec. 2s. 6d. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. l 

DARTFORD CHRONICLE AND KENTISH TIMES, 1869. (ind.). Thurs. for Fri. 
= Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., 49 High St., Dartford. (Tel. No. 4). (Adit. 


DARTMOUTH AND SOUTH HAMS CHRONICLE, 1854. (ind.). Fri.—10 ą.m., 
14d. R. Cranford & Son, Fairfax Place, Dartmouth. (Tel. No. 24). 

DARTMOUTH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Wed. ld. Mortimer Bros. 
34 Fore St., Totnes and 17 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth. One of the Western Guardian 

DARWEN NEWS, 1868. Wed., ld. Sat., 2d. A. Riley, Duckworth St., Darwen. 
(Tel. No. 59). 

DARWEN WEEKLY ADVERTISER, 1893. (ind.). Fri. $d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
N. Leach, Bolton Road, Darwen. (Tel. 29). (Circ. 11,097). 

Datchelor School Magazine, 1887. Mar., July, Nov. 9d. Head Mistress, Mary’ 
Datchelor School, The Grove, Camberwell, s.£.5. (Circ. 1,050). 

DAVENTRY EXPRESS, 1860. (c). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. H. Chown, 33 Sheaf 
St., Daventry. (Tel. No. 43). 

Davy’s Devon Herd Book, 1884. June. 10s. The Secretary, Devon Cattle Breeders’ 
Society, Wiveliscombe. 

DAWLISH GAZETTE, 1897. (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 6s.6d.perann. W. J. Holman, 
29 Strand, Dawlish. (Circ. 1,160). 

Dawn, 1924. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. perann. C. J. Thynne & Jarvis, Ltd., 28-30 
Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2772). 

Dawn in Central Asia, 1903. M.—lIst. ld. Central Asian Mission, Sardinia House, 
52 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c.2. 

Daybreak, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. Mission Board Irish Presbyterian Church, Church 
House, Belfast. (Tel. 2786). 

Dayspring and Children’s Messenger, 1872. M.—25th. ld. J. & R. Simpson, 24 Main 
St., Largs, Ayrshire. 


Ddo-Der] Willing’s Press Guide 

Ddolen, 1925. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Foyle’s Welsh Co. Ltd., 16 
Manette St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 9310). (Circ. 3,000). 

Ddraig Goch, 1926. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub 2s. 6d. per ann. H. R. Jones, Myrddin, 
Rheidiol Teras, Aberystwyth. 

Deaf Quarterly News, 1905. Quarterly. ls. 6d. per ann. Liverpool Adult Deaf 
and Dumb Benevolent Society, Princes Avenue, Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 4899). 

Deal, Walmer, Kingsdown, and Sandwich Directory, 1882. Dec. 1s. T. F. Pain & 
Sons. Deal. 

Sat. 14d. Sub. rae 10d. per ann. T. F. Pain & Sons, Mercury Commercial 
Printing Works, 4 Queen St., Deal. (Tel. No. 20). (Circ. 5,950). 

Wed.—p.m. for Thurs. 1d. C. Denne & H. J. Joce, Minerva Printing Works, 
Oak St., Deal. (Tel. Deal 62). 

DEAN FOREST GUARDIAN, 1874. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Forest of Dean 
Newspapers Ltd., Newland St., Coleford. 

Fri. 2d. A.T. Bright and H. C. Grimwade, Woodside St., Cinderfcrd. 

Debrett’s House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1866. Feb. 20s. net. Dean 
& Son Ltd., 29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Debrett’s Illustrated Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1808. Dec. 45s. net 
Dean & Son Ltd., 29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, 1713. Dec. 35s. net. Dean & 
Son Ltd., 29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1713. Dec. 75s. net. 
Dean & Son Ltd., 29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Debrett’s Waistcoat Pocket Diary. Nov. 1s. Dean & Son Ltd., 29 hing St., Covent 
Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Decanian, 1892. Feb., June. Nov. ls. The Editor, Dean Close School, Cheltenham. 

Decimal Educator, 1918. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. 229-231 Finsbury Pavement 
House, E.c.2. (Tel. Central 2250). 

Decorator, 1902. M.—22nd. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. Trade Papers Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 301-303 Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4776). 

Decorators’ and Painters’ Magazine, 1901. M.—15th. 8d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Dale, 
Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1421). 

Decorators’ Diary and Trade Year Book, 1902. Dec.5s. Trade Papers Publishing Co., 
Ltd., 301-3 Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 4776). 

Delhi, 1885. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. per ann. Cambridge Mission to Delhi, 
Church House, Dean’s Yard, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3999). 

Delineator, 1873. M.—Ist. Fri. 1s., Butterick Publishing Co., 2 Breams Buildings, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Deliverer, 1928. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Salvation Army, 117-121 Judd 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 7444). : 

Sub. 13s. perann. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co. Ltd., Caxton Press, Oswestry. 
(Tel. Oswestry 5). One of the Oswestry and Border Counties Advertizer series. 

DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS, 1888 (as Denbigh Ruthin, and Vale of Clwyd Free 
Press, 1881). (tnd.). Fri.1ld. Denbighshire Free Press Co., 33 Vale St., Denbigh. 

Denham’s Time Table for Walsall, Birmingham, Dudley and Wolverhampton, 1897. 
M.—Ist. 4d. Railway & Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birming- 

Denstonian, 1877. Three issues per year. 2s. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, 
Denstone College, Rocester, Staffordshire. 

Dental Record, 1881. M.—Ist. 1s. Dental Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 17 Newman 
St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 1800). 

Dental Surgeon, 1904. Fri. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 7-8 
Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Dentists’ Register, 1879. April. 12s. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Regent 3827). 

Departmental and Legal Decisions, 1905. Quarterly. Chichester House, 
Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1999). 

Depositor, 1908 (as National Deposit Friendly Society’s Magazine, 1866). M.—Ist. 

ld. C. Tuckfield, 37 Queen Square, Southampton Row, W.C. n 

Derbeian, 1875 (as Derby School Fasti, 1832). Three times a year. . 3d. Bacon & 

Hudson Ltd. Colvear St., Derby. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Der-Dev 

Derby A.B.C. Railway and Motor Bus Guide, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. 
Hobson & Son Ltd., Market Place, Derby. (Tel. 493). 

DERBY AND CHESTERFIELD REPORTER, 1823. (/). Thurs.—2.30 p.m., for Fri. 
2a. Derby Daily Telegraph Ltd., Albert St., Derby. (Tel. 2115). 

Derby Co-operative Society Record, 1876. M.—ist. Gratis. The Society, Albert St., 


DERBY DAILY EXPRESS, 1884. (u). Daily—p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. perann. Derby 
Mercury and Express Ltd., St. Peter’s St., Derby. (Tel Derby 3101). 

DERBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1879. (l). 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ld. Derby Daily 
Telegraph Ltd., Albert St., Derby. (Tel. 2115). 

Derby Diocesan Calendar, 1928. Jan. 2s. A. Milward, Heath Avenue, Littleover, 

Derby Diocesan Magazine, 1928. M.—Ist. 24d. A. Milward, Heath Avenue, Little- 
over. Derby. 

Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Rutland Directory, 1848. Every 
three years, last issue 1928. 50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

(with which is incorporated Derby Mercury, 1732). (u). Thurs.—8 p.m., for Fri., 
and Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Hobson & Son Ltd., 35 Market Place, Derby. 
(Tel. Derby 493). 

Derbyshire Cricket Guide, 1895. May. 3d. Bacon & Hudson Ltd., Colyear St., 

Derbyshire Football Express, 1906. Sat.—p.m. during season. ld. Sub, 4s. 6d. per 
ann. Derby Mercury and Express Ltd., St. Peter’s St., Derby. (Tel. Derby 3101). 

Derbyshire Hockey Handbook, 1923. Sept. 4d. Bacon & Hudson Ltd., Colyear 
St., Derby. (Tel. 1255). 

DERBYSHIRE TIMES, 1854 (with which are incorporated Glossop Times, 1869, and 
Derbyshire Courier, 1828). Fri. for Sat. 2d. W. Edmunds Ltd., Station Road 
Chesterfield. (Tel. Chesterfield 2258). (Net sales over 43,600). 

Derbyshire Times Time Table, M.—Ist. 2d. W. Edmunds Ltd., Station Road, 

2d. Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. One of the Norwich 
Mercury series. 

Derry Almanac and North-West Directory, 1865. Jan. 2s. J. Colhoun, Pump St., 
Londonderry. (Tel. 8). 

DERRY JOURNAL, 1772. (nat.). Mon., Wed., Fri. 2d. Derry Journal Ltd., 
Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

DERRY PEOPLE AND DONEGAL NEWS, 1902. (nat.). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. The 
North-West of Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., Foyle St., Londonderry. One of the 
~. Ulster Herald series. 

DERRY STANDARD, 1888 (as Londonderry Standard, 1836). (u). Mon., Wed., Fri.— 
1.40 a.m. 2d. J.C. Glendinning, 28 Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

DERRY WEEKLY NEWS AND TYRONE HERALD, 1895. (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 
6s. 6d. per ann. North of Ireland Publishing Co., Carlisle Road, Derry. 

D. I. A. Quarterly Journal, 1928. pe Apl., July, Oct. Gratis to members. Design 
and Industries Association, 6 Queen Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2521). 
(Circ. 800). 

Design and Practical Management of Service and Filling Stations, 1928. May. 7s. 6d. 
Service Productions Ltd., Aldwych House, w.c.2. (Tel. Chancery 8147). 

DEVIZES AND WILTSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1857. (/). Thurs. ld. Sub. 9s. 6d. 
per ann. Devizes & Wiltshire Advertiser Co., Ltd., 29-30 Maryport St., 
Devizes. (Tel. No. 86). 

Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, 1900. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 10s. per annum. 

. G. Commin, 230 High St., Exeter. (Tel. Exeter 2603). . 

DEVON AND EXETER DAILY GAZETTE, 1885 (as Exeter Gazette, 1772). (c). a.m. 
ld. Weekly edition—Fri. 2d. Sub. 56s. 6d. perann. Devon and Exeter Constitu- 
tional Newspaper Co., Ltd., 229 High St., Exeter. (Tel No. 2267). (Advt. 

p. xxxii). 

DEVON AND SOMERSET NEWS, 1873 (with which is incorporated The Tiverton 
News and Wellington Gazette). (u). Wed.—12.30p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Woodley 
Williams & Dunsford Ltd., Gold St., Tiverton. (Advt. p. xl). 

DEVON VALLEY TRIBUNE, 1899. Tues. ld. W. M. Bett, Tillicoultry. 

Devonian Year Book, 1910. Jan. 5s. net. F. A. Perry, 4 Kirchen Road, Ealing, 
w.13. (Tel. Ealing 0980). 


Dev-Dis] Willing’s Press Guide 

Devonport High School Magazine, 1903. April & Dec. High School, Devonport. 
Devonshire and Cornwall Directory, 1856. Every three years, last issue 1926. 50s. 
Kelly Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

DEWSBURY DISTRICT NEWS, 1854 (with which is incorporated Dewsbury and 
District Chronicle, Dewsbury and Batley Herald, and Batley Examiner). (c). 
Sat.—a.m. 2d. News Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Bond St., Dewsbury. 
Tel. 104). 

pat Exchange and Textile Waste Trades Year Book. Jan. 7s. 6d. J. Crewe 
& Co., 7 West St., Leeds. (Tel. 25917). 

DEWSBURY REPORTER, 1858. (/). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Reporter Ltd., 
Wellington Road, Dewsbury. (Tel. 245). (Circ. 16,145). 

Diamond Week-End Special, 1895. Fri., during racing season only. ls. 3 Bolt Court, 
Fleet St., E.c.4. ; 

Diary and Directory for Surveyors, Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, 1883. Nov. 
7s. 6d. to 10s. Estates Gazette Ltd., 33-35 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, £.c.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 4551). 

Diary for Lawyers, 1892. Oct. 6s. 6d. net. Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Diary of the Calvinistic Methodists, 1878. Jan. 1s. 6d. Calvinistic Methodist Book 
Agency, Caernarvon. 

Dickensian, 1905. Quarterly. ls. net. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Dickens Fellowship, 
48 Doughty St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9363). 

Digest of Law and Arbitration Cases, 1902. Jan. 15s. Estates Gazette Ltd., 33-35 
Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4551). 

DINAS POWYS NEWS AND SULLY SENTINEL, 1928. (ind.). Thurs. ld. Sub. 
6s. 8d. per ann. J. K. Foster, West End Printing Works, Penarth. (Tel. 26). 

Diocesan Magazine for the County of Suffolk, 1914, M.—Ist. 2d. W. E. Harrison, 
Ancient House, Ipswich. (Tel. No. 3401). 

Dion An, 1923. M.—lIst. 3s. 6d. per ann. Post Office Workers’ Union, 52 Pernall 
Square, Dublin. 
Dioptric Bulletin, 1896. M.—Ist. Members only. British Optical Association, 

Clifford’s Inn Hall, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 0921). 

Direct arr Railway Guide, 1923. M.—lIst. 3d. J. Albinson Ltd., Chapel St., 

Directory and List of Lodges (Odd Fellows), 1810. April, 2s. 3d. Grand Master and 
Board of Directors, 97 Grosvenor St., Manchester. | 

Directory for the British Glass Industry, 1923. Irreg. 7s. 6d. Society of Glass Tech- 
nology, Darnall Road, Sheffield. (Tel. Attercliffe 41644). 

Directory of Contractors, 1889. Jan. 17s. 6d. Wightman & Co. Ltd., 104 Regency 
St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6210). 

Directory of Directors, 1880. June. 25s. net. T. Skinner & Co., 330 Gresham 
House, £.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Directory of Guy’s Men, 1926. Jan. 2s.6d. Ash & Co., Ltd., Henry St.,s.E.1. (Tel. 
Hop 1086). 

Directory of Insurance Brokers and Claims Assessors (London and Provincial), 1922. 
June. 4s. Cawley’s Publicity Service, 11 Queen Victoria St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 7858). 

Directory of Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Toys and Fancy Goods, 1912. July, 
10s. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Directory of Paper Makers, 1876. March 5s. net. Marchant Singer & Co., 47 St. 
Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 4447). 

Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders, and Marine Engineers, 1903. Feb. 20s. Direc- 
tory Publishing Co. Ltd., 33 Tothill St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8836). 

Directory of the A.O.F., 1834. June. 5s. Sec., A.O.F., 17 Russell Square, w.c.1. 

Directory of Women Teachers, 1913. June. 25s. H.F. W. Deane & Sons Year Book 
Press Ltd., 31 Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3183). 

Discovery, 1920. M.—25th. 1s. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St. £.c.4. (City 0244). 

Display, 1919. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 12s. perann. Blandford Press Ltd., 43 Blandford 
St., w.l. (Tel. Welbeck 7456). 

tae ~ Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Diss Publishing Co. Ltd., Diss, Norfolk. 
(Iel. 47). 

Distribution of Electricity, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. W. T. Henley’s 
Telegraph Works Co. Ltd., Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. City,2271). (Çirc. 5,500). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Div-Dov 

Divine Light and Truth, 1889. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. H. S. Smith, 
“ Hylton,” Princess Road, Swanage. 

Dock and Harbour Authority, 1920. M.—list 1s.6d. Sub.2ls.perann. Yachtsman 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 19 Harcourt, St. w.1. (Tel. Paddington 0077). 

Dod’s Parliamentary Companion, 1832. Dec. Dod, 12 Mitre Court Cham- 
bers, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7870). l 

Dod’s Peerage, 1839. Dec. 7s. 6d. net. Dod, 12 Mitre Court Chambers, E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 7870). 

Dog World, 1919 (with which is incorporated Country World and the Illustrated Kennel 
News, 1902). Fri. 3d. Sub. 15s. 6d. Watmough Ltd., Idle, Bradford. 
Dogs’ Bulletin, 1921. Alt—M. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. National Canine Defence 

League, Victoria Station House, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3663). 

Doidge’s Western Counties Illustrated Annual, 1864. Dec. ls. 10d. Hoyten & Cole, 
39 Whimple St., Plymouth. (London: Simpkin & Co.). 

Dollar Magazine, 1902. Quarterly. ls. 6d. Darien Press, 5 Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 

Dolphin, 1920 (with which is incorporated Guild Gazette, 1893). M.—Ist. ls. 
Sub. 12s. per ann. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 8787). 

Domestic Engineering, Heat and Ventilation, 1895. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per 
ann. Lake & Bell Ltd., 5 Baldwin’s Gardens, £E.c.1.. (Tel. Holborn 1352). 

Dominions Office and Colonial Office List, 1862. June. 35s. net. Maps. Waterlow 
& Sons, Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 4008). 


2d. ‘‘Goole Times ” Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, 
Cait. One of the Goole Times serics. 

DONCASTER CHRONICLE, 1836. (c). Thurs.—2 p.m. ld. Doncaster Chronicle 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., Scot Lane, Doncaster. (Tel. 1012). 

Doncaster Free Press, 1925. Thurs. d. R. L. Crowther, 10 Sunny Bar, Doncaster. 
(Tel. 571). (Circ. 23,000). 

DONCASTER GAZETTE, 1786. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Doncaster Press Ltd., 
Printing Office St., Doncaster. (Tel. 975). 

Doncaster Year Book and Street Directory, 1926. 2s.6d. Doncaster Chronicle P. & P. 
Co. Ltd., Scot Lane, Doncaster. (Tel. 1012). 

DONEGAL DEMOCRAT, Sat. 14d. J. Downey, The Diamond, Ballyshannon. 
(Tel.8). (Circ. 3,200). 

DONEGAL INDEPENDENT, 1834. Sat. ld. North of Ireland Publishing Co., 
Letterkenny. One of the Derry Weekly News series. 

DONEGAL VINDICATOR, 1889. (f.s.). Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. North of 
Ireland Publishing Co., Ballyshannon. One of the Derry Weekly News series. 
1887. (ind.). Fri—6p.m., for Sat. 2d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., 27a High St., 

Dorking, and 2 Bridge St., Leatherhead. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 

Dorking and Leatherhead Directory, 1911. March. ls. 6d. Holmesdale Press Ltd., 
Ladbroke Road, Redhill. 

DORSET COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1821. (c). Wed.—12 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. 
Sime & Co., 63 High West St., Dorchester. (Tel. No. 6). 

ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Southern Newspapers Ltd., 57 St. Thomas St., Wey- 
mouth. (Advt. p. xviii). 

DORSET MAIL, 1927 (with which is incorporated Weymouth Telegram, 1855, Portland 
Telegram, 1855, Weymouth and Portland Standard, 1906, Dorchester Mail, 1860). 
(imd.) Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. 28 {cenway, Dorchester. (Tel. 345) 

Dorset Masonic Calendar, 1868. Mar. Is. H. N. Byles, 79 St. Mary St., Weymouth. 
(Tel. Weymouth 265). 

Dorset Year Book, 1904. Oct. 3s. Society of Dorset Men in London, 274 Gresham 
House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7205). 

Dover Blue Book and Local Directory, 1887. May. 2s. 6d. Garnett, Mepham, and. 
Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 3760). 

DOVER EXPRESS AND EAST KENT NEWS, 1858. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
perann. J. Bavington Jones & Sons, 185 Snargate St., Dover. (Tel. 229). 
(Circ. 11,824). 

1872. (c). Thurs..a.m. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Exors. of G. Spicer. 
17 Snargate St., Dover. (Tel. 232). ; 

Dovorian, 1878 (as Dover College Magazine, Ieee): M. ls. Grigg & Son Ltd., St. 
George’s Press, Dover. 


Dow-Dub] Willing’s Press Guide 

Dowanhill Training College Magazine, 1909. Jan. & July. 1s. 3d. The Editor, 
Notre Dame Training College, Dowanhill, Glasgow. (Tel. W.2627). 

DOWN RECORDER, 1836. (c). Sat.—a.m. 2d. W. Y. Crichton, 118 Irish St., 

Downside Review, 1880. Jan., May, Oct. 2s.6d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, 
Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath, Somerset. 

Dowry of Mary, 1892. Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. M. Grasar, Scunthorpe, 
Lincs. (Tel. No. 63). 

Dragon, 1878. Apl., June, Dec. ls. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Cambrian News Co. 
Ltd., Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. (Circ. 700). 

Drama, 1919. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. British Drama League, 8 Adelphi 
Terrace, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9111). 

Draper and Drapery Times, 1911 (as Draper, 1902, incorporating the Warehouseman 
and Draper, 1871, Drapery World, 1892, and the Drapery Times, 1911). Thurs. 
for Sat. 2d. Associated Commercial Publications Ltd., 46-47 Aldersgate St., 
E.c.1. (Tel. National 0628). 

Drapers’ Chamber of Trade of the United Kingdom Official Journal, 1924. M.—4th 
Sat. Subs.only. E. J. Parker Ltd., 429 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1910). 

Drapers’ Chamber of Trade of the United Kingdom Official Yearly Diary, 1928. Dec. 
Members only. E. J. Parker Ltd., 429 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1910). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

Drapers’ Diary and Year Look, 1887. Dec. 7s. 6d. Associated Commercial Publi- 
cations Ltd.. 46-47 Aldersgate St., E.c.]. (Tel. National 0628). 

Drapers’ Organiser, Fashion Trades Magazine and Dry Goods Export Journal, 1913. 
M.—lIst. 20s. per ann. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., 
w.c.2, (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Drapers’ Organiser Directory of British Textile Trade Marks and Trade Names, 1920. 
Dec. 5s. 6d. net. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Drapers’ Record, 1887. Fri. for Sat. 3d. Drapers’ Record Ltd., 154-6 Cheapside, 
E.c.2, (Tel. City 0582). 

Draughts Review, 1924. M.—lIst. Fri. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. G. Barron, 6 Scul- 
coates Lane, Huil. 

Draugotsman, 1918. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Draughtsman Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 96 St. George’s Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2850). (Circ. 11,900). 

DRIFFIELD AND BUCKROSE MAIL, 1924. Thurs. 2d. Scarborough Mercury 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 19 Market Place, Driffield. (Tel. No. 106). 

14d. Exors. of G. R. Jackson, Exchange St., Driffield. (Tel. No. 75). (Circ. 3,850). 

DROGHEDA ADVERTISER, 1908 (as Drogheda Conservative, 1837y. (ind.). Thurs. 
for Sat. 2d. A. M’Dougall & Co., 6 Peter St., Drogheda. 

DROGHEDA ARGUS AND LEINSTER JOURNAL, 1835. (nat.). Fri—a.m. 2d. 
Mary M’Keown, 111 West St., Drogheda. 

DROGHEDA INDEPENDENT, 1884. (nat.). Thurs.—a.m., for Sat. 2d. Drozheda 
Independent Co. Ltd., 9 Shop St., Drogheda. 

Fri.—p.m. for Sat. ld. W. & A. Smith, 6 Queen St., Droitwich. (Tel. No. 110). 

for Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. R. J. Hunter & Co., Bridge St., Dromore, 
County Down. (Tel. 18). 

DROYLSDEN AND CLAYTON HERALD, 1890. (c). Fri.—noon, for Sat. 2d. Herald 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton- 
under-Lyne Herald series. 

Drummer, 1928. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d.Sub. ls. perann. Drummer Publishing 
Co., Silex St., s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 0768). (Circ. 8,000). 

Drysorfa (The Treasury), 1830. al.—Ist. 4d. Calivinistic Methodist Book Room, 

Dublin Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1921. M.—Ist. Members only. E. J. Parker 
Ltd., 429 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1910). (Circ. 3,000). 

Dublin Magazine, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. 6a. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. 
2 Crow St., Dublin. 

Dublin Opinion, 1922. M.—l1st. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Dublin Opinion Ltd., 
67 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 44639.) (Circ. 40,000). 

Dublin -Review, 1836. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3s. 6d. net. Burns, Oates & Wash- 
bourne Ltd., 43-45 Newgate St., E.c.1. (Tel. Central 2502). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Dub-Dur 

Dublin University Calendar, 1833. Oct. 4s. Hodges, Figgis & Co., 20 Nassau St., 

Dublin University Examination Papers. Mar. In 15 parts. Is. each. Hodges, 
Figgis & Co., 20 Nassau St., Dublin. 

DUDLEY CHRONICLE, 1885. (ind.). Thurs. Id. Ford & Addison, Ltd., Priory 
St.. Dudley. (Tel. Dudley 2424). 

DUDLEY HERALD, 1855. (ind.). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Midland United News- 
papers Ltd., Dudley. (Tel. Dudley 2424). 

6s. 6d. per ann. G. A. Ingram & Co., Albert Place, Dufftown. (Tel. 43). 

DUKINFIELD HERALD, 1889. (c). Fri.—noon., for Sat. 2d. Herald P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton-under-Lyne 
Herald series. 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, &c., Directory, 1885. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

DULWICH AND PECKHAM WEEKLY REPORTER, 1908. (ind.). Thurs. for Fri. 
ld. 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.z.23. (Tel. Sydenham 1054). One of 
Forest Hill, &c., Examiner series. 

DUMBARTON HERALD, 1851. (ind). Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Bennett 
& Thomson, 20-22 Church St., Dumbarton. (Tel. 107). . 
DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY COURIER & HERALD (as Dumfries Courter, 1809). (c). 
Wed. & Sat. 2d. Courier & Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd., 111 & 113 High St., 

Dumfries. (Tel. Dumfries 18). 

DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY STANDARD, 1843. (/). Wed. and Sat. 2d. Thos. 
Hunter, Watson & Co. Ltd., 133 High St., Dumfries. (Tel. Dumfries 19). 
DUNDALK DEMOCRAT AND PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, 1849. (ind.). Fri.—p.m., for 

Sat. 2d. T. Roe, 3 Earl St., Dundalk. (Tel. 58). (Circ. 10,806). 

1830). (mat.) Fri. and Sat., ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. J. Matthews, 68 Clan- 
brassil St., Dundalk. (Tel. No. 171). 

Dundee and District Jute and Flax Workers’ Guide, 1916. (irreg). $d. Jute and 
Flax Workers’ Union, 69-71 Nethergate, Dundee. (Tel. 5273). 

Dundee Catholic Herald, 1893. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 82 Bell St., Dundee. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Dundee Chamber of Commerce Year Book, 1919. Sept. Gratis. Dundee Chamber 
of Commerce, 3 Bank St., Dundee. 

Dundee Directory, 1874. June. 10s. 6d. Burns & Harris, 112 Nethergate, Dundee. 
(Tel. No. 3808). 

DUNDEE FREE PRESS, 1927. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dundee Printers 
Ltd., 12 Victoria Road, Dundee. (Tel. 4806). (Circ. 6,000). 

Dundee People’s Journal. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

Dundee Prices Current Jute and Linen, 1851. Wed.—noon. £2 10s. per ann., post 
free. J. W. Warden & Co., 12 Panmure St., Dundee. (Tel. 3466). 

Dundee Textile Report, 1925. Sat. 20s. per ann. A. D. Macnaughton & Co., 30 
Meadowside, Dundee. (Tel. 5330). 

Dunelmian, 1881. Terminally. ls. 6d. The Editors, The School, Durham. 

DUNFERMLINE JOURNAL, 1840. (ind.). Fri—4p.m. ld. J.B. Mackie & Co., 98 
St. Margaret’s St., Dunfermline. (Tel. No. 11). 

a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. A. Romanes & Son Ltd., New Row, Dunfermline. 
(Tel. 71). 

Fri., for Sat. 2d. J. A. Lynch, Bridge St., Dungarvan. (Tel. 9). 

DUNOON HERALD AND COWAL ADVERTISER, 1876. (ind.). Fri—4 p.m. 14d. 
T. Gilchrist, Cross Buildings, Argyll St., Dunoon. 

for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. E. & R. Inglis, John St., Dunoon. 

Sub. 13s. perann. C. W. Clarke, 39 High St. North, Dunstable. (Tel. 155). 

Durham and Northumberland Directory, 1858. Every four years, last issue 1929. 40s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Newspaper House, Durham. (Tel. No. 351). 

Durham City Year Book, Business Directory and Diary, 1922. Jan. 2s.6d. Durham 
Advertiser and General Printing Co. Ltd., Newspaper House, Durham. (Tei 
No. 351). 


Dur-Eas] Willing’s Press Guide 
DURHAM COUNTY ADVERTISER (as Durham Advertiser, 1814). (ind.). Thurs. 

noon. 2d. Durham County Advertiser Co. Ltd., Newspaper House, Durham. 
(Tel. No. 351). 

Durham Diocesan Calendar, 1875. Jan. 2s. 6d. Durham Advertiser Co. Ltd., 
Newspaper House, Durham. (Tel. No. 351). 

Durham University Journal, 1876. Terminally. 1s. 6d. Durham Colleges’ Council, 
38 North Bailey, Durham. 

DURSLEY GAZETTE, 1878. (ind.). Sat—8 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. 
Bailey & Son Ltd., Kingshill Road, Dursley. (Tel. 9). 

Dydd (The Day), 1868. (l). Thurs., for Fri. ld. Hughes Bros., Meyrick St., 

Dyer, Calico Printer, Bleacher, and Finisher, 1881. Ist and 15th. 9d. 10s. 6d. 
perann. Heywood & Co., Ltd. Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 3422). 

Percents te (Instructor), 1820. M.—lIst. 4d. Hughes Bros., Meyrick St., Dolgelly. 
(Tel. 24). 

Dysgedydd y Plant (Children’s Instructor), 1871. M.—Ist. 2d. Hughes Bros., Mey- 
rick St., Dolgelly. (Tel. 24) 

Eagle, 1881. Mar., July, Dec. ls. The Editor, Bedford Modern School, Bedford. 
(Tel. 3304). (Circ. 1,000). 

Ealing, Hanwell and Southall Directory, 1886. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

EARLESTOWN AND NEWTON EXAMINER, 1882. (/). Sat. 2d. J. Walker & Co. 
Ltd., Bewsey St., Warrington. One of the Warrington Examiner series. 

EARLESTOWN AND NEWTON NEWS, 1922. (ind.). Fri—6 p.m., for Sat. 2d. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., Market St., Earlestown. One of the Warrington Guardian 

EARLESTOWN GUARDIAN, 1880. (ind. rad.). Fri.—noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Harvey’s, 13 Bridge St., Earlestown. (Tel. Newton-le-Willows 112). 

for Sat. $d. G. H. Smith, Market Place, Easingwold. (Tel. 5). 

East Africa, 1924. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. East Africa, Ltd., 83-91 Great 
Titchfield St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 7370). 

East African Manual, 1912. Dec. 21s. Mining and Industrial Publications of 
Africa Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

East and Mid-Surrey and South London District Good Templars’ Guide, 1886. Mar., 
June, Sept., Dec. 2d. F. B. Woollen, 18 Pickwick Road, Dulwich Village, s.£.21. 

EAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES, 1874 (with which is incorporated Ipswich Express, 
1839). a.m. (ind.). 1$d. East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., 
Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

EAST CHESHIRE OBSERVER, 1923. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Macclesfield 
Times Ltd., 7 Queen Victoria St., Macclesfield. (Tel. 2070). One of the Maccles- 
teld Times series. 

EAST CORNWALL TIMES, 1920. Fri—a.m. 2d. Jolliffe & Son, Tavistock. 

ADVERTISER, 1912. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Young & Son, Fore St., 
Chard. (Tel. 36). One of the Chard and Ilminster News series. 

Fri. ld. A. A. Simmonds, 44 High St., Poplar, £.14. (Tel. East 0549). 

EAST ESSEX ADVERTISER AND CLACTON NEWS, 1893 (as Clacton News, 1889). 
(ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. East Essex Printing Works 
Ltd., Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. Clacton 20). 

*KAST GALWAY DEMOCRAT, 1910. Fri. ld. N. E. O'Carroll, 6 Society St., 
Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. 

—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Farncombe & Co., Ltd., 64 London Road, East 
Grinstead. (Tel. No. 48). 

EAST HAM ECHO, 1895. (ind.). Thurs., 5 p.m. for Fri. ld. 81a High St. North, 
East Ham, £.6. (Tel. Grangewood 2639). 

EAST HAM EXPRESS, 1854. (ind.). Wed., 1d.; Fri., for Sat. 14d. Broadway, 
Stratford. One of the Stratford Express series. (Tel. Maryland 2910). 

EASY KENT GAZETTE, 1854. (ind.). Fri., tor Sat. 2d. W. J. Parrett Ltd., 
17 High St., Sittingbourne. 


B Willing’s Press Guide © [Eas-Ech 

EAST KENT TIMES, 1866. (ind.). Wed. and Sat. ld. East Kent Times Ltd., 
Broad St., Ramsgate. (Tel. Ramsgate 398). 

EAST LANCASHIRE SENTINEL, 1922 (with which is incorporated Accrington Gazette, 
1881). (ind.). Thurs. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. W. Holden, 8 Birch St., 
Accrington. (Tel. 2834). (Circ. 15,000). 

EAST LONDON ADVERTISER, 1885 (as Tower Hamlets Independent, 1865). (ind.). 
Fri., for Sat. Id. W. A. Locks, 357 Mile End Road, £.1. (Tel. East 0257). 

East London Church Chronicle, 1880. Quarterly. ld., East London Church Fund, 
33 Bedford Square, w.c.1. 

EAST LONDON POST, 1868. (ind.). Sat. ld. East London Publishing Co. Ltd., 
16 Mile End Road, E.l. (Tel. East 4071). 

Fri. 2d. Farncombe & Co. (1928) Ltd., Market St., Lewes. (Tel. Lewes 166). 

Eastbourne, Hailsham, and District Blue- Book and Local Directory, 1882. Oct. 2s. 6d. 
Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 

Eastbourne and Neighbourhood Directory, 1925. Annually. 2s. 6d. Keily’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. R. E. 
Brutnell, South St., Eastbourne. (Tel. Eastbourne 350). 

EASTBOURNE COURIER, 1923 (ind.). Fri. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Strange 
the Printer Ltd., York Road, Eastbourne. (Tel. 242). 

EASTBOURNE GAZETTE, 1856. (ind.). Wed. 2d. T.R. Beckett Ltd., 4 Pevensey 

l Road, Eastbourne. (Tel. 987). 

EASTBOURNE HERALD, 1919. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. T.R. Beckett 
Ltd., Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. (Tel. 987). 

Eastbourne Pictorial, 1881. June 25th. 9d. T. R. Beckett Ltd., 4 Pevensey Road, 
Eastbourne. (Tel. 987). 

Eastbournian, 1870. Terminally. 1s. 6d. The Editor, Eastbourne College, East- 
bourne. (Circ. 650). 

Eastern ( India, China, and Japan) A B C Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 
1896. Annually. 3s. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

EASTERN DAILY PRESS, 1870. (/). 3a.m. 1d. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., London 
St., Norwich. (Tel. 1450). (Advt. p. xxi). 

EASTERN EVENING NEWS, 1882. (J). Daily—2.30 p.m. 1d. Norfolk News Co. 
Ltd., Norwich. (Tel. 1450). (Advt. p. xxi). 

Eastern Football News, 1919. Sat.—during season. ld. Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 
Norwich. (Tel. 1450). 

EASTERN MERCURY, 1887. (ind.). Tues. ld. Express and Independent News- 
papers Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone. 

£ASTLEIGH WEEKLY NEWS AND HANTS GAZETTE, 1892 (with which is incor- 
porated Hampshire Gazette). (ind.). Fri. ld. H. Ivill and C. Mills, 26a High 
St., Eastleigh. l 

Eastward Ho, 1921 (as Awake, 1891). M.—27th. Id. C.M.S. 6 Salisbury Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 7994). 

6s. 6d. per ann. G. C. Brittain & Sons Ltd., Nottingham Road, Eastwood, Notts. 
(Tel. Langley Mill 63). 

EBBW VALE WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (71). Fri., for Sat. 14d. 14-15 High St., 
Newport, Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

ECCLES AND PATRICROFT JOURNAL, 1874. Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 2d. Tillot- 
sons Newspapers Ltd., 22 Church St., Eccles. One of the Bolton Journal series. 

ECCLES AND PATRICROFT TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.). Fri. ld. Telegraph 
Printing Co. Ltd., Urmston. (Tel. Urmston 33). One of the Western Telegraph 

Eccles Co-operative Record, 1896. M.—Ist Mon. Gratis. Education Committee, 
Rutland St., Eccles. (Tel. 406). (Circ. 7,000). 

Eccleshall Reminder, 1923. M.—2nd. Thurs. Gratis. E. J. Hurlstone, High St., 
Eccleshall, Staffs. (Tel. 1). 

ECHO AND SOUTH LEINSTER ADVERTISER (as Echo and North Wexford and 
General Advertiser, 1902). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. North Wexford 
Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Mill Park Road, Enniscorthy, _ (Tel. 31). 


Ech-Edu] Willing’s Press Guide 

Echoes of Service, 1885 (as Missionary Echo, 1871). M.—25th. 2d. Pickering & 
Inglis, 14 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4802). 

Economic History Review, 1926. Irreg. 10s.6d. net. A. & C. Black Ltd., 4-6 Soho 
Square, w.l. (Tel. Regent 2258). 

Economic Journal, 1891. Quarterly. 6s. net. Sub. 25s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. 
Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Economic Notes, 1921. Occas. 3d. National Association of Merchants and Manu- 
facturers, 14 Mincing Lane, £E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 1954). 

Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Soctety, 1899. Irreg. Price varies. Royal 
Dublin Society, Ball’s Bridge, Dublin. (Tel. Ballsbridge 932). 

Economic Record, 1926. Twice a year. 5s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd. St. Martin’s 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Economica, 1921. Terminally. 2s. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. London School of 
om and Political Science, Houghton St., Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

oo 1843. Sat. ls. Sub. 58s. per ann. 6 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 


EDENBRIDGE CHRONICLE, 1905. (ind.). Fri—noon. ld. Tonbridge Free 
Press, Ltd., High St., Edenbridge. One of the Tonbridge Free Press series. 
Edgbastonia, 1881. M.—14th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Lawson Trout, 14 Bull 

St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 2104). 

Edgware, Stanmore, &c., Directory, 1928. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

EDGWARE AND MILL HILL TIMES, 1875. Fri 6am. 2d. Warden & Co. Ltd., 71 
Church Road, Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 1472) and High St., Edgware. 
(Tel. Edgware 0088). One of the Hendon and Finchley Times series. 

EDGWARE GAZETTE, 1923. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Dispatch 
Press (Cricklewood) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 
and 33 Station Road, Edgware. (Tel. Edgware 0579). One of the Golders Green 
Gazette series. 

Edification, 1927. M.—26th. 1 $d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Central Bible Truth Depot, 
5 Rose St., Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle, 1893, 6 times a year. 9d. Douglas & Foulis, 9 Castle 
St., Edinburgh. 

EDINBURGH AND LEITH OBSERVER, 1864. (ind.). Fri., for Sat., 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Leith Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 75 Tolbooth Wynd, Leith. 
(Tel. Leith 724). 

Edinburgh and Leith Post Office Directory, 1805. May. 13s. 6d. Edinburgh and 
Leith Post Office Directory Ltd., 21 St. James Square, Edinburgh. l 

Edinburgh and Leith Railway Rates Book, 1924. Every four years. 84s. Railway 
and Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Edinburgh and Southern Counties Peoples’ Journal. One of the People’s Journal 
(Dundee) Series. 

Edinburgh Catholic Herald, 1892. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Scottish Catholic 
Printing Co. Ltd., 7 North St., Andrew St. Edinburgh. (Tel. 22228). One of the 
Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Edinburgh Chamber of Comunerce Journal, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Members. 
only. E. J. Parker Ltd., 429 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1810). (Circ. 3,000) 

tiser, 1864). (J). Fri—a.m. ld. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower 
St., Portobello. 

Edinburgh Daily Stock and Share List. Daily—4.30 p.m. 3d. Sub. 95s. per ann. 
Stock Exchange, Edinburgh. (Tel. 26291). 

EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS, 1873. (ind.). Daily—7 editions. ld. Edinburgh 
Evening News Ltd., 18 Market St., Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh Gazette, 1700. Tues. and Fri. ls. 6d. John Alexander Inglis, Exchequer 
Chambers, Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1855 (as Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1805). 
M.—lIst. 4s. Sub. 40s. per ann. Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. 
(Tel. 20688). | 

Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society Quarterly Paper, 1870. 1s. 6d. per ann. 56 
George Square, Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh University Calendar, 1858. Sept. 5s. J. Thin, 55 South Bridge, 
Edinburgh. (Tel. 20796). ` 

Education, 1903. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. The Councils and Education Press 
Ltd., 28 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5287). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Edu-Ele 

Education Authorities’ Directory, 1903. April. 12s. 6d. School Government Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1259). 
Education Outlook, 1924. M.—Ist. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. S. Birch Ltd., 23 

Southampton St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 3928). 

Educational Handwork, 1908. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
Educational Handwork Association, 24 St. Ives Grove, Armley, Leeds. 

Educational Record, 1848. Juneand Nov. 3d. British & Foreign School Society, 114, 
Temple Chambers, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 7969). 

Educational Worker, 1926. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. A. Duncan, 15 
Springfield Gardens, E.5. (Tel. Clissold 5542). 

Educator, 1913 (as Clark’s Educator, 1880), M.—1st. Mon. 6d. Clark’s College. 
Ltd., 1-3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 5424). 

Edward Alleyn Magazine, 1890. Terminally. 6d. Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, s.£.22. 

Eelex Radio Bulletin, 1929. M.—10th. Gratis. Temple Advertising Service Ltd. 
317 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 0726). (Circ. 7,000). 

Efengylydd (The Evangelist), 1908. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Evans 
& Short, Tonypandy. (Tel. 22). 

Efficiency Magazine, 1915. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. H. N..Casson, 87 
Regent St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6787). (Circ. 25,500). 

Efrydydd, 1920. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Hughes & Son, Principality Press, 

Eggs, 1912. Wed. 2d. Sub. 12s. 8d. perann. Scientific Poultry Breeders’ Associa- 
tion, The Beeches, Rudgwick, Sussex. (Tel. Rudgwick 13). (Advertisement 
Department, 94 Farncombe St., s.z.16. Tel. Bermondsey 1308). 

El Comercio Hispano Britanico, 1886. Jan., Ap!., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 21s. per ann. 
Spanish Chamber of Commerce, 42 Trinity Square, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2572). 
(Circ. 2,000). 

Electric Railway Bus and Tram Journal, 1914 (with which are incorporated Electrical 
Power, 1903, and Light Railway and Tramway Journal, 1899). Fri. ls. Pater- 
noster Printing Co. Ltd., 37-8 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6581). 

Electric Railway Bus and Tram Journal Diary, 1914 (as Light Railway and Tramway 
Journal Diary, 1899). Dec. 3s. 6d. Paternoster Printing Co. Ltd., 37-8 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6581). 

Electric Vehicles and Batteries, 1914. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Electrical 
Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xili.). 

Electrical Age for Women, 1926. Quarterly. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Electrical 
Association for Women, 46 Kensington Court, w.8. (Tel. Kelvin 9128). 

Electrical Contractor, 1903. M.—Ist. 4d. Electrical Contractors’ Association 
(Incorporated), 15 Savoy St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9387). 

Electrical Contractors’ Year Book, 1924. Sept. 5s. Electrical Contractors’ Association 
(Incorporated), 15 Savoy St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0488). 

Electrical Engineer's Year Book, 1907. Jan. 21s. S. Davis & Co. (Aldwych), Ltd. 
Aldwych House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2141). 

Electrical Industries and Investments, 1901. Tues., for Wed. 2d. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. 
p. xiii.). 

Electrical Industry, Wireless and Allied Trades Directory, 1925. Irreg. last issue 1926. 
30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 
Electrical Power Engineer, 1919. M.—20th. 6d. Electrical Power Engineers’ Asso- 

ciation, 102 St. George’s Square, s.w.1. 

Electrical Review, 1872. Fri. 6d. Sub. 34s. 8d. per ann. Electrical Review Ltd., 
4 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5871). 

Electrical Times, 1901 (with which is incorporated Lightning, 1891). Thurs. 3d. 
Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. Electrical Times Ltd., Sardinia House, Sardinia St., Kings- 
way, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 6106). 

Electrical Trades Journal, 1905. M.—10th. ld. Electrical Trades Union, 12a Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. Blackfriars 0248). (Advertisement Dept.—8 Guilford 
St., w.c.1.). 

Electrical Trading and Electricity, 1929. M.—3rd Tues. ls. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Odhams Press Ltd., 93 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Electrician, 1861-1878. Fri. 6d., Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Electrician Annual Tables of Electricity Undertakings, 1887. May. 10s. Ernest Benn 
Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 


Ele-Enf] Willing’s Press Guide 

Electrics, 1902. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xiii). 

ELGIN COURANT AND COURIER, 1834 (as Elgin Courier, 1827). (D). Fri. 2d. 
W. R. Walker & Co., 100a High St., Elgin. 

Elim Evangel and Foursquare Revivalist, 1919. Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Elim 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Park Crescent, Clapham, s.w.4. (Tel. Brixton 2981). 

Elim Foursquare Crusader, 1928. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Elim 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Park Crescent, Clapham s.w.4. (Tel. Brixton 2981). - 

Elizabethan, 1874. Six times per ann. 9d. Sub. 5s. per ann. The Editor, St.. 
Peter’s College, 3 Little Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria’ 4420).. 

ELLESMERE PORT ADVERTISER, 1915. (ind.). Fri. ld. B. Haram & Co.. 
Ellesmere Port. 

ELTHAM AND KENTISH TIMES, 1881. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., 118 High St., Eltham, and Times Buildings, Sidcup. (Tel. Eltham 
1226). (Advt. p. XXXV). 

Ely Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1870. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. G. H. Tyndall, 
Minster Press, Ely. (Tel. No. 18). (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.). 

Ely Diocesan Gazette, 1885. M.—lIst. ls. per ann. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney 
St., Cambridge. (Tel. Cambridge 330). 

ELY STANDARD, 1875. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Sharman & 
Co. Ltd., High Street, March. (Tel. Ely 94). (Advt. p. xxx). 

ELY WEEKLY GUARDIAN, 1889. One of the Cambridge Independent Press series. 

Embroideress, 1922. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. Is. Sub. 4s. 8d. per ann. J. Pearsall 
& Co. Ltd., 71-74 Little Britain, £.c.1. (Tel. City 3467). 

Empire Annual for Boys, 1909. Sept. 7s.6d. R.T.S. 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). 

Empire Annual for Girls, 1909. Sept. 7s. 6d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). 

Empire Cotton Growing Review, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
P. S. King & Son Ltd., 14 Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Empire Forestry Journal, 1922. July, Dec. 7s. 6d. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Empire 
Forestry Association, 22 Grosvenor Gardens, s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 9181). (Cire. 
2,000). i 

Empire Frontier, 1929 (as Frontier Stories, 1925). M.—14th. ls. Sub. 14s. per ann. 
World’s Work (1913) Ltd., Windmill Press, Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey. (Tel. 
Burgh Heath 777). 

Empire Ulustrated, 1919. (zmp.) M.—15th. 1s. Press Publications Ltd., 70-71 
Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1156). 

Empire Law List. March. 10s. 6d. Butterworth & Co., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Empire Mail and Overseas Trade, 1911. M.—15th. 1s. British Commonwealth Trade 
Press Ltd. 212 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 8501). (Advt. p. xiv). 
Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book of British and Colonial Corporations and 
County, Urban and Rural District Councils and their Officials, 1918 (as Sanitary 
Record and Municipal Engineering Year Book, é&c., 1882). April. 13s. net. 

Sanitary Publishing Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5502). 

EMPIRE NEWS, 1917 (with which is incorporated Umpire, 1884). Sun. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 

Empire News Football Annual, 1906. July. 2d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Empire News Racing Handbook, 1907. Feb. 2d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy 
Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Empire Production and Export, 1923 (as Production and Export, 1916). M.—Ist. ls. 
Sub. 15s. per ann. British Empire Producers’ Organisation, 3-7 Old Queen St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 9159). | F 

Empire Record, 1921 (as British Empire Union Monthly Record, 1916). M.—Ist. 3d. 
Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. British Empire Union Ltd., 180 Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. 
Regent 4007). 

Empire Review, 1900. M.—Ist. Sub. 24s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Encore, 1892. Thurs. 3d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Green St. Press Ltd., 14 Green St., 
Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2473). (Advt. p. xxxii). 

Enfield, Winchmore Hill, Directory, 1894. Annually, 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lid.,. 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Enf-Enn 

ENFIELD GAZETTE & OBSERVER, 1913 (as Meyers’s Enfield Observer, 1859). Thurs. 
noon. 2d. Meyers, Brooks & Co. Ltd., Lancaster Hall, Enfield. (Tel. Enfield 

Enfield Opinion, 1904. (c). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 2s. perann. T. P. Dufton, 45 Silver 
St., Enfield. (Tel. Enfield 0653). (Circ. 10,000). 

ADVERTISER, 1921. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 9s. 6d. per ann. Crusha & Son, 
Ltd., 10 Southbury Road, Enfield. (Tel. Enfield 0208). One of the Tottenham 
Herald series. 

Engineer, 1856. Fri—8 a.m. ls. A. R. Vaughan, 33 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 2256). 

Engineer and Iron Trades Advertiser, 1869 (with which is incorporated the Mercantile 
Advertiser and Shipping Gazette). Alt. Tues. 3d. J. B. Speirs Ltd., 18) West 
Regent St., Glasgow. 

Engineer Directory and Buyers Guide, 1896. Annually. Gratis on application. A.R. 
Vaughan, 33 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2256). 

Engineering, 1866. Fri—8 a.m. Is. C. R. Johnson, 35 Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 3663). 

Engineering Abstracts, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Sub. 30s. per ann. Institute of 
Civil Engineers, Great George St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4577). 
Engineering and Boiler House Review, 1923 (as Engineering Review and Trader, 1904, 
as Fielden’s Magazine, 1899). M.—28th. 9d. Sub. 10s. 6d. perann. Engineer- 
ing Review Co. Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St.,w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xiii). 

‘* Engineering ’’ Directory, 1885. Annually. Gratis. C. R. Johnson, 35-36 Bedford St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3663). 

Engineering Gazette, 1912. Alt. M. 3d. Marryat & Place, 40 Hatton Garden, E.C. A. 
(Tel. Holborn 8181). (Circ. 5,500). 

Engineering, Hardware, Metal Motor Trades Direto: 1870. Biennially, last issue 
1928. 45s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Engineering, Industry and Commerce, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. 
per ann. A. H. Field & Harris, 418-422 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7012). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

Engineering Trader, 1925 (as Engineers’ Sale and Exchange Journal, 1923). M.— 
Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Engineering Trader Ltd., 26-30 Holborn Viaduct, 
E.c.l. (Tel. Central 5623). (Circ. 7,500). 

Engineers’ Year Book, 1894. April. 31s.6¢é. net. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ 
Hall Court, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4421). 

English Catholic, 1928. Quarterly. 3d. Sub. ls. 2d. per ann. A.T. Broome & Son, 
18 St. Clement’s St., Oxford. (Tel. 2909). 

English Catalogue of Books, 1835. Feb. 15s. net. Publishers’ Circular Ltd., 56-58 
Whitcomb St., Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1196). 

ENGLISH CHURCHMAN, 1843. (c). Thurs.—8 a.m. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
English Churchman Trust Ltd., 23 Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5574). 

English Churchman's Kalendar, 1901 (as Churchman’s Oxford Kalendar, 1889). Sept. 
2s. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

English Churchwoman, 1912 (as Our Paper, 1891). Quarterly. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. 
Church of England Women’s Help Society, Church House, Dean’s Yard, 
Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3076). 

English Guernsey Cattle Society’s Herd Book, 1885. May. 20s. R. F. Ling, 12 
Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2945). 

English Historical Review, 1886. Jan., April, July, Oct. 7s. 6d. net. Longmans 
Green & Co. Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

English Language and Literature, Annual Bibliograph of. Nov. 6s. 6d. Bowes & 
Bowes, 1-2 Trinity St., Cambridge. (Tel. 408). 

English Mechanics, 1865. Fri. 3d. Rolls House Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

English Race, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. Royal Society of St. George, 47 Victoria St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0772). 

English Review, 1908. (c). M.—lIst. ls. English Review (1911) Ltd., 4 Dean's 
Yard, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6799). 

ENNISCORTHY GUARDIAN, 1881. (nat.). Thurs.—6 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. People Newspapers Ltd., Al North Main St., Wexford. (Tel. Wexford 
15). One of the Peopie (Wexford) series. 


Ent-Ess] Willing’s Press Guide 

Entomologist, 1877 (as Newman’s Entomologist, 1841). M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Adlard & 
Son Ltd., 21 Hart St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 0530). 

Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine, 1864. Ist. 2s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. N. Lloyd 
& Co., Burrell St. Works, s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 2230). 

Entomologists’ Record and Journal of Variation, 1890. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 10s. 
per ann. H. W. Andrews, 6 Footscray Road, Eltham, s.£.9 

Envelope Booklets on Various Subjects, 1915. Occas. ls. 6d. to 6s. per hundred. 
Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Epoch and Light of Reason, 1902. M.—lIst. 6s. per ann. Mrs. J. Allen, 32 Broad 
Park Avenue, Ilfracombe. (Tel. No. 203). 

EPPING ADVERTISER, 1885. (ind.). Fri., noon, for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
M. Hickman and Sons, Old Station Road, Loughton. (Tel. Loughton 231). One 
of the Loughton and District Advertiser series. 

Epsom, Leatherhead and District Directory, 1899. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

EPSOM ADVERTISER, 1869 (with which is incorporated Epsom Observer and Mid- 
Surrey County Chronicle, 1901). (ind.). Thurs—5 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
perann. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St.,Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 3121). 
One of the Croydon Advertiser series. l 

EPSOM DISTRICT TIMES AND COUNTY POST, 1901. (ind.). Sat., 2d. Holmes- 
dale Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 

EPSOM HERALD, 1878. (c). Fri. 2d. W. Pile Ltd., 46 High St., Sutton, and 4 
Station Road, Epsom. One of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. xli). 

Epsomian, 1870. Terminally. 6d. E.G. Pullinger, Library, Epsom. (Tel. No. 281). 

Sub. 7s. per ann. Barnes & Breeze, High St., Epworth. (Tel. No. 2). 

Equitable, 1897. Quarterly. 1d. Tunbridge Wells Equitable Friendly Society, 19 
Mount Ephraim Road. Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. No. 210). 

Era, 1837. Wed. 3d. 35 Wellington St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6234). 

ERDINGTON NEWS, 1927. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Birmingham News and 
Printing Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 472.) 

ERITH OBSERVER AND KENTISH TIMES, 1867 (with which is incorporated Erith 
Chronicle, 1891). (ind.). Thurs.—11 a.m. 2d. Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., 
30 Pier Road, Erith, and Bexley Heath. (Tel. Erith 484). (Advt. p. XXXV). 

Eriu, 1904. Nov. 18s. Hodges Figgis & Co., 20 Nassau St., Dublin. 

ESKDALE AND LIDDESDALE ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.). Tues., p.m., for Wed. 
14d. A. Little, 48 High St., Langholm. (Tel. Langholm 39). 

Essays and Studies, 1910. Dec. Members 3s. 6d. (Non-Members 7s. 6d.) English 
Association, 4 Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. 

Essex Archaeological Society’s Transactions, 1858. Jan. and July. Price varies 
Essex Archeological Society, Museum, Colchester. 

Essex and Hertfordshire Directory, 1845. Every three years. Last issue 1929. 36s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

ESSEX CHRONICLE, 1919 (as Essex County Chronicle, 1884, as Chelmsford Chronicle, 
1764). (ind.). Fri. ld. Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 High St., Chelmsford. 
(Advt. p. xxzii). 

ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD, 1831. (c). Fri.—noon for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 High St., Colchester. (Tel. 2842). (Advt. p. xxziii). 

ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH, 1858 (with which is incorporated the Colchester 
Mercury). (l). Mon.—4 p.m., for Tues. ; and Fri.—10a.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Essex Telegraph Ltd., 38 Head St., Colchester. (Tel. No. 2089). 

Essex Farmers’ Journal, 1922. M.—3rd. Fri. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. J.H. Clarke 
& Co. 77-78 High St., Chelmsford. (Tel. Chelmsford 106). 

ESSEX GUARDIAN, 1898 (as Essex and Middlesex Guardian, 1894). (c). Sat.— 
Sa.m., ld. W.A. Locks, 34 High St., Ilford, Essex. One ofthe Ilford Guardian 

ESSEX HERALD, 1800. (ind.). Tues. ld. Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 
High St., Chelmsford. 

Essex Naturalist, 1887. Mar. and Sept. Price varies. Essex Field Club, Essex 
Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, E.15. 

ESSEX NEWSMAN, 1870. (ind.). Sat. ld. Meggy Thompson & Creasey, 98 
High St., Chelmsford. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ess-Eve 

Essex Regiment Gazette, 1925. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 9d. Sub. officers 5s. 4d. 
per ann., ranks 3s. 4d. per ann. Editor Depot, Essex Regt., Warley Barracks, 
Brentwood. (Tel. Brentwood 28). (Circ. 1,500). 

Essex Review, 1892. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d., illus. Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 
High St., Colchester. (Tel. 2842). (London: Simpkin & Co., Amen Corner). 
ESSEX TIMES, 1863. (ind.). Sat—7 a.m. ld. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., High 

St., Romford, Barking, Brentwood, Grays, &c. (Tel. Romford 2). 

ESSEX WEEKLY NEWS, 1862. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Essex 
Weekly News Series Ltd., 26 High St., Chelmsford. (Tel. 195). (Circ. 27,000). 
( Advt. p. xxii). 

Estate Book and Diary, 1925 (as Country Gentleman’s Estate Book and Diary, 1892). 
Dec. 7s. 6d. C. G. A. Ltd., 33 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2602). 

Estate Clerk of Works and Country Builder, 1923 (as Journal of the Society of Estate 
Clerk of Works, 1888, as Estate Clerk of Works, 1888). M.—Ist. 4s. 6d. per ann. 
The Society, 33 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2602). 

Estate Magazine, 1906, (as Country Gentleman’s Estate Booklet, 1901). M.—Ist. ls. 
“« C.G.A.” Ltd., 33 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2602). 

Estates Gazette, 1858. Sat. 6d. Estates Gazette Ltd., 33-35 Kirby St., Hatton 
Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4551). 

Estates Review, 1925. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Estates Review Ltd., 
18 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1544). (Circ. 3,000). 

Eton Calendar, 1888. Terminally. 2s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., Eton 
College, Windsor. (Tel. Windsor 449). 

Eton College Chronicle, 1863. Thurs. during the half. 3d. Special number each 
Term. ls. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., Eton College, Windsor. (Tel. 
Windsor 449). 

Etoniana, 1904. Irreg. 6d. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., Eton College, 
Windsor. (Tel. Windsor 449). 

_ Eugenics Review, 1908. Jan., Apl., July, Oct.—I5th. 3s. net. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Macmillan & Co., Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Eurgrawn (Wesleyan Magazine), 1908. M.—Ist. Mon. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. O. M. 
Roberts, Wesleyan Book Room, Isfryn, Bangor. 

European Finance, 1926. Fri. ls. Sub. 50s. per ann. Financial Publications 
Ltd.. 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1097). 

Eustace Miles Quarterly, 1910. 6d. Eustace Miles, 40 Chandos St., w.c.2. 

Evangelical Christendom, 1846. Alt.-M. 6d. World’s Evangelical Alliance, 19 
Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0019). 

Evangelical Quarterly, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
Jas. Clarke & Co. Ltd., 9 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8917). 

Evangelist, 1874. M.—lIst. ls. 6d. per 100. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

Eve’s Own Stories, 1923. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. perann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

EVENING ADVERTISER (Swindon), 1923 (as Swindon Evening Advertiser, 1920, as 
Evening Swindon Advertiser, 1898, with which is incorporated Evening North 
Wilts Herald, 1882). Daily, p.m. ld. Swindon Press Ltd., Newspaper House, 

EVENING ARGUS (Brighton, Hastings, &c.), 1880. (ind.). Daily. 1d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Ltd. Head Office, 130 North St., Brighton. Telephones 2052, 
and Private Wire. (London: 69 Fleet St. Telephone 4445 Central). 

EVENING CHRONICLE (Manchester) 1914 (as Manchester Evening Chronicle, 1897) 
p.m. ld. Sub.52s.perann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(Te!. City 6501). 

EVENING CHRONICLE (Newcastle), 1885. Daily—2 p.m. ld. Newcastle Chronicle 
Ltd., Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

EVENING CITIZEN, 1923 (as Glasgow Citizen, 1914, as Evening Citizen, 1864). (ind.). 
Daily—mid-day. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. J Hedderwick & Sons, Ltd., 22 St. 
Vincent Place, Glasgow. (Tel. 7000). 

EVENING DESPATCH (Birmingham), 1902 (as Daily Argus, 1891). (l). ld. Sub. 
52s. per ann. Birmingham Gazette Ltd., Newspaper House, Corporation St., 
Birmingham. (Tel. Central 0589). 

Evening Despatch Sporting Buff, 1904. Daily. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Birmingham 
fae? Ltd., Newspaper House, Corporation St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 



Eve-Eve] Willing’s Press Guide 

EVENING DISPATCH, 1921 (as Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 1886). (cu). Daily— 
p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. J. Ritchie & Co., 24 North Bridge, Edinburgh. 
EVENING ECHO (Cork), 1892. (nat.). 2 p.m. Four editions. ld. T. Crosbie 

& Co. Ltd., 95 Patrick St., Cork. (Tel. 185.) 

EVENING EXPRESS (Aberdeen), 1899 (as Aberdeen Evening Express, 1879, with which 
is incorporated Evening Gazette, 1882). (ind.). Daily. 1d. Aberdeen Journals 
Ltd., Aberdeen. 

EVENING EXPRESS (Liverpool), 1870. Daily.—12.15 p.m. 8 editions. ld. Sub. 
ser i ann. C. Tinling & Co. Ltd., 55 Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 

. EVENING HERALD (Dublin), 1891. (nat.). Even. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Inde- 
pendent Newspapers Ltd., Independent House, Dublin, (Tel. 21036). 

EVENING MAIL, 1823. (ind.). Daily. 1d. Dublin Express and Mail Ltd., 39-40 
Parliament St., Dublin. (Tel. 3302). 

EVENING NEWS, 1881. (ind.). 9 a.m.—7 p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Associated Newspapers Ltd., Northcliffe House, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6000). 

Evening News Buff (Bolton). 1884. Sat.—p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann.  Tillotsons 
Newspapers Ltd., Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. (Tel. 1993). 

EVENING NEWS (Glasgow), 1916 (as Glasgow Evening News, 1876). (ind.). p.m. 
ld. J. M. Smith Ltd., 67 Hope St., Glasgow. 

EVENING NEWS (Waterford), 1898. (ind.). 5.30 p.m. ld. Sub. 43s. 4d. per 
ann. Waterford News, Ltd., 49 and 50 O’Connell St., Waterford. (Tel. No. 43). 

EVENING NEWS AND SOUTHERN DAILY MAIL (Portsmouth), 1877. (ind.). Daily— 
3p.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. W. J. Bird, Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. (Tel. . 
2211). (Circ. 58,830). 

EVENING POST (Jersey), 1890. 4.30 pm. ld. W. E. Guiton & Co., 2 Charles St., 
St Heliers, Jersey. (Tel. No. 27). 

EVENING STANDARD, 1827. (c). Daily—9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Evening Standard Co. Ltd., 47 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. City 2040). 

Daily—p.m. ld. Workington Star Ltd., Oxford St., Workington. (Tel. 65). 
( Advt. p. xxxiii). 

EVENING STAR AND DAILY HERALD (Ipswich) (as Star of the East, 1885). (ind.). 
Daily—2 p.m. ld. East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. 
(Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

EVENING TELEGRAPH AND POST (Dundee), 1905 (with which are incorporated the 
Evening Post, 1900, and the Evening Telegraph, 1877). Daily. 1d. Sub. 
4ls. 2d. perann. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier Place, Dundee. (Tel. 4144). 

EVENING TIMES (Glasgow), 1876. (ind.). Daily—2 till 7 p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. 
per ann. George Outram & Co. Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (Tel. 9200). 
(Advt. p. xii). | 

EVENING TIMES AND ECHO (Bristol), 1910 (with which are incorporated Bristol 
Echo, 1901, and the Bristol Evening Times, 1904). (ind.). Several editions. 
ld. Sub. 26s. per ann. Bristol Times and Mirror Ltd., St. Stephen’s St., Bristol. 
(Tel. 9440). 

EVENING WORLD (Bristol), 1929. Daily. p.m. ld. Western Newspapers Ltd., 
Northcliffe House, Colston Avenue, Bristol. (Tel. 9601 Bristol). 

EVENING WORLD (Newcastle-on-Tyne), 1929. Daily—p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Nordur Newspapers Ltd., Northcliffe House, Gallowgate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
(Tel. Central 6161). (Circ. 173,859). | 

Every Christian’s Library, 1910. Irreg. 2s. net. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 2424). 

Every Girl’s Paper, 1928 (as Children’s Companion, 1824). M.—25th. 6d. Sub. 
8s. per ann. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Every Man’s Own Lawyer, 1863. Irreg. Last issue, 1929. 15s. net. Crosby 
Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4421). 

Everybody's Booklets, 1919. Occas. 3s. and 6s. per 100. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Everybody's Monthly, 1906 (as Irish Temperance League Journal, 1863). M.—1st 
ld. Sub. Is. per ann. Irish Temperance Alliance, 20 Lombard St., Belfast. 
(Tel. Belfast 5060). (Circ. 2,200). 

Everybody's Time Table, 1861. M.—Ist. 4d. Railway & Shipping Journal Pub- 
lishing Co., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

° 74 

Willing’s Press Guide [Eve-Fai 

Everybody's Weekly, 1927 (as Competitors’ Journal, 1913). Tues. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Frederick Poke, 114 Fleet St., u.c.4. (Tel. City 7447). (Circ. 

Everyday Housekeeping, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Grafton 
Publications, 15 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. (Tel. 3756). 

Everyman, 1929. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Everyman Publishing Co. Ltd., 
13-14 Great Queen St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 9311). (Advt. Dept.—10 Great 
Queen St., Holborn 3217). (Circ. 40,000). 

ll a.m. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. & H. Smith Ltd., Swan Lane 
Evesham. (Tel. No. 4). 

Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co. Ltd., 81 High St., Evesham. (Tel. No. 331). 

Exchange and Mart, 1868. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville 
St., E.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Exeter Diocesan Gazette, 1901. M.—20th. 2d. J. Townsend & Sons, Little Queen 
St., Exeter. (Tel. No. 3965). 

Exeter Diocesan Kalendar, 1922. Annually. 2s. 6d. J. Townsend & Sons, Little 
Queen St., Exeter. (Tel. No. 3965). 

Exeter Diocesan Year Book, 1920. ls. J. Townsend & Sons, Little Queen St., Exeter. 
(Tel. No. 3965). 

Exeter Post Office Directory, 1828. March. 5s. and 6s.6d. Besley & Copp Ltd., 89-90 
South St., Exeter. (Tel. No. 2114). 

Exhaust Steam, 1928. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. H. L. Purchas, 40 William 
St., Leyton, £.10. 

EXMOUTH CHRONICLE, 1882. (ind.). Sat. ld. W. J. Delderfield & Sons, 
Market St., Exmouth. (Tel. 135). 

EXMOUTH JOURNAL, 1862 (with which is incorporated the Exmouth Mercury and 
Budleigh Salterton Observer, 1858). (c). Sat. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. 
Baring Place, Exmouth. (Tel. 76). 

Exonian, 1881. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, Exeter School, Exeter. 

Experimental Wireless and Wireless Engineer, 1923. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. Sub. 32s. 
‘per ann. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Expert Woman, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Edith Beesley, Imperial House (room 158), 84 Regent St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 

Export Trader, for the Motor, Motor Cycle, Cycle, Aircraft and Allied Distributing Trades 
all over the World, 1912. M.—4th Tues. 10s. 6d. per ann. Trader Publishing 
Co. Ltd., St. Brides House, Salisbury Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). (Circ. 
7,900). , 

Expository Times, 1889. M.—Ist. 10d. Sub. 10s. per ann. T. & T. Clark, 38 
George St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 20398). 

EXPRESS AND ECHO, 1904 (incorporating Devon Evening Express, 1866, and the 
Western Echo, 1904). (ind.). 3.30 p.m. 1d. Western Times Co. Ltd., 226 
High St., Exeter. 

2.30 p.m. ld. Midland News Association Ltd., 50 Queen St., Wolverhampton. 

Fabian News, 1889. (soc.). M.—Ist. ld. Fabian Society, 11 Dartmouth St., West- 
minster, s.w.l. (lel. Victoria 1915). 

Factors’ Magazine, 1889. Quarterly. 1s. R. Dinwiddie, 117-119 High St., Dumfries. 

Faculty of Architects and Surveyors Year Book, 1928. Jan. Members only. Faculty 
of Architects and Surveyors Ltd., 18 Gordon Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1544). 
Circ. 1,000). 

Faculty of Arts Year Book, 1927. May. 5s. Faculty of Arts, 10 Upper John St., 
w.l. (Tel. Regent 6076). 

Failsworth Co-operative Messenger, 1891. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 74 Church 
St., Newton Heath. 

Fainne an Lae, 1899. M.—1st Sat. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Gaelic League, 
25 Parnell Square, Dublin. (Tel. No. 581). 

Fairplay, 1883. Thurs.—10 a.m. 9d. Sub. 50s. per ann. 51-56 Palmerston House 
Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7723). 

Fairplay’s Annual Summary of British Shipping Finance, 1925. Mar. 10s. 6d. 51-56 
Palmerston House, Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall-7723). 


Fai-Far] Willing’s Press Guide 

Fairyland Tales, 1921. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 186 
Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Faith, 1883. Ait. M.—20th. 3s. per ann. Z. A. Smith, Sunnyside, Evington Drive, 
Leicester. (Tel. Central 3122). 

Faith-Links, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Inter-Denominational 
Book Depot, 311 Lavender Hill, s.w.11. 

FAKENHAM POST, 1919. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Norfolk Press 
Syndicate Ltd., Holt. (Tel. No. 2). One of the Norfolk Chronicle series. 

a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. Sat.2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. Johnston & 
Co. Ltd., 125 High St., Falkirk. (Tel. 18). 

FALKIRK MAIL, 1886. (u). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. Mackie & 
Co., Mail Buildings, Belmont, Falkirk. (Tel. No. 80). 

Falmouth Directory. Irreg. Last issue 1928. 2s. 6d. J. H. Lake & Co., 11-12 
Market Strand, Falmouth. (Tel. 96). 

Falmouth Red Guide. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. J. H. Lake & Co., 11-12 
Market Strand, Falmouth. (Tel. 96). 

Family Herald, 1842. Weekly—Tues., 2d.; monthly—lIst, ls.; Christmas number— 
Dec., 3d. W. Stevens Ltd., 12 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. 

Family Herald Supplement and Home and Dress, 1877. Tues. 2d. W. Stevens Ltd., 
12 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. 

Family Journal, 1909. Weds., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Fancy Goods Record, 1916. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 10s. per annum. G. Street & Co., 
Ltd., 8 Serle St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 

Fancy Goods Trader, 1921. M.—20th. Is. Sub. 10s. per ann. W. B. Tattersall 
Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Fancy Goods Year Book, 1917. Annually, 3s. 6d. G. Street & Co. Ltd., 8 Serle St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 

Fancy Needlework Illustrated, 1905. Alt. M. 2d. Northern School of Art Needle- 
work Ltd., National Buildings, St. Mary’s Parsonage, Manchester. 

Faraday House Journal, 1893. Feb., June & Oct. Gratis. Electrical Standardizing 
Testing and Training Institution, Ltd., 62-70 Southampton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. 
Holborn 9001). 

Fri. ld. C. Luker & Co., London St., Faringdon. (Tel.81). 

Farm, Field, and Fireside, 1887 (with which is incorporated Farmers’ Express, 1924, 
as Mark Lane Express, 1832). Wed.10a.m. 2d. Laughton & Co. Ltd., 
3-7 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7232). 

Farmer and Stock-Breeder and Agricultural Gazette, 1889 (as Farmer, 1843). Mon. 
2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Macdonald & Martin Ltd., Lennox House, Norfolk St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7982). (Circ. 100,000). 

Farmer and Stock-Breeder Year-Book, 1889 (as Farmer’s and Country Gentleman's 
Almanack, 1865). Lec. 2s. €d. Macdonald & Martin Ltd., Lennox House, 
Norfolk St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7982). 

Farmers’ Advocate, 1900. Quarterly. Is. per ann., post free. J. Hetherton, County 
Insurance Buildings, Museum St., York. (Tel. No. 3209). - 

Farmers’ Gazette, 1842 (with which is incorporated {rish Farming World, 1888). 
Thurs. for Sat. 2d. Brunswick Press Ltd., 179 Great Brunswick St., Dublin, 

*Farmers’ Guide and Agricultural Engineer, 1923. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. Goodridge Ltd., 26 Upper Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 3495). 

Farmin Journal, 1920. M.—ISth. 2d. Farmers’ Journal Ltd., 5 Royal Avenue, 

Farmers’ Red Book, 1911 (as Agricultural Annual and Mark Lane Express Almanac, 
1893). Dec. 1s. 6d. Laughton & Co. Ltd., 3-7 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 7232). 

Farming News, 1919 (as Scottish Farming News, 1913). Tues. 2d. Munro Press 
Lti., 82 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

Farnborough Advertiser, 1925. M.—Ist. Gratis and ld. H. Clayton, Osborne Road, 
Farnborough. (Tel. Woking 33). 

FARNWORTH JOURNAL AND OBSERVER, 1874 (as Farnworth Observer, 1860). 
Fri. 2d. Tillotsons Newspapers Ltd., 89 Market St., Farnworth. One of the 
Bolton Journal series. 

Farriers’ Journal, 1899. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Farriers’ Journal 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 48 Spencer Place, Leeds. (Tel. No. 41749). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Fas-Fif 

Fascist, 1929. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Imperial Fascist League, 63 
Chandos House, Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. (Circ. 1,000). 

Fashion and Cutter and Tailors’ Trade Journal, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. 6d. 
Sub. 6s. per ann. R. Planck, 120 Great Portland St., w.1. 

Fashions for All, 1925 (as Harmsworth’s Fashions for All, 1921, as Fashions for All, 
1908). M.—10th. 6d. Sub.8s.perann. Fashions for All Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Father Mathew Record and Franciscan Mission Advocate, 1908. M.—27th. 2d. 
Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Capuchin Franciscan Fathers, Church St., Dublin. (Tel. 

Father Tuck's Annual, 1897. July. 5s. R. Tuck & Sons Ltd., Raphael House, 
Moorfields, E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 5011). 

Faugh a Ballagh, 1880. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Military Barracks, Omagh. 

FAVERSHAM AND NORTH-EAST KENT NEWS, 1883. (ind.). Fri.—10 a.m. for 
Sat. 14d. F. Austin & Sons, 23 Court St., Faversham. (Tel. Faversham 89). 

Sat. 14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. C. S. Elvy, 118 West St., Faversham. 

Feathered World, 1889 (with which is incorporated Poultry News, 1925). Fri. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. Mrs. Comyns-Lewer, 9 Arundel St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 2323). 

Feathered World Year Book, 1910. Feb. 2s. Mrs. Comyns-Lewer, 9 Arundel St., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2323). 

Federation Journal, 1920. M.—3rd week. Gratis to members. National Federation 
of Launderers Ltd., 17 Lancaster Gate, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 4384). (Advt. p. xxxiii). 

F.B.I. Register of British Manufacturers, 1920. June. 15s. Federation of British 
Industries, 39 St. James’ St., s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 5060). (Circ. 8,000). 

Felixstowe Times, 1922. Sat. (Easter to Oct.). ld. East Anglian Daily Times Co. 
Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

Fellowship, 1920. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Fellowship of Freedom and 
Reform, 29 Charing Cross, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 2394). 

Felstedian, 1873. Twiceaterm. 10d. Sub.5s. perann. The Editor, Felsted School, 
Essex. (Tel. Felsted 3). (Circ. 650). 

Feminine Life, 1921 (as Domestic News, 1915). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
United Publishing Society Ltd., Murray House, Vandon St., Westminster, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 3503). 

FERMANAGH HERALD AND MONAGHAN NEWS, 1903. (nat.) Sat. 2d. North 
West of Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., Belmore St., Enniskillen. One of the Ulster 
Herald series. 

FERMANAGH TIMES, 1880. (u). Thurs.—a.m. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
R. H. Ritchie, 10 Townhall St., Enniskillen. (Tel. No. 3). . 

Ferreteria Inglesa, 1928. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. Gratis. Foreign Trade Publications 
Ltd., 66 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4371). (Circ. 4,000). 

Ferro-Concrete, 1909. M.—Ist. ls. London and Norwich Press Ltd., Norwich 
(Tel. Norwich 242). ° 

Fertiliser, Feeding Stuffs and Farm Supplies Journal, 1919. Alt.-Wed. 4d. Sub. 
10s. perann. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 38 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

Festive Choralist, 1888. Feb. 2d. John Blackburn Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. 

Fettesian, 1878. Twice each term. 7s. per ann. The Secretary, Fettes College, 

Field, 1853. Fri. p.m. for Sat. ls. Sub. 63s. per ann. Field Press Ltd., 
Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). (Advt. p. xxii). 

Fiery Cross Magazine, 1925. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. Catholic Literature 
Association, 235 Abbey House, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8805). 

Journal (Dundee) series. 

FIFE FREE PRESS, 1871. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Strachan & 
Livingston Ltd., 35 Kirk Wynd, Kirkcaldy. (Tel. No. 2118). 

FIFE HERALD AND JOURNAL, 1893 (as Fife Herald, 1822, and Fifeshire Journal, 
1833). (ind.). Wed.—5 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. & G. Innes Ltd., 
20 Crossgate, Cupar. (Tel. No. 6). 

FIFE NEWS, 1870. (ind.). Thurs.—5 p.m., for Sat. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
J. & G. Innes Ltd., 20 Crossgate, Cupar. (Tel. No. 6). 

FIFESHIRE ADVERTISER, 1838. (c). Sat—7 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Fifeshire Advertiser, Ltd. 130 High St., Kirkcaldy. (Tel. Kirkcaldy 2510). 


Fif-Fis] Willing’s Press Guide 

Fifeshire Catholic Herald, 1919. Sat. 2d. Scottish Catholic Printing Co. Ltd., 52 
North Frederick St., Glasgow. 

Fight against Disease, Report of the Research Defence Society, 1913. Quarterly. 6d. 
The Society, 11 Chandos St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 1729). 

Fighting Forces, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. Fighting Forces Ltd., 2 Amen 
Corner, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0397). 

Film Fun, 1920. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Film Weekly, 1928. Mon. 3d. English Newspapers Ltd., 112 Strand, ‘w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 8171). 

Finance, 1929 (as City News, 1928). Wed. 6d. 2 Broad St. Buildings, E.c.2. 

Finance and Stock Exchange Observer, 1898. Wed. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Broad 
St. Press Ltd., 2 Broad St. Buildings, £E.c.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 5668). 

Financial Chronicle, 1885. Tues. 1d. 80 Coleman St., £.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 

Financial Circular, 1896. M.—Ist. 4s. Sub. 42s. per ann. Institute of Municipal 
Treasurers and Accountants Inc., 20 Abingdon St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3354). 

FINANCIAL NEWS, 1884. (ind.) Datly—12.15 a.m. 2d. Sub. 78s. per ann. E.C. 
Goodaire, 20 Bishopsgate, E.c.2, (Tel. Avenue 7543). 

Financial Notes, 1921. M.—30th. 21s. per annum. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Financial Outlook, 1909. Alt. Fri. Id. Sub. 20s. per ann. Qui Vive Publications 
Ltd., St. Bartholomew House, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 1305). 

Financial Review of Reviews, 1904. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. per ann. 
6 Grafton St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 0210). 

FINANCIAL TIMES, 1888 (with which is incorporated Financier and Bullionist, 1870). 
Daily—1.15 a.m. 2d. Financial Times Ltd., 72 Coleman St., £.c.2. (Tel. 
Metropolitan 3304). 

Financial World, 1886. Sat. 3d. Financial World, Ltd., Union Court, Old Broad St., 
E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2698). 

Finchley and Friern Barnet, &c., Directory, 1886. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

HIGHGATE POST, 1903 (as Free Press, Finchley, 1897). (ind.). Fri. 14d. 
Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Sir C. Morgan-Webb, 154 High Road, East Finchley, n.2. 
(Tel. Tudor 4444). (Circ. 7750). 

FINCHLEY AND HENDON NEWS, 1859. (ind.). Fri—7 a.m., for Sat. -14d. 
E. Cowing & Son, High St., Barnet. (Tel. Barnet 0090). One of the Barnet 
Press series. 

Fri.—6 a.m. 2d. Warden & Co. Ltd., 11 Regents Parade, North Finchley, N.12. 
(Tel. Finchley 1053) and 71 Church Road, Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 1472). 
One of the Hendon and Finchley Times series. 

Fine Prints of the Year, 1923. Nov. 30s. Halton & Truscott Smith, 57 Haymarket, 

l s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 6685). 

Fingerpost, 1920. M.—Ist. 44d. Sub. 4s.6d.perann. Scottish Grocers’ Federation, 

151-3 Constitution St., Leith. (Tel. Leith 1344). (Circ. 4,000). 

EXAMINER, 1856. Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. United Metropolitan Press 
Ltd., 132 Great College St., n.w.1. (Tel. North 0481). 

Fire, 1908. M.—Ist Fri. 8d. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-38 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 7464). 

Fire Prevention Committee’s Publications, 1928. Irreg. Is. to 2s. 6d. Sub. 30s. 
per ann. National Fire Brigades Association, 8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, s.w.1 

Firefly, 1880. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, High School, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 

Fireman, 1877. M.—lIst. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. C.W. Hopgood, 33 Moor Lane, E.c.2. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 3046). 

First Aid, 1894. M.—20th. 3d. Sub. 3s.6d. perann. Dale, Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 46 
Cannon St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1421). 

Fish Trades Gazette, 1883. Fri—p.m., for Sat. 4d. Sub. 22s. 2d. per ann. E.F. 
Hyde & Sons, Peninsular House, 28 Monument St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 9003). 
(Advt. p. xxxiii). 

Fishing Gazette, 1877. Fri.—12 noon. 6d. Sub. £1 10s. per ann. Fishing Gazette 
Ltd., 56-58 Whitcomb St., Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1196). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Fis-Foo 

Fishing News, 1913. Thurs. for Sat. 2d. Aberdeen Journals Ltd., Broad St., 
Fishmongers’ and Caterers’ Review, 1930. M.—Ist Sat. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann 
Enterprise Publications Ltd., 131 Fleet St., #.c.4. (Tel. Central 3989). 

Flatland, 1893. M.—Ist. 3d. F. Hazell & Co., 121 Victoria St., s.w.1. 

Fleet, 1905. M.—26th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Fleet Ltd., 11 Henrietta St., 
Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5661). 

Fleet Street Annual, 1930. Dec. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. Fleet Publications, 9 Palace 
Gate, w.8. (Tel. Kelvin 9031). 

FLEETWOOD CHRONICLE, 1843 (prog. c). Friday. 2d. Blackpool Gazette and 
Herald Ltd., Albert Square, Fleetwood. (Tel. No. 406). 

Flight, the Aircraft Engineer and Airships, 1909. Fri. 6d. Sub. 33s. 4d. per ann 
St. Martin’s Publishing Co. Ltd., 36 Great Queen St., w.c.2. (Tel. Advts. 
Holborn 3211, Editorial Holborn 1884). 

FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER AND NEWS, 1855. Thurs. 2d. Welsh Coast Pioneer 
Ltd., High St., Holywell and Colwyn Bay. (Tel. Holywell 32). 

Flock Book of the Devon Long-Woolled Sheep, 1900. Biennially. 10s. 6d. The Devon 
Long-Woolled Sheep Breeders’ Society, Wiveliscombe, Somerset. 

Flock Book of the Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders’ Association, 1895. July. 
21s. The Association, 12 Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 5576). ` 
Flock Book of the Oxford Down Sheep, 1889. July. 10s. 6d. Oxford Down Sheep 
Breeders’ Association, Upper Farm, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford. (Tel. Nuneham 

Courtenay 5). 

Floreamus, 1897. Terminally. 9d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Floreamus Committee, The 
University, Sheffield. 

Flowering Plants of South Africa, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 15s. Sub. 62s. per ann. 

. L. Reeve & Co. Ltd., Lloyd’s Bank Buildings, Bank St., Ashford, Kent. (Tel. 356). 

Flute Players’ Journal, 1880. Alter.-months. Price varies. Rudall, Carte & Co. Ltd., 
23 Berners St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 7281). 

Folk Lore, 1890 (with which is incorporated Anthropological Review, 1888, and Folk 
Lore Journal, 1890). Quarterly. 6s. 6d. W. Glaisher Ltd., 265 High Holborn, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 4002). 

2d. F. J. Parsons Ltd., The Bayle, Folkestone. (Tel. 1230). 

Folkestone and District Directory, 1927. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

FOLKESTONE EXPRESS, 1868. (ind.). Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. ld. J. English Ltd., 
31 High St., Folkestone. (Tel. No. 143). 

Food and Cookery and the Catering World, 1897. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., Kingston-on-Thames. (Tel. Kingston 1890). 
Food Manufacture, 1927. M.—7th. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Leonard Hill Ltd., 

231 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 8217). 

Food Manufacture Year Book, 1929, Jan. 10s. Leonard Hill Ltd., 231 Strand. 
(Tel. Central 8217-8). 

Food Reformers’ Year Book, 1920 Annually. 1s. 6d. London Vegetarian Society, 
8 John St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3379), 

Football and Sporting Star, 1923. Sat.—p.m. during Season. ld. East Anglian 
Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

Football and Sports’ Library, 1921. M.—Ist Thurs. 4d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. 
Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Football Argus (Newport), 1892. Sat.—p.m., during season. ld. South Wales 
Argus Ltd., 14-15 High St., Newport, Mon. 

Football Chronicle (Bangor), 1909. Sat.—-p.m., during season. 2d. North Wales 
Chronicle Co. Ltd., High St., Bangor. (Tel. 378). 

Football Chronicle (Newcastle), 1885. Sat.—p.m. during season. ld. Newcastle 
Chronicle Ltd., Westgate Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Football Chronicle (Reading), 1907. Sat. during season. 2d. Sub. 8s. Reading 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 17 Valpy St., Reading. (Tel. No. 1583). 

Football Echo (Northampton), 1898. Sat. during season. ld. Northampton Mercury 
Co. Ltd., Parade, Northampton. (Tel. No. 876). 

Football Echo (Sunderland), 1907. Sat., during season. ld. Sunderland Echo Co. 
Ltd., 14 Bridge St., Sunderland. 

Football Echo and Sports Gazette (Bournemouth), 1904. Sat. during season. ld. 
Sub. 4s. 74d. per ann. Southern Newspapers Ltd., 49 Old Christchurch Road, 
Bournemouth. (Tel. 3000). (Advt. p. xviii). 


Foo-For] Willing’s Press Guide 

Football Echo and Sports Gazette (Southampton), 1904. Sat. during season. ld. 
Sub. 4s. 74d. per arn. Southern Newspapers Ltd., 45 Above Bar, Southampton. 
(Tel. 5021). (Advt. p. xviii). 

Football Express (Cardifi), 1920. Sat.—p.m., during season. Id. Western Mail 
Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. 7000). 

Football Express (Exeter), 1911. Sat., during season. 14d. Western Times Ltd., 26 
High St., Exeter. 

Football Express (Liverpool), 1888. Sat., during season. 2d. C. Tinling & Co. 
Ltd., 55 Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2700). 

Football Gazette and Telegraph (Shields), 1904. Sat. during season. Id. Northern 
Press Ltd., Barrington St., South Shields. (Tel. South Shields 896). 

Football Herald (Plymouth), 1897. Sat. during season. 14d. Sub. 6s. 6d. for season. 
Western Mornin: News Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 
2131). l 

Football Mail (West Hartlepool), 1919. Sat. during season. ld. Northern Daily 
Mail Co. Ltd., Clarence Road, West Hartlepool. (Tel. No. 2294). 

Football Mail, Football News and Southern Sport (Portsmouth), 1903. Sat. during 
season. I4d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per season. W. J. Bird, Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. 
(Tel. 2211). 

Football News (Nottingham), 1880. Sat., during season. 14d. Sub. 8s. per ann. 
Nottingham Journal Ltd., Parliament St., Nottingham. (Tel. 45541). 

Football Pink (Swindon), 1926. Sat. 6.30 p.m. ld. Swindon Press Ltd., Newspaper 
House, Swindon. (Tel. 215). 

Football Post (Nottingham), 1903. Sat.—p.m., during season. 14d. Sub. 8s. T. 
Bailey Forman, South Sherwood St., Nottingham. (Tel. No. 45521). 

Football Press (York), 1926. Sat. (during season). ld. Sub. 6s. 2d. for season. 
Yorkshire Herald Co. Ltd., 9 Coney St., York. (Tel. No. 3053). 

Football Telegraph (Kettering), 1895. Sat., p.m. during season. ld. Sub. 4s. | 
6d. for season. Northamptonshire P. & P. Co. Ltd., Dryland St., Kettering. (Tel. 
No. 501). 

Football Times (Inverness), 1883. Sat. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Highland News 
Ltd., Hamilton St., Inverness. (Tel. No. 259). 

Footwear Organiser & Shoe Trades Export Journal, 1919. M.—8th. 20s. per annum. 
National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 3422). 

Footwear Organiser Directory of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 1923. Aug. 5s. 6d. net. 
National Trade Press, Ltd., Drury House, Russell Street, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 3422). 

For Every Land, 1923 (as Bible Society Gleanings, 1869). M.—25th. 4d. Sub. ls. 
per ann. British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 2036). 

Ford Times, 1924. M.—6th. 4d. Sub.6s.6d.perann. Redoubt Ltd., 72-8 Fleet St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 6467). l 

Foreign Affairs, 1919. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Union of Democratic 
Control, 34 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 3770). 

Foreign Field, 1904 (as Work and Workers, 1892). M.—24th. 2d. Wesleyan 
Missionary Society, 7 Carlisle Avenue, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0610). 

Foreign Office List, 1806. Feb. 25s.,maps. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. Martir’: 
Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

1876. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Express and Independent Newspapers Ltd., 
827 High Road, Leytonstone. Localised edition of the Levtonstene Express. 

Fri. 1d. 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hiil, s.£.23. (Tel. Sydenham 1054). 

FOREST OF DEAN WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (l). Fri. 14d. Gloucester Road, 
Coleford. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Foresters’ Diary and Pocket Book (Webster), 1903. Dec. 3s. 9d. Ernest Benn Ltd., 
154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Foresters’ Miscellany, 1836. M.—Ist. 2d. A.O.F., 17 Russell Square, w.c.1. 

Forestry, 1927. Irreg. 7s. 6d. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

FORFAR DISPATCH, 1884. (ind.). Thurs. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. O. McPherson, 
85 East High St., Forfar. (Tel. 194). (Circ. 3320). 

D. Buchan, Osnaburgh St., lorfar. 


Willing’s Press Guide | [For-Fre 

FORMBY TIMES, 1895. (/). Fri. for Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. J. Riley, 
257 Lord St., Southport. (Tel. Southport 4867). 

FORRES, ELGIN AND NAIRN GAZETTE, 1837. (u). Wed.—a.m. lłd. Sub. 
8s. 8d. per ann. Macdonald and Tulloch, 26 Caroline St., Forres. (Tel. 15). 
Forres News and Advertiser, 1905. Sat. Gratis. A.M. Ross, 1 Gordon St., Forres. 

(Tel. 131). (Circ. 3,000). 

Fortnightly Financial Review for Investors, 1907. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. 
Mortimer, Harley & Co. Ltd., 16 St. James St., s.w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8565). 
Fortnightly Review, 1865. M.—Ist. 3s. 6d. net. Sub. £2 2s. per ann. Chapman & 

Hall Ltd., 11 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 5762). 
Forum of Education, 1923. Feb., June, Nov. 2s. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 
39 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 
Forward, 1906. (lab. and soc.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Forward P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., 26 Civic St., Port Dundas, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 1360). 

Forward or On Active Service, 1889 (as Our Soldiers’ Magazine, 1887). M.—30th. ld. 
Sub. ls. 6d. perann. Miss Sandes’ Soldiers’ Home, Holywood, Belfast. (Tel. 113). 

Forward View, 1927. (lib.) M.—12th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Liberal Publication 
Dept., 42 Parliament St., s.w.1. 

Foundry Trade Journal, 1902 (with which is incorporated Ivon and Steel Trades Journal, 
1849). Thurs. 5d. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wellington St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 3951). 

Fowler's Electrical Engineers’ Pocket Book, 1899. Oct. 3s. Scientific Publishing 
Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. (Tel. City 6655). 

Fowler's Mechanical Engineers’ Pocket Book, 1899. Oct. 3s. Scientific Publishing 
Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. (Tel. City 6655). 

Fowler’s Mechanics and Machinists’ Pocket Book and Diary, 1909. Oct. 2s. 
Scientific Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. (Tel. City 6655). 

“ F.P.” Racing Novels, 1928. Two issues per month. 44d. Hornsey Journal Ltd., 
36 Crouch Hill, N.4. (Tel. Mount View 5566). 

Fragments, 1899. Sept. Simpkin Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

FRAMLINGHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1859. (ind.). Fri—6 p.m., for Sat. ld. 
H: B. Maulden, Church St., Framlingham. 

Francais, 1882. Quarterly. 6d. Librairie Hachette, 18 King William St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Central 9467). 

France, La, 1921. Wed. 2d. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Franciscan Annals, 1877. M.—28th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. The Monastery, 
Grosvenor St., Chester. (Tel. 38). 

Franco-British Medical Review, 1924. M.—Ist. Is. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson 
Ltd., 85 Gt. Titchfield St.,w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

FRASERBURGH ADVERTISER, 1852. (/). Fri. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Calder 
Bros., 26 High St., Fraserburgh. (Tel. 86). 

FRASERBURGH HERALD, 1884. (u). Tues. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Fraser- 
burgh Printing Co. Ltd., Braeheads and Shore St., Fraserburgh. (Tel. No. 109). 

Free Church Chronicle, 1898. Feb., May, Sept., Dec. 2d. Rev. Thos. Nightingale, 
Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 4403). 

Free Churchman, 1897. M.—lIst. 2d. G. S. Hirst, Memorial Hall, Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5577). 

Free Press, 1928. M.—lIst. Gratis. Blackfriars Press Ltd., Smith-Dorrien Road, 
Leicester. (Tel. 27164). 

FREE PRESS (West Bromwich), 1875. (u.). Fri—4 p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. Kenrick & Jefferson Ltd., High St., West Bromwich. (Tel. 1001). 

FREE PRESS (Wexford), 1888. (nat.). Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 2d. W. M. Corcoran, 
59 South Main St., Wexford. (Tel. No. 8). (Circ. 17,213). 

FREE PRESS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE, 1909 (as Pontypool Free Press, 1859). (ind.). 
Fri. 2d. Henry Hughes Newspapers Ltd., Clarence Corner, Pontypool. (Tel. 
No. 10). 

Free Sunday Advocate and National Sunday League Record, 1869. M.—lIst. ld. 
National Sunday League, 34 Red Lion Square, High Holborn, w.c.1l. (Tel. 
Holborn 5747). 

Free Trader, 1921. M.—lIst. 3d. Free Trade Union, 69 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 7796). 

Freeman, 1908. Three or four issues a year. 6d Guild of Freeman of the City of 
London, Baker’s Hall, Harp Lane, E.c.3. (Circ. 1,400). 


Fre-Fun] Willing’s Press Guide 

Freemason, 1869 (with which is incorporated the Masonic Illustrated, 1900). Fri.— 
for Sat. 3d. 21 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2860). (Advt. 
p. xxxiv). 

Freemason’s Chronicle, 1875. Fri for Sat. 20s. per ann. A. W. Morgan, Fleet Works, 
New Barnet. (Tel. Barnet 0309). 

Freethinker, 1881. Thurs., for Sun. 3d. Pioneer Press, 61 Farringdon St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 2412). 

French Quarterly, 1919. 3s. Manchester University Press, 23 Lime Grove, Oxford 
Road, Manchester. 

French's Guide to Selecting Plavs, 1870. Oct. ls. S. French Ltd., 26 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7513). , 

Friend, 1843. Fri. 3d. Sub. 15s. 6d. per ann. British Periodicals Ltd., 19 Cursitor 
St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

Friendly Companion, 1857 (N.S. 1875). M.—Ist. 2d. C. J. Farncombe & Sons Ltd., 
30 Imperial Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8366). 

Friends’ Quarterly Examiner, 1867. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. Sub. 8s. per ann. 
British Periodicals Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

Friends’ Witness to Scriptural Truth, 1908. M.—Ist. ld. S. L. Hunt, Rushden. 

FRINTON AND WALTON GRAPHIC, 1911. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Clacton-on-Sea 
Graphic P. & P. Co. Ltd., 31 Electric Parade, Clacton-on-Sea. 

FRINTON NEWS, 1904. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. East 
Essex Printing Works, Ltd. Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. Clacton 20). 
One of the Essex Advertiser, &c., series. 

FRINTON TIMES. Sat. ld. A. Quick & Co. Ltd., Jackson Road, Clacton-on-Sea. 
(Tel. Clacton 177). 

1904. (mnat.). Sat. 2d. North-West of Ireland P. & P. Co., 31 Hill St., Newry. 
One of the Ulster Herald series. 

Frontiersman, 1909. M.—15th. 6d. Porter & Sons, 18 Peckham Rye, s.£.15. 
(Tel. New Cross 1187). 

Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Trades Journal, 1895 (with which is incorporated Journal 
of Greengrocery, Fruit, and Flowers). Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 3d. The Lockwood 
Press, 1 Mitre Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1862). 

Fruit Grower, Fruiterer, Florist and Market Gardener, 1895 (with which is incorporated 
Farm and Home, 1882). Thurs. 3d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 0244). 

Fruit Trade Diary and Year Book, 1917. Dec. 1s. Lockwood Press, 1 Mitre Court, 

. E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1862). 

Fruiterers’ and Florists’ Review, 1925. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Retail 
and Fruiterers’ and Florists’ Association Ltd., 6 Russell Chambers, Covent Garden, 
w.c.2, (Tel. Temple Bar 4137). 

Fry’s Royal Guide to the Principal London and other Charities, 1862. Oct. 2s. 
Churchman Publishing Co. Ltd., 33-4 Craven St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0682). 

Fuel Economist, 1925. M.—20th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. 3 Central Buildings, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 7560). | 

Fuel in Science and Practice, 1922. M.—Ist. 2s. Fuel Publications Ltd., 30-31 
Furnival St., E.c.4. 

FULHAM AND WEST LONDON GAZETTE, 1919. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. Western Metropolitan Newspapers (1928) Ltd., 565 Fulham Road, 
s.w.6. (Tel. Fulham 6125). 

FULHAM AND WALHAM GREEN NEWS, 1882. (u). Fri. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 
204 Hammersmith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). 
One of the West London Reporter series. . 

FULHAM CHRONICLE, 1888 (with which is incorporated West London Advertiser, 
1906). (imd.). Fri—1l a.m. 2d. Clifford H. Hall, 461-5 North End Road, 
Walham Green, s.w.6. (Tel. Fulham 2858). 

FULHAM OBSERVER, 1855. (ind.). Fri. 2d. E. W. Carter, Observer House, 
Effie Road, s.w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1451.) One of the West London Observer series. 
( Advt. p xix). 

Fundamentalist, 1914 (with which is incorporated Bible Call and Fundamental 
Advocate. M.—5th. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Marshall, Morgan and Scott Ltd.. 
1, 2, 11 and 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Funny Wonder, 1915. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St. £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Fur-Gar 

Fur and Feather, Rabbits and Rabbit Keepmg, 1888 (with which is incorporated Cats, 
Illustrated). Fri. 2d. Watmoughs Limited, Idle, Bradford. (Tel. Idle 263). 

Fur Farming, 1925. M.—4th. Sat. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Fur World Ltd., 83-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3626). 

Fur Record, 1929. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Fur Record Ltd., 77 Queen 
Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 8256). 

Fur World, 1910. Twice Monthly. Ist and 3rd Sats. 10s. per ann. Fur World 
Ltd., 83-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3626). 

Furnishing Trades Organiser and Hardware Export Journal, 1920. M.—25th. 2s. 
Sub. 20s. per ann. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 3422), l 

Furnishing Trades’ Organiser Directory of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 1928. June. 
5s. 6d. net. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 3422). | 

Furnishings, 1926. M.—10th. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. R. C. Eveleigh, 148 Fleet St., 

Furniture Record and the Furnisher and the Hire Trade Review, 1899 (as Furniture 
and Decoration, 1870). Fri. 3d. Furniture Record Ltd., 36 Worhsip St., E.C.2. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 1185). 

Gaidheal An, 1924 (as Gailig, 1923, as Deo Griene, 1905). M.—Ist. 1d. Sub. ls. 6d. 
per ann. An Comunn Gaidhealach, 212 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 


GAINSBOROUGH EVENING NEWS, 1883. (ind.). Tues.—2 p.m. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. W. H. & C. H. Caldicott, 32 Market Place, Gainsborough. (Tel. 155). 

Galashiels, Selkirk, and Melrose Almanac and Directory, 1879. Dec. 3d. J. McQueen 
& Son Ltd., 27 Channel St., Galashiels. (Tel. No. 12). 

Gallovidian Annual, 1899. Dec. 2s. R. Dinwiddie, 117-119 High St., Dumfries. 

Thurs.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. E. McKail, 8 Castle St., Stranraer. (Tel. 
No. 53). 

GALLOWAY GAZETTE, 1870. (c). Sat. 2d. John F. Brown, Newton Stewart. 
(Tel. No. 9). 

Galloway Herd Book, 1878. March. 10s. Courier and Herald Newspaper Co., Ltd., 
111-113 High St., Dumfries. 

GALLOWAY NEWS, 1858. (ind.). Sat. 2d. J. H. Maxwell Ltd., 146 King St., 
Castle Douglas. (Tel. 18). 

GALWAY OBSERVER, 1881. (nat). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. Id. A. G. Scott, Abbey- 
gate St., Galway. 

Game and Gun and the Country Estate, 1924. M.—ist. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Adelphi Press Ltd., 37-8 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. City 

Gamekeeper, 1897. M.—Ist. 6d. Gilbertson & Page Ltd., Hertford. (Tel. 68.) 

Gamekeepers’ Gazette, 1907. M.—15th. 5d. Sub. 5s. per ann. W. Hill, Oakwood, 
Beck Row, Suffolk, via Ely. 

Games and Toys, 1914. M.—lIst. Subs. 10s. per ann. Vernon House, Sicilian 
Avenue, Southampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 7526). 

Games and Toys Trade Directory and Diary, 1920. Jan. 10s. Vernon House, Sicilian 
Avenue w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 7526). 

Garage and Motor Agent, 1914. Sat. 6d. Sub. 15s. per ann. T. Want, 7-11 Theo- 
bald’s Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8551). 

Garda Review, 1925. M.—24th. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Seamus F. MacCall, 2 
Crow St., Dublin. (Tel. 22123). 

Garden Cities and Town Planning, 1904. M.—Ist. 6d. Garden Cities and Town 
Planning Association, 3 Grays Inn Place, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 7267). (Circ. 

Garden City Advertiser, 1929. Thurs. Gratis. Sub.6s.6d.perann. G.W. Wardman, 
Commonwealth Press, Letchworth. (Tel. Letchworth 217). (Circ. 4,000). 

Garden Work for Amateurs, 1912. Mon.—9 a.m. ld. T. Want, 7-11 Theobald’s 
Road, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8551). 

Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1841. Fri.—3 a.m., for Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Gardeners’ 
Chronicle Ltd., 5 Tavistock St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7818). 

Gardeners’ Year Book, 1927. Jan. 3s. 6d.and7s.6d. P. Allan & Co. Ltd., 69 Great 
Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9576). 


Gar-Geo] Willing’s Press Guide 

Gardening Illustrated, 1879. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

GARSTON AND WOOLTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1885. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Swale 
(Widnes) Ltd., 9 Woolton Road, Garston. One of the Widnes Weekly News series. 

Gas—Fuel, Distribution, Light, 1910. Wed. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. J. Longstaff 
Ltd., 17 The Borough, Hinckley. (Tel. No. 63). (Circ. 3,000). 

Gas and Oil Power, 1905. M.—Ist Thurs. 6d. Sub. 7s.6d.perann. J. Raymond, 
Empire House, St. Martin’s-le-Grand, E.c.1. (Tel. National 7494). 

Gas Association's Reports, 1883. Jan. W. King Ltd., 11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 6055). 

Gas Engineer, 1922 (as Gas Engineer, 1876, as Gas Engineer's Magazine, 1888). M.— 
6th. Is. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Gas Journal, 1849. Wed.—noon. Ils. Sub. 35s. per ann. W. King Ltd., 11 Bolt 
Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6055). 

“ Gas Journal” Calendar and Directory, 1925. Dec., for Jan. 7s.6d. W. King Ltd., 
11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6055). 

Gas Salesman, 1922. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. W. King Ltd., 11 Bolt Court, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6055). 

“ Gas Salesman” Diary and Handbook, 1925. Dec., for Jan. 3s. 6d. W. King Ltd., 
11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6055). 

Gas Works Directory and Statistics, 1884. Dec. 10s. 6d. Heywood & Co. Ltd. 
Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Par 3422). 

Gas World, 1884. Sat. 8d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., £E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Gas World Year Book, 1898. Dec. Subs. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 0244). 

Gateway, 1912. M.—15th. 3d. J. Leatham, Turriff, Aberdeenshire. 

Gateway, 1929. M.—24th. 6d. Ivor Press Ltd., 6 Hanover Square, w.l. (Tel. 
Mayfair 3924). 

Gaytonian, 1911. Three times a term. 2d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 
(Tel. 0156). 

Gazette de Grande-Bretagne, 1924. Sat.. 2d. Sub. 12s. per ann. Gazette de Grande- 
Bretagne Ltd., 14 Little Howland St., w.1. 

GAZETTE DE GUERNSEY (officielle), 1791. Sat.—7 a.m. 1$d. Guernsey Star 
and Gazette Co. Ltd., 2-6 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

Gem Library, 1907. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Genealogical Monthly, 1928. M.—20th. 21s. per ann. 196 Capel Road, £.12. (Tel. 
Ilford 1196). 

Genealogists’ Magazine, 1925. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. Free to Members. Others 
Is. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Society of Genealogists, 5 Bloomsbury Square, w.c.1. 

GENEDL GYMREIG (Welsh Nation), (with which is amalgamated Arweinydd Yr, 
1906, Glorian, and Wyntyll, 1903). (/). Mon., for Tues. 2d. National Press 
of Wales Ltd., Brunswick Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the North 
Wales Observer series. 

General Book Catalogue, 1883. Nov. Subs. Barnicott & Pearce, The Wessex Press, 
Fore St., Taunton. (Tel. No. 26). 

General Stud Book, 1800. Every four years, last issue 1929. 40s. Annual Supple- 
ments, Part I. 7s. 6d., and Part II. 2s. 6d. Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish 
Square, w.1. 

Geninen (Leek), 1882. Quarterly. ls. G. Evans & Son, 12 Eastgate St., Caernar- 
von. (Tel. No. 114). 

Gentleman’s Journal, 1890. (c). Sat. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. Felix A. Newbury, 
26 Shaftesbury Avenue, W.1. (Tel. Gerard 7686). 

Gentleman’s Pall Mall Fashions, 190!. Jan. and July. 7s. 6d. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Pall Mall Fashions Publishing Co., 133 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 8871). 

Gentleman's Tailor, 1866. M.—20th. ls. 6d., and twice a year, Feb. and Aug. 4s. 
John Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4560). 

Geographical Journal, 1893. M.—Ist. 2s., maps. Subs. 27s. per ann. E. Stanford 
Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Advts.—4-7 Red Lion Court, £.c.4.). (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1321). 

Geography, 1927 (as Geographical Teacher, 1901). Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. G. Philip 
& Son Ltd., 32 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6542). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Geo-Gla 

Geological Magazine, 1864. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. £1 10s. per ann. ‘Dulau & 
Co. Ltd., 32 Old Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 4210). 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News, 1890 (as Liverpool Corn Trade News, 1888 ; 
with which is incorporated George Broomhall’s Oilseed News, 1913). Daily— 
9 p.m. 2s. 6d. £7 7s. per ann. Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Fenwick St., 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News (Special American Edition), 1890. Tues. 15 
dollars a year. Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News (Special Weekly Edition), 1890. Tues. 2s. 6d. 
£3 3s. per ann. Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. 

Gibbon’s Stamp Monthly, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Stanley Gibbons 
Ltd., 391 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1431.) 

Giggleswick Chronicle, 1880. Terminally. 1s. J. W. Lambert & Sons, Settle. 

Gilbert and Sullivan Journal, 1925. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 1s. Sub. 4s. per ann. 
D. Graham Davis, 16 Bassett Road, w.10. 

Girl Guides’ Own Diary and Note Book, 1920. Aug. ls. Brown Son & Ferguson Ltd., 
52-58 Darnley St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 

Girl’s Own Annual, 1881. Sept. 12s. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Girls’ Adventure Annual, 1929. Sept. 5s. Wm. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 48 Pall 
Mall, s.w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2026). . 

Girls’ Cinema, 1920. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Girls’ Club Journal, 1909. Three times a year. 6d. Federation of Working Girls’ 
Clubs, 73 Bolsover St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 6976). 

Girls’ Friend, 1898. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Girls’ Friend Library, 1907. M.—ist Thurs. 4d. Sub. 18s. perann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

G.F.S. Magazine, 1918. M.—25th. 2d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland Avenue, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 50,000). 

Girls’ Friendly. Society Quarterly (Lichfield), 1896. Quarterly. hd. A. C. Lomax’s 
Successors, Lichfield. 

Girls’ Friendly Society Workers’ Journal, 1880. M.—25th. 2d. S.P.C.K., Northum- 
berland Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 9000). 

Girls’ Guildry Gazette, 1909. Oct., Dec. and Mar. 2d. 41 Burnbank Gardens, 
Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 1765). (Circ. 4,500). 

Girls’ Life Brigade Chronicle, 1902. M.—Ist. 14d. Girls’ Life Brigade (Inc.), 56 Old 
Bailey, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7270). 

Girls’ Mirror, 1915. Mon. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Shurey’s Publications Ltd., 
1 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4177). 

Girls’ School Year Book, 1906. Nov. 7s. 6d. net. H. F. W. Deane & Sons, The 
Year Book Press Ltd., 31 Museum St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3183). 

Girvan Town Crier, 1925. (ind.). Fri—p.m. for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. perann. W.G. 
Knott, 21 Ailsa St., Girvan. (Tel. No. 93). 

G.K.’s Weekly, 1925. (ind.). Thurs., for Sat. 6d. Sub. 28s. per ann. G.K.’s 
Weekly Ltd., 2 Little Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1978). 

Glad Tidings Calendar, 1925. Sept. ls. 6d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Glad Tidings for the Young, 1905. M.—25th. ld. C. A. Hammond, 3-4 London 
House Yard, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7950). 

GLAMORGAN ADVERTISER, 1919. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m. for Fri. 14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. Pugh & Lloyd, 105 Commercial St., Maesteg. (Tel. No. 14). 

GLAMORGAN COUNTY TIMES, 1895. (u). Fri. and Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. J. L. Rowlands, 15 Taff St., Pontypridd. (Tel. No. 258). 

Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. L. Rowlands, 15 Taff St., Pontypridd. (Tel. 258). 
GLAMORGAN GAZETTE, 1866 (with which is incorporated Bridgend and Neath 
Chronicle and Central Glamorgan Gazette). (ind.). Fri. 4d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 

perann. Central Glamorgan P. & P. Co., Queen St., Bridgend. (Tel. 119). 

GLAMORGAN NEWS, 1922. Thurs. Id. Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. J. K. Foster, 
West End Printing Works, West Terrace, Penarth. (Tel. No.26). (Circ. 4,000). 

85 D 

Gla-Glo] Willing’s Press Guide 

Glasgow ‘A B C Railway Guide, 1897. M.—Ist. 2d. Thos. Murray & Co. Ltd., 90 
Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow A BC Railway Rates Book, 1912. Every 4 years. 84s. Railway & Shipping 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Glasgow Academy Chronicle, 1899. 4 times a year. 6d. The Academy, Glasgow. 

ianeon Advertiser & Property Circular, 1856. Tues. 2d. J.C. King, 103 Bath St., 


Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1917. M.—Ist. Gratis. E. J. Parker Ltd., 
7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 

Glasgow Daily Stock and Share List, 1844. 5 p.m. Subs. Committee of Glasgow 
Stock Exchange Association, Stock Exchange, Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7841). 

Glasgow Directory, 1923. Annually. 20s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

GLASGOW EASTERN STANDARD, 1923. (ind.). Sat. ld. Hoxton & Walsh 
(1918) Ltd., 364 Broad St., Mile End, Glasgow. (Tel. Bridgeton 597). 

GLASGOW HERALD, 1805 (as Glasgow Advertiser, 1783). (ind.). Daily—2.30 a.m. 
2d. Sub. 65s. perann. George Outram & Co. Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 9200). (Advt. p. xii). 

Glasgow Medical Journal, 1828 (N.S. 1853). M.—Ist. 3s. A. Macdougall, 70 Mitchell 
St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow Observer and Catholic Herald, 1885. Fri., for Sat. 3d. Scottish Catholic 
Printing Co. Ltd., 52 North Frederick St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow Post Office Directory, 1818. June. 17s. 6d. Glasgow P.O. Directory 
Association Ltd., 207 Ingram St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 8628). 

Glasgow Star and Examiner, 1895, (nat. and cath.) Sat. 2d. Scottish Catholic Printing 
Co. Ltd.. 52 North Frederick St.. Glasgow. 

Glasgow Stock Exchange Records of Bargains in Securities, which have not Secured a 
Quotation in the Official List, 1929. Daily—5 p.m. Members only. Committee 
of the Glasgow Stock Exchange Association, Stock Exchange, Glasgow. (Tel. 
Central 7841). 

Glasgow University Calendar, 1867. Sept. 12s. 6d. Jackson, Wylie & Co., 73 West 
George St., Glasgow. 

GLASGOW WEEKLY HERALD, 1864. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s.perann. George Outram 
& Co. Ltd., 65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. . 

GLASGOW WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. D. C. Thomson 
& Co. Ltd., 144 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3802). One of the 
Thomson's Weekly News series. 

Glass, 1923. M.—l0th. Is. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Glass Publications Ltd., 22 
Henrietta St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3692). 

Gleanings and Memoranda, 1913 (as National Union Gleanings, 1893). (u). M.—lIst, 
ls. National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, Palace Chambers, 
Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9740). l 

Glenalmond Chronicle, 1876. 4 times a year. ls. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, 
Trinity College, Glenalmond. (Tel. Methven 1). 

Globe and Laurel, 1892. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Royal Marine Bar- 
racks, Eastney, Portsmouth. (Tel. 2024). 

Globe and Traveller, 1928. M.—25th. 1s. Sub. 12s.6d.perann. Erskine McDonald 
Ltd., 16 Featherstone Buildings, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 7777). 

Gloch (The Bell), 1903. (ind.). Tues. ld. Capt. Lewis Davies, Blaenau Festiniog. 

GLOSSOP ADVERTISER, 1923 (as North Cheshire & North Derbyshire Advertiser, 1870). 
(ind.). Fri. 2d. Glossop Printers Ltd., Howard St., Glossop. (Tel. No. 67). 

GLOSSOP CHRONICLE, 1859. (c) Fri. 2d. Glossop Printers Ltd., Howard 
Chambers, Glossop. (Tel. 67). 

Gloucester Co-operative Society Monthly Record, 1895. Last Fri. Gratis. The 
Society, Brunswick Road, Gloucester. 

Gloucester Diocesan Magazine, 1906. M.—lIst. 2d. Minchin & Gibbs, 24 Westgate 
St., Gloucester. (Tel. 2805). 

Gloucester Diocesan Year Book, 1864. June. 2s. Minchin & Gibbs, 24 Westgate St., 
Gloucester. (Tel. 2805). 

GLOUCESTER JOURNAL, 1722 (with which is incorporated the Gloucestershire Chronicle 
1833). (ind.). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Chance & Bland Ltd., 
St. John’s Lane, Gloucester. (Tel. Gloucester 3006). 

GLOUCESTERSHIRE ECHO, 1882 (as Evening Telegram, 1873). (c). Daily—Ist 
edition, 1 p.m. Id. Cheltenham Newspaper Co. Ltd., Clarence Parade, Chelten- 
ham. (Tel. 3057). — 


Willing’s Press Guide [Glo-Goo 

Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs’ Society Herd Book, 1915. Sept. 15s. The Secretary, 
28 Baldwin St., Bristol. 

Glovers’ Inklings, 1928. Alt. M.—Ist. 6d. Glovers’ Advertising, Phoenix House, 
Queen Square, Bristol. (Circ. 1,200). 

God and Humanity, 1928 (as New Spiritualist, 1927). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Society 
of Communion, 34 Lancaster Road, s.£.25. (Tel. Sydenham 0249). 

GOLBORNE GUARDIAN, 1922. Fri—noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Harvey’s, 
13 Bridge St., Earlestown. (Tel. Newton-le-Willows 112). One of the Earlestown 
Guardian series. 

Golden Annual, 1925. Sept. 4s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Golden Bowl, 1927. Occas. ls. Golden Bowl Hand Press, Kelmscott, Deepdene 
Road, Guildford. 

Golden Dawn, 1929. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. 6d. per ann. Alpha Publishing Co., 
Stafford House, Norfolk St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5736). (Circ. 500). 

Golden Grain Almanac, 1868. Oct. 2d. to ls. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell 
St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

Golden Grain Calendar, 1918. Oct. ls. 3d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

Golden Grain Diary, 1866. Oct. 1s. to 7s. 6d. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

*Golden Shore, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 4d. per ann. Miss R. 
Aglionby, Hilden Grange, Tonbridge. (Tel. 437). 

Golden Year Annual, 1928. Sept. 5s. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 3 Pater- 
noster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2713). 

GOLDERS GREEN GAZETTE, 1923. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch 
Press, (Cricklewood), Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 

GOLDERS GREEN GUARDIAN, 1875. Fri—4 am. 2d. Warden & Co. Ltd., 71 
Church Road, Hendon, n.w.4 (Tel. Hendon 1472). One of the Hendon and 
Finchley Times series. 

Goldsmiths Journal, 1917, M.—Ist. 8d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. N. A. G. Press, 
26 Old St., E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 4237). 

Goleuad (The Light), 1869. Wed. 22. Calvinistic Methodist Book Room, Caer- 

Golf Illustrated, 1890. Fri. 9d. Sub. 43s. 4d. per ann. Golf Illustrated Ltd., 28 
Woburn Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Terminus 6201). ( Advt. p. xxiii). 

Golf Monthly, 1911. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. St. James’ Place, Edinburgh. 
(Tel. 24217). 

Golfers’ Handbook, 1898. Feb. 7s.6d. Golf Printing and Publishing Co., St. James’s 
Place, Edinburgh. (Tel. 24217). 

Golfing, 1895. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. W. D. Ross, 222 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Central 2024). 

Good Health, 1902. M.—ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Stanborough Press Ltd., 
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts. (Tel. 1751). (Circ. 19,000). 

Good Housekeeping, 1922. M.—28th. ls. National Magazine Co. Ltd., 153 Queen 
Victoria St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6591). 

Good Lines, 1892. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. perann. Commercial Travellers’ Christian 
Association, 1854 Aldersgate St., £.c.1. (Tel. National 3772). (Circ. 3,000). 

a ont 1852. M.—ist. d.  Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. (Tel. 

o. 84). 

Good News Calendar, 1882. Oct. 1s. 6d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Good News Sheet Almanac, 1864. Oct. 14d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Good Roads, 1925. M.—20th. 8d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Quarry Managers’ Journal 
Ltd., 53 Broad St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 4749). 

Good Seed, 1887. M.—lIst. ld. Pickering & Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 7424). 

Good Templar, 1870. M.—25th. ld. Grand Lodge of Scotland, I.0.G.T., 114 West 
Campbell St., Glasgow. 

Good Templars’ Watchword, 1879. M.—28th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Grand 
Lodge of England, I.0.G.T., 168 Edmund St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 1496). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

Good Tidings, 1894. M.—Ist. 4d. John Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Good Tidings Gospel Text Calendar, 1907. Sept. 1s. J. Ritchie, Ltd., (Kilmarnock. 

87 D2 

Goo-Gra] Willing’s Press Guide 

Goodly Words, 1923. M.—lIst. 14d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Goodwill, 1914. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. World Alliance 
for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches, Effingham House, 
Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Central 1808). 

GOOLE JOURNAL, 1891. (ind.). Wed. and Sat. ld. Goole Times Printing & 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, Goole. 

GOOLE TIMES AND WEEKLY HERALD, 1853. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Goole 
Times Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, Goole. 

Gordonian, 1896. Irreg. ld. The Editor, Gordon Boys Orphanage, St. James’ St., 

GORTON, OPENSHAW, AND BRADFORD REPORTER, 1855. (/). Fri. for Sat. 2d. 
J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton 
Reporter series. 

Gospel Book Almanac, 1885. Sept. Id. J. Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Gospel Booklets, 1923. Occas. 2s. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Gospel Echo, 1885. M.—25th. 4d. C. Wileman, 27 Sydney Grove, Hendon, N.w.4. 
(Tel. Hendon 8520). . 

Gospel Gleanings, 1901. M.—25th. ld. C. A. Hammond, 3-4 London House Yard, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 7950). 

Gospel Herald and Earthen Vessel, 1923 (as Earthen Vessel and Gospel Herald, 1845). 
M.—Ist. 2d. Marshall Press Ltd., Milford Lane, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 9330). 

Gospel Magazine and Protestant Beacon, 1766 (with which is incorporated the British 
Protestant, 1884). M.—25th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. B. S. Taylor, 23 Bedford 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5574) 

Gospel Messenger, 1886. M.—lIst. ld. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Gospel Messenger, 1911. M.—Ist. ld. J. K. Souter & Co., Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 

Gospel Messenger, 1928. M.—lIst. 1s. 6d. per hundred. J. Ritchie Ltd., 20 Sturrock 
St., Kilmarnock. (Tel. 16). i 

Gospel Standard, 1835. M.—lIst. 3d. C. J. Farncombe & Sons, Ltd., 30 Imperial 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8366). 

Gospel Stories for the Young, 1876. M.—28th. ld. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Gospel Text Almanac, 1887. Oct. 14d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Gospel Trumpet, 1857. M.—lIst. $d. Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. (Tel. 
No. 84). 

Gosport, Alverstoke, Fareham and District Directory, 1914. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

GOUROCK TIMES, 1915. (ind.). Fri—a.m. ld. J. & R. Simpson, 52 Kempock St., 
Gourock. (Tel. No. 77). 

GOVAN PRESS, 1878. (ind.). Fri. 2d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. 

Gower, 1851. Mar., July, Dec. Is. Sub. 3s. per ann. University College School, 
Frognal, Hampstead, N.w.3. (Tel. Hampstead 4154). 

Gowertonien, 1904. Terminally. 6d. County School, Gowerton. (Tel. 3). (Circ. 

Grace and Truth, 1928. M.—25th. 6s. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Graded School Intermediate Quarterly, 1914. 9d. net. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

Graded School Junior Quarterly, 1914. 9d. net. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 8221). 

Graded School Primary Quarterly, 1914. 9d. net. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim St., £.c.4. 
(Tel. City 8221). 

Grafton Fashions for Gentlemen, 1919. Twice a year. 12s. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. 
Bell’s Fashion Bureau Ltd., 28 South Molton St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 1788). 

Gramophone, 1923. M.—lIst. Is. Sub. 14s. per ann. Gramophone Publications 
Ltd., 10a Soho Square, London. (Tel. Regent 7976). 

Gramophone and Radio News, 1923 (as Talking Machine News and Journal of Amuse- 
ments, 1909). M.—3rd. Fri. 3d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Albans Ltd., 1 Mitre 
Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 7584). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Gra-Gre 

Gramophone Critic, 1928. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Dunlop & Co., 1-2 
Whitfield St., £.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 4569). 

Grand Magazine, 1905. M.—5th. ls. net. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 
8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows Magazine, 1913. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2d. Board 
of Directors, 24 Devonshire St., Manchester. 

GRANGE AND CARTMEL GUARDIAN, 1910. (/). Sat. 2d. Barrow and North 
Lonsdale Press Ltd., 91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow-in- Furness. One of the Barrow 
Guardian series. l 

GRANGE AND CARTMEL NEWS, 1892. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Barrow News & Mail 
Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow-in- Furness. (Tel. Barrow 35). One of the Barrow 
News series. 

(înd.). Sat. ld. W. Glen & Co., Kerse Road, Grangemouth. (Tel. No. 117). 

Granta, 1889. Fri. during term. 6d. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney St., Cambridge. 
(Tel. Cambridge 330). 

JOURNAL, 1854. (ind.). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Grantham, &c., Journal 
Co. Ltd., 46 High St., Grantham. (Tel. No. 80). (Circ. 16,000). 

GRAPHIC, 1869. Thurs.—a.m., for Sat. Is. Sub. £3 3s. per ann. Illustrated 
Newspapers Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). 

GRAVESEND AND DARTFORD REPORTER, 1856. (ind.). Fri—6 a.m., for Sat. 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Gravesend and Dartford Reporter Ltd., 44-46 Harmer 
St., Gravesend. (Tel. 34). (Circ. 12,000) 

AND UPMINSTER STANDARD, 1884. (ind.). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. J.H. 
Burrows & Sons Ltd., 91 Orsett Road, Grays. 

Great Heart, 1912 (as Children’s Missionary Magazine, 1901). M.—Ilst. 1d. Youth 
Committees of Church of Scotland and United Free Church of Scotland, 22 
Queen St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 26185). 

Great Thoughts, 1883. M.—25th. Is. Sub. 14s. per ann. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Great Western Railway Magazine, 1898. M.—lIst. ld. and 2d. Sub. 3s. and 4s. 
per ann. G. W. Railway Co., Paddington Station, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 7000). 

Greater Britain Messenger, 1876. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Colonial and Continental 
Church Society, 9 Serjeant’s Inn, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4842). 

Greater Dunlop Gazette, 1928. M.—last Thurs. ld. Sub. 12s. per ann. Dunlop 
Rubber Co. Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham. (Tel. Central 4108, Ext. 416). (Circ. 

Greater World, 1928. Sat. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 23 Leonard St., £.c.2. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 0488). 

Greek Student’s Monthly, 1927. M.—ist.Sat. 3d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. A. Marshall, 
14 Orchard Road, Kingston-on-Thames. 

Green Badge Journal, 1920. Alt. Fri’s. 2d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Motor Cab Trade 
Protection Society, 14 Red Lion Sq., w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 7104). (Circ. 2,500). 

Green Howards’ Gazette, 1898 (as Ours, 1893). M.—Ist. 4d. Eden Fisher & Co. 
Ltd., 95-97 Fenchurch St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 3717). 

Green Quarterly, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. P. Allan 
& Co., 69 Great Russell St., w.c.1. 

Greenock and District Directory (including Port-Glasgow and Gourock) 1923 (as Greenock 
Post Office Directory, 1850). 7s. 6d. N. Haughey, Jr., Phoenix Printinghouse, 
Brymner St., Greenock. (Tel. No. 25). 

Greenock and West Coast A B C Bus Time Table and Diary, 1924. M.—28th. ld. N. 
Haughey, Jr., Phoenix Printinghouse, Brymner St., Greenock. (Tel. No. 25). 

Sub. lls. 10d. per ann. J. G. Thompson, 40 Cathcart St., Greenock. (Tel. 796). 

l p.m. to6p.m. Foureditions. Id. Orr, Pollock & Co., 12 Charles St., Greenock. 
(Tel. No. 44). (Circ. 20,000). 

Gregg Shorthand Magazine, 1913. M.—Ilst. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Gregg 
Publishing Co., Ltd., 36-38 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2374), 

Gresham, 1900. Six times a year. 6d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Gresham’s School, 
Holt, Norfolk. 

Grey Book, 1886. Mar. ls. Free to members. Institute of Journalists, 2-4 Tudor 
St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 3821). (Circ. 2,500). 


Gre-Guy] Willing’s Press Guide 

Greyfriars Holiday Annual, 1921 (as Holiday Annual, 1919). Sept. 6s. Amal- 
gamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Greyhound Evening Mirror, 1929. Daily—4 p.m. Sub. 72s. per ann. I. Greene & M. 
Freeman, 12 Neald Parade, Wembley. (Tel. Wembley 2880). (Circ. 4500). 
( Advt. p. xxxiv). 

Greyhound Stud Book, 1883. Sept. 20s. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 3682). 

GRIMSBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1900 (as Eastern Daily Telegraph, 1896). (u). 5 
editions. ld. Provincial Newspapers Ltd., 80 Cleethorpes Road, Great Grimsby. 
(Tel. Grimsby 610). 

GRIMSBY NEWS, 1873. (ind.). Fri—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Grimsby 
News Co. Ltd., 85 Victoria St., Grimsby. (Tel. No. 2502). 

Grocer and Oil Trade Review, 1861. Sat. 6d. W. Reed Ltd., Eastcheap Buildings, 
E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 1192). 

Grocers’ Gazette and Provision Trade News, 1881. Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. 
Grocers’ Gazette Ltd., 71 Eastcheap, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 4216). (Circ. 20,023). 

Grocers’ Review and Provision Trade Journal, 1888. Tues. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Grocers’ Review Ltd., 1 Greenwood St., Manchester. (Advt. p. xxxiv). 

Grocery, 1899. M.—Sth. 1s. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury 
House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Grocery, Provision, Oil, Colour and Tobacco Trades Directory, 1872. Irreg., last issue 
1922. 50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Gryphon, 1897. Twice aterm. 6d. Sub. 3s. 9d. per ann. Leeds University Union, 
The University, Leeds. (Circ. 2,300). 

GUARDIAN, 1846 (with which is incorporated the Churchwoman, 1903). Fri.—a.m. 
6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Guardian Publications Ltd., 14 Burleigh St., Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7576). (Advt. p. xxiii). 

GUERNSEY ADVERTISER AND WEEKLY STAR, 1869. Fri—8p.m. ld. Guernsey 
Star and Gazette Co. Ltd., 2-6 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

Guernsey Entertainments and Visitors’ Guide, 1883. Sat. Gratis. Tozers, 10 Smith 
St.. Guernsey. (Circ. 4,000). 

GUERNSEY EVENING PRESS, 1897. (ind.). Three editions. ld. Sub. £2 per ann. 
Guernsey Press Co. Ltd., 8 Smith St., Guernsey. (Tel. 1400). (Circ. 6086). 

GUERNSEY WEEKLY PRESS, 1902. (ind.). Sat—8 a.m. ld. Guernsey Press 
Co. Ltd., 8 Smith St., Guernsey. (Tel. 1400). 

Guia Anglo- Sudamericana, 1918. M.—lIst. Is. Sub. 12s. perann. Anglo-American 
Press, 101 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0727). (Circ. 1250). 

Guide, 1922. Wed. for Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Broadway Press Ltd., 
Broadway Buildings, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7959). (Circ. 31,000). 

Guider, 1927 (as Girl Guide Gazette, 1914). M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Girl 
Guides Association, 25 Buckingham Palace Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6860). 

Guild, 1898. M.—25th. 2d. Wesley Guild Headquarters, Oxford Chambers, Leeds. 
(Tel. Leeds 21892). (Circ. 50,000). 

Guild Gardener, 1926. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. Gardens Guild, 9 Gower St., 
w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9222), (Circ. 10,000). 

Guildford, Godalming and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 2s.6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Guildford City Outlook, 1923. M.—25th. Gratis. G. H. Brierley, Devon Cot, 
Guildford. (Tel. No. 610). 

Guildford Lasham’s Directory, 1852. Jan. 1s. Biddles Ltd., 10 High St., Guildford. 

Tel. 1744). 

Guildhouse Monthly, 1927. M.—Thurs. before Ist Sun. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
Fellowship Guild. The Guildhouse, Eccleston Square, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 
6119). (Circ. 12,000). 

Gunner, 1921. M.—10th. Sub. 4s. per ann. Royal Artillery Association, Artillery 
House, Earl’s Court, s.w.5. (Tel. Frobisher 4088). (Editorial—20 Junction 
Road, Southsea). 

Guy’s Cork (County and City) Almanac and Directory, 1872. Jan. 4s. Guy & Co. 
Ltd., 70 Patrick St., Cork. (Tel. 918). 

Guy's Hospital Gazette, 1872. Alt. Sats. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Ash & Co. Ltd., 
Henry St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1086). 

Guy’s Hospital Reports, 1921. Jan., Apr., July, Oct. 12s. 6d. net. Sub. 42s. per ann. 
Lancet Ltd., 7 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7228). 

Guy’s Monthly Time Tables, 1885. M.—Ist. 4d. Guy & Co. Ltd., 70 Patrick St., 
Cork. (Tel. 918). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Gwy-Ham 

Gwyliedydd Newydd (New Watchman), 1877. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 11ls.perann. Gwasg 
y Bala, Bala, Merioneth. 

Gymnast, 1924. 4 times during winter. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Amateur Gymnastic 
Association, St. Bride Institute, Bride Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2371). 

Gymraes (Welshwoman), 1896. M.—lIst. 2d. E. W. Evans, Ltd., Dolgelly. (Tel. 
No. 13). 

Wed., Fri., 8 a.m. ld. Potters Press Ltd., 505a Kingsland Road, £.8. (Tel. 
Clissold 6311). (Circ. 22,537). 

Hackney Stud Book, 1884. Feb. 21s. Hackney Horse Society, 12 Hanover Square, 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0595). 

Fri.—5 a.m. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D. & J. Croal, 18 Market St., Had- 
dington. (Tel. 57). (Circ. 6,000). 

Haileyburian, 1868. Thrice each term. Price varies. S. Austin & Sons Ltd., 
Hertford. (Tel. 46). 

Hairdressers’ Weekly Journal, 1882. Sat.—9 a.m. 3d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Osborne, 
Garrett & Co. Ltd., 51 Frith St., Soho, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 9191). (Circ. 19,000). 

Hairdressing Fashions, 1921. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Osborne, 
Garrett & Co. Ltd., 51-54 Frith St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 9191). 

Wed. 2d. W. C. Gale, 16 Thoroughfare, Halesworth. 

HALIFAX COURIER AND GUARDIAN, 1923 (with which are incorporated Halifax 
Courier, 1853, Halifax Guardian, 1832). (ind.). Sat. 2d. Halifax Courier 
Ltd., King Cross St., Halifax. 

HALIFAX DAILY COURIER AND GUARDIAN, 1892. (ind.). p.m. ld. Halifax 
Courier Ltd., King Cross St., Halifax. 

incorporated the Essex and Halstead Times, 1861 and Braintree Gazette, 1857). 
(tnd.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. H. Root, Caxton Works, Halstead. 
(Tel. No. 16). 

(and.). Fri. ld. W. T. Bath, 16 Market St., Hexham. 

a.m. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Hamilton Advertiser Ltd., 9 Campbell St., 

Hammersmith, Shepherd’s Bush, &c., Directory, 1878. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

8s. 8d. per ann. Western Metropolitan Newspapers (1928) Ltd., 565 Fulham 
Road, s.w.6. (Tel. Fulham 6125). 

Hampshire (including Isle of Wight), Wilts, Dorset and Channel Islands Directory, 
1884. Every three years; last issue 1927. 60s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Country—Sat., Town. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Southern Newspapers Ltd., 
45 Above Bar, Southampton. (Tel. 5021). (Advt. p. xviii). 

HAMPSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1772. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Jacob & 
Johnson, 57 High St., Winchester. (Tel. 370). 

TISER, 1885. (u). Fri. Id. Sub. Ils. 4d. per.ann. Warren & Son, Ltd., 57 
High St., Alton. (Tel. 160). 

HAMPSHIRE OBSERVER, 1877. Sat.—7 a.m. and 3 p.m. ld. Sub. 9s. per ann. 
Warren & Son Ltd., 85 High St., and Staple Garden, Winchester. (Tel. No. 777). 

Hampshire Regimental Journal, 1905 (as 37th Journal, 1903). M.—20th. 1s. Warren 
& Son Ltd., 85 High St., Winchester. (Tel. 14). 

for Fri. 2d. Sub. 15s. 4d. per ann. W. J. Bird, Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. 
(Tel. No. 2211). (Circ. 14,900). 

Hampstead and Child’s Hill Directory, 1872. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

HAMPSTEAD AND HIGHGATE EXPRESS, 1860. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Jealous & Co., 
High St., Hampstead, N.w.3. (Tel. Hampstead 0704). 


Ham-Har] Willing’s Press Guide 

Kilburn, and Hampstead Advertiser, 1880). (ind.). Thurs.—9 a.m. Id. Baines 
bs Scarsbrook Ltd., 75 Fairfax Road, South Hampstead, N.w.6. (Tel. Hampstead 


6s. 6d. per ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 132 Great College St., N.w.1. 
(Tel. North 0481). 

HAMPSTEAD GAZETTE, 1923 (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch 

| Press (Cricklewood) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 
One of the Golders Green Gazette series. 

Hampton’s Scholastic Directory, 1893. Annually. 4s. J. W. Clarke, 10 John St., 
Adelphi, w.c.2. 

Ham's Customs Year Book, 1877. Jan. 6s.6d.; with Warehousing Regulations, 8s. 6d. 
E. Wilson, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2706). 

Ham's Excise Year Book, 1877. Jan. 6s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. E. Wilson, 16, Copthall 
Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2706). 

Handbook for the Burgh of Greenock, 1923. Jan. ld. N. Haughey Jr., Phoenix 
Printing House, Brymner St., Greenock. (Tel. No. 25). 

_ Handbook of Jamaica, 1882. May. 8s. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1321). 
Handbook of the National Council of Women of Great Britain, 1895. Jan. 1s. National 
Council of Women, Murray House, Vandon St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2194). 
Handicrafts, 1920 (as Home Handicrafts and Pastimes, 1907). M.—Ilst. 3d. Odhams 
Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Handicrafts Annual, 1928. Aug. Is. Handicrafts Ltd., Weedington Road, Kentish 
Town, N.w.5. (Tel. Hampstead 4704). (Circ. 120,000). 

HANDSWORTH HERALD, 1891. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Birmingham 
News and Printing Co Ltd., 22 John Bright St., Birmingham. (Tel Midland 0472). 

Handy A.B.C. Railway Guide for Bristol and District. M.—Ist. 2d. Bristol Printing 

& Publishing Co. Ltd., 11 Small St., Bristol. (Tel. 3693). 

Handy Class Register, 1907. Jan. N.S.S. Union, 57-59 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. 
(Tel. City 8221). 

Handy Shipping Guide, 1887. Sat—9 a.m. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Wilkinson 
Bros. Ltd., 37-43 Green Lanes, N.16. (Tel. Clissold 0042). 

1878. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Bird Bros. Ltd., Church St., 
Basingstoke. (Tel. 80). 

HANTS AND SUSSEX COUNTY PRESS, 1897 (as County Press, 1895). (ind.). 
Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. D. S. Rogers & Co., North St., 
Emsworth. (Tel. 182). 

HANTS AND SUSSEX NEWS, 1891 (as Petersfield Weekly News, 1883). (ind.). Tues. 
Te p.m., for Wed. Id. Sub.6s.8d.perann. A.W. Childs, High St., Petersfield. 

el. 5). 

Haolam, 1905. Fri. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. Zionist Organisation, 77 Great Russell 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3817). 

Happy Greetings, 1925. Sept. 2d. Lord’s Day Observance Society, 22 Red Lion 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 7248). (Circ. 120,000). 

‘Happy Mag, 1922. M.—5Sth. 7d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Geo. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 

_ Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Hardware Trade Journal, 1873 (with which is incorporated Ironmongery). Fri. ls. 
Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1912 (with which are incorporated Iron- 
mongers’ Chronicle, 1892; and Havdwareman, 1894). Fri. 4d. Trade 
Chronicles Ltd., 6 Carmelite St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8255). 

Hardwareman and Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary and Year Book, 1912 (with which are 
incorporated Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary, 1893, and Hardwareman Year Book, 
1896). Dec. 7s. 6d. Trade Chronicles Ltd., 6 Carmelite St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8255). 

Harmonium Cabinet. Irreg. 9d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 & 21 Paternoster 
Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8816). 

Harper Adams Utility Poultry Journal, 1915. Every four weeks. ls. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
perann. Harper Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Shropshire. (Tel. No. 30). 

Harper’s Bazaar, 1929 (with which is incorporated Vanity Fair, 1868). M.—10th. 
2s. Sub. 30s. per ann. National Magazine Co. Ltd., 9 Stratton St., w.l. (Tel. 
Mayfair 1507). (Circ. 20,000). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Har-Haw 

Harper's Pocket Manual and Wine and Spirit Directory, 1914. July 10s. 6d. Harper 
& Co., 8 Lloyds Avenue, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3444). 

Harper’s Wine and Spirit Gazette, 1880. Fri., p.m., for Sat. 42s. per ann. post free. 
Harper & Co., 8 Lloyds Avenue, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3444). 

Harrison's Almanac and Street Directory for Grantham, 1914 (as Needham’s Almanac 
for Grantham, 1880). Dec. 3d. W. G. Harrison, 38-39 High St., Grantham. 
(Tel. No. 288). 

Harrison's Railway and Bus Guide for Grantham and District, 1929. M.—Ist 2d. 
Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. W. G. Harrison, 38-39 High St., Grantham. (Tel. 288). 
(Circ. 1,000). 

Harrogate A B C Railway Guide, 1896. M.—lIst. 3d. West Riding A B C Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Stanningley, Leeds. (Tel. 71005). 

HARROGATE ADVERTISER, 1836. Sat. 2d. R. Ackrill Ltd., Montpelier Parade, 
Harrogate. (Tel. No. 4001). 

R. Ackrill Ltd., Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. (Tel. No. 4001). 

Harrovian, 1888. During term. 1s. Harrow School Book Shop, High St., Harrow 

Harrow, Wealdstone, &c., Directory, 1909. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Harrow Almanack, 1864. Jan. 1s.9d. Harrow School Book Shop, High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Bill Book, 1864. Three times a year. ls. Harrow School Book Shop, 
High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Blue Book, 1864. Three times a year. 9d. Harrow School Book Shop, 
High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Leader, 1929. (ind.). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Harrow Adver- 
tising Service, Lower Road, Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 1008). (Circ. 5,000). 

HARROW OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1921 (with which are incorporated Harrow 
Observer, 1895, and Harrow Gazette, 1855). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sholl & Kay, 
Station Road, Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 0156). 

Hartland and West Country Chronicle, 1896. (ind.). Irreg. ld. Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. 
T. C. Burrow, Hartland. (Circ. 600) 

Harvest, 1887. M.—Il1st Sun. 2d. Corner & Whittle, 42 Albert St., Manchester. 
(Tel. City 6928). 

HARWICH AND DOVERCOURT NEWSMAN, 1870. (ind.). Sat. ld. G. L. 
Jackson. 54 Church St., Harwich. (Tel. No. 142). 

HARWICH AND DOVERCOURT STANDARD, 1906 (as Harwich and Dovercourt Free 
Press, 1877). (c). Sat. ld. Standard Printing & Publishing Co., 60a High 
St., Dovercourt and West St., Harwich. 

HASLINGDEN GUARDIAN, 1890. (?). Sat. 2d. A. Riley, 25 Haslingden Road, 
Rawtenstall. (Tel. Rossendale 10) One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 
HASLINGDEN OBSERVER, 1892. (l). Sat. 2d., Tues. ld. R. S. Crossley, Edgar 

St., Accrington. One of the Accrington Observer series. 

Hastings, St. Leonards and Bexhill Directory. 1892. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). oe 
Hastings, St. Leonards, Bexhill and Battle Blue Book and Local Directory, 1876. Jan. 
5s. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. 

Brighton 3760). 

Hastings, St. Leonards, Bexhill, Rye and District A B € Time Table, 1914. M.—lIst. 3d. 
C. Clark, 42 George St., Hastings. (Tel. Hastings 637). (Circ. 2,500). 

HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS OBSERVER, 1865. (ind. c.). Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. F. J. Parsons Ltd., Observer Buildings, Hastings, (Tel. 1157). 

Hatters’ Gazette, 1877. M.—15th. 8d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Trade Journals Ltd., 
42 Holborn Viaduct, £.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1802). 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary and Trade Directory, 1883. Jan. 3s. nett. Trade Journals 
: Ltd., 42 Holborn Viaduct, £.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1802). 

Haul, 1840. M.—lIst. 4d. E. W. Evans Ltd., Dolgelly. (Tel. No. 13). 

Hauwr Yr (The Sower), 1890. M.—last Sun. 2d. Jenkin Howell, Aberdare. 

Have oe 1897. Jume. 1s. 6d. Phillipson & Golder Ltd., Eastgate Row, Chester. 
(Tel. No. 3). l 

HAVERHILL WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. One of the Cambridgeshire Independent Press 
series. ’ 

HAWICK EXPRESS AND ADVERTISER, 1915 (with which are incorporated 
Hawick Advertiser and Roxburghshire Gazette, 1854, and Hawick Express and 
ae Border News, 1870). (ind.). Fri—5 p.m. ld. James Edgar, 5 High 

t., Hawick. 


Haw-Hen] Willing’s Press Guide 

HAWICK NEWS AND BORDER CHRONICLE, 1882. (ind.). Fri. 14d. Vair & McNairn, 
24 High St., Hawick. (Tel. 204). 

Haworth’s Practical Timber Measurer and Timber Buycr’s Guide, 1892. 2s.6d. John 
Heywood Ltd., 20-22 St., Bride St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5956). 

HAYDOCK GUARDIAN, 1923. Fri—noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Harvey’s, 
13 Bridge St., Earlestown. (Tel. Newton-le-Willows 112). One of the Earlestown 
Guardian series. 

Headley’s Kent County Time Tables, 1883. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. perann. Headley 
Bros., 18 Devonshire St., E.c.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2421). 

Headway, 1920. M.—lIst. 3d. League of Nations Union, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Sloane 6161). (Circ. 90,000) 

Healing Church, 1927. Fri. 2d. Healer Press, 14 Chepstow Place, w.2. (Tel. Park 
4249). (Circ. 4000). 

Health and Efficiency, 1918 (as Health Culture, 1904; as Health and Vim, 1907). 
M.—lIst. 6d. Health Promotion Ltd., Paternoster Sq., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 

Health and Strength, 1892. Wed. for Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. per ann. E. T. Burt, 
4-8 Greville St., E.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Health and Strength Annual, 1927. Jan. ls. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville St., E.c.1. 
(Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Health for All, 1927. M.—25th. 6d. Sub.7s.6d.perann. Health for All Publishing 
Goo Healing Ltd.), 38 Langham St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 3807). (Circ. 

Health News, 1913. M.—Ist week. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. W. Shadforth, 63 Grove 
Road, Bow, £.3. (Tel. East 3644). 

Healthy Life, 1911. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. Health Centre, 56 Wigmore St., 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 5841). 

14d. Market St., Heanor. (Tel. Langley Mill 74). 

Heart, 1910. Quarterly. 10s. 6d. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 7-9 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8171). 

Hearts of Oak Journal, 1906. M.—Ist. 1d. Hearts of Oak Benefit Society, Euston 
Road, N.w.1. (Tel. Museum 0850). 

Heating and Ventilating Engineer, 1927. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. perann. F.W. 
Tournay, Fulwood House, High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 7676). 

HEBDEN BRIDGE & DISTRICT NEWS, 1828. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. W. Wad- 
dington & Sons (Printers) Ltd., New Road, Hebden Bridge. One of the Todmorden 
&c., News series. 

6am. 2d. Kershaw & Ashworth Ltd., Market St., Hebden Bridge. (Tel. 106). 

Hebrew Christian, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Inter- 
national Hebrew Christian Alliance, 9 Albert Terrace, Edinburgh. (Tel, 52888). 

D. p TS 2d. Senior & Co. Ltd., Cheapside, Heckmondwike. (Tel. 

o. ; 

HECKMONDWIKE REPORTER, 1867. (/). Sat. 2d. The Reporter Ltd., Welling- 
ton Road, Dewsbury, One of the Dewsbury Reporter series. 

HEDNESFORD ADVERTISER, 1878. (ind.). Fri.—p.m. for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. V. L. Withington, Market St., Hednesford. (Tel. Cannock 39). One of 
the Cannock Advertiser series. 

HEDNESFORD COURIER, 1894. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
H. Praill, Cannock Road, Hednesford. (Tel. Cannock 33). One of the Cannock 
Chase Courier series. 

HELENSBURGH AND GARELOCH TIMES, 1880. (ind.). Tues.—6 p.m., for Wed. 
2d. Macneur & Bryden, 16-18 East Princes St., Helensburgh. (Tel. No. 236). 

Help of Christians, 1923. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Salesian Press, 
Missionary House, Cowley, Oxford. (Tel. Cowley 7129). (Circ. 4500). 

Hendon, Golders Green, Mill Hill, Kingsbury &c., Directory, 1926. Annually. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

HENDON GAZETTE, 1923. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch Press 
(Cricklewood) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, n.w.1l. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 
One of the Golders Green Gazette series. 

HENDON TIMES AND GUARDIAN, 1929 (as Hendon and Finchley Times and Golders 
Green Guardian, 1875). (u). Fri—a.m. 2d. Warden & Co. Ltd., 71 Church 
Road, Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 1211). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Hen-Her 

HENLEY AND SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE STANDARD, 1879 (with which is incorporated 
Henley Free Press, 1885). (c). Fri.—noon. 2d. Higgs & Co., Caxton House, 
Station Road, Henley-on-Thames. (Tel. :76). 

HERALD, 1928 (as Farnham, Haslemere and Hindhead Herald, Alton Mail, Bordon 
and Longmoor Journal, Liphook and Liss News and North Sussex Advertiser, 
1892). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. E. W. Langham, West St., Farn- 
ham. (Tel. 26). (Circ. 8,450). 

Herald Cymraeg, 1854. (/). Mon. 2d. W. G. Williams, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 

Herald of Peace, 1819. M.—15th. 6d. Rev. Herbert Dunnico, J.P., M.P., King’s 
Buildings, Dean Stanley St., s.w.1. 

Herald of Salvation, 1878 (as Northern Evangelist, 1872). M.—Ist. 4d. Pickering 
& Inglis, 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

HERALD OF WALES, 1885. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Swansea Press Ltd., Leader 
Buildings, Swansea. 

Herb Doctor and Natural Surgeon, 1905. Alt.—M. 2d. Sub. 1s. 3d. per ann. W. H. 
Webb, 131 Upper Aughton Road, Birkdale, Lancs. (Tel. 4403). 

Here and There, 1920. Mar., June, Oct., Dec. 2d. Sub. 10d. per ann. Friends’ 
Service Council, Friends’ House, Euston Road, n.w.1l. (Tel. Museum 9762). 
(Circ. 1,500). 

Hereford and Neighbourhood Directory, 1929. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Hereford A B C Railway Guide, 1906. M.—ist. 4d. Littlebury & Co. Ltd., Worces- 
ter Press, Worcester. (Tel. Worcester 13). 

Hereford Herd Book, 1878 (as Eyion’s Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, 1862). June. 
30s. The Secretary, Hereford Herd Book Society, 3 Offa St., Hereford. 

HEREFORD JOURNAL, 1713. (ind. rad.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Hereford 
Journal Ltd., 28 Church St., Hereford. (Tel. No. 2662). 

Hereford Secondary Boys’ School Magazine, 1914. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, 
Boys’ Secondary School, Hereford. 

HEREFORD TIMES, 1832. (c). Wed. ld., and Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Hereford Times Ltd., 10 Maylord St., Hereford. (Tel. 2551). (Circ. 22,500). 
Herefordian, 1879. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. perann. Cathedral School, The Close, 


Herefordshire and Shropshire Directory, 1856. Every four years. Last issue, 1926. 
36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 
*Herioter, 1906. Terminally. 6d. Sub. ls. 9d. per ann. George Heriot’s School, 

Lauriston Place, Edinburgh. (Tel. 27030). 

Hermathena, 1873. Annually. Price varies. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 39 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

HERNE BAY GUARDIAN, 1925. (ind.). Sat. 2d. D. W. Searle & Sons, Ltd., 
Beech St., Herne Bay. (Tel. 415). 

HERNE BAY PRESS, 1883 (with which is incorporated the Whitstable Press). (ind.). 
Fri. noon for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Herne Bay Press Ltd., 113-115 
High St., Herne Bay. (Tel. 133). (Circ. 4,000). 

Heron's Flat and Estate Mart. M.—l1st. 2d. Heron & Heron, 135 Victoria St., s.w.1. 

Hertford, Ware and District Railway Guide, 1878. M.—Ist. 2d. Rose & Sons, 1 
Railway St., Hertford. (Tel. Hertford 170). 

1900 (as Hemel Hempstead Gazette, &c., 1858). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. 
E. Needham & Co., 7 Alexandra Road, Hemel Hempstead. ° 

HERTFORDSHIRE EXPRESS, 1855. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
W. Carling & Co., Ltd., Express Printing Works, Hitchin. (Tel. 93). 

2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. S. Austin & Sons Ltd., 5 Fore St., Hertford. (Tel. 46). 
(Circ. 12,160). 

HERTS ADVERTISER AND ST. ALBANS TIMES, 1855 (with which is incorporated 
the Hemel Hempstead Advertiser, Tring Gazette, and Berkhamsted Advertiser). 
(ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Bamforth & H. S. Gibbs, Dagnall St., 
St. Albans. (Tel. 1020). (Circ. 18237). (Advt. p. xxiv). 

1855). (ind.). Fri.—noon. 14d. Warren Bros., High St., Royston. (Tel. 44). 

HERTS AND ESSEX OBSERVER, 1862 (as Bishop's Stortford Observer, 1861, with 
which are incorporated the Cheshunt Observer, Herts Guardian, and the Hoddesdon 
Observer). (ind.). Fri.—4.30 p.m., for Sat. 2d. E. A. Mardon, North St., 
Bishop’s Stortford. (Tel. 18). 


Her-Hir] Willing’s Press Guide 

Herts and Essex Observer Year Book, Directory and Almanack, 1863. Dec. 6d. 
E. A. Mardon, North St., Bishop’s Stortford. 

Heuwr, 1926. M.—27th. 2d. William Lewis (Printers) Ltd., 43 Penarth Road, 
Cardiff. (Tel. 4031). 


| (with which are incorporated Alston Herald, Hexham Herald, 1868, and Haltwhistle 
Herald). (ind.). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 4d. per ann. W. T. 
Younger for the prop., J. Catherall & Co. (Printers) Ltd., Beaumont St., Hexham. 
(Tel. 51). 

HEXHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1899. (ind.). Fri. ld. W. T. Bath, 16 Market St., 

HEYWOOD ADVERTISER, 1855. (l). Fri—noon. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
G. & A. N. Scott, York St., Heywood.. (Tel. Rochdale 2050). (Circ. 6,000). 
Hibbert Journal, 1902. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 10s. per ann. Con- 

stable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

Chapel-en-le- Frith, &c., Advertiser, 1877). (l). Fri. 2d. Glossop Printers 
Ltd., Howard St., Glossop. (Tel. 67). One of the Glossop Advertiser series. ` 

HIGH PEAK CHRONICLE, 1906 (as Buxton Chronicle, 1885). (c). Fri. 2d. Glossop 
Printers Ltd., Howard Chambers, Glossop. (Tel. 67). One of the Glossop 
Chronicle series. 

HIGH PEAK NEWS, 1870. (u). Thurs—p.m. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Derbyshire Printing Co. Ltd., Palace Road, Buxton. (Tel. 17). One of the 
Buxton Advertiser series. 

HIGH PEAK REPORTER, 1915. (l). Fri., for Sat. 2d. J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., 
Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter series. 

HIGHBRIDGE EXPRESS, 1920. Sat. 14d. Patey & Co., Victoria St., Burnham-on- 
Sea. (Tel. Burnham-on-Sea 55). 

Sat. 1$d. C. H. Mills, Fleet House, George St., Bridgwater. (Tel. 335). One 
of the Bridgwater Independent series. 

Higher Education Gazette, 1906. Wed. for Thurs. 2d. Westhope & Co., 9 Fulwood 
Place, High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 7353). 

Highest and Lowest Prices, 1873. Jan. 2s.6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Highland Light Infantry Chronicle, 1893. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 9d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. The Editor, Maryhill Barracks, Glasgow. 

HIGHLAND NEWS, 1883. (ind.). Sat—4a.m. 2d. Highland News Ltd., Hamilton 
St., Inverness. (Tel. No. 259). 

Highroad, 1929. M.—2nd Sun. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Free Church Centre, 
Lord St. Arcade, Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 3514). 

Highway, 1908. Seven times a year. 2d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Workers’ Educa- 
tional Association, 16 Harpur St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5750). (Cire. 7,500). 
Highways and Hedges, 1904 (formerly Into the Highways and Hedges, 1895 ; as Children’s 
Advocate, 1871). M.—25th. 1d. National Children’s Home and Orphanage, 

85 Highbury Park, n.5. (Tel. North 0771). 

Highways Guide, 1928. Irreg. 2d. Sub. Is. per ann. Highways Guide Ltd., Mitre 
House, Fleet St., £E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6410). 

ae oe c y Time Table, 1910. M.—JIst. 2d. C. Hill, 48 New St., Coventry. 

el. 4724). 

Hill's A B C Time Table, 1859. M.—30th. 2d. H. C. Hill Ltd., 42 Silver St., 

HINCKLEY ECHO, 1900. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Leamington Spa 
Courier Ltd., Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton. One of the Midland Counties Tribune 

HINCKLEY OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.). Fri. ld. Nuneaton Observer Ltd., Bond- 
gate, Nuneaton. One of the Nuneaton Observer series. 

LEICESTERSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1889. (ind.). Fri—8 a.m. 2d. Hinckley 
Times and Guardian Ltd., 26 Castle St., Hinckley. (Tel. No. 243). o 

Hints for Holidays, 1913. Mar. 6d. Southern Railway, Waterloo Station, S$.E.1. 
(Tel. Hop 5100 Ex. 2026). 

Hippodrome, 1900. Quarterly. 1s. Hippodrome Press, 114 High St., Hampton Hill. 

Hire Purchase News, 1929. Wed. 3d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Trade Newspapers Ltd., 
Salisbury House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8165). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Hir-Hom 

Hire Traders’ Record, 1891. M.—Ist. 3d. Sewell & Co., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 1549). 

His Majesty’s Ministers & Heads of Public Departments. Irregular. 2d. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
History, 1912. Quarterly. 2s. net. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 

St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). l 

Hobbies, 1896 (with which is incorporated Live Stock Hobbies). Wed., for Sat. 2d. 
H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6424). 

Hobby Annual, 1926. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Hockey Field and Lacrosse, 1921. Sat. (Oct. to April). 6d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
J. B. Blackmore & Co. Ltd., 85 Merton High St., s.w.19. (Tel. Wimbledon 

Hockey World, 1922. Fri. 4d. (Sept.—Apl.). Sub. 1ls.3d.perann. W.H. Houlder- 
shaw, 41 London Rd., Southend-on-Sea. 

H.0O.D. Magazine, 1928. M.—20th. ld. Sub. 1s.6d. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary 
Society, 7 Carlisle Avenue, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0610). 

Guardian, 1847). (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. United Metropolitan 
Press Ltd., 132 Great College St., N.w.1. (Tel. North 0481). 

Holborn Review, 1910 (as Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, 1879, formerly Christian 
Ambassador, 1863). Quarterly, 2s. 6d. net. John Swinden, Holborn Hall, 
Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1508). 

Holbrook’s Railway Guide and Excursion List. M.—Ist. 3d. Holbrook & Son Ltd., 
154 & 155 Queen St., Portsmouth. 

Holden’s Original Pocket Almanack and Tide Table, 1769. Dec. 2s. 6d. Liverpool 
Printing & Stationery Co. Ltd., Mercer Court, Redcross St., Liverpool. (Tel. 
Bank 4457). l 

Holidays, Tours and Travel, 1925. M.—l1st. 6d. Sub.7s.6d.perann. Holiday Tours 
and Travel Ltd., 37-8 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6581). 

Holiness Mission Journal, 1908. M.—25th. ld. D. Thomas, 53 Falcon Road, 
Clapham Junction, s.w.11. 

Holly Bough, 1877. Nov. 3d. Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. 

_ City 2370). 

Holme’s Pontefract Borough Almanac, Year Book and Shopping Guide, 1835. Dec. 
2d. F. H. W. Holmes, Advertiser Office, Gillygate, Pontefract. (Tel. No. 99). 

Holmesdale Directory to the Borough of Reigate and District, 1907. Jan. 2s. Holmes- 
dale Press, Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill. 

HOLMFIRTH EXPRESS, 1886. (ind.). Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Eli Collins & Co., Ltd., Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth. (Tel. 50). 

HOLSWORTHY POST, 1924. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cornish & Devon Post 

i Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

2d. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. One of the Launceston Weekly 
News series. 

HOLT, MELTON CONSTABLE AND WELLS POST, 1916. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Norfolk Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. (Tel. No. 2). One of the Norfolk 
Chronicle series. 

Holt School Magazine. Terminally. 8d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Editor, Holt Secondary 
School, Bagot St., Liverpool. 

HOLYHEAD CHRONICLE, 1907 (c). Fri. 2d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., 
Rhosgaer Avenue, Holyhead. (Tel. 9). One of the North Wales Chronicle series. 

HOLYHEAD MAIL AND ANGLESEY HERALD, 1884 (as Holyhead Weekly Mail, 1881). 
(7). Fri. 2d. W. G. Williams, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the Car- 
narvon, &c., Herald series. 

HOLYHEAD OBSERVER AND ANGLESEY NEWS, 1909. (7). Wed. for Thurs. 2d. 
National Press of Wales Ltd., Brunswick Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 
One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Hone, 1889 (as Householder, 1886). M.—Ist. 1d. 3 Brushfield St., £.1. 

Home and Abroad, 1926. Quarterly. 3s. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Ypres League 
headquarters, 539 Abbey House, Westminster, s.w.1. 

HOME AND COLONIAL MAIL, 1878. Thurs. 2 p.m. 6d. 122 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. City 4495). 

Home and Country, 1919. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. National Federation of Women’s 
Institutes. 39 Eccleston St., s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 3332). (Circ. 57,290). 


Hom-Hor] Willing’s Press Guide 

Home and Politics, 1920. M.—Ist. ld. National Union of Conservative and Unionist 
Associations, Palace Chambers, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9740). 

Home Chat, 1895. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Home Companion, 1897. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4 (Tel. City 0202). 

Home Fashions, 1925 (as Harmsworth’s Home Fashions, 1921, as Home Fashions, 1914). 
M.—7th. 43d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Fashions for All Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St. 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Home Furnisher, 1923. M.—10th. 3d. Furniture Record Ltd., 36 Worship St., E.c.2. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 1185). 

Home Gardening, 1928. Fri., for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson 
Ltd., 16-18, Henrietta Street, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Home Magazine and Ladies’ Field, 1922 (as Ladies’ Home Magazine, 1922, as Home 
Magazine, 1918, as Woman at Home, 1893). M.—18th. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. 
G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Home Messenger, 1891. M.—25th. 2d. H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 6424). 

Home Mission Field, 1858. Feb., May, Nov. 2d. Additional Curates Society, 51 
Belgrave Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5676). 

Home Notes, 1894. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson 
Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Home Organisation Department Magazine, 1915. M.—24th. Id. Wesleyan Methodist 
Missionary Society, 7 Carlisle Avenue, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0610). 

Home Topics, 1923 (as Lamp, 1824, as Catholic Home Journal, 1905). Sat. 2d. New 
Catholic Press Ltd., 12 Bouverie St., E.c.4. 

Home Words, 1870. M.—25th. ld. Home Words Ltd., 11 Ludgate Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 6223). 

Home Workers’ Gazette, 1908. M.—Ist. 2d. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., Westminster, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 1398). 

Homefinder, 1908. M.—Ist. 1s. Homefinders Ltd., 74 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 6160). 

Homeland Handbooks, 1897. Annually. ls. and ls. 6d. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37 and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1067). 

Homeland Handy Guides, 1901. Annually. 6d. Homeland Association Ltd., 37 
and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1067). 

Homeland Illustrated. Annually. ls. Homeland Association Ltd., 37 and 38 
Maiden Lane, Covent Gardens, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1067). 

Homeland Residential Guides, 1911. Annually. 3d. Homeland Association Ltd., 
37 and 38 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1067). 

Homes and Gardens, 1923 (as Our Homes and Gardens, 1919). M.—25th. Is. Sub. 
15s. perann. Country Life Ltd., 20 Tavistock St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7351). 

Homes of the East, 1904. Alt. M.—22nd. Id. Sub. 9d. perann. Church of England 
Zenana Missionary Society, 19-21 Southampton St., Fitzroy Square, w.1. (Tel. 
Museum 9419), (Circ. 7,000). 

Homing Pigeon, 1906 (with which are incorporated the Homing News, 1889, and the 
Homing World, 1898). Fri. 2d. 7 The Crescent, Birmingham. 

Homeopathic World, 1865. M.—lIst. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Homeopathic 
Publishing Co., 12a Warwick Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Honesty, 1925. Wed. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Juverna Press Ltd., 12 Upper Liffey 
St., Dublin. (Tel. 43238). (Circ. 22,750). 

HONLEY AND MELTHAM EXPRESS, 1896. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
E. Collins & Co. Ltd., Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth. (Tel. Holmfirth 50). One 
of the Holmfirth Express series. 

Honour, 1911. Quarterly. 2d. Sub. 1s. per ann. Alliance of Honour, 112 City 
Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2421). 

Hora Jucunda, 1893. M.—lIst. Is. Sub. 12s. per ann. Royal Blind Asylum and 
School, Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh. (Tel. 41100). 

Horace Marshall and Son’s Weekly Trade Notes, 1925. Sat. Gratis. H. Marshall & 
Son, Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6424). (Circ. 4100). 

HORBURY OBSERVER, 1870. (ind.). Sat. 2d. S. Cockburn & Son, Station 
Road, Ossett, and High St., Horbury. One of the Ossett Observer series. 

PRESS, 1905. (ind.). Fri. ld. F. G. Warne Ltd., Bristol. (Tel. No. 920). 
One of the Clifton Free Press series. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Hor-How 

HORLEY ADVERTISER, 1898. (ind.). Fri—3 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Holmesdale 
Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill. One of the Surrey Mirror series. 

Fri. for Sat. 2d. Lincolnshire Standard Ltd., Wide Bargate, Boston. One of 
the Lincolnshire Standard series. 

sd p. ee for Sat. 14d. W. K. Morton & Sons, 27 High St., Horncastle. (Tel. 

o. 19). 

Horner's Stories, 1888. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C.4, (Tel. City 0202). 

Hornsey, “Muswell Hill, Crouch End, é&c., Directory, 1881. Annually. 3s.6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

NORTH LONDON PRESS, 1879. (c). Fri—2 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
pone Journal Ltd., 161 Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, n.8. (Tel. Mountview 


Horological Journal, 1858. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Terry, Herbert & Co. 
19 Fore St., Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 1696). 

Horse, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 1s. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Institute of the 
Horse Ltd., 27 Cavendish Square, w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 6741). (Circ. 5,000). 

Horse and Hound, 1884. Fri. 3d. Sub. 17s. per ann. A. E. Cane, Bessemer House, 
Duke St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8100). (Advt. p. xxxv). 

Horsforth Weekly Advertiser, 1895. Fri. Gratis. A.R. Facer, Kerry Press, Horsforth. 
(Tel. 99) 

Horsham, Crawley and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1897. Biennially. Nov. 
2s. 6d. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. 
Brighton 3760). 

Farncombe & Co. (1928) Ltd., Market St., Lewes. (Tel. Lewes 166). 

Horticultural Advertiser, 1883. Wed. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Horticultural Advertiser 
Ltd., Lowdham, Notts. For nurserymen and seedsmen only. 

Horticultural Trade Journal, 1898. Wed. Subs. Hortus Printing Co. Ltd., Junction 
St., Burnley. (Tel. No. 4009). 

HORWICH AND WESTHOUGHTON JOURNAL, 1918. Fri. 2d. Tillotsons News- 
papers Ltd., 76 Winterhey Lane, Horwich. One of the Bolton Journal series. 

Hosiery Times, 1929. M.—Ist. 3d. Textile Mercury Ltd., 20 Mount St., Manchester, 

Hosiery Trade Journal, 1894. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. A. E. Stevenson, 
11 Millstone Lane, Leicester. (Tel. 60051). 

Hospital, 1929 (as Hospital Gazette, 1904). M.—27th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Incorporated Association of Hospital Officers, 67 Holland St., Southwark, s.E.1. 

Hospital Saturday Fund Journal, 1593. Quarterly. ld. The Secretary, Hospital 
Saturday Fund, 52-54 Grays Inn Road, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 2772). 

Hospitals (Probationers) List, 1920. Sat. 1s. 2d. Central Press Associated (Ireland) 
New Road, Bundoran. 

Hotel Review and Restaurant Gazette and Catering News, 1914 (as Restaurant and Hotel 
Review, 1909). M.—Sth. 1s.6d. Sub. 15s. perann. Catering & Hotel Publica- 
tions Ltd., 1 Dorset Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 0311). 

Houghton’s Radio News, 1924. Wed. Gratis. Houghton-Butcher (Great Britain) 
Ltd., 88-9 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6900). (Circ. 7,000). 

Housecraft, 1928. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Association of Teachers of 
conn Subjects, 29-30 Gordon Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0658). (Circ. 


House of Whitbread, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Whit- 
bread & Co. Ltd., Chiswell St., E.c:1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2,700). (Circ. 6,600). 
Household Brigade Magazine, 1926. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 3s.6d. Gale and Polden 

Ltd., 2 Amen Corner, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 0397). 

Household Text Almanac. 1900. Oct. ld. J. Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Housing Journal, 1900. (/ab.). M.—3rd week. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. National 
Labour Housing Association, 31 Cedars Avenue, Walthamstow, E.17. 

Howard Journal, 1921. May, Nov. ls. Howard League for Penal Reform, Parliament 
Mansions, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6133). 

WEIGHTON ADVERTISER, 1888 (as Pocklington Weekly News, 1876). (ind.). 
Fri., for Sat. 2d. G. H. Smith, Easingwold, York. 


How-Hyt] Willing’s Press Guide 

2d. Goole Times Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Boothferry Road, Goole. One 
of the Goole Times series. 

HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY ADVERTISER, 1919 (with which are incorporated 
Deeside Advertiser, 1914, and Hoylake and West Kirby Herald and Visitor, 1888). 
(ind.). Fri. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. B. Haram & Co., 28 Grange Road, West 
Kirby. (Tel. Hoylake 489). 

HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY NEWS, 1907. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. F. Gould, Acacia Grove, West Kirby. (Tel. Hoylake 989). 

p.m. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. H. Morley, Yorke St., Hucknall. (Tel. 28). 

HUDDERSFIELD BORO’ ADVERTISER, 1884. Fri. Gratis. Advertiser Press Ltd., 
Page St., Huddersfield. (Tel. 444). (Circ. 23,000). 

Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1920. M.—I5th. 6d. Bemrose 
Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. Derby 254). 

Huddersfield Citizen, 1926. (/ab.). M.—Ist Fri. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. Hudders- 
field Labour Party, 32 Westgate, Huddersfield. (Tel. 2585). (Circ. 6,000). 
HUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER, 1871. (/). Even. ld. J. Woodhead & 

Sons, Ltd., Ramsden St., Huddersfield. (Tel. Huddersfield 2720). 

4.30 a.m. 2d. J. Woodhead & Sons Ltd., Ramsden St., Huddersfield. (Tel. 
Huddersfield 2720). 

Huddersfield and Dewsbury Exchanges Year Book, Directory and Diary, 1922. Dec. 
2s. 6d. J. Crewe & Co., 7 West St., Leeds. (Tel. 25917). 

Hugo’s French Journal, 1896. Mon., for Tues. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Macdonald 
& Evans, 8 John St., Bedford Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9536). 

Hull and District ABC Railway Rates Book, 1910. Every 4 years. 84s. Railway 
and Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

HULL AND LINCOLNSHIRE TIMES, 1856. (u). Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per - 
ann. Provincial Newspapers Ltd. Jameson St., Hull. (Tel. Hull Central 5700). 
(Circ. (with Hull and Yorks Times) 40,000). ( Advt. p. xvi). 

Hull and Neighbourhood Directory, 1882. Biennially ; last issue 1930. 25s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

HULL AND YORKSHIRE TIMES, 1857. (u). Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Provincial Newspapers Ltd., Jameson St., Hull. (Tel. Hull Central 5700). (Circ. 
with Hull and Lincs Times, 40,000). ( Advt. p. xvi). 

Hull Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 7 Cookridge St., 
Leeds. One ot the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

HULL EVENING NEWS, 1884. (l). p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Provincial 
Newspapers Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (Tel. Central 4600). 

Hull Shipping Gazette, 1928. Daily a.m. ld. Kingston Printing Works, Ltd., 11 
Jackson’s Chambers, Waterworks St., Hull. 

Hulton Adventure Stories Annual, 1922. Sept. 3s. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Human, 1929 (as Creative Adventure Magazine, 1928). Alt. M. 2s. Sub. 12s. 6d. 
per ann. Schola Vitae, 35 Norfolk Square, w.2. 

Humorist, 1924. Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 14s. 3d. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Hunter Stud Book, 1906. Triennially, last issue 1927. Jan. 21s. Hunters’ Improve- 
ment, &c., Society, 12 Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0596). 

Hunting Diary and Guide, 1906. Nov. 5s. W. Goldsmith & Co., 46 Lincoln's 
Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4884). 

HUNTINGDONSHIRE POST, (as Hunts Guardian, 1869). (u). Thurs. ld. Peter- 
borough Press Ltd., 27 High St., Huntingdon. 

HUNTLY EXPRESS, 1863. (ind.). Fri—2 p.m. ld. C. Hunter, 20 Duke St. 

Hurst Johnian, 1858. M.—lIst. 10s. per ann. R. Loverock, Hurstpierpoint College, 

HYDE REPORTER, 1888. (l). Fri., for Sat. 2d. J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., Clarendon 
Place, Hyde. (Tel. 74). 

Hymerian, 1893. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, Hymers College, 
Hull. . 

EXPRHSS, 1884. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld. J. English Ltd., 31 High St., 
Folkestone. (Tel. Folkestone 143). One of the Folkestone Express series. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Hyt-Ili 

HYTHE REPORTER, 1883 (with which is incorporated Folkestone Visitors’ List, 
Folkestone News and Hythe and Sandgate Echo). (ind.). Sat. 14d. Sub. 

i os i Ton Hythe Reporter Ltd., 1 Conduit St., Hythe. (Tel. Hythe 367). 

irc ; 

Ibis, 1859. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 12s. 6d. Taylor & Francis, Red Lion Court, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 5191). 

Ice and Cold Storage, 1898. M.—Ist Thurs. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. Iliffe & Sons 
Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Ice and Cold Storage Trades Directory, 1923. Dec. 10s. 6d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 
Dorset House, Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Ice Cream and Soda Fountain Journal, 1922 (as Ice Cream Supplement, 1918). Semi- 
M.—lIst and 15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Refreshment Traders’ Supply Co. 
10 Laystall St., £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 0802). 

Ice Cream Industry, 1927. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Ice Cream Industry 
(Propaganda) Ltd., 8-9 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6751). 

Ideal Home, 1920. M.—25th. ls. Odhams Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Ideas, 1905. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Ilford, with Seven Kings and Goodmayes Directory, 1899. Biennially. 3s.6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Ilford Estate Press, 1929. Sat. Gratis. C.W.Clark &.Co. (Printers) Ltd., 24 Clements 
Road, Ilford. (Tel. Ilford 0686). (Circ. 22,000). 

ILFORD eee 1898. (ind.). Fri—6 am. ld. W. A. Locks, Ilford Hill, 


Ilford Monthly, 1925. (c). M.—2nd Wed. 2d. Sub. 3s. perann. C.W. Clark & Co. 

(Printers) Ltd., 24 Clements Road, Ilford. 

(ind.). Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. South Essex Recorders 
Ltd., 169 High Road, Ilford. (Tel. Ilford 0051). 

VISITORS’ LIST, 1858 (with which is incorporated Ilfracombe Gazette and Observer, 
1854). (ind.). Fri. 7 a.m., for Sat. 2d. B. Moore, Northfield Road, Ilfra- 
combe. (Tel. No. 99). 

Fri. ld. W. Shakspeare, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. 

ILKESTON OBSERVER, 1923. Thurs. 14d. Sub. 12s. per ann. Market St., 
Heanor. (Tel. Langley Mill 74). 

Sub. lls. per ann. Ilkeston Pioneer Printing Co. Ltd., 147 Bath St., Ilkeston. 
(Tel. No. 194). 

ILKLEY GAZETTE, 1861. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Wm. Walker & Sons, 
(Otley) Ltd., Victoria Works, Otley. (Tel. Ilkley 493). One of the Wharfedale 
and Airedale Observer series. 

Illuminating Engineer, 1908. M.—ist. 9d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Illuminating 
Engineering Publishing Co. Ltd., 32 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5215). 

Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, 1877. Thurs.—10 a.m. 2d. J. Dicks Press Ltd., 
8 Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7557). 

Ilustrated Chips, 1890. Wed., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

ILLUSTRATED LEICESTER CHRONICLE, 1915 (as Leicester Chronicle and Letcester- 
Shire Mercury, 1810). Fri. 11 a.m. , for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. Hewitt 
& Son (1927) Ltd., 25-29 Albion St., Leicester. (Tel. Central 20831). 

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, 1842. Fri., for Sat. Is. Sub. 64s. per ann. A 
separate Christmas Number in Nov. 2s. Illustrated London News and Sketch 
Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). (Advt. p. xxiv). 

Illustrated Official Journal Patents, 1889 (as Illustrated Journal of Patented I nventions, 
1884.) Wed.—10 a.m. 2s. Sub. £5 per ann. Patent Office, 25 Southampton 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 8721). 

Illustrated Police News, 1864. Wed.—morn, for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
Illustrated Publications Ltd., Merton House, 10 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 3898). 


Ill-Ind] Willing’s Press Guide 

Is. Sub. 61s. per ann. 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). (Advt. 

p. xxxv). 

ILLUSTRATED SPORTING WORLD, 1929. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Associated Sporting Press Ltd., 27 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. 

ILLUSTRATED SUTTON & EPSOM MAIL, 1922. (ind.). Thurs. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. Croydon Times Ltd., 108 High St., Croydon. (Tel. Wallington 3364). 
One of the Croydon Times series. 

Imeldist, 1912. M.—Ist. ld. Sub.1s.6d.perann. Dominican Fathers, St. Saviour’s, 
Dublin, (Tel. 1069). (Circ. 80,000). 

Imp, 1925. (c). M.—lIst. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. National Union of Conservative 
and Unionist Associations, Palace Chambers, Westminster, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 
9740). (Circ. 30,000). 

IMPARTIAL REPORTER, 1925 (with which is incorporated Fermanagh Mail, 1808.) 
(ind. u). Thurs. 2d. W. Trimble, 7 East Bridge St., Enniskillen. 

Imperial Food Journal, 1921. Every 4th Thurs. 8d. Sub.10s.perann. J. Raymond, 
Empire House, St. Martin’s le Grand, E.c.l. (Tel. National 7494). 

Implement and Machinery Review, 1878 (as Implement Manufacturers’ Review, 1875). 
M.—lIst. 8d. Sub. 10s. perann. Westcott & Carpenter, 28 Budge Row, Cannon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 9029). 

Incorporated Accountants’ Journal, 1889. M.—lIst. ls. 3d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. 
Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, Victoria Embankment, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 8822). 

Incorporated Accountants’ Year Book, 1886. Jan. 3s. Society of Incorporated 
Accountants and Auditors, Victoria Embankment, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Calendar and Law Directory, 1886. Feb.. 5s. 
W. G. Wakely, 45 Kildare St., Dublin. 

I.P.S. Journal, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. Incorporated Phonographic Society, 111 Manor 
Road, Mitcham, Surrey. (Circ. 675). 

Incorporated Secretaries Journal, 1923. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 13s. per ann. Incor- 
porated Secretaries Association, 21 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4221). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

Incorporated Secretaries Year Book, 1921. Jan. 5s. ‘Incorporated Secretaries 
Association, 21 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4221). (Circ. 5,000). 
Incorporated Students’ Telephone, 1910. June, Dec. 2s. 6d. H. F. L. (Publishers) 

Ltd., 17 Ironmonger Lane, E.c.2. (Tel. City 6920). 

Increase, 1885. Dec. Gratis. Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. (Tel. No. 84). 

Indent Gazette, 1895. Wed. £2 2s. per ann. S. E. Williams, 24 Mark Lane, £.c.3. 

Independent Methodist, 1821. M.—lIst. 2d. Warrington. 

Independent School, 1896. Terminally. 6d. Sub. ls. 9d. per ann. C. F. Hodgson 
& Son Ltd., 2 Newton St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3917). 

Index Buyers Guide, 1919. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Index Buyers Guide 
Ltd., 3 Wine Office Court, £E.c.4. (Tel. City 7251). 

Index Library, 1888. Twice a year. 21s. and 3ls. 6d. per ann. British Record 
Society, Ltd., 120 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

Index to Parliamentary Notices Published in the London, Edinburgh and Belfast 1919. 
Annually. 5s. G. Kelly & Co., 14 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 3718) 

Index to the ‘“ Glasgow Herald,” 1906. Jan. 5s. G. Outram & Co., Ltd., 65-9 
Buchanan St., Glasgow. 

Index to “The Times,” Palmer’s, 1867. Quarterly. 30s. Mrs. A. Palmer, 53 Lower 
Teddington Road, Hampton Wick. 

India, 1928. M.—lst. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. India Publications Ltd., 19 Charing 
Cross Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Regent 4470). 

India Office List, 1803. March. Maps. 30s. net. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 
St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

India Rubber Journal, 1884. Sat. 4d. Sub. 20s. per ann. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 
37 & 38 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

Indian, 1927. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Indian News Service, 143-4 
Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9226). 

Indian and Eastern Druggist, 1920. M.—i5th. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Indian and 
Eastern Druggist (1922), Ltd., 35 Gordon Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2008). 

Indian and Japanese Textile and Engineering Diary, 1890. Nov. W.H. Gribbin & 
Co., 16 John Dalton St., Manchester. (Tel. City 3594). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ind-Ins 

Indian Appeals, 1874. Three or four parts per year. 21s. per ann. Incorporated 
Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales, 30 Montague St., w.c.1l. (Tel. 
Museum 3040). 

Indian Art and Letters, 1925. May and Nov. 5s. Sub. 10s. perann. India Society, 
3 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 1201). 

Indian Church Magazine, 1900. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. perann. Indian 
Church Aid Association, Church House, Dean’s Yard, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8145). 

Indian Magazine and Review, (as Journal of the National Indian Association, 1871). 
8 times a year. 3s. 6d. per annum. National Indian Association, 21 Cromwell 
Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 1737). 

India’s Women and China’s Daughters, 1880. M.—22nd. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 19-21 Southampton St., Fitzroy 
Square, w.1. (Tel. Museum 9419). (Circ.-7,000). 

INDICATOR, 1867. Daily—2 p.m., except Sat. 1d. Lane Bros. Ltd., 299 Harrow 
Road, w.9. (Tel. Abercorn 1492). 

Individualist, 1892. M.—i1st. 2d. Sub.2s.6d.perann. Personal Rights Association, 
c/o Arnold Lupton, 7 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5078). 

Industrial Chemist, 1925. M.—14th. ls. St. Margaret’s Technical Press Ltd., 
33 Tothill St., s.w.1. (Advt. p. xvii). 

Industrial, Commercial and Financial Review, 1912. Feb. 2s. South Wales Journal 
of Commerce Ltd., Cadogan House, West Butes St., Cardiff. (Tel 2855-6). 

Industrial Daily News, 1909. Daily—4.30 p.m. Ils. Sub. £7 7s. per ann. Phoenix 
Industrial Services Ltd., 12 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 1573). 

Industrial Gases, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. Sub. 4s. perann. Vacher & Sons 
Ltd., Westminster House, Great Smith St., s.w.1. 

Industrial Management, 1923 (as Engineering and Industrial Management, 1919, as 
Cassier’s Engineering Monthly, 1913, as Cassier’s Magazine, 1891). M.—Ist. 9d. 
Sub. 9s. per ann. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 22 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

Industrial Review, 1927. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Trades Union 
Congress, Transport House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6410). 

Industrial Welfare and Personnel Management, 1922 (as Journal of Industrial Welfare, 
1920, as Boys’ Welfare Journal, 1918). M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 10s. perann. Indus- 
trial Welfare Society, 68 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6442). 

Industrial World, 1925. Alt. weeks. Is. Sub. 33s. per ann. Carlyle Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 103 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0873). 

Infantis’ Magazine, 1866. Sept. S.W. Partridge & Co. Ltd., 83 Southwark St., s.£.1. 
(Tel. Hop 6694). 

Inquirer and Christian Life, 1842. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Inquirer Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 13 Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3840). 

Institute Magazine, 1880. M.—Ist, during Session. 2d. Cornish Bros. Ltd., 39 New 
St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5960). 

Institute of Book-keepers’ Journal, 1920. Mar., June,.Sept., Dec. 1s. Gratis to 
members. Institute of Book-keepers Ltd., 133 Moorgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London 
Wall 2397). 

Institute of Book-keepers’ Year Book, 1918. Aug. 2s. 6d, Free to members. Institute 
of Book-keepers, Ltd., 133 Moorgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2397). 

Institute of Commerce Magazine, 1907. Quarterly. 3d. E. P. Booth, Heather Hall, 
Heather, Leicestershire. 

Instructor, 1906. M.—22nd. ld. Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank St., 

Instrument World, 1928. M.—I1st. Wed. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Hatton Press 
Ltd., 72-8 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 4548). 

Insurance and Finance Chronicle, 1917 (as Finance and Insurance Chronicle, 1869), 
Twice Monthly—lIst and 15th. 4d. Sub. 10s. perann. Russell & Co., 2 Copthall 
Buildings, E.c.2. 

Insurance Blue Book and Guide, 1873. Aug. 10s. 6d. net. Ritchie & Darling, 11 
Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6161). 

Insurance Gem, 1910. M.—1st. 2d. Insurance Trading Co. Ltd., Isleworth. 

Insurance Guild Journal, 1920. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Guild of Insur- 
ance Officials, 79 Queen St., E.c.4. (Advt. Dept.—Bridewell House, Bridewell 
Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9609). 

Insurance Index, 1870 (English Edition). M.—14th. 6d. R. B. Caverly, 46 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar.2178). 


Ins-Int] Willing’s Press Guide 

Insurance Magazine, 1913. 12 times a year. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Faculty of 
Insurance Ltd., Sicilian House, Southampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 1842). 

Insurance Mail, 1904. Tues. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). . 

Insurance Mail Year Book, 1908. July. 5s. Stone & Cox Ltd., Africa House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Insurance Man, 1913. M.—15th. 2d. Insurance News Agency, Isleworth. 

Insurance News, 1922. M.—16th. 6d. Cawley’s Publicity Service, 11 Queen Victoria 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 7858). 

Insurance Record and Actuarial and Statistical Journal, 1863. M.—Ist. Wed. Is. 
Tudor Press Ltd., 89 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8163). 

Insurance Shareholders’ Guide, 1906. Sept. Sub. 10s. Policy Holder Journal Co. 
Ltd., 44 Lloyd St., Manchester. (Tel. Central 3874). 

Insurance Who’s Who, 1924. Feb. 6s. Cawley’s Publicity Service, 11 Queen Victoria 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 7858). 

Intermediate Concise Guide, 1920. Quarterly. 9d. National Sunday School Union, 
57 and 59 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

International Aerial Time Table, 1926. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub.7s. 6d. perann. Brook 
Flowers & Co., Station Building, Cross Roads, Golders Green, n.w.11. (Tel. 
Speedwell 5301). 

International Code of Signals, 1856. Irreg. 25s. H. M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

International Commerce, 1927 (with which is incorporated Modern Progress, 1925). 
M.—lIst. 1s. 6d. Sub. 21s. per ann. Merville Press Ltd., 32 White Hart Lane, 
N.17. (Tel. Tottenham 0143). 

International Co-operative Review, 1909. M.—lIst. 6d. International Co-operative 
Alliance, 14 Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7487). 

International Cotton Bulletin, 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. Sub. £1 per ann. 
International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Associa- 
tions, 238 Royal Exchange, Manchester. (Tel. City 1520). 

International Directory of Book Sellers, Publishers, &c., 1927. Biennially. A. J. 
Philip, ‘‘ Lodgewood,’’ Gravesend. 

International Export Review, 1921. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s.perann. J. G. Hemes, 
1 Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 9860). 

International Good Templar, 1887. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. T. Honeyman, 160 
Hill St., Glasgow. 

International Handbook of Child Care and Protection, 1924. Mar. 10s. 6d. net. 
Weardale Press Ltd., 26 Gordon St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5204 Ex 5). 

International Insurance Intelligence, 1925. April. 42s. Review Newspaper Co., 
23 St. Swithins Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Mansion Honse 4851). 

International Journal of Ethics, 1889. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 4s.6d. G. Allen 
& Unwin Ltd., 40 Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1470). 

International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1 10s. 
Bailliere, Tindall & Cox,*7-8 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 4646). 

International Labour Review, 1921. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. G. Allen & Unwin Ltd. 40 
Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1470). 

International Language, 1924. M.—24th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. British 
Esperanto Association, Inc., 142 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4794). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

International Lesson Pocket Notes, 1915. Sept. 1s. 9d. net. N.S.S.U., 57 Ludgate 
Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

International Mercantile Diary and Year Book, 1917. Nov. 10s. 6d. Syren & 
Shipping Ltd., 44-6 Leadenhall St., £E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2722). 

International Psychic Gazette, 1913. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. International 
Psychic Gazette Ltd., 69 High Holborn, w.c.1. 

International Record, 1917. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. World 
Prohibition Federation, 190 Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8792). 

International Register of Telegraphic and Trade Addresses, 1917. Nov. 27s. 6d. 
Marconi International Code Co. Ltd., Marconi House, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 4321). 

International Review of Missions, 1911. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3s. net. Sub. 10s. 6d. 
per ann. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 2604). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Int-Iri 

International Sport and Motoring, 1928. M.—2Ist. ls. Sub. 15s.perann. Universal 
Press, Mitre Chambers, Mitre St., E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 8750). 

International Sugar Journal, 1899 (as Sugar Cane, 1869). M.—15th. ls. 9d. net. 
2 St. Dunstan’s Hill, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 9808). 

I.T.E. Buyers’ Guide to British Markets for the Textile Men’s and Women’s Wear In- 
dustries, 1916. Jan. Gratis. International Trade Exhibitions Ltd., Broad 
St. House, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 0956). 

International Woman Suffrage News (Jus Suffragii), 1923 (as Jus Suffragii, 1906). 
M.—lIst and 3rd. 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. International Alliance of Women for 
Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, 190 Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Journal (Dundee) series. 

Inverness Burgh Directory, 1894. May. ls. 6d. Carruthers & Sons, Bank Lane, 

INVERNESS COURIER, 1817. (/.u.). Tues. and Fri—a.m. 2d. Robt, Carruthers 
& Sons, Bank Lane, Inverness. > 

Investment Register, 1878. M. Gratis. Industrial Securities Co. Ltd., 37 Walbrook, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Mansion House 8487). 

Investor, 1927 (as Capitalist, 1885). Fri. 2 p.m. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Capitalist Corporation Ltd., 15 Dowgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1929). 

Investor’s Chronicle and Money Market Review, 1920 (as Money Market Review, 1860, 
as Investors’ Chronicle, 1896, as Money Market Review and Investors’ Chronicle 
1914). Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 6d. Financial Newspaper Proprietors Ltd., 14-20 
Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. Avenue 7543). 

Investor's Monthly Manual, 1864. M.—2nd. ls. 6d.; June and Dec., 2s. Economist 
Newspapers Ltd., 6 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 8302). 

Investors’ Guardian and Joint Stock Companies’ Review, 1863. Sat. 6d. Sub. 26s. 
per ann. Investors’ Guardian Ltd., 28 Budge Row, £E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4141). 

Investors’ Guide, 1913. Irreg. 3s. 6d. Financial Times Ltd., 72 Coleman St., E.c.2. 
(Tel. Metropolitan 3304). 

Investors’ Review, 1892. Sat. 6d. Investors’ Review Ltd., 30 Fleet St., E.c.4. 

Ipswich and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Ipswich School Magazine, 1857. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, School House, Ipswich. 

Ireland’s Own, 1902. Sat. 2d. People Ltd., 82 Dame St., Dublin. 

IRELAND’S SATURDAY NIGHT, 1894. (ind.). Sat—p.m. 14d. W. & G. Baird 
Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast. (Tel. 7550). 

I.R.I. Transactions, 1928. Alt. M. 4s. 6d. Sub. 27s. per ann. W. Heffer & Sons 
Ltd., 3 and 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge. (Tel. 862). 

Iris Oifigiuil, 1922 (as Dublin Gazette, 1705). Tues. and Fri. 2s. Stationery Office, 
Oriel House, Dublin. (Tel. 61991). 

Irish and Scotch Linen and Jute Trades Journal, 1913. M.—15th. 7d. Sub. 8s. 6d. 
perann. R. Carswell & Son Ltd., 39 Queen St., Belfast. (Tel. 20). 

*Irish Ambulance Gazette, 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
St. John Ambulance Brigade in Ireland, 40 Merrion Square, Dublin. (Tel. No. 

Irish Bee Journal, 1901. M.—28th. . 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Bee Publications, 
Lough Rynn, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. 

Irish Builder and Engineer, 1859 (with which is incorporated the Irish Engineering and 
Industrial Review). Alt. Sats. 3d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Mecredy, Percy 
& Co. Ltd., 54 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

Irish Catholic, 1888. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Irish. Catholic 
Ltd., 55 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 44660). 

Irish Catholic Directory and Almanac, 1891. Jan. 7s. 6d. net. Jas. Duffy & Co., 
Ltd., 38 Westmorland St., Dublin. 

Irish Catholic Herald, 1902. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 12 Bouverie St., 
London, E.c.4. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

IRISH CENTRAL NEWS, 1930. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Francis 
Fahy, The Abbey, Roscrea, Tipperary... | 

Irish Chemist and Druggist, 1923. M.—4th Thurs. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Mecredy 
Percy & Co. Ltd., 54 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. 44235), 

ish Christian Advocate, 1925 (as Christian Advocate, 1885, as Irish Christian Advo- 
cate, 1882). Thurs., for Fri. 13d. Irish Methodist Publishing Co. Ltd., 81 
Upper Arthur St., Belfast. . 


Iri-Iri] Willing’s Press Guide 

Irish Churchman, 1910. Thurs. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. R. Carswell & Son Ltd., 
39 Queen St., Belfast. (Tel. 20). 

Irish Commercial and Railway Gazetteer, 1914. Biennially. 5s. A. Thom & Co., 
Ltd., Crow St., Dublin. 

Pen ee Trades Journal, 1922. M.—14th. 3d. W. Calton, 15 D'Olier 

t., Dub 

Irish Congregational Magazine, 1861. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Matthews 
Bros., Carrickfergus. (Tel. 57). 

Irish Cyclist and Motor Cyclist, 1885 (with which is incorporated Irish Wheelman, 
1903). Wed. Id. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Ltd., 54 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

IRISH DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1904. (ind.). a.m. ld. W. & G. Baird, Royal Avenue, 
Belfast. (Tel. 7550). 

Irish Dairy and Creamery Journal, 1928. M.—10th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 28 
and 29 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. 44623). 

Irish Draper, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Irish Drapery Review). M.—1st 
3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Frazer & Co., 28 and 29 Upper O'Connell St., Dublin. 
(Tel. 44623). 

lee rian iia Record, 1864. M.—Ist. 2s. Browne & Nolan Ltd., 41 Nassau 

t., Dublin. | 

Irish Education Directory and Scholastic Guide, 1881. Annually. 3s. 6d. 83 Upper 
Leeson St., Dublin. 

Irish Electrician and Trade Radio Review, 1924. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Major McCoy, 13 Fleet St., Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 22655). 

Irish Endeavourer, 1900. M.—lIst. 2d. J. S. Nicholas, 34 Brecknock Road, Bristol. 

Irish Engineering News, 1926. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Irish Engineering News Ltd., 3 Brunswick St., Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 6553). 
(Circ. 2,500). 

Irish Field and Gentleman’s Gazette, 1894 (as Irish Sportsman, 1870). Sat.—a.m. 
2d. Sub. 3s. 3d. per ann. Irish Times Ltd., 11 D’Olier St., Dublin. (Adut. 

p. xxxv). 

Irish Free State Farmer, 1926. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. 2s. 6d. perann. Wilson Hartnell 
& Co., Commercial Buildings, Dublin. (Tel. 22551). 

Irish Freedom, 1911. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 27 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Irish Er 1924. M.—7th. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. 
(Tel. 20). 

Irish Grocery World, 1908. Alt.—Sat. 5s. per ann. J. W. Gillmour, 11 Garfield 
Chambers, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 86). 

Irish Home Journal, 1925. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. P. T. Montford, 
67 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Irish Horse Show Annual, 1900. Aug. Is. Wilson Hartnell & Co., Commercial 
Buildings, Dublin. (Tel. 22551). 

IRISH INDEPENDENT, 1904 (as Irish Daily Independent, 1891, with which was 
incorporated the Daily Nation, 1900). (ind.). a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Independent Newspapers Ltd., 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 21036). (Circ. 

Irish Investors’ Guardian, 1894. Ist and 3rd Sat. of each month. 6d. Sub. 15s. 
per ann. R. Perrin, 12-14 College Green, Dublin. 

Irish Ironmonger, 1907 (with which is incorporated the Ivish Hardware Review). M.— 
25th. 3d. Frazer & Co., 28 and 29 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

Irish Jesuit Directory and Year Book, 1928. Dec. Is. Kenny’s Publications Ltd., 
65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 1797). (Circ. 5,000). 

Irish Journal of Medical Science, 1922 (as Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 1846). 
M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 25s. per ann. Cahill & Co. Ltd., Parkgate Printing 
Works, Dublin. (Tel. 23006). 

Irish Law Times and Solicitors’ Journal, 1867. Sat. ls. J. Falconer, 53 Upper Sack- 
ville St., Dublin. 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory, 1901. Dec. 2s. 9d. and 3s. 3d. K. J. Kenny, 65 
Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 1797). (Circ. 5,000). 

Irish Messenger of the Sacred Heart. M.—20th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 5 Great 
Denmark St., Dublin. (Tel. 43654). 

Irish Monthly, 1873. 25th. 6d. M. H. Gill & Son Ltd., 50 Upper O’Connell St., 
Dublin. (Tel. 43260). 

Irish Motor Trader, 1923. Alt. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Major McCoy, 13 
Fleet St., Dublin. (Tel. 22655). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Iri-Iro 

Irish Motoring, 1927 (as Motor Car and Cycle, 1926). Alt. Sat. 2d. Sub. 6s. per ann. 
McCann & Spence, 39 Textile Buildings, Linenhall St., Belfast. (Tel. No. 2669). 

Irish Naturalists’ Journal, 1925. Alt. M.—15th. 1s. 3d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Irish 
Naturalists’ Journal Committee, c/o Erskine Mayne, Donegall Square West, 

IRISH NEWS AND BELFAST MORNING NEWS, 1855. (nat.). Daily—4 a.m. ld. 
Irish News Ltd., 113-117 Donegall St., Belfast. ` 

Irish Oil and Colour Trades Review, 1923. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 3s.6d.perann. Alex. 
Thom & Co. Ltd., 2 Crow St., Dublin. (Tel. 22123). 

Irish Presbyterian, 1895. M.—lst. 2d. Belfast Steam Printing Co., Ltd., 58-60 
Royal Avenue, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 206). 

Irish Printer, 1905. M. Curtis & Co., 12-13 Temple Lane, Dublin. 

Irish Racing Calendar, 1779. Fri. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. Stewards of the Turf 
Club, 9 Hume St., Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 61250). 

Irish Radio News, 1925. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Brunswick Press Ltd., 
179 Pearse St., Dublin. (Tel. No. 308). 

Irish Reports, 1867. M.—Ist. £3 3s. per ann. Council of Law Reporting, Dublin. 

Irish Rosary, 1897. M.—25th. 6d. Dominican Fathers, St. Saviour’s Priory, Dublin. 

Irish School Weekly, 1904 (as Irish Teachers’ Journal, 1867). Thurs. 3d. Sub. 17s. 
4d. per ann. Educational Co. of Ireland Ltd., 89 Talbot St., Dublin. (Tel. 44361). 

*Irish Shoe and Leather Trader, 1923. M.—ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. perann. W. Calton, 
15 D’Olier St., Dublin. (Tel. 1752). 

Irish Sketch, 1924 (with which is incorporated Lady of the House, 1891). M.—ist. 
3d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Wilson Hartnell & Co., Commercial Buildings, Dublin. 
(Tel. 22551). 

Irish Statesman, 1923 (with which is incorporated Irish Homestead, 1895). Sat. 3d. 
Irish Statesman Publishing Co. Ltd., 16-18 South Frederick St., Dublin. 

IRISH TIMES, 1859. (c). Daily. 5a.m. 2d. Sub. 78s. perann. Irish Times Ltd., 
31 Westmorland St., Dublin. (Tel. 5036). (Advt. p. xxxv). 

Irish Tobacco Trade Journal, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. Fraser & Co., 28 and 29 Upper 
O’Connell St., Dublin. l 

Irish Trade Journal, 1925. Quarterly. 4d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Irish Free State 
Stationery Office, Westland Row, Dublin. 

Irish Travel, 1925. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Irish Tourist Association (Inc.), 
14-15 Lower O’Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. No. 931). (Circ. 10,000). 

*Irish Tribune, 1926. Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Lee Press, New York House, 
Patrick St., Cork. 

IRISH WEEKLY AND ULSTER EXAMINER, 1878. (nat.). Thurs., for Sat.—6 a.m. 
2d. Irish News Ltd., 113-117 Donegal St., Belfast. 

IRISH WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, 1904 (as Weekly Independent, 1893, with which 
is incorporated the Weekly Nation, 1900). (imd.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Independent Newspapers Ltd,. 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 21036). 

IRISH WEEKLY RECORD, 1910. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Associated Scottish Newspapers 
Ltd., 67 Hope St., Glasgow. One of the Weekly Record series. 

Irishman, 1927 (/ab.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Irish Labour Party and Trade 
Union Congress, 32 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. No. 4559). 

IRLAM AND CADISHEAD TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Telegraph 
Printing Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. One of the Western Telegraph series. 

Iron and Coal Trades Review, 1866. Fri. 9d. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 
Wellington St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3951). 

Iron and Steel Industry and British Foundryman, 1927. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 22 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5771). 

Iron and Steel Institute: Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs, 1909. Sept. 16s. Iron 
& Steel Institute, 28 Victoria St.,s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0853). 

Ironmonger, Hardware, and Metal Trades’ Advertiser, 1859. Sat. 9d. Sub. 20s. 
per ann. Morgan Borthers (Publishers) Ltd., 42 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 
3617). (Circ. 9,654). 

Ivonmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers Guide, 1869. Dec. 10s. Morgan Bros. 
(Publishers) Ltd., 42 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3617). 

Ironmongers Weekly, 1908. Sat. 3d. Sub. 10s. per ann. A. G. Roberts, 1 Lionel 
St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 0623). 

Ironmongers Weekly Buyers Guide and Compendium. Dec. 15s. 6d. A. G. Roberts, 
1 Lionel St., Birmingham. (Tel. 0623). 


Irv-Ivy] Willing’s Press Guide 

IRVINE AND FULLARTON TIMES, 1872. Fri.—7 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
A. Guthrie & Sons, Princes St., Ardrossan. (Tel. 82). One of the Ardrossan 
and Saltcoats Herald series. | 

Murchland, High St., Irvine. (Tel. No. 12). 

Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. H. Greene & Sons, 18 Main St., New Milns. (Tel. 27). 
(Circ. 4,000). 

` Isis, 1892. Wed. 6d. University Newspapers Ltd., Holywell Press, Alfred St., 

Islamic Review, 1913. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Basheer Muslim Library, 
The Mosque, Woking. (Tel. 679). 

ISLE OF ELY AND WISBECH ADVERTISER, 1845. (ind.). Wed. 2d., and Sat. 
$d. Sub. 13s. 4d. per ann. Gardiner & Co., 10-11 Union St., Wisbech. (Tel. 
No. 172). 

ISLE OF MAN DAILY TIMES, 1890. (c). Noon. ld. Brown & Sons Ltd., Times 
Buildings, Athol St., Douglas. (Tel. 8). l 

ISLE OF MAN EXAMINER, 1880. (ind.). Fri—p.m. lłd. Sub. 11s. 6d. per ann. 
S. K. Broadbent & Co. Ltd., Hill St., Douglas, and Port St. Mary. (Tel. Douglas 
204). S 

Isle of Man Examiner Annual and Year Book, 1891. Dec. 4d. S. K. Broadbent & 
Co. Ltd., Hill St., Douglas, I. of M. 

ISLE OF MAN WEEKLY TIMES, 1861. (c). Sat. 2d. Brown & Sons Ltd., Times 
Buildings, Athol St., Douglas. (Tel. 8). 

for Sat. 2d. W. J. Parrett, Ltd., 25 Cecil Square, Margate. l 

Isle of Thanet, Ramsgate, Margate, œc., Directory, 1860. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

ISLE OF WIGHT CHRONICLE, 1866. (ind.). Thurs.,ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
W. H. Findon, 5 High St., Sandown. (Tel. 69). 

ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS, 1884 (with which is incorporated the Isle of Wight 
Express, 1870). (c). Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. A. Brannon, 
Newport I.W. (Tel. No. 6). (Circ. 17374). 

Isle of Wight Directory, 1886. Last issue, 1924-25. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

trated Isle of Wight Guardian, 1883). (ind.). Fri., p.m. for Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
per ann. G. G. Saunders & Co., Regent St., Shanklin. (Tel. 28). 

ISLE OF WIGHT MERCURY, 1855 (with which is incorporated Isle of Wight Advertiser 
1859). (u). Fri—p.m. for Sat. ld. B. W. Russell, 33 Pier St., Ventnor. 
(Tel. No. 138). 

ISLE OF WIGHT TIMES AND HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE, 1862 (with which are incor- 
porated Island Standard and the Isle of Wight Observer, 1852). (ind.). Wed., 
p.m. for Thurs., and Fri. p.m., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. J. H. Light- 
bown, 72 Union St., Ryde. (Tel. 128). 

Isleworth Citizen, 1927 (as Heston Hounslow and Isleworth Citizen, 1924). M.—Ist. 
ld. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. J. Weathers, Park View, Isleworth. (Tel. Hounslow 

ISLINGTON AND HOLLOWAY PRESS, 1923 (as Holloway Press, 1872). (ind.). Fri. 
ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Cable Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 30-32 Cross St., 
Islington, N.1. (Tel. North 4110). 

ISLINGTON GAZETTE, 1926 (as Daily Gazette, 1920, as Islington Daily Gazette, 1856). 
Tues., Wed., and Fri. 1d. Courier Press (London) Ltd., 10 Gough Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 5651). 

WEEKLY NEWS AND CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 132 Great College St., N.w.1. (Tel. North 

Isma, 1924. M.—15th. Gratis to members, Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association 
of the U.K. 101 Great Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 6759). 

Ivory Cross Journal, 1919. M.—10th. 5s. per ann. Journal Committee of the Ivory 
Cross, 67 Welbeck St., w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 4177). 

Ivy Stories, 1922. Alt.-Sats. 4d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Leng & Co Ltd., 
186 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). | 


Willing’s Press Guide [Jac-Joi 

Jack and Jill, 1924 (as My Monthly Magazine, 1923). M.—Ist. ld. St. Chnstopher 
Press, 13 Serjeant’s Inn, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 9272). oe 

Jamboree, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Boy Scouts’ 
International Bureau, 25 Buckingham Palace Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8654). 
(Circ. 2,500). 

Jane’s All the World Aircraft, 1909. June. 42s. net. Sampson Low, Marston & 
Co. Ltd., 100 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

Jane’s Fighting Ships, 1898. Oct. 42s. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 100 
Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

Jarman'’s Wrexham A.B.C. 1900, M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Jarman 
& Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. (Tel. 60). 

jJarman’s Wrexham Year Book and Local Divectory, 1911 (as Wrexham Year Book, 
1895). Dec. 2d. Jarman & Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. 

JEDBURGH GAZETTE AND BORDER COURIER, 1870. (/.u.). Thurs., p.m. for 
Fri. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. W. Easton, 9 Market Place, Jedburgh. (Tel. 
No. 17). 

Jefferson’s Liverpool Almanack, 1919. Oct. 3d. J. Munro & Co. Ltd., 16 Carrick 
St., Glasgow. (Tel. Glasgow Central 8891). _ 

Jepson’s Mercantile Directory and Manufacturers’ Guide, 1875. Sept. 25s. Jepson’s 
Publishing Co., Windsor Arcade, Bull St., Birmingham. (Tel. Birmingham Central 

Jersey Directory and Almanack, 1861. Dec. 2s. J. T. Bigwood Ltd., 13 Broad St., 
St. Helier, Jersey. 

Jersey Post Royal Almanac and Directory, 1910. Dec. 2s. W. E. Guiton & Co., 
‘2 Charles St., St. Helier, Jersey. (Tel. No. 27). 

JERSEY WEEKLY POST, 1910. Thurs.—a.m. 14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. E. 
Guiton & Co., 2 Charles St., St. Helier, Jersey. (Tel. No. 27). (Circ. 3,350). 

Jester, 1902 (as Funny Wonder, 1893). Sat. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalga- 

- mated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Jeweller and Metalworker, 1873. Semi-M.—Ist & 15th. 3d. Allens (Clerkenwell) 
Ltd., 24 Clerkenwell Road, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1559). 

JEWISH CHRONICLE, 1841. Fri. 4d. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2 Finsbury Square, 
E.c.2, (Tel. Clerkenwell 1766). 

JEWISH EVENING NEWS, 1914. (ind.). 4 p.m., except Sats. ld. Jewish Times 
Ltd., 325 Whitechapel Road, £.1. (Tel. Avenue 6593). 

JEWISH GUARDIAN, 1919. Fri. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Jewish Guardian 
Ltd., 149 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3986). 

Jewish Missionary Intelligence, 1835. M.—25th. 2d. Church Missions to Jews, 16 
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0354). 

JEWISH POST AND EXPRESS, 1895. Daily—p.m. 14d. Fri.2d. Jewish Post Ltd., 
131 New Road, E.l. (Tel. Bishopsgate 5298). 

Jewish Quarterly Review, 1910 (new series). 3s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

JEWISH TIMES, 1913. 6 a.m., except Sat. 14d. (Fri—2d.). Jewish Times Ltd., 
325 Whitechapel Road, E£.1. (Tel. Avenue 6593). 

JEWISH WORLD, 1873. Thurs. 2d. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2’ Finsbury Square, 
E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1766). 

Jewish Year-Book, 1895. Jan. 2s. Jewish Chronicle Ltd., 2 Finsbury Square, E.c.2. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 1766). | 

Jockey, 1890. Fri. 2d. Special—Tues. ls. Associated Sporting Press Ltd., 16 
Whitefriars St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 9763). 

John Bull, 1906. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Odhams Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

John Hariley’s Original Clock Almanack, 1923 (as Original Clock Almanack, 1865). 
Aug. 6d. Watmoughs Limited, Idle, Bradford. (Tel. Idle 263). 

John Heywood’s A B C Railway Guide, 1860. M.—lIst. 6d. J. Heywood Ltd., 121 
Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7440). 

JOHN O’GROAT JOURNAL, 1836. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. P. Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Wick. (Tel. 29). (Circ. 7,000). 

John O’London Weekly and The Outline, 1919. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. 
G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

JOHNSTONE ADVERTISER, 1890. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 4d. Landles & Co., 3 High 
St., Johnstone. (Tel. No. 57). 

Joint Stock Companies Journal, 1898 (as Bradshaw’s Railway Gazette, 1845). (ind.). 
Wed. 6d. W. B. Ritchie, 11 Queen Victoria St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6161). 


Joi-Jou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Joint Transactions of the London Chartered Accountants’ Students’ Societies, 1904. May. 
7s. 6d. Gee & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 6 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. 
Holborn 5484). 

Joker, 1927. Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Jolly Book for Boys, 1928. July. 3s. 6d. T. Nelson & Sons Ltd., Parkside Works, 
Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. (Tel. 42071). 

Jolly Book for Girls, 1928. July. 3s. 6d. T. Nelson & Sons Ltd., Parkside Works, 
Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. (Tel. 42071). 

Jongleur, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 1s.3d. Sub. 4s. 4d. perann. A. Vickeridge, 
Beansley House, Frizinghall, Bradford. 

Jordan’s Daily Register of New Companies, 1914. p.m. (for the press only). Jordan & 
Sons Ltd., 116-118 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0434). 

Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry, 1877. Alt. M. 2s. Sub. 12s. 
perann. Institute, 30 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2406). (Circ. 6,400). 

ou and Proceedings of the Permanent Way Institution, 1884. Three times a year 

. 6d. E. Treacher, Harcourt, North Road, Woking. 

oma and Transactions of the Society of Engineers Incorporated, 1854. Jan., Apl., 
July, Oct. 5s. Sub. 20s. perann. Society of Engineers Incorporated, 17 Victoria 
St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0244). 

Journal of Adult Education, 1926. Apl., Oct. 2s. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Sidgwick 
& Jackson Ltd., 44 Museum St., w.c.l. | 

Journal of Agricultural Science, 1905. Irreg. 30s. net per vol. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Journal of Anatomy, 1867. Irreg. 40s. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 1863. M.—Ist. 2s. Sub. 22s. 6d. per ann. 
Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

Journal of Careers and Monthly School Calendar, 1925 (as School Calendar, 1921). 
M.—lIst (except Aug.). Is. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Truman & Knightly Ltd., 61 
Conduit St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3272). 

Journal of Clinical Research, 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. Clinical Research 
Association Ltd., 15 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c.2. 

Journal of Commerce, 1911 (as Liverpool Journal of Commerce, 1826). Daily—a.m. 
2d. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 8787). 

Journal of Commerce, Shipbuilding and Engineering Edition, 1910. Thurs. 2d. 
Sr 2d. per ann. C. Birchall Ltd., 17 James St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 

Journal of Commerce Annual Review, 1921. Jan. 2s. Charles Birchall Ltd., 17 
James St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 8787). 

Journal of Comparative Legislation, 1896. Quarterly. 6s. Sub. 21s. per ann. The 
Society of Comparative Legislation, 1 Elm Court, Temple, E.c.4. (Tel. City 0275). 

Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, 1888. Quarterly. 3s.6d. H.R. 
Grubb, Ltd., Poplar Walk, Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 1777). 

Journal of Conchology, 1879 (as Quarterly Journal of Conchology, 1874). Quarterly. 
3s. Conchological Society, Manchester Museum, The University, Manchester. 

Journal of Decorative Art, 1881. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. Sutherland 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 Albert Square, Manchester. (Tel. Central 2379). 

Journal of Domestic Appliances, Sewing and Washing Machines, and Pram Gazette, 
1881 (as Sewing Machine Gazette, 1874). M.—Ist. 4d. Sewell & Co. 27 
Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1549). 

Journal of Ecology, 1913. Twice a year. 30s. net per vol. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Journal of Education, 1869 (with which is incorporated School World, 1899 and Educa- 
tional Times, 1847.). M.—lIst. 8d. W. Rice, 3 Ludgate Broadway, E.c.4. 
Journal of Egyptian Archseology, 1914. Twice yearly. 25s. Egypt Exploration 

Society, 13 Tavistock Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0856). 

Journal of Genetics, 1910. Irreg. 42s. net per vol. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1881. Half-yearly. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Journal of Hygiene, 1901. Quarterly. 42s. net per ann. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 


Willing’s Press Guide [ Jou-Jou 

Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 1887. M.—Ist week. 4s. Sub. 40s. per ann. 
Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. (Tel. 20688). 

Journal of Mental Science, 1850. Jan., April, July, Oct. 7s. 6d. net. Sub. 30s. 
per ann. J. & A. Churchill, 40 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, w.l. (Tel. 
Welbeck 2902). 

Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology, 1920. Quarterly. 8s. 6d. Sub. 30s. 
per ann. British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, w.c.l. (Tel. 
Museum 9861). 

Journal of Obstetrics and Gyneecology of the British Empire, 1902. Quarterly. 12s. 
Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., Manchester. 

Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 1892. Quarterly. 12s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 
Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. (Tel. 20688). 

Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1926. Quarterly. 3s. 6d. net. Sub. 14s. per ann. 
Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Journal of Physiology, 1878. Irreg. 30s. net per vol. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science, 1921. Every 4 months. 7s. 6d. 
Headley Bros., 18 Devonshire St., E.c.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2421). 

Journal of Roman Studies, 1911. July and Nov. Sub. 2is. per ann. Society for the 
Promotion of Roman Studies, 50 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Circ. 900). 

Journal of Royal Air Force College, 1920. Jan., Sept. 3s. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. 
Gale & Polden, Aldershot. (Circ. 1,200). 

Journal of Scientific Instruments, 1923. M.—15th. 30s. Cambridge University 
Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). (Adverts.—47 Gresham St., 

Journal of State Medicine, 1912 (as Journal of State Medicine, 1892, as Journal of 
Preventive Medicine, 1903, as Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Heath, 1907.) 
M.—ist. 2s. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., 
w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). Advertisement Department, 63 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. 

Journal of Textile Science, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
Prof. A. F. Barker, The University, Leeds. (Tel. 20251). (Circ. 1,000). 

Journal of the African Society, 1901. Quarterly. 9s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Journal of the Amalgamated Society of Tailors and Tailoresses, 1897. Quarterly. ld. 
The Society, 415 Oxford St., Manchester. 

Journal of the Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute, 1921. Members only. The 
Institute, 29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1968). 

Journal of the Bath and West and Southern Counties Society, 1777. April. €s. 6d. 
E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1321). 

Journal of the British Archæological Association, 1844. Twice a year. 25s. British 
Archæological Association, 32 Russell Square, w.c.2. 

Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. Nine or ten times per annum. 
3s. Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd., East Harding St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5831). 

Journal of the Central Asian Society, 1901. Quarterly. 5s. The Society, 77 Gros- 
venor St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 4025). 

Journal of the Central Landowners’ Association, 1920. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2s. 6d. 
(members only). P. Collins, 33 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2602). 
Journal of the Chartered Insurance Institute, 1898. Mar. 3s. 6d. net. C. & E. 

Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2121). 

Journal of the Chartered Society of Massage and Medical Gymnastics, 1915. M.—lIst 
7d. Sub. 5s. perann. The Society, 157 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 
1893). . 

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1841. M.—last day. 6s. Sub. £3 perann. Chemica, 
Society, Burlington House, w.1. 

Journal of the Cork Historical and Archeological Society, 1892. Jan. and July, 7s. 6d. 
Guy & Co. Ltd., 70 Patrick St., Cork. (Tel. 918). 

Journal of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers, 1906. M. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. 
Corporation of Insurance Brokers, 3 St. Helen’s Place, £.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 8776). 

Journal of the County Kildare Archeological Society, 1891. Jan. 10s. Kildare 
Archzological Society, University Press, Dublin. 

Journal of the Customs and Excise Federation, 1910. Sat. 2d. H. H. Greaves Ltd., 
106-110 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, s.£.22. (Tel. Sydenham 0732). 

Journal of the Department of Agriculture, 1900. Half-yearly. 1s. 6d. Sub. 3s. 6d. 
per ann, Irish Free State Stationery Office, Dublin. 


Jou-Jou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Journal of the Derbyshire Archeological and Natural History Society, 1879. Jan. 
Members only. T. Wilson & Son, 28 Highgate, Kendal. (Tel. Kendal 244). 

Journal of the Divorce Law Reform Union, 1919. M.—Ist. 2d. Divorce Law Reform 
Union, 55-56 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0947). 

Journal of the East India Association, 1867. Quarterly. 1s. East India Association, 
3 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1201). 

Journal of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. 

| Sub. 2s. per ann.. E. J. Parker Ltd., 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 

Journal of the English Folk Dance Society, 1928. Annually. 2s. 6d. Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Journal of the Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, 1929. M.—ist. Members only. 
Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, 18 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 
1544). (Circ. 1,000). 

Journal of the Farmers’ Club, 1842. Six times per annum. 2s. 6d. Farmers’ Club, 2 
Whitehall Court, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3160). 

Journal of the Federation of Boot Manufacturers, 1919. M.—Ist. Gratis, to members 
only. The Federation, 7 Tavistock Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4065). 

Journal of the Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District, 1907. Jan. 
4s. net. G. Wilson, 171 Park Avenue, Hull. 

Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society, 1903. Sept. Sub. 5s. per ann. Friends’ 
Book Centre, Euston Road, N.w.1. (Tel. Museum 7376). l 

Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1888. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6s. Sub. 25s. per ann. 
Members only. Editor, 181 Iffley Road, ‘Oxford. 

Journal of the Honourable Artillery Company, 1923. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 10s. 6d. per 
ann. H.A.C., Armoury House, Finsbury, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1889). 
Journal of the Incorporated Brewers’ Guild, 1910. M.—25th. Is. 3d. Sub. 15s. per 
ann. Incorporated Brewers’ Guild Ltd., 8 Breams Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 


Journal of the Incorporated British Institute of Certified Carpenters, 1890. Jan., Apl., 
July, Oct. 3d. Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 16 Fenwick St., Liverpool. 
Journal of the Incorporated Clerks of Works’ Association of Great Britain, 1883 (as 
Monthly Journal of the Clerks of Works’ Association, 1882). M.—Ist. 4d. 

P. J. Luxton, 50 Thurleigh Road, s.w.12. 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, 1851. Mar., July, Nov. 5s. Cambridge Univer- 
sity Press, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6359). 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Students Society, 1916. Mar. 3s. C. & E. 
Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2121). 

Journal of the Institute of Bankers, 1879. M.—Ist. June. Blades, 
East & Blades Ltd., 17 Abchurch Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0212). 

Journal of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland, 1898. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. R. T. 
White, 40 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 1895. M.—Ist. 4s. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 
St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Journal of the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers and National 
Federation of Vehicle Trades, 1912. M.—lIst. Gratis. The Institute, 16a Soho 
Square, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2867). 

Journal of the Institute of Fuel, 1928. Quarterly. 10s. 6d. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 
Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xiii). 

Journal of the Institute of Journalists, 1925 (as Institute Journal, 1912). M.—Ist. 
6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Institute of Journalists, 2-4 Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel City 

Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1909. June and Dec. 31s. 6d. Institute of Metals, 
36 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2320). 

Journal of the Institute of Transport, 1920. M.—lIst. (Nov.-July). Price varies. 
Institute of Transport, 15 Savoy St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6030). (Circ. 3,000). 

Journal of the Institute of Wireless Technology, 1926. Quarterly. 5s. The Institute, 
71 Kingsway, w.c.2. 

Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1889 (as Journal of the Society of 
Telegraph Engineers, 1872). Irreg. 10s. 6d. net. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., 57 
Haymarket, s.w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3450). 

Journal of the Institute of Petroleum Technologists, 1914. M.—Oct., June. 7s. 6d. 
Sub. 63s. perann. The Institute, Aldine House, Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 1842). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Jou-Jou 

Journal of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers, 1897. M.—15th, except July and 
Aug. ls. Institution of Sanitary Engineers, 120-122 Victoria St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 3017). 

Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1869. Jan., Sept. 31s. 6d. net. Sub. 63s. 
per ann. Iron and Steel Institute, 28 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0853). 

Journal of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in London, 1907. Alt. M. Free to mem- 
3501) Italian Chamber of Commerce in London, 10 Queen St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 

Journal of the Junior Institution of Engineers, 1884. M.—lst. 2s. P. Marshall & Co., 
Ltd., 66 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 9071). 

Journal of the Kent County Branch of the National Farmers’ Union, 1916. M.—15th. 
64d. J. H. French, 9, King St., Maidstone. (Tel. No. 62). (Circ. 3,300). 
Journal of the Land Agents’ Society, 1902. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. P. Collins, 33 Henrietta 

St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2602). 

Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 1855. Irreg. Price varies. The Society, 
Burlington House, Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4940). 

Journal of the Little Ship Club, 1926. M.—Ist. Nov. to Apl. ls. Sub. 7s. per ann. 
Little Ship Club, Old Ship Tavern, Ivy Lane, E.c.1. (Tel. City 4987). (Circ. 800). 

Journal of the London Society, 1913. M.—Ist. 1s. London Society, Lancaster House, 
St. James’s, s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 0085). 

Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society, 1911. Oct. 7s. 6d. net. 
University Press, 23 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, Manchester. 

Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society, 1885. April. 10s. Manchester 
Geographical Society, 16 St. Mary Parsonage, Manchester. (Tel. City 1080). 

Journal of the Manx Museum, 1924. Mar., June, Sep., Dec. 1s. per ann. Manx 
Museum, Douglas, I. of Man. 

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1884. Spring 
and Autumn. Price varies. W. Brendon & Son Ltd., Plymouth. (Tel. No. 

Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, 1894. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Journal of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany, 1928. Irreg. 1s. W. Heffer 
& Sons Ltd., 3 and 4 Petty Cury, Cambridge. (Tel. 862). 

Journal of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 1922. Jan., April, July, 
Oct. 6s. Sub. 20s. per ann. The Institute, Aldwych House, Aldwych, W.c.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 2277). (Circ. 3,000). 

Journal of the National Society of Art Masters, 1884. M.—15th. Gratis to members. 
The Society, 29 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0658). (Circ. 1,000). 
Journal of the Newcastle Farmer's Club, 1845. May. ls. The Secretary, Clayton 

St. West, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Soctety, 1858. Nov. Price 
varies. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 38 Great Russell St., w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 1252). 

Journal of the Northants Natural History Society and Field Club, 1880. Quarterly. 
Free to Members. B. Thompson, 67 Victoria Road, Northampton. 

Journal of the Oil and Colour Schemes Association, 1918. .M.—last day. 2s. 6d. 
Sub. 25s. per ann. The Secretary, 30 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1457). 

Journal of the Parliaments of the Empire, 1920. Quarterly. 10s. Empire Parlia- 
mentary Association, Westminster Hall, Houses of Parliament, s.w.1. 

Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society of England, 1914. May. ls. R. Aikman 
& Son, Shudehill, Manchester. 

Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 1866. Nov. 3s. 6d. net. Williams & 
Norgate Ltd., 38 Great Ormond St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1439). 

Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 1923 (as Aeronautical Journal, 1897).. 
M.—lIst. 3s. 6d. Royal Aeronautical Society, 7 Albemarle St., w.l. (Tel. 
Gerrard 7373). (Advertisement Department—63 Ludgate Hill). 

Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1846. April. 15s. J. Murray, 
50 Albemarle St, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1871. Half 
yearly. 15s. Royal Anthropological Institute, 52 Upper Bedford Place, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 2980). 

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1903. M.—Ist. 2s. John Bale, Sons & 
Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). (Advertise- 
ment office—8 Serle St., London, w.c.2). 


Jou-Jou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Journal of the Royal Artillery, 1873. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. Royal Artillery 
Institution, Woolwich. Dulau & Co., Ltd., 32 Old Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1823. Jan., April 
July, Oct.—15th. 15s. Royal Asiatic Society, 74 Grosvenor St., w.1. (Tel. 
Mayfair 5530). 

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1804. Irreg. Price varies. Royal Horti- 
cultural Society, Vincent Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9534). 

Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, N.S. 1893. Twicea month. (Nov.— 
June). M.—(July-Oct.). 1s. 6d. Sub. 31s. 6d. per ann. Royal Institute of 
British Architects, 9 Conduit St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0434). 

Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1927. Alt. M. Is. 6d. Sub. 10s. 
per ann. Royal Institute of International Affairs, 10 St. James’s Square, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Regent 7661). 

Journal of the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society, 1767. July. 2s. 6d. net. The 
Society, Derby House, Winckley Square, Preston. (Tel. 366). 

Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1878. Quarterly. 10s. net. Sub. 42s. 
per annum. Royal Microscopical Society, 20 Hanover Square, w.l. (Tel. 
Mayfair 6016). 

Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service, 1915. Quarterly. 6s. J. Bale, Sons & 
Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute, 1879. M.—lIst. Is. net. Sub. 12s. 6d. per 
ann. Royal Sanitary Institute, 90 Buckingham Palace Road, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Sloane 8438). 

Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1890 (as Transactions of the 
Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 1849). Twice a year. 10s. 6d. Hodges, Figgis 
& Co., 20 Nassau St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1852. Fri.—p.m. Sub. 56s. 4d. G. Bell 

Sons Ltd., York House, Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0805). Advertise- 
ments, F. J. Parsons, Ltd., 237-251 Bank Chambers, High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. 
Holborn 0516). 

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1838. 4 parts yearly. 7s. 6d. Sub. 3ls. 
per ann. The Society, 9 Adelphi Terrace, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1673). 
Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, 1857. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 7s. 6d. 
Sub. 30s. per ann. Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, s.w.1. (Tel. 

Victoria 0654). 

Journal of the Session of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland, 1870. Sept. 4s. 6d. 
net. Hodges, Figgis & Co., 20 Nassau St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1921. Quarterly. 6s. Sub. 21s. 
per ann. c/o The Library, War Office, Whitehall, s.w.1. 

Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1884. M.—5th. 60s per ann. The 
Secretary, 30-32 Pearl Assurance Buildings, Market St., Bradford. (Tel. 4519.) 
(Circ. 1850). 

Journal of the Society of Engineers (Incorporated), 1854. Quarterly. 5s. The 
Society, 17 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0244). 

Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, 1917. Quarterly. 10s. 6d. Sub. 40s. per 
ann. The Society, The University, Darnall Road, Sheffield. (Tel. Attercliffe 

Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law, 1924. July. 3s.6d. Butterworth & 
Co. (Publishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 
Journal of the Surveyors’ Institution, 1921. M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. The Institution, 
12 Great George St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5322). (Advertisement Department : 

63 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4). 

Journal of the Textile Institute, 1910. M.—25th. 4s. Sub. 48s. per ann. Textile 
Institute, 16 St. Mary’s Parsonage, Manchester. (Tel. Central 0016). 

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, 1865. Nov. 21s. Victoria 
Institute, 1 Central Buildings, Westminster, s.w.1. 

Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, 1910. Twice a year. Sub. 5s. D. 
Rhys-Phillips, 15 Chaddesley Terrace, Swansea. 

Journal of the Wesley Bible Union, 1913. M.—Ist. 3d. Hammett & Co., 58s Hammett 
St., Taunton. (Tel. 724). (Circ. 2,700). 

Journal of the Women’s Farm and Garden Association, 1899. Mar. 6d. June, Sept. 
Dec. 3d. The Association, 29 Park Road, n.w.1l. (Tel. Paddington 3856). 


Willing’s Press Guide [ Jou-Kel 

Journal of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. Annually. 5s. Yorkshire Agricultural 
Society, New Street Chambers, York. (Tel. 310). 

Journal of Theological Studies, 1899. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. net. Sub. 16s. per 
2604) Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 

Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1898. lst and 15th. 1s. 6d. John Bale, 
Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 2077). 
Advertisement Department: 63 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. 

Journalist, 1908. M.—last Sat. 3d. National Union of Journalists, 5 Chancery 
Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2258). 

Journeyman Baker (/ab.), 1882. M.—25th. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. 8 Guildford St., 
w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 4506). (Circ. 13,000). 

Joy Book, 1920. Sept. 3s. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(Tel. City 6501). 

Joyful News, 1883. Thurs. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co. Ltd., Crown Court, Chancery 
Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4595). 

Junior and International Concise Guide, 1919. Quarterly. 9d. National Sunday 
School Union, 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

Junior Craftsman, 1923 (as Boys’ Practical Aid, 1915). M.—Ist. ld. A.W. Howard, 
6 Laurel Terrace, Armley, Leeds. 

Junior Red Cross Journal, 1924. Mar., June; Sept., Dec. 3d. Sub. Is. 2d. per ann. 
British Red Cross Society, 19 Berkeley St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0345). 

Junior Stamp Magazine, 1926. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Harris Pub- 
lications Ltd., 112 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7138). 

Juridical Review, 1889. Quarterly. 5s. W. Green & Son Ltd., St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

Justice of the Peace, and Local Government Review, 1837. Sat.—10 a.m. Is. ld. 
Sub. £2 19s. 6d. per ann. (without Reports, 35s. per ann). Justice of the Peace Ltd., 
4-6 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Juvenile Rechabite, 1890. M.—lIst. $d., illus. KR. Highet, Rechabite Buildings, 
North Parade, Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. City 3464). 

Juvenile Templar, 1877 (as Young Templar, 1873). M.—25th. 4d. Sub. ls. per ann. 
Grand Lodge of England I.0.G.T., 168 Edmund St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 
1496). (Circ. 4,000). 

Kahncrete Engineering, 1914. Alter. months. 2s. Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ltd., 
22 Cranley Gardens, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington, 1049). 

Kalendar of the Roval Institute of British Architects, 1834. Nov. 3s. 9d.—to non- 
members. The Institute, 9 Conduit St., Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0434). — 

Kalendar of the Saints, 1909. Oct. is. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret 
St., w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Keighley Co-operative Society Bee. Quarterly. Gratis. The Society, 7 Brunswick 
St., Keighley. 

KEIGHLEY NEWS, 1862 (with which is incorporated Keighley and Bingley Chronicle). 
(l). Sat—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Bradford and District Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., 82 North St., Keighley. (Tel. 2738). (Circ. 19,447). 

Kelly’s Directory of Bristol and Suburbs, 1923 (as Wright's Directory of Bristol and 
Clifton, 1798). Annually. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kelly’s (Gove’s) Liverpool and Birkenhead Directory, 1922 (as Gore’s Liverpool and 
Birkenhead Directory, 1766). Dec. 36s. net. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and Official Classes, 1881 (as Handbook to the 
Upper Ten Thousand, 1875). Dec. 30s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kelly’s (Slater's) Directory of Manchester, Salford and Suburbs, 1922 (as Slater's Directory 
of Manchester, Salford and Suburbs, 1795). Annually. 36s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kelly’s (Slater's) Directory of Scotland, 1921 (as Slater’s Directory of Scotland, 1892). 
Irreg. Last issue 1928. 80s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kelly’s (White’s) Sheffield and Rotherham Directory, 1922 (as White's Sheffield Directory, 
1822). Annually. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1124). 

KELSO CHRONICLE, 1832. (/). Thurs—9 p.m., for Fri. 2d. J. McArthur, 
Cross St., Kelso. 


Kel-Ken] Willing’s Press Guide 

KELSO MAIL AND BORDER GAZETTE, 1797. (c). Thurs., 2 a.m. 1$d. Sub. 
lls. 10d. per ann. J. G. Thomson, 12 Bridge St., Kelso. (Tel. 86). 

Kempe’s Engineer’s Year Book, 1894. April. 31s. 6d. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 
7 Stationer’s Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4421). 

Kemps Directory, 1915. Mar. 40s. Kemps Publishing Co., East St. Mills, Leeds. 
(Tel. 23709). 7 

Kemp’s Lancashire Gazette, 1907 (as Kemp's Liverpool Gazette, 1897). Wed. 17s. 6d. 
perann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 19 South John St., Liverpool. 

Kemp’s Local Gazette for Wales, &c., 1911. Alt. Fri. 17s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp 
& Co. Ltd., 17 Working St., Cardiff. 

Kemp’s Mercantile Gazette, 1867. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co., Ltd., 
46 Cannon St., E.c.4. 

Kemp's Midland Gazette, 1912. Fortnightly—Fri. 17s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & 
Co. Ltd., Market Place, Nottingham. 

Kemp’s Northern Gazette, 1907. Wed. 17s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 65 
Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Kemp’s South Eastern Gazette, 1906. Thurs. 17s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. 
Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c.4. 

Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette, 1907. Wed. 17s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 27 
East Parade, Leeds. 

Kendalian, 1901. Terminally. 1s. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, Kendal School, 
Westmorland. (Tel. 227). 

Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book, 1874. April. 12s. 6d. net. Kennel Club, 84 
Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Grosvenor 2981). 

. Kennel Gazette, 1880. M.—3rd Sat. ls. Kennel Club, 84 Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. 
Grosvenor 2981). 

Kensington, Notting Hill, Brompton and Knightsbridge Directory, 1873. Annually. 
3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Temple Bar 1124). 

Carter, 16 Queen St., Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1451). One of the 
West London Observer series. (Advt. p. xix). 

KENSINGTON EXPRESS, 1886. (c). Fri. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammer- 
smith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). 

KENSINGTON AND WEST LONDON GAZETTE, 1919. (imd.). Fri—6 a.m. ld. 
Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Western Metropolitan Newspapers (1928) Ltd., 565 Fulham 
Road, s.w.6. (Tel. Fulham 6125). 

2d. James Wakeham & Co. Ltd., 118 Church St., Kensington, w.8. (Tel. Park 

Salmond, 733 Harrow Road, n.w.10. (Tel. Willesden 1188). 

Kent, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Merritt & Hatcher Ltd., Blackheath Road, 
Greenwich, s.E.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1091). 

Kent, Surrey, and Sussex Directory, 1845.  Irreg., last issue, 1927. 64s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Fri.—5 a.m. 2d. Courier P. & P. Co. Ltd., Great Hall Buildings, Tunbridge 
Wells. (Tel. 1200). (Circ. 23,641). Localised editions for Tonbridge and East 
Grinstead. ( Advt. p. 298). 

KENT AND SUSSEX POST, 1886 (as Weald of Kent News, 1881). (ind.). Fri.— 
4 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 12s. per ann. A. E. Piper, 6 Colonnade, Hawkhurst. 
(Tel. 35). 

Kent Archaeological Society’s Transactions, 1858. Annually. Sub. 10s. per ann. The 
Museum, Maidstone. 

Kent Education Gazette, 1926. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Kent Education 
Committee, 27 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0693). 

KENT HERALD (as Kentish Herald, 1792; with which is incorporated Kentish 
Chronicle, 1768). (ind.). Wed.—noon. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. J. A. 
Jennings Ltd., St. George’s Lane, Canterbury. (Tel. No. 363). 

County Examiner and Ashford Chronicle, 1884). (ind.). Fri—8a.m. 2d. B.P. 
Boorman, 69 High St., Ashford. One of the Kent Messenger and Maidstone 
Telegraph series. 

(for North Kent), 1859. (ind.). Fri. 2d. B. P. Boorman, 23 Stone St., 
Gravesend. One of the Kent Messenger and Maidstone Telegraph series. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ken-Kil 


l Wed.—10 a.m., ld.. Fri.—10 a.m., and.Sat.,.2¢d. B. P. Boorman. Head Office: 
123 Week St., Maidstone. (Tel..No.-1050). ` 

Fri. 2d. B. P::Boórman; 132. High St., pen aoka _ One of the Kent Messenger 
and Maidstone ‘Telegraph series. iene 

Kent Messenger Directory of Ashford, 1892. ‘Dee, id. , BUP. Boorman, 69 High St., 

Kent Messenger Directory of Maidstone, 1896. Dec. 4s. B.P. Boorman, 123 Week 
St., Maidstone. pn 

KENTISH EXPRESS, 1858 (as Ashford and Alfred News, 1855). (ind.):+ Fri.—8a.m.,for 
Sat. 2d. Igglesden & Co. Ltd., 94 High St., Ashford.. (Tel. Ashford 4). 

KENTISH GAZETTE AND CANTERBURY PRESS, 1717 (with which is incorporated 

. Canterbury Times, Kent County News, Kent Echo, and Whitstable Advertiser). 

( (ind.). Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. P. D. Eastes & Co. 

l Ltd., 39 St. George’s St., Canterbury. ` (Tel. 83). (Circ. 5,011). 

KENTISH INDEPENDENT AND KENTISH MAIL (with .which are incorporated 
Kentish Independent, 1843.;. Kentish Mail.and Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 
1862; Woolwich Journal and Charlton Gazette). (ind.). Fri—5 a.m. 2d. 
Sub. ..165. per ann...G.. W. Neves, Wellington St., Woolwich, s.z.18. (Tel. 
Woolwich 0457). (Circ. 19020). 

KENTISH MERCURY (as Gazette, 1833, with which is incorporated Surrey Mercury). 
(c). Fri—5 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Merritt & Hatcher Ltd., 6 to A 
Blackheath Road, Greenwich, s.z.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1091). (Circ. 34,244). 


~ -Thurs. 14d. Elvy Bros., 49 St. George’s St., Canterbury. 

KERRY CHAMPION, 1928. (nat.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. Tralee Printing 
Works, Courthouse Place and Castle St., Tralee. (Tel.: 38). l 

KERRY NEWS, 1893. (ind.). Wed., Fri. ld. Sub: 17s.'4d. per ann. Kerryman 

` “Ltd.; Russell St., ‘Tralee.. (Tel., 56). (Circ. 1,000). ` 

KERRY PEOPLE, 1902. (ind. mat.). Fri? 1d.° Sub. 8s. 8d. per'ann. M. R. Ryle, 
Barracks Place, Tralee. l 

KERRY WEEKLY REPORTER, 1883. (ind.). Fri. for Sat.” 22. ` Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Kerryman Ltd., Russell St., Tralee. (Tel. 56). 

KERRYMAN, 1904. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Kerryman Ltd., Russell St., 
Tralee. (Tel. No.. 56). (Circ. 15,000). | 

Keswick Reminder, 1897. Fri. Gratis. G. W. McKane, Station St., Keswick. 
(Tel. 140). n | 

Keswick Week, 1911. Sept. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. net. Marshall Morgan & Scott, 
1, 2, 11 and 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

KETTERING LEADER AND GUARDIAN, 1923 (with which are amalgamated Kettering 
Leader, 1888, the . Kettering Guardian, 1882, and Kettering Observer, 1882). (ind.). 
Fri—7a.m. 2d. Sub..13s. 6d..per ann. ee pr ONARLE P.. & P. Co. Ltd., 
Dryland. St., Ketteringe (Tel. Nos -50.1).. 

Kew Bulletin 1887. Irreg. Price varies. H. M: Stationery Offioe,.-Adastral House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). ; l 
Keystone, 1923. Alt. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Association of Architects 
Surveyors and'Technical ARSIS ranta; 26 PUU ame Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 
9300)... ; ; 

Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 2d. E. Parry & Sons, Corporation St., Kidderminster. 
(Tel. 149). >: a i 

KIDDERMINSTER TIMES, 1861. (ind. ). Fri., for Sat. 2d. G. Williams Press Ltd., 
17 Oxford St., Kidderminster. (Tel. `145). ‘ 

Kiddies Magazine, 1918 (as Early Days, 1846). M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1.‘° (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

KILBURN TIMES, 1867 (with which is incorporated Paddington Times). (ind.). Fri. 
—noon, for Sat. 2d. North-Western Printing and Publishing Association Ltd., 
4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, n.w.6. (Telephone : Maida Vale 2464). 

Kilburn, Willesden, and- Crjcklewood Directory, 1867. . Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar:1124). — 

Fri—p.m. 2d. W. S. Gray, 56-63 South Main St., Naas. 

117 E 

Kil-Kin] Willing’s Press Guide 

TISER (as Leinster Journal, 1767). (ind.). Fri. for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
perann. Kilkenny Journal Ltd., 30 Patrick St., Kilkenny. (Tel. 65). 

KILKENNY PEOPLE. 1893. (free state). Fri. for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Kilkenny People Ltd., James’s St., Kilkenny. (Tel. 15). (Circ. 7886). 

KILKENNY POST, 1926. (ind.). Wed.—4.30 p.m. id. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Kil- 
kenny People Ltd., James’s St., Kilkenny. (Tel. 15). (Circ. 1,439). 

Killik’s Argentine Railway Manual, 1905. Jan. 2s. 6d. E. Wilson, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2706). 

Kilmarnock A B C Time Table and Diary, 1878. M.—Ist. 2d. W. Johnston, Brae- 
foot, Kilmarnock. (Tel. No. 344). 

Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. W. Johnston, Braefoot, Kilmarnock. (Tel. 344). 

Sub. 13s. per ann. Dunlop & Drennan, 3 Duke St., Kilmarnock. (Tel. 115). 
NEWS, 1889. (:nd.). Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 

J. M. Duncan Ltd., 16 Market St., Kilsyth. (Tel. No. 16). 

Thurs.—3 p.m. ld. Rankin & Mackie, Backbrae St., Kilsyth. (Tel. 49). 

ld. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. (Tel. Irvine 12). One of the Irvine Herald 

Kime’s International Law Directory and Legal Telegraphic Code, 1892. Feb. 15s. 
L. Kime & P. Kime, 75-9 Fairfax Road, n.w.6. (Tel. Hampstead 0246). 

KINCARDINESHIRE OBSERVER, 1902. (/). Fri. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. A. 
Taylor, 32 High St., Laurencekirk. (Tel. No. 23). 

Kinema Comic, 1920. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Kinematograph Weekly, 1907. Wed. ls. Sub. 30s. per ann. Odhams Press Ltd., 

3 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Kinematograph Year Book, 1915. Jan. 10s. Odhams Press Ltd., 93 Long Acre, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

KINETON ADVERTISER, 1910. (ind.). Fri—i10.30 a.m. 2d. Advertiser Ltd., 
Rugby. One of the Rugby Advertiser series. 

King Edward's School Chronicle. Three times a year. 2s. 6d. per ann. Cornish 
Bros. Ltd., 39 New St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5960). 

Kingdom, 1909. M.—25th. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Churchman Publishing Co. 
Ltd. 33-4 Craven St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0682). 

King’s College Calendar, 1840. Oct. 4s. King’s College, Strand, w.c.2. (Advertise- 
ment office—8 Serle St., London, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2808Y. 

King’s College Hospital Gazette, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. 8d. per ann. 
King’s College Hospital Medical School, Denmark Hill, s.z.5. (Tel. Brixton 4550). 
Advertisements: 5 Wine Office Court. (Circ. 600). 

King’s College Review, 1899. Feb., June, Oct., Dec. 1s. King’s College, Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5651). 

King’s College School Magazine, 1897. Quarterly. 6d. “ Surrey Comet,” Wimbledon. 

King’s Lynn and Neighbourhood Directory, 1928. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). . 

King’s Message, 1928. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. S. Martin, 2 Amen Corner, 

King’s Messengers’ Magazine, 1905 (as Children of the Church Magazine, 1894). M.— 
25th. ld. S.P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1398). 

King’s School Magazine, 1885. Apl., July, Dec. 1s. Sub. 2s. 9d. per ann. King’s 
School, Chester. (Tel. 1251). (Circ. 600). 


J. R. Gill & Son, 101-103 Fore St., Kingsbridge. (Tel. No. 71). One of the 
South Devon Gazette series. 

KINGSBRIDGE WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Wed. 14d. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

Kingston, Surbiton, Norbiton, Esher and District Directory, 1891. Annually. 4s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Kingswood Magazine, 1883 (as New Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Quarterly, 1879). 
Three times a year. 2s. per annum. The Editor, Kingswood School, Bath. 

(Tel. No. 440). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Kin-Lad 

Herefordshire Advertiser and Kington Times, 1907). Sat. 14d. Leominster 
Printing Co. Drapers’ Lane, Leominster. (Tel. No. 59). One of the Leominster 
News series. 

Kinmel Bay Garden City Chronicle, 1928. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 1s. 3d. per ann. 
Kinmel Bay Land Co. Ltd., Kinmel Bay, N. Wales. (Tel. Rhyl 358). (Circ. 5,000). 

KINROSS-SHIRE ADVERTISER, 1847. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. Sub. 
6s. 6d. per ann. Kimnross-shire Advertiser Ltd., Kinross. (Tel 27). 

Kipling Journal, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Members only. Kipling Society, 
Escart, Milford-on-Sea, Lymington, Hants. (Tel. Milford-on-Sea 86). 

KIRKCALDY MAIL, 1885. Tues. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Fifeshire Advertiser 
Ltd., 130 High St., Kirkcaldy. (Tel. No. 2510). 

KIRKCALDY TIMES, 1876. (ind.). Wed. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Strachan & 
Livingston Ltd., 35 Kirk Wynd, Kirkcaldy. (Tel. 2118). 

Kirkham Standard, One of the Lytham St. Annes Standard series. 

KIRKINTILLOCH GAZETTE, 1893. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
J. M. Duncan Ltd., 99 Cowgate St., Kirkintilloch. (Tel. No. 260). 

KIRKINTILLOCH HERALD, 1883. (ind.). Wed. 14d. D. MacLeod Ltd., Hillview 
Terrace, Cowgate, Kirkintilloch. (Tel. Kirkintillock 105) 

KIRRIEMUIR FREE PRESS, 1884. (ind.). Thurs. d. J. Norrie, 39 High St., 
Kirriemuir. (Tel. 12). 

KIRRIEMUIR OBSERVER, 1869. (ind.). Fri. 4d. W. B. Mills, 22 High St., 

R. Ackrill Ltd., Herald Buildings, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate 'H erald series. 

Knight’s Official Advertiser. Wed. 4d. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., 
s.E.l. (Tel. Hop 4155). 

KNUTSFORD ADVERTISER, 1875. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Swain 
& Co. Ltd., Princess St., Knutsford and Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). One 
of the Stockport Advertiser series. l 

KNUTSFORD DIVISION GUARDIAN, 1860. (ind.). Tues., for Wed.—4 p.m.. ld.; 
Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. perann. Mackie & Co. Ltd., King St., Knutsford, 
(Tel. 377). 

Kodak Magazine, 1923. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Kodak Ltd., Kingsway, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 7841). 

K.R. and A.J. Amendments. Irreg. H.M. R Office, Adastral House, Kings- 
way, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Labour Bulletin, 1925. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s.6d.perann. Labour Party, Transport 
House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8016). 

Labour Magazine, 1922. M.—Ist. 6d. Labour Party and Trades Union Congress 
Transport House, Smith Square, s.ww.1. (Tel. Victoria 8016). 

Labour Monthly, 1921. M.—25th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Trinity Trust, 79 
Warren St., w.1. 

Labour News, Public Works and Building Trades Advertiser, 1871. Wed.—8 a.m. 34. 
Sub. 16s. per ann. Labour News Ltd., 10 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 4312). | 

Labour Press Service, 1922. (/ab.). Thurs. 4s. 2d. per ann. Labour Party, Trans- 
port House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8016). 

Labour Research Department Monthly Circular, 1919 (as Fabian Research Department 
Monthly Circular, 1917). M.—Ist. 3d. Labour Research Dept., 162 Bucking- 
ham Palace Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1046). , 

Labour Standard, 1924. Sat. 1d. Labour Standard Printing and Publishing Society, 
5 Hillside Crescent, Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 22619). 

Labour Woman, 1913 (as League Leaflet, 1911). (lab.). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. per 
ann. Labour Party, Transport House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8016) 

Labour Year Book, 1916. April. 3s.6d. Labour Party and Trades Union Congress, 
Transport House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8016). 

Labour’s Northern Voice, 1926 (as Northern Voice, 1925). (lab.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 
perann. Workers Northern Publishing Society Ltd., 14. Downing St., Manchester, 
(Tel. Ardwick 3547). (Circ. 15,000). 

Ladies’ Cutter, 1893. M.—Ist. ls. 9d. Sub. 19s. 6d. per ann. R. Taylor & Co., 
68-9 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5689). (Circ. 5,000). 

119 2 

Lad-Lan]  Willing’s Press Guide 

Ladies’ Pall Mall Fashions, 1901. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. Sub. 24s. per ann. Pall Mall 
Fashions Co., 133-136 High Holborn, w.c.1.. (Tel. Holborn 8871). | 

Ladies’ Tailor, 1884. M.—20th. ls.-§d. and twice yearly (Feb. and Aug.). 4s. 6d. 
John Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 4560). ` 

Ladies’ Who’s- Who, 1909. Det... 21s." Hutchinson’ & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 4 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462). 

Ladies’ Year Book, 1893.. Oct. - 2s. 6d. - C. Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge Buildings, 
S.E.1. (Tel, Hop 1250). _ 

Lady, 1885. Wed.—9 ‘a.m. for Thurs.. "64. Sub. 30s. per ann. Lady Ltd., 39-40 
Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple'Bar 8705). 

Lady Book of Fancy’ Dresses, 1923. : Nov. Is. Lady Ltd. 39-40 Bedford St., w.c.2. 
(Tel.. Temple Bar 8705). aa 

Lady Catalogue of Fashions, 1900. Feb., May, Sept. 6d. Lady Ltd., 39-40 Bedford, 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8705). 

Lady’s Companion, 1922 (as Leach's Lady’s Companion, 1892). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s, 
perann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

LAKE DISTRICT HERALD, '1880.. (l). ‘Sat. 2d. Sub. lis. 6d. per ann. TAS 
Herald Ltd., Ambleside. (Tel. Ambleside 64). 

1855. Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann.. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 and 12 Market 

Strand, Falmouth. (Tel. No. 96). 

Lakher Pioneer, 1913. Quarterly. 3d. Lakher Pioneer Mission, 23 Putney Common 

Lamb’s International Guide to British and Foreign Merchants and Manufacturers, 1872. 
Annually. 35s. A. Lamb, 146 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. 

Lamp of China, 1892. Quarterly. ld. Sub. 6d. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott 
Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

LANARK AND UPPERWARD GAZETTE, 1906. (ind.). Fri. id. J. Bell, Market 
Place, Carluke. | . 

LANARKSHIRE, 1905 (with which is incorporated Hamilton Herald, 1889). (ind.). 

` Thurs. ld. J. S. Forrest & Sons, Brandon St., Hamilton. (Tel. 38). 

Lanarkshire Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Scottish Catholic Publishing Co. Ltd.. 
195 Main St., Coatbridge. oot . . z 

LANCASHIRE DAILY POST, 1886. (/). Daily—10 a.m., 8 editions. .1d. G. Toul- 
min & Sons, Ltd., 127 Fishergate, Preston. s 

Lancashire Directory (without Manchester and Liverpool), 1891. Irreg. Last issue 1924. 
50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2: (Tel. Temple-Bar 1124). 

Lancaster Brotherhood Messenger, 1929 (as Lancaster P.S.A. Messenger, 1898). 
M.—lIst. 2d. T. E. Snowball, Meadowside, Lancaster. (Tel. 379). 

Lancaster Diocesan Directory and Guide to the Quarant Ore, 1928. Dec. 2d. 
Wood, Wentworth & Co. Ltd., 23 Hardshaw St., St. Helens. (Tel. St. Helens 173). 

LANCASTER GUARDIAN, 1837. Fri., 7 a.m., forSat. 2d. Lancaster Guardian Ltd. 
Newspaper House, 38 Church St., Lancaster. (Tel. 7). (Advt. p. xxxvi). Pe 


.- 8a.m.. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. B. Bell, Market Place, Lancaster. ` (Tel. 464). 

Lancet, 1823. Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. ls. Sub. 42s. per ann, The Lancet Ltd., 
7 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7228). 

Lancing College. Magazine, 1877. . Twice a term. 9d. Sub. 4s.. 6d, ‘per ann, The 
Editor, Lancing College, Shoreham. 
Land Agents’ Record and Real Property Guide, 1878. Sat.—9a.m. 6d., 14 Southamp- 
ton St., w.c.2... (Tel. Temple Bar 7863). i aie tees 
Land and Liberty, 1919 (as Land Values 1902, as Single Tax, 1894). (Mo fat. 3d. 
United Committee for the Taxation of Land Value (Room 40), 11 Tothill St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 7323). 

Land of Sinim, .1893.. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. Is per ann. _ Mrs. Farrow, 
St. Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Sheffield. (Tel. Sheffield 41996). 

Land Union Journal, 1911. M.—Ist. 6d. Land Union, 15 Lower Cowi Place, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4916)., l 

Land Worker, 1919. M.—Ist. 2d' Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Land Worker Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 308 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Terminus 3913). 

Landmark, 1919. M.—lIst.: 4s.-6@. Sub. 2is. per ann. English- Speaking, Union, 
37, Charles St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 5100). 

Langport and Somerset Household Almanac, 1836. Dec. 3d. G. H. Hemmel & Sons 
Ltd., North St., Langport. (Tel. No. 2). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Lan-Lay 

LANGPORT AND SOMERTON HERALD (as Langport Herald, 1855). (u). Sat. 2d. 
G. H. Hemmel & Sons Ltd., North St., Langport. (Tel. No. 2). 

Lang’s Monthly, 1929. M.—20th. Gratis. R.T. Lang, 167-8 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7655). 

Large Black Pig Herd Book, 1899. June. 21s. The Secretary, Large Black Pig 
Society, 12 Hanover Square, w.1l. (Tel. Mayfair 0596). 

1877. (ind.). Fri. ld. J. &. R. Simpson, 24 Main St., Largs. (Tel. No. 120). 

Larks, 1927. Sat. for Sat. id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

LARNE TIMES, 1892. (c). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. W. &G. Baird Ltd., Dunluce St., 
Larne. One of the Belfast Weekly Telegraph series. 

Latin-American World, 1926. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Latin American 
Trade Ltd., 93 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1396). 

Latin Teaching, 1913. Feb., June, Oct. Is. Sub. 3s. 3d. per ann. B. Blackwell, 
49 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. 3487). 

Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, 1840. Thurs. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. perann. Dr. John 
A. Widtsoe, 295 Edge Lane, Liverpool. (Tel. Anfield 809). (Advt. p. xxxvi). 

Latymerian, 1907. Terminally. 3d. Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith, w.6. 

Laudate, 1923. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ls. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Benedictine 
Community, Nashdom Abbey, Burnham, Bucks. (Tel. 176). 

Fri. and Sat. 2d. Brimmell Bros., Church St., Launceston. 

Laundry Journal, 1885. Sat. 3d. Baines & Scarsbrook, 75 Fairfax Rd., Swiss 
Cottage, N.w.6. (Tel. Hampstead 246). 

Laundry Record, 1890. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Heywood & Co. Ltd., 
Druary House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

Law Coach, 1920. M.—lst. Sub. 13s. per ann. E. Hammond, 9 Essex St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. City 6330). 

Law Journal, 1822. Fri., for Sat. 1s. Sub. 5ls. 4d. per ann. A. B. Cooper, 37 & 39 
Essex St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2868). 

* Law Journal Reports,” 1823. M.—lIst. 8s. 6d. St:vens & Sons Ltd., 119 and 120 
Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1386). 

Law List, 1740. March. 12s. net. Stevens & Sons Lti., 119 & 120 Chancery Lane, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1386). 

Law Notes, 1883 (as Gibson’s Law Notes, 1882). M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. 
Gibson & Weldon, 25 & 26 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0780). 

Law Quarterly Review, 1885. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 119 & 
120 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1386). : 

Law Reports, 1866. M.—lIst. Wed. 115s. per ann. (including the Statutes Weekly 
Notes and Current Digest). Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England 
and Wales, 30 Montague St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3040). 
Law Society's Gazette, 1903 (as Law Society’s Registry, 1888). M.—9th. Members 
only. Law Society, Bell Yard, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6218). (Circ. 10,000). 
Law Times, 1843. Fri.—3 p.m., for Sat. 1s.’ Sub. 65s. per ann., with Law Times 
Reports, 2s. Sub. £5 per ann. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. 
Holborn 3682). 

** Law Times ” Reports, 1871 (as Bar Reports, 1865; as Law Reporter, 1843). Fri.— 
3 p.m. 2s. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

Lawn Tennis and Badminton, 1899. Sat. 6d. Amateur Sports Publishing Co. (1913) 
Ltd., 46-50 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 1517). 

Lawrentian, 1889. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate. 

Laws of Croquet, 1900. Feb. 1s. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, Chancery 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 36872). 

Lawyers’ Companion and Diary, 1847. Nov. 5s. to 13s. Stevens & Sons Ltd., 119 
and 120 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1386), and Shaw & Sons, 6, 7, 8 and 
9 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8171). 

Lawyer’s Remembrancer and Pocket Book, 1898. Oct. 5s., 10s. and 15s. Butterworth 
& Co. (Publishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Laxtonian, 1876. Apl., July, Dec. A. King & Son, New St., Oundle. 

Laxzton’s and Lockwood’s Builders’ Price Book, 1817. Jan. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Tay Reader, 1908 (as Reader and Lay Reader, 1904). M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. Central Readers’ Board, Church House, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2378). 


Lay-Lee] Willing’s Press Guide 

Laymen’s Bulletin, 1912. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. National 
Laymen’s Missionary Movement, 3 Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2403). 

Leach’s Children’s Fashions, 1919. M.—9th. 44d. Sub. 5s. 6d. perann. G. Newnes: 
Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Leach’s Home Dressmaker, 1919. M.—18th. 4d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Leach’s Sixpenny Knitting and Handcraft Series, 1921. M.—30th. 6d. G. Newnes 
Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Leader, 1929 (as Racing and Football Leader, 1922). Tues. 2d. Associated Sporting 
Press Ltd., 16 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9763). 

LEADER (Dromore, Ballynalinch, Dromara and Hillsborough), 1929 (as Dromore 
Leader, 1916). (u). Fri., for Sat. Id. J. Lindsay, The Square, Dromore, 
Co. Down. (Tel. 17). 

LEADER (Mearns, Dee and Don), 1913. (u). Thurs., for Fri. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per - 
ann. Kincardineshire Press Ltd., 66 Barclay St., Stonehaven. (Tel. 39). 

Leader, 1900. (mat.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. D. P. Moran, 205 Pearse 
St., Dublin. (Tel. 2412). 

Leader, 1922. M.—3rd Fri. 2d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. Achei Brith Friendly Society, 
46 Commercial Road, £.1. (Tel. Royal 6192). 

Leading Note, 1928. Feb.and Aug. ls. Sub. 2s. perann. Royal Military School of 
Music, Kneller Hall, Twickenham. 

Leading Strings, 1929 (as Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891). Sept. 2s. 6d. and 3s. nett. 
Simpkin Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers Hall Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

League News, 1925. (ind.). Feb., June, Nov. ld. Sub. 3d. per ann. League of 
Nations Union, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, s.ww.1. (Tel. Sloane 6161). (Circ. 35,000). 

League of Empire Review and Federal Magazine, 1904. M.—Ist. 6d. League of the 
Empire, 124 Belgrave Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3094). 

League of Nations Union News Sheet, 1923. (ind.). M.—I1st. 2s.6d.per100. League 
of Nations Union, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 6161). (Circ. 

LEAMINGTON CHRONICLE, 1888 (as Leamington, Warwickshire, and Centre of England 
Chronicle), 1865. (I). Fri. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Leamington Chronicle 
Co. Ltd., Chapel St., Leamington. (Tel. 33). i 

LEAMINGTON SPA MORNING NEWS, 1919 (as Leamington, &c., Daily Circular, 
1896). (ind.). 6 am. 4d. Churches & Budd, 3 Upper Bedford St., Leaming- 

. ton. (Tel. 70). | 

Leather Goods, 1917. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann.. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 

43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Leather Goods Directory, Directory of Leather Goods Manufacturers, 1919. Dec. Subs. 
W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Leather Trades Directory, 1871. Irreg., last issue 1929. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Leather Trades Review, 1898 (with which is incorporated Leather Industries, formerly 
Leather Trades Circular and Review, 1867). Wed. 20s. perann. Benn Bros Ltd., 
154 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Leather Trades Year Book, 1890. March. 10s. United Tanners Federation. 
8 St. Thomas St., s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 5236). 

Leather World, 1909. Thurs. 15s. per ann. Foreign, 25s. Leather Trades Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 177 Bermondsey St., s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 2233). — 

Leayton’s Oundle Almanack and Directory, 1880. Dec. 3d. V. E. Leayton, 3 Market 
Place, Oundle. (Tel. No. 18). | 

LEDBURY REPORTER AND GUARDIAN, 1869. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Sub. 
cee perann. G. Williams Press Ltd., Reporter House, Homend, Ledbury. (Tel. 


Leeds ABC Railway Guide, 1894. M.—aist. 4d. West Riding A BC Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Stanningley, Leeds. (Tel. 71005). 

Leeds A B C Railway Rates Book, 1911. Every four years. 84s. Railway & 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Leeds and District Free Press, 1908. Wed. Gratis. Knowles & Co., 148 Briggate, 
Leeds. (Tel. 21,404). (Circ. 20,000). 

Leeds Blue Book and City Record, 1903. Jan. 6d. N.G. Morrison Ltd., Bishopgate, 
Leeds. (Tel. Leeds 23890). . 

Leeds Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 7 Cookridge St., 
Leeds. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Lee-Len . 

Leeds Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1924. M.—20th. 6d. Leeds Chamber of 
Commerce, Park Row, Leeds. (Tel. 27100). 

Leeds Churchman’s Handbook, 1898. Dec. ld. Leeds Church Institute (Incor- 
porated), 5 Albion Place, Leeds. (Tel. No. 23289). 

Leeds Co-operative Record, 1878. M.—[ist. Gratis. 10 Albion St., Leeds. 

Leeds Directory, 1881. Biennially. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2 
(Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Leeds Hospital Magazine, 1893: M.—Ist. 1d. Leeds Workpeople’s Hospital Fund, 
3, Park Square, Leeds. 

LEEDS MERCURY, '1907 (as Leeds and Yorkshire Mercury, 1901, as Leeds Mercury 
1718). (c). Daily—a.m. Id. Sub. 51s. 6d. per ann. Bond St., Leeds. (Tel. 

_ Leeds 20207). First issued daily, 1861. 

Leeds Weekly Citizen, 1911. (/ab.). Fri. 14d. Leeds Labour Publishing Society 
Ltd., 9 Queen Square, Leeds. 

i Cheadle Post, 1885). (u). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Hill Bros. Ltd., Haywood 

t., Leek. 

13d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Times Ltd., 6 Bath St., Leek. (Tel. No. 385). 

Legal Diary, 1843. Daily in sittings. £2 per ann. Legal Diary P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
41-2 Nassau St., Dublin. 

Leicester A.B.C. Railway Guide, 1872. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. G. H. 
Hubbard, 77 London Road, Leicester. (Tel. 21312). 

Leicester A B C Railway Rates Book, 1912. Every four years. 84s. Railway & 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

LEICESTER ADVERTISER (as Payne’s Leicester and Midland Counties Advertiser, 
1842). (ind.). Fri. and Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. Hewitt & Son (1927) 
Ltd., 8 Chatham St., Leicester. (Tel. Central 277). 

Leicester Catholic News, 1915. Fri., for Sat. 3d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 12 
Bouverie St., E.c.4. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Leicester Chamber of Commerce Monthly Journal, 1928. M.—10th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. 254). 

Leicester Co-operative Record, 1882. M.—Ist. Gratis. Leicester Co-operative _ 
Society, High St., Leicester. 

Leicester Investors’ Handbook, 1867. April. 6d. 1 Welford Road, Leicester. (Tel. 

LEICESTER MAIL, 1910. (c). p.m. ld. Leicestershire Constitutional Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., 37 London Road, Leicester. (Tel. 3281). 

LEICESTER MERCURY, 1874. (ind.). p.m. Id. F. Hewitt & Son (1927) Ltd., 
25-29 Albion St., Leicester. (Tel. 20831). 

Leicester Sheep Soctety’s Flock Book, 1892. April. 10s. The Society, Elms Villa, 
Driffield, Yorks. 

LEIGH, TYLDESLEY AND ATHERTON JOURNAL (Lancs.), 1874 (as Leigh Times, 
1870). Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 2d. Tillotsons Newspapers Ltd., 44-6 Railway 
Road, Leigh. One of the Bolton Journal series. 

LEIGH CHRONICLE, 1852. (c). Thurs. for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Leigh 
Chronicle Ltd., Ducie St., Leigh, Lancs. (Tel. No. 51). 

Leigh Friendly Co-operative Society Monthly Record, 1896. M.—Ist. Gratis. The 
Society, Ellesmere St., Leigh. 

2 p.m., for Tues. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. H. Jackson & Co., 5 High St., Leighton 
Buzzard. (Tel. No. 37). 

LEINSTER EXPRESS, 1831. (ind.). Sat.—a.m. ld. M. C. Carey, Maryborough. 

LEINSTER LEADER, 1880. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Leinster 
Leader Ltd., Naas. (Tel. 2). (Circ. 7,040). : 

LEINSTER REPORTER, 1859. (prog.). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. A. Wright, Printing 
House Buildings, Birr. One of the Offaly Chronicle series. 

NEWS, 1904. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Leiston Abbey Press 
Ltd., High St., Leiston. (Tel. No. 5). (Circ. 2,800). 

*LEITRIM ADVERTISER, 1856. (ind.). Wed.—p.m. 14d. B. McKiernan, Main 
St., Mohill. 

LENNOX HERALD, 1862. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Bennett & 
Thomson, 20-22 Church St., Dumbarton. (Tel. 107). 


Leo-Lib] Willing’s Press Guide 

TISER, 1880. (ind.). Fri. 14d. Leominster Printing Co., 27 Draper’s Lane, 
Leominster. (Tel. No. 59). 

Leslie's Time Tables and Diary. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. D. Leslie, 
20 St. John St., Perth. (Tel. 131). (Circ. 5,000). 

Letters to My Brothers, 1916. Occas. 3s. and 6s. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Letters to My Sisters, 1916. Occas. 3s. and 6s. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). : 

Letts’s (Charles) Diaries, 1816. Oct. Various. Charles Letts & Co., Southwark 
Bridge Buildings, s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 1250). 

LEVEN ADVERTISER AND WEMYSS GAZETTE, 1888. (ind.). Tues. ld. Sub. 
8s. 8d. per ann. Strachan & Livingstone, Ltd., 9a Durie St., Leven. (Tel. 226). 

LEVEN MAIL, 1885. (ind.). Wed.—a.m. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Fifeshire Adver- 
tiser Ltd., Durce St., Leven. (Tel. Leven 187). (Circ. 8,000). 

Lewes, Newhaven and Seaford Blue Book and Local Directory, 1900. Biennially—Nov. 
Alt. years. 2s. 6d. Garnett, Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, 
Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 3760). 

Lewisham, Brockley, and Catford Directory, 1881. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

LEWISHAM, LEE AND CATFORD JOURNAL, 1899. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Ltd., Loampit Vale, Lewisham, s.£.13. 
(Tel. Lee Green 0437). 

Thurs., for Fri. Id. 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.z.23. (Tel. Sydenham 
1054). One of the Forest Hill, &c., Examiner series. 

LEWISHAM BOROUGH NEWS, 1901 (as Borough News, 1900, as Lewisham Indepen- 
dent, 1893, as Lewisham Free Press, 1889). (ind.). Wed.—5 p.m. ld. Lewisham 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Loampit Vale, Lewisham, s.£.13. (Tel. Lee Green 0437). 

LEYLAND WEEKLY NEWS, 1910. (c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Chorley 
News Co. Ltd., Market Place, Chorley. (Tel. Chorley 29). One of the Chorley 
Weekly News series. 

Leys Fortnightly, 1876. Alter—Fridays during term. 6d. The Editor, Leys School, 

Harrow Green Gazette, 1876). (imd.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Express and 
Independent Newspapers Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone, E.11. (Tel. 
0599). One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

Leytonstone, Wanstead and Snaresbrook Directory, 1885. Biennially. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Temple Bar 1124). l 

LEYTONSTONE EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1876. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. 
Express and Independent Newspapers, Ltd., 827, High Road, Leytonstone. (Tel. 
Wanstead 0599). 

Liberal Catholic, 1924. M.—Ist. 8d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. St. Alban Press, 30 
Gordon St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 8888). 

Liberal Magazine, 1893. M.—7th. 6d. Liberal Publication Dept., 42 Parliament . 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 7038). 

Liberal Woman’s News, 1925. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. is. 6d. perann. Women’s National 
Liberal Federation, 1 Great George St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7603). 
(Circ. 20,000). 

Liberal Year Book, 1904. Jan. 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. net. Liberal Publication Depart- 
ment, 42 Parliament St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7038). 

Liberation Bulletin, 1927 (as Liberator, 1855). Quarterly. Sub. Is. per ann. Libera- 
tion Society, 39 Livingstone House, Broadway, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

LIBERATOR, 1914. (ind.). Tues.—p.m. and Sat.—p.m. 1d. Sub. 17s. 4d. per ann. 
Kerryman Ltd., Russell St., Tralee. (Tel. 56). (Circ. 1,000). 

Librarian and Book World, 1910. M.—i5th. Is. A. J. Philip, Lodgewood, 

Librarian’s Guide, 1923. Sept. 10s. 6d. Literary Year Books Press Ltd., 67 Dale 
St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 5598). 

Libraries, Museums and Art Galleries’ Year Book, 1897. Biennially—Nov. 25s. 
A. J. Philip, Lodgewood, Gravesend. 

Library, 1889. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Oxford Univer- 
sity Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 


- Willing’s Press Guide [Lib-Lig 

Library Assistant, 1898. M.— Ist. ls. Sub.10s.6d.perann. Association of Assistant 
Librarians, Central Library, Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, n.8. (Tel. Mount View 
1652). (Circ. 1,500). 

Library Association Record, 1899. Quarterly. Sub. 42s. perann. Free to Members. 
Library Association, 26-27 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4534). 

Library Review, 1927. Quarterly. 2s. Sub. 8s. perann. R. D. Macleod, 47 Pitcairn 
St., Brucefield, Dunfermline. 

Library World, 1898. M.—15th. 1s. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Grafton & Co., 
51 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1984). 

Licensed Trade News, 1888 (with which is incorporated Brewer and Publican). Sat. 
2d. J.G. Hammond & Co. Ltd., 139 Moor St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 468) 

Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette and Hotel Courier, 1872. Fri—4 p.m. 3d. Premier 
Publishing Co., 81 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4947). 

Licensed Victuallers’ Official Annual, 1894. Dec. 2s. 27 Russell Square, w.c.1. 
T ca 2833), and G. Vickers Ltd., 79 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 

Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book, 1873. Dec. 2s. 6d. Premier Publishing Co., 
81 Farringdon St., £E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4947). 

Licensing World and Licensed Trade Review, 1892. Sat. 2d. 27 Russell Square, 
w.c.1., and G. Vickers Ltd., 79 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Museum 2833). 

Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar, 1855. Jan. 2s. 6d. A. C. Lomax’s successors, 

noe Diocesan Magazine, 1880. M.—20th. 2d. A. C. Lomax’s successors, 


LICHFIELD MERCURY, 1815 (with which is incorporated Sutton Coldfield Mercury 
and Lichfield Pioneer, 1920). (imd.). Fri. 2d. R. J. Bowen, 36 Bird St., 

LICHFIELD TIMES, 1926. (ind.). Fri—a.m. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. E.F. 
Cope & Co., 5 St. John St., Lichfield. (Tel. 187). 

Life and Letters, 1928. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 14s. per ann. Statesman Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 10 Great Queen St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3217). 

Life and Liberty, 1919. Quarterly. 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. 
Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

Life and Work, Record of the Church of Scotland, 1930 (with which are incorporated 
Infe and Work, 1879, and Record of the Home and Foreign Mission Work of the 
United Free Church of Scotland, 1862.) M.—Ist. Sun. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. Church of Scotland Committee on Publications, 121 George St., Edinburgh. 
(Tel. 22138). (Circ. 250,000). 

Life Assurance Agents Vade Mecum, 1894. Dec. 2s. 6d. Trustees of the late J. 
Wilkie, 20 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh. (Tel. 24830). 

Life-Boat, 1852. Quarterly. 6d.; Annual Report, May. 1s. Royal National Life- 
Boat Institution, 22 Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2161). 

Life of Faith, 1879 (as Christian’s Pathway of Power, 1874). Wed. 2s. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Life of Faith Almanac, 1879. Nov. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1 Pater- 
noster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Life Saving Scout and Guard, 1921. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Salvation 
Army, 119-121 Judd St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

Light, 1881. Thurs. for Fri. 4d. Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 34 Paternoster 

Row, £.c.4. Advt. Dept., 3 Pilgrim St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2793). 

Light and Truth, 1881. Quarterly. ld. Spanish and Portuguese Church Aid Society, 

Church House, Dean’s Yard, s.w.1. 

Light Car and Cyclecar, 1913 (as Cyclecay, 1912). Fri. 3d. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 
Rosebery Avenue, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). 

Light in the Home, 1920 (with which is incorporated Cottager and Artisan, 1861). 
M.—25th. Id. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). 

Light in the Home Annual, 1920. Sept. ls. net. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 8428). 

Light in the Home Calendar, 1923. Sept. 2d. J. Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Light on Health, 1928. M.—Ist. 6d. John Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. 
(Tel. Manchester Central 7400). 

Lightbearer. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. Graham & Heslip, 41 Franklin St., 
Belfast. (Tel. 1033). 


Lig-Lin] Willing’s Press Guide 

Lighten Our Darkness, 1913 (as Church of England Scripture Readers’ Association Quar- 
terly Record, 1910, as Scripture Readers’ Journal, 1853). Quarterly. 2d. Sub. Is. 
per ann. The Association, 4 New Bridge St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1311). 

Lighthouse, 1929. Irreg. 6d. W. & G. Foyle & Co. Ltd., 121-125 Charing Cross 
Road, w.c.2. 

Lights and Tides of the World, 1900. Feb. 30s. Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson 
Ltd., 123 Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 6497). 

Lily, 1880. Five times a year. 6d. The Editor, Magdalen College School, Oxford. 

LIMERICK CHRONICLE, 1766. (l.c.). Tues., Thurs., Sat.—p.m. 2d. Sub. 39s. 
per ann. 59, O'Connell St., Limerick. (Tel. No. 94). 

LIMERICK ECHO, 1898. (ind. nat.). Tues. 1d. C. O’Sullivan, 19 Sarsfield St., 

LIMERICK LEADER, 1889. (ind.). Mon., Wed. 1d.; Fri., for Sat.—p.m., 2d. 
Sub. 30s. 4d. per ann. Limerick Leader Ltd., 54 O’Connell St., Limerick. (Tel. 274). 
(Circ. 20,000). 

LIMERICK WEEKLY ECHO, 1897. (ind. nat.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. C. 
O’Sullivan, 19 Sarsfield St., Limerick. i 

Limit, 1918. Apl., July, and Dec. ls. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Loughborough College, 
Loughboro’. (Tel. 675). 

LINCOLN, RUTLAND, AND STAMFORD MERCURY, 1695. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 
lid. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. High St., Stamford. (Tel. 10). 

Lincoln A B C Time Table, 1902. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. J. W. Ruddock 
& Sons, 287 High St., Lincoln. (Tel. No. 85). 

LINCOLN AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1924. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Lincoln Publicity 
Co. Ltd., 100 Newland, Lincoln. 

Lincoln Budget, 1853. Nov. 5d. J. W. Ruddock & Sons, 287 High St., Lincoln. 
(Tel. No. 85). 

Lincoln Co-operative Society Wheatsheaf, 1918. M. 4th— Gratis. C.W.S., Silver 
St., Lincoln. (Tel. 815). (Circ. 4,000). 

Lincoln Diocesan Calendar, 1865. Jan. 2s. net, plate. Lincolnshire Chronicle. Ltd.. 
Saltergate, Lincoln. (Tel. 666). 7 

Lincoln Directory, 1860. Last issue 1928. 12s. 6d. J. W. Ruddock & Sons, 287 High 

| St., Lincoln. (Tel. No. 85). 


. AND EASTERN COUNTIES ADVERTISER, 1847. (ind.). Mon., for Tues. 2d. 
Spalding Free Press Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 5 Hall Place, Spalding. 
(Tel. No. 21). (Circ. 13,000). 

Lincolnshire and Hull Directory, 1861. Every four years, last issue 1926. 40s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

LINCOLNSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1832 (with which is incorporated Lincoln Leader, 1896). 
(ind.). Sat—a.m. 2d. "Lincolnshire Chronicle Ltd., Saltergate, Lincoln. (Tel. 

- 666). 

Lincolnshire Chronicle A B C Railway Guide, 1904. M.—JAst. 3d. Lincolnshire 
Chronicle Ltd., Saltergate, Lincoln. (Tel. No. 666). 

LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO, 1893. (u). Daily—p.m. ld. The Lincolnshire Publishing 
Co: Ltd., 3 St. Benedict Square, Lincoln. (Tel. 1160). 

Lincolnshire Notes and Queries, 1888. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. 6d. W. K. Morton 

_ & Sons, 27 High St., Horncastle. (Tel. No. 19). 

LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1878. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. 
Robinson, 12 Wide Bargate, Boston. (Tel 147). (Circ. 20,000). 

LINCOLNSHIRE STAR, 1908 (as Lindsey and Lincolnshire Star, 1889 ; as North Lindsey 

~ Star, 1889). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. H. & C. H. 
Caldicott, Wrawby St., Brigg: (Tel. No. 75). 

Linen Trade Circular, 1913 (as Belfast Linen Trade Circular, 1852). Fri., for Sat. 
21s. per ann. H. C. Smith, Dudley House, Southampton St., w.c.2. 

Linguist, 1927. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. Linguaphone Institute, 24-27 
‘High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery, 7638). 

Linguists’ Review, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. per ann. A. Cozens 
Elliott, 105 Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Notts. (Circ. 1,000). 

Links of Help, 1911. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. H. G. Hall, Plas Menai, 
Llanfairfechan. (Tel. No. 37). 

LINLITHGOWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1891. (l). Fri—a.m. 14d. F. Johnston & Co., 
Ltd., 114 High St., Linlithgow. 

Linney’s Illustrated Mansfield Almanack and Directory, 1872. Dec. 2d. W. & J. 
Linney Ltd., West Gate, Mansfield. (Tel. 8). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Lin-Liv 

L. and M. News, 1927. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 4s. perann. Linotype & Machinery Ltd., 
9 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9045). 

for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. R. McMullen & Co., 32 Bow St., Lisburn. 
(Tel. No. 42). 

LISBURN STANDARD, 1876. (c). Fri—p.m. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. V. 
McMurray, Market Square, Lisburn. (Tel. No. 43). 

Listener, 1929. Wed. 3d. Sub. 17s. 4d. per ann. George Newnes Ltd., 8-11 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Literary Guide, 1885. M.—25th. 3d. Watts & Co., 5-6 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4761). 

Litteris, 1924. 3 times a year. 3s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Oxford University Press, 
Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). © 

Little Animals’ Friend, 1897. M.— 1st. ld. Sub. is. 6d. per ann. G. Bell & Sons, 
York House, Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0805). (Circ. 7,000). 

Lisse ATEON 1919. M.—lst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 85b Forest Row, Dalston, 

Little Doa 1923 (as Our Little Dots, 1887). M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Little Dots Annual, 1923. Sept. 2s. 6d. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). 

Little Folks, 1871. M.—26th. ls. net.; half-yearly vols., 5s. net. Sub. 14s. 6d. 
per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Little Frolic, 1893. Aug. 2s. 6d. John F. Shaw (1928) & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., 
Ludgate Hill, x.c. (Tel. Central 2793). 

-Little Gleaner and Young People’s Treasury, 1854. M.—27th. 2d. C. J. Farncombe 
& Sons Ltd., 30 Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Hill, £E.c.4. (Tel. Cential 8836). 

-Little Ones Treasury, 1918 (as Our Little Ones Treasury, 1887). M.—ist. 4d. J. 
Ritchie Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Little People’s Annual, 1919. July. 4s. R. Tuck & Sons Ltd., Raphael House, 
Moorfields, £.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 5011). 

Littlehampton A B C Railway Guide. M. Ist. 2d. Worthing and Littlehampton Gazettes 
Ltd., 22 Beach Road, Littlehampton. (Tel. 150). | 

LITTLEHAMPTON GAZETTE, 1879. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Worthing & Littlehampton Gazettes Ltd., 22 Beach Road, Littlehampton. 
(Tel. No. 150). One of the Worthing Gazette series. 

N OBSERVER AND ARUNDEL NEWS, 1909. (ind). Wed. 1d. 

Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. R. J. Acford Ltd., 5 High St., Littlehampton. (Tel. 
Chichester 164). One of the Chichester Observer series. 

LITTLEHAMPTON POST, 1922. (ind.). Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Southern 
Post Ltd., London Road, Bognor Regis. (Tel. Bognor Regis 288). 

-LITTLEPORT GAZETTE, 1879. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Sharman & 
Co. Ltd., High St., March. (Tel. No.9). One of the Cambridgeshire Times series. 
(Advt. p. xxx). 

Live Stock Journal, 1874. Fri—4p.m. 4d. Vinton & Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 1180). 

Live Stock Journal Annual, 1877. Dec. 2s. 6d. and 4s. Vinton & Co. Ltd, 
8 Bream’s Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1180). 

Live Stock Journal Show List, 1905. Feb. 1s. Vinton & Co., Ltd., 8 Bream’s Build- 
ings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1180). 

Live Wire, 1920. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Association of Ex-Service Civil 
Servants, 3 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0383). (Circ. 10,000). 

Liverpool, Bootle, Birkenhead and Wallasey Official Red Book, 1899. Jan. 2s. 6d. 
Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2711). 

Liverpool A B C Railway Guide and Steamship Advertiser. M.—lIst. 6d. Littlebury 

- Bros. Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2711). ; 

Liverpool A B C Railway Rates Book, 1907... Every four years. 84s. Railway & 

Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Liverpool and District Congregational Magazine, 1873. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per 
ann. V.R. Jones, 9 Nook Rise, Wavertree, Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 4597). 

Liverpool and District Post Office Guide, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d., Sub. Is. per 
ann. Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool., (Tel)(Central 2711). 


Liv-Lla] Willing’s Press Guide 

Liverpool Archdiocesan Directory and Guide to the Quarant Ore, 1928. Dec. 3d. 
Wood, Westworth & Co. Ltd., 23 Hardshaw St., St. Helens. (Tel. 173). 

Liverpool Catholic Herald, 1890. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., 
Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Liverpool Customs Bills of Entry, Daily. (A). £7 7s., (B) £3 3s. per ann. C. Vernon & 
Sons Ltd., 56-62 South Castle St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 8711). 

LIVERPOOL DAILY POST AND MERCURY, 1904 (with which are incorporated Liverpool 
Daily Post, 1855, and Liverpool Mercury, 1811). (/). 2 a.m. ld. Liverpool 
Daily Post and Echo Ltd., 54 Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 3400). 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar and Churchman’s Year Book, 1880. Feb. 2s.6d. J. A. 
Thompson & Co. Ltd., 33 Cable St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 4610). 

Liverpool Diocesan Leaflet, 1925. M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. Is. per ann. Liverpool Press 
: & Publicity Board, Church House, Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 4614), (Circ. 75,000). 
LIVERPOOL ECHO, 1879. (ind.). 5 editions daily. 1d. Liverpool Daily Post and 

Echo Ltd., 54 Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 3400). 

Liverpool Football Echo, 1889. Sat. 2d. Liverpool Daily Post & Echo Ltd., 54 
Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 3400). 

Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs, 1899. Irreg. Price varies. University 
Press ot Liverpool, 177 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool.. l 

Liverpool Review, 1926. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Liverpool Diocesan 
Publishing Co., 1 South John St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 4247). 

Liverpool Social Workers’ Year Book, 1921. Jan. 2s. 6d. Liverpool Council of 
Voluntary Aid, (incorporated), 14 Castle St., Liverpool. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official Daily List, 1902. Even. Subs. Committee of the 
Liverpool Stock Exchange, Liverpool. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official Weekly List, 1902. Fri. Subs. Committee of the 
Liverpool Stock Exchange, Liverpool. 

Liverpool Trade Review. 1902. M.—15th. 6d. Sub.7s.6d.perann. (Free to members 
of Chamber), Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, C17-18 Exchange Buildings, 
Liverpool. (Tel. Central 321). 

LIVERPOOL WEEKLY POST AND MERCURY, 1878. (/). Sat. 2d. Liverpool 
Daily Post and Echo Ltd., 46-50 Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: W. E. B. 
Lawrence, 132-134 Fleet St. Tel. City 4514). 

Liverpool’s Labour Voice, 1927. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. per ann. Workers Northern 
Publishing Society Ltd., 14 Downing St., Manchester. (Tel. Ardwick 3547). 
One of the Labour’s Northern Voice series. 

Liverpool Y.M.C.A. News, 1881. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. 
Central Y.M.C.A., Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 2262). (Circ. 1,000). 

Living Waters, 1873. M.—25th. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1 Paternoster Build- 
ings, E.C.4. 

Lian (The Church), 1869. Fri. 2d. G. Evans & Son, Caernarvon. (Tel. 114). 

LLANDUDNO ADVERTISER, 1880. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Edge & Moy, 133 Mostyn St., Llandudno. (Tel. No. 6559). 

E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales Weekly 
News series. : 

Llandudno, Deganwy and Conway Directory, 1911. Biennially. 5s. The Wentworth 
Publishing Co., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

LLANELLY AND COUNTY GUARDIAN, 1863. (/.u.). Thurs. 2d. T. R. Ludford 
Cowell St., Llanelly. 

LLANELLY ARGUS, 1911. (ind.). Sat. ld. T. R. Ludford, Cowell St., Llanelly. 

LLANELLY MERCURY, 1891. (/). Thurs. 2d. Llanelly Mercury Printing Co. Ltd., 
28 Market St., Lianelly. 

LLANELLY STAR, 1909. (ind.). Sat.—3 editions. ld. Llanelly Star Publishing 
Co., Vaughan St., Llanelly. (Tel. No. 309). 

Thurs. 2d. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the 
North Wales Weekly News series. 

LLANGOLLEN CHRONICLE, 1921. (ind.). Fri. ld. W. H. Scattergood, 3 Regent 
St., Llangollen. (Tel. Corwen 66). 

LLANRWST AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1905. (1). Wed., for Thurs. 
2d. R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales 
Weekly News series. 

Llawlyfr Cymry Llundain (London Welsh Year Book\, 1921. Oct. 6d. Foyle’s 
Welsh Co. Ltd., 16 Marette St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 9310). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Lle-Loc 

Lienor, 1921. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Sub. 7s: per ann. Hughes & Son, Principality 
Press, Wrexham. . 

Lloyds Bank Monthly, 1917. M.—10th. Gratis... Lloyds Bank Ltd., 42 Grace- 
church St,; £.c.3, (Tel. Avenue 6430).: a 

Lloyd's Calendar, 1898 (as Llovd’s Seamen's Almanac, 1892). ` Nov. 3s. 6d. Lloyd’s 
E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 7644). 

Lloyd’s Daily Index, 1918 (as Lloyd's ee Index, 1882). Subs. a.m. Lloyd’s 
E.c.3. (Tel: Avenue 7644). 

LLOSD § LIST & SHIPPING GAZETTE, 1734. a.m.. od. Lloyd’ S E.C.3. (Tel. Avenue 

Lloyd’, s List Law Reports, 1919. Thurs. 5s. Sub. £7 7s. per annum. Lloyd’ S E.C.3 
(Tel. Avenue 7644). 

LLOYD'S..LIST WEEKLY- SHIPPING . SUMMARY, 1916 (as Shipping Gazette Weekly 
Summary, 1856). Wed. 1s. Lloyd's, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 7644). . - 

Lloyd's Loading List, 1920 (as General Weekly ates List, 1853). Mon: 6d. Lloyd’s, 
E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 7644): 

Lioyd’s Register of Shipping, 1834 (as Heo of SEEEN: 1760). july: £6 6s., & 
Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch St., £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0811). 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, 1878. May. £2 2s. Lloyd’s 
Register, 71 Fenchurch St.,'E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0811). 

Lloyd's: Register of Shipping.: Rules for the Construction and Classification of Steel 
Vessels, 1834 (as Register of Shipping, 1760). July. 15s. Lloyd’s Register, 
71 Fenchurch St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0811). 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Rules for the Construction and: Classification of ' Yachts, 
1878. May: Wood Yachts, 21s.- Composite -and: Steel- Yachts, 21s. Lloyd’ S 
Register, 71 Fenchurch St., £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 0811). 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Rules for the Construction and Classification of Yachts of 
the International Rating Classes, 1920. Irreg.: 10s. Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch 
St., E.c.3 (Tel. Royal 0811). 

Lloyd’s Reports of Prize Cases, 1915. 63s. Lloyd’s, £.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 7644). 

Lloyd’s Weekly Casualty Reports, 1920. Fri. £2 2s. per ann. Lloyd’s E.c.3. (Tel. 
Avenue 7644). 

Lloyds Directory of Manufacturers, Merchants ini Shippers of the World, 1900. April. 
Subscribers : 63s. Lloyds Publishing Co. Ltd., King Edward’s Place, Birmingham. 
(Tel. Midland 5800). . 

Local Acts. . During session. Price varies. H.M.S.O., Adastral House, Kingsway, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Local Advertising Sheet, 1903. Fri. Gratis. The Brooks Press, Wirksworth. 

Local Government, 1908. ` Feb. Varies. Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., Bell 
Yard, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Local Government: Abroad, 1929: Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. Municipal Journal Ltd., 
52 Lincoln’s Inn'Fields; w.c.2. 

‘Local Government Annual and Official Divectory, 1892. Jan. 2s. 6d. 7 Chichester 
House, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1999). 

Local Government Chronicle (as Knight’s Official Advertiser, 1855). Fri.—5 p.m., for 
Sat. 3d. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 4155). 

,. (Advt. p. xxxvi). 

Local Government Directory. of Scotland, 1863. April 4s. 6d. Adshead & Son, 
11 Union St., Glasgow. a ae 

Local Government Journal and Officials’ Gazette, 1892 (as Metropolitan, 1872). Sat. 

~ 2d. 7 Chichester House, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1999). 

Local Government Law and Magisterial Reports, 1903. M.—15th. Sub. £3 13s. 6d. 
per ann. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 4155).. 

Local Government Manual and Directory, 1923 (as Lotal Governiient Directory, 1841). 
Jan. 15s. net. C. Knight & Co. Ltd., 227-239 Tooley St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 4155). 

Local Government News, 1924. M.—15th (except Aug. and Sept.). ld. Sub. ls. per 
ann. Fabian Society, 11 Dartmouth St., s.w.1." (Tel. Victoria 1915). 

Local Government Service, 1920 (as Municipal Officer, 1916). M.—I1st. 2d. National 

' Association ‘of Local Government Officers, 24 Abingdon St. „Westminster, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 2558): : 

Local Preachers’ Magazine, 1851. M.—25th. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. ` (Tel. Central 6424). E oe 
Local Unemployment Index, 1927. M. Sub. £5 per ann. H.M. Coney Office, 

Adastral Housé, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696): ` : 


Loc-Lon] Willing’s Press Guide 

LOCHGELLY AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1892. (ind.). Wed. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. J. Westwater & Son Ltd., Bank St., Lochgelly, Fife. (Tel. 42). 

Locomotive, Railway Carriage and Wagon Review, 1896. M.—15th. 10d. Sub. 12s. per 
ann. Locomotive Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Amen Corner E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3628). 

Locomotive Journal, 1880. (/ab.). M.—Ist. 2d. Associated Society of Locomotive 
“io and Firemen, 9 Arkwright Road, Hampstead, n.w.3. (Tel. Hampstead 

Lodestone, 1905. Jan., May, Sept. 6d. Sub. Is. 9d. per ann. Birkbeck College 
Students’ Union, Bream’s Buildings, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5414). 
(Circ. 1,000). 

Lodge’s ABC Time Table, 1922. M.—lIst. 2d. J. Lodge & Sons Ltd., New St., 
Barnsley. (Tel. No. 174). (Circ. 2,000) 

Log, 1929. Mar., June, Oct., Dec. 2d. T. W. Childs & Sons, 52 Broad St., Tedding- 
ton. (Circ. 1,550). 

Log Book, 1890. Quarterly. 3d. Shaftesbury Homes and Arethusa Training Ship, 
164 Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 0353). 

London A B C Railway Rates Book, 1908. Every four years. 84s. Railway & 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

L.A.M., 1928 (as London Academy of Music Gazette, 1908, as London Academy of 
Music Magazine, 1904). Threetimesayear. 3d. Incorporated London Academy 
of Music, Queen’s Gate Hall, South Kensington, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 2358). 

London and County Trades Directory, 1887 (as Mercantile Diary, 1877). March. 35s. 
T. Moody & Co., Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate, E.c.2. 

London and North Eastern Railway Holiday Guide (including lists of Apartments and 
Hotels). Annually. 6d. L.N.E.R. Marylebone Station, N.w.1. (Tel. Padding- 
ton 6800). 

London and North Eastern Railway Magazine, 1911. M.—Ist. Fri. 2d. Sub. 3s. 
per ann. The Editor, L.N.E.R., York. . 

London and North Eastern Railway Time Tables, 1924. Twice vearly. 6d. London 
and North Eastern Railway, Marylebone Station, N.w.1. (Tel. Paddington 6800). 

London & Provincial Directory & Buyers’ Guide, 1881 (with which is incorporated 
Crane’s Directory & Buyers’ Guide). June. 25s. Crane, Crane & Co., 17 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0453). . 

London Art Fashions, 1928. M.—25th. 3s. Sub. 49s. per ann. John Williamson 
Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St.,w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4560). 

London Association of Accountants’ Year Book, é&c., 1905. Mar. 2s. 62. The 
Association, 50 Bedford Square, w.c.1. 

London Building Acts, 1927. Irreg. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). Supplement to Laxton’s and Lockwood’s Price 

London Bulletin, 1926. M.—Ist. ld. London Regional Federation of the League of 
Nations Union, 43 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9627). . 

London Citizen, 1919. (co-op.). M.—Ist. London Co-operative Society, Political 
Committee, 58 Romney St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0635). (Circ. 95,000). 

London City Mission Magazine, 1837 (as City Mission Magazine, 1836). M.—25th. 2d. 
Pickering & Inglis, 13 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4802). 

London Commercial Record, 1842. Fri—p.m. 25s. per annum. Smith, Gowland & 
Co. Ltd., 3 St. Claire St., Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 7919). 

London Co-operative Wheatsheaf, 1921 (as Stratford Co-operative Magazine, 1895). M.— 
Ist Sat. ld. London Co-operative Society Ltd., 54 Maryland St., Stratford, £.15. 
(Tel. Maryland 2811). 

London Corn Circular. 1843. Mon. & Fri.—p.m. 37s. per ann. Smith, Gowland 
& Co. Ltd., 3 St. Claire St., Minories, E.1. (Tel Royal 7919). 

London County Council Gazette, 1905 (as London Education Gazette, 1904, as School 
Board for London Gazette, 1896). Mon. 2d. P. S. King & Son Ltd., Orchard 
House, 14 Great Smith St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4324). | 

London Customs Bills of Entry, 1659. p.m. Bill A (Ships’ Reports), £6 6s. per ann. 
and Bill B (Imports, Exports and Shipping). £8 8s. per ann. C. Vernon & Sons, 
Ltd., 82-3 Lower Thames St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 6499). l 

London Customs Bills of Entry Coal Tables, 1902. M.—14th. 50s. perann. C. Vernon 
& Sons Ltd., 82-3 Lower Thames St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 6499). 

London Day by Day, 1906. Sat. Gratis. District Messenger & Theatre Tiċket Co. 
Ltd., 100 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1023). (Circ. 2,500). (Advt. 
p. xxxvii) =“ 

i 130 

Willing’s Press Guide [Lon-Lon 

London Diocesan Leaflet, 1927. M.—15th. ld. London Diocesan Fund, 33 Bedford 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 4156). l 

London Diocese Year Book, 1865. Jan. ls. 6d. net. London Diocesan Fund, 33 
Bedford Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 4156). 

London Directory and Register of British Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Shippers, 1814. 
Feb. 40s. London Directory Co. Ltd., 25 Abchurch Lane, £E.c.4. (Tel. Mansion 
House 4685). 

London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, 1798. M.—l1st. 5s & 10s. 6d. 
Supplements 10s. Sub. 90s. per ann. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, 
Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

London (Fry’s), 1880. April. ls. Love & Malcomson, 18 Featherstone Buildings, 
High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1713). 

London Gazette, 1666 (as Oxford Gazette, 1665). Tues. and Fri—8 p.m. 2s. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
London Gazette Index. Quarterly. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 

House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

London Grain, Seed and Oil Reporter,1915 (with which are incorporated Dornbusch’s and 
Beerbohm’s List). Subs. a.m. and p.m. Comtelburo Ltd., 11 Tokenhouse Yard, 
E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 5060). 

London Hospital Gazette, 1893. M.—5th (except April, Aug., and Sept.). 1s. Sub. 
10s. per ann. London Hospital Clubs’ Union, Turner St., £.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 
3886). (Advertisement Office—8 Serle St., London, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2808). 
(Circ. 900). 

London Life, 1912 (with which are incorporated Ally Sloper, 1884, Modern Society, 

880 and Cinema Star 1924). Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. New Picture Press 
Ltd., 7A Wine Office Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 8664). 

London Magazine, 1903 (as Harmsworth London Magazine, 1898). M.—15th. ls. 
Sub. 15s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0202). 

London Mercury, 1919. M.—lIst. 3s. Sub. 36s. per ann. E. J. Pink, 229 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Central 5316). i 

London, Midland and Scottish Magazine, 1923. M.—10th. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
LMS. Railway Co., Euston Station, N.w.1. (Tel. Museum 2900). 

London, Midland and Scottish Railway Time Tables, 1924. Irreg. 6d. LMS Railway 
Co., Euston Station, n.w.1]. (Tel. Museum 2900). 

London Musical Courier, 1897 (formerly Musical Courier, 1894). M.—15th. Is. 
F. V. Atwater, 39 Goldhurst Terrace, N.w.6. (Tel. Hampstead 3763). 

London Naturalist, 1858. June. 3s. London Natural History Society, Winchester 
House, E.c.2. 

London News, 1924 (as London Labour Chronicle, 1918, with which is incorporated 
London Labour Party Circular, 1915). (lab.). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. Is. 6d. per 
ann. London Labour Publications Ltd., 258-262 Westminster Bridge Road, s.£.1. 
(Tel. Waterloo 1322). i 

London Novels, 1928. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 
16-18, Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

London Opinion, 1904 (with which is incorporated To-day, 1893). Fri. 2d. Sub. 
13s. 9d. per ann. Geo. Newnes Ltd., 8 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 7760). 

London Philatelist, 1892. M.—end. 2s. Sub.2ls.perann. Royal Philatelic Society, 
London, 41 Devonshire Place, w.l. (Tel. Welbeck 8004). 

London Quarterly Review, 1853. Quarterly. 3s. net. Sub. 10s. per ann. J. A. 
Sharp, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

L.R.B. Record, 1902. M.—26th. 8s. 6d. perann. London Rifle Brigade, 130 Bunhill 
Row, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 4764). (Circ. 900). 

London Rover, 1924. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 4łd. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. London 
Rover Scouts’ Committee, Haslemere, Talbot Avenue, N.2. 

alr Schoolmaster. M.—Ist. 2d. 27 Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 

London Scottish Regimental Gazette, 1895. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. 59 
Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5627). 

London Tailor, 1876. M.—Ist. ls. 9d. Sub. 19s. 6d. per ann. R. Taylor & Co., 
68 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5689). 

London Teacher and London Schools Review, 1904 (as Board Teacher, 1883). Alt.-Fri. 
2d. W. J. Pincombe, 11 Pilgrim St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0896). 


Lon-Lut] Willing’s Press Guide 

London Telephone Directory, 1902. Mar. and Sept. 2s. and 3s. Controller, Londo 
Telephone Service, Cornwall House, Waterloo Road, s.£.1. (Teh: City 2000). 

London Town, 1929 (as London County Council Staff Gazette, 1900). M.—Ist. 34. 
Sub. 3s. perann. A. Berger, The County Hall, s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 5000; Ex. 857). 

London Typographical Journal, 1906. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. T. E. 

Naylor, 7 St. Bride St.,,E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1245). 

London University Gazette, 1901. Ten issues per ann. 6d. Hodder & Stoughton, 
_Ltd., St. Paul’s. House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3704). 

LONDONDERRY SENTINEL, 1829. (c.). Tues., Thurs., Sat—5 a.m. 2d. Sub: 
39s. per ann. J. Colhoun, Pump St., Londonderry. (Tel. No. 8). ; 

LONG EATON ADVERTISER, 1882. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per'`anni. 
Long Eaton Advertiser Co. Ltd., West Gate, Long Eaton. (Tel. 140). 

LONGFORD LEADER, 1897. .(ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Long- 
ford P. & P. Co. Ltd.,. Market Square, Longford. (Tel. 22). (Circ. 5,000). 

Lord's Day Magazine, 1902. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ld. Lord’s Day Observancé 
Society, 22 Red Lion Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 7248). (Circ. 26,000). 

Lord’s Portion, 1888. Quarterly. ld. Rev. J. Silvester, c/o C. J. Thynne & Jarvis 
Ltd., 28 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2772). 

Lord's Witnesses, 1928. M,—Ist., 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. H, H. Maclean, 14 John 
St.; Southampton. (Circ. 2,000). tes 

LOSTWITHIEL AND FOWEY GUARDIAN, 1901. (/). Thurs., for Fri, 2d. A. B. 

Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 

LOUGHBOROUGH ECHO, 1891. (ind.). Fri—1 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Echo Press, Ltd., Swan St., Loughborough. . . 

LOUGHBOROUGH MONITOR AND HERALD, 1920 (with which are incorporated 
Loughborough Monitor, 1861, and Loughborough Herald, 1880). Thurs. 1d; 
Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. F. Hewitt & Son (1927), Ltd., 8 Chatham St., Leicester. 

PENDENT, 1925.. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. - Express and Independent News- 
papers Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone. (Tel. Wanstead 0599): One-of the 
Leytonstone Express and Independent series. | 

LOUGHTON AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1887. (ind.). Fri. noon for Sat. 
ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. M. Hickman & Sons, Old Station Road, Loughton. 
(Tel. Loughton 231). i 


. THORPE AND SUTTON-ON-SEA TIMES, 1859.” (ind.). Thurs. midnight for Sat. 
14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. perann. Louth, &e. , Advertiser Newspaper P. & P. Co. Ltd., 
20 Eastgate, Louth. (Tel. 107). 

LOUTH STANDARD, 1922. (ind.): Fri. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. perann. Lincolnshire 
Standard Ltd., 131 Eastgate Louth. (Tel. 55). 

Love and Light, 1911. M.—Ist.' id. JE K. Souter & Co., 2 and 3 Bristo Place, 
Edinburgh. EONS l , 

Love Stories, 1929. Sat. '2d. Sub: lis: per ann. “Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). ` 

Loving Words, 1911. M.—Ist. ld. J. K. eshte & Co., 2 and 3 Bristo Place, 
Edinburgh. | 

Lowestoft, Beccles and Neiahbonthood Dieci 1889. iasi issue 1927. 3s.6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

LOWESTOFT JOURNAL, 1873. (ind). Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. 2d. Norwich 
Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St:, Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Lucie Attwell Children’s Book, 1922. Sept. 3s.6d. S. W. Partridge & Co. Ltd., 83 
Southwark St., s.E.1. ` (Tel. Hop. 6694). `’ aa: 

Lucy’s Marlborough and District Directory, 1875. ‘Jan. of W. H. Smith & Son, 
Ltd., 132 High St., Marlborough. (Tel. 54). 

Sat. ld. A. & L. Hayward, Upper Galdeford, Ludlow. (Tel. Ludlow 28). 

LURGAN MAIL, 1890 (with which is incorporated Lurgan Times, 1875). (c). Fri. 
for Sat. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Lurgan Mail Printing Co., Church Walk, 
Lurgan. (Tel. 40). (Circ. 3,000). 

LUTON NEWS & BEDFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1916 (with which are incorporated 
Luton News and Bedfordshive Chranicle, 1891, and Bedfordshire Advertiser and 
Luton Times, 1855). (ind.). Thurs.—4 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Gibbs; 
Bamforth & Co., Luton News Buildings, Luton. (Tel. 1121). (Circ. 17,628). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Lut-Mag 

Luton News Directory of Luton, 1925. Biennially. 2s. and 3s. 6d. Gibbs Bamforth 
& Co., Manchester St., Luton. 

Luzac’s Oriental List and Book Review, 1890. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 9d. Sub. 3s. per 
ann. Luzac & Co., 46 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1462). 

Lyceum Banner, 1890. M.—JI1st Sun. 2d. British Spiritualists’ Lyceum Union, 20 
Toad Lane, Rochdale, Lancs. (Circ. 4,250). 

LYDNEY OBSERVER, 1871. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. A. T. Bright and H. C. 
Grimwade, Hill St., Lydney. 

LYMINGTON AND SOUTH HANTS CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.). Thurs. ild. W. 
Mate & Sons (1919) Ltd., St. Thomas St., Lymington. 

-Lymm Year Book and Almanac, 1809. Dec. Gratis.. Evans & Son, The Cross, 
Lymm. (Tel. Lymm 24). 

Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. West Norfolk and King’s Lynn Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Purfleet St., King’s Lynn. (Tel. No. 192). 

LYNN NEWS AND COUNTY PRESS, 1859. (/). Tues. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
West Norfolk and King’s Lynn Newspaper Co. Ltd., Purfleet St., King’s Lyan, 
.(Tel. No. 192). 

LYTHAM ST. ANNES EXPRESS, 1926 (as St. Annes-on-Sea Express, 1898). (c.) 
Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann.. Lytham St. Annes Express Ltd., Wood St., St. 
Anne’s-on-Sea. (Tel. 36). 

LYTHAM ST. ANNES STANDARD, 1905. (¢nd.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Lytham Standard Printing Co., Pleasant St., Lytham. (Tel. No. 314). 

1821. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 1$d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Lytham Printing Co. Ltd., 
45 Clifton St., Lytham. (Tel. 62). 

Mab’s Fashions, 1924. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Fashions for All Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

MACCLESFIELD ADVERTISER, 1868. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Swain 
& Co. Ltd., 1 Hibel Road, Macclesfield and Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). 
One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

MACCLESFIELD COURIER AND HERALD, 1811 (with which are incorporated the 
Congleton Gazette, 1820, Stockport Express, 1822, Cheshire Advertiser, 1824). (c). 
Fri.—9a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. R. Brown, Courier Buildings, King Edward 
St., Macclesfield. (Tel. 2978). 

MACCLESFIELD TIMES, 1872 (with which is incorporated the Macclesfield Chronicle, 
1877). (ind.).- Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Macclesfield Times Ltd., 7 Queen 
Victoria St., Macclesfield. (Tel. 2070). 

McCrea Magee College (Londonderry) Calendar, 1870. Mar. ls. Mayne, Boyd & 
Son, Ltd., 2 Corporation St., Belfast. (Tel. No. 1516). 

MacDonald’s English Directory and Gazetteer, 1878. Jan. 50s. W. MacDonald 
& Co. Ltd., London Road, Edinburgh. | 

MacDonald’s Irish Directory and Gazetteer, 1888. Jan. 25s. W. MacDonald & Co., 
London Road, Edinburgh. | 

MacDonald's Scottish Directory and Gazetteer, 1884. June. 25s. W. MacDonald 
& Co. Ltd., London Road, Edinburgh. 

MacDonald's Tourist Guide to Scotland, 1887. June. 5s. W. MacDonald & Co. Ltd., 
London Road, Edinburgh. | ) 

Machine Woodworker Furniture and Woodwork Manufacturer, 1911. M.—17th. 

4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. John Heywood Ltd., 20-22 St. Bride St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 5956). : 

Machinery, 1912. Thurs. 9d. Sub. 25s. perann. Machinery Publishing Co. Ltd., 
51-2 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4717). 

Machinery Market, 1879. Fri. 3d. Sub. 20s. per ann. Machinery Market Ltd., 
1464 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 1643). 

Macpherson’s Railway Time Table for North Ayrshire and West Renfrewshire, 1920. 
M.—lIst. 1d. W. Macpherson, Strand, Beith. (Tel. No. 42). 

‘Madonna. M.—20th. ld. Sub. 2s. perann. 5 Great Denmark St., Dublin. 

Magazine of Fiction, 1885. M.—3rd. Thurs. 7d. W. Stevens Ltd., Red Lion Court, 
‘Fleet St., £.c.4. 

Magazine of the Girls’ County School, 1903. June. ls. The Editor, Girls’ County 
School, Wrexham. 

Magazine of the London Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women 1900. 
Terminally. 4s. perann. 24 Old Jewry, E.c.2. (Tel. City. 3650). 


Mag-Man] Willing’s Press Guide 

Magazine of the South American Missionary Society, 1867. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. 
per ann. S.A.M.S., 20 John St., Theobalds Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9368). 
(Circ. 4,000). - 

Magazine Programme, 1915. Mon. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Grantley & Co. Ltd., 
48 Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 5424). 

Magdalene College Magazine, 1909. Terminally. 1s. Magdalene College, Cambridge. 
Magic, 1900. M.—lIst. 1s. E. Stanyon & Co., 76 Solent Road, West Hampstead, 
N.w.6. ; 
Magic Circular, 1906. M.—Ist. Subs. The Magic Circle, Anderton’s Hotel, Fleet St., 


Magic Wand and Magical Review, 1910. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3s. 6d. Sub. 15s. per 
ann. G. Johnson, 24 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c.2. 

Magical Journal, 1927. Alt.-M. Ist. 5d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. E. Bagshaw, 19a 
Sutherland Place, w.2. (Tel. Park 8771). 

Magician Monthly, 1904. M.—last day. 6d. A. W. Gamage Ltd., Holborn, £.c.1. 

(Tel. Holborn 8484), 

Magisterial Cases, 1896. Quarterly. 7s. Sub. 25s. per ann. Butterworth & Co. 
(Publishers) Ltd., 4-6 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 
Magnet Library, 1908. Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 

22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

BUCKS, 1869. (ind.). Wed. 2d. Baylis & Co., 80 & 82 Queen St., Maiden- 

Maidenhead and Taplow Directory. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories, Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). . 

Malayan Trade Annual, 1925. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 
Ltd., 100 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

MALDON EXPRESS, 1872. (ind.). Sat. 1d. Meggy, Thompson & Creasey, 98 
High St., Chelmsford. 

MALTON MESSENGER, 1854. (c). Fri—noon, for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per anih: 

H. Smithson & Co., Ltd., Yorkersgate, Malton. (Tel. 14). (Circ. 6,000). 
MALVERN GAZETTE, 1897. (ind.). Yri. 2d. M. T. Stevens Ltd., Church St., 

is incorporated Malvern Advertiser, 1855, and the Malvern News and Visitors’ 
Directory, 1860). (c). Fri. 2d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co., Church St., 
Malvern. (Tel. 14). 

Malvern Railway Guide, M.—ist. 3d. Littlebury & Co. Ltd., Worcester Press, 

. Worcester. (Tel. 13). w 

Malvernian, 1870. 5 times a year. ls. Sub. 5s. per ann. W. H. Lovell Ltd., 
1 Holyrood Terrace, Malvern. (Tel. No. 146). 

Man, 1901. M.—tIst. 2s. Royal Anthropological Institute, 52 Upper Bedford Place, 

~ w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2980). 

Man and His Clothes, 1926. M.—15th. 1s. Sub. 5s. per ann. Fairchild Publica- 
tions Ltd., 72 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5161). 

Man and Metal, 1923. (lab.). M.—Ist Sat. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Iron and 
Steel Trades Confederation, 76-78 Swinton St., w.c.l. (Tel. Terminus 4554). 
(Circ. 9,000). 

Man in the Street, 1924 (as Popular View, 1921). M.—Ist. ld. National Union 
of Conservative and Unionist Associations, Palace Chambers, Westminster s.w.l1. 
(Tel. Victoria 9740). 

Managing Printer, 1916. M.—Ist. Members only. Printers’ Managers & Overseers 
Association, 772 Barking Road, £.13. (Tel. Grangewood 0716). 

Manchester, Salford and Suburbs Directory, 1797. Annually. 36s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Manchester A B C Railway Rates Book, 1910. Every four years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Manchester and Salford Co-operative Herald, 1889. M.—last Thurs. Gratis. The 
Society, Downing St., Manchester. © 

Manchester and Salford Official Red Book, 1907. Jan. ls. Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 
170 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. City 765). 

Manchester Catholic Herald, 1888 (with which is incorporated the Manchester Citizen). 
Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s.perann. New Catholic Press Ltd., 13 Jordan St., Manchester. 
(Tel. Manchester Central 5818). One ofthe Catholic Herald (London) series. 


_ Willing’s Press Guide [Man-Man 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce Monthly Record, 1890. M.—last day. 6d. Sub. 
7s. 6d. per ann. Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Ship Canal House, King St., 
- Manchester. (Tel. City 7945). 

MANCHESTER CITY NEWS, 1864. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Manchester City News Co. 
Ltd., 15 Cross St., Manchester. : 

Manchester Coal Exchange Directory, 1879. April. Gratis to members ; non-members. 
; 3), The Secretary, Coal Exchange, Market Place, Manchester. (Tel. City 

MANCHESTER DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1885. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Swain & Co. Ltd., 3 Brown St., Manchester, and High St., Stockport. (Tel. Stock- 
tort 2026). One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

Manchester Diocesan Directory, 1875. Jan. 3s. 6d. Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., 

Manchester Diocesan Magazine, 1904. M.—Ist. 3d. Manchester Diocesan Finance 
Committee, Diocesan Church House, 90 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 

MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS, 1868. Daily—several editions. 1d. Manchester 
Guardian and Evening News Ltd., 3 Cross St., Manchester. (Tel. City 3367). 

Manchester Football Chronicle, 1919. Sat., during season. 2d. Allied Newspapers 
Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. l i 

Manchester Football News, 1919. Sat.—p.m. during season. 2d. Manchester Guardian 
and Evening News Ltd., 3 Cross St., Manchester. (Tel. Citv 3367). 

Manchester Geological and Mining Society Transactions, 1838. M.—2nd. Tues. 
63s. per ann. Institution of Mining Engineers, 5 John Dalton St., Manchester. 
(Tel. City 1254). 

MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, 1821. (1). Daily—2 a.m. 2d. Manchester Guardian 
and Evening News Ltd., 3 Cross St., Manchester. (Tel. City 3367). (London : 
43 Fleet St.). First issued daily in 1857. 

Manchester Guardian Weekly, 1919. Fri. 2d. Manchester Guardian and Evening 
News Ltd., 3 Cross St., Manchester. 

Manchester Guardian Year Book, 1921. Dec. ls. Manchester Guardian and Evening 
News Ltd., Guardian Building, Manchester. 

Manchester Librarian, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3s. per ann. Manchester and 
District Library Fellowship, ‘Reference Library, Piccadilly, Manchester. (Tel. 
City 1852). 

Manchester Official A B C Railway Guide, Hotel and General Advertiser, 1873. M.—1st. 
6d. Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 170 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. City 765). 

Manchester Quarterly, 1882. Quarterly. 6d. Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., 
Manchester... - 

Manchester Regiment Gazette, 1913. Quarterly. 2s. Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross 
St., Manchester. 

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory, 1891. May. 21s. net. J. Heywood Ltd., 
Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Manchester—the City of Industry and Commerce, 1928. Annually. 1s. Littlebury 
Bros. Ltd., 170 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. City 766). 

Manchester University Calendar, 1926 (as Victoria University of Manchester Calendar, 
1880). Sept. 5s. Manchester University Press, 23 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, 

Manchester University Pocket Diary, 1905. Oct. 2s. University Press, 23 Lime 
Grove, Manchester. a 

Manchester Wheelers’ Club Journal, 1883. Alter—M. Gratis. T. M. Barlow, South 
King St., Manchester. 

MANNINGTREE AND MISTLEY STANDARD, 1929. Sat. ld. Standard P. & P. Co., 
Standard House, Harwich. (Tel. 222 Harwich). 

Man’s Own Paper, 1927. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. R. & R. Clark Ltd., 
Brandon St., Edinburgh. 

Mansfield ABC Time Table and Monthly Diary, 1908. M.—lIst. 34d. ‘Mansfield 
Reporter Ltd., Church St., Mansfield. , 

MANSFIELD AND NORTH NOTTS ADVERTISER, 1871. (l). Fri—6 a.m. l1łd. 
W. & J. Linney Ltd., West Gate, Mansfield. (Tel. 8). - 

13d. Mansfield Reporter Co.,Ltd.. Church St., Mansfield. | 

WARSOP AND SHIREBROOK GAZETTE, 1895. (/). Thurs. and Fri. 14d. 
F. Willman, White Hart St., Mansfeld. (Tel. No. 94). - 


Man- Mas] Willing’s Press Guide 

Mantle and Dress Trader, 1928. M.—S8th. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. British United 
Publications Ltd., 100c Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel Central 1608). 

Manual of British and Foreign Brewery Companies, 1902 (as Duncan's, Manual, &c., 
1889). Aug. 10s. 6d. Country Brewers’ Gazette Ltd., 131-3 Middlesex St., 
E.J. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2164). 

Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials (Garcke’s), 1896. Sept. 
35s. net. Electrical Press Ltd., 13- 16 Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). 
(Advt. p. xiii). 2 

Manx Green Final, 1924. Sat—p.m. ld. S. K. Broadbent & Co. Ltd., Hill St., 
Douglas. (Tel. Douglas 204). 

Manx Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1893. M.—Ist. 2d. Clucas & Fargher, 

Marazion and District Advertiser, 1920. (ind.). Sat. d. F. Worden, Market Place, 
Marazion, Cornwall. (Tel. 53). 

Marching Orders, 1920. M.—Ist. 13d. Sub. 2s. perann. G. F. Vallance, 2 Broomhill 
Road, Goodmayes, -Essex. (Tel. Seven Kings 2396). (Circ. 4,Q00). 

Maridunian, 1888. June and Dec. Gratis. The Editor, Grammar School, Car- 

Marine Engineer and Motorship Builder, 1879. M.— 1st. 1s. New Marine Engineer 
Ltd., 33 Tothill St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p..xvii). 

Marine Engineer Officers’ Magazine, 1920 (as the Journal of the Marine Engineers’ 
Association, 1887). Alt. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Jas. Munro 
& Co. Ltd., 16 Carrick St., Glasgow C. 2. (Tel. Central 8891). (Circ. 9,000). 

Marine Magazine, 1910. Quarterly. 2d. Marine Society, Clark’ s Place, Bishopsgate, 
E.c.2. (Tel. Avenue’ 7740). 

Marine Observer, 1924. M.—Ist. 2s. Sub. 25s. per ann. H.M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). be 

Mariner's Almanac, 1899 (as Inglis’s Tide Tables, 1860). Dec. 2s. 6d. Aberdeen 
Journals Ltd., Aberdeen. 

Mariner's Mirror, 1911. Quarterly. 24s. per ann. Cambridge University Press, 

. Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). | 

Market Grower and Salesman, 1923. Wed. 3d. Sub. 15s. perann. T. Want, 7-11 
Theobald’s Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8551). 

Sub. Ils. per ann. A. J. Tompkins, 84 St. Mary’s Road, Market Harborough. 

1886 (as Market Rasen Weekly Mail, 1856). (ind.). Fri—3.30 p.m., for Sat. 

$d. T. B. Baty, 8 Waterloo St., Market Rasen. 

Marlborough’s Plain Calendar, 1876. Nov. 3d. E. Marlborough, & Co. Ltd., 51-52 
Old Bailey, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8421). 

Marlburian, 1865. Irreg. ls. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. H. Perkins, High St., Marl- 

Marylebone and St. John’ s Wood Directory, 1860. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 

` — tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c2 (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

EXCHANGE GAZETTE, 1919. (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per re United 
Metropolitan Press Ltd., 132 Great College St., N.w.l. (Tel. North 0481). 

lebone Mercury, 1857). (c). Sat. ld. J. M. Salmond, 65 Weymouth St., wil 
(Tel. Willesden 1188). i 

Sub. 10s. 10d. perann. J.H. Johnson Ltd., 159 Seymour Place, Marylebone Road, 
w.l. (Tel. Paddington 2236). (Circ. 3,500). 

Masonic Calendar and Directory for Surrey. 1892. Feb. 3s. 6d. W. A. Latham, 
Albert Institute Chambers, Charles St., s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 2105). 

Masonic Calendar and Directory for the Province of Monmouthshire, 1908: -- March. 
ls. 6d. R. H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial St., Newport. (Tel. 3522). i 

Masonic News, 1928. Fri. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. Dudley Wright, 13 Pater- 
noster Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 3318). l ` 

Masonic Record, 1921. M.—10th. 1s.6d. Sub. 15s. perann. Masonic Record Ltd 
38 Gt. Queen St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5270). 

Masonic Year Book, 1908 (as Freemasons’ Calendar and Pocket Book, 1775). Dec: 
3s. 6d. United Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2361). | ae 

p 4 


Willing’s Press Guide [Mas-Med 

Massage Journal (Braille), 1920. M.—10th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. National Insti- 
tute for the Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Master Baker, Confectioner and Caterer, 1901. Semi-monthly. lst and 15th. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. J. W. Gillmour, 11 Garfield Chambers, Belfast. 

Master Builder and Associations Journal, 1896. M.—Ist. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. John Heywood Ltd., 20-22 St. Bride St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5956). 

Master Printers’ Annual and Typographical Year Book, 1920. Jan. 12s.6d. Spottis- 
woode Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New St. Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5284), 

Matchmaker, 1928. M.—lIst. 6d. T. Owen, 54 Fetter Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 7961).. 

Maternity and Child Welfare, 1917. M.—Ist. 1s. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 

. 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). (Advertisement Dept. : 
63 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4.). | 

Mathematical Gazette, 1894. Alt. M. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. G. Bell & 
Son Ltd., York House, Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0805). 

Mathematical Papers for Admission into the Royal Military Academy and the Royal 
Military College. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Gerrard 8830). . 

Mathiesons’ Fortnightly Dividend List, 1872. Twice a month. {5 per ann. F. C. 
Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Mathiesons’ Handbook for Investors, 1900. Dec. 5s. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, £.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Matkins’ Oakham Almanac and County Directory, 1855. Jan. 6d. Chas. Matkin, 
High St., Oakham. (Tel. 68). 

MATLOCK VISITOR, 1912 (with which is incorporated the Matlock Guardian, 1902). 
(u). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Derbyshire Printing Co. Ltd., 
Palace Road, Buxton. (Tel. 17). One of the Buxton Advertiser series. 

Matrimonial Gazette, 1909 (with which is incorporated the International Matrimonial 
Gazette). M.—IAst. 4d.` C. W. Turnbull, 130 Harcourt Road, Sheffield. 

Matrimonial Post and Fashionable Marriage Advertiser, 1860. M.—Ist. 9d. R. 
Charlesworth Ltd., 18 Charing Cross Mansions, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8813). 

Matrimonial Times, 1904. M.—lIst. 6d. R. Radford, 2 Granville Chambers, Bury St., 
Bloomsbury, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 8270). 

MAYO NEWS, 1896. (mat.). Thurs.. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. P. J. Doris, James 
St., Westport. 

May’s Hants and Surrey Blue Rail Guide. M.—Ist. 2d. W. May & Co. Ltd., 45 High 
St., Aldershot. (Tel. 14). | 

Mazin's Hebrew Yiddish-English Pocket Calendar, 1891. Aug. 3d. R. Mazin & Co. 
Ltd., 139-141 Whitechapel Road, £E.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2673). 

Meat Trades’ Journal and Cattle Salesman’s Gazette, 1888. Thurs. 3d. Sub. 17s. 
per ann. Meat Trades’ Journal Co. Ltd., 57-60 Cowcross St., g.c.1. (Tel. Clerken- 
well 4086). 

ree 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Davis & Sons, Navan. (Tel. No. 42). (Circ. 

Meceano Magazine, 1916. M.—lIst. 6d. Meccano Ltd., Binns Road, Liverpool. 
(Tel. Old Swan 701). 

Mechanical World and Engineering Record, 1882 (as Design and Work, 1876). Fri. 

l 3d. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 65 King St., Manchester. (Tel. City 696). 

Mechanical World Electrical Pocket Book, 1908. Oct. 1s. 6d. net. Emmott & Co. 
Ltd., 65 King St., Manchester. (Tel. City 696). 

Mechanical World Year Book, 1888. Oct. 1s. 6d. net. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 65 
King St., Manchester. (Tel. City 696). 

Medical and Dental Students’ Register, 1865. April. Constable & Co. Ltd., 
10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 
Medical Annual and Practitioners’ Index, 1884. Mar. 20s. net. J. Wright & Sons 
Ltd., Stone Bridge, Bristol. (Tel. No. 115). 
Medical Directory, 1845. Dec, 36s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 40 Gloucester Place, 
Portman Square, w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 2902). 

Medical Herbalist, 1925. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. National Association of 
Medical Herbalists of Great Britain Ltd., 16 Bridge St., Worcester. (Tel. 3483). 
(Circ. 3,000). 

Medical Officer, 1908. Fri. 1s. Hodgetts Ltd., 36-38 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 7464), 


Med-Mer] Willing’s Press Guide 

Medical Press and Circular, 1838. Wed. 6d. Sub. 21s. per ann. A. A. Tindall, 8 
Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 4646). 

Medical Register, 1858. Mar. 2ls. net. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c 2. 
(Tel. Regent 3827). . 

Medica] Times, 1893 (as Students’ Journal, 1873; as Hospital Gazette, 1885) M.— 
15th. 6d. Penfold & Sons, 8-9 St. Alban’s Place, Upper St., n.1. (Tel. Clerken- 
well 8464). 

Medical Who’s Who, 1925. Annually. 30s. Grafton Publishing Co. Ltd., 8 Stone 
Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1833). 

Medical Women’s International Journal, 1925. May and Nov. Medical Women’s 
International Association, 24 Old Jewry, E.c.2. (Tel. City 3650). 

Medical World, 1915. Fri. 1s. Subs. 42s. per ann. Medical Practitioners’ Union, 
56 Russell Square, w.c.1l. (Tel. Museum 5197). 

Medico- Legal: Society Transactions, 1901. Oct. 10s. 6d. Medico-Legal Society, 
10 Chandos St., w.1. 

Melody Maker and British Metronome, 1926. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 15s. 6d. per ann. 
Odhams Press Ltd., 85 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). (Circ. 20,000). 

MELTON MOWBRAY JOURNAL, 1854. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Grantham, &c. Journal 
Co. Ltd., Market Place, Melton Mowbray. (Tel. Grantham 80). One of the 
Grantham Journal series. 

6 a.m. 14d. Melton Mowbray Times Co. Ltd., 16a Nottingham St., Melton 

Members’ Circular, 1901. M.—I1st. Private circulation. Federation of Master 
Printers, 7-10 Old Bailey, z.c.4. (Tel. Central 6621). 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1781. 
Aug. Price varies. The Secretary, 36 George St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester 
City 4422). 

Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. Irreg. Price varies. Metchim 
& Son, Abbey Buildings, Princes St., s.w.1. 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1822. Irreg. Last issue, 1927. Price 
varies. Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, w.l. (Tel. 
Gerrard 2982). 

Memories, 1920. Mar., June, Sept., Dec.. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 19th London 
Regt. Old Comrades’ SOCAN, 76 High St., Camden Town, N.w.l. (Tel. 
North 2355). 

Men's Own Booklets, 1914. Occas. 3s. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie 
St. E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Men’s Wear, 1901. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Men’s Wear Pub. Co. Ltd., 154-6 Cheapside, 
E.c.2. (Tel. City 0582). 

Men’s Wear Organiser and Woollen Trades Export Journal, 1922. M.—Sth. 10s. 
per ann. National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w. c. 2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 3422). 

Men's Wear Organiser Directory of Trade Marks and Trade Names, 1923. Aug. S5s.6d. 
National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

Mercantile Guardian, 1887 (as Postal and Shipping Guide, 1884). M.—2lst. 21s. per 
ann. Lindley-Jones & Bro. Ltd., 32 Bishopsgate, E.c.2 (Tel. London Wall 

Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1887. March. 20s. Lindley-Jones 
& Bro. Ltd., 32 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 1367). i 

Merchant Maiden, 1908. April, July and Dec. 8d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Edinburgh 
Ladies’ College, 70-2 Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Merchant Shipper, 1920. M.—10th. 6d. Syren & Shipping Ltd., 44-6 Leadenhall 
St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2722). 

Merchant Shipping Review, 1917. M.—15th. 6d. Merchant Shipping Review Ltd., 
73 Moorgate, E.c.2. (Tel. Hop 4620). 

Merchant. Ships of the World, 1923. Dec. 31s. 6d. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 
Ltd., 100 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). A a a 

Merchant Tailor, 1921. M.—lIst. ls. National Federation of Merchant Tailors (in- 
corporated), 20 Hanover Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 4460). 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, and Shippers’ of the World Directory, 1877. May. 64s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). - 

Merchistonian, 1872. Apl., June, Aug., Dec. ls. 3d. The Editor, Merchiston Castle, 
Edinburgh. (Tel. 3312). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Mer-Mid 

Mercury, 1922. (/ab.). M.—Ist week. 14d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Leeds Union 
of Post Office Workers, The Croft, Fearnville Mount, Roundhay, Leeds. 

Merry and Bright, 1910. Thurs., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). . 

Merry-go-Round, 1923. M.—Ist. 1s. Hugh Chesterman, Islip, Oxon. 

Merry Magazine, 1924. M.—Ist. 7d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Mersey, 1921. Apl., July, Oct., Dec. 3d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Mersey Dock Board 
Staff Guild, Dock Office, Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 100). 

MERTHYR EXPRESS, 1864. (i). Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. 2d. H W. Southey & Sons 
Ltd., Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. (Advt. p. xxviii). i 

Message from God, 1883. M.—25th. ld. C. A. Hammond, 3-4 London House Yard, 
E.c.4. (Tel. City 7950). 

Messenger, 1922. M.—Ist. C. A. Hammond, 3-4 London House Yard, £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 7950). 

Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 1868. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. G. Bliss, 
‘ Messenger ” Office, Wimbledon, s.w.19. 

Metal Bulletin, 1915 (with which is incorporated Quin’s Metal Market Letters, 1913). 
Tues. and Fri. Sub. £3 3s. per ann. Metal Information Bureau, 79 Mark Lane, 
E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3157). 

Metal Handbook and Statistics (Quin’s), 1914. Jan. 5s. net. Metal Information Bureau 
Ltd., 79 Mark Lane, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3157). 

Metal Industry, 1909. Fri. 6d. Sub. 26s. per ann. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 22 Hen- 
rietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5771). 

Metal Industry Handbook, 1912. Feb. Subs. L. Cassier Co. Ltd., 22 Henrietta St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5771). 

Metal World, 1919 (with which is incorporated the Australasian and Canadian World, 

1886). Thurs.—p.m. 9d. 25s. per ann. Market Service Press Ltd., 37 St. 
Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 2332). 

Metallurgia, 1929. M.—15th. 2s. 6d. Sub. 24s. per ann. Kennedy Press Ltd. 
Kennedy House, Liverpool Road, Manchester. (Tel. Central 0098). 

Meteor, 1866. M.—Ist. 8d. A. Frost & Sons Ltd., Warwick St., Rugby. (Tel. 9). 

Meteorological Magazine, 1866. M.—16th. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. H.M. Station- 
ery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Methodist Leader, 1926 (as Primitive Methodist Leader, 1868). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. A. C. Vincent, 17 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1933). 
Methodist Magazine, 1927 (as Magazine of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1914, as 
Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1778). M.—25th. 6d. net. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 

J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

Methodist Recorder, 1861. Thurs.—2 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Wesleyan 
Methodist Newspaper Co. Ltd., 161 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4785). (Circ. 
56,000). (Advt. p. xxxvii). 

Methodist Sunaay School Notes, 1911. Nov. 6s. net. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday 
School Department, Ludgate Circus House, E.c.4. (Tel. City 4914). 

Methodist Times, 1885. Thurs., 2 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. H. Marshall & Son, 
46 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6424). 

Metrocol Monthly, 1924. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Metropolitan College 
Ltd., 40-42 St., Peter’s St., St. Albans. (Tel. St. Albans 530). (Circ. 6,000). 
Metropolitan-Vickers Gazette, 1919 (as British Westinghouse Gazette, 1912). M.—end. 
Is. Sub. 12s. per ann. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., Trafford Park, 

Manchester. (Tel. Trafford Park 2431). (Circ. 7,500). 

Metropolitan Water Board Abstract of Accounts, 1904. Sept. Price varies. The 
Board, 173 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3300). 

Metropolitan Water Board Chemical and Bactertological Examinations, 1904. July. 
Price varies. The Board, 173 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3300). 

MEXBOROUGH AND SWINTON TIMES, 1877. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Mexborough Times Co. Ltd., 50 High St., Mexborough. (Tel. No. 31). 

Mid-day Sporting Special, 1909. Two editions daily during racing season. ld. 52s. 
per ann. Yorkshire Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., Change Court, Albion St., 
Leeds. (Tel. 20401). 

MID-DEVON ADVERTISER, 1909 (as East and South Devon Advertiser, 1863). (u). 
Sat. 14d. Mid-Devon Newspaper Co. Ltd., 65b Queen St., Newton Abbot. 

MID-DEVON AND NEWTON TIMES, 1893. (ind.). Sat. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per 
ann. Mid-Devon Times Co., Albany St., Newton Abbot. (Tel, No. 64). 


Mid-Mid] Willing’s Press Guide 

Mid-Devon and Torbay Time Table. M.—ist. ld. Mid-Devon Times Co., Albany 
St., Newton Abbot. (Tel. No. 64). 

Middlesborough Catholic Magazine, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. J.E. Mulligan, 42 Grasmere 
Crescent, Menton, Manchester. (Tel. Eccles 1162). 

Middlesbro’ A B C Railway Rates Book, 1909. Every four years. 84s. Railway & 
Shipping Publishing Co., Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Record, 1903. Alter.-M. Gratis. Co-operative Society, 
Victoria Buildings, Middlesbrough. 

Middlesbrough High School Magazine, 1914. Terminally. 10d. The Editor, High 
School, Middlesbrough. 

MIDDLESBROUGH STANDARD, 1908. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. Id. T. Nicholls, 
67 High St., Redcar. One of the Cleveland Standard series. 

2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. King & Hutchings Ltd., Hillingdon Press, Uxbridge. 
(Tel. Uxbridge 255). 

MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1858. (c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Thomasons 
Ltd., 151 High St., Hounslow. (Tel. Hounslow 0016). (Circ. 11,000). Middlesex 
Chronicle, Staines and Thames-side Edition, 19 Clarence St., Staines. ( Advt. 
p. xxXxvii.). 

MIDDLESEX COUNTY TIMES, 1863 (as Ealing Post, 1842). (ind.). Sat. 2d. 
Middlesex County Times P. & P. Co. Ltd., 61 Broadway, Ealing. (Tel. Ealing 

Middlesex Directory, Irreg. Last issue, 1926. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Middlesex Hospital Journal, 1897. Sixtimesayear. 1s. Sub. 6s. perann. Middlesex 
Hospital, Mortimer St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 1056). (Advertisements—5 Wine 
Office Court, E.c.4.) 

Middlesex Hospital Pharmacop@ia. Occas. 5s. Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer 
St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 1056). 

Middlesex Schools Gazette, 1926. M.—Ist. Gratis to Teachers. Middlesex Educa- 
tion Committee, 27 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0693). 

MIDDLETON GUARDIAN, 1877. (ind.). Fri—2.30 p.m. for Sat., 2d. J. Bagot 
Ltd., Market Place, Middleton. (Tel. No. 43). | 

MIDDLETON STANDARD, 1900. (c). Sat. 2d. Northern Daily & Weekly 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Oldham. (Tel. Oldham 117). One of the Oldham Standard 

Buildings, Swansea. 

MIDHURST TIMES, 1882. (ind.). Fri—p.m. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. R.J. 
Acford Ltd., Grange Road, Midhurst. (Tel. 57). 

14d. Herald Press Ltd., High St., Wednesbury. (Tel. No. 0041). 

Midland Car Club Handbook. Quarterly. E. P. Ray, 37 High St., Stratford-on-Avon. 
(Tel. 366). | 

MIDLAND CHRONICLE, 1912 (as West Bromwich and Oldbury Chronicle, 1890, as 
Chronicle for West Bromwich and Oldbury, 1906). (ind.). Fri. ld. Midland 
United Newspapers Ltd., St. Michael St., West Bromwich. (Tel. No. 176). 

MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER, 1854. (pvog.). Thurs. 2d. A. Wright, 
Birr. One of the Offaly Chronicle series. 

MIDLAND COUNTIES EXPRESS, 1861 (with which is incorporated Midland Counties 
Guardian). (ind.). Sat. ld. Midland News Association Ltd., 50 Queen St., 

MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD, 1836. (ind.). Thurs. ld. Midland Counties 
Herald Ltd., 145 Cambridge St., Birmingham. 

(with which is incorporated Atherstone Express, 1900). (tmd.). Fri.—6 a.m. 
2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Leamington Spa Courier Ltd., Abbey St., Nuneaton. 

MIDLAND DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1891. Daily. Several editions. ld. R. Simmons, 
18 Hertford St., Coventry. (Tel. No. 5011). 

Midland Daily Telegraph Coventry A B C Time Table, Railway, Tramway and Motor 
’Bus Guide and Telephone Directory, 1901. M.—Ist. 3d. R. Simmons, 18 
Hertford St., Coventry. (Tel. No. 5011). 

MIDLAND DAILY TRIBUNE, 1914. 5 p.m. ld. Leamington Spa Courier Ltd., 
Abbey St., Nuneaton. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Mid-Min 

a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. The Herald Works Ltd., Boyle, Co. Roscommon. 
Midland Sporting Gazette, 1890. Daily—9 a.m. 1d. Midland Sporting Gazette (1928) 

Ltd., 38 Heathcote St., Nottingham. (Tel. 3080). 

(mat.). Fri. and Sat. 2d. Mrs. Margaret Powell, Enmet St., Birr. 

Midland Venture, 1924 (as L. J. C. and M. Venture, 1920). M.—2nd Wed. 6d. 
Sub. 4s. per ann. Midland Bank Staff Association, 6 Lothbury, E.c.2. (National 
1234 ; Ext. 457). (Circ. 6500). 

Midlander, 1926. M.—list. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Midlander Publishing Co., 
95 New St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 1604). 

1883. .(ind.) Fri. ld. J. D. Brown, Main St., West Calder. (Tel. 6). 

(i). Fri—noon. ld. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower St., Portobello. 

MID-SURREY TIMES, 1877. (c). Fri. for Sat. ld. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 
Hammersmith Road, Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). One of the 
West London Reporter series. 

Mid Sussex Directory and Visitors’ Guide, 1887. Jan. 6d. Charles Clarke (Haywards 
Heath) Ltd., 12-13 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath. (Tel. No. 60). 

MID-SUSSEX TIMES, 1881. (ind.). Tues.—l p.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. perann. Charles 
Clarke (Haywards Heath) Ltd., 12-13 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath. (Tel. 60). 

MID-ULSTER MAIL, 1891. (u). Thurs. and Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
per ann. Mid-Ulster Printing Co. Ltd., Cookstown. (Tel. No. 7). 

Midweek Advertiser, 1921. Wed. Gratis. Leigh & Williams, Ltd., 31 Sussex St., 
Rhyl. (Tel. 199). (Circ. 4,000). 

Midwives Roll, June. 42s. Spottiswoode, Ballantine & Co., Ltd., 1 New St. Square, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 5284), 

MILDENHALL POST AND ADVERTISER, 1886. (c). Fri. 2d. Bury & Norwich 
Post Co. Ltd., 19 aae St., Bury St. Edmunds. One of the Bury and Norwich 
Post series. ( Advt. 

Milestones, 1909 (as God-Speed, 1908). Jan. and July. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. St. 
Mark’s Traffic Workers’ Brotherhood, St. Mark’ s Vicarage, Kennington Oval, 
S.E.11. ae Reliance 1801). 

Milk Industry, 1920. M.—lIst. ls. Sub..10s. per ann. National Federation of 
Dairymen’s Association (Incorp.), 8-9 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6751). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

MILL HILL AND EDGWARE TIMES, 1875. Fri., 6 am. 2d. Warden & Co. Ltd., 
71 Church Road, Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 1121). One of the Hendon 
and Finchley Times series. 

MILL HILL GAZETTE, 1923. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Dispatch Press . 
(Cricklewood) Ltd., 78 Golders Green Road, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 2180). 
One of the Golders Green Gazette series. 

Mill Hill Magazine, 1899 (as Millhillian, 1898; as Mill Hill Magazine, 1873; as Sun 
1839). Six times yearly. 6d. Warren Hall & Lovitt, 88-90 Camden Road, 
N.w.1. (Tel. North 0446). 

Miller, 1875. Mon. 25s. per ann. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 

Millgate 1905. Ist. 6d. National Co-operative Publishing Society, Long Millgate, 

Milling, 1891. Sat. ls. Sub. £1 lls. 6d. per ann. Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 
28 Paradise St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 1037). _ 

Million Series of Narratives, 1924. Occas. ls. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

MILLOM GAZETTE, 1891. (ind.). Fri., 4 p.m. for Sat. Id. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. 
P. C. Dickinson & Sons, Holborn Hill, Millom. (Tel. No. 35). 

MILLOM NEWS, 1884. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Barrow News & Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, 
Barvrow-in- Furness. (Tel. Barrow 35). One of the Barrow News series. 

Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 2d. D. MacLeod Ltd., Station Road, Milngavie & 
Kirkintilloch. One of the Kirkintilloch Herald series. 

Milo, 1929. M.—Ist. 6d. (Free to members). Imperial League of Opera, 90 Regent. 
St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 8494). (Circ. 50,000). 

Mind, 1876. Quarterly. 4s. 6d. net. Sub. 16s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 


Min-Mis] Willing’s Press Guide 

Tues. (July to Sept.). ld. Cox, Sons & Co. Ltd., Park St., Minehead. (Tel. 6). 

Miner, 1926. (/ab.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. New Leader Ltd., 14 Great 
George St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8350). 

Mineral Water Trade Review and Guardian, 1873. M.—18th. 10s. per ann. 
J. G. Smith, 59-60 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2114). 

Mineralogical Magazine, 1876. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6s. Sub. 20s. per ann. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Minerva Railway Guide for Deal, Walmer and Sandwich, 1901. M.—Ist. 2d. Minerva 
Printing Works, Oak St., Deal. (Tel. No. 62). 

Mining Electrical Engineer, 1920. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. Association of 
Mining Electrical Engineers, Regent Buildings, London Road, Derby. (Tel. 2301). 

Mining Highest and Lowest Prices and Dividends, 1900. Dec. 2s. F. C. Mathieson 
& Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Mining Journal, 1835. Sat.—12.30 a.m. 8d. Sub. 32s. per ann. 15 George St., 
Mansion House, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4411). 

Mining Magazine, 1909. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Mining Publications 
Ltd., 724 Salisbury House, London Wall, E.c.2.' (Tel. London Wall 8938). 

Mining World and Engineering Record, 1871. Sat.—12.30 a.m. 6d. Sub. 21s. per 
ann. W. Chisholm, 234 Gresham House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. Central 1820). 

Mining Year Book, 1928 (as Mining Manual and Mining Year Book, 1887). Feb. 
20s. net. W. E. Skinner, 15 Dowgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1929). 

Minister's Edition de Luxe, 1900. Feb. and Aug. Sub. 50s. per ann. Minister & 
Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4622). 

Minister's Gazette of Fashion, (as Gazette of Fashion, 1846). M.—lIst. 2s. 6d. Sub. 
25s. per ann. Minister & Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 

Minister's Report of Fashions for Gentlemen, 1820. Jan. & July. 25s. per ann. 
Minister & Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4622). 

Minister's Report of Fashions for Ladies, 1820. Quarterly. Sub.25s.perann. Minister 
& Co. Ltd., 46 Great Marlborough St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4622). 

Ministry of Health Annual Report, 1872. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Ministry of Labour Gazette, 1923 (as Labour Gazette, 1919, as Board of Trade Labour 
Gazette, 1905, as Labour Gazette, 1893). M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. 
H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Minutes of the General Conference of the New Church, 1788. July. 6d. New Church 
Press Ltd., 20 Hart St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 7986). 

Minutes of the General Medical Council, 1858. Jan. 12s. net. Constable & Co. 
Ltd., 10 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1876. July. 2s.6d. T.F. 
Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. 

Minutes of the United Methodist Church, 1907. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. H. Hooks, 12 
Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4766). 

Minutes of the Wesleyan Conference, 1744. Sept. 5s. net. J. A. Sharp, 25-35 City 
Road, E.c.1 (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

MIRFIELD AND RAVENSTHORPE REPORTER, 1882. (/). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. The Reporter Ltd., Wellington Road, Dewsbury. (Tel. 245). One of 
the Dewsbury Reporter series. 

2d. Senior & Co. Ltd., Cheapside, Heckmondwike. One of the Heckmondwike 
Herald series. 

Miscellanea Genealogica of Heraldica, 1866. Quarterly. 15s.6d.perannum. Mitchell 
Hughes & Clarke, 11 Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. 

Misericordia, 1883. M.—I1st. 2d. W. Knott & Son Ltd., 30 Brooke St., Holborn, 
E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 0462). 

Mission Field (as Monthly Record of Church Missions, 1852). M.—ist. 2d., Sub. 
3s. per ann. G. Bell & Sons, York House, Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

Mission Hospital, 1921 (as Mercy and Truth, 1897). M.—27th. 2d. C.M.S., 6 Salisbury 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7994). 



Willing’s Press Guide [Mis-Mof 

Missionary Echo, 1894. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. H. Hooks, 12 Farring- 
don Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4766). 

Missionary Graphic, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Sub. 2s. perann. Garnett, Mepham 
& Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 3760). 

Missionary Herald, 1919 (as Herald, 1913, as Missionary Herald, 1819). M.—26th. 
2d. Carey Press, 19 Furnival St., Holborn, £.c.4. 

Missionary Herald of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1843. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 
ls. 6d. per ann. Belfast Steam Printing Co. Ltd., 58 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 
(Tel. Belfast 206). 

Missionary News Letter, 1922. Quarterly. 2s. per ann. Secretary, 3b Morpeth 
Mansions, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1177). 

Missionary Review of All Nations, 1920 (as All Nations, 1900). Alt.-M. 2d. Sub. 
ls. 3d. per ann. All Nations Missionary Union (Inc.), 37 Beulah Hill, Upper Nor- 
wood, s.E.19. (Tel. Sydenham 0144). 

Missionary Worker, 1896. Alt.—Fri. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Stanborough Press 
Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford. (Tel. Watford 1751). 

Mrs. Hippo's Annual, 1925. Sept. 3s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Far- 
ringdon St. E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

MITCHAM ADVERTISER, 1869. (ind.). Thurs. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Croy- 
don Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St., Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 3121). 

MITCHAM AND COLLIERS WOOD GAZETTE, 1907. (ind.). Fri.—noon for Sat. 
ld. A. J. Hurley, 130 High St., Tooting, s.w.17. One of the Tooting and Balham 
Gazette series. 

MITCHAM HERALD, 1878. (c). Fri. 2d. W. Pile Ltd., 46 High St., Sutton. One 
of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. xli). 

Model Engineer and Practical Electrician, 1898. Wed., for Thurs. 4d. P. Marshall 
& Co. Ltd., 66 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9071). (Advt. p. xv). 

Model Housekeeping, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Subs. 6s. per ann. Grafton Publications, 
13 Sackville Place, Dublin. (Tel. 540). 3 

Model Railway News, 1925. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. P. Marshall & Co., 
Ltd., 66 Farringdon St., £E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9071). 

Model Yachtsman, 1928. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. H. B. Tucker, 
Golden House, Great Pulteney St., w.l. (Tel. Regent 3259). 

Modern Astrology, 1895 (as Astrologer’s Magazine, 1887). M.—27th. 1s. Bessie Leo, 
40 Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3097). 

Modern Boy, 1928. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Modern Churchman, 1911. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. B. Blackwell, 
49 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. 3487). 

Modern Highways, 1925. Twice M.. 3d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Phoenix Industrial 
Services Ltd., 12 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 1573). (Supplement 
to Industrial Daily News). 

Modern Home, 1928. M.—-28th. 6d. Sub. 9s. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Modern Language Review, 1905 (as Modern Language Quarterly, 1897). Quarterly. 
25s. per ann. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Modern Languages, 1919 (as Modern Language Teaching, 1905). 6 times a year. ls. 
A. & ©. Black, Ltd., 4 Soho Square, w.1. (Tel. Regent 2258). 

Modern Lithographer and Offset Press Printer, 1905. M.—15th. 1s. F. W. Bridges 
Ltd., 4 Vernon Place, Southampton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6663). 

Modern Motoring, 1928. Alt. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Rootes’ Ltd., 
Devonshire House, Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Grosvenor 3401). (Circ. 17,000). 
Modern Salesmanship, 1925. M—23rd. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. W. G. Fern, 11 

Upper Woburn Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 6896). 

Modern Transport, 1919. Fri. 3d. Modern Transport Publishing Co. Ltd., 105-109, 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6371). 

Modern Weekly, 1926. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Modern Wireless, 1923. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 17s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Modern Woman, 1925. M.—16th. 6d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Geo. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

MOFFAT NEWS AND TIMES, 1862. (ind.). Thurs.,for Fri. ld. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
Dumfriesshire Newspapers Ltd., 92 High St., Lockerbie. (Tel. 8). 


Mol-Mon] Willing’s Press Guide 

MOLD, DEESIDE AND BUCKLEY LEADER, 1922. (ivd.). Fri—noon. Id. Sub. 
8s. 8d. per ann. Woodall Minshall Thomas & Co., 56 Hope St., Wrexham. (Tel. 
Mold 6). 

MONA’S HERALD, 1833. (/). Tues.—5 p.m., for Wed. ld. Clucas & Fargher, 
26 Ridgway St., Douglas, I. of Man. 

* MONAGHAN DEMOCRAT, 1906. (nat.). Fri. ld. T. Roe, Dublin St., Monaghan. 

Money, 1882. Irreg. 6d. 335 Mansion House Chambers, Queen Victoria St., E.c.4.. 

Money Making Photography, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Wm. McIntosh 
Ltd., 17 Change Alley, Sheffield. 

Monktonian, 1879. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Monkton Combe School, Bath. 

Monmothian, 1881. Terminally. 10d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. The Secretary, Mon- 
mouth School, Monmouth. (Tel. 143). (Circ. 450). 

Monmouth Diocesan Calendar, 1923. Jan. 2s.6d. R.H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial 
St., Newport, Mon. (Tel. 3522). 

Monmouthshire and South Wales Directory, 1871. Every four years. Last issue—1926. 
50s. Kelley’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124), 
for Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Monmouthshire Beacon Co., Priory St., Mon- 

mouth. (Tel. No. 12). 

Monograph of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca, 1894. Irreg., last issue Dec. 
1921. 7s. 9d. Taylor Bros., Sovereign St., Leeds. (Tel. No. 23496). 

Monomark Magazine, 1926. M.—15th. Gratis. British Monomark Ltd., 95-99 High 
Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 3663). 

Monotype Recorder, 1901. Alt. M.—Ist. Gratis. Lanston Monotype Corporation Ltd.. 
43 Fetter Lane E.c.4. (Tel Central 8551). 

Monster Comic, 1922. Mon., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

1880. (c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. D. Rowlands Ltd., Severn St., Welsh- 
pool. (Tel. No. 3). 

Welshpool Express, 1860). (prog.). Mon., for Tues. 2d. Montgomeryshire 
Express Ltd., Newtown. (Tel. 22). 

Month, 1863. Ist. 1s. 6d. net. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Monthly Air Force List, 1924. M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Sub. £l per ann. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Monthly Bulletin of the French Chamber of Commerce, 1913. M.—lIst. ls. French 
Chamber of Commerce, 111-113 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5720). 

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (League of Nations), 1919. M.—l5th. ls. 6d. Sub. 
18s. per ann. Constable & Co., Ltd. Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

Monthly Epidemiological Report, (League of Nations), 1922. M.—15th. ls. 6d. net. 
Sub. 18s. per ann. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 

SONY Journal of the Bristol and West of England Chambers of Commerce, 1921. 

M.—15th. 6d. Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. 
Derby 254). 

Monthly Journal of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, 1919. M.—15th. 6d. 
Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. Derby 254). 

Monthly Journal of the Preston, Blackburn, Bolton and Bury Chambers of Commerce, 
1920. M.—2Ist. 6d. Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. 
Derby 254). 

Monthly Journal of the Tees-side Chamber of Commerce, 1929 (as Monthly Journal 
of the Middlesborough Chamber of Commerce, 1923). M.—15th. 6d. Bemrose 
Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. Derby 254). 

Monthly Journey, 1925. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Exhibition Organisers, 
69 Albion St., Leeds. (Tel. Leeds 25972): 

Monthly Magazine of the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, 1887 (as Shepherds Quarterly 
Magazine, 1845). Ist. ld. E. Crew, 44 Tennyson St., Leicester. 

Monthly Market Report. 1922. M.—12th. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Cutbill, King 
& Co., Ltd., 32 St. Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 8932). (Circ. 10,000). . 
Monthly Mining Handbook, 1895. 15th. 1s.6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 

Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Monthly Musical Record, 1870. ist. 4d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Augener Ltd., 18 Great 

Marlborough St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 3631). (Circ. 2,000). 


Bi Willing’s Press Guide [Mon-Mor 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1831. M.—Ist, except July. Aug., 
and Sept. 4s. Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, 
w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 2982). | 

Monthly Pictorial, 1925. M.—15th. Is. Sub. 15s. per ann. Carlyle Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 103 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0873). 

Monthly Progress, 1926. (ind.). Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d. Sub. ls. 2d. per ann. 

' Revd. C. M. Bayliss, B.A., The Parsonage, Newport, I.W. (Circ. 1,000). 

Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland, 1843. M.—20th. 2d. Free Church of 
' Scotland, 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh. 

Monthly Record of the Protestant Evangelical Mission, 1863. 1st. 2d. Protestant 

i Evangelical Mission, 130 Southwood Road, s.£.9. 

Monthly Report of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives, 1874. Last day. 
Ad. The Union, 34 Guilford St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4438). 

Money Review, 1892. M.—Ist. 21s.perann. Incorporated Society of Inspectors 
of Weights and Measures, Weights and Measures Office, Council House, Coventry. 

<- (Tel. 3171. Ex. 36). 

ad Statement of Drugs, Drysalteries, &c., 1842. 2nd. 15s. per ann. Smith, 

Gowland & Co. Ltd., 3 St. Claire St., Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 7919). 

Monthly Summary of League of Nations, 1921. M.—15th. 8d. Şub. 8s. per ann. 
Constable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 
Monthly Summary of Weather Reports, M.—Ist. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
Monthly Tailor and Cutter, 1929. M.—20th. Is. 6d. Sub. 24s. per ann. John 
Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4560). 

Monthly Weather Reports. M.—lIst.. 9d. Sub. 10s. per ann. H. M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Monthly Visitor, 1832. 25th. Is. 3d. per 100. Roderick Menson, 68 Hanover St., 
Edinburgh. (Tel. 25417). 

1811.. (?). Thurs., 4 p.m., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Foreman, 97 
High’ St., Montrose. (Tel. No. 185). 

2 p.m. for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. J. Balfour & Co., 66 High St., Montrose. 
(Tel. 64). 

Moon, 1924. (Moon Type for the Blind). Wed. 2d. National Institute for the 

- Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Moon Monthly Magazine, 1906. (Moon Type for the Blind). M.—Ist. 93d. Sub. 
9s..6d. per ann. National Institute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland St., w.1. 
(Tel. Museum 9701). 

Morre’s Journal, ‘The Unknown,’’ 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 5s. per 
ann. C. Moore, 12 Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. City 0734). (Circ. 10,000). 
Moravian _ Almanack and Year Book, 1869. Dec. 6d. Moravian Book Room, 

32 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5301). . 

Moravian Messenger, 1891 (as The Messenger, 1864). M.—Ist Wed. 2d. Moravian 
Book Room, 32 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5301). 

Moravian Missions, 1903 (as Missionary Reporter, 1861). M.—27th. ld. Moravian 
Mission, 32 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5301). 

Moravian Text Book, 1915 (as Text Book of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, 
1731). Nov. Is. Moravian Book Room, 32 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 
53801). - 

(tnd.). Wed.—a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Morecambe Press Ltd., Victoria 
St., Morecambe. (Tel. 390). (Circ. 8,500). 

MORECAMBE BORO ADVERTISER AND TIMES, 1923 (with which is incorporated 
Morecambe and Heysham Times, 1881). (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
H. Hirst & Son, 52-4 Euston Road, Morecambe. (Tel. No. 46). (Circ. 6,500). 

Lancaster Guardian Ltd., 20 Queen’s Terrace, Morecambe. (Tel. 213). (Adit. 
p. XXxvi.). | 

MORETON. AND UPTON ADVERTISER, 1924. Sat—8 a.m. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
perann. Wirral Printing and Publishing Co., Hoylake Road, Moreton, Birkenhead. 

(Tel. Upton 79). 

Morley Magazine, 1892. M.—Ist. Oct. to June. 2d. (Free to Students). Morley 

College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 6872). (Circ. 1100). 


Mor- Mot] Willing’s Press Guide 

MORLEY OBSERVER, 1871. Fri.—4 p.m. 2d. S. Stead & Sons, Troy Road, 
Morley.. (Tel. No. 88). 

Morning, 1901 (as Juvenile Magazine, 1878; as Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 
1850). M.—25th. 1d. John Swinden, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 1508). 

MORNING ADVERTISER, 1794. (ind.) Daily, 1.30a.m. 2d. Sub. £3 18s. per ann. 
Incorporated Society of Licensed Victuallers, 18 St. Andrew St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 1364). 

Morning Calm, 1890. Jan., April, July, Oct. 3d. Sub. Is. 3d. per ann. Corea 
Mission Office, Room 14, Mary Sumner House, Tufton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 
7402). s 

MORNING NEWS (Jersey), 1909. (ind.). 6 a.m. ld. W. Ph. Le Bas, 49 Halkett 
Place, St. Helier, Jersey. 

MORNING POST, 1772. (c). Daily—a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Morning Post, 
15 Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 1500). (Circ. 107,000). 

Morning Rays, 1885. M.—lIst. ld. Youth Committees of Church of Scotland and 
United Free Church of Scotland, 22 Queen St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 26185). 

Morning Star, 1893. M.—tIst. ld. S. E. Roberts, 1 Grosvenor Court, Victoria 
Avenue, Southend-on-Sea. 

Morningside Mirror, 1844. M.—15th. ld. The Editor, West House, Morningside, 
Edinburgh. i 

MORPETH HERALD, 1855 (as Morpeth Monthly Herald, 1854). (ind.). Fri.—a.m. 
2d. J. & J. S. Mackay, 19 Bridge St., Morpeth. 

Morris Owner, 1924. M.—Ist.. 4d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Morris Oxford Press Ltd., 
Cowley, Oxford. (Tel. Cowley 7101). (Circ. 50,000). 

Morris's Business Directory of the U.K., 1862. Dec. 25s. J. R. Stacey, 52 Holborn 
Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. City 9797). 

Morton’s Lincolnshire Almanac, 1815. Dec. 6d. W. K. Morton & Sons, 27 High 
St., Horncastle. (Tel. No. 19). 

MOSSLEY AND SADDLEWORTH HERALD, 1890. (c). Fri—noon. 2d. Herald 
Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. (Tel. 
Ashton-under-Lyne 42). One of the Ashton-under-Lyne Herald series. 

MOSSLEY AND SADDLEWORTH REPORTER, 1855. (/). Fri., for Sat. 2d. J. 
Andrew & Co. Ltd., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton 
Reporter series. 

Mothers in Council, 1891. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 1s. net. S.P.C.K., Northumber- 
land Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 10,550). 

Mothers’ Union Journal, 1886. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 14d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 460,000). 

MOTHERWELL TIMES, 1883. (ind.). Fri. 1d. K. Cameron & Co., Hope St., 

~ Motherwell. (Tel. 180). 

Motor, 1903 (as Motor Cycling, 1902). Tues. 4d. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery 
Avenue, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). 

Motor Boat, 1913. Fri. 4d. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 6000). 

Motor Boating World, 1928. M.—28th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Newton & Co., 
110-111 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

Motor Body Building and Vehicle Construction, 1923 (with which is incorporated 
Cooper’s Vehicle Journal, 1880). M.—Ist Sat. ls. 2d. (with coloured plates 
2s. 4d.). Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Motor Body Building Handbook and Diary, 1923. Dec. 5s. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 
Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Motor Coach A B C, 1929. M.—5Sth. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Emporium Publications 
Ltd., 166 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6487). 

Motor Coach Time-Table, 1928. M.—3rd. Sat. 3d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset 

| House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Motor Commerce, 1919. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 10s. perann. Motor Commerce Ltd., 53 
Shorts’ Gardens, Drury Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4956). (Circ. 15,000). 
(Advt. p. xxxvii). 

Motor Cycle, 1903. Thurs. 3d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 2847). 

Motor-Cycle and Cycle Trader, 1895. Fri. 9s. per ann. Trader Publishing Co., 
Ltd., St. Brides House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). (Circ. 


Willing’ s Press Guide [Mot-Mus 

Motor Cycling, 1909. Wed. 3d. Temple Press Ltd., 5- 15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.l.. 
' (Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). | 

Motor Cyclist Review, 1925. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Modern Periodicals 
Ltd., Coombelands, Addlestone, Surrey. (Tel. Weybridge 1000). 

Motor News, 1900. Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Ltd., 
54 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. 44235). 

Motor Owner, 1919. M.—lIst. 6d. 5 Clements Inn, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

Motor Ship, 1920. M.—lIst. 1s.. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.1. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). 

Motor Ship Reference Book, 1925. Jan. 5s. Temple Press Ltd., 5-15 Rosebery. 
Avenue, E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6000). 

Motor Sport, 1926 (with which is incorporated Brookland’s Gazette, 1924). M.—Ist. 
6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Motor Sport Ltd., 34 Duke St., St. James, s.w.1. 

Motor Trader and Review, 1905. Wed. 15s. per ann. Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., 
St. Brides House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). (Circ. 10,000). 

Motor Transport, 1921 (as Motor Traction, 1905). Sat., for Mon. 3d. Iliffe & Sons 
Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Motor Transport Year Book and Directory (Garcke’s), 1916. April. 27s.6d. Electrical 
Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xiii.). 

Motor World and Industrial Vehicle Review, 1899. Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. perann. The 
Motor World Publishing Co. Ltd., 73 Dunlop St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 3266). 

Motorist, 1925. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 55. per ann. Kennedy Press Ltd.,15a Liverpool 
Road, Manchester. (Tel. Central 0098). 

Mount Review, 1925. M.— 2nd. Fri. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Union of Post 
Office Workers, Inland Section G.P.O., Mount Pleasant, E.c.1. (Circ. 1,200). 
Mowbrays’ Churchman’s Kalendar, 1891. Sept. 2d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 

28 Margaret St., w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Municipal and County Engineers’ Official Journal, 1913. Alt. -Tues. 1s. 6d. Sub. 
42s. per ann. Institution of uate and County Engineers, 13 Victoria St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 9153). 

Municipal Engineering and Sanitary Record and Municipal Motor, 1916 (as Sanitary 
Record and Municipal Engineering, 1874). Thurs. 4d. Sub. 24s. 6d. per ann. 
Sanitary Publishing Co. Ltd., 8 Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5502). 

Municipal Journal and Public Works Engineer, 1899 (as London, 1893). Fri. 3d. 
Municipal Journal Ltd., Sardinia House, Sardinia St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 2288). Toi 

Municipal Review, 1930. M.—lst. 6d. Association of Municipal Corporations, 
13 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. 9153). | | 

Municipal Year Book, 1897. Jan. 20s. Municipal Journal Ltd., Sardinia House, 
Sardinia St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2288). 

Munro’s Marine Engineers’ Annual Pocket Log and Diary, 1911. Oct. 2s. 6d. 
J. Munro & Co. Ltd., 16 Carrick St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 8891). 

MUNSTER EXPRESS AND THE CELT, 1859. ({nai.). Fri—a.m. 2d. 37 Quay 
St., Waterford. (Tel. 153). 

ld. and Sat. p.m. 2d. Sub. 21s. 8d. per ann. F. Counihan & Son, 51 O’Connell 
St., Limerick. (Tel. No. 62). | 

Murray's Monthly Diaries and Time Tables for Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1842. M.—Ist. 
2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Thos. Murray & Co. Ltd., 90 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 728). 

Murray's Time Tables for Scotland, the North of England, and Ireland, 1842. M.—Ist. 
6d. Thomas Murray & Co. Ltd., 90 Mitchell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 728). 

Museums and Galleries of London (National) List of Lectures and Special Exhibitions. 
M.—date varies. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Museums’ Journal, 1901. M.—lIst. 2s. net. Sub. 24s. perann. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 
32 Old Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 4210). 

Music and Letters, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. Sub.20s.perann. G. W. Holt, 
14 Burleigh St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7576). 

Music and Youth, and Panpipes, 1928. M.—25th. 6d. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague 
House, Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Music Art and Trade Journal and Talking Machine Review, 1895. M.—Ist. 4d. 
Sub. 6s. per ann. Music Art and Trade Journal Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Holborn 6201), 


Mus-My] Willing’s Press Guide 

Music Bulletin, 1925 (as British Music Bulletin, 1919). M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d.: 
perann. British Music Society, 117-123 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 

Music Dealer and Radio-Gramophone Review, 1927. M.—l4th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
perann. Music Dealer Ltd., 91 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 1464), 

Music Seller and Small Goods Dealer, 1927. M.—15th. Sub. 10s. per ann. Evans 
Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5100). 
Music Teacher, 1922 (with which are incorporated Music Student, 1908, and Musician, 
1919). M.—25th. ls. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Music Trade Diary, Directory, and Year Book, 1881. Dec. 2s.6d. G. D. Ernest & 
Ltd., 5 Duke St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1408). 

Music Trade Directory, British and Colonial, 1889. April. 3s. 6d. Musical Opinion, 
Chichester Chambers, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1909). 

Music Traders’ Map and Guide to London, 1924. Feb. Is. 6d. G. D. Ernest > Co., 
Ltd., 5 Duke St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1408). 

mane Trades Review, 1916 (as London and Provincial Music Trades Review, 1877). 

M.—15th. 9d. Sub. 10s. perann. G. D. Ernest & Co. Ltd., 5 Duke St., Adelphi, 

w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1408). ` 
Musical Chat, 1929. M.—25th. Gratis. John Blackburn Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, 

Musical Directory, Annual, and Almanack, 1852. Jan. 6s. Rudall, Carte & Co, 
Ltd., 23 Berners St., Oxford St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 7281). 

Musical Mail, 1903. M.—Ist. 4d. Boosey & Co., Ltd., 295 Regent St., w.l. (Tel. 
Mayfair 0826). l 

Musical Mirror, 1920. M.—28th. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. W. Paxton & Co. Ltd., 
22 High St., w.c.l. (Tel. Temple Bar 2691). 

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 1877. M.—Ist. 6d. A. W. & W. P. Fitz- 
simmons, 13 Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1909). 
Musical Progress, 1906. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Hawkes & Son. (rondon) 

Ltd., Denman St., Piccadilly Circus, w.l. (Tel. Regent 7373). 

Musical Salvationist, 1886. M.—20th. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Salvation Any, 
Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

Musical Standard, 1862. Alt. Thurs.—11 a.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
W. Reeves, Bookseller, Ltd., 83 Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. 

Musical Times, 1844. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Novello & Co. Ltd., 
160 Wardour St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 0856). 

Musicians’ Journal, 1900. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 4d. National Conservatoire of 
Music Ltd., 62 Princes Road, Liverpool. 

MUSSELBURGH NEWS, 1889. (/). Fri—5 p.m. ld. Thomas Adams & Sons, 
Press Buildings, Tower St., Portobello. 

1907. (ind.). Fri. 14d. W. R. Cummins. Ltd., 18-19 Broadway, Muswell Hill, 
N.10. (Tel. Tudor 4649). 

Mutual Property Journal, 1912. M.—lIst. 1d. Mutual Property Insurance Co. Ltd., 
16-20 Charing Cross, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 1876). 

Mutual Property Review, 1921. M.—Ist. ld. Mutual Property Insurance Co. Ltd., 
16-20 Charing Cross, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 1876). | | 

My Favourite, 1928. Mon. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Avialgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

My Home, 1928. M.—10th. 6d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). (Advt, p. iv). 

My Little Friend Almanac, 1877. Oct. 14d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). _ 

My Magazine, 1914 (as Children’s Magazine, 1911). M.—15th. Is. Sub. 14s. 6d. per 
ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202).. 

My Pocket Companion, 1915. Oct. 2d. J. A. Kensit, 3-4 St. Paul’s Churchyard, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5963). | 

My Pocket 3d. Library, 1900. Tues. 3d. Hornsey Journal Ltd., 161 Tottenham Lane, 
Hornsey, n.8. i 

My Weekly, 1910. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
186 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). ; 


Willing’s Press Guide [Nai-Nat 

NAIRNSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1841. (u). Tues. 14d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. reps. of 
G. Bain, 10 Leopold St., Nairn. (Tel. No. 58). 

Nalgo Holiday Guide, 1922. Mar. 3d. National Association of Local Government 
Officers, 24 Abingdon St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2558). . 

NANTWICH CHRONICLE, 1874. (J). Thurs.—6 a.m., for Sat., 2d. C. Smith, 
2 High St., Crewe. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

NANTWICH GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.). Tues. ld. Fri—6 a.m., for Sat., 2d. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., 50 Hospital St., Nantwich. One of the Warrington Guardian 

Thurs. 2d. W. Burgess, Market Square, Narberth. . 

Narrative Series, 1923. Occas. 3s. 6d. per 100. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine, 1909. M.—17th. 1s. net. National Magazine Co. Ltd., 
153 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6591). 

Nation and Athenseum, 1921 (with which are incorporated the Speaker, 1890, and the 
Atheneum, 1828). (i). Thurs., for Fri. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Nation Ltd., 
38 Great James St., w.c.1. (Tel. ‘Holborn 9928). 

National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners, and Caterers’ Reference Book. 
Annually. The Association, Melbourne House, Aldwych, w.c.2. 

National Association Review, 1887. Fri. 6d. National Association of Master Bakers 
Confectioners and Caterers, Melbourne House, Aldwych, w.c.2. 

N.A.W.U. Magazine, 1912. M.—I5th. 24d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. National Asylum 
Workers’ Union, 1 Rushford Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 
922). (Circ. 11,000). 

National Ancient Monuments Hand Book, 1927. Annually. 5s. Wykeham Press, 
14 John Dalton St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 2886). 

National Ancient Monuments Review, 1928. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per 
ann. Wykeham Press, 14 John Dalton St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 

National Baker, 1927. M.— 1st Sat. ls. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Northern Publishing 
Co., Ltd., 28 Paradise St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 1037). 

National Bible Society of Scotland Quarterly Record, 1863. Quarterly. Gratis. National 
Bible Society of Scotland, 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 22383). 

National Builder, 1921. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Federated Employers’ 
Press Ltd., 48 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 8136). 

National Citizen, 1927 (as New Voice, 1920). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
National Citizen’s Union, 56 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6663). 

N.C.W. News, 1923 (as Occasional Paper, 1895). M.—8th. 4d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per 
ann. National Council of Women, Murray House, Vandon St., s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 2194). 

N.F.U. Record, 1923 (as Parliamentary Bulletin, 1919). M.—3rd Thurs. 2s. perannum. 
National Farmers’ Union, 45 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7526). (Circ. 

National Federation of Credit Traders and The Scottish Traders’ Federal Board Year 
Book and Trade Directory, 1912. March. 21s. National Federation of Credit 
Traders, Balfour House, Finsbury Pavement, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 8157). 

National Federation Year Book and Diary, 1921. Nov. 6d. National Federation 
of Retail Newsagents, Booksellers and Stationers, 78 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 5643). (Circ. 22,500). 

National Fire Brigades’ Association An.vual Report, 1887. May. 30s. The Secretary 
8 Waterloo Place, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 4800). 

National Fire Brigades’ Association Official Record, 1918. M.—Ist Fri. 8d. Hodgetts, 

td., 36-8 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 7464). 

National Greyhound Racing Calendar, 1928. Thurs.—l p.m. 2s. Sub. 100s. per ann. 
National Greyhound Racing Club, 72 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0924). 

National Guardian, 1881. Sat. 3d. H. Munro Ltd., 82 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

National Health, 1908. M.—Ist. 9d. Sub. 8s. 6d. perann. National Health Journal 
Ltd., 5 Tavistock Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 4620). 

National Insurance Gazette, 1912. Thurs., for Sat. 4d. Sub. 19s. 6d. perann. Stone 
& Cox Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

National Laying Test Journal, 1929. 13 issues a year. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
28 Woburn Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Terminus 5468). 

National Life, 1929. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. League of National 
Life, 168 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3102). 

149 ° F 

Nat-Nav] Willing’s Press Guide 

National Medical Journal, 1914. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Eagle Ltd., 170 Church 
Road, Hove. 

National Message and Banner, (with which are incorporated National Message, 1922, and 
Banner of Israel, 1877). Sat. 2d. Sub. 12s. per ann. National Message Ltd., 
6 Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8961). 

National Newsagent, Bookseller, Stationer, and Fancy Trades Journal, 1902. Fri. 
—p.m. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. National Newsagent Ltd., 5 Fetter Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6492). (Circ. 6523). 

National People’s Journal. One of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

National Pig Breeders’ Association Herd Book, 1885. July. 10s. 6d. to members, 
21s. non-members. N.P.B.A., 92 Gower St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5307). 

National Pony Stud Book, 1894. July. 20s. National Pony Society, 12 Hanover 
Square, w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0596). 

National Poultryman, 1927 (as Poultryman, 1924). M.—25th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. Poultryman Publishing Co. Ltd., Middle Row, Newport, Salop. 

National Review, 1883. (u). M.—30th. 3s. 8 John St., Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1914). 

N.R.A. Journal. M.—Ist. 6d. N.R.A., Bisley Camp, Brookwood. 

National Society of Painters Monthly Journal, 1921. M.—lIst. ld. The Society, 4 
Camp St., Lower Broughton, Manchester. 

National Sporting League Journal, 1924. Irreg. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. National 
Sporting League, 124 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 5314). 

National Temperance Quarterly and Medical Review, 1908. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 
ls. Sub. 4s. per ann. National Temperance League, 33 Bedford Place, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 2983). 

National Union of Manufacturers (Incorporated) Descriptive and Classified Directory 
of Members, 1916. Jan. 5s. National Union of Manufacturers (Incorporated) 
6 Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. Central 1452). 

National Union of Manufacturers’ Journal, 1916. M.—1st. 6d. National Union of 
Manufacturers (Incorporated), 6 Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. Central 1452). 

National Union of Retail Confectioners Official Journal, 1928. Alt. Sat.—2d. Sub. 
6s. 6d. per ann. R. Maltby, 50 Wilson Road, Sheffield. (Tel. 62583). (Circ. 

National Union of Retail Tobacconists Journal, 1921. M.—14th. 6d. National Union 
of Retail Tobacconists, 429 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1910). 

National United Order of Free Gardeners’ Friendly Society Journal, 1879. M.—1st. 
2d. The Secretary, 8 High St:, Sandbach. (Tel. 37). 

NATIONALIST AND LEINSTER TIMES, 1888 (as Carlow Nationalist, 1883). (nat.). 
Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Mrs. A. F. Reddy, Tullow St., Carlow. (Tel. 38). 

NATIONALIST AND MUNSTER ADVERTISER, 1891 (as Tipperary Nationalist, 1886). 
(nat.). Tues., for Wed., ld. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Nationalist Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Market St., Clonmel. (Tel. Clonmel 17). 

Natura) History Magazine, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Trustees of the British 
Museum, Cromwell Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 6323). 

Naturalist, 1833. M.—Ist. A. Brown & Sons Ltd., 5 Farringdon Avenue, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5910). 

Nature, 1869. Sat. ls. net. Sub. 52s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Nature Reader Monthly, 1915. M.—25th. 2d. Charles & Son, Ltd., 10 Paternoster 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3805). 

Nature’s Way Monthly, 1929. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Watts & Co., 
5-6 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4761). 

Nautical Almanac, 1878. Sept. 3s. Brown, Son & Ferguson Ltd., 52 Darnley 
St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 

Nautical Magazine, 1832. M.—26th. ls. Brown, Son & Ferguson Ltd., 52 Darnley 
St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 
Naval and Military Record, 1886. Tues., for Wed. 6d. Sub. 32s. per ann. Western 
Morning News Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 2131). 
Naval Cadet, 1910. Quarterly. ld. National Naval Cadets Corps, Central Head- 
quarters, Wandsworth Road, s.w.8. (Tel. Caterham 351). 

Naval Engineering Review, 1905. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 9d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
F. T. Norris, Stamford,’’ London Road, Waterlooville, Hants. (Cir. 3,000). 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal, 1888. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Hawkins 
& Son, 2 Commercial Building, Lake Road, Portsmouth. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Nav-New 

Navy, 1895. M.—lIst. 6d. The Navy League, 13 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 
8586). | 
Navy League Quarterly, 1910. lłd. Navy League, 13 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. 

Victoria 8586). 
Navy List, 1815. M.—Ist. 4s. Sub. 51s. per ann. Half yearly Supplement, Is. 6d. 
H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
Near East and India, 1911. Thurs. 6d. Sub. 27s. 6d. per ann. Near East Ltd., 
170 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 4108). 

Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Wilmott (Neath) Ltd., Orchard St., Neath. (Tel. 310). 
Needle and Home, 1917 (with which are incorporated Paris Journal of Fancy Work 
and Fashion, 1908 and Artistic Embroidery, 1924). M.—Ist. 6s. to £5 2s. per 
ann. F. H. & J. P. Taylor, 63 Edgware Road, w.2. (Tel. Paddington 3485). 

Needlecraft Practical Journal, 1900. Six times a year. 3d. Briggs & Co. Ltd., 34 
Cannon St., Manchester. 

Needlewoman, 1919. M.—I15th. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Tillotsons (Bolton) Ltd., 
Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. (Tel. 700). 

Needlework for All, 1910 (with which is incorporated The Needle). M.—15th. 34d. 
Sub. 4s. per ann. E. Marlborough & Co., Ltd., 51 Old Bailey, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 
8421). Advt. Dept.—Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.c.4. 

*Nelson Gazette, 1923. Tues. $d. Sub. 5s. per ann. H. Howarth, Vine St., Nelson. 
(Tel. Padiham 81). 

NELSON LEADER, 1900 (with which is incorporated Nelson Chronicle, 1882). Fri.— 
6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Coulton & Co., Stanley St., Nelson. (Tel. No. 
114). (Circ. 10,887). 

Nelson Lee Library, 1915. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

NENAGH GUARDIAN, 1837 (with which is incorporated Nenagh News and Tipperary 
Vindicator, 1893). (tnd.). Fri. and Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Nenagh 
Guardian Co., 13 Summer Hill, Nenagh. 

Net, 1870. Quarterly. 3d. Zululand Mission, 245 Abbey House, Westminster, s.w.1. 

Netherland East Indies Commercial Handbook, 1926. Sept. 3s. Sampson Low, 
Marston & Co. Ltd., 100 Southwark St., s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

Netherland Indies Review, 1920. M.—10th. Gratis to Members. 42s. per ann. others. 
British Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands East Indies (Inc.), 141 
Abbey House, Victoria St. s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6187). 

Netherton’s Cornish Almanack, 1848. Dec. 3d. Netherton & Worth, 7 Lemon St., 

New Adelphi, 1927 (as Adelphi, 1923). Quarterly. 2s.6d. Sub.10s.perann. British 
Periodicals Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

New ane 1894. Thurs. 7d. A. Brenton, 70 High Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 


New Campaigner, 1923. Quarterly. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Temperance Council of 
the Christian Churches, 410 Abbey House, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

New Chronicle of Christian Education, 1874. Thurs. 10 a.m. 2d. N.S.S.U. 57 
Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

New Church Diary and Year Book, 1929 (as New Church Almanack and Year Book, 
1873). Nov. ls. New Church Press Ltd., 20 Hart St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 7986). 

New Church Herald, 1920. Wed. 3d. New Church Press Ltd., 20 Hart St., w.c.l 
(Tel. Holborn 7986). 

New Church Magazine, 1881 (as Intellectual Repository, 1812). Quarterly. ls. net. 
New Church Press Ltd., 20 Hart St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 7986). 

New Coal Age, 1928. M.—30th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Windsor House, Victoria 
St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1517). 

for Fri. ld. 71 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.z.23. (Tel. Sydenham 1054). 
One of the Forest Hill, etc., Examiner series. 

New Dawn, 1908, Alt.—Sat. 1d. National Union of Distributive Workers, 
‘*Oakley,’’ Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. 

New Day, 1929 (as Dawn of Day, 1878). M.—25th. ld. S.P.C.K. Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 250,000). 

New English Art Club Catalogues. Nov. 6d. N.E.A.C., New Burlington Galleries, 
Burlington Gardens, w.1. 

151 F2 

New-New] Willing’s Press Guide 

New Era, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. New Education 
Fellowship, 11 Tavistock Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1109). 

New Era Illustrated, 1924. M.—Ist. Is. Sub. 15s. per ann. Anglo-American 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 281-282, High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 2512). 

New Flora and Silva, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6s. Sub. 20s. per ann. Dulau & 
Co. Ltd., 32 Old Bond St., w.l. (Tel. Regent 4210). 

New Forest Magazine, 1886. M.—ist. 2d. C. T. King, 105 High St., Lymington 
(Tel. No. 137). 

New Generation, 1877. M.—Ist. Thurs. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 17-19 
Finsbury St., E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2518). 

New Health, 1926. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub.8s.6d.perann. New Health Society, 39 Bedford 
Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 8444). 

New Ideals Quarterly, 1925. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. perann. B. Blackwell, 
49 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. 3487). 

New Illustrated Series, 1923. Occas. ls. 6d. per hundred. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

New Judæa, 1924. M.—last Fri. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Zionist Organisation, 77 
Great Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3817). 

New Leader, 1922 (as Labour Leader, 1894). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. New 
Leader Ltd., 14 Great George St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8350). 

New Magazine, 1909. M.—20th. Is. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

New Moon, or Crichton Royal Institution Literary Register, 1844. M.—15th. Gratis. 
Dr. Easterbrook, Crichton Royal, Dumfries. (Tel. 9). 

New Nature Book Annual, 1928. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

New Phytologist, 1902. Five times a year. 7s. 6d. Cambridge University Press, 
Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6359). 

New Pictorial, 1930. Terminally. ld. L. Knowles, Ship St., Oxford. (Tel. 3439). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

New Publicity, 1926 (as Publicity 1921). Six times a year. 6d. Sub. 4s. 6d per ann. 
Publicity Club of London, 89 New Oxford St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9583). 
NEW ROSS STANDARD, 1879. (mat.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. People 
Newspapers Ltd., la North Main St., Wexford. (Tel. Wexford 15). One of the 

People (Wexford) series. 

New Schoolmaster, 1921. M.—2nd Wed. 2d. Sub. 2s. 3d. per ann. National 
Association of Schoolmasters, 59 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 8088). 
(Circ. 9,000). 

New South Wales Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1860. Annually. 67s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

New Statesman, 1913. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Statesman 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 Great Queen St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3217). 

New Troy, 1923. Alt.-Thurs. (during term). 2d. University of London Union 
Sot tety. 6, Malet St., w.c.1. 

New Way, 1928 (as Industrial Peace Journal, 1927). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 9d. per 
ann. Industrial Peace Union, 7 Old Queen St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0456). 

New Zealand News, 1927. Alt.-Tues. 2d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Bonner & Co. Ltd., 
38 Cursitor St., E.c.4. 

New Zealand Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1892. Annually. 67s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Newark Advertiser Co. Ltd., Appleton Gate, Newark. 
(Tel. No. 189). (Advt. p. xxxviii). 

NEWARK HERALD, 1791. (/). Sat. Idd. J. & J. N. Stennett, Market Place, 

Newbury and Neighbourhood Directory, 1927. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

NEWBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1867. (ind.). Thurs.—5 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Blacket, Turner & Co. Ltd., 34 Northbrook St., Newbury. (Tel. No. 183). 
(Circ. 9,000). 

Newcastle and District Motor Bus Time Tables, 1928. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 1s. perann. 
Andrew Reid & Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 

Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce Monthly Journal, 1920. M.—20th. 
6d. Bemrose Publicity Co. Ltd., Wellington St., Derby. (Tel. Derby 254). 


Willing’s Press Guide [New-New 

Newcastle and Gateshead Incorporated Chamber of Commerce Year Book, and Com- 
mercial Review, 1908. Last issue 1920. 2s. 6d. Chamber of Commerce, 

Newcastle and Sunderland A B C Railway Rates Book, 1910. Every four years. 84s. 
Railway & Shipping Publishing Co., Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Newcastle Co-operative Record, 1879. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, 103 Newgate 
St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. Northern Counties Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Clayton St., Newcastle. (Tel. Central 5238). 

Newcastle Medical Journal, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s.6d. A Reid & Co. Ltd., 
Strawberry House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRONICLE (as Newcastle Chronicle, 1764). (l). Fri. and 
Sat 2d. Newcastle Chronicle Ltd., Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

NEWMARKET JOURNAL, 1872. (ind.). Fri.—7a.m., for Sat. 2d. F.G. Simpson, 
High St., Newmarket. (Tel. 426). 

Newmarket Sporting News, 1887. Daily—5 p.m. ld. F. G. Simpson, High St., 
Newmarket. (Tel. 426). 

T WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. One of the Cambridgeshire Independent 
Press series. 

Newnes Pocket Novels, 1926. M.—15th. 4d. Geo. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

2d. Shrewsbury Chronicle Ltd., Newport, Salop. (Tel. No. 28). 

Newport Christmas Annual, 1905. Dec. 2s. 6d., 5s., and 10s. Williams Press Ltd., 
Riverside Works, Newport, Mon. . (Tel. No. 2344). 

Newport Circuit Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1896. M.—last Sat. 2d. Joyce & 
Sons (Newport) Ltd., 51 High St., Newport, Mon. 

Newport Directory ( Johns’), 1876. Mar. 12s. 6d. R.H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial 
St., Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 3522). 

Newport Guide and Handbook, 1928. Jan. 6d. R. H. Johns Ltd., 46 Commercial 
St., Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 3522). 

Newport High School Magazine, 1898. Terminally. 6d. High School, Newport, 
Mon. (Circ. 400). 

Newport Tide Table, 1892. Nov. 2s. R. H. Johns Ltd., 46, Commercial St., 
Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 3522). 

ewport Year Book, 1898. June. 10s.6d. Williams Press Ltd., Riverside Works, 
Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 2344). 

A. B. Lyne, Bank St., Newquay, & Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 

Thurs., and Sat. Id. Sub. 20s. per ann. E. Hodgett, 4 Margaret St., Newry. 
(Tel. 92). 

NEWRY TELEGRAPH, 1877 (as Newry Commercial Telegraph, 1812). Tues., Thurs., 
Sat. ld. Newry Telegraph Ltd., 48 Hill St., Newry. (Tel. 21). 

News from Afar, 1894 (with which is incorporated The Juvenile). M.—25th. ld., 
London Missionary Society, Livingstone House, Broadway, Westminster, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 5057). 

News in a Nutshell, 1906. Fri. Gratis and 4d. A. J. Hughes, 30 Queen St., Pem- 
broke Dock. (Tel. 60). 

News of Salvation, 1929. M.—25th. Id. Sub. ls. per ann. W. E. Sibthorpe, 21 
Woodbury Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 988). 

NEWS OF THE WORLD, 1843. (ind.). Fri., Sat. and Sun. 2d. News of the 
World Ltd., 30 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5501). (Circ. 3,000,000). 

News Trade Circular, 1916. M.—20th. Sub. 5s. per ann. (free to members). National 
Federation of Retail Newsagents, Booksellers and Stationers, 21a Southampton 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2054). 

Newsagent The, Booksellers’ Review, and Stationers’ Gazette, 1888. Fri., for Sat. 3d. 
37-38 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 5761). 

Newspaper Press Directory, 1846. Jan. 5s. post free. C. Mitchell & Co. Ltd., 
1 and 2 Snow Hill, £.c.1. 

Newspaper World, 1913 (as Newspaper Owner, 1898, with which is incorporated the 
Circulation Manager, 1912). Fri., for Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. News- 
paper World Press Ltd., 14 Cross St., Finsbury, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2393). 
(Circ. 4,000). 


New-Nor] Willing’s Press Guide 

News-sheet of the Bribery and Secret Commissions Prevention League (Incorporated), 
1907. M.—Free to members. 22 Buckingham Gate, s.w.1. 

Newsvendor, 1920. M.—20th. 2d. National Federation of Retail Newsagents, 
Booksellers and Stationers (West Midland District Council), 114 Hockley Hill, 
Birmingham. (Tel. Northern 852). 

NEWTON ABBOT WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Wed. ld. Mortimer 
Bros., 34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. ` 

Newtonian, 1875. Terminally. 1s. Mid-Devon Newspaper Co. Ltd., 65B Queen St., 
Newton Abbot. 

Newtownards and County Down Illustrated Almanac and Directory, 1876. Dec. 6d. 
Henry Bros., Chronicle Buildings, Newtownards. (Tel. 63). 

—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Henry Bros., 23-25 Francis St., New- 
townards. (Tel. 63). 

Nichi Ei Shinchi, 1921. M.—15th. ls. Eastern Press Ltd., 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

Nickel Bulletin, 1928. M.—Ist week. Gratis. Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Imperial 
Chemical House, Millbank, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4441). (Circ. 5,000). 

Night and Day, 1877. Quarterly. 2d. Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, 18-26 Stepney Cause- 
way, E.l. (Tel. East 1098). 

Nineteenth Century and After, 1877. M.—30th. 3s. Sub. £1 16s. per ann. Con- 
stable & Co. Ltd., Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

Nitrate Facts and Figures, 1903. April. 5s. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

No More War, 1922. M.—last Fri. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. No More War Move- 
ment, 11 Doughty St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 6547), 

Nonesuch, 1913 (as Bristol University Gazette, 1908, as Bristol Nonesuch, 1911). Ter- 
minally. ls. Sub. 3s. 3d. per ann. Editor, Bristol University Union, Bristol. 
(Tel. Bristol 6883). (Circ. 1,000). 

NORBURY AND THORNTON HEATH NEWS, 1922. Fri. ld. S. Stephen Ltd., 
1 Gleneldon Road, s.w.16. (Tel. Streatham 0475). 

Sub. 13s. per ann. Norfolk Press Syndicate, Ltd., Holt. (Tel. Holt 2). 

NORFOLK NEWS AND WEEKLY PRESS, 1919 (with which are incorporated Norfolk 
News, 1845, and Eastern Weekly Press, 1867). (D). Fri. for Sat. ld. Norfolk 
News Co. Ltd., 57 London St., Norwich. (Tel. 1450). (Advt. p. xxi). 

Norman Lockyer Lecture, 1925. Nov. Is. British Science Guild, 6, John St., 
Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2789). 

- North and East Ridings of Yorkshire Directory, 1857. Every four years, last issue 
1929. 50s. Kelley’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

NORTH BEDS COURIER, 1908. (c). Fri.6 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Spongs 
Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., High St., Biggleswade. (Tel. No. 29). (Circ. 

NORTH BERKS HERALD, 1910 (as Abingdon Herald, 1867). (ind.). Fri—noon 
14d. Sub. lis. per ann. Oxford Times Ltd., 41 Stert St., Abingdon. (Tel. 106). 
(Circ. 3,000). 

North British Agriculturist, 1843. Thurs.—3 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. North 
British Agriculturist Ltd., 377 High St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 20749). 
North British Agriculturist Calendar, 1880. Dec. ls. 6d. North British Agri- 

culturist Ltd., 377 High St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 20749). 

North British Columbia News, 1907. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 2d. Sub. Is. 

per ann. C. B. Robinson, Canford, Arkwright Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. (Circ. 


Sub. 13s. per ann. H. Jackson & Co., 5 High St., Leighton Buzzard. (Tel. 37). 

NORTH CHESHIRE HERALD, 1851. (ind.). Fri., a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
J. Higham & Co. Ltd., Hamnett St., Hyde, Cheshire. (Tel. 100). 

NORTH DEVON HERALD, 1870. (u). Thurs.—2 a.m. 2d. H. G. W. M’Whinnie, 
106 High St., Barnstaple. (Tel. 6). 

NORTH DEVON JOURNAL, 1824. (/). Thurs.—2 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. 2d. per ann. 
North Devon Journal Ltd., 96 High St., Barnstaple. (Tel. 180). 

NORTH-EAST KENT TIMES, 1900. (ind.). Wed. ld. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
Parrett & Neves Ltd., 30 High St., Chatham. (Tel. 2213). 

NORTH-EASTERN DAILY GAZETTE (Middlesbrough), 1869. 12 noon. ld. 
A. Pickering, North-Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Middlesbrough. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Nor-Nor 

NORTH-EASTERN DAILY GAZETTE (Bishop Auckland), 1904. Even. 1d. North- 
Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Bishop Auckland. One of the North-Eastern 
Daily Gazette series, Middlesbrough. l 

North End Mail, 1928. 16 times a year. Gratis. Proctor, New Broadway, London 
Road, Portsmouth. (Tel. 4122). 

North Hammersmith Sentinel, 1928. (lab.). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. North 
Hammersmith Labour Party, 257 Uxbridge Road, w.12. (Tel. Riverside 3909). 

NORTH KENT ARGUS, 1920. (ind.). Fri. ld. Randal Press Ltd., 52 Pier Road, 
Erith. (Tel. Erith 87). 

NORTH LEEDS NEWS, 1912. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. New Leeds 
News Ltd., 6 Victoria Chambers, South Parade, Leeds. (Tel. 21082). 

North London Collegiate School Magazine, 1875. Terminally. 1s. School Com- 
mittee, North London Collegiate School, N.w.5. 

NORTH LONDON RECORDER, 1926 (as Hackney and Stoke Newington Recorder, 
1870). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 4d. per ann. Recorder Press Ltd., 91 Church St., 
Stoke Newington, N.16. (Tel. Clissold 0787). . 

Chronicle and North Mail, 1922, with which are incorporated Newcastle Daily 
Chronicle, 1858, Illustrated Chronicle, 1910, and North Mail, 1901). a.m. ld. 
Newcastle Chronicle Ltd., Westgate Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

NORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1868. (/). Fri.—a.m., for Sat. ld. Penfold & 
Sons, 8-9 St. Alban’s Place, Upper St., Islington, N.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 8464). 

NORTH SOMERSET GAZETTE, 1912. (ind.). Fri., for Sat.,ld. C. Mason & Sons, 
11 Narrow Wine St., Bristol. (Tel. 2745). 

NORTH STAR AND FARMERS’ CHRONICLE, 1893. (ind.). Thurs. 1d. North 
Star P. & P. Co.. High St.. Dingwall. (Tel. No. 46). 

NORTH WALES CHRONICLE, 1808. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. North 
Wales Chronicle Co. Ltd., High St., Bangor. (Tel. 378). 

NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EXPRESS, 1877. (/). Wed. for Thurs. 2d. 
National Press of Wales Ltd., Brunswick Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 

NORTH WALES PIONEER, 1917 (as Welsh Coast Pioneer, 1898). -(c). Thurs. 2d. 
Welsh Coast Pioneer Ltd., Conwav Road, Colwyn Bay. (Tel. No. 2856). 

NORTH WALES TIMES, 1895. (l). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Gee 
& Son Ltd., Chapel St., Denbigh. (Tel. 2). (Advt. p. xxviii). 

NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1886. (/). Thurs. 2d. R. E. Jones & Bros., 
The Quay, Conway. (Tel. No. 12). 

Sub. 13s. per ann. Norfolk Press Syndicate Ltd., Holt. (Tel. No.2). One of the 
Norfolk Chronicle series. 

NORTH-WESTERN DAILY MAIL, 1898 (with which is incorporated the Barrow 
Daily Times, 1866. (ind.). Several editions. ld. Barrow News & Mail Ltd., 
Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness. (Tel. 35). 

North Western Naturalist, 1926. Quarterly. 2s. Sub. 8s. per ann. T. Buncle & 
Co., Market Place, Arbroath. (Tel. 50). 

Sub. 13s. perann. Swindon Press Ltd., Newspaper House, Swindon. (Tel. 215.) 

NORTHAMPTON AND COUNTY INDEPENDENT, 1905. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. 
Northampton Independent Ltd., 8 St. Giles St., Northampton. (Tel 380). 

Northampton County azine, 1928. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Archer & 
Goodman, 36-42 Wellington St., Northampton. (Tel. 359). 

NORTHAMPTON DAILY CHRONICLE, 1880. 3 p.m. ld. Provincial Newspapers 
Ltd., 24 Market Square, Northampton. (Tel. 74). 

NORTHAMPTON HERALD, 1831. (c). Fri.—2.30 p.m. ld. Provincial Newspapers 
Ltd., 24 Market Square, Northampton. (Tel. 74). 

NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, 1720. (/). Fri—3 p.m. ld. Northampton Mercury 
Co. Ltd., Parade, Northampton. (Tel. No. 876). 

Northamptonshire District Good Templars Lodge Guide, 1889. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 
Gratis. Northamptonshire District Lodge, I.0.G.T., 19 Holly Road, Northampton. 

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE EVENING TELEGRAPH, 1904 (as Evening Telegraph, 1897.) 
(ind.). Daily, 3 p.m. ld. Sub. 39s. per ann. Northamptonshire Printing & 
Publishing Co., Ltd., Dryland St., Kettering. (Tel. No. 501). 

Northamptonshire Journal of Commerce, 1919. M.—2nd Mon. 5s. perann. Chambers 
of Commerce Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 The Parade, Northampton. (Tel. 98). (Circ. 

Northern Advertiser, 1925. M.—lIst. Gratis. Wilson Publishing Co., 10 Reform 
St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 


Nor-Nor] Willing’s Press Guide 

NORTHERN CHRONICLE (Inverness). 1881. (c). Wed.—3 a.m. 2d. Northern 
Counties Newspaper, &c., Co. Ltd., Margaret St., Inverness. 

Northern Coal, Iron and Steel Companies, 1910. Sept. 2s. Business Statistics 
Co. Ltd., The Exchange. Cardiff. 

NORTHERN CONSTITUTION (Coleraine), 1875. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Northern Constitution Ltd., Coleraine, Co. Londonderry. (Tel. 22). (Circ. 

Northern Counties Red Book and Chronicle Almanack, 1881. Dec. 6d. Northern 
Counties Newspaper Co. Ltd., Inverness. 

NORTHERN DAILY MAIL (West Hartlepool), 1877. p.m. 1d. Northern Daily 
Mail Co. Ltd., Clarence Road, West Hartlepool. (Tel. No. 2294). 

NORTHERN DAILY TELEGRAPH (Blackburn), 1886. (/). p.m. 1d. North Western 
Newspapers Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Blackburn. (Tel. 4291). (Circ. 76,000). 
NORTHERN DESPATCH (Darlington), 1914. 1d. Sub. 52s. per ann. North of 

England Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. (Tel. 2770). 

NORTHERN ECHO (Darlington), 1869. (J). Daily—a.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
North of England Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. (Tel. 2770). 
(Circ. 106,596). l 

Northern Echo Football Guide, 1914. Aug. 3d. Northof England Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Priestgate, Darlington. 

Northern Echo Xmas Budget, 1910. Dec. 3d. North of England Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. 

Northern Freemason, 1910. M.—25th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. W. Jones & Co., 
34 Castle St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 24). 

Independent, 1871, as North Down Herald and County Down Independent, 1880). 
Sat.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. R. D. Montgomery, Castle Square, Bangor. 
Co. Down. (Tel. 244). 

Northern Light, 1923. M.—2nd Fri. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Ulster Anti-Prohibi- 
tion Council, 32 Waring St., Belfast. (Tel. 4833). (Circ. 1,500). 

2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Moray & Nairn Newspaper Co. Ltd., 175 & 177 High St., 
Elgin. (Tel. 24). 

NORTHERN STANDARD (Monaghan), 1839. (u). Fri. 2d. P. C. McMinn, The 
Diamond, Monaghan. (Tel. No. 26). 

NORTHERN TIMES (Golspie), 1899. (u). Thurs—4 a.m. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 

per ann. D. McDonald, Golspie. (Tel. 15). 

NORTHERN WEEKLY GAZETTE (Middlesbrough), 1855. (ind.). Wed.—10 a.m., 
for Sat. ld. A. Pickering, North-Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Zetland Road, 

NORTHERN WEEKLY RECORD, 1909. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Associated Scottish 
Newspapers Ltd., 67 Hope St., Glasgow. One of the Weekly Record (Glasgow) 

NORTHERN WHIG AND BELFAST POST, 1824. (u). Daily—4a.m. ld. Northern 
Whig Ltd., Bridge St., Belfast. (Tel. 2884). (Advt. p. xx). 

Northerner, 1928. Feb., Mar., June, Nov. ls. Sub. 4s. per ann. Armstrong College, 
University Union, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 3658). (Circ. 900). 

NORTHWICH CHRONICLE, 1885. (/). Fri—8 a.m., for Sat. 2d. C. Smith, 
Library Buildings, Northwich. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

NORTHWICH GUARDIAN, 1860. (c). Tues.2 p.m., 1d.; Fri—9 a.m., 2d. Sub. 
13s. 6d. per ann. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 44 Witton St., Northwich. (Tel. 14). 
One of the Warrington Guardian series. 

NORTHWOOD OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1907. Fri. 2d. Sholl & May, Station 
Road, Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 0156). | 

Norvicensian, 1873. Terminally. Is. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, King 
Edward VI. School, Norwich. (Tel. No. 1247). 

Norwich, City of, Directory, 1924. Biennially. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Norwich and Eastern Counties A B C Railway Guide. M.—Ist. 3d. Jarrold & Sons Ltd., 
London St., Norwich. (Tel. 1480). 

Norwich Co-operative Society Herald. Gratis. M.—Ist. The Society, St. Stephen’s 
St., Norwich. 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1858. Jan. 2s. net. Goose & Son 
Ltd., Norwich. (Tel. No. 259). (London: Simpkin & Co.). 

morph oo Gazette, 1895. M.—lIst. 3d. Goose & Son Ltd., Norwich. (Tel. 

o. 259). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Nor-Nun 

a.m., for Sat. 2d. Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. 

Sat. ld. S. Stephen Ltd., 2 Belvedere Road, Upper Norwood, s.£.19. (Tel. 
Sydenham 2830). 

Presse, 1882). (ind.). Fri—10 a.m., for Sat. ld. Truslove & Bray Ltd., 
Knight’s Hill, West Norwood, s.£.27. (Tel. Streatham 1835). 

NORWOOD WEEKLY HERALD, 1889. (ind.). Fri.—11 a.m., for Sat. $d. Coventry 
& Son, 25 Station Road, South Norwood, s.£.25. (Tel. Thornton Heath 1758). 

Notes and Queries, 1848. Fri. 6d. Sub. 42s. per ann. 14 Burleigh St., Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7576). 

Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. per ann. 
Rev. G. W. Saunders, Martock Vicarage, Somerset. 

Notes from Ireland, 1886. (u). Quarterly. 6d. Irish Unionist Alliance, 10 Essex 
St., Strand, w.c.2. 

Notes on Books, 1855. Jan. and July. Gratis. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 39 
Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Notes on the Scripture Lessons, 1847. M. (dated a month forward).—25th for Ist. 3d. 
net. N.S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. 

for Sat. ld. Kirk Publishing Co. Ltd., St. Peter’s Church Walk, Nottingham. 
(Tel. 41310). 

Nottingham and Midland Catholic News, 1908. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. New 
Catholic Press Ltd., Jordon St., Knott Mill, Manchester. (Tel. 5818). One of the 
Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Nottingham Churchmen’s Handbook, 1925. Dec. 3d. Sir Joseph Causton Ltd., 
139 Clapham Road, s.w.9. (Circ. 3000). 

‘Nottingham District Co-operative Record, 1889. M.—Ist Sat. 114 Logan St., Bulwell, 

NOTTINGHAM EVENING NEWS, 1885. (ind.). Daily—noon. ld. (imd.). Sub. 
ae per ann. Nottingham Journal Ltd., Parliament St., Nottingham. (Tel. 


NOTTINGHAM EVENING POST, 1878. (ind.). p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. T. 
Bailey Forman, South Sherwood St., Nottingham. (Tel. No. 45521). 

NOTTINGHAM GUARDIAN, 1861. (c). Daily—3 a.m. ld. T. Bailey Forman, 
South Sherwood St., Nottingham. (Tel. No. 45521). 

NOTTINGHAM JOURNAL, 1921 (as Nottingham Journal and Express, 1918, as Notting- 
ham Weekly Courant, 1710, with which is incorporated Nottingham Daily Express 
1860). (/). lam. ld. Nottingham Journal Ltd., Parliament St., Nottingham. 
( Advt. p. xxv). 

Nottingham Journal Football Guide, 1919. July. 3d. Nottingham Journal Ltd., 
Parliament St., Nottingham. (Tel. 45541). 

Nottingham Public Libraries’ Bulletin, 1896. Quarterly. 2d. Central Public Library, 

Nottingham University College Calendar, 1881. Nov. ls. Prospectus, July. 22. 
J. Sands & Son, St. Peter’s Gate, Nottingham. 

Fri.—8 a.m. 14d. F. W. Buck & Sons, Priestisic Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield. 
(Tel. No. 18). (Circ. 8,000). 

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN, 1846. (ind.). Thurs., for Sat. ld. T. Bailey 
Forman, South Sherwood St., Nottingham. (Tel. No. 45521). 

Novel Magazine, 1905. M. 22nd. 9d. net. Sub. lls. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson 
Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). i 

Novitates Zoologicæ, 1894. Three or four times a year. 25s. Zoological Museum, 

Numismatic Chronicle, 1839. Quarterly. 10s. B. Quaritch Ltd., 11 Grafton St., 
w.l. (Tel. Regent 0473). 

NUNEATON ADVERTISER, 1868. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Rugby Advertiser Ltd., 
1 Albert St., Rugby. One of the Rugby Advertiser series. 

Fri. ld. Sub.8s.8d.perann. Nuneaton Chronicle Ltd., 39 Church St., Nuneaton 
(Tel. 38). 


Nun-Off] Willing’s Press Guide 

NUNEATON OBSERVER, 1877. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Nuneaton Observer Ltd., Bond- 
gate, Nuneaton. (Tel. No. 89). 

Nursery Book, 1920. July. 3s. 6d. T. Nelson & Sons Ltd., Parkside Works, 
Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. (Tel. No. 42071). 
Nursery World, 1925. Wed. 3d. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 Fleet St., z.c.4. (Tel. 
City 0244). 
Nurseryman and Seedsman, 1894. Thurs. For Trade circulation only. Sub. 10s. 6d. 
per ann. T. Want, 7-11 Theobald’s Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 8551). 

Nurses Near and Far, 1903. Quarterly. 3d. Nurses’ Missionary League, 135 Ebury 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Sloane 8862). 

Nursing Mirror and Midwives’ Journal, 1888. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Nursing Mirror 
Ltd. (The Scientific Press), 24 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9543). 

Nursing Mirror Pocket Encyclopedia and Diary, 1908. Dec. ls. 6d. Faber & 
Faber Ltd. (The Scientific Press), 24 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9543). 

Nursing Notes and Midwives’ Chronicle, 1889. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. 
12 Buckingham St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1184). 

Nursing Times (Official Journal of the College of Nursing), 1905. Thurs., for Sat., 
Oa.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Gerrard 8830). (Advt. p. xxxviii). 

OAKHAM AND UPPINGHAM JOURNAL, 1854. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 2d. Grantham 
&c., Journal Co. Ltd., 46 High St., Grantham. (Tel. Grantham 80). One of the 
Grantham Journal series. 

Oakham School Magazine, 1855. Terminally. 1s. C. Matkin, High St., Oakham. 
(Tel. 68). (Circ. 450). 

2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Oban Times Ltd., Oban. (Tel. No. 78). 

Observation, 1924. Mar., July, Oct. ls. Leplay House Press, 65 Belgrave Road, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 0571). ° 

Observatory, 1877. M.—7th. 2s. Sub. 20s. per ann. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red 
Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

OBSERVER, 1791. Sun. 2d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. Observer Ltd., 22 Tudor St., 
E.C.4. (Tel Central 2943). (Circ. 195,000). 

Occult Review, 1905. M.—28th. Is. net. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Rider & Co., 33- 
36 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462). 

Ocean Travel, 1927 (as Ocean Travellers’ Guide, 1902). Jan., July. 6d. Sub. 1s. 6d. per 
ann. Dean & Dawson Ltd., 7 Blandford Square, N.w.1. (Tel. Paddington 8050). 

O’Connell’s Coal and Iron Diary, 1897. Dec. 10s. 6d. Harper & Co., 8 Lloyds 
Avenue, E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 3444). 

O’Connell’s Coal and Iron News (and By-Products Journal), 1891. Thurs. 6d. Sub 
16s. 6d. per ann. Harper & Co., 8 Lloyds Avenue, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 3444). 

Odd Fellows’ Magazine, 1870. M.—l1st. 2d. Sub. 2s. Gd. per ann. Grand Master 
and Board of Directors, 97 Grosvenor St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. 
(London : 22 St. Bride St.). 

Off Licence Journal, 1921. M.—20th. 10s. per ann. Practical Press Ltd., 1 Dorset 
Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. 

OFFALY CHRONICLE, 1922 (as King’s County Chronicle, 1845). Thurs. 2d. A. 
Wright, Printing House Buildings, Birr. 

OFFALY INDEPENDENT, 1920 (as Tullamore and King’s County Independent, 1894). 
Fri., for Sat. 2d. Athlone Printing Works Co. Ltd., Athlone. 

Officer, 1913 (as Field Officer, 1893). M.—20th. Gratis. Salvation Army, 117-121 
Judd St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

Officers’ Training Corps Diary and Year Book, 1913. Dec. ls. 6d. Forster Groom 
& Co., Ltd., 15 Charing Cross, s.w.1. (Tel. Central 9280). 

Smeets Traming Corps Gazette, 1925. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub.6s.perann. 69 Fleet St., 


Official Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1913 (as Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1840). 
Dec. 2s. net. Sands & Co., 37 George St., Edinburgh. 

Official Circular of the British Waterworks Association, 1915. Gratis to members, 
British Waterworks Association, (Inc.), 173 Rosebery Avenue, E.c.l. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 3300. Ex 25). 

Official Directory of the Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 1897. Oct. 5s. W. 
Blackwood & Sons Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Off-Old 

Official Gazette of the County Councils Association, 1908. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 
7s. 6d. per ann. County Councils’ Association, 84 Eccleston Square, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 0299). 

Official Index to the Times, 1906. Quarterly. Sub. £12 12s. per ann. Times Pub- 
lishing Co., Printing House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 

Official Journal of the League of Nations, 1921. M.—15th. Price varies. Sub. 60s. 
per ann. Constable & Co. Ltd., 10-12 Orange St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3827). 

Official Report of the Annual Movable Delegates of the Order of Druids Friendly Soctety, 
1858. Annually. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Official Year Book of Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 
1884. Oct. 18s. net. C. Griffin & Co. Ltd., 42 Drury Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 4206). 

Official Year Book of the: Church of England, 1882. Dec. 3s. 6d. Press & Publica- 
tions Board of the Church Assembly, Church House, Westminster, s.w.1, and 
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, w.c.z2. 
(Tel. Victoria 5136). 

Oil, 1915. Fri. 2d. 32 Great St. Helens £.c.3. (Tel. City 8424). 

Oil and Colour Trades Journal, 1879. Fri. 6d. Sub. 20s. perann. Scott, Greenwood 
& Son, 8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1957). 

Oil and Petroleum Year Book, 1928 (as Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1910). May. 
7s. 6d. W. E. Skinner, 15 Dowgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1929). 

Oil Companies’ Position, 1928. Irreg. 2s. 6d. W. H. Rickinson & Son, 3-4 Great 
Winchester St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7668). 

Oil Engineering and Technology, 1926 (as Oil Engineering and Finance, 1922). Jan., 
Apl., July, Oct. 1s. 6d. 3 Central Buildings, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7560). 

Oil Facts and Figures, 1912. April and Oct. ls. 6d. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Oil News, 1912. Fri. 3d. 32 Great St. Helen’s, E.c.3. (Tel. City 8424). 

OKEHAMPTON POST, 1921. (/). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cornish & Devon 
Post Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). 

Olavian, 1895. Terminally. 1s. 8d. The Editor, St. Olave’s School, Tower Bridge, 

Old Eastbournian, 1922. Annually. 2s. The Editor, The College, Eastbourne. 
(Circ. 1,200). . 

Old Lore Miscellany of Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland, 1907. Jan. 10s. 6d. 
A. W. Johnston, 29 Ashburton Mansions, s.w.10. (Circ. 300). 

Old Master Drawings, 1843. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. Sub. 21s. per ann. 
B. T. Batsford Ltd., 94 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Chancery 7383). (Circ. 600). 

Old Moore's Almanac, 1697. june. ld. W. Foulsham & Co., Ltd., 10-11 Red Lion 
Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 7166). (Circ. 2,420,563). 

Old Moore’s Almanac, 1843. June. ld. W. Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd., Victoria 
Works, Otley. (Tel. 150). 

Old Moore's Almanac. July. ld. T. Roberts & Co., 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. 

O.R. Review, 1928. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2s. 6d. Sub. 10s. per ann. G. H. 
Battinson, 11-19 Cornwall St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 7691). 

Old Stortfordian, 1912. Terminally. 1s. 8d. The Editor, The College, Bishops 
Stortford. (Tel. No. 55). 

OLDBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. lls. perann. Midland 
Printing Co. Ltd., Simpson St., Oldbury. (Tel. 23). One of the Weekly News 
(West Bromwich) series. 

Oldham Catholic Herald. Sat. 2d. 13 Jordan St., Knott Mill, Manchester. One 
of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

OLDHAM CHRONICLE, 1854. (/). Sat.—a.m. 2d. Hirst, Kidd & Rennie Ltd., 
Union St., Oldham. (Tel. No. 1841). 

Oldham Co-operative Record, 1894. M.—1st Thurs. Gratis. King St., Oldham. 

OLDHAM EVENING CHRONICLE, 1880. Noon. (/). ld. Hirst, Kidd & Rennie 
Ltd., Union St., Oldham. (Tel. Oldham 1841). 

Oldham Green Final, 1922 (as Oldham Sports Final, 1920, as Green Final, 1919). 
Ci 2d. Hirst, Kidd & Rennie Ltd., Union St., Oldham. (Tel. Oldham 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spinners’, &c., Provincial Association Monthly Report, 1843. 
Ist week. Gratis. The Association, Rock St., Oldham. (Tel. No. 312). 

OLDHAM STANDARD, 1855. (c) Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Sat.—a.m. 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Northern Daily and Weekly Newspapers Ltd., 18 York- 
shire St., Oldham. (Tel 117). 


Old-Ork] Willing’s Press Guide 

Oldham Stock Exchange Official List, 1929. Fri. Sub. 15s. per ann. Secretary, 
Stock Exchange, Oldham. (Tel. 594). 

Oliver and Boyd’s Edinburgh Almanac, 1837. Dec. Oliver & Boyd, Tweed- 
dale Court, Edinburgh. (London: 33 Paternoster Row). 

OLNEY ADVERTISER, 1897. (ind.). Fri—3 p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. A. H. 
Stanley, 7 Market Square, Olney. (Tel. 18). 

On and Off Duty, 1883. M.—24th. 2d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. International Christian 
Police Association, 1a Adelphi Terrace, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9150). 

On the Line, 1882. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. U.K. Railway Temperance 
Union, Culross Hall, King’s Cross, N.w.1. (Tel. North 4200 ; Ext. 3249). (Circ. 

On the March, 1897. M.—Ist. 2d. The Royal Army Temperance Association, 
1 Victoria St., s.w.1. 

On the Road, 1883. M.—lIst. 4d. U.K. Commercial Travellers Association (Incor- 
porated), 13 Tavistock Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1305). 

One and All, 1891. M.—Thurs. previous to Ist Sun. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
National Adult School Union, 30 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5492). 

One and All, 1929. May and Nov. ls. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Editor, Duke of 
Cornwall’s Light Infantry, Bodmin. (Circ. 1,500). 

One by One, 1903. Quarterly. 3d. Sub. Is. 4d. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & 
Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6622). 

One Minute Messages, 1923. Occas. Is. per hundred. R. T. S., 4 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Oneirocritica, 1928 (as Onetrologist, 1923). jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 3s. 6d. 
perann. H.M. Leon, 8 Taviton St., w.c.1. (Circ. 500). 

Onoto Diary. Oct. ls. T. De La Rue & Co. Ltd., 110 Bunhill Row, £.c.1. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 2064). 

Oojah Annual, 1923. Sept. 2s.6d. Daily Sketch & Sunday Graphic Ltd., 200 Grays 
Inn Road, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9841). 

Oologists’ Record, 1921. Quarterly. 5s. per ann. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 45 St. 
Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Open Door in the Regions Beyond, 1912. Quarterly. 2d. Churches of Christ Book 
Depot, 20 Brighton Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. 

Operative Builder, 1921. (/ab.). Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 
National Federation of Building Trades Operatives, Federal House, 20a Cedars 
Road, Clapham, s.w.4. (Tel. Battersea 5991). 

Opportunity, 1921. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Federation of Women 
Civil Servants, 27 Marsham St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9285). (Advertisements, 
177-178 Fleet St.) 

Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker, 1891. Fri. 4d. Hatton Press Ltd., 
72-8 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 4548). 

Oral Topics, 1921. M.—16th. Gratis. Oral Topics Ltd., 12 Swallow St., w.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 0420). 

Orbit, 1926. Irreg. 6d. Faculty of Arts, 10 Upper John St., Golden Square, w.1. 
(Tel. Regent 6076). 

ORCADIAN, 1854. (ind.). Thurs. 14d. Sub. l0s. 10d. perann. W. R. Mackintosh, 
Victoria St., Kirkwall. (Tel. No. 49). (Circ. 5687). 

Orchid Review, 1893. M.—lIst. Is. net. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1-2 Pater- 
noster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Order, 1928. Irreg. 1s. J. & C. Bumpus, 350 Oxford St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 1223). 

Order of Divine Service, 1887. Nov. 2s.and 2s.6d. W. Knott & Son Ltd., 30 Brooke 
St., Holborn, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 0462). 

Order of Druids’ Directory, 1858. Dec. 1d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. | 

(Tel. Central 7400). 
Order of Druids’ Quarterly Report and Journal, 1858. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. ld. 
Board of Management, 316 Oxford Road, Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 469). 
Organ, 1921. Quarterly. 2s. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. A. W. & W. P. Fitzsimmons, 
13 Chichester Rents, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1909). 

Orient, 1892. Quarterly. 6d. W. Knott & Son Ltd., 30 Brooke St., Holborn, £.c.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 0462). 

Original Secession Magazine, 1847. M.—lIst. 6d. W. F. Henderson, George IV. 
Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Orkney and Shetland Records, 1907. Jan. 2s. Viking Society, c/o A. Wintle Johnston, 
29 Ashburnham Mansions, s.w.10. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ork-Ove 

ORKNEY HERALD, 1860 (with which is incorporated The Northman). Wed. 14d. 
37 Albert St., Kirkwall. 

2p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Exors. of W. L. Hutton, 7 Church St., Ormskirk. 
(Tel. 1). 

2d. Kentish District Times Co. Ltd., 246 High St., Orpington and Times Buildings 
Sidcup. (Tel. Orpington 250). ( Adut. P- XXXV). 

Orpington Journal, 1924. (ind.). Twice a M.—2nd and 4th Sat. ld. Sub. 3s. per 
ann. Orpington Press, 173 High St., Orpington. (Tel. 241). (Circ. 3,500). 
OSSETT OBSERVER, 1864. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. S. Cockburn 

& Son, Station Road, Ossett. 

MERCURY, 1888 (as Oswestry Advertiser, 1849). (l). Wed.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Woodall Minshall, Thomas & Co. Ltd., Caxton Press, Oswestry. 
(Tel. No. 5). 

Oswestry Commercial Circular, 1880. M.—6th. Giat. T. Owen & Son, The Library, 
Printing Works, Oswestry. (Tel. No. 17). 

Other Lands, 1921. Quarterly. 6d. United Free Church of Scotland, 121 George 
St., Edinburgh. 

Other Sheep, 1923. M.—ist. 1d. Bible Churchman’s Missionary Society (Young 
People’s Branch), 14 Victoria St., s.w.1. ‘ (Tel. Victoria 3470). 

Our Boys, 1914. Alt-weeks. 2d. Educational Co. of Ireland Ltd., 89 Talbot St., 
Dublin. (Tel. No. 44361). 

Our Children, 1917 (as Words of Welcome, 1904). M.—26th. 1d. Central Bible 
Truth Depot, 5 Rose St., E.c.4. 

Our Circle, 1907. M.—lst. ld. Co-operative Publishing Society Ltd., Long Millgate, 

Our Darlings, .1881 (as Children’s Treasury, 1868). Aug. 3s. 6d. John F. Shaw 
(1929) & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2793). 

Our Dogs, 1895. Fri. 3d. Sub. 22s. per ann. Our Dogs Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Oxford Road Station Approach, Manchester. (Tel. Central 2660). 

Our Girls Annual, 1928. Sept. 7s. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Our Letter to Candidates (G.F.S.), 1901. M.—25th. ld. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). (Circ. 12,000). 

Our Own Magazine, 1879. M.—20th. ld. Children’s Special Service Mission, 3-5 
Wigmore St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 2782). 

Our Sisters in other Lands, 1879. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2d. T. F. Downie, 21 
Warwick Lane, E.c.4. 

Our Waifs and Strays, 1881. M.—lIst. ld. Waifs and Strays Society, Old Town 
Hall, Kennington Road, s.E.11. (Tel. Reliance 1616). 

Our Work at Home and Abroad, 1878. M.—Ist. 2d. Church Extension Association, 
43 Kilburn High Road, Nn.w.6. 

Ours, 1906. M.—25th. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1-2 Paternoster Build- 
ings, E.C.4. 

Durero 1925. M.—3rd. Fri. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. C.W.S., Leman St., E.l. 
(Tel. Royal 7221). (Circ. 25,000). 

Out-0'-Doors, Countryside, Footpaths and Rural England Preservation Journal, 1927. 
M.—2nd. 3d. Sub.3s. per ann. Wayfarers Press Ltd., 100 Rusholme Road, 
Manchester. (Tel. Ardwick 3420). 

Outfitter, 1890. Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Outfitter (London) Ltd., 5 and 
7 Moor Lane, E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 5964). (Advt. p. xxv). 

Oversea Education. Quarterly. ls. Sub. 4s. per ann. Oxford University Press, 
Amen House, E.c.4. 

Oversea Settler, 1926. M.—Ist. Gratis. Oversea Settlement Dept. of the Dominions 
Office, Caxton House, Westminster, s.w.1]. (Tel. Victoria 8540). 

Overseas, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Gratis. Society for the Propagation of the 
Gospel, 15 Tufton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1398). (Circ. 770,000). 

Overseas Business Travel, 1926. Quarterly. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. - Coleraine Syn- 
dicate, Coleraine Hall, n.17. 

Overseas Buyers’ Guide, 1919. Dec. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 0334). 


Ove-Oxo] Willing’s. Press Guide 

Overseas Daily Mail, 1920 (as Daily Mail Overseas Edition, 1904.) Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 
per ann. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Northcliffe House, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 

Overseas Engineer, 1927. M.—last Sat. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. Overseas Publica- 
tions Ltd., 181 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 3061). (Circ. 6,500). 

Overseas Magazine, 1915. M.—lIst. 1s.6d. Sub. 10s.6d. per ann. Overseas League, 
37 Charles St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 5100). (Circ. 35,750). 

Overseas Trade Reports on Economic and Financial Conditions of the Dominions and 
Foreign Countries. Irreg. Sub. 60s. per ann. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Owl Pie, 1920. Dec. 2s. 6d. Editor, Staff College, Camberley. 

Oxford, Abingdon and Neighbourhood Directory, 1880. Annually. 6s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Oxford Almanac, 1674. Nov. 4s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, Amen House, 
Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Baby, 1915. Sept. 3s. 6d. Oxford University Press, Amen 
House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Boys, 1908. Sept. 5s. Oxford University Press, Amen House 
Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Children, 1912. Sept. 5s. Oxford University Press, Amen 
House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Girls, 1919. Sept. *S5s. Oxford University Press, Amen House, 
Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Scouts, 1919. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, 
Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Annual for Tiny Folks, 1914. Sept. 3s,6d. Oxford University Press, Amen 
House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1858. Dec. 2s. net. Oxford University 
Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604), 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine, 1902. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. A.T. Broome 
& Son, 18 St. Clement’s St., Oxford. (Tel. No. 2909). . 

Oxford House Magazine, 1887. May and Nov. 2s. 6d. per ann. Oxford House, 
Bethnal Green, E.2. (Tel. Bishopsgate 1824). 

Oxford Magazine, 1882. Thurs. (during term).—10 a.m. 6d. Sub. 14s. per ann. 
Oxonian Press Ltd., 29 Queen St., Oxford. (Tel. 2102). 

OXFORD MAIL, 1928 (with which is incorporated Oxford Evening Times, 1928). (ind.). 
Daily—p.m. Id. Sub. 52s. per ann. Oxford Times Ltd., 12 New Inn Hall St.. 
Oxford. (Tel. 4141). 

Oxford Mission to Calcutta Quarterly Paper, 1893. Jan., Apl.. July, Oct. 3d. Sub, 
ls. per ann. Oxford Mission to Calcutta, 35 Wood St., s.w.1. 

Oxford Monthly, 1926 (as Oxford Shoppers’ Monthly, 1923). M.—Ist. 2d. ‘Sub. 
2s. 6d. per ann. 5 St. Michael’s Mansions, Ship St., Oxford. (Tel. 3439). 

Oxford Outlook, 1919. Terminally. ls. B. Blackwell, 49 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. 
No. 3487). 

Oxford Poetry, 1913. Oct. 3s. 6d. net. B. Blackwell, 49 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. 
No. 3487). 

Oxford Railway Guide, 1879. M.—lIst. 2d. Oxford Times Ltd., 12 New Inn Hall St., 
Oxford. (Tel. 4141). 

Oxford Shorthand Chronicle, 1890. M.—25th. 4d. Oxford Shorthand, Bathurst 
St., Lincoln. 

OXFORD TIMES, 1862 (with which is incorporated Oxford Chronicle and Berks and 
Bucks Gazette, 1837). (¢nd.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Oxford 
Times Ltd., 12 New Inn Hall St., Oxford. (Tel 2056). (Circ. 25,000). 

Oxford University Calendar, 1813. Nov. 12s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, 
Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford University Gazette, 1870. Weds. (during term).—5 p.m. 6d. Sub. 10s. 6d. 
per ann. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 2604). l 

Oxford University List of Resident Members, 1928. Terminally. 2s. 6d. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxford University Pocket Diary, 1897. Oct. 2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press, 
Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Oxonian, 1912. Occas. 3d. Oxford Shorthand, Bathurst St.( Lincoln. 


Willing’s Press Guide | [Pac-Pap 

Packing, Packaging and Conveying Gazette, 1925. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., St. Brides House, Salisbury Square, £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7713). (Circ. 5,000). 

Paddington and Bayswater Directory, 1871. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

6s. 6d. per ann. G. Weston, 10 Sutherland Avenue, Paddington, w.9. (Tel. 
Abercorn 4611). 

PADDINGTON MERCURY AND WEST LONDON STAR, 1881 (with which is incor- 
porated the West London Mercury). (prog.). Fri. ld. J. M. Salmond, 733 
Harrow Road, n.w.10. (Tel: Willesden 1188). 

6s. 6d. per ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 132 Great College St., N.w.1. 
(Tel. North 0481). 

PADIHAM ADVERTISER, 1884. (ind.). Thurs. $d. Sub. 4s. per ann. H. 
H warth, Smithygate Mill, Padiham. (Tel. 81). (Circ. 5,000). 

PAIGNTON OBSERVER AND ECHO, 1892. (ind.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
H. D. Higgs, 26 Palace Avenue, Paignton. (Tel. No. 5242). 

PAIGNTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.). Wed. 14d. Mortimer Bros. 
34 Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

PAISLEY AND RENFREWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1864 (with which are incorporated 
the Paisley Herald and the Renfrewshire Independent). (ind.). Fri.—noon, 
for Sat. ld. J. & J. Cook, 24 High St., Paisley. (Tel. 3045). 

PAISLEY DAILY EXPRESS, 1874. (/). 2, 3, and 5 p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
W. A. Lochhead, Express Buildings, 20 New St., Paisley. (Tel. No. 3131). 
Paisley Directory and General Advertiser, 1810. 7s. June. J. & J. Cook, 24 High 

St., Paisley. (Tel. 3045). 

Palaeontographical Society’s Publications, 1847. Dec. 25s. net. Dulau & Co. Ltd., 
. 2 Old Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 4210). | 

Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, 1869. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2is. 
per ann. 2 Hinde St., Manchester Square, w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 5379). 

PALMERS GREEN AND SOUTHGATE GAZETTE, 1910 (as Middlesex Gazette, 1886). 
(c). Thurs.—S p.m. ld. Sub. 8s 8d. per ann. Meyers, Brooks & Co. Ltd., 
Red Hut, Aldermans’ Hill, Palmers Green, N.13. (Tel. Palmers Green, 0900). 
(Circ. 7,500). 

Panacea, 1924. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. Panacea Society, 19 Rothesay 
Road, Bedford. 

Paper and Print, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Stonhill & 
Gillis, Ltd., 58 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2439). (Circ. 5,000). 

Paper Box and Bag Maker, 1896. M.—19th. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. S.C. 
Phillips & Co., 47 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1214). 

Paper Container, 1919. M.—Ist. 1s. Annual Packing No. Mar. 2s. Sub. 12s.6d. 
per ann. Verstone & Co., 29 Ludgate Hill. E.c.4. (Tel. Centra! 5718). 

Paper Maker and British Paper Trade Journal, 1891. M.—lIst. 1s. 6d. Sub. 21s. per 
ann. S. C. Phillips & Co., 47 Cannon St.,-£.c.4. (Tel. Central 1214). 

Paper Makers’ Directory of All Nations, 1884. July. 21s. net. Dean & Son Ltd., 
29 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6543). 

Paper Makers’ Monthly Journal, 1863. 15th. 6d. Marchant Singer & Co., 47 St. 
Mary Axe, E.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 4447). 

Paper Making and Paper Selling, 1881. M.—Ist. 8d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Trade 
Journals Ltd., 42 Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1802). 

Paper Market, 1927 (as Stationery World and Paper Market, 1891). M.—17th. 6d. 
Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. S. C. Phillips & Co., 47 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 

Paper Mills Directory, 1868. May. 2s. Printing Craft Ltd., 34 Red Lion Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8123). (Circ. over 2,000). 

Paper Sampler, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s, Verstone & Co., 29 Ludgate Hill, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5718). (Circ. 4,500). 

Paper Trade Directory of Great Britain and the Colonies, 1886. Jan. 3s. Trade 
Journals Ltd., 42 Holborn Viaduct, E.c.1. (Tel, Holborn 1802). 

Papers of the British School at Rome, 1902. Irreg. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. 
Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

PAPUR PAWB, 1922. Wed.. 2d. W.G. Williams, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of 
the Carnarvon Herald series. 


Par-Pea] Willing’s Press Guide 

Parasitology, 1908. Irreg. 45s. net. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Parent and Child, 1924. Jan., May, Sept. 6d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Educational and 
Scholastic Bureau, 1-2 Sicilian House, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 8901). 

Parents’ Review, 1890. M.—Ist. 9d. net. Parents’ National Educational Union, 
26 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0479). 

Parish Kalendar, 1899. Sept. 14d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., 
w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Parish Magazines.—Nota Bene: Under the title of “ So-and-So Parish Magazine,” 
many hundred titles might be added which do not find a place in this Guide. These 
periodicals are issued in all parts of the Kingdom, and, with few exceptions, consist 
of one of the well-known religious magazines ‘‘ localised ’’ by the addition of a few 
outer pages of parochial intelligence and local advertisements. 

Parish Priest’s Notice Pad and Calendar of Lessons. Nov. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin 
Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

Parishioner, 1917. M.—I1st Sun. 2d. Pax Press Agency Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., Liver- 
pool. (Tel. Central 1396). (Also localised edition for Lancaster Diocese). 

Parliament House Book, 1824. Nov. 21s. net. W. Green & Son Ltd., St. Giles St., 

Parliamentary Debates. Daily. 6d. During Session. Subs. Lords 55s. per ann. 
Commons 70s. per ann. H.M.S.O., Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 6696). 

Parliamentary Gazette, 1905. Quarterly. 6s. Sub. 20s. per ann. James Howarth, 
Press Gallery, House of Commons, s.w.1. 

Parochial Almanack, 1897 (as Gospeller Almanac, 1870). Sept. 14d. A. R. Mowbray 
& Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St.,w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Part Singer, 1860. Irreg. ld. F. Pitman Hart & Co. Ltd., 20 Paternoster Row, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8816). 

Partheon, 1926. Alt.—M. 1s. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Incorporated Association of 
Architects and Surveyors, 1 Wilbraham Place, s.w.1. (Tel. Sloane 5615). (Circ. 

Partridge’s Children’s Annual, 1909. Sept. 3s. 6d. S. W. Partridge & Co. Ltd., 83 
Southwark St., s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 6694). 

Passing Show, 1915. Fri. 2d. Odhams Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 2468). 

R. Ackrill Ltd., Herald Buildings, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate Herald series. 

Patent and Trade Mark Laws of the World, 1889. Irreg. Price varies. Chartered 
Institute of Patent Agents, Staple Inn Buildings, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9450). 

Paterson’s Licensing Acts, 1872. Jan. Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) 
Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Paterson's Practical Statutes, 1849. March. Price varies. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and Diary, 1864. Dec. 2d. Patey & Co., Victoria St., 
Burnham-on-Sea. (Tel. No. 55). 

Pathway of New Age, 1927. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. L. N. Fowler & 
Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2774). 

Paton’s List of Schools and Tutors, 1898. Aug. 5s. J. & J. Paton, 143 Cannon St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Mansion House 5053). . 

Patriot, 1922. Thurs. 3d. Boswell P. & P. Co. Ltd., 10 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 2109). 

Pauline, 1882. Seventimesayear. 6d. St. Paul’s School, Hammersmith Road, w.14. 

Pawnbrokers’ Gazette and Trade Circular, 1838. Fri., 4 p.m., for Sat. 24d. Jackson 
Ruston & Keeson, Pear Tree Court, Farringdon Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 

Pax, 1904 (with which is incorporated Caldey Notes, 1920). M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 
6s. perann. Benedictine Community, Prinknash Priory, Gloucester. (Cir. 1,100). 

Peace and Goodwill, 1895. Quarterly. 1d. Peace Society, King’s Buildings, Dean 
Stanley St., sw.l. (Tel. Franklin 6303). 

Peace Year Book, 1927 (as International Peace Year Book, 1910). Dec. Is. National 
Council for Prevention of War, 39 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9507). 
Peace’s Orkney and Shetland Almanac and County Directory, 1860. Dec. 6d. G. 

Leonard, 37 Albert St., Kirkwall. 

PEACEHAVEN AND NEWHAVEN GAZETTE, 1924. Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. 
per ann. A. E. Mitchell, Cissbury Avenue, Cliff Park, Peacehaven, Sussex. 
(Yel. 21). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Pea-Peo 

Peacock’s Directory for Watford, 1895. Dec. 2s. C. H. Peacock Ltd., 101 High St., 

Pearson’s Magazine, 1896. M.—lIst. 1s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson 
Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Pearson’s Tide Tables and Nautical Almanac, 1858. Sept. 3s. Imray Laurie, Norie 
& Wilson Ltd., 123 Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 6497). 

Pearson’s Weekly, 1890. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 
16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Peat’s Farmer's Diary, 1865. Jan. 3s. Simpkin, Marshall Ltd., Stationers’ Hall 
Court, E.c.4. (Tel Central 8431). | 

Peckham, Nunhead and Camberwell Directory, 1892. Irreg. Last issue 1922. 2s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

14d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Neidpath Press, 19 Eastgate, Peebles. (Tel. No. 26). 

1427. J. A. Kerr & Co., 27 Northgate, Peebles. (Tel. No. 84). 

PEEL CITY GUARDIAN AND CHRONICLE, 1882. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. ld. 
Sub. 6s. 6d. perann. W. K. Palmer & Sons, Michael St., Peel, Isle of Man. (Tel. 
No. 19). 

Peg’s Companion, 1921. Tues. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. perann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 
16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Peg’s Paper, 1919. Tues. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd., 
16-18 Henrietta St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Pelican, 1889. Terminally. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, Perse School, Cambridge. 

Pelican Record, 1899. Terminally. 2s.6d. Sub. 5s. perann. Corpus Christi College, 

Guardian, 1861). (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. W. 
Hammond & Co. Ltd., 18 Market St., Haverfordwest. (Tel. 57). (Circ. 7,500). 

PEMBROKESHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1919 (as Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Tele- 
graph, 1854). (J). Wed. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Thomas, 4 Bridge St., 
Haverfordwest. (Tel. 58). (Circ. 9,550). 

PENARTH NEWS, 1891. (ind.). ld. Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. J. K. Foster, West 
Terrace, Penarth. (Tel. No. 26). (Circ. 4,000). 

PENARTH TIMES, 1878. (ind.). Thurs.,10a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. Pickford 
& Sons, 57 Arcot St., Penarth. (Tel. No. 67). (Circ. 4,000). 

Pendleton Co-operative Society Record, 1897. M.—Ist. Gratis. The Society, Brough- 
ton Road, Pendleton. 

PENGE AND ANERLEY NEWS, 1868 (with which is incorporated the Sydenham and 
Forest Hill News). (ind.). Fri. ld. S. Stephen, 2 Belvedere Road, Penge, 
S.E.19. (Tel. Sydenham 2830). 

PENGE AND ANERLEY PRESS, 1901 (as Anerley and Penge Press, 1883). (tnd.). 
Fri. $d. P. B. Beddow, 46 Anerley Station Road, s.£.20. (Tel. Sydenham 
0490). . 


a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Mexboro’ Times Co. Ltd., High St., Mexboro’. 
(Tel Mexboro’ 31). One of the Mexboro’ Times series. 

~PENKRIDGE COURIER, 1896. (ind.). Sat. 14d. Sub. 13s. per ann. M. Praill, 
Wolverhampton Road, Cannock. (Tel. Cannock 33). One of the Cannock Chase 
Courier series. 

R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One ofthe North Wales Weekly 
News series. 

PENRITH OBSERVER, 1860. (c). Tues. 14d. R. Scott Ltd., 5 Devonshire St., 
Penrith. (Tel. No. 25). 

Penrose’s Annual, 1896. Oct. 8s. Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd., 3 Amen 
Corner, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2050). 

Penryn and Falmouth Advertiser, 1867. Fri. Gratis. F. Chegwidden, 6 Market 

t., Penryn. 

Pentecostal Power, 1880. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. per ann. Rev. E. F. Allworthy, 
Daily Prayer Union, Histon, Cambridge. 

Penvro, 1897. July and Dec. 6d. The Editor, County School, Pembroke Dock. 

PEOPLE, 1881. (c). Sun. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Long Acre Press Ltd., 
222-5 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 5691). 


Peo-Phi] Willing’s Press Guide 

PEOPLE (WEXFORD), 1881. (nat.). Wed. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann., and Sat. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. People Newspapers Ltd., Al North Main St., Wexford. (Tel. 
15). i 

People’s Advertiser and Sales and Exchange Gazette, 1898. Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. 
per ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 62 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. North 0481). 

People’s Church Kalendar, 1928. Sept. 14d. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret 
St., w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

People’s Friend, 1869. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Leng & Co., Ltd., 7 Bank 
St., Dundee. (Tel. 4061). 

People’s Friend Library, 1920. Alt.-Sat. 6d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. J. Leng & Co. 
Ltd., 186 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, 1858. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
7 Bank St., Dundee. (Tel. 4061). Localised editions for Aberdeen City, Aber- 
deen Banff and Kincardine, Dundee, Fife Kinross and Clackmannan, Angus and 
East Coast, Inverness and Northern Counties, Perthshive, Argyll and the Isles, 
Edinburgh and Southern Counties, and National, embracing the districts of Glasgow, 
West of Scotland, Stirling, North of England, and Ireland. 

People’s Year Book, Dec. 2s. and 3s. C.W.S. Publicity Dept., 1 Balloon St., Man- 
chester. (Tel. City 0061). 

Performer, 1906. Wed. 3d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Performer Ltd., 18 Charing Cross 
Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1775). 

Perfumery and Essential Oil Record, 1910. M.—2I1st. 21s. perann. G. Street & Co. 
Ltd., 8 Serle St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 

Perfumery and Essential Oil Year Book, 1914. Dec. 3s. 6d. G. Street & Co. Ltd., 
8 Serle St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 

Periodical, 1896. Feb., Apl., June, Oct., Dec. Gratis. Oxford University Press, Armen 
House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Periodical Accounts relating to Moravian Missions, 1790. June. 6d. Moravian 
Mission, 32 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5301). 

Perl y Plant, 1900. M.—Ist. 14d. Caxton Hall Printing Co., Lampeter. 

Perry’s Directory of Great Britain and Ireland, 1876. Jan. 40s. Walter Perry & Co. 
Ltd., 166 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1811). 

Perry's Gazette, 1776. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. W. R. Perry Ltd., 12 Coleman St., 
E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 2176). ; 

Perry's Hotel and Boarding House Guide, 1876. Apl. 20s. Walter Perry & Co. Ltd., 
166 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1811). 

Perth A B C Time Table, 1891. M.—Ist. -2d. J. Young & Sons, 66 Watergate, 
Perth. (Tel. No. 82). 

PERTHSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1829 (with which is incorporated Perthshire Courier,1809) 
(înd.). Wed.and Sat. ld. Munro Press Ltd., 36 Tay St., Perth. (Tel. 811). 


. noon. ld. T. Hunter & Sons Ltd., South St. John’s Place, Perth. (Tel. 141). 

PERTHSHIRE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL, one of the People’s Journal (Dundee) series. 

PETERBOROUGH ADVERTISER, 1854. (/). Fri—noon, for Sat. 2d. Peter- 
borough Advertiser Co. Ltd., Cumbergate, Peterborough. (Circ. 28,427). ` 

Peterborough and District Directory and Year Book, 1922. Jan. 3s.6d. Peterborough 
Advertiser Co. Ltd., Cumbergate, Peterborough. 

PETERBOROUGH AND HUNTS STANDARD, 1872 (with which is amalgamated 
Peterborough Express, 1881). (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Peterborough 
Press Ltd., Cross St., Peterborough. (Tel. 127). 

PETERBOROUGH CITIZEN, 1898. (/). Tues.—a.m. 14d. Peterborough Adver- 
tiser Co. Ltd., Cumbergate, Peterborough. (Circ. 7,000). 

Peterite, 1878. April, July, Dec. 1s. H. Morley & Sons, Petergate, York. 

Petroleum Times, 1918. Sat. 9d. A. Lidgett, 4 Broad Street Place, E.c.2. (Tel. 
Central 6648). 

Pe Ona World, 1903. M.—Ist. ls. 32 Great St. Helens, £.c.3. (Tel. Avenue 

Petroleum Year Book, 1914. June. 7s. 6d. 3 Central Buildings, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 7560). 

Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist, 1841. Sat. is. Sub. 42s. per ann. H. 
Ffoulkes, 72 Great Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 8368). (Circ. 14,500). 

Pharos, 1908. Terminally. 9d. W. H. Darby, County School for Boys, Dover. 

Philatelic Bulletin, 1896. M.—Ist. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Whitfield, King & Co., 
Ipswich. (Tel 2368). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Phi-Pic 

Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, 1891. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Sefi, 
Pemberton & Co. Ltd., 12 South Molton St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2780). 

Philatelic Magazine 1911. Alt.—Thurs. 3d. Harris Publications Ltd., 112 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7138). (Circ. 3,011). 

Philatelic Trader, 1899. M.—15th. 2s. per ann. Harris Publications Ltd., 112 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7138). 

Phillips’ Monthly Machinery Register, 1874. M.—lIst. 1s. C. D. Phillips Ltd., 
Emlyn Works, Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 3961). 

Phillip’s Paper Trade Directory of the World, 1904. Feb. 21s. S.C. Phillips & Co., 
47 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1214). 

Phillipson and Golder’s Chester and North Wales Railway Guide, 1862. M.—ist. 3d. 
Phillipson & Golder Ltd., Eastgate Row, Chester. (Tel. No. 3). 

Philomath, 1895. Quarterly. 1s. Dr. H.M. Léon, 8 Taviton St., w.c.1. (Circ. 2,000). 

Philosopher, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. J.M. Watkins, 
21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2182). 

Philosophical Magazine, 1798. M.—Ist. 5s. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 5191). 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1801. Irreg. Price varies, Harrison 
& Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Phoenix, 1904 (as Royal College of Science Magazine, 1886). Six times a year. 9d. 
Sub. 5s. per ann. The Editor, Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, 
s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 6444). 

Phoenix, 1925 (as Borstalian, 1923). Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 3d. per ann. 
H.M. Borstal Institution, Rochester. (Tel. Chatham 73). 

Phono Record and Musical Instrument Journal, 1912. M.—Sth. ls. Sub. 10s. per 
ann. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). l 

Phonographic Monthly, 1896. M.—25th. 4d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 39-41 
Parker St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Photograms of the Year, 1895. Dec. 5s.and 7s. 6d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, 
Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Photographic Abstracts, 1921. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Royal Photographic Society of 
Great Britain (Scientific and Technical Group), 35 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. 
Museum 0411). 

Photographic Dealer, 1896. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Sicilian House, 
Southampton Row, w.c.1l. (Tel. Holborn 0395). 

Photographic Journal, including the Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society of 
Great Britain, 1853. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Sub. 35s. per ann. Fountain Press Ltd., 
14 Clifford’s Inn, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2762). 

Photographic Press Review, 1928. Apl. and Oct. 2d. Sub. 6d. per ann. Franklin 
Press Ltd., 14 Cliffords Inn, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2762). 

Photographic Red Book, 1921. Jan. 3d. Royal Photographic Society, 35 Russell 
Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0411). 

Phrenology, 1927 (as Phrenologist, 1886). Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. 
per ann. British Phrenological Society, Incorporated, 65-6 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

Physical Culture, 1924. M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Hutchinson & Co., 34 Paternoster Row, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462). 

Physiological Abstracts, 1916. M.—Ist. 5s. net. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 28 Gower 
Place, w.c.1l. (Tel. Museum 2853). 

Physiologist and Optologist, 1917. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. H. M. Léon, 8 Taviton 
St., w.c.l. (Circ. 2,000). 

Pianomaker and Music Merchants’ Journal, 1913. M.—20th. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
H. Sinclair, 17 Little Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9308). 

Pictorial Education, 1927. M.—25th. 1s. Sub. 15s. per ann. Evans Bros. Ltd., 
Montague House, Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Pictorial Weekly, 1926 (as Pictorial Magazine, 1922 as Penny Pictorial 1899). Tues. 
for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Picture Show, 1919. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Picture Show Annual, 1926. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Picturegoer, 1921 (with which is incorporated Pictures, 1913). M.—lIst. 1s. Odhams 
Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Pictures Pleasures Pastimes, 1929. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Belvedere 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 46 Tachbrook St.,s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4349) (Circ. 15,090). 


Pig-Ply] _ Willing’s Press Guide 

Pig Breeders’ Annual, 1921, March. 2s. 6d. National Pig Breeders’ Association, 
92 Gower St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5307). 

Pigeon Post, 1923. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Pigeon Post Ltd., 37-43 Green 
Lanes, N.16. (Tel. Clissold 0042). 

Pigeons and Pigeon World, 1908 (as Fanciers’ Gazette, 1874). Fri. 3d. Sub. 18s. 
perann. Watmoughs Ltd., Idle, Bradford. (Tel. Idle 263). 

Piggott’s Electrical Plant, 1894. M.—lIst. 34d. Piggott Electrical Co. Ltd., Salisbury 
Square House, E.c.4. (Tel. City 1014). 

Pillar of Fire, 1926 (as London Pillar of Five, 1910). M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per 
ann. Mrs. A. White, Brent Green, Hendon, n.w.4. (Tel. Hendon 8746). 

Pilot, 1902. (ind.). Wed. Gratis. Edge & Moy, 133 Mostyn St., Llandudno. 
(Tel. 6559). 

Pilots’ Guide to the English Channel, 1906. Irreg., last issue 1926. 15s. Imray, 
Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd., 123 Minories, E.l. (Tel. Royal 6497). 

Pilots’ Guide to the River Thames, 1905. Irreg., last issue, 1923. 12s. Imray, Laurie, 
Norie & Wilson Ltd., 123 Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 6497). 

Pink’ Un Summer Annual, 1900. May. lis. Sporting Times (1928) Ltd., 96 Jermyn 
St.,s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 6437). 

Pink ' Un Winter Annual, 1900. Nov. ls. Sporting Times (1928) Ltd., 96 Jermyn 
St.,s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 6437). 

Pinner, Hatch End, Northwood, &c., Directory, 1928. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

PINNER OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1895 (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sholl & Kay, Station 
Road, Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 0156). One of the Harrow Observer and Gazette 

Pioneer, 1912 (as Temperance Pioneer, 1903, as Methodist Temperance Magazine, 1868). 
Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d. Sub. ls. perann. Temperance, &c., Dept., Wesleyan 
Methodist Church, 1 Central Buildings, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4438). 

Pioneer of Wisdom, 1889. M.—tst. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. G. Bone) 119 Camden 
Road, N.w.1. (Tel. North 1959). (Advt. p. xxxviii). 

Pitman’s Commercial Teachers’ Magazine, 1923. M.—15th. 3d. Sir I. Pitman & 
Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Pitman’s Journal of Commercial Education, 1842. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sir I. Pitman 
& Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Pitman’s Shorthand Weekly, 1892. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 
39-41 Parker St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Pitman’s Year Book, 1892. Nov. 1s. 6d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker 
St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Planesman, 1926. M.—15th. 6d. Sub.7s. perann. Wm. Coen, R.A.F., Eastchurch, 
Kent. (Tel. Eastchurch 4; Ext. 46). 

Platform Review, 1921. Quarterly. 8d. F. E. Tillemont-Thomason, 35 Cambridge 
Road, Seaforth, Liverpool. 

Play Pictorial, 1902. M.—list. 1s. Stage Pictorial Publishing Co., 9 Adam St., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7224). 

Playbox, 1925. Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. perann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farring- 
don St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Playbox Annual, 1908. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Plays and Players, 1929. M.—19th. 6d. Sub.8s.perann. Stage Pictorial Publishing 
Co, Ltd., 9 Adam St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7224). 

Playtime A B C, 1929. ‘Sept. 3s. 6d. Wm. Collins, Sons & Ce., 48 Pall Mall, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Playtime Annual, 1926. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Plebs, 1929 (as “ Plebs” Magazine, 1909). (lab.). M.—I1st 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
N.C.L.C. Publishing Society Ltd., 5 South Hill Park Gardens, Hampstead, N.w.3. 
(Tel. Hampstead 3349). (Circ. 60 ,000) 

Plumber and Journal of Heating, 1879. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Dale, 
Reynolds & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1421). 

Plumbing Trade Journal, 1921. M.—7th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Sutherland 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 9 Albert Square, Manchester. (Tel. Central 2379). 

Plymothian, 1883. Terminally. Is. The Editor, The College, Plymouth. 

Plymouth and District Stock and Share List, 1907. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Gratis. 
Westlake & Co., George St., Chambers, Plymouth. (Tel. 1285): 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ply-Pon 

Plymouth Co-operative Society Record, 1889. M.—list. Fri. Gratis. Plymouth 
Co-operative Society Ltd., Frankforth St., Plymouth. (Tel. 1035). 

Plymouth Corporation Grammar School Magazine, 1928. Terminally. 6d. Underhill 
(Plymouth) Ltd., 14 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (Tel. 1094). 

1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Whitfeld & Newman Ltd., Cheltenham Place, Ridge- 
way, Plympton. (Tel. Plymouth 2123). 

Plywood and Timber World, 1928. M.—15th. 3s. 6d. Sub. 40s. per ann. O. and S. 
Zimmermann, 145 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 6050). (Circ. 1,500). 

Pocket Lesson Book, 1874. Jan., April, July, Oct. 10d.perdoz. N.S:S.U., 57 Ludgate 
Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

POCKLINGTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1926. (ind.). Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 2d. G.H. 
Smith. Market Place. Easingwold. (Tel. No. 5). . 

Poetry—Past and Present, 1929. Quarterly. 1s.6d. Campbell & Co., 19-20 Temple 
Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9386). 

Poetry and The Play, 1917. Apl., Aug., Dec. 3s. Sub. 10s. perann. Poetry League, 
21 Old Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1860). 

Poetry of To-day, 1918. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s.6d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Poetry 
Society (Inc.), Malory House, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn w.c.1l. (Tel. 
Chancery 7777). 

Poetry Review, 1909. Alt-M.—Ist. 1s. 3d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Poetry Society 
(Inc.), Malory House, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 
7777). | 

Police Chronicle, 1866. Fri. 2d. Leamington Spa Courier Ltd., 53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Police Gazette (as Hue and Cry, 1790). Daily. Criminal Record Office, New Scotland 
Yard, s.w.1. Information of offenders, deserters. (Issued to the police only). 

Police Journal, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 5s. Sub. 21s. 6d. per ann. Philip 
Allan & Co Ltd., 69 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Advertisements, 5-6 Red Lion 
Square, w.c.1.). 

Police Review and Parade Gossip, 1893. Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. 
Police Review Publishing Co. Ltd., 5-6 Red Lion Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 
0292). (Circ. 22,696). 

Policeman’s Pocket Almanac and Diary, 1900. Nov. 6d. On and Off Duty Office, 
la Adelphi Terrace, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 9150). Advertising, 5 and 6 
Red Lion Square, w.c.1. 

Policewoman’s Review, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Women’s Auxi- 
liary Service, 51 Tothill St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 5827). 

Policy, 1902. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Stone & Cox Ltd., Africa 
House, Kingswav, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Policy Holder Journal, 1882. Wed. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Policy-Holder Journal © 
Co. Ltd., 44 Lloyd St., Manchester. (Tel. Central 3874). 

Political Quarterly, 1930. Quarterly. 3s. 6d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. 
Ltd., St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Pollaganda, 1929. M.—5Sth. 3d. E. Pollard & Co. Ltd., St. John St., E.c. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 6700). (Circ. 32,000). 

Thurs. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. News Publishing Co., 24 High St., Paisley. 
(Tel. 3045). 

Polo Monthly, 1909. M.—15th. ls. W. Goldsmith & Co., 46 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4884). 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1888 (as Home Tidings, 1878). M.—15th. 2d. W. J. Pollock 
& Co. Ltd., 79-81 Mortimer St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2874). 

PONTEFRACT ADVERTISER, 1863 (with which is incorporated the Pontefract and 
Castleford Weekly Herald, 1900). (ind.). Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
F. H. W. Holmes, Gillygate, Pontefract. (Tel. 99). 

PONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD EXPRESS, 1880. (ind.). Fri—6 am. 2d. 
Wakefield Express series Ltd., Cornmarket, Pontefract, and Commercial St., 
Castleford. One of the Wakefield Express series. (Circ. 10,889). 

Pontefract and District Business Guide, 1895. (ind.). Fri. Gratis. W. McGowan, 
Jackson’s Court, Corn Market, Pontefract. (Tel. 75). (Circ. 6,000). 

PONTYPOOL WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (/). Fri. 14d. 14-15 High St., Newport, 
Mon. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. i 

PONTYPRIDD OBSERVER, 1897. (prog). Sat. ld. P. S. Phillips, 5, The Arcade, 
Pontypridd. (Advt. p. xxviii). 


Poo-Por] Willing’s Press Guide 

shire Herald, 1846). (ind.). Wed.—2 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
W. Mate & Sons (1919) Ltd., 243a High St., Poole. (Tel. 34). 

Poor Law and Local Government Magazine, 1863. M.—7th. ls. 6d. N. Adshead & 
Son, 11 Union St., Glasgow. 

Poor Law Annual, 1904. May. 3s. 6d. Law & Local Government Publications 
Ltd., 27-29 Furnival St., Holborn, F.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2052). 

Poor Law Gazette, 1923. Mon. 14d. Poor Law Officers’ Union, 372 Grays Inn 
Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Terminus 3741). 

Poor Law Officers’ Journal, 1892. Thurs., for Fri. 14d. Law & Local Government 
Publications Ltd., 27-29 Furnival St., Holborn, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2052). 
Poor Souls’ Friend and St. Joseph’s Monitor. 1893. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per 

sa)" A. Jocelyn & Co., Syon Abbey, South Brent, Devon. (Tel. South Brent 

Pop Annual, 1926. July. ls. Daily Sketch & Sunday Graphic Ltd., 200 Grays 
Inn Road, w.c.l. (Yel. Museum 9841). 

Poppy's Library, 1928. M.—lIst. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 
Poppy's Paper, 1924. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. ils. per ann. Amalgamated Press 

Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular, 1922 (as Penny Popular, 1912). Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. 
Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Book of Boy’s Stories, 1929. Sept. 2s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Book of Girl's Stories, 1929. Sept. 2s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Gardening, 1920 (as Gardener, 1899). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Amal- 
gamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Gardening Annual, 1925. Feb. 2s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Illustrated Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900. Sept. 6d. 
British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 

Popular Investment, 1928. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. E. A. Simpson & Co. 
Ltd., 7 Finsbury Square, E.c.2._ (Tel. Clerkenwell 5451). ( Advt. p. xxxix). 

Popular Wireless, 1922. Thurs., for Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. 4d. per ann. Amalgamated 
‘Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Popular Writing, 1929. M.—22nd. 43d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Popular Press, 
Denmead, Cosham, Hants. 

Port of Hull Annual and Humberside Commercial Review, 1908. Mar. 3s. 6d. net 
H. E. C. Newham & Co. (F.W.F. Oldfield), 43 Whitefriargate, Hull. (Tel. Central 

Port of Hull Monthly Journal of Commerce and Shipping, 1924 (with which is incor- 
porated Hull and East Coast Trade and Transit, 1904). M.—15th. 3d. H.E.C. 
Newham & Co. (F. W. F. Oldfield), 43 Whirefriargate, Hull. (Tel. 225x). 

Port of Liverpool Handbook, 1910. March. 2s. Littlebury Bros. Ltd., 3 Crosshall 
St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2711). 

Port of Liverpool Official Sailing List and Shipping Guide, 1912. M.—Ist. 3d. Little- 
bury Bros. Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2711). 

P. L. A. Monthly, 1925. M.—25th. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Newton & Co., 110-111 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

Port of London Guide, 1926. Biennially. Jan. 5s.6d. Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson 
Ltd., 123 Minories, E.1. (Tel. Royal 6497). 

Port of Manchester Official Sailing List and Shipping Guide, 1897. M.—lIst. 2d. 
Hinchliffe & Co. Ltd., 10 Tonman St., Deansgate, Manchester. 

PORTADOWN NEWS, 1859. (u). Fri.—l p.m., for Sat. ld. 13 and 15 Thomas 
St., Portadown. (Tel. No. 31). 

PORTADOWN TIMES, 1922. (u). Fri. ld. Sub. 4s. 4d. W. H. Wolsey & Co. 
Meadow Lane, Portadown. (Tel. 180). | 

Portcullis, 1888. Terminally. ls. KR. Spennell Press, 19 Church St., Warwick. 

PORT-GLASGOW EXPRESS AND OBSERVER, 1876. (u). Wed., and Fri—a.m. ld. 
Wm. Miller & Sons, 21 Prince’s St., Port-Glasgow. (Tel. No. 89). 

PORTH GAZETTE, 1900. (prog.). Sat. ld. P. S. Phillips, Porth. One of the 
Pontypridd Observer series. (Advt. p. xxviii). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Por-Pou 

PORTHCAWL ADVERTISER, 1928: (ind.). Thurs. p.m., for Fri. 14d. Sub. 
8s. 8d. perann. Pugh & Lloyd, 105 Commercial St., Maesteg. (Tel. 14). 

PORTMADOC AND CRICCIETH OBSERVER, 1909. (/). Wed., for Thurs. 2d. 
National Press of Wales Ltd., Brunswick Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. 
One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Portmuthian, 1884. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Grammar School, Cambridge 
Junction, High St., Portsmouth. 

Portsmouth, Southsea, d&c., Directory, 1887. Annually. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Portsmouth ABC Railway Guide, 1920. M.—Ist. 4d. Russell & Co. (Southern 
Counties), Ltd., 25 Portland St., Southampton. (Tel. 5214). 

Post, 1920. (t.u.). Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Geo. Middleton, 43 Cromwell 
Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 6615). (Circ. 95,000). 

Post Annual, 1921. Oct. ls. Percy Bros. Ltd., 170 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 7641). 

Post Graduate Medical Journal, 1925. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Fellowship 
of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 2236). 

Post Magazine Almanack, Insurance Directory, Reference and Year Book, 1840. Sept. 
5s. and 7s. Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor Ltd., 9 St. Andrew St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 3372). 

Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor, 1840. Sat. 2d. Post Magazine and Insurance 
Monitor Ltd., 9 St. Andrew St., Holborn Circus, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3372). 

Post Office Bath Directory, 1858. Jan. 12s. 6d. Wessex Associated News Ltd., 
33 Westgate St., Bath. 

Post Office Daily List, 1874. a.m. £1 10s per ann. Post Office Stores Dept., 17-19 
Bedford St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2840). 

Post Office Electrical Engineers’ Journal, 1908. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. 3d. Sub. 
6s. per ann. Electrical Review Ltd., 4 Ludgate Hill, #.c.4. (Tel. Central 5871). 

Post Office Guide, 1878 (as British Postal Guide, 1858). Jan. and July. 1s. H.M. 
Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Post Office Guide Supplement, 1916. April and Oct. 3d. H.M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Post Office London Directory with County Suburbs, 1799. Dec. 55s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Post Office Weekly List, 1874. Tues. 7s. 6d. per ann. Post Office Stores Dept., 
17-19 Bedford St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2840). 

Post Tissue, 1920. Daily—a.m. (during racing season). ld. T. Bailey Forman, 
Sherwood St., Nottingham. (Tel. 45521). 

Post Year Book, 1922. Jan. 2s .6d. G. Middleton, 43 Cromwell Road, s.w.7. (Tel. 
Western 6615). (Circ. 3,000). 

Postal Telegraph, 1921. Twice a M.—Ist and 15th. 2d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
National Federation of Postal and Telegraph Clerks, 17 Russell Square, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 0633). 

Pottery and Glass Record, 1918. M.—20th. 1s. Allison & Bowen Ltd., Greengate 
St., Stafford. (Tel. No. 18). 

Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review, 1878. M.—Ist. ls. 6d. Sub. 15s. per ann. 
Scott, Greenwood & Son, 8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1957). 

Potiery Gazette and Glass Trade Review Diary, 1881. Nov. Scott, Green- 
wood & Son, 8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1957). 

Poultry, and Poultry Husbandry, 1848. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. O. F. Bates 
Ltd., 71 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7393). 

Poultry Club Year Book, 1921. Jan. 2s. W. Rice, 3 Ludgate Broadway, E.c.4. 

Poultry Gazette, 1924. M.—Ist. 3d.. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Raheny, Dublin. (Tel 
Clontarf 261). 

Poultry Keeper's Diary, 1928. Oct. 2s. C. Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge Buildings, 
S.E.l. (Tel. Hop 1250). 

Poultry Keeper’s Journal, 1912. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Cook’s Poultry 
Farm Ltd., Orpington, Kent. (Tel. Orpington 39). 

Poultry Keeping, Rabbit Breeding and Cage Bird Fancy, 1912. Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. 
per ann. A. B. Hirst, Granville Works, Cricklewood Lane, N.w.2. (Tel. Hamp- 
stead 3409). 

Poultry World, 1907. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville St., 
E.C.1. (Tel. Chancery 8601). l 


Pou-Pri] Willing’s Press Guide 

Poultry World Annual, 1909. Jan. ls. 6d. E. T. Burt, 4-8 Greville St., E.c.1. 
(Tel. Chancery 8601). 

Poultry Year Book, 1921. Jan. 2s. O. F. Bates Ltd., 71 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7393). 

Power Engineer, 1923 (as Power User, 1906). M.—lIst. ls. Transport Ltd., 33 
Tothill St., s.w.l. (Vel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xvii). 

Power Laundry, 1903. Alt.-Sat. 4d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Laundry Press Ltd., 
75 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4634). 

Practical Building, 1925. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Practical Building 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Aldwych House, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 8027). 

Practical Christianity, 1919. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. per ann. Officers Christian Unioa, 
32 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5495). 

Practical Education and School Crafts, 1923 (as Manual Training, 1901). Alt. M.—Ist. 
6d. Institute of Handicraft Teachers (inc.), 6 Laurel Terrace, Armley, Leeds. 

Practical Electrician’s Pocket Book, 1898. Jan. 2s.6d. Odhams Press Ltd., 93 Long 
Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1900. Dec. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book and Diary, 1889. Dec. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Practical Watch and Clock Maker, 1927. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. N.A.G. 
Press, 26 Old St., E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 4237). 

Practitioner, 1868. M.—lIst. 4s. Sub. 42s.perann. Practitioner Ltd., 6-8 Bouverie 
St., Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1588). 

Preacher’s and Class Leader's Magazine, 1890 (as Local Preachers’ Treasury, 1887). M. 
—25th. J. A. Sharp, 23-35 City Road, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

Premier Magazine, 1914. M.—20th. 7d. Sub.9s.perann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Preparatory Schools Review, 1896. Mar. Ist, June 15th, Nov. Ist. ls. Warren 
& Son Ltd., 85 High St., Winchester. (Tel. 14). 

Presbyterian Messenger, 1908 (as Monthly Messenger of the Presbyterian Church of 
England, 1843). M.—25th. 2d. T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. 

PRESCOT AND DISTRICT REPORTER. 1859. (c). Fri—noon. 2d. The St- 
Helens and Prescot Reporter Ltd., 46 High St., Prescot. 

Prescriber, 1906. M.—Ist. 2s. Sub. 20s. per ann. 6 South Charlotte St., Edin- 
burgh.. (Tel. 21214). 

Present Truth, 1884. Alt. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Stanborough Press Ltd., 
Stanborough Park, Watford. (Tel. Watford 1751). 

Press and Printing, 1926. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. Gratis. Associated Irish News- 
apers & Irish Printers Associations, Dame House, Dame St., Dublin. (Tel. 
Dublin 22662). 

PRESTATYN WEEKLY, 1905. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. North Wales Press Co., 
King’s Avenue, Prestatyn. (Tel. No. 61). 

Preston Catholic News, 1889. Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 16 Jemmett St., 
Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

PRESTON GUARDIAN, 1844 (with which is incorporated Preston Chronicle). (l). Sat. 
2d. G. Toulmin & Sons Ltd., 127 Fishergate, Preston. 

PRESTON HERALD, 1855. Fri. Preston Herald P. & P. Co., Ltd., 16-18 Avenham 
St., Preston. (Tel. No. 202). 

Prewett’s Gazette, 1908. M.—Ist. ls. 9d. Sub. 19s. 6d. per ann. Taylor & Co., 
68-9 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5689). (Circ. 5,000). 

Prewett’s Ladies’ Fashions Folio, 1908. M.—lIst. ls. 9d. Sub. 19s. 6d. per ann. 
Taylor & Co., 68-9 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Central 5689). (Circ. 5,000). 

Primary Concise Guide, 1922. Quarterly. 9d. National Sunday School Union, 57 
and 59 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8221). 

Primitive Methodist Teachers’ Magazine, 1928 (as Primitive Methodist Teachers’ Maga- 
zine, 1913, as Sunday School Journal, 1872; as Teacher and Preacher, 1908). 
M.—25th. 4d. John Swinden, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1l. (Tel. 

Primrose League Gazette, 1887. (c). M.—Ist. 2d. Primrose League, 64 Victoria 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6610). 

Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1888. May. Price 
varies. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

Print Collector’s Quarterly, 1911. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 17s.6d.perann. J.M. Dent 
& Sons Ltd., Aldine House, Bedford St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8981). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Pri-Pro 

Printers’, Box Makers’ and Bookbinders’ Engineer and Furnisher, 1895. M.—5sth. 2d. 
Usher-Walker Ltd., Gt. New St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5972), 

Printers’, Lithographers’, Bookbinders’, and Stationers’ Sales and Wants Advertiser, 
1887. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 6s. per ann. C. R. Jones & Son, 4 & 5 Stonecutter 
St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6900). (Advt. p. xxvi). 

Printers’ Register, 1863 (with which is incorporated Newspaper Press). M.—6th. 2d.. 
and 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. and 5s. per ann. Printers’ Register Ltd., 13 Johnson’s 
Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6053). (Circ. 3,000). 

Printing, 1929 (as Scottish Printing, 1927). M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 
J. Calder & Co., 128 Renfield St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3273). 

Printing Federation Bulletin, 1923. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. Printing & 
Kindred Trades Federation, 60 Doughty St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9143). (Circ. 

Printing Trades’ Journal, 1926. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Kealey’s Ltd., 
2 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4775). 

Prison Officers’ Magazine, 1910. (ind). M.—I1st. 9d. Sub. 9s. per ann. E. R. 
Ramsay, 45 Woodville Road, Golders Green, N.w.11. (Tel. Speedwell 3316). 
Private Legislation (Scotland) Procedure. Price and Publication vary. H.M. Stationery 

Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Prize, 1864. M.—25th 2d. 30-1 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2281). 
and Sept. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin, Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 8431). 

Proceedings, Annual, 1871. 7s. 6d. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 
The Museum, College Square, Belfast. 

Proceedings and Report of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire, 1828. 
Mar. ls. 6d. to 4s. Gratis to members. The Society, University Museum, 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Proceedings and Transactions of the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society 
1870. June. Gratis to members. L. B. Escritt, Friern House, Valley Road, 
Kenley, Surrey. 

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1892. Sept. 25s. net. Harrison & Sons, 
Ltd., St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1858. 
Annually. Price varies. The Secretary, 55 Newhall St., Birmingham. 

Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, 1862. Annually. 4s. Gratis to mem- 
bers. The Society, The Museum, Bristol. 

Proceedings of the British Academy, 1902. Irreg., last issue, 1926. 40s. net. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1882. Irreg. Price varies. Cambridge 
University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1843. Four parts a year. 7s. 6d. 
net. Philosophical Society, New Museums, Cambridge. 

Proceedings of the Chemical Society, 1885. 6d. Supplement tothe Journal. Chemical 
Society, Burlington House, w.1. 

Proceedings of the Classical Association of England and Wales, 1904. May. 4s. 6d. net. 
J. Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club, 1846. Annually. 7s. 6d. Hon 
Librarian, Public Library, Gloucester. 

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1883. March, Sept. 7s. 6d. G. 
Bell & Sons, Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0805). 

Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, 1926. Jan., Mar., July. Price 
varies. Entomological Society of London, 41 Queen’s Gate, s.w.7. (Tel. Ken- 
sington 6656). (Circ. 800). 

Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 1859. Irreg., about 5 parts a year. 5s. 
E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1321). 

Proceedings of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1848. Nov. 25s. 
Dr. Saxon Barton, Secretary, Royal Institution, Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Institute of Certificated Grocers, 1912. M.—Sth. 2d. Institute of 
Certificated Grocers (Incorporated), 4 Cullum St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2761). 
(Circ. winter 4,750, summer 3,000). 

Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 1906. Sept. 20s. Institution 
of Automobile Engineers, Watergate House, York Buildings, Adelphi, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar. 4638). 

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1847. Six times a year. 15s. 
The Institution, Storey’s Gate, St. James’s Park, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5176). 


Pro-Pro] ~Willing’s Press Guide 

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, 1838. Oct. Price varies. Secretary, 
The Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4940). - 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1859. Oct. 5s. Royal Institution, 
Colquitt St., Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, 1812. Irreg. 1s. The 
Secretary, Royal Institution, Colquitt St., Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Naturalists’ Field Club, 1860. Jan. 3s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. 
Mrs. Laverock, ‘‘ Mill Bank,’’ Mill Lane, Wallasey. 

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 1865. Mar. 35s. F. Hodgson, 
89 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 4871). 

Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 1893. Quarterly. Price varies. 
Dulau & Co. Ltd., 32, Old Bond St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 4210). 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field Naturalists’ and Archaeologists’ Society, 1860. April. 
ls. 38 King St. West, Manchester. (Tel. City 4555). 

Proceedings of the Musical Association, 1874. Oct. ‘21s. Whitehead & Miller Ltd., 15 
Elmwood Lane, Leeds. 

Proceedings of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, 1927. Irreg. Subs. 
National Laboratory of Psychical Research, 16 Queensberry Place, South Kensing- 
ton, s.w.7. 

Proceedings of the National Rifle Association, 1860. Feb. 2s. N.R.A., Bisley 
Camp, Brookwood, Surrey. 

Proceedings of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society of Antiquaries, 1855. Jan., Apl., July, 
Oct. Gratis to members. The Society, Black Gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. 
Gateshead 1096). (Circ. 630). 

Proceedings of the Physical Society, 1874. Alt.-M., 15th, from Dec.—Aug. 35s. per 
ann. Physical Society, 1 Lowther Gardens, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 2180). 

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, 1911. Irreg., last issue 1927. 
15s. net. H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., 28 Gower Place, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2853). 

Proceedings of the Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1924. Mar. 10s. 6d. 

_ T. Wilson & Sons, 28 Highgate, Kendal. (Tel. Kendal 244). 

Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1851. Annually. Price varies. 
Clowes & Sons, 94 Jermyn St., s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 2822). 

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 1836. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate, 
Ltd., 38 Great Ormond St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1439). 7 

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1802. Oct. 21s. The 
Society, 207 Bath St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 1698). 

Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, 1856. Irreg. Price varies. 
The Society, Synod Hall, Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1800. Irreg. Price varies. (A) Mathematical and 
Physical; (B) Biological. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. Martin’s Lane, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1832. Irreg. Price varies. R. Grant & 
Son, Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1907. M.—Ist. 7s. 6d. net. Longmans, 
Green & Co. Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London, 1832. Quar- 
terly. with coloured plates. 12s. Librarian, Zoological Society of London, 
Regents Park, N.w.8. (Tel. Primrose Hill 2281). 

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1882. Irreg. Price varies. 
The Society, 31 Tavistock Square, w.c.1. 

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1851. Jan. to Mar. Gratis to 
Fellows only, Society’s Rooms, National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, 
Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archeological and Natural History Society, 1849. Mar. 
15s. The Society, The Castle, Taunton. (Tel. 429). 

Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1872. 
July. Price varies. The Society, Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, s.£.1. 
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1848. May 

7s. 6d. W. E. Harrison, Ancient House, Ipswich. 

Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, 1893. Quarterly. Members. Rev. F. F. 
Bretherton, 29 Bagdale, Whitby, Yorks. 

Process Engravers’ Monthly, 1906. (as Process Photogram, 1895). M.—15th. 6d. 
Sub. 6s. per ann. 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7416). 

Produce Markets Review, 1866. Sat. 3d. Sub.15s.perann. J. Travers & Sons Ltd., 
119 Cannon St., E.c.4.. (Tel. Mansion House 8766). (Circ. 8,000). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Pro-Pub 

Producer, 1916. M.—15th. 3d. Co-operative Wholesale Society, 1 Balloon St., 
Manchester. (Tel. City 0061). | 

Professional Fire Brigades’ Association Official Journal, 1926 (as Association of Pro- 
fessional Five Brigades’ Official Journal, 1918). M.—lIst. Fri. 8d. Hodgetts, 
Ltd., 36-38 Whitefriars St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 7464). 

P.P.A. Record of Photography, 1922. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Profes- 
sional Photographers Association of Great Britain and Ireland Ltd., 8 Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4565). 

Progress (Braille), 1881. M.—Ist. 54d. Sub. 5s. 6d. per ann. National Institute 
for the Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., w.l. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Progress, 1899. Quarterly. Gratis. The Editor, Lever Bros. Ltd., Lever House, 
Blackfriars, E.c.4. (Tel. City 5740). 

Progress, 1920. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Royal Northern Hospital, 
Holloway, N.7. (Tel. Archway 2211). 

Progress, 1925. M.—Ist. 2d. G. A. Pindar & Son, St. Thomas St., Scarborough. 
(Tel. No. 526). 

Progress, Civic, Social, Industrial, 1906. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
Garden City Press, 32 Gordon Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3025). 

Progressive Printer and Newspaper Publisher, 1923. M.—2nd Thurs. 3d. Sub. 4s. 
per ann. Mecredy Percy & Co. Ltd., 54 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. (Tel. 
No. 44235). 

Property Owners’ Journal, 1902. M.—20th. ls. Property Owners’ Protection 
Association Ltd., Spencer House, South Place, Finsbury, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 

Prophetic News and Israel’s Watchman, 1879 (as Israel’s Watchman, 1877). M.—Ist. 
2d. Christian Herald Co. Ltd., 6 Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2370). 

Prospectus and Time Table, 1896. Sept. Gratis. L.C.C. Central School of Arts and 
Crafts, Southampton Row, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1095). 7 
Prospectuses of Public Companies, 1891. Feb. and Aug. 30s. Times Publishing 

Co. Ltd.. Printing House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 

Protestant Advocate, 1922. M.—Ist. 2d. Scottish Protestant League, 58 Bath St., 

Protestant Alliance Magazine, 1897. M.—3lst. 2d. Protestant Alliance, 5 Tavistock 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5323). 

Protestant Women, 1892. M.—lIst. 14d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1 Pater- 
noster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Psyche, 1921 (as Psychic Research Quarterly, 1920). Quarterly. 5s. net. Kegan Paul 
& Co. Ltd., 68-74 Carter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3266). 

Psychic Science, 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2s. 6d. Sub. lls. per ann. British 
College of Psychic Science Ltd., 15 Queens Gate, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 3981). 
(Circ. 1,000). 

Public Administration, 1926. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 4s. Sub. 12s. perann. Institute 
of Public Administration, Palace Chambers, Bridge St.,s.w 1. (Tel. Victoria 8888). 

Public Cleansing, 1910. M.—Ist. Sub. 10s. 6d. perann. Institute of Public Cleansing, 
13 Victoria St., s.w.1. 

Public Dental Service Gazette, 1926. Alt.-M. Public Dental Service Associa- 
tion, 15 Taviton St., w.c.1. 

Public General Acts, 1887. Cheap edition. Published at the close of the Session. 
Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. 

‘Holborn 6696). 

Public Health, 1888. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1 Upper 
Montague St., Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1815). | 
Public Ledger, 1759. Daily—6 a.m. 4d. (Sat. 6d.). Sub. 84s. perann. C. Skipper 

& East, 50 Gt. Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2299). 

Public Ledger Evening Report. Daily (except Sat.)—5 p.m. 18s. per quarter. C. 
Skipper & East, 50 Gt. Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2299). 

Public Opinion, 1861. Fri. 3d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. H. Marshall & Son, 46 
Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6424). 

Public Schools Year Book, 1889. Jan. 10s. 6d. net. H. F. W. Deane & Sons, The 
Year Book Press Ltd., 31 Museum St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3183). 

Public Works, 1903 (with which is incorporated Road Construction). Alt.-M. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. 19 Devereux Court, Strand, w.c.2. 

Publications of English Goethe Society, 1886. Oct. Members only. A. Moring Ltd., 
2a Cork St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 4792). 


Pub-Qua] Willing’s Press Guide 

Publications of the Flintshive Historical Society, 1909. July. 10s. The Secretary, 
Hawarden, Chester. 

Publications of the Oxfordshire Record Society, 1919. Oct. 10s. 6d. Editor, 
New Road, Oxford. (Circ. 225). 

Publications of the Scottish History Society, 1886. Irreg. Members only. T. & A. 
Constable Ltd., 11 Thistle St., Edinburgh. 

Publisher and Bookseller, 1928 (as Bookseller, 1858, with which is incorporated Bent?’s 
Literary Advertiser, 1802). Fri. 4d. Sub. 12s.6d.perann. J. Whitaker & Sons 
Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Publishers’ Circular and Booksellers’ Record, 1837. Fri., for Sat. 4d. Sub. 2ls. 8d. 
per ann. Publishers’ Circular Ltd., 56-58 Whitcomb St., Leicester Square, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Gerrard 1196). 

Puck, 1904. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Puck Annual, 1920. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St. 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

PUDSEY AND STANNINGLEY NEWS, 1872. (ind.). Thurs.—2 p.m. for Fri. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. T. Stillings and Sons Ltd., Lowtown, Pudsey. (Tel. Stan- 
ningley 71050). (Circ. 9,000). 

(as Stanningley and District Weekly Advertiser, 1883). (ind.). Thurs. 2d. West 
Riding A B C Publishing Co. Ltd., Stanningley, Leeds. (Tel. Stanningley 71005). 

PULMAN’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1857. (u). Mon.—noon, for Tues. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Western Gazette Co. Ltd., Yeovil. (Tel. 5). (Circ. 8,500). 

Punch, 1841. Tues.—4 p.m. for Wed. 6d. Summer No. May. 1s. Bradbury, Agnew 
& Co. Ltd., 10 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5764). 

Punch Almanac, 1841. Nov. 1s. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Ltd., 10 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5764). 

PURLEY AND COULSDON TIMES, 1921. Fri. 1d. Croydon Times Ltd., 108 High 
St., Croydon. One of the Croydon Times series. 

Purpose, 1929. Jan., April, July and Oct. 6d. C. W. Daniel Co., 46 Bernard 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Terminus 4691). 

P.L.R. Bulletin, 1918. M.—12th. ls. 6d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Incorporated Associ- 
ation of Purveyors of Light Refreshments, 14 Clifford St.,w.1. (Tel. Regent 6196)- 

Putney News-Letter, 1920. M.—lIst Sat. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. W. G. Mead. 
100 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, s.w.15. (Tel. Putney 0854). (Circ. 5,000), 

PUTNEY OBSERVER, 1887. (c). Fri., for Sat. ld. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 Ham. 
mersmith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). One of 
the Wandsworth Observer series. 

Putney and Roehampton Directory. Annually 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

PWLLHELI AND NEVIN OBSERVER, 1909. (l). Wed., for Thurs. 2d. National 
Press of Wales Ltd., Brunswick Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the 
North Wales Observer series. 

Quaker World Service, 1927. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Friends Service 
Council, Friends House, Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 6335). (Circ. 1500, ). 

Quality, 1929. M.—3lst. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, 
Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield. (Tel. 20324). (Circ. 2,000). 

Quarry and Surveyors’ and Contractors’ Journal, 1921 (as the Quarry, 1896). M.—7th. 
8d. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31 Furnival St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1354). 

Quarry Manager’sJournal, 1918. M.—5th. 9d. Sub.10s.perann. Quarry Manager’s 
Journal Ltd., 53 Broad St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 4749), 

Quarterly Bulletin of the Imperial Bureau of Animal Genetics, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., 
Dec. F. A. E. Crow, King’s Buildings, The University, Edinburgh. (Tel. 42567). 
(Circ. 200). 

Quarterly Circular of the Oologists’ Correspondence Club, 1928. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 
Members only. K. L. Skinner, Brooklands Estate Office, Weybridge. (Tel. 1220). 

Quarterly Jottings from the New Hebrides. 1893. Gratis. A. K. Langridge, Aniwa, 
Colchester. (Tel. 763). 

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1900. 6s. 6d. net. Sub. 21s. per ann. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, 1908. Irreg. 40s. C. Griffin & Co. 
Ltd., 42 Drury Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4206). 



Willing’s Press Guide [Qua-Rac 

Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 1906. 2s. 6d. Laughton & Co. Ltd., 3-7 Southampton 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7232). 

Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 1907. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 10s. 6d. net. Sub. 35s. 
net per ann. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 2604). 

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1852. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 21s. net., 
plates. Sub. 63s. net per ann. Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 10s. Sub. 30s. per ann. 
Pharmaceutical Press, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 8171). 
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 1845. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 7s. 6d. 

Longmans & Co. Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1872. Jan., April, July, Oct. 
7s. 6d. Sub. 3ls. per ann. E. Stanford Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1321). 

Quarterly Letter, 1879. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ld. Sub. 6d. per ann. Industrial 
Christian Fellowship, 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6261). 

Quarterly Notes, 1906. 1d. Belfast Art Gallery & Museum, Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Quarterly Notes, 1920. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Gratis. S. P.G., 15 Tufton St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 1398). (Circ. 3,000). 

Quarterly Return of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1839. March, June. Sept., Dec- 
9d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Quarterly Review, 1806. Jan., April, July, Oct. 7s. 6d. Sub. 22s. per ann. J. 
Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Quebec, 1926. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Lake & Bell Ltd., 5 Baldwin’s 
Gardens, Holborn, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1352). 

QUEEN, 1861. Tues.—3 p.m. for Wed. 1s. Sub. 63s. per ann. Field Press Ltd., 
Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

Queen Book of Travel, 1904. May. 4s. Field Press Ltd., Windsor House, Bream’s 
Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 

QUEENBOROUGH GUARDIAN, 1901. (ind.). Sat. 14d. Rigg, Allen & Co., 
7 High St., Blue Town, Sheerness. One of the Sheerness Guardian series. 

Queen’s Nurses Magazine, 1904. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 9$d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 
The Editor, 52 Gloucester St., s.w.1. 

Queen’s Own Gazette, 1875. M.—15th. 5s. per annum. The Editor, Depot, Royal 
West Kent Regiment, The Barracks, Maidstone. (Tel. 216). 

QUEEN’S PARK ADVERTISER, 1881. (prog.). Thurs. ld. J. M. Salmond, 733 
Harrow Road, n.w.10. (Tel. Willesden 1188). . 

Queen's University of Belfast Calendar, 1850. Oct. 2s. Mayne Boyd & Son Ltd. 
2 Corporation St., Belfast. (Tel. No. 1516). 

Queensland Post Office Directory (Wise’s). Annually. 67s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Quest, 1909. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 10s. per ann. J. M. Watkins, 21 Cecil 
Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2182). 

Quest, 1926. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 3d. Sub. 1s. 4d. per ann. Carey Press, 19 
Furnival St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5882). l 

Quiver, 1861. M.—26th. ls. Sub. 14s. 6d. perann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E£.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Racehorse, 1901. Mon., for Tues. ; and Thurs., for Fri. - 2d. Racehorse Co. Ltd., 
15 Houghton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 1211). l 

Racing and Football Expert, 1907. Mon., for Tues. 2d. Cyclers News Ltd., 442 
Strand, w.c.2. 

Racing and Football Judge, 1908. Tues. and Fri. 2d. Sporting Publications Ltd., 
6 Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2546). 

Racing and Football Outlook, 1909. Tues., 2d. ; Thurs., for Fri., week end Special, ls. _ 
Webster’s Publications, Ltd., 79-83 Temple Chambers, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5378). 

Racing and Football World, 1929 (as Racing World, with which is incorporated Racing 
Times and Newmarket Sportsman, 1886). Tues. 2d. Fri., ls. Wilkinson’s 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 2 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Racing Calendar, 1773. Thurs. 63s. per ann. Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish 
Square, w.1. 


Rac-Ral] Willing’s Press Guide 

Racing Counsel, 1927. Tues., during flat racing season only. 1s. 54 Fetter Lane, 

Racing Despatch and Sporting Tatler, 1919. Tues. 3d. G.L. Collins Ltd., 24 Bishop’s 
Road, s 
Racing Tavestigatot, 1911. Mon. 1s. W. Keeble, 69 Brandon St., s.£.17. 

Racing Pigeon, 1898. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Racing Pigeon Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 19 Doughty St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9751). (Circ. 36,000). 

Racing Specialist 1904. Tues. (during season). 2d. Odhams Press Ltd., 85-94 
Long Acre, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 
SODITE ADVERTISER, 1907. Sat. 1d@. Market St., Heanor. (Tel. Langley 

Radcliffe and Pilkington Co-operative Society Review, 1860. Quarterly. Gratis. 
Co-operative Society, Sion St., Radcliffe. 

Sub. 13s. per ann. Bury Guardian Co. Ltd., 5 Thomas St., Radcliffe. One of 
the Bury Guardian series. (Tel. Bury 137). 

Sat. 2d. Bury Times P. & P. Co. Ltd., Blackburn St., Radcliffe. (Tel. No. 33). 

Radio for the Million, 1926. Quarterly. 3d. Arks Publicity Ltd., 63 Lincolns Inn 
Fields, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 7791). 

Radio Times, 1923. Fri. 2d. Sub. 15s. perann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Radium Institute, Report of the Work, 1911. Feb. Gratis. Radium Institute, Riding 
House St., Portland Place, w.1. (Tel. Langham 2434). 

Radleian, 1864. Eight times a year. Is. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Editor, Radley College, 
Abingdon. (Tel. Abingdon 16). (Circ. 1,900). 

RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. (/). Tues., 4 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Sayce Bros., The Bulwark, Brecon. (Tel. 32). One of the Brecon and Radnor 
Express series. . 

Railway Accidents. Quarterly. Price varies. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Railway Almanack, 1865. Dec. ls. McCorquodale & Co. Ltd., Cardington St., N.w.1. 

Railway Annual, 1928. Sept. 5s. Wm. Collins, Sons & Co., Ltd., 48 Pall Mall, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Railway and Shipping Journal, 1901 (with which is incorporated Freighters Journal and 
Railway Rates Review, 1911). M.—Ist. 6d. Railway and Shipping Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Railway Diary and Officials’ Directory, 1875. Dec. 3s. 6d. McCorquodale & Co. 
Ltd., Cardington St., N.w.1. 

Railway Engineer, 1880. M.—Ist. ls. St. Margaret’s Technical Press Ltd., 

33 Tothill St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xvii). 

Railway Gazette and Railway News, 1905 (as Transport, 1892; as Transport and Rail- 
road Gazette, 1904, with which is incorporated the Railway Times, 1837). Fri. ls. 
Transport Ltd., 33 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Adut. 
p. xvii). 

Railway Mayacitie 1897 (with which is incorporated Transport and Travel Monthly, 
1920). M.—25th. 1s. net. Railway Publishing Co. Ltd., 33 Tothill St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xxxix). 

Railway Review, 1880. (/ab.). Wed., for Fri. 2d. King’s Cross Publishing Co. Ltd., 
205 Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 3126). 

Railway Service Journal, 1919 (with which is incorporated Railway Clerk, 1904). 
(lab.). M.—Ist Sat. 2¢. Sub. 3s. per ann. Grays Inn Press Ltd., 25 Euston 
Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Terminus 3731). (Circ. 25,918). 

Railway pignal 1882. M.—25th. ld. Railway Mission, 22 Northumberland Avenue, 

Railway Statistics, 1920. M.—lIst. 3s. 6d. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Railway Year Book, 1898. April. 5s. net. Railway Publishing Co. Ltd., 33 Tothill 
St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xxxix). 

Rainbow, 1914. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Rainbow Annual, 1923. Sept. 3s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Rally, 1914. M.—Ist. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, 9 Percy St., w.1. (Tel. 
Museum 3620). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Ram-Rec 

RAMSBOTTOM OBSERVER, 1890. (l). Fri—a.m. 2d. A. Riley, 25 Haslingden 
Road, Rawtenstall. One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 

RAMSEY COURIER, 1884. (ind.). Tues. ld. Fri., 1$d. A. C. Teare, 19 Parlia- 
ment St., Ramsey, Isle of Man. | . 

Ransonier, 1929 (as Second Spring, 1903). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann., 
Guild of our Lady of Ransom, 29-31 Portugal St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1242). 

Ranyard Magazine, 1917 (as Missing Link, 1865, as Bible Work at Home and Abroad, 
1884, as Biblewomen and Nurses, 1888). Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Ranyard 
Mission, 25 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2048). 

Raphael’s Prophetic Almanac, 1819. Aug. 9d. (with Ephemeris, 1s. 9d.). W. 
Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 10-11 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 7166). 

Ratcliffian, 1880. Terminally. ls. 8d. Sub. 5s. per ann. The Editor, Ratcliffe 
College, near Leicester. (Tel. Sileby 21). 

Ratepayer, 1920. Alt. M—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. London Municipal Society 
and National Union of Ratepayers Associations, 25 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 2873). 

Rating and Income Tax, 1924. Sat. 9d. Sub. £2 3s. per ann. Argus Press Ltd. 
Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1082). 

Rational Journal, 1894. Quarterly. ld. The Secretary, Rational Association Friendly 
Society, 64 Bridge St., Manchester. (Tel. Manchester City 6969). 

Rationalist Annual, 1926 (as R.P.A. Annual, 1884). Oct. 1s. net. Watts & Co., 
5-6 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4761). 

Raven, 1884. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Downside School, Stratton-on-the- 
Fosse, Bath. 

RAWMARSH AND MEXBORO’ ADVERTISER, 1903. (7). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. H. Garnett & Co. Ltd., 8 Effingham St., Rotherham. (Tel. 521). 
One of the Rotherham Advertiser series. . 

RAWTENSTALL TIMES, 1883. (/). Sat.—6 a.m. 2d. Bacup Times Ltd., 9-11 
King St., Bacup. One of the Bacup Times series. (Advt. p. xxix). 

Rayon Record, 1929 (as Artificial Silk World, 1928). Alt. Fri. ls. Sub. 20s. per ann. 
T. Skinner & Co., 49 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Manchester Central 3799). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

Rays of ehi, 1900. Occas. 3s. per 100. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 


Reader, 1889. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. perann. National Home Reading Union, 
16 Russell Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3902). 

Readers’ Bulletin, 1922. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. City Librarian, 
Coventry. (Tel. 4505). l 

Readers’ Guide, 1911. Quarterly. ld. Sub. 6d. per ann. City Librarian, Central 
Public Library, Norwich. (Tel. Norwich 1401. Ex. 60). 

Readers’ Index and Guide, 1899. Alt. M.—lst 2d. Sub. 6d. per ann. Chief Librarian, 
Central Public Library, Town Hall, Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 0640). 

Reading, Caversham and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 4s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

HERALD, 1723. (u & c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 19-21 Blagrave St., 
Reading. (Tel. 328 Reading). (Advt. p. xxxix). 

READING STANDARD, 1885. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Walter V. Rivers, 13 and 
15 Valpy St., Reading. (Tel. 2381). 

Reading University Gazette, 1927. Mar., July., Dec. 6d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 
The University, Reading. (Tel. 348). (Cire. 750). 

Ready, 1886. M.—Ist. 2d. Soldiers’ Christian Association, Dawson House, Tufton 
St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0271). 

Realist, 1929. M.—last Tues. 2s. Sub. 21s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Rechabite and Temperance Magazine, 1840. M.—Ist. 14d. R. Highet, Rechabite 
Buildings, North Parade, Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. City 3464). 

Reconciliation, 1924 (as News-Sheet of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1915). M.—1st. 
3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Fellowship of Reconciliation, 17 Red Lion Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 2470). 

Record, 1828. Thurs—lla.m. 2d. 2-3 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E:c.4. (Tel. City 

Record, 1921. (lab.). M.—3rd week. 2d. Sub. 3s. perann. Transport and General 
Workers Union, Transport House, Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7671). 


Rec-Rei] Willing’s Press Guide 

Record of Bare Facts, 1895. June. 2s. 6d. Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club, 41 
Castle Street, Shrewsbury. (Tel. No. 2473). 

Record of Transactions of the Junior Institution of Engineers, 1884. June. 10s. 6d. 
P. Marshall & Co. Ltd., 66 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 9071). 

Red Book of Commerce, or Who’s Who in Business, 1906. Sept. 36s. net. G. H. Luke, 
12 Mitre Court Chambers, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7870). 

Red Books of the British Fire Prevention Committee, 1897. Irreg. Sub. 30s. per ann. 
National Fire Brigades Association, 8 Waterloo Place, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 4800). 

“ Red” Breeders Annual, 1929 (with which is incorporated Rhode Island Red Review, 
1926). Jan. 6d. British Rhode Island Red Club, Mirfield, Yorks. 

Red Cross, 1914. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 9d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. British Red Cross 
Society, 19 Berkeley St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0345). 

Red Guide: 1886. M.—30th. 6d. Brunswick Press Ltd., 179 Great Brunswick St., 


Red Letter, 1899. Tues. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D.C. Thomson &.Co. Ltd., 
186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Red Letter Kalendar, 1901. Sept. ls. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret 
St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Red Magazine, 1908. M.—7th. 7d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Red Rail Guide A B C, 1914. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 15s. perann. Register Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 113 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 2911). 

Red Star Weekly, 1929. Sat. 2d. D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., 12 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. 

Red Tape, 1911. M.—Ist. 2d. Co-operative Printing Society Ltd., 9 Tudor St., E.c.4. 
(Advertisement Dept.: Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.c.4. Tel. City 1259). 

Red Time Table. M.—lIst. 3d. Southern Publishing Co. Ltd., 130 North St., 

REDDITCH INDICATOR, 1859. (ind.). Sat—2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Redditch 
Indicator Co. Ltd., Easemore Road, Redditch. (Tel. 22). (Circ. 6,000). 

Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, 1874. Every four years, last issue 1928. 
Price 65s. J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness, 1864. M.—Ist. 47. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. 
Briige, Edinburgh. 

Refractionist, 1911. Twice Monthly. Ist and 16th. 9d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Insti- 
tute of Ophthalmic Opticians, 329 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 0566). 

Refractories Journal, 1925. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Sheffield Refrac- 
tories Co. Ltd., 9 Paradise Square, Sheffield. (Tel. Sheffield 24281). 

Regions Beyond, 1878. Alt. M.—Ist. 2d. Regions Beyond Missionary Union, 18 
Woburn Square, w.c.1. 

Register of Patent Agents, 1889. Feb. 6d. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 
Staple Inn Buildings, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9450). 

Register of the Motor Trade, 1911. April. 21s. (Quarterly Supplements). Society of 
Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd., 83 Pall Mall, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 5370). 

Register of Veterinary Surgeons, 1844. Jan. 5s. The Secretary of the Royal College 
of Veterinary Surgeons, 10 Red Lion Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 6118). 

Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Chemists and Druggists, 1852. Jan. 2l1s. 
The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c.J. (Tel. 
Holborn 8771). 

Registrar-General Returns of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, England and Wales i839. 
Weekly 6d. Sub. 28s. per ann. Quarterly 3s. 6d. H.M.S.O., Adastral House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Yel. Holborn 6696). 

Registrar-General (Scotland) Returns of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Weekly. 2d. 
Monthly, 3d. Quarterly, €d. H.M. Stationery Office, 120 George St., Edinburgh. 
(Tel. 23155). 

Registrar's Pocket Book, 1877. Dec. 2s. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. Martin’s 
Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Registry of Ships. Irreg. 2s. 6d. Sub. 3ls. per ann. H. M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Reid’s Darlington Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1902. M.—Ist. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

Reid’s Durham Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1898. M.—lIst. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

Reid’s Handy Colliery Guide and Directory, Counties of Northum'erland, Durham, 
Yorkshire, Cumberland and Westmorland, 1891. Jan. 3s. 6d. Andrew Reid & 
Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Rei-Ret 

Reid's London Entertainment Guide, 1888. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Philip Reid, 47 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4893). 

Reid's Newcastle Monthly Diary, Railway, and Post Guide, 1868. M.—ist. 2d. Andrew 
Reid & Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

Reid’s Railway Guide and North-East Coast A B C Time Tables, 1849. M.—Ist. 6d. 
Andrew Reid & Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 

Reid's Shields Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1899. M.—Ist. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

Reid's Sunderland Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1892. M.—JIst. 2d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. No. 7191). 

Reigate, Redhill and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Temple Bar 1124). 

R.T.S. Pocket Almanac, 1840. Sept. 3d., 6d. and 2s. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Reminder, 1924. (ind.). M.—Ist Wed. 2d. Sub. 2s. perann. T. Beaty Hart Ltd., 
Green Lane, Kettering. (Tel. No. 130). 

RENFREW PRESS, 1891. Fri. 1d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. One of 
the Govan Press series. 

Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1862. Nov. Price varies. 
W. Brendon & Son Ltd., West Hoe, Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 1548). 

Report and Transitions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, 1814. Annually. 
Price varies. Brendon & Sons Ltd., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 1548). 

Report of the Annual Conference of the Independent Labour Party, 1893. Jun2. Is. 
I.L.P., 14 Great George St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8350). 

Report of the Board of Education, 1859. July. Price varies. H.M.S.O., Adastral 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Report of the Proceedings of the Co-operativ? Congress, 1869. Sept. 3s. 6d. Co-opera- 
tive Union, Ltd., Holyoake House, Hanover St., Manchester. 

Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science, 1890. Oct. 1s. J. H. Danvers, 
22 Bibby Road, Southport. l 

Report on Somerset Birds, 1928. Annually. 2s. 6d. Ornithological Section of the 
Te 429). Archaeological and Natural History Society, The Castle, Taunton. 

el. 429). 

Report on the Schemes of the Church of Scotland, 1880. July. 1s. W. Blackwood 

& Sons Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 37 Paternoster Row). 

Reporters’ Journal, 1875 (with which is incorporated Shorthand Magazine, 1902). M.— 
shite 7d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

Reporters’ Magazine, 1880 (with which is incorporated Hallet’s Shorthand Gazette, 
1906). M.—25th. 6d. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., Kingsway, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Reports of Bankruptcy and Companies’ Winding Up Cases, 1884. Occas. 10s. €d. 
Sweet & Maxwell, 3 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1008). 

Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, 1883. Irreg. 2s. Sub. 30s. per ann. 
Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 8721). 

Representation, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. Proportional Representation Society, 24 
Grosvenor Mansions, 82 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 3672). 

Reproduction of Selected Drawings, 1890. Oct. 3s. 6d. Royal Drawing Society, 18 

. Queen Anne’s Gate, s.ww.1. (Tel. Victoria 5933). 

Reptonian, 1866. Six times a year. 1s. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Repton School 
Book Shop Ltd., Repton. (Tel. 22). 

Research, 1920. Irreg. Free to Members. British Association of Research for Cocoa, 
Chocolate, &c., Trades, 22 Buckingham Gate, s.w.]. 

Rest and Reaping, 1886. M.—25th. ld. Sub.2s.perann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott 

. Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, z.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

Retail Newsagent, 1921. M.—20th. 2d. Western Counties District Council of the 
National Federation of Newsagents, Booksellers and Stationers, 6 Nelson St., 

Retailers’ Chronicle, 1929. M.—Ist. Thurs. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. United Newspapers 
Ltd., 72 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 9330). (Circ. 100,000). 

WEEKLY NEWS, 1869 (with which is incorporated Retford and Worksop Herald, 
1881). (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 57 Chancery Lane,Retford.) (Tel. 175). 

181 G 

Ret-Rid] © Willing’s Press Guide 

(ind.). Fri—6 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. H. & C. H. Caldicott, 32 
Market Place, Gainsborough. (Tel. No. 155). 

Reuter’s Journal, 1890. a.m. 6d. Reuters Ltd., Victoria Embankment, E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 3650). 

Review, 1869 (with which is incorporated Insurance Observer, 1888). Fri.—12 noon. 
6d. Sub. 21s. per ann. Review Newspaper Co., 23 St. Swithins Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Mansion House 4851). 

Review of Applied Entomology, 1913. M.—25th. A (Agricultural) series, 2s. Sub. 
18s. per ann. B (Medical) series, 1s. Sub. 9s. per ann. Imperial Bureau of 
Entomology, 41 Queen’s Gate, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensington 6656). 

Review of Applied Mycology, 1922. M.—20th. 2s. Sub. 18s. per ann. Imperial 
Bureau of Mycology, Kew, Surrey. 

Review of English Studies, 1925. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6s. Sub. 21s. per ann. 
Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd., 44 Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7927). 

Review of International Co-operation, 1895. M.—I1st. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Inter- 
national Co-operative Alliance, 14 Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 7487). 

Review of Religions, 1902. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 10s.perann. The Mosque, 63 Melrose 
Road, s.w.18. (Tel. Putney 1551). 

Review of Reviews, 1890. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. H. W. Steed, 109 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4896). 

Review of South and Central America, 1924. M.—Ist. 1s. Sub. 12s. perann. British 
and Overseas Publications Ltd., 35 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 6198). 

Review of the Churches, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3s. Eyre & Spottiswood, 
East Harding St., E.c.4. (Tel. Museum 3962). (Circ. 6,000). 

REYNOLDS’S ILLUSTRATED NEWS, 1850 (with which is incorporated Weekly Times, 
1847). (dem.). Sun.—2 a.m.; early editions on Fri. and Sat.—2 a.m. 2d. 
F. D. Sullivan, 8 Temple Avenue, £.c.4. (Tel. City 7557). 

*RHEDEGYDD. 1879. Thurs. for Sat. ld. J.D. Davies & Co., Blaenau Festiniog. 

Rhode Island Red Gazette, 1928. M.—14th. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Little Oaks, 
Crowborough. (Tel. Lewes 371). 

Rhodesian Manual, 1912. July. 21s. Mining and Industrial Publications of Africa 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

RHONDDA FACH GAZETTE, 1916. (prog.). Sat. 1d. P.S. Phillips, 5 The Arcade, 
Pontypridd. (Advt. p. xxviii). 

RHONDDA GAZETTE, 1916. (prog.). Sat. 1d. P. S. Phillips, 5 The Arcade, 
Pontypridd. (Advt. p. xxviii). 

Fri. ld. R. Mills & Son, Hall St., Rhos, Wrexham. (Tel. Rhos 19). 

RHYL AND NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, 1910. (/). Thurs. 2d. R.E. Jones 
& Bros. Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales Weekly News 

‘RHYL JOURNAL AND ADVERTISER, 1921 (with which is incorporated Rhyl Journal, 
1866, and Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 1856). (ind.). Thurs.—p.m. 14d. North 
Wales Press Co., Russell Road, Rhyl. (Tel. No. 41). 

High St., Newport. One of the South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Rhythm, 1927. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. J. E. Dallas & Sons Ltd., 202 
High Holborn. w.c.1. (Tel. Temple Bar 6351). (Circ. 15,000). 

Richmond, Kew, Petersham, &c., Directory, 1885. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). | 

Richmond and Twickenham Home Journal, 1912. M.—12th. ld. J. H. Broad & 
Co., 8 King St., Richmond, Surrey. 

RICHMOND AND TWICKENHAM TIMES, 1873. (ind.). Sat. 2d. F.W. Dimbleby 
& Sons, 14 King St., Richmond, Surrey. (Tel. Richmond 63). 

(ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. J. Carlilland E. E. Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. 
One of the North Riding News series. 

RICHMOND HERALD, 1899 (as Herald, 1895, as Richmond Herald, 1885). (c). 

, Sat. 2d. R. W. Simpson & Co. Ltd., 70 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. (Tel. 
Richmond 1858). 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Handbook, 1883. Annually. Gratis. Ridley & Co., 10 

Byward St., Mark Lane, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2440). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Rid-Ros 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 1848. M.—14th. 42s. perann. Ridley & Co., 
10 Byward St., Mark Lane, E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2440). 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle, 1890. Mav. 10s. Rifle Brigade Club, 32 Eccleston 
Square, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 2116). 

Rifleman, 1906. M.—16th. 3d. Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, Codrington House, 
23 Water Lane, Ludgate, E.c.4. (Tel. Gerrard 2932). 

Ringing World, 1911. Fri. 3d. Rolls House Publishing Co., 2 Bream’s Buildings, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Ripley News, 1889). (c). Thurs.—p.m. for Fri. ld. G. C. Brittain & Sons 
Ltd., Church St., Ripley. (Tel. No. 33). 

Ripon Advertiser and Time Table, 1899. M.—lIst. Gratis. J. H. Taylor, 28 Market 
Place, Ripon. (Circ. 5,000). 

RIPON & RICHMOND CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Darlington & Stockton 
Times Newspaper Co. Ltd., Darlington. One of the Darlington and Stockton 
Times series. 

_ Ripon Diocesan Gazette, 1890. M.—Ist. 3d. R. Jackson Ltd., Commercial St., 

R. Ackrill Ltd., Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. One of the Harrogate Herald 
series. . 

RIPON OBSERVER, 1885. (ind.). Wed.—p.m. for Thurs. ld. Exors of G. J. 
Marks, Market Place, Ripon. 

Rising Tide, 1922 (as Messenger for the Children of the Presbyterian Church of England, 
1880). M.—25th. ld. Presbyterian Church of England, 21 Warwick Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6201). 

Riverside Pictorial, 1928. Sat. 6d. National Publishing Co. Ltd., Salisbury Square 
House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 1248). 

Roads and Road Construction, 1923. M.—Ist. 1s. Carriers Publishing Co. Ltd., 
68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6068). 

Robinson's Harrogate, Knaresboro’, &c., Directory, 1900. Dec. 6s. 6d. West Riding 
ABC ne Co. Ltd., Sunfield Printeries, Stanningley, Leeds. (Tel. Stanning- 
ley 71005). 

Rochdale Labour News, 1922. (lab.). M.—2nd Sat. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 
Rochdale Trades and Labour Council, 26 Toad Lane, Rochdale. (Tel. 2511). 
(Circ. 5,000). 

ROCHDALE OBSERVER, 1856. (/). Wed.—5 a.m., ld.; Sat.—5 a.m., 2d. Sub. 
17s. 8d. per ann. G. & A. N. Scott, Drake St., Rochdale. (Tel. 2050). (Circ. 
Wed. 20,672, Sat. 28,913). 

ROCHDALE TIMES, 1858. Fri. 34d. Rochdale Times Ltd., Rochdale. 

Rochester Diocesan Chronicle, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Parrett 
& Neves Ltd., 30 High St., Chatham. 

DARD, 1854. (ind.). Wed. ld. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Parrett & Neves Ltd., 
80 High St., Rochester. (Tel. Chatham 2213). 

Rochester, Strood, Chatham, Gillingham, &c., Directory, 1890. Annaa 5s. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd. 186 Strand, w.c 2. (Tel Temple Bar 1124). 

Roll Call, 1885. M.—lst. Gratis. Sport & Play Ltd., Lucifer House, Lionel St., 

Roll of the Union of Graduates in Music, 1893. Jan. 3s. Charles Long, 5 Clifton 
Villas, Maida Vale, w.9. i 

(înd.). Fri.—p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. South Essex Recorders Ltd., Lloyds 
Bank Chambers, Market Place, Romford. (Tel. Romford 54). One of the South 
Essex Recorder series. . 

ROMFORD TIMES, 1912. (ind.). Weds.—7 a.m. 1d. Wilson & Whitworth Ltd., 
High St., Romford. (Tel. Romford 2). 

ROMSEY ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.). Fri. 2d. A. J. Holmes, Romsey and 
Andover. (Tel. Romsey 96). One of the Andover Advertiser series. 

Rosary, 1869. M.—list. 2d. S. Walker, Hinckley, Leicestershire. (Tel. 156). 

ROSCOMMON HERALD, 1859. (nat.). Fri—10 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Herald Works Ltd., Boyle. (Tel. No.4). 

ld. J. McDonnell, Main St., Roscommon. 

183 ) e2 

Ros-Roy] Willing’s Press Guide 

ROSCOMMON MESSENGER, 1851. (nat.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
J. P. Hayden, Church St., Roscommon. 

ROSS GAZETTE, 1867. (ind.). Weds., for Thurs. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
Ross Gazette Ltd., 35 High St., Ross. (Tel. 7). 

Ross’s Parliamentary Record, 1861. Mon.—2 p.m., during Session. 45s per Session. 
Chancery Lane Printing Works Ltd., 1 Plough Court, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7311). 

Rossallian, 1867. Twice a term. 9d. The Editor, Rossa'l School, Fleetwood 

ROSSENDALE ECHO, 1891. (/). Wed ld. A. Riley, 25 Has'ingden Road 
Rawtenstall. (Tel. Rossendale 10). 

ROSSENDALE FREE PRESS, 1885 (as Rawtenstall Free Press, 1883). (l). Sat.— 
Sam. 2d. A. Riley, 25 Haslingden Road, Rawienstall. (Tel. Rossendale 10). 

ROSS-SHIRE JOURNAL, 1875. (u). Fri. ld. Ross-shire P. & P. Co. Ltd., Castie 
St., Dingwall. (Tel. No. 40). 

ROSYTH AND FORTH MAIL, 1909. (ind.). Wed.—3 p.m. ld. J.B. Mackie & Co. 
98 Margaret St., Dunfermline. (Tel. No. 11). One of the West Fife Echo series. 

Rotaria, 1913. M. —the end. W. Unite Jones, 9 Midland Chambers, 3 Warwick . 
Passage, Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 6211). 

Rotary Wheel, 1915. M.—23rd. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Rotary International, 
34-5 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8294). (Circ. 17,250). 

ROTHERHAM ADVERTISER, 1858. (/). Sat.—1 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
H. Garnett & Co. Ltd., 8 & 10 Effingham St., Rotherham. (Tel. No. 521). 
(Circ. series 25,000). 

Rotherham and District Annual, 1900. Dec. 1s. Henry Garnett & Co. Ltd., 8-10 
Effingham St., Rotherham. (Tel. 521). 

ROTHERHAM EXPRESS, 1895. (ind.). Sat—5 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
22-24 Howard St., Rotherham. One of the Mexbro’ Times series. 

Rothesay Academy Magazine, 1886. June and Dec. 4d. Buteman Ltd., 10-12 Castle 
St., Rothesay. (Tel. No. 31). 

ROTHESAY EXPRESS, 1877. (ind.). Tues.—p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. perann. M. 
Mackenzie & Son, 11 Montague St., Rothesay. (Tel. No. 195). 

Rothmill Quarterly Magazine, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. Tullis, Russell & Co. 
Ltd., Auchmuty & Rothes Mills, Markinch, Fife. 

ROTHWELL ADVERTISER, 1897. (ind.). Sat. d. Rothwell Advertiser Press 
Ltd., Dobson Place, Rothwell, Leeds. (Tel. 77). (Circ. 3,000). 

Rotunda, 1925. Mar. and Sept. 2s. Sub. 4s. per ann. H. Willis & Sons Ltd., 234 
Ferndale Road, s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 2793). 

Round Table, 1910. Quarterly. 5s. net. Sub. 20s. per ann. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Round World, 1900 (as Children’s World, 1891). M.—27th. ld. Church Missionary 
Society, 6 Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7994). | 
Rover, 1922. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D. C. Thomson & Co. 

Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Rowing Almanack, 1861. Mar. 4s. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, £.c.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 3682), 

Royal Academy Illustrated, 1916. May. 2s. 6d. W. Judd Ltd., 47 Gresham St., 
E.C.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

Royal Agricultural Society of England Show Souvenir, 1925. July. Publishers and 
Advertisers Ltd., Lloyds Bank Chambers, Bold St., Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 4904). 

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Gazette, 1920. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 3d. 
Lewes Press Ltd., High St., Lewes. 

Royal Army Ordnance Corps Gazette, 1920. M.—15th. Officers, ls.; other ranks, 6d. 
Subs. : Officers, 10s. 6d. Other Ranks, 6s.6d.perann. Hilsea Barracks, Cosham, 

Royal Army Service Corps Journal, 1891. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. R.A.S.C. 
Training College, Aldershot. 

Royal Army Service Corps Quarterly, 1904. Apl., Oct. 2s. 6d. Editor, Buller 
Barracks, Aldershot. 

Royal Automobile Club Guide and Handbook, 1904. Mar. 3s.6d. Royal Automobile 
Club, Pall Mall, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 5000). 

R.C.M. Magazine, 1904. Terminally. 1s. Royal College of Music, South Kensington, 
s.w.7. (Tel. Western 1160). 

O. Blackford, Royal Printeries, Truro. (Tel. No. 31). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Roy-Run 

Royal Cruising Club Journal, 1888. March. Subs. D. C. L. Cree, 1 New Square, 
Lincoln’s Inn, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4029). 

Royal Dental Hospital Magazine, 1922. Terminally. ls. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, 
83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

Royal Engineers Journal, 1870. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. Sub. 20s. per ann. 
Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. (Tel. 2669). 

Royal Holloway College Calendar, 1909. Sept. ls. 6d. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne 
& Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5284). 

Royal Hospital School Magazine and Old Boys’ Gazette, 1907. Jan., April, Sept. 4d. Sub. 
ls. 3d. perann. Royal Hospital School, Greenwich. s.£.10. (Tel. Greenwich 0608). 

(as Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard, 1828). (c). Fri. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. Leamington Spa Courier Ltd., 66 Bedford St., Leamington. 
(Tel. 222). 

Royal Life Saving Society’s Annual Report, 1891. May. Gratis. The Secretary, 
8 Bayley St., Bedford Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1432). 

Royal Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. ls. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson 
Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

R.M.A. Magazine, 1900. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Rev. A. T. A. Naylor, Royal Military 
Academy, Woolwich. l 

Royal Military College Magazine and Record, 1912. Terminally. Price varies. The 
Editor, R.M. College, Camberley, Surrey. 

Royal Society List of Members, 1896. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 
St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

ROYSTON WEEKLY NEWS. One of the Cambridgeshire Independent Press series. 

Rubber Age, 1920. M.—l1st. 1s. H. G. Montgomery, 43 Essex St., Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. City 9714). 

Rubber and Tea Quarterly, 1924. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 1s. London General Press, 
8 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel Central 4684). 

Rubber and Tyre Review, 1928. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Rubber 
Publishing Co., 103 Tottenham Court Road, w.1l. (Tel. Fitzroy 1200). 
Rubber Companies’ Position, 1915. M.—30th. 4s. Sub. 30s. per ann. W. H. 
Rickinson & Son, 3-4 Great Winchester St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7668). 
Rubber Facts and Figures, 1909. May and Nov. 2s. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 
Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Rubber Information, 1929. June. 15s. Leonard Hill Ltd., 231 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Central 8127). 

Rubber Producing Companies, 1910. Sept. 7s. 6d. net. Financial Times Ltd., 72 
Coleman St., E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 3304). 

Rucksack Club Journal, 1906. May. 4s. C. H. Barber, 5 St. Ann St., Manchester. 

Heanor. (Tel. Langley Mill 74). 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf, 1842. March. 30s. F. T. Butcher, 222-5 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Central 0173). 

RUGBY ADVERTISER, 1846. (ind.). Tues.—3 p.m. ld. ; Fri—10 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Rugby Advertiser Ltd., 1 Albert St., Rugby. (Tel. 21). (Circ. 18,000). 
( Advt. p. XXXix). 

Rugby Football Annual, 1913. Sept. ls. Sporting Handbooks Ltd., 23 Fleet 
St., E.c.4. (Central 7888). 

SHIRE MERCURY, 1911 (Z). Fri.—noon. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 9 Regent 
St., Rugby. (Tel. Rugby 200). 

RUGELEY MERCURY, 1882 (with which are incorporated the Rugeley Pioneer, and 
Cannock Chase Mercury, 1883). (ind.). Fri. 2d. R. J. Bowen, 36 Bird St., 
Lichfield. (Tel. 5). One of the Lichfield Mercury series. 

Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. E. F. Cope & Co., Brook Square, Rugeley. 
(Tel. 5). 

RUNCORN EXAMINER, 1879 (as Runcorn and Widnes Examiner, 1869). (l). Sat. 
2d. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., Warrington. One of the Warrington 
Examiner series. 

RUNCORN GUARDIAN, 1862. (ind.). Tues.—2 p.m., ld.; Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat., 2d. 

Mackie & Co. Ltd., 34 Lowland Road, Runcorn. One of the Warrington Guardian 


Run-Sai] Willing’s Press Guide 

RUNCORN WEEKLY NEWS, 1894. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Swale (Widnes) Ltd., High 
St., Runcorn. (Tel. 165). One of the Widnes Weekly News series. 

Rural Electrification and Electro Farming, 1928 (as Electro Farming, 1925). M.—1st. 
4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. 
Holborn 5171). (Advt. p. xiii). 

Rural Industries, 1925. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Rural 
Industries Bureau, 27 Bedford Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 6803). 

RUSHDEN ECHO AND ARGUS, 1929 (with which are incorporated Rushden Echo, 
1897, and Rushden Argus, 1891). (tnd.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. North- 
ampton P. & P. Co. Ltd., High St. and Park Road, Rushden. (Tel. Rushden 7). 

Russell's Complete Guide of Motor Omnibus Services for Bournemouth, Southampton, 
and Portsmouth, 1926. M.—Ist. ld. Russell & Co. (Southern Counties) Ltd., 
25 Portland St., Southampton. (Tel. 5214). 

Russell’s Pocket A B C Railway Guide for Bournemouth, 1912. M.—Ist. 3d. Russell 
& Co. (Southern Counties) Ltd., Waterloo Chambers, Fir Vale Road, Bournemouth. 

Russell's Pocket A B C Railway Guide for Southampton, 1912. M.—lIst. 3d. Russell 
& Co. (Southern Counties) Ltd., 25 Portland St., Southampton. (Tel. 5214). 

Russell's Portsmouth ABC Railway Guide, 1920. M.—Ist. 4d. Russell & Co. 
(Southern Counties) Ltd., 25 Portland St., Southampton. (Tel. 5214). 

Russell's Southampton ABC Railway and Steamship Guide, 1911. M.—Ist. 6d. 
Russell & Co. (Southern Counties) Ltd., 25 Portland St., Southampton. (Tel. 

RUTHERGLEN REFORMER, 1874. (ind.). Fri. ld. Baird & Hamilton Ltd., 80a 
Main St., Rutherglen. 

Ryland’s Directory of the Coal, Iron, Steel, and Allied Trades, 1881. Jan. 42s. and 
52s. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wellington St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 3951). 

Sabbath Observer, 1905. Quar. 1d. B.A. Morris, 186 High Road, Willesden, nN.w.10. 
(Tel. Willesden 1720). 

Sackbut, 1920 (as Organist and Choirmaster, 1893). M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
J. Curwen & Sons Ltd., 24 Berners St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 4876). 

Saddlery and Harness, 1891 (with which is incorporated the Saddlers’, Harness Makers’ 
and Carriage Builders’ Gazette, 1871). M.—Ist. Sat. Sub. 10s. per ann. T. 
Kirby & Sons Ltd., Newport St., Walsall. (Tel. 3076). 

SADDLEWORTH AND MOSSLEY STANDARD, 1859. (c). Sat. 2d. Northern 
Daily and Weekly Newspapers Ltd., Yorkshire St., Oldham. (Tel. Oldham 117). 
One of the Oldham Standard series. 

Safety First, 1924. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ls. Sub. 5s: per ann. National Safety 
First Association (inc.), 119 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1371). 

SAFFRON WALDEN WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 15s. per ann. 
Cambridge Daily News Ltd., St. Andrews St., Cambridge. (Tel. Cambridge 1547). 

Saga Book and Year Book of the Viking Society, 1892. Jan. & July. 10s. Viking 
Society, c/o A. Wintle Johnston, 29 Ashburnham Mansions, s.w.10. 

St. Albans, Harpenden, Hatfield and District Directory, 1899. Annually. 2s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124), 

St, Albans Diocesan Year Book and Calendar, 1878. Jan. 2s. 6d. net. W. Clowes 
& Sons Ltd., 94 Jermyn St., s.w.l. (Tel. Regent 2822). 

ST. ALBAN’S FREE PRESS, 1929 (as St. Alban’s Press, 1928). Sat. ld. Sisley’s 
Ltd. 12 London Road, St. Albans. (Tel. 1187). (Circ. 6,000). 

St. Alban’s, Holborn, Monthly Paper, 1884. M.—Ist. 3d. W. Knott & Son Ltd., 30 
Brooke St., Holborn, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 462). 

St. Albans Quarterly, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub.2s.6d.perann. Diocesan 
Office, Abbey Institute, St. Albans. (Tel. No. 338). 

St. Andrews Advertiser, 1926. M.—Ist. Gratis. Wilson Publishing Co. 10 Reform 

- St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

ST. ANDREWS CITIZEN, 1870. Fri.—4.30 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
J. & G. Innes Ltd., 107 South St., St. Andrews. (Tel. No. 174). 

St. Andrews University Calendar, 1865. June. 3s. 6d. net. W. Blackwood & Sons, 
Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 37 Paternoster Row). 

St. Anthony’s Annals, 1897. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Athonian Press, 14 
Temple St., Dublin. (Tel. No. 2508). 

St. Austell Deanery Magazine, 1892. M.—lI1st. 2d. W. B. Luke, Fore St., St. Austell. 
(Tel. 47). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sai-Sai 

Blackford, Royal Printeries, Truvo. (Tel. No. 31). One of the Royal Cornwall 
Gazette series. 

Thurs., for Fri. 2d. A. B. Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the 
Cornish Guardian series. 

- St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal, 1893.° M.—I1st. 9d. Students’ Union, St. Bar- 
tholomew’s Hospital, E.c.l. (Tel. City 8571). 

St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1865. Mar. 2is. net. J. Murray, 50, Albemarle 
St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

St. Bees School Magazine, 1889. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. The Editor, 
St. Bees School, Cumberland. (Tel. St. Bees 14). (Circ. 1,000). 

St. David’s, Book of the Diocese of, 1928. Jan. 1s. W. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen. 
(Tel. 100). 

St. Dunstan’s Review, 1915. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. St. Dunstan’s 
Blinded Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Hostel, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, n.w.1. (Tel. 
Welbeck 7921). 

St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Dioceasn Magazine, 1914. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. 
perann. W. E. Harrison, Ancient House, Ispwich. (Tel. 3401). 

St. Edward’s School Chronicle, 1873. Twice a term, 9d. to 2s. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
The Editor, St. Edward’s School, Summertown, Oxford. ; 

St. Ethelburga’s Leaflet, 1899. M.—Ist. 2d. Dr. Geikie-Cobb, St. Ethelburga’s 
Church, Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 6496). 

St. George’s Gazette, 1883. M.—last day. ls. and 2s. Grigg & Son, Ltd., York St., 

St. George’s Hospital Gazette, 1893. Irreg. 6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 
83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

St. Helen’s Catholic Herald, 1905. Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 3 Crosshall 
St., Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

ST. HELENS AND DISTRICT REPORTER, 1865 (with which is incorporated the St. 
Helens Standard and St. Helens Chronicle). (c). Tues., 1d.; Fri., 2d. St. Helens 
and Prescot Reporter, Ltd., 73 Church St., St. Helens. 

ST. HELENS NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISER, 1853 (with which is incorporated 
St. Helens Intelligence). (D). Tues., 1d.; Fri., 2d. Dromgoole Bros., Hardshaw 
St., St. Helens. (Tel. 226). 

ST. IVES TIMES (Cornwall), 1910. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. James 
Lanham Ltd., High St., St. Ives, Cornwall. (Tel. St. Ives 12). (Circ. 1,000). 

St. John Ambulance Gazette, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. British 
Periodicals Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

St. Joseph’s Sheaf, 1895. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3d. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. 21 
Eglinton Road, Dublin. (Tel. Rathfarnham 36). 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand, 1890 (as Blackfriars Magazine, 1885). Quarterly. 1s. Eglinton 
& Co., Crosby Row, Borough, s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 787). 

St. Martin’s Review, 1919. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. W. P. G. McCormick 
and H. R. L. Sheppard, 21 Chandos St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3381). (Circ. 10,000). 

St. Mary's Hospital Gazette, 1872. M.—30th. ls. Morton, Burt & Sons, Ltd., 58 
Porchester Road, w.2. (Tel. Park 2448). 

ST. NEOTS ADVERTISER, HUNTS AND BEDS NEWS, 1885 (as St. Neots Advertiser 
1878). (ind.). Fri—a.m. ld. Sub. 7s. perann. P.C. Tomson, Market Square, 
St. Neots. (Tel. 7). 

ST. PANCRAS AND HOLBORN RECORD, 1919 (with which are incorporated Holborn 
Record and West London News). Fri. ld. J.H. Johnston, 159 Seymour Place, 
w.l. (Tel. Paddington 2236). 

ST. PANCRAS CHRONICLE, 1900 (as People’s Advertiser, 1898). (ind.). Thurs.— 
p-m., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 132 
Great College St., n.w.l. (Tel. North 0481). 

ST. PANCRAS GAZETTE, 1866. (c). Fri—4 p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
Widdicombe’s, 80 High St., Camden Town, n.w.1. (Tel. North 0437). 

St. Pauls Review, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. S.P.C.K. Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 

St. Peter’s Net, 1900 (with which is incorporated Faith of our Fathers, 1886). Quarterly. 
ls. 6d. per ann. Crusade of Rescue, 48 Compton St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0826). 

St. Thomas's Hospital Gazette, 1890. Six times a year. 7s.6d.perann. Spottiswoode, 
Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New St. Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central)5284); 


Sal-Sat] Willing’s Press Guide 

J. R. Gill & Son, 101-103 Fore St., Kingsbridge. (Tel. Kingsbridge 71). One of 
the South Devon Gazette series. 

SALE AND STRETFORD GUARDIAN, 1879. (ind.). Tues.—noon, 1d.; Fri.— 
9am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 3 Claremont Road, Sale. 
(Tel. 126). One of the Warrington Guardian series. . 

Sales Management and Retail Selling, 1921. M.—15th. 10d. Sub. 10s. per ann. 
Louis Cassier Co. Ltd., 22 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5771). 

Sales Promotion, 1910. M.—15th. 5s. per ann. Facsimile Letter Printing Co. Ltd., 
10-14 Macklin St., w.c.2. (Tel. City 4393). 

County Boro’ of Salford, 1879, as Pendleton Reporter, 1884). (ind.). Fri. 14d. 
Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. S. H. Hampson, Frederick Road, Salford. (Tel. 
Pendleton 245). 

Salisbury and Neighbourhood Directory, 1898. Biennially 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, 1729. (c). Fri—5 a.m. 2d. Sub. 
13s. perann. Bennett Bros., The Canal, Salisbury. (Tel. Salisbury 178). 

Salisbury Diocesan Gazette, 1888. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Bennett 
Bros., The Canal, Salisbury. (Tel. Salisbury 178). 

Salisbury Plain Official Military Directory, 1905. M.—17th. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. Wm. May & Co. Ltd., 45 High St., Aldershot. (Tel Aldershot 14). 

Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Salisbury Times Co. Ltd., Dews Road, Salisbury. 
(Tel. No. 900). (Advt. p. xl). 

Salmon and Trout Magazine, 1911. Quarterly. 5s. Sherratt & Hughes, 34 Cross St., 

Salop and County A B C Railway Guide, 1892, M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. perann, W. B. 
Walker, 25 High St.. Shrewsbury. (Tel. 2103). (Circ. 2250). 

Salopian, 1880. Fortnightly during term. 6d. Wilding & Son Ltd., 33, Castle St., 
Shrewsbury. (Tel. 2472). 

Salt Spray, 1874. M.—Ist. Sub. 12s. perann. Mercantile Marine Service Association, 
Tower Building, Water St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 690). 

SALTASH GAZETTE, 1895. (ind.). Thurs. 1d. Dingle & Co., 54 Fore St., Saltash. 

J. Parks, Windsor Road, Saltburn. (Circ. 5,000). 

Salter’s Guide to the River Thames, 1884. May. ls. net. Alden & Co. Ltd., Bocardo 
Press, Oxford. 

Salvation Army Year Book, 1906. Dec. ls. 6d. Salvation Army, 117-121 Judd St., 
King’s Cross, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

SANDBACH ADVERTISER, 1876 (with which is incorporated Crewe and Nantwich 
Advertiser, 1876). (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Swain & Co. Ltd., High 
St., Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

SANDBACH CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.). Sat. 2d. R. Head, High St., Congleton. 
(Tel. Congleton 64). One of the Congleton Chronicle series. 

SANDBACH GUARDIAN, 1863. (ind.). Tues.—2.30 p.m., for Wed., ld.; Fri.— 

m., for Sat. 2d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., Sandbach. One of the Warrington 
Guardian series. 

Sandwich and District Directory, 1882. Jan. ls. T.F. Pain & Sons, 4 Queen St., Deal. 

Sanitary Journal, 1902 (as Sanitary Inspectors’ Journal, 1883). M.—15th. 6d. 
Sub. 7s. per ann. Sanitary Inspectors’ Association, 27a Moreton St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 4304). 

Sapper, 1895. M.—last Fri. 3d. Brompton Barracks, Chatham. 

Sartorial Gazette, 1909 (with which are incorporated Master Tailor and Cutters Gazette, 
1893, Ladies’ Cutter, 1900, and London Tailor, 1876). M.—25th. ls. 9d. Sub. 
19s. 6d. per ann. R. Taylor & Co., 68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5689). 

Sarum Almanack and Diocesan Kalendar, 1856. Dec. 2s. W. H. Smith & Son, 
High St., Salisbury. (Tel. No. 88). 

Satchel, 1908. Twice a month. Ist and 3rd. Thurs. d. Halifax Printing Co. 
Ltd., 30-32 George St., Halifax. (Tel. 2661). 

Saturday Advertiser, 1897. (ind.). Sat. Gratis. Walter Thomson, 71 High St., 
Selkirk, (Circ. 2,300). 

SATURDAY HERALD, 1891. 1d. Saturday edition of the Evening Herald (Dublin) 
Independent Newspapers Ltd., Independent House, Dublin. (Tel. 21036). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sat-Sch 

SATURDAY RECORD AND CLARE JOURNAL, 1917 (with which are incorporated 
Saturday Record, 1885 and Clare Journal, 1776). (ind.). Thurs.—p.m., for 
Sat. 2d. P. J. Byrne, 22 O’Connell St., Ennis. 

Saturday Review, 1855. (c). Fri., for Sat. 6d. net. Sub. 30s. per ann. Saturday 
Review Ltd., 9 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 3157). 

Saturday Telegraph, 1898. Sat.—p.m. 2d. Provincial Newspaper Ltd., 80 Clee- 
thorpes Road, Grimsby. (Tel. Grimsby 610). 

Save the Children Fund Pictorial, 1926. Feb., May, Oct. Gratis. Weardale Press, 
Ltd., 26 Gordon St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5204). 

Savilian, 1894. April, July, Dec. 6d. Sub. ls. 9d. per ann. The Editor, Grammar 
School, Wakefield. 

Saving, 1919 (as Silver Bullet, 1919). M.—I1st. Gratis. National Savings Committee, 

-© Sanctuary Buildings, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8740). 

Fri.)—3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. ld. Scarborough and District Newspapers Ltd., 
Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough. (Tel. No. 946). 

SCARBOROUGH MERCURY, 1855. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Scarborough and District 
Newspapers Ltd., Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough.. (Tel. 946). 

Scarborough Pictorial Guide, 1879. Apl. 6d. G. A. Pindar & Son, 41-45 St. Thomas 
St., Scarborough. (Tel. 526). 

SCARBOROUGH POST AND WEEKLY PICTORIAL, 1876. (ind.). Wed., for Thurs. 
13d. Scarborough and District Newspapers Ltd., Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough. 
(Tel. No. 946). 

Scattered Nation, 1893. Quarterly. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Marshall, Morgan 
& Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

Scattered Seed, 1885 (as Good News for Young and Old, 1859). M.—25th. ld., net. 
Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. Central Bible Truth Depot, 5 Rose St.. Paternoster Square, 

Scholastic Requisitions, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann. G. 
Street & Co. Ltd., Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, Southampton Row, w.c.l. 
(Tel. Holborn 7526). 

School Child and Juvenile Worker, 1910. M.—15th. 2d. National Education 
Association, 18 Caxton House, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1256). 
School Finder, 1916. Apl., Sept. 4s. Sub. 8s. per ann. School Finders Ltd., 177 

Regent St., w.l. (Tel. Regent 5319). (Circ. 2,000). 

School Friend Annual, 1926. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 

St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

School Government Chronicle and Education Authorities Gazette, 1903 (as School 
Board Chronicle, 1871). M.—15th. ls. Sub. 13s. per ann. School Government 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, £.c.4. (Tel. City 1259). 

School Guardian, 1876. M.—3rd Sat. 2d. National Society, 19 Great Peter St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6881). 

School Hygiene and Physical Education, 1908. Termly. ls. 8d. Sub. 5s. per ann. 
Frank N. Punchard, College of Physical Education, Dunfermline, Fife. (Tel. 
Dumfermline 578). (Circ. 950). 

School Magazine (Braille), 1913. 15th. 34d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. National In- 
stitute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

School Music Review, 1892. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Novello & Co. Ltd., 
160 Wardour St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 0856). 

School Nature Study, 1906. Quarterly. 1s. net. G. Philip & Son Ltd., 32 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 6542). 

School of Economics Calendar, 1923. Sept. 2s. 6d. P. C. Bartlett, 27 Southampton 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0693). 

School Science Review, 1919. Mar., June, Oct., Dec. 2s. 6d. net. Sub. 10s. 8d. per 
ann. J. Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Schoolboys’ Annual, 1922. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). 

School-Days, 1928. Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 
Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolboys’ Own Library, 1925. M.—Ist. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amal- 
gamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolgirl, 1929 (as School Friend, 1919). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 


Sch-Sco] Willing’s Press Guide 

Schoolgirls’ Annual, 1922. Sept. 3s. 6d. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 8428). l 

Schoolgirls’ Own, 1921. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolgirls’ Own Annual, 1923. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farring- 
don St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolgirls’ Own Library, 1922. M.—Ist Thurs. 4d. Sub. 18s. per ann. Amal- 
gamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolgirls’ Weekly, 1922. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Schoolmaster and Woman Teacher’s Chronicle, 1872. Tues., for Thurs. 2d. School- 
master Publishing Co. Ltd., 3 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3488). 

Schoolmasters’ Year Book and Educational Directory, 1903. Mar. 35s. net. H. F. W. 
Deane & Sons The Year Book Press Ltd., 31 Museum St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 

Schoolmistress, 1881. Thurs.—9 a.m. 3d. Sub. 17s. 4d. per ann. Schoolmistress 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 11 Montague St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5459). 

Schools of England, Wales and Scotland, 1910. May. 3s. 6d. E. J. Burrow & Co. 
Ltd., Cheltenham. (Tel. 2071). 

Science Abstracts, 1898. M.—25th. Part A, 3s. 6d. net ; Part B, 3s. 6d. net. E. & F. N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.ww.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3450). 

Science and Art of Mining, 1890. Alt. Wed. for Sat. 4d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
T. Wall & Sons Ltd., Rowbottom Square, Wigan. (Tel. Wigan 121). 

Science of Thought Review, 1920. M.—Ist. 4d. L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial 
Arcade, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2774). 

Science Progress, 1906. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. net. Sub. 31s. 2d. per ann. J. Murray, 
50 Albemarle St., w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 8510). 

Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, 1883. Irreg. Price varies. Royal 
Dublin Society, Ball’s Bridge, Dublin. (Tel. Ball’s Bridge 932). 

Scientific Worker, 1919. Alt. monthly. 3d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Association of 
Scientific Workers, 25 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 5803). 
Scotland Directory, 1837. Irreg., last issue 1928. 80s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 

186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). ` 
Scots at Home and Abroad, 1929. M. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Higgie & Co., 
22 Bridge St., Rothesay. 
Scots Independent, 1926. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. National Party of 
Scotland, 131 West Regent St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 2287). (Circ. 5,000). 
Scots Law Times, 1893. Sat. 50s. per ann. W. Green & Son Ltd., St. Giles St., 

Scots’ Magazine, 1739. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 14s. per ann. J. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
7 Bank St., Dundee. (Tel. 4061). 

Scots Observer, 1926. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Scottish Publications Ltd., 7 
Royal Bank Place, Glasgow. (Tel. Central 9516). 

SCOTSMAN, 1817. (c.u.). Daily—4 a.m. 2d. Sub. 78s. per ann. J. Ritchie & Co. 
Scotsman Buildings, North Bridge, Edinburgh. Daily issue commenced in 1855. 

Scottish Bakers’ Year Book, 1894. Jan. 3s. Scottish Association of Master Bakers 
19 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh. l 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine, 1909. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. net. W. Blackwood & Sons 
Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. ; 

Scottish Baptist Magazine, 1874. M.—Ist. l4d. T. Adams & Sons, Tower St., 

Scottish Boot Trades Journal, 1929. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 4s. per ann. McNaughton 
& Sinclair, 29 Cadogan St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Butchers’ Journal, 1924. Fri. 15s. per ann. Scottish Butchers Journal 
Ltd., 10 Rutland Square, Edinburgh. (Tel. 27935). 

Scottish Chemist, 1914. M.—5th. Is. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. 240 Albert Drive, 
Pollockshields, Glasgow. 

Scottish Chronicle, 1905. Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. R. G. Mann, 
23 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1881. Dec. 2s. 6d. net. Macniven & 
Wallace, 138 Princes St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 24372). 

Scottish Churchman, 1928. M.—Ist.. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. R.G.Mann, 23 
Castle St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 27086). 

' 190 

Willing’s Press Guide [Sco-Sco 

Scottish Confectioner, 1926. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Lockwood Press, 
180 West Regent St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3433). 

Scottish Congregational Year Book, 1890. July. 6d. A. Ireland Robertson, Congre- 
gational Union of Scotland, 6 Woodburn Terrace, Edinburgh. (Tel. 52100). 

Scottish Congregationalist (as Scottish Congregational Magazine, 1796). M.—Ist 
2d. A. Ireland Robertson, 6 Woodburn Terrace, Edinburgh. (Tel. 52100). 

Scottish Co-operator, 1893. Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. National Co-operative 
Publishing Society Ltd., 71 King St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 764). (Circ. 20,500). 

Scottish Country Life, 1914. M.—Iist. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Scottish Country Life 
Ltd., 115 Renfield St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3210). 

Scottish Educational Journal, 1918 (with which is incorporated Educational News, 
1876, and Scottish Class Teacher, 1900). Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
Educational Institute of Scotland, 45 Queen St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 20432). 

Scottish Farm Servant, 1913. (/ab.). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Scottish 
Farm Servants’ Union, Hillend House, Caldercruix, Lanarkshire. (Tel. 35). 

Scottish Farmer, 1893. Thurs., for Sat. 3d. Scottish Agricultural Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 93 Hope St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 323). 

Scottish Farmer Album, 1895 (with which is incorporated Farming World Year Book). 
Dec. ls. 6d. Scottish Agricultural Publishing Co. Ltd., 93 Hope St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 323). 

Scottish Field, 1903. M.—Ist. 6d. Scottish Field Publishing Co., 11 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. Central 117). 

Scottish Forestry Journal, 1856. Mar. and Oct. 7s. 6d. Douglas and Foulis, 9 Castle 
St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 24398). 

Scottish Gardening, 1928. Wed., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. D. MacLeod Ltd., 
47 Cowgate, Kirkintilloch. (Tel. 105). 

Scottish Gazette, 1886. Thurs. Subs. Powage Press Ltd., Aspley Guise, Beds. 

Scottish Gaelic Studies, 1926. Apl., Oct. 9s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1884. Alt.—M. 3s., maps. Royal Scottish Geo- 
graphical Society, Synod Hall, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. (London: E. Stanford, 
12-14 Long Acre). 

Scottish Girls Friendly Society Magazine, 1926 (as Home Friend, 1880). M.—lIst. 
2d. Macniven and Wallace, 138 Princes St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 24372). 

Scottish Good Templar, 1928. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. I.0.G.T., 114 
West Campbell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 1945). 

Scottish Grocer and Provision Trader, 1928. Fri. 3d. Sub. 15s. per ann. 34-36 
North Frederick St., Glasgow. (Tel. Bell 2248). 

Scottish Health Magazine, 1929. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. M’Naughton & 
Sinclair, 29 Cadogan St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 1565). 

Scottish Home and Country, 1924. M.—Ist. ` 2d. Sub.3s.perann. Scottish Women’s 
Rural Insititutes, 79 West Regent St., Glasgow. (Circ. 12,000). 

Scottish Ironmongery and Hardware Review, 1926. Alt. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 3s. per 
ann. E. J. Parker, Ltd., 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 
Scottish Jeweller and Watchmaker, 1924. Alt. M.—14th. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 

E. J. Parker Ltd., 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 

Scottish Journal of Agriculture, Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. 
H.M. Stationery Office, 120 George St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Land Court Reports, 1912. M.—S8th. 6d. W. Hodge & Co., Ltd. 36 North 
Frederick St., Glasgow. . 

Scottish Law Courts Record, 1897. Thurs. Subscription. Powage Press Ltd., 
Aspley Guise, Beds. 

Scottish Law Directory, 1892. Dec. 10s. W. Hodge & Co. Ltd., 34 and 36 North 
Frederick St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Law List, 1852. Feb. 12s. 6d. T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd., 1 Park Road, 

Scottish Law Review, 1885. M.—5th. 2s. 6d. W. Hodge & Co. Ltd., 34-36 North 
Frederick St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Licensed Trade Directory, 1888. July. 5s. H. Munro Ltd., 82 Mitchell 
St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Manhood, 1929. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub.2s.perann. Scottish National Y.M.C.A. 
2 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. (Tel. Edinburgh 24125). (Circ. 2,500). 

Scottish Mother’s Magazine, 1896. Alt.-M.—Ist. 2d. G. Lewis & Co., 23 Castle 
St., Edinburgh. 


Spo-Scr] Willing’s Press Guide 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal, 1890. April, Nov. 2s. 6d. Douglas & Foulis, 
9 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Musical Magazine, 1919. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. D. Macdonald 
Ltd., 74 Hanover St., Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 2131). 

Scottish National Sabbath School Magazine, 1899 (as Sabbath School Magazine, 1864 ; 

as Glasgow Sabbath School Union Magazine, 1856). M.—25th. 2d. J. M’Callum 
& Co., 204 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Naturalist, 1912 (as Scottish Naturalist, 1871, as Annals of Scottish Natural 
History, 1892). Alt.-M.—Ist. 2s. 3d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Oliver & Boyd, 
Tweedale Court, Edinburgh. (Tel. No. 20688). 

Scottish Newsagent, 1919. M.—20th. 2d. National Federation of Retail Newsagents, 
Booksellers and Stationers (Scottish Dist. Council), 360-362 Argyle St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 1008). (Advertisements—429 Strand, w.c.2. Tel. Gerrard 1910). 

Scottish Notes and Queries, 1887. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Milne & 
Hutchison, 101 King St., Aberdeen. (Tel. 201). 

Scottish Nurse, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. MacNaughtan and Sinclair, 
29 Cadogan St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 1447). 

Scottish Plumbers’ Journal, 1924. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 6d. Sub. 2s. per ann. 
Scottish Federation of Plumbers and Domestic Engineers Ltd., 7 West George 
St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 

Scottish Primary Quarterly, 1926. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 4d. per ann. 
Scottish Sunday School Union for Christian Education, 70 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(Tel. Central 3275). (Circ. 12,000). 

Scottish Radio Dealer, 1928. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. McNaughtan & 
Sinclair, 29 Cadogan St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 1447). 

Scottish Retail Drapery Journal, 1923. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Scottish 
Retail Drapers’ Federation, 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5314). 
Scottish Road Book, 1894. April. 3d. and 6d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 73 Dunlop 

St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 3266). 

Scottish Scout, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 2d. per ann. Scottish 
Boy Scout Headquarters, 102 George St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 28435). (Circ. 4,000). 

Scottish Sunday School Teacher, 1926. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Scottish 
Sunday School Union for Christian Education, 70 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. 
Central 3275). (Circ. 35,000). 

Scottish Tailor and Outfitter, 1927. Jan., Apl. July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 
Scottish Federation of Merchant Tailors, 7 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. 
Central 5314). 

Scottish Temperance Reformer, 1922. M.—15th. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. perann. Scottish 
Temperance Alliance, 226 West George St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 4095). 

Scottish Tobacco News, 1922. M.—15th. 6d. Scottish Federation of Retail Tobacco- 
nists, 167 Bath St., Glasgow. | 

Scottish Trade Courier. Aug. 21s. Glasgow and West of Scotland Guardian Society 
Ltd., 30 George Square, Glasgow. (Tel. Central 1377). 

Scottish Trader, 1905. Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. A. Walker & Son, 
156 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 2108). 

Scottish Typographical Association Report, 1836. Jan. Subs. The Association, 
136 West Regent St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3483). 

Scottish Typographical Journal, 1909 (as Scottish Typographical Circular, 1857). M.— 
20th. 14d. 136 West Regent St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3483). 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News, 1896. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. perann. British 
Women’s Temperance Association, S.C.U., 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. 
(Tel. Edinburgh 20829). 

Scout, 1908. Thurs. 2d. Sub.13s.perann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Scouter, 1923 (as Boy Scouts’ Association Headquarters Gazette, 1909). M.—14th. 
3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., Covent 
Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Script, 1913. M.—Ist. 5s. per ann. S. P. Ltd., 66 Priory Gardens, N.6. (Tel. 
Mountview 5225). 

Scripture Searchers’ Almanack, 1900. Nov. ld. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Scripture Truth, 1909. M.—25th. 3d. net. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Central Bible 
Truth Depot, 5 Rose St., E.c.4. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Scu-Sha 

SCUNTHORPE AND FRODINGHAM STAR, 1889. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 
8s. 8d. per ann. W.H. and C. H. Caldicott, 112 High St., Scunthorpe. (Tel. 
Scunthorpe 268). | 

Sea Breezes, 1919. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Pacific Steam Navigation 
Co., Goree Water St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 9150). (Circ. 8,000). 

SEAHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1859. (c). Fri—5 p.m. ld. S. Richards, 3 North 
Terrace, Seaham. (Tel. Seaham 103). 

Seaman, 1912. Fortnightly. ld. National Union of Seamen, St. George’s Hall, 
Westminster Bridge Road, s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 4006). 

Secretary, 1893. M.—lIst. ls. Chartered Institute of Secretaries, 6 London Wall, 
E.c.2, (Tel. National 6751). 

Sedberghian, 1879. Six times a year. 6s. per ann. Jackson & Son, Sedbergh, 

Seed Thoughts, 1914. M.—Ist. 2d. Marshall Press Ltd., Milford Lane, Strand, 
w.c.2,. (Tel. Temple Bar 9330). : 

Seeking and Saving, 1900 (as Reformatory and Refuge Journal, 1861). M.—25th. 3d. 
Reformatory and Refuge Union, 117 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4284). 

SELBY EXPRESS AND WEEKLY HERALD, 1853. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Goole 
Times Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Goole. One of the Goole Times series. 

Fri.—7 a.m. 14d. W. B. Bellerby & Son, Crescent, Selby. (Tel. No. 63). 

Selkirk Advertiser, 1884. Fri.—p.m. Gratis. R. G. Mann, 53 High St., Selkirk. 

Sell’s Building Trades List, 1924. Jan. 5s. Business Dictionaries Ltd., 8-9 Johnson’s 
Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1707). 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses, 1886. Jan. 45s. Business 
Dictionaries Ltd., 8-9 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1707). 

Sell’s National Directory, 1909. Apl. 12s. 6d. Business Directories Ltd., 8 and 
Johnson’s Court, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1707). 

Senate, 1925. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. F. Griffiths, 34 Maiden Lane, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 3237). l 

Sentinel, 1925. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Home Publishing Co. Ltd., 
17 Tavistock St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6789). (Advt. p. 298). 

Sentinel Transport News, 1921. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Sentinel Waggon 
Works Ltd., Shrewsbury. (Tel. 2011). (Circ. 10,000). 

Thurs.—p.m. for Fri. ld. Sentinel Newspaper Co. Ltd., 87 Trinity Road, 
Wood Green, N.22. (Tel. Palmers Green 0070). 

SEREN (The Star), 1885. (rad.). Thurs. ld. R. Evans & Sons, Berwyn St., Bala. 

SEREN CYMRU (Star of Wales), 1857. (i). Wed., for Fri. 2d. W. M. Evans & 
Son, 6 Hall St., Carmarthen. 

Seren Gomer, 1814. Alt.-M. 6d. W. Jones & Son, Seren Gomer Works, Barmouth. 

Seren yr Ysgol Sul, (Star of the Sunday School), 1895. M.—Ist Sun. 2d. Llanelly 
Mercury Printing Co. Ltd., 28 Market St., Llanelly. (Tel. 397). (Circ. 5,500). 

Serpent. Nov., Dec., Feb., Mar., May, June. 4d. Sub. 2s.6d. per ann. University 
Unions, Manchester. (Tel. Ardwick 3575). (Circ. 3,000). 

Service, 1927. M. Gratis. Marylebone Spiritualist Association Ltd., 4 Tavistock 
Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 0676). 

Service and Filling Station, 1925. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Service Pro- 
ductions Ltd., Aldwych House, w.c.2. (Tel. Chancery 8147). 

Settmakers’ and Stoneworkers’ Journal, 1891. M.—l1st. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Amalgamated National Union of Quarryworkers and Settmakers, 167 Hinckley 
Road, Leicester. (Tel. 21119). 

1880. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Courier Printing and Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 54 High St., Sevenoaks. (Tel. Sevenoaks 44). 

Seventy-Ninth News, 1891. Alter.-M. 4d. Northern Counties Newspaper &c. Co. 
Ltd., Margaret St., Inverness. 

Sexey’s School Magazine, 1896. Three times a year. 6d. The Editor, Sexey’s School, 
Bruton, Somerset. 

Sexton Blake Library, 1915. M.—1st Thurs. 4d. Sub.18s.perann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Shaftesbury Magazine, 1908 (as In His Name, 1888). Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ld. 
Shaftesbury Society and Ragged School Union, 32 John St., Bedford Row, w.c.l. 
(Tel. Museum 1951). 


Sha-She] Willing’s Press Guide 

Shakespeare Pictorial, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub.3s.perann. E.P. Ray, 37 High St., 
Stratford-on-Avon, (Tel. 366). (Circ. 2,000). 
Shamrock, 1906. Terminally. 9d. Croydon High School, Wellesley Road, Croydon. 

SHANKLIN GAZETTE AND VISITORS’ RECORD, 1899. Fri. 1d. Silsbury Bros., 
High St., Shanklin, Isle of Wight. 

Shaw’s Ideal Combined Bold Figure Daily Date Pad and Monthly Calendar, 1923. Nov. 
2s. 6d. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 6-9 Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8171). 

Shaw's Local Government Diary Blotting Pad, 1906. Nov. 7s.6d. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 
6-9 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8171). 

Shaw's Scribbling Diary, 1882. Nov. From 4s. 6d. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 6-9 Fetter 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8171). i 

Shaw’s Solicitors’ Almanack, 1899. Nov. ls. 6d. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 6-9 Fetter 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8171). l 

Shaw’s Tablet Diary, 1912. Nov. 2s. Shaw & Sons Ltd., 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 8171). 

Sat. l4d. Sub. 12s. per ann. Rigg, Allen & Co., 7 High St., Blue Town, Sheer- 
ness. (Tel. 19). (Circ. 4,000). 

SHEERNESS TIMES, 1868. Thurs. ld. Sub. 9s. per ann. W. J. Cole, 34-36 High 

© St., Sheerness. (Tel. 63). 

Sheet Metal Industries, 1927. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Electrical Press 
Ltd., 13-16 Fisher St., w.c.l. (Tel. Holborn 5171). (Advertisements—8 Red 
Lion Square, w.c.1.) (Advt. p. xiii). 

Sheffield A B C Railway Rates Book, 1910. Every four years. 84s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Sheffield Catholic Herald, 1907. Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 7 Cookridge St., 
Leeds. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

SHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (c). ld. Sub. £2 12s. per ann. Sir 
W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). 

Sheffield Diocesan Gazette, 1915. M.—Ist. 24d. A. Holmes, 28 Southbourne Road, 

Sheffield Enterprise, 1927. (ind.). M.—l1st. Sat. Id. E. Light & Co. Ltd., 156 
Eyre St., Sheffield. (Tel. 24800). 

SHEFFIELD INDEPENDENT, 1901 (as Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, 1819). 
(1). Daily—a.m. ld. Sheffield Independent Press Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. 
(Tel. 24051).- 

Sheffield Independent ABC Railway Guide, 1868. M.—Ist. 2d. Sheffield Indepen- | 
dent Press Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (Tel. 24051). 

Sheffield Independent Christmas Budget, 1910. Dec. 3d. Sheffield Independent 
Press, Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (Tel. 24051). 

Sheffield Independent Football Guide, 1902. July. 3d. Sheffield Independent Press 
Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (Tel. 24051). 

Sheffteld Independent Reference and Year Book, 1926. Jan. 6d. Sheffield Indepen- 
dent Press Ltd., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (Tel. 24051). 

SHEFFIELD MAIL, 1920. Evening from 10 a.m. ld. Sheffield Independent Press 
Ltd., Fargate, Sheffield. (Tel. 24051). 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily List, Daily—5 p.m., except Sat. Subscription. The 
Secretary, Stock Exchange, Sheffield. (Tel. 22371). 

Sheffield Telegraph Football Guide and Annual, 1903. 3d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co., 
High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). 

Sheffield Telegraph Railway Guide, 1904. M.—Ist. 4d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., 
High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). 

Sheffield University Annual Report, 1905. Nov. Gratis. The University, Sheffield. 
(Tel. 20305). 

Sheffield Year Book, 1905. Jan. ls. 6d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., 
Sheffield. (Tel. Central 22055). 

Shepherds’ Magazine, 1883. M.—lIst. 2d. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds. 
Ashton Unity Friendly and Approved Society, 132 High St., C.-on-M., Manchester. 
(Tel. Rusholme 1001). 

Shepherd’s N.E.W.S., 1922. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. William 
Shepherd & Sons Ltd., 20 Milkstone, Rochdale. (Tel. Rochdale 4102). (Circ. 

ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. id. Sub. 7s. per ann. A. Byrt 
& Son, High St., Shepton Mallet. (Tel. No. 9). 


Willing’s Press Guide [She-Sho 

Sherburn Recorder, 1890. M.—JIst. 2d. G. A. Pindar & Son, St. Thomas St., Scar- 
borough. (Tel. 526). 

SHETLAND NEWS, 1885. (u). Thurs. 14d. T. & J. Manson, Mounthooly St., 

SHETLAND TIMES, 1872. (l). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Jonnson 
& Greig, Prince Alfred St., Lerwick. (Tel. 22). 

Shield, 1870. Quarterly. ls. Association for Moral and Social Hygiene, Livingstone 
House, Broadway, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3451). 

to6 p.m. ld. Northern Press Ltd., Barrington St., South Shields. (Tel. South 
Shields 896). 

SHIELDS DAILY NEWS, 1864. (ind.). 2p.m.to6p.m. ld. Northern Press Ltd., 
Nile St., North Shields. (Tel. North Shields 118). 

Ship, 1925. Feb., June, Oct. 6d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Lancaster Guardian Ltd., 
38 Church St., Lancaster. (Tel. Lancaster 7). (Circ. 200). 

Shipbuilder, 1906. M.—lIst. ls. net. The Shipbuilder Press, 39 Victoria St., s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 0121). 

Shipbuilding and Shipping Record, 1912. Thurs. 1s. Transport (1910) Ltd., 33 
Tothill St., Westminster, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 8836). (Advt. p. xvii). 

SHIPLEY TIMES AND EXPRESS, 1905 (as Shipley and Saltaire Times, 1876). (ind.). 
Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Wm. Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd., Victoria Works, 
Otley, (Tel. Shipley 766). One of the Wharfedale and Airedale Observer series. 

Shipping, 1911. M.—Ist. 6d. Direct Publicity Co. Ltd., 20 North John St., Liver- 
pool. (Tel. Bank 4776). 

Shipping World and Ocean Traveller, 1883. Wed. ls. Sub. 40s. per ann. Shipping 
World Ltd., Effingham House, Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2381). 
Shipping World Pocket Book and Diary, 1925. Dec. 2s. Shipping World Ltd., 

Effingham House, Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2381). 

Shipping World Year Book, 1886. Feb. 25s. net. Shipping World Ltd., Effingham 
House, Arundel St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2381). 

Ships of the Royal Navy, 1922. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 
Ltd., 100 Southwark St., s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 1581). 

Shirburnian, 1859. Twice during term. ls. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Abbey Book 
Shop, The Parade, Sherbourne, Dorset. (Tel. 67). (Circ. 650). 

Shire Horse Stud Book, 1879. Feb. 42s. Shire Horse Society, 12 Hanover Square, 
w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 0596). 

SHIRLEY AND HALL GREEN ADVERTISER, 1929. (ind.). Sat. ld. C. H. 
Stacy, 60-61 Lionel St., Birmingham. (Tel. Central 4174). 

Shoe and Leather and Allied Trades’ News, 1916 (with which are incorporated the Shoe 
Trades Journal, 1869, and the Boot and Shoe Retailer, 1910). Thurs. 3d. New 
Century Publishing Co. Ltd., Spencer House, South Place, Finsbury, E.c.2. (Tel. 
Clerkenwell 7237). (Circ. 12 000). (Advt. p. xxvii.) 

Shoe and Leather Marks, 1918. March. 2s. 6d. Shoe and Leather Record Ltd., 23-8 
Fleet st., E.c.4. (Tel. City 9086). 

Shoe and Leather Record, 1886 (with which is incorporated Shoeseller, 1898). Thurs.— 
9 a.m., for Fri. 4d. Shoe and Leather Record Ltd., 23-8 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
City 9086). (Circ. 10,500). (Advt. p. 291). 

Shoe Crafts, 1926. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. J. L. Browett, 44 Highfield 
St., Leicester. (Tel. Central 4488). 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly, 1895. M.—20th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Halford 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 4 Market Place, Leicester. (Tel. 5346). 

Shue Seller, 1926. M.—Ist. Sub. 5s. per ann. Shoe and Leather Trades Press 
Agency Ltd., 198 Bermondsey St., s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 5412). 

Shooting Times and British Sportsman, and Kennel News, 1884 (as “ Wildfowler’s ” 
Illustrated Shooting Times, 1882). Fri., for Sat. 6d.. Burlington Publishing Co., 
74 Temple Chambers, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1587). 

Shop Assistant, 1896. Thurs. ld. ‘Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Shop Assistant Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 10-11 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6980). 

Shoppers’ Guide and Entertainment Announcer, 1927. M.—2nd week. Gratis. Syden- 
ham Press, Queensthorpe Road, s.£.26. (Tel. Sydenham 0753). (Circ. 10,000). 

Shoreditch Echo, 1926 M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. Labour Press Committee, 
180 Kingsland Road, £.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 6900). 

Short Stories, 1920. Alt. Fri. ls. Sub. 26s. per ann. World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 
W‘ndmil] Press, Kingswood, Tadworth. (Tel. Burgh Heath 777). 


Sho-Sla] Willing’s Press Guide 

Shorthand Teacher’s Magazine, 1908. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 4d. Sub. ls. 4d. per 
ann. W. T. Cherry, 13 Regent Terrace, Cambridge. (Tel. 1812). (Circ. 1,600). 

Showers of Blessing, 1909. Alt-M. 3d. Rev. J. Hutchinson-Dennis, Apostolic Faith 
Church, Winton, Bournemouth. 

SHREWSBURY ADVERTIZER, 1929 (as Shrewsbury and Border Counties Advertiser 
and Montgomeryshire Mercury, 1849). (l). Wed. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Woodall Minshall, Thomas & Co. Ltd., 7 St. John’s Hill, Shrewsbury. (Tel. 
2198). One of the Oswestry, etc., Advertizey series. 

Shrewsbury and Surrounding Districts Directory, 1925 (as Wilding’s Directory for 
Shrewsbury, Church Stretton, etc., 1890). Triennally. 10s. 6d. Wilding & Son 
Ltd., 33 Castle St., Shrewsbury. (Tel. 2472). 

SHREWSBURY CHRONICLE, 1772. (c). Fri—3 a.m. 2d. Shrewsbury Chronicle 
Ltd., Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury. (Tel. 2149). 

Shrewsbury Commercial and Literary Circular, 1907. Fri. Gratis. Shrewsbury 
“ Circular,” Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Coleham Head, Shrewsbury. (Tel. 

Shrewsbury Outlook, 1911. Thurs. Gratis. Brown & Brinnard Ltd., 5a Claremont 
St., Shrewsbury. (Tel. No. 2426). l 

Shrine of Wisdom, 1919. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 5s. per ann. Shrine of Wisdom, 
6 Hermon Hill, £.11. 

Sidcup and District Chronicle, 1929. M.—Ist. Gratis. Dayson Publication Service, 
63 Longlands Park Road, Sidcup. (Tel. Sidcup 606). (Cir. 5,000). 

Sidcup and District Free Press, 1929. (ind.). M.—Ist. Gratis. B. W. Smith, 11-13 
High St., Sidcup. (Tel. Sidcup 130). (Circ. 4,500). 

SIDCUP AND KENTISH TIMES, 1881. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Kentish District 
Times Co. Ltd., Times Building, Sidcup. (Tel. No. 77). (Advt. p. xxxv). 

SIDMOUTH HERALD AND DIRECTORY, 1849. (ind.). Sat. ld. E. Culverwell 
& Sons, Fore St., Sidmouth. 

SIDMOUTH OBSERVER AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1887. (ind.). Wed. lłd. H. J. 
Price & Son, High St., Sidmouth. 

Sierra Leone Messenger, 1893. Quarterly. 6d. Miss Walmsley, 12 Beaufort Road, 

Sign, 1905. M.—20th. ld. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., w.1. (Tel. 
Langham 2813). 

Sign Kalendar, 1904. Sept. 1$d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 28 Margaret St., 
w.l. (Tel. Langham 2813). 

Signal, 1921. M.—lIst. ls. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Association of Wireless and Cable 
Telegraphists, 150 Southampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Terminus 5070). 

Signal Letters of British Ships. M. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Signs, 1927. M.—15th. ls. Sub. 12s. perann. Blandford Press Ltd., 43 Blandford 
St., w.l. (Tel. Welbeck 7456). 

Silk and Rayon Directory and Buyers’ Guide, 1925. Jan. 21s. net. J. Heywood 
Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Silk Journal and Rayon World, 1924. M.—20th. 6d. Sub.9s.perann. J. Heywood 
Ltd., 121 Deansgate, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Simplex Investors’ Diary, 1914. Oct. 5s. C. Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge 
Buildings, s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 1250). 

Sinclair’s Music Trade Guide, 1928. Dec. 3s. H. Sinclair, 17 Little Tichfield St., 
w.l. (Tel. Museum 9308). 

ld. Sub. 9s. 4d. per ann. C. H. Major & Co. Ltd., 41 Lumley Road, Skegness. 
(Tel. Skegness 108). 

SKEGNESS STANDARD, 1922. Wed. ld. Lincolnshire Standard Ltd., 19 Lum'ey 
Road, Skegness. 

Sketch, 1893. Wed. is. Sub. 63s. 3d. Illustrated London News and Sketch Ltd., 
346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). (Advt. p. xxvi). 

Skinner's Cotton Trade Directory of the World, 1923. Sept. 30s. T. Skinner & Co. 
330 Gresham House, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

SKYRACK EXPRESS, 1923. Thurs., for Fri. 2d. Wakefield Express Series Ltd., 
2 Southgate, Wakefield. 

Slate Trade Gazette, 1894. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Larter & Bottamley, 
Wilberforce Press, Alfred Gelder St., Hull. (Tel. Central 348Y). 

Slave Market News, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2d. Sub. ls. perann. A. Lancaster 
Smith, Arcot Orchards, Sidmouth. (Tel. 97). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sla-Sol 

Slavonic and East European Review, 1922. Mar., June, Dec. 6s. Sub. 16s. 6d. per 
ann. School of Slavonic & East European Studies, University of London, 40, 
Torrington Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9738). (Circ. 600). 

SLEAFORD GAZETTE AND JOURNAL, 1929 (with which are incorporated Sleaford 
Gazette, 1854, and Sleaford Journal, 1872). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. W. K. 
Morton & Sons, 70 Southgate, Sleaford. (Tel. 27). 

SLEAFORD STANDARD, 1924. Fri—10a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Lincolnshire 
Standard Ltd., 72 Southgate, Sleaford. (Tel. 138). 

SLIGO CHAMPION, 1836. (/.s.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. A. 
McHugh, Wine St., Sligo. (Tel. 33). 

Fri. 1$d. W. D. Peebles, 4 Ratcliffe St., Sligo. 

SLOUGH, ETON, AND WINDSOR OBSERVER, 1883. (ind.). Fri—noon. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. perann. C. Luff & Co., 56 High St., Slough. (Tel. Slough 315). 

Smallholder, Gardener, Allotment-Holder and Poultry Keeper, 1910. Thurs. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 3521). . 

Smallholder Gardener and Poultry Keeper Year Book, 1912. Dec. C. Arthur 
Pearson Ltd., 16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Smart Novels, 1903. Mon. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Shurey’s Publications 
Ltd., 1 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4177). 

SMETHWICK TELEPHONE, 1884. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
J. Billingsley, 24 Hume St., Smethwick. (Tel. 0095). (Circ. 10,000). 

SMETHWICK WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. (ind.). Fri. 14d. Sub. lls. per ann. 
Midland Printing Co. Ltd., Simpson St., Oldbury. (Tel. 23). One of the Weekly 
News (West Bromwich) series. 

Smith’s Dock Journal, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 4s. per ann. Smith’s 
Dock Co. Ltd., North Shields. (Tel. Newcastle Central 5261). (Circ. 8,000). 
Smith's Household Almanack and Directory, 1862. Dec. 8d. (With Raphael’s 

ls. 3d.). W. & H. Smith Ltd., Swan Lane, Evesham. (Tel. No. 5). 

Smith's Physicians’ and Surgeons’ Visiting List, 1846. Oct. 7s. 6d. to 12s. Hazell, 
Watson & Viney Ltd., 160 Shaftesbury Avenue, w.1. | 

Snapper, 1907. M.—10th. 4d. East Yorkshire Regiment, Editor, Erith, Buckhurst 
Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. 

Snapshots, 1924. M.—20th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. British Photographic Manu- 
facturers’ Association Ltd., Sicilian House, Southampton Row, w.c.l. (Tel. 
Holborn 0395). 

Soap Makers’ Directory, 1888. June. 2s. 6d. net. Simpkin, Marshall Ltd., 4 Stationers’ 
Hall Court, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8431). 

Soap Trade and Pertumery Review, 1928. M.—15th. 1s. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. 
148 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3060). (Circ. 1,600). 

Social-Democrat, 1925 (as Justice, 1884). (soc-dem.). M.—28th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. 
per ann. Social Democratic Federation, 54 Colebrooke Row, Islington, n.1. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 6447). 

Social Service, 1905 (as Christian Social Service, 1902). M.—16th. 3d. Christian 
service Union (Incorporated), Turners Court, Benson, Oxford. (Tel. Wallingford 

Social Side, 1923. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Business Manager, Post 
Office Savings Bank, Blythe Road, w.14. (Tel. Riverside 2000). 

Socialist Christian, 1928 (as Crusader, 1919, as New Crusader, 1914). M.—25th. 2d. 
Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Clerical Services Guild Ltd., 17-20 Holborn Hall, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 1733). 

Socialist Review, 1908. M.—last Fri. 7d. net. Sub. 8s. per ann. Francis Streeton, 
58 Doughty St., w.c.1. 

Socialist Standard, 1904. M.—Ist Sat. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Socialist Party 
of Great Britain, 42 Great Dover St., s.£.1. 

Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs’ Handbook and Calendar, 1911. Jan. Is. The 
society, 23 Water Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6489.). 

Sociological Review, 1908. Quarterly. 5s. Sub. 21s. per ann. Leplay House Press, 
65 Belgrave Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 0571). 

SOHAM AND NEWMARKET ADVERTISER, 1872. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per 
ann. Sharman & Co. Ltd., High St., March. (Tel. Soham 6). One of the 
Cambridgeshire Times series. ( Advt. p. xxx). 

Solicitors’ Clerks’ Gazette, 1921. Quarterly. 3d. Solicitors’ Law Stationery Society 
Ltd., 29 Breams Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1853). 


Sol-Sou] Willing’s Press Guide 

Solicitors’ Diary, Almanac, and Legal Directory, 1844. Oct. 8s. to 15s. net. Water- 
low & Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 4008). 

Solicitors’ Gazette, 1889. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 46 Cannon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1870). 

Solicitors’ Journal, 1857. Fri.—11 a.m., for Sat. 1s. Sub. 52s. per ann. Solicitors’ 
Law Stationery Society Ltd., 29 Breams Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1853). 

Solicitors’ Pocket Book and Calendar, 1815. Dec. 7s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. Waterlow 
& Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, £.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 4008). 

Some Leading Industrials, 1925. Oct. 2s. Business Statistics Co. Ltd., The 
Exchange, Cardiff. (Tel. 1323). 

Somebody's Darlings, 1926. Mar. 5s. R. Tuck & Sons Ltd., Raphael House, Moor- 
fields, E.c. (Tel. Metropolitan 5011). 

SOMERSET COUNTY EXPRESS, 1887. (ind.). Sat. 14d. C.H. Mills, Fleet House, 
George St., Bridgwater. (Tel. Bridgwater 335). One of the Bridgwater Indepen- 
dent series. ; 

SOMERSET COUNTY GAZETTE, 1836. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Woodley, Williams & Dunsford Ltd., Castle Green, Taunton. (Tel. 25). 
(Circ. 14,780). (Advt. p. xl). 

SOMERSET COUNTY HERALD, 1843. (c). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Western Gazette Co. Ltd., 44 Bridge St., Taunton. (Tel. 10). 

Somerset Folk Series, 1921. Quarterly. 10s. per ann. Folk Press Ltd., 15 Ranelagh 
Road, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4360). 

Wessex Associated News Ltd., 33 Westgate St., Bath, and Fortescue Road, Rad- 

SOMERSET STANDARD, 1886 (as Frome Times, 1859, with which is incorporated the 
Somerset and Wilts Journal, 1855). (c). Fri. lłd. Frome Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Stoke House, Christ Church St. West, Frome. 

Somerset Year Book, 1902. June. 2s.6d. Folk Press Ltd., 15 Ranelagh Road, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 4360). 

Somersetshive, Gloucestershire, and the City of Bristol Directory, 1894. Every three 
years. Last issue 1927. 50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1124). 

Song Service Reporter, 1885. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 5s. per ann. J. Blackburn Ltd., 
232 Cardigan Road, Leeds. (Tel. Headingley 51754). 

Southeran’s Price Current of Literature, 1816. Irreg. 3s. per ann. Henry Southeran 
Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 7741). 

Sound Wave and Gramophone Journal, 1906. M.—15th. 4d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. 
Dunlop & Co. Ltd., 1-2 Whitfield St., E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 2283). 

South Africa, 1889. (ind.). Fri. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. South Africa Ltd., 10-12 
Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8341). 

South African A BC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1896. Annually. 
3s. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3422). 

South African Engineering, 1903. M.—15th. 6d. South African Engineering 
Publishing Co., 37 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. City 7167). 

South African Pioneer, 1887. M.—Ist. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1-2 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6023). 

South America, 1912. Alt.-M. 2d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1-2 Paternoster 
Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. City 6023). 

South American Handbook, 1924. Dec. 2s. 6d. Trade & Travel Publications Ltd., 
14 Leadenhall St., £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 9120). (Circ. 10,000). 

South American Journal and Brazil and River Plate Mail, 1878 (as Brazil and River 
Plate Mail, 1863). Sat. 9d. Sub. 40s. per ann. South American Journal & 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 309-311 Dashwood House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. Central 

South American Missionary Magazine,1856 (N.S. 1867) (as A Voice for South America). 
M.—lIst. 2d. S. A.M. Society, 20 John St., Bedford Row, w.c.l. 

South Australia Directory, 1884. Annually. 60s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

SOUTH BANK EXPRESS, 1908. (ind.). Fri. ld. T. Nicholls & Son, Standard 
Buildings, Redcar. One of the Cleveland Standard series. 

SOUTH BRENT WESTERN GUARDIAN. (ind.). Wed. 14d. Mortimer Bros., 34 
Fore St., Totnes. One of the Western Guardian series. 

SOUTH BRISTOL FREE PRESS, 1909. (ind.). Sat. ld. F. G. Warne, Ltd., 30 
Baldwin St., Bristol. (Tel. No. 920). One of the Clifton, œc., Free Press series, 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sou-Sou 

South Coast Catholic Herald, 1921. Sat. 2d. 12 Bouverie St., £.c.4. One of the 
Catholic Herald (London) series. 

South Devon and East Cornwall Hospital Report, 1840. May. Gratis. W. Brendon 
& Son Ltd., Plymouth. 

Gill & Son, 101-103 Fore St., Kingsbridge. (Tel. Kingsbridge 71). 

SOUTH DEVON WEEKLY EXPRESS, 1907 (as Weekly Express, 1855). (c). Fri— 
p.m. $d. Sub. 4s. 4d. per ann. A. R. Holcombe, Fore St., Chudleigh. (Tel. 
Chudleigh 37). l 

SOUTH EASTERN EXPRESS, 1929 (with which is incorporated South Eastern Herald, 
1882). (ind.). Tues. 4 p.m. ld. Sub. &s. 8d. per ann. South-Eastern Press, 
Ltd., 139, Greenwich Road, S.E.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1453). 

SOUTH-EASTERN GAZETTE, 1815 (with which is incorporated the Maidstone and 
Kentish Journal). (ind.). Tues., 2d.; Fri., l4d.; Sat., 14d. South-Eastern 
Gazette Newspaper Co. Ltd., 4 High St., Maidstone. (Tel. Maidstone 395). 

SOUTH ELMSALL & HEMSWORTH EXPRESS, 1917 (as Elmsall, Moorthorpe & 
Kirkby Express, 1913). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Wakefield Express Series Ltd., 2 
Southgate, Wakefield. One of the Wakefield Express series. 

Fri.—3 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Mexborough Times Co. Ltd., 50 High St., 
Mexborough. (Tel. Mexboro’ 31). One of the Mexborough, &c., Times series. 

SOUTH ESSEX MAIL, 1888. (ind.). Thurs.—5 p.m. for Fri. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per 
ann. 81a High St. North, East Ham, £.6. (Tel. Grangewood 2639). 

BURY GAZETTE. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. Bailey & Son, Kingshill 
Road, Dursley. One of the Dursley Gazette series. 

SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE GAZETTE, 1914. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. C. Mason 
& Co., 11 Narrow Wine St., Bristol. (Tel. 2745). 

12 noon; Fri.—12 noon. 13d. Sub. 8s. 8d. W. H. Green, 84 Church St., 
Camberwell, s.z.5. (Tel. Rodney 3605). 

SOUTH LONDON PRESS, 1865. (ind.). Tues.—ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Fri.— 
2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. South London Press Ltd., 70-74 London Road, Elephant 
and Castle, s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 7008). (Circ.—Fri. 24,850, Tues. 8,900). 

Sat. ld. Subs. 6s. 8d. per ann. Gregory & Son, South Molton. (Tel. 
Tiverton 5). One of the Tiverton Gazette series. 

SOUTH NOTTS ECHO, 1899. (ind.). Fri—lla.m., for Sat. 14d. Kirk Publishing 
Co. Ltd., St. Peter’s Church Walk, Nottingham. (Tel. 41310). 

SOUTH WALES ARGUS, 1892. (/). Daily—p.m. ld. 14-15 High St., Newport, 


South Wales Coal and Iron Companies, 1907. May. 2s. net. The Business Statistics 
Co. Ltd., The Exchange, Cardiff. (Tel. Cardiff 1323). 

South Wales Coal Annual, 1903. Mar. 10s. The Business Statistics Co. Ltd., 
The Exchange, Cardiff. (Tel. Cardiff 1323). 

eee WALES DAILY POST, 1893. (c). p.m. ld. D. Davies, 211 High St., 


SOUTH WALES ECHO, 1884. (ind.). Daily—evening. ld. D. Duncan & Sons 
Ltd., 102-106 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. No. 6700). 

and Evening Mail, 1887). (ind.). 10 a.m. ld. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary 
St., Cardiff. (Tel. 2092). 

South Wales Football Echo, 1920. Sat., during season. ld. D. Duncan & Sons Ltd., 
St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. No. 6700). 

SOUTH WALES GAZETTE AND NEWPORT NEWS, 1888. (/). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. South Wales Gazette Ltd., 37 King St., Abertillery. Mon. (Tel. 9). 

South Wales Journal of Commerce, 1918 (as Cardiff and South Wales Journal of 
Commerce, 1902). Daily.—4 a.m. ld. South Wales Printing & Publishing Co. 
Ltd., Mill Lane, Cardiff. 

SOUTH WALES PRESS, 1853 (with which is incorporated Llanelly Press). (I). Wed. 
for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Davies & Co., Ltd., Murray St., 
Llanelly. (Tel. No. 369). 

South Wales Voice, 1927 (as Labour Voice, 1926, as Llais Llafur, 1898). (ind.). 

` Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Liais Llafur Co. Ltd., Ystalyfera, Swansea. 
(Tel. 20). : 


Sou-Sou] Willing’s Press Guide 

SOUTH WALES WEEKLY ARGUS, 1829. (l). Fri., for Sat. 14d. 14-15 High St., 
Newport, Mon. 

8s. 8d. perann. Western Mail Ltd., 68a St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. 7,000). 

SOUTH WALES WEEKLY POST, 1893. (c). Sat. ld. D. Davies, 211 High St., 

1888. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. ld. Claydon & Norcott, Old Corn Exchange, 
Haverhill. l 

SOUTH-WESTERN STAR, 1877. (ind.). Fri. 2d. A. W. H. Morgan, 156 Falcon 
Road, Clapham Junction, s.ww.11. (Tel. Battersea 1331). 

Southampton and Neighbourhood Directory, 1886. Annually. 7s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Southdown Flock Book, 1892. July. 10s.6d. Southdown Sheep Society, 63 East St., 
Chichester. (Tel. No. 5). 

Southend and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 4s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

(ind.). Wed. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Essex Weekly News Series Ltd., 51 
Alexandra St., Southend. (Tel. No. 225). (Advt. p. xxii). 

1900. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. Id. J. H. Burrows & Sons Ltd., Cliff Town Road. 

Thurs.—6 a.m. 2d. J. H. Burrows & Sons Ltd., Cliff Town Road, Svutnena. 

SOUTHEND TIMES, 1922. Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Southend Times 
Ltd., 49, London Road, Southend-on-Sea. (Tel. 3339). 

Southern Cross Log, 1894. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Melanesian Mission, 
Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3975). 

SOUTHERN DAILY ECHO, 1888. (ind.). Seven editions daily. ld. Sub. 52s. 
per ann. Southern Newspapers Ltd., 45 Above Bar, Southampton. (Tel. 5021). 
( Advt. p. xviii). 

SOUTHERN PRESS, 1892 (as South Suburban Press, 1887). (ind.). Fri. Id. J. 
Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. One of the Govan Press series. 

Southern Railway Magazine, 1923 (as South-Western Railway Magazine, 1915, as South- 
Western Gazette, 1880). M.—Ist. 2d. The Editor, Waterloo Station, s.£.1. 
(Tel. Hop 5100 Ex. 2026). (Advertisement Department: 63 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4). 

Southern Railway Time Tables, 1921. Irreg. 6d. Southern Railway, Waterloo 
Station, s.E.1. (Tel. Hop 5100). 

SOUTHERN REPORTER, 1855. (ind.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. R. G. 
Mann, 53 High St., Selkirk. (Tel. 118). 

SOUTHERN STAR, 1928. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Southern Star Ltd., Hen 
St., Skibbereen. (Tel. 8). (Circ. 11,500). 

Sime & Co., 100 St. Mary St., Weymouth. 

SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. Sat.—4 a.m. 2d. Southern Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 130 North St., Brighton. (Tel. 2052). 

SOUTHGATE CHRONICLE, 1859. (ind.). Fri—7 a.m., for Sat. 1$d. E.- Cowing 
& Son, High St., Barnet. (Tel. Barnet 0090). One of the Barnet Press series. 

Wed., ld., and Sat., 2d. Sub. 21s. 8d. per ann. J. J. Riley, 257 Lord St., 
Southport. (Tel. 4867). 

SOUTHPORT JOURNAL, 1882 (with which is incorporated the Southport Weekly News 
and Birkdale and Ainsdale Standard). (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 

_ W. Ashton & Sons Ltd., 34a Tulketh St., Southport. (Tel. No. 2818). 

HERALD, 1844. (c). Tues. and Thurs. ld. Sat.—4 a.m., 2d. 28 Tulketh St., 
Southport. (Tel. 5127). | 

1900 (as Southwark Recorder and Newington Gazette, 1868). (ind.). Fri. 2d. 
City and South London Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 12-16 Laystall St., 
E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1314). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sou-Spo 

Southwark Diocesan Gazette, 1919. M.—20th. ld. Sub. 2s.perann. South London 
Church Fund, S.P.C.K. House, Northumberland Avenue, s.w.1. (Tel. Regent 
6699). (Circ. 51,000). 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List and Almanac, 1885. Jan. 2s. Miss A. 
Holt, 530 Berridge Road, Nottingham. ` 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine, 1888. M.—lIst. 24d. Miss A. Holt, 530 Berridge 
Road, Nottingham. 

are i Recorder, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. Powell & Co., St. John’s Road, Lowestott. 

el. 11). 

Sower, 1890. M.—25th. ld. Sub. ls. per ann. W. E. Sibthorpe, 21 Woodbury 
Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 988). 

Sower and Gospel Banner, 1862. M.—27th. 2d. E. J. Larby Ltd., 30 Paternoster 
Row, E.c.4. (Tel. City 5991). 

SPALDING AND LINCOLNSHIRE STANDARD, 1878. (c). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Lincolnshire Standard Ltd., 5 Sheep Market, Spalding. (Tel. 103). 

ADVERTISER, 1881. (Z). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. 20 Station St., 
Spalding. (Tel. 40). 

Speaker, 1920. Quarterly. 3d. 17 Fore St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 1994). 

Specification, 1898 (with which is incorporated Municipal Engineers’ Specification, 
1905). Jan. 10s. 6d. Architectural Press Ltd., 9 Queen Anne’s Gate, West- 
minster, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 6936). (Advt. p. 242). 

Spectator, 1828. (ind.). Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Spectator 
Ltd., 99 Gower St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1721). (Circ. 22,361). 

Speculative Mason, 1925 (with which is incorporated Co-Mason, 1909). Jan., Apl., 
July, Oct. 2s. 2d. net. Sub. 8s. 8d. (post free) per ann. A. Bothwell-Gosse, 
1 Springfield Road, N.w.8. (Tel. Maida Vale 1518). (Advt. p. xl). 

- Speed, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Edinburgh Corpora- 
tion, Transport Dept., 2 St. James’ Square, Edinburgh. (Tel. 24071). (Circ. 

SPHERE, 1900 (with which is incorporated Black and White, 1891). Fri. for Sat. Is. 
Sub. 70s. per ann. Illustrated Newspapers Ltd., 346 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 8020). (Advt. p. vi). 

Spink & Sons Numismatic Circular, 1892. M.—Ist. 5s. perann. Spink & Son Ltd., 
5-7 King St., s.w.1. 
Spiritual Life, 1916 (with which is incorporated Tongues of Fire, 1891). M.—26th. 
2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 12 Paternoster Build- 

ings, E.c.4. (Tel. City 6022). 

Spiritual Truth, 1922. Wed. 2d. P. B. Beddow, 46 Anerley Station Road, s.£.20. 
(Tel. Sydenham 0490). 

Spons’ Architects’ and Builders’ Pocket Price Book, 1873. Jan. E. & F.N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3450). 

Sport, 1926. Sat. 2d. Independent Newspapers Ltd., 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 
(Tel. 21036). 

Sport and Play and Wheel Life, 1886. Fri. 2d. Sport and Play Ltd., Lucifer House, 
. Lionel St., Birmingham. 

Sporting Chat, 1907. Tues. ls. Sub. 40s. per ann. F. Beaven, 1 New Oxfora. 
St., w.c.1. 

Sporting Chronicle, 1871. Daily—a.m. 2d. Sub. 78s. per ann. Allied Newspapers 
Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sporting Chronicle Annual, 1877. Dec. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sporting Chronicle “4 Horses in Training,” 1891. Mar. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sporting Chronicle Racing Up-to-Date, 1897. Sats., Mar. to Nov., ls.; Dec. and Jan., 
3s. Sub. 45s. for season. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(Tel. City 6501). 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Handicap Book, 1887. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
per ann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sporting Echo E 1921. Daily—10 a.m. ld. 14 Bridge St., Sunderland. 
(Tel. 2681). 

Sporting Express (Liverpool). Daily. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. C. Tinling & Co. Ltd., 
55 Victoria St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2700). 

Sporting Goods Review and Gunmaker, 1891. M.—last day. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. 
Jenkyn Griffiths, 8 Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4565). 


Spo-Spo] Willing’s Press Guide 

SPORTING LIFE, 1859 (with which is incorporated Sportsman, 1865). Daily—a.m. 
2d. Sub. £3 18s. per ann. F. T. Butcher, 222-5 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 

Sporting Life Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1881. Jan. 3s. F. T. Butcher, 
222-5 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 0173). 

Sporting Life Weekly Edition, 1929 (as Sporting Life Weekly Racing Guide,1879). Sat. 
2d. F.T. Butcher, 222-5 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Central 0173). 

Sporting Mail & Sporting News, 1912. (ind.) a.m. ld. Sub. 39s.perann. W. J. 
Bird, Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. (Tel. 2211). 

Sporting Man, 1894. Daily—9.30-10.30 a.m. 1d. Newcastle Chronicle Ltd, 
Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Sporting News, 1920. Sat. Id. Swansea Press Ltd., Leader Buildings, Swansea. 

Sporting Pink, 1895. Five editions—6 to 12a.m. 1d. Provincial Newspapers, Ltd., 
14-15 Trinity St., Leeds. (Tel. Leeds 27341). 

Sporting Post. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., Courier 
Place, Dundee. 

Sporting Post, 1923. Sat.—p.m. ld. D. Davies, 211 High St., Swansea. (Tel. 3981). 

Sporting Standard, 1929. Tues., 1s.; Fri., 2d. World Service Ltd., 3 Little Gray’s 
Inn Lane, £.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 8028). 

Sporting Star, 1919. Sat., p.m. ld. Midland News Association Ltd., 50-1 Queen 
St., Wolverhampton. 

Sporting Times, 1865. Fri., for Sat. 2d. S. T. Publications Ltd., 96 Jermyn St., 
s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 6437). 

Sports Annual, 1929. 5s. Sept. Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 48 Pall Mall, s.w.1. 
(Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Sports Argus, 1897. Sat. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Birmingham Gazette Ltd., 
Newspaper House, Corporation St., Birmingham. 

Sports Budget, 1923. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Sports Dealer, 1923. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 5s. per ann. Pilley & Reddy, 19 Garrick 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 1556). 

Sports Dealers’ Trade Index, 1928. Jan. Pilley & Reddy, 19 Garrick St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 7918). 

Sports Despatch, 1915. Sat.—p.m. Id. Sub. 6s. 8d. per ann. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., Priestgate, Darlington. (Tel. 2770). 

Sports Dispatch, 1923. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. J. Ritchie & Co., 24 North 
Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Sports Echo, 1905. Sat. 2d. Provincial Newspapers Ltd., 14-15 Trinity St., Leeds. 
(Tel. Leeds 27341). 

Sports Gazette (Middlesbrough), 1904. Sat.—three editions. ld. A. Pickering, 
North Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. 

Sports Gazette (Bishop Auckland), 1904. Sat., Two Editions. 1d. A. Pickering, 
North Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. 

Sports Mail (Hull), 1913. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Provincial Newspapers 
Ltd., Jameson St., Hull. (Tel. Central 5700). (Circ. 40,000). (Advt. p. xvi). 

Sports Mail, 1921 (as Leicestershire Sports Mail, 1919). Sat.—p.m. 14d. Leicester- 
shire Constitutional Newspaper Co., 37 London Road, Leicester. (Tel. 3281). 

Sports Mail and Irish Weekly Mail, 1919. (ind.). Sat—p.m. 14d. Dublin Express 
and Mail Ltd., 39-40 Parliament St., Dublin. (Tel. No. 3302). 

Sports Mercury, 1919. Sat. ld. Hewitt & Son (1927) Ltd., 25 Albion St., Leicester. 
(Tel. Central 20831). 

Sports News, 1919. Sat.—p.m. ld. W. Reid & Sons Ltd., Baldwin St., Bristol. 

Sports Pictures, 1919. Fri. 2d. Webster’s Publication Ltd., 79-83 Temple Chambers, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5378). 

Sports Post, 1919. Sat.—during Football season. 2d. Sub.9s. Yorkshire Conserva- 
tive Newspaper Co. Ltd., Change Court, Albion St., Leeds. (Tel. 20401). 

Sports Post, 1923. Daily—10a.m. ld. Western Morning News Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort 
St., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 2131). 

Sports Special, 1914 (with which are incorporated Football and Sports Special, 1907, 
The Week, 1907, and Week and Sports Special, 1911). Sat. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. 
per ann. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., Aldine Court, High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 

Sports Telegraph, 1923. Sat.—6 p.m. 2d. North Western Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Railway Road, Blackburn. (Tel. 4291). (Circ. 90,000). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Spo-Sta 

Sports Trader, 1907. M.—lIst. 1s. Sub. 10s. per ann. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 
Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Sports Trader Directory, 1910. June. Subs. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Sports Trades’ Journal, 1901. M.—15th. 7s.6d.perann. G. Street & Co., 8 Serle St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 
Sports Trades Journal Year Book and Diary, 1920. Jan. 3s. 6d. G. Street & Co., 

8 Serle St., w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0367). 

Sports World (Newcastle), 1929. Daily—a.m. 1d. Nordur Newspapers Ltd., Gallow- 
gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 6161). 

Sportsman's Engagement Book, 1913. Dec. 3s. 6d. A. Webster & Co. (Piccadilly) 
Ltd., 44 Dover St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3628). 

Sportsman’s Register and Sporting Courier, 1929. M.—Ist. 2d. Review Press, 
Gironde Road, s.w.6. 

Spotlight Bulletin, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Spotlight Ltd., 33 Cranbourn St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2249). (Circ. 1,500). 

** Spotlight ” Casting Directory for Stage and Screen, 1929 (as Spotlight Directory, 1927). 
Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 2s.6d. Sub. 10s. perann. Spotlight Ltd., 33 Cranbourn 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2249). (Circ. 1,500). 

Springtime, and Christian Endeavour, 1899 (as Springtime, 1886). M.—25th. 3d., 
John Swinden, Holborn Hall, Clerkenwell Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 1508). 

Sprig of Shillelagh, 1890. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 4s.perann. Tyrone Constitution 
Ltd., High St., Omagh. 

Squills Diary, Stud Book, Training Register and Almanac, 1899. Jan. 2s. Racing 
Pigeon Publishing Co. Ltd., 19 Doughty St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9751). 

Staff College Reports and Examination Papers. Aug. Price varies. H.M. Stationery 
Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Stafford Newsletter, 1906. Sat. Gratis. R. W. Hourd & Son, 22 Mill St., Stafford. 
(Tel. 218). (Circ. 9,500). 

Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire (without Birmingham) Directory, 1828. 
Every three years, last issue 1928. 50s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). | 

STAFFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1795. (ind.). Fri. for Sat. 2d. J. & C. 
Mort Ltd., 39 Greengate St., Stafford. (Tel. 46). (Circ. 15,000). 

Staffordshire Catholic News, 1907. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. New Catholic Press 
Ltd., Jordan St., Knott Mill, Manchester. (Tel. 5818). One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. 

STAFFORDSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1877 (with which is incorporated Stone Weekly News). 
(tnd.). Sat. ld. Allison & Bowen Ltd., 19 Greengate St., Stafford. (Tel. 18). 

STAFFORDSHIRE EVENING SENTINEL, 1873. (ind.). Daily—p.m. Four editions. 
1d. Staffordshire Sentinel Newspapers Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. (Tel. 2381). 

STAFFORDSHIRE WEEKLY SENTINEL, 1854. (ind.). Fri.—noon for Sat. 2d. 
Staffordshire Sentinel Newspapers Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. (Tel. 2381). 

Stage, 1881 (as Stage Directory, 18380). Thurs. 4d. Carson & Comerford Ltd., 16 
York St., Covent Garden, w.c.2, (Tel. Temple Bar 5213). 

STAINES AND EGHAM NEWS, 1893. (u). Fri. ld. Rawlings & Walsh Ltd., 
Windsor St., Chertsey. (Tel. Staines 331). (Advt. p. xli). 

STALYBRIDGE HERALD, 1887. (c). Fri—noon for Sat. 2d. Herald P. & P. Co. 
Ltd., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. (Tel. Ashton-under-Lyne 42). One 
of the Ashton-under-Lyne Herald series. 

STALYBRIDGE REPORTER, 1855. (/). Fri., for Sat. 2d. J. Andrew & Co. Ltd., 
Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. One of the Ashton Reporter series. 

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1912 (with which is incorporated Stamford 
Guardian, 1875). (ind.). Tues. 14d. Sub. Ils. 4d. per ann. G. H. Haynes, 
Silver Lane, Stamford. (Tel. 161). (Circ. 6,200). 

Stamp Collecting, 1913. Sat. 3d. Sub. 15s. per ann. Vallancey Press Ltd., 15 St. 
Bride St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 4871). . 

Stamp Collecting Year Book, 1925. Jan. 1s. Vallancey Press Ltd, 15 St. Bride St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 4871). l 

Stamp Collectors’ Annual, 1904. Oct. 3s. 6d. Harris Publications Ltd., 112 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7138). 

Stamp Collectors’ Forinightly. 1394. Alt. Sat. 2d. Sub. 5s. per ann. S. H. 
Wright & Co., 44, Bedford Row, w.c.l. (Tel. Chancery 8328). 


Sta-Sti] Willing’s Press Guide 

Stamp Lover, 1908. M.—15th. 8d. Sub. 10s. perann. H. F. Johnson, 44-45 Fleet 
St., &.c.4. (Tel. Central 8021). 

Stamp Trade Advertiser, 1924. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. per ann. Vallancey Press, 15 St. 
Bride St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 4871). 

STANDARD, 1928. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Standard Press Ltd., 1 Cavendish 
Row, Dublin, (Tel. Dublin 44082). 

Standard ABC Railway Time Tables for Liverpool and Birkenhead, 1€99. M.—lIst. 
3d. Littlebury Bros., Ltd., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 2711). 

Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps, 1910 (as Universal Standard Catalogue of Postage 
Stamps of the World, 1899). Oct. 7s. Whitfield, King & Co., Ipswich. (Tel. 

Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons, 1836. Sessional. Nov. 5s. Waterlow & 
Sons Ltd., 85 London Wall, E.c.2. (Tel. Central 9214). 

STANLEY NEWS AND CONSETT CHRONICLE, 1910. (ind.). Thurs.—a.m. 2d. 
North of England Newspaper Co. Ltd., Station Road, Stanley. (Tel. 29). 

STANMORE OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1921 (with which are incorporated Stanmore 
Observer, 1895, and Stanmore Gazette, 1900). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sholl & Kay, 
Station Rd., Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 0156). One of the Harrow Observer and 
Gazette series. : 

STAPLEFORD AND SANDIACRE NEWS, 1920 (as Sandiacre and Stapleford Weekly 
News, 1882). (ind.). Fri. 14d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Long Eaton Adver- 
tiser Co. Ltd., Westgate, Long Eaton. (Tel. 140). 

STAR (London), 1888. (/). Daily—even. ld. Daily News Ltd., 19 Bouverie St., 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5000). 

STAR (Dublin), 1929. Sat. 2d. Star Publishing Co. Ltd., 47 Lower O’Connell St., 
Dublin. (Tel. 3810). 

STAR (Guernsey), 1812. (ind.). Daily—p.m. ld. Guernsey Star and Gazette Co., 
Ltd., 2 Bordage St., St. Peter’s Port, Guernsey. 

Star and Garter Magazine, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Star and Garter Home, Richmond, Surrey. (Tel. Richmond 2180). 

Star in the East, 1893. Quarterly. Id. Bible Lands Missions’ Aid Society, 76 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7070). 

Starlore, 1927. M.—Ist. Is. Sub. 13s.perann. A. Stuart, Bransgore, Christchurch, 
Hants. (Tel. Bransgore 48). (Circ. 750). 

Starrwood’s Annual, The Snark, 1910. June and Dec. ls. 6d. Angold’s Ltd., 10 
Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3479). 

State Service, 1926 (as State Technology, 1921). M.—18th. 6d. Sub. 7s. per ann. 
Institution of Professional Civil Servants, 69 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 
7676). ` 

Statesman’s Year Book, 1864. May. 20s. net. Macmillan & Co. Ltd., St. Martin’s 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 8830). 

Stationer, Bookseller, Newsagent and Fancy Goods Dealer, 1929. M.—Ist. Gratis. 
Saltoun Publications Ltd., 80 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 6188). (Circ. 

Stationers’, Printers’, Publishers’, Booksellers, and Papermakers’ Directory, 1872. Irreg. 
last issue 1927. 35s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 1124). 

Stationery Trades Journal, 1880. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 2s. 6d. perann. J. Whitaker 
& Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Statist, 1878. Sat. Gd. Statist Co. Ltd., 51 Cannon St., £E.c.4. (Tel. City 5258). 

Status, 1920. Sat. 6d. 157 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Steam Engineer, 1929 (as Steam Car, 1928). M.—15th ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Camp- 
bell & Co., 19-20 Temple Chambers, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9386). 

Steering Wheel, 1922. Alt. Sat. 2d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Lenham Publicity Co., 
Fulwood House, High Holborn, w.c.1l. (Tel. Chancery 7080). 

Stella Maris, 1901. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. J. Griffin, Manresa Press, 
Roehampton. (Tel. Putney 3939). 

Stewart's College Magazine, 1910. Apr.,, July, Dec. 8d. Daniel Stewart’s College, 

Thurs. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Ivie A. Callan, 38 High St., Dalbeattie. 

STIRLING JOURNAL AND ADVERTISER, 1820 (with which is incorporated the 
Reporter). (u). Thurs.—noon. 13d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. A. Learmonth 
& Son, 9 King St., Stirling. (Tel. No. 224). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sti-Sto 

STIRLING OBSERVER, 1836. (/). Tues. and Thurs. 13d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. 
Jamieson & Munro Ltd. 40 Craigs, Stirling. (Tel. 118). 

STIRLING SENTINEL, 1888. (ind.). Tues. ld. McIntyre & Pearson, 9 Barnton 
St., Stirling. 

Stoc, 1917. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 3s. perann. T. Omaille, University College, Galway. 

Stock Exchange Daily Official List, 1899 (as London Daily Stock and Shave List, 1843). 
Sp.m. {6perann. The Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall 
Buildings, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7749). 

Stock Exchange Gazette, 1901. Fri. 6d. T. Skinner & Co., 330 Gresham House, 
E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

‘Stock Exchange News, 1897. Fri. 6d. Sub. 20s. per ann. Stock Exchange News 
Ltd., 4 South Place, E.c.2. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1148). (Circ. 50,000). 

Stock Exchange Official Intelligence, 1898 (as Burdett’s Official Intelligence, 1882). 
March. 60s. Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 5284). 

Stock Exchange Official List of Making Up Prices, 1922. Fortnightly. 24s. per ann. 
Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, E.c.2. (Tel. 
London Wall 7749). 

Stock Exchange Record of Bargains In Securities Which Have Not Received a Quota- 
tion in The Stock Exchange Official List, 1915. Daily—5 p.m. £6 per ann. 
Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, E.c.2. (Tel. 
London Wail 7749). 

Stock Exchange Times, 1886. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 12s. per ann. J. W. Howard, 
7 Broad St. House, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7516). 

Stock Exchange Weekly Official Intelligence, 1889 (as Weekly Official Intelligence, 
1882). Mon. £5 per ann. The Trustees and Managers of the Stock Exchange, 
4 Copthall Buildings, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 0579). 

Stock Exchange Year Book, 1874. Feb. 50s. net. T. Skinner & Co., 330 Gresham 
House, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Stock Exchanges’ Ten Year Prices and Dividends, 1907. June. 20s. F.C. Mathieson 
& Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Stockholm, 1928. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3s. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Stock-keeper, 1926 (as Scottish Poultry News, 1920). Fri. 2d. James Garrow, 
Edinalee, Loanhead, Midlothian. 

STOCKPORT ADVERTISER AND GUARDIAN, 1822. (c). Fri.—morn. 2d. Sub. 
15s. 2d. per ann. Swain & Co. Ltd., High St., Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). 

STOCKPORT EXPRESS, 1889. (ind.). Thurs. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Connell 
& Bailey Ltd., 8-10 St. Peter’s Square, Stockport. (Tel. 2381). (Circ. 17,500). 

Stockport Express Annual, 1898. Dec. 2d. Connell & Bailey Ltd., 8-10 St. Peter’s 
Square, Stockport. (Tel. 2381). 

A. Pickering, Castle House, Stockton. 

Stockton and Thornaby Catholic Magazine, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. J. E. Mulligan, 
42 Grasmere Crescent, Monton, Manchester. (Tel. Eccles 1162). 

Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill, and District Directory, 1881. Biennially. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Stone & Cox's Accident Insurance Tables, 1906. March. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox’s Accident Year Book, 1908. Oct. 17s. 6d. Stone & Cox Ltd., Africa 
House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Bonus Insurance Tables, 1912. July. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Colonial Life Insurance Tables, 1910. July. 3s. 6d. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Fire and Marine Year Book, 1910. Feb. 17s.6d. Stone & Cox Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2 (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox’s House Purchase Insurance Tables, 1912. June. 2s. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox’s Indian Life Insurance Tables, 1926. July. 3s.9d. Stone & Cox Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Industrial Life Insurance Tables, 1904. May. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox’s Life Insurance Policy Conditions, 1916. Mar. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 


Sto-Str] Willing’s Press Guide 

Stone & Cox's Motor Car Prices, 1922. Feb. Full 12s.6d. Abridged, 7s. 6d. Stone 
& Cox Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Motor Insurance Tables, 1912. July. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox Ltd., 
Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone & Cox's Ordinary Life Insurance Tables, 1903. May. 2s. 6d. Stone & Cox 
Ltd., Africa House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 1052). 

Stone Trades’ Journal, 1900. M. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Woodford Fawcett 
& Co., 36-38 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8923). 

Stone’s Justices’ Manual, 1842. Feb. 37s. 6d. net. Butterworth & Co., (Publishers) 
Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Stonyhurst Magazine, 1881. Six times a year. 10s. per ann. T. Briggs (Blackburn) 
Ltd., 73 Northgate, Blackburn. 

Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. W. Grant, 18 Kenneth St., Stornoway. 

Stortfordian, 1886. Terminally. 1s. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, The College, 
Bishop’s Stortford. 

Story-Teller, 1907. M.—15th. 1s. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Stourbridge and Kidderminster Railway Guide, 1922. M.—Ist. 3d. Littlebury & Co. 
Ltd., Worcester Press, Worcester. (Tel. No. 13). 

West of Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., Derry Road, Strabane. One of the Ulster 
Herald series. 

STRABANE WEEKLY NEWS, 1908. (u). Sat. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Tyrone 
Constitution Ltd., 25 High St., Omagh. (Tel. 11). 

Strad, 1890. M.—lIst. 4d. H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 6424). 

Straight Forward, 1920. Irreg. Id. Straight Forward Publishing Co. Ltd., 34 
Waterloo St., Birmingham. 

Strand Magazine, 1891. M.—25th. is. Sub. 15s. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Strand School Magazine, 1905. Terminally. 1s. Strand School, Elm Park, Brixton 
Hill, s.w.2. (Tel. Brixton 1021). 

STRATFORD EXPRESS, 1858 (as Stratford Times, 1854). (ind.). Wed.—1 p.m., 1d.; 
Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 14d. Broadway, Stratford, £.15. (Tel. Maryland 2910). 
(Circ., Wed., 12,500 ; Sat., 30,462). (Advt. p. xl). 

1860. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 10s. 10d. perann. G. Boyden & Son, 29 High St. 
Stratford-on-Avon. (Tel. No. 34). (Circ. 5325). 

STRATHEARN HERALD, 1856. (u). Sat. ld. D. Philips, 16-18 Comrie St., Crieff. 
(Tel. Crieff 119). 

A. Tulloch, The Square, Grantown-on-Spey. 

Streatham Directory, 1909. Biennially. 2s 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Streatham Free Press, 1882. (ind.). Fri. 2d. A.C. Musselwhite, 429 Brixton Road. 
s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 4524). One of the Brixton Free Press series. 

Thurs., for Fri. 2d. S. Stephen, 1 Gleneldon Road, High Road, Streatham, 
s.w.16. (Tel. Streatham 0475). 

STRETFORD AND SALE ADVERTISER, 1883. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Swain & Co. Ltd., High St., Stockport. (Tel. Stockport 2026). One of the 
Stockport Advertiser series. 

STRETFORD TELEGRAPH, 1898. (ind.). Fri. ld. Telegraph Printing Co. Ltd., 
Railway Road, Urmston. (Tel. Urmston 33). One of the Western Telegraph 

Strict Baptist Mission Herald, 1909. M.—Ist. 1d. Marshall Press Ltd., Milford 
Lane, Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9330). 

STROKESTOWN DEMOCRAT, 1907. (ind.). Thurs., for Sat. ld. O. Morahan, 
Bridge St., Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. 

STROUD JOURNAL, 1854. (J). Fri—9 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. 
Thompson, Lansdown, Stroud. (Tel. No. 27). 

9am. 2d. Stroud News Publishing Co. Ltd., George St. Stroudi 


Willing’s Press Guide [Str-Sun 

Structural Engineer, 1908. M.—list. ls. Temsbank Publishing Co., 21 Northumber- 
land Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 6234). 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book and Gazette Index, 1869. Jan. Subscription. Stubbs’ 
Ltd., 42 Gresham St., E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 4931). 

Stubbs’ Directory (British and Foreign), 1879. Annually. 40s. Stubbs’ Directories 
Ltd., 3-4 Addle Hill, Queen Victoria St., £.c.4. 

Stubbs’ Hotel Guide (British and Foreign), 1891. Annually. 15s. Stubbs’ Directories 
Ltd., 3-4 Addle Hill, Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette and List of Creditors, 1853. Wed. Subscription. Stubbs’ L td., 
42 Gresham St., E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 4931). 

Student. Alt. Tues. during term. 6d. Sub. 9s. 6d. per ann. Darien Press, Bristo 
Place, Edinburgh. (Tel. 20,698). (Circ. 1,500). 

Student Movement, 1898. M.—Ist. June. 4d. Sub. 4s. 2d. perann. Student 
Christian Movement Press Ltd., 32 Russell Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9007). 

Student of Scripture, 1904. M.—25th. Gratis. P. W. Heward, 61 Upton Lane, Forest 
Gate, E.7. (Tel. Maryland 2196). 

Students’ Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, 1902. Annually. 7s. 6d. 
net. Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E£.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 
Students’ Telephone, 1910. June and Dec. 2s. 6d. H. F. L. (Publishers), Ltd., 

17 Ironmonger Lane, E.c.2. (Tel. City 6920). 

Studies, 1912. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 3s. 6d. net. Educational Co. of Ireland, 89 
Talbot St., Dublin. (Tel. 44361). 

Studio, 1893. M.—Ist. 2s. Studio Ltd., 44 Leicester Sq., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 

Studio Year Book of Decorative Art, 1906. Mar. 7s. 6d. net. The Studio Ltd., 44 
Leicester Square, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 3267). 

Subject Index to Periodicals, 1915. 70s. The Library Association, 26-27 Bedford 
Square, w.c.1. 

Sub-Postmaster, 1899. M.—lIst. ld. National Federation of Sub-Postmasters, 
Bromley Cross, Bolton, Lancs. (Tel. Eagley 223). 

SUDBURY POST AND LONG MELFORD GAZETTE, 1886. (c). Fri. 2d. Bury and 
Norwich Post Co. Ltd., 19 appa St., Bury St. Edmunds. One of the Bury 
and Norwich Post series. ( Advt. p. XXX. . 

SUFFOLK AND ESSEX FREE PRESS, 1855. ` (ind.). Wed.—8 p.m. 2d. F. Patrick, 
Station Road, Sudbury. (Tel. Sudbury 38). 

SUFFOLK CHRONICLE AND MERCURY, 1899 (as Suffolk Chronicle, 1810 ; as Suffolk 
Mercury, 1854; as Suffolk Times and Mercury, 1876). (ind.). Fri.—6 a.m. 2d. 
East Anglian Daily Times Co. Ltd., 13 Carr St., Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

Suffolk County Handbook (with which is incorporated Knight’s County Handbook and 
Suffolk Almanac, 1868). Dec. 2s. East Anglian Daily Times Co., Ltd., 
13 Carr St., Ipswich. (Tel. Ipswich 3204). 

Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book, 1923 (as Flock Book of the Suffolk Sheep Society, 1886). 
June. 10s. 6d. Bury St. Edmunds. P. & P. Co. Ltd., King’s Road, Bury St. 

Suffolk Stud Book, 1880. April. 10s. Suffolk Horse Society, Woodbridge. (Tel. 76). 

Sugar Beet Review, 1927. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. Sugar Beet Review Ltd., 
12 Cursitor St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1067). 

Sulian, 1907. Terminally. 6d. Bath City Secondary Day School, Bath. 

Sunbeam, 1865. M.—Ist. ld. Churches of Christ Publishing Committee, 
20 Brighton Road, Birmingham. 

Sunbeam, 1922. Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Sunday at Home, 1854. M.—25th. ls. net.. Sub. 14s. per ann. Religious Tract 
Society, 4 Bouverie St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Sunday at Home Annual, 1854. Sept. 12s. 6d. net. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 8428). 

SUNDAY CHRONICLE, 1885. Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime Annual, 1904. Dec. 6d. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Sunday Circle, 1902. Wed. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.C.4 (Tel. City 0202). 

Sunday Companion, 1895. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 


Sun-Sup] -Willing’s Press Guide 

SUNDAY DISPATCH, 1928 (as Weekly Dispatch, 1801). (ind.). Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
per ann. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Northcliffe House, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 

SUNDAY EXPRESS, 1918. (ind.). Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. London Express 
Newspaper Ltd., 8 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8000). (Circ. 995,376). 

SUNDAY GRAPHIC, 1927 (as Illustrated Sunday Herald, 1915). Sun. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Daily Sketch and Sunday Graphic Ltd.,200 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Museum 9841). 

Sunday Guardian and Sunday Closing Reporter, 1924 (with which is incorporated Sunday 
Guardian, 1910, and Sunday Closing Reporter, 1874). Quarterly. 2d. Imperial 
Alliance for the Defence of Sunday, 1 Palace Chambers, Bridge St., Westminster, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 7507). (Circ. 3.000). 

SUNDAY INDEPENDENT (DUBLIN), 1905. (nat.). Sunday.—a.m. 2d. Indepen- 
dent Newspapers Ltd., Independent House, 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (Tel. 

SUNDAY MAIL. Sun. 2d. Associated Scottish Newspapers Ltd., 67 Hope St., 

SUNDAY MERCURY AND SUNDAY NEWS, 1918 (as Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 
1884, with which is incorporated Sunday News, 1919). (ind.). Sun. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. Birmingham Gazette Ltd., 168 Corporation St., Birmingham. 
(Tel. Central 0589) 

SUNDAY NEWS, 1924 (as Lioyd’s Illustrated London Newspaper, 1842, as Lloyd’s 
Weekly News, 1843, as Lloyd’s Sunday News, 1918). Sun.; early edition on Fri. 
2d. United Newspapers Ltd., 3-5 Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 9330). 

SUNDAY PICTORIAL, 1915. (ind.). Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Sunday Pic- 
torial Newspapers (1920) Ltd., Geraldine House, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 4321). 

SUNDAY POST, 1920 (as Post, Glasgow, 1914). Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. D.C. 
Thomson & Co. Ltd., 144 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3802). 

SUNDAY REFEREE, 1877. Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Referee Ltd., 17 Tudor 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0854). 

Sunday School Class Register, 1842. Oct. 4d. net. N.S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. 
(Tel. City 8221). 

Sunday School Magazine of The Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1857. Quarterly. 4d., 
6d. and 8d. net. Wesleyan Methodist S.S. Dept., Ludgate Circus House, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 4914). 

Sunday School Monthly, 1913. M.—23rd. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Lindsey Press, 
5 Essex St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9146). 

SUNDAY SPORTSMAN, 1919. Sun. 2d. Houghton Press Ltd., 6 Aldwych, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 2547). 

Sunday Stories, 1896. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

SUNDAY SUN, 1919. Sun. 2d. Newcastle Chronicle Ltd., Westgate Road, New- 

Sunday Sunshine, 1893. Aug. 2s. John F. Shaw (1928) & Co. Ltd., 3 Pilgrim St., 
Ludgate Hill, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2793). 

SUNDAY TIMES, 1822. (ind.). Sun. 2d. Sub. 15s. 2d. per ann. Allied News- 
papers Ltd., 200 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9841). 

Sunderland Co-operative Society Record, 1893. M.—7th. Gratis. The Society, 
Green St., Sunderland. 

SUNDERLAND ECHO AND SHIPPING GAZETTE, 1873. (ind.). 3.30 to 6.45 p.m. 

ld. 14 Bridge St., Sunderland. (Tel. 2681). 

Sunderland Red Book, 1928. Jan. 3s. 6d. Durham County Advertiser Co. Ltd., 
Newspaper House, Durham. (Tel. 351). 

Sunlight, 1924. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. Is. Sub. 4s. per ann. Sunlight League, 
29 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0658). (Circ. 14,000). 

Sunny Mag, 1925. M.—i6th. 7d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 
Southampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Sunny Stories for Little Folks, 1926. M.—i5th. 2d. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southamp- 
ton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Sunrays for the Blind (Braille), 1916. Quarterly. 10d. Oakdale Publishing Co., 
8 Moss Lane, Eastcheap, E.c.3. 

Supervising, 1911. Ist and 15th. ld. Lincolnshire Chronicle Ltd., Saltergate, 
Lincoln. Advertisement Dept., Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, E.c.4. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Sup-Swa 

Supplement to the Forester, 1907. Alt.-M—lst. 2d. G. W. Tottem,Uplands, Great 
Chishill, Royston, Herts. 

Supplement (Annual) to the General Stud Book, 1893. PartI. 7s. 6d., Part II. 2s. 6d. 
Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Square, w.1. 

1861. (c). Wed. ld. Sat., 2d. Surrey Advertiser and County Times Ltd., 
Market St., Guildford. (Tel. 9). (Circ. 21,300). 

AND GUILDFORD TIMES, 1859. (ind.). Thurs.—a.m. Id. H. Penrose, 
Castle St., Farnham. 

Surrey Arche@ological Collections, 1854. Annually. 10s. The Society, Castle Arch, 

SURREY COMET, 1854. (ind.). Wed.—4 a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Sat.—4 
a.m. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd., 20 Church St., 
Kingston-on-Thames. (Tel. Kingston 1890). (Circ. 31,500). (Advt. p. xlv.). 

SURREY COUNTY HERALD, 187s. (c). Fri. 2d. W. Pile Ltd., 46 High St., 
Sutton, Surrey. Localised editions, Epsom Herald, Mitcham Herald, Sutton 
is ngs Herald, and Wallington and Carshalton Herald. (Tel. Sutton 1790). 
Advt. p. xli). 

SURREY HERALD, 1892. (u). Fri. ld. Rawlings & Walsh Ltd., Windsor St., 
Chertsey. (Tel. Chertsey 234). (Advt. p. xli). 

SURREY MIRROR AND COUNTY POST, 1879. (ind.). Fri. 2d. The Holmesdale 
Press Ltd., Ladbroke Road, Redhill Junction. (Tel. 701). (Circ. series—17,586). 

SURREY TIMES, 1891 (as West Surrey Times, 1855). (J). Fri. and Sat. 14d. Sub. 
lls. per ann. Woodbridge Press Ltd., Onslow St., Guildford. (Tel. 28). 

SURREY WEEKLY PRESS, 1913 (as Guildford and Godalming Free Press, 1900). 
(ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Biddles Ltd., Martyr Road, Guildford. 
(Tel. 1744). 

Surveyor and Municipal and County Engineer, 1892. Fri. 6d. St. Bride’s Press, Ltd., 
14 Bride Lane, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0703). (Advt. p. xxvii). 

Surveyors’ and Auctioneers’ Tables and Pocket Diary, 1913. Dec. 3s. 6d. Estates 
Gazette Ltd., 33-5 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 4551). 

SUSSEX AND SURREY COURIER, 1881 (as Simmins’ Weekly Advertiser, 1880). (ind.). 
Sat. 2d. Farncombe & Co. (1928) Ltd., Market St., Lewes. (Tel. Lewes 166). 

SUSSEX COUNTY HERALD, 1870. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. T. R. 
Beckett Ltd., 192 High St., Lewes. 

ae County Magazine, 1927. M.—Ist. 6d. T. R. Beckett Ltd., 192 High St., 


SUSSEX DAILY NEWS (as Brighton Daily News, 1868). (ind.). 4a.m. 1d. Southern 

Publishing Co. Ltd., 130 North St., Brighton. (Tel. 2052). 

incorporated Sussex Express, 1902, and South Eastern Advertiser, 1853, as Sussex 
Agricultural Express, 1837). (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. F. J. Parsons 
Ltd., 170B High St., Lewes. (Tel. No. 113). 

Sussex Herd Book, 1855. April. 10s. Sussex Herd Book Society, 12 Hanover 
Square, w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 0596). 

Sutton, Beddington, d&c., Wallington, Carshalton, Mitcham, d&c., Directory, 1909. 
Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 1124). 

(ind.). Thur.—5 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 
High St., Croydon. (Tel. Croydon 3121). One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

SUTTON AND CHEAM HERALD, 1878. (c). Fri. 2d. W. Pile Ltd., 46 High St., 
Sutton. One of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. xli). 

SUTTON COLDFIELD NEWS, 1900. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Birmingham News & Printing 
Co. Ltd., 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. One of the Birmingham News series. 

Sutton High School Magazine, 1904. Terminally. 9d. The Editor, High School, 

Sutton Valence School Magazine, 1880. Terminally. 8d. Sutton Valence School, 
near Maidstone. 

SWANAGE TIMES AND DIRECTORY, 1919. (ind.). Fri. 2d. W. Mate & Sons 
(1919) Ltd., Station Road, Swanage. 

SWANLEY, EYNSFORD AND KENTISH TIMES, 1890. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Kentish 
District Times Ltd., Times Buildings, Sidcup, Kent. (Tel. Sidcup 77). (Advt. 
Pp. xxxv). 


Swa-Tail] Willing’s Press Guide 

Swansea A B C Railway Rates Book, 1911. Every four years. 30s. Railway and 
Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

SWANSEA HERALD OF WALES, 1847. (ind.). Fri. ld. Leader Buildings, 

Swansea Tide Table, 1791. Dec. 3d. Tremewan (Cosmos) Ltd., 22 Wind St., 

Swedish Chamber of Commerce Year Book, 1907. June. Gratis to members. Swedish 
Chamber of Commerce for the United Kingdom, 14 Trinity Square, E.c.3. (Tel. 
Royal 2378). 

Sweet Shop and Retail Confectioner, 1929 (with which is incorporated Retail Confec- 
tioner, 1928). M.—lIst. Fri. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Baker & Confectioner 
Ltd., 19 Cursitor St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). (Circ. 10,000). 

Swimming News, 1920. M.—Ist (May to Oct.). 3d. Sub. ls. 6d. per six issues. 
Stobo & Sons, 13 Eglinton St., Glasgow. (Tel. South 88). 

Swimming Times, 1926. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Capt..B. W. Cummins, 
4 Waddon Park Avenue, Croydon. (Tel. Fairfield 5673). (Circ. 3,300). (Advt. 
p. xli). 

(7). Fri. 2d. Swindon Press Ltd., Newspaper House, Swindon. 

Swindon and District Directory and Year Book, 1925 (as North Wilts and District 
Directory, 1873). Dec. 2s. Swindon Press Ltd., 100 Victoria Road, Swindon. 

SWINTON AND PENDLEBURY JOURNAL, 1904 (as Pendlebury and Swinton Journal, 
1875). Fri. 2d. Tillotsons Newspapers Ltd., 81 Chorley Road, Swinton. One 
of the Bolton Journal series. 

SWINTON AND PENDLEBURY TELEGRAPH, 1894. (ind.). Fri. ld. Telegraph 
Printing Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. (Tel. Urmston 33). One of the 
Western Telegraph series. 

Swiss Observer, 1920. Fri. 3d. Frederick Printing Co. Ltd., 23 Leonard St., E.c.2. 
(Tel. Clerkenwell 9595). 

Sword and Trowel, 1925. M.—lIst. 2d. Pickering & Inglis, 14 Paternoster Row, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4802). 

Sydenham and Forest Hill Directory, 1881. Biennially. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Lewisham Newspaper Co. Ltd., 6 High St., Sydenham. 

Syllabus of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of 
Music, 1889. Aug. Gratis. The Secretary, 14-15 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. 
Museum 1710). 

Symbol, 1914 (as Church Leader, 1909). M.—Ist. ld. Symbol Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Linslade, Bucks. 

Syren and Shipping, 1896. Wed. 9d. Syren and Shipping Ltd., 44-6 Leadenhall 
St., E.c.3. (Tel. Monument 2722). 

T. and R. Bulletin, 1925. M.—14th. 1s.6d. Sub. 14s. perann. Incorporated Radio 
Society of Great Britain, 53 Victoria St., s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 4412). 

Table, 1886. Ist and 3rd Sats. 4d. A. B. Marshall Ltd., 32 Mortimer St., w.1. 
(Tel. Museum 3115). 

Table of Charges for Imperial and Foreign Telegrams and Radiotelegrams. Jan., July. 
2d. H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. 

Tablet, 1840. Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 6d. Tablet House, 6 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 5529), 

TADCASTER NEWS, 1878 (as Tadcaster Post, 1861.) (ind.u.). Thurs. 1$d@. H. 
Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. (Tel. Wetherby 62). One of the Wetherby News 

Minty, Central Buildings, Station Approach Road, Coulsdon. 

Tailor and Cutter, 1866. Thurs.—10a.m.,for Fri. 4d. Sub. 19s. 6d. perann. Special 
Numbers. Is. John Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 


Willing’s Press Guide [Tai-Tee 

Tailleur Elegant, 1920. Jan., Mar., Aug., Sept. 6s. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. Bell’s 
Fashion Bureau, Ltd., 28 South Molton St., w.1. (Tel. Mayfair 1788). 

Tailleur Pratique, 1920. Six times a year. 6s.6d. Sub. 35s. perann. Bell’s Fashion 
Bureau Ltd., 28 South Molton St., w.l. (Tel. Mayfair 1788). 

Tail Wagger, 1929. M.—lIst. Sat. Sd. Sub. 3s. per ann. Adelphi Press Ltd., 
24 Fenchurch St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 5170). (Circ. 50,000). 

Talking Machine and Wireless Trade News, 1903. M.—lIst Fri. 3d. Sub. 5s. per 
ann. Albans Ltd., 1 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7584). 

TAMWORTH HERALD, 1868. (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. W. Morton, 14 Silver St., 
Tamworth. (Tel. No. 12). 

Fri. 2d. R. J. Bowen, Tamworth, and 36 Bird St., Lichfield. (Tel. 5). One of 
the Lichfield Mercury series. 

Tarian, 1875. (nat.). Tues. 2d. Tarian P. & P. Co., 19 Cardiff St., Aberdare. 
( Advt. p. xxviii). 

Tasmania Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1890. Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Tate’s Money Manual, 1931. Jan. 5s. Effingham Wilson, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c.2. 
(Tel. London Wall 2706). 

Tatler, 1901. Wed. ls. Sub. 63s. per ann. Illustrated Newspapers Ltd., 346 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8020). (Advt. p. vi). 

Taunton and Neighbourhood Divectorv, 1928. Annually. 3s.6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

TISER, 1808. (c). Tues., for Wed. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. Western Gazette 
Co. Ltd., 44 Bridge St., Taunton. (Tel. 10). 

TAUNTON ECHO, 1887 (with which are incorporated Wellington Express, 1887, and 
Wiveliscombe Express, 1896). (ind.). Fri. 14d. C. H. Mills, Fleet House, 
George St., Bridgwater. (Tel. Bridgwater 335). One of Bridgwater Independent 

Taunton Pocket Time Table, 1890. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Barnicott & 
Pearce, The Wessex Press, Taunton. (Tel. No. 26). 

TAVISTOCK GAZETTE, 1857. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Tavistock Printing Co. Ltd., Pym 
St., Tavistock. (Tel. 61). 

TAVISTOCK TIMES, 1920. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Jolliffe & Son, 
2-2a Taylor Square, Tavistock. (Tel. 42). 

Taxation, 1927. Wed., for Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Gee & Co. Ltd., 6 Kirby 
St., Hatton Garden, E.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5484). 

Taxes, 1922 (as Tax Clerk’s Journal, 1912). M.—2nd. Fri. Gratis to members— 
others 3s. 6d. per ann. Association of Officers of Taxes, 7 St. George’s Square, 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 7124). Advertisements : Bridewell House, Bridewell Place, 

Taxi World, 1928. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Taxi World Publishing Co., 
7 Southampton Row, w.c.1. 

Taylorian, 1878. Six times per ann. Is. Merchant Taylors’ School, Charterhouse 
Square, E.c.1. 

Taylor's Scarborough A B C Railway Guide and Visitors’ Handbook, 1879. M.—Ist. 

4d. G. A. Pindar & Son, St. Thomas St., Scarborough. (Tel. No. 526). 

Tayport, Newport and Wormit Advertiser, 1917. M.—Ist. Gratis. Wilson Publishing 
Co., 10 Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

Tea Facts and Figures, 1923. August. 2s. F. C. Mathieson & Son, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C.2. (Tel. London Wall 8851). 

Teacher of the Deaf, 1903. Alt.-M.—Ist. Sub. 6s. per ann. Hill & Ainsworth Ltd., 
Stoke. (Tel. 4525). 

Yeachers and Taught, 1909. M.—15th. 3d. C. F. Garrood, 4 Fleet Lane, E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 5604). 

Teachers’ Work, 1910. M.—Ist. 4d. Browne & Nolan Ltd., 41 Nassau St., Dublin. 

Teachers’ World, 1911. Wed. 3d. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, Russell 
Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Technical Journal, 1911 (as Journal of the Association of Teachers in Technical Institu- 
tions, 1908). M.—15th, except July and Aug. 9d. Association of Teachers in 
Technical Institutions, 29 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0658). 

Tee Topics, 1927. M.—Ist week. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Tee Topics Ltd., 12 
Bouverie St., E.c.4. 


Tee-Tex] Willing’s Press Guide 

Teeny-Weeny’s Annual, 1928 (as Redcap Annual, 1916), July. 3s. 6d. net. J. A. 
Sharp, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

TEESDALE AND WEARDALE NEWS, 1916. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Darlington & 
Stockton Times Newspaper Co. Ltd., Darlington. 

ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.). Wed. 13d. Sub. 10s. 6d. per ann. Teesdale 
Mercury Co., 24 Market Place, Barnard Castle. (Tel. No. 45). 

Yees-side Catholic News, 1907. Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 32 Clayton St. 
West, Newcastle. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

TEES-SIDE WEEKLY HERALD, 1904. (ind.). Sat. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
North Eastern Newspapers (1926) Ltd., Zetland Road, Middlesborough. (Tel. 

Teesquare and Tape, 1907. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. D. Rowell & Co. Ltd., 14 
Howick Place, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3755). (Circ. 5,883). 

—noon. ld. Teignmouth P. & P. Co. Ltd., Station Road, Teignmouth. (Tel. 258). 

ld. Teignmouth P. & P. Co. Ltd., Station Road, Teignmouth. (Tel. 258). 

Telegraph and Telephone Journal, 1914. .M.—Ist. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. G.P.O., 
London, £.c.1. (Tel. Central 3600). 

Television, 1928. M.—last Sat. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Aldine Publishing Co. 
Ltd., Crown House, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

Teller, 1929. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. Is. Sub. 4s. per ann. National Bank of 
Scotland. Editor, Anstruther, Fife. (Circ. 1,100). 

Tell Us A Story, 1929. Sept. 2s. D.C. Thomson & Co., 12 Fetter Lane E.c.4. 

Temperance Bells, 1890. M.—15th. Gratis. Derby Temperance Society, Derby. 

Temperance Legislation Leagu2 Monthly Notes, 1910. M.—I5th. 2d. Temperance 
Legislation League, Parliament Mansions, Orchard St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1649). 

Tempest’s Annual, 1865. Jan. Is. W. Tempest, Dundalk. (Tel. No. 13). 

Temples of Light Gazette, 1926. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. W. H. Speer, 
58 Southwark Bridge Road, s.z.1. (Tel. Hop 1272). 

Tenants’ Register, 1929. Fri. 2d. J. Cumner, 47 Theobalds Road, w.c.l. (Tel. 
Chancery 7941). 

TENBURY WELLS ADVERTISER, 1867. (ind.). Sat. 14d. Tenbury Advertiser 
Co., Ltd., 44 Teme St., Tenbury. 

TENBURY WELLS MAIL, 1911. Sat. 14d. Leominster Printing Co., 27 Draper’s 
Lane, Leominster. (Tel. Leominster 59). 

TENBY AND COUNTY NEWS, 1893. (c). Wed. 1$d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. E.H. 
Leach, South Parade, Tenby. (Tel. 113). 

TENBY OBSERVER AND DISTRICT REPORTER, 1853. (ind.). Fri—4 p.m. ld. 
Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. R. L. C. Morrison, Lower Frog St., Tenby. (Tel. No. 91). 

Tennis Illustrated, 1926. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s.6d.perann. Illustrated Periodicals 
Ltd., 92 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0470). 

Tettenhallian, 1888. Terminally. 1s. 6d. The Editor, Tettenhall College, Stafford- 
shire. (Tel. Tettenhall 119). 

TEWKESBURY REGISTER AND GAZETTE, 1858. (c). Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. 13d. 
C. A. Roberts, 8 High St., Tewkesbury. 

Textile Argus, 1924. Wed. 2d. Sub. 10s. per ann. Bradford & District News- 
paper Co. Ltd., Hall Ings, Bradford. (Tel. 6860). 

Textile Directory of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with the Dominions of Australia, 
Canada and New Zealand, and the Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Nottingham, 
éc., 1889. Nov. 13s. 6d. J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., Oldham. (Tel. 427). 

Textile Exporter, 1927. M.—8th. 6d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Kennedy Press Ltd., 
15a Liverpool Road, Manchester. (Tel. Central 0098). 

Textile Industries Directory, 1880. Irreg. Last issue, 1928. 60s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Textile Manufacturer, 1875. M.—15th. ls. 6d. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 65 King St., 

Textile Manufacturer Buyers’ Directory, 1924. Mar. Gratis. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 
65 King St., Manchester. 

Textile Manufacturer Year Book, 1883. Dec. 3s.6d. Emmott & Co. Ltd., 65 King 
St., Manchester. 

Textile Mercury, 1889. Sat. 6d. Sub. 30s. per ann. Textile Mercury Ltd., 20 
Mount St., Manchester. (Tel. City 4682). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Tex-Thr 

Textile Recorder, 1884. M.—15th. 1s.6d. J. Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, Manchester. 
(Tel. Central 7400). 

Textile Recorder Year Book, 1922. Jan. 7s. 6d. John Heywood Ltd., Deansgate, 
Manchester. (Tel. Central 7400). 

Textile Weekly, 1928. Fri. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. Textile Press Co. Ltd., 

i 9 Albert Square, Manchester. (Tel. Central 7428). 

Mon.—7 p.m. for Tues. 2d. Sub. IIs. perann. F.H. Castle & Co., Ltd., Market 
Place, Thame. (Tel. No. 24). i 

THAMES VALLEY TIMES, 1885. (ind.). Wed. ld. F. W. Dimbleby & Sons, 14 
King St., Richmond, Surrey. (Tel. Richmond 63). 

THAMESIDE MAIL, 1924. (ind.). Thurs. ld. Thames P. & P. Co. Ltd., 2-4 
Ossett Road, Grays, Essex. (Tel. Tilbury 270). (Circ. 5,000). 

p.m. lłd. H. C. Flowerdew, High St., Ramsgate. (Tel. 101). (Circ. 7,000). 

Theatre, Music Hall, and Cinema Companies’ Blue Book, 1916. Dec. 2s. Hather- 
gill Mynott & Co., 88 London Wall, E.c.2. 

Theatre and Film Illustrated, 1928. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Rolls House 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 2 Breams Buildings, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Theatre World, 1925. M.—lIst. 6d. Sub. 8s. per ann. Claremont Publishing 
Co. Ltd., 12-13 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6053). 

Theology, 1920. M.—25th. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 3944). 

Theosophical News and Notes, 1926. M.—Ist. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Theosophical 
Society in England, 23 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3372). 

(tnd.). Fri.—8 a.m. for Sat. 2d. Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., 
Norwich. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Things New and Old Book Almanac, 1870. Oct. 2d.and1s. G. Morrish, 20 Pater- 
noster Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

THIRSK AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1897. (ind.). Fri. ld. T. A. J. Waddington, 
Mansfield St York. 

This and That, 1929. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 29-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Thomasons’ Middlesex Year Book and Almanack, 1863. Dec. 1d. Thomasons Ltd. 
151 High St., Hounslow. 

Thom's Official and Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1844. Jan. 36s. net. Alex. 
Thom & Co. Ltd., 2 Crow St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.). 

Thom's Post Office, Dublin City, and County Directory, 1833. Jan. 18s. net. Alex. 
Thom & Co. Ltd., 2 Crow St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co. Ltd.). 

THOMSON’S WEEKLY NEWS FOR ENGLAND, 186 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 
3984). One of the Thomson’s Weekly News series. 

al rt S WEEKLY NEWS FOR IRELAND, 186 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 
3984). One of the Thomson’s Weekly News series. 

THORNBURY GAZETTE, 1897. (ind.). Sat. 2d. F. Bailey & Son, Dursley. One 
of the Dursley Gazette series. 

THORNTON HEATH OBSERVER, 1890. Sat. Gratis. F. Burges, 65 High St., 
Thornton Heath. 

Thoughts from the Word of God, 1898. M.—25th. Gratis. P. W. Heward, 61 Upton 
Lane, Forest Gate, E.7. (Tel. Maryland 2196). 

THRAPSTON, OUNDLE AND RAUNDS JOURNAL, 1888 (with which are incorporated 
the Oundle Journal, 1888, and the Northants and Hunts Gazette, 1912). (ind.). 
Fri—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. per ann. Northamptonshire Printing and Publish- 
ing Co. Ltd., Thrapston. (Tel. 62). One of the Wellingborough News series. 

Three Pears, 1927. June, Dec. 2s. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. School of Arts and Crafts, 
Sansome Walk, Worcester. 

Three Towns Almanack and Daily Tide Table, 1848. Dec. 2d. Wood & Tozer, 
39 Fore St., Devonport. (Tel. 241). 

Three Town’s Directory and Hinckley Directory, 1916. Twice yearly. 2s. 6d. and 3s. 
Nuneaton Chronicle Ltd., 39 Church St., Nuneaton. (Tel. 38). (Circ. 3,000). 
Threshed Wheat, 1928. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. G. F. Vallance, 2 
Broomhill Road, Goodmayers, Essex. (Tel. Seven Kings 2396). (Circ. 3,000). 
Thriller, 1929. Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press, 23-5 Farringdon 

St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

213 Ci; H 

Thu-Tip] Willing’s Press Guide 

Thurnam’s A B C Rail Guide and Monthly Diary, 1871. M.—Ist. 2d. C. Thurnam & 
Sons, Carlisle. 

Thurnani’s General Railway Guide, 1871. M.—Ist. 3d. C. Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle. 

Tide and Speed Tables, 1870. Oct. Brown Son & Ferguson Ltd., 52-58 Darnley St., 
Glasgow. (Tel. South 1234). 

Tide Tables for British and Irish Ports, 1858. Oct. 4 parts. 12s. J. D. Potter, 
145 Minories, £.1. (Tel. Avenue 6394). i 

Tidings of Light and Peace, 1889 (as Salvation of God, 1878). M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 
20 Paternoster Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Tiger and Rose, 1921 (as Tiger and Rose, 1887, as York and Lancaster Regiment’s Journal 
1919). M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Lawrence Bros., Weston-super- 
Mare. (Circ. 1,800). 

Tiger Tim’s Annual, 1921. Sept. 6s. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Tiger Tim’s Weekly, 1919. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

W. M. Bett, Tillicoultry. (Tel. 22). 

Tillotsons Bolton Directory, 1922 (as Post Office Bolton Directory, 1876). Irreg. 
35s. Tillotson & Son Ltd., Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. 

Timber and Plywood, 1885. Sat. 6d. Sub. 25s. per ann. F. W. Potter & Co. Ltd., 
131-133 Middlesex St., E.1. (Tel. Bishopsgate 2164). 

Timber News and Saw Mill Engineer, 1891. Fri. 4d. Sub. 20s. perann. Timber News 
Ltd., 67-68, Chandos St., w.c.2. 

Tımber News and Master Builder Year Book and Diary (with which are incorporated 
Timber News Year Book and Diaryand Master Builder Year Book and Diary, 1900) 
Dec. 3s. 6d. Timber News Ltd., 67-68, Chandos St., w.c.2. 

Timber Trades Directory, 1896. Every four years. 15s. net. Benn Bros. Ltd., 154 
Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Timber Trades Journal and Sawmill Advertiser, 1873. Fri., for Sat. 6d. Benn Bros. 
Ltd., 154 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0244). 

Time and Tide, 1920. (ind.). Fri. 6d. Sub. 26s. per ann. Time and Tide Pub- 
lishing Co., 32 Bloomsbury St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1533). (Circ. 10,000). 

TIMES, 1788 (as Daily Universal Register, 1785). (ind.). Daily—4 a.m. 2d. Times 
Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c.4; Advert. Office: Queen 
Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). — 

Times Educational Supplement, 1910. Sat. 3d. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing 
House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 

Times Law Reports, 1884. Fri.—during the Law Sittings. ls. Sub.34s. per ann. 
Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 
Times Literary Supplement, 1902. Thurs. 3d. ‘Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing 

House Square, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 

Times Reports of Commercial Cases, 1895. Six parts each year. 3s. 6d. each. Sub. 
21s. per ann. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 2001). 

Times Trade and Engineering Supplement, 1916. Sat. 3d. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 
Printing House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2001). 

TIMES WEEKLY EDITION, 1877 (with which is incorporated Mail, 1789). (nd.). 
Thurs. 4d. Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 2001). l 

Tin Companies Position, 1925. Irreg. 2s. 6d. W. H. Rickinson & Son, 3-4 Great 
Winchester St., £.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7668). 

Tin Printer and Box Maker, 1925. M.—28th. Is. Sub. 10s. per ann. Merritt & 
Hatcher Ltd., 6-14 Blackheath Road, Greenwich, s.£.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1091). 

Tiny Tots, 1927. Thurs. for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Tiny Tots Annual, 1899. Sept. 2s. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Tip Top Annual, 1927 (as Kiddies Annual, 1918). July 3s. 6d. J. A. Sharp, 25-35 
City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

13s.perann. R.C. Long, Friar St., Thurles. (Tel. 9). 

TIPTON AND COSELEY TIMES, 1928. (ind.). Sat. ld. E.F.Cope & Co., Hatherton 
St., Walsall. (Tel. 3663). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Tip-Tot 

TIPTON HERALD, 1866. (ind.). Sat. ld. Midland United Newspapers Ltd., 
Owen St., Tipton, Staffs. One of the Dudley Herald series. 

Tit-Bits, 1881. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Geo. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

TIVERTON GAZETTE, 1858. (ind.). Mon., 2 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.; Tues., 9.30 a.m. 
2d. Sub. 13s. 4d. per ann. Gregory & Son, Tiverton. (Tel. 5). 

Tobacco, 1881. M.—lIst. 6d. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wellington St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3951). 

Tobacco Trade Review, 1868. M.—1st. 3d. W. Reed Ltd., Eastcheap Buildings, 
E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 1192). 

Tobacco Year Book, 1894. Jan. 5s. 6d. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wellington 
St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3951). | 

Toc H. Journal, 1922. M.—20th (except Sept.). 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Toc H. 
Incorporated, 1 Queen Anne’s Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2548). (Circ. 11,500). 

To-day’s Cinema, 1928. Daily (except Wed.).—9 a.m. ld. Sub. 35s. per ann. 
Cinema Press Ltd., 80-2 Wardour St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 2504). (Circ. 4,105). 

Toddle's Annual, 1922. Sept. 3s. 6d. W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 4 Bridewell 
Place, £.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

Fri.—6 a.m. 2d. F. Lee & Co., Pavement, Todmorden. 

TODMORDEN AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1828. (ind.). Fri—a.m. 2d. Waddington 
& Sons, 2 Pavement, Todmorden. (Tel. 179). 

Toilers of the Deep, 1886. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Royal National 
Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, 68 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7114). 
Tom Webster's Annual, 1921. May. ls. Associated Newspapers Ltd., Carmelite 

House, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6000). 

NEWS, 1890 (as Tonbridge Free Press, 1869). (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 10s. 

_ 10d. perann. Tonbridge Free Press Ltd., 129 High St., Tonbridge. (Tel. No. 18). 

Tonbridgian, 1858. Four times per ann. 5s. per ann. The Editor, The School, 

TOOTING AND BALHAM GAZETTE, 1907. (ind.). Fri—noon, for Sat. ld. A. J. 
Hurley, 130 High St., Tooting, s.w.17. (Tel: Streatham 0119). 

Topical Events, 1927. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. ls. per ann. G. F. Vallance, 2 Broomhill 
Road, Goodmayes, Essex. (Tel. Seven Kings 2396). (Circ. 10,000). 

Topical Times, 1919. Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D. C. Thomson 
& Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Torbay Football Herald, 1924. Sat. (during season). 14d. Sir James Owen, 62 Fleet 
St., Torquay. (Tel. No. 3241). 

TORBAY HERALD AND EXPRESS, 1920. (ind.). Daily—p.m. ld. Sir James 
Owen, 62 Fleet St., Torquay. (Tel. No. 3241). 

Torbay Standard, 1926. (c). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 2s. per ann. H. G. L. Hallewell, 
21 Abbey Road, Torquay. (Tel. 2664). (Circ. 2,000). 

Torch, 1879. M.—Ist. Id. Sub. 2s. per ann. Industrial Christian Fellowship, 
4 Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6261). 

Torch, 1928. Terminally. ls. Sub. 3s. per ann, University College, Hull. (Tel. 
Central 7753). 

Torchbearer, 1928. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. perann. Stanley Martin & Co. Ltd., 
2 Amen Corner, E.c.4. 

Torquay and Paignton Directory, 1928. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

susan DIRECTORY AND SOUTH DEVON JOURNAL, 1839. (ind.). Wed.— 

7am. 2d. Sub. 13s.4d.perann. Wm. J. McKenzie, Higher Fleet St., Torquay. 
(Tel. 2830). 

betas baal TIMES AND SOUTH DEVON ADVERTISER, 1849. (ind.). Fri —6 a.m. 

2d. W. J. McKenzie, 64 Fleet St., Torquay. 

Torry Advertiser (Aberdeen), 1927. M.—lIst. Gratis. Wilson Publishing Co., 10 
Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

Tot and Tim Annual, 1920. Sept. 3s. 6d. W. Collins Son & Co. Ltd., 4 Bridewell 
Place, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7170). 

TOTNES TIMES AND DEVON NEWS, 1860. (ind.). Fri—noon, for Sat. Id. 
Mortimer Brothers, 34 Fore St., Totnes. 

215 H2 

Tot-Tra] Willing’s Press Guide 

2d. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. Crusha & Son Ltd., 823-7 High Road, Tottenham, 
N.17. (Tel. Tottenham 3221). 

Tourist, 1928. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Practical Press Ltd., Dorset 
Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 0311). 

Town and Country, 1923. Irreg. 2s.6d. MHannaford-Macintosh Co. Ltd., 21 Grosvenor 
Mansions, 82 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4317). 

Town and Country Homes, 1924. M.—25th. ls. Sub. 15s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Town and Country News, 1925. Fri. ls. Sub. 63s. per ann. Carlyle Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 103 Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0873). 

Town Crier, 1921. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Town Crier Ltd., 5 Baldwin’s 
Gardens, E.c.1. 

Town Crier (Birmingham), 1916. (/ab.). Fri. 2d. Blackfriars Press Ltd., Smith- 
Dorrien Road, Leicester. (Tel. 27164). 

Town Planning Review, 1910. Quarterly. 4s. net. Sub. 15s. per ann. University 
Press of Liverpool, 177 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. 

TOWYN-ON-SEA AND MERIONETH COUNTY TIMES, 1895. (c). Fri.—3 p.m., for 
Sat. 2d. D. Rowlands Ltd., Towyn and Welshpool. One of the Montgomery 
County Times series. 

Toy Manufacturers and Wholesalers Directory, 1912. Dec. Subs. W. B. Tattersall 
Ltd., 43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Toy Trader, 1908. M.—25th. 10s. per ann., subscription. W. B. Tattersall Ltd., 
43-44 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 0334). 

Trade, 1928. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub.5s.perann. International Newspaper and Publicity 
Association, 3 Gower St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Trade and Navigation, 1847. M.—7th. Sub. 45s. per ann. H.M. Stationery Office, 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Trade Marks Journal, 1876. Wed.—10 a.m. ls. Sub. 50s. per ann. Patent Office, 
25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 8721). 

Trade of Hull and Hull and Humber Ports, 1897. 1s. Mar. Provincial Newspapers 
Ltd., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (Tel. Central 4600). 

Trade Opportunities, 1913. M.—Ist. Subs. £2 12s. 6d. Bureau of Commerce and 
Industries Ltd., 24 Queen Victoria St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8040). 

Trade Show Critic, 1919. Fri. 1s. F. H.—U. Bowman, 141 Duke St., Liverpool. 
(Tel. Royal 326). 

Trade Show Critic Annual, 1920. Jan. Is. F. H.—U. Bowman, 141 Duke Street, 
Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 326). 

Trader, 1926. Thurs. Gratis. J. H. Balderstone, 5 St., James’s Hall, Burnley. 
(Tel. Burnley 2494). (Circ. 26,200). 

Trader and Citizen, 1908. Alt.-Sat. ld. J.W. Russell, Dragon Yard, Upper Parlia- 
ment St., Nottingham. (Tel. Nottingham 96). 

“ Trader” Handbook, Diary and Garage Reference Book, 1903. Jan. 10s. 6d. The 
Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., St. Bride’s House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 7713). 

Traethodydd (The Essayist), 1845. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Calvinistic Methodist Book 
Agency, Carnarvon. 

Tramway and Railway World, 1892. Sat. 1s. Tramway and Railway World Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., Amberley House, Norfolk St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 2948). 
Transactions and Annual Report of the London Dermatological Society, 1913. Mar. 

‘2s.6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, 83-91 Great Titchfield St.,w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 
Transactions and Annual Report of the North Staffordshire Field Club, 1865. Sept. 
7s. 6d. North Staffordshire Technical College, Stoke-on-Trent. 

Transactions and Journal of the Eastbourne Natural History and Photographic and 
Literary Society, 1857. Quarterly. St. Anne’s Vicarage, Eastbourne. 

Transactions and Journal of the Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural 
History and Antiquarian Society, 1862. May. Price varies. The Society, 
Ewart Public Library, Dumfries. (Tel. Dumfries 520). 

Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, 1892. Nov. Price varies. Kegan 
Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 38 Great Russell St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 1252). 

Transactions and Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society, 1886. Oct. 21s. 
The Society, The University, Liverpool. (Tel. Royal 5460). 

Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science, 1887. Feb. 
Price varies. The Secretary, The Society, Perth. 


— m ua, 

ee ee eee eee 

Willing’s Press Guide [Tra-Tra 

Transactions and Proceedings of the Torquay Natural History Society, 1909. Dec. 
5s. Torquay Natural History Society, The Museum, Torquay. 

Transactions of the Annual Conference of the National Association for the Prevention of 
Tuberculosis, 1909. Irreg.—last issue 1929. Price varies. Tavistock House 
North, Tavistock Square, w.c.1. 

Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1872. Irreg. Price varies. Kegan Paul, 
Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 38 Great Russell St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 1252). 

Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archeological Society, 1876. June. 
10s. 6d. John Bellows, Gloucester. 

Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 1896. Quarterly. 30s. Cambridge 
University Press, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1881. Irreg. Price varies. Cam- 
bridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3686). 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1822. Irreg. Price varies. 
Philosophical Library, New Museums, Cambridge. 

Transactions of the Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archeological Society, 1901. 
Irreg. Price varies. G. H. Tyndall, Minster Press, Ely. (Tel. No. 18). 

Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club, 1895. June. 2s. The 
Club, 41 Castle St., Shrewsbury. 

Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1905. Twice 
a year. Subs. George Eyre Evans, The Museum, Carmarthen. 

Transactions of the Catholic Record Society, 1924. Jan. 24s. T. Wilson & Son, 28 
Highgate, Kendal. (Tel. Kendal 244). 

Transactions of the Ceramic Society, 1900. M.—Ist. 45s. per ann., net. North 
Staffordshire Technical College, Stoke-on-Trent. . 

Transactions of the Congregational Historical Society, 1901. Twice a year. 5s. The 
Society, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2216). 

Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archa@ological 
Society, 1866. June. 21s. T. Wilson & Son, 28 Highgate, Kendal. (Tel. 244). 

Transactions of the Dorset Masters Lodge, 1909. Annually. 10s. 6d. H. N. Byles, 
79 St. Mary St., Weymouth. (Tel. Weymouth 265). 

Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, 1893. Annually. 10s.6d. The 
Editor, The Museum, Hull. (Tel. Central 5136). 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Architectural Association, 1889. Irreg. Price varies. 
H. & J. Pillans & Wilson, 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 1834. Irreg. Price varies. The 
Society, Synod Hall Buildings, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, 1876. Nov. 15s. net. Oliver & 
Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Entimological Society of London, 1834. Jan. and July. Price 
varies. Entomological Society of London, 41 Queen’ s Gate, s.w.7. (Tel, Kensing- 
ton 6656). 

Transactions of the Essex Archseological Society, 1853. Half-yearly. Price varies. 
The Society, Holly Trees Museum, Colchester. 

Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, 1901. Irreg. Price varies. 
C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2121). 

cranes of the Faraday Society, 1903. M. 5s. Sub. £2 12s. per ann. Gurney 

& Jackson, 33 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1665). 

Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 1926. Annually. 10s. T. Wilson 
& Son, 28 Highgate, Kendal. 
Transactions of the Glasgow Archa@ological Society, 1856. Irreg. 6s. net. Jackson 
Wylie & Co., 73 West George St., Glasgow. l 
Transactions of the Greenwich and Lewisham Antiquarian Society, 1907. Irreg. Price 
varies. The Secretary, 2 Lloyd’s Place, Blackheath, s.£.3. 

Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 1799. May. 5s. net. 
W. Blackwood & Sons, Ltd., 45 George St., Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1751. June. £1 1s. Secre- 
tary, Sir E. Vincent Evans, 64 Chancery Lane, w.c.2. 

Transactions of the Hull Geological Soctety, 1888. Annually. 5s. The Editor, The 
Museum, Hull. (Tel. Central 5136). 

Transactions of the Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists’ Club, 1892. Nov. 2s. 6d. 
to 5s. The Editor, The Museum, Hull. 

Transactions of the Incorporated Accountants’ Students’ Society of London, 1894. July. 
3s. 6d. Students Society, Incorporated Accountants’ Hall, Victoria Embankment, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8822). 


Tra-Tra] Willing’s Press Guide 

Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1857. Sept. 
The Institution, Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow. (Tel. Central 5181). 

Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers, 1866. May. 25s. net. E. & F.N. 
Spon Ltd., 57 Haymarket, s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 3450). 

Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1892. Annually. 31s. 6d. 
The Institution, 225 City Road, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3670). 

Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, 1889. M.—22nd. 6s. The 
Institution, 225 City Road, £.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 3670). 

Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1860. July or Aug., plates. Henry 
Sotheran Ltd., 43 Piccadilly, w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 7741). 

Transactions of the Institution of Water Engineers, 1896. May. Subs. The In- 
stitution, Parliament Mansions, Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1637). 

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, 1922. Triennially. 10s. 6d 
Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.c.4. 

Transactions of the Linnsean Society, 1791. Irreg. Price varies. Longmans, Green 
& Co. Ltd., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5214). 

Transactions of the Liverpool Engineering Society, 1875. Annually. 21s. The Liver- 
pool Engineering Society, 9 The Temple, 24 Dale St., PAV EEDOOE: (Tel. Central 

Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archeological Society, 1855. Annually. 
21s. Secretary, Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. 

Transactions of the Manchester Association for Masonic Research, 1909. Jan. 5s 
Jas. Lincoln, 70 Clyde Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. 

Transactions of the Medical Society of London, 1773. Nov. 15s. The Society, 11 
Chandos St., Cavendish Square, w.1]. (Tel. Langham 1043). 

Transactions of the National Chrysanthemum Society, 1911. Irreg. 2s. The Society, 
5 Tavistock St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7819). 

Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne, 1829. Irreg. Price varies. Hancock Museum, Barras Bridge, 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Tel. Central 6386). 

Transactions of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1884. 
Oct. 25s. net. The Secretary, Bolbec Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
(Tel. Central 689). 

Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 1880. Nov. 30s. 
me J. & A. Churchill, 40 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, w.1. (Tel. Welbeck 

Transactions of the Optical Society, 1889. Stimesayear. 10s. Sub. 50s. 10d. per ann. 
The Optical Society, 1 Lowther Gardens, Exhibition Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Kensing- 
ton 2180). 

Transactions of the Paisley Philosophical Institution, 1808. Oct. Price varies. J. 
Gardner, Paisley. (Tel. Paisley 2352). 

Transactions of the Philological Society, 1854. Irreg.—last issue, 1926. Price varies. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1871. Dec. Subscription. The Secre- 
tary, 22 Russell Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0476). 

Transactions of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, 1928. Jan. & July. 7s. 6d. 
Douglas & Foulis, 9 Castle St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 24398). 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1788. Irreg. Price varies. R. Grant 
& Son, Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 1825. Annually. 7s. net. Oxford 
University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. Irreg. Price varies. Weldon 
& Wesley, 2-4 Arthur St., w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 1412). 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1907. Six times 
a year. 6s. Sub. 35s. perann. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 
11 Chandos St., w.1. (Tel. Langham 2127). 

Transactions of the St. Albans and Herts Architectural and Archeological Society, 1845. 
Annually. Price varies. The Society, Municipal Library, St. Albans. 

Transactions of the St. Paul’s Ecclesiological Society, 1879. Irreg. 5s. Harmson 
& Sons Ltd., 44-7 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Transactions of the Unitarian Historical Society, 1916. Oct. 5s. Lindsey Press, 
5 Essex St., w.c.2. 

Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union, 1861. Occas. Price varies. The 
Editor, The Museum, Hull. (Tel. Central 5136). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Tra-Tub 

Transactions of the Yorkshire Numismatic Society, 1919. Annually. 5s. T. Sheppard, 
The Museum, Hull. (Tel. Central 5136). 

Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1833. Irreg. Price varies. The 
Librarian, The Zoological Society, Regent’s Park, N.w.8. (Tel. Primrose Hill 2281). 

Transport Management, 1927. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. Industrial Trans- 
port Publications Ltd., 17-18 Water Lane, Great Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 

Transport Manager’s Year Book, 1929. Mar. 10s.6d. Industrial Transport Publica- 
tions Ltd., 17-18 Water Lane, Great Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 4028). (Circ. 

Transvaal and South Rhodesia, 1927. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Gratis. Transvaal 
& Southern Rhodesian Mission, Church House, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Travel Key, Continental Time Book and Express Route Guide, 1924. M.—Ist. 2s. 
E. Gascoine, 30 Higher Drive, Purley, Surrey. 

Travel Log, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 4d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Worker's 
Travel Association, Ltd., Smith Square, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7916). (Circ. 12,000) 

Traveller and Clubmen, 1926. M.—lIst. ls. 6d. Sub. 18s. per ann. R. Wakehurst 
& Co., 32 White Hart Lane, n.17. (Tel. Tottenham 1623). 

Treasury, 1914 (as Monthly Treasury, 1900). M.—lIst. 2d. Cymric Federation Press, 
Neville House, Neville St., Cardiff. | 

TREDEGAR WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (l). Fri. 14d. Newport, Mon. One of the 
South Wales Weekly Argus series. 

Trevor Bulletin of British Physical Culture, 1928. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
Chas. S. Trevor, 17 Penford St., Camberwell, s.£.5. 

Tribune, 1923. M.—25th. 9d. Sub. 8s. per ann. National Institute for the Blind, 
224-8 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

T.C.D., 1894. Thurs., during term, 3d. Sub. 6s. per ann. T. C.D. Publishing Co., 
Trinity College, Dublin. (Circ. 500). 

Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record, 1831. Jan., Apr., July, Oct. 2d. 7 Bury 
St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 2817). 

Triumph, 1924. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 
22-5 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

TROON AND PRESTWICK TIMES, 1897. Fri—7 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
A. Guthrie & Sons Ltd., Princess St., Ardrossan. (Tel.82). Oneofthe Ardrossan 
and Saltcoats Herald series. 

Murchland, High St., Irvine. (Tel. Irvine 12). One of the Irvine Herald series. 

Tropical Diseases Bulletin, 1912. M.—10th. 21s. per ann. Bureau of Hygiene and 
Tropical Diseases. Keppel St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3747). 

Tropical Life, 1905. M.—20th. ls. 6d. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., .83-91 
Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

Tropical Veterinary Bulletin, 1912. Quarterly. 10s. per ann. Bureau of Hygiene 
and Tropical Diseases, Keppel St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3747). 

Trotting World and Horse Review, 1902. Sat. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. Wright- 
sons Ltd., Scrubbs Lané, Willesden Junction, N.w.10. (Tel. Willesden 0158), 
and E. Seale, 10 Imperial Arcade, E.c.4. 

True Story Magazine, 1922. M.—20th. ls. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. Hutchinson & 
Co., 34-6 Paternoster Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462). 

True Temperance Notes, 1923. Alt.-M.—Ist. Gratis. True Temperance Association, 
Donington House, Norfolk St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1174). (Circ. 3,500). 

Truro Diocesan Gazette, 1901. M.—lIst. 2d. net. Netherton & Worth, Truro. 

Trusting and Toiling on Israel's Behalf, 1876. M.—15th. 3d. Mildmay Mission to 
the Jews, Central Hall, Philpot St., Commercial Road, E.1. (Tel. Avenue 6779). 

Truth, 1877. Wed. 9d. Sub. £2 3s. 4d. per ann. Truth Publishing Co. Ltd., 10 
Bolt Court, Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Victoria 0205). 

Truth and Freedom, 1925. M.—lIst. 14d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Christian Evidence 
Society, 34 Craven St., w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 2187). (Circ. 900). 

Trysorfa y Plant (Children’s Treasury), 1862. M.—Ist. 2d. Calvinistic Methodist 
Book Agency, Caernarvon. 

TUAM HERALD, 1837. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Herald Publishing Co., Herald Build- 
ings, Dublin Road, Tuam. 

1919. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. net. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great 
Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 


Tue-Und] Willing’s Press Guide 

TUESDAY EXPRESS, 1903. (ind.). ld. Igglesden & Co., 94 High St., Ashford 
(Tel. Ashford 4). 

AND KENT AND SUSSEX HERALD, 1881. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Tunbridge Wells Advertiser Co. Ltd., Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells. 
(Tel. No. 10). 

Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge, Crowborough, Southborough, &c., Directory, 1889. Annually 
5s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Turf and Football Observer, 1930. Thurs. 2d. Mayfair Publications Ltd., Crown 
House, Regent St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 7525). 

Turf Systems Review, 1928. M.—S8th. 3d. Review Press, Gironde Road, s.w.6. 

Turnbull's Dock and Port Charges for the United Kingdom, 1879. Irreg. 35s. net. 
A. Reid & Co. Ltd., Leazes Park Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Twenty Story Magazine, 1922. M.—10th. ls. Odhams Press Ltd., 85-94 Long Acre, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2468). 

Twickenham, Teddington, &c., Directory. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Two Worlds, 1887. Wed.—2 p.m., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Two 
Worlds Publishing Co. Ltd., 18 Corporation St., Manchester. (Tel. Central 8103). 

Tyneside Catholic News, 1897 (as Irish Tribune, 1884). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. New 
Catholic Press Ltd., 32 Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. 

Typographical Association Half-Yearly Report, 1849. Apl. and Oct.,Gratis. The 
Association, ‘‘ Beechwood,” Oak Drive, Fallowfield, Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 

Typographical Circular, 1877 (as Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular, 1865). 
M.—lIst week. Id. The Association, ‘‘ Beechwood,” Oak Drive, Fallowfield, 
Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 1400). (Circ. 29,000). 

TYRONE CONSTITUTION, 1844. (u). Fri—8 am. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Tyrone Constitution Ltd., 25 High St., Omagh. (Tel. 11). 

TYRONE COURIER AND THE DUNGANNON NEWS, 1917 (with which are incorporated 
the Tyrone Courier, 1880, and the Dungannon News and Co. Tyrone Advertiser, 
1893). Wed.—noon, for Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Tyrone Printing 
Co. Ltd., Dungannon, Ulster. (Tel. Dungannon 17). (Circ. 3,900). 

TYST (The Witness), 1864 (with which is incorporated Y Cel, 1903). (H). Thurs.— 
8a.m. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Williams & Sons Ltd., 21-22 Glebeland 
St., Merthyr Tydfil. (Tel. 321). ( Advt. p. xxviii.). 

Tywysydd-y-Plant (The Children’s Guide), 1837. M.—Ist. 2d. Union of Welsh In- 
dependents, 7 Northampton Place, Swansea. 

UDGORN NEWYDDIADUR CYMREIG, 1898. (7). Tues., for Wed. Id. R. Jones, 
74. High St., Pwllheli. 

Uganda Church Review, 1926. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. ls. Sub. 5s. per ann. A.T. 
Broome & Sons, 18 St. Clement’s St., Oxford. (Tel. No. 2909). 

ULSTER GAZETTE AND ARMAGH STANDARD, 1844. (c). Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 
ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. perann. Exors. of W. J. Greer, 56 Scotch St., Armagh. (Tel 24). 

ULSTER HERALD, 1901. (nat.). Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. North-West of 
Ireland P. & P. Co. Ltd., 10 John St., Omagh. 

Ulster Jester Magazine, 1928. M.—Ist. 3d. 30 Rosemary St., Belfast. 

Ulula, 1873. Six times a year. 4d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, Grammar 
School, Manchester. (Tel. Manchester City 6028). (Circ. 4,000). 
ULVERSTON GUARDIAN, 1910. Sat. 2d. Barrow & North Lonsdale Press Ltd., 
91-3 Cavendish St., Barrow-in- Furness. One of the Barrow Guardian series. 
ULVERSTON NEWS, 1883 (with which is incorporated Ulverston Mirror and Furness 
Reflector). (ind.). Sat. 2d. Barrow News and Mail Ltd., Abbey Road, Barrow- 
tn- Furness. (Tel. Ulverston 10). One of the Barrow News series. 

Uncle Dick’s Annual, 1929. Sept. 3s.6d. Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd., Geraldine 
House, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 4321). 

Under the Dome, 1892. Quarterly. 5s.perann. The Editor, Bethlem Royal Hospital, 
Lambeth Road, Southwark, s.£.1. 

Under Which King Booklets, 1922. Occas. 3s. and 4s. 6d. per hundred. Religious 
Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 8428). 

Undertakers’ Journal, 1886. M.—15th. Sub. 12s. per ann. King & Hutchings Ltd., 
Hillingdon Press, Uxbridge. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Une-Uni 

Uneeda Library, 1927. M.—lIst. 2d. Hulbert Publishing Co. Ltd., 7 Paternoster 
Row, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 6388). 

U.I. 440 Pamphlets. M.—last week. 6d. Annual Index 9d. Sub. 5s. perann. H.M. 
Stationery Off.ce, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Union Jack, 1895. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Unit, 1906. M.—lIst. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Electrical Press Ltd., 13-16 Fisher 
St., w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5171). ( Advt. p. xiii). 

Unitarian Monthly, 1903. M.—last Thurs. id. Sub. 1s. 6d. per ann. Manchester 
District Association of Unitarian and Presbyterian Churches, Memorial Hall, 
Manchester. (Circ. 5,000). 

United Empire, 1910. M.—lIst. ls. net. Sir I. Pitman & Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

United India, 1929 (as India, 1928, as Hind, 1920) (nat). Jan., Apl., July, Oct. Is. 
G.S. Dara, 126 Shepherds Bush Road, w.6. 

United Kingdom Association of Master Tailors’ and Foreman Cutters’ Year Book, 1895. 
Mar. Gratis. The Association, 68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5689). 

United Kingdom Gazette and List of Creditors, 1826. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. Man- 
chester Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade, 47 Mosley St., Manchester. 
(Tel. City 0682). 

United Kingdom Stock and Sharebrokers’ Directory, 1890. April. 7s. 6d. Spottis- 
woode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., 1 New Street Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5284). 

United Methodist, 1907 (as Free Methodist, 1885). Thurs. 2d. Sub. lls. per ann. 
H. Hooks, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4766). 

United Methodist Magazine, 1908 (as Bible Christian Magazine, 1852, formerly Arminian 
Magazine, 1778). M.—25th. 4d. Sub. 5s. per ann. H. Hooks, 12 Farringdon 
Avenue, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4766). 

United Temperance Gazette, 1900. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. United Temperance 
Council Publication Department, 29 Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., £E.c.4. (Tel. 
City 3185). 

Unity, 1919. M.—15th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. National Industrial Alliance, 
42 Broadway, s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 2448). 

Universal Brotherhood, 1912. Quarterly. Gratis. London Missionary Society, 
Livingstone House, Broadway, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 5057). 

Universal Directory of Railway Officials, 1895. June. 20s. Directory Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 33 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 8836). 

Universal Mercantile Directory, 1917. Sept. 30s. J. A. Homer, Imperial Works, 
James St., St. Pauls, Birmingham. (Tel. Central 7321). 

Universe, 1860. Fri. 2d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Associated Catholic Newspapers 
(1912), Ltd., 1 Arundel St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3814). 

Universities Review, 1928 (as University Bulletin). Apl. and Oct. 2s. J. W. Arrow- 
smith Ltd., Quay St., Bristol (Tel. Bristol 98). 

University, 1924. Terminally. 6d. Sub. 1s.9d.perann. National Union of Students 
of the Universities and University Colleges of England and Wales, 3 Endsleigh 
St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 4924). 

University College (Cork) Calendar, 1845. June. 6d. Cork University Press, Cork. 

University College (Cork) Sessional Lists, 1927. June. 6d. Cork University Press, 

University College Hospital Magazine, 1910. Twice each term. 6d. J. Bale, Sons 
& Danielsson Ltd., 83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). 

University College London Magazine, 1920. Terminally. 1s. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. 
Union Society University College, Gower St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3617). 

University Correspondent and Educational Review, 1890. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. 
per ann. University Tutorial Press Ltd., 25 High St., New Oxford St., w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 3818). 

University Gazette, 1924. Seven times a year. 3d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Guild of 
Undergraduates, The University, Birmingham. (Tel. Central 2149). 

University News, 1929. M.—lIst. During term. 6d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. The 
Editors, House-boat ‘‘ We’re Here,” Medley, Oxford. (Circ. 2,000). 

University of Bristol Calendar, 1910. Aug. 2s. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 11 Quay 
St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 98). 

University of Durham Calendar, 1837. Oct. 2s. 6d. Registrar, University Offices, 

University of Durham College of Medicine Calendar, 1886. Aug. Is. The Registrar, 
College of Medicine, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 


Uni-Vir] Willing’s Press Guide 

University of Durham College of Medicine Gazette, 1900. Six issues between Oct. and 
June. 1s. 3d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. The Editor, Royal Victoria Infirmary, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Circ. 800-1,000). 

University of Durham Gazette, 1898. Four times a year. 4s. per ann. Registrar, 
University Offices, Durham. 

University of Durham Journal, 1876. Three times a year. 5s. per ann. The Editor, 
University Offices, Durham. 

University of Leeds Calendar, 1904. Sept. 4s. Registrar, The University, Leeds. 

University of Leeds Report, 1904. Dec. Gratis. Registrar, The University, Leeds. 

University of Liverpool Calendar, 1881. Oct. 2s. 6d. Registrar, The University, 

University of London Calendar, 1837. Sept. 6s. net. Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., 
St. Paul’s House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3704). 

University of Oxford Local Examination Papers. Terminally. 3s. Parker & Son 
Ltd., 27 Broad St., Oxford. (Tel. Oxford 2342). 

Uppingham School Magazine, 1863. Twice a term. ls. J. Hawthorn, High St., 

UPTON-ON-SEVERN NEWS, 1902. (ind.). Sat. 14d. I. O. Wilson, High St. 
Upton-on-Severn. (Tel. No. 8). 

Ushaw Magazine, 1891. March, July, Dec. 6s. 6d. per ann. St. Cuthbert’s College, 
Ushaw, Durham. (Tel. Langley Park. 6). . 

Babb Bros., Market Place, Uttoxeter. (Tel. No. 50). 

Vaccination Inquirer, 1879. M.—Ist. 24d. Sub. 3s. per ann. National Anti- 
Vaccination League, 25 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.l. (Tel. 
Victoria 3818). 

Vacher’s Parliamentary Companion, 1832. M., except Jan. and Sept. ls. Vacher 
& Sons Ltd., Westminster House, Great Smith St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2271). 

R. E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales Weekly 
News series. 

2d. R.E. Jones & Bros., Conway. (Tel. Conway 12). One of the North Wales 
Weekly News series. 

Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, 1849. M.—lst. 3d. Vegetarian Society. 
39 Wilmslow Road, Rusholme, Manchester. (Tel. Rusholme 852. (Circ. 2,500), 

Vegetarian News, 1921. M.—ist. 3d. London Vegetarian Society, 8 John St., 
Adelphi, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3379). 

Venture, 1930 (Braille). M.—i5th. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. National Institute 

_ for the Blind, 224 Great Portland St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 9701). 

Veterinary Journal, 1875. M.—lIst. 2s. Sub. 21s. perann. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox 
7-8 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Veterinary Record, 1888. Sat. 1s. Sub. 52s. per ann. National Veterinary Medical 
Association of Great Britain and Ireland, 10 Gray’s Inn Square, w.c.l. (Tel. 
Chancery 8141). 

Victoria (Australia) Directory, 1884. Annually. 67s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 
186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124) 

Victoria Gazette, 1915. M.—last Fri. 2d. L. Stringer, 67 Taybridge Road, s.w.1]. 

Victoria League Monthly Notes, 1910. M.—lIst. 1s. 6d. per ann. Victoria League, 
81 Cromwell Road, s.w.7. (Tel. Western 3584). 

Victorian, 1871. Terminally. 6d. The Editor, Victoria College, Jersey. 

Vigilance Record, 1885. M.—15th. 1d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. National Vigilance 
Association, F. A. R. Sempkins, 3-4 Old Pye St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 7738). 

Vigornian, 1878. Terminally. 1s. The Editor, Kings’ School, Worcester. 

Violet Magazine, 1922. Alt.-Fri. 7d. Sub. 18s. 10d. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Violet Novels, 1920. M.—Ist. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 9s. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. . (Tel. City 0202). 

Violinists’ Gazette, 1921 (as Gazette of the College of Violinists, 1914). March and Oct. 
4d. A College of Violinists, 1 Central Buildings, Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 

Virgo Potens, 1923. M.—25th. 2d. Sisters of Charity, St. Vincents, North William 
St., Dublin. (Tel. Drumcondra 314). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Vis-Wal 

Vision, 1919. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 4d. Sub. Is. 6d. per ann. Association for 
Promoting Retreats, 243 Abbey House, 2 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 9571). 
(Circ. 1,500). 

Visitor, 1914 (as Eastbourne Illustrated Visitor’s List and Guide, 1874). (ind.). Fri. 
July to Oct. ld. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. T. R. Beckett Ltd., 4 Pevensey Road, 
Eastbourne. (Tel. Eastbourne 987). 

Vogue (English Edition). 1913 (with which is incorporated Vogue Pattern Book,1928). 
Alt.-Wed. ls.. (Double Nos. 6 times a year, ls. 6d). Sub. 38s. 6d. per ann. 
Condé Nast Publications Ltd., Aldwych House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

Vote, 1909. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Minerva Publishing Co., 144 
High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 9301). 

Vox, 1929. Fri. 6d. Sub. 31s. 6d. per ann. Vox Publications Ltd., 10a Soho Square, 
w.c.l. (Tel. Regent 7976). 

Waddington’s Bridlington Year Book and Street Directory. Jan. 6d. T. A. J. 
Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Waddington’s Scarboro’ Almanac and Directory, 1922. Dec. 6d. T. A. J. Waddington, 
Mansfield St., York. 

Waddington’s Yorkshire Almanac, 1893. Dec. 2d. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield 
St., York. 

WADEBRIDGE AND PADSTOW GUARDIAN, 1901. (/). Thurs.,for Fri. 2d. A.B. 
Lyne, Church Stile House, Bodmin. One of the Cornish Guardian series. 

WADEBRIDGE POST, 1924. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cornish & Devon Post 
Ltd., Launceston. (Tel. Launceston 24). l 

Wakefield Diocesan Gazette, 1894. M.—15th. 6d. W. H. Milnes Ltd., County Map 
Depot, Wakefield. 

BURY ADVERTISER, 1852 (with which are incorporated the Wakefield and West 
Riding Herald, 1801, and Rothwell Times and Courier, 1873). (ind.). Sat.— 
6 a.m. 2d. Wakefield Express Series Ltd., 2 Southgate, Wakefield. (Tel. 661). 

WALEDEN AND DISTRICT TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.). Fri. ld. Telegraph 
Printing Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. (Tel. Urmston 33). One of the 
Western Telegraph series. 

Walker's Diaries. Price varies. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Farringdon House, Warwick 
Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2671). 

Walker's Leeds Time Table, 1854. M.—Ist. 6d. A. Wigley, 98 Woodhouse St., 
Leeds. (Tel. No. 26917). 

Walker's Monthly, 1928. 3d. Walker’s Galleries Ltd., 118 New Bond St., w.l. 
(Tel. Mayfair 0722). 

Walker’s Quarterly, 1920. 2s. 6d. Walker’s Galleries Ltd., 118 New Bond St., w.1. 
(Tel. Mayfair 0722). 

WALLASEY AND WIRRAL CHRONICLE, 1888. (c.u.). Sat. Id. Sub. 8s. 8d. 
perann. Wallasey, &c. Newspaper Co. Ltd., 18a Brighton St., Wallasey. (Tel. 

2d. Wallasey Printers Ltd., 63 Borough Road, Wallasey. (Tel. No. 155). 

WALLASEY TIMES, 1924. (c). Sat—8 am. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Wirral 
Printing and Publishing Co., Birkenhead Road, Moreton, Birkenhead. (Tel. 161). 

Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Croydon Advertiser Ltd., 36 High St., Croydon. (Tel. 
Croydon 3121). One of the Croydon Advertiser series. 

WALLINGTON AND CARSHALTON HERALD, 1878. (c). Fri. 2d. W. Pile Ltd. 
46 High St., Sutton. One of the Surrey County Herald series. (Advt. p. xli). 
WALLINGTON AND CARSHALTON TIMES, 1919. (ind.). Thurs.—noon, ld. 
Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Croydon Times Ltd., 3 Railway Approach, Wallington. 

(Tel. Wallington 3364). (Circ. 5,000). One of the Croydon Times series. 

Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. & W. Griffin Ltd., The Bridge, Walsall. (Tel. 
No. 2137). (Circ. 19,914). ( Advt. p. xxviii.). 

E. F. Cope & Co., Hatherton St., Walsall. (Tel. No. 3663). 


Wal-War] Willing’s Press Guide 

CHINGFORD GUARDIAN, 1870. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Walthamstow & Leyton 
Guardian Newspaper and General Publishing Co. Ltd., 555 Lea Bridge Road, 
E.10. (Tel. Walthamstow 2501). 

WALTHAMSTOW EXPRESS, 1883. (ind.). Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 14d. 
Broadway, Stratford, E.15. (Tel. Maryland 2910). One of the Stratford Express 

Walthamstow Observer, 1922. (Jab.). M.—Sat. following 4th Wed. ld. W. G. E. 
Robinson, 342 Hoe St., Walthamstow. 

WALTON AND FRINTON GAZETTE, 1878. (ind.). Tues.—4 p.m., for Wed. ld. 
Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Benham & Co. Ltd., 24 High St., Colchester. (Tel. 2842). 
One of the Essex County Standard series. 

WALTON NEWS AND COAST TIMES, 1890. (ind.). Sat. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
East Essex Printing Works Ltd., Oxford Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. Clacton 
20). One of the East Essex Advertiser series. 

WALTON TIMES AND EAST ESSEX GAZETTE, 1913. (ind.). Fri. 1d. A. Quick 
& Co. Ltd., Jackson Road, Clacton-on-Sea. (Tel. 177). 

WALTON TIMES AND NORTH LIVERPOOL TIMES, 1876. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Bootle 
Times Ltd., 30 Oriel Road, Bootle, Liverpool. One of the Bootle Times series. 

Wandsworth Directory, 1882. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WANDSWORTH &c. BOROUGH NEWS, 1900 (as Putney and South-Western Chronicle, 
1884 ; as Putney and Wandsworth Borough News, 1885). (c). Fri.—9 a.m. 2d. 
W. C. Waddingham, 144 High St., Wandsworth, s.w.18. (Tel. Putney 0325). 

WANDSWORTH OBSERVER, 1887. (u). Fri., for Sat. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 
Hammersmith Road, Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). One of the 
West London Reporter series. 

WANSTEAD EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1883 (as Wanstead Times, 1876). 
(ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Express and Independent Newspapers Ltd., 827 
High Road, Leytonstone. One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

War Cry, 1881 (as Salvationist, 1879). Wed., for Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
Salvation Army, 117-121 Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

War Office List and Administrative Directory. May. Price varies. H.M.S. O., 
Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

Ward's Directory, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Wallsend, North and South Shields, Jarrow, 
and Surrounding Villages, 1850. Biennially, last issue 1930. 20s. R. Ward & 
Sons, 23-39 High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 1768). 

Ward's Directory of Darlington, Hartlepools, West Hartlepools, etc., 1927. Biennially— 
last issue, 1929-30. 13s. 6d. R. Ward & Sons, 23-39 High Bridge, Newcastle-on- 
Tyne. (Tel. Central 1768). 

Ward's Directory of Middlesborough, Redcar, Stockton, Thornaby, etc.,1896. Biennially. 
Last issue, 1928-9. 13s. 6d. R. Ward & Sons, 23- 39 High Bridge, Newcastle- 
on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 1768). 

Ward's Directory of Newcastle-on- Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland, and Surrounding 
Villages, 1850. Biennially. Last issue, Jan., 1929. 20s. R. Ward & Sons, 
23-39 High Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (Tel. Central 1768). 

WARMINSTER JOURNAL, 1881. (ind.). Fri—9 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Coats & Parker, 15 Market Place, Warminster. (Tel. Warminster 30). 

Warren's Rail and Bus Time Tables, 1880. M.—lIst. 3d. Warren & Son Ltd., 85 
High St., Winchester. (Tel. No. 14). 

Warrington A. B. C Railway Guide, M.—lst. 3d. John Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey 
St., Warrington. (Tel. Warrington 578). 

Warrington Buff Book, 1924. Jan. and June. 6d. Ernest Light & Co. Ltd., Horse- 
market St., Warrington. (Tel. No. 710). (Circ. 3,000). 

Warrington Enterprise, 1924. (imd.). M.—Ist. ld. Ernest Light & Co. Ltd., 
Horsemarket St., Warrington. (Tel. 710). (Circ. 10,000). 

WARRINGTON EXAMINER, 1869. (/). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. J. Walker 
& Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., Warrington. (Tel. 578). 

WARRINGTON GUARDIAN, 1853. (ind.). Wed.—10 a.m., 1d.; Sat.—3 a.m., 2d. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., Sankey St., agian (Tel. 52). 

Warrior, 1911 (as Y.P., 1906). M.—20th. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Salvation 
Army, 117-121 Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

1806. (ind.). Sat. 14d. Evans & Co., 20 High St., Warwick. (Tel. No. 15). 


Willing’s Press Guide [War-Wee 

Warwick, Leamington Spa, Stratford-on- Avon, Kenilworth and Neighbourhood Directory, 
1927. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 1124). 

Wasp, 1920. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. ls. 2d. and 2s. 2d. Bedfs. and Herts. Regt., 
Kempston Barracks, Bedford. (Tel. 3145). 

Waste Trade World, 1912. Sat. 3d. Sub. 12s. 6d. per ann. Maclaren & Sons Ltd., 
38 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 5637). 

Watch, Clock and Jewellery Trades’ Directory, 1872. Irreg., last issue, 1927. 30s. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Watchmaker, Jeweler, Silversmith and Optician, 1873. M.—Ist. 9d. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. Heywood, & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., w.c.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 3422). 

Watchman, 1924. (lab.). M.—2nd Fri. 2d. Plymouth Printers Ltd., 15- 17 Woolster 
St., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 669). 

Water and Water Engineering, 1899. M.—20th. 1s. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd... 
30-31 Furnival St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 1354). 

WATERFOOT TIMES, 1898. (/). Sat.—5 a.m. 2d. L. J. Priestley, 9-11 King St., 
Bacup. Oneofthe Bacup Times series. ( Advt. p. xxix.). 

WATERFORD EVENING STAR, 1917. 1d. C. O'Mahony, 120 The Quay, Water- 

WATERFORD NEWS, 1848. (ind.). Two editions. Fri. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Waterford News Ltd., 50 O’Connell St., Waterford. (Tel. No. 43). 

Sat. 2d. D.C. Boyd, 16 Bailey’s New St., Waterford. 

WATERFORD STAR, 1892. (mat.). Fri. 2d. C. O’Mahony, 120 Quay, Waterford. 

Waterloo, Blundellsands, Great Crosby and Seaforth Directory, 1906. Biennially. 5s. 
Wentworth Publishing Co., 3 Crosshall St., Liverpool. 

WATERLOO AND CROSBY HERALD, 1895. (c). Fri. 14d. R. Johnson & Co. 
Ltd., 28 Tulketh St., Southport. 

WATERLOO AND CROSBY TIMES, 1876. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Bootle Times Ltd., 30 
Oriel Road, Bootle, Liverpool. One of the Bootle Times series. 

Waterman, 1881. M.—25th. ld. Birmingham News & Printing Co. Ltd., 28 John 
Bright St., Birmingham. 

Watford, Bushey and Rickmansworth Directory, 1899. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Watling Resident, 1928. M.—15th. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Watling Residents 
Association, 202 Montrose Avenue, Burnt Oak, Edgware. 

Watsonian, 1904. Terminally. 8d. W. F. Henderson, 19 George IV. Bridge, 

Wayfarer, 1922. M.—15th. ld. Sub. lis. 6d. per ann. Friends’ Home Service 
Committee, Friends House, Euston Road, n.w.1. (Tel. Museum 9710). 

WEALDSTONE OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1895. (ind.). Thurs., for Fri. 2d. 
Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. (Tel. Harrow 0156). One of the Harrow 
Observer and Gazette series. 

Wearside Catholic News, 1910. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 16 
Dundas St., Sunderland. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Webster's Royal Red Book, 1848 (with which is incorporated Boyle’s Court Guide, 
1792). Jan. and May. 7s. 6d. Webster & Co. (Piccadilly) Ltd., 44 Dover St., 
w.l. (Tel Gerrard 3628). 

Week End Novels, 1919. Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). 

Weekly Circular, 1840. Fri. £3 3s. Liverpool United General Produce Association Ltd., 
13 Rumford St., Liverpool. (Tel. Liverpool Central 744). 

Weekly Intelligencer, 1842. Tues. Cooper Craigs Ltd., 12 Old Jewry Chambers, £.c.2. 

WEEKLY IRISH TIMES (Dublin), 1875. (ind.). Wed.—a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Irish Times Ltd., 31 Westmorland St., Dublin. (Tel. Dublin 5036). (Advt. p. xxxv). 

Weekly List of Cotton Ships at Sea, 1867. Fri. £4 4s. subs. Comtelburo Ltd., 7 
Rumford St., Liverpool. (Tel. Central 1983). 

WEEKLY MAIL AND CARDIFF TIMES (Cardiff), 1870. (ind.). Fri—6 a.m., for 
Sat. ld. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. 7000). - 

WEEKLY NEWS (Dundee), 1855. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. D. C. Thomson 
& Co. Ltd., Dundee. (Tel. Dundee 4144). 

WEEKLY NEWS (West Bromwich), 1919 (as West Bromwich Weekly News, 1871). 
(ind.). Fri. 1$d. Midland Printing Co. Ltd., Simpson St., Oldbury. 


Wee-Wel] Willing’s Press Guide 

WEEKLY NORTHERN WHIG (Belfast), 1858. (u). Thurs.—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. 
Northern Whig Ltd., Belfast. (Advt. p. xx). 
Weekly Notes, 1866. Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 8d. Incorporated Council of Law 
Reporting for England and Wales, 30 Montague St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 3040). 
WEEKLY RECORD (Glasgow), 1915 (with which are incorporated Glasgow Weekly 
Mail, 1862, and Scottish Weekly Record, 1899). (ind.). Thurs., for Sat. 2d. 
Associated Scottish Newspapers Ltd., 67 Hope St., Glasgow. 
Weekly Record of the Textile Trades Association, 1883. Wed. 31s. 6d. per ann. 
J. Kemp & Co. Ltd., 31 Market St., Manchester. 
Weekly Return of Births and Deaths, 1840. Thurs.—p.m. 6d. Sub. 28s. per ann. 
H.M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 
WEEKLY SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh), 1817. (c.u.). Wed., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 
13s. 3d. per ann. J Ritchie & Co., 24 North Bridge, Edinburgh. 
‘Weekly Summary for the Blind, 1892. Wed. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. perann. E. R. Scott 
& L. T. Bloxam, Eltham, s.£.9. 
WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT AND ADVERTISER, 1879. Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. 
Wm. McDonald & Sons, Bridge St., Galston. (Tel. Newmilns 27). (Circ. 3,000). 
Y TELEGRAPH (Sheffield), 1862. Sat., 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Sir W.C. Leng 
& Co. Ltd., High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). l 
1863. (ind.) Fri—5 p.m. ld. E. Cowing & Son, Highbridge St., Waltham 
Abbey. (Tel. Waltham Cross 99). 
Weekly Welcome, 1896. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D.C. Thomson & Co. 
Ltd., 144 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 3802). 
Welcome Words, 1922. Irreg. Price varies. W. Barker, 202 Newcome Road, 
Welding Journal, 1903. M.—1l5th. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Raggett & Co., 
30 Red Lion Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 5157). 
Weldon’s Bazaar of Children’s Fashions, 1881. M.—Ist. 4d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Catalogue of Fashions, 1904. Three times a year. March, May, Oct. 6d. 
Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Home Dressmaker, 1895. M.—15th. 4d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton 
St., Strand w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Illustrated Dressmaker, 1880. M—Ist. 4d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal, 1879. M.—15th. 6d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Practical Needlework, 1885. M.—15th. 3d. Weldons Ltd., 30-32 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Weldon’s Sixpenny Series, 1921 (knitting, crochet, craft and transfers). M.—Ist. 
Weldons Ltd., 30-32 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 2745). 
Welfare Work, 1920. M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 5s. per ann. Institute of Industrial 
_ Welfare Workers, 29 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0658). (Circ. 800). 
‘Wellcome’ Photographic Exposure Calculator, Handbook and Diary, Est. 1900. Nov., 
ls. 6d. Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Snow Hill Buildings, E.c.1. (Tel. City 6000). 
WELLINGBOROUGH NEWS, 1861 (with which is incorporated Wellingborough Post, 
1886). (ind.). Fri.—3 p.m. 2d. Sub 13s. 6d. per ann. Northamptonshire 
Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., Market Square, Wellingborough. (Tel. 
Wellingborough 7). i 
Wellingburian, 1881. Terminally. Subs. Perkins & Co., 33-5 Sheep St., Welling- 
Wellington and Wiveliscombe Directory, 1846. Dec. 3d. Wellington Weekly News 
Ltd., South St., Wellington, Somerset. (Tel. No. 2). 
10s. 10d. per ann. Leakes’ Ltd., Church St., and Queen St., Wellington, Salop. 
WELLINGTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1880 (as Corner’s Wellington Weekly News, 1860). 
(ind.). Wed.—noon. 13d. Wellington Weekly News Ltd., South St., Wellington, 
Somerset. (Tel. No. 2). 

Wellington Year Book, 1890. Mar. 2s. C.T. Hunt, Wellington College, Berks. (Tel. 
Crowthorne 46). , 
Wellingtonian, 1868. Thrice in each term. 5s. per ann. C. T. Hunt, Wellington 

College, Berks. (Tel. Crowthorne 46). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Wel-Wes 

(tnd.). Thurs.—5 p.m., for Fri. ld. Sub. 13s. per ann. Clare, Son & Co. 
Ltd., 9 High St., Wells. (Tel. 38). 

Welsh Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., Herbert Chambers, 
Great Western Approach, Cardiff. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Welsh Coal and Shipping Handbook, with Tide Tables for Channel Ports, 1909 (as Cardiff 
Tide Tables, 1861). Jan. 2s. 6d. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

TISER, 1899. Thurs. 2d. G. Rees, Bridge St., Aberystwyth. 

Welsh Journal of Agriculture, 1925. Annually. 2s.6d.and 4s. University of Wales 
Press Board, University Registry, Cathays Park, Cardiff. (Tel. 1785). 

Welsh Outlook, 1914. M—lIst. Fri. 6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. Welsh Outlook 
Press, Newtown. (Tel. 22). 

Welsh Secondary Schools Review, 1909. Terminally. 1s. Welsh Secondary Schools 
Association, High School for Boys, Newport, Mon. (Circ. 300). 

WELSHMAN, 1829. (ind.). Wed. and ‘Thurs. 2d. Welshman Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., 123 Lammas St., Carmarthen. (Tel. No. 59). 

Welwyn Garden City and District Directory, 1925. Jan. 6d. Welwyn Publications 
Ltd., Welwyn Garden City. (Tel. Welwyn Garden 436). 

WELWYN TIMES, 1928. Thurs.—p.m. ld. Sub.7s.6d.perann. Welwyn Publica- 
tions Ltd., Welwyn Garden City. (Tel. Welwyn Garden 436). 

Wembley, Alperton, Sudbury, œc., Directory, 1928. Annually. 3s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Wembley Enterprise, 1928. M.—15th ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Hazell & Co. 
(Publicity) Ltd., 125 High Road, Wembley. (Tel. Wembley 3380). (Circ. 5,000). 

WEMBLEY NEWS, 1923. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. W. Patteson, 12 
Neeld Parade, Wembley. (Tel. Wembley 2816). 

WEMBLEY OBSERVER AND GAZETTE, 1921. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sholl & Kay, 
Station Road, Harrow. (Tel. Wembley 2069). One of the Harrow Observer and 
Gazette series. 

WERIN A’R ECO (Commonwealth), 1885 (with which is amalgamated Eco Cymraeg, 
1915). (i). Fri., for Sat. ld. National Press of Wales Ltd., Brunswick 
Buildings, Castle Square, Carnarvon. One of the North Wales Observer series. 

Wesleyan Methodist Diaries, 1850. Oct. ls. 6d. to 2s. 9d. net. Methodist Publishing 
House, 25-35 City Road, E.c.1. (Tel. Clerkenwell 1770). 

Wessex Saddleback Pig Society Herd Book, 1918. Mar. 12s. 6d. The Society, 32 
Market Place, Salisbury. (Tel. Salisbury 519). 

West, 1926. Alt.-Thurs. ls. Sub.26s.perann. World’s Work (1913) Ltd., Windmill 
Press, Kingswood, Tadworth. (Tel. Burgh Heath 777). 

West Africa, 1917. Sat. 6d. West Africa Publishing Co. Ltd., 28 Fleet St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. City 1671). j l 

WEST BRIDGFORD ADVERTISER, 1907. Sat. ld. Market St., Heanor. (Tel. 
Langley Mill 74). 

WEST BRIDGFORD TIMES AND ECHO, 1899. (ind.). Fri. 14d. R. Kirk, 6 St. 
Peter’s Church Walk, Nottingham. (Tel 41310). (Circ. 6,200). 

WEST BRITON AND CORNWALL ADVERTISER, 1810. (/). Mon.—p.m., 1d. ; 
Thurs.—a.m. 2d. A.M. Bluett, Boscawen St., Truro. (Tel. Truro 79). (Circ. 
(Thurs.) : 18,000). 

West Country, 1930. M.—lIst. 3d. Stroud News Publishing Co. Ltd., George St., 
Stroud. (Tel 19). 

WEST CUMBERLAND NEWS, 1918 (with which are incorporated Maryport News, 
1884, and Workington News, 1882). Sat. ld. Whitehaven News Ltd., 148 
Queen St., Whitehaven. 

WEST CUMBERLAND TIMES, 1874. (ind.). Wed.—a.m., ld.; Sat.—a.m., 2d. 
oral Bros. Ltd., South St., Cockermouth. (Tel. No. 17). (Circ. 20,000). (Advi. 


West End Advertiser (Aberdeen). 1927. M.—Ist. Gratis. Wilson Publishing Co. 
10 Reform St., Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

ne on Philatelist, 1904. M.—20th. 2d. D. Field, 7 Vigo St., w.1. (Tel. Regent 


WEST ESSEX GAZETTE, 1913 (as Epping Gazette and West Essex Record, 1901). 
(tnd.). Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Davis & Co., 1 Victoria Buildings, 
Epping. (Tel. Epping 74). (Circ. 3,277). 

WEST FIFE ECHO, 1900 (as Cowdenbeath and Kelty Echo, 1900). (/). Tues.—4 p.m. 
ld. J. B. Mackie & Co., 98 St. Margaret St., Dunfermline. (Tel. No. 11). 


Wes-Wes] Willing’s Press Guide 

WEST HAM EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1876. (ind.). Fri. 14. Express 
and Independent Newspapers Ltd., 827 High Road, Leytonstone. One of the 
Leytonstone Express series, 

WEST HAM MAIL, 1888. (ind.). Thurs.—5 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per 
ann. 81a High St., North, East Ham, £E.6. (Tel. Grangewood 2639). 

West Ham Municipal Alliance Gazette, 1920. M.—lIst. Fri. 2d. C. H. Ward, 
63 Broadway, Stratford, £.15. (Tel. Maryland 1365). 

WEST HERTS AND WATFORD OBSERVER, 1903 (tmd.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. 
C. H. Peacock Ltd., 101 High St., Watford. (Tel. 101). (Circ. 13,736). (Advt. 
p. xlii). 

WEST HERTS POST, 1919 (as Watford Post and Echo, 1887, with which is incorporated 
Watford Newsletter, 1908). (ind.). Thurs.—2. 30 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Gibbs & Bamforth (Watford) Ltd., Carey Place, Watford. (Tel. 70). (Circ. 8,000). 

West India Committee Circular, 1876. Alt.-ľhurs. 2s. Sub. £2 2s. per ann. The 
West India Committee, 14 Trinity Square, £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2200). 

West Kensington, Fulham, &c., Directory, 1879. Biennially. 3s: 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WEST KENT “yates ae 1890 (as Dartford & West Kent Advertiser, 1876). (ind.). 
Fri.—2.30 p.m. 2d. F. & E. Snowden, 64 High St., Dartford. (Tel. Dartford 

WEST KENT ARGUS, 1894. (ind.). Tues.—4 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
South-Eastern Press Ltd., 139 Greenwich Road, s.£.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1453). 
One of the South-Eastern Express series. 

WEST LANCASHIRE EVENING GAZETTE. (ind.). Daily—p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. 
perann. Blackpool Gazette & Herald Ltd., Temple St., Press, Blackpool. (Tel, 
Blackpool 1782). 

West London Medical Journal, 1895. Quarterly. 2s. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, 
83-91 Great Titchfield St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 2077). (Advertisements—5 Wine 
Office Court, E.c.4.). 

WEST LONDON OBSERVER, 1855. (ind.). Fri. 2d. E. W. Carter, 16 Queen St., 
Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1451). (Advt. p. xix). 

WEST LONDON PRESS AND CHELSEA NEWS, 1885 (as Chelsea News, 1857). (ind.). 
Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Corkran, Corkran & Day Ltd., 
123a King’s Road, Chelsea, s.w.3. (Tel. Flaxman 1980). 

WEST LONDON REPORTER, 1891 (as Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter, 1879) 
(c). Fri., for Sat. ld. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith Road, Broadway, 
Hammersmith, w.6. (Tel. Riverside 1887). 

LOTHIAN HERALD, 1872. (u). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. West Lothian 
P. & P. Co. Ltd., Whitburn Road, Bathgate. (Tel. No. 1). 

WEST MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, 1923 (with which are incorporated Southall- Norwood 
Gazette, 1894, Ealing Gazette, 1895, and Hanwell Gazette, 1895). Sat. 2d. King 
& Hutchings Ltd., 213 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, w:13. (Tel. Ealing 5164). (Circ. 

West Midland Counties A B C Railway Guide, 1910. M.—lst. 3d. Littlebury & Co., 
Ltd., The Worcester Press, Worcester. (Tel. No. 13). 

West Riding of Yorkshire (excluding Leeds, Sheffield and Bradford) Directory, 1861. 
Every four years, last issue 1927. 36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Cox, Sons & Co. Ltd., Park St., 
Minehead. (Tel. 6). 

West Surrey District Good Templars’ Guide, 1873. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 2d. S. 
Youngs, Kantara, Rosebery Crescent, Kingfield, Woking. 

TISER, 1869. (c). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. E.B Gooding, 
15 Market Square, Horsham. (Tel. Horsham 300), (Advt. p. xlii). 

Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. 2d. Mitchell & Co. (Printers) Ltd., Arundel. (Tel. 
No. 1). (Advt. p. xlii). 

WEST WALES OBSERVER, 1919. (ind.). Fri. ld. W. Hopkin, Herbert St., 
P-ntardawe, Glam. 

7a.m. 2d. Lancaster Guardian Ltd., 56 High St., Skipton. (Tel. 89). (Advt. 
p. XXXvi.). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Wes-Wes 

Sat. 2d. Hooker Bros., High St., Westerham. (Tel. No. 7). 

Western Advertiser, 1926. M.—Ist. Gratis. Wilson Publishing Co., 10 Reform St., 
Dundee. (Tel. 2890). 

Western Australia Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1870. Annually. 67s. 6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Western Catholic Calendar & Directory for the Archdiocese of Glasgow, 1893. Dec. 4d. 
Sands & Co., 76 Cambridge St., Glasgow. (Tel. Douglas 337). 

and Taunton Journal, 1764). (ind.). Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. 
per ann. S. Murray & Co. Ltd., Clarence St., Yeovil. (Tel. 10). 

Western Counties Railway Guide, 1866. M.—1st. 3d. Townsend & Sons, Exeter. 
(Tel. No. 2502). 

WESTERN DAILY PRESS (Bristol), 1858. (ind.). 3 and 6.30 a.m. ld. W. Reid 
& Sons Ltd., Baldwin St., Bristol. 

WESTERN ECHO (St. Ives), 1899. (ind.).  Fri.—noon, for Sat. ld. Sub. 7s. 6d. 
per ann. W. & J. Jacobs, 15 Fore St., St. Ives, Cornwall. (Tel. St. Ives 53). 
(Circ. 1,600). ; 

Western Equatorial Africa Church Magazine. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. W. 
Watson, 24 Grey St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

WESTERN EVENING HERALD, 1895. (ind.). p.m. ld. Sub. 52s. per ann. 
Western Morning News Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (Tel. No. 2131). 

WESTERN GAZETTE (Yeovil), 1736. (ind.). Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. 2d. Sub. 
13s. per ann. Western Gazette Co. Ltd., Yeovil. (Tel. 5). (Circ. 58,013). 
( Advt. p. xliii). 

WESTERN GUARDIAN (Totnes), 1882. (ind.). Wed. 14d. Mortimer Bros., 34 
Fore St., Totnes. 

WESTERN INDEPENDENT (Plymouth), 1808. (ind.). Sun. 2d. Sub. 13s. per 
ann. Whitfeld & Newman Ltd., 28 Russell St., Plymouth. (Tel. 2123). 

WESTERN MAIL AND SOUTH WALES NEWS (Cardiff), 1869. (c). Daily— 
1.30 to6a.m. ld. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. 7000). 

Western Mail A B C Railway Time Table for Cardiff. M.—Ist. 4d. Western Mail 
Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. No. 7000). 

Western Mail A B C Railway Time Tables for Newport and Swansea. M.—lst. 3d. 
Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. (Tel. No. 7000). 

WESTERN MORNING NEWS AND MERCURY (Plymouth), 1860. (ind.). Daily—a.m. 
14d. Sub. 6Gs. per ann. Western Morning News Co. Ltd., 9 Frankfort St., 
Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 2131). 

WESTERN OBSERVER (Tiverton), 1874. (ind.). Thurs.—3 p.m. ld. Sub. 6s. 8d. 
per ann. Gregory & Son, Tiverton. (Tel. No. 5). ‘One of the Tiverton Gazette 

WESTERN PEOPLE (Ballina), 1883. (nat.). Thurs. a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. T. 
Dever, Arran St., Ballina, Co. Mayo. (Tel.37). (Circ. 19,700). 

WESTERN TELEGRAPH (Urmston), 1895. (ind.). Fri. ld. Telegraph Printing 
Co. Ltd., Railway Road, Urmston. (Tel. Urmston 33). 

Western Temperance Herald, 1836. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1d. Sub. 6d. per ann. 
Western Temperance League, 18 Upper Cranbrook Road, Bristol. (Tel. 5839). 

WESTERN TIMES (Exeter), 1829 (as Exeter Weekly Times, 1827). (I). Fri., 2d. 
Western Times Ltd., 226 High St., Exeter. 

WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS, 1921 (with which are incorporated Illustrated Western 
Weekly News, 1861, and Western Weekly Mercury, 1879). Fri., for Sat. 2d. 
Western Morning News Co. Ltd., Plymouth. (Tel. Plymouth 2131). 

Searle & Sons Ltd., Beach St., Herne Bay. 

1882. (nat.). Sat. 2d. J. P. Hayden, Dominick St., Mullingar. 

Fri. 2d. T. Behan, 29 Earl St., Mullingar. 

WESTMEATH INDEPENDENT (Athlone), 1846. (nat.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. The 
Athlone Printing Works Printing Co. Ltd., Athlone. 

Westminster Abbey Kalendar and Diary, 1926. Nov., for Jan. ls. Wells Gardner, 
Darton & Co. Ltd., Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 2713). 

WESTMINSTER AND PIMLICO NEWS, 1887. (ind.). Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. Corkran, Corkran and Day Ltd., 123a King’s Road, Chelsea, 
s.w.3, and 42 Tachbrook St., Pimlico, s.w.1. (Tel. Flaxman 1980). 


Wes-Whi] Willing’s Press Guide 

Westminster Cathedral Chronicle, 1906. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 4s. per ann. Cathedral 
Clergy House, Francis St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 1959). 

1919. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. United Metropolitan Press Ltd., 
132 Great College St., N.w.1. Tel. North 0481). 

Westminster Magazine, 1923 (as County Westminster and Parr’s Magazine, 1918, as 
County Westminster Magazine, 1910, as County Magazine, 1906). Alt.—M. 2s. 6d. 
per ann. The Editor, 41 Lothbury, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 6600). 

10s. 10d. per ann. J. H. Johnson, 159 Seymour Place, w.1. (Tel. Paddington 
2236). One of the Maryiebone Record series. 

WESTMORLAND GAZETTE, 1918. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. F. B. Pollitt, 
22 Stricklandgate, Kendal. (Tel. Kendal 400). 

Westmorland Gazette A B C Time Table and Telephone Directory, 1925. M.—ist. 
2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Atkinson & Pollitt, 22 Stricklandgate, Kendal. 

1843). (u). Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Frampton & 
Sons, Waterloo St., Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. 304). 

Weston-super-Mare A B C Railway Guide. M.—Ist. 2d. Bristol Printing & Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 11 Small St., Bristol. (Tel. 3693). 

WESTON-SUPER-MARE ADVERTISER, 1928. Wed. 1d. Sub. 5s. per ann. L.C. 
Temple, 10 Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare. (Tel. 911). (Circ. 7,000). 

JOURNAL AND SOMERSET ADVERTISER, 1845. (ind.) Fri.—4.30 p.m., for 
Sat. 2d. Weston-super-Mare Gazette Ltd. St. James St., Weston-super-Mare. 
(Tel. No. 689). 

JOURNAL, 1857. (ind. u). Fri. ld. H. Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. 
(Tel. 62). 

Weymouth Ee Neighbourhood Directory, 1929. Annually. 3s.6d. .Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WHARFEDALE AND AIREDALE OBSERVER, 1880 (with which are incorporated 
Otley and Ilkley Guardian, 1871, and Wharfedale and Airedale Standard). (ind.). 
Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. W. Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd., Victoria Works, 
Otley. (Tel. Otley 149). , 

What Cheer, 1915. Feb., Mar., June, Dec. 3d. Sub. ls.2d.perann. T. Miles & Co. 
Ltd., 68 Wardour St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 3498). 

What Editors and Publishers Want, 1924. Jan. 3s. 6d. Literary Year-Books Press 
Ltd., 67 Dale St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 5598). 

What’s on in London To-day, (Dragoman Magazine) 1927. M.—lIst. Sub. 7s. 6d. per 
ann. E. J. Burrow & Co., Ltd., 109, Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6333). 
What’s On in Southampton, 1908. Fri. ld. J. E. Barnes, 14 Hanover Buildings, 

Southampton. (Tel. Southampton 4697). 

Wheatsheaf, 1896. M. ls. 6d. per ann. Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd., 
Balloon St., Manchester. (Tel. City 0061). 

Where to Buy, 1922 (Everything Chemical, Jan. and July). (Everything Electrical, 
Oct.). (Everything for Building, &c., April). (Ironmongery and Hardware, 
June). 2s.6d. S. Davis & Co., Aldwych House, Aldwych, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 

3s. 6d. Field Press Ltd., Bream’s Buildings, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3682). 
Whitaker's Almanack, 1869. Dec. Popular paper, 3s. net ; complete cloth, 6s. net. 
J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Whitaker’s Cumulative Book List, 1924. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 25s. per ann. J. 
Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

Whitaker’s Peerage, 1899 (as Whitaker's Titled Persons, 1897). Jan. 25s. net. J. 
Whitaker & Sons Ltd., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 4478). 

WHITBY GAZETTE, 1854. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Horne & Son Ltd., Bridge St., Whitby. 
(Tel. No. 6). (Advt. p. xliii). 

ADVERTISER, 1869. (ind.). Fri. 1d. Newton St., Whitchurch. (Tel 104). 
White & Pike's Diary, 1875. Nov. 1s. 3d. White & Pike Ltd., Cambridge St. 

Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5354). 
White and Pike’s Railway Guide, 1861. M.—Ist. 1s. White & Pike Ltd., Cambridge 
St. Printing Works, Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 5354). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Whi-Wid 

White Cockade, 1925. Alt-M.—Ist. 6d. Sub. 3s. 6d. perann. Stuart House, Tudor 
St., E.c.4, 

White Cross, 1894 (as Vanguard, 1885). Jan., April, July, Oct. 2d. White Cross 
League, 36 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3980). 

White Heather Novels, 1919. Alt—Sat. 4d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. J. Leng & 
Co. Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

White Lancer and Vedette, 1908. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. 6d. Sub. 6s. per ann. 
17-21st Lancers, Warburg Barracks, Aldershot. 

White Ribbon and Wings, 1896. M.—25th. 14d. Sub. 2s. per ann. National 
British Women’s Total Abstinence Union, 104 Gower St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 

White Star Magazine, 1923. M.—lIst. 6d. Newton & Co., 110-111 Strand, w.c.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 7081). 

Whitefield’s Signal, 1924. M.—Ist. Sun. 2d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Whitefield’s 
Institutional Church and Central Mission, Tottenham Court Road, w.1. (Tel 
Museum 0824). | 

Whitehall Gazette and St. James Review, 1919. M.—30th. 2s. 6d. 38 Parliament St. 
s.w.l. (Tel. Victoria 8499). 

WHITEHAVEN NEWS, 1832. Thurs.—a.m. 2d. Whitehaven News Ltd., 148 
Queen St., Whitehaven. 

Fri. 13d. Matthews Bros., North St., Carrickfergus. (Tel. Carrick 57). 
Whitgiftian, 1879. Twice during term. 6d. Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon. 

—a.m. ld. J. Dowling & Sons Ltd., Station Road, Whitley Bay. (Tel. No. 43). 

WHITSTABLE TIMES AND TANKERTON PRESS, 1864. (ind.). Fri.—noon, for 
Sat. 2d. R.M. Elvy, High St., Whitstable. 

WHITTLESEY REPORTER, 1876. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Sharman 
& Co. Ltd., High St., March. (Tel. March 9). One of the Cambridgeshire Times 
series. (Advt. p. xxx). 

Whole World for Jesus Now, 1913. Alt. M. 2d. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Worldwide 
Evangelisation Crusade, 19 Highland Road, Upper Norwood, s.E.19. (Tel. 
Sydenham 0219). (Circ. 10,000). 

Who's Who, 1849 (with which is incorporated Men and Women of the Time, 1901). 
Dec. 50s. net. A. & C. Black Ltd., 4 Soho Square, w.1. (Tel. Regent 2258). 

Who's Who in America, 1914. Biennially, last issue 1928-29. 37s. 6d. net. Stanley 
Paul & Co. Ltd., Hutchinson House, Creed Lane, E.c.4. 

Who's Who in Architecture, 1914. 25s. net. Architectural Press Ltd., 9 Queen Anne’s 

Gate, s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 6936). 

Who's Who in Art, 1927. Biennially—Jan. 21s. Art Trade Press Ltd., 13 Bucking- 
ham St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5573). 

Who's Who in British Advertising, 1925. Mar. 7s. 6d. Gainsborough Publishing 
Co., 55 Windsor House, Victoria St., s.w.1. 

Who's Who in Literature, 1924. Jan. 12s. 6d. Literary Year Books Press Ltd., 
67 Dale St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 5598). 

Who's Who in Newport, 1908. Irreg. 21s. Williams Press Ltd., Riverside Works, 
Newport, Mon. (Tel. No. 2344). 

Who's Who in Philately, 1913. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. Harris Publications Ltd., 112 
Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7138). 

Who's Who in the Nursing World, 1928. Jan. Professional Publications Ltd., 
139 High Holborn, w.c.1. (Tel. Holborn 3019). 

Who's Who in the Theatre, 1912. Irreg., last issue 1930. 25s. net. Sir I. Pitman & 
Sons Ltd., 39-41 Parker St., Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 3538). 

Who’s Who in Wales, 1921. Mar. 10s. 6d. Western Mail Ltd., St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

WICKFORD, BILLERICAY AND DISTRICT POST, 1926. (ind.). Fri—p.m., for Sat. 
Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Dilliway & Co., Station Road, Burnham-on-Crouch. 
(Tel. 27). 

WICKLOW PEOPLE, 1882 (with which is incorporated Wicklow News Letter, 1857). 
(nat.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. People Newspapers Ltd., 1a North Main 
St., Wexford. (Tel. 15). One of the People, Wexford series. 

Wide World Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. ls. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. G. Newnes 
Ltd., 8-11 Southampton St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

WIDNES AND RUNCORN CHRONICLE, 1902. (l). Fri—8am. 2d. C. Smith, 
27 Bridge St., Chester. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 


Wid-Wim] Willing’s Press Guide 

WIDNES AND RUNCORN GAZETTE, 1926. Fri. Wood, Westworth & Co. Ltd., 
2 Lacey St., Widnes. (Tel. Widnes 531). (Circ. 10,000). 

WIDNES EXAMINER, 1879. (/). Sat. 2d. J. Walker & Co. Ltd., Bewsey St., 
‘Warrington. One of the Warrington Examiner series. 

WIDNES GUARDIAN, 1876. (ind.). Tues.—1 p.m., ld.; Fri—9a.m., for Sat. 2d. 
Mackie & Co. Ltd., 57 Albert Road, Widnes. One of the Warrington Guardian 

WIDNES WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. (ind.). Fri—7 a.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. 
Swale (Widnes) Ltd., 35 Victoria Road, Widnes. (Tel. Widnes 124). 

Wife and Home, 1929. M.—20th. 6d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., £E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Wigan Catholic Herald, 1894. Fri. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 3 Crosshall St., 
Liverpool. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

WIGAN EXAMINER, 1853. (c). Tues. ld.; Sat., 2d. W. Roger & R. L. Rennick, 
King St., Wigan. (Tel. No. 127). 

WIGAN OBSERVER, 1853. (/). Tues., Thurs., ld.; Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s.-per ann. 
T. Wall & Sons Ltd., Rowbottom Square, Wigan. (Tel. 121). (Circ. 20,000). 
Wigley’s Street Directory of Leeds, 1913. Oct. ls. A. Wigley, 98 Woodhouse St., 

Leeds. (Tel. No. 26917). 

WIGTON ADVERTISER, 1857. (ind.). Fri.—7'p.m., for Sat. ld. T. McMechan, 
King St., Wigton. 

Wigwam and Teepee, 1921. Occas. 3d. D.W. Walton, 12 Bridgman Road, Tedding- 
ton. (Tel. Kingston 5814). 

WILLESDEN CHRONICLE AND HERALD, 1877. (c). Fri. 2d. N. W. Printing & 
Publishing Association Ltd., 4 Cambridge Avenue, N.w.6. (Tel. Maida Vale 2464). 

Salmond, 733 Harrow Road, Willesden, N.w.10. (Tel. Willesden 1188). 

Williams’ (Dr.) School Magazine, 1897. Annually. ls. E. W. Evans Ltd., Dolgelly. 
(Tel. 13). 

HANDBOOK, 1874. Jan. 2s. 6d. (Post free inland 3s., foreign 3s. 2d). 
WILLING SERVICE (Willing & Co. Ltd.), 356-364 Grays Inn Road, w.c.1. 
(Tel. Terminus 4141) and 86 Strand, London, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 
8261). Index to the Press of the United Kingdom, with a Classification 
of Representative Periodicals and List of the principal Dominion, Colonial 
and Foreign Journals. (Circ. 5,000). 

Willis’s Workmen's Compensation, 1897. April. 15s. Butterworth & Co. (Pub- 
lishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Wilms-ow and Alderley Express, 1908. Fri. Gratis. C.R. Auckland, Green Lane, 
Wilmslow. (Tel. 360). 

WILTS, BERKS AND HANTS COUNTY PAPER, 1857 (with which are incorporated 
Marlborough Times and Andover Times). (ind.). Fri.—4 p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. 6d. 
per ann. H. G. Perkins, High St., Marlborough. (Tel. 14). 

WILTS AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE STANDARD, 1837. (c). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 2d. 
Sub. 13s. per ann. Cirencester Newspaper Co. Ltd., Dyer St., Cirencester. (Tel. 
9). (Circ. 9,500). 

Wiltshire Archeeological Magazine, 1853. June & Dec. 8s. C. H. Woodward, 

WILTSHIRE GAZETTE, 1909 (as Devizes and Wiltshive Gazette, 1816). (c). Thurs.— 
12a.m. 2d. G. Simpson & Co., Devizes Ltd., 14 Market Place, Devizes. 

WILTSHIRE NEWS, 1833. (c). Fri. 2d. Sub.13s.perann. Associated News Ltd., 
65 Fore St., Trowbridge. (Tel. 70). 

WILTSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1877. (c). Sat.—10 a.m. ld. G. Simpson & Co., 
Devizes Ltd., 14 Market Place, Devizes. 

WILTSHIRE TIMES, 1876 (with which is incorporated the Trowbridge and North 
Wilts Independent, 1854). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Lansdown & Sons, Duke St., 

AND MORDEN CHRONICLE, 1923. (ind.). Thurs., for Sat. 1s. J. B. Blackmore 
& Co. Ltd., 85 Merton High St., Wimbledon, s.w.19. (Tel. Wimbledon 0664). 

Wimbledon, Merton and Morden Directory, 1890. Annually. 3s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple 1124). 

MALDEN AND MOTSPUR PARK NEWS, 1894. (ind.). krm.—6 a.m. 2d. 
W. H. Stoakley & Co. Ltd., 11 St. George’s Road, Wimbledon. (Tel. Wimbledon 0540). 


Willing’s Press Guide =- [Wim-Wis 

WIMBLEDON HERALD, 1878. Fri. 2d. W. Pite Ltd., 46 High St., Sutton. (Tel. 
Sutton 2100). One of the Surrey County Herald series. i 

Winchester and District Directory and County Year Book, 1881. Nov. 2s.6d. Warren 
& Son Ltd., 85 High St., Winchester. 

Winchester and Neighbourhood Directory, 1927. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle, 1893. M.—20th. 2d. Warren & Son Ltd., Win- 

Winchester Diocesan Year Book, 1862. July. 2s. 6d. Warren & Son Ltd., 85 High 
St., Winchester. (Tel. 14). 

Windsor, Eton, Slough, &c., Directory, 1926. Biennially. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WINDSOR, SLOUGH AND ETON EXPRESS, 1812. (ind.). Fri—4 p.m. 2d. Oxley 
& Son, 4 High St., Windsor. (Tel. Windsor 46). (Advt. p. xliii). 

Windsor Magazine, 1895. M.—26th. ls., net. Sub. 15s. per ann. Ward, Lock & - 
Co. Ltd., Salisbury Square, £.c.4. (Tel. City 8650). 

Wine, Spirit, Brewing and Tobacco Trades’ Directory, 1877. Irreg. Last issue 1926. 
36s. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and Agency List, 1898. Jan. 21s. H. C. Lea & Co. 
Ltd., 22-3 Great Tower St., E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2180). 

Wine and Spirit Trade Record, 1874. M.—14th. 42s. per ann. (including the Wine 
and Spirit Trade Diary and Agency List). H.C. Lea & Co. Ltd., 22-3 Great Tower 
St., £.c.3. (Tel. Royal 2180). 

Wine Trade Review, 1863. Fri. 30s. per ann. W. Reed Ltd., Eastcheap Buildings, 
E.c.3. (Tel. Royal 1192). 

Wings, 1929. Fri. 6d. Sub. 30s. 4d. Wings Publications Ltd., 12-13 Henrietta St., 
w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1133). 

Winilan (The Vineyard), 1860. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. perann. Rev. O. M. Roberts, 
Wesleyan Book Room, Isfryn, High St., Bangor. 

Winner, 1919. Fri. ls. G. Sinclair, 3 Little Gray’s Inn Lane, Gray’s Inn Road, 
E.c.l. (Tel. Clerkenwell 8028.). 

WINSFORD AND MIDDLEWICH CHRONICLE, 1874. (/). Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. 2d. 
C. Smith, Library Buildings, Northwich. One of the Chester Chronicle series. 

WINSFORD AND MIDDLEWICH GUARDIAN, 1877. (ind.). Tues.—2 p.m., 1d.; 
Fri.—8 a.m., 2d. Mackie & Co. Ltd., 4 Wharton Road, Winsford. One of the 
Warrington Guardian series. 

Wireless and Gramophone Export Trader, 1929, (as Wireless Export Trader, 1925). M.— 
4th Thurs. 10s. per ann. Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., St. Bride’s House, 
Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). (Circ. 5,000). 

Wireless and Gramophone Trader, 1929 (as Wireless Trader, 1923). Sat, 1s. Sub. 
8s. per ann. Trader Publishing Co., Ltd., St. Bride’s House, Salsibury Square, 
E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). (Circ. 6,300). 

Wireless and Gramophone Trader Year Book and Diary, 1929 (as Wireless Trader Year 
Book and Diary, 1925). Dec. 5s. 6d. Trader Publishing Co., Ltd., St. Bride’s 
House, Salisbury Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7713). 

Wireless Constructor, 1924. M.—15th. 6d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Wireless Diary, 1923. Oct. 1s. and 2s. 6d. C. Letts & Co., Southwark Bridge 
Buildings, s.£.1. (Tel. Hop 1250). 

Wireless Magazine, 1925. M.—25th. Is. Sub. 15s. 6d. per ann. Bernard Jones 
Publications Ltd., 58-61 Fetter Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. City 3733). 

Wireless World and Radio Review, 1913 (as the Marconigraph, 1911). Wed. 4d. Iliffe 
& Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

WIRRAL TIMES, 1924. (ind.). Sat—8 am. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Wirral 
Printing and Publishing Co., Birkenhead Road, Moreton, Birkenhead. (Tel. 
Upton 161). 

WISBECH CONSTITUTIONAL GAZETTE, 1868. (c). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. 
perann. West Norfolk and King’s Lynn Newspaper Co. Ltd., Purfleet St., King’s 
Lynn. (Tel. 192). One of the Lynn Advertiser series. 

WISBECH STANDARD, 1890. (c). Fri—noon. 2d. Sub. 14s. per ann. Sharman & 
Co. Ltd., Standard Buildings, Wisbech. (Tel. No. 247). 

Wisden’s Cricketer Almanack, 1850. Mar. 5s. J. Wisden & Co. Ltd., 15 Great 
Newport St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6334). 

WISHAW HERALD, 1889. (ind.). Fri.—a.m. ld. Grierson & Blake, 14 Hill St., 


Wis-Wom] Willing’s Press Guide 

WISHAW PRESS & ADVERTISER, 1875 (as Wishaw Advertiser, 1870). (ind.). Fri. 
—a.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. W. Pomphrey, 68 Main St., Wishaw. (Tel. 
11). (Circ. 6,800). 

Within Our Gates, 1894. Quarterly. ld. Spurgeon Orphan Homes, Clapham 
Road, s.w.9. (Tel. Brixton 0368). 

Without the Camp, 1897. Quarterly. 2d. Mission to Lepers, 33 Henrietta St., 
w.c.2. (Tel Temple Bar 2124). 

WITNESS, 1874. (u). Fri—5 a.m. 2d. Belfast Steam Printing Co. Ltd., 58-60 
Royal Avenue, Belfast. (Tel. Belfast 206). 

Witness, 1887 (as Northern Witness, 1871). M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. 
Pickering & Inglis Ltd., 229 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (Tel. Central 7424). 

(as Witney Express, 1861). (ind.). Fri.—2 p.m,. for Sat. ld. J.E. & B. Knight 
20 High St., Witney. ’ 

Wizard, 1922. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D. C. Thomson & Co. 
Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

WOBURN AND DISTRICT REPORTER, 1884 (with which is incorporated Letghton 
Buzzard Reporter, 1878). (ind.). Fri., for Sat. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Bedford- 
shire Times Publishing Co. Ltd., 22 Mill St., Bedford. (Tel. Bedford 2285). One 
of the Bedford Record series. 

WOKING HERALD, 1913. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. Rawlings & 
Walsh Ltd., 9 Broadway, Woking. (Tel. Woking 241). (Circ. 13,500). (Adit. 

WOKING NEWS AND MAIL, 1894. (ind.). Fri. ld. Sub.11s.perann. A. Fraser, 
52 Chertsey Rd., Woking. (Tel. Woking 60). 

$d. Surrey Advertiser & County Times Ltd. 7 The Broadway, Woking (Tel. 
Woking 63). 

Woking Recorder, 1929 (as Woking Outlook, 1924). (ind.). M.—Ist. Sat. Gratis 
and 2d. British Commercial Agencies Ltd., 34 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. 33). Cire. 
4,000). ; 

Wokingham, Bracknell and Neighbourhood Directory, 1930. Annually. 2s.6d. Kelly’s 
Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

Berkshire Gazette, 1902). (ind.). Fri—a.m. ld. F.Staniland, Peach St., Woking- 
ham, Berks. 

Wolverhampton A B C Railway Rates Book, 1912. Every four years. 50s. Railway 
and Shipping Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

WOLVERHAMPTON CHRONICLE, 1789. (ind.). Wed. 1d. Midland News Asso- 
ciation Ltd., 50 and 51 Queen St., Wolverhampton. (London: 44 Fleet St.). 

Wolverhampton Free Press, 1928. M.—I1st. Week. Gratis. Blackfriars Press Ltd., 
Smith Dorrien Road, Leicester. (Circ. 15,000). . 

14d. Sub. 9s. per ann. A. J. Emerton, 103 Church St., Wolverton, Bucks. (Tel. 7.) 

Woman and Beauty, 1930. M. 6d. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon 
St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Woman and Home, 1926. M.—20th. 6d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Fashions for All, 
Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). (Advt. p. iv). 

Woman Clerk, 1921. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Association of 
Women Clerks and Secretaries, Bank House, Churton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 
7791). (Circ. 1,500). 

Woman Engineer, 1919. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 6d. Sub. 2s.6d.perann. Women’s 
Engineering Society, 46 Kensington Court, w.8. (Tel. Kelvin 9128). (Circ. 1,000). 

Woman Journalist, 1923. Alt.—M. ls. Writers Club, 10 Norfolk St., w.c.2. 

Woman Teacher, 1919. Fri.’ 5s. per ann. National Union of Women Teachers, 
39 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 2768). 

Woman’s Companion, 1927. Sat., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Woman’s Friend, 1924. Tues. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 
16-18 Henrietta St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 3521). 

Woman's Journal, 1927. M.—25th. 1s. Sub. 18s. 6d. perann. Amalgamated Press 
Ltd., 22-5 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). (Advt. p. iv). 

Woman’s Kingdom, 1927. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. House Publications 
Ltd., 3 Portsmouth St., w.c.2. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Wom-Woo 

Woman’s Leader and Common Cause, 1920 (as Common Cause, 1909). Fri. 2d. 
Common Cause Publishing Co. Ltd., 4 Tufton St., Westminster, s.w.1. 

Woman's Life, 1895. Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 Southamp- 
ton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

Woman's Magazine, 1927 (as Girls’ Own Paper and Woman's Magazine, 1880). M.— 
25th. ls. Sub. 14s. 6d. per ann. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4 
(Tel. Central 8428). (Advt. p. ii). 

Woman's Outlook, 1919. Alt.-weeks. 14d. National Co-operative Publishing Society, 
Long Millgate, Manchester. 

Woman’s Pictorial, 1921 (as Family Pictorial, 1920). Mon., for Sat. 3d. Sub. 19s. 6d. 
per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Woman's Way, 1927. Thurs. 2d. Sub. 10s. 10d. per ann. D. C. Thomson & Co. 
Ltd., 186 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3984). 

Woman’s Weekly, 1911. Tues., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Woman’s Work on the Mission Field, 1859. Jan., Apl, July, Oct. 2d. Sub. ls. 
per ann. Woman’s Dept., Wesleyan Missionary Society, 24 Bishopsgate, E.c.2. 
(Tel. London Wall 0427). 

Woman's World, 1903. Mon., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Amalgamated 
Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Woman’s World Library, 1913. M.—lIst. Thurs. 4d. Sub. 18s. per ann. Amal- 
gamated Press Ltd., 22-25 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Women’s Employment, 1900. lst and 3rd Fri. 3d. Women’s Employment Pub- 
lishing Co. Ltd., 54 Russell Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 0519). 

Women’s Wear Patterns and Fashions, 1906. Thurs., for Fri. 3d. Special Numbers, 
Quarterly. 6d. J. Williamson Co. Ltd., 42 Gerrard St., w.1. (Tel. Gerrard 4560). 

Wonder, 1929. Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. Amalgamated Press Ltd., 22-5 
Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 0202). 

Wonderful Words of Life, 1919. Occas. ls. per 100. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 8428). 

Wonderlands, 1909 (as Juvenile Missionary Herald, 1845). M.—25th. ld., net. 
Carey Press, 19 Furnival St., Holborn, E.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 5882). 

Sub. 9s. 6d. per ann. Crusha & Son, Ltd., 210 High Road, Wood Green, N.22. 
(Tel. Palmers Green 1082). One of the Tottenham, &c., Weekly Herald series. 

Wood Green, Southgate, Palmers Green, &c., Directory, 1888. Biennially. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

-Thurs. ld. A. Fairweather, Church St., Woodbridge. (Tel. No. 3). 

Woodford, Buckhurst Hill, Loughton and Chingford Directory, 1900. Biennially. 
3s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WOODFORD AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1906 (with which is incorporated the 
Upton, Ilford, and Forest Gate Advertiser, 1895). (ind.). Fri.—noon. ld. 
Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. M. Hickman & Sons, High Beech Road, Loughion. (Tel. 

WOODFORD EXPRESS AND INDEPENDENT, 1883 (as Woodford Observer, 1876). 
(ind.). Fri., for Sat. 14d. Express and Independent Newspapers Ltd., 827 
High Road, Leytonstone, E.11. One of the Leytonstone Express series. 

WOODFORD TIMES, 1867. (ind.). Fri—noon. 2d. C. S. Jones, 70 High Road, 
Woodford Green. 

WOODHOUSE EXPRESS, 1929 (as Eckington, Woodhouse and Staveley Express, 1897). 
(tnd.). Sat.—Sa.m. 2d. Mexborough Times Co. Ltd., 50 High St., Mexborough. 
(Tel. 31). One of the Mexborough Times series. 

Woodworker Magazine, 1901. M.—25th. 6d. Evans Bros. Ltd., Montague House, 
Russell Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5100). 

Wool Chart (Weekly) and Private Business Report, 1907. Thurs. £3 3s. per ann. 
C. F. Mallett, 1 Cheapside, Bradford. 

Wool Record and Textile World, 1909. Thurs. 40s. per ann. Wool Record Ltd., 
10 Booth St., Bradford. (Tel. 6357). 

Wool Year Book, 1908. Oct. 7s. 6d. net. Textile Mercury Ltd., 20 Mount St., 
Manchester. (Tel. City 4682). 

Woollen and Textile Trades Gazette, 1903. Tues. 27s. 6d. per ann. J. Kemp & Co. 
Ltd., 46 Cannon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1870). 

WOOLWICH GAZETTE AND PLUMSTEAD NEWS, 1862. (ind.). Tues.—5 a.m. ld. 
A. Saunders, 130 Plumstead Road, s.£.18. (Tel. Woolwich 0124). 


Woo-Wor] Willing’s Press Guide 

WOOLWICH HERALD, 1882. (ind.). Tues.—4 p.m. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
South Eastern Press Ltd., 139 Greenwich Road, s.z.10. (Tel. Greenwich 1453), 
One of the South-Eastern Express series. 

Worcester A B C Railway Guide and Special Time Tables for Principal Stations in the 
Kingdom, . 1880. M.—lIst. 4d. Littlebury & Co. Ltd., Worcester Press, 
Worcester. (Tel. No. 13). 

Worcester and Neighbourhood Directory, 1928. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Directories 
Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar.1124). 

WORCESTER DAILY TIMES, 1880. (c). 1 p.m. ld. Berrow’s Worcester Journal 
Co. Ltd., 55 Broad St., Worcester. (Tel. 401). 

Worcester Diocesan Calendar, 1861. Jan. 2s. net. Midland Educational Co. Ltd., 
Corporation St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 6105). 

Worces:er Diocesan Gazette, 1893. M.—Ist. 3d. Midland Educational Co. Ltd., 
Corporation St., Birmingham. (Tel. Midland 6105). 

Worcesterian, 1903. Terminally. 5s. per ann. The Editor, Royal Grammar School, 

Fri., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. George Williams Press Ltd., 44 High St., 
Worcester. (Tel. No. 343). 

Worcestershire County Council Handbook, 1893. May. ls. The Clerk of the County 
Council, Shirehall, Worcester. 

Words of Grace and Comfort, 1925. M.—30th. 2d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster 
Square, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1155). 

Words of Help, 1927. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. C. A. Hammond, 3-4 
London House Yard, E.c.4. (Tel. City 7950). 

Words of Life, 1897. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Elliot Stock, 7 Paternos‘er 
Row, E.c.4. l 

Words of Salvation, 1910. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 1155). 

Words of Welcome, 1904. Occas. Is. 6d. per 100. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 8428). 

Work and Witness, 1907 (as Protestant Churchman, 1827). Occas. 1d. Protestant 
Reformation Society, 57 Berners St., w.1. (Tel. Museum 1597). 

Work in Many Lands, 1917. Jan., May, Sept. 4d. Central Bible Truth Depot, 5 
Rose St., E.c.4. 

Worker, 1926. (soc.). Thurs. 1d. Sub. 6s. 6d. per ann. National Minority Move- 
ment Executive, 38 Great Ormond St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 9073). 

Worker, 1921. (lab.). M.—Ist. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. The Studio, Howard 
Park Corner, Letchworth. 
Workers Onward, 1910. M.—25th. ld. Lancashire and Cheshire Band of Hope, 

&c. Union, 207 Deansgate, Manchester. 

Workers’ Own, 1905. M.—Ist. ld. South Wales Temperance Union, 35 Windsor 
Place, Cardiff. 

Worker’s Paper, 1914. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Mothers’ Union (Inc.), 
Mary Sumner House, Tufton St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 3174). 

Workers’ Monthly, 1926. (lab.). M. ld. Sub. 1s.6d.perann. Southern Counties 
Workers’ Publications Ltd., 59 St. George’s Road, Aldershot. (Tel. Aldershot 610). 
(Circ. 6,000). 

Working Men’s College Journal, 1890. Alt. M.—Ist. 4d. Working Men’s College, 
Crowndale Road, Camden Town, N.w.1. (Tel. North 3237). 

Workington Star Ltd., Oxford St., Workington. (Tel. 65). (Advt. p. xxxiii). 

ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.). Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Exors. of F. 
Sissions, 31-33 Bridge St., Worksop, Notts. (Tel. 2). (Circ. 7,307). 

World Dominion, 1923. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 1s. Sub. 4s. 6d. per ann. World 
Dominion Press, 1 Tudor St., E.c.4. (Tel. City 9064). 

World Free Trader, 1923 (Free Trade). Occas. 3d. International Committee to 
promote Universal Free Trade, 69 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 2917). 
World Power, 1924 (as Beama, 1915). M.—lst. Is. 6d. Sub. 15s. per ann. British 
Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, Inc., 62 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 

w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 0502). 

World Radio, 1926. Fri. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. G. Newnes Ltd., 8-11 South- 

ampton St., w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 


Willing’s Press Guide [Wor-Wri 

World Stories, 1928. M.—15th. 1s. Sub. 12s. per ann. Atlas Publishing & Dis- 
tributing Co. Ltd., 18 Bride Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. City 7349). 

World Today, 1923 (a: World’s Work, 1902). M.—30th. ls. 6d. net. Sub. 18s. per 
ann. World’s Work (1913), Ltd., Windmill Press, Kingswood, Tadworth. (Tel. 
Burgh Heath 777). (Adv«tisements: 99 Great Russell St., w.c.1.). 

World Travel, 1901. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub. 3s. per ann. Dean & 
Dawson Ltd., 7 Blandford Square, n.w.1l. (Tel. Paddington 8050). 

World Travel, 1930. M.—20th 6d. Sub. 6s. perann. Enterprise Publications Ltd., 
131 Fleet St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 3989). 

World’s Carriers and Carrying Trades’ Review, 1904. M.—15th. 21s. perann. Carriers 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6068). 

World's Carriers Year Book and Diary, 1916. Dec. 10s. 6d. Carriers Publishing Co. 
Ltd., 68-69 Shoe Lane, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 6068). 

World’s Children, 1923 (as Record of Save the Children Fund, 1920). M.—Ist. 4d. 
Weardale Press Ltd., 26 Gordon St., w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 5204 Ex. 5). 

World’s Fair, 1904. Thurs., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. World’s Fair Ltd., 
Union St., Oldham. (Tel. 1752). 

World’s Paper Trade Review, 1879. Fri. 6d. Sub. 30s. 4d. per ann. Stonhill & 
Gillis, 58 Shoe Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2439). 

World’s Pictorial News, 1919. Fri 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Allied Newspapers Ltd., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. (Tel. City 6501). . 

World’s Press News and Advertising Facts, 1929. Thurs. 3d. Sub. 17s. 6d. per ann. 
Cosmopolitan Press Ltd., 149 Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Central 3260). 

World’s Rubber Position, 1913. M.—30th. 4s. Sub. 30s. per ann. W. H. Rickinson 
& Son, 3-4 Great Winchester St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 7668). 

World’s Wool, 1927. Mar. 30s. T. Skinner & Co., 330 Gresham House, £.c.2. (Tel. 
London Wall 3957). 

Worthing A B C Panay Guide, 1923. M.—ist. 2d. Worthing and Littlehampton 
Gazettes Ltd., 35 Chapel Road, Worthing. (Tel. 293). 

Worthing and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1911. July. 2s. 6d. Garnett, 
Mepham & Fisher Ltd., 112 Gloucester Road, Brighton. (Tel. Brighton 3760). 
Worthing and Neighbourhood Directory, 1899. Annually. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 

Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

WORTHING GAZETTE, 1883. Wed.—p.m. 2d. Sub. 13s. perann. Worthing and 
Littlehampton Gazettes Ltd., 35 Chapel Road, Worthing. (Tel. 293). 

WORTHING HERALD, 1920. (ind.). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. T. R. Beckett 
Ltd., 44 Montague St., Worthing. (Tel. Worthing 620). 

2d. F. Bailey & Son, Kingshill Road, Dursley. One of the Dursley, &c., Gazette 

Wreck Inquiry Reports. Irreg. Price varies. Stationery Office, Adastral House, 
Kingsway, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 6696). 

WREXHAM ADVERTISER, 1854 (as Wrexham Register, 1848). (D. Fri. and Sat. 
Id. Bayley & Bradley Ltd., Henblas St., Wrexham. (Tel. 66). 

WREXHAM AND NORTH WALES GUARDIAN, 1926 (as North Wales Guardian, 1879. 
as Wrexham Guardian, 1867). Wed. 1d. Sub. 8s. 6d. per ann. Jarman & 
Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. (Tel. No. 60). 

WREXHAM LEADER, 1919. (ind.). Fri—6 am. ld. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. 
Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Ltd., Principality Press, Regent St., Wrexham. 
(Tel. No. 38). (Circ. 16,050). 

Wrexhamian, 1897. Terminally. 6d. Jarman & Sons Ltd., Argyle St., Wrexham. 

Wright and Round’s Brass Band News, 1881. M.—Ist. 3d. Wright & Round, 
34 Erskine St., Liverpool. 

Wright's Monthly Diary, Railway Guide, 1806. M.—last day. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. 

Moody Bros., 34 Livery St., Birmingham (Tel. Central 7915). 
wae Railway Time Tables, 1852. M.—Ist. 3d. J. Wright & Sons Ltd., Bristol. 
e o. 11 

Writer, 1921. M.—12th. 6d. Hutchinson & Co., 34 Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 2793). 

Writer’s Own Magazine, 1928 (with which is incorporated Verse and Song. M.—5th. 
6d. Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. A. H. Stockwell Ltd., 29 Ludgate Hill, £.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 6867). 

Writers’ and Artists’ Year Book, 1902. Dec. 3s. 6d. net. A. & C. Black Ltd., 4 
Soho Square, w.1. (Tel. Regent 2258). 


Wul-Yor] Willing’s Press Guide 

Wulfrunian, 1875. Terminally. 1s. The School, Wolverhampton. 

Wycombe Abbey Gazette, 1897. Terminally. ls. The Editor, Wycombe Abbey 
School, Wycombe. 

Wyggestonian, 1898. Terminally. Subs. The Editor, Wyggeston Grammar School 
for Boys, University Road, Leicester. (Tel. 60936). 

Wykehamist, 1866. About monthly, except during vacation. Price varies. P. & G. 
Wells Ltd., College St., Winchester. (Tel. No.16). 

Yacht Racing Association Rules and Times Allowances, 1874. April. 10s. Harrison 
& Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Yachting Monthly and Marine Motor Magazine, 1906. M.—Ist. 2s. net. Sub. 25s. 
perann. Saturday Review Ltd., 9 King St., Covent Garden, w.c.2. (Tel. Gerrard 

Yachting World and Motor Boating Journal, 1894. Sat. 6d. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 
Dorest House, Tudor St., £.c.4. (Tel. City 2847). 

Yachtsman and Motor Boating, 1891. Sat. 6d. Sub. 27s. 6d. per ann. Yachtsman 
Publishing Co. Ltd., 19 Harcourt St., w.1. (Tel. Paddington 0077). 

Yarmouth (Great), Gorleston, Southtown, &c., Directory, 1899. Last issue, 1927. 3s. 6d. 
Kelly’s Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 1124). 

(ind.). Fri., for Sat. 2d. Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd., 5 Redwell St., Norwich. 
One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

TISER, 1880. (ind.). Fri-—morn., for Sat. 2d. Sub. 8s. 8d. per ann. Yar- 
mouth Mercury Ltd., 30 Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth. (Tel. No. 201). 

Year-Book and Protected List of the Proprietary Articles Trade Association, 1898. Feb. 
2s. The Association, 43 Gordon Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 9061). 

Year Book and Register of the National Utility Poultry Society, 1913. Jan. 2s. 6d. 
N.U.P.S., 64 Victoria St., s.w.1. (Tel. Victoria 4248). (Circ. 4,000). 

Year- Book of the Association of Technical Institutions, 1893. Mar. 6d. The Associa- 
tion, Loughborough College, Leicestershire. 

Year-Book of the Boot Manufacturers Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, 1921. 
Biennially. 7s. 6d. The Federation, 7 Tavistock Square, w.c.1. Tel.) 
Museum 4065). 

Year Book of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, 1890. 
Jan. Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 9146). 
Year-Book of the National Farmers’ Union, 1921. Feb. 5s. National Farmers’ 

Union, 45 Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7526). (Circ. 105,000). 

Year-Book of the Oldham Master Cotton Spinners’ Association, 1906. Irreg. Last 
issue, 1925. 5s. to members. The Association, 12 Yorkshire St., Oldham. 

Year- Book of the Royal Society, 1896. Jan. 7s. 6d. Harrison & Sons Ltd., 44-47 St. 
Martin’s Lane, w.c.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 8561). 

Year Book of the West Indies, 1927. May. 7s. 6d. Canadian Gazette Ltd., Gresham 
House, Old Broad St., E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3957). 

Yearly County Court Practice, 1897. Jan. 40s. net. Butterworth & Co. (Pub- 
lishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Yearly Practice of the Supreme Court, 1899. Oct. 40s. net. Butterworth & Co. 
(Publishers) Ltd., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c,2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Year’s Art, 1879. Jan. 8s. 6d. net. Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 34-36 
Paternoster Row, E.c.4. (Tel. Central 1462). 

Year’s Work in Classical Studies, 1906. Jan. 3s. 6d. net. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd., 
11 Quay St., Bristol. (Tel. Bristol 98). 

Year's Work in English Studies, 1919. Dec. 3s. 6d. members, 7s. 6d. non-members. 
Oxford University Press, Amen House, Warwick Square, E.c.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Year’s Work in Librarianship, 1928. Annually. 7s. 6d. Library Association, 26 
Bedford Square, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 4534). 

Year's Photography, 1928. Oct. 2s. 6d. Fountain Press Ltd., 14 Clifford’s Inn, 
Fleet St., £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 2762). 

Yeovil, Sherburn and District Directory, 1927. Jan. 1s. E. Ivell, 3 Princes St., 
Yeovil. (Tel. 24). (Circ. 2,000). 

Ymofynydd, 1901. M.—Ist Sat. 3d. J. D. Lewis, Gomerian Press, Llandyssul. 

York A B C Time Table, 1920. M.—Ist. 3d. North of England Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
Castlegate, York. 

York City Year Book and Business Directory, 1919. Jan. 2s.6d. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Ltd., 1 Castlegate, York. 


Willing’s Press Guide [Yor-You 

York Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List and Church Almanack, 1862. Jan. 3s. net. 
W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd., 13 Coney St., York. (London: Simpkin & Co.). 
York Diocesan Gazette, 1892. M.—15th. ld. Goddard, Walker & Brown Ltd., Hull. 
York Journal of Convocation, 1880.  Irreg. Price varies. W. H. Smith & Son, 
13 Coney St., York. 

York Quarterly, 1930. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 3d. Sub. Is. per ann. Society for 
Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, w.c.2. (Tel. Regent 

YORK STAR, 1910. (ind.). Fri. ld. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire Archseological Journal, 1869. Twice a year. 5s. 3d. The Secretary, 10 
Park Place, Leeds. 

Yorkshire Archaeological Society’s Record Series, 1885. Twice a year. 21s. The 
Society, 10 Park Place, Leeds. 

Yorkshire Catholic Herald, 1907. Sat. 2d. New Catholic Press Ltd., 7 Cookridge 
St., Leeds. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Yorkshire Cricket Handbook, 1926. Mar. 2d. A. Wigley, 98 Woodhouse St., Leeds 
(Tel. 26917). 

Yorkshire Early Bird, 1897. Every race day. 1d. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., 17 
High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). 

YORKSHIRE EVENING NEWS, 1905 (with which is incorporated Leeds Daily News, 
1872). (l). 12 to 7 p.m. ld. Provincial Newspapers Ltd., 14-15 Trinity St., 
Leeds. (Tel. 27341). 

YORKSHIRE EVENING POST, 1890. 1d. Sub.52s.perann. Yorkshire Conservative 

; Newspaper Co. Ltd., Change Court, Albion St., Leeds. (Tel. 20401). 

YORKSHIRE EVENING PRESS, 1905 (as Evening Press, 1882). (ind.). Daily. ld. 
Sub. 52s. per ann. Yorkshire Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd., 9 Coney St., York. 
(Tel. 3053). 

YORKSHIRE GAZETTE, 1819. (J). Fri.,and Sat. 2d. North of England Newspaper 
Co. Ltd., Castlegate, York. 

YORKSHIRE HERALD, 1790. (u). Daily—a.m., 14d. Sub. 65s. per ann. Weekly 
edition, Sat., 24d. Sub. 16s. per ann. Yorkshire Herald Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
9 Coney St., York. (Tel. 3053). 

Yorkshire Humorous Dialogues, 1902. Sept. 4d. J. Blackburn Ltd., 232 Cardigan 
Road, Leeds. - 

YORKSHIRE NEWS, 1904 (formerly Yorkshire Observer, 1899 ; as Malton Mail, 1898). 
(l). Sat. ld. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire News Football Guide, 1914. Sept. 2d. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield 
St., York. 

YORKSHIRE OBSERVER, 1901 (as Bradford Observer, 1834). (l). am. ld. Brad- 
ford and District Newspaper Co. Ltd., 6 Hall Ings., Bradford. 

YORKSHIRE OBSERVER BUDGET, 1912 (with which is incorporated Bradford Weekly 
Telegraph, 1869). (tnd.). (l). Fri. 2d. Bradford and District Newspaper Co. 
Ltd., 6 Hall Ings., Bradford. 

YORKSHIRE POST, 1866 (as Leeds Intelligencer, 1754). (c). Daily—a.m. 2d. Sub. 
78s. per ann. Yorkshire Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., Change Court, Albion 
St., Leeds. (Tel. 20401). 

Yorkshire Sports, 1900. Sat.—p.m. 2d. Bradford and District Newspaper Co. Ltd., 
6 Hall Ings., Bradford. 

YORKSHIRE TELEGRAPH AND STAR, 1887. (ind.). 9 editions daily. 1d. Sub. 
52s. per ann. Sir W. C. Leng & Co. Ltd., High St., Sheffield. (Tel. 22055). 
Yorkshire Textile Directory, 1883. July. 16s. J. Worrall Ltd., Marlborough St., 

Oldham. (Tel. 427). 

YORKSHIRE WEEKLY POST, 1754. (c). Sat. 2d. Sub. 13s. per ann. Yorkshire 
Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., Change Court, Albion St., Leeds. (Tel. 20401). 

You and I, 1919. M.—25th. 24d. H. Marshall & Son, 46 Farringdon St., E.c.4. 
(Tel. Central 6424). 

Young Abstainer and Temperance Collegiate Student, 1927. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 
2d. Sub. ls. per ann. Union Section, Temperance Collegiate Association, 14 
Crediton Road, n.w.10. (Tel. Willesden 0127). 

Young Adventurer and The Friend Ship, 1929 (as Friend Ship, 1927). M.—lst. 6d. 
Sub. 7s. 6d. per ann. R. & S. Knowles, Ramshurst Manor, Tonbridge. (Tel. 
Hildenborough 49). 

Young Christian, 1911. M.—25th. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. W. E. Sibthorpe, 21 
Woodbury Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. (Tel. 988). 


You-Zoo] Willing’s Press Guide 

Young England, 1880. Sept. 6s. Pilgrim Press, 57 Ludgate Hill, z.c.4. (Tel. 
City 8221). 

Young Folks, 1926. M.—Ist. ld. Sub. 1s.6d.perann. G. F. Vallance, 2 Broomhill 
Road, Goodmayes, Essex. (Tel. Seven Kings 2396). (Circ. 8,000). 

Young Folks’ Evangel, 1926. M.—lIst. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. Elim Publishing 
Co. Ltd., Park Crescent, Clapham, s.w.4. 

Young Helpers’ Magazine, 1892. Alt.-M.—JIst. 2d. Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, 18-26 
Stepney Causeway, E.l. (Tel. East 1098). 

Young Life, 1928. M.—Ist. 2d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. National Young Life 
Campaign, 83 Farringdon St., E.c.4. (Tel. Central 7526). (Circ. 8,500). 

Young Protestants, 1901 (as Protestant Girl, 1896). M.—Ist. ld. Marshall, Morgan 
& Scott Ltd., 1, Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Young Protestants and Uncle Ben’s Budget. M.—25th. ld. Sub. ls. 6d. per ann. 
Women’s Protestant Union, 26 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w.1. 

Young Reader, 1925. M.—Ist. Oct. to Mar. 6d. National Home Reading Union, 
16 Russell Square, w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 3902). (Circ. 3,000). Supplement to 
the Reader. 

Young Scotland, 1924. M.—lIst. 2d. Sub. 2s. per ann. Youth Committee of the 
Church of Scotland, 22 Queen St., Edinburgh. (Tel. 30244). 

Young Soldier, 1888 (as Little Soldier, 1881). Wed., for Sat. Id. Sub. 6s. 6d. per 
ann. Salvation Army, 117 Judd St., King’s Cross, w.c.1. (Tel. Museum 7444). 

Young Watchman, 1883. M.—Ist. $d. John Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock. 

Your Personal Health, 1929. Jan., Apl., July, Oct. 6d. Sub.2s.4d.perann. Society 
for British Naturopaths, 11 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. (Tel. 217881). 

Y.W.C.A. Bulletin of Home and Overseas News, 1909. M.—Ist. ld. Y.W.C.A., 
17 Clifford St., w.l. (Tel. Regent 3836). 

Young Worker, 1923. (com). Sat. ld. Sub. 6s. per ann. G. Miles, 38 Great 
Ormond St., w.c.l. (Tel. Museum 5354). 

Youth, 1926. M.—Ist. 3d. Sub. 3s. 6d. per ann. Youth Council, 250 Camden 
Road, n.w.1. 

Youthful Days, 1910. M.—Ist. ld. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c.4. (Tel. 
Central 1155). 

Zadkiel’s Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, 1835 (as Herald of Astrology, 1831). 
Oct. Is. Wyman& Sons, Fetter Lane, £.c.4. (Tel. Holborn 3782). 

Zambesi Industrial Mission, 1892. Occas. 2d. Sub.2s.perann. Zambesi Industrial 
Mission, 11 Chapel St., Milton St., E.c.2. (Tel. Metropolitan 8516). (Circ. 2,000). 

Zambesi Mission Record, 1898. Quarterly. 6d. Sub. 2s. 6d. per ann. Manresa 
Press, Roehampton, s.w.15. (Tel. Putney 3939). 

Zenana, or Women’s Work in India, 1893 (as Indian Female Evangelist, 1872). M.— 
26th. 1}$d. Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1 Paternoster Buildings, E.c.4. 

Zion’s Witness, 1858. M.—lIst. 3d. Sub. 3s. per ann. M.—J. D. Sawyer, West 
Hill, Mayfield, Sussex. 

Zodiac, 1906. M.—Ist. ls. Sub. 12s. per ann. Zodiac Publishing Co. Ltd., Electra 
House, Moorgate, E.c.2. (Tel. London Wall 3240). 

Zoo and Animal Annual, 1928. Sept. 5s. Wm. Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd., 48 Pall 
Mall, s.w.l. (Tel. Gerrard 2026). 

Zoological Society’s Gardens, Illustrated Official Guide to the London, 1858. April. 
Is. The Librarian, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, nN.w.8. (Tel. 
Primrose Hill 2281). (Advertisement Office—8 Serle St., London, w.c.2. Tel. 
Holborn 2808). 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Amalgamated Press Ltd. 
Architectural Press Ltd. zs 

Bacup Times .. es as 
Birth Control News eek 
Buckingham Advertiser “a 
Bury & Norwich Post.. | .. 

Cambridgeshire Times Series. ; 
Catholic Directory .. và 
Central Press, Ltd. .. or 
Chatham, etc., Observer 

Chemical Practitioner .. : 
Christian Herald es ee 
Church of England Newspaper 

Church Self Government Chronicle.. 

Church Times .. +“ 
Craske, Alfred, Ltd. .. 
Devon & Exeter Gazette ae 
Dixon, J. E., & Co... és 
Egyptian Gazette sie aa 
Electrical Press Ltd. .. as 
Empire Mail .. oe os 
Encore .. or a 
Essex Chronicle Ss 
Essex County Standard Ss 

Essex Weekly News Series, Ltd. 

Field... ss is a's 
Fish Trades Gazette .. 
Franks, R. D. 

Freemason ee ee 

Glasgow Herald.. 
Golf Illustrated .. oe 
Greyhound Evening Mirror 

Grocers’ Review.. oe 
Guardian .. ans 

Herts Advertiser ve 
Horse & Hound ; 
Hull Daily Mail sa 

Illustrated London News 

Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News 

Irish Times ae Bes : 

Kent & Sussex Courier ss 
Kentish Times Series .. : 

Knapp, Drewett & Sons, Ltd. 

Lancaster Guardian Series 

Latter-day Saints Millennial Star 

Local Government Chronicle .. 
Login, B. & Son, Inc. we 
London Day by Day .. 

Marlborough, E. & Co., Ltd... 


.. XXX. 
. XXXI. 
. XXXI. 


. XXXI. 

. XXXI. 






. XXII. 
.. XXII. 
.. XIIL 
vig XVI. 
.. 298 
.. 274 


ee 273 

Melbourne Argus Ss es a = 424 
Methodist Recorder .. i XXXVII. 
Middlesex Chronicle .. ak ss XXXVII. 
Model Engineer .. ee z4 si .. XV. 

Motor Commerce P Da oe XXXVII. 

National Federation of Launderers, Ltd. 

Newark Advertiser XXXVIII. 
Nigerian Daily Times .. 7 .. XXXVIII. 
Norfolk News Co., Ltd. ia ss .. XXI. 

Northern Whig .. PA oe a .. XX. 

Nottingham Journal .. 2 ‘s .. XXV. 
Nursing Times .. , .. XXXVIII. 
Outfitter .. ia ae sa ae .. XXV. 
Pioneer of Wisdom .. XXXVIII. 
Popular Investment .. N XXXIX. 
Railway Gazette S is ee . XVII. 
Railway Magazine. zs ie bie XXXIX. 
Reading Mercury e. we XXXIX. 
Rugby Advertiser sa sí sé XXXIX. 

Sales & Wants Advertiser .. is .. XXVI. 
Salisbury Times d es te . XL 
Shoe & Leather News.. ais ie XXVII. 
Shoe & Leather Record si sa .. 291 

Sketch .. 23 s zè . XXVI. 
Somerset County Gazette Series .. .. XL. 
Southern Newspapers, Ltd. . XVIII. 
Speculative Mason a ae sa os XL. 

Sphere .. zè Si aa ps ce. VL 
Stratford Express ia sa ae 
Surrey Comet .. ee ys is ia 

Surrey County Herald Series XLI. 
Surrey Herald . XLI. 
Surveyor ar XXVII. 
Swimming Times ait a XLI. 

Tatler .. T is a ai e|. VL 
Topical Features Syndicate .. ee .. 473 

Topical Press Agency si XLI. 
Tullis, Russell & Co., Ltd. .. Insets 
Walsall Observer ~- .. a ai XXVIII. 
Welsh Weekly Newspapers .. ‘6 XXVIII. 
West Cumberland Times i es .. XLII. 
West Herts & Watford Observer .. .. XLII. 
West London Observer ae s4 .. XIX. 
West Sussex County Times we . XLII. 
West Sussex Gazette .. T oe . XLII. 
Western Gazette ss ot XLIII. 
Whitby Gazette ane XLIII. 
Windsor, Slough & Eton Eres XLIII. 
Woman’s Magazine es ee ee a II. 
Workington Star 6 - XXXIII. 


Willing’s Press Guide 



The “ Journal” supplies the information and news relative 
to the Architectural profession, and deals with the thousand 
details of an architectural practice. It illustrates the finest 
work in current architecture of Great Britain and of other 
countries. It is an inspiration to the artist and a source of 
practical knowledge to the professional man. Weekly, 6d. 


A Monthly Magazine of Architecture and Decoration 

The subscribers to the ‘‘ Review ” include not only those 
who take a professional interest in matters relating to 
Architecture and the Allied Arts, but also members of the 
lay public, both at home and abroad. There is no country 
in the civilised world to which the “Review ” does not 
travel month by month. The ‘‘Craftsman’s Portfolio ” is 
a monthly supplement given with the “ Review,” in which 
the finest examples of modern Craftwork are illustrated. 

Monthly, 2/6. 

“The principal sources of information on modern architecture,’ says the ENCYCLOPAEDIA 
BRITANNICA, “are the best architectural periodicals of the various countries.’’ The 
names of four American, three continental, and two English periodicals follow. The two 
English papers mentioned are THe ARCHITECTURAL Review and Tue ARCHITECTS’ JOURNAL. 


The Standard Technical Reference Work for Architects, Surveyors, 
Engineers and Contractors, and all interested in Building Con- 
struction and Structural Engineering. 


This annual volume is the recognised authority on the 
numerous and diverse subjects relating to building. 
There are over thirty sections descriptive of the various 
branches of the Building Trade, together with representa- 

= tive Specification Clauses. Special articles on a variety 
of important technical subjects, written and illustrated 
by specialists, are given in each issue. This combination 
of standard data and authoritative information carefully 
indexed for rapid consultation presents an unrivalled 
collection of facts and figures which are so essential 
to architects when drafting their specifications. 

Annually 10/6. 



Willing’s Press Guide 


including Professional, Trade, Technical, Scientific, Religious, 

Industrial, Household Journals, etc. 

Fuller particulars of the’ 

publications in this index will be found in the preceding A.B.C. list. 

Accountants, &c. 


Accountants, &c., Year 

Accountants’ Journal 

Accountants’ Magazine 

Actuarial Students’ 

Associated Accountant 

Associated Accountants’ 
Year Book 

Certified Accountants’ 

Corporate Accountant 

Cost Accountant 


Year Book 
Incorporated Students’ 

Joint Transactions of the 
London, &c.,Chartered 
Accountants’ Student 

New Publicity 
Newspaper PressDirectory 
Newspaper World 

Sales Management 


Who’s Who in British 


World’s Press News 


Aerial A.B.C. 
Aero Field 

Aircraft Engineering 

Jane’s All the World’s 
Journal of the Royal 
Aeronautical Society 

Journal of the Institute Africa—(see 

of Actuaries 

Journal of the Institute 
of Actuaries Students’ 

Dominions, Colontes 
and Emigration) 

London Association of |Agriculture — As a 

Accountants’ YearBook 
Official Directory of the 
Chartered Accountants 
of Scotland 
Students’ Telephone 

Transactions of the 
Faculty of Actuaries 
in Scotland 

Transactions of the In- 
corporated Accoun- 
tants’ Students’ 
Society of London 


Advertiser’ A. B. C. 
Standard Advertise- 
ment Press Directory 

Advertisers’ Aid 

Advertisers’ Weekly 

Advertising Display 

Advertising News 

Advertising Register 

Advertising World 

British Advertiser 


Glovers’ Inklings 

Lang’s Monthly 

general rule, all 
Provincial News- 
papers devote space 
to agriculture— (see 
also Grain and Seed 
Trade, Poultry). 

Aberdeen—Angus Review 
Agricultural Market 
Agricultural Statistics 
Annual Report of the 
Rothamstead Experi- 
mental Station 
Annual Reports issued by 
the Ministry of Agri- 
culture and Fisheries 
British Beet Grower 
Bulletin of the Imperial 

Cambridge University 
Agricultural Society 



Cox’s Royal Lancashire 
Sbow Souvenir 
Dairy Farmer 


Empire Forestry Journal 

Essex Farmers’ Journal 

Farm, Field and Fireside 

Farmer and Stockbreeder 

Farmer & Stockbreeder 
Year Book 

Farmers’ Advocate 

Farmers’ Gazette 

Farmers’ Journal 

Farmers’ Red Book 

Farming News 

Fertiliser, &c., Journal 




Implement andMachin ery 

Irish Field 

Irish Free State Farmer 

Journal of Agricultural 

Journal of the Bath, &c., 


Journal of the Central 
Landowners’ Associa- 

Journal of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture 
Journal of the Farmers’ 

Journal of the Kent 
County Branch of the 
National Farmers’ 

Journal of the Ministry 
of Agriculture 

Journal of the Newcastle 
Farmer’s Club 

Produce Markets Review 

Quarterly Journal of 

Royal Agricultural So- 
ciety of England Show 

Rural Electrification 

Rural Industries 

Scottish Farm Servant 

Scottish Farmer 

Scottish Farmer Album 

Scottish Forestry Journal 

Scottish Journal of Agri- 


Smallholder, &c., 

Stock- Keeper 

Sugar Beet Review 

Transactions of the High- 
land and Agricultural 
Society of Scotland 

Welsh Journal of Agri- 

West Country 


Year Book of the 
National Farmers’ 

Air Service. 
Army, Navy, and Air 

Force Gazette 
Fighting Forces 
Journal of Royal Air 

Force College 
Monthly Air Force List 

Journal of the Royal |Almanacs (General) 

Agricultural Society 

Journal of the Royal 
Lancashire Agriculture 

Journal of the Women’s 
Farm and Garden As- 

Journal of the Yorkshire 
Agricultural Society 

Land Worker 

Live Stock Journal 

Live Stock Journal An- 


Live Stock Journal Show 

Market Grower 

N.F.U. Record 

North British Agricul- 

North British Agricul- 
turist Calendar 

Peat’s Farmer’s Diary 


Almanacs (Local) 


Advertiser Rugby 
Almanac y Cymro 
Almanac y Miloedd 
Benham’s Colchester 
Bob Stubbs’ 

Caithness and Sutherland 


Galashiels, Selkirk, &c. 

Guy’s Cork 

Harrison’s Almanack for 


Holden’s (Liverpool) 

Holmes’s Pontefract 

Jefferson’s Liverpool 

Jersey Post Royal 

John Hartley’s Original 

Class Papers] 

Almanacs (Local)— 


Langport and Somerset 

Linney’s Illustrated 

Matkins’ Oakham 

Morton’s Lincolnshire 

Netherton’s Cornish 

Oliver and Boyd’s Edin- 



Peace’s Orkney 


Smith’s Household (Eve- 

Three Towns 

Waddington’s Scarboro’ 

Waddington’s Yorkshire 


Almanacs (Prophetic) 
Old Moore’s 

Raphael’s Prophetic 

Almanacs (Religious) 

Anglo Catholic 



Bible Searching 


Christian Progress 


Church of England 


Golden Grain 

Good News Sheet 

Gospel Book 

Gospel Text 

Household Text 

Life of Faith 

My Little Friend 


R.T.S. Pocket 

Scottish Church, &c. 

Scripture Searchers’ 

Things New and Old 

Alpine, &c., Informa- 


Alpine Journal 

Journal of the Fell and 
Rock Climbing Club of 
the English Lake Dis- 

Rucksack Club Journal 

Amusements, &c.— 
(see Music, Theatri- 
cal, Cinema). 


Chemical Science). 

Anatomy— (see 
Medical Science). 


Church Times 

Church Union Gazette 

St. Alban’s, Holborn, 
Monthly Paper 

Animal Protection 

Animal World 
\nuimals’ Calendar 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Animals’ Advocate 
Animals’ Champion 
Animals’ Defender 


Anti-Vivisection Journal 
Bird Notes and News 
Cruel Sports 

Dogs’ Bulletin 

Little Animals’ Friend 


Antiquities— (see 


Anti-Vivisection— (see 

Animal Protection). 




Ancient Egypt 

Annals of Archzology 
and Anthropology 

Annual Report of the 
Society of Genealogists 

Annual Report of the 
Yorkshire Archzolo- 
gical Society 

Antiquaries’ Journal 

Archzologia Aeliana 

Archzologia Cambrensis 

Archezologia Cantiana 

Archeological Journal 

Asiatic Review 

Border Magazine 

British Record Society 

Burlington Magazine 

Caithness and Sutherland 

Calendar of the Ancient 
Reco.ds of Dublin 

Clan Lamont Journal 

County Louth Archzolo- 
gical Journal 

Devon and Cornwall 
Notes and Queries 

Essex Archaeological 
Society’s Transactions 


Genealogical Monthly 
Genealogists’ Magazine 
Index Library 

Journal of Egyptian 
Journal of Hellenic 

Journal of Roman 

Journal of the British 
Archzological Associa- 

Journal of the Cork His- 
torical and Archzolo- 
gical Society 

Journal of the County 
Kildare Archzological 

Journal of the Derbyshire 

Archzological &c., 

Journal of the Gypsy Lore 

Journal of the London 


Journal of the Man- 
chester Egyptian and 
Oriental Society 

Journal of the Royal 
Society of Antiquaries 
of Ireland 

Journal of the Welsh 
Bibliographical Society 

Kent Archzological So- 
ciety’s Transactions 

Lincolnshire Notes and 

Miscellanea Genealogica 

Notes and Queries for 
Somerset, &c. 

Old Lore Miscellany of 
Orkney, &c. 

Orkney and Shetland 

Papers of the British 
School at Rome 

Proceedings of the Pre- 
historic Society `of 
East Anglia 

Proceedings of the New- 
castle-upon-Tyne So- 
ciety of Antiquaries 

Proceedings of the 
Society of Antiquaries 
of Scotland 

Proceedings of the 
Somerset Archzologi- 
cal, &c., Society 

Proceedings of the 
Suffolk Institution of 

Publications of the 
Oxfordshire Record 

Scottish Mountaineering 
Club Journal 

Somerset Folk Series 

Surrey Archzological 

Transactions of the Bris- 
tol and Gloucestershire 
Archzological Society 

Transactions of the 
Cambridgeshire and 
Huntingdonshire Ar- 

cheological Society 

Transactions of the 
Carmarthenshire Anti- 
quarian Society 

Transactions of the 
Cumberland and West- 
morland, &c., Archaeo- 
logical Society 

Transactions of the East 
Riding Antiquarian 

Transactions of the Essex 
Archzxological Society 

Transactions of the 
Glasgow Arch ological 

Transactions of the 

Greenwich, &c., Anti- 
quarian Society 
Transactions of the 
London and Middlesex 
Archzological Society 
Transactions of the St. 
Albans and Herts 
Architectural and 
Archzological Society 
Wiltshire Archzological 
Yorkshire Archzological 

Architecture (see also 


Academy Architecture 

Architect and Building 

Architects’ & Surveyors’ 
Pocket Diary 

Architects’ Compendium 

Architects’ Journal 

Architectural Associa- 
tion Journal 
Architectural Associa- 

tion Year Book 
Architectural Journal 
Architectural Review 
Faculty of Architects and 
Surveyors Year Book 
Journal of the Faculty of 
Architects and Sur- 
Journal of the - Royal 
Institute of British 
Kalendar of the Royal 
Institute of British 
Teesquare and Tape 
Transactions of the 
Edinburgh Architec- 
tural Association 
Who’s Who in Architec- 


Army—(see Military 


Art—(see also De- 
corative Art, Photo- 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Drawing Society 


Art Gallery 

Art Prices Current 

Art Teachers’ 

Art Trade Journal 

Art World 

Artists’ Almanac 

Arts and Crafts 

Arts and Crafts Trade 

Arts and Crafts Year 


Burlington Magazine 



Commercial Art 



Faculty of Arts YearBook 

Fine Prints of the Year 

Indian Art and Letters 

Journal of the National 
Society of Arts Masters 

Journal of the Royal 
Society of Arts 

New English Art Club 

Old Master Drawings 


Print Collector’sQuarterly 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Irish Academy 

Quarterly Notes 

Reproduction of Selected 


Willing’s Press Guide 
Birds—(see Domestic [Boot and Shoe Trade 

[Class Papers 


Confectionery Journal 

Royal Academy Illus- 

Saga Book, &c. of the 
Viking Society 


Studio Year Book 

Three Pears 

Transactions and Pro- 
ceedings of the Japan 

Walker’s Monthly 

Walker’s Quarterly 

Year’s Art 

Assurance—(see also 

Agents’ Journal 

Assurance Agents’ Union 

Assurance Review 

Life Assurance Agents 
Vade Mecum 


British Journal of As- 
Modern Astrology 


Journal of the British 
Astronomical Associa- 

Memoirs of the British 
Astronomical Associa- 

Memoirs of the Royal 
Astronomical Society 

Monthly Notices of the 
Royal Astronomical 


Transactions of the Inter- 
national Astronomical 

Athletics—(see Sport- 

Auction Bridge 

Bridge Magazine 

Auctioneers — (see 


Australia — (see Do- 

minions, Colonies 

ourneyman Baker 
aster Baker (Belfast) 

National Association of 
Master Bakers’, Confec- 
tioners and Caterers’ 
Reference Book 

National Association 

National Baker 

Scottish Bakers’ Year 

Band of Hope— 

(see Temperance). 

Banking — (see Fi- 

mance and Invest- 

Bankrupts, Lists of 

— (see also Trade 
Edinburgh Gazette 

Iris Oifigiull 

London Gazette 
London Gazette Index 
Perry’s Gazette 

Reports of Bankruptcy 
Stubbs’ Commercial Year 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette 


Annual Report of the 
Baptist Missionary 

Baptist Handbook 
Baptist Quarterly 
Bartist Record 

Baptist Teacher 

Baptist Times 

Divine Light and Truth 
Friendly Companion 
Gospel Standard 

Scottish Baptist Maga- 
Seed Thoughts 

Bee Keeping 

Bee Craft 

Bee World 
Beekeepers’ Gazette 
Beekeepers’ Record 
Beekeeping Annual 
British Bee Journal 
Irish Bee Journal 

Bell Ringing 

Ringing World 

Pets, Poultry). 

Birth Control— 

Birth Control News 
New Generation 

Birth Control—Anti— 

National Life 

Births, Deaths, &c.— 

(see Official Reports) 


Annual Report of St. 

Annual Report of the 
Royal School for the 


Blind Advocate 

Braille Literary Journal 
Braille Mail 

Braille Musical Magazine 
Braille Radio Times 
Channels of Blessing 
Craigmillar Harp 

Hora Jucunda 

ene Journal 

Moon Monthly Magazine | 


St. Dunstan’s Review 
School Magazine 
Sunrays for the Blind 


Weekly Summary 

Blue Ribbon — (see 


Book Trade 

Aberdeen Book Lover 


Book Auction Records 

Book Lover 




Books of the Month 

Books of To-day and 
Books of To-morrow 


Bookworm Book Mart 

British Booksellers 


English Catalogue of 

General Book Catalogue 
Horace Marshall & Sons 

—/(see also Leather 

B.T.A. Gazette 
British Shoeman 
Footwear Organizer 
Footwear Organiser Di- 
Irish Shoe and Leather 
Journal of the Federation 
of Boot Manufacturers 
Monthly Report of the 
National Union of Boot 
and Shoe Operatives 
Scottish Boot Trades 
Shoe and Leather and 
Allied Trades News 
Shoe and Leather Marks 

Shoe and Leather Record 
Shoe Crafts 

Shoe Manufacturers’ 

Shoe Seller 

Year Book of the Boot 
Manufacturers of Great 
Britain and Ireland 

Botany — (see also 


Annals of Botany 

Botanic Garden, Royal 
Edinburgh, Notes on 

Bulletin of the Royal 
Botanic Gardens 

Curtis’s Botanical Maga- 

Journal of Botany 

Journal of Ecology 

Journal of the Linnwan 

Journal of the Nationa 
Institute of Agricul- 
tural Botany 

Nature Reader Monthly 

New Phytologist 

Transactions of . the 
Linnzwan Society 

Bowls (see Sporting). 

Boxing (see Sporting). 

Box Makers’ Journal 
Packing, &c., Gazette 
Paper Box & Bag Maker 
Paper Container 

Tin Printer and Box 

sa acl International Director 
. y : 
, Bible Classes— of Book Sellers, etc. |Boys, Literature for 
Authors—(see Litera-| (see Sunday Schools)| Luzac’s Oriental List (see Juvenile Litera- 
ture). Nee w ture). 
otes on Boo 
Bibliography Periodi 
: eriodical : 
Badminton — (see (see Archeology). Publisher and Bookseller Brazil, News for and 
Sporting). Publishers’ Circular from | 
icycling— Reference Catalogue | South American Journal 
Bak al Bicycling (Whitaker) 
rate oa ves s a (see Motor and Motor| sotheran’s Price Current Brewing — (see also 
Trade) si Cycling) Times Literary Supple: | Licensed Victuallers) 
i Brewer and Wine Mer- 
Baker and Confectioner |Billiards (see Sporting) Whitaker’s Cumulative chant 
Bakers’ Record Book List Brewers’ Almanac 
British Baker : ; WILLING’S PRESS | Brewers’ Gazette 
Confectioners’ Union Biology—(see Science). GUIDE Brewers’ Journal 

245 ` I 

Class Papers] Willing’s Press Guide 

Brewing—conid. Plywood & Timber —_ Calendars (College and |Carpenters and Joiners 
Brewery Manual Practica] Building University) — (see Building). 

Brewery Record 
Brewing Trade Review 
Brewing Trade Review 
Licensing Law Reports 
House of Whitbread 

Journal of the Incor- 
porated Brewers Guild 

Journal of the Institute 
of Brewing 

Licensed Trade News 

Manual of British and 
Foreign Brewery Com- 



Buddhism in England 

Building — (see also 
Architecture, Decora 

tive Art). 

Architect and Building 

Architects’ Journal 

Brick Builder 

British Clay Worker 

Builder l 

Builders’ Compendium 

Builders’ Merchants’ 


Building lndustries 

Building Science 

Building Trades Direc- 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ Al- 
Cement and Cement 
Cement, Lime and Gravel 
Claycraft i 
Concrete and Construc- 
tional Engineering 
Concrete Building 
Concrete Way 
Concrete Year Book - 
Contract Journal 
Contractors’ Record 
Estate Clerk of Works 
and Country Builder 
Ferro Concrete 
Good Roads 

Haworth’s Practical Tim- 
ber Measurer 

Illustrated Carpenter and 

Industrial Daily News 

Irish Builder 

Journal of the Incorpor- 
ated British Institute 
of Certified Carpenters 

Journal of the Incorpor- 
ated Clerks of Works’ 

Journal of the Surveyors’ 
Institution , 

Kahncrete Engineering 

Laxton’s, &c. Builders’ 
Price Book 

London Building Acts 

Machine Woodworker 

Master Builder and Asso- 
ciations Journal 

National Builder 

Operative Builder 

Plumber and Journal of 

Plumbing Trade Journal 


Public Works 
Quarry, &c., Journal 
QuarryManager’s Journal 

Refractories Journal 

Roads and Road Con- 

Scottish Plumbers’ Journal 

Sell’s Building TradesList 

Settmakers’ and Stone 
workers’ Journal 

Shepherd’s N.E.W.S. 

Slate Trade Gazette 


Spons’ Architects’ 
Price Book 

Stone Trades Journal 


Timber and Plywood 

Timber News 

Timber News & Year 

Timber Trades’ Directory 

Timber Trades’ Journal 

Town Planning Review 

Where to Buy 


Building Societies 

Building Societies’ Gaz- 

Building Societies’ Year 


Mutual Property Journal 

Mutual Property Review 


Meat Trades’ Journal 
Scottish Butchers’ Journal 

Cabinet and Uphol- 

stery Trades — (see 
Furniture Trade). 



Incorporated Law Society 
of Ireland 

Marlborough’s Plain 

School of Economics 

Shaw’s Ideal Combined 
Bold Figure Daily Date 
Pad and Monthly 

Calendars (Church) 


Believer’s Daily Thought 

Bible Text 


Christian Year 

Christian’s Daily Text 

Church Kalendar and 

Daily Meditation 

English Churchman’s 

Glad Tidings 

Golden Grain 

Good News 

Good Tidings Gospel 

Kalendar of the Saints 

Light in the Home 

Mowbrays’ Churchman’s 


Parish Priests’ 

People’s Church 

Red Letter 

Southwell Diocesan 

Western Catholic 

Westminster Abbey 



Aberdeen University 
Birkbeck College 
Birmingham University 
Calendar of the East 
London College 
Calendar of the London 
College of Divinity 
Calendar of the London 
School of Economics 
Calendar of the National 
University of Ireland 
Calendar of the Royal 
College of Surgeons 
Calendar of the School 
of Oriental Studies 
Calendar of the United 
Theological Colleges at 
Aberystwyth and Bala 
Calendar of University 
College, London 
Calendar of the Univer- 
sity of Sheffield 
Cambridge University 
City of London College 
Dublin University 
Edinburgh University 
Glasgow University 
King’s College 
McCrea Magee College 
Manchester University 
Nottingham University 
Oxford University 
Queen’s University of 
Royal Holloway College 
St. Andrew’s University 
University College (Cork) 
University of Bristol 
University of Durham 
University of Durham 
College of Medicine 
University of Leeds 
University of Liverpool 
University of London 

Calendars (Diocesan) 











London Diocese 




St. Albans 
Year Book 

Year Book 






Calvinistic Methodist 


Diary of the Calvinistic 



Canada — (see Domin- 

tons, Colonies and 


Charity — 

Carriage Builders— 

Automobile and Carriage 
Builders’ Diary 
Automobile and Carriage 
Builders’ Journal 
Journal of the Institute 
of British Carriage 
&c., Manufacturers 
Motor Body Building 
Motor Body Building 
Handbook and Diary 

Caterers — (see also 

Licensed Victuallers) 

P.L.R. Bulletin 

Catholic — (see Anglo- 

Catholic, Roman 


Celtic and Gaelic 


An t Ultach 

Bulletin of the Board of 
Celtic Studies 

Gaidheal An 

Scottish Gaelic Studies 

(see also 
Destitute Children). 


Annual Charities’ Regis- 

Annual Report of Car- 
negie U.K. Trust 

Child Welfare Worker 

Children’s Country Holi- 
days Fund 

Fry’s Royal Guide to the 
Principal London and 
other Charities 

Hospital Saturday Fund 

London (Fry’s) 

Virgo Potens 

Within Our Gates 

Chemical Science 


Annual Report on the 
Progress of Chemistry 

Bio-Chemical Journal 

British Chemical Ab- 
stracts, &c. 

Chemical Age 

Chemical Engineering 

Chemical Engineering and 
Chemical Catalogue 

Chemical Manufacturers’ 

Chemical News 

Chemical Trade Directory 

Chemical Trade Journal 

Chemistry & Industry 

Industrial Chemist 

Journal and Proceedings 
of the Institute of 

Journal of the Chemical 

Proceedings of the 
Chemical Society 

Where to Buy 

Willing’s Press Guide [Class Papers 

Chemists and Druggiste|Church of England 

Alchemist 9 

British and Colonial 
British and Colonial 

Pharmacists’ Diary 
British Chemist 
British Pharmaceutical 
British Pharmacopia 

ChemicalEngineering and 
Chemical Catalogue 

Chemical Industries 

Chemical Manufacturers’ 

Chemical Practitioner 

Chemist and Druggist 

Chemist and Druggist 


Indian and Eastern 

Irish Chemist and Drug- 

Monthly Statement of 

Pharmaceutical Journal 

Quarterly Journal of 

Registers of Pharmaceu- 
tical Chemists and 

Scottish Chemist 


British Chess Magazine 
Chess Amateur 

Children—(see Juven- 

tle Literature). 

China and Glass Trade 
— (see Pottery Trade, 

China, News for and 

from | 

China Express and Tele- 

China Year Book 

Journal of the North 
China Branch, Royal 
Asiatic Society 

Christian Workers 

(see Misston Work). 

Christmas, &c., 
Brecon County Annual 

Cumberland County An- 

Doidge’s Western Coun- 
ties Illustrated Annual] 

Holly Bough 
Lincoln Budget 
Newport Christmas An- 


Northern Echo Xmas 

Sheffield Independent 
Christmas Budget 

Starrwood’s Annual, The 

Stockport Express An- 

Tempest’s Annual 

All in One 

Anglican Third Order 

Annual Report of the 
Church Association 

Annual Report of the 
Church Benefit Society 

Annual Report of the 
Protestant Reforma- 
tion Society 

Bath and Wells Diocesan 

Bristol Diocesan Review 

Canterbury Diocesan Ga- 

Carlisle Diocesan Ga- 

Chelmsford Diocesan 

Chelmsford Diocesan 

Chester Diocesan Gazette 

Chichester Diocesan Ga- 

Chronicle of Convocation 

Church Assembly News 

Church Assembly Notes 

Church Gazette 

Church Overseas 

Church Reading Maga- 


Church Self Government 

Church Standard 

Churchman’s Almanac 

Churchman’s Year Book 

Clergy Directory and 
Parish Guide 

Cowley Evangelist 

Derby Diocesan Maga- 

Diocesan Magazine of the , 

County of Suffolk 

Ely Diocesan Gazette 
English Catholic 

English Churchman 
English Churchwoman 
Evangelical Christendom 
Exeter Diocesan Gazette 

Exeter Diocesan Year 

Gloucester Diocesan 

Green Quarterly 

Journal of the Session of 
the General Synod of 
the Church of Ireland 

Leeds Churchman’s 

Lichfield Diocesan Maga- 

Life and Liberty 

Live a Diocesan Leaf- 

Liverpool Review 

London Diocesan Leaf- 

London Diocese Year 
Book i 

Manchester Diocesan 

Manchester Diocesan 

Modern Churchman 
New Forest Magazine 

Norwich Diocesan 
Nottingham Church- 

man’s Handbook 
Official Year Book 
Order of Divine Service 
Oxford Diocesan Maga- 


Protestant Alliance 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette 

Rochester Diocesan 

St. Albans Quarterly 

St. Austell DeaneryMaga- 

St. David’s, Book of the 
Diocese of 

St. Edmundsbury, &c., 


St. Martin’s Review 

Salisbury Diocesan 

Sheffield Diocesan 

Sign Kalendar 
Southwark Diocesan 


Truro Diocesan Gazette 

Wakefield Diocesan 

Winchester Diocesan 

Worcester Diocesan 

Work and Witness 

York Diocesan Gazette 

York Journal of Con- 

York Quarterly 

Church of Scotland— 

(see also Mission 

Great Heart 

Man’s Own Paper 

Monthly Record of the 
Lee Church of Scot- 


National Bible Society 
of Scotland Quarterly 


Spotlight Bulletin 

“ Spotlight” Casting 

To-day’s Cinema 

Trade Show Critic 

Trade Show Critic Annual 

Civil Service—(see also 



Civil Service Argus 

Civil Service Arts Maga- 

Civil Service Confedera- 
tion Annual Report 

Civil Service Opinion 

Civil Service Sports 

Civil Service Tutor (Bel- 


Red Tape 

State Service 



Classical Quarterly 

Classical Review 

Proceedings of the Classi- 
cal Association of Eng- 
land and Wales 

Year’s Work in Classical 

- Studies 

Year’s Work in English 

Climbing (see Alpine, 

&c., Information). 

Original Secession Maga- Clubs 


Other Lands 

Principal Acts of the 
General Assembly of 
the Church of Scotland 

Report on the Schemes 
of the Church of 

Scots Observer 
Scottish Churchman 
Young Scotland 

Church Intelligence 

Book of the Old Edin- 
burgh Club 

ert a Institute Jour- 


Club Gazette 

Club Life 

Clubs, A List of English, 

Girls’ Club Journal 

Rotary Wheel 

(see Mission Work) lanach Builders—(see 

Church Work — (see 

Mission Work). 



British Film Journal 

Cinema Construction 

Cinematograph Times 
Close Up 

Critic Annual 

Daily Film Renter 
Film Weekly 

Kinematograph Weekly 

Kinematograph Year 

Picture Show 

Picture Show Annual 

Pictures, Pleasures, Pas- 

Carriage Builders). 

Coal Trade—(see also 

Iron Trade, Mining). 

Coal Merchant & Shipper 
Coal Trades Diary 
Colliery Engineering 
Colliery Guardian 


Colliery Year Book 

Fuel Economist 

Fuel in Science 

Iron and Coal Trades 

London Customs Bills of 
Entry Coal Tables 

Manchester Coal 
change Directory 

New Coal Age 


Class Papers] 

Coal Trade— (conid.) 

Northern Coal, &c., 

QO’ eee Coal and Iron 

O'Conmell’s Coal and Iron 

Reid’s Handy Colliery 
Guide, &c. 

Ryland’s Directory of the 
Coal, &c., Trades 

South Wales Coal and 
Iron Companies 
South Wales Coal Annual 

Cold Storage 

Cold Storage and Pro- 
duce Review 

Ice and Cold Storage 
Ice and Cold Storage 
Trades Directory 

College Magazines— 
(see School and Col- 
lege Magazines). 

Colonies and Emigra- 
tion (see Dominions, 
Colonies and Emigra- 

Comic— (see Humor- 

Commercial and Mer- 
cantile — (see also 
Finance and Invest- 
ment, - Shipping, 
Trade Protection). 
A B C Guide to British 

ee Expor- 

Aberdeen Chamber of 
Commerce Journal 

Anglo-American Trade 

Anglo-American Year 

Anglo-Belgian Trade 

Anglo-Latin Traders’ Re- 

Anglo-Norwegian Trade 

Anglo-Spanish Trade 

Anglo-Swedish Trade 

Annual Report and List 
of Members of the 
Norwich Incorporated 
Chamber of Commerce 

Annual Report of the 
London Chamber of 

Annual Report of the 
Northampton Trades 

Anuario Internacionale 

Asiatic Review 

Auctioneer’s Pocket Book 

Australian A B C Guide 
to British Manufac- 
turing Exporters 

Australian and New Zea- 
land Trade Journal 

Bank for Russian Trade 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Belfast Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal 

Birmingham Chamber of 
Commerce Journal 

Bradford Chamber of 
Trade Journal 

British and Colonial 

British and South African 
Export Gazette 

British Empire Review 

British Export Gazette 

British Industries 
British Mercantile Guide 
British Russian Gazette 

British Trade Journal 
British Trade Review 

Bulletin of the Imperial 

Business Man 

Business Organisation 
Buyers’ Guide 

Canadian Export Pioneer 

Chamber of Commerce 

Chilean Review 

Cold Storage and Pro- 
duce Review 

Combined Price List 

Commercial Compendium 
Commercial Directory 
Commercial Oldham 
Commercial Weekly 
Commercial Year Book of 
Birmingham Chamber 
of Commerce 
Comparative Prices, &c. 

Cordage World 


Cotton Spinners’ Direc- 

Credit World 

Daily Commercial Report 

Decimal Educator 


Dublin Y Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal - 

Dundee Chamber of Com- 
merce Year Book 

Dundee Prices Current 

Eastern (India, China 
and Japan) A B C 
Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters 

Edinburgh Chamber of 
Commerce Journal 

Efficiency Magazine 

El Comercio Hispano Bri- 

Empire Illustrated 

Empire Mail and Over- 
seas Trade 

Empire Production and 

Fancy Goods Record 
Fancy Goods Trader 
Fancy Goods Year Book 
F.B.I. Register of British 
Ferreteria Inglesa 

Games and Toys 

Gentleman’s Journal 

Glasgow Advertiser 

Glasgow Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal 

Good Lines 

Guia Anglo-Sudamericana 


Ham’s Customs Year- 

Hire Purchase News 

Huddersfield Chamber of 
Commerce Journal 

Indent Gazette 

Industrial, Commercial, 
&c., Review 
Industrial Management 

Industrial Welfare 

Industrial World 

Institute of Book-keepers’ 

Institute of Book-keepers’ 
Year Book 

Institute of Commerce 

International Commerce 

International Export Re- 

International Register of 
Telegraphic and Trade 

Irish Commercial 
Railway Gazetteer 

Irish Trade Journal 



Journal of Commerce 

Journal of Commerce 
Annual Review 

Journal of the Auctioneer 
and Estate Agents In- 

Journal of the Customs 
and Excise Federation 

Journal of the Edinburgh 
Chamber of Commerce 

Journal of the Italian 
Chamber of Commerce 
in London 

Lamb’s International 
Guide to British and 
Foreign Merchants and 

Latin-American World 

Leeds Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal 

Leicester Chamber of 
Commerce Monthly 

Liverpool Customs Bills 
of Entry 

Liverpool Trade Review 

Lloyd’s Daily Index 

London and Provincial 

London Commercial Re- 

Malayan Trade Annual 
Manchester—The City of 
Industry, &c. 



Manchester Chamber of 
Commerce Monthly 

Manchester Guardian 
Year Book 

Mercantile Guardian 

Mercantile Year-Book &c. 

Metal Handbook and 

Modern Highways 

Modern Salesmanship 

Modern Transport 

Monthly Bulletin of the 
French Chamber of 

Monthly Journey 

Monthly Journal of the 
Bristol and West of 
England Chambers of 

Monthly Journal of the 
Nottingham Chamber 
of Commerce 

Monthly Journal of the 
Preston, &c., Chambers 
of Commer ce 

Monthly Journal of the 
Tees-side Chamber of 

Monthly Review 

National Federation of 
Credit Traders’, &c., 
Year Book 

National Union of Manu- 
facturers, &c.. Direc- 
tory of Members 

Nationa! Union of Manu- 
facturers Tournal 

Netherlands East Indies 
Commercial Handbook 

NetherlandsIndies Review 

New Era Illustrated 

Newcastle, &c., Chamber 
of Commerce Monthly 

Newcastle, &c., Incor- 
porated Chamber of 
Commerce Year Book 

News Sheet of the Bribery 
and Secret Commissions 
Prevention League 

Northamptonshire Jour- 
nal of Commerce 

Oswestry Commercial 

Overseas Business Travel 

Overseas Buyers’ Guide 

Overseas Trade Reports 

Pontefract, &c., Business 

Port of Hull Annual 
Port of Hull Monthly 
Journal, &c. 
Produce Markets Review 
Public Ledger 
Public Ledger Evening 


Red Book of Commerce 
Retailers’ Chronicle 
Review of South America 
Rotary Wheel 

Sales Promotion 
Scottish Trade Courier 

may eared Commercial 

South African A B C 
Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters 

South American Hand- 

South Wales Journal of 
Swedish Chamber of 
Commerce Year-Book 

Times Reports of Com- 
mercial Cases 

Times Trade, &c., Supple 

Town Crier 

Trade of Hull 

Trade Opportunities 


Turnbull’s Dock and Port 
Charges for the United 

Waste Trade World 


Willing’s Press Guide [Class Papers 

Commercial— (conid.) Hote and Politics Pendleton Co-operative |Pai 

mp Society Record Bottler and Packer 

Weekly Circular Landmark Peo : 
í : ple’s Year Book Bottling 
Welsh Coal and Shipping | National Citizen ` : Creamery Manager 
Handbook Notes from Ireland eae Baas rane Dairy y e 
Where to Buy Straight Forward Peaducer pay os 
a ; airy Wor 
ray of eg nope Contracts — (see Reena CO opera: Dairyman 
Articles Trade Associa- Building). . ve wipe Ata Irish Dairy & Creamery 
Report 4 ane Baca’ Journal 
. ings of the Co-opera- | Milk Industry 
Year Book of the Wost Convocation — (see tive Congress 
Church of England). Review of International ; 
; Co-operation Dancing 
Commercial Travellers , Scottish Co-operator Dancer 
On the Road Cooking— (see Domes- | Sunderland Co-operative | Dancing and Ball-room 
tic Literature). Society Record Dancing Times 

Journal of the English 

: Wheatsheaf i 
Communist — (see |Co-operation Woman's Outlook as” eri a res 
Socialistic). Annual Report of the : Dresses 
Co-operative Congress |Corn Trade—(see Grain 
Conchology Blaydon-on-Tyne Co- | and Seed Trade). |Deaf and Dumb 

operative Record British Deaf Times 

Journal of Conchology 

Confectionery Journal 

Food Manufacture 

Ice Cream and Soda 
Fountain Journal 

Ice Cream Industry 

Irish ConfectioneryTrades 

National Union of Retail 
Confectioners Official 

Scottish Confectioner 
Sweet Shop 


Annual Report of the 
London Missionary 

Chronicle of the London 
- Missionary Society 

Congregational Church 

Congregational Quarterly 

Congr san Year- 

Irish Congregational 

Liverpool & District Con- 
gregational Magazine 

Scottish Congregational 

Scottish Congregational- 


Transactions of the Con- 
gregational Historical 


Conservative Clubs’ Ga- 

Constitutional Year-Book 

Empire Record 
English Race 

Co-operative Review 

Co-operator’s Year Book 
Derby Co-operative So- 

Kelly’s Handbook 
Ladies’ Who’s Who 

ciety Record bled Royal Red 
Eccles Co-operative , 
Record Who’s Who 
Failsworth Co-operative oo 
Messenger Oa) (see 
aa oa art ae ying). 
ociety Recor . 
International Co-opera- Cremation ; 
tive Review Cremation Society’s 
Keighley Co-operative Transactions 
Society Bee 
LeedsCo- Taperativeneeord Cricket — (see also 
Leicester Co-operative Sporting). 
Record p 8) 

Leigh Co-operative Re- 

Lincoln Co-operative So- 
ciety Wheatsheaf 

London Citizen 

London Co-operative 


Manchester and Salford 
Co-operative Society 

Middlesbrough Co-opera- 
tive Record 


New Dawn 

Newcastle Co-operative 

Athletic News 

Athletic News Cricket 

Ayres’ Cricket 

Club Challenge 

Cricket Clubs’ Annual 


Cricketer Spring Annual 

Cricketer Winter Annual 

Daily News Cricket, &c., 

Derbyshire Cricket Guide 

Wisden’s Cricketers’ Al- 

Yorkshire Cricket Hand- 
book À 


Norwich Co-operative So- Croquet —(see Sport- 

ciety Herald 

Nottingham District Co- ` 

operative Record 
Oldham Co-operative Re- 
Our Circle 


Cycling— (see 


Curriers—(see Leather 


and Motor Cycling). 

i = Deaf arterly News 
Monograph of British Bolton i Co-operative |Cotton Trade (see og oun T re 
Land and Freshwater | p eee Textile). 
Mollusca ury perative So- , 
ciety Review County Courts — (see Debates— (see Parlia- 
Caincross, &c., Co-opera- mentar ) 
Confectioners tive Society Economist Legal). y)- 
. | City of Perth Co-opera- 
Beet and Foreign Cox tive “ Pioneer ” County Government— |Decorative Art—(see 
Candy News Comradeship (Manchester) (see Local Govern- also Architecture, 
Circular of the British Co-operative Educator ment). Art, Building, En- 
Manufacturing Confec- | Co-operative Guildman gineering). 
tioners’ Export Union | Co-operative News Court and Society— | Decorator 
Confectioners’ Union Co-operative Official (see also Peerage s). Decorators’ & Painters’ 
Confectionery Craft Co-operative Productive | Blue Book, Court, &c., Magazine 

Decorators’ Diary 
Journal of Decorative Art 
Woodworker Magazine 

British Dental Journal 
British Journal of Dental 
Dental Record 
Dental Surgeon 
Dentists’ Register 
Ivory Cross Journal 
Oral Topics 
Public Dental Service 
Royal Dental Hospital 
Design— (see Art). 

Destitute Children 

Brothers and Sisters 

Child’s Guardian 

International Handbook 
of Child Care 

Log Book 

Night and Day 

Our Darlings 

Save the Children Fund 

Seeking and Saving 

World’s Children 

Diaries — (see also 





Christian’s Pocket Diary 



Debrett’s Waistcoa 
Pocket Diary 

Diary for Lawyers 


Class Papers] 

Diaries— (con/d.) 
Girl Guides’ Own 
Golden Grain 
Letts’s (Charles) 
New Church 

Registrar’s Pocket Book 
Shaw’s Scribbling 
Shaw’s Tablet 

White and Pike’s 

Directories—(see also 
Almanacks, Local). 

Aberdeen P.O. 

Acton (Borough of) 

Adshead’s Street Direc- 
tory of Greater Glas- 

Aldershot Command Offi- 
cial Directory 

Baily’s Hunting 
Balham, &c. 
Barnes, &c. 

Barnet, &c. 
Basingstoke, &c. 
Bath, &c. 

Bath, &c., Diocesan 
Beckenham, &c. 

Bedells’ Pocket Street 
Directory (Notting- 


Bedfordshire, Hunts, and 

Belfast and Ulster 


Berkshire, &c. 


Birmingham, &c. 

Blackheath, Lee, &c. 

Blair’s Commercial 

Bognor Regis 

Book of West Ham 


Bourne’s Insurance 

Bradford, &c., (Kelly’s) 

BradfordExchange( Leeds) 

Bradford Post Office 

Brentwood, &c. 

Brighton, Hove,  &c. 
Blue Book, &c. 
Brighton, Hove, &c., 

British and ForeignGuide 

Brixton and Clapham 

Bromley, &c. 

Building Trades 

Business Directory ol 
South Africa 

Bute County 

Cabinet Furniture Trades, 

Cambridge Street 

Cambridgeshire, &c. 

Camden and Kentish 

Canterbury, &c. 

Canterbury, &c., 

Cardiff, &c. 

Caterham District 

Chelmsford and Neigh- 

Chelsea, Pimlico, &c. 

Cheltenham, &c. 

Chemical Engineering & 
Chemical Catalogue 

Chemical Industries 

Chemical Manufacturers 


Chester Directory of 
Trades, Professions and 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Chiswick, &c. 


City of Ely 

Collingwood’s Interna- 
tional Mercantile 

Colwyn Bay 


Commercial and Mercan- 

Continental Directory of 
Cotton Spinners 

Cotton Spinners, &c., of 

County Telegraph Hand- 
book (Colchester) 

Cox’s Merseyside Annual 


Croydon, &c. 


Darlington Business 
Deal, Walmer, &c. 
Derbyshire, Notts, &c. 
Devonshire & Cornwall 

Diary and Directory for 
Surveyors, &c. 

Directory and List of 
Lodges (Oddfellows) 

Directory for the British 
Glass Industry 
Directory of Contractors 

Directory of Directors 
Directory of Guy’s Men 

Directory of Insurance 
Brokers, &c. 

Directory of Manufac- 
turers of Toys, &c. 

Directory of Paper 

Directory of Shipowners 

Directory of the A.O.F. 

Directory of Women 

Doncaster Year Book and 

Dorking & Leatherhead 

Dover Blue Book 

Drapers’ Organiser Direc- 
tory of British 
Textile Trade Marks 
and Trade Names 

Dulwich, Tulse Hil], &c. 


Durham and Northum- 

Durham City Year Book 

Ealing, Hanwell, &c. 

Eastbourne, &c. 

Eastbourne Blue Book 

Edgware, &c., Directory 

Edinburgh & Leith Post 
Office Directory 

Education Authorities 

Empire Municipal 

Enfield, Winchmore Hill 

Engineer Directory 

Engineering Directory 

Engineering Hardware 

Epsom, &c. 

Essex and Hertfordshire 

Exeter Post Office 


Finchley, &c. 

Folkestone and District 

Galashiels, &c. 

Games and Toy Trade 

Gas Works 


Glasgow P.O. 

Gosport, &c. 


Grocery, &c., Trades 


Guildford, &c. 
Guildford Lasham’s 
Guy’s Cork 
Hammersmith, &c. 
Hampshire, &c. 

Hampstead and Child’s 
Hampton’s Scholastic 

Harper’s Pocket Manual 

and Wine and Spirit | 

Trade Directory 
Harrow, &c. 
Hastings, &c., Blue Book 
Hastings, St. Leonard’s 
and Bexhill 
Hendon, &c. 
Hereford, &c. 
Herefordshire & Shrop- 
His Majesty’s Ministers 
Holmesdale (Reigate) 
Hornsey, &c. 
Horsham, &c. Blue Book 
Ilford, &c. 
Inverness Burgh 
Ipswich and Neighbour- 
Irish Manufacturers’ 
Isle of Thanet 

Isle of Wight 

Jarman’s Wrexham 
Jepson’s Mercantile 

Jersey Post Royal Al- 

Kelly’s Directory of 

Kelly’s (Gore’s) Liver- 
pool, &c. 

Kelly’s (Slater’s) Direc- 
tory of Manchester 
Kelly’s (Slater’s) Direc- 

tory of Scotland 
Kelly’s (White’s) Shef- 
field, &c. 
Kensington, &c. 
Kent, Surrey and Sussex 
Kent Messenger 
Directory of Ashford 
Kent Messenger Direc- 
tory of Maidstone 
Kilburn, Willesden, &c. 
Kime’s InternationalLaw 
King’s Lynn, &c. 
Kingston, &c. 
Leather Goods 
Leather Trades 
Leayton’s Oundle Al- 
Leeds Blue Book 
Leeds (Kelly’s) 

Lewes, &c., Blue Book 

Lewisham, &c. 
Leytonstone, &c. 
Lincolnshire, &c. 

Liverpool & District Post 
Office Guide 
Llandudno, &c. 

Lloyds Directory of 
Manufacturers, &c. 
Local GovernmentAnnual 
and Official Directory 

Local Government of 
Local Government 

Manual and Directory 
London & County Trades 

London and Provincial 
Directory and Buyers 


Lowestoft, &c. 

Lucy’s Marlborough 

Luton News 

MacDonald’s English 

MacDonald’s Irish 

MacDonald’s Scottish 

Maidenhead, &c. 

Manchester, Salford, &c. 

Manchester Coal Ex- 

Manchester Royal Ex- 

Manual of Electrical 

Marylebone & St.Johbn’s 



Mercantile Year Book and 
Directory of Exporters 

Merchants’, Manufac- 
turers’ and Shippers’ 


Monmouthshire, &c. 

Morris’s Business 

Music Trade 


New South Wales Post 
Office (Wise’s) 

New Zealand 


Newport (John’s) 

Newtownards, &c. 

North & East Ridings of 

Norwich City 

Official Directory of the 
Chartered Accountants 
of Scotland 

Order of Druids 
Paddington, &c. 

Paper Makers Directory 
of All Nations 
Paper Trade 

arp Orkney and Shet- 

Peacock’s Watford 
Peckham, &c. 

Perry’s Director of 
Great Britain & Ireland 

Peterborough, &c. 
Phillip’s Paper Trade 
Pinner, &c. 
Portsmouth, &c 

Post Office, Bath 
Post Office, London 
Putney, &c. 

Queensland Post Office 

Reading, &c. 

Reigate, Redhill, &c. 

Richmond, Kew, &c. 

ene Harrogate, 


Rochester, &c. 

St. Albans, &c. 


Salisbury Plain Official 



Sells’ Directory of Regis- 
tered Telegraphic Ad- 

Sell’s National Directory 

Shrewsbury, &c. 

Skinner’s Cotton Trade 

Soap Makers’ 

Somersetshire, Glouces- 
tershire and Bristol 


South Australia 


Southend, &c. 

Sports Trader 

Staffordshire, Warwick- 
shire, and Worcester- 

Stationers, Printers, and 

Stoke Newington, &c. 


Stubbs’ Directory (Bri- 
tish and Foreign) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

irectories (Clerical) 

Canterbury Diocesan 


Catholic Directory for 
the Clergy and Laity 



Crockford’s Clerica 

Irish Catholic 

Irish Jesuit 

Manchester Diocesan 

Official Catholic Direc- 
tory for Scotland 

SuffolkCountyHandbook Disestablishment 

Sutton, &c., Directory 
Swindon, &c. 
Sydenham, &c. 

Tasmania Post Off 

Liberation Bulletin 

ice |Distilling— (see 


District Visiting —(see 

Mission Work). 

Buyers rae 
Thom’s Official (Ireland) |Divinity—(see Theo- 

Taunton, &c. 
Textile Industries 
Textile Manufacturers’ 
Thom’s Post Office 
Dublin, &c. 

Three Towns (Nuneaton) 
Tillotson’s Bolton 
Timber Trades 
Torquay, &c. 
Tunbridge Wells, &c. 
Twickenham, &c. 
~- Universal Directory of 
Railway Officials 
Universal Mercantile 
Victoria (Australia) 
War Office List and Ad- 
ministrative : 
Ward’s Darlington, &c. 
Ward’s Middlesborough 

Ward’s Newcastle, &c. 
Warrington Buff Book 
Warwick, &c. 

Watch and Clock, &c. 
Waterloo, &c. 

Watford and Bushey 
Wellington, &c. 

Welwyn Garden City, &c. 
Wembley, &c. 
West Kensington, &c. 
West Riding of York- 
Western Australia Post 
Office (Wise’s) 
Western Catholic Calenda: 
Weymouth, &c. 
Who’s Who in America 
Who’s Who in Newport 
Who’s Who in Wales 
Wigley’s Street Directory 
of Leeds 
Wimbledon, &c. 
Winchester, &c. 
Winchester, &c. (Kelly’s) 
Windsor, &c. 
Wine, Spirit, &c., Trades 
Wokingham, &c. 
Wood Green, &c. 
Woodford, &c. 
Worcester & Neighbour- 
Worthing, &c., Blue 

Worthing, &c. (Kelly’s) 
Yarmouth, &c. 

Yeovil, &c. 

York City Year Book, &c. 
Yorkshire Textile 



Aanual Report of the 
National Canine De- 
fence League 

Dog World 

Dogs’ Bulletin 

Greyhound Stud Book 

Kennel Club Calendar 

Kennel Gazette 

Our Dogs 

Tail Wagger Magazine 

’ Domestic Economy— 

(see Domestic Litera- 
ture, Sanitary and 
Social Economy). 

Domestic Literature for 

Ladies — (see also 

Fashions for Ladies) 

Best Way Cookery Gift 

Everyday Housekeeping 

Fancy Needlework Illus- 

Feminine Life 

Food and Cookery 

Good Housekeeping 

Harper’s Bazaar 


Home Chat 

Home Magazine 

Home Notes 



Leach’s Sixpenny Knit- 
ting Series 

Model Housekeeping 

Modern Home 

Modern Weekly 

Mothers in Council 

My Home 

Needlework for All 



Weekly Welcome 
Wife and Home 
Woman & Beauty 
Woman and Home 
Woman’s Companion 


Woman’s Friend 
Woman’s Journal 
Woman’s Kingdom 
Woman’s Life 
Woman’s Way 
Woman’s World 

Domestic Pets — (see 

also Dogs). 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Society for Pro- 
tection of Birds 

Avicultural Magazine 

Bird Notes 

British Birds 

Cage Birds & Bird World 

Cage Birds Annual 

Fur and Feather 
Report on Somerset Birds 

Dominions, Colonies 
and Emigration 

African Industries 

African Manual 

African World 

Annals of Natal Museum 

Annual Report of the 
Victoria League 

Asiatic Review 


[Class Papers 

Victoria League Monthly 

West Africa 

West India Committee 

Sporting, Theatrical). 

Drapery Trade— (see 



Draughts Review 

Dressmakers — (see 

Fashions for Ladies). 

Druids, Order of— (see 

also Friendly „So- 


Official Report of the 
Annual Movable Dele- 
gates of the Order of 
Druids FriendlySociety 

Order of Druids’ Direc- 

Order of Druids’ Quar- 
terly Report 

Australian and New Zea- |Drysaltery and Dyeing 

land Trade Journal 

British and South African 
Export Gazette 

British Australian and 
New Zealander 

British Malaya 

Bulletin of the Imperial 


Canada To-day 

Canadian Export Pioneer 

Canadian Gazette 

Canadian Progress 

Colonial and Dominion 
Office Annual Reports 


Daily Mirror (Overseas 

Daily Sketch (Overseas 

Dominions Office and 
Colonial Office List 

East Africa 

East African Manual 

Empire Mail 

Empire Production 

Empire Record 

Empire Review 

Handbook of Jamaica 

Home and Colonial Mail 

Indian Magazine 

Journal of the African 

Journal of the Central 
Asian Society 

League of Empire Review 

Malayan Trade Annual 

New Zealand News 

Oversea Settler 

Overseas Daily Mail 

Overseas Magazine 


Rhodesian Manual 

South Africa 

South American Journal 

Transactions of theRoyal 
Society of South Africa 

United Empire 

Trade (see also Oil 
and Colour Trade). 
Dyer, Calico Printer, &c. 
Journal of the Society of 
Dyers and Colourists 
Produce Markets Review 


Adult Education Hand- 


Annual Report, &c., of 
the National Union of 




Book-keepers’ Magazine 

Borough Polytechnic 


British Esperantist 

Bulletin of. the World 
Association for Adult 

Child Education 

City & Guilds of London 
Institute Syllabus of 

City & Guilds of London 
Institute Syllabus of 
Women’s Subjects 

Conference of Educa- 
tional Associations Re- 

Continuative Teacher 

Decimal Educator 

Directory of Women 


Education Authorities 

Education Outlook 

Educational Handwork 

Educational Record 



Forum of Education 

French Quarterly 

Girls’ School Year Book 

Class Papers] 

Education— (contd). 
Higher Education Ga- 

Hugo’s Pench Journal 

Independent School 
Institute Magazine 

Irish Education Directory 
Irish School Weekly 

ournal of Careers 
ournal of Education 

Kent Education Gazette 

Linguists’ Review 

London Schoolmaster 

London Teacher 
Metrocol Monthl 
Middlesex Schools Gazette 
Modern Language Re- 
Modern Languages 
New Era 
New Schoolmaster 
Oversea Education 
Parent and Child 
Parents’ Review 
Paton’s List of Schools 
Pictorial Education 

Pitman’s Commercial 
Teachers’ Magazine 
Pitman’s Journal of Com- 
mercial Education 

Polytechnic Magazine 

Practical Education 
Preparatory Schools Re- 

Prospectus and Time 

Public Schools Year Book 


Revort of the Board o- 


Sckolastic Requisitions 

School Child 

School Government 

School Finder 

School Guardian 

School Magazine 

School Music Review 
School Nature Study 
School Science Review 
Schoolmasters’ YearBook 

Schools of England 

Scottish Educational 

Student Movement 

Teachers’ Work 

Teachers’ World 

Technical Journal 

Times Educational Sup- 

University of Oxford 
Local Examination 

Welsh Secondary Schools 

Woman Teacher 

Working Men’s College 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Year Book of the Asso- 
ciation of Technical 

ectrical Science 
Automobile Electricity 
Blue Book Electrical 

Trades Directory 

Distribution of 

Electric Vehicles 

Electrical Age forWomen 

Electrical Contractor 

Electrical Contractors’ 
Year Book 

Year Book 

Electrical Industries and 

Electrical Industry, &c., 

Electrical PowerEngineer 

Electrical Review 
Electrical Times 
Electrical Trades’ Journal 
Electrical Trading & 
of Electricity Under- 
Faraday House Journal 
Fowler’s Electrical En- 
gineers’ Pocket Book 
International Register of 
Telegraphic Addresses 
Irish Electrician 
Journal of the Institu- 



tion of Electrical 
Manual of Electrical 

Metropolitan- Vickers Ga. 
Model Engineer 
Piggott’s Electrical Plant 
Post Office Electrical 
Engineers’ Journal 
Postal Telegraph 
Practical Electrician’s 
Pocket Book 
Practical Engineer Elec- 
trical Pocket Book 
Rural Electrification 
Telegraph and Telephone 
Where to Buy 
World Power 

Emigration—(see Dom 

intons, Colonies & 

Engineering— (see also 


British Engineering Cata- 

British Engineers’ Home 
and Export Journal 

British Machine Tool 


Cheap Steam 
Chemical Engineering, & | 
Chem. Catalogue 
Civil Engineering 
Colliery Engineering 
Concrete and Construc- 
tional Engineering 
Coventry Engineering 
Society Journal 
Domestic Engineering 

Empire Municipal Direc- 


Engineer and Iron Trades 

Engineer Directory 


Engineering Abstracts 

Engineering, &c., Review 

“Engineering” Directory 

Engineering Gazette 

Engineering Hardware, 
&c., Directory 

Engineering, Industry & 
Engineering Trader 

Engineers’ Year Book 
Exhaust Steam 

Fowler’s Mechanical En- 
gineers’ Pocket-Book 

Fowler’s Mechanics’, &c., 
Pocket Book 

Heating & Ventilating 
INuminating Engineer 

Implement and Ma- 
chinery Review 

Industrial Daily News 
Irish Engineering News 

Iron and Coal Trades 

Journal & Transactions 
of the Society of Engin- 
eers Inc. 

Journal of the Institute 
of Metals 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 

Journal of the Junior 
Institution of En- 

Journal of the Society 
of Engineers. 

Kempe’s Engineer’s Year 

Marine Engineer 

Marine Engineer Officers’ 

Model Engineer 

Monthly Market Report 

Municipal and County 
Engineer’s Official 

Municipal Engineering 

Munro’s Marine En- 
gineer’s Annual Pocket 
Log and Diary 

Naval Engineering Re- 

Oil Engineering 

Overseas Engineer 

Power Engineer 

Proceedings of the Insti- 
tution of Mechanical 

Public Works 

Railway Engineer 

Record of Transactions 
of the Junior Institu- 
tion of Engineers 

South African Engineer- 

Steam Engineer 
Structural Engineer 
Times Trade Supplement 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Engineers 
and Shipbuilders in 

Transactions of the Insti- 
tution ofGasEngineers 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Mining 

Transactions of the 
Liverpool Engineering 

Transactions of the 
North-East Coast In- 
stitution of Engineers 

Woman Engineer 


Bulletin of Entomologi- 
cal Research 


Entomologist’s Monthly 

Entomologists’ Record 

Proceedings of the En- 
tomological Society of 

Proceedings of the South 
London Entomological 
&c., Society 

Review of Applied Ento- 

Transactions of the En- 
tomological Society of 


Britisb Esperantist 
International Language 

Essays— (see Reviews). 

Estates and Estate 

(see also Agriculture) 
Country Life 

Diary and Directory for 
Surveyors, &c. 

Digest of Law and Arbi- 
tration Cases 

Estate Book and Diary 

Estate Clerk of Works 
Estate Magazine 

Estates Gazette 

Estates Review 

Factors’ Magazine 

Foresters’ Diary 

Journal of tbe Land 
Agents’ Society 

Land Agents’ Record 

Land Union Journal 


Surveyors’ and Auc- 
tioneers’ Tables 

Willing’s Press Guide 

[Class Papers 

Etching—(see Art). 


International Journal of 


Medical Science). 

Exchange and Sale 

Exchange and Mart 
People’s Advertiser 

Exports— (see Commer- 

Fancy Goods Trade 

Directory of Manufac- 
turers and Wholesalers 
of Toys and Fancy 

Fancy Goods Record 

Fancy Goods Trader 

Fancy Goods Year Book 

Games and Toys 

Games and Toys Trade 

Toy Manufacturers, &c., 

Toy Trader 


(see Agriculture). 

cial and Mercantile). |Fascist 

Family Newspapers— 
London — (see 

also Religious News-|Fashions for Gentle- l 


Anglo American Times 

City Press 
Country Illustrated 
Country Life 
Daily Chronicle 
Daily Express 
Daily Herald 
Daily Mail 

Daily Mirror 

Daily News 

Daily Sketch 
Daily Telegraph 
Evening News 
Evening Standard 

Home Chat 

Home Notes 

Illustrated London News 

Index to the Times 


Lady’s Companion 
Monthly Pictorial 

Morning Post 

News of the World 


Pearson’s Weekly 


Public Opinion 




Sunday Dispatch 
Sunday Express 
Sunday Graphic 
Sunday News 

Sunday Pictorial 
Sunday Times 



Times Weekly Edition 
Town and Country 

Town and Country News 

Woman’s Pictorial 


British Lion 

men— (see Tailors). 

Fashions for Ladies and 


Butterick Quarterly 
Children’s Dress 
Coming Fashions 
Costumes et Manteaux 

Fashion and Cutter 
Fashions for All 
Harper’s Bazaar 
Home Chat 

Home Companion 
Home Fashions 
Home Notes 

Ladies’ Cutter 

Ladies’ Pall MallFasbions 
Ladies’ Tailor 


Lady Catalogue of 

Lady’s Companion 

Leach’s Children’s 

Leach’s Home Dress- 

London Art Fashions 

Mab’s Fashions 

Minister’s Report of 
Fashions for Ladies 

Modern Woman 

Needle and Home 


Prewett’s Ladies’ Fash- 
ions Folio 



Weldon’s Bazaar of 
Children’s Fashions 

Weldon’s Catalogue of 

Weldon’s Home Dress- 


Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal 

Weldon’s Practical 

Weldon’s Sixpenny Series 

Woman’s Weekly 

Women’s Wear 



Fellmongers — 

Leather Trade). 


Aldine Boxing Novels 
Aldine Football Novels 
Aldine Racing Novels 

Betty’s Paper 
Bouverie Stories 

Champion Library 

Christian Novels 

Companion Library 

Complete Novel Weekly 

Empire Frontier 

Eve’s Own Stories 

Family Herald 

Family Herald Supple- 

Family Journal 

Football and Sports 

F. P. Racing Novels 

Gem Library 

Girls’ Friend Library 
Home Magazine 
Horner’s Stories 
Ireland’s Own 

London Novels 

Love Stories 

Magazine of Fiction 
Magnet Library 

My Pocket 3d. Library 
My Weekly 

Newnes Pocket Novels 
Novel Magazine 

Peg’s Companion 
Peg’s Paper 

People’s Friend 
People’s Friend Library 
Poppy’s Library 
Poppy’s Paper 
Premier Magazine 
Red Letter 

Red Star Weekly 
Sexton Blake Library 
Short Stories 

Smart Novels 



Uneeda Library 
Violet Novels 

Week End Novels 

White Heather Novels 
Woman’s Friend 
Woman’s World Library 
World Stories 

Finance and Invest- 



Age of Plenty 

Annual Report of the 

Bankers’ Clearing House 

Art Silks as an Invest- 

Bank Officer 

Bankers’ Almanac 
Bankers’ Insurance 

Managers’, &c., Maga- 
Bankers’ Journal 
Birmingham Stock Ex- 
change Daily Official 

Bondholders’ Register 
Certified Secretary 

Clare Market Review 

Coventry Stock & Share 

Daily List of New Com- 

Dark Horse 

Directory of Directors 

Dundee Prices Current 

Economic Journal 

Economic Notes 

Economic Record 


Edinburgh Daily Stock 
& Share List 

Electrical Industries and 

European Finance 

Fairplay’s Annual Sum- 
mary of British Ship- 
ping Finance 

Finance & Stock Ex- 
change Observer 

Financial Chronicle 
Financial Circular 
Financial News 
Financial Notes 
Financial Outlook 

Financial Review of 

Financial Times 

Financial World 

Fortnightly Financial 
Review for Investors 

Glasgow Daily Stock & 
Share List 

Glasgow Stock Exchange 
oo of Bargains 

Highest and Lowest 

Incorporated Secretaries 

Incorporated Secretaries 
Year Book 

Insurance and Finance 
Chronicle ; 

Insurance Shareholders’ 

Investment Register 


Investor’s Chronicle and 
Money Market Review 

Investor's Monthly 

Investors’ Guardian 

Investors’ Guide 

Investors’ Review 

Irish Investors’ Guardian 

Joint Stock Companies’ 

Jordan’s Daily Register 
of New Companies 

Journal of the Institute 
of Bankers 

Journal of the Institute 
of Bankers in Ireland 

Leicester Investor’s 

Liverpool Stock Er- 
change Official Daily 

Liverpool Stock Ex- 
E Official Weekly 

Lloyds Bank Monthly 

Class Papers] 

Finance and 

Investment— (Contd). 

Mathieson’s Fortnightly 
Dividend, &c., List 
Mathieson’s Handbook 
for Investors 

Midland Venture 

Mining Highest and 
Lowest Prices 


Nitrate Facts and Fi- 

Oil Companies Position 

Oil News 

Oldham Stock Exchange 
Official List 

Plymouth, &c., Stock 
& Share List 

Popular Investment 

Property Owner’s Jour- 

Prospectuses of Public 

Quarterly Journal of 

Rating and Income Tax 


Rubber Companies Posi- 


Scottish Bankers’ Mag. 


Sheffield Stock Exchange 
Daily List 

Simplex Investors’ Diary 

Some Leading Industrials 



Stock Exchange Daily 
Official List 

Stock Exchange Gazette 

Stock Exchange News 

Stock Exchange Official 

Stock Exchange Official 
List of Making-up 

Stock Exchange Record 
of Bargains 

Stock Exchange Times 

Stock Exchange Weekly 
Official Intelligence 

Stock Exchange Year- 

Stock Exchanges’ Ten 
Year Prices Dividends 

Tate’s Money Manual 



Tin Companies Position 

United Kingdo:n Stock 
and Sharebrokers’ Di- 

Westminster Magazine 
Fine Arts—(see Art). 

Fire Brigades 


Fire Prevention Commit- 
tee’s Publications 


Municipal Engineering 

National Fire Brigades 
Association Annual 

National Fire Brigades 

Association Official 
Professional Fire Bri- 

gades’ Association Offi- 
cial Journal 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Fish Trade 

Castle’s Fishing and 
Allied Trades Guide 

Fish Trades Gazette 

Fishing News 

Fishmongers’ & Caterers’ 

John o’ Groat Journal 

Fishing — (see also 


Anglers’ News 

British Sea Anglers’ So- 
ciety’s Quarterly 

Fishing Gazette 

Salmon and Trout Maga- 

Where to Fish 

Flax Trade—(see Tex- 


Floriculture — (see 

Flour Trade — (see 
Grain and Seed 

Food— (see also Vege- 


British Food Journal 

Bulletin of the Food 
Manufacturers’ Federa- 

Food and Cookery 

Food Manufacture 

Food Manufacture Year 

Food Reformers’ 

Imperial Food Journal 



Answers Football Annual 

Athletic News 

Athletic News Football 

Burton Football Gazette 

Burton Football Mail 

Club Challenge 

Daily News Football An- 

Derbyshire Football Ex- 

Eastern Football News 

Empire News Football 

Football &c., Star (Ips- 

Football Argus (New- 

Football Chronicle 

Football Chronicle (New- 



Football Echo (Bourne- 

Football Echo (North- 

Football Echo (South- 

Football Echo (Sunder- 


Forestry— (see 

Football Express (Car- 

Football Express (Exe- 

Football Express (Liver- 

Football Gazette (South 

Football Herald (Ply- 

Football Mail (Ports- 

Football Mail (West 

Football News (Notting- 

Football Pink (Swindon) 
Football Post (Notting- 

Football Press (York) 
Football Telegraph (Ket- 
Football Times (Inver- 
Liverpool Football Echo 

Manchester Football 

Manchester Football 

Manx Green Final 

Northern Echo Football 

Nottingham Journal 
Football Guide 

Rugby Football Annual 

Sheffield Independent 
Football Guide 

Sheffield Telegraph Foot- 
ball Guide 

South Wales Football 
Echo (Cardiff) 

epee poparen (Edin- 

Sports Telegraph (Black- 

Torbay Football Herald 

Yorkshire News Football 

Football — (see also |Foresters— (see 

Friendly Societies). 

culture and Estates 
and Estate Manage- 

Free Churches 

Free Church Chronicle 
Free Churchman 


Man’s Own Paper 
Other Lands 

Ars Quatuor Corona- 
Dorset Masonic Calendar 

Freemason’s Chronicle 
Masonic Calendar, &c., 
for Monmouthshire 
Masonic Calendar, &c., 

for Surrey 
Masonic News 
Masonic Record 
Masonic Year-Book 
Northern Freemason 

Speculative Mason 
Transactions of the Dor- 
set Masters’ Lodge 
Transactions of the Man- 
chester Association for 

Masonic Research 


Free Sunday Advocate 
Rationalist Annual 

French, printed in 

Chroniques de Jersey 
France, La 

Gazette de 
Gazette de Guernsey 



Friendly Societies — 

(see also Good Tem- 


Annual Report of the 
Registrar of Friendly 


Directory and List of 
Lodges (Oddfellows) 

Directory of the A.O.F. 


Foresters’ Miscellany 

Grand United Order of 
Oddfellows’ Magazine 

Hearts of Oak Journal 


Monthly Magazine of the 
Loyal Order of Ancient 

Odd Fellows’ Magazine 

Quaker World Service 
Rational Journal 

Royal Antidiluvian Order 
of Buffaloes Federa- 
tion Gazette 

Shepherd’s Magazine 

Supplement to the 

Fruit Trade — (see 


Fuel—(see Coal Trade) 

Fur Trade 

British Fur Trade 
Fur Farming 

Fur Record 

Fur World 

Furniture Trade 

Cabinet Furniture, &c., 

Cabinet Maker 

Cabinet Makers’ Pies 

Furnishing Trades r- 

Furnishing Trades Organ- 
iser Directory, &c. 


Furniture Record 

Hire Traders’ Record 

Home Furnisher 

Willing’s Press Guide 

[Class Papers 

Gardening—(see also 
Agriculture, Botany) 
Amateur Gardening 

Water and Water En- 

Castle’s Guide to the |Gencalogy 

Fruit, Flower, and 
Allied Trades 

Common Sense Garden- 

Fruit, Flower, &e., 
Trades Journal © 
Fruit Grower 
Fruit Trades Diary 

Fruiterers’, &c., Review 

Garden Work for Ama- 

Gardeners’ Chronicle 

Gardeners’ Year Book 

Gardening Illustrated 

Guild Gardener 

Home Gardening 

Horticultural Advertiser 

Horticultural Trade 

Journal of Pomology 

Journal of the Royal 
Horticultural Society 

Kew Bulletin 

National United Order 
of the Free Gardeners’ 
&c., Journal 

New Flora & Silva 

Nurseryman and Seeds- 

Orchid Review 
Popular Gardening 
Produce Markets Review 
Scottish Gardening 
Transactions of the Na- 
tional Chrysanthemum 

Gas and Water 

A Thousand and One 
Uses for Gas 

Analysis of the Accounts 
of the Principal Gas 
Undertakings in Eng- 
land, Scotland, and 


Annual Report of the 
Metropolitan Water 


British Waterworks Year 

Co-Partners’ Magazine 

Gas Associations’ Reports 

Gas-Fuel, Distribution 

Gas and Oil Power 

Gas Engineer 

Gas Journal 

“ Gas Journal ” Calendar 

Gas Salesman 

Gas Works Directory 

Gas World 

Gas World Year-Book 

Industrial Gases 

Metropolitan Water 
Board Abstracts of 

Metropolitan Water 
Board Chemical Ex- 

Official Circular of the 
British Waterworks 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Gas En- 

Transactions of the Insti- 
tution of Water Engi- 

(see Archeology). 

Geography and Travel 

Blue Peter 

Geographical Journal 


Journal of the Man- 
chester Geographical 

Scottish Geographical 

White Star Magazine 


Geological Magazine 
Manchester Geological, 
&c., Transactions 
Proceedings of the Geolo- 
_ gists’ Association 
Proceedings of the Liver- 
pool Geological Society 
Quarterly Journal of the 
Geological Society 
Report and Transactions 
of the Royal Geologi- 
cal Society of Cornwall 
Transactions of the Edin- 
burgh Geological So- 
Transactions of the Geo- 
logical Society of Glas- 

Transactions of the Hull 
Geological Society 

Glass Trade— 

(see Pottery Trade). 

Goldsmith Trade—(see 

Jewellery Trade) 


(see Sporting). 

Good Templary—/(see 

also Temperance) 
Good Templar 
Good Templars Watch- 


International Good Tem- 

Juvenile Templar 

Northamptonshire Dis- 
trict Good Templars 
Lodge Guide 

West Surrey District 
Good Templars Guide 

Government Officials 

Dominions Office List 
Foreign Office List 
India Office List 
War Office List 

Grain and Seed Trade 

— (see also Commer- 

cial and Mercantile). 

Fertiliser, &c., Journal 

George Broomhall’s Corn 
Trade News 

London Corn Circular 


London Grain, Seed, &c. |Health—(see Medical 

Produce Markets Review 


(see Gardening). 

Greyhound Racing 

(see Sporting). 

Grocery Trade 

British Beet Grower 
Food Manufacture 

Grocer and Oil Trade 

Grocers’ Gazette 
Grocers’ Review 

Grocery, &c., Trades- 

Tateroational Sugar Jour- 

Irish Grocery World 

Proceedings of the In- 
stitute of Certificated 

Produce Markets Review 


Scottish Grocer 

Scottish Trader 

Sugar Beet Review 

Tea Facts and Figures 


Hairdressers’ Weekly 

Hairdressing Fashions 

Perfumery and Essential 
Oil Record 

Perfumery and Essential 
Oil Year Book 

Hardware Trade— (see 

also Iron Trade, 
Machinery, æc.). 

Benn’s Encyclopædia of 
Hardware, &c. 

Science, alsoSanitary 
andSocial Economy). 

(see Archeology). 

Herd and Stud Books 

Aberdeen-Angus Herd 
British Berkshire Annual 

British Berkshire Herd 

British Friesian Cattle 
Herd Book 

British Friesian Journal 

Clydesdale Stud Book 

Coates’s Herd Book 

Davy’s Devon Herd 

English Guernsey Cattle 
Society’s Herd Book 

Flock Book of the Devon 
Long-woolled Sheep 

Flock Book of the Kent 
and Romney Marsh 
Sheep Breeders’ Asso- 

Flock Book of the Oxford 
Down Sheep 

Galloway Herd Book 

General Stud Book 

Gloucestershire Old Spots 
ae Society Herd 

Greyhound Stud Book 
Hereford Herd Book 
Hunter Stud Book 
Large Black Pig Herd 
Leicester Sheep So- 
ciety’s Flock Book 
National Pig Breeders’ 
Association Year Book 
Pig Breeders’ Annual 

Southdown Flock Book 

Suffolk Sheep Society 
Flock Book 
upp emani to the 
eneral Stud Book 
Sussex Herd Book 
Wessex Saddleback Pig 
Society Herd Book 

Hardware Trade Journal |Hide and Skin Trade 


Hardwareman, &c., Diary 
Index Buyers Guide 
Irish Ironmonger 

Ironmonger Diary 

Ironmonger’s Weekly 

Ironmongers Weekly 
Buyers Guide 

Journal of the Institute 
of Metals 

Metal Industry 


Nickel Bulletin 

Scottish Ironmongery 
and Hardwear Review 

Harness Trade — (see 

Leather Trade). 

Hat Trade 

Hatters’ Gazette 
Hatters’ Gazette “Diary 

(see Leather Trade). 

High Church—(see 


Bulletin of the Institute 
of Historical Research 

Cambridge Historical 

Economic History Re- 

English Historical Re- 


Journal of the Friends’ 
Historical Society 

Journal of the Society for 
Army Historical Re- 

Proceedings of the 
Historic Society of 

Lancashire & Cheshire 

Class Papers] 

Willing’s Press Guide 

History— (contd.) 

Publications of the Flint- 
shire Historical So- 

Publications of the Scot- 
tish History Society 

Scottish Notes and 
Queries . 

Transactions of the Con- 
gregational Historical 

Transactions of theRoyal 
Historical Society 

Hockey—(see Sport- 

British ai Homæopathic 

Homeeopathic World 

Hop and Malt Trades 

— (see Brewing). 


Annual Report of the 
National Equine De- 
fence League 





Horse and Hound 

Irish Horse Show Annual 

National Pony Stud Book 

Shire Horse Stud Book 

Suffolk Stud Book 


tud Book 


(see Gardening). 

Hosiers— (see Textile). 

Hotels—(see Licensed 
Victuallers’, Tra- 
vellers’ Guides). 

Household Manage- 
Literature, Sanitary 
andSocial Economy). 

Houses & Apartments 

Country Life 

Dalton’s Weekly House, 
&c., Advertiser 


Heron’s Flat and Estate 


Homeland Illustrated 


Homes and Garden 

Ideal Home 


Tenants’ Register 

Townand Country Homes 

Journal of the 

Humorous & Satirical 

“ Bob Stubbs’ ” Original 
Comic Yorkshire Aw- 


Comic Cuts 

et Mirror Reflections 

Dublin Opinion 


Illustrated Chips 

ndon Life 

Monster Comic 

Passing Show 


Puck Annual 


Punch Almanac 

Tom Webster’s Annual 

Ulster Jester 

Yorkshire Humorous Dia- 



(see Sporting). 


Medical Science). 

ports—(see Com- 
mercial and Mer- 


Asiatic Review 

India Office List 



Indian, &c., Textile, &c., 

Indian Appeals 

Indian Art and Letters 

Indian Church Magazine 

Indian Magazine 

India Association 

Journal of the Royal 
Asiatic Society 

United India 

India, News for and 

from — (see Do- 
minions, Colonies 
and Emigration). 

Indian Missions—(see 

Mission Work). 

Insane, Literary Com- 

positions of the 
Morningside Mirror 
New Moon 

Under The Dome 


Agents’ Journal 

Bourne’s Handy Insur- 
ance Guides 

Bourne’s Insurance Di- 


Bourne’s Insurance 


Commercial World and 
Insurance Budget 

Directory of Insurance 

Financial Chronicle 

Insurance and Finance 

Insurance Blue-Book 
Insurance Gem 
Insurance Guild Journal 

_ Insurance Index 

Insurance Magazine 

Insurance Mail 

Insurance Mail 

Insurance Man 

Insurance News 

Insurance Record 

Insurance Shareholders’ 

Insurance Who’s Who 

International Insurance 

Journal of Commerce 

Journal of the Chartered 
Insurance Institute 

Journal of the Corpora- 
tion of Insurance Bro- 

Journal of the Institute 
of Actuaries 

Mutual Property Review 

National Insurance Ga- 


Policy-Holder Journal 

Post Magazine 

Post Magazine Almanack 

Red Books of the British 
Fire Prevention Com- 

Stone & Cox’s Accident 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Accident 
Year Book 

Stone & Cox’s Bonus 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Colonial 
Life Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Fire and 
Marine Year Book 

Stone & Cox’s House 
Purchase Insurance 

Stone & Cox Indian Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Indust- 
trial Life Insurance 

Stone & Cox’s Life In- 
surance Policy Con- 

Stone & Cox’s Motor 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary 
Life Insurance Tables 

Victoria Gazette 


Residential Insurance—(see also Inventions 

Illustrated Official Jour- 
nal Patents 

Instrument World 

Patent Laws of the 

Register of Patent;Agents 

py wal of Patent, &c., 

Trade Marks Journal 

Investments—(see Fi- 

nance & Invest- 


Irish Missions — (see 

Mission Work) 

Iron Trade—(see also 

Coal Trade, Hard- 
wave Trade, Mining). 
Benn’s Encyclopædia of 

Hardware, &c. 
Foundry Trade Journal 

Iron and Goal Trades’ 
Iron and Steel Industry 

Iron and Steel Institute : 
Carnegie Scholarship 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 

Metal Bulletin 

Metal Handbook (Quins) 

Metal Industry 

Metal Industry Hand- 

Metal World 
O’Connell’s Coal and Iron 

O’Connell’s Coal and Iron: 


Islamic Review 
Review of Religions 

Japan, News for and 

Transactions of the 
Asiatic Society of 

Japanese, printed in 

Nichi Ei Shinchi 

Jewellery Trade— (see 

also Watchmaking). 
Goldsmiths’ Journal 
Jeweller & Metalworker 
Scottish Jeweller 


Anglo-Jewish Association 
Annual Report 
Annual Report of the 
Jews’ College 
Hebrew Christian 
Jewish Chronicle 
Jewish Evening News 
Jewish Guardian 
Jewish Post and Express 
Jewisb Quarterly Review 
Jewish Times 
ewish World 
pla Year-Book 
Mazin’s Hebrew Yiddish- 
English Pocket Calendar 
Pioneer of Wisdom 

Jews, Conversion of— 

(see also Lost Tribes 

Annual Report of the 
London Society for 
Promoting Christianity 
amongst the Jews 


Church and the Jews 

Jewish Missionary In- 

Prophetic News 

Journalism— (see also 

Printing Trade). 

Fleet Street Annual 

Grey Book 

Journal of the Institute 
of Journalists 


Popular Writing 

Reporters’ Journal 

Reporters’ Magazine 

Reuter’s Journal 

What Editors and Pub- 
lishers Want 

Woman Journalist 

World’s Press News 


Jute Trade—(see Tex- 


Juvenile Literature— 

(see also Good Tem- 
plary, Mission Work, 
Sunday Schools, 


Adventure Land 

Annie S. Swan’s Annual 

Annual Report of the 
Boys’ Brigade 

Baby’s Annual 

Billy and Bunny Book 

Blackie’s Boys’ Annual 

Blackie’s Children’s An- 


Blackie’s Girls’ Annual 

Blackie’s Little Ones’ 

Bo- Peep 

Bo-Peep Annual 


Boy’s Own Annual 

Boy’s Own Paper 

Boys and Girls 

Boys’ & Girls’ Almanac 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette 

Boys’ Cinema Weekly 

Boys’ Favourite 

Boys’ Friend Library 

Boys’ Magazine (London) 

Boys’ Magazine (Man- 

British Boy’s Annual 

British Flag 

British Girl’s Annual 

Brown’s Boy Scouts 

Bruin Boys’ Annual 


Bubbles Annual 

Buffalo Bill Library 

Buffalo Bill Novels 

Cassell’s Children’s An- 

Champion Annual 
Chickabiddies Annual 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Chicks’ Own 

Chick’s Own Annual 

Child Life 

Children’s Birthday Book 

Children’s Friend 

Children’s Gospel Maga- 

Children’s Newspaper 

eee Play Hour 


Children’s Treasury of 

Chummy Book 







Collin’s Painting Annual 

Collins’ Schoolboys’ An- 

Collin’s Schoolgirl’s 


Cubs’ & Brownies’Annual 

Daily Notes 


Empire Annual for Boys 
Empire Annual for Girls 
Every Girl’s Paper 
Fairyland Tales 

Father Tuck’s Annual 
Film Fun 

Friendly Companion 
Funny Wonder 

Girl’s Own Annual 

Girls’ Adventure Annual 

Girls’ Cinema 

Girls’ Friend 

Girls’ Life 

Girls’ Mirror 

Glad Tidings for the 

Golden Annual 

Golden Year Annual 

Good News 

Gospel Stories for the 

Grace and Truth 

Greyfriars Holiday 



Hulton Adventure 
Stories Annual 


Infants’ Magazine 
Jack and Jill 

Jolly Book for Boys 
Jolly Book for Girls 
Joy Book 

Junior Craftsman 
Kinema Comic 

Adventure An- 
Boy Scouts’ 
Children’s An- 

Girl Guides’ 


King’s Messengers’ 

Leading Strings 

Little Folks 

Little Frolic 

Little One’s Treasury 

Little People’s Annual 

London Rover 

Lucie Attwell Children’s 

Meccano Magazine 

Merry and Bright 

Merry-go-Round | 


Mrs. Hippo’s Annual 
My Magazine 
Nelson Lee Library 


Oojah Annual 

Other Sheep 

Our Boys 

Our Circle 

Our Darlings 

Our Girls’ Annual 

Our Own Magazine 

Oxford Annual for Baby 

Oxford Annual for Boys 

Oxford Annual for 

Oxford Annual for Girls 
Oxford Annual for Scouts 

Oxford Annual for Tiny 


Playbox Annual 

Playtime A B C 

Playtime Annual 

Pop Annual 


Popular Book of Boys’ 

Popular Book of Girls’ 


Puck Annual 


Rainbow Annual 

School Friend Annual 

Schoolboys’ Annual 

Schoolboy’s Own Library 



Schoolgirls’ Annual 

Schoolgirls’ Own 

Schoolgirls’ Own Annual 

Schoolgirls’ Own Library 

Schoolgirls’ Weekly 

Scottish Scout 



Somebody’s Darlings 

Sports Annual 


Sunny Stories for Little 

Teeny Weeny’s Annual 

Tell Us A Story 

Tiger Tim’s Annual 

Tiger Tim’s Weekly 

Tiny Tots Annual 

Tip Top Annual 

Toddle’s Annual 

Tot and Tim Annual 

Trysorfa y Plant 

Uncle Dick’s Annual 

Union Jack 

Wigwam and Teepee 



Young England 

Young Helpers’ Magazine 

Young Reader 

Young Scotland 

Young Watchman 

Youthful Days 

Zoo & Animal Annual 


Labour Questions 

Amalgamated Engineer- 
ing Union Monthly 

[Class Papers 

Amalgamated Society of 

Woodworkers’ Monthly 

Amusement Workers’ 

Annual Report of the 
Fabian Society 

Annual Report of the 
Society for Promoting 
the Training of 


Board of Trade Journal 

Bournville Works Maga- 

Bradford Labour Record 

Bradford Pioneer 

British Legion Journal 

British Trade Review 

Challenge (Rushden) 


Co-partners’ Magazine 


Costume and Mantle 

Crow Pie 

Daily Herald 

Dion An 

Dundee Jute and Flax 
Workers’ Guide 

Fabian News 

International Labour Re- 

Labour Bulletin 
Labour Magazine 
Labour Monthly 
Labour News 
Labour Press Service 

Labour Research Depart- 
ment Monthly Circular 

Labour Standard 

Labour Woman 

Labour Year Book 
Labour’s Northern Voice 
Land and Liberty 

Leeds Weekly Citizen 
Live Wire 

Liverpool’s Labour Voice 

Local Unemployment 

London News 

Man and Metal 



Ministry of Labour 

Mount Review 

N.A.W.U. Magazine 

National Society of Pain- 
ters’ Monthly Journal 

New Leader 

New Way 

North Hammersmith 





Report of the Annual 
Conference of the 

Rochdaie Labour News 

Scottish Farm Servant 


Shop Assistant 

Socialist Review 

Class Papers] 

Labour Questions— 
Town Crier (Birmingham) 
Woman Clerk 
Worker (Letchworth) 
Workers’ Monthly 

Ladies’ Work — (see 
Fashions for Ladies) 

Land and Estate 
Agents — (see Es- 
tates and Estate 

Land Companies—(see 
Building Societies). 

Laundry Trade 

British Launderers’ Year 

Federation Journal 

Laundry Journal 

Laundry Record: 

Power Laundry 

Lawn Tennis — (see 

League of Nations— 
(see Peace Move- 

Leather Trade— (see 
also Boot and Shoe 
Trade, Carriage 

Leather Goods 
Leather Goods Directory 
Leather Trades Directory 

Leather Trades Review 

Leather Trades Year 

Leather World 

Saddlery and Harness 


Annual County Courts 

Annual Digest 

Annual Practice 

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases 

Bell Yard 

Butterworth’s Annotated 

Butterworth’s Five Years 

Butterworth’s Licensing 
Law Reports 

Butterworth’s Work- 
men’s Compensation 

Butterworth’s Yearly Di- 
gest of Reported Cases 

Calendar of the Council 
of Legal Education 

Cambridge Law Journal 

Cases Decided in the 
Court of Sessions, &c. 

Willing’s Press Guide 
a E 

Cases Decided in the 
High Court of Justi- 

Chitty’s Statutes of Prac- 
tical Utility 

Complete Current Digest 


Cox’s Legal Circular 

Cox’s Reports 

Criminal Appeal Cases 

Diary for Lawyers 

Empire Law List 

Every Man’s Own Law- 

Ham’s Customs 

Ham’s Excise Year-Book 

Indian Appeals 

Irish Reports 

Journal of the Divorce 
Law Reform Union 

Journal of the Society of 
Public Teachers of Law 

Juridical Review 

Justice of the Peace 

Kime’s International Law 

Law Coach 

Law Journal 

Law Journal Reports 

Law List 

Law Notes 

Law Quarterly Review 

Law Reports 

Law Society’s Gazette 

Law Times 

Law Times Reports 

Lawyer’s Companion 

Lawyer’s Remembrancer 

Legal Diary (Dublin) 

Lloyd’s List Law Re- 

Magisterial Cases 

Medico-Legal Society 

Paterson’s Licensing Acts 

Paterson’s Practical Sta- 

Property Owners’ Jour- 

Reports of Patent, &c., 

Scots Law Times 

Scottish Land Court Re- 

Scottish Law 

Scottish Law Directory 

Scottish Law List 

Scottish Law Review 

Shaw’s Solicitors’ Al- 

Solicitors’ Clerks’ Gazette 

Solicitors’ Diary 

Solicitors’ Gazette 

Solicitors’ Journal 

Solicitors’ Pocket Book 

Stone’s Justices Manual 

“Times” Law Reports 

“ Times” Reports of 
Commercial Cases 

Weekly Notes . 

Willis’s Workmen’s Com- 

Yearly County Court 

Yearly Practice of the 
Supreme Court 




Libraries— (see 

Book Trade). 

Aberdeen Public Library 
Annual Report 

Aberdeen University Li- 
brary Bulletin 

Bibliotheca Celtica 

Bodleian Quarterly Re- 

Bolton Public Libraries 
Annual Report 

Bookman’s Index 

Bulletin of the British 
Library of Political 

Bulletin of the John 
Ryland’s Library 


Librarian’s Guide 

Libraries, &c., Year Book 


Library Assistant 

Library Association Re- 

Library Review 

Library World 

Manchester Librarjan 

Nottingham Public Lib- 
raries Bulletin 

Readers’ Bulletin 
Readers’ Guide (Nor- 

Readers’ Index 
Year’s Work in Librar- 

Licensed Victuallers 

and Wine and Spirit 
Trade— (see also 

Bottler and Packer 

Caterer, Hotel-Keeper & 
Restaurateurs Gazette 

Harper’s Pocket Manual 
Hotel Review 

Licensed Victuallers’ Ga- 

Licensed Victuallers’ 
Official Annual 

Licensed Victuallers’ 
Year Book 

Licensing World 

Morning Advertiser 

National Guardian 

Northern Light 

Off License Journal 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit 
Trade Circular 

Scottish Licensed Trade 

Stubbs’ Hotel Guide 
(British and Foreign) 

Wine and Spirit Trades 

Wine and Spirit Trade 
Diary and Agency List 

Wine and Spirit Trade 

Wine Trade Review 

Life-Boat Service 


Lime (see Building). 
Linen Trade — (sec 


also |Literary and Scientific 


Bankfield Recitations 

Bermondsey Book 

Bodleian Quarterly 

Border Magazine 

British Museum Quar- 

Bulletin of the School 
of Oriental Studies 

Central Literary Magazine 

Current Literature 


English Review 


G. K.’s Weekly 


Jobn o’London’s Weekly 

Literary Guide 

Nation and Athenzum 


New Adelphi 

Oxford Outlook 


Platform Review 

Poetry Review 

Proceedings of the Aris- 
totelian Society 

Proceedings of the Bri- 
tish Academ 

Proceedings of the Liver- 
pool Literary & Philo- 
sophical Society 

Saturday Review 




Subject Index to 

Time and Tide 

What Editors and Pub- 
lishers Want 

Who's Who in Literature 

World Today 

Literature — (see also 
Domestic Literature 
for Ladies, Juvenile 
Literature, Literary 
and Scientific Re- 
views, Fiction). 
Annual of the British 
School at Athens 
Bulletin of the 
Burns Chronicle 
English Language, &c., 
Annual Biography 
Kipling Journal 
Life and Letters 
Manchester Quarterly 
Memoirs and Proceed- 
ings of the Manchester 
Literary, &c., Society 
Notes and Queries 
Oxford Poetry 
Philomath — 
Poetry and the Play 
Poetry of To-day 
Poetry, Past and Present 
Publications of the Eng- 
lish Goethe Society 
Scots Magazine 
Transactions of the 
Honourable Society of 


Willing’s Press Guide 

[Class Papers 

Literature— (cenid.) 
Transactions of the Royal 
Society of Literature 
Transactions of the St. 
Pauls Ecclesiological 
Writer’s Own Magazine 

Lithography — (see 
Printing Trade). 

Local Government— 


Annual Report of the 
Proceedings of the 
London County Council 

oy and Guilds of Lon- 

on Institute Pro- 


City of Liverpool Official 

City of Worcester Offi- 
cial Handbook 

County and Municipal 

County Councils Gazette 

Departmental, &c., De- 

Empire Municipa’ Direc- 

Financial Circular 

Handbook for the Burgh 
of Greenock 

Housing Journal 

Knight’s Official Adver- 

Local Government 

Local Government 

Local Government An- 

Local Government 

Local Government Di- 
rectory of Scotland 

Local Government Jour- 

Local Government Law 

Local Government Manua. 

Local Government News 

Local Government Ser-, 

London County Council 

London Town 

Monthly Review 

Municipal and County 
Engineers Official 

Municipal Engineering 

Municipal Journal 

Municipal Review 

Municipal Year Book 

Nalgo Holiday Guide 

Official Gazette of the 

` County Councils As- 

Poor Law and Local 
Government Magazine 

Poor Law Annual 

Poor Law Gazette 

Poor Law Officers’ Jour- 

Public Administration 


Shaw’s_ Local 

ment Diary 


West Ham Municipal 
Alliance Gazette 

Worcestershire County 
Council Handbook 

Lost Tribes 

B.I. Crusader 
British Israel Herald 
National Message 
Pioneer of Wisdom 

Machimery—(see also 

Engineering, Hard- 
ware, Mechanics). 
American Machinist 
Automatic World 

Implement & Machinery 


Machinery Market 

Phillips’s Monthly Ma- 
chinery Register 

Steam Engineer 

Magazines for Family 

and General Read- 
ing— (see also Reli- 

gious Readings, 
Fiction, School 



Armchair Science 

Best Way Series 

Britannia & Eve 

Cassell’s Magazine of 

Catholic Fireside 

Chambers’s Journal 

Corner Magazine 

Cornhill Magazine 


Dublin Magazine 

Everybody’s Weekly 

Family Herald 

Family Journal 


Grand Magazine 


Happy Mag. 



Irish Monthly 

Ivy Stories 

John Bull 

London Magazine 

London Opinion 

Merry Magazine 

Modern Home 

My Home 

Nash’s—Pall Mall Maga- 

New Magazine 

Pearson’s Magazine 

Pearson’s Weekly 

Pictorial Weekly 


Red Magazine 

Royal Magazine 


Star and Garter Magazine 

Strand Magazine 

Sunny Mag. 

This and That 


True Story Magazine 

Twenty Story Magazine 

Violet Magazine 

Welsh Outlook 

Wide World Magazine 
Windsor Magazine 
Woman and Beauty 
Woman's Life 
Woman’s Magazine 
You and I 

Mail Summaries—(se: 
Dominions, Colonie: 
and Emigration). 

Malt Trade 
(see Brewing). 

Manufactures — (see 
Inventions, also 

Marine Engineering— 

(see Engineering). 

Maritime Law — (see 


Market Reports— (see 
Commercial and 


Mathematical Gazette 

Mathematical Papers for 
Admission into the 
Royal Military Aca- 
demy, &c. 

Proceedings of the Edin. 
burgh Mathematica: 

Proceedings of the Lon- 
don Mathematica) 

Matrimonial Gazette 
Matrimonial Post 
Matrimonial Times 

Mechanics — (see also 

English Mechanics 

Mechanical World 

Mechanical World Elec- 
trical Pocket Book 

Mechanical World Year 

Practical Engineer Me- 
chanical Pocket Book 

Proceedings of the Insti- 
tution of Mechanical 

Medical Science—(see 
also Dentistry, Ho- 
maopathy, Mental 

Annals of Eugenics 

Annals of the Pickett- 
Thomson Research 

Annals of Surgery 

Annals of Tropical Medi. 
cine & Parasitology 


Annual Report of King 
Edward VII. Sanato- 

Annual Report of the 
Asylums Committee 

Annual Report of the 
Hospital Saturday 

Annual Report of the 
Imperial Cancer Re- 
search Fund 

Annual Report of the 

Annual Report of the 
Mount Vernon Hospital 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Hampshire Coun- 
ty Hospital 

Annual Report of the 
National Society for 
Cancer Relief 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Southern Hospi- 
tal, Liverpool 

Archives of Disease in 

Better Health 

Birmingham Medical 


Bristol Medico-Chirugi- 

cal Journal 

British Journal of 

British Journal of Bio 

British Journal of Chil- 
dren’s Diseases 

British Journal of Der- 

British Journal of Ex- 
perimental Pathology 

British Journal of In- 
ebriety . 

British Journal of Medi- 
cal Psychology 

British Journal of Psy- 

British Journal of Sur- 


British Journal of Tuber- 

British Journal of Uro- 


British Journal of Venereal 

British Medical Journal 

Bulletin of Hygiene 

Burdett’s Hospitals and 

Caledonian Medical Jour- 


Cambridge University 
Medical Society Maga- 

Cancer Review 


Charing Cross Hospital 


Clinical Journal 

Conquest by Healing 


Edinburgh Medical Jour- 

Edinburgh Medical Mis- 
sionary Society Quar- 
terly Paper 

Eugenics Review 
Fight Against Disease 
First Aid 

Franco-British Medical 

Glasgow Medical Journal 

Class Papers] 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Medical Science 

— (conia). 

Guy’s Hospital Gazette 

Guy’s Hospital Reports 

Health and Efficiency 

Health and Strength 

Health for All 

Health News 

Healthy Life 


Herb Doctor 


Irish Ambulance Gazette 

Irish Journal of Medical 

Journal of Anatomy 

Journal of Comparative 
Pathology, &c. 

Journal of Genetics 

Journal of Laryngology 
and Otology 

Journal of Neurology 

Journal of Obstetrics — 

Journal of Pathology 

Journal of Physiology 

Journal: of State Medicine 

Journal of the Chartered 
Society of Massage and 
Medical Gymnastics 

Journal of the Royal An- 
thropological Institute 
of Gt. Britain and Ire- 

Journal of the Royal 
Army Medical Corps 
Journal of the Royal 
Naval Medical Service 
Journal of Tropical Medi. 
Junior Red Cross Journal 
King’s College Hospital 

Leeds Hospital Magazine 
Light on Health 

London Hospital Gazette 

Magazine of the London 
Royal Free Hospital 
School of Medicine 

and Child 


Medical and Dental Stu- 
dents’ Register 

Medical Annual 

Medical Directory 

Medical Herbalist 

Medical Officer 

Medical Press 

Medical Register 

Medical Times 

Medical Who’s Who 

Medical Women’s Inter- 
national Journal 

Medical World 


ier ia Hospital Jour- 



Middlesex Hospital Phar- 

Midwives Roll 

Ministry of HealthAnnual 

Minutes of the General 
Medical Council i 

Monthly Epidemiologi- 
cal Report 

National Health 

National Medical Journal 

Nature’s Way Monthly 

New Health : 

Newcastle-on-Tyne Medi- 
cal Journal 

Physical Culture 

Physiological Abstracts 


Post Graduate Medical 



Proceedings of the Mala- 
cological Society of 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Society of Medicine 


Psychic Science 

Public Health 

Quarterly Journal of Ex- 
perimental Physiology 

Quarterly Journal of 

Quarterly Journal of Mi- 
croscopical Science 

RadiumInstitute, Report 
of the Work 

Red Cross 

Royal Hospital School 

St. Bartholomew’s Hos- 
pital Journal 

St. Bartholomew’s Hos- 
pital Reports 

St. George’s Hospital 
St. John Ambulance 

St. Mary’s Hospital Ga- 

St. Thomas’s Hospital 

School Hygiene 

Scottish Health Magazine 


Smith’s Physicians’ and 
Surgeons’ Visiting List 

South Devon and East 
Cornwall Hospital Re- 

Transactions, &c., of the 
London Dermatologi- 
cal Society 

Transactions of the An- 
nual Conference of the 
National Association 
for the Prevention of 

Transactions of the Edin- 

Transactions of the Medi- 
cal Society of London 

Transactions of theRoyal 
Society of Tropical 


Trevor Bulletin of British 
Physical Culture 

Tropical DiseasesBulletin 

Tropical Veterinary Bul- 


University of Durham 
College of Medicine 

Vaccination Inquirer 

West London Medical 

Your Personal Health 

Mental Science—(see 

also Medical 

Journal of Mental Scien 


Methodist— (see 

Mercantile (see Com- 

mercial and Mer- 

Mercantile Marine— 

(see also Naval Ser- 

vice, Shipping). 

Ainsley’s Nautical Al- 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol 
Channel Tide Table 

Brassey’s Naval and Ship- 

ping Annual 
Brown’s Comprehensive 
Nautical Almanac 
Si ay of Shipowners 
International Mercantile 
Marine Magazine 
Mariner’s Almanac 
Merchant Shipper 
Merchant Shipping Re- 

Merchant, Ships of the 

Nautical Almanac (Glas- 

Nautical Magazine 

Newport (Mon.) Tids 

Pearson’s Tide Tables 
and Nautical Almanac 

Salt Spray 

Shipping World Year- 

zwane ent Table 

yren ip 

Tide and Speed Tables 

Tide Tables for British 
and Irish Ports 

Universal Mercantile Di- 


Metal Trades—(see 

Hardware, Iron 



British Rainfall 

Daily Weather Reports 

Meteorological Magazine 

Monthly Summary of 
Weather Reports 

Monthly Weather Re- 

Quarterly Journal of the 
Royal Meteorological 


Calvinistic Metho- 

dist, Wesleyan Metho- 



Aldersgate Primitive 
Methodist Magazine 

Holborn Review 

Independent Methodist 

Methodist Leader 

Methodist Recorder 

Methodist Sunday School 

Methodist Times 

Minutes of the United 
Methodist Church 


Primitive Methodist 
Teachers’ Magazine 

United Methodist 
United Methodist Maga- 


Annual Report, &c., of 
the Manchester Micro- 
scopical Society 

Journal of the Quekett 
Microscopical Club 
Journal of the Royal 

Microscopical Society 
Quarterly Journal of 
Microscopical Science 

Military Service 

Army,Navy, &c.,Gazette 
Army List Half-Yearly 
Army Orders 

Army Quarterly 

Ca Ira 
Cavalry Journal 

Essex Regiment Gazette 

Faugh a Ballagh 
Figbting Forces 

Globe and Laurel 
Green Howard’s Gazette 

Highland Light Infantry 

Household Brigade 

Journal of the Honour- 
able Artillery Compan 

Journal of the Roy 
Army Medical Corps 

Journal of the Royal 

Journal of the Royal 
United Service Institu- 


N.R.A. Journal 

Officers’ Training Corps 

*Officers’ Training Corps 

One and All 

Owl Pie 

Proceedings of the 
National Rifle Asso- 

Queen’s Own Gazette 


Rifle Brigade Chronicle 


Royal Army Ordnance 
Corps Gazette 

Royal Army Service 

orps Journal 

RoyalArmy Service Corps 

Royal Engineers’ Journal 
.M.A. Magazine 

Royal Military College 
Magazine and Record 

St. George’s Gazette 

Salisbury Plain Official 
Military Directory 


Seventy-ninth News 


Society of MiniatureRifle 
Clubs ;Handbook 



Military Service— 
Sprig of Shillelagh 
Staff College Reports 
Tiger and Rose 

War Office List 
White Lancer 

Millers— (see Grain 
and Seed Trade) 

Milliners— (see 
Fashions for Ladies) 

Mineral Water Trade 

British and Colonial 
Mineral Water Trade 

Mineral Water Trade 


Mineralogical Magazine 

Mining — (see also 

Iron Trade, Coal 


African Manual 

African World Annual 

Bulletin of the Institu- 
tion of Mining and 

Camborne School of 
Mines Magazine 

East African Manual 

Journal of the Institute 
of Metals 



Mining ElectricalEngineer 

Mining Journal 

Mining Magazine 

Mining World 

Mining Year Book 

Monthly Mining Hand- 

Rhodesian Manual 

Science & Art of Mining 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Mining and 

Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Mining En- 

Mission Work—(see 
also Congregational, 

Across the Rockies 
Across the Seas 
African Missionary 
African Tidings 
All the World 



Annual Report of the 
Christian Literature 

Society for India and 

Annual Report of the 
Indian Church Aid 

Annual Report of the 
Mission to Lepers 

Annual Report of the 
Missions to Seamen 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Annual Report of the 
Religious Tract Society 

Army Guild Quarterly 

At Home and Abroad 

Australian Bush Leaves 

Banner of Truth 

Bible Churchmen’s Mis- 
sionary Messenger 

Bible Lands 

Blessed be Egypt 

Bright Words 

British Flag 

British Sentinel 


Cambridge House Annual 
Catholic Gazette 
Central Africa 

China’s Millions 

Christian East 

Chronicle of the London 
Missionary Society 

Church Abroad 

Church and the Sailor 

Church Intelligencer 

Church Messenger 

Church Missionary Out- 

Church Missionary Pocket 

C.M.S. Home Gazette 

Church Qverseas 

City Sparrows 

Conquest by Healing 

Daily Notes 

Darkness and Light 

Dawn in Central Asia 


East London Church 

Echoes of Service 


For Every Land 

Foreign Field 

Girls’ Friendly Society 
Quarterly (Lichfield) 

Girls’ Friendy Society 
Workers’ Journal 

Golden Shore 

Gospel Messenger 


Holiness Mission Journal 

Home Mission Field 

Home Workers’ Gazette 

Homes of the East 

Howard Journal 

Indian Church Magazine 

India’s Women 

International Review of 

King’s Messengers 

Lakher Pioneer 

Land of Sinim 

Lay Reader 

Laymen’s Bulletin 

Light and Truth 


Links of Help 

London City Mission 

London Diocesan Leaflet 

Magazine of the South 
American Missionary 

Marching Orders 

Mission Field 

Mission Hospital 

Missionary Echo 

Missionary Graphic 

Missionary Herald 


[Class Papers 

Missionary Herald of the |Mothers, Reading for 

Presbyterian Church in 

Missionary News-Letter 

Missionary Review of all 

Missionary Worker 

Monthly Record of the 
Protestant Evangelical 

Morning Calm 


News from Afar 

News of Salvation 

North British Columbia 

Nurses Near and Far 

Other Sheep 

OurSisters in OtherLands 

Our Waifs and Strays 

Our Work at Home and 


Oxford House Magazine 

Oxford Mission to Cal- 
cutta Quarterly Paper 


Quarterly Jottings from 
the New Hebrides 

Quarterly Notes 

Railway Signal 

Ranyard Magazine 

Regions Beyond 

Round World 

St. Paul’s Review 

South African Pioneer 

South America 

South American Mission- 
ary Magazine 

Southern Cross Log 


Star in the East 

Strict Baptist Mission 

Sword and Trowel 

Threshed Wheat 


Transvaal & Southern 

Trusting and Toiling 

Uganda Church Review 

Universal Brotherhood 

Vigilance Record 


Welfare Work 

Western Equatorial Africa 
Church Magazine 

Whitefield’s Signal 

Whole World for Jesus 

Without the Camp 


Woman’s Work 


Words of Grace 

Words of Life 

Work in Many Lands 

World Dominion 

Young Folks 

Zambesi Industrial Mis- 

Zambesi Mission Record 



Moravian Almanack 
Moravian Messenger 
Moravian Missions 
Moravian Text Book 
Periodical Accounts 


Mothers in Council 
Mothers’ Union Journal 
Nursery World 

Scottish Mothers’ Maga- 

Workers’ Paper 

_ and Moto 

Cycling ; 

A.E.C. Gazette 

Austin Magazine 

Auto-Cycle UnionPocket 


Automobile and Carriage 
Builders’ Diary 

Automobile & Carriage 
Builders’ Journal 

Automobile Electricity 

Automobile Engineer 

Auto-Motor Journal 

Bicycling News 

Bus and Coach’ 

Car Topics 

Commercial Motor 

Cope’s Motor, &c., Direc- 



Cyclists’ Touring Club 
Handbook, &c. 

Design and Practical 
Management of Service 
and Filling Station 

Export Trader 

Ford Times 


Green Badge Journal 

Irish Cyclist 

Irish Motor Trader 

Irish Motoring 

Journal of the Institute 
of Transport 

Light Car and Cyclecar 

Manchester WheelersClub 

Midland Car Club 

Modern Motoring 

Modern Transport 

Morris Owner 


Motor Boat 

Motor Boating World 

Motor Body Building 

Motor Body Building 

Motor Commerce 

Motor Cycle 

Motor Cycle and Cycle 

Motor Cycling 

Motor Cyclist Review 

Motor News 

Motor Owner 

Motor Ship 

Motor Ship Reference 

Motor Sport 

Motor Trader & Review 

Motor Transport 

Motor Transport Year 

Motor World 


Proceedings of the Insti- 
tution of Automobile 

Register of the Motor 

Royal Automobile Guide 

Touring Club 

Class Papers] 

Moior and Motor 

Scottish Road Book 

Sentinel Transport News 

Service andFillingStation 

Steering Wheel 

Stone and Cox’s Motor 
Car Prices 

Taxi World 

Trader Handbook Diary 

Transport Management 

Transport Managers’ 
Year Book 

Municipal Affairs— 
(see Local Govern- 

Music and Musical— 
(see also Theatrical) 

Anerley Times 

Anniversary Album 

Anniversary Budget 

Annual Report of the 
Organists’ Benevolent 

Annual Report of the 
Royal College of Or- 

Bandsman and Songster 


Boosey’s Brass Band 

Boosey’s Drum and Fife 

Boosey’s March Journal 

Boosey’s Military Journal 

Boosey’s New Supple. 
mental Journal 

Boosey’s Orchestral Jour- 

British Bandsman 

British Federation of 
Musical Competition 
Festivals Year Book 

British Melodist 

British Musician 

Calendar of the Trinity 
College of Music, Lon- 

Cavendish Music Books 

Cerddor Newydd 


Choir Musician 


Classic Anthems 

Festive Choralist 

Flute Players’ Journal 

Gilbert and Sullivan 

Harmonium Cabinet 

Leading Note 


London Musical Courier 
Melody Maker 

Monthly Musical Record 

Music and Letters 

Music and Youth 

Music Art & Trade 

Music Bulletin 

Music Dealer 

Music Seller 

Music Teacher 

Music Trade Diary, &c. 

Music Trade Directory 


Willing’s Press Guide 
a een eee 

Music Traders’ Map 

Music Trades Review 

Musical Chat 

Musical Directory 

Musical Mail 

Musical Mirror 

Musical Opinion and 
Music Trades .Review 

Musical Progress 

Musical Salvationist 

Musical Standard 

Musical Times 

Musician’s Journal 


Part Singer 


Proceedings of the Musi- 
cal Association 

Reid’s London Enter- 
tainment Guide 


Roll of the Union of 
Graduates in Music 

R.C.M. Magazine 


School Music Review 

Scottish Musical Magazine 

Sinclair’s Music Trade 

Song Service Reporter 


Syllabus of the Asso- 
ciated Board of the 
Royal Academy of 

Violinists’ Gazette 

Wright & Round’s Brass 
Band News 

Music Halls 


Sunday Referee 

(see Education). 

Natural History—(see 

also Agriculture, 
Bee Keeping, Con- 
chology, Entomology, 
Fishing, Science, 
Sporting, Zoology). 
Annals and Magazine of 
Natural History 
Annual Report of the 
Manchester Field Na- 
turalists, &c., Society 
Annual Report of the 
Midland Daffodil So- 
Annual Report of the 
National Museum of 
Annual Report of the 
Royal Society for the 
Protection of Birds 
Austral Avian Record 
Avicultural Magazine 

Bird Lover 

Bird Notes and News 

British Birds 

Bulletin of the British 
Ornithologists’ Club 

Cardiff Naturalists’ So- 
ciety’s Transactions 

Country Side 

Essex Naturalist 

Flowering Plants of South 


Ibis . 

Irish Naturalists’ Journal 

Journal of the Northants 
Natural History So- 

ciety and Field Club 

London Naturalist 

Nautical — (see Mer- 

cantile Marine, 
Naval Service, 

Natural History Maga-|\Naval Service — (see 

North Western Naturalist 

Oologists Record 


Proceedings, Annual (Bel- 

Proceedings and Report 
of theAshmolean Natu- 
ral History Society of 

Proceedings and Trans- 
actions of the Croy- 
don Natural History, 
&c., Society 

Proceedings of the Bir- 
mingham Natural His- 
tory and Philosophical 

Proceedings of the Bristol 
Naturalists’ Society 

Proceedings of theCottes- 
wold Naturalists’ Field 

Proceedings of the Liver- 
pool Naturalists’ Field 

Proceedings of the Man- 
chester Field Natural- 
ists’ Society 

Quarterly Circular of the 
Oologists Correspon- 
dence Clu 

Record of Bare Facts 

Report of the Southport 

Society of Natural 

Review of Applied My- 

Scottish Naturalist 

Transactions and Annual 
Report of the North 

Transactions and Jour- 
nal of the Eastbourne 
Natural History So- 

Transactions and Jour- 
nal of the Proceedings 
of the Dumfries-shire, 
&c., Natural History 

Transactions and Pro- 
ceedings of the Perth- 
shire Society of Natural 

Transactions and Pro- 
ceedings of the Tor- 
quay Natural History 

Transactions of the Bri- 

tish MycologicalSociety 

Transactions of the Cara- 
doc and Severn Valley 
Field Club 

Transactions of the Hull 
Scientific, &c., Club 
Transactions of the 
Natural History So- 
ciety of Northumber- 


also Military Ser- 


Annual Report of the 
Navy League 

Brassey’s Naval and 
Shipping Annual 


Fighting Forces 


Jane’s Fighting Ships 

K.R. and A.I. Amend- 

Nautical Magazine 

Naval & Military Record 

Naval Cadet 

Naval Warrant Officers 


Navy League Quarterly 

Navy List 

Ships of the Royal Navy 

Transactions of th? 
Institution of Naval 

New Jerusalem 


Minutes of the General 

New Church Herald 
New Church Magazine 


Current Newspapers 

Marlborough’s Plain Cal- 

National Federation Year 

National Newsagent 

News Trade Circular 



Retail Newsagent 

Scottish Newsagent 

Newspapers — (see 

Family Newspapers 

Religious News- 
papers, Society 

N umismatics 

Numismatic Chronicle 

Spink & Son’s Numis- 
matic Circular 

Transactions of the 
Yorkshire Numismatic 

Transactions of the Royal Nursing 

Scottish Arboricul- 

tural Society 
Transactions of the York 

shireNaturalists’ Union 

British Journal of Nursing 

Creche News 

Hospitals’ Probationers) 

Willing’s Press Guide [Class Papers 

ing— (contd. ! . . Private Legislation (Scot- i 
Narsing—(conid.) (Ophthalmic Science | Pian peho PON 
Midwives Rou and Optics— Public General Acts Pe ea orin 
Misericordia (see also Medical Representation roceedings o t e Cam- 
Nursery World h Ross’s Parliamentary Re- bridge Philological So- 
Nursing Mirror Science). cord ciety _ 
Nursing Mirror Pocket | British Journal of | Standing Orders of the | Transactions of the Cam- 
Encyclopedia Ophthalmology Lords and Commons bridge Philological So- 
Nursing Notes British Journal of Physi- | Statesman’s Year-Book T ciety.. 
Nursing Times ological Optics Vacher’s Parliamentary ransactions of the 

Queen’s Nurses Magazin: 
Red Cross 
Scottish Nurse 

Who’s Who in the Nurs- 
ing World 

Obstetrics — (see 
Medical Science). 

British Optical Almanack 

Dioptric Bulletin 



Transactions of the 
Ophthalmological So- 
ciety of the United 

Transactions of 
Optical Society 


World Free Trader 

Parochial—(see Local 


Patents—(see Inven- 

Philological Society 


Biological Reviews, &c., 
of the Cambridge 
Philosophical Society 

Journal of Philosophical 

Journal of the Transac- 

tions). tions of the Victoria 
r Orchid Gard Institute 
Occult Science—(see |Orchid—(see Garden- London, Edinburgh, &c., 
Spiritualism). ing). Pawnbroking Philosophical Maga- 
Pawnbrokers’ Gazette Pais, i 
i Exp j osopher 
Oddfellows— (see Palestine loratio a Philosophical Magazine 
: Aare Palestine Exploration P M t Philosophical Transac- 
Friendly Societies). Fund Quarterly State- |£68ce Movemen 

Official Reports and 

Papers—(see also 
under various So- 

Annual Report of the 

Annual Report of the 

Boiler Explosions 

Quarterly Return of 
Marriages, &c. 

Registrar-General Re- 
turns of Births, Deaths 
and Marriages 

(Scotland) Returns of 
Births, Deaths and 

U.I. 440 Pamphlets 

Weekly Return of Births 
and Deaths 


Oil and Colour Trade— 
-(see also Commer- 
cial, Grocery Trade). 

_ British Soap Manufacturer 

Daily Oil Bulletin 

Irish Oil and Colour 
Trades Review 

Journal of the Oil and 
Colour Schemes Asso- 

Oil and Colour Trades 
ote a 

il & Petroleum Year 

Oil Engineering 
Oil Facts and Figures 
Oil News 

Petroleum Times 
Petroleum World 
Petroleum Year Book 

&c., Year 


Paper Trade — (see 

also Printing Trade, 
Stationery Trade). 

Directory of Paper 

Paper and Print 

Paper Box and Bag 

Paper Container 

Paper Maker 

Paper Makers’ Directory 
of all Nations 

Paper Makers’ Monthly 

Paper Making 

Paper Market 

Paper Mills Directory 

Paper Sampler 

Paper Trade Directory 

Phillips’s Paper Trade 

Rothmill Quartedy Ma- 

Waste Trade World 

World’s Paper Trade 


Annual Statutes 

Conservative Clubs’ Ga- 

Debrett’s House of Com- 

Dod’s Parliamentary 

Forward View 

Free Trader 

Gleanings & Memoranda 


Index to Parliamentary 
Notices, &c. 

Journal of Comparative 

Journal of`the Parlia- 
ments of the Empire 

Liberal Magazine 

Liberal Woman’s News 

Liberal Year Book 

Local Acts 

Man in the Street 

Parliament House Book 
Parliamentary Debates 
Parliamentary Gazette 


Bulletin of the National 
Council for the Preven- 
tion of War 

Foreign Affairs 



Herald of Peace 

League News 

League of Nations Union 
News Sheet 

London Bulletin 

Monthly Bulletin of 

Monthly Summary of the 
League of Nations 

No More War 

Official Journal of the 
League of Nations 

Peace and Goodwill 

Peace Year Book 



Peerages, &c. 

Burke’s Peerage 
Debrett’s Illustrated 
Baronetage, Knightage 
and Companionage 
Debrett’s Illustrated 
. Peerage and Titles of 
Debrett’s Peerages, &c. 
Dod’s Peerage 
Whitaker’s Peerage 

Perfumery Trade— (see 


Personal Rights 



(see Chemists). 


(see Charity). 

Philately— (see Stamp 



tions of the Royal 

Proceedings of the Cam- 
bridge Philosophical 

Proceedings of the Royal 

Proceedings of the Royal 
PhilosophicalSociety of 

Proceedings of the Royal 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Society of Edinburgh 


Royal Society List of 

Shrine of Wisdom 

Transactions of the Cam- 
bridge Philosophical 

Transactions of the Pais- 
ley Philosophical In- 
stitution - 

Phonography — (see 



Amateur Films 

Amateur Photographer 

British Jou:nal of Photo- 

British Journal Photo- 
graphic Almanac 


Kinematograph Weekly 

Kodak Magazine 

Money Making Photo- 

Photograms of the Year 

Photographic Abstracts 

Photographic Dealer 

Photographic Journal 

Photographic Press Re- 

Photographic Red Book 

Process Engravers’ 

P.P.A. Record of Photo- 


Wellcome’s Photographic 

Year’s Photography 


Class Papers] 


Picture Postcards— (see 

Postal Information) 


(see Poultry). 
British Plastics 


(see Building). 
Poetry— (see 


Police and Prison 


Garda Review 

Illustrated Police News 

Police Chronicle 

Police Gazette 

Police Journal 

Police Review 

Policewoman’s Review 

Policeman’s Pocket Al- 

Prison Officer’s Magazine 

Political Essays—(see 



Polo— (see Sporting). 


Polytechnic Magazine 

Law Unions— 
(see Local Govern- 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Poultry & Live Stock 

— (see also Domestic 
Pets, Natural His- 

Campine Club Year Book 


Feathered .World 

Feathered World Year 

Harper Adams Utility 
Poultry Journal 

Homing Pigeon 

National Laying Test 

National Poultryman 

Pigeon Post 



Poultry Club Year Book 

Poultry Gazette 

Poultry Keeper’s Diary 

Poultry Keeper’s Journal 

Poultry Keeping 

Poultry World 

Poultry World Annual 

Poultry Year Book 


Red Breeders’ Annual 

Rhode Island Red Gazette 

Stock- Keeper 

Year Book & Register 
of the National Utility 
Poultry Society 



Irish Presbyterian 

Journal of the Presby- 
terian Historical So- 
ciety of England 

Minutes of the Synod of 
the Presbyterian Church 
of England 

Presbyterian Messenger 

Reformed Presbyterian 

Rising Tide 

Scottish Church and 
University Almanac 


Prohibition — 


Press—(see Journalism, 

Postal Information and) Pyinting Trade). 

Post Office Service 


Post Annual 

Post Office Daily List 

Post Office Electrical 
Engineers’ Journal 

Post Office Guide 

Post Office Guide Sup- 

Post Office Weekly List 

Post Year Book 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand 

Social Side 



Table of Charges for Im- 
perial, &c., Telegrams 

Pottery Trade 

Directory for the British 
Glass Industry 


Journal of the Society 
of Glass Technology 

Pottery and Glass Record 

Pottery Gazette 

Pottery Gazette Diary 

Transactions of the Cera- 
mic Society 

Press Guides, &c. 

(see Advertising). 

Prices Current—(see 


Primitive Methodist— 

(see Methodist). 

Primrose League 

Primrose League Gazette 

Printing Trade — (see 

also Paper Trade). 
Alliance Printer 
British and Colonial 

Managing Printer 
Master Printer’s Annual 
Members’ Circular 
Modern Lithographer 
Monotype Recorder 
Newspaper World 
Paper and Print 
Paper Container 
Penrose’s Annual 
Press and Printing 


Typographical |Publishing— (see Book 


Pupil Teachers—(see 


Quakers— (see Society 

of Friends). 

Printers’, &c., Engineer Rabbits— (see Domes- 

Printers’, peo pian, 
&c., Sales and Wants 

Printers’ Register 


Printing Federation Bul- 

Printing Trades Journal 

Progressive Printer 

Scottish Typographical 
Association Report 

Pon Typographical 

Typographical Associa- 
i Half- Yearly Re- 

Typographical Circular 

Prison Missions—(see 

Mission Work). 

Prison Officers—(see 

Police and Prison 



Prophetic News 

Provision Trade— 

(see Grocery Trade). 


Applied Psychology 

British Journal of Medical 

British Journal of 
Psychical Research 

British Journal of Psy- 

International Journal of 

International Psychic 

Journal of the National 
Institute of Industrial 



Proceedings of the Na- 
tional Laboratory of 
Psychical Research 



Psychic Science 

Printer and Stationer |Public Health — (see 

British Printer 
Budget Exchange 
Caxton Magazine 
Caxton Year Book 

Trish Printer 

L. & M. News 


Sanitary and Social 

Publicity— (see Adver- 


tic Pets, Poultry). 

Racing— (see Sporting) 
Rag Trade— 

(see Paper Trade). 

Ragged Schools— (see 

Destitute Children) 

Railway Service 

Annual Report and 
Balance Sheet of the 
Associated Society of 
Locomotive Engineers 
and Firemen 

Birmingham A B C Rail- 
way Rates Book 

Bradford A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Bristol A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Cardiff A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Coventry A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Edinburgh andLeith Rail- 
way Rates Book 

Electric Railway and 
Tramway Journal 

Electric Railway and 
Tramway Journal 

Glasgow A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Hull & District A B C 
Railway Rates Book 

Journal and Proceedings 
of the Permanent Way 

Killik’s Argentine Rail- 
way Manual 

Leeds A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Leicester A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Liverpool A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

Locomotive, &c., Review 

Locomotive Journal 

London A B C Railway 
Rates Book 

London & North Eastern 
Railway Magazine 

London Midland and 
Scottish Magazine 

Manchester A B C Rail- 
way Rates Book 

Middlesbrough A 
Railway Rates Book 

Model Railway News 

Newcastle, &c., ABC 
Railway Rates Book 

Railway Accidents 

Railway Almanac 

Railway and Shipping 

Railway Service—-conid. 
Railway Annual 

Railway Diary 

Railway Engineer 
Railway Gazette 
Railway Magazine 
Railway Review 
Railway Service Journal 
Railway Statistics 
Railway Year-Book 

Sheffield A B C Railway 
Rates Book 
Southern Railway Maga- 

Swansea A BC Railway 
Rates Book 

Transport Management 

Universal Directory of 
Railway Officials 

Wolverhampton A B C 
Railway Rates Book 

Railway Time Tables 
ABC Railway Guide 

ABC Time Table 

Abergavenny Pocket 
ABC Time Table 
Appleyard’s Cleveland 

Diary S 
Arrowsmith’s Railway 
Guide TEP: f 
Ashton’s Enterprise Time 


Ayr A BC Time Table 
Bacon’s Oxford ABC 
Railway Guide 
Bacon’s Reading, &c. 
Baird’s Irish Railway & 
Steamboat Guide 
Belton’s Railway & 
Motor ’Bus Time Table 

Railway Guide 
Bradford & West Riding 
ABC Railway Guide 
Bradshaw’s Manchester 
ABC Guide 

Guides i 
Brear’s Monthly Guide 
Bridgen’s Wolverhamp- 
ton, &c., Railway 
Bristol ABC Railway 
&c., Rail- 

Time Table 
Business Man’s (Norwich 
Campbell’s Dundee 
ABC Time Table 
Casters ABC Time 


Caxton A B C TimeTable 

Clyde Train, &c., Guide 

Cook’s Continental Time 

Denham’s Time Table for 
Walsall, &c. 

Derby A B C, &c., Rail- 
way Guide 

Derbyshire Times Time 

Direct Service Railway 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Everybody’s Time Table 

Falmouth Red Guide 

Glasgow ABC Railway 

Greenock, &c. 

Guy’s Monthly Time 

Handy A B C (Bristol) 
Harrison’s (Grantham) 
Harrogate A BC Railway 
Hastings, &c., 
Time Table 
Headley’s Kent County 
Hereford ABC Rail- 
way Guide 
Hertford, &c., Railway 
Hill’s A BC Coventry 
Hill’s ABC Time Table 
Jarman’s Wrexham 



John Heywood’s A B C 
Railway Guide 

Kilmarnock A B C 

Leeds A B C Railway 

Leicester A B C 
Leslie’s Time Tables 
Lincoln A B C 

Lincolnshire Chronicle 
Littlehampton ABC 

Railway Guide 
Liverpool A B C Railway 

Lodge’s ABC Time Table 
London, Midland and 

Scottish Time Table 
London & North Eastern 
Railway Time Table 
Macpherson’s Railway 
Time Table for North 

Malvern Railway Guide 

Manchester Official ABC 
Railway Guide 

Mansfield ABC Time 

May’s Hants. & Surrey 
Blue Rail Guide 

Mid-Devon & Torbay 

Midland Daily Telegraph 
Coventry A B C Time 

Minerva Railway Guide 
for Deal, &c. 

Murray’s Monthly Diar- 
ies & Time Tables for 
Glasgow & Edinburgh 

Murray’s (Scotland) 

Norwich, &c., A B C 
Railway Guide 

Oxford Railway Guide 

Perth ABC Time Table 

Phillipson & Golder’s 
Chester, &c., Railway 

Portsmouth A BC Rail- 
way Guide 

Red Guide (Dublin) 

Red Rail Guide A B C 

Red Time Table(Brighton) 



‘Standard A B 


Reid’s Darlington 

Reids’ Durham 

Reid’s Newcastle 

Reid’s Railway Guide 
and North-East Coast 
Time Table . 

Reid’s Shields 

Reid’s Sunderland 

Russell’s Pocket A BC 
Railway Guide for 

Russell’s Pocket A BC 
Railway Guide for 

Russell’s Portsmouth 
A BC Railway Guide 

Russell’s Southampton 
ABC Railway Guide 
and Steamship Guide 

Salop & County ABC 
Railway Guide 

Sheffield Independent 
ABC Railway Guide 

Sheffield Telegraph Rail- 
way Guide 
Southern Railway Time 
C Rail- 

way Time Tables for 
Liverpool and Birken- 

[Class Papers 

Red Books 

City of Ely Red Book 

Liverpool, &c., Red Book 

Manchester, &c., Red 

Northern Counties Red 


Reformatories — (see 

Destitute Children). 

Reformed Presbyterian 

Reformed Presbyterian 

Registrar - General's 

Returns—(see Offi- 
cial Reports). 

Religious — (see the 

various Sects and 
the two following 
headings) :— 

StourbridgeRailwayGuide|eligious Newspapers 

Taunton Pocket 

Taylor’s Scarborough 
ABC Railway Guide 

Thurnam’s ABC Rail- 

Thurnam’s General Rail- 

way Guide 
Walker’s Leeds Time 

Warren’s Rail and Bus 
Time Tables 

Warrington A B C Rail- 
way Guide 

West Midland Counties 
A B C Railway Guide 

Western Counties Rail- 

way Guide 
Western Mai ABC 
Railway Time Table 

for Cardiff 

Western Mail A B C Rail- 
way Time Tables for 
Newport and Swansea 

Westmorland Gazette 
Index A B C 

Weston - Super - Mare 
ABC Railway Guide 

White & Pike’s Railway 

Worcester A B C Guide 

Worthing A B C Railway 

Wright’s Monthly Diary— 
Railway Guide 

Wright’s Time Tables 

York ABC 


Rechabite Order— (see 


Records of Past Events 

Annual Register ; 

Berean Christadelphian 
Bible Student 

British Weekly 
Catholic Herald 
Catholic News 
Catholic Times 

Christian Herald 
Christian Irishman 
Christian World 
Church Army Gazette 
Church of England News- 


Church of Ireland Ga- 

Church Times i 

Church Union Gazette 

English Churchman 




Irish Churchman 

Irish Ecclesiastical Re- 

Methodist Recorder 

Methodist Times 

Morning Star 

One and All 


Review of the Churches 

Scottish Chronicle 



War Cr 

Young Protestants 

Religious. Readings— 

(see also Mission 

Work, Religious 

Active Service 

Advent Witness 

Annual Report of the 
National Bible Society 
of Scotland. 

Annual Report of the 
Trinitarian Bible So- 


Banner of the Covenant 

Believer’s Friend 

Believer’s» Magazine 

Class Papers] 

Religious Readings— 
Believer’s Pathway 
Berean Expositor 
Bible Faith Church Gaz- 

Bible in the World 
Bible Monthly 
Bible Student 
Bible Witness 

Border Churchman 

British Evangelist 
British Messenger 
Brotherhood Outlook 

Brotherhood World 


Cambridge Inter-Collegi- 
ate Christian Union 


Catholic Truth 

Chart and Compass 

Cheering Words 

Children’s Own Booklets 
Christadelphian Family 
Christian Advocate 
Christian Democrat 
Christian Graphic 
Christian Messenger 
Christian Worker 
Christian’s Pathway 
Church and People 
Church Army Gazette 
Church Army Review 
Church Messenger 
Church Monthly 

Church Pulpit Year Book 


Churchman’s Magazine 




Eastward Ho 



Elim Evangel 

Elim Foursquare Cru- 

Envelope Booklets on 
various subjects 

Evangelical Quarterly 


Every Christian’s Library 

Everybody’s Booklets 
Expository Times 

Faith Links 

God & Humanity 
Good Seed 

Good Tidings 
Goodly Words 
Gospel Booklets 
Gospel Echo 
Gospel Gleanings 
Gospel Herald 
Gospel Light 
Gospel Magazine 
Gospel Messenger 

Gospel Stories for the 

Gospel Trumpet 

Great Thoughts 

Greek Students’ Monthly 

Guildhouse Monthly 
Happy Greetings 
Healing Church 
Herald of Salvation 
Home Messenger 
Home Words 


 Willing’s Press Guide 
ee et 


Irish Christian Advocate 

Joyful News 
eswick Reminder 

Keswick Week 

King’s Message 


Lamp of China 

Lancaster Brotherhood 

Latter-day Saints and 
Millenial Star 

Letters to my Brothers 

Letters to my Sisters 

Liberal Christian 

Liberation Bulletin 

Life and Liberty 

Life and Work 

Life of Faith 

Light and Truth 

Light in the Home 

Light in theHomeAnnual 

Lighten our Darkness 

Little Dots 

Little Dots Annual 

Little Gleaner 

Living Waters 

Lord’s Day Magazine 

Lord’s Portion 

Lord’s Witnesses 

Love and Light 

Loving Wor 

Men’s Own Booklets ` 

Message from God 



MillionSeries of Narratives 


Monthly Visitor 

Morning Rays 

My Pocket Companion 

Narrative Series 

New Illustrated Series 

On and Off Duty 

One by One 

One Minute Messages 

Open Door in the Regions 


Our Children 

Our Letter to Candidates 


Pentecostal Power 

Pillar of Fire 

Practical Christianity 

Present Truth `’ 

Protestant Advocate 

Protestant Alliance Ma- 

Protestant Woman 

Quarterly Letter 


Rays of Light 


Rest and Reaping 

Sabbath Observer 

St. Ethelburga’s Leaflet 

Scattered Nation 

Scattered Seed 

Scripture Truth 


Shaftesbury Magazine 

Showers of Blessing 

Sierra Leone Messenger 


Social Service 

Spiritual Life 

Spiritual Truth 

Student of Scripture 

Sunday At Home 

Sunday At Home Annual 


Sunday Circle 
Sunday Companion 

Sunday Guardian 
Sunday Sunshine 

Thoughts from the Word 
of God 

Tidings of Light and 

Topical Events 


Trinitarian Bible So- 

ciety’s Quarterly Re- 
Truth and Freedom 
Trysorfa y Plant 
Under Which King Book- 
Welcome Words 
Whitefield’s Signal 
Wonderful Words of Life 
Words of Grace 
Words of Help 
Words of Salvation 
Words of Welcome 
Young Christian 
Young Folk’s Evangel 
Young Protestants 
Zion’s Witness 

Reports, &c. — (see 

also under various 

Anglican and Eastern 
Churches Association 

Annual Circular (Com- 

Annual Report and 
Transactions of the 
Plymouth Institution 

Annual Report of the 
British and Foreign 
Bible Society 

Annual Report of the 
London Missionary So- 

Annual Report of the 
National Society for 
Cancer Relief 

Annual Report of the 

Annual Report of the 
Royal Humane So- 

Annual Report of the 
Saint Andrew Society 

Annual Report of the 

Annual Report of the 
Society for the Propa- 
gation of the Gospel 

Popular Illustrated Re- 
port of the British 
and Foreign Bible 

Royal Life Saving So- 
ciety’s Annual Report 

Reporters—(see Jour- 

nalism, Shorthand). 

Reviews — (see also 

Literary and Scien- 
tific Reviews). 
Asiatic Review 
Blackwood’s Magazine 

Church Quarterly Re- 
Contemporary Review 

River Plate — 


Dublin Review 


English Historical Review 

English Review 

Essex Review 

Foreign Affairs 

Fortnightly Review 

Hibbert Journal 

Irish Statesman 

Islamic Review 

Journal of the Royal 
Institute of Inter- 
national Affairs 



London Mercury l 

London Quarterly Re- 

National Review 

Near East 

New Age 

New Statesman 

Nineteenth Century 

Political Quarterly 

Quarterly Review 



Review of English Studies 

Review of Reviews 

Round Table 

Slavonic Review 

Whitehall Gazette 

Whitehall Review 

Ritualism — (see An- 

glo- Catholic). 

Dominions, Colonies 
and Emigration). 

Roman Catholic 

Aberdeen Cath. Herald 
Annals of Our Lady of 
the Sacred Heart 
Annals of the Propaga- 
tion of the Faith 
Annals of the Society of 
the Holy Childhood 

Birmingham Catholic 

Birmingham Catholic 

Blackburn Catholic News 


Bolton Catholic Herald 

Bradford Catholic Herald 

Bristol Catholic Herald 
Burnley Catholic News 

Capuchin Annual 

Catholic Almanac 

Catholic Bulletin 

Catholic Citizen 

Catholic Diary 

Catholic Directory 

Catholic Fireside 

Catholic Gazette 

Catholic Herald 

Catholic Medical Guardian 

Catholic News 

Catholic Times 

Catholic Truth 

Catholic Who’s Who 

Catholic Women’s League 

Willing’s Press Guide 

[Class Papers 

Roman Catholic— 

Children of Mary’s Own 





Downside Review 

Dowry of Mary 

Dublin Review 

Dundee Catholic Herald 

Edinburgh Catholic 

Fifeshire Catholic Herald 

Franciscan Annals 

Glasgow Observer 

Glasgow Star 


Help of Christians 

Home Topics 

Hull Catholic Herald 

Irish Catholic 

Irish Catholic Directory 

Irish Catholic Herald 

Irish Messenger of the 
Sacred Heart 

Irish Monthly 

Irish Rosary 


Lancaster Diocesan 


Leeds Catholic Herald 

Leicester Catholic News 

Liverpool Catholic 



Manchester Catholic 

sige es of the Sacred 

Middlesborough Catholic 

Nottingham, &c., Catho- 
lic News 

Oldham Catholic Herald 








Poor Souls’ Friend 

Preston Catholic News 



St. Anthony’ s Annals 

St. Helens Catholic 

St. Peter’s Net 

Sheffield Catholic Herald 

South Coast Catholic 
Staffordshire Catholic 

Stella Maris 
Stockton, &c., Catholic 

Tees-side Catholic News 

Transactions of theCatho- 
lic Record Society 

Tyneside Catholic News 


Wearside Catholic News 

Welsh Catholic Herald 

Western Catholic Calen- 
Westminster Cathedral 

Wigan Catholic Herald 

Romances and Light 

Literature—(see Fic- 


Greater Dunlop Gazette 

India Rubber Journal 

Rubber Age 

Rubber and Tea Quar- 

Rubber and Tyre Review 

Rubber Companies’ Posi- 

Rubber Facts & Figures 
Rubber Information 

Rubber Producing Com- 
World’s Rubber Position 

Saddlery Trade—(see 

Leather Trade). 

Sailors—(see Soldiers 

and Sailors). 



Life Saving Scout and 

Musical Salvationist 


Salvation Army Year 

bid ory 

Young "Soldier 

Sanitary and Social 


Citizen (Letchworth) 

Empire Municipal Direc- 
tory, &c. 

Garden Cities 

Good Health 

Health and Efficiency 

Journal of Hygiene 

Journal of the Institution 
of Sanitary Engineers 

Journal of the Royal 
Sanitary Institute 

Liverpool Social Workers 
Year Book 

Municipal Engineering & 
Sanitary Record 

Progress, Civic, Social, 

Public Cleansing 

Public Health 

Rational Journal 

Sanitary Journal 

Satirical Reviews— (see 

Humorous & Satiri- 

Scholastic— (see 


School and College 

Aberdeen Grammar 



Alma Mater 

Ampleforth Journal 

Annual Report of the 
Ackworth Old Scholars 

Ardingly Annals 





Barrovian (Barrow) 

Barrovian (Isle of Man) 

Beaumont Review 

Bedales Record 

Belle Vue 








pail reap 

Bradfield College Chron- 


Brazen Nose 


Brent woodian 

Brighton College 

Bristol Grammar School 


Cheltenham Ladies’ 




Christ’s College Magazine 

Chronicle of the Berk- 
hamsted Girls 

Chronicle of the Duke of 
York’s Militury 

City of London College 

City of London School 

City of Oxford School 



Clock Tower 





Crouch End High School 






Devonport High School 



Dowanhill Training Col- 


Eagle (Bedford) 



Edinburgh Academy 

Edward Alleyn 



Eton Calendar 
Eton College Chronicle 




Gallovidian Annual 


Giggleswick Chronicle 

Glasgow Academy Chron- 

Glenalmond Chronicle 



Harrow Bill Book 

Harrow Blue Book 
Have Mynde 


Holt School 

Hurst Johnian 




King Edward’s 

King’s College Review 

King’s College 

King’s School Chester 


Lancing College 

Latymerian © 



Leys Fortnightly 




Magazine of the Girls’ 
County School (Wrex- 

Magdalene College 


Merchant Maiden 

Middlesbrough High 
Mill Hill 

Monktonian (Bath) 

N ewport High 


North London Collegiate 


Oakham School 

Old Eastbournian 
O.R. Review 

Old Stortfordian 


Pelican Record 


Class Papers] 

Willing’s Press Guide 

School and College 
Magazines— (contd.) 



Plymouth Corporation 








Rothesay Academy 

Royal Hospital School, 

St. Bees 

St. Edward’s 








Slavonic Review 

Stewart’s College 






Sutton High School 

Sutton Valence School 













Wellington Year Book 



Williams (Dr.) 




WycombeA bbeyGazette 



Science — (see also 
under various 

Annals of Applied Biology 

Annual Report of the 
British Science Guild 

British Journal of Experi- [Scottish 

mental Biology 
British Journal of Radio- 
Discovery ; 
Economic Proceedings of 
the Royal Dublin So- 
Instrument World 
Journal of Scientific In- 

Seed Trade — 

Journal of the Institu- 
tion of Petroleum 

Journal of the Linnean 

Journal of the Manx 

Journal of the Marine 
Biological Association 

Journal of the Royal 
Society of Arts 

Liverpool Marine Biology 
Committee Memoirs 

Museums’ Journal 


Norman Lockyer Lecture 

Official Year Book of 
Scientific and Learned 
Societies of Great Bri- 
tain and Ireland 

Palaeontographical So- 
ciety’s Publications 


Proceedings of the British 

Proceedings of the Lin- 
nean Society 

Proceedings of 
Physical Society 

Proceedings of the Record 
Society of Lancashire 
and Cheshire 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Institution of Great 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Irish Academy 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Physical Society of 


Report and Transactions 
of the Devonshire As- 

Science Abstracts 

Science of Thought Re- 

Science Progress 

Scientific Proceedings of 
The Royal Dublin So- 

Scientific Worker 

Transactions and Pro- 
ceedings of the Liver- 
pool Biological Society 

Transactions of the Fara- 
day Society 

Transactions of theRoyal 
Society of Edinburgh 

Tropical Life 

Year-Book of the Royal 


Scientific Reviews — 

(see Literary and 
Scientific Reviews). 

tional—(see Congre- 

Scottish Home Rule 

Scots Independent 

Grain and Seed). 



Christian World Pulpit 
Local Preachers’ Magazine 
Preacher’s &c. Magazine 

ewing Machines 

Journal of Domestic Ap- 


Shipbuilding — (see 

Shipping and 


Shipping — (see also 

Admiralty List of Lights 
Annual Report and Re- 
port of the Proceedings 
of the Annual Meeting 
of the Chamber ofShip- 
ping of the United 

Annual Report of the 
Port of London Autho- 


Blue Peter 

Brassey’s Naval and Ship- 
ping Annual 

British and South Afri- 
can Export Gazette 

British Coasters 

British Export Gazette 

Bureau Veritas Inter- 
national Register of 

Bureau Veritas Monthly 
List of Wrecks and 
Casualties i 

Bureau Veritas Reper- 
toire General 

Bureau Veritas Rules for 
the Building andClassi- 
fication of Steel vessels 

Charts, Plans and Sail- 
ing Directions 

Chief Steward 

Clyde and Forth Bill of 

Daily Freight Register 

Daily Mail Atlantic Edi- 

Dock and 



Fairplay’s Annual Sum- 
mary of British Ship- 
ping Finance 

Handy Shipping Guide 

Hull Shipping Gazette 


International Code of 

International Mercantile 

Jefferson’s Liverpool Al- 

of Commerce 

Journal of Commerce, 
Shipbuilding and 
Engineering Edition 

Lights and Tides of the 


Lloyd’s Calendar 

Lloyd’s Daily Index 

Lloyd’s List 

Lloyd’s List Law Reports 

Lloyd’s List Weekly 
Shipping Summary 

Lloyd’s Loading List 

Lloyd’s Register of 

Lloyd’s Register of 

Lloyd’s Report of Prize 

Lloyd’s Weekly Casualty 

London Customs Bills of 

Marine Observer 


Pilots’ Guide to the 
English Channel 

Pilots’ Guide to the 
River Thames 

Port of Hull Annual 

Port of Hull Monthly 
Journal, &c. 

Port of Liverpool Hand- 

Port of Liverpool Official 
Sailing List 

P.L.A. Monthly 

Port of London Guide 

Port of Manchester 
Official Sailing List 

Registry of Ships 

Sea Breezes 


Shipbuilding and Ship- 
ping Record 


Shipping World 

Shipping World Pocket 

Shipping World Year 

Signal Letters of British 

Smith’s Dock Journal 
South Wales Journal of 
Sunderland Daily Echo 
Syren and Shipping 
Tide Tables for British 
and Irish Ports 
Trade and Navigation 
Transport Management 
World’s Carriers, &c., Re- 
Wreck Inquiry Reports 

Carriers Year 

Shoe Trade—(see Boot 

and Shoe Trade). 

hooting—(see Sport- 

Shorthand and Type- 

Clark’s Shorthand (Script 
Phonography) Journal 
Gregg Shorthand Maga- 
I.P.S. Tournal 
Phonographic Monthly 
Pitman’s Journal 
Pitman’s Shorthand 
Pitman’s Year-Book 
Reporters’ Journal 
Reporters’ Magazine 
Shorthand Teacher’s Ma- 
. gazine 


Willing’s Press Guide 

‘(Class Papers 

Silk Trade—(see Tex- |Solicitors 


Silversmith Trade — 
(see Jewellery Trade) 

Slate Trade — (see 

Slavery, Abolition of 

Anti-Slavery Reporter 
Slave Market News ] 

Soap Trade 

British Soap Manufacturer 
Soap Makers’ Directory 
Soap Trade, &c., Review 

Communist Review 
Daily Worker 
Forward (Glasgow) 
Socialist Christian 
Socialist Review 
Socialist Standard 
Young Worker 

Society Journals 

Brighton Season 
Britannia & Eve 
Eastbourne Pictorial 

Irish Sketch 






Society of Friends 

Annual Report of the 
Friends’ Service Coun- 

Annual Report of the 

Friends’ Temperance 

Annual Report of the 
Friends’ Tract Asso- 


Friends’ Quarterly Ex- 

Friends’ Witness to 

Scriptural Truth 
Here and There 
Journal of the Friends’ 
Historical Society 
Quaker World Service 


Sociological Review 

Soldiers and Sailors 
Literature for 
Ashore and Afloat 
Chart and Compass 
Toilers of the Deep 

(see Legal). 


British Journal of 
Psychical Research 

Christian Spiritualist 

International Psychic 

God & Humanity 

Golden Dawn 

Greater World 


Lyceum Banner 

Moore’s Journal, “ The 
Unknown ” 

Occult Review 

Proceedings of the 
National Laboratory of 
Psychical Research 

Proceedings of theSoci 
for Psychical Resear 



Two Worlds 

Sporting — (see also 

Athletics, Cricket, 

All Sports Ilustrated 

Athletic News 

Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Al- 

Badminton Fixture Card 

Badminton Gazette 

Badminton Kalendar 

Badminton Sporting 

Baily’s Hunting Direc- 

Bath Sports Chronicle 
Billiard Player 
Bowls News 
Boxing, Racing & Foot- 


British Inter Club Tennis 
British Olympic Journal 
British Ski Year Book 

British Sports Equipment 
for the Overseas Mar- 

Cambridge Sporting 


Civil Service 

Competition, &c., Winner 

Country Life 

Croquet Association Ga- 

Cruising Association Bul- 

Cruising Association Year 


Derbyshire Hockey Hand- 

Diamond Week End 

Empire News Racing 

Evening Despatch Sport- 
ing Buff 

Evening News Buff 


Game and Gun 


Gamekeepers’ Gazette 

Golf Illustrated 

Golf Monthly 

Golfer’s Handbook 



Greyhound Evening 


Hockey Field and La- 

Hockey World 

Horse and Hound 

Hunting Diary 

Illustrated Sporting and 
Dramatic News 

Illustrated Sporting 

International Sport & 

Irish Field 

Irish Golf 

Irish Racing Calendar 


Lawn Tennis and Bad- 

Laws of Croquet 


Manx Green Final 

Mid-day Sporting Special 

Midland Sporting Ga- 

Motor Sport 

National Greyhound Rac- 
ing Calendar 

NationalSporting League 

Newmarket Sporting News 

Oldham Green Final 

Out o’ Doors 


Polo Monthly 

Post Tissue (Nottingham) 


Racing and Football 

Racing & Football Judge 

Racing and Football 

Racing & Football World 

Racing Calendar 

Racing Counsel 

Racing Despatch 

Racing Investigator 

Racing Pigeon 

Racing Specialist 

Riverside Pictorial 

Roll Call 

Rowing Almanac 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf 

Salter’s Guide to the 
River Thames 

Scottish Country Life 

Scottish Field 

Shooting Times 

Sport and Play 

Sport (Dublin) 

Sporting Chat 

Sporting. Chronicle 

Sporting Chronicle Annual 

Sporting Chronicle Horses 
in Training 

Sporting Chronicle 
Racing Up-to-Date 

Sporting Chronicle 
Weekly Handicap 

Sporting Echo 
Sporting Express 
Sporting Goods Review 
Sporting Life 
Sporting Life 


Sporting Mail 

Sporting Man 

Sporting News 
Sporting Pink 

Sporting Post (Dundee) 
Sporting Post (Swansea) 
Sporting Standard 
Sporting Star 

Sporting Times 

Sports Argus 

Sports Budget 

Sports Dealer 
Sports Dealers’ Trade 

Sports Despatch (Dar- 

Sports Echo 

Sports Gazette (Bishop 

Sports Gazette (Mid- 

Sports Mail (Dublin) 

Sports Mail (Hull) 

Sports Mail (Leicester) 

Sports Mercury 

Sports News 

Sports Pictures 

Sports Post (Leeds) 

Sports Post (Plymouth) 

Sports Special 

Sports Telegraph 

Sports Trader 

Sports Trader Directory 

Sports Trades’ Journal 

Sports Trades Journal 

Sports World 

ment Book 

Sportsman’s Register and 
Sporting Courier 

Squills Diary, &c. 

Sunday Referee 

Sunday Sportsman 

Swimming News 

Swimming Times 

Tee Topics 

Tennis Illustrated 

Tom Webster’s Annual 

Topical Times 

Trotting World 

Turf and Football Ob- 

Turf Systems Review © 

Yorkshire Early Bird 
Yorkshire Sports 


tamp Collectors 

A BC Descriptive Priced 
Catalogue of Postage 

British Philatelist 

Gibbon’s Stamp Monthly 

Junior Stamp Magazine 

London Philatelist 

Philatelic Journal of 
Great Britain 

Philatelic Bulletin 

Philatelic Magazine 

Philatelic Trader 

Stamp Collecting 

Senp, Collecting Year 

Stamp Collector’s Annual 
Stamp Collector’s Fort- 

Stamp Lover 

Stamp {Trade Advertiser 

Class Papers] 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Stamp Collectors 

Standard Catalogue of 
Postage Stamps 

West-End Philatelist 

Who’s Who in Philately 

Calendar of the London 
School of Economics 
Journal of the Royal 
Statistical Society 

Scottish Primary Quar- 

Scottish Sunday School 

Sunday School 

Sunday School Magazine 
of the Wesleyan Methc- 
dist Church 

Teachers and Taught 


Swimming— (seeSport- 


Stationery Trade—(see|gwiss in the United 

also Paper Trade, 
Printing Trade). 
British Stationer 

Paper Market 

Publisher and Bookseller 

Stationers, &c., Directory 
Stationery Trades Journal 

Stenography — (see 

Stocks—(see Finance 
and Investment). 

Sugar Trade — (see 
Grocery Trade). 

Sunday Schools—(see 
also Juvenile). 

Child’s Own Magazine 

Christian Endeavour 


Kiddies’ Magazine 

New Day 

One and All 

Scottish National Sab- 
bath School Magazine 

Sunbeam (Birmingham) 

Sunday Stories 

Sunday School 

Adult School Lesson 

Adult School Year Book 

Church Teacher 

Concise Guide Inter- 
national Lessons An- 
nual Volume 

Graded School Inter- 
mediate Quarterly 

Graded School Junior 

Graded School Primary 

Handy Class Register 

Intermediate Concise 

Pocket Notes 

Junior Concise Guide 

New Chronicle of Chris- 
tian Education 

Notes on the Scripture 

Pocket Lesson Book 

Primary Concise Guide 

Primitive Methodist 
Teachers’ Magazine 



Swiss Observer 

Tailors & Men’s Dress 

Advanced Styles 
Gentleman’s Pall Mall 
Gentleman’s Tailor 
Grafton Fashions 
Journal of the Amal- 
gamated Society of 
Tailors & Tailoresses 
London Art Fashions 
London Tailor 
Man and His Clothes 

Men’s Wear 

Men’s Wear Organiscr 
Men’s Wear Organiser 



Merchant Tailor 
Minister’s Edition de 

Minister’s Gazette of 

Minister’s Report of 
Fashions forGentlemen 

Monthly Tailor & Cutter 


Prewett’s Gazette 

Sartorial Gazette 

Scottish Tailor 

Tailor and Cutter 

Tailleur Elegant 

Tailleur Pratique 

United Kingdom Asso- 
ciation of Master 
Tailors’ &c., Year Book 

Talking Machines 


Gramophone Critic 

Gramophone, &c., 
chine News 

Phono Record 

Sound Wave 

Talking Machine, 



Tanning—(see Leather 


Tea Trade — (see 
Grocery Trade). 
Telegraphy — (see 
Electrical Science). 

Buff Book 
London Telephone Direc- 


Temperance— (see also 
Good Templary). 


Abstainer (Cardiff) 


Alliance News 

Band of Hope Chronicle 

Band of Hope Reciter 

Band of Hope Review 

British Temperance 


Danielite Star 

East and Mid-Surrey, 
&c., Good Templars’ 

Everybody’s Monthly 

Father Mathew Record 


Great Western Railway 

International Record 

Juvenile Rechabite 

National Temperance 

New Campaigner 

On the Line 

On the March 


Rechabite & Temperance 

Scottish Good Templar 

Scottish Temperance Re- 

Scottish Women’s Tem- 
perance News 

Temperance Bells 

Temperance Legislation 
League Monthly Notes 

True Temperance Notes 

United Temperance Ga- 

Western Temperance 

White Ribbon 

Workers Onward 

Workers’ Own 

Young Abstainer 

Territorial Service-(see 
alsoMilitary Service) 
Artists’ Rifles Year Book 
L.R.B. Record 
London Scottish Regi- 
mental Gazette 

Annual Cotton Handbook 
Artificial Silk Handbook 

Batley & Heavy Woollen 
District Free Press 

Continental Directory of 
Cotton Spinners 


Cotton Factory Times 

Cotton Gazette 

Cotton Spinners’, &c., 
Directory of Lanca- 

Cotton Year-Book 

Credit Trader 

Dewsbury Exchange, &c., 
Year Book 


Drapers’Chamber of Trade 
of the U.K. Official 


Drapers’ Chamber of 
Trade of the U.K. 
Official Yearly Diary 

Drapers’ Diary ; 

Drapers’ Organiser 

Drapers’ Organiser Direc- 
tory of British Textile 
Trade Marks 

Drapers’ Record 

Dundee and District Jute 
and Flax Workers’ Guide 

Dundee Textile Report 

Empire Cotton Growing 

Hosiery Times 

Hosiery Trade Journal 

Indian and Japanese 
Textile, &c., Diary 

Iaternational Cotton Bul- 

I.T.E. Buyers’ Guide to 
British Markets, &c. 

Irish & Scotch Linen 
&c., Trades Journal 

Irish Draper 

Journal of Textile Science 

Journal of the Textile 

Linen Trade Circular 

Mantle & Dress Trader 

Oldham Operative Cotton 
Spinners, &c., Monthly 

Rayon Record 

Scottish Retail Drapery 

Silk and Rayon Directory 

Silk Journal 

Textile Argus 

Textile Directory, &c. 

Textile Exporter 

Textile Industries Direc- 

Textile Manufacturer 

Textile Manufacturer 
Buyers’ Directory 

Textile Manufacturer 
Year Book 

Textile Mercury 

Textile Recorder 
Textile Recorder Year 

Textile Weekly 
Weekly Intelligencer 

Weekly List of Cotton 
Ships at Sea 

Wool Year-Book 

Woollen & Textile Trades 

World’s Wool 

Year Book of the Oldham 
Master Cotton Spin- 
ners’ Association 

Yorkshire Textile Direc- 

Theatrical — (see also 

Music and Musical, 


Amateur Stage 


Bournemouth What’s On 






Theatrical— (contd). 

French’s Guide 
Selecting Plays 
Gilbert and _ Sullivan 

Illustrated Sporting and 
Dramatic News 

Kinematograph ` 

London Day by Day 

Magazine- Programme 


Magic Circular 

Magic Wand and Magical 

Magical Journal 



New Pictorial 


Plays and Players 

Shakespeare Pictorial 


Spotlight Casting Direc- 



Sunday Chronicle Pan- 
tomime Annual 

Sunday Referee 


Theatre, &c., Companies’ 
Blue Book 

Theatre and Film Illus- 

Theatre World 

What’s On in London 

Who’s Who in the Theatre 

World’s Fair 

Theology — (see also 
Reviews). i 


Bible Student 

Journal of Theological 


Star Review 
Theosophical News and 

Timber Trade — (see 

Tobacco Trade 

Cigar & Tobacco World 

Irish Tobacco Trade 

National Union of Retail 
Tobacconist’s Journal 

Scottish Tobacco News 


Tobacco Trade Review 

Tobacco Year-Book 

Tourist Arrangements 
Alden’s Oxford Guide 
Bradshaw’s Continental 

Cook’s Sailing Lists 
Cook’s Traveller’s Gazette 
Cook’s Travellers’ Hand- 

Globe and Traveller 
Hints for Holidays 
Holidays i 
Homeland Handbooks 
Homeland Handy Guides 

- MacDonald’s 

Toys — (see 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Homeland Illustrated 


Irish Travel 

London and North 
Eastern Railway Apart- 
ment and Hotels Guide 

Guide to Scotland 

Magazine of Travel 

Ocean Travel 

Perry’s Hotel & Board- 
ing House Guide 

Queen Book of Travel 

Salter’s Guide to the 
River Thames 


Travel Key 

Travel Log 

Town Planning, &c. 

Garden Cities and Town 

Goods Trade). 

Trade Marks — (see 


Trade Organs — (see 

under the various 

Trade Protection 

Annual Report of the 
Manchester Guardian 
Society for the Protec- 
tion of Trade 

Commercial Compendium 

Commercial Review 

Kemp’s Lancashire Ga- 

Kemp’s Local Gazette for 
Wales, &c. 

Kemp’s Mercantile Ga- 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette 

Kemp’s Northern Ga- 

Kemp’s South Eastern 

Kemp’s Yorkshire 

Perry’s Gazette 

Scottish Gazette 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette 

United Kingdom Gazette 

Trade Societies — (see 

Labour Question). 

Trams and Buses 

A to Z of the Midland 
“ Red ” 

Belton’s, &c., Motor Bus 
Time Table 

Birmingham, &c., Origi- 
nal Motor Bus Guide 

Birmingham T.O.S.(Tram 
Omnibus & Street) 

Bus and Coach 

CarlisleandDistrict Motor 
Bus and Tram Time 

Harrison’s Railway & Bus 
Guide (Granthan) 

Highways Guide 


. Typography — (see 


Motor Coach A BC 

Motor Coach Time Table 

Newcastle, &c., Motor 
Bus Time Tables 

&c., for Bournemouth. 


Tramway and Railway 

Travel — (see Geo- 


Travellers’ Guides— 

British & Foreign Guide 

Globe and Traveller 

International AerialTime 

World Travel 


Printing Trade). 


B.U.A. Monthly 
Undertakers’ Journal 


Christian Life 

Sunday School Monthly | Vaccination 

Transactions of the Uni- 
tarian Historical So- 

Unitarian Monthl 

Year Book of the General 
Assembly of Unitarian 
and Free Christian 

United Brethren—(see 


(see Methodist). 

Universities—(see also 

Calendars, School 


Aberdeen University Re- 

Annual Report of the 
Magdalene College Club 

Cambridge Gownsman 

Cambridge Pocket Diary 

Cambridge Review 

Cambridge University 



Dublin University Exa- 
mination Papers 

as University Jour- 



London University Ga- 

Manchester University 
Pocket Diary 

New Troy 

Oxford Magazine 
Oxford University Ga- 

[Class Papers 

Oxford University Pocket 

Reading University 


Sheffield University An- 
nual Report 

Students’ Handbook of 
the University and 
Colleges of Cambridge 

Universities Review 


University College (Cork) 
Sessional Lists 

University College Hos- 
pital Magazine 

Universit yCollegeLondon 

University Correspondent 

University Gazette (Bir- 

University of Durham 
College of Medicine 

University of Durham 

University News 

University of Durham 

University of Leeds Re- 

Upholstery Trade—(see 

United Methodists— | 

Furniture Trade) 

Medical Science) 

Varnish Trade—(see Oi! 

and Colour Trade). 


Danielite Star 

Eustace Miles’ Quarterly 

Food Reformers’ Year 

Vegetarian Messenger 

Vegetarian News 

Veterinary Science 

Quarterly Bulletin of the 
Imperial Bureau of 
Animal Genetics 

Register of Veterinary 

Veterinary Journal 

Veterinary Record 

Waste Trade — (see 

Paper Trade) 

Watchmaking Trade 

Horological Journal- 

Practical Watch & Clock- 


Water Supply — (see 

Gas and Water) 

Weather Observation 

— (see Meteorology). 

Oxford University List | Welding 

of Resident Members 

Welding Journal 

Class Papers] 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Home Organisation De- 
partment Magazine 

Welsh, printed in 

era J 1 of the Wesl 
ournal of the Wesley 
nade A c Bible Union 
Brython eae LocalPreachers’ Magazine 
London Quarterly Re- 
Cenhadwr view 
Clorianydd Manx Wesle 
yan Metho- 
Cyfaill Eglwysig dist Church Record 
Cyfarwyddwr Methodist Magazine 
Cymro Minutes of the Wesleyan 
Cymru’r Plant Conference 
Ddolen Newport Circuit Wes- 
Ddraig Goch yen Methodist Maga- 
Pi Proceedings of the Wes- 
nee dvdd ley Historical Society 
ysgedy ; 
S.S. Magazine of the Wes- 
Dysgedydd y Plant leyanMethodistChurch 
Efengylydd Wesl Methodist 
Etrydydd Diaries 
Eurgrawn Woman’s Work 
Genedl Gymreig. 
ras West Indies—(see Do- 
Goleuad minions, Colonies & 
Gwyliedydd Newydd Emigration). 
Haul White Cross 
Hauwr Annual Report of the 
Herald Cymraeg White Cross League 
Heuwr White Cross 
Llawlyfr Cymry Llundain Wine & Spirit Trade 
Llenor . 
Rhedegydd tciuallers) 
pera: Care Wireless 
Seren Gomer Amateur Wireless 
Seren yr Ysgol Sul Broadedster 
Tarian p : 
Traethedydd Eelex Radio Bulletin 
Trysorfa y Plant Experimental Wireless 
Tyst Houghtons Radio News 

Irish Radio News 

Journal of the Institute 
of Wireless Technology 


Tywysydd y Plant 
Udgorn Newyddiadur 
Werin a’r Eco 

cae dd Modern Wireless 


i Popular Wireless 

Radio for the Million 
4 Radio Ti 
Wesleyan Methodist A A 
Alphabetical, &c., Ar- cottish Radio Dealer 

rangements of the | Sound Wave 
Wesleyan Methodist | T, and R. Bulletin 

Ministers, &c. Talking Machine News 

Annual Re wos 
Welcvag’ Metiodist Television 
Missionary Society Vox 
At Home and Abroad w &c., Export 
Christian: Words Wireless, &c., Trader 
Church Record Wirelsss, &c., Trader 
Circuit Stewards List Year Book 

Wireless Constructor 
Wireless Diary 
Wireless Magazine 
Wireless World 
World Radio 



Highways and Hedges 
H.O.D. Magazine 

Woman, Advancemen 


Annual Report of the 
Central Employment 

Annual Report of the 
Society for Promoting 
the Training of Women 

Bulletin of the Inter- 
national Council of 

Catholic Citizen 

Cheltenham Ladies’ Col- 
lege Magazine 

Electrical Age forWomen 

Expert Woman 

G.F.S. Magazine 
Girls’ Guildry Gazette 
Handbook of theNational 

Council of Women of 
Great Britain 

Home and Country 

India’s Women 

International WomanSuf- 
frage News 

Labour Woman 

Ladies’ Year Book 

Liberal Woman’s News 

N.C.W. News 

Scottish Home 


Woman Engineer 

Woman’s Leader 

Women’s Employment 


Woollen Trade — (see 

Working Girls, Read- 

ing for 

Annual Report of the 
Federation of Working 

Girl’s Club Journal 

Girls’ Friendly Society 

Girls’ Friendly Society 
Workers’ Journal 

Scottish Girls Friendly 
Society Magazine 

Workmen’s Clubs, &e. 
Club & Institute Journal 
Club Life 

Yachting — (see also 
Andrew Thomson’s 
Yachting Guide 
Cruising Association Bul- 
Journal of the Little Ship 
Model Yachtsman 
Royal Cruising Club 

Register of 


Yacht Racing Assocta- 
tion Rules 

Yachting Monthly 
Yachting World 

Amateur Menagerie Club 
Burnley Corporation 


Clegg’s Oldham Annual 
` Cornish’s Birmingham 

Cox’s Liverpool, &c. 

Daily Mail 
Durham City 

Gloucester Diocesan 

Herts and Essex Observer 
Year Book 

Huddersfield & Dews- 
bury Exchanges 

Isle of Man Examiner 
Annual and Year Book 

Jarman’s Wrexham 

London Diocese 

Manchester Guardian 

Pink ’Un Summer Annual 
Pink ’Un Winter Annual 
Public Schools 

Rotherham & Distriet 

Sheffield Independent, &e. 

Thomason’s Middlesex 
Waddington’s Bridling- 

Writers’ & Artists’ 
York City 

Young Men’s Christiaa 
Association News 
Liverpool Y.M.C.A. News 
Scottish Manhood 

Young Women’s 
Christian Associa- 
Blue Triangle Gazette 
Y.W.C.A. Bulletin 

New Judæa 

Zoology — (see also 

Natural History). 

Novitates Zoologicæ 

Proceedings of the Scien- 
tific Meetings of Zoo- 
logical Society, London 

Transactions of the Zoo- 
logical Society of Lon- 

Zoological Societ 
dens, Illustrat Guide 
to the London 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Trade Account Books 

for Newsagents, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, etc. 
PRICE LIST. Prices Net 

*Advertisement Order Book. No. 10. F’cap folio, half-bound cloth 
sides. Ruled and printed headings, 120 openings, 30 lines on a page, 13 weeks at 
a view, folioed and index. Arranged DI for use in Phd aes saad i 
Offices, etc. si 12 6 

*Dailv Newspaper Delivery Book. No. 8. F’cap folio, half-bound 
cloth sides. Ruled and printed heading, 115 openings, 27 lines on a page, with 
13 weeks at a views folioed and index. With six small squares one for each cay 
in the week . 12 6 

t Delivery Book. No. 2. "For Weekly c or r Monthly Periodicals. 
F’cap 4rd 4to. flush boards. Ruled and pues pe sane. with 52 Bop nee 34 lines 
on a page, with 13 weeks at a view ` 20 

*Magazine Delivery Book. No. 6. F’cap folio, half-bound cloth sides. 
Ruled and printed headings, 116 openings, 30 lines on a page, | with 12 months at 
a view, folioed and 2- letter index... 10 6 

*Manufacturers’ Order Book. No. 1 1. F'cap folio, half-bound cloth 
sides. Ruled and printed, to contain 1,000 orders (10 ona 1 Page), and 2-letter index. 
If numbered 1 to 1,000 down left margin, ls, extra oe .. 45 O 

tNewspaper Daily Delivery Book. No. 5. Specially 4 adapted for a 
weekly cash account for all Daily and Weekly Papers. F’cap įrd 4to flush boards. 
Ruled and printed head: ng with 52 sa 21 lines ona page, with one month 
at a view .. NG 3 O 

*Newsagents’ Day Book. No. 13. es folio, half-bound cloth sides. 
Ruled and printed heading ; 115 openings, 33 lines on a page, with 13 weeks ata 
view, indexed and folioed. For the supply and ‘charges of aks and aes news- 
papers and monthly magazines as ; 10 6 

*Newspaper Weekly Payments Book. No. ba. Large post folio, 
quarter-bound Rasil turned in, Ruled and printed headings for name of Customer 
and Road, Title of Daily or Weekly Newspaper. Ruled in six squares, Week-end, 
Received, "Due and Forward, with 33 lines on a page, with 8 weeks at a view, 
with 150 openings. Specially adapted for weekly cash accounts ss is -- 12 6 

tWeekly Periodical Book. No. 7a. F’cap 4rd folio, quarter-bound flush 

turned in. Ruled and printed 75 openings, 32 lines on a page, with 

52 weeks at a view, without index, not folioed.. se os 5 O 
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sides. Ruled and printed 116 openings, 32 lines on a page, with 52 weeks 

at a view. Indexed and folioed. (This book, one of the best of the S 

we can confidently recommend). 15 O 

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cloth sides. Ruled with printed headings, 116 openiags, 30 lines on a page, with 
26 weeks at a view, indexed and folioed. .. 10 6 

Note.—* Postage on each book 9d. extra. t 6d. sae or Carrier’ s Booking Fee, 2d. extra. 

WRITE for Illustrated List “ W” with GENERAL HINTS on keeping Accounts. 

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in Black and Red. Price gd. (By post gd.) 


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Willing’s Press Guide 





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Willing’s Press Guide 


Particulars of Publishers, Prices, etc., are given in the 

Alphabetical List. 

This mark (1) signifies 

that the newspaper is attached to the Newspaper Society. 

Daily— Morning 
Daily Chronicle 
Daily Express 
Daily Film Renter 
Daily Freight Register 
Daily Herald 
Daily Mail 
Daily Mail Atlantic Edition 
Daily Mirror 
Daily News and Westminster 
Daily Sketch 
Daily Telegraph 
Daily Worker 
Financial News 
Financial Times 
Lloyd’s Daily Index 
Lloyd’s List 
{London Grain, &c., Reporter 
Morning Advertiser 
Morning Post 
Police Gazette 
Post Office Daily List 
Public Ledger 
Reuter’s Journal 
Sporting Life 


Daily List of New Companies 

Daily Oil Bulletin 

Daily Weather Report 

Evening News 

Evening Standard 

Industrial Daily News 

Jewish Post and Express 

Jordan’s Daily Register of New 

London Customs Bill of Entry 

London Grain, &c., Reporter 

Parliamentary Debates 


Stock Exchange Daily Official 

Stock Exchange 

Record of 

Five times a Week 

Daily Commercial Report 

Jewish Evening News 

Jewish Times 

Public Ledger Evening Report 
To-day’s Cinema 

Three Times a Week 

Hackney Gazette 
Islington Gazette 

Twice a Week (Semi- 

{Borough of West Ham & Strat- 

ford Express 
Contractors’ Record 
East End News 
țtEast Ham Express 
London Corn Circular 
London Gazette 
Metal Bulletin 
Racing and Football Judge 
Racing & Football World 
South London Observer 
tSouth London Press 
Sporting Standard 
t¢Stratford Express 


tNews of the World 
Reynolds’s Illustrated News 
Sunday Dispatch 
Sunday Express 
Sunday Graphic 
Sunday News 
Sunday Pictoria 
Sunday Referee 
Sunday Sportsman 
Sunday Times 

Weekly— Monday 

Christian Novels 
Competition, &c., Winner 
Farmer and Stockbreeder 
Film Weekly 

Garden Work for Amateurs 
Girls’ Mirror 

Lloyd’s Loading List 
London County Council Gazette 
Magazine Programme 

Motor Transport 



Poor Law Gazette 

Racing Investigator 

Ross’s Parliamentary Record 

Smart Novels 

Stock Exchange Weekly Officia 


Brockley News 

Commercial Motor 
Commercial Weekly Statement 
Family Herald 

Family Herald Supplement 
Financial Chronicle 

Hugo’s French Journal 



My Pocket Threepenny Library 
Peg’s Companion 

Peg’s Paper 

Post Office Weekly List 

Racing and Football Expert 

Racing and Football Outlook 

Racing Counsel 

Racing Despatch 

Racing Specialist 

Red Letter 

South Eastern Express 

Sporting Chat 

Weekly Intelligencer 

Woman’s Friend 

Woollen and Textile 

Woolwich Gazette 

Woolwich Herald 


Weekly— Wednesday 


Amateur Photographer 
Architects’ Journal 
Bankers’ Journal 

Bo- Peep 

Boxing, Racing & Football 


Christian Spiritualist 
Christian World Pulpit 


Clinical Journal 

Club Challenge 
Commercial Compendium 


Willing’s Press Guide 


a ma e a e ae a e e m e e e: e a a e r e a 


Confectionery Journal 
Contract Journal 

Electrical Industries and Invest 


Farm, Field, and Fireside 


Finance & Stock Exchange Obser- 


France, La 

Gas Journal 

Hire Purchase News 

Houghton’s Radio News 

Illustrated Official Journal 

Indent Gazette 

Joint Stock Companies’ Journal 

Kemp’s Mercantile Gazette 

Kinematograph Weekly 

Knight's Official Advertiser 

Labour News 

Leather Trades’ Review 

Lewisham Boro’ News 

Life of Faith 


Lloyd’s List Weekly Shipping Sum:- 

Market Grower 

meats: Press 


Motor Cycling 
Motor Trader and Review 
New Church Herald 
Nursery World 
Oxford University Gazette 
{People’s Advertiser 
Perry’s Gazette 
Poultry Keeping 
Shipping World 
Solicitors’ Gazette 
Spiritual Truth 
Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette 
Syren and Shipping 
Teachers’ World 
Trade Marks Journal 
Wireless World 

Army, Navy, &c., Gazette 
Bakers’ Record 
Baptist Times 
Board of Trade Journal 
Bowls News 
British and Colonial Printer 
British Australian and New 


British Bee Journal 
British Weekly 
Canadian Gazette 
Chemical News 
China Express and Telegraph 
Christian Endeavour Times 
Christian Herald 
Christian World 
Daily Mirror (Overseas Edition) 
Daily Sketch (Overseas Edition) 
East Africa 
Electrical Times 
English Churchman 
Exchange and Mart 
Foundry Trade Journal 
Fruit Grower 

t$Hampstead, &c., Advertiser 
Higher Education Gazette 
Home and Colonial Mail 


Home Gardening 

Illustrated Carpenter & Builder 
Illustrated Police News 

Jewish World 

Joyful News 

Kemp’s South Eastern Gazette 
Labour Press Service 


Leather World 

Lloyd’s List Law Reports 

łMeat Trades Journal 

Metal World 
Methodist Leader 
Methodist Recorder 
Methoaist Times 

ł Model Engineer 

Motor Cycle 

Municipal Engineering and Sani 
tary Record 

National Greyhound 

Near East 

New Age 

New Chronicle of Christian Edu- 

Nurseryman and Seedsman 

O’Connell’s Coal & Iron News 

Palmers Green, &c., Gazette 


Queen’s Park Advertiser 

Racing Calendar 





Shipbuilding & Shipping Record 

Shoe and Leather News 

Shop Assistant 



Stock Exchange Times 

Times Literary Supplement 

Times Weekly Edition 


Friday— contd. 

Colliery Guardian 

Comparative Prices & Statistics 
Credit World 


Cricklewood Gazette 

Crystal Palace Advertiser 


Dalton’s Advertiser 

Dental Surgeon 

Diamond Week End Special 

Dulwich, &c. Reporter 
East Ham Echo 

Electrical Review 


Elim Evangel 



English Mechanics 

European Finance 
Feathered World 

Finchley, &c., Press 
Finchley, &c. Times 

t Finsbury Weekly News 
Fishing Gazette 


Forest Hill, &c., Examiner 

Fulham &c., News 

Fulham, &c., Gazette 
Fulham Chronicle 

Fulham Observer 

Furniture Record 

Golders Green Gazette 
Golders Green Guardian 

Golf Illustrated 



Hammersmith, &c., Gazette 
tHampstead, &c., Record 
Hampstead Gazette 


Railway and Tram 

Turf & Football Observer 
United Methodist Fa ee Journal 
Weekly Return of Births and | Healing Church 

Deaths tHolborn, &c., Guardias 
Woman’s Way tHornse Journ 
Worker Horse & sy 

World’s Press News 

Acton & Chiswick Observer 
tActon Gazette 

Advertiser’s Weekly 


Auto-Motor Journal 


Baker and Confectioner 
Balham, &c. News 

Battersea Borough News 
Bowes Park Weekly News 
Braille Mail 

Braille Radio Times 
Brentford and Chiswick Times 
British Baker 

British Bandsman 

British Journal of Photography 
Brixton and Streatham Times 
Brixton Free Press 

{Camberwell News 

Catholic Fireside 

Catholic Herald 

Catholic Times 

Chamber of Commerce Journa 
Chelsea Gazette 

Chemical Trade Journal 
Chemistry & Industry 

Church of England Newspaper 
Church Times 

City Press 

Clapham and Balham Chronicle 
Clapham Free Press 
{Clapham Observer 


Irish Catholic Herald 
Iron and Coal Trades Review 
Islington, &c., Press 
tIslington Guardian 
Jewish Chronicle 
Jewish Guardian 
Journal of the Royal Society 
of Arts 
Kensington &c., Observer 
Kensington, &c. Gazette 
Kensington Express 
Kensington News 
Kensington Post 
t Kentish Mercury 
Lady’s Com anol 
Law Times Reports 
Lewisham, ker Advertiser 
tLewisham, &c., Journal 
Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette 
Light Car and Cyclecar 
Live Stock Journal 
Lloyd’s Weekly Casualty Reports 
London Commercial Record 
London Opinion 
Machinery Market 
Masonic News 
Medical Officer 
Medical World 
Metal Industry 
Modern Transport 
Motor Boat 
Motor Cycle and Cycle Trader 
Municipal Journal 
{Muswell Hill Record 


Willing’s Press Guide 



{Nation and Athenaeum 
National Association Review 
National Newsagent 
New Cross Free Press 
New Leader 
Norbury, &c., News 
North London Recorder 
Notes and Queries 

Oil and Colour Trades Journal 
tOil News 
Paddington Mercury 
ł Paddington News 
Passing Show 
Penge and Anerley News 
Penge and Anerley Press 
Police Chronicle 
Police Review 
Poor Law Officers’ Journal 
Poultry World 
Public Opinion 
Publisher and Bookseller 
Radio Times 
t Railway Gazette 
Railway Review 
Ringing World 
St. Pancras, &c., Record 
łSt. Pancras Chronicle 
St. Pancras Gazette 
{Sentinel for Wood Green 
Shoe and Leather Record 
South Africa 
South Western Star 
Southwark, &c., Recorder 
Sports Pictures 
Stanmore Observer 
Stock Exchange Gazette 
Stock Exchange News 
Streatham Free Press 
{Streatham News 
Swiss Observer 
Sydenham, &c., Gazette 
Tailor and Cutter 
Tenants’ Register 
Timber News 
Time and Tide 
Times Law Reports 

{Tottenham & Edmonton Weekly 


Town & Country News 




Wandsworth Borough News 

West Ham Express, &c. 

West Ham Mail 

West Kent Argus 

West London Observer 
{Westminster Chronicle 

Westminster Record 

Willesden Chronicle and Herald 

Willesden Citizen 

Wine Trade Review 


Woman Teacher 

Woman’s Leader | 

Women’s Wear, &c. 
{Wood Green Weekly Herald 

World Radio 

World’s Paper Trade Review 

Weekly— Saturday 


Active Service 


African Industries 

African World 

Agent’s Journal 
Agricultural Market Report 


All Sports Illustrated Weekly 
Amateur Gardening 

Amateur Wireless 

American Machinist 

Angler’s News 



Bayswater, &c., Chronicle 


Bethnal Green News 

Bo- Peep 

Boys’ Cinema Weekly 

Boys’ Favourite 

British Industry and Finance 

t British Medical Journal 


Cabinet Maker 

Cage Birds and Bird World 


Chemical Age 

Chemist and Druggist 
Chicks’ Own 

Children’s Newspaper 

Church Army Gazette 
Cinematograph Times 
City and East London Observer 

Club Life 

Coal Merchant and Shipper 
Comic Cuts 


Complete Novel Weekly 

Country Life 


tDraper’s Record 

East London Advertiser 
East London Post 

Estates Gazette 
Everybody’s Weekly 
Eve’s Own Stories 

Fairyland Tales 

Family Journal 


Film Fun 

Financial World 

Finchley and Hendon News 
Fish Trades Gazette 

tForest Gate, &c., Express 

Freemason’s Chronicle 
Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable 

Trades’ Journal 
Funny Wonder 


Gardener’s Chronicle 

Gardening Illustrated 

Gas World 

Gazette-de-Grande Bretagne 

Gem Library 

Gentleman’s Journal 

Girls’ Cinema 

Girls’ Friend 

G.K.’s Weekly 

God and Humanity 


Greater World 

Grocer and Oil Trade Review 
tGrocers’ Gazette 

Hairdressers’ Weekly Journal 

Hampstead & Highgate Express 

Handy Shipping Guide 

Harper’s Wine and Spirit 

Health and Strength 


Hockey Field and Lacrosse 
Home Chat 

Home Companion 

Home Notes 



Home Topics 

Horace Marshall & 
Weekly Trade Notes 

Horner’s Stories 


Ulustrated Chips 
{Illustrated London News 

(llustrated Sporting and Dra- 
matic News 

Illustrated Sporting World 

India Rubber Journal 


[Insurance Mail 


Investors’ Chronicle and Money 
Market Review 

Investor’s Guardian 

Investor’s Review 



John Bull 

John o’ London Weekly 


Journal of the Customs 
Excise Federation 

Justice of the Peace 

Kilburn Times 

Kinema Comic 


Land Agents’ Record 


Laundry Journal 

Law Journal 

Law Times 

Lawn Tennis and Badminton 
Licensing World 

Linen Trade Circular 

Local Government Chronicle 
Local Government Journal 
London Day by Day 
London Life 

London Novels 

Love Stories 

Magnet Library 
tMarylebone Chronicle 
Marylebone Mercury 
Marylebone Record 
Men’s Wear 
Merry and Bright 
Mid-Surrey Times 
Mining Journal 
Mining World 
Modern Boy 
Modern Weekly 
Monster Comic 
My Favourite 
My Weekly 
National Insurance Gazette 
National Message 
Nelson Lee Library 
New Statesman 
tNewspaper World 
North Middlesex Chronicle 
Norwood News 
t Norwood Press 
Norwood Weekly Herald 
Nursing Mirror 
Nursing Times 



| Overseas Daily Mail 

Paddington Gazette 
Pawnbrokers’ Gazette 
Pearson’s Weekly 
Petroleum Times 
Pharmaceutical Journal 
Pictorial Weekly 
Picture Show 

Pigeon Post 

Pitman’s Journal 
Pitman’s Shorthand Weekly 


Poppy’s Paper 





Popular Gardening 
Popular Wireless 


Post Magazine 

Produce Markets Review 
Publishers’ Circular 

Putney Observer 
Racing Pigeon 

Rating and Income Tax 
Red Star Weekly 
Riverside Pictorial 

Saturday Review 


Schoolgirls’ Own 
Schoolgirls’ Weekly 
Shooting Times 

Solicitors’ Journal 

South American Journal 
South Coast Catholic Herald 
Southgate Chronicle 


Sporting Life Weekly Edition 
Sporting Times 

Sports Budget 

Stamp Collecting 



Sunday Circle 

Sunday Companion 

Sunday Stories 



This and That 


Tiger Tim’s Weekly 


Timber Trades Journal 
Times Educational Supplement 
Times Trade Supplement 
Tiny Tots 


Tooting and Balham Gazette 
Topical Times 

Tramway and Railway World 

Trotting World 

Union Jack 

Veterinary Record 
Wandsworth Observer 

War Cry 

Waste Trade World 

Weekly Notes 

West Africa 

West London Press 

West London Reporter 
Westminster and Pimlico News 

Wireless, &c., Trader 

Woman’s Companion 
Woman's Life 

Woman's Pictorial 
Woman’s Weekly 

Woman's World 


Yachting World 


Young Soldier 

Young Worker 


Brewers’ Gazette 

British Inter Club Tennis 
British Lion 

Fertiliser, &c., Journal 
Financial Outlook 

Green Badge Journal 
Guy’s Hospital Gazette 
Industrial World 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Ivy Stories 

London Teacher 

Municipal and County Engineers’ 
Official Journal 

Musical Standard 

New Troy 

New Zealand News 

People’s Friend Library 

Philatelic Magazine 

Power Laundry 


Stamp Collector’s Fortnightly 

Steering Wheel 

Stock Exchange Official List of 
Making Up Prices 

Violet Magazine 


West India Committee Circular 

White Heather Novels 


Advertising News 

Architectural Journal 

Blackheath Local Guide 

Bondholder’s Register 

British Dental Journal 

Commercial World & Insurance 

Confectioners’ Union 

tDyer, &c. 

Fur World 

Ice Cream and Soda Fountain 

Insurance and Finance Chronicle 

Jeweller and Metalworker 

Journal of the Royal Institute of 
British Architects 

Journal of Tropical Medicine 

Mathieson’s Fortnightly Dividend 
&c., List 

Modern Highways 

Postal Telegraph 



Women’s Employment 


ABC Railway Guide 

A Thousand and One Uses for 


Accountants’ Journal 

Adair Monthly 



Advent Witness 

Advertising Display 

Advertising World 

African Tidings 


Aircraft Engineering 


Aldersgate Primitive Methodist 

Aldine Boxing Novels 

Aldine Football Novels 

Aldine Racing Novels 

Alliance News 

Amalgamated Engineering Union 
Monthly Journal 

Amateur Films 

Amateur Stage 

Anglo-American Times 

Anglo-American Trade 

Anglo-Belgian Trade Journal 

Anglo-Latin Traders Review 

Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal 

Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal 

Animal World 

Animals’ Advocate 

Animals’ Defender 

Annals and Magazine of Natural 




Annals of Surgery 

Anti-Vivisection Journal 





Architectural Association Journal 

Architectural Review 


Armchair Science 

Army Orders 

Art Trade Journal 

Arts and Crafts 

Arts and Crafts Trader 

Ashore and Afloat 


Associated Accountant 

At Home and Abroad 

Austin Magazine 

Automobile and Carriage Builders’ 

Automobile Electricity 

Automobile Engineer 

Automatic World 

Badminton Gazette 

Band of Hope Chronicle 

Band of Hope Reciter 

Band of Hope Review 


Bank for Russian Trade Review 

Bank Officer 


Bankers’, Insurance Managers’ 
and Agents’ Magazine 



Bee-keepers’ Record 
Believer’s Friend 
Berean Christadelphian 
Berean Expositor 
Better Health 

Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Mes- 

Bible in the World 
Bible Monthly 
Bible Witness 
Billiard Player 
Birth Control News 
Blind Advocate 
Blue Peter 
Blue Triangle Gazette 
Book Lover 
Books of the Month 
Books of To-day and Books of 
Boosey’s Brass Band Journal 
Boosey’s Drum and Fife Journal 
Boosey’s March Journal 
Boosey’s Military Journal 
Boosey’s New Supplemental 
Boosey’s Orchestral Journal 
B.T.A. Gazette 
Bottler and Packer 

Bourne’s Handy Insurance Guides 

Boy’s Own Paper 

Boys’ Friend Library 

Boys’ Magazine 

Bradshaw’s General Railway, &c., 

Bradshaw’s Manchester A B C 

Braille Literary Journal 

Braille Musical Magazine 

Brewer and Wine Merchant 

Brewers’ Journal 

Brewing Trade Review 


Bridge Magazine, Auction Contract 


Britannia and Eve 

British Advertiser 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Monthly— contd. 

British & Colonial Pharmacist 

British and Colonial Review 

British and Foreign Confectioner 

British and South African Export 

British Beet Grower 

British Birds 

British Chemical Abstracts—A— 
Pure Chemistry 

British Clay Worker 

British Engineers’ Home and 
Export Journal 

British Esperantist 

British Export Gazette 

British Film Journal 

British Food Journal 

British Friesian Journal 

British Fur Trade 

British Industries 

B.I. Crusader 

British Israel Herald 

British Journal of 

British Journal of Astrology 

British Journal of Bio- Physics 

British Journal of Dental Science 

British Journal of Dermatology 

British Journal of Nursing 

British Journal of Ophthalmalogy 
British Journal of Radiology 
British Legion Journal 
British Malaya 

British Philatelist 

British Plastics 

British Russian Gazette 
British Sentinel 

British Shoeman 

British Soap Manufacturer 
British Stationer 

British Trade Journal 
British Trade Review 
B.U.A. Monthly 

Brixton Illustrated Press 

Brotherhood Outlook 
Brothers and Sisters 

Buddhism in England 

Budget Exchange 

Buffalo Bill Library 

Buffalo Bill Novels 

Builders’ Merchants Journal 


Building Science Abstracts 

Buildings Societies’ Gazette 

Bulletin of Hygiene 

Bulletin of the British Ornitho- 
logists’ Club 

Bulletin of the Food Manufac- 
turers’ Federation 

Bulletin of the Institution of 
Mining and Metallurgy 

Bulletin of the International 
Council of Women 

Burlington Magazine 

Bus and Coach 


Business Organisation Magazine 

Camberwell, &c., Illustrated Press 


Canadian Export Pioneer 

Car Topics 

Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction 


Catholic Citizen 

Catholic Fireside 

Catholic Gazette 

Catholic Women’s 

Caxton Magazine 

Cement and Cement Manufacture 

Central Africa 

Certified Accountants’ Journal 

Chambers’s Journal 

Champion Library 





Cheering Words 

Chief Steward 

Child Education 
Children of Mary’s Own Magazine 
Children’s Dress 

Child’s Guardian 
Child’s Own Magazine 
China’s Millions 


Christadelphian Family Journal 
Christian Messenger 
Christian’s Pathway 

Chronicle of the London Mis- 
sionary Society 

Church Abroad 

Church and the Sailor 

Church Assembly News 

Church Assembly Notes 

Church Gazette 

Church Intelligencer 

Church Messenger 

Church Missionary Outlook 

C.M.S. Home Gazette 

Church Monthly 

Church Record 

Church Standard 

Church Teacher 

Church Temperance Times 

Church Union Gazette 

Churchman’s Magazine 

Cigar and Tobacco World 

Cinema (Technical Section) 

Cinema Construction 

Civil Engineering 

Civil Service Argus 

Civil Service Opinion 

Civil Service Sports Journal 


Clark’s Shorthand (Script Phono- 
graphy) Journal 

Classical Review 


Close Up 

Club and Institute Journal 

Club Gazette 

Cold Storage and Produce Review 


Colliery Engineering 



Combined Price List 

Coming Fashions 

Commercial Art 

Commercial Review 

Communist Review 

Companion Library 


Concrete and 

Concrete Building 

Confectionery Craft 

Congregational Church Monthly 


Conservative Clubs’ Gazette 


Contemporary Review 



Cook’s Continental Time Table 
Cook’s Travellers’ Gazette 

Co-Partners’ Magazine 
Copec News 

Cordage World 

Corner Magazine 

Cornhill Magazine 

Cost Accountant 

Country Illustrated 
County Councils Gazette 
Creche News 

Cruel Sports 

Current Literature 




Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette 

Daily Notes 


Dairy Farmer 

Dairy World 


Dancing and Ballroom 

Dancing Times 

Dark Horse 


Dawn in Central Asia 



Decorators’ and Painters’ Maga- 



Dental Record 


Dioptric Bulletin 



Distribution of Electricity 

Dock and Harbour Authority 

Domestic Engineering 


Drapers’ Chamber of Trade of 
the U.K. Official Journal 

Drapers’ Organiser 


Eastward Ho 

Echoes of Service ° 


Education Outlook 

Educational Worker . 


Eelex Radio Bulletin 

Efficiency Magazine 

Electric Vehicles 

Electrical Contractor - 

Electrical Power Engineer 

Electrical Trading and Electricity 

Electrics “ye 

Elim Foursquare Crusader 

Empire Illustrated : 

Empire Mail and Overseas Trade 

Empire Production and Export 

Empire Record 

Empire Review 

Engineering, &c., Review 

Engineering Trader 

English Review 


Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 

Entomologist’s Record 

Estate Clerk of Works 
Country Builder 

Estate Magazine 

Estates Review 

Every Girls’ Paper 

Experimental Wireless 

Export Trader 

Fabian News 

Faith Links 

Family Herald 
Fancy Goods Record 
Fancy Goods Trader 

Fashions for All 
Federation Journal 

Feminine Life 

Fiery Cross Magazine 
Financial Circular 
Financial Notes 



First Aid 
Fishmongers’, &c., Review 


Food Manufacture 
Football and Sports Library 
Footwear Organiser 





For Every Land 

Ford Times 

Foreign Affairs 

Foreign Field 

Foresters’ Miscellany 

Fortnightly Financial Review of 

Fortnightly Review 

Forward View 

F. P. Racing Novels 

Franco-British Medical Review 

Free Churchman 

Free Sunday Advocate 

Free Trader 

Friendly Companion 


Fruiterers’, &c., Review 

Fuel Economist 

Fuel in Science and Practice 


Fur Farming 

Fur Record 

Furnishing Trades Organiser 


Game and Gun 

Games and Toys 

Garden Cities & Town Planning 

Gas and Oil Power 

Gas Engineer 

Gas Salesman 

Gateway ~— 

Genealogical Monthl 

Gentleman’s Tailor 

Geographical Journal 

Geological Magazine 

Gibbons’ Stamp Monthly 

Girls’ Friend Library 

G.F.S. Magazine 

Girls’ Friendly Society Workers 

Girls’ Life Brigade Chronicle 

Glad Tidings for the Young 


Gleanings and Memoranda 

Globe and Traveller 

Golden Dawn 

Goldsmiths’ Journal 


Good Housekeeping 

Good Lines 

Goodly Words 

Gospel Echo 

Gospel Gleanings 

Gospel Herald 

Gospel Magazine 

Gospel Messenger 

Gospel Standard 

Gospel Stories for the Young 

Grace and Truth 


Gramophone and Radio News 

Gramophone Critic 

Grand Magazine 

Great Thoughts 

Great Western Railway Magazine 

Green Howards’ Gazette 
Gregg Shorthand Magazine 

Guia Anglo-Sud Americana 

Guild Gardener 
Guildhouse Monthly 
Gunner y 

Hairdressing Fashions 

Happy Mag 

Harper’s Bazaar 
Hatters’ Gazette 

Headley’s Kent County Time Tables 


Health and Efficiency 
Health for All 

Health News 

Healthy Life 

Hearts of Oak Journal 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Heating and Ventilating Engineer 

Herald of Peace 

Heron’s Flat and Estate Mart 

Highway and Hedges 

Highways Guide 

Hire Traders’ Record 

H.O.D. Magazine 


Holiness Mission Journal 


Home and Country 

Home and Politics 

Home Fashions 

Home Furnisher 

Home Magazine and Ladies’ Field 

Home Messenger 

Home Organization Department 

Home Words 

Home Workers’ Gazette 


Homes and Gardens 

Homeopathic World 

Horological Journal 


Hotel Review 


Ice and Cold Storage 

Ice Cream Industry 

Ideal Home 

Illuminating Engineer 


Imperial Food Journal 

Implement & Machinery Review 

Incorporated Accountants’ 

Incorporated Secretaries’ 

Index Buyer’s Guide 



Indian and Eastern Druggist 

India’s Women 


Industrial Chemist 

Industrial Management 

Industrial Review 

Industrial Welfare 

Instrument World 

Insurance Guild Journal 

Insurance Index 

Insurance News 

Insurance Record 

International Aerial Time Table 

International Commerce 

International Co-operative Review 

International Export Review 

International Labour Review 

International Language 

International Psychic Gazette 

International Sport 

International Sugar Journal 

International Woman Suffrage 

Investment Register 

Investors’ Monthly Manual 

Iron and Steel Industry 


Ivory Cross Journal 

Jack and Jill 

Jewish Missionary Intelligence 
Journal of Botany 

Journal of Careers 

Journal of Domestic Appliances 

Journal of Education 

Journal of Scientific Instruments 

Journal of State Medicine 

Journal of the Chartered Society 
of Massage and Medical Gym- 

Journal of the Chemical Society 

Journal of the Corporation of 
Insurance Brokers 

Journal of the Divorce Law 
Reform Union 




Journal of the Faculty of Architects 
and Surveyors 

Journal of the Federation of 
Boot Manufacturers 

Journal of the Honourable 
Artillery Company 

Journal of the Incorporated Brew- 
ers’ Guild 

Journal of the Incorporated 
Clerks of Works Association 
of Great Britain 

Journal of the 

Journal of the Institute of Brewing 

Institute of 

Journal of the Institute of 
British Carriage Manufacturers 
Journal of the -Institute of 
Journal of the Institute of 

Journal of the Institution of Petro- 
leum Technologists 

Journal of the Institution of 
Sanitary Engineers 

Journal of the Junior Institu- 
tion of Engineers 

Journal of the Land Agents’ 

Journal of the Little Ship Club 

Journal! of the London Society 

Journal of the Ministry of Agri- 

Journal of the National Society of 
Art Masters 

Journal of the Oil and Colour 
Schemes Association 

Journal of the Royal Aeronau- 
tical Society 
Journal of the 
Medical Corps 
Journal of the Royal Sanitary 

Journal of the Surveyors’ In- 


Journeyman Baker 

Junior Stamp Magazine 

Kennel Gazette 

Kent Education Gazette 

Kew Bulletin 

Kiddies’ Magazine 

Kingdom .- 

King’s Message 

King’s Messenger’s Magazine 

Kodak Magazine 

Labour Bulletin, &c. 

Labour Magazine 

Labour Monthly 

Labour Research Department 
Monthly Circular 

Labour Woman 

Ladies’ Cutter, 1893 

Ladies’ Tailor 

Land and Liberty 

Land Union Journal 

Land Worker 


Lang’s Monthly 

Latin-American World 

Laundry Record 

Law Coach 

Law Journal Reports 

Law Notes 

Law Reports 

Law Society’s Gazette 

Lay Reader 

Leach’s Children’s Fashions 

Leach’s Home Dressmaker 

Leach’s Sixpenny Knitting, &c., 


League of Empire Review 

League of Nations Union News 

Leather Goods 

Royal Army 



Liberal Catholic 

Liberal Magazine 

Liberal Woman’s News 

Library Assistant 

Library World 

Life and Letters 

Life-Saving Scout and Guard 

Light in the Home 

L. and M. News 


Literary Guide 

Little Animals’ Friend 

Little Arrow 

Little Dots 

Little Folks 

Little Gleaner 

Live Wire 

Living Waters 

Lloyds’ Bank Monthly 

Local Government 

Local Government News 

Local Government Service 

Local Preachers’ Magazine 

Local Unemployment Index 

Locomotive, &c., Review 

Locomotive Journal 

London, &c., 

London Art Fashions 

London Bulletin 

London Citizen 

London City Mission Magazine 

London Co-operative Wheatsheaf 

London Customs Bill of Entry 
Coal Tables 

London Diocesan Leaflet 

London Hospital Gazette 

London Magazine 

London Mercury 

London, Midland and Scottish 

London Musical Courier 

London News 

London Philatelist 

L.R.B. Record 

London Schoolmaster 

London Scottish Regimental 

London Tailor 

London Town 

London Typographical Journal 

Mab’s Fashions 
Machine Woodworker 
Magazine of Fiction 

Magazine of the South American 
Missionary Society 


Magic Circular 

ro Monthly 


Man and His Clothes 
Man and Metal 

Man in the Street 
Managing Printer 

Mantle and Dress Trader 
Marine Engineer 

Marine Observer 

Masonic Record 

Massage Journal 

Master Builder 

Maternity and Child Welfare 
Matrimonial] Post 
Matrimonial Times 
Medical Times 

Melody Maker 

Member’s Circular 

Men’s Wear Organiser 
Mercantile Guardian 
Merchant Shipper 
Merchant Shipping Review 
Merchant Tailor 

Merry Magazine 

Message from God 

Law, &c., 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Monthly— contd. 

Meteorological Magazine 

Methodist Magazine 

Middlesex Schools Gazette 

Midland Venture 

Milk Industry 


Mineral Water Trade Review 

Mining Magazine 

Minister’s Gazette of Fashion 

Ministry of Labour Gazette 


Mission Field 

Mission Hospital 

Missionary Echo 

Missionary Herald 

Model Railway News 

Model Yachtsman 

Modern Astrology 

Modern Home 

Modern Lithographer 

Modern Salesmanship 

Modern Wireless 

Modern Woman 

Monomark Magazine 


Monthly Air Force List 

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics 

Monthly Bulletin of the French 
Chamber of Commerce 

Monthly Epidemiological Report 

Monthly Market Report 

Monthly Mining Handbook 

Monthly Music Record 

Monthly Notices of the Royal 
Astronomical Society 

Monthly Pictorial 

Monthly Record of the Protestant 
Evangelical Mission 

Monthly Report of the National 
Union of Boot and Shoe 

Monthly Statement of Drugs 

Monthly Summary of League of 

Monthly Summary of Weather 

Monthly Tailor and Cutter 

Monthly Weather Reports 

Moon Monthly Magazine 

Moravian Messenger 

Moravian Missions 

Morley Magazine 


Motor Boating World 

Motor Body Building 

Motor Coach A BC 

Motor Coach Time Table 

Motor Commerce 

Motor Owner 

Motor Ship 

Motor Sport 

Mount Review 

Municipal Review 

Museums & Galleries of London, &c. 

Museums Journal 

Music and Youth 

Music Art and Trade Journal 

Music Bulletin 

Music Dealer 

Music Seller 

Music Teacher 

Music Trades Review 

Musical Mail 

Musical Mirror 

Musical Opinion 

Musical Progress 

Musical Salvationist 

Musical Times 

Mutual Property Journal 

Mutual Property Review 

My Home 

My Magazine 

Nash’s-Pall Mall Magazine 

National Builder 

National Citizen 

N.C.W. News 



Monthly— contd. 

N.F.U. Record 

National Fire Brigades’ Associa- 
tion Official Record 

National Health 

National Laying Test Journal 

National Life 

National Review 

National Union 
turers’ Journal 

National Union of Retail Tobac- 
conists’ Journal 


Nature Reader Monthly 

Nature’s Way Monthly 


Navy List 

Needle and Home 

Needlework for All 

Netherlands Indies Review 

New Coal Age 

New Day 

New Era. Illustrated 

New Generation 

New Health 

New Judza 

New Magazine 

New Schoolmaster 7 

New vaT 

Newnes’ Pocket Novels 

News from Afar 

News Sheet of the Bribery. &c. 
Prevention League 

News Trade Circular 

Nichi Ei Shinchi 

Nickel Bulletin 

Nineteenth Century and After 

No More War 

North Hammersmith Sentinel 

Notes on the Scripture Lessons 

Novel Magazine 

Nursing Notes 


Occult Review 

Off License Journal 


Officers’ Training Corps Gazette 

Official Gazette of County Coun- 
cils Association 

Official Journal of the League of 

On and Off Duty 

On the Line 

On the March 

On the Road 

One and All 


Oral Topics 

Orchid Review 

Other Sheep 

Our Children 

Our Letter to Candidates 

Our Own Magazine 

Our Waifs and Strays 

Our Work at Home and Abroad 



Oversea Settler 

Overseas Engineer 

Overseas Magazine 

Packing Gazette 

Paper Box and Bag Maker 
Paper Container 

Paper Maker 

Paper Makers’ Monthly Journal 
Paper Making 

Paper Market 

Parents’ Review 

Pathway of New Age 
Pearson’s Magazine 
Perfumery, &c. 

Petroleum World 
Philatelic Journal 
Philatelic Trader 
Philosophical Magazine 
Phono Record 
Phonographic Monthly 

of Manufac- 


Willing’s Press Guide 



Photographic Dealer 

Photographic Journal 

Physical Culture 

Physiological Abstracts 


Pictorial Education 


Pictures, Pleasures, Pastimes 

Piggott’s Electrical Plant 

Pillar of Fire 

Pioneer of Wisdom 

Pitman’s Commercial 

Play Pictorial 

Dar and Players 


Plumber and Journal of Heating 

Plywood and Timber World 

Policewoman’s Review 


Polo Monthly 

Polytechnic Magazine 

Poppy’s Library 

Popular Investment 

P.L.A. Monthly 

Post Graduate Medical Journal 

Pottery Gazette 

Power Engineer 

Practical Building 

Practical Watch and Clockmaker 


Preacher’s, &c., Magazine 

Premier Magazine 

Presbyterian Messenger 

Prewett’s Gazette 

Prewett’s Ladies’ Fashions Folic 

Primitive Methodist Teachers’ 

Primrose League Gazette 

Printers’, &c., Engineer 

Printers’, &c., Sales and Watts 

Printers’ Register 

Printing Trades Journal 

Prison Officers’ Magazine 


Proceedings of the Institute of 
Certificated Grocers 

Proceedings of the Royal Society 
of Medicine 

Process Engravers’ Monthly 

Professional Fire Brigades’ Asso- 
ciation Official Journal 

P.P.A. Record of Photography 


Progress (Braille) 

Property Owners’ Journal 

Prophetic News 

Protestant Alliance Magazine 

Protestant Woman 

Public Cleansing 

Public Health 

P.L.R. Bulletin 

Putney News-Letter 

Quaker World Service 

Quarry, &c., Journal 



Railway Engineer 

Railway Magazine 

Railway Service Journal 

Railway Signal 

Railway Statistics 








Red Magazine 

Red Rail Guide A B C 

Red Tape 

Reid’s London 

Reporters’ Journal 




Reporters’ Magazine 

Rest and Reaping 

Retailers’ Chronicle 

Review of Applied Entomology 

Review of International Co-opera. 

Review of Religions 

Review of Reviews 

Review of South, &c., America 


Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade 


Rising Tide 

Roads and Road Construction 

Rotary Wheel 

Round World 

Royal Magazine 

Rubber Age 

Rubber and Tyre Review 

Rubber Companies’ Position 

Rural Electrification 


St. Alban’s, 

St. Ses Hospital Jour- 

St. Dunstan’s Review 

St. Ethelburga’s Leaflet 

St. John Ambulance Gazette 

St. Martin’s Review 

St. Mary’s Hospital Gazette 

Sales Management 

Sales Promotion 

Sanitary Journal 

Sartorial Gazette 


Scattered Seed 

School Child 

School Government Chronicle 

School Guardian 

School Magazine (Braille) 

School Music Review 

Schoolboys’ Own Library 

Schoolgirls’ Own Library 

Science Abstracts 

Science of Thought Review 



Scripture Truth 


Seed Thoughts 

Seeking and Saving 




Service and Filling Station 

Sexton Blake Library 

Sheet Metal Industries 


Shoe Seller 

Shoppers’ Guide 

Shoreditch Echo 



Signal Letters of British Ships 



Soap Trade, &c., Review 

Social Democrat 

Social Side 

Socialist Christian 

Socialist Review 

Socialist Standard 

Sound Wave 

South African Engineering 

South African Pioneer 

South American Missionary Maga- 

Southern Cross Log 

Southern Railway Magazine 

Southwark Diocesan Gazette 

Sower and Gospel Banner 

Spink & Son’s Numismatic Circular 

Spiritual Life 

Sporting Goods Review 


Holborn, Monthly 


Sports Dealer 

Sports Trader 

Sports’ Trades Journal 
Sportsman’s Register 

Stamp Lover 

Stamp Trade Advertiser 

State Service 

Stationer, &c. 

Stationery Trades Journal 
Stone Trades Journal 


Strand Magazine 

Strict Baptist Mission Herald 
Structural Engineer 

Student Movement 

Student of Scripture 


Sugar Beet Review 

Sunday at Home 

Sunday School Monthly 
Sunny Mag 

Sunny Stories for Little Folks 
Sweet Shop 

Sword and Trowel 

T. and R. Bulletin 

Tail-Wagger Magazine 

Talking Machine, &c., News 


Taxi World 

Teachers and Taught 

Technical Journal 

Tee Topics 

Telegraph and Telephone Journal 


Temperance Legislation League 
Monthly Notes 

Temples of Light Gazette 

Tennis Illustrated 

Theatre and Film Illustrated 

Theatre World 


Theosophical News and Notes 

Thoughts from the Word of God 

Tidings of Light and Peace 

Tin Printer 


Tobacco Trade Review 

Toc H Journal 

Toilers of the Deep 




Town and Country Homes 

Town Crier 

Toy Trader 


Trade and Navigation 

Trade Opportunities 

Transactions of the 
Society f 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Mining Engineers 

Transport Management 

Traveller and Clubman i 

Trevor Bulletin of British Physical 


Tropical Diseases Bulletin 

Tropical Life 

True Story Magazine 

Trusting and Toiling 

Truth and Freedom 


Turf Systems Review 

Twenty Story Magazine 

Uneeda Library 

U.I. 440 Pamphlets 


United Empire 

United Methodist Magazine 


University (Correspondent 




Vaccination Inquirer 

Vacher’s Parliamentary Com- 

Vegetarian News 


Veterinary Journal 

Victoria Gazette 

Victoria League Monthly Notes 

Vigilance Record 

Violet Novels 

Walker’s Monthly 


Watchmaker, &c. 



Welding Journal 

Weldon’s Bazaar of Children’s 

Weldon’s Home Dressmaker 

Weldon’s Illustrated Dressmaker 

Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal 

Weldon’s Practical Needlework 

Weldon’s Sixpenny Series 

Welfare Work 

West End Philatelist 

West Ham Municipal Alliance 

Westminster Cathedral Chronicle 

What’s On in London To-day 

White Ribbon 

White Star Magazine 

Whitefield’s Signal ` 

Whitehall Gazette 

Wide World Magazine 

Wife and Home 

Windsor Magazine 

Wine and Spirit Trade Record 

Wireless Constructor 

Wireless, &c., Export Trader 

Wireless Magazine 

Woman and Beauty 

Woman and Home 

Woman's Journal 

Woman’s Kingdom 

Woman’s Magazine 

Woman’s World Library 


Woodworker Magazine 

Words of Grace and Comfort 

Words of Help 

Words of Life 

Words of Salvation 

Workers’ Paper 

World Power 

World Stories 

World Travel 

World’s Carriers 

World’s Children 

World’s Rubber Position 


Writer’s Own Magazine 

Yachting Monthly 

You and I 

Young Folks’ Evangel 

Young Life 

Young Protestants 

Young Protestants and Uncle Ben’s 

Young Reader 
Y.W.C.A. Bulletin 
Youthful Days 

Alternate Months 

Anti-Vivisection, &c., Review 


Aquarist and Pondkeeper 


tArchives of Disease in Childhood 

Birth Control News 


Bookworm Book Mart 

British Journal of Experimental 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Alternate Months—conid. 

British Journal of Psychical 

British Machine Tool Engineering 

British Printer 

Bulletin of the National Council 
for Prevention of War 

Catholic Truth 

Channels of Blessing 

Chart and Compass 

Cheap Steam 

Chemical Practitioner 

Concrete Way 

Corporate Accountant 

Darkness and Light 

Dog’s Bulletin 

Engineering Gazette 

Evangelical Christendom 

Flute Player’s Journal 

Greater Britain Messenger 

Homes of the East 


Journal and Proceedings of the 
Institute of Chemistry 

Journal of the Italian Chamber of 
Commerce in London 

Journal of the Royal Institute of 
International Affairs 

Kahncrete Engineering 


Magical Journal 

Mathematical Gazette 

Missionary Review of 

Modern Motoring 

Monotype Recorder 

New Publicity 


Poetry Review 

Printing Federation Bulletin 

Proceedings of the Physical 

Public Dental Service Gazette 

Public Works 


Regions Beyond 

Scientific Worker 

South America 

True Temperance Notes 

Westminster Magazine 

White Cockade 

Whole World for Jesus Now 

Woman Journalist 

Working Men’s College Journal 

Young Helpers’ Magazine 


Across the Rockies 

Aerial A B C 


All in One 

Ancient Egypt 

Anglo-Spanish Trade 

Animals’ Champion 

Annals of Botany 

Annals of Eugenics 

Annals of the Propagation of the 

Anti-Slavery Reporter 


Antiquaries’ Journal 

Army Guild Quarterly 

Army Quarterly 

Art Gallery 


Asiatic Review 


Australian and New Zealand 
Trade Journal 


Banner of Truth 

Baptist Quarterly 

Baptist Teacher 


Bermondsey Book 

Bible Lands 

Biological Reviews, &c., of the 
Cambridge Philosophical Society 





Bird Notes and News 

Book Auction Records 





Brick Builder 

British Empire Review 

British Flag and 

British Homepathic Journal 


British Journal of Children’s 

British Journal of Experimenta] 

British Journal of Inebriety 

British Journal of Medical Psycho- 

British Journal of Psychology 

British Journal of Tuberculosis 

British Journal of Urology 

British Journal of Venereal 

British Museum Quarterly 

British Olympic Journal ; 

British Sea Anglers’ Society’s 

Brotherhood World 

Bulletin of Entomological 

Bulletin of the British Library of 
Political Science 

Bulletin of the Imperial Institute 

Bulletin of the World Association 
for Adult Education 

Butterworth’s Workmen’s Com- 
pensation Cases 


Catholic Medical Guardian 

Cavalry Journal 

Charing Cross Hospital Gazette 

Child Life 

Child Welfare Worker 

Chilean Review 




Christian East 

Church and People 

Church and the Jews 

Church Overseas 

Church Quarterly Review 

Church Self Government Chronicle 


Civil Service Arts Magazine 

Classical Quarterly 

Complete Current Digest 

Congregational Quarterly 

Conquest by Healing 


Costume and Mantle Worker 

Cox’s Reports of Criminal Law 



Danielite Star 

Decimal Educator 


Departmental, &c., Decisions 

D. I. A. Quarterly Journal 



Dublin Review 

East and Mid Surrey, &c., Good 
Templars’ Guide 

East London Church Chronicle 

Economic Journal 

El Comercio Hispano Britanico 

Electrical Age for Women 


Empire Cotton Growing Review 

Engineering Abstracts 

Engineering, Industry and Com- 



Willing’s Press Guide 


Quarterly —conid. 

English Churchwoman 
English Historical Review 
English Race 
Eugenics Review 
Eustace Miles’ Quarterly 
Evangelical Quarterly 
Expert Woman 
Fashion and Cutter 
Ferreteria Inglesa 
Fight Against Disease 
Fighting Forces 
Financial Review of Reviews 
Free Church Chronicle 
Friends’ Quarterly Examiner 
Genealogists’ Magazine 
Gilbert and Sullivan Journal 
Graded School 
Graded School Junior Quarterly 
Graded Schoo! Primary Quarteily 
Green Quarterly 
Guy’s Hospital Reports 
Heart i 
Here and There 
Hibbert Journal 
Holborn Review 
Home and Abroad 
Hospital Saturday Fund Journal 
House of Whitbread 
Household Brigade Magazine 
Ibis À 
Indian Church Magazine 
Industrial Gases 
lnstitute of Bookkeeper’s Journal 
Intermediate Concise Guide 
International Journal of Ethics 
International Journal of Psych- 
International Record 
International Review of Missions 
Jewish Quarterly Review 
Journal, &c., of the Society of 
Engineers Inc. 
Journal of Clinical Research 
Journal of Comparative Legisla- 
ournal of Hygiene 
ournal of Mental Science 
ournal of Neurology 
ournal of Philosophical Studies 
Journal of the African Society 


Journal of the Central Asian 
Journal of the Central Land- 

owners’ Association 

Journal of the East India Asso- 

Journal of the Institute of Fuel 

Journal of the Institute of Wire 
less Technology 

Journal of the National Institute 
of Industrial Psychology 

Journal of the Parliaments of the 

Journal of the Royal Artillery 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic 

Journal of the Royal Micro- 
scopical Society 

Journal of the Royal Naval 
Medical Service 

Journal of the Royal United 

Service Institution 

Journal of the Society for Army 
Historical Research 

Journal of the Society of Engineers 

Journal of the Women’s Farm and 
Garden Association 

Quarterly— contd. 

Journal of Theological Studies 

Junior, &c., Concise Guide 

Junior Red Cross Journal 


King’s College Hospital Gazette 

Ladies’ Pall Mall Fashions 

Lakher Pioneer 

Lamp of China 

Law Quarterly Review 

Laymen’s Bulletin 

Liberation Bulletin 


Library Association Record 

Life and Liberty 

Life Boat 

Light and Truth 

Lighten our Darkness 

Local Government Abroad 

Log Book 

London Gazette Index 

London Quarterly Keview 

London Rover 

Lord’s Day 

Lord’s Portion Magazine 

Luzac’s Oriental List 

Magic Wand 

Magisterial Cases 

Marine Magazine 

Mariner’s Mirror 



Mineralogical Magazine 

Ministers’ Report of Fashions for 

MiscellaneaGenealogica et Heraldica 

Missionary News Letter 

Modern Language Review: 

Moore’s Journal ‘‘ The Unknown ” 

Morning Calm 

Mothers in Council 

Mothers’ Union Journal 

Music and Letters 

National Temperance Quarterly 

Natural History Magazine 

Naval Cadet 

Navy League Quarterly 


New Adelphi 

New Campaigner 

New Church Magazine 

New Era 

New Flora and Silva 

Night and Day 

Notes from Ireland 

Numismatic Chronicle 

Nurses Near and Far 

Official Index to the Times 

Oil Engineering 

Old Master Drawings 

One by One 


Oologists’ Kecord 

Operative Builder 



Our Sisters in other Lands 

Oversea Education 


Overseas Business Travel 

Oxford Mission to Calcutta Quar- 
terly Paper 

Palestine Exploration Fund 

Paper and Print 

Paper Sampler 

Parliamentary Gazette 

Peace and Goodwill 



Photographic Abstracts 




Pocket Lesson Book 

Poetry and the Play 

Poetry of To-day 


Quarterly— contd. 

Poetry Past and Present 

Police Journal 

Political Quarterly 

Post Office Electrical Engineers 

Practical Christianity 

Primary Concise Guide 

Print Collector's Quarterly 

Proceedings of the Malacological 
Society of London 

Proceedings of the Scientific 
Meetings of the Zoological 
Society of London 


Progress, Civil, Social, Industrial 


Psychic Science 

Public Administration 


Quarterly Journal of Economics 

Quarterly Journal of Forestry 

Quarterly Journal of Medicine 

Quarterly Journal of Micro- 
scopical Science 

Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy 

Quarterly Journal of the Geo- 
logical Society 

Quarterly Journal of the Royal 
Meteorological Society 

Quarterly Letter 

Quarterly Notes ; 

Quarterly Return of Marriages, 
Births, and Deaths 

Quarterly Review 

Queen’s Nurses Magazine 


Radio for the Million 

Railway Accidents 

Ranyard Magazine 

Red Cross 

Registrar - General Returns of 
Births, Deaths and Marriages 


Review of English Studies 

Review of the Churches 

Round Table 

Rubber and Tea Quarterly 

Rural Industries 

Sabbath Observer 

Safety First 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand 

St. Paul’s Review 

St. Peter’s Net 

Scattered Nation 

Scholastic Requisitions 

School Nature Study 

School Science Review 

Science Progress 

Shaftesbury Magazine 


Shrine of Wisdom 

Sociological Review 

Solicitors’ Clerks’ Gazette 

Somerset Folk Series 


Speculative Mason 

Spotlight Bulletin 

Spotlight Casting Directory 

Star in the East 

Steam Engineer 


Sunday Guardian 

Sunday School Magazine of the 
Wesleyan Methodist Church 


Sunrays for the Blind 

Teesquare and Tape 

Transactions of the 
Mycological Society 

Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia 

Travel Log 

Trinitarian Bible Society Quar- 
terly Record 

Tropical Veterinary Bulletin 

Under the Dome 

United India 


—_— ee 


United Temperance Gazette 
Universal Brotherhood 

Walker’s Quarterly 

West London Medical Journal 
Whitaker's Cumulative Book List 
White Cross 

Within our Gates 

Without the Camp 

Woman Clerk 

Woman Engineer 

Woman’s Work 

World Dominion 

World Travel 

York Quarterly 

Young Abstainer 

Three Times a Year 

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum 
Australian Bush Leaves 
DRUT of the English Associa- 

Bulletin of the Institute of 
Historical Research 

Clare Market Review 

Cox’s Legal Circular 

Datchelor School Magazine 

Faraday House Journal 

Forum of Education 

Girls’ Club Journal 


Home Mission Field 

Journal of Pomology 

Journal of the Institute of 

Lady Catalogue of Fashions 

League News 



L. A. M. 


Parent and Child 

Proceedings of the Entomological 
Society of London 

Royal Hospital School Magazine 

Save the Children Fund Pictorial 

Slavonic, &c., Review 

Weldon’s Catalogue of Fashions 

Work in Many Lands 

Twice a Year 
Academy Architecture 
Advanced Styles 
Alpine Journal 
Archa@ologia Cambrensis 
Army List Half Yearly 
Bell Yard 
British Journal of Physiological 

British Record Society 

Buff Book 

Costumes et Manteaux 

Crouch End High School Magazine 

Economic Record 

Educational Record 

Empire Forestry Journal 

Essex Naturalist 

Gentleman’s Pall Mall Fashions 

Grafton Fashions for Gentlemen 

Howard Journal 

Incorporated Students’ Telephone 

Index Library 

Indian Art and Letters 

cura of Adult Education 
ournal of Ecology 

Journal of Egyptian Archeology 

Journal of Hellenic Studies 
ournal of Roman Studies 
ournal of the British Archzolo- 
gical Association 

Journal of the Institute of Metals 

Journal of the Iron and Steel 

Journal of the Royal Anthropo- 
logical Institute 

Willing’s: Press Guide 


Twice a Year—conid. 
Ladies’ Tailor . 
London and North Eastern Rail- 

way Time Tables 
London Telephone Directory 

Medical Woman's International 
Journal o 
Milestones Jo i 
Minister’s Edition de Luxe 
Minister’s Report of Fashions 

for Gentlemen 
Notes on Books 

Ocean Travel 
Oil Facts and Figures 
Oxford House Magazine 

Photographic Press Review 

Post Office Guide 

Post Office Guide Supplement 

Proceedings of the Edinburgh 
Mathematical Society 

Prospectus of Pub!ic Companies 


Rubber Facts and Figures 

Saga Book, &c., of the Viking 

School Finder 

Scottish Gaelic Studies 

Starrwood’s Annual, The Snark 

Students’ Telephone 

Tables of Charges for Imperial, &c., 


Transactions of the Congrega- 
tional Historical Society 

Transactions of the Entomological 
Society of London 

Violinists’ Gazette 

Webster’s Royal Red Book 
Where to Buy 


A BC Guide to British Manu- 
facturing Exporters 

Accountants’ and Secretary’s Year 

Acton (Borough of) Directory 

Actuarial Students Magazine 

Admiralty List of Lights 

Adult School Lesson Handbook 

Advertisers AB C Advertise- 
ment Press Directory 

Advertising Register 

African World Annual 

Agricultural Statistics 


Analysis of the Accounts of the 
Principal Gas Undertakings 

Andrew Thomson’s Yachting Guide 

Animals’ Calendar 

Anglican and Eastern Associa- 
tion Report 

Anglo-American Year Book 

Anglo-Catholic Almanack 

Anglo-Catholic Kalendar 

Auglo-Jewish Association Annual 

Annie S, Swan’s Annual 

Annual Charities Register 

Annual Circular of the Corps of 

Annual Cotton Handbook 

Annual County Courts Practice 

Annual Digest 

Annual of the British School at 

Annual Practice 

Annual Register 

Annual Report &c. of the Associated 
Society of Locomotive Engineers 
and Firemen 

Annual Report &c. of the National 
Union of Teachers 

Annual Report &c., Chamber of 
Shipping of the United Kingdom 


Yearly— contd. 
Annual Report of St. Dunstan’s 
Annual Report of the Asylums 
Committee, L.C.C. 

Annual Report of the Bankers’ 
Clearing House 

Annual Report of the Baptist 
Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the Boys’ 
Brigade (Incorporated) 

Annual Report of the British 
and Foreign Bible Society 

Annual Report of the British 
Science Guild 

Annual Report of the Central 
Employment Bureau 

Annual Report of the Christian 
Literature Society for India, &c. 

Annual Report of the Church 

Annual Report of the Church 
Benefit Society 

Annual Report of the Fabian 

Annual Report of the Federation 
of Working Girls’ Clubs 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Service Council 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Temperance Union 

Annual Report of the Friends’ 
Tract Association 

Annual Report of the Hospital 
Saturday Fund 

Annual Report of the Imperial 
Cancer Research Fund 

Annual Report of the Indian 
Church Aid Association 

Annual Report of the Jews’ 

Annual Report of the London 
Chamber of Commerce 

Annual Report of the London 
Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the London 
Society for Promoting Chris- 
tianity Amongst the Jews 

Annual Report of the Magdalene 
College Club 

Annual Report of the Metro- 
politan Asylums Board 

Annual Report of the Metro- 
politan Water Board 

Annual Report of the Mission to 

Annual Report of the Missions 
to Seamen 

Annual Report of the Mount 
Vernon Hospital 

Annual Report of the National 
Carine Defence League 

Annual Report of the National 
Equine Defence League 

Annual Report of the National 
Society for Cancer Relief 

Annual Report of the N.S.P C.C. 

Annual Report of the Navy 

Annual Report of the Organists’ 
Benevolent League 

Annual Report of the Port of 
London Authority 

Annual Report of the Proceed- 
ings of the L.C.C. 

Annual Report of the Protestant 
Reformation Society 

Annual Report of the Registrar- 
General of Births, Deaths, 
and Marriages in England 

Annual Report of the Registrar 
of Friendly Societies 

Annual Report of the Religious 
Tract Society 

Annual Report of the Royal 
College of Organists 

Annual Report of the Royal 
Drawing Society 



Annual Report of the Royal 
Humane Society 

Annual Report of the Royal 
Society for the Protection 
of Birds 

Annual Report of the S.P.C.K. 

Annual Report of the Society for 
Promoting the Training of 

Annual Report of the Society for 
the Propagation of the Gospel 

Annual Report of the Society 
of Genealogists 

Annual Report of the Trinitarian 
Bible Society 

Annual Report of the Victoria 

Annual Report of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Missionary Society 

Annual Report of the White 
Cross League 

Annual Report on the Progress 
of Chemistry 

Annual Reports issued by the 
Ministry of Agriculture and 

Annual Statutes 

Annual Trade Review 

Answers Football Annual 

Anuario Internacionale 

Archaeological Journal 

Architects’ and Surveyors’ Pocket 

Architects’ Compendium 
Architectural Association Yea) 

Art Prices Current 

Artists’ Almanac 

Artists’ Rifles’ Year Book 

Arts and Crafts Year Book 

Australian A B C Guide to 
British Manufacturing Exports 

Auto Cycle Union Pocket Book 

Automobile and Carriage 
Builders’ Diary 

Ayres’ Cricket Companion 

Ayres’ Lawn Tennis Almanac 

Baby’s Annual 

Badminton Fixtures Card 

Badminton Kalendar 

Badminton Sporting Register 

Baily’s Hunting Directory 

Bankers’ Almanac, &c. 

Baptist Handbook 

Barnes, &c., Directory 

Barnet, &c., Directory 

Basingstoke, &c., Directory 

Bath, &c., Directory 

Benn’s Encyclopedia of Hardware 

Best Way Cookery Gift Book 

Bible Searching Almanac 

Bible Text Calendar 

Billy and Bunny Book 

Birkbeck College Calendar 

Birmingham with its Suburbs 

Blackie’s Boys’ Annual 

Blackie’s Children’s Annual 

Blackie’s Girls’ Annual 

Blackie’s Little One’s Annual 

Blair’s Commercial Directory 

Bloodstock Breeders’ Review 

Blue Book, Court, &c., Guide 

Blue Book, Electrical Trades 

Bognor Regis Directory 

Book of West Harn 

Book Prices Current 

Bo-Peep’s Annual 

Bournemouth, &c., Directory 

Bourne’s Insurance Directory 

Bourne’s Insurance Manual 

Boy’s Own Annual 

Brassey’s Naval 

and Shipping 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Yearly— contd. 

Brewers’ Almanack 

Brewery Manual 

Brewing Trade Review Licensing 
Law Reports 

Brighton, &c., Directory 

British & Colonial Pharmacists’ 

British & Foreign Guide 

British Berkshire Annual 

British Berkshire Herd Book 

British Boy’s Annual 

British Coasters 

British Federation of Musical 
Festivals Year Book 

British Friesian Cattle Herd Book 

British Girl’s Annual 

British Journal Photographic 

British Launderers’ Year Book 

British Mercantile Guide 

British Optical Almanac 

British Raintall 

British Ski Year Book 

British Sports Equipment for the 
Overseas Markets 

British Waterworks Year Book 

Bromley, &c., Directory 

Bruin Boys Annual 

Bubbles Annual 

Builders’ Compendium 

Building Societies’ Year Book 
Burdett’s Hospitals & Charities 

Bureau Veritas International 
Register of Shipping 
Bureau Veritas Monthly List 

of Wrecks and Casualties 
Bureau Veritas Repertoire 
Bureau Veritas Rules for Building 
&c., Steel Vessels 
Burke’s Peerage 
Business Directory of 
&c. Africa 
Butterworth’s Annotated Statutes 
Butterworth’s Licensing Law 
Butterworth’s Workmen’s Com- 
pensation Cases 

Butterworth’s Yearly Digest of 
Reported Cases 

Buyer’s Guide 

Cabinet Makers’ Diary 

Cage Birds Annual 

Caithness and Sutherland Re- 

Calendar of the Council of Legal 

Calendar of the East London 

Calendar of the London College 
of Divinity 

Calendar of the London School 
of Economics 

Calendar of the Royal College of 
Surgeons of England 

Calendar of the School of 
Oriental Studies 

Calendar of the Trinity College 
of Music, London 

Calendar of University College 

Calendars of State Papers 

Cambridge Historical Journal 

Cambridge House Annual Report 

Cambridge Law Journal 

Cambridge Pocket Diary 

Cambridge University Calendar 

Campine Club Year Book 
Canada To-day 

Canadian Progress 
Canterbury, &c., Directory 
Canterbury Kalendar 
Cassell’s Children’s Annual 

Castle’s Fishing and 
Trades Guide 






Castle’s Guide to the Fruit and 
Allied Trades 

Catholic Almanac 

Catholic Diary 

Catholic Directory 

Catholic Who’s Who 

Caxton Year Book 

Champion Annual 

Charts, Plans, and Sailing Direc- 

Chelmsford, &c., Directory 

Chelmsford Diocesan Directory 

Chelsea, Pimlico, &c., Directory 

Cheltenham, &c., Directory 

Chemical Engineering & Chem. 

Chemical Manufacturers’ Directory 

Chemical Trade Directory 

Chemist and Druggist Diary 

Chichester, &c., Directory 

Chickabiddies Annual 

Chicks’ Own Annua 

Children’s Birthday Book 

Children’s Country Holiday Fund 

Children’s Friend 

Children’s Play Hour Book 
China Year Book 

Chiswick, &c., Directory 

Chitty Statutes of Practical Utility 
Christian Progress Almanack 
Christian Year Calendar 

Church Almanack 

Church Directory 

Church Kalendar and Lectionary 

Church Missionary Pocket Book 
Church of England Almanack 
Church Pulpit Year Book 
Churchman’s Almanack 
Churchman’s Year Book 

Circuit Stewards List 

City and Guilds of London In- 
stitute Programme 

City & Guilds of London Institute 
Syllabus of Handicrafts 

City & Guilds of London Institute 
Syllabus of Women’s Subjects 

City Diary and Almanac 

City of London College Calendar 

Civil Service Confederation Annual 

Clergy Directory & Parish Guide 

Clubs: A List of English Clubs 
in All Parts of the Worid 

Coal Trades’ Diary 

Coate’s Herd Book 

Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book 

Colliery Year Book 

Collingwood’s International Mer- 
cantile Directory 

Collins’ Adventure Annual 

Collins’ Boy Scouts’ Annual 

Collins’ Children’s Annual 

Collins’ Girl Guides’ Annual 

Collins’ Painting Annual 

Collins’ Schoolboys’ Annual 

Collins’ Schoolgirls’ Annual 

Colonial & Dominion Office 
Annual Reports 

Commercial Directory 

Companies Diary, &c. 

Concise Guide Internationa 

Lessons Annual Volume 
Concrete Year Book 

Conference of Education Asso- 
ciation’s Report 

Congregational Year-Book 

Constitutional Year-Book 

Cope’s Motor, &c., Directory 

Cremation Society’s Transactions 

Cricket Clubs’ Annual 

Cricketer Spring Annual 

Cricketer Winter Annual 



Crockford’s Clerical Directory 

Croydon, &c., Directory 

Cruising Association Year Book 

Cub’s and Brownies’ Annual 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Handbook 

Daily Mail Year-Book 

Daily Meditation Calendar 

Daily Mirror Reflections 

Daily News Cricket and Tennis 

Daily News Football Annual 

Debrett’s House of Commons and 
the Judicial Bench 

Debrett’s Illustrated Baronetage, 
Knightage, &c. 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, 
Knightage, and Companionage 

Debrett’s Waistcoat Pocket Diary 

Decorators’ Diary 

Dentists’ Register 

Design and Practical Management 
of Service and Filling Stations 

Devonian Year Book 

Diary and Directory for Sur- 
veyors, &c. 

Diary for Lawyers 

Digest of Law, &c., Cases 

Directory of Contractors 

Directory of Directors 

Directory of Guy’s Men 

Directory of Insurance Brokers 

Directory of Manufacturers and 
Wholesalers of Toy and Fancy 

Directory of Paper Makers 

Directory of Shipowners, &c. 

Directory of the A.O.F. 

Directory of Women Teachers 

Dod’s Parliamentary Companion 

Dod’s Peerage 

Dominions Office and Colonia) 
Office List 

Dorset Year Book 

Drapers’ Chamber of Trade of the 
U.K. Official Yearly Diary 

Drapers’ Diary 

Drapers’ Organiser Directory 

Ealing, &c., Directory 

Eastbourne Directory 

Eastern A B C Guide to Britisb 
Manufacturing Exporters 

Edgware, &c., Directory 

Education Authorities Directory 

Electric Railway, &c., Journal 

Electrical Contractor’s Year Book 

Electrical Engineer’s Year Book 

Electrician Annual Tables of 
Electricity Undertakings 

Empire Annual for Boys 

Empire Annual for Girls 

Empire Law List 

Empire Municipal Directory, &c. 

Enfield, &c, Directory 

* Engineer ” Directory 
Buyers’ Guide : 

Engineering Directory 

Engineer’s Year-Book 

English Catalogue of Books 

English Churchman’s Kalendar 

English Guernsey Cattle Society’s 
Herd Book 

Essays and Studies 

Estate Book and Diarv 

Faculty of Architects and Sur- 
veyors Year Book 

Faculty of Arts Year Book 

Fairplay’s Annual Summary of 
British Shipping Finance 

Fancy Goods Year Book 

Farmer and Stockbreeder Year 


Farmer’s Red Book 
Father Tuck’s Annual 
Feathered World Year Book 

Willing’s Press Guide 


F.B.I. Register of British Manu- 

Finchley, &c., Directory 

Fine Prints of the Year 

Fleet Street Annual 

Flock Book of the Kent, 
Sheep Breeders’ Association 

Folkestone Directory 

Food Manufacture Year Book 

Food Reformers’ Year Book 

Footwear Organiser Directory 

Foreign Office List 

Foresters Diary 


French's Guide for Selecting Plays 

Fruit Trade Diary and Year Book 

Fry’s Royal Guide to the Prin- 
cipal London and other Chari- 

Furnishing Trades Organiser Direc- 

Games and Toys Directory 

Gardeners’ Year Book 

Gas Association’s Reports 

“ Gas Journal ” Calendar 

“ Gas Salesman’s ” Diary 

Gas Works Directory 

Gas World Year Book 

Girl’s Own Annual 

Girls’ Adventure Annual 

Girls’ School Year-Book 

Glad Tidings Calendar 

Glasgow Directory 

Golden Annual 

Golden Year Annual 

Good News Calendar 

Good News Sheet Almanac 

Gospel Text Almanac 

Gosport, &c. Directory 

Grey Book 

Greyfriars’ Holiday Annual 

Greyhound Stud Book 

Guildford, &c., Directory 

Hackney Stud Book 

Hampstead and Child’s 

Hampton’s Scholastic Directory 

Ham’s Customs Year-Book 

Ham’s Excise Year-Book 

Handbook of Jamaica 

Handbook of the National Coun- 
cil of Women of Great Britain 

Handicrafts Annual 

Handy Class Register 

Happy Greetings 

Hardwareman, &c., Diary 

Harper’s Pocket Manual and 
Wine and Spirit Trade Manua! 

Harrow, &c., Directory 

Hastings, St. Leonard’s, &c., 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary 

Health and Strength Annual 

Hendon &c., Directory 

Hereford, &c., Directory 


Highest and Lowest Prices 

Hints for Holidays 

Hobby Annual 

Holly Bough 

Homeland Handbooks 

Homeland Handy Guides 

Homeland Illustrated 

Homeland Residential Guides 

Hornsey, &c., Directory 

Hunting Diary 

Ice and Cold Storage Trades Direc- 

Incorporated Accountants’ Year 




Incorporated Secretaries Year 

Index to Parliamentary Notices, &c 

India Office List 

Infants’ Magazine 



Institute of Book-keepers’ Year 
Insurance Blue-book and Guide 
Insurance Mail Year Book 
Insurance Who’s Who 
International Handbook of Child 


International Insurance Intelli- 

International Lesson Pocket Notes 

International Mercantile Diary 

International Register of Tele- 
graphic, &c., Addresses 

I.T.E. Buyers’ Guide to British 

Ipswich, &c., Directory 

Iron and Steel Institute : Scholar- 
ships Memoirs 

Ironmongers’ Diary 

Isle of Thanet, &c., Directory 

Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 

Jane’s Fighting Ships 

Jewish Year-Book 

Joint Transactions of the London 
Chartered Accountants Stu- 
dents’ Society 

Journal of the Bath, &c., Society 

Journal of the Chartered In- 
surance Institute 

Journal of the English Folk Dance 

Journal of the Friends’ Historical 

Journal of the Institute of Ac- 
tuaries’ Students Society 

Journal of the North China 
Branch of the Royal Asiatic 

Journal of the Quekett Micro- 
scopical Club 

Journal of the Royal Agri- 
cultural Society of England 

Journal of the Society of Public 
Teachers of Law 

Journal of the Transactions of 
the Victoria Institute 

Kalendar of the Royal Institute 
of British Architects 

Kalendar of the Saints 

Kelly’s Directory of Bristol 

Kelly’s (Gore’s) Liverpool, &c., 

Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, 
&c., Classes 

Kelly’s (Slater’s) Directory of 

Kelly’s (White’s) Sheffield and 
Rotherham Directory 

Kempe’s Engineer’s Year Book 

Kennel Club Calendar and Stud 

Kensington, &c., Directory 

Keswick Week 

Kilburn, &c., Directory 

Killik’s Argentine Railway 

Kime’s International Law Direc- 

Kinematograph Year Book 

King’s College Calendar 

King’s Lynn, &c., Directory 

Kingston, &c., Directory 

Labour Year Book 

Ladies’ Who’s Who 

Ladies’ Year Book 

Lady Book of Fancy Dresses 

Lamb’s International Guide to 
British and Foreign Merchants 
and Manufacturers 

Large Black Pig Herd Book 

Law List 

Laws of Croquet 

Lawyer's Companion 

Lawyer’s Remembrancer 

Laxton’s, &c., Builders’ Price Book 



Willing’s Press Guide 

[ Periodicals 


Leather Goods Directory 

Leather Trades Year Book 

Lett’s Diaries 

Liberal Year-Book 

Licensed Victuallers’ 

Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book 

Life of Faith Almanac 

Light in the Home Annual 

Lights and Tides of the World 

Little Dot’s Annual 

Little Frolic 

Little People’s Annual 

Live Stock Journal Annual 

Live Stock Journal Show List 

Llawfyr Cymry Llundain 

Lloyd’s Calendar 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 

Lloyd’s Register of Yachts 

Local Government 

Local Government Annual 

Local Government Manual 

London (Fry’s) 

London and County Trades 
Directory . 

London and North Eastern Rail- 
way Holiday Guide 

London & Provincial Directory 

London Association of Accoun- 
tants’ Year Book 

London Diocese Year-Book 

London Directory 

London Naturalist 

Lucie Attwell Annual 

Maidenhead, &c., Directory 

Malayan Trade Annual 

Manchester, &c., Directory 

Manual of British and Foreign 
Brewing Companies 

Manual of Electrical 

Marlborough’s Plain Calendar 

Marylebone, &c., Directory 

Masonic Calendar, &c., for Surrey 

Masonic Year-Book 

Master Printers’ Annual 

Mathieson’s Handbook for In- 

Mazin’s Hebrew Yiddish-English 
Pocket Calendar 

Medical and Dental Students’ 

Medical Directory 

Medical Register 

Medical Who’s Who 

Medico-Legal Society Transac- 
- Men’s Wear Organiser Directory 

Mercantile Year-Book 

Merchant Ships of the World 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, and 
Shippers’ Directory 

Metal Handbook (Quins) 

Metal Industry Handbook 

Methodist S.S. Notes 

Mctropolitan Water 
Abstract of Accounts 

Metropolitan Water Board Chemi- 
cal, &c., Examinations 

Midwives Roll 

Mining Highest and Lowest Prices 
and Dividends 

Mining Year Book 

Ministry of Health Annual Report 

Minutes of the General Con- 
ference of the New Church 
Minutes of the General Medical 

Minutes of the Synod of the Pres- 
byterian Church of England 

Minutes of the United Methodist 

Minutes of the Wesleyan Con- 





Mrs. Hippo’s Annual 

Moravian Almanac 

Moravian Text Book 

Morris’s Business Directory 

Motor Body Building Handbook 

Motor Ship Reference Book 

Motor Transport Year Book 

Mowbray’s Churchman’s Kalendar 

Municipal Year Book 

Music Trade Diary 

Music Trade Directory 

Music Traders’ Map 

Musical Directory 

My Little Friend Almanac 

My Pocket Companion 

Nalgo Holiday Guide 

National Association of Master 
Bakers, Confectioners, &c., 
Reference Book 

National Federation of Credit 
Traders’ Year Book 

National Federation Year Book 

National Fire Brigades’ Associa- 
tion Annual Report 

National Pig Breeders’ Associa- 
tion Herd Book 

National Pony Stud Book 

National . Union of Manufac- 
turers, &c., Directory of 

Netherlands East Indies Review 

New Church Diary 

New English Art Club Catalogues 

New Church Almanac 

New Nature Book Annual 

New South Wales Post Office 
Directory (Wise’s) 

New Zealand Post Office Directory 

Newbury, &c., Directory 

Newspaper Press Directory 

Nitrate Facts and Figures 

Norman Lockyer Lecture 

Nursing Mirror Pocket Encyclo- 

O’Connell’s Coal and Iron Diary 

Officers’ Training Corps Diary 

Official Year Book of Scientific 
and Learned Societies of Great 
Britain and Ireland 

Official Year Book of the Church 
of England 

Oil and Petroleum Year Book 

Old Lore Miscellany $ 

Old Moore’s Almanac 

Onoto Diary 

Oojah Annual 

Order of Divine Service 

Orkney, &c., Records 

Our Darlings 

Our Girls’ Annual 

Overseas’ Buyers’ Guide 

Oxford, &c., Directory 

Oxford Almanac 

Oxford Annual for Baby 

Oxford Annual for Boys 

Oxford Annual for Children 

Oxford Annual for Girls 

Oxford Annual for Scouts 

Oxford Annual for Tiny Folks 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar 

Oxford University Calendar 

Oxford University Pocket Diary 

Paddington, &c., Directory 

Palæontographical Society’s Pub- 

Paper Makers’ Directory of All 

Paper Mills Directory 

Paper Trade Directory of Great 

Parish Kalendar 

Parish Priest's Notice Pad and 

Parochial Almanack 

Partridge’s Children’s Annual 

Paterson’s Licensing Acts 



Paterson’s Practical Statutes 

Paton’s List of Schools 

Peace Year Book 

Pearson’s Tide Tables 

Peat’s Farmers’ Diary 

Penrose’s Annual 

People’s Church Kalendar 

Pertumery, &c., Year Book 

Periodical Accounts Relating to 
Moravian Missions ; 

Perry's Directory of Great Bri- 
tain and Ireland 

Perry’s Hotel & Boarding House 

Petroleum Year Book 

Phillips’s Paper Trade Directory 

Photograms of the Year 

Photographic Red Book 

Picture Show Annual 

Pig Breeders’ Annual 

Pink "Un Summer Annual 

Pink ’Un Winter Annual 

Pinner, &c., Directory 

Pitman’s Year-Book 

Playbox Annual 

Playtime ABC 

Playtime Annual 

Policeman’s Pocket Almanac 

Poor Law Annual 

Pop Annual 

Popular Book of Boys’ Stories 

Popular Book of Girls’ Stories 

Popular Gardening Annual 

Popular Illustrated Report of the 
British and Foreign Bible 

Portsmouth, &c., Directory 

Post Annual 

Post Magazine Almanac 

Post Office London Directory 

Post Year Book 

Pottery Gazette Diary 

Poultry Club Year Book 

Poultry Keeper’s Diary 

Poultry World Annual 

Poultry Year Book 

Practical Electrician’s Pocket 

Practical Engineer Electrical 
Pocket Book 

Practical Engineer Mechanical 

Pocket Book 

Proceedings of the Aristotelian 

Proceedings of the Classical Asso- 
ciation of England and Wales 

Proceedings of the Institution 
of Automobile Engineers 

Proceedings of the Linnean 

Proceedings of the London Mathe- 
matical Society 

Proceedings of the Royal Institu- 
tion of Great Britain 

Proceedings of the South London 
Entomological Societ 

Prospectus and Time Table 

Public Schools Year Book 

Publications of English Goethe 

Puck Annual 

Punch Almanac 

Putney, &c., Directory 

Queen Book of Travel 

Queensland Post Office Directory 

Radium Institute, Report of the 

Railway Almanac 

Railway Annual 

Railway Diary 

Railway Year-Book 

Rainbow Annual 

Raphael’s Prophetic Almanac 

Rationalist Annual 

Reading Directory 

and Officials’ 

London] Willing’s Press Guide | Periodicals 
Yearly— contd. Yearly—conid. Yearly—contd. 
Record of Transactions of the | Specification Toy Manufacturers and Whole- 

Junior Institution of Engineers 
Red Book of Commerce 
Red-Letter Kalendar 
Register of Patent Agents: 
Register of the Motor Trade 
Register of Veterinary Surgeons 
Registers of | Pharmaceutical 

hemists and Druggists 

Registrar’s Pocket Book 
Reigate, &c., Directory 
R.T.S. Pocket Almanac 
Report of the Annual Conference 

of the I.L.P. ; 
Report of the Board of Education 
Reproduction of Selected Draw- 


Richmond, &c., Directory 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit Handbook 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle 

Rochester, &c., Directory 

Roll of the Union of Graduates 
in Music 

Rowing Almanac 

Royal Academy Illustrated 

Royal Automobile Club Guide 

Royal Cruising Club Journal 

Royal Holloway College Calendar 

Royal Life Saving Society’s An- 
nual Report 

Royal Society List of Members 

Rubber Information 

Rubber Producing Companies 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf 

Rugby Football Annual 

Ryland’s Directory of the Coal, 
&c., Trade 

St. Albans, &c., Directory 

St. Albans Diocesan Year Book 

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Re- 


Salvation Army Year Book 

School Friend Annual 

School of Economics Calendar 

Schoolboy’s Annual 

Schoolgirls’ Annual 

Schoolgirls’ Own Annual 

Schoolmasters’ Year-Book 

Scripture Searchers’ Almanack 

Sell's Building Trade List 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Tele- 
graphic Addresses 

Sell’s National Directory 

Shaw’s Ideal, &c., Calendar 

Shaw’s Local Government Diary 
Blotting Pad 

Shaw’s Scribbling Diary 

Shaw’s Solicitors’ Almanack 

Shaw’s Tablet Diary 

Shipping World Pocket Book 

shipping World Year-Book 

Ships of the Royal Navy 

Shire Horse Stud Book 

Shoe and Leather Marks 

Sign Kalendar 

gape Investors’ Diary 

Sinclair’s Music Trade Guide 

Skinner’s Cotton Trade Directory 

Smallholder, &c. Year Book 

Smith’s Physicians’ and Surgeons’ 
Visiting List 

Soap Makers’ Director 

Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs’ 

Solicitors’Diary & Legal Directory 

Solicitors’ Pocket Book and 

Somebody’s Darlings 

Somerset Year Book 

South African A B C Guide 
to British Manufacturing Ex- 

South American Handbook 

South Australia Directory 

Southampton, &o., Directory 

Southend, &c., Directory 

Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ 
Pocket Price Book 

Sporting Life Annual Summary of 
Past Racing 

Sports Annual 

Sports Dealers’ Trade Index 

Sports Trader Director 

Sports Trades Journal Year Book 

Sportsman’s Engagement Book 

Squills Diary, &c. 

Staff College Reports & Examina- 
tion Papers 

Stamp Collecting Year Book 

Stamp Collectors’ Annual 

Statesman’s Year Book 

Stock Exchange Official Intelli- 


Stock Exchange Ten Year Prices 
and Dividends 

Stock Exchange Year-Book 

Stone & Cox’s Accident Insurance 

Stone & Cox’s Accident Year 

Stone & Cox’s Bonus Insurance 

Stone & Cox’s Colonial Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox's Fire Year Book 

Stone & Cox’s House Purchase 
Insurance Tables 

Stone and Cox’s Indian Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Industrial Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone & Cox’s Life Insurance 
Policy Conditions 

Stone and Cox’s Motor Car Prices 

Stone & Cox’s Motor Insurance 

Stone & Cox’s Ordinary Life 
Insurance Tables 

Stone’s Justices’ Manual 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book 

Stubbs’ Directory (British, &c.) 

N Hotel Guide (British, 


Students’ Handbook of the Uni- 
versity and Colleges of Cam- 

Studio Year Book 

Sunday at Home Annual 

Sunday School Class Register 

Sunday Sunshine 

sas oa to the General Stud 


and Auctioneers’ 

Sussex Herd Book 

Sutton, &c. Directory 

Swedish Chamber of Commerce 
Year Book 

Syllabus of the Associated Board 
of the Royal Academy of Music 
and Royal College of Music 

Tasmania Post Office Directory 
Tate’s Money Manual 

Taunton, &c., Directory 

Tea Facts and Figures 
Teeny-Weenys’ Annual 

Tell Us A Story 

Theatre, &c., Companies’ Blue 
Things New and Old Book 

Tide Tables for the British and 
Irish Ports 

Tiger Tim’s Annual 

Timber News, &c., Year Book 

Tiny Tots Annual 

Tip Top Annual 

Tobacco Year Book 

Toddle’s Annual 

Tom Webster’s Annual 

Torquay, &c., Directory 


salers’ Directory 

Tot and Tim Annual 

‘* Trader’? Handbook, &c. 

Transactions and Annual Report 
of London Dermatological 

Transaction and Proceedings of 
the Japan Society 

Transactions of the Honourable 
Society of Cymmrodorion 

Transactions of the Incorporated 
Accountants’ Students’ Society 
of London 

Transactions of the Institution of 
Gas Engineers 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Mining and Metallurgy 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Naval Architects 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Water Engineers 

Transactions of the London and 
Middlesex Archæological So- 

Transactions of the Medical 
Society of London 

Transactions of the Ophthalmo- 
logical Society of the U.K. 

Transactions of the Royal His- 
torical Societ 

Transactions of the Royal So-- 
ciety of Literature 

Transactions of the Unitarian 
Historical Society 

Transport Managers’ Year Book 

Tunbridge Wells, &c., Directory 

Twickenham, &c., Directory 

Uncle Dick’s Annual 

United Kingdom Association of 
Master Tailors, &c.,. Year 

United Kingdom Stock and Share- 
brokers’ Directory 

Universal Directory of Railway 

University of London Calendar 

Victoria (Australia) Directory 

Walker’s Diaries 

Wandsworth, &c., Directory 

War Office List 

Warwick, &c., Directory 

Watford, &c., Directory ; 

Wellcome Photographic, &c., Diary 

Wembley, &c., Directory 

Wesleyan Methodist Diaries 

Western Australia Post Office 

Westminster Abbey Kalendar 

Weymouth, &c., Directory 

Whitaker’s Almanac 

Whitaker’s Peerage 

Who’s Who 

Who’s Who in Architecture 

Who’s Who in British Advertising 

Who's Who in Philately 

Who's Who in the Nursing World 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Willis’s Workmen’s Compensation 

Wimbledon, &c., Directory 

Winchester, &c., Directory 

Wine and Spirit, &c., 

Wireless Diary 

Wireless, &c., Trader Year Book 

Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack 

Wokingham, &c., Directory 

Worcester, &c., Directory 

World’s Carriers’ Year Book 

World’s Wool 

Worthing Directory 

Writers’, &c., Year Book 

Yacht Racing Association Rules 

Year Book and Protected List of 
the Proprietary Articles Trade 



Willing’s Press Guide 



Year Book and Register of the 
National Utility Poultry Society 

Year Book of the General 
Assembly of Unitarian, &c., 

Year Book of the Nationa 

Farmer’s Union 
Year Book of the Royal Society 
Year Book of the West Indies 
Yearly County Court Practice 
Yearly Practice of the Supreme 
Year’s Art 
Year’s Work in English Studies 
Year’s Work in Librarianship 
Year’s Photography 
Young England 
Zadkiel’s Almanac 
Zoo and Animal Annual 

Zoological Societies Gardens, 
Illustrated Official Guide, &c. 

A BC Descriptive Priced Cata- 
logue of Postage Stamps 

Adult Education Handbook 

Adult School Year Book 

Associated Accountants’ Year 


Balham, &c., Directory 

Beckenham, &c, Directory 

Blackheath, &c., Directory 

Brixton, &c., Directory 

Building Trades Directory 

Engineering, &c., Directory 

Epsom, &c., Directory 

Hammersmith, &c., Directory 

Hull, &c. Directory 

Ilford, &c., Directory 

Leeds Directory 

Lewisham eee, 

Leytonstone, &c., Directory 

Norwich (City of) Directory 

Port of London Guide 

Salisbury, &c., Directory 

Stoke Newington Directory 

Streatham Directory 

Sydenham, &c., Directory 

West Kensington, &c., Directory 

Where To Fish 

Who’s Who in America 

Who’s Who in Art 

Windsor, &c., Directory 

Wood Green, &c., Directory 

Woodford, &c., Directory . 

Year Book of the Boot Manufac- 
turers Federation of Great 
Britain and Ireland 

Irregular and Uncertain 

Advertisers’ Aid 


Alphabetical and Chronological 
Arrangements of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Ministers, &c. 

Amusement Workers News 

Anerley Times 

Annals of Applied Biology 

Annals of Natal Museum 

Annals of the Pickett-Thomson 
Research Laboratory 

Annals of the Society of Holy 


Art Teachers’ Guild Record 

Aspinall’s Maritime Law Cases 

Austral Avian Record 

Aedfordshire, &c., Directory 

Aerkshire, &c., Directory 

Aest Way Series 

Bio-Chemical Journal 

Boiler Explosions 

Book-keepers’ Magazine 


Irregular, &c.— contd. 


Borough Polytechnic Magazine 

Bouverie Stories 

Bradford and Suburbs Directory 

Bradshaw’s Continental Guide 

British Citizen 

British Pharmaceutical Codex 

British Pharmacopeia 

Bulletin of the Board of Celtic 

Bulletin of the Royal Botanic 
Gardens (Kew) 

Bulletin of the School of Oriental 

Butterick Quarterly 

Butterworth’s Five Years’ Digest 

Cabinet, &c., Trades Directory 

Cambridgeshire Directory 

Camden and Kentish Towns 

Cavendish Music Books 


Chemical Industries’ Directory 

Cheshire Directory 


Children’s Own Booklets 


Chronicle of Convocation 

Church Army Review 

Circular of the British Manu- 
facturing Confectioners’ Export 

City of London College Magazine 

City of London School Magazine 


Continuative Teacher 

Convocation of Canterbury Re- 

Cook’s Sailing Lists 

Cook’s Travellers’ Handbook 

Criminal Appeal Cases 

Cruising Association Bulletin 

Cumberland and Westmorland 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 

Derbyshire, &c., Directory 
Devonshire & Cornwall Directory 
Durham, &c., Directory 

Economic History Review 

Economic Notes 


Edward Alleyn Magazine 

Electrical, &c., Directory 


Envelope Booklets on Various 

Essex, &c., Directory 

Every Man’s Own Lawyer 

Everybody’s Booklets 

Fire Prevention Committee’s Pub- 



General Stud Book 

Gospe! Booklets 

Grocery, &c., Directory 


Hampshire, &c., Directory 

Harmonium Cabinet 

Haworth’s Practical Timber 



His Majesty’s Ministers, &c. 

Hunter Stud Book 

Independent School 

Indian Appeals 

Indian Magazine 

Insurance Magazine 

International Code of Signals 

Investors’ Guide 

Isle of Wight Directory 

Journal of Agricultural Science 

Journal of Anatomy 


and Shropshire 

Irregular, &c.— contd. 

Journal of Genetics 

Journal of Physiology 

Journal of the Auctioneers and 
Estate Agents’ Institute ; 

Journal of the British Astronomi- 
cal Association 

Journal of the Farmers’ Club 

Journal of the Institution of 
Electrical Engineers 

Journal of the Linnean Society 

Journal of the Royal Horticul- 
tural Society 

Journal of the Royal Statistical 


Kelly’s (Slater’s) Directory of 

Kent, &c., Directory 

Kew Bulletin 

King’s College Review 

K.R. and A.I. Amendments 

Lancashire Directory 


Leather Trades Directory 

Letters to My Brothers 

Letters to My Sisters 


Lincolnshire and Hull Directory 

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Rules 
&c., Construction, &c., Yachts 

Lloyd's Reports of Prize Cases | 

Local Acts 

London, Midland and Scottish 
Time Tables 

London ABC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) 

London Building Acts 

London University Gazette 

Lowestoft, &c., Directory 

Magazine of the Royal Free 
Hospital School of Medicine 
Mathematical Papers for Ad- 
mission into the Royal Military 

Academy, &c. 

Memoirs of the British Astro- 
nomical Association 

Memoirs of the Royal 
nomical Society 

Men’s Own Booklets 

Middlesex Directory 
Middlesex Hospital Journal 

Middlesex Hospital 

Mill Hill Magazine 

Million Series of Narratives 

Modern Languages 


Monmouthshire, &c., Directory 

Narrative Series 

National Sporting League Journal 

New Illustrated Series 

New Phytologist 

North and East Riding of York- 
shire Directory 

North London Collegiate School 

Official Circular of the British 
Waterworks Association 

Oil Companies’ Position 


One Minute Messages 



Overseas Trade Reports 

Oxford University List of Resident 

Papers of the British School of 


Part Singer 

Patent Laws of the World 


Peckham, &c., Directory 


Philosophical Transactions of the 
Royal Society l 




Willing’s Press Guide 


Irregular, &c.— contd. 


Pilot’s Guide to the English 

Pilot’s Guide to the River Thames 

Private Legislation (Scotland) Pro- 

Pesos nes of the British Aca- 

Proceedings of the Cambridge 
Philological Society 

Proceedings of the Chemical 

Proceedings of the Geologists’ 

Proceedings of the Institution of 
Mechanical Engineers 

Proceedings of the Nationa! 
Laboratory of Psychical Research 

Proceedings of the Prehistoric 
Society of East Anglia 

Proceedings of the Royal Irisb 

Proceedings of the Royal Society 

Proceedings of the Society for 
Psychical Research 

Public General Acts 

Quarterly Journal 
mental Physiology 

Rays of Light 

Red Books of the British Fire 
Prevention Committee 

Reference Catalogue of Current 

Registry of Ships 

Reports of Bankruptcy 

Reports of Patent, &c., Cases 


R.C.M. Magazine 

of Experi- 



Royal Dental Hospital Magazine 

St. George’s Hospital Gazette 

St. Thomas’ Hospital Gazette 

Scotland Directory 

Somersetshire, Gloucestershire & 
Bristol Directory 

‘Sotheran’s Price Current of Litera- 

Southern Railway Time Tables 

Staffordshire, &c., Directory 

Standing Orders of the Lords and 

Stationers, &c., Directory 

Strand School Magazine 

Subject Index to Periodicals 

Tailleur Elegant 

Tailleur Pratique 


Textile Industries Directory 

Timber Trades Directory 

Times Reports of Commercial 

Tin Companies’ Position 

Town and Country 

Transactions of the Annual 
Conference of the Associatior 
for the Prevention of Tuber- 

Transactions of the Asiatic So- 
ciety of Japan 

Transactions of the Cambridge 
Philological Society 

Transactions of the Faculty of 
Actuaries in Scotland 

Transactions of the Greenwich 
&c., Society 



Transactions of the International 
Astronomical Union 

Transactions of the Linanæan 
Transactions of the National 

Chrysanthemum Society 
Transactions of the Optical Society 
Transactions of the Philological 

Transactions of the Royal Society 

of South Africa 
Transactions of the Royal Society 

of Tropical Medicine 
Transactions of the St. 

Ecclesiological Society 
Transactions of the Zoological 

Society in London 
Under Which King Booklets 
University College Hospital Maga- 


University College London Maga- 
Watch and Clock Trades Directory 
West Riding of Yorkshire 
What Cheer 
Who’s Who in the Theatre 
Wine Spirit, &c., Trades Directory 
Wonderful Words of Life 
Words of Welcome 
Work and Witness 
World Free Trader 
Wreck Inquiry Reports 
Yarmouth, &c., Directory 
Zambesi Industrial Mission 

EVERY FRIDAY, 4d., to order of all Newsagents, 
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THE SHOE AND LEATHER RECORD is the most widely-read and 
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Willing’s Press Guide 

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No matter what form of Advertising your 
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Willing House, 356-364 Grays Inn Road 
London, W.C.1. 

Telephone : TERMINUS 4141 

Branch Office: 86 Strand, London, W.C.2 
Telephone: TEMPLE BAR 8261 



Willing’s Press Guide 

London Suburban Papers 

All papers are inserted under the name of the place where they circulate or 
are published, and are not duplicated under other headings. Those marked 
t are localised editions of papers the principal issues of which are published 
elsewhere. Full details of each paper will be found on the page 
numbered against same. 

Acton .. : .. Gazette 
> ca Ps .. Observer 
Balham . . News and Merge 
Barking : Advertiser ; 
a ob Chronicle 
Barnes . . . }Herald 
Barnet .. .. Press 
Battersea . {Borough News 
Bayswater .. Chronicle 
Beckenham. . {Advertiser 
me .. Journal 
m és . Times 
Beoontree i Guardian 
Bethnal Green News 
Bexley Heath Observer & Times.. 
Bowes Park Weekly News : 
Brentford and Chiswick County of Middlesex 
” ” ” Times oe oe 
Brixton ; Free Press .. a 
a = sis 
Brockley ‘ News 
Bromley Mercury 
ie Aas Times sa 
Buckhurst Hill . tAdvertiser 

. Express 

tGazette z 3 

Camberwell . . {News 
olsen Gazette 
ord . tExpress 
Chislehurst . {Times si 
: .. City Press 
Clapham . Chronicle .. 
a Free Press .. 
te. a Observer 
Coulsdon Record 
Crayford Chronicle 
Cricklewood . .. {Gazette 
Croydon .. Advertiser 
i ae rr .. Times 
Crystal Palace .. District Advertiser 
Dartford Chronicle 
99 a e. West Kent Advertiser 
Dulwich . [Reporter 
Ealing . Middlesex County 
Times .. ree 
‘ee ee if West Middlesex 
Gazette .. ea 
East Ham... . tEcho 
re . YExpress 

East London... 


South Essex Mail.. 
City &c. Observer.. 
Advertiser .. : 
East End News 
Post : 

: : francs” 


tN 69 

Eltham ss 
Enfield es 


Forest Gate 

Forest Hill 

A) ee 

Golders Green 
Greenwich te 

99 ee ee 

Holborn j 


. {Times ae 

| {Weekly Herald :: 

. News os es 
Press ss T 
Times ns Sa 

Weekly News 

¥ {Express 

Examiner ,, ass 

Chronicle .. T 

Gazette a ° 

.. News z. , 

. [Observer .. es 

.. Gazette is wr 
.. Guardian 

Kentish Mercury f : 

South-Eastern Express 199 

Gazette ee a 
North London 
Recorder es 
Advertiser .. 
Gazette ne 
Record sa 2 
Observer... ae 
Guardian ek 
Journal ee os 
errs ee oe 
Recorder... . 
Gazette ts ee 
Guardian .. oe 
North Middlesex 
Chronicle die 
Press se res 
Express .. T 
.. Gazette c% ` 
. łMid Surrey Times 
News ie > 
Observer ‘ 

Surrey Comet a 

. Advertiser .. 

Borough News 

ie oe h 

West Kent Argus. ; 
Express xi 
Eastern Mercury .. 
Express _ .. “. 


Marylebone Chronicle 
3 Mercury 
% .. Record 
Mil Hill .. tGazette 
os .. Times Si 
Mitoham .. Advertiser .. 
gas oe .. Gazette 
m . țHerald 
Muswell Hill Record 
New Cross . {Free Press .. 
Norbury News 
North . țObserver and Gazette 156 
Norwood News Sa is 
š Press 
os Weekly Herald 
Orpington Times 
Paddington Gazette 
f ‘ Indicator 
” .. Mercury 
“a News 
Palmer’s Steam: Gazette 
Penge . News 
” e Press 
Pinner .. PObserver 
Purley .. {Times 
Putney . YObserver 
Queens’ Park .. Advertiser .. 
Richmond Herald 
és Thames ValleyTimes 
» Times 
St. Panoras People’s pasa 
se ows Chronicle 
99 Gazette 
io <a Record 
Sidoup .. Times 


Willing’s Press Guide [Suburban Papers 













136 South London. Observer .. .. 199 

136 Press ni -» 199 
136 Southgate . {Chronicle .. 2. 200 
141 Southwar < Recorder .. .. 200 
141 Stanmore Observer... 204 
143 Stratford Boro’ of West Ham, 
143 &c., Express .. 24 
143 Streatham .. {Free Press .. .. 206 
148 + aa .. News Sa a 206 
Sutton .. . fAdvertiser .. 209 
oP ais oe .. Herald 203 
151 S is .. Illustrated &e., Mail 102 
154 | Sydenham . [Gazette .. 210 

157 | Tadworth . Record .. .. 210 
157 Thornton Heath Observer .. -- 213 
Tooting .. Gazette es ee 215 
Tottenham Herald sa .. 216 

Walthamstow Express... .. 224 
s ba Guardian .. -. 224 
163 Wandsworth .. .. Borough News .. 224 
103 » pi .. Observer .. 224 
163 s eS .. South Western Star 200 
163 Wanstead .. țExpress .. 224 
Wealdstone .. .. YObserver .. we 225 
Wembley nie .. News 7 war. wed 
163 ek: wats oe .. YObserver.. aig 22] 
165 West Ham... .. ļExpress .. .. 228 
165 bò Ae .. Mail ee we 228 
168 West London .. .. Observer .. .. 228 
176 ‘a Pa .. Press A .. 228 
176 s as .. Reporter... -- 228 
Westminster .. .. News ss .. 229 
‘ ai .. Chronicle .. .. 230 
177 és Record dee .. 230 
Willesden .. {Chronicle .. .. 232 
» . [Citizen 8 .. 2323 
Wimbledon... .. Advertiser .. .. 232 
182 os oe oe tHerald ee ee 233 
213 spss wee) News sis soe. 232 
182 | Wood Gren ..  ..tHerald .. .. 235 

Sentinel g xs 193 

99 . 

Woodford . tAdvertiser .. 235 

166 5 ne .. Express .. .. 235 
187 s eA .. Times i .. 235 
187 Woolwich .. Gazette = .. 235 
187 ne . tHerald 236 
196 as KentishIndependent 117 

OFFICES of the 

3-5 Salisbury Square, E.C.4 

ô Draper’s Gardens, E.C.2 

2 Carmelite Street, E.C.4 

149-152 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, E.C.2 
Geraldine House, Fetter Lane, E.C.4. 

28-29 St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.4. 

54 Wool Exchange, E.C.2 

9 Drapers’ Gardens, E.C.2 

149-152 Gresham House, Old Broad St., E.C.2. 
5 Drapers’ Gardens, E.C.2 

20 Bishopsgate, E.C.2 

72 Coleman Street, E.C.2 

Baltic Chambers, 19, Bishopsgate, E.C.2 

168 Palmerston House, Old Broad Street, E.C.2 
93 Long Acre, W.C.2 

28-29 St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.4. 

15 George Street, E.C.4 


Willing’s Press Guide 

List of Provincial Dailies 

A § denotes that these Newspapers have a private wire from their 
London Office for the forwarding of News and Advertisements. 


North-Western Daily Mail .. .. Even.. Cambridge Daily News .. .. Even.. 
Cambridge Sporting News .. .. Morn.. 
Bath and Wilts Chronicle and Herald Even.. 
Cumberland PVENBE” News das 
BEDFORD Fridays) .. Evens- 
Bedford and District Dy. Circular .. Morn.. CHELTENHAM 
BIRMINGH AM Gloucestershire Echo s .. Even. 
§ Birmingham Gazette si .- Morn.. CHICHESTER 
§ Birmingham Mail .. zà .. Even.. A 
§ Birmingham Post .. x .. Morn.. rgus .. es ne oA -. Even.. 
§ Evening Despatch .. Even.. 
Evening Despatch Sporting Buff .. Morn.. COVENTRY 

Midland Daily Tel h .. oe E be 
BISHOP AUCKLAND idland Daily Telegrap ven 

North-Eastern Daily Gazette .. Even.. DARLINGTON 
§ Northern Despatch .. Aa .. Even.. 
BLACKBURN Northern Echo as P -. Morn.. 
Northern Daily Telegraph .. .. Even.. DERBY 
BLACKPOOL Derby Daily Express oe .. Even.. 

Derby Daily Telegraph za .. Even.. 

West Lancashire Evening Gazette Even.. 

BOGNOR Argus .. as A Ji .. Even.. 
Argus .. ae “3 wie -. Even.. 
BOLTON Argus .. ia T zi .. Even.. 
Bolton Evening News s .. Even.. EXETER 
l Devon and Exeter Daily ERE Morn.. 
BOURNEMOUTH Express and Echo .. .. Even.. 
§ Bournemouth Daily Echo .. .. Even.. 
BRADFORD - Citizen s es as -e Even.. 
§ Bradford Telegraph and ATONE .. Even.. 
§ Yorkshire Observer .. .. Morn.. GRIMSBY 
Grimsby Daily Telegraph .. -. Even.. 
Evening Argus a zi .. Even.. HALIFAX 
Sussex Daily News .. a -. Morn.. Halifax Daily Courier & Guardian.. Even.. 
Bristol Times and Mirror .. .- Morn.. Northern Daily Mail ee .- Even.. 
$ Evening Times z z .. Even.. 
Evening World ae a .. Even.. 
Western Daily Press is .. Morn.. HASTINGS 
Argus .. i ate së .. Even.. 
Burton Daily Mail .. Even.. 
Burton-on-Trent Evening Gazette.. Even.. Argus .. ce “a oe ee Even.. 


Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Dailies 

Argus .. = NA . .. Even.. South Wales Argus .. aa .. Even.. 
i F : Daily Echo .. Even.. 
Huddersfield Daily Examiner .. Even.. Northampton D aily Chronic ie a 
Daily Mail .. A .. Even.. 
Hull Evening News . on .. Even.. Eastern Daily Press.. ; .- Morn.. 
Hull Shipping Gazette $4 .. Morn.. Eastern Evening News ve -. Even.. 
East Anglian Daily Times .. .. Morn.. Midland Sporting Gazette .. -- Morn.. 
Evening Star T .. Even.. Nottingham Evening News .. Even.. 
Ro aean Evening Post. .. Even.. 
ottingham Guardian a .. Morn.. 
KETTERING Nottingham Journal.. = .- Morn.. 
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph Even.. Post Tissue .. . .. -- Morn.. 
Leamington Spa Morning News .. Morn.. Midland Daily Tribune a -» Even.. 
$ Leeds Mercury a .. Morn.. Oldham Evening Chronicle.. .. Even.. 
Mid-Day Sporting Special ae .. Even.. 
Sporting Pink za .. Morn.. 
Yorkshire Evening News .. .. Even.. OXFORD 
§ Yorkshire Evening Post .. .. Even.. Oxford Mail .. ig add .. Even.. 
§ Yorkshire Post = .. Morn.. 
LEICESTER Cornish Evening Tidings (except 
Leicester Mail Si .. Even.. Wed.) .. a Je .. Even.. 
Leicester Mercury .. se .. Even.. 
LEWES Sports Post .. z3 .. Morn.. 
Argus .. ʻi ea NP .. Even.. § Western Evening Herald sis Even.. 
§ Western Morning News and Mercury Morn.. 
Lincolnshire Echo .. a Even.. reer 
§ Evening News ee . Even.. 
LITTLEHAMPTON Sporting Mail.. sa s .. Even.. 
e@ ee ee ee ee E ees 
teu ‘en PRESTON 
LIVERPOOL Lancashire Daily Post ie .. Even.. 
Evening Express Even.. 
George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News Even.. SCARBOROUGH 
Journal of Commerce Morn.. Scarborough VERDE News aa i 
Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry . Even.. Fri.) x Even.. 
Liverpool Daily Post ‘ br | Mow > 
Liverpool Echo ven.. 
Liverpool Stock Exchange "Official . SHEFFIELD 
Daily List st Even.. § Sheffield Daily Telegraph .. .. Morn.. 
Sporting Express... si .. Even.. § Sheffield Independent a6 .. Morn.. 
Sheffield Mail Even.. 
Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily List 
MANCHESTER (except Saturday) s% Even.. 
§ Daily Dispatch ran .. Morn.. § Yorkshire Early Bird .. Morn.. 
§ Evening Chronicle .. . .. Even.. § Yorkshire Telegraph and Star .. Even.. 
§ Manchester Evening News . .. Even.. 
§ Manchester Guardian Si .. Morn.. SHIELDS 
S Sporting “CRrOMele as g eke MORe Shields Daily porte es .. Even.. 
Shields Dail ews .. ; .. Even.. 
North-Eastern Daily Gazette .. Even.. SOUTHAMPTON 
§ Southern Daily Echo is .. Even.. 
§ Evening Chronicle .. ot Even.. ‘STOKE-ON-TRENT 
§ Evening World at es .. Even.. Staffordshire Evening Sentinel .. Even.. 
§ Newcastle Daily Journal . Morn.. 
§ North mal and Newcastle > Daily STOCKPORT 
Chronicle ; Morn.. : : 
Sporting Man.. w SANO Cheshire Daily Echo ee .. Even.. 
NEWMARKET Sporting Echo as - . Even.. 
Newmarket Sporting News.. .. Even.. Sunderland Echo .. = -. Even.. 


Evening Advertiser is .. Even.. 

Torbay Herald and Express .. Even.. 


Argus .. ss ws ae .. Even.. 
Greyhound Evening Mirror .. Even.. 

§ Dorset Daily Echo .. oe .. Even.. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Express and Star... es 


Worcester Daily Times 


Evening Star and Cumberland 
Evening Mail .. P ne 

Argus ., 6 Se ee 

Yorkshire Evening Press 
Yorkshire Herald 


South Wales Echo .. T .. Even.. 
South Wales Evening Express .. Even.. 

South Wales Journal of Commerce.. Morn.. 
Western Mail iia is .. Morn.. 


Cambria Daily Leader 
South Wales Daily Post 



§ Bulletin and Scots Pictorial 
§ Daily Record Ke wr eee 
Evening Citizen ie os es 
§ Evening News : 
Evening Times 
Glasgow Daily Stock ‘and Share List 
Glasgow Herald x 

Greenock Telegraph .. ee ae 

Paisley Daily Express se 



§ Aberdeen Press and Journal .. Morn.. 
Evening Express .. se .. Even.. 
Courier and Advertiser R .. Morn.. 
Evening Telegraph and Post .. Even.. 
Edinburgh Evening News .. .. Even.. 
§ Evening Dispatch .. = .. Even.. 
§ Scotsman ee A A .. Morn.. 
§ Belfast News-Letter ic .. Morn.. 
Belfast Telegraph .. sà .. Even.. 
Irish News .. si .. Morn.. 
Irish Daily Telegraph s3 .. Morn.. 
§ Northern Whig T Re .- Morn.. 
§ Cork Examiner ie si .. Morn.. 
§ Evening Echo s ee .. Even.. 
Guernsey Evening Press .. .. Even.. 
Star .. ae es es .. Even.. 

Isle of Man Daily Times Even.. 


§ Evening Herald 
Evening Mail.. 

§ Irish Independent 

§ Irish Times 
Legal Diary 


Evening News 
Waterford Evening Star 



Evening Post 
Morning News 











Willing’s Press Guide 


Rent & Sussex Courier 

Occupies a leading position amongst that class of County papers 
which is rapidly being recognised as invaluable in National 
Advertising Campaigns. 
It effectually covers influential and important residential districts and 
a rich, prosperous Agricultural area in West Kent and East Sussex. 

Its growing circulation, backed by Chartered Accountants Net Sales 
Certificates, proves it to be the most influential and cheapest Medium 
in this area. 

l insertion .. 6j- single column inch 1 week (minimum 12 words) 14d. per word 
5 S Ja s P 3 weeks inclusive os 4d. 5 
6 ” ee 4/6 ” » 6 » ” oe 7d. a9 
13 ” oe 4/- ” ” 13 ” ” oe 1/- ” 

giving full tnformation of the circulation area, 
Head Office: "Phone 1200 

London Office: 30-32, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. *Phone Centrai 2616 

Branches : 
"Phone 200 "Phone 252 "Phone 44 

—— by Advertising in the —— 

“The Church of England Newspaper ” 

(The Church Family Newspaper). 

Established for thirty-four years. 

Carries your Message into the Home. Every Friday, Price TWOPENCE. 
Whole Page . £45 0 0 Half Page ; ss .. £22 10 0 
All spaces under half page charged at inch rate. 
Ordinary Positions: s. d. s. d. 
.  Perinch, Single Column .. .. 12 0 Solus Positions: 
Next Matter: Not less than 8} inches, Single Col- 
Per inch, Single Column .. . 13 0 umn, or its equivalent, 'at thìs price. 
Leader Page: l ` Per inch, Single Column .. 15 0 
Per Inch, Single Column .. 13 6 v Under 8h inches, or equivalent space 20 0 
Front Page (Space limited to Two Cols. *) 
Per inch, Single Column .. 14 0 Company Prospectuses and Official 

14} inches to the Column. Announcements per line ,, 34 1 6 
Width of Column, 2} inches. Depth, 17 inches. Five Columns to Page (85 column inches to the page). 

A high-class Monthly Church Magazine. 

ee page .. «6 ee z ADAE thousand Circulation not less than 180,000 Monthly 
a ” oe ee ee i os ” (guaranteed). 
Quarter ” oo oe ee 1/- ” ” 

Further particulars gladly supplied by | THOMAS C. WALTERS, Advertisement Manager, 
“The Church of England Newspaper,” 17 TAVISTOCK STREET, LONDON, W.C.2. 
Phone: Temple Bar 6789. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


of Provincial Publications 

(Including Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State) 

Aberdeen Bon-Accord and Northern Pictorial—119 
Fleet St., E.C.4. City 8972. 
Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Journal—429 
Strand, W.C.2. Temple Bar 1910. 
Aberdeen Press and Journal—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1 Museum 9841, 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C. Museum 9841. 
Accrington Observer—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 

Aero Field—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. "Central 8021. 

Airdrie, &c., Advertiser—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425 
Alcester Chronicle—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Aldershot Command News—92, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central '8209. 
Aldershot Gazette—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8209 
Aldershot News—2 Amen Corner, E.C.4. 

Central 7577. 
Alfreton and Belper Journal—2 Copthall Buildings, 

E.C.2. Avenue 2040. 

Alnwick and County Gazette—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Ampthill News—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2626. 
Annandale Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Annandale Observer—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Central 2110. 
Arbroath Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Argus (Brighton, &c.)—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 4445. 

Armagh Guardian—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 

Armley & Wortley News—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 

Ashton-under-Lyne Herald—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6715. 

Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6122. 

Atherstone Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 

Athletic News (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. (Museum 9841). 

Auckland and County Chronicle—169, Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3265. 

Aylsham, &c., Post—4, Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., 
E.C.4, Central 8535. 
Bacup Chronicle—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 

Bacup Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 

Arbroath Guide—148 Fleet St., 

Ballymena Observer—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425, 
Ballymena Telegraph—112 Fleet St., E.C 4. 
Central 8357. 
Banbridge Chronicle—68, Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Banbury Advertiser—19 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 
City 0613, 
Baner Ac Amserau Cymru—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 

Banffshire Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Banffshire Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Bangor Observer—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Barnoldswick, &c., Pioneer—170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Barrow Guardian—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Barrow News—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. : ity 7984. 
Barrowfield Leader—57 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Bath and Wilts Daily Chronicle and Herald—154 
Fleet St., E.C.4 Central 7081. 
Bath Chronicle and Herald—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7081. 
Bath Observer—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 3201. 
Bath Pictorial—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Batley News—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994 
Beckenham Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Bedford, &c., Circular—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2710. 
Bedford Record—80 Fleet St., E.C 4. Central 2626. 
Bedfordshire Standard—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2710. 
Bedfordshire Times—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Bedworth Guardian—146 Fleet St. E.C.4. 
Central 6672. 
Bedworth Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C 4. 
City 4367. 
Beith Supplement, 148 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 2110. 
Belfast Chamber of Commerce Journal—429 Strand 
W.C.2. Temple Bar 1910. 
Belfast News-Letter—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3321. 
Belfast Telegraph—112 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8357. 
Belfast Weekly News—-180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3321. 
Belfast Weekly Telegraph—112 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central "7550. 
Believers’ Pathway—l4 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. 
Belper News—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Berrow’s Worcester Journal—178, Fleet St., E.C.4. 
SANN s Paper (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1 (Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Bexhill-on-Sea Observer—244 Bank Chambers, 329 
High Holborn, W.C.1. Holborn 0516. 
Bexley Observer—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Biggleswade Chronicle—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Bilston and Willenhall Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Centra! 2055. 
Birkenhead Advertiser—57-9 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4, 
Central 6539. 
Central 2110. 
Birmingham Free Press—177 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Birmingham Gazette—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 3265. 
City 4343. 
Birmingham News—34-40 Ludgate_ Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 59884. 

Birkenhead News—148 Fleet St., 

Birmingham Mail—88 Fleet St., 


Birmingham Post—88 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4343. 
Birmingham Weekly Post—88 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4343. 

Birstall News—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Blackburn Times—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4. 

Central 6901. 
Blackpool Gazette-Herald—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2626. 
Blackpool Times—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3265. 
Blantyre Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Blaydon Courier—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8209. 
Blyth News—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 6715. 

Bodmin Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Bognor Observer—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4206. 
Bognor Regis Post—149 Fleet St., E.C.4 
City 7485. 
Bolton Evening News—23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3556. 
Bolton Journal & Guardian—23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3556. 
Bo’ness Journal—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Bootle Times—145 Fleet St., E.C.4.Central 4011. 
Border Standard—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Border Telegraph—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 

Boston Guardian—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Bournemouth Daily Echo—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4352. 
Bournemouth and Southampton Graphic—20-22 
Wellington St., W.C.2 Temple Bar 8155 
Bournemouth Times and. Directory—80 Fleet St., 
E.C.4 Central 2626. 
Boys and ‘Girls—14 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette (Glasgow)—2 Victoria St.» 
S.W.1 Victoria 7056. 
Boy’s Magazine (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Rd,, 
w W.C.1 Museum 9841. 
Brackley Advertiser—19, Bride pene E.C.4. 

ity 0613. 
Bradford Telegraph and Argus—169-170, Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3265. 
Brecon and Radnor Express, 118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Brentwood, &c., Gazette—180, Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 4011, 
Bridge of Allan Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Bridgwater Mercury—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Bridlington Free Press—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4022. 
Brierfield Leader—57 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4 
Central 6539. 
&c., Times—30 Ludgate Hill, 
Central 2616. 
Bristol Evening News—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3201. 
Bristol Advertiser—32 Furnival St., Holborn. 
Holborn 8693. 
Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal—6 Upper Bed- 
ford Place, W.C.1. 
Bristol Observer—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3201. 
Bristol Times and Mirror—200, Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 9841). 
British Messenger—10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C.4. 
British Musician, 69 Fleet St., E.C. 4 Central 1721. 
Bromley Mercury—33 Moor Lane, E.C.2. 
Clerkenwell 3046. 
Bromley Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Brotherhood—69 High Holborn, W.C.1. 
Buchan Observer—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Bucks Advertiser—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 

Bude and Stratton Post—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 



Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Building Industries (Glasgow) 53-54 Avenue 
Chambers, W.C.1. Holborn 2807. 
Bulletin and Scots Pictorial (Glasgow }—57 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 6755. 
Burnley News—Salisbury Square House, Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 6901. 

Burry Port Star—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 
Burton Daily Mail—231 Strand, W.C.2. 

Central 2994. 
Burton Observer—231 Strand, W.C.2. 

Central 2994. 
Burton-on-Trent Chronicle—143 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 4450. 
Burton-on-Trent Evening Gazette—143 Fleet St., 

E.C.4. Central 4450. 

Bury & Norwich Post—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 6712. 
Bury Free Press—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 4011. 
Bury Guardian—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2626. 
Buteman—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Buxton Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 

Caerphilly Journal—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Callander Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Callington and Gunnislake Post—118 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 4367. 
Camberley News—2, Amen Corner E.C.4 
Cental 7577. 
Cambria Daily Leader—151 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 2394. 
Cambrian—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Cambrian News—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 
Cambridge Daily News—44, Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Cambridge Gownsman—$92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Cambridge Independent Press—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Cambridge Sporting News—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Cambridgshire Times—30, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Cambuslang Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Camelford and Delabole Post—118 Fleet St., E.C 4. 
City 4367. 
Camelford Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Carlisle Journal—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 5060 
Carluke, &c., Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Carnarvon Herald—-80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Carnforth News—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7984. 
Carrick Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Caterham, &c., Press—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
Cement, Lime & Gravel—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
City 2523. 
Chatham, &c., News—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Chatteris, &c., Advertiser—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Cheam Times—3 Gower St., W.C.1 
Museum 8894. 
Cheltenham Chronicle—Carmelite House, E.C.4 
Central 6000. 
Cheshire Observer—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Chester Chronicle, 80 Fleet St., E.C.4 Central 2626, 
Chester Courant—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Chichester Observer, 150 Fleet Street, E.C.4. 
Central 4206. 
Chichester Post, 149 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7485. 
Chislehurst Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Chorley Guardian—57.59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Chorley Weekly News—146 | leet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Christian Graphic—13-14 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. 

Church of Ireland Gazette—~146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

{London Addresses 

Citizen (Gloucester)—34 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Clacton Times—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Centra] 2616. 
Cleckheaton and Spenborough Guardian—23-8 
Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 4438. 
Clydebank Press—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Coatbridge Express—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. js 
y 14 

Coleraine Chronicle—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. Y city 1425. 
Colne Valley Guardian—57-9 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Commercial (Manchester)—20 Copthall Avenue, 
E.C.2. London Wall 2567. 
Commercial and Mercantile Directory (Leeds)— 
Fetter House, Fetter Lane, E.C.4. 

Congleton Chronicle—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Congleton Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 4481. 
Connacht Sentinel—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 

Connacht Tribune—173 Fleet St., E.C. i City 7662. 
Consett Guardian—92 Fleet St., 
aal 8209. 
Co-operative News—117 Leman St., E.1. 
Royal 4672. 
Cork Examiner—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4866. 
Cork Weekly Examiner—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Cit ty 4866. 
Cornish and Devon Post—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Cornish Evening Tidings—724 Salisbury House 
London Wall, E.C.2. London Wall 8938. 
Cornish Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Cornish Post and Mining News—724 Salisbury 
House, London Wall, E.C.2 
Cornish Times—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City’ 4770. 
Cornishman—724 Salisbury House, London Wall, 
E.C.2. London Wall 8938. 
Cotton Factory Times—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6122. 
County T and Herald (Brierley Hill)—146 
Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2055. 
County and. Municipal Record—86 Hatton Garden, 

County Express—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994, 
Courier and Advertiser (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Holborn 3984. 

Coventry Chronicle—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3735. 
Coventry Herald—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 2358. 
Craven Herald—142-143 Fleet St., E C.4. 
Central 4450. 
Crayford Chronicle—55-56 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Crediton Chronicle—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Crewe and Nantwich Observer—57-59 Ludgate 
Hill, E.C.4. Central 6539. 
Crewe Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Critic Annual (Liverpool)—19 Lisle St., W.C.2. 
Regent 4577. 
Cromer, &c., Post—4 Johnson’s Court, E.C.4, 
Central 8535. 
Crompton, &c., Guardian—23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Crowborough Weekly—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Croydon Times—71! Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770, 
Cumberland and Westmorland Herald—Graham 

House, Tudor St., E.C.4. City 7958. 
Cumberland Evening ‘News—143 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4450. 

Cumnock Chronicle—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Cymric Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Cymro—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 4438, 

Daily Dispatch (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Rd., 
W.C.1. Museum 9841. 

Daily Echo (Northampton)—85 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

City 0776. 

Daily Record (Glasgow)—200 Grays Ee Road, 
W.C.1 Museum 9841. 

Dalton Guardian—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

"Central 2110. 

Dalton News—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 7984. 
Darlington, &c., Times—200 Grays Inn Rd., W.C.1. 
Museum 9841. 
Dartford Chronicle—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Darwen News—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 

ny DITE: &c., Advertiser—231-232, Strand, 

Central ‘2994. 
Derby and Chesterfield Reporter—231 Strand, 
W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Derby Daily Express—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Derby Daily Telegraph—34 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Derbyshire Advertiser—2 Copthall Buildings, E.C.2. 
Avenue 2040. 
Derbyshire Times—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Dereham and Fakenham Times—15I1 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 2276. 
prey People Ade Bank Chambers, Chancery Lane, 

Derry Weekly News—26 Redcliffe Road, S.W.10. 
Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette—173 Fleet St. 
E.C.4. City 7662. 
Dewsbury District News—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Dewsbury Reporter—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Doncaster Chronicle—171 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9693. 
Doncaster Gazette—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4. 
Central 6901. 
Dorking, &c., Advertiser—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
Dorset Daily Echo—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4352. 
Down Recorder—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425, 
Dowry of Mary (Scunthorpe)—Rolls House, 
Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. Holborn 5709. 
Driffield and Buckrose Mail—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

ober 4022, 
Dublin Opinion—178 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8497. 
Dudley Chronicle—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2055. 
Dudlev Herald—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2055 
Dumfries Courier—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Dumfries Standard—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 

Dunoon Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 

‘Durham Chronicle—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2463. 
Durham County Advertiser—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2463. 

Dursley Gazette—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367, 

Earlestown and Newton Examiner—44-45 Fleet 

St., E.C.4. Central) 5060 
East Anglian Daily Times (Ipswich)—149 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Central 4899. 

East Cornwall Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 

East Kent Gazette—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 

East Lancashire Sentine]—Temple Chambers, Temple 

Avenue, E.C.4. City 0967. 
Eastbourne Chronicle—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4770. 

Eastbourne Gazette—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Eastbourne Herald—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Eastern Daily Press (Norwich)—15] Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 2276. 
Eastern Evening News (Norwich)—151 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 2276. 
Eastern Football News—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2276. 
Eccles and Patricroft Journal—-23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Centra] 3556. 
Economic Proceedings of Royal Dublin Society—38 
Great Ormonde St., W.C.1 

Edinburgh and Leith Observer—23-8 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 4438. 




Central 2110. 
Edinburgh Evening News—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. City 6901. 
Edinburgh Medical Journal—83 Paternoster Row, 


Eggs—12-16 Laystall St., E.C.1. Clerkenwell 1135. 
Eltham Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Ely Standard—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Empire News (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1 Museum 9841. 
Enniscorthy Guardian— 177-178 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 8497). 
Epsom District Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
Erdington News—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 5884. 
Erith Observer—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Evangelist—14 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. 
Central 4802. 
Evening Advertiser (Swindon)—169-170 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3265. 
Evening cornice (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn 
Rd., W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
Evening Errore (Newcastle-on-Tyne)—200 Grays 
Inn Road, W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
Evening Despatch (Birmingham)—169-170 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Central 3265. 
Evening Dispatch (Edinburgh)—63 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3625. 
Evening Echo (Cork)—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4866. 
Evening Express (Aberdeen)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1, Museum 9841. 
Evening Express (Liverpool)—187 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3303. 
Evening Herald (Dublin)—118 Fleet St., 
Central 2842. 
Evening Mail (Dublin)—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110, 
News (Glasgow)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
Museum 9841. 
Evening News (Portsmouth)—170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2845. 
Evening Post (Jersey)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Evening Star (Ipswich)—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4899. 
Evening Star (Workington)—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Evening Telegraph and Post (Dundee)— 186 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Holborn 3984. 
Evening Times (Bristol)—200 Grays Inn Road, 

Edinburgh Citizen—148 Fleet St., 


W.C.1. Museum 9841 and 180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Evening Times (Glasgow)—57 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Central 6755). 
Evening World (Bristol}—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6300, 
Evening World (Newcastle)—Carmcelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 

Everyday Housekeeping—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Evesham Journal—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Holborn 4022. 
Evesham Standard—9-10 Charing Cross, S.W.1. 
Exmouth Journal—173 Fleet St., E. ae 
ity 7662. 
Expository Times (Edinburgh)—12 Ave Maria Lane, 

Express and Echo (Exeter)—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8316. 
Express and Star (Wolverhampton)—44 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 5060. 

Fakenham Post—4 Johnson’s Court, E.C.4. 
Central 8535. 
Falkirk Herald—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Falkirk Mail—147 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Farringdon Advertiser—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Farmers’ Gazette—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Farming News (Glasgow)—119 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 8972. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

[London Addresses 

Farnworth Journal—23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3556. 
Felixstowe Times—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4899. 
Fermanagh Herald—407 Bank Chambers, Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. 
Fife Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Fife News—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Fifeshire Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Fishing News—200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 
Museum 9841. 
Fleetwood Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Folkestone Herald—244 Bank Chambers, 329 High 
Holborn. Holborn 0516. 
Forres Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Fraserburgh Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Free Press of Monmouthshire—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7710. 
Frinton Times—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 

Frontier Sentinel—407 Bank Chambers, Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. 
Gainsborough Evening News—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Garston and Woolton Weekly News—180 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 4866. 
Gas— Fuel, Distribution, Light—5 Featherstone 
Buildings, High Holborn, W.C.1. 
Chancery 8588. 
Genedl Gymreig—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2463. 
Glamorgan County Times—92 Fleet St. E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 

Glamorgan Free Press—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Glasgow Bulletin—57 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 6755. 
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Journal—429 Strand, 
W.C.2 Temple Bar 1910. 
Central 0359. 
Glasgow Evening Times—57 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6755. 
Glasgow Herald—57 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6755. 
Glasgow Weekly Herald—57 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6755. 
Glossop Advertiser—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Glossop Chronicle—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Gloucester Journal—34 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Gloucestershire Echo—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Golf Monthly—46 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 7440. 

Good News (Stirling)—10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C.4. 
Good Roads—231 Strand, W.C.2. City 2523. 
Good Seed—14 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. 

Central 4802. 
Gospel Trumpet—10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C.4. 
Gourock Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Govan Press—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 

Grange and Cartmel Guardian—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Grangemouth Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Grantham Journal—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 

Gravesend, &c., Reporter—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 

Cit AA 
Greenock Telegraph—173 Fleet St., ECA 
City 7668. 
gamy Daily Telegraph—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. Central 6901 
Grimsby Weekly Telegraph—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4, Central 6901. 
Grocers’ Review —71 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 7641. 
Guernsey Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Glasgow Citizen—143 Fleet St., 

Greenock Herald—71 Fleet St., 


Willing’s Press Guide 

[London Addresses 

Guernsey Evening Press—22 Wellington St., 
Strand, W.C.2. 

Guernsey Star—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 6712. 

Guernsey Weekly Press—22 Wellington Street, 
Strand, W.C.2. 

Halifax Courier and Guardian—180 Fleet St., 
E.C.4, Holborn 3337. 
Hamilton Advertiser—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Hampshire Advertiser and Southampton Times— 
69 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 4352. 
Hampshire Telegraph—170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2845. 
Handsworth Herald—34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 5884. 
Hants. County Press—358 Strand, 
W Temple Bar 7216. 

ane Sussex 
Harwich and Dovercourt Standard—30 Ludgate Hill, 

E.C.4, Central 2616 
Haslingden Guardian—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 

Hastings, &c., Observer—244 Bank Chambers, 329 
High Holborn. Holborn 0516. 
Heanor Observer—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Heckmondwike Herald—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Herald Cymraeg—-80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Herald of Wales—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Hereford Journal—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Hereford Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 
Herts and Essex Observer—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Hexham Courant—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Heywood Advertiser—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
High Peak News—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Highland News—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Hinckley Echo—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 3735. 
Hinckley Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Holsworthy Post—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Holyhead Mail—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holyhead Observer—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2463. 
Horley Advertiser—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

l City 7662. 
Horticultural Trade Journal—Russell Chambers, 
Covent Garden, W.C.2. Temple Bar 6717, 
Horwich and Westhoughton Journal—23 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3556. 

Huddersfield Examiner—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4481. 
Hull & Lincolnshire Times—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 6670. 
Hull & Yorkshire Times—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. ; 
City 6670 
Hull Daily Mail—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 6670. 
Hull Evening News—3-5 Salisbury Square, E.C.4. 
City 9330. 
Huntingdonshire Post—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Huntly Express—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Hyde Reporter—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6122. 
Ideas (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 
Museum 9841. 
Ilkeston Observer—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Ilkeston Pioneer—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Ilkley Gazette—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. Holborn 3526, 
Illustrated Leicester Chronicle—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Impartial Reporter—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 
Increase (Stirling)—10-12 Ivy Lane, E.C.4. 

Industrial &c., Review—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 

Irelands’ Saturday Night—112 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8357. 
Irish Builder and Engineer—54 Avenue Chambers, 

W.C.1. Holborn 2807. 
Irish Catholic—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7485. 
Irish Chemist and Druggist—1 Newman St., W.1. 

Museum 4832. 
Irish Confectionery Trades Journal—22 Gray’s Inn 
Road, W.C.1 

Irish Cyclist—1 Newman St., W.1. Museum 4832. 

Irish Dairy Journal—57 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Irish Daily Telegraph—112 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8357. 
Irish Draper—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
London Wall 9333. 
Irish Electrician—36-8 Southampton St., Strand, 
W.C.2. Temple Bar 5795. 
Irish Field—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 4350. 
Irish Golf—19 Cullum St., E.C.3. 
Irish Independent—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2842. 
Irish Ironmonger—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Irish Journal of Medical Science—59-60 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. Holborn 5907. 
Irish Motor Trader—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 
Temple Bar 5795. 
Irish Motoring—71 High Holborn, W.C.1. 
Irish News—177 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8497. 
Irish Oil and Colour Trades Review—214 Bank 
Chambers, 329 High Holborn, W.C.1. 

Irish Radie News—Avenue Chambers, Southampton 
Row, W.C.1. Holborn 2729. 

Irish Shoe and Leather Trader—47 Gresham St., 

Irish Times (Dublin)—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4350. 
Irish Tobacco Trade Journal—68 Fiect St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
lrish Travel—7-8 Charing Cross, S.W.1. 
Gerrard 3240. 
Irish Weekly and Ulstec Examiner, 177 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 8497. 
Irish Weekly Independent—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2842. 

Ironmongers Weekly—34 Bendish Road, E.6. 
Irvine Valicy News—148 Fueet St., E.C.4. 
Isis—92 Fleet St., E.C. 4. Central 8902. 

Isle of Man Examiner—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7485. 
Isle of Man Times—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2427. 
Isle of Thanet Gazette—30 Ludgate Hili, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Jepson’s Mercantile Directory—31Temple Chambers; 
E.C.4. Central 4827. 
Jersey Weekly Post—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Journal of Commerce (Liverpool)—14-20 Rishops- 
gate, E.C.2. Avenue 7543. 

Journal of the Oil Schemes Association—30 Russell 
Square, W.C.1. Museuin 1457. 

Journal of the Textile Institute—104 Newgate St., 
E.C.1. City 3129. 
Keighley News—170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3265. 
Kelso Mail—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 

Kent and Sussex Courier—30-32 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616, 
Kent Messenger—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Kentish Express—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7710. 
Kentish Gazette—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Kentish Mercury—33-5 Moor Lane, E.C.2. 
Clerkenwell 3046. 
Kerry News—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Kerry Weekly Reporter—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Kerryman—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8209. 
Kettering Leader & Guardian—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3336. 



Kidderminster Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2055. 
Kilkenny People—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8209. 
Kilkenny Post —92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8209. 
Kilkenny Journal—180 Fleet St., E.C 4. 

Chancery 7591. 

Kilsyth Journal—148 Fleet St., E.C.4 

Central 2110. 

Kington Times—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Kinross-shire Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Kirkcaldy Mail—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Kirkintilloch Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Lancashire Daily Post—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. Central 6901. 
Lancaster Guardian—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 

Cee 2626. 
Largs News—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Larne Times—112 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8357. 
Leader (Mearns, &c.)—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110, 
Leamington Chronicle—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3735. 
Ledbury Reporter—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2055. 
Leeds Mercury—171 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 9693. 
Leek Post—92 Fleet St.,E.C.4. Central 8209. 
Leicester Advertiser—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 5060. 
Leicester Mail—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 7710. 
Leicester Mercury—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 5060. 
Leigb, &c., Journal (Lancs.)—23 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3556. 
Leominster News—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 

Central 6539. 

Leven Mail—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Leyland News—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 

Liberator (Tralee)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Lichfield Mercury—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Lichfield Times—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 

Limerick Leader—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8209. 

Lincoln, Rutland, & Stamford Mercury (Stamford) 
—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. Centrai 3265. 
Lincolnshire Chronicle—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 

Lincolnshire Echo—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Lincolnshire Free Press—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Lincolnshire Standard—57 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Central 8209. 

Linlithgowshire Gazette—231-2 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Lisburn Standard—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 

Littlehampton Gazette—71 Fleet St., 

Lancaster Observer—80 Fleet St., 

Lincolnshire Star—92 Fleet St., 

City , 4770. 
Littlehampton Observer—150 Fleet St., F. C.4. 
Central 426, 

Littlehampton Post—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7485. 

Liverpool Daily Post—132-4 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4514. 

Liverpool Echo—132-4 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4514. 
Liverpool Football Echo—132-4 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

City 4514. 
Liverpool Weekly Post—132-4 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4514, 

Llandudno Advertiser—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
City 4770. 

Llanelly Star—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

i | [London Addresses 

Lochgelly Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Londonderry Sentinel—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 4438. 
Longford Leader—177-178 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8497. 

Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, 
Holborn 2730. 
Loughborough Monitor and Herald—44 Fleet St., 
E.C.4 Central 5060. 
Louth Standard—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Lowestoft Journal—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2276. 
Lurgan Mail—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 
Lymington and South Hants Chronicle—80 Fleet 
t, E.C.4. Central 2626. 
Lytham St. Annes Express—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 

Lostwithiel, &c., 

Macclesfield Courier—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2427. 
Macclesfield Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4481. 

Malvern Gazette—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 4022, 

Malvern News-—-9-10 Charing Cross, S.W.1. 

Manchester City News—43 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Manchester Evening News—43 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central "2261. 
Manchester Guardian—43 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2261. 
Manningtree, &c., Standard—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Matlock Visitor—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Meccano Magazine—Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington 
Road, S.E.11. Reliance 2332. 
Mechanical World—20 Bedford St., W.C.2. 
Temple Bar 2629. 
Mersey (Liverpool)—-129 Leadenhall St., E.C.3. 
Avenue 7466. 
Merthyr Express—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 
Metropolitan-Vickers Gazette—4 Central Buildings, 
Westminster, S.W.1. Victoria 9628, 
Mexborough Times—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Mid-Devon Times—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 
Middleton Guardian—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Middleton Standard—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Mid-Glamorgan Herald—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Midhurst Times—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4206. 
Midland Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Midland Chronicle—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Midland Counties Express Wolverhampton)— 
44 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 6060. 
Midland Counties Tribune—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3735 
Midland Daily Telegraph—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2358. 
Midland Daily Tribune—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3735. 

Midlander—47-8 Berners St., W.1. Museum 6472. 
Midlothian Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Midlothian Journal—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Mid-Sussex Times—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 8209. 
Mid-Ulster Mail—-177-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 8497. 
Milngavie Herald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 
Model Housekeeping (Dublin)—36 Southampton St.. 

W.C.2 Temple Bar 5795. 
Moffat News—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2210. 
Mold, Deeside and Buckley Leader—231-2 Strand, 
W.C.2. Central 2994. 

Montgomery County Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2055. 
Montgomeryshire Express—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2626. 
Montrose Review—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2110. 



Morecambe Guardian—169-170 Flect St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Moreton, &c., Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Morning News (Jersey)—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6712. 
Morning Rays—23 Paternoster Square, E.C.4. 
Motor News (Dublin)—1 Newman St., W.1. 
Museum 4832. 
Motor World—34 Sunny Hili, N.W.4. 

Motorist (Manchester)—176 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Centra) 7341. 

Musselburgh News—148 Fleet St., E.C;4. 
Central 2110 

Nairnshire Telegraph—148 Fleet a E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Nantwich Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Narberth Weekly News—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
National Baker—St. Mary’s Chambers, St. Mary 
Axe, E.C.3. Central 4817. 
National Guardian (Glasgow)—119 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
City 8972. 
National Poultryman—64 Victoria St., S.W.1. 
Victoria 4248. 
Nautical Magazine—Amen Corner, E.C.4. 
Naval and Military Record—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 5601. 
N.A.W.U. Magazine—5 Red Lion Square, W.C.1 
Holborn 0292. 
Nelson Leader—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
New Ross Standard—177-178 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8497. 
Newark Advertiser—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 
Newcastle Daily Journal and North Star—170 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Central 2845. 
Newcastle Weekly Chronicle—200 Gray’s Inn Road, 
W.C.1 Museum 9841. 
Newport and Market Drayton Advertiser—146 
leet St., E.C.4. Central 2055. 
Newquay Express—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Newsvendor—353 Strand, W.C.2. Regent 5507. 
Newtownards Chronicle—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Norfolk Chronicle—4 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 8535. 
Norfolk News and Weekly Press—151 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 2276. 
North Beds. Courier—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7081. 
North Berks Herald—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
North Cheshire Herald—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4770. 
North-Eastern Daily Gazette—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
North Mail and Newcastle Daily Chronicle— 
200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
North Star (Dingwall)—23- -8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
; Central 4438. 
North Wales Observer—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 2463. 
North Walsham Post—4 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., 
E.C.4 Central 8535. 

North Western Daily Mail—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7984. 
North Wilts Herald—170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3265. 
Northampton, &c., Independent—57-9 Ludgate Hill. 
E.C.4. Central 6539. 
Cit ty 0776. 
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph—150 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3336. 
Northern Chronicle—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Northern Constitution—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Northern Daily Mail (West Hartlepool)—170 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Central 2845. 
Northern Daily Telegraph (Blackburn)—151 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. Central 5080. 
Northern Despatch—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 

Northampton Mercury—85 Fleet St., 


Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Northern Echo—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Northern Light—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 6539. 
Northern Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Northern Weekly Gazette—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
Northern Whig (Belfast)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 9383. 
Northwich Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Norwich Mercury—151 Fleet St., ' E.C.4. 
Central 2276. 
Nottingham Evening News—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Nottingham Evening Post—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

City 3770. 
Nottingham Guardian—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

‘Cit ty 3770. 
Nottingham Journal—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3265. 
Nottinghamshire Guardian (Nottingham)—67 Fleet 
St., E.C.4, City 3770. 

Nuneaton Chronicle—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6672. 

Nuneaton Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4267. 

Oldham Chronicle—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7984. 
Oldham Standard—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7984. 
Ormskirk Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Orpington, &c., Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Oswestry, &c., Advertizer—231-232 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Our Dogs—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 7641. 
Oxford Mail—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Centra] 3265. 
oe Sa Chronicle—423 Edgware Road, 

Oxford Times—169 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 3265. 
Oxford University Review—92 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 8209. 
Oxonian—423 Edgware Road, W.2, 

Peeblesshire Advertiser—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Peeblesshire News—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Penistone, &c., Express—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
People (Wexford)—177-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8497. 
People’s Journal (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Perthshire Advertiser—119 Fleet St., E.C. ‘4. 
City 8972. 
Perthshire Constitutional—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Peterborough Advertiser—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 

Peterborough Citizen—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 

Peterborough, &c., Standard—146 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 2055. 

Pilot (Llandudno)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Policy Holder Journal—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
City 6676. . 

Pontypridd Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 

Poole, &c., Herald—80 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 2626. 

Poor Souls’ Friend—4 Farringdon Avenue, E.C.4. 

Port Glasgow Express—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Porth Gazette—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 

Pottery and Glass Record—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4206. 

Prescriber (Edinburgh)—32 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 7496. 

Preston Guardian—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4 
Central 6901. 

Preston Herald—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7984. 

Printing—18 Buckingham St., Strand, W.C.2. 


_ Progressive Printer—1I Newman St., W.1. 
Museum 4832. 
Pudsey Advertiser—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Pulman’s Weekly News—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5239. 
Pwllheli and. Nevin Observer—169-170 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 2463. 

Quarry Managers’ Journal—23! Strand, W.C.2. 
City 2523. 

Queenborough Guardian—6 Upper Thames St., 
E.C.4, City 0681. 

Radcliffe Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Radcliffe Guardian—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Ramsbottom Observer—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Rawtenstall Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 
Rayon Record (Manchester)—-Gresham House, Old 
Broad St., E.C.2. London Wall 3957. 
Reading Mercury—2 Copthall Buildings, E.C.2. 
Avenue 2040. 
Redditch Indicator—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Renfrew Press—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 2110. 
Retail Newsagent—353 Strand, W.C.2. 
Regent 5507. 
Retford, &c., News-—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209 
Retford, &c, Times—15 Wine Office Court, Fleet St. 
Central 0749. 
Rhode Island Red Gazette—180 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Rhondda Gazette—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Rhondda Fach Gazette—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Rochdale Observer—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Rochdale Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4, City 2110, 
Rochester, &c., Journal—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Rossendale Echo—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 
Rossendale Free Press—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367 
Rotherham Advertis2r—231-2 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Rotherham Express—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Royal Cornwall Gazette—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7485. 
Royal Engineers’ Journal (Advertisements)—53-4 
Avenue Chambers, W.C.1. Holborn 2807. 
Royal Leamington Spa Courier—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3735. 
Ruddington Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Rugby Advertiser—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Rugby Observer—85 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 0776. 
Rugeley Mercury—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Rugeley Times—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994 
Runcorn Examiner—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Runcorn Weekly News—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4866. 
Rushden Echo—150 Fleet St. Central 3336. 
Rutherglen Reformer—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 

St. Andrews Citizen—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
St. Austell Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
St. Helens, &c., Reporter—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7984. 
St. Neots Advertiser—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Salford City Reporter—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770 
Salisbury, &c., Journal—143 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4450. 
Saturday Herald (Dublin)—118 Fleet St., F.C.4. 
Central 2842. 
Saturday Telegraph—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4 
Central 6901. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

[London Addresses 

Scarborough Evening News—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 4022, 
Scarborough Mercury—1!185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 4022. 
Scarborough Post—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 4022. 
Scots Independent—37 Hatton Garden, E.C.1. 
Holborn 2232. 
Scots Observer—55-6 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Scots Magazine—186 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3984. 
Scotsman (Edinburgh)—63 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3625. 
Scottish Boot Trades Journal—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Scottish Butchers’ Journal—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Scottish Confectioner—1 Mitre Court, Fleet St. 
E.C.4. Central 1862. 
Scottish Field—353 Strand, W.C.2. 
Temple Bar 6346, 
Scottish Gardening —148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Scottish Grocer—86 Hatton Garden, E.C.1. 
Holborn 6092. 
Scottish Health Magazine—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Scottish Home & Country—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Scottish Ironmongery—429 Strand, W.C.2. 
Gerrard 1910. 
Scottish Jeweller—429 Strand, W.C.2. Gerrard 1910 
Scottish Law Review—86 Hatton Garden, E.C.I. 
Scottish Newsagent—429 Strand, W.C.2. 
Gerrard 1910. 
Scottish Nurse—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 
Scottish Plumbers Journal—429 Strand, W.C.2. 
Gerrard 1910. 
Scottish Radio Dealer—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Scottish Retail Drapery Journal—429 Strand, 
W.C.2 Gerrard 1910. 
Scottish Tailor—429 Strand, W.C.2. Gerrard 1910. 
Scottish Tobacco News—429 Strand, W.C.2, 
Temple Bar. 1910. 
Scottish Trader—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4458. 
Scunthorpe, &c., Star—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
Sevenoaks Chronicle—30-32 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Sheerness Guardian—6 Upper Thames St., E.C.4. 
City 0681. 
snes Daily Telegraph—200 Grays Inn Road, 

C.1. (Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St., E.C. 4. 

Sheffield Independent—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265, 
Sheffield Mail—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Shetland Times—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Shields Daily Gazette—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6715. 
Shields Daily News—185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 6715. 
Shipley Times—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3526, 
Shipping (Monthly) —146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Shrewsbury Advertizer—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Shrewsbury Chronicle—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Sidcup Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Silk oun (Manchester)—20-22 St. Bride St., 
C.4. Central 5956. 
Siac Express—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Somerset County Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 

Somerset County Herald—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5239. 

Somerset Guardian—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7081. 

South Eastern Gazette—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7485. 



South Elmsall, &c., Times—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
South Molton Gazette—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438, 
South Wales Argus (Newport)-—-150 Fleet St. 
E.C.4. Central 3336. 
South Wales Daily Post—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
South Wales Echo (Cardiff)—-85 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 1459. 

South Wales Evening Express—176 Fleet St., 
E.C.4 Central 2092. 
South Wales Journal of Commerce—118 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 4367. 

South Wales Voice—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
South Wales Weekly News—176 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2091. 
South Wales Weekly Post—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Southern Daily Echo—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4352. 
Southern Press—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Southern Weekly News (Brighton)—69 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 4445. 
Southport Guardian—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. es 

Ci ity 
Southport Visiter—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7984. 
Spalding Guardian—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Sporting Chronicle (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn 
. W.C.1 Museum 9841. 
Sporting Pink (Leeds)—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4 Central 6901. 
Sports Argus (Birmingham)—169-170 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 3265. 
Sports Dispatch (Edinburgh)—63 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3625. 
Sports Echo (Leeds)—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4. 
Central 6901. 
Sports Mail and Irish Weekly Mail (Dublin)—148 
Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110. 
Sports News (Bristol)—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3203. 
Sports’ Special (Sheffield)—-200 Grays Inn Road,. 
W.C.1 (Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Sports World (Newcastle)—Carmelite House, E.C.4. 
Central 6000. 
Staffordshire Advertiser—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
Staffordshire Chronicle—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4206. 
Staffordshire Evening Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent)— 
23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 0138. 
Standard (Dublin)—173 Fleet St, EC 4. City 7662. 
Stanley News—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 2463. 
Staines & Egham News—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4 
Central 2616. 
Star (Guernsey)—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central6712. 
Stewartry Observer—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Stirling Observer—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Stirling Sentinel—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Stockton, &c., Herald—200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 

Museum 9841. 
Stroud News—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2055. 

Suffolk Chronicle and Mercury—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4899. 
Sunday Chronicle (Manchester)—200 Grays Inn 
Rd., W.C. Museum 9841. 
Sunday ‘Independent (Dublin)—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2842. 
Sunday Mail (Glasgow)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. Museum 9841. 
Sunday Mercury and Sunday News—169-170 Fleet 
t., E.C.4. Central 3265. 
Sunday Post (Glasgow)—186 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3984, 
auoday Sun (Newcastle)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1 Museum 9841. 
Central 2845. 
Surrey and Hants News (Farnham)—154 Fleet St., 
C4, Central 7081. 

Sunderland Echo—170 Fleet St., 

Willing’s Press Guide 

[London Addresses 

Surrey Herald—30 Ludgate Hill, E C 4. 
Central 2616. 
Surrey Mirror—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 
Surrey Times (Guildford)—154 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 7081. 

Sussex County pretaldc) 73 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 

Sussex County Magazine—173-5 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Sussex Daily News (Brighton)—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4445. 
Sussex Express—244 Bank Chambers, 329 High 
Holborn, W.C.1. Holborn 0516. 
Sutton Coldfield News—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 5884. 
Swanage Times—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2626. 
Swanley Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Swansea Herald of Wales—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 

Swindon Advertiser—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central $265. 
Symbol—22 Buckingham St., W.C.2. 
Tamworth Herald—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3735. 
Tamworth Mercury—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9972. 
Tarian—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 

Taunton Courier—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 5239. 
Tavistock Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 6712. 
Tees-side Weekly Herald—200 Grays Inn Road, 

W.C.1. Museum 9841. 

Tenbury Wells Mail—57-59 Ludgate Hill E.C.4. 

Central 6539. 
Tenby Observer—173 Fleet St.. E.C.4, City 7662. 
Textile Argus 169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 3265. 
Textile Manufacturer—20 Bedford St., W.C.2. 

Temple Bar 2629. 

Textile Recorder—20 St. Bride St., E.C.4. 
Central 5956. 
Thame Gazette—57-59 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 

Central 6539. 
Thameside Mail—9 Golden Square, W.1. 
Gerrard 9233. 
Thetford, &c., Times—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. . 
Central 2276. 
Thomson’s Weekly News—186 Fleet St., E.C..4 
Holborn 3984. 
Thrapston, &c., Journal—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3336. 
Tipperary Star—177 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8497. 
Tipton and Coseley Times—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Tipton Herald—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Tiverton Gazette—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Torbay Herald and Express—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 5601. 
Torquay Directory—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 

Torquay Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 
Totnes Times—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367. 
Towyn-on-Sea Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 2055. 
Trade Show Critic—19 Lisle St., W.C.2. 
Regent 4577. 
Tur Express (Kentish Express)—69 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 7710. 
Tunbridge Wells Advertiser—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Chancery 7591. 
Tyrone Constitution—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 1425. 
Tyrone Courier—177-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8497. 
City 4367. 

Tyst—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Ulster Gazette—68 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 1425. 

Ulverston Guardian—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110, 



Willing’s Press Guide 

[London Addresses 

University News (Oxford)—27 St. Anne’s Chambers, 
Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. City 0613. 
Visitor (Eastbourne)—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Wadebridge Guardian—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 2730. 
Wadebridge Post—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4367, 
Wakefield Express—118 Fleet St., E.C.4 City 4367. 
Wallasey News—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Wallasey Times—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 9972. 
Walsall Observer—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. Citv 7662. 
Walsall Times—231 Strand, W.C.2. Central 2994. 
Walton (Lancs.) Times—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Walton Times (Clacton)—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Warrington Examiner—44-5 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Warrington Guardian—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 7662. 
Warwick, &c., Advertiser—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2394. 
Waterfoot Times—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7662. 
Waterloo and Crosby Herald—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Waterloo and Crosby Times—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Week End Novels—200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 
(Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Weekly Irish Times (Dublin)—59 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4350. 

Weekly Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2091. 
Weekly News (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Holborn 3984. 
Weekly Northern Whig (Belfast)—92 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 9383. 

Weekly Record—200 Grays Inn Road, W.C.1. 
; Museum 9841. 
Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh)—63 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 3625. 
Weekly Supplement (Galston)—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield)—200 Grays Inn Road, 
.C.1 (Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Weekly Welcome (Glasgow)—186 Fleet St., E.C,4, 
Holborn 3984. 
Wellingborough News—150 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3336. 
Wellington Journal—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Wells Journal—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 7485. 

West Briton—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 4438. 

West Cumberland News—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 

West Cumberland Times—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 
West Lothian Courier—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
West Lancashire Evening Gazette (Blackpool)— 
80 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2626. 

West Somerset Free Press—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209. 

West Sussex Gazette—143 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4450. 

West Yorkshire Pioneer—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Western Daily Press (Bristol) —59 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 3201. 
Western Evening Herald—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 5601. 
Western Gazette (Yeovil)—53 Fleet St., E.C.4, 
Central 5239. 
Western Guardian—118 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4367. 
Western Independent (Plymouth)—69 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. Central 7710. 
Western Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2091. 
Western Morning News (Plymouth)—114 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. City 5601. 
Western Observer—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4438. 
Western Times (Exeter)—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 8316. 

Western Weekly News—114 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Westmeath Independent—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Westmorland Gazette—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Weston-super-Mare Gazette—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 4770 
Wharfedale Observer—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 3526. 
Whitehaven News—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Whittlesey Reporter—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Wicklow People—177-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8497. 
Widnes Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Widnes Weekly News—63 High Holborn, W.C.1. 
Chancery 7803. 
Wigan Examiner—57-8 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Wigan Observer—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 5060. 
Wiltshire Advertiser—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 8209 
Wiltshire Gazette—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2110. 
Wiltshire News—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7081. 
Wiltshire Times—30-2 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2616. 
Windsor, &c., Express—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2626. 
Winsford Chronicle—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Wirral Tim es—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 6712 
Wishaw H erald—148 Fleet St., E.C.4. Central 2110 
Woburn and District Reporter—80 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 2626. 
Woking Herald—30 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 2618, 
Woking News and Mail—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 7081. 
Wolverhampton Chronicle—44 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 5060. 
Wolverhampton Free Press—32 Furnival St.. 
Holborn. Holborn 8693. 
Woodhouse Express—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
l Central 2294 
Wool Record (Bradford)—330 Gresham House, E.C.2. 
Wercester Daily Times—178 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Worcestershire Advertiser—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2055. 
Workington Star—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Central 6712. 
World’s Pictorial News—200 

Grays Inn Road, 
Museum 9841. 
Worthing Gazette—71 Fleet St., E.C.4. City 4770. 
Worthing Herald—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2767. 
Wrexham Leader—231 and 232 Strand, W.C.2. 
Central 2994. 
Yarmouth Independent—151 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 2276. 
Yarmouth Mercury—154 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Holborn 5228. 
Yorkshire Evening News—Salisbury Square House, 
4.C.4. Central 6901. 
Yorkshire Evening Post—171 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9363. 
Yorkshire Evening Press—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Yorkshire Gazette—169 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Yorkshire Herald (York)—145 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 4011. 
Yorskhire Observer—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Yorkshire Observer Budget—169 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Central 3265. 
Yorkshire Post (Leeds)—171 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9693, 
Yorkshire Sports—169-170 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 3265. 
Yorkshire Telegraph and Star—200 Grays Inn 
Road, W.C.1 (Museum 9841) and 180 Fleet St, 

Yorkshire Weekly Post—171 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Central 9363 


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Willing’s Press Guide 



'Arranged Under Counties 

(Including Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State.) 

Full particulars regarding Publisher, Price, 
&c., will be found in the Alphabetical List. 



Ampthill News (Bedford) 

Bedford Daily Circular 

Bedford Directory 

Bedford Record i 
Bedfordshire Express (Hitchin) ; 
Bedfordshire Standard (Bedford) .. 
Bedfordshire Times (Bedford) 
Beds. and Herts. Pictorial (Luton) 

_ Beds. and Herts. Saturday itis 4 

Biggleswade Chronicle es 
Dunstable Borough Gazette 
Eagle (Bedford) ‘ A 
Leighton Buzzard Observer 
Luton News and Bedfordshire Adver- 
tiser T 
Luton News Directory 
North Beds Courier (Biggleswade) . 
Panacea (Bedford) .. ie 
Scottish Gazette (Aspley Guise) 
Scottish Law Courts Record | (Aspley 
Guise) .. 
Wasp (Bedford) ca 
Woburn and District Reporter (Bed- 
ford) š 


Abingdonian (Abingdon) í 

Bacon’s Reading, &c. Railway Guide 

Beaumont Review (Windsor) : 

Berks, &c., Advertiser (Wallingford) 

Berkshire Chronicle (Reading) . 

Bradfield College Chronicle 

Eton Calendar (Windsor) .. 

Eton College Chronicle (Windsor) 

Etoniana (Windsor) . 

Faringdon Advertiser ‘ 

Football Chronicle (Reading) 

Maidenhead Advertiser 

Newbury Weekly News T 
North Berks Herald (Abingdon) 

Radleian (Abingdon). . 

Reading Mercury 

Reading Standard T 
Reading University Gazette se 
Wellington Year Book A a 
Wellingtonian .. 

Windsor, &c., Express ; i 
Wokingham Gazette .. oe oe 


Buckingham Advertiser ‘ 

Buckinghamshire Advertiser 

Bucks Advertiser (Aylesbury) 

Bucks Examiner (Chesham) 

Bucks Free Press (High Wycombe).. 

Bucks Herald (Aylesbury) .. 

Bucks Standard (Newport Pagnell) 

Central Literary Magazine (Denham) 

Laudate (Burnham) ... 

North Bucks Times (Leighton Buz- 

zard) š 

Olney Advertiser 

Slough Observer 

Symbol (Linslade) 

Wolverton Express .. 

Wycombe Abbey Gazette 


Analyst (Cambridge) 
Caian (Cambridge) 
Cambridge Chronicle 
Cambridge Daily News 
Cambridge Gownsman 
Cambridge Independent Press 
Cambridge Inter ORERE Christian 
Union Magazine 
Cambridge Review 
Cambridge Sporting News .. 
Cambridge Street, &c., Directory .. 
Cambridge University Agricultural 
Society Magazine .« 

309 E 


Cambridge University Medical ante 
Magazine ; 
Cambridge University “Reporter 
Cambridgeshire Times (March) 
Chatteris Advertiser (March) 
Christ’s College Magazine (Cambridge) 
City of Ely Red Book 
Ely Diocesan Calendar ; 
Ely Diocesan Gazette (Cambridge) 
Ely Standard (March) 
Ely Weekly Guardian (Cambridge) 
English Language, &c., Annual 
Biography, &c. (Cambridge) 
Granta (Cambridge) 
I.R.I. Transactions (Cambridge) 

Isle of Ely and Wisbech Advertiser.. 
Journal of the National Institute of 
Agricultural Botany (Cambridge) 

Leys Fortnightly (Cambridge) 
Littleport Gazette (March) .. gi 
Magdalene College an (Cam- 
bridge) . és 
Messenger of Mathematics (Cam- 
bridge) ‘ si 
Newmarket Journal 
Newmarket Sporting News . a 
Newmarket bea News- (Cam- 
bridge) = 4 sa 
Pelican (Cambridge) . 
Pentecostal Power (Cambridge) ae 
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society 
Royston Weekly News (Cambridge) 
Saffron Walden Weekly News (Cam- 
Shorthand Teachers’ Magazine (Cam- 
bridge) ; : 
Soham, &c., Advertiser (March) 
Transactions of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society 
Transactions of the Cambridgeshire, 
&c., Archæological Society (Ely) 
Whittlesey Reporter (March) ; 
Wisbech Constitutional Gazette 
Wisbech Standard 


Alderley Advertiser (Stockport) 
Altrincham, Bowdon and Hale 

Guardian (Warrington) : 
Altrincham Advertiser (Stockport) 
Birkenhead Advertiser ' 
Birkenhead News 
Birkonian (Birkenhead) ‘ si 
Cheshire Daily Echo (Stockport) .. 
Cheshire Observer (Chester) 
Chester Chronicle T 
Chester Courant ; ee 
Chester Diocesan Calendar 
Chester Diocesan Gazette 
Chester Directory oa 
Chester Guardian (Warrington) 
Congleton Chronicle i Ja 
Congleton Guardian (Warrington) .. 
Congleton Times (Macclesfield) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Crewe, &c., Observer (Chester) 

Crewe Chronicle (Chester) 

Crewe Guardian (Warrington) 

Dukinfield Herald (Ashton-under- 


East Cheshire Observer (Macclesfield) 

Ellesmere Port Advertiser .. 

Franciscan Annals (Chester).. ide 

Have Mynde (Chester) ai 

Hoylake and West Kirby Advertiser 

Hoylake and West Kirby News 

Hyde Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

King’s School Magazine (Chester) .. 

Knutsford Advertiser (Stockport) . 

Knutsford Division Guardian (War- 
rington) Ke 

Lymm Year-Book and Almanac 

Macclesfield Advertiser iotpek port), 

Macclesfield Courier 

Macclesfield Times .. 

Moreton and Upton Advertiser 

Nantwich Chronicle (Crewe) 

Nantwich Guardian (Warrington) . 

National United Order of Free Gar- 
deners’ Journal (Sandbach) 

North Cheshire Herald (Hyde) 

Northwich Chronicle (Chester) 

Northwich Guardian (Warrington) 

Phillipson and Golder’s Chester, &c., 
Railway Guide s'i cs 

Runcorn Examiner (Warrington) . 

Runcorn Guardian (Warrington) .. 

Runcorn Weekly News (Widnes) .. 

Sale, &c., Guardian (Warrington) 

Sandbach Advertiser (Stockport) 

Sandbach Chronicle (Congleton) 

Sandbach Guardian (Warrington) .. 

Stalybridge Herald (Ashton-under- 

Stalybridge Reporter (Ashton-under- 

Stockport Advertiser. . 

Stockport Express 

Stockport Express Annual — 

Wallasey, &c., Chronicle 

Wallasey News 

Wallasey Times 

Wilmslow, &c., Express : 

Winsford and Middlewich Chronicle 
(Chester)  .. 

Winsford and Middlewich Guardian 

Wirral Times 


Bodmin Guardian 

Bude and Stratton Post (Launceston) 

Bude and Stratton Weekly News 
(Launceston) ets 

Callington and Gunnislake Post 

Camborne School of Mines Magazine 

Camelford and Delabole Post (Laun- 
ceston) aa sta es sa 

Camelford, &c., Guardian (Bodmin) 

Camelford, &c., ea News ee 
ceston) . 




Cornish and Devon Post (Launceston) 
Cornish Echo (Falmouth) 65 
Cornish Evening Tidings (Penzance) 
Cornish Guardian (Bodmin) s 
Cornish Post (Penzance) 
Cornish Times (Liskeard) 
Cornishman (Penzance) a ae 
East Cornwall Times (Tavistock) .. 
Falmouth Directory .. 
Falmouth Red Guide 
Lake’s Falmouth Packet 
Launceston Weekly News 
Lostwithiel Guardian (Bodmin) 
Marazion and District Advertiser .. 
Netherton’s Cornish Almanack (Truro) 
Newquay Express (Bodmin) ; 
One and All (Bodmin) 
Penryn and Falmouth Advertiser . 
Royal Cornwall Gazette (Truro) 
St. Austell Deanery Magazine 
St. Austell Gazette (Truro). . 
St. Austell Guardian (Bodmin) 
St. Ives Times 
Saltash Gazette 
Truro Diocesan Gazette . 
Wadebridge, &c., Guardian (Bodmin) 
Wadebridge Post oe 
West Briton (Truro) 
Western Echo (St. Ives) 

Angola (Carlisle) š 

Carliol .. 

Carlisle, &c., Motor 'Bus Time Table 
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar .. 
Carlisle Diocesan Gazette 

Carlisle Journal 

Cumberland and Westmorland Herald 

(Penrith) . 

Cumberland Catholic News (New- 

Cumberland County Annual (White- 

Cumberland Evening News (Carlisle) 

Cumberland News (Carlisle) s 

Evening Star (Workington) 

Keswick Reminder Si 

Millom Gazette 

Millom News (Barrow) 

Penrith Observer í 

St. Bees School Magazine os 

Thurnam’s ABC Rail Guide 

Thurnam’s General Railway ‘Guide 
(Carlisle) ‘ 

West Cumberland News ` (White- 
haven) i ka 

West Cumberland Times '(Cocker- 
mouth) så ee oes bas 

Whitehaven News 

Wigton Advertiser 

Workington Star 

Alfreton, &c., Journal 

Ashbourne Advertiser (Derby) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Ashbourne News i 

Ashbourne Telegraph 

Belper News (Chesterfield) . 

Brittain’s, &c., Time Table (Ripley) 

Buxton Advertiser 

Buxton Herald 

Derbeian (Derby) .. es 

Derby A B C Railway, &c., Guide se 

Derby and Chesterfield Reporter ss 

Derby Co-operative Society Record 

Derby Daily Express 

Derby Daily Telegraph $ 

Derby Diocesan Calendar (Littleover) 

Derby Diocesan Magazine (Littleover) 

Derbyshire Advertiser (Derby) 

Derbyshire Cricket Guide .. 

Derbyshire Football Express (Derby) 

DerbyshireHockey Handbook(Derby) 

Derbyshire Times (Chesterfield) : 

Derbyshire Times Time Table esis 
terfield) ia ; 

Glossop Advertiser 

Glossop Chronicle, 

Heanor Observer ‘ 

High Peak Advertiser (Glossop) 

High Peak Chronicle (Glossop) 

High Peak News (Buxton) 

High Peak Reporter (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) : s 

Ilkeston Advertiser 

Ilkeston Observer (Heanor) 

Ilkeston Pioneer : 

Journal of the Derbyshire ‘Archzo- 
logical, &c., Society (Kendal) 

Local Advertising Sheet i athe aes 

Long Eaton Advertiser 

Matlock Visitor (Buxton) .. 

Mining Electrical aa (Derby) 

Reptonian i 

Ripley, &c., News .. 

Temperance Bells (Derby) . 


Annual Report, &c., of the Plymouth 
Institution .. 

Ashburton, &c., Guardian (Totnes) 

Bideford, &c., Gazette ; 

Blundellian (Tiverton) : 

Brixham Western Guardian (Totnes) 

Buckfastleigh, &c., Guardian ids, 

Chimes (Exeter) 

Crediton Chronicle (Tiverton) 

Dartmouth Chronicle 

Dartmouth Western Guardian (Totnes) 

Dawlish Gazette 

Devon, &c., Notes and ` Queries 
(Exeter) ; 

Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette 

Devon, &c., News (Tiverton) 

Devonport High School Magazine.. 

Doidge’s, &c., Almanac (Plymouth) 

East Devon News (Chard) . 

Epoch (Ilfracombe) . es 

Exeter Diocesan Gazette 

311 L2 



DEVONSHIRE— continued. 
Exeter Diocesan Kalendar 
Exeter Diocesan Year Book 
Exeter Post Office senses 
Exmouth Chronicle .. : 
Exmouth Journal 
Exonian (Exeter) .. 
Express & Echo (Exeter) 
Football Express (Exeter) .. 
Football Herald (Plymouth) 
Hartland, &c., Chronicle 
Holsworthy Post (Launceston) n 
Holsworthy Weekly News eases 
ceston) , ; es 
Ilfracombe Chronicle 
Journal of the Marine Biological 
Association of the United ree 
(Plymouth) . : 
Kingsbridge Gazette . 
Kingsbridge WesternGuardian (Totnes) 
Mid-DevonAdvertiser (NewtonAbbot) 
Mid-Devon and Newton Times (New- 
ton Abbot) . 
Mid-Devon and Torbay Time Table 

Naval andMilitaryRecord (Plymouth) 

Newton Abbot Western Guardian 
(Totnes) ss 

Newtonian (Newton Abbot) a 

North Devon Herald (Barnstaple) .. 

North Devon Journal (Barnstaple).. 

Okehampton Post (Launceston) 

Paignton Observer 

Paignton Western Guardian (Totnes) 

Plymothian (Plymouth) au 

Plymouth and District Stock and 
Share List 

PlymouthCo- operativeSociety Record 

Plymouth Corporation Grammar 
School Magazine sa m 

Plympton, &c., Times 

Poor Soul’s Friend (South Brent) 

Report and Transactions of theDevon- 
shire Association (Plymouth) 

Report and Transactions of the Royal 
Geological POE of Cornwall 
(Plymouth) . bs 

Salcombe Gazette (Kingsbridge) 

Sidmouth Herald ; 

Sidmouth Observer 

Slave Market News (Sidmouth) 

South Brent Western Guardian (Totnes) 

South Devon and East Cornwall 
Hospital Report (Plymouth) ; 

South Devon Gazette (Kingsbridge) 

South Devon Weekly ARE man 

South Molton Gazette 

Sports Post (Plymouth) 

Tavistock Gazette 

Tavistock Times 

Teignmouth Gazette. 

Teignmouth Post : 

Three Towns Almanack (Devonport) 

Tiverton Gazette es os 

Torbay Football Herald 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Torbay Herald & a as Porauay! 

Torbay Standard > 

Torquay Directory 

Torquay Times 

Totnes Times . 

Transactions, &c. 5 of the Torquay 
Natural History Society 

Watchman (Plymouth) a 

Western Counties Railway Guide 
(Exeter) ; 

Western Evening Herald (Plymouth) 

Western Guardian (Totnes).. ; 

Western Independent (Plymouth) 

Western Morning News and oa 
(Plymouth) . 

Western Observer (Tiverton) 

Western Times (Exeter ss 

Western Weekly News (Plymouth) 

aaa cae 

Bridport News ; 
Clavinian (Weymouth) ‘ 
Divine Light and Truth (Swanage) 
Dorset Co. Chronicle (Dorchester) 
Dorset Daily Echo (Weymouth) 
Dorset Mail (Dorchester) .. 
DorsetMasonic Calendar (Weymouth) 
Poole, &c., Herald 
Shirburnian (Sherborne) sa 
Southern Times (Weymouth) 
Swanage Times (Bournemouth) 
Transactions of the Dorset Masters 

Lodge (Weymouth) s 


Ainsley’s Nautical Almanac (South 
Shields) “a 

Auckland and daa ‘Chronicle (Dar- 

Blaydon Courier 

Blaydonian ; 

Blaydon-on-TyneCo- -operativeRecord 
(Newcastle) .. oe T 

Chester-le-Street Chronicle .. 

Consett Guardian 

Darlington and Stockton Times 

Darlington Business Directory 

Dunelmian (Durham) 

Durham Chronicle ; 

Durham City Year Book .. 

Durham County Advertiser.. 

Durham Diocesan Calendar.. 

Durham University Journal 

Football Echo (Sunderland) T 

Football Gazette (South Shields) .. 

Football Mail (Hartlepool) 

North-Eastern Daily Gazette (Bishop 
Auckland) .. 

Northern Daily Mail (Hartlepool) | 

Northern Despatch (Darlington) 

Northern Echo (Darlington) 

Northern Echo Football Guide (Dar- 

Northern Echo ‘Xmas “Budget (Dar- 

Reid’s Darlington Diary (Newcastle) 

Reid’s Durham Diary (Newcastle) 



P rovincial] 


Reid’s Sunderland Diary (Newcastle) 
Seaham Weekly News ; 
Shields Daily Gazette (South Shields) 
Sporting Echo (Sunderland).. 
Sports Despatch (Darlington) 3 
Sports Gazette (Bishop Auckland) 
Stanley News. 
Stockton, &c., Herald 
Sunderland Co-operative Society 

Record es 3 ‘ 
Sunderland Echo ne ie 
Sunderland Red Book (Durham) Ja 
Teesdale andWeardale News (Parme 

ton) .. 
Teesdale Mercury (Barnard Castle)... 
University of Durham Calendar 
University of Durham Gazette 
University of Durham Journal 
Ushaw Magazine (Durham).. 
Ward’s Directory of Darlington, &e. 


Wearside Catholic News (Sunderland) 

Ambassador (Goodmayes) 
Bancroftian (Woodford) 
Barking Advertiser ian 
Barking Chronicle 
Becontree Guardian (Ilford) 
Beekeeping Annual (Harlow) : 
Benfleet and District Weekly Gazette 
Benham’s Colchester, &c., Almanac 
Book of West Ham (Forest Gate) 
Boro’ of West Ham and Stratford 
Express ; 
Brentwood, &c., Directory . 
Brentwood, &c., Gazette 
Brightlingsea, &c., Times (Clacton) 
Brightlingsea News (Clacton) 
Buckhurst Hill Advertiser (Loughton) 
Buckhurst Hill Express and rag sie 
dent (Leytonstone) 
Burnham-on-Crouch Advertiser 
Business Ideas (Colchester) . 
Buyers’ Guide (Leyton) 
Canvey News (Southend) . 
Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle (Earls 
Colne) ‘ ‘ 
Chigwellian (Chigwell) 
Chingford, &c.,Express (Leytonstone) 
Clacton Graphic T 
Clacton Times 
Clacton “ What’s On ? ” 
Colchester Gazette .. 
-County Telegraph Handbook (Col- 
chester) sis 
Dagenham Post (Ilford) 
East Essex Advertiser (Clacton) 
East Ham Echo pi 
East Ham Express (Stratford) 
Eastern Mercury (Leytonstone) 
Epping Advertiser (Loughton) 
Essex Archæological Society’s Trans- 
sactions (Colchester) ‘ 

Willing’s Press Guide 


| Essex Chronicle (Chelmsford) 

Essex County Standard (Colchester) 

Essex County Telegraph (Colchester) 

Essex Farmers’ Journal (Chelmsford) 

Essex Guardian (Ilford) T 

Essex Herald (Chelmsford) .. 

Essex Newsman (Chelmsford) 

Essex Regiment Gazette ( ease 

Essex Review (Chelmsford).. ; 

Essex Times (Romford) ; $ 

Essex Weekly News (Chelmsford) 

Exhaust Steam (Leyton) .. ga 

Felstedian (Felsted) 

Forest Gate Express (Leytonstone)... 

Frinton and Walton Graphic (Clacton- 

Frinton News (Clacton-on-Sea) 

Frinton Times (Clacton-on-Sea) 

Gray’s Gazette $ yi 

Halstead Gazette 

Harwich Newsman 

Harwich Standard 

Housing Journal (Walthamstow) . 

Ilford Estate Press T 

Ilford Guardian 

Ilford Monthly 

Ilford Recorder å 

Leyton Express (Leytonstone) 

Leytonstone Express.. oe oe 

Loughton Advertiser 

Loughton, &c., Express (Leytonstone) 

Maldon Express (Chelmsford) 
Manningtree & Mistley Standard 
Marching Orders (Goodmayes) 
Morning Star (Southend) 
Quarterly Jottings from the New 
Hebrides (Colchester) : 
Romford Recorder Vere 
Romford Times ps 
South Essex Mail (East Ham) “6 
Southend Observer .. ca 
Southend Pictorial Telegraph 
Southend Standard .. 
Southend Times s$ ae 
Stratford Express... a oe 
Thameside Mail (Grays) s 
Threshed Wheat (Goodmayes) 
Topical Events (Goodmayes) ia 
Transactions of the Essex Archæo- 
logical Society (Colchester) 
Walthamstow, &c., Guardian ‘ 
Walthamstow Express (Stratford) 
Walthamstow Observer ‘ 
Walton, &c., Gazette (Colchester) . 
Walton News (Clacton-on-Sea) 
Walton Times (Clacton) 
Wanstead Express (Leytonstone) . 
WeeklyTelegraph for Waltham Abbey 
West Essex Gazette (Epping) 
West Ham Express .. 
West Ham Mail a 
West Ham Municipal ‘Alliance 
Gazette oe es Se 
Wickford, &c., Post _(Burnham-on- 
Crouch) š : s ae 



inci Willing’s Press Guide [Counties 

ESSEX —continued. 
Woodford, &c.,Advertiser (Loughton) 
Woodford Express (AOR ORE) re 
Woodford Times = a 
Young Folks (Goodmayes) . 


Anglican Third Order Quarterly 
(Bristol) $ 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol Channel Tide 

Arrowsmith’s Railway Guide (Bristol) 

Berkeley Gazette (Dursley) 

Bristol A B C Railway Guide ‘ 

Bristol A B C Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) : 

Bristol Advertiser (Leicester) 

Bristol Catholic Herald (Cardiff) . 

Bristol Diocesan Review 

Bristol Evening News : 

Bristol Grammar School Chronicle 

Bristol Guardian and Gazette 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journa: 

Bristol Observer . 

Bristol Times and Mirror .. 

British Journal of Surgery (Bristol). . 

Caincross, &c., Co-operative Econo- 
mist (Stroud) : is : 

Cancer Review (Bristol) 

Cheltenham Chronicle é 

Cheltenham Ladies’ College Magazine 

Cheltonian (Cheltenham) ; 

Chess Amateur (Stroud) ; 

Chipping Sodbury Gazette (Dursley) 

Citizen (Gloucester) .. 

Clifton and Redland Free Press 
(Bristol) Si ; 

Cliftonian (Bristol) .. 

Dean Forest Guardian (Coleford) . 

Dean Forest Mercury (Cinderford) 

Decanian (Cheltenham) 3 

Dursley Gazette gs 

Evening Times and Echo (Bristol) 

Evening World (Bristol) 

Gloucester Co-operative Society 
Monthly Record oe ; 

Gloucester Diocesan Magazine 

Gloucester Diocesan Year Book 

Gloucester Journal . 

Gloucestershire Echo (Cheltenham) 

Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs’ 
Society Herd Book (Bristol) 

Glovers Inklings (Bristol) .. 

Handy A BC Railway Guide ( Bristol) 

Horfield, &c., Record (Bristol) 

Irish Endeavourer (Bristol) .. 

Lydney Observer 

Medical Annual (Bristol) ‘ 

Monthly Journal of the Bristol and 
West of England Chambers of Com- 
merce (Derby) 

Nonesuch (Bristol) .. 

North Somerset Gazette (Bristol) . 

Pax (Stroud) . 

Proceedings of ‘the Bristol ` Natura- 
lists’ Society > : F 

Proceedings of the Cotteswold Natu- 
ralists’ Field Club.. T 

Retail Newsagent (Gloucester) 

Schools of England (Cheltenham) 

South Bristol Free Press .. zs 

South Gloucestershire Chronicle 
(Dursley) : 

South Gloucestershire Gazette (Bristol) 

Sports News (Bristol) : . 

Stroud Journal 

Stroud News .. ; 

Tewkesbury Register 

Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) 

Transactions of the Bristol and 
Gloucestershire SE EO REA So- 
ciety (Gloucester) . i 

Universities Review (Bristol) 

University of Bristol Calendar 

West Country (Stroud) 

Western Daily Press (Bristol) 

Western Temperance Herald (Bristol) 

Wilts and Gloucester Standard (Ciren- 

Wotton-under-Edge,  &e., Gazette 
(Dursley) í . sa p3 

Wright’s Railway Time Tables 

Year’s Work in Classical ‘Studies 
(Bristol) : E 

Aldershot Command News .. 
Aldershot Command Official Directory 
Aldershot Gazette and AA News 
Aldershot News se 
Alton Mail (Farnham) 
Andover Advertiser .. 
Annual Report oi the Royal Hamp- 
shire Hospital (Winchester) ‘ 
Antiquity (Southampton) .. 
Bedale’s Record (Petersfield) : 
Bournemouth A B C Railway Guide 
Bournemouth Amusements 
Bournemouth, &c., Graphic 
Bournemouth Daily Echo 
Bournemouth Times and Directory 
BournemouthWeekly Diary of Ong 
Events (Boscombe) 
Bournemouth What’s On Guide 
Christchurch Times 
Clan Lamont Journal (Winchester) 
Eastleigh Weekly News ers ste 
Evening News (Portsmouth) 
Farnborough Advertiser ; 
Football Echo (Bournemouth) 
Football Echo (Southampton) 
Football Mail (Portsmouth) 
Globe and Laurel (Portsmouth) 
Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton) 
Hampshire Chronicle RE 
Hampshire Herald (Alton) 
Hampshire Observer (Winchester) 
Hampshire Regimental Journal (vin: 
chester) : 
Hampshire Telegraph (Portsmouth) 
Hants, &c., Gazette (Basingstoke) .. 



Hants & Sussex County Press (Ems- 
Hants & Sussex News (Petersfield) 
Holbrook’s Railway Guide ia 
Isle of Wight Chronicle (Sandown) 
Isle of Wight County Press (N hl ade 
Isle of Wight Guardian (Shanklin) . 
Isle of Wight Mercury (Ventnor) 
Isle of Wight Times (Ryde) 

Journal of Royal Air Force ONERE 
(Aldershot) . 

Kipling Journal (Lymingtom) 

Lord’s Witnesses (Southampton) 

Lymington, &c., Chronicle .. 

May’s Hants and tases Blue Rail 
Guide (Aldershot) . ; 

Naval Engineering Review (Water- 
looville) a 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal 

New Forest Magazine (Lymington) 

North End Mail (Portsmouth) ee 

Popular Writing (Cosham) 

Portmuthian (Portsmouth) .. ne 

Portsmouth A B C Railway Guide.. 

Preparatory Schools Review y (Win- 
chester) : 

Romsey Advertiser 

Royal Army Ordnance Corps Gazette 
(Cosham) ‘ 

Royal Army Service. Corps Journal 

Royal Army Service Corps Quarterly 

Russell’s Complete Guide (South- 

Russell’s Pocket A B C “Railway 
Guide for Bournemouth .. 

Russell’s Pocket A BC Railway 
Guide for Southampton ... 

Russell’s Portsmouth Railway Guide 

Russell’s Southampton A B C Rail- 
way, &c., Guide ‘ 

Shanklin Gazette 

Showers of Blessing (Bournemouth) 

Southern Daily Echo Sa ac 

Sporting Mail (Portsmouth) 

Starlore (Christchurch) 

Warren’s Rail, &c., Time Tables 
(Winchester) ; 

Welcome Words (Portsmouth) 

What’s On in Southampton 

White Lancer (Aldershot) 

Winchester, &c., Directory 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle 

Winchester Diocesan Year Book 

Workers’ Monthly (Aldershot) 

Wykehamist (Winchester) 

Bromyard News and Record , 
Hereford ABC paul ae Guide 

(Worcester) . 
Hereford Herd Book 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Hereford Journal .. as 

Hereford AER Boys’ ` School 
Magazine ki 

Hereford Times 

Herefordian (Hereford) 

Kington Times (Leominster) 

Ledbury Reporter 

Leominster News T 

Ross Gazette Xa ; 

Albanian (St. Albans) ‘ 
Aldenhamian (Elstree) ; 
Annual Report of the Rothamsted 
Experimental Station (Harpenden) 
Avicultural Magazine eer’) 
Barnet Press .. ix 
Berkhamsted Directory sè EA 
Berkhamsted Gazette f% 
Berkhamstedian (Berkhamsted) 
Buntingford, &c., Gazette .. 
Chronicle of the "Berkhamsted Girls’ 
School ‘ ‘ 
Citizen (Letchworth) 
Commonwealth (Letchworth Garden 
Freemason’s Chronicle (New Barnet) 
Gamekeeper (Hertford) ‘ 
Garden City Advertiser (Letchworth) 
Good Health (Watford) i 
Haileyburian (Hertford) $ 
Hertford, &c., Railway Guide T 
Hertfordshire, &c., Gazette (Hemel 
Hempstead). . oa 
Hertfordshire Express (Hitchin) 
Hertfordshire Mercury (Hertford) . 
Herts Advertiser (St. Albans) 
Herts & Cambs Reporter (Royston) 
Herts & Essex Observer (Bishop’s 
Herts & Essex Observer Year-Book 
(Bishop’s Stortford) 
Metrocol Monthly (St. Albans) 
Missionary Worker (Watford) 
Novitates Zoologice (Tring) 
Old Stortfordian (Bishop’s Stortford) 
Peacock’s Directory for Watford .. 
Present Truth (Watford) 
St. Albans Free Press 
St. Albans Quarterly 5s 
Stortfordian (Bishop’s Stortford) px 
Supplement to the Forester (Royston) 
Transactions of the St. Albans, &c., 
Architectural, &c., Society 
Welwyn Garden City Directory 
Welwyn Times 
West -Herts and Watford Observer. 
West Herts Post pa 
Worker (Letchworth) 

Huntingdonshire Post ere REON 

St. Neot’s Advertiser 

Isle of Wight Chronicle (Sandown) .. 
Isle of Wight County Press,(Newport) 




ISLE OF WIGHT— continued. 
Isle of Wight Guardian (Shanklin) .. 
Isle of Wight Mercury (Ventnor) 
‘Isle of Wight Times (Ryde) .. 
Shanklin Gazette T ka 

Amateur Menagerie Club Year Book 
Archæologia Cantiana (Maidstone) . 

Beckenham and Kentish Times 

(Bromley) .. 
Beckenham and Penge Advertiser 

(Croydon) .. i 

Beckenham Journal a 

Bee Craft (Sidcup) .. 

Bexley Heath Observer and Kentish 

Blessed be Egypt (Tunbridge Wells) 

Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Adver- 
tiser and Echo k ka 

Broadstairs and St. Peter’s “Mail “x 

Bromley, &c., Times 

Bromley Local Guide and Advertiser 

Bromley Mercury 

Canterbury, &c., Blue- Poki Brighton) 

Canterbury Diocesan Calendar 

Canterbury Diocesan Gazette 

Cantuarian (Canterbury) 

Chatham News ee 

Chatham Observer 

Chemical Engineering (Dover) 

Chislehurst Times (Sidcup) 

Chronicle of the Duke of York’s 5 Royal 
Military School (Dover) . 

Cos (Canterbury) ; 

Crayford Chronicle 

Daily Doings in Herne Bay.. 

Dartford Chronicle 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Mercury 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Sony 

Deal Paper .. 

Dover Blue-Book (Brighton) 

Dover Express 

Dover Standard 

Dovorian (Dover) 

East Kent Gazette (Sine voumey. 

East Kent Times (Ramsgate) : 

Edenbridge Chronicle (Tonbridge) 

Eltham, &c., Times eeyP) we 

Erith Observer š die 

Faversham, &c., News 

Faversham Mercury 

Flowering Plants of South Africa 
(Ashford) p% 

Folkestone, Hythe, &e., Herald 

Folkestone Express 5i 

Golden Shore (Tonbridge) 

Gordonian (Dover) 

Gravesend Reporter 

Herne Bay Guardian 

Herne Bay Press oe 

Hythe, &c., Advertiser (Folkestone) 

Hythe Reporter sis a 

Willing’s Press Guide 


International Directory of Booksellers 

Isle of Thanet Gazette (Margate) . 

Journal of the Kent County Branch 
of the National Farmers Union 

Journal of the Royal Artillery (Wool- 

Kent (Greenwich) 

Kent and Sussex Courier (Tunbridge 

Kent and Sussex Post (Hawkhurst). . 

Kent Archeological Society’s Trans- 

actions (Maidstone) es 

Kent Herald (Canterbury) 

Kent Messenger & Ashford Examiner 
(Maidstone) . 

Kent Messenger and Gravesend Tele- 
graph (Maidstone) 

Kent Messenger and Maidstone Tele- 

Kent Messenger and Sevenoaks Tele- 
graph (Maidstone) 

Kent Messenger Directory of Ashford 

Kent Messenger Directory of Maid- 

Kentish Express (Ashford) . 

Kentish Gazette (Canterbury) cs 

Kentish Independent (Woolwich) 

Kentish Mercury (Greenwich) 

Kentish Observer (Canterbury) 

Lawrentian (Ramsgate) i 

Librarian (Gravesend) 

Libraries, &c., Year Book (Gravesend) 

Minerva Railway Guide for Deal 

North East Kent Times (Chatham) 

North Kent Argus (Erith) i 

Orpington Journal 

Orpington, &c., Times 

Penge and Anerley News 

Penge and Anerley Press 

Pharos (Dover) 

Phoenix (Rochester) . 

Planesman (Eastchurch) i 

Poultry Keeper’s Journal (Orpington) 

Queenborough Guardian (Sheerness) 
Queen’s Own Gazette (Maidstone) .. 

Rochester, &c., Journal 

Rochester Diocesan Chronicle 

Royal Engineers’ Journal (Chatham) 
Royal Hospital School Magazine .. 
R.M.A. Magazine (Woolwich) 

St. George’s Gazette (Dover) 

Sandwich, &c., Directory cet 

Sapper (Chatham) a 

Sevenoaks Chronicle . 

Sheerness Guardian .. 

Sheerness Times 

Sidcup & District Chronicle 

Sidcup, &c., Free Press 

Sidcup Times . 

South Eastern Express (Greenwich). . 

South Eastern Gazette (Maidstone). . 

Sutton Valence School Magazine 
(Maidstone)... “a 



KENT— continued. 
Swanley, &c., Times (Sidcup) 

Thanet Advertiser Cae 

Tin Printer (Greenwich) 

Tonbridge Free-Press 

Tonbridgian (Tonbridge) 

Transactions of the Greenwich, &c., 
Antiquarian Society 

Tuesday Express (Ashford) 

Weekly Summary for the Blind 
(Eltham) : 

West Kent Advertiser (Dartford) . 

West Kent Argus (Greenwich) sá 

Westerham Herald .. 

Westgate and ERA Guardian 

Whitstable Times 

Woolwich Gazette 

Woolwich Herald .. 

Young Adventurer (Tonbridge) 

Accrington Observer 
Amalgamated Society of Wood- 
workers Monthly Journal i 
chester) ; 
Annals of Archeology (Liverpool) — 
Annals of Tropical Medicine, &c. 
(Liverpool) ae is 
Annual Report, &c., “of the Man- 
chester Microscopical Society 
Annual Report of the Co-operative 
Congress (Manchester) .. 
Annual Report of the Manchester 
Field Naturalists, &c., Society . 
Annual Report of the Manchester 
Guardian Society for the Protection 
of Trade (Manchester) .. 
Annual Report of the Royal Southern 
Hospital, Liverpool 
Artificial Silk Handbook (Manchester) 
Ashton Guardian (Earlestown) 
Ashton’s Enterprise Time Table 
(Southport) . ne 
Ashton-under-Lyne Herald . 
Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter 
Association News (Liverpool) ; 
Assurance Agents’ Union Chronicle 
Athletic News (Manchester) 
Athletic News Cricket Annual (Man- 
chester) i 
Athletic News Football Annual Man- 

Bacup Chronicle (Rawtenstall) 
Bacup Times i 

Baeda (Manchester) 

Barrovian (Barrow-in- -Furness) 
Barrow Guardian 

Barrow News . 

Barrowfield Leader (Nelson) 
Benedictine Almanac (Preston) 
Benson's Liverpool Railway Guide 
Betty’s Paper (Manchester) : 
Blackburn Catholic News 
Blackburn Times 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Blackley Guardian (Middleton) 

Blackpool Gazette and Herald 

Blackpool Times è : 

Blackpool Weekly .. oe 

Bolton Catholic Herald 

Bolton Co-operative Record 

Bolton Evening News 

Bolton Journal > 

Bolton Public Library Report 

Bolton Standard a 

Boltonian (Bolton) 

Bootle Herald (Waterloo) 

Bootle Times 

Box Maker’s Journal (Manchester) 

Boys’ Magazine (Manchester) 

Brierfield Leader (Nelson) .. ae 

British Booksellers (Liverpool) 

British Engineering ce is aba 
pool ; 

Brython (Liverpool) . 

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 

Burnley, &c., Catholic News (Man- 
chester) 7 a 

Burnley Corporation Year Book 

Burnley Express 

Burnley News. 

Bury Co-operative Society Quarterly 
Review ; 

Bury Guardian 

Bury Times .. 

Cadet (Liverpool) iy 

Cadishead and Irlam Guardian (War- 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanac (Man- 

Carnforth News (Barrow-in- Furness) 

Catholic News (Preston) 

Certified Secretary 

Chorley Guardian i 

Chorley Weekly News 

City of Liverpool Official Handbook 

Clegg’s Oldham Annual 

Clitheroe Advertiser and Times 

Colne Times 

Colne Valley Guardian (Slaithwaite) 

Commercial (Manchester) .. ee 

Commercial Oldham . 8 

Common Sense Gardening ao 
chester) $ ee 

Comradeship (Manchester) T 

Continental Directory of Cotton 
Spinners, &c. (Oldham) 

Co-operative Educator (Manchester) 

Co-operative Guildman (Manchester) 

Co-operative News (Manchester) 

Co-operative Official (Manchester). . 

Co-operative Review (Manchester) 

Cotton (Manchester) .. 

Cotton Factory Times (Ashton-under- 
Lyne) ; 

Cotton Gazette (Liverpool) 

Cotton Spinners’ Directory (Oldham) 

Cotton Year Book (Manchester) .. 

Cox’s Merseyside Annual and Year 
Book, &c. (Liverpool) 




Cox’s Royal Lancashire Agricultural 
Show Souvenir (Liverpool) 

Credit Trader (Manchester) 

Critic Annual (Liverpool) 

Crompton, &c., Guardian .. ee 

Daily Dispatch (Manchester) . 

Dalton Guardian (Barrow-in-Furness) 

Dalton News (ae Sonne ncn) 

Darwen News à : 

Darwen Weekly Advertiser 

Deaf Quarterly News (Liverpool) . 

Direct Service kaway Guide 
(Oldham) .. 

Directory and List of Lodges (Oad- 
fellows) (Manchester) T 

Dolphin (Liverpool) 

Droylsden, &c., Clayton Herald (Ash- 
ton- -under-Lyne) ‘ 

Earlestown &c. Examiner(Warringt’ n) 

Earlestown and Newton News 

Earlestown Guardian : 

East Lancashire Sentinel (Accrington) 

Eccles and Patricroft Journal ee 

Eccles, &c., Telegraph meron) 

Eccles Co-operative Record. Jä 

Empire News (Manchester) . 

Empire News Football Annual (Man- 
chester) š 

Empire News Racing Handbook 
(Manchester) ‘ 

Evening Chronicle (Manchester) 

Evening Express (Liverpool) 

Evening News Buff (Bolton).. 

Failsworth Co-operative Messenger 
(Newton Heath) .. 

Fancy Needlework Illustrated (Man- 

Farnworth Journal and Observer . ite 

Fleetwood Chronicle (Blackpool) 

Football Express (Liverpool) 

Formby Times (Southport) pe 

Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ Year 
Book (Manchester) 

Fowler’sMechanicalEngineer’ 'sPocket 
Book (Manchester) . 

Fowler’s Mechanic’s and Machinist’ s 
Pocket Book (Manchester) 

French Quarterly (Manchester) 

Garston Weekly News (Widnes) 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News 
Daily (Liverpool) .. 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News 
(American Edition) 

George Broomhall’s Corn Trade N ews 
Weekly (Liverpool) oe 

Golborne Guardian (Earlestown) 

Gorton Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

Grand United Order of Oddfellows’ 
Magazine (Manchester) 

Grange and Cartmel Guardian (Bar- 

Grange and Cartmel News (Barrow- 
in-Furness) aa 

Grocers’ Review (Manchester) is 

Harvest (Manchester) sa s 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Haslingden Guardian (Rawtenstall) 

Haslingden Observer (Accrington) .. 

Haydock Guardian (Earlestown) .. 

Herb Doctor (Birkdale) 

Heywood Advertiser 

Highroad (Liverpool). . Pe 

Holden’s Almanack (Liverpool) .. 

Holt School Magazine (Liverpool) .. 

Horticultural Trade Journal (Burn- 
ley) . 7 ae oe 

Horwich ‘Journal (Bolton) 

Hosiery Times (Manchester). . 

Hulton Adventure Stories “Annual 

Ideas (Manchester) .. 

Independent Methodist (Warrington) 

Indian and Japanese Textile and En- 
gineering Diary (Manchester) 

Insurance Shareholders’ Guide (Man- 

International Cotton “Bulletin (Man- 
chester) : ‘ 

Irlam, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 

Jefferson’s Liverpool Almanack 
(Glasgow) .. 

John Heywood’s ABC Railway Guide 
(Manchester) acs 

Journal of Commerce (Liverpool) . 

Journal of Commerce Annual Review. 

Journal of Commerce Shipbuilding 
and Engineering Edition (Liver- 

Journal of Conchology (Manchester) 

Journal of Decorative Art (Man- 

Journal of Obstetrics (Manchester) 

Journal of the Amalgamated Society 
of Tailors, &c. (Manchester) 

Journal of the Incorporated British 
Institute of Certified Carpenters: 

Journal of the Manchester Egyptian: 
and Oriental Society ; 

Journal of the Manchester Geo- 
graphical Society .. 

Journal of the Presbyterian Histori- 
cal Society of England (Manchester)! 

Journal of the Royal LancashireAgri- 
cultural Society (Preston) 

Journal of the Textile Institute 
(Manchester) ; 

Joy Book (Manchester) 

Juvenile Rechabite (Manchester) . 

Kemp’s Lancashire Gazette (Liver- 
pool oe 

Kirkham Standard (Lytham) 

Labour’s Northern Voice ae 
chester) . 

Lancaster Brotherhood Messenger pi 

Lancashire Daily Post (Preston) 

Lancaster Diocesan Directory (3f: 
Helens) sa nar i 

Lancaster Guardian .. ; os 

Lancaster Observer... Bs ne 





Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 

Leigh, &c., Journal (Bolton) 

Leigh Chronicle ; 

Leigh Co-operative Society Record.. 

Leyland Weekly News (Chorley) 

Librarian’s Guide (Liverpool) 

Light on Health (Manchester) 

Liverpool A B C Railway Guide 

Liverpool A BC Railway Rates Book 

Liverpool, &c., Congregational Maga- 
zine s3 

Liverpool, &c., Post Office Guide .. 

Liverpool Archdiocesan Directory 
(St. Helen’s) 

Liverpool Catholic Herald .. 

Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry 

Liverpool Daily Post 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar 

Liverpool Diocesan Leaflet .. 

Liverpool Echo 

Liverpool Football Echo 

Liverpool Marine Biology Committee 
Memoirs ; i 

Liverpool, &c., Red Book .. 

Liverpool Review .. 

Liverpool Social Workers’ Year Book 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official 
Daily List .. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Official 
Weekly List ‘ 

Liverpool Trade Review .. oe 

Liverpool Weekly Post 

Liverpool Y.M.C.A. News : ate 

Liverpool’s Labour Voice (Man- 
chester) é ii 

Lyceum Banner (Rochdale) 

Lytham St. Annes Express.. 

Lytham St. Annes Standard 

Lytham Times i 

Manchester A BC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) ; 

Manchester and Salford Co- -operative 
Herald ; 

Manchester and Salford Official Red 

Manchester Catholic Herald ; 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce 
Monthly Record Y ia 

Manchester City News : 

Manchester—City of Industry and 

Manchester Coal Exchange Directory 

Manchester DistrictAdvertiser daa 
port) : 

Manchester Diocesan Directory 

Mancliester Diocesan Magazine 

Manchester Evening News 

Manchester Football Chronicle 

Manchester Football News 

Manchester Geological & Mining 
Society Transactions 

Manchester Guardian 

Manchester Guardian Weekly 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Manchester Guardian Year-Book 

Manchester Librarian 

Manchester Official A B C Railway 

Manchester Quarterly ; ae 

Manchester Regiment Gazette 

ManchesterRoyal ExchangeDirectory 

Manchester University Calendar 

Manchester University Pocket Diary 

Manchester Wheeler’s Club Journal.. 

Meccano Magazine (Liverpool) es 

Mechanical World (Manchester) 

Mechanical World Electrical Pocket 
Book (Manchester) 

Mechanical World Year-Book (Man- 
chester) ; 

Memoirs of the "Manchester Literary 
Society s ; 

Mersey (Liverpool) eg 

Metallurgia (Manchester) : 

Metropolitan Vickers Gazette > (Man- 
chester) és ee 

Middleton Guardian 

Middleton Standard (Oldham) 

Millgate (Manchester) . oe 

Milling (Liverpool) . 

Monthly Journal of the Preston, &c., 
Chamber of Commerce (Derby) 

Morecambe and Heysham Visitor .. 

Morecambe Boro’ Advertiser 

Morecambe Guardian 

Mossley Herald (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

Mossley Reporter Seine lel 
Lyne) oe 

Motorist (Manchester) š 

Musicians’ Journal (Liverpool) 

National Ancient Monuments Review 

National Ancient Monuments Year 
Book (Manchester) 

N.A.W.U. Magazine (Manchester) . 

National Baker (Liverpool) 

National Society of Painters Monthly 
Journal (Manchester) 

Needlecraft Practical journal (Man- 
chester) i ea pi 

Needlewoman (Bolton) 

Nelson Gazette 

Nelson Leader ‘ 

New Dawn (Manchester) i 

North Western Daily Mail (Barrow) 

Northern Daily Telegraph (Blackburn) 

Northern Freemason (Liverpool) .. 

Odd Fellows’ Magazine (Manchester) 

Official Report, &c., of the Order of 
Druids Friendly Society (Man- 

Oldham Catholic Herald (Manchester) 

Oldham Chronicle 

Oldham Co-operative Record 

Oldham Evening Chronicle . 

Oldham Green Final 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spinners’, 
&c., Monthly Report 

Oldham Standard .. 

Oldham Stock Exchange Official List 





Order of Druids’ Directory (Man- 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Report 
and Journal (Manchester) ; 

Ormskirk Advertiser 

Our Circle (Manchester) 

Our Dogs (Manchester) ea 

Out o’ Doors (Manchester) .. 

Padiham Advertiser A 

Parishioner (Liverpool) ; 

PendletonCo- operativeSociety Record 

People’s Year Book (Manchester) .. 

Platform Review (Liverpool) S% 

Plumbing Trade Journal(Manchester) 

Policy Holder Journal (Manchester) 

Port of Liverpool Handbook 

Port of Liverpool Official Sailing List 

Port of Manchester Official SERTAR 

Prescot, &c., Reporter 

Preston Catholic News 

Preston Guardian 

Preston Herald è 

Proceedings of the Historic Society of 
Lancashire, &c., (Liverpool) è 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Geologi- 
cal Society 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary 
and Philosophical Society F 

Proceedings of the Liverpool 
Naturalists Field Club (Wallasey) 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field 
Naturalists’ Society 

Proceedings of the Record Society of 
Lancashire and Cheshire (Kendal) 

Producer (Manchester) 

Radcliffe Co-operative Society Review 

Radcliffe Guardian (Bury) 

Radcliffe Times (Bury) 

Ramsbottom Observer bed 

Rational Journal (Manchester) 

Rawtenstall Times (Bacup).. 

Rayon Record (Manchester).. 

Rechabite, &c.,Magazine (Manchester) 

Report of the Proceedings of the Co- 
operative Congress (Manchester) . 

Report of the Southport aaa os of 
Natural Science ; 

Rochdale Labour News 

Rochdale Observer 

Rochdale Times ‘ 

Rossallian (Fleetwood) 

Rossendale Echo (Rawtenstall) : 

Rossendale Free Press (Rawtenstall) 

Royal Agricultural Society, &c., Show 
Souvenir (Liverpool) 

Rucksack Club Journal (Manchester) 

St. Helens, &c., Reporter .. 

St. Helens Catholic Herald (Liverpool) 

St. Helens Newspaper 

Salford City Reporter i 

Salmon and Trout Magazine (Man- 
chester) . ss 

Salt Spray (Liverpool) d 

Science and Art of Mining (Wigan) 

Sea Breezes (Liverpool) : 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Serpent (Manchester).. ; 

Shepherd’s Magazine (Manchester) 

Shepherd’s N.E.W.S. SS 

Ship (Lancaster) va 

Shipping (Liverpool) 

Silk and Rayon Directory (Man- 

Silk Journal (Manchester) 

Southport Guardian 

Southport Journal 

Southport Visiter .. 

Sporting Chronicle (Manchester) 

Sporting Chronicle Annual (Man- 

Sporting Chronicle Horses i in Training 

Sporting Chronicle Racing Up-to-Date 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Handicap 
Book (Manchester) 

Sporting Express (Liverpool) 

Sports Telegraph (Blackburn) 

Standard ABC Time Tables for 
Liverpool . 

Stockton, &c., 
(Manchester) ‘ s% 

Stonyhurst Magazine (Blackburn) te 

Stretford and Sale Advertiser 

Stretford Telegraph (Urmston) 

Sub-Postmaster (Bolton) . 

Sunday Chronicle (Manchester) 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime Annual 

Swinton, &c., Journal (Bolton) 

Swinton Telegraph (Urmston) 

Textile Directory (Oldham) 

Textile Exporter (Manchester) 

Textile Manufacturer (Manchester) 

Textile Manufacturer Buyers’ Direc- 
tory (Manchester) . T 

Textile Manufacturer Year Book 

Textile Mercury (Manchester) 

Textile Recorder (Manchester) . 

Textile Recorder Year Book ee 
chester) i 

Textile Weekly (Manchester) 

`” Catholic Magazine 

- Tillotson’s Bolton Directory 

Todmorden Advertiser 
Todmorden, &c., News 

Town Planning Review (Liverpoel). 

Trade Show Critic (Liverpool) 

Trade Show Critic Annual (Liverpool) 

Trader (Burnley) ae se 

Transactions, &c., of the sei 
Biological Society 

Transactions of the ii ii En- 
gineering Society 

Transactions of the Manchester Asso: 
ciation for Masonic Research 

Two Worlds (Manchester) is 

Typographical Association Half- 
yearly Report (Manchester) 

Typographical Circular (Manchester) 




Ulula (Manchester) 
Ulverston Guardian (Barrow-in-Fur- 
Ulverston News (Barrow-in-Furness) 
Unitarian Monthly (Manchester) ; 
United KingdomGazette (Manchester) 
University of Liverpool Calendar 
Vegetarian Messenger (Manchester). . 
` Walkden, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 
Walton Times (Liverpool) . 
Warrington A B C Railway Guide 
Warrington Buff Book ; 
Warrington Enterprise 
Warrington Examiner 
Warrington Guardian 
Waterfoot Times (Bacup) .. 
Waterloo, &c., Directory (Liverpool) 
Waterloo Herald (Southport) $ 
Waterloo Times (Bootle) .. 
Week End Novels (Manchester) 
Weekly Circular (Liverpool) ite 
Weekly List of Cotton Ships, &c. 
Weekly Record of the Textile Trades 
Association (Manchester) . 
West Lancashire Evening Gazette 
(Blackpool) . 
Western Telegraph (Urmston) ae 
What Editors and Publishers Want 
(Liverpool) ie 
Wheatsheaf (Manchester) ‘ 
Who’s Who in Literature (Liverpool) 
Widnes & Runcorn Chronicle ees 
Widnes & Runcorn Gazette. 
Widnes Examiner (Warrington) 
Widnes Guardian (Warrington) 
Widnes Weekly News ; 
Wigan Catholic Herald (Liverpool) 
Wigan Examiner .. 
Wigan Observer s 
Woman’s Outlook (Manchester) 
Wool Year Book (Manchester) 
Workers Onward (Manchester) 
World’s Fair (Oldham) ag 
World’s Pictorial News (Manchester) 
Wright & Round’s Brass Band News 
Year Book of the Oldham "Master 
Cotton Spinners’ Association 
Catholic Children’s Realm (Hinckley) 
Coalville Times Gi ae T 
Co-operative Productive Review 
(Leicester) .. 
Co-operators Year Book (Leicester) 
Faith (Leicester) ‘a 
Free Press (Leicester) ea as 
Gas-Fuel, &c., (Hinckley) 
Hinckley Echo (Nuneaton) 
Hinckley Observer (Nuneaton) 
Hinckley Times i 
Hosiery Trades Journal (Leicester). . 
Illustrated Leicester Chronicle 
Institute of Commerce Magazine 
(Heather) .. oe ee ee 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Leicester A B C Railway Guide 

Leicester A B C Railway Rates Book 

Leicester Advertiser 

Leicester Catholic News (London). . 

Leicester Chamber of Commerce 
Monthly Journal (Derby) si 

Leicester Co-operative Record : 

Leicester Investor’s Handbook 

Leicester Mail A 

Leicester Mercury 

Leicester Sheep Society’ s Flock Book 
(Driffield) .. 

Limit (Loughborough) 

Loughborough Echo . 

Loughborough Monitor and “Herald 
(Leicester) .. ‘ 

Market Harborough Advertiser 

Melton Mowbray Journal 

Melton Mowbray Times pa 

Monthly Magazine of the L. O. A. S. 
(Leicester) .. 

Ratcliffian (Leicester) 

Rosary (Hinckley) 

Settmakers’ & Stoneworkers’ Journal 
(Leicester) .. és SG 

Shoe Crafts (Leicester) ae. 

Shoe Manufacturers’ ee vs ces- 
ter) .. 

Sports Mail (Leicester) 

Sports Mercury (Leicester) . 

Woodhouse Express (Mexborough) . . 

Wyggestonian (Leicester) .. 

Year Book of the Association of Tech- 
nical Institutions (Loughborough) 

Auctioneer’s Pocket Book (Sleaford) 
Belton’s Railway & Motor ’Bus Time 
Table (Gainsboro’).. 

Boston and Lincolnshire Standard 

Boston Guardian ia 

Crowle Advertiser .. 

Dowry of Mary (Scunthorpe) 

Epworth Bells 

Gainsborough Evening News 

Grantham Journal .. a 

Grimsby Daily Telegraph 

Grimsby News ; ne 

Harrison’s Almanac for Grantham pos 

Harrison’s Railway & Bus Guide 
(Grantham) ‘ os 

Horncastle, Spilsby, &c., Standard 
(Boston) ; 

Horncastle News : 

Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mer- 
cury (Stamford) i : 

Lincoln A B C Time Table. . 

Lincoln and District Advertiser 

Lincoln Budget š 

Lincoln Co-operative Society ` Wheat- 
sheaf ; 

Lincoln Diocesan Calendar. 28 

Lincoln Directory . 

Lincolnshire, Boston, &c., Free Press 
(Spalding) >s T 




LINCOLNSHIRE —continued. 
Lincolnshire Chronicle (Lincoln) 
Lincolnshire Chronicle A B C Time 

Table (Lincoln) 
Lincolnshire Echo (Lincoln) 
Lincolnshire Notes and Queries (Horn- 
Lincolnshire Standard (Boston) 
Lincolnshire Star (Brigg) 
Louth, &c., Advertiser 
Louth Standard 
Market Rasen Mail 
Morton’s LincolnshireAlmanac (Horn- 
castle) i 
Oxford Shorthand Chronicle (Lincoln) 
Oxonian (Lincoln) .. 
Saturday Telegraph (Ġrimsby) 
Scunthorpe and S ORNAM Star 
Skegness, &c., News 
Skegness Standard 
Sleaford Gazette and Journal 
Sleaford Standard ; 
Spalding and Lincolnshire Standard 
Spalding Guardian 
Stamford and Rutland News 
Supervising (Lincoln) 

Acton and Chiswick Observer 
Acton Gazette bi 
A.E.C. Gazette (Southall) 
Art World (Twickenham) 
Bird-Lover (Hanwell) KA 
Bowes Park Weekly News .. 
Brentford & Chiswick Times ba 
Burnt Oak Gazette (Golders Green). . 
Coming Events in Ealing, &c. ee 
County of Middlesex Chronicle 
(Hounslow) .. 
County of Middlesex Independent 
(Brentford) . 
Devonian Year Book (Ealing) 
Edgware & Mill Hill Times 
Edgware Gazette oo Green) . 
Entield Gazette 
Enfield Opinion 
Enfield Weekly Herald (Tottenham) 
Finchley, &c., News (Barnet) 
Finchley, &c., Press 
Finchley, &c., Times (Hendon) 
Greyhound Evening } Mirror ees 
bley) : 
Gaytonian (Harrow) . es 
Harrovian (Harrow) .. 
Harrow Almanack 
Harrow Bill Book 
Harrow Blue Book 
Harrow Leader is 
Harrow Observer and Gazette 
Hendon Gazette : 
Hendon Times and Guardian 
Hippodrome (Hampton Hill) 
Hornsey Journal : 
Index to the Times (Hampton Wick) 
Insurance Gem (Isleworth) . è 
Insurance Man (Isleworth) .. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Isleworth Citizen } 

Leading Note (Twickenham) 

Log (Teddington) ‘ 

Middlesex Advertiser (Uxbridge) 

Middlesex Chronicle (Hounslow) 

Middlesex County Times (Ealing) 

Mill Hill and Edgware Times 

Mill Hill Gazette : 

Northwood Observer and Gazette 
(Harrow) .. 

Palmer’s Green & Southgate í Gazette 

Pinner Observer (Harrow) y% sa 

Sentinel for Wood Green .. 

Southgate Chronicle (Barnet) 

Staines & Egham News (Chertsey) . 

Stanmore Observer (Harrow) 

Thomason’s Middlesex Year Book 
(Hounslow) . : 

Tottenham, &e., Herald .. 

Undertakers’ Journal (Uxbridge) . 

Watling Resident (Edgware) 

Wealdstone Observer (Harrow) 

Wembley Enterprise .. 

Wembley News Es 

Wembley Observer (Harrow) m 

West Middlesex Gazette (Ealing) .. 

Wigwam and Tepee (Teddington) .. 

Wood Green, &c., Herald (Tottenham) 


Abercarn Weekly Argus (Newport).. 

Abergavenny Chronicle ; 

Abergavenny Pocket A B C Time 
Table (Worcester) 

Abertillery Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Baptist Record (Caerleon) .. 

Blackwood Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Blaenavon Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Chepstow Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Ebbw Vale Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Football Argus (Newport) .. 

Forest of Dean Weekly Argus (New- 

Free Press of Monmouthshire (Ponty- 

Masonic Calendar, &e.. S (Newport) .. 

Monmothian (Monmouth) 

Monmouth Diocesan Calendar (New- 

Monmouthshire “Beacon (Monmouth) 

Newport Christmas Annual 

Newport Circuit Wesleyan Methodist 
Magazine T 

Newport Directory 

Newport Guide 

Newport High School Magazine 

Newport Tide Table ; 

Newport Year Book 

Phillips’ Monthly Machinery Register 

Pontypool Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Rhymney, &c., Weekly Argus (ie 

South Wales Argus (Newport) T 

South Wales Gazette (Abertillery) .. 



MONMOUTHSHIRE— continued. 
South Wales Weekly Argus (Newport) 
Tredegar Weekly Argus (Newport).. 
Welsh Secondary Schools Review 
(Newport) .. 

Western Mail A BC. Railway Time 
Tables for Newport, &c. (Cardiff) 

Who’s Who in Newport za 


Annual Report and List of Members 
of the Norwich Incorporated Cham- 
ber of Commerce .. 

Aylsham and Reepham Post (Holt). . 

Business Man’s Railway, &c., Time- 
Table (Norwich) .. en 

Cromer & North Norfolk Post pero 

Dereham Times (Norwich) . ‘ 

Diss Express .. 

Eastern Daily Press (Norwich) ‘ 

Eastern Evening News (Norwich) .. 

Eastern Football News (Norwich) .. 

-~ Fakenham Post (Holt) ‘ 

Ferro Concrete (Norwich) 

Gresham (Holt) 

Holt, &c., Post 

Lynn Advertiser 

Lynn News .. 

Norfolk Chronicle (Holt) : 

Norfolk News and isis Press 
(Norwich) .. 

North Walsham Post (Holt) 

Norvicensian (Norwich) 

Norwich & Eastern Counties A B C 
Railway Guide 

Norwich Co-operative Society Herald 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar 

Norwich Diocesan Gazette 

Norwich Mercury .. 

Readers’ Guide (Norwich) 

Thetford, &c., Times (Norwich) 

Yarmouth Independent oe 

Yarmouth Mercury (Norwich) 

Annual Report of the N sia 
Trades Council 
Brackley Advertiser .. 
Caster’s A BC Time Table > (Peter- 
borough) . à 
Challenge (Rushden) 
Daily Echo (Northampton) 
Daventry Express .. 
Football Echo (Northampton) 
Football Telegraph (Kettering) ... 
Friend’s Witness to sia sees Truth 
(Rushden) .. 
Journal of the Northants "Natural 
History Society (Northampton) . 
Kettering Leader and Guardian 
Laxtonian (Oundle) .. 
Leayton’s Oundle Almanack © 
Northampton, &c., Independent 
Northampton County Magazine 
Northampton Daily Chronicle 
Northampton Herald 
Northampton Mercury 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Northamptonshire District Good Tem- 
plars’ Lodge Guide (Northampton) 
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph 
Northamptonshire Journal of Com- 
merce (Northampton) se 
Peterborough Advertiser 
Peterborough and District Directory 
Peterborough, &c., Standard 
Peterborough Citizen ; 
Reminder (Kettering) 
Rushden Echo and Argus .. s 
Thrapston, &c., Jonraal (SRE 
borough) . s 
Wellingborough News 
Wellingburian (Wellingborough) 


Alnwick and oun Gazette and 

Archeologia Aeliana (Newcastle) . 

Berwick Advertiser 

Berwick Journal a 

Berwickshire Advertiser (Berwick-on- 

Berwickshire News. ` (Berwick-on- 
Tweed) a ‘ T 

Blyth News 

Evening Chronicle (Newcastle) Fe 

Evening World (Newcastle) .. pe 

Football Chronicle (Newcastle) 

Haltwhistle Echo ua 

Hexham Courant .. 

Hexham Weekly News an 

Journal of the Newcastle F armers’ 
Club . 

Kemp’s Northern Gazette (Newcastle) 

Morpeth Herald =P 

Newcastle, &c., Motor Bus Time 
Tables (Newcastle) 

Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of 
Commerce Monthly Journal(Derby) 

Newcastle, &c., Incorporated Chamber 
of Commerce Year Book 

Newcastle, &c., ABC Railway 
Rates Book (Birmingham) l 

Newcastle Co-operative Record 

Newcastle Daily Journal P 

Newcastle Medical Journal .. oe 

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle Fo 

North Mail & Newcastle TA 
Chronicle ; f 

Northerner (Newcastle) 

Proceedings of the Newcastle-upon- 
Tyne Society of Antiquarians .. 

Reid’s Handy Colliery Guide (New- 

Reid’s Newcastle Monthly Diary, &e. 

Reid’s Railway Guide (Newcastle) 

Reid’s Shields Diary, &c. (Newcastle) 

Shields Daily News .. 

Smith’s Dock Journal (North Shields) 

Sporting Man (Newcastle) 

Sports World (Newcastle) .. T 

Sunday Sun (Newcastle) ; 

Tees-side Catholic News (Newcastle) 





Transactions of the Natural History 
Society of Northumberland (New- 
castle) : 

Transactions of the North-East Coast 
Institution of Engineers (Newcastle) 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port Charges 
(Newcastle) . 

Tyneside Catholic News (Newcastle) 

University of Durham College of 
Medicine Calendar 

University of Durham College of 
Medicine Gazette .. 

Ward's Directory, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 
North and South Shields, &c. .. 

Ward’s Directory of Newcastle 

Western Equatorial Africa Church 
Magazine (Newcastle) = 

Whitley Seaside Chronicle .. 


Bedell’s Pocket Street Directory (Not- 
tingham) . 

Beeston, &c., Gazette (N ottingham) 

Bingham Advertiser (Heanor) : 

Bulwell Local News (Nottingham) .. 

Cuthbertian (Worksop) ais we 

Eastwood, &c., Advertiser .. ae 

Football News (Nottingham) 

Football Post (Nottingham) 

Horticultural Advertiser (Lowdham) 

Hucknall Dispatch .. 

Kemp’s Midland Gazette (Nottingham) 

Linguists’ Review (West Bridgford) 

Linney’s Illustrated Almanack ee 

Mansfield A B C Time Table : 

Mansfield, &c., Advertiser .. oe 

Mansfield, &c., Chronicle .. oe 

Mansfield Reporter sa 

Midland Sporting Gazette (N otting- 

Monthly Journal of the Nottingham 
Chamber of Commerce ee 

Newark Advertiser 

Newark Herald ae 

Nottingham Advertiser ae 

Nottingham and Midland Catholic 
News (Manchester) 

Nottingham Churchman’s Handbook 

Nottingham District Co-operative Re- 
cord .. . oe oe 

Nottingham Evening News 

Nottingham Evening Post . 

Nottingham Guardian 

Nottingham Journal. 

Nottingham Journal Football Guide 

Nottingham Public Libraries Bulletin 

Nottingham University College Calen- 
dar .. 

Nottinghamshire Free Press '(Sutton- 
in-Ashfield) . 

Nottinghamshire Guardian (Notting. 
ham) ; 

Post Tissue (Nottingham) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Radcliffe Advertiser (Heanor) 

Retford, &c., Times. 

Retford, &c., ‘News (Gainsborough)... 

Ruddington Advertiser (Heanor) . 

South Notts Echo (Nottingham) .. 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar (Not- 
tingham) .. 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine (N ot- 
tingham) ... 

Stapleford, &c., News “(Long Eaton) 

Trader (N ottingham) 

West Bridgford Advertiser (Heanor) 

West Bridgford Times, &c., ere. 
ham) : 

Worksop Guardian .. oe we 

Alden’s Oxford Guide sf 
Bacon’s Oxford A B C Panay Guide 

(Bristol) as zi si 
Banbury Advertiser s = 
Banbury Guardian .. si ae 
Bicester Advertiser ns pa 

Blackfriars (Oxford) . 

Bloxhamist (Banbury) 

Bodleian Quarterly Record (Oxford) 

Brazen Nose (Oxford) : 

Cherwell (Oxford) .. 

Christian Democrat (Oxford) 

City of Oxford School Magazine 

Clarendonian (Oxford) pa s% 

Clock Tower (Oxford) 

Countryman (Idbury) 

Cowley Evangelist (Oxford) 

English Catholic (Oxford) .. 

Flock Book of the Oxford Down n Sheep 

Help of Christians (Oxford) . 

Henley, &c., Standard 

Isis (Oxford) . 

Journal of the ‘Gypsy Lore Society 
(Oxford) .. : as 

Latin Teaching (Oxtord) 

Lily (Oxford) . ia a 

Merry-Go-Round (Islip) “is xê 

Modern Churchman (Oxford) 

Morris Owner (Oxford) ila = 

New Ideals Quarterly (Oxford) 

New Pictorial (Oxford) si oe 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine .. 

Oxford Magazine os T 

Oxford Mail .. Jė S - 
Oxford Monthly es se oe 
Oxford Outlook i `; 

Oxford Poetry 

Oxford Railway Guide 

Oxford Times á ee 

Pelican Record (Oxford) ie 

Proceedings and Report of the Ash- 
molean Natural History Society of 
Oxfordshire (Oxford) š ad 

Publications of the Oxfordshire 

Record Society (Oxford) . ee 
St. Edward’s School Chronicle 
(Oxford) ani oe oe oe 




OXFORDSHIRE —continued. 
Salter’s Guide to the River Thames 
(Oxford) .. s 
Social Service (Oxford): si es 
Thame Gazette i 
Uganda Church Review (Oxford) 
University News (Oxford) 
University of Oxford Local Examina- 
tion Papers zx a 
Witney Gazette 

Matkin’s Oakham Almanac 
Oakham Journal : a 
Oakham School Magazine 2k 
Uppingham School Magazine 


Bishops Castle Advertiser 

. Border Churchman VWE) 

Bridgnorth Journal .. 

Church Stretton Advertiser 

Harper Adams Utility TOBY Jour- 
nal (Newport) vi 

Ludlow Advertiser 

National Poultryman 

Newport and Market Drayton Adver- 
tiser .. 

Oswestry and Border Counties Adver- 

Oswestry Commercial Circular : 

Record of Bare Facts (Shrewsbury) 

Salop and County A B C Kamay 
Guide (Shrewsbury) = 

Salopian (Shrewsbury) 

Sentinel Transport News (Shrews- 
bury) oie 

Shrewsbury, Advertizer oe site 

Shrewsbury, &c., Directory ue 

Shrewsbury Chronicle ER se 

Shrewsbury, &c., Circular .. 

Shrewsbury Outlook . 

Transactions of the Caradoc and 
Severn Valley Field Club ae 
bury) “a 

Wellington Journal one ee oe 

Whitchurch Herald .. os si 

Avalon Independent (Bridgwater) 

Bath, &c., Diocesan Directory (Wells) 

Bath, &c., Diocesan Gazette (Wells) . 

Bath and Wilts Chronicle and Herald 

Bath Chronicle and Herald.. 

Bath Observer (Bristol) 

Bath Pictorial ‘ 

Bath Sports Chronicle 

Bridgwater Independent 

Bridgwater Mercury .. 

Burnham Gazette .. T ra 

Central Somerset Gazette (Glaston- 
bury) se si Me ins 

Chard News .. 

Cheddar Valley Gazette (Bristol) . 

Clevedon Mercury .. 

County Mail and Business "Magnet 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Davy’s Devon Herd Book (Wivelis- 
combe) ws T 

Downside Review (Bath) 

Flock Book of the Devon Long- 
woolled Sheep (Wiveliscombe) .. 

General Book Catalogue (Taunton) 


Highbridge Independent (Bridgwater) 

Journal of the Wesley Bible Union 
(Taunton) .. a 

Kingswood Magazine (Bath) 

Langport and Somerset Almanac .. 

Langport and Somerton Herald 

Minehead and West Somerset Adver- 
tiser oe 

Monktonian (Bath) P 

Notes and Queries for Somerset and 
Dorset (Martock) .. 

Patey’s IllustratedAlmanac andDiary 
(Burnham) .. 

Post Office Bath Directory. . 

Proceedings of the Somersetshire 
Archæological, &c., Society 
Taunton) a 

Pulman’s Weekly N ews (Yeovil) . 

Raven (Bath) 

Report on Somerset Birds (Taunton) 

Sexey’s School Magazine (Bruton) . 

Shepton Mallet Journal ; 

Somerset County Express (Bridg- 

Somerset County Gazette (Taunton) 

Somerset County Herald (Taunton). . 

Somerset Guardian (Radstock) 

Somerset Standard (Frome 

Sulian (Bath) . ; 

Taunton Courier Ei 

Taunton Echo (Bridgwater) 

Taunton Pocket Time Table 

Tiger and Rose (Western-super-Mare) 

Wellington, &c., Directory .. è 

Wellington Weekly News 

Wells Journal 

West Somerset Free Press (Minehead) 

Western Chronicle (Yeovil) 

Western Gazette iia 

Weston Mercury 

Weston-super-Mare ABC Railway 
Guide (Bristol) 

Weston-super-Mare Advertiser ee 

Weston-super-Mare Gazette 

Yeovil, &c., Directory siè a 


Assurance Review (Wolverhampton) 
Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton) .. 
Bilston and Willenhall Times ee 
Bilston Weekly ; és 
Brewood Courier (Cannock) — 
Bridgen’s Wolverhampton Railway 

Guide : Ns 
Burton Daily Mail in 
Burton Football Gazette ae 
Burton Football Mail = ae 
Burton Observer sis me i 



STAFFORDSHIRE— continued. 
Burton-on-Trent Chronicle .. T 
Burton-on-Trent Evening Gazette 

Cannock Advertiser .. 

Cannock Chase Courier . 

County Advertiser and Herald (Brier- 
ley Hill) . 

County Express (Stourbridge) 

Denstonian (Rocester) 

Eccleshall Reminder . 
Express and Star (Wolverhampton) 

Firefly (Newcastle-under-Lyme) 
Free Press (West Bromwich) 

Girls’ Friendly Society Quarterly 
(Lichfield) .. 
Hednesford Advertiser(CannockChase) 
Hednesford Courier (Cannock Chase) 
Leek Post fe sò s 
Leek Times .. 
Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar. . 
Lichfield Diocesan Magazine 
Lichfield Mercury 
Lichfield Times ` ‘ 
Midland Advertiser (Wednesbury) 
Midland Chronicle (West Bromwich) 
Midland Counties Express (Wolver- 
hampton) .. pa 
Penkridge Courier (Cannock) 
Pottery and Glass Record (Stafford) 
Rugeley Mercury (Lichfield) . 
Rugeley Times ; 
Saddlery and Harness (Walsall) 
Smethwick Telephone f 
Smethwick Weekly News (Oldbury) 
Sporting Star (Wolverhampton) 
Stafford Newsletter .. za k 
Staffordshire Advertiser (Stafford) 
Staffordshire Catholic News (Man- 
chester) ‘ ae 
Staffordshire Chronicle (Stafford) 
Staffordshire Evening Sentinel 
(Stoke-on-Trent) .. 
Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel 1 (Stoke- 
on-Trent) + 
Tamworth Herald 
Tamworth Mercury (Lichfield) s 
Teacher of the Deaf (Stoke-on-Trent) 
Tettenhallian (Wolverhampton) š 
Tipton, &c., Times (Walsall) s 
Tipton Herald (Dudley) 
Transactions and Annual Report of 
the North Staffordshire Field Club 
Transactions of the Ceramic Society 
(Stoke-on-Trent) . 
Uttoxeter Advertiser.. 
Walsall Observer 
Walsall Times.. 
Weekly News (Oldbury) 
Wolverhampton ABC Railway 
Rates Book (Birmingham) ; 
Wolverhampton Chronicle 
Wolverhampton Free Press 
(Leicester) sa a 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Bury and Norwich Post 
Bury Free Press by 
Caxton A B C Time Table (Ipswich) 
Diocesan Magazine for the County of 
Suffolk (Ipswich) 
East Anglian Daily Times (Ipswich) 
Evening Star (Ipswich) 
Felixstowe Times (Ipswich) 
Football and Sporting Star (Ipswich) 
Framlingham Weekly News 
Gamekeeper’s Gazette (Beck Row) 
Halesworth Times .. 
Haverhill Weekly News (Cambridge) 
Ipswich School Magazine 
Leiston Observer i 
Lowestoft Journal (Norwich) 
Mildenhall Post (Bury St. Edmunds) 
Philatelic Bulletin (Ipswich) 
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute 
of Archæology (Ipswich) . 
St. Edmundsbury, &c., 
Magazine .. 
South-West Suffolk Echo (Haverhill) 
Southwold Recorder (Lowestoft) 
StandardCatalogue of Postage Stamps 
(Ipswich) .. es 
Sudbury Post (Bury St. Edmunds) aM 
Suffolk andEssexFreePress(Sudbury) 
Suffolk Chronicle (Ipswich) 
Suffolk County Handbook (Ipswich) 
Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book 
(Bury St. Edmunds) ang 
Suffolk Stud Book (Woodbridge) 
Woodbridge Reporter ace 

Abkari (Wimbledon) 
Annual Report of the Royal School 
for the Blind (Leatherhead) ; 

Barnes Herald 
Bee World (Camberley) 

Camberley News (Aldershot) 

Carthusian (Godalming) š 

Caterham, &c., Weekly Press i 

Caterham District Directory (Redhill) 

Caterham School Magazine. ‘ 

Cheam Times .. 

Coulsdon and Purley Weekly "Record 

Country Side (Kingston) š 

Cranleighan (Cranleigh) 

Croquet Association Gazette (Redhill) 

Crow Pie (Kew) ae 

Croydon Advertiser .. 

Croydon Directory 

Croydon Times 

Dancer (Barnes) ; 

Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser 

Dorking, &c., Directory (Redhill) 

Empire Frontier (Kingswood) aie 

Epsom Advertiser (Croydon) 

Epsom District Times (Redhill) 

Epsom Herald (Sutton) 

Epsomian (Epsom) 





SURREY— continued. 

Food and Cookery (Kingston-on- 
Thames) ; si nt 

Golden Bowl (Guildford) : 

Greek Student’s Monthly (Kingston) 

Guildford City Outlook a 

Guildford Lasham’s Directory 

Herald (Farnham) .. 

Holmesdale Directory (Redhill) 

Horley Advertiser (Redhill) ‘ 

Illustrated Sutton, &c., Mail (Croydon) 

I.P.S. Journal (Mitcham) 

Islamic Review (Woking) 

Journal and Proceedings of the Per- 
manent Way Institution (Woking) 

Journal of Comparative Pathology 
(Croydon) a oe aP Dy 

King’s College School Magazine 

Messenger of the Sacred Heart (Wim- 
bledon) s 

Mitcham Advertiser (Croydon) ve 

Mitcham & Colliers Wood Gazette 
(Tooting) .. ; 

Mitcham Herald (Sutton) 

Monthly Progress (Addlestone) .. 

Motor Cyclist Review (Addlestone) 

N.R.A. Journal (Brookwood)... 
North British Columbia News 

(Sanderstead) : Ki 
Owl Pie (Camberley) 

Proceedings and Transactions of the 
Croydon Natural History, &c., 
Society (Kenley) .. 

Proceedings of the National Rifle 
Association (Bisley) 

Purley and Coulsden Times (Croydon) 

Quarterly Circular of the Oologists’ 
Correspondence Club (Weybridge) 

Reader’s Index (Croydon) .. 

Review of Applied Mycology (Kew) 

Richmond and Twickenham Home 
Journal sy 

Richmond, &c., Times 

Richmond Herald 

Royal Military College Magazine and 
Record (Camberley) ; 

Shamrock (Croydon) we 
Short Stories (Kingswood) S 
Sierra Leone Messenger (Kingston) .. 
Star and Garter Magazine (Richmond) 
Stella Maris (Roehampton) i 
Surrey Advertiser (Guildford) 
Surrey and Hants News (Farnham) 
Surrey Archeological Collections 
(Guildford) a ae 
Surrey Comet (Kingston) Pe 
Surrey County Herald (Sutton) 
. Surrey Herald (Chertsey) 
Surrey Mirror (Redhill) 
Surrey Times (Guildford) sie 
Surrey Weekly Press (Guildford) . 
Sutton, &c., Advertiser aroy aon) 
Sutton, &c., Herald . ká 
Sutton High School Magazine 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Swimming Times (Croydon} 

Tadworth and Walton UERY TECHIE 
(Coulsdon) . 

Thames Valley Times (Richmond) 

Thornton Heath Observer .. z 

Travel Key (Purley) 

Wallington and Carshalton Advertiser 

(Croydon) .. 

Wallington and Carshalton “Herald 

Wallington and Carshalton Times 
(Croydon) = gi s% 

West (Kingwood) 

West Surrey District Good Templars’ 
Guide (Woking) 

Whitgiftian (Croydon) 

Wimbledon, &c., Advertiser 

Wimbledon Boro’ News 

Wimbledon Herald (Sutton)... 

Woking Herald : T 

Woking News and Mail 

Woking Observer 

Woking Recorder ; 

World Today (Kingswood) 

Zambesi Mission Record (Roehampton) 

Annual Report of King Edward VII. 
Sanatorium (Midhurst) ; 
Ardingly Annals 
Argus (Bognor) 
Argus (Chichester) 
Argus (East Grinstead) 
Argus (Eastbourne) .. 
Argus (Hastings) 
Argus (Horsham) 
Argus (Hove) .. 
Argus (Lewes) 
Argus (Littlehampton) 
Argus (Tunbridge Wells) 
Argus (Worthing) 

Bexhill, &c., Directory 

Bexhill Chronicle 

Bexhill Observer 

Blue (Horsham) 

Bognor Observer 

Bognor Regis Post av 
Brighton, Hove, &c., A 
Brighton and Hove Herald. 
Brighton & Hove Illustrated (Hove) 
Brighton College Magazine .. 
Brighton Season - 
Brighton Standard 

Chichester &c., Post (Bognor) 
Chichester Diocesan Gazette 
Chichester Diocesan Kalendar 
Chichester Observer ea 
Children’s Gospel Magazine (Tun- 
bridge Wells) és 
Crowborough Weekly (Brighton) 
East Grinstead Observer (Lewes) 
East Sussex News (Lewes) . sy 
Eastbourne Blue Book (Brighton) sh 
Eastbourne Chronicle R 





Eastbourne Courier .. 

Eastbourne Gazette .. 

Eastbourne Herald 

Eastbourne Pictorial 


Eggs (Rudgwick) T 

Equitable (Tunbridge Wells) 

Evening Argus (Brighton) . 

Hastings, &c., Blue Book .. : 

Hastings, &c., A BC Time Table 

Hastings, &c., Observer. 

Horsham, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) 

Horsham Times (Lewes) .. š 

Hurst Johnian (Hurstpierpoint) 

Lancing College Magazine (Shoreham) 

Lewes, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) .. 

Littlehampton A B C Railway Guide 

Littlehampton Gazette i 

Littlehampton Observer 

Littlehampton Post (Bognor) 

Midhurst Times cs be sa 

Mid-Sussex Directory N aa 
Heath) ‘ 

Mid-Sussex Times (Hayward’ S Heath) 

Missionary Graphic (Brighton) 

National Medical Journal (Hove) 

News of Salvation A are 

Old Eastbournian 

Peacehaven, &c., Gazette 

Red Time Table (Brighton) ; 

Rhode Island Red Gazette (Crow- 

boro) s% 

Royal Antediluvian Order ot 
Buffaloes Gazette (Lewes) 

Snapper (Bexhill) ; 

Southdown Flock Book (Chichester) 

Southern Weekly News (Brighton) . 

Sower (Tunbridge Wells) ‘ : 

Sussex and Surrey Courier (Lewes)... 

Sussex County Herald (Lewes) 

Sussex County Magazine (Lewes) .. 

Sussex Daily News (Brighton) 

Sussex Express and South Eastern 
Advertiser (Lewes) 

Transactions and Journal of theEast- 
bourne Natural History, é&c., 
Society ¢ i 

Tunbridge Wells Advertiser 

Visitor (Eastbourne) 

West Sussex County Times (Horsham) 

West Sussex Gazette (Arundel) 

Worthing A BC Railway Guide .. 

Worthing & District Blue Book and 
Directory (Brighton) 

Worthing Gazette à 

Worthing Herald i 

Young Christian (Tunbridge Wells) .. 

Zion’s Witness (Mayfield) ; a 

A to Z Midland “ Red ” ee) 
Advertiser Rugby Almanac. 
Aero Field (Birmingham) 
Age of Plenty (Coventry) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Alcester Chronicle ; 

Annual Report of the Midland Daffo- 
dil Society (Birmingham). . ʻi 

Atherstone Herald (Tamworth) 

Atherstone News và 

Atherstone Observer (Nuneaton) 

Bedworth Guardian (Nuneaton) 

Bedworth Observer (Nuneaton) 

Bicycling News (Birmingham) si 

Birmingham A BC and Midland 
Counties Time Tables š 

Birmingham A B C Railway Rates 

Birmingham, &c., Original Motor "Bus 

Birmingham Catholic Magazine 

Birmingham Catholic News. f 

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce 
Journal ; 

Birmingham Free Press 

Birmingham Gazette.. 

Birmingham Mail 

Birmingham Medical Review 

Birmingham News 

Birmingham Post .. 

Birmingham Stock and Daily Official 
List .. 

Birmingham T. O. S. (Tram, Omnibus 
and Street) Guide bia as 

Birmingham University Calendar .. 

Birmingham Weekly Post .. 

Bournville Works Magazine (Birming- 
ham) d 

British Musician (Birmingham) 

Business Man (Birmingham) 

Cement, Lime and Gravel pee 

Christadelphian (Birmingham) 

Christian Advocate (Birmingham) 

Claycraft (Birmingham) es ee 

Coleshill Chronicle 

Commercial Year Book (Birmingham) 

Cornish’s Birmingham Year Book 

Coventrian : 

Coventry A B Cc Railway Rates Book 

Coventry Chronicle (Nuneaton) 

Coventry Engineering Ha Jousma 

Coventry Herald 

Coventry Standard 

Coventry Stock and Share List an 

Denham’s Time Table (Birmingham) 

Edgbastonia (Birmingham) .. oe 

Erdington News (Birmingham) 

Evening Despatch (Birmingham) .. 

Evening Despatch Sporting Buff 

Everybody’ sTimeTable(Birmingham) 

Good Roads (Birmingham) 

Good Templars’ Watchword (Bir- 
mingham) .. 

Greater PEOP Gazette (Birming- 

Hall Green Adver (Birmingham) 

Handsworth Herald (Birmingham).. 




Hill’s A B C Coventry Time Table.. 
Homing Pigeon (Birmingham) 
Institute Magazine (Birmingham) .. 
Ironmongers’ Weekly (Birmingham) 
Ironmongers’ Weekly Buyers’ Guide 
Jepson’s Mercantile Directory (Bir- 
mingham) .. : 
Juvenile Templar (Birmingham) 
Kineton Advertiser (Rugby) 
King Edward’s School Chronicle (Bir- 
mingham) .. 
Leamington Chronicle 
Leamington Spa Morning News és 
Licensed Trade News (Birmingham) 
Lloyds Directory of Manufacturers 
Meteor (Rugby) 
Midland Car Club 
Midland Counties Herald (Birming- 
Midland Counties Tribune (Nuneaton) 
Midland Daily Telegraph (Coventry) 
Midland Daily Telegraph OKERAY 
A B C Time Table ; 
Midland Daily Tribune (Nuneaton). . 
Midlander (Birmingham) .. è 
Monthly Review (Coventry) 
Newsvendor (Birmingham) .. 
Nuneaton Advertiser (Rugby) 
Nuneaton Chronicle .. 
Nuneaton Observer .. xs 
O.R. Review (Birmingham)... és oe 
Open Door in the sei isi Aas 
(Birmingham) ; 
Portcullis (Warwick) 
Proceedings of the Bitmingham 
Natural History Society 
Quarry Managers’ Journal (Birming- 


Railway and Shipping Journal (Bir- 
mingham) .. 

Reader’s Bulletin (Coventry) 

Roll Call (Birmingham) 

Rotaria (Birmingham) . 

Royal Leamington Spa Courier 

Rugby Advertiser... gá 

Rugby Observer : 

Shakespeare Pictorial (Stratford-on- 

Sport and Play (Birmingham) 

Sports Argus (Birmingham) 

Straight Forward (Birmingham) 

Stratford-on-Avon Herald .. 

Sunbeam (Birmingham) i 

Sunday Mercury and News (Bir- 
mingham) .. 

Sutton Coldfield News (Birmingham) 

Three Town’s Directory (Nuneaton) 

Town Crier (Leicester) eg 

Universal Mercantile Directory (Bir- 
mingham) .. 

University Gazette (Birmingham) . 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Warwick Advertiser 

Waterman (Birmingham) ie 

White & Pike’s Diary (Birmingham) 

White & Pike’s Railway Guide (Bir- 
mingham) .. 

Wright’s Monthly Diary —Railway 
Guide (Birmingham) a 

Kendalian (Kendal) 
Lake District Herald (Ambleside) . 
Transactions of the Catholic Record 
Society (Kendal) 
Transactions of the Cumberland Anti- 
quarian Society (Kendal) 
Westmorland Gazette (Kendal) ‘ 
Westmorland Gazette Index A B C 
Time Table (Kendal) : 

Devizes and Wiltshire Advertiser .. 
Evening Advertiser (Swindon) 
Football Pink (Swindon) .. 
Lucy’s Marlborough, &c., Directory.. 
Marlburian (Marlborough) > 
North Wilts Herald (Swindon) 
Salisbury, &c., Journal 53 
Salisbury Diocesan Gazette T 
Salisbury Plain Official TAE 
tory (Aldershot) 
Salisbury Times a s a 
Sarum Almanack .. bce we 
Swindon Advertiser .. 
Swindon, &c., Directory 
Warminster Journal 
Wessex Saddleback Pig Society Herd 
Book (Salisbury) .. 
Wilts, Berks, &c., County Paper 
(Marlborough) es “5 
Wiltshire Archeological Magazine 
(Devizes) 4% i 
Wiltshire Gazette (Devizes) 
Wiltshire News (Trowbridge) 
Wiltshire Telegraph (Devizes) 
Wiltshire Times (Trowbridge) 


Berrow’s Worcester Journal Si 
Bromsgrove Messenger i 
Bromsgrovian (Bromsgrove) 
City of Worcester Official Handbook 
County Express for Worcestershire, 

&c. (Stourbridge) ‘ 
Droitwich Guardian 
Dudley Chronicle 
Dudley Herald 
Evesham Journal 
Evesham Standard .. 
Kidderminster Shuttle 
Kidderminster Times 
Malvern Gazette 
Malvern News 
Malvern Railway Guide (Worcester) 
Malvernian (Malvern) 
Medical Herbalist (Worcester) ; 
Oldbury ey News eee Brom- 




Provincial] Willing’s 

Redditch Indicator 

Smith’s Household Almanack (Eve- 

Stourbridge, &c., 
(Worcester) .. 

Tenbury Wells Advertiser ee a 

Tenbury Wells Mail (Leominster) .. 

Three Pears (Worcester) a 

Upton-on-Severn News 

Vigornian (Worcester) 

West Midland Counties A B C Rail- 
way Guide (Worcester) .. es 
Worcester A B C Railway Guide 
Worcester Daily Times ps <% 
Worcesterian (Worcester) .. 
Worcestershire Advertiser (Worcester) 
Worcestershire County Council Hand- 
book (Worcester) sie 
Worcester Diocesan Calendar ( Bir- 
Worcester Diocesan Gazette (Bir- 
mingham T si T 

Railway Guide 


Alchemist (Leeds) : 

Ampleforth Journal .. ° or 

Anniversary Album (Leeds) sé 

Anniversary Budget (Leeds) 

Annual Report of the Ackworth Old 
Scholars Association (Norton) 

Annual Report of the Yorkshire 
Archeological Society (Leeds) 

Appleyard’s Cleveland Diary (Middles- 
brough) 3 Sw 

Applied Psychology (Harrogate) 

Armley News. 

Bankfield Recitations (Leeds) 

Barnoldswick Pioneer (Skipton) 

Barnsley Chronicle si 

Barnsley Independent 

Batley, &c., Free Press 

Batley News .. 

Batley Reporter 

Belle Vue Magazine (Bradford) 

Beverley Guardian .. 

Birstall Herald (Heckmondwike) 

Birstall News (Batley) ‘ 

“ Bob Stubbs ” Original Comic Yark- 
sher Awmynack (Bradford) 

Boston Spa News (Wetherby) T 

Bradford A B C Railway Rates Book 

Bradford and West ‘Riding ABC 
Railway Guide (Leeds) 

Bradford Catholic Herald .. 

Bradford Chamber of Trade Journal 

Bradford Exchange Directory EERE 

Bradford Gazette .. : 

Bradford Labour Record 

Bradford Pioneer r 

Bradford Post Office Directory 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus 

Bradfordian (Bradford) s: 

Brear’s Monthly Guide (Bradford) . 

Press Guide 


Brewery Record (Leeds) 
Bridlington Chronicle 
Bridlington Free Press T 
Brighouse and Elland Echo 
Brighouse Free Press 
British Chemist (Leeds) 
British Chess Magazine (Leeds) 
British Limemaster (Sheffield) 
British Melodist (Leeds) .. 
British Temperance Advocate e (Shef- 
field) ; 
Buyer (Sheffield) 

Ca Ira (York). 

Calendar of the University of Sheffield 

Candy News (Sheffield) ; 

Choir Musician (Leeds) i 

Christian Words (Sheffield) 

Church Reading Magazine (Beverley) 

Classic Anthems (Leeds) .. 

Cleckheaton Advertiser 

Cleckheaton Guardian 

Cleveland Standard (Redcar) ; 

Commercial & Mercantile ee 
(Leeds) if ; 

Craven Herald (Skipton) p 

Current Newspapers (Sheffield) 

Daily Mail (Hull) 

Dewsburv District News .. 

Dewsbury Exchange, &c., Year Book 
(Leeds) , : 

Dewsbury Reporter .. 

Bae for the British Glass Indus- 
try (Sheffield) si 

Dog World (Bradford) 

Doncaster, &c., Advertiser (Goole) . 

Doncaster Chronicle S 

Doncaster Free Press 

Doncaster Gazette 

Doncaster Year Book 

Draughts Review (Hull) 

Driffield & Buckrose Mail 

Driffield Times Ke as 

Easingwold Advertiser 

Educational Handwork (Leeds) 

Farmers’ Advocate (York) 
Farriers’ Journal (Leeds) 
Festive Choralist (Leeds) 
Floreamus (Sheffield) 
Football Press (York) 

Fur and Feather (Bradford) 

Giggleswick Chronicle eee) 
Goole Journal 

Goole Times 

Gryphon (Leeds) 

Guild (Leeds) .. 

Halifax Courier ; 

Halifax Daily Courier è 

Harrogate ABC Railway Guide 

Harrogate Advertiser 

Harrogate Herald .. 

Hebden Bridge, &c., News (Todmor- 

Hebden Bridge “Times 

Heckmondwike Herald 



YORKSHIRE— continued. 
Heckmondwike Reporter (Dewsbury) 
Hills’ A B C Time Table (Doncaster) 
Holmes’ ee eee 
Holmfirth Express .. 

Honley, &c., Express (Holmfirth) . 

Horbury Observer (Ossett) . 

Horsforth Weekly Advertiser. : 

Howdenshire Chronicle (Pocklington) 

Howdenshire Gazette (Goole) 

Huddersfield and Dewsbury Ex- 
changes Year Book (Leeds) 

Huddersfield Boro’ Advertiser p5 

Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce 
Journal (Derby) 

Huddersfield Citizen . 

Huddersfield Daily Examiner 

Huddersfield Examiner : 

Hull, &c., ABC Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) ai 

Hull and Lincolnshire Times 

Hull and Yorkshire Times 

Hull Catholic Herald 

Hull Evening News 

Hull Shipping Gazette 

Hymerian (Hull) hive 

Ilkley Gazette (Otley) 

John Hartley’s ee Clock Al- 
manac (Bradford) . 

Jongleur (Bradford) 

Journal of Textile Science (Leeds) . 

Journal of the Fell and Rock Climb- 
ing Club of the English Lake 
District (Hull) ie 

Journal of the Society of Dyers and 
Colourists (Bradford) , 

Journal of the Society of Glass Tech- 
nology (Sheffield) 

Journal of the Yorkshire Agricultural 
Society (York) da 

Junior Craftsman (Leeds) së 

Keighley Co-operative FERRY Bee . 

Keighley News ; i dss 

Kemps Directory (Leeds) s 

Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette (Leeds) . . 

Knaresborough Post (Harrogate) .. 

Land of Sinim (Sheffield) 

Leeds A B C Railway Guide g 

Leeds A BC S Rates Book 
(Birmingham) . 

Leeds, &c., Free Press 

Leeds Blue Book .. 

Leeds Catholic Herald ; 

Leeds Chamber of Commerce Journal 

Leeds Churchman’s Handbook 

Leeds Co-operative Record .. ss 

Leeds Hospital a eat 

Leeds Mercury 

Leeds Weekly Citizen 

Lodge’s A BC Time Table (Barnsley) 

London & North Eastern cues 
Magazine (York) di 

Malton Messenger 
Matrimonial Gazette (Sheffield) 
Mercury (Leeds) 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Mexborough Times .. 

Mid-Day Sporting Special (Leeds). . 

Middlesbro’ A BC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) 

Middlesborough Catholic Magazine 
(Manchester ) : 

Middlesbrough Co- -operative Record 

Middlesbrough High School Magazine 

Middlesbrough Standard (Redcar) 

Mirfield, &c., Reporter (Dewsbury).. 

Mirfield Herald (Heckmondwike) . 

Money Making Photography (Shef- 

Monograph of British Land and Fresh- 
water Mollusca (Leeds) 

Monthly Journal of the Tees-side 
Chamber of Commerce (Derby) 

Monthly Journey (Leeds) ‘ 

Morley Observer 6 

Musical Chat (Leeds) 

National Union of Retail Contec: 
tioners Official Journal (Sheffield) 

North Eastern Daily Gazette Ce 
brough) é ‘ 

North Leeds News ia 

Northern Weekly Gazette (Middles- 
brough) T 

Old Moore’s Almanac (Ottey) 

Ossett Observer ; 

Pateley ac &c., Herald (Harro- 
gate) : s 

Penistone, &c., Express (Mex- 
borough) si pa 

Peterite (York) ‘ 

Pigeons (Bradford) 

Pocklington Weekly News (Easing- 

Pontefract Advertiser 

Pontefract, &c., Express .. cs 

Pontefract, &c., Business Guide 

Port of Hull Annual aie 

Port of Hull Monthly Journal, KC ks 

Practical Education (Leeds) 

Proceedings of the Musical Association 
(Leeds) ‘ 

Proceedings of the Wesley Historical 
Society (Whitbv) .. aby a 

Progress (Scarborough)’ 

Pudsey, &c., News .. 

Pudsey Advertiser (Stanningley) 

Quality (Sheffield) 

Rawmarsh, &c., Advertiser (Rother. 

Red Breeders “Annual (Mirfield) 

Refractories Journal (Sheffield) 

Richmond Division Gazette nee 
allerton) í 

Ripon Advertiser. 

Ripon and Richmond Chronicle (Dar- 
lington) a ae 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette (Leeds) 

Ripon Gazette (Harrogate) 

Ripon Observer ; 

Robinson’s Harrogate, &c., Directory 
(Leeds) = aig bs Sa 



Rotherham Advertiser $e 
Rotherham, &c., Annual .. 
Rotherham Express (Mexboro’) 
Rothwell Advertiser .. 

Saddleworth, &c., Standard (Oldham) 
Saltburn, &e., Advertiser 

Satchel (Halifax) as 

Savilian (Wakefield) . 

Scarborough Evening News 
Scarborough Mercury 

Scarborough Pictorial Guide 

Scarborough Post 

Selby Express (Goole) 
Selby Times 

Sheffield A B C Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) me 
Sheffield Catholic Herald (Leeds) 

Sheffield Daily Telegraph 
Sheffield Diocesan Gazette .. 
Sheffield Enterprise .. 
Sheffield Independent 

Sheffield Independent A B C Rail- 
way Guide .. 

Sheffield Independent Christmas 
Budget i 

Sheffield Independent Football Guide 

Sheffield sien ena Reference, &c., 
Book : 

Sheffield Mail 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily List 

Sheffield Telegraph Football Guide . 

Sheffield Telegraph Railway Guide. . : 

Sheffield University Annual Report. . 

Sheffield Year Book és Sg 

Sherburn Recorder 

Shipley Times (Otley) 

Skyrack Express (Wakefield) 

Slate Trade Gazette (Hull) 

Song Service Reporter (Leeds) 

South Bank Express (Redcar) 

South Elmsall, Ke ee (Wake- 
field) à oe ae 

South Elmsall, “&e., Times (Mex- 
borough) . oie site 

Sporting Pink (Leeds) 

Sports Echo (Leeds) 

Sports Gazette (Middlesbrough) 

Sports Mail (Hull) 

Sports Post (Leeds) 

Sports Special (Sheffield) 

Tadcaster News (Wetherby) . 

Taylor’s Scarborough A BC Railway 

Tees-side Weekly Herald (Middles- 

Textile Argus (Bradford) Sk 

Thirsk, &c., News (York) 

Torch (Hull) .. Si ae 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Trade of Hull, &c. .. 

Transactions of the East Riding Anti- 
quarian Society (Hull) .. 

Transactions of the Hull Geological 
Society ; 

Transactions of the Hull Scientific, 
&c., Club 

Transactions of the Yorkshire Natura- 
lists’ Union (Hull)... P 

Transactions of the Yorkshire Numis- 
matic Society (Hull) 

University of Leeds Calendar 

University of Leeds Report 

Waddington’s Bridlington Year Book 
(York) š 

Waddington’s Scarboro’ Almanac 

Waddington’s Yorkshire Almanac 
(York) ; 

Wakefield Diocesan Gazette 

Wakefield Express .. sis 

Walker’s Leeds Time Table ts 

Ward’s Directory of Middlesbrough. . 
Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield) 

West Yorkshire Pioneer ae eae 
Wetherby News es 

Wharfedale Observer (Otley) 
Whitby Gazette 

Wigley’s Street Directory öf Leeds.. : 
Wool Chart (Bradford) nè ia 
Wool Record (Bradford) 

York A BC Time Table 

York City Year Book 

York Diocesan Calendar .. 

York Diocesan Gazette (Hull) 
York Journal of Convocation 

York Star 

Yorkshire Aicheoloncal Jouar 

Yorkshire Archæological Society's 
Record Series (Leeds) `: 

Yorkshire Catholic Herald (Leeds) . 

Yorkshire Cricket Handbook 
Yorkshire Early Bird (Sheffield) 
Yorkshire Evening News (Leeds) .. 
Yorkshire Evening Post (Leeds) 
Yorkshire Evening Press (York) 
Yorkshire Gazette (York) 
Yorkshire Herald (York) 

Yorkshire Humoros Dialogies (eeds) 
Yorkshire News (York) 

Yorkshire News Football Gu ide 
(York) : 
Yorkshire Observer (Bradford) 

YorkshireObserver a lea 
Yorkshire Post (Leeds) à ‘ 
Yorkshire Sports (Bradford) 

Yorkshire Telegraph (Sheffield) 
Yorkshire Textile Directory(Oldham) 
Yorkshire Weekly Post (Leeds) .. 




Willing’s Press Guide 


Clorianydd (Llangefni) 
Holyhead Chronicle (Carnarvon) 
Holyhead Mail (Carnarvon) 
Holyhead Observer (Carnarvon) 

Brecon and Radnor Express 
Brecon County Annual 
Brecon County Times 
Breconian (Brecon) .. 
Brynmawr, &c., awn Argus (New- 

Almanac y Cymro (Cardigan) pa 
Bibliotheca Celtica (Aberystwyth)... 
Cambrian News (Aberystwyth) ; 
Cardigan &c. Advertiser 
Ddraig Goch Gitt ham 
Dragon (Aberystwyth) 
Perl y Plant (Lampeter) .. 
Welsh Gazette (Aberystwyth) 
Ymofynydd (Llandyssul) 

AmmanValleyChronicle (Ammanford) 
Burry Port Star (Llanelly) 
Carmarthen Journal . 

Cyfaill Eglwysig (Carmarthen) 

Cymric Times (Carmarthen) 

Llanelly, &c., Guardian 

Llanelly Argus 

Llanelly Mercury 

Llanelly Star 

Maridunian (Carmarthen) 

St. David’s Book of the Diocese of 
(Carmarthen) sè ès 

Seren Cymru (Carmarthen) - 

Seren yr Ysgol Sul (Llanelly) ; 

South Wales Press (Llanelly) cha 

Transactions of the Carmarthenshire 

Antiquarian Society ee oe 
Welshman (Carmarthen) .. 

Bangor, &c., Weekly News Say 
Bangor Observer (Carnarvon) . 
Bettws-y-Coed, &c., Weekly News 

(Conway) .. ee 
Carnarvon, &c., Herald sù oie 
Cenhadwr (Carnarvon) ss s 

Conway, &c., Weekly News 

Diary of the Calvinistic Methodists 
(Carnarvon) ; 

Drysorfa (Carnarvon) - 

Eurgrawn (Bangor) .. š 

Football Chronicle (Bangor) 

Genedl Gymreig (Carnarvon) a 
Geninen (Carnarvon).. nà po 
Goleuad (Carnarvon).. ; 

Herald Cymraeg (Carnarvon) 
Links of Help (Llanfairfechan) 
Llan (Carnarvon) .. T àó 
Llandudno Advertiser ae 

Llandudno, &c., Weekly News (Con- 

way) y i3 wise = 
Llandudno, &c., Directory (Liverpool) 
Llanfairfechan, &c., Weekly News 
(Conway) . 
North Wales Chronicle (Bangor) . 
North Wales Observer (Carnarvon). . 
North Wales Weekly News (Conway) 
Papur Pawb (Carnarvon) 
Penmaenmawr Weekly News (Conway) 
Pilot (Llandudno) .. 
Portmadoc, &c., Observer(Carnarvon) 
Pwllheli, &c., Observer (Carnarvon) 
Traethodydd. (Carnarvon) .. ‘ 
Trysorfa y Plant (Carnarvon) 
Udgorn N eae Cymreig (Pwll- 
Vale of Clwyd, &e., "Weekly News 
(Conway) .. 
Vale of raed &c., ‘Weekly News 

(Conway) k3 .. 
Werin a’r Eco (Carnarvon) .. 
Winllan (Bangor) .. . ee 


Abergele, &c.,Weekly News (Sonwa) 

Abergele, &c., Times 

Abergele, &c., Visitor ga ave 

Almanac y Miloedd (Wrexham) .. 

Athro (Wrexham) . 

Baner ac Amserau Cymru (Denbigh) 

Bugle (Wrexham) . oe nA 

Cefn Chronicle . ee T 

Colwyn Bay Advertiser oy 

Colwyn Bay Directory (Liverpool) 

Colwyn Bay, &c., Weekly News (Con- 
way) oe oe 

Cymru’r Plant (Wrexham) 

Denbighshire, &c., Advertizer (Os. 

Denbighshire Free Press (Denbigh)... 

Efrydydd (Wrexham) oe ee 

Jarman’s Wrexham ABC .. 

Jarman’s Wrexham Year Book and 
Local Directory . 

Kinmel Bay Garden City Chronicle.. . 

Llangollen Chronicle . 

Llanrwst Weekly N ews (Conway) . 

Llenor (Wrexham) .. 

Magazine of the Girls’ County School 
(Wrexham) .. 

North Wales Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) 

North Wales Times (SERBIE) oe 

Rhos Herald .. ee ee 

Wrexham Advertiser.. 

Wrexham and North Wales Guardian 

Wrexham Leader... oe oe 
Wrexhamian (Wrexham) ... ee 

County Herald (Holywell) ... 
Flintshire Observer (Holywell) 
Midweek Advertiser (Rhy!) ; 
Mold, &c., Leader (Wrexham)> .. 




Prestatyn Weekly .. 
Publications of the Flintshire Histori- 
cal Society (Chester) E 
Rhyl, &c., News (Conway) 
Rhyl Journal and Advertiser 

Aberdare and Mountain Ash Express 
(Merthyr Tydfil) .. og side 
Aberdare Leader ; ap T 
Abstainer (Cardiff) 

Alliance Printer (Cardiff) .. 
Annual Report of the National 
Museum of Wales (Cardiff) ; 
Art Silks as an Investment (Cardia 
Barry Advertiser ee Fs ; 

Barry and District News 

Barry Herald, &c. .. eis 

Bovian (Cowbridge) 

British and Colonial Mineral Water 
Trade Journal (Cardiff) .. oe 

British Deaf Times (Cardiff) 

Caerphilly Journal (Pontypridd) 
Cambria Daily Leader (Swansea) 
Cambrian (Swansea) . 
Cardiff ABC Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) ; 
Cardiff and District Directory ee 
Cardiff and South Wales Advertiser. . 
Cardiff Naturalists’ Society Transac- 
tions . oe T 
Cardiff Suburban News sa 
Cardiff Year Book .. sè 
Dinas Powys News (Penarth) -i 
Efengylydd (Tonypandy) 
Football Express (Cardiff) .. 
Glamorgan Advertiser (Maesteg) 
Glamorgan Free Press (Pontypridd) 
Glamorgan Gazette (Bridgend) 
Glamorgan News (Penarth).. 
Gowertonian (Gowerton) .. 
Hauwr Yr (Aberdare) T 
Heuwr (Cardiff) as 
Herald of Wales (Swansea).. 

Industrial, Commercial and Finaiicial 
Review (Cardiff) és 

Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical 
Society (Swansea) .. 7 

Kemp’s Local Gazette (Cardiff) 

Merthyr Express . oe 

Mid-Glamorgan Herald (Swansea) ša 

Neath Guardian s sa 
Northern Coal, &c., Companies 
(Cardiff) T is - 

Penarth News 

Penarth Times ; 

Pontypridd Observer 

Porth Gazette (Pontypridd) © Sa 
Porthcawl Advertiser (Maesteg) os 
Rhondda Fach Gazette (Pontypridd) 
Rhondda Gazette (Pontypridd) Sa 
Some Leading Industrials (Cardiff) 

Willing’s Press Guide 


South Wales Coal and Iron wompene 
(Cardiff) : 
South Wales Coal Annual (Cardiff )- 
South Wales Daily Post (Swansea) . 
South Wales Echo (Cardiff) 
South Wales Evening Express 
(Cardiff) A 
South Wales Football Echo (Cardiff) 
South Wales Journal of Commerce 
South Wales Voice (Swansea) 
South Wales Weekly News (Cardiff) 
South Wales Weekly Post ene 
Sporting News (Swansea) .. 
Sporting Post (Swansea) ‘ 
Swansea A B C Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) ow ar 
Swansea Herald of Wales . 
Swansea Tide Tables 
Tarian (Aberdare) .. 
Treasury (Cardiff) .. 
Tyst (Merthyr Tydfil) sie 
Tywysydd-v-Plant (Swansea) ba 
Weekly Mail (Cardiff) ais 
Welsh Catholic Herald (Cardiff) : 
Welsh Coal and Shipping Handbook 
(Cardiff) ‘ 
Welsh Journal of Agriculture (Cardiff 
West Wales Observer (Pontadawe) . 
Western Mail (Cardiff) .. 
Western Mail ABC Railway Time 
Table, &c. (Cardiff) z4 
Who’s Who in Wales (Cardiff) 
Workers’ Own (Cardiff) : 

Adsain (Corwen) = a 
Barmouth Advertiser 
Calendar of the United Theological 

Colleges $ ‘ oe ~ 
Cyfarwyddwr (Bala) ` as s 
Cymro (Dolgelly) és si 

Dydd (Dolgelly) 
Dysgedydd (Dolgelly) 
Dysgedydd y Plant (Dolgelly) 
Gloch (Blaenau Festiniog) 
Gwyliedydd Newydd (Bala) 
Gymraes (Dolgelly) a 
Haul (Dolgelly) , 
Rhedegydd (Blaenau F estiniog) 
Seren (The Star) (Bala) 
Seren Gomer (Barmouth) 
Towyn-on-Sea Times 
Williams’s (Dr.) School Magazine 

Montgomery County Times (Welsh- 
Montgomeryshire Express (Newtown) 
Welsh Outlook (Newtown) 

County Echo (Fishguard) 
Narberth, &c., Weekly News 
News in a Nutshell (Pembroke) 


Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide (Counties 
PEMBROKESHIRE— continued. Tenby and County News 
Pembroke County, &c., Guardian b 
(Haverfordwest) .. peny Opsetvet 
a Telegraph (Havertord- RADNORSHIRE 
Penvro (Pembroke Dock) Radnor Express (Brecon) .. a 


A BC Time Table (Aberdeen) 
Aberdeen Advertiser (Dundee) 
Aberdeen Almanac .. 
Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book (Aber- 
deen) ; 
Aberdeen Angus Review 
Aberdeen, Banff, &c., 
Journal (Dundee) 
Aberdeen Bon Acord.. 
Aberdeen Book Lover 
Aberdeen Catholic Herald p 
Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce 
Journal (Glasgow) 
Aberdeen (City) People’s ` Journal 
(Dundee) .. 
Aberdeen Grammar School Magazine 
Aberdeen Post Office Directory 
Aberdeen Press and Journal 
Aberdeen Public Library Annual 
Report 3 
Aberdeen University Calendar 
Aberdeen University Library Bulletin 
Aberdeen University Review ; 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal 
Alma Mater (Aberdeen) : 
Buchan Observer (Peterhead) 
Evening Express (Aberdeen) 
Fishing News (Aberdeen) 
Fraserburgh Advertiser 
Fraserburgh Herald 
Gateway (Turriff) 
Huntly Express 3 
Mariners’ Almanac (Aberdeen) ; 
Scottish Notes & Queries ie, 
Torry Advertiser (Dundee) . : 
West End Advertiser (Dundee) 

Argyllshire Advertiser a hana 
Argyllshire Leader Tai S 
Campbeltown Courier 
Dunoon Herald 
Dunoon Observer and Argyll S Standard 
Oban Times 

Ardrossan Herald 
Ayr A BC Time Table 
Ayr Advertiser 
Ayr Observer .. 
Ayrshire Post (Ayr) . 
Beith Supplement .. 
Believer’s Daily Thought Calendar 
Believer’s Magazine (Kilmarnock) . 
Burns Chronicle (Kilmarnock) 
Carrick Herald : ee 


Christian Worker (Kilmarnock) : 

Christian’s Daily Text Calendar 

Christian’s Pocket _ ‘Diary (Kil- 
marnock) . i 

Clyde Train, &c., Guide (Beith) 

Cumnock Chronicle 

Dayspring (Largs) 

Girvan Town Crier 

Good Tidings (Kilmarnock) — 

Good Tidings Gospel Text Calendar 

Gospel Book Almanac (Kilmarnock) 

Gospel Messenger (Kilmarnock) .. 

Household Text Almanac (KĶKil- 
marnock) . 

Irvine and Fullarton Times (Ard- 
rossan) ‘ ss a ava 

Irvine Herald sa 

Irvine Valley News (New Milns) si 

Kilmarnock A B C Time Table , 

Kilmarnock Herald . ia 

Kilmarnock Standard 

Kilwinning Chronicle (Irvine) 

Largs, &c., News ga cs 

Light in the Home Calendar oe 
marnock) .. 

Little Ones Treasury (Kilmarnock) .. 

Macpherson’s Railway Time Tables, 
&c. (Beith) 4 

Troon, &c., Times (Ardrossan) 

Troon Herald (Irvine) 

Weekly Supplement, &c. (Galston). . 

Young Watchman (Kilmarnock) 

Banffshire Advertiser (Buckie) 
Banffshire Herald (Keith) 
Banffshire Journal (Banff) 
Dufftown News e 

Caithness and Sutherland Almanac 
(Wick) ss 
Caithness Courier (Thurso) . ae 
John-o’-Groat Journal (Wick) 

Alloa Advertiser į 

. Alloa Circular 

Alloa Journal 

Alva Tribune (Tillicoultry) ; 
Devon Valley Tribune (Tillicouttry) 
Tillicoultry Tribune .. 

Clydebank Press (Govan) 
Dumbarton Herald .. 
Helensburgh and Garloch Times 



Kirkintilloch Gazette ee 
Kirkintilloch Herald or 
Lennox Herald (Dumbarton) 
Milngavie, &c., Herald ; 
Scottish Gardening (Kirkintilloch) .. se 

Annandale Herald (Lockerbie) 
Annandale Observer (Annan) 
Dumfries, &c., Courier 
Dumfries, &c., Standard .. 
Eskdale and Liddesdale Advertiser 

Factors’ Magazine (Dumfries) 
Gallovidian Annual (Dumfries) 
Galloway Herd Book (Dumfries) 
Moffat News (Lockerbie) 
New Moon (Dumfries) 
Transactions, &c., of the Dumfries- 
shire Natural History, &c., SIY 

Aberlour Orphanage Magazine (Edin- 
Accountants’ Magazine (Edinburgh) 
Annual Report of the Natiọnal Bible 
Society of Scotland (Edinburgh) . 
Annual Report of the Registrar 
General, &c., in Scotland (Edin- 

Banner of the Covenant (Edinburgh) 

Blackwood’s Magazine (Edinburgh) 

Book of the Old Edinburgh Club 

Bookman’s Index (Edinburgh) es 

Botanic Garden, Royal, Pane 
Notes on the : 

Bright Words (Edinburgh) 

Bulwark (Edinburgh) 

Cases Decided in the Court of Session, 
&c. (Edinburgh) .. 

Cases Decided in the High Court of 
Justiciary (Edinburgh) .. 

Catholic Directory for the Clergy, &c. 
(Edinburgh) š 

Centre Broadsheet (Edinburgh) T 

Children’s Treasury, &c., one 

Chummy Book (Edinburgh) 

City Sparrows (Edinburgh) 

County and Municipal Record (Edin- 
burgh) ; 

Craigmillar Harp (Edinburgh) 

Dalkeith Advertiser .. 

Dollar Magazine (Edinburgh) 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle 

Edinburgh and Leith Observer ‘ 

Edinburgh and Leith Post Office 
Directory .. 

Edinburgh and Leith Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) 

Edinburgh and Southern Counties 
People’s Journal (Dundee) 

Edinburgh Catholic Herald .. zs 

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce 
Journal (Glasgow) aa ` 

Edinburgh Citizen s 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Edinburgh Daily Stock and Share 
List .. ae 
Edinburgh Evening News 
Edinburgh Gazette a 
Edinburgh Medical Journal .. 
Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society 
Quarterly Paper .. 
Edinburgh University Calendar 
Evening Dispatch (Edinburgh) 
Expository Times nee 
Fettesian (Edinburgh) > . ey 
Fingerpost (Leith) .. or T 
Golf Monthly (Edinburgh) .. 
Golfer’s Handbook (Edinburgh) 
Gospel Messenger (Edinburgh) 
Great-Heart (Edinburgh) ae 
Hebrew Christian ee s 
Herioter (Edinburgh) ; si 
Hora Jocunda (Edinburgh) 
Instructor (Edinburgh) as 
Jolly Book for Boys (Edinburgh) 
Jolly Book for Girls (Edinburgh) ; 
Journal of Laryngology (Edinburgh) 
Journal of Pathology (Edinburgh) . 
Journal of the Edinburgh Chamber 
of Commerce (Glasgow) 
Juridical Review (Edinburgh) oi 
Labour Standard (Edinburgh) 
Life and Work (Edinburgh) 
Life Assurance Agents’ Vade Mecum 
(Edinburgh) J 
Love and Light (Edinburgh). . 
Loving Words (Edinburgh) 
MacDonald’s English Directory (Edin- 


MacDonald’s Irish Directory (Edin- 

MacDonald’s ` Scottish Directory 

MacDonald’s Tourist Guide to Scot- 
land (Edinburgh) 
Man’s Own Paper (Edinburgh) 
Merchant Maiden (Edinburgh) 
Merchistonian (Edinburgh) . 
Midlothian Advertiser (West Calder) 
Midlothian Journal (Edinburgh) : 
Monthly Record of the Free Church 
of Scotland (Edinburgh) 
Monthly Visitor (Edinburgh) 
Morning Rays (Edinburgh) .. Es 
Morningside Mirror (Edinburgh) .. 
Musselburgh News (Edinburgh) .. 
National Bible Society for Scotland 
Quarterly Record (Edinburgh) . 
North British Agriculturist (Edin- 
burgh) . 
North British Agriculturist C Calendar 
(Edinburgh) ee 
Nursery Book (Edinburgh) . a 

Official Catholic Directory of Scot- 
land (Edinburgh) 

Official Directory of the Chartered 
Accountants of Scotland (Edin- 

Oliver & Boyd’ s Edinburgh Almanac 



P rovincial] 

Original Secession Magazine (Edin- 
burgh) Sea : 

Other Lands (Edinburgh) : 

Parliament House Book (Edinburgh) 

Prescriber (Edinburgh) Es 

Principal Acts of the General 
Assembly of the Church of Scotland 

Proceedings of the Royal Physical 
Society of Edinburgh é 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of 

Proceedings of the Society ‘of Anti- 
quaries of Scotland (Edinburgh) 

Publications of the Scottish History 
Society (Edinburgh) ‘ 

Quarterly Bulletin of the Imperial 
Bureau of Animal Genetics (Edin- 
burgh) Be oie - aie 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness 

Registrar General Scotland Returns 
of Births, Deaths and Marriages 

Report on the Schemes of the ‘Church 
of Scotland (Edinburgh) 

St. Andrew’s University Calendar 

Scots Law Times (Edinburgh) cs 

Scotsman (Edinburgh) z 

Scottish Baker’ s Year Book (Edin- 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine (Edin- 

Scottish Baptist Magazine (Porto- 

Scottish Butchers’ Journal (Edin- 
burgh) sis 

Scottish Chronicle (Edinburgh) se 

Scottish Church, &c., Almanac (Edin- 
burgh) sis 

Scottish Churchman (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Congregational Year Book 

Scottish Congregationalist (Dalkeith) 

Scottish Educational Journal (Edin- 

Scottish Forestry Journal (Edinburgh) 

Scottish Geographical Magazine 
(Edinburgh) we P ii 

Scottish Girls’ Friendly Society 
Magazine (Edinburgh) . 

Scottish Journal of Agriculture (Edin- 
burgh) i 

Scottish Law List (Edinburgh) T 

Scottish Manhood (Edinburgh) oe 

Scottish Mothers’ Magazine (Edin- 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal 

Scottish Musical Magazine (Edinbu rgh) 

Scottish Naturalist (Edinburgh) .. 

Scottish Scout (Edinburgh) .. a 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News 
(Edinburgh) es ai 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Speed (Edinburgh) .. 

Sports Dispatch (Edinburgh) - 

Stewarts College Magazine (Edin- 
burgh) ee 

Stock Keeper (Loanhead) 

Student (Edinburgh) 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Archi- 
tectural Association 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Geo- 
logical Society a 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Obstetrical Society.. 

Transactions of the Highland and 
Agricultural Society of Scotland 

Transactions of the Royal "Scottish 
Arboricultural Society (Edinburgh) 

Transactions of the Royal Society of 
Edinburgh .. s T 

Watsonian (Edinburgh) 

Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh) 

Young Scotland (Edinburgh) 

Your Personal Health (Edinburgh). . 

Elgin Courant.. oe 
Forres, &c., Gazette ao és 
Forres News .. 
Northern Scot (Elgin) ; si 
Strathspey Herald (Grantown) a8 

Annual Report of* the Carnegie 
United Kingdom Trust Seiad 
line) .. 
Cowdenbeath Advertiser 
Dunfermline Journal . 
Dunfermline Press . 
Fife, &c., People’s Journal (Dundee) 
Fife Free Press (Kirkcaldy) . ss 
Fife Herald and Journal (Cupar) 
Fife News (Cupar) .. 
Fifeshire Advertiser (Kirkcaldy) 
Fifeshire Catholic Herald eu oe 
Kirkcaldy Mail 
Kirkcaldy Times 
Leven Advertiser 
Leven Mail .. 
Library Review (Dunfermline) 
Lochgelly & District Times 
Rosyth and Forth Mail (Dunfermline) 
Rothmill Quarterly Magazine saad 
kinch) . 
St. Andrews Advertiser (Dundee) . 
St. Andrews Citizen fs 
School Hygiene (Dunfermline) 
Teller (Anstruther) .. sa 
West Fife Echo (Dunfermline) T 

Adventure Land (Dundee) .. 
Angus and East Coast People’ s 
Journal (Dundee) . z si 
Arbroath Guide ie s ‘a 
Arbroath Herald ; 
Argyll and The Isles People’ S ; Journal 
(Dundee) .. ta 



Brechin Advertiser .. si es 
Broughty Ferry, &c., Advertiser 

(Dundee) .. ae sa 
Broughty Ferry Guide ‘ 
Campbell’s Dundee A B Cc Time- 

Table i 
Carnoustie Gazette .. 

Courier and Advertiser (Dundee) 
Dundee and District Ra and Flax 

Workers’ Guide = 
Dundee Catholic Herald 
Dundee Chamber of Commerce Year 

Book ee P bi 
Dundee Directory 
Dundee Free Press 
Dundee People’s Journal 
Dundee Prices Current ess i 
Dundee Textile Report ka oe 
Evening Telegraph (Dungse 
Forfar Dispatch a 
Forfar Herald . 

Kirriemuir Free Press 

Kirriemuir Observer .. 

Montrose Review 

Montrose Standard 

National People’s Journal (Dundee) 
North Western Naturalist (Arbroath) 
Northern Advertiser (Dundee) 
People’s Friend (Dundee) 

People’s Journal (Dundee) 

Scots Magazine (Dundee) 

Sporting Post (Dundee) ; 
Tayport, &c., Advertiser (Dundee)... 
Weekly News (Dundee) a ; 
Western Advertiser (Dundee) 


Haddingtonshire Courier 


Football Times (Inverness) .. 
Highland News (Inverness) . 
Inverness, &c., People’s Journal 
(Dundee) i ia 
Inverness Burgh Directory . 
Inverness Courier 
Northern Chronicle (Inverness) 
Northern Counties’ Red Book (Inver- 
ness) es 
Seventy-ninth News (Inverness) 

Bute County Directory (Rothesay).. 
Buteman (Rothesay).. a 
Rothesay Academy Chronicle 
Rothesay Express... 
Scots At Home and Abroad (Rothesay) 

Kincardineshire Observer (Laurence- 
Leader (Stonehaven) .. 

Kinross-shire Advertiser (Kinross) .. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Galloway News (Castle Douglas) .. 
Stewartry Observer (Dalbeattie) 


Across the Sea (Glasgow) 

Adshead’s Penny PREO of Greater 
Glasgow ‘ 

Adviser (Glasgow) 

Airdrie, &c., Advertiser oe 

Annual Report of the Saint Andrew 
Society (Glasgow) (Paisley) 

Believers’ Pathway eae) ; 

Bellshill Speaker, &c. ru 

Bible Almanac (Glasgow) 

Bible Faith Church Gazette (Glasgow) 

Bible Student (Glasgow) a 

Blantyre Gazette T oe 

Boys and Girls (Glasgow) .. 

Boys and Girls Almanac (Glasgow) 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette (Glasgow) 

British Evangelist (Glasgow) 

Brown’s Boy Scouts Diary (Glasgow) 

Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical Al- 
manac (Glasgow) .. pi 

Building Industries (Glasgow) 

Bulletin and Scots Pictorial (Glas- 

Caledonian Medical Journal (Glasgow) 
Cambuslang Advertiser . 
Cambuslang Pilot (Hamilton) i 
Campbell’s Diaries (Glasgow) ee 
Carluke, &c., Gazette : oe 

Christian Graphic (Glasgow) 

Clyde and Forth Bill of Entry 
(Liverpool) ee 

Clydesdale Stud Book (Glasgow) 4 

Coatbridge Express T 

Coatbridge Leader 

Columba (Glasgow) 

Commune (Glasgow) . w 

Corporate Accountant (Glasgow) i 

Daily Record and Mail (Glasgow) 

Dowanhill Training College Magazine 
(Glasgow) .. 

Engineer, &c., Advertiser (Glasgow) 

Evangelist (Glasgow) es 

Evening Citizen (Glasgow) 

Evening News (Glasgow) 

Evening Times (Glasgow) ; 

Every Christian’s Library (Glasgow) 

Farming News (Glasgow) .. 

Forward (Glasgow) . 

Gaidhael An (Glasgow) 

Girl Guides’ Own Diary (Glasgow) . 

Girls Guildry Gazette (Glasgow) 

Glasgow A B C Railway Guide axe 

Glasgow A B C Railway Rates Book 
(Birmingham) ; 

Glasgow Academy Chronicle 

Glasgow Advertis r as 

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce 

Glasgow Daily Stock and Share List. . 

Glasgow Eastern Standard _J. ens 



_ LANARKSHIRE —continued. 
Glasgow Herald abe se <a 
Glasgow Medical Journal .. . 

Glasgow Observer ‘ 
Glasgow Post Office Directory 
Glasgow Star and Examiner 

Glasgow Stock Exchange Record of 
Bargains, &c. ee 

Glasgow University Calendar 

Glasgow Weekly Herald 

Glasgow Weekly News 

Golden Grain Almanac (Glasgow) 

Golden Grain Calendar (Glasgow) 

Golden Grain Diary (Glasgow) 

Good Seed (Glasgow) si 

Good Templar (Glasgow) 

Govan Press š 

Hamilton Advertiser 

Herald of Salvation (Glasgow) 

Highland Light Infantry Chronicle 

Index to ‘‘ Glasgow Herald 

International Good pa ae (Glas- 

Lanark and “Upperward Gazette 

Lanarkshire (Hamilton) 

Lanarkshire Catholic Herald (Coat- 
bridge) : 

Local Government Directory of Scot- 
land (Glasgow) 

Marine Engineer Officers Magazine 
(Glasgow) .. es ois es 

Motherwell Times oe ; 

Motor World (Glasgow) ; 
Munro’s Marine Engineers’ ‘Annual 
Pocket Log and Diary (Glasgow).. 
Murray’s Monthly Diaries (Glasgow) 

Murray’s Time Table (Glasgow) 
National Guardian (Glasgow) 
Nautical Almanac (Glasgow) 
Nautical Magazine (Glasgow) 
Northern Weekly Record (Glasgow) _ 
Poor Law, &c., Magazine ween 
Printing (Glasgow) ses 
Proceedings of the Royal ` Philoso- 
phical Society of Glasgow 
Protestant Advocate aaa Shek 
Rutherglen Reformer 
Scots Independent (Glasgow) 
Scots Observer (Glasgow) .. 
Scottish Boot Trades as (Glas- 
gow) .. 
Scottish Chemist (Glasgow) . 
Scottish Confectioner (Glasgow) 
Scottish Co-operator (Glasgow) 
Scottish Country Life (Glasgow) 
Scottish Farm Servant (Caldercruix) 
Scottish Farmer (Glasgow) Si 
Scottish Farmer Album (Glasgow) .. 
Scottish Field (Glasgow) ; et 
Scottish Good Templar (Glasgow) . 
Scottish Grocer (Glasgow) 
Scottish Health Magazine (Glasgow) 
scottish Home and Country (Glasgow) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Scottish Ironmongery (Glasgow) 

Scottish Jeweller (Glasgow) 

Scottish Land Court Reports (Glas- 
gow) . 

Scottish Law Directory (Glasgow) . 

Scottish Law Review (Glasgow) 

Scottish Licensed Trade aes) 
(Glasgow) . 

Scottish National Sabbath " School 
Magazine (Glasgow) 

Scottish Newsagent (Glasgow) 

Scottish Nurse (Glasgow) .. 

Scottish Plumbers’ Journal (Glasgow) 

Scottish Primary Quarterly (Glasgow) 

Scottish Radio Dealer (Glasgow) .. 

Scottish Retail Drapery ea 

(Glasgow) .. 
Scottish Road Book (Glasgow’ ’ sa 
Scottish Sunday School Teacher ni 

gow) .. oe 

Scottish Tailor (Glasgow) ; 

Scottish Temperance Reformer (Glas- 

Scottish Tobacco News (Glasgow) . 

Scottish Trade Courier (Glasgow) 

Scottish Trader (Glasgow) 

Scottish Typographical Association 
Report (Glasgow) .. 

Scottish Typographical Journal (Glas- 

Southern Press (Govan) 

Status (Glasgow) ga 

Sunday Mail (Glasgow) 

Sunday Post (Glasgow) 

Swimming News (Glasgow). . 

Tide and Speed Tables (Glasgow) 

Transactions of the Geological Society 
of Glasgow (Kendal) 

Transactions of the Glasgow Archzo- 
logical Society 

Transactions of the Institution of En- 
gineers and Shipbuilders (Glasgow) 

Weekly Record (Glasgow) 

Weekly Welcome (Glasgow) 

Western Catholic Calendar (Glasgow) 

Wishaw Herald 

Wishaw Press os es oe 
Witness (Glasgow) .. ee one 

Bo’ness Journal 
Linlithgowshire Gazette (Linlithgow) 
West Lothian Courier (Bathgate) 

Nairnshire Telegraph (Nairn) 

Orcadian (Kirkwall) .. 
Orkney Herald (Kirkwall) .. 
Peace’s Orkney Almanac (Kirkwall) 

Peeblesshire Advertiser (Peebles) 
Peeblesshire News (Peebles)._J. 




Alyth Gazette and Guardian = 
Blairgowrie Advertiser i e~. 

Callander Advertiser (Stirling) sa 
City of Perth Co-operative Pioneer... 
Glenalmond Chronicle (Perth) 
Leslie’s Time Tables (Perth). . site 
Perth ABC Time Table .. oe 
Perthshire Advertiser (Perth) 
Perthshire Constitutional (Perth) 
Perthshire People’s Journal (Dundee) 
Strathearn Herald (Crieff) .. 
Transactions and Proceedings of the 
Perthshire Society of Natural 
Science (Perth) ate oe 

Barrhead News (Paisley) . 
Clydesdale Catholic Herald (Greenock) 
Gourock Times 
Greenock, &c., Directory se 
Greenock, &c., Time Table.. 
Greenock Herald ox a a 
Greenock Telegraph ga ee 
Hand Book for the Burgh of 
Greenock ae re 
Johnstone Advertiser T oe 
Paisley, &c., Gazette ` 
Paisley Daily Express 
Paisley Directory 
Pollokshaws News... 
Port Glasgow Express and Observer 
Renfrew Press (Govan) 
Transactions of the Paisley Philo- 
sophical Institution 

North Star (Dingwall) 
Ross-shire Journal (Dingwall) 
Stornoway Gazette ; 

Willing’s Press Guide 

oa ac 
Hawick Express 
Hawick News .. 
Jedburgh Gazette 
Kelso Chronicle 
Kelso Mail . 

Border Magazine (Galashiels) os 
Border Standard (Galashiels) a 
Border Telegraph (Galashiels) ae 
Galashiels, &c., Almanac 
Saturday Advertiser Son) 
Selkirk Advertiser .. ; ss 
Southern Reporter (Selkirk) m 

Shetland News (Lerwick) .. a 
Shetland Times (Lerwick) ‘ 


Bridge of Allan Gazette (Stirling) 
British Messenger PEDE 
Falkirk Herald 
Falkirk Mail .. ‘ 
Good News (Stirling) 
Gospel Trumpet (Stirling) 
Grangemouth Advertiser 
Increase (Stirling) 
Kilsyth Chronicle 
Kilsyth Journal 
Stirling Journal 
Stirling Observer T m 
Stirling Sentinel di T gà 

Northern Times (Golspie) .. s 


Galloway Advertiser (Stranraer) . 
Galloway Gazette (Newton Stewart) 



Baird’s Irish Railway and Steamboat 

Guide (Belfast) 
Ballymena Observer 
Ballymena Weekly Telegraph 
Ballymoney Free Press 
Belfast, &c., Directory 
Belfast Chamber of Commerce Journal 
Belfast News Letter .. : oe 
Belfast Telegraph . 
Belfast Weekly News 
Belfast Weekly Telegraph 
Carrickfergus Advertiser 
Christian Irishman (Belfast) 
Civil Service Tutor (Belfast) 
Daybreak (Belfast) 
Everybody’s Monthly (Belfast) 
Farmers Journal (Belfast) 
Forward, &c. (Belfast) $a 
Ireland’s Saturday Night (Belfast) ae 
Irish and Scotch Linen, &c., Trades 

Journal (Belfast) we is 

Irish Christian Advocate (Belfast) . 

Irish Churchman (Belfast) 

Irish Congregational Magazine (Car- 
rickfergus) .. 

Irish Daily Telegraph (Belfast) 

Irish Engineering News (Belfast) 

Irish Grocery World (Belfast) 

Irish Motoring (Belfast) oh 

Irish Naturalists’ Journal (Belfast) . 

Irish News (Belfast) a 

Irish Presbyterian (Belfast) . 

Irish Weekly Sia 

Larne Times .. 

Lightbearer (Belfast) 

Lisburn Herald ‘ 

Lisburn Standard oo 

Master Baker (Belfast) 

Missionary Herald (Belfast) 

Northern Light (Belfast) 

Northern Whig (Belfast) 

Proceedings Annual (Belfast) 

Quarterly Notes (Belfast) 

[Counties © 


ANTRIM— continued. 
Queen’s University of Belfast Calendar 
Ulster Jester Magazine (Belfast) 
Weekly Northern Whig (Belfast) 
Whitehead News ilies 
Witness (Belfast) ; 


Armachian (Armagh) 
Armagh Guardian 
Lurgan Mail 

Portadown News 
Portadown Times .. 
Ulster Gazette (Armagh) 


Nationalist (Carlow) 

Anglo-Celt (Cavan) 

Clare Champion (Ennis) 
Saturday Record (Ennis) 

African Missionary (Cork) .. 
Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred 
Heart (Cork) ia ae 
Cork Examiner T site 
Cork Weekly Examiner 
Evening Echo (Cork) 
Guy’s Cork Almanac 
Guy’s Monthly Time Tables (Cork). . 
Irish Tribune (Cork) 
Journal of the Cork Historical and 
Archeological Society 
Southern Star (Skibbereen) ¿s 
University College (Cork) Calendar 
University College Cork Sessional 
Lists s T gi 


Donegal Democrat (Ballyshannon) .. 
Donegal Independent (Letterkenny) 
Donegal Vindicator (Ballyshannon).. 
Hospitals (Probationers) List (Bun- 

doran) ja aa ats 2% 


Banbridge Chronicle 
Down Recorder ; 
Dromore Weekly Times 
Frontier Sentinel (Newry) 
Leader (Dromore) 
Newry Reporter 
Newry Telegraph ; 
Newtownards, &c., Illustrated Al- 
manac and Directory 
Newtownards Chronicle 
Northern Herald (Bangor) 

An-t-Oglach (Dublin) 
An-t-Ultach (Dublin) 
Brotherhood (Dublin) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Calendar of the Ancient Records of 
Dublin ; 

Calendar of the National University 
of Ireland (Dublin) ; ; 

Camera (Dublin) ; 

Capuchin Annual (Dublin) 

Catholic (Dubiin) ya T 

Catholic Bulletin (Dublin) .. i 

Church of Ireland Gazette (Dublin). . 

Creamery Manager ey 

Cross (Dublin) v3 

Dion An (Dublin) 

Dublin Chamber of Commerce Journal 

Dublin Magazine sS ea 

Dublin Opinion , 

Dublin University Calendar te 

Dublin University Examination 

Econcmic Procccdings o the Royal 
Dubtin Society i T 

Eriu (Dublin) . 

Evening Herald (Dublin) 

Evening Mail (Dublin) 

Everyday Housekeeping (Dublin) 

Fainne an Lae (Dublin) 

Farmers’ Gazette (Dublin) 

Father Mathew Record (Dublin) 

Garda Review (Dublin) 

Honesty (Dublin) .. on a 
Imeldist (Dublin) 

‘Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 


Calendar (Dublin) 
Ireland’s Own (Dublin) 
Iris Oifigiuil (Dublin) ci és 
Irish Ambulance Gazette (Dublin) .. 
Irish Builder (Dublin) gi 
Irish Catholic (Dublin) T 
Irish Catholic Directory (Dublin) 
Irish Chemist and Druggist (Dublin) 
Irish Commercial and ic Gazet- 
teer (Dublin) ; 
Irish Confectionery Trades Journal 
(Dublin) si í Bs 
Irish Cyclist (Dublin) 
Irish Dairy and Creamery Journal 
(Dublin) .. 
Irish Draper (Dublin) - 
Irish Ecclesiastical Record (Dublin) 
Irish Education Directory (Dublin) 
Irish Electrician (Dublin) as 
Irish Field (Dublin) .. T 
Irish Free State Farmer (Dublin) 
Irish Freedom (Dublin) 
Irish Golf (Dublin) i 
Irish Home Journal (Dublin) | zd 
Irish Horse Show Annual (Dublin) .. 
Irish Independent (Dublin) .. als 
Irish Investor’s Guardian (Dublin) .. 
Irish Ironmonger (Dublin) s3 
Irish Jesuit Directory (Dublin) .. 

Irish Journal of Medical Science 
(Dublin) 4 3 

Irish Law Times (Dublin) ais 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory 
(Dublin) E n 




Irish Messenger of the Sacred Heart 
Irish Monthly (Dublin) 
Irish Motor Trader (Dublin) ii 
Irish Oil & Colour Trades Review 
(Dublin) i T 
Irish Printer (Dublin) 
Irish Racing Calendar (Dublin) ; 
Irish Radio News (Dublin) ae 
Irish Reports (Dublin) act 
Irish Rosary (Dublin) 
Irish School Weekly (Dublin) a 
Irish Shoe and Leather Trader 
(Dublin) Sis es 
Irish Sketch (Dublin) 
Irish Stateman (Dublin) 
Irish Times (Dublin) 
Irish Tobacco Trade Journal (Dublin) 
Irish Trade Journal (Dublin) 
Irish Travel (Dublin) 
Irish Weekly Independent (Dublin)... 
Irish Weekly Record (Glasgow) 
Irishman (Dublin) 

Journal of the County Kildare 
Archæological Society (Dublin) 

Journal of the Department of 
Agriculture (Dublin) 

Journal of the Institute of Bankers y 
Ireland (Dublin) 

Journal of the Royal Society of Anti- 
quaries of Ireland (Dublin) : 
Journal &c., of the General Synod of 
the Church of Ireland (Dublin) 
Leader (Dublin) f ; 

Legal Diary (Dublin) 

Madonna (Dublin) .. ts 
Model Housekeeping (Dublin) Ba 
Motor News (Dublin) T 
Our Boys (Dublin) 

Poultry Gazette (Dublin) 

Press and Printing (Dublin) .. 
Progressive Printer (Dublin) 

Red Guide (Dublin) 

St. Anthony’ s Annals (Dublin) 

St. Joseph’s Sheaf (Dublin) .. 

Saturday Herald (Dublin) .. 

Scientific Proceedings of the » Royal 
Dublin Society 

Sport (Dublin) ais 

Sports Mail (Dublin) 

Standard (Dublin) 

Star (Dublin) . 

Studies (Dublin) 

Sunday Independent (Dublin) 

Teachers’ Work (Dublin) 

Thom’s Official, &c., 
(Dublin) ; 

Thom’s Post Office Dublin City, &e., 

T.C.D. (Dublin) 

Virgo Potens (Dublin) 

Weekly Irish Times (Dublin) 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Fermanagh Herald (Enniskillen) 
Fermanagh Times (Enniskillen) as 
Impartial Repo:ter (Enniskillen) 

Connacht Sentinel (Galway) 53 
Connacht Tribune (Galway) 
East Galway Democrat (Ballinasloe) 
Galway Observer és à 
Stoc (Galway) 
Tuam Herald .. 

Kerry Champion (Tralee) .. oe 
Kerry News (Tralee) si T 
Kerry People (Tralee) ‘ 
Kerry Weekly Reporter (Tralee) 
Kerryman (Tralee) 
Liberator (Tralee) 

Clongownian (Sallins) 
Kildare Observer (Naas) 
Leinster Leader (Naas) 

Kilkenny Journal 
Kilkenny People 
Kilkenny Post 

Leinster Reporter (Birr) és T 
Midland Counties Advertiser (Birr). . 
Midland Tribune (Birr) ; 
Offaly Chronicle (Birr) 

Beekeepers’ Gazette (Mohill) 
Irish Bee Journal (Mohill) 
Leitrim Advertiser (Mohill) .. 

Limerick Chronicle 
Limerick Echo 
Limerick Leader ase 
Limerick Weekly Echo 
Munster News (Limerick) 


Coleraine Chronicle 

Derry Almanac 

Derry Tournal T = 

Derry People a os 

Derry Standard . 

Derry Weekly News .. 

Londonderry Sentinel 

McCrea Magee College Calendar Belfast 
Northern Constitution (Coleraine) .. 

Longford Leader 




County Louth ba as 
(Dundalk) .. . 
Drogheda Advertiser a 
Drogheda Argus ii ae 
Drogheda Independent 
Dundalk Democrat 
Dundalk Examiner .. 
Tempest’s Annual (Dundalk) 

Ballina Herald : 
Connaught Telegraph (Castlebar) 
Mayo News (Westport) pi 
Western People (Ballina) .. 

Meath Chronicle (Navan) 

Monaghan Democrat 
Northern Standard (Monaghan) 

Leinster Express (Maryborough) 

Roscommon Herald 
Roscommon Journal 
Roscommon Messenger 
Strokestown Democrat 

Sligo Champion ks aa 
Sligo Independent .. és 

Clonmel Chronicle 
Irish Central News ( Roscrea) 
Nationalist (Clonmel) š 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Nenagh Guardian 
Roscrea Review 
Tipperary Star (Thurles) 
Faugh a Ballagh (Omagh) Sts 
Mid-Ulster Mail (Cookstown) Y 

Sprig of Shillelagh (Omagh) 
Strabane Chronicle 

Strabane Weekly News (Omagh) 
Tyrone Constitution (Omagh) 
Tyrone Courier (Dungannon) 
Ulster Herald (Omagh) 

Dungarvan Observer is 
Evening News (Waterford) .. 
Munster Express (Waterford) 
Waterford Evening Star 

Waterford News sis za : , 

Waterford Standard . : 

Waterford Star Es sé 

Midland Reporter (Mullingar) 
Offaly Independent (Athlone) 
Westmeath Examiner (Mullingar) 
Westmeath Guardian (Mullingar) 
Westmeath Independent (Athlone) 

Echo and South Leinster Advertiser 
(Enniscorthy) oe 
Enniscorthy Guardian (Wexford) 
Free Press (Wexford) 
New Ross Standard (Wexford) 
People (Wexford). . 

Wicklow People (Wexford) .. 


Barrovian (Castletown) sà 

Isle of Man Daily Times (Douglas) as 

Tsle of Man Examiner (Douglas) 

Isle of Man Examiner Annual 
(Douglas) .. 

Isle of Man Weekly Times (Douglas) 

Journal of the Manx Museum 

Manx Green Final (Douglas) . 
Manx Wesleyan Church Record 

(Douglas) : ; 
Mona’s Herald iDoeugias) a 
Peel City Guardian .. ai ais 
Ramsey Courier 


Gazette de Guernsey 
Guernsey Advertiser 
Guernsey Entertainments 

Guernsey Evening Press 
Guernsey B Press 

| Star 


Anglo-Norman Review 
Chroniques de Jersey 
Evening Post 

Jersey Directory and Almanac 

Jersey Post Royal Almanac 
Jersey Weekly Post 
Morning News 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Provincial Publications 
Arranged Under Towns 

(Including Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State). 

Full particulars regarding Publisher, Price, @&c., will be 

found in the Alphabetical List. { signifies that the News- 
paper is attached to the Newspaper Society. The population 
indicated in each case is taken from the 1921 Census. 


ABERCARN (Monmouth). Pop. 20,123 
Indus. : Coal-Mining. Market, 

Abercarn meen: neu (New- 
port) .. ate 
ABERGAVENNY (Monmouth). Pop. 

9,010. Markets, Tues., Fri. 
Indus. : Mining, ironworking, 
brickmaking, brewing, and 
woollen manufactures. 
Abergavenny Chronicle, 1871 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Abergavenny Pocket A B C Time 
Table. (Worcester) 

ABERTILLERY (Monmouth). Pop. 
38,805. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Coal-mining and tin works. 

{Abertillery Weekly Argus hee 
port : . 
{South Wales Gazette, 1888 

ABINGDON (Berks). Pop. 7,167. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus. : Agriculture: 
woollen, carpet and hemp- 

North Berks Herald, 1867 
Periodicals, &c¢c.— 



ACCRINGTON(Lancashire). Pop.43,610 
Markets, Tues., Indus. : 
Cotton-spinning, bleaching and 
printing ; paper and machine 
making ; mining and quarry- 

tAccrington Observer and Times, 

East Lancashire Sentinel, 1881. 

Acton (Middlesex). Pop. 61,314. 
Acton and Chiswick Observer 
Acton Gazette, 1868 5 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Monthly Progress. 
Motor Cyclist Review. 

ALCESTER (Warwick). Pop. 2,259. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Needle- 

tAlcester Chronicle, 1864 

ALDERLEY (Cheshire). Pop. 3,072. 
Indus. : Copper mining. 

{Alderley Advertiser (Stockport) . . 

ALDERSHOT ( Hants). Important mili- 
tary depot. Pop. 28,756. In- 
dus.: Hop-growing, agricul- 
ture, and brick and tile making. 

Aldershot Gazette and Military 
News, 1859 .. ii 
t Aldershot News, 1894 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Aldershot Command News. 
Aldershot Command Official Di- 
Journal of Royal Air Force Col- 
May’s Hants and Surrey Blue 
Rail Guide. 
RoyalArmyServiceCorps Journal. 
Royal Army Service Corps Quar- 
White Lancer. 
Workers’ Monthly 



ALFRETON (Derby). Pop. 20,485 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Coal and 
iron working. 

Alfreton and Belper Journal, 1870 

ALNWICK (Northumberland). Pop. 
6,991. Market, Mon. Indus. : 
Agriculture, coal-mining, quar- 
rying, brewing, and tobacco 

tAlnwick & County pases ane 
Guardian, 1854 

ALTON (Hants). Pop. 5,580. Market, 
Tues. Indus. : Brewing, paper 
making, iron-working, and 

Alton Mail (Farnham) 
{Hampshire Herald, 1885 

A suburb of 

ALTRINCHAM (Cheshire). 
Manchester. Pop. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : 
working, sawmills 

Altrincham, Bowdon, &c. Guar- 
dian (Warrington) 

tAltrincham Advertiser (Stockport) 

AMBLESIDE(Westmorland). Pop. 2,878 
Market, Wed. 
Lake District Herald, 1880 

AMPLEFORTH ( Yorks). Pop. 877. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Ampleforth Journal. 

AMPTHILL (Bedfordshire). Pop. 2,269. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Iron- 
working and brewing. 

{Ampthill News (Bedford) 

ANDOVER (Hants). Pop. 8,569. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Ironworks, 
malting and agriculture. 

tAndover Advertiser, 1854 

ARDINGLY (Sussex). Pop. 
Indus.: Pottery Works. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Ardingly Annals. 


ARMLEY ( Yorkshire). 
tArmley and Wortley News, 1889 

ARUNDEL (Sussex). Pop. 2,741. Mar- 
ket, altern. Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

{West Sussex Gazette, 1853 

ASHBOURNE (Derby). Pop. 4,147. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Cotton 
and lace manufactures, agri- 
culture, and matting. 

Ashbourne Advertiser (Derby). 
Ashbourne News, 1891 . te 
fAshbourne Telegraph, 1903 

Pop. (parish), 

Willing’s Press Guide 

ı ASHBURTON (Devonshire). Pop. 2,362. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Serge 
and Blanket manufacturies ; 
there are breweries, corn-mills, 
umber and paint works. 

tAshburton, &c.,Guardian (Totnes) 

ASHFORD ( Kent). Pop. 14,355. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture; damask, leather, rail- 
way coach factory. 

{Kent Messenger and Ashford 
Examiner (Maidstone) ; 
{Kentish Express, 1855 = 
{Tuesday Express, 1903 ‘ie 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Flower Plants of South Africa. 
{Kent Messenger Directory. 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE (Lancashire). 
Pop. 43,333. Markets, Mon., 
Sat. Indus.: Cotton, dyeing, 
iron, and hat manufacture ; 

Ashton Guardian (Earlestown) .. 
tAshton-under-Lyne Herald, 1889 
eee Reporter, 
tHigh Peak Reporter 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
{Cotton Factory Times. 

ASPLEY GUISE (Bedford). Pop. 1,231. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Scottish Gazette. 
Scottish Law Courts’ Record. 

ATHERSTONE (Warwick). Pop. 5,957. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, hat and hosiery manu- 
facture and mining. 

Atherstone Herald (Tamworth) 
Atherstone News, 1886 . 
{Atherstone Observer (Nuneaton) 

AYLESBURY (Bucks). Pop. 12,114. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Agriculture, condensed milk,- 
straw-plaiting, lace-making 
and silk-weaving. 

Bucks Advertiser, 1836 .. 
{Bucks Herald, 1832 

AYLSHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 2,466. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

tAylsham and ae oe 
(Holt) .. 



Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

Bacup (Lancashire). Pop. 21,256. BARROW-IN-FURNESS (Lancashire). 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Corn Pop. 74,254. Market, Wed. 
mills, iron foundries, cotton- Indus.: Shipping, iron and 
spinning, coal-mining, and steel working, ship-building, 
quarrying. paper and flax works. 

Bacup Chronicle, 1902 (Rawten- {Barrow Guardian, 1910 . 
stall) .. A ies {Barrow News, 1881 a 
{Bacup Times, 1865 54 — {North-Western Daily Mail, 1866 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
BANBURY (Oxford). Pop. 13,347. Barrovian. 

Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 

culture; has foundries and BASINGSTOKE (Hants). Pop. 12,718. 

breweries, manufacturies T Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
o and agricultura culture, Manufactures of Agri- 
{Banbury Advertiser, 1854 — . w Pee Wee 
ian, 1838 4 S &. 
Banbury pean iS {Hants and Berks Gazette, 1878. . 
Bloxhamist. ` 
BATH (Somerset). Possessing noted 
BARKING (Essex). Pop. 35,543. Mar- mineral springs. Pop. 68,648 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Manufactures Market, Wed. Indus.: Free- 
of Jute and Chemicals ; Chalk stone quarrying, cloth-weav- 
Pits. ing, coach-building, and cabi- 
Barking, East Ham, and Ilford net-making. i 
Advertiser, 1888 (Chelmsford) ma PET Chronicle and 
Barking Chronicle, 1910 ae er. . 
3 i tBath Chronicle and Herald, 1757 
BARNARD CASTLE (Durham). Pop. {Bath Observer (Bristol) . 
4,737. Market, Wed. Indus. : Periodicals, &¢.— __ 
Carpet, thread, hats, and coal Bath, &c., Diocesan Directory 
and lead mining. (Wells). l 
Teesdale Mercury, 1854 a Bath, &c., Diocesan Gazette 
BARNES (Surrey). Pop. 34,281. Bath Pictorial. 
tBarnes, &c., Herald (Richmond) Bath Sports Chronicle. 
Periodicals, &c.— Downside Review. 
Dancer. Kingswood Magazine. 
BARNET (Herts). Pop. 11,772. Mar- Post Office Bath Directory. 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, Raven. 
{Barnet Press, 1859 a Sulian. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Freemason’s Chronicle. BATLEY ( Yorks). Pop. 36,351. Indus. : 
Woollens, linen, cloth, iron- 
BARNOLDSWICK ( Yorks). Pop. 11,951. working and quarries. 
Barnoldswick, &c., Pioneer Batley, &c., Free Press, 1898 
(Skipton) = .. . tBatley News, 1879 XA 
Batley Reporter, 1866 
BARNSLEY ( Yorks). Pop. 53,670 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Coal BATTERSEA—see LONDON. 

and iron working, linen-weav- 
ing, wire-drawing, and boot 
paige matinee | BECK Row Ge 
tBarnsley Chronicle, 1858 zi EL A AEN 
Barnsley Independent, 1855 Gamekeeper’s Gazette. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Lodge’s A BC Time Table. BECKENHAM (Kent). Pop. 33,350. 
Beckenham and Kentish Times 
BARNSTAPLE (Devon). Pop. 14,409. (Bromley) 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: {Beckenham and Penge Advertiser 
Shipping, ship-building, agri- (Croydon) 
culture, lace, furniture, and tBeckenham Journal, 1876 
pottery manufacture. 
{North Devon Herald, 1870 = BECONTREE (Essex). 
{North Devon Journal, 1824 .. Becontree Guardian (Ilford), 1923. 



BEDFORD (Bedford). Pop. 40,247. 
Markets, Mor., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Agricultural imple- 
ments, lace, strawplait. 

{Bedford Daily Circular, 1903 .. 

{Bedford Record, 1836 .. i 

{Bedfordshire Standard, 1883 

{Bedfordshire Times, 1845 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Bedford Directory. 




BEDWORTH (Warwick). Pop. (parish), 
11,548. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Ribbon-making and coal- 
mining, Ironworking. 

{Bedworth Guardian (Nuneaton) 
Bedworth Observer (Nuneaton). . 

BEESTON ( Notts.) Pop. 12,468. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Ironfounding 
and cycle works; manufactures 
of lace and hosiery. 

Beeston Gazette (Nottingham) .. 

BELPER (Derby). Pop. 12,125. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Ironworks 
and Textile Manufactures. 

{Belper News, 1896 (Chesterfield). 

BERKELEY (Gloucestershire). Pop. 790. 
Market, Monthly Ist Wed. 
{Berkeley Gazette (Dursley) 

BERKHAMSTED (Herts). Pop. 7,295. 
Market, Alt.-Wed. Indus. : 
Chemicals, strawplaiting, 
brushes and fancy wooden 

Berkhamsted Gazette, 1904 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Berkhamsted Directory. 
Chronicle of the Berkhamsted 
Girls’ School. — 


BERWICK-ON- TWEED (Northumber- 
land). Pop. 12,994. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping, fishing, 
artificial manure manufactur- 
ing, agricultural implements, 
cycle works,and iron-founding. 
Berwick Advertiser, 1808 
Berwick Journal, 1855 . 
Berwickshire Advertiser, 1893 . 
Berwickshire News, 1869 

BEVERLEY (Yorks). Pop. 13,469. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
tural implement manufacture, 
iron ship-building and tanning. 

Beverley Guardian, 1856 i 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Church Reading Magazine. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

BEXHILL (Sussex). Pop. 20,363. Sea- 
side resort. 
{Bexhill Chronicle, 1887.. zs 
tBexhill Observer, 1896 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bexhill Directory 

BEXLEY HEATH ( Kent). Pop. 21,463. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and Fruit growing. 

{Bexley Heath Observer & ca 
Times, 1867 .. 

BIcESTER (Oxford). Pop. 2,918. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Rope, sack, 
and lace making. 

Bicester Advertiser, 1855 

BIDDULPH (Stafford). Pop.7,936. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Coal and 
iron-stone are extensively 

{Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton) 

BIDEFORD (Devon). Pop. 9,125. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping, ship-building and fishing. 

tBideford, &c., Gazette, 1835 .. 

BIGGLESWADE (Bedford). Pop. 5,396. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, manufactures of 
cycles, thread, and lace. 

{Bedfordshire Express (Hitchin) 
{Biggleswade Chronicle, 1891 .. 
North Beds Courier, 1908 i 

Birston (Staffs). Pop. 27,565. Mar- 
kets, Mon. & Sat. Indus.: 
Hardware, Pottery, iron and 

Bilston & Willenhall Times, 1911 
Bilston Weekly, 1922 

BINGHAM (Notts). 


Pop. 1,576. 
Advertiser, 1907 

BIRKDALE (Lancs). Pop. 18,002. 
Health Resort. Market : Wed. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Herb Doctor. 

BIRKENHEAD (Cheshire). Extensive 
docks, and important cattle 
import. Pop. 145,592. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping, ship-building, and 

{Birkenhead Advertiser, 1853 
{Birkenhead News, 1877 
Wirral Times ; 

Periodicals, ii 




BIRMINGHAM (Warwick). Pop.919,438. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Hardware, cycles, railway car- 
riages and wagons, machinery, 
cutlery, arms, buttons, jewel- 
lery, toys, and metal work of 
every description. 

Birmingham Free Press, 1926. 
{Birmingham Gazette, 1741 
Birmingham Mail, 1870 
{Birmingham News, 1880 
Birmingham Post, 1857 ; 
Birmingham Weekly Post, 1825 
tEvening Dispatch, 1891 
Hall Green Advertiser, 1929 
Handsworth Herald, 1891 
{Midland Counties Herald, 1836 
{Sunday Mercury and Sonday 
News, 1884. . 
Periodicals, dc. — 
A to Z of the Midland “ Red.” 
Aero Field. 
Annual Report of the Midland 
Daffodil Society. 
Bicycling News. 
Birmingham A B C and Midland 
Counties Time Tables. 
Birmingham A B C Railway 
Rates Book. 
Birmingham, &c., Original Motor 
Bus Guide. 
Birmingham Catholic Magazine. 
Birmingham Catholic News. 
Birmingham Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal. 
Birmingham Medical Review. 
Birmingham Stock Exchange 
Daily Official List. 
Birmingham T.O.S.(Tram, Omni- 
bus & Street) Guide. 

Birmingham University Calendar. 

Bournville Works Magazine. 

British Musician. 

Business Man. 

Cement, Lime and Gravel. 


Christian Advocate. 


Commercial Year Book of Rir- 
mingham Chamber of Com- 

Cornish’sBirmingham YearBook. 

Denham’s Time Tables. 


Evening Despatch Sporting Buff. 

Everybody’s Time Table. 

Good Roads. 

Good Templar’s Watchword. 

Greater Dunlop Gazette. 

Homing Pigeon. 

Institute Magazine. 

Ironmongers’ Weekly. 

Ironmongers’ Weckly Buyers’ 

Jepson’s Mercantile Directory. 

Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 


Juvenile Templar. 

King Edward’s School Chronicle. 

Licensed Trade News. 

Lloyds Directory of Manufac- 
turers, &c. 



O.R. Review. 

Open Door in the Regions 

Proceedings of the Birmingham 
Natural History Society. 

Quarry Managers’ Journal. 

Railway and Shipping Journal. 

Roll Call. 


Sport and Play. 

{Sports Argus. 

Straight Forward. 


Town Crier (Leicester). 

Universal Mercantile Directory. 

University Gazette. 


White and Pike’s Diary. 

White and Pike’s Railway Guide. 

Wright’s Monthly Diary—Rail- 
way Guide. 

BIRSTALL ( Yorkshire). Pop. 7,086. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal . 

{Birstall Herald (Heckmond wike) 
{Birstall News (Batley) 

BIsHop AUCKLAND (Durham). Pop. 

14,294. Markets, Thurs. and 
Sat. Indus.: Coal and iron 

tAuckland Chronicle, 1851 as 
{North Eastern Daily sates 

Periodicals, bo.— 
Sports Gazette (Middlesbrough) 

BIsHOP’s CasTLE (Salop). Pop. 1,268. 

Market, Fri. 
Bishop’s Castle Advertiser 


8,857. Market, Thurs. Indus. : 
Malting, and corn trade. 
Herts and Essex Observer, 1861. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Herts & Essex Observer Year- 
Old Stortfordian. 

BısLey (Surrey). Pop. 955. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
N.R.A. Journal. 
Proceedings of the National Rifle 


BLACKBURN (Lancashire). Pop. 
126,630. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Cotton-spimning, weaving, en- 
gineering, and printing; iron 
and coal yo 

{Blackburn Times, 1 

tNorthern Daily REN 1886: 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Blackburn Catholic News. 

Sports Telegraph. 

Stonyhurst Magazine. 
BLACKLEY (Lancashire). Suburb of 

‘Blackley, & &c., Guardian ( (Middle 

BLACKPOOL (Lancashire). Popular 
watering-place. Pop. 99,640. 
TEAC poo] Gazette ana. Herald, 

Blackpool ‘Times, 1877 . . 
West Lancashire Evening Gaz- 
ette, 1929. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Blackpool Weekly ey oe 

BLackwoop (Monmouth)... Indus. : 
Blackwood weeny seus ae: 


BLAENAVON(Monmouth). Pop.12,470. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coaland 

{Blaenavon ere, Argui kai 
port) .. 

Braypon (Durham). Pop. 33,064. 
Market, Sat. Has sawmills, 
iron foundries, and collieries, 
also manufacturers of bottles, 
chemical manures, &c. 

Blaydon Courier (Consett) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Blaydon-on-Tyne Co-operative 

BiytTH( Northumberland). Pop.31,833. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal- 
mining and exporting, ship- 
building, and agriculture. 

{Blyth News, 1874 

BopMINn (Cornwall). Pop. 5,527. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Manufactures of boots and 
worsted goods. 

tBodmin Guardian 
Cornish Guardian, 1901 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
One and All. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


BoGnor REGIS (Sussex). Popular 
watering-place. Pop. 13,300. 

tArgus (Brighton) 
{Bognor Observer ( Chichester) . a 
tBognor Regis Post, 1922. 

Bo.ton (Lancashire). Pop. 178,678. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
Cotton-spinning, bleaching, 
iron founding,and coal-mining. 

tBolton Evening News, 1867 .. 

{Bolton Journal, 1859 .. af 

Bolton Standard, 1923 ii 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Bolton Catholic Herald. 

Bolton Co-operative Record. 

Bolton Public Libraries Annual 

Evening News Buff. 




Tillotsons Bolton Directory. 

BOOTLE (Lancashire). Pop. 76,508. 
Indus. : Ironfounding,shipping, 

Bootle Herald (Waterloo) 7 
{Bootle Times, 1876 ie ie 

BoscomBE (Hampshire). (See Bourne- 

Boston (Lincoln). Pop. 16,100. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping trade, ship- -building, 
seed-crushing, machinery, and 
tobacco and leather manufac- 

{Boston and Pincus seal 
dard, 1878 .. 

tBoston Guardian, 1854 

Lincolnshire Standard, 1878 

Boston Spa ( Yorkshire). Pop. 1,278. 
Fashionable watering- -place. 
{Boston Spa News (Wetherby) 

BouRNEMOUTH (Hants). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 91,770. 
tBournemouth Daily Echo, 1900 
{Bournemouth Times and poe 
tory, 1858 ; 
Periodicals, d&c. — 
Bournemouth A B C Railway 
Bournemouth Amusements. 
Bournemouth, &c., Graphic. 
Bournemouth Weekly Diary of 
Coming Events. 
Bournemouth What’s On Guide. 
Football Echo. 
Russell’s Pocket A BC Rail- 
way Guide for Bournemouth. 
Showers of Blessing. 


Bowes Park (Middlesex). 
Bowes Park Weekly News. 

BRACKLEY (Northampton). Pop.2,373. 
Indus. : Brewing, manufactur- 
ers of boots and lace. 

Brackley Advertiser, 1921 

BRADFIELD (Berks). Pop. 1,654. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Bradfield College Chronicle. 

BRADFORD (Yorks). Pop. 285,979. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus. : 
Wool and worsted manufac- 
tures ; iron and stone working. 

{Bradford Telegraph aa Argus, 

Yorkshire Observer, 1834 

tYorkshire Observer Budget, 1869 

Yorkshire Sports, 1900 

Periodicals, do 

Belle Vue Magazine. 

“ Bob Stubbs’,” &c., Awmynack. 

Bradford A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) . 

Bradford & West Riding A B C 
Railway Guide (Leeds) 

Bradford Catholic Herald 

Bradford Chamber of Trade 

Bradford Exchange Directory 

Bradford Gazette. 

Bradford Labour Record. 

Bradford Pioneer. 

Bradford Post Office Directory. 


Brear’s Monthly Guide 

Dog World 

Fur and Feather. 

John Hartley’s Original Clock 


Journal of the Society of Dyers 
and Colourists. 


Textile Argus. 

Wool Chart (Weekly). 

Wool Record. 

sex). Markets, Tues., Fri. 
a a and Chiswick Times, 
evoun'y of Middlesex Independent, 

BRENTWOOD (Essex). Pop. 6,870. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Brentwood, &c., Gazette, 1919 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Brentwood, &c., Directory. 
Essex Regiment Gazette. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

BrEWwooD (Staffordshire). Pop. 2,578. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Brewood Courier (Cannock) 

BRIDGNORTH (Salop). Pop. 5,143. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
exporting and weaving. 

{Bridgnorth Journal, 1854 

BRIDGWATER(Somerset). Pop. 15,968. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, bath-brick making, and 

tAvalon Independent (Bridgwater) 

{Bridgwater Independent 1871 .. 
Bridgwater Mercury, 1855. 
Somerset County Express, 1887. 

BRIDLINGTON ( Yorks). Favourite sea- 
side resort. Pop. 22,768. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Iron, 
Coasting and agriculture. 

Bridlington Chronicle, 1897 
{Bridlington Free Press, 1859 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Waddington’s Bridlington Year 
Book (York) 

BriDPorT (Dorset). Pop. 5,910. Mar- 
kets, Wed.,Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping, ship-building, agricul- 
ture, and twine and net- 

{Bridport News, Dorset, Devon, 
and Somerset Advertiser, 1855. 

BRIERFIELD (Lancs). Pop. 8343. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 

Brierfield Leader (Nelson) 

BRIERLEY HILL (Staffordshire). Pop. 
12,484. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Has brickworks, potteries, 
glassworks, and collieries. 
{County Advertiser, 1853 

BRIGG (Lincolnshire). 
Market, Thurs. 
{Lincolnshire Star, 1889.. 

Pop. 3,306. 

BRIGHOUSE (Yorks). Pop. 20,277. 
Manufactures: Cotton, silk, 
wire, and woollens; coal- 

{Brighouse and Elland Echo, 1866 
Brighouse Free Press, 1898 oe 

BRIGHTLINGSEA (Essex). Pop. 4,495. 
Indus.: Boat-building, oyster 

Brightlingsea,&c.,Times (Clacton) 
Brightlingsea News (Clacton) .. 



Provincial] Willing’s 

BRIGHTON (Sussex). Seaside resort. 
Pop. 142,427. Markets., Tues., 
Thurs. and Sat. 

Brighton and Hove Herald, 1806. 

{Brighton Standard and Fashion- . 

able Visitors’ List, 1858 
tEvening Argus, 1880 .. 
{Southern Weekly News, 1876 
{Sussex Daily News, 1868 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Brighton, Hove, &c., Blue Book. 
Brighton College Magazine. 
Brighton Season. 

Missionary Graphic. 
Red Time Table. 

Bristol is the commercial 
centre for theWest of England 
and South Wales; Clifton, a 
picturesque suburb and 
fashionable health resort. Pop.: 
(Bristol) 377,061. (Clifton), 
15,968. Market,Thurs. Indus.: 
Shipping trade with West 
Indies, America, Ireland, &c., 
ship-building ; boot and shoe, 
cloth, leather, glass, sugar, 
and tobacco manufacture; 

{Bristol Evening News, 1877 

Bristol Guardian and Gazette | 

‘Bristol Observer, 1859 .. 
{Bristol Times, 1713 i 
EES and Redland Free Press, 
tEvening Times and Echo, 1901. 
tEvening World .. . 
Horfield, &c., Record .. 
tNorth Somerset Gazette, 1912 . 
South Bristol Free Press.. 

aouh, Gloucestershire Gazette, 

t Western Daily Press, 1858 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Anglican Third Order Quarterly. 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol Channel 
Tide Table. 

Arrowsmith’s Railway Guide. 

Bristol A B C Railway Guide. 

Bristol A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) 

British Advertiser (Leicester). 

Bristol Catholic Herald (Cardiff). 

Bristol Diocesan Review. 

Bristol Grammar School 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Jour- 

British Journal of Surgery. 

Cancer Review. 


Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs’ 
Society Herd Book. 

Press Guide [Towns 


Glovers’ Inklings. 

Handy A BC Railway Guide. 

Irish Endeavourer. 

Medical Annual and _ Practi- 
tioners’ Index. 

Monthly Journal of the Bristol, 
&c., Chambers of Commerce 


Proceedings of the Bristol Natu- 
ralists’ Society. 

Retail Newsagent. 

{Sports News. 

Transactions of the Bristol and 
Gloucestershire Archeological 
Society (Gloucester). 

Universities Review. 

University of Bristol Calendar. 

Western Temperance Herald. 

Wright’s Railway Time Tables. 

Year’s Work in Classical Studies. 

BRIXHAM (Devonshire). Pop. 7,782. 
Indus.: Fishing and Ship- 

+Brixham, &c.,Guardian (Totnes) 


BROADSTAIRS (Kent). Pop. 15,465. 
Seaside Resort. 

Broadstairs and St. Peter's Ad- 

vertiser and Echo, 1907 SA 

Prono anI and St. Peter's Mail, 


BROMLEY (Kent). Pop. 35,070. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 

{Bromley and Kentish Times, 1884 
{Bromley Mercury, 1865. 
Periodicals, be 
Bromley Local Guide and Adver- 
tiser. | 

BROMSGROVE (Worcester). Pop. 9,449. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures : 
Salt, nails, clothes, and buttons. 
tBromsgrove, &c., Weekly ea 
senger, 1860 
Periodicals, bes 

BromyarD (Hereford). Pop. 1,573. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, hop-growing, tanning, 
and cider-making. 

Bromyard News and Record, 1883. 

BRUTON (Somerset). Pop. 1,724. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Sexey’s, School, Magazine. 



BUCKFASTLEIGH (Devonshire). Pop. 
2,265. Indus.: Has manufac- 
tures of blankets and serges. 

tBuckfastleigh, aa Guardian 
(Totnes) A p "e 

BucxHuRrsT HILL (Essex). Pop. 5,007. 
a Hill Advertiser Lough- 

ton ; A 
Buckhurst Hill Express Leyton- 


BUCKINGHAM (Bucks). Pop. 3,059. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 

Buckingham Advertiser, 1853 .. 

Pop. 3,962. Seaside resort. 
Bude and Stratton Post (Laun- 
ceston) . 
Bude and Stratton Weekly News 


BULWELL ( Nottingham). Pop. 18,509. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal- 
mines and quarries. 

Bulwell Local News (Nottingham) 

BUNTINGFORD (Herts). Pop. 4,926. 
Indus.: Malt, leather, agri- 

Buntingford, &c., Gazette, 1923.. 

BURNHAM (Bucks). Pop. 4,113. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

BURNHAM (Somerset). Pop. 5,569. 
Seaside Resort. Indus. : Fish- 
ing, brick and tile making, and 

{Burnham Gazette, 1864 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and 


3,433. Indus. : Oyster fishing, 
boat building, and sail-making. 

Burnham-on-Crouch Advertiser, 
1904 .. is Ss og 

BuRNLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 103,175. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: 
Cotton fabrics, machinery, 
iron-working and coal-mining. 

Burnley Express, 1852 
{Burnley News, 1863 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Burnley Catholic News. 
Burnley Corporation Year Book. 
Horticultural Trade Journal. 

BuRNT Oak (Middlesex). A growing 
district of Greater London. 

Burnt — Bee (Golders 

Green) . = s 

Willing’s Press Guide 

BURTON-ON-TRENT (Stafford). Pop. 
48,927. Markets, Thurs., Sat. 
Indus.: Brewing, iron manu- 
factures, &c. 

Burton Daily Mail, 1898. . 

{Burton Observer, 1898 . 

{Burton-on-Trent Chronicle, 1860 

seer oe pent Evening again 
Periodicals, Vee 

Burton Football Gazette. 

Burton Football Mail. 

Bury (Lancashire). Pop. 56,426. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton. 
woollen stuffs, paper and 
machinery, iron and coal work- 

{Bury Guardian, 1857 
{Bury Times, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Bury Co-operative Society Quar- 
terly Review. 

Bury St. EDMUNDS (Suffolk). Pop. 
15,941. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

{Bury and Norwich Post, 1782 
{Bury Free Press, 1855 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Suffolk Sheep Society Flock 

Buxton (Derby). Famous mineral 
springs. Pop. 15,651. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Limestone quarry- 
ing and lime-making. 
{Buxton Advertiser, 1852 
Buxton Herald, 1842 
{High Peak News 

CADISHEAD—( Lancashire). 

tCadishead and Irlam Toara; 
(Warrington) .. 

CAERLEON (Monmouth). Pop. 2,285. 
Indus.: Slate, &c. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Baptist Record. 
CALLINGTON (Cornwall). Pop. 1,636. 
Market, Wed. 
Callington and Gunns Pos, 

(Launceston) . 

CAMBERLEY (Surrey). Pop. 900. 
Camberley News (Aldershot) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Bee World. 
Owl Pie. 
Royal Military College Magazine 
and Record. 




— a r- 


CAMBORNE (Cornwall). Pop. 14,582. 
Market Sat. Indus.: Tin, 
copper and lead mines. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Camborne School of Mines Maga- 

CAMBRIDGE (Cambridge). University 
town. Pop. 59,262. Markets, 
Mon. (Cattle). Wed., Sat. In- 

dus.: Agriculture. 
{Cambridge Chronicle, 1744 .. 
{Cambridge Daily News, 1888 .. 
Pamondge. Independent Press, 
Cambridge Review, 1879 os 
venricee University Reporter, 

Periodicals, &¢.— 



Cambridge Gownsman. 

Cambridge Inter Collegiate Chris- 
tian Union Magazine. 

Cambridge Sporting News. 

Cambridge Street and General 

Cambridge University Agricul- 
tural Societv Magazine. 

Cambridge University Medical 
Society Magazine. 

Christ’s College Magazine. 

English Language, &c., Annual 
Biography, &c. 


I.R.J. Transactions. 

Journal of the National Institute 
of Agricultural Botany. 

Ley’s Fortnightly. 

Magdalene College Magazine. 

Messenger of Mathematics. 


Pentecostal Power. 

Proceedings of the Cambridge 
Philosophical Society. 

Shorthand Teacher’s Magazine, 

Transactions of the Cambridge 

Philosophical Society. 

CAMELFORD (Cornwall). Pop. 7,730. 
Market, Fri. 
rer eta &c., Guardian (Bod- 
min a 
Camelford and ` Delabole Post 
(Launceston) .. 
Camelford, &c., Weekly News 


CANNOCK (Stafford). Pop. 32,321. In- 
dus.: Coal-mining. 
{Cannock Advertiser, 1878 be 
Cannock Chase Courier, 1889 

Willing’s Press Guide 

CANTERBURY (Kent). Pop. 23,738. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Hop- 
growing and agriculture. 

Kent Herald, 1768 A 

{Kentish Gazette, &c., 1717 

{Kentish Observer, 1832. 
Periodicals, &c. 

Canterbury, &c., Blue Book 


Canterbury Diocesan Calendar. 

Canterbury Diocesan Gazette. 



Canvey IsLanp (Essex). 
Canvey News (Southend), 1928 .. 

CARLISLE (Cumberland). Pop. 52,600. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Manufacture of cotton, tweeds, 
hats, biscuits, ironwork, calico- 

{Carlisle Journal, 1798 .. 

{Cumberland Evening News, 1914 

{Cumberland News, 1815 ’ 

Periodicals, &¢.— 



Carlisle, &c., Motor Bus Time 

Carlisle Diocesan Calendar. 

Carlisle Diocesan Gazette. 

Thurnam’s A BC Rail Guide. 

Thurnam’s General Railway 

CARNFORTH (Lancashire). Pop. 3,247. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron- 

{Carnforth News (Barrow) 

CATERHAM (Surrey). Pop. 11,782. 
{Caterham Weekly Press (Redhill) 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Caterham District Directory 
Caterham School Magazine. 


CHARD (Somerset). Pop. 4,322. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Lace- 
. making, and agriculture. 

Siau. and Ilminster NEWB, Spr is 

East ‘Deion News 

CHATHAM (Kent). Royal dockyard ; 
naval and military station. 
Pop. 42,665. Indus. : Shipping 
and ship-building; cement and 
bricks ; agriculture. 

+Chatham, pocheaet, &c., News, 

anan Rochester, &e. 7 Ob- 
server, 1870 .. ei 
North-East Kent Times, 11900 


Pop. 1,795. 


Periodicals, &c.— 
Royal Engineers’ Journal. 

CHATTERIS (Cambridge). Pop. 5,086. 

Market, Fri. Indus. : Brewing. 

Chatteris, &c., Advertiser (March) 
CHEAM (Surrey) see SUTTON. 

CHEDDAR (Somerset). Pop. 2,007. 
Cheddar Valley Gazette, 1906 .. 

CHELMSFORD (Essex). Pop. 20,761. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture; has manufactures of 
electrical apparatus and agri- 
cultural implements. 

tEssex Chronicle, 1764 

{Essex Herald, 1800 

{Essex Newsman, 1870 .. 

{Essex Weekly News, 1862 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle 

(Earls Colne) 
Essex Farmers Journal 

CHELTENHAM (Gloucester). Pop. 
48,444. Markets, Thurs. and 
Sat. A fashionable health re- 
sort, with mineral springs, 
proprietary colleges, coal and 
{Cheltenham Chronicle, 1809 
{Gloucestershire Echo, 1873 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Cheltenham Ladies’ College 
Schools of England. 
CHEPSTOW (Monmouth). Pop. 5,144. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

Shipping, salmon fishery, and 

{Chepstow Weekly Argus (New- 
port) .. T p sa 

CHERTSEY (Surrey). Pop. 15,123. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 
{Surrey Herald, 1892 

CHESHAM( Bucks). Pop. 8,584. Indus. : 
{Bucks Examiner, 1889 .. 

CHESTER (Cheshire). Pop. 40,794. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, lead works, railway car- 
riage works, boot - making, 
tobacco-manufacture, machin- 
ery, chemicals, seed, cabinet 
and furnishing works. 

{Cheshire Observer, 1851 

tChester Chronicle, 1775 si 
tChester Courant, 1730 os 
{Chester Guardian (Warrington) 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Chester Diocesan Calendar. 
Chester Diocesan Gazette. 
Chester Directory of Trades, Pro- 

fessions and Gentry. 
Franciscan Annals. 
Have Mynde. 
King’s School Magazine. 
Phillipson & Golder’s Chester, 
&c., Railway Guide. 
Publications of the Flintshire 
History Society. 

CHESTERFIELD (Derby). Pop. 61,236. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Lace, 
silk, and cotton manufacture 

{Derbyshire Times, 1828 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Derbyshire Times Time Table. 

15,594. Indus. : Coal and iron 

{Chester-le-Street Chronicle, 1911 

CHICHESTER (Sussex). Pop. 12,410. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

{Argus a es sâ g 
Chichester, &c., Post (Bognor) 
{Chichester Observer, 1872 - si 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Chichester Diocesan Gazette. 
Chichester Diocesan Kalendar 
Southdown Flock Book. 

CHIGWELL (Essex). Pop. 2,943. 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

CHINGFORD (Essex). Pop. 9,481. 
Chingford, &c., Express (Leyton- 


CHIPPING SODBURY (Gloucester) Pop. 
952. Market, Alt.-Tues. 
+Chipping Sodbury Gazette (Durs- 

ey) oc sa 
CHISLEHURST (Kent). Pop. 8,980. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

t Chislehurst, &c., Times (Sidcup) 

CHORLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 30,576. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Cotton- 
spinning, railway wagon buil- 
ding, coal mines and iron- 

Chorley Guardian, 1871 
{Chorley Weekly News, 1864 



Provincial] Willing’s 

CHRISTCHURCH (Hants). Pop. 6,991. 
Indus.: Shipping and Manu- 
facture of Hosiery. 

Christchurch Times, 1855 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

CHUDLEIGH (Devon). Pop. 1,869. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

spon Devon Weekly Express, 

CHURCH STRETTON (Salop). Pop. 1,671. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Ag- 

{Church Stretton Advertiser 
(Ludlow) be ae k 

CINDERFORD (Gloucester). Pop. (ecles. 
parish), 3,399. Market, Sat. 
Indus. : Iron and coal working 
and mining ; agriculture. 

{Dean Forest Mercury, 1881 

CIRENCESTER (Gloucester). Pop. 7,408. 

Market, Mon. Indus.: Agricul- 

{Wilts and Gloucestershire Stan- 
dard, 1837. 

CLACTON (Essex). Seaside resort. Pop. 
Clacton Graphic, 1877 .. 
{Clacton Times, 1913 .. 
East Essex Advertiser, 1889 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Clacton ‘‘ What’s On ? ”’ 


CLECKHEATON (Yorks). Pop. 12,876. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures: 
Woollen goods and worsteds. 

{Cleckheaton Advertiser (Heck- 
mondwike) ʻi 

Cleckheaton Guardian, | 1867 

CLEVEDON (Somerset). Fashionable 
seaside resort. Market, Sat. 
Pop. 6,726. 
{Clevedon Mercury, 1860 


CLITHEROE (Lancashire). Pop. 12,204. 
Market, Sat. Cotton Industry. 
eee noverneer aR Ties; 

1 ee 

COALVILLE (Leicestershire). Pop. 
20,468. Market, Fri. 
Coalville Times, 1892 .. 

COCKERMOUTH (Cumberland). Pop. 
4,845. Market, Mon. Indus.: 
Woollen trade. 

{West Cumberland Times, 1874 .. 

Press Guide [Towns 

COLCHESTER (Essex). Military centre 
for the Eastern District. Pop. 
43,337. Market, Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Jron-works, boots and 
shoes, and clothing. 

{Colchester Gazette, 1814 Ppa 

{Essex County Standard, 1831 .. 

{Essex County Telegraph, 1858 .. 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Benham’s Colchester, &c., Al- 

Business Ideas. 

County Telegraph Handbook. 

Essex Archzological Society’s 

Essex Review. 

Quarterly Jottings from the New 

Transactions of the Essex 
Archeological Society. 

COLEFORD (Gloucester). Pop. 2,781. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Iron 
and coal working. 

{Dean Forest Guardian, 1874 

COLESHILL (Warwickshire). Pop. 
3,177. Market, Wed. 
{Coleshill Chronicle, 1874 

CoLNE (Lancashire). Pop. 24,755. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Cotton 

Colne and Nelson Times, 1874 .. 
{Colne Valley ae 1896 
(Slaithwaite) Ea 

CONGLETON (Cheshire). Pop. 11,764. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Silk- 
weaving and cotton-spinning. 

{Congleton Chronicle, 1855 
{Congleton Guardian (Warrington) 
{Congleton Times (Macclesfield) 

ConsETT (Durham). Pop. 12,151. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working. 

Consett Guardian, 1860 

CosHaM (Hants). Pop. 138. Indus. : 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Naval Engineering Review. 
Popular Writing. 
Royal Army Ordnance Corps 

CouULSDON (Surrey). Pop. (with 
Purley) 21,493. 
Coulsdon and ‘Purley weenty He 
cord, 1912 Da 

COVENTRY (Warwick). Pop. 128,205. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Ribbon, 
silk, woollen, and cotton 
machinery, art metal, bicycle, 
and watch manufacture. 




Coventry Chronicle (Nuneaton) 
{Coventry Herald, 1808 . s% 
{Coventry Standard, 1741 : 
{Midland Daily Telegraph, 1891 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Age of Plenty. 


Coventry A BC Railway Rates 

Book (Birmingham). 

Coventry Engineering Society 

Coventry Stock and Share List. 

Hill’s A B C Coventry Time Table. 

Midland Daily Telegraph Coven- 
try A BC Time Table. 

Monthly Review. 

Reader’s Bulletin. 

CRANLEIGH (Surrey). Pop. 3,746. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

CRAYFORD (Kent). Pop. 11,924. In- 
dus.: Gun and ammunition 
works, calico and felt carpet 
printing works, and silk and 
Brussels carpet manufacturers. 

{Crayford Chronicle, 1915 

CREDITON (Devon). Pop. 3,502. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agriculture. 
{Crediton Chronicle (Tiverton) 

CREWE (Cheshire). Pop. 46,477. In- 
dus.: L.M.S. Railway Works. 
tCrewe, &c., Observer. 
{Crewe Chronicle (Chester) 
tCrewe Guardian (Warrington). . 

CREWKERNE (Somerset). Pop. 3,703. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Sailcloth, 
sacking, and stockings. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
County Mail and Business Magnet. 


CROMER (Norfolk). Pop. 5,435. Sea- 
side resort. 
{Cromer and North pneu pest 
(Holt) : 

CROMPTON (Lancs). Pop. 14,930. 
Indus. : Coaland cotton. 
Crompton, &c., Guardian, 1929.. 

Pop. 5,846. 

Crowborough, &c., 
(Brighton) oe 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Rhode Island Red Gazette. 

CROWLE (Lincoln). Pop. 3,010. Mar- 

ket, Fri. Indus.: Flax, brick 
making, brewing and agricul- 

Crowle Advertiser, 1871 

Willing’s Press Guide 

CROYDON (Surrey). Pop. 190,877. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Agriculture and boot manu- 

tCroydon Advertiser, 1869 
Croydon Times, 1860 . 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Croydon Directory. 

Journal of Comparative Patho- 

Proceedings and Transactions of 
the Crovdon Natural History, 
&c., Society (Kenley). 

Readers’ Index. 


Swimming Times. 


DAGENHAM (Essex). Pop. 9,127. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Dagenham Post (Ilford), 1924 .. 

DALTON (Lancashire). Pop. 12,303. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Iron and 
Stone working. 
ages aS (Barrow-in-Fur- 

{Dalton News (Barrow-in-Furness) 

DARLINGTON (Durham). Pop. 65,866. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Woollen stuffs, flax, 
cotton, and iron. 

{Darlington, &c., Times, 1847 .. 
tNorthern Despatch, 1914 
{Northern Echo, 1869 .. 
pecs and Weardale News, 

ee pies 
Darlington Business Directory. 
Northern Echo Football Guide. 
Northern Echo Xmas Budget. 
Reid’s Darlington Diary (New- 
Sports Despatch. 
Ward’s Directory of Darlington, 
&c. (Newcastle). 

DARTFORD ( Kent). Pop. 26,005. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures : Gun- 
powder, paper, silk, and 

{Dartford Chronicle and Kentish 
Times, 1869 .. oe 
{West Kent Advertiser, 1876 

DARTMOUTH (Devon). Call port for 
mail steamers, and _ coaling 
station. Pop. 7,201. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Ship-building, and 
engineering works. 

Dartmouth Chronicle, 1854 
{Dartmouth western mardan 



P rovincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

DARWEN (Lancashire). Pop. 37,913. 
Indus. : Cotton-spinning, paper- 
making, mining, &c. 
{Darwen News, 1868 .. 
Darwen Weekly Advertiser, 1893 

DAVENTRY (Northampton). Pop. 
3,530. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Shoemaking and agriculture. 

Daventry Express, 1860 

DawLısHn (Devon). Fashionable 
marine resort. Market, Thurs. 
Pop. 4,672. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and fishing. i 

Dawlish Gazette, 1897 

DEAL ( Kent). Favourite marine resort. 

Pop. 12,990. Markets, Tues., 

Sat. Indus.: Shipping, boat- 

building, and fishing. 
en meee &c., Mercury, 

Deal mae and East Kent Adver- 
tiser, 1892 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Deal, Walmer, &c., Directory. 
Minerva Railway Guide for Deal. 

DENHAM (Bucks). Pop. 1,498. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Central Literary Magazine. 


DERBY (Derby). Pop. 129,836. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Iron- 
foundries and railway works ; 
silk, elastic web, and porcelain 

TR ang Chesterfield Beno, 

‘bey Daily Express, 1884 

tDerby Daily Telegraph, 1879 

Derbyshire Advertiser, 1846 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Derby A B C Railway, &c., 

Derby Co-operative Society Re- 

Derbyshire Cricket Guide. 
Derbyshire Football Express. 
Derbyshire Hockey Handbook. 
Mining Electrical Engineer. 
Temperance Bells. 

DEREHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 2,343. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and Manufactures of 
Farm Implements. 

tDereham, &c., Times (Norwich) 

DEVIZES (Wilts). Pop. 6,022. Market. 
Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Devizes and Wiltshire peusriiaes 
1857 e¢ 
t Wiltshire Gazette, 1816 
{Wiltshire Telegraph, 1877 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Wiltshire Archeological Maga- 

DEVONPORT (Devon). A Royal dock- 
yard. Pop. 81,678. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping and ship-building. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Devonport High School Maga- 
Three Towns Almanack. 

DEWSBURY ( Yorks). Pop. 54,165. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures : Carpets, woollens, and 

Dewsbury District News, 1854.. 
{Dewsbury Reporter, 1858 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Dewsbury Exchange, &c., Year 
Book (Leeds). 

Diss (Norfolk). Pop. 3,513. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Brush and mat- 
ting making; agriculture. 

{Diss Express, 1864 nee 

DONCASTER (Yorks). Pop. 54,052. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: L.N.E. 
Railway works; agriculture. 

t{Doncaster, &c., Advertiser 
tDoncaster Chronicle, 1836 
Doncaster Free Press, 1925. 
{Doncaster Gazette, 1786 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Doncaster Year Book. 
Hill’s A B C Time Table. 

DORCHESTER (Dorset). Pop. 9,554. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

Dorset County Chronicle, 1821 
Dorset Mail, 1855 sy ae 

DORKING (Surrey). Pop. 8,058. Mar- 
ket, Mon. 
{Dorking, &c., Advertiser (Red- 

Periodicals, &¢.— , 
Dorking, &c., Directory (Red- 

DovER (Kent). Continental packet 
station, fashionable watering 
place, and military depot. 
Pop. 39,985. Markets, Tues., 
Thurs., Sat. Indus. : Shipping; 
sail, rope, and paper making ; 
steam-packet works. 

Dover Express and East Kent 
News, 1858 .. Bye 
{Dover Standard, 1872 



Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Chemical Engineering. 
Chronicle of the Duke of York’s 
Royal Military School. 

Dover, &c., Blue Book (Brighton). 




St. George’s Gazette. 

DRIFFIELD ( Yorks). Pop. 5,674. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Linseed-cake, cattle food, flour, 
sewing-machines, and artificial 

Driffield and Buckrose Mail, 1924 
Driffield Times, 1860 .. . 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Leicester Sheep Society’s Flock 

DROITWICH (Worcester). Pop. 4,588. 
Market, Fri. 
Droitwich Guardian, 1883 

DROYLSDEN (Lancashire). Pop. 13,877. 

Indus.: Manufactures of cotton 
and chemicals. 
tDroylsden, &c., Herald ee 

under- -Lyne). ee 

DuDLEY (Worcester). Pop. 55,908. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working. 

Dudley Chronicle, 1885. 
Dudley Herald, 1855 

DUKINFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 19,493. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Coal 
and cotton. 

{Dukinfield Horae ARo abc 

DUNSTABLE (Bedford). Pop. 8,894. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Straw- 
plaiting and agriculture. 

Dunstable Borough Gazette, 1865 

DuRHAM (Durham). University city. 
Pop. 17,329. Market, Sat. In- 
dus.: Iron and coal working ; 
carpet, woollen manufactures. 

tDurham Chronicle, 1820 ; 
tDurham County Advertiser, 1814 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Durham City Year Book. 
Durham Diocesan Calendar. 
Durham University Journal. 
Reid’s Durham Diary, &c. (New- 


University of Durham Calendar. 
University of Durham Gazette. 
University of Durham Journal. 
Ushaw Magazine. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

DuRSLEY (Gloucester). Pop. 2,792. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Cycle manufacture and agri- 
{Dursley Gazette, 1878 .. 
South Gloucestershire Chronicle 

EALING (Middlesex). Pop. 67,753. 
{Middlesex County Times, 1842 .. 
{West Middlesex Gazette, 1894 .. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Coming Events in Ealing, &c. 
Devonian Year Book. 

EARLESTOWN (Lancashire)—see New- 

EASINGWOLD (Yorks). Pop. 2,045. 
Indus.: Manufactures of Rope 
and Steel. Market, Fri. 

Easingwold Advertiser, 1892 

EAST GRINSTEAD (Sussex). Pop. 7,319. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agri- 

{Argus ‘3 ex si fs 

East Grinstead ase a 1881 

(Lewes) site 

Kent & Sussex ` Courier (Tun- 

bridge Wells). 

East Ham (Essex). Pop. 143,304. 
East Ham Echo, 1895. 
{East Ham Express (Stratford). 
South Essex Mail.. i i 

EASTBOURNE (Sussex). Favourite sea- 
side resort. Pop. 62,030. In- 
dus. : Fishing and Agriculture. 

tArgus ; 
Eastbourne ‘Chronicle, 1856 
{Eastbourne Courier, 1923 
{Eastbourne Gazette, 1856 
Eastbourne Herald, 1919. 
Visitor, 1874 as 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Eastbourne, &c., Blue Book 
Eastbourne Pictorial. 
Old Eastbournian. 
Transactions, &c., of the East- 
bourne Natural History, 

&c., Society. 
EASTCHURCH (Kent). Pop. 1,141. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

EASTLEIGH (Hants). Pop. 15,617 
tEastleigh Weekly News, 1892 .. 

Fastwoop (Notts). Pop. 5,074. In- 
dus. : Coal-mines. 
Eastwood, &c., Advertiser, 1894 



Willing’s Press Guide 


EBBwW VALE (Monmouth). Pop. 35,383. 

Market, Sat. Coal and iron 

tEbbw Vale bihiaed means ARNS 
port) .. 

EccLeEs (Lancashire). Pop. 44,327. 
Indus.: Coal-working, silk, 
cotton and iron manufactures. 

tEccles, &c., Journal (Bolton) .. 
Eccles, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Eccles Co-operative Record. 

EcCLESHALL (Staffordshire). 
Indus. Agriculture. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Eccleshall Reminder. 

Pop. 2,890. 
Indus.: Agri-. 

Market, Tues. 

Edenbridge Chronicle (Tonbridge) 

EDGWARE (Middlesex). Pop. 1,516. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Edgware & Mill Hill Times 
Edgware Gazette .. i 
Watling Resident. 


ELLESMERE Port (Cheshire). Pop. 
13,075. Indus.: Shipping. 
Ellesmere Port Advertiser, 1915 

ELMSALL ( Yorks'ire). Pop. 6,492. 
Indus. : Brickmaking. 
{South Elmsall, &c., 
tSouth Elmsall, &c., Times (Mex- 
borough) a 


ELSTREE (Herts). Pop. 2,238. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

ELTHAM (Kent). Pop. 28,308. 
tEltham, &c., Times (Sidcup) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Entomologists’ Record. 
Weekly Summary for the Blind. 

ELY (Cambridge). Pop. 7,690. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and Fruit-growing. 

tEly Guardian (Cambridge) 
tEly Standard (March) 

Periodicals, &c.— 

City of Ely Red Book. 

Ely Diocesan Calendar. 
Ely Diocesan Gazette(Cambridge) 
Transactions of the Cambridge- 
shire, &c., Archeological So- 


EMSWORTH ( Hants). 

dus. : Fishing. 
Hants, &c., County Press, 1895.. 

Pop. 2,320. In- 

Pop. 3,630. 

ENFIELD (Middlesex). Royal Small 
Arms Factory. Pop. 60,743. 
tEnfield Gazette, 1859 .. 
a Weekly orale: (Totten- 
ham) .. 
Periodicals, Le. 
Enfield Opinion. 

EPPING (Essex). Pop. 4,197. Indus.: 

Epping Advertiser (Loughton) zi 

{West Essex Gazette, 1901 T 

Epsom (Surrey). Pop. 18,803. Indus.: 
tEpsom Advertiser (Croydon) 
tEpsom District Times (Redhill) . . 
{Epsom Herald (Sutton) 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

EPWORTH (Lincoln). Pop. 1,822. In- 
dus.: Flax and a ean 
Epworth Bells, Ben 

ERDINGTON (Warwickshire). Pop. 
16,368. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Erdington News (Birmingham). . 

ERITH ( Kent). Pop. 31,568. Indus. : 
Ship-building, iron works, and 
gun factories. 

Erith Observer, 1867 .. 
North Kent Argus, 1920 

EVESHAM (Worcester). Pop. 8,685. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Market 

{Evesham Journal, 1860 
tEvesham Standard, 1888 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Smith’s Household Almanack. 

EXETER (Devon). Pop. 59,608. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
agriculture and iron founding. 

preven and Exeter Daily Gazette, 
{Express and Echo, 1866 
{Western Times, 1827 
Periodicals, &¢.— 


Devon, &c., Notes and Queries. 
Exeter Diocesan Gazette. 
Exeter Diocesan Kalendar. 
Exeter Diocesan Year Book. 
Exeter Post Office Directory. 

Football Express. 

Western Counties Railway Guide. 

EXMOUTH (Devon). Pop. 13,614. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Fishing and 

tExmouth Chronicle, 1882 
{Exmouth Journal, 1858 


FAILSWORTH (Lancashire). Pop. 
16,972. Indus.: Manufactures 
of Cotton and Silk. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Failsworth Co-operative Messen- 


FAKENHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 2,966. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : 

{Fakenham Post (Holt) 

FALMOUTH (Cornwall). Pop. 13,318. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, ship- building and SRE 
{Cornish Echo, 1861 Me i 
t{Lake’s Falmouth Packet, 1855 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Falmouth Directory. 
Falmouth Red Guide. 

FARINGDON (Berks). Pop. 2,758. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

{Faringdon Advertiser, 1855 

FARNBOROUGH ( Hants). Aerodrome, 
Military Depot. Pop. 12,645, 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Farnborough Advertiser. 

FARNHAM (Surrey). Pop. 12,133. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture ; hops. 

tHerald, 1892 T er 
{Surrey and Hants News, 1859 .. 

FARNWORTH (Lancs). Pop. 27,901. 
Indus.: Cotton-spinning and 
coal-mining. Markets, Mon., 

+Farnworth Journal (Bolton) 

FAVERSHAM (Kent). Pop. 10,870. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. In- 
dus.: Shipping, oyster-fishing, 
gunpowder, cement, and brick- 

Faversham, &c., News, 1883 
Faversham Mercury, 1860 

FELIXSTOWE (Suffolk). Pop. 11,655. 
Indus. : Shipping, &c. 
Felixstowe Times (Ipswich) 

FELSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 2,089. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 


FLEETWOOD (Lancs). Pop. 19,448. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Iron and 

tFleetwood Chronicle (Blackpool) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Willing’s Press Guide 

FOLKESTONE ( Kent). Watering place, 
and Continental passage sta- 
tion. Pop. 37,571. Indus.: 
Shipping and fishing. 

tFolkestone, &c., Herald, 1890 
{Folkestone Express, 1868 

Forest GATE (Essex). Pop. 19,445. 
Forest Gate panes (Leyton- 


FORMBY (Lancashire). Pop. 6,319. 
Indus.: Agriculture and Mar- 
ket Gardening. 

{Formby Times, 1895 (Southport) 

FRAMLINGHAM (Suffolk). Pop. (parish) 
2,397. Market, Sat. Indus.: 

Framlingham Weekly News, 1859 

FRINTON (Essex). Pop. 3,037. Seaside 
Frinton and Walton Graphic 
Frinton News (Clacton-on-Sea) . . 
Frinton Times (Clacton-on-Sea) 

FROME (Somerset). Pop. 10,506. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Cloth and silk. 

Somerset Standard, 1855 


' GAINSBOROUGH (Lincoln). Pop. 19,694 

Market, Tues. Indus. : Ship- 
ping and engineering works. 

Gainsborough Evening Newt, 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Belton’s Railway & Motor Bus 
Time Tabte. 

GARSTON (Lancashire). Pop. 28,729. 
Indus.: Imports of copper ore. 

{Garston Weekly News (Widnes). 

GIGGLESWICK (Yorks). Pop. 981. 
Indus.: Slate& Stone Quarries. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Giggleswick Chronicle (Settle). 

GLASTONBURY (Somerset). Pop. 4,326. 
Market, Tues. Indus.:Leather 
manufacture, gloves, shoes, 
and agriculture. 

+Central Somerset Gazette, 1861 

GLossoP (Derby). Pop. 20,528. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Cotton- 
spinning, calico-printing, and 

Glossop Advertiser, 1870 
Glossop Chronicle, 1859 
High Peak Advertiser 
High Peak Chronicle 




GLOUCESTER (Gloucester). Pop. 51,330. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
and agriculture. 
tCitizen, 1876 ae 
{Gloucester Journal, 1722. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Gloucester Co-operative Society 
Gloucester Diocesan Magazine. 
Gloucester Diocesan Year Book. 
Proceedings of the Cotteswold 
Naturalists’ Field Club. 

GODALMING (Surrey). Pop. 9,193. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

GOLBORNE (Lancs). Pop. 7,183. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Coal, paper, 
and cotton. 

Golborne Guardian (Earlestown) 


Periodicals, &c.— 
Marching Orders. 
Threshed Wheat. 
Topical Events. 
Young Folks. 

GOOLE ( Yorks). Pop. 19,118. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Shipping. 
tGoole Journal, 1891 
+Goole Times, 1853 
}Howdenshire Gazette 

GORTON (Lancashire). Pop. 48, 739. 
Indus. : Cotton. 
tGorton, &c., Reporter aad 


GRANGE (Lancashire). 
Seaside Place. 
{Grange and Cartmel Guardian 
(Barrow-in-Furness) .. 
tGrange, &c., News (Barrow-in- 

GRANTHAM (Lincoln). Pop. 18, 902. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, iron-founding and mat- 

{Grantham Journal, 1854 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Harrison’s Almanac. 

Harrison’s Railway & Bus Guide 

GRAVESEND (Kent). Port of call for 
vessels to and from London. 
Pop. 31,137. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Ship provisioning 
and building; rope and sail 
making, fishing and gardening. 

tGravesend, &c., Reporter, 1856. 
{Kent Messenger and Gravesend 
Telegraph (Maidstone) 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
International Directory of Book 

Pop. 2, 920. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Libraries, &c., Year Book. 

GRAYS (Essex). Pop. (parish) 17,364. 
Indus.: Cement, lime, bricks, 

Grays and Tilbury Gazette, 1884 
tThameside Mail, 1924 .. es 

GREENWICH (Kent). Pop. 100,493. 
Royal Observatory. Telegraph 
and Chemical works. 

Kentish Mercury, 1883 . 

South Eastern Ppress 1882 

West Kent Argus.. 

Periodicals, &c.— 


Royal Hospital School, Green- 
wich, Magazine. 

Tin Printer. 

Transactions of the Greenwich, 
&c., Antiquarian Society. 

GRIMSBY (Lincoln). Pop. 82,329. 
Market, Sat. Indus.:Shipping, 
shipbuilding and fishing. 

tGrimsby Daily Telegraph, 1896 . 
tGrimsby News, 1873 ee 
{Saturday Telegraph, 1898 

GUILDFORD (Surrey). Pop. 24,927. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Agri- 

tSurrey Advertiser, 1861 . 

{Surrey Times, 1855 : 
Surrey Weekly Press, 1900 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Golden Bowl. 
Guildford, &c., Outlook. 
Guildford Lasham’s Directory. 
Surrey Archeological Collections. 


HALESWORTH (Suffolk). Pop. 2,059. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 

Halesworth Times, 1855 

HaiFax ( Yorks). Pop. 99,129. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Woollen, 
cotton, worsted, silk, and 
carpet manufacture ; coal and 
iron working, and ee 

{Halifax Courier, 1832 .. : 

{Halifax Daily Courier, 1892 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Hart GreEn—see Birmingham. 

HALSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 5,916. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Manufacture: Crape, 
silk and velvet; and iron 

Halstead Gazette 1857. 


Provincial] Willing’s 
HALTWHISTLE ( Northumberland). Pop. 
4,500. Indus.: Coal and manu- 
factures of baize. 
Haltwhistle Echo, 1901 (Hexham) 

HAMPTON HILL (Middlesex). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

HamPTON WIcK (Middlesex). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Index to the Times. 

HaNDsSwortTH—see Birmingham. 

HANWELL (Middlesex). Pop. 20,485. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

HaRLow (Essex). 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Beekeeping Annual. 
HARPENDEN (Herts). Pop. 6,738. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Annual Report of the Rothamsted 
Experimental Station. 

HARROGATE ( Yorks). Noted mineral 
springs. Pop. 38,938. Markets, 
Tues., Sat. Indus.:Agriculture. 

{Harrogate Advertiser, 1836 
{Harrogate Herald, 1847 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Applied Psychology. 
Harrogate A BC Railway Guide 


Pop. 2,962. Indus. 

Robinson’s Harrogate, &c., Di- 
rectory (Leeds). 
Harrow (Middlesex). Pop. 19,468. 

Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Harrow Observer, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 



Harrow Almanack. 
Harrow Bill Book. 
Harrow Blue Book. 
Harrow Leader 

HARTLAND (Devon). Pop. 1,483. 
Indus.: Agriculture and fishing. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Hartland, &c., Chronicle. 

HARTLEPOOLS (Durham). Pop. 68,689. 
Market, Sat. Indus.:Shipping, 
ship-building, fishing, mining, 
and iron and marine-engine 

tNorthern Daily Mail, 1877 
Periodicals, &c.— 
{Football Mail. 

HarwicuH (Essex). Favourite water- 
ing-place. Pop. 13,036. Indus.: 

Harwich Newsman, 1870 
Harwich Standard, 1877 

Press Guide 

HASLINGDEN (Lancs). Pop. 17,485. 
Indus. : Coal, iron, textiles. 
{Haslingden Guardian (Rawten- 
stall) .. 
t{Haslingden Observer (Accrington) 

Hastincs & St. LEONARDS (Sussex). 
Fashionable seaside residential 

town. Pop. 66,496. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Fishing. 

{ Hastings, &c., Observer, 1865 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hastings, &c., Blue Book 
Hastings, &c., Time Table. 
HAVERHILL (Suffolk). Pop. 4,083. In- 
dus.: Agriculture; manufac- 
tures silk and textile goods. 
Haverhill Weekly News (Cam 
tSouth-West Suffolk Echo, 1888. 

HAWKHURST ( Kent). Pop. (parish) 
3,120. Indus.: Agriculture and 

{Kent and Sussex Post, 1881 

Haypock (Lancs.). Pop. 10,333. 

Indus.: Ironfounding, Mining. 
Haydock Guardian (Earlestown) 
HAYWARDS HEATH (Sussex). Pop. 
5,090. Market, Tues. Indus. : 

{Mid-Sussex Times, 1881 T 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Mid Sussex Directory. 
HEANOR (Derbyshire). Pop. 21,438. 

Indus. : Coal, ironstone. 
Heanor Observer, 1900 .. 

HEATHER (Leicestershire). Pop. 687. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Institute of Commerce Magazine. 

HEBDEN BRIDGE ( Yorks). Pop. 6,459. 
Indus.: Dyeworks and manu- 
factures of textiles. 

a Bridge News r oamor: 
en : 

{Hebden Bridge Times, 1881 

HECKMONDWIKE ( Yorks). Pop. 9,008. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
= Blanket and heavy woollen 
manufacture ; mining. 
tHeckmondwike Herald, 1877 
tHeckmondwike PADOTIEE Row 
bury) .. 

Hednesford Advertiser (Cannock) 
Hednesford Courier (Cannock) .. 

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD (Hertford). Pop. 
13,832. Market, Thurs. Indus. 
Straw-plaiting and paper- 

Hertfordshire, (&c.,, Gazette, 1858 

(Stafford) ‘ Todus : 




HENDON (Middlesex). Pop. 56,014. 
The London Aerodrome is sit- 
uated here. 

Hendon Gazette, 1923 .. 
Hendon Times and Guardian, 1875 

HENLEY-ON-THAMES (Oxford). Pop. 
6,841. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, malting, brewing, 
and boat-building. 

tHenley, &c., Standard, 1879 

HEREFORD (Hereford). Pop. 23,324. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

t Hereford Journal, 1713 
tHereford Times, 1832 — 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hereford ABC Railway Guide. 
Hereford Herd Book. 
Hereford Secondary Boy’s School 

HERNE Bay ( Kent). Pop. 11,872. In- 
dus.: Oyster-dredging, ship- 
ping, and agriculture. 

Herne Bay Guardian, 1925 

Herne Bay Press, 1883 .. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Daily Doings in Herne Bay. 

HERTFORD (Hertford). Pop. 10,712. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Malting 
and agriculture. 

tHertfordshire Mercury, 1772 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Avicultural Magazine. 
Hertford, Ware & District Rail- 
way Guide. 

HexHam (Northumberland). Pop. 
8,849. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Coal mines; Leather and ag- 
riculture. . 
tHexham Courant, 1864 
Hexham Weekly News, 1899 

HEyYwoop (Lancashire). Pop. 26,691. 
Indus.: Cotton and woollen 
manufactures ; Coal mines. 

tHeywood Advertiser, 1855 


HIGHBRIDGE (Somerset). Pop. 2,478. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Engin- 

etieennese Express a 
on- y 
Highbridge Independent '(Bridg- 


HINCKLEY (Leicester). Pop. 13,644. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Shoes, 
stockings, needles. 

tHinckley Echo (Nuneaton) be 
tHinckley Observer (Nuneaton) .. 
Hinckley Times, 1889 .. me 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Catholic Children’s Realm. 
Gas-Fuel, Distribution, Light. 


Hırcuın (Hertford). Pop. 13,535. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Straw- 
plaiting and agriculture. 

tHertfordshire Express, 1855 

HoLLoway—see LONDON. 

HOLMFIRTH ( Yorkshire). Pop. (sub- 
dist). 10,444. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Woollen Manufactures. 

Holmfirth Express, 1886 

HortswortHy (Devon). Pop. 1,417. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

Holsworthy Post (Launceston) . 
Holsworthy Weeks news (Laun- 


Hott ( Norfolk). Pop. 2,249. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Agriculture and 

tHolt, &c. Post . . 
tNorfolk Chronicle, 1761 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

HonLeEY (Yorkshire). Pop. 4,700. 
Indus. : Manufactures of wool- 
lens. | 

Honley, &c., Express (Holmfirth) 

Horsury ( Yorkshire). Pop. 7,830. 
Indus.: Manufactures woollens; 
Stone quarries. 

tHorbury Observer (Ossett) 

HORFIELD. (Gloucestershire )—see 

Horvey (Surrey). Pop. 6,100. Indus.: 

tHorley Advertiser (Redhill) 

HorRNCASTLE (Lincoln). Pop. 3,461. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 

tHorncastle, Spilsby, &c., ereugare 
(Boston) ii 
Horncastle News, 1885 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Lincolnshire Notes and Queries. 
Morton’s Lincolnshire Almanac. 

HornSEY (Middlesex). Pop. 87,661. 
Suburb of Greater London. 
Hornsey Journal, 1879 

HorsFortu (Yorks). Pop. 9,312. 
Indus.: Textiles and quarry- 

Hor ora Weekly Advertiser, 
189 = Ss e si 


| [Towns 


-HORSHAM (Sussex). Pop. 11,413. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Agri- 

tArgus (Brighton) a 
Horsham Times (Lewes) 
West Sussex County Times, 1869 
Periodicals, &:c¢.— 
Horsham, &c., Blue Book. 

Horwicu (Lancs). Pop. 15,616. In- 
dus.: Cotton, coal and quarry- 

Horwich, &c., Journal (Bolton). . 

Hounslow (Middlesex). Pop. (eccles. 
parish) 12,863. Market, Alt.- 
Tues. Military Depot. Indus. : 

oe of Middlesex Chronicle; 

e te 
Thomasons’ Middlesex Year 

Hove (Sussex). Pop. 46,519. Fash- 
ionable Seaside Resort. 
t Argus 
Brighton and Hove Illustrated. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
National Medical Journal. 

hive). Pop. 17,055. Seaside 
resort and Golf Links. 

{Hoylake and West Kirby Adver- 

tiser, 1888 
Soy oo and West Kirby News, 
1 ee 

HucKNALL TORKARD ( Nottingham). 
Pop. 16,835. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture, mining and hosiery. 

Hucknall Dispatch, 1903 

HUDDERSFIELD ( Yorks). Pop. 110,120 
Markets, Tues., Fri., Sat. In- 
dus. : Woollens, worsted, silk, 
cotton, machinery, and coal- 
mining, iron foundries, &c. 

Srne Boro’ Advertiser, 
1884 . = T 
Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 
1871 is pi 
tHuddersfield Examiner, 1851 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Huddersfield and Dewsbury Ex- 
changes Year Book (Leeds). 
Huddersfield Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal. 
Huddersfield Citizen. 

Hutt (Yorks). Pop. 287,013. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, rope and canvas making, 
iron ship-building, fishing, oil- 
cake, and paint and colour 

Willing’s Press Guide 

tDaily Mail, 1787 ; 
arr: aoa Lincolnshire Times, 
tHull and Yorkshire Times, 1857 
{Hull Evening News, 1884 . 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Draughts Review. . 

Hull, &c., ABC Railway Rates 

Hull Catholic Herald (Leeds). 

Hull Shipping Gazette. 


Journal of the Fell and Rock 
Climbing Club of the English 
Lake District. 

Port of Hull Annual. 

Port of Hull Monthly Journal 

Slate Trade Gazette. 

tSports Mail. 


Trade of Hull, &c. 

Transactions of the East Riding 
Antiquarian Society. 

‘Transactions of the Hull Geolo- 
gical Society. 

‘Transactions of the Hull Scien- 
tific and Free Naturalists’ Club 

‘Transactions of the Yorkshire 
Naturalists’ Union. 

Transactions of the Yorkshire 
Numismatic Society. 


HUuNTINGDON (Hunts). Pop. 4,194. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

{Huntingdonshire Post, 1869 

HURSTPIERPOINT (Sussex). Pop. 3,099 
Market, Tues. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hurst Johnian. 

HYDE (Cheshire). Pop. 33,437. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Cotton manu- 
facturies and ironfoundries. 

tHyde Reporter, 1888 .. 
tNorth Cheshire Herald, 1851 

HiyTHE (Kent). Pop. 7,764. Seaside 
tHythe, &c., Advertiser (Folke- 
stone) or zs 
Hythe Reporter, 1883 

IDBURY (Oxford). Pop. 137. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

ILFORD (Essex). Pop. 85,191. 
Essex Guardian .. : 
ford Guardian, 1898 

tliford Recorder, 1899 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Ilford Estate Press. 
Ilford Monthly. 


[ILFRACOMBE (Devon). Favourite 
watering place. Pop. 11,779. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Coasting 
trade and fishing. 
Ilfracombe Chronicle, 1854 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

ILKESTON (Derby). Pop. 32,269. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Coal 
and iron mining, lace and 
hosiery making. 

Ilkeston Advertiser, 1881 
Ilkeston Observer (Heanor) 
Ilkeston Pioneer, 1853 .. 

ILKLEY ( Yorks). Pop. 9,105. Mineral 
spring resort. Indus.: Agricul- 

tilkley Gazette (Otley) 

Ipswicu (Suffolk). Pop. 79,383. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, ship-building; agricul- 
tural machine and locomotive 
manufactures ; manure works; 
boot and shoe and stay mak- 
ing; silk and flax spinning. 

tEast Anglian Daily Times, 1839 
tEvening Star, 1885 a oe 
{Suffolk Chronicle, 1810 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Caxton A BC Time Table. 
Diocesan Magazine for the 
County of Suffolk. 
Football, &c., Star. 
Ipswich School Magazine. 
Philatelic Bulletin. 
Proceedings of the Suffolk Insti- 
tution of Archeology. 
St. Edmundsbury, &c., Diocesan 
Standard Catalogue of Postage- 
Suffolk County Handbook. 

IRLAM (Lancs.). Pop. 9,471. Manu- 
factures of soap, candles, gly- 

Irlam, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 

ISLEWORTH (Middlesex). Pop. (includ- 
ing Heston) 46,729. Indus. : 
Market gardening, flour, brew- 
ing, and soap works. 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Insurance Gem. 
Insurance Man. 
Isleworth Citizen. 


Istip (Oxfordshire). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

KEIGHLEY (Yorks). Pop. 41,942. 
Market, Wed. Manufactures: 
Worsted, machinery, and tools. 

Willing’s Press Guide 



tKeighley News, 1862 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Keighley Co-operative Society; 

KENDAL (Westmorland). Pop. 14,149. 

Manufactures :: 

Market, Sat. 
Boots, woollens, 
ropes, and fish-hooks. 

{Westmorland Gazette, 1818 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Journal of the Derbyshire Arch-. 
zological, &c., Society. 


Proceedings of the Record 
Society of Lancashire and 

Transactions of the Catholic 
Record Society. 

Transactions of the Cumberland, 
&c., Antiquarian Society. 

Westmorland Gazette ABC 
Time Table. 

Keswick (Cumberland). Pop. 5,559. 

KETTERING (Northampton). 

Holiday Resort. Indus.: Lead 
and zinc mines. 
Periodicals, d&c.— 
Keswick Reminder. 

29,692. Market, Fri. Manu- 
factures : Boots and shoes. 

{Kettering Leader, 1882 .. sa 
tNorthamptonshire Evening Tele- 

graph, 1897 .. es s 
Periodicals, &c. 
Football Telegraph. 

Kew (Surrey). Pop. 2,792. Noted for 


the Botanical Gardens. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Crow Pie. 
Review of Applied Mycology. 

27,122. Market, Thurs. Manu- 
factures : Carpets and rugs. — 

tKidderminster Shuttle, 1870 .. 
{Kidderminster Times, 1861 Ga 


KINETON (Warwickshire). 

Pop. 950. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

{Kineton Advertiser (Rugby) 

Kınc’s Lynn (Norfolk). Pop. 19,968. 

Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping, ship-building, fish- 
ing, seed-crushing, oil-cake, 
and agricultural implement 
and machine making. 

tLynn Advertiser, 1840 

Lynn News, 1859 

P rovincial] 

KINGSBRIDGE (Devon). Pop. 2,945. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, malting, fishing and 

{Kingsbridge Gazette . 

Kingsbridge Western Guardian 
(Totnes) ig 

South Devon Gazette, 1876 

KINGSTON (Surrey). Favourite river- 
side suburb. Pop. 39,484. 
Indus.: manufactures of bricks 
and tiles. 

{Surrey Comet, 1854 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Country Side. 

Food and Cookery. 

Greek Student’s Monthly. 

Sierra Leone Messenger. 

KinGswoop (Surrey). Pop. 1,140. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Empire Frontier. 
Short Stories. 
World Today. 

KINGTON (Herefordshire). Pop. 1,688. 
Malting, agriculture, manu- 
facturing of nails. 

{Kington SIDER. oe (Leomin- 
ster) .. Se is 

KIRKHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 3,814. 
Indus.: Cotton and flax manu- 

Kirkham Standard (Lytham) 

KNARESBOROUGH ( Yorks). Pop. 5,518. 

Market, Wed. Indus. : 
and cotton. 
{Knaresborough Post (Harrogate) 


KNUTSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 5,411. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, cotton, worsted. 

{Knutsford Advertiser (Stock- 

port . 

{Knutsford Division Guardian 
(Warrington) ° s 


LANCASTER ( Lancashire). Pop. 40,226. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures : 
Cotton, cabinet, furniture, 
table baize, chemicals, varn- 
ish, and railway wagons. 

{Lancaster Guardian, 1837 
tLancaster Observer, 1860 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Lancaster Brotherhood Messen- 
Lancaster Diocesan Directory 
(St. Helens). 

Willing’s Press Guide 

LANGPORT (Somerset). 

Pop. 6,723. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, and river-carrying trade. 

tLangport, &c., Herald, 1855 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Langport and Somerset Almanac. 

LAUNCESTON (Cornwall). Pop. 3,981. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

Cornish and Devon Post, 1857 .. 

Launceston Weekly News, 1856 

LEAMINGTON (Warwick). Mineral 
springs, fashionable health re- 
sort, and hunting quarters. 
Pop. 28,946. Indus. : Agricul- 

tLeamington Chronicle, 1865 
eee? Spa Morning News, 

Royal. Leamington Spa Courier, 

LEATHERHEAD sina Pop. 5,821. 

Indus. : Agriculture, Brewing. . 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Annual Report of the Royal 
School for the Blind. 

LEDBURY (Hereford). Pop. (parish) 
3,152. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Agriculture, hop-growing, and 

{Ledbury Reporter; 1869 

LEEDs ( Yorks). Pop. 458,320. Mar- 

kets, Tues., Sat. Manu- 
factures: Cloth, blankets, 
shawls, iron, leather and flax. 
tLeeds Mercury, 1718 .. Se 

North Leeds News, 1912 

Skyrack Express (Wakefield) 
tYorkshire Evening News, 1872.. 
tYorkshire Evening Post, 1890 .. 
tYorkshire Post, 1754 .. ane 
{Yorkshire Weekly Post, 1754 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 


Anniversary Album. 

Anniversary Budget. 

Annual Report of the Yorkshire 

Archeological Society. 

Bankfield Recitations. 

Brewery Record. 

British Chemist. 

British Chess Magazine. 

British Melodist. 

Choir Musician, 

Classic Anthems. 

Commercial & Mercantile Direc- 


Educational Handwork. 

Farriers’ Journal. 

Festive Choralist. 



Journal of Textile Science. 





Junior Craftsman. 

Kemp’s Directory. 

Kemp’s Yorkshire Gazette. 

Leeds ABC Railway Guide. 

Leeds A BC Railway Rates Book 

Leeds, &c., Free Press. 

Leeds Blue Book. 

Leeds Catholic Herald. 

Leeds Chamber of Commerce 

Leeds Churchman’s Handbook. 

Leeds Co-operative Record. 

Leeds Hospital Magazine. 

Leeds Weekly Citizen. 


Mid-day Sporting Special. 

Monograph of British Land and 
Fresh Water Mollusca. 

Monthly Journey. 

Musical Chat. 

Practical Education. 

Proceedings of the Musical Asso- 

Song Service Reporter. 

Sporting Pink. 

Sports Echo. 

Sports Post. 

University of Leeds Calendar. 

University of Leeds Report. 

Walker’s Leeds Time Table. 

Wigley’s Street Directory of 

Yorkshire Archzological Tournal. 

Yorkshire Archeological 
Society’s Record Series. 
Yorkshire Catholic Herald. 
Yorkshire Cricket Handbook. 
Yorkshire Humorous Dialogues. 

LEEK (Stafford). Pop. 17,213. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures: 
Sewing-silks, braids, bindings, 
and buttons; Ironworks. 

Leek Post, 1885 .. 
Leek Times, 1870 

LEICESTER (Leicester). Pop. 234,190. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Elastic web, hosiery, 
lace, gloves, cotton, woollens, 
and boots and shoes. 

aeaa Leicester vronie 

tLeicester Advertiser, 1842 
tLeicester Mail, 1910 a2 
{Leicester Mercury, 1874 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Co-operative Productive Review. 
Co-operators’ Year Book. 
Free Press. 
Hosiery Trade Journal. 
Leicester A B C Railway Guide. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Leicester A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Leicester Catholic News (London) 

Leicester Chamber of Commerce 
Monthly Journal (Derby). 

Leicester Co-operative Record. 

Leicester Investors’ Handbook. 

Monthly Magazine of the 


Settmakers’, &c., Journal. 

Shoe Crafts. 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly. 

Sports Mail. 

Sports Mercury. 


LEIGH (Lancashire). Pop. 45,545. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus. : 
Cotton-spinning, silk-weaving, 

. coal-mining,and iron-founding. 
tLeigh, &c., Journal (Bolton) 
tLeigh Chronicle, 1852 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Leigh Friendly Co-operative 
Society Record. 

LEIGHTON BuzzarD (Bedford). Pop. 
6,795. Markets, Tues. Indus.: 
Agriculture, straw-plaiting and 

{Leighton Buzzard Observer, 1861 
{North Bucks Times, 1879 is 

LEISTON (Suffolk). Pop. 4,632. 
Indus.: Agriculture and manu- 
factures of farm implements. 

Leiston Observer, 1904 

LEOMINSTER (Hereford). Pop. 5,539. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and hops. 

{Leominster News, 1880 

Pop. 10,313. 
Citizen, 1906 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Garden City Advertiser. 

Lewes (Sussex). Pop. 10,798. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, mang and Paper. 

tArgus £ 

East Sussex News, 1856 

Sussex and Surrey Courier, 1880 
tSussex County Herald, 1870 
{Sussex Express, 1837. .. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Lewes, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) 
Royal Antediluvian Order of 
Buffaloes Gazette. 
Sussex County Magazine. 



Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 


Periodicals, &c.— 
LEYLAND (Lancashire). Pop. 9,034. 
Indus. : Cotton, india-rubber, sees ea ABC ane 
stone quarries. uide 

{Leyland Weekly News (Chorley) LITTLEOVER (Derby). Pop. 1,702. 

LEYTON (Essex). Pop. 128,432. Periodicals, &c.— 
Leyton Express .. . Derby Diocesan Calendar. 
Periodicals, &c.— Derby Diocesan Magazine. 
Buyers’ Guide. 
Exhaust Steam. LITTLEPORT (Cambridge). Pop. 4,467. 
LEYTONSTONE (Essex). Pop. 13,262. n Manufactures 
Eastern Merc 1887 .. ae : . 
Leytonstone Express, 1876 .. tLittleport Gazette (March) 
LICHFIELD (Stafford). Pop. 8,394. LIVERPOOL (Lancashire). A most in- 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- portant port, transatlantic 
„ture and brewing. passage station, and emigra- 
{Lichfield Mercury, 1815 = tion depot, with extensive 
Lichfield Times (Walsall) = docks, bonding stores, ship 
Periodicals, &c.— yards, &c. Pop. 803,118. Mar- 
Girls’ Friendly Society Quarterly. kets, Mon., Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Lichfield Diocesan Church Export shipping trade, im- 
Calendar. porting cotton and general 
Lichfield Diocesan Magazine. merchandise; manufacture of 
LincoLn (Lincoln). Pop. 66,020. anchors, cables, ropes, sail- 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- cloths, machinery, chrono- 
ture, iron-stone mining, and meters, tobacco, etc. 
manufacture of agricultural Brython, 1906 .. 
machinery. tEvening Express, 1870 .. 
B and District Advertiser {Journal of Commerce, 1826 
1924 . ; {Liverpool Daily Post, 1811 
{Lincolnshire Chronicle, 1832... tLiverpool Echo, 1879 .. ss 
tLincolnshire Echo, 1893 .. {Liverpool Football Echo, 1889 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— {Liverpool Weekly Post, 1878 
Lincoln A B C Time Table. Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Lincoln Budget. Annals of Archeology. 
Lincoln Co-operative Society Annals of Tropical Medicine, &c. 
Wheatsheaf. Annual Report of the Royal 
Lincoln Diocesan Calendar. Southern Hospital, Liverpool. 
Lincoln Directory. Association News. 
Lincolnshire Chronicle A BC Benson’s Liverpool Railway 
Time Table. Guide. 
Oxford Shorthand Chronicle. British Booksellers. 
Oxonian. British Engineering Catalogue. 
Supervising. Cadet. 
(See also STAMFORD). City of Liverpool Official Hand- 
E hd r ei Cotton Gazette. 
Symbol. Cox’s Merseyside Annual and 

Year Book, &c. 
Cox’s Royal Lancashire Agricul- 
tural Show Souvenir. 

LISKEARD (Cornwall). Pop. 4,376. 
Market, Sat. and 2nd Mon. in 

month. Indus.: Agriculture, Critic Annual. 
Clay-working, Granite quarry- Deaf Quarterly News. 
oe Dolphin. 
{Cornish Times, 1857 .. ahs tFootball Express. 
LITTLEHAMPTON (Sussex). Pop. 11,286 George Broomhall’s Corn Trade 
Indus. : Shipping and agricul- News (daily) 
ture. George Broomhall’s Corn Trade 
tArgus ; News (weekly). 
Littlehampton Gazette (Worthing) George Broomhall’s Corn Trade 
{Littlehampton Observer (Chi- News (American Edition). 
chester) Highroad. 
Littlehampton Post, 1922 (Bog- Holden’s, &c., Almanack. 
nor) .. T T Holt School Magazine. 




Jefferson’s Liverpool Almanack 

Journal of Commerce Annual 

Journal of Commerce Ship- 
building and Engineering 

Journal of the Incorporated 
British Institute of Certified 

Kemp’s Lancashire Gazette. 

Latter-day Saints’ Millennial 

Librarian’s Guide. 

Liverpool, &c., Red Book. 

Liverpool A B C Railway Guide. 

Liverpool A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Liverpool, &c., Post Office Guide 

Liverpool, &c., Congregational 

Liverpool Archdiocesan Di- 
rectory (St. Helens). 

Liverpool Catholic Herald. 

Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry. 

Liverpool Diocesan Calendar. 

Liverpool Diocesan Leaflet. 

Liverpool Marine Biology Com- 
mittee Memoirs. . 

Liverpool Review. 

Liverpool Social Workers’ Year- 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Offi- 
cial Daily List. 

Liverpool Stock Exchange Offi- 
cial Weekly List. 

Liverpool Trade Review. 

Liverpool Y.M.C.A. News. 

Liverpool’s Labour Voice (Man- 

Meccano Magazine. 



Musician’s Journal. 

National Baker. 

Northern Freemason. 


Platform Review. 

Port of Liverpool Handbook. 

Port of Liverpool Official Sailing 

Proceedings of the Historic 
Society of Lancashire and 

Proceedings of the Liverpool 
Geological Society. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Lit- 
erary & Philosophical Society. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Nat- 
uralists’ Field Club (Wallasey). 

Royal Agricultural Society, &c., 
Show Souvenir. 

Salt Spray. 

Sea Breezes. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Sporting Express. 

Standard A BC Time Tables for 
Liverpool, &c. - 

Town Planning Review. 

Trade Show Critic. 

Trade Show Critic Annual. 

Transactions, &c., of the Liver- 
pool Biological Society. 

Transactions of the Liverpool 
Engineering Society. 

University of Liverpool Calendar. 

Waterloo, &c., Directory. 

Weekly Circular. 

Weekly List of Cotton Ships at 

What Editors and Publishers 

Who’s Who in Literature. 

Wright & Round’s Brass Band 

Lone Eaton (Derby). Pop. 19,503. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coach- 
works, lace-making. 

Long Eaton Advertiser, 1882 

LOSTWITHIEL (Cornwall). Pop. 1,308. 
Timber Industry. 
Lostwithiel Guardian (Bodmin). . 

‘LOUGHBOROUGH (Leicester). Pop. 

25,874. Market, Thurs. Manu- 
factures : Hosiery, cotton, and 
woollens, engineering works 
{Loughborough Echo, 1891 a 
Pronat Doroneh Monitor & Herald, 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Year Book of the Association o 
Technical Institutions. 

LouGHTON (Essex). Pop. 5,749. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 
Loughton Advertiser, 1887 js 
Loughton, &c., Express (Ley- 
tonstone) sh sss es 

LouTtH (Lincoln). Pop. 9,536. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Fri., Sat. Indus. : 
Coach-building and machinery 
manufacture, wool stapling. 

Louth, &c., Advertiser, 1859 
Louth Standard (Boston) 

LowpHaM (Notts). Pop. 985. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
tHorticultural Advertiser. 

LowEsTOFT (Suffolk). Favourite bath- 
ing place. Pop. 44,326. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building, fishing, rope, 
and net-making. 

tLowestoft Journal (Norwich) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Southwold Recorder. 



LupLow (Shropshire). Pop. 5,677. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

culture, Cornmills, &c. 
tLudlow Advertiser, 1854 

Luton (Bedford). Pop. 57,077. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Straw goods; Iron and 
brass foundries. 

{Beds. & Herts. Pictorial, 1916.. 
{Beds. and Herts. pataray Tele- 
graph, 1914 .. 
tLuton News, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Luton News Directory. 

LYDNEY (Gloucester). Pop. 3,775. 
Indus. : Mining & agriculture. 
tLydney Observer, 1871 aie 

LYMINGTON (Hants). Pop. 4,598. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
and ship- -building. 

t{Lymington, &c., Chronicle 1856 
Periodicals. &c.— 

Kipling Journal. 

New Forest Magazine. 

Lymm (Cheshire). Pop. 5,288. Indus. : 
Tanning and Fustians. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Lymm Year Book and Almanac. 

LytHaM (Lancashire). Pop. 10,830. 

Seaside resort. Market, Sat. 

tLytham St. Anne’s Express, 
1898 (St. Anne’s) 

2y ham St. Anne’s Standard, 
Lytham Times, 1821 

MACCLESFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 33,846 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Silks, ‘satins, velvets, 
and cotton; collieries. 

East Cheshire Observer .. Da 
tMacclesfield Advertiser (Stock- 
port) .. Y 
Macclesfield Courier, 1811 
{Macclesfield Times, 1872 

MAIDENHEAD (Berks). Pop. 16,741. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Agricul- 

{Maidenhead Advertiser, 1869 

MAIDSTONE (Kent). Pop. 37,448. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Paper- 
making, quarrying, brewing, 
agricultural and manufactures 
of farm implements. 

{Kent Messenger, 1859 .. 

South Eastern Gazette, 1815 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Amateur Menagerie Club Year 

Archzologia Cantiana. 

Journal of the Kent County 
Branch of the National Far- 
mers’ Union. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Kent Archzological 
Kent Messenger Directory. 
Queen’s Own Gazette. 
Sutton Valence School Magazine. 


MALDON (Essex). Pop. 6,589. Market, 

Tues. Indus.: Crystallized salt, 
sails, brewing, boat-building, 

Maldon Express, | 1872 ee 
ford) . 

MALTON ( Yorks). Pop.. 4,438. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, brew- 
ing, quarries and foundries. 

Malton Messenger, 1854 

MALVERN (Worcester). 
health resort and mineral 
springs. Pop. 17,809. Indus. : 

{Malvern Gazette, 1897 
Malvern News, 1855 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Malvern Railway Guide (Wor- 

MANCHESTER (Lancashire). ‘Pop. 
730,551. Markets, Tues., Thurs. 
Fri. Indus.: Cotton spinning, 
bleaching, dyeing, printing ; 
silk-weaving, hat-making ; the 
manufacture of woollen fabrics, 
machinery, &c. 

{Daily Dispatch, 1900 

tEmpire News, 1884 ; 
tEvening Chronicle, 1897, 
{Manchester City News, 1864 .. 
{Manchester District Advertiser 

(Stockport) .. 

{Manchester Evening News, 1868 
{Manchester Guardian, 1821 .. 
manchester Guardian wise 

tating Chronicle, 1871 
{Sunday Chronicle, 1885 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Amalgamated Society of Wood- 
workers Monthly Journal. 


Annual Report, &c., of the 
Manchester Microscopical So- 

Annual Report of the Co- 

operative Congress 

Annual Report of the Manchester 
Field Naturalists, &c., Society 

Annual Report of the Manchester 
Guardian Society for the Pro- 
tection of Trade. 

Artificial Silk Handbook. 

Assurance Agents’ Union 

tAthlietic News. 

Athletic News Cricket Annual. 

Athletic News Football Annual. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Provincial] [Towns 



Betty’s Paper. 

Box Maker’s Journal. 

Boys’ Magazine. 

Bulletin of the John Ryland’s 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanac. 


Common Sense Gardening. 


Co-operative Educator. 

Co-operative Guildman. 

Co-operative News. 

Co-operative Official. 

Co-operative Review. 


Cotton Year Book. 

Credit Trader. 

Directory and List of Lodges 

Electrical Trades Journal. 

Empire News Football Annual. 

Empire News Racing Handbook. 

Fancy Needlework Illustrated. 

Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ 
Pocket Book. 

Fowler’s Mechanical Engineers’ 
Pocket Book. 

Fowler’s Mechanics and Machin- 
ists’ Pocket Book, &c. 

French Quarterly. 

Grand United Order of Odd- 
fellows’ Magazine. 

Grocers’ Review. 


Hosiery Times. 

Hulton Adventure Stories’ An- 


Indian and Japanese Textile and 
Engineering Diary. 

Insurance Shareholders’ Guide. 

International Cotton Bulletin. 

John Heywood’s A BC Railway 

Journal of Conchology. 

Journal of Decorative Art. 

Journal of Obstetrics. 

Journal of the Amalgamated 
Society of Tailors, &c. 

Journal of the Manchester 
Egyptian and Oriental Society. 

Journal of the Manchester Geo- 
graphical Society. 

Journal of the Presbyterian His- 
torical Society of England. 

Journal of the Textile Institute. 

Joy Book. 

Juvenile Rechabite. 

Labour’s Northern Voice. 

Light on Health. 

Manchester A BC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Manchester and Salford Co- 
operative Herald. 


Manchester and Salford Official 
Red Book. 

Manchester Catholic Herald. 

Manchester Chamber of Com- 
merce Monthly Record. 

Manchester Coal Exchange Direc- 

Manchester Diocesan Directory. 

Manchester Diocesan Magazine. 

Manchester Football Chronicle. 

Manchester Football News. 

Manchester Geological & Mining 
Society Transactions. 

{Manchester Guardian Year Book. 

Manchester Librarian. 

Manchester Offical A B C Rail- 
way Guide. 

Manchester Quarterly. 

Manchester Regiment Gazette. 

Manchester Royal Exchange Di- 

Manchester—The City of Indus- 
try and Commerce. 

Manchester University Calendar. 

Manchester University Pocket 

Manchester Wheelers’ Club Jour- 

Mechanical World. 

Mechanical World Electrical 
Pocket Book. 

Mechanical World Year Book. 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the 
Manchester Literary and Philo- 
sophical Society. 


Metropolitan Vickers Gazette. 




National Ancient Monuments 
Year Book. 

N.A.W.U. Magazine. 

National Society of Painters’ 
Monthly Journal. 

Needlecraft Practical Journal. 

New Dawn. 

Odd Fellows’ Magazine. 

Official Report of the Annual 
Movable Delegates of the Order 
of Druids Friendly Society. 

Order of Druids’ Directory. 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Re- 
port and Journal. 

Our Circle. 

Our Dogs. 

Out o’ Doors. 

People’s Year Book. 

Plumbing Trade Journal. 

Policy-Holder Journal. 

Port of Manchester Official Sail- 
ing List. 

Ancient Monuments 



Proceedings of the Manchester 
Field Naturalists’ and Ar- 
cheologists’ Society. 


Rational Journal. 

Rayon Record. 

Rechabite and Temperance Ma- 

Report of the Proceedings of the 
Co-operative Congress. 

Rucksack Club Journal. 

Salmon and Trout Magazine. 


Shepherd’s Magazine. 

Silk and Rayon Directory. 

Silk Journal. 

Sporting Chronicle Annual. 

Sporting Chronicle ý Horses in 

Sporting Chronicle Racing Up- 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Han- 
dicap Book. 

Staffordshire Catholic News. 

Sunday Chronicle Pantomime 

Textile Exporter. 

Textile Manufacturer. 

Textile Manufacturer Buyers’ 

Textile Manufacturer Year 

Textile Mercury. 

{Textile Recorder. 

Textile Recorder Year Book. 

Textile Weekly. 

Transactions of the Manchester 
Association for Masonic Re- 

Two Worlds. 

Typographical Association Half- 
Yearly Report. 

Typographical Circular. 


Unitarian Monthly. 

United Kingdom Gazette. 

Vegetarian Messenger. 

Week End Novels. 

Weekly Record of the Textile 
Trades Association. 


Woman’s Outlook. 

Wool Year Book. 

Workers’ Onward. 

World’s Pictorial News. 

MANNINGTREE (Essex). Pop. 870. 
Indus.: Agriculture, malting. 
Market Thurs. 

Manningtree & Mistley Standard. 

MANSFIELD (Notts). Pop. 44,418. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Hosi- 
ery, lace, and cotton manu- 
factures; malting, coal mi- 
ning and ironfounding. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

MANSFIEL D—contd. 
Mansfield, &c., Advertiser, 1871 
Mansfield, &c., Chronicle, 1895 
Mansfield Reporter, 1857 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Linnev’s Illustrated Almanack. 
Mansfield A B C Time Table. 

MARAZION (Cornwall). Pop. 1,114. 
Market Gardening and Pil- 
chard fisheries. Market, Sat. 

Maranon a and District aoe 

MARCH (Cambridge). Pop. 8, 939. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Agri- 
culture and Aana luer of 
farm implements. 

{Cambridgeshire Times, 1872. 

MARGATE ( Kent). Popular seaside re- 
sort. Pop. 46,475. Indus. : 
Shipping and fishing. 

tIsle of Thanet Gazette, 1870 

Pop. 8,577. Market, Tues. In- 
dus.: Agriculture, manufac- 
turers, shoes, boots, hosiery. 

serch perporouen Advertiser: 

MARKET RASEN(Lincoln). Pop. 2,177. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and brewing. 

Market Rasen Mail, 1856 ix 

MARLBOROUGH (Wilts). Pop. 4,192. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, tanning and brewing. 

Wilts, Berks, &c., County Paper, 
1857 .. 
Periodicals, d&c — 
Lucy’s Marlborough, &c., Direc- 

MartTock (Somerset). Pop. 2,065. 
Market, Alt. Tues. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Notes and Queries for Somerset 
and Devon. 

MATLocK (Derby). Pop. 7,055. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures of 
cotton goods and paper. 

{Matlock Visitor (Buxton) 

MAYFIELD (Sussex). Pop. 2,880. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Zion’s Witness. 

MELTON Mowsray (Leicester). Pop. 
9,187. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Agriculture, cheese-making, 

tMelton Mowbray Journal (ren 

Melton Mowbray. 1 Times, 1859 i 


Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

MEXBOROUGH (Yorks). Pop. 15,410. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Mines, 
potteries, glass, chemical, and 
railway works. 

tMexborough, &c., Times, 1877 

131,103. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Iron-working, smelting, ship- 
ping, ship-building, steel and 
tube works, marine engineer- 
ing ; pottery ; salt and chemi- 
cal works. 

ar as piandere (Red- 

rte Pe Daily Gazette, 

Nodes Weekly Gazette, 1855. 

Tees-side Weekly Herald, 1904. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Appleyard’s Cleveland Diary. 

Middlesbro A BC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Middlesborough Catholic Maga- 
zine (Manchester). 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Re- 

Middlesbrough High School 

Monthly Journal of the Tees- 
side Chamber of Commerce 

{Sports Gazette. 

Wards’ Directory of Middles- 

MIDDLETON( Lancashire). Pop.28,309. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Cotton 
calico printing, iron foundries, 

{Middleton Guardian, 1877 
{Middleton Standard (Oldham) 

MIDHURST (Sussex). Pop. 1,890. Mar- 
ket, altern. Thurs. Indus. : 

{Midhurst Times, 1882 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Annual Report of King Edward 

VII. Sanatorium. 

MILDENHALL (Suffolk). Pop. 3,370. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 
Mildenhall Post (Bury St. Ed- 


Mitt Hitt (Middlesex). 
Mill Hill and Edgware p 
Mill Hill Gazette.. 

MıLLoM (Cumberland). Pop. 8,709. 
Indus. : Mining and blast fur- 

Millom Gazette, 1891 
+Millom News (Barrow-in-Furness) 

MINEHEAD (Somerset). Pop. 6,016. 
Market, 3rd Mon. in month. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

Minehead, &c., Advertiser, 1882 
West Somerset Free Press, 1860. . 

MIRFIELD ( Yorkshire). Pop. 12,133. 
Indus. : Agriculture, collieries, 
manufacture of worsteds. 

ae &c., Reporter (Dews- 
{Mirfield Herald (Heckmondwike) 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Red Breeders’ Annual. 

MitcHaM (Surrey). Pop. 35,118. 
‘Indus.: Market gardening. 
{Mitcham Advertiser (Croydon) 
Mitcham, &c., Gazette (Tooting) 
{Mitcham Herald (Sutton) 
Periodicals, &¢,— 
I.P.S. Journal. 

MONMOUTH (Monmouth). Pop. 5,207. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: 
Iron and coal working, and 
{Monmouthshire Beacon, 1837 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

MORECAMBE (Lancs.). Pop. 19,182. 
Seaside resort. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and fishing. 
tMorecambe, &c., Visitor, 1874 
Mprecamne Boro’ Advertiser, 
{Morecambe Guardian, 1920 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Ship (Lancaster). 

MoRETON (Cheshire). Pop. 4,029. 
Moreton, &c., Advertiser, 1924. 

Mor_eEy ( Yorks.). Pop. 23,935. In- 
dus.: Woollen manufactures ; 
iron and coal mines. 

tMorley Observer, 1871 

MorPETH (Northumberland). Pop. 
7,580. Market, Wed. Indus. : 
Market gardening, Agriculture, 
coal, iron founding. 

{Morpeth Herald, 1854 .. 

MossLey (Lancashire). Pop. 12,705. 
Market, Fri. Manufactures, 

tMossley Herald (Ashton-under- 

{Mossley Reporter (Ashton-under 
Lyne) : os 

NANTWICH (Cheshire). Pop. 7,296. 
Market, Sat. Brine baths ; 
manufactures: Shoes and lea- 

373 N 


Nantwich Chronicle (Crewe) .. 
Nantwich Guardian (Warrington) 

NELSON (Lancashire). Pop. 39,839. 
Indus.: Coal mines, cotton 

Barrowfield Leader. 
Nelson Gazette, 1923. 
tNelson Leader, 1882 

NEWARK (Nottingham). Pop. 16,957. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, malting, and iron 

tNewark Advertiser, 1854 
{Newark Herald, 1791 

NEWBURY (Berks). Pop. 12,290. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, malting, and machine- 

{Newbury Weekly News, 1867 .. 

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE_  ( Northumber- 
land). Pop. 274,955. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Coal mining 
and exporting, shipping, 
shipbuilding, engineering, iron- 
founding, blasting, manufac- 
ture of glass, earthenware, 
rope, leather, and chemicals. 

tEvening Chronicle, 1885 

{Evening World, 1929 .. 

{Newcastle Daily Journal, 1711 . 

tNewcastle Weekly Chronicle, 1764 

{North Mail and Newcastle vay 
Chronicle, 1858 s 

{Sunday Sun, 1919 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Archezologia Aeliana. 

Cumberland Catholic News. 

Football Chronicle. 

Journal of the Newcastle Far- 
mers’ Club. 

Kemp’s Northern Gazette. 

Newcastle, &c., Motor Bus Time 

Newcastle and Gateshead Cham- 
ber of Commerce Monthly 
Journal (Derby). 

Newcastle, &c., Incorporated 
Chamber of Commerce Year 

Newcastle, &c., A B C Railway 
Rates Book (Birmingham). 
Newcastle Co-operative Record. 

Newcastle Medical Journal. 


Proceedings of the Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne Society of Anti- 

Reid’s Handy Colliery Guide. 

Reid’s Newcastle Monthly Diary. 

Reid’s Railway Guide. 

Sporting Man. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Sport World. 

Tees-side Catholic News. 

Transactions of the Natural His- 
tory Society of Northumber- 

Transactions of the North East 
Coast Institution of Engineers. 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port 

Tyneside Catholic News. 

` University of Durham College of 

Medicine Calendar. 

University of Durham College of 
Medicine Gazette. 

Ward’s Directory, Newcastle, 
North and South Shields, &c. 

Ward’s Directory of Newcastle, 
Gateshead, &c. 

Western Equatorial Africa 
Church Magazine. 

Pop. 20,418. Markets, Mon., 

Sat. Indus.: Ironworks, clo- 
thing, &c. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
NEWMARKET (Cambridge). Pop. 

18,640. Market, Tues. 
Newmarket Journal, 1872 ; 
Newmarket Sporting News, 1887 

įNewmarket Weekly News (Cam- 

Newport (Monmouth). Port with 
large docks. Pop. 92,369. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ping, chemical, minerals, &c., 
iron, coal and stone working. 

Forest of Dean Weekly Argus 
tSouth Wales Argus, 1892 = 
{South Wales Weekly Argus, 1829 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
{Football Argus. 

Masonic Calendar, &c. 

Monmouth Diocesan Calendar. 

Newport Christmas Annual. 

Newport Circuit Wesleyan 

Methodist Magazine. 

Newport Directory (John’s). 

Newport Guide. 

Newport High School Magazine. 

Newport Tide Table. 

Newport Year Book. 

Phillips’ Monthly Machinery Re- 


Welsh Secondary Schools Review. 

Western Mail A B C Railway 

Time Tables for Newport, &c. 
Who's Who in Newport. 

NEWPORT (Shropshire). Pop. 3,056. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working,.and agriculture. 



P rovincial] 

{Newport Advertiser, 1859 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Harper Adams Utility Poultry 
National Poultryman. 

Newport, Isle of Wight (Hanis). 
Holiday Resort. Pop. 11,036. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 

tIsle of Wight County Press, 1870. 

NEwporT PaGNELL (Bucks). Pop. 
4,142. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Agriculture and lace-making. 

Bucks Standard, 1859 .. 

Newquay (Cornwall). Seaside Re- 
sort. Pop. 6,633. Indus. : Fish- 
ing, shipping. 

Newquay Express, (Bodmin) 

NEWTON ABBOT (Devon). Pop. 
(parish) 13,837. Market, Wed. 
Indus.: Great Western Rail- 
way Locomotive Works, tan- 
ning, and agriculture. 

tMid-Devon Advertiser, 1863 .. 
age Prt R and Newton Times, 

{Newton Abbot Western Guardian 
Periodicals, bis 
Mid-Devon and Torbay Time 

Pop. 18,776. Indus.: Coal 
mines, iron foundries, manu- 
factures of glass and paper. 

Earlestown, &c., Examiner nae 

Earlestown and Newton New 
(Warrington) . = 

Earlestown Guardian, 1880 

NORTH WALSHAM (Norfolk). Pop. 
4,156. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture and Agricultural 

{North Walsham Post (Holt) 

NORTHAMPTON (Northampton). Pop. 
90,923. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Manufactures : Boots & shoes. 

tDaily Echo, 1880. 
Noreen, &c., Independent, 

{N orthampton Daily Chronicle, 

‘Northatapion Herald, 1831 
{Northampton Mercury, 1720 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Annual Report of the Northamp- 
ton Trades Council. 
{Football Echo. 
Journal of the Northants Natural 
History Society. 
Northampton County Magazine. 
Northamptonshire District Good 

Templars Lodge Guide. 
Northamptonshire Journal of 

NoRTHWICH (Cheshire). Pop. 18,385. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Salt 
mining and manufacture : ship- 
building, and rope-making. 

tNorthwich Chronicle (Chester) 
{Northwich Guardian(Warrington) 

Nortuwoop (Middlesex). 

Northwood Observer and Gazette 
(Harrow) ach ihe 

Norton (Yorks). 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Annual Report of the Ackwood 
Old Scholars’ Association. 

NorwicH (Norfolk). Pop. 120,653. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Silk, crape, woollens, 
boots, shoes, starch, and mus- 
tard; galvanised wire and agri- 
cultural implements. 

{Eastern Daily Press, 1870 : 

{Eastern Evening News, 1882 .. 

ere News and meokly ate 

tNorwich Mercury, 1714. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Annual Report and List of Mem- 
bers of the Norwich Incor- 
porated Chamber of Com- 

Business Man’s Railway, &c., 
Time Table. 

tEastern Football News. 



Norwich, &c., A B C Railway 

Norwich Co-operative Society 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar and 
Clergy List. 

Norwich Diocesan Gazette. 

Readers’ Guide. 

Norwoop—-see CROYDON & LONDON 

NOTTINGHAM (Notts). Pop. 262,658. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Lace, hosiery, silks, 
woollens, boots, iron, engineer- 
ing, tobacco and brewing. 

Nottingham Advertiser, &c., 1902 




{Nottingham Evening News, 1885 
{Nottingham Evening Post, 1878 
{Nottingham Guardian, 1861 
{Nottingham Journal, 1710 
{Nottinghamshire Guardian, 1846 
South Notts Echo, 1899 T 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Bedell’s Pocket Street Directory. 
{Football News. 
{Football Post. 
Kemp’s Midland Gazette. 
Midland Sporting Gazette. 
Monthly Journal of Nottingham. 
Chamber of Commerce (Derby) 
Nottingham & Midland Catholic 
News (Manchester). 
Nottingham Churchman’s Hand- 
Nottingham District Co-opera- 
tive Record. 
Nottingham Journal Football 


Nottingham Public Libraries’ 

Nottingham University College 

{Post Tissue. 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar. 
Southwell Diocesan Magazine. 
Trader and Citizen. 

NUNEATON (Warwick). Pop. 41,894. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures : 
Ribbons, hats; engineering, 
Mining and quarrying. 

{Midland Counties Tribune, 1895 

{Midland Daily Tribune, 1914 .. 

{Nuneaton Advertiser, (Rugby) 

tNuneaton Chronicle, 1868 

Nuneaton Observer, 1877 
Periodicals, &éc.— 

Three Town’s Directory. 

OAKHAM (Rutland). Pop. 3,327. 
Indus.: Agriculture, manu- 
factures of boots and hosiery. 

tOakhan, &c., Journal (Grantham) 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Matkin’s Oakham Almanack. 

Oakham School Magazine. 

OKEHAMPTON (Devon). Pop. 3,456. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Okehampton Post (Launceston). . 
OLDBURY (Worcestershire). Pop. 

36,908. Indus. : Manufactures 
of chemicals, aluminium and 

iron work. Markets, Tues., 

{Oldbury Weekly pee (West 
Bromwich) : sce 

OLDHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 145,001. 
Manufactures: Cotton, hats, 
silk, machinery; collieries. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

{Oldham Chronicle, 1854 
{Oldham Evening Chronicle, 1880 
{Oldham Standard, 1855 ne 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Clegg’s Oldham Annual. 
Commercial Oldham. 
Continental Directory of Cotton 
Spinners, &c. 
Cotton Spinners’ and Manufac- 
turers’ Directory of Lancashire. 
Direct Service Railway Guide. 
Oldham Catholic Herald (Man- 
Oldham Co-operative Record. 
Oldham Green Final. 
Oldham Operative Cotton Spin- 
ners, &c., Monthly Report. 

Oldham Stock Exchange Official 


Textile Directory. 

World’s Fair. 

Year Book of the Oldham 
Master Cotton Spinners Asso- 

Yorkshire Textile Directory. 

OLNEY (Bucks). Pop. 2,651. Indus. : 
Boots, shoes, lace. 
Olney Advertiser, 1897 .. 

ORMSKIRK (Lancashire). Pop. 7,407. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, iron and brass. 

{Ormskirk Advertiser, 1853 

ORPINGTON (Kent). Pop. 7,047. 
Indus. : Market Gardening and 

Orpington, &c., Times, 1881 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Orpington Journal. 

Poultry Keeper’s Journal. 

OssETT ( Yorks). Pop. 14,802. Indus.: 
Coal-mining ; heavy woollen, 
worsted, and cotton manufac- 
tures; dyeing. 

{Ossett Observer, 1864 .. ze 

OSWESTRY (Shropshire). Pop. 9,790. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Malting, agriculture; railway 
plant works. 

Denbighshire, &c., Advertizer 
tOswestry Advertizer, 1849 io 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Border Churchman. 
Oswestry Commercial Circular. 

OTLEY ( Yorks). Pop. 9,536. Market, 
Fri. Manufactures: Printing 
machinery, worsteds, paper, 
and leather. 

{Wharfedale Observer, 1871 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Old Moore’s Almanac, 



OUNDLE ( Northampton). Pop. 2,655. 
Indus. : Agriculture and 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Leayton’s Oundle Almanack. 

OxForD (Oxfordshire). Pop. 57,052. 
University city. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Oxford Mail, 1928 , 
{Oxford Times, 1862 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Alden’s Oxford Guide. 
. Bacon’s Oxford A BC Railway 
Guide (Bristol). 
Bodleian Quarterly Record. 
Brazen Nose. 
Christian Democrat. 

City of Oxford School Magazine. 


Clock Tower. 

Cowley Evangelist. 

English Catholic. 

Flock Book of the Oxford Down 

Help of Christians. 


Journal of the Gypsy Lore 

Latin Teaching. 


Modern Churchman. 

Morris Owner. 

New Ideals Quarterly. 

New Pictorial. 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine. 

Oxford Magazine. 

Oxford Monthly. 

Oxford Outlook. 

Oxford Poetry. 

Oxford Railway Guide. 

Pelican Record. 

Proceedings and Report of the 
Ashmolean Natural History 
Society of Oxfordshire. 

Publications of the Oxfordshire 
Record Society (Wokingham). 

St. Edward’s School Chronicle. 

Salter’s Guide to the River 

Social Service. 

Uganda Church Review. 

University News. 

University of Oxford Local 
Examination Papers. 


PapiHaM (Lancashire). Pop. 12,474. 
Indus.: Cotton, coal, stone. 

Padiham Advertiser, 1884 

Willing’s Press Guide 


PAIGNTON (Devon). 14,443. 
Watering-place. Cider is 
manufactured in large quan- 

{Paignton Observer and Echo, 1892 


{Paignton Western Guardian 
(Totnes) . ae š 
PATELEY BRIDGE ( Yorkshire). Pop. 
2,492. Indus. : Lead and stone. 
Market, Sat. 
tPateley Bridge, me serene 
(Harrogate) ba 
PEACEHAVEN (Sussex). Watering 
Peacehaven and Newhaven 
Gazette, 1924 .. sà si 

PENDLETON (Lancashire).—see SAL- 

PENGE (Kent). Pop. 26,278. 
Penge and Anerley News, 1868 
Penge and Anerley Press, 1883 .. 

PENISTONE ( Yorkshire). Pop. 3,791. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Steel- 

Penistone, ' Stocksbridge and 
Hoyland Express (Mexborough) 

PENKRIDGE (Staffs). Pop. 2,570. In- 
dus. : Agriculture and stone. 
Penkridge OERE (Cannock 

PENRITH (Cumberland). Pop. 8,342. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

culture,woollens, iron foundries 
t Cumberland and yy eats ane 
Herald, 1868 .. 
tPenrith Observer, 1860 ` 

PENRYN (Cornwall). Pop. 3,151. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Fishing, 
manufacture of granite and 

ren and monn paces 

PENZANCE (Cornwall). Favourite 
watering-place. Pop. 12,096. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Market-gardening, 
fisheries, and mining. 

Cornish Evening Tidings, 1870.. 

sormak Post and Mining News, 

Cornishman and Cornish Tele- 
graph, 1878,>.. 



PETERBOROUGH ( Northampton). Pop. 
35,533. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Agriculture, brick and 
tile works, malting, brewing. 

tPeterborough Advertiser, 1854 .. 
{Peterborough and Hunts Stan- 
dard, 1872 add sa 
{Peterborough Citizen, 1898 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Caster’s A BC Time Table. 
Peterborough and District Direc- 


PETERSFIELD (Hants.). Pop. 3,933. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Hants and Sussex News, 1883 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Bedales Record. 

PINNER (Middlesex). Pop. 9,462. 
Pinner Observer and Gazette 
(Harrow) as gn wie 


PLYMOUTH (Devon). Pop. 209,857. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Shipping, ship-build- 
ing, rope, sail-cloth, sugar, sul- 
phuric acid, artificial manures, 
soap, and alkali manufactures. 

{Western Evening Herald, 1895 .. 

{Western Independent, 1808 

{Western Morning News and 
Mercury 1860 . i 

{Western Weekly News, 1861 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Annual Report, &c., of the Ply- 
mouth Institution. 

Doidge’s &c., Annual. 

Football Herald. 

Journal of the Marine Biological 
Association of the United 

{Naval and Military Record. 


Plymouth and District Stock and 
Share List. 

Plymouth Co-operative Society 

Plymouth Corporation Grammar 
School Magazine. 

Report and Transactions of the 
Devonshire Association. 

Report and Transactions of the 
Royal Geological Society of 

South Devon and East Cornwall 
Hospital Report. 

Sports Post. 


PLYMPTON (Devon). Pop. 1,102. Mar- 
ket, Fri. 
Plympton &c., Times, 1921 

Willing’s Press Guide 


POCKLINGTON (Yorks). Pop. 2,642. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, milling, and brewing. 

Howdenshire Chronicle, 1876 .. 
Pocklington Weekly Nowa 1926 
(Easingwold) .. 

PONTEFRACT ( Yorks). Pop. 16,763. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Malting, 
gardening, liquorice-growing, 
and mining. 

Pontefract Advertiser, 1863 
Pontefract Express, 1880 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Holmes’s Pontefract Borough 
Pontefract & District Business 

PoNTYPOOL (Monmouth). Pop. 6,883. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 

Iron and coal working. 
t: aa of Monmouthshire, 

Pontypool Weekly Argus (New- 
port) .. 

Poore (Dorset). Pop. 43,661. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus. : Shipping, 
ship-building, fishing, iron- 
founding, potteries, and twine- 

tPoole, &c., Herald, 1846 

PoRTSMOUTH (Hants). Royal Dock- 
yard. Pop. 247,284. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, pro- 
visioning, and outfitting the 
fleet; stay-making. 

tEvening News, 1877 .. 

{Hampshire Telegraph, 1799 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Football Mail. 

Globe and Laurel. 

Holbrook’s Railway Guide. 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal. 

North End Mail.. 


Portsmouth ABC Railway 
Guide (Southampton). 

Russell’s Portsmouth A B C Rail- 
way Guide (Southampton). 

Sporting Mail. 

Welcome Words. 

Prescot (Lancashire). Pop. 9,043. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 
Watch-making, files and tools. 

Prescot, &c., Reporter, 1859 .. 

PRESTON (Lancashire). Pop. 117,426. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Cotton, 
flax, linen, leather, and ma- 
chinery manufactures; iron- 
works and ship-building ; 
coasting trade. 


T ee E TN 



{Lancashire Daily Post, 1886 

{Preston Guardian, 1844 

Preston Herald, 1855 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Benedictine Almanac. 

Catholic News. 

Certified Secretary 

Journal of the Royal Lancashire 
Agricultural Society. 

Monthly Journal of the Preston, 
&c., Chambers of Commerce. 

Preston Catholic News. 

PupseEy ( Yorks). Pop. 14,315. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures : Wool- 
lens, leather, and worsted. 

Pudsey, &c., News, 1872 
Pudsey District AGVOENIE, 1883 
(Stanningley) .. : 

PuRLEY (Surrey). Pop. 1,660. In- 
dus. : Agriculture. 
Purley, &c., Times (Croydon) .. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Travel Key. 


QUEENBOROUGH (Kent). Pop. 3,073. 
Indus.: Manufactures of glue 
and chemicals. 

{Queenborough suarien Ape 
© mess) .. 

RADCLIFFE pate Pop. 24,677. 
Indus. : Cotton spinning, dye- 
ing; mining; iron manufac- 
ture. Market, Friday. 

tRadcliffe Guardian (Bury) 
{Radcliffe Times, 1899 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Radcliffe, &c., Co-operative So- 
ciety Review. 

RADCLIFFE (Notts). Pop. 2,849. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Coal and 

Radcliffe Advertiser (Heanor) .. 

RapDSstTocK (Somerset). Pop. 3,661. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 

tSomerset cneten a . 1892 
(Bath) . : a 
RAMSBOTTOM Danana) Pop. 

15,370. Indus.: Cotton, iron, 
brass, quarries. 

tRamsbottom ubestvet enn 
stall) .. ‘ aa 

RAMSGATE (Kent). Popular sea- 
bathing place. Pop. 36,560. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 
Indus. : Shipping and fishing. 

tEast Kent Times, 1866. 

{Thanet Advertiser, 1859 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Willing’s Press Guide 

RAWMARSH ( Yorkshire). Pop. 17,911. 
Indus. : Coal and iron, manu- 
factures of china. 

Rawmarsh, &c., Advertiser 
(Rotherham) ke s 
RAWTENSTALL (Lancashire). Pop. 

28,381. Market, Mon. Indus. : 
Cotton and woollen manufac- 
ture, coal mines and stone 
tRawtenstall Times (Bacup) 
Rossendale Echo, 1891 
{Rossendale Free Press, 1883 

READING (Berks). Pop. 92,274. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agriculture, 
and seed-growing; manufac- 
ture of biscuits, ales, and tin- 

{Berkshire Chronicle, 1770 

{Reading Mercury, 1723.. 

{Reading Standard, 1885 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Bacon’s Reading, &c., Railway 
Guide (Bristol). 

Football Chronicle. 

Reading University Gazette. 

REDCAR (Yorkshire). Pop. 16,399. 
Seaside Resort. 

Cleveland Standard, 1908 

REppITcH (Worcester). Pop. 16,235. 
Manufactures: Needles, pins, 
and fish-hooks. 

Redditch Indicator, 1859 


REIGATE (with REDHILL) (Surrey). 
Incorporated Borough. Pop. 
28,915. Indus.: Agriculture, 
Fullers’ Earth. 

{Surrey Mirror, 1879 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Croquet Association Gazette. 

Holmesdale Directory. 

REPTON (Derbyshire). Pop. 1,929. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

RETFORD (Notts). Pop. (parish) 
13,412. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
paper-making ; iron-works, 
and agriculture. 

tRetford, Gainsborough, &c., 
Times, 1869 .. 
Retford, Worksop, &c., News, 
1855 (Gainsborough) 
RHYMNEY (Monmouthshire). Pop. 

11,691. Indus.: Coal mines - 

and ironworks. 

{Rhymney and Aber Valley pone 
Argus (Newport) 




RICHMOND (Surrey). Favourite sub- 
urban riverside resort. Pop. 

t{Richmond, &c., Times, 1873 
{Richmond Herald, 1885 
{Thames Valley Times, 1885 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Richmond, &c., Home Journal. 
Star and Garter Magazine. 

RICHMOND (Yorks). Pop. 3,883. In- 
dus.: Agriculture, iron and 

Richmond Division Gazette 
(Northallerton) > si 

RIPLEY (Derby). Pop. 13,298. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: iron and 
coal working. 

{Ripley and Heanor News, 1889 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Brittain’s Tram, &c., Time Table. 

Rıron ( Yorks). Pop. 8,389. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Manufactures : Machinery, 
iron and brass ware. 

Ripon and Richmond parame’ 
(Darlington) .. 
tRipon Gazette (Harrogate) 
{Ripon Observer, 1885 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Ripon Advertiser. 
Ripon Diocesan Gazette (Leeds). 

ROCESTER (Staffordshire). Pop. 
1,187. Market, Sat. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

ROCHDALE (Lancashire). Pop. 90,807. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Manu- 
factures: Cotton, Woollens, 
silk, machinery ; coal-mining 
and quarrying. 

{Rochdale Observer, 1856 
Rochdale Times, 1858 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Lyceum Banner. 
Rochdale Labour News. 
Shepherd’s N.E.W.S. 

ROCHESTER (Kent). Pop. 31,261. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, agriculture, and hop- 

Rochester, &c., Journal, 1854 .. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Rochester Diocesan Chronicle. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Stella Maris. 
Zambesi Mission Record. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

ROMFORD (Essex). Pop. 19,448. Mar- 
ket,Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, 
gardening, brewing. 

{Essex Times, 1863 6 
{Romford Recorder (Ilford) 
tRomford Times, 1912 .. 

ROMSEY (Hampshire). Pop. 4,826. 
Indus.: Agriculture, brewing. 
Romsey Advertiser (Andover) 

Ross (Hereford). Pop.4,665. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture, 
brewing, tanning, and iron- 

tRoss Gazette, 1867 

ROTHERHAM (Yorks). Pop. 68,045. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: 
Coal-mining, and iron and 
brass manufacture. 

{Rotherham Advertiser, 1858 

{Rotherham Express (Mexboro’) 
e Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Rotherham, &c., Annual. 

ROTHWELL (Yorks). Pop. 15,249. 
Indus.: Coalmining. 
Rothwell Advertiser, 1897. 

Royston ( Herts and Cambridge). Pop. 

3,826. Market, Wed. Indus. : 
Agriculture, malting, brewing, 
manure works; agricultural 
implement works; training 
Herts and Cambs Reporter, 1855 
Royston Weekly News (Cam- 
bridge) .. a ig 
Periodicals, to 
Supplement to the Forester. 

RUDDINGTON (Notts). Pop. 2,877. 
Ruddington Advertiser (Heanor) 

RUDGWICK (Sussex). Pop. 1,175. 
Periodicals, &c.— 


RuGBy (Warwick). Pop. 25,098. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture; steam and electrical 
engineering; railway works, 
cement works; stay-making. 

{Rugby Advertiser, 1846 
tRugby Observer, 1911 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Advertiser Rugby Almanack. 

RUGELEY (Staffordshive). Pop. 4,607. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coal and 
iron Mines. 

{Rugeley Mercury (Lichfield) 
Rugeley Times, 1926 .. 



P rovincial] 

RUNCORN (Cheshire). Pop. 18,393. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coasting 
trade, iron and coal working, 
and quarrying. 

{Runcorn Examiner (Warrington) 
{Runcorn Guardian (Warrington) 
{Runcorn Weekly News (Widnes) 

RUSHDEN( Northampton). Pop.13,511. 
Indus. : Shoemaking. 
{Rushden Echo and Argus, 1897.. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Friend’s Witness to Scriptural 

RYDE, Isle of Wight (Hants). Fashion- 
able seaside and yachting 
town. Pop. 11,295. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus. : Shipping. 

Isle of Wight Times, 1852 

SADDLEWORTH ( Yorkshire). Pop. 
12,565. Market, Wed. Indus. : 
Woollens, worsteds. 

{Saddleworth Standard (Oldham) 

SAFFRON WALDEN (Essex). Pop. 5,876. 
T Agriculture and malt- 

Saffron Walden Weekly SOWN 
1889 (Cambridge) .. ; 

ST. ALBANS (Hertford). Pop. 25, 588. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Strawplaiting and silk- 

tHerts Advertiser, 1855 .. 

St. Albans Free Press, 1928 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 


Metrocol Monthly P 

St. Albans Quarterly. 

Transactions of the St. Albans, 
&c., Architectural, &c., So- 

ST. AUSTELL (Cornwall). Pop. 3,247. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Mining, 
fishing, sardine factories, china, 
clay works, and agriculture. 

St. Austell Gazette (Truro) .. 
{St. Austell Guardian (Bodmin) .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
St. Austell Deanery Magazine. 

ST. BEES (Cumberland). Pop. 1,609. 
Indus. : Stone quarries. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
St. Bees School Magazine. 

ST. HELENS (Lancashire). Pop. 
102,675. Markets, Mon., Sat. 
Indus.: Glass and chemical 
manufacture ; copper smelting 
and coal-mining. 

St. Helens, &c., Reporter, 1865.. 
St. Helens Newspaper, 1853 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
St. Helens Catholic Herald 

Willing’s Press Guide 

St. IvEs (Cornwall). Pop. 6,945. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: TENE: 
St. Ives Times, 1910 
Western Echo, 1899 
St. JoHN’s Woop—see LONDON. 

St. NEotTs (Huntingdon). Pop. 4,109. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture ; paper & lace making. 

tSt. Neots Advertiser, 1878 

SALCOMBE (Devon). Pop. 2,201. In- 
dus. : Fishing and Agriculture. 
tSalcombe Gazette (Kingsbridge) 

SALE (Cheshire). Suburb of Man- 
chester. Pop. 16,337. Indus. : 
Market Gardening, agriculture. 

{Sale and Stretford Guardan War 


SALFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 234,150. 
Market, Tues. TextileIndustry 
Salford City Reporter, 1879 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Pendleton Co-operative Society.. 

SALISBURY (Wilts). Pop. 22,867. 
Important Military centre. 
Headquarters of Southern 
Command. Market, Tues. In- 
dus. : Agriculture, Motor Cars, 
Leather, Malt, Beer, and Con- 
densed Milk. 

tSalisbury, &c., Journal, 1729 

Salisbury Times, 1860 . 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Salisbury Diocesan Gazette. 

Salisbury Plain Official Military 
Directory (Aldershot). 

Sarum Almanack. 

Wessex Saddleback Pig Society 
Herd Book. 

SALTASH (Cornwall). Pop. 3,631. 
Indus.: Agriculture, fishing. 
Saltash Gazette, 1895 .. a 

SALTBURN ( Yorks.). Pop. 4,668. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Saltburn, &c., Advertiser. 

SANDBACH (Cheshire). Pop. 5,843. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Iron 
and salt works; silk manufac- 
ture, boots and shoes ; chemi- 

tSandbach Advertiser (Stockport) 
Sandbach Chronicle (Congleton) 
+Sandbach Guardian (Warrington) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
National United Order of Free 
Gardeners’ Journal. 



SANDERSTEAD (Surrey). Pop. 3,351. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
North British Columbia News. 

SANDOWN, Isle of Wight. (Hants). 
Favourite bathing place. Pop. 
7,664. Indus.: Agriculture. 

tIsle of Wight Chronicle, 1866 

SANDWICH ( Kent). Pop. 3,161. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Tanning 
and brewing. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Sandwich Directory (Deal). 

SCARBOROUGH ( Yorks). Fashionable 
sea-bathing and mineral-spring 
resort. Pop. 46,192. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Fishing and 

{Scarborough Evening News, 1876 

{Scarborough Mercury, 1855 

Scarborough Post, 1876 
Periodicals, &c.— 


Scarborough Pictorial Guide. 

Taylor’s Scarborough A BC Rail- 

way Guide. 
Waddington’s Scarbro Almanac 

SCUNTHORPE (Lincolnshire). Pop. 
27,354. Market, Sat. Indus. : 

Scun Dorps and Frodlingham aha 

sp aS Hen 
Dowry of Mary. 

SEAHAM (Durham). Pop. 16,971. In- 
dus. : Shipping & coal-mining; 
chemical works. 

Seaham Weekly News, 1859 

SEDBURGH ( Yorks). Pop.2,586. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Woollens. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

SELBY ( Yorks). Pop. 9,990. Market, 
Mon. Indus.: Shipping, boat- 
building, and _ flax-spinning. 

{Selby Express (Goole) 
{Selby Times, 1860 

SEVENOAKS ( Kent). Pop. 9,058. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Hop-growing. 
Kent Messenger and Sevenoaks 
Telegraph (Maidstone) 
Sevenoaks Chronicle, 1880 

SHANKLIN, Isle of Wight (Hants). Sea- 
side residence. Pop. 7,374. 
Isle of Wight Guardian, 1883 
Shanklin Gazette, 1899 

Willing’s Press Guide 

SHEERNESS ( Kent). Pop. 18,596. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Has Arsenal and 

{Sheerness Guardian, 1858. 
Sheerness Times, 1868 .. 

SHEFFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 490,724. 
Markets, Tues.,Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Cutlery, plated goods, 
edge tools, machinery,needles, 
printing types, and hardware 
of every description. 

{Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 1855. . 
{Sheffield Independent, 1819 
{Sheffield Mail, 1920 .. 
tWeekly Telegraph, 1862 
{Yorkshire Early Bird, 1897 ; 
a xorkshiro Telegraph ang star 

Í Periodicals &c.— 

British Limemaster. 

British Temperance Advocate. 


Calendar of the University of 

Candy News. 

Christian Words. 

Current Newspapers. 

Directory. for the British Glass 


Journal of the Society of Glass 

Land of Sinim. 

Matrimonial Gazette. 

Money Making Photography. 

National Union of Retail Con- 
fectioners Official Journal. 


Refractories Journal. 

Sheffield A BC Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham) 

Sheffield Catholic Herald (Leeds) 

Sheffield Diocesan Gazette. 

Sheffield Enterprise. 

Sheffield Independent ABC 
Railway Guide. 

Sheffield Independent Christmas 


Sheffield Independent Football 

Sheffield Independent Reference 
&c., Book. 

Sheffield Stock Exchange Daily 

Sheffield Telegraph Football 

Sheffield Telegraph Railway 

Sheffield University Annual 

Sheffield Year Book. 
Sports Special. 




SHEPTON MALLET (Somerset). Pop. 
4,294. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Silk, shoes, hosiery, lace, and 
{Shepton Mallet Journal, 1854 

SHERBORNE (Dorset). Pop. 6,394. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Silk, gloves, &c. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

SHERBURN (Yorkshire). Pop. 581. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Sherburn Recorder (Scarborough) 

umberland and Durham). Pop. 
S. Shields, 116,667. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Coal and iron 
exporting, and ship-building. 
{Shields Daily Gazette, 1849 .. 
{Shields Daily News, 1864 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Ainsley’s Nautical Almanac. 
{Football Gazette. 

Reid’s Shields Diary (Newcastle). 

Smith’s Dock Journal. 

SHIPLEY ( Yorkshire). Pop. 28,289. 
Indus.: Plushes, dress goods, 
woollens, stone, iron, and 
machine works. 

{Shipley Times, 1876 (Otley) 

SHOREHAM (Sussex). Pop. 7,272. 
Indus.: Oysters, shipbuilding. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Lancing College Magazine. 

SHREWSBURY (Shropshire). Pop. 
31,013. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Flax, thread, canvas, 
linen, army clothing and agri- 
cultural implements. 

{Shrewsbury Advertizer (Oswes- 

try) E wa Ja 
Shrewsbury Chronicle, 1772 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Record of Bare Facts. 
Salop and County A BC Rail- 
way Guide. 
Sentinel Transport News. 
Shrewsbury, &c., Circular. 
Shrewsbury, &c., Directory. 
Shrewsbury Outlook. 
Transactions of the Caradoc and 
Severn Valley Field Club. 

SipcuP (Kent). Pop. 8,940. 
{Sidcup & District Times, 1881 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Bee Craft. 
Sidcup, &c., Free Press. 
Sidcup and District Chronicle. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

SIDMOUTH (Devon). Favourite water- 
ing-place. Market, Sat. Pop. 
5,669. Indus. : Agriculture and 

{Sidmouth Herald, 1849 ne 
{Sidmouth Observer, 1887 a 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Slave Market News. 

SITTINGBOURNE (Kent). Pop. 9,339. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, oyster-fishing ; brick, 
cement, and paper making. 

{East Kent Gazette, 1854 

SKEGNESS (Lincoln). Pop. 9,251. 
Seaside Resort. 
Skegness, &c., News, 1909 .. 

Skegness Standard 

SKIPTON ( Yorks). Pop. 12,013. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: Cot- 
ton-spinning and SEPURANE 

{Craven Herald, 1874 .. 
tWest Yorkshire Pioneer, 1858 . 


SLEAFORD (Lincoln). Pop. 6,680. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

ere Gazette and . ouma 
Sleaford Standard, 1924 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Auctioneer’s Pocket Book. 

SLouGH (Bucks). Pop. 16,392. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture, 
railway rolling stock and sup- 
plies, hardware, rubber tyres, 
cables, &c. 

tSlough, &c., Observer, 1883 

SMALL HeatH (Warwickshive)—see 

SMETHWICK (Staffs). Pop. 75,757. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Chemicals, engineering, iron 
and glass. 

{Smethwick Telephone, 1884 .. 
Smethwick Weekly News (West 
Bromwich) ; i% 

SOHAM (Cambridge). Pop. 4,737. In- 
dus.: Agriculture and fruit- 

tSoham, &e., Advertiser (March) 

Soutu Bank (Yorks). Pop. 17,413. 
Indus.: Has boiler-making and 
iron and steel manufactories. 

South Bank Express (Redcar) 

SouTH BENFLEET (Essex). 

Benfleet & District Gazette, 1923 



Pop. 1,918. 


SouTH BRENT (Devon). 
South Brent Western uardian 
Pertodicals, to 
Poor Souls Friend. 

SouTH MoLton (Devon). Pop. 2,818. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture, shirt and collar 

tSouth Molton Gazette (Tiverton) 

SOUTHALL (Middlesex). Pop. 30,261. 
Indus. : Motor Works, margarine 
and chemicals. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
A.E.C. Gazette 

SOUTHAMPTON (Hants). Mail Packet 
Station. Pop. 160,997. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Shipping, and 
ship provisioning and building. 

{Hampshire Advertiser, 1823 

{Southern Daily Echo, 1888 

Periodicals, &c.— 


{Football Echo. 

Lord’s Witnesses. 

Russell’s Complete Guide. 

Russell’s Pocket A B C Railway 
Guide for Southampton. 

Russell’s Southampton A B C 
Railway, &c., Guide. 

What’s On in Southampton. 

SOUTHEND (Essex). Favourite 
marine resort. Pop. 106,021. 
{Southend-on-Sea Observer, 1870 
som nand = Pictorial TeregTapi, 
{Southend Standard, 1871 
Southend Times, 1922 .. 
Periodicals, &c. 
Morning Star. 

SOUTHGATE(Middlesex). Pop. 39,120. 
Southgate Chronicle (Barnet) .. 

SOUTHPORT (Lancashire). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 76,644. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. 

{Southport Guardian, 1882 
Southport Journal, 1882. 
{Southport Visiter, 1844 
Periodicals, d&¢.— 
Ashton’s Enterprise Time Table. 
Report of the Southport Society 
of Natural Science. 


SPALDING( Lincoln). Pop. 10,702. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Lincolnshire Free Press, 1847 
Spalding and Lincolnshire alle 
dard, 1878 a : 
Spalding Guardian, 1881. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

STAFFORD (Staffordshire). Pop.28,632. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Electrical and general engi- 
neering, boot and shoe making, 
and salt. 

{Staffordshire Advertiser, 1795 .. 
{Staffordshire Chronicle, 1877 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Pottery and Glass Record. 
Stafford Newsletter. 

STAINES (Middlesex). Pop. 7,329. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
- ture. 
Middlesex Chronicle .. 
Staines and Egham ataa (Chert- 
sey), 1893 4 

STALYBRIDGE (Cheshire). Pop.25,233. 
Indus. : Cotton, woollens, iron 

{Stalybridge Herald (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) .. sd e 
{Stalybridge Reporter (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) . oe a 

STAMFORD (Lincoln). Pop. 9,881. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and malting. 

tLincoln, &c., Mercury, 1695 
tStamford, &c., News, 1875 

STANLEY (Durham). Pop. 25,090. 
{Stanley News, 1910 N 

STANMORE (Middlesex). Pop. 4,663. 
Stanmore Observer (Harrow) .. 

STAPLEFORD (Notts.). Pop. 8,153. 
Indus. : Silk and lace manu- 
facture, coal and iron. 

Stapleford, ia News (Long 
Eaton) .. ; aes ts 

STOCKPORT (Cheshire). Pop. 123,315. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Cotton, hats, machinery, to- 
bacco, and calico printing. 

{Cheshire Daily Echo, 1883 
{Stockport Advertiser, 1822 
{Stockport Express, 1889 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Stockport Express Annual. 

STOCKTON-ON-TEES (Durham). Pop. 
64,150. Market, Wed. Indus. : 
Ship-building, shipping, en- 
gineering ; sail-cloth, and iron 

Stockton, &c., Herald, 1856... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Stockton, &c., Catholic Magazine. 



P rovincial] Willing’s 

STOKE-ON-TRENT (Staffordshire). Pop. 
240,440. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Manufactures of earthen and 

iron ware ; coal mines. 
{Staffordshire Evening Sentinel, 

tStatfordshire Weekly Sentinel, 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Teacher of the Deaf. 
Transactions, &c., of the North 

Staffordshire Field Club. 

Transactions of the Ceramic 
STOURBRIDGE (Worcester). Pop. 

18,023. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Glass, fire-clay products ; iron- 
working, coal-mines. 

tCounty Express, &c., 1867 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Stourbridge, &c., Railway Guide 

Indus. : Soap and chemical 
works. Big railway centre. 

Boro’ of West Ham and PROTE 
Express, 1854 

Pop. 58,149. 

9,391. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

{Stratford-on-Avon Herald, 1860 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Midland Car Club Handbook. 

Shakespeare Pictorial. 


STRETFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 46,535. 
{Stretford and Sale ae 
(Stockport) .. 
Stretford Telegraph (Urmston) . . 

STROUD (Gloucester). Pop. 8,561. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Woollen and 
silk weaving; dyeing. 

{Stroud Journal, 1854 
{Stroud News, 1867 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Cainscross, &c., Co-operative 
Chess Amateur. 
West Country. 

SUDBURY (Suffolk). Pop. 7,046. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufactures : 

Silk, velvet, malt, and bricks. 
{Sudbury Post (Bury St.Edmunds) 
oe and meee Free SAE 

Press Guide 

SUNDERLAND (Durham). Pop.159,100. 
Market Sat. Indus.: Ship 
building, coai-exporting ; sail- 
cloth, earthenware, glass, and 
iron manufactures. 

{Sunderland Echo, 1873 
Periodicals, &c¢c.— 

{Football Echo. 

Reid’s Sunderland Diary. 

Sporting Echo. 

Sunderland Co-operative Society 

Sunderland Red Book (Durham). 
Wearside Catholic News. 


Cheam Times, 1929 ae 

Illustrated Sutton and Epsom 

Mail (Croydon) P 

Surrey County Herald, 1878 .. 

t{Sutton, &c., Advertiser (Croydon) 

{Sutton Herald is 
Periodicals, Ae 
Sutton High School Magazine. 


23,028. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Manufacture of hardware. 

{Sutton Coldfield News (Sing: 


23,852. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Coal-mining, agriculture, cot- 
ton and hosiery manufacture. 

Nottinghamshire Free Press, 1885 

SWANAGE (Dorset). Pop. 7,112. Sea- 
side Place. 
{Swanage Times, 1919 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Divine Light and Truth. 

SWANLEY (Kent). 

{Swanley, &c., Times (Sidcup) 

SWINDON (Wilts). Pop. 54,920. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Great Wes- 
tern Railway works,quarrying, 
and agriculture; military and 
railway uniforms, and boot 
and shoe manufacture. 

{Evening Advertiser, 1882 

tNorth Wilts Herald, 1861 

Swindon Advertiser, 1854 
Periodicals, &c¢.— — 

Football Pink. 

Swindon, &c., Directory. 

SWINTON (Lancashire). 
Pendlebury, 30,924. Indus.: 
Brick-making, and_ cotton 
manufacturing, coal mines. 

tSwinton, &c., Journal (Bolton). . 
Swinton, &c., Telegraph (Urmston) 

Pop. with 



Willing’s Press Guide 




TADCASTER ( Yorkshire). Pop. 3,514. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Stone 

quarries and agriculture. 

{Tadcaster News (Wetherby) 

TADWORTH (Surrey). 
Tadworth and Walton Weeky 
Record (Coulsdon) ; 

TAMWORTH (Stafford). Pop. 8,032. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Paper 
and small-wares, clothing, and 

{Tamworth Herald, 1868 ya 
{Tamworth Mercury (Lichfield) .. 

Pop. 23,219. 
Indus.: Silk- 
weaving; glove, shirt, and 
collar making; agriculture. 
Somerset County Gazette, 1836.. 
{Somerset County Herald, 1843 .. 
{Taunton Courier, 1808 .. Y 
{Taunton Echo (Bridgwater), 1887 
Periodicals, &c.— 
General Book Catalogue. 
Journal of the Wesley Bible 
Proceedings of the Somersetshire 
Archæological Society. 
Report on Somerset Birds. 
Taunton Pocket Time Table. 

TAUNTON (Somerset). 
Market, Sat. 

Tavistock (Devon). Pop.4,317. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Agriculture ; 
copper, tin, and lead-mining. 

East Cornwall Times, 1920 
Tavistock Gazette, 1857 
Tavistock Times, 1920 

TEDDINGTON (Middlesex). 
Indus. : Market gardening. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Wigwam and Tepee. 

TEIGNMOUTH (Devon). Salubrious 
watering place. Pop. 10,976. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, coasting, and fishing. 

Teignmouth Gazette, 1830 
Teignmouth Post, 1882 

TENBURY (Worcester). Pop. (parish) 
1,922. Market, Tues. Indus. : 
Fruit and hop growing, malt- 
ing, agriculture, and cattle 
Tenbury Wells Advertiser, 1867 
tTenbury Wells Mail (Leominster) 

(Staffordshire). Pop. 
5,489. Indus.: Hardware 
manufactures ; agriculture. 

Periodicals, &¢,—~ 


Pop. 21,216. 

TEWKESBURY (Gloucester). Pop. 
4,704. Market, Wed. Indus.: 
Hosiery, malting and brewing. 

Tewkesbury Register, 1858 

THAME (Oxford). Pop. 2,918. Mar- 

ket, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 

Thame Gazette, 1856 

THETFORD (Norfolk). Pop. 4,704. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

{Thetford ant Watton anes Or 
wich) . 

Tursk ( Yorks). Pop. 2, 755. ides 
Agriculture and Malting. 
Thirsk, &c., News, 1897 (York) .. 

THORNBURY (Gloucester). Pop. 2,493. 
Market, Monthly on 4th Wed. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 

{Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) 

Thornton Heath Observer, 1890 

THRAPSTON ( Northamptonshire). Pop. 
. 1,662. Market, Tues. Indus. 
Thrapston, &c., J ourna (woune: 


Tipton (Staffordshire). Pop. 34,131. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Coal 

and iron, cement, &c. 
Tipton, &c., Times (Walsall) .. 
Tipton Herald (Dudley) . as 

TIVERTON (Devon). Pop. 9,715. Mar- 

ket, Tues. Indus.: Lace and 
net-making ; agriculture. 
Devon, &c., News, 1873 .. ii 
{Tiverton Gazette, 1858 .. T 
{Western Observer ji he 
Periodicals, &c.— 

TODMORDEN (Lancashire and Yorks). 
Pop. 23,888. Market, Wed. 
Manufactures: Woollens, cot- 
tons and machinery ; Market 

tTodmorden Advertiser, 1853 .. 
{Todmorden & District News, 1828 

TONBRIDGE( Kent). Pop.15,929. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Hops; 

Kent & Sussex Courier (Tun- 
bridge Wells). 

tTonbridge Free Press, 1869 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Golden Shore. 


Young Adventurer. 

TooTinG—see LONDON. 


Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

Torquay (Devon). Fashionable sea- 
side town and winter residence. 
Pop. 39,432. Market, Sat. 

{Torbay Herald and Express, 1920 
{Torquay Directory, 1839 , 
{Torquay Times, 1849 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Torbay Football Herald. 
Torbay Standard di si 
Transactions, &c., of the Tor- 
quay Natural History Society. 

ToTNES (Devon). Pop. 3,982. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Agriculture, 
fishing, cider, and serge manu- 

tTotnes Times 
į Western Guardian, 1882 

TOTTENHAM(Middlesex). Pop.146,695. 
Suburb of Greater London. 
tTottenham, &c., Herald, 1861 

TREDEGAR (Monmouth). Pop. 25,105. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coal and 

{Tredegar Weekly Argus(Newport) 

TRING (Herts). Pop. 4,352. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Straw plait. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Novitates Zoologice. 

TROWBRIDGE (Wilts). Pop. 12,133. 
Markets, Alt.-Tues., Thurs., 
Sat. Manufacture: Woollen 
Wiltshire News, 1833 
{Wiltshire Times, 1854 .. 

TRURO (Cornwall). Pop. 10,833. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Tin 
mining and smelting : agricul- 
ture and shipping. 

Royal Cornwall Gazette, 1801 
{West Briton, 1810 ; 
Periodicals, ios 
Netherton’s Cornish Almanack. 
Truro Diocesan Gazette. 

Famous mineral springs. Pop. 
35,568. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

{Kent and Sussex Courier, 1872 .. 
{Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, 1881 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Blessed be Egypt. 
Children’s Gospel Magazine. 
News of Salvation 
Young Christian. 

TWICKENHAM (Middlesex).Pop.34,805. 
Indus. : Market Gardening. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Art World. 
Leading Note. 

ULVERSTON (Lancashire). Seaside re- 
sort. Pop. 10,121. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Iron-mining, 
iron - wire, paper - making, 
manufacture of tar products 
and agriculture. 

{Ulverston Guardian (Barrow-in- 

{Ulverston News (Barrow-in-Fur- 
ness) ‘ 

UPPINGHAM (Rutland). Pop. 2,453. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Uppingham School Magazine. 

UPTON-UPON- “SEVERN (Worcester). Pop. 
2,004. Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Upton-on-Severn News, 1902 

Urmston (Lancashive). Pop. 8,297. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

Western Telegraph, 1895 

UTTOXETER (Stafford). Pop. 5,361. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, grazing, and stock 

Uttoxeter Advertiser, 1882 

UXBRIDGE (Middlesex). Pop. 12,923. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and Market Gardening. 

{Buckinghamshire Advertiser, 1840 

{Middlesex Advertiser, 1860 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Undertakers’ Journal. 

VENTNOR, Isle of Wight (Hanis). 
Favourite watering-place and 
winter residence. Pop. 6,063. 

Isle of Wight Mercury, 1855 

WADEBRIDGE (Cornwall). Pop. 2,319. 

Market, Tues. Indus. : Cattle. 

tWadebridge, &c., Guardian 

Wadebridge Post (Launceston) 

WAKEFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 52,892. 
Markets, Wed., Fri. Indus.: 
Worsted and woollen manu- 
factures, mining, and malting. 

{Wakefield Express, 1801 
Periodicals, &¢.— 


Wakefield Diocesan Gazette. 

WALKDEN (Lancashire). 
Walkden, &c., bic (UE 




WALLASEY (Cheshire). Pop. 90,721. 
bier and Wirral poponicle, 

Wallasey News, 1899 i 
Wallasey, Times, 1924 .. 

WALLINGFORD (Berks). Pop. 2,724. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 

Berks & Oxon Advertiser, 1855 

WALLINGTON (Surrey). Pop. 9,223. 
Indus. : Agriculture, Laven- 
der growing. 

{Wallington and Carshalton Ad- 
vertiser (Croydon) . 
{Wallington and Carshalton Herald 
Wallington & Carshalton Times, 
(Croydon) is 

WALSALL (Stafford). Pop. 96,964. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Coal and iron, hardware, sad- 
{Walsall Observer, 1868. 
Walsall Times... co 
Periodicals æc.— 
Saddlery and Harness. 

WALTHAM ABBEY (Essex). Pop.6,847. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures : 
Powder and cee 

{Weekly Telegraph, 1863. 

WALTHAMSTOW(Essex). Pop.127,441. 
t Walthamstow, Leyton, &c., Guar- 
dian, 1870 ae 
t Walthamstow Express (Stratford) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Housing Journal. 
Walthamstow Observer. 

WALTON (Essex). Pop. 3,666. Water- 
ing place. Indus.: Agriculture, 

t Walton, &c., Gazette ( O eneee 
Walton News (Clacton) . 
Walton Times (Clacton), 1913 . 

WALTON (Lancashire). Pop. 83,290. 
Walton Times & North taverno! 
Times (Bootle) ; 



WANSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 15,297. 
Wanstead Express (Leytonstone) 

WARMINSTER (Wilts.). Pop. 5,389. 
Market, Alt.-Mon. Indus.: Ag- 
ticulture, malting and silk 

Warminster Journal, 1881 

Willing’s Press Guide 

| WARRINGTON (Lancashire). Pop. 

76,811. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Manufactures: Tools, wire, 
nails, glass, iron, pins, leather, 
cotton, and soap. 

t Warrington Examiner, 1869 

{Warrington Guardian, 1853 

Periodicals, d&:c.— 

Independent Methodist. 

Warrington A B C Railway 

Warrington Buff Book. 

Warrington Enterprise. 

WARWICK (Warwick). Pop. 12,862. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 
ture and malting. 

Warwick, &c., Advertiser, 1806.. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

WATERFOOT (Lancashire). 

tWaterfoot Times (Bacup) 

WATERLOO (Lancs.). Pop. 29,626. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Waterloo, &c., Herald, 1895 
(Southport) .. 
tf Waterloo, &c., Times (Bootle) . 

WaATFoRD( Herts). Pop. 45,910. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Malting, 
brewing, and paper-making. 

{West Herts, &c., Observer, 1863 

{West Herts Post, 1887 . 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Good Health. 

Missionary Worker. 

Peacock’s Directory for Watford. 

Present Truth. 

WEALDSTONE (Middlesex). Pop. 

Wealdstone Observer (Harrow). . 

WEDNESBURY (Staffordshire). 
Midland Advertiser, 1859. 

WELLINGBOROUGH (N orthampton). 
Pop. 20,365. Market, Wed. 
Manufactures : Boots & Shoes. 
iron ore smelting. 

{Wellingborough News, 1861 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

WELLINGTON (Shropshire). Pop. 8,148 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Coal 
and iron working, agriculture. 

+ Wellington Journal, 1854 

WELLINGTON (Somerset). Pop. 7,212. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, woollen manufacture, 
and brick-making. 

{Wellington Weekly News, 1860 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Wellington, &c., Directory. 




WELLS (Somerset). Pop. 4,372. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture ; 
brush and paper-making. 

Wells Journal, 1851 

WELWYN GARDEN City ( Herts). Pop. 
7,000. Indus.: Breakfast 
food, iron-founding, brick- 

{Welwyn Times, 1928 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Welwyn Garden City, &c., | 


WEMBLEY (Middlesex). Pop. 16,191. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Wembley News, 1923 
Wembley Observer (Harrow) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Greyhound Evening Mirror. 
Wembley Enterprise. 

West Bripcrorp (Notts). . Pop. 
West Bridgford 
(Heanor), 1907 ; 
West Bridgford Times <&c. 
(Nottingha m). 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Linguist’s Review. 

West Bromwicu (Stafford). Pop. 
73,761. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Coal and iron mining; hard- 

ware manufacture. 
Free Press, 1875. Si 
{Midland Chronicle, 1890 ae 
tWeekly News (Oldbury), 1871 .. 

West Ham (Essex). Pop. 300,905. 
t~West Ham Express, 1876 ae 
West Ham Mail, 1888 Sd 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Book of West Ham. 
West Ham Municipal Alliance 

WESTERHAM (Kent). Pop. 3,162. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Westerham Herald, 1882 

“‘WESTGATE-ON-SEA_ (Kent). Pop. 
5,096. Seaside resort. 

and mr oaineton 
Guardian, 1925 sa 


Favourite seaside resort. Pop. 
31,653. Indus.: Agriculture 
and terra-cotta. 

{Weston Mercury, 1843. 

hike tala Advertiser, 

Weston-super-Mare Gazette, 1845 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Tiger and Rose. 

Weston-super-Mare A B C Rail- 

way Guide (Bristol). 

Willing’s Press Guide 

egies | | Wuitsy (Yorks). 

WETHERBY (Yorks). Pop. (parish) 
2,126. Market, Thurs. Indus. : 
Agriculture, malting. 

tWetherby News, 1857 

WEYBRIDGE (Surrey). Pop. 6,688. 
' Indus.: Fruit and vegetable 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Quarterly Circular of the 
Oologists’ Correspondence Club 

WEYMOUTH (Dorset). Pop. (with Mel- 

combeRegis) 24,570. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus.: Shipping 
and shipbuilding. 
tDorset Daily Echo, 1921 
Southern Times, 1851 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Dorset Masonic Calendar. 
Transactions of the Dorset 
Masters’ Lodge. 

Sea-bathing re- 
sort. Pop. 12,512. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Iron, ship- 
building, and manufacture of 
jet ornament. 

tWhitby Gazette, 1854 

Periodicals, &ce.— 
Proceedings of the Wesley 
Historical Society. 

WHITCHURCH (Shropshire). Pop. 

5,656. Indus.: Agriculture. 
{Whitchurch Herald, 1869 

WHITEHAVEN (Cumberland). Pop. 

19,536. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Exporting coal and iron ; min- 
ing; iron and steel manufac- 
tWest Cumberland News, 1882 .. 
{Whitehaven News, 1832 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Cumberland County Annual. 

WHITLEY (Northumberland). Pop. 
(with Monk Seaton) 22,255. 
Market, Fri. Seaside resort. 
Indus.: Coal mining and 

Whitley Seaside Chronicle, 1895 

WHITSTABLE ( Kent). Pop. 9,842. In- 
dus.: Oyster-dredging, ship- 
ping, and agriculture. 

Whitstable Times, 1864 

WHITTLESEY (Cambridge). Pop.4,208. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Agricul- 

tWhittlesey Reporter (March) 

WICKFORD (Essex). Pop. 1475. 
Wickford, &c., Post cou 




Provincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

WiIpNES (Lancashire). Pop. 38,879. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Chemi- 
cals, soap, iron foundries. 

{Widnes and Runcorn Chronicle 

wina and Runcorn ‘Gazette, 

+ Widnes Examiner (Warrington) 

+ Widnes Guardian (Warrington) 

~Widnes Weekly News, 1876 .. 

WiGan (Lancashire). Pop. 89,447. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Cotton- 
spinning, linen-weaving, dye- 
ing, coal-mining, founding, 

{Wigan Examiner, 1853 .. 
{Wigan Observer, 1853 . 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Science and Art of Mining. 
Wigan Catholic Herald (Liver- 

WIGTON (Cumberland). Pop. 3,659. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Cotton- 
weaving, agriculture. 

Wigton Advertiser, 1857 

WILMSLOW (Cheshire). Pop. 8,286. 
Indus.: Agriculture .. 
Wilmslow, &c., Express, 1908 . 

WIMBLEDON (Surrey). Pop. 61,451. 
Wimbledon, &c., Advertiser, 1923 
{Wimbledon Boro’ News, 1894 
Wimbledon Herald (Sutton ) 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Cricket Clubs Annual. 
King’s College School Magazine. 
Messenger of the Sacred Heart. 

WINCHESTER (Hants). Pop. 23,791. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

{Hampshire Chronicle, 1772 
{Hampshire Observer, 1877 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Annual Report of the Royal 
Hampshire Hospital. 
Clan Lamont Journal. 
Hampshire Regimental Journal. 
Preparatory Schools’ Review. 
Warren’s Rail, &c., Time Tables. 
Winchester, &c., Directory. 
Winchester Diocesan Chronicle. 
Winchester Diocesan Year Book. 

WINDSOR (Berks). Royal residence. 

Pop. 20,115. Market, Sat. 

t{ Windsor, &c., Express, 1812 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Beaumont Review. 

Eton Calendar. 

Eton College Chronicle. 


, WINSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 10,957. 
Indus. : Saltworks. 

+ Winsford and Middlewich 

Chronicle (Chester) .. zs 

+ Winsford and Middlewich 

Guardian (Warrington) 

WIRKSWORTH (Derby). Pop. 3,615. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Lead 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Local Advertising Sheet. 

WISBECH (Cambridge). Pop. 11,316. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Corn, 
coal, timber, and agricultural 
implement trades: shipping, 
and ship-building. 

fIsle of Ely and Wisbech Adver- 
tiser, 1845 ; 

Wisbech Constitutional Gazette, 
(King’s Lynn). : 

Wisbech Standard, 1890 

WITNEY (Oxford). Pop. 3,364. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Blankets, heavy woollens, and 

Witney Gazette, 1861 

WIVELISCOMBE (Somerset). Pop.1,255. 
Market, Monthly on 3rd Tues. 
Indus.: Agriculture and brew- 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Davy’s Devon Herd Book. 
Flock Book of the Devon TONE 

Woolled Sheep. ‘ 

Woburn (Bedford). Pop. 1,062. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

tWoburn, &c., Reporter (Bedford) 

WOKING (Surrey). Pop. 26,430. In- 
dus.: Agriculture, malting, 

{Woking Herald, 1913 .. 
Woking News and Mail, 1894.. 
Woking Observer, 1897 oe 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Islamic Review. 

Journal and Proceedings of the 
Permanent Way Institution. 
West Surrey District Good 

Templar Guide. 
Woking Recorder. 

WoxkinGHaM (Berks). Pop. 4,473. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agri- 

Wokingham Gazette, 1902 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Wellington Year Book. 




WOLVERHAMPTON (Stafford). Pop. 
102,373. Market, Wed. In- 
dus.: Iron-mining, smelting, 
and founding; coal-mining, 
manufacture of hardware, 
locks, edge-tools, implements, 
tin and japanned ware, papier- 
mache, fencing, &c. ; boot and 
shoe making. 

{Express and Star, 1874 ; 

{Midland Counties Express, 1861 

}Wolverhampton Chronicle, 1789. 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Assurance Review. 

Bridgen’s Wolverhampton, &c., 
Railway Guide. 

YSporting Star. 

Wolverhampton A B C Railway 
Rates Book (Birmingham). 
Wolverhampton Free Press (Cei- 

WOLVERTON (Bucks). Pop. 14,052. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 

Wolverton Express, 1899 

Woop GREEN (Middlesex). Pop. 
sons ael for Wood Green, &c., 

Wood Green, &e, Herald (Tot 


WOODBRIDGE (Suffolk). ; Pop. 4,598. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Ship- 
ping and agriculture. 

Woodbridge Reporter, 1869 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Suffolk Stud Book. 

WoopFoRD (Essex). Pop. 21,245. 
Woodford, &c., Advertiser 
(Loughton), 1895 ie 
Woodford Express (Leytonstone) 
Woodford Times, 1867 . 
Periodicals, bos 

WoopHoOUsE (Leicester). Pop. 1,603. 
Woodhouse Express (Mex- 
WootwicH (Kent). Royal Arsenal. 
Pop. 140,403. 
tKentish Independent, 1843 
Woolwich Gazette, 1862.. 
Woolwich Herald, 1882 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Journal of the Royal Artillery. 
R.M.A. Magazine. 

WORCESTER (Worcester). Pop. 48,848. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Porce- 
lain, gloves, and machinery 
manufacture : dyeing and hop- 

{Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 1690 
tWorcester Daily Times, 1880 
tWorcestershire Advertiser, 1861 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

City of Worcester Official Hand- 

Medical Herbalist. 

Three Pears. 


West Midland Counties A B C 
Railway Guide. 

Worcester A BC Railway Guide. 

Worcester Diocesan Calendar 

Worcester Diocesan Gazette 


Worcestershire County Council 

WORKINGTON (Cumberland). Pop. 
26,480. Market, Wed. In- 
dus. : Mining, iron and steel 
working, shipping, ship-build- 
ing, and salmon-fishing. 

Evening Star, 1927 sa 
Workington Star, 1888 

Worksop ( Notts). Pop. 23,198. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ag- 
riculture, coal-mining, malt- 
ing, chair making, wood-turn- 
ing, &c. 

{Worksop Guardian, 1896 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

WoRTHING(Sussex). Favourite water- 

ing place. Pop. 35,224. Indus.: 
Fruit growing. 

{Argus ; 

Worthing Gazette, 1883 

{Worthing Herald, 1920.. 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Worthing A BC Railway Guide. 

Worthing, &c., Blue Book and 
Directory (Brighton). 

WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE (Gloucester). 
Pop. 3,010. Indus.: Manu- 
factures of Woollens. 

Wotton ander Edge; iis GARELA 
(Dursley) š 

WycomBE (Bucks). Pop. 21,952. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Chairs, 
paper, and agriculture. 

Bucks Free Press, 1856 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Wycombe Abbey Gazette. 

YARMOUTH (Norfolk). Popular bath- 
ing place. Pop. 60,710. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Herring 
fishing and curing, ship-buil- 
ding and shipping. 

Yarmouth Independent, 1855 
{Yarmouth Mercury, 1880 



Yxrovit (Somerset). Pop. 14,987. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Glove- 

t{Pulman’s Weekly News, 1857 .. 
Western Chronicle, 1764 
{Western Gazette, 1736 .. 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Yeovil Directory. 

York (Yorks). Pop. 84,052. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Leather 
gloves, shoe, and glass manu- 
factures, ironfounding, con- 
fectionery, and agricultural 
manures ; railway works. 

York Star, 1910 i 
tYorkshire Evening Press, 1882. 
Yorkshire Gazette, 1819 
tYorkshire Herald, 1790.. 

Yorkshire News, 1898 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Ca Ira. 

Farmers’ Advocate. 

Football Press. 

Journal of the Yorkshire Agri- 
cultural Society. 

London & North Eastern Rail- 
way Magazine. 



York A B C Time Table. 

York City Year Book. 

York Diocesan Calendar. 

York Diocesan Gazette (Hull). 
York Journal of Convocation. 
Yorkshire News Football Guide. 

Yorkshire Al- 


ABERDARE (Glamorgan). Pop. 55,010. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal 
and iron mining. 

Aberdare and Mountain Ash nE 
press (Merthyr Tydfil) 
tAberdare Leader, 1838 . 
Periodicals, lea 
Hauwr Yr. 

ABERGELE (Denbigh). Pop. 2,632. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Quarry- 
ing; iron and lead mining. 

perce’: &c., Weekly News (epn; 

Abergele, &c., Times, 1908 . 
Abergele & Pensarn Visitor, 1856 

ABERYSTWYTH (Cardigan). Popular 
watering-place. Pop. 11,220. 
Market, Mon. 

{Cambrian News, 1860 .. es 

tWelsh Gazette, 1899 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Bibliotheca Celtica. 

Ddraig Goch. 

AMMANFORD (Carmarthen). Pop. 
6,984. Indus.: Coal Mining, 

paint and oilworks. 
Amman Valley Chronicle, 1913.. 

Bara (Merioneth). Pop. 1,408. Holi- 
day Resort. Market, Sat. 
Seren, 1885 
Periodicals, dc. — 
Calendar of the United Theolo- 
gical Colleges. 
Gwyliedydd Newydd. 

BANGOR (Carnarvon). Pop. 11,032. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Slate- 
quarrying, agriculture, and 

tBangor, &c., weeny News (Son; 

{Bangor Observer (Carnarvon) as 
tNorth Wales Chronicle, 1808 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Football Chronicle. 
BARMOUTH (Merioneth). Pleasant 
watering place. Pop. 3,559. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: 

Barmouth Advertiser, 1877 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Seręn Gomer. 

BAarrY (Glamorgan). Pop. 38,927. 
Shipping and Coal trade. 
Barry Advertiser, 1921.. — 
tBarry and District News, 1889 . 
{Barry Herald, 1896 P 

BETTWS-Y-CoED (Carnarvon). Pop. 
tBettws-y-Coed, sie 5 meer meme 
(Conway) ‘ 

BLAENAU FESTINIOG (Merionethshire). 
Pop. 6,741. Market, Sat. 
Slate, &c., Industry. 

Rhedegydd, 1879 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Brecon (Brecknock). Pop. 5,649. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: 




{Brecon and Radnor Express, 1889 
{Brecon County Times, 1866 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Brecon County Annual. 

BRIDGEND (Glamorgan). Pop. 9,206. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Coal and 
iron working. 

{Glamorgan Gazette, 1866 

BRYNMAWR (Brecknock). Pop. 8,062. 
Market, Sat. Indus.- Coal- 
mining, &c., ironworks. 

Brynmawr, &c. 5 Wooky atu 
(Newport) sts 

BURRY PORT Coren en Pop. 
5,932. Indus. : Shipping. 
Burry Port Star (Llanelly) 

CAERPHILLY (Glamorgan). Pop. 
36,893. Market, Thurs. In- 
dus.: Has collieries,ironworks, 
and woollen manufactories. 

Baa al J pura! (Pontypridd), 

CaRDIFF (Glamorgan). A seaport 
town with very extensive 
docks. Pop. 200,262. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping trade, 
shipbuilding, exportation of 
coal, iron, and minerals ; cop- 
per-working ; engineering. 

tSouth Wales Echo, 1884 
era Wales Evening Express, 

South Wales Weekly News, 1857 
tWeekly Mail, 1870 
{Western Mail, 1869 
. Periodicals, æc.— 
Alliance Printer. 
Annual Report of the National 
Museum of Wales. 
Art Silks as an Investment. 
British & Colonial MineralWater 
Trade Journal. 

British Deaf Times. 

Cardiff A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Cardiff and South Wales Ad- 

Cardiff Directory. 

Cardiff Naturalists’ Society 

Cardiff Suburban News. 

Cardiff Year Book. 

Football Express. 


Industrial, Commercial and Fin- 
ancial Review 

Kemp’s Local Gazette. 

Northern Coal, &c., Companies. 

Some Leading Industrials. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


South Wales Coal and Iron Com- 

South Wales Coal Annual. 

South Wales Football Echo. 

{South Wales Journal of Com- 


Welsh Catholic Herald. 

Welsh Coal and Shipping Hand- 

Welsh Journal of Agriculture. 

Western Mail A BC Railway 
Time Tables, &c. 

Who’s Who in Wales. 

Workers’ Own. 

CARDIGAN (Cardigan). Pop. 3,452. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping trade, fisheries, agricul- 
ture, brick-making and pot- 

{Cardigan Advertiser, 1866 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Almanac y Cymro. 

CARMARTHEN (Carmarthen). Pop. 
10,011. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Shipping trade, tin 
works, cloth-weaving, and 

{Carmarthen Journal, 1810 

Cymric Times, 1923 

Seren Cymru, 1857 s4 ni 

tWelshman, 1829.. 2%, i 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Cyfaill Eglwysig. 


St. David’s, Book of the Diocese 

Transactions of the Carmarthen- 
shire Antiquarian Society. 

CARNARVON (Carnarvon). Pop. 8,301. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
timber and coal _ trades, 
fisheries, slate works. 

{Carnarvon Herald, 1832 

tGenedl Gymreig . 

{Herald Cymraeg, 1854 . 

{North Wales Observer, 1877 

Papur Pawb s3 ' 

Werin a'r Eco .. ork 

Periodicals, &¢.— 


Diary of the 






Trysorfa y Plant. 


CEFN (Denbighshire). Pop. 7,032. 
Cefn Chronicle, 1907 .. 



CoLwyn Bay (Denbigh). 
Place. Pop. 18,770. 
Colwyn Bay Advertiser, 1892 . 
{Colwyn Bay, &c., Weekly News, 
(Conway) ; 
tNorth Wales Pioneer, 1898 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Colwyn Bay Directory (Liverpool) 


Conway (Carnarvonshive). Holiday 
Resort. Pop. 6,506. Market, 

Fri. Indus.: Sulphur. 
tConway, &c., Weekly News .. 
tNorth Wales Weekly News, 1886 
{Vale of Clwyd, &c., Weekly News 
{Vale of Conway, &c., Weekly News 

CORWEN (Merionethshire). Pop. 2,690. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Fishing 

Periodicals, &c.— 

COWBRIDGE (Glamorgan). Pop. 1,159. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

DENBIGH (Denbigh). Pop. 6,783 Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture and tanning, quarries. 

tBaner ac Amserau Cymru, 1843 
{Denbighshire Free Press, 1881 . 
tNorth Wales Times, 1895 

DoLGELLy (Merioneth). Pop. 2,014. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. ; 
Tanning, flannel, and linen 

Cymro, 1869. 

{Dydd, 1868 ; 
Periodicals, di — 


Dysgedydd y Plant. 



Williams (Dr.) School Magazine. 

FISHGUARD (Pembroke). Pop. 2,999. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Slate, 
&c.; fishing. 
County Echo, 1880 

GOWERTON (Glamorgan). Pop. 3,899. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

HAVERFORDWEST (Pembroke). Pop. 
5,750. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Coasting, and Agriculture. 

i iy County, &c., Saartien, 

Pembrokeshire Telegraph, 1854. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


HOLYHEAD (Anglesea). Pop. 11,757. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
and Shipbuilding. 

tHolyhead Chronicle (Carnarvon) 
Holyhead Mail (Carnarvon)... 
tHolyhead O DESENA; Ko (Car- 


HOLYWELL (Flint). Pop. 2,907. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Coal, iron, 
and lead mining, quarrying, 
smelting; flannel and paper 

{County Herald, 1883 .. 
{Flintshire Observer, 1855 

KINMEL Bay (Denbigh), Garden City 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Kinmel Bay Garden City 

LAMPETER (Cardigan). 
Market, Fri. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Perl y Plant. 

Pop. 1,813. 

LLANDUDNO (Carnarvon). Favourite 
seaside resort. Pop. 19,290. 
{Llandudno Advertiser, 1880 .. 
tLlandudno, Stis. Mony News 
Pilot, 1902 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Llandudno, &c., Directory 

LLANDYSSUL(Cardigan). Pop. 2,688. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Manu- 
factures of woollens. 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

LLANELLY (Carmarthen). Pop.36,504. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Ex- 
port of coal, iron, copper, tin, 

Llanelly, &c., Guardian, 1863 . 
Llanelly Argus, 1911 ; 
tLlanelly Mercury, 1891 . ; 
Llanelly Star, 1909 pa Sad 
{South Wales Press, 1853 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Seren yr Ysgol Sul. 

LLANFAIRFECHAN (Carnarvon). Pop. 
3,639. Bathing Resort. In- 
dus.: Agriculture. 

Llanfairfechan, &c., Weekly news 
Periodicals, ti 
Links of Help. 

LLANGEFNI ( Anglesea). Pop. 1,691. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Wool- 

len manufactures, tanning, 
+ Clorianydd, 1891 a Ji 



LLANGOLLEN (Denbigh). Pop. 3,680. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures of 

Llangollen Chronicle, 1921 
LLANRWST (Denbigh). Pop. 2,368. 
Llanrwst, &c., weenty News 
(Conway) ag me 
MAESTEG ( Glamorgan). Pop. 28,960. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron 

and tinplate works. 
{Glamorgan Advertiser, 1919 

MERTHYR-TYDFIL (Glamorgan). Pop. 
80,116. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Ironworks—the most exten- 
sive in the kingdom; coal 
and mineral mining .. 

{Merthyr Express, 1864 .. 
Tyst, 1864 is ~ 

Moze (Flintshire). Pop: 4,659. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Coal 
and lead. 

Mold, &c., Leader (Wrexham) 

NARBERTH (Pembrokeshire). Pop. 
1,140. Market, Thurs. Indus. : 

Stone Mines. 
Narberth, &c., Weekly News, 1906 

NEATH (Glamorgan). 
Markets, Wed. 

Pop. 18,936. 
and Sat. 

Indus. : Coal and iron mining. 
Neath Guardian, 1926 .. 
NEWTOWN (Montgomery). Pop. 
3,226. Market, Tues. Manu- 
factures : Flannel, cloth, 

tweeds, &c. 

tMontgomeryshire Express, 1860. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Welsh Outlook. 

PEMBROKE (Pembroke). Royal dock- 

yard. Pop. 15,481. Market, 
Periodicals, &c.— 
News in a Nutshell. 
PENARTH (Glamorgan). Pop. 17,097. 

Indus.: Shipping; manufac- 
ture of mineral waters. 
Dinas Powys News, 1928 
Glamorgan News, 1922 
Penarth News, 1891 
Penarth Times, 1878 

PENMAENMAWR (Carnarvon). Pop. 

4,480. Indus.: Agriculture. 

tPenmaenmawr Weekly News 
(Conway) is 

Willing’s Press Guide 


PONTYPRIDD (Glamorgan). Pop. 
47,171. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Coal-mining, iron- 

working, and woollens. 
{Glamorgan County Times, 1895.. 
Glamorgan Free Press, 1891 
Pontypridd Observer, 1897 Be 
Rhondda Fach Gazette, 1916 .. 
Rhondda Gazette, 1916 

PORTADAWE (Glamorgan). 
West Wales Observer, 1919 

PorRTH (Glamorgan). 
Porth Gazette, 1900 (Ponty- 
pridd) .. ze ie = 
PORTHCAWL (Glamorgan). Pop. 6,642. 
Indus. : Coal and iron. 

Porthcawl pavetuace (Maeneg; 

PORTMADOC (Carnarvon). Pop. 4,184. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Ship- 

ping, slate quarries. 
Portmadoc, &c., /CDSSEv EE eer 


PRESTATYN (Flint). Pop.4,085. Mar- 
ket,Sat. Indus.: Lead mining. 
Prestatyn Weekly, 1905 ; 

PWLLHELI (Carnarvon). Pop. 3,811. 
Market, Wed. Indus. : Fishing. 
ae &c., Observer (Carnar- 
vege a Newyddiadur Cymreig, 

RADNOR (Radnorshire). Pop. 368. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

{Radnor Express (Brecon) 

Ruos (Denbigh). Pop. 8,473. 
Rhos Herald, 1894 (Wrexham) 

RuyL (Flint). Popular watering- 
place and marine winter resi- 
dence. Market, Tues. Pop. 

{Rhyl and North Wales Weekly 
News (Conway) 
Rhyl Journal and Advertiser, 1856 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Midweek Advertiser. 

SWANSEA (Glamorgan). Extensive 
docks. Pop. 157,561. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Export of coal, 
minerals, &c.; copper, tin- 
plate, iron, spelter, steel rails, 
patent fuel, and other works. 

{Cambria Daily Leader, 1861 
Cambrian, 1804 
{Herald of Wales, 1885 . 
Mid-Glamorgano Herald 
Neath Gazette, 1885 Ss 
{South Wales Daily Post, 1893 .. 
South Wales Voice, 1898 




tSouth Wales Weekly Post, 1893 
Swansea Herald of Wales, 1847 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Journal of the Welsh Biblio- 
graphical Society. 

Sporting News. 

Sporting Post. 

Swansea A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). 

Swansea Tide Table. 


TENBY (Pembroke). Seaport and bath- 
ing resort. Pop.4.830. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: Oysters 
and fishing. 
Tenby and County News, 1893 
Tenby Observer, 1853 .. : 

TONYPANDY (Glamorganshire). 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Towyn (Merioneth). Pop. 4,134. 
Indus.: Slate and lead, &c. 
tTowyn-on-Sea County Times 
(Welshpool) Fae cù 

Willing’s Press Guide 

WELSHPOOL (Montgomery). Pop. 
3,064. Market, Mon. Indus.: 
Agriculture and malting. 

tMontgomery County Times, 1880 

WREXHAM (Denbigh). Pop. 19,002. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Mineral and coal working, 
brewing, malting, tanning, 
l rope-making, and quarrying. 
Wrexham Advertiser, 1848 .. 
Wrexham and North ve aise 
dian, 1867 Sa 

tWrexham Leader, 1919 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

Almanac y Miloedd. 



Cymru’r Plant. 


Jarman’s Wrexham A B C. 

jJarman’s Wrexham Year Book 
and Local Directory. 


Magazine of the Girls’ County 



The population shown is that of the Burghs and Civil Parishes in 1921. 

ABERDEEN (Aberdeen). Seaport, and 
university city. Pop. 158,969. 
Market, Tues., Fri. Indus. : 
Linen, cotton, woollens, jute, 
paper, and comb manufac- 
tures : ironfoundries ; granite- 
polishing, ship-building, rope- 
making ; fisheries. 

Aberdeen, Banff, &c., People’s 
Journal (Dundee) .. 8 

Aberdeen Bon Accord, 1886 .. 

Aberdeen (City) People’s Journal 

Aberdeen Press and J ournal, 1748 

Aberdeen Weekly Journal, 1748 

Evening Express, 1879 .. i 

Periodicals, &¢.— 

A BC Time Table. 

Aberdeen Advertiser (Dundee). 

Aberdeen Almanac. 

Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book. 

Aberdeen Angus Review. 

Aberdeen Book Lover. 

Aberdeen Catholic Herald. 

Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce 
Journal (Glasgow). 

AberdeenGrammar School Maga- 

Aberdeen Post Office Directory. 

Aberdeen Public Library Annual 

Aberdeen University Calendar. 

Aberdeen University Library 
Aberdeen University Review. 
Alma Mater. 

Fishing News. 

Mariner’s Almanac. 

Scottish Notes and Queries. 
Torry Advertiser (Dundee) 

West End Advertiser (Dundee). 

AIRDRIE (Lanark). Pop. 25,039. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus. : Coal, iron, 
oil and bricks. 

Airdrie Advertiser, 1855 sd 

ALLOA (Clackmannan). Pop. 18,450. 

Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Coal, shipping, glass-working, 
spinning, ship-building, and 

Alloa Advertiser, 1841 

Alloa Circular, 1868 

Alloa Journal, 1844 

Atva (Clackmannan). Pop. 5,120. 
Indus.: Woollens, bricks. 

Alva Tribune (Tillicoultry) 

ALYTH (Perth). Pop. 2,837. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Woollens, linen, 

Alyth Gazette and Guardian, 1898 




ANNAN (Dumfries). Pop. 6,379. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Agriculture, 
nurseries, shipping, & fisheries. 

Annandale Observer, 1832 

ANSTRUTHER (Fife). Pop. 1,011. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

ARBROATH (Forfar). Pop. 21,385. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Linen, 
spinning, and bleaching; iron 
and leather trades, fishing. 

Arbroath Guide, 1842 .. 

Arbroath Herald, 1885 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

North Western Naturalist. 

ARDROSSAN (Ayr). Favourite water- 
ing place. Pop. 16,517. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, and 

Ardrossan Herald, 1853 ; 
Troon, &c., Times (Ardrossan) 

AYR (Ayr). Pop. 35,763. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus. : Shipping, 
fishing, tanning, woollen, cot- 
ton, leather, shoe, lace, carpet, 
manufactures, and engineer- 

Ayr Advertiser, 1803 ee 

Ayr Observer, 1832 ia a 

Ayrshire Post, 1875. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Ayr A BC Time Table. 

BanrFF (Banff). Pop. 4,194. Market, 
Fri. Indus. : Shipping trade, 
fishing, and agriculture. 

Banffshire Journal, 1845 

BARRHEAD (Renfrew). Pop. 11,466. 
Indus. : -cotton and iron. 
Barrhead News, 1884 (Paisley) 

BATHGATE (Linlithgow). Pop. 18,862. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Coal 
iron, lime, glass, and chemical 

West Lothian Courier, 1872 

BEITH (Ayrshire). Pop. 6,343. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Manufac- 
tures of flax, cotton, linen- 
thread, leather and furniture. 

Beith Supplement, 1865 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Clyde Train, &c., Guide. 
Macpherson’s Railway Time 
Table, &c. 

BELLSHILL (Lanark). Pop. 12,324. 
Indus.: Coal and iron. 

Bellshill Speaker, 1892 .. 

BLAIRGOWRIE (Perth). Pop. 4,168. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures ; 
Flax, linen, and jute. 

Blairgowrie Advertiser, 1855 

Willing’s Press Guide 

BLANTYRE (Lanark). 
Indus.: Coal. 
Blantyre Gazette, 1926.. 

BoORROWSTOWNESS (Bo'ness). (Lin- 
lithgow). Pop. 13,394. Indus. : 
Shipping ; salt, soap, coal, and 
iron working. 

Bo'ness Journal, 1878 .. 

BRECHIN (Forfar). Pop. 8,781. Mar- 
ket. Tues. Manufactures: 
Linen, flax, yarn, paper, 
whisky, and ale. 

Brechin Advertiser, 1848 

BRIDGE OF ALLAN (Stirling). Pop. 
3,579. Mineral Springs. In- 
dus. : Bleaching, dyeing, 

Pop. 18,154. 

Bridge of Allan Sane, 1884 
(Stirling) ; 

Buckle (Banff). Pop. 8,690. 
Indus.: Shipping, &c. 
Banffshire Advertiser, 1881 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Scottish Farm Servant. 

CALLENDER (Perth). Pop. 2,764. 
Market, Thurs. 
Callender ean 1884 ( pi 


CAMBUSLANG (Lanark). Pop. 26,130, 
Indus.: Coal and iron. 
Cambuslang Advertiser, 1896 

Cambuslang Pilot (Hamilton) .. 

CAMPBELTOWN (Argyll). Pop. 8,663. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, fishing, distilling, and 

Argyllshire Leader, 1929 
Campbeltown Courier, 1873 

CARLUKE (Lanark). Pop. 10,178. In- 
dus.: The centre of business for 
a considerable extent of sur- 
rounding country,and contains 
foundries, engineering works, 
timber yards, and factories. 
Carluke and Lanark Gazette, 1905 
Lanark and Upperward Gazette, 
1906 .. Gae se cs 
CARNOUSTIE (Forfar). Pop. 5,967. 
Indus. : Linen and chemicals. 
Carnoustie Gazette, 1913 

CARRICK (Ayrshire). 
Carrick Herald, 1909 

CasTLE Doucras (Kirkcudbright). 
Pop. 2,801. Market, Mon. In- 
dus.: Agriculture. 

Galloway News 1858 .. a 




CLYDEBANK(Dumbarton). Pop.46,506. 
Indus.: Shipbuilding, chemi- 
cals, distilling. 

Clydebank Press (Govan) 

COATBRIDGE (Lanark). Pop. 43,909. 

Indus.: Mining, iron, tinplates. 
Coatbridge Express, 1885 
Coatbridge Leader, 1899 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Lanarkshire Catholic Herald. 

COWDENBEATH (Fife). Pop. 14,215. 
Cowdenbeath Advertiser, 1927.. 

CriEFF (Perth). Pop. 6,445. Market, 

Daily. Manufactures: Wool- 
lens, worsted, leather, & 

Strathearn Herald, 1856 

CuMNOCK (Ayr). Pop. 5,419. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Mining, and 
woollen manufactures. 

Cumnock Chronicle, 1901 Ki 

Cupar (Fife). Pop. 6,576. Market, 

Tues. Indus.: Power-loom 
manufactures, spinning, and 

Fife Herald and Journal; 1822 
Fife News, 1870 

DALBEATTIE ( Kirkcudbright). Pop. 
2,998. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Paper, dyes, granite quarries. 

Stewartry Observer, 1889 

DALKEITH (Edinburgh). Pop. 7,707. 
Large grain market, Thurs. 
Indus.: Agriculture, mining, 
paper, and carpets. 

Dalkeith Advertiser, 1851 

DINGWALL (Ross). Pop. 2,551. Mar- 
ket, altern. Wed. Indus. : 
Agriculture, shipping. 

North Star, 1893 
Ross-shire Journal, 1875 

DuFFTOWN (Banff). Pop. 1,454. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Lime 
and distilleries. 

Dufftown News, 1894 

DUMBARTON (Dumbarton). Pop. 

22,933. Market, Tues. Indus.: 
Ship-building, iron-founding, 
and dyeing. 
Dumbarton Herald, 1851 
Lennox Herald, 1862.. 

DuMFRIES (Dumfries). Pop. 19,014. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Sheep 
and cattle trades ; tweed and 
hosiery manufactures. 

Poe &c., Courier & Herald, 

tDumfries, &e., Standard, 1843 . 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Factors’ Magazine. 

Gallovidian Annual. 

Galloway Herd Book. 


Press Guide 


New Moon. 
Transactions, &c., of the Dum- 
friesshire Natural History, &c., 

DUNDEE (Forfar). Seaport, with 

large docks. Pop. (including 
Broughty Ferry) 168,315. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus. : 

Principal seat of the jute 
trade; manufactures of flax, 
linen, canvas, rope, machinery, 
flour, and confectionery ; ship- 

building, whale-fishing and 

Angus aod East Coast seones 

Argyll and The Isles People’ s 
Journal.. va 

Broughty Ferry Guide, 1887. 
Courier and Advertiser, 1816 .. 
Dundee Free Press, 1927 
Dundee People’s Journal 
Evening Telegraph, 1877 : 
Fife Kinross People’s, &c. , Journal 
National People’s Journal aa 
People’s Journal, 1858 ee 
Perthshire People’s Journal .. 
Thomson’s Weekly News 
Weekly News, 1855 . 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Adventure Land. 

Broughty Ferry, &c., Adver- 

Campbell’s Dundee A B C Time 

Dundee and District Jute and 
Flax Workers’ Guide. 

Dundee Catholic Herald. 

Dundee Chamber of Commerce 
Year Book. 

Dundee Directory. 

Dundee Prices Current. 

Dundee Textile Report. 

Northern Advertiser. 

People’s Friend. 

Scots Magazine. 

Sporting Post. 

Tayport, &c., Advertiser. 
Western Advertiser. 

DUNFERMLINE (Fife). Pop. 46,977. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Linen- 
weaving, dyeing, iron-founding 
and coal-mining. 

Dunfermline Journal, 1840 .. 
Dunfermline Press, 1859 ; 
West Fife Echo, 1900 .. és 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Annual Report of the Carnegie 
United Kingdom Trust. 
Library Review. 
School Hygiene. 



Dunoon (Argyll). Favourite coast 
resort. Pop. 19,742. 
Dunoon Herald, 1876 
Dunoon Observer, 1871 

EDINBURGH (Edinburgh). University 
city, and celebrated seat of 
learning. Pop. (including 
Leith) 420,264. Market, Wed. 
Indus.: Packet trade, prin- 
ting, bookbinding, publishing, 
glass, and brewing. 

eee & Leith Observer, 

Edinburgh and Southern Coun- 
ties People’s Journal (Dundee). 
Edinburgh Citizen, 1864 
Edinburgh Evening News, 1873 
Edinburgh Gazette, 1700 : 
Evening Dispatch, 1886 
Midlothian Journal, 1883 
Musselburgh News, 1889 
Scotsman, 1817 
Weekly Scotsman, 1817. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Aberlour Orphanage Magazine. 
Accountants’ Magazine. 

Annual Report of the National 
Bible Society of Scotland. 
Annual Report of the Registrar 
General, &c., for Scotland. 

Banner of the Covenant. 
Blackwood’s Magazine. 

Book of the Old Edinburgh Club. 
Bookman’s Index. 

Botanic Garden, Royal, Edin- 
burgh, Notes on the, 

Bright Words. 


Cases Decided in the Court of 

Cases in the High Court of Jus- 

Catholic Directory for the Clergy 
and Laity in Scotland. 

Centre Broadsheet. 

Children’s Treasury of Pictures 
and Stories. 

Chummy Book. 

City Sparrows. 

County and Municipal Record. 

Craigmillar Harp. 

Dollar Magazine. 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle. 

Edinburgh and Leith Post Office 

Edinburgh and Leith Railway 
Rates Book (Birmingham). 

Edinburgh Catholic Herald. 

Edinburgh Chamber of Com- 
merce Journal (London). 

Edinburgh Daily Stock & Share 

Edinburgh Medical Journal. 

Edinburgh Medical Missionary 
Society Quarterly Paper. 


Press Guide 




Edinburgh University Calendar. 

Expository Times. 



Golf Monthly. 

Golfer’s Handbook. 

Gospel Messenger. 


Hebrew Christian. 


Hora Jucunda. 


Jolly Book for Boys. 

Jolly Book for Girls. 

Journal of Laryngology. 

Journal of Pathology. 

Journal of the Edinburgh Cham- 
ber of Commerce (Glasgow). 

Juridical Review. 

Labour Standard. 

Life and Work. 

Life Assurance Agents’ 

Love and Light. 

Loving Words. 

MacDonald’s English Directory. 

MacDonald’s Irish Directory. 

MacDonald’s Scottish Directory. 

MacDonald’s Tourist Guide to 

Man’s Own Paper. 

Merchant Maiden. 


Monthly Record of the Free 
Church of Scotland. 

Monthly Visitor. 

Morning Rays. 

Morningside Mirror. 

National Bible Society of Scot- 
land Quarterly Record. 

North British Agriculturist. 

North British Agriculturist Calen- 

Nursery Book. 

Official Catholic Directory for 

Official Directory of the Char- 
tered Accountants of Scotland. 

Oliver and Boyd’s Edinburgh 

Original Secession Magazine. 

Other Lands. 

Parliament House Book. 


Principal Acts of the General 
Assembly of the Church of 

Proceedings of the Royal Physi- 
cal Society of Edinburgh. 
Proceedings of the Royal Society 

of Edinburgh. 

Proceedings of the Society of the 
Antiquaries of Scotland. 

Publications of the Scottish His- 
tory Society. 




Quarterly Bulletin of the Im- 
perial Bureau of Animal 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness. 

Registrar-General Scotland Re- 
turns of Births, Deaths and 

Report on the Schemes of the 
Church of Scotland. 

St. Andrew’s University Calendar. 

Scots Law Times. 

Scottish Bakers’ Year Book. 

Scottish Bankers’ Magazine. 

Scottish Baptist Magazine. 

Scottish Butchers’ Journal. 

Scottish Chronicle. 

Scottish Church and University 

Scottish Churchman. 

Scottish Congregational Year 

Scottish Congregationalist. 

Scottish Educational Journal. 

Scottish Forestry Journal. 

Scottish Geographical Magazine. 

Scottish Girls’ Friendly Society 

Scottish Journal of Agriculture. 

Scottish Law List. 

Scottish Manhood. 

Scottish Mothers’ Magazine. 

Scottish Mountaineering Club 

Scottish Musical Magazine. 

Scottish Naturalist. 

Scottish Scout. 

Scottish Women’s. Temperance 


Sports Dispatch. 

Stewarts College Magazine. 


Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Architectural Association. 
Transactions of the Edinburgh 

Geological Society. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Obstetrical Society. 

Transactions of the Highland and 
Agricultural Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Scot- 
ish Arboricultural Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh. 


Young Scotland. 

Your Personal Health. 

ELGIN (Elgsn). Pop. 9,376. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Woollen, net, and 
rope manufacture; brewing, 
tanning ; saw mills. 

Elgin Courant and Courier, 1827 
Northern Scot, 1880 

Willing’s Press Guide 

FALKIRK (Sterling). Pop. 42,762. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Iron, 
works; collieries; agricul- 

Falkirk Herald, 1845 
Falkirk Mail, 1886 

ForFAR (Forfar). Pop. 9,587. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Linen- 

Forfar Dispatch, 1884 
Forfar Herald, 1877 

Forres (Elgin). Pop. 4,669. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures : Wool- 
lens, and chemicals. 

Forres, &c., Gazette, 1837 
Forres News, &c., 1905 .. 

FRASERBURGH (Aberdeen). Pop. 

10,514. Markets, Tues., Fri. 

Indus. : Shipping and fishing. 

Fraserburgh Advertiser, 1852 .. 
Fraserburgh Herald, 1884 

GALASHIELS (Selkirk, and Roxburgh). 
Pop. 13,339. Market, Tues. 
Indus.: Woollen and cloth 
weaving : dyeing. 

Border Standard, 1881 .. 
Border Telegraph, 1896 
Periodicals, &c¢c.— 
Border Magazine. 
Galashiels, &c., Almanac and 


GALSTON ( Ayr). Pop. 4,978. Indus. : 
Coal and manufactures of 
blankets and textiles. 

Weekly Supplement, &c., 1879 .. 

GIRVAN (Ayrshire). Seaport. Pop. 
7,272. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
fishing, coastal trading, &c. 

Girvan Town Crier, 1925 

GLascow (Lanark). University city 
and important river port. Pop. 
1,034, 174. Market, Wed. In- 
dus. : Shipping and exporting 
trade : iron shipbuilding, en- 
gineering, and chemical works ; 
cotton, silk, and worsted 

Bulletin and Scots Pictorial, 1915 
Daily Record and Mail, 1847 .. 
Evening Citizen, 1864 

Evening News, 1876 

Evening Times, 1876 .. 
Glasgow Eastern Standard, 1923 
Glasgow Herald, 1783 .. 
Glasgow Observer, 1885 
Glasgow Star, 1895 sa 
Glasgow Weekly ered, 1864 
Glasgow Weekly News . a 
Govan Press, 1878 a 
Northern Weekly Record 
Pollockshaws News, 1882 




inci Willing’s Press Guide 


Southern Press 

Sunday Mail .. 

Sunday Post, 1914 

Weekly Record, 1862 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Across the Sea. 

Adshead’s Street Directory of 
Greater Glasgow. 


Annual Report of the Saint 
Andrew Society (Paisley). 

Believer’s Pathway. 

Bible Almanac. 

Bible Faith Church Gazette. 

Bible Student. 

Boys and Girls. 

Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac. 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette. 

British Evangelist. 

Brown’s Boy Scout Diary. 

Brown’s Comprehensive Nautica 

Building Industries. 

Caledonian Medical Journal. 

Campbell’s Diaries. 

Christian Graphic. 

Clyde and Forth Bill of Entry. 

Clydesdale Stud Book. 



Corporate Accountant. 

Dowanhill Training 

Engineer and Iron Trades Adver- 


Every Christian’s Library. 

Farming News. 

Fifeshire Catholic Herald. 


Gaidhael An. 

Girl Guide’s Own Diary. 

Girls’ Guildry Gazette. 

Glasgow A B C Railway Guide. 

Glasgow A B C Railway Rates 
Book (Birmingham). i 

Glasgow Academy Chronicle. 

Glasgow Advertiser. 

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce 

Glasgow Daily Stock and Share 

Glasgow Medical Journal. 

Glasgow Post Office Directory. 

Glasgow Stock Exchange Record 
of Bargains, &c. 

Glasgow University Calendar. 

Golden Grain Almanac. 

Golden Grain Calendar. 

Golden Grain Diary. 

Good Seed. 

Good Templar. 

Herald of Salvation. 





Highland Light Infantry Chron- 

Index to the ‘‘ Glasgow Herald.” 

International Good Templar. 

Local Government Directory of 

Marine Engineer Officers’ Magaz- 

Motor World. 

Munro’s Marine Engineers’ An- 
nual Pocket Log and Diary. 

Murray’s Monthly Diaries, &c. 

Murray’sTimeTables forScotland. 

National Guardian. 

Nautical Almanac. 

Nautical Magazine. 

Poor Law, &c., Magazine. 


Proceedings of the Royal Philo- 
sophical Society of Glasgow. 

Protestant Advocate. 

Scots Independent. 

Scots Observer. 

Scottish Boot Trades Journal. 

Scottish Chemist. 

Scottish Confectioner. 

Scottish Co-operator. 

Scottish Country Life. 

Scottish Farmer. 

Scottish Farmer Album. 

Scottish Field. 

Scottish Good Templar. 

Scottish Grocer. 

Scottish Health Magazine. © 

Scottish Home and Country 

Scottish Ironmonger and Hard- 
ware Review. 

Scottish Jeweller. 

Scottish Land Court Reports. 

Scottish Law Directory. 

Scottish Law Review. 

Scottish Licensed Trade Direc- 

Scottish National Sabbath School 

Scottish Newsagent. 

Scottish Nurse. 

Scottish Plumbers’ Journal. 

Scottish Primary Quarterly 

Scottish Radio Dealer. 

Scottish Retail Drapery Journal. 

Scottish Road Book. 

Scottish Sunday School Teacher. 

Scottish Tailor. 

Scottish Temperance Reformer. 

Scottish Tobacco News. 

Scottish Trade Courier. 

Scottish Trader. 

Scottish Typographical Acia 
tion Report. 

Scottish Typographical Journal. 


Swimming News. 

Tide and Speed Tables. 



Transactions of the Geological 
Society of Glasgow (Kendal). 

Transactions of the Glasgow 
Archeological Society. 

Transactions of the Institution 
of Engineers and Shipbuilders. 

Weekly Welcome. 

Western Catholic Calendar. 


GLENALMOND (Perthshire). 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Glenalmond Chronicle. 

GOLSPIE (Sutherland). Pop. 1,518. 
Indus. : Agriculture. 
Northern Times, 1899 

Gourock (Renfrew). Pop. 10,128. A 
watering-place and yachting 

Gourock Times, 1915 


GRANGEMOUTH (Stirling). Pop.18,708. 
Indus.: Shipping and ship- 

Grangemouth Advertiser, 1900. 

GRANTOWN (Elgin). Pop. 1,622. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Distil- 

Strathapey Herald, 1907 

GREENOCK (Renfrew). Pop. 81,123. 
Indus.: Shipping, ship-build- 
ing, fishing, iron-founding, and 
sugar-refining ; rope and sail- 
cloth manufactures. 

Greenock Herald, 1852 
Greenock Telegraph, 1857 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Clydesdale Catholic Herald. 
Greenock, &c., Directory . 
Greenock, &c., Time Table. 
Hand Book for the Burgh of 


HADDINGTON (Haddington). Pop. 
5,325. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Agriculture; woollen and 
leather manufactures. 

Haddingtonshire Courier, 1850.. 

HAMILTON (Lanark). Pop. 47,341. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and coal-mining. 

Hamilton Advertiser, 1856 
Lanarkshire, 1889 : 

Hawick (Roxburgh). Pop. 17,445. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures: 
Woollens and hosiery. 

Hawick Express, 1854 .. 
Hawick News, 1882 

Willing’s Press Guide 

HELENSBURGH (Dumbarton). Favour- 
ite residential town and water- 
ing place. Pop. 9,703. Indus. : 
Agriculture and fishing. 

ee ane arloen Times, 

HuNTLY (Aberdeen). Pop. 4,544. 
Market, Alt.-Wed. Indus.: 
Agriculture, woollens. 

Huntly Express, 1863 

INVERNESS ( Inverness). Pop. 24,614. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Ship- 
ping trade, ship- building ; 
woollen, iron, dye, tan, and 
granite works; silver jewellery 
and tobacco manufacture ; 

Highland News, 1883 .. 
Inverness, &c., People’s Journal 
Inverness Courier, 1817 
Northern Chronicle, 1881 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Football Times. 
Inverness Burgh Directory. 
Northern Counties Red Book. 
Seventy-ninth News. 

IRVINE (Avr). Pop. 11,826. Market 
Mon. Indus.: Chemical works ; 
shipping, and ship-building. 

Irvine, &c., Times oe 
Irvine Herald, 1870 st 
Kilwinning Chronicle 

Troon Herald .. 

JEDBURGH (Roxburgh). Pop. 3,533. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures : 
Woollens, flannels and hosiery. 

Jedburgh Gazette, 1870.. 

JOHNSTONE (Renfrewshire). Pop. 
12,474. Indus.: Flax. 
Johnstone Advertiser, 1890 

KEITH (Banff). Pop. 5,972. Market, 
a Manufactures : Tweeds, 

Banffshire Herald, i892 

KELSO (Roxburgh). Pop. 4,009. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus. : Agriculture, 
coach building, and fishing- 
tackle making. 

Kelso Chronicle, 1832 .. 
Kelso Mail, 1797 

KILMARNOCK (Ayr). Pop. 35,747. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Carpets, 
shawls, shoes, coal and iron. 

Kilmarnock Herald, 1880 
Kilmarnock Standard, 1863 



Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Believers’ Daily Thought Calen- 
Believers’ Magazine. 
Burns’ Chronicle. 
Christian Worker. 
Christian’s Daily Text Calendar. 
Christian’s Pocket Diary. 
Good Tidings. 
Good Tidings Gospel Text Calen- 
Gospel Book Almanac. 
Gospel Messenger. 
Household Text Almanac. 
Kilmarnock A B C Time Table. 
Light in the Home Calendar. 
Little Ones Treasury. 
Young Watchman. 

KiLvsyTH (Stirling). Pop. 10,364. 
Indus. : Coal, iron and cotton. 
Kilsyth Chronicle, 1889 
Kilsyth Journal, 1900 .. 

Kinross ( Kinross-shive). Pop. 3,317. 
Market, Mon. Manufactures: 
Cottons and woollens. 

Kinrogss-shire Advertiser, 1847. . 

KIRKCALDY (Fife). Pop. 39,591. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Shipping ; 
coarse linen, canvas, floor- 
cloth, and rope manufactures ; 
iron-works and collieries. 

Fife Free Press, 1871 .. 
Fifeshire Advertiser, 1838 
Kirkcaldy Mail, 1885 .. 
Kirkcaldy Times, 1876 .. 

KIRKINTILLOCH (Dumbarton). Pop. 
16,251. Indus. : Mining ; cot- 
ton; iron-founding. 

Kirkintilloch Gazette, | 893 

Kirkintilloch Herald, 1:83 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Scottish Gardening. 

KIRKWALL (Orkney). Pop. 4,524. In- 
dus. : Shipping, fishing, distil- 
ing, and agriculture. 

Orcadian, 1854 .. 

Orkney Herald, 1860 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Peace’s Orkney and Shetland 
Almanac and County Direc- 


KIRRIEMUIR (Forfar). Pop. 5,074. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, linen-weaving, quarries. 

Kirriemuir Free Press, 1884. 
Kirriemuir Observer, 1869 

LANGHOLM (Dumfries.). Pop. 2,981. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture and woollen manufac- 

Eskdale Advertiser, 1848 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Larcs (Ayr). Pop. 12,637. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Fishing and 

Largs, &c., Weekly News, 1877 
Periodicals, dec.— 

LAURENCEKIRK (Kincardine). Pop. 
1,956. Market, Mon. Indus. : 

Kincardineshire Observer, 1902 

LEITH (Edinburgh)—see EDINBURGH. 

LERWICK (Shetland). Pop. 7,756. In- 
dus.: Fishing; woollens. 
Shetland News, 1885 
Shetland Times, 1872 

LEVEN (Fife). Pop. 7,180. Indus. : 
Coal, flax, linen. 
Leven Advertiser, 1888 
Leven Mail, 1885 

LINLITHGOW( Linlithgow). Pop. 7,631. 
Indus. : Coal, tanning, paper. 

Linlithgowshire Gazette, 1891 .. 

LOANHEAD (Edinburgh). Pop. 3,441. 
Periodicals, d&c.— 
Stock Keeper. 

LOCHGELLY (Fife). Pop. 10,666. 
Indus.: Collieries and Iron- 

Lochgelly and District Times, 
1892 .. s ss Se 
LOCHGILPHEAD (Argyll). Pop. 939. 

Indus.:Agriculture and fishing. 
Argyllshire Advertiser, 1887 

LOCKERBIE (Dumfries). Pop. 2,344. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agri- 

Annandale Herald, 1862 

MARKINCH ( Fife). Pop. (parish) 8,685 
Periodicals, &c. 
Rothmill Quarterly Magazine. 

MILNGAVIE (Dumbarton). Pop. 4,434. 
Indus.: Calico printing and 

Milngavie, es Horai A 
tilloch) . : 

Mineral springs. Market, Fri. 
Moffat News (Lockerbie), 1862 

MONTROSE (Forfar). Pop. 12,692. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping; 

Montrose, &c., Review, 1811 
Montrose Standard, 1837 

MOTHERWELL (Lanark). Pop. (inclu- 
ding Wishaw) 68,869. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Coal-mining, 
iron and steel. 
Motherwell Times, 1883 




Nairn ( Nairn). Pop. 5,622. Markets, 
Thurs. Indus.: Shipping 
trade; agriculture. 

Nairnshire Telegraph, 184) 

New Mins (Ayrshire). Pop. 4,160. 
Indus.: Muslin weaving and 

Irvine Valley News, 1908 

NEWTON STEWART (Wigtown). Pop. 
1,831. Market, Fri. Indus. : 

Galloway Gazette, 1870 

OBAN (Argyll). Favourite tourist re- 
sort. Pop. 6,344. Market,Wed. 
Indus.: Shipping and ee 

Oban Times, 1861 pr 

PAISLEY (Renfrew). Pop. 111,060. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Wool, silk, thread, cotton, 
shawl, carpet, tapestry, starch, 
and soap manufactures; dye- 
ing, weaving, bleaching ; iron- 
founding and ship-building. 

Paisley, &c., Gazette, 1864 
Paisley Daily Express, 1874 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Paisley Directory. 
Transactions of the Paisley Philo- 
sophical Institution. 

PEEBLES (Peebles). Pop. 6,107. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Tweeds. 
Peeblesshire Advertiser, 1845 . 
Peeblesshire News, 1887 

PERTH (Perth). Pop. 33,208. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Shipping ; cot- 
ton, wool, flax, iron, dye, and 
bleach works. 
Perthshire Advertiser, 1829 .. 
Perthshire Constitutional, 1832 .. 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
City of Perth Co-operative 
“ Pioneer.” 

Lelsie’s Time Tables. 

Perth A B C Time Table. 

Transactions and Proceedings of 
the Perthshire Society of Natu- 
ral Science. 

PETERHEAD ( Aberdeen). Pop. 16,144. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building; whale, seal, 
and herring fishing; granite 

Buchan Observer, 1863 


PoRrT-GLAsGOow (Renfrew). 
21,023. Indus. : Shipping and 
export trade; ship-building. 

Port Glasgow Express, 1876 



Press Guide 



RENFREW( Renfrewshire). Pop.29,983. 
Indus.: Cotton, silk, ship- 

Renfrew Press (Govan) ae 

RosyTH (Fifeshire). Naval Dockyard. 
mee) and POE Pa yen 
ne T $ 

RorHeEsAy ( Isle of Bute). Fashionable 
watering place. Pop. 15,218. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, fishing, and weaving. 

Buteman, 1854. 

Rothesay Express, 1877 
Periodicals, d&c.— 

Bute County Directory. 

Rothesay Academy Chronicle. 

Scots At Home and Abroad. 

Indus. : 

Rutherglen Reformer, 1874 

Pop. 29,067. 
Chemicals, coal and 

Sr. ANDREWS (Fife). Pop. 9,336. 

Market, Mon. Indus.: Ship- 
St. Andrews Citizen, 1870 or 

Periodicals, &c.— 
St. Andrew’s Advertiser. 

SELKIRK (Selkirk). Pop. 7,069. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Manufactures : 
Tweeds, shawls, and tartans. 

Saturday Advertiser, 1897 ee 
Selkirk Advertiser, 1884 
Southern Reporter, 1855 

STIRLING (Stirling). Pop. 21,733. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Tartan, 
shawl, and carpet making ; 

arns, cloth and agricultural 
Stirling Journal, 1820 .. 
Stirling Observer, 1836 
Stirling Sentinel, 1888 

Periodicals, &c.— 
British Messenger. 
Good News. 
Gospel Trumpet. 

STONEHAVEN (Kincardine). Pop. 
4,856. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Fishing ; leather and woollen 

Leader, 1913 sš sa ar 

STORNOWAY (Ross-shire). Pop.13,366. 
Important Seaport. 
Stornoway Gazette, 1917 

Provincial] Willing’s 
STRANRAER (Wigtown). Pop. 6,138. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Shipping 
and fishing. 
Galloway Advertiser, 1843 

THurso (Caithness). Pop. 4,278. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, fishing, and weaving ; 

Caithness Courier, 1866 

TILLICOULTRY (Clackmannan). Pop. 
4,645. Indus.: Manufactories 
of shawls, tartans, and other 

. woollen goods. 
Devon Valley Tribune, 1899 
Tillicoultry Tribune, 1899 

Press Guide 

West CALDER (Edinburgh). Pop. 
7,874. Indus. : Coal and lime- 

Midlothian Advertiser, 1883 

WIcK (Caithness). Pop. 11,322. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
herring-fishing and fish-curing, 
net-making, cloth and barrel 

John o’ Groat Journal, 1836 

Periodicals, &¢.— 
Caithness & Sutherland Almanac. 

WisHAW (Lanark). Pop. (including 
Motherwell) 68,869. Market, 

TurrirF ( Aberdeenshire). Pop. 3,911. Sat. Indus.: Iron and steel 
Indus. : Agriculture. working; mining. 
Periodicals, &c¢c.— Wishaw Herald, 1889 
Gateway. Wishaw Press, 1870 
ARMAGH (Armagh). Pop. 9,836 BALLYSHANNON (Donegal). Pop. 
Markets, Tues., Wed., Sat. 2,170. Indus.: river trading. 
Indus.: Linen-weaving, tan- salmon fishing, grain, &c. 

ning, and spinning. 
Armagh Guardian, 1844 
Ulster Gazette, 1844 . 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
ATHLONE (Westmeath). Pop. 7,472. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : 

Distilling, tanning, and woollen 
trade; saw-mills. 
Offaly Independent, 1894 me 
Westmeath Independent, 1846.. 

BALLINA (Mayo). Pop. 4,660. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus.: Fishing, 
corn and provision trade. 

Ballina Herald, 1844 
Western People, 1883 

BALLINASLOE (Galway) Pop. 5,170. 
East Galway Democrat, 1910.. 

BALLYMENA (Antrim). Pop. 11,380. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Linen- 
weaving, mining, and agricul- 

Ballymena Observer 1855 5% 
Ballymena mony To CETApN 
` (Belfast) `> . 

BALLYMONEY (Antrim). Pop. 3,100. 
Market, Alt.-Thurs. Indus. : 
Linen-weaving; grain and pro- 
vision trade. 

Ballymoney Free Press, 1863 .. 

Donegal Democrat 
Donegal Vindicator, 1889 

BANBRIDGE (Down). Pop. 5,101. 
Markets, Mon., Tues., Fri. 
Indus.: Chemical weaving 

and agriculture. 
Banbridge Chronicle, 1870 

BANGOR (Down). Pop. 7,775. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Linen and 

Northern Herald, 1871 . 

BELFAST (Antrim). Pop. 393,000. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: 
Shipping trade, ship-building ; 
linen-weaving and cotton- 

{Belfast News-Letter, 1737 
{Belfast Telegraph, 1870 
{Belfast Weekly News, 1855 .. 
{Belfast Weekly Telegraph, 1873 
tIreland's Saturday Night, 1894 .. 
tIrish Daily Telegraph, 1904 
jIrish News, 1855 

tIrish Weekly, 1878 

{Northern Whig, 1824 .. = 
t Weekly Northern whe! 1858 .. 
tWitness, 1874 .. Sa 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 
Baird’s Irish Railway, &c.,Guide. 
Belfast, &c., Directory. 

Belfast Chamber of Commerce 





Christian Irishman. 

Civil Service Tutor. 


Everybody’s Monthly. 

Farmers’ Journal. 

Forward, &c. 

Irish and Scotch Linen, &c., Trades 

Irish Christian Advocate. 

Irish Churchman. 

Irish Engineering News. 

Irish Grocery World. 

Irish Motoring. 

Trish Naturalists’ Journal. 

Irish Presbyterian. 


McCrea Magee College (London- 
derry) Calendar (Belfast). 

Master Baker. 

Missionary Herald. 

Northern Light. 

Proceedings Annual. 

Quarterly Notes. 

Queen’s University of Belfast 

Ulster Jester Magazine. 

BirRR (King's Co.). Pop. 4,438. 
Leinster Reporter. . 
Midland Counties Advertiser 
Midland Tribune, 1881 . 
Offaly Chronicle, 1845 

BoyLe {Roscommon). Pop. 5,655. 
Indus.: Flax, Dairy Produce, 
Markets, Wed. and Sat. 

Roscommon Herald, 1859 

BUNDORAN (Donegal). 
place. Pop. 2,115. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hospitals (Probationers) List. 


CaRLow (Carlow). Pop. 6,619. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 

Nationalist, 1883 

4,610. Markets, Mon., Sat. 
Indus.: Ship-building, flax- 
spinning, and salt-mining. 

Carrickfergus Advertiser, 1883.. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Irish Congregational Magazine. 

CASTLEBAR (Mayo). Pop. 3,698. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Linen- 
weaving, agriculture. 

Connaught Telegraph, 1828 

CAVAN (Cavan). Pop. 2,960. Market, 
Anglo-Celt, 1846. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


CLONMEL (Tipperary). Pop. 10,209. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Provision, butter, and cattle 

Clonmel Saronio g, 1848 
Nationalist, 1886 ; 

COLERAINE (Londonderry). Pop. 
6,844. Markets, Mon., Wed., 
Sat. Indus. : Exporting, linen 
weaving, distilling, and sal- 
Coleraine Chronicle, 1844 
Northern Constitution, 1875 

COOKSTOWN (Tyrone). Pop. 3,684. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manu- 
factures of linen. 

Mid-Ulster Mail, 1891 

Cork (Cork). Pop. 76,673. Markets, 
daily. Indus.: Shipping, ex- 
porting grain, provisions, 
cattle, &c., linen weaving, 
tanning and distilling. 

{Cork Examiner, 1840 .. 

tCork Weekly Examiner, 1850 

tEvening Echo, 1892 ; 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 

African Missionary. 

Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred 

Guy’s Cork Almanac. 

Guy’s Monthly Time Tables. 

Irish Tribune. 

Journal of the Cork Historical, 
&c., Society. 

University College (Cork) Cal- 

University College (Cork) Ses- 
sional Lists. 


DOWNPATRICK (Down). Pop. 3,200. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Brewing and tanning. 

Down Recorder, 1836 

DROGHEDA (Meath & Louth). Pop. 
12,501. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, agriculture; linen 
and leather manufactures. 

Drogheda Advertiser, 1837 
Drogheda Argus, 1835 
Drogheda Independent, 1884 

DROMORE (Down). Pop. 2,365. Mar- 

kets, Wed.,Sat. Indus.: Linen. 
Dromore Weekly ares 1900. 

Leader, 1916 a Ss 

DUBLIN (Dublin). University city ; 
important seat of education. 
Pop. 304,802. Indus.: Ship- 
ping and carrying trade with 
Great Britain and abroad; 
brewing, and iron-founding. 


P rovincial] Willing’s Press Guide [Towns 

Du BLIN—contd. DuUBLIN—contd. 

tEvening Herald, 1891 

tEvening Mail, 1823 a 

jIrish Independent, 1891 

{Irish Times, 1859 

tIrish Weekly Independent, 1893 

Irish Weekly Record (SUERO) 

tSaturday Herald, 1891 .. 

Standard, 1928 .. 

Star, 1929. ; 

tSunday Independent, 1905 

{Weekly Irish Times, 1875 

Periodicals, &c¢.— 


An t-Ultach. 


Calendar of the Ancient Records 
of Dublin. 

Calendar of the National Uni- 
veristy of Ireland. 


Capuchin Annual. 


Catholic Bulletin & Book Review. 

Church of Ireland Gazette. 

Creamery Manager. 


Dion An. 

Dublin Chamber of Commerce 

Dublin Magazine. 

Dublin Opinion. 

Dublin University Calendar. 

Dublin University Examination 

Economic Proceedings of the 
Royal Dublin Society. 


Everyday Housekeeping. 

Fainne an Lae. 

Farmer’s Gazette. 

Father Mathew Record. 

Garda Review. 


1 meldist. 

Incorporated Law Society of Ire- 
land Calendar. 

Iretand’s Own. 

Iris Oifigiuil. 

Irish Ambulance Gazette. 

Irish Builder. 

Irish Catholic. 

Irish Catholic Directory. 

Irish Catholic Herald (London). 

Irish Chemist and Druggist. 

Irish Commercial and Railway 

Irish Confectionery Trades’ Jour- 

Irish Cyclist. 
Irish Dairy 
Irish Draper. 
_ Irish Ecclesiastical Record. 
\ Irish Education Directory. 

Irish Electrician. 

and Creamery 


Irish Engineering News. 

Irish Field. 

Irish Free State Farmer. 

Irish Freedom. 

Irish Golf. 

Irish Home Journal. 

Irish Horse Show Annual. 

Irish Investor’s Guardian. 

Irish Ironmonger. 

Irish Jesuit Directory. 

Irish Journal of Medical Science. 

Irish Law Times. 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory. 

Irish Messenger of the Sacred 

Irish Monthly. 

Irish Motor Trader. 

Irish Oil & Colour Trades Review. 

Irish Printer. 

Irish Racing Calendar. 

Irish Radio News. 

Irish Reports. 

Irish Rosary. 

Irish School Weekly. 

Irish Shoe and Leather Trader. 

Irish Sketch. 

Irish Statesman. 

Irish Tobacco Trade Journal. 

Irish Trade fournal. 

Irish Travel. 


Journal of the County Kildare 
Archeological Society. 

Journal of the Department of 

Journal of the Institute of Ban- 
kers of Ireland. 

Journal of the Royal Society of 

` Journal of the Sessions of the 

General Synod of the Church 
of Ireland. 


Legal Diary. 


Model Housekeeping. 

Motor News. 

Our Boys. 

Poultry Gazette. 

Press and Printing. 

Progressive Printer. 

Red Guide. 

St. Anthony’s Annals. 

St. Joseph’s Sheaf. 

Scientific Proceedings 
Royal Dublin Society. 


Sports Mail. 


Teachers’ Work. 

Thom’s Official, &c., Directory. 

Thom’'s Post Office, Dublin City, 
&c., Directory. 

T.C.D . 

Virgo “Potens. 

of the 


DuNDALK (Louth). Pop. 13,128. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Expor- 
ting agricultural and general 
produce, cattle, &c. 

Dundalk Democrat, 1849 5 
Dundalk Examiner, 1830 os 
Periodicals, &c.— 
County Louth Archzological 

Tempest’s Annual. 

DUNGANNON (Tyrone). Pop. 3,830. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving & coal-mining. 

Tyrone Courier, 1880 .. 

DUNGARVAN (Waterford). Pop. 
978. Markets, Tues., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Dungarvan Observer, 1912 

ENNIS (Clare). Pop. 5,472. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Clare Champion, 1903 .. 
Saturday Record, 1776.. ' 

ENNISCORTHY (Wexford). Pop. 5,495. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture, tanning, and 

ene ve South Leinster Advertiser, 
Enniscorthy Guardian (Wexford) 

ENNISKILLEN (Fermanagh). Pop. 
4,847. Markets, Tues., Thurs. 
Indus.: Agriculture ; tobacco, 
bobbings, & linen manufacture. 

Fermanagh Herald os 
Fermanagh Times, 1880 
Impartial Reporter, 1808 

GaLway (Galway). Pop. 13,255. 
Markets, Wed.,Sat. Indus. : 
Exporting agricultural pro- 
duce and cattle; fishing ; 
linen, woollen, and jute manu- 

Connacht Sentinel, 1925 
Connacht Tribune, 1909 
Galway Observer, 1881 

Periodicals, &c.— 

KILKENNY (Kilkenny). Pop. 10,514. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, brewing, tanning, and 

Kilkenny Journal, 1767 
Kilkenny People, 1893 .. 
Kilkenny Post. 1926 

LARNE (Antrim). Pop. 8,036. Indus.: 
Manufacture and Bleaching of 
Linen, Flour Mills, &c. 

Larne Times (Belfast) 

Willing’s Press Guide 

LETTERKENNY (Donegal). Pop. 2,194. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: flax 
and agriculture. 

Donegal Independent 

LIMERICK (Limerick). Pop. 38,518. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping provisions and agri- 
cultural produce ; gloves, lace, 
and clothing manufactures ; 
distilling, iron-founding, and 

Limerick Chronicle, 1766 
Limerick Echo, 1898 .. 
Limerick Leader, 1889 . 
Limerick Weekly Echo, 1897 . 
Munster News, 1851 .. ‘es 

LIisBURN (Antrim). Pop. 12,388. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures : 
Linen Goods. 
Lisburn Herald, 1891 .. 
Lisburn Standard, 1876 

LONDONDERRY (Londonderry). Pop. 
40,780. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Exporting agri- 
cultural produce ; salmon fish- 
ing, distilling, and ship-build- 
ing ; underclothing, linen, flax, 
leather, & iron manufactures. 

{Derry Journal, 1772 

Derry People . 

{Derry Standard, 1836... 

Derry Weekly News, 1895 

tLondonderry Sentinel, 1829 
Periodicals, d&e.— 

Derry Almanac. 

LONGFORD (Longford). Pop. 3,760. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture ; provision trade ; 
linen, coarse woollens, spool, 
and brick manufactures. 

| Longford Leader, 1897 .. 

LuRGAN (Armagh). Pop. 12,135. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Linen and cambrics. 
Lurgan Mail, 1875 

MARYBOROUGH (Queen’sCo.). Pop. 
2,957. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, milling, &c. 

Leinster Express, 1831 .. 

MoHILL (Leitrim). Pop. 755. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture 
Leitrim Advertiser, 1856 
Periodicals, &¢.— 
Beekeeper’s Gazette. 
Irish Bee Journal. 

MONAGHAN (Monaghan). Pop. 4,272. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

Monaghan Democrat, 1906 
Northern Standard, 1839 




MULLINGAR (Westmeath). Pop. 5,539. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 

Midland Reporter, 1891 
Westmeath Examiner, 1882 
Westmeath Guardian, 1835 


Naas (Kildare). Pop. 3,842. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Exporting ; agriculture. 

Kildare Observer, 1879 

Leinster Leader, 1880 

Navan (Meath). Pop. 3,934. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Woollen manu- 
factories, flour mills. 

Meath Chronicle, 1897 .. 

NENAGH (Tipperary). Pop. 4,776. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. 

Nenagh Guardian, 1837 

Newry (Down). Pop. 11,962. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. In- 
dus.: Exporting agricultural 
produce, cattle, provisions ; 
flax, linen, leather, and cotton 
manufactures ; iron-founding, 
and distilling ; granite. 

Frontier Sentinel 
Newry Reporter, 1867 
Newry Telegraph, 1812 

NEwTOWNARDS (Down). Pop. 
9,587. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Agriculture; weaving. 

Newtownards Chronicle, 1873 .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Newtownards, &c., Illustrated 

Almanac and Directory. 

OMAGH (Tyrone). Pop. 4,836. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture; leather trade. 

Tyrone Constitution, 1844 

Ulster Herald, 1901 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Faugh a Ballagh. 

Sprig of Shillelagh. 

PORTADOWN ( Armagh). Pop. 11,727. 
Markets, Tues., Wed., Sat. 
Manufactures : Linen and 

Portadown News, 1859 .. 
Portadown Times, 1922 

Roscommon (Roscommon). Pop.1,858. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Agricul- 

Roscommon Journal, 1827 
Roscommon Messenger, 1851 .. 

Press Guide 

SALLINS ( Kildare). 


SLIGO (Sligo). 

STRABANE (Tyrone). 

TIPPERARY (Tipperary). 


STROKESTOWN (Roscommon). 


ROScCREA (Tipperary). Pop. 2,182. 
Market, Thurs. and Sat. In- 
dus: agriculture. 

Irish Central News, 1930 
Roscrea Review, 1926 .. 

Pop. 291. 
Periodicals, &c¢.— 

Pop. 3,021. 
Indus.: Agriculture. Market, 

Southern Star, 1928 

Pop. 11,163. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Ex- 
porting agricultural produce 
and provisions; salmon-fishing. 

Sligo Champion, 1836 .. 

Sligo Independent, 1855 

Pop. 5,107. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Brassfoundries, linen. 

Strabane Chronicle a 

Strabane weeny: News, 1908 
(Omagh) ; — 

801. Market, Fri. Indus.: 
Grain, seed and flax trade. 

Strokestown Democrat, 1907 .. 

Pop. 6,645. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 

Tipperary Star, 1909 

( Kerry). Pop. 10,300. 
Market. Sat. Indus.: Ex- 
porting agricultural produce 
and provisions. 

Kerry Champion, 1928 .. ne 

Kerry News, 1893 ay <a 

Kerry People, 1902 ; : 

Kerry W eekly Ar ee aaa 1883. 

Kerryman, | 
Liberator, 1914 .. 

Tuam (Galway). Pop. 5,988. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 

Tuam Herald, 1837 bua “i 

WATERFORD (Waterford). Pop.27,464. 
Markets, daily. Indus.: Ex- 
porting and agriculture. 

Evening News, 1898 

Munster Express, 1859 . 
Waterford Evening Star, "1917. 
Waterford News, 1848 a 
Waterford Standar , 1845 
Waterford Star, 1892 



WEsTPorRT (Mayo). Pop. 3,672. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. 

Mayo News, 1852 ae es 

WExFoRD (Wexford). Pop. 11,531. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Malt trade ; exporting agricul- 
tural produce and provisions ; 
fisheries; manufacture of agri- 
cultural implements. 

Free Press, 1888 ate is 


CASTLETOWN. Pop. 1,830. Seaside 

place. Indus.: Copper and 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

DoucLas. Pop. 21,406 ; (Isle of Man, 
60,238). Market, Sat. Indus. ; 
Shipping, tanning, brewing ; 
woollen, paper, mineral-water, 
and sail-cloth making. 

tIsle of Man Daily Times, 1890 
Isle of Man Examiner, 1880 

tIsle of Man Weekly Times, 1861 
Mona's Herald, 1833 .. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

New Ross Standard g Sá 
People, 1881 oe ss as 

WHITEHEAD (Antrim). Pop. 1,209. 
whitebeed News (SATEICKTEREUA) 
19 ss ; 

WıckLow (Wicklow). Pop. 3,243. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Chemi- 

Wicklow People (Wexford) 


Periodicals, 4&¢.— 
Isle of Man Examiner Annual. 

Journal of the Manx Museum. 
Manx Green Final. 
Manx Wesleyan Church Record. 

PEEL. Pop. 2,620. Market, Sat. 

Indus.: Fishing. 
Peel City Guardian, 1882 

RAMSEY. Pop. 4,320. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Fishing. 

Ramsey Courier, 1884 . 


ST. Perer Port Pop. (Guernsey) 
40,120; (St. Peter Port) 18,000. 
Indus. : Shipping: blue granite 
working and exporting ; cattle 
rearing ; flower and fruit culti- 

Gazette de Guernsey, 1791 a 

St. PETER Port—conid. 
Guernsey Advertiser, 1869 Pa 
Guernsey Evening Press, 1897 
Guernsey meet Press, 1902 
Star, 1812 ‘ as oF 

Periodicals, &ce.— 
Guernsey Entertainments ss 


St. HELIER. Seaport,watering-place, 
and summer resort. Pop. (Jer- 
sey) 49,494: (St. Helier) 29,000. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Coasting trade ; fishing ; early 
fruits and vegetables. 

Chroniques de Jersey, 1814 
Evening Post, 1890 bi es 

St. HELIER—conid. 
Jersey Weekly Post, 1910 ka 
Morning News, 1909 .. fa 
Periodicals, &¢.— 

Anglo-Norman Review... oe 
Jersey Directory and Almanack. 
Jersey Post Royal Almanac. 



Willing’s Press Guide 

Chronological List of the 
Oldest British Publications 

*.*The original title, where ascertained, follows the date; 
the second title is that under which the publication now 


The date after each entry indicates the year 

to which the files at the British Museum date back. 

1665 Oxford Gazette (London Gazette) 
(1665) 1 

1699-1700 Edinburgh Gazette (1699) 2 

1705 Dublin Gazette (Iris Oifigiuil) 
(1706) 3 

1709 Worcester Postman (Berrow’s Wor- 
cester Journal) (1808) 4 

1710 Nottingham Weekly Courant (Not- 
tingham Journal) (1783) 

1712-13 Stamford Mercury (Lincoln, Rut- 
land, and Stamford Mercury) 
(1718) 5 

1713 Bristol Postman (Bristol Times and 
Mirror) (1776) 

1713 British Chronicle (Hereford Journal) 


1714 Norwich Mercury (1750) 6 

1717 Kentish Post (Kentish Gazette) 
(1729) 7 

1718 Leeds Mercury (1792) 8 

1720 Northampton Mercury (1720) 9 

1722 Gloucester Journal (1728) 10 

1723 Reading Mercury (1753) 11 

1725 York Courant (Yorkshire Herald) 
(1798) 12 

1726 Lloyd’s List (1762) 

1729 Salisbury Journal (Salisbury and 
Winchester Journal) (1749) 13 

1730 Adams’s Weekly Courant (Chester 
Courant) (1739) 14 

1732 Derby Mercury (Derbyshire Adver- 
tiser) (1789) 

1737 Belfast News-Letter (1792) 

1737 Sherborne and Dorset Mercury 
(Western Gazette) (1746) 15 

1741 Coventry Mercury (Coventry Stan- 
dard) (1784). 

1741 Birmingham Gazette (1741). 

1744 Cambridge Chronicle (1804) 16 

1748 Aberdeen Daily Journal (1835) 
(Aberdeen Press and Journal) 17 

1754 Leeds Intelligencer (Yorkshire 
Post) (1758) 18 







Bath Advertiser (Bath Chronicle 
and Herald) (1755) 19 

Public Ledger (1805) 20 

Norfolk Chronicle (1776) 21 

St. James’s Chronicle (English 
Churchman) (1761) 22 

Chelmsford Chronicle 
Chronicle) (1768) 23 

Newcastle Chronicle (Newcastle 
Weekly Chronicle) (1768). 

Sherborne, Dorchester, & Taunton 

Gospel Magazine (1776). 

Limerick Chronicle (1768) 24 

Leinster Journal (Kilkenny Jour- 
nal) (1832). 

Kentish Chronicle (Kent Herald) 
(1788) 25 

Berkshire Chronicle (1829). 

Exeter Gazette (Devon and Exeter 
Daily Gazette) (1827) 26. 

Hartford Mercury (Hertfordshire 
Mercury) (1836) 

Hampshire Chronicle (1816). 

L: Derry Journal (Derry Journal) 

Morning Post (1772). 

Shrewsbury Chronicle (1773) 27 

Racing Calendar (1773) 28 

Chester Chronicle (1775) 29 

Clare Journal (Saturday Record 
and Clare Journal) (1828) 30 

Perry’s Bankrupt Weekly Gazette 
(Perry’s Gazette) (1828). 

Arminian Magazine (United Metho- 
dist Magazine) (1778). 

Bury Post (Bury & Norwich Post) 

Glasgow Advertiser 
Herald) (1800) 31 
Daily Universal Register (Times) 

(1785) 32 



Note ‘to references on following page. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

1792 Kentish Herald (Kent Herald) 

1794 Morning Advertiser (1804) 37 

1795 Staffordshire Advertiser (1830). 

1796 Scottish Congregational Magazine 
(Scottish Congregationalist) 

1797 Kelso Mail (1810) 

1798 Carlisle Journal (1831). 

1798 London, Edinburgh, and Dublin 
Philosophical Magazine (1827) 

1799 Hampshire Telegraph (1799) 

1800 Essex Herald (1812). 


1786 Doncaster, Nottingham, & Lincoln 
Gazette (Doncaster Gazette) 

1787 Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 

1787 Hull Packet (Daily Mail, Hull) 

1789 Wolverhampton Chronicle (1830) 33 

1790 Hueand Cry (Police Gazette) (1818) 

1790 York Herald (Yorkshire Herald) 

1791 Gazette de Guernsey (1837) 34 

1791 Observer (1792) 35 

1791 Newark Herald (1873). 

1792 Bath Herald (Bath Chronicle 
and Herald) (1793) 3 

2 Copies are in the British Museum. ; 
(2) 1690 is the date often given. The first volume is 

in the British Museum, Nos. 1 to 3 being too much 
mutilated for the date to be correctly ascertained, 
but the fourth number is for Friday, March 10, to 
Monday, March 13, 1699 (N.S. 1700). 

(3) he date commonly given is 1711, but as many 
copies of an earlier date are in the British Museum, 
it is assumed from No. 339, for July, 1708, that pub- 
lication commenced in 1705. 

(4) Green’s History of Worcester (1796) states that 
it is conjectured a public paper was established in 
Worcester about 1690. 

(5) For the first eighteen years the numbers were 
divided into half-yearly volumes. Perhaps the earliest 
copy in existence is for Jan. 6, 1715-6, vol. vii. One 
for Nov. 7, 1717, vol. x., was exhibited at the Caxton 
Celebration, and the earliest copy in the British 
Museum is vol. xi., No. 21, for Thurs., May 22, 1718— 
twelve quarto pages, 8} inches by 6. A number for 
1719, vol. xiv., is said to be in the Museum of the 
Philosophical Society of Leicester ; one is spoken of 
for 1723, vol. xxi.; and the British Museum contains 
vols. xxxi. and xxxii., for 1728, now an octavo of 
eight pages, 9 inches by 5. The date of establish- 
ment of the present paper is probably 1731, as a 
copy of the Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, 
for Jan. 9, 1789, says “ This paper for upwards of 
Fifty-seven years has been and continues to be 
circulated every Friday morning,’ &c., proving 
that the Stamford Mercury was not looked upon 
as the original of the present paper. 

(6) The date is assumed from an obituary notice 
of Mr. Wm. Chase in the paper for June 2, 1744, 
wherein he is said to have “ printed the Norwich 
Mercury for about 30 years.” The proprietors on 
Jan. 26, 1884, issued a facsimile of the paper of Jan 
21-8, 1727, and they have in their possession ‘“ an 
odd copy or two for 1721.’ 

(7) No. 530 is dated March 22, 1722 (published 
twice a week), and No. 1 of the Kentish Gazette is 
dated April 30 to May 4, 1768. On the following 23rd 
of July the Kentish Post was incorporated, and the 
paper appeared as the Kenttsh Gazette and Canterbury 
Chronicle, beginning again as No. 1. 

(8) Vol. ii., 1719-20, was in the Caxton Exhibi- 
tion. The paper was discontinued from 1755 to 1757, 
a new numbering then being adopted. 

(9) The first number was published on May 2, 
1720. A copy of the first volume is in the Northamp 
ton Free Reference Library. 

(10) 1720 has been given. No. 255 is dated Feb, 21, 

(11) A copy of the first number, for July 8, 1723, is 
in the Bodleian Library, and of this a facsimile was 
issued as a supplement to the paper on July 8, 1882. 

(12) The York Courant was incorporated with the 

York Herald, which started on Jan. 2, 1790. 

(13) 1720 is frequently given. A copy for July 10, 
1739, is No. 76, vol. ii. ; and one for March 12, 1744, is 
No. 372, vol. ix. A copy of the Salisbury and Win- 
chester Journal for Sept. 7, 1829, is 5639, following 
which the number is 56310, and so onwards : 


(14) 1719 and 1721 are given. A copy for 1772 is 
No. 1858. 

(15) 1736 is commonly given. The proprietor (1884) 
Says 1737. 

(16) 1748 is also given. A copy for Dec. 8, 1804, is 
No. 2198; pointing to a still later date. 

(17) 1745 and 1746 have been given. 

(18) A copy of the Leeds Intelligencer for Jan. 3, 
1883, says 1751, but in 1866 the date claimed is 1754, 

(19) A copy of the Bath Advertiser for March 8, 
1760, is No. 230, and one of the Bath Chronicle for 
May 7, 1761, is No. 30. 

(20) The date commonly given is 1759. No. 1, ia 
the British Museum, is dated Jan. 12, 1760. 

(21) This had only reached No. 1319, vol. xxvi., om 
May 23, 1795. 

(22) An earlier date, under a different name, is 
sometimes given to this paper, but with this title a 
copy of No. 17, for April 18-21, 1761, is in the British 

(23) 1730 is frequently given. 

(24) A copy for Nov. 23, 1775, is No. 761, vol. viii., 
and the title is preceded by “ John Ferrar.” 

(25) This is said to be an error, being the date of 
the amalgamation of the Kentish Post and Kentish 
Gazette (see note 7). However, a copy of the Kentish 
Chronscle for April 28, 1795, is No. 1592. 

(26) 1782 and 1789 have been given. The paper 
was not numbered till June 21st, 1792, when it was 
begun with No. 1024. 

(27) A volume for 1772 was in the Caxton Exhibi- 

(28) A copy for April 13, 1774, is No. 2 (#.e., oe 
that year). The numbers were reissued as a pocket 
volume at the end of each year as Weatherby’s Ractng 

(29) 1773 issometimes given. No. 1 is in the British 
Museum, and dated May 2, 1775. 

(30) 1778 is also given. 

(31) 1777 and 1779 have been given. 

(32) The first number, in the British Museum, 
speaks of itself as the Universal Regtster, while it’s 
heading is “ The Daily Universal Register, Printed 
Logographically. By His Majesty’s Patent. Numb, 
1, Saturday, January 1, 1785. Price Two-pence Half- 
penny.” The printer is James Fleming. The first 
number of The Tsmes is now exhibited in the British 

(33) This had only reached No. 996, vol. xx., om 
Jan. 6, 1830. 

(34) 1788 is also given. 

(35) No. 6 of The Observer, for Jan. 8, 1792, is ia 
the British Museum. 

(36) In 1862 this paper was inegeporated with the 
Bath Express, afterwards the Bath Herald. 

(37) No. 2 of the Morning Advertiser, dated Feb. 
10, 1794, is in the British Museum; also facsimile of 
No. l. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


The following list deals only with publications which have changed their titles or 
have been amalgamated with other publications during the past ten years. The 
date of issue or of change, where ascertained, follows the title; a second title 
printed in italic indicates that the list must be again entered with that title until 
the new-found one is printed in Roman character, when, if further information 
is required, reference should be made to the publication in the Alphabetical List, 

page 1. 

When a publication has received a new title, the contraction bec. 

signifies “ became ” ; and when a title has been incorporated, the contraction inc. 
stands for “incorporated with,” “amalgamated with” or “merged into.” 

Aberdeen Daily Journal, 1748, inc. Aberdeen Press 
and Journal, 1922. 

Aberdeen Free Press, 1853, inc. Aberdeen Press and 
Journal, 1922. 

Abstracts of Chemical Papers, &c., 1924, bec. British 
Chemical Abstracts, &c., 1927. 

Beuneants: Notes, 1901, bec. Corporate Accountant, 

Acetylene and Welding Journal, 1903, bec. Welding 
Journal, 1924. 

Accrington Gazette, 1881, tc. East Lancashire 
Sentinel, 1927. 

Actinic Practitioner and Electrotherapist, 1928, inc. 
British Journal of Bio-Physics, 1929. 

Acton Borough Post, 1922, snc. Acton Gazette, 1926, 

Acton District Post, 1911, bec. Acton Borough Post. 


Adelphi, 1923, inc. New Adelphi, 1927. 

Advent Testimony Prayer Union Bulletin, 1919, bec. 
Advent Witness, 1921. 

Advertiser, 1914, bec. St. Peter’s Park and Queens’ 

Park Advertiser, 1920. 
Aeronautical Journal, 1897, bec. Journal of The 
Royal Aeronautical Society, 1923. 
Agricultural Gazette, 1844, inc. Agricultural Gazette 
and Modern Farming, 1923. 
Agricultural Gazette and Modern Farming, 1923, snc. 
Farmer and Stock-Breeder, 1925. 

Aldershot News, 1894, bec. Aldershot News and 
Farnborough Chronicle, 1923. 

All Sports Football Annual, 1921, bec. Answers 
Football Annual, 1929. 

aiy 2a Pas Half-Holiday, 1884, bec. Half- Holiday 

Alnwick and County Gazette, 1854, inc. Alnwick 
and County Gazette and Guardian, 1923. 

Alnwick Guardian and County Advertiser, 1885, snc. 
Alnwick and County Gazette and Guardian, 1923. 

Altrincham Division Advertiser, 1880, bec. Altrin- 
cham Advertiser, 1920. 

as peaectte 1808, inc. Alyth Gazette and Guardian, 

Alyth Guardian and Advertiser, 1884, inc. Alyth 
Gazette and Guardian, 1925. 

Amalgamated Union of Co-operative Employees’ 
Journal, 1917, bec. New Dawn, 1921. 

Amateur Aquarist, 1924, bec. Aquarist and Pond 
keeper, 1927. 

Amateur Mechanic and Work, 1924, inc. English and 
Amateur Mechanics, 1926, bec. English Mechanics, 

Amusements, 1924, bec. Bournemouth and District 
Amusements, 1929. 

Angler’s Diary, 1862, bec. Where to Fish, 1923. 

Animal’s Guardian, 1905, bec. Anti-Vivisection 
Journal, 1921. 

Annandale Record, 1920, inc. Annandale Herald 
&c. 1926. . 


Annual Burns Chronicle, 1882, bec. Burns Chronicle, 

Annual Directory for the Burgh of Greenock, 1923, 
bec. Greenock and District Directory, 1925. 

Annual Report of the British Berkshire Society, 1816. 
bec. British Berkshire Society Annual, 1923. 

Annual Report of the Children’s Country Holiday 
Fund, 1884, bec. Children’s Country Holiday Fund 
(Incorporated), 1929. 

Annual Report of the London Bankers’ Clearing 
House, 1868, bec. Annual Report of the Bankers’ 
Clearing House, 1921. 

Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1881, bec. Sporting 
Life Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1927. 

Anti-Cutting Record, 1895, inc. Combined Price 
List, 1922. 

Archives of Radiology and Electro-Therapy, 1896, 
tnc. British Journal of Radiology, 1924. 

Army and Navy Gazette, 1860, bec. Army, Navy 
and Air Force Gazette, 1922. 

Army List Official Quarterly, 1880, bec. Army List 
Half-Yearly, 1923. 

Army Service Corps parter y, 1920, bec. Royal 
Army Service Corps Quarterly, 1921. 

Artificial Silk World, 1928, bec. Rayon Record, 1929. 

Artistic Embroidery, 1924, nc. Needle and Home, 

Arts and Crafts Quarterly, 1925, bec. Arts and 
Crafts, 1927. 

Aspirex, 1914, bec. Civil Service Argus, 1925. 

Associated Accountant’s Journal, 1906, bec. Associ- 
ated Accountant, 1928. ' 

Association of Professional Fire Brigades’ Official 
Journal, 1918, bec. Professional Fire Brigades 
Association Official Journal, 1926. 

Athenæum, 1828, inc. Nation and Athenzum, 1921. 

Atherton Express, 1900, inc. Midland Counties 
Tribune, 1929. 

Auction Bridge Magazine, 1926, bec. Bridge Magazine 
Auction Contract, 1929. 
Australasian Bush Leaves, 1897, bec. Australian 

Bush Leaves, 1922. 
Australasian Trade Journal, 1920, bec. Australian 
and New Zealand Trade Journal, 1924. i 
Awake, 1891, bec. Eastward Ho, 1921. 

Baby’s Annual, 1919, bec. Oxford Annual for Girls 

Balham and Streatham Mercury, 1910, inc. Balham, 
Tooting, Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 

Balham and Tooting News, 1920, tc. Balham, 
Tooting, Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 

Balham, Tooting and Brixton News, 1905, bec. 
Balham and Tooting News, 1920. 

Ball Room, 1898, bec. Dancing and Ballroom, 1927. 

Banner of Israel, 1877, inc. National Message and 
Banner, 1925. 

Baptist Times and Freeman, 1910, bec. Baptist Times 

Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Barry Dock News, 1895, bec. Barry Dock News and 
Vale of Glamorgan Reporter, 1921, bec. Barry and 
District News, &c., 1926. 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Kalendar, 1889, bec. Bath 
and Wells Diocesan Directory and Almanack, 1924. 

Bath & Wiltshire Chronicle, 1911, smc. Bath and Wilts 
Chronicle and Herald, 1925. 

Bath Chronicle, 1784, smc. Bath Chronicle and Her-ld 

Bath Herald (daily), 1880, inc. Bath and Wil s 
Chronicle and Herald, 1925 

Bath Herald (weekly), 1792, 
and Herald, 1925. 

Beama, 1915, bec. World Power, 1924. 

Beds and Herts Tuesday Telegraph, 1916, bec. Beds 
and Herts Pictorial, 1921. 
Bedford and County Record, 1880, bec. Bedford 
Record, 1924. 
Bedford Record, 1872, bec. Bedford and County 

Record, Jan. 3, 1880, bec. Bedford Record, 1924. 

Bedworth & Foleshill News and Coventry Chronicle, 
1900, bec. Coventry Chronicle, Bedworth and 
Foleshill News, 1925. 

Beeston and West Notts. Gazette and Echo, 1913, 
bec. Beeston Gazette and Echo, 1923. 

Pelfast and Province of Ulster Directory, 1852, bec. 
Belfast and Ulster Directory, 1923. 

Belgian Chamber of Commerce in London Monthly 
Bulletin, 1921, bec. Anglo-Belgian Trade Journal, 

Berkshire Gazette, 1902, bec. Wokmgiam Gazette, 

Bible Advocate, 1890, bec. Christian Advocate, 1921. 

Bible Call and Fundamental Advocate, inc. Funda- 
mentalist, 1929. 

Be. Society Gleanings, 1869, bec. For Every Land; 

‘ine. Bath Chronicle 

Birkenhead and Cheshire Advertiser, 1853, bec. 
Birkenhead Advertiser, 1927. 

Birmingham Daily Mail, 1870, bec. Birmingham 
Mail, 1921. 

Birmingham Daily Post, 1857, bec. Birmingham 
Post, 1921. 

Bits’ of Fun, 1917, bec. Fun, 1920. 

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph, 1899, tac. Northern 
Daily Telegraph, 1923. 

Blandford and East Dorset Herald, 1846, inc. Poole, 
Parkstone and East Dorset Herald, 1925. 

Blue Bird, 1902, tc. My Weekly, 1924. 
Bognor Post, 1922, bec. Bognor Regis Post, 1929. 

Bon Accord and Northern Pictorial 1886, bec. Aber- 
deen Bon Accord and Northern Pictorial, 1927. 

‘Bond of Peace, 1919, bec. Bible Student, 1924. 
Books Illustrated, 1927, bec. Bookfinder, 1928. 

Bookseller, 1858, bec, Publisher and Bookseller, 1928. 

Bookseller Weekly List of Publications, 1926, inc. 
Bookseller, 1927, 

Borough Mercury, 1914, inc. Balham, Tooting 
Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 
Borough Polytechnic News, 1892, bec. Borough 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1926. 

Borstalian, 1923, bec. Phoenix, 1925. 

Bournemouth and District Amusements, 1894, bec. 
Amusements, 1924. 

Bournemouth Visitor’s Directory, 1858, bec. Bourne- 
mouth Times and Directory, 1919. 

Boy Scouts’ Association Headquarters Gazette, 1909, 
bec. Scouter, 1923. 

Boyle’s Court and Country Guide, 1792, inc. Webster's 
Royal Red Book, 1925. 

Boys’ Friend, 1895, inc. Triumph, 1927. 

Boys’ Practical Aid, bec. Junior Craftsman, 1924. 

Boy’s Welfare Journal and Industrial Welfare 
Journal, 1918, bec. Journal of Industrial Welfare, 

Bradford Daily Argus, 1892, bec. Yorkshire Evening 
Argus, 1923. 

Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1899, tnc. Yorkshire 

: Observer Budget and Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 
1920, bec. Yorkshire Observer Budget, 1922. 

Braintree and Bocking Advertiser, 1859, inc. Essex 
Weekly News, 1921. 

Braintree Gazette, 1857, imc. Halstead and Colne 
Valley Gazette and Times, 1921. 


Branksome and East Dorset Herald, 1895, tc. Poole, 
Parkstone and East Dorset Herald, 1925. 

Brass World, 1918, ssc. Metal Industry, 1925. 

Brick and Pottery Trades Journal, 1896, snc. Master 
Builder, 1924. 

Brighouse Echo, 1887, bec. Brighouse and Elland 

Echo, 1924. 

Brighton Gazette, 1886, inc. Southern Weekly News, 

Bristol Gazette, 1772, 
Gazette, 1923. 

Bristol Guardian, 1893, inc. Bristol Guardian and 
Gazette, 1923. 

Britannia, 1928, inc. Britannia and Eve, 1929. 

Britischer Holzmarkt, inc. Plywood and Timber 
World, 1929. 

British Architect, 1874, inc. Builder, 1919. 

British Australasian, 1884, bec. British Australian 
and New Zealander, 1924. 

British Berkshire Society Annual Report, 1923, bec. 
British Berkshire Annual, 4. 

British Builder, 1919, inc. Building, 1926. 

British Empire Union Monthly Record, 1916, bee. 
Empire Record, 1. 

British Fascist Bulletin, 1924, bec. British Lion, 1926. 

British Music Bulletin, 1920, bec. Music Bulletin, 

British Music Society’s Bulletin, 1919, bec. British 
Mustc Bulletin, 1920. 

Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Echo, 1907, bec. Broad- 
stairs and St. Peter’s Advertiser and Echo, 1922. 

Bromley Chronicle, 1891, inc. Bromley Mercury,1921. 

Brookland’s Gazette, 1924, bec. Motor Sport, 1926. 

Bucks Weekly News and Wolverton Express, 1914, 
bec. Wolverton Express and Bucks Weekly News, 
1919, bec. Bucks Weekly News and Wolverton 
Express, 1921, bec. Wolverton Express and Bucks 
Weekly News, 1924, 

Building News, 1854, inc. Architect and Building 
News, 1926. 

Building Societies’ Gazette and Land Companies’ 
Record, 1887, bec. Building Societies’ Gazette, 1920. 

Bulletin, 1921, bec. Y.W.C.A. Bulletin of Home and 
Overseas News, 1926. 

Bulletin (Glasgow), 1915, t#c. Bulletin and Scots 
Pictorial, 1923. 

Bulletin of New Books, 1895, inc. Bookseller Weekly 
List of Publications, 1926. 

Bulletin of the Federation of British Industries, 1916 
bec. British Industries, 1924. - 

Business Directory of the U.K., 1862, bec. Morris's 
Business Directory of the U. K., 1925 

Butterfly and Firefly, 1904, bec. Butterfly, 1922. 

inc. Bristol Guardian and 

Caldey Notes, 1920, inc. Pax, 1929. 

Canterbury Diocesan Calendar, 1864, bec. Canterbury 
Diocesan Directory, 1929. 

Capitalist, 1885, bec. Investor, 1927. 

Car and Golf, 1922, inc. Motor Owner, 1929. 

Car Illustrated and "Aviation, 1902, bec. Car and Golf 

Cardiff Times and South Wales Weekly News, 1857, 
bec. South Wales Weekly News, 1927. 

Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 1912, bec. CasselPs 
Magazine, 1925, bec. Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction, 

Catford Journal, 1901, smc. Lewisham, &c., Journal, 

Catholic Book Notes, 1897, snc. Catholic Truth, 1924, 

Catholic Directory and Guide, &c., Liverpool, 1925. 
bec. Liverpool Archdiocesan Directory, 1928, 

Catholic Directory and Guide, &c., Lancaster, 1925, 
bec. Lancaster Diocesan Directory, 1928. 

Catholic Home Journal, 1905, bec. Home Topics,1923. 

Celtic News, 1923, bec. Cymric Times, 1927. 

Cheddar Valley Times, 1906, smc. Cheddar Valley 
Gazette, 1926. 

Cheerio, 1919, tnc. Kinema Comic. 1920. 

Cheetham Guardian, 1882, inc. Blackley, Prestwich 
and Crumpsall Guardian, 1925. 

Chelsea Courier, 1920, bec. Chelsea Gazeite, 1924. 
bec. Chelsea and West London Gazette, 1927. 

Chelsea Gazette, 1919, bec. Chelsea Courser, 1920. 

Chemical Trade Directory of Chemical Manufac- 
turers and Agents in Great Britain and Ireland, 
1907, bec. Chemical Trade Year Book and Buyers’ 
Gusde, 1920. 

Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Chemical Trade Year Book and Buyers’ Guide, 1920, 
bec. Chemical Trade Directory, 1927. 

Chemists’ and Druggists’ Directory, 1869, bec. 
Chemical Industries Directory, 1923. 

Child of Mary, 1893, bec. Child of Mary Magazine, 1921 
bec Children of Mary’s Own Magazine, 1929. 

merce Companion, 1824, bec. Children’s Companton, 

Coen Companion, 1923, bec. Every Girl’s Paper, 

Children’s Diary, 1923, bec. Children’s Year Book, 

Children’s Dress, 1920, bec. Harmsworth’s Children’s 
Dress, 1921. 

Children’s Fairy, 1919, bec. Bubbles, 1921. 

Children’s Messenger, 1862, inc. Dayspring, 1928. 

Children’s Pictorial, 1924, inc. Children’s Newspaper, 

Children’s Year Book, 1926, bec. Children’s Birthday 
Book, 1927. 

China Clay Trade Review, 1919, inc. Chemical Age, 

Chiswick Times, 1895, bec. Brentford and Chiswick 
Times, 1927. 

Christian Advocate, 1885,bec.Irish Christian Advocate, 

Christian Life, 1876, inc. Inquirer, 1929. 

Chronique de Londres, 1921, bec. Gazette de Grande- 
Bretagne, 1924. 

Chronique La, 1899, bec. Chronique de Londres, 1921. 

Church Family Newspaper, 1894, bec. Church of Eng- 
land Newspaper 1923. 

Church Missionary Gleaner, 1846, bec. Church Mis- 
sionary Outlook, 1921. 

Cinema News and Property Gazette, 1911, bec. 
Cinema, 1921. 

Cinema Star, 1924, inc. London Life, 1927. 

Circular of the National Council for the Prevention 
of War, 1911, bec. Bulletin of the National Council 
for the Prevention of War, 1926. 

Circulation Manager and Advertiser, 1912, inc. News- 
paper World, 1920. 

Citizen (London), 1878, inc. Insurance Spectator of 
London, 1922. 

City News, 1928, inc. Finance, 1929. 

City of Ely Standard, 1875, bec. Ely Standard, 1928. 

arta Advertiser, 1924, inc. Clapham Observer, 

Cleansing Superintendent, 1910, bec, Public Cleansing, 
l . 

Clifton Chronicle, 1850, inc. Clifton and Redland 
Free Press, 1928. 

Clitheroe Advertiser, 1886, inc. Clitheroe Advertiser 
and Times, 1920. 

Clitheroe Times, 1888, inc. Clitheroe Advertiser and 
Times, 1920. 

Clorianydd and Gwalia, 1921, bec. Clorianydd, 1924. 

ar Piette tae 1921, inc. New Photographer, 

Coal and Iron and By-Products Journal, 1891, bec. 
O’Connell’s Coal and Iron News (and By-Products 
Journal), 1924. 

Coal and Iron Diary, 1897, bec. O’Connell’s Coal and 
Iron Diary, 1924. 

Colonial Office List, 1862, bec. Dominions Office, &c., 
List, 1927. 

Co-Mason, 1909, bec. Speculative Mason, 1925. 

Commercial Fairs and Exhibition Review, 1923, 
snc. Advertising World, 1924. 

Commercial, Industrial and Financial Review, 1913, 
ee Commercial and Financial Review, 

Communist, 1927, inc. Communist Review, 1929. 

Competitors’ Journal, 1913, bec. Everybody’s 
Weekly, 1927. 

Complete Story Magazine, 1912, bec. Complete Story 
Teller, 1928, inc. Magazine of Fiction, 1928. 

eo Journal, 1918, inc. British Legion Journal, 

Concrete for the Builder, 1926, bec. Concrete Building, 

Conquest, 1919, bec. Modern Science, 1926. 

Consett and Stanley Chronicle, 1894, inc. Stanley 
News, 1923. 

Cornubian and Cornwall County Times, 1879, bec. 
Cornwall County Times, 1924. 

Cornwall County Times, 1924, inc. Cornish Post, 1926. 

Cottager and Artisan and Light in the Home, 1861, 
bec. Light in the Home, 1920. 

Country Gentlemen’s Estate Book and Diary, 1892, 
bec. Estate Book and Diary, 1925. 

County Advertiser for Staffordshire and Worcester- 
shire, 1908, snc. County Advertiser and Herald, 
&c., 1925. 

County Courts Chronicle, 1847, inc. Law Times, 1920. 

County Herald for Staffordshire and Worcestershire; 
1866, inc. County Advertiser and Herald, &c.,1925. 

County Schools Review, 1909, bec. Welsh Secondary 
Schools Review, 1927. 

County Westminster and Parr’s Magazine, 1918, bec. 
Westminster Magazine, 1923. 

Courier (Dundee), 1899, inc. Courier and Advertiser, 

Covenant People, 1894, inc. National Message, 1922. 

Coventry A B C Time Table and Telephone Directory, 
1901, bec. Midland Daily Telegraph Coventry 
A BC Time Table, &c., 1922. 

Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly Times and Advertiser, 
1899, bec. Times, 1921. 

Cox’s Liverpool Annual and Year Book, 1922, bec. 
Cox’s Merseyside Annual, &c., 1928. 

Creative Adventure Magazine, 1928, bec. Human, 1929 

Credit Draper, 1906, bec. Credit Trader, 1921. 

Credit Power, 1922, inc. New Age, 1924. 

Cremation in Great Britain and Abroad, 1926, inc. 
Cremation Society’s Transactions, 1928. 

Cripples’ Journal, 1924, bec. Cripple, 1928. 

Criterion, 1922, bec. New Criterion, 1926. 

Cumberland Evening Mail, 1914, inc. Evening Star 
and Cumberland Evening Mail, 1928. 

Cunard Daily Bulletin, 1903, inc. Daily Mail Atlantic 
Edition, 1923. 

Current Literature of the Month, 1858, bec. Current 
Literature, 1926. 

Daily Gazette, 1920, bec. Islington Gazette, 1926. 

Daily Graphic. 1890, inc. Daily Sketch, 1926. 

Daily Mail Fashions, 1921, tc. Harmsworth’s 
Fashions for All, 1921. 

Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891, bec. Leading Strings, 

Dawn of Day, 1878, bec. New Day, 1929, 

Deeside and Buckley Leader, 1922, bec. Mold, Dee- 
side and Buckley Leader, 1924. 

Deo Greine, 1905, bec. Gatlig, 1923. 

Derby Mercury, 1732, inc. Derbyshire Advertiser, 

Derbyshire Courier, 1828, inc. Derbyshire Times, 1922. 

Devon Valley Tribune, 1899, bec. Tillicoultry Tri- 
bune, 1919. , 

Diamond Racing Journal, 1895, bec. Diamond Week- 
End Special, 1928. 

Diocese of Liverpool Review, 1926, bec. Liverpool 
Review, 1927. ; 

Diss, &c., Journal, 1909, inc. Norwich Mercury, 1922. 

D.S.S. Bulletin, 1919, nc. British Legion Journal, 

Domestic News, 1915, bec. Feminine Life, 1921. 

Dorchester Mail and South Dorset Express, 1904, 
inc. Dorset Mail, 1927. : 

Dorset Daily Press, 1921, inc. Dorset Daily Echo, 

Downham Market Gazette, 1879, inc. Thetford and 
Watton Times, 1924. 

Dromore Leader, 1916, bec. Leader, 1929. 

Dublin Evening Mail, 1823, bec. Evening Mail, 1928 

Dublin Gazette, 1705, bec. Iris Oifigiuil, 1924. ; 

Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 1846, bec. Irish 
Journal of Medical Science, 1922. 

Dundee Advertiser, 1801, inc. Courier and Advertiser , 

Dunfermline Express, 19€0 snc. West Fife Echo, 

Ealing Gazette, 1898, inc. West Middlesex Gazette, 

Earthen Vessel and Gospel Herald, 1845, bec. Gospel 
Herald and Earthen Vessel, 1923. 

East London Fund for the Jews Quarterly Paper, 
1907, inc. Church and the Jews, 1927, 

East London Observer, 1857, bec, City and East 
London Observer, 1928. f 
Eastbourne Mirror, 1923, inc. Eastbourne Courier, 

Eastern Post, 1917, bec. East London;Post, 1924. 


Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Eastern Weekly Press, 1867, snc. Norfolk News and 
Weekly Press, 1919. 

Eckington, Woodhouse and Staveley Express, 1897, 
bec. Woodhouse Express, 1929. 

Economic Review, 1919, snc. European Finance, 

Edinburgh and Leigh Burgh Pilot, 1920, imc. Edin- 
burgh and Leith Observer, 1924. 

Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 1886, bec. Evening 
Dispatch, 1921. 

Educational Times, 1847, bec. Education Outlook 
and Educational Times, 1924. 

Egham and Staines News, 1893, bec. Staines and 
Egham News, 1924. 

Electric Vehicle, 1914, bec. Electric Vehicles and 
Batteries, 1929. 

Electrical Engineer’s Diary, 1907, bec. Electrical 
Engineer’s Year Book, 1921. 

Electrician Electrical Trades Directory and Hand- 
book, 1882, bec. Biue Book, Electrical Trades’ 
Directory and Handbook, 1926. 

Electro Farming, 1925, bec. Rural Electrification 
and Electro Farming, 1928. 

Elland Echo, 1887, inc. Brighouse and Elland Echo 

Elim Evangel, 1919, bec. Elim Evangel and Four- 
square Revivalist, 1929. 

Engineer’s Sale and Exchange Journal, bec.Engineer- 
ing Trader, 1925. 

Engineers and Iron, Metal Motor Trades Directory, 
1870, bec, Engineering, Hardware, &c., Directory, 

Engineering and Industrial Management, 1919, bec. 
Industrial Management, 1923. 

Engineering Review and Trader, 1904,bec.Engineering 
and Boiler House Review, 1923. 

English Mechanics and World of Science, 1865, tnc. 
English and Amateur Mechanics, 1926, bec. English 
Mechanics, 1929. 

Enquire Within, 1890, bec. Home Life, 1923. 

Erith Times, Belvedere and Abbey Wood Chronicle, 
1882, inc. Erith Observer, 1920. 

Esperanto Monthly, 1913, inc. British Esperantist, 

Essex and Halstead Times, 1900, smc. Halstead and 
Colne Vallev Gazette and Times, 1921. 

Essex and Sutfolk News, 1865, inc. Suffolk and Essex 
Free Press, 1922. 

Essex Hall Year Book, 1890, bec. Year Book of the 
General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian 
Churches, 1928. 

Essex Independent, 1862, snc. Essex Weekly News, 

Eustace Miles Monthly Programme and Booklet, 
1910, bec. Eustace Miles Monthly Booklet, 1924, 
bec. Eustace Miles Quarterly, 1927 

Eve, 1921, inc. Britannia and Eve, 1929. 

Evening Despatch, 1914, bec. Northern Evening 
Despatch, 1924. 

Evening Gazette (Aberdeen), 1882, tc. Evening 
Express, 1922. 

Evening Herald, 1923, bec. Western Evening Herald, 

Evening North Wilts Herald, 1882, snc. Swindon 
Evening Advertiser, 1922. 

Evening Swindon Advertiser, 1898, bec. Swindon 
Evening Advertiser, 1920. 

Every Girl’s Paper, 1922, inc. Girls’ Mirror, 1924. 

Export World, 1898, inc. British Trade Journal, 1929. 

Family Pictorial, 1919, bec. Woman’s Pictorial, 1921. 

Farm and Home, 1882, inc. Fruit Grower, 1922. 

Farnham, Haslemere and Hindhead Herald, &c., 
1892, bec. Herald, 1928. 

Fashions for All, 1908, bec. Harmsworth’s Fashions 
for All, 1921. 

Federation News, 1921 ; bec. Liberal Woman's News, 

Film Renter, 1913, bec. Film Renter and Moving 
Picture News, 1920. bec. Daily Film Renter, 1927. 

Financier and Bullionist, 1910, smc. Financial Times, 

Fine Art Trade Journal, 1905, bec. Art Trade Journal, 

Fleetwood Express, 1877, inc. Blackpool Times, 1922. 

Flock Book of the Suffolk Sheep Society, 1886, bec. 
Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book, 1923. 

Football Favourite, 1920, bec. Football and Sports 
Favourite, 1921, bec. Boys’ Favourite, 1929. 

Football Special and Sporting Pictorial, 1921, sae. 
Sports Budget, 1923. 

Football Winner, 1926, bec. Competition, Racing and 
Football Winner, 1929. 

Forget-Me-Not Novels, 1891, inc. Handy Stories, 1926. 

Freeman, 1853, bec. Baptist Times and Freeman, 1899. 
bec. Baptist Times, 1927. 

Freighters’ Journal, 1911, snc. Railway and Shipping 
Journal, 1921. 

ay Greetings, 1880, snc. Light in the Home, 

Free and Open Church Advocate, 1872, smc. Church 
Self Government Chronicle, 1929. 

Friend Ship, 1927, bec. Young Adventurer and Friend 
Ship, 1929. 

Frontier Stories, 1925, bec. Empire, 1929. 

Fruiterers’ Review, 1925, bec. Fruiterers’ and 
Florists’ Review, 1929 

Fun, 1920, snc. Cinema Star, 1924. 
Funny Cuts, 1890, inc. Funny Wonder, 1920. 

Gailig, 1923, bec. Gaidheal An, 1924. 
Garden, 1871, inc. Homes and Gardens, 1927. 

Garden Life, 1901, inc. Garden Work for Amateurs, 
Gardener, 1899, inc. Popular Gardening, 1920. 

Gas Engineers’ Magazine, 1888, bec. Gas Engineer, 

Gazette of the College of Violinists, 1914, bec. Violin- 
ists’ Gazette, 1921. 

General Weekly Shipping List, 1853, bee. Lloyd’s 
Loading List, 1920. 

Gentlewoman, 1890, snc. Eve, 1926. 

George Broomhall’s Oilseed News, 1913, inc. George 
Broomhall’s Corn Trade News, 1922. 

Geographical Teacher, 1901, bec. Geography, 1927. 

Girl Guide Gazette, 1914, bec. Guider, 1927. 

Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine, 1880, bec. 
Woman’s Magazine, 1927. 

Girls’ Companion, 1921, inc. Girls’ Mirror, 1922. 

Girls’ Favourite, 1922, inc. Eve’s Own Stories, 1927. 

Girls’ Friendly Society Associates Journal, 1880, 
bec. Girls’ Friendly Society Workers’ Journal, 1920. 
Girls’ Own Stories, 1919, bec. Betty’s Paper, 1922. 

Girls’ Weekly, 1912, snc. My Weekly, 1922. 

Great Northern Railway Time Table, 1850, ssc. Lon- 
don and North Eastern Railway Time Tables, 1924. 

Green Final, 1919, bec. Oldham Sports Final, 1920. 

Green Magazine, 1922, inc. Yellow Magastne, 1923. 

Greenock Post Office Directory, 1850, bec. Annual 
Directory for the Burgh of Greenock, 1923. 

Guild Gazette, 1893, inc. Dolphin, 1920. 

Guildford and District Outlook, 1923, dec. Guildford 
City Outlook, 1927. 

Gwalia, 1880, inc. Clorianydd and Gwalia, 1921. 

Hackney and Stoke Newington Recorder, 1908, bec 
North London Recorder, 1926. ` 

 Half-Holiday, 1923, inc. London Life, 1923. 

Halifax Courier, 1853, inc. Halifax Courier and 
Guardian, 1921. 

Halifax Daily Guardian, 1906, sc. Halifax Daily 
Courier and Guardian, 1921. 

Halifax Evening Courier, 1892, inc. Halifax Daily 
Courier and Guardian, 1921. 

Halifax Guardian, 1832, imc. Halifax Courier and 
Guardian, 1921. 

Glasgow Citizen, 1914, bec. Evening Citizen, 1923. 

Globe, 1803, tnc. Pall Mall Gasette and Globe, 1921. 

Glossop-Dale Chronicle, 1859, bec. Glossop Chronicle, 

Gloucestershire Chronicle, 1833, 

Journal, 1928, 

Golden Comic, 1922, bec. Golden Penny Comic, 1923. 

Golden Penny Comic, 1923, imc. Comic Cuts, 1927. 

Golf Trader, 1913, inc. Sports Trader, 1924. 

Gore’s Liverpool and Birkenhead Directory, 1766, 
bec. Kelly’s (Gore’s) Liverpool and Birkenhead 
Directory, 1922. 

Gospel Graphic, 1919, bec. Christian Graphic, 1921. 
Great Central Railway Time Table, 1857, ssc. London 
and North Eastern Railway Time Tables, 1924. 
Great Eastern Railway Time Table, 1911, smc. 
London and North Eastern Railway Time Tables, 


inc. Gloucester 


Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Hampshire Independent, 1835, inc. Hampshire Ad- 
vertiser, 1923. 

Handy Football Guide, 1921, inc. 
Football Guide, 1926. 

Handy Stories, 1906, inc, Eve’s Own Stories, 1928. 

Hey Gazette, 1898, inc. West Middlesex Gazette 

Northern Echo 

Harmsworth’s All Story Magazine, 1926, inc. Corner | 

Magazine, 1927. 

Harmsworth’s Children’s Dress, 1921, bec. Children’s 
Dress, 1926. 

Harmsworth’s Fashions for All, 1921, bec. Fashions for 
All, 1926. 

Harmsworth’s Home Fashions, 1921, bec. 
Fashions 1925. 

Harper’s Manual, &c., 1914, bec. Harper’s Pocket 
Manual, &c., 1923. 

Harrison’s Bus Time Table for Grantham, 1927, inc. 
Harrison’s Railway and Bus Guide, 1929. 

Harrison’s Handy Railway Time Table, 1910, inc. 
Harrison’s Railway and Bus Guide, 1929. 

Harrow Gazette, 1855, inc. Harrow Observer and 
Gazette, 1921. 

Harrow Observer, 1895, inc. Harrow Observer and 
Gazette, 1921. 

Heei Welfare and Safety, 1925, snc. Safety First, 


Heart of Africa Magazine for the Heart of Africa 
Mission, 1913, bec. Heart of Africa Mission Maga- 
zine, 1920. 

Heart of Africa Mission Magazine, 1920, bec. Whole 
World for Jesus Now, 1923. 

1875, bec. 

Hendon and Finchley Times, 
Times, 1929. 

Herbert Strang’s Annual for Boys, 1908, bec. Oxford 
Annual for Boys, 1928. 

Hereford Observer, 1926, bec. Hereford Journal and 
Observer, 1928, bec. Hereford Journal, 1929. 

Herts and Welwyn Garden City Pilot, 1925, bec. 
Welwyn Garden City and Hertfordshire Pilot, 1922. 

Hexham Herald, 1868, smc. Hexham Courant, 1926. 

Highland Leader and Northern Weekly, 1909, bec. 
Inverness Citizen, 1922. 

Hill’s Doncaster A B C Time Table, 1859, bec. Hill’s 
A B C Time Table, 1923. 

Hill’s Recorder Coventry Time Table, 1910, dec. Hill’s 
A BC Coventry Time Table, 1923. 

Hinckley Guardian, 1922, smc. Hinckley Times and 
Guardian, 1926. 

Hither Green Journal, 1901, inc. Lewisham, &c., 
Journal, 1927. 

Holloway Press, 1872, bec. Islington and Holloway 
Press, 1923. 

Home Cookery, 1895, bec. Home Making, 1921. 

Home Fashions, 1914, bec. Harmsworth’s Home 
Fashtons, 1921. 

Home Friend, 1880, bec. Scottish Girls Friendly 
Society Magazine, 1926. 

Home Handicrafts and Pastimes, 1907, bec. Handi- 
crafts, 1920. 

Home Life, 1923, inc. Woman’s Pictorial, 1924. 

Home Magazine, 1918, bec. Ladies’ Home Magazine, 

Home Making, 1921, inc. Lady’s Companion, 1921, 

Home Mirror, 1923, inc. Home Companion, 1927. 

Home Mirror Novels, 1923, bec. Home Mirror, 1926. 

Home Reading Magazine, 1889, bec. Reader, 1925. 

Home Weekly, 1912, snc. Red Letter, 1923. 

Horticultural Worker, 1907, inc. Land Worker, 1921. 

Hospital Gazette, 1904, bec. Hospital, 1929. 

House and Garden, 1920, inc. Vogue, 1924. 

Hull and East Coast Trade and Transit, 1912, inc. 
Port of Hull Monthly Journal of Commerce and 
Shipping, 1924. 

Hull Daily News, 1884, bec. Hull Evening News, 1923. 



Hull Trade and Transit, 1912, bec. Hull & East 
Coast Trade and Transit, 1923. 
Hunts County News, 1886, snc. Peterborough 

Advertiser, 1927. 

Ice Cream Supplement, 1918, inc. Ice Cream and 
Soda Fountain Journal, 1922. 

Ilfracombe Gazette and Observer, 1834, inc. Ilfra- 
combe Chronicle and Gazette 1920. 

Ilkley Free Press and Gazette, 1920, bec. Ilkley 
Gazette, 1924. 

Ilkley Free Press, 1872, snc. Ilkley Free Press and 
Gazette, 1920. 

Ilkley Gazette, 1861, nc. 
Gazette, 1920. 

Illustrated Chronicle, 1910, nc. North Mail and 
Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 1925. 

Ilkley Free Press and 

Illustrated Sunday Herald, 1915, bec. Sunday 
Graphic, 1927. 
Illustrated Western Weekly News, bec Western 

Weekly News, 1921. 
Indicator, 1920, inc. Brixton Illustrated Press, 1922. 
Industrial and Technical Buyer, 1928, bec. Buyer, 
Industrial Peace Journal, 1927, bec, New Way, 1928. 

Industriai Peace Year Book, 1921, bec. Peace Year 
Book, 1927. 

Institute Journal, 1912, bec. Journal of the Institute 
of Journalists, 1925 

Institute Journal and Optomerist, 1911, 
fractionist, 1924. 

Insurance Advocate, 1913, inc. Agents Journal, 1929. 

Insurance Observer, 1888, inc. Review, 1921. 

Insurance Spectator of London, 1922, bec. Citizen, 

International Cable Register of the World, 1900, 
inc. International Register of Telegraphic and 
Trade Addresses, 1923. 

International Co-operative Review, 1909, inc. Inter- 
national Co-operative Bulletin, 1929. 

International Review, 1913, tc. 
Review, 1920. 

International Year Book of Child Care and Protec- 
tion, 1924, bec. International Handbook af Child 
Care and Protection, 1928. 

Inverness Citizen, 1922, inc. Inverness Courier, 1926. 

Investors’ Chronicle and Money Market Review, 1920, 
bec. Money Market Review and Investors’ Chronicle, 

bec. Re- 


Irish Farming World, 1888, inc. Farmers’ Gazette, 

Irish Grocer, 1893, inc. Irish Grocery World, 1922. 

Irish Homestead, 1895, inc. Irish Statesman, 1923. 

Irish Law Reports, 1867, bec. Irish Reports, 1921. 

Irish Poultry Gazette, 1921, bec. Poultry Gazette, 

Irish Radio Review, 1925, inc. Irish Radio News, 

Irish Society and Social Review, 1888, inc. Irish 
Sketch, 1924. 

Irish Telegraph, 1904, bec. 


Irish Weekly Mail and Warder, 1909, inc. Sports Mail 
and Irish Weekly Mail, 1920. 

Iron and Steel Trades Journal, 1887, inc. Foundry 
Trade Journal, 1921. 

Isle of Wight Advertiser and Undercliff Reporter, 
1859, inc. Isle of Wight Mercury, 1923. 

Isle of Wight Observer, 1852, inc. Isle of Wight Times 

Irish Daily Telegraph, 

Islington Gazette, 1856, bec. Daily Gazette, 1920. 

Jack’s Paper, 1922, inc. "Scout, 1923. 

Jewish Express, 1895, bec. Jewish Post and Express, 

Jewish Woman, 1925, snc. Jewish Guardian, 1926. 

Journal of the Department of Lands and Agriculture, 
1900, bec. Journal of the Deapatment of Agriculture 

Journal of Experimental Pedagogy, &c., 1911 bee. 
Forum of Education, 1923. 

Journal of Industrial Welfare, 1920, bec. Industrial 
Welfare, 1922. 

Journal of ‘School Hygiene, 1908, bec. School Hygiene, 

Journal of the Concrete Institute, 1908, bec. Journa 
of the Institution of Structural Engineers, 1923. - 

Journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers, 
1923, bec. Structural Engineer, 1924. 

Journal of the National Poultry Institute, 1925, énc. 
Harper Adams Utility Poultry Journal, 1927. 

Journal of the Operative Brewers’ Guild, 1910, bec. 
Journal of the Incorporated Brewers’ Guild, 1929. 

Journal of the Radio Society of Great Britain, 1922, 
ine. T & R Bulletin, 1927. 


Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Journal of the Rontgen Society, 1896, tc. British 
Journal of Radiology, 1924. 

Journal of the Society of Architects, 1902, bec. 
Architecture, 1923. ; 

Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks of Works, 
1888, bec. Estate Clerk of Works and County 
Builder, 1923. 

Journal of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, 1918, 
bec. Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal, 1921. 

Journal of the Torquay Natural History Society, 
1909, bec. Transactions and Proceedings of the 
Torquay Natural History Society, 1925. 

Journeyman Baker's Magazine, 1882, bec. Journey- 
man Baker, 1928. 

Joy, 1925, inc. Eve’s Own Stories, 1928. 

Jus Suffragii, 1906, bec. International Woman Suf- 
frage News, 1923. 

Justice, 1884, bec. Social-Democrat, 1925. 

Kelly’s Monthly Trade Review, 1924, inc. 
World, 1924. 

Kettering Guardian, 1882, inc. Kettering Leader and 
Guardian, 1923. 

Kettering Leader, 1888, inc. Kettering Leader and 
Guardian, 1923. 

Kiddies’ Annual, 1918, bec. Tip Top Annual, 1927. 

Killarney Echo, 1895, inc. Kerry Weekly Reporter, 

King’s County Chronicle, 1845, bec. Offaly Chronicle, 


Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser, 1858, bec. Galloway 
News, 1928. 

Labour Gazette, 
Gazette, 1923. 

Labour Leader, 1894, inc. New Leader, 1922. 

Labour News, 1871, bec. Labour News and Employ- 
ment Advertiser, 1908, bec. Labour News, Public 
Works and Building Trades Advertiser, 1927. 

Labour Party Local Government, Parliamentary and 
International Builetin, 1920, înc. Labour Magazine, 

Labour Voice, 1916, bec. South Wales Voice, 1927. 

Ladies’ Field, 1898, bec. Ladies’ Field Fashtons,1922. 

Ladies’ Field Fashions, 1922, bec. Ladies’ Field, 1927, 

Ladies’ Field, 1927, inc. Home Magazine, 1928. 

Ladies’ Home Magazine, 1922, bec. Home Magazine. 

Lancaster P.S.A. Messenger, 1898, bec. Lancaster 
Brotherhood Messenger, 1929. 

Land and Water, 1918, tnc. Field, 1920. 

Lansbury’s Labour Weekly, 1925, suc. New Leader, 

Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book, 1855, tnc. Laxton’s 
and Lockwood's Builders’ Price Book, 1925. 

Leach’s Lady’s Companion, 1892, bec. Lady’s Com- 
panion, 1922. 

Leather Goods Recorder, 1919, inc. Export World, 

Ledbury Guardian, 1908, inc. Ledbury Reporter and 
Guardian, 1921. 

Ledbury Reporter, 1896, inc. Ledbury Reporter and 
Guardian, 1921. 

Lee Journal, 1899, inc. Lewisham, &c., Journal, 1927. 

Leicester Daily Mercury, 1874, bec. Leicester Mercury, 

Leicester Football Mail, 1919, bec. Leicester Sports 
Maili, 1921. 

Leicester Sports Mail, 1921, bec. Sports Mail, 1921. 

Leighton Buzzard Reporter, 1884, inc. Woburn and 
District Reporter, 1921. 

Leith Burghs Pilot, 1864, bec. Edinburgh and Leith 
Burgh Pilot, 1920. 

Lewisham Journal, 1906, inc. Lewisham, Lee and 
Catford Journal, 1927. 

Liberator, 1855, snc. Liberation Bulletin, 1927. 

Licensed Vehicle Trade Record, 1913, bec. Record, 

Lichfield Pioneer, 1920, inc. Lichfield Mercury, 1925. 

Life Brigade Chronicle, 1905, nc. Boys’ Brigade 
Gazette, 1927. 

Lincoln Diocesan Church Calendar, 
Lincoln Diocesan Calendar, 1929. 

Lincoln Leader, 1896, inc. Lincolnshire Chronicle, 

Lincolnshire A BC Time Table, 1904, bec. Lincoln- 
shire Chronicle A BC Time Table, 1928. 

1919, bec. Ministry of Labour 

1865, bec. 


Literary Who’s Who, 1920, bec. Literary Year Book, 

Literary Year Book, 1921, bec. Literary Year Books 
Group (comprising, What Editors and Publishers 
Want, 1924, British Booksellers, 1924, Who’s Who 
in Literature, 1924, and Librarian’s Guide, 1923). 

Little Sparks, 1920, bec. Sunbeam, 1922. 

Liverpool Catholic Parishioner, 1922, bec. Parishioner, 

Liverpool Post and Liverpool Mercury, 1904, bec. 
Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury, 1928. 

Llan and Church News, 1920, bec. Llan, 1923. 

Llan a'r Dywysogaeth, 1869, bec. Llan and Church 
News, 1920. 

Llandudno Directory and Visitor, 1904, ésc. North 
Wales Chronicle, 1921. 

Lloyd’s Sunday News, 1921, bec. Sunday News, 1924, 

Lloyd’s Weekly News, 1843, bec. Lloyd’s Sunday 
News, 1921. 

Local Government Board Annual Report, 1872, bec 
Ministry of Health Annual Report, 1923. 

Local Government Directory, 1841, bec. Loca 
Government Manual and Directory, 1923. 

Lockwood's Builder's and Contractor’s Price Book, 
1875, inc. Laxton’s and Lockwood’s Builders’ Price 
Book, 1925. 

Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and 
Waggon Review, 1896, bec. Locomotive, Railway 
Carriage, and Wagon Review, 1920. 

Londinian, 1913 bec. City of London College Magazine 

London Academy of Music Gazette. 
L.A.M., 1928. 

London and China Express, 1858, inc. China Express 
and Telegraph, 1922. 

London and China Telegraph, 
Express and Telegraph, 1922. 

London County Council Staff Gazette, 1900, bec. 
London Town, 1929. 

London Co-operative Magazine and Wheatsheaf, 
1921, bec. London Co-operative Wheatsheaf, 1925, 

London Dragoman, 1927, bec. What’s on in London, 
1928, bec. What’s On in London To-day (Dragoman 
Magazine), 1929. 

L.J.C. & M. Venture, 1920, bec. Midland Venture. 

London Labour Chronicle, 1918, bec. London News, 

London Mail, 1912, «mc. Passing Show, 1926. 

London Pillar of Fire, 1910, bec. Pillar of Fire, 1926. 

London Temperance Times, 1892, bec. Church Tem- 
perance Times, 1920. 

London Time Table and Red Rail Guide, 1914, dee. 
Red Ratl Guide, 1920, bec. Red Rail Guide A BC 
1928. ; 

Loughborough Herald and North Leicestershire 
Gazette, 1880, smc. Loughborough Monitor and 
Herald, 1920. 

Loughborough Monitor and News, 1861, inc. Lough- 
borough Monitor and Herald, 1920. 

Lytham Standard, 1905, bec. Lytham St. Anne’s 
Standard, 1926. 

Magazine of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1914, 
bec. Methodist Magazine, 1927. 

Mail, 1868, inc. Times Weekly Edition, 1922. 

Malthusian, 1878, înc. New Generation, 1922. 

Managing Engineer, 1914, nc. Power Engineer, 1923. 

Manchester Guardian Commercial, 1920, bec. Com- 
mercial, 1927. 

Manchester South District Advertiser, 1885 be 
Manchester District Advertiser, 1920. 

Manual Training, 1901, bec. Practical Education and 
School Crafts, 1923. 

Mardon Bros. Year Book &c., 1863, bec. Herts and 
Essex Observer Year Book, 1929. 

Margate, Ramsgate and Isle of Thanet Gazette, 
and Thanet Times,1870,bec.Isle of Thanet Gazette, 

Mark Lane Express, 1832, bec. Farmers Express, 1924 

Maryhill Herald, 1901, inc. Milngavie and Bearsden 
Herald, 1924. 

Master Builders’ Year Book and Diary, 1924, snc. 
Timber News and Master Builders’ Year Book and 
Diary, 1929. 

1908, bec. 

1858, snc. China 

Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Mathiesons’ Fortnightly List, 1872, bec. Mathiesons’ 
Fortnightly Dividend List, 1928. 

Mearns Leader, 1913, bec. Leader, 1928. 

Mechanical Age, 1924, inc. Model Engineer, 1926. 

Medical Missions at Home and Abroad, 1880, inc. 
Conquest by Healing, 1924. 

Men’s Magazine, 1902, bec. All in One, 1923. 

Mercantile Marine Service Association Reporter, 
1874, bec. Salt Spray, 1928. 

Merioneth News and Herald, 1899, inc. Carnarvon 
and Denbigh Herald, 1921. 

Messenger for the Children of the Presbyterian 
Church of England, 1880, inc. Rising Tide, 1922. 

Mid-Cumberland and North Westmorland Herald, 
1868, bec. Cumberland and Westmorland Herald, 

Middlesex and Buckinghamshire Advertiser and 
Uxbridge Gazette, 1917, bec. Middlesex Advertiser 
and County Gazette, 1922. 

Midland Mail, 1890, inc. Market Harborough Adver- 
tiser, 1923. 

Midland Medical Journal, 1901, inc. Birmingham 
Medical Review, 1926. 

Mid-Wales Independent, 1919, inc. 

Journal, 1922. 

Mining Manual, 1887, bec. Mining Year Book, 1927. 

Mrs. Strang’s Annual for Baby, 1915, inc. Oxford 
Annual for Baby, 1928. ; 

Mrs. Strang’s Annual for Children, 1912, inc. Oxford 
Annual for Children, 1928. 

Mrs. Strang’s Annual for Girls, 1919, inc. Oxford 
Annual for Girls, 1928. 

Mitcham and Tooting Mercury, 1878, #nc. Balham, 
Tooting, Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 

Mizpah Novels, 1918, inc. Forget-me- Not- Novels, 

Modern Farming, 1917, inc. Agricultural Gazette and 
Modern Farming, 1923. 

Modern Progress, 1925, bec. International Commerce, 

Modern Science, 1926, snc. Discovery, 1926. 

Moffat Times, 1920, smc. Moffat News, 1926. 

Money Market Review and Investors’ Chronicle, 1921. 
bec. Investors’ Chronicle and Money Market Re- 
view, 1922. 

Money Markets Review and Investors’ Chronicle, 
1860, bec. Investors’ Chronicle and Money Mar- 
kets Review, 1920. 

Monomark News, 1926, bec. Monomark Magazine, 

Monthly Bulletin of the Belgian Chamber of Com- 
merce in London, 1913, inc. Anglo-Belgian Trade 
Journal, 1922. 

Monthly Circular, 1911, bec. Circular of the National 
Council for the Prevention of War, 1924. 

Monthly Criterion, 1927, bec. Criterion, 1928. 

Monthly Journal of the Liverpool Incorporated 
Chamber of Commerce, 1919, sc. Liverpool Trade 
Review, 1927. : 

Monthly Journal of the Middlesbrough Chamber 
of Commerce, 1923, bec. Monthly Journal of the 
Tees-side Chamber of Commerce, 1929. 

Monthly Magazine of Fiction, 1885, bec. Magazine 
of Fiction, 1927. 

Monthly Shipping, 1911, bec. Shipping, 1921. 

Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin Review, 1811, bec. 
Montrose Review, 1923. 


Morecambe and Heysham Times, 1881, inc. More- ` 

cambe Boro’ Advertiser and Times, 1923. 
Morley College Magazine, 1892, bec. Morley Magazine, 

Motion Picture Studio, 1921, twc. Kinematograph 
Weekly, 1924. 

Motor Car and Cycle, 1926, bec. Irish Motoring, 1927, 
Motor Export Trader, 1912, bec. Export Trader, &c., 

Motor Ship and Motor Boat, 1913, bec. Motor Boat, 

Motor Traction, 1905, bec. Motor Transport, 1921. 

Municipal Officer, 1916, bec. Local Government Ser- 
vice, 1920 

Music Student, 1908, bec. Music Teacher, 1922. 

Musical Herald, 1888, tnc. Musical News and Herald, 
1921, bec. British Musician and Musical News, 1929. 

Musical News, 1891, tnc. Musical News and Herald, 
1921, bec. British Musician and Musical News, 1929. 

Musician, 1919, snc. Music Student, 1921. 
My Monthly Magazine, 1923, bec. Jack and Jill, 1924. 

My Pocket Novels, 1900, bec. My Pocket 3d. Library, 

My Story Weekly, 1927, inc. Poppy’s Paper, 1928, 

Nash’s Magazine, 1909, bec. Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine 

Nation, 1907, inc. Nation and Athenzum, 1921. 

N.A.T.E. Journal, 1921, bec. Amusement Workers’ 
News, 1922. 

National Church, 1870, smc. Church Assembly News, 

National Federation of Retail Newsagents, Book- 
sellers, and Stationers London District Council 
News Trade Circular, 1916, bec. News Trade Circu- 
lar, 1925. 

National Master Builders’ Year Book and Diary, 
1900, bec. Master Builders’ Year Book and Diary, 

Naval Annual, 1886, bec. Brassey s Naval and Ship- 
ping Annual, 1920. 

Nenagh News, 1893, smc. Nenagh Guardian, 1926. 

New Cambridge, 1919, înc. Cambridge Gownsman., 

New Clegg’s Handy Reference Railway Guide, 1923, 
bec. Direct Service Railway Guide, 1928. 

New Criterion, 1926, bec. Monthly Criterion, 1927. 

New Forest Chronicle, 1903, inc. Lymington and 
South Hants Chronicle, 1925. 

New Illustrated, 1914, énc. Penny Pictorial, 1920. 

New Needlecraft Ideas, 1928, inc. Schoolmistress, 

New Photographer, 1923, 
grapher, 1928. 

New Spiritualist, 1927, bec. God and Humanity, 1929. 

New Thought, 1911, bec. Applied Psychology, 1924. 

New Voice, 1920, bec. National Citizen, 1927. 

Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 1858, snc. Newcastle 
Daily Chronicle and North Mail, 1922. 

Newcastle Daily Chronicle and North Mail, 1922, bec. 
North Mail and Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 1923. 

Newcastle-on-Tvne and Northern Counties Medical 
Joana 1920, bec. Newcastle Medical Journal. 

Newent Reporter, 1896, inc. Ledbury Reporter and 
Guardian, 1922. 

Newport Intermediate School Magazine, 1898, bec. 
Newport High School Magazine, 1921. 

News and Notes of the Theosophical Society in the 
British Isles, 1926, bec. Theosophical News and 
Notes, 1927. 

News Sheet of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1915, 
bec. Reconciliation, 1924. 

Newton, Earlestown and Golborne Guardian, 1922, 
bec. Golborne Guardian, 1924. 

North Cheshire and North Derbyshire Advertiser, 
1870, bec. Glossop Advertiser, 1923. 

meee Down Herald, 1880, bec. Northern Herald, 

N.E.R. Furnished Lodges and Hotels, &c., Guide 
1896, snc. London and North Eastern Railway 
Holiday Guide, 1923, 

North Eastern Railway Magazine, 1911, bec. London 
and North Eastern Railway Magazine .1923. 

North Eastern Railway Time Table, 1854, bec. London 
and North Eastern Railway Time Tables, 1924. 

er acai Mail, 1906, imc. Hertfordshire Express, 
1 x 

North Mail, 1901, snc. Newcastle Daily Chronicle and 
North Mail, 1922. 

North Star, 1880, snc. Newcastle Daily Journal, 1926. 

North Wales Guardian, 1879, bec. Wrexham and 
North Wales Guardian, 1926. 

North Wilts and District Directory, 1873, bec. 
Swindon and District Directory and Year Book, 

Northampton Daily Echo, 1880, bec. Daily Echo, 

Northamptonshire and Hunts Gazette, 1912, énc. 
Thrapston, Oundle and Raunds Journal, 1923. 

Northern Evening Despatch, 1914, bec. Northern 
Despatch, 1927. 

Northern Photographer ,1920, bec. Club Photographer 

inc. Amateur Photo- 


Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Noes Voice, 1925, bec. Labour’s Northern Voice 


Notes for the Month, 1920, bec. Caldey Notes, 1927. 

Nottingham and Bulwell Local News, 1902, bec. 
eens Advertiser and Bulwell Local News, 

Nottingham Journal and Express, 1918, bec. Notting- 
ham Journal, 1921. : 

Occasional Paper, 1895, bec. N.C.W. News, 1923. 

Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1910, bec. Oil and Petro- 
leum Year Book, 1928. . 

Oilseed News, 1914, inc. George Broomhall’s Corn 
Trade News, 1925. 

Old Furniture, 1927. tnc. Collector, 1929. 

oe Sports Final 1920, bec. Oldham Green Final, 

Oneirologist, 1923, bec. Oneirocritica, 1929. 

Oojah Annual, 1922, bec. Oojah’s Treasure Trunk, 
1926, bec. Oojah Annual, 1927. 

Organist and Choirmaster, 1893, bec. Sackbut, 1920. 

Original Clock Almanac, 1865, bec. John Hartley’s 
Original Clock Almanack, 1923 

Our Boys’ Magazine, 1887, bec. Boys’ Magazine, 1926. 

Our Homes and Gardens, 1919, bec. Homes and 
Gardens, 1923. 

Our Little Dots, 1887, bec. Little Dots, 1923. 

Our Log Book, 1890, bec. Log Book, 1928. 

Our Magazine, 1875, bec. North London Collegiate 
School Magazine, 1924. 

Our Own Gazette, 1884, bec. Blue Triangle Gazette, 

Owner Driver and Motor Cab Owners Drivers’ 
Association Gazette, 1914, bec. Taxi World, 1928. 

Oxford Chronicle and Berks and Bucks Gazette, 1837, 
inc. Oxford Times, 1929. 

Oxford Evening Times, 1928, inc. Oxford Mail, 1929. 

O.H.S. Magazine, 1903, bec. City of Oxford School 
Magazine, 1923. 
Packing Gazette, 1926, bec. Packing, Packaging and 
Conveying Gazette, 1927. ; 
Paddington, Kensington and Bayswater Chronicle, 
1860, bec. Bayswater, &c., Chronicle, 1926. 

Paint and Wallpaper Merchant, 1926, bec, Paint and 
Wallpaper, 1927, 

Paint and Wallpaper, 1926, inc. Decorator, 1928. 

Pall Mall Gazette, 1865, inc. Pall Mall Gazette and 
Globe, 1921. 

Pall Mall Gazette and Globe, 1921, snc. Evening 
Standard, 1923. 
Pall Mall Magazine, 

Magazine, 1929. ; 
Pals, 1922, inc. Boys’ Magazine, 1923. 
Pan, 1919, snc. Twenty Story Magazine, 1924. 
Panpipes, 1923, inc. Music and Youth, 1928. 

Parishioner, 1917, bec. Liverpool Catholic Parishtoner, 

Parliamentary Bulletin, 1919, bec. N.F.U. Record, 

Peebles News, 1887, inc. Peeblesshire News, 1926. 

Peeblesshire Standard, 1916, imc. Peeblesshire News, 

1893, inc. Nash’s—Pall Mall 

Penal Reform League Record, 1909, bec. Howard 
Journal, 1921. ; f À 
Penny Pictorial, 1899, bec. Pictorial Magazine, 1922. 

Penny Popular, 1912, bec. Popular, 1922. 
People’s Weekly Journal, 1864, inc. Norwich Mer- 
cury, 1924. i , 
Perthshire Courier, 1809, inc. Perthshire Advertiser, 


Photo Bits and Cinema Star, 1923, bec. Cinema Star 

Phrenologist, 1886, bec. Phrenology, 1927. 

Picture Fun, 1909, tac. Film Fun, 1920. 

Pictorial Magazine, 1922, bec. Pictorial Weekly, 1926. 

Pictures, 1913, inc. Picturegoer, 1922. 

Pilot, 1922, bec. Welwyn Garden City Pilot, 1924. 

Pinner Gazette, 1895, inc. Pinner Observer and 
Gazette, 1921. 

Pitman’s Shorthand and Typewriting Year Book and 
Diary, 1892, bec. Pitman’s Year Book, 1927. 

Playtime, 1919, bec. Bo-peep, 1929. 

Polly’s Paper, 1920, bec. Every Girl’s Paper, 1922. 

Popular View, 1921, bec. Man in the Street, 1924. 


Port Talbot and Neath Guardian and Observer, 1926, 
bec. Neath Guardian, 1928. 

Portland Telegram, 1855, inc. Dorset Mail, 1927. 

Post (Sporting), bec. Sporting Post, 1924. 

Post (Sunday), 1915, bec. Sunday Post, 1920. 

Post Office Bolton Directory, 1876, bec. Tillotson’s 
Bolton Directory, 1922. 

Poultry Keeper's Annual, 1923, inc. Smallholder 
&c., Year Book, 1925. 

Poultry News, 1921, inc. Feathered World, 1925. 

Poultryman, 1924, bec. National Poultryman, 1927. 

Power User, &c., 1912, bec. Power Engineer, 1913. 

Practical Timber Measurer, 1892, bec. Haworth’s 
Practical Timber Measurer and Timber Buyer’s 
Table, 1922. 

Preacher’s Magazine, 1890, bec. 
Class Leader’s Magazine, 1927. 

Prestatyn and District Advertiser, 1921, bec. Midweek 
Advertiser, 1924. 

Prestwich Guardian, 1886, inc. Blackley, Prestwich 
and Crumpsall Guardian, 1925. 

Pn Catholic Parishioner, 1921, bec. Parishioner, 

Primitive Methodist Leader, 1868, bec. Methodist 
Leader, 1926. 

Primitive Methodist Sunday School Magazine, 1923, 
bec. Primitive Methodist Teachers Magazine, 1929. 

Printers’ and Stationers’ Year Book and Diary, 
1898, bec. Caxton Year Book, 1927. 

Printers’ Engineer, 1895, bec. Printers’, Box Makers’ 
and Bookbinders’ Engineer and Furnisher, 1922. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society, 1886, 
bec. Transactions and Proceedings of the Liverpool 
Biological Society, 1923. 

Production and Export, 1916, bec. Empire Produc- 
tion and Export, 1923. 

Professional and Greenkeeper, 1910, tnc. Golf Trader, 

Preacher’s and 

Psychic Research Quarterly, 1920, bec. Psyche, 1921. 

Public Welfare, 1921, bec. Credit Power, 1922. 

Publicity, 1921, bec. New Publicity, 1926. 

PUS Kent Argus, 1873, inc. Thanet Advertiser, 

Quarry, 1896, bec. Quarry and Surveyors’ and Con- 
tractors’ Journal, 1921. 

Quarterly Letter to Men on Public Works, 1879, 
inc. Torch, 1920. 

Quayside and Office, 1919, inc. Record, 1922. 

Racing and Football Leader, 1922, bec. Leader, 1929. 
Racing World, bec. Racing and Football World, 1929. 

Radio Review, 1919, inc. Wireless World, 1922. 

Radio Supplement, 1925, bec. World Radio, 1926. 

Radio Trade Journal, 1925, inc. Wireless Dealer, 1926. 

Railway and Travel Monthly,1910, bec. Transport and 
Travel Monthly, 1920. 

Record of the Home and Foreign Mission Work of 
the United Free Church of Scotland, 1862, bec. 
Life and Work. The Record of the Church of 
Scotland, 1929. 

Reading Observer, 1860, inc. Reading Standard, 1925, 

Record of the Save the Children Fund, 1920, bec. 
World’s Children, 1923. 

Record of the Save the Children Fund, 1920, bec. 
World’s Children, 1923. 

Redcap’s Annual, 1916, bec. Teeny Weeny’s Annual 

Redhill, &c., Directory, 1890, bec. Reigate, &c., 
Directory, 1927, 

Referee, 1877, bec, Sunday Referee, 1928. 

Reporter for the County Borough of Salford, 1879, 
bec. Salford City Reporter and Salford Chronicle, 

Retail Confectioner, 1924, inc. Sweet Shop and 
Retail Confectioner, 1929. 

Retail Credit World, 1928, bec. Credit World and 
Hire Purchase Trader, 1929. 

Retail Selling, 1923, inc. Sales Management and 
Retail Selling, 1926. 

Retford and Worksop Herald, 1881, inc. Retfords 
Gainsborough and Worksop Times, 1929. 

Reynolds’s Newspaper, 1850, bec. Reynolds’s News, 

Reynolds’s News, 1850, bec. Reynolds’s Illustrated 
News, 1924. 

Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Rhonda Leader, 1899, snc. Glamorgan Free Press, 
Rhyl Record and Advertiser, inc. Rhy] Journal and 
Advertiser, 1921. 
Ringwood and New Forest Chronicle, 1856, ssc. 
Lymington and South Hants Chronicle, 1925. 
Rothwell Courier and Times, 1873, inc. Wakefield 
Express, 1923. 

Royal National Commercial Directory of Scotland. 
1837, bec. Scotland Directory, 1923. 

R.P.A. Annual, 1884, bec. Rationalist Annual, 1926. 

Rubber Quarterly, 1924, bec. Rubber and Tea 
Quarterly, 1929. 

Ruislip-Northwood Courier, 1908, ic. Middlesex 
Advertiser and County Gazette, 1922. 

a Argus, 1891, inc. Rushden Echo and Argus, 
1 ; 

Buna Echo, 1897, inc. Rushden Echo and Argus. 

St. Albans Diocesan Calendar, 1898, bec. St. Albans 
Diocesan Year Book and Calendar, 1927. 

St. ae Press, 1928, bec. St. Albans Pree Press, 

St. Annes on the Sea Express, 1898, bec. Lytham 
St. Annes Express, 1926. 

St. Helens Reporter, 1888, bec. St. Helens and 
District Reporter, 1927. 

St. Leonards Chronicle and Hastings Post, 1919, 
tnc. Bexhill Chronicle, 1922. 
St. Mary Cray, Orpington and District Times, 1881. 
bec. Orpington, St. Mary Cray, &c., Times, 1924. 
St. Pancras Record, 1919, bec. St. Pancras and 
Holborn Record, 1923. 

St. Peter’s Park and Queen’s Park Advertiser, 1920, 
bec. Queen’s Park Advertiser, 1921. 

Sandiacre and Stapleford Weekly News, 1882, bec. 
Stapleford and Sandiacre News, 1921. 

Scarborough Weekly Post, 1887, bec. Scarborough 
Post, 1922. 

School Calendar, 1921, bec. Journal of Careers and 
Monthly School Calendar, 1925. 

School Friend, 1919, bec. Schoolgirl, 1929. 

2e Pictorial, 1897, inc. Bulletin and Scots Pictorial, 

Scottish Poultry News, 1920, inc. Stock-keeper, 1926. 

Scottish Printing, 1927, inc. Printing, 1929. 

Scottish Reformer, 1892, bec. Scottish Temperance 
Reformer, 1922. 

Script Shorthand Journal, 1887, bec. Clark’s Short 
hand (Script Phonography) Journal, 1928. 

Second Spring, 1902, inc. Ransomer, 1929. 

Seed Time and Harvest, 1901, inc. Sunday at Home 

Sentry, 1893, bec. Army Guild Quarterly, 1921. 

Shaw’s Local Government Manual, 1855, inc. Local 
Government Manual and Directory, 1923. 

Sheffield and Rotherham Red Book and Almanack, 
1863, inc. Sheffield Year Book, 1925. 

Shipping Monthly, 1911, bec. M onthly Shipping, 1920 

Shoe and Leather Record Trade Marks Index, 1918, 
bec. Shoe and Leather Annual, 1924. 

Shoe and Leather Annual, 1924, bec. Shoe and 
Leather Trade Marks Index, 1927. 

Shoe and Leather Trade Marks Index, 1927, bec., 
Shoe and Leather Marks, 1928. 

Shoe Trades Journal, 1915, inc. Shoe and Leather 
&c., News, 1925. 

Skyrack Courier, 1886, imc. Skyrack Express, 1924. 

Slater’s Directory of Manchester, Salford and 
Suburbs, 1795, bec. Kelly’s (Slater’s) Directory of 
Manchester, Salford and Suburbs, 1922. 

Slater’s Directory of Scotland, 1892, bec. Kelly’s 
(Slater’s) Directory of Scotland, 1922. 

Sleaford Gazette, 1854, inc. Sleaford Gazette and 
Journal, 1929. 

Sleaford Journal, 1879, inc. Sleaford Gazette and 
Journal, 1929. 

Smart Fiction, 1913, inc. Smart Novels, 1925. 

Snark’s Annual, 1910, bec. Starrwood’s Annual The 
Snark, 1924 

Somerset and Wilts Journal, 1855, inc. Somerset 
Standard, 1925. 


South Eastern Herald, 1882, nc. South Eastern 
Express, 1929. 

South Staffordshire Times, 1911, bec. Bilston and 
Willenhall Times, 1925. 

South Wales News, 1872, inc. Western Mail, 1928. 

South Western Railway Magazine, 1915, bec. 
Southern Railway Magazine, 1923. 

Southall-Norwood Gazette, 1894, inc. West Middlesex 
Gazette, 1923. 

Southampton Times, 1860, tse. Hampshire Adver- 
tiser, 1925. 

Sport Pictures, 1919, bec. Sports Pictures, 1923. 

Sporting Life, 1889, sc. Sporting Life and Sportsman, 
1924, bec. Sporting Life, 1927. 

Sporting Life Weekly Racing Guide, 1879, bec. 
Sporting Life Weekly Edition, 1929. 

Sports for Boys, 1920, tc. All Sports Illustrated 
Weekly, 1921. 

Sports Express, inc. Hull Evening News, 1927. 

Sports Times (Bristol), 1918, inc. Evening Times and 
Echo, 1929. 

Sportsman, 1865, tnc. Sporting Life and Sportsman, 
1924, bec. Sporting Life, 1927. 

Staffordshire Sentinel, 1873, bec. Staffordhsire 
Evening Sentinel, 1929. 

Stanley and Chester-le-Street News, 1912, bec. 
Stanley News and Consett Chronicle, 1923. 

Stanley News and North-West Durham Observer, 
1912, bec. Stanley and Chester-le-Street News, 1922. 

Stanmore Gazette, 1900, inc. Stanmore Observer 
and Gazette, 1921. 

Stationery World and Paper Market, 1891, bec. 
Paper Market, 1927. 

State Technology, 1921, bec. State Service, 1926. 

Steam Car, 1928, bec. Steam Engineer, 1929. 

Stockport County Borough Express, 1889, bec. 
Stockport Express, 1927. 

Stowmarket Courier, 1866, inc. Suffolk and Essex 
Free Press, 1922. 

Stratford Co-operative Magazine, 1895, bec. London 
Co-operative Magazine, 1921. 

Sunday Closing Notes and News, 1913, énc. Sunday 
Guardian and Sunday Closing Reporter, 1924. 

Sunday Evening Telegram, 1916, bec. Sunday Sports 
Telegram, 1921. 

Sunday Mercury, 1918, smc. Sunday Mercury and 
Sunday News, 1920. 

Sunday News, 1919, inc. Sunday Mercury and Sunday 
News, 1920. 

Sunday School Chronicle and Times, 1874, bec. New 
Chronicle of Christian Education, 1928. 

Sunday Special, 1897, inc. Sunday Times and Sunday 
Spectal, 1904, bec. Sunday Times, 1927. 

Sunday Sports Telegram, 1916, snc. Sunday Sports- 
man, 1922. 

Sunday Times, 1822, inc. Sunday Times and Sunday 
Special, 1904, bec. Sunday Times, 1927. 

Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette, 1873, 
bec. Sunderland Echo and Shipping Gazette, 1929. 

Sutton Advertiser, 1869, bec. Sutton and Cheam 
Advertiser, 1928. 

Sutton Herald, 1878, bec. Sutton and Cheam Herald, 

Swanscombe Chronicle, 1919, snc. Swanley, Eynsford, 
&c., Times, 1923, 

Swindon Evening Advertiser, 1920, bec. Evening 
Advertiser, 1923. 

Syren and Shipping International Mercantile Diary 
and Year Book, 1917, bec, International Mercantile 
Diary and Year Book, 1928, 

Svstem, 1902, bec. Business, 1928. 

Talking Machine News and Journal of Amusements, 
1909, bec. Gramophone and Talking Machine News, 
1923, bec. Gramophone and Radio News, 1928. 

Talking Machine News and Side Lines, 1903, bec. 
Talking Machine and Wireless Trade News, 1923. 

Tax Clerk’s Journal, 1912, bec. Taxes, 1922. 

Teachers’ Aid, 1885, inc. Schoolmistress, 1925. 

Temperance Leader and League Journal, 1903, inc. 
Scottish Temperance Reformer, 1923. 

Textile Fabrics Directory, 1880, bec. Textile In- 
dustries Directory, 1924. 

Thom’s Official Directory, Great Britain and Ireland, 
1844, bec. Thom’s Official and Commercial 
Directory of Ireland, 1927. 

Thrapston and Raunds Journal, 1888, inc. Thrapston 
Oundle and Raunds Journal, 1923. 

Titular Changes] Willing’s Press Guide [& Amalgamations 

Three Shires Advertiser, 1903, tc. Western 
Chronicle, 1924. 
Timber and Woodworking Machinery, 1885, bec. 

Timber and Plywood, 1928. 

Times (Lochgelly), 1921, bec, Lochgelly and District 
Times, 1928. 

Times Engineering Supplement, 
Trade Supplement, 1922. 

Times Trade Supplement, 1915, bec. Times Trade and 
Engineering Supplement, 1925. 

Times Woman's Supplement, 1920, inc. Eve, 1921. 
News and Mercury, 1921. 

Tiny Folks Annual, 1914, 
Tiny Folks, 1928. 

Tooting and Mitcham Mercury, 1878, inc. Balham, 
Tooting, Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 

Torbay Express, 1921, snc. Torbay Herald and 
Express, 1925. 

1oy and Fancy Goods Dealer, 1908, bec. Toy Trader, 

1905, inc. Times 

inc. Oxford Annual for 

Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society, 1908, 
bec. Baptist Quarterly, 1922. 

Transactions of the Cremation Society of England 
1880, bec. Cremation in Great Britain, 1926. 

Transactions of the London Natural History Society 
1914, bec. London Naturalist, 1922. 

Transactions of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural 
Society, 1856, bec. Scottish Forestry Journal, 1927. 

Transfers for All, 1922, snc. Artistic Embroidery,1925- 

Transport and Travel Monthly, 1920, inc. Railway 
Magazine, 1923. 

Truro Diocesan Magazine, 1901, bec. Truro Diocesan 
Gazette, 1921. 

Tullamore and King’s Co. Independent, 1894, bec. 
Offaly Independent, 1920. 

Twentieth Century AUN ESHSING, 1923, inc. Adver- 
tising World, 1924. 

Tyldesley and Atherton Chronicle, 1878, inc. Leigh 
Chronicle, 1921.. 

United Service Magazine, 1890, inc. Army Quar- 
terly, 1920. 

Vanity Fair (Hearth and Home, 1868), inc. Harper’s 
Bazaar, 1929. 

Victoria University of Manchester Calendar, 1880, 
bec. Manchester University Calendar, 1926. 

Walsall Pioneer, 1916, ¢nc. Walsall Observer and 
South Staffordshire Chronicle, 1922. 

Warminster and Westbury Journal, 
Warminster Journal. 
Wealdstone Gazette, 1895, inc. Wealdstone Observer 

and Gazette, 1921. 

Wednesbury Borough News, 1866, inc. Midland 
Advertiser, 1924. 

Weekly Bulletin of New Books, 1926, inc. Bookseller 
Weekly List of Publications, 1926. 

Weekly Companion, 1914, tc. Weekly Welcome, 

Weekly Courier, 1808, inc. Liverpool Weekly Post, 

Weekly Diary of Social Events, 1910, bec. Bourne- 
mouth Weekly Diary of Coming Events, 1923. 

Weekly Dispatch, 1801, bec. Sunday Dispatch, 1928, 

Weekly Free Press and Aberdeen Herald, 1876, inc. 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal, 1922. 

Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight Guardian, 1883, 
bec. Isle of Wight Guardian and Shanklin Observer, 

Weekly Mail and Record, 1915, bec. Weekly Record, 

Weekly Wool Chart and Private Business Report 
1907, bec. Wool Chart (Weekly) and Private 
Business Report, 1919. 

Weekly Young Worker, 1926, bec. Young Worker, 

Wellingborough Post, 1886, inc. 

News, 1923. 

Wellington Express, 1887, snc. Taunton Echo, 1922, 

Welwyn Garden City and Hertfordshire Pilot, 1926, 
inc. Welwyn Times, 1928. 

Welwyn Garden City News, 1921, bec, Welwyn News, 

Weiwyn Garden City Pilot, 1922, bec. 
Welwyn Garden City Pilot, 1925. 

Welwyn News, 1927, inc. Welwyn Times, 1928. 

1881, bec. 


Herts and 

Wembley Gazette, 1900, snc. Wembley Observer,1921. 

Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Magazine, 1857, 
bec. Sunday School Magazine of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Church, 1924. 

West Bromwich Weekly News, 1871, bec. Weekly 
News, 1920. 

West London Post, 1913, inc. Acton Gazette, 1926. 

West Middlesex Times, 1881, snc. Staines and Egham 
News, 1928. 

Western Dailv Mercury, 1860, inc. Western Morning 
News and Mercury, 1921. 

Western Evening Herald, 1895, bec. Evening Herald, 
1923, bec. Western Evening Herald, 1924. 

Western Weekly Mercury, 1888, inc. Western Weekly 
News, 1921. 

Westminster Gazette, 1893, inc. Daily News and 
Westminster Gazette, 1928. 

Weymouth and Portland Standard, 1906, inc. Dorset 
Mail, 1927. 

Weymouth Telegram, &c., 1855, imc. Dorset Mail, 


White’s Sheffield Directory, 1822, bec. Kelly's 
(White’s) Sheffield Directory, 1922. 

Wilding’s Directory for Shrewsbury, 1890, bec. 

Shrewsbury and Surrounding districts Directory, 

Wimbledon and Merton Mercury, 1910, inc. Balham, 
Tooting, Mitcham News and Mercury, 1921. 

Wimborne and East Dorset Herald, 1895, inc. Poole 
Parkstone and East Dorset Herald, 1925. 

Winchester Diocesan Calendar, 1862, bec. Winchester 
Diocesan Year Book, 1928, 

Wings, 1893, inc. White Ribbon and Wings, 1926. 

Wireless, 1925, inc. Popular Wireless, 1926. 

Wireless Dealer and Radio Trade Journal, 1925, se. 
Wireless Trader, 1926. 

Wireless Export Trader, 1925, bec. 
Gramophone Trader, 1929. 

Wireless Trader, 1923, bec. Wireless and Gramophone 
Trade, 1929. 

Wireless Review, 1923, snc. Popular Wireless, 1924 

Wireless Weekly, 1923, inc. Wireless, 1925. 

Wivelscombe Express, 1896, snc. Taunton Echo, 1922. 

Woking Outlook, 1924, bec. Woking Recorder, 1929. 

Wolverton Express and Bucks Weekly News, 1919. 
bec. Bucks Weekly News and Wolverton Express, 
1921, bec. Wolverton Express and Bucks Weekly 
News, 1924. 

Women’s Stories, 1925, inc. Eve’s Own Stories, 1927. 

Wonderland Weekly, 1919, snc. Young Folks Tales, 

Work, 1889, bec. Amateur Mechanic and Work, 1924. 

Worrall’s Textile Directory, &c., 1889, bec. Textile 
Directory, &c., 1924. 

Wright’s Directory of Bristol and Clifton, 1789, bec. 
Kelly’s Directory of Bristol and Suburbs, 1922. 

Wyntyll, 1903, inc. Genedl Gymreig, 1925. 

Yarmouth and Gorleston Times, 1880, înc. Yarmouth 
Independent, Gorleston Times, &c., 1923. 

Yarmouth Independent, 1855, smc. Yarmouth In- 
dependent Gorleston Times, &c., 1923. 

Year Book and Register of the Federation of British 
Industries, 1920, bec. F.B.I. Register of British 
Manufacturers, 1928. 

Year Book of Pharmacy, 1885, inc. Quarterly Journal 
of Pharmacy, 1928, 

Yellow Magazine, 1921, inc. Harmsworth’s All-Story 
Magazine, 1926. 

York and Lancaster Regiment’s Journal, 1919, bec. 
Tiger and Rose, 1921. 

Yorkshire Evening Argus, 1923, inc. Bradford Tele- 
graph and Argus, 1926. 

Yorkshire Observer Budget, 1912, inc. Yorkshire 
Observer Budget and Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 
1920, bec. Yorkshire Observer Budget, 1922. 

Young Britain, 1919, inc. Champion, 1924. 

Young Folk’s Tales, 1906, inc. Playtime, 1922. 

Young Helpers’ League Magazine, 1892, bec. Young 
Helpers’ Magazine, 1928. 

Young Ladies Journal, 1864, inc. 
Companion, 1920. 

You‘ and Music, 1915, bec..Music and Youth, 1921 

Wireless and 

Leach's Lady's 


Willing’s Press Guide 

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-1m ae ne te te on ee eee 

Pe e i Mm 

Willing’s Press Guide 

London Addresses of Domin- 
ions, Colonial and Foreign 

For purposes of convenience, periodicals 
issued in the Irish Free State are given in 


A.B.C. (Madrid)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 
Abrasive Industry (Cleveland)—Caxton House, 

Westminster, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Gea Advertiser—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Adelaide Chronicle. (Tel. City 7623). 

Adelaide Mail, 34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Central 5884), 

Adelaide News, 34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Central 5884), 

Adelaide Observer—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 7623), : 

Adelaide Register—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 7623). 

Adelaide Saturday Express, 92 Fleet St., E,C.4, 
(Tel. City 7623). 

Advertiser Baroda—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

Advocate (Tasmania)—36-38 SouthamptonSt.,W.C.2, 
(Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Age (Melbourne)—47 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Agriculture Journal of India—Imperial 
Kingsway, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 


Al Ahram (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5628). 
Al Siassa (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch St., E.C. (Tel. 

Royal 6401). 

Alam-al-Arabi (Baghdad)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Albany Times-Union, 72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Algemeen Handelsblad (Amsterdam)—33 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Amazing Stories—Rolls House, Breams Buildings, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

AmericanArchitect(New York)—14 Regent St.,S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 

American Art Student—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Regent 0112). 

American Banker (New York)—14 Regent St.,S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 

American Heart Journal—263 High Holborn, W.C.1. 
(Tel. 3864). 

American Historical Review—St. Martin’s St., W.C.2. 

American Journal of Tropical Melicine (New York) 
—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 

American Machinist (New York)—6 Bouverie St., 

American Magazine—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 1108). 
American Speech—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 

A.B.C. List and Provincial Sections. 

Among the Deep Sea Fishers (New York)—82 
Victoria St., S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 7782). 

Amsterdam Courant—7 King’s Road, Richmond. 

Anglican Theological Review—-Amen House, Warwick 
Square, E.C.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Annalist (New York)—162a Queen Victoria St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 3684). 

Annals of Medical History (New York)—7-8 
Henrietta St., W.C.2. 

Annalist—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 3684). 
Antiquarian—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Antiquarian (New York)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C. 
(Tel. Holborn 5638). 

Architecture—7 Beak St., W.1. (Tel. Regent 5505). 

Argosy All Story—3 La Belle Sauvage, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 7011). i 

Argus (Melbourne)—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 2062). (Advt. p. 424). 

Arrow (Sydney)—61-63 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6917). 

Ars Medici—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 

Art in Australia (Sydney)—356 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1. (fel. Terminus 4141) and 86 Strand, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 8261), 

Arts and Decorations—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4, (Tel. 

City 7349). 
Asia—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 
Effra Road, S.W.2. 

Asre Hadid (Teheren)—61 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Atlanta Georgian-American—72-78 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Atlantic Monthly (Boston)—3 La Belle Sauvage, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 7011). 

Atlantico (Bahio Blanco)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423), 

Atlantida (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Auckland Star—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Aurora (Sierra Leone)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5647). 

Australasian (Melbourne) — 80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 2062). (Adut. p. 424). 

Australasian Automobile Trade Journal—36 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Australasian Commercial Motor—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Australasian Furniture and Furnishings (Melbourne) 
—61-63 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. City 6917). 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Australasian Manufacturer (Sydney)—36 Southamp- 
ton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Australia and New Zealand Law List—Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

Australian Home Beautiful (Melbourne)—92 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. (City 7623). 

Australian Journal—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 


Australian Journal of Dentistry (Melbourne)— 
7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 
Australian Motor Boat and Yachting Monthly— 

36 Southampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 

Australian Motor Car (Melbourne)—36-38 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. 

Australian Motor Cycle (Melbourne)—36-38 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 
Australian Motorist (Melbourne)—24 Old Jewry, 

Auto (Haarlem)—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Automobile Association of Bengal Magazine (Cal- 

cutta)—Imperial House, Kingsway, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 6512). 

Automobile Guide of N.S.W. (Sydney)—36-8 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. 

Anzeige (Reutlingen)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 2482), 
Baghdad Times—69 Fenchurch St., E.C.2. 

Balagh (Cairo)—Holmwood House: 65 Fenchurch 
St., E.C.2. (Tel. Royal 6401). 

Baltimore Advertiser—72-8 Fleet St., 
Baltimore American—72-8 Fleet St.. 
Bangkok Times—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Banga Bani (Calcutta)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 


Barrier Miner—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 5884). , 
Bassir (Alexandria)—3 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 

Gerrard 6229). 
Beckett’s Budget—61-3 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6917). 

Bengalee (Calcutta)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Berliner Morgenpost—3 Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. 
Museum 8894). 

Berlingske Tidende—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 

City 8626). 

Billiken (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Black Mask—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Blanco Y Negro (Madrid)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Blast Furnace (Pittsburg)—Caxton House, 
(Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Blue Book (U.S.A.)—5 Breams Buildings, 
(Tel. Holborn 1108). 

Bochumer Anzeiger—61 Effra Road, S.W.2, (Tel. 

Brixton 4282). 

Bohemia (Havana)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 8626). 

Boiler Maker (New York)—8 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 

Bombay Chronicle—119 Temple Chambers, E.C.4, 

(Tel. Central 2829). 

Bombay Samachar—Fitzalan House, Arundel St., 




Bookseller & Stationer (Toronto)—-2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Boston Advertiser---72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Boston American—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Boston Transcript—1l4 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 

Bourse Egyptienne (Alexandria and Cairo)—33 
Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Boys’ Life—Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4, 

Boys’ Weekly--173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Breslauer Neueste Nachrichten—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Brett’s Xmas acl (Auckland)—134 Fleet St., 

Breezy Stories—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. 

Brisbane Courier—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 5380). 

Brisbane Daily Mail—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 1523). 

Brisbane Sunday Mail—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 

Central 1523). 

British Motor in Australia (Sydney)—36 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. 

British South Africa Co.’s Government Gazette- 
72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Brooklyn Eagle—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 

Buenos Aires Herald—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. (City 7662) 

Building (Sydney)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4 

Building Age (New York)—14 Regent St., 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 
Bulawayo Chronicle—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Bulletin de la Chambre Syndicale de la Publicite— 
61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 
Bulletin of the British Chamber of Commerce for 
Italy, Inc. (Milan)—47 Gresham St., E.C.2. (Tel. 
National 8343). 

Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore)— 
7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Bulletin Technique du Bureau Veritas—155 Fen- 
church St., E.C.3. (Tel. Monument 1653). 

Burger (Cape Town)—231 Strand, W.C.2. 

Burma Medical Times—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Burma Sunday Times—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Buro-Bedarf-Rundschau (Berlin) —61 Effra_ Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

ere and Truck Transport (Toronto)—2 Cockspur 

, S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Bus Transportation (New York)—6-8 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4, (Tel. Central 4965). 

B.Z. Am Mittag—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 



(Tel. Museum 

Calgary Herald, 34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 

Calgary Albertan—20 Craven St., Strand, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Camera Craft (San Francisco)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 

Canadian Automotive Trade Journal (Toronto)— 
2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Canadian Countyman (Toronto)—20 Craven St. 
W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Canadian Export Pioneer (Toronto)—26-27 Cockspur 
St., S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 6570). 

Canadian Foundryman (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Canadian Grocer (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 

Canadian Homes and Gardens (Toronto)—2 Cock- 
spur St., S.W.1. 

Ea Machinery (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 

Canadian Mayfair—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 

Canadian Medical Association Journal—7-8 Henrietta 
St., W.C.2. 

Canadian Motorist (Toronto)—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Canadian National Railways Magazine—20 Craven 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Canadian Radio—7 Palace House, 
Avenue, W.1. 

Canadian Traveler (Toronto)—7 Palace House, 
Shaftesbury Avenue, W.1. 

Cape Argus—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 


Cape as Holborn, E.C.1. (Tel. Holborn 

Capital (Rosario)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 

Capital (Calcutta)—119 Temple Chambers, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 2829). 

Central China Post—13 Courtfield Road, S.W.7. 
(Tel. Kensington 6423). 

Ceylon Daily News—180 Fleet St., 
Holborn 3380). 

Ceylon Government Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Ceylon Independent—118 Cannon St., E.C.4. 

E.C.4. (Tel. 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

caylee eee Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 

Chatelaine (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 6642). 

Chaussure Parisienne (Paris)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering (New York)— 
6-8 Bouverie St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

eee. Reviews. (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta St., 

Chemist and Druggist of Australasia (Melbourne) — 

- 61-63 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. City 6917). 

Chia Oriental (Cairo) 33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Chicago American—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Chicago Daily News—Trafalgar Buildings, Trafalgar 
Square, W.C.2. 

Chicago Herald-Examiner—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Chicago Tribune—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 8270). 

Chicago Tribune Ocean Times—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 8270). 

Childhood Education—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 

China Digest (Shanghai)—47 Gresham St., E.C.2, 
(Tel. National 8343). 

China Illustrated Review (Tientsin)—173-5 Fleet St. 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4481). 

China Mail—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Regent 6130). 

China Press (Shanghai)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Christchurch Star—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Christchurch Times (late Lyttleton Times)—134 
Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Christian Science Monitor (Boston)—2 Adelphi 

Terrace, W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 5420). 
Chronicle (Adelaide)—47 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Cincinnati Enquirer—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 
Citizen (Ottawa)—34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. 

Central 5884). 
ets ene Military Gazette (Lahore)—11 Aldwych, 

Classie—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Cleveland Town Topics—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 
Coal Age (New York)—6-8 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 

(Tel. Central 4965). 
are Review (Winnipeg)—-35 Leyland Road, 

College Humour—3 La Belle Sauvage, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 7011). 

Combined Civil List for India (Allahabad)—11 
Aldwych, W.C.2 

Comercio (Lima)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Commerce (Bombay)—11 Aldwych, W.C.2, 

Commerce and Finance (New York)—14 Regent St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 0112). 

Commercial and Dry Goods Record (Winnipeg)—35 
Leyland Road, S.E.12. 

Commonwealth Engineer—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795) 

Complete Story—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

Construction Methods—6-8 Bouverie St., 
(Tel. Central 4965). 

Continental Golf Year Book (Paris)—33 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. 
Contractor and Builder (Winnipeg)—35 Leyland 
Road, S.E.12. 
a aa Italiana (Milan)—4-5 Warwick Court, 

(Tel. City 

(Tel. City 

Correo del Cauca (Cali)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Corriere del Piccoli (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Corriere dela Sera (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Cosmopolitan—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Country Gentleman—2 Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 5708). 
Critica (Buenos Aires)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 

Tel. City 6423). 


Cromos (Bogota)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 
Cronica (Lima)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 
(Tel. City 

C.rrent History—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 
7349). i 

Current History (New York)—Salisbury Square 
House, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 3684). 

Current History Magazine (New York)—162a Queen 
Victoria St., E.C.4. 

Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm )—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 8626). 
aily Express (Madras)—119 Temple Chambers, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 2829). 

Daily Gazette (Karachi)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Daily Mail (Continental)—Northcliffe House, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 6000). 

Daily Metal Trade—Caxton House, Westminster 
S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Daily News (New York)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 8270). 

Daily News-Record (New York)—72 Long Acre, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5161). 

Daily Telegraph (Napier)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4 
(Tel. Central 1523). 

Daily Telegraph Pictorial (Sydney)—173 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 5380). 

Dame—3 Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Dance—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Danziger Neueste Nachrichten—3 Gower St., 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 
De Westelike Stem—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Detective Fiction Weekly—3 La Belle Sauvage, E.C.3, 
(Tel. Central 7011) 
Detective sig Neath Bride Lane, E.C.4. 
Detroit Free Press—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 
seca News 30 Norfolk St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple 
ar 5030). 
Detroit Times—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4 
Deutsche Lederwaren und Koffer Industrie (Offen- 
bach)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 
Deutscher Aussenhandel (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 
Deutsches Magazin (Nuremburg)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 
eee Fields Advertiser (Kimberley) —72- 8 Fleet 
t 4. 

Diario de Guatemale—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Diario de la Marina (Havana)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Diario de Costa Rica (San Jose)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Diario de Panama—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 

Diario Espanol (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Diario (Montevidio)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Diario del Plata (Montevideo)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 8626). 

Dinamina (Colombo)—180 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Hayom (Jerusalem)—33 Chancery Lane, 




Holborn 3380). 
Domenica del Corriere (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Dominion (Wellington)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 1523). 

Don Fausto (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Draper of Australasia (Melbourne)—61-63 Ludgate 
Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. City 6917). 

Dream World—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

Drug Merchandising (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

ra eres Review (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 


(Tel. City 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

East African Standard (Nairobi)—13 Courtfield 
Road, S.W.7. (Tel. Kensington 6423). 

Economic and Commercial Gazette—3 Gower St., 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

a ar and Frontier Directory—72-8 Fleet St., 

East London Dispatch—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Eastern Province Herald, 72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

poe f a Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 

Echo de Paris—135 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Edmonton Bulletin—20 Craven St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Gerrard 0527). 

Edmonton Journal—34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 5884). 

Education (Boston)—W. Dawson & Sons, Cannon 
House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 

Egyptian Directory—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Egyptian Mail—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Egvptian Gazette (Alexandria)—65 Fenchurch St., 
E.C.3. (Advt. p. xxxii.). 

Eil-Nachrichten (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

El Centroamericano (Leon)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

El Correo de Colombia (Medellin)—5 New Bridge 
St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

El Eco Nacional (Leon)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4 
(Tel. City 6423). 

El Estado (Santa Marta, Colombia)—5 New Bridge 

St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

El Pencca (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 
El Tiempo (Bogota)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 

(Tel. City 6423). 
Electric Railway Tournal (New York)—6 and 8 
Bouverie St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 
Electrical Engineer of Australia and New Zealand 
(Melbourne)—-36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 
Electrical Merchandising (New York)—6- -8 Bouverie 
St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Electrical West (San Francisco)—6-8 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Electrical World (New York)—6 and 8 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Elite Styles—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Holborn 1108). 

E.M.J. Metal and Mineral Markets—6 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Emu (Melbourne)—326 High Holborn, W.C.1. 

Engineering and Mining Journal (New York)— 
6 Bouverie St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Engineering News Record (New York)—6 and 8 
Bouverie St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Englishman (Ca.cutta)—198- 199 Temple Chambers, 


Ephemeris (Alexandria)—-33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2 

Esnana Automovil (Madrid)—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Espectador (Bogota)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Essener Anzeiger—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

Eu Sei Tudo (Rio de Janeiro)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Evening News of India—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 6662). 

Evening Star (Dunedin)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Evening Times (Nigeria)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5647). 

Examiner (Iaunceston)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 1523). 


Excelsior (Paris) —72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 
Excelsior (Mexico)—-5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 

City 6423). 

Fairchild’s Bulletin (London)—72 Long Acre, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 5161). 

Fairchild’s International—72 Long Acre, 
(Tel. Tempie Bar 5161). 

Fakaha (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch St., E.C. (Tel. Royal 


Falkland Islands Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Familia (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
. City 6423). 

Family Herald and Weekly Star (Montreal)—42 
Pall Mall, S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 8212). 

Far Eastern Capital and Trade (Shanghai)—47 
Gresham St., E.C.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

Far Eastern Investor’s Year Book (Shanghai)—47 
Gresham St., E.C.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

Far Eastern Review (Shanghai)—47 Gresham St., 

Far West—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 

Farmer (Maritzburg)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5647). 
ee s Advocate (Bloemfontein)—72-8 Fleet St., 
Farmer’s Advocate of Canada—34-40 Ludgate Hill, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 5884). 
eros Weekly (Bloemfontein)—72-8 Fleet St. 

Farmer’s Weekly La Presse (Montreal)—18-20 Craven 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Fauji Akhbar (India)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Feminel—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 

Ferguson’s Ceylon Directory —180 Fleet St., 
(Tel. Holborn 3380). 

Film Fun (English edition)—-5 Breams Buildings, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 1108). 

Fiji Royal Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. (Tel. 
Victoria 7730). 

Financial Post of Canada (Toronto)—2 Cockspur 
St., S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Flying E Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 


Food Industries (New York)—6-8 Bouverie St., E.C.4 
(Tel. Central 4965). 

Fort Worth Record—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

e York)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 

Foundry (Cleveland)—Caxton House, Westminster, 
S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Frankfurter Zeitung—12 Holborn Viaduct, E.C.1. 

Free Lance (Wellington)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 1523). 

Friend (Bloemfontein)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Friend of Burma (Rangoon)—24 Old Jewry, E.C.2. 

Frontier Post (Aliwal North)—55 Chancery Lane, 



Fur Trade Review (New York)—34 Paternoster 
Row, E.C.4. (Tel. City 8727). 

Gambia Government Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Gambia Outlook—53 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Holborn 5647). 

Gazeta Poranna (Lemberg)—3 Gower St., 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Gazeta Poranna Warszawska—3 Gower St., 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Gebrauchsgraphik (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

General Merchant (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 

Ghost Stories—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Giustizia (Milan)—4-5 Warwick Court, W.C.1. 


Goblin (Montreal)—20 Craven St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Gerrard 0527). 
Gold Coast Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. (Tel. 

Victoria 7730). 

Gold Coast Independent (Accra)—55 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5647). 

Gold Coast Leader—118 Cannon St., E.C.4. 

Gold Coast Spectator—S5 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Golden Book—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Holborn 1108). 

Gold Field News (Barberton)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Golf, le (Paris)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Hol- 
born 5628). 

Good Furniture Magazine (Grand Rapids)—14 
Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 0112). 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Good Housekeeping (American Edition)—18 Bride 
Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). — 

Government of Palestine Department of Customs, 
Excise and Trade Commercial Bulletin (Jerusalem) 
—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 

Grafico (Buenos Ayres)—-5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Guerin Meschino (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Hackebeils Illustrierte (Berlin)—-3 Gower St., 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Halifax Herald and Mail—20 Craven St., Strand, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Hamburger Fremdenblatt—3 Gower St., 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 
Handelsblad—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Hardware and Machinery (Melbourne)—61-63 
Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. (Tel. City 6917). 

Hardware and Metal (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642) 

Harper’s Bazaar (American edition)—18 Bride Lane, 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 

eats Monthly Magazine—90 Great Russell St., 


Harvard Theological Review, Amen House, Warwick 

Square, E.C.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Heat Treating and Forging (Pittsburg)—Caxton 
House, Westminster, SW.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Hemmet’s Journal (Malmo)—14 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 4411). 

Heraldo de Cuba (Havana)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Herrenmode—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 

Sy) ae Regent St., S.W.T. (Tel. Gerrard 
6 ; 

Hindu Herald (Lahore)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512) 

Hindustan Times (Delhi)—Imperial House, Kings- 
way, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Home Magazine (Sydney)—356 Grays Inn Road, 
W.C.1, (iel. Terminus 4141) and 85 Strand, W.C.2, 
(Tel. Temple Bar 8261). 

Homestead (S. Africa)—72 Fleet St., E.C.4, 

Hong-Kong Daily Press—53 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Hong-Kong Sunday Herald—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Regent 6130). 

Hufvudstadsbladet (Helsingfors)—72-8 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 8626). 

Huisgenoot (Cape Town)—231 Strand, W.C.2. 
(Central 2994). 


(Tel. Museum 

Illustrated Weekly of India—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 6662). 

Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (Krakow)—3 Gower 
St., W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Illustrowany Republika (Lodz)—3 Gower St. 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 
Imparziale (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Import and Export Review (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). l 
Indian and Eastern Engineer (Calcutta)—la Fen- 
church St., E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 4123). 

Indian and Eastern Motors (Calcutta)—1a Fenchurch 
St., E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 4123). 

Indian and Eastern Railways—la Fenchurch St., 
E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 4123). 

Indian Army List—Imperial House, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Indian Daily Telegraph—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Indian Dental Journal—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Indian Forester (Dehra Dun)—11 Aldwych, W.C.2. 

Indian Journal of Medical Research (Calcutta)—2 
Creed Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 4459). 

Indian Medical Gazette (Calcutta)—-2 Creed Lane 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 4459). 

Indian Medical Record (Calcutta)—67 Fleet St., 


Indian Monthly Magazine (Calcutta)—Imperial 
House, Kingsway, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Indian Radio Times (Bombay)—36-8 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Indian State Railways Magazine (Bombay)— 
Imperial House, Kingsway, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 6512). 

Indian Trade Journal (Calcutta)—Imperial House, 
Kingsway, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Indian Year Book (Bombay)—187 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Industrial Australian and Mining Standard) Mel- 
bourne)—26 Budge Row, E.C.4. (Tel. City 0793). 

Industrial Engineer (Chicago)—6-8 Bouverie St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Ingenieria Internacional (New York)—6-8 Bouverie 
St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

International Journal of Orthodontia—263 High 
Holborn. (Tel. Holborn 3864). 

international Studio (New York)—11 Haymarket, 


Iraq Government Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Iron Trade Review (Cleveland)—Caxton House, 
Westminster, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Ix-xemx (Sun) (Valletta)—146 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 6712). 

Izvestia (Moscow)—8 Edrick Walk, Edgware. (Tel. 
Edgware 0960). 

Jewellers’ Circular (New York)—14 Regent St., 
.W.1. (Tel. Regent 0112). 

Journal, Le—176 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 

Jcurnal d’Agricuiture Tropicale (Paris)—Canncn 
House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 

Journal de la Marine Marchande (Paris)—47 Gres- 
ham St., E.C.2. 

Journal du Caire—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5628). 

Journal of Ayurveda (Calc_tta)—67 Fleet St., 

Journal of Bacteriol»gy (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of Biological Chemistry—7-8 Henrietta St, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of Clinical Investigation—7-8 Henrietta St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journa! of Comparative Psychology (Baltimore)— 
7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of Dairy Science (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of Immunology (Baltimore)—8 Henrietta 
St.; W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of the Bombay Historical Society—38 
Great Russell St. W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 1252). 

Journal of the Central Bureau for Anima] Husbandry 
and Dairying (India)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Journal of Laboratory (U.S.A.)—263 High Holborn, 
W.C.1. (Tel. Holborn 3864). 

Journal of the Medical Association of South Africa— 
7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tei. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of Pharmacology (Baltimore)—8 Henrietta 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Journal of the Photographic Society of Ind.a (Cal- 
cutta)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Journal of Siam Society—46 Great Russell St., W.C.1. 

Jonna of Urology (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta St., 

Jueves de Excelsior (Mexico)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

gor acer Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 

Kairon-Klio (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Kasseler Tageblatt—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
Brixton 4282), 

Kaskkoul (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5628). 

Kattowitzer Zeitung—3 Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. 
Museum 8894). ; 

Kenya Daily Mail (Mombasa)—55 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5647). 



Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Kenya Official Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. (Tel.. 
Victoria 7730). 
Kerkbla (Bloemfontein)—231 Strand, W.C.2. 

(Central 2994). 
ene (Stellenbusch)—33 Chancery Lane, 

Klerksdorp Record—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Kokka (Japan)—1I1 Grafton St., W.1. 

Kol-Chei (Cairo)—3 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 6229). 
Kolnische Zeitung—3 Gower St., W.C.1 (Tel. 

Muse'im 8894). 

Kontektionaer—3 Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 

Konigsbode (Stellenbosch)—33 Chancery Lane, 

Kurjer Pora' ny (Warsaw)—3 Gower £t., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Kurjer Posnanski (Posen)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 

(Tel. Museum 88/4). 

La Defensa (Medellin, Colombia)—5 New Bridge St.’ 
E C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Ladies’ Home _  journal—Rolls House, 
Buildings. E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 5708). 

La Neuva Prensa (San Jose, Costa Rica)—5 New 
Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Landbouweekblad (Bloemfontein)—231 
W.C.2. (Central 2994). 

Land:cape Architect (Brookline)—14 Regent St, 
S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 0112). 

Larvngoscope (St. Louis)—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2, 
(Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Leader (Melbourne)—47 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

L’Affiche (Paris)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 



Brixton 4282). 

L’Annuiaire des Golfs (Paris)—33 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Holborn 5628). 

Leeward Islands Grea Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Liegnitzer Tageblatt—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Lettura (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 

ge aa (Monrovia)—35 Leyland Road, 

Liberia Times (Monrovia)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2, 
(Tel. Holborn 5647). 

Liberte (Cairo)—65 Fenchkchurch St., E.C.3. (Tel. 
Roval 6401). 

Liberty (New York)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 8270). 

Liberty (Calcutta)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Librero—4 Vernon Place, W.C.1. 

Life— Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. (Tel 
Holborn 5708). 

L’Illustration (Paris)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Te 

Regent 0112), 

Lissan-ul-Hal (Syria)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Listener In (Melbourne)—92 Fleet St., 

Los Angeles Examiner—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Los Angeles Herald—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Los Sports (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Lourenco Marques Guardian—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4, 

Lubecker General-Anzeiger—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282), 

E.C.4. (City 

Maasbode (Rotterdam)—61 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Machine Design (Cleveland)—Caxton House, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Machinery (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Gerrard 6642). 

Maciean’s Magazine (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Effra Road, S.W.2., 


error Mail—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 

aes Egyptien (Cairo)—-33 Chancery Lane, 
ie te Empire (Toronto)—34-40 Ludgate Hill, 
Malay Mail—36-8 Southampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Regent 6130). 

Malaya Tribune (Singapore)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Maaa Medical Journal (Singapore)—67 Fleet St., 

Malavan Tin and Rubber Journal—47 Gresham St., 
E.C.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

Malta Daily Chronicle—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2° 

Malta Government Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1° 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Manana (Montevideo)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Mannheimer Tageblatt—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282), 

Manufacturier (Amsterdam)—35 Leyland Road, 

Marine Engineering and Shipping Age (New York)— 
34 Victoria St., S.W.1. (Victoria 6924). 

Marine Review (Cleveland)—Caxton House, West- 
minster, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Masonic Journal of South Africa (Johannesburg)— 
36 and 8 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Masr-el-Hadissa (Cairo)—-33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Matalisi (Uganda)—-55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 

Holborn 5647). 
Matin, Le—8 Shoe Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 1574). 

Mayfair (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 

Medical Directory of India, &c.—7-8 Henrietta St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Medical Journal of Australia—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Medicine (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Melbourne Herald—92 Fieet St., E.C.4. (City 7623). 

Melbourne Weekly Times—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(City 7623). 

Men’s Wear Chicago Apparel Gazette—72 Long 
Acre, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5161). 

Men’s Wear (New York)—72 Long Acre, W.C.2, 
(Tel, Temple Bar 5161), 

Men’s Wear Review (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Mercato Russo—4-5 Warwick Court, W.C.1. 

Mercurio (Antofagasta)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 8626). 

Mercurio (Santiago)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Citv 8626). 

Mercurio (Valparaiso)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
City 8626) 

Messaggero Egiziano (Alexandria)—33 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628), 

Mesopotamia Directory—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Mid Week Pictorial New York—Salisbury Square 
House, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 3684). 

Midland News (Craddock)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Mining and Pastoral Register (Perth)—36 Southamp- 
ton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

Modern Druggist (U.S.A.)—14 Regent St., 
(Regent 0112). 

Modern Girl—18 St Bride’s Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Modern Priscilla—2 Bream’s 
(Tel. Holborn 5708). 

Mokattam (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch St., E.C.3, 
Royal 6401). 

Mombasa Times. 13 Courtfield Road. S.W.7. 
Kensington 6423). 

Moment (Warsaw)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
Museum 8894). 

Mon Bureau (Paris)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 

Monde Dentaire—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. 
Temple Bar 4646). 

Montreal Gazette—20 Craven St., 
(Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Montreal La Patrie—34 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
Central 5884). 



Buildings, E.C.4. 

Strand, W.C.2- 


Dominions,&c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Montreal La Presse—20 Craven St., 
Gerrard 0527). 

Montreal Star—42 Pall Mall, S.W.1. 

Morgenposten (Oslo)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Motion Picture—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349), 

Moto (Brussels)—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Me S Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 
(U.S.A.)—18 Bride E.C.4. (Tel. 

City 7349). 

Motor Boat (New York)—19 Harcourt St., W.1. 

Motor Coach and Builder of Australia (Melbourne)— 
67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Motor in Africa—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Motor in Australia (Sydney)—36-8 Southampton St.» 
Strand, W.C.2. 

Motor Life (Melbourne)—-36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Motor Trade (Toronto)—36-8 Southampton St., 

W.C.2. (Tel. 
(Tel. Gerrard 


Motor Tyd in Indie (Semarang)—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. 

Motorist and Wheelman (Perth)—36 Southampton 
Street, W.C.2. 

Motorrijwiel (Haarlem)—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Motors in Malaya—36 Southampton St., W.C.2 

MEA Journal (Sydney)—36 Southampton St., 

M.T.O. Bulletin (Johannesburg)—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2 

Muktataf (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch St., E.C.3. (Tel. 
Royal 6401). 
Mundial (Lima)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Mundo al Dia (Bogota)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Mun (Havana)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Musical "Digest—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

Mussawar (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch St., E.C.3. (Tel. 

Royal 6401). 
Musical Quarterly (New York)—11 Great Marl- 
borough St., W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 7841). 

Nacion (Barranquilla, Colombia)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Nacion (San Miguel, Salvador)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Nabasakti (Calcutta)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 

Natal Advertiser (Durban)—72-8 Fleet St., E.€.4. 

Natal Mercury (Durban)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Natal Week End Advertiser—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

ar aoe (Pietermaritzburg)—72-8 F leet St., 

National Grain Journal—i4 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 

Near East Trader (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2, 

a a Courant—33 Chancery Lane, 

Neptune (Antwerp)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 

Neue Freie Presse (Lodz)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Neue Freie Presse (Vienna)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

New Orleans Times—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 

New York American—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

New York Evening Post—3 La Belle Sauvage, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 7011). 

New York Herald (Paris)—Bush House, Aldwych, 
W.C.2. (Tel. City 0284). 

New York Herald Tribune—Bush House, Aldwych, 
W.C.2. (Tel. City 0284). 

New York Journal—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

New York Times—Salisbury Square House, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 3684). 

New Zealand Daily Telegraph—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 1523). 

Nee ee Farmer (Auckland)—134 Fleet St., 


N A Fi Free Lance (Wellington)—134 Fleet St., 

New Zealand Law Journal—4 Bell Yard, Temple 
Bar, W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 4471). 

New Zealand Medical Journal (Dunedin)—8 Hen- 
rietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

New Zealand Mirror—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 1523). 

New Zealand Motor Journal p Rupana) 20" 8 
Southampton St., Strand, W.C.2 

New Zealand Referee—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

New Zealand Smallholder (Auckland)—134 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. 

New Zealand Sporting and Dramatic Review 
(Auckland)—36-8 Southampton St., Strand, W.C.2 

ID eee Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 

Nichi-Ei-Shinshi (Japan)—3 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Nieuwe Courant—33 Chancery Lane, C.2. 
care Rotterdamsche Courant—33 Chancery Lane, 

Nigeria Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
7730). l 

Nigerian Advocate—118 Cannon St., 
Mansion House 5842). 

Nigerian Daily Times (Lagos)—55 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5647). ( Advt. p. xxxviii.). 

Nigerian Observer—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Nigerian Pioneer (Lagos)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Nomad (New York)—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

North American Veterinarian (Evanston)—7-8 Hen- 
rietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

North China Herald (Shanghai)—13 Courtfield Road, 
S.W.7. (Tel. Kensington 6423), 

Northern Rhodesian Government Gazette—4 Mill- 
bank, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Novela Semanal (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

(Tel. Victoria 
E.C.4. (Tel. 

Nowa Reforma (Krakow)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 
Nyasaland Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. (Tel. 

Victoria 7730). 
Nyasaland Times—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
N.Z. Pictorial News—-36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Oakland Post-Enquirer, 72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Oamaru Mail—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Occult Digest—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4, 

Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation (Balti- 
more)—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 4646). 

Oder-Zeitung (Frankfort)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel, Brixton 4282). 

Oil and Gas Journal (Tulsa)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 0112). 

oa P pRa (Stellenbosch)—33 Chancery Lane, 

Onze Gids (Amsterdam)—35 Leyland Road, S.E.12. 
Organisation, Betrieb, Buro (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 
Osaka Mainichi—69 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 
Otago Daily Times (Dunedin)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Otago Witness (Dunedin)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Ottawa Farm Journal—20 Craven St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Gerrard 0527). 
Ottawa Journal—20 Craven St., W.C.2. (Tel. 

Gerrard 0527). 
Outlook—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 0112). 

Outspan (Bloemfontein)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Over the Top—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Overland Pioneer Mail—11 Aldwych, W.C.2. 

Paint and Varnish Magazine (Toronto)—-2 Cockspur 
St., S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Pais (Cordoba)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Palestine (Jaffa)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2, 

Palestine Bulletin (Jerusalem)—33 Chancery Lane 

Palestine Official 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Palestine Weekly—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Para Ti (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Para Todos (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Pastoral Review—Empire House, St., 
Le Grand, E.C.1. (Tel. National 7694). 

Patria (Cartagena, Colombia)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

eo aa a Fenchurch St., E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 



Pedagogical Seminary (U.S.A.)—22 Bedford St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 0081). 

Pekin and Tientsin Times—173-5 Fleet St., 
(Tel. Central 4481). 

Personnel Journal (Baltimore)—8 Henrietta St., 

C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Perth Daily News—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
(Tel, Central 5884). 

Perth Sunday Times—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 5884). 


Petit Parisien—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Philadelphia Inquirer—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel 
Regent 0112). 

Photoplay—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. (Tel. 

Holborn 1108). 
Physical Therapeutics (New York)—7-8 Henrietta 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Phos (Cairo)—-33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
Picture Play—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Pinang Gazette—33 Paternoster Row, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 2462). 

Pioneer (Allahabad)—11 Aldwych, W.C.2. 

Planta (Montevideo)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 

City 8626). 

Planter (Kuala Lampur)—13 Courtfield Road, 
S.W.7. (Tel. Kensington 6423). 
Polonia (Katowice)—3 Gower St., 

Museum 8894). 
Popular Mechanics Magazine—3 La Belle Sauvage, 
(Tel. Central 7011). 
Popular A eT Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 
(Tel. City 

Popular Stories—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 
W.C.1. (Tel. 

W.C.1. (Tel. 

Posener Tageblatt—3 Gower St., 
Museum 8894). 

Potchefstroom Herald—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Poverty Bay Herald (Gisborne)—134 Fleet St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1523). 

Power (New York)—6 and 8 Bouverie St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 4965). 

Power Boating (Cleveland)—Caxton House, West- 
minster, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Power House of Canada (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Praja Mitra (Bombay)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Prensa (Buenos Aires)—14 Cockspur St., 
(Tel. Regent 4411). 

Press (Christchurch)—85 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Presse Medicale d’Egypte—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Prensa (San Salvador)—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Pretoria News—72 Flect St., E.C.4. 

Princeton Theological Review—Amen House, War- 
wick Square, E.C.4. (Tel. City 2604). 

Printed Salesmanship (Chicago)—-33 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628), 

Printer and Publisher (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Gerrard 6642). 

Product Engineering—6 Bouverie St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 4965). 

Progresso do Brazil—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 


Property (Calcutta)—Imperial House, Kingsway, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 6512). 
Przeglad Wieczorny—3 Gower St., W.C 1. (Tel. 

Museum 8894). 

Publicite (Paris)—61 Effra Road, S.W 2. (Tel, 
Brixton 4282). 
Pueblo (Rio Cuarto)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 

(Tel. City 6423). 


Quarterly Review of Biology—7-8 Henrietta St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Queenslander (Brisbane)—173 Fleet St., E.C.. 
(Tel. Central 5380). 

Queenstown Representative—72-3 Fleet St., E.C.4 

Radio Bode (Amsterdam)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 
E.C.4. (City 

Radio Broadcast—i8 Brid: Lane, 

Radio News, 2 Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 

Radio Retailing (New York)—6-8 Bouverie St. 
E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4965). 

Railway and Locomotive Engineering (New York)— 
3 Amen Corner, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 3628). 

Rangoon Daily News—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Rangoon Gazette—24 Old Jewry, E.C.2. 

Rassed (Beyrouth)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2, 
(Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Razon (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. ae 6423). 

Reclame (Rotterdam)—45 Hendon Way, N.W.2. 

Referee (Sydney)—61-3 Ludgate Hill, ICA. (Tel. 
City 6917). 

Regina Leader Post—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 

Reklame (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, S. W.2. (Tel, 
Brixton 4282). 

Rekord Swiat Kobiecy (Lemberg)—3 Gower St., 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Republica (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Review of Bae (New York)—5 Breams Buildings, 
E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 1108). 

Revista da Semana (Rio de Janeirs)—5 New Bridge. 

St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 
Revista de Revistas—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 
Ran Economica (Tegucigalpa)—121 Cannon St., 

Revue Internationale de )’Enfant—26 Gordon St., 
W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 5204 Ex.5). 

Revue Medicale de l’Orient (Cairo)—65 Fenchurch 
St., E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 6401). 

Revue Medicale Scientifique (Alexandria and Bey- 
routh—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Rhodesia Advertiser (Umtali)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rhodesia Agricultural Journal (Salisbury)—72- -8 
Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rhodesien Annual—72 Fleet St., E.C.4 

Rhodesia Directory—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rhodesia Government Gazztte (Salisbury)—72-8 
Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rhodesia Herald (Salisbury)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rhodesian Mining Year Book—72 Fleet St., E C4. 

Rigasche Cire eit Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112 

Riyasat (Delhi) -67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rochester Journal—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rochester Sunday American—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Rock Products (Chicago)—14 Regent St., S.W.1. 
(Tel Regent 0112). 

Roma (Cairo)—33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Romanzo (Milan)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
City 6423). 

Rudder (New York)—19 Harcourt St., W.1. 


Saarbrucker Zeitung—61 Effra Road, S.W.2, (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

St. Christopher and Nevis Offical Gazette—4 Mill- 
bank, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 7730). 

St. Lucia Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. (Tel 
Victoria 7730). 

arr Magazine (New York)—11 Haymarket 


Sales Management (New York)—33 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628). 

San Antonio Light—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

San Francisco Call—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

San Francisco Chronicle—14 Regent St., 
(Tel Regent 0112). 

San Francisco Examiner—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Sanitary Engineer (Toronto)—2 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Gerrard 6642). 


ees AT 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [London Addresses 

Saskatchewan Farmer—34 
(Tel. Central 5884). 

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix—-34 Ludgate Hill, 
(Tel. Central 5884). 

Saturday Evening Express (Launceston)—134 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1523) 

Saturday Evening Post—Rolls Bream’s 
Buildings, E.C.4. 

Saturdav Express (Adelaide)—-$2 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

. (Tel. City 7623). 

Scena Muda (Rio de Janeiro)—5 New Bridge St., 
E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Schwarzwalder Bote (Oberndorf)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Science and Invention—2 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. 

Scientific American—5 Breams Buildings, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Holborn 1108). 

Scribner’s Magazine-—7 Beak St., W.1. 

Screenland—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349) 
Sea Stories—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 
Seattle Post-Intelligencer—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Seidelsrekame (Berlin)—45 Hendon Way, N.W.2. 
Ppor ac Leather Reporter (Boston)—14 Regent St.. 

Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 


(Tel. Regent 

Sierra Leone Weekly News—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Sierra Leone Royal Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Singapore Free Press—13 Courtfield Road, S.W.7. 

(Tel. Kensington 6423). 

Slowo Polskie (Lemberg)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 
(Tel. Museum 8894). 

Slowo Pomorskie (Turon)—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 

(Tel. Museum 8894). 
Smart Set—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 

Smith’s Weekly (Sydney)—36 Regent House, Regent 
St., W.1. (Grosvenor 3219). 

Social Forces—7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. 
Temple Bar 4646). 

Soil Science (Baltimore)—7-8 Henrietta St., 
(Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Soir (Brussels)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

South African Engineer (Johannesburg)—72-8 Fleet 
St., E.C.4. 

South African Engineering—37 Essex St., W.C.2. 

South African Farmers’ Advocate (Bloemfontein) — 
72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Shes African Fruit Grower—55 Chancery Lane, 


(Tel. City 

South African Gardening—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

South African Farmers’ Year Book (Bloemfontein)— 
231 Strand, W.C.2. (Central 2994). 

South African Lady’s Pictorial—24 Holborn, E.C.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 4144). 

South African Mining and Engineering Journal 
(Johannesburg)— 72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

South African Mining and Engineering Year Book— 
72 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

South African Motorist (Johannesburg)—36 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

South African Nursing Record (East London)—8 
Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

South African Printer and Stationer (Johannesburg) 
47 Gresham St., E.C.2. (Tel. National 8343). 

South African Woman's Weekly (Durban)—72-8 
Fleet St., E.C.4. 

South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide)—92 Fleet 
St.. E.C.4. (Tel. City 7623). 

South Australian Motor (Adelaide)—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. 

South of India Observer—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Be rg Daily News (1avércargill)=-134 Fleet St., 

Southlander (Invercargill)—-134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

ah (Hamilton, Canada)—34 Ludgate Hill, 
E.C (Tel. Central 5884). 

Sonna (Egypt)—55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5647). 

Sport Referee—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 

Sport Stories—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Sporting h (Melbourne)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(City 7623). 

Spur—Rolls House, Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. 

Sporting Goods (Toronto)—7 Palace House, Shaftes- 
bury Avenue, W.1. 

Star (Johannesburg)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Star and Herald (Panama)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Statesman A enn ica Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 3116). 

ae Wheel (Brisbane)—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

See General-Anzeiger—61 Effra Road, S.W.2, 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Strength—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 7349). 

Student World—32 Russell Square, W.C.1. 
Museum 9007). 

Style Sources (formerly Women’s Wear Magazine) 
(New York)—72 Long Acre, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple 
Bar 5161). 

Sucesos (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 6423). 

Sudan Herald (Kbartoum)—67 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Sun News-Pictorial (Melbourne)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 7623). 

Sunday News E SE 40 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 5884). 

Sunday Telegraph—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 5380). 

suplements (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., 

E.C.4. (Tel. City 6423). 

Surgery: Gynecology and Obstetrics (Chicago)— 
7-8 Henrietta St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Svenska Dagbladet (Stockholm)—14 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 4411). 

Swiatowid (Krakow)—3 Gower St., 
Museum 8894). 

Sydney Bulletin—36 Southampton St., W.C.2, 

Sydney Evening News—34-40 Ludgate Hill, E.C 4, 
(Tel. Central 5884). 

Sydney Mail—S8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 6250). 

Sydney Morning Herald—58 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Sydney Sun—36 Southampton St., W.C.2., 

Sydney Sunday Times—61-63 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6917). 
Syracuse Sunday American—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Syracuse Telegram—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 


W.C.1. (Tel. 

Table Talk (Melbourne)—92 Fleet St., E.C.4. (City 

Tachydromos (Alexandria)—33 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628). 

Tanganyika Territory Gazette—4 Millbank, S.W.1. 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Tanganyika Standard—13 Courtfield Road, S.W.7. 
(Tel. Kensington 6423). 

Tanganyika Times (Dar-es-Salaam)—55 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2. 

Tanganyika Advertiser (Moshi)—55 Chancery Lane, 

Taranaki Daily News—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Telegraaf (Amsterdam)—7 King’s Road, Richmond. 
Thackers’ Indian Directory—2 Creed Lane, E.C.4. 

Thacker’s Directory of the Chief Industries (lIndia)— 
2 Creed Lane, E.C.4. 
Theatre Magazine—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (City 

Theosophist (Madras)—38 Gt.. Russell St., W.C.1. 

This Quarter (Cannes)—70 Charing Cross Road. 
W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 7813). 

Thuringer Allgemeine Zeitung (Erfurt)—61 Effra 
Road, S.W.2, (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Tidens Tegn (Oslo)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 8626). 

Times of Ceylon—Blackfriars House, New Bridge 
St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 9564). 

Times of Ceylon Sunday Itustrated—Blackfriars 
House, New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 9564). 

Times of East Africa (Nairobi)—55 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5647). 

Times of India (Bombay)—Salisbury Square House, 
E.C.4. (Tel.,Central 6662). 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide 

Times of India Illustrated Weekly—187 Fleet St., 

E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1674). 
Times of Malava—47 Gresham St., E.C.2. (Tel. 
National 8343). 
E.C.4. (Central 

Times of Malta—146 Fleet St., 

pine of Mesopotamia (Basrah)—-33 Chancery Lane, 

Tipperary (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 

Tokio Motor—36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Top Notch—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7349). 

Toronto Evening Telegram—9 John St., Adelphi. 
(Tel. Temple Bar 4647). 

Toronto Globe—20 Craven St., 
(Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Town and Country (New York)—175 Piccadilly, W.1, 
(Tel. Regent 4282). 

Town and Country Homes—22-5 Farringdon St., 
E.C.4, (Tel. City 0202). 

Transvaal Directory—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Travel (New York)—23-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 4438). 

Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad)—14 Trinity Square, 
E.C.3. (Tel. Royal 2200). 

True Detectives—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

True Experiences—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

True Romances—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4. 

Strand, W.C.2. 

(Tel. City 
(Tel. City 
(Tel. City 

Uganda Herald (Kampala)—55 Chancery Lane, 

Uganda Official Gazette—4 Millbank, 
(Tel. Victoria 7730). 

Ugebladet Hjemmet (Copenhagen)—14 Cockspur St., 
S.W.1. (Tel. Regent 4411). 

Ukebladet Hjemmet (Oslo)—14 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 4411). 

Unie (Cape Town)—231 Strand, W.C.2. 



United Services’ 

Uusi Suomi—14 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 

Journal (Simla)—11 Aldwych, 

(Tel. Regent 

Vaderland—33 Chancery Lane, 
Holborn 5628), 

Vancouver Province—34 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Vancouver Sun—14 Regent St., S.W.1. (Tel. 
Regent 0112). 

Variedades (Lima)—72-8 Fleet St., 
City 8626). 

Vendre (Paris) —45 Hendon Way, N.W.2. 

Verkauss Praxis (Stuttgart)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. 
(Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Veterinary Medicine (Chicago)—7-8 Henrietta St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4646). 

Vie Automobile (Paris) —36 Southampton St., W.C.2. 

Vogue (New York and Paris)—Aldwych House, 
Aldwych, W.C.2. 

W.C.2, (Tel. 

E.C.4. (Tel. 

Volksblad (Bloemfontein)—231 Strand, W.C.2 
(Central 2994). 
Vossiche Zeitung—3 Gower St., W.C.1. (Tel. 

Museum 8894). 

Vox Populi (Gold Coast)—-55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 
(Tel. Holborn 5647). 

(Tel. Museum 

Wanganui Chronicle—134 Fleet St., 

Warszawianka—3 Gower St., W.C.1. 

Washington Herald—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Washington Times—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Watan (Cairo)—9 Quality Court, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5628). 


Week End Argus (Cape Town)—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Weekly Courier (Launceston)—134 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. Central 1523). 

Welding (Pittsburg)—Caxton House, Westminster, 
S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 5113). 

Wereld Kroniek (Rotterdam)-—-33 Chancery Lane, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Holborn 5628). 

West African Mail (Sierra Leone)—-55 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2, (Tel. Holborn 5647). 

West Australian—80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

West Coast Leader (Lima)—14 Cockspur St., S.W.1. 
(Tel. Regent 4411). 

West Australian Farmer (Perth)—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795). 

W. A. Freemason (Perth)—36 Southampton St., 

West Australian Motorist (Perth)—36 Southampton 
St., W.C.2. 

Western Farmer (Calgary)—20 Craven St., 
(Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Western Mail (Perth) 80 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Western Story Magazine—18 Bride Lane, E.C.4, 
(City 7349). 
Western Trader 


Westfalische Zeitung (Bielefeld)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Wiek Nowy (Lemberg)—3 Gower St., 
Museum 8894). 

Wildcat Monthly (Sydney)—36 Southampton St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5795) 

Wilemans Review (Rio de Janeiro)—36-8 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. 

Wings (incorporating N.Z. Motor Life)—36 South- 
ampton St., W.C.2. 

Winnipeg Tribune—-34-40 Ludgate Hill, 
(Tel. Central 5884). 

Winnipeg Western Home Monthly—20 Craven St., 
W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 0527). 

Wisconsin News—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 
Woman’s Mirror (Sydney)—36 Southampton St., 


(Perth)—36 Southampton St., 

W.C.1. (TeL 


Women’s Wear Daily (New York)—72 Long Acre, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 5161). 

World’s News (Sydney)—173 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 5380). 

World’s Youth (Geneva)—yY.M.C.A., 
Court Road, W. 

Wurzburger General Anzeiger—61 
S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 


Effra Road, 

Yack (Buenos Ayres)—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. 
(Tel. City 6423). 
Yale Review —Oxford University. Press, Amen 

House, Warwick Square, E.C.4. (Tel. City 2604). 
Year Book of the Church of England in Canada 

(Toronto)—20 Craven St., W.C.2. (Tel. Gerrard 

Your Home—1!8 Bride Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Deutscher Annoncen 
Expeditionen (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

Zeitschrift fuer Waren und Kaufhauser—3 Gower , 
St., W.C.1. (Tel. Museum 8894). 

Zeitschrift fur Burobedarf (Hamburg)—61 Effra 
Road. S.W.2. (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Zeitschrift fur Organisation (Berlin)—61 Effra Road, 
S.W.2, (Tel. Brixton 4282). 

Zig-Zag (Santiago)—5 New Bridge St., 
City 6423). 

Zoeklicht (Stellenbosch)—-33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 

Zwickauer Tageblatt—61 Effra Road, S.W.2. (Tel. 
Brixton 4282). 

E.C.4. (Tel. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


This section includes all the principal publications issued 
in the Dominions, Crown Colonies, Dependencies, &c. 

(including India). 

For purposes of convenience, principal 

publications issued in the West Indies are included in this 
section whether British or not. Irish Free State publicutions 

are given in the A.B.C. list and Provincial Sections. 

period of publication is denoted as follows: 


Twice a week 

(2); Three times a week (3); Weekly (w); Fortnightly (f); 

Monthly (m); Quarterly (q). 


Aberdeen. De Nieuwe Tyd (w). 
Adelaide. Free Press. 
Alice. Times (w). Christian Express (m). 
Aliwal North. Frontier Post and Times (3). 
Barkly East. Reporter (w). 
Beaufort West. Beaufort Courier (w). 
Bedford. Enterprise (2). 

East London. 

Burghersdorp. Albert Times (w). De Stem (w). 
Cape Town— 
African Draper and Out-; Lady’s Pioctrial (m). 
fitter (m). Law Journal. 

African Footwear and 
Leather Journal (m). 

African Journal for In- 
surance,&c., People(m) 

African TradesOrganiser 



Cape (w). 

Catholic Magazine (m). 

Church Chronicle (f). 

Church Monthly. 

Commerce (m). 

Congregationalist (m). 

De Goode Hoop (Church 

Education News (f). 

Gardening (m). 

Government Gazette (2) 

Huisgenoot (w). 

Huisvron (w). 

Industrial South Africa 
(m). , 

Insurance, Banking and 
Finance (m). 

Jewish Advocate (w). 

Journal of the Medical 
Associationof S.Africa 

Kerkbode (w). 

MedicalJournalof South 
Africa (m). 

Medical Record (2). 

Methodist Churchman 

Motor Weekly. 
Ons Land (3). 
Ons Weekblad (w). 
Review (w). 
Railway Magazine (m). 
Service (m). 
South African 
Grower (m). 
South African Gardening 


South African Ironmon- 
ger (m). 

South African Mining’ 

& Engineering Jnl.(w). 
S.A. Trade Journal and. 
Shipping Gazette (m). 
South African Who’s 
Who. (Every 2 years) 
Southern Cross (w). 
Unie (m). 
Week-End Argus (w). 
Young Men’s Journal 

Zendinbode (m). 

Cathcart. Farmers’ Chronicle (w). 


Advertiser (w). 
Cradock. Afrikander (w). 
Frontier Guardian (w). 

Midland News. 

East London, &c., 

Directory (y). South African Nursing Record (m). 

Standard (w). 

All others are issued daily. 

Elliot. News (w). 

Fort Beaufort. Advocate (w). 
George. Knysna Herald (w). 
Graaft Reinet. Advertiser (3). 
Grahams’ Town. Mail. 
Humansdorp. Advertiser (w). Re-echo (w). 
Indwe. Times. 

Kimberley. Diamond Field Advertiser. Star. 
King William’s Town. Cape Mercury. Imvo (Native) 

Kokstad. Advertiser (w). 
Mafeking. Mail. 
Middelburg. Middelburg Echo (2). 
Mossel Bay. Advertiser (w). 
Oudtshoorn. Courant (3). 
Paarl. Post (w). 
Port Elizabeth. Advertiser (2). 

Herald. New State (m). 
Prieska. North-West Press (w). 
Queenstown. Representative. 
Richmond. Era (w). 
Somerset East. Budget (2). 
Tarkstad. Herald (2). 
Uitenhage. Chronicle (w). 
Umtata. News (w). 
Victoria West. Messenger (w). 
Vryburg. Het Noorden (w). Northern News (w). 
Willowmore. Karroo Nieuws (w). 
Worcester. Advertiser (w). Standard (w). 

Eastern Province 

Times (w). 

Accra. Cape Coast Times (w). Government Gazette 
(w). Gold Coast Independent (w). Gold Coast 
Spectator (w). Leader (w). Vox Populi (w). 

Nairobi and Mombasa. Democrat (w). Kenya Daily 
Mail. Standard (d & w). Times of East Africa 
(d & w). 
Zanzibar. Gazette (w). Zanzibar Voice (w). Zaenacher 

Dundee. Courier. 
Durban. Cotton News Weekly. Critic. Guardian 
(w). Industries (m). Latest (w). Motor in 

Africa (m). Natal Advertiser. Natal Mercury. 
Natal Witness. Presbyterian Magazine (m). 
S.A. Sugar Journal (w). Week End Natal Adver- 
tiser. Woman’s Weekly, ~ Zululand Times (w). 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide 

Greytown. Gazette (w). 

Ladysmith. Gazette (w). 

Newcastle. Advertiser (w). 

Pietermaritzburg. Natal Afrikander(2). Natal Wit- 
ness. Times of Natal. Farmer (w). 

Phoenix. Klunga Lase Natal (w). 

Lagos. Evening News. Gazette (w). Nigerian Daily 
News ( Advt. p. xxxviii.). Record (w). Pioneer (w). 
Standard (w). Times (w). Port Harcourt 
Observer (w). 

Blantyre. Gazette (w). Nyasaland Times (2). 


Bethlehem. Express (w). 

Bloemfontein. Die Volksblad. Friend. Farmer’s 
Advocate(m). Farmers’ Weekly. Homestead(w). 
Kerkblad (alt. m). Landbouweekbtad (w). -Motor 
Weekly. Outspan (w). South African Farmers’ 
Year Book. Vriend des Volks (2). 

Ficksburg. Guardian (w). 

Harrismith. Chronicle (w). 

Heilbron. Herald (w). 

Kroonstad. Times (2). 

Ladybrand. Courant (w). 

Bulawayo. Chronicle (d & w). 
Gatooma. Mail (w). 
Gwelo. Times (w). 
Salisbury—Government Gazette(w). Rhodesia Agri- 
EE Journal (alt.-M.). Rhodesia Herald 

(d & w). 
Umtali. Advertiser. 

Sierra-Leone. Guardian (w). News (w). Royal 
Gazette (w). West: African Mail (w). Aurora (w). 


Windhuk. Advertiser. 

Dar-es-Salaam. Gazette (w). Moshi Advertiser (w). 
Opinion (w). Times (d & w). Standard. 

Barberton. Goldfields News (2). 
Boksburgh. Express (w). 

Ermelo. Eastern Star (w). Hoogevelder (w). 
Germiston, Advocate. 
Heidelberg. News (w). 
Critic (w). South African Jewish 
Journal of the Chemical, Chronicle (w). 
&c.,Socy. of S.A. (m). | SouthAfricanMining and 

Lady’s Pictorial (m). 

MasonicJournalof South ; 
Africa (m). South African Motorist 

Rand Daily Mail. (m). 

South African Architect | South African Railways 

Magazine (m). 

Engineering Journal 

South African Engin- 
eer (m). 

Klerksdorp. Record (w). 

Krugersdorp. Standard (w). 

Lydenburg. News (w). 

Middleburg. Observer. 

Potchetstroom. De Westclike Stem (w). Herald (2). 
Het Volksblad (w). 

Pretoria. Die Brandwag (m). News. Nongqual (m). 
Ons Vaderland (2). South African Agriculturist 
(m). Transvaal Government Gazette (w). Volk- 
stem (2). 

Volksrust. Recorder (w). 

Waterberg. Advertiser (w). 

Witbank. News (w). 

Sunday Times (w). 

Kampala. Herald. Matalisi. Official Gazette (w). 





ALBERTA (see Canada) 



Daily Commercial 
Daily Guardian. 
Daily Telegraph. 
Evening News. 
Labor Dail 
Farmer and Settler. 




Australasian Manu- 

Australian Christian 

mustralien Home Jnl. 

Australian Worker(w). 
Beckett’s Budget. 

Catholic Press. 
Chinese Times. 
Chinese Republic. 
Church Standard. 
Courrier Australien. 
` Dalgety’s Review. 
Dun’s Gazette. 

Financial Times. 
Freeman’s Journal. 
Hebrew Standard. 

Labour News. 

Medical Journal of Aus- 


News Letter. 

Radio Journal. 



Sunday Guardian. 

Sunday News. 

Sunday Sun. 

Sunday Telegraph. 

Sunday Times. 


Tung Wah Times. 

Wireless Weekly. 

Woman’s Budget. 

Woman’s Mirror, 


World’s News. 

Church Record. 

Agricultural Gazette. 
Australasian Bakers’ & 

Millers’ Journal. 
Australasian Confec- 
Australasian Decorator 
and Painter. 
Australasian Engineer. 
Australasian Leather 
Australian Leather 
Trades’ Review. 
Australian Hen. 
Australian Home Jal. 
Australian Meat Trade 
Australian Photo. Re- 
pommonwestes Jewel- 



Farmer and Grazier. 

Health end Physical 

Journal of the Institute 
of Bankers. 

. Motor Life. 


Motor in Australia. 
M.T.A. Journal. 

New Triad. 

Pastoral Review. 
Pharmaceutical Notes 
Photo Review. 
Public Service Journal. 
Scottish Australasian. 

Sydney Opinion. 
Tailor and Mercer. 
Trade Promoter. 
Young Australia. 
Wildcat Monthly. 

Art in Australia. 

Automobile Guide of 

Ashfield Aeroplane (w).{ Marrickville Boomer- 
Balmain Observer (w). 

Bondi Daily. 
Burwood Courier(w). 
Campsie Alert (w). 
Hornsby Sun. 
Kogarah St. 
Call (w). 
Leichhardt and Peter- 
sham Standard (w). 
Manly Daily. 
Advance (w). 


Argus (w). 
Banner (w). 

Chronicle (2). 

ang (w). 
Mosman Mail (w). 

Mosman Great Nor- 

Newtown Daily 

Northern Suburbs 
Despatch (w). 

North Shore Times.(w). 

Redfern Times (w) 
Rockdale Gazette (w). 

Advocate (w). 
Express (w). 

Express (2). 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [Publications 

Ballina. North Coast Beacon (2). 
Balranald. Riverina Recorder (w). 

Bangalow. Herald (w). 
Barm Broadcaster (w). 
Barraba. Chronicle (w). News (w). 

Bathurst. National Advocate. Times. 
District News (3. 
en. Courrier (2). Raleigh Sun (w). 
parren. rari (w). 
erry. egister (w). 
Bingara. Telegraph (w). 
Blayney. West Macquarie (w). 
Boggabri. Examiner (2). 
Bombala. Times (w). 
Bourke. Herald (2). 
Bowral. Southern Mail (2). 
Braidwood. Dispatch (2). Review (2). 
Brewarrina. Times (w). 
Broken Hill. Barrier Miner. Broken Hill Trutb. 
Bulli. Times (w). 
Bundarra. Advocate (w). 
Burrowa. News (w). Times (w). 
Camden. News (w). 
p . News (w). 
Candelo. Record (w). 
win Star (w). 
Chronicle m) 
Courier (2). Express (2). 
Eagle (w). Express (w). 
Cobar. Age (2). 
Chronicle (w). 
Coff’s Harbour. Advocate (2). 
Condobolin. Lachlander Recorder (w). 
Coolah. Advocate (w). 
Coolamon. Review (w). 
Cooma, Express (2). Monaro Mercury (2). 
Coonabarabran. Times (w). 
Coonambie. Times (w). 
Cootamundra. Herald. Daily News. 
Coraki. Herald (2). 
Corowa. Chronicle (w). Free Press (2). 
Cowra. Free Press (2). Guardian (w). 
Crookwell. Gazette (2). Recorder (w). 
Culcairn. Tribune (w). 
Delegate. Argus (w). 
Deniliquin. Chronicle (w). 
toral Times (w). 
Gazette (w). 
Dispatch (2). Liberal (w). 
Dungog & Durham. Chronicle (2). 
Eden. Twofold Bay Magnet (w). 

Forbes. Advocate (2). 
Finley. Mail (w). 
Ganmain. Express (w). 
Gilgandra. The Castlereagh (2). 
Glen Innes. Examiner (2). 
Gloucester. Advocate (2). 
Gosford. Times (w). 
Goulburn. Evening Post (3). 
Grafton. Daiiy Examiner. 
Grenfell, Record (2). Observer (2). 
Gugong. Advertiser (w). 
Gundagai. Independent (2). Times (2). 
Gunnedah. Independent and Advertiser (2). 
Guyra. Argus (w). 
Hay. Riverine Grazier (2). 
Henty. Observer (2). 
Holbrook. Courier (w). 

n. Spectator (w). 
Inverell. Times (2). 
Jerilderie and Urana. Herald (w). 
Junee. Southern Cross (2). 
Katoomba. Blue Mountain Echo (w). Daily. 
Kempsey. Macleay Argus (w). Macleay Chronicle (w). 
Kiama. Independent (2). Reporter. 
Kurri Kurri. Times (w). 
Kyogle. Examiner (2). 
Leeton. Irrigator (w). 
Lismore. Northern Star. 
Liverpool. News (w). 
Lithgow. Mercury (3). 
Lockhart. Review (w). 
Maclean. C!arence River Advocate (2). 
Macksville. News (w). 
Maitland. Mercury. Weekly Mercury (w). 
Manilla. Express (2). 

Independent (w). Pas- 

Weekly (w). 

i Wee 

Merriwa. Standard (w). 

Milton. Ulladulla Times (w). 

Molong. Argus (w). Express (w). 

Moree. Champion (2). Gwydir Examiner (2). 

Moruya. Examiner (w). 

Mosgsvale. Scrutineer (2). 

Mudgee. Guardian (2). 

Mullumbimby. Star (w). 

Mungindi. News (w). 

Murrumburrah. Signal (2). 

Murrurundi. Times (w). 

Murwillumbah. Tweed Daily. 

Muswellbrook. Chronicle (2). 

Narandera. Argus (2). 

Narrabri. Courier (3). 

Narromine. News (w). 

Newcastle. Herald. Sun. 

Nimitybelle. News (w). 

Nowra. Leader (w). News(w). Telegraph (w). 

Nyngan. Observer (w). 

Orange. Advocate (3). 

Pambula. Voice (w). 

Parkes. Post (2). Western Champion (w). 
People (w). 

Peak Hill. Express (w). 

Penrith. Nepean Times (w). 

Picton. Post (w). 

Port Macquarie. News (w). 

Queanbeyan. Age (3). 

Quirindi. Advocate (2). 

Raymond Terrace. Examiner (w). 

Richmond. Herald (w). 

Rock. Mercury (w). 

Rylstone. Express (w). 

8 Advocate (2). 

Argus (3). Budget (2). 

. Daily Leader. 

Taree. Champion (2). Manning Times (2). 

Temora. Independent (2). Star (2). 

Tenterfield. Star (2). 

Tingha. Advocate (w). 

Tocumwal. Guardian (w). 

Trundle. Times (w). Star (w). 

Tumbarumba Times (w). 

Tumut. Adelong Times (w). Advocate (w). 

Tweed Heads. Star (w). 

Uralla. Times (w). 

Urana. Advocate (w). 

Wagga Wagga. Advertiser. 

Walcha. News (w). 

Walgett. Spectator (w). 

Warialda. Standard (w). 

Warren. Herald (w). 

Waa. Echo (2). 

Wellington. Times (2). 

Wentworth. Herald. 

Werris Creek. Express (w). 

Wilcannia. Western Grazicr (w). 

Windsor. Gazette (w). 

Wingham. Manning River Observer (2). 

Wollongong. Illwarra Mercury (2). 
Times (w). 

West Wyalong. Advocate (2). Star (2). 

Wyong. Advocate (w). 

Yass. Courier (2). Evening Tribune (2). i 

Young. Burrangong Chronicle (2). Witness (2). 

Port Darwen. Northern Territory Times. 

Western Post (2). 

Leader (3). 


E xpress. 

South Coast 

Brisbane— Government Gazette. 
DaiLY— Graziers’ Journal. 

Methodist Times. 
Midweek Sports. 
News Budget. 

Brisbane Courier 
Daily Commercial and 
Shipping News. 

Daily Mail. S 

Daily Standard. Protestant 

Telegraph. Queensland Figaro. 
Queensland Grazier. 

WEEKLY— Queensland Law Re- 

Age (R.C.) porter. 

Catholic Advocate. Queensland Producer 

Crusader. Queenslander. 

437 P 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide 

Saturday Evening Aust. Pastoral Gaz- 
Standard. ette. 

Australian Sugar Jnl. 

Sports’ Referee. Baptist. 

Sunday Mail. Building and Con- 

Truth. struction. 

Week Church Chronicle. 

s Congregationalist. 

Worker. Farmer’s Gazette. 
Queensland Licensed 

FORTNIGHTLY — Victualler. 

Live Stock Bulletin. 

Allora. Guardian (w). 

Atherton. News and Barron Valley Advocate (2). 
Tablelands Examiner (w). 

Ayr. Delta Advocate (w). 

Barcaldine. Western Champion (w). 

Beaudesert. Times (w). 

Beenleigh. News (w). 

Blackall. Barcoo Independent (w). 

Boonah. Fassifern Guardian (w). 

Bowen. Independent (2). 

Bundaberg. Daily News and Mail. Daily Times. 

Cairns. Daily Times. Northern Herald (w). 

i Times (2). 

Charters Towers. Northern Miner. 

Childers. Isis Recorder (2). 

Chinchilla. News (2). 

Clermont. Peak Downs Telegram (w). 

Cleveland. Mercury (w). 

Clifton. Courier (2). 

Cloncurry. Advocate (w). News. 

Cocktown. Independent (2). 

Crow’s Nest. Record (w). 

Croydon. Mining News (w). 

Cunnamulla. Warrego Watchman (w). 

Dalby. Herald (2). 

Emerald. Leichhardt Chronicle (w). 

Esk. Record (w). 

Gatton. Mail (w). 

Gazette (w). 

Observer (2). 

Goondiwindi. Argus (w). 

Gymple. Times (3). Truth (3). 

Herberton. Times (w). 

Hughenden. Chronicle (w). 

Ingham. Herbert River Express (2). 

Innisfial. Johnstone R. Advocate (2). 

Ipswich. Queensland Times. 

Killarney. Record (w). 

Kingaroy. Herald (2). 

Laldley. Herald (w). 

Longreach. Leader (w). 

Mackay. Mercury. 

Steering Wheel. 


Alert (w). Dairyman (m). 
Chronicle. Wide Bay News. 

Colonist (w). 
Mitchell. News (w). 
Mount Morgan. Chronicle (w). 
Nambour. Chronicle (w). 
Nanango. News (w). 
Nundah. Lilley Despatch (w). 
Oakey. Aubigny Argus (w). 
Pittsworth. Sentinel (2). 
Pomona. Noosa Advocate (w). 
Proserpine. Guardian (w). 
Central Queenslander | Evening News. 
(w). Morning Bulletin. 
Critic (w). 
Roma. Western Star (2). 
Rosewood. Register (w). 
Sandgate. Moreton Mail (w). 
Southport. Logan and Albert Bulletin (w). 
Stanthorpe. Border Post (w). 
St. George. Balonne Beacon (2). 
Toowoomba. Chronicle. Producers’ Review (m). 
Thargomindah. Herald (w). 
Townsville. Bulletin. Evening Star. 
land Register (w). 
Warwick. Daily News. 
Winton. Herald (w). 
Wondal. Times (w). 

North Queens- 




DaILYy— MontTHLY— 
Advertiser. Church Guardian. 
Commercial News. Commerce. 

News. Congregationalist. 
Register Daylight. 
WEEKLY— Garden and Field. 

Adelaide Stock and 
Station Journal. 

Australian Baptist. 

Australian Christian 

Home Circle. 

Journal Agriculture. 
Literary Society's Jnl. 
Morning (Braille Type) 

Commonwealth. Our Australia. 
Christian Common- Our M.A.N. (Y.M.C.A.) 
wealth. Patriot. 
Chronicle Public Service Review. 

Express and Journal. Presbyterian Banner. 
Farm Stock and Station! S.A. Institute’s Jnl. 

Journal. S.A. Motor. 
Gossip. S.A. Storekeeper and 
Mail. Grocers’ Journal. 
Observer. The Farm. 
Port Adelaide News. 
Southern Cross (R.C.) | QUARTERLY— 

S.A. Government 

Rica. Leader (w). 

Balaklava. Wooroora Producer (w). 

Border Town. Chronicle (w). 

Clare. Northern Argus (w). 

Cowell. Eyre’s Peninsular Tribune (w). 

Gawler. Bunyip (w). 

Gladstone. Areas Express. 

Jamestown. Agriculturist and Review(w). Star (w). 

Kadina. Kadina & Wallaroo Times (2). 

Kapunda. Herald (w). 

ote. Kangaroo Island Courier (w). 

Laura. Standard (w). 

Maitland. Watch (w). 

Millicent. South-Eastern Times (2). 

Moonta. People’s Weekly (w). Yorke’s Peninsula 
Advertiser (w). 

Mt. Barker. Courier (w). 

Mt. Gambier. Border Watch (2). 
Exchange (w). 

Narracoorte. Herald (2). 

Orroroo. Enterprise (w). 

Peterborough. Times (w). 

Pinnaroo. Times (w). 

Port Augusta, Trans-Continental (w). 

Port Lincoln. West Coast Recorder (w). Times (w). 

Port Pirie. Recorder. 

Quorn. Mercury (w). 

Renmark. Murray Pioneer (w). 

Snowtown. Stanley Herald (w). 

Strathalbyn. Southern Argus (w). 

Streaky Bay. West Coast Sentinel (w). 

zanums: Barossa News (w). Australische Zeitung 

Honorary Magistrate. 

S.E. Star (3). 

Victor Harbour. Times (w). 

Yorketown. Clarion (w). Pioneer (w). 
Melbourne — 
Daity— Industrial Australian 

Age (Advt. p. 424). 

Evening Sun. 
Evening Times. 

and Mining Standard. 

Melbourne Journal. 
Messenger( Presbyterian) 

Herald. Punch. 
Sun. Socialist. 
WEEKLY— Southern Cross. 
Advocate (R. C.) Spectator (Methodist). 
Australasian Sporting Judge. 

( Advt. p. 424).| Stock and Land. 
Australasian. Table Talk. 

Cazaby’sTradeReporter.| Tenders 
Coombs’ Trade Circular. Tribune (R.C.) 
Dun’s Gazette. Truth 

Farmers’ Advocate. War Cry (S.A.) 

Hawklet. W eekly Times. 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [Publications 


Australian Builder. 

Australian Business. 

Australasian Furniture 
and Furnishings. 

Australasian Insurance 
& Banking Record. 

Australasian Intercol- 

Australasian Journal of 

Australasian Saddler & 
Harness Maker. 

Australasian Traveller. 

Australian Brewing 

Australian Coach and 
Motor Builder. 

Australian Farm and 

Australian Financial 

Australian Footwear. 

Australian Journal. 

Australian Leather 

Australian Motorist. 

Australian Motor Car. 

Australian Motor Cycle. 

Australian Review. 

Australian Storekeepers 


Automobile Trade Jour- 

Australian Tramway 

Bankers’ Magazine of 

Book Lover. 

Chemical Engineering. 

Chemist and Druggist. 

Commonwealth Engi- 

Draper of Australia. 

Education Gazette and 
Teachers’ Aid. 

Fruit World of 

Hardware & Machinery. 
Harbinger of Light. 

Jewish Herald. 

Journal of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture. 

Journal of Commerce. 

Liberty & Progress 
(Vic.Employers’ Fed.) 

Melbourne’s Manhood. 

Pastoral Review. 
Public Service Journal. 

Rechabite and Temper- 
ance News. 

Scientific Australian. 

Scot at Hame. 

Stead’s Review. 


Una (Vic. Nurses’ Asso- 

Victorian Caterers’ 

Victorian Independent 

Victorian Railway 
Institute Review. 

Weigel’s Journal of 

Wheat and Grain Re- 

White Ribbon Signal 

Wine and Spirit News. 

Woman (W. National 

Cooks’ Australasian League). 
Travellers’ Gazette. Youth. 

Box Hill Reporter (w). 
Brighton Press (w). 
Brunswick and Coburg 
Star (w). 
Brunswick and Coburg 
Leader (w). 
Cheltenham and Moor- 
abbin News (w). 
Elsternwick Times (w). 

Footscray Chronicle (w). 
Footscray Independent 

Heidelberg News (w). 
Oakleigh Times (w). 
Prahran Telegraph (w). 
Richmond Guardian (w), 

Williamstown Chronicle 

Alexandra. Standard (w). 
Ararat. Advertiser (3). 
Avoca. Free Press (2). Mail (2). 
Bacchus Marsh. Express (w). 
Bairnsdale. Advertiser (2). Every Week (w). 
Ballan. Times (w). 


Evening Echo. 
Recreation (w). 
Bealiba. Times (w). 

Beaufort. Riponshire Advocate (w). 
Beechworth. Ovens & Murray Advertiser (2). 
Benalla. North-Eastern Ensign (w). Standard (2). 
Stock and Station 
Journal (w). 
ick, Times (w). 
Beulah. Standard (w). 
Birchip. Advertiser (w). 
Boort. Northern Districts Standard (w). 
Bright. Alpine Observer (w). 
Broadford. Courier (w). 
Bruthen. Bruthen and Tambo Times (w). 
Bunyip. Express (w). 
Camperdown. Chronicle (3). 
Casterton. News (2). 
Castlemaine. Castlemaine Mail. 
Charlton. Tribune (2). 

Sporting World (w). 
Stock and Station 
Journal (w). 


Herald (2). 

Chiltern. Federal Standard (w). 
Clunes. Guardian (2). 
Cobden. Times (2). 
Cobram. Courier (w). 
Cohuna. Farmers’ Weekly (w). 
Colac. Herald (3). Reformer (3). 
Coleraine. Albion (2). 
Corryong. Courier (w). 
Cressy. Pioneer (w). 
Creswick. Advertiser (2). 
Dandenong. Advertiser (w). Journal (w). 
Daylesford. Advocate (2). 
Dimboola. Banner (2). Chronicle (w). 
Donald. Times (2). 
Dookie. Recorder (w). 
Drouin. Gippsland Independent (w). 
Dunolly. Express (2). 
Echuca. Advertiser (3). 
Elmore. Standard (w). 
Euroa. Advertiser (w). Gazette (w). 
Fern Tree Gully. News (w). 
Foster. Mirror (w). 
Frankston. Standard (w). 
Advertiser. Stock and Station 
Industrial Herald (w | Journal (w). 
Gisborne. Gazette (w). 
Hamilton. Spectator (3). 
Healesville. Guardian (w). 
Heathcote. McIvor Times (w). 
Heyfield. Herald (w). 
Hopetoun. Courier (w). 
Horsham. Times (2). Wimmera Star (2). 
Inglewood. Advertiser (2). 
Jeparit. Leader (w). 
Kaniva. Lawloit Times (w). 
Kerang. New Times (2). Observer (2). 
Kilmore. . Advertiser (w). Free Press (w). 
Koondrook. Bridge (w). 
Kooweerup. Sun (w). News (w). 
Koroit. Sentinel (w). 
Korumburba. Gt. Southern Advocate (w). Times (2). 
Kyabram. Free Press (2). Guardian (2). 
Kyneton. Guardian (3). 
Lancetield. Mercury (w). 
Leongatha. Great Southern Star (2). 
Lilydale. Express (w). 
Linton. Grenville Standard (w). 
Matira. Spectator (2). 
Maldon. Tarrangower Times (w). 
Mansfield. Courier (w). 
Maryborough. Advertiser. 
Melton. Express (w). 
Mildura. Sunraysia Daily. 
Minyip. Guardian (w). 
Mirboo. Gippslander (w). 
Moe. Narracanshire Advocate (w). 
Mooroopna. Goulburn Valley Yeoman (w). 
Mornington. Post (w). 
Mortlake. Dispatch (2). 
Morwell. Advertiser (w). 
Murchison. Advertiser (w). 
Murtoa. Dunmunkle Standard (w). 
Myrtleford. Mail (w). 
Nagambie. Times (w). 
Nathalla. Herald (w). 
Natimuk. West Wimmera Mail (w). 
Newstead. Echo (w). 
Nhill. Free Press (2). 
Numurkah. Leader (w). 
Omeo. Standard (w). 
Orbost. Snowy River Mail (w). 
Ouyen. Mail (w). Express (w). Underbool Mirror (w). 
Penshurst. Free Press (w). 
Port Fairy. Gazette (2). 
Portland. Guardian (2). Observer (2). 
Pyramid Hill. Advertiser (w). . 
Quambatook. Times (w). 
Rainbow. Argus (w). 
Rochester. Express (w). 
Romsey. Examiner (w). 
Rosedale. Courier (w). 
Rupanyup. Spectator (w). 
Rushworth. Chronicle (w). 
Rutherglen. Sun (2). 

St. Arnaud. Mercury (2). 

Riverine Herald. 

Sun (w). 

Irrigator (w). 

Times (2). 

439 ce 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s 

Sale. Gippsland Mercury (2). Gippsland Times (2). 
Sea Lake. Times (w). 
our, Telegraph (w). 
Shep on Advertiser (2). News (2). Stock Journal 
Skipton. Standard (w). 
Stawell. News (2). Times (3). 
Stratford. Progress (w). 
Sunbury. News (w). 
Swan Hill. Guardian (2). 
Talbot. Leader (w). 
Tallangatta. Upper Murray Herald (w). 
Tatura. Guardian (2). Free Press (2). 
Terang. Express (2). 
Toora. Ensign (w). 
Trafalgar. News (w). Times (w). 
Traralgon. Gippsland Farmer’s Journal (2). Record 

aural Express (w). Moira Independent (w). 
Ultima. Star (w). 

Violet Town. Sentinel (w). 
Wangaratta. Chronicle (2). 

Warburton. Advocate (w). 
Warracknabeal. Herald (2). 
Warragul. Guardian (w). West Gippsland Gazette 

Warrnambool. Standard. 
Wedderburn. Express (w). 
Werribee. Shire Banner (w). 
Wodonga. Sentinel (w). 
Wonthaggi. Powlett Express (w). 
Woodend. Star (w). 
Woomelang. Sun (w). 
Wycheproof. Ensign (w). 
Yackandandah. Times (w). 
Yarragon. Express (2). 
Yarram. Gippsland Standard (2). 
Yarrawonga. Chronicle (w). Mercury (w). 

North-Eastern Dispatch 

Express (w). 

Sentinel (w). 

Yea. Chronicle (w). 
Daity— MoNnTHLY— 
Daily News. Building and Engineer- 

West Australian. ing Register. 

Civil Service Journal. 


Australian Christian Industrial News. 

World. Pastoralists and Graz- 
Call. ters of W.A 
Free Lance. Presbyterian. 
Government Gazette. Producers’ Review. 
Leader. r : 
Mirco: W.A. Baptist News. 
Primary Producer. W.A. Church News. 
Sportsman. W.A. Freemason. 
Sed Times. W.A. Motorist. 

ruth. ; : 

W.A. Motorist & Wheel- 

Weekly Judge. mai 

Weekly Trade Gazette. 
W.A. Mining, Building 
& Engineering Journal 

Western Methodist. 
W.A. Manufacturing &c. 

W.A. Record. Journal. 
Western Mail. Westralian Manu- 
Westralian Worker. facturer. 

Albany. Advertiser (2). 

Beverley. Times (w). 

Broome. Nor-West Echo (w). 

Bridgetown. Blackwood Tiines (2). Nelson Advocate 

Bunbury. Herald (3). South Western Times (3). 
Busselton. South Western News (w). 
Carnarvon. Group Settlement Chronicle (w). 
Northern Times (w). 
Collie. Mail (w). 
Cue. Murchison Times (w). 
Fremantle. Advertiser (w). Advocate (w). 
Geraldton. Express (3). Guardian (3). 
Goomalling. Weekly Gazette. 
Kalgoorlie. Miner. Sun (w). Western Argus (w). 
Katanning. Great Southern Herald (2). Southern 
Districts Advocate. 
Kellerberrin. Eastern Recorder (w). 
Meekatharra. Daily Telegraph. 
Merredin. Mercury (w). 

Press Guide [Publications 

Midland Junction. Swan Express (w). 

Moora. Midlands Advertiser (w). Herald (w). 
Narrogin. Observer (w). Gt. Southern Leader (w). 
Northam. Advertiser (2). Courier (2). 
Pinjarra. S.W. Advertiser (w). 

Pingelly. Great Southern Leader (w). 

Southern Cross. Times (w). 

Wagin. Southern Argus (w). 

Wickepin. Argus (w). 

York. Eastern Districts’ Chronicle (w). 



Georgetown. Argosy (d & w). 
(m). Daily Chronicle. 

Belize. Clarion (w). 

ment Gazette (w). 
Togucigalpa. Cronista. Reconciliacion. 


Sandaken. Gazette (f). Jesselton Herald (f). 



Calgary. Alberta Farmer and Herald (w). Albertan. 

Farm and Ranch Review (f). Herald. U.F.A. (f). 
Edmonton. Bulletin. Journal. 
Lethbridge. Herald (d & w). 
Medicine Hat. News (d & w). 
Red Deer. Advocate (w). 
Stettler. Independent (w). 
Vegreville. Observer (w). 
Vermilion. Standard (w). 
Wetaskiwin. Free Press (w). 


Ashcroft. Journal (w). 
Burnaby. Post (w). 
Chilliwack. Progress (w). 
Cranbrook. Courier (w). 
Cumberland. Islander (w). 
Duncan, Cowichan Leader (w). 
Duncan. Leader (w). 
Fernie. Free Press (w). 
Golden. Star (w). 

Grand Forks. Gazette (w). 

Greenwood. Ledge. 

Kamloops. Sentinel (2). 

Kaslo. Kootenaian (w). 

Kelowna. Courier (w). 

Ladner. Optimist (w). 

Merritt. Herald (w). 

Nanaimo. Free Press. Herald. 

Nelson. News. 

New Westminster. British Columbian (d & w). 

North Vancouver. North Shore Press (2). 

Penticton. Herald (w). 

Prince George. Citizen H 

Prince Rupert. Empire (d & w). News. 

Revelstroke. Review (w). 

Rossland. Miner. 

Trail. Times (w). 

Vancouver. Country Life (m). 
Farm and Home (w). 
Province. Star. Sun (d) 

Vernon. News (w). 

Victoria. Colonist (d & w). 

Commercial Review 

Independent (w). Govern- 

Times (w). 

Sun (w). 

Citizen Gazette (w). 
Financial News (w). 

Island Motorist (m). 

Eye Witness (w). 
Recorder (w). 
Brandon. Sun (d & w). 
Carman. Leader (w). 
Crystal City. Courier (w). 
Dauphin. Herald and Press (w). 

Birtle. I 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s 

Deloraine. Times (w). 
Emerson. Journal (w). 
Gladstone. Age Press (w). 
Glenboro. Gazette (w). 
Grand View. Exponent (w). 
Hamiota. Echo (w’. 
Hartney. Star (w). 
Killarney. Guide (w). 
McGregor. Herald (w). 
Manitou. Western Canadian (w). 
Melita. New Era (w). 
Minnedosa. Tribune (w). 
Morden. Times he w). 
Morris. Herald (w). 
Neepawa. Press (2). Register (w). 
Pilot Mound. Sentinel (w). 
Portage la Prairie. Graphic (d). 
Rapid City. Reporter (w). 
Reston. Recorder (w). 
Roland. News (w). 
Russell. Banner (w). 
St. Boniface. Manitoba (w). 
Selkirk. Record (w). 
Shoal Lake. 
Souris. Plaindealer (w). 
Stonewall. Argus (w). 
Swan River. Swan River Star and Valley Times. 
The Pas. Herald (w). 
Treherne. Times. 
Varberry. News-Express. 
Virden. Empire. Advance (w). 
Bulletin (w). 
Canadian Farmer (w). 
Country Guide (w). 
Free Press Prairie 
Farmer (w). 
Grain Trade News 
(d & w). 
Israelite Press. 


Campbellton. Graphic (w). Tribune (w). 
Chatham. Commercial (w). Gazette (3). World (2). 
Fredericton. Gleaner. Mail 

and. Carleton Observer (w). 
Moncton. Times (d & 2). Transcript (d & 2). 
eae Leader (w). North Shore. Union Advocate 


Sackville. Argosy (w). Post (2). Tribune (2). 
St. John. Telegraph-Journal. Times-Globe. 

St. Stephen. St. Croix Courier (w). 

Sussex. Maritime Farmer (f). 

Woodstock. Press (w). Carleton Sentinel (w). 

Manitoba Free Piess. 
Nordwestern (w). 

Nor’ West Farmer (f). 
North West Review (w). 
Prairie Lumberman (m). 

Western Home Monthly. 


Amherst. News. News and Sentinel (2). 
Antigonish. Casket (w). 
Bridgetown. Monitor (w). 
Bridgewater. Bulletin (w). 
Canso. Breeze (w). 
Dartmouth. Patriot (w). 
Digby. Courier (w). 
Glace Bay. Gazette. 

Acadian Recorder | Herald. 

(d & 3). Mail. 

Chronicle and Star. | Maritime Merchant (f). 
Kentville. Advertiser (w), 
Liverpool. Advance (w). 
Lunenberg. Argus (w). Progress-Enterprise (w). 
Middletown. Outlook (w). 
New Glasgow. Eastern Chronicle (2). 

(w). News. 
North Sydney. Herald (w). 
Orford. Journal (w). 
Pictou. Advocate (w). 
Shelburne. Coast Guard. 
Springhill. Record (w). 
Sydney. Post (d). Record. 
Truro. Citizen-Sun (2). News (d & w). 
Windsor. Hants’ Journal (w). Tribune (w). 
Wolfville. Acadia Athenæum (m). Acadian (w). 
Yarmouth. Herald. Telegram (2). Light (w). 

Free Lance 

Press Guide. [Publications 

Acton. Free Press (w). 
Alexandria. Glengarry News (w). Times (w). 
Alliston. Herald (w). 
Almonte. Gazette (w). 
Amherstburg. Echo (w). 
Arnprior. Chronicle (w). 
Arthur. Enterprise-News (w). 
Aurora. Banner (w). 
Aylmer. Express (w). 
Ayr. News (w). 
Ayton. Advance (w). 
Bancroft. Times (w). 
Barrie. Examiner (w). 
Beamsville, Express (w). 
Beaverton. Express (w). 
Beeton. World (w). 
Belleville. Intelligencer. Ontario. 
Blenheim. News-Tribune (w). 
Blyth. Standard (w). 
Bolton. Enterprise (w). 
Bowmanville. Canadian Statesman (w). West 

Durham Review (w). 

Bracebridge. Gazette (w). Muskoka Herald (w). 
Bradford. Bradford Witness (w) 
Brampton. Banner and Times (w). 

Northern Advance (w). 


Brantford. Expositor. 
Bridgeburg. Review (w). 
Brighton. Ensign (w). 
Brockville. Recorder (d & w). 
Brussels. Post (w). 
Burke’s Falls. Arrow (w). 
Caledonia. Grand River Sachem (w). 
Campbellford. Herald (w). 
Cannington. Gleaner (w). 
Carleton Place. Canadian (w). Herald (w). 
Carp. Review (w). 
Cayuga. Haldimand Advocate (w). 
Chatham. News. 
Chesley. Enterprise (w). 
Chesterville. Record (w). 
Clifford. Express (w). 
Clinton, News-Record (w). 
Cobalt. Northern Miner (w). 
Cobourg. Saturday Morning Post (w). Sentinel-Star 
(w). World (w). 

Cochrane. Northland Post (w). 

Colborne. Enterprise (w). Express (w). 

Coldwater. Planet (w). 

Collingwood. Bulletin (w). Enterprise (w). 
Messenger (w). Saturday News (w). 

Comber. Herald (w). 

Cookstown. Advocate (w). 
Cornwall. Freeholder (w). 
Creemore. Star (w). 
Deseronto. Post (w). 
Drayton. Advocate (w). 
Dresden. Times (w). 
Dryden. Observer. 
Dundalk. Herald (w). 
Dundas. Star (w). 
Dunnville. Chronicle (w). 
Durham. Chronicle (w). 
Dutton. Advance (w). 

Eganville. Leader (w). 
Elmira. Signet (w). 
Elmvale. Lance (w). 
Elora. Express (w). 
Embro. Courier (w). 
Erin. Advocate (w). 
Essex. Free Press (w). 
Exeter. Times (w). 

Fenelon Falls. Gazette (w). 
Fergus. News-Record (w). 
Flesherton. Advance (w). 
Fordwich. Record (w). 
Forest. Free Press (w). 
Fort Erie. Times (w). 
Fort Francis. Times (w). 
Fort William. Times-Journal. 
Frankford. Sun (w). 

Gait. Reporter. 

Gananoque. Reporter (w). 
Georgetown. Herald (w). 
Glencoe. Transcript (w). 
Goderich. Signal (w). Stār{w). 

Standard (w). 

Gazette (w). 
Review (w). 

Standard (w). 


Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [Publications 

Gore Bay. Recorder (w). 

Grand Valley. Star and Vidette (w). 

Gravenhurst. Banner (w). 

Grimsby. Independent (w). 

Guelph. Mercury (d). 

Hagersville. News (w). 

Hamilton. Canadian Labor World (m). 
Labor News (m). Spectator. 

Hanover. Post (w). 

Harriston. Review (w). 

Hastings. Star (w). 

Havelock. Standard (w). 

Hawkesbury. Echo (w). 

er. Herald (w). 

Highgate. Monitor (w). 

Hun e. Forester (w). 

Ingersoll. Oxford Tribune (w). 

Iroquois. Post (w). 

Jarvis. Record (w). 

Kemptville. Advance (w). 

Kenora. Examiner (w). Miner and News (2). 

Kincardine. Keview-Reporter (w). 


Moniteur (w). 

Kingston. Canadian Freeman (w). (Catholic). 
Kingsville. Reporter (w). 
Kitchener. Record. 
Lakefield. News (w). 
Lanark. Era (w). 
n. Post and News (w). 
Lindsay. Post. Watchman-Warder (w). 
Listowel. Banner (w). Standard (w). 
Little Current. Manitoulin Expositor (w). 
Advertiser. | Echo (w). 
Canadian Woodman (m)| Farmer’s Advocate (w). 
Catholic Record (w). Free Press. 

L’Original. Prescott and Russell Advocate (w). 
Lucknow. Sentinel (w). 

Madoc. North Hastings Review (w). 
Markdale. Standard (w). 

Markham. Economist and Sun (w). 
Marmora. Herald (w). 

Meaford. Express (w). Mirror (w). 
Midland. Argus(w). Free Press (w). 
Mildmay. Gazette (w). 

Milbrook. Mirror and Reporter (w). 

Milton. Canadian Champion (w). Reformer (w). 
Milverton. Sun (w). 

Minden. Echo (w). 

Mitchell. Advocate-Recorder (w). 

Morrisburg. Leader (w). 

Mount Forest. Confederate (w). 

Napanee. Beaver (w). Express (w). 

New Hamburg. Independent (w). 

New Liskeard. Speaker (w). 

New Toronto. Record. 

Newmarket. Era(w). Express-Herald (w). 
Niagara Falls. Luce (m). Review. 

North Bay. Advocate (w). Nugget (2). 
Norwich. Gazette (w). 

Norwood. Register (w). 

Oakville, News (w). Record (w). Star (w). 

Orangeville, Banner (w). Sun (w). 

Orilla. Canadian Workman (m). News-Letter (w). 

Packet and Times (w). 

Orono. News (w). 

Oshawa. Times. 

Canada Gazette (w). ‘ Labor Gazette. (m). 
Citizen. ` United Canada (w). 
Journal. i 

Owen Sound. Sun-Times (d & w). 

Paiesley. Advocate (w). 

Palmerston. Spectator (w). 

Paris. Star-Transcript (w). 

Parkhill. Gazette (w). 

Parry Sound. Canadian (w). North Star (w). 
Pembroke. Standard-Observer (w). 
Penetanguishene. Herald (w). 

Perth. Courier (w). Expositor (w). 

Petgrboro. Examiner (d & w). Farm and Dairy 

Petrolla. Advertiser-Topic (w). 
Pickering. News (w). 

Picton. Gazette (w). Times (w). 

Sun (w). x 

Port Arthur. News-Chronicle. 
Port Colborne. Citizen (w). 
Port Credit. News (w). 

Port Dover. Maple Leaf (w). 
Port Elgin. Times (w). 

Port Hope. Guide (d & w). 
Port Perry. Star (w). 
Port Rowan. News (w). 

Prescott. Journal (w). 

Renfrew. Mercury (w). 

Richmond Hill. Liberal (w). 
etown. Dominion (w). 

Ripley. Express (w). 

Rodney. Mercury (w). 

St. Catherine’s. Standard. 

8t. Mary’s. Journal-Argus (w). 

8t. Thomas. Municipal World (m). 

Sarnia. Canadian Observer (d). 

Sault-Ste.-Marie. News (w). Sault Star. 

Seaforth. Huron Expositor (w). News (w). 

Shelburne. Free Press Economist (w). 

Simcoe. Reformer (w). 

Smith’s Falls. Record-News (2). 

Southampton. Beacon (w). 

Stayner. Sun (w). 

Stirling. News Argus (w). 

Stouffville. Tribune (w). 

Stratford. Beacon-Herald (d & w). 

Strathroy. Age-Dispatch (w). 

Streetsville. Review (w). 

Sudbury. Star(2). Vapaus. 

Sundridge. Echo (w). 

Tara. Leader (w). 

Tavistock. Gazette (w). 

Teeswater. News (w). 

Thamesville. Herald (w). 

Thessalon. Algoma Advocate (w). 

Thornbury. Review-Herald (w). 

Thorold. Post (w). 

Tilbury. Times (w). 

Tilsonburg. News (w). 

Timmins. Porcupine Advance (w). 


Automotive Trade 

Bookseller and 
Stationer (m). 

Bulletin (m). 

Bus and Truck Trans- 
port (m). 

Canada Lancet. 

Canada I_-umberman (f). 

Canada Public Health 


Canadian Mayfair (m). 
Canadian Motorist (m). 
Canadian Pharmaceu- 
tical Tournal (f) 
Canadian Poultry Re- 
view (m). 
Canadian Teacher 
‘every 19 days). 
Catholic Register (w). 
Chatelaine (m). 

Journal. Contract Record (w). 
Canadian Advertising Dominion Dental 

Data (m). ; Journal (m). 
Canadian Automotive Drug Merchandising (f) 

Trade (m). Dry Goods Review (m). 

Canadian Baker and 

Confectioner (m). Economist (m). 

Electrical News (f). 

Canadian Baptist (w). 

Canadian Child (m). 

Canadian Churchman 

Canadian Cigar and 
Tobacco Journal (m). 

Canadian Countryman 

Canadian Druggist (m). 

Canadian Engineer (w). 

Canadian Forum (m). 

Canadian Foundryman 

Canadian Grocer (f). 

Canadian Home Journal 

Canadian Homes and 
Gardens (m). 

Canadian Jewish Re- 
view (w). 

Canadian Journal of 
Medicine (m). 

Canadian Machinery(w). 

Canadian Magazine (m). 

Canadian Manufacturer 


Farmers’ Sun (w). 

Financial Post (w). 

Financial Post Sur- 
veyor (m). 

Foundryman (m). 

Freemason (m). 

Furniture Worid (m). 

General Merchant (m). 


Hardware and Metal. 

Hebrew Journal. 

Homes and Gardens 

MacClean’s Magazine (f). 

Machinery (m). 

Mail and Empire. 

Mayfair (m). 

Men’s Wear Review (m) 

Monetary Times of 
Canada (w). 

News Outlook (w). 

Paint and Varnish 
Magazine (m). 

Power House (f). 

Dominions, &c.] Willing’s Press Guide [Publications 

ane and Publisher Sentinel (w). 

m). Star (d & w). 
Sanitary Engineer (f). Telegram. 
Saturday Night (w). Times (w). 
School (w). Trader (m). 

Tottenham. Sentinel (w). 

Trenton. Courier-Advocate (w). Quinte Sun (w). 

Tweed. Advocate (w). News (w). 

Uxbridge. Journal (w). North Ontario Times (w). 

Vankleek Hill. Eastern Ontario Review (w). 

Walkerton. Bruce Herald (w). Telescope (w). 

Walkerville. News (w). 

Wallaceburg. News (w). 

Waterford. Star (w). 

Waterloo. Chronicle (w). 

Watford. Guide-Advocate (w). 

Welland. Tribune (3). 

West Lorne. Elgin Sun (w). 

West Toronto. Weekly. 

Weston. Times (w). 

Westport. Mirror (w). 

Wheatley. Journal (w). 

Whitby. Gazette and Chronicle (w). 

W: n. Canadian Echo (w). 

Winchester. Press (w). 

Windsor. Border Cities Star. 

Wingham. Advance-Times (w). 

ble chee Rod & Gun (m). Sentinel Review 
w ° 

Charlottetown. Guardian. Patriot. 

Prince Edward Island 

Island Farmer (w). 
Agriculturist (w). 

Journal (w). 
Pioneer (w). 

Amos. La Gazette du Nord (w). 
Arthabaska, Union des Cantons de l’ Est (w). 
Beauceville. L’ Eclatreur (w). 
Buckingham. Post (w). 
Chicoutimi, Progres du Saguenay. 
Coaticook. Observer (w). 
Granby. Leader-Mail (w). 
Hull. Progres (w). Spectateur (w). 
Huntingdon. Canadian Ayrshire Review (m). 
Gleaner (w). 
Joliette. Etoile du Nord (w). L’Action Populaire (w). 
Lachute. Watchman (w). 
Levis. Hebdomadaire (w). Quotidien. 
Magog. Enterprise (w). 
Montmagny. Courrier Sentinelle (w). 
Canada (d & w). 
Canadian National 
Railways Magazine 

Chronicle (w). 

| Moniteur du Commerce 

Northern Messenger (w). 

Patrie (d & w). 
Pharmaceutical Journal 

Devoir (d & w). (m). 

Eagle. Presse. 

Farmers’ Weekly la | Priz Courant (w). 
Presse. Samedi (w) 

Finnes Times (w). Standard (w) 
azette. . 

Herald. Star (d & W): 

Italia (w). Union Medicale du 

Jewish Eagle. Canada (m). 

Journal d’ Agriculture | Witness (w). 
d’ Florticulture (m). World Wide (w). 
Ormstown. Bulletin (w). 
Quebec. Action Catholique. Chronicle-Telegraph. 
Evenement (d). Soleil (d & w). 
Richmond. Times-Guardian (w). 
Riviere du Loup. Le St. Laurent (w). 
Rock Island. Stanstead Journal (w). 
St. Hyacinthe. Clarion (w). Courrier (w). 
St. Jerome. Avenir du Nord (w). 
St. Justin. Echo (m). 
Sherbrooke. Forum (w). Record. Tribune. 
Sorel. Courrier de Sorrel (w). Sorelois (w). 
Thetford Mines, Canadien. 
Three Rivers. Bien Public (2). Nouvelliste. St. 
Maurice Valley Chronicle (2). 
Valleytield. Progres (w). 
Verdun. Verdun Messenger. 

Assiniboia. Times (w). 
Battleford. Press (w). Saskatchewan Herald (w). 
Biggar. Independent (w). 
Canora. Courier (w). 
Carlyle. Herald (w). 
Carnduff. Gazette-Post-News (w). 
Conquest. Fertile Valley Enterprise (w). 
Dinsmore. Enterprise (w). 
Estevan. Mercury (w). 
Gravelburg. L'Etoile. 
Grenfell. Sun (w). 
Humboldt. Journal (w). 
Indian Head. News (w). 
Kerrobert. Citizen (w). 
Kindersley. Clarion (w). 
Lloydminster. Times (w). 
Maple Creek. News (w). 
Marytield. News (w). 
Melfort. Journal (w). Morn (w). 
Melville. Canadian (w). 
Moose Jaw. Times and Herald. News (w). 
Moosomin. World Spectator (w). 
oo St. Peter’s Bote (w). St. Peter’s Messenger 
North Battleford. News (w). Optimist (w). 
Outlook. Outlook. 
Prince Albert. Herald (d & 3). News(w). Patrict 
de L’ouest (w). 
Qu’Appelle. Progress (w). 
Regina. Courier (w). Leader. Post. Standard. 
Rose Town. Eagle (w). 
Saskatoon. Star and Phoenix. Western Retailer (m) 
Shaunavon. Standard (w). 
Swift Current. Herald (w). Sun (w). 
Tisdale. Recorder (w). 
Weyburn. Herald (w). Review (w). 
Whitewood. Herald (w). 
Wolseley. News (w). 
Yorkton. Enterprise (2). 

Dawson City. News(d &w). Northern Lights (m) 


Catholic Messenger(2). | Dinamina. 
Ceylon Antiquary (q). Lakmina. 
Ceylon Daily News. Planting Engineer (y). 
Ceylon Government Rutherford Planters’ 

Gazette (w). Note Book (y). 
Ceylon Morning Times ofCeylon (d & w). 
Leader. Times of Ceylon Green 
Ceylon Observer Book ty : 
Times of Ceylon Sun- 
day Illustrated. 

(d & w). 
Ceylon Rubber Plan- 
Tropical Agriculturist 

ters’ Manual (y). 
Ceylon Trader (m). 
ColumboIndependent. | Viriya. 

Jaffna. Catholic Guardian (w). Morning Star (w). 


Larnaka. The Cyprus (w). 
Nicosia, Journal of Cyprian Studies (m). 


Ipoh (Perak). Times of Malaya. Malayan Tin and 
Rubber Journal. Kuala Lumpar (Selangor) 
Malay Man (d & w). Government Gazette (f). 


Levaka. Polynesian Gazette (w). 
Suva. Fiji Times. Royal Gazette (w). Western 
Pacific Herald (2). 


Chronicte. El Calpeuse. 
GOLD COAST (See Africa) 


Dominions, &c.]  Willing’s Press Guide 



China Mail. Overland China Mail 
Chung Ngoi San Po. (w). 
Daily Press. S. China Evening 
Hong Kong Weekly Post. 
Press and China Sunday Herald (w). 
Overland Trade Telegraph. 

Report. Wa Tsoze Yat Po. 
Morning Post (d & w). 


Akyab. Arakan News (2). 

Agra. Advertiser (w). 

Ahmedabad. Nava Jiwan (w). 
Young India (w). 

Aligurh. Institute Gazette (w). 

Praja Bandhu. 

Combined Civil List(q) Indian Forester (m). 
Government Gazette Leader, 
w). Overland Pioneer Mail 
India’s Pictorial Maga- (w). 
zine, Pioneer. 
Amritsar. Ahl-Hadis (w). Punjab Gazette. Tan- 
zeen (w). Vakil (w). 

Assam. Civil List. Government Gazette. 
Asamgarh. Maarif (m). 
Bangalore. Daily Post. Bulletin. Mysore Economic 
(wy (m). Mysore Gazette (w). New Mysore 
ug Kasim-ul-Akhbar (2). Planters Chronicle 

Bankot. Bihar-Bandhu (m). 
Bassein. Bassein News (2). 
Benares. Bharat-Jivan (w). 

Bijnor. Medina (w). Najat (w). 
Bombay— Indian Radio Times 
Akhbar-i-Soudagar (w). 

(d & w). 
Anglo - Vernacular 
Quarterly of Indian 
Merchants’ Cham- 
Briton (w). 
Commerce (w). 

EveningNews ofIndia. 

Government Gazette 

Indian Daily Mail. 

Indian Electrical Me- 
cbanicaland Textile 
News (m). 


Al Hilal (w). 

Automobile Associa- 
tionof Bengal Maga- 
zine (m). 

Banga B-ani. 


Burn’s Engineering 
Magazine (m). 

Capital (w). 

Century Review (w). 

Civil and Military 

Commercial Gazette. 


English Mail (w). 


Evening Mail (2). 
Exchange Gazette. 
dian (w). 

Gymkhana Review (f) 

Hitabadi (w). 

Hindoo Patriot (2). 

India Monthly Maga- 

India’s Pictorial Maga- 

Indian and Eastern 
Engineer (m). 

Indian and Eastern 
Motors (m). 

Indian Business (m). 

Indian Textile Journal 

Industrial India. 
Nabasakti (w). 
Parsi (w). 
Sporting Times (w). 
Student’s Friend (m). 
Times of India (d &w). 
Times of India Illus- 
trated Weekly. 
Times of India, Mail 
edition (w). 

Indian Daily News 
Overland Summary 

Indian Engineering 
Indian Finance. 
Indian Industries and 
Power (m). 
cal Research (q). 
Indian KennelGazette 


(m). , 

Indian MedicalRecord 

cord ; 

Indian Mirror. 

Indian Nation (w). 

Indian Planters’ Ga- 
zette and Sporting 
News (w). 

Indian Railway Gaz- 
ette (m). 

Indian Witness (w). 

Journal of Ayurveda. 

Journal of the Photo- 
graphic Society of 
India (m). 

Military Re- 


Cochin. Argus (w). 
Dacca. Bengal Times (2). 

Liberty and Indian 
Daily News. 

M.S. Journal(Medical) 
(m). i 

New Empire. 


Property (m). 

Railways and Engin- 
eering (f). 

Thackers’ Indian Di- 

Telegraph (w). 

West Coast Spectator (2). 
The Malayali (w). 

Pinis Dun. Indian Forester. (m). 

Al Jamiat (w). Indian Importer and 
Daily Chronicle. Exporter (m). 

Karachi. Daily Gazette. 

Hindustan Times. 

India MedicalDirectory. ). 
Hyderabad. Jam-e-Junshed (w). Journal. 



Abya Gazette (w). 



Civil and Military 

Hindu Herald. 

India’s PictorialMaga- 

Nusrat Advertiser(w). 
Riyasat (w 



Mitra Vilasa (w) 
Muslim Outlook. 
Observer (2). 

Punjab Record (m). 



Lucknow. Advocate(2). Bulletin. Daily Telegraph 

Punch (w). 


Adyar Bulletin. 
Antiseptic (m). 
zine (m). 
Catholic Watchman 


Daily Express. 


Eastern Guardian (w). 

Eastern Star (w). 

Fort St. George Ga- 
zette (w). 

Health (m). 


Indian Patriot. 

Indian Review (m). 

Madura. Mail. 



Daily News. 


Daily Telegraph. 
Dnyan Chakshu (w). 
DnyanPrakash(d &w). 


British Burma Adver- 

Burma Chronicle. 

Burma Herald. 

Burma Medical Times 

Burma Sunday Times. 
Friend of Burma. 

Hindustani (w). 
Such (w). 

Burma Critic (w). 
Upper Burma Gazette. 
Moulmein Advertiser (3). 

Government Gazette. 
South of India Observer (w). 

Oudh Akhbar. 

Jarida-i-Rozgar(d &w) 
Journal of Education 

Law Journal (m). 
Law Times (w). 
Madras Mail. 
Muhammadan (2). 
New India. 

Radical (w). 
Theosophist (m). 
War Cry (w). 
Weekly Mail (w). 

Mandalay Herald. 

News (w). 

Law Herald (m). 
Mahratta (w). 

Servant of India (w). 

Gazette Weekly Bud- 
Rangoon Advertiser. 
Rangoon Gazette. 
Rangoon Times. 
Times of Burma. 
Weekly Times of 

Rawal Pindi. Punjab Times (w). 
Semarang. Motor Tyd in Inde (m). 


Fauja Akhbar (w). 


Pioneer Daily Bulletin. Swrat-Pratap Sudarshan. 

Times-Advertiser (w). 

Travancore (Kottagam). 

MANITOBA (See Canada) 

Chronicle. Herald. Malta Government Gazette(2). 
Malta John Bull (w). Malta Sports Gazette (m). 

Times of Malta. 

United Services Journal 

Western Star (3). 

Ix-xemx (Sun). 

Dominions, &c.] 


Commercial and Planters’ Gazette. 


Port Louis. 

NATAL (See Africa) 


NEW SOUTH WALES (See Australia) 

Akaroa. Mail (2). 
Alexandra South. Herald (w). 

wtown. Lake County Press (w). 
Ashburton. Mail and Guardian. 
Auckland Star. N.Z. Smallholder. (m) 
Auckland Weekly N.Z. Sun (w). 
News (w). N.Z. Yachtsman (w). 
Brett’s Xmas Annual. Northern Athletic 

Unions Gazette(m). 

s Press Guide [Publications 



Southland Times. 
Southlander (w). 
Southern Cross (w). 
Record (w). 

Kaikoura. Star (2). 


Settler (w). 

Kumara. Times. 
Lawrence. Tuapeka Times (2). Mt. Benger Mail (w). 
Levin. Horowhenua Chronicle. 

Martinborough. Star (3). 
Rangitikei Advocate. 
Wairarapa Age. 



Star (2). 

Motueka. Star (2). 

Bruce Herald (2). 

St. John’s Monthly 
Weekly Times (w). 

Hokianga Times (w). 

Waimate Witness (3). 
North Auckland Age (w). 
Settler (3). 

Wairarapa Daily 


Cromwell, Argus (w). 
Dannevirke. Evening News. 

Dargaville. N. Auckland Times. Wairoa Bell (3). 

Church Gazette (m). 

Druidic Gazette (m). 

Eden Gazette (w). 

Ladies Mirror (m). 

Manakau News (w). 

Messenger (f). 

N.Z. Farmer. 

N.Z. Herald. 

N.Z. Il.Sport &Dram. 
Review (w). 

N.Z. Motor Journal. 

N.Z. Observer. 

N.Z. Philistine (m). 

N.Z. Pictorial News 

Reason (m). 
Saturday Night. 
Southlander (w). 
Sportsman (w). 
Stage (m). 
Success (m). 

un. : 
Theosophy inN.Z.(m). 
Truth (w). 

Te Karere (w). 

Te Matakokiri Times 

Waiteamta (w). 
Zora (w). 

Balclutha. Clutha Leader (2). FreePress (2). 
Blenheim. Marlborough Express. 

Bluff. Press (2). 

Waikato Independent (3). 

Carterton. Wairarapa Daily News. 

News (2). 

Canterbury Press. 

Canterbury Times(w). 
Christchurch Times. 
Christian Herald (m). 
Church News (m). 
Canterbury Young 
Men’s Journal (m). 
Evening News. 
Examiner (m). 
Loco Record (m). 


Break of Day (m). 
Church Envoy (m). 
Evening Star. 
Farmers’ Circular (f). 
N.Z. Guardian (m). 
N.Z. Journal of Edu- 

cation (m). 


Dunstan Times (w). 
County News (w). 

N.Z. Baptist (m). 
N.Z. Methodist Times 

N. a Poultry Journal 

N.Z. Trotting Journal. 
Public Opinion (m). 
Spectator (w). 



N.Z. Railway Officer 
Advocate (m). 
N.Z. Tablet (w). 
N.Z. Tribune (w). 
Otago Daily Times. 
Otago Witness (w). 
Outlook (w). 

Eketahuna. Express (3). 

Eltham. Argus. 

Fellding. Star. 

Foxton. Manawatu Herald (3). 
Gisborne. Poverty Bay Herald. Times. 
Gore. Mataura Ensign. 

Greymouth, Evening Star. Grey River Argus. 
Greytown. Wairarapa Standard (3). 
Hamilton. Waikato Times. 

Hastings. Hawke’s Bay Tribune. 
Havelock. Pelorus Guardian (2). 

Express (3). 
Huntly. Press. 
Inglewood. Record (3). 

Napier. Daily Telegraph. Hawke’s Bay Herald, 
N.Z. Fire and Ambulance Record (m). Waiapu 
Church Gazette (m). 

Naseby. Mt. Ida Chronicle (w). 

Nelson. Colonist. Evening Mail. 

New Plymouth. Budget (w). Taranaki Daily News. 
Taranaki Herald. 

Ngaruawahia. Advocate (2). 

Oamaru. Mail. North Otago Times. 

Ohakune. Times (3). 

Ohura. Advocate (w). 

Onehunga. Manakau Gazette (w). 

Opotiki. East Coast Guardian (3). 

Opunake. Times (2). 

Orepuki. Advocate (w). 

Otautau. Farmer (w). Standard (w). 

Otaki. Mail (3). 

Otorohanga. Times (2). 

Paeroa. Ohinemuri Gazette (3). 

Pahiatua. Herald. 

Palmerston. Times (w). 

Palmerston N. Jacobite (q). Manawatu Standard. 
Manawatu Times. 

Patea. County Press (3). 

Petone. Hutt and Petone Chronicle (3). 

Picton. Marlborough Press (3). 

Pukekohe. Times (w). | 

Queenstown. Lake Wakatipu Mail (w). 

Raglan. County Chronicle (w). 

Reefton. Inangahua Herald. Inangahua Times, 

Riverton. estern Star (2). 

Rotorua. Hot Lakes Chronicle (3). Times. 

Southbridge. Ellesmere Guardian (2). 

Stratford. Evening Post. 

Salhape. Times. 

Takaka. Golden Bay Times (w). 

Tapanui. Courier (w). l 

Tauranga. Bay of Plenty Times (3). 

Taumarunui. Press (3). 

Tautapere. Guardian (w). 

Te Aroha. Mail (3). News (3). 

Te Awamutu. Waipa Post (2). | 

Te Kuiti. King’s Country Chronicle (2). 

Temuka. Geraldine Guardian (3). Leader (3). 

Te Puke. Times (2). 

Thames. Thames Star. 

Timaru. Herald. Post. 

Upper Hutt. Independent (w). 

Waihi. Daily Telegraph. 

Herald (2). 


Warkworth. Ro 

Mail (3). 
Guardian (3). 




Church Chronicle(m). 


Evening Post. 

Exporter (w). 

Farmers’ Union Advo- 
cate (w). 

GazetteLaw Reports(f) 

Advertiser (3). 
Press (3). 
Evening Mail (3). 

Herald. , 
dney and Otamatea Times (w). 

Times (3). 

Journal of N.Z.Dept. 
of Agriculture (m). 
Katipo (m). 
Magistrate’sCourt Re- 
ports (m). 
Maoriland Worker(w). 

Dominions, &c.] 

Meat and Wool 

Mercantile Gazette of 
N.Z. (w). 

Nation (m). 


N.Z. Chemist and 

N.Z. Craftsman (m). 

N.Z. Dairyman (m). 

N.Z. Free Lance (w): 

N.Z. (Government) 
Gazette (w). 

N.Z. Law Journal (f). 

N.Z. Medical Journal 

Willing’s Press Guide 

N.Z. Railway Review 

N.Z. Referee (w). 
N.Z. Shipping and 
Commerce (w). 
N.Z. Trade Review 

N.Z. Truth (w). 
N.Z. Wireless. 
Progress (m). 
Triad (m). 
Vanguard (f). 
War Cry (w). 

Wheeling (m). 
White Ribbon (m). 

News. Times and 

Huon. Times (2). 


Franklin. Huon Times (w). 

Australian Friend(m). 
Church News (m). 
Educational Record 

(m). . 
Illustrated Tasmanian 

Mail (w). 
Government Gaz. (w). 

Farmer (m). 


Collins’ Mercantile 
Gazette (w). 


People’s Friend (m). 
Picturesque Tasmania 


Sporting Record (w). 

Tasmanian Fruit 
Grower (m). 

Trade Report (w). 

Tasmanian Fruit Grower and 

Daily Telegraph. 
Weekly Courier (w). 

N.E. Advertiser (w). 

Whakatane. County Press (3). 
Whangarel. Northern Advocate. 
Winton. Record (2). 

Woodville. Examiner (3). 
Wyndham. Farmer (2). Herald (2). 


Curling. Western Star (w). 

Harbor Grace. Standard (w). 

St. John’s. Advocate (d & w). Herald-Mail. News 
(d & w). Telegram. Trade Review (w). 

Twillingate. Sun (w). 

NIGERIA (See Africa) 


NOVA SCOTIA (See Canada) 


ONTARIO (See Canada, 


Port Moresby. Papuan Times (w). 
QUEENSLAND (See Australia) 
QUEBEC (See Canada) 
RHODESIA (See Africa) 

Apia. Times (w). 


Seychelles Government Gazette (w). 

SIERRA LEONE (See Africa) 

Penang. Penang Gazette. Straits Echo. 

Singapore. Free Press. Government Gazette (w). 
Malaya Tribune. Straits Budget (w). Straits 
Produce (q). Straits Times. 


Khartoum. Sudan Herald. 


Burnie. Advocate. 
Currie. King Island News (w). 
Devonport. Advocate. 

Stanley. Circular Head Chronicle (w). 
Ulverstone. Advocate. 
Wynyard. Advocate. 

TRANSVAAL (See Africa) 
UGANDA (See Africa) 
VICTORIA (See Australia) 


St. John’s. Antigua Sun. 

Nassau. Guardian (2). Tribune (d). 

Bridgetown. Advocate. Agricultural Reporter. 
Globe (3). Official Gazette (2). Standard (2). 

Hamilton. Royal Gazette and Colonist. 

Havana. Bohemia (w). Diaro de la Marina. Discusion. 
Figaro (w). Heraldo de Cuba. Lucha. Mundo. 
Post. Telegram. Universal (m). 

Matanzas. Correo de Matanzas. Nueva Aurora. 

Santiago. Cubano Libre. Diario de Cuba. Indepen- 
dencia. À 

Roseau. Chronicle (w). Free Press (w). 

St. George’s. Federalist. Government Gazette (f). 

Port-au-Prince. Matin. Monitur. Nouvelliate. 


Kingston. Daily Gleaner. Daily Chronicle. Tri- 
Weekly Gleaner (3). Gleaner Pocket Edition (f). 
Herald (w). Mercantile Intelligence (f). Times 
(w). Government Gazette (w). 

Basse Terre. St. Christopher Gazette (2). 

Castries. Gazette (w). Voice of St. Lucia (2) 

Tidende (2). 

Kingstown. Government Gazette (f) 
Sentry (w). Times (w). 

Rambler (w). 

Port of Spain. Catholic News (w). Gazette. Guardian, 
Royal Gazette (w). Labour Weekly Sporting 
Chronicle. Trinidad Observer (w). Weekly 



Willing’s Press Guide 

List of Publications in the English 
Language Issued Abroad 

This list does not include countries such as Australia, 
India, Canada, U.S.A., etc., but only those countries 
where the English language is not generally spoken. 

Buenos Aires. West Coast Leaper. Daily. 
(London : 14 Cockspur St., S.W.1. Tel. Regent 


HERALD (daily). 
Tel. City 7662). 



6. BROTHERHOOD. Alt.-M. Rev. 
Kaspar, 15 Jungmannova, Husuv Dum. 
cents. or 1 Cz. crown, 62 Fochova. 
Monthly. Sub. 12s. or 3 dollars per ann, 
19 Jungmannova. 


Alexandria. EcyptiaAn GAzETTE (Daily Newspaper). 
1880. 8 pages. 21 by 16. 1 piastre per 
copy. ( Advt. p. xxxii.). 

Cairo. Spxinx, 1892. Sat. 4 piastres. 39 Sharia 
Manakh. (London: 55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2.) 

EGyptian MAIL, 1902. Daily. 8 pages. P.T. 4. 
(London: 33 Chancery Lane, W.C.2). 

NEAR East TRADER, 1924. M.—lIst. 10s. 
per ann. Printed in English. (London: 33 
Chancery Lane, W.C.2). 


(London: 173 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Helsingfors. Finnish TRADE, 1925. Monthly. 7s. 
per ann. Central Economic Organisations. 
Menton. MENTON & MonTE CaRLO News, 1896. 

16 to 32 pages. Saturdays weekly, Nov. to Apr. 
3 francs. Comte de Bourbel, 11 rue Prato. 
Marseilles. Home & ABROAD. Quarterly. Studies 
Publications, Marseilles. (London: Abbey 
House, Victoria St., S.W.1.) Tel. Victoria 4496. 
Paris. Dairy Mai, 1905. (Continental Edition) 
1 franc. 36 rue du Sentier. (London : 
Northcliffe House, E.C.4. Central 6000). 

M.—15th. ls. Sub. 10s. per ann. (London: 
Fairchild’s Publications Ltd., 72 Long Acre, 
W.C.2. Temple Bar 5161. 

New York HERALD (European Edition), 1887. 
70 centimes daily. Avenue de l'Opera 49. 
(London: Bush House, Aldwych, W.C.2). 

(European Edition) 1917. Daily a.m. 70 cen- 
times. 5 xue Lamartine. (London: 72-8 
Fleet St.) 

Munich, PANTHEON, Monthly, 3s, 6d. F. Bruckmann. 


GAZETTE DE HoLianp. Fri. 

Hague. i 
copy. English and French. 

T. B. 

20 cents per 
103 Pletterijstraat. 



Osaka. Mainichi. 
Tokio. Advertiser, 

BALKAN Times. Weekly. 



ter oar LiBERIA Express—35 Leyland Road, 
LIBERIA Times. 55 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. (Tel. 
Holborn 5647). 


Baghdad. Bacupap Times—daily, one anna (Eng- 
lish and Arabic). (London—33 Chancery Lane). 
Basrah. Times or MeEsopotamMia—daily one anna. 

(English and Arabic). (London: 33 Chancery 
Lane, W.C.2). 
Oslo. Norwecian TRADE Review. Six times 

yearly. Press Bureau, Ministry of Foreign 

Affairs, Oslo. 

Jerusalem. PaLesTINE BULLETIN. Daily. 10 Mils. 
we ` 683. (London: 244 High Holborn 

PALESTINE WEEKLY, 1918. Fri. 6d. Sub. 25s. 
per ann. Hassolel Ltd. P.O. Box 255. 

BULLETIN, 1922. Monthly—iIst. 50 mils, or 
Is, 3d, P. O. B. 541, 

Panama. Star & HERALD. Daily. (London: 5 New 
Bridge St., E.C.4). 

Lourenco Marques. GUARDIAN (3). 

Bangkok. BAncKoxk Times. BANGKOK DAILY MAIL. 

Stockholm. Kosmos, 1921. Monthly. 1 kr. 65 
SWEDISH Economic Review, 1922. Quarterly. 

The Foreign Office, Utrikesdepartementet. 

SWEDISH EXPORT, 1917. Monthly. 3s. 6d. per 
ann. Gereral Export Association of eaen 
12 Vasagatan. Stockholm. 


Davos-Platz. COURIER (local 1888), Fridays in 
winter. Alt-.Fridays in summer. 35 centimes 
po copy. Davos Public Interests Association, 

he Promenade 

Montreux. EncGiish HERALD ABROAD. (Anglo- 
Swiss Monthly). 1893. M.-12th. 50 centimes 
per copy. English Herald Co., Montreux. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

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4141 (4 lines) LONDON 


Willing’s Press Guide 


The principal publications issued abroad are given in 
the following pages in alphabetical order under 

countries and towns. 

The period of publication is 

denoted as under :—Twice a Week (2); Three times a 
Week (3); Weekly (w); Fortnightly (f); Monthly (m); 

Quarterly (q). 

Algiers. Dépéche Algérienne. Echo d’Alger. lour- 
nal Général (3). 

Bone. Réveil Benois. 

Constantine. Dépêche. Républicain. 

Guelma. Progrès de Guelma (w). 

Mascara. Réveil (2). 

Oran. Echo d’Oran. Correo (w). 

Philipeville. Union Républicaine (2). 

Setif. Progrès (2). Réveil de Sétif (2). 

Tlemcen. Avenir de Tlemcen (w). 


San Paula de Loendo. Boletin Cfficia! (w). Voz 

de Loanda. 
Azul. Imparcial. 

Bahia Blanca. Atlántico. Comercio. Nueva Provincia 
Buenos Aires— 

American Weekly. Herald (d & w). 

La Argentina. Hogar (w). 

Argenti.isches Tage- Ilustración Argentina. 
blatt. Industria. 

Atlantida (w). La Ingenieria (f). 

Auto Argentino. La Nacion. 

Billiken (w). La Prensa. 

Boletin Industrial. Liga de Defensa Comer- 

Boletin Oficial. cial (w). 

Buenos Aires Herald 

Campoiy Sport (w). 

Caras y Caretas (w). 

Censor (w). 

Comercial (w). 

Comerciante Argentino 
(m) Plata Post. 

Mundo Argentino (w). 
Novela Seminal (w). 

Para Ti (w). 
Patria degli Italiani. 

Correo de la Capital (w). | Porteño. 

Correo Español. Pueblo. 

Courrier de la Plata. Razón. 

Critica. Reforma Comercial (w). 

Deutsche La Plata Republica. o 
Zeitung. Review of the River 

Diario del Comercio. Plate (w). 

Revista Argentia (w). 
Revue Illustrée (w). 

Southern Cross (w). 

Diario Español. 

Diario Nuevo. 

Don Goyo (w). 

El Diario. Sportsman (w). 

El Mundo. Standard. 

Epoca. Suplemento (w). 
Excelsior. Tarde. 

Feminel (w). Tiempo. 

Fray Mocho. Times of Argentina (w). 

Grornale d’Italia. 

Tipperary (f). 
Gladiador (w). ib. Á 


Giafics (w). Ultima Hora. 

Handels Zeitung (w). Yack (w). 
Chascomus. Argentino. Libertad (3). Razon (3). 
Chivilcoy. Democracia. Union. 

All others are issued Daily. 

Concordia. Diario. 
Cordoba. E!l Pais. Los Principios. 
Corrientes. Opinion. Libertad. 

Dolores. Patria. 
La Plata. Boletin Judicial. 
Lomas. Paz (w). 
Mendoga. Andes. 
Mercedes. Orden. 
Parana. Accion. Argentino (w). Entre Rios. 
Razon (w). Verdad (w). Tribuno (w). 
Rio Cuarto. El Pueblo. 
Rosario. Capital. Siglo. 
Santa Fe. Cpinion. 
Tucuman. Orden. 


Gmunden. Gmundner Zeitung (w). 

Graz. Kleine Zeitung. Tagblatt. Tagespost. 

Innsbruck. Allgemeiner Tiroler Anzeiger. 

brucker Nachrichten. 

Ischl. Wochenblatt (w). 

Klagenfurt. Tagblatt. Klagenfurter Zeitung. 

Leoben. Volks Zeitung (2). 

Linz. Tagespost. Volksblatt. 

Mistelbach. Bote (w). 

Oedenburg. Oedenburger Zeitung. 

St. Poelten. St. Pöltner Zeitung. 

Abent Blatt. 
Allgemeine Zeitung. 
Arbeiter Zeitung. 

Buenos Aires. Dia. 






Neue Freie Presse. 
Neues Wiener Journal. 
Neues Wiener Tagblatt. 

Automobil Zeitung(w) Reichspost. 

Chemiker Zeitung (w). SportVolks Zeitung(w). 
Elektrotechniker (f). Sportzeitung. 

Extra Blatt. Stunde Die. 

Wiener Bilder (w). 

Kleine Volkszeitung. 
Wiener Zeitung. 

Kronen Zeitung. 
Metall Arbeiter (w). 


Angra do Herelsme. Angrense (w). 

Horta. Fayalense (w). 

Ponta Delgada. Acoriano Oriental (w). 
Acores (3). 


Elizabethville. L’ Essor du Congo. Le Journal du 
Kinshasa. L'Information Colo. iale. 


Antwerp. Anvers-Bourse (d). Financial. Het Handel- 
sblad (d) La Metropole (d). Le Journal 
d’Anvers (w). Le Matin (d). Lloyd Anversois. 
Neptune. Volksgazet. 

Bruges. La Patrie. Journal de Bruges. 
Brugge (Flemish). 


Diario dos 

Gazet van 



Brussels — 

Bulletin de Com’té 
Central Industriel (w). 

Chasse et Peche (w). 

Chronique des Travaux 

Cine Revue (w). 

Journal des Fermes (w). 

L’Independance Belge 

L’Etoile Belge (d). 
Moniteur des Interets 
Materiels (w). 
La Gazette. 
La Moto (w). 
La Nation-Belge. 
Le Peuple. Victoire (w). 
Charleroi. Journal. Gazette de Charleroi. 
Courtrai. Echo de Courtrai. 
Liege. La Meuse (d). Sport Belge (w). L'Express. 
Journal de Liége. Courrier de Liége. 
Ghent. Journal (d). Bien Public (d). Vol sblad. 
Mons. Gazette de Mons (d). Journal de Mons (d). 
Namur. Province (d). 
Ostende. Echo (d). La Tribune. 
Tourna!. Courrier (d). Avenir du Tournaisis (d). 
Ypres. Het Handelsblad van Yperen (w). 


Cochabamba., Ferrocarril. Heraldo. 

La Paz. Diario. La Ultima Hora. Razon. Republica. 

Oruro. Nacional (2). Patria. Puensa. 

Santa Cruz. Pais. 

Sucre. Capital (2). Industria (2). Prensa. 

Tarija. Boletin. Autoniano. Guadalquivir. 


Bandjermasin, Borneo Adverterctieblad (w). Berneo 
Post (2). 

Le Soir (d). 


L’Automobils Belge 

L’Echo de la Bourse. 
L’Exportateur L’Im- 
portateur Belge. 
L’Eventail (w). 
Libre Belgique (d). 
La Derniere Heure (d). 
Moniteur Belge (Ofticial) 
Nieuws van den Dag 
Notre Pavs (w). 
Tribune Congolaise (w). 



Bahia. Diario da Bahia. Diario de Nocicias. A Tard>. 
O Imparcial. 

Pernambuco. Diario. Jornal do Commercio. 
do Recife. Jornal Pequeno. Provincia. 

Rio de Janeiro. A Noitre. A Scena Muda (w). Ameri- 
can. Combate. Correio da Manta. Eu Sei Tudo 
(m). Gazeta de Noticias. Jornal. Jornal do 
Brazil. Jornal do Commercio. O Jorna). Noticia 
Paiz. Revista da Semana. Rio Jornal. O Noticia. 
Rua. O Globo. O Paiz. Tribuna. Wileman’s 

Sao Paulo. Correio Paulistano. 
Estado de Sao Paulo. Gazeta. 



Diario Popular. 


Demokratitcheski Retsch (The Speech). 
Sgovar. Slovo. 

Dnevnik. Targovsko Promishlem 

Makedonia. Glass. 

Mir (Peace). Zemledelsko Zname. 

Narod. Zname. 

Nezarisimost. Zora. 



Las Palmas. Diario de Las Palmas. El Liberal. Tri- 
Teneriffe. Diario. Gaceta. Informaciones. Progreso. 


Makassar. Makassasche Courant. 


Antofagasta. Mercurio. 
Chillan. Chillan. 

Concepcion. Pais. Sur. 
Copiapó. Amigo del Pais. 
Iquique. Imparcial. Nacional. 

Patria. Tarapacá. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


San Carlos. Actualidad. Derecho. 

San Fernando. Autonomia. Justicia. 

Santiago. Chileno. Diario Oficial Diario Familia. 
Don Fausta (w). El Peneca (w). Los Sports 
(w). Mercurio, Nacion. Para Todos (f). Sucesos 
(w). Tarde. Tiempos. Ultimas Noticias. Zig- 
Zag (w). Boletin de la Sociedad Nacional de 

Valparaiso. Chileno. Estrella. 
South Pacific Mail (w). 

Heraldo. Mercurio. 


Gazette and Shipping Report. 
Canton. Chung Sai Po. Pek Man Po. 
Foochow. Echo (d & w). 

Hankow. Central China Post. 


Peking. Daily News. Morning Post. North China 
Standard. Times. 
Celestial Empire (w). Hu Pao. 
China Gazette. National Review. 
China Journal. New Press. 

China Weekly Review. 

Chinese Chemist and 
Druggist (m). 

Chinese Engineer and 
Contractor (m). 

Eastern Times. 

Evening News. 

Far Eastern Review (m). 

Finance and Com- 

Government Gazette (w). 

Tientsin. Chih Pao. China Illustrated Review (w). 
North China Daily Mail. Tientsin Daily News. 
Ta Kung Pao. Yi Shik Pao. 


North China Daily News 

North China Herald (w). 

Oriental Press. 

Shanghai Mercury. 

Oriental Motor (m). 

Shipping and Engineer 

Shun Pao. 
Sinwan Pao. 
Sunday Times. 

Barranquilla. Diario del Commercio El Liberal. 
La Nacion. La Prensa. 
Cromos. Gaceta de Cundina- 

Diario Oficial. 
El Diario Nacional. 
El Debate. 
El Espectador. 
El Nuevo Tiempo. 
El Tiempo. 
Buearamanga. El Deber. La Vanguardia Liberal. 
Cali. Correo del Cauca. Diaro del Pacifico. Gaceta 
del Valle. Relator. 
Cartagena. Diario de la Costa. 
Patria. La Epoca. 
Cucuta. El Frabajo. 
Medellin. El Colombiano. La Defensa. El Corres 
del Colombia. El Heraldo de Antioquia. 
Santa Marta. El Estado. 
Villavicancio. El Eco de Oriente. 


San Jose. Diario de Costa Rica. Nueva Prensa. 


Bratislava. Prudy (m). Robotnicke Noviny- 
Slovensky Denik. Slovenska Politika. 


Gaceta Judicial. 
Mundo al Dia. 
Registro Municipal. 
Revista Judicial. 

El Porrenor. La 

Brno (Brunn). Lidove Noviny. Rovnost. 
Liberec (Reichenberg). Reichenberger Zeitung. 
Pizen (Pilsen). Cesky Denik. Nova Doba. 

Akademie (m). 

Cesky Casopis 
Casopis Ceskeho Musea 

Historicky (q). 
Cesky Svet and 
Svetozor (w). 
Deutsche Zeitung 
Hudebni Revue (m). 
Humoristicke Listy (w 
Jeviste (m). 
Lidove Listy. 
Lumir (m). 


Casopis Pro Peslovani 
Matematiky a Fysiky 


Ceska Mysl (Bi-m). 

Ceske Slovo. 




Willing’s Press Guide 


Narodni Listy. Pritomnost (w). 

Narodni Osvobozeni. Reforma. 
Narodni Politika. Ruch Filosoficky (m.) 
Nase Doba (m). Rude Pravo. 
Nase-Revoluce (q). Salon (m). 
Nova Svoboda (w). Sozial Democrat. 
Nove Cechy (m). Stavba (m). 
Obzor Narodohospoda- | Tribuna. 

sky (m). Venkov. 

Parliament (m). 
Prager Presse. 
Prager Tageblatt. 
Pravo Lidu. 

Volne Smery (m). 
Zahranicni Politika (f). 
Zlata Praha (w). 

Zvon (w). 


Aabenraa. Hejmdal (d). 
Aalborg. Amtstidende (d & w). Dagbladet Nord- 
vane (d). Stiftstidende (d & w). Venstreblad 

Aarhus. Amtstidende (d). Demokraten (d & w). 
Jyllandsposten (d). Stiftstidende (d & w). 

Assens. Amts Avis (d). Amts Dagblad. Avis. 

Bogense. Avis (d). 

Bramminge. Vestkysten (d). 


Vendsyssel Folkeblad (d). 


Aftenbladet (d & w). Illustreret Familieblad 
Aftenposten (d & w). (w). 

Architekten (f). Ingenioren (w). 
Avertissementstidende Klods Hans (Hum- 

(d & w). orous) (w). 
Berlingske Tidende Kobenhavn (d & w). 

d & w). Kristeligt Dagblad (d). 
Borsen (d). Manufakturhandler 
Dagblad for Industri Bladet (w). 

og Haandvaerk (d). Masken (Theatrical) (d). 
Dagbladet Dagens Motor (w). 

Nyheder (d). 
Danmarks Handels og 
Sofarts Dagblad 
(Shipping) (d). 
Dansk Mejeritidende 
(Dairy) (2 per m). 

Nationaltidende (d & w). 

Nordisk Monster Tid- 
ende (onea CETE 

Politiken (d & 

Politikens Upeblad (w). 

Skandinavisk Fagblad 

Ekstrabladet (d). for Traeindustrien 

Farmaceutisk Tids- (Timber) (2 per m). 
skrift. (w). Skandinavisk og Handel- 

Finanstidende (Finaa- stidende (w). 

cial) (w). 
Folkets Avis (d). 
Hjemmet (Illus.) (w). 
Hovedstaden (d). 
Hus og Hjem (Ladies’ 
Fashions) (w). Ugebladet Hjemmet. 
Hver 8 Dag (Illus. Verden og Vi (Illus.) (w). 
Mag.) (w). Vort Land (d). 
Illustrere FamilieJournal| Vort Landbrug (Agri- 
(w). cultural) (w). 
Ebeltoft. Avis. Venstreblad 
Esbjerg. Posten (d). Vestkysten (d). 
Faaborg. Avis(d). Folketidende (d). 
Fredericia. Avis (d). Dagblad (d). Soc. Dem. 
Frederiksborg. Amstidende (d). Avis (d). 
Frederikshavn. Avis (d). Folkeblad (d). 
mokrat (d). 
Frederikssund. Isetjordsposten (d). 
Grenaa. Folketidende (d). Djursland. Vensheblad. 

Haderslev. Danskeren (d). Modersmaalet (d). 

Helsingor. Avis(d). Dagblid (d). Nordsjaelland(d). 

Herning. Dagblad (d). Folkeblad (d). 

Hjorring. Nordjysk Dagblad (d). 
Tidende (d). Vendsyssel Venstrblad. 

Hobro. Himmerland (d). 

Holbaek. Amts Avis (d). Amts Venstreblad (d). 

Amtstidende (d). 

Holstebro. Avis (d). Dagblad (d). Folkeblad (d). 

Horsens. Avis (d). Dagblad (d). Folkeblad (d). 
Social Demokrat (d). 

Horsholm. Avis (d). 

Kalundborg. Avis (d). Dagblad (d). 

Kjoge. Avis (d). Folkeblad (d). 

Kolding. Avis (d). Folkeblad (d). Social Demokrat 

Avis (d). 

Social Demokraten (d & 

Sport (w). 

Teknisk Tidskrift (w). 

Tidende (Illus). (w). 




Lemvig. Dagblad (d). Folkeblad (d). 

Logstor. Avis (d). 

Maribo. Lollandsposten (d). 

Middelfart. Avis (d). Venstreblad (d). 

Naestved. Avis (d). Tidende (d). 

Nakskov. Folkeblad (d). Tidende (d). 
lollands Avis (d). 

Nykobing. (Falst). Dagblad (d). 
Folketidende (d). Lolland-Falsters Stiftsti- 
dende (d). Lolland-Falsters Venstreblad. 

Nykobing (Jut.). Morso Avis (d). Morso Folkeblad(d). 
Soc. Demokrat. Venstreblad., 

Nykobing (Sjaell). Odsherreds Avis (d). Odsherreds 
Tidende (d). 

Odder. Dagblad (d). Odder Avis. 

Odense. Fyns Socialdemokrat (d. & w). Fyns 
Stiftstidende (d & w). Fyns Tidende (d & w). 
Fyns Venstreblad (d & w). Odense Avis (d). 

Praesto. Avis (d) 

Randers. Amts Avis (d). Amtstidende (d). Dagblad 
(d). Socialdemokrat (d). 

BDE PR (d). Stiftstidende (d). 

Ringkjobing. Amts Avis (d). Amts Dagblad (d). 
Ringkjobing Avis (d). 

Ringsted. Folketidende (d). Venstres Folkeblad (d). 

Ronne. Bornholms Avis (d). Bornholms Social- 
demokrat (d). Bornholms Tidende (d). 

Roskilde. Avis (d). Dagblad (d). Tidende (d). 

Rudkjobing. Folkeblad (d). Langelands Avis (d). 
Oelandenes Dagblad (d). 

Samso. Posten (d). Fokleblad (d). 

Silkeborg. Avis (d). Kjellerings Venstreblad (d). 

Socialdemokrat (d). 
Skanderborg. Amts Avis (d). Amtstidende (d). 
Folkeblad (d). 

Sydvestjaelland (d). 
Avis (d). 

Slagelse. Soro Amts Dagblad (d). Soro Amtstidende 
(d). Vestsjaellands Soc. Dem. - 

Sonderborg. Dybbolposten (d). 

Soro. Folketidende (d). 

Stege. Mons Dagblad (d). Mons Folkeblad (d). 

Struer. Dagblad (d). 

Stubbekobing. Avis (d). 

Soc. Demo- 




Svendborg. Amtstidende (d). Avis (d). Sydgyns 
Soc. Dem. 

Thisted. Amts Avis (d). Amtstidende (d). 

Tonder. Avis (d). 

Varde. RibeAmstidende(d). VestjyllandsFolkeblad(d) 
Vejle.AmtsAvis(d). Folkeblad(d). SocialDemokrat(d). 
Viborg. Stifts Folkeblad (d). Stiftstidende (d). 

Viborg Amts Soc. Dem. i 
Vordingborg. Dagblad (d). 


Paramaribo. Suriname (2). Surinamer (2). West (2). 


Cuenca. Voz del Azuay (w). 
Guayaquil. El Telegrafo. El Universo. Informaci- 
ones (w). 
Quito.’ El Comercio. El Dia. 
Ahaly. La Reforme. 
Bassir. Messaggero Egiziano. 
Bourse Egyptienne. (Italian). 
Bulletin de Législation. | Near East Trader (m). 
Egyptian Gazette (The| Omonia 
English Daily News-| Phare ` d’Alexandrie 
paper). ( Adut. p. (French). 
Xxxii.). Revue Medicale Scien. 
Ephemeris. tifique. 
Ettehad Ulmasri (3). Tachydromos (Greek). 
L’Echo (w). Telegraphos. 
Akhbar. Aroussa. 
Al Siassa. Balagh. 
Albram. Bourse Egyptienne. 



Muktataf (m). 

Egyptian Directory (y). 
Egyptian Mail. 

Fakaha (w). Mussawar (w). 

Hilal (m). Near East Trader (m). 
Imparziale. PersseMedicale(French) 
Journal Du Caire. a i 

Journal Officiel (2). Presse Medicale (2 per 

Kachaf, m). 

Kairon. Progres Revue d’Egypte 
Kashkul (w). Revue Medicale de 
Kol-Chei (w). l’Orient (m). 

Laitif (w). Rewayat. 

Lewa al Masri. Roma (Italian) (w). 
Liberté. Sphinx (w). 

Mahroussa (w). Wasr-el-Hadissa (m). 
Megalia. Watan. 

Port Said. Phare. Verite (French). 


Hameenlinna. Hameen Sanomat. Hame. 

Hamina. Haminan Lehti. 
Hanko. Hangon Sanomat. 
Helsingin Sanomat. Suomen Kuvalehti (w). 
Hufvudstadsbaldet Svenska Pressen (Swed- 
(Swedish) ish). 
Iltalehti. Urheilulehti (sporting) 
Finansbladet (w) (w). 
(Swedish). Uusi Suomi. 
Kauppalehti. Mercator (w) (Swedish) 

Joensuu. Karjalainen. 
Jyvaskyla. Keski-Suomi. 
Kajaani. Kainun Sanomat. 
Kokkola. Keski-Pohjanmaa. 
Kotka. Eteenpäin. Etelä-Suomi. 

Saarijärven Paavo. 

Kotka Nyheter. 

(Swedish). Kyminlaakso. 
Kuopio. Savotar. Savo. Savon Sanomat. 
Lahti. Etela-Suomen Sanomat. Lahti. 
Lappeenranta. Etelä-Saimaa. 

Mariehamn. Aland. (Swedish). 
Mikkelin, Mikkelin Sanomat. Länsi Savo. Vapaus. 
Oulu. Kaiku. Kaleva. Liitto. 
Pori. Satakunnan Kansa. Satakunnan Sanomat. 
Uusi Aika. 
Porvoo. Borgåbladet (Swedish) Uusimaa. 
Rauma. Länsi Suomi. 
Savonlinna. Itä-Savo. 


Sortavala: Kansan Voima. Karjalan Aäni. Laa- 


Tammisaari. Västra Nyland (Swedish). 

Tampere. Aamulehti. Hämeenmaa. Kansan 
Lehti. Maaseudun Sanomat. Tampereen 

Turku. Abo Underrättelser (Swedish). 
Turun Sanomat. Turunmaa. 
Västra Finland (Swedish). 

Vaasa. Ilkka. Vaasa. Vasa Posten (Swedish). 

Viipuri. Karjala. Kansan Työ. Maakansa. Viborgs 
Nyheter (Swedish). - 


Aix. Le Mémorial (2). Provence Nouvelle (w). 

Aix-les-Bains. L’Avenir (2). 

Alencon. Avenir d l'Orne (3), 

Amiens. Progrès de la Somme. 

Angers. De l'Ouest. Le Patriote. Petit Courier. 

Angoulême. La Charente. Le Matin. 

Annecy. Les Alpes (2). 

Arras. Courrier. L’Avenir. 

Aurillac, Union Républicaine. 

Auxerre, Indépendant. L’Yonne, 

Avignon, Courrier (3). 

Bar-le-Duc. L'Echo. 

Bayonne. Courrier. Semaine (2). 

Beauvais. République. 

Belfort. Frontiere (2). Journal (w). 

Besancon. Depéche Républicaine. L’Eclair Comtois. 
Petit Comtois. 

Biarritz. La Gazette (w). 

Bordeaux. La France. La Gironde. 
velliste. Petite Gironde. 

Uusi Aura. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Le Nou- | 


Boulogne-sur-Mer. France du Nord. Télégramme 
du Pas de Calais. 

Brest. La Dépéche. Courrier (w). 

Caen. Bonhomine Normand. Journal. 

Calais. L’Avenir. Petit Calaisien. 

Cannes. Le Littoral. 

Charleville. Petit Ardennis. 

Chartres. Dépéche. 

Chaumont. Fetit Champenois. 

Cherbourg. Cherbourg Eclair (2). Dépêche. 

Clermont Ferrand. L'Avenir. Moniteur. 

Cognac. Constitution (3). L’Ere Nouvelle (2). 

Dieppe. Impartial (2). Vigie (2). 

Dijon. Bien Public. Progrès. 

Douai. Journal (3). 

Dunkerque. Nord Maritime. Phare du Nord. 

Elbeuf. L’lbeuvien (2). 

Eperuay. Champenois. Réveil. 

Grenoble. Pt. Dauphinois. République. 

Havre. Journal. Petit Havre (d). 

Le Mans. La Sarthe. 

Lille. Echo du Nord. Nouvelliste. 

Lunéville. Eclaireur (2). 

Lyons. Lyon Républicain. 
(Silk) (w). Nouvelliste. 

Marseilles. Petit Marseillais Sémaphore, 

Menton. Avenir (w). Journal (w) (winter only). 
News (w). Menton and Monte Carlo News. 

Montmédy. Journal (2). ns, 

Montpellier. L’Eclair. Petit Méridional. 

Nancy. Estafette Lorraine (2). L’Etoile. 
partial, , 

Nantes. Le Populaire. Phare de la Loire. 

Nice. L’Eclaireur. Petit Nicois. 

Orleans. Journal du Loiret. 

Annales Politiques (w). 
Architecture (w). 



Moniteur des Soies 


L’Ami du Peuple. 
La Vie Automobile (f). 

Auto (Motor Trade). Le Miroir. 
Autorité. Le Victoire (Commercial 
Batiment & Travaux Paper). 

Publics (Building). Liberté. f 
Bulletin des Halles. L'Information (Finan- 
Bulletin Médicale (w). cial). 

Charivari (w). L’Intransigeant. 

Chaussure Moderne (m).| Matin. A 
Chicago Tribune (d). Messager de Paris (finan- 
Constructeur (w). cial). 
Cote de la Bourse et de| Métallurgie (w). 
la Banque (d). Mode Illustrée (w). 
(Financial) Mon Bureau (m). 
Courrier (Commercial). | Monde Diplomatique. 
Courrier des Halles (2). | Monde Illustrée (w). 

Croix. Moniteur de la Bijou- 
Cycle et Automobile(w). terie et de I’Horlo- 
Daily Mai gerie (w). 

Moniteur de la Mode (w). 
Moniteur Officiel du 
Commerce (w). 

XIXe Siècle. 
Echo Agricole. 
Echo de Paris. 

Eclair. Moniteur Universel. 
Economiste (w) (finan-| Moniteur Vinicole (2). 
cial). Musica (m). 
Electricien (w). National. 
Excelsior. Nature (w). 
Evénement. New York Herald 
Femina (f). (Europ. Ed.) 
Figaro. Paris Sport. 

France Chevaline (2). Paris Times. 
France Militaire. Patrie. 
Gaulois. Petit Echo de la Mode 
Gazette desHopitaux(w) (w). 
Gazette des Tribunaux. | Petit Journal. 
Génie Civi (Engineering) | Petit Parisien. 

(w). Petite République. 
Gil-Blas. Presse. 
Hygiene (m). Progrés Médical (w). 
Illustration (w). Publicité de France (m). 
Industrie Electrique (w). | Radical. 
Jockey. République Française. 
Journal. Reveil du Nord. 
Journal Amusant (w). | Revue des deux Mondes 

Journal dď’Agriculture (f). 
Revue de la Mode (w). 

Revue des Produits (w). 

Revue des Produits Chi- 
miques (f). 

Revue Industrielle (w). 

Journal des Arts (2). 
Journal des Débats. 
Journal Officiel. 



Revue Pratique Auto- | Temps. 
mobile (f). Univers. 
Revue Textile (w). vede a) 
Rire (w) (comic). Victoire, i 

Semaine Médicale (w). 

Semaine Religieuse (w). | Vie à la Campagne (f). 

Siècle. Vie au Grand Air (Sport- 
Soir. ing ill.) (w). 
Soleil. Vie Heureuse (m). 
Sport Universel Illustré | Voix. 
(w). Yacht. Le (w). 
Perpignan. Independant Roussilon. 
Puy (Le). Avenir. Haute Loire. 

Rennes. Journal. L'Ouest-Eclair. 

Rheims. L’Eclaireur. 

Roubaix. Journal. 

Rouen. Dépêche. Journal. 

St. Dié. Gazette Vosgienne (2). 

St. Disier. La Liberté de la Haute Marne (2). 

St. Etienne. Loire Républicaine. Mémorial de la 

Soissons. Argus. Démocrate (3). 

Toulon. Le Petit Var. 

Toulouse. Dépéche. 


L’Express du Midi. Le 

Tours. La Dépêche, La Touraine Républicaine. 
Troyes. La Tribune. Petit Troyen. 
Valenciennes. Valenciennois. 
Verdun. Est (3). 
Versailles, Echo (w). Journal (w). 
Vienne. Journal (2). 

Vouziers. Echo Vouzinois (3). 


Dansig. Danziger Allgemeine Zeitung (d). Danzig 
Neueste Nachrichten (d). Danziger Volksblatt (d). 
Danziger Volksstimme (d). 

Olivia. Kreisblatt (2). Kreiszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Zoppot. Zeitung (d). 


Aachen. Allgemeine Zeitung (d). Anzeiger (d). Echo 
(d). Freie Presse (d). Post (d). Volksfreund (d). 
Allenstein. Gazeta (d). Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Altenburg. Landes-zeitung (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
Zeitung (d). 
Altona. Anzeiger (w). Amtsblatt der Staat Altona 

(w). Nachrichten (d). Tageblatt (d). 
Amberg. Tagblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
blatt (w). 
Angermünde. Zeitung (d). 
ARIDO: Frankische Zeitung (d). Geschaftsanzeiger 

avoids, Tageblatt (d). Tagespost (d). Volkszeitung 


t. Anzeiger (d). 

Aschaffenburg. Beobachter am Main (d). Volks- 
zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 
Aschersleben. Anzeiger (d). Tageblatt (d). 

Aue. Tageblatt (d). Volksfreund (d). 

Augsburg. Amtsblatt der Stadt Augsburg (w). 
Augsburger Postzeitung (d). Neue Augsburger 
Zeitung (d). Neueste Nachrichten (d). Schwab- 
ische Volkszeitung (d). 

Baden-Baden. Badener Tagblatt (d). Badische 
Volkszeitung (d). Morgenzeitung und Handels- 
blatt (d). 

Bamberg. Bamberger Tagblatt (d). Volksblatt (d). 
Barmen. Anzeiger (d). Stadtanzeiger (d). West- 
deutsche Neuste Nachrichten (d). Zeitung (d). 
Bautzen. Nachrichten (d). Tageblatt (d). 
Bayreuth., Bayreuther Tagblatt (d). Frankische 
Volkstribune (d). Oberfrankische Zeitung (d). 

ACOE OUT ABENA PIAR, Berliner Montagspost 
, w). 
Berliner Allgemeine »  MorgenZeitung 
Zeitung (d). (d). 
» Blatt (d). »  Morgenpost(d). 
»  Borsen Courier » DahlenerNach- 
(2 per d.). richten (w). 
»  Borsen Zeitung »  Stadtblatt (d). 
(2 per d.). » Tageblatt (d). 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Deutscher Reichsan- 
zeiger (d). 
Gebrauchsgraphik (m). 
Germania (d). 
Hackebeils Illustrierte 

Berliner Volks-Zeitung 
(2 per d.). 
»  Vorort-Zeitung 

Der Deutsche (d). 
Deutsche Allgemeine 
» Zeitung (d). 
» Tageblatt (d). 
» Tageszeitung 
(2 per d.). 
Zeitung (2 per 

| (w). ; 
ae Volkszeitung 

Rote Fahne (d). 
Tagliche Rundschau (d). 
: Vorwarts (d). 

Deutscher General An-| Vossische Zeitung (d). 
seiger (2). Welt am Montag (w). 

Bernburg. Anhalter Kurier (d). Volkswacht (d). 

Beuthen. Allgemeine Lokal Anzeiger (3). Katolik (3). 
Katolik Codzienny (d). Oberschlesische Zeitung 
(d). Ostdeutsche Morgenpost (d). 

Biebrich. Tagespost (d). 

Bielefeld. Neueste Nachrichten (d). Volkswacht (d). 

Westfalische Zeitung (d). 

Bocholt. Grenzwarte (d). Volksblatt (d). 
Bochum. Anzeiger (d). Volksblatt (d). 

zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Bonn. Deutsche Reichszeitung (d). 

Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (d). 

Bottrop. Volkszeitung (d). 
Brandenburg. Anzeiger (d). 
Braunschweiger Allge- 
meiner Anzeiger (d). 



Zeitung (d). 

Volksblatt (w). 
Der Burger (w). 

Braunschweigische Neueste Nachrichten(d). 
Landeszeitung (d). Volksfreund (d). 

Arbeiter-Zeitung (d). 
Bremer Nachrichten (d). 
»  Volkszeitung (d). 
Bremerhaven. Norddeutsche Volksstimme (d). 
Nordwestdeutsche Zeitung (d). 

Abendblatt (d). 
ae a (2 per 

Deutscher Ratgeber (w). 
Weser Zeitung (d). 

Neueste Nachrichten(d). 

Schlesische Zeitung (d). 

Gerichts-Zeitung (w). Volkswacht (d). 

Brieg. Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Buer. Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Burg. Neueste Nachrichten (d). Tageblatt (d). 

Cannstaat. Zeitung (d). 


Hessischer Kurier (d). 
Kasseler Post (d). 
Neueste Nachrichten(d). 

Castrop. Volksezitung (d). 

Celle. Zeitung (d). 

Chemnitz. Abendblatt (d). Allgemeine Zeitung (d). 
Kampfer (d). Neueste Nachrichten (d). Tage- 
blatt (d). Volksstimme (d) 

Cleve. Kreisblatt (d). 

Coblentz. General Anzeiger (d). Rheinische Warte(d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 

Coburg. Tageblatt (d). Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 


Deutsche Zukunft (w). 
Rheinische Zeitung (d).| Volkszeitung (3 per d). 
Stadtanzeiger (twice d).| Zeitung (d). 

Cothen. Cothener Tageblatt (d). Cothensche Zeitung 

Cottbus. Anzeiger (d). Lausitzer Landeszeitung (d). 
Markische Volksstimme (d). 

Crimmitschau. Anzeiger (d). Landeszeitung (d). 

Tageblatt (2 per d). 
Volksblatt (d). 

Tageblatt (twice d). 

Custrin, Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Cuxhaven. Alte Liebe (d). Zeitung (d). 

Darmstadt— HessischeLandesZeitung 

Darmstadter saa 

). Hessischer Volksfreund 
» Zeitung (d). (d) 
Datteln. Anzeiger (d). 
Delmenhorst. Kreisblatt (d). Volkswacht (d). 
Dessau. Anhalter Anzeiger (d). Anbaltische Rund- 
schau (d). Volksblatt fur Anhalt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Dinslaken. Generalanzeiger (3). 
Dortmund— Kampfer (d). 
Dortmunder Zeitung (2| Tremonia (d). 
Westfalische Allgemeine 
Volkszeitung (d). 

Zeitung (d). 

per d.). 
General Anzeiger (d). 



Dresden. Anzeiger (2 per d). Aligeri Landzeitung 
(d). Nachrichten (2 per d). Neueste Nach- 

richten (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
Dudweiler. Zeitung (d). 
Duisburg— Niederrheinsche Nach- 
Echo (d). richten (d). 

General Anzeiger (d). Rheinischer Kurier (d). 
Volksstimme (d). 

aa Neue Zeit (d). Volks-Zeitung (d). Zeitung 

Dusseldorfer Nachrich- 
ten (2 per d). 
» Tageblatt (d.) 
Eberswalde. Landbote (d). Volks-Bote. 
Eisenach, Tagespost (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung 

Eisleben. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
. 1berfeld— 

Mittag (d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 

General Anzeiger (d). 
Zeitung (d). Tageszeitung (d). 

Freie Presse (d). Taglischer Anzeiger (d). 
Elbing. Freie Presse (d). Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Emden. Emder Zeitung (d). Ostfriesische Zeitung 

(d). Rhein-Ems-Zeitung (d). 

Allgemeine Zeitung (d). Tribune (d). 
Das Rote Echo (3). | Zeitung (d). 

Erlangen. Erlanger Tagblatt (d). Neueste Nach- 
richten (d). 
Eschweiler. Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (d). 
ANE aan Zeitung Rheinische Westfalische 
(2 per d Zeitung (2 per d). 

Aareiger (d). 
Arbeiter-Zeitung (d). 
Esslingen. Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Flensburg. Avis (d). General-Anzeiger (d). Nach- 
richten (d). Schleswiger (d). 

Fors Forster Tageblatt (d). Lausitzer Volkszeitung 

Fronkenthal, Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Frankfort (Main)— 
General Anzeiger (d). 
Nachrichten (d). 

Ruhr Echo (d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 

Volksstimme (d). 
Wochenblatt (w). 

Post (d). Zeitung (3 per d). 
Stadtblatt (d). 
Frankfort (Oder)— 
Frankfurter Oder-Zei- | Frankfurter Volksfreund 
tung (d). (d). 

Anzeiger (d). 
Freiburger Zeitung (2 

per d). 
Volkswacht (d). 

Freiberg (Sachsen). 
Freiburg (Baden)— 
Breisgauer Zeitung (d). 
Freiburger Tagespost(d). 
Fulda. Zeitung (d). 
Farstenwalde. Zeitung (d). 
Further Angeiger (d). 
Further Tagblatt (d). 
Further Zeitung (d). 

Gelsenkirchen. Allgemeine Zeitung (d). 

| Or SUE ereas Zeitung 

Zeitung (d). 

Gera. Ostthuringer Tribune (d). Zeitung (d). 
Gerthe. Zeitung (d) 
Giessen. Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (2). Oberhessische 

Volkszeitung (d). 

Gladbach. Landeszeitung (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

Gladbeck. Zeitung (d). 

Volkswacht (d). 

Glauchau. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Oberchlesische Volkss- | Oberschlesische Wan- 
timme (d). derer (d,) 
Glogau. Anzeiger (d). Post (d). Zeitung (d). 

Gorlitz. Anzeiger (d). Nachrichten (d). Voiksstimme 
(d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Goslar. Goslarsche Zeitung (d). Harzer Volks- 
zeitung (d). 

Gotha. Tageblatt (d). Thuringer Landeszeitung (d). 
Volksblatt (d). Volksfreund (d). 

Gottingen. Niedersachsische Morgenpost (d). Tage- 
blatt (d). Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Greifswald. Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Willing’s Press Guide 



Greig. Neueste Nachrichten (d). Zeitung (d). 

Grunberg (Schles). Tageblatt (d . Wochenblatt (d). 

Guben. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Hagen. Hagener Zeitung (d). Freiheit (d). West- 
deutsche Volkszeitung (d). Westfalisches 
Tageblatt (d). 

Halberstadt. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Halle. Klassenkampf (d). Nachrichten (d). 
Zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Hamborn-Marxloh. General Anzeiger (d). 
zeitung (d). 


Auslands Ausgabe (w). 



Hamburger Nachrichten 

Hamburger Anzeiger(d). (2 per d). 
», Correspondent (2 » Neueste (2 per d). 
per d). Volkszeitung(d). 

» Echo (d). Mittags-Blatt (d). 
Hameln. Deister-und-Weserzeitung (d). 
Hamm. Anzeiger (d). Hammer (d). Kurier (d). 
Hanau. Anzeiger (d). Volkstimme (d). 

Hanover. Anzeiger (d). Neue Arbeiter-Zeitung (d). 
Kurier (d). Landeszeitung (d). Tageblatt (d). 
Volkswille (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

SERTE: Anzeigen (d). Tageblatt (d). Volksblatt 

Haspe. Zeitung (d). 

Heidelberg. Heidelberger Neueste Nachrichten (d). 
Heidelberger Tageblatt (d). Pfalzer Bote (d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 

Heilbronn. Abend Zeitung (d). Allgemeiner Sontags- 
Anzeiger (w). General Anzeiger (d). Neckar 
Echo (d). Neckar Zeitung (d). 

Serie: Kreisblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung 

Herne. Anzeiger (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 
Hilden. Rheinisches Volksblatt (d). Rundschau (d). 
Hildesheim. Abendblatt. Allgemeine Zeitung (d). 
Kreissblatt (3). Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Hindenburg. Volksblatt (d). 
Hirschberg. Bote (d). Gebirgszeitung (d). Volks- 
zeitung (d). 
Hof. Anzeiger (d). Nationale Volkszeitung (w). 
Oberfrankische Volkszeitung (d). 
Homburg-Bad. Neueste Nachrichten (d). 
Horde. Volksblatt (d). Volksfreund (d). 
Horst-Emscher. Anzeiger (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zei- 
tung (d). 
Ingolstadt. Tagblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Insterburg. Ostdeutsche Volkszeitung (d). Ost- 
preussisches Tageblatt (d). 
Iserlohn; Kreis-Anzeiger (d). MarkischesVolksblatt 

Itzehoe. Kurier (d). Nachrichten (d). 

Jena. Jenaische Zeitung (d). Thuringer Zeitung (d). 
Volksblatt (d). 

Kaiserslautern. Pfalzer Tagblatt (d). Pfalzische Freie 

Presse (d). Pfalzische Presse (a). Pfalzische 
Volks-Zeitung (d). 

Karlsruhe. Badischer Beobachter (d). Badische 
Presse (d). Karlsuher Tagblatt (d). Karlsruher 
Zeitung (d). Residenz Anzeiger (d). Volks- 
freund (d). 

Kempten. Tagblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Kiel. Kieler Neueste Nachrichten (d). Kieler Zei- 
tung (d). Volkszeitung (d). 

Kolberg. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Konigsberg. Allgemeine Zeitung (2 per d). Hart- 

ungsche Zeitung (2 per d). Ostpreussische 

Zeitung (d). Tageblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
Konstanz. Deutsche Poara Tee mie (d). Zeitung (d). 
Koslin. Hinterpommer (d). Kosliner Zeitung (d). 
Krefeld. General Anzeiger (d). Niederrheinische 

Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 
General Anzeiger (d). Oeffentlicher 

Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (d). 

Landsberg. General Anzeiger (d). Volksblatt (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

Landshut. Kurier fur Niederbayern (d). Landshuter 
Zeitung (d). 

Langendreer. Zeitung (d). 

Langerfeld. Anzeiger (d). 

Leipzig. Abendpost (d). 
Neueste Nachrichten (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

Arbeiter-Zeitung (d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 



Nachrichten (d). Niederschlesische 
Tageblatt (d). Voltzeitung 


Linden (Ruhr). Tageblatt (d). 

Lubeck. Anzeigen (d). General Anzeiger (d). Volks- 
bote (d). 

Luckenwalde. Volkswacht (d). Zeituny (d). 

Ludenscheid. General Anzeiger (d). Tageblatt (d). 

Ludwigsburg. Neckar Post (d). Zeitung (d). 

Ludwigshafen. General Anzeiger (d). Neue Pfäl- 
zische Landeszeitung (d). Pfalzische Post (d). 
Pfalzische Rundschau (d). 

ai ae Anzeigen (d). Tageblatt (d). Volksblatt 

Landeszeitung (d). 

Magdeburg. General Anzeiger (d). Tageszeitung (d). 

Tribune (d). Volkstimme (d). Zeitung(2 per d.). 

Maing. Anzeiger (d). Journal (d). Tageszeitung (d). 
Volkszeitung (d). 

Mannheim -— 
Arbeiterzeitung (d). , Neue Mannheimer 
Mannheimer Tageblatt: Zeitung (2 per d). 

(d). | NeuesMannheimerVolks- 
Neue Badische Landes | blatt (d). 
Zeitung (2 per d). : Volksstimme (d). 
Marburg. Hessisches Tageblatt (d). Oberhessische 
Zeitung (d). 
Marienburg. Zeitung (d). 
Meissen. Tageblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
Merseburg. Correspondent (d). Tageblatt. 
Minden. Bote (d). Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Mors. Echo (d). Grafschafter (d). 
Muhlhausen. Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (d). 
Mulheim. General Anzeiger (d). Tageblatt (d). 
Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
AllgemeineRundschau Munchener Zeitung (d). 
richten (d). 
Nene Freie Volkszeitung 

Bayerische Landbote(w) 
a anions 

Neue Zeitung (d). 
Neues Munchener Tag- 

j Zeitung (d). 
Bayerischer Kurier (d). 

Das Bayerische Vater- blatt (d). 
land (d). Telegramm Zeitung (5). 
Munchen-Augsburger Volkischer Beobachter 
Abendzeitung (d). (d). 

Munchener Post (d). 

Munster. Anzeiger (d). Tageszeitung (d). Volkswille 
(d). Westfalischermerkur (d). Zeitung (d). 

Naumburg. Tageblatt (d). 

Neisse. Kreisblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 
Neumunster. Courier (d). General Anzeiger (d). 
Neunkirchen. Saar-und-Blieszeitung (d). Volks- 

zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Neuss. Neuss-Grevenbroicher-Zeitung (d). Zeitung(d) 

Neustadt. Pfalzische Burgerzeitung (d). Pfalzischer 
Kurier (d). Stadt-und-Dorf-Anzeiger (d). 

Neuwied. Zeitu:.g (ad). 

Nordhausen. Allg>meine Zeitung (d). 
(d). Zeitung (G). 

Nurnberg. Bayerische Volkszeitung (d). Frankische 
Tagespost (d). Frankischer Kurier (d). Nord- 
bayerische Zeitung (d). Nurnberg-Further 
Morgenpresse (d). Nurnberger Burger Z2itung 
(d). Nurnberger Zeitung (a). 

Oberhausen. Generalanzeiger (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

Offenbach. Offenbacher Abendblatt (d). Offenbacher 
Zeitung (d). 

Ohligs. Anzeiger (d). 

Oldenburg. Nachrichten (d & w). Oldenburger 
Residenz Bote (w). Oldenburgische Anzeigen(d). 
Oldenburgische Landeszeitung (d & w). Olden- 
burgisches Wochenblatt (w). 

Oppeln. Nachrichten (d). Nowiny (d). Zeitung (d). 

Osnabruck. Allgemeine Zeitung (d). Freie Presse (d). 
Tageblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Osterfeld. Stadtanzeiger (d). Volkszeitung (d). 

Paderborn. Anzeiger (d). Westfalisches Vo!ksblatt(d) 

Passau. Baverisches Volksblatt (d). Donau Zeitung 
(d). Passauer Zeitung (d). 

orskeim. Anzeiger (d). Freie Presse (d). Mo-gsn- 
blatt (d) Rundschay (g). 


Ruhrwacht (d) 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Pirmasens. Zeitung (d). 

Pirna. Anzeiger (d). Volkszeitung (d). 

Plauen. Anzeiger (d). Sonntags-Anzeiger (w). Volks- 
zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

sar Tageszeitung (d). Volksblatt (d). Zeitung 


Prenslau. Kurier (d). Zeitung (d). 

Quedlinburg. Kreisblatt (d). 

Rathenow. Rathenower Zeitung (d). Westhavelland- 
ische Tageszeitung (d). 

Ratibor. OberschlesischerAnzeiger(d). Rundschau(d). 

Recklinghausen. Volksfreund (d). Volkszeitung (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

Regensburg. Neueste Nachrichten (d). Regensburger 
allgemeine Zeitung (d). Regensburger Anzeiger 
(d). Regensburger Echo (w). Regensburger Tag- 

_ blatt (d). Volkswacht (d). 

Reichenbach. Tageblatt (d). 

Remscheid. General Anzeiger (d). Volksstimme (d). 

Rendsburg. Tageblatt (d). 

Reutlingen. General Anzeiger (d). Kreis-Zeitung (d). 

Rheinhausen. Zeitung (d). 

Rheydt. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Rostock. Anzeiger (d). Mecklenburger Warte (d). 
Mecklenburgische Volkszeitung (d). 

Rustringen. Republik (d). 

Saarbrucken. Landeszeitung (d). Volkstimme (d). 
Zeitung (d). 

St. Ingbert. Anzeiger (d). Zeitung (d). 

Schleswig. Nachrichten (d). 

Schneidemuhl. Gesellige (d). Grenzwacht (d). 

Schonebeck. Tageszeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Schweinfurt. Tageblatt (d). Volks*latt (d). 

Schweidnitz. Zeitung (d). 

Schwerin. Das Freie Wort (d). Mecklenburger 

Nachrichten (d). Mecklenburgische Zeitung (d). 

Siegburg. Zeitung (d). 

Siegen. Volksblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). Zeitung(d). 

Sodingen. Zeitung (d). 

Solingen. Bergische Arbeiterstimme (d). Tageblatt 
(d). Volksblatt (d). 

Speyer. Hausfreund (w). Pfalzer Zeitung (d). Rhein- 
isches Volksblatt (d).  Speierer Zeitung (d). 

S . Neues Pommersches Tageblatt (d). 

Saatziger Kreisblatt (2). Stargarder Zeitung (d). 

Volkszeitung (d). 

Stassfurt. Mitteldeutsche Presse. (d). Zeitung (d). 

Stendal. A!tmarker (d). Altmarkische Tageszeitung 

Sterkrade. Volkszeitung. 

Stettin. General-Anzeiger (d). Ostsee Zeitung (d). 
Pommersche Tagespost (d). Stettiner Abendpost 
(d). Volksbote (d). 

Stolp. Kreisblatt (w). Morgen-Zeitung (d). Post (d). 
Zeitung fur Ostpommern (d). 

Stralsund. Franzburger Anzeiger (d). Stralsunder 
Anzeiger (d). Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Straubing. Tageblatt (d). 

Stuttgart. Beobachter (w). Neues Tagblatt (twice d). 
Schwabischer Merkur (d). Schwabische Tages- 
zeitung (d). Schwabischer Tagwacht (d). Sud- 
deutsche Arbeiterzeitung (d). Suddeutsche 
Zeitung (d). 

Tilsit. Allgemeine Zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Trier. Trierer-Zeitung (d). Trierische Landeszeitung 
(d). Trierischer Volksfreund (d). Volkswacht 
(d). | 

Ulm. Donau-Wacht (d). Tagblatt (d). Volksbote (d). 

Velbert. Morgenzeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Wald. Bergische Zeitung (d). 

Waldenburg. Neues Tageblatt (d). Schlesische Berg- 
wacht (d). Volksblatt (d). 

Wandsbek. Bote (d). | 

Wanne. Herold (d). Zeitung (d). 

Wattenscheid. Morgenzeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 

Weimar. AllgemeineLandeszeitung(d). Amtsblatt (2). 

Weissenfels. Tageblatt (d). 

Werdau. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Wernigerode. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Wesel. General Anzeiger (d). Niederrheinische 
Neueste Nachrichten (d). Zeitung (d). 

Wiesbaden. Tageblatt (d). Volksstimme (d). Volks- 
zeitung (d). Zeitung (d). 



Wilhelmshaven. Tageblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 

Witten. Tageblatt (d). Volkszeitung (d). 

Wittenberg (Halle). Tageblatt (d,. Zeitung (d). 

Wittenberge. Der Prignitzer (d). General Anzeiger 
(d). Volks Zeitung (d). 

Worms. Volkswacht (d). Wormser Nachrichten 
(2 per d). Wormser Volkszeitung (2 per d). 
Wormser Zeitung (d). 

Wurzburg. Frankischer Volksfreund (d). Frankisches 
Volksblatt (d). Neue Bayerische Landeszeitung 
(d). Wurzburger General Anzeiger (d). 

Zeite. Neueste Nachrichten (d). Volksbote (d). 

Zertst. Extrapost (d). Zeitung (d). 

Zittau. Morgenzeitung (d). Nachrichten (d). 

Zweibrucken. Merkur (d). 

Zwickau. Neueste Nachrichten (d). 
Volksblatt (d). Zeitung (d). 


Tageblatt (d). 

Acropolis. Hesperini. 
Economicos Tachydro-| Hesperinos Tachydro- 
mos (w). mas, 

Imerisios Typos. 

Economologus Athinon 

Eleftheron Vima. 

Embros., Messager d’ Athénes 
Ephemeris  Chrimatis- (French). 
tiriou (w). Nea Hestia (w). 
Erga (w). Patris. 
Ergasia (w). Peitharchia (w). 
Ethnos. Ploutos (w). 
Hellenica Grammata | Proia. 
(w). Skrip. 
Helleniki. Vradyni. 
Patras. Neologos. Tilegraphos. 
Piraeus. Simaia. Sphaira. 
£alonica. Indépendent (French) Makedonika Nea. 

Nea Alitheias-Phos. 
Volo. Thessalia (3). 


Godthaab. Atvagogolliutit. 


New Guatemala. Diario de Centro-America. 
de Guatemala. El Tiempo. Excelsior. 
malteco Imparcial. Nuestro Diario. 


Hilo. Tribune-Herald. 

Honolulu. Advertiser (d & w). 

Wailuku. Maui News. 


Alkmaar. Alkmaarsche Courant (d). Noord-Hol- 
landsch Dagblad (d). 
Almelo. Twentsch Zondagsblad (Tri-Weekly). 
Amersfoort. Amersfoortsch Dagblad (d). 
Algemeen Handels- Prins (w ill). 
Radio Bode (w). 

blad (d). 

Astra (mag. m.). Revue der Sporten (w 

Stad (w ill). 

Buiten (w. ill.). 
De Amstelbode (d). 

Tijdschrift voor Zeiken- 
verpleging (bi-m). 

De Amsterdammer (d) 
Zuid-Afrika (m). 

De Courant-Het 
(d). Tropisch Nederland 



Hochi (d & w). 

Nieuws. van de Dag 

De Groene Amster- (fortnightly). 
dammer (w). Centraalblad voor Isra- 
De Standaard (d). elieten (w). 

De Telegraaf (d). Dameskroniek (w). 

De Tijd (d). Dagelijksche Beurs- 
Het Leven (w ill). courant (De Nederl. 
Het Volk (d). Financier) (d). 
Indische Gids(m). Amsterd. Effectenblad 
Indische Mercuur (w). (d) 

Financ. Weekblad v.d. 
Fondsen handel (bi- 

Maandblad voor Beel- 
dende Kunsten (m). 
Nieuw Israelietisch weekly). 
Weekblad (w). De Kroniek (bi- 
Oud Holland (Alt. M.). j monthly) 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Apeldoorn. Nieuwe Apeldoornsche Courant (d). 

Arnhem. Arnhemsche Courant (d). Nieuwe Arn- 
hemsche Courant (d). Dagblad van Arnhem (d). 
. Pr. Drentsche en Asser Courant (d). 

Breda. Dagblad van Noord-Brabant (d). Bredasche 
Courant (d). 

Delft. Delftsche Courant (d). 

Deventer. Deventer Dagblad (d). 

Dordrecht. Dordrechtsche Courant (d). Nieuwe 

Dordtsche Courant (d). Dordrechtsch Niuwsblad 
(d), Dordtsch Dagblad (d). 
Eindhoven. Eindhovensch Dagblad (d). 
hovensche en Meierysche Courant (d). 
Emmen. Emmer Courant (bi-weekly). 
Enschede. Twentsch Dagblad Tubantia en Ensche- 
desche Courant (d). 
Gouda. Dagblad van Gouda (d), Goudsche Courant 


Goes. Goesche Courant (tri- weekly). De Zeeuw (d). 
Nieuwe Zeeuwsche Courant (tri-weekly). 

’s Gravenhage (The Hague). Avondpost (d). Gazette 
de Hollande (w). Haagsche Courant (d). Nieuwe 
Haagsche Courant (d). Haagsche Post (w). 
De Nederlander (d). De Nieuwe Courant (d). 
De Residentiebode (d). Scheveningsche Courant 
(w). Het Vaderland (d). Haagsch Maandblad 
(m), ’s Gravenhage in Beeld (w ill.). Nieuwe 
Financier & Kapitalist (tri-weekly). Humfeld’s 
Financier (bi-weekly). Panorama (w. ill.). 

Groningen. Provinciale Groninger Courant (d). 
Nieuwe Provinciale Groninger Courant (d). 
Groninger Dagblad (d). Nieuwsblad van het 
Noorden (d). Ons Noorden (d). De Financier 


Haarlem. Nieuwe 
Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant (d). 
Dagblad (d). Sport in Beeld (w ill.). 

Heerlen. Limburgsch Dagblad (d). 

Helder. Heldersche Courant (tri-weekly). 

Helmond. De Zuid-Willemsvaart (d). 

’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois le Duc). Het Huisgezin (d). 
Provinciale Noord-Brabantsche en ’s-Hertogen- 
bossche Courant (d). De Volkskrant (d). 

Hilversum. Gooi en Eemlander (d). 

Koog a/d Zaan. De Zaanlander (4). 

Leeuwarden. Leeuwarder Courant (d). 
Nieuwsblad (d). 

Leiden. Leidsche Courant (d). Leidsch Dagblad (d). 
Nieuwe Leidsche Courant (d). Cinema & Theater 
(ill. w.). De Gracieuse (bi-monthly). 

Maastricht. Limburger Koerier (d). 

Middelburg. Middelburgsche Courant (dY. 

Nijmegen. Prov. Geld. en Nijmeegsche Courant (d). 
De Gelderlander (d). 

Rotterdam. Dagblad van Rotterdam (d). Maasbode 
(d). Het Nieuwe Dagblad (d). Nieuwe Rotter- 
damsche Courant (d). Rotterdammer (d). 
Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad (d). Scheepvaart (d). 


Haarlemsche Courant (d). 


Voorwaarts (d). Wereldkroniek (ill. w). Groot 
Rotterdam (ill. w). 
Schiedam. Schiedamsche Courant (d). Nieuwe 

Schiedamsche Courant (d). 
Sittard. De Limburger (d). 
Tilburg. Tilburgsche Coat (d). Nieuwsblad van 
het Zuiden (d). Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant 


Utrecht. Het Centrum (d). Favoriet (mag. m.). 
Utrechtsche Courant (d). Utrechtsch Nieuws- 
blad (d). Utrechtsch Provinciaal. en Stedelijk 
Dagblad (d). Stuiversblad (ill. w). Het Nieuws 
(bi-weekly). De Ingenieur (w.) Nieuwe Mode- 
blad (bi-monthly). 

Zutphen. De Zutphensche Courant (d). 

Zwolle. Overijselsch Dagblad (d). Provinciale 
Overijselsche en Zwolsche Courant (d). 


Az Est. 8 Orai Ujság. 
Budapesti Hirlap. Pesti Hirlap. 
Esti Kurir. Pesti Naplò. 
Magyar Hirlap. Pester Lloyd. 
Magyarország. Uj Nemzedék. 
Magyarság. Ujság. 
Nemzeti Ujság. A Reggel (w). 
Népszava. Hétföi Naplo (w). 



Magyar Külpolitika Tolnai Világlapja (w). 
(w). Uj Idök (w). 

A Hét (w). Magyar Szemle (m): 

Képes Kronika (w). Természettudományi 

Revue de Hongrie (w). Közlöny (m). 

Baja. Bajai Ujság. Független Magyarság. 
Békéscsaba Békésmegyei közlöny. Körösvidék. 


Debreczen. Debreczeni Hirlap(w). 
Debreczeni Független Hajduföo!ld. 
Ujság. Tiszántuli Hirlap. 

Eger. Egri Népujság. 

Györ. Dunántuli Hirlap. Györi Hirlap. 

Kaposvár. Somogyi Ujság. Ui-Somogy. 

Kecskemét. Keceeniét és Vidéke (w). Kecskeméti 
Közlöny. Kecskeméti Lapok. 

Makó. Makói Friss Ujság. Marosvidék. 

Miskole— Magyar Jövö. 
Felvidéki Napló. Reggeli Hirlap. 

Nyiregyhaza. Nyirvidék. Tiszvidék. 

Pecs. Dunántul. Iparosok Lapja (w). Pécsi Napló. 

Sopron.  Oedenburger Zeitung. Soproni Hirlap. 


Szeged— Szegedi Napló. 
Délmagyarország. | Szeged Uj Nemzedék 
Szegedi Friss Ujsag. Az Ipar (w). 

Szombathely. Dunantuli Estilap. Nyugatmag- 
yarorszag (w). Vasvarmegye. 

Ujpest. Ujpesti Napló (w). Uj Századok (2). 
Vespzprem. Vesz prémi Hirlap. Veszprémvármegye 


Reykjavik. Morganbladid. 


Hanol. Avenir du Tonkin (2). Indépendance (2) 
Haiphong. Courrier (3). 
Advertiser (w). 
Courrier de Saigon (2). 
Journal Officiel (2). 


Alessandria. Lega Liberale. 
Ancona. Ordine. 
Areszo. Provincia. 
Bergamo. Eco di Bergamo. 
Biella. Il Biellese. 
Avvenire d’Italia. 
Brindisi. Indipendente (w). 
Cagliari. Unione Sarda. 
Catania. La Sicilia. 
Como. Ordine. Provincia. 
Cuneo. Sentinella delle Alpi. 
Ferrara. Gazzetta. 
Florence. Diana (m). Nazione. Nuovo Giornale. 
Scena Illustrata (2 p.m.). Unita Cattolica. 
Genoa. Caffaro. Cittadino. Corriere Mercantile. 
Giornale di Genova. Il Piccolo. Il Successo 
(w). La Liguria del Popolo. Secolo XIX. 
Leghorn. Telegrafo. 
Messina. Gazzetta di Messina. 
Cooperazione Italiana. 
Corriere deli Piccoli (w). 
Corriere della Sera. 
Domenica delCorriere(w) 
Guerin Meschino(humor) 

Progrés Commercial de 
Saigon (w). 
Revue Saigonnaise (w). 

Resto del Carlino. 

Moda Illustrata (w). 
MonitoreTecnico(3 & m) 
Motori,Ccili &Sports(w). 
Novita (m). 

Pensiero Medico (w). 
Politecnico (m). 
Rivista D'Italia (m). 
Revue de l'’Elegance . 
Romanzo Mensile (m). 

Il Popolo d’Italia. 
Illustrazione Italiana(w) 

L’Economica Nazion-| Secolo XX. 

ale. Settimana Illustrata(w). 
La Lettura (m). Sole. 
La Sera. Teatro Illustrato (bi-m). 
Lidel (m). Travaso Delle Idee. 

Varietas (m). 

Margherita (bi-m). 
Villaggio (bi-w). 

Mercato Russo (m). 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Modena. Gazzeta dell’ Emilia. 

Naples. Don Marzio. Il Giorno. I! Mezzogiorno. 
Liberta. Mattino. Roma Corriere di Napoli, 

Padua. Provincia. Veneto. 

Palermo. Giornale di Sicilia. Ora. 

Parma. Gazzetta. 

Pavia. Ticino. 

Perugia. Unione Liberale. 

Piacenza. Libertà. 

Pisa. Giornale. Provincia. 

Reggio. La Provincia di Reggio. 

Rome— l 
Corriere d’Italia. Messaggero. 
Gazzetta Ufficiale. Popolo Romano. 

Giornale d’Italia. Tribuna Illustrata (w). 

Gran Mondo (bi-m). Tribuna. 
Vatican City. 

Acta Apostolicae Sedis 
(formerly Osservatore 

San Remo. Pensiero. 
Savona. Cittadino. Il Etimbro. 

Siena. Gazzetta. 

Trieste. Il Piccolo. L’Osservatore Triestino. 

Turin. Gazzetta del Popolo. Momento. pare 
(w). Popolo. Stampa. Stampa Sportiva (w). 

Udine. Patria del Friuli. 

Varese. Cronaca Prealpina. 

Venice. Gazettino. 

Verona. Adige. Arena. 


Nagasaki. Press. 
Kobe. Japan Chronicle. 
Osaka. Asahi Shimbun. 
Hochi Shimbun. 
lidosha (The Motor (m). 

Herald. Mail (m). 

Mainichi Shimbun. 
Railway Times (m). 
Shufo-no-Tomo (w). 
Times and Mail(d & w). 
Tokyo Asahi Shimbun. 

Jiji Shimpo. Tokyo Kaikoku Nippo. 
Kokumin Maiyo Shim-| Trans Pacific (m). 
bun. Unyu Nippo. 

Yomiuri Shimbun. 
Yorodzu Choho. 

Miyako Shimbun. 
Nichi-Nichi Shimbun. 

Boyeki-Shimpo. Japan Magazine (m). 
Daily Mail. Times. 
Gazette. Weekly Mail. 

Japan Advertiser. 


Batavia. Nieuws van den Dag voor Ned. Indie (d). 
Java Bode (d). Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad ia. 
De Courant (d). Sin Po (Malay-Edition) (d). 
Bintang Timoer (Malay and Dutch) (d). 
D’Orient (ill. w). Sport in Beeld en Actueel 
Wereldnieuws (ill. w). 

Bandoeng. Algemeen Indisch Dagblad ‘‘ De Pre- 
angerbode ” (d). 

Cheribon. Cheribonsche Courant (d). 

Djocja. Mataram (d). 

Semarang. De Locomotief (d). 
blad voor Ned. Indie (d). Djawa-Tengah 
(Malay) (d). Motortijd (m). 

Soerabaia. Soerabaiasch Hardelsblad (d). De 
Indische Courant (d). De Indische Post (ill. 
w). Het Sportblad (w). 


Algemeen Handels- 

Belgrade — 
TIlustrovni List (w). Privredni Pregled (w). 
Politika, Sluzbene Novine. 
Pravda. Trgovinski Glasnik 

Ljubljana. Slovenec. Slovenski Narod. 
Sarajevo. Jugoslovenski List. Vecernia Posta. 
Split. Novo Doba. 

gramer Tageblatt. | 
Jugoslovenski Lloyd. ,; 



Foreign] Willing’s 


Libau. Kurzemes Vards. Libausche Zeitung. 

Aizsargs (m). Latvis. 
Atputa (w) Pédejais Bridis. 
Briva Zeme. Rigasche Rundschau. 
Ekonomists (f). Sevodnia. 
Jaunakas Zinas. Social demokrats. 
Kopdarbiba (w). Svari (w). 

Valdtbas Véstresis. 
Zeltene (w). 


Kaunas (Kovno). Lietuvos Aidas. 
Rytas. Echo (in Russian), Dzien Kowienski 
(in Polish), Idise Stimme (in Yiddish). Litau- 
ische Rundschau (in German). 

Tautininku Balsas (w). Musu Rytojus (w). 
Darbininkas (w). Lietuvos Ukininkas (w). 
Socialdemokratas (w). Ukininko Balsas (w). 
Vienybé (w). 

Latvia Economist (f). 
Latvijas Karreivis. 

Lietuvos Zinios. 

Tautos Kelias (f). Naujas Zodis (f). Pavasaris 
(f). Jaunimas (f). Talka (f). 

Klaipeda (Memel). Lietuvos Keleivis. Memeler 

Dampfboot. Memellandische Rundschau. 

Lietuwiszka Ceitunga (3). 
Vilna. Vilniaus Rytojus. 


Indépendance Luxem- Zeitung. 
bourgeoise. Wort. 
Volkszeitung (2). 


Echo (w). 


Funchal. Diario de Noticias. Diario da Madeira. 
Sport do Funchal. 


Baghdad. Times. 
Basrah. Times of Mesopotamia (w). 
Mesopotamia Weekly Mail Edition. 



Times of 

Guadalajara. Cronica (w). Pais (w). Sol. 
Leon. Chisme. Pueblo. Sucesos. 
Mexico. Boletin Judicial. Boletin Financiero. 

Democrata. Diario Oficial. Eco de los Valles. 
El Economista (f). El Sembrador. Excelsior. 
Hogar. Industria y Comercio (f). Industria y 
Trabajo (m). Jueves de Excelsior (w). Monitor 
Comercial. Omega (f). Revista de Revistas 
(w). Universal. 

Monterrey. Noticiero. Nueva Patria (w). Porvenir. 
San Luis Potosi. Accion. Boletin Oficial. 

Vera Cruz. Eco de los Valles. Opinion. Pensa. Voz 
de Liebano. 


Le Monte Carlo. 


Tangier. Al Moghrel-Al-Aksa (w). 
Eco Mauritano (2). Marco (w). 



Cronica (2). 

Mozambique. Boletin Official (w). Gazette, O 
Quilimane. O Africano (w). 

Press Guide 



Noumea. France Australe. 
St. Louis. Afrique Occidentale (3). 
France (w). 


Echo de la 

Bluefields. Informacion. 

Granada. Correo. 

Leon. Centro americano. Eco Nacional. Indepen- 

Managua. Comercio. Diario Moderna. Diario 
Nicaragüense. Noticia. Prensa. Tribuna. 


Aalesund. Sunmörposten. 

Arendal. Agderposten. Vestlandske Tidende. 
Bergen. Bergens Aftenblad. Bergens Tidende. 
Brevik. Breviksposten. 

Drammen. Drammens Blad. Drammens Tidende. 
Frederiksstad. Ostfold Dagblad. 

Grimstad. Grimstad Adressetidende., 
Hammerfest. Nordkap (2). 

Halden. Halden. 

Haugesund. Haugesunds Dagblad. 
Holmestrand. Holmestrandsposten. 

Horten. Gjengangeren (4). 

Kragerö. Vestmar (3). 

Kristianssand. Christianssands Tidende. 
Larvik. Jarlsberg og Larviks Amtstidende. 
Levanger. Nordre Trondhjems Amtstidende. 
Mandal. Samleren (2). 

Moss. Moss Tilskuer. Moss Avis. 
Oslo. Aftenposten. Dagbladet. Morgenbladet. 
Tidens Tegn. Nationen. Morgenposten. Far- 

mand. Norges Handelsog Sjöfartstidende. 
Risör. Folketanken (3). 
Sandefjord. Sandefjord Blad. 
Stavanger. Stavanger Aftenblad. 
Tromsö. Tromsö Stiftstidende. 
Ténsberg. Tönsbergs Blad. 
Trondhjem. Adresseavisen. Ny Tid. Dagsposten. 
Vardö. Vardö Tidende., 


Jerusalem. Al Jarnia-al-Arabiryah (3). Commercial 
Bulletins (m). Constrution and Industry (alt. 
m). Doar Hayam. Hattor (w). Lines of Com- 
munication (m). Miraat-al-Sharq (w). Official 
Gazette (f). Palestine Bulletin. Palestine 

Bethlehem. Sowt-al-Shaab (3). 

Gaza. Sowt-al-Hag (3). 

Haifa. Carmel (2). Yarmuk (2). 

Jaffa. Al Akhbar (3). Filistin (3). 

Tel Aviv. Haaretz. Davar. Hedim (f). 
and Near East (f). 


Barranquilla. Acontecimento (w). 

Cartagena. Corrio de Bolivar (w). 

Colon. Starlet (3). Telegram (3). 

Panama. Central American Express (w). Diario de 
Panama. Ecos de Valle. Independent (w) 
Mundo. Panama American. Star and Herald. 
Tempo. Times (w). 


Promotor (w). 
Porvenir (d). 


Asuncion. Cronica. El Diario. El Liberal. El 
Orden. El Progreso. La Nacion. La Tribuna. 
Mundo Paraguayo. Patria. 

Villa Concepcion. Municipio. 


Teheran. Eghbdam. Etelaat. 
Shafagh Sorkh. Toofan. 

Iran. Kooshesh. 


Foreign] | 


Callao. Callao. Reaccion. 

Huaraz. Corrio de Ancahs (w). Eco de Huaraz (w). 
Federacion (w). Juventud de Ancahs (w). 

Lima. Comercio. Cronica. Mundial. Prensa. 

Tempo. Variedades. West Coast Leader (w). 


Warszawa (Warsaw)— 
Kurjer Warszawski. 

Gazeta Warszawska. 
Gazeta Polska. 

Polish Economist (m). 
Przeglad Gospodarczy 
Przeglad Sportowy 

(w). l 
Przeglad Techniczny 

ABC. (w). 
Kurjer Czerwony. Swiat (w). 

Kurjer Poranny. 
Polska Gospodarcza (w). 
(w). ` Gazeta Rolnicza (w). 
Katowice Polonia. Kurjer Slazki Goniec Slazki. 
Oberschlesische Kurier. Gosc Niedzielny (w). 

Krakow (Cracow). Ilustrowany Kurjer Codzienny. 

Tygodnik Ilustrowany 

Czas. Naprzód. Swiatowid (w). Przeglad 
Kupiecki (w). 
Lodz. Echo. Kurjer Lódzki. Republika. Express 

Wieczorny. Glos Kupiectwa (f). 
Lwow (Lemberg)— 
Dziennik Lwowski. 
Gazeta Codzienna. 
Gazeta Lwowska. 
Glos Polski. 
Sowo Polskie. 
Gazeta Poranna. 

Poznan (Posen)— 

Lwowski Kurjer Por- 
Straz Polska (m). 
Handel- Przemysl-Re- 
kodzielo (w). 
Przeglad Lwowski (w). 

Swiat Kupiecki (w). 

Dziennik Poznanski. Poradnik Gospodarski 
Kurjer Poznanski. (w). 
Zycie Gospodarcze(2). ** Tecza ” (w). 

Wilno. Dziennik Wilenski. Express Wilenski. 
Kurjer Wilenski. Slowo. 


Coimbra. Gazeta de Coimbra. A. Noticia. 
Lisbon— Diario de Noticias. 

A Capital. Diario do Governo. 

A Ilustração, Cortiças| Journal do Commercio 

de Portugal. dar Colonias. 

A vos do Lavardor Journal dos Cegros. 

A voz do Operario. Nacao Portugueza. 

Comercio e Ultramer. | O Mundo. 

Diario de Lisboa. O Seculo. 

Oporto. O Commercio do Porto. Jornal de Noticias. 
O Primeiro de Janeiro. A Montanha. Gazeta 
das Aldeias. O Lavrador. 


Lourenco Marques. Guardian (3). Revista de 
Comercio e Industria. 
Saint-Denis. Journal Officiel (2). Sport. 


Bucharest. Adeverul. Dimineata Epoca. Indé- 
pendance, Roumaine. La Roumanie. Tagblatt. 
Universul. Lupta. Curentul. Neamul Român- 
esc. Cuvântul. Vütorul-Omul Liber. Rampa. 

Cluj. Patria. 

Crajowa. Gazeta (w). 

Galats. Galatii. 

Willing’s Press Guide [Publications 





Komsomolskaya Pravda. 

Rabochaya Gazeta. 

Rabochaya Moskva. 

Vechernaya Moskva. 



Ekonomicheskaya Zhizn. 

Za industrializaciu (formerly Torgovo-Promishie- 
naya Gazeta). 

Socialisticheskoe Zemledelie 
Hozyaistvennaya Gazeta). 

Kooperativnaya Zhizn. 

Krestianskaya Gazeta (3). 

Kooperativnaya Derevnia (3). 

Puti industrializacii (w). 

Moskauer Rundschau (in German) (w), 

Vneshniaya torgovlia (f). 

Bolshevik (m). 

Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn (m). 

Mirovaya politika i mirovoe khoziaistvo. 

Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie (m). 

Planovoe Hoziaistvo (m). 

Hlopkovoe delo (m). 

Vestnik finansov (m). 

Selsko-hoziaistvennaya kooperacia (m). 

Puti himizacii (m). 

Socialisticheskoe hoziaistvo (q). 


Leningradskaya pravda, 

Krasnaya gazeta. 

Krestianskaya pravda, 

Novaya derevnia (w). 

(formerly Selsko- 


San Miguel. Diario de Oriente. La Nacion. 

San Salvador. Dia. Diario del Salvador (d). Diario 
Oficial (d). Diario Latino. Nacion. Prensa. 
ta Ana. Diario de Occidente. 


Louis. Afrique Occidentale (3). 

St. Moniteur 
Officiel (w). 


Bangkok. Bangkok Daily Mail (English). Bangkok 
Karn Muang. Bangkok Times (English). 
Krung Thep Daily Mail. Nangone Pim Thai. 
Siam Observer. Sri Krung. Thai Num. 


Algeciras. El Noticiero. 
Alicante. El Correo. El Dia. Diario de Alicante, 
Eco de Comercio. El Tempo. ' 
Almeria. Crónica Meridional. 
Badajoz. Nuevo. Diario. 
Barcelona. Barcelona. Mercantil, 
Hispano-Americano. Liberal. 

El Productor 
Diluvio. Las 

Noticias. Noticiero Universal. Publicidad. 
Bilbao. Liberal. Noticiero Bilbaino. 

Cadig. Diario de Cadiz. 

Cartagena. El Eco de Cartagena. 

Ciudad Real. El Pueblo Manchego. Vida Manchega. 
Cordoba. Defensor. Diario de Cordoba. 

Coruna. Noroeste. La Voz de Galicia. 

Gerona. Diario. 

Granada. El Defensor. 
Guadalajara. La Orientación, 
Huelva. Diario. Provincia. 
Jerez. Guadalete. Diario de Jerez. 



Madrid. Blanco y Negro. Diario Universal. Eco 
Artistico. El Heraldo de Madrid. El Mundo. 
La Patria. Epoca. A.B.C. Espana Moderna. 
Ilustraci6n Universal. Imparcial. Liberal. 
Mundo Grafico. Nacional. Nuevo Mundo. 
Malaga. Cronista. Diario. Union Mercantil. 
Murcia. Liberal. Verdad. 
Palma. Almudaina. La Ultima Hora. 
Pampilona. Diario de Navarra. 
avarro. Tradicion Navarra. 
St. Sebastian. Voz de Guipuzcoa. 
Santander. Cantabrico. La Region. 
Segovia. Adelantado. 
Correo de Andalucia. Noticiero. Liberal. 
Taragona. Diario. 
Valencia. Correspondencia. Mercantil. Provincias. 
Valladolid. Norte de Castilla. 
Zamora. Correo. 
Zaragoza. Diario de Avisos. 


Tonga Islands. Haipai. Tua Mua Lclei (2). 


Heraldo de Aragon. 


Koeta Radja. Nieuwsblad voor het Gouvernement 
Atieh en Onderhoorigheden (bi-weekly). 

Medan. Sumatra Post (d). Deli Courant (d). 

Padang. Sumatra Bode (d). 

Palembang. Nieuwsblad voor de Residentiën Palem- 
bang, Djambi en Banka (bi-weekly). 


Arboga. Arboga Tidning (2). 

Boden. Norrländska Socialdemokraten (d). 

Borås. Borås Tidning (d). 

Eksjö. Eksjö-Tidningen (3). Smålands-Tidningen 

Engelholm. Asbo Häraders Tidning (d). 

bolms Tidning a R (d). 
Enköping. Enköpings-Posten (3). 
Eskilstuna. Eskilstuna-Kuriren (d). Folket (d). 

Sörmlandsposten (d). ; 
Eslét, Skåningen Esléfs Tidning (d). Hérlig Dagblad, 
Falkenberg. Falkenbergs-Tidning (3). Hallands 
Nyheter (3). Hallands Tidning. , 
Falkoping. Falköpings-Tidning (2). Nya Tidabolms 
Tidningen (2). , 
Falun. Dala-Demokraten (3). Falu-Kuriren (3). 
Tidning för Falu Län och Stad (d). 
Gefle. Arbetarebladet (d). Gefle Dagblad (d). Gefle 

Posten (d). Lantmännens Tidning (3). Norr- 
landsposten (d). 

Göteborgs Tidningen 
(d & w). 

Hvar 8 Dag (Illustrated 
Magazine) (w). 

Ny Tid (d & w). 

Seglarbladet (Yachting) 

Hallands Folkblad (d). 

Göteborgs Dagblad (d). 

Göteborgs Handels-och. 
Sjöfarts Tidning (d). 

Göteborgs Morgonpost 

Göteborgs-Posten (d). 

Halmstad. Halland (d). 
Hallands-Posten (d). 

Helsingborg. Allers Familje Journal (w). Helsing- 
borgs Dagblad (d & w). Helsingborgs- Posten. 
Skåne-Hallāand (d). Oresunds-Posten (d). 
Skånska Social-Demokraten (d). 

Herndsand. Hernösands Posten (d). Västernorrlands 
Allehanda (d). 

Höganås. Höganäs Tidning (d). _ 
Jönköping. Jönköpings Läns Tidning (d). Jönkö- 
pings Posten (d). Smålands Allehanda (d). 

Smalands Folkblad (d). 
Kalmar. Kalmar Läns-Tidning (d). 
gen Barometern (d). 
Karlshamn. Karlshamn (d). Karlshamns Allehanda 


karoa: Blekinge Folkblad (d). Blekinge Läns 
Tidning (d). Karlskrona-Tidningen (d). 
Sydöstra Sveriges Dagblad (d). 

Karlstad. Karlstads-Tidningen (3). Nya Wermlands- 
Tidningen (d). 


Willing’s Press Guide 


i . Nyaste Kristianstadbladet (d). 
Skanska Posten (d). 

Kristinehamn. Värmlandsposten (3). 
tinchamnsposten (3). 

Laholm. Sydhalland (d). 

Landskrona. Korrespondenten (d). 
Posten (d). 2 

Linköping. Ostgöta Correspondenten (d). Ostgöten, 
Ostergotlands Aftonblad (d). 

Lulea. Norrbottens-Kuriren (d). Norrbottens-Tid- 
ningen (d). Norrskensflamman (d). 

Lund. Lunds Dagblad (d). Folkets Tidning. 

Malmö. Arbetet (d). Hemmets Journal. Skånska 
Aftonbladet (d). Skånska Dagbladet (d). 
Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten (d & w). 

Motala. Motala Posten (3). Västra Ostergötland (3). 

Norrköping. Norrköpings Tidningar (d). Oster- 
T Dagblad (d). Ostergötlands Folkblad 



Nya Kris- 


Nyköping. Södermanlands Läns Tidning (d). Söder- 
manlands Nyheter (d). 

Orebro. Hemmet (w). 
Nerikes Tidningen (d). 
Orebro- Kuriren (d). 

Nerikes Allehanda (d). 
Orebro Dagblad (d). 

Oskarshamn. Oskarshamns Nyheter (3). Oskar- 
shamn-Tidningen (3). 
Ostersund. Härjedalens Tidning (3). Jämtlands- 

Kuriren (3). Jämtlands-Posten (d). Jämtlands 
Tidning (d). Ostersunds Posten (d). 

Sala. Sala Allebanda (3). Sala-Posten (3). 

8kGfde. Skaraborgs Läns Annonsblad (2). 
Korrespondenten (3). 

SSderhamn. Helsingen (3). Sdderhamns-Kuriren 
(3). Söderhamns Tidning (d). 
Affarsvarlden (Com- 
mercial) (w). 
Aftonbladet (d & w). 
Allt for Alla (w). 
Bonniers Veckotidning 



Skogen (Forestry) (m). 
Social-Demokraten (d). 
Söndagsnisse Strix (w). 
(Humorous) (w). 
Stockholms Dagblad 
d & w). 

Dagens Nyheter (d & w) ( 

Film-Journalen (w). 
Folkets Dagblad Politi- 

ken (d). Rel Damtidnin 
. ne 8 
pane S (Ladies’ Journal) (w). 

Hemmets Journal (w). Svensk Export (f). : 
Husmodern (Ladies’ Svensk Flagg (Ship- 
Magazine) (w). ping) (w). 
Idun (Illus. Ladies’ Svensk Motortidning(2). 
Journal) (w). Svensk Travarutidning 
Idrottsbladet (Sporting) (Timber) (2). 
(2); Svenska Dagbladet (d & 
Industria (f). 

Kasper (Humorous) (w.)| Svenska Morgonbladet 
Kooperatéren (m). (d & w). 

TRPE (w). eaten Swedish Export. (m). 
{otorjournalen (m). on 
Nya Dagligt Allehanda Tidsfördriv (w). 
d & w). Våra Nöjen (w). 
Post-och Inrikes Tid-| Veckojournalen 
ningar (d). Magazine) (w). 
Sundsvall. Medelpads Dagblad (d). Nya Samhället 

(d). Sundsvalls Tidning (d). Sundsvalls- Posten 


Trelleborg. Trelleborgs Allehanda (3). Trelleborgs- 
Tidningen (3). 
Uddevalla. Bohus-Posten (4). Bohuslänningen (4). 

Kuriren (2) 

Umeå. Umebladet (d). Västerbottens Folkblad 
(3). Västerbottens-Kuriren (d). 

Upsala. Från Skog och Sjö (Shooting and Fishing) 
(m). Upsala (d). Upsala Nya Tidning (d). 

Vadstena. Wadstena Läns Tidning (3). 

Vänersborg. Elfsborgs Läns Annonsblad (2) 
Västgöta-Dals Tidning (2). 

Varberg. Norra Hallands Tidning Vestkusten (3). 
Varbergsposten (3). 



Västerås. Vasmaniands Folkblad (d). Västmanlands. 
Läns Tidning (d). Westmanlands Allehanda (d). 

Vexiö. Nya Växjöbladet (4). Smålandsposten (4) 
Smalandspostens Veckoblad (2). 

Visby. Gotlands Allehanda (d). Gotlänningen (4). 

Ystad. Ystads Allehanda (5). Aurora (d). 


AargauerVolksfreund (3) 

Aargauer Nachrichten. | 
Aargauer Tagblatt. 

Affoltern. Anzeiger (3). 

Aigle. Feuille d’Avis (3). Messager des Alpes (2) 
Altdorf. Gotthard Post (w). 

Appenzell. Volksfreund (3) 

Avenches. Feuille d’Avis (2). 

Basle. Anglo-Swiss Review (w). Anzeiger. Nach- 
richten. Nationalzeitung. Volksblatt. 
Bellinzona. Bienne. Il Dovere. La Riforma (w). 

Popolo e Liberta. 
Berne. Anzeiger. Berner Tagblatt. Bund. Intelli- 
genzblatt. Neue Berner Zeitung. 

Biel. Express. 
Burgdorf. Journal du Jura. 

Chaux-de-Fonds. Impartial. 
Feuille d’Avis. 

Chur. Bündner Tagblatt. Freie Rätier. 
Neue Bündner Zeitung. 

Davos-Platg. Blätter (w). Courier (w). Zeitung. 

Delémont. Démocrate. Feuille Officielle (2). 

Diessenhofen. Anzeiger am Rhein (3). 

Einsiedeln. Anzeiger (2). 

Fleurier. Courrier du Val de Travers (3). 

Frauenfeld. Thurgauer Zeitung. Wächter. 

Fribourg. Ami du Peuple (3). Liberté. 

Geneva. Courrier. Feuille d’Avis Officielle. Genevois 
Journal. International Labour Review (periodi- 
cally). La Review (w). La Semaine Litteraire 
(w). La Patrie Suisse (w). La Suisse. Sufi 
Quarterly. Tribune. Express. 

Glarus. Nachrichten. Neue Glarner Zeitung. 

Grindelwald. Echo (2). 

Herisau. Appenzeller Zeitung. 

Horgen. Anzeiger des Bezirks Horgen (3). 

ea Oberland (3). Oberlandisches Volksblatt 

Journal du Jura. Tagblatt. 
National Suisse. 



Langenthal. Oberaargauer Tagblatt. 
Langnau. Emmenthalerblatt (3). 

Lausanne. Feuille d’Avis. Gazette. Gazette des 

Etrangem. L’Industrie Laitiere (w). Nouvelliste- 

Vaudois. Revue. Tribune. 
Leysin. Journal de Leysin (w). 
Liestal. Basellandschaftische Zeitung. 
Locle. Feuille d’Avis des Montagnes. 

Lucerne. Eidgenosse (w). Gazette des Etrangers (w). 
L’Industrie Laitiere (w). Neuste Nachrichten. 
Tagblatt. Tages-Anzeiger. Vaterland. 

Lugano. Corriere. Gazzetta Ticinese. Popolo. 

Montreux. English Herald (m). Feuille d’Avis. 
Messager. Journal & Liste. 

Neuchatel. Express. Feuille d’Avis. Suisse Libérale. 
Nyon. Courrier de la Côte (4). Journal (3). 

Olten. Tagblatt. Volksblatt vom Jura (3). 
Payerne. Démocrate (2). 
Porrentruy. Jura (2). Pays (5). 
Rolle. Journal de Rolle (3). 

St. Gall. Ostschweiz. Stadtanzeiger. 
St. Imier. Jura Bernois. 
Schaffhausen. Intelligenzblatt. Tagblatt. 

Sion. Gazette du Valais (3). Journal (3). 
cateur du Valais (w). 

Solothurn. Anzeiger. Tagblatt. 
Thun. Tagblatt. 
Trogen. Appenzeller Landeszeitung (2). 

Vallorbe. Feuille d’Avis (2). 
Vevey. Courrier. Feuille d'Avis. 

Wadenswil. AllgemeinerAnzeiger(3). Nachrichten(3) 

Le Peuple (2). 





Willing’s Press Guide 


Weinfelden. Thurgauer Tagblatt. 
Winterthur. Landbote. Tagblatt. 

Yverdon. Journal d’Yverdon (3). Le Peuple (2). 
Zofingen. Tagblatt. Volksblatt (2). Volkszeitung (w). 
Zug. Nachrichten (3). Volksblatt (3). 
Apna (organ of the/ Schweizerische Handels 
. Alpine Club) (m). zeitung (w). 

Bau-Schweizerische. Schweiz Buchbinder Zei- 

Bau-zeitung (Building tung (Bookbinders). 
Trade) (w). w). 

Damff (Engineering). Schweizer Heim (w). 

Nachrichten. Tagblatt. 

Neue Zürcher Zeitung. | Tagesanzeiger. 

Post. l Textile Zeitung (2). 

Schio. Familien Woc-| Wochenzeitung (w). 

henblatt (w). 


Beyroutb. Lissan-ul-Hal. Rail Aam. Rassed 


Tiflis. Zaris Vostoka (in Russian). 
Baku. Bakinskii Rabochii (in Russian). 


Bizerte. Courrier (w). 
Sfax. Dépêche Sfaxienne. 
Sousse. Avenir (w). 

Tunis. Dépêche. Hadira (w). Journal Officiel (w). 
Petite Tunisie (3). Tunisie Française. Unione (2). 


Adana. Yeni Adana (d). Emel (w). Türk Sözü (d). 

Ankara. Hakimiyeti-Milliye ta): Ayin Tarihi (m). 
Hayat Mecmuasi (w). Köy Mecmuasi (m). 
Milli Gazete (w). 

Edirne. Edirne Postasi (w). 

Erzurum, Envari Sarkiye (w). 
Istanbul. Milliyet (d), Cumhuriyet (d), Vakit (d). 
Politika (d). Spor Alemi (f). Kara Göz (w). 

Izmir. Anadolu (d). Ahenk (d). Ticaret (d). Ciftci 



Artemovsk. Kochegarka (Russian). 

Kharkov. Kharkovskii Kommunist. Ukrainskii 
Ekonomist. Kharkovskii Proletarii (Russian). 
Visti (w). 

Kiev. Kievskii Proletarii (Ukrainian). 

Odessa. Odesskie Izvestia (Ukrainian). 


Aberdeen (South Dakota). American. American 
News (w). Dakota Farmer (s-m). News. 

Abilene (Texas). Reporter (d & w). 

Adrian (Michigan). Telegram. 

Akron (Ohio). Beacon-Journal. India Rubber 
Review (m). Times-Press (d & w). 

Alameda (California). Times-Star. 

Albany (Georgia). Herald. 

Albany (New York). Knickerbocker Press (d & w). 

News. Telegram (w). Times-Union. 

Albuquerque (New Mexico). Journal (d & w). 
State Tribune. 

Alexandria (Virginia). Gazette. 

Alexandria (Louisiana). Town Talk. 

Allentown (Pennsylvania). Call (d & w). Chronicle 
and News and Evening Item. Leader. 

Alliance (Ohio). Review. 

Alpena (Michigan). News. 

Alton (Illinois). Telegraph. 

Altoona (Pennsylvania). Mirror. Tribune. 
Amarillo (Texas). Globe (5). News and Globe (w). 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Amsterdam (New York). Recorder and Democrat. 

Anaconda (Montana). Standard (d). 

Anderson (Indiana). Bulletin. Herald (d & w). 

Ann Arbor (Michigan). News. 

Annapolis (Maryland). Capital. 

Anniston (Alabama). Star (d & w). 

Ansonia (Connecticut). Sentinel. 

Appleton (Wisconsin). Post-Crescent. 

Ardmore (Oklahoma). Ardmoreite (d & w). 

Arkansas (Kansas). Traveler. 

Asbury Park (New Jersey). Press (d & w). 

Ashland (Kentucky). Independent (d & w). 

Ashland (Winconsin). Press. 

Ashtabula (Ohio). Star-Beacon. 

mae Da Carolina). Citizen (d & w). Times 

Astoria (Oregon). Astorian (d & w). Budget. 
Atchison (Kansas). Globe. 
Atlanta (Georgia)— 
Christian Index (w). 
Constitution (d & w). 
Cotton (m). 
Georgain American. 

Atlantic City (New Jersey). Press. Union. 

Attleboro (Massachusetts). Sun. 

Auburn (New York). Advertiser-Journal. Citizen. 

Augusta (Georgia). Chronicle (d & w). Herald (d & w). 

ich ier ee Comfort (m). Vickery and Hill 
ist (m). 

Aurora (Illinois). Beacon News (d & w). EarthMover 

Journal (d & w). 
Post (w). - 
Southern Ruralist (f). 

m). ! 
Austin (Texas). American. American Statesman 
(w). Statesman. 

Bakersfield (California). 

Baltimore (Maryland)— 
American (w). 
Baltimore, &c., Maga- 

zine (m). News, 
Manufacturers’ Record | Post. 
(w). Sun (d & w). 

Bangor (Maine). Commercial. News. 

Barre (Vermont). Times. 

sly 7 OERA Enterprise. Examiner 


Batavia (New York). News. 

Batavia (Illinois). Household Journal (m). 

Bath (Maine). Times. 

Baton Rouge (Louisiana). State-Times. _ 

Battle Creek (Michigan). Enquirer and News (d & 
w). Moon Journal. 

Bay City (Michigan). Times (d & w). 

Bayonne (New Jersey). News. Times. 

Beaumont (Texas). Enterprise (d & w). Journal. 

Beaver Falls (Pennsylvania). Tribune. 

Bellaire (Ohio). Leader. 

Belleville (Illinois). Advocate. News-Democrat. 

Bellingham (Washington). Herald. 


Methodist Protestant(w) 
National Turf Digest. 

Beloit (Wisconsin). News. 

Benton Harbor (Michigan). News-Palladium. 

Berkeley (California). Californian Monthly. 

Bessemer (Alabama). 

Advertiser (w). 
Bethlehem (Pennsylvania). 


Beverly (Massachusetts). Times. 
Biddeford (Maine). Journal. 

Billings (Montana). Gazette (d & w). 
Binghampton (New York). Press. Sun. 

Birmingham (Alabama). Age-Herald (d). 
(d & w). Post. Progressive Farmer (w). 

Bisbee (Arizona). Review (d & w). 

Bloomington (Illinois). Pantagraph. 


Bloomington (Indiana). Indiana Student. Tele- 
phone. Werld. 

Bluefield (West Virginia). Telegraph (d & w). 

Boise (Idaho). Capital News (d & w). Idaho 

Farmer (w). 

Idaho Statesman (d & w;. 
Boone (Iowa). 

News- Republican. 
Boston (Massachusetts )— 

Advertiser (w). Boot and Shoe Re- 

American, corder (w). 

American Wool andj Christian Endeavour 
Cotton Reporter (w). World (w). 

Atlantic Monthly. ; Christian Science 

Automobilist (m). Monitor. 

Carbondale (Pennsylvania). 

Congregationalist (w). 
Globe (d & w). 
Herald (d & w). 
Hosiery Retailer (m). 
House Beautiful (m). porter (w). 
Journal of Education| Shoe Retailer (w). 
(w). Telegram. 
Modern Priscilla (m). Transcript (d & w). 

Post (d & w). 

Primary Education (m). 

Shoe & Leather Re- 

NationalSportsman (m). | Traveler. 
News Bureau (Finan-| Woman’s Missionary 
cial). Friend (m). 
Notissa (Italian). Youth’s Companion (m). 
Pilot (w). Zion’s Herald (w) 
Boulder (Colorado), Camera. News-Herald. 
mela tee P (Pennsylvania). Free Press. News- 

Bradford (Pennsylvania). Era. Star and Record. 
Brazil (Indiana). Times. 
Bridgeport (Connecticut )— 
Herald (w). Telegram. 
Post (d & w). Times-Star. 
Bridgeton (New Jersey). News. Pioneer. 
Bristol (Connecticut). Press. 
Brockton (Massachusetts). Enterprise. Times. 
Brooklyn (New York)— 
Brooklyn Life (w). Standard Union (d & w). 
Chat (w). Tablet (w). 
Citizen (d & w). Times (d & w). 
Eagle (d & w). 
Brownsville (Texas). Herald (d & w). 
Brunswick (Georgia). News (d & w). 
Bucyrus (Ohio). Telegraph-Forum. 
Buffalo (New York)— 
Aurora (w). Telegram. 
Catholic Union (w). Times (d & w). 
Courier-Express (d & w)} Truth (w). 
News. Volksfreund. 
Racing Form. 

Burlington (Iowa). Gazette. 
Burlington (Vermont). 
Butler (Pennsylvania). 
Butte (Montana). Post. 
Cairo (Illinois). Citizen. 
Butte (Montana). Miner (d & w). 
Cairo (Illinois). Bulletin. Citizen. 
Calumet (Michigan). News. 
Cambridge (Massachusetts). 
Cambridge (Ohio). Jeffersonian. 
vents (New Jersey). Courier. New Ideas (m). 
Canton (Illinois). Ledger. 
Canton (Ohio). News(d & w). 

Hawk-eye (d & w). 
Free Press. News. 


Havard Crimson. 

Repository (d & w). 
Carlisle (Pennsylvania). Sentinel. 

Casper (Wyoming). Herald (d & w). Tribune (d). 
Cedar-Rapids (Iowa). Gazette, Tribune-Herald (w). 
Republican (d & w). Railway Conductor. 
Centralla (Illinois). Sentinel. 
Chambersburg (Pennsylvania). 

Chambuslurg. Franklin Repository. 

Champaign (Illinois). News-Gazette (d & w). 

Chanute (Kansas). Timesett. Tribune. 

Charleston (South Carolina). News and Courier 
d &w). Post. 

Charleston (West Virginia). Gazette (d & w). Mail 

d & w). 
Charlotte (North Carolina). News (d & w). Observer 
(d & w). 

Public Opinion. 

Chattanooga (Tennessee). News. Times (d & w). 

Chelsea (Massachusetts). Record. 

Chester (Pennsylvania). Times. — 

Cheyenne (Wyoming). State Tribune and State 
Leader (d & w). Wyoming Stockman-Farmet 

Chicago (Illinois)— 


American Farming (m). 
: American Field (w). 

American Appeal. ; it Growet 

American Artisan (w). ar Fruit Gro 

American Builder (m). m). 
American Contractor American Greek Re- 
(w). view. 



Willing’s Press Guide 

American Lumberman| Industrial Power (m). 


American Machine and 
Tool Record (m). 

American Poultry Jour- 
nal (m). 

Arbieter Zeitung. 

Banker’s Monthly. 

Bankers Service Bulletin 

Baptist (w). 

Blue Book Magazine (m) 

Breeders’ Gazette (m). 

Canadian American (w). 

Chicago Daily News. 

Co-Operator (m). 

Daily Illustrated 

Defender (w). 


Drovers’ Journal. 

Duch Casu (w). 

Eagle (w). 

Edgwater News. 

Engineering and Con- 
tractor (m). 

Epworth Herald (w). 

Everyday Life (m). 

Extension Magazine (m). 

Farm Mechanics (m). 

Golfers’ Magazine (m). 

Grain Dealers’ Journal 

Herald and Examiner 

Hide and Leather (w). 
Hotel World (w). 
Household Guest (m). 
Illinois Central Maga- 
zine (m). 
Illinois Farmer (2). 

Chickasha (Oklahoma). 

Inland Printer (m). 
Italia (d & w). 

Jewish Courier (d & w). 
Jea Daily Forward 

eked a (d & w). 

Journal of the American 
Medical Association 

Live Stock Markets (f). 
Mag. of Business (m). 
Medical Standard (m). 
Men’s Wear (f). 
Mothers’ Home Life (m). 
Music News (w). 
Musical Leader (w). 

National Engineer (m). 
Naujienos (d & w). 
New World (w). 
Popular Mechanics (m). 
Power Plant Engineer- 
ing (f). 
Prairie Farmer (w). 
Radio Digest (m). 
Red Book (m). 
Reform Advocate (w). 
Rock Products (f). 
Rotarian (m). 
Skandinaven (d & w). 
Sports Afield (m). 
Standard Opinion (w) 
Svornost (d & w). 
System (m). 
Tribune (d & w). 
Woman's World (m). 


Chillicothe (Ohio). News Advertiser. Scioto Gazette. 

Cincinatti (Ohio)— 
Automobile Digest (m). 
American Israelite (w). 
Billboard (w). 

Catholic Telegraph (w). 
e A pologete 

Classmate (w). 
Commercial Tribune. 
& w). 

Glargsburg (West Virginia). 

Telegram (d & w). 
Cleburne (Texas). 

Cleveland (Ohio)— 
Abrasive Industry (m). 

Catholic Universe (w). 
Christliche Botschatter 

Cleveland Topics (w). 
Evangelical Messenger 


Foundry (f). 
Iron Trade Review (w). 
Live Stock News. 

Locomotive Engineers’ 
Journal (m). 

Enquirer (d & w). 
Freie Presse (å & w). 
Lookout (w). 

Railway Clerk (m). 
Western Christian Advo- 
cate (w). 


Exponent (d & w). 

Times Review (d & w). 

Marine Review (m). 

Metal Trade. 


News (w). 

Ohio Farmer (w). 

Plain Dealer (d & w). 

Power Boating (m). 


Railroad Trainman (m). 


Wachter und Auzeiger. 
(d & w). 

Clinton (Iowa). Herald. 

Clinton (Massachusetts). Item. 

Coatesville (Pennsylvania). Record. 

Coffeyville (Kansas). News (d & w). 

Cohoes (New York). American. 

Colorado Springs (Colorado). Gazette. Gazette: 
(w). Telegraph. 

Columbia (Missouri). Farmer (f). Missourian. 

Columbia (Pennsylvania). 

ve (South Carolina). 

& w). 

Columbus T 
Ledger (d 


Record (d & w). State 

Enquirer—Sun (d & w). 

Columbus Ee AR Commercial Dispatch (d & w). 



Columbus (Ohio)— 
Catholic Columbian (w). 

Dispatch (d & w). 

Concord (New Hampshire). 


Ohio Waisenfreund (w). 
Monitor and Patriot. 

Connellsville (Pennsylvania). Courier. News. 
Corning (New York). Leader. 

Corpus Christi (Texas). Caller (d & w). Times. 
Corsicana (Texas). Sun. 

Cortland (New York). Standard. 

Coshocton (Ohio). Tribune and Times-Age (d & w). 

Council Bluffs (Iowa). Nonpareil (d & w). 
Covington Kentucky Post (d & w). 
Crawfordsville (Indiana). Journal. 
Cumberland (Maryland). News, 
Dallas (Texas)— 
Baptist Standard (w). 


Holland’s Magazine (m). 

Christian Courier (w). Journal. 
Cotton and Cotton Oil| News (d & w). 

News (w). Poultry News (m). 
Dispatch. Texas Christian Advo- 

Farm and Ranch (w). cate (w). 

Farm News (2). Times-Herald (d & w). 
Danbury (Connecticut). News (d & w). 
Danville (Illinois). Commercial-News. 
Danville (Virginia). Bee. Register (d & w). 
Davenport (Iowa). Catholic Messenger (w). Democrat 

and Leader (d & w). Times. 
Dayton (Obio)— 
Herald. BON Poultry Journal 

Journal (d & w). 
News (d & w). Religious Telescope (w). 

Decatur (Illinois). Herald (d & w).Review (d & w). 

Denison (Texas). Herald (d & w). 

Denver (Colorado)— 
Outdoor Life (m). 
Post (d & w). 

Des Moines (Iowa)— 
Dairy Farmer (m). 
Iowa Farmer (m). 

Iowa Homestead (w). 
People’s Popular 

Detroit (Michigan)— 

Detroit Motor News (m). 
Free Press (d & w). Power Farming (m). 
Legal News. Saturday Night (w). 
Michigan Christian Ad-| Times. 

vocate (w). 

Donora (Pennsvivania). Herald-American, 

Dothan (Alabama). Eagle. 

Douglas (Arizona). Dispatch (d & w). International. 

Dover (New Hampshire). Fosters Democrat. 

Du Bois (Pennsylvania). Courier. Express. 

poe (Iowa). Catholic Tribune (d & w). Tele- 

aph-Herald and Times-Journal (d & w). 

Duluth. Minnesota). Herald. News-Tribune (d & w). 
Stock and Dairy Farmer (m), 

Dunkirk (New York). Observer. 

Durham (North Carolina). Herald (d & w). 
(d & w). 

East Liverpool (Ohio). 

East St. Louis a 
Journal (d & w) 

Western Farm Life (f). 

Register (d & w). 
Successful Farming. 

Michigan Farmer (w). 
News (d & w). 


Dairyman’s Journal (m). 

Easton (Pennsylvania). Express. 
Eau Claire (Wisconsin). Leader (d & w). Telegram. 
El Dorado (Kansas). Times. 

El Paso (Texas). Herald (d & w). Times (d & w). 

Elgin (Illinois). Courier-News. 

Elkhart (Indiana). Truth. 

Elizabeth (New Jersey). Journal. 

Elmira (New York). Advertiser. 
Telegram (w). 

Elwood (Indiana). Call-Leader. 

Elyria (Ohio). Chronicle-Telegram. 

Emporia (Kansas). Gazette. 

Englewood (Illinois). Times (w). 

Enid (Oklahoma). Eagle. News (d & w). 

Erie (Pennsylvania). Dispatch-Herald (d & w). 
Tageblatt. Times. 

Escanaba (Michigan). Press (d & w). 

Eugene (Oregon). Guard. Register (d & w). 

Eureka a Humbolt Standard. Humbolt 
Times (d & w) 

Evanston (Illinois). 

Times (d & w) 

` News-Index. 


Evansville (Indiana). Courier. Journal. Press. 
Everett (Washington). Herald. News (d & w). 

Fairbanks (Alaska). News-Miner (d & w). 
Fairmont (West Virginia). Times (d & w). West 

Fall River (Massachusetts). 
Independent (d & w). 

Fargo (North Dakota). Forum (w). 

Faribault (Minnesota). News. 

Farrell (Pennsylvania). Sentinel (2).° 

Findley (Ohio). Courier. Republican. 

Fitchburg (Massachusetts). Raivaaja. 

Flint (Michigan). Journal (d & w). 

Florence (Alabama). Times-News (d & w). 

Fiint (Michigan). Herald. Journal (d & w). 

Florence (Alabama). News(d &w). Times. 

Fond du Lac (Wisconsin). Commonwealth. Reporter. 

Fort Dodge (Iowa). Messenger and Chronicle. 

Fort Madison (Iowa). Democrat. 

Fort Scott (Kansas). Tribune-Monitor. 

Fort Smith (Arkansas). Times-Record (d & w). 
South West American. 

Fort Wayne (Indiana). Journal-Gazette (d & wW). 
News-Sentinel (d & w). 

Fort Worth (Texas). Record-Telegram (d & w). 
Star-Telegram (d & w). 

Framingham (Massachusetts). News. 

Frankfort (Indiana). Times (d & w). 

Frankfort (Kentucky). State-Journal (d & w). 

Frederick (Maryland). News. Post. 

Freeport (Illinois). Journal-Standard. 

Fremont (Ohio). Messenger. News. 

Fresno (California). Bee. Republican (d & w). 

Gadsden (Alabama). Times. 

Galesburg (Illinois). Register-Mail. 

Galveston (Texas). News (d & w). 

Gardner (Massachusetts). News. 

Gary (Indiana). Post-Tribune. 

Geneva (New York). Times. 

Glendale (California). News-Press. 

Glens Falis (New York). Post-Star. Times. 

Gloucester (Massachusetts). Times. 

Gloversville (New York). Herald. 

Grand Forks (North Dakota). Herald (d & w). 

Grand Island (Nebraska). Independent. 

Grand Rapids (Michigan). Furniture Manufacturer 
(m). Furniture Record (m). Good Furniture 
and Decoration (m). Herald (d & w). Michigan 
Tradesman (w). Press. 

Great Falls (Montana). Leader. Montana Farmer (f). 
Tribune (d & w). 

Green Bay (Wisconsin). Press-Gazette. 

Greenfield (Massachusetts). Recorder. 

Greensboro’ (North Carolina). News (d & w). Record. 

Greensburg (Pennsylvania). Review. Tribune. 

Greenville (Illinois). Equity-Union (w). 

Greenville (Mississippi). Democrat-Times. 

Greenville (South Carolina). News (d & w). 

Greenville (Texas). Banner. Herald (d & w). 
Leader (d & w). 

Guthrie (Oklahoma). 

Globe. Herald-News. 




Hackensack (New Jersey). Record. 
Hagerstown (Maryland). Globe. Herald. Mail. 
Hamilton (Obio). Journal. News. 

Hammond (Indiana). Lake County Times. 

Hannibal (Missouri). Courier-Post. Labor-Press (w). 

Harrisburg (Pennsylvania). Courier (w). News. 
Patriot. Telegraph. 

Hartford (Connecticut). Catholic Transcript. 
Courant (d & w). Q.S.T. (m). (Wireless). Times. 

Hastings (Nebraska). Democrat (w). Tribune. 

Hattiesburg (Mississippi), American. 

Haverhill (Massachusetts). Gazette. Record (w). 

Hazleton (Pennsylvania), Plain-Speaker. Standard- 

Helena (Montana). Independent (d & w). Record- 
Herald (w). 

Henderson (Kentucky). Gleaner (5). Journal (5). 

Herrin (Illinois). Journal. 

Hibbing (Minnesota). Tribune. 

High Point (North Carolina). Enterprise. 

Hoboken (New Jersey). Jersey Observer. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Holland (Michigan). Sentinel. 
Hollywood (California). Citizen. News. 

Holyoke (Massachusetts). Nautilus (m). Transcript- 

Homestead (Pennsylvania), Messenger. 

Hopkinsville (Kentucky). Kentucky New Era. 

Hornell (New York). Tribune-Times. 

Hot Springs (Arkansas). New Era. Sentinel-Record 
(d & w) 

Houston (Texas). Chronicle (d & w). Post-Dispatch 
(d & w). Press. 

Hudson (New York). Register. Star. 
Huntington (Indiana). Herald. Indiana Farmers 
ae Nile Our Sunday Visitor (w). Press 

Huntington (West Virginia). Advertiser (d). Herald- 
Advertiser. Herald-Dispatch. 
Hutchinson (Kansas). Herald (d & w). 

Independence (Kansas). Reporter. 
Indianapolis (Indiana)— 
Hoosier Farmer (m). 

Horseman and Fair 


Inland Poultry Journal 

Live Stock Journal. 

World (w). Star (d & w). 
Indiana Catholic and| Times. 
Record (w). Wood Worker (m). 

Iowa City (Iowa). Press-Citizen. 

Ironton (Ohio). Tribune (d & w). 

Ironwood (Michigan). Globe. 

Ithaca (New York). Cornell Sun. Journal-News. 

Jackson (Michigan). Citizen-Patriot (d & w). 

Jackson (Mississippi). Baptist Record (w). Clarion- 
Ledger (d & w). News (d & w). 

Jackson (Tennessee). Sun (d & w). 

Jacksonville (Florida). Farm, &c., Record (m). 


Jacksonville (Illinois). Courier. Journal (d & w). 

Jamaica (New York). Long Island Press. 

Jamestown (New York). Journal. Post. 

Janesville (Wisconsin). Gazette. 

Jeanette (Pennsylvania). News-Dispatch. 

Jefferson City (Missouri). Capital-News (d & w). 
Post. Tribune. 

Jersey City (New Jersey). Jersey Journal. 

Johnson City (Tennessee). Chronicle. Chronicle Staff- 

Jersey City (New Jersey). 
Johnson City (Tennessee). 
Star (w). Staff. 
Johnstown (Pennsylvania). Democrat. Tribune. 

Joliet (Illinois). Herald-News (d & w). 

Joplin (Missouri). Globe (d & w). News-Herald. 
Kalamazoo (Michigan). Gazette (d & w). 
Kankakee (Illinois). News. Republican. 

Kansas City (Kansas). Boilermakers’ Journal (m). 
Kansan (d &. w) 
Kansas City (Missouri)— 
Agricultural Review (m) 
American Hereford 
Journal (f). 

Drovers’ Telegram. Presse (2). 
Home Friend (m). Star (d & w). 
Keene (New Hampshire). Sentinel (d & w). 

Kenosha (Wisconsin). News. 

Keokuk (Iowa). Gate City. 

Kewanee (Illinois). Star-Courier. 

Key West (Florida). Citizen. 

Kingston (New York). Freeman. Leader. 

Knoxville (Tennessee). Journal (d & w). 
Sentinel (d & w). 

Kokomo (Indiana). Dispatch (d & w). Tribune. 

La Crosse (Wisconsin). Tribune and Leader Press 



Chronicle. Chronicle- 

Implement and Hard- 
ware Trade Journal 

Journal-Post (d & w). 
Labour Herald (w). 



La Grange (Georgia). Reporter (d & w). 
La Salle (Illinois). Post-Tribune. 
Lafayette (Indiana). Journal and Courier. 

and Decorator (m). 
Lake Charles (Louisiana). 
Lancaster (Ohio). Eagle. 
Lancaster (Pennsylvania). 

News Journal. 


American Press. 

Intelligencer. New Era. 



Lansing (Michigan). Capital-News. 
Laporte (Indiana). Herald. Argus. 
Laredo (Texas). Times. 

Lawrence (Kansas). Journal-World. 
Lawrence (Kansas). Journal-World. 

Lawrence (Massachusetts). Eagle. 

Leavenworth (Kansas). Times (d & w). 

State Journal. 


Lebanon (Pennsylvania). News. Report. 

Leominster (Massachusetts). Enterprise. 

Lewiston (Maine). Journal. Sun. 

Lexington (Kentucky). Herald (d & w). Leader 

Lima (Ohio). News. Star and Republican-Gazette 

Linódin (Illinois). Couri 

Lincoln (Nebraska). Journal (d & w). Star (d & w). 

Little Falis (New York). Times. 

Little Rock (Arkansas). Arkansas-Gazette. Arkansas 
Methodist (w). 

Lockport (New York). Union-Sun and Journal. 

Logansport rt (Indiana). Pharos Tribune. Press 

Long Beach (California). Sun (d & w). Press- 
Telegram (d & w). ; 

Long Branch (New Jersey). Record. 

Long Island City (New York). Star. 

Lorain (Ohio). Journal, Times Herald. 

Los Angeles (California), Citizen (w). Examiner 

(d & w). Express. Herald. Illustrated Daily 
News (d). Motor West (m). Record. Tidings 
(w). Times (d & w). Touring Topics (m). 
Louisville (Kentucky)— 
Anzeiger (d & w). 
Courier-Journal (d & w). 
Farmers’ Home Journal 

Herald-Post (d & w). Western Recorder (w). 

Lowell (Massachusetts). Courier-Citizen. Etoile. 
Leader. Sun. Telegram (w). 

Lynchburg (Virginia). Advance. News (d & w). 

Lynn (Massachusetts). Item. Telegram-News (d & w). 

McAlester (Oklahoma). News-Capital. 

McKeesport (Pennsylvania). News. 

Macon (Georgia). News(d & w). Telegraph (d & w) 

Madison (Wisconsin). Capital-Times. Wisconsin 
Farmer and Agriculturist Racine (w) 

Mahanoy City (Pennsylvania). Record-American. 

Malden (Massachusetts). News. 

Manchester (Connecticut). Herald. 

Manchester (New Hampshire). Union-Leader (d). 

Manistee (Michigan). News-Advocate. 

Manitowoc (Wisconsin). Herald-News. 

Mankato (Minnesota). Free Press. 

Mansfield (Ohio). News (d). 

Marietta (Ohio). Times (d & w). 

Marinette (Wisconsin). Eagle-Star. 

Marion(Indiana). Chronicle. Leader-Tribune(d & w) 

Marion (Ohio). Star. 

Marlboro’ (Massachusetts). Enterprise. 

Marqgette (Michigan). Mining Journal. 

Marshalltown (Iowa). American Municipalities (m). 

Martin’s Ferry (Ohio). Times. 

Martinsburg (West Virginia). Journal. 

Massillon (Obio). Independent. 

Mattoon (Illinois). Bulletin (d & w). Journal-Gazette. 

Meadville (Pennsylvania). Tribune-Republican. 

Melrose (Massachusetts). News. 

Memphis (Tennessee). Commercial-Appeal (d & w). 
Press. Scimitar. 

Menominee (Michigan). Herald-Leader. 

Meriden (Connecticut). Journal. Record 

Meridian (Mississippi) Star (d & w). 

Miami (Florida). Herald (d & w). News. 

Michigan (Indiana). Dispatch. News. 

Middletown (Connecticut). Press. 

Middletown (New York). Times-Herald. 

Middletown (Ohio). Journal (d & w). News-Signal. 
Pure Iron Era. 

Milford (Massachusetts). News. 

Milville (New Jersey). Republican. 

Home Circle (m). 
Masonic Home Journal 



Willing’s Press Guide 


Milwaukee (Wisconsin)— 

Catholic Citizen (w). Leader. 
Columbia (w). Sentinel (d & w). 
Ford Dealer (m). Times (w). 

Journal (d & w). 
Kuryer Polski (d & w). 

Minneapolis (Minnesota)— 

Vorwarts (w). 
Wisconsin News. 

Boxing Blade (w). Mississipi Valley Lum- 
The Farmer, Farm| __ berman (w). 
Stock & Home, St.| National Grain Journal. 
Paul (f). Š (m). 
Finance and Commerce. aa oF (d & w). 
Journal (d & w). Tribune (d & w). 
Moberly (Missouri). Monitor-Index. 
Mobile (Alabama). News-Item. Register (d & w). 
Moline (Illinois). Dispatch. 
Monessen (Pennsylvania). Independent.. 
Monroe (Louisiana). News-Star. 
Montclair (New Jersey). Times (2). 

Montgomery (Alabama). Advertiser (d & w). Cotton 
Planter (m). Journal-Times (d) 
Mooseheart (Illinois). Mooseheart Magazine (m). 
Mooseheart (Illinois). Magazine (m). 
Morgantown (West Virginia). New Dominion. Post. 
Morristown (New Jersey). Jerseyman. Record. 
Moundsville (West Virginia). Echo. Journal. 
Mount Clemens (Michigan). Leader. 
Mount Vernon (Illinois). Herald. Register-News. 
Mount Vernon (New York). Argus. 
Muncie (Indiana). Press. Star (d & w). 
Murphysboro (Illinois). Independent. 
Muscatine (Iowa). Journal and News-Tribune. 
Muskegon (Michigan). Chronicle. 
Muskogee (Oklahoma). Phoenix (d & w). 
Nashua (New Hampshire). 
Nashville (Tennessee)— 
Banner (d & w). 
Christian Advocate (w). 
Cumberland Presby- 
terian (w). m). 
Gospel Advocate (w). Tennessean (d & w). 
Natchez (Mississippi). Democrat (d & w). 


Southern Agriculturist 

Sunday School Magazine 

Naugatuck (Connecticut). News. 
aero es City (Nebraska). News (d & w). Press 
New Albany. (Indiana). Tribune. 
New Bedford (Massachusetts). Independent. 

Mercury. Standard (d & w). Sun. 
New Bern (North Carolina). New Bernian (d & w). 

Sun- Journal. 
New Britain (Connecticut). Herald. Record. 

New Brunswick (New Jersey). Home News. Times. 
New Castle (Pennsylvania). News. 
New Haven (Connecticut)— 

Journal-Courier. Times-Union. 

Register (d & w). Yale Daily News. 

New Kensington (Pennsylvania). Dispatch. 

New London (Connecticut). Day. Globe. 

New Orleans (Louisiana) | Modern Farming (f). 
Item (d & w). Morning Star (w). 

States (d & w). 
Times-Picayune (d & w) 


Journal of Commerce. 
Modern Druggist (m). 
New Philadelphia (Ohio). 
New Rochelle (New York). 
New York (New York)— 
Adventure (3 per m). 

Al Hoda. 
American (d & w). 
American Agriculturist 
(w). , 
American Architect (f). 
American Banker. 
American City (m). 
American Exporter (m). 
American Grocer (w). 
American Hairdresser 
American Hatter (m). 
American Hebrew (w). 

American Machinist (w). 
American Review of 
Reviews (m). 
American Weekly. 
Amerikal Magyar Neps- 
zava (d & w). 
Annalist (w). 
Architectural Record 

Argosy (w). 
Arts and Decoration 
Automobile Topics (w). 
Bollettsno della Sera. 



Bookman (m). 

Building Age and Na- 
tional Builder (m). 

Cast (w). 

Catholic News (w). 

Century (m). 

Chemical and Metallur- 
gical Engineering (m) 

Christian Advocate (w). 

Christian Herald (w). 

Churchman (w). 

Coal Age (w). 

Coal and Coal Trade 
Journal (w). 


Columbia Jester. 

Commerce and Finance 

Commercial and Finan- 
cial Chronicle (w). 
Courrier des Etats-Unis 

(d & w). 
Current History (m). 
Delineator (m). 
Denta! Digest (m). 
Dramatic News (w). 
Drug Topics (m). 
aa Goods’ Economist 
Dun’s International Re- 
view (m). 
Dun’s Review (w). 
Editor and Publisher 


Electric Railway Jour- 
nal (m). 

Electrical Merchandising 

Electrical World (w). 
Engineering & Mining 
Journal (w). 
Engineering News- 
Record (w). 
Fashion Selections (q). 
Field and Stream (m). 
Film Fun (m). 
Financial Age (w). 
Financial News. 
Financial World (w). 
Food Industries (m). 
Forest and Stream (m). 
Forum (m). 
Fruit Trade Journal (w). 
Furniture Trade Review 

Furniture World( w). 
Garment Worker. 
Gentlewoman (m). 
Glas Naroda. 
Good Housekeeping(m). 
Hardware Age (w). 
Harper’s Bazar (m). 
Harper’s Magazine (m). 
Hearst’s International 

m): l 

Herald-Tribune (d & w). 

Homiletic Review. 

Hotel Gazette (w), 

Irish World (w;. 

Iron Age (w). 

Jewelers’ Circular (w). 

Jewish Daily Forward 
(d & w). 

Journal (d). 

Journal of Commerce 

Judge (w). 

Liberty (w). 

Life (w). 

Listy (d). 

Literary Digest (w). 

McCall’s Magazine (m). 

McClure’s Smart Set 

Machinery (m). 

Willing’s Press Guide 

MarineEngineering (m). 
Marine News (m). 
Medical Journal (f). 
Men’s Wear (f). 
Mentor (m). 
Metal Industry (m). 
Mid-Week Pictorial (w). 
Motion PictureNews(w). 
Motor Boat (m). 
Motor Boating (m). 
Motor Record (m). 
Moving PictureStories(w) 
Music Trades (m). 
Musical America (f). 
Musical Courier (w). 
Musical Observer (m). 
Musical Quarterly. 
Nation (w). 
National Herald (Greek) 
(d. & w 

National Police Gazette 


Nautical Gazette (w). 
Needlecraft (m). 

News Record (Textile). 
North American Review 

Oil Paint and Drug 
Reporter (w). 
Outlook for the Blind 

Outlook (w). 
People’s Home Journal 

Pictorial Review (m). 
Pictorial Review 
Fashion Book (q). 
Picture Play Magazine 

Pubers Trade Journal 

Popular Radio (m). 

Power (w). 


Printers’ Ink (m). 
Produce News (w). 
Produce Review (w). 
Progreso Italo Ameri- 

Publisher’s Weekly (w). 
Radio News (m). 
Railway Age (w). 
Rider and Driver (f). 
Romance (m). 
Rudder (m). 
Rural New Yorker (w). 
Russky Golas. 
St. Nicholas (m). 
Sales Management (w). 

School (w). 
Science and Invention 

Scientific American (m). 


Scribner’s Magazine(m). 

Staats-Zeitung (d & w). 

Style Sources (f). 



Times (d & w). 

Town and Country 
(2 per m). 

Town Topics (w). 

TrueStory Magazine(m). 

U.S.Tobacco Journal(w) 

Vanity Fair (m). 

Vogue (f) 


Wall Street Journal. 

Women’s Wear Daily. 

World (d & w). 

Yachting (m). 
Zits Theatrical News- 


Newark (New Jersey). Ledger (d & w). 
Star-Eagle. Sunday Call (w). 

Newark (Ohio). Advocate and American-Tribune. 

Newburgh (New York). Newburgb-Beacon News. 

Newburyport (Massachusetts). News and Herald. 

Newcastle (Indiana). Courier. Times. 

Newport (Rhode Island). Herald. News. 

Newport News( Virginia). Press(d & w). Times-Herald. 

Newton (Kansas). Kansas Republican. 

Niagara Falls (New York). Gazette. 

Nome (Alaska). Nuggett. 

Norfolk £ Virginia). Ledger-Dispatch. Virginia-Pilot 
( w). 


North Adams (Massachusetts). Transcript. 
Northampton (Massachusetts). Hampshire Gazette. 

Norwalk (Connecticut), Hour. South Norwalk 
Norwich (Connecticut). Bulletin. Record. 

spat aie (Illinois). Oak Leaves (w). Oak Parker 


Oakland (California). Observer (w). Post-Enquirer. 
Tribune (d & w). 

Ogden (Utah). Standard-Examiner (d & w). 

Ogdensburg (New York). Republican Journal. 
Oil City (Pennsylvania). Blizzard. Derrick. . 

Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), Oklahoma News. 
Oklahoma Farmer Stockman (f). Oklahoman 
(d & w). Times. 
ar (Oklahoma). Democrat (d & w). Times 
& w). 
Olean (New York). Herald. Times. 
Omaha (Nebraska). Bee News (d & w). Danske 

Pioneer (w). Sun. Tribune. World-Herald 
(d & w). 

Oshkosh (Wisconsin). Northwestern. 

Oskaloosa (Iowa). Herald. 

Oswego (New York). Palladium. Times. 
Ottawa (Illinois). Republican. Times. 
Ottawa (Kansas). Herald. 

Ottumwa (Iowa). Courier. 

Owensboro (Kentucky). Inquirer (d & w). Messenger 
& w) 

Owosso (Michigan). Argus-Press. 

Paducah (Kentucky). News-Democrat-and Sun. 
Paris (Texas). Dinner Horn. News (d & w). 
Parkersburg (West Virginia). News(d & w). Sentinel. 
Parsons (Kansas). Sun. 

Pasadena (California). Post. Star-News. 

Passaic (New Jersey). Herald. News. 

Paterson (New Jersey). Call. News. Press-Guardian. 

Pawtucket (Rhode Island). Times. 
Peekskill (New York). Star. Union. 
Pekin (Illinois). Times. 

Pensacola (Florida). Journal(d & w). News (d & w). 
Peoria (Illinois). Journal. Journal—Transcript (w). 
Sonne (d & w). Star (d & w). Transcript. 
Perth Amboy (New Jersey). News. 
Peru (Indiana). Tribune. 
Petersberg (Virginia). Progress-Index (d & w). 
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)— 
Adult Class (Baptist) (q) | Keystone (m). 
Automobile Trade Jour- | Ladies’ Home Journal 
nal (m). m 
Commercial Car Journal 

Lutheran (w). 

Medical World (m). 
News (d). 

Opinione (d & w). 
Presbyterian (w). 
Public Ledger (d & w). 
Record (d & w). 
Saturday Evening Post 

Country Gentleman(w). 
Dental Cosmos (m). 
Episcopal Recorder (w). 
Etude (m). 
Farm Journal (m). 
Forward (w) (Presby- 
Gazette-Democrat (d & 

Inquirer (d & w). 

Sonntagsblatt (w). 

Sunday Dispatch ¢w). 

Jewish Morning Journal, | Sunday Transcript. 
JewishWorld (d & w). Tageblatt. 

Phoenix (Arizona). Arizona Gazette. Arizona 

Republican (d & w). 
Piqua (Ohio). Call. 
Pine Bluff (Arkansas). Commercial. Graphic (d & w). 
Pittsburg (Kansas). Headlight. Sun (d & w). 



Pittsburg (Pennsylvania)— 
Bulletin (Society) (w). 
Catholic Observer (w). 
Christian Advocate (w). 
Christian Union Herald 

Coal Mining (m). 

Methodist Recorder(w). 
Oral Hygene (w). 
Post-Gazette (d). 
Presbyterian Banner(w). 
Press (d & w). 
Sun-Telegraph (d & w). 
Electric Journal (m). Unitea Presbyterian (w). 
Live Stock Journal. Volksblatt (d & w). 

Pittsfield (Massachusetts). Berkshire Eagle (d & w). 

Pittston ( Pennsylvania). Gazette. 

Plainfield (New Jersey). Courier-News. 

Plattsburg (New York). Press. Republican. 

Pocatello (Idaho). Tribune. 

Pomona (California). Progress. Bulletin. 

Pontlac (Michigan). Press. 

Port Arthur (Texas). News (d & w). 

Port Chester (New York). Item. 

Port Huron (Michigan). Ladies’ Review (m). Times- 

Portland (Maine). Express. 
Portland (Oregon)— 

Press-Herald. (d & w) 
Pacific Christian Advo- 

Better Fruit (m). cate (w). 
News Spectator (w). 
i Telegram. 

Oregon Farmer (w). 

Timberman (m). 
Oregonian (d & w). 

Western Farmer (m). 

Portsmouth (New Hampshire). Herald. 
Portsmouth (Ohio). Sun. Sun-Times (w). Times. 
Portsmouth (Virginia). Star(d & w). 

Pottsdown (Pennsylvania). News. 

Pottsville (Pennsylvania). Journal. Republican. 

Poughkeepsie (New York). Eagle-News. Star-Enter- 
prise. Sunday Courier (w). 

Providence (Rhode Island). Bulletin. Journal (d & 
w). News. Tribune (d & w). 

Pueblo (Colorado). Chieftain (d & w). Star Journal 
(d & w). 

Quincy (Illinois). 

Herald-Whig. Poultry Keeper 

Quincy (Massachusetts). Patriot-Ledger and Tele- 


Racine (Wisconsin). Journal-News. Times-Call. 
Wisconsin Agriculturist (w). 

Raleigh (North Carolina). News and Observer (d & 
w). Times. 

Ranger (Texas). Times (d & w). 

Reading (Pennsylvania). Eagle (d & w). 

Reno (9c vana: Gazette. Nevada State-Journal 

( w). 
Riohmona (California). Independent. Record-Herald. 

Richmond (Indiana). Item (d & w). Palladium. 
Richmond (Virginia)— l 
News-Leader. Southern Churchman(w) 
Onward (w). Southern Planter (f). 
Religious Herald (w). ‘limes Dispatch (d & w). 
Riverside (California). Enterprise (d & w). Press. 
Roanoke (Virginia). World-News. Times (d & w). 
Rochester (Minnesota). Post-Bulletin. 
Rochester (New York)— | Journal. 
Abendpost (d & w). Rural Digest (m). 
Democrat & Chronicle | Sunday American. 
(d & w). Times Union. 
Rockford (Illinois). Register-Gazette. 
Star (d & w). 
Rock Island (Illinois). Argus. Modern Woodman (m). 
Rome (Georgia). News-lribune (d & w). 
Rome (New York). Sentinel. 
Rutland (Vermont). Herald. 

Sacramento (California), Bee (d& w). Union (d& w). 
Saginaw (Michigan). News (d & w). 
St. Cloud (Minnesota). Journal-Press(d & w). Times. 
St. Joseph (Michigan). Herald-Press. 
St. Joseph (Missouri). Gazette (d & w). News Press 
Stock Yard’s Journal. 
St. Louis (Missouri)— 
Christian Evangelist (w). 
Drygoodsman (m). 
Front Rank (w). 
Globe-Democrat(d & w). 
Hardware World (m). 
Lumber Manufacturer 
and Dealer (m). 


Missouri Ruralist (f). 
National Druggist (m). 
Post-Dispatch (d & w). 
Queen’s Work (m). 
Sporting News (w). 


Westilche Post. 

Willings Press Guide 

- Sheboygan (Wisconsin). 


St. Paul (Minnesota)— 
Farmers Wife (m). 
News (d & w). 
St.Petersburg(Florida). Independent. Times (d & w). 
Salem (Massachusetts). Evening News. 
Salem (Ohio). News. 
Salem (Oregon). Capital-Journal. Pacific Homestead 


Salina (Kansas). Journal. Kansas Union Farmer (w). 
Salt Lake City (Utah). Deseret News (d & w). Tele- 
gram (d & w). Tribune (d & w). ; 

San Antonio (Texas). Express (d & w). Light 

d & w). News. Prensa (d & w). 
San Bernardino (California). Sun (d & w). Telegram 
San Diego (California). Sun. Tribune. Union (d & w). 

sae i Magazine 
Pioneer Press (d & w). 

San Francisco (California) 
Argonaut (w). Monitor (w). 
Bulletin. Motor Land (m). 
California Christian Ad-| New World. 
vocate (w). News. 

Call. Overland Monthly. 
Camera Craft (m). Pacific Rural Press (w). 
Chronicle (d & w). Referee-Announcer (w). 
Electrical West (f). Sunset (m). 
Examiner (d & w). Voce del Popolo (d). 
Italia. Wasp Newsletter (w). 
Japanes American (d| WesternTobacconist(m). 

San Jose (California). Mercury-Herald (d & w). News 

San Pedro (California). News-Pilot. 

Sandusky (Ohio). Register (d & w). Star-Journal. 

Santa Ana (California). Register. 

Santa Barbara (California). News. Press (d & w). 

Santa Cruz (California). News. Sentinel (d & w). 

Santa Monica (California). Outlook. 

Santa Rosa (California). Press-Democrat (d & w). 
Republican. i 

Saratoga Springs (New York). Saratogian. 

Sault Ste Marie (Michigan). News. 

Savannah (Georgia). News(d & w). Press. 

Schenectady (New York). Gazette. Union Star. 

Scranton (Pennsylvania). Republican. Scrantonian 
(w). Times. 

Seattle (Washington). Journal of Commerce. North 
American Times. Pacific Poultryman (m). 
Post-Intelligencer (d& w). Star. Times (d& w). 

Sdealia (Missouri). Capital (d & w). Democrat. 

Selma (Alabama). Times-Journal (d & w). 

Shamokin (Pennsylvania). Dispatch. Herald. News. 

Sharon (Pennsylvania). Herald-News. Telegraph. 

Shawnee (Oklahoma). News (d & w). 

America. Press. 

Record. Tribune (d). 

Shelbyville (Indiana). Democrat. Republican. 

Shenandoah (Pennsylvania). Herald. 

Sherman (Texas). Democrat (d & w). 

Shreveport (Louisiana). Journal. Times (d & w). 

Sioux City (Iowa). Journal (d & w). Live Stock 
Record. Tribune (d). 

Sioux Falls (South Dakota). Argus-Leader. 

South Bend (Indiana). News—Times (d & w). 
Tribune (d & w). 

Spartanburg (South Carolina). Herald (d & w). 
Journal. ° 

Spencer (Indiana). Farm Life (m). 

Spokane (Washington). Chronicle. Press. Spokes. 
man-Review (d & w). Washington Farmer (w) 

Springfield (Illinois). THinois Miner (m). Illinois 
State-Journal (d & w). Ilinois State Register 

(d & w). 
Springfield (Massachusetts)— 

New EnglandHomestead | Republican (d & w). 
(w). Union (d & w). 
News. Writers Monthly (m). 

Springfield (Missouri). Leader (d & w). Ozark 
Farmer and Dairyman (m). 

Springfield (Obio). American Magazine (m). Farm 
and Fireside (m). News (d & w). Sun (d & w). 
Tribune (w). Woman’s.Home Companion (m). 



Stamford (Connecticut). Advocate. 

Staten Island (New York). Advance. 

Staunton (Virginia). Leader. News-Leader (d & w). 

Steubenville (Ohio). Herald-Star, 

Stockton (California). Independent (d & w). Record. 

Streator (Illinois). Times-Press. 

Sunbury (Pennsylvania). Daily. Item. 

Superior (Wisconsin). Farmers Telegram (w). Tele- 
gram. Tyomies. 

Syracuse (New York). Herald (d & w). Journal. 
Post-Standard (d & w). Sunday American. 
Tacoma (Washington). Ledger (d & w). News-Tri- 
une. Times. 
Tamaqua (Pennsylvania). 

Tampa (Florida). Times. Tribune (d & w). 

Taunton (Massachusetts). Gazette. 

Temple (Texas). Telegram (d & w). 

KETTE a TOPAT Post. Star (d & w). Tribune 


Texarkana (Texas). Gazette. 

Tiffin (Ohio). Advertiser. Tribune. 

Toledo (Ohio,. Blade. News-Bee. Times (d & w). 

Topeka (Kansas). Capital (d & w). Cappcr’s Farmer 
(m). Capper’s Weekly. Household (m). Kansas 
Farmer (w). State Journal. 

Torrington (Connecticut). Register. 

Traverse City (Michigan). Record Eagle. 
ton (New Jersey). State-Gazette. 
Times-Advertiser (w). 

Trinidad(Colorado).Chronicle-News(d &w).Picketwire 

Troy (New York). Observer-Budget (w). Record 
). Times. 

Te (Arizona). Citizen (d & w) 

Tulsa (Oklahoma). Oil and a Journal (w). Tribune. 
(d & w). World (d & w) 

fue ree veneer News and Times-Gazette 


Union Hill (New Jersey). Hudson-Dispatch. 

Uniontown (Pennsylvania). Genius. Herald. News- 

Urbana (Illinois). Courier. 

Utica (New York)— 



Drych (w). Observer-Dispatch (d & w). Press. 
Valdosta (Georgia). Times. 
Vallejo (California). Chronicle. News. Times- 

Herald (d & w). 

Vancouver (Washington). Columbian. 
Venice (California). Vanguard. 
Vicksburg (Mississippi). Herald (d & w). Post. 
Vincennes (Indiana). Commercial (d & w). Sun. 

Virginia (Minnesota). Enterprise. 

Wabash (Indiana). Plain Dealer. 

Waco (Texas). News-Tribune (d & w). 

Wakefield (Massachusetts). 

Walla Walla (Washington). 
Union (d & w). 
Waltham (Massachusetts). News-Tribune. 
Warren (Ohio). Tribune-Chronicle. 
Warren (Pennsylvania). Times-Mirror. 
Washington (Dis. Columbia)— 
American Forests (m). | National Geographic 
American Motorist (m). Magazine (m). 
Army and Navy Regis-| National Tribune (w). 


Bulletin (d & w). 

ter (w). Nation’s Business (m). 
Fellowship Forum (w). | News. 
Herald (d & w). Pathfinder (w). 

Life and Health (m). Post (d & w). 

Machinist’s Monthly Star (d & w). 
Journal, Times, 
Washington (Pennsylvania). Observer. Reporter. 
Waterbury (Connecticut). American. Democrat. 

Republican (d & w). 
Waterloo (Iowa). Courier. Tribune (d & w). 
Watertown (New York). Standard. Times. 
Waterville (Maine). Sentinel. 
Waukegan (Illinois). News. Sun. 
Wausau (Wisconsin). Record-Herald. 
Waycross (Georgia). Journal-Herald. 
West Chester (Pennsylvania). Local News. 
Westfield (Massachusetts). Westfield Valley Herald. 
Westfield (Massachusetts). Journal. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Wheeling (West Virginia)— 

Intelligencer. Register (d & w). 
News (d & w). Telegraph. 
White Plains (New York). Reporter. 

Wichita (Kansas). 


Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania). 
Telegram. Times-Leader. 

Williamsport (Pennsylvania), Gazette and Bulletin. 
Grit (w). Sun. 

Willimantic (Connecticut). Chronicle. 

Wilmington (Delaware). Every Evening. Journal. 

Beacon (d & w). Eagle (d & w). 

News. Record. 

News. Sunday Morning Star (w). 
Wilmington (North Carolina).  News-Dispatch. 
Star (d & w). 

Winona (Minnesota). National Farmer (w). Re- 

Winstead (Connecticut). Citizen. 
Winston-Salem (North Carolina). 
Union- Republican (w). 
Woburn (Massachusetts). Times. 
Woonsocket (Rhode Island). Call and Reporter. 
Tribune. Union (m). 

Worcester (Massachusetts). 
Telegram (d & w). 

Yonkers (New York). Herald. Statesman. 

York (Pennsylvania). Dispatch. Gazette and Daily, 
Youngstown (Ohio). Telegram. Vindicator (d & w). 
Zanesville (Ohio). Signal. Times Recorder. Times. 

Journal. Sentinel. 

Gazette. Post. Svea. 


Colonia. Colonia (w). 
Dolores. Propaganda (w). 

Fray Boulos. Campana (w). 
Melo. Deber Civico (w). Nacionalista (w). 
Mercedes. Diano (w). Teléfono (w). 
Montevidio— Manana, 
Bien Publico. Pais. 
Democracia. Plata. 
Dia. Razón. 
Diario del Plata. Sun. 
Diario Espanol. Times. 

Diario Oficial (w). Tribuna Popular, 

El Diario. Weekly News. 
Paysandu. Paysandu (w). Pueblo (w). 
Salfo. Leos del Progreso (w). 


La Gaceta Oficial. Perfiles. 
La Nación. El Impulso. 
Nosotras. El Nuevo Diario. 
Cultura Venezolana. El Universal. 
Costa Rica. La Esfera. 
La Hacienda. Billiken. 
La Religión. Fantoches. 
El Sol. El HeraldoA mericano. 
Agencia Pumar. El Heraldo. 
El Correo Mercantil. El Taximetro. 
E] Hogar. Elite. 
Calabozo. Ideal Cristiano. 
Maracaibo. Excelsior. La Información. Occidente. 
El Pais. La Columna. The Maracaibo Herald. 

The Tropical Sun, 

Puerto Cabello. Letras y Números. 
Noticias. Diario de Avisos, 

Valencia. Cronista. Eco Púlico. 

Boletin de 


For purposes of convenience all references to 
publications issued in the West Indies are included 


Willing’s Press Guide 




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The following agencies supply leading articles and original 
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reports, university intelligence, market returns, city, com- 
mercial, sporting, and general news, etc., in the form of 
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ABERYSTWYTH News AGENCY.—(J. Denley Spencer) Highfield, Dinas Terrace, 
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AERO AND Motor Press AGENcCY.—1 Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C.4. 
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AIR PREss AGENCY LTp.—(Stanhope W. Sprigg, Managing Director), 56-57 Fleet 
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ATTWOOD’S REPORTING AGENCY.—St. Ann’s Chambers, Waithman St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
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AUSTRALIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION.—2 Salisbury Square, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 0153). 

AVIATION NEws AGENCY.—C. E. Lane, 12 Somerton Road, Peckham Rye, S.E.15. 

BowLs REPORTING AGENCY.—(E. J. Linney), Apothecaries Hall, 16 Water Lane, 
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BRADFORD PRESS BuREAU.—Mallett & Co., 1 Cheapside, Bradford. (Tel. No. 7112). 

BRITISH AND DOMINION PREsS.—173-5 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

BRITISH AND FOREIGN Press PHoto News AGENcCy.—116 Kennington Road, $.E.11. 
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BRITTAIN SCIENSERVICE.—W. J. Brittain, 50 Lake Drive, Hull. (Tel. 34907). 

54 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. (Tel. 1547). 

CANADIAN PreEss.—Reuter Buildings, Victoria Embankment, E.C.4. 

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CAPEL COURT PRESS AGENCY.—2 Copthall Buildings, E.C.2. 

CENTRAL News, LIMITED.—5 New Bridge St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 1560). 

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City News AGENCY.—9 Queen Victoria St., E.C.4. 


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COSMOPOLITAN FEATURES, Ltp.—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 3260). 

Cossar, L. G.—3a Sir Isaac’s Walk, Colchester. (Tel. 3535). 

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DALZIEL’S News, LimM1ITED.—15 Moorgate, E.C.2. 

Dixon, J. E. & Co., ATHLETIC News AGENCY.—1 Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, 
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EMPIRE NEWS AND FEATURES.—-9 John St., Adelphi, W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 4647). 

EXCHANGE TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED.—(Wilfred King, Managing Director).— 
64 Cannon St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 5700). 

FOWLER Bros. (LoNpon), Limitep.—171 Queen Victoria St., E.C.4. 

GENERAL News AGENcY.—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 7485). 

GENERAL Press (1927), Limitep.—32 Fleet Lane, E.C.4. (Tel. City 7791). 


GoLF News AGEncy.—1 Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C.4. (Tel. City 1172). 
(Advt. p. xxi.). 

GRONBACK FRED.—18 Coningsby Road, Anfield, Liverpool. (Tel. Anfield 1289). 

Hockey REPORTING AGENCY.—1 Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 1172). (Advt. p. xxi.). 

HoMmE AND COLONIAL PREss AGENCY.—I Tokenhouse Buildings, E.C.2. 

INDIAN News SERVICE.—143-4 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

INDUSTRIAL REVIEW.—Trades Union Congress, Smith Square, S.W.1. (Tel. Victoria 

INFORMATION BUREAU, Ltp.—140 Strand, W.C.2. 


Holborn, W.C.1. (Tel. Holborn 7711). 

LABOUR PRESS SERVICE.—Labour Party, Transport House, Smith Square, S.W.1. 

LIVERPOOL AND District.—Lee & Nightingale (established 1854), 15 North John 
St., Liverpool. (Tel. Bank 5604). 

LONDON FASHION BUREAU.—4 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

LONDON AND PROVINCIAL SPORTING News AGENCY (1929), Ltp.-—27 Poland St., W.1. 
LONDON GENERAL PreEss.—8 Bouverie St., Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Central 4684). 
MATHIESON'S PRESS AGENCY.—St. James’ Place, Edinburgh. (Tel. Central 24217). 

NATIONAL PrEss AGENCY, LTD.—19-19a Cursitor St., E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 6201). 

NEWNES NEWSPAPER SERVICES.—George Newnes Ltd., 8-13 Southampton St., Strand, 
W.C.2. (Tel. Temple Bar 7760). 

NEWSPAPER FEATURES, LIMITED.—23 Flect St., E.C.4. (Central 7888). 
NEWSPAPER PRESS EXCHANGE.—23 Ashcroft Road, E.3. (Clissold 4959). 
NEW ZEALAND Assoc. PRESS.—85 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Manager), Somersby Grove, Skegness. (Tel. 72 and 76). 

NORTHERN NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE.—(W. Wilkinson, Manager), Highgate, Kendal. 
(Tel. No. 123). 

OFFICIAL REPORTING ASSOCIATION, Ltp.—149 Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. City 7485). 

OLIVER J. GUTHRIE.—4 York St., Manchester. (Tel. City 5225). 

ORIENT PRESS SERVICE.—72-8 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

PALESTINE TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY, LTp.—(Jerusalem). 244 High Holborn, W.C.1. 
(Tel. Holborn 7711). 

P.D.S.A. News SERVICE.—People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals of the Poor, 14 
Clifford St., W.1. (Tel. Regent 5967). . 

PORRI’S News BuREAU.—New Street Chambers, Grimsby. 
Press AGENCY.—G. Moore & Co., 38 Parliament St., S.W.1. 
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Reporting] Willing’s Press Guide [Agencies 


PRESS SYNDICATE.—213 West Campbell St., Glasgow. 

PROTESTANT PRESS BuREAU.—I151 Ilford Lane, Ilford. 

REUTERS, Lim1ITED.—S. C. Clements, 9 Carmelite Street, E.C.4. 

SOUTH AMERICAN Press, Ltp.—101 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

SoutH Lonpon News AGENcy.—C. E. Lane, 12 Somerton Rd., Peckham Rye, S.E.15. 
SPORT AND GENERAL PRESS AGENCY.—2 Gough Square, E.C.4. (Tel. Central 1160), 

Z Ns ASSOCIATION.—12a & 13 Clifford’s Inn, Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. Holborn 


tral 2582). 

SWIMMING AND BoxinG News AGENcCY.—32 Temple Chambers, E.C.4. 

Pa AND TRADES NEws AGENCY.—17 Rosehill Road, $.W.18. (Tel. Battersea 
3 ). 

TEXTILE AND ENGINEERING PRESS BuREAU, Ltp.—4 York St., Manchester. (Tel. 
City 5225). 

TOPICAL FEATURES SYNDICATE.—6 Mitre Court Chambers, Fleet St., E.C.4. (Tel. 
City 1270). (Advt. p. 478). | 

‘“ TOPICAL ’’ PRESS AGENCY.—10-11 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., London, E.C.4. (Tel. 
Central 8983). (Advt. p. xli.). 

TRANS-ATLANTIC FEATURES.—26-9 Poppins Court, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

UNITED PRESS OF AMERICA.—161-3 Temple Chambers, E.C.4. 

UNIVERSAL News AGENCY.—I185 Fleet St., E.C.4. 


WATSON WALTER.—11 Jackson’s Chambers, Waterworks St., Hull. 


WINTERBURN’S SPORTING News AGENCY.—36 Savile Place, Leeds. 

WoMAN’s SPORTS News SERVICE.—175 Fleet St., E.C.4. 

YORKSHIRE REPORTING AGENCY.—-Ogden, 8 Duchy Avenue, Bradford. (Tel. No. 1333) 



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Advertisement rates for all the above publications on application. 

Sahara eee eee eee eee eee eS 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Empire Mail 


Circulates extensively throughout the 
Empire and in many foreign countries. 
The general appeal of this Journal is 
unique. As a publicity medium for 
Export Business it is invaluable. 

No Foreign Advertisements accepted. 

dealing with | 


Advertisement Manager, 
THE EMPIRE MAIL, 212, High Holborn, W.C.1 


Willing’s Press Guide | 


Edited by Percival Marshall, C.I.Mech.E. 

Every Thursday - - Price 4d. 

Circulates amongst the light engineering 
and electrical trades, instrument makers, 
motor repairers, experimental engineers 
` and model makers and technical colleges. 

16,000 copies per issue 
| € 

Recognised for thirty years as the best medium 
for “Sales and Wants ” Classified Advertisements 
for all kinds of light engines, machinery, tools, 
electrical and wireless appliances, and technical 
goods of all descriptions. Hundreds of bargains 
appear every week. : Rate: ld. per word. 

Rates for displayed advertisements : 
£12 12s. per page 

Editorial and Advertisement Offices : 


Telephone : Central 9071. 

XV. R 

Willing’s Press Guide 





(Incorporates and continues Hull Packet. Established 1787). 
Six Editions. One Penny. 

The recognised medium for Government, Municipal, Company, Auctioneers and other Public 

The Advertisement columns are very largely used by the principal Trade Advertisers both 
national and local. 

Between 700 and 800 small “ prepaid ’’ advts. appear every day. 

Prospectuses 1s. 3d. per line single column; 3s. per line double column. Official, Parliamentary 
1s. 6d. per line. Public Company and Bank Reports, 1s. 6d. per line. Legal, Public Notices, 
Auctions, &c., 1s. per line. 

Displayed Type or Blocks—Trade, per inch—1 to 5 insertions, 12s.; 6 to 12, 11s.; 13 or more, 
10s. Minimum display, 1 inch. - 

Next Matter Position, 25 per cent. extra.Top, next or under and next matter, 50 per cent. extra. 

No display Small Business Advertisements, 6 words to line. Per line per insertion—1 to 5, 18.; 
6 to 12, 11d.; 13 or more 10d. 

Paragraph Advertisements with word “ Advt.” at end, per line — 1 to 5, 2s.; 6 to 12, 1s. 10d.; 
13 or more, 1s. 8d. 

The certified Net Sale of the Hull Daily Mail for the twelve months ended 31st December 
1929, was 68,537 Copies Daily. 

SPORTS MAIL, Saturday, 2d. 

Most widely circulated Sports Paper in Hull and District. 


Incorporating Hull News (Weekly). 
Saturday, 2d. Established 1857. 16 Pages. 

The largest, best, and most widely read Town or County weekly Papers in Hull and the 
adjacent counties. 
The morning issues for North Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire are separate publications, followed 
on Saturday afternoon and evening by town editions in which all the news of the week-end 
appears. Advertisements appear in all Editions at one inclusive charge. 

The recognised mediums for Government, Auctioneers, Board of Guardians, Legal and other 
Public Notices. 

- The Farmers and Stock-breeders favourite. 

Guaranteed to be far in excess of that of any other weekly paper published in Hull, the East 
Riding of Yorkshire, and North Lincolnshire, 


(Hull Daily Mail and Hull Times) 


HULL. 92, Fleet Street, E.C.4 
Telephone—Central 5700 (Ten Pinea: Telephone—6670, City. 
Telegrams—Mail Hull or Times, Hull. Representative—Mr. W. T. SMITH. 


Woe Weslo Bocbacloclosbosbasbestasbastesbast= 

Willing’s Press Guide 

ne Feo FeoTa e Tae TaT. T T: T T: T T: T. cT: T: T. T.T. T: T T. T: T: T: T: T: 

es BRITISH es 


A journal of oe aaa Engineering Operation and | 

Railway News. 1/ 
Prepaid Annual Subscription, £2/5/- 

A journal of Shipbuilding, Marine Engineering, Docks, Harbours 
and Shipping. 1/- Weekly. 

Prepaid Annual Subscription, £2/5/- 

A practical journal for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Signal 
Engineers. 1|/- Monthly. 

Prepaid Annual Subscription, \2/- 

A practical journal for Plant Owners, Engineers and Works 
Managers. 1/- Monthly. Prrad Al Sdt 120 


A practical journal for all concerned in the design, construction, 
and maintenance of mechanically propelled ships. 1/- mon, 
Prepaid Annual Subscription, \2/- 


A practical journal for Colliery Managers and Engineers and 
manufacturers of Colliery equipment. 1/- Monthly. 
Prepaid Annaa Subscription, 12/- 


A practical journal devoted to Architecture and Building 
Practice. 1/- Monthly. 
Prepaid Annual Subscription, 12/- 


A journal cerae to the progress of applied Chemistry and 
eering. 1/- monthly. 
Prepaid Annual Subscription, \2/- 
All above published at 

33, Tothill Street, Westminster, 

CATES Gey Gey Gey Gey Gey Ce Oey Ge Gee Ge Gee Ged Ged ed Ged Ged Ged ce) ey ey ey oy oS 




Willing’s Press Guide 


Leading Southern Newspapers 

Covering Southern England over the area between Sussex & Devon. 

Southern Printed and Published at 
WAY OF THE EMPIRE. Home of the Largest Liners. Home Port of Call of 27 Ocean 
Passenger Services. Base of Imperial Airways. Great Ship and Yacht Building Centre, 

and a Hive of Industry. SOUTHAMPTON LINKS THE WORLD. 
Private Wire between London and Southampton. 

Printed and Published at 
Bournemouth BOURNEMOUTH. 


BOURNEMOUTH—THE EVERGREEN VALLEY. Finest Residential Territory in the 
Kingdom. Britain’s Wealthiest Seaside Resort. All-the-Year-Round Season. 1,800 
Hours of Sunshine per annum. Sir Dan Godfrey’s Famous Orchestra. Own Broadcasting 
Station. Salubrious Climate, attracting avast influx of visitors from all parts. THE 

Private Wire between London and Bournemouth. 

D Printed and Published at 
orset WEYMOUTH. 


DORSET—THE WESSEX OF ROMANCE. A sun-kissed coastline of 80 miles, studded 
with delectable sea-side resorts. A thriving and ie ‘Sen County, rich in farming and 
many important industries. Fourteen Agricultural Markets. A great Tourist Centre.— 
Stately Abbeys—Medizval Castles—Historic Towns and Villages—give Dorset an endurin 
interest and enchantment. Let the Echocarry your message through the HEART O 
WESSEX. Private Wire between London and Weymouth. 

Hampshire HAMPSHIRE’S 

and Southampton Times. (Weekly). 

16 pages of News and Pictures 2d. Separate Town and Country Editions, 

Footbal] Echo Entirely separate publications at 


Sports Gazette oF SOUTHERN ENGLAND. 

Full Reports, Lightning Results. Special Cartoons and Portrait Gallery. 
EXPERT CRITICISMS. Saturdays during the Season id. 

No Advertising Campaign is complete without the 
tnclusion of this chain of Newspapers controlled by the 


Southampton, Bournemouth, Winchester, Salisbury, Newport, I. of W., Weymouth, 
Dorchester, Bridport and Paris. 

Rates on request to— 
F.W. GEORGE, Advertisement Manager, 45, Above Bar, SOUTHAMPTON. Tel. 5021 (6 lines). 
And E. J. LEVI, London Manager, 69, FLEET STREET, E.C.4. Tel. Central 4352. 



Willing’s Press Guide 




Established 1855. *Phone: Riverside 1451. 


with its 

now circulates in practically the whole of West London 
and Suburbs, comprising a Population of over 


Like the daily newspapers, the “ West London Observer” is printed on a ROTARY 
PRESS which prints, folds, and delivers the papers in dozens at the rate of 




DISPLAYED RATE— per single column inch per insertion for all pages, 

except 8 and 

| week 3 weeks 6 weeks 13 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks 
6/- 5/- 4/6 4l- 3/6 3/- 
(20 per cent. extra for top position). 
Rates for Page 8 Mee as v7 7/6 per inch 
» 9 and Property con as 10/- „n » 
Council, Railway, Legal and Official aneas Banks and 
Public Companies ... 10/- 5, » 
Auction Sales ... T TG ss a 
Advertisements at the above rate are INSERTED IN ALL EDITIONS for the 
Not exceeding 20 words = 3/- sk 6/- 
o 9 26 rt] ee 4l- ee 8/- 
32 .„ 5/- s 10/- 

anid 1/- for every additional 6 words or less. 
Mixed Displays and “ Smalls ” 10/- perinch. Display Lines top of “ Smalls” 1/- per line extra. 

N.B.—Display Advertisements must reach the Office not later than First Post THURSDAYS. 






Willing’s Press Guide 

Daily 1d. Established in 1824. 



BELFAST is the Commerciat CAPITAL of Ireland, and ULsTER is the most enterprising and 
flourishing of its provinces. The population of Be.rast is nearly half-a-million and the population 
of ULSTER is one-and-a-quarter-millions. Ulster people are hardworking, thrifty and prosperous. 
There are no custom barriers between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. 

The circulation of The Northern Whig embraces every town and village in the province of 
Utster. The paper has been established since 1824, and is the recognised leading morning paper 
and a strong supporter of Imperial and Unionist interests. Its advertisement columns are essential 
to all manufacturers seeking to establish their goods in the Ulster market. 

The Northern Whig carries considerably more Company Prospectus advertisements than any 
other newspaper published in Ireland. 

The Weekly Northern Whig 
The Best Irish Weekly Newspaper. Price One Penny. 

An elaborate résumé of all the News of the Week, with an extensive town and country circulation. 

LONDON OFFICES: 92, Fleet Street, E.C.4. *Phone : City 9383. 
BELFAST OFFICE: Bridge Street. 
Private Wire from London Office to Belfast Office. 

Read by the Wealthy and the well-to-do. 




To reach the people who buy luxuries and the 
every day requirements of life you cannot possibly 
ignore The Bystander. 

It is a distinct market—a wealthy buying com- 

munity—composed of the aristocracy, the well-to- 

do and the old and new rich. The Bystander 
will bring you the results you want. 

Rates from— | 

ALBERT E. DRAYSON, Advertisement Manager, 

Telegrams: “ Bygraphica, Rand, London.” Telephone: Temple Bar 8020 (20 lines). 


Willing’s Press Guide 

In the Eastern Counties 




(Five District Editions. Published Fridays) 


Head Offices: NORWICH. 
Branch Offices: Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, King’s Lynn & Cromer 
London Office: 151, FLEET STREET, E.C.4 
Telephone: Centrat 2276. l 

Telephones : Telegraphic Address : 
CITY 1172 (Five lines). “QUILLION, FLEET, LONDON.’ 
Inland Press Rate Telegrams for all Branches ; 

J. E. DIXON & Co., inowing Agencies: 


Reports and Articles on Athletics, Cycling, Badminton, Boxing, Fencing, Cricket, 
Football, Lawn Tennis, Bowls, Swimming and other Sports. The Golf Reporting 
Branch referred to below as the Golf News Agency was established in 1889. 


For the supply of Golf Notes and News. 


For all matters pertaining to Automobilism, including Marjne Motoring and Aviation. 
Speedway racing reports by Experts. 


Devoted solely to Hockey and Lacrosse. 
Special Reports, Notes, and Articles on any of the above subjects can be supplied. 
Each Branch is under the management of a Specialist. 
J. E. DIXON & CO., 1, Dorset Bidgs., Salisbury Sq., London, E.C.4. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


(The Leading Essex County Paper). 

Certified Net Sale over 27,000 Copies per issue. 

The Essex Weekly News, price 2d, per copy, is published at 
Chelmsford every Friday morning, and circulates all over Essex. 
Latest time for ‘‘copy’’ Thursday mid-day. 10-16 pages. 7-9 columns. 

Size of columns, 23ins. x 2}ins. Front page cols. 21 ins. x 2}ins. 
Type .. 68. per s.c. inch per insertion. Block .. 7s. per s.c. inch per insertion 

Flat rate. Guaranteed positions extra. 
If in London Telephone Chelmsford 195 for our Representative, 
Mr. A. H. Woolford, to call. 

Publishers : Also Publéshers of : 
Ltd., 26, High Street, CHELMSFORD. (Wednesday 1d.) 
Branch Offices— 
Romford, Braintree, Southend, and Barking. 
Telephones: Chelmsford 195. 
Southend 49017. Separate Scale for these papers on application 

ADVERTISER (Saturday 14.) 






is pre-eminent for those wishing to meet the 
and all those engaged in rural pursuits 


PER PAGE (pro rata to 4p.) ... bs ses £50 



Willing’s Press Guide 



The oldest and the best. Established 1890. 

The First 

Weekly Golf Journal 
in the World 

In intimate touch with a Public spending 

£50,000,000 on its game alone. 
28, Woburn Place, London, W.C.1 

Telephone : Museum 8732 

Che Guardian 

EVERY FRIDAY. The Leading Church Newspaper. SIXPENCE. 

THE GUARDIAN will carry your advertisement into nearly every 
parish in town or country. It will reach an influential class of reader 
whose personal interest you can secure from the outset. 

It penetrates into every part of the world where the Church of England 
has penetrated. Churchpeople do not merely glance at THE 
GUARDIAN, but read it with care and keep it for reference, or pass 
it on to be enjoyed by others. 

No truer claim of class and quality circulation could be advanced, or 
substantiated, than this of THE GUARDIAN. 


Per inch. Per column. 
Ordinary positions a as = -. 12/6 £8 15 0 
Next matter ki ad at be .. 15/- £10 10 0 
Solus, Financial or Special positions .- 20/0 £14 0 0 
A column is 2} ins. wide by 14 ins. 4 cols. to page. Block screen—70. 

Press Day—Wednesday. 
Write or Telephone (Temple Bar 7576) to 

Mr. C. W. Francis, “vite 14, Burleigh St., Strand, London, W.C.2 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Cover Hertfordshire Thoroughly 


Che Herts Advertiser 

FRIDAYS - - 16 Pages 
Including a page of local pictures. 

Proprietors—J. BAMFORTH & H. S. GIBBS. 
The Herts Advertiser has the Largest Net Sale 
in the County and covers a wide and prosperous area 


Up-to-date Linotype and Ludlow Installation. Estimates free and in confidence. 
Fast Rotary Plant with capacity for Papers from 4 to 48 pages. 

Well organised road transport assuring deliv to London Wholesalers and 
Rail Termini within one hour of Papers leaving the machines, 
Chief Offices: 


crams io == ST. ALBANS. *™42uI5H 

(3 Lines). 
Day or Night. 

"o The Illustrated London News “x” 

The most influential illustrated weekly paper published in the British Isles. 
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEws was the First Illustrated Newspaper, and remains the First. 

Its steady and continuous growth, in a difficult and intensely competitive age, speaks for itself. 
It is to be seen in every large house, every good club, every first class hotel and restaurant, 
every progressive institution and reading room. 

It is the Englishman’s link with London, and the Londoner’s link with the world. 

Front of Cover: Sertes only. 
Spaces 3 inches across page o site a aia dis a £25 4 0 

I inch across or 2 inches half across page .. és ms ae a ile £8 8 0 
Series of 6 or 

Black and White Pages: Single Insertion. more Insertions. 
Facing or under Editorial matter, per page .. = £100 0 0 £90 0 0 

Half, quarter and eighth pages pro rata.) 

Per inch, single column .. Le Bee he T £2 0 0 £1 17 6 
Ordinary position (facing matter not guaranteed), per page £90 0 0 £80 0 0 

(Half, quarter and eighth pages pro rata.) 

Per inch, single column £1 15 0 £1 11 0 

Special Positions : Single Insertion. 

Page facing frontispiece .. ba . z ii sa ae a ee 100 0 0 

First right-hand page facing matter .. on a F Sue ka .. £100 0 0 
Colour Pages: Single Insertion. 

Back Cover (in 2 colours) £90 0 O0 Page in 2 colours (facing matter) £120 0 0 

3 9 3 9 £150 0 0 » »3 ” 33 3 £150 0 0 

The total printing area on a page is 13 inches by 9 inches, and there are four columns to a page. 
Published every Saturday. Advertisements should reach the office 
eleven days before date of publication and should be addressed to: 

G. YOUNG, Advertisement Manager, “Illustrated London News,“ Inveresk House, 
346, Strand, W.C.z2. 

Telegrams : “ Illustrated, Rand, London.” Telephone : Temple Bar 8020. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

Telephones : 
| 5964-5965 

(2 lines) 
l Telegrams : 

Nottingham Journal 

Established 1710. 


Of any Morning Paper in Nottingham; 

50,000 Copies Daily 


| Head Office: London Office: 

Telephone: 45541 (12 Lines). Telephone : Central 3265 (9 Lines). 

Willing’s Press Guide 

The Printers’, Lithographers’, Bookbinders’ & Stationers’ 

Sales & Wants Advertiser 


Published the Middle of the month. 
PRICE 4d. By post 7d. 


Scale of Charges on Application. 


C. J. JONES, Proprietor. 

’*Phone: 6900 Central. 



The Most Popular Illustrated Paper in the World? 
Because it Employs the 

in the World. 

Because it is 


The Greatest Triumph of Modern Illustrated aja 

satiw THE SKETCH sox 

Private Branch e, 
Offices: INVERESK HOUSE, 346, STRAND, W.C.2. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


The value of the SHOE & LEATHER NEWS to 
the trades it serves can be assessed with accuracy 
through its certified net paid sales which 

This circulation, which is the largest enjoyed by 
any shoe or leather trade paper in the British 
Empire, reflects the solid confidence of its readers. 

Full Particulars and Space Rates from 


The Surveyor 

Municipal and County Engineer 

Every Friday, 6d. Yearly (post free), 28/-, United Kingdom; 32/-, Abroad. 

Deals authoritatively and exhaustively with all phases of Municipal 

Engineering work, and is, therefore, unrivalled as a medium for 

advertisements relating to materials and appliances required in Local 

- Government constructional work and to Municipal Engineering 

For Advertising Rates apply Mr. C. S. MASON, Advertisement Manager. 

Editorial, Publishing and Advertisement Offices : 

Telegrams: ‘‘Municipium, Lup, Lonpon.’’ Telephone: City 0703 (2 lines). 


Willing’s Press Guide 


The Walsall Observer 

ESTABLISHED 1868. Independent. SATURDAY, 2d. 


A high-class Family Journal, it contains all the Local News and 
many special features. 

The Observer is bought, regularly, by four out of every five homes in 

the County Borough of Walsall, and it has, in addition, an extensive 

circulation in the adjacent districts. Special Editions are published for 
Cannock Chase and for Wednesbury and Darlaston. 

Write for Specimen Copy, Scale of Charges, and copy of Accountants’ 
ertificate of Net Sales. 

Proprietors: J. & W. GRIFFIN, Ltp., WALSALL 

Telegrams: “ Observer, Walsall.” Telephone : 2137 Walsall (2 lines). 

London Representative : Mr. P. MOON, 173, FLEET STREET, E.C.4. 

Welsh Weekly Newspapers. 
To effectively cover the Whole of Wales 


Printed in Welsh. The National Organ which circulates amongst the Welsh speaking 
population throughout the whole of the Principality. Published at Denbigh. 

Printed in English. The leading North and West Wales weekly paper. Published at 
Aberystwyth. Two Editions—North and South. Circulates throughout four Counties, 

Printed in English. The great Industrial Kokr covering the thickly populated areas of 
Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. Published at Merthyr Tydfil 






Printed in English. Circulating throughout Denbighshire, Flintshire and North Wales generally. 
Published at Denbigh. 

Printed in Welsh. The Welsh Congregational Organ circulating amongst 145,000 Welsh 
Congregationalists. Published at Merthyr Tydfil. 

Printed in Welsh. Welsh Industrial Paper, Published at Aberdare. 

Printed in English. 

A series of papers covering the whole 
| of these densely populated areas. 

Published at Pontypridd. 

Advertisement rates, specimen copies, and full particulars regarding the above papers may be 
obtained from Mr. W, Leadbitter, 118, Fleet Street, E.C. 4. Telephone 4367 City, 


Willing’s Press Guide 



Circulating in a district known throughout 
North-East of Lancashire as the ‘‘Golden 
Valley ” offers exceptionally valuable service 
to Advertisers. 

Comprises of 


This series of Weekly Newspapers has a 
circulation that cannot be approached in 
figures or in influence by any other news- 
paper printed or published in Bacup Borough 
or the Valley as a whole. 

Essentially a Family Newspaper, the Bacup 
Times and its associated newspapers carry 
the Advertisers’ Message into the homes of 
the Cottonworkers, Slippermakers, Dyers, 
Woollenworkers, Farmers, and Quarrymen 
every Saturday; just at the right time when 
money for spending is available. 

For years past the circulation of the BACUP 
TIMES Series has been well over 16.000 
per week. 

London Office: 173, FLEET ST., E.C.4 


handsome cloth bound 

volume 10%ins. x 84 ins. 

printed on best art paper 
consisting of over 200 pages 
and containing a mass of 
official information invalu- 
able to members of the 
Laundry Industry. It in- 
cludes the names, addresses 
and telephone numbers of 

the members of the 
only volume of the kind re- 
lating to the laundry industry, 

Published by the Federation 


17, Lancaster Gate, London, W.2. 
Telephone: Paddington 4364/4385. 



The paper which has created 
public opinion and is read by 
all who want to keep abreast 
of the times on the population 


All newsagents should stock 
and display it. 
Wholesale orders to be sent to the publishers, 

108, Whitfield Street, Tottenham Court Road, 
London, W.1. (Museum 9528). 



North Bucks Free Press 

Published on Fridays 
Price 14d. 

Circulates in the whole of 
the North Bucks and 
adjoining Counties. 
The Only Paper in the 

Read by 12,000 people 



Market Hill, Buckingham. 
Telephone: 30 Buckingham. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

“The Bury and 
Norwich Post” 

with which is associated 

«The Mildenhall Post ’’ 

“The Sudbury Post and 

Long Melford Gazette.” 

These three papers have circu- 
lated extensively in Suffolk, 
Essex, Norfolk and Cambridge- 
shire during the last 146 years. 

They are the best and largest 
local papers in these districts, 
and cover an area containing 
many thousands of readers. 

Every Friday. 

Advertisement Rates on application 
to Head Office: 

Bury St. Edmunds or 

London Office, 146, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Telephone: Central 6712, 

Cambridgeshire Times 


Cambridgeshire Times apd March Gazette. 
Chatteris and Hunts Advertiser. 
City of Ely Standard. 
Soham and Newmarket Advertiser. 
Littleport Gazette. | Whittlesey Reporter. 


Certified Net Sales 16,005 Copies Weekly. 

PUBLISHED WEEKLY, FRIDAY. Established 1872. 

Head Offices: HIGH STREET, MARCH. 
"Phone: 9, March. 


Election and Parliamentary Advertisements, 

per line 1s. 
Public Companies and Legal Advertisements, 

per line es 8. 
Auction Advertisements, per inch a 8s. Od. 
Public Notices, Notices of Meetings .. 8s. Od. 
Business and Professional Announcements, 

&c.. per inch, per week ; 4s. 
Ditto for 4 insertions, per in., per insertion ‘Bs 6d. 
Do. for 13 insertions, per in., per insertion 3s. Od. 
Paragraph Advertisements, per line .. . As. 


Situations, wanted or vacant, for sale, &c., 
dd. per word. Minimum is. 6d. 

1a a SS 


Founded 1838 Price, 3s. 6d. 


Official Organ of the Catholic Archbishops and 
Bishops of England and Wales; ‘it is edited at 
Archbishop’s House, Westminster, and its 
monopoly of information constitutes it the 
only handbook in daily use by the Clergy and 
Laity of Great Britain throughout the year. 
It gives detailed particulars of Catholic Coll- 
eges, Convent and Private Schools, Religious 
and Charitable Institutions and Societies, and 
it is indispensable to all who require authentic 
details about the Roman Catholic Church, its 
institutions and its works. Prospectus on 


Size of page, Crown 8vo. 
Space for Advertisements, 5} by 34 in. 

Whole page £4 4s. Od. 
Half page £2 12s. 6d. 
Quarter page £1 15s. Od. 
Published by 
Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd. 
43-45, Newgate St., London, E.C.1. 
Telephone : CENTRAL 2502. 

Chatham, Rochester and 
~ Gillingham 


The Interesting Local Paper of 
the Prosperous Mid-Kent Area. 


Want Advertisements |2 words | /- 

Three Insertions price of two 

N. S. B. MILLER, Advertisement Manager, 
Observer Works, Fair Row, Chatham. 
*Phone—2243 Chatham. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

The Chemical 


Being the Organ of the 
British Association of Chemists 

A Journal of Technical Administrative 
interest for the:— 


Technical Director, 
Works Manager, 

Chief Chemist, 


Chemical Engineer, and 
Research Chemist 

Advertisement Tariff :— 
Full page .. £5 0s. Od. per issue. 
Half page .. £2 10s. Od. per issue. 

Further particulars and specimen copy may be 

General Secretary : 
Registered Office : 
“Empire House,”’ 175, Piccadilly, London, W.1 
Telephone : Regent 6611 





To be obtained from the 
25, Victoria Street, Westminster 


1866 1930 

Published Weekly, Price 2d. 

Average Circulation 250,000 and 
read weekly by over 1,000,000 

Well-known and successful adver- 
tisers have proved from “ keyed” 
announcements its value as an ad- 

vertising medium. Thus it pays to 
advertise in the “Christian Herald.” 

Specimen Copy and Rate Card on 
application to the 

Advertisement Manager 



The Church Times 


all Church of England Newspapers. 

Terms for Advertising. 

Situations Vacant and ) 20 Words s. d. 
Wanted, Clerical and or less .. 3 0 
Lay Work, Govern- | Every addi- 

esses, Tutors, Houses, tional 8 
Apartments, Board, words 
Medical ss or less .. 0 1 0 
First four $ s. d 
lines .. 50 
All other Advertise- | First five 
ments not coming lines „O 60 
under the IPESE OAE Half-inch 0 70 
classification .. .. | Three- 
quarter-in.0 10 6 
One inch.. 0 14 0 

To insure insertion tt is necessary that the 
money be remitted with the Advertisement, 
which must be delivered at the Office not later 
than TUESDAY preceding publication. 

Cheques and Post Office Orders should be 
made Payable to G. J. PALMER & SONS, 
and crossed ‘‘,....... & Co.” 

Publishing Office: 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Devon & Exeter 

(Established 1772) 
Is the 
Leading Paper in the West. 

1d. Daily. 

The Friday’s edition of 112 

columns (2d.) contains more 

advertisements than any other 
local journal. 

The only Conservative morn- 

ing paper between Bristol and 
Land’s End. 

*Phone: Exeter 2267. 

London Office: 173, FLEET ST., E.C.4. 
*Phone: City 7662. 

P. MOON, Representative. 


Every Thursday Price 3d. post free 

«The ENCORE is the British 
Music Hall Artistes’ Paper.” 

SWAFFER in Daily Express, 

“The ENCORE is the oldest 
established paper of the Music Hall 

ARCHIBALD HApDDoN, Sunday Referee, 

Special Features are 
“Here and There.” “What 
the ‘Encore’ Wants to Know.” ` 
London & Provincial Reports, 


Rates for Advertising and Specimen Copies 
willingly sent on application to :— 

The Manager, 
The ENCORE, 14 Green St., W.C.2 

The ENCORE is now in its 39th 
Year of Publication ! 

Established 1880. Price P.T. 1. 


The English Daily Newspaper. 

Contains all the Latest 

Annual Subscription (including Post- 
age to all all E, oreign Countries) 

P.T. 330 or £3 11s. 10d. 

The Best Medium for Advertising in Egypt, 
The Soudan, and The Near East. 

Sole Advertising Agents : 
65, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3. 
Telephone: No. 640! Royal. 

Offices : 
SE As a is LONDON :— 

65, a wo iy Sect ont C3. 
(Telephone—No. 6401-7 Royal—Seven lines) 

Where all information will be afforded to those 
desirous of interesting themselves in Egypt, 



1d. FRIDAY ld. 

98, High Street, Chelmsford, 

With Branches at Braintree, Brentwood, 
and Maldon. 

*Phone: 100 Chelmsford. 

Every Essex advertisement 
of importance is found in 

The Essex Chronicle 

and no advertising scheme 
is complete without it. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Gssex County 

Est. 1831. The popular family weekly for 

The Essex County Standard is the largest, 
most influential and chief newspaper pub- 
lished in the influential Borough of Colchester 
(pop. 50,000) the shopping centre for the 
Country districts in a 20 mile radius and the 
centre of a network of omnibus services. 

It circulates extensively throughout the 
Agricultural Counties of Essex and Suffolk, 
and the Eastern Counties generally, and is 
the official paper for County, Borough, Legal, 
Auction, Public and Local Announcements. 

Garrison Important 

Specimen Copy and Rates Card from 
Commercial Manager, Head Offices: 



2842 Colchester. Benham, Colchester. 


THE Monthly Official 
Organ of the National 
Federation of Launderers 
Limited. It is in Maga- 
zine form, 9? in. x 6 in. 
and averages 50 pages of 
reading matter per month. 

Published by the Federation 

Telephone: PappINGTON 4384/4385, 


Are you covering Cumberland ? 

Yes, IF you use the 


Cumberland Evening Mail 

Founded 1914 

Cumberland’s Predominant Evening 
Paper serving a population of over 

and the 


(Weekly) Founded 1888 

Largest Guaranteed Nett Sale of 
any weekly paper in the district. 

Head Office : 
Oxford Street, Workington. 
London Office : 
146, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 
Telephone : Central 6712. 


Fish Trades Gazette 

National Fisheries Record, 
and Poultry, Game and 
Rabbit Trades Chronicle. 

Offictal Organ of all the principal associations 
in the Industry. 

The only Paper of the kind in the World. 



Invaluable to all in the Home, Colonial, 

and Foreign Fish, Poultry, Game and Rabbit 

Trades, and to Bene of all classes 
of Fish, 

Read throughout the United 
Kingdom by Trawler Owners, 
Fish Merchants, Poulterers, 
Fishmongers, Fish Caterers. 

The finest Advertising medium in the Trade. 

Head Offices— 
Telegraphic Address; 

Telephone; ROYAL 9003/4. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


Distributing and 
Advertising Agents 
for all Foreign 
Fashion Journals 
and Periodicals. 


6 Oxford Mansion, 
Oxford Circus, 
London, W.1. 

Telephone : Museum 1245 

Apply for lists and particulars. 

The Greyhound 
Evening Mirror 

(Registered as a Newspaper). 

Guaranteed Larger Sale than any other 
Publication of its kind. On sale at all the 
leading London Greyhound Tracks and 
Newsagents throughout London. Hundreds 
of country subscribers. 
First published as a four-page daily in 
MIRROR has, in the short space of six 
months, attained a wonderful circulation 
and developed into a SIXTEEN PAGE 
DAILY. It is recognised as the only 
Dog Paper that matters. 


Full Page (size 11” x 7 ”) £4 0 0 
Half Page a 210 0 
Quarter Page .. ee .. 110 0 
Eighth Page : .. 100 
Single Column Inch ` ; 2 6 


20% deduction for orders of 6 insertions and over. 


Offices : 6, BURDETT ROAD, Mile End, E.1 
Telephone: EAST 0274. 

The Freemason 

The Premier Organ of the Craft. 



Subscription £1 per annum 
(Post free). 




|The Grocers’ Review & 
Provision Trade Journal 

THE Trade Paper for NORTHERN Tradesmen 
Established 1888. 

While omitting nothing of National Im- 
portance, it gives particular attention to 


NORTHERN Markets, Prosecutions, 
Bankruptcies, and trade affairs of every 

It is the Only Grocery Trade Paper in 
England printed and published outside 
of London, and circulates throughout an 
enormously wealthy area containing a 
population of over 16,000,000 persons, 
who are served py many of the best and 
most substantial men—Manufacturing, 
Wholesale, and Retail—in the Trade. 

Press Monday Noon for Tuesday. 


London Address—71, Fleet Street, E.C.4 
Telegrams—‘“‘ Jonagont-Fleet, London.” 
Telephone—Central 7641 

Publishing Offices—1, Greenwood Street, 


Telegrams—‘‘ Review, Manchester.” 
Telephone—Central 6894. 

Willing’s Press Guide 



A Responsible Weekly Journal 

For Racing and Hunting Folk 

and the Official Organ of the 
National Coursing Club. 

Every Friday. Price 3d. 

It keeps one up-to-date in matters apper- 
taining to the Breeding and Marketing of 
Bloodstock and other Breeds of Horses, and 
with incidents connected with the Chase ; 
while Current Events in Town and Country, 
The Theatre, Horse Shows, Polo, Books, 
Coursing, &c. are amongst its other subjects. 

The Only Journal containing 
“ Horse and Hound’”’ is an excellent 

medium for publicity, particularly in relation 
to Buying and Selling Horses of all kinds ; 
or to those in need of Hunt Servants, Grooms, 
Stablemen, Hunting Kit, etc. 

Circulates in all parts of the World. 

*Phone: Telegrams: 

Temple Bar 8100. “Horsanound, Westrand, London.” 
Advertisements received up to noon on 
Wednesday. Terms on application. 

Offices :— Bessemer House, Duke Street, 

Adelphi, London, W.6.2. 

The Leading Morning Journal in Ireland. 

Price 2d. 

Holds the most influential circulation of all 
the daily newspapers in that country. The 
Irish Times possesses a telegraph wire of 
its own from London to Dublin. It has a 
large staff of London and Foreign Corres- 
pondents, also local representatives in every 
town in Ireland. 

THE WEEKLY Price 2d. 


The best weekly newspaper in Ireland; non- 

litical and non-sectarian; gives an excel- 
ent Summary of all the events of the week, 
and is very largely read. 

IRISH FIELD, Price 2d. 

All interested in Sport read the /RISH 
FIELD. Best sporting intelligence and 
articles. Published every Saturday. 

Chief Offices: 31,Westmoreland St. Dublin. 

London Advertisement Manager 
59, Fleet St., E.C.4. Phone: Central 4350. 

If It’s Worth Selling 
It’s Worth Advertising 
in the Paper 

That's Worth Reading 



Published Every Friday 

Has the Largest Circulation 
of any Country Gentleman’s 

346, STRAND, W.C.2. 
Telephone: TEMPLE BAR 8020. 



Bromley Times. Eltham Times. 

Sidcup Times. Dartford Chronicle. 
Orpington and St. Mary Cray Times. 
Crayford Chronicle. Swanley Times. 

Erith Observer. Bexley Heath Observer 
Chislehurst Times. 

et Bao iae 

ments (exclusive of trade, etc.) 24 words, 2/- 3 
3 times price of 2; Id. every extra word. 


Sidcup, Bromley, Orpington, 
Eltham, Dartford, Bexley 
Heath, Erith and London. 

Telephones : 

Sidcup 77 (2 lines), Ravensbourne 

0017 (2 lines), Orpington 250, Eltham 

1226, Dartford 4, Bexley Heath 1, 
Erith 484, Holborn 2730. 

Willing’s Press Guide 

1830 CENTENNIAL YEAR 1930 | 

Lancaster Guardian The 
° : ? 
Series Latter-day Saints 
A Series of Papers that Millennial Star 

Pull Results. Established 1840. 

a a” 
ADVERTISING APPROPRIATIONS Expositor of the doctrines and 
for Lancashire, Westmorland, and the practices of The Church of 
should include PE be effective Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

series. (Miscalled The ‘* Mormon” Church). 

The area covered by these papers is eighty 
miles wide by fifty miles long. It embraces 
North-West and North-East Lancashire, 
Westmorland and the West Riding of 
Yorkshire. Its industries range from cotton 

to agriculture, and its population is well 3 
over a million. The papers have substan- John A. Widtsoe, Ph.D., LL.D., 
tial town and suburban sales and circulate Editor, 
among all classes of the community. D h H 
Rares on application toi to: ped Ee Street, urham ouse, 
ffice ancaster ; e 
j Liae Guardian ” Ge, Cromford 295, Edge Lane, Liverpool 
House, Cromford Court, Manchester. Telephone: Anfield 809. 

The Direct Way to Northern Markets Id. the copy; 6s. 6d. per annum 

All persons interested in 
guestions relating to Local CHEMICAL 
Government, or desiring to SCIENTIFIC & 

obtain appointments in the 

Local Government service, MEDICAL 

should read— 

CHRONICLE || cece 

ublished every Saturday. Price 3d. By Post 4d. We supply back issues 
aaa S e ii of Periodicals — odd 
Subscription Rates : copies as well as 
12 months, 17/6; 6 months, 9/-; volumes and long series. 
3 months, 4/6, post free, ffi liececceceaseeceeces 
B. LOGIN & SON, Inc. 

227-239, Tooley Street, 
London, S.E.1 

Tel. HOP 4155. Established 1855. 

29 East 21st Street, NEW YORK 

Cable Address: “ LOGBOOK,” N.Y. 


Willing’s Press Guide 

LONDON (20th Year) 

The District Messengers 
Official Theatre and Amusement Guide. 



Distributed Weekly to all District 
Messenger Offices, Provincial 
Agents and Abroad. 


Write for Specimen and Rates 
for Display Advts. 



Established 1858. *Phone: Hounslow 0016 



Every Advertisement 
inserted in the 
‘Middlesex Chronicle” 
is seen by all classes 
of Residents through- 
out West Middlesex. 

Proprietors : 

151, High Street, HOUNSLOW. 

Branch Offices : 
Staines and Sunbury. 



ts the 


BY FAR the Largest Sale of 
any Methodist Newspaper. 


Offices : 


Te recognised motor trade 
advertising medium. Guaran- 
teed circulation 15,000 monthly. 
The only British publication 
covering the entire motor industry. 


HE only British publication 

devoted exclusively to motor 
car electrical matters. 10,000 
copies circulated monthly to the 
whole of the trade. 

Specimen copies and rates from Motor Commerce 
Ltd., 53, Short’s Gardens, London, W.C.2. 
Telephone: Temple Bar 4956. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


is the Paper with the 
influence and territory 
which attract the leading 


The proof of the Paper is in the pulling. 
1854. 13d. 

Circulating in Newark and 100 
surrounding Towns and Villages. 

Market Day, 

Certified Net Sale Certificate 

Best advertising medium for Official Notices, 

Farm and Auction Sales, Wanted, For Sale 

and To Let, Advertisements. Excellent 

service of Village News, and Regular series 
of bright popular features. 

Estab ished 1905. 





Weekly. Twopence. 


St. Martin’s Street, W.C.2. 
Telephone : Gerrard 8830. 


The Recognised Newspaper in 
West African Commercial Circles. 


published on the West Coast 

of Africa under European 

Circulates in every town and 
village of importance in 

Advertisement rates and specimen 
copies obtainable from AFRICAN & 
Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2, 
all leading Advertising Agents, or 
direct from 
THE MANAGER, 172, Broad Street, 


119, Camden Rd., London, N.W. 

Telephone: North 1989. 

Publishing Office of 
“ Extracts from the Flying Roll.” 


A Series of Sermons addressed to 
the Lost Tribes of Israel. 

Sermons I., II. and III., in cloth, 

gilt, 1/6, post free, 2/- each sermon ; 

in cloth, black lettering, 1/-, post 

free, 1/6 each sermon. Vol. 

(containing the three e 

roan, gilt lettering and edges, 
post free, 10/9. 

“ Pioneer of Wisdom,” Monthly 1d. 


Willing’s Press Guide 


A Monthly Review of Finance. 

Keeps you au fait with 
the current doings 
of the Financial World. 

Subscription 3/- per annum, 
post free. 

Published by 
Epwarp A. SIMPSON & Co. LTD., 
7, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2. 


Berks County Paper. 

Established 1723—207 years ago. 

General Advertiser for 
Berks, Bucks, Hants, Oxon, 
Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex, 

and Wilts. 


Published every Saturday morning. 

Scale of Charges or Quotation for a series, 
forwarded on application to 

The Publishers, 

“ Mercury ” Office, Reading 
Telephone: 328 Reading. 
London Office: 

2, Copthall Buildings, E.C.2. 
Telephone Avenue 2040. 

The Railway Magazine 

Most popular Monthly for 
all interested Railways 
throughout the World 
Profusely Illustrated Price One Shilling net 


The Railway Year Book 

Price 5/- net. By post, 5/6 

eee eee eee eee ee ee eee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ey 

Trrererere re Se eee eer ee eer ee eee eee Er eee eT ee ee eee eee ee eee ee eee es 

Most complete railway 
reference book 

Up-to-date and reliable 

33, Tothill Street, Westminster 
London, S.W.1 


If you want to Advertise in 
the Counties of Warwick, 
Leicester, and Northampton 

you cannot leave out 


It holds a unique position 
among the reading public of 
these Counties. The only 
Newspaper printed in Rugby 

Send for Rates and Specimen Copy 

Published Tuesday (1d.) and Friday (2d.) 
at 1, Albert Street, Rugby. 

Tel. No. Managing Director: 
21 Rugby. S. T. WATKINS. 

London Offices : 
A. H. Paring, 80, Fleet St., E.C.4. 

Tel: 2626 Central. 

Willing’s Press Guide 


geographically, commercially and historically, 
of a prosperous residential and agricultural 
district with a population of 70,000 people. 
To effectively reach this large number of 
potential customers it is essential that your 
announcements appear in 




which is the best medium for reaching not 
only the civilian inhabitants of the district but 
also those residing at the numerous military 
stations and Royal Air Force aerodromes on 
Salisbury Plain. 

Salisbury is the capital of the county of 
Wiltshire, the marketing centre for everybody 
living within a radius of twenty miles, and the 
home of 


which goes into every town, every village and 
every part of the area it covers. 

Display Advertisements 1/6 per inch for 26 
insertions: shorter periods in proportion. 
Legal and Official Notices 5/- per inch. Auc- 
tioneers’ Announcements 4/- per inch. Pre- 

aid ‘‘ Want” Advertisements 18 words 1/-, 
30 words 1/6. 

EVERY FRIDAY, 2d. Established 1860. 

Letters and Telegrams—“ Times, Salisbury.” 
’Phone 900. 


The Speculative 

Contains articles on Ritual 

Interpretation, etc., such as:— 
The Work of the Officers and Brethren, 
Ancient British and Druidic Stones, 

Attack on Freemasonryby the RomanCatholic 
Church and Colonel Claude Cane’s Reply. 

Mark Masons and their Marks, 

The Pillars of King Solomon’s Temple, 
The Kindliness of the Most High. 

Death of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland. 
The Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii. 

The Traditional History. 

Recent Grand Lodge Edicts. 

is free to subscribers. 

Annual Subscription, 8/8 post free. 
Single Copy, 2/2 post free. 
Abroad, 9/- & 2/6 
Established 1909. Telephone : Maida Vale 1518. 

And Fowler's, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4. 

The Somerset County 
Gazette (Taunton). 

Series includes 
The Bridgwater Mercury (Bridgwater) 

The Devon and Somerset News 
Established 94 years ago, it covers the 

whole district between Bristol and 
Exeter and has therein a far larger 

circulation than any other series of 
apers. The circulation of each paper 
is certified by Incorporated Accountants 

and copies of these certificates may be 
had on application. There can be no 
better guarantee of genuine circulation. 
A comparison of its advertisements 
(especially of the “ Situations Wanted” 
class) with those in any other paper 
will show conclusively that it has no 
equal as an advertising medium within 
the above district. 

Tel. Nos. : Taunton (Commercial 25; Editorial 461) ; 
Bridgwater 17; Tiverton 150. 
Telegraphic : “ Gazette, Taunton.” 
London Office : 148, FLEET STREET. 

Woodley, Williams & Dunsford, Ltd., 
Castle Green, Taunton. 

Sell your product in Suburban 
Essex through The 




The Newspaper for 


and surrounding districts. 

40,0 OO 



Head Office: STRATFORD, E.15 

Willing’s Press Guide 

Surrey County Herald 

Established 1878. Localised Editions :— 

For Epsom, Sutton and Cheam, 
Wallington and Carshalton, 
and Mitcham, 

Proprietors: WILLIAM PILE, LTD. 

Fridays (80 Cols.), 2d. The best medium 
for all County Advertisements. 


is generally known in the County of Surrey 
CHARACTER, extent and influence, and has 
maintained a steady and regular growth since 
its establishment in 1878. Dealing with most 
matters of public interest in the interest of 
the public, it is pre-eminently a Family News- 
paper, and circulating extensively throughout 
the County of Surrey, and in the most popu- 
lous residential neighbourhoods in the suburbs 
of London, offers a splendid medium to 

Trade Advertisements :—5/- per inch, 
once. 2/6 per inch, 13 weeks. 
Legal, 7/6 per in. Auction, 7/6 per in. 

Central Office: 


Telephone: 2100, 2101, 2102. 
Telegrams: “ Herald, Sutton.” 

The only Magazine de- 
voted entirely to 
Swimming, Water Polo 
and diving published 
in England. 

No Swimmer 
should be 
without it. 

Post Free 
Capt, B.W. Cummins 
4, Waddon Pk. Avenue 

334% reduction on 
bulk orders. 

Single Copies 6d, each. 

Advertisements £2/2/0 per 
page less 25% for series. 

Published February, May, June, 
‘uly, Sept., October & December. 


N.W. Surrey & S.W. Middx. 

Leading Papers throughout 
extensive area. 




Best Advertising Mediums. 
Published Fridays. 


"Phone: Chertsey 234-5, 
Chertsey, Woking, and Staines, 


Photographs and 
Illustrations for 

Photography in 
all its branches 


10 & 11, Red Lion Court, 
Fleet St., London, E.C.4. 

Telephones: Telegrams: 
Central 8983 & 8984. “ Topicality, Fleet, London.” 

Willing’s Press Guide 


Established over Half-a-Century. | 

Net Sales over 20,000 Copies Weekly. 
Certified in 1923. 

WEDNESDAY (4 Pages), 1d. 

SATURDAY (12 Pages), 2d. 

By far the largest circulation of any newspaper 
published ia West Cumberland. 
Circulates throughout the West 
Coast between Liverpool and Glas- 
gow, in an important Agricultural, 
Coal and Iron Ore Mining, Iron and 
Steel Manufacturing, Shipbuilding, 
and Residential Area. 

The Advertising Medium for Cumberland. 
Head Office - COCKERMOUTH. 
Telephone: 17. 

London Representative: 
Mr. C. CARTER, 92, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 
Telephone: Central 8209. 

West Sussex 
County Times 

and Standard 

Tel.: Horsham 300. 

Est. 67 years. 

Only Paper Printed and 
Published in Horsham. 

Published Fridays at 2d. 

A large and steadily increasing 
circulation in Horsham and a 
wide area of West Sussex. 
Full reports of all events and 
special features of interest 
for every type of reader. 
Advertisement Scale of Charges sent 
per return on request. 




Every Friday. 

West Herts and 
Watford Observer 


AS a guaranteed and increas- 
ing circulation much larger 
than any paper published in 

the district; and is a wonderful 
medium for all “Want” and official 
Advertisements. The Observer, 
besides being a County Paper, is 
the oldest and leading Weekly for 
Watford, West Herts, North-west 
Middlesex, and part of Bucks. All 
current events illustrated. Every 
advertising scheme should include 
this ideal family paper, circulating 
in a district that is growing more 
rapidly than any other in the 
vicinity of London. 


Offices : 101, HIGH STREET, WATFORD. 
Tel, 101. 


West Sussex Gazette 
and South of England 


Twelve or Sixteen Pages - ~- 2d. 

Thursday's Breakfast Paper 
— in South-East England. — 

This is the largest and most success- 
ful Open Market for Trade and 
Agriculture in Sussex and Surrey, 
and South-East England generally. 
Its record for ‘‘ Smalls ’’ is astonish- 
ing. Widely known and read, it is 
one of the Independent, Original, 
and Successful Journals of the 
Proprietors: Mitchell & Co. (Printers), Ltd. 
Arundel, Sussex. Telephone No. 1 Arundel 
(two lines). The Chichester Publishing Office 
is in South Street; Brighton—55, East 
Street ; Guildford—73, North Street ; 

London—143 & 144, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 
Telephone—4450 Central. 

. -nan — 

Willing’s Press Guide 

_ The Net Sales of the 


Premier Provincial Weekly 
Newspaper of England 

PER 57,614 ISSUE 



Established 1854. 
HE one. reliable 

_ messenger for any 
advertiser who wishes 
to cover the wide and 
wealthy area of North 
East Yorkshire, of which 
the coast line is 
Scarborough to the 
Tees, 50 miles apart. 

59,063 WEEKLY 

A Booklet, giving full details of the 
atove totals and the.area of circu- 
post free on application. 

Rates on Application. 




Chief Offices: YEOVIL, SOMERSET, 
London Office (Mr. F. J. Cox): 

Established 1812. 


ais RATES 
Windsor, Slough 

& Eton Express for any periodical 

mentioned in this 
Recognised as the principal medium 

for all Advertising in East Berks. Guide will be 
and South Bucks., including the 
towns mentioned. 

Head Office: 4, HIGH STREET, WINDSOR. free on application 
*Phone: Windsor 46. 

gladly supplied 

Branch Office: 
London Office: 80, FLEET STREET. wW 
Rep.: - - MR.A. H. PAINE. illing & Co. Ltd. 
"Phone: Central 2626. 123, Moorgate, London, E.C.2. 

NET SALES: Over 11,000 weekly. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

alate ai Rates 


Full Page...................6. £5 5s Od 
Half Page..................06: £3 Os Od 
Quarter Page............... £1 10s Od 

Full Page (next matter)...€7 7s Od 
Half Page ,, » + £3 158 Od 

Rates of other Special positions will be furnished by WILLING 
SERVICE, Willing House, 356-364 Grays Inn Road, London, W.C.1 

Other Publications 

“The Story of Willing Service ” 
“Willing Service Methods ” 
“Marketing Research” 

“ Poster Publicity ” 

A copy of these will be sent free to principals of any 
business interested in advertising 


ee a, | 
i Te- a o o 



with over 



Surv en Comet 


South Middlesex News 

All Display and “Smalls” Advertisements appear 
in both issues at a combined rate. 



Founded in 1854, this widely known Journal is regularly 
used by Government Departments, County and Local 
Authorities, Auctioneers and the Leading Trade Ad- 
vertisers—local and National—for their announcements. 

Its increasing small ‘Sales and Wants” columns are a 
feature of the sheet and a sure sign of its advertising value. 




h ‘Phone: Kıncsrton 1890 (4 lines). 
X Proprietors: KNAPP, DREY IONS Ltd. 
A - 
SSSSSSSSSSsssssssss SSSSSSsssey7Z