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Willing’s Press Guide BORGO 










Irade, Foreign and 
Sporting, General 
Police, Intelligence. 

- Tu Se en nn I ED < 


— an er ee —— «⸗* nm x \ i 
nn m — 
F Ye — 

ARN un, 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. F 

Advertisements.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Telegrams : Telephone: Editorial, 148 HOLBORN. 
“SUN,” LONDON. Advertisement, 1950 HOLBORN. 


Is the Best, Brightest, Newsiest, and most Popular - 
HALFPENNY Evening Paper in London. | 
It contains daily Smart Leaderettes, Special Articles written by experienced 

Journalists on interesting subjects. Market Reports Hour by Hour. The Best 
News Service in London, &c. &c. 



Advertisement Rates on — to 

Advertisement Manager, ‘‘SUN ” Office, T emple Avenue, E.C. E.C. 







Every — Metin t —— ‘Central. 

“ Feuilleton,” London 


. v] 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim. , Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 





Willing’s Press Guide. 


Five lines for 4s.; each extra line, 1s.; per inch, 14s.; per column, #10. 

Special Column on Leader page (wide measure), £12. 10s.; $-col., £6. 5s.; 4-col., £3. 23.£6d. 

One Shilling per Line. Ninepence per Line. Sixpence per Line, 

Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 5s. per insertion. 
Company Prospectuses, per line, 1s. 3d.; per column, £12. 10s.; per page, £60. 
Special Publisher’s Column (on Leader page), per inch, 10s. 6d.; per column, £7. 7s. 


Domestic Servants Wanting Places .. ... 18 words, is., each extra 7 words or less 4d. 
3 Wanted... .. .. 18 ,„ Ls. 6d. * — > ; 
*Professional Appointments, Vacant or Wanted 18 ,, 1s. 6d. se 3 5 6d. 
tCommercial Situations, Vacant or Wanted... 18 , is. 6d. as a a 6d. 
Houses and Properties ... ... 18 13. 6d. 5 53 i ôd. 
Board and Residence _... ee 18 „  1s.6d. 5 ‘i hi 6d. 
Apartments, Flats, Offices, &eo. 18 ,, Is. 6d. = * 6d. 
Miscellaneous (“ For Sale” or“ Wanted ” by 
Private Persons)... 18 „ 1s.6d. 5 * F ôd. 
Miscellaneous (Trade Advertisements) .. 82 ,, 4s. Od. 5 ‘i i ls. 

* Under the heading PROFESSIONAL, appear Secretaries, Governesses, Tutors, &c. 
+ Under the heading CoMMERCIAL, appear Book-keepers, Clerks, Cashiers, &c. 


To appear on Pages 11, 13, 14, or Back Page. 
£ s. d. 

£ Ss d. 
Whole page... “a Gi ... 50 0 O | Per inch, single col. 014 0 
Half „ .. * * .. 25 0 0 * across 12 cols. ... 110 
Quarter page eae wars .. 1210 0 å » 2$ » 115 0 
One-eighth page ... — 65 0! 5 „ 838 , 22 0 
One-sixteenth page * .. 3 2 6 = » page 310 0 

The minimum space on Page 11 or 13 is onehalt: and on Page 14 one-quarter page ze (upright). 

A Discounts allowed on a series of Advertisements as follows :— 
5 per cent. on thirteen, 10 per cent. on twenty-six, and 15 per cent. on fifty-two or more insertions. 

The above Gharges for Advertisements Inolude free Insertion In the Weekly 
Foreign Issue. 

All communications ——— Advertisements should be addressed to the MANAGER, 
Advertisement Department, “ Daily Graphic,” 190 Strand, W.C. 

Cheques to be made payable to the “ Daily Graphic,” and crossed London and West- 
minster Bank. Telegraphic “ Dıerapa, Lonpon.” Telephone No. 2,594. 

vi] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 











Lists of the Principal Colonial and Foreign Journals, 



West End Office—162 PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 
[Entered at Stationer? Hal] _ 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — —ñ — — — — — — — — — — — — — 

„Dont Waste Time and Money 

By advertising in fourth-rate papers, but 
send your Advertisements to the 


The Greatest Advertising Medium in the Provinces. 

— — 

Public Companies, Auctioneers, Hydro 
Private Firms, Hotels, Establishments, 
Estate Agents, Seaside Resorts, &c., &c., &c., 



Such a wide-spread publicity as is rarely attainable. 



(20 pages—One Penny) 

Has a world-wide fame. It circulates in every part of the Globe. 

London Representative :—W. R. SKINNER, 46 FLEET STREET, E.C. 





ONE PENNY295605 



The Westminster Gazette 
regularly contains more 

Offices :— R L | Advertisements than any 
Tudor Street, other newspaper of the 
L . . 
ondon, same classification. 
E.C. : 

viii] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand,;sLondon. 



= JOLLOWING the precedent of former years, the  Thirty-first 
way) Annual Issue of WILLING’S PRESS GUIDE has been care- 

fully revised, no expense being spared in order to support its 

reputation as the handiest and readiest for reference, and for the infor- 
mation usually required in regard to the Press of the World tho most complete 
and reliable work of its class. 

For much of the information the thanks of the Proprietors are due to the 
Publishers who have favoured them by replying to their request for particulars, 
the few who have failed in this respect being distinguished in the alphabetical 
arrangement by an asterisk (*). 

In the newspapers are included only such as appear under distinct titles. 
Many of these are simply reprints of other papers with the heading alone 
changed, while others have some variation which entitles them to be called 

localised editions. 



The number of periodicals might be greatly increased by adding, as is 
commonly done, a large number of strictly American magazines and many 
hundred parish magazines, the latter mostly some well-known monthly localised 
by the addition of a cover with parochial notices and local advertisements. 

It is perhaps necessary to state that throughout the Guide the prefix “bi” 

signifies “two,” not “twice;’’ consequently, a “bi-monthly”’ is published 

every two months, a ‘“ bi-weekly ” every two weeks. 

Suggestions, corrections, and information calculated to further improve the 
scope of this work will be gratefully received, and the Publishers respectfully 
request that any change in the title, day of issue, price, publisher, or office of 
any of the publications herein may be notified. to them, together with the titles 




of any that may be discontinued during the year. Particulars and a copy of 
anything new that may appear in the course of the year should be directed to 

“The Editor,’ in order to secure insertion in the next edition. 

The thanks of the Proprietors are returned to numerous appreciative friends 
and to the newspaper proprietors who have kindly assisted to produce a trust- 
worthy Guide to the Press. 

January 1904. 

_ Willing’s Press Guide. 


Sport and the Drama. 


All the Latest Theatrical and Sporting News. 

Office—Victoria House, Tudor St., Whitefriars, E.C.. 

Post Free, 8 months, 1s. 8d.; 6 months, 3s. 3d.; 12 months, 6s. 6d. 
Single copies, 14d., payable in advance. 
Telephene: 298, HOLBORN. 





£ s. d. 

Trade or Miscellaneous (4 lines or less) . 040 
Per line after . 010 
Theatrical or Musical Announcements, i 6 lines ov less) 0 6 0 
Per line after 010 

Per Inch 015 0 

A Column, £15 ; Half & Column, ‘£7. 10s. : : Guat ‘Column, £3. 15s.. 
Public Companies, 1s. per line, or £15 per Column. 

Paragraph Advertisements, 21s. for 8 lines or under; extra lines- 
2s. 6d. each. 

Approved blocks are accepted an’ Do able Column Advertisements. 
‘Telephones : 2,773 and 3,746 CERRARD. 

mn — — 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [= 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Circulation Certificate. 



-October 9th, 1903. | 



3 bereby Certify that during the month = 
of June, 1903, the 


Modded ll L ILL I III LI III)Z 

Dailp € 38 > 
ailp Express 
attained a circulation of 300,000 Copies Daily, = 
| and that the average Daily circulation for the = 
= | Three Months following has been as follows:— | 
= July, 1903 . . . 305,537 Copies. z 
3 August, 1903 . . 319,387 “a = 
-4 September, 1903 . 342,497 w 
: = These figures apply to the “ DAILY EXPRESS ” £ 
i only, and do not include the “ North Mail,” which |*- 
z| had an average daily circulation in September 
. = of 61,457 copies, or the “Midland Express,” |i 
=| which had in September an average daily circu- 
=| lation of 46,908 copies, 
= Ä Ä | ie 
= (Signed) ERNEST J. THOL, z 
= Chartered Accountant. Da 
xü] J. Willing, Juhr., bos Agents, 125 Strand, Trodon J 



ie E bs City Eprtors’ OFFIcEs . ; ; ; . . . 254 

a - &C., ACCORDING To Days OF Issue . ; f : . 255 

F AND SUBURBAN LocaL PAPERS . ; . ; ; i ; . . 271 
ProvrnctaL NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED DatLy : ‘ ; : ; 3 : - . 277 
u ss &C., ARRANGED IN CoyNrTIEs ‘ 6 ‘ j ä i . 281 

an ss 5 3 Towns . ; ‘ ; i ‘ . . Sill 
ALTERATIONS . Š é ‘ : ; 2 : . $ & ‘ ; . 3881 
COLONIAL NEWSPAPERS . ‘ ; ; i ; é ; i è . i . 385 
AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS . R i f 5 & ; ; ‘ : . . 3895 
CONTINENTAL NEWSPAPERS ‘ ‘ ; f : ; ; $ ‘ Š . . 405 
ÅDVEBTISEMENTS ; b ; : . ; ; : — . . 415 

Considerable care is taken to ensure correctness, but the Publishers cannot 
be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions that may occur. 
| [xili 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

nl ee ee ee Ee ee — — — — — 
- ~ 


She Globe 

Six Editions are published daily, from One to Seven p.m. 

THE GLOBE consistently advocates sound constitutional doctrine, and gives an independent support to 
‘the great Oonservative party. Great energy is manifested to obtain the latest news, and it has always the 
‘character of receiving the earliest official intelligence. 

Its circulation is very large, and rapidly increasing. In London it is largely gold at all bookstalls, at the 
principal newsagents, and in the streets. The subscription list is very considerable ; and the Paper can also be 
had from newsagents in the principal towns, and at all important railway stations in the provinces. It is also 
‘much read in clubs, hotels, and reading-rooms throughout the United Kingdom and Continental cities, 

THE GLOBE, which, from the reliability and excellence of its news and reports —Parliamentary, law, and 
general—its latest telegrams, money market intelligence, &c., has the reputation of being the LEADING as well 
as the OLDEST EVENING PAPER, has now added to its other features 

A Complete Sporting Service. 

The SPECIAL EDITION, published at 6.30 p.m., gives the full results of all events, together with the jockeys 
weights, next day’s programmes, and starting prices of all the horses running, and a SPEOIAL DESORIPTION 
OF EAOH RACE at all the day’s race-meetings throughout the kingdom. The latest betting on the course, the 

-entries, weights, and acceptances, programmes, and scratchings for all coming events are also carefully chronicled. 

Its original matter, in addition to light reading under “Notes of the Day,” includes letters from the chief 
‘Continental cities ; and a special feature is the “ Turnover” appearing on the front page, written on a social topic 
‘by writers who rank among the foremost litiérateurs of the day. 

Speeial Notice.—By the operation of the Postal Union, THE GLOBE, being under 2 ozs., can be sent by 
book post at the minimum rate—One Halfpenny; so that the subscription for all parts of the World is now the 
‚same as for the United Kingdom, viz. :— 

pariy Speeial Edition, published at 4.30 p.m. ... ... 9s. 9d. per Quarter. 
Special 9 es 6.30 p.m. .. . 18s. 53 
‘Oountry Subscribers can receive either Edition by the first delivery the following day. 
THE GLOBE will be sent for short periods on a remittance pro rata being sent to the Publisher. 
The Special Edition on Saturdays only (posted in time for delivery in the country on Sunday morning) 

‘forwarded for 8s. 8d, per annum. 

“TRADES, AUCTIONS, BOOKS, AND CHARITIES—3 lines, and under, 2s. 6d.; per additional line, 8d. 
‘MISCELLANEOUS—COMPANIES’ BUSINESS NOTICES (Railway, Shipping, Insurance, Newspapers, <&c.), 


Four lines, and under, 3s. 6d.; per additional line, 9d. : 

MENTS, LEGAL NOTIOES, FINANCE, MONEY, &c.—Not exceeding 4 lines, 5s.; per additional line, 1s. 
up to 50, and then ls. 6d. 

‘ELECTION AND PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES—lIs. 6d. per line up to 50, and 2s. a line after. 

‘PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS (to which the word Advertisement must be appended)—Three lines, 5s. ; 
each line after, 1s. 6d. 

iBIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES (duly authenticated)—Not exceeding four lines, 5s. each. 

Advertisements exceeding Four inches charged at Column rate. 

Advertisements for a Series of Insertions taken by Special Contract. 

Advertisements set in other than the ordinary small type, or by desire displayed, and tabulated matter, 

-charged according to the space occupied. 

Across Two Per Page, 

Single Column. Columns. Across Two Half or Quarter, 

er Inch. Per Inch. Per Column. Columns. o rata. 

& d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. $ sd. 

’PRADES;,&6,,.., 3 a ae a POO ra TB ER ON 16 00. 40 0 0 

Do. next matter... .. 12 0 ... ... 240 .. .. 10100. 2 0 0 . 50 0 0 

“MISCELLANEOUS, &....  ... 10 6 1. 4. 210.0. .. 10000. 20000 «4. 50 6 0O 

Do. next matter... ... 14 0 ... 1... 280 ... .. 12100. 25 00. 60 0 0 

-PUBLIO COMPANIES, &c. .. 15 0 ... ... 30 0... ... 15 00, 30 00. 72 0 vu 
next matter (solus) 0. 36 0 0 

A SPECIAL LOW RATE of 1s. 6d. for three lines (2s. 6d. for two insertions) for all Advertisements relating 
‘to Employers requiring Domestic Servants ; Domestic Servants wanting places; Apartments to Let or Wanted ; 
‘Bituations required by all Classes, &c. 

#,* The Advertisement Department is open from 9.30 a.m. till 7.30 p.m. Daily, except Saturdays, when it closes 
at 5 p.m. After those hours, Advertisements may be left with the Office Keeper. Advertisements can be received 
up to 10 on the morning of Publication ; for Leader Page, 11. 

Several Editions are published up to 7 p.m. Advertisements of special importance can be received for insertion 
on the same day on Leader Page so late as 5 p.m. 

OFFIOES : 367 STRAND, W.O. W. T. MADGE, Manager. 
Telephone; 2572 GERRARD. 
és 3040 ši Telegrams: GLOBE, LONDON. 

xiv] J. Willing, Junr., Lim.. Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 





With the Year of Establishment, When Published, Price, and 
Publisher's Name and Address. 

General Newspaper Titles are printed in BLACK CAPITALS; Class and Trade Journals, Maga- 
zines, &c., in Black letter; and Annuals &c. in italic. 

Politics are contracted thus—(l) (c) (l.c) (u) (rad.) (nat.) (ind.); publications undistinguished are 
neutral or non-political. 

When the place of publication of a newspaper is not the leading word in the title it is printed in 
italic in the address. Postal initials indicate London addresses. 

A + signifies that the publication is Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office; 
a * that no reply has been received as to the correctness of the information. 

Monthly publications, unless otherwise stated, are issued for the first day of the month. M signifies 

The Interests, Professions, and Subjects embraced in this List will be found classified at page 201. 

ABC Bonnie Scotland’s Resorts, 1896. June. 2d. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. 

A BC Church and Chapel Directory, 1861 (with which is incorporated the London Church 
Directory and Guide and May Meeting Handbook). April. 2d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

ABC Coast Guide and Register, 1896. M. during summer. 1d. Higgie & Co., Rothesay. 

ABC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1897. Feb. 2s. Heywood & Co. Lim., 
150 Holborn, E.c. 

ABC Guide to Practice, 1908. Annually. 58s. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

A BC Hotel Guide, 1886. Every two years. 21s. Caterer Publishing Co. Lim., 59 & 60 Chancery 
Lane, w.c. ` 

ABC Railway Guide, 1853. M. 6d. 828 Strand, w.c. 

tABERCARN AND RISCA WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, 
Mon. A localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. ` 

ABERDARE LEADER, 1902 (with which is incorporated the Aberdare Times, 1861, formerly 
Y-Gwron, 1888) (ind... Thurs. 1d. Pugh & Rowlands, 8 Market St., Aberdare. 

ABERDARE TIMES, 1861 (with which is incorporated Y-Gwron, 1888. Incorporated with the 
Aberdare Leader 1908). 

Aberdeen Almanac, 1771. Dec. 18. Aberdeen Journal Office, 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. 

tAberdeen Catholic Heraid, 1894. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 8 Rosemount Viaduct, 
Aberdeen. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tABERDEEN DAILY JOURNAL, 1748. (lc) am. ld. Aberdeen and North of Scotland, 
—— as Printing Co. Lim., 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 
(Advt. p. 419. 

ABERDEEN EVENING EXPRESS, 1879 (now Evening Express). 

tABERDEEN FREE PRESS, 1853. (l) 8a.m. Id. A. Marr, 80 Union St., Aberdeen. (London): 
149 Fleet Street.) 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [1 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

AB C List. ] 

Aberdeen Post Office Directory, 1850. June. 3s. 6d. 48 Market St., Aberdeen. 

Aberdeen Public Library Annual Report, 1884. Jan. Gratis. The Librarian, Public Library 
Aberdeen. i 

Aberdeen University Calendar, 1853. Aug. 8s. 6d. Aberdeen University Press, Lim., Aberdeen. 

tABERDEEN WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1748. (l.c) Wed. 1d. Aberdeen and North of Scotland 
Newspaper and Printing Co. Lim., 18-22 Broad St., Aberdeen. (London: 5 New Bridge St.) 
(Advt. p. 419.) 

tABERGAVENNY CHRONICLE, 1871. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Morgan & Co., 27 Frogmore St., 

ABERGELE AND PENSARN VISITOR, 1856 (with which is incorporated the Colwyn Bay 
Gazette). Fri. for Sat. 1d. R. Jones, Market St., Abergele. 

+ABERGELE AND WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. ld. W.H. Evans & 
Sons, Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

tABERGELE NEWS, 1901. Fri. 1d. Polkinghorne & Williams, High St., Rhyl. A localised 
edition of the Rhyl News. 

Aberlour Orphanage Magazine, 1885 (now Orphanage Monthly Magazine, 1901). 

+ABERTILLERY WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A 
localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. 

+ABERYSTWYTH OBSERVER, 1858. (c) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. J. Morgan, Aberystwyth. 


ABINGDON FREE PRESS AND DIDCOT NEWS, 1902. Fri. $d. H. Read, Valpy St. 
Reading. (London: 4 Budge Row.) One of the Berkshire Chronicle series. (Advt. p. 444.) 

+ABINGDON HERALD, 1867 (with which is incorporated the Reading Herald). Sat. id. 
H. G. Loosley, Stert St., Abingdon. 

ABINGDON TELEGRAPH, 1901. (imd.) Weds. $d. Oxfordshire Telegraph Co., 18 Castle 
St., Oxford. A localised edition of the Oxfordshire Telegraph. 

Abingdonian, 1890. During term. 6d. The Editor, Abingdon School, Abingdon. 

Aborigines’ Friend, 1887. Alter. M. 8d. P.T. King & Son, Orchard House, Great Smith St., 
Westminster, s.w. 

Abroad, 1892. M.—15th. Gratis. Rud Falck, 25 Water St., Liverpool. 

Abstainer, 1889. M.—Ist. 1d. 85 Windsor Place, Cardiff. 

Academic Gazette, 1880. March & Oct. 6d. Hammond & Co., 5 Vigo St., w. 

+Academy and Literature, 1869 (with which is incorporated Literature, 1902). Fri.—8 a.m., 
for Sat. 8d. 9 East Harding St., Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Academy Architecture, 1889. Twice a year, June and Dec. 4s. and 4s. 10d. 58 Theobald’s 
Road, w.c. (Selection of Architectural drawings exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, 
London; the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh; the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, 
and others. Advt.) 

Academy Notes, 1875. May. 1s., illus. Skeffington & Son, 168 Piccadilly, W. 

Acceptable Words (as Loving Words, 1891). M.—28th. $d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster 
Square, E.C. 

Account of the Income and Expenditure of the British Museum, 1852. Annually. Price varies, 
Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St.,E.c (Advt. p. 879.) 

+Accountant, 1874. Fri.—4p.m., for Sat. 6d. Gee & Co., 84 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Accountants’ Journal, 1887 (as Accountants’ Students’ Journal, 1883). M.—15th. 9d. Gee 
& Co., 84 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Accountants’ Magazine, 1897. M.—29th. 6d. Blackwood & Sons, 37 Paternoster Row, E.c, 

Accountants’ Manual, 1884. Jan. & July. 8s. 6d. per ann. Gee & Co., 84 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Accountants’ Notes, 1901. Quarterly. 8d. Corporation of Accountants, Lim., 3 Bury Court, E.c. 

+ACCRINGTON DIVISION GAZETTE, 1881. (w) Sat. 1d. The Accrington Gazette Co, 
Lim., 88 Abbey St., Accrington. 

+ACCRINGTON EXPRESS, 19038. Fri. 4d. J. Broadley Lim., 82 Blackburn Road 
Accrington. F 

+ACCRINGTON OBSERVER & TIMES, 1866. (l) Sat. & Tues. 1d. R.S. Crossley, Edgar 
St., Accrington. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Acetylene, 1908. M.—Ist week. 8d. Raggett & Co., 46 Southampton Buildings, w.c. 

Acock’s Green and Solihull Journal, 1898. M.—2Ist. 2d. Heywood Reynolds, 6 Cherry 
St., Birmingham. 

2 J i Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. i 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Across the Seas, 1896. M.—1ist. 4d. Pickering & Inglis, 73 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

ACTON EXPRESS, 1896. (ind.) Fri. 4d. Acton and Chiswick Publishing Syndicats Lim., 
7 Church Road, Acton. 

ACTON GAZETTE, 1901 (as Acton Gazette, 1868; as Acton and Chiswick Gazette, 1871). 
Fri. id. 2 Mill Hill Road, Acton. 

Adams's Reports of Cases before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, 1893. Irreg. 
Price varies. T. & T. Clark, 88 George St., Edinburgh. 

tADLINGTON CHRONICLE, 1889. (ind.) Sat. id. Horwich Publishing Co., 82 Winterhey 
Lane, Horwich. A localised edition of the Horwich Chronicle. 

Admiralty List of Lights. Jan. 14s. J. D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

Advance! 1889. Quarterly. 8d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.c. 

Advance Calendar, 1897. C.J. Minter, Caxton House, Aspley Guise. 

Advanced Lesson Leaflets, 1881. M.—25th. 8d. S.S.U., 57-9 Ludgate Hill, E.c, 

ADVERTISER (PADDINGTON) 1901 (formerly Advertiser for St. Peter's Park, Queen's 
Park, &c., 1888.) Sat. 4d. St. Vincent Press, 333 Harrow Road, Paddington, w. 

tADVERTISER AND NORTHERN MORNING NEWS, 1899 (as Accrington Advertiser, 1889). 
(ind.) Tues.and Fri. 4d. Advertiser Lim., 115 Blackburn Road, Accrington. 

which is incorporated the Kidderminster Free Press and Dudley Chronicle). (l) Bat. ld. 
C. Ford & J. Addison, 187 High St., Brierley Hill. 

ADVERTISER FOR MARYLEBONE, ST. JOHN’S WOOD, &c., 1895 (with which is incor- 

rated Borough of Marylebone Advertiser). Sat. $d. Wharton & Jessett, 46 Lisson Grove, 

Marylebone, N.W. 

ld. A. M‘Dougall, 6 Peter St., Drogheda. 

Advertiser of Wants and Offers, 1893. M.—25th. 

Advertiser Rugby Almanack, 1859. Dec. 1d. Rugby Advertiser Lim., 1 Albert St., Rugby. 
10s. 6d. T.B. 

Advertiser’s A B C, The Standard Advertisement Press Directory, 1886. Jan. 
Browne Lim., 168 Queen Victoria 8t., E.c. 
Advertisers’ Guardian, 1885. Dec. 2s.6d. T. Dixon, 195 Oxford St., w. 
+Advertisers’ Review, 1899. Sat. 2d. Love & Malcomson Lim., 74-6 Great Queen St., w.c. 
Advertising Dispatch, 1902. Sat. Gratis. C. M‘D. Smart, 1 and 5 Charterhouse St., Perth. 
Advertising World, 1901. M.—1st. 6d. Ewart, Seymour & Co., Granville House, Arundel 
St., Strand, w.c. 
Adviser, 1849. M.—25th. 4d., illus. W. Johnston, Scottish Temperance League, 108 Hope St., 
Glasgow. (London: 7 Paternoster Buildings.) 
Advocate (now Warwickshire Workers’ Advocate). 
ADVOCATE FOR SHIRLEY, &c., 1898 (as Shirley and Freemantle Advocate, 1898). Sat. 
4d. E.A. Young, 69 High St., Shirley, Southampton. 
Aeronautical Journal, 1897. Quarterly. 1s. King, Sell, & Olding Lim., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
African Commerce, 1900 (as Central African Commerce, 1900). M.—15th. 6d. Commercial 
Newspapers Lim., 5 Dean St., High Holborn, w.c. 
African Critic (now Critic). 
African Journal of Commerce, 1902 (N.S.). 

8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
+African Review, 1892 (with which is incorporated the South African Star). Sat. 6d. 16 

Devonshire Square, E.C. 

African Tidings, 1892 (formerly Children’s Tidings, 1889). M.—25th. 4d. Partridge & Co., 
9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

African Times, 1860. M.—1st Fri. 4d. 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

African World and Cape Cairo Express, 1902. Sat. 

Avenue, E.C. 
Agard’s International Hotel Guide, 1908. Jan. 5s. 
Agard’s International Industries and Trade Marks Register, 1892. Jan. 80s. Agard & Co., 
Lim., 95 New Street, Birmingham. 
ency ist and Handbook of the Wine and Spirit Trade of the U. K. (incorporated in j 
“9 and — —— Trade Diary ad Year Book). 4 i en — 
s’ Journal, 1890 (as Life Assurance Agents’ Journal, 1885). Thurs. for Sat. 1d. G. 

Meen Dould, 6 Dorset St., Fleet St, Ec. 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. [3 

ld. Fentham Road, Handsworth, 

Quarterly. Subs. Eastern Press Lim., 

6d. Bourne House, 34 Copthall 

Agard & Co. Lim. 95 New St., 

ABC List.] = Willing’s Press Guide. 

Agnostic Annual, 1888 (as Agnostic, 1884). Oct. 6d. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet Si., E.C. 

Agnostic Journal, 1889 (as Secular Review, 1877). Wed.—5 p.m.,for Sat. 2d. W. Stewart & 
Co., 41 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Agricultural Annual and Mark Lane Express Almanac, 1898. Dec. 6d. 1 Essex St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Agricultural Chronicle, 1901. M.—15th. 5s. per ann. F. W. Bridges, 189 & 140 Fleet St., z.c. 
Agricultural Chronicle Diary, 1901. 88.6d. Dec. F. W. Bridges, 139 & 140 Fleet St., B.o. 
Agricultural Economist, 1870. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. 92 Long Acre, w.c. 

Agricultural Gazette, 1844. Mon.—4 p.m. 1d., illus. Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., £.c. 
Agricultural Handbook and Diary, 1900. 1s. Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Agricultural Register, 1902. Jan. 10s. H.R. Burgess, Newton Abbot. 

Agricultural Students’ Gazette, 1875. Three times a year. 1s., occas. illus. G. H. 
Harmer, Dyer St., Cirencester. 

+Agricultural World and Cable, 1901 (as Cable and Agricultural World, 1898). Fri. for 
Sat. 1d.,illus. 51 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Ainsley’s Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables, 1867. Oct. 6d. and1s. T.L. Ainsley, Mill Dam 
South Shields. : 

46 Graham St., Airdrie. — aird & Hamilton, 

Albania, 1908. M. Albanian Review Office, 4 Oakley Crescent, City Road, E.c. 
Albion Congregational Church Messenger, 1874. M.—I1st. 1d. Griffin & Sheard, Ashton- 
under-Lyne. ; ! 

IAESES Ten CHRONICLE, 1864. Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W.F. Skinner, Easemore Road, 

ALDEBURGH, LEISTON AND SAXMUNDHAM TIMES, 1899. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. 4d. 
W. Whitling, 120 High St., Aldeburgh. 

Aldenhamian, 1881. Three times a year. 6d. Aldenham School, Elstree, Herts. 

Alden’s Illustrated Oxford Almanack, 1856. Dec. Alden & Co. Lim., 85 Corn Market St. 
Oxford. (5,000 distributed gratis to all leading residents. Advt.) , 

Alden’s Oxford Guide, 1874. June. 6d.&1s.,illus. Alden & Co. Lim., 85 Corn Market St., Oxford. 

+ALDERLEY AND WILMSLOW ADVERTISER, 1874. (c) Fri. ld. Swain & Co. Lim. 
Grove St., Wilmslow, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. , 

~+ALDERLEY AND WILMSLOW CHRONICLE, 1901 (as Wilmslow and Alderley Chronicle 
1887). Sat. 1d. 12 Brazennose St., Manchester. A localised edition of the Manchester 
Weekly Chronicle. 

Alderney Button-Burster, 1903. Jan. 8d. Alderney and Guernsey Press Co. Lim., 4-6 Smi 
St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey. y 0. Lim., Smit 

Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1900 (as Primitive Methodist M j 
1821; as Methodist Magazine, 1819). M.—25th. 6d. illus. R. Bryant, 48 to 50 Aldersgate 
t., E.C. 

ALDERSHOT ADVERTISER (incorporated with Sheldrake’s Aldershot Military Gazette). 
Aldershot and Farnborough Directory and Illustrated Almanac, 1892. Dec. 8d. J. Drew 
Union St., Aldershot. ? 

Aldershot Military Gazette). , (incorporated with Sheldrake’s 

+ALDERSHOT GAZETTE, 1859. Sat. 1d. E. V. Fairweather, Wellington St. ae 
localised edition of the Surrey and Hants News. on Si Aldershot. A 

er NEWS, 1894. (ind) Fri. ld. Gale & Polden Lim., Wellington Works, 

Aldine Cheerful Library, 1896. 1d. Tues. Aldine Publishing Co. Lim. 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. g Co. Lim, 1,2 & 8 Crown 

Aldine Haif-Holiday Library, 1898. Thurs. 1d. Aldine Publishi ‚Lim. 
Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. e Publishing Co. Lim., 1,2 & 8 Crown 

Aldine Newsagents’ Trade Journal, 1897. M.—1st. 1d. Aldine Publishi —— 
2 & 8 Crown Court, Chancery Lane, w.c. ne Publishing Co. Lim., 1, 

Alexandra Palace Magazine, 1982. M.—Iist. 1d. Alexandra Palace, Wood Green, N. 

ee mn 
4] J . Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

fALFORD, SPILSBY, AND HORNCASTLE GAZETTE, 1897. (u) Sat. 1d. W. Cottam, 
St. Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. A localised edition of the Lincoln Gazette. x 

tALFRETON AND BELPER JOURNAL, 1887 (as Alfreton Journal, 1870). (c) Thurs.— 
2 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Rowbottom & Son, King St., Alfreton. Ä 

tALFRETON AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1901. Thurs. for Fri.—1d. F. Willman, 
Nottingham Road, Alfreton and Mansfield. 

All Ireland Review, 1900. Sat. 1d. 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

All Nations, 1900. M.—1st. ld. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.C. 

"All Saints’ Magazine, 1886. M.—ist. 2d. Poole, Binnington St., Cheltenham. 

All the World, 1884. M.—l1st. 8d., illus. 79 Fortess Road, Kentish Town, N.w. 

All the Year Round, 1859 (incorporated with Household Words). 

Allen’s Nottingham Red Book, 1867. Jan. ld., 6d. and 1s. A. Johnson, Caxton Press, 

Alleyn’s School Magazine. Three times a year. 2d. Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, s.£. 

Alleynian, 1872. Eight times a year. 6d. Dulwich College, s.E. 

‘¢Aliiance News, 1853. Thurs.—a.m. ld. United Kingdom Alliance, 16 Deansgate, Man- 
chester. (London : 80 Flect St.) 

ĦtALLOA ADVERTISER, 1841. (7) Sat. 1d. Buchan Brothers, Candlerigg St., Alloa. 

tALLOA CIRCULAR, 1868. Wed.—5 a.m. 3d. J.B. Rae, Mills House, Alloa. 

.YTALLOA JOURNAL, 1844. (u) Sat. 1d. M. Gardiner, 20 Candlerigg St., Alloa. 

Ally Sloper’s Half-Hollday, 1884. Wed.—9am. 14d., illus. Gilbert Dalziel, 99 Shoe Lane, 
E.c. (Advt. p. 428.) 

Almanac y Miloedd a Llawlyfr o Wybodaeth Fuddiol, 1898. Jan. 1d. Hughes & Son, 56 Hope 
St., Wrexham, North Wales. 

tALNWICK AND COUNTY GAZETTE, 1854 (with which is incorporated Alnwick Mercury). 
(c) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. C.E. Moore, 21 Bondgate Within, Alnwick. 

J. C. Grant, Bondgate Within, Alnwick. 

Alpine Journal, 1868. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 2s., illus. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster 
Row, E.c.; and Edward Stanford, 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. ` 

ALTON MAIL, 1899. Fri. for Sat. 1d. E. W. Langham, Normandy St., Alton, Hants. A 
localised edition of the Farnham Herald. 

TALTRINCHAM AND BOWDON GUARDIAN, 1862. Tues.—a.m.,1d.; Fri—a.m., 1d. Mackie 
& Co. Lim., 71 George St., Altrincham. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

fALTRINCHAM CHRONICLE, 1887. Sat. 1d. Altrincham. A localised edition of the 
Manchester Weekly Chronicle. 

$ALTRINCHAM DIVISION ADVERTISER, 1880. Fri. 1d. Swain & Co. Lim., George St., 
Altrincham, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

‘ALVA TRIBUNE, 1899. (J) Thurs. jd. W.M. Bett, Tillicoultry. Alocalised edition of the 

Devon Valley Tribune. | 

ALYTH GUARDIAN, 1884. (ind.) Fri. 4d. T. McMurray, 5 Market Square, Alyth. 

tAmateur Gardening, 1884. Wed.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d., illus. W.H. & L. Collingridge, 148 
Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Amateur Mechanic, 1902. Four timesa year. Liverpool Casting and Tool Supply Co., 5 Church 
Lane, Liverpool. c 

Amateur Observers’ Almanac (now Heavens at a Glance). 

Amateur Photographer, 1884. Thurs.—9 a.m., for Fri. 2d., illus. Hazell, Watson & 
Viney Lim., 52 Long Acre, w.c. 

Amateur Printing, 1895. Quarterly. 6d. Theo. Maxwell, M.D., 29 Woolwich Common, s.E. 

Amateur Trader, 1882. Sept. Miss Clara Millard, Teddington. 

AMBLESIDE CHRONICLE. See Lakes Chronicle. 

America Abroad, 1891. Feb. 6d. &1s. Cundall & Son, 8 and 9 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (Annual 
Guide for Americans. Advt.) >` a 

tAmerican and Colonial Weekly, 1902. Sat. 1d. 14 Coventry St., w. 

American Historical Review, 1895 (English Edition). Quarterly. 8s. 6d. net. Macmillan 
& Co. Lim., St. Martin’s Bt., w.c. i 

American Machinist, 1877 (English Edition). Sat. 4d. G. Binney Dibblee, 6 Bouverie St., E.c. 

_ Advertisements Received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [5 
| | 2 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

American Quarterly, 1908 (as Poet Love, 1898). Quarterly. 8s. 6d. Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford 
St., Strand, w.c. 

American Railways Traffic Book, 1885. Jan. 2s. Hodding, King & Co., 14 Angel Court, E.c. 

Ampleforth Journal, 1895. Three times a year. 1s. 6d. The Editor, Ampleforth Abbey, 
Oswaldkirk, York. 

+AMPTHILL AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1891. Fri—noon, for Sat. $d. Beds Publishing Co., 
22 Mill St., Bedford. 

Analysis of the Accounts of the Principal Gas Undertakings in England, Scotland, ana Ireland, 
1869. June. 15s. Eden Fisher & Co. Lim., 6 Clement’s Lane, Lombard St., B. c. 

Analyst, 1876. M.—10th. 1s. Simpkin & Co., 16 St. James’ St., s.w. 

Ancestor, 1902. Quarterly. 5s. A. Constable & Co., 2 Whitehall Gardens, w.c. 
+ANDOVER ADVERTISER, 1858. Fri. 1d. Holmes & Sons, 10 High St., Andover. 
ANDOVER STANDARD, 1886. Fri. 1d. F. J.J. Browne, 5 High St., Andover. 
ANERLEY AND PENGE PRESS, 1883 (now Penge and Anerley Press, 1901). 

Anerley, Penge, and Beckenham Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Angler's Diary, 1862. Feb. 18.6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, £.c. 
tAngler's News and Sea Fisher’s Journal, 1900. Sat. 1d. 4 and 5 Gough Square, E.c. 
Angiing. See Fishing Gazette. 

Anglo-African Argus and Gold Coast Globe, 1902. (As Gold Coast Globe and Ashants 
Argus, 1900.) Sat. 1d. Gold Coast Globe Pub. Co., 5 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

tAnglo-American and Canadian Journal, 19038. Sat. 8d. Trafalgar Buildings, Trafalgar 
Square, W.C. 

Anglo-Catholic Kalendar, 1896. Oct. 1s. 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 34 Great Castle St., w. 
+ANGLO-CELT, 1846. (l) Sat.—7am. ld. Mrs. J.F. O'Hanlon, 24 Church St., Cavan. 
Anglo-Colorado Mining and Milling Guide, 1898. M.—Last Sat. 4d. 34 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

Anglo, Continental, and Colonial Hotel Guide, 1908. 87s. 6d. Goddard & Co., 15 & 16 Railway 
Approach, London Bridge, 8.£. ; i 

Anglo-Indian Review, 1908 (as British-Indian Commerce and Eastern Trade, 1898. M.—1st. 
6d. 63 Fore St., E.C. 

Anglo-Israel Almanack & Diary, 1880. Dec. 8d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, £.0. 
Angio-Japanese Gazette, 1902. M.—25th. 6d. Japan Press, 39 Seething Lane, E.C. 

Anglo-Jewish Association Annual Report, 1872. July. Gratis. Anglo-Jewish Association, 
85 London Wall, E.c. 

Angio-New Zealander. See British Australasian and New Zealand Mail. 

Anglo-Russian, 1897. M.—Ilst. ld. J. F. Spriggs, 21 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Angio-Russian Literary Society’s Proceedings, 1893. Quarterly. E. A. Cazalet, 
Imperial Institute, s.w. 

Angio-Russian Trade Bulietin, 1908. Weekly. 82 Great St. Helens, E.c. 

Animal Life, 1902. M.—15th. Hutchinson & Co., 84 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Animal Pictures, 1901. Quarterly. 6d. T. Clemo, 22 Glasshouse St., Regent St., w. 

Animal Protection Societies’ Directory, 1898 (now Humane Year Book, 1908). 

Animal Stories, 1897. M.—Ist. 1d. T. Clemo, 22 Glasshouse St., Regent St., w. 

Animal World, 1869. M.—28th. 2d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Animalia, 1884, Irreg. 8d. J. Wright, 48 Homer St., Balsall Heath, Birmingham. 

Animals’ Friend, 1894. M.—Ist. 2d., illus. G. Bell & Sons, 4 York St., Covent Garden. 
Animals’ Friend Almanac, 1870. Oct. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Animals’ Guardian and Anti-Vivisectionist, 1902 (as Animals’ Guardian, 1890. Monthly 
Record and Animals’ Guardian, 1899). M.—Ist. 2d. London Anti-Vivisection Society, 
82 Sackville St., w. 

Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1841 (as Magazine of Zoology, 1887 ;as Annals 
of Natural History, 1888). M.—Last day. 2s. 6d., illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Annais of Botany, 1887. Quarterly. 80s. Annual Sub. Henry Frowde, Amen Corner, E.c. 
6) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. fA BC List. 

Annals of Mathematics, 1901. Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, £.¢: 

Annals of Scottish Naturai History, 1892 (with which is incorporated the Scottish 
Naturalist, 1871). Quarterly. 2s. 6d. D. Douglas, 10 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Annals of Surgery, 1885. M.—25th. 2s., illus. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, eE.c. 

Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. 1839. Bi-monthly. Subscription—21s. 8d. per 
annum. Burns & Oates Lim., 28 Orchard St., Portman Square, w. Catholic magazine. 

Annals of the Society of the Holy Childhood, 1854. Bi-monthly. 8d. Westminster Press, 
Gerrards Lim., 4114 Harrow Road, Paddington, w. 

ANNANDALE HERALD AND MOFFAT NEWS, 1862. Thurs. 1d. J. Halliday, Market 
Place, Lockerbie. 

tANNANDALE OBSERVER, 1874 (as Annan Observer, 1857). (ind) Fri—7 am. ld. 
Cuthbertson & Son, High St., Annan. 

Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory, 1892. Jan. 1s. 6d. J. M. Munro Lim, 
123 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Annual Charities Register and Digest, 1897 (as Charities Register and Digest, 1884). Feb. 48 
Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Annual Circular of the Corps of Commissionaires, 1859. July. Gratis. 419 Strand, w.c. 

Annual County Courts Practice, 1889. Jan. 25s. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Digest, 1871. Feb. 158. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Insurance Digest, 1886. Jan. 1s. T.J. W. Buckley, 9 St. Andrew St., E.C. 

Annual Monitor, 1812. Dec. 18. 6đd. W. Robinson, St. Ouen’s, Weston-super-Mare. 

Annual of the British School at Athens, 1896. Price varies. Macmillan & Co. Lim, Sb 
Martin’s St., w.c. 

Annual Practice, 1881. Oct. 258. 2vols. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Register, 1758 (N.S. 1868). About May. 18s. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Annual Register for the County of Clackmannan, 1859. Dec. 1d. Buchan Brothers, Alloa. 

Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and 
Firemen, 1880. 44 Park Square, Leeds. 

Annual Report of the Aborigines’ Protection Society, 1887. April. Gratis. P.S. King & Son, 
Orchard House, Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

Annual Report of the Amalgamated Society of Journeymen Felt Hatters, 1872. Feb. Gratis. 
118 Manchester Road, Denton. 

Annual Report of the Association for Promoting the Education of Women in Oxford, 1878. 
Nov. Gratis. Clarendon Buildings, Oxford. 

Annual Report of the Asylums Committee, 1890. July. 2e. P. S. King & Son, 2 & 4 Great 
Smith St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792. Sept. 1s. 6d. Baptist Missionary 
Society, 19 Furnival St., E.c. | 

Annual Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1804. July. 1s. to non-subscribers. 
146 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Annual Report of the British Temperance League, 1835. British Temperance League, 29 Union 
St., Sheffield. 

Annual Report of the Bronté Society, 1894. Varies. Gratis. W.T. Field, Southgate, Bradford 

Annual Report of the Children’s Special Service Mission, 1868. Children’s Special Service 
Mission, 184 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Annual Report of the Finsbury Public Libraries Committee, 1885. June. Gratis. The 
Librarian, Clerkenwell Public Library, Rosebery Avenue, E.c. 

Annual Report of the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, 1899. June. 1s. 8d. The 
Society, 22 Lincoln Place, Dublin. 

Annual Report of the London Missionary Soctety, 1795. Aug. 18. 6d. 80 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Annual Report of the London Topographical Society, 1900. Noy. 21s. London Topographical 
Society, 16 Clifford’s Inn, Fleet St., E.c. 

Annual Report of the National Society for the P.C.C., 1884. May. Gratis. Leicester Square, w.c. 

Annual Report of the National Union of Teachers, 1870. 1s. National Union of Teachers, 
67 & 71 Russell Square, w.c. 

ane —— Lg the Navy Employment Agency, 1896. March. Gratis. 8 Craig’s Court, 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers, [7 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Annual Report of the Proceedings of the London County Council, 1889. 1s. P.S. King & Son, 
2 & 4 Great Smith St., s.w. 

Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 1889. 
Date and price vary. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.o.. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Annual Report of the Registrar-General on the Births, Deaths, and Marriages registered in 
Scotland, 1856. Date and price vary. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., £.c. (Advt. p. 379.) 

Annual Report of the Royal College of Organists, 1864. Royal College of Organists, Hart St., 
` Bloomsbury, w.c. 

Annual Report of the Society for Liberation of zen from State Patronage and Control, 
1844. July. 1s. Liberation Society, 2 Serjeants’ , Fleet St., E.C. 

Annual Report of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women, 1859. May. Gratis. 
32 Berners St., w. 

Annual Report of the S.P.C.K., 1698. Dec. S.P.C.K., Northumberland Avenue, w.c. 
Annual Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel,1701. May. 1s. 19 Delahay St.,s.w. 

Annual Report of the Society for the Protection of Birds, 1891. 6d. Knowledge Office, 826 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Annual Report of the Peran Methodist Missionary Society, 1818. July. 2s. Centenary 
Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.C. . 

Annual Return of the Managers for the School Board for London, 1908. May. 8s. P.8. King © 
& Son, Orchard House, Great Smith St., s.w. 

Annual Statutes, 1866. Oct. Price varies. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Annual Summary of Births, Deaths, and Causes of Death in London, dc., 1842. April. 1s. 6d. 
Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Answers, 1890 (as Answers to Correspondents, 1888). Tues. for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press 
Lim., Carmelite St., Blackfriars, E.C. 

Anti-Cutting Record, 1895. M.—1öth. 2d. W. S. Glyn-Jones, 184-5 Temple Chambers, 
Temple Avenue, E.C. 

Anti-Dull, 1898. M.—2nd Mon. id. Acton and Chiswick Publishing Syndicate Lim., 7 Church 
Road, Acton, w. 

Anti-Slavery Reporter, 1882 (as Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter, 1827). M.—Ist. 4d., occas. 
illus. British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 55 New Broad St., E.c. 

Antiq uary, 1880. M.—26th. 6d., illus. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Anubis, 1902 (now Out of the Silence, 1908). 

Apoilo’s Magazine, 1908, M.—15th. 2d. 1 Vine St., Shaftesbury Avenue, w. c. 
Appeal, 1848. M.—25th. 3d. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. . 
APPLEBY CHRONICLE. See Lakes Chronicle. 

APPLEBY, &c., HERALD. See Mid-Cumberland, &c., Herald. 

Appointment Register, 1894. Nov. 10s.6d. Frank Smythson, 188 New Bond St., w. 
Appointments Gazette, 1899. M.—ist. 1s. Deighton, Bell & Co., Cambridge. 
Arbitrator, 1871. Irreg. 2d. W.R. Cremer, 11 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c. 

Arbroath and Carnoustie Advertiser, 1902. Sat. Gratis. Brodie & Salmond, Brothock 
Bridge, Arbroath. 

+ARBROATH GUIDE, 1842. (l) Sat. 1d. T. Buncle & Co., Market Place, Arbroath. 
FARBROATH HERALD, 1888. (7) Thurs. 1d. Brodie & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, Arbroath. 

Arbroath Year-Book and Eastern Forfarshire Directory, 1889. Jan. 6d., 1s. & 2s. Brodie 
.. & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, Arbroath. 

Archsologia Aeliana, 1818. Jan. & July. Robert Blair, Esq., South Shields. 

Archeologla Cambrensis, 1846. Jan April, July, Oct. 7s. 6d., illus. Chas. J. Clark, 
- 65 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Archeological Journal, 1834. Quarterly. 7s. 6d. Royal Archæological Institute of Great 
Britain and Ireland. 20 Hanover Square, w. 

Archer’s Register, 1865. June. 5s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

tArchitect & Contract Reporter, 1869. Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. 4d., illus. P. A. Gilbert- 
Wood, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Architect's and Builder's Diary, 1878. Dec. 28. 6d. to 8s. 6d. Hudson & Kearns, 88-87 Southwark 
Stb., S.E. 

8) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Architects’ Compendium and Catalogué, 1886. March. 15s. Compendium Publishing Co., 
214-220 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, Holborn, w.c. 

Architects’ Magazine, 1900 (as Journal of the Society of Architects). M. 6d. 
Hall, Piccadilly, w. 

Architects’ Specification (now Specification). 
Architect’s, Surveyor's, dc., Diary and Almanac, 1908. Annually. 88. 6d. Waterlow Bros. & 
Layton Lim., 24 Birchin Lane, E.c. 

Architectural Association Brown Book, 1859. 
Marlborough St., w. 

Architectural Association Notes, 1885. M.—1st. 
Marlborough St., w. 

Architectural Association Sketch Book, 1867. Quarterly. 21s. per annum. Architectural 
Association, 56 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Architectural Review, 1896. M.—Ist. 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Archives of Skiagraphy (formerly Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy, now Archives of the 
Roentgen Ray). 

Archives of the Roentgen Ray, 1896, M. 
Avenue, Cambridge Circus, w.c. 

_ Princes St., Ardrossan. 
Arena, 1888 (English edition. M.—l1st. 1s. 6d. Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford St. w.c. 

ARGUS (BATTLE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern Publishing Co. 
Lim., 67 High St., Battle. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (BRIGHTON) (see Evening and Morning Argus). 

ARGUS (CHICHESTER), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern Pub- 
lishing Co. Lim., 35 Southgate, Chichester. Telephone 16. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (EASTBOURNE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. 
lishing Co. Lim., 59 Grove Road, Eastbourne. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (EAST GRINSTEAD), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 43d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Lim., 1 West St., East Grinstead. Telephone Post Office No. 31. (London: 

62 Fleet St.) 
ARGUS (HASTINGS), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern Publishing 
Co. Lim., 14 Castle Hill, Hastings. Telephone 89. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (HORSHAM), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Be $d. Southern Publishing 
Lim., 60 West St., Horsham. Telephone Post Office No. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (HOVE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern Publishing Co. 
Lim., 180 Church Road, Hove. Telephone 52. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARG US (LEWES), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 4d. Southern Publishing Co. 

, Arch 1, Railway Station Bridge, Lewes. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (LITTLEHAM PTON), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. 3d. Southern Publish- 
ing Co. Lim., 8 Terminus Road, Littlehampton. Telephone 14. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (RYE), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. jd. Southern Publishing Co. 
Lim., Tower St., Rye. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

ARGUS (TUNBRIDGE WELLS), 1880. (ind). Daily—Morning and Evening. d. Southern 
Publishing Co. Lim., Vale Hall, Vale Road, Tunbridge Wells. Telephone 208. (London: 

62 Fleet St.) 
ARGUS (WORTHING), 1880. (ind.) Daily—Morning and Evening. $d. Southern Publishing 
Co. Lim., 9 Chapel Road, Worthing. Telephone 16. (London: 62 Fleet St.) | 
Argus Guide to Municipal London, 1898. Sept. 2s.6d. London Argus, 8 New Bridge St., E.c. 

(Advé. p. 489). 
Harvey, Lochgilphead. 

for Saturday. 1d. MacEwing & Co., Reform Square, Campbeltown. 

' Advertisements received for all the Continental Newspapers. [9 

St. James! 

Sept. 1s. Architectural Association, 56 Great 

8d. Architectural Association, 56 Great 

6d. Technical Journals Lim., 6 Great New St., 

16s. per annum. Rebman Lim., 129 Shaftesbury 

(!) Fri—9am. 1d. A. Guthrie & Sons, 

Southern Pub- 

4d. W.C. 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ARIS’S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, 1741 (now Birmingham Daily Gazette). 

tARMAGH GUARDIAN AND SOUTH TYRONE NEWS, 1844. (l.u) Thurs. p.m. for Fri. 
` ld. §. Delmege Trimble, Guardian Buildings, English St., Armagh. 

tARMAGH STANDARD, 1879. (c) Fri. ld. W.J. Greer, 45 Scotch St., Armagh. 
ARMLEY & WORTLEY NEWS,1889. Thurs. d. Birdsall & Stowe, 208 Tong Road, Armley. 

Arms & Explosives, 1892. M.—1st. 6d. illus. F. Garwood, Effingham House, Arundel St., 
Strand, w.c. 

tArmy and Navy Gazette, 1860. Sat. 6d. 8 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Army and Navy Messenger, 1898. Quarterly. 1d. Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle St., 
City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Army and Navy Omnium Gatherum, 1900. M.—16th. 6d. Major J. W. Malet, 111 
Jermyn St., w. 

Army Diary and Pocket Book, 1901. 1s.6d. Gale & Golden Lim., 3 Amen Corner, E.c. 
Army List (now Monthly Army List). 

Army List Officiai Quarterly, 1880. Jan., April, July, Oct. 15s. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 
East Harding St., E.c. Gradation list of officers, with services. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Army Orders, 1868 (formerly Army Circulars, 1865). M 8d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Army Service Corps Journal, 1891. M.—10th. 8d. Major P. E. F. Hobbs, U.M.G., Army 
Service Corps, Aldershot. 

Arrowsmith’s (late Bunt’s) Bristol Tide Table, 1880. Nov. 1s. J.W. Arrowsmith, 11 Quay St., Bristol. 

Arrowsmith’s Comprehensive Railway Guide and Steam Packet Directory, 1854. 
M.—Ist. 1d. J. W. Arrowsmith, 11 Quay St., Bristol. 

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 1886. Three times a year. 10s. 6d. to members. W. H. Rylands, 
La Tuya, Edward Road, Bromley, Kent. 

Art, 1908. M.—20th. Is. net. S.C. Brown, Langham & Co. Lim., 47 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Art Annual, 1884. Oct. 28.6d. H. Virtue & Co. Lim., 7 City Garden Row, City Road, E.c. 

Art Decorator, 1887. M.—25th. 1s., illus. H. Grevel & Co., 88 King St., Covent Garden, w.o® 
Art Designer (formerly Art Amateur Designer, now Home Art Work). 

Art Examination Papers. Sept. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advé. p. 879.) 

Art Journal, 1849 (as Art Union Monthly Journal, 1889). M.—25th. 1s. 6d., illus. H. Virtue 
& Co. Lim., 7 City Garden Row, City Road, E.c. - 

Art Sales of the Year, 1901. Dec. 30s. Hutchinson & Co., 84 & 35 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Art Workers’ Quarterly, 1901. 2s. 6d. net. Chapman & Hall Lim., 11 Henrietta St., w.c. - 
Arthur’s Railway Guide, 1810. M.—I1st. 1d. Muir & Co., 71-78 English St., Carlisle. 
Artists’ Almanack, 1876. Jan. 6d. Geo. Rowney & Co., 64 Oxford St., w. 

Arvonian. Quarterly. 2d. W. Gwenlyn Evans, Pool St., Carnarvon. 

tASHBOURNE NEWS AND DOVE VALLEY RECORD, 1891. Thurs.—8.80 p.m., for Fri. 
ld., illus. Joseph Osborne, St. John St., Ashbourne. 

ASHBOURNE TELEGRAPH, 1908. Fri. 3d. J. H. Henstock, Market Place, Ashbourne. 

ASHBOURNE TIMES, 1896. Wed.—9 am. ld. J.E. Fearn, Uttoxeter. A localised edition 
of the Uttoxeter Advertiser. 

+ASHBURTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. Wed. and Sat.—p.m. Mortimer Bros., Totnes. 
A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Ashford Institute Monthly Journal, 1891. M. ld. The Institute, Ashford, Kent. 
Ashore and Afloat (now Miss Weston’s Ashore and Afloat). 

ASHTON EVENING STANDARD, 1877. (c) Daily—noon, except Sat. 4d. Clegg St., 
Oldham. Localised issue of Oldham Daily Standard. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

t+ASHTON STANDARD, 1858. (c) Sat.—-a.m. 1d. Northern Daily and Weekly Newspapers» 
Lim, 6 Clegg St., Oldham. Localised issue of Oldham Standard. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

Ashton-under-Lyne Co-operator, 1891. M.—10th. Gratis. 69 Katherine St., Ashton- 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE HERALD, 1889 (now Weekly Herald.) 

Ashton-under-Lyne Railway Time Tabies and Post Office Gulde. M.—Ist. 1d. Griffin 
& Sheard, 180 Stamford St., Ashton-under-Lyne. 

10} J i Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

+ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE REPORTER (as Ashton Weekly Reporter, 1855). (l) Fri. for Sat. 
13d. J. Andrew & Co., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1886 (now Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review). 
Aspinail’s Maritime Cases, 1861. Irreg. 5s. 6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Aspirant, 1898 (as Civil Service Aspirant, 1885). Thurs. for Sat. ld. United Kingdom 
College, Lavender Hill, Clapham Junction, s. w. 

Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen’s Monthly Journal, 
1887 (now Locomotive Engineers’ and Fireman’s Monthly Journal.) 

Association News, 1884. M.—15th. 1d. Y.M.C.A., Exeter Hall, Strand, w.c. 
Associator, 1899. M. ld. 90-91 Queen St., E.C. 

Assurance Agents’ Review, 1887. M.—15th. 2d. 1 and 2 Market St., Wolverhampton. 
(London: Simpkin & Co. Lim., 16 James St., s.w.) 

Assurance Agents’ Union Chronicle, 1889. Wed. for Sat. 1d. Assurance Agents’ 
F Finting Co. Lim., 182 Great Ancoats St., Manchester. (London: Vickers, Angel Court, 

Assure, 1889. M.—2nd Mon. 1d. Assure Journal Co., 44 Lloyd St., Manchester. 

Assyrian Mission Quarterly Paper, 1894. Quarterly. 8d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Aveuue, 8.W. 

Astrologers’ Magazine, 1857 (see Modern Astrology, 1895.) 

Astronomical Observations and Researches made at Dunsink, 1879. Irreg. Hodges, Figgis & 
Co. Lim., Dublin. 

Asylum News, 1897. M.—15th. 1d. J.H. Broad & Co., 8 King St., Richmond, Surrey. 

At Home and Abroad, 1877 (as Wesleyan Juvenile Offering, 1844). M. ld. Centenary 
Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

+Athensum, 1828. Fri. for Sat. 8d. J.C. Francis, 11 Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

ATHERSTONE EXPRESS, 1900. Thurs. d. H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, Abbey 
Street, Nuneaton. (Advt. p. 440.) 

tATHERSTONE HERALD, 1876. Sat. 1d. W. Morton, 14 Silver St., Tamworth. A local- 
ised edition of the Tamworth Herald. 

tATHERSTONE NEWS, 1886. Fri. $d. J. H. Calladine, Long St., Atherstone. 

tATHERSTONE OBSERVER, 1881. (2) Fri. ld. Nuneaton Observer Publishing Co. Lim., 
Observer Buildings, Nuneaton. A localised edition of the Nuneaton Observer. 

Athletic Chat. Athletic and Sporting Chat, 1900 (now Football Chat). 

tAthletic News, 1875. Mon. 1d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(London : 92 Fleet St.) 

Athletic News Cricket Annual, 1886. April. 8d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim, Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Athletic News Football Annual, 1886. Sept. 8d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Athletic Record, 1903 (as Shottin’s Advertiser, 1892). Fri. 3d. Shottin & Co., 67 London 
, Manchester. 

tAtlantic Courier, 1908. Irreg. 1d. 6 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.C. 

Atiantic Monthly (English Edition), 1857. M.—15th. 1s. Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford St., 
Strand, w.c. 

AUCKLAND ADVERTISER, 1902. Thurs. 4d. Auckland Advertiser Co., Raine St., 
Bishop Auckland. 

tAUCKLAND CHRONICLE, 1866. Thurs. 1d. North of England Newspaper Co. Lim., 
Darlington. (London: 186 Fleet St.) 

tAUCKLAND TIMES AND HERALD, 1854 (with which is incorporated the South Durham 

Advertiser), Fri. 1d. Auckland Times and Herald Lim., 18 & 19 Southgate St., Bishop 

Auctioneers’ Institute Year-Book and Diary, 1892 Nov 4s.6d. 57 Chancery Lano, w.c. 
Aunt Kate's Almanac (now People’s Friend Almanac, 1908.) 
Australian Handbook, 1869. Jan. 10s. 6d., maps. Gordon & Gotch, St. Bride St., E.c. 

AUSTRALIAN MAIL AND COLONIAL MINING NEWS, 1894 (incorporated in the Colonial 
Mining News, 1902.) 

tAustralian Trading World, 1886. Thurs. 2d. W.W. Tickle & Co.,88 King William St., £.c 
Author, 1890. M.—ist. 6d. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Lim., 10 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the American Newspapers. m1 

ABC List.) Willing’s Press Guide. 

Authorised Official Programme f the Roman Catholic Procession (Whit- Friday), 1896. 
Annual. 1d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. 

Authorised Report of the Church of Ireland Conference held in Dublin, 1899. 1s. Association 
for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 37. Dawson St., Dublin. 

+Autocar, 1895 (with which are incorporated Motor-Car and Moto-Cyele, and Horseless Carriage 
Journal of Automobility). Fri.—9 a.m. for Sat. 8d. Iliffe & Sons Lim., 8 St. Bride Street, E.c. 

(Advt. p. 444.) 
Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal, 1902: (as Carriage Builders' Journal, 1898). 
M.—15th. 10s. per annum. W.E.Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.c. 

Automobile Bon Marché, 1908. M.—1st. 1d. The Firefly Motor Co., 72 High St., Croydon. 
Automobile Club Journal, 1900. Thurs. 6d. Automobile Proprietary Lim., 5 Fetter 

Lane, E.¢. 
Automoblists’ Guide, 1908. April. 8s. 9d. post free. F. King & Co., 44 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Automotor Directory, 1908. Jan. 8s. 10d. post free. F. King & Co., 44 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Automotor Journal, 1992 (as Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal, 1898.) Fri. for Sat. 
3d. F. King & Co. Lim., 44 St. Martin’s Lane, London, w.c. 

Automotor Pocket Book, 1897. Jan. 1s. 8d. and 2s. 3d., post free. 44 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

NEWS, 1890 (with which is incorporated Burnham and Highbridge Independent). (D) 
Fri.—9 a.m. ld. H. Law, Bridgewater, and Magdalene St., Glastonbury. A localised edition 

of the Bridgewater Independent. 
Avicultural Magazine (Journal of the Avicultural Society). M.—1st. 1s.6đd. M.R.H Porter, ` 
l 7 Prince’s St., Cavendish Square, w. 

Avon Booklet, 1908. M.—lst. 8d. J. Thomson, Avon Glen, Emscote. . | 
Awake! 1891. M.—24th. 4$d., illus. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

tAYLESBURY REPORTER, 1880. Fri. for Sat. 1d. L. Poulton, Bourbon St., Aylesbury. 
Ayr A B C Time Table, 1896. M.—1st. ld. Ayr Observer Office, Ayr. 

+AYR ADVERTISER, 1808. (lu) Thurs—1 p.m. 1d. Gemmell & Son, 100 High St., Ayr. 

tAYR OBSERVER, 1832 (with which are incorporated Ayrshire Eaprese, Western Argus, 
Galloway Review, and Ayrshire Weekly News). (c) Tues. & Fri. 1d, Ferguson & Co., 
Observer Buildings, Ayr. 

tAYRSHIRE POST, 1880. (2) Fri. 1d. Ayrshire Post Lim., Ayr. 

AYRSHIRE WEEKLY NEWS, 1859 (incorporated with Ayr Observer). 

Baby, Mother's Magazine, 1887. M.—25th. 4d., illus. F. Ballin, 5 Agar St., Strand, w.c. 
Babylonian and Oriental Record, 1887. Irreg. 1s.6d. David Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre, w.c. 

Baby’s Pictoriai, 1902. M.—I1st. 6d. Fred McKenzie, 4 Great Portland St., w 
Bacchus, 1908. M.—Ilst. 2d. Press Etching Co., 12 Wine Office Court, E.C. 
Bacon's Illustrated London Guide, 1902. Jan. 6d. Geo. Bacon & Co. Lim., 127 Strand, w.c. 

Baconiana, 1892 (as Journal of the Bacon Society, 1886). Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. Gay & 
Bird, 22 Bedford St., w.c. 

BACUP CHRONICLE, 1902. Sat. 1d. Bacup Publishing Co., 97 Market St., Bacup. __ 
+BACUP TIMES, 1865. (1) Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. Bacup Times Lim., 2 Lee St., Bacup. 
Badminton Diary, 1898. Dec. 18. A. Webster & Co., 48 Dover St., w. 

Badminton Fixtures Card, 1900. Dec. 6d. A. Webster & Co., 48 Dover St., w. 

Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1895. M.—25th. 1s., illus. Nineteen 
Hundred Publishing Syndicate Lim., Great New St., E.c. 

+Bailie, 1872. (c) Mon. for Wed. 1d., illus. Sharp & Co., 14 Royal Exchange Square, 
Glasgow. (London: 186 Fleet St., E.C.) 

Bailey’s, C. H., Tables of Distances from Port to Port, 1889. Occas. 10s.6d. C.H. Bailey, 
Alexandra Dock, Newport, Mon, 

Bailey’s Pencil Notes (Steamers), 1902. Occas. 2s. C. H.Bailey, Alexandra Dock, Newport, Mon. 
Bailey’s Sporting Diary, 1908. 2s.6d. Vinton & Co, Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Bailey’s Superintendent Engineer's Reference Record Notes, 1899. Occas. 2s. C.H. Bailey, 
Alexandra Dock, Newport, Mon. 

Bailey’s Useful Information, Steamship, Auen d&c., 1902. Occas. 2s. 6d. -C. H. Bailey, 
Alexandra Dock, Newport, Mon. 

12). J, Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Tadon 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Baily’s Hunting Directory, 1898 (formerly Baily's Fox Hunting Directory, 1897). Nov. bs. 
Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, 1889 (as Baily’s Monthly Magazine, 1860). 
M.—26th. 1s., illus. Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.c. 

pairos Irish Railway and Steamboat Guide, 1861. (as Irish Railway Guide, 1852). 
M. %d. W.& G. Baird Lim., Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

+Baker and Confectioner, 1892. Fri.—5.30 p.m. 1d., illus. 61 & 62 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
+Bakers’ Record, 1864. Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. F.C. Finch, 68 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Bakers’ Times, 1887 (with which is incorporated Master Baker, 1900). Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 
ld. 155 High St., Lewisham, s.E. 

Bakers’ Union and Confectioners’ Newspaper, 1896 (formerly Master Baker, now 
- Bakers’ Times. 

BALHAM AND TOOTING WEEKLY POST, 1900. Fri. for Sat. 1d. R. Lewis James, 
Hildreth St., Balham, s.w. 

196 Balham High Road, S.W. 

Balham, Tooting, and Merton Directory, 1889. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Ball Room, 1884. M.—Ist. 1d. H.R. Johnson, 61 Hanley Road, Finsbury Park, N. 
¢BALLINA HERALD, 1844. Thurs. 1d. R.W. Joynt, Knox St., Ballina. 
tBALLYM ENA OBSERVER, 1855. (u) Fri—7a.m. 1d. J. Wier, 70 Church St., Ballymena. 

+BALLYMENA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1887. (c) Fri. for Sat. ld. W. & G. Baird Lim., 

Broadway, Ballymena. (London: 54a Fleet St.) A localised edition of the Belfast Weekly 

BALLYMONEY FREE PRESS, 1868. (2) Thurs. 1d. S.C. M‘Elroy, 64 Main St., Ballymoney. 
Baimoral Magazine, 1908. M.—lst. ld. 58 Bonnymuir Place, Aberdeen. 

6a.m. 1d. J. E. Emerson, 14 Bridge St., Banbridge. 

a ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.) Wed. for Thurs. 1d. F. G. Walford, 72 High St., 

+BANBURY BEACON, 1860. (ind.) Fri. a.m. for Sat. 1d. F. G. Walford, 72 High St., Banbury. 

tBANBURY GUARDIAN, 1848 (as The Guardian, 1888). Thurs.—9.80 a.m. 2d. W. Potts, 
51 Parson’s St., Banbury. 

Bancroftian, 1892. Twice per term. 6d. Bancroft School, Woodford Green, Essex. 
Band of Hope Almanac, 1860. Oct. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Band of Hope Chronicle, 1877. M.—26th. 1d. United Kingdom Band of Hope Union,59 & 60 
- Old Bailey, £.c. 

Band of Hope Review, 1651. M.—265th. 3d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Band of Hope Treasury, 1868. M.—26th. 4d.,illus. Brook & Co., Hopwood Avenue, Man- 
chester. (London: 88 Paternoster Row.) 

Band of Mercy, 1888 (as Band of Mercy Advocate, 1879). M.—28th. $d., illus. Partridge & 
Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Band of Mercy Almanac, 1879. 1d.,illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Bandmaster’s Help, 1901. Quarterly. 1d. F. W. Hetherington, 168 Strand, w.c. 

+BANER AC AMSERAU CYMRU (Banner and Times of Wales), 1860 (as Amserau Cymru, 
1848). (l) Tues. for Wed., 2d.; Thurs. for Sat., 1d. Gee & Son, Banner Office, Denbigh. 

— — ADVERTISER, 1881. (1) Thurs. Id. W. F. Johnston & Sons, 18 West Church St., 

+BANFFSHIRE HERALD, 1892. (wu) Sat. 1d. J. Mitchell, 119 Mid St., Keith. 
+tBANFFSHIRE JOURNAL, 1846. (iu) Tues. 2d. A. Ramsay, 9 Old Market Place, Banff. 

BANFFSHIRE REPORTER, 1850. Wed. 1d. Marcus Calder, Reporter Buildings, Church 
St., Portsoy. 

Bangor Diocesan Calendar. Jan. 1s. Jarvis & Co., Bangor. (London: Parker & Co.) 
Banjo World, 1898. M.—ist. 8d. A.D. Cammeyer, 974 Jermyn St., Regent St., w. 
Bank Student, 1908. M.—lI1st. 6d. T.E. Copeland, Victoria St., Bishop Auckland. 

Advertisements received for all the Indian Newspapers. [13 

AB C List. | | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bankers’, Insurance Managers’, and Agents’ Magazine, 1890 (as Bankers’ Magazine, 
1844). M.—1st. 1s.6d. Waterlow & Sons Lim., 85 London Wall, Ec. 

+Bankers’ Journal, 1889. Wed. 25s. per annum. John Kemp & Co. Lim., 46 Cannon St.,E.C. 

Banking Almanac, Directory, Year-Book, and Diary, 1840. Dec. 158s. Waterlow & Sons Lim., 
85 London Wall, E.c. 

Banking, Insurance, Investment, 1898. Sat. 2d. Lombard Press Association, 45 Lom- 
bard St., E.c. | 

Banner of Faith, 1882. M.—20th. 1d. C. Pettiward, 28 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Banner of Hope, 1836. M.— 25th. 4d. W.J. Tyne & Co. Lim., Edgeley Printing Works, Stockport. 
Banner of israel, 1877. Mon.—10a.m. 1d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, E.c. 

Banner of the Covenant, 1894. M.—1st. 4d. 19 George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Banner of Truth and Irish Missionary News, 1851. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d., illus. 
11 Buckingham St., w.c. 

+BAPTIST, 1873. (2) Thurs.—9 a.m., for Fri. 1d. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Baptist Almanac & Directory, 1851. Dec. 2d., illus. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, E.c. 
Baptist Handbook, 1860. Jan. 2s., illus. James Clarke & Co., 18 Fleet St., E.c. 

Baptist Herald, 1899. M.—Ist. 1d. James Sears & Sons, 11 & 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
Baptist Magazine, 1809. M. 6d. Alexander & Shepheard Lim., 21 Furnival St., Holborn, E.c. - 
Baptist Messenger, 1855 (now Messenger). 

Baptist Monthly, 1898. M.—24th. ld. A. H. Stockwell, 8 Amen Corner, E.C. 

+BAPTIST TIMES AND FREEMAN, 1899 (as Freeman, 1858). Thurs. 1d. Baptist Union, 
4 Southampton Row, w.c. 

Baptist Visitor, 1881. M.—24th. 3d., illus. Baptist Union, 4 Southampton Row, w.c. 

Bar and Legal World, 1908. M.—1st. 1s. J. Ambrose Long, Danes Inn House, Strand, w.c. 
Bar Reports (now Law Times Reports). 


Advertiser, 1888). Fri.—4.80 p.m., for Sat. $d. Essex Weekly News Series Lim., 57 The 
Broadway, Barking. 

ld. Owen Jones, Water St., Barmouth. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tBARNES AND MORTLAKE HERALD, 1887. (c) Sat. 1d. R. W. Simpson & Co. Lim., 
15 High St., Barnes. A localised edition of the Richmond Herald. 

+BARNET & SOUTHGATE TIMES, 1890. Thurs. for Fri. 1d. 49 High St., Barnet. A 
localised edition of the Barnet Times. 

Barnet, Hendon, and Finchley Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly's Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

BARNET PRESS, 1859. (ind.) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Cowing & Son, High St., Barnet. 
+tBARNET TIMES, 1890. Thurs. for Fri. 1d., illus. 49 High St., Barnet. 

BARNSLEY CHRONICLE, 1858. (2) Fri—9 am., for Sat. 1d. Barnsley Chronicle Lim., 
Peel Square, Barnsley. 

+BARNSLEY INDEPENDENT, 1882 (us Barnsley Times, 1855). (c) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. 
W. Wood, George Yard, Barnsley. 

BARNSLEY TELEPHONE, 1898 (I) Fri. & Sat. d. J. E. Vero Lim., Market St., 

BARNSTAPLE TIMES, 1868. (c) Tues.—10 a.m. 3d. J.B. Jones, Boutport St., Barnstaple, 

BART HEAD NEWS, 1894. Fri. $d. News Publishing Co., 144 King St., Pollokshaws, 

lasgow. ` 

Barrovian, 1870. Three numbers a year. 6d. M.J. Backwell, Malew St., Castletown, I. of M. 

BARROW AND ULVERSTON ADVERTISER, 1848. (c) Thurs.—12 noon. 1d. W. Holmes 
Lim., Lightbourne Road, Ulverston. A localised edition of Soulby’s Ulverston Advertiser. 

+BARROW HERALD, 1868. (u) Tues.—5 a.m., ġd.; Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. Patton & Parker, 119 
Duke St., Barrow-in-Furness, 

+BARROW NEWS, 1881 (with which is incorporated the Barrow Times’. (l) Sat.—5 am. ld. 
Barrow News and Mail Lim., Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness. (London: 101 Fleet St., E.c.) 

tBARROWFORD LEADER, 1900 (ind. lib.) Fri. ld. Coulton & Co. Lim., Nelson. A 
localised edition of the Nelson Leader. 

14) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tBARRY DOCK NEWS, 1889 (with which are incorporated the South Wales Star, Penarth Star 
& Cogan News. Fri. 1d. J. R. Llewellyn, Holton Road, Barry Docks, S. Glamorganshire. 

TBARRY HERALD AND VALE OF GLAMORGAN TIMES, 1896. Thurs. p.m. for Fri. dd. 
Thomas Thomas, 117 Holton Road, Barry Dock, Glamorganshire. 

Bartlett’s Illustrated Almanac and Local Guide, 1878. Dec. 8d. J. Bartlett, 68 North End, Croydon. 

Barton’s Scottish Trade Diary, 1908. Annually. C. Barton, 31 Bath St., Portobello. 

Basileona, 1900. Quarterly. 1s. W. P. Spalding, 48 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

BASINGSTOKE NEWS, 1908. Fri. 1d. Warren & Son, Market Square, Basingstoke. A 
localised edition of the Hampshire Observer. 

Bass Drum, 1908. M.—1st. 2d. 25 Poland St., w. 

Bassetlaw Constitutional Magazine, 1887. (c) M.—Ist Sat. 2d., illus. C. Butler, 
14 Bridge Gate, Retford. 

BATH AND CHELTENHAM GAZETTE (incorporated with Bath Herald). 

Bath & County Graphic, 1896. M.—1st. 2d. Bath Chronicle Office, Kingston Buildings, Bath. 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Kalendar, 1888. Jan. 28. Barnicott & Pearce, Taunton. 

Bath and Wells Diocesan Magazine, 1884 (as Ruri-Decanal d: Parochial Magazine, 1888). 
M.—Ist. 1d. Rev. C. W. Bennett, Pilton, Shepton Mallet. 

+BATH CHRONICLE, 1757. (c) Thurs—a.m. 1d. Kingston Buildings, Bath. (London: 
180 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 444.) 
BATH DAILY ARGUS, 1870 (incorporated in the Bath Daily Chronicle & Argus). 

BATH DAILY CHRONICLE & ARGUS, 1900 (as Bath Daily Chronicle, 1877, now Daily 
Chronicle and Argus). 

Bath Directory, now Post Office Bath Directory. 

BATH HERALD, 1792 (with which are incorporated Bath Register, Bath £: Cheltenham Gazette, 
Bath Express, Bath & County Weekly News.) (l) Sat.,1d. Lewis & Son, 12 Northgate St., 
Bath. (London: 174 Fleet St.) 

+BATH HERALD. (l) Daily—even. $d. Lewis & Son, 12 Northgate St., Bath. (London: 
174 Fleet St.) 

BATH JOURNAL, 1899 (now Keene's Bath Journal). 

tBATH OBSERVER, 1859. Sat. 1d. W. Reid, Baldwin St., Bristol. A localised edition of 
the Bristol Observer. . 

Bath Pictorial, 1889. Jan. 6d. Bath Chronicle Office, Kingston Buildings, Bath. 

Bath Rallway Guide, 1880. M.—1st. 1d. Blackett & Baster, 9 Stall St., Bath. 

+BATH WEEKLY ARGUS, 1870. (c) Sat. 1d. (12 pages) W. Baker, Walcot St., Bath. 
(London: 142 Fleet St.) 

Batley & Heavy Woollen District Free Press, 1898. (txd.) Tues. 4d. J. Fearnside & 
Sons, 54 Commercial St., Batley. 

tBATLEY NEWS, 1879. (u) Fri—8 p.m. 1d. News Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 
Batley and Dewsbury. (London: 180 Fleet St.) 

tBATLEY REPORTER, 1866. (/) Fri. 1d. The Reporter Lim., 46 Commercial St., Batley. 
{BATTERSEA AND CLAPHAM MERCURY, 1901. (lib. rad.). Fri. 1d. Mercury Newspaper 
Co. Lim., 180 Wandsworth Rd., s.w. 

Battersea and South Lambeth Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+BATTERSEA CHRONICLE, 1908. Sat. E. Kennedy & Co., Eversleigh Road, Battersea, s.w. 

BAYSWATER CHRONICLE (now Paddington, Kensington, and Bayswater Chronicle). ` 

Bazaar Exchange and Mart, 1868. Sat. for Mon., Wed., Fri—3 am. 2d. illus. L. Upcott 
Gill, Bazaar Buildings, Drury Lane, w.c. (Advt. p. 433.) 

B. B., 1895 (incorporated with Young England, 1901). 

British Columbia Review and North American Mining Journal, 1897). Sat. 2d. W. Lefroy, 
65 New Broad St., E.c. 

Beacon, 1898. M.—15th. 1d. E. L. Gales, 14 Pierrepoint St., Bath. 

Beacon Fire, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. J. A. Kensit, 18 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Beacon Light, 1897. M.—1st. 4$d., illus. 25 Market St., Manchester. 

Beaty’s Northern Annual, 1890. Dec. 1d. Beaty & Sons, City Works, Carlisle. 

Beaumont Review, 1895. Quarterly. 1s. Beaumont College, Old Windsor. 

Beaven’s Advertiser, 1902. Fortnightly. 4d. Beaven & Co., Railway Station, Cowes. 

Advertisements received for all the Australian Newspapers, [15 


AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+BECKENHAM AND DISTRICT TIMES, 1903. Fri. 1d. Kentish District Times Co. Lim., 
East St., Bromley. (Advt. p. 423.) 

+BECKENHAM AND PENGE ADVERTISER, 1888. Thurs. 1d. J. W. Ward, High St., Croydon. 

+BECKENHAM & SHORTLANDS CHRONICLE, 1896. Fri. 1d. F. Watts, Sharman 
Road, Bromley. 

Beckenham Directory, 1885. Jan. 1s. T. W. Thornton, 44 High St., Beckenham. 

+BECKENHAM JOURNAL, 1876. Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. T. W. Thornton, 42 & 44 High 
St., Beckenham. ` 

Beckett's Pocket Diary and Railway Guide, 1877. M.—Ist. 1d. J. Neville, 134 Carver St., 
Moorhead, Sheffield. 

+BEDALE & NORTHALLERTON TIMES, 1855. (2) Sat. 1d. R. Ackrill, Harrogate. One 
of the Ripon Gazette series. 

(ind) Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. C. Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. One of the "North 
Riding, £c., News series. 

+BEDFORD & COUNTY RECORD, 1880 (as Bedford Record, 1872). Tues.—p.m: $d. Beds 
Publishing Co., Mill St., Bedford. 

Bedford Daily Circular, 1908. (ind.) Gratis. T. E. Sanders, 76 High St., Bedford. 
Bedford Directory. Dec. 1s. Beds Publishing Co., Mill St., Bedford. 

TISER, 1868 (now Chiswick Gazette). 

+BEDFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER AND LUTON TIMES, 1893 (as Luton Times, 1855). (c) 
Fri.—6 a.m. 1d. E.J. Atkins & Son, 54 George St., Luton. 

BEDFORDSHIRE EXPRESS (with which is incorporated Bz evened and District News), 
1855. Fri. 1d. Carling & Co., 214 Foster Hill Road, Bedfor One of the Hertfordshire 
Express series. 

Bedfordshire, Hunts, and Northamptonshire Directory 1848. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+BEDFORDSHIRE MERCURY, 1857 (as Bedford Mercury, 1886). (Z) Friday. 1d. Hill & Co. u 
88 High St., Bedford. i 

+BEDFORDSHIRE STANDARD, 1883. (c) Fri.—8a.m. 1d. C. Bumstead, 61 High St., Bedford. 

+BEDFORDSHIRE TIMES AND INDEPENDENT, 1872 (as Bedford Times, 1845). (ind. l) 
Fri. 1d. Beds Publishing Co., Mill St., Bedford. 

Beds Mercury Almanack, 1865. Dec. 1d.,illus. Hill & Co., 40 High St., Bedford. 

H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton. (Advt. p. 440.) 

tBEDWORTH FREE PRESS, 1901 (with which is incorporated Bedworth Observer, 1886). Sat. 
$d. Nuneaton Observer Publishing Co. Lim., Bond St., Nuneaton. 

tBEDWORTH GUARDIAN, 1872. (c) Fri. 1d. E. Thompson, King St., Bedworth. 
BEDWORTH OBSERVER, 1886 (incorporated in the Bedworth Free Press, 1901). 
Bee-keeper, 1902. M.—24th. 1d. J. M. Gillies, 15 Crow St., Dublin. 

Beekeepers’ Record, 1888. M.—25th. 2d. 10 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 
tBEERBOHM’S EVENING CORN TRADE LIST, 1870. Daily. 6d. 94 Leadenhall St., £.c. 

tBEERBOHM’S EVENING CORN TRADE LIST, 1870 (Weekly Edition). Fri. 1s. 
94 Leadenhall St., E.c. ‘ 

+BEERBOHM’S MORNING SHIPPING LIST, 1869. Daily. 83d. 94 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

Bees, 1902. M.—1st. 2d. E. A. Geary, 26 Oxford Rd., Upper Norwood, 8.5. 
*BEITH ECHO, 1893. (1) Fri. 4d. J. Ferguson, 24 Main St., Beith. 

ree nn Province of Ulster Directory, 1852. Jan. 10s. Henderson & Co., 55-59 Donegall 
t., Belfast. 

Belfast Critic, 1900 (as Magpie, 1898, now incorporated with Nomad’s Weekly). 

BELFAST EVENING TELEGRAPH, 1870. (c) Daily—12 noon. 4d. W.& G. Baird Lim. j 
Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 544 Fleet St. ) 

+BELFAST NEWS-LETTER, 1787. (c) Daily. 1d. Henderson & Co., 55, 57 & 59 Donegall 
St., Belfast. (London: 167 & 168 Fleet St.) Advt. p. 863.) 

*Belfast Protestant Record. M.—ist. 1d. 68 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 
16] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press - Guide. [A B C List, 

Belfast Queen’s College Calendar, 1850. Sept. 1s. A. Mayne & Boyd, 2 Corporation St., Belfast. 
+BELFAST WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. (c) Thurs.—5 am., for Sat. 1d. Henderson & Co., 
55, 57 & 59 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 167 & 168 Fleet St.) 

{BELFAST WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1878. (c) Thurs. for Sat. ld. W. & G. Baird Lim., 
Royal Avenue, Belfast. (London: 544 Fleet St.) 

Believer’s Magazine, 1890. M.—Ist. 1d, John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 
Bellever’s Pathway, 1880. M.—Ist. 4d. Pickering & Inglis, 78 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
Bell News and Ringer’s Record, 1881. Fri. 1d. E. W. Allen, 4 Ave Maria Lane, E.C. 

OWNER’S JOURNAL, 1796 (now Country Sport). 

William Combe, Main St., Bellshill. 

BELPER & ALFRETON CHRONICLE, 1885 (incorporated in Derby Mercury, 1901.) 

+BELPER NEWS AND DERBYSHIRE TELEPHONE, 1901 (with which are incorporated the 
Belper News and Mid-Derbyshire Mail, 1896, and the Derbyshire Telephone and People’s 
Advocate, 1898), (l) Fri. ld. Derbyshire Liberal Press, Lim., King St., Belper. i 

BELPER NEWS & MID-DERBYSHIRE MAIL, 1896 (incorporated in the Belper News and 
Derbyshire Telephone, 1901). l 

Beitaine, 1899. Irreg. 8d. Unicorn Press, 7 Cecil Court, w.c. 
Benedictine Almanac, 1908. Dec. 2d. St. Gregory Society, Downside Abbey, Bath. 
Benefice Exchange Gazette, 1864. Jan. & July. 4d. R. N. Blackett, 28 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Benjamin's Penny Recitations and Dialogues, 1898. Irreg. ld. London and General 
rinting Co. Lim., 8984 Liverpool Road, n. 

Benson’s Liverpool Penny Railway Guide, 1857. M.—1st. 1d. Benson & Holme Lim., 
Water St., Liverpool. 

(amalgamated with Herts Advertiser, 1901). 

Herts Observer, 1900, now West Herts and Watford Observer, 1908). 

+BERKS AND OXON ADVERTISER, 1855. (l) Fri. id. W. D. Jenkins, St. Mary's St., 

Berks, Bucks and Oxon Archssological Journal, 1894. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Charles 
Slaughter, Reading. 

Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s, 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire £ Oxfordshire Directory, 1848. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+BERKSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1770. (c) Sat. 1d. H. Read, Valpy St., Reading. (Advt. p. 444.) 
Berkshire Masonic Register and Calendar, 1892. Jan. 1s. 3d. G. J. Cosburn, Market Place, Newbury. 

Bermondsey Settlement Magazine, 1894. M.—ist. 1d. 
Farncombe St., 8.E. 

+BERROW’S WORCESTER JOURNAL, 1758 (as Worcester Postman, 1690). (c) Fri.—4 p.m., 
for Sat. ld. 48 High 8t., Worcester. (London: 176 Fleet St.) . 

Berry’s Guide to the Queen's Scholarships, 1897. Now issued as a supplement to the January 
number of the Pupil Teacher. 

+BERWICK ADVERTISER, 1808. (7) Fri.—7 a.m. 1d. H. R. Smail, 90 High St., Berwick-on-Tweed. 

+BERWICK JOURNAL, 1855 (as Illustrated Berwick Journal, 1855).: (wu) Thurs.—11 a.m. & 
2pm. ld. G. F. Steven, High St., Berwick-on-Tweed. 

G. Martin, 77 High St., Berwick. l 

BERWICKSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1893. (J) Tues.—7am. ld. H. R. Smail, 90 High St., 

Berwick-on-Tweed and Duns. 

+BERWICKSHIRE NEWS, 1868. Tues.—6 a.m. 1d. G.F. Steven, 25 High St., Berwick-on- 
Tweed and Market Place, Duns. 

 Besson’s Brass Band Budget. Quarterly. 1d. Besson & Co., 198 Euston Road, N. 

+BETHNAL GREEN NEWS, 1894 (with which is amalgamated the Hackney Argus). Fri.—4 p.m., 
for Sat. East London Publishing Co. Lim., 10 Mile End Road, E. (Advt. p. 4468.) 

Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. . [17 


Bennett & Co., 

Bermondsey Settlement, 


AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tBETTWS-Y-COED AND WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. 1d. W.H. 
Evans & Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast 

BEVERLEY AND EAST RIDING TELEGRAPH (formerly Cottingham and East Riding 
Telegraph, now East Riding Telegraph). 

+BEVERLEY GUARDIAN, 1856. (c) Sat. 1d. Green & Son, Market Place, Beverley. 

+BEVERLEY INDEPENDENT, 1888. Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. F. Hall, Toll Gavel, Beverley. 

+BEVERLEY RECORDER (as Beverley Weekly Recorder, 1855). (1) Sat. 1d. H.W. Ward, 
Wednesday Market, Beverley. ! 

BEXHILL CHRONICLE AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1901 (as Bezhill-on-Sea Illustrated 
poe List, 1896). Sat. 1d. Bexhill Publishing and Printing Co. Lim., Buckhurst Place, 
Bexhill Directory, 1887. Dec. 1s. Bexhill Publishing and Printing Co. Lim., Buckhurst Place, 
BEXHILL-ON-SEA ILLUSTRATED VISITORS’ LIST, 1894 (now Bewhill Chronicle and 
Illustrated Visitors’ List, 1901). 
BEXHILL-ON-SEA KURSAL DAILY NEWS, 1908. Daily during season. 1d. Bexhill 
Publishing and Printing Co., Buckhurst Place, Bexhill. 
fBEXHILL-ON-SEA OBSERVER, 1896. (c) Sat. 1d. F. J. Parsons Lim.,Devonshire Road,Bexhill. 
BEXLEY HEATH & BEXLEY OBSERVER, 1867. Fri. 1d. T. Jenkins, Market Place, 
Bexley Heath. 
{BEXLEY HEATH, BEXLEY & DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. Tues—a.m. $d. 99 Broadway, 
Bexley Heath. (Also at Times Buildings, Sidcup.) (Advté. p. 428.) 
Beere —— Bexley and Erith Directory, 1880. April. 1s. T. Jenkins, Market Place, Bexley 

Bibby & Co.'s Showman’s Pocket Diary, Date Book, and Gazetteer, 1895. Jan. Subscription. 
J. Bibby & Co., 66 High St., Manchester. 

Bibby’s Quarterly, 1896. 9d. Bibby & Sons, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. 

oe Acrostic Searching Almanac, 1892, 2d. Simpkin Marshall & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall 
ourt, E.C. 

Bible Advocate, 1890. Fri. 1d. 15 Cannon Hill Road, Birmingham. 
Bible Card Almanac, 1887. Nov. 1d., illus. Pickering & Inglis, 78 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Bible Christian Magazine, 1852 (as Arminian Magazine, 1778). M.—25th. 6d. G. Daniel, 
26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Bible Christian Messenger. Annually. F. P. Grandine, La Chasse, Jersey. 

Bible Class Federation Quarterly, 1900 (incorporated with David's Sling, 1901, now Bible 
Class Journal, 1908). 

Bible Class Journal, 1908 (as David’s Sling 1895, as Bible Class Federation Quarterly, 
1900). M.—Ist. ld. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Bible Reader's Almanac, 1899. Dec. ld. James Carter, 183 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Bible Readings. Sept. 1d. Gardner, Darton & Co., 3 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 
Bible Searching Almanac. Oct. 1d. John F. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Bibie Society Gleanings, 1869. M.—25th. 3d., illus. British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 
Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Bible Temperance Educator, 1881. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8d. Bible Temperance Associa- 
tion, 2 Bellevista, Cliftonpark Avenue, Belfast. n P —— 

Bible Text Calendar, 1878. Oct. 1s. George Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 
Bible Treasury, 1856. M.—25th. 14d. Thomas Weston, 58 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Bibie Women and Nurses, 1888 (as Missing Link, 1865; as Bible Working at Home and 
Abroad, 1884). M.—25th. 2d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

T. W. Pankhurst, Market Place, Bicester. 

+BICESTER HERALD, 1855. (ind.) Fri—2p.m. 2d. Newby & Son, Market Place, Bicester. 

tBicyciing News and Motor Review, 1901 (as Bicycling News and Sport and Play, 1878). 
Wed. 28. 6d. per ann. Sport and Play Lim., Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birmingham. 

.18] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

_ Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

4BIDDULPH CHRONICLE, i855. (ind) Sat. 1d. 11 High St., Congleton. A localised 
edition of the Congleton Chronicle. 
+BIDEFORD WEEKLY GAZETTE, 1853 (as Monthly News Letter, 1885’. Tues.—6.30 a.m. 

1d. Coles & Owen, Grenville St., Bideford. (The Family Paper for the Town and important 
residential district. Advt.) 

Big Budget, 1897. Wed. 1d. Pearsons Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 
BIGGLESWADE AND DISTRICT NEWS (incorporated with the Hertfordshire Express). 

Fri.—noon. $d. C. Elphick, Shortmead St., Biggleswade. 

BIGGLESWADE HERALD, 1903. Fri. d. Larkinson Bros., High St., Biggleswade. 

Bill Poster, 1889 (as nn Journal, 1887). M.—1st. 2d. United Billposters’ Association, 
4 & 5 Warwick Court, Holborn, w.c. 

Bill Posters’ Directory, 1888. Annually. 6d. United Bill Posters’ Association, 4 and 5 Warwick 
Court, Holborn, w.c. 

Bill-Posting and Outdoor Publicity, 19038. M.—10th. Record Co. Lim., 21 Bride Lane, 
Fleet St., E.c. 

Billiard Annual, 1902. 1s. and 2s. 6d. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Billiard Player, 1908. Wed.—Sept. to April. M.—25th, May to Aug. 1d. 19 Featherstoné 
Buildings, Holborn, w.c. 

Billiards, 1902. M.—Ist. 6d. 16 Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, w.c. 

+BINGLEY CHRONICLE, 1889. (/). Fri. $d. A.J. Cooper, Park Road, Bingley. 

Biographist and Review, 1902 (now British Review and Journal of Biography, 1908). 

Biometrika, 1901. Quarterly. 30s. net. C.J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maris Lane, E.c. 

Pipa No ea: 1903 (as Foreign Bird Notes, 1901). M.—1st. 6d. The Secretary, 52 Ship St, 


Bird Notes and News, 1903. Irreg. 1s. per ann. Society for the Protection of Birds, 
8 Hanover Square, w. 

Bird World and Cage Birds, 1902 (now Cage Birds and Bird World). 
Birkbeck Almanac, 1879. Nov. 6d. Birkbeck Bank, Southampton Buildings, w.c. 
4am, ġd.; Sat.—4 a.m., 1d. B. Haram & Co., 65 Hamilton St., Birkenhead. 
Birkenhead Family Almanack, 1879. Dec. 1d. H.C. Robinson, 88 Conway St., Birkenhead. 
1d. Willmer Bros. & Co. Lim., 64 Chester St., Birkenhead. 

Birmingham A B C and Midland Counties Railway Time Tables and Trades 
Directory, 1853. M.—1st. 450 pages. 4d. By post 7d. J. Upton, Birmingham. (The 
largest provincial Time Tables published. Advt.) 

Birmingham and Moseley Society Journal, 1892. M.—2lst. 2d. Heywood Reynolds, 
6 Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham and Suburbs Directory, 1852. Annually. 15s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Birmingham, Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 58. Bennett & Co., Chapel We 
Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 2 o., Chapel Works, 

Birmingham, Black Country, the Potteries,and Sheffield Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscri 
tion. Seyd & Co., 88 Lombard St., E.C. — y. Subscripe 

+Birmingham Catholic News, 1895. Sat. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 1 Swan Passage 
Worcester St., Birmingham. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. : 

Birmingham Congregational Year Book, 1902. 1s. Good Templars’ Watchword Co., Li 
168 Edmund $t., Birmingham. — nn 
tBIRMINGHAM DAILY GAZETTE, 1862 (with which is incorporated Aris’s Birmingham 

Gazette). (c) 1.80a.m. 1d. Birmingham Daily Gazette Co. Lim., High St. and Carr’ 
Birmingham. (London Private Wire Office: 65 Fleet St.) — and Carr's Lane, 

Birmingham Daily Gazette Cricket & Football Guides. April & Aug. High St. and 
Carr’s Lane, Birmingham. : 

+BIRMINGHAM DAILY MAIL,-1870. (2) 8 editions daily. 4d.’ John F au: 
poration St., Birmingham. (London : 88 Fleet St.) (Adve. — eency & Co., 18 Cor 

BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, 1857. (7) 2am. 1d. John Feeney & Co. TEN 
i mingham. (London: 88 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 415.) eeney & Co., 88 New 8t., Bir 

Birmingham Diary—Gulde, 1877. M. 1d. J. Wright, 111 Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. 

- Advertisements received for all the. Religious Periodicals, rq 
| g” 

ABC List.] . Willing’s Press Guide. 

BIRMINGHAM EVENING DISPATCH, 1902 (as Daily Argus, 1891). 4d. Midland Express 
Lim., 186 & 188 Corporation St., Birmingham. (London: 17 Tudor St.) . 

Birmingham Free Libraries Annual Report. 1861. June. Gratis. Ratcliffe Place, Paradise 
St., Birmingham. g J 

Birmingham Magazine of Arts and Industries, 1897. Bi-M. 1s. 1 Stanley Place, 
Moseley, Birmingham. | | — 

Birmingham Magnet, 1901. (u) Sat. 1d. Whitehead & Cambridge Lim., 48 Frederick St., 
Birmingham. * 

Birmingham Medical Review, 1871. M.—1st. 6d. P. Jones Lim., 87 & 89 Edmund St, 

BIRMINGHAM NEWS, 1892 (as South Birmingham News, 1880). (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 1d. 

Birmingham News Co., John Bright St., Birmingham. 

BIRMINGHAM PICTORIAL AND DART, 1876. Fri. 1d. R. 8. Kirk, 19 Burlington 
Chambers, New St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Railway Guide, 1897. M. 1d. High St. and Carr’s Lane, Birmingham. 

Birmingham Red Book, 1864. Jan. 6d. Hall & English, 86 Union St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham Review and Record, 1897. M.—15th. 2d. W. Lupton & Co., Corporation St., 
Birmingham. . © 

Birmingham “Sporting Life” Tissue, 1887. Tues. 1d. A. Thomas, 79 Dale End, 
Birmingham. | = 

Birmingham, —— Warwickshire, and Worcestershire Directory, 1828. Every four 
years. 86s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Birmingham Stock and Share List, 1855. Daily—4 p.m. and Fri. Birmingham Stock 
Exchange, Birmingham. 

BIRMINGHAM SUNDAY ECHO, 1898. Sun. jd. W. E. Billoe, 59 Newton St., Birmingham. 

Birmingham University Calendar, 1881. Sept. 2s. net. Cornish Bros. Lim., 87 New St. 
Birmingham. | | 

BIRMINGHAM WEEKLY MERCURY, 1884 (now Weekly Mercury, 1908). 

+BIRMINGHAM WEEKLY POST, 1857 (as Birmingham Journal, 1825). (l) Fri. for Sat. 
1d. John Feeney & Co, 88 New St, Birmingham. Latest time for advts. Wed. a.m. 

(London : 88 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 415.) 
BIRSTALL HERALD, 1886. (l) Thurs.—p.m. 1d. Senior & Co., Cheapside, Heckmondwike. 

A localised edition of the Heckmondwike Herald. | 

+BIRSTALL NEWS, 1886. (/) Fri. 1d. News Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Batley and 
Dewsbury. A localised edition of the Batley News. (London: 180 Fleet St.) 

+BISHOP’S CASTLE ADVERTISER & CLUN NEWS, 1900. Fri. 1d. W. & G. Marks, 
High St., Bishop’s Castle. 

BISHOP’S STORTFORD WEEKLY NEWS, 1899 (as East Herts and West Essex News, 
1889; incorporated with the Saffron Walden Weekly News, 1901). 

Bisley Programme, 1865. Annually. 1s. National Rifle Association, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, 
Surrey, and Waterlow & Sons Lim., London Wall, E.c. 

Bits for Our Boys, 1902. Quarterly. 1d. B. McCall Barbour, 37 Chambers St., Edinburgh. 

.+tBLACK AND WHITE, 1891. Fri. for Sat. 6d., illus. W. Gander, 68 Fleet St., E.c. 

tBiack and White Budget, 1900. Thurs. 2d., illus. W. Gander, 68 Flee St., B.C. © 

Blackburn’s Academy Notes and Queries. (Now Academy Notes.) 

GAZETTE, 1890. Sat. 4d. Frank Stones, 4 King William St., Blackburn. 

¢+Blackburn Catholic News, 1898. Sat. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 18 Jordan St., 
Manchester. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

BLACKBURN STANDARD AND EXPRESS, 1882 (now Weekly Standard and Eapress, 1898), _ 
+BLACKBURN TIMES, 1854. (2) Sat. 1d. J. & G. Toulmin, Blackburn. 

+BLACKBURN WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1899. (2) Sat. 1d. North-Western Newspaper 
Co. Lim., Railway Road, Blackburn. (London: 71 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 444.) 

Blackheath, Lee, and Greenwich and Eltham Directory, 1882. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Direce 
tories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Biackheath Local Guide, 1889. Fortnightly—Sat. Gratis. C. North, Blackheath Press, s.x, 

Blackie’s Counties Directory and Trades’ Guide, 1885. Jan. lbs. J. Blackie & Co., Brighton 
Chambers, Denman St 8.5. , — 

20) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 
Blackie’s Court Guide, 1885. Jan. 15s. J. Blackie & Co., Brighton Chambers, Denman St., S.E. 

+BLACKLEY AND HARPURHEY GUARDIAN, 1882. Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. Bagot Lim., 
Market Place, Middleton. A localised edition of the Middleton Guardian. 

Blackpool Co-operative Pioneer. 1885. M.—ist. Gratis. 44 Albert Road, Blackpool. 
+BLACKPOOL HERALD, 1848. Tues. & Fri—a.m. 1d. F. Andrews, Birley St., Blackpool. 

+BLACKPOOL TIMES, 1877. (I) Wed. & Sat—am. 1d. B. Bowman, 43 & 45 Church 
St., Blackpool. 

Blackpool Times Fylde Year-Book, 1877. Annually. 48 & 45 Church St., Blackpool. 

BLACKPOOL WEEKLY, 1898 (now Weekly (Blackpool). 

Blackwood’s Diaries. Sept. Various. C. Straker & Sons Lim., 5 to 9 Bishopsgate Avenue, 
Camomile St., E.C. 

Blackwood’s Magazine, 1817. M.—1st. 2s.6d. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edin- 
’ burgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) 
+Bladud, 1885. Wed.—7a.m. 1d. J.B. Keene & Co., 7 Kingsmead St., Bath. 
. Newport, Mon. A localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. 

BLAINA WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A localised 
edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. - 

BLAIRGOWRIE ADVERTISER, 1855. Sat. ld. A. Allan, Reform St., Blairgowrie. 

¢BLANDFORD AND EAST DORSET HERALD, 1846. (tnd.) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. 
W. Mate & Sons Lim., Bournemouth. A localised edition of the Poole, éc., Herald. 

L. Smith, High Street, Gillingham. One of the Gillingham Gazette series. 

Blast Furnaces of the United Kingdom. Supplement to Iron Trade Circular (Rylands). 

Blocksidge’s Illustrated Almanac, Diary and Directory for Dudley, 1879, Dec. 2d. 
E. Blocksidge, 20 Stone St., Dudley. 

Blue, 1869. M.—duringterm 6d. Christ’s Hospital, Horsham, Sussex. 

Bluejacket and Coastguard Gazette, 1900 (as Hope, £c., 18883) M.—26th. 1d. J. N. 
Masters Lim., Rye, Sussex. (London: Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey.) 

Blue Stocking, 1903. Twice in term. 4d. G.H. Proctor, 8 Market Place, Durham. 

tBLYTH DAILY POST, 1899 (as Blyth Weekly Scribe, 1894). (ind.) 12 noon. $d. J. Fraser, 
Waterloo, Blyth. 

+BLYTH NEWS, 1874. Tues. & Fri. §d. T. C. Nicholson, 18 Simpson St., Blyth. 
BLYTH SCRIBE (now Blyth Daily Post). 
B.M.G. (Banjo, Mandoline, and Guitar), 1908, M.—Ilst. 6d. 15a Grafton St., Bond St., w, 

+Board of Trade Journal, 1886. Thurs. 1d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. 879.) 
Board Teacher, 1883. M.—Ist, except Aug. 6d. 9 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. A localised edition of the Cornish Guardian. 

+BOGNOR OBSERVER AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1872. Wed.—a.m. 1d. RB. J. Aoford, High 
. St., Bognor. 

Bolton Catholic Heraid, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 18 Jordan St., Manchester. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

+BOLTON CHRONICLE, 1824. (c) Sat.-a.m. 1d. J. Clegg, 15 Knowsley 8t., Bolton. 
Bolton Co-operative Society Record, 1890. M.—1st Thurs. Gratis. 32 Bark St., Bolton. 

+BOLTON DAILY CHRONICLE, 1868. (c) 12 to 5.45 pm.—except Sat. 4d. J. Clegg, 15 
Knowsley St., Bolton. 

Bolton District Congregationalist, 1893. M.—1st. 1d. A. Blackshaw & Sons, School Hill 
Mills, Bolton. 
+BOLTON EVENING NEWS, 1867. (7) Daily—noon. $d. Tillotson & Son Lim., Meathouse 
Lane, Bolton. (London: 20 New Bridge St.) (Advt. p. 366.) 
Bolton Free Public Library Annual Report, 1854. Nov. Gratis. J. K. Waite, Publie Free 
. Library, Bolton. 

+BOLTON JOURNAL & GUARDIAN, 1859. (l) Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son Lim., Mealhouse 
Lane, Bolton. (London : 20 New Bridge St.) (Advt: p 306.) 

Advertisements received for every Advertising Medium. [21 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Boltonian, 1899. Twice i year. 6d. F. W. Clayton, Bolton Grammar School, Bolton. 

¢Bon Accord, 1880. Thurs. 1d., illus. Bon Accord Press (W. Smith’, 18 Union Terrace, Aber- 
deen. (London: 49 Fleet St.) : 

Bond of Union, 1888. M.—28th. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Bondholders’ Register, 1872. 2nd and 4th Tues. in each month. 6d. 68 Wool Exchange, 
Coleman St., E.c., 21 and 25 Dean St., E.c. 

+BO’NESS JOURNAL, 1878. Fri. 1d. W. W. Broome, Market Square, Bo’ness. 

+Book and News Trade Gazette and Newsagent’s Chronicle, 1898. Sat. 1d. 27 Chan- 
cery Lane, w.c. 

Book Bits and Paper Particles, 1901. Irreg. Subscription. R.A. Thompson & Co. Lim., 
J 5 Tudor St. E.c. : 

Book for All (now Mayflower). 

‘Book Gazette and Notes, 1894. Occas. Gratis. Methuen & Co., 86 Essex St., Strand, W.C 
Book Lover, 1898. Irreg. Gratis. Hutchinson & Co., 84-85 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Book Monthly, 19038. M.—25th. 6d. net. . Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 
Book of Book Plates, 1900. Quarterly. 1s.6d. R.B. Johnson, 4 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 
Book of Ireland, 1899. Irreg. 1s. perann. 88 Camden Passage, Islington, N. 

Doak of ve Church of Scotland, 1888 (formerly Year-Book, 1886, now Church of Scotland Year 

‚Book-Prices Current, 1889. 4 parts per ann. Irreg. 25s. 6d. per ann. E. Stock, 62 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c. 

Book Trade, 1901 (with which is incorporated the Retailer's Reference Register), M.—1st. 14 
W. R. Russell & Co. Lim., 54 Paternoster Row, £.c. 

.Bookman, 1891. M.—Ilst. 6d. Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, £.c. 

Books for the Bairns, 1896. M.—1st. 1d., illus: H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, Temple 
Avenue, and 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Books for the People (now Penny Books for the People). 

‚Books of To-day and the Books of To-morrow, 1894. M.—ist. 8d. Hatchards, 187 
Piccadilly, w. 

Bookseller, 1858 (with which is incorporated Bent’s Literary Advertiser, 1802). M.—1st. 6d. 
Whitaker & Sons Lim., 12 Warwick Lane, £.c. 

Boosey’s Brass Band Journal, 1869. M. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w: 

Boosey's Drum and Fife Journal, 1895. M. 18. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s March Journal, 1892. M. 8s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Boosey’s Military Journal, 1845. M. 15s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

‘Boosey’s Orchestral Journal, 1898. Ocoas. Price varies. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

¢Boot & Shoe Trades Journal, 1880 (as Boot ¢& Shoemaker, 1878, as St. Crispin, 1869). 
Thurs.—9 a.m., for Fri. 2d. Burlington Publishing Co. Lim., 72 to 76 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

-‘Bootham, 1902. M The Editor, 58 Fawcett St., Sunderland. 

+BOOTLE TIMES, 1876. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Bootle Printing and Publishing Co. Lint., 
Millers’ Bridge, Bootle, Liverpool. 

ee 1882. Nov. 2s. 6d. & 3s. 6d., illus. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate 
ill, E.C. 

+BORDER ADVERTISER, 1848. (7) Tues—8 p.m. 1d. Craighead Bros., Galashiels. 

oo Churchman, 1899. M.—1st. (e) 1d. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Caxton Press, 
i swestry. ‘ 

Border Magazine, 1896. M.—26th. 8d. A. Walker & Son, Galashiels. 

‘BORDER TELEGRAPH, 1902 (as Galashiels Telegraph, 1896’. Tues. 1d.. A. Walker & Son, 
118 High St., Galashiels. 

BOROUGH NEWS, 1900 (as Lewisham Independent, 1898; as Léwtsham Free Press, 1890 ; 
now Lewisham Borough News, 1901). 

Borough of Cambridge Year-Book, 1908. Clerk & Co, Cambridge. 
Borough of Hampstead Year-Book, 1888. Dec. 2d.,illus. Provost & Co., Hollymount, Hampstead. 

Mm OF MARYLEBONE MERCURY (now Marylebone Mercury and West London 

— — — — — 

22] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 123: Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [A BC List. 

Stratford Times, 1854). Wed.—1 p.m., $d.; Fri—4 p-m., for Sat., 1d. Wilson & Whitworth 
Lim., Broadway, Stratford, E. 

+tBOSTON GUARDIAN, 1854. (1) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d, Lincolnshire Newspaper and 
General Printing Co. Lim., 94 West St., Boston. (Advt. p. 445.) 

tBOSTON INDEPENDENT,1878. Fri. &8Sat. ld. T., Beaulah, 10 Stanbow Lane, Boston. 

tBOSTON POST, 1901. (c.) Fri.a.m. 1d. F. Blanshard, 21 Bridge St., Boston. 

tBOSTON SPA NEWS, 1878 (as Boston Spa Journal, 1873), (e) Fri, 1d, . H. Crossley, , 
. 2 High St., Wetherby. A localised edition of the Wetherby News. 

Boudoir, 1908, M.—lIst. 1s. net, 544 Fleet St., E.C. | 

Bournemouth and District Amusements, 1894. Sat, 1d, Boscombe Chambers, Boscombe, 

Bournemouth Business Directory and Year Book, 18890, Jan. ls. and 2s. W. Mate & Sons, Lim., 
62 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. 

+BOURNEMOUTH DAILY ECHO. 1900. $d. H. King, Shaftesbury Hall Chambers, Old . 
Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. 

Bournemouth Directory, 1897. Biennially. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. . 
Bournemouth Graphic, 1902, Thurs, ld, and 8d, Holland Rowbottom, Richmond Hill, 
’ Bournemouth. ' 
tBOURNEMOUTH GUARDIAN, 1888. Tues. & Sat. 1d. Commercial Road, Bournemouth. 
(London: 74 Fleet St.) 

ee VISITORS’ DIRECTORY, 1858. (ind.) Tues. for Wed., and Fri. for 
Sat. 1d. W. Mate & Sons Lim., 62 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. (London: 101 Fleet St.) - 

Bourne’s Guides (Insurance), 1878, M.—Ilst. 8d. E. Wilson, 11 Royal Exchange, E.c. 
Bourne's Handy Assurance Directory, 1886. Jan, 5s. E. Wilson, 11 Royal Exchange, E.c. 
Bourne's Handy Assurance Manual, 1886. July. 18., 1s, 6d. & 2s. 6d. 11 Royal Exchange, E.c. 
Bovian, 1894. Three times a year. 6d. The Editor, The School, Cowbridge, South Wales. 
Boxmakers’ Journal, 1897. M.—Ist. 4d. H. Thornhill, Dryden House, Cliff Grove, Heaton 

Chapel, Lanos, e | 
Boyd’s Commercial Guide for China, 1899. M.—Ist. ls. 14 Cockspur St., s.w. 

Boyle's Court and Country Guide, 1792. Jan. & May. 5s. W. Trounce, 10 Gough ° 
Square, E.c., and 42 South Audley St., w. l 

Boys & Girls, 1886. M.—1st. d., illus. Pickering & Inglis, 73 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
Boys’ & Girls’ Almanac, 1887. Dec. $d., illus. Pickering & Inglis, 73 Bothwell St., Glasgow. ` 

Boys’ and Girls’ Companion, 1882 (as Sunday Scholar's Companion, 1855). M.—25th, 
1d., illus. -Church of England Sunday School Institute, 18 Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St., £.c. 

Boys’ Brigade Gazette, 1889. M.—1st. 2d. 162 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 

Boy’s Champion Story Paper, 1900 (now Pocket Budget, 1903), 

Boy's Friend, 1895. Wed. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite House, Carmelite St., E c. 
Boy’s Herald, 1908. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. B. W. Young, 1 Carmelite House, Carmelite St., E.c, . 
Boy’s Leader, 1908. Sat. 1d. 28 Maiden Lane, w.c. | 
Boy’s Mail Bag, 1892. Quarterly. 1d. S.W. Partridge & Co., 8 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Boy’s Own Annual, 1880. Nov. 8s. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Boy's Own Christmas Part, 1880. Nov. 6d. R.T. Soc., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Boy’s Own Paper, 1879. Tues.—1d., illus.; M.—25th, 6d. R.T. Soc., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Boy’s Realm, 1902. Sat. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite House, Carmelite St., E c 
Boys’ School Journal, 1884. Quarterly. 2d. G.O. Howell, 210 Eglinton Road, Plumstesd 

Boys of our Empire, 1901 (as Boys of the Empire, 1900). Sat.,1d,; M.—25th., 6d. A. Melrosa 
16 Pilgrim St., E.c. (An illustrated magazine for British boys all over the world. Advt.} 
Boys of the Empire, 1901. Tues. 1d. E.J. Brett Lim. 6 West Harding St., E.C. 
tBRACKLEY OBSERVER, 1865. Fri.—8 pm. 1d, T, W. Pankhurst, Market Place, Bicester. 
A localised edition of the Bicester Advertiser. | 
Bradford and Suburbs Directory, 1900, Annually, 8s, Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
olborn, w.c. 
Bradford Anti — 1881. July. 28. 64. Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society, 16 
iccadilly, Bradford. 

— — 

Advertisements received for all the Fashion fournals. [93° 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+Bradford Catholic Heraid, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 1 Choapside, Brad- 
ford. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

BRADFORD CITIZEN, 1884 (now Citizen Weekly). 

{BRADFORD DAILY ARGUS, 1892. 10.80 am. đ.„ illus: J. Patterson: Argus Buildings, 
Brown St., Bradford. 

+BRADFORD DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1868. 1 p.m. to 8 pm. (l) $d. H. C. Derwent, 53 
Market St., Bradford. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) l 

BRADFORD OBSERVER, 1834 (now Yorkshire Daily Observer, 1901). 

t BRADFORD OBSERVER BUDGET, 1871 (as Observer Budget, 1869). (l) Fri.—9 a.m., for 
Sat. 1d. W. Byles & Sons, 10 Piccadilly, Bradford. (London: 129-Fleet St.) 

Bradford Post Office Directory, 1879. Biennial. W. Biles & Sons, 10 Piccadilly, Bradford. 

¢+BRADFORD WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, 1899 (as Illustrated Weekly Telegraph, 1885; as 
Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1869). (2) Fri. for Sat. 1d. H.C. Derwent, 53 Market St. m 
Bradford. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Bradshaw’s Continental Railway Gulde, 1847, M. 2s.; special edition,8s.6d. H. Black- 
lock & Co. Lim., 59 Fleet St., E.c. 

Bradshaw's Dictionary of Bathing Places, d:c., 1882: March. 28. 6d. Kegan Paul & Co, Dryden 
House, 43 Gerrard St., w. 

Bradshaw’s General Rallway and Steam Navigation Guide, 1837. M. 6d. H. Black- 
lock & Co. Lim., 59 Fleet St., E.c. 

Bradshaw's Manchester A B C Gulde, 1861. M.—Ist. 1d. H. Blacklock & Co. Lim., 59 
Fleet St., E.c. 

Bradshaw's Railway Manual, Shareholders’ Guide, and Directory, 1863. Feb. 12s., maps. 
H. Blacklock & Co. Lim., 59 Fleet St., E.c. 

Bradshaw’s Through Routes to the Capitals of the World and Overland Guide to India, Persia, 
and the Far East, 1857. Triennially. 5s. net. H. Blacklock & Co. Lim., 59 Fleet St., E.C. 

Braille Magazine, 1908. M.—I1st. 1d. British & Foreign Association, 206 Great 
Portland St., w. 

Brain, 1869. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8s. 6d., illus. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

TBRAINTREE & BOCKING ADVERTISER, 1859. Wed. 1d. Essex Weekly News Series 
Lim., Market Place, Braintree. 

BRAINTREE GAZETTE, 1858. Thurs. 1d. C. A. BR. Carter, 28 High St., Halstead. 

+BRANKSOME & EAST DORSET HERALD, 1895. (ind.) Wed.forThurs. 1d. W. Mate & | 
Sons Lim., Bournemouth. A localised edition of the Poole Herald. 

+BRANKSOME GUARDIAN, 1883. Sat. 1d. Commercial Road, Bournemouth. A localised 
edition of the Bournemouth Guardian. 

Brass Band Annual, 1894. Dec. 4d. F. Richardson, Cornet Office, Sibsey, Boston. 

+RRAY AND SOUTH DUBLIN HERALD, 1901 (as Bray Herald and Arklow Reporter, 1876). 
Sat. 1d. Frank McPhail, Main St., Wicklow. A localised edition of the Wicklow News-Letter. 

BRAY NEWS & DUBLIN LANTERN, 1895. Sat. 1d. P. E. Taylor, 74 Rathmines Road, 
Rathmines. A localised edition of the Rathmines News. 

+BRECHIN ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.) Tues.—a.m. 1d. D.H. Edwards, Swan St., Brechin. 

*BRECHIN & MONTROSE CITIZEN, 1889. (ind.) Tues.—6 a.m. Gratis. George Jarvis, 
72 New Wynd, Montrose. 

+BRECON AND RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. (J) Wed. for Thurs. 1d. Ellis Owen, Express 
Buildings, Brecon. 

{BRECON COUNTY TIMES, 1866 (with which is incorporated the Brecknock Beacon). (ec) 
Wed. for Fri. 1d. T.A. Davies, Bulwark and Lion St., Brecon. 

Brewer and Wine Merchant, 1901 (with which is incorporated the Brewer’s Weekly, 1899). 
M—ist. 4d. 17 Newcastle St., Farringdon St., E.C. 

Brewers’ Almanack, 1892. Dec. 5s. J.S. Philipps, 121 Fleet St., E.c. 

Brewers’ Gazette, 1902 (as Country Brewers’ Gazette, 1877). Alt. Thurs. noon. 20s. per 
ann. Brewers’ Gazette Lim., 2 Devonshire Square, E.c. 

Brewers’ Guardian, 1871. M.—10th. 2s. R.H. Lampray 5 Bond Court, Walbrook, £.c. 
Brewers’ Journal, 1865. M.—15th. 20s. per ann. F. W. Lyon, Eastcheap Buildings, E.c. 
Brewers’ Weekly, 1899 (incorporated in the Brewer and Wine Merchant, 1901). 

Brewery Manual, 1902 (as Duncan’s Brewery Manual, 1890). April. 5s. Brewers’ Gazette Lim.,. 
2 Devonshire "Square, E.C. 

24] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

—— -~ 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Brewing Trade Review, 1886. M.—lst. 2s W.H Phelp, 18 Little Trinity Lane, Upper 

Thames St., E.C. 

tBREWOOD COURIER, 1895. Fri. for Sat. ld. J. Wakefield, Market Place, Brewood. A 
localised edition of the Cannock Chase Courier. 

Bric-A-Brac, 1878. Quarterly. 1d. J. W. Palmer, The Rosary, West Hoathly. 

Brick & Pottery Trades Journal, 1900 (with which are incorporated the Potter and Cement, 
1902). M. 1s. J. L. Crouch, 29 Basinghall St., E.c. 

tBRIDGE OF ALLAN GAZETTE AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1884. (2) Fri—4p.m.,, for Sat. 
1d. Munro & Jamieson, 26 Craigs, Stirling. 

+BRIDGE OF ALLAN REPORTER, 1859. (c) Sat.—7 a.m. 1d. J. Hogg & Co., 9 King St., Stirling. 

tBRIDGNORTH JOURNAL, 1854. Sat. 1d. R. Edkins, 58 High St., Bridgnorth. 

BRIODGEWATER ECHO, 1902 (as Highbridge Echo, 1893). Sat. 3d. H. R. Bridges, Cattle 
Market, Bridgewater. 

+BRIDGWATER INDEPENDENT, 1885 (as Bridgwater Gazette, 1871). (l) Fri. for Sat. 1d. 
H. Law, Bridgwater. 

SUPER-MARE CHRONICLE, 1856. Tues.—8 p.m., for Wed. ld. Woodley & Co., 

Bridlington and District Directory, 1898. Irreg. 2s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tBRIDLINGTON AND QUAY CHRONICLE, 1897. Sat. 1d. William Forster, Manor 8t., 
Bridlington Quay. 

+BRIDLINGTON AND QUAY GAZETTE, 1874. Fri. 1d. C. Forster & Co., 13 Promenade, 

BRIDLINGTON DAILY MAIL, 1900. (c) p.m. d. E.S. Lewis, Hull. A localised edition of 
the Daily Mail (Hull). (London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) 

+BRIDLINGTON FREE PRESS, 1859. (c) Fri. for Sat. ld. Scarborough Mercury News- ` 
paper Co.,Chapel St., Bridlington Quay. 


Fri.ld. W.&E. Frost, West St., Bridport. 

tBRIERFIELD Een, 1900 (ind. lib). Fri. ld. Coulton & Co., Nelson. A localised edition 
of the Nelson Leader 

Brigade, 1896. M. lst. 2d. 13 Craven St., Strand, W.C. 

Brigadier, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. R. and R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

+BRIGHOUSE ECHO, 1887. (ind) Fri. 1d. J. Hartley, Park St., Brighouse. 

BRIGHOUSE FREE PRESS, 1898. Thurs. 4d. R. H. Ashworth Lim., 102 Commercial St., 

+BRIGHOUSE NEWS, 1866. (1) Fri—4a.m. 1d. Brighouse and Elland News Lim., Brighouse. 

Bright Rays, 1904. M.—I1st. 1d. G. Stoneman, 29 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Bright Stories, 1903. M.—1st. d. Tudor Syndicate, 6a Tudor St., E.c. 

Bright Words, 1888. M.—15th. 1d. Marshall Brothers, Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

+BRIGHTON ADVERTISER, &c., 1876. (ind.) Sat. 1d. T.R. Beckett, 4 Pevensey Road, East- 

BRIGHTON AND HOVE GUARDIAN, 1827. (incorporated in the Brighton and Hove 
Society, 1901). 

tBrighton & Hove Society, 1899 (as Brighton Society, 1887; with which is incorporated 
the Brighton and Hove Guardian, 1901). Fri. for Sat.—4 pm. 1d. Brighton Society & 
Guardian Press Lim., 84 North St., Brighton. 

tBRIGHTON AND HOVE TIMES, 1860. (con.-ind.) Fri. 1d. W. E. Nash, 205 Western 
Road, Brighton. 

Brighton College Magazine, 1895. Once a term. 9d. Brighton College, Brighton. 

tBRIGHTON GAZETTE AND HOVE POST, 1821. (c) Thurs. & Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. W.J, 
Towner, 150 North St., Brighton. 

tBRIGHTON HERALD, 1806. (ind) Sat. 1d. W.H. Attwick, Prince’s Place, North St., Brighton, 

Brighton, Hove, &c., Directory, 1888. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Hol- 
born, w.c. 

Brighton, Hove and District Blue Book and Local Directory, 1887. Jan. 2s. 6d. Robinson 
Printing Co. Lim., Robert St., North Road, Brighton... 

— — — 

Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. [25 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide, 


BRIGHTON OBSERVER, 1856. Fri. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Lim, Market St., Lewes. A 
localised edition of the East Sussex News. 

BRIGHTON RECORD (now Treacher’s Brighton Record). 
able Arrival List, 1858), Tues., Thurs., Sat.—8 a.m. 2d, E. F. Patmer, 35 Kast St., Brighton. 

Brili’s Jewish Special, 1901 (as Halfpenny Telephone, 1898). Fri. $d. Brill & Co, 
8 Church Lane, Whitechapel, &. 

Brill’s Jewish Telephone, 1901 (as Jewish Telephone, 1896). Tuas. . : Brill & Co. 
8 Church Lane, Whitechapel, E. 

Bristol ane Clifton Amusements: 1900, Amusements Publishing Co. Sat, ld. Rupert St,, 

Bristol and Clifton Desc: 1798. Jan. 8s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 57 Victoria St., Bristol. 

Bristol & District Post Office Guide, 1868. M.—Ist, ld. Young & Humphrys, Lewen’s 
Mead, Bristol. 

+Bristol Athletic News, 1898 (with which is incorporated Bristol Sporting News, 1889\. 
Daily—11, 4, and 6 p.m. 2d. W. W. Ascott, Tower House, John St., Bristol. 

Bristol Catholic News, 1895. Sat. 1d. Catholic Press Co. Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.C. One of 
the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tBRISTOL DAILY MERCURY, 1790. (l) Daily. 1d.; B:istol Mercury Lim., 35 Broad St, 
Bristol. (London: 174 Fleet St.) 

Bristol Diocesan Directory, 1898. Jan. 1s. T. & W. Golding, 6 Nelson St., Bristol, (London: 
Parker.) : 

BRISTOL ECHO, 1901. Daily, Even. 4d. Bristol Mercury, 85 Broad Street, Bristol. 

*#BRISTOL EVENING NEWS, 1877. (lib, ind.) Dally. 4d. Chief Office, Baldwin St., Bristol. 
(London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 



TERO Magpie, 1903 (formerly Magpie, Bristol). Sat. 1d. E. Smith & Co., Stone Bridge, 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal, 1888. March, June, Sept., Dec. 18. 6d., occas. illus. 
J. W. Arrowsmith, 11 Quay St., Bristol. (London: Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St.) 

BRISTOL OBSERVER, 1859. (lib. ind.) Fri. & Sat. 1d., illus. Chief Office, Baldwin Sb., 
Bristol. (London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 

Bristol, South Wales and Gloucestar Commercial List, 1866. May. Ban Seyd & Co., 
88 Lombard St., E.c. 

BRISTOL SPORTING NEWS (now Bristol Athletic News). 

+BRISTOL TIMES AND MIRROR, 1865 (as Bristol Postman, 1718). (c) Daily—2°80 a.m., 1d.+3 

Sat.—2.30 a.m., 2d. Bristol Times and Mirror Lim., Small St., Bristol. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 
(Advt. p. 445. J 

+BRISTOL WEEKLY MERCURY, 1790. Sat. 1d. Bristol Mercury, Lim., 85 Broad St., Bristol. 

Britannia, 1896. M.—15th. 6d. P. S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., West- 
minster, 8.W. 

British Advertiser, 1902, M.—I1st. 6d. British Advertiser Press, 2 Queen Anne Buildings, 
` © Baldwin St., Bristol. 

British Almanac, 1828. Nov. 1s. Charles Letts & Co., 3 Royal Exchange, E.c. 
British Almanac and Companion, 1828. Nov. 2s. 6d. Charles Letts & Co., 38 Royal Exchange, E.c. 

+British and Coloniai Druggist, 1884 (as Export Drug and Chemical Circular, 1878). Fri. 
5s. perannum. 44 Bishopsgate St. Without, E.c. 

British and Colonial Druggists’ Diary, 1887. Dec. 8s. 6d. 44 Bishopsgate Without, E.c. 

British and Colonial Mineral Water Trade Journal, 1886. M.—17th. 5s. per ann. 
National Union of Mineral Water Manufacturers’ Association Lim.—W. Tooke, 15 Calls, Leeds. 

+British and Colonial Printer & Stationer, 1878. Thurs.—10a.m. 2d., illus. W. J. Ston- 
hill & Co., 58 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

British & Foreign Confectioner, Baker, and Restaurateur, 1877. M.—8th. 6d. W. 
Williams, Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C. 

British and Foreign Guides, 1877. 8s. to 10s. Annually. Francis Bros., 151 Fleet St., E.c. 

British and Irish Handbook, and Farm House List, 1879. Jan. Gratis. Members only. 
Cyclist’s Touring Club, 47 Victoria St., s.w. ; 

26] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, | 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

British and South African Export Gazette, 1892. M.—1st Fri: 6d., illus. 88-35 East- 
cheap, E.C. : 

tBritish Architect, 1874. Fri.—9 a.m. 4d. illus. O. D. Davison, 83 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

{British Austraiasian and New Zealand Mall, 1864. Thurs. —morn. 6d. 11-13 Wool 
Exchange, Coleman St., E.C. 

+British Baker, 1887 (as Northern Miller and Baker, 1885). Fri. 1d., illus. Maclaren & Son, 
87, 88 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

British Baker Diary and Trade Year-Book, 1890. Dec. 6d. MacLaren & Sons, 87 Shoe Lane, E.O 
British Bandsman and Contest Fleld, 1898. Thurs. 1d. J. H. Iles, 188 Strand, w.c. 
tBritish Bee Journal, 1873. Wed.—6 p.m. 1d. 10 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

' ritish Berkshire Herd Book, 1884. June. 5s. British Berkshire Society, Shippon, Abingdon. 

British Chess Magazine, 1870. M.—ist. 9d, 88 Park Cross St. Leeds. (London : 
‘Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 43 Gerrard St.) . 

British Clay Worker, 1892. M.—15th. 8d., illus, H. Greville Montgomery, 48 Essex St., 
Strand, w.c. i. 

British Code List, 1862, Jan. 5s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

British, Colonial, and Continental Homeopathic Medical Directory, 1887 (as Homeopathic 
i Medical Directory, 1867). Feb. 2s.° Homæœæopathic Publishing Co., 12 Warwick Lane, B. c. 

British, Colonial, and International Machinery Market, 1902 (Machinery Exporter, 
1881). Feb., May, ‘Aug., Nov. 6d. Illus. 1464 Queen Victoria St., E.C, Foreign Supplement 
to Machinery Market. 

British Columbia Review and North American Mining Journal, 1897 (now B. C. 
Review, 1901). 

British Deaf Monthly, 1891 (with which is incorporated Ephphatha). 1st. 81 Fold St., Bolton. 

British Dental Journal, 1908 (as Journal of the British Dental Association, 1872). 
M.—15th. 1s. Baillitre, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal, 1908 (with which 
are incorporated Stationery and Stationery Trades Review and Morriss’s Trade Journal, 
1881). M.—15th. 6d. Morriss & Bird Lim., 57-59 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

British Empire Review, 1899. M.—1st. ed. British Empire League, 112 Cannon St., E.c. 
‘British Evangelist, 1868. M.—26th 1d. Marshall Brothers, 10 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
‘British Flag and Christian Sentinel, 1858. M.—1st. 1d., illus. 112 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 
British Food Journal, 1899. M.—25th. 6d. 82 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. . 

‘British Friend, 1848. M.—1st. 6d. E. Grubb, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate St. Without, E.C. 

‚British Gynscological Journal, 1885. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 88.6d. J. Bale, Sons, & 
Danielsson Lim., 88-89 Great Titchfield St., w. . 

British Homes, 1896. M.—1st. 1d. 25 Great Winchester St., E.c. 
British Imperial Calendar, 1809. Jan. bs., 78., 98. Warrington & Co., 28 Garrick St., w.c. 
‘British-Indian Commerce and Eastern Trade, 1898 (now Anglo-Indian Review, 1903). 

British Journal of Children’s Diseases, 1908. M.—Ilst. 1s. Adlard & Son, 22$ Bar- 
tholomew Close, E.c. 

British Journal of Dental Science, 1856. Fortnightly. 6d. Segg & Co., 289 & 291 Regent St., w. 
British Journal of Dermatology, 1888. M.—5th. 1s. H. K. Lewis, 186 Gower St., w.c. 

British Journal of Inebriety, 1908. Quarterly. 1s. Baillidre, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta 
Street, Covent Garden, w.c. 

British Journal of Nursing, 1902 (as Nursing Record and Hospital Work, 1888), Fri. for 
Sat.- ld. E. H. Blakeley, 11 Adam St., Strand, w.c. 

¢British Journal of Photography, 1860 (as Liverpool Photographie Journal, 1854). Fri. 
i —9 am. 2d. Greenwood & Co., 24 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1860. Dec. 1s, illus. ; cloth, 1s.6d. Greenwood & Co. $ 
24 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. . 

British Machinery Gazette, 1896, M.—10th. 6d. Beanland, Perkin & Co., School 
. Close Works, Leeds. | 

+British Medical Journal, 1882. Fri. for Sat. 6d. British Medical Association, 429 Strand, w.c. 
«British Mercantile Guide, 1877. - Every 2 years. 25s. Francis Bros., 151 Fleet St., E.C. 

British Messenger, 1858. M.—ist. 1d., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depôt, Stirling. 

British Mining, 1900 (now Sovereign, 1902). 

Advertisements received for all the Magazines,- `` [27 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

British Monthly, 1900. 25th. 6d. Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

British Optical Journal, 1901. M.—lst. : 8d. and 6d. Marshall, Brookes, & Chalkley Lim., 
15 Harp Alley, Farringdon St., E.C. 

British Printer, 1888 (with which is incorporated British Lithographer and British Book: 
maker). Bi-M. last day. 1s. Raithby, Lawrence & Co. Lim., Queen St., Leicester. (London: 

1 Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus.) 
British Protestant (incorporated with Gospel Magazine, 1898). 
British Raiiway Dividends, 1899. Apriland Oct. 1s. H.C. Pulley, Brentwood. 
British Realm, 1896. M.—25th. 6d. Granville House, Arundel St., w.c. 
British Record Society, 1888. Quarterly. 21s. E. A. Fry, 172 Edmund St., Birmingham. 
enden Refrigeration and Allied Interests, 1899. M.—15th. 6d. Scott & Co., 46 Cannon 

British, Review and Journal of Biography, 1908 (as Biographist and Review 1902). M:— 
15th. 1s. Compton Press, Gillingham, Dorset. 

British Sanatoria Annual, 1899. Feb. 28.6d. J. Bale, Sons, & Danielsson, Lim., ele Great 
Titchfield St., w. 

British Sanitarian, 1901. M.—15th. 8d. R. Ingram, Pleydell House, Pleydell St., E.C. 

British Stamp Directory, 1881. Dec. le. post free. Philatelic Publishing Co., Fentham Road, 
Handsworth, Birmingham. 

British Temperance Advocate, 1888. M.—Ist. 1d. Rev. H. J. Boyd, 29 Union St., 
Sheffield. (London: 22 Paternoster Row.) 

British man Journal, 1870 (aa Morgan's British Trade Journal, 1868). M.—lat. 1s.. 24 

e, E.C. 

British Trade Review, 1898. M.—1ist. By Sub. W. Duff & Co., 118 Cannon St., B.C. 

British Underwriter, 1896. M.—1st. Sat. 8d. 6 Dorset St., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

British Warehouseman, 1900. M.—20th. 6d. 5& 7 Moor Lane, E.C. 

tBritish Weekly, 1886. Thurs.—9 a.m. 1d. Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

British Workman, 1855, M.—25th. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

British Workman Almanac, 1860. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

British Workwoman,1864. M.—35th. 1d.,illus. M: Southwell,27 Ivy Lane, PaternosterRow;, E.C. 

{BRIXHAM WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. and Thurs. ld. Mortimer Bros., 
84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Brizton and Clapham Directory, 1880. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 

Holborn, w.c. 
BRIXTON & STREATHAM TIMES, 1888 (as Brixton, Streatham & Norwood Times, 1881). 
Fri. ld. A. W.H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w. A localised edition 

of the South-Western Star. 

BRIXTON FREE PRESS, 1882 (with which is snéorparated Brixton Magpie and Ye Merrie 
Magpie). Fri. 4d. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertising Co. Lim., 429 Brixton Road, 

+BRIXTONIAN, 1891. Fri. 1d. J. Hartnoll & Son, 50 Robsart St., Brixton Road, s.w. 

tBroad Arrow Naval and Military Gazette, 1833. Sat—8a.m. 6d. Temple House, 
Temple Avenue, E.c. = 

+BROADSTAIRS AND ST. PETER'S MAIL, 1902. (ind.) Fri. 1d. A. Hickmore, 1 John 
St., Broadstairs. 

Broadway, 1899. M.—Ist. 6d. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

5 am. ld. O. W. Hartley, 118 Brockley Road, 8.E. One of the South Eastern Herald 

Bro ce Monthly, 1902. M.—Ist. 2d. Rotary Photographic Co, 14 Union St., Moor- 

elds, E.C. , 

BROMLEY & DISTRICT TIMES, 1884. Fri—6 am. ld. Kentish District Tines Co. 
Lim., 39 East St., Bromley, Kent. (Adot. p. 423.) - 

(ind.) Sat. 1d. E. F. Watts, Sherman Road, Bromley. 

Bromley, Chislehurst, & Bickley Directory, 1887. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

tBROMLEY CHRONICLE, 1891. Thurs. id. E.F. Watts, Sherman Road, Bromley. 

— — — — — 

28] de Willing, 9, Junr., Lim., ——— Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 
BROM LEY JOURNAL, 1869. (c) Fri.—noon. ld. 4 Market Square, Bromley. 
Bromley Local Guide and Advertiser, 1903. Sat. Gratis. W.K. Honnywill, 25 Market 
Square, Bromley. 
Bromley Record, 1858. M.—1st. 1d. E. F. Watts, Sherman Road, Bromley. 
6 p.m., for Sat. ld. Bromsgrove Messenger Co., High St., Bromsgrove. 
BROMYARD NEWS, 18838 (incorporated with Bromyard News and Record, 1908). 
BROMYARD NEWS AND RECORD, 1908 (as Bromyurd News, 1888). Thurs- Id; Vincent 
Bennett Weeks, Rowberry St., Bromyard, 
Brotherhood, 1877. M.—lst. 8d. P.R. Henderson, 27 Paternoster Square, ¥.c. 
Brothers and Sisters, 1890. M.—26th. 1d., illus. Savoy St., w.c. 
tTBROUGHTY FERRY BURGH PILOT, 1901. Thurs. $d. 106 Cowgate, Dundee. A localised 
edition of the Dundee Free Press. 
BROUGHTY FERRY GUIDE, 1886. (ind.) Fri—7am. jd. J. Belford & Co., 128 Brook St., 
Broughty Ferry. 
Brown's Advertiser, 1891. M.—10th. 3d. St. Thomas Square, Salisbury. 
Brown’s Bookstali, 1892. Irreg. ld. A. Brown & Co., 99% Union St., Aberdeen. 
Brown's Comprehensive Nautical Almanac, Harbour & Dock Guide £ Advertiser, £ Daily Tide 
Tables, 1878. Sept. 1s. J. Brown & Son, 58 Great Clyde St., Glasgow. 
Brown’s Nautical Diary and Day’s Work Book, 1884. July. 2s. 6d. & 4s. J. Brown and Son, 
- 58 Great Clyde St. : Glasgow: 
Brown’s Sizpenny Diary, 1864. Nov. 6d. Brown & Co., Salisbury. s 
Bruton Gazette and Three Shires Advertiser, 1908. Sat. $d. L. Smith, High St., 
Gillingham. One of the Gillingham Gazette series. l 
Brydone'’s Railway Time Tables (Scotland), 1850. M.—1lst. 2d. J. Stewart, 58 Frederick 
St., Edinburgh. 
+BRYNMAWR AND BLAINA ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C.D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A 
localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. l 
Bubbles, 1894. Weds., ld.; M.—25th., 6d., illus. Ward, Lock & Co. Lim., Warwick House, 
Salisbury Square, E. c. 
tBUCHAN OBSERVER, 1863. (l) Tues. 1d. P. Scrogie, Chapel St., Peterhead. 
TRECE TAS TEED WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882 (ind.) Weds. and Thurs. ld. Mortimer 
Bros., 84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 
BUCKHURST HILL & CHINGFORD ADVERTISER, 1887. Sat. $d. M. Hickman, 4 Vic- 
_ toria Terrace, Buckhurst Hill. One of the Loughton and District Advertiser series. 
+BUCKINGHAM ADVERTISER, 1854. Sat. 1d. Walford & Son, Market Hill, Buckingham. 
+tBUCKINGHAM EXPRESS, 1865. (u) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. id. G. F. Marsh, Marlet 
Square, Buckingham. 
+BUCKS ADVERTISER & AYLESBURY NEWS, 1886. (J) Fri.—8 p.m. for Sat. ld. L. 
A. Couchman, Bourbon St., Aylesbury. 
tBUCKS HERALD, 1832. (c) Fri—2p.m.,forSat. 2d. G.T. De Fraine, 5 Walton St., Ayles- 
bury. (Advt. p. 445.) 
BUCKS (SOUTH) FREE PRESS, 1856. (!) Fri.—6.80a.m. 1d. Butler & Son, 20 High St., Wycombe. 
tBUCKS STANDARD, 1859. Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. Line, St. John St., Newport Pagnell. 
BUDE DIRECTORY AND VISITORS’ LIST, 1900. Wed., June to Sept. 1d. 8S. Thorn, The 
Crescent, Bude. ' 

Budget Story Books, 1894. Fortnightly. 8¢. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red 
‘ Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Buffalo Directory, 1892. Quarterly, 1d. A. Constance, 209 Walworth Road, s 

Buffalo Record, 1902. M.—Ist. ld. A. Constance, 209 Walworth Rd., 8.E. 

Bugie, 1884. Quarterly, 6d. King’s Own Yorks Light Infantry, Limerick. 

Bugle Caii, 1896. M. 1d. The Soldiers’ Home, Winchester. 

tBuilder, 1842. Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. 4d., ìllus. D. Fourdrinier, 46 Catherine St., w.c. 

tBuiiders’ Journal & Architectural Record, 1895. Wed. 2d. Technical Journal Lim,, 
_ 6 Great New St., East Harding St., E.c. 
Builder's Merchant, 1898 (with which i is incorporated the Builders’ Where Is It ?). M.—l1et 
' week. 48. perann. G. M. Callender & Co., 25 Victoria St.. s.w. 

— — eng Yo) ansehe: ee ee ee ae 

_ Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Publications. [29 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tBuilders’ Reporter & Engineering Times, 1856. Wed.—9 a.m. 2d. A, L, Guye, 
Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Building Industries, 1889. M.—15th. 6d. J. Carrick, 62 Argyle St., Glasgow. 

Bullding Magazine, 1908. M.—l1st. 6d. 86 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C. 

¢Buliding News, 1854. Fri. 4d., illus, E. J. Kibblewhite, Clement’s House, Clement's Inn 
Passage, w.c. ' 

Building Societies’ Gazette and Land Companies’ Record, 1887 (as Building Societies’ 
and Land Companies’ Gazette, 1869). M.—lst. 2d. Reed & Co., 87 Cursitor St., E.C. 

Building Trades Directory, 1870. Every four years. 80e. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. | 

+Building Worid, 1895. Fri. for Sat, ld, illus, M,.—25th, 6d, Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle 
Sauvage, Ludgate Hill,E.c. - | . 

Bulletin, 1900. Half-yearly. 1d. National Anti-Gambling League, 18 Victoria St., s.w. 

Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Gardens, Kew), 1887. M. 4d. illus. Eyre 
& Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt.p. 879.) 

Bulietin of New Books, 1895. Tues., Fri. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Lim., 
4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Builetin of the Liverpoo! Museums, 1898. Twicea year. 10s. H. Young & Sons, 12 South 
Castle St., Liverpool. 

Bullionist, 1866 (as Daily Bullionist, 1899, now amalgamated Financier and Bullionist, 1900), 

Bull’s Eye, 1900. M.—1st. Mon. 2d. J.H. Price, Birmingham Rifle Club, 174 Corporation 
St., Birmingham, 

Buiwark, 1851. M.—25th. 1d. 227 West George St., Glasgow. (London: Nisbet & Co.) 

' Bungalow, 1899. Occas. 88. per ann. Max Judge, 7 Pall Mall, s.w. . 

Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1889. Jan. 5s. net. The Scientific Press Lim., 28 & 29 South- 
ampton St., Strand, w.c. Hospital Annual and Year Book of Philanthropy. 

Burdet#s Oficial Intelligence (now Stock Exchange Official Intelligence). . i 

Burgons’ Monthly Magazine, 1880. M.—lst. 1d. Atlantic Press Lim., Weymouth St., 
Manchester., i 

Burke's Peerage (now Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary). 

Burlington Gazette, 1908. M. 4d. Savile Publishing Co., 14 New Burlington St., w. 

Burlington Magazine, 1902. M.—15th. J. Woollen, 14 New Burlington St., w. 

BURNHAM & HIGHBRIDGE INDEPENDENT (incorporated with the Avalon Independent), 

BURNHAM GAZETTE, 1864. Sat. 3d. Patey & Co., College St., Burnham. 

Burning Bush, 1902 (with which is incorporated Methodist League aad Covenant). M.—lst. 
ld. L. Goudie, 21 George St., Leith. 

Burnley Co-operative Society Record, 1894. M.—I1st, Tues. Gratis. Co-operative Society, 
Tanner St., Burnley. 

. tBURNLEY EXPRESS, 1877 (as Burnley Advertiser, 1852). (u) Wed.,4d. Sat, 1d. L. 
Brotherton, Bull St., Burnley. 

tBURNLEY GAZETTE, 1868 (as Burnley Free Press, 1868). (l) Wed, $d.; Sat, 1d. B. 
Moore, 25 Bridge St., Burnley. 

Burn’s Commercial Diary, 1901. Dec. 1s. National Commercial Agency Lim., 82 Market St., 


+BURTON, ASHBY, & COALVILLE GUARDIAN, 1894. Sat. 1d. 8. A. Giraud, Coalville. 

¢BURTON CHRONICLE, 1860. Thurs.—6 a.m. 1d. C. A. & J. N. Tresise, 186 and 187 Station 
St., Burton-on-Trent. 

tBURTON DAILY MAIL, 1898. Daily—p.m. d. J. R.-Peat, 190, 191 Horninglow St., 
Burton-on-Trent. (London: 180 Fleet St.) : 

+BURTON EVENING GAZETTE, 1880. Daily (8 editions)—4.80, 5.80, and 7 p.m. $d. C.A. 
& J. N. Tresise, 186 and 187 Station St., Burton-on-Trent. 

tBURTON OBSERVER, 1898. Thurs. 1d. J. R. Peat, 190, 191 Horninglow St., Burton- 
on-Trent. (London : 180 Fleet St.) 

Burton-on-Trent and District Directory. Irreg. 5s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tBURY AND NORWICH POST, 17832. (c) Tues. 1d. W. T. Cox, 19 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. 

BURY & WEST SUFFOLK ADVERTISER, 1885. (c) Fri. ld. W.T.Cox, 19 Abbeygate 
St., Bury St. Edmunds. 

30] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Bury Co-operative Society Record, 1856. Quarterly. Gratis. Knowsley St., Bury, Lancs. 

¢BURY FREE PRESS, 1855. (2) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d.. Bury St. Edmunds P. & P. Co. 
Lim., 61 Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. 

+BURY GUARDIAN, 1857. (u) Sat. 1d. Cross St., Bury. 

Bury Monthly Visitor, 1871. M.—lst. Gratis. Fletcher & Speight, Union Buildings, Fleet 
St., Bury. 
tBURY TIMES, 1855. (27) Wed., ġd.; Sat., 1d. T. L. Whitehead, Cross St., Bury, Lancashire, 

Bush's Bromley Budget, Almanac, and Directory, 1892. Jan. 1s, S8. Bush & Son, 41 & 42 High 
St., Bromley. i 

Business, 1894. M.—27th. 2d. A. A. Reade, Wilmslow, Manchester. 

Business and Property Advertiser, 1908. Wed. id. A. J. Hunt, Savoy Housé, 
115 Strand, w.c. 

Business Circular, 1888. 1s. per ann. Bowers Bros., 89 Blackfriars Road, 8.5, 

Business Directory of London and the Provinces, 1862. Dec. 20s. J. S. OC. Morris, 98 & 
101 The Exchange, Southwark St., s.£. 

Business Life, 1902. M.—ist. ld. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Lim., 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 
Busy Bee, 1899. M.—1lst. 4d. Busy Bee Publishing Oo., 11,41 Paul St., Finsbury, B. c. 
Bute County Directory, 1880. July. 1s. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge St., Rothesay. 

+BUTEMAN & VISITORS LIST, 1854. (l) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 14. W. A. Wilson, 10 Castle 
St., Rothesay. (Advt. p. 484.) 

Putterioka Fashion Guide, 1898.: M.—5th. 1d. Butterick Publishing Co., Lim., 66 Shoe 
: née, E.Ce 

Butterick’s Fashions for Young Peopié. M.—20th. ld. Butterick Publishing Cô, 
Lim., 66 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

+BUXTON ADVERTISER, 1852. Sat.; Wed. also from May to Oct. 1d. C.F. Wardley, Market 

e, Buxton. 

+BUXTON CHRONICLE, 1885. (c) Fri. 1d. Glossop-dale Chronicle Printing & Publishing 
Co. Lim., 18 Norfolk St., Glossop. A localised edition of the Glossop-dale Chronicle. 

eee HERALD & VISITORS’ GAZETTE, 1842. Wed. 1d. George Slater, South St., 

Byegones, 1871. Quarterly. 58. per ann. Woodall, Minshall,Thomas & Co., Caxton Press, Oswestry. 
Bystander, 1908. Wed. 6d. G. R. Parker, Tallis St., x.c. 
Cab Trade Record, 1897. M.—8rd. 1d. Michaels & Hill, 89 Gerrard St., Soho, w.c. 

‘Cabinet, Furniture, and Upholstery Trades Directory, 1877. Every four years. 20s. Kelly's 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Cabinet Maker, 1880. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. Benn Bros. Lim., 8 Finsbury Square, £.c. 
Cabie and Agricultural World, 1893 (now Agricultural World and Cable). 

Caddel’s Year-Book and Directory of Gravesend, Milton, and Northfleet, 1892 (as Webster's 
1890). March. 1s. and 2s. Caddel & Son, 1 King St., Gravesend. 

Cadet, 1889. 6d. Six times a year. School Ship H.M.S. “ Conway,” Liverpoo. 
Cadet’s Own. M. 4d. 88 Ham Park Road, West Ham; £. 

Cage-Birds and Bird World, 1902. Sat. ld. 44 Fleet St., E.C. 

Caian, 1891. During term. 8s. 6d. The Editor, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 

Caincross & Ebley Co-operative Economist, 1898. M.—1st. Gratis. B. Hudson, Cain- 
cross, Stroud. 

_ COUNTIES, 1876. (ind.) Fri, 1d. R.W. & C. W. Docherty, High St., Thurso. 

Calculator, or Timber Merchants’ and Builders’ Guide, 1860. Irreg. 7s.6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Caledonian Medical Journal, 1895. Quarterly. 1s. A. Macdougall, 68 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 
Caledonian Railway Budget, 1889. June. 1d. D. Bryce & Son, 188 West Campbell St., Glasgow. 

, Calendar and Lectionary of the English Church, 1901, Oct. 4d. & 6d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. 
Lim., 34 Great Castle St., w. | 

_ Calendar of Bedford College for Women, 1899. 1s, York Place, Baker St.; w. 

. Calendar of the Association for Promoting the Hducation of Women in Oxford, 1887, Dec. 6d. 
Clarendon Press, 116 High St., Oxford. 


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
Advertisements received for the London Garetie, [31 

ABC List.] 3 = Willing’s Press Guide. 

Calendar of the Calvinistic Methodist, or Welsh Presbyterian, Theological College, 1887. 
Oct. 28. The Secretary, Theological College, Bala, N. Wales. . 

Calendar of the Council of Legal Education, 1901. Annually. 2s. 6d. F. Dapp, Clarke & Co., 
Lincoln’s Inn Hall, w.c. 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1841. 2s. 6d. 17 Bloomsbury 
Square, w.c. 
Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, 1877. Jan. 18. 9d., post free. The Registrar, 
Pharmaceutical Society, 67 Lower Mount St., Dublin. . 
Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1865. Oct. 1s. Taylor & Francis, 7$ 
Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. À 

Calendar of the Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, 1872. March. 6s. Harrison 
ae 59 Pall Mall, s.w. (A Syllabus of the Courses of Study and Examination Paper. 


Calendar .of University College, London, 1878. Oct. 2s.6đd. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. ; ; 

Calendars of State Papers, 1858. Irreg. 15s. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. 879.) | = : 

TCALLANDER ADVERTISER, 1884. (2) Fri—6.80 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Munro & Jameson, 
26 Craigs, Stirling. 

Oalvert’s Mechanics’ Almanack and Workshop Companion, 1878. Nov. 4d., illus. J. Heywood, 
Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 

Calvert's Mechdnics’ and Builders’ Pocket Book,1874. Nov. 1s. & 6d. J. Heywood, Deans- 
gate, Manchester. (London: 29 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 

CAMBERLEY GAZETTE, 1902. Sat. 1d. Camberley Gazette Co. Lim., London Road, 
Camberley. er l 

CAMBERWELL NEWS, 1888 (as Camberwell, Peckham, £ Dulwich News, 1876). Fri.—p.m,, 
for Sat. 1d. 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w. Á localised edition of the South- 
Western Star. 

tCAMBRIA DAILY LEADER, 1881. 1 p.m. $d. J. Evans, 9 Castle Square, St. Mary St., Swansea. 

+CAMBRIAN, 1804. (ind.}) Fri. 1d.- South Wales Post Newspaper Co. Lim., 211 High St., 

Cambrian Natural Observer, 1898 — Journal of the Astronomical Society of Wales, 1895). 
28. 6d, Jan. Arthur Mee, Tremynfa, Llanishen, Cardiff. ' 

GAZETTE, 1860. (r) Fri. 1d. J. & J. Gibson, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. 

Cambrian Notes and Queries, 1902. Quarterly. 7}d. Western Mail Lim., Mary St, 
Cardiff, . 

Cambridge. Bennett’s Business Directory, 1831. Annually. 8s.6d. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

+CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE, 1744. (c) Fri—s5p.m. 1d. A. T. Naylor, 9 Market Hill, Cambridge. 

+CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS, 1888. (ind.) 5 p.m. 4d. W.F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s St., Cambridge. 

tCAMBRIDGE EXPRESS, 1868. (c) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Cambridge Express Newspaper Co. 
Lim., 48 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

(l). Fri. 1d. Hatfield & Co., Market Hill, Cambridge. 

Hatfield & Co., Market Hill, Cambridge. A localised edition of the Cambridge Independent 
Press and Huntingdonshire Herald. 

+Cambridge Review, 1879. Thurs.—during term. 6d. E. Johnson, Trinity St., Cambridge. 

Cambridge University Calendar, 1796. Sept. 78. 6d. net. Deighton, Bell & Co., Trinity St., 
Cambridge. (London: Bell & Sons.) 

+Cambridge University Reporter, 1870. Tues.—during term. 8d, ‘University Press, 
Cambridge. (London: C. J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria Lane.) 

Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk Directory, 1846. Irreg. 80s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+CAMBRIDGESHIRE TIMES, 1878 (as Isle of Ely Gazette, 1872), Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., 
High St., March. 

+CAMBS. WEEKLY NEWS, 1889 (ind.) Fri.—6 a.m. 1d. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s St., Cambridge. 

CAMBUSLANG ADVERTISER, 1896. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. $d. J. Lithgow & Sons, Cambus- 
lang Lane, Cambuslang. 

82] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Londons 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

— — — — — — —— — 

Camden and Kentish Towns Directory, 1866. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

- ST. PANCRAS GAZETTE, 1866. (c) Daras am. ld. R. & J. Widdicombe, 80 High 
St., Camden Town, N.w. (Advt. p. 450.) 

CAMELFORD & DELABOLE GUARDIAN, 1901. Fri. 1d. A. B. Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. 
A localised edition of the Cornish Guardian. 

+CAMELFORD AND DELABOLE POST, 1897. Fri. 1d. Western Buildings, Launceston. A 
localised edition of the Cornish and Devon Post. 

Cameron’s ABC Time Table and Postai Guide, 1857. M.—Ist. ld. J.A. Cameron 
& Co., 1 Victoria Terrace, Melbourne Place, Edinburgh. 

Cameron's Housekeeper’s Book, 1859. Feb. 1s. 1 Victoria Terrace, Melbourne Place, Edinburgh. 

CAMPBELTOWN COURIER, 18738. (c) Fri.—4p.m., for Sat. 1d. R. Wilson, 64 Longrow, 

+Canadian Gazette, 1888. Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. 8d. C. Hunt, La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, £.c. Advert. office—1 Royal Exchange Buildings, E.c. 

Canadian Stenographer (merged in Phonographer). 
Cancer, 1901. M. 1s. Adlard & Son, 224 Bartholomew Close, £.c. 
CANNOCK ADVERTISER, 1878. Fri. for Sat. $d. A. Withington, Market Place, Cannock. 

+CANNOCK CHASE COURIER, 1889. (ind.) Fri.—pm., for Sat. 1d, Harry Praill, 
Wolverhampton Road, Cannock. 

tCANNOCK CHASE MERCURY, 1883. (ind.) Fri. 1d. 86 Bird St., Lichfield. A localised 
edition of the Lichfield Mercury, ` 

cannery Diocesan Calendar, 1864. Annually, 1s. 6d. Church Printing Co., 11 Burleigh St., 
trand, W.C. 

Canterbury Diocesan Gazette, 1892. M.—6th. 2d. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin's 
t., W.C 

Canterbury, Herne Bay, and Whitstable Blue Book, 1892. June. 29. Robinson Printing Co, 
Lim., Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London : 1 Lombard Court, £.c.) : 

Canterbury, Herne Bay, and Whststable Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly's Directories 
Lim., "ea High Holborn, w.c. 

+CANTERBURY JOURNAL, 1888. Fri—2p.m. ld. E.H. Elvy, 49 St. George’s St., Canterbury. 

tCANTERBURY REGISTER, 1897 (as Examiner Advertisement Register, 1895). Sat. $d. 
H. H. Battley, 16 Burgate St., Canterbury. One of the Folkestone Chronicle series. 

Cape Mail, 1902. Tues. Gratis. African World Lim., Bourne House, 34 Copthall Avenue, £.o. 
Cape of Good Hope Teachers’ Annual, 1901. Annually. G. Gilchrist, Castle Grove, Lancaster. 
+Capitalist, 1885. Sat. 1d. 11 and 12 Clement’s Lane, E.c. 

Captain, 1899. M.—22nd. 6d. G. Newnes Lim., 8 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 
Car—iliustrated, 1902. Wed. 6d. G.B. Morris, Piccadilly Mansions, 17 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. 

Car Magazine, 1908. M.—8th. ls. G. B. Morris, Piccadilly Mansions, 17 Shaftesbury 
Avenue, W 

Caravan, 1880. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6d. perann. Miss Millington, York. 
Cardiff Directory, 1888. Dec. 7s.6d. Western Mail Lim., Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. 

tCardiff Figaro, 1885 (with which is ee the Crafteman). Sat. 1d. F. J. Harries, 
288 Cowbridge Road, Cardiff. 

Cardiff Naturalist Society Report 1867, March. 2s. 6d. Duncan & Sons, 105 St. Mary St., Cardiff. 

Cardiff, Swansea, & Newport Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, 1859. Mon.—noon. 
21s. per ann. Duncan & Sons, 105 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 46-Fleet St.) 

Cardiff Tide Tables and Almanac, 1881. Dec. 1s. Western Mail Lim., Mail Buildings, Cardiff. 

CARDIFF TIMES, 1857. (l) Fri. = a.m., & Sat.—6 a.m, ld. Das & Sons, 105 St. Mary 
St., Cardiff. (London: 46 Fleet St.) 

¢CARDIGAN & TIVY-SIDE ADVERTISER, 1866. (c) Fri. ld. M. M. & W. R. Thomas, 
89 St. Mary St., Cardigan, 

+CARDIGAN BAY VISITOR, 1860. Tues. & Fri. During summer season. 1d., illus. J. & J: 
Gibson, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth edition Fri. Barmouth edition Tues. 

(u) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. David Rowlands, Portland St., Aberystwyth. 

_ Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Periodicals. [88 

Al B C List. 1 Willing’s Press Guide. 

Carlisle Diocesan ‘Calendar and Clergy List, 1867. Dec. 1s. & 1s.6d. Thurnam & Sons, Carlisle. 

+CSARLISLE EXPRESS, 1857. (1) Fri.—1.80 p.m., forSat. 1d. Steel Bros., 23 Blackfriars St., 

#CARLISLE JOURNAL, 1798. (l) Tues.—2.80 a.m., 1d.; Fri.—2.30 a.m., 1d.; with Supple- 
ment, 13d. Steel Bros., 60 English St., Carlisle. 

+CARLISLE PATRIOT,1815. (c) Fri—am. 1d. J.G. Elliott, 27 English St., Carlisle. 
+CARLOW SENTINEL, 1830. (u) Fri. 2d.. G. Langran, 1 Athy St., Carlow. 

TCARMARTHEN WEEKLY REPORTER,. 1860. (/) Thurs.—aft., for Fri. ld. Mrs. M. 
Lawrence, 8 Blue St., Carmarthen. 

*tCARNARVON AND DENBIGH HERALD (as Carnarvon Herald, 1881). (2) Fri.—2 p.m. 1d. 
D. Rees, 24 High St., Carnarvon. 

+CARNFORTH NEWS, 1892. (7) Sat. 1d. Barrow News and Mail Lim., Barrow-in-Furness. 
A localised edition of the Barrow News. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

Carpenter and Builder (now Illustrated Carpenter anà Builder). 
Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1898. Dec. 2s. 6d. W. E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.C. 

Carriage Builders’ Journal, Wheelwright, Saddlery and Harness Record, 1898 
(incorporated with the Automobile and Carriage Builders’ Journal). 

ld. J. Bell, Corner House, Carrickfergus. 

Cartwright’s Monthly Review, 1897. (2) M—lat, 1d. Cartwright Bros. Market Place, 

Carvers’ Designer, 1891. Quarterly. ls. H. Kuchen 2 Stamford Brook Mansions, 
Young’s Corner, Hammersmith; Simpkin & Co., Paternoster Row. 

Cases Decided in the Court of Session, House of Lords, dc., 1821. Irreg. 28.6d. T. & T. Clark, 
88 George St., Edinburgh. 

+CASHEL SENTINEL, 1885. (nat.) Sat. 2d. T. Walsh, Ladyswell St., Cashel. 

Caslon’s Circular, 1875. Quarterly. Gratis. Caslon & Co. Lim., 22 Chiswell St., Finsbury 
Square, E.C. 

Cassell’s Magazine, 1897 (as Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874; as Cassell’s Magazine, 1867 ; a8 
Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper, 18583) M. 6d., illus. Half-yearly vol., 58.; yearly vol. 
8s. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, B.C. 

Cassell’s Rallway Time Tables, 1864. M. 4d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Casseil’s Saturday Journal, 1888. Wed. for Sat. —9 a.m. 1d, illus.; M., 6d.; yearly vol. 
73. 6d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £E.c. (Advt. p. 419.) 

Cassier’s Magazine, 1891 (English Edition). M.—1st. 1s., illus. Louis Cassier Co. Lim., 83 
Bedford St., Strand, w.c. i 

Caster’s ABC Railway Sheet Time Table, 1854. M.—1st. 1d. G. C. Caster, Market Place, 
Peterborough. l 

Castle Cary Visitor, 1896. M.—Ist. 1d. W. Macmillan, Castle Cary. 

CASTLEFORD HERALD, 1801. (c) Sat.—4a.m. 1d. A. Hewitson & Sons, Westgate, Wake- 
field. A localised edition of the Wakefield Herald. ` 

Catalogue of Modern Law Books, 1865. Irreg. 26. Stevens & Haynes, 18 Bell Yard, Temple 
Bar, w.c. 

Catalogue of Modern Works on Science, dc. 1871. Annually. . 1s. Chapman & Hall Lim., 11 
Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Caterer, Hote! Keeper, and Refreshment Contractors’ Gazette, 1878. M.—15th, 
9d., illus. Caterer Publishing Co. Lim., 59 and 60 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

CATERHAM AND OXTED CHRONICLE, 1899. Fri—3 p.m.: Chronicle Printing & 
Publishing Co. Lim., High St., Croydon. A localised edition of thie Croydon Chronicle. 

CATERHAM WEEKLY PRESS, 1889. (ind.) Fri. for Sat... 1d. H. F. D. Porter, Croydon 
Road, Caterham Valley. (Advt. p. 481.) 

Catholic, 1891. M.—25th.’ 1d." 518 Dawson St., ‚Dublin. 
Catholic Almanac, 1886. Nov. 1d. Burns & Oates Lim,, 28 Orchard St., w. © f ' 
Catholic Book Notes, 1897. M.—10th. 1d. Art and Book Co., 22 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Catholic Democrat, 1902. Weekly. $d. M.V. Smith and J. Steggall, Catholic Democratid 
League, Clock House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

81) J, Willing, Junr,, Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. A B C List. 

Catholic Directory, 1837. Dec. 1s.6d. Burns & Oates Lim., 28 Orchard St., w. Roman Catholic 
clergy, nobility, and gentry ; list of churches, convents, schools, charities, &c. (Advt. p. 445.) 

Catholic Directory for Scotland, 1840. Dec. 18. Aberdeen University Press Lim., Aberdeen. 
Catholic Fireside, 1878. Sat. 1d. M.—1st. 6d. The Catholic Publishing Co., 169 Fleet St., E.c 

Catholic Herald, 1894 (as Weekly Herald, 1888). Fri—2am. ld. Catholic Press Lim,, 57 
Fleet St., E.C. 

Catholic Home Almanac, 1900. Dec. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.C. 

tCatholic News, 1889. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Catholic Press Lim.,8 Albert Buildings, Corporation | 
St., Preston. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Catholic Pulpit, 1893. M.—25th. 8d. Catholic Press Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.C. 

Catholic Standard (now Monitor). 

tCATHOLIC TIMES, 1860. Fri. id. The Catholic Publishing Co. Lim., 80 Manchester St., 
Liverpool. (London: 169 Fleet St.) 

tCAVAN WEEKLY NEWS, 1864. (ind.) Sat. 1d. J. Fegan & Co. 19 Main St., Cavan. 

Cavendish Music Books, 1880. Occas. 1s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Caxton Magazine, 1901. M.—25th. 6d. 189, 140 Fleet St., E.c. 

Caxtonian Quarterly, 1898. Quarterly. 8d. J.T. Butterfield, 74 & 76 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Celt, 1908. M.—1st. 8d. Sealy, Bryers & Walker, Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

CELT, Y, 1878 (as Celt Newydd, 1908). 

Celt Liundain, 1895. Sat. 1d. 211 Gray’s Inn Road, W.C. 

Celt Newydd (the New Celt), 1903. Fri. 1d. W.J. G. Evans, Aberdare. 

Celtia, 1901. M.—15th. 6d. E. E. Fournier d’Albe, 97 Stephen’s Green, Dublin. 

Celtic Monthly, 1892. 24th. 8d. John Mackay, Blythswood Drive, Glasgow. 

Cement, 1902 (incorporated in the Brick and Pottery Trades Journal, 1902). 

Cenad Hedd (Messenger of Peace),1881. M.—25th. 2d. J. Williams, 21 Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. 

Central Africa, 1888. M.—25th. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Central Criminal Court Session Paper, 1840. M.—1st. Prices vary. Stevens & Sons Lim., | 
119 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Central Literary Magazine. 9d. Cond Bros., Paternoster Row, Moor Street, Birmingham. 

tCENTRAL SOMERSET GAZETTE, 1860. (u) Fri. lid. F. Goodall, F. J. and J. A. 
Gilbert, 27 High St., Glastonbury. 

WELLS GAZETTE, 1908 (as Hadnorshire Standard and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 
1898). (c and u) Wed. ld. G. Griffiths, Hight St., Llandrindod. 

Century Guild Hobby Horse, 1893. N.S. Quarterly—20s. perann. Elkin Mathews, Vigo St., w. 

Century lilustrated Monthiy Magazine (English Edition), 1881 (as Scribner’s Magazine, 
1871). 25th. 1s. 4d. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Cerddor, Y (The Musician), 1889. M.—1st. 2d. Hughes & Son, 56 Hope St., Wrexham. 

ona ee e Journal, 1892 (as “ Alliance Musicale” Journal, 1860). M.—25th. 21s. per ann. 

afleur & Son, 15, 16 & 17 Green St., Leicester Square, W.C. 

Chamber of Commerce Journal, 1882. M.—25th. 1s. 1 & 2 Oxford Court, Cannon St., 

Chambers’s Journal, 1844 (as Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 1882). Thurs.—9 a.m., 14d. 
M.—27th, Td. & 8d. W. & R. Chambers Lim., 47 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Chance, 1903. Weekly. J. Cuthbert Goulding, 5 Church St., Cardiff. 

Chancery Lane Wesleyan Monthly Visitor, 1887. lst. Gratis. T. E. Hallsworth, 117 
Hyde Road, Manchester. 

are Islands Directory, 1899. Every 4 years. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Hol. 
rn, W.C. 

Chapman’s Magazine of Fiction (now Crampton’s Magazine). 

Chapple’s & Kemp’s Local Pocket Guide and Diary, 1903. M ld. Chapple & 
Kemp, Neville St., Cardiff. 

TISER, 1878. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Young & Son, Fore St., Chard. . 

Fharing Cross Hospital Gazette, 1899. Bi-M. 8s. 6d. per ann. Charing Cross Hospital, 
Agar 8t., Strand, W.C. 


Advertisements received for all the Brighton eae ” [33 

€ Ä 

AB C List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Charity Organisation Review, 1884 (as Charity Organisation Reporter, 1872). M.—15th 
6d. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Charity Record, Hospital Times, &c.,1881. 1st & 8rd Thurs. 2d. Le Vierge & Warner, 151 
Fleet St., E.C. 
Charles Moseley’s Annual, 1902. Museum Press, Lockwood, Huddersfield. 

Chart and Compass, 1879. M.—28th. 2d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, 1880. Jan. 1s. J. D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

+Chat, 1884. Fri.—1l a.m. 1d. illus. F.J. Proctor & Co , 60 Arundel St., Portsmouth. 

tCHATHAM, ROCHESTER, AND GILLINGHAM NEWS, 1885 (as Chatham News, 1859). 
Fri.—12 noon, for Sat. 1d. Parrett & Neves, 80 High St., Chatham. 

for Sat. ld. Mackay & Co. Lim.,-Fair Row, Chatham. 

Chatterbox, 1867. Thurs., $d. M.—25th., 8d., illus. Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

+CHATTERIS ADVERTISER, 1872. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., March. A localised 
edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

+CHATTERIS NEWS AND COUNTY PRESS, 1903. Tues.—p.m. ld. Isle of Ely P. & P. 
Co. Lim., Station Road, March. One of the Wisbech Chronicle series. 

CHEADLE AND TEAN TIMES, 1898. Fri. 1d. J. Lowndes, Cheadle. 

+CHEADLE HERALD, 1877. Sat. 1d. J. Machin, High St., Cheadle. 

Cheering Words, 1850. M.—1st. $d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

¢+CHEETHAM AND CRUMPSALL GUARDIAN, 1882. Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. Bagot Lim., 
Market Place, Middleton. A localised edition of the Middleton Guardian. 

Advertiser and Chelsea Mail, 1856). (u) Fri. for Sat. $d. 181 King’s Road, Chelsea, s.w. 

Chelsea, Pimlico, and Belgravia Directory, 1877. Annually. 1s. Kelly's Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 
Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Directory, 1886. Dec. 8s. W.J. Crawford, 3 Montpellier Walk, 
ld. Cheltenham Newspaper Co., Cheltenham. 
Cheltenham Directory, 1882. Jan. 1s. Built-Leonard, 6 & 7 Bath St., Cheltenham. 
+CHELTENHAM EXAMINER, 1839. Wed. 2d. Norman & Sawyer, 9 Clarence St., Cheltenham. 
& Sawyer, 9 Clarence St., Cheltenham. 
Cheitenham Ladies’ College Magazine, 1880. Apriland Oct. 8s. 6d. per ann. Ladies’ 
College, Cheltenham. 
tCHELTENHAM LOOKER-ON, 1883. (c) Sat.—9 a.m. 8d, W.dJ. Crawford, 3 Montpellier 
Walk, Cheltenham. ° 
ie HAM MERCURY, 1854. (ind.c) Sat. 1d. H.S.T. Devereux, Bath Road, Chel- 
Cheitonian, 1866. M.—except Feb. & Sept. 6s. perann. J. Darter, College Book and Sta, 
tionery Depét, Cheltenham. 
en Manufacturers’ Directory, 1886. Jan. 2s.6d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall 
ourt, E.C. 
Chemical News, 1859 (as Chemical Gazette, 1842). Fri—2 pm. 4d. E. J. Davey, 
16 Newcastle St., Farringdon St., E.c. 
+Chemical Trade Journal, 1887. Sat. 4d.,illus. Davis Brothers, 82 Blackfriars St., Manchester, 
+Chemist and Druggist, 1859. Sat. 4d., illus. E. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Diary, 1869. Dec. 8s.6d. E. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Directory, 1869. Every four years. 208. Kelly’s Directories Lint, 
182 High Holborn, w.c. . ; 
nen Assistant, 1900. M.—15th. 2d. Farringdon Press Lim., 19 Thavies Inn, Holborn 
ircus, E.C. 
+CHEPSTOW WEEKLY ADVERTISER, 1855. (c) Fri.—8 p.m., and Sat. 1d W.E.N. 
Clark, 14 High St.,"Chepstow. 

CHEPSTOW WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A 
localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. = — 

36] J. Willing, Jun., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Chepstow and District Directory and Year-Book, 1855. Dec. 2d. & 6d. W. E. N. Clark, 14 High 
St., Chepstow. 

CHERITON NEWS AND ADVERTISER, 1€99. Thurs. ld. J. Jones, 5 Grace Hill, Folke+ 

Chesham Press Lim., 16 Germain St., Chesham. 

CHESHAM NEWS, 1900 (incorporated with the West Herts Observer, 1900; now West Herts 
and Watford Observer, 1908). 

{CHESHIRE COUNTY NEWS, 1855. (2) Fri. ld. The New Cheshire County News Co. 
Lim., Wellington St., Stockport. 

{CHESHIRE DAILY ECHO, 1888. Daily—p.m. 4d. Swain & Co. Lim., King St. East, Stockport. 
Cheshire Directory, 1880. Every four years. 188. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Cheshire, North Wales, and Salop. Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881. Annually. Bs. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Cheshire Notes and Queries, 1896. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. Swain & Co., Stockport. 

tCHESHIRE OBSERVER, 1851. (u) Fri. & Sat. 1d. Cheshire & North Wales Newspaper 
Co. Lim., 8 Bridge St., Chester. 

CHESHUNT OBSERVER, 1899 (incorporated in the Herts and Essex Observer, 1902). 

Chess Chronicle. Tues. for Wed. 18s. per ann. W. W. Morgan, Fleet Works, New Barnet. 
tCHESTER CHRONICLE, 1775. (7) Fri. & Sat. 1d. J. Ward-Jones, 27 Bridge St., Chester. 
tCHESTER COURANT, 1780. (u) Wed. 1d. J. A. Birchall, Manager, 8 Bridge St., Chester. 

Chester Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List, and Church Almanack, 1856. Dec. 1s. Phillipson & 
Golder, Eastgate Row, Chester. 

Chester Diocesan Gazette, 1886. M. 2d. Phillipson & Golden, Chester. 

Chester Directory of Trades, Profession§, and Gentry. July. 1s. Gd. Phillipson & Golder, 
Eastgate Row, Chester. 

tCHESTER GUARDIAN, 1857. Tues—4 p.m, & Fri—6 a.m. 1d. Mackie & Co. Lim, 
1 Watergate Row, South Chester. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

CHESTERFIELD WEEKLY NEWS (incorporated with Derbyshire Times). 
Chic, 1902. Tues. for Sat. 2d. H. Beichardt and W. O’Mally, 8 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Chichester, Bognor, and Littlehampton Directory, 1899. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c, 

Chichester Diocesan Calendar, 1878. Dec. 1s. 6d. Clowes, 28 Cockspur St., s.w. 

Chichester Diocesan Gazette, 1894. M. 2d. Southern Publishing Co. Lim., 85 Southgate, 
Chichester. Telephone 16. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

+CHICHESTER OBSERVER, 1887. Wed.—2a.m. 1d. R. J. Acford, 18 South St., Chichester. 
Child Life, 1891. N.S. 1899. Quarterly. 1s. G. Philip & Son Lim., 82 Fleet St., E.C. 

Chiid of Mary, 1894. M.—25th. 1d. Spettisbury Priory, Blandford. 

Children of the Church Magazine, 1894. M.—ist. 3d., illus. Bell & Sons, 4 York St., w.c. 
Children’s Friend, 1861. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Children’s Garden, 1899. M.—15th. 4d. Ivy Leaf Society, 8 & 4 London House Yard, Pater- 
noster Row. 

Children’s League of Pity Paper, 1893. Bi-Monthly. 1d. N.S8.P.C.C., Leicester Square, w.c. 

Children’s Messenger, 1862. M.—25th. 3d., illus. Houlston & Sons, 7 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Children’s Missionary Magazine of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1901. 
M.—I1st. $d. Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh. (London: 35 Paternoster Row.) 

Children’s Paper, 1855. M.—20th. 4d,, illus. Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh. (London: 85 
Paternoster Row.) , 

Children’s Picture Annual, 1877. Oct. 1s. Ward, Lock, & Co. Lim., Salisbury Square, E.c. 

Children’s Special Service Mission Occasional Paper, 1896. Occas. Gratis. 13a War- 
wick Lane, E.C. 

Children’s Treasury of Pictures and Stories, 1888. Oct. T. Nelson, & Sons, 85 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Child’s Companion and Juvenile Instructor, 1824. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Religious 
Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Child’s Friend, 1865. M.—25th. 4d., illus. R. Bryant, 48-50 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Child’s Guardian, 1887. M. 1d. N.S.P.C.C., Leicester Square, w.c. 

Advertisements recewed for ali the Coventry Newspapers. [37 


ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Child’s Own Magazine, 1852. M.—1st. $d., illus. §.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Chilton’s Guide & Racing Maii, 1896. Mon. 1s. C. Chilton, 29 Ackers St., Manchester. 
Chimes, 1896. M.—25th. 1d. G. Stoneman, 89 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, £.c. 
China's Millions, 1875. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, e£.c. 

Chinese Journal of Commerce, 1894. Quarterly. 6d. Eastern Press Lim., 8 Chancery 
Lane, w.c., and Shanghai, China, 

CHINGFORD & DISTRICT TIMES, 1901. Fri. 1d. E.R. Alexander & Sons, Era Press, 
Leyton. A localised edition of the Leyton d: District Times. 

+CHISLEHURST & DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. Fri.—am. 1d. Kentish District Times Co. 
Lim., Times Buildings, Sidcup. (Advt. p. 428.) 

CHISLEHURST & MOTTINGHAM CHRONICLE, 1893 (amalgamated with Bromley 

CHISWICK EXPRESS, 1902. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. $d. Acton and Chiswick Publishing 
Syndicate Lim., 146a High Road, Acton. One of the Acton Express eteries. 

CHISWICK GAZETTE, 1868. Fri. 1d. 194 High Road, Chiswick. Telegrams, “ Chiswic 
l Gazette,” Ealing. Telephone No. 7, Ealing. ; 

tCHISWICK TIMES, 1895. Fri. ld. F. W. Dimbleby, 480 High Road, Chiswick. 

Choice Stories, 1908. M.—ist. 1d. Hannaford & Hodges Lim., 57 & 59 Ludgate Hill, x.c. 
Choral Harmony, 1860. Irreg. 1d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
‚Choralist, 1864. Occasionally. 1d. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

Chord, 1899. Quarterly. 1s. Unicorn Press, 7 Cecil Court, w.c. 

Choriey Co-operative Society Record, 1896. M.—Iist. Gratis. 74 Steeley Lane, Chorley. 
+CHORLEY GUARDIAN, 1871. (c) Sat—6a.m. 1d. S. Fowler & Sons, 84 Market St., Chorley. 
+CHORLEY STANDARD, 1864. (l) Sat.—a.m. 1d. Ellis & Sons, Market St., Chorley. 

'Christadeiphian, 1873 (as Ambassador, 1864). Last Thurs. in Month. 6d. C.C. Walker, 21 
Hendon Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. 

+CHRISTCHURCH TIMES, 1855. (l) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. G. Marshall, 11 Bargates, 

+Christian, 1870. Thurs—9 a.m. 1d. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

~Christian Advocate, 1885 (as Irish Christian Advocate, 1888). Thurs. for Fri. 1d. Irish 
; Methodist Publishing Co. Lim., 42 Donegall St., Belfast. 

Christian Age, 1871. Tues. for,Wed., 1d.; M.—6d. Smith’s Publishing Co. Lim., 4 St. Bride St., £.c. 
Christian Ambassador, 1874. M.—26th. 6d. for 25, illus. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Christian Budget, 1698 (incorporated with the Christian Herald). 

Christian Church and Word and Works, 1896 (incorporated with Christian Leader, now 
Weekly Leader). 

+Christian Commonwealth, 1881. Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. 78 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 
Christian Endeavour Times, 1893. Thurs. 1d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

‘Christian Freeman and Sunday School Monthly, 1856. M.—28th. ld. Freeman, 
5 Furnival St., E.c. 

¢Christian Globe, 1874. Thurs—8 a.m. I1d., illus. 185 Fleet St., E.c. 

+Christian Herald, 1876 (as Signs of Our Times, 1867, with which is incorporated Illustrated 
Christian News and Christian Budget). Tues.—9 a.m., for Thurs. ld. 6 Tudor St., E.C. 

‘Christian Heraid Penny Stories, 1908 (as Victoria Penny Stories, 1894). M.—25th. 1d. 
6 Tudor St., E.c. 

Christian Home Treasury, 1883. M.—15th. 2d. A. McCallum, 62 Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Christian Influence, 1901 (as Temperance World). M.—28th. 1d. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 
Old Bailey, E.c. 

Christian Leader, 1882 (now Weekly Leader). 

Christian Life and Unitarian Herald, 1876. Fri.—2.30 p.m., for Sat. ld. 5 Fetter 
Lane, E.C. 

.Christian Messenger, 1865 M.—25th. 2d., illus. R. Bryant, 48-50 Aldersgate St., E.C. 
-Christian Million, 1883. Tues.—9 a.m., for Fri. 1d., illus. 143 Holborn, E.c. 

+Christian News, 1845. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Inglis Ker & Co., 105 West George St., Glasgow. 
Christian Progress, 1876. M.—25th. 1d. Bemrose & Sons Lim., 4 Snow Hill, £.c. 


88] A Willing, JUNT., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. . [ABC List. 

Christian Realm, 1908, M.—25th. 8d. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Christian Scotsman, 1898. Weekly. 1d. 122 Ingram St., Glasgow. 

Christian Temperance Vanguard, 1908. M.—Iist. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Pater. 
noster Row, E.C. 

Christian Tourist, 1908. M.—1st. 1d. Christian Tourist Association, 11 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Christian Words, 1861 (as Wesleyan Reform Union Magazine, 1861). M.—lst. 1d. Wesleyan. 
Reform Book Room, Change Alley, Sheffield. 

tCHRISTIAN WORLD, 1856. (l) Thurs.—5 a.m. ld. James Clarke & Co., 13 & 14 Fleet St., 
E.c. Religious and family newspaper (Evangelical). (Advt. p. 485.) 

Christian Worid Pulpit, 1871. Wed.—9 a.m. 1d. M. 6d. James Clarke & Co.,13 & 14 
Fleet St., E.c. (Sermons by preachers of various denominations. Advt.) 

Christian Year Calendar, 1899. Oct. 2d. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Great Castle St. w. 

Christian’s Armoury, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Christian’s Library, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. J. Carter, 18 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Christian’s Pathway, 1896 (with which is incorporated Calvinistic Pulpit, 1891). M.—Ist. 
ld. F. Kirby, 17 Bouverie. St., E.C. 

Christmas Bells. Methodist Monthly Christmas Number. 

Ohristmas Catalogue, 1888. Nov. 6d. 190 Fleet St., £.c. (Publishing, Stationery, and Printing 
Trades’ Annual. Advt.) 

Christ's College Magazine, 1886. ‘During term. 8s. per year. Christ’s College, Cambridge. 

¢CHRONICLE FOR SOUTH & MID GLAMORGAN, 1895 (as Bridgend and Neath Chronicle, 
1880). (rad. £: lab.) Fri-—6 a.m. ld. 89 Wyndham St., Bridgend. 

Chronicle of Convocation, 1857. Irreg. Price varies. National Society, Broad Sanctuary, s.w. 

Chronicle of the London Missionary Society, 1867 (as Missionary Magazine dé: Chronicle, 
1837). M.—Ilst. 1d., illus. Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

CHRONIQUE DE JERSEY, 1814. (c) Wed. & Sat. ld. H.S. Le Sueur, 19 Royal Square, St. 

Helier, Jersey. 

¢Chronique, La, 1899 (as Anglo-French Stage Chronicle, 1899). Sat. 1d. A. P. Huguenet, 
29 Bessborough St., s.w. 

Chums, 1892. .Wed., 1d., & M.—265th, 6d., illus.; yearly vol., 8s. Cassell & Co. Lim La Bello 
Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, "EAC. 

Church Almanac, 1888. Sept. 1d. F. Sherlock, 80 & 81 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Church and Home, 1891. M.— 20th. 1d., illus. J. Glen & Co., 14 Red Lion Court, E.C. 

Church aad People, 1889. M.—1st. 1d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

Church and Synagogue, 1896. Quarterly. 6d. Skiffington & Son, 168 Piccadilly, w 

Church Annual Log Book, 1902. 2s. Church Newspaper Co. Lim., 8 and 5 Cecil Court, w.c. 

Church Army Gazette, 1886 (as The Battleaxe, 1888). Tues. }d. Marshall Brothers, 
10 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Church Army Quarterly Paper, 1888. 2d. E. Rowan, 180 Edgware Road, w. 

tChurch Bellis & illustrated Church News, 1871 (with which is incorporated the Illustrated 
Church News, 1892). Fri—9 am. 1d.,illus. 8 & 5 Cecil Court, St. Martin’s Lane. 

Church Builder, 1861. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8d. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Church Calendar, 1908. J. Glen & Co., 14 Fleet St., E.c. 

Church Calendar and Ecclesiastical Almanac, 1899. Dec. 4d. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim. | 

Akenside Hill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
Church Congress Oficial Report, 1861. Nov. 108. 6d. Bemrose & Sons Lim., 4 Snow Hill, E.c. 
Church Directory £ Almanack, 1901. Jan. 2s. J. Nisbet & Co. Lim., 21 Berners St., w. 
Church Evangelist, 1885. Thurs. for Sat. 4d., illus: Bemrose & Sons Lim., Midland Place 

Derby. (London: 4 Snow Hill, E.c.) 
¢Church Family Newspaper, 1894. Fri. 1d. 111 Fleet St., E.c. 

Church Friendly, 1895. M.—1st. ld. Church of England Temperance Benefit Society, Church 
` House, Westminster, s.w. 

Church Intelligencer, 1884. M.—26th. 1d. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Church Magazine, 1901. M.—I1st. 1d. London and Counties Publishing Co. Lim, 

79-88 Temple Chambers, £.0. À 
Church Messenger, 1900. M.—ist. 1d. W. Gwenlyn Evans, Pool St., Carngrvon. 

— — 

— — 

Advertisements received for all the Doncaster Newspapers 139 

AB C List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Church Missionary Gleaner, 1841. M.—25th. 1d, illus. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Intelligencer, 1849. M.—26th. 6d. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.c. 

Church Missionary Pocket Almanack and Kalendar, 1879. Nov. 8d., and 1s. 4d. C.M.S. 
Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Church Missionary Quarterly Paper, 1882 (as Church Missionary Paper, 1816). 2s. per 
100. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.c. 

Church Missionary Quarterly Token, 1856. Gratis. C.M.S., Salisbury Square, E.C. 
Church Monthly, 1888. 25th. 1d.,illus. F. Sherlock; 80 & 81 New Bridge St., £.c. 
Church of England Almanac, 1901. Dec. 1d. Church Association, 16 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Church of England High School Magazine, 1888. During term. 2s.6d.perann. Miss D. 
Clay, 5 Gordon St., Gordon Square, w.c. 

Church of England Puipit & Ecclesiastical Review, 1876. Fri—p.m.,for Sat. 1d. S. 
Gibbon, 160 Fleet St., E.c. 

+Church of Ireland Gazette, 1900 (as Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette, 1856). Fri. for Sat. 1d. 
Church of Ireland Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 61 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Church of ireland Parochial Magazine, 1870. M.—lI1st. 1d. W. Tempest, Dundalk. 

Church of Ireland Sunday School Calendar, 1895. June. 1d. Association for Promoting 
Christian Knowledge, 87 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Church of Ireland Sunday School Lessons. June. 1s. Association for Promoting Christian 
Knowledge, 87 Dawson St., Dublin. 

Church of Scotland Sabbath School Teacher’s Magazine, 1893. M.—1st. 1d. R. & 
R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Church of Scotland Year-Book, 1900 (as Book oj’ the Church of Scotland, 1886). Dec. 6d. & 1s. 
R. & R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Church Patronage Gazette, 1864. Half-yearly. 4d. R. N. Blackett, 28 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Church Quarterly Review, 1875. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd., New 
St. Square, E.c. (Essays on theological and Church topics, literary reviews, &c. Advt.) 

Church Standard, 1895. Quarterly. 2d. C. Murray & Co., 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

Marks, Market Place, Church Stretton, Salop. | 

Church Sunday School Magazine, 1868. M.—25th. 2d. Church of England Sunday 
School Institute, 18 Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St., E.c. 

+CHURCH TIMES, 1863. Fri.—a.m. ld. G. J. Palmer & Sons, Portugal St., w.c. Anglo- 
Catholic record and review. (Advt. p. 484.) 

Church Union Gazette, 1870. M.—1st. 1d. English Church Union, 85 Wellington St., w.c. 

Church Worker, 1882. M.—25th. 1d. Church of England Sunday School Institute, 18 Serjeante’. 
Inn, Fleet St., E.c. 

Churchman, 1879. M.—25th. 6d. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, £.c. 

Churchman’s Almanac, 1842. Nov. 12 editions. ld. to 1s. 8d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, W.C. 

Churchman's Diary, 1847. Nov. 4d.,&c. W. Walker, 28 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Churchman’s Magazine, 1846. M.—25th. 1d.,illus. J. A. Kensit, 18 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Churchman’s Remembrancer, 1842. Nov. 1s. 6d. S.P.C.K., Northumberland Avenue, w.c. 
Churchwoman, 1895 (incorporated with the Guardian, 1908). 

Cigar & Tobacco Worid, 1898 (as Cigar £ Tobacco World & Tobacconist, 1889). M.—80th. 
4d., illus. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, £.c. 

Cigar and Tobacco World Pocket Diary, 1903. Dec. 2s. 6d. Heywood & Co. Lim.,150 Holborn, E.C. 

Cigarette World & Tobacco News, 1896. M.—15th. 1d. Chorley & Pickersgill, The Electric 
Press, Leeds. 

Cinque Port, 1877. Once in term. 1s. Daniel & Co., 28 King’s Road, St. Leonards. 
¢CITIZEN, 1878. Sat. 8d. Throgmorton House, 15 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

+CITIZEN (Gloucester), 1876. (¢) Daily—p.m. $d. Chance & Bland, St. John’s Lane, Gloucester. 
CITIZEN WEEKLY, 1898 (as Bradford Citisen, 1884). Thurs. 1d. 14 & 15 Trinity St., Leeds. 
City Diary and Almanack, 1868. Nov. 1s. W.H, & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c. 
+City Leader, 1889. Sat. 6d. Broad St. House, £.c. 

¢CITY OF ELY STANDARD, 1875. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co, High St, March. A 
localised edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. ° 

40] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. FA BC List. 

City of London College Calendar, 1861. Sept. 6d. City of London College, White St.,Moorfields,z.c. 

City of London Directory, 1871. Jan. 12s. 6d. W.H.& L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

City of London School Magazine, 1877. Twice in term. 6d. City of London School, 
Victoria Embankment, E.c. ' 

City of Perth Co-operative “ Pioneer,” 1876. M.—lst. Gratis, City of Perth Co-operative 
Society, Scott St., Perth. - 

CITY OF WESTMINSTER MAIL, 1900 (now Westminster Mail). 

City Oracie, 1891. Daily—p.m. ld. Swan Chambers, Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

+CITY PRESS, 1857. Wed. & Sat.—8 a.m. 1d. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

tCity Review, 1898. Sat. 1d. 1Swan Chambers, Copthall Avenue, E.C. 

Civil Service Aspirant & University & Higher Exam. Coach (now Aspirant). 

Civil Service Candidate, 1888. Thurs. for Sat. ld. W.F. Morgan, 86 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Civil Service Competitor, 1884. Thurs.—2 p.m. for Fri. 1d. G. E. Skerry & Co., 27 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Civil Service Examiner, 1901. M.—15th. ld. A. J. G. McGuire & Co, 51 Sackville Street, 

+Civil Service Gazette, 1853. Sat. 8d. Bradley & Co., 12 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Civil Service Hints, 1890. Fri. 1d. Imperial Correspondence College, Memorial Hall, 
Farringdon St., E.c. 

Civil Service Manual, 1889. Jan. 28. Skerry & Co., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Clvil Service Student, 1891. Sat. 1d. Goodall, Robinson & Co., Albert Hall, Edinburgh. 

Civil Service Weekly, 1899 (as Clark’s Civil Service Examiner and Guide, 1895). Fri. 1d. 
Clark’s Civil Service and Commercial College, 1, 2,3 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Civil Service Year-Book, 1874. Jan. 28. Sheppard & St. John, 76 & 78 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

+Civilian, 1869. Fri.for Sat. 8d. Sheppard & St. John, 76 & 78 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

CLACTON GAZETTE, 1894 (incorporated with the Clacton-on-Sea Graphic, 1900). 

which is incorporated the Clacton Gazette, 1877). Sat. ld. Clacton-on-Sea Graphic Printing 
and Publishing Co., Lim.,West Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea. 

CLAPHAM AND BALHAM CHRONICLE (South Western Star), 1881. Fri. 1d. A. W. H. 
Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w. A localised edition of the South-Western 

(incorporated with the Wandsworth Borough News). 

_ Clapham Free Press, 1882. Fri. $d. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertising Co. Lim., 
429 Brixton Road, s.w. A localised edition of the Briaton Free Press. 

#+CLAPHAM OBSERVER, 1866 (with which is incorporated Surrey County Observer; as Tooting 
and Balham Times, 1866). Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Baldwin, 65 High St., Clapham, 
s.w. (Advt. p. 445.) 

tCLARE CHAMPION, 1908. (nat.) Sat. 1d. Clare Champion Printing and Publishing Co. 
Lim., Jail St., Ennis. 

+CLARE JOURNAL, 1776. Mon. and Thurs. J. B. Knox & Son, Jail St., Ennis. 

tClarion, 1891. Fri. for Sat. 1d. 72 Fleet St., e.c. (Advt. p, 445.) 

tCLARKE’S GUERNSEY NEWS, 1878. (c) Fri.—4 p.m. 1d. F. Clarke, States Arcade, Guernsey. 

Clark’s Civil Service Examiner and Guide (now Civil Service Weekly). 

Classical Review, 1887. M.—except Jan., Aug., and Sept. 18s. 6d. per ann. D. Nutt, 57, 59 
Long Acre, w.c. 

Clavier Quarterly Journal ofthe V.P.C. Society, 1897. 6d. Clavier Hall, Princes St., 
Hanover Square. non a 

4CLAY-CROSS CHRONICLE, 1900. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. F. Willman, High 8t., Claycross. 

TCLAYTON OBSERVER, 1892. (7) Tues, $d.; Sat, ld. R. §. Crossley, Edgar St., 
Accrington. A localised edition of the Accrington Observer. (Advt. p. 444.) 
1d.- Senior & Co. Lim., Cheapside, Cleckheaton. One of the Heckmondwike Herald series. 
+CLECKHEATON GUARDIAN AND SPEN VALLEY NEWS, 1867 (with which is incorporated 
a — and Ravensthorpe Guardian), (c) Fri.—5 am. 1d., J, Firth, Northgate, 
leckheaton. need ae ok 

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ———— — —— — — 

Advertisements received for all the Folkestone Newspapers.. . [41 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Clegg’s Local Railway Guide, 1876. M.—1st. 1d. W. E. Clegg, 80 Market Place, Oldham. 
Clegg’s Oldham Annual, 1891. Jan. 2d. W.E. Clegg, 30 Market Place, Oldham. 

Clergy Directory and Parish Guide, 1872. Jan. 48.6d. J.8. Phillips, 121 Fleet St., B. c. 
Clergy List, 1841. Jan. 128. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Clergyman’s Ready Reference Diary, 1894. Annually. 1s. Bemrose & Sons Lim., 4 Snow 
Hill, z.c. 

Clerkenwell Public Library Quarterly Guide for Readers, 1894 (now Finsbury, &c.), 
Cierk’s Gazette, 1899. M.—1st. 2s. 6d. per ann. 29 Old Queen St., Westminster, 8.w. 

TCLEVEDON MERCURY AND COURIER, 1860. (c) Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Six 
Ways, Clevedon. 

Cleveland Diary, 1864. M.—1st. 1d. W. Appleyard & Sons Lim.,12 Royal Exchange, Middlesbrough. 

CLIFTON AND REDLAND FREE PRESS, 1890. Thurs, for Fri. $d. Bristol Free Press 
Advertising Co. Lim., 13 Clare St., Bristol. 

+CLIFTON CHRONICLE, 1852 (as Clifton Directory, 1850). Wed.—7 a.m. 1d. E. Austin & Son, 
8 Rodney Place, Clifton. (London: Bell's Buildings, 119 Salisbury Square.) 

+Clifton Society, 1890. Thurs. ld. J B. Keene & Co., Bristol. 

Cliftonian, 1869. During term. 6d. Clifton College, Clifton, Bristol. 

Climate, 1899. Quarterly. 6d. Livingstone College, Leyton, E. 

Climbers’ Ciub Journal. Quarterly. 1s. G. Philip & Son, Lim., 82 Fleet St., E.C. 

+Clinical Journal, 1892. Wed. 8d. Medical Publishing Co. Lim., 22} Bartholomew Close, E.c. 
CLIQUE, 1890. Sat. 5s. perann. Moray House, Derby. 

+CLITHEROE ADVERTISER, 1886. (ind.) Fri. 4d. J. Robinson, 27 Castle St., Clitheroe. 
*CLITHEROE TIMES, 1888. (ind.) Fri—p.m. d. A. Blacow, Clitheroe. 

tCLONMEL CHRONICLE, 1848. (c) Wed. & Sat. Clonmel Chronicle Newspaper Co. 
Bagwell St., Clonmel. 

+CLORIANYDD, 1891. Wed. for Thurs. 4d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Lim., Bangor.. 

Club and institute Journal, 1875. M. $d. Club Union Buildings, Clerkenwell Road, £.c. 
Club Life, 1899. (rad.) Fri—12 noon. 1d. 220 Goswell Road, E.c. 

Clyde Bill of Entry, 1840. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 81s. 6d. per ann. A. R. Goldie, 28 Buchan 8t., Glasgow. | 
+CLYDEBANK AND RENFREW PRESS, 1891. Fri. 3d. J. Cossar, Press Office, Clydebank. 

tClydesdale Catholic Heraid, 1888. Fri. 1d. 99 High St., Paisley. One of the Catholic-. 
Herald (London) series. 

Clydesdale Stud Book, 1879. Annual. 10s. 6d. 98 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Coach Builders’ and Wheeiwrights’ Art Journal, 1880. M.—25th. 25s. per ann., ilus. 
J. & C. Cooper, 64 Long Acre, w.c. 

tCoal & iron, 1891. Sat. 6d., illus. occas. W. Martin, 46 & 47 Coal Exchange, E.C. 
Coal & Iron Diary, 1897. Dec. 2s. 6d. W. Martin, 46 & 47 Coal Exchange, E.C. 
tCoal Merchant & Shipper, 1900. Sat. 10s. per. ann. Eagland & Co., 165 Strand, w.c. 

Fri. id. A, Wilkins, High St., Coalville. 

+COATBRIDGE EXPRESS, 1885. (i) Wed. $d. Baird & Hamilton, Academy St., Coatbridge. - 

Coates’s Herd Book, 1878. Oct. 81s. 6d. The Shorthorn Society of Great Britain & Ireland, 
12 Hanover Square, wW. 

COCKERMOUTH FREE PRESS, 1899. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. J. Fletcher, Reliable Printing 
Works, Cockermouth. 

TCOLCHESTER GAZETTE, 1814. (c) Tues.—4 p.m. 1d. Benham & Co., 24 High St. Colchester. 
COLCHESTER MERCURY, 1867 (incorporated in the Essex Telegraph). 

Cold Storage and Ice Trades Review, 1898. M.—15th. 4d. 19 Ludgate Hill, z.c. 

Cold Storage Calendar, 1901. Jan. 6d. 19 Ludgate Hill, e.c. 

tCOLERAINE CHRONICLE, 1844. (l.u) Fri. 1d. J. Shannon, 7 Abbey St., Coleraine. 
+COLERAINE CONSTITUTION, 1974. (u) Fri.—1 p.m. 1d. J. M. Russell, New Row, Coleraine, 
TCOLESHILL CHRONICLE, 1874. Sat.—6 am. 1d. T. Burbidge, 20 Broadgate, Coventry. 

Colfeian Chronicle of the Old Boys of Colfe’s Grammar School, 1908. Irreg. 6d. 
Colfe’s Grammar School, Lewisham, S.E. 

42]. J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide - [ABC List. 

Collectors’ Advertiser, 1901. M.—1st. E. F. Hardman, Morpeth. 

Collectors’ Circular, 1968. Sat. 2d. 115 Strand, w.c. 

Collectors’ ewes 1903. M.—Ist. Illus. Collectors’ Supply Agency, 51 Queen's Road, 
Bayswater, w 

Collectors’ Weekly Exchange, 1908. Sat. 2d. Collectors’ Supply Agency, 51 Queen’s 
Road, Bayswater, w 

College Echoes, 1899. Fri. 2d. The University, St. Andrews, 

College of Preceptors’ Calendar, 1880. March. 2s. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Collegian, 1886. Quarterly. 8d. G. R. Griffith, Grosvenor St., Chester. 

tColliery Guardian, 1860. Fri.—1.80 p.m. 6d. Allan Greenwell, Manager, 80 & 81 Furnival 
St., Holborn, £.c. (Advt. p. 484.) i 

Colliery Manager, 1885. M.—8rd. Fri. 6d. J. Scott & Co., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

sae Manager's Pocket Book, Almanac, and Diary, 1869. Dec. 28., 88., & 48. Gd. Colliery 
dian Co. Lim., 80 & 31 Furnival St., Holborn, E.C. 

we, International Mercantile Directory, 1895. April. 20s, Collingwood Bros., 65 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

+COLNE & NELSON TIMES, 1878. Fri. 1d. R. Hyde & Sons, North Valley Road, Colne. 

tCOLNE LEADER, 1900. (ind. lib.) Fri. 1d. Coulton & Co. Lim., Nelson. A localised . 
edition of the Nelson Leader. 

COLNE OBSERVER, 1898. (l) Fri. J. Dawson & Son, 4 Windybank, Colne. 

Colonial Buyers’ Guide, 1889. M. Free. Mercantile Agency Co. Lim., 62 Leadenhall St., E.c. 

Colonial Catalogue, 1888. June. 1s. 190 Fleet St., E.c. (Publishing, Stationery, and Printing 
Trades Annual. For colonial and home circulation. Advt.) 

Team! Goldfields Gazette, 1896 (as Westralia, 1896). Sat. 8d. J. Silcox, Broad St. 

ouse, E.C. 

Coionlal Mining News, 1902 (with which isincorporated Australian Mail and Colonial Mining 
News, 1894). Thurs. 1d. 87 Walbrook, E.c. 

Colonial Ofice List, 1862. April. 10s. 6d., maps. Waterlow & Sons Lim., 85 London Wall, z.c. 
Colonial Recorder, 1862. M.—1st. 1s. Taylor Bros., Sovereign St., Leeds. 

Colonizer, 1908 (as Freir’s Colonial and Foreign Register, 1895). M.—I1st. 3d. W. E. Freir, 
16 Eldon St., e.c. 

Coloured Comic, 1898, Mon. for Sat. 3d., illus. Trapps, Holmes & Co., 18 Farringdon 
Avenue, E.C. | 

+COLWYN BAY & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1898. Thors. for Fri. 1d. W.H. Evans & 
Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

Colwyn Bay,Colwyn & Rhos Complete Directory, 1897. Feb. 6d. & 1s. Powis House, Colwyn Bay. 
porated Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Visitor, 1888). Fri. ld. R.E.Jones & Bros., Conway 
and Colwyn Bay. (Advt. p. 452.) y 
Comic Cuts, 1890. Tues. for Sat. $d., illus. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 
Comic Home Journal, 1895. Tues. ġd. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 
Comic Life, 1898. Thurs. $d. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Comic Pictorial Sheet, 1891. Tues. & Fri. ld. James Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, 
Eed Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. | 

Coming Day, 1890. M.—ist. 8d. Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Coming Events, 1896. Sat. Harpur & Sons, 10 Friar Gate, Derby. 

Coming Events and Monthly Diary, 1896. 1st. Gratis. H.,C. Robinson, 88 Conway St., 

Coming Modes, 1903 (with which is incorporated the Millinery Record, 1896). M.—25th. 1s. | 
Avenue Press Lim., 82 New Bridge St., E.c. 

Commercial Almanack, 1798. Nov. 6d. M.S.Rickerby, 4 Walbrook, £.c. 
Commerciai Cases, 1895. Irreg. 2s.6d. Butterworths, 12 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 
+Commercial Compendium, 1855. Wed. Sub. varies. W. Cate Lim., 32 Bouverie St., W.C. 

tCommercial Intelligence, 1899 (as Sell’s Commercial Intelligence, 1898). Thurs, 8d. 
Temple House, Temple Avenue. Editorial and Advertisement Offices, 166 Fleet St., Ec. . 

Commercial Record, now Scot’s Commercial Record. 

Advertisements received for all the Hastings Newspapers. [43 

AB C List. ] . Willing’s Press Guide. 

Commercial Travellers’ School Magazine, 1899. June & Dec. 8d. F. Adshead, Com- 
mercial Travellers’ School, Pinner. 

Commercial Weekly Statement, 1886. Tues.—a.m. 21s. per annum. Chas. Smith, Son & 

- Gowland, 11 Jewry St., E.c. 
Commonwealth, 1896. M.—25th. 8d. net. Gardner, Darton & Co.,8 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 
Companies’ Diary and Agenda Book, 1891. Nov. 2s. 6d. and 8s.6d. Jordan & Sons Lim., 120 
hancery Lane, w.c. x 

Comrades, 1896. M.—15th. Gratis. The Secretary, 2 Grey St., Ashton-under-Lyne. | 

Concord, 1887 (as International Arbitration and Peace Association Monthly Journal, 1884). 
M.—15th. 1d. International Arbitration and Peace Association, 40 & 41 Outer Temple, w.c. 

Conduct, 1900. M. 1d. A. & H. B. Bonner & Co., 1 & 2 Tooks Court, E.C. 

Confectioners’ Union, 1898 (as Confectioners’, Bakers’, and Pastrycooks’ Union, 1887). M.— 
15th, 1s.; 5s. per ann., illus. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.c. 

Confectioners’ Union Pocket Diary, 1897 (as Confectioners Union Diary, 1896). Dec. 28. 6d. 
Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.c. 
Confectionery, 1895. M.—12th. 6d. Maclaren & Sons, 87 & 38 Shoe Lane, E.c. 
e Tony ” Diary and Trade Year Book. Dec. 28.6d. Maclaren & Sons, 37 & 88 Shoe 
ne, E.C 

CONGLETON CHRONICLE, 1855 (with which is incorporated Congleton and Macclesfield 
Mercury). Sat. id. R. Head, 11 High St., Congleton. 

tCONGLETON GUARDIAN, 1889. Tues. —2 p-m., for Wed., 1d.; Fri.—6 a.m., 1d. Mackie & 
Co. Lim., High St., Congleton. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

CONGLETON TIMES, 1898. (c.) Fri. ld. Heath Bros., St. George’s Mill, Macclesfield. 

Congregational Almanack and Directory, 1870. Dec. 2d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Courts 
Fleet St., £.c. 

Congregational Magazine, 1882. M.—1öth. 1d. Alexander & Shepheard Lim., 21 Furnival 
St., Holborn, E.c. 

Congregational Messenger, 1898. M.—1st. 1d. James Sears & Sons, 11 and 12 Crane Court, 
Fleet St. E.c. 

Congregational Monthly, 1888 (as Manchester, Salford, and District Congregational 
- Magazine, 1879). 1st. 1d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. 

Congregational Year-Book, 1846. Jan. 28. 6d. & 8s. 6d., illus. Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.C. 

CONNAUGHT LEADER, 1902. (nat.) Fri. 1d. Ballinasloe P. & P. Co., Main St., Ballinasloe. 

+CONNAUGHT-TELEGRAPH, 1828. (nat.) Sat. Id. T. H. Gillespie, Ellison St., Castlebar. 

Connoisseur, 1901. M.—ist. ls. Otto Lim., 2 Carmelite House, E.C. 

Consecration, 1895. M.—1st. 1d. G. Clarke, 81 High St., Belfast. 

Conservative Clubs’ Gazette, 1895. M. 1d. The Association of Conservative Clubs, St. 
Stephen’s Chambers, Bridge St., Westminster, s.w. . 

tCONSETT CHRONICLE, 1895. Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 1@. G. Neasham, New Station, Station 
Road, Consett. 

oe GAZETTE, 1860. (2) Thurs. for Fri—am. ld. R. Jackson & Co., Front St.; 


tConstabulary Gazette, 1896. Sat. 2d. Constabulary Gazette Lim., 18 Fleet St., Dublin. 

Consuiar Journal (incorporated with Commerctal Intelligence). 

Constitutional Almanac, 1885. Dec. 1d. Conservative Central Office, St. Stephen’s Chambers, 8. w. 

Constitutional Year-Book, 1885. Jan. 1s. Conservative Central Office, St. Stephen’s Chambers, 8.w. 

Contemporary Review, 1866. M.—28th. 2s.6d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Continental Road Book, 1886. Annually. 2s. 6d. Members only. The Cyclists’ Touring Club, 47 
Victoria St., s.w. 

Continental Traveller, 1895. M.—1st. Gratis. 20 Cockspur St., s.w. 

+Contract Journal, 1879. Wed.—4a.m. 6d. A. Pitman, 189 Salisbury Court, E.C. 

¢Contractor, 1884. Fri. 9 p.m. for Sat. 2d. A. Pitman, 189 Salisbury Court, E.c. 

¢Contractors’ Chronicle, 1887. Sat.for Mon. 15s. per ann., illus. Daily. 17. 19s. per ann. 
18 Victoria St., s.w. 

Contractors’, Merchants’, & Estate Managers’ Compendium d¢& Catalogue, 1887. April. 10s. 6d. 
Compendium Publishing Co., 214-220 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, Holborn, w.c. 

+CONWAY & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. 1d. W. H. Evans & 
Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

44] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [A B C List. 

Bros., Conway. A localised edition of the Colwyn Bay Weekly News. (Advt. p. 452.) 

Cookes’ Almanack and Directory, 1889. Dec. 2d. C. E. Cookes, Market Place, Richmond, Yorkshire. 

Cook’s Continental Time-tables and Tourist’s Handbook, 1873. M. 1s., maps. 
Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Cook’s Excursionist, 1851. 12 numbers each year. 8d. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 
Cook’s Guide to Paris, 1878. April. 1s., maps. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Cook’s Handbook for London, 1877. April. 6d. & 1s., maps. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. 
Cook’s Indian Guide, 1891. Sept. Gratis. Thos. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

+COOKSTOWN NEWS & ULSTER ADVERTISER, 1896. Sat. 1d. The Tyrone Printing 
Co., Dungannon. . 

+Co-operative News, 1871. Sat. 1d. Long Millgate, Manchester. 

Co-operative Wholesale Societies’ Annual, 1888. Jan. Gratis. Co-operative Wholesale Society, 
1 Balloon St., Manchester. 

Cooper’s Tabular Guides to Industrial Life Assurance, 1887. May, Nov. 8d. 
Cooper & Sons, Park St., Farnworth, near Bolton. 

Cooper’s Tabular Guides to Ordinary Life Assurance, 1887. March, Oct. 4d. each. 
Cooper & Sons, Park St., Farnworth, near Bolton. 

Copies of Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists, Druggists, dc., 1891. Jan. 7}d., post free. 
The Registrar, Pharmaceutical Society, 67 Lower Mount St., Dublin. 

¢CORK CONSTITUTION, 1822. (c) Daily—a.m. 1d. News & Sons Lim., 40 & 42 Marlborough 
St., Cork. (London: 190 Fleet St.) 

Advertiser, 1857). Sat. 1d. F.P.E. Potter, Skibbereen, co. Cork. . 

CORK EXAMINER, 1840. (nat.l) Daily. 1d. 95 Patrick St., Cork. 
+CORK SUN, 1908. (nat.) Sat. 1d. Cork Sun Co. Lim., 48 Grand Parade, Cork. 

95 Patrick St., Cork. 

+CORK WEEKLY NEWS, 1888. Sat. 1d. News & Sons Lim., 40 & 42 Marlborough St., Cork 
(London: 190 Fleet St.) ° 

¢Corn and Produce Gazette, 1874. Mon. & Fri., 218.; one issue, 10s. 6d. J. Forbes, 28 
Fenchurch St., E.C. 

Cornet, 1898. M.—15th. 2d. F. Richardson, Sibsey, Boston. 
Cornhill Magazine, 1860. M.—26th. 1s. Smith, Elder & Co.,15 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, s.w. 

¢+CORNISH AND DEVON POST, 1877 (as East Cornwall Times, 1857). Fri.—2.80 p.m.; 
Sat.—10a.m. ld. W. L. Powell, Western Buildings, Launceston. 

for Sat. 1d. Cornish Echo Co., Falmouth. 

CORNISH GUARDIAN, 1901. Fri. ld. A. B. Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. 

tCORNISH POST AND MINING NEWS, 1889. (l.u) Thurs. & Sat. ld. H. Thomas, East 
Charles St., Camborne. 

+CORNISH TELEGRAPH, 1861. (2.u) Wed. & Sat. 1d. Cornish Telegraph Co., 16 Chapel St., 

tCORNISH TIMES, 1856. (lu) Fri. & Sat. ld. J. Philp, Liskeard. 
+CORNISHMAN, 1878. (ind.) Thurs. & Sat. 1d. H. Thomas, Parade St., Penzance. 

¢CORNUBIAN AND REDRUTH TIMES, 1879 (as Redruth Times, 1868). Thurs.—a.m.; Fri. - 
p.m. 1d. Cornubian Printing Co. Lim., Redruth. 

Cosburn's Illustrated Directory for Newbury, éc., 1874. Jan. 28., illus. G.J. Cosburn, Market 
Place, Newbury. 

coemenoree (English Edition), 1886. M.—10th. 6d., illus. 5 Bream’s Buildings, Chancery 
ane, E.C. 

Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, Diary, and Pocket Book, 1871. Nov. 1s. G. Kenning & Son, 
16 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Ootswold Flock Book, 1892. June. 6s. Ootswold Sheep Society, Cold Aston, Cheltenham. 
Cottage Gardening (now Gardener). 

Cottager and Artisan, 1861. M.—26th. 1d., illus. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 
¢Cotton, 1895. Sat. 6d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29-80 Shoe Lane.) 

Advertisements received for all the Birmingham Newspapers. [45 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+Cotton Factory Times, 1885. Fri—6am. 1d. J. Andrew, 1 Warren St., Manchester. 

tCotton Gazette, 1894. Sat. 42s. perann. C. Stewart, 20 Hackins Hey, Liverpool. 

Ootton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Directory of Lancashire, 1882. Jan. 5s. J. Worrall, 
Marlborough St., Oldham. _ 

+COUNCILLOR AND GUARDIAN, 1896 (as Parish Councillor and Rural Herald, 1895). Fri. 
1d. 10 Henrietta St., Co vent Garden, W.C. 

Counciis’ Journal, 1899 (as Parish Councils’ Journal, 1894). M.—12th. 6d. Eyre & Spottis- 
woode, Kast Harding St., e.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Country & Seaside Holidays, 1898. May. Gratis. Midland Railway, Derby. 

Country Brewers’ Gazette, 1877 (now Brewers’ Gazette, 1902). 

Country Gentlemen’s Estate Book, 1892. Feb. 88.6d. ‘*C.G. A.” Lim., 2 Waterloo Place, S.W. > 

Country Gentiemen’s Estate Booklet, 1901. M.—ist. 8d. “C.G. A.” Lim., 2 Waterloo 
Place, s.w. N 

Country Life Illustrated, 1897 (as Racing Illustrated, 1894). Fri.for Sat. 6d. G. Newnes 
Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. a 

Cou ntry Resident and Farm Monthly, 1901 (as Success with Poultry, 1898; now Feathered 
ife, 1908). 

senger, 1796 ; with which is incorporated Rod & Gun, 1899). Fri. for Sat.—4 p.m. 8d. 1 Essex 

St., Strand, w.c. 

County and Municipal Record, 1903 (as Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal, 1902; 
formerly Sanitary Journal, 1894). Tues. 8d. W. Hodge & Co., 34-86 North Frederick St., 


+COUNTY BOROUGH OF WEST HAM GAZETTE, 1902 (with which is incorporated Forest 
Gate Gazette, 1885). Sat. $d. Ward & Ward, 98 Woodgrange Rd., Forest Gate, E. Fe 

tCounty Council Times, 1889. Wed. 8d. 24 Bride Lane, E.C. 

County Councils and Municipal Corporations Companion, 1889 (as County Companion, 1878). 
Dec. 10s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

County Courts Chronicle, 1847. M.—1st. 1s.6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

County Courts, Equity, and Bankruptcy Cases, 1847. Mar., June, Sept., Dec. 48; 
H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

County Directory of Scotland, 1848. Triennial. 15s. R. Grant & Son, 107 Princes St., 

tCOUNTY ECHO, 1892. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. L. Evans, High St., Fishguard, Pem. 

Stourbridge Observer, 1867). (ind.) Sat.—5 a.m. id. Arthur H. Moody, Stourbridge. 

tCounty Gentleman, Sporting Gazette, Agricultural Journal, 1862. Sat.—2 a.m. 
6d. 8 Wellington St., w.c. (Advt. p. 420.) 

tCOUNTY HERALD, 1888. (2) Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. 1d. P.M. Evans & Son Lim., Holywell. 

Fri. for Sat. 1d. R. Hudson, 210 Wolverhampton St., Dudley. (London: 142 Fleet St). 

tCOUNTY OBSERVER, 1882 (as Usk Observer, 1855). Fri. for Sat. 14d. Bridge St., Usk. 

tCOUNTY OF MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1858 (with which is incorporated the London. 
Chronicle & County Record). Sat. 1d. E. Thomason, 151 High St., Hounslow. 

COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX INDEPENDENT, 1883. (ind.) Wed. & Sat. d. The 
Brentford Printing and Publishing Co. Lim. , Albany Works, Brentford. 

COUNTY TIPPERARY INDEPENDENT, 1881 (as Tipperary Free Press, 1826). (nat.) Sat. 
ld. H. D. Fisher, 8 Exchange St., Waterford. 

County Tyrone Directory and Almanac, 1895. Dec. 2d. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

tCOURIER & ARGUS, 1899 (as Dundee Courier, 1816). Daily. 4d. W.& D.C. Thomson, 84 
North Lindsey St., Dundee. (London: 109 Fleet St.) 

Course of the Exchange, 1697. Tues & Fri.—4.30 p.m. 408. per ann. Trustees and 
Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, B.C. 

46] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Coursing Calendar, 1857. Three times a year. 5s. Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

tCourt Circularand Court News, 1856. (c) Fri. for Sat. 6d. 150 Strand, w.c. Fashionable 

Court Guide and County Blue Book for Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Staffordshire, 1902. 
July. 158. C. W. Deacon & Co., 10/12 Charing Cross Chambers, Duke St., Adelphi, w.c. 

tCourt Journal, 1829. Sat. 6d. 18 Burleigh St., w.c. 
Covenant People, 1894 (as Messenger,1888). M. 6d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St.,z.¢ 

Coventry Co-operative Society Record, 1887. M.—1st. Gratis. Co-operative Society. 
West Orchard, Coventry. 

¢COVENTRY HERALD, 1808. (2) Fri. & Sat—a.m. 1d. J. M. Scott, 41 Earl St., Coventry. 

COVENTRY MERCURY, 1888 (as Coventry Independent Journal, 1878). Wed.—a.m. 1d. 
T. Burbidge, 20 Broadgate, Coventry. (Advt. p. 484.) 

- {COVENTRY REPORTER, 1899 (as Reporter for Coventry, 1885). (ind.) Fri. & Sat. 3d. 
W. Shortley, Derby Lane, Coventry. (Advt. p. 445.) 

Coventry School Magazine. M.—ilst. 6d. W. W. Curtis Lim., Exchange Buildings, 

tCOVENTRY STANDARD, 1836 (as Coventry Mercury, 1741). (c) Fri. & Sat. ld. T. Bur- 
bidge, 20 Broadgate, Coventry. (Advt. p. 484.) 

Coventry Stock and Share List, 1901. M.—ist. Gratis. T.M. Daffern, Little Park St., 
+COVENTRY TIMES, 1855. (l) Wed.—5a.m. 1d. R. Simmons, Coventry. (London: 58 Fleet St.) 

tCOWDENBEATH & KELTY ECHO, 1900. (2) Wed.—a.m. 3d. W. Clark & Son,11 High St., 


John Westwater & Son, Bank St., Lochgelly. ; 

Cowkeeper & Dairyman’s Journal, 1879. M.—Sat. after 1st Thurs. 8s. per ann. E. G. Easton, 
57 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Cox’s Monthly Legal Circular, 1858. M.—Ist. 2d. Cox and Sons, 51 & 52 Carey St., w.c. 
Cox's Reports of Criminal Law Cases, 1844. Quarterly. 5s. 6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Cox’s Reports of Magistrates’, Municipal, and Parochial Law Cases, 1860. Jan., 
April, July, Oct. 5s. 6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Craftsman, 1894 (now Cardiff Figaro, 1901). 
Craftsman, 1903. M.—1st. 1s. net. R. B. Johnson, 4 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 
¢CRAVEN HERALD, 1874. (c) Fri—noon. 1d. E. Townsend, 88 High St., Skipton. 

+Credit Drapers’ Gazette, 1882. Sat. 8s.6d.per ann. G. Woodhead & Co. Lim., Arkwright 
Mills, Miller St., Manchester. (London: 60 Watling St.) 

Credit Index. Subscribers only. Credit Index Co., Dashwood House, 4 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

A. T. Gregory, High St., Crediton. : 

Crescent, 1892. Wed. 1d., illus. Crescent Printing Co., 44 Geneva Road, Liverpool. 

ld. High St., Crewe. 

¢CREWE GUARDIAN, 1868. Tues.—1 p.m., for Wed., 1d.; Fri—6 a.m., for Sat., 1d. Mackie 
& Co. Lim., 48 Market St., Crowe. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. À 

Cricket, 1882. Thurs. (Weekly from April to Sept, and M. during Winter.) 2d., illus. 
168 Upper Thames St., E.C. 

tCricket and Football Field, 1888 (as Football Field, 1884). Sat.—6 p.m. 1d. Tillotson 
& Son Lim., Mealhouse Lane, Bolton. (London: 20 New Bridge St.,e.c.) (Advt.p. 366.) 

Cricket Annual, (F. Sugg’s), 1894. April. 3d. F. Sugg, 32 Lord St., Liverpool. 

Cricket Calendar, 1868. May. 6d. Cricket Press, 25 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

Cricket Directory, 1888. May. 6d. Cricket Press, 25 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

Cricket Handbook, 1901. April. 1d. J. Leng & Co., 186 Fleet St., E.c. 

Cricket Year-Book, 1897. April. 1d., illus. 168 Upper Thames St., E.c. 

Cricketer’s Diary and Companion, 1891. Feb. 6d. Bussey & Co., 86 & 38 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 
CRICKLEWOOD OBSERVER, 1900. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 

Crisp Bits, 19038. Sat. 1d. Balmoral Publishing Co., 5 York Place, Edinburgh. 

J Advertisements recewed for all the Hull Newspapers, | (47 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Criterion, 1893. M.—1st. 2d. W.J. Fleming, 63 Monton Road, Eccles. 
+Critic, 1898 (as African Critic, 1895). Sat. 6d. 1 Guildhall Chambers, Basinghall St., E.c. 
+ Critic’ Black Book, 1901. Annually. 21s. H. Hess, Critic Office, 1 Guildhall Place, E.c. 
Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, 1890. Bi-M. 1s. @d. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1857. Jan. 20s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 
tCROMER AND NORTH WALSHAM POST, 1890. Sat. 1d. East of England Newspaper 
Co., Lim., Cromer and North Walsham. (London : 180 Fleet St.) One of the Norfolk. Standard 
series. (Advt. p. 440.) 
Cronicl, 1848. M.—last Sun. 2d., illus. 8S. Hughes, 45 High St., Pendref, Bangor. 
Cronici Cenadol, 1897. M.—ist. 1d. J. Williams, 21 Glebeland St., Merthyr Tydfil. 
Cross Fieury’s Journal, 1896. M. 1d. Lansdowne Terrace, 65 Brackenbury Road, Preston. 
CROWBOROUGH WEEKLY NEWS, 1903. (ind.) Sat. id. 180 North Road, Brighton. 
One of the Southern Weekly News series. 
Cee ADVERTIZER, 1871. Fri—8p.m., for Sat. 4d. Isle of Axholme Printing Co. Lim., 
#+CROYDON ADVERTISER, 1869. Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. W. Ward, High St., Croydon. 
en and County Pictorial. M.—15th. 3d. Cosmos Publishing Co., 8a George St., 

Croydon and South Norwood Directory, 1887. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tCROYDON CHRONICLE (with which is incorporated Reigate and Redhill Chronicle), 1849. 
Fri. for Sat. 1d. H.M. Lemon, 30 High St., Croydon. 

+CROYDON EXPRESS, 1878. Sat. 4d. C.E. Bevan, 145 North End, Croydon. (Advé. p. 485.) 

4+CROYDON GUARDIAN, 1877. (c) Sat. 1d. C. E. Bevan, 145 North End, Croydon. (Advi. p. 485.) 

¢+CROYDON OBSERVER, 1860. (2) Fri. 1d. Lewes and South Counties Press Lim., 64 High St., 
Lewes. One of the Surrey Gazet series. 

+CROYDON TIMES, 1860. (2) Wed. & Sat. 3d. S.H. Purnell, 57a High St. , Croydon. 

Crusader, 1898 (now Theosophical Chronicle, 1900). 

Crusader, 1908. Fri. 1d. J. Sears & Sons, 11 & 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

CRYSTAL PALACE DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1888. Fri. 1d. A. J. Moore, 82 Westow 
St., Upper Norwood, S.E. : 

Crystal Stories, 1881. M.—26th. 1d., illus. M. Southwell, 27 Ivy Lane, z.c. 

Cumberland Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 13 Jordan St., Man- 

= chester. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

+CUMBERLAND PACQUET, 1774. (c) Thurs.—6 a.m. 1d. W. Halton, 80 Tangier St., Whitehaven, 

+CUMNOCK CHRONICLE, 1901. Fri. $d. J. W. Crawford, Ayr Road, Cumnock. 

¢CUMNOCK EXPRESS, 1866. (2) Thurs.—even., for Fri. 1d. Ferguson & Co.,Cumnock and Ayr. 

tCUMNOCK NEWS, 1880. (2) Fri—7am. 1d. A. Guthrie & Sons, Princes St., Ardrossan. 
A localised edition of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald. 

Curious Notions, 1890. M.—15th. 1d.,illus. J. Coulter, Lancaster Chambers, York St., Belfast. 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1788. M.—1st. 98s. 6d., coloured plates. Reeve & Co. 
6 Henrietta St., w.c. 

rn Journal, 1899. M.—15th. 1d. City of London Book Depöt, 6 White St., Moor- 

. fields, E.c. 

Customs Dublin Bill of Entry, 1850. Daily—10 a.m. 80s. perann. 8. Underwood, 12 Eden- 
Quay, Dublin. 

Cwrs y Byd, 1890. M. 2d. D. Jones, Peneade, South Wales, 

Cycle Times, 1901. Quarterly. 1d. Components Lim., Componentsville, Birmingham. 

¢Cycle and Motor Trader, 1902 (as Cycle Trader, 1895 (with which is incorporated the Cycle 
Referee). Fri. Trade subscribers only. 4s. perann. 21 Wilson St., Finsbury, E.C. 

Cycling and Moting, 1891. Wed. for Sat. ld., illus. 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.c. 
+Cyclist, 1879. Wed—9 am. ld. Iliffe & Sons Lim., 8 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette, 1878. M.—ist. Members only. E.R. Shipton, 47 Vié- 
toria St., Westminster, s.w. 

Cyclists’ Pouring. Club Year Book and Diary, 1901. Jan. 1s. Members only. Cyclists’ Touring 
Club, 47 Victoria St., s.w. 

Gyfaill Egiwysig (Church Friend), 1862. M.—1st. 1d. W.Spurrell & Son, 86 King St., Carmarthen. 
48] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tCymru (Wales), 1891. M.—15th. 6d., illus. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Carnarvon. 

Cymru’r Plant, 1891. M.—1st. ld. Hughes & Son, 56 Hope St., Wrexham. 

Czarnikow’s Weekly Price Current, 1860. (c) Thurs. 29 Mincing Lane, E.C. 

— — BIRMINGHAM, 1891 (incorporated with the Birmingham Evening Dispatch, 

Daily Adviser, 1902. 1d. G. W. Jones, Shakespeare Road, Herne Hill, s.z. 

DAILY BULLIONIST, 1866 (incorporated in Financier & Daily Bullionist, 1900). 

tDAILY CHRONICLE, 1876 (as Clerkenwell News, 1855). (1) 3.80a.m. 1d. E. Lloyd Lim., 80 
Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 416.) 

tDAILY CHRONICLE AND ARGUS (Bath), 1900 (with which are incorporated the Bath 

Daily Chronicle, 1877, and the Bath Daily Argus, 1870. (c) p.m., $d. Bath and County 
Press Lim., Bath. (London: 180 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 444.) j 

Daily Commercial Report, 1854. 5.15 p.m. 428. per ann. Bagot & Thompson, 21 Cullum 
St., Fenchurch St., E.C. 

tDAILY DISPATCH (Manchester), 1900. $d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(London: 92 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) 

tDAILY EXPRESS (Dublin), 1851. (u) a.m. 1d. J.T. Robson, 88,89 & 40 Parliament St., and 
1 & 2 Cork Hill, Dublin. (London: 199 Strand.) 

tDAILY EXPRESS (London), 1900. a.m. $d. The Daily Express Lim., 17 Tudor St., E.c. 
Established by C. Arthur Pearson, the main aim is ‘ News—True News—New News—All th 

News. (Advt. p. xii.)’ 

DAILY FREE PRESS, 1858. (See Aberdeen Free Press.) 

Daily Freight Register, 1898. a.m. 2/. 2s. perann. Comtelburo Lim., 11 Tokenhouse Yard, E.c. 

tDAILY GRAPHIC, 1890. a.m. 14d., illus. A.G. Grover, Milford House, Milford Lane, Strand, 
w.c. (Advi. p. vi.) 

+DAILY MAIL, 1896. 8.30 a.m. $d. Carmelite House, Tallis St., Temple, E.c. 

{DAILY MAIL (Hull), 1885 (as Hull Packet, 1787). (c) $d. Seditions. E.S. Lewis, 22 White- 
friargate, Hull. (London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) 

Daily Mail Year Book, 1901. Dec. 1s. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite House, Carmelite St., B. c. 

DAILY MIRROR, 1903. 1d. 2 Carmelite St., E.C. 

DAILY NATION, 1897 (amalgamated with the Irish Daily Independent, 1900). 

tDAILY NEWS, 1846. (l) 5a.m. 1d. T. P. Ritzema, Bouverie St., E.c. Advert. Office, 67 Fleet 
St., E.c. (Advt. p. 270.) 

DAILY NEWS AND EXPRESS, 1901 (as Hull Express, 1876; now Sports Express, 1908). 

DAILY PAPER, 1904. 1d. 10am. W. T. Stead, 21 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

+DAILY RECORD AND MAIL (Glasgow), (with which is incorporated the North British Daily 
Mail, 1895. (li) $d. Renfield Lane, Glasgow. (London: Carmelite House, Carmelite St.) 

Daily Shipping Register, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Swansea Gazette, 1877). 
8.80 am. 1d. S.A. Vaughan, Salubrious Place, Swansea. 

Daily Sport, 1902. am. 4d. G. Beech, 10 Johnson’s Court, E.c. 

— Stock Market Report, 1902 (as London Stock Market Report, 1901). }$d. 
asildon House, Moorgate St., E.c. 

ADAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (u) 4 am. 1d. Francis Caine, 141 Fleet St.,E.c. (Advt.p. Back 

Dairy, 1889. M.—15th. 3d. J. D. Hand, 144 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dairy World & British Dairy Farmer, 1892. M.—i6th. 1d. 98 & 99 Fetter Lane, E.C. 
DALKEITH ADVERTISER, 1851. Thurs—6am. 1d. P. &D. Lyle, High St., Dalkeith. 
Datkeith District Directory and Almanac, 1860. Dec. 2d. P. & D. Lyle, High St., Dalkeith. 

+DALRY & KILBIRNIE HERALD, 1893. Fri. ld. G. Murchland, High St., Irvine. A 
localised edition of the Irvine Herald. 

Dalston, ——— and Canonbury Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. | 

DALTON & ULVERSTON ADVERTISER, 1848. (c) Thurs. ld. W. Holmes Lim., Light- 
bourne Road, Ulverston. A localised edition of the Soulby’s Ulverston Advertiser. 

+DALTON NEWS, 1882. (7) Sat. 1d. Barrow News and Mail Lim., Hindpool Road, Barrow- 
in-Furness. -A localised edition of Barrow News. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

Daliton’s Weekly House and Apartment Advertiser, 1870. Fri—9 am. 1d. Evan 
Streachan Lim., 149 Strand, w.c, . 

` Advertisements received forat the Weekly Newspapers. , [49 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Dancing, 1908. M.—lst. 1d. W. Richards, 42 Tachbrook St., 8.w. 

Dancing Times, 1894. M. 1d. 51 Mortimer St., Cavendish Square, w. 

Danlelite Star, 1887. Quarterly. $d. Lt.-Col. T. W. Richardson, 81 Clarence Road, Wood Green, N. 

Darkness & Light, 1894. M.—25th. 1d., occas. illus. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.c. 

+DARLASTON HERALD, 1891. (c) Fri.—even., forSat. 1d. Ryder & Son, Wednesbury. A 
localised edition of the Wednesbury Herald. 

+DARLASTON LEADER, 1897. (l) Fri. 1d. J. Lloyd Astbury, Spring Head, Wednesbury. 
A localised edition of the Wednesbury Leader. 
Darlington Directory, 1899. Irreg. 58. net. Bailey & Co., Horse Market, Darlington. 

Sat. 1d. Darlington & Stockton Times Newspaper Co. Lim., Darlington. 

Dartford Almanac and Directory, 1847. Dee. 1d. Perry & Son, 20 Lowfield St., Dartford. 
+DARTFORD CHRONICLE, 1869. Mon. for Tues. $d. Hythe St., Dartford. (Advt. p. 423.) 
+DARTFORD EXPRESS, 1872. (l) Fri. id. T. Jenkins, Orchard St., Dartford. 

DARTFORD NEWS, 1899 (as Dartford Telegraph, 1886). Fri. ld. B.P. Boorman, Week St., 
Maidstone. Localised edition of tho Kent Messenger. 

+DARTMOUTH & SOUTH HAMS CHRONICLE, 1851. Fri. 1d. R. Cranford & Son, 
Fairfax Place, Dartmouth. 

+DARTMOUTH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed.& Thurs. id. Mortimer Bros., 
34 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891. Oct. 1s. 6d. and 2s.6d. Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster 

| Buildings, E.c. 

+DARWEN AND COUNTY GAZETTE, 1900 (as Darwen Post, 1885). (c) Sat.—5 a.m. ld. 
W.P. Watkins, Borough Road, Darwen. 

Pannen NEWS, 1874. (l) Sat.,1d.; Wed., $d. J. J. Riley, Whitehall Bank News Office, 


DARWEN WEEKLY ADVERTISER, 1893. Fri. N. Leach, Bolton Road, Darwen. 

Datchelor School Magazine, 1887. During term. 6d. The Librarian, Datchelor School, 
Camberwell, 8.5. 

+DAVENTRY EXPRESS, 1860. (c) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 1d. T. W. Revill, 88 Sheaf St., Daventry. 

David Bryce’s Educational Guide, 1881. July. Gratis. D. Bryce & Son, 188 West Campbell 
St., Glasgow. 

David’s Sling, 1895 (now Bible Class Journal, 1908). 

Davy’s Devon Herd Book, 1851. May. 3s. Devon Cattle Breeders’ Society, Wiveliscombe. 

DAWLISH GAZETTE, 1897. Sat. 1d. J. Eunson, 29a Strand, Dawlish. 

DAWLISH TIMES, 1862. Sat. 1d. A.S. Cornelius, 15 Strand, Dawlish. 

DAWLISH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882 (now Buckfastleigh Western Guardian). 

Dawn, 1901. M.—1st. id. “Sunrise” Publishing Co., Upper Bank St., Warrington, 

Dawn, 1901. M.—1l5th. 1s. Stewart & Co., #1 Farringdon St., E.c. 

Dawn, 1902. M.—ist. Gratis. T. Mayfield, Charlotte St., Ilkeston. 

Dawn of Day, 1878. M.—1st. 4d. and 1d., illus. S.P.C.K., Northumberland Avenue, w.c. 

Day of Days, 1870. M.—25th. 14d., illus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

Daybreak, 1896. Quarterly. 1d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.C. 

+Dayiight, 1878. (ind. rad.) Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. 1d. E. Burgess & Sons Lim., St. Stephen’s 
St., Norwich. 
Dayspring, 1872. M. $d. illus. J. & R. Parlane, 97 High St., Paisley. (London: Houlston.) 

De La Rue’s Diaries and Pocket Books. Nov. De La Rue & Co. Lim., 110 Bunhill Row, E.c. 

+DEAL PAPER & EAST KENT ADVERTISER, 1892. (2) Fri. for Sat.—56 cols. 1d.-G. B. 
Bichmond, Royal Oak, Oak St., Deal. 

Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Blue Book, 1896. Dec. 1s. Robinson Printing Co. Lim., Robert 
St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

+DEAL, WALMER, & SANDWICH MERCURY, 1865. (c) Sat. 1d. T.F. Pain & Sons 
Mercury Commercial Printing Works, Queen St., Deal. i 

+DEAN FOREST GUARDIAN, 1874. (c) Fri. 1d. A.T. Bright, Newland St., Coleford. 
+DEAN FOREST MERCURY, 1881. (2) Fri—3p.m. 1d. J. Cooksey, Woodside St., Cinderford 
Debrett's Coming Events, 1901. M.—ist. 6d. Dean & Son Lim., 1604 Fleet St,ec. | 

C —— — — — — — — — — 
60] ° J, Wilting, Junr, Lim. Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 


Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

— — — — — — — — — — — 

Debrett’s House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1866. Jan. 78. 6d., illus. Dean & Son Lim,, 
160a Fleet St., E.c. 

Debrett's Illustrated Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1808. Dec. 16s. 6d. Dean & 
Son Lim., 1604 Fleet St., E.c. 

Debrett’s Illustrated Peerage, und Titles of Courtesy, 1718. Dec. 16s.6d. Dean & Son Lim, 
1604 Fleet St., E.C. 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, 1718. Dec. 81s. 6d., illus. Dean 
& Son Lim., 1604 Fleet St., E.C. 

Decorator, 1902. M.—22nd. 6d. ‘Trade Papers Publishing Co. Lim., 865 Birkbeck Bank 
Chambers, High Holborn, w.c. 

Decorators’ and Painters’ Magazine, 1901. M.—15th. 6d. Dale, Reynolds & Co, 
46 Cannon St., E.C. 

Decorators’ Diary and Trade Year Book, 1908. Dec. 68. Trade Papers Publishing Co. Lim,, 
865 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, High Holborn, E.c. 

Decorators’ Gazette & Plumbers’ Review, 1882. M.—19th. 6s. 6d. per ann., illus. Scott, 
Greenwood & Co., 19 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Decorators’ Gazette & Plumbers’ Review Diary, 1887. Nov. 8s. 6d., illus. Scott, Greenwood & 
Co., 19 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Delineator, 1908 (as Delineator-Designer, 1902, with which is incorporated Delineator, 1878 ; 
Glass of Fashion Up to Date, 1896; and Designer, 1900). M.—10th. 6d., illus. Butterick 
Publishing Co. Lim., 66 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

Deliverer, 1889. M.—lst. 1d., illus. 102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 
Democracy, 1901 (as Ethical World, 1898 ; as Ethics, 1901). 

¢DENBIGHSHIRE FREE PRESS, 1888 (as Denbigh, Ruthin, and Vale of Clwyd Free Press, 
1881). Fri. for Sat. ld. C. Cottom & Co., 85 Vale St., Denbigh. (Advt. p. 446.) 

Denstonian. 6 issues per year. 8s. 4d. per annum. Denstone College, Staffordshire. 

Dental Annual, 1908. Baillière, Tindall & Cox, Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Dental Record, 1881. M.—1st. 6d. Dental Manufacturing Co. Lim., 6-10 Lexington St., w. 
Dental Students’ Register, 1900. March. 1s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 
Dentists’ Register, 1879. Feb. 8s.4d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 
Denvir’s Monthly Irish Library, 1902. M.—ist. ld. Denvir, 61 Fleet St., E.C. 

en = (as Derby School Fasti, 1882). Three times a year. 1s. Bacon & Hudson, Colyear 
St., Derby 

TOERTY AND CHESTERFIELD REPORTER, 1823. (l) Thurs.—2.80 p.m., for Fri. ld. 
M. Pike Lim., 89 Corn Market, Derby. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

= and District Directoy: 1886. Irreg. 48. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Derby & District Methodist, 1887. M.—1st. ld. Harpur & Sons, 10 Friar Gate, Derby. 
Derby Co-operative Society Record, 1876. M.—Ist. Gratis. Albert St., Derby. 

tDERBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1879. (l) 1p.m. jd. E. M. Pike Lim., 89 Corn Market, 
Derby. (London: 62 budgeto Hill.) 

tDERBY EXPRESS, 1884. (c) Daily—p.m. d. Midland Constitutional News Co. Lim., 
17 Corn Market, Derby. 
TSRS MERCURY (as Drewry’s Derby Mercury, 1782, with — is RER: Belper 
&c., Chronicle, 1901. (c) Tues.—p.m., for Wed. ld. Midland Constitutional News Co. 
Lim., 17 Corn Market, Derby. 
+DERBYSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1846. Thurs.—8 p.m., for Fri. ; and Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 
Hobson & Son Lim., Market Place, Derby. (London: H.C. Anning, 49 Fleet St.) 

Derbyshire. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, 
Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tDERBYSHIRE COURIER, 1828. (l) Tues.—6 p.m., $d.; Fri.—9.30 a.m. and 4 p.m., for Sat. 
1d. Derbyshire Courier, &e., Co. Lim., Burlington St., Chesterfield. 
Derbyshire Cricket Guide, 1895. May. 2d. Bacon & Hudson, Colyear St., Derby. 

Derbyshire, Notts, Leicestershire & Rutland Directory, 1848. 80s. Every four years. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Derbyshire Red Book and Calendar, 1860. Jan. 1s. Bemrose & Sons Lim., Midland Place, 
‘ Derby. (London: 4 Snow Hill.) 

DERBYSHIRE TELEPHONE & PEOPLE’S ADVOCATE, 1898 (incorporated in the 
_ Belper News & Derbyshire Telephone, 1901). 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. z [51 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+DERBYSHIRE TIMES, 1854 (with which is incorporated Glossop Times. Saturday issue only. 
Guaranteed circulation, 20,000, vide Auditor’s certificate). (c) Wed., 4d.; Sat., 1d. 
W. Edmunds Lim., Station Road, Chesterfield. (London : 180 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 446.) 

+DEREHAM & FAKENHAM TIMES, 1880. Fri. for Sat. 1d. F. W. Count, Market 
Place, Dereham. One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Derry Amando and North-West Directory, 1864. Dec. 18 Wm. Colhoun, Sentinel Office, 
ndonderry. i 
Derry £ Antrim Year-Book, 1899. Dec. 2d. “Constitution” Office, Coleraine. 

tTDERRY JOURNAL, 1772. (nat.) Mon., Wed., Fri. 1d. T. M‘Carter, Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

{DERRY PEOPLE AND DONEGAL NEWS, 1902. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. The North-West 
of Ireland P. & P. Co. Lim., John St., Omagh. 

+DERRY STANDARD, 1888 (as Londonderry Standard, 1886). (u) Mon, Wed., Fri— 
1.40 a.m. 1d. J.C. Glendinning, 28 Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

Designer, 1900 (incorporated in the Delineator, 1902). 
DEVIZES AND WILTSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1857 (now Wiltshire Advertiser, 1908). 

tDEVIZES AND. WILTSHIRE GAZETTE, 1816. (c) Thurs.—1.80 pm. 1d. G. Simpson, 
Market Place, Devizes. ' 

Devon and Cornwall. Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881, Annually, 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

ĮDEVON AND EXETER GAZETTE, 1885 (as Exeter Gazette, 1772). (c) lam. Tues. & 
| Fri, 1d.; other days, $d. G. F. Gratwicke, 229 High St., Exeter. (London: 71 Fleet St.) 

tTDEVON AND SOMERSET WEEKLY NEWS, 1878. Wed.—2.10 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. 
Woodley & Co., Gold St., Tiverton. 

Devon Congregational Magazine, 1898. M.—1st, 1d. Mount Warren, Torquay. 
tDEVON EVENING EXPRESS, 1866. (2) Daily—8 p.m. 4d. W. Wreford, 226 High St., Exeter. 
Devon Masonic Directory, 1897. June. 1s. H. Besley & Dagleish Lim., 89 South St., Exeter. 

Den yo & Queries, 1900. Quarterly. 6s. 6d. per annum. J. G. Commin, 280 High St., 
xeter., i 
DEVON POST, 1872. (c) Sat—5 p.m. $d. J.B. Jones, Boutport St., Barnstaple. 

¢DEVON VALLEY TRIBUNE, 1899. (1) Tues. ġd. W.M. Bett, Tillicoultry. 
+DEVON WEEKLY TIMES, 1861. (2) Fri—lam. 1d. W. Wreford, 226 High St., Exeter. 

Devonshire and Cornwall Directory, 1856. Every four years. 868. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Dewdrop, 1848. M. 3d., illus. T. D. Morison, 240 Hope St., Glasgow. (London: E. Stock.) 

tDEWSBURY DISTRICT NEWS & CHRONICLE, 1854. (c) Sat.—a.m. 1d. News Printing 
& Publishing Co. Lim., Union St., Dewsbury. . (London: 180 Fleet St., E.C.) 

¢DEWSBURY REPORTER, 1858, (J) Fri—midnight, for Sat. 1d. The Reporter Lim., 
Wellington Road, Dewsbury. 

Diamond Racing Special, 1895 (with which is ‘incorporated Eureka’s Racing Special). Fri. 
1d. Farrington & Co., 89 & 49 Shoe Lane, E.C. l 

Banane from South Africa. M.—10th. $d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster 
W, E.C. 

Diary and Directory for Surveyors, Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, 1888. Nov. bs. to. 
8s. 6d. Estates Gazette Lim., 6 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Diary for Lawyers, 1892. Oct. 88. 6d. Sweet & Maxwell, 8 Chancery Lane, W.¢. 

Dicks’ Penny Standard Plays, 1860, 1d,, illus. J. Dicks, Effingham House, Arundel St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Diet versus Drugs, 1902 (with which is inco ted Life & Beauty, 1900: Heal 
without Drugs, 1908). ( ï rporated Life & Beauty, 3 now Health 

Dictionary of Civil Parishes, Townships, dc. in England and Wales, 1879. Occas. 12s. 6d. 
Knight & Co., 4 La Belle Sauvage Yard, E.C. k . 

Dioptric Review, 1895. M.—5th. 6d. British Optical Association, 17 Shaftesbury Avenue, w. 
Directory of Contractors, 1892. 153.0d. 18 Victoria St., S.W. 
Directory of Directors, 1880. March. 15s. 1 Roya] Exchange Buildings, #.¢, 

Directory of London Chartering Merchants, 1899. An . 108, - 
Gardens, Tower Hill, £.c. g ’ nually. 10s. 6d. Montague Joseph, 7 Savage 

Directory of Occult Practitioners, 1901. Irreg. 1s, The Ellis Family, The Promenade, Blackpool. 
SE en a an — 
62] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Directory of Paper Makers, 1876. Janu. 1s. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47.St. Mary Axe, E.c. 

Directory of the Tobacco Trade, 1883. Triennially. 15s. E. S. Caton, 2 Monument Station 
Buildings, E.c. 

Disestablishment Banner, 1889. Quarterly. 1d. 18 South Charlotte St., Edinburgh. 

+DISS EXPRESS, 1864, Fri—2p.m. 1d. E. Abbott, Mere St., Diss. 

Distillers’, Brewers’ & Spirit Merchants’ Magazine and Trade News, 1897. M.— 1st. 
J. McMaurtrie, 11 Bothwell St., Glasgow. (London: 61 Fleet St., E.c.) 

DISTRICT NEWS, 1896 (now Dewsbury District News £ Chronicle). 

Divre Hayomim, 1896. Quarterly. 1d. Central Hall, Philpot St., B. 

Diwygiwr (The Reformer), 1885. M. 8d., illus. B. R. Rees & Son, Vaughan St., Llanelly, 
Dock Book. Annually. 6s. J.D. Potter, 145 Minories, E. 

Doctor, 1898. M.—20th. 1d. 858 Strand, w.c. 

Dod’s Parliamentary Companion, 1882. Jan. 48.6d. Whittaker & Co., 2 White Hart St.,E.c. 

Dod’s Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, 1840. Jan. 10s. 6d., illus. Sampson Low, Marston 
& Co., St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Dodd's Almanack, 1874. Dec. id. T.R. Dodd, 64 Hendon Road, Sundorland. 

Dodd's Darlington Annual, 1899. 1d. J. Dodd, 88 Moorgate, Darlington. 

Dog Owners’ Annual, 1890. Dec. 1s. & 2s., illus. Dean & Son Lim., 160a Fleet St., E.C. 

Doid — ne Counties Illustrated Annual, 1868. Dec. 1s. Hoyten & Cole, 17 Russell St., 


Dollar Magazine, 1908. Quarterly. 1s. Darien Press, 5 Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 

Dome, 1897. M.—ist. 1s. 7 Cecil Court, St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Domestic Help, 1884 (as Universal Register, 1879). Thurs. 14. F.W.Hetherington, 1634 Strand, w.c. 

Domestic Wants, 1902. Wed. id. 8 Acre Lane, Brixton, s.w. 

Dominican and Rosary Calendar, 1869. Dec. 1d. 8. Walker, 86 Castle St., Hinckley. 

Donaldson’s Engineer's Annual £ Almanac, 1875. Oct. 1s. Donaldson & Owens, 8 Albert 
Buildings, Liverpool. 


“Goole Times” Printing and Publishing Co. Lim.,15 Boothferry Road, Goole. A localised 
edition of the Goole Times. 

tDONCASTER CHRONICLE, 1886. (c) Fri. 1d. Hartley & Son, 16 High St., Doncaster, 
Doncaster Directory, 1891. Jan. 6d. Gazette Co., Doncaster. 

tDONCASTER GAZETTE, 1786. (7) Thurs.—6.80 p.m., and Fri—6 p.m. 1d. Doncaster 
Gazette &c., Co. Lim., Printing Office St., Doncaster. 

tDONEGAL INDEPENDENT, 1888 (as Ballyshannon Herald, 1881). Fri—8pm. ld. P.A. 
Mooney, The Mall, Ballyshannon. 

DONEGAL VINDICATOR, 1889. (nat.) Fri. 1d. East Port, Ballyshannon. 

Donegals Own Journal, 1901, M.—1st, 2d. The Editor, Sth B. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 

tDORCHESTER TELEGRAM, 1855. (2) Tues. 1d. H. Southern, Dorchester. One of the 
Weymouth Telegram series, 

H. F. D. Porter, 9 High St., Dorking. (Advt. p. 481.) 

Dorking & Box Hill Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 

_ Holborn, w.c. 

Dorking Directory, 1860. Dec. 6d. Olark & Co., High St., Dorking. 

tDornbusch’s Floating Cargoes Morning and Evening Lists, 1654 & 1858. Daily. 
1008. & 120s. per ann. Comtelburo Lim., 11 Tokenhouse Yard, E.c., 

Dorothy’s Home Journal for Ladies (now Family Novelist). 

tDORSET AND SOMERSET STANDARD, 1886 (as Sherborne Recorder, 1858), (c) Wed.— 
5 p.m., for Thurs. $d. J.C. Coleman, Cheap St., Sherborne, Dorset. 

tDORSET COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1821. (c) Wed.—5 p.m. for Thurs. 1d. gi 
Co., 68 High West St., Dorchester. ea i. & 2d. Sime & 

Dorset Records, 1899. Dec. 10s. 6d. E. A. Fry, 172 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Douglass’ Directory of Amateur Dramatic Clubs, Professional Entertainers, dc. 
ls. Percy House, Colvestone Crescent, Dalston, N.E. 8, fe, 1897. Nor 

Advertisements recewed for all the Metropolitan Reviews. [jo 
' E2 

ABC List.] Willing's Press Guide. 

DOVER & COUNTY CHRONICLE (as Dover Chronicle, 1885). (c) Fri—noon, for Sat. 
ld. Dover & County Chronicle Co. Lim., 2 King St., Dover. 

DOVER EXPRESS & EAST KENT NEWS, 1858. (l) Fri—noon. 1d. J. Bavington Jones, 
185 Snargate St., Dover. 

+DOVER OBSERVER, 1894. Fri. 1d. F.J. Parsons Lim., 144 Snargate St., Dover. 
+DOVER STANDARD, 1872. (c) Fri.—11 p.m., for Sat. 1d. R. Turner,17 Snargate St., Dover. 

+DOVER TELEGRAPH, 1832. (c) Tues.—noon, for Wed. 1d. Dover & County Chronicle 
Co. Lim., 2 King St., Dover. 

Dovorian, 1878 (as Dover College Magazine, 1878). Bi-M. 6d. Grigg & Son, York St., Dover. 
+DOWN RECORDER, 1886. (c) Sat—am. 1d. W. Y. Crichton, 118 Irish St., Downpatrick. 

+DOWNHAM MARKET GAZETTE, 1879. Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. H. M. Richards 
Downham Market. (London: 60 Ludgate Hill.) One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

DOWNHAM MARKET NEWS, 1908. Sat. 1d. Lynn News and County Press Co. Lim., 
Purfleet St., King’s Lynn. One of the Lynn News series. 

‘ Downside Review, 1880. Three times a year. 5s. St. Gregory’s Society, Downside, Bath. 
Dramatic World, 1894 (English Edition) (now Society and Dramatic World). 

¢Draper, 1902 (incorporating the Warehouseman and Draper, 1871, the Draper, and the Drapery 
World, 1892). Sat. 1d. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Draper’s Diary, 1887. Nov. 2s.6d. W.H. & L. Collingridge, 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 
+Drapers’ Record, 1887. Fri—for Sat. 1d., illus. 155 Cheapside, E.C. 

Drapery, Silk, and Wcollen Trades Journal. Wed. 25s. perann. John Kemp & Co. 
Lim., 46 Cannon Stb., E.C. 

Drapery World, 1894 (incorporated with the Draper). 

prauent Players’ Quarterly Review, 1888. 9d. J. A.Kear, 6 Lawford St., St. Jude’s, 

Draughts World, 1892. M.—1st Sat. 8d. A. Bryson & Co. Lim., 92 Trongate, Glasgow. 
Dress Cutting and Making, 1898 (now Tailoress and Dress Cutter, 1908). 

+DRIFFIELD OBSERVER, 1853. (2) Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. T. Holderness, Middle St., Driffield. 
+DRIFFIELD TIMES, 1860. Thurs. & Fri. 1d. Exchange St., Driffield. 

+DROGHEDA ARGUS & LEINSTER JOURNAL, 1835. (nat.) Sat.—Sa.m. 1d. Anne Hughes 
& Co., 111 West St., Drogheda. 

+DROGHEDA CONSERVATIVE, 1887. (c) Sat. 1d. A. M‘Dougall, 6 Peter St., Drogheda. 

+DROGHEDA INDEPENDENT, 1884. (x) Sat.—2a.m. 1d. Drogheda Independent Co. 
Lim., 7 Shop St., Drogheda. 

Droghedean, 1880. Quarterly. 8d. Grammar School, Drogheda. 

for Sat. id. M. Smith, Queen St., Droitwich. : 

DROYLSDEN AND OPENSHAW WEEKLY HERALD, 1887. Fri. for Sat. 14d. Herald 
Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne, a localised edition of 
the Weekly Herald, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Druld’s Quarterly Magazine, 1868. 1d. J. Westall, 5 Great John St., Manchester. 
Drysorfa (The Treasury), 1880. M.-—-Ist. 4d. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Carnarvon. 

+DUBLIN EVENING MAIL, 1828. (u) Daily—5 editions. 4d. Dublin Evening Mail, 
39 & 40 Parliament St., Dublin. (London: 199 Strand.) 

Dublin Gazette, 1705. Tues. & Fri. 8d. per sheet. Alex. Thom & Co. Lim., 87 Middle Abbey 
St., Dublin. Official paper. 

Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 1882. M.—l1st. 2s., illus.; 20s. per ann. Fannin & Ce. 
Lim., 41 Grafton St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Dublin Penny Journal, 1902. Sat. 1d. 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 
Dublin Post Office Guide (now Post Ofice Guide for Dublin and District). 

Dublin Review, 1836. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. Burns & Oates Lim., 28 Orchard St., w, 
Theological, political, and general essays and reviews (Catholic). Advt.) 

Dublin University Calendar, 1833. Oct. & Jan. 2s. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Lim., 104 Grafton 
St., Dublin. | | 

Duchess Novelette, 1894. Mon. $d. C. Shurey, 11 Gough Square, E.ð: — 
+DUDLEY DISPATCH, 1900. (2) Fri. id. Williams Bros., King St., Dudley. 

51] J, Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List, 

t{DUDLEY HERALD, 1866. Fri—p.m., for Sat, 1d. R. Hudson, 210 Wolverhampton St., Dudley. 
(London: 142 Fleet St. ) One of the County Herald for Staffordshire dc. series. 

RUNI FTOWN NEWS & SPEYSIDE ADVERTISER, 1894. Sat. $d. J.Ingram, Albert Place, 


DUKINFIELD HERALD, 1889. (c) Fri. for Sat. 13d. Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. 
A localised edition of the Weekly Herald, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

DULWICH POST, 1901 (with which is incorporated Dulwich and District Advertiser). (ind.) 
Sat. $d. Dulwich Newspaper Co., 183 Lordship Lane, s.&. (Advt, p. 446). 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, dc., Directory, 1885. Annually, ls. Kelly’s Directories Lim, 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 
TRMB ARTOIN HERALD, 1851. (2) Wed.—4 p.m. 1d. Bennett & Thomson, 47 Church St., Dum- 

{DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY COURIER & HERALD (as Dum/fries Courier, 1809). (c) Wed. 
& Sat. 1d. R.G. Mann, 111 & 118 High St., Dumfries. 

tDUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY STANDARD, 1848. (7) Wed. & Sat. 1d. Thos. Hunter & 
Co., High St., Dumfries. 
Duncan's Brewery Manual, 1890 (now Brewery Manual, 1902). 

Duncan’s Manual of Tramways, Omnibuses, and Electric Railways, 1883 (as Manual of Tram- 
way Companies, 1877). May. 5s. J.T. Whiting & Sons Lim., 7a South Place, Finsbury, E.c. 

{DUNDQLK DEMOCRAT, 1849. (nat.) Fri.—10 p.m.; Sat.—9 a.m. 1d. T. Roe, 8 Earl St., Dundalk. 

DUNDALK EXAMINER, 1880 (as Newry Examiner, 1830). (nat.) Sat. Id. J. Mathews, 68 
Clanbrassil St., Dundalk. 

{DUNDALK HERALD, 1868. (ind.-c) Sat. 1d. T. Roe, Earl St., Dundalk. 

Weer cae ‚1801. (2) Daily. 1d. Leng & Co.,7 Bank St., Dundee. (Londor: 186 


tDundee Catholic Herald, 1893. Fri. ld. Catholic Press Lim., 82 Bell St., Dundee. One 
of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

DUNDEE COURIER, 1816 (now Courier and Argus, 1899). 

Dundee Directory, including Broughty Ferry, Lochee, £c., 1885. June. 4s. J. P. Mathew & 
Co., 17 Cowgate, Dundee. 

DUNDEE FREE PRESS, 1899. (ind.) Fri. $d. Dundee Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 
106 Cowgate, Dundee. 
Dundee Prices Current, 1851. Wed. £2 2s. per ann. J. W. Warden, 28 Panmure St., Dundee. 

tDUNDEE WEEKLY NEWS, 1855. Tues.—9 p.m. for Sat. 1d. 12 editions. And localised 
editions for Aberdeen; Banff and Moray; Edinburgh; Fife and Kinross; Forfarshire; 
Inverness; Perthshire; and Stirlingshire. W. & D. C. Thomson, 84 North Lindsay St., 
Dundee. (London : 109 Fleet St., E.c.) 

DUNFERMLINE CITIZEN, 1885. (l) Wed. 4d. L. Macbean, 8 Chalmers St., Dunfermline, 
tDUNFERMLINE EXPRESS, 1900. (2) Tues.—p.m. 4d. W. Clark & Son, 11 High St., Dunfermline. 
tDUNFERMLINE JOURNAL, 1872. (2) Sat.—4 a.m. 1d. W. Clark & Son,11 High St., Dunfermline. 

ld. A. Romanes & Son, New Row, High St., Dunfermline. 

Dungannon and District Almanack, 1889. Dec. 1d. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

DUNGANNON NEWS & CO. TYRONE ADVERTISER, 1893. (ind.) Wed.—p.m. for Thu:s, 
dd. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

DUNOON ADVERTISER, 1903. Thurs. $d. R. Craig, Moir St., Dunoon. 

tDUNOON HERALD, 1876. (ind.) Fri—4p.m. 1d. T. Gilchrist, Cross Buildings, Dunoon. 

Sat. 1d. E. & R. Inglis, Dunoon Road, Sandbank, and Ferry Brae, Dunoon. 

Sat. 1d. J. Tibbett, 12 & 18 High St., Dunstable. 

fDUNSTABLE BOROUGH GAZETTE, 1865. (ind.) Wed. 1d. Miles Taylor, 22 High St. 
North, Dunstable. 

Durdey’s Almanack & General Advertiser and Directory, 1879. Dec. 8d. J.Durdey, Misterton, 
near Gainsborough. 

tDURHAM CHRONICLE, 1820. (2) Thurs. for Fri. 1d. T. Welch, 67 Sadler St., Durham. 

Durham College of Medicine Calendar, 1898. Aug. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Akenside Hill, 

Advertisements received for all the Devonshire Newspapers, [55 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Durham College of Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Calendar, 1884. Sept. 1s. Andrew Reid & 
Co. Lim., Akenside Hill, Neweastle-on-Tyne. ` 

tDURHAM COUNTY ADVERTISER (as Durham Advertiser, 1814). (0) Thurs.—S5 p.m., for 
Fri. 1d. R. W. Salkeld, 48 Sadler St., Durham. 

Durham Diocesan Calendar, 1875. Jan. 18. R. W. Salkeld, 48 Sadler St., Durham. (London: Parker.) 

- Durham Directory and Almanack, 1841. Jan. 1s. T. Caldcleugh, 45 Saddler St., Durham. 

Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmorland Directory, 1858. Every four years. 
86s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Durham University Calendar, 1884. Oct. 1s. 6d. Thos. Caldcleugh, 45 Saddler St., Durham. 
(London: Whittaker & Co.) 

Durham University Examination Papers, 1897. Oct. 1s. 6d. Thos. Caldcleugh, - 
45 Saddler St., Durham. 

Durham University Journal, 1876. Three times each term. 6d. T. Caldcleugh, 45 Saddler 
St., Durham. 

Bailey & Son, Parsonage St., Dursley. 

Dydd (The Day), 1868. (7) Wed.—8 p.m., for Fri. 1d. W. Hughes & Sons, Meyrick St., Dolgelly. 

Dyer, Calico Printer, Bleacher, and Finisher, 1879. M.—20th. 9d. 7s.6d. per annum, 
illus. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, £.c. 

Dysgedydd (Instructor), 1820. M. 4d. W. Hughes & Sons, Meyrick St., Dolgelly. , 

Oyagecyac y Plant (Children’s Instructor), 1871. M. 1d. W. Hughes & Sons, Meyrick St., 

Eagle, 1858. Terminally. 1s. 6d. St. John’s College, Cambridge. 

Eagle, 1881. April, July, Dec. 6d. Bedford Modern School, Bedford. 

EAGLE AND CO. CORK ADVERTISER (now Cork County Eagle and Munster Advertiser). 
Eagle & the Serpent, 1898. M.—l1st. 1d. 26 Clovelly Mansions, Gray’s Inn Road, E.c. | 

Ealing, Acton, Hanwell, Brentford, Gunnersbury, and Chiswick Directory, 1886. Annually. . 
1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+EALING GAZETTE, 1898. (c) Sat. 4d. J. King, 218 Uxbridge Road, Ealing. (Advt. p. 452.) 
Ealing Natural Science, £c, Society Annual Report. Victoria Hall, Ealing. 

tEARLESTOWN & NEWTON EXAMINER, 1882. (Z) Fri.for Sat. 1d. J. Walker & Co. 
Bewsey St., Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington, dc., Examiner. (Advt. p. 452.) 

tEARLESTOWN OBSERVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 
Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Observer. 

196 Balham High Road, s.w. 

Early Days, 1846. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle Street, City Road, 
and 26 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Earth, 1902. M.—ist. Lady E. A. M. Blount, 11 Gloucester Road, Kingston Hill. (This organ 
deals with one of the most important subjects of the day, that is: Is water Level or Convex ? Are 
we living upon a Globe flying through the Air? or Upon a Plain with the Sun revolving round 
us? The most advanced Theologians and Scientists of the day are rapidly coming to the con- 
clusion that the Newtonian theory is a bubble and the Bible correct. Which do you believe ? 

Earthen Vessel & Gospel Herald, 1845. M.—ist. 2d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet 

* Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

+EASINGWOLD ADVERTISER & WEEKLY NEWS, 1892. Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d., illus, 

R. E. Smith, Market Place, Easingwold. 

+EAST & SOUTH DEVON ADVERTISER, 1868. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. 1d. D. Vile, 7 Market St.; 
Newton Abbot. 

East and the West, 1908. Quarterly. ls. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, | 
Delahey St., s.w. 

East Angllan Notes and Queries (N.S.), 1885. M. 5s.per ann, A. H. Goose, Rampant 
Horse St., Norwich. 

+EAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES, 1874. 1d. T. R. Elkington, 18 Carr St., Ipswich. (Landon 
Office: 58 Fleet St., E.c.) (Advt.p. 436.) 
+EAST CUMBERLAND NEWS, 1888. (c) Fri. and Sat. id. J.G.Elliott, 27 English Sty 


+EAST END NEWS & LONDON SHIPPING CHRONICLE, 1859. (ind.) Tues.,$d.; Fri., 1d. 
Thomas & Burchell Lim., 44 & 46 High St., Poplar, E. 

— — nl om 

56) J, Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

tEAST ESSEX ADVERTISER & CLACTON NEWS, 1898 (as Clacton News, 1889). Fri. for 
Sat. 1d. Quick & Co. Lim., Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea. 

tEAST ESSEX & HALSTEAD TIMES, &c. (formerly People’s News; now Essex æ Hal- 
stead Times). 

EAST GRINSTEAD OBSERVER, 1881. Sat. 1d. Farncombe & Co., Lim., London Road, 
East Grinstead, and Market Street, Lewes. 

EAST HAM AND BARKING FREE PRESS, 1908. Fri. $d. East Ham & Barking P. & P, 
Co. Lim., 8 Town Hall Buildings, Barking Road, East Ham, E. 

EAST HAM ECHO, 1895. Fri. (ind.) 1d. South Essex Printing & Publishing Co. Lim, 
High St. South, East Ham. 

EAST HAM EXPRESS, 1854. Wed. 4d. Fri. for Sat. 1d. Wilson & Whitworth Lim., Broadway, 
Stratford, 5. A localised edition of the Borough of West Ham, £c., Express. 

tEAST HAM MAIL, 1900. Fri. for Sat. 1d. South Essex Mail, Avenue Works, — 

Road, The Grove, Stratford. A localised edition of the South Essex Mail. 

EAST HAM MERCURY, 1900 (now Manor Park and East Ham Mercury, 1901). 

+EAST HAM RECORDER, 1900. (ind) Fri. 1d. South Essex Recorders Lim., 169 High 
Road, Ilford. One of the Ilford Recorder series. 

+EAST KENT GAZETTE, 1854 Fri. for Sat. 1$d. W. J. Parrett, 17 High St., Sittingbourne, 

+EAST KENT TIMES, 1866. (c) Wed.—6 p.m. 1d. W.E. Duckett, 4 Hardres St., Ramsgate. 

East Liverpool Magazine, 1900. M.—lst. ld. East Liverpool Printing Co., Geneva Road, 
Fairfield, Liverpool. 

EAST LONDON ADVERTISER, 1885 (as Tower Hamlets Independent, 1865). Fri. for Sat. 
ld. W. A. Locks, 821 Mile End Road, E. 

East London Church Chronicle, 1888. Quarterly. 1d.,illus. C. Taylor, Brooke House, 
22 & 28 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

East London Hand-Book £& Diary, 1891. Illus. Dec. 1d.& 6d. W.A. Locks, Advertiser Office, 
821 Mile End Road, E. 

CHRONICLE, 1857. (ind.) Fri. —2 p.m,, for Sat. 1d. Scott, Ady & Co., 2604 Whitechape] 
Road, E. (Advt. p. 486.) 

EAST LOTHIAN VISITOR (incorporated with Haddingtonshire Advertiser). 

tEAST OF FIFE RECORD, 1856. (l) Thurs. for Fri. 1d. W. Russell, Shore St., Anstruther, 

Epress Co., 19 Market Place, Driffield. 

tEAST RIDING TELEGRAPH, 1898 (as Beverley & East Riding Telegraph, 1895.) (ind.) Fri, 
for Sat. 1d. East Riding Telegraph Co., St. Nicholas, Hornsea. 

tEAST SUFFOLK GAZETTE, 1857. Mon.—6 pm, for Tues, 1d. Wm. Clowes & Song 
Lim., Caxton Press, Beccles. 

+EAST SUSSEX NEWS, 1856. Fri. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Lim., Market St., Lewes. 

tEASTBOURNE & SUSSEX SOCIETY, 1899. Tues. 1d. Brighton Society & Guardian Press 
Lim., 15a Marine Parade, Eastbourne. 

Eastbourne Blue-Book. 1882. Aug. 1s. Robinson Printing Co., Roberti St., North Road, 
Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

tEASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Lim.,South St. Eastbourne. 

tEASTBOURNE GAZETTE, 1858. (ind.) Wed. 1d. T. R. Beckett, 4 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. 

Eastbourne Illustrated Visitors’ List and Guide, 1874, Fri. & Sat., July to Oct. ld. 
T. R. Beckett, 4 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. 

Eastbourne Pictorial, 1881. June 25th. 6d., 1s., & 88. 6d., illus. T. R. Beckett, 4 Pevensey Road, 

EASTBOURNE TIMES, 1901. Wed. 1d. Eastbourne Times Co. Lim., 8 Elms Buildings, 
Seaside Road, Eastbourne. . 

Eastbournian, 1870. Twice during term. 6d. Eastbourne College, Eastbourne. 

u ae Annual, 1896. March. 28.6d. H. Virtue & Co. Lim., 7 City Garden Row, City 
, E.C. 

Eastern ABC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1897. Feb. 28. Heywood & Co. Lim., 
150 Holborn, E.c. 

EASTERN ARGUS, 1882 (as Bethnal Green Times, 1860). Fri. for Sat. $d. 8. Carlo, 519 
Cambridge Road, E. 

tEASTERN COUNTIES TIMES, 1893. Fri., for Sat. 1d. South Essew Recorders Lim., 
169 High Road, Ilford, Essex. One of the I ford Recorder series. 

EASTERN DAILY PRESS, 1870. (l) 8a.m. 1d. Norfolk News Co. Lim., 57 London St., 
Norwich. (London: 120 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 426.) 

Advertisements received for all the Welsh Newspapers. [57 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

EASTERN DAILY TELEGRAPH (now Grimsby Daily Telegraph.) 

Eastern European Review, 1902. Fortnightly. 8d. 26 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

EASTERN EVENING NEWS, 1882. (7) Daily—8 p.m. $d. Norfolk News Co. Lim., 
67 London St., Norwich. (London : 120 Fleet St., £.c.) (Advt. p. 426.) 

+EASTERN MERCURY, 1887. (ind.) Tues.—2 pm. d. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., 

EASTERN MORNING GAZETTE, 1902. 1d. East of England Newspaper Co., Norwich. 
(Advt. p. 440.) 

tEASTERN MORNING NEWS, 1864 (as Hull Advertiser, 1794). Daily. 1d. Eastern Morning 
& Hull News Co. Lim., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) 
+EASTERN POST & CITY CHRONICLE, 1868. Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. East London 
Publishing Co. Lim., 16 Mile End Road, £. Journal for the East-end district. (Advt. p. 446.) 
-+EASTERN WEEKLY PRESS, 1867. (Z) Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norfolk News Co. Lim., 
57 London 8t., Norwich. (London: 120 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 426.) 

tEASTLEIGH WEEKLY NEWS, 1892 (with which is incorporated Hampshire Gazette). (ind.) 
ld. Fri. F.J. Hendy, 26a High St., Eastleigh. 8. 

EASTWOOD & KIMBERLEY ADVERTISER, 1894. Fri. $d. G. C. Brittain, Nottingham 
Road, Eastwood, Notts. 

+EBBW VALE WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. for Sat. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, 14 High St., 
Newport, Mon. A localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. 

tECCLES ADVERTISER, 1853. Fri—noon. ld. T. Ball, Market Place, Eccles. 

Eccles Co-operative Society Record, 1896. M.—Iist. Gratis. Peel 8t., Eccles. 

tECCLES & PATRICROFT JOURNAL, 1874. (/) Thurs. p.m. for Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son 

Lim.,72 Church St., Eccles. (London, 20 New Bridge Street.) One of the Bolton Journal series. 
(Advt. p. 866.) 

+ECHO, 1868. (1) Daily—lla.m. d. 19 St. Bride St., E.c. General and commercial news- 
paper. (Advt. p. 420.) 

Echoes of Erin. 8 issues in a year. 1s, W. Strain & Sons, Belfast. | 
Echoes of Mercy, 1891. M.—25th. 1d. Jas. Carter, 18 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Echoes of Service, 1885 (as Missionary Echo, 1871). Semi-monthly, 12th and 25th. 1d. 
H. A. Raymond, 16 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

+ECKINGTON WOODHOUSE & STAVELEY EXPRESS, 1896. (ind.) Fri—5 p.m. 1d. 
W, P. Turner, Market Place, Woodhouse. . 

ECO CYMRAEG (The Welsh Echo), 1899. Sat. $d. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Caer- 

Economic Journal, 1891. Quarterly. 5s. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 
Economic Metropolitan Review, 1900 (now Metropolitan Review). 

Economic Proceedings ofthe Royal Dubiin Society, 1899. Irreg. Price varies. Williams 
& Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Economic Review, 1891. Quarterly. 8s. Rivington & Co., 84 King St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
tEconomist, 1848. Sat.—2.80a.m. 8d. Granville House, 8 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 
Edgbastonia, 1881. M.—15th. 4d. J. A. Sayers, 89 Hagley Road, Birmingham. 

Edinburgh Academy Chronicle, 1898. 9 times a year. 6d. Jas. Jamieson, The Academy 

Henderson Row, Edinburgh. 

tEdinburgh Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 7 North St. Andrew St., 
Edinburgh. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tEDINBURGH CITIZEN & PORTOBELLO ADVERTISER, 1897 (as Portobello Advertiser, 
1864). Fri—a.m. ld. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower St., Portobeilo. 

EDINBURGH EVENING DISPATCH, 1886. (lu) Daily—i pm., and hourly after. $d. 
Ritchie & Co., 24 Cockburn St., Edinburgh. (London: 45 Fleet St.) 

tEDINBURGH EVENING NEWS, 1878. (ind.) Daily—6 editions, 1, 2, 8.16, 4.80, 6, & 7 p.m. 
4d. 18 Market St., Edinburgh. (London: 4 Copthall Buildings.) 

Edinburgh Gazette, 1700. Tues. & Fri. 9d. Exchequer Chambers, Edinburgh. 

Edinburgh Hospital Reports, 1894. Annually. 12s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, 
Edinburgh. (London: Simpkin & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court.) 

Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1855 (as Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1805) 
M.—28th. 2s., illus. Young J. Pentland, Edinburgh. (London: 88 West Smithfield.) 

Edinburgh Medical Missionary Magazine. Quarterly. 8d. Scott & Ferguson (Morrison 
& Gibb Lim.), 11 Queen St., Edinburgh. 


58] J. Willing, Junr., Lim,, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Edinburgh Review, 1802. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Edinburgh University Calendar, 1858. May. 8s. - J. Thin, 54 South Bridge, Edinburgh. 

Upper Edmonton. A localised edition of the Tottenham and Edmonton Weekly Guardian. 

+Education, 1908. Thurs. 8d. 24 Bridge Lane, E.c. 
Education Authorities’ Directory, 1908. Dec. 2s. A. H. Walter, 21 New Bridge St., £.c. 
tEducationai News, 1876. Fri. for Sat. 1d. 8. M. Murray, 40 Princes St., Edinburgh. 

Educational Record, 1848. 1st of Feb., June, Oct. 8d. British and Foreign School Society, 
114 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

Educational Times, 1847. M.—1st. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Edward Alleyn Magazine, 1890. 8times a year. 2d. V. W. Russell, Sec., 252 Barry Road, 
East Dulwich, s.E. 

EGHAM & STAINES NEWS, 1897. Fri. & Sat. 1d. Rawlings & Walsh Lim., Chertsey. 

Egypt Exploration Fund Archeological Report, 1892. Annually. 58. Egypt Exploration Fund, 
87 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Electric Lighting and Traction Directory and Statistics, 1877. Jan. 103.6d. Hazell, Watson 
& Viney, Lim., 52 Long Acre, w.c. 

Electric Power, 1908. M.—ist. 6d. W. E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.C. 

Electric Railway Review and Tramway Journal, 1896. M. 6d. G. Tucker, 1-8 
Salisbury Court, E.C. 

Electrical Contractors, 1903. M.—1st. 6d. 141 Fenchurch St., E.C. 

tElectrical Engineer, 1888 (as Electric Light, 1882). Fri.—4 a.m. 8d., illus. Biggs & Co., 
189 Salisbury Court, E.c. 

Electrical Engineer's Central Station Directory. July. 8s.6d. Biggs & Co., 189-140 Salisbury 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

+Electrical Investments, 1901. Wed. 1d. Manual of Electrical Undertakings Lim., Mowbray 
House, Norfolk St., w.c. 

Electrical Magazine, 1904. M.—Ist. 6d. Electrical Publishing Co., 4 Southampton Row, w.c. 
Electrical Progress & Monthly Register, 1897. M.—1st. 2s. 6d. perann. 110 Cannon St., E.C. 
+Electrical Review, 1872. Fri. 4d. 4 Tudgate Hill, z.c. 

Teor ioe! Times, 1901 (with which is incorporated Lightning, 1891). Thurs. 2d. 8 Bream’s 
Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Electrical Trades Directory £ Handbook, 1888. January. 12s. 6d. G. Tucker, “ Electrician ” 
Printing & Publishing Co., Salisbury Court, Fleet 8t., E.c. 

tElectrician, 1861-1878. Fri. 6d., illus. G. Tucker, 1,2 & 8 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

“ Electrician” Electrical Trades Directory £ Handbook, 1882. Jan. 15s. G. Tucker, 1,2 & 8 
Salisbury Court, Fleet St., z.c. 

tElectricity, 1890. Fri. 1d., illus. 8. Rentell & Co. Lim., 86 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Electro-Chemist and Metallurgist and Metallurgical Review, 1901. M.—15tb. 6d. 
Sherard Cowper-Coles & Co., Lim., 82 Victoria St., 8.w. 

event Hour and Jungle Need, 1903. M.—ist. 1d. T. W.Partridge & Co.,9 Paternoster 
W, E.C. 

EIf, 1899. Quarterly. 21s. perann. Old Bourne Press, 15 Holborn, E.c. 

tELGIN COURANT AND COURIER, 1884 (as Elgin Courier, 1827). (l) Tues. & Fri. 1d, 
Walker, Grassie & Co., 100 High 8t., Elgin. . 

Elizabethan, 1874. Ten times per ann. 6d. Westminster School. 

tELLAND ECHO, 1887. Fri. 1d. J. Hartley, Park St., Brighouse. A localised edition of the 
Brighouse Echo 

tELLAND NEWS, 1898. (l) Fri. 1d. Huddersfield Road, Brighouse. A localised edition of 
the Brighouse News. 

Elstonian, 1876. Bi-monthly. 4d. Bedford County School, Bedford. 

fELTHAM & DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. Fri—a.m. 1d. Kentish District Times Co. Lim., 
Times Buildings, Sidcup. (Advt. p. 423.) 

Eltham, Sidcup, Mottingham, Footscray, dc. Directory, 1889. Jan. 6d. and 1s. Turner & 
Robinson, 81 High St., Eltham. 

Ely Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1870. Jan. 1s. G. H. Tyndall, The Press, Minster, 
Ely. (London: Simpkin & Co. Lim.) 

Ely Diocesan Remembrancer, 1885. M.—14th. 2d. W.P. Spalding, 48 Sidney St., Cambridge. 
Advertisements received for all the Trade Newspapers. — [59 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tELY GAZETTE, 1897. Fri. Hatfield & Co., Market Hill, Cambridge. A localised edition 
of the Cambridge Independent Press. _ 

tELY WEEKLY GUARDIAN, 1889. Fri. 1d. G.H. Tyndall, The Press, Minster, Ely. 

+Empire and South African Empire, 1886 (as South African Empire, 1890). Wed. 6d. 
84 Gt. St. Helens, E.c. 

Empire Bouquet Novels, 1900. Mon. 1d. E.J. Brett, Lim., 6 West Harding St., E.C. 
Empire Review, 1900. M.—25th. 1s. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin's St., s.w. 
¢Encore, 18923, Thurs. ld., illus. 158 Fleet St., B.C. 

HERALD, 1898. (l) Fri. ld. H. Williams, Palace Gardens, Enfield. 

Enfield, Edmonton, and Winchmore Hill Directory, 1898. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tENFIELD OBSERVER (MEYERS'’S), 1902 (as Meyers’s Enfield Observer, 1859), Fri.—10 
a.m. 1d. Meyers, Brooks, & Co. Lim., Lancaster Hall, Enfield. (Advt. p. 446.) 

+Engineer, 1856. Fri—9a.m. 6d., illus. 8. White, 83 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 
“ Engineer” Directory, 1896. Irreg. 8. White, 88 Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

t¢Engineer & iron Trades Advertiser (with which is incorporated the Mercantile Advertiser 
and Shipping Gazette), 1869. Tues. 2d. A. R. Goldie, 28 Buchan St., Glasgow. 

¢Engineering, 1866. Fri—8a.m. 6d.,illus. C. R. Johnson, 85 & 86 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 
Engineering Index, 1891. M.—15th. 1s. 222-225 Strand, w.c. 
Engineering Magazine, 1891. M.—Jst. 1s. 222-225 Strand, w.c. 

Engineering Record, 1888 (English Edition), (as Sanitary Engineer, 1874). Sat.—9 a.m. 
(a fortnight later than at New York). 6d.,, illus. A.C.Shaw, Hastings House, Norfolk St., B.C. 

Engineering Times, 1898, M.—15th. 6d. P.8. King & Son, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., West- 
minster, 8.W. 

Engineering World, 1902 (as Young Engineers’ Monthly, 1901). M.—25th. 2d. G. Pitman, 
18 Cecil 8t., w.c. 

Engineers’ Iron and Metal Trades Directory, 1870. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Engineers’ £ Surveyors’ Compendium & Diary, 1897. Dec. 10s. 6d. Compendium Publishing 
Co., 214-220 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, Holborn, w.c. 

Engineers’ Gazette, 1888. M.—lst. 6d. 56 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Engineers’ Gazette Annual, 1889. Oct. 1s. 56 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Engineers’ Price Book, 1908. Sept. 2s. 6d. net. E. & F. N. Spon, Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Engineer's Year Book, 1894. Jan. 8s. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

English Catalogue of Books, 1887. Jan. 5s. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Lim., St. Dunstan’s 
House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

English Church Union Annual Directory, 1860. Jan. 85 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

+ENGLISH CHURCHMAN, 1848. (c) Thurs.—8 a.m. 1d. S. Arnold, 74 Strand, w.c. . 

English Churchman’s Kalendar, 1901 (as Churchman’s Oxford Kalendar, 1889). Oot. 1s, 
A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Castle St., E.c. 

English Clubs, List of, 1892. Dec. 388. 6d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., New Street Square, r.c. 

English Historical Review, 1886. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. Longmans & Co., 39 Pater- 
noster Row, E.C. 

English Illustrated Magazine, 1888. M.—28th. 6d. Hutchinson & Co., 84-36 Paternoster 
Row, E.c. 

English Kerry and Dexter Herd Book, 1892. English Kerry and Dexter Cattle Society, F. T. A, 
Horden, Secretary, 12 Hanover Square, w. 

¢ENGLISH LAKES VISITOR, 1877. Fri—for Sat. 1d. T. Bakewell, Main St., Keswick. 

¢English Mechanic, 1865. Fri. 2d., illus. E. J. Kibblewhite, Clement’s House, Clement’s 
Inn Passage, w.c. 

Englishwoman’s Review of Social and Industrial Questions, 1868. Quarterly. 1s. 
Miss E. Hare, 22 Berners St., w. 

Englishwoman’s Year Book, 1881 (as Year Book of Women’s Work, 1875). N. 8.1899. Dec, 
28. 6d. A. & C. Black, Soho Square, w. 

tENNISCORTHY GUARDIAN, 1881. (nat.) Thurs.—9 p.m., for Sat. 1d. John M. Walsh, 
Al North Main St., Wexford. One of the Wexford People series. 


60] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

& Son, Gorey. 

Enquire Within, 1890. Tues. for Sat. 1d., illus. Popular Publishing Co., 83 Farringdon St., B. c. 
Enterprise, 1898. M.—ist. 1d. Secretary, Y.M.C.A., Station Terrace, Cardiff. 
Enterprise [British & Foreign], 1902 (with which is incorporated Insurance, Post, & 

Industrial Review, 1878). Sat. ld. Blackfriars Printers Lim., Walter House, Dean 
St., E.C. 

Entomologist, 1877 (as Newman's Entomologist, 1841) M.—25th. 6d.,illus. West, Newman 
& Co., 54 Hatton Garden, E.c. 

Entomologist’ s Monthly Magazine, 1864. 1st, 6d. Gurney & Jackson, 1 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Entomologist’s Record & Journai of Variations, 1890. M.—léth. 6d. E. Stock, 
62 Paternoster Row, E.c. , 

Entr’Acte & Limelight, 1869. Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d., illus. W. C. Barber, 17 Catherine 
St., w.c. Musical and theatrical criticisms. (Advt.p. 446.) | 

Entr’Acte Annual, 1373. Dec. 6d., illus. W. C. Barber, 17 Catherine St., w.c. 

Epicure, 1898. M.—l15th. 4d. 95 Wigmore St., w. 

EPPING ADVERTISER, 1895. Fri. for Sat. jd. M. Hickman, Market Place, Epping, 
Loughton. One of the Loughton and District Advertiser series. _ 

tEPPING GAZETTE, LOUGHTON & ONGAR RECORD, 1894. Sat. $d. A.B. Davis L:m., 
1 Victoria Buildings, Epping. . 

Epsom & Leatherhead Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

EPSOM DISTRICT TIMES & COUNTY POST, 1901. Wed. jd. H. F. D. Porter, 
12 Grand Parade, Epsom. (Advt. p. 481.) 

tEPSOM HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri. for Sat. 1d. 26 High St., Sutton. A localised edition 
of the Surrey County Herald. (Advt. p. 451.) 

J. H. Birch & H. J. Whittington, 10 Station Road, Epsom. (Advt. p. 421.) 

Epsomian, 1870. Six times a year. 6d. Andrews & Son, High St., Epsom, 
tEra, 1887. Sat.—8 a.m. 6d. E. Ledger, 49 Wellington St., w.c. 
Era Almanack, 1868. Jan. 1s. E. Ledger, 49 Wellington St., w.c. 

tERITH CHRONICLE, BELVEDERE & DISTRICT TIMES, 1891 (with which is incor- 
porated Begley & Erith Express), Tues.—a.m. $d, 99 Broadway, Bexley Heath. (Advt. p. 428.) 

tERITH OBSERVER, 1867. Fri. 1d. T, Jonkins, Market Place, Bexley Heath. A localised 
edition of the Besley Heath Observer, 

F. J. Mansfield, High St., Erith. 

tESKDALE & LIDDESDALE ADVERTISER, 1848. (ind.) Tues. for Wed. 1d. W. Wilson, 
48 High 8t., Langholm, RAN 

Esperantist, 1908. M.—ist. 4d. H. B. Mudie, 41 Outer Temple, £.c. 

Essex Almanac and Count Directory, 1864. Dec. 6d., 1s, & 1s. 6d. Meggy Thompson & Co., 
98 High St., — 

ESSEX & HALSTEAD TIMES, 1861 (with whichis incorporated Haverhill Express). (ind. !) 
Sat. ld. Barry & Co., 21 High St., Halstead. 

Essex & Hertfordshire. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co, 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. y. 444.) 

ESSEX & MIDDLESEX GUARDIAN (now Essex Guardian). 

tESSEX & SUFFOLK NEWS, 1860. (c) Sat. 1d. 17 Culver St., Colchester. 

Essex County Annual. 1890. Dec. 1d. Essex County Publishing Co., 20a Horace Road, 
Forest Gate, E. 

tESSEX COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1884 (as Chelmsford Chronicle, 1764). Fri. id. Meggy 
Thompson & Co., 98 High St., Chelmsford. (Advt. p. 446.) 

tESSEX COUNTY STANDARD, 1881. (c) Fri—5'p.m., for Sat. 1d. Benham & Co., 24 
High 8t., Colchester. 

fESSEX GUARDIAN, 1898 (as Essex and Middlesex Guardian, 1894). Sat.—a.m. ld. W.A. 
Locks, 84 High Street, Ilford, Essex. 

Essex Hall Pocket Almanac, 1863. Dec. 1s. Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c. 
Essex Hall Year-Book, 189. Jan. Essex Hall, Essex St., Strand, w.c. 
tESSEX HERALD, 1800. Tues. 1d. Meggy Thompson & Co., 98 High St., Chelmsford. (Advt. p. 446.) 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers, (61 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Essex, Hertfordshire, € Middlesex Directory, 1845. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Essex Imperial Yeomanry Magazine, 1908. M.—I1st. 2d. W.H. Root, Trinity St. Halstead. 

tESSEX INDEPENDENT, 1862. Mon., Wed., Sat. 1d. Essex Weekly News Series Lim. 

tTESSEX NEWSMAN,1870. Sat. 3d. Meggy Thompson&Co., 98 High St., Chelmsford.(Advt. p. 446.) 

Essez Red Book,1894. Dec. 1d. & 6d., illus. W.A. Locks, Guardian Office, 84 High Street, Ilford. 

Essex Review, 1892. Quarterly. 1s. 6d., illus. Tindall & Jarrold, 90 High St., Chelmsford. 

tESSEX TELEGRAPH, 1858 (with which is incorporated the Colchester Mercury). (l) Tues. 
—7 a.m., & Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Essex Telegraph Lim., Head St., Colchester, = —s. 

+ESSEX TIMES, 1868. (ind.) Wed. 4d. Sat. 1d. Wilson & Whitworth Lim. High St., Romford. 

t+ESSEX WEEKLY NEWS, 1862. Fri. ld. Essex Weekly News Lim., Chelmsford. (Certified 
weekly circulation, 80,000. Advt.) 

tEstates Gazette, 1858. Sat.—9 a.m. 8d. Estates Gazette Lim., 6 Bt. Bride St., E.c. 

Ethical Review, 1900. Quarterly. 8d. Mark H. Judge, 4 Kingdom Road, Hampstead, N. . 

Ethical World, 1898 (as Democracy, 1901, now Ethics, 1901). we 

Ethics, 1901 (as Democracy, 1901, as Ethical World, 1898). Sat. 1d. Watts & Co., 17 John- 
son’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Eton College Chronicle, 1868. Weekly during the half. 8d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., Eton 
College, Windsor. 

Eu rgrawn Wesleyaldd (Wesleyan Magazine), 1809. M. 4d. Rev. Hugh Jones, D.D., Wesleyan 

ook Room, Isfryn, Bangor. 

Evangelical Alliance Quarterly, 1899. 1d. 7 Adam St., Strand, w.c. 

Evangelical Magazine, 1798. M.—25th. 6d. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Evangelist, 1876. M.—1st. 1s. per 100, illus. Pickering & Inglis, 78 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 

Evangelist Monthly, 1892. 1d., illus. Bemrose & Son Lim., 4 Snow Hill, £.c. 

tEVENING ARGUS (Brighton), 1880. (ind.) Daily. $d. Southern Publishing Co. Lim., 180 
North St. and West Pier Entrance, Brighton. Telephone 52. (London: 62 Fleet St.) 

fEVENING CHRONICLE (Newcastle), 1885. (1) Daily—2p.m. d. W. Ord, Westgate Road, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 82-85 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 

fEVENING CITIZEN (Glasgow), 1864. (lu) Daily. 4d. Hedderwick & Sons, Citizen Buildings, 
St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. (London: 57 Fleet St.) 

tEVENING ECHO (Cork), 1892. 4d. T. Crosbie & Co. Lim., 95 Patrick 8t., Cork. 

+EVENING EXPRESS (Aberdeen), 1899 (as Aberdeen Evening Express, 1879.) Daily. Aberdeen 
and North of Scotland Newspaper Printing Co. Lim., 18-32 Broad St., Aberdeen. (London: 
5 New Bridge St.) (Advt. p. 419.) | 

tEVENING EXPRESS (Liverpool), 1870. Daily—12.30 p.m. 4d. C. Tinling & Co., Victoria St., 
Liverpool. (London : 81 Fleet St.) 

tEVENING EXPRESS (Cardiff), 1887. (c) Daily—1 p.m. $d. Western Mail Lim., St. Mary 
St., Cardiff. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

+EVENING GAZETTE (Aberdeen), 1882. (7) Daily—12 noon. 4d. A. Marr, 80 Union St., 
Aberdeen. (London: 149 Fleet St.) 

tTEVENING HERALD (Dublin), 1891. (In. nat.) Even., except Sat. $d. Irish Independent 
Co. Lim., Trinity Buildings, Trinity St., Dublin. (London : 190 Fleet St.) 

TEVENING IRISH TIMES (Dublin), 1879. (u) Daily—5 p.m. 1d. Irish Times Lim, 81 West- 
moreland St., Dublin. (London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 487.) 

fEVENING JOURNAL (Carlisle), 1885. (2) Daily (except Fri.)—12.30 pm. $d. Steel Brothers, 
60 English St., Carlisle. 

EVENING MAIL (Newcastle), 1908. Daily. Six editions. d. North Mail, Lim., South St., 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (London: 17 Tudor St.) 

EVENING NEWS (Portsmouth), 1877. (1) Daily—2 p.m. 4d. J. Brymer, Stanhope Road, 

EVENING NEWS (Waterford), 1898. Daily. 4d. C. P. Redmond, 49 O’Connell St., Waterford. 

EVENING NEWS AND EVENING MAIL, 1881. (c) 10.80 am. $d. The Evening News 
Lim., Carmelite House, Tallis St., E.c. 

Evening News Cricket Annual, 1897. March. ld. Carmelite House, Tallis St., E.C. 

EVENING NORTH WILTS HERALD, 1882. Daily—4 p.m. $d. Mrs. Piper, Bath Road, Swindon. 
62) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 


Willing’s Press Guide [ABC List. 

tEVENING POST (Dundee), 1900. $d. W.& D.C: Thömson, Dündee. (London: 109 Fleet St.) 
tEVENING POST (Jersey), 1890. jd. W. E. Guiton, 2 Charles St., St. Helier, Jersey. 

+EVENING PRESS (York), 1884. Daily. 4d. Yorkshire Herald Newspaper Co. Lim., 9 Coney St., 
York. (London: 145 Fleet St., E.c.) 

tEVENING REPORTER (Ashton), 1876. () Thurs.—4.80 pm. $d. J. Andrew & Cu, 
Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Evening School Monthly, 1893. Sept. to April. M.—Ist. 1d. Educational Supply Assucia- 
tion Lim., 42 Holborn Viaduct, E.c. 

tEVENING STANDARD, 1827. (c) Daily—1 p.m. 1d. W. G. Thame, 104 Shoe Lane, E.c. 
Advert. office—28 St. Bride St.,E.c. Telephone 77 Holborn. (Advt. p. ii, Cover.) — 

tEVENING STAR AND DAILY HERALD (Ipswich), (as Star of the East, 1885‘. Daily 
—2p.m. $d. T.R. Elkington, 18 Carr St., Ipswich. 

EVENING SWINDON ADVERTISER (Swindon), 1898. (i) Daily—4.80, 6 (except Fri.) 4d, 
Morris Bros., Victoria Road, Swindon. (London: 61 Fleet St.) 

tEVENING TELEGRAPH (Dublin), 1870. 5 editions daily. 4d. Freeman’s Journal Lim., 83 
Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (London: 211 Strand.) 

tEVENING TELEGRAPH (Dundee), 1877. (1) ‘Daily. $d. Leng & Co.,7 Bank St., Dundee 
(London: 186 Fleet St.) 

tEVENING TELEGRAPH (Kettering), 1897 (with which is amalgamated the Football Telegraph). 
(ind.) Daily at8.30a.m. $d. Northamptonshire Printing Co. Lim., Workhouse Lane, Kettering. 

tEVENING TIDINGS (Penzance), 1886 (as Tidings, 1870). Daily (except Wed.)—4 and 6 p.m. 
4d. Cornish Telegraph Co., 16 Chapel St., Penzance. 

tEVENING TIMES (Glasgow), 1876. Daily. 6 editions, $d. George Outram & Co. Lim., 
65-69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) 

Every Band of Hope Boy's Reciter, 1876. 4timesayear. 1d. J. Brook & Co., 88 Hopwood 
Avenue, Manchester. 

Every Day Electricity, 1908. M.—1ist. 2d. 26 Cannon St., Manchester. 

Every K Own Lawyer, 1868. Dec. 68. 8d. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall 
ourt, E.C. 

for Sat. 1}d. W.& H. Smith Lim., 8 Bridge St., Evesham. (London: 58 Fleet St.) 

22 Bridge St., Evesham. (London: 150 Fleet St.) 

Ewen’s Weekly Stamp News, 1899 (as L’Estrange Ewen’s Weekly Circular, 1897 ; as Ewen’s 
Weekly Circular, 1899). Fri. 1d. R. W. Russell & Co. Lim., 5a Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Examination Gulde, 1901. M. 2d. Payen-Payne & Penny, 48 Kensington Gardens Square, w. 

tExaminer, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Independent and Nonconformist, 1841). 1d. 
Thurs. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Excelsior, 1857. Quarterly. Murray’s Royal Asylum, Perth. 

Exchange Telegraph Company's Stock Exchange News, 1894. Daily. 6d. 17 & 18 
Cornhill, E.c. 

Eaeter mee Calendar and Clergy List, 1860. Dec. 1s. Besley & Dalgleish Lim., 89 South 
St., Exeter. | 

EXETER FLYING POST (now Trewman’s Eweter Flying Post). 

Exeter Post Office Directory, 1878. Sept. 2s.6d. Besley & Dalgleish Lim., 89 South St., Exeter. 
tEXMOUTH CHRONICLE, 1882. Sat. 1d. G. Setten & Son, Rolle St., Exmouth. 
EXMOUTH JOURNAL (now Freeman's Exmouth Journal), 

Export Merchant Shippers’ Directory, 1864. Jan. 15s. 6d. Dean & Son Lim., 160, Fleet St., E.ce 

Export Review and International Trades Advertiser, 1902 (as German Export Review, 
1901). Fortnightly. 6d. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Long’s Court, Leicester Square, w.c. 

Expositor, 1875. M.—28th. 1s. Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, t.c. 
Expository Times, 1889. M.—Iist. 6d. T. & T. Clark, 88 George St., Edinburgh. 

{EXPRESS AND STAR, 1874. Daily. 3d. Midland News Association Lim., 50 Queen St., 

Eyre’s Plymouth and Devonport Post Office Directory, 1875. Feb. 8s,& 4s. J.H. Creber, Union 
St., Plymouth. 

Advertisements received for one or any number of insertions, [63 

ABC List] _ _ Willing’s Press Guide. 

Fabian News, 1891. M.—1st. 14 E.R. Pease, 8 Clement’s Inn, Strand, w.c. 
Fabian Tracts, 1884. Irreg. ld. Fabian Society, 3 Clement’s Inn, Strand, w.c. 

Faces and Places, 1901 (as Lancashire Faces and Places, 1901; as Manchester Faces and 
Places, 1896). M.—15th. 6d. G. Woodhead, Miller St., Manchester. 

Failsworth Co-operative Society Messenger. Gratis. 174 Oldham Rd., Failsworth. 

¢Fairplay, 1888. Thurs.—10 a.m. 6d. 84 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

Faith, 1884. M.—25th. id. C. E. Brooks, Malvern Link. (London: 18 Bouverie St., E.C.) 

Faithful Words (now Springing Well). 

Faith-Links, 1900. M.—1st. 1d. International Christian Association, 85 Queen’s Road, Brighton. 

tFALKIRK HERALD, 1846. (7) Wed.and Sat. 1d. F. Johnston & Co., 125 High St., Falkirk. 

¢FALKIRK MAIL, 1886. (ind.) Sat. ld. J. MacGregor, Manor St., Falkirk 

Falmouth and its Surroundings, 1890. May. 8d. E.T. Olver, Custom House Quay, Falmouth. 

FALMOUTH GAZETTE, 1890. (ind.) Sat. 3d. E. T. Olver, Custom House Quay, Falmouth. 

FALMOUTH PACKET (now Lake's Falmouth Packet.) 

Family Doctor & People’s Medical Adviser, 1885. Wed.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d., illus. The 
Family Doctor Publishing Co., 358 Strand, w.c. 

Family Friend, 1870. M —25th. ld., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Family Herald, 1843. Wed.—10.80 a.m., 1d.; Seaside Number, July, 2d.; Christmas Number, 
Dec., 2d. Family Herald Press, 28 & 34 Henrietta St., Strand, w.c. 

Family Herald Supplement, 1877. Mon.—10.80 a.m. 1d. Family Herald Press, 28 & 24 
Henrietta St., Strand, w.c. 

Family Novelist, 1875. Wed.. 1d. T.H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet St., E.C. 

Family Pocket Stories, 1901. Tues. 1d. Family Herald Press, 28 & 24 Henrietta St., Strand, w.c. 

Family Reader, 1871. Wed.—9 a.m. 1d., illus.; M.—25th. 7d. J. Conway, 85 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c. 

ences Gazette, 1874. Fri. 1d. illus. Fanciers’ Newspaper, &c., Co. Lim., 21 St. Bride 

t., E.C 

Fancy Goods, Games, and Toy Trades Journal, 1902. M.—15th. 2d. Morris & Birch, 
Lim., 57 & 59 Ludgate Hill, z.c. 

Faraday House Journal, 1898. Twice a year. Gratis, illus. 8-10 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

+FARINGDON ADVERTISER, 1855. (c) Sat. 1d. C. Luker & Co., London St., Faringdon. 

+Farm and Home, 1882. Wed.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Robinson, 17 Furnival Bt E.C. 

Farm and Home Year-Book, 1902. Dec. 18. 17 Furnival St., E.c. 

tFarm, Field, & Fireside, 1887. Wed.—10 a.m. 1d., illus. W. A, May, 1 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

+Farmer & Stook-Breeder, 1889 (as The Farmer, 1848). Mon. ld. Macdonald & Martin, 
6 Eissex St., Strand, w.c. 

Farmer and Stock. Breeder Year-Book, 1889 (ns Farmer’s and Country Gentleman’s Almanack, 
1865). Dec. 1s., illus. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

+Farmers’ Gazette, 1842. Sat. 1d., occas. illus. Official Guide Lim., 28 Bachelor’s Walk, Dublin. 

Farmers’ Herald, 1848. M. —9nd Wed. 1d. W.H. Evans & Sons Lim. , Bank Place, Foregate St., 
Chester. (London : E. W. Allen.) 

ADVERTISER, 1897. (u) Fri. 1d. South St., Farnham. 

. 1860). (2). Fri. id. Tillotson & Son Lim., 91 Market St., Farnworth. (London: 20 New 
Bridge St.) One of the Bolton Journal series, (Advt. p. 866.) 

Farrier’s Journal, 1899. M.—1st. 2d. G. Wild, 62 Mount St. , Ashton-under-Lyne. 

FARSLEY ECHO (now Pudsey Echo). 

Fashion, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. The “Fashion” Magazine Publishing Co.,4 Argyle St., Regent St. W. 

Fashions and Patterns, 1898. Irreg. 1d. A. Williams, 14 Hogarth Road, s.w. 

Fashions for Children (incorporated with Isobel’s Dressmaking at Home). 

Father Tuck’s Annual, 1899. Aug. 1st. 5s. Raphael Tuck and Sons, Lim., Raphael House, 
Moorfields, E.c. 

98 Court St., Faversham. 

+FAVERSHAM & NORTH-EAST KENT NEWS, 1883. Fri—p.m., for Sat. id. F, Austin, 
28 Court St., Faversham. 

62) J. Will ng, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. — 

Willing’s Press Guide. {A BC List. 

Faversham Institute Journal, 1862. M.—l1stweek. 1d. The Institute, East St., Faversham. 

+FAVERSHAM MERCURY, 1860. (c) Fri.—p.m.,for Sat. 1d. C.S.Elvy,116 West St., Faversham. 

Favorite Magazine, 1897. M.—25th. 2d. 65-71 Pentonville Road, n. 

Favorite Stories, 1897. M.—15th. 1d. 65-71 Pentonville Road, n. 

Feathered Life, 1908. Wed. ld. 5 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Feathered World, 1889. Fri—9a.m. 1d., illus. Mrs. Comyns Lewer, 9 Arundel St., w.c. 

Feilden’s Magazine, 1898. M.—ist. 6d. & 1s. Feilden Publishing Co. Lim., 104 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Felstedian, 1878. M.—except Jan., Aug., & Sept. 8d. R. W. Hallows, The School, Felsted, Essex. 

Fenland Notes & Queries, 1889. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s.6d. G.C. Caster, Market Place, 

FERMANAGH HERALD, 1903. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. North-West of Ireland P. & P. Co. 
Lim., John St., Omagh. 

FERMANAGH NEWS, 1894. (nat.) Thurs. 1d. P.A. Mooney, 88 East Bridge St., Enniskillen. 

tFERMANAGH TIMES, 1880. (c) Thursday. 1d. W. Ritchie, Bank Buildings, Town Hall St., 

Festival Record, 1901. Bi-M. 1s. per ann. National Co operative Festival Society Lim., 
15 Southampton Row, w.c. 

+Field, 1858. Sat.—8 a.m. 6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 
Field Naturalists’ Quarterly, 1902. 28. 6d. G. A. Morton, 42 George St., Edinburgh. 
Field Officer, 1898. M. 2d. 98-102 Clerkenwell Rd., £.c. 

Fiery Cross, 1901. (Scottish Nationalists and Jacobite.) Quarterly. 1d. T. Napier, 7 West 
Castle Rd., Edinburgh. : 

Fife and Drum Journal, 1860. M.—25th. 21s. per ann.‘ J. R. Lafleur & Son, 15,16, & 17 
Green St., Leicester Square, w.c. 

tFIFE FREE PRESS, 1871. (l) Sat. 1d. Strachan & Livingston, Hunter St., Kirkcaldy. 

tFIFE HERALD & JOURNAL, 1898 (as Fife Herald, 1822, and Fifeshire Journal, 1838). (u) 
Wed.—6 pm. ld. J. & G. Innes, 8 Bonnygate, Cupar. 

tFIFE NEWS, 1870. (u) Fri—7a.m. 1d. J. & G. Innes, 8 Bonnygate, Cupar. 
tFIFESHIRE ADVERTISER, 1888. (2) Sat.—7 a.m. 1d. I.. Macbean, 180 High St., Kirkcaldy. 

Figaro and Irish Gentlewoman, 1901 (as Irish Figaro, 1892, Irish Life, 1890). Sat. 1d. 
Irish Figaro Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 24 Duke St., Dublin. 

FILEY POST & LIST OF VISITORS, 1865. Sat—a.m. 1d. Exors. of G. R. Jackson, 
Exchange St., Driffield. 

Finance, 1898. Sat. Gratis. Central Stock Exchange, 66 Cannon St., E.C. 
tFinance, 1898. Sat. 1d. Finance Publishing Co. Lim., 65 New Broad St., EC. 

Finance and insurance Chronicle (as Insurance Circular, 1869). Semi-monthly—Ist and 
15th. .4d. Russell & Co., 8 John St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Finance Union, 1890 (as Irish Insurance Journal, 1876). Sat. 6d. T. N. Stack, 52 Upper 
Sackville St., Dublin. (London: 82 Bishopsgate St., E.C.) 

tFinancial Chronicle, 1885. Tues. 1d. J. Parr, 108 Bishopsgate St. Within, £.c. 
Financial Express, 1902. M.—1st. 8d. Ragget & Co., 46 Southampton Buildings, Holborn, w.c. 
tFINANCIAL NEWS, 1884. Daily—2.45 a.m. 1d. 11 Abchurch Lane, £.c. (Advt. p. 446.) 
tFinanoial Opinions, 1901. Wed. 1d. 65 Leadenhall St., z.c. 

Financial Reform Almanack, 1865. Dec. 1s. J. W.8S. Callie, 18 Hackins Hey, Liverpool. 
Financial Reformer, 1858. M.—15th. 1d. J. W.S. Callie, 18 Hackins Hey, Liverpool. 
tFinancial Standard, 1890 (N.S. 1899). Tues. 8d. G. Read, 84 Old Broad St., E.C. 
tFINANCIAL TIMES, 1888. Daily—8.45 a.m. 1d. 72 Coleman St., E.C. 

Financial Tit Bits, 1908. Sat. 4d. 81 Birch Lane, Manchester. 

Financial Truth, 1889. Daily. 1d. 19 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Financial World, 1886. Sat.—8 p.m. ld., illus. 15 South Street, Finsbury, E.c. 

tFINANCIER & BULLIONIST, 1900 (as Financier, 1870). Daily. id. 54 Wool Exchange, 
Coleman St., E.C., 21 and 25 Dean St., E.c. (Advt. p. 486.) 

tFinanz Chronik, 1895 (as Reuter’s Finanz Ohronik). Sat. 6d. 88 Coleman St., E.C. 

` Advertisements received Jor all the English Provincial Newspapers. [65 

ABC List.] Willing’s Préss Guide. 


FINCHLEY AND HENDON NEWS, 1859. (ind.) Fri—9a.m., for Sat. 1d. Cowing & Sod, 
' High St., Barnet. Localised edition of the Barnet Press. 

FINCHLEY & HENDON TIMES, 1875. Fri.—1 p.m. for Sat. 1d. J. H. Warden & Co., 71 
Church Road, Hendon, and 11 Regent’ s Parade, North Finchley, x. Localised edition of the 
Hendon & Finchley Times. 

FINCHLEY FREE PRESS, 1898 (with which is incorporated the Highgate £ Muswell Hill Post, 
now Free Press for Finchley). 

FINCHLEY GUARDIAN, 1908. Sat. 1d. L. V. Rogers, 15 Station Road, West Finchley, n. 

1897). Sat. 1d. High Road, East Finchley. 

+FINCHLEY TELEGRAPH & BARNET TIMES, 1890. Thurs. for Fri. 1d., illus. 49 High 
St., Barnet. A localised edition of the Barnet Times. 

Finland Bulletin, 1900. M.—1st. Gratis. Harrison & Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Finsbury Park Circuit Magazine, 189. M.—1st. 1d. Smith’s Printing and Publishing 
Agency, Fleet Works, Hutton St., E.c. 

Finsbury Public Libraries Quarterly Guide to Readers, 1894. ld. The Librarian, 
Finsbury Public Libraries, Skinner St., E.C. 


R. M. H. Griffith, 288 Goswell Road, E.c. (Advt. p. 486.) 

Fire od the Fire Engineer, 1908. Fortnightly. 2d. 47 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Fire and Water, 1884. M.—28th. 1s. 6d. per ann. 5 Pilgrim St., E.C. 

Fire Call, 1900 (as Thermostat Fire Herald, 1899). M.—-1st. 1d. E.N. Duffield, 82 Beech St., E£. 

Firefly, 1880. 8timesayear. 6d. High School, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 

Fireman, 1877. M.—1st. 28. 6d. per ann., illus. C. W. Hopgood, 2 Grocers’ Hall Court, £.c. 

Fireside, 1876 (as Our Own Fireside, 1868). M.—25th. 6d., illus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Sq., E.c. 

Fireside Novelist, 1882. Wed. 1d. T. H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet St., E.C. 

First Aid, 1894. M.—20th. 2d. Dale, Reynolds & Co., 46 Cannon St, E.c. 

First Vol. Batt. Hants Regt. Gazette, 1889. M.—ist. 2d. Warren & Son, 85 High St., 

tFish Trades Gazette, 1883. Thurs.—8 p.m., for Sat. 2d. 89 Fish St. Hill, £.c. 

Fisherman’s Diary, 1900. Jan. Gratis. Scottish Boat Insurance Co. Lim., 20 Seaforth St., 

Fisherman's Nautical Almanack, 1877. Nov. 1s. O.T. Olsen, Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. 

+Fishing Gazette, 1877. Fri.—4 p.m. 2d. Sampson Low & Co. Lim., St. Dunstan’s House, 
Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Fiash, 1895. Daily—llam. K. S. Lewis, 22 Whitefriarsgate, Hull. (London: 74 Fleet St.) 

Fiatiand, 1894. M.—1st. 2d. F. Hazel, Victoria House, 117 Victoria St., s.w. 

Flats, 1889. Sat. 2d. Robins, Snell & Terry, 95 Victoria St., s.w. (For the letting of flats, 
chambers, &c. Advt.) 

+FLEETWOOD CHRONICLE, 1848. Tues. & Fri. 1d. F. Andrews, Albert Square, Fleetwood. 
A localised edition of the Blackpool Herald. 

+FLEETWOOD EXPRESS, 1877. (2) Wed. & Sat. 1d. East St., Fleetwood. 
+FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER, 1855. Thurs.—p.m. 1d. Davies & Co., Piga St. » Holywell. 
Flora & Sylva, 1908. M.—Ilst. 1s. 17 Furnival St., E.C. 

Flock Book of the Devon Long-Woolled Sheep, 1900. Annually. 10s. 6d. The Devon Long- 
Woolled Sheep Society, Wiveliscombe. 

Floriculture, 1908 (as Journal of the Bristol Horticultural Society, 1902), M.—I1st. 6d. 
R. E. Melville, St. Davids, Beaconsfield Road, Knole, Bristol. 

Flute Piayers’ Journal, 1830. M.—20th. Rudall, Carte & Co., 28 Berners St., w. 
Fiying, 1901. Quarterly. 28. 6d. Iliffe & Sons, Lim., 8 St. Bride St., E.C. 
Focus, 1908. Wed. id. Marshall, Brookes & Chalkley Lim., Harp Alley, Farringdon S8t., 2.c. ` 

Sat.—a.m. ld. F. Hill, 40 Cheriton Road, Folkestone. 

FOLKESTONE DAILY NEWS, 1899. 8 a.m., 2 & 5.80 p.m. 1d. 5 Grace Hill, Folkestone, 

Folkestone, Sandgate, & Hythe Directory, 1896. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c, 

FOLKESTONE EXPRESS, 1868. Tues—5 pm, for Wed.; and Fri—8 am, for Sat. 
T. H. English, 81 High St., Folkestone., ; r.—8 a.m., for Sat, 1d, 

a ee u iu 
66) J. Willing, Junr., Inm., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press- Guide. [ABC List. 

tFOLKESTONE HERALD, 1890. (c) Sat. 1d. F.J. Parsons Lim., The Bayle, Folkestone. 

July to Sept. ld. F.J. Parsons Lim., The Bayle, Folkestone. 

Folkestone, Hythe, d: Sandgate Blue Book d Local Directory, 1886. July. 18. 6d.: Robinson 
Printing Co. Lim., Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

1899 (as Folkestone Visitors’ List, 1884; now Hythe Reporter, 1900). 

tFolkestone Programme and Weekly Review. Mon. ld. W. & G. Stroud, 17 George 
Lane, Folkestone. 

FOLKESTONE SEARCH LIGHT, 1889. Wed. 4d. J. Jones, 5 Grace Hill, Folkestone. 

Folkestone Society Times, 1902 (with which is incorporated Folkestone Society) 1x. 
Folkestone Publishing Co., 68 Coolinge Read, Folkestone. 

tFOLKESTONE-UP-TO-DATE, 1893. (rad.) Sat. 1d. J. Jones, 5 Grace Hill, Folkestone. 

Reporter, 1899 ; now Hythe Leporter, 1900). 

Folk-Lore, 1890 (as Archeological Review, 1888). Quarterly. 5s. D. Nutt, 57 & 59 Leng Acie, w.c. 
Food and Cookery, 1397. M.—ist. 4d. 829 Vauxhall Bridge Road, s.w. 

Food for the Faithful, 1898 ‘as Voice to the Faithful, 1867). M.—1st. 1d. London Gosp.:! 
Tract Depot, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Football, 1888. Sut. J. Brook, Football Office, Leeds. 
Football Annual, 1868. Sept. 6d. 168 Upper Thames St., E.C. 

tFootball Chat & Athletic World, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Sporting Mirror’. 
Tues.—a.m., for Wed. 1d. Yootball Publishing Press, 28 Bedford St., w.c. 

+Football Echo & Sports Gazette, 1898. Sat., during season. 1d. 45 Above Bar, Southamp- 
con. (Advt. p. 451.) 

tFootball Evening News, 183^. Sat., during season. 4d. Carmelite House, Tallis St., £.c. 

Football Flashes, 1901. Sat., during season. 6d. Ashleigh Press Agency, Manchester 
Buildings, Upper Priory, Birmingham. 

Football Handbook, 1900. Aug. 1d. J. Leng & Co., 7-25 Bank Street, Dundee. 
Football Herald, 1900. Sat. 4d. Western Newspaper Co. Lim., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. 

tFootball Mail, 1898. Sat., during seson. $d. “Southern Mail” Lim., Edinburgh Road, 

tFootball News, 1891. Sat.—7 p.m., during season. 1d., illus. Nottingham Dy. Express Co. 
Lim., Parliament St., Nottingham. 

Football News and Southern Sports, 1903. Sat., during season. J. Brymer, Stanhope 
Road, Portsmouth. 

Football Pink One, 1892. Sat. 6d. H.E.Cleveland, 8 Scotland Passage, Birmingham. 
tFootball Post. Saturlay edition of the Evening Post, Dundee. 
Football Post, 1908. Sat. 4d. Nottingham Daily Guardian, Nottingham. 
_ {Football Telegraph, 1898. Sat. 1d. 80 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. 
Football Who’s Who, 1901. Sept. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Footsteps of Truth, 1888. Quarterly. 1d. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, £.C. 
Footwear, 1908. Sat. ld. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.C. 
Foreign Coaling Instructions, 1896. Jan. Gratis. Dunford & Elliott, Newcastle-on- Tyne. 

Foreign Mission Chronicle of the Episcopal Church (N. T.), 1900. Quarterly. 3.7. 
St. Giles’ Printing Co., Edinburgh. 

Foreign Office List, 1852. March. 6s., maps. Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall,s.w. (Names and 
services of British Diplomatic and ’ Consular Agents, and other information. List of Foreign 
Representatives in the King’s Dominion, &c. Advt.) 

Fores’s Sporting Notes and Sketches, 1884. Quarterly. 2s., illus. 41 Piccadilly, w. 

1876. Fri. for Sat. 1d. J.G. Locks, 827 High St., Ley ytonstone. Localised edition of the 
Leytonstone Express. ` 

FOREST GATE GAZETTE, 1885 (now County Borough of West Ham Gaectte). 

FOREST HILL AND SYDENHAM EXAMINER, 1895. Fri. 3d. James Allen, 101 Duarte 
mouth Road, Forest Hill, s.E. Ä ge“ es 

— — 
— — — — — — 

Advertisements received Jor all the Magazines, (C7 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Forest Hill, Lower Sydenham, £c., Directory, 1880. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. , 

Foresters’ Miscellany, 1886. M.—ist. ld. A.O.F., 222 Solly St., Sheffield. 
‘Forfar Dispatch, 1888. Thurs. Gratis. O. McPherson, 85 East High St., Forfar. 

Nicolson, Osnaburg St., Forfar. | 

+FORFAR REVIEW, 1888. Fri.—5 a.m. 1d. J. Macdonald, Forfar. 
Forget-me-Not, 1891. Thurs. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Form ata Glance: Racing Anaiysis, 1881. Bi-m. 9d. & ls. Dec. 2s. Hammond & Co. 
Lim., 189 Moor St., Birmingham. 

id. W. L. Hutton, Formby St., Formby. 

FORMBY TIMES, 1895. (l) Sat. 1d. J.J. Riley, 183 Lord St., Southport. 

Forres Almanac, 1865. Dec. 1d. J.D. Miller, 26 Caroline St., Forres. 

+FORRES, ELGIN, & NAIRN GAZETTE, 1837. (2) Wed. 1d. J. D. Miller, 26 Caroline St., Forres. 
Fortnightly Review, 1865. M. 2s.6d. Chapman & Hall Lim.,11 Henrietta St., Covent Garden,w.c. 
Forum, 1885. (English Edition.) Quarterly. 2s.6d. Gay & Bird, 22 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 
Forward! M.—26th. 1d. W. Strain & Sons, Belfast. 

Forward! or On Active Service, 1889 (as Our Soldiers’ Magazine, 1887). M. 1d. Magazine 
of the Soldiers’ Home, Cork. (London: Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c.) 

Foundry Trade Journal, 1902. M.—Ist. 6d. Foundry Publishing Co., 104 Great Russell 
St., W.C. 

Fowler's Electrical Engineers’ Year Book. Oct. 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. Scientific Publishing Co., 
58 New Bailey St., Manchester. 

Fowler's Mechanical Engineers’ Pocket Book,1899. Oct. :1s. 6d. and 28.6d. Scientific Publishing 
'  Co., 58 New Bailey St., Manchester. 

Fox Terrier Chronicle, 1888. M.—8rd Mon. 1s., illus. 149 Fleet St., E.C. 

+FRAMLINGHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1859. Fri—8 p.m., for Sat, 1d. Maulden & Sons, 
Church House, Framlingham. 

Franciscan Annals, 1877. M.—1st. 1d. The Monastery, Crawley, Sussex. 
+FRASERBURGH ADVERTISER, 1852. Fri. 1d. Calder Brothers, 26 High St., Fraserburgh. 
+FRASERBURGH HERALD, 1884. (ind.) Tues. 1d. Fraserburgh Printing Co., Fraserburgh. 

Frazer’s Time Tables & Conveyance Guide for Sootland, 1854. M.—1st. 1d. Jas. 
Frazer, 15 Drury St., Glasgow. — 

Free & Open Church Advocate, 1872. M. Free. Incorporated Free and Open Church 
Association, Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, 8.w. 

Free Church Chronicie, 1899. M.—25th. 2d. T. Law, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., E.C. 

Free Church Magazine, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. A. H. Stockwell, 8 Amen Corner, E.c. 

en Messenger, 1898. M.—Ist. 1d. J. Sears & Sons, 11 & 12 Crane Court, Fleet 
4y E.C. 

Free Church of England Magazine, 1869. M.—i1st. 1d. W. G.M 
Richmond Road, Putney. 6 f : ead & Co., 80 Upper 

Free Church of Scotiand Monthly Record, 1862. 25th. 1d. Nelson & Sons, 85 
Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Free Church Year Book, 1900 (as Proceedings of the National Council, 1896’. April. 28. 6d. 
T. Law, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., A 4 i — 

Free Churchman, 1897. M.—25th. 1d. T. Law, Memorial Hall, Farringdon 8t, E<. 
Free Gospel Magazine (now Independent Methodist). 

Free Labour Press & Industrial Review, 1886. Sat. 1d. J.C. Manning, 20 E 
Road, Brixton, 8.w. ; s anning, 20 Endymion 

tFree aie 1900. Tues. for Sat.1d. Free Lance Co. Lim.,15 Essex Street, Strand,w.c. (Adot. 
p. 441.) 

+Free Methodist, 1885. Wed. 1d. A. Crombie, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

+FREE PRESS (West Bromwich), 1875. (u) Fri—5 p.m., & Sat.—4.80 p.m. ; z 
rick & Jefferson Lim., High St. Woet on a pm $d. Ken 

+FREE PRESS (Wexford), 1988. (nat.) Fri. 1d. M.A. Corcoran, Wexford. 

— — — — — — — — — e — — ——— — — an 
* — — — — — — 

68) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

i . 
Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

+FREE PRESS & ADVERTISER (South Shields), 1891. (ind.) Fri.—mid-day, for Sat. 3d. 
“ R. Simpson & Sons, Chapter Row, South Shields. 

FREE PRESS FOR FINCHLEY, 1897 (as Finchley Free Press, 1898; continued as Finchley 
Free Press, 1908). | 

Free Russia, 1885. M.—ist. 1d. T. Laurie, 18 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Free Sunday Advocate & National Sunday League Record, 1869. M.—I1st. id. 
National Sunday League, 84 Red Lion Square, High Holborn, w.c. 

Free Trader, 1908. Fri. 1d. Speaker Publishing Co. Lim., 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Freedom, 1886. M.—list. 1d. J. Turner, 127 Ossulston St., n.w. 

Freeman (now Baptist Times d: Freeman). ‘ 

+FREEMAN’S EXMOUTH JOURNAL, 1862. (c) Sat. 1d. T. Freeman, Baring House, Exmouth. 

+FREEMAN’S JOURNAL & NATIONAL PRESS (as Freeman’s Journal, 1768). 5a.m. 1d. 
4-8 Prince’s St., Dublin. (London: 211 Strand.) 

+Freemason, 1869. Fri—5 p.m. 8d. George Kenning & Son, 16 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Freemason’s Calendar and Pocket Book, 1775. Nov. 28s. 16 Great Queen St., w.c. List of lodges 
and chapters, places and times of meeting, &c. 

+Freemason’s Chronicle, 1875. Fri. for Sat. 18s. 6d. per ann. W. W. Morgan, Fleet Works, 
New Barnet. 

Freethinker, 1881. Thurs.—9 a.m. 2d. Freethought Publishing Co. Lim., 2 Newcastle St., 
Farringdon St., E.C. 

Freir’s Colonial and Foreign Register, 1896 (now Colonizer, 1908). 

Advertiser Co., Freshwater. 

tFriend, 1848. Fri. 1d., illus. 14 Bishopsgate St. Without, E.c. 
Friend of China, 1875. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8d. Finsbury House,Blomfield St., London Wall,E.c. 
Friendly Companion, 1857 (N.S. 1875). M.—I1st. 1d., illus. F. Kirby, 17 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Friendly Greetings, 1880. Mon. d., illus. M.—25th. 4d. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Friendly Leaves, 1876. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 
Friendly Visitor (N.S. 1867). M.—25th. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Friendly Work for Friendly Workers, 1902. Quarterly. 1d. Gardner, Darton & Co., 
8 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Friends’ Quarterly Examiner, 1867. Jan., April, July, Oct. 18.6d. West, Newman & Co., 
54 Hatton Garden, E.c. 

Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades Journai, 1908 (as Journal of Greengrocery, Fruit 

and Flowers, 1895). Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Biggs & Co., 189 & 140 Salisbury Court, 
Fleet St., E.C. 

tFruit Grower, Fruiterer, Florist, & Market Gardener, 1895. Wed.—6 p.m. ld. 
Geo. Tucker, 1, 2 & 8 Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Fruit Growers’ Year Book, 1898. Jan. 1s. 51 Great Queen St., w.c. 

Frys Royal Guide to the London Charities, 1862. Jan. 1s. 6d. Chatto & Windus, 111 
St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

FULHAM & WALHAM GREEN NEWS, 1882. (u) Fri. 1d. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammer- 
smith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. A localised edition of the West London Reporter. 

tFULHAM CHRONICLE, 1888. Fri—lla.m. 1d. Clifford H. Hall, 15 The Broadway, Walham 
Green, Fulham. . 

tFULHAM OBSERVER, 1855. Fri. 1d. Broadway, Hammersmith, w. A localised edition of 
the West London Observer. (Advt. p. 448.) 

FULHAM TIMES, 1908. (prog.) Fri. $d. C. Cutter, 4 Harwood Road, Fulham, s.w. 

Funny Cuts, 1890. Thurs. for Sat. 4d., illus. Trapps, Holmes & Co., 18 Farringdon Avenue, 

Funny Wonder, 1898 (now Jester & Wonder, 1902). 

tFur and Feather, 1888. Fri. 1d., illus. Fanciers’ Newspaper, &c., Co. Lim., 21 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Furness Year Book, 1902 (as Mackereth’s Furness Year Book, 1894). Jon. 1s. W. Hohmes Lim. 

Furnisher, 1900 (incorporated with the Furniture Record). 
Furniture and Decoration and the Furniture Gazette (now Furniture Record). 

tFurniture Record, 1899 (as Furniture and Decoration, 1870). Fri—p.m. 2d. A. H. Botwright, 
8 City Road, E.C. 

ei — — — — — — 

Advertisements received for all the Bath Newspapers. , [69 
, F 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Gaelic Journal, 1882. M.—28th. 4d. Gaelic League, 24 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

tGAINSBOROUGH LEADER, 1897. (ind.l) Thurs. ld. Lincolnshire Press Lim., Market 
Place, Gainsborough ; 13 Benedict Square, Lincoln. 

Gainsborough Pocket Novels. 1901. Wed. 1d. T. H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet St., E.C. 

Galashiels and Selkirk Almanac and Directory, 1879. Dec. 1d. J. McQueen & Son, 25 Channel 
St., Galashiels. 

GALASHIELS TELEGRAPH, 1896 (now Border Telegraph, 1902). 

Gale’s Almanac, 1888. Dec. 6d. B.T. Gale, 12 St. Bride St., Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

+Gaie’s Special, 1889. Monday—6 p.m. 1d. B. T. Gale, 12 St. Bride St., Ludgate Circus, E.C. 
+GALLOWAY ADVERTISER, 1848. (1) Thurs—a.m. ld. J. Ward, 6 Castle St., Stranraer. 
tGALLOWAY GAZETTE, 1870. (c) Sat. id. R. Innes, Newton Stewart. 

+GALWAY EXPRESS, 1853. (u) Fri. for Sat. 1d. J.D. Brown, Eyre Square, Galway. 

GALWAY LEADER, 1900. Thurs. 1d. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. One of the 
Western News (Ballinasloe) series. 

GALWAY OBSERVER, 1881. (nat.) Sat. 1d. A. G. Scott, Abbeygate St., Galway. 

Galway Year Book & Directory, 1902. 2d. McDougall & Brown, Galway. 

Game Gazette, 1902. M.—i1st. 3d. Gale & Polden Lim., 2 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Gaine Rearers’ Annual, 1908. 1s. Spratt’s Patent Lim., 24 Fenchurch St., x.c, 

Gamekeeper, 1897. M.—lst. 3d. Gilbertson & Page Lim., Hertford. 

+Garden, 1871. Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 8d., illus. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 
Garden Annual, 1881. Dec. 1s. W. Robinson, 17 Furnival St., x.c. Se 
tGarden Life,1901. Wed. 1d. Hatton House, Great Queen St., w.c. 

Garden Oracle and Economic Year-Book (see Gardening Year-Book). — 

tGardener, 1899 (with which is incorporated Cottage Gardening, 1892).. Sat. 1d. Cassell & Co. 
Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

+Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1841. Fri. for Sat. 8d., illus. H. G. Cove, 41 Wellington St., w.c. 
+Gardeners’ Magazine, 1838. Fri—9a.m., for Sat. 2d., illus. 148 Aldersgate St., E.C. 
+Gardening Illustrated, 1879. Wed.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Robinson, 17 Furnival St., E.c. 

+Gardening World, 1884. Thurs.—ncon, for Sat. 1d., illus. Maclaren & Son, 87 & 88 Shoe 
e, E.C. i 

Gardening Year-Book and Garden Oracle, 1897 (as Garden Oracle and Economie Year-Book, 
1858). Dec. 1s. E. W. Allen, 4 Ave Maria Lane, E.c. 

+GARSTON & WOOLTON REPORTER, 1888 (as Garston d: Woolston Observers, 1881). 
(c) Fri. 1d. The St. Helens and Prescot Reporter Co. Lim., Garston. One of the St. Helens 
Reporter series. 

+GARSTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1885. Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. ld. T.S. Swale, Victoria Road, 
Widnes. A localised edition of the Widnes Weekly News. 

Gas Association of the United Kingdcm, Reports and Proceedings of. 1888. Jan. 5s. 6d. 
Journal of Gas Lighting Office, 11 Bolt Coart, Fleet St., E.c. i 

Gas Engineers’ Diary, 1880. Dec. 1s. 6d. J.G. Hammond & Co. Lim., 118-122 Tabernacle St., E.c. 

Gas Engineers’ Magazine, 1888 (as Gas Engineer, 1876). M.—10th. 6d., illus. J. G. 
Hammond & Co. Lim., 118-122 Tabernacle St., E.c. i 

Gas Engineers’ Pocket Almanack and Lighting Table, 1892. Jan. 28.6d. Wm. Sugg & Co. 
Lim., Vincent Works, Westminster, s.w. 

Gas Engineers’ Text Book € Gas Companies’ Directory, 1880. Dec. 88.6d. J.G. Hammond 
& Co. Lim., 118-122 Tabernacle St., E.c. 

Gas Lighting, Water Supply, &o., Journal of. 1849. Tues.—noon. 6d. W. King, 11 Bolt 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Gas Undertakings, Pocket Directory of, 1896. Dec. 2s 6d. J: G. Hammond & Co. Lim, 
118-122 Tabernacle St., E.c. 

Gas Works Directory & Statistics, 1877. Annually. 10s.6d. Hazell, Watson & Viney Lim., 52 Lorg 
Acre, W.C. i 

+Gas World, 1884. Fri., 5 p.m., for Sat. 8d., illus. 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.C. 

Gas World Year Book, 1898. Jan. 78. 6d. Gas World Office, 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, £.c. 

+GAZETTE DE GUERNESEY (ofücielle), 1791. Sat.—7 a.m. ld. Bichard’s Newspaper 
Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 2 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

a — — — [m — St in 

70] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Londen.: i 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tGAZETTE-NEWS for Blackpool, Fleetwood, Lytham, St. Annes, & Fylde District, 1878. 
(prog.c.) Tues., $d.; Fri. 1d. Gazette News Co. Lim., 15 Church St., Blackpool. 

Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage, Baronetage, & Knightage, éc. (Burke’, 
1826. Dec. 42s. Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Genealogical Magazine, 1897. M.—25th. 1s., illus. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Genealogist, 1875. Quarterly. 2s. 6d., illus. Bell & Sons, 4 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

+GENEDL GYMREIG (Welsh Nation), 1877. (l) Mon. for Tues. ld. Welsh National 
Press Co. Lim. Carnarvon. 

+Generai Advertiser, 1887. Sat.—a.m. Gratis. General Advertiser Lim., 18 Fleet St., Dublin. 

General and Commercial Directory of Blackburn, Accrington, &c., 1878. Triennial. 88. 6d. 
P. Barrett & Co., 15 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

General and Commercial Directory of Burnley, Nelson, Colne, — .1880. Triennial. 8s. 6d. 
P. Barrett & Co., 15 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

General and Commercial Directory of Preston d Fylde Districts, 1880. Triennial. 9s. 6d. 
P. Barrett & Co., 15 Deepdale Terrace, Preston. 

t+General Practitioner, 1900. Sat. 8d. Incorporated Medical Practitioners’ Association, 
Moorgate Station Chambers, E.c. 

General Strike, 1903. M.—Ist. $d. 12 Dean St., Soho, w. 

General Stud Book, 1800. Every four years. 258s. Weatherby & Sons, 6 Old Burlington St., w. 

+General Weekly Shipping List, 1853. Sat. 4d. Edgley & Meaden, 13 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 

Geninen (The Leek), 1883. Jan., March, April, July, Aug., Oct. 1s. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., 

Gentleman's Annual, 1872. Nov. 1s. Chatto & Windus, 111 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Gentieman’s Journal, 1890. Fortnightly—1st & 15th. 1s. W.Hearnden, 104 Tollington Park, n. 

Gentleman’s Magazine, 1731. M.—27th. 1s. Chatto & Windus, 111 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Gentieman’s Magazine of Fashion, 1824 (incorporated with the London Tailor’. 

Gentleman's Pocket Daily Companion, 1880. Nov. 2s. 6d., illus. G. H. James & Co., 48 Old 
Bailey, E.c. 

tGentlewoman, The, 1890. (c) Thurs.for Sat. 6d., illus. - Alex. J. Warden, “The Gentlewoman ” 
Office, 142 Strand, London, w.c. (Advt. p. 404.) 

Geographical Journal, 1898. M.—1st. 2s.,maps. E. Stanford, 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Geographical Teacher, 1901. Onceaterm. 1s. G. Philip & Son Lim., 82 Fleet St., E.C. 

Geological Magazine, 1864. M.—lst. 1s. 6d., illus. Dulau & Co., 87 Soho Square, w 

tGeorge Broomhall’s Corn Trade News, 1890 (as Liverpool Corn Trade News, 1888). 
Daily—8 p.m. 2s.6d. 17 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. (London : 20 Bishopsgate St. Without.) 

weer e Broomhall’s Corn Trade News (Special American Edition), 1890. Tues. 
ollars a year. 17 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. (London: 20 Bishopsgate St. Without.) | 

— Broomhall’s Corn Trade News (Special Weekly Edition), 1890. Tues. 2s. 6d. 
17 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. (London: 20 Bishopsgate St. Without.) 

German Export Review, 1901 (now Export Review). 

Germinal, 1900. Fri. 2d. R. Rocker, 58 Dunstan’s House, Stepney Green, E 

Germinal, 1908. M.—ist. Gratis. A. Antonelli, 85 Easton St., Clerkenwell Road, w.c. 

Giggleswick Chronicle, 1880. Three times a year. 6d. J. W. Lambert, Settle. 

tGILLINGHAM GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. 4d. L. Smith, High St., Gillingham. 

Girls’ & Infants’ Mistress, 1901 (as Infants’ ¢ Girls’ Teacher, 1900; Girls’ & Infants’ Mis- 
tress, 1898; now Teachers’ Times d& Kindergarten Gazette, 1902). 

Girls’ Friend, 1898. Wed. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Girls’ Friendly Society Associates’ Journal, 1880. M. —25th. ld. Gardner, Darton & 
_ Co.,8 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Girl’s Own Annual, 1881. Nov. 8s. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Girls Own Paper, 1880. Tues., 1d., illus.; M.—25th, 6d. Christmas No.—Nov. 25, 6d. 

Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 
—— — — 1895 (as Friendly Work, 1888, now Friendly Work for Friendly Workers, 


Girl’s Reaim, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. S.H. Bousfield & Co., Hastings House, Norfolk St., w.c. 
Gilad Tidings of the 2 Goming Age. M.—last Wed. 1d. W.M. Smith, 10 Elder St. ‚Edinburgh 


Advertisements received for all the Church Calendars. [71 

ABC List.] Willing's Press Guide. 

+GLAMORGAN FREE PRESS, 1891. Fri. for Sat. 1d. 22 Taff St., Pontypridd. 

+GLAMORGAN GAZETTE, 1866. Fri. 1d. The Central Glamorgan Printing and Publishing 
Co. Lim., Queen St., Bridgend. 

+GLAMORGAN TIMES, 1895. (u) Sat. 1d. F.J. Harris, Times Buildings, Pontypridd. 
Glasgow Advertiser and Property Circular, 1856. Tues. 1d. J.C. King, 65 Bath St., Glasgow. 

GLASGOW DAILY MAIL, 1901 (as North British Daily Mail, 1847, incorporated in the Daily 
Record & Mail, 1901). 

+GLASGOW EVENING NEWS, 1878. (ind.) Six editions daily. d. J.M.Smith Lim., 67 
Hope St., Glasgow. (London: 47 Fleet St.) ; 

+GLASGOW HERALD, 1805 (as Glasgow Advertiser, 1782). Daily—5 a.m. id. George Outram 
& Co. Lim., 65~69 Buchanan St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) 

Glasgow Medical Journal, 1828 (N.S. 1858). M.—1st. 2s., occas. illus. A. Macdougall, 
68 Mitchell St., Glasgow. - 

tGlasgow Observer, 1885. Fri. for Sat. 1d. C. Diamond, 52 North Frederick St., Glasgow. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Glasgow Post Office Directory, 1818. June. 10s. G.P.O., Glasgow. 

: ¢+GLASGOW STAR AND EXAMINER, 1908. (nat.d dem.) Fri. 1d. Star and Examiner 
P. & P. Co. Lim, 8 Springfield Court, Buchanan St., Glasgow. ' 

Glasgow University Calendar, 1867. July. 8s. Maclehose & Sons, 61 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 

Glasgow University Magazine, 1888. Wed., during session. ld. J. Horn, 84 Howard St., 

GLASGOW WEEKLY CITIZEN (now Saturday Weekly Citizen). 

tGLASGOW WEEKLY HERALD, 1864. Sat. ld.’ George Outram & Co. Lim., 65-69 Buchanan 
St., Glasgow. (London: 112 Fleet St.) 

+GLASGOW WEEKLY MAIL, 1862. (7) Sat. 1d. Mail Newspapers Lim., 102-114 Union St., 
Glasgow. (London: 190 Fleet St.) 

tTGLASGOW WEEKLY NEWS, 1898. Wed.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. & D. C. Thomson, 186 
West Nile St., Glasgow. (London: 109 Fleet St.) One of the Dundee Weekly News seriss. 

GLASGOW WEEKLY RECORD, 1899 (now Scottish Weekly Record, 1908). 

Glasgow's Household Almanac and Directory (Cookstown District), 1860. Dec. 1d. J. & H.L. 
Glasgow, Cookstown. 

Glass of Fashion up to Date, 1896 (incorporated in the Delineator, 1902). 

Gleam, 1901. Wed. id. Bedford Publishing Press, 28 Bedford St., w.c. 

Gleaner and Sower Almanac, 1874. 1d. Houlston & Sons, 7 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 
Gleanings in Harvest Fieids, 1886. Quarterly. 1d. Geo. Burroughs, 28 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 
Glenalmond Chronicle, 1876. Bi-monthly. 6d. Trinity College, Glenalmond. 

tGLOBE, 1808. (c) Daily. ld. W.T. Madge, 867 Strand, w.c. General and commercial news- 
. paper. (Advt. p. xiv.) 

Globe & Laurel, 1892. M.—7th. 1d. Charpentier & Co., 46 High St., Portsmouth. 
GLORIAN, 1899. (rad.) Sat. $d. T. Williams & Co., Church St., Blaenau Festiniog, Merionethshire. 
GLOSSOP TIMES, 1869 (amalgamated with the Derbyshire Times, 1901). 

tGLOSSOP-DALE CHRONICLE, 1859. (c) Fri. ld. Glossop-Dale Chronicle P. & P. Co., 
Lim., 18 Norfolk St., Glossop. 

Gioucester Co-operative Soclety Monthiy Record, 1895. Last Fri. Gratis. Brunswick 
Road, Gloucester. 

Gloucester Diocesan Calendar,1864. Jan. 1s. & 1s. 6d. Minchin & Gibbs, 155 Westgate St.,Gloucester. 

Gloucester Directory, 1902 (as Smart's City of Gloucester Diary, 1888). Biennially. 2s. 6d. 
L. A. Smart, 77 & 78 Northgate St., Gloucester. 

tGLOUCESTER JOURNAL, 1722. (7) Sat.—a.m. 1d. Chance & Bland, St. John’s Lane, Gloucester. 

Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. bs. 
Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Gloucestershire £ Somersetshire with Bristol Directory, 1894. Every four years. 868. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tGLOUCESTERSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1888. (c) Sat.—6 am. 1d. Carrington & Co., 91 
Southgate St., Gloucester. 

+GLOUCESTERSHIRE ECHO, 1882 (as Evening Telegram, 1878). (ind.) Daily—1st edition, 
2pm. $d. Cheltenham Newspaper Co., Cheltenham. 

72) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 1879. Quarterly, 1s. 6d. Phillimore & Co., 124 Chan- 
cery Lane, w.c. 

Go Forward, 1891 (as Y.W.C.A. Monthly Journal, 1887). M.—24th. 2d. Y.W.C.A., 26 George 
St., Hanover Square, w. 

a — Globe & Ashanti Argus, 1900 (now Anglo-African Argus and Gold Coast Globe, 
Golden Grain Almanac, 1868. Oct. 1d.to6d. J. E. Hawkins, 15 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Golden Grain Diary, 1876. Nov. 18.6d. J. E. Hawkins, 15 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Golden Penny, 1895 (now Hour Glass, 1903). 

Golden Rule, 1900 (as Silver Link, 1892. M.—25th. 1d., illus. 8.8.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 
Golden Stories, 1898. Fri. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., F.c. 

Golden Sunbeams, 1897. M.—1st. 1d. 8.P.C.K., Northumberland Avenue, w.c. 
Goldsmith's Almanack, 1690. Nov. 6d. Charles Letts & Co., 8 Royal Exchange, E.C. 
+Goleuad (The Light), 1969. (2) Thurs. 1d. E. W. Evans, Dolgelly. 

Golf Greens, 1894. July. 1s. Horace Cox, Broam’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. 

+Golf Illustrated, 1899 (as Golf, 1890). Fri. 6d., illus. 83 Temple Chambers, E.c. 

- Golfer, 1902. Quarterly. 847. A. Chadwick, Alexandra Park Road, N. 

Golfer's Guide and Official Handbook for Scotland, 1901. Bottomley & Liddle, 154 St. Vincent 
8t., Glasgow. 

Golfer's Handbook. Jan. 2s. Golf Agency, 8 North Bridge, Edinburgh. 

tGoifing, 1898 (as Golfing and Cycling Illustrated, 1896). Thurs. 1d. A. E. Chadwick, 68 Broad 
St. Avenue, E.c. 

Golfing Annual, 1888. May. 6s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Good Cheer. Christmas Number of Good Words. 

Good Company (now Home Stories). 

Good Heaith, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. Simpkin & Co., 28 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Good Lines, 1896. M.—Ist Sat. 1d. 1854 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

Good News, 1862. M.—ist. 4d., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depot, Stirling. 

Good News Messenger, 1901. Annually. J. Carter, 18 Paternoster Row, r.c. 

Good Seed, 1887. M.—I1st. ld. Pickering & Inglis, 73 Bothwell St., Glasgow. | 
Good Templar, 1870. M.—25th. 1d. Tom Honeyman, 40 St. Enoch Square, Glasgow. 

+Good Templars’ Watchword, 1874. Sat. 1d. Good Templars’ Watchword Co. Lim., 168 
Edmund St., Birmingham. — 

Good Tidings, 1885. Wed.—1 p.m., for Thurs. 4d., illus. M.—25th. 2d. F. H. Hurd, 78 Far- 
ringdon St., E.C. 

Good Words, 1860. M.—ist. 6d., illus. Xmas number in December, 6d. Isbister & Co. 
Lim.,15 & 16 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Goodwili, 1894. M.—25th. ld., illus. Gardner, Darton & Co., 3 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

GOOLE SATURDAY JOURNAL,1886. (ind.) Sat.—6 p.m. $d. Goole Times Printing & 
Publishing Co. Lim., Goolc. 

tGOOLE TIMES & WEEKLY HERALD, 1901 (as Goole Times, 1858). Fri—a.m. 1d. Goole 
Times Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Goole. 

GOOLE WEDNESDAY JOURNAL, 1891. Wed.—two editions. 4d. Goole Times Printing & 
Publishing Co. Lim., Goole. 

GOOLE WEEKLY HERALD, 1891 (incorporated with Goole Times and Weekly Herald, 1901). 

Gordonian, 1896. Quarterly. 1d. The Editor, Gordon Boys’ Orphanage, Dover. 

Gore's Liverpool £ Birkenhead Directory, 1766. Annually. 21s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, E.c. 5 

Gorst’s Monthly Cotton Circular, 1897. 10th. 1l. 1s. per ann. H. C. Gorst, 5 Rumford 
Place, Liverpool. 

tGORTON, OPENSHAW AND BRADFORD REPORTER, 1855. (1) Fri.—for Sat. 14d. 
J.Andrew & Co., Market Place Ashton-under-Lyne. A localised edition of the Ashton Reporter. 

GORTON, OPENSHAW & DROYLSDEN HERALD, 1899. (Z) Fri. 14d. Herald Printing Co., 
Cavendish Works, Ashton-under-Lyne. A localised edition of the Ashton-under-Lyne Herald. 

Gospel Advocate, 1869. M.—25th. 2d. Houlston & Sons, 7 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

— — — 

Advertisements received for all the Yorkshire Newspapers. [73 


ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Gospel Banner, 1879 (as Gospel Truths, 1872.. M.—1st. 2d. J.C. Pembrey, 164 Walton St., 
Oxford. (London: Houlston & Sons.) 

Gospel Echo, 1885. M.—25th. }d.,illus. W Wileman, 55 Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

Gospel Gleanings, 1901. M.—25th. 1d. T. Weston, 53 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Gospel Magazine and Protestant Beacon, 1766 (with which is incorporated the British 
Protestant). M.—25th. 6d. S. Arnold, 74 Strand, W.C. 

Gospel Messenger, 1886 (as Messenger of Peace, 1882). M.—I1st. 4d. J. Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Gospel Standard, 18385. M.—Ist. 2d. F. Kirby, 17 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Gospel Stories for the Young, 1876. M.—28th. $d. G.Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Gospel Text Almanac, 1887. Oct. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Gospel Trumpet, 1857. M.—I1st. d., illus. Drummond’s Tract Depét, Stirling. 

Gospeller, 1868. M.—1st. 1d. &4d. J. Harwood, Tenant St., Derby. 

Gossip, 1892. Sat. 1d. H.G. Hibbert, 401 Strand, w.c. 

Gould’s Year Book of Medicine and Surgery,1896. March. 26s. net. W. B. Saunders & Co., 
9 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tGOVAN PRESS, 1875. Fri. 1d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. 

Gowland’s Eastbourne Postal and Borough Directory, 1870. Dec. 1s. & 8s. 6d. Gowland Bros., 
Sussex Printing Works, 25 Seuside Road, Eastbourne. 

Craham's Temperance Almanac, 1890. Dec. 1d. G. H. Graham's, 1 Grabriel’s Hiil, Maidstone. 

Grain of Mustard Seed (now Women in the Mission Field). . 

+GRANGE & CARTMEL NEWS, 1892. (7) Sat. 1d. Barrow Newa and Mail Lim., Abbey 
Road, Barrow-in-Furness. A localised edition of the Barrow News. 

GRANGE AND ULVERSTON ADVERTISER, 1818. (u) Thurs—a.m. 1d. W. Holmes 
Lim., Lightburne Road, Ulverston. A localised editioa of Soulsby’s Ulverston Advertiser. 

GRANGEMOUTH ADVERTISER, 1900. Sat. d. Glen & Co., Grangemouth. 

+Granta, 1889. Sat., during term. 6d. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney St., Cambridge. | 

Grant Richards’ Children’s Annual, 1908. Sept. 5s. Grant Richards, 48 Leicester Square, w.c. 

GRANTHAM ADVERTISER, 1902 (with which is incorporated the Grantham Times, 1884). 
Fri. ld. J.T. Kendall & J. H. Needham, 39 High St., Grantham. 

+GRANTHAM JOURNAL, 1854. Sat.—a.m. 1d. H. Manners Escritt, High St., Grantham. 

GRANTHAM TIMES (incorporated with the Grantham Advertiser, 1902). 

Grantown Supplement, 1881. Sat. $d. Angus Stuart, Grantown. 

+GRAPHIC, 1869. Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 6d.,illus. Edition deluxe. 9d. G.R. Parker, Tallis St., £.c. 

(Graphic Guide to Edinburgh, 1895. June. 1d. D. Bryce & Son, 183 West Campbell St., Glasgow. 

Graphic Guide to Glasgow, 1895. June. 1d. D. Bryce & Son, 133 West Campbell St., Glasgow. 

{GRAVESEND AND DARTFORD REPORTER, 1856. (1) Fri—12 p.m., for Sat. ld. 
Groocock & Mansfield, 44 Harmer St., Gravesend. 

+GRAVESEND AND NORTHFLEET STANDARD, 1892 (with which is incorporated the 
Gravesend Journal, 1864). (c} Fri. for Sat. 1d. E. James, 75 New Road, Gravesend. 

Gravesend, d:c., Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

GRAVESEND TELEGRAPH, 1859. Fri. 1d. B. P. Boorman, Parrock St., Gravesend. A 
localised edition of the Kent Messenger. 

GRAYS & TILBURY GAZETTE, 1884. Fri. even., for Sat. $d. J. H. Burrows, New Road, Grays. 
Greal (The Magazine), 1846. M. 8d. W. Williams, 8 Regent St., Llangollen. 

which is incorporated Great Harwood Post, 1892). (c) Sat. 1d. Darwen Gazette Co., 
. Borough Road, Darwen. 

GREAT HARWOOD POST, 1892 (incorporated with Great Harwood News, 1900). 

Great Thoughts, 1888. Mon. for Sat. 1d. M.—25th. 6d. Smith’s Publishing Co. Lim, 
` 4 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Great Thoughts Almanac, 1901. Dec. 1d. Smith’s Publishing Co. Lim., 4 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Great Western Railway Magazine, 1888. M.—1ist. 1d., illus. F. J. C. Pole, G. W. 
Railway, Paddington, w 

Greater Britain Messenger, 1876. M.—1st. ld. illus. Colonial and Continental Church 
Society, 9 Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St., E.c. 

Green Book of the Architectural Association of Ireland, 1897. Oct. 1s. 22 Clare St., Dublin. 
(London : 15 Montague Place.) 

Greenhill Church Monthly. M.—ist. 1d. F. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. 

— — — — — — — — — 

74]. J. |. J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 S trand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Green Howard’s Gazette, 1898 (as Ours, 1898). M.—Ist. 8d. Eden Fisher & Co. Lim., 95, 97 
Fenchurch St., E.c. 

Greenock Directory. May. 83%.6d. Post Office, Greenock. 

GREENOCK HERALD, 1852. (J.u) Sat. 1d. D. Blair 40 Cathcart St., Greenock. 

{GREENOCK TELEGRAPH, 1857. (1) Daily—p.m. 8 editions. $d. Orr, Pollock & Co. 
14 Charles St., Greenock. (First halfpenny evening paper in Great Britain. Advt.) 

Greenwood’s Foreign Post Office List, 1844. M.—1st. 4d. C. & H. Ratcliffe, 4 Rumford 
St., Liverpool. 

Greenwood’s Liverpool Conveyance List, 1844. M.—Ist. 4d. C. & H. Ratcliffe, 4 
- Rumford St., Liverpool. 

Greenwood’s Nautical Almanac, d:c., 1884. Nov. 1s., 2s. 6d. W. N. Greenwood, Glasson Dock, 

Greenwood’s Weekly Diary, 1860. Sat. 1d. C. & H. Ratcliffe, 4 Rumford St., Liverpool. 

Gresham, 1900. During term. 6d. Gresham’s School, Holt, Norfolk. 

Greyfriar, 1884. April, Aug., Dec. 1s. 6d., illus. Charterhouse School, Godalming. 

Greyhound Record, 1900. Aug. 2s.6d. Century Printing Co., 19 & 20 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Greyhound Stud Book, 1888. Sept. 5s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Grimsby and Cleethorpe Directory. Irreg. 6s.6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim.,182 High Holhorn, w.c. 

tGRIMSBY & COUNTY TIMES, 1898, Fri. 1d. 80 Cleethorpe Road, Great Grimsby. 

tGRIMSBY DAILY MAIL. (c) 4 editions. $d. E. S. Lewis, 88 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. 
A localised edition of the Daily Mail (Hull). (London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) - 

tGRIMSBY DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1900 (as Zastern Daily Telegraph, 1896). Four editions 
daily. d. 80 Cleethorpe Road, Great Grimsby. 

shire Publishing Co. Lim., 81 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby. One of the Lincoln Gazette series. 

tGRIMSBY NEWS, 1874. (l) Tues. and Fri—6G a.m. 1d. Grimsby News Co. Lim., 85 Victoria 
St. West, Grimsby. 

tGRIMSBY OBSERVER, 1871 (with which is incorporated Grimsby Post and the New Free 
Press}. Thurs. 4d. A. Hinchliffe, 286 & 288 Victoria St., Grimsby. 

tGrimsby Sporting Echo, 1898. Daily—10a.m. $d. A. Dobson, 1 Kent St., Grimsby. 

GRIMSBY WEEKLY EXPRESS, 1883 (as Hull Express,as Daily News and Express, 1901; 
now Sports Express, 1903). 

tGrocer & Oil Trade Review, 1861. Sat. 4d. Eastcheap Buildings, E.c. 
Grocers’ Assistant, 1899. M.—ist. ld. B.H. Springet, 89 Farringdon St., E.c. 
Grocers’ Assistant Year Book, 1908. Nov. B. H. Springet, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 
tGrocers Gazette, 1881. Sat. 1d. 15 Philpot Lane, E.c. 

tGrocers’ Journal, 1875 (with which is incorporated Grocers’ Chronicle & North British 
Grocer). Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. W. Redmaine, 29 Rood Lane, E.c. 

Grocers’ Journal Diary. 29 Rood Lane, E.c. >» 

Grocers’ Monthly, 1897. M.—Ist. 6d., illus. Maclaren & Sons, 87-88 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

tGrocers’ Review and Provision Trade Journal, 1888. Tues. 1d. Corporation St., 
Manchester. (London: 20 Bucklersbury, E.c.) . 

Grocery, 1899. M.—20th. 5s. perann. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Grocery, Oil and Colour Trades Directory, 1872. 86s. Irreg. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

Grocery Pocket Diary, 1902. Dec. 2s. 6d. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.C. 

Gryphon, 1897. Twice during term. 6d. Editor, Yorkshire College, Leeds. 

tGUARDIAN, 1846. Wed.—p.m 8d. J. Bailey, 5 Burleigh St., Strand, w.c. General news- 
paper for Churchmen. (Advt. p. 402.) 

tGUERNSEY ADVERTISER, 1869. (2) Sat.—morn. 1d. Bichard’s Newspaper Printing and 
Publishing Co. Lim., 2 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

tGUERNSEY EVENING PRESS, 1897. Daily.—8.30 pm. 3d. Guernsey Press Co. Lim., 

GUERNSEY NEWS (now Clarke’s Guernsey News). 

GUERNSEY WEEKLY PRESS, 1902. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. $d. The Guernsey Press Co. Lim., 
4 & 6 Smith St., Guernsey. 

Advertisements received for all the Cheltenham Newspapers. [75 

— — — — — — — — — — 

BC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Gulde, 1874. 'M. ld. United Young Men’s Christian Association, 70 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(London: E. Stock.) 

Guide and Almanac for Hampstead and St. John’s Wood, 1882. Dec. 8d. Baines & Scarsbrook, 
75 Fairfax Road, South Hampstead, n.w. 

Guide Book of the Friendly Societies’ Registry Office, 1886. Jan. 6d. Eyre &- Spottiswoode, 
East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 379.) 

Guild, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. Wesleyan Methodist Conference Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, and 
26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Gulld Gazette, 1898. M.—I1st. 1d. H.H. Rahe, Municipal Offices’ Guild, Liverpool. 

Guild Life and Work, 1896. M.—1st. 14d. R. & R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 
Guild of Church Musicians’ Calendar 1889. January. Church Printing Co.,11 Burleigh St., w.c. 
Guild of St. Matthew Occasional Paper, 1896. 1d. 876 Strand, w.c. 

Guildford Directory, 1850. January. 6d. F. Lasham, 61 High Street, Guildford. 

{GUILDFORD FREE PRESS, 1900. (¢vd.) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Biddle & Son, Haydon Place, 

Guildford, Woking & Godalming Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Guildsman, 1882. M.—25th. 2d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Great Castle St., w. 

Guy’s Cork Almanac and Directory, 1872. Dec. 6d. Guy & Co. Lim., 70 Patrick St., Cork. 
Guy’s Hospital Gazctte, 1887. Bi-weekly. 6d., illus. Ash & Co. Lim., 42 Southwark St., E.C. 
Guy’s Hospital Reports, 1836. Oct. 10s. 6d., illus. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

+GWALIA, 1880. (c) Mon.—7 p.m., for Tues. 1d. North Wales Chronicle Co. Lim., Bangor. 
+GWYLIEDYDD (The Watchman), 1877. (l) Wed. Id. Amos Brothers, 18 Sussex St., Rhyl. 
Gymnasium, 1886. M.—1st. 1d. Gymnasium Publishing Co., 55 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
Gymraes (Welshwoman), 1896. M.—15th. ld. E. W. Evans, Smithfield Lane, Dolgelly. 

Hackney and Homerton Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High . 
Holborn, w.c. 

ee EY AND KINGSLAND GAZETTE, 1864. (2) Mon, Wed., Fri.—2.80 p.m. dd. 
A. & W. Potter, 440 Kingsland Road, E. 

— EY ARGUS (amalgamated with Bethnal Green News). 

Cox, 299 Old St., E.c. 

HACKNEY SPECTATOR, 1901. Mon. & Fri. $d. A. King, 22 Dalston Lane, Dalston, N.E. 

HACKNEY STANDARD, 1885 (as Borough of Hackney Standard, 1877). (uw) Fri.—4 p.m. 4d. 
E. Peacock, 111 Clarence Road, Lower Clapton, N.E. 

Hackney Stud Book, 1884. Feb. 21s. Hackney Horse Society, 12 Hanover Square, w 

ld. W. Sinclair, 63 Market St., Haddington. 

5am. ld. D. & J. Croal, 18 Market St., Haddington. 

Haileyburian, 1868. During term. 4d. Simson & Co. Lim., Hertford. 
fHairdressers’ Chronicle, 1866. Sat—9a.m. ld. R.Hovenden & Sons Lim., 29-88 Berners 
St., w. 

+Hairdressers’ Weekly:Journal, 1882. Sat.—9 a.m. 1d. Osborne, Garrett & Co., 51 Frith 
St., Soho, w. 

Hajehoodi, 1899 (as The Jew, 1897). (l) Thurs. 2d. T. Suwalsky, 6 Tenter St., North Good- 
mansfield, E 

W. P. Gale, Thoroughfare, Halesworth. 

Halfpenny Comic, 1898. Tues. for Sat. $d. Trapps, Holmes & Co., 18 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 
Halfpenny Marvel, 1898. Wed., for Sat. 4d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 
Halfpenny Telephone, 1898 (now Brill’s Special, 1901). 

HALIFAX COMET, 1898 (as Halifax Local Opinion, 1892). Tues. $d. J. Turner Spencer, 
15 Waterhouse St., Halifax. 

76] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tHALIFAX COURIER, 1858, (l) Sat.—4a.m. 1d. Halifax Courier Lim., Regent St., Halifax. 

HALIFAX EVENING COURIER, 1892. (pro. lib.) Daily. d. Halifax Courier Lim., Regent 
St., Halifax. 

tHALIFAX GUARDIAN, 1882. (c) Sat. 1d. Halifax Newspaper & Printing Co. Lim., Halifax. 

Halifax Naturalist & Record of the Scientific Society, 1896. Bi-monthly. 6d. F. 
Barker, Halifax Scientific Society, 11 Hall St., Halifax. 

tHALSTEAD AND COLNE VALLEY GAZETTE, 1857. (c) Thurs. 1d. C. A. R. Carter, 
28 High St., Halstead. 

tHALTWHISTLE ECHO, 1901. Fri. 4d. Irwin & Bath, Haltwhistle. 
tHAMILTON ADVERTISER, 1856. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 1d. W. Naismith, Campbell St., Hamilton. 
tHAMILTON HERALD, 1889. Fri. 1d. Brandon St., Hamilton. 

Hammersmith, Shepherd's Bush, d:c., Directory, 1878. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hammond Standard Railway Gulde, 1859. M.—lst. ad. J. G. Hammond & Co. Lim., 189 
Moor St., Birmingham. 

Hammond Time Table, 1858. M.—1st. 1d. & 2d. J.G. Hammond & Co. Lim., 139 Moor 
St., Birmingham. 

tHAMPSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1823 (as Southampton Herald). (c) Sat.—12.80 a.m. 2d. 
H. King, 29 High St., Southampton. (Advt. p. 447.) 

Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co. 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

ba ein CHRONICLE, 1772. Sat. 3d. Jacob & Johnson, 57 High St., Winchester. 

vt. p. 447.) 

Hampshire County Cricket Guide, 1892. April. 1s. H. King, 29 High St., Southampton. 

1885. (c) Sat. ld. Alton Printing Co., Market St., Alton. 

tHAMPSHIRE INDEPENDENT, 18385. Sat.—6 a.m. ld. 45 Above Bar, Southampton. 
(London: 87 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 451.) 

tHAMPSHIRE OBSERVER, 1877. Sat.—7am.and4p.m. 1d. Warren & Son, Parchment 
St., Winchester. 

tHAMPSHIRE POST & SUSSEX OBSERVER, 1874. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Mills & Sons, 
Stanley St., Southsea. 

Stanhope Road, Portsmouth. (Advt. p. 447.) 

Hampshire, Wilts £ Dorset, and the Channel Islands Directory, 1884. Every four years. 86s. 
elly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hampstead and Child's Hill Directory, 1872. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

tHAMPSTEAD & HIGHGATE EXPRESS, 1860. Sat. 1d. Jealous & Co., High St., Hamp- 
stead, N.w. (Advt. p. 447.) 

Hampstead Annual, 1897. 2s. 8d. S.C. Mayle, 70 High St., Hampstead, N.w. 

“Hampstead Braille” Magazine, 1902. M.—15th. 1s. Secretary, London Society for 
Teaching the Blind, 10 Upper Avenue Road, Hampstead, N.w. 

HAMPSTEAD RECORD, 1889. Sat. }d. Provost & Co., Holly Mount, Hampstead, N.w. 
Hampstead Year Book. 2d. Provost & Co., Holly Mount, Hampstead, N.w. 

Ham’s Customs Year Book, 1877. Jan. 8s.; with Warehousing Regulations, 4s. 6d. E. Wilson, 
11 Royal Exchange, E.c. 

Ham’s Inland Revenue Year Book, 1877. Jan. 88. & 48. 6d. E. Wilson, 11 Royal Exchange, E.c. 
Hand and Eye, 1892. Bi-M.—15th. 4d., illus. 84 Newman St., Oxford St., w. 
Hand and Heart, 1876. M.—25th. 1d., illus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

Handbook of the Amateur Swimming Association, 1894. April. 18s. Boot & Son Lim., 82 Fleet 
Lane, Old Bailey, E.c. 

Handbook of the Theological Colleges of the Church of England & the Episcopal Church in 
Scotland, 1870. Jan.‘ 6d. Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

HANDSWORTH CHRONICLE, 1889. Fri—p.m., for Sat. d. Handsworth Chronicle Co., 
47 Holyhead Road, Handsworth. 

Handsworth Magazine, 1894. M.—15th. 2d. 47 Linwood Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. 
Handy Guide to May Meetings, 1890. April. 1d. G. W. May, 21 St. Bride St., E.C. 
Handy Library, 1901. Tues. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite House, E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Magazines. | [77 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Handy Notes on Current Politics, 1890. M.—25th. 1d. Conservative Central Office, St. 
Stephen’s Chambers, s.w. ; 

tHandy Shipping Guide, 1887. Sat.—9 a.m. 6d. Wilkinson Bros. Lim., 11 Bevis Marks, E.C. 

RADAN — and Tide Table, 18933. M. - Ist. Id. Brodie & Salmond, Brothock Bridge, 


Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates (see Parliamentary Debates). 

THANTS & BERKS GAZETTE, 1878. (ind.) Sat. ld. J. Bird, Church St., Basingstoke. 

THANTS & SUSSEX COUNTY PRESS, 1897 (as County Press, 1895). Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. 
D. S. Rogers & Co., North St., Emsworth. 

THANTS & SUSSEX NEWS, 1891 (as Petersfield Weekly News, 1883). Tues.—9 p.m., for 
Wed. 1d. A. W. Childs, High St., Petersfield. 

tHANWELL GAZETTE & BRENTFORD OBSERVER, 1898. (c) Sat. $d. J. King, 218 Ux- 
bridge Road, West Ealing, w. A localised edition of the Ealing Gazette. (Advt. p. 452.) 

Happy Hour Stories, 1900. Thurs. ld. Family Herald Press, 28 & 24 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Harbinger, 1890. M.—ist. ld. H. W. Cullen, 85a High St., East Grinstead. 

Hardware, Metals, & Machinery, 1872. M.—10th. A.J. Mitchell, 39 Seething Lane, E.c. 

tHardware Trade Journal, 1879 (with which is incorporated Ironmongery). Fri. 58. per ann,, 
illus. 8 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

+Hardwareman, 1894. Sat. 3d.; 10s. perann. 89 Newhall St., Birmingham. 

Hardwareman Year-Book, 1896. Dec. 8s.6d. 89 Newhall St., Birmingham. 

re Society’s Publications, 1869. Annually. 21s. Mitchell, Hughes & Clarke, 140 Wardour 


Harmonium Cabinet. Irreg. 6d. Hart & Co., 20 & 21 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Harmsworth London Magazine, 1898 (now London Magazine, 1908). 

Harness Dealers’ Monthly Recorder, 1902. M.—I1st. 2d. W. E. Sherren, 7a Foster 

Lane, E.c. 
THARPENDEN MAIL, 1900. (vz) Fri. ld. Herts Standard Printing Co. Harpenden. A 

localised edition of the Hertfordshire Standard. 
Harper’s Magazine, 1880 (U.S.A., 1850). M.—25th. 1s.,illus. Harper & Bros.,45 Albemarle St., w. 
Harrison’s Dressmaker, 1898. M.—Ilst. 8d. Merton House, 8 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 
mn Royal Despatch of Great Britain & Ireland, 1857. 1%3.6d. Harrods Lim., Brompton 
oad, S.W. 
J. W. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. 
Sat. ld. W. Walker & Sons Lim., Otley, and 82 Station Parade, Harrogate. One of the 

Wharfedale and Airedale Observer series. 

ld. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. 

Harrogate Lantern, 1885. M.—15th. Gratis. R.H. Court, Parliament St., Harrogate. 

Harrogate New Century, 1901. M.—15th. Gratis. Eaves & Taylor, 52 Station Parade, 

Harrovian, 1888. During term. 6d. F. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Almanack, 1864. Jan. 1s. 3d. J.C. Wilbee, High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Bill Book, 1864. Three times a year. 6d. J.C. Wilbee, High St., Harrow. 

Harrow Blue Book, 1864. Three times a year. 6d. J.C. Wilbee, High St., Harrow. 

tHARROW GAZETTE, 1855. Fri. for Sat.—a.m. 1d. F. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. 

THARROW OBSERVER, 1895. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 

Hartiepools Daily Shipping List, 1875. 9 am. 6s. per quarter; per post, 9s. 6d. 
A. Salton, 1 Dover St., West Hartlepool. 

Hartlepools Weekly Boro Advertiser, 1898. Thurs. Gratis. R. Martin, 28 Tower St., 
West Hartlepool. 

HARTLEPOOLS WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1901 (now Weekly Journal). 

Hart’s Annual Army List, 1840. Jan. 21s. John Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Hart’s Quarterly Army List and Militia List, 1888. Jan., April, July, Oct. 10s. 6d. 
J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Harvest, 1887. M.—1st Sun. 1d., illus. J. Corrigan, Bishop’s House, Salford, Manchester. 

HARWICH & DOVERCOURT FREE PRESS, 1877. (cd u) Sat. 3d. Mrs. J. R. Watson 
13 Church St., Harwich. I 

78] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

HARWICH & DOVERCOURT NEWSMAN, 1870. Sat. $d. G. L. Jackson, 64 Church St., Harwich. 
HARWOOD OBSERVER, 1866. (l) Sat., 1d.; Tues., jd. R.S. Crossley, Edgar St. — 
A localised edition of the Accrington Observer. (Advt. p. 444.) 

THASLINGDEN GAZETTE, 1881 (with which is — the Rossendale Division Gazette, 
1881). Sat. 1d. Accrington Gazette Co. Lim., 88 Abbey St., Accrington. A localised 
edition of the Accrington Division Gazette. 

tHASLINGDEN GUARDIAN, 1890. (2) Fri.—p.m. 1d. J.J. Riley, Bt Blackburn Road, Haslingden. 
One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 

tHASLINGDEN OBSERVER, 1892. (2) Sat. ld. R.S. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington 
A localised edition of the Accrington Observer. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tHASTINGS AND BEXHILL INDEPENDENT, 1878. Thurs. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Lim., 
Market St., Lewes. A localised edition of the East Sussex News. 

+HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS ADVERTISER, 1855. (c) Thurs.—7 am. 3d. F. J. 
Parsons Lim., Claremont, Hastings. 

tHASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS CHRONICLE, 1858. (1) Wed. 4d. Lewes & South 
Counties Press Lim., 24 Havelock Road, Hastings. 

Hastings, St. Leonards d& Bexhill Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS NEWS, 1848. Thur. ld. H.T. Gardiner, 25 Wellington Rd., 

THASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS OBSERVER, 1858. (c) Sat.—6 a.m. ld. F. J. Parsons 
Lim., Claremont, Hastings. 

HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS TIMES (incorporated in the Hastings & St. Leonards 
Weekly Mail £ Times). 

HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS WEEKLY MAIL (incorporated in the Hastings & St. 
Leonards Weekly Mail & Times). 

THASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS WEEKLY MAIL & TIMES, 1877. Sat. 1d. Hastings & 
General Publishers Lim., Pelham Hall, Hastings. (London: 118, 119 Newgate St., E.c.) 

Hastings, St. Leonards, ¢ Bexhill Blue Book and Local Directory, 1876. March. 2s. 6d. 
Robinson Printing Co., Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

Hats, Frocks, and Frills, 1902. M.—1st. 1d. Witherby & Co., 8326 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hatters’ Gazette, 1877. M.—ist. 6s. 6d. per ann. illus. Scott, Greenwood & Co., 
19 Ludgate Hill, E.c. ; 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary, 1881. Oct. 8s.6d. Scott, Greenwood & Co., 19 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Haul, 1840. M.—15th. 8d. Welsh Church Press & Printing Co. Lim., Caxton Hall, Lampeter. 

W. Lewis & Sons, Bridge St., Haverfordwest. 

+HAVERHILL WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri—10 a.m. W.F. Taylor, St. Andrew's St., 
Cambridge. A localised edition of the Cambridge Weekly News. 

+HAWICK ADVERTISER, 1854. (l) Fri. 1d. Morrison & Co. Lim., Crown Clore, Hawick. 

tHAWICK EXPRESS, 1870. (x) Fri—5 p.m. 4d. James Edgar, 5 High St., Hawick. 

tHAWICK NEWS, 1882. (1) Fri. 4d. Vair & M‘Nairn, 24 High St., Hawick. 

Hazell’s Annual, 1899 (as Hazell’s Cyclcp@dia, 1886). Dec. 8s.6d. Hazell, Watson & Viney 
Lim., 53 Long Acre, w.c. 

Head Teacher, 1894. M.—25th. 1d. The London Head Teachers’ Association, 9 Eastern 
Road, Brockley, s.z., and Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, £.c. 

deadiley’s County Time Table, 1880. M.—Ilst. 1d. Headley Bros. 14 Bishopsgate St. 
Without, E.C. 

Health, 1883. Wed. for Sat. 1d. 858 Strand, w.c. 

Health and Culture, 1908. M.—ist. 1d. J. E. Deuchars, 32 West Avenue, Derby. 

Health and Recreation. M.—ist. 1d. G. Stoneman, 29 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Health & Strength, 1899. M.—15th. 2d. Health & Strength Magazine Co. Lim., 29 Stone- 
cutter St., RC. 

Health Messenger, 1887. M.—15th. ld. L.H. Woods & Co., 11 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Health Resort Journal of Spas and Sanatoria, 1902. M.—1st. 6d. London Publicity 
Co. Lim., 379 Strand, w.c. 

Health without Drugs, 1903 (with which is incorporated Diet versus Drugs, 1902; formerly 
Life and Beauty, 1900). Quarterly. ld. L. N. Fowler & Co.,7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate 
Circus, E.C. 


Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [79 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. , 

— — — 

‘HEANOR ADVERTISER, 1890." (7) Fri. 1d. W. Shakspeare, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. 
A localised edition of the Ilkeston Advertiser. i 

*+HEANOR OBSERVER, 1900. (ind.) Fri. $d Severn & Son, Heanor. 
+Hearth and Home, 1891. Thurs. 8d., illus. Beeton & Co. Lim., 10 & 11 Fetter Lane, E.C. 
Heartsease Library, 1898. Wed. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.c. 

Hearts of Oak Gazette, 1901. M.—15th. 1d. H. B. Matthews, 4 The Pavement, High 
St., Thornton Heath. 
Heating and Lighting Journal, 1908. 8d. Burnett & Russell, 151 Strand, w.c. 

Heavens at a Glance Amateur Observers’ Card Almanac, 1897. Dec. 7d. Arthur Mee, 
Tremynfa, Llanishen, Cardiff. 

+HEBDEN BRIDGE & DISTRICT NEWS, 1869. (2) Fri—am. 1d. W. Waddington & 
Sons, Albert St., Hebden Bridge. A localised edition of the Todmorden, £c., News. 

tHEBDEN BRIDGE TIMES, 1881. Fri—6 am. 1d. Kershaw & .Ashworth, Hebden Hall, 
Hebden Bridge. 

(as Spen Valley Division Chronicle, 1886). Sat. 1d. News Printing & Publishing Go. Lim., 
Union St., Dewsbury. A localised edition of the Dewsbury District News. 

tHECKMONDWIKE HERALD, 1877. (2) Thurs.—even. 1d. Senior & Co. Lim., Cheapside, 

tHECKMONDWIKE REPORTER, 1867. (2) Fri—midnight, for Sat. 1d, Wellington Road, 
Dewsbury. A localised edition of the Dewsbury Reporter. 

HEDNESFORD ADVERTISER, 1878. Fri—2 p.m., for Sat. $d. Evans & Withington, 
Market Place, Hednesford. One of the Cannock Advertiser series. 

HEDNESFORD COURIER, 1894. (ind.) Fri.forSat. $d. H.Prail, Hednesford. A localised 
edition of the Cannock Chase Courier. 

HELENSBURGH AND GARELOCH TIMES, 1880. (ind.) Tues.—6 p.m., for Wed. 1d. 
Macneur & Bryden, 16-18 East Princes St., Helensburgh. 

HELENSBURGH NEWS, 1876. (lu) Thurs. $d. R.G. Blair, Princes St., Helensburgh. 
Helping Hand, 1896. M.—Ist. $d. 198 Balaam St, Plaistow, £. ` 

Helping Words, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. 4 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Helps for the Poor of the Flock, 1896. M.—28th. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

the Herts Advertiser). 

`~ i . 
shire, &c., Gazette, 1900). 

HENDON ADVERTISER, 1894. Fri. 4d. C. Odell, Hendon Printing Works, New Brent St., 
Hendon, N.W. 

— 1875. Fri—lpm. ld. J.H. Warden & Co., 71 Church Road, Hendon. 
vt. p. 447. 

{HENLEY ADVERTISER, 1868. Fri. for Sat. ld. A.R. Awbery, Market Place, Henley. 

iHENLEY & SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE STANDARD (with which is incorporated Henley 
Free Press), 1885. (c) Fri. 1d. Caxton House, Station Rd., Henley-on-Thames. 

Henley Royal Regatta Oficial Programme, 1864. Annually. 6d. The Secretary, Henley-on-Thames. 
HERALD (as Aberdeen Chronicle, 1806; now Weekly Free Press and Aberdeen Herald). 
HERALD (now Richmond Herald). 

Herald Cenadol, 1878. M.—1st. 1d. Evans & Short, Tonypandy. 

+HERALD CYMRAEG (Welsh Herald), 1854. (7) Tues.—6 a.m. 1d. D. Rees, 24 High St., Carnarvon. 
Herald of Health, 1876. M.—25th. 2d. Nichols & Co., 28 Oxford St., w. 

Herald of Mercy, 1858. M.—25th. $d. illus. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 
“Herald of Mercy” Annual, 1858. Oct. 1s. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 
Herald of Peace, 1819. M.—ist. 1d. W. Evans Darby, LL.D., 47 New Broad St., 2.c. 

Herald of Saivation, 1878 (as Northern Evangelist, 1872). M. 4d. Pickering & Inglis. 78 
Bothwell St., Glaszow. (London: Holness, 14 Pe Row.) : = en 

HERALD OF WALES & SWANSEA HERALD, 1847. Fri. 1d. J. Evans, 9 Castle Sq., Swansea. 

+Herapath’s Railway Journal, 1835. Fri—3am. 5d. W. Footman, Savoy House, 115 & 
116 Strand, w.c. 

—— — — 
— ae — — 

80] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

.  Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Herd Book of Large Black Pigs, 1899. Annually. 5s. The Secretary, Large Black Pig 
Society, 64 Orford St., Ipswich. | 

Herdman's Collectors’ Miscellany, 1886. M.—Ilst. 1d., illus. E.F. Herdman, Morpeth. 

Hereford Diocesan Church Calendar and Clergy List, 1871. Dec. 1s. Jakeman & Carver, 
4 & 5 High Town, Hereford. è 7 

Hereford Herd Book (as Eyton’s Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, 1862). Oct. 10s. & 12s. 
The Secretary, Hereford Herd Book Society, 20 East St., Hereford. 

tHEREFORD JOURNAL, 1718. (c) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Hereford Journal Newspaper Co., 
84 Broad St., Hereford. 

1770. (u) Tues.and Wed. ld. A.S. Appelbee, 32 Eign St., Hereford. 

tHEREFORD TIMES, 1882. (7) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 24d. Anthony Brothers Lim., Maylord 
St., Hereford. 

HEREFORD WEEKLY MARVEL, 1869. (c) Sat. 1d. F.T. Hawkins, 18 High St., Hereford. 

Herefordshire and Shropshire Directory, 1856. Every four years. 20s. Kelly’s Direktories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Hermathena, 1878. Irreg. 8s. Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

+HERNE BAY ARGUS, 1890. (c) Fri. 1d. J. H. Brabazon, 18 High St., Herne Bay. (Advt.p. 447.) 

tHERNE BAY PRESS, 1883. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. Watkinson, Herne Bay. 

Heron’s Flat & Estate Mart. M.—Ist. 2d. Heron & Heron, 135 Victoria St., S.W. 

Hertfordshire Almanac and County Handbook, 1849. Dec. 6d. S. Austin & Sons, Fore St., Hertford. 

TISER, 1900 (as Hemel Hempstead Gazette, d:c., 1858). Fri. for Sat. 1d. Needham & 
Lawes, 3 Alexandra Road, Hemel Hempstead. 

tHERTFORDSHIRE EXPRESS, 1855. Fri. 1d. Carling & Co., Market Place, Hitchin. 
HERTFORDSHIRE MAIL, 1908. Fri. for Sat. 4d. J. H. Summers, 28 Old Cross, Hertford. 

tHERTFORDSHIRE MERCURY & COUNTY PRESS, 1834. (2) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. 
S. Austin & Sons, Hertford. 

Hertfordshire Railway Guide, 1881. M.—1st. 1d. Simson & Co. Lim., Hertford. 

Standard Printing Co. Lim., Victoria St., St. Albans. 

tHERTS ADVERTISER AND ST. ALBANS TIMES, 1855 (with which is incorporated the 
Hemel Hempstead Advertiser, Tring Gazette, £ Berkhampstead Advertiser). Yri.—noon., 
for Sat. 1d. A. E. Gibbs & J. Bamforth, Market Place, St. Albans. 

tHERTS & CAMBS REPORTER, 1877 (as Royston Crow, 1855). Fri.—noon. 1d. Warren 
Brothers, High St., Royston. 

tHERTS & ESSEX OBSERVER, 1862 (as Bishop's Stortford Observer, 1861, with whick 
incorporated the Cheshunt Observer, Herts Guardian, and the Hoddesdon Observer). (ind) 
Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Mardon Brothers, Bishop’s Stortford. . 

HERTS GUARDIAN, 1851 (incorporated with the Herts £: Essex Observer, 1902). 
tHERTS LEADER, 1898. Tues. $d. C. H. Peacock, 101 High St., Watford. 

tHEXHAM COURANT, 1864. (l) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 14d. J. Catherall & Co., Beaumont 
St., Hexham. (London: 120 Fleet St.) 

tHEXHAM HERALD, 1868. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 14d. T. Armstrong, Beaumont St., Hexham. 
tHEXHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1899. Fri. 4d.: Irvine & Bath, Hexham. 

tHEYWOOD ADVERTISER, 1855. (/) Fri—2p.m. ld. Walter Scott, York St., Heywood. 
HEYWOOD NEWS, 1892. (c du) Fri. 1d. T.J. Hardy, Market Place, Heywood. 

Hibbert Journal, 1902. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. net. Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Hibernia, 1897. Quarterly. 2d. Sackville Press, Dublin. 

tHIGH PEAK ADVERTISER, 1881 (as Chapel-en-le-Frith, d-c., Advertiser, 1877). (1) Fri.—noon, 
ld. Glossop. A localised edition of North Derbyshire d: North Cheshire Advertiser. 

wee PEAK NEWS, 1870. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. C.F. Wardley, Market Place, 
HIGHBRIDGE ECHO, 1892 (now Bridgwater Echo). 

Highbury, Holloway, and Tufnell Park Directory, 1887. Annually. 1s. Keliy’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Highbury Quadrant Magazine. M.—Ist. 1d. H.R. Allenson, 2 Ivy Lane, E.c. 
Highest & Lowest Prices, 1878. Jan. 28.6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.C. 

— — — — — — —f — — — — — — — — — — 

Advertisements received for all the Almanacs and Calendars. [81 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

HIGHGATE AND MUSWELL HILL POST (incorporated with the Free Press, Finchley). 

Highland Light Infantry Chronicle, 1898. Quarterly. 8¢. The Editor, The Barracks, Hamilton. 

+HIGHLAND NEWS, 1883. (2) Sat.—4 am. 1d., illus. J. McLeod, Highland News 
Buidings, Inverness. 

HIGHLAND TIMES, 1896. (2) Thurs. 1d. M. McLeod, Dempster Gardens, Inverness. 

1901. Thurs. d. Express Printing Co., 544 Swan St., Manchester. 

+HILLFOOTS RECORD, 1900. Tues. for Wed. 4d. R. Cunningham, 124 Stirling St., Alva. 

HINCKLEY ECHO, 1893. Wel. d. H. Fieldhouse, Tribune Buildings, Abbey St., Nuneaton. 
(Advt. p. 410.) 

HINCKLEY FREE PRESS, 1897 (amalgamated with the Hinckley Times, 1900). 

+HINCKLEY OBSERVER, 1886. (l) Fri. ld. Nuneaton Observer Newspaper Co. Lim., Bond 
St., N peaton. A localised edition of the Nuncaton Observer. 

+HINCKLEY TIMES, 1839 (with which is amalgamated the Hinckley Free Press). Fri.—10 a.m. 
ld. J. Baxter & Sons, 24 Castle Street, Hinckley. 

Hippodrome, 1901. M.—30th. 8d. 8 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, w.c., and 128-127 Fulham 
Road, s.w. 

Hire Traders’ Record, 1891. M.—Ist. 8d. Sewell & Co.,.27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Historical Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, 1857. Annyally. 7s. 6d. 
G. G. Beatler, Wolverhampton. 

tHITHER GREEN AND CATFORD JOURNAL, 1901. Fri. 1d. Lewisham Newspaper Co. 
Lim., 286 High Road, Lee, 8.E. A localised edition of the Lee Journal. 

Hobbies, 1896 (with which is incorporated Live Stock Hobbies’. Sat. 1d. Hobbies Lim., 
12 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

tHockey and Winter Sports, including Lacrosse, 1898 (as Hockey, 1897). Fri. during 
season. 2d. H. Kemshead Lim., 156 Westminster Bridge Road, s.E. 

{Hockey Field, 1901. Thurs. 2d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 
HODDESDON OBSERVER, 1894 (incorporated with the Herts £ Essex Observer, 1902’. 

tHOLBORN AND FINSBURY GUARDIAN, 1890 (as Holborn Guardian, 1847). Fri.— 
5.80 p.m., for Sat. Id. R. M. H. Griffith, 45 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c., and 21 Spencer St., 

Goswell Road, E.c. (Advt. p. 436.) 

Holborn Magazine, 1908. M.—1st. 8d. Magazine Publishing Co., 428 Birkbeck Bank 
Chambers, w.c. 

Holbrook’s County Year-Book, 1896. Annually. 6d. Holbrook & Son, 154 Queen St., Portsmouth. 

Holden's Original Pocket Almanac d Tide Tables, 1770. Oct. 1s. Liverpool Printing -& 
Stationery Co. Lim., 42 Castle St., Liverpool. 

tHOLLOWAY AND HORNSEY PRESS, 1872. Fri—8 p.m. 1d. Holloway Press Co., 
449 Holloway Road, N. ; i 

Holly Bough, 1877. Dec. 3d., illus. 6 Tudor St., E.C. 
+HOLMFIRTH EXPRESS, 1886. Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. Eli Collins & Co. Lim., Holmfirth. 

tHOLSWORTHY, STRATTON, & BUDE POST, 1877. Fri. 1d. Western Buildings, 
Launceston. A localised edition of the Cornish € Devon Post. i 

tHOLYHEAD MAIL AND ANGLESEY HERALD, 1884 (as Holyhead Weekly Mail, 1881‘. 
(l) Fri. Id. D. Rees, 24 High St., Carnarvon. A localised edition of the Carnarvon Mail. 

Home, 1889 (as Householder, 1886). M.—Ist. ld., illus. 8 Brushfield St., E. 
HOME & COLONIAL MAIL, 1879. Fri.—p.m. 6d. 162 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, 

Home Art Work, 1889 (as Art Designer, 1887; as Amateur Art Designer, 1884). Quarterly. 
ls. J. Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29 & 80 Shoe Lane, E.C.) 

Home Chat, 1895. Tues. 1d., illus. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.c. 

Home Circle, 1901 (as Home, Sweet Home, 1893). Fri. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite 
House, E.c. 
Home Companion, 1857. Tues. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Home Counties Magazine, 1899 (with which is amalgamated the Middlesex d: Hertfordshire 
Notes d Queries, 1595). Quarterly. 1s.6d. F.E. Robinson & Co., 20 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Home Fashions, 1903. Thurs. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., 2 Carmelite House, E.c. 

82] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

— — 

— — — 

[ — — 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

— — — — 

Home Friend, 1880 — Homely Friend, 1877). M.—I1st. 1d. Macnivon & Wallace, 188 Princes 
St., Edinburgh. (London: Partridge & Co.) 

Home Industries, 1908. 2 Princes Mansions, Victcria St., s.w. 

Home Life Magazine, 1900 (as Home Life, 1893). M.—Ist. 1d. R.S. Cartwright, 8 Johnson’s 

_ Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Home Links, 1898. Quarterly. 8d. Burnett & Russell, 151 Strand, w.c. 

Home Messenger, 1891. M.—25th. ld. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, E.c. 

Home Mission Field, 1858. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2d. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Home Notes, 1894. Thurs. 1d. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Home Stories, 1895 ‘as Good Company, 1894). Wed. 1d., illus. T. H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet 
St., E.C. 

Home, Sweet Home, 1898 (now Home Circle, 1901). 

Home Words, 1870. M.—25th. 1d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

tHOMEWARD MAIL, 1357 (with which is incorporated Allen’s Indian Mail). Weekly. 6d. 
Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, E.c. 

Homiletic Review, 1881 (English Edition). M.—1st. 1s. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 44 Fleet St., E.C. 

Homing News and Pigeon Fanciers’ Journal, 1889 (incorporated with the Homing World). 

tHoming World, 1898. Fri. 1d. Fanciers’ Newspaper Co. Lim., 21 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Homeopathic World, 1866. M.—1st. 6¢. Homeopathic Publishing Co., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

HONLEY AND MELTHAM EXPRESS, 1896. Sat. 1d. E. Collins & Co. Lim., Honley. A 
localised edition of the Holmfirth Express. 

Hope, the Bluejacket & Coast Guards’ Gazette, 1883 (now Bluejacket and Coast Guards’ 
Gazette, 1900). 

Hora Jucunda, 1893. M.--1st. 1s. Royal Blind Asylum and School, Craigmillar, Edinburgh. 

tHORBURY AND OSSETT’ HERALD, 1801. (c) Sat.—4 a.m. ld. East Riding Telegraph 
Co., Queen St., Withernsea. A localised edition of the Wakefield and West Riding Herald. 

tHORBURY OBSERVER, 1870. Sat. 1d. S. Cockburn & Son, Station Road, Ossett. A local- 
ised edition of the Ossett Observer. 

1897. Sat. 4d. Bristol Free Press and Advertising Co. Lim., 13 Clare St., Bristol. A 
localised edition of the Clifton Free Press. 

{HORLEY ADVERTISER, 1895. (ind.) Sat. Id. H. Libby, Oakwood Road, Horley. 

tHORNCASTLE NEWS, 1885. (c) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W.K. Morton, 27 High St., Horncastle 

Horner's Penny Stories, 1888. Tues. 1d. W. B. Horner Lim., 2 Carmelite St., E.c. 

Horner’s Pocket Library, 1900. Weekly. ld. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.c. 

tHORNSEA TELEGRAPH, 1895. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. ld. East Riding Telegraph, St. 
Nicholas, Hornsea. A localised edition of the East Riding Telegraph. 

tHORNSEY & FINSBURY PARK JOURNAL, 1881 (as Seven Sisters’ and Finsbury Park 
Journal, 1879). (c) Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. W. H. Wiltshire, 36 Crouch Hill, n. 

Hornsey, Crouch End, and Highgate Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Horological Journal, 1858. M.—25th. 8d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 28 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Horoscope, 1902. M. 1s. W. Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim St., Ludgate Circus, E.C. 

tHorse and Hound, 1884. Sat.—3 a.m. 2d. J.D. Macfarlane, 15 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
(Advt. p. 487.) 

Horse Shoe, 1902. Sat. 1d. 9 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

' Horsham, Crawley, d& District Blue Book d& Local Directori; 1897. Sept. 1s. Robinson 

Printing Co. Lim., Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 
tHORSHAM TIMES, 1882. Fri. —p.m.,for Sat. 1d. Farncombe & Co. Lim., Market St., Lewes. 
A localised edition of the Sussex d Si urrey Courier. 
Horticultural Advertiser (for private circulation only). A. & C. Pearson, Lowdham, Notts. 
Horticultural Directory, 1859. 1s. Dec. R.A. Hogg, 12 Mitre Court, E.c. 

_ Horticultural Trade Journal, 1898. Wed. Subs. Horticultural Printing Co., Junction St., 


tHORWICH CHRONICLE, 1888. Sat. 1d. Horwich Publishing Co., 32 Winter Hey Lane, Horwich 

Hosiery Trade Journal & Knitters’ Circular, 1900 (as Knitters’ Circular, 1894). M.-— 
Ist. 24d. J. H. Quilter, 11 Millstone Lane, Leicester. 

tHospital (with special Section for Nurses), 1886, Thurs., for Şat. 8d.; M., 1s. 28 & 29 South. 
rn St., Strand, w.c. (Advt, p. 422.) 

a a a — — — en — — — ——— ree — — — — —— — — 

Advertiseme: its received for all the Finglish t Prov incial Newspapers. T83. 

AB C List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

CeO cg er Alan ee ee ee ee AS 

Hospital Saturday Fund Journal, 1893. Quarterly. d. 54 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Hote! World, 1892. M.—15th. 1s., illus. B. Dain-Hopwood, 16 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Hotels of Europe, America, £c., 18718. May. 21s. Segg & Co., 229 Regent St., w. 

Hour Glass, 1903 (as Golden Penny, 1895). Wed. for Sat. ld. G. A. Parker, Tallis St., E.C. 

House, 1897. M.—lst. 6d., illus. T. Fisher Unwin, 11 Paternoster Square, E.c. Editorial and 
Advertisement Offices, Finsbury Square, E.C. 

House Annual, 1902. Gale & Polden Lim., 2 Amen Corner, E.C. 

House Beautiful and the Home, 1903. M.—1st. 2s. net. R. Brimley Johnson, 4 Adam St., 
Adelphi, w.c. 

House Hunter, 1908. Weekly. A. Chadwick, Alexandra Park Road, y. 

House Property and Land Advertiser, 1901. Sat. 1d. 28 Basinghall St., E.c. 

Household Almanack, 1855. Dec. 1d.,illus. Miss H. Morcom, Market St., Liskeard. 

Household Brigade Magazine, 1897 (as Brigade of Guards’ Magazine, 1888). M.—8th. 8d. 
illus. J.J. Keliher & Co., 99 Victoria St., s.w. 

Household Words, 1860 (N.S. 1881) (with which is incorporated All the Year Round). Thurs. 
1d.; M.,6d. 8 Whitefriars St.,E.c. (Advt. p. 422.) 

Housewife’s Magazine, 1902. M.—ist. ld. J. McMurtrie, 11 Bothwell St., Glasgow. 
(London: 21 Paternoster Square.) 
Housing Journal, 1900. M.—15th. 1d. Workmen’s National Housing Council, 53 Fetter 
ane, E.C. , 
HOVE ECHO, 1897 (incorporated with the Hove Gazette, 1903). 
tHOVE GAZETTE, 1896 (with which is incorporated the Hove Echo, 1903). Sat. 1d. Emery 
& Son Lim., 154 Church Road, Hove. 
a be Beautiful, 1903. M.—Ist. ld. Hannaford & Hodges Lim., 51 & 59 Ludgate 
ill, E.c. 
+HOWDENSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1888 (as Pocklington Weekly News, 1876). (neu.) Sat.— 
Kam. ld. J. Whitehead, Waterloo Buildings, Pocklington. 

tHOWDENSHIRE GAZETTE & WEEKLY HERALD, 1858. (ind.) Fri—a.m. 1d. Goole 
Times Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., Goole. Localised edition of the Goole Times. 

Howes’ Classified Directory of the Metropolitan Charities, 1898 (as Classified Directory of the 
Metropolitan Charities, 1876). Jan. or Feb. 1s. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

HOYLAKE & WEST KIRBY HERALD & VISITOR, 1888. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. Gill & 
Co. Lim., 8 Market St., Hoylake. 

HOYLAND AND WOMBWELL ADVERTISER, 1902. Fri. $d. E. Hirst, 16 Booth St., Hoyland. 

HOYLAND GAZETTE, 1902. Thurs.—noon. $d. W. Wood, George Yard, Barnsley, and 
Market St., Hoyland. 

Buck & Sons, High St., Hucknall Torkard. 

Huddersfield & District Postal Directory, 1866. Biennial. 5s. Daily Chronicle, Lord St., Huddersfield. 

Huddersfield and West Riding Railway Time Table and Post Office Guide, 1861. 
M.—1st. 1d. Lord St., Huddersfield. 

HUDDERSFIELD BORO’ ADVERTISER, 1884. Fri. Gratis. Acvertiser Press Lim., Page St. 
Huddersfield. 7 

+HUDDERSFIELD CHRONICLE, 1850. (ic) Sat—5 am. 1d. Lord St. 
(London : 20 New Bridge St.) (Advt. p. 447.) or , Huddersfield, 

tHUDDERSFIELD DAILY CHRONICLE, 1871. (ind) 5 a,m.—except Bat. S 
Huddersfield. (London: 20 New Bridge St) (Advt. i 447.) except Bab: Id, -Lord Sk; 
+HUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER, 1871. (l) Even. (except Sat.)—8. 
J. Woodhead, Ramsden St., Huddersfield. endow: 5 Now Bravo St) a Ze 

” Lim., Page St., Huddersfield. urs.—p.m. Gratis. Advertiser Press 

+HUDDERSFIELD EXAMINER, 1851. (2) Sat.—4.80a.m. 2d. J. W 
. Huddersfield. (London: 5 New Bridge BL — J. Woodhead, Ramsden St., 

Huddersfield Technical College Calendar, 1991. A lly. SP r . 
——— J anually. 1s. J. Broadbent & Co., High St., 

THUD OER Si LD WEEKLY NEWS, 1867. (c) Sat.—5 am. ld. E. H. Brown, 28 Westgate, 

— — — — 

84] J. Walling, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Hugo's French Journal, 1896. Wed. 1d., illus. J. Pitman & Son, 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Hull & District Post Office Gulde, 1888. M.—ist. 1d. Post Office, Hull. 

Hull and East Riding Amusements, 1898. Sat. Gratis, illus. Morison’s, 58 Whitefriar- 
gate, Hull. 

tHULL & EAST YORKSHIRE TIMES, 1857. 8 Editions. Sat.—4 am. ld. E. S. Lewis, 
22 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) , 

tHULL & LINCOLNSHIRE TIMES, 1856. Sat. 1d. 8 editions. 22 Whitefriargate, Hull. 
(London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 485.) 

Hull Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 15 Chapel Lane, Hull. One of 
the Catholie Herald (London) series. 

fHULL DAILY NEWS, 1884. (2) Even. 4d. Eastern Morning & Hull News Co. Lim., 42 
Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) 

Hull Directory, 1882. Annually. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

HULL EXPRESS, 1876 (now Daily News & Express, 1901). . 

tHULL NEWS, 1852. (l) Sat. 1d.; with supplement, 2d. Eastern Moming & Hull News 
Co. Lim., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St., E.c.) l 

Hull Street Pocket Guide, 1898. Sept. 2d. and 3d. Mountain & Co., 8a George St., Hull. 

Hull Trades Councll Labour Journal, 1898. M. 6th. 1d. Hull Printers Lim., Printers’ 
Buildings, Hull. 

Humane Review, 1900. Quarterly. 1s. E. Bell, 6 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Humane Year Book & Directory, 1898. Nov. 1s. T. Clemo, 22 Glasshouse St., Regent St., w. 

Humanitarian, 1903 (as Humanity, 1895). M.—1st. Humanitarian League, 58 Chancery 
Lane, w.c. 

Hunstanton News, 1859. (l) Fri. for Sat. Lynn News and County Press Co. Lim., Purfleet 
St., King’s Lynn. One of the Lynn News series. 

tHUNTINGDON ADVERTISER, 1877. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co, High St, March. A 
localised edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

HUNTINGDONSHIRE HERALD, 1807. (1) Fri. 1d. Hatfield & Co., Market Hill, Cambridge 
A localised edition of the Cambridge Independent Press. 

tHUNTINGDONSHIRE POST (as Hunts Guardian, 1869). Fri.—6 am., for Sat. ld. 
H. Butterfield, Priory Square, Huntingdon. 

tHUNTLY EXPRESS, 1868. (2) Fri.—5 pm. ld. J. Dunbar, 20 Duke St., Huntly. (The 
only newspaper published in West Aberdeenshire. Advt.) ' 

HUNTS CHRONICLE, 1889 (incorporated with the Cambridge Weekly News). 

tHUNTS COUNTY NEWS, 1886 (St. Neots Chronicle, 1855) (with which is amalgamated the 
St. Ives Times). (l) Fri—a.m., for Sat. 1d. 187 High St., Huntingdon. 

Hunt's Universal Yacht List, 1847. June. 6s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Hurst Johnian, 1858. M.—ist. 4d. C. Cull & Sons, 15 Houghton St., w.c. 

tHYDE REPORTER AND TELEGRAPH, 1886. (1) Fri. for Sat. 14d. J. Andrew & Co, 
Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Hyde. One of the Ashton Reporter series. 

tHYTHE & SANDGATE ADVERTISER, 1884. Fri. for Sat. ld. T., H. English, High St. 
Folkestone. A localised edition of the Folkestone Express. i : 
HYTHE & SANDGATE STANDARD, 1902. (c) Sat. 1d. E.J. Parsons Lim., The Bayle 
Folkestone. ’ 

tHYTHE REPORTER, 1888 (with which is incorporated The Folkestone Visitor's List, The 
eo News & Hythe & Sandgate Echo). (tnd.) Fri—p.m. 1d. E. Palmer, Great Conduit, 
HYTHE SENTINEL, 1899. Sat. 1d. J. Jones, 5 Grace Hill, Folkestone. 

Ibis, 1859. Jan., April, I uly, Oct. 6s., illus. Gurney & J ackson, 1 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Ice & Cold Storage, 1898. M.—ist. Thurs. 6d. Ice & Cold Storage Publishing Co. Lin. 
89 Farringdon St., E.c. 2 

Idle Moments, 1903. Mon. for Sat. 1d. F. Shaw, 12 & 13 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.c, 

Idler, 1892. M.—1st. 6d., illus. Chatto & Windus, 111 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Ilford, East Ham & Manor Park Directory, 1899. Annually. 1g. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. ’ 

tILFORD GUARDIAN, 1898. Fri—Ga.m, ld, W.A. Locks, Ilford Hil | 
edition of the Essex Guardian. , H, Ilford. A localised 

e ° NE iad as cra: 
Advertisements received for all the Manchester Newspapers. [85 

A BC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ILF 2 RECORDER, 1899. (ind.) Fri. 1d. South Essex Recorders Lim.,169 High Road, 
ord. ; 

Ilford Year Book, 1898, Dec. id. and 6d. W. A. Locks, Ilford Hill, Ilford. 

+ILFRACOMBE CHRONICLE, 1860. (1) Fri. for Sat. ld. Northfield Road, Ilfracombe. 

for Sat. 14 I. Clark & Co., 88 High St., Ilfracombe. 

+ILKESTON ADVERTISER, 1881. (2) Fri. ld. W. Shakspeare, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. 
+ILKESTON PIONEER, 1853. (c) Fri. 1d. E. Trueman, 147 Bath St., Ilkeston. 

tILKLEY FREE PRESS, 1872. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Wm. Walker & Sons, Victoria Works, Otley. 
One of the Wharfedale £ Airedale Observer series. 

tILKLEY GAZETTE, 1861. Sat. 1d. J. Shuttleworth, Gothic House, Brook St., Ilkley. 

lilustrated Bits, 1884 (as Illustrated Tid-Bits, 1884). Wed.—9a.m. ld. T. H. Roberts Lim., 
158 Fleet St., E.c. 

fillustrated Carpenter and Builder, 1877. Fri—2.80 pm. ld. J. Dicks, Effingham. 
House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 417.) 

illustrated Catholic Missions, 1886. M.—1st. 8d. J. Donovan, 19 Henrietta St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

illustrated Chips, 1890. Thurs. for Sat. $d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 
itlustrated Christian News (incorporated with Christian Herald, 1898). 

lilustrated Church News (incorporated with Church Bells). 

+lliustrated Kennel News, 1902. Fri. 1d. Illustrated Kennel News Co. Lim., 149 Fleet St., E.C. 

+ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, 1842. Fri. for Sat. 6d. A separate Christmas Number 
in Nov., 1s. Illustrated News & Sketch Lim., 198 Strand, w.c. 

+ILLUSTRATED MAIL, 1899. Fri. 1d. Carmelite House, E.C. 

IIlustrated Missionary News, 1877 (as Pictorial Missionary News, 1865). M.—1st. 1d. 
S. W. Partridge & Co, 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

lilustrated Official Journal, 1889 (as Illustrated Journal of Patented Inventions, 1884. 
Wed.—10a.m. 6d. 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Iltustrated Parish Monthly, 1894. M.—20th. 4d. Glen & Co., 14 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
IWlustrated Police Budget, 1898. Thurs.—ld. H. Furness, Caxton House, 11 Gough Square, 
Fleet St., B.C. 
lilustrated Police News, 1883. Wed.—morn., for Sat. 1d. St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet St., E.c. 
usa Scientific News, 1902. M.—ist. 6d. King, Sell & Olding Lim., 27 Chancery 
ane, W.C. * i 
Illustrated Sheet Almanac, 1851. Dec. 1d., illus. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

+ILLUSTRATED SPORTING AND DRAMATIC NEWS, 1874. Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. 6d. 
G. J. Maddick, 172 Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 437.) 

llilustrated Temperance Monthly, 1889 (as Monthly Popular Chronicle, 1882). 1d. 
4 Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w. i 

ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY TELEGRAPH (now Bradford Weekly Telegraph). 

Illustrated Wrexham Argus and North Wales Athlete, 1884. M.—1st. 2d. Berkeley & 
Jones, 50 Chester St., Wrexham. 

Illustrator, 1889. 3d. M.—20th. 441 Strand, w.c. 
ILMINSTER LEADER, 1898 (incorporated with the Yeovzl Leader, 1901). 
|.L.P. News, 1897. M.—10th. 1d. 10 Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.c. 

tIMPARTIAL REPORTER, 1825 (with which is incorporated Fermanagh Mail, 1808). Thurs.— 
4am. ld. W. Trimble, 7 East Bridge St., Enniskillen. 

Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1891 (as Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1886), Jan., 
April, July, Oct. 5s. Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, x.c. 

Imperial Colonist, 1902. M.—ist. 2d. British Women’s Emigration Association,’ Imperial 
Institute, South Kensington, s.w. 

Imperial Stud Book, 1902. Jan. 10s. H.R. Burgess, Newton Abbot. 

Imperial Tariff, 1868. Annually. 8s. With appendix, 4s. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 379.) 

+imperial Union, 1905. Sat. 2d. 4& 5 Gough Square, E.c. 

implement and Machinery Review, 1878 (as Implement Manufacturers’ Review, 1875). M, 
—Ilst. 8d. H. Westcott, 28 Budge Row, Cannon St., E.C. . 

— — 

86] J. Walling, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. p 

repel Pee 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

In His Name, 1888. M.—29th. 1d. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Incorporated Accountants’ Journal, 1889. M.—1st. 8d. 4 King St., Cheapside, E.C. 

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Calendar, 1901. Jan. 88s. W. G. Wakely, Solicitors’ 
Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. 

Incorporated Phonographic Soclety’s Quarterly Journal, 1894. 6d. Incorporated 
Phonographic Society, 100 Mathison Road, Finsbury Park, n. 

Increase, 1885. Dec. Gratis. Drummond’s Tract Depdt, Stirling. 

indent and Colonial Prices Current. 2 editions, British & Foreign. M.—1st. Annual 
sub., one edition, 10s.; two editions, 16s. A. Sautter & Co., “Indent” Colonial Agency, 
127 Fenchurch St., £.c. 

Indent Gazette, 1895. Wed. £22s. per ann. W. Agnew, 24 Mark Lane, E.c. 
INDEPENDENT, 1890 (as Nonconformist, 1841, now Examiner, 1900). 

‘Independent Methodist, 1898 (as Free Gospel Magazine, 1867). M.—1st. 2d., illus. 
E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Independent Review, 1908. (1) M.—Ilst. Qs. 6d. net. T. Fisher Unwin, 11 Paternoster 
Square, E.C. 

Index Library, 1887. Quarterly. 21s. perann. E.A. Fry, 172 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Index of Archeological Papers, 1891. Annually. 1}d. Secretary, Congress of Archeological 
Societies, Burlington House, w. — 

Index to the Periodical Literature of the World, 1890. May. 15s. Review of Reviews, Mow- 
bray House, Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

index to “The Times,” 1867. Quarterly. 10s. S. Palmer, Richmond House, Shepperton-on- 
Thames. (Easy reference to the newspaper for preceding quarter. Advt.) 

tindia, 1890. Fri. 2d. Indian National Congress, 84 & 85 Palace Chambers, s.w. 

India List and India. Office List, 1896. Feb. or Mar. Maps. 10s. 6d. Harrison & Sons, 
59 Pall Mall, s.w. (Containing an account of the services of the Officers in the Indian Service 
and other information, by direction of Secretary of State for India in Council. Advt.) 

India Rubber and Gutta Percha Trades Journal, 1884. . Alternate Mons. 6d., illus. 
Maclaren & Sons, 87 & 88 Shoe Lane, E.c. . 

Indian and Eastern Engineer, 1886. M.—15th. 20s. per ann. 50 Fenchurch St., E.C. 
Indian Appeals, 1874. Three parts per year. 21s. per ann. Wm. Clowes & Sons Lim.,7 Fleet St., E.C. 
Indian Education, 1902. M.—1st. 1s. Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Indian Magazine (as Journal of the National Indian Association, 1871). M.—1st. 8d. 
| A. Constable & Co. Lim., 2 Whitehall Gardens, s.w. 

India’s Women, 1881. M.—24th.. 1d., illus. 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
INDICATOR, 1867. Daily, except Saturday. 4d. Lane Bros. Lim., 250 Harrow Road, w. 

Individualist, 1903 (as Personal Rights, 1881). M.—15th. ld. Personal Rights Association, 
82 Charing Cross, 8.w. 

Infants’ and Girls’ Teacher, 1900 (formerly Girls’ and Infants’ Mistress, now Teachers’ 
Times de.). 

Infants’ Magazine, 1866. M.—25th. ld., ilius. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Ingenlero Español y Gaceta Sud Americana, 1885. M.—l5th. 6s. per ann. 1 & 2 
Whitfield St., E.C. 

tinquirer, 1842. (1) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. E. Kennedy, 8 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Institute Magazine, 1882. M. during Session. 1d. H.J. Sabin, 89 Corporation St., Birmingham. 
Insurance Agent, 1866. M.—1ist. 2d. Dawbarn & Ward Lim., 6 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 
insurance Agents’ News, 1888. M.—ist. 2d. 98. G. Hunt, 46 Southampton Buildings, w.c. 

Insurance and Financial Gazette, 1889 (as Ulster Insurance Gazette, 1879). M.—Ist. 
6d. John Bain, 74 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Insurance and Financial News, 1892, M.—i5th. 6d. W.J. McClurg & Co., 40 Donegall 
St., Belfast. | 

Insurance, Ban king, and Financial Review, 1888 (with which is incorporated the Insur- 
ance and Banking Review, 1886; as Insurance, 1881). M.—1st. 8d. 85 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Insurance Blue-Book and Guide, 1873. Sept. 2s. & 4s. Dawbarn & Ward Lim., 6 Farringdon 
Avenue, E.C. 

Insurance Budget Commercial Worid, etc., 1890. Fortnightly. 8d. F. Buckle, 
57 & 58 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
ee a en E E ca ee et ot a —— 

Advertisements received for all the Scotch Newspapers. 187 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Insurance Gazette and Provident Societies Chronicle, 1858. M.—1st. 2d. 561-7, 20 
Bucklersbury, E.c. 

Insurance Guardian, 1867. M.—80th. 2d. E. W. Allen, 4 Ave Maria Lane, E:c. 
Insurance Index, 1870 (English Edition). M.—15th. 6d. 46 Strand, w.c. 
Insurance Indicator, 1898. M.—Ist. 4d. 8 Middlesex St., E. 

Insurance Journal, 1878. M.—15th. 4d. H. Wilkinson, 47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Insurance News, 1884. 8d. Fortnightly. H. Plummer, 88 Fountain St., Manchester. 

Insurance Newspaper & House Property Advertiser, & Buiiding Society 
Review (incorporated with Inswrance Opinion). 

+Insurance Observer, 1888. Fri. 6d. G.H. Ribbons & Co., 87 Walbrook, E.c. 

Insurance Opinion, 1882. M.—20th. 2d. Dunlop & Co., 1 & 2 Whitfield St., Finsbury, E.C. 
Insurance Post, 1888 (now Enterprise, British & Foreign). 

+Insurance Record, 1862. Fri—4p.m. 2d. J. Callingham, 18 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Insurance Register, 1869 (as Assurance Register, 1865). Mar. 1s. C. & E. Layton, 56 Farring- 
don St., E.c. . 

Insurance Spectator of London, 1880. ist & 15th. 4d. Page & Pratt Lim., 5 Ludgate 
Circus Buildings, E.c. 

Insurance World and Monetary Record, 1879. Twice monthly. 4d. 287 Dashwood 
House, New Broad Street, E.c. 

International Code of Signals, 1856. Jan. 218. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch 8t., E.c. 
Flag signal Code for communication between ships and signal stations. 

International Daily Text Book, 1879. Nov. 4d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, r.c. 

International Directory of Booksellers & Bibliophiles’ Manual, 1886. Irreg. 6s. Jas. Clegg, 
Aldine Press, Rochdale. 

International Guide to British and Foreign Merchants and Manufacturers, 1872. Biennially. 
i 40s.; Subscribers, 80s. A. Lamb, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate St. Without, E.c. 

International Journal of Ethics, 1889. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 28. 6d. Swan, 
Sonnenschein & Co., 6 White Hart St., E.c. 

International Mercantile Directory, 1898. April. 20s. Collingwood Bros.,65 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
International Quarterly, 1902. Quarterly. & T. Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square, E.c. 

International Railway Congress Bulletin, 1895. M.—I1st. Sub., 24s. P.8.King & Son, 
Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

International Sugar Journal, 1899 (as Sugar Cane, 1869), M.—Ilst. 1s. Altrincham, 

International Theatre, 1908. M.—1st. 1s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, £.c. 

International Theosophist, 1898 (as Irish Theosophist, 1892). M.—27th. 8d. 117 Stephen’s 
Green, Dublin. (London: 8 Vernon Place, w.c.) 

Into the Highways & Hedges, 1895 (as Children’s Advocate, 1871). M.—1st. 2d. Wes- 
'ayan Conference Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, & 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

nventor’s Review and Scientific Record, 1891 (as Inventor, 1889). M.—20th. 8d. 
E. Eaton, F.S.P.A., 99 Cannon St., E.c. 

INVERGORDON TIMES, 1855. Tues.—7 p.m., for Wed. 1d. H. Graham, High St., Invergordon. 
Inverness Burgh Directory, 1884. May. 1s. Carruthers & Sons, Bank Lane, Inverness. 
Inverness County Directory, 1885. Jan. 1s. Carruthers & Sons, Bank Lane, Inverness. 
tINVERNESS COURIER, 1817. (lu) Tues. & Fri—am. 1d. Carruthers & Sons, Bank 

Lane, Inverness. 

tiInverness Football Times, 1885. Sat.—7 pm. id. J. McLeod, Highland News 
Buildings, Inverness. 

Investment Register, 1878. M.—1st. Gratis. Jenkinson & Co., 87 Walbrook, E.c. 
Investors’ Blue Book, 1902. Annually. 2s. and 8s. net. Tower Chambers, London Wall, E.c. 

investors Chronicle & Journal of Finance, 1899. M.—Ilst. G. J. Holmes, 
Tower Chambers, London Wall, £.c. 

tinvestors’ Guardian and Joint Stock Companies’ Review, 1868. Sat. 6d. Investors’ 
Guardian Lim., Lime St. Chambers, 21 Lime Street, E.c. 
Investors’ Handbook of Railway Statistics, 1879. Apr.1s. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, £.c. 

ee Monthiy Handbook, 1901. M.—ist. G.J. Holmes, Tower Chambers, London 
all, E.c. 

. 88] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

—— — — = Se eee ee — — — 

Investor’s Monthly Manual, 1864. M.—Ist. 1s. Jane and Dec., 1s. 6d. Granville House 
8 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

tinvestor's Review, 1892. Sat. 6d. Norfolk House, Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

Ipswich Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Ipswich Modern, 1896. During term. 4d. The Headmaster, The Middle School for Boys, Ipswich 

ipswich School Magazine, 1857. Six times a year. 6d. Queen Elizabeth School, Ipswich. 

Ireland, 1901. M.—Ist. 6d. Sealy, Bryers, & Walker, Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Ireland’s Gazette, 1889. (nat.) lst & 8rd Sat. 1d. J. G. V. Porter, 58 Upper Sack- 
ville St., Dublin. 

Ireland’s Own, 1902. Wed. 1d. J. M. Walsh, People Printing Works, A. 1 North Main St., 

tIRELAND’S SATURDAY NIGHT, 1894. Sat.—p.m. §d. W.& G. Baird, Lim., Royal Avenue, 
Belfast. (London: 544 Fleet St.) 

"Irish Baptist Magazine, 1877. M. 1d. Religious Tract and Book Depöt, 116 Royal Avenue, 

Irish Bee Journal, 1901. M.—ist. 1d. Rev. J. G. Digges, Lough Rynn, Dromod, Leitrim. 

Irish Bits, 1895 (now Irish Truth, 1900). 

Irish Builder and Engineer, 1859. Semi-M.—Alter. Thurs. 1d., illus. Mecredy, Percy & 
Co. Lim., 34 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 

tirish Catholic, 1888. Sat. ld. W.F. Dennehy, 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Irish Catholic Directory £ Almanac, 1891. 9s 6d. Jan. Jas. Duffy & Co. Lim., 15 Wellington 
Quay, Dublin. 

lrish Christian Worker, 1898. M.—15th. 1d. W. Duff, Greenhill Hall, Brookboro. 

Irish Church Directory, 1862. Dec. 2s. 6d. net. Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing 
Co. Lim., 61 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Irish Civil Service Candidate (amalgamated with the General Advertiser, Dublin). 

Irish Commercial and Railway Gazetteer, 1879. 28. 6d.; 2s. 9d. post free. McCorquodale & Co., 

" Cardington St., N.w. 

Irish Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co., 88 Lombard St. E.c. 

Irish Congregationai Magazine, 1862. M.—1st. Fri. 1d. J. A. Murphy, Howard St., Belfast. 

tirish Cyclist, 1885 (with which is incorporated Irish Wheelman, 1903). Wed. 1d. Mecredy, 
Percy & Co. Lim., 34 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 

tIRISH DAILY INDEPENDENT AND DAILY NATION, 1891 (with which is incorporated the 
Daily Nation, 1900). (ind. nat.) 4a.m. ld. Irish Independent Co. Lim., Trinity Buildings, 
Trinity St., Dublin. (London: 190 Fleet St., E.C.) 

Irish Draper, 1902. M.—1st. 1d. Frazer & Co., 53 Lower Sackville St., Dublin. 

Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette, 1856 (now Church of Ireland Gazette, 1900). 

Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 1864. M. 1s. Browne & Nolan Lim., 24 and 25 Nassau St., Dublin, 

Irish Emerald, 1891. Sat. 1d., illus. 90 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

tirish Farming World, 1888. Fri. 1d. W. A. Fraser, 15 Fleet St., Dublin. 

tIRISH FIELD & GENTLEMAN'S GAZETTE, 1894 (as Irish Sportsman, 1870). Sat.—a.m. 
8d. 27 Dame St., Dublin. (London: 74 Fleet St., E.c.) 

Irish Figaro, 1892 (as Irish Life, 1890; now Figaro & Irish Gentlewoman). 

tirish Golfer, 1899. Wed. 2d. Sackville Press Lim., 84 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 

tirish Grocer, 1902. Sat. 68. 6d. per ann. J. W. Gillmour, 28 Merchants’ Quay, Dublin. 

Bm Homestead, 1895. Sat. 1d. Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, 22 Lincoln Place, 


Irish Investors’ Guardian, 1894. M. lst Sat. 8d. R. Perrin, 12-14 College Green, Dublin. 
irish Law Times & Solicitors’ Journai, 1867. Sat. 9d. J. Falconer,58U pper Sackville St.,Dublin. 

Irish Manufacturer's Directory and Year Book, 1902. Feb. 2s. 6d. K.J. Kenny, 200 Great 
Brunswick St., Dublin. 

Irish Manufacturer’s Monthly, 1902. 2s. 6d. 200 Great Brunswick St., Dublin. 

Irish Military Guide, 1891. M.—2nd Mon. 6d,, illus, E.Manico Lim., 12 D’Olier St., Dublin. 
(London: 47 Fleet St.) 

Irish Monthly, 1873. 6d. Gill & Son,50 Upper O'Connell St., Dublin. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Irish Naturalist, 1892. M.—1st. 6d. Eason & Son Lim., Dublin. 

tIRISH NEWS AND BELFAST MORNING NEWS, 1855. (nat.) Daily—4a.m. 1d. Irish 
News Lim., 121 & 125 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 2 Creed Lane.) 


Advertisements received for all the Norwich Newspapers. [89 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Irish Nights, 1908. M.—1st. 1d. 70 Great Strand St., Dublin. 

IRISH PACKET, 1908. Wed. 1d. Princes St., Dublin. (London: 211 Strand.) 
+IRISH PEOPLE, 1899. Thurs. 1d. P. Walton, 105 Capel St., Dublin. 

Irish Presbyterian, 1895. M.—1st. ld. 54 King St., Belfast. 

irish Protestant, 1901. Fri. 1d. R. L. Crawford, 17 Nassau St., Dublin. 

Irish Road Book, 1899. Annually, 10s. Gd. Cyclist’s Touring Club, 47 Victoria St., s.w. 
Irish Rosary, 1897. M.—28rd. 4d. Dominican Fathers, St. Saviour’s Priory, Dublin. 

Irish School Monthly, 1900. M.—lst. 3d. Blackie & Son Lim., 89 Talbot St., Dublin. 
(London: 50 Old Bailey.) 

tlrish Society, 1888. Wed., for Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. E. Manico Lim., 12 D’Olier St., Dublin. 
(London: 47 Fleet St.) 

tlrish Teachers’ Journal, 1867. Sut. 2d. R.M.Chamney, 96 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 
Irish Technical Journal, 1908. M.—25th. 1d. R. Macdonald, 79 Upper George St., Kingstown. 
Irish Temperance League Journal, 1863. M.—Iist. 1d. W. Wilkinson, 18 Lombard St., Belfast. 
irish Templar, 1877. M.—Ilst. 1d. J. Haveron, City Chambers, Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Irish Textile Journal, 1886 (as Belfast Linen Trade Circular, 1852). M.—l15th. 10d. H.C. 
Smith, 7 Donegall Square East, Belfast. 

tIRISH TIMES, 1859. (u) Daily—5 a.m. 1d. Irish Times Lim., 31 Westmoreland St., Dublin. 
(London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 437.) 

irish Tobacco Trade Journai, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. Frazer & Co., 58 Lower Sackville St., 

Irish Tourist, 1893. M.—during season. 1d. 118 Grafton St., Dublin. 
Irish Tribune, 1884 (now Tyneside Catholic News). 

tirish Truth, 1900 (as Irish Bits, 1895). Fri. 1d. E. Manico Lim., 12 D'Olier St., Dublin. 
(London: 47 Fleet St.) 

tIRISH WEEKLY AND ULSTER EXAMINER, 1878. (nat.) Thurs., for Sat—6 a.m. ld. 
Irish News Lim., 121 & 125 Donegall St., Belfast. (London: 2 Creed Lane.) i 

tIRISH WEEKLY INDEPENDENT AND NATION, 1898 (with which is incorporated the 
Weekly Nation, 1900). (ind. nat.) Thurs. 1d. Irish Independent Co. Lim., Trinity Buildings, 
Trinity St., Dublin. (London: 190 Fleet St.) 

tirish Wheelman, 1890 (amalgamated with the Irish Cyclist, 1908). 
tlron & Coal Trades Review, 1866. Fri. 6d., illus. Eagland & Co., 165 Strand, w.c. 

tiron and Steel Trades Journal and Mining Engineer, 1887 (as Iron Trade Exchange, 
1849). Sat.—9 a.m. 8d. S. Griffiths & Co. Lim., 4 Suffolk Lane, Cannon 8t., E.c. 

Iron Cross, 1903. M.—Ist. 1d. Smith’s P. & P. Agency, 100 Fleet St., E.c. 

tiron Trade Circular (Ryland’s), 1864. Sat. 21s. per ann. Foreign, 253. 4d. 42 Exchange 
Buildings, Stephenson Place, Birmingham. 

tlronmonger, 1859. Sat. 6d., illus. E.P. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

Ironmonger Diary, 1869. Dec. 8s.6d. E. P. Halse, 42 Cannon St., E.C. 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1892. M.—1st. 5s. per ann., illus. F. W. Bridges, 189 & 140 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary, 1898. Dec.. 8s. 6d. F. W. Bridges, 189 & 140 Fleet St., E.C. 
Ironmongery, 1888 (incorporated with Hardware Trade Journal). 

Ironworkers’ Journal, 1869. M.—ist. Gratis. J. Cox, 6 Mount Pleasant, Darlington. 

sIRVINE AND FULLARTON TIMES, 1878. (1) Fri.—7 am. 1d. A. Guthrie & Sons, Princes 
St., Ardrossan. A localised edition of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald. 

IRVINE HERALD, 1870. (ind.) Fri. 1d. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. 

tISIS, THE, 1892. Sat.—10a.m.,during term. 6d. Alden & Co. Lim.,85 Cornmarket St., Oxford. 
Islamic World, 1898. M.—1st. 6d. The Crescent Printing Co., 4 Geneva Road, Liverpool. 
+ISLE OF ELY AND WISBECH ADVERTISER, 1845. Wed. & Sat. 1d. Gardiner & Co., Wisbech. 

tISLE OF MAN DAILY TIMES, 1897. (ind.l) 4d. Brown & Sons Lim., Times Buildings, 
Athol St., Douglas. 

tISLE OF MAN EXAMINER, 1880. (27) Fri—5 p.m. ld. S. K. Broadbent & Co. Lim., Vic- 
toria St., Douglas, and Port St. Mary. . 

Isle of Man Examiner Annual Directory, 1890. Dec. 8d. S.K. Broadbent & Co. Lim., Victoria 
St., Douglas. 

-tISLE OF MAN WEEKLY TIMES, 1849. Sat. 1d. (ind. 2) Brown & Sons Lim., Times 
Buildings, Douglas. 

Bee . . . 
90] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 
Isle of Thanet Directory, 1882. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

fISLE OF WIGHT ADVERTISER, 1857. Fri.—for Sat. ld. I. of W. Advertiser Lim., Church 
St., Ventnor. 

1d. Mrs. Martin, 7 High St., Sandown. 

Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. G. A. Brannon, 26 St. James’s Square, Newport, I. of W., and Union St., 
Ryde; Branch Offices at Cowes, Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor, and Freshwater, I. of W.; 
100 agencies, including London, Lymington, Southampton and Portsmouth. (Advt.) 

Isle of Wight Directory, 1886. Biennially. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
tISLE OF WIGHT EXPRESS, 1870 (incorporated with the Isle of Wight County Press, 1903). 
ISLE OF WIGHT GUARDIAN (now Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight Guardian). 

tISLE OF WIGHT HERALD, 1864. Fri.—p.m. ld. G. Fellows, Shooter’s Hill, Cowes. 

LIST, 1855. (c) Sat. 1d. A. Prentice, 88 Pier St., Ventnor. 

tISLE OF WIGHT OBSERVER, 1852. (w) 13d. Sat. J. C. Hartnall, Colonnade, Lind St., Ryde. 

tISLE OF WIGHT TIMES, 1862 (with which is incorporated the Island Standard). (lib.-imp.) 
Wed. 1d. S.D. Munday, Union St., Ryde. (Advt. p. 447.) 

tISLINGTON DAILY GAZETTE, 1856. (ind.) Daily (except Sat.)--8 a.m. 4d. W. Trounce, 
10 High St., Islington, n., and 10 Gough Square, Fleet St., E.c. 

Islington Directory, 1851. Dec. 2s. 6d. W. Trounce, 10 Gough Square, E.c., and 10 High St., 
Islington, N. 

tISLINGTON NEWS AND HORNSEY GAZETTE, 1877. (ind.) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. 
W. Trounce, 10 High St., Islington, N., and 10 Gough Square, E.c. 

tISLINGTON POST, 1899. (wz) Sat. 1d. London and General Printing Co. Lim., 398a Liver- 
pool Road, Islington, nN. (Advt. p. 423.) 

lsobel’s Dressmaking at Home, 1895. M.—15th. 14d. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta 
St., W.C. 

lsobel’s Home Cookery, 1895. M.--ist. 1d. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tJACKSON’S OXFORD JOURNAL, 1758. (wu) Fri.forSat. 1d. H.Hall,7 New Road, Oxford. 

Jackson’s Woolwich Journal and Army and Navy Gazette, 1844 (incorporated with the 
Kentish Independent, 1901). 

Japanese Journal of Commerce, 1896. Quarterly. 8 Chancery Lane, w.c.,and Tokio, Japan. 
Jarrold’s Model & ABC Time Tables. M.—1st. 1d. Jarrold & Sons Lim., Norwich. 
tJARROW EXPRESS, 1870. Fri. 1d. T. Robinson, 86 Ormonde St., Jarrow. 

+JARROW GUARDIAN, 1872. (rad.) Fri—8 pm. ld. W. Rutherford, 12 Grange Road, 

Easton, 9 Market Place, Jedburgh. 

JEDBURGH POST, 1895. (7) Fri—am. d. J. Lunn, 18 Canongate, Jedburgh. 
Jefferson’s Almanac £ Tide Tables, 1802. Nov. 1s. Fargher & Co., Douglas. 
Jersey Amusements, 1900. Sat. Gratis. C. P. Duparcq, 23 Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey. 

Jersey Express Almanac £ Channel Islands Directory, 1869. Dec. 6d. & 1s. J.T. Bigwood, 
18 Broad St., St. Helier, Jersey. 

tJERSEY TIMES & BRITISH PRESS, 1888 as British Press, 1815). (c) Daily.—4.30 and 6.80, 
pm. $d. P. M. Delamare, 49 Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey. 

tTJERSEY WEEKLY PRESS, 1855. (c) Fri—llam., for Sat. 1d. P.M. Delamare, 49 
Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey. 

Jester and Wonder, 1902 (as Funny Wonder, 1893). Sat. ld. Amalgamated Press Lim., 
Carmelite House, E.c. 

Jew, 1897. See Hajehoodi. 
Jeweller and Metalworker, 1873. Semi-M.—ist & 15th. ld. 24 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 
Jeweller & Metalworker Almanac, Diary, d: Directory, 1878. Dec. 1s.6d. 24 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Jewellers’ and Watchmakers’ Trade Advertiser, 1891 (with which is incorporated Cutler 
and Electro Plater, 1889). M.—15th. ld. H.R. Goldsmith, 87 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

— Pocket Book Diary, 1897. Dec. 23.6d.&5s. A.Sydenham, 26 Frederick St., Birming- 

Advertisements received for all the Sheffield Newspapers. [91 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

en er — — — — — — — — — 

Jewellers’ Register, Watchmakers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths and Optical 
Trades Journal, 1908. M.—ist. 6d. A. H. Burton Lim., Caxton House, Louth. 

tJEWISH CHRONICLE, 1841. Fri.—9 a.m. 2d. S. Davis, 2 Finsbury Square, E.c. 
tJEWISH EXPRESS, 1895. Daily. §d.; Wed., 1d. Ginsberg Bros., 89 Commercial St., E. 

Jewish Herald, 1899 (as Jewish Herald, 1846; as Jewish Missionary Herald, 1895). -M.—1st. 
ld. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Jewish Literary Annual, 1908. 1s. Union of Jewish Literary Societies, 102 Grosvenor Road, 
Highbury, N. i 

Jewish Missionary Advocate. M.—25th. d. J. Nisbet & Co. Lim., 21 Berners St., w. 

Jewish Missionary Intelligence, 1835. M.—25th. 1d. 16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, w.c. 

Jewish Press, 1908. Weekly. A. Marks, 314 Graham Road, n 

Jewish Quarterly Review, 1888. Jan., April, July, Oct. 8s. 6d. Macmillan & Co. Lim., 
St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Jewish Telephone, 1896 (now Brill’s Jewish Telephone, 1901). 

+JEWISH WORLD, 1878. (l) Thurs. for Fri. 1d. 90 Chiswell St., E.c. 
Jewish Year-Book, 1895. Aug. 2s.6d. Greenberg & Co., 80 Chancery Lane, w.c. 
tJockey, 1890. Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat.,1d.; Mon., 1s. 1 Wych St., Strand, w.c. 

John Adams's Southampton Almanack, 1854. Jan. 2d. & 6d. J. Adams, 49 Oxford St., South- 

John Bull, 1901. Thurs. 1d. Isbister & Co., 18 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

John Bull’s Year Book, 1908. Jan. 1s. John Bul!l’s Press Lim., 5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

John Heywood's Railway Guide. M.—1st. 1d. J. Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. 

+JOHN O’ GROAT JOURNAL, 1886. (ind.) Fri. 1d. An extra issue, the Herring Circular, 
Sat., 4d., during the fishing season. Reid & Co., Bridgend, Wick. 

John Ploughman’s Almanac, 1878. 1d. Passmore & Alabaster, 4 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

John Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack, 1864. Dec. 1s. Wisden & Co., 21 Cranbourne St., w.c. 

John Wisden’s Cricketers’ Note Book, 1900. May. 6d. John Wisden & Co., 21 Cranborne St., w.c. 

Johnson’s Football Guide, 1889. Aug. 1d. A. Johnson, Caxton Press, Nottingham. 

JOHNSTONE ADVERTISER, 1890. Fri. 4d. Landles & Co., 3 High St., Johnstone. 

JOHNSTONE OBSERVER, 1845. Fri. 4d. Thos. Boyd, 89 High Street, Johnstone. 

+Joint Stock Companies Journal, 1898 (as Bradshaw’s Railway Gazette, 1845). Wed. 4d. 
Chas. Dear, 28a Basinghall St., E.c. 

Jones’s A BC Railway Guide for Nuneaton and District, 1896. M.—29th. ld. 
F. R. Jones, 2 Abbey St., Nuneaton. 

José Lillies Fashions and Diagrams, 1908. Quarterly. 2d. Popular Publishing Co., 
83 Farringdon St., E.c. 

José Lille’s Juvenile Dressmaker, 1895. M. — last. Tues. 1$d. Popular Publishing Co., 
88 Farringdon St., E.c. 

José Lille’s Practical Fashions, 1898. M.—8rd Wed. 14d. Popular Publishing Co., 
83 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Jottings from the Shade of the City of London, 1876. M. 1d. R. May, Great Arthur 
Street, Golden Lane, E.c. 

tJOURNAL, 1887 (as Carmarthen Journal, 1810). (c) Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. ld. Journal 
Co. Lim., 1 & 2 St. Mary St., Carmarthen. 

Journal & Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. Irreg. 1s.6d. Fyre & 
Spottiswoode, East Harding St.,E.c. (Advé. p. 879.) 

Journal and Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 
1858. M. 1s. Catalogue Number, 6d. Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Journal des Modes, 1867. M.—18th. 1s. 6d., coloured plates. 8S. Miller, 142 Long Acre, w.c. 

Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1867. Oct, Jan, April, July. 6s., plates. Chas. 
Griffin & Co. Lim., 12 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. 

Journal of Balneology and Climatology, 1897. Quarterly. 2s. J. Bale, Sons, & 
Danielsson Lim., 88-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign, 1863. M.—lst. 1s. 8d., illus. West, Newman 
& Co., 54 Hatton Garden, E.c. 

Journal of Comparative Pathology & Therapeutics, 1888. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. 
W. & A. K. Johnston, Adine Works, Easter Road, Edinburgh. 

— — — — — — —— — — — — — — —— — — 

92] J. Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Journal of Conchoilogy, 1879 (as Quarterly Journal of Conchology, 1874). Quarterly. 1s. 6d. 
illus. Taylor Bros., Sovereign St., Leeds. 

Journal of Decorative Art, 1881. M. 7d., illus. Decorative Art Journals Co. Lim., 
26 Oxford Road, Manchester. (London: Simpkin & Co. Lim.) 

` Journal of Domestic Appliances and Sewing Machine and Cycle Gazette, 1881 
(as Sewing Machine Gazette, 1874). M.—1st. 4d., illus. Sewell & Co., 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Journal of Education, 1869. M.—1st. 6d. W. Rice, 8 Broadway, Ludgate Hill, z.c. 
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1902. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin's St., w.c. 

¢Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply, &c., 1849. Tues.—noon. 6d. W. King, 
11 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Journal of Greengrocery, Fruit, & Flowers, 1895 (now Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable 
Trades Journal, 1908). 

Journal of Helienic Studies, 1881. Half-yearly. 15s. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

fJournal of Horticulture, 1861 (as Cottage Gardener, 1848). Thurs.—38 a.m. 2d., illus. 
R. A. Hogg, 12 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c, 

Journal of Hygiene, 1901. Quarterly. 15s. perann. C.J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria Lane, E£.c. 

Journal of Indian Art, 1886. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s., illus. B. Quaritch, 16 Piccadilly, w. 

Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, & Otology, 1887. M.—Ist. 20s. per ann., illus. 
Rebman Lim., 129 Shaftesbury Avenue, Cambridge Circus, w.c. 

Journal of Malacology, 1892. Quarterly. 5s. perann. Dulau & Co., 87 Solio Square, w. 

Journal of Mental Science, 1850. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6s. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
Marlborough St., w. 

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynescology of the British Empire, 1902. M.—1st. 2s 6d. 
Shirratt & Hughes, 57 Long Acre, w.c. 

Journal of Pathology & Bacteriology, 1892. Irreg. 21s. per vol., illus. Young J. Pent- 
land, 88 West Smithfield, E.c. 

Journal of Philoiogy, 1868, Half-yearly. 4s.6d. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 
Journal of Physicai Therapeutics, 1900. (Now Medical Electrology and Radiology, 1908.) 
Journal of Physiology, 1878. Irreg. 21s. per vol. illus. C.J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria Lane, E.c. 

Journal of State Medicine, 1892. M.—1st. 2s. Baillitre, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Journal ofthe African Society, 1901. Quarterly. 6s. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St.,w.c. 

Journal of the Amalgamated Society of Tailors and Tailoresses, 1898. M.—Ist. 
1d. The Society, 415 Oxford St., Manchester. 

Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1871. 
Half-yearly. 103.,illus. 8 Hanover Square, w. 

Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, 
1888. June & Dec. 10s. University Press, Trinity College, Dublin. 

Journal of the Bath d& West d: Southern Counties’ Society, 1777. April. 6s. The Society, 
4 Terrace Walk, Bath. 

Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 1896. Quarterly—24th. 1s. Laughton & Co., 
1 Essex St., Strand. 

Journal of the Bradford Textile Society, 1892. Quarterly. 4d. Technical College, Bradford. 

Journal of the British Archeeological Association, 1845. Three timesa year. 7s. 6d., illus. 
82 Sackville St., Piccadilly, w. 

Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1890. 9timesa year. 1s.6d. Eyre & 
Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Journal of the British Dairy Farmers’ Association, 1876. Dec. 1s. 12 Hanover Square, w. 

Journal of the British Dental Association, 1872. M.—15th. 1s. Baillitre, Tindall & 
Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Journal of the British Homoeopathic Society, 1891. Quarterly. 2s.6d. J Bale, Sone 
& Danielsson Lim., 88-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Journal of the British Soclety of Mining Students, 1876. Bi-monthly. 2s. G.E. J. 
McMurtrie, Radstock, near Bath. 

Journal of the Camera Club, 1887. M.—5th. 6d. Harrison & Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1841. M.—i1st. £2 per ann. Gurney & Jackson, 
1 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Dublin Newspapers and Periodicals. [93 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Journal of the City of London College Science Society, 1888. Quarterly. 1s. City of 
London College, Moorfields, £.c. 

Journal of the Clerks of Works’ Association of Great Britain, 1883 (as Quarterly 

Journal of the Clerk of Works’ Association, 1882). M.—1st week. 2d. J. Brady, 4 Ham 

Park Road, Stratford, E. 

Journal of the Cork Historical and Archsological Society, 1892. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. 
Guy & Co., 70 Patrick St., Cork. 

Journal of the County Kildare Archeological Society, 1891. 2s. 6d. Kildare Archæological 
Society, c/o E. Ponsonby, 116 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Department of Agricultural and Technical Instruction of Ireland, 
1901. A. Thom & Co., Dablin. 

Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 1878. Jan. 10s. 6d., illus. 
Bemrose & Sons, Midland Place, Derby. 

Journal of the East India Association, 1867. Quarterly. 1s. 38 Victoria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Ex Libris Society, 1891. M.—Ist. 21s. per ann. W.H. K. Wright, Public 
Library, Plymouth. (London: A. & C. Black.) 

Journal of the Farmers’ Club, 1847. M.—Nov. to May, except Jan. 6d. Mackie & Co. 
Lim., 59 Fleet St., E.c. 

Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing, 1895. M. 383s.6d. Nov.toJune. Haxrison 
& Sons, 89 Pall Mall, w.c. 

Journal of the Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland, 1898. Dec. 
5s. The Institute, 9 Albert Square, Manchester. 

Journal of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, 1888. M.—1st. 8d. 49 Friar Gate, Derby. 

Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, 1851. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d. C. & E. 
Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Journal of the Institute of Bankers, 1879. M.—15th. 1s. 6d. to 2s. Blades, East & Blades, 
28 Abchurch Lane, E.c. 

Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1889 (as Journal of the Society of 
Telegraph Engineers, 1872). Irreg. Price varies. E.& F. N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Journal of the Irish Medical Association, 1901. M.—1st. 6d. Sealy, Bryers & Walker, 
Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Iron and Steel institute, 1871. Jan., July. 16s. illus. E. & F.N. Spon, 
Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Journal of the Kew Guild, 1898. Dec. 1s, W. R. Winn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 

Journal of the Linnzean Society, 1855. April, July, Nov. Price varies, occas. illus. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society. Quarterly. Subs. John Heywood, 
Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29 & 89 Shoe Lane, B. C.) 

Journal of the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club, 1890. During term. 1s. 
H. Frowde, Amen Corner, E.C. 

Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 1866. April & Nov. 8s. 6d. net., illus. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. : 

Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1846. Annually. 12s. J. Murray, 
50a Albemarle St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1908. M.—Ilst. 2s. John Bale & Son Lim., 
83 Great Tichfield St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Artillery, 1878. M.—15th. 2s. 6d. 15 Montague Place, Russell Square, w.c. 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1884. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 12s. “Royal 
Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle St., w. 

Journal of the Royal Colonial institute, 1890. M.—1st. 6d. Dec. to July. North- 
umberland Avenue, w.c. 

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1804. Quarterly. 10s., illus. Royal Horti- 
cultural Society, 117 Victcria St., s.w. 

Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, N.S. 1898. Fortnightly. 18s. 
Royal Institute of British Architects, 17 Old Queen St., s.w. 
Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 1864. May. 4s. O. Blackford, Truro. 

Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1878. M.—8rd Wed. 6s. net, illus. 
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

94) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Journal of the Royal Photographic Society, 1853. M.—last day. 1s.—to non- members. 
66 Russell Square, w.c. 

Journal of the Royal Soclety of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1890 (as Transactions of the 
Kilkenny Archeological Society, 1849). Quarterly. 8s., illus. Hodges, Figgis & Co. Lim., 
104 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1888. March, June, Sept., Dec. 5s. The 
Society, 9 Adelphi Terrace, w.c. 

Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, 1857. M.—15th. 2s. Whitehall, s.w. 

Journal of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, 1894. Jan., April, July, Oct. 
2s. 6d. KE. Stanford, 12 to 14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society, 1865. Irreg. 123. 6d. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 
45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) 

tWournal of the Society of Arts, 1852. Fri—p.m. 6d. Bell & Sons, 4 York St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1882. Fortnightly. By subscription only: 
86s. per ann., illus. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 379.) 

Journal of the Soclety of Comparative Legislation, 1896. Quarterly. 5s. J. Aidaan 
50a Albemarle St., w. 

Journal of the Society of Dyers & Colourists, 1884. M.—5th. 12s. per — E. T. 
Holdsworth, Westholme, Great Horton, Bradford. 

Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks of Works, 1888 (as Estate Clerk of Works, 
1888). M.—Ist. 28. 6d. per ann., illus. Warren & Son, Winchester. 

Journal of the Society of Patent Agents, 1899. M.—8rd. T. Wilkins, 21 Gt. St. Helens, E.c. 

Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1847. Nov. 1s. E. Ponsonby, 
116 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Journal of the Tyneside Geographical Society, 1898. M.—ist. 6d. Mawson Swan 
and Morgan Lim., 55 Northumberland St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Journal of Theological Studies, 1899. Quarterly. 8s.6d. net. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. 
Martin’s St., w.c. 
Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, 1886. Annually. 21s. 8 Adelphi Terraco, w.c 
Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1898. Fortnightly—lst and 15th. 1s. John Bale, Sons & 

Danielsson Lim., 88-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Journalist and Newspaper Proprietor, 1886. M.—15th. 2d. 19 & 20 Fetter Lane, 
Fleet St., E.C. ; 

Journeymen Bakers’ Magazine, 1885. M.—Ilst. 1d. J. Jenkins, 16 Paddenswick Road, 
Hammersmith, w. 

tJoyful News, 1888. Wed. 4d., illus. W. J. Tyne & Co. Lim., Edgeley Printing Works 
Stockport. (London: Partridge & Co.) | 

Joyful News, 1888. Thurs. 3d. Joyful News Book Depét, Rochdale. 

Judge, 1908. Mon... 5s. E. Seale, 10 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

tJudy, 1867. (c) Wed—9 a.m. 2d., illus. 57 & 58 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Jungle Need, 1897 (now Eleventh Hour, 1908). 

Jungle Tribes, 1908. Quarterly. 1d. W. Strain & Sons, Great Victoria St., Belfast. 

Junior Photographer, 1894 (amalgamated with Practical Photographer, 1900). 

Juridical Review, 1889. Quarterly—15th. 8s.6d. W.Green & Sons, 18 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

tJustioe, 1884. (soc. dem.) Thurs.—10 a.m. 12. H. Quelch, 37a Clerkenwell Green, E.c. 

tJustice of the Peace, 1537. Sat.—10 a.m. 6d. R.8. Bond, 6, 7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Juvenile Magazine, 1842 (now New Church Young People's Magazine, 1901). 

Juvenile Magazine, 1878 (as Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 1850, now Morning). 

Juvenile Missionary Herald, 1845. M.—1st. 4d., illus. Alexander & Shepheard Lim., 21 
Furnival St., Holborn, E.c. 

Juvenile Rechabite, 1890. M.—1st. 4d., illus. R. Campbell, 26 Bury New Road, Manchester. 
(London: J. Heywood.) 

Juvenile Templar, 1877 (as Young Templar, 1878). M. $d., illus. Good Templars’ Watchword 
Co. Lim., 168 Edmund St., Birmingham. 


eo of Sundays d Holy Days, 1901, Oct. ld. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 34 Great Castle 

Kalkar of the eee of 8S, Mary and Nicholas, 1901, Jan. 1s. J. Parker & Co, 81 
Bedford St., 

Advertisements received for the “ Rdinburgh Gazette [95 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Kalendar of the English Church, 1862. Dec. 1s. & 1s. 6d. Church Printing Co., 11 Burleigh 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Kalentlar of the Royal Institute of British Architeots, 1834. Oct. 28. 6d.—to non-members. 
9 Conduit St., Hanover Square, w. = 

+KEBLES MARGATE & RAMSGATE GAZETTE, 1870. (c) Fri. for Sat. 1$d. H. Keble, 
Margate. . 

+KEENE'S BATH JOURNAL (as Bath Journal, 1742). (lu) Sat.—6 am. 1d. J. B. Keene 
& Co., 7 Kingsmead St., Bath. 

Keighley Borough Year Book, 1877. Aunually. 1d. “Keighley Herald,” 25 Hanover St., Keighley. 
Keighley Burgess Roll, 1882. Oct. 6s. Geo. Burr, Keighley. 

Keighley Co-operative Society Bee. Quarterly. Gratis. 7 Brunswick St., Keighley. 
+KEIGHLEY HERALD, 1878. (c) Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. H.France, 25 Hanover St., Keighley. 
+KEIGHLEY NEWS, 1862. (l) Sat—am. 1d. Byles & Sons, 58 Low St., Keighley. 

Kellock’s List of Steamships and Sailing Vessels for Sale, 1840. Quarterly. Gratis. 
C. W. Kellock & Co., Water St., Liverpool. (London: 59 & 60 Cornhill, £.c.) 

Kelly’s Handbogk to the Titled, Landed, and Official Classes, 1881 (as Handbook to the Upper 
Len Thousand, 1875). Jan. 168. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+KELSO CHRONICLE, 1882. (Z) Thurs.—7 p.m., for Fri. 1d. J. McArthur, 87 Wood Market, Kelso. 

+KELSO MAIL, 1797. (cw) Wed. 1d. J. Smith, 12 Bridge St., Kelso. 

Kelvin and James White's Standard Tide Tables for the Ports of Glasgow, Greenock, d:c., 1899. 
Dec. 1s. Kelvin & James White Lim., 18 Cambridge St., Glasgow. 

Kemp's Liverpool Gazette, 1897. Wed. 21s.per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Lim., Palace Chambers, 
Victoria St., Liverpool. i 

+Kemp’s Mercantile Gazette, 1867. Wed. 25s.per ann. J. Kemp & Co. Lim., 46 Cannon St., £.C. 

Kemp's Trades Directory, 1900. 21s. Kemp’s Publishing Co., 82 Charing Cross, s.w. 

+tKENDAL MERCURY AND TIMES, 1864 (as Mercury, 1785). (i) Fri—am. 1d. E. Gill, 
11 Finkle St., Kendal. 

+KENILWORTH ADVERTISER, 1858. Fri.for Sat. 1d. T. Burbidge, 20 Broadgate, Coventry. 

Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book, 1874. June. 10s. 6d. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, e.c. 

Kennel Gazette, 1880. M.—8rd Sat. 6d., illus. Kennel Club, E. W. Jaquet, 7 Grafton St., 
Bond St., w. 

Kennel Review. M.—I1st. 1s. Kennel Publishing Co., Lim., 5 Great James St., Bedford 

- Row, w.c. 

Kennelman & Game Rearer, 1900. M. 1d. Johnson, Riddle & Co., 22 Southwark Bridge Road, s.z. 

Kensington Coaching College Guide, 1901. July & Nov. Gratis. Payen-Payne & 
Penny, 48 Kensington Gardens Square, w. 

+KENSINGTON EXPRESS, 1886. (c) Fri. 1d. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith Road, 
Broadway, Hammersmith, w. A localised edition of the West London Reporter. 

+KENSINGTON NEWS, 1869. Fri—p.m. 17. J. Wakeham & Co., Lim.,4 Bedford Terrace, 
Church St., Kensington, w. Branch Office, 116 Uxbridge Road, w. (Advt. p. 448.) — 

Kensington, Notting Hill, Brompton, and Knightsbridge Directory, 1878. Anmually. le. 
Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+KENT AND ESSEX GLOBE, 1898 (as Grays and Tilbury Standard, 1892). (ind,) Tuog.-- 
p.m. 4d. E. James, 75 New Road, Gravesend. 

KENT & SUSSEX COURIER, 1872. (c) Fri—Gam. 1d, Courier Printing Co., Grove Hill 
Road, Tunbridge Wells. 

+KENT & SUSSEX POST, 1886 (as Weald of Kent News, 1881). Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d, 
F. Williams, 6 Colonnade, Hawkhurst. 

Kent Archeological Society’s Transactions, 1858. Bi-annually. 10a. per annum, W, E. Hughes, 
140 Wardour St., w. i 

KENT ARGUS (now Pullen’s Kent Argus). 

+KENT COUNTY EXAMINER, 1884. (ind) Thurs.—5 p.m,, for Fri. ld. B.P. Boorman, 
44 High St., Ashford. 

se. oura Examiner Directory of Ashford, 1892. Dec. 2d. B. P. Boorman, 44 High St., 


tKENT COUNTY STANDARD, 1885 (as Maidstone and Kent County Standard, 1878). Bat.— 
lpm. ld. Station Road, Maidstone. Ì 

96) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tKENT HERALD (as Kentish Herald, 1792; with which is incorporated Kentish Chronicle, 
1908). Wed.—p.m: ld. J.A. Jennings Lim., 9 High St., Canterbury. 

Kent Mercantile Gazette, 1888. M. 68. perann. T. Robinson, 29 High St., Chatham. _ 

tKENT MESSENGER & MAIDSTONE TELEGRAPH, 1859. Wed.—10 a.m., & Sat.—9 p.m. 
ld. B. P. Boorman, Week St., Maidstone. 

Kent, Surrey & Sussex. Bennett's Business Directory. 1881. Annually. 7s. 6d. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Kent, Surrey, d: Sussex Director, 1845. Every fony years. 86s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tKENT TIMES AND CHRONICLE, 1889 (as Kent and Sussex Times, 1875). (c) Fri.—3 p.m. 
ld. C. Beeching, 42 King St., Maidstone. 

KENTISH CHRONICLE, 1768 (with which is incorporated Canterbury Chronicle & Kentish 
Standard; incorporated with Kent Herald, 1908). 

tKENTISH EXPRESS & ASHFORD NEWS, 1858 (as Ashford and Alfred News, 1855). 
(tnd.) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. _ Igglesden & Co. Lim., 94 High St., Ashford. (London: 50 & 53 
Ludgate Hill.) 

tKENTISH GAZETTE AND CANTERBURY PRESS, 1717 (with which is incorporated Can- 
terbury Times, Kent County News, Kent Echo, € Whitstable Advertiser). (ind.) Fri.—for 
Sat. id. E.B. Goulden & Co., 89 St. George’s St., Canterbury. (Advt. p. 447.) 

tKENTISH INDEPENDENT & WOOLWICH JOURNAL, 1901 (as Kentish Independent & 
County Advertiser, 1848). (ind). Fri. 1d. G. Neves, 16 Wellington St., Woolwich. 

corporated Greenwich d& Deptford Chronicle), 1862. Fri. 1d. R. Peirce, 22 Brondway, 
Deptford, s.£. 

tKENTISH MERCURY (as Gazette, 1888) (with which is incorporated Surrey Mercury). (ce) 
Fri.—6 a.m. 1d. Merritt & Hatcher Lim., 6 to 14 Blackheath Road, Greenwich, s.£. (London: 

2 Grocers’ Hall Court.) 

tKENTISH OBSERVER, 1882 (c). Wed.—9 p.m., 1d.; Fri—2 p.m., 1d. E. H. Elvy, 49 St. 
George’s St., Canterbury. 

1858.. (7) Wed. 1d. H.T. Pain, Askew House, High St., Deal. 

*tKERRY EVENING POST, 1774. (c) Wed. & Sat. 2d. G. Raymond, 13 The Square, Tralee. 

KERRY EVENING STAR, 1892. (nat.) Mon. & Thurs. jd. M.P. Ryle, Rock St., Tralee. 

KERRY NEWS, 1898. (27) Mon., Wed., & Fri. 3d. J. Quinnell & Son, Russell St., Tralee. 
(London: 188 Strand.) 

KERRY PEOPLE, 1892. (mnat.) Fri. 1d. M. P. Ryle, Rock St., Tralee. 

+KERRY SENTINEL, 1878. (nat.) Wed. & Sat. 1d. D. Harrington, 46 Nelson St., Tralee. 

tKERRY WEEKLY REPORTER, 1888. (nat.) Sat. 1d. J. Quinnell & Son, Russell St., Tralee. 
(London: 188 Strand.) 

Kettering District Co-operative Record. Quarterly. Gratis. W. Betts, 68 Winstanley 
Road, Wellingboro. 

tKETTERING GUARDIAN, 1882. (cl) Fri—am. 1d. Northamptonshire Conservative and 
Unionist Press Co., Lim., Lower St., Kettering. 

tKETTERING LEADER, 1888 (with which is incorporated Kettering Observer). (l) Fri.— 
7 am. 1d. Northamptonshire Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Kettering. One of the 
Wellingborough News series. 

Kew Bulletin (see Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information). 

tKIDDERMINSTER NEWS, 1900. (u) Thurs.—a.m. $d. Kidderminster Newspaper Co., 
Lim., Trinity Lane, Kidderminster. 

Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. E. Parry, Corporation St., Kidderminster. 

tKIDDERMINSTER TIMES, 1367. Fri, for Sat. 1$d. E. Dyke, 107 Coventry St., Kidder- 

tKILBURN TIMES, 1867. Fri. 1d. North-Western Printing and Publishing Association Lim., 
4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. 

Kilburn, Willesden & Cricklewood Directory, 1867. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tKILDARE OBSERVER, 1879. (ind.) Fri. 2d. W.S. Gray, 56-58 Main St. South, Naas. 

———— JOURNAL (as Leinster Journal, 1767), (nat.) Wed. & Sat. ld. The Parade, 


— 0. 

Advertisements received for all the Leeds Newspapers. 197 

A B C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tKILKENNY MODERATOR, 1814. (c) Wed. & Sat. 1d. M. W. Lalor, High St., Kilkenny. 
tKILKENNY PEOPLE, 1893. (nat.) Sat. 1d. E.T. Keane, Kilkenny. 

KILLARNEY ECHO, 1899. (nat.) Sat. 1d. J. Quinnell & Sons, Tralee. (London : 188 Strand, w.c.) 
tKILMARNOCK HERALD, 1880. (u) Fri. 1d. J.C. Motson, 82 Duke St., Kilmarnock. 

tKILMARNOCK STANDARD, 1868. (l) Sat.—6.80a.m. 1d. Dunlop & Drennan, 6 Portland 
St., Kilmarnock. 

KILRUSH HERALD, 1877. (1 @ ind.) Thurs. for Fri. 2d. P.J. Boyle, John St., Kilrush. 
+KILSYTH CHRONICLE, 1891. Fri. 4d. J.M. Duncan, Market Square, Kilsyth. 

tKILWINNING CHRONICLE, 1898. (ind.) Fri. 1d. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. A 
` localised edition of the Irvine Herald. 

Kime’s International Law Directory, 1892. April. 2s. 6d. Hudson & Co., 22 Red Lion St., w.c. 
King & Country, 1902. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

+King and His Navy and Army, 1899. Thurs. for Sat. 6d. George Newnes Lim., 7-12 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

King Edward's School Chronicle. Six times ayear. 28.6d. per ann. Cornish Bros. Lim., 87 New 
St., Birmingham. 
King’s College Calendar, 1840. 2s. 6d. Sept. Secretary, King’s College, Strand, w.c. 

King's College Hospital Reports, 1898. Jan. 7s. 6d. The Registrar, King’s College Hospital 
Carey St., w.c. 

King’s College Magazine (Women’s Department), 1896. Once a term. 6d. 18 Kensington 
Square, w. 

King's College Review, 1899. Terminally. 6d. King’s College, Strand, w.c. 

King’s College School Magazine, 1897. M 6d. “Surrey Comet,” Wimbledon. 

+KING’S COUNTY CHRONICLE, 1845. (u) Wed.—p.m., for Thurs. 2d. J. Wright, 

Printing House Buildings, Parsonstown. 

KING’S CROSS AND BARNSBURY NEWS, 1908. Sat. 4d. T.S. Jennings, 84 St. James’ 
Road, Barnsbury, N. 

King’s Cross Diary, 1892. Nov. 1d. J. Fullford, 261-3 Pentonville Road, King’s Cross, N. 

KING’S NORTON & NORTHFIELD CHRONICLE, 1898 (now South Birmingham Chronicle). 

+KINGSBRIDGE GAZETTE, 1854. (c) Fri. 1d. J.R. Gill, 101 Fore St., Kingsbridge. 

+KINGSBRIDGE JOURNAL, 1866. Fri—for Sat. d & ld. J. V. Fairweather, Fore 
St., Kingsbridge. 

KINGSBRIDGE WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed.& Thurs. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 
84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Kingston & Surbiton Guardian, 1900. M.—1st. 4d. Guilford & Hart Lim., St. James's 
Road, Kingston-on-Thames. 

Comet, Mid-weekly Edition). 

Kingston Directory, 1851. Jan. 1s. G. Phillipson & Sons, Kingston. 
Kingston Monthly, 19038. 2d. 5 Temple St., Hull. 

Kingston, Norbiton and Surbiton Directory, 1891. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim, 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

KINGSTOWN NEWS AND DUBLIN LANTERN, 1895. Sat. 1d. P. E. Tayler, 74 Rathmines 
Road, Rdthmines. <A localised edition of the Rathmines News. 

<ingstown Society, 1898 (as Kingstown Monthly, 1894). M. 1d., illus. Mrs. F. F. Rowland, 
1 Old Court Terrace, Bray, co. Wicklow. 

Kingswood Magazine, 1883 (as New Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Quarterly, 1879). Bi- 
monthly. 38d. The Editor, Kingswood School, Bath. 

KINGTON GAZETTE, 1854. Tues—noon. 1d. H. Humphreys, 51 High St., Kington. 

+KINROSS-SHIRE ADVERTISER, 1847. Fri.—3 p.m.,for Sat. 1d. G. Barnet, High St., Kinross. 

KIRKCALDY MAIL, 1885. (ind.) Tues. $d. L. Macbean, 130 High St., Kirkcaldy. 

+KIRKCALDY TIMES, 1876. (1) Wed. 3d. Strachan & Livingston, Kirkcaldy. 

+KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1858. (ind.) Fri.-Sam 2d. J. H. Maxwell, 
73 King St., Castle-Douglas. 

KRRIT ERREN GAZETTE, 1893, Fri. for Sat. 4d. J, M. Duncan, 99 Cowgate St., Kirkin- 

eee ee —— — — — — — — — — — 

98] J, Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Landen. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

— — — 

tKIRKINTILLOCH HERALD, 1888. (ind.) Wed. 1d. D Macleod, Hillview Terrace, 

Kirkley’s Theatrical Apartments Directories, 1900. Jan. and July. Provincial Section, 
6d. London Section, 8d. F. R. Kirkley, 16 Porchester Gardens, w. 

KIRRIEMUIR FREE PRESS, 1884. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. J. Norrie, Kirriemuir. 
KIRRIEMUIR OBSERVER, 1869. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. W. B, Mills, 22 High St., Kirriemuir.. 

tKNARESBOROUGH NEWS, 1878 (as Knaresboro’ Times, 1860). (c) Thurs. 1d. H. 
Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. A localised edition of the Wetherby News. 

tKNARESBOROUGH POST, 1868. (/) Fri. 1d. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. : 
One of the Ripon Gazette series. 

Knight’s House and Apartment Register,1900. Fortnightly. 1d. P. Kent, 15 Queen St., 
Cheapside, E.c. 

Knowledge, 1881. M.—25th. 6d., illus. 826 High Holborn, w.c. 

Knowledge Diary and Scientific Handbook, 1901. Nov. 8s. Witherby & Co., 826 High 
Holborn, w.c. a 

tKNUTSFORD AND NORTHWICH ADVERTISER, 1875. (c) Fri. 1d. Swain & Co. Lim., 
Princess St., Knutsford, and King St., East Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

tKNUTSFORD CHRONICLE, 1887 (as Wilmslow d, Alderley Chronicle 1881). Sat. 1d. 
12, Brazennose St., Manchester. A localised edition of the Manchester Weekly Chronicle. 

+KNUTSFORD DIVISION GUARDIAN, 1860. Wed.—4 p.m., 1d.; Sat., 1d. Mackie & Co., 
Lim., Sankey St., Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

Kynoch Journal, 1899. Bi-monthly. 6d. Kynoch Lim., James St., Haymarket, s.w. 

Labour Annual, 1895 (now Reformers’ Year Book, 1901). 

Labour Co-partnership, 1894. M.—1st. 1d. H. Vivian, 15 Southampton Row, Holborn, w.c. 
Labour Gazette, 1898. M.—15th. 1d. Horace Marshall & Son, Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.c. 
+Labour Leader, 1894. Thurs. 1d. 10 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Labour News, 1871 (with which are incorporated the Social Notes and The Labourer). Wed.— 
Gam. id. 10 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Ladies’ Cutter, 1900. M.—16th. 1s. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. 
+Ladies’ Field, 1898. Wed. for Sat. 6d. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., w.c. 
Ladies’ Golf Union Oficial Year Book, 1894. April. 2s. The Gentlewoman Lim., 142 Strand, w.c. 

Ladies’ Kennel Journal & International Kennel Review, 1894. M.—last week. 1s. 
5 Great James St., Bedford Row, w.c. 

Ladies’ League Gazette, 1900. M.— 25th. 2d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate.Square, E.c. 

Ladies’ Report of Fashion, 1820. Feb. & Aug. 10s. 6d. Minister & Co. Lim., 46 Great 
Marlborough St., w. 

Ladies’ Review, 1889. Tues. for Sat. 2d., illus. Popular Publishing Co., 883 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Ladies’ Tailor, 1884. M.—25th. 1s., illus. John Williamson Co. Lim., 42 Gerrard St., w. 
tLady, 1885. Wed.—9 a.m., for Thurs. 8d., illus. R. B. Hart, 89 & 40 Bedford St., w.c. 

Lady of the House, 1890. M.—15th. 1d. Wilson, Hartnell & Co., Commercial Buildings, Dublin, | 

Lady’s Companlon, 1892 (with which is incorporated Home Life). Mon. for Sat. 1d., illus. 
R. Cartwright, 8 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

tLady’s Gazette, 1901. Sat. 1d. Windsor House, Bream’s Buildings, &.c. 
Lady’s Heraid, 1894. M. 1d. 12 D’Olier St., Dublin. (London: 47 Fleet St.) 

Lady’s Magazine of Fiction and Fashion, 1908 (as Lady’s Magasine, 1901), M.—1st. 
C. A. Peurson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., E.c. 

Lady’s Own Novelette, 1888. Wed. 1d., illus. T. H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet St., B.C. 
tLady’s Pictorial, 1880. Thurs.—9 a.m., for Sat. 6d., illus. 172 Strand, w.c. (Adut. p. 448.) 
Lady's Realm, 1896. M.—28th. 6d. Hutchinson & Co., 84 & 35 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Lady’s World, 1898. M.—9th. 8d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St.. E.C. 

LAISTERDYKE & BOWLING NEWS, 1895. Fri. 4d. Birdsall & Stowe, Sunfield, Stanningley. | 
Lake's Falmouth Almanack, 1878. Dec. 2d. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, Falmouth. 

Lake's en Directory, 1881. Triennially. 1s. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, Fal- - 


— — 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers and Periodicals. [99 


A BC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

1855. Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. ld. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, Falmouth. 
(Advt. p. 487.) 

Lake’s Railway Guide, 1878. M.—1st. 1d. J. H. Lake & Co., 11 & 12 Market Strand, Falmouth. 

tLAKES CHRONICLE, 1875 (with which is incorporated Ambleside Chronicle, Appleby 
Chronicle, Bowness d£ Windermere Chronicle, and Grasmere Chronicle). (ind.) Wed.—la. 
A. W. Johnson, Caxton House, Windermere. 

+LAKES HERALD & VISITORS’ LIST, 1887 (as Ambleside Herald, 1880). Fri.—8 a.m. 1d. 
Skelton Bros., Church St., Ambleside. 

Lamb's Trades Diaries, 1874. Dec. 8s. 6d. & 4s. Gd. A. Lamb, Devonshire Chambers, Bishops- 
gate St. Without, E.c. 

LAMBETH MERCURY, 1901. (ib. rad.) Fri. 1d. Mercury Newspaper Co. Lim., 180 Wands- 
worth Road, s.w. A localised edition of the Battersea and Clapham Mercury. 

Lamp, 1824. Wed. for Sat. 1d., illus.; M.—25th, 6d. Catholic Press Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.c. 

Lamp of China. Quarterly. 1d. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

¢Lanarkshire Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 6 Church St., Coatbridge. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

¢+LANARKSHIRE EXAMINER, 1862. (ind.) Fri—7 pm., for Sat. $d. Baird & Hamilton, 
46 Graham St., Airdrie. . 

Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Building Trades Employers’ Federation Year Book, 
1902 (as Building Trades Year Book and Diary, 1901). July. 1s. R. Hall, 52 Frederick St. , Bury. 

Lancashire Congregational Year Book, 1902. May. 4d. J. Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. 
(London: 29 & 30 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 

+LANCASHIRE DAILY POST, 1886. (!) Daily—a.m. ld. Toulmin & Sons, 127 Fishergate, 


Lancashire Directory (without Manchester and Liverpool), 1891. avery four years. 85s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Lancashire races and Piaces, 1901 (as Manchester Faces and Places, 1889; now Faces and 
Places, 1903). 

Lancaster and Skerton Co-operative Record, 1890. M.—1st. Gratis. Church St, 

+LANCASTER GUARDIAN, 1837. Fri—‘for Sat. Id. E. & J. L. Milner, Church St, 

fLANCASTER OBSERVER, 1860. (ind.) Fri.—10 a.m. 1d. T. Bell, Market St., Lancaster 

E. Phillips & Co., Lancaster. 

+Lancet, 1823. Fri.—for Sat.,.9 a.m. 7d. C. Good, 428 Strand, and 1 & 2 Bedford St., w.c. 
Lancing College Magazine, 1877. M., during School term. 6d. Shoreham. 

tLand Agents’ Record, 1878. Sat.—9 a.m. 6d. 149 Strand, w.c. 

Land and House Property Year Book, 1892. Feb. 6s. Estates Gazette Lim., 6 St. Bride Si., E.c. | 
Land & Labor, 1889. M.—1st. 1d. 432 West Strand, w.c. 

fLand and Water, 1866. Sat.—38a.m. 6d., illus. Land & Water Lim. , 12 & 13 Henrietta St., Covent | 
Garden, w.c. Journal of natural history, sports, pastimes, We. (Advt. p. 438.) | 

Land Magazine, 1897. M.—15th. 1s. 149 Strand, w.c. 
Land und Meer, 1901. Thurs. Gratis. Anglo-Foreign Publishing Syndicate, 88 Coleman St., E.C. 
Land Values, 1903 (as Single Tax, 1894). M.—I1st. 1d. J. Paul, 13 Dundas St., Glasgow. 

tLANGPORT AND SOMERTON HERALD (as Langport Herald, 1855). (ind.) Sat. 1d. 
G. H. Hemmel, North St., Langport. 

tLARGS AND MILLPORT WEEKLY NEWS, 1877. Fri. forSat. 3d. J. & R. Simpson, Anderson 
Place, Main St., Largs. 

Larks, 1893. Thurs.—for Mon. d., illus. Trapps, Holmes & Co., 18 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

*tLARNE REPORTER, 1881 (as Larne Weekly Reporter, 1861). (1.w) Sat. 1d. J. S. M‘Calmont, 
ain St., Larne. 

+LARNE TIMES, 1892. (c) Fri.—tor Sat. 1d. illus. W. & G. Baird Lim., Main St, Larne. 
(London: 544 Fleet St.) 

Laryngoscope, 1893. M—lith. 1s.6d. Baillitre, Tindall & Cox, 8 Honrietta St., w.c. 
Latest Paris Fashions, (now Mode Palace). 
Latter Day Saints’: Millennial lal Star, 1840. Thurs. 1d. I’. M. Lyman, 42 Islington, Liverpool. 

a a E 

EE mn ern — 

100] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Laughable Dialogues, 1890. Quarterly. 1d. J. Brook & Co., 88 Hopwood Avenue, Manchester. 

tLAUNCESTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1856. (@) Fri.—11 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Brimmeli & Son, 
Church St., Launceston. 

Laundry Journal, 1885. Semi-monthly—Ist & 15th. 1d. Baines & Scarsbrook, 20 Ludgate 
Hill, 2.c. 

Laundry Journal Diary, 1885. Jan. 83. 6d. Baines & Scarsbrook, 29 Ludgate Hill, £ c. 
Laundry News, 1884. M.—ist. 2d., illus. Cordingley & Co., 89 & 40 Shoe Lane, E.c, 
Laundry Record, 1890. M.—ist. 4d. illus. Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.c. 
LAURENCEKIRK OBSERVER, 1902. (ind.) Fri. Gratis. A. Taylor, High St., Laurencekirk. 
Laurie's Gems and Buffalo Star, 1889. M.—l1st. 1d. A.E.Lawrene, 44 Fountain St., Leeds. 
Law Almanack, 1882. Nov. 9d. Scott, Herbert & Co., 1 Warwick Court, Holborn, w.c. 

tLaw Journal, 1866. Sat. 6d. 37 & 89 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

“Law Journal Reports,” 1828. M.—Ist. 64s. per ann. Stevens & Sons Lim., 119 & 120 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Law List, 1740. March. 10s.6d. net. Stevens & Sons Lim., 119 & 120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Law Magazine and Review, 1828. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 5s. Jordan & Sons Lim., 116 
Charcery Lane, w.c. 

Law Notes, 1888 (as Gibson's Law Notes, 1882). M.—last day. 6d. 25 & 26 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Law Quarterly Review, 1885. Jan., April, July, Oct. 5s. Stevens & Sons Lim., 119 & 120 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Law Reports, 1866. M.—1st. 848. per ann. (including the Statutes and Weekly Notes). W. 
Clowes & Sons Lim., 7 Fleet St., E.c. 

Law Students’ Journal, 1879. M.—ist. 6d. G. Barber, Furnival Press, Furnival St., 
Holborn, E.c. 

tLaw Times, 1848. Fri—10 a.m., for Sat. 9d.; with Law Times Reports, 1s. or 1s. 6d. H. 
Cox, Bream’s Buildings, £.c. 

“Law Times” Reports, 1871 (as Bar Reports, 1865; as Law Reporter, 1843). Fri.—10 a.m. 
ls. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Lawn Tennis & Croquet, 1896. Wed. 2d. Laurence Pountney Hil, Cannon St., E.C. 

Lawyer's Companion and Diary, 1847. Nov. 8s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. Stevens & Sons Lim., 119 & 120 
Chancery e; and Shaw & Sons, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Law. A Remembranoer and Pocket Book, 1898. Nov. 2s. 6d. Butterworth & Co., 12 Bell 
ard, W.C. 

Laxtonian, 1876. April, July, Dec. 6d. A. King & Son, Oundle. 
Lazton's Builders’ Price Book, 1817. Jan. 4s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c 
Layton's Handy Newspaper List, 1891. June. 6d. C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Leach’s Art of Dressmaking, 1899. Quarterly. 1d. R. S. Cartwright, 8 Johnson’s Court, 
Fleet St., E.C. 

Leach’s Chiidren’s and Young Ladies’ Dressmaker, 1880. M.—10th. 1d., illus. R. S. 
Cartwright, 8 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Leach’s Family Dressmaker, 1879. M.—18th. 2d., illus. R. S. Cartwright, 8 Johnson's 
Court, Fleet St., E.C. : 
Leach’s Ladies’ Work, 1892. M.—25th. 1d., illus. R. 8. Cartwright, 8 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

Leach’s Practicai Fancy Work Basket, 1885. M.—25th. 2d. illus. R. S. Cartwright, 
8 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Leader, 1900. (Nat.) Thurs. 1d. 200 Great Brunswick St., Dublin. 

Leading Opinion, 1890. Tues. 1d. 18 Sise Lane, E.c. 

League Journal, 1857 (now Temperance Leader and League Journal, 1908). 

League News, 1900. Half-yearly. 6d. Baillitre, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

tLEAMINGTON ADVERTISER, 1842. (ind.) Daily—4.30 p.m., 4d.; Weekly, Thurs.—6 a.m., 
ld. Leamington Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 76 The Parade, Leamington. 

Leamington Spa Courier, A B C Time Table, 1897. M.—lIst. id. F. Glover, Church 
-© Walk, Leamington. 

F. Glover, Church Walk, Leamington. : 

Leamington, Warwick, & District Dail 

Circular, 1896. 6 a.m. 1d. weekly. Churches & 
Womersley, 8 Bedford St., Leamington. : — BEener 

Advertisements received for all the Liverpool Newspapers. [101 
B 2 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ne a — — — — — — — mn nn 

Warwickshire, and Centre of England Chroanicle, 1865). (2) Tues.—4.80 p.m., $d.; Fri.— 
8 p.m., for Sat., 1d. P.& W. E. Linaker, Chapel St., Leamington. 

Lean’s Royal Navy List. See Royal Navy List. 

Leather industries (amalgamated with the Leather Trades Review). 

Leather Trades Advertiser, 1908. M.—lst. 4d. E. Coleman, Arcade Press, 6 Ludgate 
Arcade, E.C. ; 

Leather Trades Circular & Review (now Leather Trades Review). 

Leather Trades Directory, 1871. Every four years. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

+Leather Trades Review, 1898 (with which is incorporated Leather Industries) (formerly 
Leather Trades Circular and Review, 1867). Wed. 10s. perann. 24 Mark Lane, E.c. 

LEATHERHEAD ADVERTISER AND COUNTY POST, 1898 (incorporated with the Dorking 
and Leatherhead Advertiser). 

—p.m. 1d. Birch & Whittington, 10 Station Road, Epsom. One of the Epsom Observer 
series. (Advi. p. 421.) 

LEDBURY FREE PRESS, 1869. Tues. 1d. Tilley & Son, High St., Ledbury. 

{LEDBURY REPORTER, 1896. Fri. & Sat. 1d. T.G. Vaughan, Ledbury. 

+LEE JOURNAL, 1899. Fri. 1d. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Lim., 236 High Road, Lee. 

Leeds and Bradford with Suburbs Directory, 1898. Annually. 16s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

¢LEEDS AND YORKSHIRE MERCURY, 1901 (as Leeds Mercury, 1718). (l) Daily. dd. 
Albion St., Leeds. (London: 65 Fleet St.) First issued daily 1861. 

tLeeds Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 1654 Briggate, Leeds. One of. 
the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Leeds Co-operative Record, 1878. M.—1st. Gratis. J. W. Fawcett, 10 Albion St., Leeds. 

tLEEDS DAILY NEWS, 1872. (c) 12.45 p.m. $d. Leeds Daily News Lim., Trinity St., Leeds. 
(London: 58 Fleet St.) 

Leeds Directory, 1881. Annually. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Leeds Directory, 1897. June. 10s. 6d. J. & D. Robinson Lim., 48 Wellington St., Leeds. 

tLEEDS MERCURY WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT (with which is incorporated the Leeds Times. 
Sat. 1d. Albion St., Leeds. : 

+LEEDS SATURDAY JOURNAL, 1884. Thurs.—for Sat. 1d., illus. Leeds Daily News Lim., 
Trinity St., Leeds. (London: 58 Fleet St.) 

Leeds Stock Exchange Handbook, 1901. Annually. H. Peckitt, 61 Albion St., Leeds. 

LEEDS TIMES, 1883 (incorporated in the Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement, 1901). 

+(LEEDS) YORKSHIRE POST, 1866 (as Leeds Intelligencer, 1754). (c) Daily. 1d. T. C, Sumner, 
Albion St., Leeds. (London: 171 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 488.) 

+(LEEDS) YORKSHIRE EVENING POST, 1890. (c) $d. T.C. Sumner, Change Court, Albion 
St., Leeds. (London: 171 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 488.) 

¢(LEEDS) YORKSHIRE WEEKLY POST, 1754. (c) Sat. 1d. T.C. Sumner, Change Court, 
Albion St., Leeds. (London: 171 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 438.) : 

¢LEEK POST, 1887 (as Leek and Cheadle Post, 1885). (u) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Hill Bros., 
Heywood St., Leek. 
+LEEK TIMES, 1870. (l) Fri—4 p.m. for Sat. 1d. M. H. Miller, 6 Bath St., Leek. 

Legal Circular, 1868. Wed.—6 a.m. 21s. per ann. Stubbs Lim., 42 Gresham St., E.C. 

Legal Diary, 1848. Daily in sittings. 80s. per ann. J. Falconer, 58 Upper Sackville St., Dublin. 

Bege Diary and Almanac, 1908. Annually 8s. 6d. Waterlow Bros. & Layton Lim., 84 Birchin 
ane, E.C. 

Legal Journal. M.—ist. 2d. E. Cox & Sons, 51 & 52 Carey St., w.c. 

Legal Literature, 1899. Quarterly. 2s. per ann. Sweet & Maxwell Lim., 8 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Legal Pocket Book, £c., 1903. Annually. Waterlow Bros. & Layton Lim., 84 Birchin Lane; E.C. 

Leicester & Nottingham. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tLEICESTER ADVERTISER (as Payne’s Leicester and Midland Oounties Advertiser, 1842). 
(e) Fri., for Sat. ld. W.P. & W. Cox, Chatham St., Leicester. 

tLEICESTER CHRONICLE, 1810. (l) Fri—1lam., for Sat. 1d. F. Hewitt & Son, 25 to 29 
Albion St., Leicester. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 

102] J. Walling, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 26 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

“tLEICESTER DAILY MERCURY, 1874. (Z) 12noon. $d. F.Hewitt & Son, 25 to 29 Albion 
St., Leicester. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 
tLEICESTER DAILY POST, 1872. (1) 2am. 1d. F. Hewitt & Son, 25 to 29 Albion St., 
Leicester. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 
Leicester District Co-operative Record, 1882. M.—I1st. Gratis. Leicester Co-operative 
Printing Society, Leicester. 
LEICESTER EVENING NEWS, 1902. d. Belvoir St., Leicester. (London, 17 Tudor St.) 
tLEISGESTER GUARDIAN, 1899 (as Wyvern, 1898). Sat. 1d. Thornley & Waddington, Vio- 
toria Buildings, Bowling Green St., Leicester. | 
tLEICESTER JOURNAL, 1758. (c) Thurs.—4 p.m., for Fri. 1d. H. & W. Cox, Chatham St., Leicester. 
Leicester, Midland District and Norwich Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & 
Co., 88 Lombard 8t., E.c. 
tLEICESTER SPORTING NEWS, 1878. Daily—11, 4, 6.80. 2d. Ashley & Smith Lim., 84 Upper 
Charles St., Leicester. i 
Leicester S. S. U. Journal, 1887. M—lst. 1d. H. Ranger, Memorial Hall, New Walk, 
Leicester. ; 
Leicestershire Almanack, 1858. Dec. 6d. per ann, illus. J. & T. Spencer, Leicester. 
Leicestershire Cricket Annual, 1902. April. 1d. H.S. Harding, 42 Tennyson St., Leicester, 

Leicestershire Football Annual, 1908. Aug. 1d. S. Walker, Hinckley. 
tLEIGH CHRONICLE, 1852. Fri. ld. Leigh Chronicle Lim., Ducie St., Leigh, Lanos. 
Leigh Co-operative Society Record. Gratis. Ellesmere St., Leigh. 

tLEIGH JOURNAL, 1874 (as Leigh Times, 1870). (l) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 1d. Tillotson 
& Son Lim., 58 Railway Road, Leigh. (London: 20 New Bridge Street.) One of the Bolton 

Journal series. (Advt. p. 868.) 

tLEIGHTON BUZZARD OBSERVER, 1861. Mon.—6 p.m., for Tues. 1d. H. Jackson, 
St., Leighton Buzzard. 

tLEIGHTON BUZZARD REPORTER, 1884 (as Weekly Reporter, 1878). (l) Fri—for Sat. 
$d. Beds. Publishing Co. Bedford. 

{LEINSTER EXPRESS, 1881. (ind.u) Sat—am. 2d M.C. Carey, Maryborough. 

tLEINSTER LEADER, 1880. (nat.) Sat. ld. Naas. 

LEINSTER REPORTER, 1859. (u) Sat.—a.m. 1d. J. Wright, Tullamore. 

Leisure Hour, 1852. M.—25th. 6d.; yearly vol. 7s. 6d.; illus. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

fLEITH BURGHS PILOT, 1864. (2) Sat. 1d. C. Thomson, 28 Laurie St., Leith. 

tLeith Commercial List, 1798. Daily—9 am. & 6 pm. 81s. 6d. per ann. Mackenzie & 
Storrie, 85 Shore, Leith. l 

tLEITH HERALD, 1846. (u) Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. W. Hope, 12 Henderson St., Leith. 

tLEITH OBSERVER, 1896. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Leith Printing, &c.,Co. Lim. 40 Constitution St., Leith. 

tLEITRIM ADVERTISER, 1856. (lc) Thurs. 2d. Representatives of the late R. Turner, 
Main St., Mohill. 

tLEITRIM OBSERVER, 1890. (nat.) Sat. 1d. F. Mulvey, Carrick-on-Shannon. 

tLENNOX HERALD, 1862. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 1d. Bennett & Thomson, 47 Church St., Dumbarton, 

Lenton & Nottingham Co-operative Society Record, 1885. Gratis. M.—ist. Alfred St. 
North, Nottingham. 

Leodiensian, 1882. Bi-monthly. 6d. Grammar School, Leeds. 

LEOMINSTER CHRONICLE, 1908 (as Leominster Mail, 1898). (nat.) -Fri—T7am. 3d. H.D. 
Phillips, 16 Draper’s Lane, Leominster. 

*tLEOMINSTER NEWS, 1880. Fri. 1d. A. T. Southall, 27 Draper’s Lane, Leominster. 
Leslie’s Time Table & Diary. M. ld. D. Leslie, 20 St. John St., Perth. 

Lesson Handbook, 1902. Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, E.c. 

Letts’s Diaries. Nov. Various. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle:Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 
Letts’s (Charles) Diaries. Nov. Various. Charles Letts & Co., 8 Royal Exchan e, E.c. 

North St., Leven. 

Lewes, Newhaven & Seaford Blue Book & Local Directory, 1900. Sept. 1s. 6d. Robinson 
Printing Co. Lim., Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

LEWISHAM AND LEE HERALD (amalgamated with West Kent Argus). 

Advertisements received for all Glasgow Newspapers and Periodicals. [103 

A B C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

HLEWISHAM BOROUGH NEWS, 1901 (as Borough News, 1900, as Lewisham Independent, 
1893, as Lewisham Free Press, 1890). (prog.) Thurs. ld. Borough News Printing Co., 
Hither Green, Lewisham, 8.E. 

Lewisham, Brockley d Catford Directory, 1881. Annually 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tLEWISHAM GAZETTE, 1870. (neu.) Fri. 1d. R. Peirce, 7 Loampit Vale, Lewisham, s.E. 
One of the Kentish Mail series. 

LEWISHAM INDEPENDENT, 1893 (as Lewisham Free Press, 1890, as Borough News, 1900, 
now Lewisham Borough News, 1901). 

LEWISHAM JOURNAL, 1902. Fri. ld. Lewisham Newspaper Co. Lim., 236 High Road, 
Lee, s.E. A localised edition of the Lee Journal. 

Leys Fortnightly, 1876. 8d. Leys School, Cambridge. Fortnightly during term. 
LEYTON & DISTRICT TIMES, 1901. Fri. 1d. E.R. Alexander & Sons, Era Press, Leyton. 

Green Gazette, 1876). Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., Leytonstone. 
A localised edition of the Leytonstone Express. 

LEYTONSTONE & DISTRICT TIMES, 1901. Fri. ld. E. R. Alexander & Sons, Era 
Press, Leyton. A localised edition of the Leyton and District Times. 

Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., Leytonstone. 

Liberal Calendar, 1898. Dec. 1d. Liberal Publication Department, 42 Parliament St., s.w. 

Liberal Magazine, 1898. (/) M.—9th. 6d. Liberal Publication Department, 42 Parliament 
St., s.w. 

Liberator, 1855. M.—Iist. 1d. Liberation Society, 2 Serjeants’ Inn, Fleet St, zc. (Advocate 
of religious equality and the Disestablishment of the State Church. Advt.) 

Liberty, 1894. M.—Il1st. ld. J. Tochatti, 18 Beadon Road, Hammersmith. 
Liberty Review, 1893. M.—15th. 6d. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
Library, 1889. Quarterly. 8s. Kegan Paul & Co., 43 Gerrard St., Soho, w.c. f 

Library Assistant, 1898. M.—lst. 6d. W. B. Thorne, Bromley Public Library, 126 Bruns- 
wick Road, E. 

Library Association Record, 1899. M.—lst. 1s. Mrs. Reilly, Whitcomb House, Whit- 
comb St., w.c. | 

Library Association Year Book, 1898. July. 1s. Mrs. Reilly, Whitcomb House, Whitcomb St., w.c. 
Library Circular, 1899. Quarterly. 1d. Public Library, Sunderland. 

Library Magazine, 1898. Quarterly. ld. Librarian, Public Library, Leyton, N.E. 

Library World, 1898. M.—1st. 6d. Library Supply Co., Bridge House, 181 Queen Victoria St.,E.c. 

tLicensed Trade News, 1888 (with which is incorporated Brewer ¢ Publican). Sat. ld. 
J. G. Hammond & Co. Lim., 189 Moor St., Birmingham. 

tLicensed Victuailer, 1898. Sat. 2d. Smith, Parker & Co. Lim., 5 Dean Street, High 
Holborn, w.c. 

¢Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette, 1872. Fri.—9a.m. 2d. 81 Farringdon St., £.c. (Advt. p. 488.) 

+Licensed Victuallers’ Mirror, 1888. Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. ld. B. T. Gale, 12 St. Bride 
St., Ludgate Circus, E.c. (Advt. p. 438.) 

Jiicensed Victuallers’ Oficial Annual, 1894. Dec. 1s. 85 Great George St., Westminster. 
Licensed Victualler's Referee, 1898. M.—ist. 8d. 8 Savoy St., Strand, w.c. 

Licensed Victuallers’ Year Book, 1878. Dec. 1s., illus. 81 Farringdon St., E.c. 

tLicensing World & Licensed Trade Review, 1892. Sat. ld. 85 Great George St., s.w. 

Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar and Clergy List, 1855. Jan. 1s. A.C. Lomax, Lichfield. 
(London: Parker.) 

Lichfield Diocesan Magazine, 1880. M.—Ilst. 1d. A.C. Lomax, Lichfield. 

LICHFIELD MERCURY, 1814 (as Lichfield Chronicle, 1877). (c) Fri. 1d. E. Brown, 
86 Bird St., Lichfield. 

life. 1879. M. 8d., illus. L. Felbermann, 6} Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, s.w. 
Life & Beauty, 1900 (as Diet versus Drugs, 1902; now Health without Drugs, 1903.) 

Life & Work, 1879. M. 1d., illus. R. & R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. (London: 
191 Fleet St., E.c.) 

Life-Boat Journal, 1852. Feb. »May,Aug. ‚Nov. 8d.; May number, 1s., illus. 14 John St., Adelphi,w.c. 

104) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tLife of Faith, 1879 (as Christian’s Pathway of Power, 1874). Wed. 1d. Marshall Brothers, 
Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Life of Faith Almanack, 1879. Nov. 1d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Life Saving Society's Annual Report, 1891. Mar. Gratis. 8 Bayley St., Bedford Square, w.c. 

tLight, 1881 (as Spiritual Notes, 1878). Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 2d. 110 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Light, Heat & Power, 1902. M.—Ist. 21s. perann. A. J. Mitchell, 89 Seething Lane, E.c. 

men. & Heat, 1902. M.—30th. 3d. Southwood Smith & Co., 5 St. Margaret’s Offices, Victoria 
. 8.W. 

Light & Love, 1881. M.—28rd. 1d., illus. Woodford Fawcett & Co., 111 Fleet St., E.c. 

Light & Truth, 1881. Quarterly. 2d., illus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.c. 

Light in the Home, 1827. M.—25th. 4d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Light of Home, 1902. M.—25th. id. Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Light -of Reason, 1902. M.—1st. 8d. Savoy Publishing Co., 1 Savoy Steps, Strand, w.c. 

Light Railway & Tramway Diary, 1902. Dec. 2s. 6d. W. E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., E.C. 

tLight Railway & Tramway Journal, 1899. Fri. 10s.per ann. W.E. Freir, 16 Eldon St., £.c. 

Lightning, 1891 (now Electrical Times, 1901.) 

tLIMERICK CHRONICLE, 1766. (J.c) Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1d. 59 George St., Limerick. 

+LIMERICK ECHO, 1898. (i) Tues. 1d. C. O'Sullivan, 13 Sarsfield St., Limerick. 

+LIMERICK LEADER, 1889. (ind. nat.) Mon., Wed., & Fri. 1d. 80 Patrick St., Limerick. 

ieee WEEKLY ECHO, 1897. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. C. O’Sullivan, 18 Sarsfield St., 


Lincoln & Lincoinshire Railway Guide, 1899. M.—1st. W.K. Morton, 290 High St., Lincoln. 

Lincoln Budget, 1863. Annually. 6d. J. W. Ruddock, Lincoln. 

TURGON CITIZEN & LINCOLNSHIRE PRESS, 1900. Sat. 1d. J. Young, 14 Silver St., 

Lincoin Co-operative Soclety Record, 1890. Quarterly. Gratis. Co-operative Society, 
Silver St., Lincoln. 

Lincoln Docea Church Calendar, 1865. Dec. late. W.K. Morton, 290 High St., Lincoln 

Lincoln Directory, 1860. 5s. 6d. Biennially. J. w uddock, Lincoln, 

+LINCOLN GAZETTE, 1859. (u) Sat. 1d. The Lincolnshire Publishing Co. Lim. (W. 
Cottam), St. Benedict’s Square, Lincoln. - 

+LINCOLN LEADER, 1896. (7) Sat. 1d. Lincolnshire Press Lim., 18 St. Benedict Square, Lincoln. 


Scholes, High St., Stamford. (London: 146 Fleet St.) 

Lincolnshire d& Hull Directory, 1861. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 183 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Lincolnshire. Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, 
Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt p. 444.) 

EASTERN COUNTIES ‘ADVERTISER, 1847. (ind.) Mon. for Tues. 1d. Spalding 
Free Press Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 5 Hall Place, Spalding. 

tLINCOLNSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1832. (c) Mon.—p.m., for Tues., $d. ; Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 
& Sat.—a.m.,1d. S. Q. Cooper, '259 High St., Lincoln. 

+LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO, 1893. (u) Daily—p: m. 4d. The Lincolnshire Publishing Co. Lim. 
(W. Cottam), St. Benedict’ s Square, Lincoln. 

Lincolnshire Notes & Queries, 1888. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s.6d. W.K. Morton, 290 High 
St., Lincoln, and 27 High St., Horncastle. 

LINCOLNSHIRE SPORTING ECHO, 1896 (now Grimsby Sporting Echo, 1900). 

+LINDSEY AND LINCOLNSHIRE STAR, 1889. (pro. lib.) Sat. 1d. J. Davy, 21 Bigby St., Brigg. 

Linen Market, 1889. Fri. 21s. per ann. H.C. Smith, 7 Donegall Square East, Belfast. 

Lingua Franca of the Future, 1908. M.—Ilst. 1d. G. J. Henderson, Red Lion House, 
Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

TLINLITHGOWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1891. (2) Fri. 1d. F. Johnston & Co., 114 High St., 

' Linlithgow. 
Linney’s Illustrated Almanack, 1872. Dec. 1d. J. Linney, West Gate, Mansfield. 
teers HERALD AND ANTRIM AND DOWN ADVERTISER, 1891. (c) Fri., for Sat. 
1d. R. McMullen, 82 Bow Street, Lisburn. 
+LISBURN STANDARD, 1877. (c) Fri. i.—pm., for Sat. ld. J. E. Reilly, Castle St., Lisburn, 

~ Advertisements received f for all the Year Books, [105 


ABC List.]  Willing’s Press Guide. 

+LISKEARD AND CALLINGTON POST, 1877. Fri. 1d. Western Buildings, Launceston. 
A localised edition of the Cornish and Devon Post. 

tLISKEARD WEEKLY MERCURY, 1898. Sat. 1d. Western Newspaper Co. Lim., Dean St., 
Liskeard. (London: 144 Fleet Street, E.c.) A localised edition of the Western Weekly Mercury. 

List of Private Bills, 1847. Jan. 1s. Vacher & Sons, Westminster House, Great Smith St., s.w. 

List of the Newspapers published in the United Kingdom, 1878. Biennial. Gratis. R. F. 
White & Son, 83 Fleet St., E.C. 

Literary Digest, 1890 (English Edition). Sat. 5d. Funk & Wagnalls Co., 44 Fleet St., E.C. 
Literary Gazette, 1898. M.—15th. 2d. W. Stewart & Co., 41 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Literary Guide, 1885. M.—25th. 2d. Watts & Co., 17 Johnson’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
Literary News, 1879 (English Edition). M. 3d. Q. P. Putnam’s Sons, 24 Bedford St., Strand, w.c, 
+Literary Worid, 1867. Thurs.—5 a.m., for Fri. 1d. M. 6d. James Clarke & Co., 18 Fleet St., E.C. 
Literary Year Book, 1897. Jan. 5s. net. Geo. Allen, 156 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 
Literature, 1897 (incorporated with the Academy). 

Little Folks, 1871. M.—25th. 6d., illus.; half-yearly vols., 8s. 6d. and 58. Cassell & Co. Lim. 
La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Little Frolic, 1898. Oct. 28.6d. J. F. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Little Messenger, 1896. M.—25th. $d. James Carter, 18 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Littlebury’s Directory of Worcester, c., 1869. Jan. 8s.6d.tosubscribers. Littlebury & Co., The 
Worcester Press, Worcester. 

Littiebury’s West Midiand A B C Railway Guide and Route Book, 1888. M.—1st. 1d. 
Littlebury & Co., The Worcester Press, Worcester. 

+LITTLEHAMPTON GAZETTE, 1898. (c) Fri. 1d 68 Arundel Road, Littlehampton. A 
localised edition of the Worthing Gazette. 

Wed.—7 a.m. 1d. Linfield Bros., 18 & 19 High St., Littlehampton. 

tLITTLEPORT GAZETTE, 1879. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., March. A localised 
edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

tLive Stock Journal, 1875. Fri.—4 p.m. 4d. Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.c. 

Live Stock Journal Almanac, 1877. Dec. 18. & 2s., illus. Vinton & Co. Lim., 9 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Liver, 1898. Sat. ld. Crescent Printing Co., 44 Geneva Road, Liverpool. 

Liverpool Brass and Military Band Journai, 1875. M.—15th. Price varies. Wright & 
Round, 84 Erskine St., Liverpool. - 

tLiverpool Catholic Herald, 1890. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., Crosshall St., Liverpool. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Liverpool Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co., 88 Lombard St., E.c. 

+LIVERPOOL COURIER, 1808. (c) Daily—midnight, 1d. Tinling & Co., 55 Victoria St. 
Liverpool. (London: 81 Fleet St.) Weekly, 1808-58 ; semi-weekly, 1858-68. (Advt. p. 488.) 

Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry. Daily. £1 perann. Billof Entry Office, Custom House, 

tLIVERPOOL DAILY POST, 1855. (2) 2 am. 1d. Russell & Jeans, 46-50 Victoria St., 
Liverpool. (London: F. Johnston, 138 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 489.) 

Liverpool Drum and Fife Band Journal, 1875. M.—l1st. Price varies. Wright & Round, 
84 Erskine St., Liverpool. ` 

.TLIVERPOOL ECHO, 1879. (2?) 8 editions daily—1st edition 9.80 a.m. 4d. Russell & Jeans, 
46-50 Victoria St., Liverpool. (London: F. Johnston, 188 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 489.) 

Liverpool Entertainment and Pleasure Programme, 1908. Sat. G. J. Smith, 61 Lord 
St., Liverpool. 

7LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL ECHO, 1889. Sat. $d. Russell & Jeans, 46-50 Victoria St., 
Liverpool. (London: 138 Fleet St., E.c.) 

Liverpool General Brokers’ Association Limited Weekiy Circular, 1849. Fri. B8 
Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. 

tLiverpooi Journal of Commerce, 1826 (with which is incorporated Liverpool Shipping 
Telegraph, 1900). Daily—2 a.m. By subscription, 28s. per ann. C. Birchall Lim., 7 & 9 Victoria 
St., Liverpool. (London: 10 Old Broad St., E.c.) Published simultaneously in London 
and Glasgow 

Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, 1881. Jan. & July. 8s. 6d. H. K. Lewis, 186 
Gower St., w.c. 

106] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. {A BC List. 

tLIVERPOOL MERCURY, 1811. (Z) Daily—2.85a.m. 1d. Egerton Smith & Co., 10 Wood St., 
Liverpool. (London: 46 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. viii.) 

Liverpool Railway Guide, 1880. M. 1d. G.M. Hinton, 70 Victoria St., Liverpool. 

tLiverpool Review, 18838 (as Liberal Review, 1868). (ind.) Fri.—a.m.,forSat. 1d. Liverpool 
Review Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 64 Victoria St., Liverpool. 

Liverpool Shipping Telegraph, 1826 (incorporated in the Liverpool Journal of Commerce, 1900), 

N eng Band Journal, 1889. Sept. Price varies. Wright & Round, 84 Erskine St., 

Liverpool University College Calendar, 1902. University College, Liverpool. 

{LIVERPOOL WEEKLY COURIER, 1808. (c) Sat. 1d. C. Tinling & Co., 55 Victoria St., 
Liverpool. (London: 81 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 488.) 

{LIVERPOOL WEEKLY MERCURY, 1811 (1) Sat. ld. Egerton Smith & Co., 10 Wood 
St., Liverpool. (London: 46 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. viii.) 

tLIVERPOOL WEEKLY POST, 1878. (2) Sat. 1d. Russell & Jeans, 46-50 Victoria St., 
Liverpool. (London: F. Johnston, 188 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 489.) 

Liverpool Y.M.C.A. Monthly Journal, 1888. 1st. 1d. Y.M.C.A., 56 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. 
Living Waters, 1878. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Marshall Bros., 10 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Lladmerydd (The Expositor), 1878. M.—1l5th. 2d. E. W. Evans, Smithfield Lane, Dolgelly. 

tLlan a’r Dywysogaeth, 1869. Thurs. 1d. The Welsh Church Press and Printing Co. Lim., 
Caxton Hall, Lampeter. 

Llandaff Diocesan Church Calendar, 1872. Dec. 1s. W. Lewis, Duke St., Cardiff. 

— ee Magazine, 1899. March, June, Sept., Dec.—80th. 1d. W. Lewis, Duke 
t., Cardi 

tLLANDUDNO ADVERTISER, 1885. (ind.) Fri—9a.m. 1d. Edge & Moy, Market St., Llandudno. 
tLLANDUDNO & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. ld. W.H. Evans & 
Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

*tLLANDUDNO REGISTER & VISITORS’ HERALD, 1854. (J) Thurs—2p.m. ld. O. T. 
Roberts, Town Hall Chambers, Llandudno. A localised edition of the Carnarvon, éc., Herald. 

tLLANELLY AND COUNTY GUARDIAN, 1868. Thurs. 1d. Williams & Son, Cowell St., Llanelly. 
Llanelly Mercury Co. Lim., Llanelly. 

{LLANFAIRFECHAN & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. ld. W. H. Evans 
& Sons Iim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

—8 p.m., for Fri. 1d. H. Jones, Castle St., Llangollen. 

tLLANRWST & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. 1d. W. H. Evans & 
Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

C. Cottom, 88 Vale St., Denbigh. A localised edition of the Denbighshire Free Press. 

Lloyd’s Calendar, 1898 (as Lloyd’s Seamen’s Almanac, 1892). Nov. 1s. Lloyd’s, Royal Exchange, 

Lloyd’s Register of British and Foreign Shipping, 1884 (as Register of Shipping, 1760). July. 
8l. 8s., 5l. 5s., 6L. 68., and 102. 10s. 71 Fenchurch S8t., E.c. 

tLLOYD’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1848 (as Lloyd's Illustrated London Newspaper, 1842). (l) Sun.; 
early editions on Fri.—2 a.m., and Sat. 1d. E. Lloyd Lim., 12 Salisbury Square Fleet St., B. c. 

tLloyd's Weekly Shipping Index, 1880. Thurs. —6p.m. 84s. perann. and upwards. Spottis- 
woode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

Lloyd’s Yacht Register, 1878 May. 1l.1s. 71 Fenchurch St., E.C. 
Llusern (The Lantern), 1884. M.—1st. 1d. Welsh Nat. Press Co. Lim. , Carnarvon. 

Local Acts. During Session. Price varies. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. 
(Advt. p. 879.) 

Local Government Annual and Official Directory, 1892. Jan. 1s. 6d. S. Edgecumbe-Rogers, 
274 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Local Government Board Annual Report. Price veries. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. 879.) 

tLocal Government Chronicie (as Knight's Oficial Advertiser, 1855). Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 
8d. Knight & Co., 4 & 4a La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Ryde Newspapers. [107 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — aos a ge 

Local. Government Directory, 1841. Jan. 83s.6d. Knight & Co., 4 & 4a La Belle Sauvage Yard, 
Zudgate Hill, E.c. 

tLocai Government Journal, 1892. (as Metropolitan, 1872). Sat.—5.30 am. 2d. 8. 
Edgecumbe-Rogers, 27a Farringdon St., E.c. (Record of local government, corporation, 
county council, and poor law administration. Advt.) 

Locai Officer, 1897. M.—25th. 1d. 98-102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Local Preachers’ Magazine, 1851. M.—25th. ld. J. Harding, 15 & 16 Temple House, 
Temple Avenue, E.c. 

tLOCHEE WEEKLY HERALD, 1901. Thurs. Gratis. Dundee Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 
Dundee. A localised edition of the Dundee Free Press. 

tLock to Lock Times & River Life, 1887. Sat. During Summer Season. ld., illus. 
Lock to Lock Syndicate Lim., Granville House, 8 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Lockwood’s Builders £ Architect's Price Book, 1875 (as Builder's Price Book, 4856). Dec. 
4s. Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Locomotive & Railways, 1900 (amalgamated with Locomotive Magazine, 1908). 

Locomotive Engineer’s and Fireman’s Monthly Journal, 1887. M. 2d. 44 Park 
Square, Leeds. 

tLocomotive Magazine, 1896. Fri. 2d. Locomotive Publishing Co. Lim., 3 S Corner, E.C. 

Lodge's Peerage (now Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire). 

LOFTUS ADVERTISER, 1876. (ind.) Fri—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d., illus. J. F. Cooke, 
Station Road, Loftus. 

Lomax’s Red Book & Almanack for Lichfield, 1888. Dec. 1d. A. C. Lomax, Lichfield. 

London, 1898. May. 6d. Cundall & Son,8 & 9 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (Annual Guide to Loxdon. 

_London (now Municipal Journal. 
London (Fry’s), 1880. April. 1s., illus. Love & Malcomson Lim., 74 & 76 Great Queen S$., w.c 

London Aliiance Review, 1899. Threo times a year. 1d. London Auxiliary United Kingdom 
Alliance, 20 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 

London Almanack, 1770. Nov. 4d. G.H. James & Co., 48 Old Bailey, E.c. 

London Amusements, 1902. Mon. Gratis. Amusements Advertising & Publishing Co. 
161 Strand, w.c. 

London & Birmingham Stock & Share List, 1898. M. 1s. Cutler & Lacy, 6 Waterloo 
St., and Stock Exchange, Birmingham. 

tLONDON AND CHINA EXPRESS, 1858. Weckly—on departure of Mails. 9d. H. R. 
Preston, 79 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

fLONDON AND CHINA TELEGRAPH, 1858. Weekly—on arrival of Mails from the East. 
9d. H.R. Preston, 79 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

London & County Trades Directory, 1887 (as Mercantile Diary, 1880). March. 158. Moody & 
Co., Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate St. Without, E.C. 

London and Fashionable Resorts, 1872. . June. 21s., illus. Segg & Co., 289 & 291 Regent St., w. 
London and Genera! Freight Market Report. Tues. 5 Bury St., E.C. 

London and Provincial Music Trades Review, 1877. M.—15th. 4d. Ernest & Co. 
1 Racquet Court, E.c. 

tLondon Argus, 1897. Sat. 1d. Henry Saunders, 8 New Bridge St., E.c. (Advt. p. 439.) 
London Art Fashion Journal, 1898. M.—25th. 1s. John Williamson Co. Lim., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

London Banks and Kindred Companies and Firms, 1865. June. 10s. 1 Royal Exchange 
Buildings, E.c. 

London Catholic Directory £ Almanack, 1900. Dec. 6d. Catholic Press Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.c. 

London City Mission Magazine, 1837 (as City Mission Megane, 1886). M.—1st. 1d. 
Seeley & Co., 88 Great Russell St., w.c. 

London Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co., 38 Lombard St., E.c. 
tLondon Commercial Record, 1842. Fri. 5d. Chas. Smith, Son & Gowland, 11 Jewry St., E.c. 
London Commercial Trades Directory, 1900. Feb. 21s. F. Boyce & Co., 82 Charing Cross, W.C. 

¢fLondon Corn Circular, 1848. Mon. & Fri—p.m. 21s. per ann. Chas. Smith, Son & 
Gowland, 11 Jewry St., E.c. 

London County Council Staff Gazette, 1900. M.—Ist. 2d. Spring Gardens, s.w. 
London Crusader, 1892. M.—25th. 4d. 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w. 

108} J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. ' [AE BC List. 

London Customs Biil of Entry, 15—. Morn. Bill A (Ships’ Reports) and Bill B (Imports, 
Exports, and Shipping). 70s. per ann., each. Custom House, Lower Thames St., £.c. 

London Daily Stock and Share List (now Stock Exchange Daily Official List). 

London Daily Wants, 1908. Daily. 1d. Newby’s Electric Power Works, 1838a Bedford Road, 
Clapham, s.w. 

London Diocesan Magazine, 1886. M.—1st. 8d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., New St. Square, E.c. 

London Diocese Book, 1865. Feb. 1s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., New St. Square, E.C. 

London Directory, with Suburbs, 1886. Dec. lvol. 20s. 25 Abchurch Lane, E.C. 

London, Edinburgh, and Dubiin Philosophical Magazine, 1798. M.—last day. 2s. 6d., 
illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., r.c. 

London Evangelist, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. A. Woffindale, White House, Dartmouth Park 
Avenue, N.W. 

London Evangelist. M.—lst. 4d. G. Stoneman, 29 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

London Fashion Review, 1901. Annually. 21s. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 88 & 89 
Great Titchfield St., w. . 

London Gazette, 1666 (as Orford Gazette, 1665). Tues. & Fri—7 pm. 1s. T. & J.W. 
Harrison, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

London Homeopathic Hospital Reports, 1892. Annually. 6s. London Hommopathic Hos- 
pital, Great Ormond St., w.c. 
London Journal, 1845. Fri.—11 p.m. 1d., illus. C. W. Bradley, 12 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

London Magazine, 1908 (as Harmsworth London Magazine, 1898). M.—15th. 8$d. Amalga- 
mated Press Lim., Carmelite St., B.C. 

London Manual, 1885. Jan. 1s. 6d. Ed. Lloyd Lim., 123 Salisbury Square, E.c. 

London Matriculation Directory, 1874. Jan. & June. 1s. W.B. Clive, 157 Drury Lane, w.c. 

pongo Mercantile Gazette, 1888. Wed. Subscription. Powage Press Lim., Aspley Guise, 

London Mining Share List, 1894. Sat. Sub. 21s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 
LONDON MORNING (as Morning Herald, amalgamated with Daily Express, 1900). 

tLondon Musical Courier, 1897 (formerly Musical Courter, 1894): Sat. 8d. 20 Old 
Cavendish St., w. 
London of To-day, 1885. Dec. 1s. Jarrold & Sons, 10 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

London Philatelist, 1892. M.—27th. 6d. A.C. Emerson, Effingham House, Arundel St., w.c. 

London, Provincial and Colonial Press News, 1866. M.—28th. 2d. C. & H. Dorrington, 
Bear Alley, Farringdon St., ¥.c. 

London Pupil Teachers Association Record, 1896. M.—I1st. ld. Headley Bros., 14 
Bishopsgate 8t. Without, E.c. 

London Quarterly Review, 1858. Jan., April, July, Oct. 28. 6d. Wesleyan Conference 
Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

London Reader, 1864. Tues.—9 a.m., 1d.; M.—6d., illus. Mowbray House, Norfolk St., w.c. 
(Advt. p. 894.) 

London Report, 1902 (as London Stock Market Report, 1899). Sat. ld. E.F. R. Lawer, 
24 Throgmorton St., E.C. 

London Scotsman, 1897. M.—-15th. 1d. 186 Fleet St., E.C. 
London Scottish Regimental! Gazette, 1895. M.—1st. 4d. 59 Buckingham Gate, s.w. 

London Seaside and Country Apartments, 1901. M.—Ist, April to Sept. ld. Han- 
naford & Hodges Lim., 57 & 59 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

London Society of Compositors’ Guide, 1899. Aug. 2d. 7 St. Bride St., E.c. 
London Stock Market Report, 1900 (now London Report, 1908). 
London Suburban Directory, 1860. Annually. 86s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

London TaHor, 1884 (as Record of Fashion, 1876; with which is incorporated the Gentleman's 
Magazine of Fashion, 1908. Wed.—noon, for Sat. 2d., illus.; M.—25th, 1s. E. Marl- 
borough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. 

London Technical Education Gazette, 1894. M.—lst. 2d. P. 9. King & Son, Orchard 
House, Great Smith St., Westminster, s.w. 

London Temperance Entertainer, 1901. M.—25th. 1d. National Temperance Publica- 
tion Depot, 33 Paternoster Row, E.c. | 

London Temperance Times, 1892. M.—25th. 1d. 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w. 

Advertisements received for all the Plymouth Newspapers. [109 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

London, Theatre, Concert and Fine Art Guide, 1901. Sat. Gratis. R. P. Smith, 
8 Talbot Court, E.c. 
London Timber Trade and Sawmill Handbook, 1903. A. Haworth, 84 Leadenhall St., £.c. 
London Trades and Labour Gazette, 1901. M.—Ilst. 1d. London Trades Council, 2 White. 
friars St., E.C. 
„London University Gazette, 1901. Fortnightly—Sat. 2d. The Principal, University of 
London, South Kensington, s.w. 
London University Guide. Annually. Gratis. W. B. Clive, 157 Drury Lane, w.c. 
tLONDONDERRY SENTINEL, 1829. (c) Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1d. W. Colhoun, 18 & 15 
Pump St., Londonderry. 
LONDONER GENERAL-ANZEIGER, 1889. Tues. for Wed., and Fri. for Sat. 2d. H. Detloff 
Lim., 18 Sun St., Finsbury Square, E.C. 
Londoner Vereinsbiatt, 1885. M.—ist. Gratis. 28 Finsbury Square, E.C. 
LONDONER ZEITUNG HERMANN, 1857. (n) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 2d. 38 Coleman Sts E.C. 
Londra-Roma, 1888. Sat. 1d. 6 Fitzroy St., Fitzroy Square, w 

+LONG EATON ADVERTISER, 1882. Sat. 1d. Long Eaton Advertiser Co. Lim., 82 Market 
Place, Long Eaton. 

+LONG EATON PIONEER, 1892. (c) Fri. 1d. E. Trueman, Dikeston, and Main St., Long 

LONGFORD INDEPENDENT, 1864. Fri. ld. H. Turer, Earl St., Longford. 

LONGFORD JOURNAL AND MIDLAND TIMES, 1839. Sat. 1d. W. T. Dann, Market 
Square, Longford. 

Longman’s Magazine, 1882. M.—24th. 6d. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

+LONGTON TIMES AND ECHO, 1888. Sat. 1d. W. Brickel, Longton. 

Lord’s Day, 1902 (as Occasional Papers, 1857). Quarterly. 1d. Lord’s Day Observance 
Society, 20 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

+LOSTWITHIEL & FOWEY GUARDIAN, 1901. Fri. 1d. A. B. Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. 
A localised edition of the Cornish Guardian. 

LOTHIANS EXPRESS, 1888. Wed. $d. Baird & Hamilton, Engine St., Bathgate.: 

Lotus Journal, 19038. M.—1st. 3d. Theosophical Publishing Society, 7 Landhill Road, Elgin 
Avenue, w. 

LOUGHBOROUGH ECHO, 1891. Fri. Gratis. J. Deakin, Loughborough. 

tLOUGHBOROUGH EXAMINER, 1894. (J) Thurs. ld. Nottingham Daily Express Co. 
Lim., 41 Baxter Gate, Loughborough. 

+LOUGHBOROUGH HERALD, 1880. (1) Wed.—9 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. F. Hewitt, 25 to 20 
Albion St., Leicester. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 

LOUGH BOROUG H MONITOR & NEWS, 1861 (with which is incorporated Hinckley News). 
Thurs. 1d. W. P. & W. Cox, 10 Church Gate, Loughborough. 

LOUGHREA GUARDIAN, 1898. Wed. ld. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. One of the 
Western News (Ballinasloe) series. 

LOUGHREA NATIONALIST, 1902. (nat.) Fri. ld. Ballinasloe Printing & Publishing Co., 
Main St., Ballinasloe. 

LOUGHTON & DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1887. Sat. 4d. M. Hickman, Huttons, Loughton. 

tLOUGHTON GAZETTE, 1901. Sat. $d. A. B. Davis Lim., 1 Victoria Buildings, Epping. 
A localised edition of the ‘Epping Gazette. 

Louis Wain’s Annual, 1901. Nov. 1s. A. Treherne & Co. Lim., 8 Agar St., w.c. 

LOUTH & NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1859. (c) Wed.—2 p.m., $d.; Fri— 
6 p.m., 1d. Louth Advertiser Newspaper Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 20 Eastgate, Louth, 

TESE TH & NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE NEWS, 1897 (as Louth Times, 1872). (l) Fri.—5 p.m. 
d. E. H. Ruscoe, 186 Eastgate, Louth. 
— Words (now Acceptable Words). 
Lowestoft Directory, 1889. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c 
tLOWESTOFT JOURNAL, 1873. (ind.) Fri—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. A. Stebbings, London 
Road, Lowestoft. (London : 60 Ludgate Hill.) One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Lowestoft Pocket Time — 1876. M.—1st. ld. McGregor & — 56 High St. 

110] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

— — —— 

+LOWESTOFT STANDARD, 1882. (c) Sat. 1d. East of England Newspaper Co., Lim., 
Custom House Buildings, Lowestoft. (London: 180 Fleet St.) One of the Norfolk Standard 
series. (Advt. p. 440.) 

tLOWESTOFT WEEKLY PRESS, 1886. Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. ld. Norfolk News Co. Lim., 
57 London St., Norwich. (London : 120 Fleet St.). 

Lows Handbook to the Charities of London, 1850. Irreg. 18. and 1s. Gd. Sampson Low, 
Marston & Co. Lim., St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

L. R. B. Record, 1903. M.—1st. 4d. London Rifle Brigade, 180 Bunhill Row, E.c. 

L. S.D. 1897. M.—Ilst. 8d. Wilson, Hartnell & Co., Commercial Buildings, Dublin. 

tLUDLOW ADVERTISER, 1855. Fri., for Sat. 1d. W.& G. Marks, 19 Bull Ring, Ludlow. 

Lumieys Register of Land and Houses in Engiand and Wales, 1858. Bi-M. Gratis. 
St. James’s House, 22 St. James’s St., s.w. 

Lumleys Scottish and Irish Register of Sporting Estates, 1853. Twice a year. Gratis. 
St. James’s House, 22 St. James's St., s.w. 

Lunar Month, 1884. Sat.—a.m. 2d. Ashley & Smith Lim., 139 & 140 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lunar Month Annual Summary of Past Racing, 1884. Dec. 1s. Ashley & Smith Lim., 139 
& 140 Fleet St., E.C. 

LURGAN MAIL, 1890. (c) Sat. 1d. L. Richardson, Church Place, Lurgan. 

tLURGAN TIMES, 1877. Sat. 1d. W. White, 77 William St., Lurgan. 

Luton and District Year Book, 1895. Dec. 1d. Reporter Office, Luton. 

Luton Directory, 1895. Sept. 6d. Reporter Office, Luton. 

Bamforth & Co., 6 Wellington St., Luton. 

fLUTON REPORTER, 1874. (ind.) Fri.—6 am. ld. The Reporter Press Agency Lim., 
89 Park Square, Luton. 

Luzac’s Oriental List, 1890. Bi-M. 6d. 46 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Lyceum Banner, 1890. M.—2nd Sun. 1d. J.J. Morse, 26 Osnaburgh St., Euston Road, N.w. 

Lydney & Forest of Dean Directory, 1874. Jan. 8d. G.J. Harris, The Cross, Lydney. 

LYDNEY OBSERVER, 1873. Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. Two editions. $d andi1d. T.C. Gwilliam, 
Regent St., Lydney. 

t{LYME REGIS MIRROR, 1879. Sat. 1d. J.S. Turner, Broad St., Lyme Regis. 

fLYMINGTON & SOUTH HANTS CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. W. Mate & 
Sons Lim., Lymington. A localised edition of the Poole, dc.,Herald. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

LYMINGTON OBSERVER, 1872. (c) Sat. 1d. F. Nash & Co., Bournemouth. A localised 
edition of the Bournemouth Observer. 

+LYMM OBSERVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., 
Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Observer. 

+LYNN ADVERTISER, 1840. (c) Fri. 2d. Thew & Son, 1 High St., Lynn. 

LYNN FOOTBALL STAR, 1903. Sat. $d. Lynn News & County Press Lim., Purfleet St., 
King’s Lynn. 

tLYNN NEWS & COUNTY PRESS, 1859. (1) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Lyon News & County 
Press Co. Lim., Purfleet St., King’s Lynn. 

*LYNTON & LYNMOUTH RECORDER, 1874. Tues. 1d. W. Palmer, Lyn Vale House, Lynton. 

Lyonian, 1891. During term. 2d. F. W. Provost, Harrow. 

1821. Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Fielden, 47 Clifton St., Lytham. 

Mablethorpe, Louth. 

M‘Call’s Racing Chronicle, 1861. M.—Feb. & Mar., 2d.; April, 9d.; May to Nov., 1s 
(Annual—Dec., 1s. 6d.) W. M‘Call, 7 Hunter St., Liverpool. 

M‘Call’s Turf Register, 1861. Fri. (during racing season)—10 a.m. 1d. W.M‘Call,7 Hunter 
St., Liverpool. 

+MACCLESFIELD ADVERTISER, 1868. Fri. 1d. Swain & Co. Lim.,1 Hibel Road, Maccles- 
field, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

tMACCLESFIELD CHRONICLE, 1877 (with which is incorporated Macclesfield Guardian). 
(0) Wed., ġd.; Fri., ld. G. Hine, 42 Mill St., Macclesfield. 

- Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. | au 

A BC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 


+MACCLESFIELD COURIER, 1811. (c) Fri. & Sat., 2d. Claye, Brown & Claye, Macclesfield. 

+MACCLESFIELD TIMES, 1887. (ind.) Fri.. 2d. Heath Bros., St. George’s Mill, Macclesfield. 
A localised edition of the Congleton Times. 

McClure’s Magazine, 1894. M.—80th. 7d. S.S. McClure Co., 10 Norfolk St., w.c. 

MacDonald’s English Directory & Gazettcer, 1878. Jan. £2 ios. William MacDonald & Co. Lim., 
72 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

MacDonald’s Irish Directory and Gazetteer, 1888, Jan. 21s. W. MacDonald & Co., Lim., 72 Leaden- 
hall Street., E.c. 

MacDonald’s Scottish Directory d Gazetteer, 1884. Jan. 21s. W. MacDonald & Cg. Lim., 
72 Leadenhall St., E.c. 

Macfadden’s Physical Development (English Edition), 1901. M.—25th. 2d. Bernard 
Macfadden, 12 & 13 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 
med) — & Engineering Materials Gazette, 1896 (incorporated with Machinery 

ana Exporter, 1881 (now British Colonial & International Machinery Market, 1902). 
tMachinery Market, 1879. Thurs. 1d. M.—1st. 6d., illus. 1464 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 
Machinery Users Journal, 1903. M.—I1st. 6d. J.B. Bailey, 5 Lawrence Pountney Lane, £.c. 
Mackereth’s Furness Year Book, 1894 (now Furness Year Book, 1902). 

Mackey’s Veterinary Diary & Almanac, 1899. 43. 6d. Jan. Mackey, Mackey & Co. Lim, 
40 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

M‘Laren’s Edinburgh Directory, 1903. J. W. M‘Laren & Co., St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

Macmillan’s Magazine, 1859. M.—25th. 1s. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

MeNicol’s Liverpool, Bootle, and Birkenhead Street Directory, etc., 1903. 2d. MeNicol’s Pub- 
lishing Co., 146 Dale St., Liverpool. 

+Madame, 1896. Wed., for Sat. 6d., illus. 8 & 9 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Madame Aubert's Governess & School List, 1859. M.—1st. 8d. 189 Regent St., w. 

Magasin Méthodiste des Iles de la Manche, 1817. M.—1st. 8s. per ann., post free. Rev. 
P. G. Adair, Cambridge Park, Guernsey. 

Magazine of Art, 1878. M.—25th. 1s. net, illus. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Magazine of Commerce, 1902. M.—1st. Magazine of Commerce Lim., 156 Cheapside, E.c. 

Magazine of the London Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine for Women, 
1900. M.—1st. 6d. Royal Free Hospital, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Magic. 1900. M.—I1st. 6d. E. Stanyon, 76 Sulent Road, West Hampstead, n.w. 

Magisterial Cases, 1896. Quarterly. 4s. Shaw & Sons, 6, 7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, B. c. 

+Magnet, 1866. Thurs.—for Sat. 1d. W. Fraser, Magnet Chambers, Upperhead Row, Leeds. 

Magnet, 1902. M.—ist. 12. H. L. Castle, Victoria Printing Works, Watford. 

Magpie, 1882 (now Bristol Magpie, 1903). 

1869. Wed. ld. F.G. Baylis, 80 & 82 Queen St., Maidenhead. 

Maidenhead Annual, 1901. Maidenhead Argus, H. Read, Queen St., Maidenhead. 

+MAIDENHEAD ARGUS, 1900. Sat. 1d. H. Read, Queen St., Maidenhead. One of the 
Berkshire Chronicle series. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Maidenhead Modern School Magazine, 1900. During term. 6d. The Editor, Maiden- 
head Modern School, Maidenhead. 

+MAIDSTONE & KENTISH JOURNAL (as Maidstone Journal, 1786). (c) Thurs. _1d. 
Sat.—2 p.m., 1d. Maidstone and Kentish Journal Co. Lim., Station Road, Week St, 

Maidstone, d'c., Directory, 1899. Annually, 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c 

tMAIDSTONE GAZETTE, 1902. Sat. 1d. 56 Week Street, Maidstone. 

+MAIL, 1789 (as Evening Mail). (ind.) Mon., Wed., Fri—4 p.m. 2d. G.E. Wright, Printing 
House Square, E.c. Selections from two days’ issue of the Z'imes. 

+MAKERFIELD EXAMINER, 1895. (c) Sat. 1d. Roger & Rennick, Park Road, Newton-le- 
Willows, Lancs. 

Malden Local Guide and District Advertiser, 1903. M.—1st. Gratis. Miller & Goozee, 
1 Acacia Grove, New Malden. 

MALDON EXPRESS, 1872. Sat. d. Meggy, Thompson & Co., 98 High 8t., Chelmsford, 
(Advt. p. 446.) 

Malthusian, 1879. M.—lst. ld. 1&2 Took’s Court, Chancery Lane, E.C. 

112) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand London. 

_ Willing’ s Press Guide. [A BC List. 


+MALTON GAZETTE, 1854. (ind.) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. Malton Gazette Lim., St. Michael 
St., Malton. 

MALTON MAIL (now Yorkshire Observer). 

+MALTON MESSENGER, 1854. Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. H. Smithson & Co., Yorkersgate, 

+MALVERN ADVERTISER, 1855. (J) Fri., for Sat. ld. Jenkins & Lovell, 1 Holyrood 
Terrace, Malvern. 

+MALVERN GAZETTE, 1898. Fri. 1d Church St., Malvern. 

+MALVERN NEWS & VISITORS’ DIRECTORY, 1360. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. 2 Holyrood 
Terrace, Malvern. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

Maivernian, 1870. M.during Term. 6d. Jenkins & Lovell, 1 Holyrood Terrace, Malvern. 

Man of the World, 1888 (incorporated in the Sporting Times). 

Manchester and Salford and Suburbs Directory, 1797. Annually. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Manchester and Salford Equitable Co-operative Society Herald, 1889. M.—last 
Thurs. Gratis. Downing St., Manchester. 

tManchester Catholic Herald, 1888 (with which is incorporated the Manchester Citizen) 
Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 13 Jordan St., Manchéster. One of the Catholic 
Herald (London) series. 

Manchester Chamber of Commerce Monthly Record, 1890. M.—s80th. 4d. J. E. 
Cornish, 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

tMANCHESTER CITY NEWS, i864. Sat. 1d. P. Percival, 8 Strutt St., Manchester. (London: 
176 Fleet St.) 

Manchester Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscribers. Seyd & Co., 88 Lombard St., E.c. 

tMANCHESTER COURIER, 1825. (c) Daily. 1d.; with Supplement on Sat., 2d. Thos. 
Sowler & Sons Lim., 22 Cannon St., Manchester. (London: 89 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 424.) 

Manchester Diocesan Directory d Churchman’s Almanack, 1875. Dec. 1s. 6d. 40 John Dalton 
St., Manchester. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

{MANCHESTER EVENING CHRONICLE, 1897. 4d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., wu Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

tMANCHESTER EVENING NEWS, 1868. Daily—several editions. 4d. Evans & Co., 
3 Cross St., Manchester. (London: 54 Fleet St.) (Advi. p. 424.) 

Manchester Evening News Football Handbook, 1898. Aug. 1d. W. Evans & Co., 38 Cross St., 

Manchester Graphic, 1903. M.—ist. 1d. 409 Corn Exchange, Manchester. 

tMANCHESTER GUARDIAN, 1821. (1) Daily—2a.m. 1d. Taylor, Garnett & Co., 8 Cross 
St., Manchester. (London: 54 Fleet St., 51 Cannon St., 53 Parliament St.) First issued 
daily in 1857. (Advi. p. 439.) . 

Manchester Guardian Society’s Gazette, 1826. Wed. 25s. perann. 15 Fountain St., 
Manchester Illustrated Weekly, 1903. Fri. id. 49 Blackfriars St., Manchester. 

tTMANCHESTER JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 1894. Daily—6a.m. C. Birchall Lim., 7-9 
Victoria St., Liverpool, and 81 Peter St., Manchester. (London: 10 Old Broad St. , E.C.) A 
localised edition of the Liverpool Journal of Commerce, 

Manchester Law Students’ Chronicle, 1901. M.—ist during Session, 3d. J. Heywood, 
Ridgefield, Manchester. 

Manchester Literary Club Papers, 1882. Sept. 123. 6d. Sherratt & Hughes, 27 St. Ann’s St., 

Manchester Postal Guide, 1863. M.—ist. 1d. General Post Office, Manchester. 

Manchester Quarterly, 1882. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6d., illus. Sherratt & Hughes, St. 
Ann’s St., Manchester. 

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory, 1891. May. 7¢.6d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. 

Manchester, Salford £ Suburban Directory. Annually. 25s. Slater's Directory Lim.,87 Brown 
St., Manchester. ' 

Lim., 2 Sussex St. Manchester, and King St. East, Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser 

MANCHESTER SUBURBAN ADVERTISER, 1903. Fri. hd. Manchester Suburban 
Advertiser Co. Lim., 92 Market St., Manchester. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [113 

AB C List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — —— — — — —— —— —— — — — — — — — — — — — — 

tMANCHESTER WEEKLY CHRONICLE, 1900 (as South Manchester Chronicle, 1887). 
Fri., for Sat. id J. H. Barnes, 12 Brazennose St., Manchester. 

tMANCHESTER WEEKLY TIMES, 1857. Fri—a.m. 1d. 22 Cannon St., Manchester. 
(London: 101 Fleet St.) 

Manchester Wheelers’ Club Journal, 1893. M.—lst. Gratis. Wheelers’ Club, 4 Albert 
Square, Manchester. 

Linney, West Gate, Mansfield. 

1895. (2) Thurs.—p.m. ld. F. Wilman, White Hart St., Mansfield. 

tMANSFIELD REPORTER, 1857. (c) Fri. 1d. Mansfield Reporter Co. Lim., Church St., Mansfield. 

Manual of British & Foreign Brewing Companies, 1902 (as Duncan’s Manual &c.,1889). Country 
Brewers’ Gazette, 2 Devonshire Square, E.c. 

Manual of Electrical Undertakings, 1896. Nov. 15s. net. Mowbray House, Norfolk St., w.c. 
Manufacturers’ Prices Current, 1897. Quarterly. 2s. 6d. Leadenhall Buildings, Grace- 

church St., E.C. 

Manx Church Magazine, 1890. M.—25th. 1d. Cubbon & Lightfoot, Victoria St., Douglas. 

+MANX SUN, 1821. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Cubbon & Lightfoot, Victoria St., Douglas. 

Manx Wesleyan Church Record, 1893. M.—Ist Sat. 1d. Clucas & Fargher, Douglas. | 

tM. A. P., 1898. Wed., for Sat. 1d. Editorial, Publishing & Advertisements, C. A. Pearson, 
Henrietta St., w.c. (Advt. p. 489.) 

MARCH ADVERTISER AND COUNTY PRESS, 1908. (prog.) Wed.—a.m. 1d. Isle of Ely 
Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Station Road, March. Onc of the Wisbech Chronicle series. 

Mardon Bros.’ Year-Book, Directory, and Almanack, 1868. Dec. 2d. Mardon Brothers, North 
St., Bishop’s Stortford. 

MARGATE & RAMSGATE GAZETTE (now Keble's Margate £ Ramsgate Gazette). 

Maria Grey College Magazine, 1891. Nov. 1s. Miss R. Hodge, 28 Warrington Crescent, 
Maida Vale, w. 

Marine Engineer, 1879. M.—2Sth. 6d., illus. W. G. Neal, 8 Amen Corner, Paternoster 
ze 7 (Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding, Steam Navigation & Electrical Engineering. 
dvt. | 
Marine Motor News, 1901 (incorporated with Yachtsman, 1908). 
Marine Superintendent's Pocket Book, 1898. Jan. 28.6d. J. Scott & Co., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 
Mariner, 1889. M.—15th. 6d. Mariner Lim., Effingham House, 1 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

Mariners’ Almanack, 1899 (as Inglis’s Tide Tables, 1860). Sept. 1s. Free Press Office, 
80 Union St., Aberdeen. 

Maritime Notes and Queries, 1878. Irreg. 5s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 
Cases and opinions bearing on maritime law, and index to law cases. (Advt.) 

Maritime Review, 1902. Weds. 8d. Maritime Review Lim., Bute Docks, Cardiff. 

tMark Lane Express, 1832. Mon.—4.80 p.m. 8d. W. A. May, 1 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

tMARKET HARBORO’ ADVERTISER, 1854. (c) Mon. for Tues.—5 p.m. 1d. Frank W. Fox, 
6 Church St., Market Harborough. (Advt. p. 448.) 

tMARKET RASEN MAIL, 1886 (as Market Rasen Weekly Mail, 1856). Fri.—8.80 p.m., for 
Sat. ld. Exors. of the late T. H. Whittingham, Waterloo St., Market Rasen. 

for Sat. 1d. H.G. Perkins, High St., Marlborough. 

Marlborough’s Plain Calendar, 1887. Nov. 2d. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.c. 
(For newsagents, &c., showing the number of working days in a month, quarter, or year, with 
Ready Reckoner, &c. Advt). 

Mariburian, 1865. Fortnightly, during Term. 8d. Marlborough College, near Marlborough. 

Marvel, 1898. Wed. §d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Marylebone and St. John’s Wood Directory, 1860. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. | 

bone Mercury, 1857). (u) Fri. 1d. 63 Weymouth st., Portland Place, w. (Advt. p. 448.) 

MARYLEBONE TIMES, 1884. Fri. 1d. 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, n.w. One of the 
Kilburn Times series. 

W. Halton, 80 Tangier St., Whitehaven. A localised edition of the Whitehaven Advertiser. 

114] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List, 
+MARYPORT NEWS, 1885. (7) Sat. 1d. 98 Senhouse St., Maryport. 
MASHAMSHIRE STANDARD, 1901. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. 1d. J. C. Savill, Paxton House, 
Ripon, & Market Place, Northallerton. One of the North Riding d:c. News series. 
Mashonaland, 1891. Quarterly. 8d. H. Sotheran & Co., 140 Strand, w.c. 
Mason University College Magazine, 1883 (now University of Birmingham Magazine). 
Masonic lilustrated, 1900. M.—1st. 6d. Spencer & Co., 15 Great Queen St., w.c. 
Masonic Journal, 1897. M.—1st. 2d. G. D. Beattie, 26 Cable St., Liverpool. i 
Masonic Year Book for the Province of Cambridge, 1881. Feb. 1s. W. P. Spalding, 43 Sidney 
St., Cambridge. , 
Master Baker, 1896 (incorporated in the Bakers’ Times). ; 
Master Bullders’ Associations Journal, 1896. M.—1st. A. Haworth, 84 Leadenhall St., £.c. 
tMaster Printer and Newspaper Owner, 1903 (as Newspaper Owner and Modern Printer, 
1898). Wed. 2d. C. Baker, 36-29 Poppin’s Court, Fleet St., E.c. 
Master Tallor & Cutter’s Gazette, 1893. M.—28th. 6d. Goodall & Suddick Lim., 1 
Cookridge St., Leeds. . ' 
Mathematical Gazette, 1894. Feb., June, Oct. 1s. G. Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
Mathematical Questions and Solutions from the Educational Times, 1864. Apr. 
and Sept. 6s. 6d. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 
Mathiesons’ American Traffic Tables, 1890. M.—15th. 6d. F. C. Mathieson & Sons, 
16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 
Mathiesons’ Fortnightly List, 1872. £3 2s. perann. Twice a month. F.C. Mathieson & 
Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 7 
Mathiesons’ Handbook for Investors, 1900. Dec. 32s. 6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. 
Mathiesons’ Record, 1900. Jan. 5s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 
Mathiesons’ Traffic Tables, 1878. M.—12th and half-yearly. Jan. & July. 6d. F. C. 
Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 
Matkin’s Oakham Almanac, 1855. Dec. 2d., illus. Chas. Matkin, High Street, Oakham. 
illus. Wilfred Edmunds Lim., Smedley St., Matlock Bank. (London: 180 Fleet St.) 
MATLOCK GUARDIAN, 1902. Fri., for Sat. 1d. C.F. Wardley, The Square, Bakewell, & 
Buxton. One of the Buxton Advertiser series. 
Matrimonial Post & Fashionable Marriage Advertiser, 1882. M.—1st. 8d. Trafalgar 
Buildings, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, w.c. i 
Mawson’s Sunderland Diary, 1892 (now Reid’s Sunderland Diary, 1902`. 
May Flower, 1891. Wed. èd., illus. T. H. Roberts Lim., 158 Fleet St., E.C. 
*MAYO EXAMINER, 1868. (7) Sat. 2d. M. Sheridan, Church St., Castlebar. 
tMAYO NEWS, 1899. (nat.) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. P.J. Doris, Westport. 
May's British and Irish Press Guide and Advertisers’ Directory and Handbook (now Willing’s 
Press Guide). 
+Meat Trades’ Journal, 1888. Thurs. 1d. J.F. Reid, 63 Long Lane, West Smithfield, E.c. 
MEATH HERALD, 1845. (c) Sat. 1d. W. A. McDougall, Church St., Kells. 
+Mechanical Engineer, 1898. Sat. 8d. Scientific Publishing Co., 53 New Bailey St., Manchester. 
Mechanical Progress, 1899. M.—15th. 8d. Atlantic Press Lim., Weymouth St., Manchester, s.E. 
Mechanical Review, 1908 (as Trade Journals’ Review, 1891). M.—1öth. 6d. 72 Market St., 
Manchester. (London: 82 New Bridge St.) 
+Mechanical World, 1382 (as Design and Work, 1876). Fri. 1d., illus. Emmott & Co. Lim., 
New Bridge 8t., Manchester. (London: 118 Chancery Lane.) 
Medical Annual and Practitioners’ Index, 1884. Jan. 1s. 6d., illus. J. Wright & Co., Bristol. 
(London : Simpkin & Co. Lim.) 
Medica! Chronicle, 1884. M.—6th. 1s. 6d. 12s. 6d. perann. Sherratt & Hughes, St. Ann’s St., 

Medical Directory, 1845. Jan. 14s. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Medical Electrology and Radielogy, 1900 (as Journal of Physical Therapeutics, 1900). 
Quarterly. 2s. 6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 83-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Medical Examiner, 1899. Quarterly. 6d. Walbrook & Co. Lim., 18-15 Whitefriars St., E.c. 

Medical Magazine, 1892. M.—15th. łs. 62 King William St., E.C. 


Advertisements received for all Directories and Guides. [118 

A BC List. J Willing’s Press Guide. 

Medical Missions at Home and Abroad, 1880. M.—26th. ld. J. F. Shaw & Co., 48 
Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Medical Pioneer (now Medical Temperance Review). 

+Medical Press and Circular, 1838. Wed.—10 a.m. d., occas. illus. A. A. Tindall, 
8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Medical Register, 1858. Mar. 6s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.c. List of 
qualified practitioners. 

Medical Review and Medical & — Review of Reviews, 1898. M.—25th. 1s. 6d. 
70 Finsbury Pavement, E.c. 

Medical Students’ Register, 1865. Jan. 2s. 6d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

Medical Temperance Review, 1898 (as Medical Pioneer, 1892). M.—25th. 2d. National 
Temperance Publication Depét, 88 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

+Medical Times and Hospital Gazette, 1898 (as Students’ Journal, 1873; as Hospital 
Gazette, 1885). Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 2d. 11 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Medicc-Chirurgical WP ranaietons. 1878. Annually. 21s. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 
20 Hanover Square, w. 

Mediterranean, 1881. M.—1st. 2d. Hatton House, Charles St., E.C. 
Melia’s Magazine, 1887, M.—1st. Gratis, illus. Melia & Co. Lim., 157 Commercial St., E. 

MELTON MOWBRAY JOURNAL, 1854. Sat. 1d. Towne & Co., Market Place, Melton 
Mowbray. A localised edition of the Grantham Journal. 

+MELTON MOWBRAY MERCURY, 1881. (7) Wed.—9 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. F. Hewitt & 
Son, Leicester. (London: 49 Fleet St. ) 

6a.m. ld. Melton Mowbray Times Co. Lim., Nottingham St., Melton Mowbray. 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 
1887. Irreg. Price varies. 86 George St., Manchester. 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1822. Irreg. Price varies. Burlington House, 
Piccadilly, w 

Men and Women, 1908. Sat. 1d. La Belle Sauvage, E.c. 
Men and Women of the Time, 1858 (incorporated with Who's Who). 

Men of Note in Finance and Commerce, 1900 (with which is incorporated Men of Office, 1900). 
Occas. 58s. 28 Basinghall St., E.c. 

Men of Office, 1900 (incorporated with Men of Note in Finance and Commerce, 1900). 
Men’s Wear, 1901. Thurs., for Sat. 1d. 155 Cheapside, E.c. 
tMentor’s Middieham Opinion, 1876. Sat.—4.80 p.m. 1s. J. E. Miller, Middleham, Yorks. 

Mercantile Guardian, 1887 (as Postal & Shipping Guide, 1884). M.—21st. 21s. per ann. 
Lindley Jones & Bro., ai St. Helen’s Place, E.c. 

Mercantile Marine Service Association Reporter, 1874. M.—15th. Sub. 6s. 67 Tower 
Buildings, Water St., Liverpool. 

Mercantile Navy List and Maritime Directory, 1862. March. 128. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 
Gracechurch St., E.c. 

Mercantile Test, 1870. Thurs.—6 a.m. 21s. per ann. 42 Gresham St., E.C. 

Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1887. March. 10s. Lindley Jones & Bro, 
21 St. Helen’s Place, E.c. 

Merchant & Shipper, 1900. M.—1st. 10s. perann. R. J. Byland, 8 Chancery Lane, w.c, 
tMerchant Service Review, 1899. Sat. 2d. H E. Jones, 26 Union St., Liverpool. 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, d: Shippers’ Directory of the World, 1877. Annually. 30s. Kelly's 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+MERCURY, 1887 ee Hackney Mercury, 1885). (c) Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Roberts, Son 
& Co. Lim.,10 The Grove, Mare St., Hackney, N.E. 

Mercy and Truth, 1897. M.—25th. 1d. Church Missionary Society, Salisbury Square, E.C. 

*+MERIONETH NEWS AND HERALD, 1889 (as Merionethshire Herald, 1879). Fri.—8 a.m. 
ld. D. Rees, 24 High St., Carnarvon. A localised edition of the Carnarvon, d:c., Herald. 

+MERTHYR EXPRESS, 1864. (l) Fri—6a.m., for Sat. 1d. H. W. Southey, Gl-beland St., 
Merthyr Tydfil. 

Message from God. M.—25th. 4d. 58 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Messenger, 1900(as Baptist Messenger, 10): Se M.—25th. ld. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, £ c. 

116] J, Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising A Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Messenger, 1899 (as Silent Messenger, 1895). Bi-monthly. ld. Belfast News Letter, 
55-59 Donegall St., Belfast. 

Messenger, 1876. M.—25th. 2d. Gilmour & Carmichael Lim., 87 Glassford Street, Glasgow. 
Messenger for the Children of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1880. M.— 
25th. $d. T. F. Downie, 14 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Messenger of Mathematics, 1871. M. 1s. Macmillan & Bowes, Cambridge. (London: 
Macmillan & Co.) 

Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 1868. M.—Ilst. 1d. D. Bearne, “ Messenger” Offce, 

Messenger of Wisdom & Israel's Guide, 1887. Sun. 1d. The New and Latter House of 
Israel, New Brompton, Kent. 

Meteor, 1866. At intervals during Term. 6d. A. Frost & Sons, Warwick St., Rugby. 

Meteorological Record, 1880. March, June, Sept., Dec. 1s.6d. E. Stanford, 12 & 14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Methodist and General Desk Diary, 1875. Oct. 1s. Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle St., 
City Road, & 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Methodist Evangelist, 1886. M.—25th. ld., illus. Stephen’s Publishing Agency, 28 Shoe 
Lane, E.C. 

Methodist Monthly (as United Methodist Free Church Magazine), 1892. M.—I1st. 84d. 

« A. Crombie, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Methodist New Connexion Magazine, 1797. M.—1st. 8d. Methodist New Connexion 
Book Room, 23 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

+Methodist Recorder, 1861. Thurs.—8 a.m. ld. 161 Fleet St., E.c. 

Methodist Sunday School Record, 1887. Wed.—9 a.m. d. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday 
~ School Union, 2 & 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.c. 

Methodist Temperance Magazine, 1868. M.—25th. ld., illus. Wesleyan Conference 
Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, & 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

+Methodist Times, 1885. Thurs.—2am. ld. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 1855. Thurs—1 pm. 1d.; M.—5d. Passmore & 
Alabaster, 4 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Metropolitan Water, 1888. M. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., £.c. (Advt. p.879.) 

Mexborough £ Swinton Pictorial Almanac, 1876. Dec. 1d. Mexborough Times Co., 50 High 
St., Mexborough. 

+MEXBOROUGH & SWINTON TIMES, 1877. Fri—4a.m. ld. Mexborough Times Co., 
50 High St., Mexborough. 

MEYERS'’S OBSERVER, 1859 (now Enjield Observer, 1902). 

Herald Newspaper and Printing Co. Lim., Penrith. 

+MID-DEVON & NEWTON TIMES, 1898. Fri. 1d. The Mid-Devon & Newton Times Co., 
Queen St., Newton Abbot. 

Middlesbrough Co-operative Record. M.—1st. Gratis. Co-operative Society,Middlesbrough. 

Advertiser, 1840). (l) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W.J. Hutchings, 126 High St., Uxbridge. 

MIDDLESEX & SURREY EXPRESS (now West Middlesex Herald, d:c.). 

1842). Sat. ld. Broadway, Ealing. Telegrams: “Times Ealing.” Telephone, No. 7, Ealing. 
(Advt. p. 448.) 

+MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, 1886. (c) Fri.—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Meyers, Brooks & Co. Lim., 
Lancaster Hall, Enfield. 

Middlesex Hospital Journal, 1897. 1s. 7times a year. Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 

Middlesex Hospital Medical d& Surgical Reports. Annually. 2s. 6d. Middlesex Hospital 
Mortimer St., w. 

Middlesex Hospital Pharmacopæia. Occas. 2s., 28. 6d., 8s. Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer St., w. 

Middlesex Hospital Reports of the Medical, Surgical, d Pathological Registrars, 1895. Irreg. 
2s. 6d. H. K. Lewis, 186 Gower St., w.c. . 

+MIDDLETON GUARDIAN, 1877. Fri—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. Bagot Lim., Market Place, 

MIDDLETON STANDARD. 1900. (c) Tues. & Fri. $d. Northern Daily & Weekly News- 
paper Co. Lim., 18 Mill St., Middleton. (London : 101 Fleet St.) A localised edition of the 
Oldham Standard. 

Í Advertisements received for all the Scientific Journals. (117 
— | £ 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

$MIDHURST TIMES, 1882. (ind.) Fri.—8.80 p.m., for Sat. 1d. George Roynon, North St., Mid- 

tMIDLAND ADVERTISER (with which is incorporated Wednesbury Advertiser), 1859. (ind.) 
Sat. 1d. C. Southern, 2 Russell St., Wednesbury. 
Midland Centre and Midland Federation Directory, 1903. A. Haworth, 84 Leadenhall St., E.c. 
MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER, 1854. (c) Thurs.—a.m. 2d. J. Wright, Parsonstown. 

MIDLAND COUNTIES EXPRESS, 1861. Sat. 1d. Midland News Association Lim., 50 
Queen St., Wolverhampton. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 

re COUNTIES HERALD, 1886. Thurs. id. 16 Union St., Birmingham. (Advt. 
p. 448. 

MIDLAND COUNTIES TRIBUNE, 1898. Fri. $d. H. Fieldhouse, Abbey St., Nuneaton. 
(London : 72 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 440.) 

tMIDLAND DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1891. Daily. Several editions. $d. R. Simmons, 18 
Hertford St., Coventry. (London : 58 Fleet St.) 

+MIDLAND EVENING NEWS, 1884. (c) Daily. 4d. J. Taylor, 88 Queen St., Wolver- 
hampton. (London: 115 Fleet St.) - 

TMIDLAND EXPRESS, 1901. Daily—am. $d. Midland Express Lim., Corporation St., 
Birmingham. (London: 17 Tudor St.) Published in connection with the Daily Express, 
London. ` 

tMIDLAND FREE PRESS, 1855. (l) Fri. and Sat. 1d. Leicestershire Press Co. Lim., 18 
Belvoir St., Leicester. . 

MIDLAND HERALD, 1851 (with which are incorporated the Bilston Mail; Bilston Herald; 
Willenhall Times; Willenhall Reporter; and Darlaston Times). Fri.—8 p.m. 1d. Midland 
Herald Printing Co., Bow St., Bilston. 

+MIDLAND MAIL, 1800. (l) Fri., for Sat. 1d. A. J. Tompkins, 84 St. Mary’s Road, Market 

Midland Medical Journal, 1901. M.—ist. 4d. Birmingham & District General Medical 
Practitioners’ Union, 610 Coventry Road, Birmingham. 

tMidland Referee, 1898. (/) Thurs.—a.m. 6d. Midland Referee Co., 30B High St., Bir- 

+MIDLAND REPORTER, 1891. (nat.) Thurs. & Sat. 1d. G. W. Tully, Mullingar. 

tMidland Sporting Gazette, 1894 (as Nottingham Sporting News, 1888). Daily—10.80 a.m. 
ld. J. A. Catlin, Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. 

+Midland Sporting News, 1872. Daily, 4 editions. ld. F. Ashley, Cornwall St., Birmingham. 

MIDLAND TIMES AND RUGBY GAZETTE, 1858. (c) Fri.—3p.m., for Sat. 1d. Mid- 
land Times Co. Lim., Albert St., Rugby. 

u TRIBUNE, 1881. (nat.) Fri—4p.m., forSat. 1d. Margaret Powell, Cumberland 
t., Birr. 

TMIDLAND WEDNESDAY NEWS, 1884. ic) Wed.—morm. dd. J. Taylor, 83 Queen St., 
Wolverhampton. (London: 115 Fleet St.) 

tMIDLAND WEEKLY NEWS, 1884. (c) Sat. 1d. J. Taylor, 33 Queen St., Wolverliampton. 

tMIDLOTHIAN JOURNAL, 1888. Fri.—noon. 1d. T. Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, Tower 
St., Portobello. \ 

MiD-SURREY TIMES, 1877. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith 
Road, Hammersmith, w. A localised edition of The West London Reporter. 

+MID-SUSSEX TIMES, 1881. Tues.—2 p.m. 1d. C. Clarke, 12 & 18 Boltro Road, Hayward’s Heath. 

Mid-Thames Valley Directory, 1+ 98 ‘as Maidenhead £ Marlow District Directory, 1894). June. 
ls. & is. 6d. G. R. Smith, 58 King’s Road, Reading. 

+MID-ULSTER MAIL, 1891. (u. Fri. for Sat. id. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

+MILDENHALL & WEST SUFFOLK ADVERTISER, 1886. (c) Tues. 1d. W.T. Cox, 19 
Abbeygate St., Bury St. Edmunds. A localised edition of the Bury d? West Suffolk Advertiser. 

+Military Mail & Volunteer Review, 1901. Fri. 1d. Gale & Polden Lim., 2 Amen Corner, 
E.C. (Advt. p. 425.) 

+Miller, 1875. Mon. 12s. 6d. per ann. W. Agnew, 24 Mark Lane, E.c. 
+Millers’ Gazette, 1881 (as Corn Trade dournal d Millers’ Gazctte, 1876). Wed.—5.30 p.m. 
8d. J. E. Beerbohm, 94 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

Millhillian, 1898 (as Mill Hill Magazine, 1873 ; as Sun, 1839). Bix times yearly. 6d. H.S.C 
Starkey, Mill Hill School, n.w. 

118] J Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List 

Millinery Record, 1896 (now Coming Modes, 1908). 
tMilling, 1891. Sat. 6d. G.J.S.Broomhall,17 Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. (London: 20 Bishopsgate 
St. Without.) 

tMILLOM & ULVERSTON ADVERTISER, 1848. (c) Thurs.—a.m. id. W. Holmes Lim., 
Lightburne Road, Ulverston. A localised edition of Soulsby’s Ulverston Advertiser. 

tMILLOM GAZETTE, 1890. Fri. 1d. P.C. Dickinson, 3 Main St., Holborn Hill, Millom. 

. MILLOM HERALD, 1898. (u) Tues.—5 a.m. $d. Paton & Parker, 119 Duke St., Barrow- 
in-Furness. A localised edition of the Barrow Herald. 

+MILLOM NEWS, 1884. (l) Sat. 1d. Barrow News & Mail Lim., Abbey Road, Barrow-in- 
Furness. (London: 101 Fleet St.) A localised edition of the Barrow News. 

MILNGAVIE HERALD, 1901. (ind.) Fri. 1d. D. Macleod, Milngavie & Kirkintilloch. 

MILVERTON MAIL, 1896 (incorporated with the Wiveliscombe Express). 

Mind, 1876. Jan., April, July, Oct. 4s. Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

+MINEHEAD AND WEST SOMERSET ADVERTISER, 1882. (ind.) Tues.—8 p.m. 14. 
Cox, Sons & Co. Lim., Park St., Minehead. ‘ 

MINEHEAD MERCURY, 1896 (incorporated with the Wiveliscombe Express). 

Mineralogical Magazine, 1876. About every four months. Price varies; coloured plates. 
Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Miniature Novels, 1902. Fri. 1d. E.J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding Street, E.c. 

Mining (incorporated with Mining Engineering). 

Mining Dividends and Rights, 1895. April. 5s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

Mining Engineering, 1896. M.—ist. 8d., illus. Strowger & Son, Wallgate, Wigan. (London: 

51 Old Bailey, E.c.) 

Mining Highest and Lowest Prices and Dividends, 1900. Dec. 1s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 
16 Copthall Avenue, E.c. 

tMining Journal, Railway & Commercial Gazette, 1885. Sat.—8 a.m. 6d. 46 Queen 
‘Victoria St., E.c. (Advt.p. 425.) l 

Mining Mail, 1902. Sat. 1d. 20 Bucklersbury, E.c. 

Mining Manual, 1887. May. 21s. Walter R. Skinner, 11-12 Clement’s Lane, E.c. 

tMining Market Record & Shareholders Gulde, 1901. Sat. 1d. Mining Market Record 
Lim., 60 & 61 Copthall House, E.c. 

+Mining World, 1871. Sat.—4a.m. 6d. W. Chisholm, 2834 Greshanı House, Old Broad St., E.c. 

Mining Year Book, 1900. Jan. 15s. net. Financial Times Lim., 72 Coleman St., E.C. 

Minister’s Gazette of Fashion (as Gazette of Fashion, 1846). M.—Ist. 2s., illus. Minister 
& Co. Lim., 46 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Minister’s Pocket Diary and Clerical Vade Mecum, 1877. Dec. 2s. & 8s. Hodder & Stoughton, 
27 Paternoster Row, E.C. l 7 

Ministry Card, 1900. Irreg. 6d. P.S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., West- 
minster, 8.W. 

Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1818. Quarterly. 10s. 6d. 
The Institution, Storey’s Gate, s.w. 

Minutes of the General Conference of the New Church, 1788. June. 6d. J. Speirs, 1 Blooms- 
bury St., w.c. 

Minutes of the General Medical Council, 1858. Jan. 12s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Grace- 
church St., E.c. 

Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1885.. July. 1s. 6d. 14 Pater- 
noster Square, E.C. 

MIRFIELD & RAVENSTHORPE GUARDIAN (amalgamated with Cleckheaton Guardian’. 

tMIRFIELD & RAVENSTHORPE REPORTER, 1882. (l) Fri., for Sat. id. Wellington 
Road, Dewsbury. A localised edition of the Dewsbury Reporter. 

tMIRFIELD HERALD, 1886. (2) Thurs.—4 p.m. 1d. Senior & Co. Lim., Cheapside, Heckmond- 
wike. A localised edition of the Heckmondwike Herald. 

Mirror, 1901. During Term. 6d. The Editor, 2 Little Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 
tMirror of Life, 1894. Wed. 2d., illus. 74 Fleet St., E.C. 

Misceilanea Genealogica et Heraldica, 1866. Quarterly. 2s. 6d., illus. Mitchell, 
Hughes & Clark, 140 Wardour St., w. 

Misericordia, 1888. M.—Ilst. 2d. W. Knott, 26 Brooke St., Holborn, £.c. 

Advertisements received for all Yorkshire Newspapers. + [119 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Miss Weston’'s Ashore and Afloat, 1886 (as Naval Brigade News, 1878.. M.—2lst. 1d., 
illus. 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Mission Chronicle of the Scottish Episcopal Church, 1877. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. 
perann. R. Grant & Son, Edinburgh. 

Mission Field, 1856 (as Monthly Record af Church Missions, 1852). M.—Ist. 
& Sons, 4 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Mission World, 1896 (as Missions of the World, 1894). M.—15th. 8d. Elliot Stock, 
62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Missionary Echo, 1894. M.—Ist. ld. A. Crombie, 12 Farringdon Avenue, E.C. 

Missionary Herald, 1819. M.—1st. 1d.,illus. Alexander & Shepheard Lim., 21 Furnival St., 
Holborn, E.c. 

Missionary Heraid. M.—26th. ld. 12 May St., Belfast. 

Missionary Leaves, 1868. M.—l1st. ld. Missionary Leaves Association, 20 Compton Terrace, 
Islington, N. 
Missionary Record of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1901 (as Free Church 

Monthly Record). M.—1st. 1d. T. Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh. (London: 35 & 36 Pater- 
noster Row.) 

Missionary Review of the World, 1887 (English Edition). M.—1st. 1s. Funk & Wagnall's 
Co., 44 Fleet St., E.c. 
Missionary Volunteer, 1896. M.—26th. 1d. 28 Shipquay St., Londonderry. 

+MITCHAM HERALD, 1878. (c) Sat. 1d. W. Pile, 26 High St., Sutton. A localised edition 
of the Surrey County Herald. (Advt. p. 451) . 

+MITCHAM MERCURY, 1900. Sat. 4d. C. F.'Bevan, 145 & 147 North End, Croydon. 
(Advt. p. 485.) 

Mode Paiace, 1902 (as Latest Paris Fashions), M.—20th. 1s. Asher & Co., 18 Bedford St., w.c. 

Model Engineer and Electrician, 1898. Wed., for Thurs. 2d. P. Marshall & Co., 26-29 
Poppin’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

1d., illus. Bell 

Modern Astrology, 1895 (as Astrologer’s Magazine, 1887). M.—25th. 1s. L. N. Fowler 
& Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 
re PIOR, 1888. Biennially. 6d. Robinson Printing Co. Lim., Robert St., North Road, 
righton. ° 

Modern Language Quarterly, 1900 (as Modern Quarterly of Language ¢ Literature, 1898; 
as Modern Language Quarterly, 1897). 38. 6d. D. Nutt, 57, 59 Long Acre, w.c. 

Modern Medicine, 1891. M.—15th. 1d. Central Mattei Depét, 90 Queen St., Cheapside, E.c. 

+Modern Society. 1880. Wed.—9.80 a.m., for Sat. 1d. 18 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, w.c. 

+MOFATT EXPRESS, 1901. Thurs. 1d. R.G. Mann, 111 & 118 High St., Dumfries. 

Mohawk Minstrels’ Magazine, 1878. Four times a year. 1s. 14d. Francis Day & Hunter, 
142 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

+MONA'S HERALD, 1838. (1) Tues.—7 p.m. 1d. Clucas & Fargher, Ridgeway St., Douglas, 
I. of Man. 

+Money, 1872. Sat. 8d. (Monthly edition. Money & Trade), 868 & 864 Mansion House Chambers, 
11 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

+Money Maker & Money Spinner, 1899. Wed. 1d. The Winchester Publishing Co. Lim., 
68 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

tMoney Market Review, 1860. Sat.—2.80 a.m. 6d. 58 Wool Exchange, E.C., & 21-25 
Dean St., E.C. 

Monist, 1890. Jan., April, July, Oct.—15th. 2s.6d. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co. Lim., 
Dryden House, 48 Gerrard St., w.c. 

+Monitor and New Era, 1897. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 57 Fleet St., E.c. 

COUNCILLOR, 1896 (as West Monmouth Guardian). Fri., for Sat. d. G.J. Jacobs 
& Co., Rhymney. 

Monmouthshire d: South Wales Directory, 1871. Every four years. 80s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 


Thurs., for Fri. 14d. Bailey & Son, Priory St., 

Monograph of British Land and Freshwater Moliusca, 1894. Irreg. 6s. Taylor Bros., 
Sovereign St., Leeds. 

+MONTGOMERY & RADNOR ECHO, 1898 (as Montgomeryshire Echo d: Radnor Gazette), 
1886). (l) Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. ld. J. H. Mills, Short Bridge St., Llanidloes. 

120] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

1880. (c£ u) Sat.—4 a.m. 1d. D. Rowlands, Welshpool. 

MONTGOMERYSHIRE ECHO & RADNOR GAZETTE (now Montgomery and Radnor Echo). 

Welshpool Express, 1860). (r) Mon.—2 p.m., for Tues. 1d. Phillips & Son, St. Mary’s 
Printing Works, Newtown. 

Month, 1863. Ist. 1s. Longmans, Green & Co., 88 to 41 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Monthly Army List, 1809. About 9th. 1s.6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., F.c 
(Advt. p. 879.) 

Monthiy Gazette of Current Literature, 1858. M. —Ist week. J. Whitaker & Sons Lim. 
12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Monthly Homoopathic Review, 1856. 1st. 1s. E. Gould & Son Lim., 59 Moorgate St., E.r. 

Monthly lilustrated Journal.—A magazine bearing this title appears under different names 
in several towns, the only variation being in the advertisements and covers, sometimes supple- 
mented by local news. 

Monthly Journal, 1870. 1st. 1d., illus. Paul Bros. & Co., 77 High St., Southamptor. 

Monthly List of the Principal Securities dealt in on the Stock Exchange, 1887. 
lst. 6d. E. Couchman & Co., 23 Throgmorton St., E.C. 

Monthly Magazine of Fiction, 1885. 4th Mon. 8d. W. Stevens Lim., 23 & 24 Henrietta 
St., w.c. 

Monthly Magazine of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Medicine, &c., 1876. 1st. 6d. Bur- 
goyne & Co., 16 Coleman St., E.C. 

Monthly Magazine of the independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1880 (N.S. 1884). 
lst. 1d. J. Heywood, 29 & 30 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

Monthly Magazine of the Loyai Ordér of Ancient Shepherds, 1887 (as Shepherds’ 
Quarterly Magazine, 1845). 1st. ld. E. Crew, 16 Chaucer St., Leicester. 

Mon niy Messenger of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1848. 25th. 1d. 
T. F. Downie, 14 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Monthly Mining Handbook, 1895. 15th. 1s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, t.¢. 
Monthly Musical Reoord, 1871. 1st. 2d. Augener & Co., 22 Newgate St., E.C. 
Monthly Navy List (now Navy List). 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Aatronom sall Soclety, 1831. During season, And Fri. 
108. per ann. Burlington House, Piccadilly, w 

Monthly Official Chatham. Directory, 1850. 4d. Woolley & Co., 51 High 8t., Bromptor, 

Monthly Official Directory of the Aldershot Camp and Gentry List, 1860. Oth. 
4d. May & Co., Wellington St., Aldershot. 

a Official Directory of the Woolwich District, 1862. lst. 8d. F.J. Catterniole, 

Monthly — Portsmouth and Southern District Directory, 1876. ist. 4d. 
Holbrook & Son Lim., 154 Queen St., Portsmouth. 

Monthly Record & Animals’ Guardian, 1899 (as Animals’ Guardian, 1890 ; now ene 
Guardian, 1902). . 

Monthly Record of the Protestant Evangelical Mission & Eiectorial tition: 
1868. lst. ld. Protestant Evangelical Mission, 5 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Monthly Reporter of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1858. 25th. 4d. 
146 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Monthly Review, 1900. M.—25th. 2s.6d. net. J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Monthly Statement of Colonial and Foreign Produce, 1858. 2nd. 10s. 6d. per ann. 
Chas. Smith, Son & Gowland, 11 Jewry St., E.c. 

Monthly Statement of Drugs, 1842.: 2nd. 10s.6d.per ann. Chas. Smith, Son & Gowland, 
11 Jewry St., E.c. 

Monthly Treasury, 1900. M.—1st. 1d. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Carnarvon. 
Monthly Visitor, 1832. 25th. 1s. per 100, illus. R. Henderson Smith, 68 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

tMONTROSE, ARBROATH, & BRECHIN REVIEW, 1811. (2) Fri—la.m. 1d. A. Dunn & 
Co. Lim., 97 High St., Montrose. 

TMONTROSE STANDARD, 1837. (c) Fri.—5 a.m. 1d. Balfour & Co., 66 High St., Montrose. 
Moore's Almanac (now Vox ——— 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Moravian Almanack and Year Book, 1868. Dec. 4d. 82 Fettcr Lane, E.C. 

Moravian Messenger, 1891 (as The Messenger, 1864). Fortnightly. 1d. 32 Fetter Tane E.C. 

Moravian Missions, 1903 (as Moravian Missionary Reporter, 1879; formerly Misstonary 
Reporter,1861). M.—25th. 1d.,illus. 82 Fetter Lane, B. c. 

1881. Wed. 3d. J.T. H. Todd, Euston Road, Morecambe. 

+MORECAMBE VISITOR, 1874. (ind.) Wed.—a.m. 1d. The Morecambe Visitor Printing 
and Publishing Co., Lim. Wm. J. Joel, Victoria St., Morecambe. 

Moring’s Quarterly, 1896. 1s. A. Moring, 298 Regent St., w. 

+MORLEY DISTRICT NEWS, 1845. (c) Sat. 5 am. 1d. 1 Union Street, Dewsbury. A 
localised edition of the Dewsbury District News. 

-MORLEY DIVISION CHRONICLE, 1886. See Dewsbury District News. 

+MORLEY OBSERVER, 1871. Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. S. Stead, Troy Hill, Morley. 

Morley’s Philatelic Journal, 1900. M.—7th. 8d. W. Morley, 15 Brownhill Gardens, Catford, s.z. 

Morning, 1901 (as Juvenile Magazine, 1878; as Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 1850). 
M.—25th. ld. R. Bryant, 48 & 49 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

“MORNING (as Morning Herald, incorporated with Daily Express). 

TMORNING ADVERTISER, 1794. (ind.) Daily—4 a.m. ld. R.J. Aylward, 127 Fleet St., E.C. 
(Advt. p. iii.) 

+MORNING ARGUS (BRIGHTON, HASTINGS, ETC.), 1896. (ind.) Daily. $d. Southern 

Publishing Co. Lim., 180 North St, and West Pier Entrance, Brighton. Telephone 52. 
(London: 62 Fleet St. ) 

Morning Calm, 1890. Feb., May, Aug, Nov. 8d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., New Street 
Square, E.C. Corean Missions. 

MORNING HERALD, 1899 (incorporated in Daily Express). | 

tMORNING LEADER, 1802. (7) Daily. $d. Star Newspaper Co., Stonecutter St., E.C. 

Morning Light, 1878. “Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. 1d. J. Speirs, 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

+MORNING MAIL, 1823. (u) Daily. $d. J.T. Robson, 88, 89 & 40 Parliament St., and 1 & 2 
Cork Hill, Dublin. (London : 199 Strand.) 

TMORNING POST, 1772. (c) Daily—8 a.m. 1d. E. E. Peacock, Advertisement Offices, 
846 Strand, w.c. ; Editorial, Printing and Publishing Offices (temporary), 7 Aldwych, w.c.; City 
Office, 11-12 Clement's Lane, E.C. (Advt. p. 200.) 

Morning Rays, 1885. M.—lst. $d., illus. R. & R. Clark Lim., 72 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 
(London : 191 Fleet St., E.c.) . 

Morning Star, 1893. M.—28th. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Morningside Mirror, 1844. M.—15th. 1d. Dr. Clouston, Royal Edinburgh Asylum for the 
Insane, Edinburgh. 

MORPETH HERALD, 1855 (as Morpeth Monthly Herald, 1854). Sat. 1d. J. &J.S. Mackay, 
Bridge St., Morpeth. 

Morriss's Trade Journal, 1881 (with which is incorporated Stationery & Stationery Trades’ 
Review, 1881 ; now British Empire Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades’ Journal, 1908). 

Moseiey & King’s Heath Journal, 1892. (x) M.—Ist. Whitehead & Cambridge Lim., 48 
s Frederick St., Birmingham. : l 

tMOSSLEY & SADDLEWORTH HERALÐ, 1850. Fri. for Sat. 1}d. Herald Printing & 
Publishing Co. Lim., Cavendish Works, Ashton-under- Lyne. A localised edition of the 
Weekly Herald, Ashton-under-Lyne. | 

+MOSSLEY & SADDLEWORTH REPORTER, 1855. (l) Fri.,for Sat. 13d. J. Andrew & 
Co., Market Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. A localised edition of the Ashton Reporter. 

Mothers in Council, 1891. Quarterly. 6d. Wells Gardner,Darton & Co.,3 Paternoster Buildings,E.c. 

Mother's Treasury, 1864. M.—20th. 1d. illus. E. Streachan Lim., 149 Strand, w.c. 

Mothers’ Union Journal, 1886. 1d. Quarterly. Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

MOTHERWELL TIMES, 1888. (ind.) Fri—l1llam. $d. K.Cameron & Co., 84 Merry St, 

Motor, 1903 (as Motor Gieling, 1902). Wed. ld. Temple Press Lim., 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, 

tMotor Car Journal, 1899. Sat. 1d. Cordingley & Co., 89 & 40 Shoe Lane, E.c. (Advt. p. 440.) 
Motor Car World, 1899. M.—Ist. 8d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Lim., 19 Queen St., Glasgow. 

122] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

— — — — — — — 

+Motor Cycle, 1908. Tues.—9 a.m., for Wed. 2d. Iliffe & Sons Lim., 5 St. Bride’s St., E.c. 
Motor Mart, 1900. M.—1st. ld. Motor Mart. Lim., 108 Euston Road, N.W. 
Motor News, 1900. Alt. Thurs. 8d. R. J. Mecredy, Percy & Co. Lim., 84 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 
Motoria, 1903. M.—28th. Sd. F. Jessett, 2 Staple Inn, E.c. 
Motoring Annual and Motorists’ Year Book, 1902. Jan. 5s. 9 Arundel St:, Strand, w.c. 
Motoring Illustrated, 1902. Sat. 8d. E. Kenealy, 9 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 
Ras Churchman’s Kalendar, 1891. Oct. 1d. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 34 Great Castle 
Municipal Free Press, 1908. Sat. 1d. Oliver Bros. Lim., 18 Houndgate, Darlington. 
tMuniocipal Journal, 1899 (as London, 1898). Fri. 1d. Edward Lloyd Lim., 12 Salisbury Square, r.c. 
Municipal Officer, 1899. M.—15th. 6d. The Municipal Officers’ Association, 117 Holborn, E.c. 
Municipai Record & Sanitary Journal, 1902 (as Sanitary Journal, 1894; now County 
and Municipal Record, 1903). 
Auen Reformer, 1898. M.—1st. id. R. A. Barrett, 182 Bentinck St., Ashton-under- 
Municipal Year Book, 1896. Jan. 8s.6d. E. Lloyd Lim., 12 Salisbury Square, E.c. 
Munro’s Scottish Licensed Trades Directory, 1898. May. 28.6d. J. M. Munro Lim., 123 
Hope St., Glasgow. (London: 61 Broad St. Avenue, E.C.) 
Munsey’s Magazine (English Edition), 1900. M.—Ist. 6d. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, 
Temple Avenue, E.c. 
MUNSTER EXPRESS, 1860. (nat.) Sat. ld. H.D. Fisher, 8 Exchange St., Waterford. 
tMUNSTER NEWS, 1851. (lib. £ nat.) Mon., Wed., & Sat. 1d. F. Counihan & Son,51 George 
St., Limerick. 
Murray’s Time Tables for Scotland, the North of Engiand, and Ireland, 1842. M. 
8d. Thos. Murray & Co. Lim., 18 Renfield St., Glasgow. 
Museums’ Journal, 1901. M.—ist. 1s. Dulau & Co., 87 Soho Square, w. 
Music, 1895. M.—Il1st. 2d. E. Alfieri, 186 Wardour St., w. 
tMusic Hall and Theatre Review, 1889. Fri. 1d. H. G. Hibbert, 401 Strand,w.c. (Advt. p. 275.) 
ne re Diary, 1900, Jany. 1s. London and Provincial Trades Review, Racquet Court, 
eet St., E.C. 
Musical Age, 1898. M.—ist. 2d. Bayley & Ferguson, 54 Queen St., Glasgow. 
Musical Almanac, 1899 (as Curwen’s Almanac, 1896; as Musical Herald Almanac, 1897). Dec. 
ld. John Curwen & Sons Lim., 24 Berners St., Oxford St., w. 
Musical Budget, 1876. M.—20th. 1d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Musical Courier (now London Musical Courier, 1897). 
Musical Directory, Annual, and Almanack, 1852. Jan. 8s. Rudall, Carte & Co., 23 Berners St., 

Oxford St., w. 
Musical Gazette, 1900. 8timesa year. 8d. J, Williams Lim., 82 Great Portland St., w. 

Musical Herald, 1888 (as Tonic Sol-Fa Reporter, 1858). M.—28th. 2d. Curwen & Sons Lim., 
24 Berners St., Oxford St., w. 

+Musical News, 1891. Fri. 1d. F. Collard, 180 Fleet St., E.C. 

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 1877. M.—1st. 2d. 85 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

Musical Salvationist, 1886. M.—25th. 8d. 102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

+Musical Standard, 1862. Fri.—9.30 a.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Reeves, 83 Charing Cross Road, W.C. 

Musical Star, 1866. M.—ilst. 1d. E. Köhler & Son, 101 Leith St., Edinburgh. 

Musical Times, 1844. M.—I1st. 4d. Novello & Co., 1 Berners St., w. 

Musical Treasury, 1879. M.—ist. 2d. E. Köhler & Son, 101 Leith St., Edinburgh. 

Musician’s Journal, 1900. M.—1st. 8d. National Conservatoire of Music, 5 Hardman St., 

t+MUSSELBURGH NEWS, 1889. Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. Thomas Adams & Sons, Press Buildings, 
Tower St, Portobello. 

Mutua Confidentia, 1889. M. Subscribers only. Wys, Muller & Co., 194 Coleman St., E.C. 

My Agent, 1903. M.—ist. 2d. 11 Spring St., Paddington, w. 

My Little Friend Almanac, 1877. Oct. 1d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

My Pocket Novels, 1900. Wed. 1d. E. J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding St., E.C. 

“My Queen.” Library, 1896. Tues. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co. Lim., 1, 2 & 8 Crown Court, 

Chancery Lane. 
Myra’s Journal, 1875. M.—15th. 8d., illus. Beeton & Co. Lim., 10 & 11 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Church Calendars. [123 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

NAIRN COUNTY PRESS, 1892 (as St. Ninian Press and Nairnshire Advertiser, 1892). (u) 
Sat. ld. 102 High St., Nairn. 

+NAIRNSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1842. (u) Tues. id. G. Bain, Leopold St., Nairn- 

+NANTWICH GUARDIAN, 1868. Tues. 1d. . Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat., ld. Mackie & Co. Lim., 
High St., Nantwich. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 
National Association Review, 1889. M.—15th. 6d. A. W. Last, 14 New St., Birmingham. 

National Bible Society of Scotland Quarterly Record, 1863. Gratis. 224 West George 
St., Glasgow. 

National Church, 1872. M.—15th. 1d. Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

National Commercial Gazette, 1867. Thurs. By subscription. National Commercial 
Agency Lim. 82 Market St., Manchester. 

National Cyclists’ Union Review, 1886. M.—Il1st. 1d. 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

National Deposit Friendly Society's Magazine, 1896. M.—1st. ld. C. Tuckfield, 
11 Red Lion Square, w.c. 

+National Guardian, 1881. Fri. 2d. J. M. Munro Lim., 128 Hope St., Glasgow. (Londcn: 
61 Broad St. Avenue, E.c.) 

National Home-Reading Union Magazine, 1890 M.—7th. Gd. Surrey House, Victoria . 
Embankment, w.c. 

Nationai Laundry Record (now Laundry Record). 

National Pig Breeders’ Association Herd Book, 1885. May. 5s. John Parr, Ruddington, 

National Review, 1883. M.—80th. 2s. 6d. E. Arnold, 37 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 
National Righteousness, 1888. Occas. 1d. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Nationai Service Journal, 1908. M.—1st. 8d. net. National Service League, Dacre House, 
Victoria St., s.w. 

tNational Teacher, 1890 (as Irish Educational Journal, 1875). Fri. 2d. R.W. Graham, 
12 Temple Lane, Dame St., Dublin. 

National Temperance League's Annual, 1881. Dec. 1s. & 1s. 6d. National Temperance 
Publication Depét, 29 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

National Temperance Mirror, 1881. M.—25th. 1d., illus. National Temperance Publica- 
tion Depdt, 29 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

National Union Gleanings, 1898. (c) M.—l5th. 6d. A. E. Southall, St. Stephen's 
Chambers, Bridge St., Westminster, s.w. 

National Waifs’ Magazine, 1899 (with which is incorporated Night & Day, 1877). Iıreg. 
2d. 18-26 Stepney Causeway, E. 

¢NATIONALIST AND LEINSTER TIMES, 1888 (as Carlow Nationalist, 1888). Fri.—12 
noon, for Sat. 1d. Mrs. A. F. Conlan, Tullow St., Carlow. 

+NATIONALIST AND TIPPERARY ADVERTISER, 1891 (as Tipperary Nationalist, 1886). 
(nat.) Tues., Wed., Fri., & Sat. ld. W J. Murphy, 43 Parnell St., Clonmel. 

Natural History Transactions of Northumberland, dc., 1865. Annually. 5s. to 15s. The 
Museum, Barras Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Natural Science Gazette, 1900 (now Notes and Comments, 1902). 
Naturalist, 1888. M.—1st. 6d.,occas. illus. A. Brown & Sons Lim., 5 Farringdon Avenue, £.C, 

Naturalist’s Directory, 1895 (as International Naturalist’s Directory). Jan. 18. 6d. Upeott 
Gill, Bazaar Buildings, Drury Lane, w.c. 

Naturalist’s Journal, 1892 (formerly The Naturalist’s Guide, 1889 ; now Nature-Study, 1903). 
+Nature, 13869. Thurs.—2.30 p.m. 6d.,illus. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Nature Notes, 1890. M.—1st. 2d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 83-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Nature-Study, 1908 (formerly Naturalist’s Guide, 1889; as Naturalist’s Journal, 1892). M— 
28th. 2d.& 6d. C. Moseley, Museum Press, Lockwood, Huddersfield. 

Nautical Almanac, 1767. Nov. (4 years in advance). 2s. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., E.c. (Advé. p. 879.) 

Nautical Almanac, 1858. 6d. & 1s. G. Pearson, 24 & 26 High St., Hartlepool. 
Nautical Magazine, 1882. M.—15th. 1s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

tNaval & Military Record, 1886. Thurs. 2d. Western Morning News Co. Lim., Plymouth. 
(London: 47 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 418.) 

Naval Annual, 1886. May. 15s. net. Griffin & Co., 2 The Hard, Portsmouth. 
Naval Pocket Book, 1896. May. 68s. W. Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E.c. 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal, 1888. M.—ist. (2s. annually.) F. J. Bishop, RN 
2 Commercial Buildings, Portsmouth. 

124) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

— — 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Navy & Army (amalgamated with the King and His Navy and Arıny, 1908). 
Navy League Journal, 1895. M.—1st. 2d. 18 Victoria St., Westminster, s.w. 

Navy List, 1815. Jan., April, July, Oct. 38. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. An 
edition—“ The Monthly Navy List ’—appears in the months between, price 1s. 6d. (Advt. p. 879.) 

tNEATH GAZETTE & MID-GLAMORGAN HERALD, 1885. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. 
J. Hemming, 39 Queen St., Neath. 

Needed Truth, 1888. M.—1st. 2d. Dr. Luxmoore, Kennet View, Mansfield Road, Reading. 
Needlecraft, 1900. Bi-M. 2d. W. Briggs & Co. Lim., 71 Cannon St., Manclıester. 
Negesydd, 1895. (l?) Thurs. 4d. Idris Press Co., Corris, Merioneth, R.S.O. 

+NELSON CHRONICLE, 1890 (as Colne ¢: Nelson Pioneer, 1882). (l) Fri.—a.m. ld. 
J. Dawson & Sons, Broad St. Chambers, Nelson. 

NELSON LEADER, 1900. (ind. lib.) Fri. ld. Coulton & Co., Nelson. 

tNENAGH GUARDIAN, 1838. (lc) Wed. & Sat. 1d. G. Prior, 18 Summer Hill, Nenagh 
(Guaranteed largest circulation in the County Tipperary. Advt.) 

+NENAGH NEWS & TIPPERARY VINDICATOR, 1892. (nat.) Fri. and Sat. 1d. Power 
& Sons, 31 Castle St., Nenagh. 

Netherton’s Cornish Almanack, 1848. Dec. 8d. Netherton & Worth, 7 Lemon St., Truro. 

+New Age, 1894. ld. Thurs. A. Bonner, 1 & 2 Took’s Court, Chancery Lane, E.C. 
New and Old, 1877 (now Goodwill). 

New Bristol Directory, 1908. Sharp & Son, Museum Chambers, 83 Queen's Road, Bristol. 
New Church Almanacs d: Year-Book, 1878. Nov. 1d. James Speirs, 1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

New Church Magazine, 1881 (as Intellectual Repository, 1812). M.—1st. 6d. J.° Speirs, 
1 Bloomsbury St., w.c. 

New Church Young People’s Magazine, 1901. M.—ist. ld., illus. 

New Code for Day Schools, 1898. May. 1s. Educational Supply Association Lim., 42 Holborn 
- Viaduct, E.c. 

. 101 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, s.e. A localised edition of the Forest Hill £c. Examiner. 

New Education Code for Day Schools, 1882. May. 1s. 21 New Bridge St., E.C. 
New Education Code for Evening Schools, 1895. July. 6d. 21 New Bridge St., E.c. 
New English Art Club Catalogues, 1890. Annually. 6d. 170 Piccadilly, w 

New Era, an International Record, 1899 (incorporated with Monitor, 1900). 

New lIlilustrated Monthly Magazine, 1908. M.—1st. 2d. 429-481 Birkbeck Bank 
Chambers, High Holborn, w.c. 

+New Ireland, 1898. Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. Healy, 68 Fleet St., E.C. 

New Ireland Review, 1894. M.—ist. 6d. M.I. Buckley, 29 Lower Sackville St., Dublin. 
New Liberal Review, 1901. (lib.-imp.) M.—25th. 1s. A. Lawrence, 82 Temple Chambers, E.C. 
New Life, 1902. M.—Iist. 2d. Burnett & Russell, 151 Strand, w.c. 

New Moon; or, Crichton Royal Institution Literary Register, 1844. M. Crichton, 
Royal Institution, Dumfries. 

New Penny Magazine, 1898 (now Penny Magazine, 1908). 
NEW ROSS REPORTER, 1871. Sat. 1d. W.R. Ward, Waterford. 

+NEW ROSS STANDARD, 1879. (nat.) Fri. id. J.M. Walsh, la North Main St., Wexford 
One of the Wicklow People series. 

New South Wales Post Office Directory (Wise's), 1860. Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

New Special, 1903. Mon. 1s. E. Seale, 10 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

New Zealand Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1892. Annually. 478. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tNEWARK ADVERTISER, 1852. Wed. 1d. Newark Advertiser Co. Lim., 30 Stodman St., Newark. 
tNEWARK HERALD, 1791. (7) Sat. id. J. Stennett, Church St., Newark. 
NEWBURY HERALD, 1728 (incorporated with Reading Mercury). 

tNEWBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1867. (ind.) Thurs.—5 a.m. id. Blacket & Turner, 84 North- 
brook St., Newbury 

Ne ABC Railway Guide, 1868. M.—1st. 1d. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Newcastle-on- 

18 Corporation St., 

Advertisements received for all the Westmoreland Newspapers. [125 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 
Newcastle & Hull District Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co. 88 Lombard 
St., E.C. 

tNEWCASTLE DAILY CHRONICLE, 1858. (27) am. 1d. W. Ord, Westgate Road, New- 
castle-on-Tyne. (London: 82-85 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 

tNEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNAL, 1832. (c) lam. 1d. R. Redpath, Clayton St., Newcastle- 
on-Tyne. (London: 169 Fleet St.) 

NEWCASTLE DAILY LEADER, 1885 (amalgamated with the North Mail, 1903). 

Newcastle Diocesan Calendar, 1888. Jany. 1s. Mawson, Swan & Morgan, Newcastle. (London: 
Newcastie Diocesan Gazette, 1896. M.—I1st. 1d. W. Lindsey, Rutherford St., Newcastle. 
+NEWCASTLE GUARDIAN, 1881 (as Staffordshire Times, 1855). Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. dd. 
J. Godwin, 18 Red Lion Square, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 
Newcastle-on-Tyne Post Office Guide, 1863. M.—1st. 1d. General Post Office, New- 

NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME FREE PRESS, 1882. Fri., for Sat. Gratis. Bayley Bros. 
9 Red Lion Square, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Co-operative Record, 1879. M. Gratis. 108 Newgate St., New- 
NEWCASTLE WEEKLY CHRONICLE (as Newcastle Chronicle, 1764). (l) Fri. & Sat. 1d. 
W. Ord, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 82-85 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 
SNEWCASTLE WEEKLY JOURNAL & COURANT, 1711. (ind.) Fri. 1d. R. Redpath, 
Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 169 Fleet St.) 

NEWENT REPORTER, 1896. Tues. ld. T. G. Vaughan, Ledbury. 

NEWINGTON GAZETTE. (See Southwark Recorder.) 

+NEWMARKET ADVERTISER, 1882. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., March. A 
localised edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

+NEWMARKET JOURNAL, 1872. Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. id. G. Simpson, High St., New- 
market. (Advt. p. 448.) : 

Newmarket Sporting News, 1887. Daily.—5 p.m. ld. G. Simpson, High St., Newmarket. 

tTNEWMARKET WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri. id. illus. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s 
St., Cambridge, and Palace St., Newmarket. A localised edition of the Cambridgeshire 
Weekly News. - 

Newness of Life, 1898. M.—1st. 1d. Nisbet & Co. Lim., 21 Berners St., w. 

tNEWPORT & MARKET DRAYTON ADVERTISER, 1854. Fri.—7 a.m., for Sat. 1d. 
Bennion, Horne, Smallman & Co. Lim., High St., Newport, Salop. 

Newport Chamber of Commerce Year Book,1897. May. 8s.6d. S. D. Williams, East Usk Road, 
Newport-on-Usk, Mon. 

Newport Directory (Johns’), 1876. Jan. 2s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. R. H. Johns, 46 Commercial St., 

ewport, Mon. 
Newport Household Almanack (Johns), 1856. Dec. ld. R. H. Johns, 46 Commercial St., 
ewport, Mon. 

+NEWPORT PAGNELL GAZETTE, 1867. Fri.—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Simpson & Son, High 
St., Newport Pagnell. 

Newport Tide Table, 1892. Nov. 6d. R.H. Johns, 46 Corumercial St., Newport, Mon. 

+NEWPORT TIMES, 1870. (c) Sat.—morn. 1d. Holbrook & Son Lim.,18 Holyrood St., 
Newport, 1.W. One of the Portsmouth Times series. 

Hartnoll Bros., Newquay. 

tNEWRY REPORTER, 1867. (ind.) Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 1d. J. Wright, 29 Hill St., Newry. 

NEWRY TELEGRAPH, 1877 (as Newry Commercial Telegraph, 1812). (c) Tues., Thurs. 
Sat. ld. David Henderson, 48 Hill St., Newry. 

+News, 1890 (as Church Standard, 1881). Thurs.—9 a.m., for Fri. 1d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate 
Square, E.C. 

News from Afar, 1894 (with which is incorporated The Juvenile). M.—18th. id., illus. 
London Missionary Society, 30 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. , 

tNEWS OF THE WORLD, 1848. (2) Sun.—2 a.m.; early editions on Fri. & Sat. ld. News 
of the World Lim., 80 Bouverie St., E.C. 

News of the World Almanac & Encyclopedia, 1897. Nov. 6d. News of the World Lim., 80 
Bouverie St., E.c. 

126] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tNewsagent and Booksellers’ Review and Statlionery Market, 1888. Fri., for Sat. 1d. 
190 Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 440.) 

Newsagents’ Chronicle (amalgamated with Book d: News Trade Gazette). 

Newspaper and Poster Advertising, 1900 (now Advertising Review.) — 

ia Owner and Modern Printer, 1898 (now Master Printer and. Newspaper Owner 

Newpapers Press Directory, 1846. Feb. 2s. C. Mitchell & Co., 1 & 2 Snow Hill, £.c. 

Newton Abbot, 1908. Fortnightly. ld. F.J. Adams, 23 Fairfield Terrace, Newton Abbot. 

NEWTON ABBOT WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. & Thurs. id. Mortimer 
Bros., 84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Newton News, 1888. M.—ist. 2d. G.H. Hearder, Newton Abbot. 

tNEWTON OBSBRVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 
Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Observer. 

Newtonian, 1875. M.—curing Term. 6d. G.H. Hearder, Newton Abbot. 

for Sat. 1d. W. Henry, 27 Frances St., Newtownards. 

Niger & Yoruba Notes, 1894. M.—ist. 1d. Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Nineteenth Century, 1877. M.—30th. 2s. 6d. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Lim., St. 
Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Nister's Holiday Annual, 1894. October. 8s. 6d. & 58. Ernest Nister, 24 St. Bride St., B.C. 

Nomad’s Annual, 1898 (with which is incorporated About Town). Dec. 6d. A. S. Moore, 
82 Berry St., Belfast. 

Nomad's Weekly, 1898 (with which is incorporated Belfast Critic), Thurs. ‘1d., illus. A.S. 
Moore, 82 Berry St., Belfast. (London: 100 Flect St.) i 

Nonconformist Musical Journal, 1888. M.—1st. 2d. F. S. Turncy, 29 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Norfolk and Suffolk Companion to the Almanack, 1849. Nov. 6d. Jarrold & Sons Lim., 
London St., Norwich. 

tNORFOLK CHRONICLE, 1761. (c) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. East of England Newspapcr 
Co. Lim., Norwich. (Advt. p. 440.) 

tNORFOLK EVENING STANDARD, 1885. (c) p.m. $d. East of England Newspaper Co. Lim., 
St. Giles’, Norwich. (London: 180 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 440.) 

tNORFOLK NEWS, 1845. (J) Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 2d. Norfolk News Co. Lim., 57 London 
St., Norwich. (London: 120 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 426.) 

tNORFOLK WEEKLY STANDARD AND ARGUS, 1863. (c) Sat. 1d. East of England 
Newspaper Co. Lim., St. Giles’, Norwich. (London: 130 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 440.) 

Normanton & District Monthly Advertiser, 1890. Gratis. Spencer P. Eames, Normanton. 

A. Hewitsons & Sons, Westgate, Wakefield. A localised edition of the Wakefield and West 
Riding Herald. 

NORMANTON ECHO, 1897. (ind) Fri. &d. Blackburn, Wright & Co. Lim., Normanton und 

North American Review (English Edition), 1816. M.—1st. 2s. 6d. W. Heinemann, 21 
Bedford St., w.c. 

North and East Ridings of Yorkshire Directory, 1857. Irreg. 25s. Kelly's Directories, 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

North and Mid-Wales Directory, 1895. Annually. 25s. Slater’s Directory Lim., 37 Brown St., 

North and Mid- Wales Directory, 1885. Irreg. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

*tNORTH ANTRIM STANDARD, 1887. (u) Wed., for Thurs. $d. 8 High St., Ballymoney. 

tNorth British Advertiser and Ladies’ Journal, 1826 (with which is incorporated Scottish 
Society). Fri., for Sat. 1d. North British Advertiser & Ladies’ Journal Lim., 1 Victoria 
Terrace, Edinburgh. 

tNorth British Agriculturist, 1843. Wed.—4 p.m. 1d. C.& R. Anderson, 877 High St., 
Edinburgh. (London: 11 Ludgate Hill.) 

North British Agriculturist Calendar, 1880. Dec. 6d. C.& R. Anderson, 877 High St., 

NORTH BRITISH DAILY MAIL, 1847 (as Glasgow Daily Mail, 1901; incorporated in the 
Daily Record and Mail, 1901). 

NORTH BUCKS ADVERTISER, 1854. (c) Fri—am. ld. G.P. Eardley, High St., Stony 

Advertisements received for all the Weekly Papers. = [027 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+NORTH BUCKS TIMES, 1879. (c) Fri. id. A. Warren, Aylesbury St., Fenny Stratford. 

NORTH CAMBS ECHO & WISBECH CHRONICLE, 1892 {as Wisbech Chronicle, 1857; now 
Wisbech Chronicle and County Press, 1908). 

tNORTH CHESHIRE HERALD, 1887. (con. & imp.) Fri, for Sat. 1d. Higham & Co, 
Hamnet St., Hyde. 

North China Mission Quarterly Paper, 1898. 8d. F.R. Spark & Son, Cookridge, Leeds. 

Glossop Advertiser P. & P. Co. Lim., Howard St., Glossop. 

NORTH DEVON ADVERTISER, 1832. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Jones & Co., Boutport St., Barnstaple. 

+NORTH DEVON HERALD, 1870. (uw) Thurs.—4 a.m. 1d. J.S. Philp, 106 High St., Barnstaple. 

tNORTH DEVON JOURNAL, 1824. (7) Thurs—2a.m. ld. W.F. Gardiner, 96 High St., 
Barnstaple. F 

Independent, 1871). Fri——noon. 1d. A.B. Lyttle, Bangor, Co. Down. 

NORTH-EAST KENT NEWS (now Faversham and North-East Kent News). 

t+NORTH-EASTERN DAILY GAZETTE, 1869. (Z) 12a.m. 4d. A. Pickering, Zetland Road, 
Middlesbrough. (London: 67 Fleet St.) 

NORTH-EASTERN WEEKLY GAZETTE, 1888 (as Middlesbrough Gazette, 1856; now 
Northern Weekly Gazette). 

+NORTH HERTS AND SOUTH BEDS JOURNAL (as Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire 
Journal, 1873‘. (c) Fri. id. C. Holmes, Brand St., Hitchin. 

tNORTH KENT OBSERVER, 1885 (incorporated with the St. Mary Cray € Swanley Express’. 

NORTH LIVERPOOL TIMES, 1908 (as Walton Times, 1884. Fri., for Sat. Ir 107 Miller's 
Bridge, Bootle, Liverpool. A localised edition of the Bootle Times. 

NORTH LONDON CHRONICLE, 1881 (incorporated with the North London Guardian). 

+NORTH LONDON GUARDIAN, 1881. Fri.—4 p.m. 1d. Tues.—4 p.m. d. Thompson & 
Spratling, 51 Allen Road, Stoke Newington, n 

Campion, 24 Crouch Hill, vN. 

North London or University College Hospital Reports, 1894. Irreg. 4s. H. K. Lewis, 
186 Gower St., w.c. 

North London Pulpit, 1894. Quarterly. 1s. The Chief Rabbi, 22 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

+NORTH LONSDALE HERALD, 1894. (u) Tues—7 am. $d.; Sat—7 a.m., ld. 
Paton & Parker, 119 Duke St., Barrow. A localised edition of the Barrow Herald. 

+NORTH MAIL, 1901 (with which is amalgamated the Newcastle Daily Leader, 1908). Daily— 
pm. dd. North Mail Lim., South Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London: 17 Tudor St.) 

North Manchester Sentinel, 1898. M.—lst. d. Manchester & Salford “ Sentinels” 
Newspaper Co. Lim., Portland Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

tNORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE, 1868. (1) Fri—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Penfold & 
Sons, 353a Upper St., Islington, N. 

tNORTH RIDING & NORTHALLERTON NEWS, 1900. Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. C. Savill, 
Market Place, Northallerton. 

+NORTH STAR, 1881. (c) Daily. —2 a.m. 4d. Crown St., Darlington. (London : 146 Fleet St.,£.c.) 

tNORTH STAR & FARMER'S CHRONICLE, 1898. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. D. & G. Mackenzie, 
High St., Dingwall. 

North Wales & Shropshire : Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually.” 5s. Bennett & Co. 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tNORTH WALES CHRONICLE, 1807. (c) Fri.— noon, for Sat. 1d. North Wales Chronicle 
Co. Lim., High St., Bangor. 

+NORTH WALES GUARDIAN, 1879 (as Wrexham Guardian, 1867). (c) Fri. 1d. Farman 
& Co., Argyle St., Wrexham. 

tNORTH WALES OBSERVER & EXPRESS, 1877. (J) Thurs., for Fri. 1d. Welsh 

National Press Co. Lim., New Harbour, Carnarvon. 
+NORTH WALES TIMES, 1895. (2) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Gee & Son, Denbigh. 

tNORTH-WESTERN DAILY MAIL, 1897 (with which is incorporated the Barrow Times, 1866). 
(l) Geditions. $d. Barrow News & Mail Lim., Abbey Road, Barrow-i -in-Furness. (London: 
101 Fleet St., E.c.) 

128) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

North Wilts and District Directory, 1875. Dec. 6d. Mrs. Piper, 19 Bath Road, Swindon. 
North Wiits Church Magazine, 1868. M.—ist. 1d. C.H. Woodward, Devizes. 

tNORTH WILTS GUARDIAN, 1872. (l) Sat. 1d. Lewis & Son, 47 New Road, Chippenham, 
(London : 174 Fleet St., E.c.) 

tNORTH WILTS HERALD, 1861 (with which are incorporated Berkshire Times, Cirencester 
Limes, and Calne Chronicle). (ind.) Fri.—5p.m. 1d. Mrs. Piper, 19 Bath Road, Swindon. 

tNORTHAMPTON DAILY CHRONICLE, 1880. (c) 8.80 p.m. (except Fri.). $d. H.Butter- 
field, 24 Market Square, Northampton. 

tNORTHAMPTON DAILY REPORTER, 1886 (as Northampton Mercury Daily Reporter, 
1880). (1) 8.30 p.m. 4d. S.S. Campion & Sons Lim., Parade, Northampton. 

Northampton Football Echo, 1898. Sat.—7.80 p.m., during season. jd. 8. 8. Campion 
& Sons Lim., Parade, Northampton. 

{NORTHAMPTON HERALD, 1831. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. & 2d. H. Butterfield, 24 Market 
Square, Northampton. 

tNORTHAMPTON MERCURY, 1720 (with which are incorporated Daventry Spectator, 
Northampton Weekly Reporter, and Northamptonshire Guardian). (l) Fri—8.80 p.m. 
ld. S.S. Campion & Sons Lim., Parade, Northampton. 

Northamptonshire Good Templars’ Guide, 1889. Quarterly. Gratis. C. York, 82 
Alcombe Road, Northampton. 

Northants: Bennett’s Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 88. 6d. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Northern Catholic Calendar, 1868. Dec. 8d. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Akenside Hill, New- 

fNORTHERN CHRONICLE, 1881. (c) Wed.—4 a.m. 1d. Northern Counties Newspaper, 
&c., Co. Lim., Inverness. | 

Northern Counties (Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland d Westmoreland): Bennett’s 
Business Directory, 1881. 7s. 6d. Annually. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., 
Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Northern Counties Red Book and Chronicle Almanac, 1881. Jan. 8d. Northern Counties 
Newspaper Co. Lim., Inverness. 

tNORTHERN DAILY MAIL, 1877. (2) p.m. $d. Northern Daily Mail Co. Lim., Clarence Road, 
West Hartlepool. (London: 53 Fleet St.) 

tNORTHERN DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1886. (7) Noon. $d. T. P. Ritzema, Railway Road, 
Blackburn. (London: 71 Fleet St.) (Advé. p. 449.) 

tNORTHERN ECHO, 1869. (1) Daily—a.m. $d. North of England Newspaper Co. Lim., 
Darlington. (London: 186 Fleet St.) 

fNORTHERN ENSIGN, 1850. (2) Tues.—1d.; Northern Ensign Herring Circular, during 
the fishing season, Sat. §d. W. Rae, Stafford Place, Wick. 

Northern Figaro, 1884. Thurs. for Sat. 1d. W.M. Gibson, 8 Gaelic Lane, Aberdeen. 
tNORTHERN GOSSIP, 1894. Wed. 1d., illus. 15 Grey St., Newcastle. 
NORTHERN HERALD, 1908. Thurs. 1d. 40 High St., Wick. 

ADVERTISER, 1868. {ind.) Sat. ld. Backhouse & Atkinson, Wetherby. 

175 & 177 High St., Elgin. 

NORTHERN STANDARD (Monaghan), 1839. («) Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Swan, The 
Diamond, Monaghan. 

tNORTHERN STAR (Belfast’, 1897. (nat.) Fri. for Sat. 1d. Northern Star Co. Lim., 19 
Bank St., Belfast. 

NORTHERN WEEKLY & TEDDY ASHTON JOURNAL, 1895 (now Teddy Ashton’s Northern 

+NORTHERN WEEKLY GAZETTE (Middlesbrough), 1855. Thurs.—10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. A. 
Pickering, Zetland Road, Middlesbrough. (London: 67 Fleet St., E.C.) 

+NORTHERN WEEKLY (Dingwall), 1897. Thurs. 1d. Pefferside Press Lim., Dingwall. 

tNORTHERN WEEKLY LEADER (Newcastle), 1885 (as Northern Leader, 1884). Fri. 
for Sat. 1d. North Mail Lim., South St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. (London, 17 Tudor St.) 

tNORTHERN WHIG (Belfast), 1824. (2) Daily—4 am. 1d. Northern Whig Lim. 7 & 9 
Victoria St., Belfast. (London: 49 Fleet St.) (Advt.p. 426.) 

Advertisements recewed for all the Continental Newspapers. [129 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

NORTHFLEET AND SWANSCOMBE CHRONICLE, 1895 (now Swanscombe Chronicle, 

+NORTHFLEET AND SWANSCOMBE STANDARD, 1895. (e) Fri., for Sat. $d. E. 
James, 75 New Road, Gravesend. A localised edition of the Gravesend, €c., Standard. 
NORTHMAN (incorporated with the Orkney Herald). 

for Sat. 1d. John Ward Jones, Bull Ring, Northwich. 

+NORTHWICH GUARDIAN, 1860. Tues.—2 p.m., 1d.; Fri.—2 p.m., 1d. Mackie & Co. Lim., 
High St., Northwich. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 
+NORTHWOOD GAZETTE, 1900. Fri., for Sat. id. F. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. A 

localised edition of the Harrow Gazette. 

NORTHWOOD OBSERVER, 1900. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. A 
localised edition of the Harrow Observer. 

Norwich Co-operative Society Herald. Gratis, M.—I1st. St. Stephen’s St., Norwich. 

Norwich Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1858. Jan. 1s. A. H. Goose, Rampant Horse St., 
Norwich. (London: Parker.) 

Norwich Diocesan Gazette, 1895. M.—lIst. 1d. A. H. Goose, Rampant Horse St., Norwich. 

+NORWICH MERCURY, 1714. (1) Tues.—8 p.m., for Wed., $d.; Fri—8 p.m., for Sat., ld. 
Norwich Mercury Co., 45 London St., Norwich. (London: 60 Ludgate Hill.) 

Norwich Union Magazine, 1891. Half-quarterly. 2d. 27 All Saints’ Green, Norwich. 

NORWOOD HERALD, 1889. (ind.) Sat. $d. Coventry & Son, 25 Station Road, South Norwood,s.z. 

+NORWOOD NEWS, 1868. (c) Sat. 1d. A.C. Hall, Station Road, South Norwood, S.E. 

NORWOOD PRESS, 1883 (as Ye Olde Norwode Presse, 1882). Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. Truslove 
& Bray, Knights Hill Road, West Norwood, s.£. 

+NORWOOD REVIEW, 1880. (ind.) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. Farmer, 65 Westow St., 
Upper Norwood, S.E. 

Notes and Comments, 1902 (as Natural Science Gazette, 1900). M.—1st. 1d. B. H. Winslow, 
115 South Croxted Road, West Dulwich. (Journal of the Norwood Natural Science Society, 
principally dealing with Works of Nature and their Study. Advt.) 

tNotes and Queries, 1849. Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. 4d. J. C. Francis, 11 Bream’s Buildings, 
Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888. March, June, Sept., Dec. 5s. per 
ann. Rev. F. W. Weaver, Milton, Evercreech, Somerset. 

Notes for Teachers, 1847. Quarterly. 2d. Gall & Inglis, 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh. 
(London: 25 Paternoster Square, E.c.) 

ieee Ireland, 1888. (u) M.—ist. 1d. Irish Unionist Alliance, 109 Grafton St, 

Notes on Books, 1855. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. Gratis. Longmans & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.¢. 

Notes on the Scripture Lessons, 1847. M. (dated a month forward).—25th, for Ist. 1d. 
9.8.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Notion, 1908. M.—I1st. 2d. A. Gardiner, 7 Gilmour St,, Paisley. 

Rowbottom, 145 Arkwright St., Nottingham. . 

tNOTTINGHAM DAILY EXPRESS, 1885 (as Nottingham and Midland Counties Daily 
aha (2) 2.30 a.m. id. A. Abbott, Parliament St., Nottingham. (London: 
15 Fleet St. 

+NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN, 1861. (c) 8am, 1d. Forman & Sons, Sherwood 
St., Nottingham. (London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 441.) 

Nottingham District Co-operative Record, 1889. M.—1lst. Gratis. G. J. Duke, #5 
Sherwin St., Nottingham. 

tNOTTINGHAM EVENING NEWS, 1885. (1) Daily—2 pm. jd. A. Abbott, Parliament 
St., Nottingham. (London: 74 Fleet St.) 

tNOTTINGHAM EVENING POST, 1878. Daily. $d. Forman & Sons, Sherwood St, 
Nottingkam. (London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 441.) 

Nottingham Guardian Year Book. Dec. 1s. Forman & Sons, Sherwood St., Nottingham. 
Nottingham Library Bulletin, 1896. M.—15th. d. Librarian, Free Library, Nottingham. 

Nottingham University College Calendar, 1881. Oct. 6d. Prospectus ld. The Secretary, 
University College, Nottingham. 

130] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

8a.m. 1d. F. W. Buck & Sons, Low St., Sutton-in-Ashfield. 

+NOTTINGHAMSHIRE GUARDIAN, 1846. (c) Thurs.—12 noon, for Sat. 1d. Forman & 
Sons, Sherwood St., Nottingham. (London: 61 Fleet St.). (Advt. p. 441.) 

+NOT TINGHAMSHIRE WEEKLY EXPRESS, 1886 (as Nottingham Weekly Courant, 1710). 
(1) Thurs.—8 p.m. 1d. A. Abbott, Parliament St., Nottingham. (London: 75 Fleet St.) 

Nouvelliste Financier, 1903. Sat. 8d. G. Plowman, 80 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

Novitates Zoologicae, 1894. 4 or 5 nog. each year. 21s. sub. Zoological Museum, Tring, 

Nuggets, 1892 (with which is incorporated Garland). Thurs., for Sat. 1d.,illus. J. Henderson & 
Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Numismatic Chronicle, 1889. 4 parts per annum, irreg. 65s., illus. B. Quaritch, 15 
Pi illy, w. 

Numismatic Magazine, 1886. M.—10th. 2d., illus. C. H. Nunn, 2 Guildhall Street, Bury St. 

tNUNEATON ADVERTISER, 1868. Fri.—10 a.m., for Bat. 1d. Advertiser Co. Lim., 1 Albert 
St., Rugby. A localised edition of the Rugby Advertiser. 

t+NUNEATON CHRONICLE, 1868. (c) Fri. 1d. F.D. Robertson, 89 Church St., Nuneaton. 
tNUNEATON OBSERVER, 1877. (1) Fri. 1d. Nuneaton Observer Newspaper Publishing 

Co. Lim., Nuneaton. 

Nurseryman and Seedsman, 1896. Sat. For private circulation only. 80 Wellington St. 
Strand, w.c. 

Nurses’ Journal, 1890. M.—ist. 9d. Royal British Nurses’ Association, 10 Orchard St., w. 

Nursing Directory, 1892. May. 5s. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 88~89 Great Titchfield 
St., w. 

Nursing Notes, 1887. M.—lst. 2d. E. Brierly, 12 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Nursing Profession: How and Where to Train, 1899. Annually. 2s. net. Scientific Press 
Lim., 28 Southampton 8t., Strand, w.c. 

Nursing Reoord and Hospital World, 1888 (now British Journal of Nursing, 1902). 

OAKHAM AND UPPINGHAM JOURNAL, 1854. Sat.—a.m. ld. C. Matkin, High St. 
Oakham. A localised edition of the Grantham Journal. 

tOBAN TIMES, 1861. (2) Thurs., for Sat. 1d. D. Cameron, Oban Times Buildings, Oban. 
Observatory, 1877. M.—2nd. 1s., illus. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

tOBSERVER, 1791. (u) Sun. 2d. J. Biddlecombe, 896 Strand, w.c. Political, social, and 
literary. (Advt. p. 427.) 

Sat. ld. Fredk. Nash & Co., Albert Road, Bournemouth. 

OBSERVER & TIMES, 1900. Tues. edition of The Accrington Observer £ Times, 1866. 

Occasional Paper of the Eastern Church Association, 1902. J. Parker & Co., 
81 Bedford St., w.c. ` 

Oddfellows’ Almanac, 1870. 1d. Nov. Grand Master and Board of Directors, 97 Grosvenor St., 
Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. 

Oddfellows’ Magazine, 1870. M.—ist. 1d. Grand Master and Board of Directors, 97 Gros- 
venor St., Manchester. 

Official Directory of the Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 1897. Oct. 18. W. Blackwood & 
Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) 

Official Football Programme for Liverpool, 1890. Sat. 1d. F. J. Cox,77 Orwell Road, 

Official Guides to the British Railways, 1897. Annually. 1s. Cassell & Co., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, e.c. ' 

Oficial Handbook of the Leicester £ County Cricket Association, 1896. March. 1d. Secretary, 
42 Tennyson St., Leicester. 

Oficial Handbook of the National Training School of Cooking, 1902. The Society, Buckingham 
Palace Road, s.w. l , 

Oficial Handbook of the Presbyterian Church of England (as Presbyterian Year-Book, dc., 

1890 ; as Year-Book of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1887). Aug. 6d. T. F. Downie, 
14 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. psi 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Oficial Hotel Directory, 1898. Triennially. 58.6d. Segg & Co., 289 & 291 Regent St., w. 
Official Irish Travelling Guide, 1856. M.—Ist. 1d. 23 Bachelor’s Walk, Dublin. 

Official Year-Book of the Church of England, 1882. Feb. 8s. & 4s. S.P.C.K., Northumberland 
Avenue, W.C. ; 

Oil and Colourman’s Journal, 1880. M.—Ist. 7s. 6d. per ann., illus. Scott, Greenwood, & 
Co., 19 Ludgate Hill, B. c. 

Oil and Colourman’ Journal Diary, 1881. Nov. 88.6d. Scott, Greenwood, & Co.,19 Ludgate Hill, £.c 
Oil Trades Directory, 1908. Annually. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 
Oil Trades’ Gazette, 1886. Semi-M.—Ist & 8rd Sat. 1d. 15 Philpot Lane, E.C. 

tOils, Colours, & Drysalteries, 1893 (with which is incorporated The Soap Maker d 
Perfumer, 1889). Sat. 8d. MacLaren & Sons, 87 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

Old Jonathan, The District & Parish Heiper, 1875. M.—a5th.- 1d. Church Monthly, 
80 & 81 New Bridge St., E.c. 

Old Moore’s Almanack. Aug. 1d., illus. T. Roberts & Co, 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Old Windsor Magazine, 1885. M.—ist. ld. T.E. Luff, Trinity House, Windsor. 

OLDBURY WEEKLY NEWS, 1875. (ind.) Sat. 1d. Midland Printing Co., Oldbury. A 
- localised edition of the West Bromwich Weekly News. 

+OLDHAM CHRONICLE, 1854. (l) Sat.—a.m. 14d. Hirst & Rennie, Union St., Oldham. 

Oldham Congregationalist, 1887. M.—last Sat. ld. J. Worrall, Marlborough St., Oldham. 

tOLDHAM DAILY STANDARD, 1847. (c) Noon. d. A. F. Stephenson, Clegg St. and 
Parliament St., Oldham. (London : 101 Fleet St.) 

+OLDHAM EVENING CHRONICLE, 1880. (l) $d. Hirst & Rennie, Union St., Oldham. 
Oldham Industrial Co-operative Society Record. Gratis. A. Spencer, King St., Oldham. 

Qidham Operative Cotton Spinners’, &o., Provincial Association Monthly Report, 
1848. Gratis to members. Rock St., Oldham. 

tOLDHAM STANDARD, 1848. (c) Sat.—a. jii: 1d. A. F. Stephenson, Clegg St. and Parlia- 
ment St., Oldham. (London : 101 Fleet St.) 

Olive Leaf, 1908. M.—1st. $d. The Peace Society, 47 New Broad St., z.c. 

Oliver and Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac, 1887. Dec. 68. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, 

Edinburgh. (London: Simpkin & Co. Lim.) 

Oliver’s Local Book of Dates and Illustrated Oxford Almanack, 1875. Deo. 1d. J. Oliver, 
62 George St., Oxford. 

Oliver's Weekly Guide, 1908, Fri.forSat. 1d. F.Goldsinith, 6 Dean St., High Holborn, w.c. 

On ane off Duty, 1883. M.—1st. 1d.,illus. Marshall Brothers, Keswick House, Paternoster 
W, E.C. ; 

On Service, 1896. M.—lst. $d. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, £C. 
On the Line, 1882. M.—ist. d. 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w. 

On * March, 1896. M.—25th. ld. The Royal Army Temperance Association, 47 Victoria 

On the Road, 1883. M.—Ist Fri. 2d. 40 Chariot St., Hull. 

One and All, 1891. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Headley Bros., 14 Bishopsgate Without, TA 
One and All Gardening, 1896. Jan. 2d. 92 Long Acre, w.c. 

One by One. Quarterly. id. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, £.c. 

One Thing Needful Almanac, 1871. Oct. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, £4: 

TONGAR GAZETTE, 1901. Sat. 4d. A.B. Davis Lim.,1 Victoria Buildings, Epping: A 
localised edition of the Epping Gazette. 

fOnlooker, 1900. Tues., for Sat. 8d. Onlooker Newapapèt Co. Lim., 16 Bedford Sty w.e. 

Onward, 1865. M.—20th. 1d., illus. Onward Publishing Office, 8 North Parade, Desnsgat¢; 
Manchester. (London : Partridge & Co.) 

Onward and Upward, 1890. M.—1st. 1d., illus. D. Wyllie & Son, 247 Union St., Aberdeen 

Onward Reciter, 1872. M.—20th. ld., illus. Onward Publishing Co., 8 North Parade, 
_ Deansgate, Manchester. (London: Partridge & Co.) 

Oof Bird. Mon.—4.80 p.m. 2s. 66 High Holborn, w.c. 
132] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Open Court, 1687. M.—15th. 6d. Kegan Paul & Co., Drydeu House, 43 Gerrard St., w. 
Open Doors, 1876. Quarterly. 8d. Miss M. A. Lloyd, 22 Albert Square, Clapham Road, s.w. 
Ophthaimoscope, 1908. 21s. G. Pulman & Co. Lim., 24-26 Thayer St., w. | 
Ophthalmlic Review, 1881. M.—1st. 1s., occas. illus. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w 
tOptician and Photographlc Trades Review, 1891. Fri. 2d.,illus. 123,124 & 125 Fleet St., E.C 

ĦORCAÐDIAN, 1854. (iųd.) Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. R. Mackintosh, Victoria St., Kirkwall. 

Orchestral Journal, 1860. Bi-monthly. 21s. perann. J.R. Tafleur & Son, 15,16 & 17 Green 
St., Leicester Square, w.c. 

Orchestral Times & Military Band Record, 1901 (with which is incorporated the Orchestral 
Association Gazette, 1898). M.—1st. 2d. J. H. Iles, 188 Strand, w.c. 

Orchid Review, 1898. M.—10th. 6d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Order of Divine Service, 1887. Nov. 9d. & 1s. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Great Castle St., w. 
Order of Druids’ Almanack, 1876. Dec. 1d. & 2d. J. Westall, 5 Great John St., Manchester. 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Report & Journal, 1858. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d. 
J. Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29, 30 Shoe Lane.) 

Order of the Golden Age, 1896. M.—Ilst. 1d. W. R. Russell & Co., 5 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Organist & Choirmaster, 1898. M.—15th. 8d. 9 Berners St., w. 

Organist’s Magazine of Voluntaries, 1891. Bi-monthly. 1s.6d. F.9. Turney, 29 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c. 

‘Original Clock Almanac, 1865. Sept. 8d. Nicholson & Sons Lim., Albion Works, Wakefield. 

+ORIGINAL LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY, 1854. Wed. & Sat. 1d. North Wal — 
Co. Lim., 188 Mostyn St., Llandudno, and High St., Bangor. ales Chronicle 

Original Secession Magazine, 1847. M.—list. 84d. 
Terrace, Lochee, Dundee. 

Orton's Prophetic Guide, Weather Almanac, and Ephemeris, 1841. Oct. 6d. G. C. 
Market Place, Peterborough. ’ P , G. C. Caster, 

ORKNEY HERALD, 1860 (with which is incorporated The North . (l € ; 
! & Son, 87 Albert St., Kirkwall. u man). (1) Wed. 1d. Peace 

+ORMSKIRK ADVERTISER, 1858. Thurs.—8 pım. 1d. W.L. Hutton, 7 Church St., Ormskirk. 

Orphanage Monthly Magazine, 1901 (as Aberlour Orphanage Magazine, 1885). 
Giles’s Printing Co., 27 Thistle St., Edinburgh. tphanage Magazine, 1885). 1d. St. 

Orpheus Journal, 1878. Bi-monthly. 15s. Lafleur & Son, 15,16 & 17 Green St., Leicester 
Square, w.c. | 

Orr’s Scottish Almanac, 1882. Oct. 1d. F. Orr & Sons, 181 Renfield St., Glasgow. 
tOSSETT OBSERVER, 1864. Sat. 1d. 8. Cockburn & Son, Station Road, Ossett. 

tOSWALDTWISTLE OBSERVER, 1866. (2) Tues., $d.; Sat.,1d. R.S. Crossley 
Accrington. A localised edition of the Accrington Observer. (Advt. p. 444.) i 

t MERCURY, 1888 (as Oswestry Advertiser, 1849). (l) Wed.—a.m. 13d. Wedd on 
Thomas & Co., The Cross, Oswestry. i ; 

Oswestry Commercial Circular, 1880. M.—4th. Gratis. T. Owen & Son, The Library 
Oswestry. ’ 

TOUNDLE & THRAPSTON GUARDIAN, 1885. (c) Fri—2 p.m. 1d. North i 
Conservative and Unionist Press Co. Lim., Kettering. One of the Kettering Guilin eae 

OUNDLE JOURNAL, 1888. (1) Fri—a.m. ld. Northamptonshire Printi — 
! Co. Lim., Wellingborough. One of the Wellingborough News series. RSS ean 

Our Boys and Girls and Children’s Hour, 1877. M.—25th. 4d., illus, 
Sunday School Union, 2 & 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, x.c. 

-Our Boys’ Magazine, 1887. M.—20th. ld. 184 Warwick Lane, E.o 
Our Cats, 1899. Fri., for Sat. 2d. Our Dogs Publishing Co. Lim., 10 Gore St., 

Our Darlings, 1881 (as Children's Treasury, 1868). Wed. M.—25th. Bd. Shaw & Ço., 48 
Paternoster Row, E.c. > 

¢Our Dogs, 1895. Sat. 1d., illus. Our Dogs Publishing Co. Lim., 10 Gore St., Manchester, 
Our Heritage, 1895. Quarterly. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, z.c, 

A. Y. Laing, Sinagoe, Balgay 

Edgar St. 

Wesleyan Methodist 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [133 
K 2 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Our Home, 1889. Fri. 1d. Macdonald & Martin, 6 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

+Our Journal, Local Record for Tiverton, 1896. Sat. 4d. W. Masland, Fore St., Tiverton, 
Our Little Dots, 1887. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Our Little Ones Treasury, 1887. M.—l1st. $d. J. Ritchie, Sturrock St., Kilmarnock. 
Our Log Book, 1894. M.—15th. 1d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, *. c. 

Our Magazine, 1875. Three times a year. (l) 10d. North London Collegiate School for 
Girls, Sandal] Road, n.w. i 
Our Missionary Year, 1800. July. 6d. net. Centenary Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

Our Missions, 1894. M.—15th. 1d. West, Newman & Co., 54 Hatton Garden, E.c. 

Our News, 1875. Sat. 1d. W. Leach Lewes, Margate College, Margate. 

Our Own Gazette, 1884. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Our Own Magazine, 1879. M.—20th. 1d.,, illus. Children’s Special Service Mission, 18a Wat- 
wick Lane, E.c. 

Our Paper, 1891. M.—1st. d. Church of England Women’s Help Society, Church House, 

_ Dean’s Yard, s.w. 

Our Quarterly, 1882. Jan., April, June, Oct. 2d. C. Pettiward, 28 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Our School Magazine, 1900. M.—1st. ld. Macrae & Co., 96 Nicholson St., Edinburgh. 

Our Sisters in other Lands, 1879. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d. T. F. Downie, 14 Paternoster 

Square, E.C. 
Our Waifs and Strays, 1880. M.—28th. 1d., illus. Savoy St., Victoria Embankment, w.c. 

Our Western Empire, 1901 (with which is incorporated the West Indian and C ial 
Advertiser). M.—1st. 6d. Robinson Printing Co. Lim., 1 Lombard Court, E.c. ommerct 

Our Work at Home and Abroad, 1878. M.—22nd. 1d. C. Pettiward, 28 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Ours (now Green Howard's Gazette). 
Our Young Men, 1902. M.—25th. ld. 8. W. 7. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Out & Home, 1894. M.—15th. 6d. 50 Lime St., E.C. 
Out and Out, 1887. M.—25th. 1d. S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Out and Out Almanack, 1887. 1d. S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Out of the Silence, 1903 (as Anubis, 1902). M.—Il1st. 6d. F. Voisin, 14 Arcadian Gardens, 
Wood Green, N 
+Outfitter, 1890. Fri. 1d., illus. Home Trade Publishing Co. Lim., 5 & 7 Moor Lane, E.C. 
Outing, 1887 (English Edition). M.—10th. 1s., illus. International News Co.,5 Bream’s Buildings, £.c. 
+Outlook, 1898. Sat. 8d. 109 Fleet St., E.C. 
+OVERLAND MAIL, 1855. Fri. 6d. Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, z.c. 
Owens College Calendar, 1871. Sept. 2s. J. E. Cornish, 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

(London: Macmillan.) 
Owens College Union Magazine, 1868. Oct. to June (inclusive). 8d. Owens College, Manchester. 

Owl, 1879. Fri. 1d. illus. Hardy Summers, Upper Priory, Birmingham. 
Oxford Almanac, 1870. November. 1s. H. Frowde, Amen Corner, E.c. 

for Sat. 1d. Oxford Chronicle Co. Lim., 119 High St., Oxford. (Advt. p. 449.) i 

Oxford Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List, 1853. Dec. 18. J. Parker & Co.. 
— 31 Bedford St., Strand, London. rker & Co.. 27 Broad St, 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine, 1902. M.--1st. 2d. J. Parker & Co., 81 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 
Omford Directory, 1880. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Oe Oda Church Magazine, 1897. M.—ist. ld. Alden & Co., Lim., 85 Corn Market 
t xior 

Oxford Guide (now Alden’s Oxford Guide). 
Oxford High School Magazine, 1880. Durin — 6d. High School f 

Road, Oxford. š gh School for Girls, Banbury 
Oxford House Chronicle, 1887. M.—Ist. 2s. 6d. per ann. Oxford House, Bethnal Green, E. 
OXFORD JOURNAL (now Jackson’s Oxford Journal). 
+Oxford Magazine, 1883. Wed. (during term)—10 a.m. 6d. H. Hart, University Dress, Oxford. 

Oxford Point of View, 1902. Quarterly. 1s. net. Alden & Co. Lim., B 
Market Ct., Oxford. ` im., Bocardo Press, 85 Corn 

134) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, oidor 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 
SS Fea ee a hs ar et cs a a a Ea nk nn Fe eu he 
+Oxford Review, 1885 (as Oxford U er graduates Journal, 1865). Daily—during term. 
8 editions. 4d. C. Harris, 11 New Road, Oxford. 
Oxford Shorthand Chronicle, 1890. M. En 4d., illus. The Oxford Shorthand Co., Dover 
+OXFORD TIMES, 1862 (c) Fri—noon, for Sat. 1d. C. Harris, 11 New Road, Oxford. 
Ozford University Almanac and Register, 1856. Oct. 18.6d. J. Vincent, 94 High St., Oxford. 
Oxford University Calendar, 1818. Nov. 6s. H. Frowde, Amen Corner, E.C. . 
tOxford University Gazette, 1870. First Fri. and alt. Tues. (during term)—7 p.m. 8d. 
Double Numbers 6d. H. Hart, Clarendon Press Depository, 116 High St., Oxford. 
Ozford University Pocket Diary, 1897. Oxford University Press, Amen Corner, E.C. 
mean Light Infantry Chronicle, 1892. Annually. 7s. 6d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, Downs 
Park Road, Hackney, N.E. (Advt. p. 379.) 
TOR EORDENIBE TELEGRAPH, 1900. 4d. Wed. Telegraph Newspaper Co., 18 Castle St., 
+OXFORDSHIRE WEEKLY NEWS, 1865. (ind.) Wed. 1d. W. C. Hayes, Market Place, 
Chipping Norton. 

P. A. D. (Patter & Dialogue), 1902. M.—1st. 6d. D. Sydney, $ Himley Road, Tooting, s.w. 

tPADDINGTON AND WEST LONDON MERCURY, 1886 (as Paddington Mercury, 1881; 
with which is incorporated the West London Post). Thurs.—8 p.m., for Sat. id. J.M. 
Whyte, 388 Harrow Road, w. 
Paddington, Bayswater, and Kensal Green Directory, 1871. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
10 Sutherland Avenue, Paddington. (Advt. p. 449.) 

9am. id. 186 Queen’s Road, Westbourne Grove, w. 

+PADDINGTON TIMES, 1858. Fri. 1d. 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w. One of the 
Kilburn Times series. 

Page’s Magazine, 1901. M. 1s. Page Publishing Syndicate, Lim., Clun House, Surrey St., w.c, 

Paidologist, 1899. Three times per annum. 8d. British Child Study Association, Norman, 
Sawyer & Co., St. George’s Hall, Cheltenham. 

+PAIGNTON OBSERVER, 1892. Thurs. 1d. A. Higgs, New Street, Paignton. 

PAIGNTON WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (ind.) Wed. & Thurs. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 
84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

Painting World, 1902. M.—15th. 6d. The Painting World Publishing Co., 64 Long Acre, w.c. 

TPAISLEY AND RENFREWSHIRE GAZETTE, 1864 (with which are incorporated the 
Paisley Herald and the Renfrewshire Independent). (u) Sat. 1d. J.& J. Cook, 94 High 
St., Paisley. 

+PAISLEY DAILY EXPRESS, 1874. (J) 2,8, and 5 pm. $d. W. A. Lockhead, Express 
Buildings, Causeyside St., Paisley. 

Paisley Directory and General Advertiser, 1810. June. 88. J. & J. Cook, 94 High St., Paisley. 

Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, 1865. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2s. 6d. 
The Secretary, Palestine Exploration Fund, 38 Conduit St., Hanover Square, w. 

+PALL MALL GAZETTE, 1865. (ind. w) 4 editions. Daily. 1d. Newton St., Holborn, w.c. 
(Advt. p. 427.) , 
Pali Mali Gazette Extras, 1883. Irreg. Pall Mall Gazette, Newton St., Holborn, w.c. 

Pall Mall Magazine, 1898. M.—18th. 1s., illus. Newton St., Holborn, w.c. (Advt. p.427.) 

Pall Mall Pictures. May.—1st Monday. Newton St., Holborn, W.C. 

Palmer Record, 1902. Quarterly. 6d. A. Reid & Co., Printing Court Buildings, Newcastle- 

tPALMER’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1888. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. M.A. Palmer, Water St., Martock. 

Paper and Pulp, 1896. M.—1st & 15th. 10s. per ann. 10 Godliman St., E.c. 

Paper Box and Bag Maker, 1896. M.—19th. 6d., illus. S.C. Phillips & Co., 47 Cannon St., E.C. 

Paper Maker and British Paper Trade Journai, 1891. M.—1st. 1s., illus. S.C. Phillips 
& Co., 47 Cannon St., E.C. 

Paper Makers’ Circular, 1861 (with which is incorporated The Paper Box Industry). M.— 
10th. 6d., illus. Dean & Son Lim., 160a Fleet St., E.C. 

Paper Makers’ Directory of all Nations, 1884. June. 10s.6d. Dean & Son Lim., 160a Fleet St., E.C. 
Advertisements received for American and Canadian Newspapers. [135 

A B C List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Paper Makers’ Monthly Journal, 1863. 15th. 6d. Marchant, Singer & Co., 47 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 
Paper Making, 1881. M.—1st. 5s.perann. W.F. Catcheside, 22 St. Andrew St., E.c. 
Paper Mills Directory, 1859. Dec. 2s. 6d, Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, £.c. 

Paper Trade Directory of Great Britain, 1884. Jan. ls. W. F. Catcheside, 22 St. Andrew 
S$., E.C. 

Paper Trade Review (The World’s), 1879. Fri.—10a.m. 6d.,illus. W. J. Stonhill & Co., 58 Shoe 
e, E.C. 

Papers & Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 1888. Irreg. 7s. 6d. The Secretary, 
Hartley College, Southampton. 

Papur Pawb, 1893. Sat. 1d., illus. Daniel Rees, High St., Carnarvon. 

Parents’ Review, 1890. M.—last day. 6d. 26 Victoria St., s.w. 

Paris Fashions, 1898. Wed. 8d. Savile Publishing Co., 14 New Burlington St., w. 

Parish Councillor & Rural Herald, 1894 (now The Councillor d: Guardian). 

Parish Councils Journal (now Councils Journal). 

. Parish Helper Almanac, 1901. Dec. id. F. Sherlock, 80 & 81 New Bridge St., B.C. 
Parish Kalendar, 1899. Oct. 1d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Great Castle St., w. 

Parish Magazine, 1859. M.—25th. 1d., illus. C. Taylor, 22 & 28 Warwick Lane, E.C. 

Parish Magazines.—Nota Bene: Under the title of “ So-and-So Parish Magazine,” many 
hundred titles might be added which do not find a place in this Guide. These periodicals are 
issued in all parts of the Kingdom, and, with few exceptions, consist of one of the well-known 
religious magazines “ localised” by the addition of a few outer pages of parochial intelligence 
and Jocal advertisements. 

Parish Register Society, 1896. Irreg. 21s. E. A. Fry, 172 Edmund St., Birmingham. 

Parker's Church Calendar, 1855. Jan. 4d. Parker & Co., 81 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Parliament House Book, 1824. Oct. 6s. 6d. W. Green & Sons, 18 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 

Parliamentary Debates. 24d. persheet. Daily. During Session. Wyman & Sons Lim., Fetter 
Lane, E.c. 

Parliamentary Record, 1861. Mon. (during Session)—2 p.m. 80s. per Session. Chas. Good 
& Co., 11 Burleigh St., Strand, w.c: 

Parliamentary Reports, Bills, etc., 1900. M. 1d. Conservative Central Office, St. 
Stephen’s Chambers, s.w. 

Parnell’s Superficial Ready Reckoner, 1894. Irreg. 10s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 183 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Parochial Almanack, 1897 (as Gospeller Almanac, 1870). Oct. 1d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim, 
84 Great Castle St., w. 

Part Singer, 1860 Irreg. 1d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

TPARTICK & MARYHILL PRESS, 1890. Fri. 1d. J. Cossar, 577 Govan Road, Govan. 

Partner, 1908. M.—15th. 8d. Curtis, Gardner & Co., 26 Charles St., Haymarket, S.W. 

Passing Notes, 1888. (c.u) M.—1st. 8s. per 100. W. P. Spalding, 48 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

Past and Future, 1897. M.—15th. 2d. E. Nister, 24 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Past & Present, 1902. 15th Feb., March, May, June, Oct. & Dec. 5d. J. Arkinson & Sons, 
Star Works, Pontefract. 

tPATELEY BRIDGE & NIDDERDALE HERALD, 1868. (2) Fri.—4 p.m., for Bat. 1d. R. 
Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. One of the Ripon Gazette series. 

Patey’s Illustrated Almanac and Diary, 1864, Dec. Patey Bros., College St., Burnham., 

+Patents and British Machinist, 1898. M.—15th. 8d. Hughes & Young, 55 & 56 
Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Paternoster’s Monthly Advertiser, 1858. ist. Gratis. Paternoster & Hales, Sun St, 
Market Square, Hitchin. 

Paterson's Practical Statutes, 1849. Sept. 6s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.C. 

Paton’s List of Schools, 1898. May. 1s. 6d. J. & J. Paton, 148 Cannon St., E.c. 

Pauline, 1882. During term. 6d. St. Paul’s School, Hammersmith, w. 

tPawnbroker's Gazette, 1832. Sat. 2d. Jackson & Co., Pear Tree Court, Farringdon Rd., E.C. 
Peace and Goodwill, 1895. Quarterly. 1d. Peace Society, 47 New Broad St., E.C. 

Peace’s Orkney and Shetland Almanack and County Directory, 1860. Nov. 8d., illus. Peace 
& Son, 37 Albert St., Kirkwall. 

Peacock’s Directory for Watford, 1895. Dec. 1s. C. H. Peacock, 101 High St., Watford. 
136] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

‘Peacock's Pocket Diaries, 1875. Nov. Pricevaries. G.H. James & Co., 48 Old Bailey, E.c. 
Pearl of Days, 1881. M.—28th. 8d. per doz., illus. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Pearls, 1908. Oct. 1s. 6d. G. Stoneman, 29 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Pears’ Annual, 1891. Nov. 1s., illus. A. & F. Pears Lim., 71-75 New Oxford St., w.c. 

Pearson's General Tide Table and Nautical Almanack, 1858. Sept. 6d. & 1s. G. Pearson, 24 & § 26 

High St., Hartlepool. 
Pearson’s Magazine, 1896. M.—Ist. 6d. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Pearson’s Time Table & Monthly Diary, 1905. 1st. 1d., illus. G. Pearson, 24 & 26 High St., 
Pearson’s Weekly, 1890. Thurs. ld. C.A. Pein Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Peat's Farmers’ Diary, 1865. Jan. & April. 5s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, B. c. 
Peck’s Circular Trades Directory, 1898. Biennial. 10s. W. E. Peck, 10 Broad St. Corner, 
Peckham, Nunhead, and Camberwell Directory, 1886. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

PECKHAM POST, 1902 (with which is incorporated Dulwich & District Advertiser). (ind.) 
Fri. $d. Dulwich Newspaper Co., 188 Lordship Lane, Hast Dulwich, s.z. A localised edition 

of the Dulwich Post. (Advt. p. 446.) 

PEEBLES NEWS AND COUNTY ADVERTISER, 1887. (ind.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. $d. 
J. A. Kerr, 27 Northgate, Peebles. 
ei ADVERTISER, 1845. Fri.—5.80 p.m.,for Sat., 14. Allan Smyth, Eastgate, 

{PEEL GUARDIAN & CHRONICLE, 1882. Fri, for Sat. 1d. W. K. Palmer, Michael St., 
Peel, Isle of Man. 

Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire (Lodge), 1882. Dec. 81s. 6d., illus. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, W.C. 

tPellcan, 1889. Wed a.m., for Sat. 1d. F.M. Boyd, 10 & 11 Fetter Lane, London, E.C. 

Pelican Record, 1893. Terminally. 2s. B.H. Blackwell, 50 Broad St., Oxford. 

Peloubet's Select Notes on International Lessons,1875. Nov. 58s. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Pem, 1898. During term. J. Hall & Son, 51 Trumpington St., Cambridge. 

tPEMBROKE COUNTY GUARDIAN, 1888 (as Dewsland and Kemes Guardian, 1861). (ind.) 
Thurs. 1d. H. W. Williams, Solva. 

tPEMBROKE DOCK AND PEMBROKE GAZETTE, 1861, (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. Id. 
Lle. J. Powell, 9 Meyrick St., Pembroke Dock. 

tPEMBROKE DOCK JOURNAL, 1901. (ind.) Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. W.G. Dobson, 
Meyrick St., Pembroke Dock. 

Pembroke House School Magazine, 1884. 8 times a year. 6d. Galt & Co, Corporation 
St., Manchester. 

tPEMBROKESHIRE HERALD, 1844. (c) Fri—2 pm. 1d. T. J. Morris, Bridge St. 
Haverfordwest. f 

tPEMBROKESHIRE TIMES, 1885 (as Tenby Telephone, 1879). (ind.) Thurs.—noon. 1d 
J. Watkins, Castle Terrace, Pembroke. 

PENARTH ADVERTISER, 1900. Tues. Gratis. T.O. Powlson, 189 Bute Road, Cardiff. 
PENARTH OBSERVER, 1891. (ind.) Sat. 1d., illus. C. W. Williams, 24 Hickman Road, Penarth. 
PENARTH STAR & COGAN NEWS, 1887 (incorporated in Barry Dock News). | 
tPENARTH TIMES, 1882. Fri.—1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. F. Pickford, Arcot St., Penarth. 
*Pendennis Review, 1900. M.—10th. 14d. E.T. Olver, Custom House Quay, Falmouth, 

+PENDLEBURY & SWINTON JOURNAL, 1875. (J) Fri. 1d. Tillston & Son Lim., 556 
Bolton Road, Pendlebury. (London: 20 New Bridge St.) One of the Bolton Journal series, 
(Advt. p. 366). | 

Pendleton Co-operative Society Record. Gratis. The Society, Pendleton. 

PENGE AND ANERLEY PRESS, 1901 (as Anerley d Penge Press, 1888). Fri. $d. P. B. 
Beddow, Station Road, Anerley. 

ld. W. Turner, Church St., Penistone. 

tPENMAENMAWR & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. W.H. Evans 
& Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

| Advertisements recewed for all the Provincial Newspapers. [137 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

and Bros., Conway. A localised edition of the Colwyn Bay Weekly News. 

Penny Books for the People, 1892 (as Books for the People, 1876). 1d. Occas. Religious 
Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., B.C. 

+PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPER, 1861. Fri.—5.80 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Illustrated News and 
Sketch Lim., 198 Strand, w.c. 

Penny Magazine, 1908 (as New Penny Magazine, 1898). Tues,, for Sat. 1d. M.—25th. 6d. 
Cassell & Co. Lim, La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Penny Pictorial Magazine, 1899. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Amalgamated ee Lim., Carmelite 
House, Carmelite St., E.c. 

Penny Serial Story Book, 1892. Fri. id. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lian 
Court, E.c. 

Penny Stories, 1898. Tues. 1d. E. Streachan Lim., 149 Strand, w.c. 

Penrith Almanac, 1876. Nov. W. Furness, Penrith. 

Penrith Home Evangel, 1882. M. 1d. W. Furness, Penrith. 

+PENRITH OBSERVER, 1860. (c) Tues. id. R. Scott, 5 Devonshire St., Penrith. 
Penrith Ruri-Decanail Magazine, 1894. M.—Ilst. 1d. R. Scott, 5 Devonshire St., Penrith. 
Pentecostal Power. 1892. Quarterly. 14d. Baylis & Son, 32 The Cross, Worcester. 

+PEOPLE, 1881. (c) Sun.; early editions on Fri. & Sat. ld. C. A. Gray, Milford Lane, Strand, 
w.c. (Advé. p. 226.) 

People Almanac. Dec. is. C. A. Gray, Milford Lane, Strand, w.c. 

Peopie’s Advertiser, Sale and Exchange Gazette, Hampstead, Kilburn, Maryie- 
one, and St. Pancras Chronicle, 1898 (see St. Pancras Chronicle, 1900). 

PEOPLE’S ADVOCATE, 1876. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. D. MacAleese, Hill St., Monaghan. 
People’s Almanack, 1857. Nov. 1d., illus. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E.c. 
People’s Friend, 1869. Mon. 1d. Leng & Co.,7 Bank St., Dundee. (London: 186 Fleet St.) 

People's Friend Almanac, 1902 (as Aunt Kate’s Almanac, 1896). Nov. id. J. Leng & Co. 
Bank St., Dundee. 

+PEOPLE’ s JOURNAL, 1858. (l) Sat. 1d. Leng & Co., 7 Bank St., Dundee. (London: 186 
Fleet St.) Localised editions for Aberdeen City, Aberdeen Banff and Kincardine, Dundee, 
Edinburgh, Fife and Kinross, Forfarshire, Glasgow, Inverness, Perthshire, Stirling. 

People’s Monthly, 1202 (as Church Weekly, 1895). M.—I1st. ld. 21 St. Bride St., E.c. 

People’s Penny Stories, 1908 (as Aunt Kate's Penny Stories, 1901). M.—8rd Fri. 1d. 
J. Leng & Co., 7 Bank St., Dundee. 

tPEOPLE’S WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1864. Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norwich Mercury Co, 
45 London St., Norwich. (London: 60 Ludgate Hill.) "One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Periodical, 1896. Irreg. Gratis. H. Frowde, Amen Corner, E.c. 

Periodical Accounts relating to the Missions of the Church of the United 
Brethren, 1790. March, June, Sept., Dec. 4d. Moravian Mission Office, 82 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Peri, 1900. M.—ist. 1d. Welsh Church Press & Printing Co. Lim., Caxton Hall, Lampeter. 
tPerry’s Gazette, 1776. Wed. W. R. Perry Lim., Bush Lane, Cannon St., E.C. 

Personal Rights, 1881 (now Individualist, 1908). 

tPERTHSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1829. (l.u) Mon., Wed., Fri.—8 p.m. 1d. Cowan & Co. Lim., Perth. 

+PERTHSHIRE CONSTITUTIONAL, 1832. (c) Mon. & Wed.—8 p.m. id. T. Hunter, South 
St. John’s Place, Perth. 

+PERTHSHIRE COURIER, 1809. (2) Tues. 1d. C. McSmart, Charterhouse St., Perth. 

PETERBOROUGH ADVERTISER, 1854. (2) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. R. Winfrey, Cumber- 
gate, Peterborough. 

pebeppenous and District Church Monthiy Magazine Advertiser, 1887. lst. 
ld. D. H. Stott, Cross St., Peterborough. 

PETERBOROUGH CITIZEN, 1898. (J) Wed—noon. 4d. R. Winfrey, Cumbergate, 

BOTEN" Diocesan Calendar, 1862. Dec. 1s. map. Clarke & Satchell, 5 Gallowtree Gate, 

"Peter bonsugh Diocesan Magazine, 1889. M. 2d. Clarke & Satchell, 5 Gallowtree Gate,- 

138] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

— — 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

1896. $d. H. Butterfield, North St. , Peterborough. 

+PETERBOROUGH EXPRESS, 1881. Wed. }d. H. Butterfield, North St., Peterborough. 

+PETERBOROUGH STANDARD, 1872. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. H. Butterfield, Cross S$., 
Peterborough. i i ' 

+PETERHEAD SENTINEL, 1856. (ind.) Sat.—a.m. 1d. J. Leatham, 14 St. Andrew St., Peterhead. 

tPetroleum, 1900. Fortnightly. 6d. 61 Cornhill, £.c. 

tPetroleum Review and Mining News, 1908 (as Petroleum Industrial and Technical 
Review, 1899). Sat. 6d. 26 Bevis Marks, E.c. 

Petroleum Worid, 1903. M.—1st. 6d. 43 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 

Pettitt’s Diaries. Sept. Various. C.Straker & Sons Lim., Bishopsgate Avenue, Camomile St., E.c. 

+Pharmaceutical Journal, 1841. Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 4d., illus. Pharmaceutical Society of 
Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c., and 5 Serle St., Lincoln's Inn, w.c. 

Pharmaceutical Society’s Calendar, 1841. Jan. 28. 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c 

Phil May's Annual, 1892. Nov. 1s. W. Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E.c. 

Philanthrophist, 1881. M. 8d. The Philanthropist Press, 30 & 31 Furnival St., r.c. 

Philatelic Almanac, 1899. Dec. 4d.&1s. C.J. Endle & Co., Boscombe. The Year Book of 
Stamp Collecting. (Advt. p, 449.) 

Philatelic Chronicle & Advertiser, 1891. M.—25th. 1d. Philatelic Publishing Co., 
Fentham Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. 

Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, 1891. M.—Ilst. 2d. P. L. Pemberton & Co., 229 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Philatelic Record, 1878. M.—25th. 4d. Philatelic Record Co., 1 Clarence St., Manchester. 

Philatelist’s Almanack, 1881. Dec. 1d. J. W. Palmer, The Rosary, West Hoathly, Sussex. 

Phillips’ Machinery Register, 1874. M.—1st. 6d. C.D. Phillips, Newport, Mon. 

Philosophical Magazine. See London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, &c. 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1801. Irreg. Price varies, illus. 
Dulau & Co., 87 Soho Square, w 

Phonetic Journal (now Pitman’s Phonetic Journal). 

Phonographer & Commercial Students’ Magazine, 1894. M. 8d., illus. Sir Isaac 
Pitman & Sons Lim., 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Phonographic Monthly, 1896. 18th. id. 9 Cumberland St., Gle sgow. 

Phonographic Record of Clinical Teaching, 1894. M.—l1st. 6d. Sir I. Pitman & Sona, 

- 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Photo Bits, 1898. Tues. ld. 7 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Photogram, 1894. M.—25th. 8d. Photogram Lim., 6 Farringdon — EC. 

Photograms of the Year, 1895. Oct. 2s. & 8s. Darbam & Ward Lim., 6 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

Photographic Art Journal, 1901. M.—15th. 2d. E. Shardlow, St. Martin’s, Leicester. 

Photographic Dealer & Optical & Sclentific Trades Journal, 1896. M.—15th. 2d. 
Marshall, Brookes & Chalkley Lim., 15 Harp Alley, Farringdon St., E.C. 

Photographic Dealer's Annual, 1900. March. ls. Marshall, Brookes & Chalkley Lim., 15 Harp 
Alley, Farringdon St., E.c. 

Photographic Journal, including the Transactions of the Royal Photographic 
Society of Great Britain, 1853. M.—last day. 1s. The Royal Photographic Society, 66 
Russell Square, w.c. 

tPhotographic News, 1858. Thurs. 1d. 9 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Photographic Record, 1887. Quarterly. 8d. G. Wheeler & Co., 46 King St. West, Manchester 

Photographic Scraps, 1889. M.—Ilst. Gratis. Ilford Lim., Ilford, £. 

tPhotography, 1888. Thurs.—9 a.m., for Sat. 8d. Iliffe & Sons Lim., 8 St. Bride St., 2.c. 

Phrenological Annual, 1886. Dec. 6d., illus. Ju. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Phrenological Journal & Magazine, 1880. M.—15th. 6d,, illus. L N. Fowler & Co.. 
7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Physical Culture (now Sandow’s Magazine of Physical Culture). 

Physical Review, 1893 (English Edition). M.—Ist. 8s. net. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. 
Martin’s Street, w.c. 

Physical Society Proceedings, 1874. Irreg. 20s. per ann. Taylor & Francis, 74 Red 
Lion Court, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers, [139 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Piano Journal, 1885 (as Pianoforte Dealers’ Gazette), M.—Ist. 6d., illus. W. Rider & Son 
Lim., Manchester House, 164 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Pibroch, 1894. Dec. D. sere & Son, 12 Waterloo St., Glasgow. 

Pick-Me-Up, 1888. Mon. . illus. C. A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 
Pictorial Comedy, 1899. a _a0th. J. Höndarson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lion 
Court, E.c. 

Picture Politics, 1894. M.—15th. 1d., illus. Westminster Gazette Office, Tudor St., E.C, 
Picture Postcard, 1900. M.—lst. 2d. E. W. Richardson, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Cirous, 

Pierrot, 1903. Sat. 2d. Limpus Baker & Co., 88 St. James’ St., W. 
Pig Register. Annually. 2s. Royal Dublin Society, Leinster House, Dublin. 

Pikes Dover Blue Book & Local Directory, 1887. Nov. 18.6d. Robinson Printing Co. Lim, 
Robert St., North Road, Brighton. (London: 1 Lombard Court.) 

+Pilot, 1900. Sat. 8d. 2 Exeter St., Strand, w.c. 

tPINNER GAZETTE, 1895. Fri. for Sat. ld. F.W. Provost, High St., Harrow. A localised 
edition of the Harrow Gazette. 

tPINNER OBSERVER, 1895. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Observer Office, Station Road, Harrow. 
A localised edition of the Harrow Observer. 

Ploneer, 1896. M.—Ilst. Gratis. D. Irving, St. James Hall, Burnley. 

Pioneer of Wisdom, 1889. M. 1d. Mrs. Ann Rogers, 86 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. (Advt. p. 449.) 

Pioneer Review, 1897. Bi-M. 1d. 3 Eagle St., Southampton Row, w.c. 

Pitman’s Musical Library, 1888. Occas. 6d, F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Pitman’s Phonetic Journal, 1842. Sat. 1d. Pitman & Sons, Bath. (London : 1 Amen Corner, E.c.) 

Pitman’s Shorthand & Typewriting Year Book & Diary, 1892. Nov. 18., illus. Pitman & Sons, 
1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Pitman's Shorthand Weekly, 1892. Wed., for Sat. 1d., illus. Pitman & Sons, 1 Amen Corner, £.c. 

Platform, 1900. Thurs. id. 10 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Play Pictorial, 1902. M.—lst. 6d. Greening & Co. Lim., 20 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, 

Piaygoer, 1901. M.—15th. 6d. Greening & Co. Lim., 20 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Playlet, 1901. M. 6d. D. Sydney, 6 Hemley Road, Tooting, s.w. 

Playtime, 1900. M.—25th. 1d. F. L. Ballin, 5 Agar St., Strand, w.c. 

Pluck, 1896. Sat. 1d., illus. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Plumber and Decorator, 1879. M.—lst. 6d. 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

tPLUMSTEAD NEWS, 1895. Tues.—a.m. 4d. 58 Walmer Road, Plumstead. (Advt. p. 449.) 

Plymouth and Western Counties Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette, 1896. Thurs. 1d. 
R. 8. Smith, 7 Allendale Road, Plymouth. 

Plymouth Co-operative Society Record, 1889. M.—2nd Fri. Gratis. Co-operative 
Society, Frankfort St., Plymouth. 

Plymouth Corporation Grammar School Magazine, 1900. 2s. per ann. During term. 
A. M. Jacquet, 18 The Crescent, Plymouth. 

PLYMPTON GAZETTE, 1894. Thurs. 1d. R. 8. Smith, Plympton. 

Pocket Budget, 1908 (as Boys’ Champion Story Paper, 1900). Tues.—1d. J. Henderson & Sons, 
Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Pocket Calculator for the use of Timber Merchants, 1880. Irreg. 4s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Pocket Diary and Guide to the Isle of Man and the English Lake District, 1893. May. Gratis, 
Midland Railway, Derby. 

Pocket Lesson Book, 1874. Jan., April, July, Oct. 6d. per doz. S.S.U.,57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Poet Lore, 1893 (now American Quarterly, 1908). 

— Corner, 1899. Quarterly. 1d. London & General Printing Co. Lim., 3984 Liverpool Road, 

slington, N 

Pogmoor Ananas: 1898. 2d. W.F. Whitehead, 124 Sheffield Road, Barnsley. 

Police and Constabulary Almanac, Official Register and Telegraph Code, 1874. 1s. 8d. 
T. Sowler & Sons Lim., 22 & 24 Cannon St., Manchester. 

Police Chronicle. Sat. 13d. Curtis & Beamish Lim., Hertford St., Coventry. 

Police Gazette (as Hue and Cry, 1790). Tues. & Fri. R. Anderson, C.B., LL.D. (Editor), 
Criminal Investigation Department, Old Scotland Yard, s.w.; Information of offenders, 
deserters, lost or stolen property, ae issued to the ponce only. ) 

140] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. -= [ABC List. 

+Police Review, 1895. Fri. 1d., illus. J. Kempster, 69a Great Queen St., w.c. 

Policeman’s- Pocket Almanac, 1900. 2d. On & Off Duty Office, 1a Adelphi Terrace, Strand, w.c: 

Policy, 1902. M.—1st. 8d. Stone & Cox, 129 Cannon St., E.C. 

tPolicy-Holder, an Insurance Journal, 1888. Wed. 2d. Policy-Holder Journal Co. Lim., 
44 Lloyd St., Manchester. 

Politicai Sclence. Quarterly. 138s. per ann. Ginn & Co., 9 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

POLLOKSHAWS NEWS, 1885. (ind.) Thurs., for Fri. $d. News Publishing Co., 144 King 
St., Pollokshaws, Glasgow. 

Polo and Riding Pony Stud Book, 1894. Annually. 7s.6d. 20 Hanover Square, w 

Polyclinic, 1899. M.—1st. 1s. John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 83-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 

Polyglot Calendar, 1894. Oct. 1s. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1888 (as Home Tidings, 1878). M.—1st Sat. 2d. 809 Regent St., w. 

+PONTEFRACT ADVERTISER, 1854 (with which is incorporated the Pontefract & Castleford 

Weekly Herald, 1900). (w) Sat. 1d. Oswald Holmes, Market Place, Pontefract. Ceased 
from 1859 to 1868. 

+PONTEFRACT & CASTLEFORD EXPRESS, 1880. Sat.—6 am. 1d. T. P. Robinson; 
Corn Market, Pontefract. (Guaranteed circulation, 9,850 copies weekly. Advt.) 

PONTEFRACT & CASTLEFORD WEEKLY HERALD, 1891 (incorporated with the Ponte- 
fract Advertiser). ! 

Pontypool and Eastern Valleys Directory, 1896. Sept. ls. R. H. Johns, 46 Commercial St., 
Newport, Mon. 

tPONTYPOOL FREE PRESS, 1859. Fri.—6 a.m. 1d. H. Hughes, Osborne Road, Pontypool. 

tTPONTYPOOL WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A 
localised edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. i 

PONTYPRIDD & RHONDDA VALLEYS CHRONICLE, 1899 (as Pontypridd Chronicle, 
1881). (2) Fri. ld. Pontypridd Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., T. Davies, Manager, 22 
Taff St., Pontypridd. 

PONTYPRIDD OBSERVER, 1897. Sat. $d. P.S. Phillips, 77 Taff St., Pontypridd. 

tPOOLE GUARDIAN, 1890. Sat. 1d. The Parade, Poole. A localised edition of the Bourne- 
mouth Guardian. 

tPOOLE, PARKSTONE, & EAST DORSET HERALD, 1877 (as Poole & Dorsetshire Herald, 
1846). (ind.) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. W. Mate & Sons Lim., High St., Poole. (London : 
101 Fleet St.) 

Poor Law and District Councils Journal, 1908. M.—Ist. 1d. Poor Law Association of 

`~ Ireland, Dublin. 

Poor, Law Conferences, 1868. May. 12s. P.S. King & Son, Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith Sb., S.W. 

tPoor Law Officers Journal, 1892. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. L. R. Leach, 18 & 19 Whitefriars. 

t., E.C. 

Poor Souls’ Friend and St. Joseph’s Monitor, 1892. M.—1st. 1d. Syon House, Chudleigh. 

Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States, 1867. Sept. 45s. E. Wilson, 11 Royal 
Exchange, E.c. 

Popular Phrenologist, 1896. M.—Ist. 1d. L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, E.C. 

Popular Stories, 1895. Tues. 1d. E. Streachan Lim., 149 Strand, w.c. 

— pine, 1858, (ind.) Fri. 1d. The Porcupine Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 50 Lord 

t., Liverpool. 

tPORTADOWN NEWS, 1859. (u) Fri—5.80 p.m., for Sat. ld. J. Young, M.A., 58 & 54 

Thomas St., Portadown. 

W. Reid, 148 West St., Portadown. 

Portfolio, 1870. Occas. Price varies, illus. Seeley & Co., 88 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Portfolio of Ladies’ Fashions, 1901. Quarterly. 1l. per ann. Pall Mall Fashion Co, ' 
41 & 42 King Street, Covent Garden, w.c. 

Portfolio of the Monumental Brass Society, 1895. June and Dec. 5s. F.W. Short, 
51 Mornington Road, Leytonstone. 

PORT-GLASGOW EXPRESS & OBSERVER, 1875. (Lu) Fri. }d. Wm. Miller, 71 Princes 

. 8t., Port-Glasgow. 

PORTH GAZETTE, 1960. Sat. 4d. P.S. Phillips, Town Hall Buildings, Porth. 

tPORTLAND TELEGRAM, 1855. (i) Fri. 1d. F. Taylor, 7 High St., Portland. One of 
_ the Weymouth Telegram series. 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers and Periodicals. [141 


ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Portmuthian, 1884. During term. 8d. W. H. Barrell, High St., Portsmouth. 

PORTOBELLO ADVERTISER (now Edinburgh Oitizen £ Portobello Advertiser). 

Portsmouth, Southsea, éc., Directory, 1887. Annually. ls. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

PORTSMOUTH TIMES, 1850. (c) Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. Holbrook & Son Lim., 154 Queen St., 
Portsmouth. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill.) 

Positivist Review, 1895. M.—25th. 8d. W. Reeves, 83 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 
Post, 1890. Fortnightly. 1d. W.B. Cheeseman, 49 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Post Magazine Almanack, Insurance Directory, Reference and Year Book, 1840. Jan. 6d., 
1s. ed, & 2s. 6d. T.J. W. Buckley, 9 St. Andrew St., E.C. 

tPost Magazine and insurance Monitor, 1810. Sat.—9 a.m. ld. T. J. W. Buckley, 
9 St. Andrew St., E.C. 

Post Office Bolton Directory,1876. Biennially. 12s. 6d. Tillotson & Son Lim., Mealhouse Lane, 

Post Office Daily List of Sallings, 1808. oe perann. Postal Stores Department, 17-19 
Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Post Office Directory of Carlisle, 1885 (as — Directory of Carlisle, 1877). Triennially. 
~ 28. 6d. General Post Offce, Carlisle. 

Post Office Edinburgh and Leith Directory, 1806. May. 73.6d. 15 St. James’ Square, Edinburgh. 

Post Office Guide, 1878 (as British Postal Guide, 1858). Jim., April, July, Oct. 6d. Postal 
Stores Department, 17-19 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Post Office Guide for Dublin and District, 1898 (as Dublin Post Office Guide, 1868). 
M.—ist. 1d. Controller, G.P.O., Dublin. 

Post Office Guide for Leeds and District, 1863. M.—ist. ld. General Post Office, Leeds. 

Post Office Guide for Liverpool, 1868. M.—1st. 1d. C. & H. Ratcliffe, 4 Rumford St., 

Post A Handbook, 1886. Jan. & July. ld. Postal Stores Depırtmeht, 17-19 Bedford St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Post Office London Directory, 1887. Dec. 32s., map. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Post Office Temperance Pioneer, 1897. M.—ist. ld. General Post Office, E.c. 

— Clerks’ Herald, 1898. M.—6th. id. R.R. Millard, Oakleigh, Humber Road, Wolver- 

Poster and Post-Card Collector, 1908. M.—15th. 6d. P. G. Huardel & Co., 295 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

Postman’s Gazette, 1892. Fortnightly. 1d. Jas. C, Brown, 125 Howard St., Glasgow. 

Postmaster-General’s Annual Report on the Post Office, 1853. Date and price vary. Eyre & 
Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 579.) 

Potter, 1902 (incorporated with the Brick d£: Pottery Trades’ Journal, 1902). 

Potteries Sporting News and Staffordshire Sporting Times, 1882. 2 editions daily. 
2d. W. W. Ascott, Stafford St., Hanley. ‘ 

pote Gazette, 1878. M.—Ist. 7s. 6d. per ann., illus. Scott, Greenwood & Co., 19 Ludgate 
, E.C. 

Pottery Gazette Diary, 1881. Oct. 5s. Scott, Greenwood & Co., 19 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 
Potts’ Mining Register and Directory, 1889. June. 10s. 6d. W. J. Potts, Atlas Works, North Shields. 
¢Poultry, 1888. Fri—8am. ld., illus. R. A. Hogg, 12 Mitre Court Chambers, Fleet St., E.C. 

Poultry Journal, 1889 (as W. Cook's Poultry Journal, 1886). M.—25th. 2d. E. W. Allen, 
4 Ave Maria Lane, E.C. 

Power, 1903 (European Edition). M.—8rd week. 1s. Power Publishing Co. Lim., 6 Bouverie St., E.C. 
Power Laundry, 1908. M.—lst. 4d. Laundry Press Lim., 26-29 Poppin’s Court, Fleet St., E.C. 
Practical Advertising. Annually. 88. 6d. Mather & Crowther, New Bridge St., E.c. 
Practical Art Gallery, 1901. M.—25th. 1s. net. H. Grevel & Co., 88 King St., w.c. 
Practical Confectioner and Baker, 1882. M.—15th. 4d. 180 Fleet St., E.C. 

Practical Electrician’s Pocket Book, 1899. 1s. “ Electricity,” 86 Maiden Lane, Strand, w.c. 

tPractical Engineer, 1887. Fri. 2d. The Technical Publishing Co. Lim., 287 Deansgate, 
Manchester. (London: 29 & 80 Shoe Lane.) 

Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book, 1899. Oct. 1s. & 1s. 6d. Technical Publishing Co. 
Lim., 287 Deansgate, Manchester. (London : 29 & 80 Shoe Lane.) 

142) J, Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide.  [ABCList, 

Practical Engineer Pocket Book and Diary, 1885. Oct. 1s. &1s.6d. Technical Publishing Co. 
Lim., 287 Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 29 & 80 Shoe Lane.) 

Practical Photographer, 1908 (as Practical and Junior Photographer, 1900). M.—1st. 18. 
Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Practical Teacher, 1881. M.—25th. 6d., illus. 85-86 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
Practical Teachers’ Art Monthly, 1898. M.—26th. 2d. 85-86 Paternoster Row, E.c, 
Practitioner, 1868. M.—Ist. 2s. Practitioner Lim., 80 Holborn, E.c. 

Preachers’ Magazine, 1890 (as Local Preachers’ Treasury, 1887). M.—25th, 4d. Wesleyan 
Conference Office, 2 Castle St., City Road, and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Precentor, 1903. M.—15th. 8d. Vocalists’ Co. Lim., 27 & 28 Fetter Lane, E.o. 

Preparatory Schools Review, 1896. Mar., July, and Dec. is. Alden & Co. Lim., 85 Corn 
Market St., Oxford. 

tPresbyterian, 1885. Wed.—8p.m., for Thurs. 1d. T. F. Downie, 14 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

tPRESCOT REPORTER, 1859. (e) Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. id. The St. Helens and Prescot 
Reporter Co. Lim., 2 Eccleston St., Prescot. One ‘of the St. Helens Reporter series. 

Present Century, 1903. M.—ist. 6d. 4 Grocers’ Hall Court, E.c. 
Present Truth, 1884. Thurs. 1d. International Tract Society Lim., 451 Holloway Road, N. 

Pee aN NEWS, 1901. (ind.) Thurs. ld. Polkinghorne « Williams, High St., Rhyl. 
A localised edition of the Rhyl News. 

tTPRESTATYN & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. W.H. Evans & 
Sons Lim., Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

Preston Co-operative Society Record. Gratis. 225 North Road, Preston. 

tPRESTON GUARDIAN, 1844 (with which is incorporated Preston Chronicle). (l) Sat. ld. 
Toulmin & Sons, 127 Fishergate, Preston. 

tPRESTON HERALD, 1855. (c) Wed. & Sat. 1d. Preston Herald P. & P. Co., Herald Office, 

Preston Monthly Circular, 1895: M.—ist. 4d. R.S. Addison, Fulwood, Preston. 

tPRESTWICH AND WHITEFIELD GUARDIAN, 1886. Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. Bagot Lim, 
Market Place, Middleton. A localised edition of the Middleton Guardian. 

+Primitive Methodist, 1868. (Z) Thurs. id. F. H. Hurd, 78 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Primitive Methodist Joyful Tidings, 1892. M.—25th. 1d., illus. R. Bryant, 48-50 Alders- 
gate St., E.c. 

Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1821 (now Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1900). 
Primitive Methodist Missionary Record, 1902. 1d. R. Bryant, 48 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, 1879 (as Christian Ambassador, 1863). Jan., April, 
July, Oct. 2s. R. Bryant, 48-50 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

tPrimitive Methodist World, 1878. Thurs. 1d. H. Marshall & Son., 125 Fleet St., E.C. 
Primrose League Gazette, 1887. (c) M.—Ist. 8d. 64 Victoria St., s.w. 
Princess Noveiette, 1886. Mon.—9.80a.m. 1d.,illus. E.J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding St., E.C. 

Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1888. May. 8s. Wm. 
Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) 

Pririters’ Engineer, 1895. M.—I1st. Gratis. Walker Bros., 81 Bouverie St., E.c. 

Printers’, Lithographers’, Bookbinders’, and Stationers’ Sales and Wante 
Advertiser, 1887. M.—15th. 1d. C.R. Jones, 4 & 5 Stonecutter St., E.c. 

Printers’ Register, 1868 (with which is incorporated Newspaper Press). M.—6th. 2d: & 8d. 
W. L. Field, 62 Fleet St., E.c. ; ; 

Printers’ Year-Book and Diary, 1898. Dec. 8s. 6d. F. W. Bridges, 1839 & 140 Fleet St., B. c. 

Printing World, 1891. M.—last day. 6d. G. W. Jones, St. Bride House, Dean St., Fetter Lane,x.c, 

Printseiler, 1908. M.—8th. 6d. 84 Essex St., Strand, w.c. 

Prize, 1875 (as Children’s Prize, 1864). M.—25th. 1d., illus. Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 
Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Prize Reciter, 1895. M.—20th. 1d. A. W. Hall, 28-82 Hutton St., Fleet St., E c. 
Proceedings & Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society. Librarian, Liyerpool Biological 
Society, Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland, 1851 (N.S. 1878). Dec. Gratis to Fellows only, illus. 
Socijety’s Rooms, National Portrait Gallery Buildings, Queen St., Edinburgh. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Periodicals. [143 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — 

Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 1855. Sept. 2s. 6d. 
Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath. 

Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1876. Annual. 
21s. The Secretary, Norwich Union Chambers, Congreve St., Birmingham. 

Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, 1862. Annually. 2s. 6d. Professor S. H. Rey- 
nolds, University College, Bristol. 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1882. Irreg. C.J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria 
Lane, E.c. | 

Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1843. 8 parts a year. 2s. 6d. 
Philosophical Library, New Museums, Cambridge. 

Proceedings of the Chemical Society, 1868. Irreg. 7s.6d. Gurney & Jackson, 1 Pater- 
noster Row, E.c. 

Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 1875. Dec. Price 
varies—about 10s. Chronicle Office, Dorchester. 

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1878. Aug. 78. 6d. J. Lindsay, 304 
Lawnmarket, Edinburgh. - 

Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 1859. Quarterly. 1s. 6d. E. Stanford, 
12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Proceedings of the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers, 1874. March. 
21s. E. & F.N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. . 

Proceedings of the Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers, 1892. Jan. 21s., illus. E. & F. 
N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1837. Feb., May, Aug., Oct. Gratis 
to members; plates. Great George St., Westminster, 8.w. 

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Quarterly. 5s. The 
Institution, Storey’s Gate, St. James’s Park, s.w. 

Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1878. Annually. 88.6d. Royal Institution, Col- 
quitt St., Liverpool. 

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 1865. April and Sept. Price 
varies; last vol. 20s. F. Hodgson, 89 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 1893. Quarterly. 5s. Dulau & 
Co., 37 Soho Square, w. 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field Club, 1899. Annually. 10s. Hinckcliffe & Co. Lim, 
Tonman St., Deansgate, Manchester. 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field Naturalists’ d} Archeologists’ Society, 1860. April, 18 
illus. 27 Brazennose St., Manchester. i 

Proceedings of the Midland Institute of Mining, 1888. M.—ist. 6s. The Midland 
Institute, Barnsley. | 

Proceedings of the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches, 1896 (now Fre 
Church Year Book). | 

Proceedings of the National Rifle Association, 1860. Jan. 18. National Rifle Association, Bisley 
Camp, Brookwood, Surrey, and Waterlow & Sons, Lim., London Wall, E.C. 

Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution. M.—I1st. 2s. 6d. Dulau & Co., 87 Soho 
Square, w. 

Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, 1868. July 81st. 7s.6d. Northumberland Avenue, W.-C, 

Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate 
14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1851. Irreg. Price varies. 
. „Royal Institution, Albemarle St, We [4 
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate, 
14 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1803. Sept. 10s. 6d. The 
Society, 207 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1800. Irreg. Price varies, illus. Harrison & Sons, 
45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1845. Irreg. Price varies. R. Grant & Bon, 
107 Princes St., Edinburgh. (London: 14 Henrietta St.) 

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1882. Irreg. Price varie 
R. Brimley Johnson, 4 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Inebriety, 1884. Quarterly. 
H. K. Lewis, 186 Gower St., wc. 

144] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List. 

Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archsology, 1878. M.—Ist. Free to members. 
87 Great Russell St. w.c. 

u of the Suffolk Institution of Archeology and Natural History, 1848. Dec. 5s. & 
78. 6d. E. Harrison, Ancient House, Ipswich. 

Proceedings of the Union of South-Eastern Scientific Societies, 1890. Irreg. 2s. Taylor & 
Francis, 74 Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, 1897. Quarterly. 1s. C. H. Kelly, 
2 Castle St., City Road, E.c. 

Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological £: Polytechnic Society, 1840. Aug. 5s. W. L. Carter, 
Hopton, Mirfield. 

Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1838. Feb., May, Aug., Nov., with 
coloured plates, 12s. Longmans & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Process Photogram, 1895. M.—25th. 6d. Dawbarn & Ward, 6 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 

Process Year-Book, 1896 (as Process Work Year-Book, 1895). Dec. 88. 6d. A.W. Penrose & 
Co., 109 Farringdon Road, E.c. 

¢Produce Markets’ Review, 1866. Sat.—10a.m. 2d.; 108. per ann. William Dawson & 
Sons Lim., 121 Cannon St., E.c. 

Professional Notes of the Surveyors’ Institution, 1889. Irreg. 5s. Surveyors’ Institution, 
12 Great George Street, Westminster, 8.w. 

Professional Nurse’s Diary, 1896. Nov. ls. Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., Snow Hill Buildings, £.c. 

Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1887. April. 10s. 6d. Secretary, Royal 
Engineers’ Institute, Chatham. 

Professional Pocket-Book, 1872. Nov. 8s. Rudall, Carte & Co., 283 Berners St., Oxford St., w. 

mE Farm and Garden, 1899. Sat. 1d. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 148 & 149 Alders- 
gate St., E.C. 

Programme, 1908. Mon. 1d. L. Upcott Gill, Bazaar Buildings, Drury Lane, w.c. 
tProgressive Advertising, 1901. M.-—1st. 1s. Record Publishing Co. Lim., 21 Bride Lane, E.c. 
Property, 1901. M.—lst. 1d. The “Property” Press Lim., 102 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Property Gazetteer & Universal Property Register, 1898. M.—ist. 6d. Abbott & 
Nash, 1 Mitre Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

+Property Market Review, 1898. Sat. 1d. 81 St. Bride St., E.c. 

Property Register & General Advertiser, 1889. Irreg. id. Milton Locke & Co, 
8 Commercial St., Newport, Mon. 

Prophetic News and Israel’s Watchman, 1879 (as Israel’s Watchman, 1877). M.—25th. 
1d. 6 Tudor St., E.C. 

Pros and Cons, 1908. M.—1st. 2d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

Protest, 1902, M.—Ist. 6d. The Sign of the Hop Pole, Crockham Hall, Eden Bridge. 

Protestant Alliance, 1897 (with which is incorporated the Monthly Letter, 1858). M.—25th. 
ld. 480 Strand, w.c. 

Protestant Chronicle, 1901. M.—20th. 3d. 14 Buckingham Street, Strand, w.c. 
Protestant Churchman, 1827. Quarterly. 1d. 62 Berners St., w. 

Protestant Echo, 1880. M.—1st. 1d., illus. W. Wileman, 66 & 57 Imperial Buildings, 
Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

Protestant Guide, 1896. Nov. 2s.6d. Imperial Protestant Federation, 3 Palmer St., Queen 
Anne’s Gate, 8.W. 

Protestant Observer, 1888. M.—27th. 1d. J. F. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Protestant Pioneer, 1888. M.—10th. 1d. E. T. Beckett, 16 & 17 Imperial Buildings, 
Ludgate Circus, E.c. 

+tProtestant Standard, 1872. Thurs. for Sat. 1d. G. F. Kirkman, 68 Low Hill, Liverpool. 
Protestant Woman, 1892, M.—sth. 1d. Marshall Bros., Keswick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Provincial Highest and Lowest Prices, 1898. Jan. 2s.6d. F.C. Mathieson & Sons, 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. 

Provincial Homes Journal, 1902. M.—1st. ld. Provincial Homes Investment Co. Lim., 
2 Mount St., Manchester. 

PROVINCIAL NEWS, 1884. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. TT. C. Gwillian, Regent St. » Lydney. 
Provincial Series of Almanacs, 1870. Dec. 1d. T.C. Gwillian, Regent St., Lydney. 

Advertisements recewed for all the Provincial Newspapers. [145 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac (Woolwich), 1864. Dec. 1d. H. Pryce & Son, 33 & 85 Powis St, 

P.S.A. Leader, 1898 (as P.S.A. Gazette, 1898). M.—1st. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., £.c, 

Psycho-Therapeutic Journal, 1901. M.—1st. 6d. London Psycho-Therapeutic Society, 3 
Bayley St., Bedford Square, w.c. 

PUDS Diary of Fixtures, 1900. M.—Ilst. 6d. J. Davy & Sons, Dryden Press, 187 Long 
cre, W.C. 

Publie General Acts, 1887. Cheap edition. Published at the close of the Session. 8s. Eyre & 
Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Pubiic Health, 1888. M.—1st. 1s. Rebman Lim., 129 Shaftesbury Avenue, w.c. 
tPublic Health Engineer, 1897. Sat. 8d. 50 & 52 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 
tPublic Ledger, 1760. Daily—6 a.m. 12s. per quar. E. Wormald, 4 Tower Dock, Tower Hill, £.c. 

Public Ledger Evening Report. Daily (except Sat.)—5.30 p.m. 78. 6d. per quar, E. Wormald, 
4 Tower Dock, Tower Hill, eE.c. 

Public Library Journal, 1897. Quarterly. 1d. W. Lewis, Duke St., Cardiff. 
+Public Opinion, 1861. Fri—8 a.m. 2d. H. J. Drane, 6 Bell’s Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Public Schools Year Book, 1889. Dec. 28. 6d. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 6 White Hart St., 
Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Public Works, 1908. M.—I1st. 1s. 22 Bride Lane, E.C. 

+Publishers’ Circular, 1887. Fri—p.m. 14d. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Lim. St. 
Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

+PUDSEY & STANNINGLEY NEWS, 1872. (ind.) Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 4d. T. Stillings, 
Lowtown, Pudsey. (Has an actual weekly sale 20 times larger than any paper printed in 
Pudsey. Advt.) 

PUDSEY DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 1885 (as Stanningley & District Weehly Advertiser, 
1888), (/) Thurs. 4d. Birdsall & Stowe, Stanningley, Leeds. 

PUDSEY ECHO, 1889. (2) Fri. $d. Pudsey Echo Printing Co. Lim., Manor Honse, Pudsey. 
+PULLEN’S KENT ARGUS, 18738. (ind.) Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. H. E. Boulter, Effingham St., Ramsgate. 
+PULMAN’S WEEKLY NEWS, 1857. Mon.—noon, for Tues. 1d. Gazette Co., Yeovil. 
Pulpud Cymru (Pulpit of Wales), 1897. M.—1st. id. Davies & Evans, Berwyn St., Bala. 

+Punch, 1841. Tues.—4 p.m. for Wed. 8d., illus. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Lim.,10 Bouverie St, 
E.c. (Humorous and satirical. Advt.) 
Punch Almanac, 1841. Nov. 6d. Bradbury, Agnew & Co. Lim., 10 Bouverie St., E.c. 
Pupil Teacher & Scholarship Student, 1895. M.--20th. 4d. Bennion, Horne, Smaliman 
& Co. Lim., Newport, Salop. (London: Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c.) 
Purdon’s Irish Farmer's and Gardener's Almanac, 1892. Jan. ls. Farmers’ Gazette 
Offce, 23 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin. 

Puritan, 1908. Quarterly. 6d. W.G. Wheeler, 17 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

PURLEY, CATERHAM AND OXTED GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. jd. Andress & Co, 
4 London Road, West Croydon. 

PUTNEY AND WANDSWORTH BOROUGH NEWS, 1885 (as Putney and South-Western 
Chronicle, 1884; now Wandsworth Borough News). 

PUTNEY OBSERVER, 1887. (c) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Jos. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith 
Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. A localised edition of the Wandsworth Observer. 

Pyrenean, iberian, and Algerian, 1881. Fortnightly, Winter; Monthly, Summer. 2d. 
Hatton House, Charles St., E.C. 

Quarry. M.—ist. 6d. Colliery Guardian Co. Lim., 80 & 31 Furnival St., E.C. 

Quarterly Irish Land Reports, 1896. 6s. John Falconer, 58 Upper Sackville 8t., Dublin. 

Quarterly Jottings from the New Hebrides, 1893. Gratis. A. K. Langridge, Aniws, 
Westcliffe, Southend-on-Sea. 

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1862. Irreg. 10s. plates. J. &. A. 
Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1848, Irreg. 5s. Longmans 
& Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 1845. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 5s. Longmans 
& Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. . 

146] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1872. Jan., April, July, Oct., 
5s„ illus. E. Stanford, 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

Quarterly Leafiet of the Woman’s National Liberal Association, 1895. id. 138 
Palace Chambers; 9 Bridge St., Westminster, s.w. 

Quarterly Letters to Men on Public Works, 1879. 1d. Petty & Sons Lim., Whitehall 
Printers, Leeds. 
Quarterly Medical Index, 1900. 2s.6d. Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., Snow Hill Buildings, E c. 
Quarterly Record of the Royal Botanic Society of London and Journal of the 
Royal Botanic Gardens Club, 1880. 6d. Royal Botanic Society, Regent’s Park, n.w. 
Quarteriy Record of the Zenana Mission, 1887 (now Woman's Missionary Magazine of 
the United Free Church). 

Quarteriy Reporter ofthe German Baptist Mission, 1858. Jan., April, July, Oct. 2d. 
4 Southampton Row, E.c. 

Quarterly Return of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1839. Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 9d. 
Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Quarterly Review, 1806. Jan., April, July, Oot. 6s. J. Murray, 50a Albemarle St., w. 

Quarterly Weather Report, 1884. Price varies. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., £.c. 
(Advt. p. 879.) 

tQUEEN, 1861. Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. 6d., illus. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

QUEENBOROUGH GUARDIAN, 1901. Sat. 1d. Rigg, Allen & Co. 7 High St., Blue Town, 
Sheerness. Localised edition of the Sheerness Guardian. 

Queensland Post Office Directory (Wise’s). Annually. 47s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. 

“Queen’s Own” Gazette, 1875. M.—Ist. 2d. The Editor, Royal West Kent Regiment, The 
Barracks, Maidstone. . 

Queen’s Rifle Volunteer Brigade Royal Scots Chronicle,1902. M.—1st. 8d. R.& R. 
Clarke Lim., Brandon St., Edinburgh. 

Quiggin’s Isle of Man Almanack, 1824. Aug. 6d. & 1s. Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall, Court, E.c, 

Quiver, 1861. M.—25th. 6d., illus. Yearly vol., 7s. 6d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, 
Ludgate Hill, £.c, 

Race Builders, 1908. M.—26th. 2d. F. Cutcliffe, Race Builder, Oxford. 

Racehorse, 1901. Tues. & Sat. 1d. Racehorse Co. Lim., 178 Fleet Street, E.c. 

Racehorse Form, 1903. M.—1st. 6d. Racehorse Co. Lim., 173 Fleet St., E.C. 

Racing Analysis, 1881. M., during season. 9d. & 1s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall 
Court, E.c. 

tRacing Calendar, 1778. Thurs. 25s. per ann. Weatherby & Son, 6 Old Burlington St., w. 
Monthly parts (Races Past), April to Oct., first two, 18.; next two, 1s. 6d.; last three, 2s. each. 
Yearly Volumes : Races to Come, Feb., 10s. Races Past, Dec., 108. Steeple Chases Past, Jan., Ts. 

Racing Gazette, 1884. Mon. 1s. 11 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.c. 

Racing Handbook, 1900. 6d. Sportsman Office, 189 Fleet St., £.c. 

Racing Illustrated, 1894. See Country Life Illustrated. 

Racing Pigeon, 1898. Wed. & Sat. 1d. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Racing Up-to-Date, 1897. Mon. 6d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, Manchester. 
(London: 92 Fleet St.) 

tRacing World (with which is incorporated Racing Times & Newmarket Sportsman), 1886. 
Fri., for Sat., 1d.; Special edition, Mon. 1d. 61 Fleet St., E.c. 

Radcliffe and Pilkington Co-operative Society Record, 1860. Quarterly. Gratis. Co- 
operative Society, Sion St., Radcliffe. 

ld. 7 Toad St., Radcliffe. 

Radleian, 1866. M. 6d. Radley College, near Abingdon. 

+RADNOR EXPRESS, 1889. (1) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. E. Owen, Express Buildings, Brecon. 

Central Wales News, dc., 1908). 

Railway Almanack, 1865. Dec. 6d. McCorquodale & Co. Lim., 43 Cardington St., N.w. 

Railway and Commercial Gazetteer of England, Scotland, & Wales, 1863. Biennial. 8s. 64. 
McCorquodale & Co. Lim., 48 Cardington St., N.W. 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. _ et 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Railway and Commercial Journal (now Herapath’s). 

tRailway & Shipping Contractor, 1885. Thurs.—10 a.m. 6d. 18 Victoria St., s.w., and 
48 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Railway and Shipping Journal, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. Railway & Shipping Journal Publishing 
Co., 17 Granville Chambers, Cherry St., Birmingham. 

Railway Carriage and Wagon Review, 1902. Weekly. 2d. Locomotive Publishing Co. 

Lim., 8 Adam St., E.C. 
Railway Club Journal, 1902. M.—ist. 1d. G. W. J. Potter, Railway Club, Bedford Road, 

South Woodford. 

Railway Diary & Officials’ Directory, 1875. Dec. 1s. McCorquodale & Co. Lim., 43 Cardington 
St., N.W. 

Railway Engineer, 1880. M.—1st. 1s., illus. 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.c. 

+Railway Herald, 1887. Thurs—9a.m. 1d. & 2d. 80 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Railway Magazine, 1897. M.—lIst. 6d., illus. 80 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

+Railway News, 1864 (with which is incorporated the Railway Record, 1844). Sat. 6d. The 
Boswell Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 8 Whitefriars St., E.c. (Advt. p. 441.) 

Railway Official Gazette, 1882 (as Railway Fly-Sheet,1870). M.—15th. 1d. McCorquodale 
& Co. Lim., 43 Cardington St., N.w. 

Railway Record, 1884 (incorporated with the Railway News). 

+Rallway Review, 1880. Fri. 1d. King’s Cross Publishing Co, Lim., 251 Gray’s Inn Road, w.c. 

Raliway Service Journal, 1908 (as Nottingham Railway Journal). M.—15th. 1d. Great 
Freeman St. Works, Nottingham. 

Rallway Signal, 1882 (with which is incorporated Railway Chariot). M.—26th. 1d., illus. 
Yearly vol., 2s. 6d. 1 Adam St., Strand, w.c. 

Railway Signal Sheet Almanac, 1884. Dec. ld. 1 Adam St., Strand, w.c. 

+Railway Times, 1887. Sat.—3 a.m. 6d. L. Bridgland, 88-90 Chancery Lane, w.c. (Advt. 
p. 441.) | 

Railway World (now Tramway and Railway World). 

‘Railway Year-Book, 1898. March. 1s. Railway Publishing Co., 80 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

+RAMSBOTTOM OBSERVER, 1890. (J) Fri—a.m. J.J. Riley, Market Place, Ramsbottom. 
One of the Rossendale Free Press series. 

+RAMSEY COURIER, 1884. Fri.,1d.; Tues., d. A. H. Teare, 19 Parliament St., Ramsey, 
Isle of Man. 

RAMSEY WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. Wed. $d. S. W. Lynn, Parliament St., Ramsey, I. of M. 

Raphael's Prophetic Almanac, 1819. About Sept. 6d. (with Ephemeris, 18.), illus. W. Foulsham, 
4 Pilgrim St., E.C. 

Rapid Review, 1904. M.—12th. 6d. C. A. Pearson, Lim., 17 Henrietta St., E.C. 

Ratcliffian, 1887. Onceaterm. 1s. The Secretary, Ratcliffe College, Leicester. 

+RATHMINES NEWS AND DUBLIN LANTERN, 1895. Sat. ld. P. E. Tayler, 74 Rath- 
mines Road, Rathmines. 

Rational Journal, 1894. Quarterly. 1d. The Secretary, Rational Friendly Society, Rational 
Buildings, Bridge St., Manchester. 

& Co. Lim., 8 Effingham St., Rotherham. 

+RAWTENSTALL TIMES, 1883. (2) Sat.—5 a.m., 1d. Bacup Times Lim., 2 Lee St., Bacup. 
A localised edition of the Bacup Times. 

Reader's Index, 1899. Bi-monthly. 1d. Chief Librarian, Public Libraries, Town Hall, Croydon. 
Boan ng ana District Directory, 1878. Jan. 1s. 6d. & 2s. 6d. G. R. Smith, 58 King’s Road, 
Reading College Calendar, 1892. Sept. 1s. W.C. Long, London St., Reading. - 
Reading College Official Gazette, 1901 (now University College, Reading, Official Gazette). 
Reading Co-operative Society Record. M.—l1st. Gratis. Co-operative Society, Caversham 
Road, Reading. 
Reading Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

morn. 10 pages. 2d. F. & H. Cowslade, Market Place, Reading. (Advé. p. 441.) 

TREADING OBSERVER, 1860. (i) Sat.,1d. Thurs. 4d. Sat. evening Football edition, 4d. 
Charles Slaughter & Son, Blagrave Street, Reading. (Advt. p. 449.) 

145] J.-Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

tREADING STANDARD, 1885. (!) Tues.—p.m., for Wed.; Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. V. 
Rivers, 18 & 15 Valpy St., Reading. 

Reaper, 1881. M. 1st. ld. J. Anderson, 64 Bothwell St., Glasgow; J. Menzies & Co., Glasgow. 
(London: Marshall Brothers.) (Organ of the Scottish County Christian Unions. Glasgow 
— Evangelistic Association. Bible Training Institute. Southern Morocco Mission. 

Rechabite & Temperance Magazine, 1840. M—lIlst. 1d.,illus. R.Campbell, 26 Bury New 

; Road, Manchester. (London: J. Heywood.) 

Rechabite Directory, 1885. July. 2s. Independent Order of Rechabites, 26 Bury New Road, 

‘Record, 1828. (le) Fri—4a.m. 8d. W. Gordon, 1 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

RECORD (Watford), 1897. Sat. $d. T.C. Warren, Watford. 

TRECORD & ADVERTISER, 1902 (as Rhyl Record d Advertiser, 1856). Sat. id. Amo 
Bros., 18 Sussex St., Rhyl. 

Record of Technical & Secondary Education, 1892. Quarterly. 2s. 6d., illus. Macmillan 
& Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Record of Transactions of the Institution of Junior Engineers, 1896 (as Junior Engineering 
Society, 1884). March. 108. 6d. 389 Victoria St., s.w. 

Records of Buckinghamshire, with the Proceedings of the Bucks Architectural and Archæo- 
logical Society, 1854. Dec. 5s. G.T. De Fraine, Bucks Herald, Aylesbury. 

Red Guide to Irish Railways, 1886. M. 2d. Alex Thom & Co. Lim., 87 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Red Letter, 1899. Tues. ld. W. & D.C. Thomson, 109 Fleet St., E.C. 

Red Letter Calendar. Nov. 1s. T. De La Rue & Co., Lim., Bunhill Row, E.c. 

Red Letter Kalendar, 1901. Oct. 1s. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 34 Great Castle St., w. 

REDCAR & SALTBURN NEWS, 1870. Sat. 1d. G. Hood, 80 High St., Redcar. 

Redditch & District Directory, 1900. June. 1s. & 1s. 6d. Beaumont & Co., 66 Baker St., Birmingham. 

men INDICATOR, 1859. Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 1d. The Redditch Indicator Co. Lim., 

Redland Park Recorder, 1901. M—lI1st. 1d. G, H. Wicks, 21 Westfield Park, Redland, Bristol. 

Redhill & Reigate Directory, 1890. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
olborn, W.C. 

Reed's Tide Tables and Nautical Almanac, 1848. Nov. 6d. Reed & Co., 184 High St. West 

Reeves’ Musical Directory, 1879. Jan. 2s. & 88. 6d. W. Reeves, 83 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

+Referee, 1877. Sun. ld. Richard Butler, Victoria House, Tudor St., nn S.E. 
(Office for Advts.: Willing’s, 125 Strand, w.c.) (Advé. p. xi.) 

Reference Catalogue of Ourrent Literature, 1874. Once in four years. 188. net. J. “Whitaker & 

Sons, Lim., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness, 1864. M. 8d. W. Asher, 128 Renfield St., Glasgow. 

Reformer, 1897. M.—l5th. 6d. A. & H. B. Bonner, 1 & 2 Took’s Court, Chancery Lane, E.c. | 

Reformers’ Year Book, 1901 (as Labour Annual, 1895). Dec. 1s. & 2s. Echo Office, 19 St. 
Bride St., B.C. 

Refrigerating Engineer, 1902. M.—15th. 8d. 120 Fleet St., E.C. 

Regiment, 1896. Sat. 1d. 7-15 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

Regions Beyond, 1878. M. 2d., illus. H.G. Guinness, 58 Bow Road, Bow, £.; and Partridge 
& Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Register of Patent Agents, 1892. Feb. 1s. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, Staple Inn 
Buildings, w.c. 

Register of Veterinary Surgeons, 1887. March. 2s. 6d. Bailliére, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St. , W.C. 

Registers of Pharmaceutical Chemists and — 1852. Jan. 5s. The Pharmaceutical 

~ “ Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 17 Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Reid’s Darlington Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1868. M.—ist. 1d. Andrew Reid 
& Co. Lim., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Durham Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1898., M.—1st. 1d. Andrew Reid & 
Co. Lim., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. i 

Reids London Entertainment Guide, 1888. M—ist. Id. Geo, Tucker, 1, 3 & 3 

Salisbury Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Reid’s Nautical Almanac, 1880. Dec. 6d. Andrew- Reid & Co, Lim, Akenside Hill, Newcastle- 


Advertisements — for the Yorkshire Newspapers. [149 
L 2 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Reid’s Railway Guide & North-East Coast Time Tables, 1849. M.—1st. 2d. A. Reid 
& Co. Lim., Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reild’s Shields Diary, Railway and Post Guide, 1899. M.—1st. 1d. Andrew Reid & Co. 
Lim., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Sunderland Diary, 1892. M.—1st. 1d. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reid’s Tyneside Calendar, 1902. Dec. 8d. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Reliquary & illustrated Archeeologist, 1895 (as Reliquary, 1860). Jan., April, July, Oct. 

~ 28. 6d., illus. Bemrose & Sons Lim., 4 Snow Hill, e.c. 

RENFREWSHIRE INDEPENDENT (incorporated with the Paisley dc. Gazette). 

Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1862. Nov. Price varies. 
W. Brendon & Son, West Hoe, Plymouth. 

Report and Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science and Local Research, 1895. 
June. 2s. Bichard’s Printing and Publishing Co., Bordage St., Guernsey. 

Report of Baillies Institution Free Reference Library, Glasgow, 1868. May. Gratis. The 
Librarian, The Institution, Glasgow. 

Report of Fashions, 1820. Feb. & Aug. 10s.6d. Minister & Co. Lim., 46 Great Marlborough St., w. 
Report of the Architectural Association of Ireland, 1897 (now Green Book, éc.). 

Report of the Board of Education. Annually. Price varies. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Report of the Director of the Liverpool Observatory, 1894. May. ls. The Liverpool 
Observatory, Bidston, Birkenhead. i y rpoo 

Report of the Inspectors on Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Ireland, 1868. June. 64d. 
Hodges, Figgis & Co. Lim., 104 Grafton 8t., Dublin. 

Report of the Proceedings of the General Synod of the Reformed Church of England, 1908. 
85 Trinity Road, Upper Tooting, s.w.. 

Report of the Society of Women Journalists, 1904. Gratis. Society of Women Journalists, 
Granville House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 
Report on the Schemes of the Church of Scotland, 1880. July. 1s. W. Blackwood & Sons, 
45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) : 
1884). Sat. 1d. P. Hampson, Frederick Road, Pendleton. 

Reporters’ Journal, 1875 (with which is incorporated Shorthand Magazine, 1902). M.—25th. 
4d., illus. I. Pitman & Sons, 1 Amen Corner, E.C. 

Reporters’ Magazine, 1880. M.—25th. 4d. Pitman & Sons, 1 Amen Corner, E.c. 

Reports and Proceedings of the Belfast History and Philosophical Society, 1871. Nov. 
2s. R. M. Young, Museum College Square. North Belfast. 

Reports and Transactions of the East Kent Scientific and Natural History Society, 1901. The 
Secretary, High St., Canterbury. 

Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, 1888. Irreg. 6d. H.M. Patent 
Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, w.c. 

Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1881. Feb. 24s. John 
Murray, 50 Albemarle St., w. 

Reports of the Proceedings of the Associations of Gas Engineers & Managers of the United 
Kingdom, 1883 (see Gas Associations of the United Kingdom, Report and Proceedings of). 

Reports of the Sanitary Assurance Association, 1881. Feb. Price varies from 2/. 2s. 5 Argyll Place, w 

Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in Childhood, 1901. Dec. 12s. 6d. J. & A. 
Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 

Reptonian, 1866. Duringterm. 6d. A.J. Lawrence, The Cross, Repton, Burton-on-Trent. 

Rest and Reaping, 1886. M.—25th. ld. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. | 


Retailers’ Record, 1903. M.—I1st. 6d. Record Co. Lim.; 21 Bride Lane, E.c. 

SRETFORD AND GAINSBOROUGH TIMES, 1869. (c) Fri—am. 1d. A. D. Dunbar, 
Market Place, Retford. 

(1) Tues. 1d. R. Ainger, 8 Exchange St., Retford. . 
Tues.—5 p.m., 4d.; Fri.—i a.m.,1d. C. Caldicott, Market Place, Gainsborough. 
Reuter's Journal, 1890. Daily. 6d. Reuters legram Co. Lim, 9 Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 
tReview, 1869. Wed.—2 p.m. 6d. 561 Mansion House Chambers, 20 Bucklersbury, £.c. a | 
Review of Reviews, 1890. M.—15th. 6d. Mowbray House, Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

150) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Review of Reviews Annual, 1891. 1s. Mowbray House, Norfolk St., Strand, w.c. 

tREYNOLDS’S NEWSPAPER, 1850. (dem.) Sun.—8 a.m.; early editions on Thurs.— 
6.30 p.m., Fri., and Sat.—8 a.m. 1d. J. Dicks, Effingham House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c, 

(Advt. p. 417.) 

tRHONDDA LEADER, 1899. (l) Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. Rhondda Leader Lim., 15 De. 
Winton St., Tonypandy. 

Mills & Sons, Hall St., Rhos, Ruabon. . 

tRHUDDLAN NEWS, 1901. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. Polkinghorne & Williams, High St., Rhyl. 
A localised edition of the Rhyl News. 

+RHYL & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. W.H. Evans & Son Lim 
Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast Pioneer. 

RHYL GAZETTE, 1900 (incorporated with the Rhyl News, 1901). 

tRHYL GUARDIAN, 1878. (c) Sat. 1d. North Wales Guardian Office, Argyle St. Wrexham 
A localised edition of the North Wales Guardian. . 

Rhyl Handbook Almanac, £c., 1890. Jan. 1d. Rhyl Journal, Russell Road, Rhyl. 

TRHYL JOURNAL, 1866. (c) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. Pearce & Jones, Russell Road, Rhyl 
(Advt. p. 449.) 

tRHYL NEWS, 1901 (with which is incorporated the Rhyl Gazette, 1900. (ind.) Thurs. 1d. 
Polkinghorne & Williams, High St., Rhyl. 

RHYL RECORD AND ADVERTISER, 1856 (now Record d: Advertiser, 1902). 

tRialto, 1889. Wed.—8 a.m. ld. White House, Telegraph St., E.c. (Advt. p. 428.) 

tRICHMOND & TWICKENHAM TIMES, 1878. Sat. 1d. 'F. W. Dimbleby, 14 King St. 
Richmond, Surrey. | 

Richmond and Twickenham Times Almanack, 1876: Dec. 1d., illus. F. W.Dimbleby, 14 King 
8t., Richmond, Surrey. 

Richmond District Directory, 1865. Jan. 6d. & 1s8., illus. F. W. Dimbleby, 14 King St. 
Richmond, Surrey. 

Fri., for Sat. ld. J. Carlill Savill, Market Place, Northallerton. One of the North Riding 
dc. News series. 

tRICHMOND HERALD, 1899 (as Herald, 1895, and as Richmond Herald, 1835). Sat. 1d. 
R. W. Simpson & Co. Lim., 70 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

RICHMOND NEWS, 1902. Fri. $d. 8 Arcade, Richmond, Surrey. 

Richmond, Kew, Twickenham, Teddington, Mortlake, and Sheen Directory, 1885. Annually.. 
ls. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

RICKMANSWORTH NEWS, 1894. Tues., for Wed. 4d. C. H. Peacock, 101 High St. 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit Handbook, 1888. Jan. Gratis. 27 Crutched Friars, £.c. — 

Ridley’s Wine & Spirit Trade Circular, 1848. M.—12th. 42s. per annum. Ridley & Co, 
37 Crutched Friars, E.c. 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle, 1890. May. 108. 6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 83-89 Great 
Titchfield St., w. 

Rimmel’s Almanacs, 1851. Sept. 6d., illus. E. Rimmel Lim., 79 Strand, w.c. 

tRINGWOOD & NEW FOREST CHRONICLE, 1856. (ind) Wed.—4 p.m., for Thurs. 1d. 
W. Mate & Sons Lim., 62 Commercial Road, Bournemouth. (London: 101 Fleet St.) A 
localised edition of the Lymington £c. Chronicle. 

TRIPLEY ADVERTISER, 1864. (1) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. Jd. Rowland Bros., 1 Church St., 
Ripley, Derby. 

TRIPLEY AND HEANOR NEWS, 1890 (as Ripley News, 1889). (c) Fri—9am. dd. G.C. 
Brittain, Church St., Ripley, Derby. 

Ripon Diocesan Calendar, Clergy List, and Church Almanack, 1862. Jan. 18. Ward & Co., 
Church 8t., Dewsbury. 

Ripon Diocesan Gazette, 1590. M.—1st. 2d. W. Parr, High St., Knaresborough. 

+tRIPON GAZETTE, 1866. (2?) Thurs. & Sat. ld. R. Ackrill, Montpelier Parade, Harrogate. 

TRIPON OBSERVER, 1885. Wed. & Thurs.—6a.m. 1d. J. Annard, The Firs, Ripon. (London: . 
54a Fleet St.) 

RISHTON NEWS & DISTRICT HERALD, 1900. See Great Harwood and Rishton News. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers.  [151, 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

t+RISHTON OBSERVER, 1892. (2) Tues., $d.; Sat., 1d. R. T. Crossley, Edgar St., Accrington. 
A localised edition ofthe Accrington Observer. (Adut. p. 444.) 

River and Coast, 1895. Sat.—during summer. A. E. Harvey, 4 Pemberton Row, 
Gough Square, E.c. 

R.M.A. Magazine, 1900. Quarterly. 1s. The Editor, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 
Road, 1891. M.—1st. 6d. W. P. Bettany, 17 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Road Coach Album, 1897. June. 1s. W. P. Bettany, 17 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Road Ooach Guide, 1894. June. 1s. “‘W. P. Bettany, 17 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Road Coaching Programme, 1891. May. 6d. W. P. Bettany, 17 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Roads of England and Wales, 1889. Triennially. 5s. G. Gill & Sons, 18 Warwick Lane, E.c. 
Robinson's Birkenhead Street Directory, 1878. Dec. 2d. H. C. Robinson, 88 Conway St., Birkenhead. 

Robinson's Directory for Barnsley, 1902. Biennially. 5s. J. & D. Robinson Lim., 48 Wellington 
St., Leeds. 

Robinson's Directory for Otley, 1901. Triennially. 83. 6d. J. & D. Robinson Lim., 48 Wellington 
St., Leeds. l 

Robinson's Harrogate, Knaresboro’, Ripon, £c., Directory, 1900. Dec. 88.6d. J. & D. Robinson 
Lim., 48 Wellington St., Leeds. 

ROCHDALE ADVERTISER, 1902. Fri. $d. 2 South Parade, Rochdale. 

tROCHDALE OBSERVER, 1856. (1) Wed.—5 a.m., ġd.; Sat.—5 a.m., ld. W. Scott, Drake 
St., Rochdale. 

+ROCHDALE TIMES, 1858. (c n) Wed.—4.80 a.m., $d.; Sat.—4.80 a.m., 1d. T J. Hardy, 
48 Yorkshire St., Rochdale.. i 

{ROCHESTER & CHATHAM JOURNAL, 1854. (n) Fri., for Sat. 1d. C.S Hope, 
St. Margaret’s Bank, Rochester. 

12 noon. hd. Parrett & Neves, 114 High St., Rochester. 

Rochester, Chatham, and Strood Directory, 1890. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

Rochester Diocesan Chronicle, 1892. M. — 24th. 2d. F. Sherlock, 80 & 81 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Rochester Diocesan Directory, 1880. Jan. 1s. 6d. net. Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. . 

+ROCK, 1868. Fri. 1d. C. Hornsby, 12 St. Bride St., E.c. 
Rocks and Shoals, 1902. Thurs. 1d, R.J. James,8 & 4London House Yard, Paternoster — E.C. 
Rod & Gun (amalgamated with Country Sport). 

Roll of the Union of Graduates in Music, and Kalendar, 1898. Dec. 2s.6d. Musical News Offices, 
130 Fleet St., E.c. 

Roller Mill Manual, 1899. 4s. 6d. Donaldson & Owens, 8 Albert Buildings, Liverpool. 
Romance, 1896. Mon. 1d. Aldine Publishing Co. Lim., 1,2 & 8 Crown Court, Chancery Lane, E.C. 
ROMFORD EXPRESS, 1894. Fri. 4d. Horsley Bros., North St., Romford. 

ROMFORD RECORDER, 1899. (ind.) Fri. 1d. South Essex Recorders Lim., Bridge House, 
Romford. One of the Ilford Recorder series. 

ROMSEY ADVERTISER, 1857. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Holmes & Sons, Romsey and Andover. A 
localised edition of the Andover Advertiser. 

Rosarian’s Year-Book, 1871. Jan. 1s. Bemrose & Sons Lim., 4 Snow Hill, z.c. 

Rosary, 1869. M.—Il1st. 1d. S. Walker, 86 Castle St., Hinckley, Leicester. 
tROSCOMMON HERALD, 1859. (nat.) Sat.—a.m. ld. Jasper Tully, Main St., Boyle. 
tROSCOMMON JOURNAL, 1827. Sat. 1d. W. Tully, Main St., Roscommon. 
+ROSCOMMON MESSENGER, 1848. (ind. nat.) Fri. ld. J.M. Hayden, Roscommon. 
Rosebud, 1881. M.—25th. 8d.,illus. James Clarke & Co., 18 & 14 Fleet St., E.C. 

+ROSS GAZETTE, 1867 (with which is incorporated the Man of Ross). Thurs. 1d. Stratford 
& Trotter, High St., Ross. 

Ross’s Parliamentary Record, 1861. Aug. 21s. per vol. Chas. Good & Co., 11 Burleigh St., 
-| Strand, w.c. l 

ROSSENDALE DIVISION GAZETTE, 1890 (as Bacup and Rossendale News, 1862; incor- 
porated with Haslingden Gazette). 

+ROSSENDALE ECHO, 1896. (l) Wed. 4d. J.J. Riley, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall. 


152] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. | [ABC List. 

tROSSENDALE EXPRESS, 1894. (1) Wed.—5 a.m. $d. Bacup Times Lim., 2 Lee St., Bacup. 

TROSSENDALE FREE PRESS, 1885 (as Rawtenstall Free Press, 1888). (1) Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. 
J.J. Riley, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall. 

tROSS-SHIRE JOURNAL, 1875. (l.u) Fri. 1d. Ross-shire Printing Co. Lim., Dingwall. 

Rostrum, 1908. Sat. 6d. C. Hooper & Co. Lim., Alderman’s House, Bishopsgate, E.c. 

tROTHERHAM ADVERTISER, 1885 (as Rotherham d: Masbro’ Advertiser, 1858). @ Sat.— 
lam. 1d. H. Garnett & Co. Lim., 8 & 10 Effingham St., Rotherham. 

tROTHERHAM EXPRESS, 1895. Sat. 1d. Main St., Rotherham. 

BOTNESAY CHRONICLE, 1859. (c) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Harvey & Co., Watergate, 


ROTHESAY EXPRESS, 1877. Wed. & Sat. $d. M. Mackenzie, 11 Montague St., Rothesay. 

tTROTHWELL TIMES, 1878. Fri.—4 p.m. 1d., illus. Armitage & Rawling, Commercial St, 
Rothwell, Leeds. 

Round the Churches, 1899. M.—15th. 1d. Jas. Star, 16 Wallgate, Wigan. 

Round World, 1900 (as Children’s World, 1891). M.—25th. 4d., illus. Church Missionary 
Society, Salisbury Square, E.c. 

Rowing Almanack, 1861. Feb. 1s. H. Cox, Bream’s Buildings, E.c. 

Roxeth Magazine, 1890. M.—lst. ld. F.W. Provost, High St., Harrow. 

Royal Belfast Town and Country Almanac, 1882. Oct. 1d. Orr & Sons, 181 Renfield St., Glasgow. 

Royal Blue Book and Parliamentary Guide, 1822. Jan. & May. 5s. Kelly’s Direc- 
tories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Royal College of Science Magazine & Journal of the Roya Schooi of Mines, 1890 
(as Seience School Journal, 1886). M.—25th. 6d. Students’ Union, Royal College of Science, 
South Kensington, s.w. 

ROYAL CORNWALL GAZETTE, 1801. (c) Thurs. 1d. T. Whitford, Quay St., Truro. 
Royal Cruising Club Journal, 1888. Annually. Subs. H. Stuart Moore, Esq., 6 King’s Bench 
Walk, Temple, E.c. 
Royal Engineers’ Journal, 1870. M.—1st. 9d. The Secretary, Royal Engineers’ Institute, 


Royal Irish Constabulary List and Directory. Twice a year, 2s. 6d. J. Maunsell, 
18 North Great George’s St., Dublin. 

Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, 1857. Irreg. 5s. J & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
Marlborough St., w. 

Royal Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. 4d. C.A. Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., E.c. 

Royal National Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1827. Irreg. 40s. Kelly's Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Royal National Commercial Directory of Scotland, 1821. Every four years. 60s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. . 

Royal National Directory of Ireland, 1895. 40s. Slater’s Directory Lim., 87 Brown $t., 
Manchester. | 

Royal National Directory of Scotland, 1900. 650s. Slater’s Directory Lim., 87 Brown St., 

` Manchester. 

Royal Navy List, 1878. Jan., April, July, Oct. 7s. 6d. Witherby & Co., 826 High Holborn, w.c. 

Royal Route to the Highlands, 1884. M.—during season. 1d. D. Bryce & Son, 138 West 

_ Campbell St., Glasgow. | 
Royal ‘Thames Guide, 1899. Annually. 1s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Royal University of Ireland Calendar, 1881. April. 2s. 6d.; supplement, 2s. 6d. Alex. 
Thom & Co., Lim., 87 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 

Royalist, 1890. Quarterly. Is. 50 Lansdowne Road, Kensington Park, w. 
ROYSTON CROW, 1855 (now Herts & Cambs Reporter). 

tROYSTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. (ind.) Fri.—10 am. 1d. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrew’s St., 
Cambridge. A localised edition of the Cambs Weekly News. 

Ruffs Guide to the Turf, 1842. March Dec. 7s. 6d. Ashley & Smith Lim., 189 & 140 
Fleet St., E.c. 
tTRUGBY ADVERTISER, 1846. (ind.) Tues.—8 p.m., }d.; Fri. —10 a.m. for Sat., 1d. Advertiser 
. Co. Lim., 1 Albert St., Rugby. 

+RUGBY NEWS & DISTRICT OBSERVER, 1898. Fri. for Sat. 4d. A. Frost & Sons, 
1 Warwick St., Rugby. 

Advertisements received for all the Warwickshire Newspapers, [158 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide 

TRUGELEY MERCURY, 1882. (c) Fri. 1d. E. Brown, 86 Bird St., Lichfield. A localised 
edition of the Lichfield Mercury. 

RUNCORN CHRONICLE, 1902 (now Widnes and Runcorn Chronicle, 1908). 

tRUNCORN EXAMINER, 1879 (as Runcorn & Widnes Examiner, 1869). (D) Fri.—8 a.m. 
ld. J. Walker & Co., Bewsey St., Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington & 
Mid-Cheshire Examiner. (Advt. p. 452.) 

RUNCORN GUARDIAN, 1862. Tues.—2 p.m., 1d.; Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat., 1d. Mackie & Co. 
Lim., Budge St., Runcorn. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

TRUNCORN OBSERVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing and Publishing Co. Lim., 
Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Observer. 

TRUNCORN WEEKLY NEWS, 1894. Fri., for Sat. 1d. 52 Regent St., Runcorn. A localised 
edition of the Widnes Weekly News. 

Rural Wortd, 1888. M.—1st. 1d., illus. A. W. Hall, 28-82 Hutton St., Whitefriars, E.c. . 
RUSHCLIFFE ADVERTISER, 1888. See Mansfield and North Notts Advertiser. 

tRUSHDEN ARGUS, 1891. (J) Fri. 1d. Northamptonshire Printing & Publishing Co., 
Lim., Rushden. One of the Wellingborough News series. 

tRUSHDEN ECHO, 1897 (with which is incorporated the Wollaston and Bozeat Echo). (ind.) 
Fri. 1d. Charles Cross, Rushden. ~ 

tRUSHDEN TIMES, 1891. (n) Fri.—8 p.m. 1d. W. B. Stepp, Church St., Rushden. 
Ruskin Union Journal, 1900 (incorporated in the St. George). 

Rutherford College Calendar, 1895. Sept. Andrew Reid & Co. Lim., Akenside Hill, Newcastle. 
on-Tyne. ` 

ee LEN REFORMER, 1875. (ind.) Fri. td. R. Mackenzie, 183 Main St., Rutherglen, 
asgow. - 

RUTLAND ECHO, 1859. (c) Fri—7p.m. 1d. Melton Mowbray Times Co. Lim., Nottingham 
St., Melton Mowbray. A localised edition of the Melton Mowbray Times. 

Rutland Magagine, 1903. 1s.6d. G. Phillips, The Library, Oakham. 
Ryder’s Annual, 1878. Dec. 8d. Ryder & Son, Spring Head, Wednesbury. 
Rylands’ Directory of Ironmongers, 1900. Triennially. 10s. 41 Exchange Buildings, Birmingham. 

Ryland’s Directory of the Iron, Steel, Tinplate Coal, Engineering & Allied Trades, 1881. 
Triennially. 258. 41 & 42 Exchange Buildings, Birmingham. 

Ryland’s Hardware Directory (including Sheffield goods and saddlery), 1894. Triennially. 10s. 
41 & 42 Exchange Buildings, Birmingham. 

Ryland’s List of Merchant Exporters,1888. Triennially. 10s. 6d. 41 & 42 Exchange Buildings, 
Birmingham, . 

Sabbath of Creation, 1902. M.—ist. 1d. Lady E. A, M. Blount, 11 Gloucester Road, 
Kingston Hill. 

Sabbath School Magazine (now Scottish National Sabbath School Magazine). 

Saddlers’, Harness Makers’, and Carriage Builders’ Gazette, 1871. M.—15th. 4d. 
John Kemp & Co. Lim., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

Saddlery and Harness, 1891. M.—ist. 854. per annum, post free, illus. Kirby & Sons Lim., 
Lower Hall Lane, Walsall. 

+SADDLEWORTH & MOSSLEY STANDARD, 1859. Sat. 1d. A.F. Stephenson, Clegg St., 
Oldham. A localised edition of the Oldham Standard. (London : 101 Fleet St.) i 

eon Walden Rural Deanery Magazine, 1882. M.—ist. 1d. W. Thompson, Saffron 

tTSAFFRON WALDEN WEEKLY NEWS, 1889. Fri—1la.m. 1d. W. F. Taylor, St. Andrews - 

Street, Cambridge, & C. W. Land, Farmadine Grove, Saffron Walden. A localised edition 
of the Cambridge Weekly News. 

Saga-Book of the Viking Club, 1895. Annually. 10s. D. Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre, w.c. 

St. Albans Almanack & Directory, 1860. Nov. 6d. Gibbs & Bamforth, Market Place, 
St. Albans. 

St. Alban’s Diocesan Calendar, 1878, Dec. 18. 6d. Clowes, 28 Cockspur St., s.w. 

St. Aiban’s Diocesan Magazine, 1898. M.—ist. 28. 6d. per ann. Earls Colne Printing Co., 
Earls Colne, Essex. 

St. Alban’s Directory, 1899. Annually. 18. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
154] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising. Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

"ST. ALBAN’S GAZETTE & COUNTY ADVERTISER, 1895. (1) Wed. jd. J. Brimelow, 
9 St. Peter’s St., St. Albans. 

St. Alban’s, Holborn, Monthly Paper, 1884. M.—I1st. 2d. W. Knott, 26 Brooke St, 
Holborn, £.c. | 

+St. Andrew, 1899. Thurs. 1d. St. Andrew Publishing Co. Lim., 68 Bath St., Glasgow, 
(London: 56 Ludgate Hill.) 

tST. ANDREW'S CITIZEN, 1870. (u) Fri.—4.80 p.m. for Sat. Id. J. & G.Innes, South St., 
St. Andrews, and Burnside, Cupar, Fife. 

St. Andrew's Directory, 1894. Jan. 6d. W. C. Henderson & Son, 5 Church St., St. Andrew’s, N.B. 

St. Andrew’s Magazine, 1878. M. ld. St. Andrew’s Press, Barnet. 

St. Andrew's University Calendar, 1865. June. 2s. 6d. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., 
Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row, E.c.) . 

ST. ANNES-ON-SEA EXPRESS, 1898. Fri. $d. W. H. & F. E. Spring, The Square, 
St. Annes-on-Sea. 

A. B. Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. A localised edition of the Cornish Guardian. 

St. Asaph Diocesan Calendar, 1896. Jan. 1s. Rhyl Journal Offce, Russell Road, Rhyl. 

tST. ASAPH NEWS, 1901 .(ind.) Thurs. 1d. Polkinghorne & Williams, High St, Rhyl. A 
localised edition of the Rhyl News. 

St. Augustine’s (Kilburn) Boys’ School Magazine, 1892. M.—Ilst. 2d. The Headmaster, 
St. Augustine’s Boys’ School, Kilburn Park Road, n.w. 

St. Austell Deanery Magazine, 1891. M.—1st. 1d. W. B. Luke, Fore St., St. Austell. 

+ST. AUSTELL STAR, 1889 (with which is incorporated St. Austell Gazette, 1897, and the 
St. Austell Weekly News, 1868). (i) Thurs.—noon, for Fri. 1d. W. J. Nicholls, Tregarne 
Terrace, St. Austell. 

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal, 1898. M.—15th. 6d. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, B. c. 

St. ee Hospital Medical Reports, 1865. Mar. 8s. 6d. Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo 
e, 8.W. 

$t. Bartholomew’s Nurses League News, 1900. Jan. & July. 6d. Baillidre, Tindall & 
Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 

St. David’s College Calendar, 1880. Annually. 1s.6d. Welsh Church Press Co. Lim., Lampeter.. 
St. David’s Diocesan Calendar. Jan. ls. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen. (London: Parker.) 
St. Edward’s Chronicle, 1894. Occas. 6d. St. Giles Printing Co., Edinburgh. 

St. Edward’s School Chronicle, 1878. M.—during Term. 6d. The Editor, St. Edward’s 
School, Summertown, Oxford. 

St. George: Journal of the Ruskin Society of Birmingham, 1898 (with which is. 
incorporated the Ruskin Union Journal, 1900). Quarterly. 1s. G. Allen, 156 Charing Cross 
Road, w.c. 

St. George’s Gazette, 1888. M. 10s. perann. G. W. Grigg & Son, 14 Worthington St., Dover. 

St. George s Hospital Gazette, 1898. M.—1st. 6d. Bailliére, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta. 
St., w.c. 

with St. Helens Reporter). 

tST HELENS EXAMINER, 1878. (l) Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. Walker & Co., Bewsey 
St., Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington d& Mid-Cheshire Examiner. (Advt. 
p. 452.) - 

tST. HELENS NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISER, 1858 (with which is incorporated St. 
Helens Intelligence). (l) Tues.—8 a.m., $d.; Fri.—8 a.m.,1d. Dromgoole Bros., Hardshaw 
St., St. Helens. 

tST. HELENS REPORTER, 1865 (with which is incorporated the St. Helens Chronicle). Tues., 
ġd.; Fri., 1d. 3 Hardshaw St., St. Helens. 

ST. IVES CHRONICLE, 1889 (incorporated with the Cambridge Weekly News). 

ST. IVES TIMES (incorporated with Hunts County News). 

St. Ives Weekly Summary, Visitors’ List and Advertiser, 1888. Fri., for Sat. 4d 
J. U. White, Fore St., St. Ives, Cornwall. i 

tST. JAMES’S BUDGET, 1880. Fri. 6d. 15 Dorset St., Whitefriars, E.o. l 

ST. JAMES’S GAZETTE, 1880. (c) Daily—12 noon. 1d. 15 Dorset St., Whitefriars, E.c 
(Advt. p. 428.) 

St. John’s Card, 1888. Dec. 2s. W.H. Rylands, “La Tuya,” Edward Road, Bromley. 


Advertisements received for all the Wiltshire Newspapers. (155 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ld. Baines & Scarsbrook, South Hampstead, n.w. 

St. Leonard’s School Gazette, 1887. During term. 1s. Headmistress, St. Andrews. 

St. Margaret’s Half-Yearly Chronicle, 1897. 6d. Skeffington & Son, 108 Piccadilly, w. 

St. Mark’s College Schools Magazine, 1898. M.—15th. 1d. St. Mark’s College, Chelsea. 

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Monthly Messenger, 1880. Gratis. Perks, 41 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

St. Martin’s-le-Grand, 1890 (as Blackfriars Magazine, 1885). Quarterly. 9d. W. P. Griffith 
& Sons Lim., Old Bailey, E.c. 

C. Bendle, 4 Fore Street, St. Mary Church. 

Thurs.—p.m., for Fri. 1d. T. Jenkins, Market Place, Bexley Heath. A localised edition of 
the Bexley Heath Observer. 

District Times Co. Lim., Times Buildings, Sidcup. (Advt. p. 428.) i 

St. Mary’s Hospital Gazette, 1895. M.—15th. 6d. Morton & Burt, 187 Edgware Road, w. 

St. Mungo, 1908. Weekly. 1d. The Scots Pictorial Publishing Co., Hope 8t., Glasgow. 

+ST. NEOTS ADVERTISER, HUNTS AND BEDS NEWS, 1885 (as St. Neots Advertiser, 
1878). Fri.—10.30 a.m. $d. P.C. Tomson, Market Square, St. Neots. (The only Newspaper 
printed in Huntingdonshire. Advt.) 

St. Neots Advertiser Almanac, 1902. Dec. $d. P.C. Tomson, Market Square, St. Neots. 

ST. NEOTS CHRONICLE, 1855 (incorporated with Hunts County News). 

St. Nicholas (English Edition), 1872. M.—25th. 1s., illus. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s 
St., w.c. 

+ST. PANCRAS CH RONICLE, 1900 (as People’s Advertiser, 1898). Fri., for Sat. hd. F. W. 
Maishman & Sons, 181 Hampstead Road, St. Pancras, N. | 

ST. PANCRAS GAZETTE (see Camden and Kentish Towns £c. Gazette). 
tST. PANCRAS GUARDIAN, 1874. Fri. ld. 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.w,: One of 
the Kilburn Times series. 
St. Pank Magazine. Annually. Rev. C. D. Hindle, Kings Cliff, Jersey. | 
St. Peter’s Net, 1900 (with which is incorporated Faith of our Fathers, 1886). M.—1st 
Sun. ld. St. Vincent’s Press, 888 Harrow Road, w. | 
¢ST.ROLLOX & SPRINGBURN EXPRESS, 1891. Thurs. 1d. Geo. Hutcheson & Co., 863 
Springburn Road, Glasgow. 7 
St. Stephen’s. M.—lIst. 8d. Sealy, Bryers & Walker, Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 
St. Stephen’s High School Magazine, 1890. Three timesa year. 7d. T. E. Luff, Trinity 
. House, Windsor. 
St. Stephen’s Kalendar, 1890 (as 9. Stephen’s Gospeller, 1886). M.—I1st. 2d. F. Clarke, 
_ 80 States Arcade, Guernsey. , 
St. Thomas’s Hospital Gazette, 1890. M.—20th (except April, Aug. & Sept.). 6d. J. J. 
Keliher & Co., 99 Victoria St., s.w. - 
St. Thomas’s Hospital Reports,1870. Oct. 8s. 6d., illus. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w. 
SALCOMBE TIMES, 1879. Sat. 1d. Jas. Fairweather, Fore St., Salcombe. 

SALE & STRETFORD GUARDIAN, 1879. Tues.—noon, 1d.; Fri—noon, 1d. Mackie & Co. 
Lim., 48 School Road, Sale. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. . 

Sale Prices, 1902. M.—Ilst. 1s. Otto Lim., 2 Carmelite House, Carmelite St., E.c. 
Sales & Wants Advertiser, 1887. M.—15th. 1d. C. R. Jones, 4 & 5 Stonecutter St., E.C. 
fSALFORD CHRONICLE & TELEPHONE, 1868. (c) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 1d. Salford 
‘Chronicle Co., 181 Chapel St., Salford. 27 | 
paran and District Directory, 1897. January. 6d. Langmead & Co., 5 St. Mark’s Road, 
Salisbury. ` 
tSALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, 1729. (u) Sat.—5 a.m. 1d. Bennett Bros., 
The Canal, Salisbury. (Advt. p. 450.) 
Salisbury Diocesan Gazette, 1888. M.—~—Ist. 1d. Brown & Co., New Canal, Salisbury. 
Salisbury Pocket Book, 1898. Annually. 6d. Association of Conservative Clubs, St. Stephen’s 
Chambers, Westminster, s.w. . ' 
+SALISBURY TIMES & SOUTH WILTS GAZETTE, 1860 (with which is incorporated 
Salisbury Examiner). (prog.) Fri. 1d. Salisbury Times Co. Lim., Dew’s Road, Salisbury: 

156). J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

' Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Salopian, 1860. Sixtimes a year. 6d. Longworth Wilding, Castle St., Shrewsbury. 

SALTASH GAZETTE, 1895. Thurs. 1d. R. S. Smith, Saltash. 

SALTBURN TIMES, 1887. Fri. 1d. W. Rapp & Sons, The Library, Saltburn. 

Salter’s Gate to the River Thames, 1884. Biennial. 1s. Alden & Co. Lim., 85 Corn Market 
St., Oxford. 

Salvation Army Brass Band Journal, 1884. Quarterly. 4d. 98-102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

+SANDBACH & MIDDLEWICH ADVERTISER (with which is incorporated Crewe £ Nantwich 
' Advertiser), 1876. (c) Fri. 1d. Swain & Co., Lim., Station Road, Sandbach, and Stockport. 
One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

+SANDBACH CHRONICLE, 1855. (ind.) Sat. 1d. High St., Congleton. A localised edition 
of the Congleton Chronicle. 

+SANDBACH GUARDIAN, 1868. Tues.—2.80 p.m., for Wed., 1d.; Fri—6 a.m., for Sat., ld. 
Mackie & Co. Lim. , Sandbach. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

ee Magazine of Physical Culture, 1899 (as Physical Culture, 1898), M.—Ist. 
6d. Harrison & Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Sandringham Magazine, 1902. M.—Ist. 1s. J. Newman, 149 Fleet Street, B. c. 

SANDWICH ADVERTISER & DEAL CHRONICLE, 1874. Fri., for Sat. $d. J.J. Chapman, 

van Journal, 1902 (as Sanitary Inspectors’ Journal, 1883). Mack 6d. 84 Victoria 

St., Westminster, S.W. ` 

Sanitary Journal, 1894 (now Municipal Record £ Sanitary Juhi 1902). 

tSanitary Record & Journal of Municipal & Sanitary Engineering, 1874. Thurs., 
Bd. 5 Fetter Lane, Fleet St., E.C. 

Sanitary Record Diary, 1882. Dec. 2s. 6d. 5 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Santa Lucia, 1894. M. 1s. 9d. Janet & E. H. Hodgkin, Kew Gardens. 

Sapper, 1895. M.—8lst. 8d. Mackay & Co. Lim., Fair Row, Chatham. 

Sarum Almanack and Diocesan Kalendar, 1857. Dec. 18s. Brown & Co., New Canal, Salisbury. 

+SATURDAY HERALD, 1891. 9d. Saturday edition of the Evening Herald (Dublin). 

SATURDAY ‘NIGHT (incorporated with the Telegram, Birmingham). 

SATURDAY RECORD, 1885. Sat. 1d. J.B. Knox & Son, Jail St., Ennis. 

+Saturday Review, 1855. Sat. 6d. R. W. Page, 88 Southampton St., w.c. Critical review 

` of politics, literature, science, and art. (Advt. p. 450.) l 

tSATURDAY WEEKLY CITIZEN (Glasgow), 1896 (as Weekly Citizen, 1842). (l.u) Sat. ld., 
— ee & Sons, Citizen Buildings, 22 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. (London: 
57 Fleet St 

Scandinavian, 1881. Fortnightly during Summer; quarterly during remainder of year. ld. 
Hatton House, Charles St., E.c. 

#SCARBOROUGH EVENING NEWS & DAILY MERCURY, 1882. (1) Daily (except Fri.) 
—8.80 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6.80 p.m. w Scarborough Mercury News Co. Lim., 155 Falsgrane 
Road, Scarborough. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill, E.c.) 

July to Sept., 2d.: Oct. to June, 1d. J. Hartley, 81 St. Nicholas St., Scarborough. 

+SCARBOROUGH MERCURY, 1855. (/) Fri—noon. 1d., illus. Scarborough Mercury 
Newspaper Co. Lim., 155 Falagrane Road, Scarborough. (London: 62 Ludgate Hill, E.c.) 

+SCARBOROUGH POST, 1876. (c) Daily—p.m., 3d.; Fri., 1d. 25 Huntriss Row, Scar- 
borough. (London: 28 Shoe Lane.) 

Scarborough Temperance Mirror, 1887. M.—1st. ld. 45 St. Thomas St., Scarborough 
Scattered Nation. Quarterly. 2d. Morgan & Scott, 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Scattered Seed, 1885 (as Good News for Young and Old, 1859). M.—25th. 1d., illus. A. S. 
- Rouse, 15 Paternoster Square, E.C. 

Schild’s Home Journal, 1890. Quarterly. 1d. 8S. Miller, 142 Long Acre, w.c. 

Schiild’s Magazine of Ladies’ Fashions, 1881. M.—1lst. 1d. 9. Miller, 142 Long Acre, w.c. 
ecules Monthly Journal, 1879 (as Beau Monde, 1852). 20th. 38d. S. Miller, 142 Long 
' Acre, w.c. 

Sonia s Mothers Help & Little Dressmaker, 1872. M.—1st. 1d. S. Miller, 142 Long 
- Acre, W.c. 

Scholar’s Magazine, 1897. M.—lst. 4d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 
29 & 30 Shoe Lane, £.c.) 

. Advertisements received for all the Somersetshire Newspapers. [ 157 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Scholar's Own, 1896. M.—last Mon. 1d. 8 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

School and Home Magazine, 1892. M.—Ist. 1d., illus. Educational Supply Association 
Lim., 42 Holborn Viaduct, E.c. 

School ‘Attendance Gazette, 1870. M.—ist. 1d. 8.J. Brown, 189 Chadwick Road, Peck- 
ham, s.E. To improve School attendance. (Advt. p. 450.) 

School Board for London Gazette, 1896. 1d. Weekly. P. 8. King & Son, Orchard 
Huuse, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., Westminster. 

School Calendar, 1890 (as Schoolmasters’ Calendar, 1887). Jan. 1s. Whittaker & Co., 2 White 
Hart St., Paternoster Square, E.c. 

+School Government Chronicle, 1908 (as School Board Chronicle, 1871). Fri., for Bat. 8d. 
A. H. Walter, 21 New Bridge St., E.c. 

+School Guardian, 1876. Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. ld. National Society, Broad Sanctuary, 
Westminster, s.w. (Advt. p. 450.) 

School Manager, 1900. Thurs. 1d. H. Barnes, 149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Schoo! Monthiy, 1892. 1d. Educational Supply Association Lim., 43 Holborn Viaduct, E.C. 
School Music Review, 1896. M.—1st. 14d. 1 Berners St., w. , 

School Newspaper, 1874. M.—25th. 1d., illus. W. Collins, Son & Co. Lim., 4 Bridewell 
Place, New Bridge St., E.c. 

School Review, 1891. M.—1st. 1d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 
School World, 1899. M.—25th. 6d. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 
Schooldays, 1891. M. 1d., illus. Homewood & Co., 5 Bridewell Place, E.c. 
+Schoolmaster, 1872. Fri., for Sat. 1d. W. 8S. Latham, 3 Racquet Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Schoolmasters’ Year Book and Directory, 1908. 5s. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. Lim., Paternoster 
Square, E.C. 

tSchoolmistress, 1881. Wed.—9 a.m. 1d. H. Barnes, 149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Science Abstracts, 1898. M.—25th. 2s. E. & F. N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

— & Art of Mining, 1890. Fortnightly. 8d. T. Wall & Sons, Lim., Rowbottam Square, 

Science Data & Diary, 1900. Annually. 1s. 6d. P. Harris & Co. Lim, 144 Edmund 8t., 

Science Gossip, 1894 (as Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, 1865). M.—25th. 6d. 110 Strand, w.c. 
Science Siftings, 1891. Tues. for Sat. 1d. 128, 124 & 125 Fleet St., E.C. © 

Scientific Roil and Systematised Notes, 1880. M.—Ist. ls. R.L. Sharland, 88 Church- 
field Road, Acton, w. 

+Scots Commercial Record, 1898 (as Commercial Record, 1898). Sat. 1d. G. Hutcheson- 
& Co., 363 Springburn Road, Glasgow. 

tScots Law Times, 1898. Sat. 9d., illus. W. Green & Sons, 18 St. Giles St., Edinburgh. 
Scots Pictorial, 1897 (now Soctety Pictorial, 1908). 

tSCOTSMAN, 1817. (i) Daily—4 am. ld. Ritchie & Co., 80 Cockbum St., Edinburgh. 
(London: 45 Fleet St., E.c.) Daily issue commenced in 1855. 

Scottish Baptist Magazine, 1874. M. 1d. W. Asher, 128 Renfield St., Glasgow. 
Scottish Baptist Year Book, 1899. 8d. W. Asher, 128 Renfield St., Glasgow. 

tSCOTTISH BORDER RECORD, 1881. (u) Fri—pm. 1d. J. McQueen & Son, 25 
Channel St., Galashiels. 

Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1881. Dec. ls. net. Macniven & Wallace, 188 
Princes St., Edinburgh. | 

Scottish Chairman’ s Almanac, 1892. Dec. 2d. St. Giles’ Printing Co., Edinburgh. 
Scottish Churchman’s Kalendar,1901. Oct. 1s. A.R. Mowbray & Co. Lim., 84 Great Castle St., w. 
Scottish Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co., 88 Lombard St., E.C. 

Scottish Congregational Year Book, 1890. 6d. Congregational Union of Scotland, 30 George. 
Square, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Congregationalist (as Scottish Congregational Magazine, 1796). M.—last week. 
ld. Congregational Union of Scotland, 80 George Square, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Co-operator, 1898. Fri. 1d. The Scottish Co-operator Newspaper Society, 
137 Norfolk St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Critic, 1898. M.—last day. 8d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Lim., 19 Queen St., Glasgow. 
158] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

tScottish Cyclist, 1888 (with which are incorporated Automobilist, Scottish Sport, Scottish 
Wheel & Motor News). Wed. 1d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Lim., 19 Queen St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Cyclist’s Annual, 1894 (now Scottish Road Book). 
Scottish Educational Year Book, 1891. Dec. 1s. 6d. Free Press Office, 80 Union St., Aberdeen. 

m Electrician, 1901. M.—22nd. ld. W. Hodge & Co., 84-86 North Frederick St., 

Scottish Farmer, 1898. Fri. for Sat. 2d. Scottish Agricultural Publishing Co. Lim., 98 
Hope St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Fieid, 1908. M.—Ist. 6d. J. McMurtries, 11 Rothwell St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Fisherman's Nautical Almanac, 1888. Dec. 1s. W.C. Henderson & Son, 8 Church St., 
St. Andrews. 

Scottish Gazette, 1886. Thurs. Subscription. Powage Press Lim., Aspley Guise, R.8.0., Beds. 

Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1885. M.—1st. 1s. 6d., maps. Royal Scottish 
Geographical Society, Edinburgh. 

tSCOTTISH GUARDIAN, 1870 (N.S. 1879). Fri. St. Giles’ Printing Co., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Historical Review, 1908 (as Scottish Antiquary, 1890; as Northern Notes and 
Queries, 1886). Jan., April, July, Oct. 28. 6d. net., illus. J. Maclehose & Sons, 61 St. Vincent 
Street, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Law Courts Record, 1897. Thurs. Subscription. Powage Press Lim., Aspley 
Guise, R.S.0., Beds. 

Scottish Law Directory, 1892. Dec. 68. . W. Hodge & Co., 84 & 86 North Frederick St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Law List, 1852. Feb. 93. T.C. & E. C. Jack, Causewayside, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Law Reporter, 1865. Wed., during Sessions. 6d. Baxter & Son, 89 Elder St., 

Baar ah Law Review, 1885. M.—5th. 18.64. W. Hodge & Co., 84-86 North Frederick St., 


Scottish League Handbook, 1889. Aug. ld. Hay Nisbet & Co., Lim., 19 Queen St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Leather Trader (now Shoe and Leather Trader). 

en: Life, 1898 (as Scottish Society, 1900; incorporated with the North British Advertiser, 

Scottish Masonic Historical Directory, 1900. Dec. D.M. Goudielock, 5 Pollock Gardens, Glasgow. 

Scottish Medical & Surgical Journal, 1897. M.—1st. 2s. 48 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal, 1890. Jan., May, Sept. 1s., illus. Douglas & 
Foulis, 9 Castle St., Edinburgh. 

Scottish National Sabbath School Magazine, 1899 (as Sabbath School Magazine, 1864; 
as Glasgow Sabbath School Union Magazine, 1856). M.—25th. ld. J. M’Callum & Co. 
200 Buchanan St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Notes and Queries, 1887. M.—1st. 8d., illus. A. Brown & Co., 99} Union St., 

tScottish Referee, 1888. Mon. & Fri. $d. J. M. Smith Lim., 67 Hope St., Glasgow 
(London: 47 Fleet St.) 

tScottish Reformer, 1866 (as Social Reformer, 1866). Thurs., for Sat. 1d. W.J. Allison, 
115 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Registers of Estates, Shootings, and Fishings, and Coast, Country, and 
West Highland Houses for Sale and to be Let, 1879. Jan. & Mar. Gratis. Walker, 
Fraser & Steele, Estate Agents, 74 Bath St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Road Book, 1894. April. 1d.&8d. Hay Nisbet & Co. Lim., 19 Queen St., Glasgow. 

Scottish Society, 1897 (with which is incorporated Scottish Life; incorporated with the North 
British Advertiser, 1901). 

Scottish Sport, 1888 (as Scottish Athletic Journal, 1888 ; now incorporated with the Scottish 
Cyclist, 1900). 

Scottish Standard Bearer, 1890. M.—Ist. 1d., illus. St. Giles’ Printing Co., Edinburgh. 

tScottish Trader, 1897. Fri. 8s. per ann. J. M. Munro, Lim., 128 Hope St., Glasgow. 
(London: 61 Broad St. Avenue, E.c.) ` — 

Scottish Typographical Circular, 1857. M.—Ilst. 1d. 85 Comely Bank Road, Edinburgh. 

SCOTTISH WEEKLY RECORD, 1908 (as Glasgow Weekly Record, 1899). (Iıb.-imp.) Sat. 
ld. A. Forbes, Renfield Lane, Glasgow. (London: Carmelite House, Carmelite St.) 

Advertisements received for all the Sussex Newspapers. [159 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News, 1896. M.—25th. 1d. Ayrshire Post Lim., Ayr. 
Scraps, 1888. Thurs. 1d., illus. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, Fleet 
St., E.c. | 

Scribner's Magazine (English Edition), 1887. M.—80th. 1s., illus. Sampson Low, Marston 
& Co. Lim., St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Script Phonographic Journal, 1887. M.—1lst. 1d. 44 Southampton Buildings, w.c. 

Scripture Lessons for Elementary Classes, 1856. Jan., April, July, Oct. ld. 8.S.U., 
57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Scripture Reader’s Journal, 1853. Quarterly. Free to subscribers. 56 Haymarket, s.w. 

& South Counties Press Lim., 64 High St., Lewes. One of the Sussex Advertiser series. 

SEAHAM WEEKLY NEWS, 1860. (c) Fri—4 p.m. 1d. 8. Richards, 8 North Terrace, Seaham. 

Searchlight, 1898. M. 6d. J.D. Hand, 144 Fleet St., E.c. 

Secondary Education, 1896. M. 8d. Private Schools Association Incpd.,29 Old Queen St., s.w. 

Second-Hand Bookseller, 1875. Quarterly. 1d. Thomson & Co., Pleaknowe, Condorrat, Glasgow. 

Secretary’s Journal, 18938. M.—1st. 4d. H. Good & Son, 12 Moorgate St., E.c. 

aL Almanac, 1870. Nov. 6d. Freethought Publishing Co. Lim., 2 Newcastle St., Farringdon 

Sedberghian, 1879. Six times a year. 8s. per ann. Jackson & Son, Sedbergh, Yorkshire. 

Seed-Time and Harvest, 1901. M.—25th. 1d. R.T.S., 4 Bouverie St., E.C. 

Seeking & Saving, 1900 (as Reformatory £ Refuge Tundi 1861). M.—1st. 2d. Reformatory 
& Refuge Union, 82 Charing Cross, w.c. 

+SELBY EXPRESS AND WEEKLY HERALD, 1858. (ind.) Fri.—a.m. 1d. Goole Times 
Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Goole. A localised edition of the Goole Times. 

+SELBY TIMES, 1860. Fri.—7 a.m. 1d. Bellerby & Son, Crescent, Selby. 
Select Stories, 1899. Wed. ld. 28 New Brown St., Manchester. 

Selkirk Advertiser, 1902. Sat, Gratis. G. Lewis & Co., 19a High St. Selkirk. 
Sell’s Commercial Intelligence (now Commercial Intelligence). 

Sell’s Dictionary of the World's Press, 1844 (as Philosophy of Advertising, 1881). Jon. 1s. 6d. 
Sell’s Advertising Agency Lim., 168 Fleet St., E.c. 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses, 1886. Annually. 21s. 166 Fleet St., E.c. 

Fri. $d. J. W. Neal, 87 Trinity Road, Wood Green, n 

Sentry, 1898. M.—i1st. 1d. Church House, Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. 

SEREN, 1885. (rad.) Thurs. $d. Davies & Evans, Berwyn St., Bala. 

tSEREN CYMRU (Star of Wales), 1857. (2) Wed., for Fri. 1d. W.M. Evans & Son, 6 Hall St., 

Seren Gomer, 1814. Bi-monthly. 6d. E. Edmonds, 26 Cradock St., Swansea. 

Seren yr Ysgol, Sul. 1895. M. Llanelly Mercury Co., Llanelly. 

Service for the King, 1879. M.—25th. 1d. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

- Settmakers’ & Stoneworkers’ Journal, 1891. M.—1st. 2d. Settmakers’ Union, 424 Great 
Northern Road, Woodside, Aberdeen. 

75 High St., Sevenoaks. 

SEVENOAKS TELEGRAPH, 1886. Fri. 1d. B. P. Boorman, Week St., Maidstone. A 
localised edition of the Kent Messenger. 

Seventy-Ninth News, 1891. Bi-monthly. 2d. The Editor, Cameron Barracks, Inverness. 
Sewanee Review, 1893. Quarterly. 2s. Longmans, Green & Co., 89 Paternoster Row, &.c. 

SHAFTESBURY GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. 4d. Compton Press, High St., eae. One 
of the Gillingham Gazette series. 

Shamrock, 1866. Thurs. 1d., illus. 82 Lower Abbey St., Dublin. 

SHANKLIN GAZETTE & VISITORS: RECORD, 1899. Fri. ae Silsbury Brothers, High 
St., Shanklin, Isle of Wight. 

Shaw’s Local Government Manual, 1856. Jan. 18. Shaw & Sons, 6 ‚7,8& 9 Fetter Lane, £.c. 
Shaw’s Poor Law Union Sheet Almanack, 1840. Dec. 2s..Shaw &-Sons, 6, 7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, ı E.C. 

160] — Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Dondon. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Shaw's Scribbling Diary, 1882. Nov. From 1s. 6d. Shaw & Sons, 6,7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Shaw’s Solicitor's Almanack, 1899. Jan. 1s. Shaw & Sons, 6,7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Sheaf, 1908. Quarterly. 1s. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 

tSHEERNESS GUARDIAN & EAST KENT ADVERTISER, 1858. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. 
Rigg, Allen & Co., 7 High St., Blue Town, Sheerness. 

tSHEE RNESS TIMES, 1868. (l.u) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. S. Cole, 84-86 High St., Mile 
Town, Sheerness. 

Sheffield and Rotherham Red Book and Almanack, 1860. Dec. 6d. &1s.,illus. Pawson & Brails- 

` ford, High St., Sheffield. 

Sheffield City Almanac &'Diary,1901. Dec. 1d. C. Woolons, 48 Hill St., Highfield, Sheffield. 

tSHEFFIELD DAILY INDEPENDENT, 1901 (as Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, 1819). 
(tl) Daily—a.m. 1d. Sheffield Independent Press Lim., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (London: 
47 Fleet St.) Daily issue commenced in 1861. (Advt. p. 450.) 

tSHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1855. (c) 1d. W.C. Leng & Co., 17 High St., Sheffield. 
(London: 180 & 181 Fleet St.) 

SHEFFIELD EVENING TELEGRAPH & STAR (now Yorkshire Telegraph £ Star). 

Sheffield Sporting News, 1882. Daily—7 a.m. & 86.80 p.m. 1d. 45 Hartshead, Sheffield. 

tSHEFFIELD WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, 1884 (as Sheffield Independent, 1819). Thurs., for 
Sat. 1d. Sheffield Independent Press Lim., 21 Fargate, Sheffield. (London: 47 Fleet St. ) 
(Advt. p. 450.) 

SHEFFIELD WEEKLY NEWS, 1899 (now Weekly News). 

Military Gazette). 

tSHELDRAKE’S ALDERSHOT MILITARY GAZETTE, 1900 (as Sheldrake’s Allershot and. 
Sandhurst Military Gazette, 1859). (c) Thurs.—6 p.m., for Fri. ld. May & Sheldrake, 
Wellington St., Aldershot. (Advt. p. 450.) 

Shepherds’ Magazine, 1888. M. 1d. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, Ashton Unity, 
274 Oxford Road, Hulme, Manchester. 

ADVERTISER, 1854. (ind.) Thurs.—6 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Byrt & Son, High St., Shepton 

‚ . Mallet, and High St., Wells. 

SHERBORNE GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. $d. Compton Press, High St., Gillingham. One of 
the Gillingham Gazette series. 

Sherborne Register, 1828. F. Bennet, The Parade, Sherborne. 

tSHETLAND NEWS, 1885 (with which is incorporated Orkney ¢ Shetland Telegraph). Sat. 1d. 
T. & J. Manson, Lerwick. 

Shetland Pony Stud Book, 1891. July. 78.6d. Free Press Office, 30 Union St., Aberdeen. 

tSHETLAND TIMES, 1872. (1) Sat.—morn. ld. Johnson & Greig, Mounthooly St., Lerwick. 

Shield, 1897. M.—1st. 1d. 17 Tothill St., Westminster, s.w. 


C. Annand, Barrington St., South Shields. 

tSHIELDS DAILY NEWS, 1864. (J) 1 pm, 4 p.m., & 5.80 pm. $d. D. Balleny, 11 & 12 
Howard St., North Shields. 

tSHIFNAL, &c., ADVERTISER, 1895. (ind.) Fri.,for Sat. 1d. Bennion, Horne, Smallman 
& Co. Lim., Newport, Salop. A localised edition of the Newport dc, Advertiser. 

tSHIPLEY. EXPRESS & AIREDALE NEWS, 1894. Fri. 1d., illus. Fanciers’ Newspaper 
&c. Co. Lim., Printing Works, Idle, Bradford. 

tSHIPLEY TIMES, 1885 (as Shipley and Saltaire Times, 1876). Fri. ld. B. Allsop, 
Commercial St., Shipley. 

tShipping & Mercantile Gazette and Lloyd’s List, 1886 (as Lloyd’s List, 1726). Daily 
—4 pm. 8d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

9am. ld. 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

tShipping Gazette and Lloyd’s List Weekly Summary, 1884 (as Mitchell's Maritime 
Register, 1856). Fri. 6d. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E. c. 

Shipping List (now General Weekly Shipping List). 

Liverpool Journal of Commerce). 

Advertisements received for all the oa Hampshire Newspapers. 161 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+Shipping World, 1888. Wed. 6d. Shipping World Lim., Effingham House, Arundel 8t., w.c. 

Shipping World Year Book, 1886. Jan. 58.; abroad, 6s. Shipping World Lim., Effingham House, 
Arundel St., w.c. 

Shirburnian, 1859. Twice during Term. 6d. F. Bennett, Sherborne, Dorset. 

+Shoe & Leather Record, 1886 (with which is incorporated Shoeseller, 1898). Thurs.—9 a.m, 
for Fri. 2d. 40 Finsbury Square, E.c. 

Shoe and Leather Trader, 1898 (as Scottish Leather Trader, 1880). M.—I1st Thurs. 4d. 
J. M. Munro, Lim., 128 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly, 1895. M.—16th. 8s. perann. M. W. Wright, 64 Halford 
St., Leicester. (London: 15 St. Bride St.) 

Shoeseiler (incorporated with the Shoe and Leather Record). 

+Shooting Times, British Sportsman, & Kennel News, 1884 (as “ Wildfowler's” 
Illustrated Shooting Times, 1882). Fri., for Sat. 2d., illus. Burlington Publishing Co. Lim, 
- 72-76 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C. 

Shop Assistant, 1896. Tues. 1d. T. S. Jones, 25 Pontcanna Road, Cardiff. (London: 
122 Gower St.) 

SHOREDITCH GUARDIAN, 1894. Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. East London Publishing Co. 
Lim., 16 Mile End Road, £. (Advt. p. 446.) 

+SHOREHAM & SOUTHWICK DISTRICT GAZETTE, 1899. (ind.) Sat. ld. Emery & 
Son Lim., 142 Church Road, Hove. 

Short Stories, 1898 (as Magazine of Short Stories, 1889). Tues., for Sat. 1d., illus. C. A. 
Pearson Lim., 17 Henrietta St., w.c. 

Shorthand Magazine, 1866 (incorporated with Reporters’ Journal, 1902). 
Shorthand Teacher, 1896. Quarterly. 8d. F. Chandley, 15 Larch St., Cheetham, Manchester. 

Shorthand World & Imperial Typist, 1902. M.—25th. 4d. G. Pitman, Cecil Court, 
Charing Cross, w.c. 

Shorthand Writer, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. J. H. Laidler, 29 Grainger St. West, Newcastlo- 

SHOTTIN’S ADVERTISER, 1892 (now Athletic Record, 1908). 
Showman, 1900 (incorporated with Music Hall’. 

MERCURY, 1849. (1) Wed. 1$d. Woodall, Minshall, Thomas & Co., Shrewsbury and 
Oswestry. A localised edition of the Oswestry dc. Advertizer. 

+SHREWSBURY CHRONICLE, 1772. (u) Fri—2a.m. Trustees of the late John Watton, 
41 St. John’s Hill, Shrewsbury. (Advt. p. 450.) 

Shrine, 1902. Quarterly. 1s. net. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

+SIDCUP & DISTRICT TIMES, 1881. Fri—a.m. ld. Kentish District Times Co. Lim, 
Times Buildings, Sidcup. (Advt. p- 428.) 

Madey pst HERALD AND DIRECTORY, 1849. Sat. 1d. E. Culverwell & Sons, Fore St, 

+SIDMOUTH OBSERVER, 1887. Wed.—noon. 1d. H. B. Day, Sidmouth. 
Sierra Leone Messenger, 1898. Quarterly. 1d., illus. Seeley & Co. Lim., 88 Great Russell St., w.c. 

Signai, & Gospel Union Gazette, 1886 (as Gospel Temperance Herald, 1882). Tues., for 
Wed. $d.,illus. 6 Tudor St., E.c. 

Silver Link, 1892 (now Golden Rule, 1900). 
Simple Testimony, 1884. M.—25th. lid. A.S. Rouse, 15 Paternoster Square,’x.c. 

a a mnaene 1858. Dec. 1d. & 2d. Simson & Co. Lim., Market Place, 

Single Tax, 1894 (now Land Values, 1902). 

Six Home Counties Directory, 1845. Every four years. 2 yols. 668. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Siz Months’ Pricesand Dates, 1887. July. 2s.6d. F.C. Mathicson & Sons, 16 Copthall Avenue, £.C. 

Sixpenny Magazine of Fiction, 1900. Occas. 6d. W. Stevens Lim., 28 & 24 Henrietta St., 
Strand, w.c. 

+SKEGNESS HERALD, 1882. Thurs.—4 p.m.,for Fri. 1d. J. Avery, 19 Lumley Road, Skegness. 
Skerry’s Employment Gazette, 1902. Thurs. 1d. G. E. Skerry, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c.. 
+Sketch, 1898. Wed. 6d., illus. Ilustrated News and Sketch Lim.,198 Strand, w.c. (Advé. p. 439.) 

162] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Sketchy Bits, 1895. Mon. 1d. 11 Gough Square, E.C. 
+SKYRACK COURIER. Sat. 1d. R. Younger, 2 Aire St., Leeds. 

Roberts, Bridge St., Slaithwaite. 

Slate Trade Gazette. M.—1st. 5d. 80 Wincolmlee, Hull. 

Sat. ld. W.K Morton, 2 Market Place, Sleaford. 

tSLEAFORD JOURNAL, 1879 (as Sleaford Advertiser, 1872). Sat. 1d: M.A. Walsh, South 
St., Sleaford. 

+SLIGO CHAMPION, 1886. (nat.) Sat. 1d. P. A. M'Hugh, Wine St., Sligo. 
tSLIGO INDEPENDENT, 1855. (c) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. A. Gillmor, 4 Ratcliffe St., Sligo, 

tSLOUGH, ETON, & WINDSOR OBSERVER, 1883. (c) Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. C. Lut, $ 
1&2 Buckingham Place, High St., Slough. 

Smart Novels, 1908. Weekly. 1d. C. Shurey, 11 Gough Square, E.c. 

Smart Set (English Edition), 1901. M.—15th. 1s. The Smart Set Publishing Co. Lim., 90-98 
Fleet St., E.c. 

Smart’s City of Gloucester Diary (now Gloucester Directory, 1902). 
tSMETHWICK TELEPHONE, 1884. Fri., for Sat. 4d. J. Billingsley, Regent St., Smethwick. 

SMETHWICK WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. Sat. 1d. Midland Printing Co., Simpson St. Oldbury. 
A localised edition of the West Bromwich Weekly News. 

Smith’s Diaries. Nov. Various. T. J. Smith, Son & Downes, 76 Newgate St., E.C. 

Smith’s Registration Cases, 1891 (as Fox’s Registration Cases, 1886). Irreg. Price varies. 
Stevens & Sons Lim., 119 & 120 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Smithfield illustrated Monthly, 1900. M.—1lst. Wed. ld. A. Waters, 22 St. John St., 
Smithfield, E.c. 

Smithson’s Northallerton Almanack, 1868. Dec. 1d. W. R. Smithson, Market Place, Northallerton. 

Smyth’s Philatelic Circular, 1893 (as Monthly Post). Quarterly. 6d. per ann. Donough- 
more Road, Boscombe. (Advt. p. 449.) 

Snap Shots, 1890. Tues., for Sat. 1d. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, £.c. 
Soap Makers’ Directory, 1898. Biennially. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 
Social Democrat, 1897. M.—15th. 2d. 87a Clerkenwell Green, E.C. 

tSocial Gazette, 1896 (as Darkest England Gasette, 1898). Tues., for Sat. $d., illus 
102 Clerkenweli Road, E.c. 

Social Review, 1893 (incorporated with Irish Society, 1901). 
Socialist Monthly, 1902. M.—1st. 1d. 6 Drummond St., Edinburgh. 

Society & Dramatic World (English Edition), 1902 (as Dramatic World, 1894). M.—1st. 
Id. 26 Wellington St., w.c. 

Society Pictorial, 1908 (as Scots Pictorial, 1897). Thurs. 2d. ilus. 42 North Bridge St., 
Edinburgh. (London : 186 Fleet St.) 

tSOHAM ADVERTISER, 1882. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., March. A localised 
edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

SOHAM GAZETTE, 1899. (i) Fri. 1d. Hatfield & Co, Market Hill, Cambridge. A 
localised edition of the Cambridge Independent Press. 

Solicitors’ Diary, Almanac, and Legal Directory, 1844. Oct. 8s. 6d., 5s., 63, & 8s. 6d. 
Waterlow & Sons Lim., 85 London Wall, e.c. 

tSolicitors’ Gazette, 1889. Wed. 25s. per ann. John Kemp & Co. Lim., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 
tSolicitors’ Journal, 1857. Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 6d. H. Villiers, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary and Calendar, 1845. Dec. 4s. 6d., 4s. 6d. & 78. 6d. Waterlow & Sons, 
Lim., 85 London Wall, E.c. 

‘SOMERSET & WILTS JOURNAL, 1855. (1) Fri—1p.m.,for Sat. 1d. Harvey & Woodland, 

Somerset County Cricket Annual, 1890. April. 1s. Hammett & Co., 68 North St., Taunton. 

tSOMERSET COUNTY EXPRESS, 1897 (as Somerset Express). (lI) Sat. 1d. H. Law, 
The Parade, Taunton. 

Advertisements received for all the American Newspapers. [163 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Se ee a a N Eee u ta en Eee 

+SOMERSET COUNTY GAZETTE, 1836. Sat. 1d. Woodley & Co., Castle Green, 
Taunton. (Advt. p. 451.) 

+SOMERSET COUNTY HERALD, 1843. (c) Fri.,for Sat. 1d. Western Gazette Co. Lim., 
48 Bridge St., Taunton. 

Lewis & Son, Riverside, Radstock. (London: 174 Fleet St., E.C.) 

+SOMERSET STANDARD, 1886 (as Frome Times, 1859). (c) Fri—2 p.m., for Sat. 1d, 
Frome Newspaper Co., 1 Church St., Frome. 

Somerset (with Bristol): Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 6s. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Something to Read, 1881. Tues.—9.30 a.m. 1d., illus. E.J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding St., E.C. 

Son of Temperance, 1832. M.—25th. ld. National Temperance Publication Depot, 
88 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Sons of the Brave, 1896. Four times a year. 2d. Duke of York’s Royal Military School, 
Chelsea, s.w. 

Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature, 1316. M. 8s. per ann. H. Sotheran & Co, 
140 Strand, w.c. 

+SOULBY’S ULVERSTON ADVERTISER, 1848. (c) Thurs.—a.m. 1d. W. Holmes Lim, 
Lightburne Road, Ulverston. 

Sound Progress, 1898. M.—1st. 2d. W.J. Fleming, 63 Monton Road, Eccles. 

+South Africa, 1889. Sat.—8 a.m. 6d. E.P. Mathers, 39 Old Broad St., E.C. 

South African A BC Guide to British Manufacturing Exporters, 1897. Feb. 2s. Heywood & 
Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, E.c. 

South African Buyer's Guide, 1902. Quarterly. Gratis. 29 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

South African Directory. Annually. 25s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

South African Empire, 1890 (now Empire, 1896). 

South African Engineer, 1903. M.—16th. 4d. 15 Philpot Lane, Eastcheap, £.9. 

South African Exports, 1908. Weekly. 6d. 69 Fleet St., B.C. 

South African Hardware Chronicle, 1902. M.—15th. 6s. perann. F. W. Bridges, 189 & 
140 Fleet St., E.C. 

— African Hardware Chronicle Diary, 1902. Dec. 8s. 6d. F. W. Bridges, 189 & 140 Fleet 

t., E.C. 

South African Mining Manual. See Mining Manual. 

South African Photographer, 1900. M.—lst Thurs. 2d. Marshall, Brookes & Chalkiey 
Lim., 15 Harp Alley, Farringdon St., E.C. 

South African Pioneer, 1887. M.—15th. 1d. Marshall Bros., 10 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

South African Year-Book d Directory of Cape Town, 1899. Irreg. 73. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+South American Journal, 1878 (as Brazil and River Plate Mail, 1863). Fri.—6 p.m. 6d. 
Bates, Hendy & Co., 4 Budge Row, Cannon St., E.C. 

South American Missionary Magazine, 1856 (N.S. 1867) (as A Voice for South America). 
M. ld., ilus. C. Murray, 11 Ludgate Square, E.C. 

South Australia Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1895. Annually. 278. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim.,'182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+SOUTH BIRMINGHAM CHRONICLE, 1897 (with which is incorporated the King’s Norton & 
Northfield Chronicle, 1898). Sat. $d. R. J. Bowen, 80 New St, Birmingham. 

+SOUTH BUCKS FREE PRESS. See Bucks (South) Free Press. 

+SOUTH BUCKS STANDARD, 1890.-(c) Fri. 1d. South Bucks Standard Printing Co. 
Lim., High Wycombe. 

South Derry d£ District Almanac d Directory,1889. Dec. 1d. J. & H. L. Glasgow, Cookstown. 

SOUTH DEVON GAZETTE, 1876. (c) Fri. $d. J. R. Gill, 101 Fore St., Kingsbridge. A 
localised edition of the Kingsbridge Gazette. 

+SOUTH DURHAM & CLEVELAND MERCURY, 1851. Fri. 1d. North of England 
Newspaper Co. Lim., Darlington. (London: 186 Fleet St.) 

tSOUTH-EASTERN ADVERTISER, 1858. (c) Fri—d4 p:m., for Sat. ld. J. L. Deacon, 
26 High St., Rye. 

+SOUTH-EASTERN GAZETTE, 1815. Tues.1d. 56 Week St., Maidstone. 

+SOUTH-EASTERN HERALD, 1882. (c) F:i.—5 a.m. $d. O. W. Hartley, 189 Greenwich Road, 8.¥- 

— — — — — — 

164] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 126 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List, 

+8OUTH ESSEX MAIL, 1899 (with which are incorporated the West Ham Herald. 1892, and 
Stratford Herald, 1888.) Fri. 1d. South Essex Mail, Avenue Works, Manbey Road, The 
Grove, Stratford, E. 

tSOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1899. Sat. 1d. E. Brown, Thornbury. 

SOUTH LONDON CHRONICLE, 1857 (with which is incorporated Southwark and Newington 
Ratepayers’ Chronicle, 1888). (c) Fri. 1d. South London Chronicle Publishing Co, 
13 Skipton St., Newington Causeway, 8.E. 

+8OUTH LONDON MAIL, 1881 (with which are incorporated The Lambeth Post and South 
London Review and South London News and Southwark Standard). (u) Fri.—4 p.m., for 
Sat. ld. J. Massey, 28 Peckham Road, Camberwell, s.r. 

& Sat. 1d. Mansell Bros., 84 Church St., Camberwell, s.z. 

+SOUTH LONDON PRESS, 1865. (2) Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. Henderson & Sons, Red 
Lion Court, Fleet St., 8.0. (Advt.p. 451.) - 

SOUTH MANCHESTER CHRONICLE, 1887 (now Manchester Weekly Chronicle). 

SOUTH NOTTINGHAM GAZETTE, 1901 (incorporated with the Nottingham Chronicle, 1903). 

SOUTH NOTTS ECHO, 1899. Fri. ld. J. 8. Watson, Netherfield, Notts. 

South Piace Magazine, 1895. M.—last Fri. 2d. A. & H. B. Bonner, 1 & 2 Took’s Court, 
Chancery Lane, E.c. 

SOUTH SOMERSET LEADER, 1898 (incorporated with the Yeovil Leader, 1901). 

South Wales £ Monmouth: Bennett's Business Directory,1881. Annually. 5s. Benne &Co.,, 
Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

+SOUTH WALES ARGUS, 1892. (1) Daily—noon. d. C. D. Stentiford, 14 High Sty 
Newport, Mon. (London: 144 Fleet St., E.C.) 

South Wales Coal Annual, 1908. 5s. J. Davies, 6 James St., Cardiff. 

tSOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 1872. (l) 1.30a.m. 1d. Duncan & Sons, 105 & 106 St. 
Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 46 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 429.) 

{SOUTH WALES DAILY POST, 1898. (c) pm. d. South Wales Post Newspaper Co. 
Lim., 211 High St., Swansea. (London: 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 442.) 

SOUTH WALES DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1900 (as South Wales Daily Star, 1877; i 
with the South Wales Argus, 1908). arly Star, 1877; incorporated 

+SOUTH WALES ECHO, 1884. (l) Eight editions. 
105 St. Mary St., Cardiff. (London: 46 Fleet St.) 

tSOUTH WALES GAZETTE & NEWPORT NEWS, 1888. (J) Fri. 1d. P. W. Raffan 
& Co. Lim., Abertillery, Mon. 

South Wales Investment Circular, 1887. M.—I1st. 2s. 6d. per ann. Lyddon & Sons, Bute 
Docks, Cardiff. ) 

ISOUTR WALES PRESS, 1858. (l) Wed., for Thurs. 1d. J. Davies & Co., Murray St., 

SOUTH WALES TIMES & STAR OF GWENT, 1829 (incorporated with the South Wales 
Weekly Argus, 1908). 

tSOUTH WALES WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. (l) Fri.,for Sat. 1d. C.D. Stentiford, 14 High 
St., Newport, Mon. i 

tSOUTH WALES WEEKLY POST, 1898. (c) Sat. 1d. South Wales P 
Co. Lim., 211 High St., Swansea. (London : 74 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 442) Di 

South Walian, 1896 (as Swansea & South Walian, 1895’. M.—15th. 1d,illus. A TR 
181 St. Helen’s Avenue, Swansea. i f , Illus. A. C. Wright, 

tSOUTH-WEST SUFFOLK ECHO, 1888. (u) Fri., for Sat. bd. A. A. 
Exchange Chambers, Market Hill, Haverhill. } Mn A. Yeatman Corn 

SOUTH-WESTERN COMET, 1898 (with which was incorporated Wimbled nd P 
Post and The South-Western World ; now Surrey Comet, ‘Wimbledon Edition). = = 
South-Western Gazette, 1880. M.—Ist. 1d. E.&S. Hebert, 21 South Lambeth Road, s.E. 

Fri. 1d. A. W. H. Morgan, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, s.w. ea ae 
SOUTH-WESTERN WORLD (incorporated with the South-Western Comet, now Surrey Comet.) 

SOUTHALL NORWOOD GAZETTE, 1894. (c) 1d. Fri—1 p.m., for Sat. J. King, 24 
Sane Terrace Southall Green. A localised edition of the Uxbridge Gazette. (Adut. 
p. 452. 

Southampton Amusements and Society News, 1895. Sat 1d. H.Ki i 
Southampton: y 1 : a . King, 29 High St., 

Daily—12 noon. $d. Duncan & Sons, 

Advertisements received for all the Continental Newspapers. [165 

ABC List. ] | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Southampton Directory, 1886. Annually. 5s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Co. Alfred Harding, 10 Above Bar, Southampton. (Advt. p. 451.) 

70 Above Bar, Southampton. 

Southend Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holoorn, w.c. 

+SOUTHEND ECHO, 1892. (ind.) Wed. 1d. 2 Clarence Road, Southend-on-Sea. (London: 
10 Old Broad St.) 

tSOUTHEND-ON-SEA OBSERVER, 1870. (u) Thurs. 1d. Essex Weekly News Series 
_ Lim., Alexandra St., Southend. 

Fri.—8 a.m. J. H. Burrows, Cliff Town Road, Southend. . 

Sat. $d. J. H. Burrows, Cliff Town Road, Southend. 

+SOUTHERN DAILY ECHO, 1888. Daily—p.m. d. H. King, 45 Above Bar, Southampton. 
A daily newspaper for Wilts and Dorset. (Advt. p. 451.) 

tSOUTHERN DAILY MAIL, 1895 (as Evening Mail, 1884). (c) Six editions daily. $d. 
Mail Buildings, Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth. (London: 5 Carmelite House.) 

+SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, 1887. Sat. 1d. Blandford. A localised edition of the Bournemouth 

tSOUTHERN PRESS, 1892 (as South Suburban Press, 1887). Fri. $d. 577 Govan Road, Govan. 
SOUTHERN REFEREE (incorporated with the Southampton Observer). a E 
+SOUTHERN REPORTER, 1855. (ind.) Thurs.—6 a.m. 1d. G. Lewis & Co., 194 High St., Selkirk. 
+SOUTHERN STAR, 1890. (nat.) Sat. 1d. Southern Star Co. Lim., Skibbereen. 
{SOUTHERN TIMES, 1821. (c) Sat. ld. R.T. Atkins, St. Thomas St., Weymouth. 

+SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. Sat.—4 a.m. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. Lim,, 180 
North St., & West Pier Entrance, Brighton, and 180 Church Road, Hove. Telephone 52. 
(London : 62 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 480.) . 

SOUTHGATE CHRONICLE. (ind.) Fri.—9 am., for Sat. 1d. Cowing & Son, High St., 
Barnet. A localised edition of the Barnet Press. 

tSOUTHMOLTON GAZETTE, 1872. (ind.) Fri.& Sat. 1d. Gregory & Son, South Molton. 
Southport & Birkdale, 1901. 6s. Slater’s Directory Lim., 87 Brown St., Manchester. 
}SOUTHPORT GUARDIAN, 1882. (7) Wed. & Sat. 1d. J.J. Riley,188 Lord St., Southport. 

Ashton & Sons, Corporation St., Southport. (Circulation, 7,000 guaranteed weekly. Advt.) 

+SOUTHPORT VISITOR, 1844. (c) Tues., Thurs., Sat.—4 a.m. ld. A. F. Stephenson, 
28 Tulketh St., Southport. (London: 115 Fleet St.) 

+SOUTHWARK & BERMONDSEY RECORDER, 1900 (as Southwark Recorder & Newington 
Gazette, 1868). Sat. 1d. F. Shaw & Co., 51 Parker’s Row, Dockhead, s.E. 

Southwark Libraries Chronicle, 1895. Quarterly. 1d. The Library, Walworth, s.z. 

Southwell Diocesan Church Calendar, 1885. Jan. 1s. 6d. Bemrose & Sons Lim., Midland 
Place, Derby. (London: 4 Snow Hill.) 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine, 1888. M.—25th. 1}d. Rev. Canon Singleton, Melbourne, Derby. 

Sovereign Magazine of Fiction and Fashlon, 1908. Fri. 1d. W. Stevens Lim., 28 & 
24 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Sower, 1862. M.—27th. 1d. Houlston & Sons, 7 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

SOWERBY BRIDGE CHRONICLE, 1888. Fri—10 am. $d. W. Ackroyd, Town Hall St., 
Sowerby Bridge. 

SPALDING FREE PRESS. See Lincolnshire, Boston, £ Spalding Free Press. 

+SPALDING GUARDIAN, 1881. (l) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. R. Winfrey,25 Hall Place, 

+SPALDING © POST, 1908. Sat. 1d. F. Blanshard, Market Place, Spalding. A localised 
edition of the Boston Post. 

Spalding’s Handbook, Diary, and Almanack, 1874. Dec. 6d., illus; W.P. Spalding, 48 Sidney 
St., Cambridge. 

Spalding’s Street and General Directory, 1876. Triennially. 5s. & 10s. 6d. W. P. Spalding, 
43 Sidney St., Cambridge. 

166} J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Spalding’s Visitors’ Chronicle, 1878. In Easter Term. 8d. W.P. Spalding, 48 Sidney St., Cambridge. 
Spare Moments, 1888. Fri—llam. 1d. Bradley & Co., 12 & 18 Fetter Lane, E.c. 
tSpeaker, 1890. (1) Sat. 6d. 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

Specification, 1898. Jan. 5s. Technical Journals Lim., 6 Great New St., East Harding St., E.C. 
+Spectator, 1838. Sat.—2.30 a.m. 6d. 1 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 279.) 

SPEN VALLEY DIVISION CHRONICLE (now Heckmondwike District News, dc.). 

+SPHERE, 1900. Fri., for Sat. 6d. R. Foster, 6 Great New St., E.C. 

Spink & Son’s Monthly Numismatic Circular, 1892. 1st. 2s.6d. per ann. Spink & 
Son, 17 & 18 Piccadilly, w 

Spiritual Quarterly Magazine, 1002. 4d. Two Worlds Publishing Co. Lim.,.18 Corpora- 
tion St., Manchester. 

Spons’ Architects, Builders’, and Contractors’ Book of Prices, 1873. Jan. 8s. 6d., illus. E. & 
F. N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Spons’ Engineers’ Diary and Year Book,1890. Nov. 88. 6d. E.& F.N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

tSport, 1880. Sat. id. The Freeman’s Journal Lim., 84 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. (London: 
211 Strand.) 

tSport and Play, 1901. Tues. 1d. Sport & Play Lim., Lucifer House, Lionel St., Birmingham. 

Sporting and Dramatic News (now Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News). 

Sporting Annual, 1902. 3s. 6d. A. Treherne & Co. Lim., 8 Agar St., Charing Cross, w.c 

tSporting Chronicle, 1871. Daily—l am. 1d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Sporting Chronicle Annual. Dec. 8d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, Manchester. 

Sporting Chronicle “ Horses in Training.” Feb. 3d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, 

Sporting Chronicle Weekiy Handicap Book, 1837. Sat. 1d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., 
Withy Grove, Manchester. 

Sporting Goods Review, &c., 1890. M.—löth. 4d. 68 Aldersgate St., B.c. 

tSPORTING LIFE, 1859. Daily—8 a.m. 1d. L. W. Kennerley, 27 St. Bride St., £.c.; Advert. 
ofice—148 Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 480.) 

Sporting Life Companion, 1875. Dec. 2d. L. W. Kennerley, 148 Fleet St., E.c. Sporting statistics. 

Sporting Life Racing Guide, 1880. Sat. 1d. L. W. Kennerley, 148 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sporting Luck, 1889. Fri. 1d. 10 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Sporting Mirror and Dramatic & Music Hall Record, 1892 (as Licensed Victualler's 
Mirror (Cox’s), 1888 ; incorporated with Football Chat, 1900). 

+Sporting Sketches, 1892. Wed., for Thurs. 2d., illus. 169 Fleet St., E.c. 

Sporting Star, 1884. Daily—5 a.m. 1d. G. E. Pearce, 808 High St., Birmingham. 

tSporting Times, 1865 (with which is incorporated tho Man of the World). Sat.—2 am. 2d. 
J Corlett, 52 Fleet St., E.C. 

tSporting World, 1879. Mon. & Sat. 1d. 98 Shoe Lane, E.C. 

tSports Argus,1897. Sat. 4d. T. Lancaster, Daily Argus Buildings, Corporation St., Birmingham. 
(London: 17 Tudor St.) 

Sports Express, 1908 (as Daily News and Ezpress, 1901; Hull Express, 1876). Sat. 43d. 
Eastern Morning Hull News Co. Lim., 42 Whitefriargate, Hull. (London: 159 Fleet St.) 
Sports Trades’ Journal, 1902. M.—6th. 2s.6d. perann. Marshall, Brookes & Chalkley Lim., 

15 Harp Alley, Farringdon St., E.c. 
+SPORTSMAN, 1865. Daily—a.m. 1d. Ashley & Smith Lim., 189-140 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sportsman’s & Tourist’s Guide, 1878. May & Aug. 1s., maps. J. Watson Lyall,118 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Spores Monthly Guide, 1879. M.—lastweek. 6d.tols. Ashley & Smith Lim., 189-140 

Fleet St., E.c. 

R. Kirkland, 7 Cowlairs Road, Springburn. 

- Springing Well, 1897. M.—25th. 1d., illus. A. Holness, 14 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

age ltl, and Christian Endeavour, 1899 (as Springtime, 1886). M.—25th. 2d., illus. 
ryant, 48-50 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Spurgeon’s Illustrated Almanack, 1862. Nov. 1d., illus. Passmore & Alabaster, 4 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.C. 

Staf College Reports and Examination Papers. Jan. 1s. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding St., 
E.C. (Advt, p. 879.) 

— — — — — ee 

Advertisements received for all the Continental Newspapers. [1 [1 67 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

tSTAFFORDSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1795. Sat. 2d. J. & C. Mort Lim., 89 Greengate St,, 


Staffordshire: Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 5s. Bennett & Co., Chapel 
Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tSTAFFORDSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1877. Sat. 1d. C.S. Allison, 19 Greengate St., Stafford. 

tSTAFFORDSHIRE SENTINEL, 1854. (ind.) Daily—1.80 p.m., ġd.; Sat., 1d. G. Walker, 
Foundry St., Hanley. (London: W. Fyvie, 190 Fleet St.) 

+Stage, 1881 (as Stage Directory, 1880). Thurs.--8a.m. 2d. Carson & Comerford, 16 York 
St., Covent Garden, w.c. (Advt. p. 880.) 

Stage Soviets y News, 1903. ld. 8 Clement’s Lane, E.C. 
Stage Souvenier, 1903. M.—20th. 8d. Simpkin & Co., 4 Stationers’ Hall Court, E.c. 
Stage Staff Journal, 1901. M.—1st. 1d. C. Thorogood, 20 Wellington St., Strand, w.c. 

Clegg St., Oldham. A localised edition of the Oldham Standard. (London: 101 Fleet St.) 

HSTALYBRIDGE HERALD, 1887. ic) Fri. for Sat. 14d. Cavendish Works, Ashton-under- 
Lyne. A localised edition of the W eekly Herald, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

+STALYBRIDGE REPORTER, 1855. (l) Fri. for Sat. 1}d. J. Andrew & Co., Market Place, 
Ashton-under-Lyne. A localised edition of the Ashton Reporter. 

tSTAMFORD & RUTLAND GUARDIAN, 1878. (ind.) Thurs.—noon, for Fri. 1d. Stamford 
& Rutland Guardian Co. Lim., Maiden Lane, Stamford. 

Stamford Hill and Tottenham Directory, 1880. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

*tSTAMFORD POST, 1889. (c) Fri. 1d. F. Evans & Co., Stamford. 
Stamp Dealers of Great Britain, 1886. Nov. 6d. C.J. Endle & Co., Boscombe. (Advt. p. 449.) 
Stamps, 1896. M.—25th. 2d. Plumridge & Co., 68 & 64 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

tSTANDARD, 1857. (c) Daily—8 am. 1d. W. G. Thame, 104 Shoe Lane, x.c.; Advert. 

Office—23 St. Bride St., z.c. Telephone 77 Holborn. General and commercial newspaper. 
(Advt. p. ii cover.) 

Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons. Sessional. Oct. 53. Waterlow & Sons Lim., 
85 London Wall, E.c. 

Stanley Gazette, 1892. M.—15th. 6d. Gibbon Bros., 154 Fonthill Road, Finsbury Park, n. 
Organ of the Stanley Cycling Club. 

Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal, 1890. M.—1st. 23. per ann. Stanley Gibbons, 891 
Strand, w.c. 

tSTANMORE GAZETTE, 1900. Fri.—a.m.,for Sat. 1d. F.W.Provost, High St., Harrow. A 
localised edition of the Harrow Gazette. 

tSTANMORE OBSERVER, 1895. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. A localised 
- edition of the Harrow Observer. 

tSTAR (Guernsey), 1813. (c) Tues., Thurs., Sat—5 p.m. ld. Guernsey Star Publishing 
Co. Lim., 10 Bordage St., Guernsey. 

+STAR, 1888. (2) Daily oven, $d. Star Newspaper Co., Stonecutter St., E.c. 

Star in the East, 1898. Quarterly. 1d. Bible Lands Mission’s Aid Society, 7 Adam St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Star Lore & Future Events, 1897. Quarterly. 4d. Glen & Co., 14 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., £.c. 

State Correspondent & Higher Examination Journai, 1894. M.—1st. 2d. Sheppard 
& St. John, 76 & 78 Clerkenwell Road, B. c. 

Statesman’s Year Book, 1868. March. 10s. 6d. net. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Stationer, Printer, and Fancy Trades Register, 1859. M.—Ilst. . 6d., illus. Dean & 
Son Lim., 1604 Fleet St., E.c. 

Stationers’ £ Printers’ Annual, 1899. 1s. Morriss & Birch, 57, 59 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Stationers’, Printers’, Publishers’, Booksellers’, £c., Directory, 1872. Every four years. 25s. 
Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, E.C. 

Stationery Trades Jou rnal, 1880. M.—1st. 1s. per ann., illus. J. Whitaker & Sons Lim., 
12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Sea ner! World and Fancy Goods Review, 1891. M.—25th. 6d., illus. S.C Phillips & 
, 47 Cannon St., E.c. 

+Statiat, 1878. Sat. 6d. 51 Cannon St., E.c. A Journal of Practical Finance and Trade. 
(Advt. p. 442.) 

Statistical Tables of the Patients under Treatment in the Wards of St. Bartholomew’ 8 Hospital, 
1860 ‚1000, Annnally, Gratis. The Medical and Surgical Registrars, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, BACs 

168] J. J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Steamshlp, 1889. M.—1st. 6d.,illus. J. Lockie, 2 Custom House Chambers, Leith. 

Steamship Magazine and Alphabetical Ocean Guide, 1908. 6d. Steamship Publisbing 
Co., 18 & 19 Mansion House Chambers, Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Stella Maris, 1901. M.—15th. 1d. D. Bearne, “ Messenger ” Office, Wimbledon, 

tSTEVENSTON GAZETTE, 1898. (ind) Fri. 1d. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. A 
localised edition of the Irvine Herald. 

tSTEWARTRY OBSERVER & WIGTOWNSHIRE NEWS, 1888. (rad.) Thurs., for Fri. 
4d. Ivie A. Callan, 88 High St., Dalbeattie. 

STEYNING OBSERVER, 1902. Sat. 1d. Worthing Observer Co.,33 Montague St., Worthing. 
One of the Worthing Observer series. 

+STIRLING JOURNAL, 1820. (c) Fri—a.m. 1d. J. Hogg & Co., 9 King St., Stirling. 

TSTIRLING OBSERVER, 1886. (1) Wed.—5p.m. 1d. Munro & Jamieson, 26 Craigs, Stirling. 

1 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Munro & Jamieson, 26 Craigs, Stirling. 

STIRLING SENTINEL, 1888. (ind.) Tues—5 p.m. $d. Cook & Wylie, 9 Barnton St., Stirling. 

+Stock Exchange, 1887. Wed. 8d. 14 Devonshire St., E.c. 

tStock Exchange Daily Official List, 1899 (as London Daily Stock d: Share List, 1848). 
pm. £4perann. The Trustees & Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, £.c. 

+tStock Exchange Gazette, 1901. Sat. 6d. Cassell & Co., La Belle Sauvage Yard, E. c. 

Stock Exchange Handbook, 1889. Jan. 1s. & 2s. Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.c. 

Stock Exchange Making Up Price List, 1877. Fortnightly. 80s. per ann. The Trustees 
& Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, £.c. 

Stock Eachange Official Intelligence, 1898 (as Burdett's Official Intelligence, 1892). Feb. 50s. 
Spottiswoode & Co. Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., x.c. {Information as to British and Foreign 
Securities. Advt.) 

Stock Exchange Review, 1885 (with which is incorporated Trade and Finance). Sat. 6d. 
Stock Exchange Review Publishing Co. Lim., 4 St. Mary Axe, E.c. 

tStock Exchange Weekly Official Intelligence, 1899 (as Weekly Official Intelligence, 1882), 
Sat. £2 per ann. The Trustees & Managers of the Stock Exchange, 4 Copthall Buildings, E.c, 

Stock Exchange Year Book, 1874. Dec. 81s. 6d, 1 Royal Exchange Buildings, E.C. 

¢Stock-Keeper and Fanciers’ Chronicle, 1880 (as Fanciers’ Chronicle, 1879). Fri.—8 a.m. 
ld., illus. 77 Fleet St., E.C. 

+STOCKPORT ADVERTISER, 1822. (c) Fri—morn. 13d. Swain & ‘Co. Lim., King St. 
East, Stockport. = 

+STOCKPORT CHRONICLE. (l) Mon. & Wed. $d. The New Cheshire County News Co, 
Lim., Stockport. 

STOCKPORT COUNTY BOROUGH EXPRESS, 1889. Thurs. jd. Connell & Bailey, St. 
Peter’s Square, Stockport. 

tSTOCKTON & THORNABY HERALD, 1856. (Z) Fri. for Sat. 1d. D, Craig, Bridge 
Road, Stockton. (London: 67 Fleet St.). 

HORNSEY & HACKNEY CHRONICLE, 1888 (as Ball’s Pond Advertiser, 1871). (c) Fri. 
for Sat. 1d. Recorder Printing Co., 831 Church St., Stoke Newington, N. l 

Stoke Newington and Upper & Lower Clapton Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

4STONE & ECCLESHALL ADVERTISER, 1889. Fri.—6 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Bennion, Horne, 
Smallmen, & Co. Lim., High St., Newport, Salop. A localised edition of the Newport and 
Market Drayton Advertiser. 

Stone Trades’ Journal, 1900 (with which is incorporated the Stonemason, 1882), M.—1st. 
4d. 111 Fleet Street, E.c. 

tSTONE WEEKLY NEWS, 1901. Fri. ld. T.G. Adie, 28 High St., Stane, 
tSTONEHAVEN JOURNAL, 1845. Thurs. 1d. Taylor & Co., Market Square, Stonehaven. 
Stonemason, 1882 (incorporated with the Stone Trades’ Journal, 1900). 

Stone's Justice Manual, 1868. Jan. 25s. Shaw & Sons, 6-9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Stonyhurst Magazine, 1881. Six times a year. 6d. Stonyhurst, Lancashire. 
STOWMARKET COURIER, 1868. (c) Thurs. 1d. W. L. Lewis, Station Road, Sudbury. 

F. McMenamin, M.J.I., Strabane. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers, [169 


ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Strad, 1890. Quarterly 2d. D.R. Duncan, 186 Fleet St., E.C. 

Strand Magazine, 1891. M.—1st. 6d., illus. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Stratford Co-operator, 1895. M.—Ist. Sat. ld. Stratford Co-operative Society, Lim., Mary- 
land St., Stratford, E. 

STRATFORD EXPRESS (now Borough of West Ham Express). 

ISTRATE ORD-ON-AVON HERALD, 1860. Fri. (ind.) 1d. G. Boyden, 29 High St., Stratford- 

Stratford, West Ham, and Forest Gate Directory, 1886. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
' Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. a 

+STRATHEARN HERALD, 1856. (Lu) Sat. 1d. D. Philips, Comrie St., Crieff. 

Streams of Gladness, 1908. M.—15th. 1d. A. Marshall, Rock House, Farnborough. 
+STREATHAM AND BRIXTON WEEKLY MAIL, 1908. Sat. 1d. W.E. Hooper, 12 Mitcham 
O Lane, Streatham, S.E. 

Streatham Free Press, 1882, Fri. d. Brixton Free Press Printing and Advertising Co., 
Lim., 429 Brixton Road, s.w. A localised edition of the Briston Free Press. 

+STREATHAM NEWS, 1891. Sat. 1d. Walter Brown & Smith, 219 High Road, Streatham, s.w. 
Street’s Newspaper Directory for Great Britain & Ireland, 1890. Jan. 88. 6d. G. Street & Co. 
— Lim, 8 Serle St., w.c. 

STRETFORD CHRONICLE, 1887. (1) Sat.—a.m. 1d. 12 Brazennose St., Manchester. 
` A localised edition of the Manchester Weekly Chronicle. 

+STRETFORD DIVISION ADVERTISER, 1883. (c) Fri. 1d. Swain & Co. Lim., Chester 
Road, Stretford, and Stockport. One of the Stockport Advertiser series. 

tSTRETFORD TELEGRAPH, 1898. (ind.c) Fri. id. Telegraph Printing Co., Stretford and 
-° Urmston. A localised edition of the Western Telegraph. 

Striking Stories, 1897. M.—15th. 1d. John Heywood, Deansgate, Manchester. (London: 
29 & 80 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 
+STROUD JOURNAL, 1854. (2) Fri.—1.80 p.m., & Sat. 1d. W.Thompson, Lansdown, Stroud. 

ld. George and John Streets, Stroud. 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book and Gazette Index, 1869. Jan. Subscription. 5s. Stubbs Lin; 
42 Gresham St., E.c. 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette & List of Creditors, 1858. Wed.—6a.m. 25s.perann. Stubbs 
Lim., 42 Gresham St., E.C. ; 

Student, 1887. Thurs., during session. 8d. The Darien Press, Bristo Place, Edinburgh. 
Student, 19038. M.—15th. 2d. Omega Press, Fishponds, Bristol. 

Students’ Handbook to the University & Colleges of Cambridge, 1902. Annually. C.J. Clay & 
Sons, Ave Maria Lane, E.C. , 

Student’s Telephone, 1887. Half-yearly. 1s. 7d. H. Foulks Lynch & Co.,9 Fenchurch St., E.C. 
Studio, 1893. M.—15th. 1s., illus. 44 Leicester Square, w.c. 

STURMINSTER GAZETTE, 1903. Sat. 4d. Compton Press, High St., Gillingham. One 
` ofthe Gillingham Gazette series. 

Sub-Postmaster, 1899. M.—1st. 2d. 8 High St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. 

SUDBURY & WEST SUFFOLK ADVERTISER, 1886, (c) Fri. 1d. W. T.Cox, 19 Abbeygate 
St., Bury St. Edmunds. A localised edition of the Bury d West Suffolk Advertiser. 

TSUFFOLK & ESSEX FREE PRESS, 1855. (c) Wed.—8 pm. 2d. W. L. Lewis, Station 
Road, Sudbury. 

SUFFOLK CHRONICLE (incorporated with Suffolk Chronicle and Mercury). 

tSUFFOLK CHONICLE & MERCURY, 1899 (as Suffolk Chronicle, 1810; as Suffolk Mercury, 
1854; as Suffolk Times and Mercury, 1876). (1) Fri—6 am. 1d. G. Manby, Carr St. 
Ipswich. (Advi. p. 451.) : 

Suffolk Handbook (with which is incorporated Knight's County Handbook & Suffolk Alm 
1868). Dec. 6d. 18,Carr St., Ipswich. í a — 
Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book, 1887. Annually. 5s.. Secretary, 64 Orford St., Ipswich. 

Sugar Cane Magazine (now International Sugar Journal). 
SUN, 1893. (ind.) Daily—10 a.m. $d., illus. Temple Avenue, £.c. (Advt. p. iv.) 
Sunbeam, 1865. M.—Ist. $d., illus. J. Flisher, 169 Stretford Road, Manchester. 

170) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 


Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Sunchildren’s Budget, 1806. Quarterly. 6d. 8 Paternoster Buildings, E.C. 

Sunday, 1878. Thurs.—10 a.m. $d.; monthly, 8d. Illus. Gardner, Darton & Co., 3 Paternoster 
Buildings, E.c. 

Sunday at Home, 1854. M.—25th. 6d. Annual vol., 78. 6d. Illus. Religious Tract Society, 
4 Bouverie St., E.c. 

t+SUNDAY CHRONICLE, 1885. Sat.—7p.m.,&Sun. 1d. E. Hulton & Co. Lim., Withy Grove, 
Manchester. (London: 92 Fleet St.) 

Sunday Circle, 1902. Wed. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., 2 Carmelite St., E.c. 

Sunday Closing Reporter, 1874. Quarterly. 1d. Central Sunday Closing Reason: 
14 Brown Street, Manchester. (London: 1 Northumberland Avenue.) 

Sunday Companion, 1895. Fri. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Sunday Magazine, 1864. M—lIst. 6d., illus. Extra Christmas Number in Dec., 6d. Isbister. 
& Co. Lim., 15 & 16 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, w.c. 

+Sunday School Chronicle, 1874. Thurs.—9 a.m. 1d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. (Journal 
for superintendents, officers, and teachers. Advt.) 

Sunday School Illustrated Almanack, 1849. Nov. 1d., illus. 8.8.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Sunday School Journal, 1872. M.—25th. 2d. R. Bryant, 48-50 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Sunday School Teacher, 1868. M.—25th. 2d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, B. c. 

Sunday School Teacher's Class Register, 1842. Nov. 4d. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Sunday School Teacher’s Pocket Book, 1890. Annually, 1s. 8.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

Sunday School Times, 1859. Wed. 9 a.m. 4d. Monthly parts, 8d. James Clarke & Co., 
2 5 * Fleet St., E.c. (Adapted for parents, Sunday-school teachers, and elder scholars. 

Sunday School Workers’ Magazine, 1885. M.—ist. 4d. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Sunday Society Reports, 1876. March. 6d. Sunday Society, 7 Pall Mall, s.w. 

tSUNDAY SPECIAL, 1897. Sun. 1d. 8 & 9 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. iv.) 

Sunday Stories, 1896. Wed. 1d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Sunday Strand, 1899. M.—27th. 6d. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., w.c. 

+SUNDAY SUN, 1899 (as Sunday Sun, 1891; Weekly Sun, 1898). (l) Sun. id. 16 Serjeants 
Inn, Fleet St., E.c. (Advt. p. 442.) 

Sunday Sunshine, 1898. Oct. 2s.6d. J. ¥F. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

tSunday Telegraph, 1896. Sat—pm. 1d. W. C. Leng & Co. 17 High St., Sheffield. 
(London: 180 & 181 Fleet St., E.c.) 

tSUNDAY TIMES, 1822. Sun. 1d. 46 Fleet St., £.c. Telephone, 1149 Holborn. (Advt. p. 481.) 

Sunderland Co-operative Society Record, 1898. M.—7th. Gratis. Green St., Sunderland. 

+SUNDERLAND DAILY ECHO, 1878. (l) 4pm, 5 pm. & 6 pm. 4d. G. Herring, 14 
Bridge St., Sunderland. 

+SUNDERLAND DAILY POST & HERALD, 1831. (u) 38.80 pm. d Sunderland Post 
Co. Lim., West Wear St., Sunderland. 

+Sunderland Daily Shipping News, 1865. 9 a.m. 1d. Sunderland Post Co. Lim., West Wear 
St., Sunderland. 

Sunderland Diary (Mawson’s), 1892 (now Reid’s Sunderland, 1908). 

Sunderland Year Book, 1902. 1s. Pinnacle Publishing and Advertising Co., Borough Buildings 

Sunningdale & Sunninghiil Banner, 1882. M.—1st. 1d. T. E. Luff, Trinity House, Windsor. 

+Sunrise, 1878. M. 4d., illus. Good Templars Watchword Co. Lim., 168 Edmund St., Bir- 

Sunshine, 1862. M. 1d., illus. Marshall Bros., 10 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Supplement to the General Stud Book, 1861. Dec. 5s. Weatherby & Sons, 6 Old Burlington, St. w. 

Supplemental Military Journal. Bi-monthly. 15s. Boosey & Co., 295 Regent St., w. 

roe arbiton FAIL TIMES, 1895. Fri—6a.m. ld. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Lim., Berrylands Road, 

Surprise (The), 1894. Fri. d. E. J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding St., 5.c. 

tTSURREY ADVERTISER, 1861. (c) Mon. & Wed., }d.; Fri. & Sat., 1d. A.F. Asher, Guildford. 
(Advt. p. 451.) 

— — — 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers, 1171 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

ld. E. V. Fairweather, Farnham. 

tSURREY COMET, 1854. Sat. (12 pp.)—4a.m. 1d. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Lim., Clarence St., 
Kingston-on-Thames. (Advt. p. 442.) 

{SURREY COMET (Mid-Weekly Edition), 1901 (with which is incorporated the en & Sur- 
biton News, 1881). Wed. $d. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Lim., Clarence St., Kingston-on- 
Thames. (Advt. p. 442.) 

tSURREY COUNTY HERALD, 1898. (c) Sat. 1d. 26 High St., Sutton, Surrey. Localised 
editions, Epsom Herald, Mitcham Herald, Sutton Herald, Tooting € Balham Herald, 
Wallington & Carshalton Herald, and Wimbledon Herald. (Advt. p. 451.) 

2d.; Fri.,1d. Lewes and South Counties Press Lim., 64 High St., Lewes. 

SURREY HERALD & MIDDLESEX NEWS, 1892 (as Surrey d& Middlesex Herald, 1881). 
Fri. & Sat. 4d. Rawlings & Walsh Lim., Chertsey. 

SURREY INDEPENDENT, 1882 (as Mid-Surrey Standard, 1878). (c) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 
ld. Neller & Co., 4 Hill Road, Wimbledon. 

tSURREY LEADER, 1890. (c) Fri.—noon. ld. Henry Libby, 118 Station Road, Redhill. 

Surrey Magazine, 1899. M.—15th. 8d. Cosmos Publishing Co. Lim., 34 George St., Croydon. 

tSURREY MIRROR & COUNTY POST, 1879. (ind.) Fri.,1d.; Tues. 3d. H. F. D. Porter, 
The Holmesdale Press Lim., Redhill Junction. (Advt. p. 481.) 

Surrey Tabernacle Witness, 1897. M.—lst. 1d. R. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, 
Fleet St., E.C. 

tSURREY TIMES, 1891 (as West Surrey Times, 1855). (l) Fri. & Sat. 1d. Guildford. 

tSurveyor, 1892. Fri.—8d., illus. 24 Bride Lane, Fleet St., E.C. 

tSUSSEX ADVERTISER, 1745. (7) Mon., 2d.; Wed. & Sat., 1d. Lewes and South Counties 
Press Lim., 64 High St., Lewes. 

tSUSSEX & SURREY COURIER, 1881 (as Simmin's Weekly Advertiser, 1880). (ind.) Sat. 
ld. Farncombe & Co. Lim., Market St., Lewes. 

tSUSSEX COAST MERCURY, 1867 (as Visitors’ List, 1861). (c) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 1d. 
J.C. S. Kirshaw, 7 Warwick St., Worthing. 

tSUSSEX COUNTY HERALD, 1870. (ind.) Sat. 1d. T. R. Beckett, 4 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne. 

tSUSSEX DAILY NEWS (as Brighton Daily News, 1868). 4a.m. 1d. Southern Publishing 

Co. Lim., 130 North St., & West Pier Entrance, Brighton, & 180 Church Road, Hove. Tele- 
phone 52. (London: 62 Fleet St.). (Advt. p. 482.) 

+SUSSEX EVENING TIMES, 1880. (ind. con.) 4 editions daily, d. W. E. Nash, 205 
Western Road, Brighton. 

Agricultural Express, 1887). (c) Sat. 1d. W.E. Baxter Lim., 85 High St., Lewes. 

Sussex Herd Book, 1890. Mar. 5s. 12 Hanover Square, w. 

{SUTTON & EPSOM ADVERTISER, 1869. Sat.—6 a.m. ld. J. W. Ward, High 8t., Croydon. 

Sutton Coldfield, Erdington & District Directory, 1900. Dec. 28. 6d. Beaumont & Co., 66 
Baker St., Sparkhill, Birmingham. 

{SUTTON COLDFIELD MERCURY, 1892. Fri.,forSat. 1d. E. Brown, 36 Bird St., Lichfield. 
A localised edition of the Lichfield Mercury. 

eae HERALD. 26 High St., Sutton. A localised edition of the Surrey County Herald. 

vt. p. 451.) 

Birch & Whittington, 10 Station Road, Epsom. One the Epsom Observer series. (Advt. p. 421.) 

+SWANAGE AND WAREHAM GUARDIAN, 1890. Sat. 1d. High St., Swanage. A localised 
edition of the Bournemouth Guardian. 

SWANLEY & EYNSFORD TIMES, 1890. Mon., for Tues. $d. Times Buildings, Sidcup, 
Kent. (Advi. p. 428.) 

SWANSCOMBE CHRONICLE, 1908 (as Northfleet £ Swanscombe Chronicle, 1895), Mon., 
for Tues. d. Hythe St., Dartford. <A localised edition of the Dartford Chronicle. 
(Advt. p. 428.) 

lisher J. Evans, 9 Castle Square, Swansea. 

SWANSEA GAZETTE (now Daily Shipping Register). 

Swansea Tide Tables, 1791. Dec. 18. Pearse & Brown, Wind St., Swansea. 

172) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Swiatlo, 1898 (The Light). Bi-M. 4d. J. Kaniowski, 67 Colworth Road, Leytonstone, n.E. 
+SWINDON ADVERTISER, 1854. (2) Fri—noon. 1d. Morris Bros., Victoria Road, Swindon. 

awariom — Pendlebury Almanack, 1872. Dec. 1d., illus. R. J. Hampson Lim., Caxton Works, 

+SWINTON AND PENDLEBURY TELEGRAPH 894. (c) Fri. 1d. Caxton Works, Pendlebury. 

Sword and the Trowel, 1865. M.—28th. 38d., illus. Passmore & Alabaster, 4 Paternoster 
Buildings, £.c. 

Sword of Light, 1898. Sat. 1d. Gaelic League, 34 Upper O’Connell St., Dublin. 

tSYDENHAM, FOREST HILL, & PENGE GAZETTE, 1872. Sat. 1d. E D. Davies, 50 
High St., Sydenham. 

Sydenham, Norwood, and -Streatham Directory, 1881. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, W.C. 

Syllabus of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music, 1889. July 
& Aug. Gratis. 14 Hanover Square, w. 

Symons's Monthiy Meteorological Magazine, 1866. 16th. 4d., occas. illus. E. Stan- 
ford, 12-14 Long Acre, w.c. 

¢Syren & Shipping, 1896. Wed. 8d. Wilkinson Bros. Lim., 11 Bevis Marks, E.c. 

+Table, 1886. Fri.—9am. 1d. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 16 James St., Haymarket, s.w. 

Table Tennis Association Oficial Handbook, 1903. A. J. Bryant, 24 Brodrick Road, Wandsworth 
Common, 8.w. 

tTablet, 1840. Fri—9a.m., for Sat. 5d. J. Donovan, 19 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
Tabular Property Register, 1879. Irreg. Geo. Beken & Co., 78 Moorgate St., E.c. 

tTADCASTER NEWS, 1878 (as Tadcaster Post, 1861). (c) Thurs. 1d. H Crossley, 2 High 
St., Wetherby. A localised edition of the Wetherby News. 

Tallor and Cutter, 1866. Wed.—9 a.m., for Thurs. 2d., illus.; M.,1s. John Williamson & Co. 
Lim., 42 Gerrard St., w 

Tailoress and Dress Cutter, 1908 (as Dress Cutting and Making, 1898). Wed. 1d., illus. 
John Williamson & Co. Lim., 42 Gerrard St., w. 

Tailoring World, 1890 (as Tailor £ World, 1888). Fri.—9 a.m., 2d.; M. 9d. Davies & Co. Lim., 
17 Great Turnstile, W.C. 

Tales from Town Topics (English Edition), 1892. Quarterly. 1s. 90-98 Fleet St., E.c. 
+Talk, 1901. Sat. 1d. J.K. Mitchell, 72 Grafton Street, Dublin. 
Talking Machine News, 1908. M.—Iist. 2d. E.T. Heron & Co., 9 & 11 Tottenham St., w. 

+TAMWORTH ADVERTISER, 1884. Fri.—10 a.m., for Sat. ld. Advertiser Co. Lim., 
1 Albert St., Rugby. A localised edition of the Rugby Advertiser. 

+TAMWORTH HERALD, 1868. Fri., for Sat. 1d. W.Morton, 14 Silver St., Tamworth. 

+TAMWORTH MERCURY, 1877. (c) Fri. 1d. E. Brown, 86 Bird St, Lichfield. A 
localised edition of the Lichfield Mercury. 

+TARIAN Y GWEITHIWR, 1874. (rad.) Thurs. 1d. G. M. Evans, 19 Cardiff St., Aberdare. 

Tasmania Post Office Directory (Wise’s). 1890. Annually. 278. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

T. A. T., 1908. Mon. id. E.J. Brett Lim., 6 West Harding St., E.C. 
Tatier, 1901. Wed. 6d. 6 Great New Street, E.c. 

kur NTON COURIER, 1808. (c) Tues., Wed. 1d. Western Gazette Co. Lim., 48 Bridge St., 

+TAUNTON ECHO, 1887. (2) Tues.—p.m., for Wed. 1d. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton. 
+TAUNTON MAIL, 1898. Wed. d. Woodley & Co., Taunton. 

+¢TAVISTOCK GAZETTE, 1857. (i) Fri. 1d. T. W. Greenfield, Bedford Square, Tavistock. 
Taylorian, 1879. Bi-terminally. 6d. Merchant Taylors’ School, Charterhouse Square, E.C. 

Taylor's Calendars of the Meetings of the Scientific Bodies, 1894. Dec. 6d. Taylor & Francis, 
74 Red Lion Court, E.c. 

Taylor's Tithe Commutation Table, 1887. Jan. 1s. Shaw & Sons, 6, 7, 8, & 9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 
Teacher of the Deaf, 1908. Bi-M. 4d. Francis Carter, Iron Gate, Derby. 
Teacher's Pocket Book and Diary, 1841. Nov. 2s. S.S.U., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [178 

ABC List.] Willing’ s Press Guide. 
Teacher's Guild Quarterly, 1901. Quarterly. 74 Gower St., w. 
Teachers’ Aid, 1885. Wed.—10am. ld. W.S. Latham, 8 Racquet Court, Fleet St., £.c. 
Teachers’ Monthly, 1892. M.—1st. 1d. Davis & Moughton Lim., 2 Ludgate Hill, Birming- 
- ham. (Circulating in Public Elementary Schools. Advt.) 
Teachers’ Notes on Scottish National Scheme of Lessons, 1900. M.—15th. ld, 
J. Cochrane, 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh. 

Teachers’ Times and Kindergarden Gazette, 1902 (as Girls’ and Infants’ Mistress, 
1901; as Infants’ and Girls’ Teacher, 1900; Girls’ and Infants’ Mistress, 1898). Fri. 1d. 

10 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

TEDDY ASHTON’S “NORTHERN WEEKLY,” 1899 (as Northern Weekly, dc., 1895). Fri. 
for Sat. 1d. J. Pendlebury & Sons, 54 Higher Bridge St., Bolton. 

+Tees Daily Shipping List, 1891. 10 am. 10s. 6d. Quarterly. Jordison & Co. Lim., 

+TEESDALE MERCURY, 1854. Wed. 1d. W.R. Atkinson, Market Place, Barnard Castle. 

TEESIDE WEEKLY HERALD, 1902. Sat. ld. A. Pickering, Zealand Road, Middles- 
brough. (London: 67 Fleet St.) 

+TEIGNMOUTH GAZETTE, 1880. Wed.—noon. 1d. S. A. Croydon, Station Road, Teign- 

tTEIGNMOUTH POST, 1882. Fri—8 p.m. ld. S. A. Croydon, Station Road, Teignmouth. 

E. J. Cornish, 18 Wellington St., Teignmouth. 

TEIGNMOUTH WESTERN GUARDIAN, 1882. (énd.) Wed.& Thurs. 1d. Mortimer Bros. 
84 Fore St., Totnes. A localised edition of the Western Guardian. 

tTELEGRAM, 1883 (with which is incorporated Saturday Night), Sun. dd. A. E. Bott, 
74-78 Dalton St., Birmingham. | 

Telegraph Chronicle, 1898. Fortnightly. 2d. Co-operative Printing Society, Tudor St., E.c. 

Temperance Bells, 1890. M.—15th. Gratis. Derby Temperance Society, Derby. 

Temperance Caterer, 1876 (with which is incorporated The Refreshment News). M.—15th. 
Sd. 57 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

tTemperance Chronicle, 1888 (as Church of England Temperance Chronicle, 1878). Fri. 
ld. 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster, s.w. 

Temperance Leader and League Journal, 1903 (as League Journal, 1857). Sat. 1d. 
C. R. Irving, 108 Hope St., Glasgow. 

Temperance Monthly Visitor, 1850. 1st. $d. Jarrold & Sons, 10 & 11 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

+Temperance Record, 1870 (as Weekly Record, 1856). M.—1st. 4d. National Temperance 
Publication Depöt, 83 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Temperance Worker, 1878. M.—Ist. 3d. G. H. Graham, 18 Gabriel’s Hill, Maidstone. 
(London: 29 Paternoster Row.) 

Temple Bar, 1860 (with which is incorporated Bentley’s Miscellany). M.—25th. 1s. Macmillan 
& Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

femple Magazine, 1896. M.—25th. 6d. 87 Cursitor St., w.c. 

tTENBURY WELLS ADVERTISER, 1869. Tues. 1d. W. Fuller, 18 Teme St., Tenbury. 

+TENBY & COUNTY NEWS & VISITORS’ LIST, 1898. (c) Wed. 1d. J. Leach, South 
Parade, Tenby. 

LUEN BY OBSERVER & WEEKLY LIST OF VISITORS, 1858. (ind.) Thurs—-2 p-m. 
ld. F. B. Mason, Frog St., Tenby. 

Tetbury Advertiser and Malmesbury Chronicle, 1888 (as Tetbury Magazine, 1879). (e) 
M.—1st Wed. 1d. T. Hil, Long St., Tetbury. 

Tettenhallian, 1888. M.—during Term. 6d. R. Driver, 8 Darlington St., Wolverhampton. 


A. & W. Easton, 18 High St., Jedburgh. 

+TEWKESBURY MAIL, 1901. Wed. 1d. T.G. Vaughan, Ledbury. 

tTEWKESBURY REGISTER, 1858. (c) Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. North, 189 High St., 

+TEWKESBURY WEEKLY RECORD, 1855. (J) Fri.,for Sat. 1d. W.J. Gardner, 7 Barton 
St., Tewkesbury.. 

Text Book of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, 1781. Dec. 8d. &1s. Moravian 
Publication Office, 82 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

174] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Textile Fabrics Directory, 1880. Irreg. 868. Kelly's Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.0. 
Textile Journal, 1902. M.—7th. 6d. S.C. Phillips & Co., 47 — St., E.C. 

Textile Manufacturer, 1874. M.—15th. 1s., illus. Emmott & Oo. Lim, New Bridge St., 
' Manchester. (London: 118 Chancery Lane, w.c.) 

¢Textile Mercury, 1889. Sat. id., illus. Marsden & Co. Lim., Oarr St., Manchester. 

Textile Recorder, 1883. M.—15th. 1s., illus. J. Heywood, Dennasate: Manchester. (London : 
29 & 80 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 

tTHAME GAZETTE, 1856. Mon.—7 p.m., for Tues. 1d. Mears & Son, Market Place, Thame. 
tThames, 1899. Fri. 1d. H.Kemshead Lim., 156 Westminster Bridge Road, s.E. 

+THAMES VALLEY TIMES, 1885. Wed. $d. F. W. Dimbleby, 14 King St., Richmond, Surrey. 
tTHANET ADVERTISER, 1859. Sat. 1d. W. Jennings, High St., Ramsgate. 

F. Ward, 29 Fort Road, Margate. 

A. B. Pilcher, 186 & 188 High St., Margate. 

Theosophical Chronicle, 1900 (as Crusader, 1898). M.—2lst. 2d. Theosophical Book Co., 
8 Vernon Place, Bloomsbury Square, w.c. 

Theosophical Review, 1897 (as Lucifer, 1887). M.—15th. 1s. net. 8 Langham Place, w 

Therapeutic Gazette, 1876. M.—26th. 1s. H.K. Lewis, 186 Gower St., w.c. 

Therapist, 1891. M.—15th. 6d. Henderson & Spalding, 1, 8 & 6 Marylebone Lane, w 

Thermostat, 1899 (now Fire Call, 1900). 

tTHETFORD & WATTON TIMES, 1880. lind.) Fri.—8 a.m., for Sat. 1d. Norwich 
Mercury Co., 45 London St., Norwich. (London: 60 Ludgate Hill.) One of the Norwich 
Mercury series. 

Things New and Old Book Almanac, 1870. Oct. 1d., 2d.,6d. G. Morrish, 20 Paternoster Square, £.c. 
Things to Come, 1897. M.—25th. 1d. A. Holmes, 14 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

+THIRSK AND DISTRICT NEWS, 1897. (neutral) Fri. jd. T. A. J. Waddington, Mans- 
field St., York. 

(ind.) Fri.,for Sat. 1d. J. C. Savill, Kirkgate, Thirsk, and Market Place, Northallerton. One 
of the North Riding &c. News series, 

Thistle, 1876. Twice in each Term. 68. perann. J.D. Wilde, Highbury House, St. Leonards. 

Thom's Official Directory, 1844. Jan. 21s. Alex. Thom & Co. Lim., 87 Middle Abbey St., 
Dublin. (London: Longmans, & Simpkin.) 

pen Scottish Educational Directory, 1902. 1s. A.C. Thomson, 116 West Campbell St., 

Thorley’s Almanack £& Diary,1858. Oct. 2d. J. Thorley Lim., Caledonian Road, King’s Cross, N. 

THORNBURY GAZETTE, 1897. Sat. 1d. F. Bailey & Son, Dursley. Oneof the Dursley dc. 
Gazette series. 

THORNTON HEATH ECHO, 1898. Sat. 3d. F. W. Bailey, 54 High St., Thornton Heath. 
Thoughts from the Word of God, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. P. W. Howard, 14 Pier Head, 
Wapping, E. 

tTHRAPSTON & RAUNDS JOURNAL, 1888. (1) Fri—a.m. 1d. Northamptonshire 
Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Wellingborough. One of the Wellingborough News series. 
Three Towns Almanack, 1847. Dec. 1d. Wood & Tozer, 89 Fore St., Devonport. 

am ling Life Stories, 1892. Fri. 1d. Thrilling Stories’ Committee, 28 New Brown St., Man- 

Tide and Speed Tables, 1870. Nov. 6d. J. Brown & Sons, 58 Great Clyde St., Glasgow. 
Tide Tables for British and Irish Ports, 1858. Annually. 1s. Potter & Co., 145 Minories, £E. 

Tidings of Light and Peace, 1889 (as Salvation of God, 1878). M.—25th. 4d. A. S. Rouse, 
15 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

tTimber, 1885. Sat. 6d. T C. Booth, 8 Middlesex St., E. 
Timber News & Sawmill Engineer, 1891. Sat. A. Haworth, 84 Leadenhall St., E.C. 

tTimber Trades Journal & Sawmlil Advertiser, 1878. Fri., for Sat. 4d. W. Rider & 
Son Lim., Manchester House, 164 Aldersgate St., E.c. 

tTIMES, 1788 (as Daily Universal Register, 1785). (ind.) Daily—5 am. 3d. G. E. Wright, 
Playhouse Yard, E.c.; Advert. office—Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

Advertisements received for all the Cheltenham Newspapers. [175 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. | 

Times Issues, 1892. Half-yearly. 10s. G. E. Wright, Playhouse Yard, &.c 

“ Times ” Law Reports, 1884. Fri.—during the Law Sittings. 25s. perann. G. E, Wright; 
Printing House Square, E.c. Reprints from The Times. | 

Times Law Reports Digest, 1884. Every five years. 25s. G. È. Wright, Playhouse Yard, z.c. 

Times Reports of Commercial Cases, 1895. Six parts each year. 28.6d. G. E. Wright, 
Times Office, Printing House Square, E.c. 

+TIMES WEEKLY EDITION, 1877. (ind.) Fri.—5 a.m. 2d. G. E. Wright, Playhouse Yard, 
E.c. Reprint of prominent contents of daily issues of the Times. 

Tiny Tots, 1899. M. 1d. Cassell & Co. Lim., La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.c. 

Cumberland St., Birr. A localised edition of the Midland Tribune. 

+TIPTON HERALD, 1866. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. Herald Office, Tipton, and 210 Wolver- 
hampton St., Dudley. (London: 142 Fleet St.) One of the County Herald for Staffordshire 

+TIPTON LEADER, 1897. (l) Fri. 1d. J. Lloyd & Astbury, Wednesbury. A localised 
edition of the Wednesbury Leader. 

TISBURY GAZETTE, 19038. Sat. $d. Compton Press, High St., Gillingham. One of the 
Gillingham Gazette series. 

Tit-Bits, 1881. Thurs.—for Sat. 1d. George Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

+TIVERTON GAZETTE, 1858. (ind.) Mon. & Tues. 1d. Gregory & Son, Bampton St., Tiverton. 

¢To-Day, 1898. Wed. 2d., illus. 8 & 9 Essex St., Strand. (Advt. offices: 11 Henrietta St., 
w.c.) (Advt. p. 254.) 

Tobacco, 1881. M.—1st. 2d., illus. E.8. Caton, 2 Monument Station Buildings, £.c. 

Tobacco Trade Review, 1888. M.—1st. 1d. Eastcheap Buildings, E.C. 

Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac, 1881. Jan. 6d. & 2s. E.S. Caton, 2 Monument Station Build- 
ings, E.C. 
Tobacco Weekly Journal, 1902 (as Tobacconist Weekly Journal, 1898). Thurs. 1d. 

80 & 31 Furnivale St., E.C. 
Tobacco Year Book, 1894. Jan. 2s.6d. E.S. Caton, 2 Monument Station Buildings, E.c. 
Tobacconists’ Weekly Journal, 1898 (now Tobacco Weekly Journal). 
tTTODMORDEN ADVERTISER, 1858. Fri—6 am. 1d. F. Lee & Co., Fielden Square, 


+TODMORDEN & DISTRICT NEWS, 1828. (7) Fri—am. id. W. Waddington & Sons, 
2 Pavement, Todmorden. 

TODMORDEN HERALD, 1900. Wed. $d. R. Dewhirst & Sons, Halifax Road, Todmorden. 

Toliers of the Deep, 1886. M.—1st. 8d., illus. 181 Queen Victoria St., E.c. 

+TONBRIDGE & SEVENOAKS STANDARD, 1889. (c) Fri. id. Maidstone and Kentish 
Journal Series Co. Lim., Maidstone. 

TONBRIDGE TELEGRAPH, 1863. (7) Sat. 1d. Lewes & South Counties Press Lim., 64 
High St., Lewes. 

Free Press, 1869). Fri., for Sat. 1d. Free Press Lim., 181 High St., Tonbridge. 

Tonbridgian, 1858. Six times per ann. 9d. The School, Tonbridge. 

Tongues of Fire, 1891. M.—25th. 1d. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, £.c. 

Tonic Sol-fa College Calendar, 1868. Oct. 1s. Tonic Sol-fa College, 27 Finsbury Square, E.c, 

Tool and Machinery Register, 1892. M.—1st. 2d. Britannia Co., Colchester. 

+TOOTING & BALHAM HERALD, 1898. Sat. 1d. 26 High St., Sutton. A localised edition 
of the Surrey County Herald. (Advt. p. 451.) 

{Topical Times, 1884 (N.S. 1900). Sat. 1d. “T.T.” Syndicate Lim., 90-98 Fleet St., £C. 

+TORQUAY DIRECTORY & SOUTH DEVON JOURNAL, 1889. (ind.) Wed.—morn. 1d. 

W. Winget, Fleet St., Torquay. (It is the principal local Newspaper, and gives local and 
district news chiefly, some general. Advt.) 

+TORQUAY TIMES, 1865. (id.) Fri. 1d. Grogan Brothers, 64 Fleet St., Torquay. 
+TOTNES TIMES, 1860. (ind.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Mortimer Brothers, 84 Fore St., Totnes. 

A. Groves, Fore St., Upper Edmonton. 

& Son, Lower Tottenham. (Advt. p. 451.) 

176] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Gulde. - [ABC List. 

*TOTTENHAM AND STAMFORD HILL TIMES, 1885. (i) Fri—7am. 1d. Cowley & 
Co., 810 High Road, Tottenham. 

Tourist, 1896. M.—20th. 8d. Hotel Tariff Bureau Lim:, 275 Regent St., w. 

Tourist's Church Guide, 1874. Irreg. 1s. 6d. & 2s. English Church Union, 85 Wellington 
St., W.C. 

Tours in Galloway, 1898. May. 8d. The Trafic Manager, Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Joint 
Railways, Stranraer. 

Town Crier, 1861. Sat. ld. Town Crier Lim., Medova Buildings, Livery St., Birmingham. 

Town Topics (English Edition), 1879. Thurs. 6d. Town Topics Publishing Co., 90-98, Fleet 
St., E.c. 

Towner’s Brighton, dc., Directory (late Page’s), 1869. Annually. W. J. Towner, 150 North 
St., Brighton. 

tTOWYN-ON-SEA & MERIONETH COUNTY TIMES, 1895. (non-political) Thurs.—4 a.m. 
ld. D. Rowlands, Towyn and Welshpool. 

Toynbee Record, 1888. M.—ist. 1d. Penny & Hull, 53 Leman St., E. 

T. P.s Weekly, 1902. Fri. 1d. T. P. O'Connor, Mowbray House, Norfolk St., w.c. (Advt, 
p. 893.) 

Tract Society's Penny Almanack, 1840. Dec. 1d. Religious Tract Society, 4 Bouverie St., E6 

Traction and Transmission, 1901. M.—ist. Tues. 2s. Engineering Lim., 85 Bedford 
St., w.c. 

Trade and Empire, 1908. Quarterly. 1s. Gerrards Lim., 411a Harrow Rd., w. 

Trade & Navigation, 1847. M.—7th. Price varies, Eyre & Spottiswoode, East Harding 
St.,E.c. (Advt.p. 879.) 

Trade Journals’ Review, 1891 (now Mechanical Review, 1908). 

Trade Marks Journal, 1876. Wed.—10 am 6d,illus. Patent Office Sale and Store Branch, 
95 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Trade Protection Journal, 1908. Quarterly. 8d. J. H. Hadwen, 16 Berners St., w. 
Tradesman and Shopkeeper, 1902. Sat. 1d. 185 Oxford St., w. 

Tradesman’s Circular, 1895. (l) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. $d. Pudsey Printing Co. Lim, 
Manor House, Pudsey. 

Traethodydd (The Essayist), 1845. Bi-monthly. 1s. P.M. Evans & Son, Lim., Holywell. 
Trainer’s Review, 1895. Sat. ls. W.F Morgan, 86 Rosebery Avenue, E.C. 

tTramway & Railway World, 1892. Sat. M.—ist Thurs., 1s. Amberley House, Norfolk 
St. w.c. 


Tramway News, 1908. Daily. 3d. 74 Warwick Passage, Corporation St., Birmingham. 

Transactions of the Architectural and Archeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 
1862. Irreg. 78. 6d. T. Caldcleugh, 45 Sadler St., Durham. 

Transactions of the Bristol d& Gloucestershire Archeological Society, 1876. Annually. 10s. 6d. 
Eastgate, Gloucester. 

Transactions of the British Association of Waterworks Engineer, 1896. Annually. 10s. 6d. 
P. Griffiths, 54 Parliament St., s.w. 

se of H British Orthopædic Society, 1894. Biennial. 5s. A. F. Blagg, 28 Caledonia 
, Bristol. 

Transactions of the Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archeological Society, 1875. 
Occas. 1s. B. L. Oswell, 5 Balmoral Road, Burton-on-Trent. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philological Society. Irreg. C.J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria Lane, £.c. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 18223. Irreg. 78. 6d. Philosophical 
Library, New Museums, Cambridge. . 

Transactions of the City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1884. Annually. 
5s. London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. 

Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archéological Society, 
1866. May. 10s. 6d. 28 Highgate, Kendal. 

Transactions of the Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1894. Oct. 5s. 
H. K. Lewis, 186 Gower St., w.c. 

Transactions of the East Herts Archeological Society, 1898. March. 7s. W. B Gerish, 
Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Architectural Association, 1889, Twice a year. ls 6d. per part, 
illus. E. & S. Livingstone, 4 Melbourne Place, Edinburgh. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists’ and Microscopical Sooiety, 1869. Nov. 
4s. The Society, 20 George St., Edinburgh. 

Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. [177 

ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. ` 


Transactions of the Edinburgh Medico- eee Society, 1882. Nov. 8s.6d. Wm. F. Clay, 
Teviot Place, Edinburgh. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, 1876. Nov. 10s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, Tweed- 
dale Court, Edinburgh. (London: Simpkin & Co.) 

Transactions of the Eu OTSIGE Society of London, 1884. Five times a year. 10s. 
11 Chandos St., Cavendish Square, w 

Transactions of the Epidemiological Society; 1850. Irreg. 6s. ‘and 10s. 6d. Shaw & Sous, 
6, 7,8 & 9 Fetter Lane, E.c. 

Transactions of the Essex Archeological Society, 1853. Jan.& July. 8s. The Society, 
Colchester Museum, Colchester. 

Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland. Irreg. V. Marr, 24 George St., 
Edinburgh. | 

u of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 1858. Annually. 5s. 207 Bath St., 


Transactions of the Glasgow Archeological Society, 1856. January. 6s. 6d. The Society, 
207 Bath St., Glasgow. 

u. of the Glasgow Natural History Society, 1852. April. 4s. to 5s. 207 Bath St., 


Transactions of the Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynæcological Society, 1896. Biennially. 10s. 
Alex. MacDougall, 68 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 1880. Irreg. 1s., or 
ls. 6d. Gurney & Jackson, 1 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 1799. Irreg. 
bs. W. Blackwood & Sons, 45 George St., Edinburgh. (London: 87 Paternoster Row.) 

Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1751. Annually. 10s. 6d. Secretary, 
E. Vincent Evans, 64 Chancery Lane, E.C. 

Transactions of the Hunterian Society, 1819. Annually. Headly Bros., 14 Bishopsgate St. 
Without, E.c. 

Transactions of the Incorporated Gas Institute, 1864. 10s. 6d. 89 Victoria St., Westminster, £ w, 

Transactions of the Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers, 1891. March. 1s. 6d.’ E. and 
F. N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1857. Sept. 7s. 6d. 
207 Bath Road, Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1892. June. 21s. not. Illus. 
E. and F. N. Spon Lim., 125 Strand, w.c. 

Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, 1889. M.—20th. 6s. Neville 
Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. l 

Transactions of the nn of Naval Architects, 1860. July or Aug. 42s., plates. Bolneran 
& Co., 87 Piccadilly, w 

Transactions of the ——— and Actuarial Society of Glasgow, 1881. — 18. 
C. & E. Layton, 56 Farringdon St., E.C. 

Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club, 1875. Biennially. April. 
73. 6d. Inverness Courier, Inverness. 

Transactions of the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine, 1899 (as British Institute of 
Preventive Medicine, 1877). Biennially. 68. Macmillan & Co. Lim., St. Martin’s St., w.c. 

Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, 1894. 158. Triennially. F. Haes, 

-~ 28 Bassett Road, w. 

Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1888. Annually. For 
members only. Cheetham College, Manchester. 

Transactions of the Linnean Society, 1791. — (two sections). Price varies. 
Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.c. ; 

Tranactions of the Liverpool Engineering Society. Te. 6d. The Liverpool Engineering Society, 
Royal Institution, Liverpool. 

Transactions of the Manchester Geoiogical Society, 1888. M.—1st. 2s. Manchester 
Geological and Mining Society, 5 John Dalton St., Manchester. 

Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. 5s. non-members. John He ood De 
gate, Manchester. (London: 29 & 80 Shoe Lane, E.c.) yw Meer 

Transactions of the Medical Society of London, 1778. Nov. 108. The Society, 11 Chandos St., 
Cavendish Square, w. 

Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society, 1805. Irreg. Price varies, Ton 
& Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. g gmgns, Green 

178] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow, 1895. Biennial. 10s. 6d. A. Maë- 
Dougall, 68 Mitchell St., Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, 1887. Mar. and Sept. 2s. 6d. 
F. W. Short, 51 Mornington Road, Leytonstone. 

Transactions of the National Eisteddfod of Wales, 1881. Annually. 5s. Editor, E. Vincent 
Evans, 64 Chancery Lane, E.c. 

Transactions of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1884, 
Oct. 21s. The Secretary, 4 St. Nicholas Buildings West, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London, 1860. Irreg. Price varies. Jsongmans, Green 
& Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Transactions of the Odontologica! Society of Great Britain, 1868. M. Nov. to 
June. 2s. 6d., 20 Hanover Square, w 

Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 1880, Nov. 128. dd, 
J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough St., w 

Transactions of the Otological Society, 1899. Dec. 10s. net. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great 
Marlborough St., w. 

Transactions of the Pathoiogicai Society of London, 1848. Quarterly. 7s. Smitb; 
Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

Fransactions of the Philological Society, 1854, Irreg. Price varies.’ Kegan Paul, Trench, 
Triibner & Co. Lim., Dryden House, 48 Gerrard St., w. 

Transactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, 1888. Feb. 14s. Fannin & Co. 
Lim., 41 Grafton St., Dublin. 

Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Irreg. Price varies. Williams & Norgate, 14 
Henrietta St., w.c. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1788. Irreg. Price varies. R. Grant & 
Son, 107 Princes St., Edinburgh. (London: 14 Henrietta St.) X 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 1825. Quarterly. 8s. Asher & Co. 
18 Bedford St., w.c. 

Transactions of the St. Paul’s Ecciesioiogical Society, 1879. Irreg. 88. 6d. & bs. 
Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall, s.w. 

Transactions of the Society of Anesthetists, 1898. Annually. 5s. 20 Hanover Square, w. 

Transactions of the Society of Engineers, 1860. April. 15s., illus. E. & F. N. Spon Lim, 
125 Strand, w.c. 

Transactions of the Surveyors’ Institute, 1868. Annually. 21s. 12 Great George St., s.w. 

Transactions of the United Wards’ Club of the City of London, 1902. M.-—1st. Milton Smith, 
78 Upper Thames St., E.c. 

—— of the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club, 1851. Biennially. Jakeman & Carver, 

tTransport, 1892. Fri. 6d., illus. Transport Lim., 28 Victoria St., s.w. 

Travei, 1896. M.—26th. 8d. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., E.C. 

Traveller, 1901 (English Edition). Quarterly. 1s. net, illus. Underwood & Underwood, 8 Heddon 
8t., Regent St., w. (Devoted to Travel, Art, and Education. Advt.) 

Traveller s Companion. M.—ist. 8d. 508-9 Birkbeck Bank Chambers, High Holborn, w.c. 
Traveiling Partner, 1901. Quarterly. 2d. T. Smith & Co., 100 Fleet St., B. c. 

TREACHERS’ BRIGHTON RECORD, 1867. Wed.—Sam. 2d. H. & C. Treacher, 1 North . 
St., Brighton. 

Treasury, 1902. M.—Ist. G.J. Palmer & Sons, Portugal St., w.c. 

Treatment, 1897. M.—15th. 8s. perann. Rebman Lim., 129 Shaftesbury Avenue, Cambridge 
Cirpus, w.c. 

TTREDEGAR WEEKLY ARGUS, 1892. Fri. 1d. C. D. Stentiford, Newport, Mon. A localised 
edition of the South Wales Weekly Argus. 

tTREWMAN’S EXETER FLYING POST (as Exeter Flying Post, 1768). (c) ‘Sat. dd. 
A. E. Richards, Exeter. 

TRIBUNE, 1898 (now Midland Counties Tribune, 1902). 

TRING ADVERTISER & WEST HERTS TIMES (incorporated in the Tring Gazette and 
, Advertiser, 1899; incorporated with the Herts Advertiser, 1901). 

TRING & BERKHAMPSTEAD GAZETTE (incorporated in the Tring Gazette qnd Advertiser, 
1899 ; incorporated with the Herts Advertiser, 1901). 

Advertisements received for all the Religious ER ‚1179 


ABC List.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

TRING GAZETTE AND ADVERTISER, 1899 (with which are incorporated the Tring and 
Berkhampstead Gazette, 1892, and Tring Advertiser and West Herts Times, 1895; incorpo- 
. rated with the Herts Advertiser, 1901). 

TRING TELEGRAPH, 1875 (incorporated with the West Herts Observer, 1901; now West 
Herts and Watford ‘Observer, 1903). 

Trinitarian Bible Society Quarterly Record, 1859. Quarterly. 1d. 25 New Oxford St., w.c. 

TROON HERALD, 1893. (ind.) Fri. ld. C. Murchland, High St., Irvine. A localised edition 
of the Irvine Herald. 

TROON TIMES, 1895. (7) Fri—7 a.m. 1d. A. Guthrie & Sons, Princes St., Ardrossan. 
A localised edition of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald. 

Trotting World, 1902. Sat. 2d. 4 & 5 Stonecutter St., E.c. | 
Troubadour, 1889. M.—20th. 4d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

True Protestant, 1901. Occas. 3d. G. Stoneman, 29 Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Truro Diocesan Kalendar and Clergy List, 1878. Dec. 18. 6d. Besley & Dalgleish, 89 South 
St., Exeter. 

Trust, 1897 (as Pray and Trust, 1891). M.—26th. ld. Shaw & Co., 48 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Trusting & Toiling, 1895. M.—15th. 1d. Mildmay Mission to the Jews, Central Hall, 
Philpot St., Commercial Road, E.,and Marshall Bros., 10 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

+Truth, 1877. (l) Wed., for Thurs. 6d. 10 Bolt Court, Fleet St., E.c.; Advert. officea—(R. E. 
Booker), 10 Carteret St., S.W. 

Truthseeker, 1894. M.—last Wed. 1d. J. W. Gott, 2 Union St., Bradford. 
Trysorfa y Plant (Children’s Treasury), 1862. M.—1st. 1d., illus. Welsh National Press Co., 

Lim., Carnarvon. 

+TUAM HERALD, 1837. (nat. 1) Fri. 2d. RB. J. Kelly, 10 Mountjoy Square, Dublin, and 
Herald House, Tuam. . 

TUAM PEOPLE, 1901. (nat.) Sat. ld. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. One of the 
Western News (Ballinasloe) series. 

Tuberculosis, 1900. Quarterly. 6d. National Association for the Prevention of Consumption, 
20 Hanover Square, w. 

TUESDAY EXPRESS, 1908. Tues.—2 p.m. 3d. Igglesden & Co. Lim., 94 High St., Ashford. 

tTULLAMORE AND KING’S CO. INDEPENDENT, 1894. Sat. 1d. T. Chapman, Athlone. 
One of the Westmeath Independent series. 

TEN DOSE WELLS ADVERTISER, 1881. (ind.) Fri. 1d. R. Clements, Migi St., Tunbridge 

TUNBRIDGE WELLS COURIER, 1872 (incorporated with the Tunbridge Wells Gazette, 1908), 

Edwardes, 19 Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells. 

+TUNBRIDGE WELLS JOURNAL, 1862. (7) Thurs. 1d. Lewes. & South Counties Press 
Lim., 64 High St., Lewes. 

TUNBRIDGE WELLS STANDARD, 1866. (c) Sat.—2 pm. ld. Maidstone and Kentish 
Journal Series Co. Lim., Station Road, Maidstone. 

Tunbridge Wells, Southborough, Tonbridge, dc. Direitor, 1889. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. ; 

Turf Gazette, 1901. Mon. ld. Viaduct Press, 4la Farringdon St., E.C. 

Turnbull's Annual Steamship Insurance Register for United Kingdom, 1885. May. 21s. W. J. 
Potts, Atlas Works, North Shields. 

Turnbull's Dock and Port Charges for the United Kingdom, 1879. Triennially. 21s. W. J. 
Potts, Atlas Works, North Shields. 

Turnbull’s Shipping Register for the United Kingdom, 1848. Jan. 21s. W. J. Potts, Atlas 
Works, North Shields. 

Twentieth Century Directory for the Postal Districts of Seaforth, Waterloo, Blundellsands and 
Crosby, 1901. April. 3s. T. Weaver & Co. Lim., 1 Post Office Avenue, Southport. 

Twentieth Century Directory for the Southport Postal Deutrech 1901. Salennially: 5s. 
T. Weaver & Co. Lim., 1 Post Office Avenue, Southport. -~ | 

Twentieth Century Directory of the Wigan Post natriet, 1902. Triennially, 12s. T. W. 
Co. Lim., 1 Post Office Avenue, Southport. I eaver & 

+TWICKENHAM HERALD, 1889. (c) Sat.. 1d. R. W. Simpson & Co. Lim., 70-8 — 
Richmond, Surrey. A localised edition of the Richmond Herald. heen Road, 

— — — — — — — —— — —— — 
180] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, — 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

tTwo Worlds, 1887. Thurs.—10 a.m., for Fri. 1d. 18 Corporation St., Manchester. (London: 
29 & 80 Shoe Lane, E.c.) 

tTYLDESLEY & ATHERTON CHRONICLE, 1878. Fri. 1d. Leigh Chronicle Lim., Ducie St., 
Leigh. A localised edition of the Leigh Chronicle. 

+TYLDESLEY WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1873. (2) Fri. 1d. Tillotson & Son Lim., 199 Elliott 
St., Tyldesley. Oneof the Bolton Journal series. (London: 20 New Bridge St.) (Advt. p. 866.) 

tTyneside Catholic News, 1897 (as Irish Tribune, 1884). Thurs., for Sat. 1d. Catholic 
Press Lim., 82 Clayton St., Newcastle-on-Tyne. One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

Typist’s Review, 1908. M.—25¢h, ld. G. Pitman, 18 Cecil Court, w.c. 

Typographical Circular, 1877 (as Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular, 1865). M.—I1st 
d. H. Skinner, 812 Deansgate, Manchester. 

— — M.—1st. 2d. Maclaren & Sons, 87 & 88 Shoe Lane, E.c. 

tTYRONE CONSTITUTION, 1844. (l.u) Fri—S8am. 1d. J. Barr, 25 High St., Omagh. 
tTYRONE COURIER, 1880. (c) Thurs. 1d. The Tyrone Printing Co., Dungannon. 
TYRONE HERALD, 1892. (nat.) Sat. ld. J. McAdam, Abercorn Square, Strabane. 
_tTYST (The Witness), 1864. (1) Wed.—2 p.m. 14d. J. Williams, 21 Glebeland St., Merthyr-Tydfil. 
Tyst Dirwestoi (Temperance Witness), 1897. M.—1st. 1d. Davies & Evans, Berwyn St., Bala. 
Tywysydd y Plant (Children’s Guide), 1885. M. 1d., illus. B. Rees & Son, Vaughan St., Llanelly. 

UCKFIELD WEEKLY, 1908, Sat. 1d. Southern Publishing Co. Lim., Church St., Uckfield. 

UDGORN NEWYDDIADUR CYMREIG, 1898. (2) Wed. 3d. R. Jones, 72 & 74 High St., 

Ullmer’s Standard Circular, 1884. Irreg. Gratis. F. Ullmer Lim., Cross St., Farringdon 
Road, E.c. 

tULSTER ECHO, 1874. (u) Seven editions daily—11. 45 a.m. $d. Belfast Steam Printing Co. 
Lim., 58 Royal ‘Avenue, Belfast. 

Uister Football & Cycling News, 1887. Fri. 1d. W. F. Osborne, 80 Chichester St., Belfast. 
tULSTER GAZETTE, 1844. (c) Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. John McClelland, Scotch St., Armagh. 

tULSTER HERALD, 1901. Thurs.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. North-West of Ireland Printing and 
Publishing Co. Lim., 10 John St., Omagh. One of tlıe Derry People series. 

Ulula, 1578. Eight times a year. 2d. Grammar School, Manchester. 

ULVERSTON HERALD, 1898. (u) Thurs—noon. $d. G. M. Carruthers, 22 Queen St., 
Ulverston. A localised edition of the Barrow Herald. 

tULVERSTON NEWS, 1883 (with which is incorporated Ulverston Mirror £ Furness Reflector). 
(D) Sat. ld. Barrow News and Mail Lim., Abbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness. A localised 
edition of the Barrow News. (London: 101 Fleet St. ) 

tUmpire, 1884. Sun. 1d. Emmott & Co. Lim., New Bridge St., Manchester. (London: 118 
Chancery Lane.) 

Uncle Ben’s Budget, 1898. M.—25th. 1d. 12 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Under the Dome, 1892. Quarterly. 1s. The Steward, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Lambeth 
Road, Southwark, s.r. 

Undertakers’ Journal, 1886. M.—15th. 6d. W.J. Hutchings, Printing Works, Aylesbury. 
Union Church Magazine, 1896. M.—1stSun. ld. F. Brett, 42 Park Crescent, Brighton. 
Union Jack, 1895. Fri. $d. Amalgamated Press Lim., Carmelite St., E.C. 

Union Magazine, 1900 (as United Secession Magazine, 1888; as United Presbyterian Magazine, 
1847). M.—1st. 6d. William Geddes, 18 Hanover St., Edinburgh. 

Union Observer, 1895 (with which is grec porate Copyists Own Journal,1901). M — 25th. 1d, 
V. P. Peacock, 2 Effra Road, Wimbledon 

Unitarian Bibie Magazine, 1895. Mist. ld. 5 Furnival St., E.c. 

Unitarian Pocket Almanack (now Essex Hall Pocket Almanack). 

Unitarian World, 1902. M.—1st. 1d. P. Green, 5 Essex St., w.c. 

United Empire Magazine, 1901. M.—1st. ld. United Empire Press, 21 Bride Lane, e.c. 

United Irishman, 1899. (xat.) Thurs—am. 1d. P.C. D. Warren, Kilmainham Dublin. 

United Kingdom Mineral Water Trade Review & Guardian, 1873 (with which is 
incorporated the Mineral Water Alliance and Manufacturer). M. „le 6s. per ann. 
J. Gilbert Smith, 165 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Advertisements received for all the Australian Newspapers. [181 
. . N2 

ABC List.] 

United Kingdom Stock and Sharebrokers’ Directory, 1875. July. 48.6d. Spottiswoode & Co. 
Lim., 54 Gracechurch St., E.C. 

United Presbyterian Magazine, 1847 (as United Secession Magazine, 1833; now Union 
Magazine, 1900). 

+United Service Gazette, 1833. Sat.—3 a.m. 6d. Dashwood House, New Broad St., E.C. 

United Service Magazine, 1890 (as United Service Journal, 1829). M.—25th. 2s. Clowes, 
23 Cockspur St., s.w. 

Unity, 1877 (as Labour and Unity, 1868). M.—I1st. 1d. T. Williams, 281 Pentonville Road, N. 

Universal Advertiser, 1901 (now Collectors’ Advertiser, 1908). 

Universal Directory of Railway Officials Annual, 1895. July. 10s. 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.c. 

Universal Electrical Directory (J. A. Berly’s), 1881. Jan. 10s. H. Alabaster Gatehouse & Co., 
4 Ludgate Hill, £.c. 

tUniversal Provider, Manufacturers’ Herald, &c., 1898. Fri.+1d. 68 Farringdon St., F.C. 

Universal Stock Exchange Market Report, 1883. Fri. Gratis. Universal Stock Ex- 
change Lim., 84 Waterloo Place, s.w. 

+Universe, 1860. Thurs. 1d. M. V. Smith, Clock House, Arundel St., Strand, w.c. 

University College Gazette, 1896. During term. 8d. The Editor, University College, 
Gower St., w.c. ae ` 

University College of North Wales, Bangor, Calendar, 1885. Oct. 1s. 6d. J.E. Cornish, 16 St. 
Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Calendar, 1878. Jan. 1s.6d. J.E. Cornish, 16 St. 
Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

University College Reading Official Gazette, 1901. M.—1st. 28. 6d. per ann. University 
College, Reading. 

University College School Magazine, 1851. Six times a year. 6d., occas. illus. University 
College School, Gower St., w.c. 
University Correspondent, 1890. 1st.& 15th. 1d. W.B. Clive, 157 Drury Lane, w.c. 

University Extension Journal, 1895. Nine times a year. 8d. A.Constable & Co. Lim., 
2 Whitehall Gardens, s.w. 

University of Birmingham Calendar, 1900. Sept. 2s. nes. Cornish Bros. Lim, New St., 

University of Birmingham Engineering Journal, 1908. Bi-M.—15th. University 
Engineer Society, The University, Birmingham. 

University of Birmingham Magazine, 18838. Twice in each term. 4d. The University, 

University of London Calendar, 1837. Sept. 5s. University of London, South Kensington, s.w. 

University of London General Register, 1859. March. 80s. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., £.c. (Advt. p. 379.) 

University of Wales Calendar, 1896. Annually. 1s.6d. University of Wales, Brecon. 

Unquoted Shares Register & Mart, 1901. Tues. 6d. St. Bride's Press Lim, 34 Bride 
Lane, E.C. 
Uppingham Almanack, 1875. Nov. 1d.,illus. J. Hawthorn, High St., Uppingham, Rutland. 

UPTON, ILFORD, & FOREST GATE ADVERTISER, 1895. Sat. 4d. M. Hickman, 
74 Abbey Road, Ilford. One of the Loughton Advertiser series. 

UPTON-ON-SEVERN NEWS, 1902. Sat. 1d. M. T. Stevens, High St., Upton-on-Severn. 

+UPWELL & OUTWELL ADVERTISER, 1882. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., Maroh. 
A localised edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 

pene eens. 1893. March, July, Dec. 53. per. ann. St. Cuthbert’s College, Ushaw, 

+UTTOXETER ADVERTISER, 1882. Tues.—p.m., for Wed. 1d. J. E. Fearn, Uttoxeter. 
+UTTOXETER NEW ERA, 1855. Wed—7a.m. 1d. G.H. Smart, High St.; Uttoxeter. 

+UXBRIDGE GAZETTE, 1880. (c) Fri—2p.m.,for Sat. 1d. J. King, 87 High St., Uxbridge. 
(Advt. p. 452.) 

‘UXBRIDGE REVIEW AND DISTRICT RECORD, 1899. (2) : Wed. $d. W. J. Hutchings, 
126 High St, Uxbridge. | 

182] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Vaccination Inquirer, 1879. M.—25th. 1d. E. W. Allen, 4 Ave Maria Lane, E.c. 
Vacher's Parliamentary Companion, 1882. M.—during Session. 6d. Vacher & Sons, 
Westminster House, Great Smith St., s.w. 

+VALE OF CLWYD & WELSH COAST PIONEER, 1900. Thurs. for Fri. 1d. W.H. 
Evans & Sons Lim, Conway Road, Colwyn Bay. A localised edition of the Welsh Coast 

Vahan, The, 1892. M.—1st. 8d. B. Keightley, 28 Albemarle St., w. 
tVanity Fair, 1868. Wed.—8 a.m., for Thurs. 6d., illus. 7 Essex St., Strand, w.c. (Advt. p. 432.) 
“Vanity Fair” Album, 1869. Early in Dec. 42s., illus. 7 Essex St., Strand, w.c. The caricature 
portraits and biographical sketches of eminent men, collected from the year’s Vanity Fair. 
Varieties, 1894 (as The Garland, now Nuggets). 
Varsity, 1901. Tues., during term. 6d. Burrows & Doe, Holywell Press, Orford. 
V. C., 1908. Thurs. 1d. V.C. Co. Lim., 15 & 16 Henrietta St., w.c. 
“ Vectis,” 1896. M.—14tlı. 8d. Regent House, Regent St., w. 
Vegetarian, 1888. M.—I1st. ld. 29 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Vegetarian Messenger, 1849 & 1887. M. 2d. Vegetarian Society, 19 Oxford St., Manchester, 
(London: 88 Paternoster Row.) 
Ventilator, 1869. (ind.l) M.—1st Fri. Gratis. C. W. Brabner, 150 Kingsland Road, N.E. 
Vereinsbote, 1889. Quarterly. 2s., illus. 16 Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square, w. 
Verulam Review, 1888. Jan., April, July, Oct. 1s. E. Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Veterinarian, 1828 (incorporated with Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics), 
Veterinary Journal, 1875. M.—lIst. ls. net. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., w.c. 
+Veterinary Record, 1888. Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 8d. H. & W. Brown, 20 Fulham Road, s.w. 
Vickers’ Newspaper Gazetteer, 1900. Jan. 28.6d. J. W. Vickers, 5 Nicholas Lane, E.c. 
Victoria Penny Stories, 1894 (now Christian Herald Penny Stories). 
Victoria (Australia) Post Office Directory (Wise’s). 1884. Annually. 47s.6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. i 
Victoria University Calendar, 1880. Jan. 1s. J.E. Cornish, 16 St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 
(London: Macmillan.) 

Victualling Trades Review, 1889 (as Scottish Wine, Spirit, & Beer Trades Review, 1887). 
M.—15th. 58. per ann., illus. T. Gillespie, 57 West Nile St., Glasgow. . 

Vigilance Record, 1887. Occas. 1d. W. A. Coote, 819 High Holborn, w.c. 

Vim, 1902. M.—lith. 2d. Gem Supplies Co. Lim., 121 Newgate St., E.C. 

Vinton’s (late Morton's) Agricultural Almanac, 1854. Dec. 6d. & 1s.6d. Vinton & Co. Lim, 
9 New Bridge S8t., E.c. 

Violin Budget, 1889. M.—20th. 1d. F. Pitman, Hart & Co., 20 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Violin Times, 1895. M.—15th. 2d. W. Reeves, 88 Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

VISITOR FOR BRIDGE OF ALLAN, 1892. (ind.) Wed.—5 p.m. 4d. Cock & Wylie 
9 Barnton St., Stirling. 

Visitor, 1898 (as Church of Ireland Temperance Visitor, 1879). M.—1st. 1d. Church of Ireland 
Temperance Society, 39 Molesworth St., Dublin. 

Vitality, 1902. M.—1st. 2d. Health Culture Publishing Co., 22 Budge Row, Cannon St., E.C. 
Vocalist, 1902. M.—Il1st. 6d. Vocalist Publishing Co. Lim., 27 & 28 Fetter Lane, E.c. 
Voice to the Faithful (now Food for the Faithful). 

Volunteer, 1908. M.—1st. 1d. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.C. 
Volunteer Annual, 1908. A. & C. Black, 4 Soho Square, w. 

tVolunteer Service Gazette, 1859. Fri—noon. 4d. J.S. Phillips, 121 Fleet St., e.c. 

Vox Stellarum : or a Loyal Almanac (Moore's), 1717. Nov. 6d. Charles Letts & Co., & Royal 
Exchange, E.c. 

+WADEBRIDGE & PADSTOW GUARDIAN, 1901. Fri. 1d. A.B. Lyne, Pool St., Bodmin. 
A localised edition of the Cornish Guardian. 

tWADEBRIDGE AND PADSTOW POST, 1895. Fri. ld. Western Buildings, Launceston. 
A localised edition of the Cornish and Devon Post. 

Advertisements received for all the Magazines. [188 

ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Wadham College Gazette, 1897. End of each term. 6d. The Editor, Wadham College, 
Oxford. Alden & Co., Bocardo Press, Oxford. 

WAKEFIELD ADVERTISER AND GAZETTE, 1897. Tues. Gratis. C. W. Carr, 15 
Queen St., Wakefield. 

tWAKEFIELD AND WEST RIDING HERALD (as Wakefield Journal, 1801). (c) Sat.— 
4am. 1d. A. Hewitson & Sons, Westgate, Wakefield. 

Wakefield Diocesan Calendar, 1886. Jan. 1s. Ward & Co., Dewsbury. (London: J. Parker & Co.) 

Wakefield Directory, 1901. Every three years. 5s. Wakefield Express, 2 Southgate, Wakefield. 

+WAKEFIELD ECHO, 1876. (ind.) Fri—6 am. d. Blackburn, Wright & Co., Old Crown 
Yard, Wakefield. 

+WAKEFIELD EXPRESS, 1852. (1) Sat.—6 a.m. 1d. T. P. Robinson, 2 Southgate, Wakefield. 

Walford’s County Families of the United Kingdom, 1860. Jan. 50s. Chatto & Windus, 111 St. 
Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

tWALLASEY AND WIRRAL CHRONICLE, 1888. Wed., ġd.; Sat., 1d. Wallasey, &c., 
Newspaper Co. Lim., 27 Victoria Road, Seacombe. 

Sat., 1d. Willmer Bros. & Co. Lim., 55 Victoria Road, Seacombe. 

+WALLINGTON & CARSHALTON HERALD, 1878. (c) Sat. 1d. 26 High St., Sutton. 
A localised edition of the Surrey County Herald. (Advt. p. 451.) 

¢WALLSEND HERALD, 1901. (2) Fri. 1d. Rutherford Wilfred, 81 High St., Wallsend. 
+WALSALL ADVERTISER, 1857. (u) Sat.—7a.m. 1d. W.H. Robinson, 8 The Bridge, Walsall. 

Walsall Annual Red Book, 1871. Dec. 12., illus. W. H. Robinson, 8 The Bridge, Walsall. 
WALSALL FREE PRESS, 1856 (incorporated with the Walsall Observer dc., 1908). 

which is incorporated the Walsall Free Press, 1856). (ind.) Sat. 1d. J. & W. Griffin, The 
Bridge, Walsall. (Guaranteed circulation, 8,900 weekly. Advt.) 

WALTHAMSTOW & DISTRICT ‘TIMES, 1901. Fri. 1d. E. R. Alexandra & Sons, Era 
Press, Leyton. A localised edition of the Leyton & District Times. 

tWALTHAMSTOW EXPRESS, 1883. Fri.—4 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Wilson & Whitworth Lim., 
Broadway, Stratford, E. A localised edition of the Borough of West Ham &c. Express. 

WALTHAMSTOW GAZETTE, 1908. Sat—llam. Gratis. H.C.B.Clarke, 121 Salop Road, 

Walthamstow, Leyton, & Leytonstone Directory, 1885. Annually. 1s Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 


GUARDIAN, 1870. Fri. 1d. Walthamstow & Leyton Guardian P. & P. Co. Lim., Orford 
Road, Walthamstow. 

WALTHAMSTOW REPORTER, 18938. (rad. lab.) Fri. 3d. J. J. McSheedy, 7 Courtenay 
Place, Walthamstow. 

+WALTON GAZETTE, 1878. Tues.—p.m., for Wed. 1d. Benham & Co., 24 High St., Colchester. 
A localised edition of the Colchester Gazette. 

+WALTON NEWS & COAST TIMES, 1890. Sat. 1d. A. Quick & Co., Old Pier St., Walton. 
WALTON TIMES, 1884 (now North Liverpool Times, 1908). 

+WANDSWORTH & BATTERSEA DISTRICT TIMES, 1869. (c) Fri.—9.80 a.m., for Sat. 

ld. H. A. Cortwright, 88 East Hill, Wandsworth, s.w. A localised edition of the Wandsworth 
Borough News. 

+WANDSWORTH BOROUGH NEWS, 1900 (as Putney £ South-Western Chronicle, 1884; as 

Putney £ Wandsworth Borough News, 1885). (c) Fri.—9.30 a.m., for Sat. 1d. H.A. Cortwright, 
88 East Hill, s.w. 

WANDSWORTH OBSERVER, 1887. (x) Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammer- 
smith Road, Hammersmith, w. 

Wandsworth, Putney, and Barnes Directory, 1882. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 


(as Wanstead Times, 1876). Fri.—8 p.m., for Sat. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., Leyton- 
stone. A localised edition of the Leytonstone Express. 

WANSTEAD MAIL AND LEYTONSTONE TIMES, 1900. Fri. $d. S. Hickman, Maybank 
Road, Woodford, N.E. A localised edition of the Woodford Mail. 

184] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125-Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. _ [ABC List. 

— — — — 

WANSTEAD, WOODFORD & DISTRICT TIMES, 1901. Fri. 1d. E. R. Alexandra & 
Sons, Era Press, Leyton. A localised edition of the Leyton d: District Times. 

WANTAGE FREE PRESS, 1902. Fri. 4d. H. Read, Grove St., Wantage. One of the 
Berkshire Chronicle series. (Advt. p. 444.) 

+War Cry, 1881 (as Salvationist, 1879). Tues., for Sat. 1d., illus. 102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

War Office List and Directory for the Administrative Deparment of the British Army, 1868. 
April, 5s. Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall, s.w. (Names, services, pay, and duty of officials. Advt.) 

War or Brotherhood, 1890. M.—25th. 1d. Headley Bros., 14 Bishopsgate St. Without, E.c. 
WARD-DAVIES’S FREE PRESS, 1869. Fri. 1d. I. Ward-Davies, Main St., Pembroke. 

tWARDER, 1821. (u) Sat. ld. J.T. Robson, 89 & 40 Parliament St., Dublin. (London: 199 
Strand, w.c.) i 

Ward's Croydon Directory, 1851. Dec. 8s. J. W. Ward, High St., Croydon. 

Ward’s Family Almanack and Diary, 1856. Nov. 1d. H.W. Ward, Recorder and Echo Office 

Warehouseman and Draper, 1872 (incotporating The Draper and The Drapery World 
now The Draper). 

—2p.m., for Sat. 1d. A. H. Coates, 15 Market. Place, Warminster. 

+WARRINGTON & MID-CHESHIRE EXAMINER, 1878 (as Warrington Examiner, 1869). 
(l) Sat.—5 a.m. ld. J. Walker & Co., Bewsey St., Warrington. (Adut. p. 452.) 

WARRING TON DAILY GUARDIAN, 1882. 4.80pm. $d. Mackie & Co. Lim:, Sankey St., 


tWARRINGTON GUARDIAN, 1858. Wed.—10 a.m., 1d.; Sat.—8 a.m.,ld. Mackie & Co. Lim., 

Sankey St., Warrington. 

+WARRINGTON OBSERVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing and Publishing Co. 
Lim., Academy St., Warrington. 

WARRINGTON TIMES, 1901. Fri. Gratis. Warrington Times Lim., Friar’s Green House, 

(ind.) Sat. 2d. Evans & Co., 20 High St., Warwick. 

Sat. ld. 8 High St. Warwick. (London : 58 Fleet St.) 

Warwick (with Birmingham: Bennett’s Business Directory,1881. Annually. 78. 6d. Bennett 
& Co., Chapel Works, Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Warwickshire Workers’ Advocate, 1901. (l € l.p) M.—I1st. Mon. Gratis. Observer 
Offices, Nuneaton. 

Watch and Clock Trades Directory, 1872. Every four years. 20s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. 

Watch Fire, 1881. Quarterly. Organ of the Foreign Aid Society. Rev. J. Gosset Tanner, 
54 Talbot Road, Bayswater, w 

Watchmaker, Jeweller, Silversmith, and Optician, 1874. M.—ist. 6d. 5s. per ann. 
Heywood & Co. Lim., 150 Holborn, £.c. 

Watchtower, 1887. M. —7th. 1d. C. Postgate, 14 Albert Terrace, Middlesbrough. 

Water, 1899. M.—15th. 6d.,illus. Water Publishing Co. Lim., 25 Victoria St., s.w. 

tWATERFOOT TIMES, 1897. (l) Sat. 1d. Bacup Times Lim., Lee St., Bacup. A localised 
edition of the Bacup Times. 

+WATERFORD CHRONICLE, 1766. (ind.) Wed. & Sat. 1d. W.R. Ward, Beresford St., 

tWATERFORD CITIZEN, 1859. (1) Fri—7 p.m. 1d. J. H. M‘Grath, 87 Quay, Waterford. 

tWATERFORD DAILY MAIL, 1828. (ind.) Daily—7.45 pm. 4d. H. D. Fisher, 8 & 4 Ex- 
change St., Waterford. : 

tWATER FORD MIRROR, 1800. (e) Thurs. 1d. Ward Brothers, Beresford St., Waterford. 
tWATERFORD NEWS, 1848. (nat.) Sat. 1d. C. P. Redmond, 49 O’Connell St., Waterford. 

Waterford News Letter, Import & Export List, 1800. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 20s. per 
ann. R. Whalley, 22 Bailey’ s New St., Waterford. 

DAN EREORD STANDARD, 1868. (c) Wed. & Sat. 2d. R. Whalley, 22 Bailey's New St., 
aterford. = 

tWATERFORD STAR, 1890. (nat.) Fri.; 2 editions. 1d. 114 Quay, Waterford. 

— — 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals. [185 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

WATERLOO & CROSBY HERALD, 1895. Sat. id. A. F. Stephenson, 28 Tulketh St., 
Southport. (London: 115 Fleet St.) 

¢ WATERLOO TIMES, 1879. Fri. for Sat. 1d. 107 Miller’s Bridge, Bootle, Liverpool. A localised 
edition of the Bootle Times. 
Waterman, 1881. M.—1st. ld. News Office, 28 John Bright St., Birmingham. 
Wae ranore Directory & Statistics, 1877. July. 108.6d. Hazell, Watson & Viney Lim., 52 Long 
cre, W.C. 
Wat ord d& Bushey Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
olborn, w.c. 
WATFORD & WEST HERTS POST, 1887. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. E. King, 42 High St., Watford. 
WATFORD OBSERVER, 1888 (incorporated in the West Herts and Watford Observer, 1908). 
Wayside Words, 1877 (as Gilead, 1864). M.—25th. 1d. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.c. 
tWEALDSTONE GAZETTE, 1895. Fri., for Sat. 1d. F. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. A 
localised edition of the Harrow Gazette. 
+WEALDSTONE OBSERVER, 1892. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. A localised 
` edition of the Harrow Observer. 
Webster’s Royal Red Book, 1848. Jan. & May. 5s. Webster & Co., 48 Dover St., w. 
WEDNESBURY BOROUGH NEWS, 1866. Fri,forSat. 1d.. R. Hudson, 210 Wolverhampton 
St., Dudley, and Wednesbury. One of the County Herald for Sta ffordshire series. 
WEDNESBURY HERALD, 1875 (enlarged 1878). (c) Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. ld. Ryder & Son, 
Spring Head, Wednesbury. 
+WEDNESBURY LEADER, 1897. (7) Fri. 1d. J. Lloyd & Astbury, Spring Head, Wednesbury. 
Wee Folks’ Annual, 1908. 8s. 6d. E. Nister, 24 Bride Lane, £.c. 
WEEKLY (Blackpool), 1900 (as Blackpool and South Shore Weekly Advertiser, 1898). Sat. 
ld. Market Chambers, Lytham St., Blackpool. 
WEEKLY BUDGET, 1861. (l) Wed., for Sat. 1d. J. Henderson & Sons, Red Lion Court, Fleet 
St., E.c. 
Weekly Critical Review, 1903. Thurs. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Lim., 28 Paternoster Row, E.C. 
+WEEKLY DISPATCH, 1801. (1) Sun.; early editions on Fri. & Sat. 1d. 8 Tallis St., E.c. 
+WEEKLY ECHO AND TIMES (Sunderland), 1887. (v) Fri. 1d. G. Herring, 14 Bridge St., 
tWEEKLY EXPRESS (Chudleigh), 1855. Wed. 1d. H. A. Crook, Chudleigh. 
+WEEKLY FREE PRESS AND ABERDEEN HERALD, 1806. (7) Thurs. ld. A. Marr, 
80 Union St., Aberdeen. 
+WEEKLY FREEMAN AND NATIONAL PRESS (Dublin), 1898 (as Weekly Freeman 
d& Irish Agriculturist, 1817). Sat. 14d. 4-8 Prince’s St., Dublin. (London : 211 Strand.) 
+WEEKLY HERALD (Ashton-under-Lyne), 1889. (c) Fri, for Sat. 14d. Cavendish Works, 
1889. Sat. d. T. Beal, West Lindsey Press, Epworth. 
Sat. ld. D. Rogers, Regent St., Shanklin. 
+WEEKLY IRISH TIMES, 1875. Wed.—a.m., & Sat. 1d. The Irish Times Lim., 31 Westmoreland 
St., Dublin. (London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 437). 
+WEEKLY JOURNAL (Hartlepools), 1901. (2) Fri—a.m. $d. Northern Daily Mail Co. Lim., 
Clarence Road, West Hartlepool. 
Weekly Journal (Weymouth), 1901 (as Weymouth Directory and Visitors’ List, 1892). Sat. 
ld. Sherren & Son, 79 St. Mary St., Weymouth. 
Weekly Leader (Glasgow), 1902 (as Christian Leader, 1882). Thurs. 1d. 143 West Regent 
St., Glasgow. 

Weekly List of Cotton Ships at Sea and Loading, 1867. Fri. Subscription, £2 2s. Com- 
telburo Lim., 8 Brown’s Buildings, Exchange, Liverpool. (London : 11 Tokenhouse Yard.) 
Weekly List of Sailings, 18—. Sat—10a.m. 58. per ann. Postal Stores Department, 17-19 

Bedford St., w.c. 
+WEEKLY MAIL (Cardiff), 1870. (c) Fri.—6 a.m., for Sat. ld. Western Mail Lim., St. Mary 
St., Cardiff, (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

Weekly Mercury, 1908 (as Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 1884). (lc) Sat. 1d. The 
ee Daily Gazette Co. Lim., High St. and Carr’s Lane, Birmingham. (London: 
65 Fleet St.) 

186] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

= ey 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Weekly Musical Review, 1908. Fri. 6d. W. R. Russell & Co. Lim., 5a Paternoster Row, E.c. 

WEEKLY NATION, 1897 (incorporated with the Irish Weekly Independent & Weekly Nation, 

+WEEKLY NEWS (Aberdeen), 1864. (2) Thurs.—10 a.m., for Sat. 1d. W. & D. C. Thomson, 
14 Adelphi, Aberdeen. (London: 109 Fleet St.) One of the Dundee Weekly series. 

+WEEKLY NEWS (Sheffield), 1899. Sat. 1d., illus. Sir W.C. Leng & Co.,17 High St., Sheffield. 
(London: 180 & 181 Fleet St.) 

WEEKLY NEWS & CLERKENWELL CHRONICLE, 1886 (as Clerkenwell Chronicle, 1884 ; 
now Finsbury Weekly News). 

WEEKLY NEWS & VISITORS CHRONICLE, 1888 (now Colwyn Bay Weekly News, 1899). 

+WEEKLY NORTHERN WHIG (Belfast), 1858. (J) Thurs.—ı p.m., for Sat. 1d. Northern 
Whig Lim., 7 & 9 Victoria St., Belfast. (London: 49 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 426.) 

+Weekly Notes, 1866. Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. 6d.; with Law Reports, 84s. per ann. W. Clowes 
& Sons Lim., 7 Fleet St., B.C. 

Weekiy Official Intelligence (now Stock Exchange Weekly Official Intelligence). 
Weekly Pulpit, 1908. Thurs. 1d. A. H. Stockwell, 3 Amen Corner, E.c. 
WEEKLY RECORD (Glasgow), 1899 (now Scottish Weekly Record). 

+Weekly Record of the Textile Trades Association, 1888. Wed. 81s. 6d. per ann. 
‘J. Kemp & Co. Lim., 81 Market St., Manchester. 

Weekly Register. Fri. 5s. per ann. Robert Stuart & Co., 101 St. Vincent St., Glasgow. 
+Weekly Reporter, 1852. Fri.—2 p.m., for Sat. 6d. H. Villers, 27 Chancery Lane, w.c. 

Weekly Return of Births and Deaths, 1840. Wed.—p.m. 1$d. Eyre & Spottiswoode, East 
Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

+WEEKLY SCOTSMAN, 1817. (lu) Sat. 1d. Ritchie & Co.,30 Cockburn St., Edinburgh 
(London: 45 Fleet St., E.c.) 

Weekly Sport, 1902. Hazell, Watson & Viney Lim., 5 & 6 Kirby St., Hatton Garden, E.c. 

+WEEKLY STANDARD & EXPRESS (Blackburn), 18382 (with which is incorporated The 
Express). (con.é un.) Sat. 1d. North-East Lancashire Press Co., 41 Church St., Blackburn. 
(London: 84 Victoria St., s.w.) 

tWeekly Summary, 1892. Wed. 82d. E.R. Scott & L. T. Bloxam, Eltham, Kent. 
tWEEKLY SUPPLEMENT, 1900. 1d. Eastern Morning & Hull News Co. Lim., 159 Fleet St., £.c. 

TWEEKLY TELEGRAPH (Sheffield), 1888 (as Sheffield Weekly Telegraph, 1862). Thurs. 
W.C. Leng & Co., 17 High 8t., Sheffield. (London: 180 & 181 Fleet St.) 

1868. Fri—5 p.m. ld. E. Cowing & Son, High Bridge St., Waltham Abbey. 

tWEEKLY TIMES AND ECHO, 1885 (as Weekly Times, 1847). (l) Sun.; early editions on 
Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 1d. E.J. Kibblewhite, Clement’s House, Clement’s Inn Passage, w.c. 

Weekly Weather Report, 1878 .(N.S. 1884). Sat.—p.m. 6d., illus. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 
East Harding St., E.c. (Advt. p. 879.) 

Weekly Welcome, 1896. Mon. 1d. W. & D. C. Thomson, Dundee. 
tWeek’s Survey, 1901. Sat. 1d. 5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, w.c. 
Welcome Words, 1897. M.—I1st. 4d. J. Sears & Sons, 11 & 12 Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C. 

Weidon’s Bazaar of Children’s Fashions, 1881. M.—15th. 1d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Home Dressmaker, 1895. M.—28th. 1d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Home Milliner, 1895. Jan., March, May, Aug., Oct. 1d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 
Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weldon's Illustrated Dressmaker, 1880. M.—15th. 1d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Weidon’s Journal of Costumes, 1884 (as Journal of Costumes, 1878). M.—20ih. 6d. 
Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 31 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

Weidon’s Ladies’ Journal, 1879. M.—20th. 8d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 Southampton St., 
Strand, w.c. 

Weldon’s Practical Needlework, 1885. M.—20th. 9d. Weldon’s Lim., 80 & 81 Southampton 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Advertisements received for all the English Provincial Newspapers. [187 

AB C List.] Willing’ s Press Guide. 

Wellcome’s Photographic Diary, 1900. Nov. 1s. eh. Wellcome & Co., Snow Hill 
Buildings, E.c. 

+WELLINGBOROUGH NEWS, 1861. (l) Fri.—8 p.m. 1d. Northamptonshire Printing & 
Publishing Co. Lim., Wellingborough. 

tWELLINGBOROUGH POST, 1886. (c) Fri. 1d. W. R. Peaple, Sheep St. , Wellingborough. 
. (Effective advertising in Northam — Circulates everywhere in populous centres, 
Recognised as the Official] and Trades Gazette. Ten pages, seventy columns. Advt.) 

NEWS, 1887. (1) Wed. Ja. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton, Somerset. One of the Somerset 
County Express series. 

WELLINGTON JOURNAL & SHREWSBURY NEWS, 1854 (with which are incorporated 
Eddowes’s Shrewsbury Journal, Shropshire News, Shropshire Standard, Shropshire 
Guardian, Shropshire Evening News, Wellington Standard). Sat. 1d. Leake & Sons, 
Church St. and Queen St., Wellington, Salop, and 11 Shoplatch, Shrewsbury. (Advt. p. 448.) 

+WELLINGTON WEEKLY NEWS, 1880 (as Corner’s Wellington Weekly News, 1860). (ind.) 
Wed.—noon. 1d. L. Tozer & Co., South St., Wellington, Somerset. 
` Wellingtonian, 1868. Thrice in each term. 6d. T. Hunt, Wellington College, Berks. 
tWELLS JOURNAL, 1851. Wed.—5 p.m., fòr Thurs. ld. J.M. Atkins, High St., Wells. 
Welsh Catholic Directory, 1900. Dec. 6d. Catholic Press Lim., Mail Chambers, Cardiff. 
Welsh Catholic Herald, 1888. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., Mail Chambers, Cardiff. One 
of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

tWELSH COAST PIONEER, 1898. Thurs., for Fri. ld. W. H. Evans & Sons Lim., Conway 
Road, Colwyn Bay. 

1899. Wed. ld. G. Rees, Bridge St., Aberystwyth. 

t+WELSHMAN, 1829. (ind.) Thurs.—4 p.m.,, for Fri. 1d. Welshman Newspaper, &c., Co. Lim., 
123 Lammas St., Carmarthen. 

tWEMBLEY GAZ ETTE, 1900. Fri.—a.m., for Sat. 1d. P. W. Provost, High St., Harrow. A 
localised edition of the ‘Harrow Gazette. 

WEMBLEY OBSERVER, 1900. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. A localised 
edition of the Harrow Observer. E 

tWERIN (Commonwealth), 1885. Fri., for Sat. $d. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Carnarvon. 

Wesleyan Methodist Church Record, 1891. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Wesleyan Conference 
Office, 2 Castle St., City Road and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Wesleyan Methodist Kalendar and Daily Remembrancer, 1850. Oct. 2d.,4d.,&6d. Wesleyan 
Conference Office, 2 Castle St., City Road and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1778. M.—25th. 6d., illus. Wesleyan Conference Office, 
2 Castle St., City Road and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Wesleyan Methodist Pocket Book, 1850. Oct. 18. 9d. Wesleyan Conference Office, 2 Castle 
St., City Road and 26 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Magazine, 1857. M.—25th. 2d. Wesleyan 
Methodist Sunday School Union, 2 & 8 Ludgate Circus Buildings, E.c. 

Wesleyan Missionary Notices, 1816. M.—1st. 1d. Wesleyan Mission House, Centenary 
Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c. 

+West Africa, 1900. (ind.) Sat. 6d. J. Scott & Co., 46 Cannon St., E.C. 

+West African Mail, 1908. Fri. 6d. E.D. Morel Lim., 4 Old Hall St., Liverpool. 

West African News and African Mining Review, 1901 (now African News and African 
Mining Review). 

West African Year Book, 1901. 10s. 6d. Moorgate Publishing Co. Lim., Finsbury Pavement 
House, E.c. 

+WEST BRITON, CORNWALL ADVERTISER, 1810. (2) Mon.—noon, 4d.; Thurs. —noon, 1d, 
Heard & Sons, 27 Boscawen St., Truro. 

tWEST BROMWICH & OLDBURY CHRONICLE, 1896. (2) Fri. $d. J. Lloyd Astbury, 
55 Paradise St., West Bromwich. 

tWEST BROMWICH WEEKLY NEWS, 1871. Sat. 1d. Midland Printing Co. Lim., 186 
High St., West Bromwich. 

tWEST CUMBERLAND TIMES, 1874. (ind.) Wed.—a.m., $d.; Sat.—a.m., 1d. Brash Bros. 
Lim., South St., Cockermouth. 

West Durham District Co-operative Record. Gratis. W. Fletcher, Beech Grove, Whick- 
ham, R.S.O. Durham. 

188] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [ABC List. 

West End Gazette of Gentlemen’s Fashions, 1861. M.—25th. 1s., plates. Simpkin & 
Co. Lim., 23 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

WEST HAM EXPRESS (now Borough of West Ham Express). 

WEST HAM EXPRESS & INDEPENDENT, 1876. (ind.) Fri. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 
High Road, Leytonstone. A localised edition of the Leytonstone Express. 

WEST HAM HERALD (now' South Essex Mail). 

West Ham Library Notes, 1895. Quarterly. 1d. The Chief Librarian, West Ham Public 
Libraries, Central Library, West Ham, E 

+WEST HERTS AND WATFORD OBSERVER, 1908 (with which are incorporated the Berk- 
hamsted Times, Tring Telegraph, Chesham News, 1875, West Herts Observer, 1900, and Wat- 
ford Observer, 1868). Fri. ld. C.H. Peacock, 101 High St., Watford. (The oldest and best 
medium for Watford and the towns mentioned in the title and papers incorporated. Advt.) 

West India Committee Circuiar, 1908. Fortnightly. The West India Committee Rooms, 
15 Seething Iane, E.c. 

West indlan & Commercial Advertiser, 1890 (amalgamated with Our Western 
Empire, 1901). 

West Kensington, Walham Green, & Fulham Directory, 1879. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 188 High Holborn, w.c. 

tWEST KENT ADVERTISER, 1890 (as Dartford & West Kent Advertiser, 1876). (ind.) Fri., 
for Sat. ld. J. Snowden, 64 High St., Dartford. 

+WEST KENT ARGUS, 1894. (u) Tues. 1d. 105 High St., Lewisham. 

tWEST KENT DISTRICT TIMES, 1888. Fri.—a.m. 1d. Kentish District Times Co. Liin., 
- $9 Kast St., Bromley. (Advt. p. 423.) 

+WEST LONDON ADVERTISER, 1867. Fri.—noon. 1d. 11 Beadon Road, Hammersmith, w. 

West London Medical Journal, 1895. Quarterly. 1s.6d. J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson Lim., 
83-89 Great Titchfield St., w. 
tWEST LONDON OBSERVER, 1855. Fri. 1d. 4 King St., Hammersmith, w. (Advt. p.448.) 

+WEST LONDON PRESS, 1885 (as Chelsea News, 1857). Fri.—5 p.m. for Sat. 1d. C. Jd. 
Corkran, 1284 King’s Road, Chelsea, s.w. 

tWEST LONDON REPORTER, 1891 (as Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter, 1879). (c) 
Fri., for Sat. 1d. J. V. Glazebrook, 204 Hammersmith Road, Broadway, Hammersmith, w. 

tWEST LOTHIAN COURIER, 1872. (u) Fri. 1d. West Lothian Printing and Publishing 
Co. Lim., 84 Hopetoun St., Bathgate. 

Middlesex Advertiser). 

WEST MIDDLESEX HERALD (with which are incorporated the West Middlesex Standard & 
Middlesex d£: Surrey Express and Southall Guardian, 1855). Mon., Wed., Fri. 1d. Local 
— — Officos, Staines and Southall. Telegrams, “‘ Herald, Ealing. "Telephone, No. 7, 


Wed. ld. A.J. Robinson, 10 High St., Staines. 

WEST MONMOUTH GUARDIAN, 1896. See Monmouth Guardian. 

G. J. Price, The Poplars, Beeston. 

WEST OF ENGLAND OBSERVER, 1876. Sat. 1d. T.C. Gwillian, Regent St., Lydney. 

West Riding of Yorkshire Directory, 1861. Every four years. 86s. Kelly’s Directories Lim 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tWEST SOMERSET FREE PRESS, 1860. (ind.) Fri- —2 p.m., for Sat. 1d. Cox, Sons & 
Co. Lim., Fore St., Williton. 

West Surrey District Good Templar Gulde, 1888. Quarterly. 1d. A.S Evershed 
11 Onslow St., Guildford. 

tiser). (e) Fri.—2 p.m.; Sat.—2 p.m. 1d. 8. E. Gooding, 15 Market Square, Horsham. 

INEST — GAZETTE, 1858. Wed.—5p.m., for Thurs. 1d. Mitchell & Co., High St., 

tWEST YORKSHIRE PIONEER, 1858. (1) Fri—forenoon. 1d. J. Dawson, Skipton. 

WESTCLIFF AND LEIGH EXPRESS, 19082. (ind.) Fri. 4d. Southend Boro’ Printing Co., 
2 Clarence Road, Southend. (London: 10 Old Broad St.) 

Advertisements received for all the Welsh Newspapers. [189 


ABC List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Hooker Bros., High St., Westerham. 

1884. Wed.—6a.m. ld. Woodley & Co., Taunton. 

Western Australia Post Office Directory (Wise’s), 1870. Ne 27s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tWESTERN CHRONICLE (Yeovil), 1886 (as Sherborne, Darcie. and Taunton Journal, 
1764). (l) Thurs.—noon, for Fri. id. Western Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Middle St., 

+WESTERN DAILY MERCURY (Plymouth), 1860. (l) 4 a.m. ld. Western Newspaper Co. 
Lim., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth. (London: 144 Fleet St.) 

+WESTERN DAILY PRESS (Bristol), 1858. (lib. £ ind.) 8am. 1d. Baldwin St., Bristol. 
(London: 61 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 448.) 

WESTERN ECHO (St. Ives), 1899. (1) Fri—noon. $d. W.& J. Jacobs, Fore St., St. Ives, 

+WESTERN EVENING HERALD (Plymouth), 1895. 3d. Western Newspaper Co. Lim., 9 
Frankfort St., Plymouth. (London: 144 Fleet St.) 

— GAZETTE (Yeovil), 1786. (ind.) Thurs.—2 p.m., for Fri. 1d. Gazette Co. Lim. 

tWESTERN GUARDIAN (Totnes), 1882. (ind.) Wed. & Thurs. 1d. Mortimer Bros., 84 Fore 
t., Totnes. 

+WESTERN INDEPENDENT (Devenport), 1809. Sat. & Sun. 1d. H. Whitfeld, 16 St. 
Aubyn St. , Devonport. (London : 88 King William St.) 

+WESTERN MAIL (Cardiff), 1869. (c) Daily—5.80 a.m. ld. Western Mail Lim., St. Mary 
St., Cardiff. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

+WESTERN MORNING NEWS (Plymouth), 1860. Daily—a.m. 1d. Western Morning News 
Co. Lim., Plymouth. (London: 47 Fleet St.) (Advt. p. 418.) 

WESTERN NEWS (Ballinasloe), 1876. Sat. 1d. W. Hastings, Dunlo St., Ballinasloe. 
+WESTERN NEWS (Taunton), 1855. Mon.—4 p.m. 1d. Woodley & Co., Castle Green, Taunton. 

WESTERN OBSERVER (Tiverton), 1874. (ind.) Thurs—8 p.m. $d. Gregory & Son, 
Bampton St., Tiverton. © : 

+WESTERN PEOPLE (Ballina), 1888. (nat.) Sat.—a.m. id. Thomas Walsh, Ballina. 
tWESTERN TELEGRAPH (Urmston), 1895. (ind.c) Fri. 1d. Telegraph Printing Co., Urmston. 

Western Temperance Herald, 1886. M. 1d. Western Temperance League, 86 Woodland 
Road, Bristol. 

WESTERN TIMES (Exeter), 1829 (as Exeter Weekly Times, 1827). (l) Daily. Mon., Wed., 
Thurs., Sat., ġd.; Tues. & Fri, id. Western Times Lim., 148 Fore St., Exeter. (London: 62 
Ludgate Hill.) 

+WESTERN WEEKLY MERCURY (Plymouth), 1888 (as et Mercury, 1879). (l) Sat. 
ld. Western Newspaper Co. Lim., 9 Frankfort St., Plymouth ondon : 144 Fleet St.) 

+WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS (Plymouth), 1861. Fri., for Sat. 1d. Western News Co. Lim., 
Plymouth. (London: 47 Fleet St.) (Advt.p. 418.) 

WESTMEATH EXAMINER (Mullingar), 1882. (nat.) Fri.—7 p.m, for Sat. 1d. J. P. Hayden, 
Earl St., Mullingar. 

WESTMEATH GUARDIAN (Mullingar), 1885. Fri. 14. A. & M. Wallis, 29 Earl St., Mullingar. 

+WESTMEATH INDEPENDENT (Athlone), 1846. (nat.) Fri., for Sat. 1d. T. Chapman, 
Athlone. (London: 181 Hambolt Road, Clapham Common.) u 

WESTMEATH NATIONALIST, 1891 (as Midland Reporter, 1897). 
WESTMINSTER, 1902. Sat. 1d. W. Biggar, 18 Victoria St., s.w. 

WESTMINSTER & PIMLICO NEWS, 1887. Fri.—8.30 p.m., for Sat. 1d. C. J. Corkran, 
1284 King’s Road, Chelsea, and 42 Tachbrook St., Pimlico. 

tWESTMINSTER BUDGET, 1898. Fri. 8d. illus. Tudor St., E.C. 
tWESTMINSTER GAZETTE, 1893. (27) Daily—12.80 noon. 1d. Tudor St., £.c. (Advt. p. viii.) 
Westminster Hospital Reports, 1888. Biennially—April. 7s.6d. H. J. Glaisher, 57 Wigmore St., w. 

+WESTMINSTER MAIL, 1902 (as City of Westminster Mail, 1900). Sat. $d. 181 King’s Road, 
Chelsea, s.w. (Advt. p. 452.) 

WESTMINSTER OBSERVER, 1902. (c) Sat. 1d. L H. Hayter, 64 Victoria St., s.w. 
(Advt. p. 443.) 

190] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Westminster Review, 1824 (as London & Westminster Review, 1886 ; as Westminster Review, 
1841; as Westminster & Foreign Quarterly Review, 1847; as Westminster Review, 1872). 
M.—28th. 98.6d. R.B,J ohnson, 4 Adam St., Adelphi, w.c. 

Westminsterian, 1891. M.—4th. 3d. The Editor, Westminster College, Horseferry Road, s.w. 
#{WESTMORLAND GAZETTE, 1818. (c) Sat. ld. F. B. Pollitt, 22 Stricklandgate, Kendal. 

tWESTON MERCURY & SOMERSETSHIRE HERALD, 1855 (as The Westonian, 1848). 
(u) Fri.—5 p.m., for Sat. id. Frampton & Sons, Waterloo St., Weston-super-Mare. 

tWESTON-SU PER- MARE GAZETTE, 1845. (i) Wed., ġd.; Sat., 1d. Mendip Press Lim., 
Wadham St., Weston-super-Mare. 

Westralia (incorporated with The Colonial Goldfields Gazette). 
tWETHERBY NEWS, 1857. (c) Thurs. & Fri. 1d. H. Crossley, 2 High St., Wetherby. 

eon & KILKENNY EXPRESS, 1880 (as County Wexford Express, 1869). Sat. 1d. 
H. D. Fisher, 8 Exchange St. , Waterford. 

{WEXFORD INDEPENDENT, 1880 (as Wexford Journal, 1769). (uw) Wed. & Sat. ld. B. 
Hughes, 96 North Main St., Wexford. 

tWEXFORD PEOPLE, 1858. (nat.) Wed. & Sat. 1d. J.M. Walsh, al North Main St., Wexford. 
Weymouth Directory, Visitors’ Arrival List, &c., 1892 (now Weekly Journal, 1901). 

WEYMOUTH TELEGRAM, 1855 (as Telegram, 1886; as Weymouth, Portland & Dorchester 
Telegram, 1860). (l) Fri. 1d. F. Taylor, Royal Arcade, Weymouth. (Advé. p. 451.) 

tWHARFEDALE & AIREDALE OBSERVER, 1880 (with which are incorporated the Otley 
and Ilkley Guardian, 1871, and the Whar edale and Airedale Standard.) (ind.) Fri. ld. 
W. Walker & Sons Lim., Victoria Works, Otley. 

1897 (incorporated with the Wharfedale £c. Observer, 1908). 

What's What, 1901. Annually. 6s. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. Lim., Paternoster Square, E.c. 
Wheatsheaf, 1896. M.—1st. Gratis. Co-operative Wholesale Society Lim., Balloon St., Manchester. 
Wheeler (incorporated with Cricket d Football Field). 

Whisky and Allied Trades Review, 1889. 21s. per ann. Fortnightly. H. E. Hudson, 
18 Anglesea St., Dublin. 

Whitaker’s Almanack, 1869. Dec. 1s. net; cloth, 2s. 6d. net. J. Whitaker & Sons Lim., 12 
Warwick Lane, E.c. 

Whitaker's Peerage, 1899 (as Whitaker's Titled Persons, 1897). Dec. 65s. net. J. Whitaker & 
Sons Lim., 12 Warwick Lane, E.c. 

{WHITBY GAZ ETTE, 1854. Fri. 1d. Horne & Son, 17 and 18 Bridge St., Whitby. 
tWHITBY TIMES, 1862. (c) Fri. 1d. A. Porter 53 Baxtergate, Whitby. 

tWHITCHURCH HERALD, 1869. Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. 1d. R. B. Jones, 44 High St., Whitchurch 
White and Pike's Railway Guide, 1861. M.—1st. 8d. C.& F. Pike, 34 Moor St., Birmingham. 

White Cross, 1894 (as Vanguard, 1885). Jan., April, July, Oct. 1d. White Cross League, 
7 Dean’s Yard, Westminster, s.w. ' 

White Ribbon, 1896. M.—25th. ld. R. J. James, 3 & 4 London House Yard, £.c. 

+Whitehall Review, 1876. Thurs., for Sat—a.m. 6d. F. Horner, 15 King St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

tWHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER, 1882. Fri.—morn., for Sat. 1d. W. Halton, 80 Tangier St , 
Whitehaven. ` 

tWHITEHAVEN FREE PRESS, 1851 (with which is incorporated the West Cumberland 
Guardian & Whitehaven Herald). (1) Sat. 1d. 148 Queen St., Whitehaven. 

IWHITEHAVEN NEWS, 1852. (2) Thurs. 1d. Whitehaven News Lim., Roper St., Whitehaven 

Whitehaven News County Annual & Diary, 1890. Dec. 8d.& 6d. Whitehaven News Lim., Roper 
St., Whitehaven. 

Whiteley’s Diary, 1877. Dec. 1s. W. Whiteley Lim,, Westbourne Grove, w 

White's Sheffield Directory, 1822. Annually. 14s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 
Whitgift Magazine, 1879. M.—during term. 4d. Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon. 
WHITSTABLE PRESS, 1901 (incorporated with the Herne Bay Press, 1908). 

{WHITSTABLE TIMES & HERNE BAY HERALD, 1864. Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. C. 8, 
Elvy, 116 West St., Faversham. One of the Faversham Mercury series. 

+WHITTLESEA. REPORTER, 1876. Fri. 1d. Sharman & Co., High St., March. A localised 
edition of the Cambridgeshire Times. 
a ne es 

Advertisements received for all the Scottish Newspapers. [191 

AB C List. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

Who's Who, 1849 (N.S. 1897) (with which is incorporated Men & Women of the Times, 1801). 
Dec. 7s. 6d. net. A. & C. Black, Soho Square, w. | 

M‘Phail, Main St., Wicklow. 

+WICKLOW PEOPLE, 1882. (nat.) Sat. 1d. John M. Walsh, al North Main St., Wexford. 
One of the Wexford People series. 

Wide-a-Wake Temperance Reciter, 1891. M. ld. G H Graham, 18 Gabriel’s Hill, 

' Maidstone. (London: 29 Paternoster Row.) 

Wide World Magazine, 1898. M.—22nd. 6d. G.Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., Strand, w.c. 

WIDNES AND RUNCORN CHRONICLE, 1908 (as Runcorn Chronicle, 1902). Sat. 1d. 
58 High St., Runcorn. 

+WIDNES EXAMINER, 1879. (J) Fri—8a.m. 1d. J. Walker & Co., Bewsey St., Warrington. 
A localised edition of the Warrington and Mid-Cheshire Examiner. (Advt. p. 452.) 

+WIDNES GUARDIAN, 1876. Tues.—1 p.m.,1d.; Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat., 1d. Mackie & Co. Lim, 
Bank Chambers, Victoria Road, Widnes. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

+WIDNES OBSERVER, 1885. (c) Sat. 1d. Observer Printing and Publishing Co. Lim, 
Warrington. A localised edition of the Warrington Observer. 
en WEEKLY NEWS, 1876. Fri.—noon, for Sat. 1d. T.S. Swale, 85 Victoria Road, 

+Wigan Catholic Herald, 1894. Fri. 1d. Catholic Press Lim., 18 Jordan St., Manchester. 
One of the Catholic Herald (London) series. 

+WIGAN EXAMINER, 1858. (c) Wed. 4d. Fri. & Sat.—a.m. 1d. Roger & Rennick, 19 
Market St., Wigan. (London: 12 St. Bride St.) 

+WIGAN OBSERVER, 1858. (1) Wed.,Fri., Sat. 1d. T. Wall & Sons, Lim., Rowbottom Square, 
Wigan. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 

+WIGTON ADVERTISER, 1857. Fri.—7 p.m., for Sat. 1d. T. McMechan, King St., Wigton. 

Wild Olive Graft, 1891. Quarterly. $d. “W.O.G.” Mission, C. Young, 4 Vine St., Minories, E. 

Wilding’s Directory for Shrewsbury, Bridgnorth, &c., 1890. Triennial. 8s. 6d. Longworth 
Wilding, 88 Castle St., Shrewsbury. 

+WILLESDEN CHRONICLE & HERALD, 1877. Fri. 1d. 4 Cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, N.W. 
One of the Kilburn Times series. 

WILLESDEN OBSERVER, 1897. Fri. 1d. Sholl & Kay, Station Road, Harrow. 

+Willey’s Weekly, 1908. Thurs. ld. Willey & Co., Exeter. 

Williams and Norgate’s Book Circuiar, 1867. M. ld. 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 

Willich’s Tithe Commutation Tables (annual supplement to), 18387. Jan. 1s. Longmans, Green 
& Co., 89 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Willing’s Press Guide and Advertisers’ Directory and Handbook, 1874. Jan. 1s. James 
Willing, Junr. Lim., 125 Strand, w.c.; and 162 Piccadilly, w. Index to the Press of the 
United Kingdom, with a Classification of Representative Organs, and List of the principal 
Colonial and Foreign Journals. 

yeoman in Europa, 1900. Gratis. Anglo-Foreign Publishing Syndicate, 88 Coleman 

t., E.C. 

WILMSLOW & ALDERLEY CHRONICLE, 1837 (now Alderley and Wilmslow Chronicle). 

Wilson & Whitworth’s Borough of West Ham and Stratford Almanac, 1862. Dec. 1d. Wilson 
& Whitworth, Broadway, Stratford, E. 

Wilson’s Handbook of South African Mines, 1902. Irreg. 5s. F.C. Mathieson & Sons 16 Copthall 
Avenue, E.C. 

WILTON GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. 4d. Compton Press, High St., Gillingham. One of the 
Gillingham Gazette series. 

WILTON TIMES, 1891. (prog.) Fri.—5 p.m. 1d. Salisbury Times Co. Lim., Dews Road, 
Salisbury. A localised edition of the Salisbury Times. 

+WILTS AND GLO’STERSHIRE STANDARD, 1837. (c) Fri—p.m., for Sat. 1d. G.H. 

Harmer, Lewis Lane, Cirencester. 

WILTSHIRE ADVERTISER, 1903 (as Devizes and Wiltshire Advertiser, 1857). (ind.-lid.) 
Thurs. ld. R. D. Gillman, 29 & 80 Maryport St., Devizes. (London: 145 Fleet St.) 

Wiltshire Archssoiogical Magazine. 1858. Half-yearly. 53s. 6d. C. H. Woodward, Devizes. 

WILTSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1895 (with which is incorporated Trowbridge Chronicle). (c) 
Fri.—p.m., for Sat. ld. West Wilts Printing Co., Manvers St., Trowbridge. 

192] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

tWILTSHIRE COUNTY MIRROR AND EXPRESS, 1838 (with which are incorporated the 
Salisbury £ Wiltshire Herald and South Wilts Express). (c) Tues. 4d. Fri.—2 p.m. 
1d. The Wiltshire County Mirror and Express Newspaper Co. Lim., The Canal, Salisbury. 

Wiltshire Notes & Queries, 1898. Quarterly. 1s. 6d., illus. G. Simpson, 18 Market Place, Devizes. 
Wiltshire Opinion, 1902. Sat. 1s. W. Maisey, Ogbourne, near Marlborough. ' 
tWILTSHIRE TELEGRAPH, 1877. (c) Sat.—10 am. dd. G. Simpson, 18 Market Place, Devizes. 

tWILTSHIRE TIMES, 1876 (with which are incorporated the Trowbridge & North Wilts 

- Advertiser, and the Wilts Independent). (I) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Lansdown & Sons, 11 Silver 
St., Trowbridge. (Branch Offices at Devizes, Chippenham, and Warminster, guaranteed circu- 
lation 12,500 to 13,000 copies weekly. The only 12-paged weekly and the only paper printed 
on & rotary web-machine in the county of Wilts. Advt.) 

(ind.) Fri—7 p.m. 1d. Eden, King & Co., 15 St. George’s Road, Wimbledon. 

WIMBLEDON & PUTNEY POST (incorporated with the South-Western Comet, now Surrey 
Comet, Wimbledon edition.) - 

+WIMBLEDON HERALD, 1886. (c) Sat. 1d. 26 High St., Sutton. A localised edition of 
the Surrey County Herald. (Advt. p. 451.) 

Wimbledon, Merton, Mitcham, Worcester Park, Sutton, Cheam, and Carshalton Directory, 1890. 
Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+WIMBLEDON NEWS, 1898. (prog.) Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 1d. W. H. Stoakley & Co., 11 St. 
George’s Road, Wimbledon. 

tWIMBORNE & EAST DORSET HERALD, 1895. (ind.) Wed.—5 p.m., for Thurs. ld. W. 
Mate & Sons, Lim., Bournemouth. A localised edition of the Poole éc. Herald. 

tWIMBORNE GUARDIAN, 1883. Sat. ld. Wimborne. A localised edition of the Bourne- 
mouth Guardian. 

WINCANTON GAZETTE, 1908. Sat. $d. Compton Press, High St., Gillingham. One of 
the Gillingham Gazette series. 

Winchester Diocesan Calendar, 1862. Jan. 1s. Jacob & Johnson, 57 High St., Winchester. 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle, 1898. M.—1st. 2d. Warren & Son, Winchester. 

Winchester Directory. Jan. Warren & Son, 85 High St., Winchester. 

tWINDSOR AND ETON EXPRESS, 1812. (1) Fri., for Sat. 1d. Oxley & Son, 4 High St., 
Windsor. (Advt. p. 452.) 

tWINDSOR CHRONICLE, 1896 (as Windsor Gazette, 1874). (c) Fri—2p.m. 1d. T. E. Luff, 
47 St. Leonard’s Road, Windsor. 

Windsor District Directory, 1870. March. 1s. E. Marshall, 2 Castle Hill, Windsor. 
Windsor Magazine, 1895. M. 6d., illus. Ward, Lock & Co. Lim., Salisbury Square, E.c. 

tWine & Spirit Gazette, 1888. Fri.—p.m., for Sat. 25s. perann. Wine & Spirit Gazette 
Lim., 89 Crutched Friars, E.c. 

Wine and Spirit Journal, 1902. M. is. 8. Straker & Sons, 86 Fenchurch St., E.c. 

Wine and Spirit Manual, 1908. 5s. Trade Journals Lim., Old Trinity House, Water Lane, E.c. 
Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and Agency List, 1890. Jan. 58. 59 Mark Lane, B. c. 

Wine & Spirit Trade Record, 1874. M.—1st. 10s. perann. 59 Mark Lane, E.c. 

Wine and Spirit Trades’, Brewers’ and Maltsters’ Directory, 1877. Every four years. 25s. Kelly's 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Wine Merchant & Grocer’s Review, 1888 (formerly Grocer and Wine Merchant, incor- 
porated with the Irish Grocer, 1902). 

Wine Trade Review, 1868. M.—15th. 20s. perann. Eastcheap Buildings, z.c. 

Wings, 1892 (with which is incorporated British Woman's Temperance Journal, 1888). M.—25th. 
1d., illus. Women’s Total Abstinence Union, 4 Ludgate Hin, E.C. 

Winllan (The Vineyard), 1847. M.—1d., illus. Rev. W. O. Evans, Wesleyan Book Room, Isfryn, 
Winning Guide, 1902. Mon. 1s. Winning Guide Co., 254 Paradise St., Birmingham. 

tWINSFORD & MIDDLEWICH GUARDIAN, 1877. Tues.—2 p.m., ld.; Fri—8 a.m. 1d. 
86 High St., Winsford. A localised edition of the Warrington Guardian. 

Winter's Annual, 1884. Oct. 1s. F.V. White & Co., Lim., 14 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

WISBECH CHRONICLE AND COUNTY PRESS, 1903 (as North Cambs Echo and 

en Chronicle, 1857). Fri—llam.-.1d. Isle of Ely P.& P.Co. Lim., Station Road, 
arch. — 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [193 

— ne 

ABCList.] Willing’s Press Guide. 

+WISBECH CONSTITUTIONAL GAZETTE, 1868. (c) Fri.,for Sat. 2d. Leach & Son, 
8 & 4 Nene Quay, Wisbech. 

+WISBECH STANDARD, 1888. (c) Fri—2p.m. 1d. 45 Market Place, Wisbech. 

WISBECH TELEGRAPH, 1855. Sat.—10 am. $d. Gardiner & Co., Wisbech. A localised 
edition of the Isle of Ely dc. Advertiser. 

+WISHAW HERALD, 1889. (ind.) Fri—p.m. 4d. D. Hobbs, 18 Main St., Wishaw. 

+WISHAW PRESS & ADVERTISER, 1875 (as Wishaw Advertiser, 1870). Sat.—6.30 a.m. 4d. 
W. Pomphrey, 68 Main St., Wishaw. i 

+WITHERNSEA TELEGRAPH, 1895. Fri., for Sat. 1d. East Riding Telegraph Co., Queen 
St., Withernsea. A localised edition of the East Riding Telegraph. 

Within Our Gates, 1894. Quarterly. ld. Spurgeon Orphan Homes, Clapham Road, s w. 

+WITNESS, 1874. Fri.—5 a.m. 1d. Belfast Steam Printing Co. Lim.,58 Royal Avenue, Belfast. 

Witness, 1887 (as Northern Witness, 1871). M.—1st. 1d. Pickering & Inglis, 73 Bothwell St., 
Glasgow. (London: Holness, 14 Paternoster Row.) 

+WITNEY GAZETTE (as Witney Express, 1861). (ind.) Fri—4p.m., for Sat. ld. J. Knight, 
20 High St., Witney. 

tWIVELISCOMBE EXPRESS, 1896. (2), Wed. 4d. H. Law, The Parade, Taunton. One 
of the Somerset County Express series. 

Wizard of the North, 1879. (c) M.—last Tues. I1d., illus. Littlejohn, High St., Dundee. 

WOBURN AND DISTRICT REPORTER, 1884. (1) Fri., for Sat. $d. Beds. Publishing 
Co., Bedford. A localised edition of the Leighton Buszard Reporter. | 

WOKING HERALD, 1901. Thurs.’ $d. Rawlings & Walsh, Lim., Windsor St., Chertsey. 

+WOKING NEWS & MAIL, 1894. (n.p) Fri. H. H. Gibbs, Chertsey Road, Woking. 

+WOKING OBSERVER, 1897. (c) Wed. ld. A.F. Asher, 5 The Broadway, Woking. 

WOKINGHAM AND BRACKNELL FREE PRESS, 1908. Thurs. $d. H. Read, Valpy St., 
Reading. One of the Berkshire Chronicle series. (Advt. p. 444.) 

tWOKINGHAM AND BRACKNELL GAZETTE, 1903. Sat. 1d. F. Staniland, Market 
Place, Wokingham, Berks. 

WOLLASTON & BOZEAT ECHO, 1897 (incorporated in the Rusden Echo). 

¢+WOLVERHAMPTON CHRONICLE, 1789. Wed. 1d. Midland News Association Lim., 
50 & 51 Queen St., Wolverhampton. (London: 49 Fleet St.) 

Wolverhampton Journal, 1902. M.—ist. 1d. Whitehead Bros., King St., Wolverhampton. 

Woiverhampton Monthly Temperance Diary, 1862. M.—25th. d. Whitehead Bros, 
King St., Wolverhampton. i 

+WOLVERTON EXPRESS, 1901. (ind.) Fri.—1d. A.E. Jones, 101 Church St., Wolverton, 
+Woman, 1889. Tues.—9 a.m. 1d. Beeton & Co. Lim., 10 & 11 Fetter Lane, £.c. 

Woman at Home, 1898. M.—20th. 6d., illus. Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, E.c. 
Womanhood, 1898. M.—25th. 6d. F. I. Ballin, 5 Agar St., Strand, w.c. 

womens Agricultural Times, 1899. Quarterly. 1d. Hannaford & Hodges Lim., 57 Ludgate 
ill, B.c. 

Woman’s Beauty and Health, 1902 (English Edition). M.—25th. 2d. 12&18 Red Lion 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 

Woman's Life, 1895. Tues., for-‘Sat. 1d. G. Newnes Lim., 7-12 Southampton St., w.c. 

Woman’s Missionary Magazine of the United Free Church of Scotland, 1901 
(as Quarterly Record of the Zenana Mission, 1887 ; as Helpmeet, 1889). M.—15th. 1d,, illua. 
J. Cochrane, 15 North Bank St., Edinburgh. 

Woman's Trade Union Review. Quarterly. 1d. Club Union Buildings, Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 
Woman’s Work, 1859. Quarterly. 1d. Centenary Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E.c- 

WOMBWELL GUARDIAN, 1902. Thurs.—noon. $d. W. Wood, George Yard, Barnsley, and 
6 Station Road, Wombwell. 

Women In the Mission Field, 1899 (as Grain of Mustard Seed, 1881). M.—25th. 1d. Wells, 
Gardner, Darton & Co., 8 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. . 

Women’s Industrial News, 1896. Quarterly. 8d. 19 Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 
Women’s Suffrage Record, 1908. Quarterly: 1d. Miss E. Pallises, 25 Victoria St., s:w. 
Women’s Work, 1859. Quarterly. 6s. per ann. W. Strain & Sons, Belfast. 


(194) J. Willing, Junr., Iim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A B C List. 

Wood Green, Bounds Green, Fortis Green d& East Finchley Directory, 1880. Annually. Is. - 
Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+WOOD GREEN WEEKLY HERALD, 1888. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Crusha & Sons, 16 Hardy 
Terrace, Wood Green, N. A localised edition of the Tottenham dc. Weekly Herald. 
Wood Pulp Maker, 1896 (incorporated with Paper d Pulp). 

A. Fairweather, Church St., Woodbridge. 

(as Woodford Observer, 1876). Fri.,for Sat. 1d. J. G. Locks, 827 High St., Leytonstone. A 
localised edition of the Leytonstone Express. 

WOODFORD MAIL AND SOUTH ESSEX POST, 1897. Fri. 4d. S. Hickman, Maybank 
Road, Woodford. 

Woodford, Snaresbrook, and Wanstead Directory, 1885. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories 
Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

+WOODFORD TIMES, 1867. (ind.) Fri—noon. 1d. C.S. Jones, High St., Woodford Green, 

+WOODHALL SPA TIMES & VISITORS’ LIST, 1899. Tues. $d. Lincolnshire Press Lim., 
18 St. Benedict Square, Lincoln. 

Woodhead's Directory of Credit Drapers of Great Britain, 1890. Irreg. 58. G. Woodhead & Co. 
Lim., Miller St., Manchester. | 

Woods’ Chemical, Oil, and Colour Trade Diary, 1883. Dec. 6s. 6d. E. B. Woods, 71 Market 
St., Manchester. 

Woods’ Cotton d: Woollen Textile Diary, 1886. Dec. 6s. 6d. E. B. Woods, 71 Market St., Man- 

Woods’ Directory of Manufacturers, Merchants, and Shippers, 1898. Biennially. 21s. E.B. 
Woods, 71 Market St., Manchester. 

Woods’ Engineers’, Iron, and Metal Trade Diary, 1887. Dec. 63. 6d. E. B. Woods, 71 Market 
St., Manchester. 

Woodworker, 1901. Fortnightly—ist and 15th. 2d. P. Marshall & Co., 26-29 Poppin’s Court, 
Fleet St., E.c. 

Woollen Gazette, 1903. Tues. (Private). Subscription only. John Kemp & Co. Lim., 
46 Cannon St., E.C. 

Woolwich Co-operative Society Record “ Comradeship,” 1897. M.—ist Thurs. 
Gratis. Co-operative Society, Educational Department, Parson’s Hill, Woolwich, 

+WOOLWICH GAZETTE, 1862. Fri. 1d. R. Peirce, 22 Broadway, Deptford, s.E. One of 
the Kentish Mail series. 

tWOOLWICH HERALD, 1882. (c) Fri—5 a.m. 1d. O. W. Hartley, 6 Wellington St., Woolwich. 
One of the South Eastern Herald series. 

WOOLWICH JOURNAL (as Jackson’s Woolwich Journal, incorporated in the Kentish Inde- 
pendent, 1901). è. 

Woolwich, Plumstead, Charlton, € Shooters Hill Directory, 1898. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s 
Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Worcester A B C Raliway Guide and Special Time Tables for Principal Stations 
in the Kingdom, 1880. M.—lst. 2d. Littlebury & Co., Worcester Press, Worcester. 

+WORCESTER DAILY TIMES, 1880. (c) 1 pm. 4d. Berrow’s Worcester Journal Co 
Lim., 43 High St., Worcester. (London: 176 Fleet St.) 

Worcester Diocesan Church Calendar, Clergy List, and General Almanack, 18681. Dec. 1s. Mid- 
land Educational Co. Lim., Birmingham. 

Worcester Diocesan Magazine, 1893.. M.—20th. 27. Midland Educational Co. Lim., Bir- 

tWORCESTER HERALD, 1794. Sat. 2d. Worcestershire Newspapers Co. Lim., 72 High 
St., Worcester. 

WORCESTER JOURNAL (now Berrows’ Worcester Journal). 

ljd. 44 High St., Worcester. 

tWORCESTERSHIRE CHRONICLE, 1838. (/) Fri.for Sat. 1d. Worcestershire Newspapers 
Co. Lim., 72 High St., Worcester. 

Worcestershire County Council Handbook, 1898. May. 18. The Clerk of th 
Shirehall, Worcester. i 7 of the County Council, 

tWORCESTERSHIRE ECHO, 1888 (as Evening Post, 1877). (1) Daily—1.80 p.m. i 
shire Newspapers Co. Lim., 72 High St., Worcester. — pim, 4de Worcester 

WORCESTERSHIRE STANDARD, 1897. (c) Sat. 1d. 48 High St., Worcester. 
Word of Life. 1895. M.—I1st. 1d. W. Walters, 15 Strand, w.c. 

Advertisements recewed for all the Magazines, 


AB C List.] 

Word on the Waters, 1856. Jan., April, July, Oct. ld. The Missions to Seamen, }1 
Buckingham St., Strand, w.c. 

Work, 1889. Fri., for Sat. 1d., illus.; M., 6d. Half-yearly vols., 4s. 6d. Cassell & Co. Lim, 
La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Work and Workers, 1893. M.—1st. 8d. Centenary Hall, 17 Bishopsgate St. Within, E. 
Work and Worship, 1897. Quarterly. 14d. E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, £E. 
Work for the Far West, 1897. Quarterly. 8d. A. R. Mowbray & Co. Lir., Oxford. 
Worker’s Friend, 1903. Sat. 58 Dunstan House, Stepney Green, E. 

Working Men's College Journal, 1890. M. 2d. Working Men’s College, 46 Great 
Ormond 8t., W.c. i 

Workington Beehive (Wheatsheaf), 1892. M.—11th. Gratis. Co-operative Wholesale Society 
Lim., Balloon St., Manchester. 

+WORKINGTON GUARDIAN, 1891. Fri.—even., for Sat. 1d. W. Halton, 30 Tangier St., 
Whitehaven. A localised edition of the Whitehaven Advertiser. 

WORKINGTON MAIL, 1903. (ind) Wed.—p.m. $d. Mrs. K. N. Unwin, 28 Nook St. 

+WORKINGTON NEWS, 1882. Sai. ld. 2 Thompson St., Workington. 

+WORKINGTON STAR, 1888. (ind.) Fri. $d. A. E. Middleton & Co. Lim., 20 John St. 

Workman's National Protection Association Magazine, 1899. Jan, Id. F. J. Atkinson, 53 
Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Workmen’s Messenger, 1875. M.—1st Mon. 8d., illus. H. Hambleton, 185 Drury Lane, w.c. 

+WORKSOP & RETFORD GUARDIAN. (ind.) Fri. 1d. Sissons & Son, 8 & 10 Potter St., 
Worksop, Notts. 

+World, 1874. The journal of Society. Tues. 6d. 1 York St., Covent Garden, w.c. Advt. 
office—(H. Freeman) 9 Fleet St., Temple Bar, E.C. (Advt. p. 225.) 

+World of Billiards, 1900. Wed. from Oct. to April; M.—28th from May to Sept. 2d. Display 
Publishing Syndicate, 19 Bride Lane, E.c. 

World of Dress, 1898. M.—1st. dd. W. Stevens Lim., 23 & 24 Henrietta St., Covent 
Garden, w.c. 

World of Grace and Truth, 1898. M.—1st. 3d. Pickering & Inglis, 78 Rothwell St., Glasgow. 
Worid’s Comic, 1892. Mon. èd., illus. Trapps, Holmes, & Co., 13 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 
World’s Exchange, 1891. Wed. & Sat. 1d. Littlebury & Co., Worcester Press, Worcester. 
+World’s Paper Trade Review, 1879. Fri. 6d. W.J. Stonhill & Co., 58 Shoe Lane, E.c. 
World’s Work, 1902. M.—25ths ls. W. Heinemann, 20 & 21 Bedford St., Strand, w.c. 

Worrall’s Textile Directory of the Manufacturing Districts of Ireland, Scotland, € Wales, 
£ the Counties of Chester, Derby, Gloucester, dc.,1889. Nov. 5s. J. Worrall, Marlborough 
St., Oldham. 

Worthing Directory and Almanack, 1871. Jan. 6d. & 9d., illus. J. C. S. Kirshaw, Worthing. 

Worthing, £c., Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Halborn, w.c. 

tWORTHING GAZETTE, 1883. (c) Wed.—p.m. 1d. Worthing Gazette Co.,85 Chapel Road, 

WORTHING INTELLIGENCER, 1856 (incorporated with the Worthing Observer, 1901). 

sWORTHING OBSERVER, 1901 (with which is incorporated Worthing Intelligence, 1856). 
Sat. 1d. Worthing Observer Co., 83 Montague St., Worthing. 

+WREXHAM ADVERTISER, 1854 (as Wrexham Register, 1848). (1) Fri.& Sat. 1d. Bayley 
& Bradley Lim., Market Square, Wrexham. 

WREXHAM ARGUS (now Illustrated Wrexham Argus). 

Wrexhamian, 1898. Quarterly. 2d. W. Gwenlyn Evans, Pool St., Carnarvon. 

Wright & Round’s Brass Band News, 1881. M.—Ist. 8d. Wright & Round, 84 Erskine 
St., Liverpool. 

Wright's Directory of Leicester € Suburbs, 1854. Biennally. 8s. Kelly’s Directories Jujm., 182 
High Holborn, w.c. ? 

Wright's Directory of Leicestershire, Rutland, 1854. Irreg. 183. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim. 
182 High Holborn, w.c. 

Wright's Directory of Nottingham, 1854. Biennially: 8s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High 
Holborn, w.c. j 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

196] J; Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 S trand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [A BC List. 

Writers’ Year-Book, 1902. Annually. 1s.6d. Writers’ Year Book Coa., Granville House, Arundel 
St., Strand, w.c. 

Writing Machine News, 1896. Bi-M. 2d. Yost, 50 Holborn Viaduct, E.c. 

mycombe rn‘ Gazette, 1897. During Term. 6d. The Editor, Wycombe Abbey School, 

Wykehamist, 1866. About monthly, except during vacation. 4d. P. & G. Wells, College St. 

Wyntyll, 1908. Wed., for Thurs. d. Welsh National Press Co. Lim., Carnarvon. 
Wythnos, a'r Eryr, 1899 {as Wythnos) Wed. $d. H. Evans, Bala. 

Yacht Racing Association Rules and Time Allowances, 1874. April. 1s. & 2s. 6d. Harrison & 
Sons, 45 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 

Yacht Racing in the Solent Almanac, 1892. May. 1s. S. W. Wolff & Co., 76 High St., Southampton 

Yachting Guide (Thompson’s), 1878. May. 1g. Thames Yacht Agency, 50 Pail Mall, s.w. 

tYachting World, 1894. Thurs. 8d. W.G. Kirby & Co., 87 Wallbrook, £.c. 

tYachtsman, 1891 (with which is incorporated the Marine Motor News, 1908). Thurs.—2 p.m. 
8d., illus. E. H. Hamilton, 148 Strand, w.c. E 

Yardley News Letter, 1895. M.—15th. 1d, W. Lupton & Co., Corporation St., Birmingham. 

YARMOUTH ADVERTISER & GAZETTE, 1868 (incorporated with the Yarmouth Mercury). 

tYARMOUTH & GORLESTON TIMES, 1880. (l) Fri.—9 a.m., for Sat. id. Office, 
81a Regent St., Yarmouth. (London: 60 Ludgate Hill.) One of the Norwich Mercury series. 

Yarmouth Directory, 1899. Annually. 1s. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 182 High Holborn, w.c. 

tYARMOUTH INDEPENDENT, 1855. (ind.) Fri. for Sat. ld, F. H. Causton, 84 Hall 
Quay, Yarmouth. (Advt. p. 452.) 

tYARMOUTH MERCURY, 1880, (ind.) Fri.—morn,, for Sat. ld. Great Yarmouth Printing 
Co., Theatre Plain, Yarmouth. . ’ 

YARMOUTH WEEKLY PRESS, 1867. (1) Fri.—7a.m. forSat. 1d, Norfolk News Co. Lim.., 
87 London St., Norwich. One of the Eastern Weekly Press Series. (London, 120 Fleet St.) 

Year-Book d: List of Members of the Society of Architects, 1884. Nov. 2s. St. James’s Hall, 
Piccadilly, w., & 15 Montague Place, w.c. 

Year-Book for the Episcopal Ohurch in Scotland, 1878. Jan. 28. St. Giles Printing Co., Edinburgh. 

Year-Book of Australia, 1882. May. 108. 6d. British Australasian Consolidated Pyblishing Co. 
Lim., 11 & 18 Wool Exchange, E.c. 

Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery (now Gould’s Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery). 

Year-Book of Pharmacy, 1865. Nov. 108. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborongh St., w. 

Year-Book of Photography and Amateur’s Guide, 1864 (as Photographic News Almanac, 1859). 
June. 1s.,illus. 9 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, w.c. 

Year-Book of the Joint Scholarships Board, 1899. Mar. 28.6d. Whittaker & Co., 2 White Hart 
St., E.C. e 

Year-Book of the Royal Society, 1896. Jan. s. 6d. Harrison & Sons, 46 St. Martin’s Lane, w.c. 
Year-Book of the Scientific and. Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1884. Oct. 
73. 6d. Chas. Griffin & Co. Lim., 12 Exeter St., w.c. | 

Yearly County Court Practice, 1897. Dec. 25s. Butterworth & Co., 12 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, w.c. 

Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 1897. Feb. 15s. Butterworth & Co., 12 Bell Yard, Temple 

ar, W.C. 

Yearly Practice of the Supreme Court, 1899. Nov. 20s. net. Butterworth & Co., 12 Bell Yard, 
Temple Bar, w.c. 

Year’s Art, 1879. Jan. 3s. 6d., jllus, Hutchinson & Co., 84-86 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

YEOVIL LEADER, 1898. (1) Mon.—p.m. $d. Western Printing & Publishing Co. Lim., Yeavil. 
Yes or No, 1908. Weekly. 1d. 11 Gough Square, E.c. 

Ymofynydd, 18497. M.—lst. 2d. J.D. Lewis, Gwasg Gomer, Llandyssul. 

York and District Directory. Jrreg. 6s. 6d. Kelly’s Directories Lim., 183 High Holborn, w.c. 
York Churchman’s Almanack and City Register,1888. Jan. 2d. J. Sampson, 183 Coney St., York. 

. York Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List and Church Almanack, 1863. Jan. 6d. J. 
Sampson, 18 Coney St., York. (London: Parker.) $ ron ‚1802. J 18 J 

York Diocesan Magazine, 1892. M.—Ilst. 1d. J. Sampson, 18 Coney St., York. 
YORK EVENING PRESS. See Evening Press. 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals, - [197 


ABC List.] ~ Willing’s Press Gulde. 

York Journal of Convocation, 1880. 2s. 6d. J. Sampson, 18 Coney St., York. 
Yorkshire Almanac, 1898. Nov. ld. T.A J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

Yorkshire: Bennett's Business Directory, 1881. Annually. 7s. 6d. Bennett & Co., Chapel Works, 
Granville St., Birmingham. (Advt. p. 444.) 

Yorkshire Christmas Annual, 1894. Dec. 1d. T. A. J. Waddington, Mansfield St., York. 

1855). (ind.) Fri. $d. Delittle, Fenwick & Co., City Press, Railway St., York. 

Yorkshire College Calendar, 1876. Aug. 1s. 6d. The Secretary, Yorkshire College, Leeds 

Yorkshire Cricket Guide, 1895. April. 2d. F. Lodge, New St., Barnsley. 

+YORKSHIRE DAILY OBSERVER, 1901 (as Bradford Observer, 1884). (l) am. 1d. After- 

noon market edition Mon. and Thurs. W. Byles & Son, 10 Piccadilly, Bradford. (London: 
129 Fleet St.) 

YORKSHIRE EARLY BIRD, 1897. Every race day. 4d. Sir W.C. Leng & Co.,17 High St., Sheffield. 
Yorkshire Estates Gazette, 1866. M.—18th. Gratis. Heeles & Son, Infirmary St., Leeds. 
+YORKSHIRE EVENING POST, 1890. (c) 2p.m. 4d. See Leeds Yorkshire Evening Post. 

+YORKSHIRE FACTORY TIMES, 1889. Thurs., for Fri. 1d. 17 Upper Head Row, Huddersfield 

+YORKSHIRE GAZETTE, 1819. (c) Sat—1 am. 1d. T. Wood, 15 High Ousegate, York, 
(London: 80 Fleet St., E.c.) 

+YORKSHIRE HERALD, 1790. (2) Daily—a.m. 1d. Sat. 2d. Yorkshire Herald Newspaper 
Co. Lim., 9 Coney St., York. (London : 145 Fleet St.) First issue daily in 1874. 

YORKSHIRE OBSERVER, 1899 (as Malton Mail, 1898). (1) Sat. 4d. T. A. J. Waddington, 
Mansfield St. York. 

+YORKSHIRE POST, 1866 (as Leeds Intelligencer, 1754). See Leeds Yorkshire Post. 
Yorkshire Ramblers' Club Journal, 1899. Jan. 2s. Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club, 10 Park St., Leeds. 

+YORKSHIRE SPORTS, 1900. Sat. $d. H.C. Derwent, 58 Market St., Bradford. (London: 
62 Ludgate Hill.) 

+YORKSHIRE TELEGRAPH & STAR, 1898 (as Sheffield Evening Telegraph d: Star, 1887). 
Right editions daily. 4d. W.C. Leng & Co., 17 High St., Sheffield. (London: 180 & 181 Fleet St.) 

Yorkshire Textile Directory, 1888. Aug. 5s. J. Worrall, Marlborough St., Oldham. 

+YORKSHIRE WEEKLY POST, 1882. (c) Sat. id. See Leeds Yorkshire Weekly Post. 

Yorkshire (Woollen District) Commercial List, 1866. May. Subscription. Seyd & Co., 38 
Lombard St., E.c. 

Young Abstainer, 1894. M.—ist. ld. 18 Exeter Hall, Strand, w.c. 

Young Crusader, 1891. M.—25th. $d. 4 The Sanctuary, Westminster. 

Young Days, 1876. M.—25th. 1d., illus. Sunday School Association, Essex Hall, Essex St, w.c. 
Young Engineer, 1901 (now Engineering World, 1902). 

Young England, 1880 (as Kind Words, 1866, with which is incorporated B. B., 1901). M.—25th. 
8d. illus. Sunday School Union, 57 Ludgate Hill, &.c. (Magazine for young people. Advt.) 

Young Helpers’ League, 1892. M.—14th. 2d. 158 Aldersgate St., E.C. 

Young Herald. M.—Last week. d. Congregational Union of Scotland, 30 George Square, 

Young Ladies’ Journal, 1864. Wed. 1d., illus.; M.—9d. Harrison & Viles, 8 Farringdon 
Avenue, E.C. . 

Young Man, 1887. M.—25th. 8d. H. Marshall & Son, Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.c. 
Y.M.C.A. Bee-Hive, 1881. M.—ist. 1d., illus. W.H. Newett, 56 Peter St., Manchester. 
Y.M.C.A. Times, 1888. Quarterly. 1d. J.C. Moor, F.J.I., 28 Azalea Terrace, Sunderland. 
Young Men’s Christian Magazine, 1874 (now the Guide). 

Young People, 1899. M.—1st. 1d., illus. Geo. Burroughs, 23 Farringdon Avenue, E.c. 
Young Peopie’s Magazine, 1894. M.—25th. 1d. G. Daniel, 26 Paternoster Row, *. c. 

Young People’s Treasury and Little Gleaner, 1854. M.—27th. 1d., illus. Houlston & 
Sons, 7 Paternoster Buildings, E.c. 

Young Pilgrim Book, 1867. Nov. 1s. Thomas Nelson & Sons, 85 Paternoster Row, E.c. 

Young Protestants, 1901 (as Protestant Girl, 1896). M.—1st. ld. Marshall Bros., Kes- 
wick House, Paternoster Row, E.c. 

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — *— 

198} J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

[ABC List. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Young Soldier, 1888 (as Little Soldier, 1881). Tues., for Sat. 4d., illus. 102 Clerkenwell Road, E.c. 

Young Standard Bearer, 1880. M.—25th. d., illus. Gardner, Darton & Co.,3 Paternoster 
` Buildings, £.c. , 

Young Wales. M.—ist. 8d. Roberts Bros., 15 Working St., Cardiff. 

Young Watchman, 1883. M.—1st. ẹd., illus. John Ritchie, Kilmarnock. 

Young Woman, 1892. M.—25th. 8d., illus. H. Marshall & Son, 125 Fleet St., £.c. 

Zadkiel’s Alinanac, 1835 (as Herald of Astrology, 1831). Sept. 6d. Glen & Co., 14 Red Lion 
Court, Fleet St., E.c. 
Zadkiel’s Astronomical Ephemeris, 1848. Sept. 6d. Glen & Co., 14 Red Lion Court, Fleet St., E.C 

Zenana, or Women's Work in India, 1893 (as Indian Female Evangelist, 1872). M.—28th. 
ld. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Zion's Witness, 1859. M.—I1st. 2d. Banks & Son, 5 Racquet Court, Flect St., E.c. 

Zoological Record, 1865. Nov. 380s. Gurney & Jackson, 1 Paternoster Row, E.C. 

Zoologist, 1843. M.—löth. 1s., occas. illus. West, Newman & Co., 54 Hatton Gardon, E.C. 

Zoophilist, 1881. M.—25th. 3d. Sonnenschein & Co., 6 White Hart St., Paternoster Square, E.c. 

Zuzimite, 1897. Quarterly. 6d. Crescent Publishing Co., 44 Geneva Road, Liverpool. 

Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd., 

8 Dew-sireei Square, €C. 

x x r 


Printers of Catalogues and Advertising 
Citerature of the best kind. 

x x x 

Specimens sent free on receipt of a 
Business application. 


x x 

Telephone: 1414 holborn. 
Telegrams: Spottiswoode, Condon. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [199 

Advertisements. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

The ASorning Dost. 

On and after January 1, 1903, cancelling all previous Scales. 

1.—Births, Marriages, Deaths, or In Memoriam, 6 lines 6s., and then 1s. perline.\ §F23 
2.—(a) Paragraphs announcing Marriages, | | zes: 
a Arrivals and Departures— sie 
21s., exceeding 6 lines 5s. for each extra line. 2 SE 5 

3.—Fashionable and Miscellaneous Paragraphs. EASE 
By agreement, subject to the approval of the Editor. 5382 

4.—(d) Situations Vacant, 3 lines 38., and 6d. per line afterwards. 
(6) Situations Required; 4 lines 3s., and 6d. per line afterwards. 
(c) Want Places, 2 lines 1s. 6d., and 6d. per line afterwards. 
5.—PUBLIC SCALE.—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, Tenders, Banks, 
Insurances, Elections, Clubs and Sports— 
4 lines 6s., then 1s: 6d. per line to 50 lines, afterwards 2s. per line. 
1 column £30. 
2s. per line to 50 lines, then 2s. 6d. per line. 
1 column £40. 
6.—AGONY COLUMN.—Lost and Found, Personal, Dinners and Balls— 
4 lines 5s., then 1s. per line to 50 lines, afterwards 1s. 6d. per line. 
7.—MISCELLANEOUS.—Money and Financial, Exhibitions, Entertainments, Concerts, 
Picture Galleries, Partnerships and Charities— 
4 lines 4s., then 1s. per line to 50 lines, afterwards 1s. 6d. per line. 
NorTe.—ZIn the case of Charities the higher rate of 1s. Gd. per line will not be enforced. 
8.—TRADE SCALE.—Trade, Education, Ships, Books, Businesses, Horses and 
Carriages, Hotels and Articles for Sale or Wanted — 
-~ 4 lines 3s., afterwards 9d. per line. 
Novre.—Advertisements set with extra space between lines will be charged throughout 18. per line-space 
occupted, inelusive of drop letters. Minimum charge 4s. 
1 column £15, 4 column £7 10s., } column £3 15s. 
IN LEADER PAGE, or in or next to AGONY COLUMN— 
4 lines 6s., afterwards 18. 6d. per line. | 
1 column Leader Page £20, 3 column £10, } column £5. 
Trade Paragraphs—4 lines. 10s., afterwards 2s. 6d. per line, with the 
word ‘ Advt.’ 
9.—AUCTIONS AND HOUSES, Flats, Board-Residence and Apartments— 
4 lines 3s., afterwards 6d. per line. 
4 lines 4s., afterwards 1s. per line to 19 lines 
After 19 lines 1s. 6d. „ ,, 650 ,, 
afterwards 2s. per line. 

1 column £25. . 
4 lines 4s., afterwards 1s. per line. 
1 column £16. 
12.—SPECIAL COLUMNS, next matter on page preceding Leader page— 
Trade, £20 per column. 
Financial, £30. \ Same charge for City Article page when space 
Public Companies, £40. J is available. 

N.B.—Advertisements are charged according to the line-space occupied, as set out on our measure, basis 
14 lines to the inch. Each drop letter and each line of capitals after the first line of the Advertisement will be 
charge one line extra. 

Advertisements are received on the understanding that no special position can be given except at advance 
prices as shown above. 

348 STRAND, W.C. Telephone 5432 Gerrard. 

—— — — — — — —— — —— — — ——— — — — — — — — — — 

200; J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’: 8 Press Guide. [Classification. 

Te Fr a ee N re a 22 — — — ——— rel 





Representatives among the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the United Kingdom. 

Particulars of each Publication will be found tn the preceding Alphabetical List. 

ea re — — — —— 

BE a a EP ewe Sega ke | 


Actuarles—(1) Journal of the Bath, &c., | Blocksidge’s Dudley Raphael's Prophetic 
oe dos OF thie Boario. Year took ne Zalkiel’s Astronomical 
‘Accountants’ Journal ournal of the Board of, ear- ’s Astronomica 
hes antantal Magazine — | Brown’s Nautical (Glas- | 
Accountants’ Manual ; Journal of the Depart- gow) 

Incorpoynted Acoount- ment, of Aerona] pasls Bromley Almanacs (Rell 
s’ Journ > — 
as 2 f the Institute: tion of Ireland Dodil’s (Sunderland) gious)—(8) 
Journal of the Inst ute | a). Anglo-Catholic 
of Actuaries Journal of the Farmers’! Dungannon and District Aula Teracı 
Official Directory of the _ Club Durdy’s Bete 
Chartered Accountants; Journal of the Royal Essex | Ba dict; 
of Scotland | _ Agricultural Society Galashiels and Selkirk  ipje Acrosiic Searchinz 
Live Stock Journal Glasgow’s Household , Bible er earching 
Live Stock Journal! (Cookstown) | Bible — 

Aereonautical—(2) Almanack Guide and Almanac for gg — g 
Aeronautical Journal Mark Lane Express | Hampstead Ch 12 ae 
Flying North British Agricul-| Guy’s Cork Ouarah SHindonaty 

Africa—(see Colonies’ North British Agricul- | Hertfordshire ns 

eee MOMMIES | turist Calendar Holiden’s (Liverpool) aurei glan 
and Possessions). - | Peat's Farmers’ Diary | Household ( Liskeard ) G ide Ca 
Purdon’s Irish Farmer, ger son’s (Douglas) Toapel Test 
F &c., Almanac ersey Express i me 
Agnostic—(3) (see Seottich Farmer | John Adams's South. Great Thoughts 
also Secularism). | | John Ploughman’s 
1 | Stock- Keeper | ampton Life of Fait] 
Agnostic Annua Thorley’s Farmer's Alma-! Lake's Falmouth | A Li en i ind” 
Aguostic Journal nack and Diary | Leicestershire Ne y Ch el ze 
Transactions of the; Linney’s Illustrated One Tl EN — 

Agriculture — As a. Highland Agricultural (Mansfield) ee oa T 
general rule, all Pro- ' Society of Scotland London | Pa ah HE $ 
vincial Newspapers Vinton’s Agricultural Matkin’s Oakham Paroda 

Almanac | Mexborough, &c. Aa ; 
devote space to agri- | | Ketherton's Cornish Scottish Churchman’s 

- oulture — (see also’ Newport Household : Sunday School Illustrated 

} i Wi * 
— one FAI ‚Almanacs (General) Oliver & Boyd's Edin-| re 
rade, Poultry | —(5) ee ' Tract Society’s P 
Agricultural Annual | Almanac y Miloedd | Original Clock Wesle a Methodist 
| Orr's Scottish — 
Fre Chronicle | Arbroath Year-Book cotlish . | York Churchman’s 
— ral Chronicle Birkbeck — GE | 
| Brewers’ EN. 
— Economist British i Penrith 
icultural Gazette British Almanac and | Pogmoor ‘Almanacs (Sheet)— 
Agricultural Handboqk Companion Quiggin’s Isleof Man | (9) 
Agricultural Register Fisherman’s Nautical nn d and Twi Bible Sheet 
icultural Students’) Goldsmith's ee yee st icken-| British Workman 
azette News of the World a ree Mustrated Sheet 
Philatelist’s ı Royal Belfast People’s 

Agricultural World and 
Cable St. Albans | 

Post Magazine St. Neot’s Advertiser 

Annual Report of the Rimmel’s i 
Irish Agricultural Vox Stellarum Sheffield City 
Sotiety Whitaker’s Simson’s Companion Ä ‘Alpine information 

Smithson’s Northallerton | —(10) 
South Derry and District; Alpine Journal 
‘Almanacs (Local)—! Swinton and Pendlebury | Glinbers’ Club Juurnal 

County Gentleman | 
(6) | Three Towns 

Country Sport 
Farm and Home | 


Farm and Home Year! 
$ — Aberdeen Uppingham — 
arm, Field, and Fireside) Advertiser Rugb rard’s Family and Diary . 
Farmer and. Stockbreeder; Alden’s Oxford $ (Beverley) American ; Maga- 
Farmer d  Stock-| Bartlett’s Ilustrated! Yorkshire zines (English Edi- 
breeders’ Year Book (Croydon) tions of)—(11) 
Farmer’s Gazette i Beds Mercury Almanacs (Pro- | Ainslie's Magazine 
Farmers’ Herald | Birkenhead Family ; phetic)—(7) | Arena 
Irish Farming World Blackpool Times Fylde Old Moore's Atlantic Monthly 
Irish Homestead | Year-Book Orion's Fropterie Guide | a Illustrated 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [201 

Classification. ] 


Munsey’s Magazine 

North American Review 

St. Nicholas 


Smart Set 

Town Topics 

Amusements, &c.— 

(see Music, The- 
Chemical Science). 
Anarchist —(12) 
Anatomy— | 

(see Medical Science). 


Church Times 
Church Union Gazette 

St. Albans, Holborn, 
Monthly Paper ; 

St. Margaret’s Magazine 

Animals— (see Domes- 
tic Pets, Horses). 

Journal of the Anthropo- 
logical Institute 


Archeeology—(16) | 
Annual of the British | 
School of Athens | 
Antiquary | 
Archeologia Aeliana 
Archzologia Cantiana : 
Babylonian, &c. 
Berks, Bucks, and Oxon 
Archeological Journal 
Border Magazine 
Bradford Autiquary 
British Review and Jour- 
nal of Biography 
Burlington Gazette 
Burlington Magazine 
Calendars of State Papers 
Cheshire Notes and 
Devon Notes and Queries, 
Dorset Records 


202] J. Willing, Junr., Lim,, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

East Anglian 
Fenland Notes 
Genealogical Magazine 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Wiltshire Archeological 


Gloucestershire Notes and | Archery —(17) 


Home Counties Magazine 

Index Library 

Index of Archeological 

Journal of 

Journal of the Associa- 
tion for the Preserva- 
tion of the Memorials 
of the Dead 

Journal of the British 
Archeological Assoc, 

Journal of the Cork His- 
torical and Archeolo- 
gical Society 

Journal of the County 
Kildare Archsological 


Journal of the Derbyshire ; 
Archseological Society 
Journal of the Royal 
Institution of Cornwall 
Joarnal of the Royal 
Society of Antiquaries 
of Ireland | 
Kent Archeological So- | 
ciety’s Transactions 
Lincolnshire Notes and | 
Queries | 
Miscellanea Genealogica | 
Moring Quarterly ' 
Notes and Queries | 
Notes and Queries for, 
Somerset, &c. | 
Portfolio o£ the Monu- 
mental Brass Society | 
Proceedings of the Anti-| 
quaries of Scotland | 
Proceedings of the Society | 
of Biblical Archeology | 
Proceedings of the Suffolk 
Institution of Archreo- 
Records of Buckingham- 
Reliquary | 
Saga Book of the Viking 
Scottish Mountaineering 
Club Journal 
Scottish Notes 
Surrey Magazine 
Transactions of the 
Bristol and Gloucester- 
shire Archeological 
Transactions of the 
Cumberland and West- 
moreland Antiquarian 
and Archeological So- 
Transactions of the East 
Herts Archeological 
Transactions of the Essex 
Archeological Society 

Historical Re- 


Transactions of the 
Glasgow Archeological 

Transactions of the Lan- 
cashire, &c, Anti- 
quarian Society 

Transactions of the 
Monumental Brass 

rcher’s Register 

(see also Building). 
Academy Architecture 
Architects’ and Builders’ 

Architects’ Compendium 

Architects’ Magazine 

Architect’s, Surveyor’s, 
&c., Diary and Almanac 

Architectural Associa- 
tion Brown Book 

Architectural Associa- 
tion Notes 

Architectural Associa- 
tion Sketch Book 

Architectural Review 

British Architect 


Green Book of the Archi- 
tecturäl Association of 

Journal of the Royal 
Institute of British 

Kalendar of the Royal 
Institute of British 

Transactions of the 
Architectural Society 
of Durham 

Transactions of the Edin- 
burgh = Architectural 

Year-Book and List of 
Members of the Society 
of Architects 

Armenian, printed 

Army—(see Military 

Art—(see also Decora- 
tive Art, Photo- 
graphy). (20) 
Academy Notes 

Art Annual . 

Art Decorator 

Art Examination Paper 

Art Journal 

Art Sales of the Year 

Art Workers’ 

Artists’ Almanac 

Birmingham Magazine of 

Book of Book Plates 

Carvers’ Designer 



Easter Art Annual 

Edinburgh Academy 

Egypt Exploration Fund 
Archeological Report 

Home Art Work 

Journal of Indian Art 

Journal of the Society of 

Magazine of Art 

Notes and 

— — — 

New English Art Club 



Proceedings of the Royal 
Irish Academy 

St. George 


Year’s Art 

| Assurance—(see also 

Insurance). (21) 

Agents’ Journal 


Assurance Agents’ 

Assure ; 

Bourne’s Handy Assur- 
ance Directory 

Bourne’s Handy Assur- 
ance Manual 

British Homes 

Cooper’s Tabular Guides 



Coming Events 

Modern Astrology 

Star Lore and Future 


Astronomical Observa- 
tions and Researches 


Heavens at a Glance 

Journal and Memoirs of 
the British Astro- 
nomical Association 

Journal of the British 
Astronomical Associa- 

Memoirs of the Royal 
Astronomical Society 

Monthly Notices of the 


Royal Astronomical 


Report of the Director 
of the Liverpool 

Athletics—(see also 

Sporting). (24) 

Athletic News 

Athletic News Cricket 

Athletic News Football 

¢ Annual 


Macfadden’s Physical 

Physical Review 

Sandow's Magazine 


Woman’s Beauty and 



Australia—(see Colo- 

nies and Possessions). 

Authors—(see Litera- 


Bakers — (see 
Grain and Seed 
Trade). (25) 

Baker and Confectioner 

Bakers’ Record 

Bakers’ Times 

British Baker 

British Baker Diary and 
Trade Year-Book 


Journeymen Bakers’ 

Practical Confectioner 
and Baker 

Band of Hope— 
(see Temperance). 

Banking — (see Fi- 
nance and Invest- 

Bankrupts, Lists of! 
(see also Trade Pro- 
tection). (26) 

Dublin Gazette 

Edinburgh Gazette 

London Gazette 

Perry’s Weekly Gazette | 

Stubbs’ Commercial | 
Year-Book - 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette 


Annual Report of the. 
Baptist Missionary | 
Society | 


Baptist Handbook 

Baptist Herald 

Baptist Magazine i 

Baptist Monthly | 

Baptist Times 

Baptist Visitor | 

Earthen Vessel 

Friendly Compauion 

Gospel Standard 

Herald Cenadol 

Trish Baptist Magazine 

Juvenile Mission. Herald 

Messenger | 

Metropolitan Tabernacle | 

Missionary Herald 

Quarterly Reporter of the 
German Baptist Mission 

Scottish Baptist Magazine | 

Scottish Baptist Year- 


Spurgeon’s _Iilustrated | 

Sword and the Trowel 

Bee Keeping—(28 
Beekeeper (28) 
Beekeepers’ Record 

British Bee Journal 
Irish Bee Journal 

Bell Ringing—(29 
ine 8 ) 

Bible Christians— 
Bible Christian Magazine | 

Advertisements received for all the American, Newspapers. 

Bill Posters—(31) 

also | Bible Classes— 

(see Sunday Schools). 


(see also Archeology). 


(see Cycling). 

Bill Poster 
Bill Poster’s Directory 


Billiards—(32) i 

Billiard Annual 

Billiard Player 


World of Billiards 
Birds—(see Domestic 

Pets, Poultry). 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Luzac’s Oriental List. 
Monthly Gazette of Cur- 
rent Literature 
Notes on Books 
Publishers’ Circular 
Reference Catalogue 
Second-Hand Bookseller 
Sotheran’s Price Current 
Williams & Norgate’s 
Book Circular 

Boot & Shoe Trade 

—(see also Leather 

Trade). (86) 

Boot and Shoe Trades 


Shoe and Leather Record 

Shoe and Leather Trader 

Shoe Manufacturers’ 

' Botany— (see also 

Births, Deaths, &c. 
—(see Oficial Re- 

Bits and Selections 
— (83) 
Great Thoughts 
Illustrated Bits 
Illustrated Chips 
Pearson’s Weekly 
Spare Moments 

Bleaching Trade— 
(see Drysaltery). 

Blind—(34) | 
Braille Magazine 
Hampstead Braille Maga- 


Santa Lucia 
Weekly Summary 

Blue Ribbon—(see 3 

Book Trade—(35) ` 
Book and News Trades | 
Gazette , 

Book Gazette and Notes | 

Book Lover 

Book Monthiy 

Book-Prices Current 

Book Trade 


Books of To-Day and 
Books of To-Morrow | 


Brown’s Bookstall 

Bulletin of New Books 

Christmas Catalogue 


Colonial Catalogue 

English Catalogue 

Index to the Periodical 
Literature of the, 

International Directory 
of Booksellers, &c. 

Gardening). (87) 
Annals of Botany 
Bulletin of Miscellaneous 
Information (Kew) 
Curtis’s Botanical Mag. 
Journal of Botany 
Journal of the Linnean | 
Sunchildren’s Budget 
Transactions of the Lin- 
neean Society 

Boxmakers’ Journal 
Paper Box & Bag Maker 

Boys,Literature for 
—(see Juvenile Lite- 

Brazil, News for 
and from—(89) 
South American Journal 

Brewing — (see — 

Licensed Victual- 

lers). (40) 

Brewer and Wine Mer-) 

Brewers’ Almanac j 
Brewers’ Gazette | 
Brewers’ Guardian 
Brewers’ Journal 
Brewery Manual 
Brewing Trade Review 
Distillers’ & Brewers’ 

Journal of the Federated 

Institutes of Brewing | 
Licensed Trade News | 
Manual of British and 

Foreign Brewery Com- 




Building — (see also 



Builders’ Journal and 
Architectural Review 

Builders’ Merchant 

Builders’ Reporter 

Building Industries 

Building Magaziue 

Building News 

Building Trade Directory 

Building World 

Calculator, or Timber 
Merchants’ and 
Builders’ Guide 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ 

Calvert’s Mechanics’ and 
Builders’ Pocket Book 

Church Builder 

Contract Journal 


Contractors’ Chronicle 

Contractors’, Merchants’, 
&c., Compendium and 

Illustrated Carpenter and 

Trish Builder 

Journal of the Clerks of 
Works Association 

Lancashire &c. Building 
Trades Employers’ 
Federation Year Book 

tore Builders’ Price 


Lockwood's Builder’s and 
Architects’ Price Book 

London Timber Trade 
and Sawmill Handbook 

Master Builders’ Associa- 
tion Journal 

Parnell’s Superficial 
Ready Reckoner 

Plumber and Decorator 

Pocket Calculator for the 
use of Timber Mer- 

Professional Notes of the 
Surveyors’ Institution 



Settmakers®’ and Stone- 
workers’ Journal 

Slate Trade Gazette 


Spons’ Architects, &c., 
Price Book ' 

Stone Trades Journal 


Timber News 

Timber Trades Journal 

| Building Societies— 

Building Societics'Gazette 


Meat Trades Journal 
Smithfield Jllustrated 

'Cab Trade—(44) 

Cab Trade Record 

Architecture, Deco-' 
rative Art). (41) u 
Prik ang Pottery Trades (see Furniture 
ourna i 
British Clay-Worker | Trade). 


Classification. ] Willing’s Press Guide, 

— — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — 

Oalendars—(45) Bristol 2 Low’s Handbook to the | Father Tuck’s Annual, 
British Imperial Cahterbury Charities of London Gentlemiat’s Anhi) ` 
Calendar of the Pharma-! Carlisle Philanthropist Häfmpstead Annual 

ceutical Society of Ire-| Chester Within Our Gates Herald of Mercy Ahnual 

land Chichester | Holly Boiigti 
Incorporated Law Society, Durham | ' Louis Waih’s Annual 

of freland Calendar Ely ‘Chemical Science—| Nister’s Holiday Atitittal 
Marlborough’s Plain | Exeter (54) Nomad’s Aniiual ` 

Calehdar Gloucester Analyst | Pears’ Anhtial 
Polyglot Calendar Hereford Chemical News Phil May’s Anntal 
Reid's Tyneside Lichfield Chemical Trade Journal Ryder’s Annual 

Lincoln Journal of the Chemical} “ Vanity Fair” Album 

Calendars (Ghurch)| London Diocese Book Journal of the Society of Atit 
—(46 . Manchester Chemical Industry. Winter’s Ahtital 
Bible Text Calendar Newcastle Proceedings of the| Yorkshire Christmas 
Calendar and Lectionery| Norwich Chemical Society Annual 

of the English Church Oxford 
Calendär of the Calvin- —— 

istic Methodist Theo- Chemists and Brug- | Churoh And Chapel 

Llandaff ; ——— —— News Uounty 

logical College St. Albans gists—(55) Guides—(59) 
Christian Year Calendar | St. David's British & Colonial Drug-| A BC Church and 
Church Calendar (Glen’s)! Barum Almanack gist i Chapel Direotory 
Church Calendar (New-| Southwell British & Colonial Drug-! English Church Union 
castle) Truro \ gist Diary Annual Directo 
Church Directory Wakefield Chemical Manufacturers’! Tourist’s Church Guide 
English Churchman’s Winchester Directory 
Kalendar of Sundays and re Chemist and Druggist J 
oly Days or Chemists’ and Druggists’! Church Quilds—(60) 
ere of the English Gee — m. Guildsman 
Parish Sa inietid: Metho: bee PEY, 
. 8t— (4 > hai | K 
Rel better Christian's Pathway | Gopies ot Registers ot ChURON OF England 
a ed | _ Eharmasentioal Chem; Ball and Wells Diocesan 
Kalendar ‚Canada — (see Colo-| ar an P — Benetice Exchange Ga- 
| nies and Possessions). | Druk PENN- -0 " Zette l 
Caiendars (College Pharmaceutical Journal i ey Diocesan Ga- 
and University)—'Carpenters and Pharmaceutical Society's Chester Diocesan Gazette 
(47) Joiners—(see Register of Pharmaceu-' Chichester Diocesan Ga- 
Aberdeen University Butiding). tical Chemist nd. zette 
Belfast Queen's College a Drug gista s$s andi Church Patronage Ga- 
alendar o ne yal 5 : zette 
„gollege of Surgeons Carriage Builders — 2 Cet Da | Churchman’s  Rethem- 
endar of University! (see also Saddlery).| Year Book of Pharmacy | DNCE 
— University ee : an — 
utomobile and Carriage hni’ 
nn hot | Builders’ Journal Chess—(56) Guild of Bt, Matthew B 
Dubla University ' Carriage Builders’ Diary British Ohess Magazine _ H ck of T e Theo- 
Durham College of | i Chess Chronicle , logical Colleges of the 
Science Caterers — (see also Church of England 
Durham University Li d Vi l- : Lichfield Diocesan Maga- 
Edinburgh University ay a tctual-| Children—(see Juve-| “zine 
ae Valve c T ) | nile Literature). Liandaff Diocesan Maga- 
King’s Collese ey | Table | on Diocesan Maga- 
Liverpool University : ‘China and Glass zine 
sn a Catholic—(see ae. Trade—(see Pottery Nena Diocesan Ga- 
Wena ee Catholic, oman! Trade). he Zr 
a | Cathet), 0 | ee ea 
Hovel: Uni vertty of Ire- i China,Newsforand| Norwich Diocesan Ga- 
an i | — zette 
Rutherford College | Gaitie (62) | om Zo Express | Official Year-Book 
St, Andrew’s University | Anglo-Celt Lond. d China! Old Windsor Magazine 
St. David’s (Lampeter) | Celtia Teler, ph "a Open Doors 
University College, Aber-' Celtic Monthly | gra Order of Divine Service 

stwitli Gaelic Journal 
University College, North 

University of Birming- | Charity — (see also 

Our Pa 

— a 
Christian Workers an iocesan Magi- 

(see Mission Work). | parish Kalendar 
— u | Destitute Children). Penrith Ruri-Decanal 
niversity o naon 58 a * agazine 
University of Wales BI. Charities’ Regis- Ch ristmas, &C., Peterborough Diocesan 
Victoria University ter | Annuals—(58) Magazine 
Yorkshire College Charity Organisation! Beaty’s Northern Annual! Protestant Alliance . 
Review Chureli Bells | Protestant Churchinen 
; i ; Charity Record ' Dodd’s Darlington An-' Rochester Diocesan 
Calendars (Die-| Fry's Royal Guide to the ` nual | _, Chronicle 
cesan)—(48) London Charities | Doidge’s Western Coun-| Round the Churches 
Bangor | Hospital Saturday Fund ties Illustrated Al-' Saffron Walden Rural 
Bath and Wells | Journal | manac | Deanery Magazine 

204] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

St. Albun's Diocesan 

St. Austell Deanery 

Southwell Diocesan 
Magazine i 

Wayside Words 

Winchester Diocesan 

Worcester Diocesan 

Work and Worship 

York Diocesau Magazine 

Church of Scotland 
—(see also Mission 
Work). (62) 

Church of Scotland Year- 


Guild Life and Work 

Life and Work 

National Bible Society of | 
Scotland Quarterly 

Principal Aets of tlıe 
General Assembly of 
the Church of Scotland 

Report on the Scheme of 
the Church of Scotland 

St. Edward’s Chronicle 

Scottish Standard Beurer . 

Yedr Book of the Episco- 
pal Church of Scotland : 

Church Intelligence 
(see Mission Work). 

Church Work—(see 
Mission Work). | 

Civil Service—(see' 
also Government ' 
Officials). (63) 
Broad Arrow 
Civil Service Candidate 
Civil Service Competitor . 
Civil Service Examiner 
Civil Service Gazette 
Civil Service Hints 
Civil Service Manual 
Civil Service Student 
Civil Service Weekly 
Civil Service Year-Book 
Union Observer 

Classical Review 

Coach Builders— 


Classics—(64) | 
(see Carriage Builders). | 

Coal Trade—(see also | 
Iron Trade, Mining). : 
Coal and Tron 
Coal zes and | 

Shippe: | 
Colliery ry Gardian 
Colliery Manager 
Colliery Manager’s Pocket , 

Foreign Coaling Instruc- | 


Potts’ Mining Register 

Advertisements received for. all the Continental Newspapers. 

Coffee Public 
Houses—(see Tem- 

‚College Magazines | 

(see School Magazines). 


Colonies and Pos- | 
sessions—(66) | 
African Review 
African Times | 
African World | 
American Colonial | 

Australian Handbook | 

Australian TradingWorld | 


British Australasian 

British Realm 

Canadian Gazette 

Colonial Buyers’ Guide | 

Colonial Goldfields Ga- 

Colonial Mining News 

Colonial Recorder 



Empire Review 

Home and Colonial Mail 

Homeward Mail 

Journal of the Royal 
Colonial Institute 

— and China Tele- 

grap | 
Our Western Empire 
Out and Home | 
Overland Mail | 
Proceedings of the Royal‘ 
Colonial Institute j 
South Africa 
South African A BC 

Guide to British Manu- 

facturers & Exporters | 
South African Engineer 
South African Exports 
South African Year Book | 
South American Journal 
United Empire Press 
West African News ! 
West India Committee | 

Year Book of Australia 

Comic—(se H umor- 

ous). | 

Commercial & Mer- 
cantile — (see also | 
Finance and In- 
vestment, Bhipping, | | 
Trade Organs, Trade: 
Protection). (67) 
A BC Guide to British‘ 
Manufacturing Ex- 
African Jourial of Coins 
Agard’s International In- 
dustries and Trade 
Marks Register 
American Railways 
Traffic Book | 
Anglo-African Argus 
Anglo-Indian Review 
Anglo-Japanese Gazette | 
Anti-Cutting Record 
Auctioneers’ Institute 
Year-Book and Diary 
Board of Trade Journal 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Boyd's Commercial Guide 
for China 

British & South African | 

Export Gazette 

British Empire Review | 

British Mercantile Guide 

British Refrigerator and 
Allied Interests 

British Trade Journal 

Burn’s Commercial Diary 

Business Circular 

Business Life 

Chamber of Commerce 

Chinese Journal of Com- 

City Leader 

Cold Storage and Ice! 
Trades Review 

Cold Storage Calendar 

Commercial Almanack 

Commercial Cases 

Commercial Compendium 

Commercial Intelligence 

Commercial Weekly 


Cotton Spinners’ Direc- 

Credit Index 



Daily Commercial Report | 

Directory of London 
Chartering Merchants 

Dornbusch’s Floating 

Duncan’s Manual of 

Tramways, Omtnibuses, 
Dundee Prices Current | 
Eastern A B C Guide to 



Merchant and Shipper 
Monthly Statement of 
Colonial &c., Protltice - 
Natiohal Cothmercial Ga- 

—— Commercial Qir. 

Public Led — 

Public ger Evening 

Scot’s Commercial Report 

Stubbs’s Commercial 

Travelling Partner 

Turnbull’s Dock and Port 
Charges for the United 

Universal Provider 

West African Mail 

On the Road 


Journal of Conchology 

Journal of Malacolog ogy 

Monograph of British 
Land and Freshwater 


British and Foreign Con- 
Confectioners’ Union 
Confectioners’ Union 

British Manufacturing Congregational— 


Export Merchant Ship- | 
pers (Directory) 

Export Review 

Glasgow Advertiser 

Good Lines 

Ham’s Customs Year-; 

Ham’s Inland Revenue 
Year Book 

Hire-Traders’ Guide 

Ice and Cold Storage 

Imperial Tariff 

Indent and 
Prices Current 

Indent Gazette 

International Guide . 

Trish Commercial List 

Japanese Journal of Com- 

Lamb's Trades Diaries 

Leith Commercial List 

Liverpool Customs Lill of 

Liverpool General Brokers 


Association Weekly 
Liverpool Journal of 
Londen and General 
Freight Market Report 

London Commrcl. Record 

London Mercantile Ga- 

Magazine of Commerce 


Birmingham Congrega- 
tional Year Book 

‘Bolton District Congre- 

Chronicle of the London 
Missionary Society 
Congregational Alma- 
Congregational Magazine 
Congregational Messen- 

Congregational Monthly 
Congregational Year- 

Devon Congregational 
Evangelical Magazine 
Lancashire Congrega- 
tional Calendar 
Oldham Congregation- 
Scottish Congregational 
Scottish Congregation- 

Union Church Magazine 

Manchester Chamber ot, Constitutional--(72) 

Commerce Monthly 
Mechanical Review 
Mercantile Guardian 
Mercantile Year Book 


Bassetlaw Constitutional 

Conservative Clubs’ Ga- 

Constitutional Almanac 

Constitutional Year-Book 

Ireland's Gazette 


Classification. ] 

National Union Glean- | 


Salisbury Pocket Book 


Chronicle of Convocation 
York Jourual ‘of Conu- 


Cooking—(sce Domes- 
tic Literature, Sani- 
tary and Social: 

Ashton-under-Lyne Co- 
operative Society Re- 

Blackpool Co-operative : 
Society Record 

Bolton Co-operative So- 
ciety Record 

Burnley Co-operative | 
Society Record 

Bury Co-operative Society 

Caincross, &c., Co-opera- | 
tive Society Record 

Chorley Co-operative So- ' 
ciety ord 

* Pioneer ”’ 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Pendleton Co-operative’ 
Society Record 

Plymouth Cooperative i 
Society Record 

Preston Co- operative 
Society Record 

Radcliffe, &c., Co-opera- | 
tive Society Record | 

Reading Co-operative 
Society Record 

Scottish Co-operators 

Stratford Co-operator 

Sunderland Co- operative 
Society Record 


Workington Beehive 


Corn Trade — (see 

Grain und Seed 


Cotton Trade—(see | 
Manufac-  Dairyin g—(78) 


County Courts— 

(see Legal). 


Govern =) 
ment—(see Local 


City of Perth Co-operative Courtand Society— 

Clerks’ Gazette 
Co-operative News | 

Co-operative Wholesale ; 
Coventry District Co-' 

operative Society Re- | 
DerbyCo-operativ — 
Eccles Co-operative So- 
ciety Record | 
Failsworth Co-operative | 
Society Review i 
Festival Record ! 
Society Record | 
Keighley | Co-operative ' 
Society Record | 
Kettering District Co- 
operative Record | 
Lancaster and Skirton' 
Co-operative Record | 

Leels Co - operative, 
Record ! 

District — 

operative Reeord 

Leigh Co-operative So- 
ciety Record 

Lenton, &c., Co-operative | 
Society Record 

Lincoln Co-operative So- 
ciety Record 

Manchester and Salford | 
Equitable Co-operative 
Society Herald 

Middlesborough Co- 
operative Record 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Co- 
operative Record 

Norwich Co-operative 
Society Record 

Nottingham District Co- 
operative Record 

Oldham Industrial Co- 
operative Society Re- 


Co-operative Cricket—(76) | 

(see also Peerages). 


Blackie’s Court Guide 

Boyles Court and | 
Country Guide | 

Kelly’s Handbook 

Royal Blue Book 


Automotor Journal 

Bicycling News 

Continental Road Book 

Cycle Times 

Cycle Trader 




Cyclists’ Touring Club 
Year- Book and Diary 

Trish Cyclist 

Trish Road Book 

Manchester Wheelers 
Club Journal 

National Cyclists’ Uniion 

Scottish Cyclist 

Scottish Road Book 

Stanley Gazette 


Cowkeeper and — 
man’s Journal 


Dairy World 

Journal of the British 
Dairy Farmers’ Asso- 

Dancing -—-(79) 

Ball Room 
Dancing Times 

Deaf and Dumb— 

British Deaf Monthly 
Messenger (Belfust) 

Webster's Royal Red Book Debates— 

Who's Who ? 


(see Dairying). 

Birmingham Daily Ga- 
zette Cricket and Foot- | 
ball Guide 


Cricket and Football Field | 

Cricket Annual (Sugg’s) 

Crieket Calendar 

Cricket Directory 

Cricket Handbook 

Cricket Year Book 

Cricketers’ Diary 

Derbyshire Cricket Guide 

Evening News Cricket 

Hampshire C. C. Guide 

John Wisden’s Cricketers’ 

John Wisden’s Cricketers’ 
Note Book 

Leicestershire Cricket 
Annual | 


Official Handbook of the. 
Leicester and County 
Cricket Association 

Somerset County Cricket 
Guide i 

(see Parliamentary). 

Decorative Art— (see 

also Architecture, 

Art, Building, Engi- 

neering). (81) 

Art Decorator 


Decorators’, &c., Maga- 

Decorators’ Diary 

Decorators’ Gazette 

Decorators’ Gazette Diary | 


| Dentistry—(82) 

British Journal of Dental 

Dental Annual 

Dental Record 

Dental Students’ Register 

Dentists’ Register 
Transactions of the 
Odontological Society 

of Great Britain 

Design—(see Art). 

Yorkshire Cricket Guide Destitute Children 

(see Leather Trade). 


Brothers and Sisters 
National Waifs’ Magazine 
Our Darlings 

of Decorative 



ee — 
Sn a he ah — — — 


Our Log Book 

Report of the Inspectors 
of the Reformatory, &c., 
Schools of Ireland 

Seeking and Saving 

Diaries—(see also un- 

Touring Club, 




der various trades). 
Appointment Register 
Badminton Diary 
Barton’s Scottish Trade 
Brown's Sixpenny Diary 
Churchman’s Diary 
City Diary 
Cleveland Diary 
Coal and Iron Diary 
Coming Events (Derby) 
Coming Events and 
Monthly Diary 
Companies’ Diary 
Confectionery Diary 
De La Rue's Diaries 
Diary for Lawyers 
Golden Grain Diary 
Greenwood's Weekly 

King’s Cross Diary 
Knowledge Diary 
Letts’s Diaries 
Letts’s (Charles) Diaries 
Minister’s Pocket Diary 
Peacock's Pocket Diaries 
Pettitt's Diaries 
Public Diary of Fixtures 
Reid’s Diary 
Shaw’s Scribbling Diary 
Smith’s Diaries 

Whiteley’s Diary 
Directories — (see 

also Almanucks, Lo- 

cal). (85) 


Aldershot, &c. 

Anerley, Penge, &c. 

Balham, Tooting, &c. 

Barnet, Hendon, &c. 

Battersea and South Lam- 



Bedfordshire, Hants, aud 

Belfast and Province of 

Berks &e.: Bennett's 

Berkshire, &c. 


Bexley Heath 

Birmingham and Suburbs 

Bir mingham, &e, 

Birmingham: Bennett's 

Blackheath, Lee, &c. 

Blackie’s County 


Bournemouth Business 

Bradford, &c. (Kelly’s) 

Bradford Post Office 

Bridlington, &c. 

Brighton and Hove Blue 
Book &c. 

Brighton, Hove, &c. 

Bristol and Clifton 

Bristol Diocesan 

Brixton, Clapham, &c. 



Directory of 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertisiny Agents, 125 Sir and, Lon London. 

Willing’s s Press Guide. [Classification. 
Bute County | 

General and Commercial! London with Suburbs 

Royal National Directory 

Cabinet and Furniture 

Caddel’s Year Book 

Cambridge: Bennett's 

Camden and Kentish 

Canterbury, &c. 
Canterbury, &c, 


Cambridgeshire, &o. | 


Channel Islands i 
Chelsea, Pimlico, &c. 


Cheltenham and Gloucer- | 


Chemists’ and Druggists’ | 

Chepstow, &c. 

ee Bennett’s Busi- ' 

Chester Directory 
Trades, Piclemioneau 

Chichester, &c. 

City of London 

Collingwood’s Interna- 
tional Mercantile 

Colwyn Bay 


Cosburn’s Newbury, &c. 

County Directory of 

County Tyrone 

Court Guide, &c. for, 
Warwickshire, &c. I 

Croydon and 8, Norwood 

Dalkeith District 

Dalston, Kingsland, &c. | 


Dartford Almanac, &c. 

Deal, Walmer, &c., Blue 

Derby and District | 
Bennett's | 


Derbyshire : 
Derbyshire, Notts, &c. 

Devon and Cornwall: 
Bennett’s Business 

Devonshire and Cornwall 

Directory of Contractors | 

Directory of Directors | 

Directory of the Tobacco 

Dorking | 
Dorking and Box Hill | 
Douglass’s Directory of, 
Amateur Dramatic | 
Clubs ! 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, &c. 

Durham, &c, 

8, Acton, Hanwell, ; 

— Blue Book 
Eltham, &c. 
Enfield, &c. 
Engineers & Iron Trades 
Epsom and Leatherhead | 
Essex and Hertfordshire : 
Bennett’s Business 
Essex, Hertfordshire, and 
Middlesex , 
Exeter Post Office 
Eyre’s Plymouth and. 
Devonport Post Office | 
Folkestone, &c. ' 
Folkestone, &c., Blue 

Forest Hill, &c. 
Galway Year Book 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 


of Blackburn, Accring- 
ton, &c. 
General and Commercial 
of Burnley 
General and Commercial 
of Preston and Fylde 
Gloucester (Smart's) 
Gloucester &c.: Bennett's : 
Gore's Liverpool nnd | 
Birkenhead | 
Gowland's Eastbourne | 
Gravesend, &c. ! 
Greenock i 
Grimsby and Cleethorpe ` 
Grocery and Oil und 
Colour Trades . 
Guildford, &c. 
Hackney and Homerton | 
Hammersmith, «&c. | 
Hampshire and Isle of: 
wen Bennett's Busi- 

Hampshire, Wilts, Dorset, | | 

Hampstend and Child's 
Hill | 

Harrod’s Royal Despatch ' 
of Great Britain 

Hastings, &c., Blue Book | 

Hastings and St. Leonards 

Herefordshire and Shrop- 

Highbury, Holloway, &c. 

Hornsey, &c. 

Horsham, &c., Blue Book | 

Howe's Classified Direc- , 
tory of the Metropol Ian. 

Huddersfield and District. 


Ilford, East Ham, &c. 

Inverness Burgh | 

Inverness County 


Irish Manufacturers’ 

Isle of Man Examiner. 

Isle of Thanet 

Isle of Wight 


Keighley Burgess Roll | 

Kemp’s Trade 

Kensington, &c. 

Kent, Surrey, &c, : 
nett’s Business 

Kent, Surrey, and Sussex 

Kilburn, Willesden, &c. 

Kingston Directory 

Kingston, Surbiton, &c. 

Lake’s Falmouth 


Leather Trades 

Leeds and Suburbs 

Leeds (Kelly’s 

Leeds (Robinson's) 

Leicester and Notting- 
ham; Bennett’s Busi- 

Lewes, &c., Blue Book 

Lewisham, &c. 

Lincolnshire, &c. 

Lincolnshire: Bennett’s 

Littlebury’s Worcester 

London and County 

London Matriculation 
London Suburban 





Lydney, &c. 

MacDonald's English 

MacDonalid’s Irish 

MacDonald’s Scottish 

M’Laren’s Edinburgh 

Maidstone, &c. 

Manchester and Salford, 

Mardon Bros.’ 

Marylebone & St, John's | 

Bishop's | 


Merchants’, Manufac- ; 
turers’, and Shippers’ | 

Midland Centre and Mid- | 
Jand Federation i 

Mid-Thames Valley 

Monmouthshire, &c. 

Monthly Official Chatham | 

Monthly Official of the 
Aldershot Division 

Monthly Official of the 
Woolwich District 

New Bristol 

New South Wales Post 

Office (Wise's ) | 

New Zealand 

Newport (John's) 

North and East Riding of 

North and Mid Wales: 

North and Mid Wales | 

North Wales and Shrop- 
shire; Bennett's Busi-| 

ness | 

North Wilts 

Northants : 

Northern Counties : Ben- 
nett’s Business 

Official Hotel 


Paddington, Bayswater, 


Peacock's Watford 

Peckham, Nunhead, and 

Peck’s Circular Trade 

Pike’s Dover Blue Book 

Pontypool and Eastern 

Portsmouth, &c. 

Post Office Bolton i 

Pest Office Directory of 

Post Office Edinburgh 

Post Office London 

Queensland Post Office! 


Reading and District 

Redditch and District 

Redhill and Reigate 

Richmond District 

Richmond, Kew, &c. 

Robinson’s Birkenhead 

Robinson’s Directory for 



Robinson’s Harrogate, 

Robinson's Otley 

Rochester, &c. 

Royal National Com- 

mercial Directory of 

Royal National Com- 
mercial Directory of 

Royal National Directory 
of Ireland 

of Scotland 

Rylands’ Directory of the 
Iron, Steel, and Allied 

Rylands’ Hardware 

St. Alban’s 

St. Andrew's 

Salisbury and District 

Sells’ Directory of Regis- 
tered Te legraphic Ai- 

Six Home Counties 

Soap Makers’ 

Somerset: Bennett's Busi- 

South African 

South Australian Post 

Sonth Wales &c.: 
nett’s Business 



Southport and Birkdale 

Spalding’s Street (Cam- 


Staffordshire : 

Stamford Hil, &e. 

Stationers’, Printers’, and 

Stoke Newington, &c. 

Stratford, West Ham, 

Sutton Coldfield, &c. 

Sydenhain, Norwood, &e, 




Tasmania Post Office 

Textile Fabrics 

Thom’s Official (Treland) 

Towner’s Brighton, &c. 

Tunbridge Wella, &c, 

Twentieth Century Di- 
rectory for Seaforth, 

Twentieth Century Di- 
rectory for Southport 
Twentieth Century Di- 

rectory for Wigan 
Victoria (Australia) Post 
Office (Wise’s) 
Walthamstow, Leyton, 
Wandsworth, Putney, &c, 
Ward's Croydon 
Warwick : Bennett's 
Watch and Clock Trades 
Watford and Bushey 
Welsh Catholic 
West Kensington, &c. 
West Riding uf Yorkshire 
Western Australia Post 
Office (Wise's) 
What’s What 
White's Sheffield 
Wilding’s Shrewsbury, 

Wimbledon, Sutton, &c. 
Windsor District l 
Wine and Spirit Trades 
Wood Green, &c. 
Woodford, &c. 
Wood'sDirectoryof Manu- 
facturers, Merchants, 
and Shippers 
Worthing, and Almanac 
Worthing &c. (Kelly’s) 

Wright’s Leicester, &c. 
Wright’s Leicestershire, 


Classification. ] 
Wright’s Nottingham 
York and District 
Yorkshire : Bennett's 


Directories (Clerl-| 
cai)—(86) | 
Catholic | 


Catholic Directory for 

Clergy | 

Clergy List 

Crockford’s Clerical | 

Trish Church 




Annual Report of the 
Society for Liberation 
of Religion from State 
Patronage and Control 

Disestablishment Banner 


Distilling—(see Wine 
and Spirit Trade). 

District Visiting— 
(see Mission Work). 


Docks—(see Ship- | 
ping). | 

og Owners’ Annual 
Fox Terrier Chronicle 
Greyhound Record 
Illustrated Kennel News 
Boone Club Stud Book 
ennel Gazette 
Kennel Review 

— — — 


Lady’s Pictorial 

Mothers in Council 
Official Handbook of the 

National Training 
School of Cooking 

Qur Home 



Woman’s Life 

Domestic Pets—(see 

also Dogs (90) 

Animal Pictures 

Animal Stories 

Animal World 


Animals’ Friend 

Animals’ Friend Almanac 

Animals’ Guardian 

Annual Report of the 
Society for Protection 
of Birds 

Avicultural Magazine 

Band of Mercy 

Bird Notes 

Bird Notes and News 

Cage Birds 

Fur and Feather 

Humane Review 

Humane Year Book 

Our Cats 

The. Drama—(see Music, 

Sporting, Theatri- 
Drapery Trade— 

(see Textile Manu- 


Draught Player’s Quar- 
terly Review 
Draughts World 

Kennelman and Game, Dressmakers — (see 

Rearer al 
Ladies’ Kennel Journal 


Our Dogs | 

Domestic Economy | 

(see Domestic Litera- 

ture, Sanitary and, 
Social Economy). 

Domestic Litera- 
ture for Ladies— 
(see also Fashions for 
Ladies). (89) 
Cameron's Housekeeper's 


Daily Mirror 

Domestic Help 

Englishwoman’s Year- 
Book | 


Food and Cookery 


Health Messenger 

Hearth and Home 


Home Circle 

Home Stories 

Isobel’s Home Cookery 
Ladies’ Field 

Fashions for Ladies). 

Druids, Order of— 

(see also Friendly 
Societies). (92) 


Order of Druids’ Alma- 
Order of Druids’ Quarterly 

Drysaltery and 
yein Trade— 

(see also Oil and 

Colour Trade). (98) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 





Quarterly Maga- | 

Dyer, Calico Printer, &c. | 

Journal of the Society of 

Dyers and Colourists 

Education—(see also 

School Boards). (94) 
Annual Report of the 
National Union 
Appointment Gazette 
Berry’s Guide to the 
Queen’s Scholarship 


Cussck’s Journal 

David Bryce’s Educa- 
tional Guide 


Educational News 

Educational Record 

Educational Times 

Evening School Monthly | 


Hand & Eye 

Head Teacher 

Jndian Education 

Trish School Monthly 

Trish Teachers’ Journal 

Journal of Education 

London Pupil Teachers’ 
Association Record 

London Technical Educa- 
tion Gazette 

London University Guide 

Madame Aubert’s Gover- 
ness and School List 

nn Language Quar- 


National Home Reading | 
Union Magazine 

National Teacher 

New Code 

New Kducation Code for 
Day Schools 

New Education Code for 
Evening Schools 


Paton’s List of Schools | 

Practical Teacher | 

Practical Teacher’s Art 

Preparatory Schools Re- 

Public Schools Year Book 

Pupil Teacher and Scho- 

- larship Student 

Record of Technical and 
Secondary Education 

Report of tlıe Board of 

Scholar’s Magazine 

Scholar’s Own 

School and Home Maga- 

School Attendance Off- 
cers’ Gazette 

School Board for London 

School Calendar 

School Days 


School Guardian 

School Manager 

School Monthly 

School Newspaper 

School Review | 

School World 




Scottish Educational Y ear | 

Secondary Education | 

State Correspondent and 
Higher Examination , 
Journal i 

Teachers’ Aid 

Teachers’ Guild Quar- 

Teachers’ Monthly 
Teachers’ Notes on Scat- 
tish National Scheme 
of Lessons 
Teachers’ Times 
Thomson’s Scottish Edu- 
cationgl Directory 
Working Men’s College 


Year j 


Year Book of the Joint 
Scholarships Board 

| E Science— 

Cassier’s Magazine 

Electric Lighting & 
Traction Directory 

Electric Power 

Electric Railway Review 

Electrical Contractors 

Electrical Engineer 

Electrical Engineers’ 
Central Station \Direc- 

Electrical Magazine 

Electrical Progress and 
Monthly Register 

Electrical Review 

Electrical Times 

Electrical Trades’ Direc- 


“ Electrician ” Electrical 
Trades’ Directory 


Every Day Electricity 

Faraday House Journal 

Fowler’s Electrical En- 
gineers’ Y ear-Book 

Journal of the Institute 
of Electrical Engineers 

Manual of Electrical 

Model Engineer and 
Amateur Electrician 

Practical Electrician's 
Pocket Book 

Practical Engineer Elec- 
trical Pocket Bogk. 

Scottish Electrician 

Universal Electrical Di- 


Imperial Colonist 
Labour News 

{ (see 
also Mechanics). (97) 
Amateur Mechanic 

Calendar of the Royal 

Indian Engineering 

Donaldson’s Engineers’ 


Engineer Directory 

Engineer and Iron Trades 


En Index 
ugineering Magazine 

Engineering Record 

Engineering Times 

Engineers’ and 
Trades’ Directory 

a eens & Surveyors’ 


Engineers’ Gazette 

Engineers’ Gazette An- 

Engineers’ Price k 

Engineer's Year Book 

Feilden’s Magazine 

‘owler’s Mechanical 

Engineers’ Pocket-Book 

Implement and Machinery 
dian d Eastern 

Indian an 



J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 

Marine Engineer 

Mechanical Engineer 

Minutes of the Proceed- 
ings of the Institution | 
of Civil Engineers 

Page’s Magazine 


Practical Engineer 

Practical Engineer | 
Pocket Book and Diary | 

Proceedings of the’ 
Incorporated Society 
of Municipal & Gounty | 
Engineers | 

Proceedings of the | 
Institution of Civil | 

Proceedings of the Insti- 
tution of Mechanical | 
Engineers | 

Railway Engineer | 

Record of Transactions 
of the Institution of 
Junior Engineers | 

Refrigerating Engineer 

Spons’ Engineering Diary 

Traction and Transmis- 

Transactions of Engineers | 
and Shipbuilders 

Transactions of North- 
East Coast Institution 
of-Engineers | 

Transactions of the 
Liverpool Engineering 

Transactions of the 

Society of Engineers 


Entomologist | 

Entomoiogist’s Monthly 
Magazine | 

Entomologist’s Record, 

Transactions of the Ento- 
mologieal Society of 
London | 

Essays—(see Reviews) 

Estate Manage- 
ment — (see also 
Agriculture). (99) 
Country Gentleman’s Es- 

tate Book | 
Country Gentleman’s Es- 
tate Booklet 
Diary and Directory of 
Surveyors, &c. 
Estates Gazette 
Journal of the Society of 
Estate Clerks of Works 
Land Agents’ Record | 
Land and House Property 
ear Book 
Land Magazine | 
Lumley’s Register of 
Land and Houses in | 
Lumley’s Scottish 
Irish Register 
Sporting Estates | 
Property Gazetteer | 
Property Market Review | 
Property Register 
Scottish Register 
‘Tabular Property Regis- 

and | 
of | 

Advertisements received for forall the Trade 

_ Willing’ s Press Guide. 

Transactions of the Sur- 
veyors’ Institution | 

Yorkshire Estates Ga- 

Etching—(see Art). 

Ethical Review 

International Journal of |. 


Exchange and Sale 

Advertiser of Wants and 
Offers | 
Amateur Trader | 



Sales and Wants Adver- | 
tiser | 

Exports—(see Com- 

mercial and Mercan- 

Family Newspapers | 
— Metropolitan — (see | 
also Fashionable | 
News, Religious | 
Newspapers). (102) 
Associator | 
Bath and County Graphic | 
Bibby’s Quarterly 
Birmingham Magnet 
Black and White 
Black and White Budget | 
Burgon’ s Monthly Maga- | 

Cardiff Figaro 
City Press 
Daily Chronicle 
Daily Express 
Daily Graphic 
Daily Mail 
Daily Mirror 
Daily News 
Daily Telegraph 
Evening News 
Evening Standard 
Free Lance 
Golden Penny 
Hearth and Home 
Home Companion 
Home Notes 
Home Stories | 
Tilustrated London News 
Index to the Times 
Ladies’ Field 
Lady’s Companion 
Lady’s Gazette 

Lady’s Magazine 
Lady’s Pictorial | 
Lloyd’s Weekly Newspr. | 
London Scotsman | 
Londoner Vereinsblatt 

Mail | 

| (see Agriculture). 

Hearth and Home 
Lady’s Herald | 

Men and Women 

Morning Advertiser 

Morning Leader 

Morning Post 


News of the World 



Pall Mall Gazette 

Pearson’s Weekly 

Penny Illustrated Paper 

Penny Pictorial Maga- 

Penny Serial Story Paper 

Penny Stories 


Public Opinion 


Red Letter 

Reynolds's Newspaper 

St. James’s Budget 

St. James's Gazette 

Sketch | 

Sphere | 




Sunday Special 

Sunday Sun 

Sunday Times 


Times Weekly Edition 


Weekly Budget 
Weekly Dispatch | 
Weekly Times and Echo 
Week's Survey 
Westminster Budget 
Westminster Gazette 

en Trades— 
(see Printin A Trade, 
Stationery Trade). 

Fashionable News 

—(see also Society | 
Journals). (108) 

| Court Circular | 
| Court Journal | 


Jose Lilles Juvenile 
Jose Lille’s Practical 

Journal des Modes 

Ladies’ Cutter 

Ladies’ Field 

Ladies’ League Gazette 

Ladies’ Report of Fashion 

Ladies’ Review 

Ladies’ Tailor 

Lady of the House 

Lady’s Pictorial 

Lady’s Realm 

Leach’s Art of Dress- 

Leach’s Children’ s Dress- 


Leach’s Ladies’ Work 

Leach’s Practical Fancy 
Work Basket 


Mode Palace 

Myra’s Journal 

Paris Fashions 

Portfolio of 


Report of Fashions 

Schild’s Home Journal 

Schild’s Magazine 
Ladies’ Fashion 

Schild’s Monthly Journal 

Schild’s Mother's Help 

Family Dress- 



Tailoress and Dress 
Weldon’s Bazaar of 

Children’s Fashions 
Weldon’s Home Dress- 
Weldon’s Home Milliner 
Weldon’s Illus, Dressmkr. 
Weldon’s Journal of Cos- 
Weldon’s Ladies’ Journal 
Weldon’s Practical] Nee- 
World of Dress 
Young Ladies’ Journal 

| Fellmongers— (see 

Leather Trade). 

‘Fashions for Gen- Fiction—(see Rao- 

tlemen — (see 

Fashions for Ladies | 
and Children— 
(104) | 
Butterick’s Fashion | 


Butterick’s Fashions for 
Young People. 


Coming Modes 


Enquire Within 
Fashions and Patterns 


Harrison’s Dressmaker 

Home Chat 

| Home Fashions | 

Home Life Magazine | 

Isobel’s Dressmaking at | 

José Lille’s Fashions and 

Digitized by 

Ne apace 


| Finance and Invest- 



African Commerce 

American Railways Traf- 
fic Book 

Anglo-African Argus 

Anglo-Colorado Mining 
and Milling Guide 

Bankers’, Insurance 
Managers’, and Agents’ 

Bankers’ Journal 

Banking Almanac 

Banking, Insurance, In- 

B.C. Review 

Birmingham Stock and 
Share List 

Bondholders’ Register 


City Oracle 

City Review 

Colonial Mining News 

Course of the ECan ES. 

— [209 

Classification. ] 

Coventry Stock and 
Share News 
Daily Stock Market Re- 
Directory of Directors 
Dundee Prices Current 
Economic Journal E 
Economic Review i 
Economist | 
Electrical Investments 
Exchange Telegraph Co.'s 
Exchange News 
Finance | 
Financial Chronicle 
Financial News | 
Financial Opinions 
Financial Reform Al-' 
Financia] Reformer 
Financial Standard 
Financial Times 
Financial Tit Bits 

Financial Truth 

Financial World 


Highest and Lowest 

Investment Register 

Investors’ Chronicle 

Investors’ Guardian | 

Investors’ Handbook of , 
Railway Statistics 

Investors’ Monthly Hand- 

Investor’s Mthly. Manual | 
Investors’ Review | 
Trish Investors’ Guardian 
Joint Stock Companies’ | 
Journal | 
Journal of the Institute 
of Bankers 
Leeds Stock Exchange 
Hand book 
London and Birmingham 
Stock and Share List 

Fish Trade—(108) 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Statist Football Chat 
Stock Exchange Football Echo (South- 
Stock Exchange Daily ampton 
Offcial List Football Evening News 
Stock Exchange Gazette Football Flashes 
Stock Exchange Hand-| Football Handbook 
book Football Herald 
Stock Exchange Making- Football Mail 
up Price List Football News 
Stock Exchange Official| Football News (Ports- 
Intelligence mouth) 
Stock Exchange Review Football Pink One 
Stock Exchange Weekly| Football Post (Dundee) 

Official Intelligence Football Post (Nottiug- 
Stock Exchange Year- ham) | 
Book Football Telegraph 
United Kingdom Stock (Grimsby) | 
and Share Brokers’! Football Who’s Who | 
Directory Inverness Football Times 
Universal Stock Ex-| Johnson's Football Guide | 
change Market Report | (Nottingham) | 
Unquoted Shares Register Leicestershire Football 
| Annual | 
Lynn Football Star 
Fine Arts—(see A7t). | Manchester Evening | 
News Football Hand- 
| book 
Fire Brigades—(106) Northampton Foathall 
Fire and Water Official Football Pro- 

Firemen gramme for Liverpool 

Scottish League Hand- 

Fiscal Question— book 
(107) Ulster Football and 
Free Trader Cycling News 
Imperial Union l 

Foresters — (see 
Friendly Societies). 

Fish Trades Gazette 

Fisherman’s Diary 

John 0° Groat Journal | Forestry— 

Northern Ensign (see Agriculture, Es- 
Scottish Fisherman's tate anagement). 

Nautical Almanac 

London Banks 

lin Daily Stock and 
Share List 

London Mining Share, Fishing — (see also 
List Sporting). (109) 

London Report Anglers’ Diary 

L.S.D. Anglers’ News 

Manchester Royal Ex-| Fisherman’s Nautical Al- 
change Directory | manack 

Mathieson’s American; Fishing Gazette 

an Tables one 

Mathieson’s Fort t 

a shtiy Flax Trade — (see 

Mathieson’s Handbook Textile Manufac- 
for Investors turer). 

_ Mathieson’s Record 
Mathieson’s Traffic Tables F 
Mining Highest and! Floriculture —(see 

Lowest Prices Gardening). 
Mining Market Record 
Mining Year-Book 
Money Flour Trade — (see 
Money Maker Grain and Seed 

Money Market Review 

Monthly List of the! 
Principal Securities 
dealt in on the Stock Food—(110) 


Nouvelliste Financier ne ournal 
Provincial Highest and) Epicure 
Lowest Prices Vegetarian 
EY Vegetarian Messenger 
Scottish oae i 
Secretary’s Journa 
Six Months’ Prices and Football a (see also 
Dates Athletics, Sporting). 
Sound Progress (111) 
South Wales Investment| Football Annual 
Circular Football (Dewsbury) 

iFree Churches— 


Children’s © Missionary 
Magazine of the New 
Free Church of Scot- 

Free and Open Church 

Free Church Chronicle 

Free Church Magazine 

Free Church Messenger 

Free Church of England 

Free Church of Scotland 
Monthly Record 

Free Church Year-Book 

Free Churchman 

Independent Methodist 

Oxford Free” Church 

Ars Quatuor Corona- 

Berkshire Masonic Regis- 
ter and Calendar 
Cosmopolitan Masonic 
Devon Masonic Directory 
Freemason’s Calendar 
Freemasons’ Chronicle 
Masonic Illustrated 
Masonic Journal 
Masonic Year-Book 
St. John’s Card 

— m e 

Freethought— (114) 
Free Sunday Advocate 
South Place Magazine 

French, printed in 
Chronique de Jersey 
Gazette de Guernesey 
Magasin Méthodiste 

Friendly Societies 
(see also Good 

Templary) (116) 
Buffalo Directory 
Buffalo Record 
Foresters’ Miscellany 
Guide Book of the 
Friendly Societies’ 
Registry Office 

Hearts of Oak Gazette 

Laurie’s Gems and Bul- 
falo Star 

Monthly Magazine of the 
Independent Order of 
Odd Fellows 

Monthly Magazine of the 
Loyal Order of Ancient 

National Deposit Friendly 
Societies’ Magazine 

Oddfellows’ Almanack 

Oddfellows’ Magazine 

Shepherd's Magazine 


Furniture Trade— 
Oabinet Maker 
Furniture Record 

Gardening—(see also 

Amateur Gardening 


Fruit Grower 

Fruit Growers’ Year- 
Book ` 


Garden Annual 

Garden Life 


Gardeners’ Chronicle 

Gardeners’ Magazine 

Gardening Illustrated 

Gardening World 

Gardening Year Book 

Horticultural Advertiser 

Horticultural Directory 

Horticultural Trade Jour- 

Journal of Horticulture 
Journal of the Royal 
Horticultural Society 
Nurseryman and Seeds- 

One and All Gardening 
Orchid Review 
Profitable Farm 
Rosarian’s Year Book 


Gas and Water— 


Analysis of the Principal 
Gas Undertakings M 
England, Scotland, and 

210] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Classification. 

Gas Association of the! Goldsmith Trade— Hardware Trade—| Homceopathy—(136) 

United Kingdom, Re- 
ports aud Proceedings 

Gas Engineer's Diary 

Gas Engineer's Magazine | 

Gas Engineer's Pocket 

Gas Engineer's Text Book 

Gas Lighting, Water 
Supply, &c., Journal of 

Gas Undertakings, Pocket 
Directory of 

Gas, Water, &c., Direc- 

Gas Works Directory 

Gas World 

Gas World Year-Book 

Journal of Gas Lighting 

Metropolitan Water 

Proceedings of the Incor- 
porated Institution of 
Gas Engineers 

Reports of the Proceed- 
ings of the Association 
of Gas Engineers 


(see Jewellery Trade). 

(see Sporting’. 

Good Templary— 
(see also Temperance). 
Good Templar 
Good Templars’ Watch- , 


Trish Templar 

Juvenile Templar 

West Surrey Dist. Good 
Templar Guide | 

Government Off- 
cials—(124) | 
’olonial Otlice List ! 
Foreign Office List | 
India List 

(see also Iron Trade, 
Machinery, dc.) (181) 
Hardware Trade Journal 
Hardwareman Year-Book 
Ironmonger Diary 
Ironmongers’ Chronicle 
South African Hardware 
South African Hardware 
Chronicle Diary 

Harness Trade— 

(see Saddlery Trade). | 

Hat Trade—(132) 

Annual Report of the 
Amalgamated Society 
of Journeymen Felt 

Chronicle | 

Homceopathic World 

Journal of the British 
Homeopathic Society 

Monthly Homeopathic 

op & Malt Trades 

—(see Brewing). 

Horses —(137) 

Farrier’s Journal 
Hackney Stud Book 
Horse and Hound 
Polo-Pony Society Stud 
Road Coach Album 
Road Coach Guide 
Road Coaching 
Shetland Pony Stud Book 
Sporting Chronicle, 
Horses in Training 


Transactions of the! War Office List Hatters’ Gazette , 
British Association of| _ Hatters’ Guzette Diary , 
Waterworks Engineers | Grain and Seed: Horticultu re—(see 

Transactions of the In- | 

corporated Gas Insti- 

Trade — (see also H eaith—(see Sanitary 

tute Commercial and, and Social Economy). , l 
Transactious of the In-; Mercantile), (125) | l Hosiers—(see Textile 
corporated Institution | Beerbolm’sEvening Corn | Herald | Manufacture). 
of Gas Engineers Trade List | ny = 
Water Corn and ProduceGazette! (see Archeology). 
George Broomhlall's Corn | Hotels —(see Licensed 
Trade News ‚Herd and Stud| Victuallers, Travel- 

(see Archeology). 

Water Directory 




Geographical Journal 

Geographical Teacher 

Journal of Balneology | 
and Climatology | 

Journal of the Manchester | 
Geographical Society 

Scottish Geographical 

Geological Magazine 
Proceeiings of the Geo- 

lugists’ Association 
Proceedings of the Liver- | 
pool Geological Society | 
Proceedings of the York- 
shire Geological Society 
Quarterly Journal of the 
Geological Society 
Transactions of the Gco- 
logical Society of Glas- 

Transactions of — 
Manchester Geological | 


German, printed in 



Loudoner General- Au- 

Londoner Zeitung Her- 

Glass Trade— 
(s¢6 Pottery Trade). 

a ee her 
Advertisements recetved for all the 

London Corn Circular 
Mark Lane Express 

Millers’ Gazette 

Fruit, &c., Trades Journal 

Grocery Trade— 


Grocer and Oil Trade 

Grocers’ Assistant 

Grocers’ Assistant Year 

Grocers’ Gazette 

G:ceers’ Journal 

Grocers’ Journal Diary 

Grocers’ Monthly 

Grocers’ Review 


Grocery Pocket Diary 

International Sugar 

Trish Grocer 

Produce Markets Review 

Scottish Trader 


British = Gynecological 

Hairdressing—(129) | 
Hairdressers’ Chronicle 

Hairdressers’ Weekly 
Journal | 
Handbooks (unclas-. 

sified)— (130) | 
East Loudon i 
Spalding’s Handbook 
Sufolk Handbook | 


British Berkshire Herd 

Clydesdale Stud Book 

Coates’s Herd Book 

Cotswold Flock Book 

Davy’s Devon Herd Book 

English Kerry and Dexter 
Herd Book 

Flock Book of the Devon 
Lorg-Woolled Sheep 

General Stud Book 

Greyhound Stud Book 

Herd Book of Large Black 

Hereford Herd Book 

Imperial Stud Book 

National Pig Beecders’ 

Pig Register 

Suffolk Sheep Society 
Flock Book 

Supplement to the Gene- 
ral Stud Book 

Sussex Herd Book 

Hide & Skin Trade— 

(see Leather Trade). 

High Church — 
(see Anglo-Catholic). 

"American Historical Re- 

English Historical Re- 


Scottish Historical Re- i 

Transactions of the Jew- 
ish Historical Society 

, Hockey—(135) 

Hockey Field 



lers’ Guides). 

Household Manage- 
ment—(see Domestic 
Literature, Sanitary 
and Social Economy}. 

Housekeepers — 

Cumeron’s Housekeepers’ 

Houses and Apart. 


ABC Coast Guide anıl 

Dalton’s Weekly House, 
&c., Advertiser 



Heron’s Flat and Estate 

House Property and Land 

Knight’s House and 
Apartment Register 

Aly Sloper’s Half- Holiday 
Benjamin’s Penny Reci- 

tation = 
Big Budget 
Bon Accofd. 
Chat „2! 
Colouréd Gomié 
Comic Cuts. = 
Comic Wome Journal 


Comic Pictorial Sheet 

Get an ae nn 
Letropolitan Newspapers. [211 

Classification. ] 

Funny Cuts 
Halfpenny Comic 
Jester and Wonder 
John Bull 
John Bull’s Year Book 
Judy | 
Laughable Dialogues 
Northern Figaro 
Pictorial Comedy 
Picture Politics 

Punch Almanac 
Sketchy Bits 
Snap Shots 
‚Town Orier 
Wizard of the North 
World’s Comic 

(see Sporting). 

(see Medical Science). 

Imports — (see Cum-, | 
mercial and Mer-: 

Indexes (London | 
Newspapers with)! 
—(141) | 
Academy | 
African Review 
Agricultural Gazette | 
Atheneum | 
Automotor Journal i 
Baker and Confectioner 
Bankers’ Journal | 
Brewers’ Guardian | 

British and Colonia! | 

British and Foreign Con- , i 
fectioner | 

British and South African | 
Expt. Gazette 
British Architect | 
British Australasian | 
British Olayworker 
British Medical Journal | 
Building World | 
Cassell’s Saturday Jour- | 
Chamber of Commerce 
Church Bells 
Cold Storage. 
Colliery Guardian 
Colliery Manager 
Councillor and Guardian 
Country Life Illustrated 
County Council Times | 
Dairy | 
Economist | 
Educational Times 
Electrical Review 
Engineers’ Gazette © 
English Mechanic 
Estates Sere a ee — 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Ewen’s Weekly Stamp | Travel Norwich Union Magazine 
News United Kingdom Mineral} Policy 
Farm and Home Water Trade Review Policy-Holder 
Fishing Gazette Veterinary Record Post Magazine 
Fox-Terrier Chronicle Volunteer Service Gazette, Review 
Gardener Work Searchlight 
Gardening World World’s Paper Trade; Transactions of the In- 
Gas World Review | surance and Actuarial 
Gentleman’s Journal Society of Glasgow 
Grocer Turnbull's Annual Steam- 
Hairdressers’ Weekly India—(142) ship Insurance Register 
Journal India for United Kingdom 
Homeward Mail Indian Appeals 
Horological Journal Indian Magazine 
Hospital India’s Women Inventions—(146) 
Illustrated London News| Journal of the East India | Illustrated Official 
Incorporated Accoant- Association Journal 
ante’ Journal Journal of the Royal! Invention 
India Rubber, <&c., Asiatic Society Inventors’ Review 
a — J a Si the Society af 
nquirer N atent ts 
Insurance Record India, Newsfor and | Patents er 
Insurance World from—(see Colonies, Register of Patent Agents 
Investor's Ohronicle and Possessions). Reports of .Patent, &c., 
Investors’ Guardian Cases 
Investors’ Review Trade Marks Journal 

Iron and Coal Trades 


Kennel Gazette 

Labour Gazette 


Land Agents’ Record 


‘Lawn Tennis 

Live Stock Journal 
London Argus 
Machinery Market 
Marine Engineer 
Mining Journal 
Mining World 
Musical News 
Musical Times 
Navy League Journal 
Oil and 



Oils, Colcurs, and Dry- 

Overland Mail 
Paper and Pulp 
Petroleum Review 
Plumber and Decorator 
Polytechnic Magazine 
Pottery Gazette 
Property Market Review 
Public Opinion 
Racing Pigeon 
Railway Times 
St. Bartholomew's Hos- 
pital Journal 
Sanitary Record 
Saturday Review 
School Government 
Shipping World 
Solicitors’ Gazette 
Spink & Son’s Monthly | 
Numismatic Circular | 
Sporting Goods Review 
Stock Exchange Weekly 
Official Intelligence 
Teacher’s Aid 
Times (Palmer’s) 
“ Times” Law Reports 
Trade-Marks Journal 

India-Rubber Trade | 
India-Rubber, &c., Trades | 

Indian Missions — 

Investments — (see 

Finance and Invest- 

‚Irish Missions—(147) 

(vee Mission Work). ‘ (see also Mission 
Insane, Literary . Banner of Truth 

Compositions of 

the—(144) Iron Trade — (see 

Monnug ns Mirror — Coal Trade, 
ardware rade 

Under the Dome | Mining. (148) ’ 

| Insurance—(see also’ 
Assurance). (145) 
Annual Insurance Digest 
Bourne’s Guides 
British Underwriter | 



Finance Chronicle 

Finance Union 

Fire Call 

Insurance Agent 

Insurance Agents’ News 

Insurance Banking and 
Financial Review 

Insurance apd Financial: 

Insurance and Financial | 
News | J 

Insurance Blue-Book 

Insurance Budget 

Insurance Gazette 

Insurance Guardian 

Insurauce Index 

Insurance Indicator 

Insurance Journal 

Insurance News 

Insurance Observer 

Insurance Opinion 

Insurance Record 

Insurance Register 

Insurance Spectator of 

Insurance World 

Journal of the Federation ! 
of Insurance Institutes 
of Great Britain and 

Journal of the Institute 
of Actuaries 

Tron and Coal Trades’ Rev. 

Tron and Steel Trades’ 

Iron Trade Circular (Ry- 

Ironworkers’ Journal 

Journal of the Iron and 
Steel Institute 

Ryland’s Directory of 

Woods’ Engineers’, Iron, 
and Metal Trade Diary 

italian, printed in— 

Londra Roma 

ewellery Trade— 

(see also Watch 
making). (150) 
Jeweller’s,’ &c., 
Jeweller’s, &c., 
Book and Diary 
Jewellers’ Register 
Jewellers’ ‚Watchmakers’ i 
&c., Advertiser 



Anglo-Jewish Association 
Annual Report 

Brill's Special 

Brill’s Telephone 

Covenant People 


——————— en 

J. Wallin g, Jinr., Lim., Advertising A yents, 125 Strand, London. 

Fr ree SK en Ee 
! l 

Report of the Society of Little Messenger 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Laundry Journal Diary 

Hajehoodi Children’s Paper roe 
Jewish Chronicle Children’s Picture Annual eformer’s Year-Book . 
Jewish Express Children’s Treasury of! Shop Assistant 
Jewish Literary Annual Pictures and Stories | Workmen’s National Pro. 
Jewish Missionary Ad- Child’s Companion tection Association | 
vocate Child’s Friend Magazine 
Jewish Press Ä Child’s Guardian | on 
Jewish Quarterly Review Child’s Own Magazine In! 
Jewish World x | Chimes Lad les Work — (see 
Jewish Year Book | Chums Fashions for Ladies). 
Messenger of Wisdom | Crystal Stories | 
Pioneer of eas i la 8 Leading Strings Land and Estate | 
Transactions 0 1e ayspring 
Jewish Historical So- | Dewdrop Agents—(see Estate | 
ciety Friendly Companion Management). 
Cae Friend 
Girls Own Annual inaen 
Jews, Conversion Gin’s Own Paper Land Sompa nn 
of — (see also Lost | Girl’s Quarterly (see wearng | 
Tribes). (152) | Girl's Realm Societies). 
Jewish Herald | Golden Rule 
Jewish Intelligence i Golden Sunbeams Large Ty pe Read- 
Prophetic News en nn . —— ings—(156) 
Wild Olive Gratt Young ee Friendly Visitor | 
| Grant Richard’s Chil- Gospel Trumpet 
Journalism—(seealso dren’s Annual 
Printing Trade). | Infants’ Magazine Lau ndry Trade— : 
Little Folks (157) | 
(158) Little Frolic . . 
Journalist Laundry Journal | 

Women Journalists Monthly Messenger of the 

Reporters’ Magazine fae Church of 
On Service 
Our Boys. and Girls 
Jute Trade — (s00 | | Our Boys’ Magazine 
Textile Munufac- Our Darlings 
ture). Our Little Dots 

Our Little Ones’ Treasury 
Our Own Magazine | 

Juvenile Literature 
— (see also Good Tem- , 

Books for the Bairns 
Poy s and Girls 

Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac 
Boys’ and Girls’ Com-: 

plary, Mission Work, ur l 
Sunday Schools,: St, Nicholas | 
T cmpera nce). (154) | Springing Well 

African Tidings | Sunbeam 

Baby’s Pictorial Sunrise 

Bund of Mercy | Tiny Tots 

Band of Mercy Almanac Union Jack 

Bits for Our Boys | Young Crusader 

Young Days 

Young England 

Young Helpers’ League 
Young People’s Magazine | 
Young People’s Treasury | 

panion and Little Gleaner 
Boy’s Brigade Gazette Young Watchman 
Boy s’ Champion Story! Young Women 
Boy’s Friend i | 
Boy's Herald ‚Labour Questions— | 
Boy’s Leader (155) 

Boys’ Mail Bay 
Boys of Our Empire 
Boys of the Empire 

Annual Report of the 
Society for E 
ınent of Women 

Boy’s Own Annual Arbitrator 
Boys Own Christmas' British Trade Review 
Part ; Daylight ` 

Fabian News 
Fabian Tracts 

Boy's Own Paper 
Boy’s Realm 

Brigadier Free Labour Press 
Bubbles Hull Trades Council 
Captain Labour Journal 
Chatterbox I. L. P, News 

Child Life 

Children of the Church 

Children’s Friend 

Children’s Garden 

Labour Co-partnership 
Labour Gazette 
Labour Leader 

Labour Annual | 
Labour News 

Children’s League of Pity ` | Land and Labour 
Paper Land Values 
Children’s Messenger Liver 
Children’s Missionary London Trades ©- and, 

Labour Gazette 

- — 

Advertisements received for wll the Trade Namen 

“ Mauchester Law 

Laundry News 
Laundry Record 
Power Laundry 

Law Students—(158) 




Law Students Journal | 
Stu- , 

dents’ Chronicle | 

| Leather Trade— | 

(see also Boot and, 
Shoe Trade, Carriage’ 
Builders, Saddlery). | 
(159) | 
Leather Trades’ Adver- ı 
tiser i 
Leather Trades’ Review 

Lecture Halls—(see' 

Literary and Scien- 
tific Institutions). 


A BC Guide to Practice. 

Adams’ Reports of Cases 
before the High Court 
of Justiciary in Scot- 

Annual County 

Annual Digest i 

Annual Practice i 

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases 

Calendar of the Council 
of Legal Education 

Cases decided in the High | 
Court of Justice &c. | 

Catalogueof Modern Law. | 

Central Criminal Court 

County Courts’ Chronicle 

County Courts, Equity, | 
and Bankruptcy Cases | 

Cox’s Monthly Legal: 

Cox’s Reports 

Every Man’s Own Lawyer 


Ham's Inland Revenue 
Year Book 

Courts | 

— — — 


Indian Appeals 

Irish Law Times 

Journal of the Society of 
Comparative Legisla- 

Juridical Review 

Justice of the Peace 

Kimes’ International Law 

Law Almanack 

Law Journal 

Law Journal Reports 

Law List 

Law Magazine 

Law Notes 

Law Quarterly Review 

Law Reports 

Law Times 

Law Times Reports 

Lawyer's Companion ` 

Lawyer’s Remembrancer 

Legal Circular 

Legal Diary and Almanau 

Legal Journal 

Legal Literature 

Legal Pocket Book 

Magisterial Cases 

Maritime Notes 


Reports of Patent, &c., 

Scots Law Times 

Scottish Law 

Scottish Law Directory 

Scottish Law List 

Scottish Law Reporter 

Scottish Law- Review 

Shaw’s Solicitors’ Alman- 

Smith 'sRegistrution Cases 

Solicitors’ Diary 

Solicitors’ Gazette 

Solicitors’ Journal 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary 

Stone's Justices’ Manual 

Student’s Telephone _ 

“Times” Law Reports 

Times Law Reports 

“Times” Reports of Com- 
mercial Cases 

Weekly Notes 




Weekly Reporter 

Yearly County Court 

Yearly Digest of Reported 

Yearly Practice of the 
Supreme Court 

Libraries—(see also 
Book Trade). (161) 
Aberdeen Public Library 
Annual Report 

Annual Report of the 
Finsbury Public Li- 
brary Committee 

Birmingham FreeLibrary 
Annual Report 

Bolton Free Public 
Library Annual Report 

Finsbury Public Libra- 
ries Quarterly Guide 


Library Assistant 

Linrary Association 

Library Association Year 

Library Circular 

Library Magazine 

Library World 



Classification. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

All Ireland Review 

Alerican Quarterly 

Anglo-Russian Literary 
Society Proceedings 

Annual Report of the 
Proceedings of the Lon- 
don County Council 

Argus Guide to Municipal 

Nottingham Library| Knowledge Local Government Chron. | Idler 
Bulletin Liberal Magazine Local Government Direc-| Irish Monthly 
Public Library Journal Literary Gazette ry London Magazine 
Readers’ Index Literary Guide Local Government Jour-| Longman’s Magazine 
Report of Buillie’s Free} Literary World nal MacClure’s Maguzine 
Library Literary Year Book London Argus Macmillan’s Magazine 
Southwark Libraries] Manchester LiteraryClub} London C.C. Staff Gazette; M.A.P. 
Chronicle Papers London Manual Marvel 
West Ham Library Notes! Nature Municipal Journal Melia’s Magazine 
New Liberal Review Municipal Officer New Age 
; Pilot Municipal Reformer Our Home 
Licensed Victual- — Municipal Year Bock Pal Mall Magazine 
ig— also Brew- eview of Reviews oor Law and District earson’s Magazine 
——— oe y 5 irit) Review of Reviews An- Councils Journal; Penny Magazine 
Wey a e nual (Ireland) Quiver 
Trade). ( ) Saturday Review Poot-Law Conferences Royal Magazine 
A BC Hotel Guide Sewanee Review Poor Law Officers’ Jour- | Scribner's Magazine 
Bacchus Speaker nal Short Stories 
Hotel World Spectator Shaw’s LocalGovernment| Springtime 
Licensed Victualler ‚| ‘Transactions of the Manual Strand Magazine 
Licensed Victuallers National Eisteddfod! Shaw’s Poor Law Union| Temple Bar 
Gazette i , of Wales . Sheet Almanack Temple Magazine 
Licensed Victuallers Worcestershire County! To-Da 
es Victuallers’ weuneh Haibook en 
Official Annual ‚'Literature—(see also eee 
u, an Be Litera- Lost Tribes—(169) Woman's Life 
Licensed Victuallers’ Year Tu 5 — le leo. —— Israel 
Book t Literary and Mahommedan— 
Licensing World wry aera. | (172) 
Morning Advertiser Scientific Reviews, | h Crescent 
Munro’s ScottishLicensed Romances and ' Machinery—(see also Islamic World 
Trade Directory Light Literature). Engineering, Hard- 
National Guardian (166) | ware, echanics). 
Plymouth and Western| Author (170) Mail Summaries— 
Counties’ Licensed Vic-| Baconiana | American Machinist (see Colonies and 
„tuallers’ Gazette Memoirs und Proceel-| British Colonial &c. Ma-| Possessions). 
VictuallingTradesReview ings of the Manchester chinery Market 
Literary Society aor Machinery Ga- M i d 
; : Transactions of the Hon- zette _-(see 
Life Boat Service— orable Society of! Implementand Machinery 2 ana) Rue zee 
(163) Cymmrodorion Review j 
Life-Boat Journal Transactionsof the Royal, Machinery and Engineer- ' 
Society of Literature ing Materials Gazette | Malthusian Doc: 
Transactions of the St.| Machinery Market trine—(173) 
Linen Trade—(see; “pauls Ecclesivlogi-al| Machinery Users Journal Malthusns 
Textile Manufac- Society Phillips's Machinery Re- . 
ture). gister 
Tool and Muchincry| Manufactures —(see 
i Literature and Register . also Inventions). (174) 
Literary and Scien- Reviews—(167) Arms & Explosives 
tific nstitutions Manchester Quarterly M a g az i nes fo r Kynoch Journal 
—(164) — Outlook Family and Gene- 
neu the Liverpool | ral Reading— (see Marine Engineer- 
orkirenı Mögengen: es also Religious| ing—(see Engineer- 
T OE EEEE | Lithography — (Bee) Readings, Ro-| ing). 
, ; | Printing Trade). mances, and Light 
Literary and Scien- Literature, Schooli Maritime Law—(see 
tific Reviews— Magazines). (171) Legal). 
(165) Local Government; an Suints’ Magazine 
Academy —(168) Atlantic Monthly 

Market Reports— 

Badminton Magazine 

Cassell’s Magazine 
Cassell’s Saturday Journal 

(see Commercial and 

Annual Burus Chronicle 


Athenzum Councillor and Guardian 

Beltaine . Councils Journal 

Book Queries County und Municipal 

Border Magazine Record 

Bungalow County Council Times 

Catholic Book Notes County Councils and 

Central Literary Maga- Municipal Corpor- 
zine tions’ Companion 

Clique Dictionary of Civil 

Eagle and Serpent Parishes, &c. 

Elf L.C.C Staff Gazette 

Hermathena Guild Gazette 

Housing Journal 
Local Government Board 

Hora Jucunda 
Hugo’s French Journal 

Humanitarian Annual Report 
Journal of the Ex Libris: Local Government Au- 
Society cual 



Catholic Fireside 
Century Illus. Monthly 
Chambers's Journal 
Cornhill Magazine 

Mathematics— (175) 
Annals of Mathematics 

Cosmopolitan Mathematical Gazette 
Daybreak . Mathematical Questions 
English Illustrated Magä- and Solutions 

_ zive Messenger of Mathe- 
Fireside matics 

Gentleman's Journal 
Gentleman’s Magazine 
Golden Penny 
Harper’s Magazine 

Proceedings of the Ediu- 
burgh Mathematical 

Proceedings of the 

Hobbies London Mathematical 
Holborn Magazine Society 

Home Chat Quarterly Journal of 
Hope Pure and Applied 
Housebold Words | Mathematics 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

— — — — — 

Matrimonial Post 

Mechanics—(see also 
Machinery). (177) 
English Mechanic 
Mechanical Progress 
Mechanical World 


Medical Science— 
(see also Dentistry, 
Mental Science, 
Obstetrics). (178) 
Annals of Surgery 
Annual Report of the 
Asylums Committee 
Asylum News 
Birmingham Med. Review 
Bristol Medieo-Chirurgi- 
cal Journal 
British, Colonial, & Con- 
tinental Homeopathic 
Medical Directory 
British Journal of Chil- 
dren’s Diseases 

British Journal of 

- Dermatology 

British Journal of Ine- 
briety l 

British Medical Journal 

British Sanitoria Journal 


Burdett’s Hospital and 
Charities _ 

———— Medical Jour- 

Calendar of the Pharma- 
ceutical Society of 
Great Britain 

Calendar of the Pharma- 
ceutical Society of Ire- 


Charing Cross Hospital 

Clinical Journal 
Dublin Journal of 

Medical Science 
Durham College of Medi- 
cine Calendar 
Edinburgh Hospital Re- 

_ Edinburgh Med, Journal 
Family Doctor 
First Aid 
General Practitioner 
Glasgow Medical Journal 
Gould’s Year-Book of 
Guy’s Hospital Gazette 
Guy’s Hospital Reports 
Health and Strength 
Journal of Anatomy 
Journal of Comparative 
Pathology, &c. 
Journal of Experimental 
Journal of Laryngology, 
Rhinology, & Otology 
Journal of Pathology 
Journal of Physiology 
Journal of State Medicine 
Journal of the Irish 
Medical Association 
Journal of the Royal 
Army Medical Corps 
Journal of Tropical Medi- 

King’s College Hospital 

Advertisements received for all the Periodicals; 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Lancet | 

Laryngoscope | 

League News | 

Liverpool Medico-Chirur- | 
gical Journal 

London Homeeopathic | 
Hospital Reports | 

Magazine of the London 
Royal Free Hospital 
School of Medicine for 

Medical Annual 

Medical Chronicle 

Medical Directory 

Medical Electrology, &c. 

Medical Examiner 

Medical Magazine 

Medical Missions 

Medical Press 

Medical Register 

Medical Review 

Medical Students’ Regis- 

Medical Temperance Re- 

Medical Times and 
Hospital Gazette 


Middlesex Hospital Jour- 


Middlesex Hospital 
Medical and Surgical 

Middlesex Hospital Phar- 

Middlesex Hospital Re- 
ports of the Medical, 
&c., Registers 

Midland Medical Journal 

Minutes of the General 
Medical Couneil 

Modern Medicine 

North London University 
College Hospital Re- 



Proceedings of the Mala- 
cological Society of 

Proceedings of theSociety 
for the Study of In- 

Public Health 

Quarterly Medical Index 

Reports of the Society for 
the Study of Disease in | 

St. Bartholomew's Hos- 
pital Journal 

St. Bartholomew's Hos- 
pital Medical Reports 

St. George's Hospital 

St. Mary’s Hospital 

St. Thomas’s Hospital 

. St. Thomas’s Hospital 

Scottish Medical and 
Surgical Journal 


Statistical Tables of St. 
Bartholomew's Hospital 

Therapeutic Gazette 


Transactions of the 
British Orthopædic ' 

Transactions of the Der- 
matological Society 

Transactions of the Edin- 
burgh Medico-Chirurgi- 
cal Society 



Transactions of the Fpi- | Swansea Tide Tables 


demiological Society | 
Transactions of the Hun- | 
terian Society 
Transactions of the 
Jenner Institute 
Transactions of 
Medical Society of 
Transactions of the 
Medico - Chirurgical 
Transactions of the 
Medico - Chirurgical 
Society of Glasgow 
Transactions of the Oto- 
logical Society 
Transactions of the 
Pathological Society 
Transactions of the Royal 
Academy of Medicine | 
-in Ireland 
Transactions of the 
Society of Anesthetists | 
West London Medical 

Westminster Hospital | 

Year Book of Pharmacy 

(see also Medical 
Science). (179) 

Journal of Mental Science 

Mercantile — (see 
Commercial and 

Mercantile Marine 

also Naval 

— (see 

Ainsley’s Nautical Al- 
Arrowsmith’s Bristol 
Tide Table | 
Brown’s Comprehensive ' 
Nautical Almanac 
Brown's Nautical Diary 
Cardiff Tide Tables 
Fisherman’s Nautical Al- 

Green wooid’s Nautical 

International Mercantile 

Marine Superintendent's 

Mariner’s Nautical Al- 

Mercantile Marine Ser- 
vice Association Re- 

Mercantile Navy List 

Nautical Almanac (Har- 

Nautical Almanac (Lon- 

Nautical Magazine 

Newport (Mon.) Tide 

Pearson’s General Tide 

Reed's Tide Tables 

Reid’s Nautical Almanac 

Shipping World Year- 

Tide Tables for British 

and Irish Ports 


the; Metal Trades —(see 

Hardware, Iron 


Journal of the Scottish 

Meteorological Society 
Meteorological Record 
Quarterly Journal of Roy. 

Meteorological Society 
Quarterly Weather Re- 


Symon’s Monthly Mete- 
orological Magazine 
Weekly Weather Report 

Methodist—(see also 

Bible Christians, 
Calvinistic Method- 
ast, Wesleyan Meth- 
odist). (182) 
Aldersgate Primitive 
Methodist Magazine 

Army and Navy Mes- 

Burning Bush 

Christian Advocate 

Christian Ambassador 

Derby and District 

Free Methodist 

Magasin Méthodiste 

Methodist and General 
Desk Diary 
Methodist Evangelist 
Methodist Monthly 
Methodist New Connex- 
ion Magazine 
Methodist Recorder 
Methodist Sunday School 
Methodist Times 
Primitive Methodist 
Primitive Methodist Joy- 
ful Tidings 
Primitive Methodist 
Quarterly Review 
Primitive Methodist 
Young People 



Journal of the Quekett 
Microscopical Club 

Journal of the Royal 
Microscopical Society 

Quarterly Journal of 
Microscopical Science 

Transactions of the Edin- 
burgh Field Natural- 
ists’ and Microscopical 

Military Service — 

(see also Naval Ser- 

vice), (184) 

Army and Navy Gazette 

Army and Navy Omnium 

Army Diary and Pocket 


Classification. ] 

Army List Offi. Quarterly 
Army Orders 
Army Service 
Broad Arrow 
Bugle Call 
Donegal’s Own 


Essex Imperial Ycomanry | 

Green Howard’s Gazette 
Hart’s Annual Army List 

Hart's Quart. Army List 

Highland Light Infantry 
Trish Military Guide 
Journal of the Royal 
Army Medical Corps 



Journal of the Royal At 


Journal of the Royal 
United Service Institu- 

Military Mail 

Monthly Army List 

Monthly Official rd 

Monthly Official Diree-, 
tory of the Aldershot 

Monthly Official Ports-' 
mouth and Southern 

District Directory 
Proceedings of the 
National Rifle Asso- 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Artillery Institution 
Professional Papers of 

the Corps of Royal! 
“ Queen’s Own” Gazette 
Rifle Brigade Chronicle 
R.M.A. Magazine 
Royal Engineers’ Journal 
St. George’s Gazette 
Seventy Ninth News 
Sheldrake’s Aldershot 
Military Gazette 
Sons of the Brave 
Staff College Reports 
United Service Gazette 
United Service Magazine 







Millers — (see Grain. 

and Seed Trade). 


Fashions for Ladies). 


British and Colonial 

Mineral Water Trade 

United Kingdom Mineral- 
water Trade Review 

Mineralogy— (186) 
Mineralogical Magazine 

Mining—(seealso Iron 
Trade, Coal Ranch 


Journal of the British 
Society of Mining, 
Students | 

Mining Dividends and ; 


216] « 


Water | 






Mission Work—(see 


Press Guide. 

Mining Engincering 

Mining Journal 

Mining Mail | 

Mining Manual | 

Mining World 

——— Mining Hand- 

Potts’ Mining Register 

Proceedings of the Mid- | 
land Institute of | | 

Science and Art of Mining | 

Transactions of Inst. of 
Mining Engineers 

Transactions of the Insti- 
tution of Mining and | 

Wilson’s Handbook of | 
South African Mines 


also Congregational, 
Irish Missions, Mora- 
vian). (188) | 
Across the Sea 
Annual Report of the 
Children’s Special Ser- 
vice Mission | 
Assyrian Mission 
Quarterly Paper 
At Home and Abroad 
Central Africa ! 
Children’s S.S.M. Occa- 
sional Paper ° 
Child’s Guardian 
China’s Millions 
Church and People 
Church Evangelist 
Church Intelligencer 
Church Miasny. Gleaner 
Church Missionary In- 
Church Missionary 
Quarterly Paper 
Church Missionary 
Quarterly Token | 
Darkness and Light 
Daybreak | 
Diamonds from S. Africa 
East London Church 
Echoes of Service 
Edinburgh Medical Mis- , 
sionary Magazine 
Eleventh Hour 


Ely Diocesan Remem- 
Evangelist Monthly 

Foreign Mission Chroni- 
cle of the Episcopal 

Free Church of Scotland | 
Monthly Record 

Friendly Leaves 

Girls’ Friendly Society 
Associates’ Journal 

Gleanings in Harvest 

Gospel Messenger 


Home Mission Field 

Illus. Missionary News 

India's Women 

Jungle Tribes 


Lichfield Diocesan Mag. 

Light and Truth 

London City Mission Mag. | 

London Diocesan Mag. | 

Medical Missions | 

Missionary | 

| Mothers, 

Mission Chron. of Scot- 
tish Episcopal Church 
Mission Field 
Mission World | 
Missionary Echo 
Missionary Herald 
Missionary Herald (Bel- 
Missionary Record i 
Missionary Review of the | 

Mercy and Truth | 

Missionary Volunteer 
Monthly Record of the 
Protestant Evangelical 
Monthly Reporter of the 
British and Foreign 
Bible Society 
Morning Calm 
News from Afar 
Niger and Yoruba Notes 
North China Mission 
Quarterly Paper 
Our Missions 
Our Sisters 
Our Waifs and Strays 
Our Work at Home and 
Oxford House Chronicle 
Peterborough Diocesan | 
Primitive .Methodist , 
Missionary Record | 
Quarterly J ottings from | 
the New Hebrides | 
Quarterly Letters to Men | 
on Public Works 
Quarterly Reporter of| 
German Baptist Mis- | 
Railway Signal 
Regions Beyond 
Ripon Diocesan Gazette 
Round World 
Salisbury Diocesan Ga- 
South African Pioneer 
South American Mis- 
sionary Magazine 
Southwell Diocesan Mag. 
Star in the East 
Toynbee Record | 

in Other 

Trusting and Toiling 

Vigilance Record 

Wesleyan Missy. Notices 


Woman’s Magazine of the 
United Free Churches 

Woman’s Work 

Women in the Mission 

Worcester Diocesan 
Word on tlıe Waters 

Work and Workers 

Work for the Far West 
York Diocesan Magazine 
Young Herald 


Britain Mes Moravian—(189) 

Moravian Almanack 

Moravian Messenger 

Moravian Missions 

Periodical Accouuts 

Text Book of the Protes- 
tant Church 

reading | 


Mothers in Council 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, ` 125 Strand) London, 

Mother's Treasury _ 
Mothers’ Union Journal 

Motor Trade, &c. — 
Automobile Club Journal 
Automobilists’ Guide 
Automotor Directory 
Automotor Journal 
Automotor Pocket Book 
Car Magazine 
Motor Car Journal 
Moter Car World 
Motor Cycle 
Motor Mart 
Motor News 
Motorin: Annual 
Motoring Illustrated 

Municipal Affairs— 
(see Local Govern- 

‚Music and Musical 
—(see also Theatri- 
cal). (192) 

Annual Report of the 
Royal College of Or- 

Bandmaster’s Help 

Banjo World 

Bass Drum 



Brass Band 

Brass Band 


Boosey’s Drum and Fife 

Boosey’s March Journal 

Boosey’s Military Journal 

Boosey’s Orchestral 

Brass Band Annual 

British Bandsman 

Cavendish Music Books 

Challenge Journal 

Choral Harmony 



Clavier Quarterly Jrnl. 


Fife and Drum Journal 

Flute Players’ Journal 

Guild of Church 
Musicians’ Calendar 

Harmonium Cabinet 

Journal of the Incor- 
porated Society of 

Liverp: Brass and 
Military Band Journal 

Liverpool Drum and Fife 
Band Journal 

Liverpool String Band 

London and Provincial 
Music Trades Review 

— Musical Courier 

Mohawk Minstrels’ Maga- 

Monthly Musical Record 

Music Trades Diary 
Musical Age 

Musical Almanac 
Musical Budget: 

— — — — — — — 

Ausical Directory Nature Notes | N 
Musical Gazette Nature-Study 

Musical Herald 
Musical News 

Notes and Comments | 
Paper and Proceedings of | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

(see Family News- 
papers, Fashionable 

Musical Opinion and the Hampshire Field , News, Religious 
Music Trades Review Club Newsp i. s, Society 

Musical Standard | Proceedings of the Bath| Journa 

Musical Star Natural History, &c., 

Musica) Times Field Club 

Musical Treasury Proceedings of the Nonconformist— 

- Musicians’ Journal mingham Natural) (198) -> 

Nonconformist Musical History and Philoso- ; Nonconformist Musical 
Journal i phical Society Journal | 

Orchestral Journal | Proceedings of the Bristol’ Watchtower 

Orchestral Times | Naturalists’ Society | 

Organist & Choirmaster 

Proceedings of the Dorset 
Organist Magazine of 

Voluntaries Field Club | 
Orpheus Journal Proceedings of the Man- ' 
Part Singer chester Field Natural- | 
Piano Journal ists’ Society 
Pitman’s Musical Libra Report &c. of the Guern- 
Professional Pocket Boo sey Society of Natural 

Reeves’ Musical Directory 
Reid's London Enter-’ 
tainment Guide 

Transactions of the Bur- 
ton-on-Trent Natural 

Roll of the Union of History, &c., Society 
Graduates in Music Transactions of the City 

Salvation Army Brass of London Entomo- 
Band Journal logical and Natural 

School Music Review History Societ 

Strad Transactions of the Glas- 

Supplementary Military) gow Natural History 
Journal Society 

Syllabus of the Asso- | Transactions of the Hert- 

ciated Board of the, forishire Natural His- 
Royal Academy of tory Society 
Music Transactions of the Wool- 
Tonic Sol-fa College hope Naturalists’ Field 
Calendar | Club 
Troubadour Yorkshire Ramblers’ 
Violin Budget Club Journal 
Violin Times Zoophilist 
Weekly Musical Review | 
Wright & Round’s Brass 
Band News ‘Nautical—(see Mer- 
cantile Marine,| gow Obstetrical, &c., 
Music Halls—(198) aval Service, Ship-| Transactions of the 
Encore ping). Obstetrical Society 
Entr'acte ie i | 
Entr'acte Annua 
Music Hall Naval Service—(see Oddfellows— 
also Military Ser-| (see Friendly 
| vice). (195) Societies). 
nanona Schools— | Annual Report of Navy 
see cation). i Employment Agency ; 
( ) | Cadet Official Reportsand 
eee ae see) Fook Papers —(see also 
atural History— autical Magazine i ie- 
y Naval & Military Recora| U2der various Bocie 

(see also Agricuiture,| Ova) Annual 

Bee Keeping,Concho-| N Annual Report of the 
aval Pocket Book Paper and Pulp 
logy, -Entomology,| Xaval Warrant Officers’ ern - General; paper Box and Bag 
Fishing,Ornithology, Journal Asme Report of the) „Faker 
Science, Sporting, Navy age Journal Berlalier por — Piper Mar — 
Zoology), A194) | Royal Navy List (Scotland) Paper Makers’ Directory 
Animal World oyal Navy Lis r Annual Summary of pe all Nations 
Natural History tution of Naval Archi- ! Postmaster: =. Generalb — e y 
Annals of Scottish | tects . Annual Report a ae T 
S Natural History Public General Acts Paper Mills Directory 
ee ‘New Jerusalem Quarterly Return of Mar-| Paper Trade Directory 
— riages, Paper Trade Review 
Field Naturalists’ Quar-, Ohurch—(196) pe ‘a 
ie terly i u Minutes of the General Weekly Retur n of Births) World's Paper Trade 
Halifax Naturalist ! Conference . Review 
Historical Proceedings! New Church Magazine 
e e © Oil & Colour Trade | parliamentary— 
Irish Naturalist Newsagents—(197) | —(see also Commer-| (911) 
Natural History Transac- | Aldine Newsagents’ Trade cial, Grocery Trade).| Annual Statutes 
tions of Northumber- Journal (208) Debrett’s House of Com- 
. land, &ec, Newsagent Oil & Colourman's Jrnl. mons 
Naturalist WILLING’S PRESS; Oil&Colourman’s Journal | Dod’s ‚Parliamentary 
Naturalist’s — i GUIDE | Diary Companion 
Advertisements received for all the Trade Newspapers. [217. 

Natural History, &c., Numismatice—(199) | 

Numismatic Chronicle 
Numismatic Magazine 
Spink & Son’s Monthly 



Oil Trades Directory 

Oil Trades Gazette 

Oiis, Colours, & Dry- 


Petroleum Review 

ence — (see also 

Medical Science). 
Ophthalmic Review 

Royal London Ophthal- 
mic Hospital Reports 
Transactions of the Oph- 
thalmic Society of the 

United Kingdom 

Numismatic Circular Opium Trade—(205) 

: Nursing—(200) 

riend of China 

BritishJournalof Nursing Optics—(206) 



Nurses’ Journal 

Nursing Directory 

Nursing Notes 

Nursing Profession, How 
and Where to Train 

Professional Nurse’s 

St. Bartholomew’ s Nurses’ 
League News 

Obstetrics—(see also 

Medical Science), 

Transactions of the 
Edinburgh Obstetrical 

Transactions of the Glas- 

ties). (202) 

British Optical Journal 
Dioptrio Review 

Orchid—(see Garden- | 


Original Secession 
Original Secession Mag, 


Palestine Explora- 

Palestine Exploration 
Fund Statement 

Paper Trade — (see 

also Printing Trade, 

Stationery Trade). 


British Empire Paper 
&c. Trades Journal 

Directory of Paper 

Fancy Goods %&c. Toy 
Trades Journal 

‘Classification. ] 


Handy Notes on Current 

Lists of Private Bills 

Local Acts 

Ministry Card 

Parliament House Book 

Parliamentary Debates 

Parliamentary Record 

Parliamentary Reports, 

Ross’s Parliamentary | 

Standing Orders of the | 

Lords and Commons | 
Statesman’s Year-Book | 
Vacher’s Parl. Companion 

Parochial — (see 
Local Government), 

Patents—(see Inven- 
Pawnbrokers’ Gazette 

Peace Movement — 
Herald of Peace 
Olive Leaf 
Peace and Goodwill 

Peerages, &c.—(214) 
Debrett's Illustrated 
Baronetage, Knightage 
and Companionage 
Debrett's Illustrated 
Peerage and ‘Titles of 
Courtesy | 
Debrett's Peerages, &c. 
Dod's Peerage, Baronet- 
age and Knightage 
Genealogical and Her- 
aldic Dictionary (Burke) 

Peerage and Baronetage | 


Walford’s County Fami- 
lies of the United King- 

Whitaker's Pecrage 

Perfumery Trade— | 
(see Hairdressing). 

Personal Rights— 


(see Chemists). 

(see Charity). 

Philately — (see | 
Stamp Collectors). 
Journal of Philology 
Proceedings of the ‘Cam- | 

Society | 


Phrenology—(219) | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Transactions of the Cam- | 

bridge Philological | 

Transactions of the Philo- 
logical Society | 


Journal of the Transac- | 
tions of the Victoria | 

London, Edinburgh, &e., 
Philosophical Magazine 

Philosophical  ‘T'ransac- | 

Proceedings of the Cam- | 
bridge Philosophical | 
Society | 

Proceedings of the Glas- | 
gow Philosophical | 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Institution | 

Proceedingsof the Royal | 

Reports and Proceedings 
of the Belfast History 
and Philosophical 

Transactions of the Or: 

(see Building). 

Police Service— 


Constabulary Gazette 

Illustıated Police Budget 

Tllustrated Police News 

Police and Constabulary 

Police Chronicle 

Police Gazette 

Police Review 

Policeman’s Pocket Al- 

Royal Irish Constabulary 

Political Essays— 
(see Reviews). 

(see Sporting). 

Polytechnics— (221) 

Polytechnic Magazine 

| . 
Poor Law Unions— 

bridge Philosophical | 

(see Shorthand). 

Photography —(218) 

Amateur Photographer 
ritish Journal of Photo- 

British Journal Photo- 
graphic Almanac | 
sromide Monthly 

Focus | 

Journ. and Trans. of the 
Photographie Society 

Journal of the Camera 
Club | 

Journal of the Royal | 
Photographic Society 


Photograms of the Year 

Photographie Art Journal 

Photographie Dealer 
Photographie Dealer's 

Photographie Journal 
Photographie News 
Photographie Record 
Photographie Scraps 

Practical Photographer 
Process Photogram 
Process Year-Book 

South African Photo- , 
Wellcome’s Photographic 
Year-Book of Photo- 

Phrenological Annual 

and Magazine 

Popular Phrenologist 


Philological Pigeons— 

Apes Pouler y). 


(see Local Govern- 

Positivist Review 

Postal Information 
— (223) 
Post Office List 
Hull Post Office Guide 
Manchester Postal Guide 
Neweastle-on-Tyne Post 
Oftice Guide 
Post Office Daily List of 



Post Office Guide 

Post Office Guide for 

Post Office Guide for 

Post Office Guide for 

Post Office Handbook 
Postal Clerk’s Herald 
Postman’s Gazette 
St. Martin’s-le-Grand 
Telegraph Chronicle 
Weekly List of Sailings 

Pottery Trade— 
Pottery Gazette 
Pottery Gazette Diary 

Poultry and Live 
Stock — (see also 
Domestic Pets, Natu- 
ral History). (225) 
Fanciers’ Gazette 
Feathered Life 
Teathered World 
Homing World 

Poultry Journal 

Presbyterian — (see 
also United Presby- 
terian). (226) 

Irish Presbyterian 
Messenger for the Chil- 

Minutes of the Synod of 
the Presbyterian 

Church of England 
Official Handbook of the 
Presbyterian Church of 
Scottish Church and 
University Almanac 

Press—(see also Jour- 
nalism, Printing 
Trade). (227) 

London &c, Press News 
Reuter's Journal 

Press Guides, &c.— 
Advertiser's A BC 
Advertisers’ Guardian 
Advertisers’ Review 
Advertising Dispatch 
Advertising World 
British Advertiser 
Layton’s Handy News- 
paper List 
List of 
Newspaper Press Dircty. 
Practical Advertising 
Progressive Advertising 
Sell’s Dictionary of the 
World’s Press 
Street’s Newspaper Direc- 
tory of Great Britain 
and Ireland 
Vickers’s Newspaper Ga- 


Prices Current— 
(see Commercial). 

Primitive Metho- 
dist—(see Metho- 

Primrose League— 
Primrose League Gazette 

Printing Trade— 
(see also Paper Trade). 

Amateur Printing 
British and Colonial 

Printer and Stationer 
British Printer 
Caslon’s Circular 
Caxton Magazine 
Caxtonian Quarterly 
London Society of Com- 
positors’ Guide 

and, London. 

Master Printer and News- | 

paper Owner 

Printers’ Engineer 

Printers’, Lithographers’, 
&c., Sales and Wants 

Printers’ Register 

Printers’ Year-Book and 

Printing World 

Scottish Typograph. Cire. 

Typographical Circular 

Prison Missions— 
(see Mission Work). 

(see Temperance). 

Prophetic News 
Things to Come 

Provision Trade— 
(see Grocery Trade). 

Psycholog y—(232) 

Proceedings of the Soc. 
for Psychical Research 

Public Health— 
(see Sanitary d 
Social Economy). 

(see Book Trade). 

Pupil Teachers— 
(see Education). 

- Quakers—(seeSociety 

of Friends). 

Queries— (233) 
Notes and Queries 

Rabbits—(see Do- 
mestic Pets, Poultry). 

(see Sporting). 

Rag Trade— 
(see Paper Trade). 

Ragged Schools— 
(see Destitute Chil- 

Railway Service— 
Annual Report 
Balance Sheet 


and Firemen 

Bradshaw’s Railway 
British Railway Divi- 


Electric Railway Review 


of the 
Society of 
Locomotive Engineers 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Herapath’s Railway E 

Commercial Journal 

Congress Bulletin 

Irish Commercial and 
Railway Gazetteer 

Light Railway and Tram- 
way Diary 

Light Railway and Tram- 
way Journal 

Locomotive Magazine 

Official Guide to the 
British Railways 

Official Irish Traveling 

Poor’s Manual of the 
Railroads of the United 

Railway Almanac 

Railway and Commercial 
Gazetteer of England, 

Railway and Shipping 

Railway and Shipping 
Journal ` 

Railway | 


White & Pike’s Railway 
Worcester A B C Guide 

Rationalism — 

(see Freethought). 

Rechabite Order— 

(see Temperance). 

Records of Past 

Annual Register 
Annual Register 
Hazell’s Annual 
Norfolk and Suffolk 
Companion to the 

Oliver’s Local Book of 


Railway Carriage and) Red Books—(237) 

Wagon Review 
Railway Club Journal 
Railway Diary 
Railway Engineer 
Railway Herald, 
Railway Journal (Hera- 


Railway Magazine 

Railway News 

Railway Official Gazette 

Railway Record 

Railway Review 

Railway Service Journal 

Railway Times 

Railway Year-Book 

South Western Gazette 


Universal Directory of 
Railway Officials 

ABC Railway Guide 
Arthur’s Railway Guide 
Ayr A BC Time Table 
Baird’s Irish Railway and 
Steamboat Guide 
Bath Railway Guide 
Beckett’s Railway Guide 
Benson’s Liverpool Penny 
Railway Guide 
Birmingham A BC 
Birmingham Railway 
sradshaw Manchester 
A.B.C. Guide 
Brydone’s (Scotland) 
Cassell’s Railway 
Caster’s ABC Time Table 
Cook’s Continental 
Joness ABC Railway 
Guide for Nuneaton 
and District 


Littlebury’s West Mid- 
land Railway Time 

Murray’s (Scotland) 

Official Irish Travelling 

Pearson’s Time Table and 
Monthly Diary 

Red Guide to Irish Rail- 

teid’s Railway Guide and 
North-East Coast Time 

Allen’s Nottingham Red 

Birmingham Red Book 

Derbyshire Red Book 

Essex Red Book 

Lomax’s Red Book 

Northern Counties Red 

Shefe: and Rotherham 
Red Book 

Walsall Annual Red Book 

| Reformatories — 



(see Destitute Chil- 

Reformed Presby- 

Reformed Presbyterian 

Registrar-Gene- | 

ral’s Returns— | 
(see Official Reports). 

the various Sects | 

and the two following | 
headings) :— 

Religious—(see under 


papers — (239) | 

Brigade | 

British Friend 

British Weekly 

Catholic News 

Catholic Pulpit 

Catholic Times | 


Christian Age | 

Christian Commonwealth | 

Christian Globe 

Christian Herald 

Christian Life 

Christian Million 

Christian News 

Christian Realm 

Christian Scotsman 

Christian World | 

Church Army Gazette 

Church Bells 

Church Family 



Church of 

Church Times 

Church Union Gazette 

English Churchman 





Joyful News 

Methodist Recorder 

Methodist Times 

Morning Light 

Morning Star 

National Church 

New Church Magazine 

One and All 



Primitive Methodist 

Protestant Chronicle 

Protestant Standard 



Scottish Guardian 

Social Gazette 



War Cry 

Weekly Leader 


Young Protestants 



Religious Readings 

—(see also Mission 

Work, Religious 

Newspapers). (240) 

Aborigines’ Friend 

Acceptable Words 


Awake !. 

Banner of Faith 

Banner of the Covenant 

Beacon Fire 

Belfast Protestant Record 

Believer’s Magazine 

Believer’s Pathway 

Bible Advocate 

Bible Christian Messenger 

sible Class Journal 

Bible Readings 

Bible Society Gleanings 

Bible Treasury 

Bible Women and Nurse 

Border Churchman 

Bright Words 

British Evangelist 

British Messenger 

British Monthly 

British Workwoman 


Bury Monthly Visitor 

Chart and Compass 

Cheering Words 


Christian Home Treasury 

Christian Messenger 

Christian Progress 

Christian’s Armoury 

Church and Home 

Church and Synagogue 

Church Annual Log Book 

Church Army Quarterly 

Church Intelligencer 

Church Magazine 

Church Messenger 

Chureh Monthly 

Jhurch of 

Church of Ireland Paro- 
chial Magazine 

Ohurch Standard 


Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. [319 

— — — — — — 

Classification. ] 

Church Worker | 
Churchman’s Magazine | 
Coming Da 
Consecration | 
Daybreak | 
Day of Days i 
Earthen Vessel | 
East and the West 
Echoes of Mercy | 
Expositor | 
Expository Times i 
Faith , 
Faith Links | 
Family Friend 
Fireside | 
Food for the Faithful 
Footsteps of Truth 
ao Greetings i 
dings of the' 
a Age | 
Good News Messenger 
Good Seed 

Good Tidings 

Good Words | 

Goodwill | 

Gospel Advocate l 

Gospel Banner | 

Gospel Echo 

Gospel Gleanings | 

Gospel Magazine 

Gospel Stories for thel 
Young ' 



Helping Hand 

Helping Words 

Helps for the Poor of the | 

Herald of Mercy 

Herald of Salvation 

Quadrant | | 


Home Friend 

Home Links 

Home Messenger 

Home Words 


In His Name | 

Increase | 

Lamp of China i 

Latter Day Saints and | 
Millennial Star 

Lelsure Hour 

Liberator | 

Life anl Work 


Parish ; 

Life of Faith 

Light and Love 

Light and Truth 

Living Waters 

London Evangelist 

Message from God 


Monthly Treasury 

Monthly Visitor 

Morning Rays 

Mother's Treasury 

National Righteousness 

Needed Truth 

New Church Young | 
People’s Magazine 

Newness of Life 

North London Pulpit 

On and Off Duty 

On Service | 

One by One 

Onward and Upward 

Our Heritage 

Our Own Gazette 

Our Quarterly 

Out and Out | 

Parish Magazine 

Penny Books for the 
People u 


| Reports, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Pentecostal Power | 


Present Truth 

Protestant Echo 

Protestant Observer 

Protestant Woman 

P.S.A. Leader 



Rest and Reaping 

Sabbath of Creation 

St. Martin’s-in-the Fields 
Monthly Messenger 

S. Stephen’s Kalendar 

Scattered Nation 

Scattered Seeds 

Service for the King 

Sierra Leone Messenger | 

Simple Testimony 

Sunday at Home 

Sunday Closing Reporter | 

Sunday Companion i 

Sunday Magazine 

Sunday School Chronicle | 

Sunday Strand | 

Sunday Sunshine 

Sunningdale, &c., Banner 


En Tabernacle Wit- 

Thought from the Word | 


Pee of Light and | 
Peac | 

Tongues of Fire 

Trinitarian Bible So- 
ciety’s Quarterly Record 

True Protestant 



Uncle Ben's Budget 

War or Brotherhood 

Young Pilgrim Book ! 

Zion’s Witness i 

&c. —(see 

also under various 

Societies), (241) 

Account of the Income 
and Expenditure of the 
British Museum ; 

Annual Circular (Com-, 

Annual Report of the. 
Aborigines’ Protection 

Annual Report of British | 
and Foreign Bible Soc. 

Annual Report of the 
Bronté Society 

Annual Report of the: 
London Missionary er 

Annual Report of the 
London Topographical | 

Annual e Dori of the | 
N.S. P.C 

Annual — of the! 
S.P.C.K. | 

Annual Report of the‘ 
Society for Liberation | 
of Religion from State | 
Patronage and Control | 

Annual Report of the Soci- , 
ety for the Propagation | 
of the Gospel 

_ ‘Authorised Report of the! 

Church of Ireland Con- 
ference ' 
Church Congress Report 
Joyful News 
Life Saving Society’s An- 
nual Report 


 Reporters—(seeJour- | 

nalism, Shorthand). 


(see also Literary and 
Scientific Reviews). | 

American Historical Re- 


Birmingham Review 

Binckwood’s Mag. 

Church Quarterly Review 

Contemporary Review 

Critical Review of Theo- 

logical and Philosophi- 
cal Literature 

Dublin Review 

Edinburgh Review 

English Historical Rev. 

Essex Review 

Fortnightly Review 

Imperial and Asiatic 

Quarterly Review 

Independent Review 

Jewish Quarterly 

Liberty Review 

Liverpool Review 

‘London Quarterly Review 

Manchester Quarterly 

Monthly Review 

Natidnal Review 

Nineteenth Century 

Passing Notes 

Quarterly Review 

Review of Reviews 

Review ofReviews Annual 

Verulam Review 

Westminster Review 

(see Anglo-Catholic). 

River Plate— 
see Colonies 


‘Roman Catholic— 

Annals of the Propaga- 
tion of the Faith 
Annals of the Society of 
Holy Childhood 
Authorised Official Pro- 
gramme of the Roman 
Catholic Processions 
(Whit Friday) 


Blackburn Catholic News 

Bolton Catholic Heraid 

Bradford Catholic Herald 

Bristol Catholic News 


Catholic Almanac 

Catholic Democrat 

Catholic Directory 

Catholic Fireside 

Catholic Herald (Edin- 

Catholic Home Almanac 

Catholic News 

Catholic Pulpit 

Catholic Times 


Child of Mary 

Clydesdale Catholic 

. Herald 

Cumberland Catholic 



J. Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Dominican and Rosary 

Downside Review 

Dublin Review 

Dundee Catholic Herald 


Franciscan Annals 

Glasgow Observer 


Hull Catholic Herald 

Illustrated Catholic Mis- 

Trish Catholic 

Irish Catholic Directory 

Trish Monthly 

Trish Rosary 


Lanarkshire Catholic 

Leeds Catholic Herald 

Liverpool Catholic Herald 

London Catholic Direc- 

Manchester Catholic 

Messenger of the Sacred 


Northern Catholic Calen- 

Poor Souls’ Friend 
St. Andrew's Magazine 
St. Peter’s Net 
Tyneside Catholic News 
Welsh Catholic Herald 

Romances & Light 


Aldine Cheerful Library 

Aldine Half - Holiday 

Bright Stories 

Budget Story Books 

Burgon’s Monthly Maga- 

Christian Herald Penny 
Duchess Novelette 
Empire Bouquet Novels 
Family Herald 
Family Herald Supple- 
Family Novelist 
Family Pocket Stories 
Family Reader 
Favorite Magazine 
Favorite Stories 
Fireside Novelist 
Golden Stories 
Halfpenny Marvel 
Handy Library 
Happy Hour Stories 
Heartsease Library 
Horner’s Penny Stories 
Horner’s Pocket Library 
Household Words 
Irish Emerald 
Lady’s Own Novelette 
London Journal 
London Reader 
Miniature Novels 
Monthly Mag. of Fiction 
My ae ue 
My Queen 
Popular Stories” 
Princess Novelette 


— — 

Romance | 

Select Stories | 

Sixpenny Magazine of 

Smart Novels 

Something to Read 

Sovereign Magazine of | 

Striking Stories 
Surprise | 
Thrilling Life Stories 
Russia— (245) | 
Anglo-Russia | 
Anglo-Russian Literary 
Society’s Proceedings ` | 
Anglo-Russian Trade | 
Bulletin | 
Saddiery Trade— 
(see also Leather 
Trade). (24 N 
Harness Dealers’ Sutbly | 

Saddlers’, Harness Mkers.’ 
& Carriage Bldrs.’ Gaz. 
Saddlery and Harness 

Sailors—(see Soldiers 
and Sailors). 

Salvationists— (247) | 
Ali the World 
Deliverer | 
Field Officer 
Local Officer 
Musical Salvationist 
aN — 
Young Soldier 

Sanitary and Social 


British Sanitarian 

Good Health | 


Herald of Health 

Journal of Hygiene 

Journal of the Sanitary | 
Institute of Great: 

Public Health | 

Publie Health Engineer 

Rational Journal 

Reports of the Sanitary 
Assurance Association 

Sanitary Journal 

Sanitary Record 

Sanitary Record Diary 

(see Humorous and 

Satirical Reviews— | 
Satirical). | 

(see Education). 

School Boards— | 
(249) | 
Annual Retarn of the | 

Managers for the School 

Board Teacher 

School Board for London 

School Government Chro- 


Willing’s Press ‘Guide. 

Sehool and College | 

Alleyn’s School Magazine | 
Ampleforth Journal 
Arvonian . 
Barrovian | 
Beaumont Review 
Blue Stocking | 
Boys’ School 


Brighton College | 
Christ’s College Magazine 
Church of England High 

School ! 
Cinque Port | 

Journa | 

City of London School 


Commercial Traveller 

Datchelor | 
Denstonian | 
Derbeian | 
Droghedean i 
eee University Jour- ` 

Fagle (Bedford) 

Eagle (Cambridge) 

Edward Alleyn Magazine 
Elstonian | 


Eton College Ohronicle 



Giggleswiok Chroniele 

Glenalmond Ohronicle 

Gordonian | 






Harrow Bill Book 

Harrow Blue Book 


Hurst Johnian 

Ipswich Modern 

Ipswich School Magazine 

King Edward’s 

King’s College Magazine 

King’s College Review 

King’s College School 

Kingswood Magazine 

Lancing College 



Leys Fortnightly 

London University 

Longman’s School 


Maidenhead Modern 


Maria Gray College Maga- 





Our Magazine 

Our News 

Our School Magazine 
Owens College 

Oxford High School 

Oxford Point of View 


Pelican Record | 

Pem (Cambridge) ' 

Pembroke House School 

Plymouth Corporation ' 
Grammar School Maga- | 
zine | 

Portmuthian | 

Radleian l 

Ratclifian | 

Reptonian l 

St. Augustine’s | 

St. Edward’s 

St. Leonard's 

St. Mark’s Coll. 

St. Stephen’s High School 




Stonyhurst Magazine 







University College Read- 
ing Official Gazette 

University College School 

University of Birming- 
ham Engineering 







Wycombe Abbey Gazette 


‘Sclence—(see also 


various | 
Sciences). | 



Science Siftings 

Scientific Roll 

Taylor’s Calendars &c. 

Transactions of the In- 
verness Scientific So- 
ciety and Field Club 

Transactions of the Royal 
Dublin Society 

Transactions of The Royal 
Society, Edinburgh 

Year Book of the Royal 

Year Bookof the Scientific 
and Learned Societies. 

Sclentific Reviews 

—(see Literary and 
Scientific Reviews). 

Scottish Congrega- 

(see Congregational). 

Scottish Episcopal 

Mission Chronicle of the 
Scottish Epispl. Church 

Scripture Readers 


British Flag 

Scripture Readers’ Jour- © 


Secular Almanac 

Seed Trade— 

(see Grain and Seed) 

Archives of the Röntgen | Sormona ne 

Ray | 

Catalogue of Modern 
Works of Science, &c. | 

Economic Proceedings of 
the Royal Dublin So- 

Journal of the City of 
London College Science 

hristian World Pulpit 
Church of England Pulpit 
Local Preachers’ Maga- 

Metropolitan Tabernacle 

Preachers’ Magazine 


Journal of the Oxfora'Sewing Machine 

Univ. Junior Scientific 


re Society Proceed- 


Proceedings of the Lin- 
nean Socie ety 

Proceedings of the Royal 
Trish Academy 

Proceedings of the Union 
of South-Eastern Scien- 
tific Societies 

Report and Transactions 
of the Devonshire Asso- 


ciation i 
Report of the British 
Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science 
Royal College of Science 
Science Abstracts 
Science Data and Diary 


Busy Bee 

Journal of Domestig Ap- 


(see Engineering). 

Shipping — (see also 

Commercial). (257) 

Admiralty List of Lights 

Bailey’s Tables of Dis- 
tances from Port to 

British Code List 

Cardiff, Swansea, and 
Newport Shipping Ga- 

Charts, Plans, and Sailing 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 


Classification. ] 

Clyde Bill of Entry 

Customs Dublin Bill of 

Daily Freight Register 

Daily Shipping Register 


General Weekly Shipping 


Greenwood's Liverpool 
Conveyance List 

Handy Shipping Guide 

Hartlepools Daily Ship- 
ping List 

International Code of 

Kellock’s List of Steam- 
ships and 
Vessels for Sale 

Liverpool Journal 

Lloyd’s Calendar 

Lloyd's Register 

Lloyd's Weekly Shipping ; 





Willing’s Press Gui Guide. 

Shorthand World 
Shorthand Writer 
Typist’s Review 
Writing Machine News 

Silk Trade— 

(see Tertile Manu- 

Silversmith Trade 

(see Jewellery Trade). 

Slate Trade— 
(see Building). 

‘Slavery, Abolition: 

Anti-Slavery Reporter 

London Customs Bill of: ‘Social Science— 


Merchant Service Review | 

Nantical Almanac 

Ryland’s List of Mer- 
chant Exporters 

Shipping Gazette Morn- 
ing Summa 


Shipping and Mercantile 

Shipping World 


Sunderland Daily Echo 

Sunderland Daily Ship- 
ping News 

Syren and Shipping 

Tees Shipping List 

Tide and Speed Tables 

Trade and Navigation 

Turnbull's Shipping | 
Weekly List of Cotton, 
Ships at Sea and 

Weekly Register (Glas- 

Shoe Trade — (see 
Boot d Shoe Trade), | 

(see Sporting). 

Shorthand & Type- 
writing— (258) 
Imperial Phonographic 
Society’s Quarterly 

Oxford Shorthand Chro- 


Phonographic Monthly 

Phonographic Record of 
Clinical Teaching 

Pitman’s Phonetic Jrnl. 

Pitman’s Shorthand and 
Typewriting Year-Book 
and Diary 

Pitman’s Shorthand 

Reporters’ Journal 

Reporters’ Magazine 

Script Phonographic Jml, 

Shorthand Teacher 


ry | 
Shipping Gazette Weekly | 







(see Sanitary). 

Dawn (Warrington) 
Free Russia 



Socialist Monthly 





Soldiers & Sailors, 
Literature for— 

British Flag 

Chart and Compass 
Globe & Laurel 
Household Brigade Maga- 


Miss Weston's Ashore 
and. A float 


Toilers of the Deep 

Word on the Waters 

(see Legal). 

:Spanish, printed in 
— (264) 

Ingeniero Español y 

Gaceta Sud Americana 

‚Spirit Trade — (see 

Wine and Spirit 



Directory of Occult Prac- 


Lyc ceum Banner 

Psycho - Tuernapeutic 

Spiritual Quarterly Maga- 

Two Worlds 

Society Journals— 

Acock's Green, &c., Jour- 

Birmingham and Mose- 

ley Society Journal 
and Dart 
Clifton Society 
Eastbourne Pictorial 

Figaro and Irish (ientle-' 

Hearth and Home 
Trish Society 
Trish Truth 
Kingstown Society 
Ladies’ Field 
Lady’s Pictorial 
Lady’s World 
Modern Society 
Vanity Fair 
Whitehall Review 


| Society of Friends’ 

— (262) 

Annual Monitor 

British Friend 


Friends’ Quarterly Exa- 

Pictorial ' 



‘Sporting — (see also 
Athletics, Cricket, 
Cycling, Fishing). 

Badminton Diary 

Badminton Fixtures Card 

Badminton Magazine 

Bailey's Sporting Diary 

Baily’s Hunting Directory 

Baily’s Magazine of 

Bristol Athletic News 

Chilton’s Guide 

Country Life Illustrated 

Country Sport 

County Gentleman 

Coursing Calendar 

Daily Sport 

Diamond Racing Special 


Fores’s Sporting Notes 

Form at a Glance 

Gale's Almanac 

Gale’s Special 

Game Gazette 

Game Rearers Annual 


Golf Iustrated 


Golfers’ Guide 

Golfer's Handbook 


Golfing Annual 

Grimsby Sporting Echo 

Henley Royal Regatta 
Official Programme 

Hockey Field 

Horse and Hound 

Illustrated Sporting and 
Dramatic News 

Trish Field 

Irish Golfer 


Ladies’ Golf Union Off- 
cial Year Book 

Land and Water 

Lawn Tennis & Croquet 

Leicester Sporting News 

Lock to Lock Times 

Lunar Month 

Lunar Month Annual 

F ry 
M‘Call’s Racing Chronicle 

MCall’s Turf Register 

Mentor’s Middleham 

Midland Referee 

Midland Sporting Gazette 

Midland Sporting News 

Mirror of Life 


Potteries Sporting Newa 


Racehorse Form 

Racing Analysis 

Racing Calendar 

Racing Gazette 

Racing Handbook 

Racing Pigeon 

Racing Record 


Racing World 




Rowing Almanac 

Royal Thames Guide 

Ruff’s Guide to the Turf 

Salter’s Guide to the 
River Thames 

Scottish Referee 

Sheffield Sporting News 

Shooting Times 


Sport and Play 

Sporting Chronicle 

Sporting Chronicle 

Sporting Chronicle 
Weekly Handicap Book 

Sporting Goods Review 

Sporting Life 

Sporting Life Companion 

Sporting Life Racing 

Sporting Luck 

Sporting Sketches 

Sporting Star 

Sporting Times 

Sporting World 

Sports Argus 

Sports Express 

Sports Telegraph 

Sports Trades’ Journal 



Sportsman’s Tourist's 

Sunday Chronicle 

Table Tennis Association 
Official Handbook 


Trainer’s Review 

Training Special 

Trotting World 

Turf Gazette 



Stamp Collectors— 

British Stamp Directory 

Brown’s Advertiser 

Weekly Stamp 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

—— — 

Herdman’s Collector's 

London Philatelist 

Morley’s Philatelic Jrul. 

Philatelic Almanac 

Philatelic Chronicle 

Philatelic Journal 
Great Britain 

Philatelic Record and 
Stamp News 

Philatelist’s Almanac 

Picture Postcard 

Smyth’s Philatelic Cir- 

Stamp Dealers of Great 

Stanley Gibbons’ Monthly 


Statistics —(268) 
Journal of the Royal 
Statistical Society 
Journal of the Statistical 
and Social Inquiry 
Society of Ireland 
Transactious of the Man- 
chester Stutistical 

Stationery Trade— 
(see also Paper 
Trade, Printing 
Trade). (269) 
Stationer | 
Stationers’ and Printers’ 

Stationery Trades Journal 
Stationery World, &c. 


(see Shorthand). 

Stocks—(see Finance| Tanning— 

and Investment). 

Sugar Trade— 
(see Grocery Trade) 

Sunday Recrea- 
Sunday Suciety Reports 

Sunday Schools— . Temperance — (see 

(see also Juvenile). | 


Church of Ireland S.S. 

Dawn of Day 

Early Days | 

Leicester S.S.U. Journal | 

Methodist Sunday School 
Record | 

One und All 

Scottish National Sub- 

_ bath School Magazine 


Sunday School Journal 

Sunday Stories 

Sunday School: 
Teachers—(272) | 
An anced Lessons Leaf- , 


Eudesvour | 
Imes ; 

Telegraphy — (see 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Church of Ireland s.s. l 

Church of Scotland 
Sabbath School | 

Church Sunday School 
Illustrator | 
Notes for Teachers 
Notes on the Scripture, 
Lessons | 
Pocket Lesson Book 
Scripture Lessons for Ele- | 
mentary Classes 
Sunday School Chronicle 
Sunday School Teacher |; 
Sunday School Teacher's 
Class Register 
Sunday Schoo] Teachers’ , 
Pocket Book 
Sunday School Times 
Sunday School Workers’ 
Magazine | 
Teucher’s Pocket Book | 
Wesleyan Methodist Sun- ' 
day School Magazine ; 

Teachers’ Magazine | 



Journal of the Amal- 
gumated Society of 
Tailors l 

London Art Fashions 
Journal ' 

London Tailor i 

Master Tailor and | 
Cutter’s Gazette | 

Men’s Wear 

Minister’sGaz.of Fashion 


Tailor and Cutter 

Tailoring World 

West-End Gazette of: 
Gentlemen’s Fashions 


(see Leather Trade). 

Tea Trade— 

(see Grocery Trade). 
Electrical Science). 

also Good Templary). 
Abstuiner (Cardiff) 
Alliance News 
Annual Report of the; 
British Temperance 


Band of Hope Almanac 
Band of Hope Chronicle 
Baud of Hope Review 
Baud of Hope Treasury 
Banner of Hope 
Bible Temperance Educa- ' 

tor | 
Bond of Union | 


British Temp. Advocate 

British Workman 

Cadet’s Owu 


Christian Iufiueute 

Christian Temperauce 

| Textile 

Churth Friendly 
Ourious Notions 
Danielite Star 

Echoes of Erin 

Every Band of Hope Boy’s 
Reciter | 

Graham’s Temperance | 

Great Western Railway 

Hand and Heart 

Illustrated Temperance 

Trish Temperance League 

Juvenile Rechabite 
London Alliance Review - 
London Crusader 
London Temperance En. | 
tertainer | 



London Temperance 

Methodist Temperance 
Magazine | 
Miss Weston’s Ashore! 
and Aflout 
National Temperance 

National Temp. Mirror 

Northampton Good Tem- 

On the Line 

On the March 


Onward Reciter | 

Post Office Temperance | 

Prize Reciter | 

Rechabite & Temperance: 

Rechabite Directory 

Scarborough Temperance | 

Scottish Reformer | 

Scottisı Women’s Tem- 
perance News | 


Son of Temperance 

Sunday Closing Reporter 

Temperance Bells 

Temperance Caterer 

Temperance Chronicle 

Temperance Leader 

Temperance Monthly. 
Visitor | 

Temperauce Record | 

Temperance Worker i 

Tyst Dirwestol : 

Visitor ; 

Western Teinp. Herald | 


League's Annual 



White Ribbon 

Wideawake ‘Temperance 


Wolverhampton Monthly | 
Temperance Diary 

Young Abstainer 

Young Standard Bearer 


Manufac- | 
ture—(275) | 
Batley and Heavy Wool- 

len District Free Press 
British Warebouseman 
Cotton Factory Times | 
Cotton Gazette | 
Credit Drapers’ Gazette |! 
Draper | 
Draper’s Diary 
Drapers’ Record | 
Drapery,Silk and Woollen 

Trades Journal 
Gorst's Monthly Cotton 



Hosiery Trades Journal 

Irish Draper 

Irish Textile Journal 

Journal ef the Bradfcrd 
Textile Society 

Linen Market 

Oldham Operative Cotton 
Spinners’, &c., Monthly 

a a 

Textile Fabrics Directory 

Textile Journal 

Textile Manufacturer 

Textile Mercury 

Textile Recorder 

Weekly Record of the 
Textile Trades Assu- 

‚Woodhead’s Directory 

Woods’ Cotton & Woollen 
Textile Diary 

Worrall’s Textile Direc- 
tory of the Manufactur- 
ing Districts of Lreland, 
Scotland, Wales, &c. 

Yorkshire Textile Direc- 


(see also Music and 

Musical, Sporting). 


Bibby & Co.’s Shouwmuan’s 
Pocket Diary 

Crisp Bits 

Dicks’ Penny Standard 



Entr’acte Annual 


Ere Almanack 


Hull and East Riding 

Illustrated Sporting aud 
Dramatic News 

International Theatre 

Kirkley’s Theatrical 
Apartments Directory 

London Theatre, Concert, 
&c., Guide 



Play Pictorial 






Stage Souvenier 


Topical Times 

and Dramatic 


(see also Reviews). 

Christian’s Library 

Critical Review of Theo- 
logical &c. 

Journal of Theological 


International Theoso- 

Lotus Journal 
Open Court 
Theosophical Chronic!e 
Theosophical Review 

—“ E ———z — 

Advertisements received for all Trade Newspapers. 


Classification. ] 
Timber Trade— 
(see Building). under 
Tithe Commuta- 

Taylor's Tithe Commu- 
tation Table 

Willich’s Tithe Commu- 
tation Tables (Supp.) 

Beacon Light 

Cigarette World and 
Tobacco News 
Danielite Star 

Tobacco Trade Sheet 

Tobacco Year- Book 
Tobacco Weekly Journal 

Tobacco Trade— 
Cigar and Tobacco World 
Cigar and Tobacco World 


Directory of the Tobacco 

Irish Tobacco 

Tobacco Trade Review 
Tonic Sol-Fa— 
(see Music). 
Tourist Arrange- 


A BC Bonnie Scotland's | 
"| Trade Societies— 

Abroad (Liverpool) 
Agard’s International 
Hotel Guide 



Bacon’s Illustrated Lon- 

don Guide 
Bradshaw’s Continental 


Willing’s Press Guide.. 

the various 

Birmingham, &c., Com- 
mercial List 

ypography— | 
4 Printing Trade). 

Trade Organs-(see Type- -founding and Vegetarian— 

(see Food). 

‚Veterinary Science 

Trade Protection— Undertakers—(286) | 

Undertakers’ Journal 

Bristol, &c., Commercial Unitarian—(287) 

Commercial Compendium | 
Keinp’s Liverpool 
Kemp’s Mercantile | 
Kent Mercantile Gazette 
Legal Circular 

Leicester, &c., Commer- 
cial List 


London Commercial List 

Manchester Commercial 

Manchester Guardian | 
Society’s Gazette | 

Mercantile Test 

Mutua Confidentia 

National Association Re- , 
view ` 

Newcastle, &c., Commer- | 
cial List 

Perry’s Gazette 

Scottish Commercial List | 

Scottish Gazette 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette | 

Trade Protection Journal 

Tradesman’s Circular ! 

Yorkshire Commercial Ih: 
List | 


(see Labour Ques- 


Tramway and Railway 


Ohristian Life 

Essex Hall Pocket 

Essex Hall Year-Book 

Unitarian Bible Magazine 

Unitarian World 

Christian Freeman | 

United Brethren— 

(see Moravian). | 

United Methodists 

—(see Methodist). 

— (288) 
Union Magazine 


(see also Culendars, 
School Magazines). | 
Academic Gazette 
Birmingham University | 
Cambridge Review 
Durham University | 
Examination Papers | 
Oxford Magazine 
Oxford Point of View 
Oxford Review 

Railway Guide 
Bradshaw’s Overland | 
Guide to and from | 
go and Irish Hand- 

Caledonian Railway Bud- 
Christian Tourist 
Cook’s Excursionist 
Country and Seaside: 
Holidays ' 
Graphic Guide to Edin- 

Graphic Guideto Glasgow | 


London, Seaside, and 

Mediterranean | 

Pocket Diary and Guide | 
to tlıe Isle of Man, &c. | 

Pyrenean ! 

Royal Route to the High- : 

Salters Guide to the 
River Thames 



Tours in Galloway 


Trade Marks— 
(see Inventions). 


Tramway News 


| 3 
‘Travellers’ Gu ides una + ar un) 
— (285) Varsity 
Alden’s Oxford Guide | 
America Abroad i 
British and Foreign. 
Guides > niversity Exten- | 

Tricycling— | 

Oxford University AL 

Oxford University Pocket | 

University College Gaz. | 

University Correspondent ° 

University of Birming- : 
ham Magazine 

World | 

(see Geography). 

sion— (290) 

Continental Traveller 
Oxford University Gazette | 

Cook’s Guide to Paris 

Cook’s Handbook for 

Cook’s Indian Guide 

Falmouth and Its Sur-: 

University Extension | 
| Journal | 

:Uphoistery. Trade 

Hotels of Europe, &c. — (see Furniture 

London American | Trade) 

London (Fry’s) 

London and Fashionable | 
Resorts ‘ Vaccination—( (291) | 

Modern Brighton 
Roads of England and 
© Wales 

Vaccination Inquirer 

i ‘Varnish Trade—(see | 
Oil and Fe 

(see C ycling). 

ee: > 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London: 

Mackey's Veterinary 
Diary and Almanac 
Register of Veterinary 

Veterinary Journal 
Veterinary Record 

Volunteer Service— 

(see also Military 

Service). (293) 

Bisley Programme 

Bull’s Eye 

First Vol. Batt. Hants 
Regt. Gazette 

L.R.B. Record 

London Scottish Regi- 
mental Gazette 

Military Mail and Volun- 
teer Review 



Volunteer Service Gaz. 

Horological Journal 

|Water Supply— 

(see Gas and Water). 

University Weather Observa- 

tion—(see Meteor- 


‘Welsh, printed In— 


Baner ac Amserau Cymru 

Cenad Hedd 

Cronicl Cenadol 
Cwrs y Byd 

Cyfaill Eglwysig 

Cymru’r Plant 


Dysgedydd y Plant 
Eco Oymraeg 
Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd 
Genedl Gymreig 





Herald Cymraeg 
Lladmerydd . 
Llan a'r Dynysogaeth 


Papur Pawb 
‘Pulpud Cymru 

Seren Cymru 
Seren Gomer 
Seren yr Yagol 
Tarian y Gweithiwr 
Trysorfa y Plant 

Tywysydd y Plant 
Udgorn Rhyddid 


Wythnos a’r Eryr 

Advance ! | 
Annual Report of Wes- 
leyan Methodist Mis- | 
sionary Society i 
At Home and Abroad | 
Chancery Lane Wesleyan | 


Monthly Visitor * 
Christian Words 
Early Days 
Guild i 
Into oe Highways and 


Local Preachers’ Maga- ' 

London Quarterly Review 

Manx Wesleyan Church- 

Methodist and General 
Desk Diary 

Our Boys and Girls | 

Wesleyan Methodist 
Church Record 

Wesleyan Methodist Ka- 

Wesleyan Methodist Mag. | 

Wesleyan Methodist 
Pocket Book 

Wesleyan Methodist Suu- | 
day School Magazine 

Wesleyan Missionary | 

West Indies — 
(see Colonies and’ 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


White Cross 

Trade — (see also. 
Licensed Victuallers). 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit 
Handbook | 

Ridley’s Wine and Spirit ; 
Trade Circular 

Whisky and Allied Trades | 

Wine and Spirit Gazette | 

Wine and Spirit Journal | 

Wine and Spirit Manual | 

Wine and Spirit Trade 
Diary and Agency List | 

Wine and Spirit Trades Working 


Wine and Spirit Trades 

Wine Trade Review 

ment of—(299) | 
Annual Report of the: 
Association for Pro-, 
moting the Education | 
of Women in Oxford 
Calendar of Bedford Col- 
lege for Women 
Calendar of the Associa- 
tion for Promoting the 
Education of Women in 
Cheltenham Ladies’ Col- 
lege Magazine 

s Review | | 
India’s Women iYachting—(sce also 

Quarterly Leaflet of the) 
Woman's National : 
Liberal Association i 

Woman’s Agricultural 
Woman’s Trade Union: 

Woman’ sIndustrial News | 

and Spirit ‘Working Classes, ; 


"White Cross League Woollen Trade_{see' 

Textile. Manufac-' 
ture). | 

Reading for—(see 
also Labour Ques- | 
tion). (800) 
British Workman | 
British Workwoman 
Cottager ahd Artisan | 

Herald of Mercy 
Pearl of Days | 
People’s Friend 

Rural World 


Girls, | 
Reading for—(301) ' 
Friendly Leaves 
Girls’ Friendly Society. 
Associates Journal 
Home Friend | 

Ashford Institute: 
Monthly Journal 

Workmen’s Clubs— ` 

Bermondsey Settlement ` 

Club and Institute Jrnl. 
Club Life 
Faversham Institute 

Workmen’s Messenger 

Sporting). (303) 
Hunt’s Univ. Yacht List 
Lloyd’s Yacht Register 

Yacht Racing Associa- 
tion Rules 
Yacht Racing in the 

Solent Almanack 
Yachting Guide 



Yachting World 

' Year-Books—(304) 

Borough of Cambridge 
Clegg’s Oldham Annual 
Daily Mail Year-Book 
Derry, &c., Year-Book 
Essex County Annual 
Furness Year Book 
Hampstead Year-Book 
Holbrook’s County Year- 
Ilforıl Year-Book 
Beighiey Boroügh Year- 

Luton and District Year- 

Maidenhead Annual 
Sunderland Ycar-Book 

‚Young Men's Chris- 

tian Associations 
— (805) 
Association News 
Forward ! 
Liverpool Y.M.C.A. Mth, 
Young Man 
Y.M.C.A. Bee-Hive 
Y.M.C.A. Times 

Christian Asso- 

Go Forward 

Our Own Gazette 

Zoology — (see also 



Novitates Zoologie 

Proceedings of the Zoo- 
logical Society of 

Zoological Record 



Possessions). © Women’s Suffrage Record 

The World, as its title announces, is a “Journal for Men and 
Women’ generally. But it is especially addressed to men and women of 
the higher, wealthier, and more leisured classes. It is to be found in 
every Club, London Drawing-room, and Boudoir; it is the favourite 
paper of Visitors to Pleasure Resorts and Watering Places, both at home 
and abroad; and there is no country house of any consequence throughout 
the Kingdom in which its weekly advent is not welcomed and appreciated 
by Hosts and Guests alike. 


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226) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — —— — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — 


(Including Magazines, Periodicals, Directories, &c. ) 

For particulars as to Publisher, ‚Price, &c., see aial List, page 1. 

When no date of establishment is given it will be found on reference to the Alphabetical List that 
the title is that of a localised edition of another paper, or an exact reprint with a changed heading. 

An Asterisk (*) signifies that the newspaper is attached to the Newspaper Society. 
The references are to the pages in which the Publishers’ Announcements will be found. 

AB ori Sauren & Chapel Directory, 

A B Cc. Guide to British Manufac- 
turing Exporters, 1897... ... * 

ABC Guide to Practice, 1903 

ABC Hotel Guide, 1886 ... .. 

ABC Railway Guide, 1853 

Aborigines’ Friend, 1887 

"Academic Gazette, 1880 

Academy, 1869 ... .. 

Academy Architecture, 1889 

Academy Notes, 1875 ... ... 

Acceptable Words, 1891 

Account of the Income and Expen- 
diture of theBritish Museum, 1852 

Accountant, 1874 

Accountants’ Journal, 1883 ° 

Accountants’ Magazine, 1897 . 

Accountants’ Manual, 1884 

Accountants’ Notes, 1901 . 

Acetylene, 1903.. 

Acton Express, 1896 

Acton Gazette, 1868 ... ... 

Admiralty List of Lights .. 

Advance, 1889 ... 

Advanced Lesson Leaflets, 1881 

Advertiser iPaddington), 1888.. 

Advertiser for Battersea, 1901 

Advertiser for Marylebone, 1895 ... 

Advertisers’ A B C Standard 
Advertisement Press Directory, 1886 

Advertisers’ Guardian, 1885 

Advertiser's Review, 1899 . 

Advertising World, 1901 

Aeronautical Journal, 1897 

African Commerce, 1900 

African Journal of Commerce, 1909 

African Review, 1892 

African Tidings, 1889 

African Times, 1860 

African World, 1902 

Agents’ Journai. 1885 ... 

Agnostic Annual, 1884 ... —— 
Agnostic Journal, 1877... .. * 
Agricultural Annual, xc.. 1893 .. 
Agricultural Chronicle, 1901 ... 
Agricultural Chronicle eye 1901 
Agricultural Economist, 1870 . 
Agricultural Gazette, 1844.. 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan oan 

SEES qe ee ye — 

Agricultural Handbook, 1900 ... 
Agricultural World, 1893... ... 
Albania, 1908 _.. 
Aldersgate Primitive. Methodist 
Magazine, 1820 ... 
Aldine Cheerful Library, 1896 1... 
Aldine Half-Holiday Library, 1898 . 
Aldine Newsagents’ Trade Journal, 
1897: 2: -.: 
Alexandra Palace Magazine, 1902... 
All Nations, 1900 ; aha 
All the World, 1884 . * 
Alleyn’s School Magazine... 
Alleynian, 1872 ... .. 
Ally Sloper’ s Half Holiday, 1 1884 
Alpine Journal, 1863 — 
Amateur Gardening, 1884 . 
Amateur Photo are 1884 . 
America Abroad, 1891 ... — 
American & Colonial Weekly, 1902... 
American Historical Revers 1895 .. 
American Machinist, 1877 . 
American Quarterly, 1893... . 
American Railways Traffic Book, 
Analysis of the Accounts. of the 
Principal Gas Undertakings of Eng- 
land, Scotland, and Ireland, 1869 
Analyst, 1876 * 
Ancestor, 1902 ... 
Anerley, &c., Directory, 1886 
| Angler’s Diary, 1862... 
Angler's News & Sea “Fisher's 
Journal, 1900 ... ... see, tees he 
Anglo- African Argus, 1900 ... 
Anglo-American and Canadian 
Journal, 1903 . = 
Anglo- Catholic Kalendar, 1898... .. 
Anglo-Colorado Mining and Mill- 
| ing Guide, 1898... 
| Anglo-Continental and Colonial 
| Hotel Guide, 1908... ... zu eo. 
Anglo-Indian Review, 1903 . 
, Anglo-Israel’s Almanac and Diary, 
i 1880 . sws 
: Anglo- Japanese Gazette, 1902... 
| Anglo-Jewish Association Annual 
Report, 1872 ... co ce oe oe 
| Anglo-Russian, 1897.. 

Anglo-Russian Literary PORIS 
Proceedings, 1898 ... ... 

Anglo-Russian Trade Review, 1908 

Animal Life, 1902 ai ae 

Animal Pictures, 1901 ... 

Animal Stories, 1897 

Animal World, 1869.. 

Animals’ Friend, 1894 ... 

Animals’ Friend ‘Almanac, 1870 

Animals’ Guardian, 1899 

Annals and Magazine a Natural 
History, 1837... ... we 

Annals of Botany, 1887.. — 

Annals of Mathematics, 1901 

Annals of Surgery, 1885 : 

Annals of the Propagation of the 
Faith, 1839... 

Annals of the Society ‘of ‘Holy 
Childhood, 1854... 

Annual Charities Register “and 
Digest, 1884 ... .. 

Annual Gircular of the Corps of 
Commissionaires, 1859... .. 

Annual County Courts Practice, 
1889 . * 

Annual Digest, 1871... 

Annual Insurance Digest, 1886... ... 

Annual of the British School of 
Athens,1896 ... ... ... * 

Annual Practice, 1881 ... 

Annual Register, 1758 ... 

Annual Report of the Aborigines’ 
Protection Society, 1837 .. 

Annual Report of the Asylums’ 
Committee, 1890 ... 

Annual Report ofthe Baptist Mis- 
sionary Society, 1792 ... 

Annual Report of the British and 
Foreign Bible Society, 1804... ... 
Annual Report of the "British 

Temperance League, 1835 ... 

Annual Report of the Children’s 

Special Service Mission, 1868 . 

Annual Report of the Finsbury 
Public Libraries Committee, 1885 

Annual Report ofthe London Mis- 
sionary Society, 1795 ... .. 

Annual Report of the ‘London 
Topographical Society, 1900 __... 

Annual Report of the National 
Society for the P.C.C., 1884 — 

Annual Report of the National 
Union of Teachers, 1870 _... 

Annual Report of the Navy Em: 
ployment Agency, 1896... ... 

Annual Report of the Proceedings 
of the L.C.C., 1839... ... 

Annual Report of the Registrar- 
General of Births, Deaths, and 
Marriages in England, 1839 

Annual Report of the Registrar- 
General on the Births, Deaths, und 
Marriages registered in Scotland, 1856 

Annual Report of the Royal Col- 
lege of Organists, 1864... .. 

Annual Report of the Society for 
Liberation of Religion from State 
Patronage and Control, 1844 .. 

Annual Report of the Society for 
Promoting Popoymens of Women, 
1859 . 

Annua! Report ‘of the Society for 
Proper ace of the Gospel; 1701... 24 


— — — — e. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

ae a a —— 

Annual Report of the Society for 
the Protection of Birds, 1891 ... .. 
Annual Report of the S.P.C.K., 1698 
Annual Report of the Wesleyan 
Methodist Missionary Society, 1818 . 
Annual Return of the Managers 
for the School Board for London, 1903 
Annual Statutes, 1866 . 
AnnualSummary of Births, Deaths, 
and Causes of Death in London, &c., 
1842 . bass eee. gue. Gee iea, dass) Rew 
Answers, 1888... — 
Anti- -Cutting Record, 1895 . 
Anti-Dull, 1893 ... .. — 
Anti- -Slavery Reporter, 1827 .. .. 
Antiquary, 1880... ... — 
Apollo’s Magazine, 1903... 
Appeal, 1848... ... tea gas 
Appointment Register, 1894 — 
Arbitrator, 1871 _... ate 
Archzologia Cambrensis, 1846 
Archeological Oural 1834 
Archer's en 1865... .. .. 

' Architect, 1869 . 

Architect's & Builder's Diary, 
1873 .. ccs —F 

Architects’ Compendium, 1886 srs 

Architects’ Magazine, 1900 

Architects’, Surveyor’s, &c., 
and Almanac, 1905 — 

Architectural Association Brown 
Book, 1859 .. 

Architectural Association Notes, 
1885 . 

Architectural Association ‚Sketch 
Book, 1867 _... * 

Architectural Review, 1896... 

Archives of me _Rontgen Ray, 
1896 . se —— 

Arena, 1888 . see 

Argus Guide to Municipal. London, 
1898... .. 


"Arms and Explosives, 1892 a a. 
' Army and Navy Gazette, 1860... ... 
Army and Navy Messenger, 1898 ... 

Army & Navy Omnium atherum, 

1900 ... 

| Army Diary and Pocket Book, "1001 

: Army List Official SUSI 1880.. 
| Army Orders, 1865 ... ... * 
Ant, 1903.. 

Art. Annual, 1884 au 
Art Decorator, 1887 

Art Examination Papers = 


Art Journal, 1889 ... i 
Art Sales of the Year, 1901 ets 
Art Workers’ Quarterly, 1901 . 
Artists’ Almanac, 1876.. * oe 
Aspinall’s Maritime Cases, 1861 _... 
Aspirant, 1885 ... ... wake we, See 
Association News, 1884 — 
Associator, 1899 aa 
Assyrian Mission Quarterly Paper, 
1894 . * 
At Home and Abroad, 1844. 
Athenzum, 1828 _... * 
Atlantic Courier, 1903 . 
Atlantic Monthly, 1857... .. 
Auctioneers’ Institute Year- Book 
and Diary, 1892 ... sse ieis 
Australian Handbook, 1869- * 
Australian Trading World, - 1886 
Author, 1890 * 



J. Willing, Junr. „ Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Newspapers. ] 

Autocar, 1895 .. 

Automobile Bon Marohé, 1908... .. 

Automobile Carriage Builders 
Journal, 1902... * 

Automobile Club Journal, "1900 

Automobilists’ Guide, 1908 

Automotor Directory, 1903 

Automotor Journal, 1893 ... 

Automotor Pocket Book, 1897.. 

Avicultural MAGAZINE n eee Se. Bas 

Awake, 1891.. bs Bim <a 

Baby, 1887 ...  «.. 

Baby’s Pictorial, 1902... zè 

Babylonian and Oriental Record, 
1887 ... son ea 

Bacchus, 1903 Ber 

Bacon's illustrated ‘London Guide, 
1902 . Su, ae ees 

Baconiana, 1886 — ses 

Badmintr" Diary, 1898.. 

Badminton Fixtures Card, “1900 

Radminton Magazine, 1395 

1). wley’s Sporting Diary, [03 

Baily s Hunting irectory, 1897 ... 

Bailys Magazine of Sporte ang 
Pastimes, 1860 ... 

Baker & Confectioner, 1892, 

Bakers’ Record, 1864° ; 

Bakers’ Times, 1887 

Balham ang Tooting Weekly Post, 

19W ... . 

Balham, ‘Tooting, and Earlsfield 
Mail, 1903 = 

Balham, Tooting, 

and Merton 
Directory, 1589 — een 
Bal! Room, 1884... ... 
Band of Hope Almanac, 1860 
Band of Hope Chronicle, 1377 . 
Band of Hope Review, 1851 
Band of Mercy, 1379 _... 
Band of Mercy Almanac, 1879.. 
Bandmasters Help, 1901 
Banjo World, 189 ... . 
Bankers’, Insurance | 
and Agents’ Magazine, 
Bankers’ Journai, 1889.. 
Banking Almanac, 1340 ; 
Banking Insurance Investment, 1898 
Banner of Faith, 1382 ... ar Sr 
Banner of Israel, 1877 ... 
Banner of Truth and Irish Mis- 
sicnary News, 1851 — 
Baptist, 1873 = 
Baptist Almanacand Directory, 1851 
Baptist Handbook, 1360 
Baptist Herald, 1599 
Baptist Magazine, 1809 
Baptist Monthly, 1898 . 
Baptist Times, 1355 
Baptist Visitor, 1881 ... 
Bar and Legal "World, 1903 
Carnet, &c., Directory, 1886 
Bass Drum, 1905... 0. 
Battersea Advertiser, 1877 — 
Battensea & Cla pen Mercury, 1901 
Battersea and South Pape) 

1844 è 

Directory, 1886 ... 
Battersea Chronicle, 1903 . —— 
*Bazaar, Exchange and | Mart, 1868 433 
B.C. Review, 1897 wae 
Beacon Fire, 1898 ... 
Beckenham Directory s83 
Bedfordshire Directory; 1813 ... 

Advertisemenis receir. red for wll the Metropolitan Newspäners: 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

444 | 

— — — — 

—— Record, 1888 . 
Beerbohm’s Evening Corn Trade 
List, 1870 
Beerbohm’s Evening Corn Trade 
List, 1870 (Weekly Edition) _.. 
Beerbohm’s Morning Shipping Liat, 
1869 20 00 a 
Bees, 1902 ... i 
Bell News, 1881.. 
Beitaine, 1899 Ber 
Benefice Exchange Gazette, 1864... 
Benjamin's Penny Recitations, 1898 
Berkshire, &c., Directory, 1848 ... 
Bermondsey Settlement MARAZING; 
1894... ... ae 
Besson’s Brass Band Budget .. ae 
Bethnal Green News, 1894 .. ... 
Bible Acrostic Searching Almanac, 
1892 . 
Bible Christian Magazine, 1778... 
Bible Class Journal, 1895 ... ... 
Bible Notes, 1898... * 
Bible Readers’ Almanac, 1899. — 
Bible Readings... ... ; 
Bible Searching. Almanac.. 


' Bible Society Gleanings, ie’ i 

— — — — — — Bus 

Bible Text Calendar, 1873... ... 
Bible Treasury, 1856 ... 
Bible Women and Nurses, 1865 
Big Budget, 1897... ... ... 
Bill Poster, 1887 _... 
Bill Poster’s Directory, : 1888 
Bill Posting, 1903 _... 
Billiard Annual, 1902 
Billiard Player, 1903 
Billiards, 1902 
Biometrika, 1901 ... — 
Bird Notes and News, 1903.. ae 
Birkbeck Almanac, 1879... 
Birmingham, &c, Commercial ‘List, 
1866 . 
Birmingham & Suburbs Directory, 
B52 sess ve 
Birmingham, Staffordshire, &c. ag 
Directory, 18238  ... 
*Black and White, 1891.. ‘es 
Black and White Budget, 1900... .. 
Blackheath, &c., Directory, 1832... 
Blackheath Local Guide, 1889... .. 
Blackie’s County Directory, 1885 .. 
Blackie’s Court Guide, 1885 
Blackwood's Diaries ... .. 
B.M.G.. 1903.. * 
Board of Trade Journal, 1886... 
Board Teacher, 1883 
Bond of Unjon, 1883... 
Bondholders’ Register, 1872... 
Book & News Trades Gazette, 1893 
Book Bits & Paper Particles, 1901 
Book Gazette and TOTER, 1894 ... 
Book Lover, 1898 s% was 
Book Monthly, 1908 ... — 
Book of Book Plates, 1900 — 
Book of Ireland, 1899 ... uee sa 
Book Trade, 1901 
Bookman, 1891 . i 
Book-Prices Current, 1887.. 
Books for the Bairns, 1896 — 
Books of To- cay ane Books o of f To- 
morrow, 1894 . 
Bookseller, 1802.. es 
Boosey’s Brass Band Journal, 1869 
BUBOY s Drumand Fife Journal, 1595 


— — e eee — 

Q 2 

_ Willing’s Press Guide. 

Boosey’s March Journal, 1892 

Boosey’s Military Journal, 1845 

Boosey’s Orchestral Journal, 1898 

Boot & Shoe Trades Journal, 1869 

Bo-peep, 1882 

Borough of Ham pstead Year- Book, 

Barcuen of West Ham ‘and Strat. 
ford Express, 1854... ... ... 

Boudoir, 1908 

Bournemouth Directory, 1897... ... 

Bourne’s Guides (Insurance), 1878 

Bourne’s Handy Assurance Direc- 

tory, 1886.. 
Bourne's Handy Assurance Manual, 
Boyds’ “Commercial “Guide for 

China, 1899 _... — 
Boyle’s Court Guide, 1799... 
Boy’s Friend, 1895 ... es 
Boy’s Herald, 1908 ... 

Boy's Leader, 1903 . 

Boy’s Mail Bag, 1892... 
Boys of Our Empire, 1900 . 
Boys of the Empire, 1901 
Boys’ Own Annual, 1880 
Boys’ Own Paper, 1879.. 
Boy's Realm, 1902 ... 

Boys’ School Journal (Plumstead), 

1884 . PP 
Bradford, &c., Directory, 1900 .. 
Bradshaw's Continental Railway 

Guide, 1847 .. 

Bradshaw's Dictionary ‘of ‘Bathing 

Places, 1882 ... 

Bradshaw’s General Railway and 

Steam Navigation Guide, 1837 . 

3radshaw’s Manchester A. B.C. 
Guide, 1861 ... .. 
Bradshaw’s Railway “Manual, 

Shareholders’ Guide and Directory, 
1863 . * 
Braille Magazine, 1908 .. 
Brain, 1869 . PN 
Brewer & Wine Merchant, 1899 
Brewers’ Almanack, 1892 ... ... 
Brewers’ Gazette, 1877 
Brewers’ Guardian, 1871 
Brewers’ Journal, 1865.. 
Brewery Manual, 1890 . sag 
Brewing Trade Review, 1886 ... 
Brick and rere Trade Journal, 
1900 . — 
Bridlington &c. Directory, 1 1898 
Brigade, 1896 _... 
Bright Rays, 1904 ... oc... 
‘Bright Stories, 1903 
Bright Words, 1888... ... 
Brighton and Hove &o. Directory, 

1888 . : 
Brill's Speciai, 1898 
Brill’s Telephone, 1896 .. 
Bristol, &c., Commercial List, “1866 
Bristol Directory, 1861... — 
Britannia, 1896 ... ... .. 
British Almanac, 1828 ... .. 
British Almanac and Companion, 
1828 . — 
British and Colonial Druggist, 1878 

British and le Druggist 
Diary, 1887 _... 
British & Colonial 

“Pri nter & 
— 1878 dene sdb: wee 



British & Foreign Confectioner,1877 

British and Foreign Guide, 1884 _... 

British & Irish Handbook & Farm 
House List, 1879 . * 

British & South African Export 
Gazette, 1892 ... ... —— 

British Architect, 1874 .. — 

British Australasian, 1884 .. 

British Baker, 1885... .. 

British Baker Diary & Trade Year- 
Book, 1890 .. .. 

British Bandsman, 1898 

British Bee Journal, 1878 ... 

British Cla worker, 1892 

British Code List, 1862.. u 

British Colonial &c. Machinery 
Market, 1881 . — 

British, Colonial, &c., ‚Homao- 
pathic Medical Directory, 1867 ... .. 

British Dental Journal, 1872 ... ... 

British Embalmer, &c., 1902 _... 

British Empire Paper, &c., Trades 
Journal, 1881 . i Fie. eNe 

British Empire Review, 1899 

British Evangelist, 1868 ... ... «. 

British Flag, 1853... ie. Dia 

British Food Journal, 1899 .. — 

British Friend, 1843 — 

British Gynecological 
1885 ... 

British Homes, 1896. = 

British Imperial Calendar, 1809 ae 

British Journal of Children’s 
Diseases, 1903 

British Journal of Dental “Science, 
1856 . 

British Journal of Dermatology, 
1888 . 

British Journal of Nursing, 1888 * 

British eee of Photography, 
1854 . 

British ~ Journal 
Almanac, 1860 Ba = 

*British Medical Journal, 1832.. 

British Mercantile Guide, 1877 

British Monthly, 1900 ... ... ... 

British Optical Journal, 1901 ... 

British Realm, 1896... ... se 

British Refri eration, 1899.. : 

British Sanatoria Annual, 1899 

British Sanitarian, 1901... .. 

*British Trade Journal, 1863 

British Trade Review, 1893 — 

British Underwriter & Agency In- 
surance Gazette, 1896 . — 

British Warehouseman, 1900 — 

British Weekly, 1886 

British Workman, 1855... ... 

British Workman's Almanac, 1860 

British Workwoman, 1864... ... 

Brixton, &c., Directory, 1880... 

Brixton & Streatham Times, 1831 

Brixton Free Press, 1882 —F 

Brixtonian, 1891 F 

Broad Arrow, 1833 . 

Broadway, 1899.. ine 

Brockley News and New Cross and 
Hatcham Review, 1880.. 

Bromide Monthy, 1902.. 

Bromley Directory, 1887 

Brotherhood, 1877... . 

Brothers and Sisters, 1 1890.. 

Bubbles, 1894 


E Photographic 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Newspapers. ] 

Budget Story Books, 1894 ... 

Buffalo Directory, 1892 

Buffaio Record, 1902 

Builder, 1842 ; 

Builders’ Journal, 1895 .. 

Builders’ Merchant, 1898 

Builders’ Reporter, 1856 

Building Magazine, 1908 

Building News, 1854 _... 

Building Societies’ Gazette, 1869 . 

Building Trades Directory, en 

Building World, 1895 ... ... 

Bulletin, 1900 _... 

Bulletin of Miscellaneous informa. 
tion, 1887... .. — 

Bulletin of New Books, 1895 

Bungalow, 1899... .. 

Zu ett’s ‘Hospitals ‘and Charities, 

889 . * on 

Burlington Gazette, 1908 ... 

Burlington Magazine, 1902 = 

Burton-on-Trent, &c., Directory .. 

ieee and Property Advertiser, 

03 — 

Business Circular, 1883... 
Business Directory of London and 
the Provinces, 1862 * 

Business Life, 1902.. 

Buy Bee, 1899 . 

Butterick’s Fashion Guide, 1898 

Butterick’s Fashions tar NEUE 

People ... .. Pae ode 

Bystander, 1908 _... 

Cab Trade Record, 1897 

Cabinet, Furniture, &c., 
Directory, 1877 sae: Has 

Cabinet Maker, 1880 — 

Cadet’s Own _... * 

Cage Birds and Bird World, 1902 ... 

Calculator, 1860 _... 

Calendar & Lectionary ‘of the 
English Church, 1901 . 

Calendar of Bedford College for 
Women, 1899... .. 


Calendar of State Papers, 1858 .. 

Calendar of the Council of Legal 
Education, 1901 _... 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical 
Society of Great Britain, 1841 ... ... 

Calendar of the Royal College of 
Surgeons of England, 1865 .. 

Calendar of the Royal Indian En- 
gineering College, 1872.. 

Calendar of University College, 
London, 1873... ... = 

Camberwell News, 1876 

Cambridgeshire, &c., a 
1846 . as 

Camden and ‘Kentish Towns Direc- 
tory, 1866.. 

Camden & Kentish “Towns, Hamp- 
stead, Highgate, — and St. 
Pancras Gazette, 1866... .. 

Canadian Gazette, 1883 

Cancer, 1901 _.. 

Canterbury & Herne Bay Direc- 
tory, 1899.. 

Canterbury "Diocesan Calendar, 
1864 . = 

Canterbury ‘Diocesan ‘Clergy List 
and Church Calendar, 1865... ... 

Canterbury Diocesan Gazette, 1892 

Cape Mail, 1902.. a 

Willing’s S Press Guide. 


— — — — — — — 

mm a — nn nn — BE a a a a ne — a re a a nei 

Aduertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspaper $. 

Capitalist, 1885.. 

Captain, 1899 

Car, 1902 _... 

Car Magazine, 1908 .. 

Carriage Builders’ Diary, 1898.. 

Caslon’s Circular, 1875... ... .. 

Cassell’s Magazine, 1853... 

Cassell’s Railway Time Tables, "1864 

Casseil’s Saturday Journal, 1888 . 

Cassier’s Magazine, 1891 ... 

Cataiogue of Modern Law Books, 
1865 . 

Catalogue ‘of Modern Works on 
Science, &c., 1871... 

Caterer and Refreshment- Gon- 
tractors’ Gazette, 1878... ... .. 

Catholic Almanac, 1886... 

Catholic Book Notes, 1897... 

Catholic Democrat, 1902 

Catholic Directory, 1887 

Catholic Fireside, 1878... 

Cathoiic Herald, 1888 ... 

Catholic Home Almanac, 1900 .. 

Catholic Pulpit, 1893 

Cavendish usic Books, 11 1880 .. 
Caxton Magazine, 1901 —* 
Caxtonian — 1898 

Celt Liundain, 1895.. 

Central Africa, 1888 

Central Criminal Court ‘Session 
Paper, 1840 ... 

Century’ Guild Hobby Horse, 1893.. 

Century Ilustrated Monthly 
Magazine, 1871 ... ... 

Challenge Journal, 1860 

Chamber of Commerce Journal, 
1882 ... 3 

Chambers’s Journal, 1832 . — 

Channel Isiands Directory, 1899 ... 

Charing Cross Hospital — 
1899 . ve ies 

Charity Organisation Review, 187 

Charity Record, 1881 ... ... 

Chart and Compass, 1879 .. 

Charts, Plans,. ang: Sailing Direc: 
tions, 1880 ... 

Chatterbox, 1867 

Cheering Words, 18 

Chelsea Mail and West Middlesex 
Advertiser, 1856 .. 

Chelsea, Pimlico, and Beigravia 
Directory, 1877 _ .. 

Chemical Manufacturers’ Direc- 
tory, 1886... ... — 

Chemicai News, 1842... 

Chemist and Druggist, 1859... 

Chemist’s & Druggist’s Diary, 1869 

Chemists’ and Drussiste, a 
tory, 1869 _ ... 

Chemist’s Assistant, 1900 . 

Cheshire piract ony 1880 ... 

Chic, 1902 ... 

Chichester, &c., “Directory, 1899 

Chichester Diocesan pagnar 
1878 ... es — 

Child Life, 1891 . — 

Children of the Church, 1894 ... 

Children’s Friend, 1861.. i 

Children’s Garden, 1899 .. 

Children’s League of Pity Paper, 
1893.. eae * 

Children’s Messenger, 1 1862 

Children’s Paper, 1855 . 

— — —— — m — 




— — — — — — — — — — — — — — 

Children’s Picture Annual, 1877 
enlleren s Special Service Mission. 

Children’s Treasury ‘of Pioturde 
and Stories, 1888... ... és 

Child’s Companion, “1824 

Child’ ‚8 Friend, 1865... ... 

Child's Guardian, 1887... ... 

Child's Own Magazine, 1859 

Chimes, 1896 ... * 

China's Millions, 1875 bee “ete 

Chinese Journal ‘of Commerce, 1894 

Choice Stories, 1908 . — 

Choral Baca ny, 1860.. 

Choralist, 1864 . Den, cee 

Chord, 1899 .. 

Christian, 1870 .. — 

Christian "Age, 1871... ... 

hristian Ambassador, 1874... 
hristian Commonwealth, 1841 ... 

Christian Endeavöurer Times, 1893 

Christian Freeman, 1856 

Christian Globe, 1874 sod zi 

Christian Herald, 1867 

Christian Herald Penny Beane 
1894 . eek, wae es 

Christian Influénes, 1801... 

Christian Life, 1876... ... 

Christian Messenger, 1865.. 

Christian Million, 1883... ... 

Christian Progress, 1876 

Christian Realm, 1908 ... . 

Christian Temperance Vanguard, 
1903 . * “se 

Christian Tourist, 1903 

*Christian World, 1856 

Christian World Pulpit, 1871 .. 

Christian Year Calendar, 1899 

Christian’s Armoury, 1900.. 

Christian’s Library, 1900 

Christian’s Pathway, 1891... ... 

Christmas Catalogue, 1888 _... 

Chronicle of Convocation, 1857  ... 

Chronicle of the London Mission- 
-ary Society, 1887 ... .. oe 

Chronique, 1899 

Chums, 1892 __... 

Church Almanack, 1888 

Church and Home, 1891 

Church and People, 1889 ... ... 

Church and Synagogue, 1896 . 

Church Annual Log Book, 1902 

Church Army Gazette, 1883 ... | 

Church Army Quarterly Paper, 1883 

Church Bells, 1871 

Church Builder, 1861 

Church Calendar, 1908... .. 

Church Congress Report, 1861 | 

SANTEN Directory and Almanac, 
901 N — 

Church Family Newspaper, 1894 .. 

Church Friendly, 1895 ... ... — 

Church Intelligencer, 1884 .. 

Church Magazine, 1901 a 

Church Missionary Gleaner, 1841.. 

Church INN SLODENY Intelligencer, 
1849... .. a 

Missionary "Pocket 

Almanac, 1879 

Church Missionary Quarterly 
Paper, 1816 ... 

Church Missionary Quarterly 
Token,1856 ... 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

i a ce ir ei ae a a a a i i ge A) ees nn 

__ [Metropolitan 

Church Monthly, 1 1888... .. 

Church of England Almanac, "1901 

Church of England High Schoo! 
Magazine, 1888 ... ; 

Church of England Pulpit, ‘1876 

Church Patronage Gazette, 1364 . 

Church Quarterly Review, 1875 

Church Standard, 1895 ___... 

ur Sunday School Magazine, 

186 — s wae 

Church Times, 1868 _... — — 

Church Union Gazette, 1870 . 

Church Worker, 1882 shen. Uae 

Churchman, 1879 ... ... — 

Churchman's Almanac, 1843 P 

Churchman’'s Diary, 1847 = 5 

Churchman's Magazine, 1846 $ 

Churchman’s Remembrancer... ... 

Cigar & Tobacco World, 1889 . 

Cigar and Tobacco > World Pocket 
Diary, 1903... . 

*Citizen, 1878 ... .. 

City Diary and Almanac, 1863.. 

City Leader, 1889 ... 

City of London College Calendar, 
1861 — 

City of London Directory, 1871 

City of London School "MORATIN, 
1877. * 

City Oracle, 1891 

*City Press, 1857 

City Review, 1893 . 

Civil Service Candidate, 1888 . 

Civil Service Competitor, 1884 

Civil Service Gazette, 1858 

Civil Service Hints, 1890 

Civil Service Manual, 1889.. 

Civil Service Weekly, 1895. ee 

Civil Service Year-Book, 1874 . 

Civilian, 1869 _... 

Clapham & Balham ` Chronicle, 
1831... . 

Clapham District Gazette, 1897 

Clapham Free Press ... ... 

ea Observer, 1865 

Clarion, 1891 í 

Classical Review, 1887... 

Clavier Quarterly Journal, 1897 

Clergy ee and Parish rende 
1872. F 

Clergy List, 1841, 

Clergyman’s Ready 
Diary, 1894... ues 

Clerks’ "Gazette, 1899 — 

Climbers’ Club Journal. 

Clinical Journal, 1892 ... .. * 

Club and Institute Journal, 1875 gad 

Club Life, 1899 ... 

Coach Builders’ and 1 Wheelwrights' 
Art Journal, 1880 . * 

Coal & Iron, 1891 ; 

Coal & Iron Diary, 1897 ia 

Coal Merchant & Shipper, 1900 

Coates’ Herd Book, 1873... 

Cold Storage & Ice ‘Trades Review, 
1898 ... . i 

Cold Storage Calendar, 1901 

Colfeian Chronicle, 1903 

Collectors’ Circular, 1908 ... 

Collectors’ News, 1903... ... 

Collectors’ Weekly Exchange, 1903 

a: of een Calender. 
1880 . f — 



— — — * une 

J, Willing, Junr,, Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Newspapers. ] 

*Colliery Guardian, 1860 ... 
Colliery Manager, 1885 
Colliery Manager's Pocket Diary, 
1869 . 
Collingwood's International Mer- 
cantile Directory, 1895 .. — 
Colonial Buyers’ Guide, 1889 ... 
Colonial Catalogue, 1488 ... * 
Colonial Goldfield Gazette, 1896 aa 
Colonial Mining News, 1894 _... 
Colonial Office List, 1362 
Colonizer, 1895... ... +». 
Coloured Comic, 1898 ... 
Comic Cuts, 1890 ... ... 
Comic Home Journal, 1895.. 
Comic Life, 1898 _... 
Comic Pictorial Sheet, 1891 
Coming Day, 1890 ... ... .. 
Coming Modes, 1896 — 
Commercial Almanac, 1798 
Commercial Cases, 1895 ie bl 
Commercial Com endium, 1855 
Commercial intelligence, 1898. 
Commercial Week y Statement, 
1886 . ats 
Commonwealth, 1896 ... 

Companies’ Diary and ‚Agenda 

Book, 1891 
Concord, 1884 
Conduct, 1900 ... sie 
Confectioners’ Union 1887 : 
Confectioners’ Union pocket Diary, 
1896. * 
Confectionery, 1895 
Confectionery Diary and Trade 
Year-Book .. 
Directory, 1870 ... 
Congregational Magazine, 1883 
Congregatlonal Messenger, 1898 . 
Congregational Year-Book, 1846 ... 
Connoisseur, 1901 .. 
Conservative Clubs Gazette, 
1895. eae 
Constitutional ‘Almanac, 1885 .. 
Constitutional Year- Book, 1885 
Contemporary Review, 1866 
Continental Road Book, 1886 . 
Continental Traveller, 1895 
Contract Journal, 1879 
Contractor, 1884 ... * 
Contractors’ Chronicle, 1887 — 
Contractors’, &c., Compendium, 
1887 . 
Cook’s Continental Time Tables 
and Tourist Handbook, 1878 ... ... 
Cook’s Excursionlst, 1851 . 
Cook’s Quide to Paris, 1878 — 
Cook’s Handbook for London, 1877 
Cook’s indian Guide, is91 ... ... 
Corn and Produce Gazette, 1874 . 
Cornhill Magazine, 1860 deen - ade 

‘Almanac and 

Cosmopolitan, 1886 . 
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, 
Diary, and Pocket Book, 1871 ... 

Cottager and Artisan, 1861 . 
Councillor and Guardian, 1895 
Councils Journal, 1894.. 

Country Gentlemen’s Estate Book, 

Country Gentlemen’ s Estate Book- 

let, 1901 . Lia. whe 
Country Life, 189 . 


_ Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — ——— — —— — 
— — e — — — — — — —— — — 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 

Country Sport & Messenger of 
Agriculture, 1796 . 

County Borough of West Ham 
Gazette, 1885 ... .. Se 

County Council Times, 1889 .. 

County Councils and Municipal 
Corporations Companion, 1878 . 

County Courts Chronicle, 1847... 

County Courts SUEY & Baus 
ruptcy Cases, 1847 — 

County Gentleman, 1862 ... 

Course of the Exchange, 1697 .. 

Coursing Calendar, 1857 

*Court Circular, 1856 ... 

Court Journal, 1829 

Covenant People, 1888... ... 

Cowkeeper & Dairyman’ sS Journal, 


Cox’s Monthly Legal Circular, 
PAS cece, cok, ek eee eee ee, ae 
Cox’s Reports of Criminal Law 
Cases, 1844 ... 

Cox’s. Reports of Magistrates’, 
ee and Parochial Law Cases, 
1860 . sin nce’ BAG: Aber ee 

Craftsman, "1908 

Credit index 

Cricket, 1882 _... * 

Cricket Calendar, 1868 

Cricket Directory, 1888 

Cricket Handbook, 1901 

Cricket Year-Book, 1897 

Cricketers’ Diary, 1891 

*Critic, 1895... ... 

“Critic” Black Book, 1901 .. 

Critical Review of Theological, &C., 
Literature, 1890 ... 

Crockford’s Clerical 

Croydon and South Norwood 
Directory, 1887... see sae 0 

Crusader, 1908 . 

Crystal Palace District Advertiser, 
1888 . oe oes eas 

Crystal Stories, 1881 * 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1 1788 

Cusack’s Journal, 1899... .. = 

Cycle and Motor Trader, : 1895.. 

Cycling, 1891 sag — 

Cyclist, 1879 

rg Touring ‘Club Gazette, 


Cyclists’ "Touring Club Year Book 
& Diary, 1901... 
Ozarnikow sS Weekly Price Current, 
860 . 
"Daily Chronicle, 1855 .. .. 416 
Daily Commercial Report, "1854... 
*Daily Express, 1900 _... tay ee 
Daily Freight Register, 1893 ... 
Daily Graphic, 1890 ... TO “Uae 
*Daily Mail, 1896 ... — 
Daily Mail Year Book, 1901 ann, ae 
Daily Mirror, 1908 ... 0.1, 2. see wee 
*Daily News, 1846 Sa dda Pais 
Daily pane 1904 ... a 
Daily Sport, 1902 ... 
Daily Stock Market Report, 1901.. 
*Daily Telegraph, 1855.. . (Back coyar) 
Dairy, 1889... ... ... — 
Dairy World, 1892 ... 
Daiston, Kingsland, & Canonbury 
Directory, 1886 ... 





— = -_ 

Dalton's Weekly F RoUe ane Apar 
ment Advertiser, 1870... ... 

Dancing, 1903 ... ... ... 

Dancing Times, 1894 

Danielite Star, 1887... ... 

Darkness and Light, 1894... ... 

Darton’s Leading Strings, 1891 — 

Datchelor’s School Magazine, 1887 

Dawn, 1901 ... ... .. 

Dawn of Day, 1878 .. 

Day of Days, 1870. 

Daybreak, 1896 .. 

De La Rue's Diaries ‘and Pocket 
Books _... — 

Debrett’s Coming Events, 1901 

Debrett’s House of Commons and 
the Judicial Bench, 1866 3 

Debrett’s Illustrated Baronetage 
and Knightage, 1808 ... 

Debrett’s illustrated Peerage, 1713 

Debrett’s Peerage, Baronetage, 
Knightage, and Companionage, 1713 

Decorator, 1902.. 

Decorators’ & Painters’ Magazine, 
1901... .. — 

Decorators’ Diary, &c., "1908 

Decorators’ Gazetté, 1882 9... 4. 

Decorators’ Gazette Diary, 1887 ... 

Delineator, 1873 : wind 

Deliverer, 1889 ... 

Dental Annual, 1908 

Dental Record, 1881 ... 

Dental Students’ Register, 1900 . 

Dentists’ Register, 1879... 

Denvir’s Monthly Irish Library, 
1902 . — 

Derby and District Directory, 1886 

Devonshire & Cornwall RIFECTORY: 
1856 ice ses 

Diamorid Racing Special, 1895 

Diamonds from South Africa 

Diary and ——— for ur 
veyors, 1888 ... .. — * 

Diary for Lawyers, "1892... 

Dick’s Penny Standard Plays, 1860 
Dictionary of Civil ae: — 
1879... .. s 

Dioptric Review, 1895 . 

Directory of Contractors, 1892 

Directory of Directors, 1880 ... 

Directory of London Chartering 
Merchants, 1899 ; 

Directory of Paper Makers, 1876 

Directory of the — > Tne ge, 
1883 . * 

Divre Hayomim, 1896... 

Dock Book.. 

Doctor, 1898... 

Dod's Parliamentary Companion, 
1832 ... 

Dod’s Peerage, 
Knightage, 1840... 

Dog Owners’ Annual, 1890 ° 

Dome, 1897... ... — 

Domestic Help, 1879 

Domestic Wants, 1902... ... 

Dorking, &c., Directory, 1899 .. 

Dornbusch’s’ Floating Cargoes 
Morning and Evening Lists, 1854 & 
1858 . — 

Douglass’s Directory of Amateur 
Dramatic Clubs, 1897... .. 

Draper, 1892 — 


Baronetage, “and 

J. Willing, Junr. , Lim. , Advertising Agents, 195 Strand, a 

Willing’ S Press Guide. 

| Drapers’ Diary, 1887 ... 2.000006 

*Drapers’ Record, 1887 

Drapery, Silk, and Woollen ‘Trades 
Journal ... i 

Duchess Novelette, “1894... 

Dulwich Post, 1901.. 

Dulwich, Tulse Hill, Herne Hill, &c., 
Directory, 1885 .. 

Duncan’s Manual of Tramways, 
1877 . nat 

Durham, “&C., Directory, 1858... ... 

Dyer, Calico’ Printer, and Colour 
Trades’ Review, 1879 ... 3 

Eagle and Serpent, 1898 .. 

Ealing, Acton, Hanwell, Gunners- 
bury, and Chiswick Directory, 1886 . 

Earisfield, &c., Weekly Mail, 1908 ... 

Early Days, 1846 * se 

Earth, 1902. 

Earthen Vessel, 1845... 

East and the West, 1903 | 

. *East End News, 1859. 

East Ham, &c., Free Press, 1903 
East Ham Mail, 1900... 

East London Advertiser, 1865 .. — 
East London Church Chronicle, 1838 

| East London Handbook and Dany: 

1891 . 
*East London Observer, 1857 . 
Easter Art Annual, 1896 ... 
Eastern A BC Guide to British 
Manufacturing Exporters, 1897... ... 

. Eastern Argus, 1860 

a ai — —————— 

. Eastern European Review, 1902 2. 

Eastern Post, 1868.. 
*Echo, 1868 . PF 
Echoes of Mercy, 1891 .. 
Echoes of Service, 1871 
Economic Journal, 1891 
Economic Proceedings 
Royal Dublin Society, 1899.. 
Economic Review, 1891 
Economist, 1843 _... 
Edinburgh Review, 1802... 
Edmonton, &c., terete 1884 
Education, 1908... ... 
Educational Record, 1848 . 
Educationai Times, 1847 ... .. 
Edward Alleyn Magazine, 1890. 
Egypt Exploration Fund Archzo- 
logical Report, 1892... 
Electric Lighting and Traction 
Directory, 1877 .. . ae 
Electric Power, 1903 _... —* 
Electric Railway Review, "1896 
Electrical Contracts, 1903.. 
Electrical Engineer, 1882 ... 
Electrical Engineer's Central Sta- 
tion Directory — we 
Electrical Investments, 1901 da. (Gale 
Electricai Magazine, 1902 . des 
Electrical Progress, nn 
Electrical Review, 1872.. 
Electrical Times, 1891... ws 
Electrical Trades’ Directory and 
Handbook, 1883 ... ... 
Electrician, 1861 di 
“ Electrician ” Electrical ‘Trades’ 
Directory and Poe 1882 ... ... 
Electricity, 1890 _... — 
Electro-Chemist, 1901 . 
ern. Hour and d Jungle Need, 
1903 . — ze 

of the 





Newspapers. ] Willing 
Elf, 1899... ... Sian be, Apes “Se aes 
Elizabethan, 1874 bis 
Empire, 1890 

Empire Bouquet Novels, 1900 . 
Empire Review, 1900 
Encore, 1892 _... — 
Enfield, &c., Directory, 1893... 
Engineer, 1856 oe BF 
Engineer Directory, 1890 * 
Engineering, 1866... iia 
Engineering Index, 1891 ... 
Engineering Magazine, 1891 
Engineering Record, 1874 ... 
Engineering Times, 1898 a. 
Engineering World, 1901 ... ... 
Engineers’ & Iron Trades’ Direc- 
tory, 1870... ... 
Engineers’ and Surveyors’ Com: 
pendium, 1897 Sade A ee ae 
Engineers’ Gazette, 1888 .. .. 
Engineers’ Gazette Annual, 1889 . 
Engineers’ Price Book, 1903... .. 
Engineer’s Year-Book, 1894 _... 
English Catalogue of Books, 1837.. 
Engiish Church Union Annual 
Directory, 1860... .. 
English Churchman, 1848 . 
English Churchman’s 
1889... .. 
English Clubs, ‘List ‘of, 1892. 
English Historical Review, 1886... 
English liiustrated Magazine, 1883 
English Kerry and Dexter Herd 
Book, 1892... . wä 
English Mechanic, is65 
Englishwoman’s Review of Social 
and Industrial Questions, 1868 . 
Englishwoman’s Year-Book, 1875 . 
Enquire Within, 1890 — 
Enterprise, 1873 . 
Entomologist, 1841... ... *" 
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 
1864 . * * 
Entomoiogist S Record, 1890 
Entr'acte, 1869 ... ... ats 
Entr'acte Annual, 1873 .. 
Epicure, 1893 ... 
Epsom and Leatherhead Direc- 
tory, 1899.. . ie er ai 
Era, 1837 = 
Era Almanack, 1868 
Esperantist, 1903 tas 
Essex County Annual, 1890 
Essex Hall Pocket Almanac, 1863 . 
Essex Hall Year-Book, 180 _... 
Essex, Hertfordshire, & Middiesex 
Directory, 1845... 
Estates Gazette, 1858 . 
Ethical Review, 1900 
Ethics, 1901... 
Evangelical Alliance Quarterly, 1899 
Evangelical Magazine, 1793 
Evangelist Monthly, 1892 ... 
Evening Argus, 1880 
"Evening News, 1881 _... 
Evening News Cricket Annual, "1897 
Evening School Monthly, 1893... .:. 
Evening Standard, 1827 _... 
Every Man’s Own Lawyer, 1863 _... 
Ewen’s Weekly Amp News, 1897 
Examiner, 1841... ... 
Exchange Telegraph “Company's 
Stock Exchange News, 1891 ... ... 

— — — — — — — 


Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers S. 



ii (cover) 

’s Press Guide. 


— — — — — 

' Experantist, 1908 ... .. ue e s 

Experience, 1881 ... 
Export Merchant Shippers Direc- 
tory, 1864 — * 
Export Review, 1901 — 
Expositor, 1875.. 
Fabian News, 1891 ... 
Fabian Tracts, 1884 
Fairplay, 1883... 
Family Doctor, 1885 eis 
Family Friend, 1870 .. a. 
Family Herald, 1843 ... ; 
Family Herald ‘Supplement, 1877 .. 
Family Novelist, 1875 ... ae. ae 
Family Pocket Stories, 1901 
Family Reader, 1871 _... 
Fanciers’' Gazette, 1874 _... 
Fancy Goods, &c., "Journal, 1902 
Faraday House Journal, 1898453, 2 
Farm and Home, 1882 ... ... * 
Farm and Home Year Book, 1902.. * 
Farm, Field, and Fireside, 1887 __... 
Farmer and Stockbreeder, 1843 _... 
Farmer and Stockbreeder’s Y — 
Book, 1865 eee ... 
Fashion, 1898... ... 
Fashions and Patterns, "1898 .. 
Father Tuck’s Annual, 1899 .. 
Favorite Magazine, 1897 — 
Favorite Stories, 1897 ... 
Feathered Life, 1903 f 
Feathered World, 1889... ... ... - 
Feilden’s Magazine, 1898 ... ... no 
Festival Record, 1901 5 
Field, 1853 ... 12. ose 
Field Officer, 1893 — 
Fife and Drum Journal, "1860 
Fin Express, 1902 a 
Finance, 1898 .. . Da ae, ang 
Finance Chronicle, 1800 se nenn 
Financial Chronicle, 1885 

. . e e . . . . . . 
© t? r , ® ° : ° ° ° ° ° ° 

ı © © © © 8 o 

| *Financial News, 1884 ... 

Financial Opinions, 101 .. 
Financial Standard, 1390 
Financial Times, 1888 

;: Financial Truth, 1889 ... ... 

een — 

fFinsbuny Weekly News, 1884 
| Fire and the Fire Engineer, 1908... 

Financial World, 1886... ... 

Financier & Bullionist, 1870 

Finanz Chronik, 1896 : 

Finchley and Hendon News 

Finchley and Hendon Times 

Finchley Guardian, 1903 

Finchley Press, 1897 . 

Finchley Telegraph and Barnet 
Times ... sae ara 

Finland Bulletin. 1900. ... 

Finsbury Park Circuit Magazine, 
1899 . 

Finsbury Public Libraries Quar- 

terly Guide to Readers, 1894 

Fire and Water, 1884 

Fire Call, 1399 ... . see oee ... wee 
Fireman, 1877 ... seo 000 osa tee one 
Fireside, 1863...» 

Fireside Novelist, 1882 . 

First Aid, 1894 ... 

Fish Trades Gazette, 1883 .. — 
Fishing Gazette, 1877 
Flatiand, 1894 Gas 
Fiats, 1889 u tue aean Wud. as 
Flora and Sylva, Tr asl eae be 





Willing’s Press Guide. 

Flute evens Arne 1880... 

Flying, 1901... ... * 

Focus, 1908 . 

Foikestone, &c., Directory, 1896 

Folk-Lore, 1888... ... ... 

Food & Cookery, 1897 ... 

Food for the Faithful, 1867.. 

Football Annual, 1868 ... ... 

Football Chat, 1900.. s 

Football Evenin News, 1890 

Football Who’s Who, 1901 ... 

Footsteps of Truth, 1883 

Footwear, 1908... .. 

Foreign Office List, 1852 ; 

Fores's Sporting Notes 
Sketches, 1884 ae 

Forest Hill, &c., Directory, 1880 

Forest Hill, &c., Examiner, 1895 

Forget- me-Not, 1891 _... : 

Fortnightly Review, 1865 

Forum, 1885... ... 

Foundry Trades Journal, "1902 

Fox Terrier Chronicle. 1888 F 

Free and Open Church Advocate, 
1872 ... ds 

Free Church Chronicle, 1899 es 

Free Church Magazine, 1900 

Free Church Messenger, 1898... ... 

Free Church of Scotang Monthly 
Record, 1862 ... 

Free Churchman, 1897 .. “ae 

Free Church Year- Book, 1896 . 

Free Labour Press, 1886 

Free Lance, 1900 ... 

Free Methodist, 1885 

: Free Russia, 1835 _... By 

Free Sunday Advocate, 1869... 

Free Trader, 1903 ... ... 

Freedom, i886 ... 

Freemason, 1869... 

Freemason’s Calendar ‘and Pocket 
Book, 1775 is Pag I 

Freemason’s Chronicle, 1875 u 

Freethinker, 1881 ... ... F 

Friend, 1843... ... ee 

Friend of China, 1875... 

Friendly Companion, 1857 . 

Friendly Greetings, 1880 

Friendly Leaves, 1876 ... ; 

Friendly Visitor, 1867... 

FriendlyWork for FriendlyWorkers S, 


1902.. — 
Friends’ ‘Quarterly ‘Examiner, "1867 
Fruit, Flower, and 

Trades Journal, 1895 ER 
Fruit Grower, "&c., 1895 .. 

Fruit Growers’ Year- Book, 1893 n 

Fry’s Royal Guide to the London 
Charities, 1862 FR 

Fulham & ’Walham Green News, 
1983 G5 5 a or ies 

Fulham Chronicle, 1988 

Fulham Observer.. 

Fulham Times, 1903 

Funny Cuts, 1890 ae e e 

Fur and Feather, 1888 ... .. ... 

Furniture Record, 1870 * 

Gainsborough Pocket Novels, “1901 

Gale’s Almanack ... u 

Gale’s Special, 1889 

Game Gazette, 1902 _... Ko d 

Game Rearers’ annuals 1903 re a 

Garden, 1871 ioe, See 




J. Willing, — Lim., Advertising Agents, I20 Strand, London. 


— — — — — — — — — — — — 


Garden Annual, 1881 ... ... ... 

Garden Life, 1901 ... ... ... eee 

Gardener, 1892 ... .. ER 

Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1841 .. 

Gardeners’ Magazine, 1833 

Gardening Illustrated, 1879 

Gardening World, 1884... ... ... 0... 

Gardening Year- Book, 1858... 

Gas Association of the United 
Kingdom, Bra and Proceedings of, 

Gas Engineer's ‘Diary, ‘1880. 

Gas Engineer's Magazine, 1876 _.. 

Gas Engineers’ Pocket Almarläck, 
1892 ... .. 

Gas Engineer's Text Book, &c., "1880 

Gas Lighting, &c., Journal, 1849... 

Gas Undertakings, Pocket Direc- 
tory of, 1896 ... 

Gas Works Directory and Statis- 
tics, 1877 ... a 0 

Gas World, 1884... 

Gas World Year- Book, 1898 

Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- 
tionary, 1826 . 

Genealogical Magazine, 1897 . 

Genealogist, 1875 : 

, General Practitioner, 1900 ° 

| General Strike, 1903 ... ... 

mm nn U LI 2 oo 

— — — — —— — — — 

General Stud Book, 1800 ... 
General Weekly Shipping List, 
1853 . a 
Gentleman's Annual, 1872... 
Gentleman's Journal, 1890 : 
Gentleman's Magazine, 1781 ... 
Gentleman’s Pocket Daily Com- 

panion, 1830 ... .. 
*Gentlewoman, 1890 0 
Geographical Journal, 1893 
Geographical Teacher, 1901 
Geological acer 1864 
Germinal}, 1900 . X et ee es 
Girls’ Friend 1898 — 

Girls’ Friendly Society Associates 
Journal, 1880 . * gia. . dy 
Girls’ Own Annual, isst 
Girls’ Own Paper, 1880.. 

Giris’ Realm, 1898 ... 

Gleam, 1901... ... 

Gleaner and Sower 
1874 . 

Gleanings in Harvest Fleld, 1888 .. 

*Globe, 1803 — 

Gloucestershire and Somerset- 
shire &c. Directory, 1894... 

Gloucestershire Nora = ‚Queries, 
1879 . Bhs — 

Go Forward, 1887 — foe 

Golden Grain Almanac, 1868 — 

Golden Grain pary; 1876 . 

Golden Rule, 1892 ... 

Golden Stories, 1898 

Golden Sunbeanis, 1897 _... 

Goldsmith’s Almanac, 1690 

Goif u ale 1890 




Golfer, 1902 .. 

Golfing, 1896 —F sai 
Golfing Annual, isss ... 
Good Health, 190i e 

Good Lines, 1806... 

Good News Messenger, 1901 
Good Tidings, 1885... .. 
Good Words, 1860 ... 

ee ee 

Newspapers. ] 

Goodwill, 1894 _... 

Gore’s Liverpool, 
1766 . xi 

Gospel Advocate, 1869 .. 

Gospel Echo, 1885... .. 

Gospel Gleanings, 1904... 

Gospel Magazine, 1766... 

Gospel Standard, 1855... .. 

Gospel Stories for the Young, 1876 

Gospel Text Almanac, 1887 ... .. 

Gossip, 1902... ... 

Goul 's Year-Book of Medicine, 1896 

Grant Richard’ ener s ARDEA 
1908 . —— 

*Graphic, 1869 ... 

Gravesend, &c., Directory, 1899 

Great Thoughts, 1888 ... 0... 

Great Thoughts Almanac .. ... 

Great Western Railway Magazine, 
1888 . 

Greater Britain "Messenger, 1876 

Green Howard’s Gazette, 1393 

Greyhound Recòrd, 1900 ... 

Greyhound Stud Book, 1888... .. 

Grimsby and Cleethorpe Directory 

*Grocer & Oil Trade Review, 1861 

Grocer’s Assistant, 1899 _... 

Grocers’ Assistant Year Book, 1903 

Grocers’ Gazette, 1831 * 

Grocers’ Journal, 1875.. 

Grocers’ Journal! Diary 

Grocers’' Montnly, 1897 

Grocery, 1899 .. 

Grocery, &c., Directory, 1872... 

Grocery Pocket Diary, 1902 

Guardian, 1846 . 

use andAlmanacfor Hampstead, 

Guide Book of the ‘Friendly So- 
cieties’ Registry Office, 18856 ... .. 

Guild, 1898... 

Guild of Church Musicians’ Calen- 
dar, 1889 . es 

Guild of St. Matthew’s ‘Paper, “1896 

Guildford, &c., Directory, 1899 _... 

Guildsman, 1889... 

Guy's Hospital Gazette, 1887 . 

Guy’s Hospital Reports, 1836 . 

Gymnasium, 1886 ... ... 

Hackney & Homerton Directory, 
1886 . 

Hackney | & 
1864 ... 

Hackney Express, 1857. 

Hackney Spectator, na Bei 

Hackney Standard, 1877 

Hackney Stud Book, 1884 ` — 

Hairdressers’ Chronicle, 1868... ... 

Hairdressers’ Weekly sournal, 1882 

Hajehoodi, 1897... ... 

Halfpenny Comic, 1898.. 

Halfpenny Marvel, 1898 0... 

Hammersmith, &c.., Directory, 1878 

Hampshire, &e., Directory, 1884 

Hampstead Annual, 1897 ... 

Band and Child’s Hill Direc- 

Ham eed ‘and Highgate Express, 
1860 . 

Hampstead Braille ‘Magazine, 1902 

Hampstead Record, 1889 ... ... 

Hampstead Year Book 

nam S "Guetom Year Book, 1877 

kc., Directory, 

Kingsland Gazette, 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Ham's Inland Revenue Year ‘Book, 
1877 . ——— 

Hand and Eye, 1892 

Hand and Heart, 1876 ... 

Handbook of the Amateur Swim- 
ming Association, 1894. 

Handbook of the Theological Coil- 
leges, 1870 

Handy Guide to’ the'May Meetings, 
1890... ... as 

Handy Library, 1901 

Handy Notes on Current | Politics, 
1890 .. — 

Handy Shipping. Guide, “1887 

Happy Hour Stories, 1900 . 

Hardware, &c., 1872... 

Hardware Trade Journal, "1879 — 

Harleian Soolety’s Publications, 
1869 . z sa 

Harmonium Cabinet BAR 

Harness Dealers’ ‘Monthly “Re: 
corder, 1902.. F 

Harper's Magazine, 1880 24 

Harrison’s Dressmaker, 1898 ... .. 

Harrod’s Royal Despatch of Great 
Britain and Ireland, ‘1857 . 

Hart's New Annual Army‘ List, 1840 

Hart’s Quarterty Army List and 
Militia List, 1888 . 

Hastings and St. Leonards Direc- 
tory, 1881 er 

Hats, Frocks & Frills, 1902 .. 

Hatters’ Gazette, 1877... ... 

Hatters’ Gazette Diary, 1881 . 

Hazell’s Annual, 1886 ... ... .. 

Head Teacher, 1894... 

Headiey’s Cou nty Time Tables, 1880 

Health, 1883. 

Health and Recreation 

Heaith and Strength, 1899... 

Health Messenger, 1887 

Health Resort Journal, 1902 

Health without Drugs, 1902 

Hearth and Home, 1891 _.. 

Heartsease Lay; 1398 ... 

Helping Hand, 18%... ... ... 

Helping Words, 1898  ... 

Helps for the Poor the Flock, 
1896 . Ks 

Herald of Health, 1876 .. 

Herald of Mercy, 1858 ... . 

Herald of Mercy Annual, 1869 .. 

Herald of Peace, 1819 ... 

be Railway Journal, 1885 

Herefordshire, &c., Directory, 1856 

Hermathena, 1873 ... es 

Heron’s Flat and Estate Mart 

Hibbert Journal, 1902 ... .. 

Highbury, &c., Directory, 1887.. 

Highbury Quadrant Magazine — 

Highest and Lowest Prices, 1878 . 

Hippodrome, 1901 ... Sea eS", Meals 

Hire Traders’ RECOPA 1891 

Hobbies, 1896 ... ... 

Hockey, 1897... 

Hockey Field, 1901 . 

Holborn & Finsbury Guardian, "1847 456 

Holborn Magazine, 1903 _... 

Holloway and Hornsey Press, 1872 

Hoity Bough, 1877 ‘ 

Home, 1886 ... .. 

Home & Colonial Mail, 1879 

Home Chat, 1895 bale 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Home Circle, 1898 ... ... 

Home Companion, 1897 * 
Home Counties Magazine, 1895 
Home Fashions, 1903... 

Home Industries, 1903 . Se tae — 
Home Life Magazine, 1898... 
Home Links, 1898 ... ... ... 

Home Messenger, 1891.. 

iHome Mission Field, 1858 

iHome Notes, 1894 ... 

‚Home Stories, 1894... 

‚Home Words, 1870 ... ... .. a. 

‘Homeward Mail, 1857 ... .. .. 

‘Homiletic Review, 1881.. 

Homing World, 1898. 

Homosopathic World, 1866.. 

Horner's Penny Stories, 1888 ... 

Horner's Pocket Library, 1900.. 

Hornsey & FINSDUDY Park Journal, 
1879... .. a Ze 

Hornsey, &c., Directory, 1881... ... 

Horological Journal, 1858 ls 

Horoscope, 1902 ... ee ee cee ... 

Horse and Hound, 1894. ° cs. aca) sats 

. ee ù% 8 ò ò% o ò e e òo o o ò o . œ 
e e ©% ọọ òo ò ọo òo ò @ ò ò > è 8 @ ù 9 

Horse Shoe, 1902 ... .. * 
Horticultural Directory, 1859 ... 
Hospital, 1886 ... .. 

Hospital Satrdy Fund Journal, "1893 
Hotel World, 1892 ... ... 

Hotels of Europe, America, ae, 1878 

Hour Glass, 1895 . . maa aro ... 
House, 1897 ... a. uas ee eas ose ne 
House Annual, 1902... oae cde, She avs 
House Beautiful, 1903 ile, wees dee’ Gas 

House Hunter, 1903... .. 
House Property & Land Advertiser, 

Household Brigade Magazine, "1888 

Household Words, 1860 ... ... ... 

Housing Journal, 1900 . bed 

How to be Beautiful, 1908 . 

Howe's Classified Directory of the 
Metropolitan Charities, 1876. 

‘Hugo's French Journal, 1896 ... 

Hull Directory, 1882 

Humane Review, 1900 ... 

‘Humane Year Book, 1898 

Humanitarian, 1895 .. 

Hunt’s Universal Yacht List, 1847 

‘Hurst Johnian, 1858 ___... = 

this, 1859 ... 

‚Ice and Cold Storage, 1898 ° 

Idle Moments, 1903... ... ... ses 
Idler, 1892 ; 

Ilford, &c., Dre 1899.. 
Illustrated Bits, 1884 ... 
liiustrated Carpenter & ‘Builder, 

1877 . 
Illustrated Catholic Missions, 1886 
lilustrated Chips, 1890... .. ...  ... 

Hlustrated Kenne! News, 1903 .. 
*iIlustrated London News, 1842 
IHlustrated Mail, 1899 ... ... 
illustrated Missionary News, 1865 
Illustrated Official Journal, 1884 . 
illustrated Parish Monthly, 1894.. 
illustrated Police Budget, 1893 ... 
Hlustrated Police News, 1863 — 
lilustrated Sheet Almanac, 1851 ... 
Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic 
News, 1874 .. 
J— Temperance Monthly, 
88: — — = 








- Hiustrator, 1889 

l. L. P. News, 1897 ... 

Imperiai and Asiatic Quarteriy 
Review, 1886 ... ... — 

Imperial Colonist, 1902 ! aa. 

imperial Tariff, 1868 a 

Imperial Union, 1903 * 

mp eni and Machinery Review, 

In His Name, 1838 

_ Incorporated Accountants’ . Jour- 


nal, 1889... ... 
Incorporated Phonographic. ` So- 
ciety’s Quarterly Journal, 1894 . * 
indent and Colonial Prices N rrent 
indent Gazette, 1895 ... .. a 
independent Methodist, 1867 . wos 
independent Review, 1908... ... ... 
index Library, 1887... ... 
index of Archeological Pay jers, 1891 

index to the Periodicai Li erature 

of the World, 1900... ... ee. wes 
index to “ The Times, 1 1867 — 
India, 1890 ... ... Bde en et ee 

India List, 1896... .. 
India-Rubber and Gutta-Percha 
Trades Journal, 1884 ... .. 
Indian and Eastern Engineer, 1886 
indian Appeals, 1874 ... ... ... ae 
Indian Education, 1902... ... ...  ... 
Indian Magazine, 1871. ae Save saat 
India’s Women, 1881... ... .. : 
*indicator, 1867... ... ...  ... 
individualist, 1881 ... ... .. 
infants’ Magazine, 1866 ; 
ingeniero Español, 1885 ... ... 
inquirer, 1842 nae eh. a Ak 
Insurance Agent, 1866 2 ne 
Insurance Agents’ News, 1888 u. ... 
Insurance & Banking Review, 1881 
Insurance Blue Book ane i Sade 
1873 ... ... 

Insurance Budget, 180 nn 
Insurance Gazette, 1858 ... .. ... 
Insurance Guardian, 1867 ... ... ... 

insurance Index, 1870 ... ... ... s. 
Insurance Indicator, 1898 ... ... ...- 
Insurance Journal, 1878 ... ... ... 

Insurance Observer, 1888 ... 

Insurance Opinion, 1892 

Insurance Record, 1862 

Insurance Register, 1865 ... 

Insurance Spectator- or London, 
1880... ... 

Insurance World, 1879 . ‘ 

International Code of Signals, 1856 

International Daily Text Book, 1879 

International Guide to British and 

Foreign Merchants, 1872 ... ss 
International Journal of Ethics, 

tory, 1893 F 
International Quarterly, 1902... 
International Railway n= 
3ulletin, 1895 7 E 
International Theatre, 1903 
Invention, 1879.. K * 
Inventors’ Review, 1889 
Investment Register, 1878... 
Investors’ Blue Book, 1902 
investor's Chronicle, 1899... 
Investors’ Guardian, 1863... 

‘Mercantile Direc- 

— — 

— — — — — — — 

J. Willing, Junr,, Lim., Advertising A gents, 195 Strand,| London. 

Newspapers. ] 

Investors’ Handbook of Rellwey 
Statistics, 1879... 

Investors’ Monthly Handbook, 1001 

Investors’ Monthly Manual, 1864... 

Investor’s Review, 1895 — 

Ipswich Directory, 1899 .. .. 

Irish Commercial List, 1866 

Irish Road Book, 1899 ... ... 

Iron & Coal Trades Review, 1866 . 

Iron and Steel Sranan ourna 1849 

Iron Cross, 1902 — 

*Ironmonger, 1859 ... ... 

Ironmonger Diary, 1869 dee 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle, 1892... .. 

Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary, 1893 

Isle of Thanet Directory, 1882.. 

Isle of Wight Directory, 1886 ... 

Islington Directory, 1851 ... 

Islington Gazette, 1856 © 

Islington News, 1877 

Islington Post, 1899 sg 

Isobel’s Dressmaking at Home, 1895 

Isobels Home Cookery, 1895 ... ... 

Japanese Journal of Commeres; 
1896 . * 

Jester & Wonder, 1898 .. — es 

Jeweller and Metalworker, 1873 — 

Jeweiler and mictawerker 
Almanack, 1878 ... ... ... 

Jewish Chronicle, 1841... ... ... se. 

Jewish Express, 1895 ie aa 

Jewish Herald, 1846 — 

Jewish Literary Annual, 1903 ... 

Jewish Missionary Advocate... ... 

Jewish Missionary intelligence, 1835 

Jewish Press, 1903 ... ... 

Jewish Quarterly Review, 1888 

Jewish World, 1873... ... 

Jewish Year Book, 1895 aoe 

Jockey, 1890 2. eo ee nee ... wee 

*John Bull, 1901... ... aie See 

John Bull’s Year Book, 1903. : 

John Ploughman’s Almanac, 1873.. 

John Wisden's Cricketers’ Alma- 
nack, 1864 ... 

John Wisden’s Cricketers’ ‘Note 
Book, 1900 

ar {Stock Companies’ ‘Journal, 

José Lille’s Fashions ‘and Diagrams, 
1903 30 Ro Woe Ale ara Ree - GSS ei 

José Lille’s Juvenile Dressmaker, 
1905 cos: “sis te ee 

José Lille’s Practical Fashions, 1898 

Journal & Memoirs of the British 
Astronomical Association, 1890 .. 

Journal and Transactions of the 
Royal Photographic Society of en 
Britain, 1853 . es 

Journal des Modes, 1867 ... 

Journal of Anatomy and Physi- 
ology, 1867 .. 

Journal’ of Balneology and Clima- 
tology, 1897 ... .. 

Journal of Botany, 1863. 

Journal of Domestic Appliances, 
1874 . na 

Journal of Education, 1869... ... 

Journal of Experimental Medicine, 
1902 . a 

Journal of Gas ‘Lighting, 1849... ... 

Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1881 . 

Journal of Horticulture, 1849 . 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

a an a — — — — — 

Journal of Huslene: 1901 
Journal of Indian Art, 1886 
Journal of Laryngology, 1887 .. 
Journal of Malacology, 1892 
Journal of Mental Science, 1850 ... 
Journal of Obstetrics &c. oF ne 
British Empire, 1902 ... ... 
Journal of Pathology, 1892 
Journal of Philology, 1868 . 
Journal of Physiology, 1878 _... 
Journal of State Medicine, 1892 ... 
Journal of the African Society, 1901 
Journal of the Anthropological 
Institute, 1871 oe 
youre! ofthe Board of Agriculture, 
Journal of "the British “Archeeo- 
logical Association, 1845... 
Journal of the British Astrono- 
mical Association, 1890 * 
Journal of the British Dairy 
Farmers’ Association, 1876... .. 
Journal of the British "Dental 
Association, 1872 ... 
Journal of the British Homæo- 
pathic Society, 1891 ... 
Journal of the Camera Club, 1887.. 
ns of the Chemical Society, 
Journal of the City ‘of "London: 
College Science Society, 1888... 
Journal of the Clerks of Works’ 
Association of Great Britain, 1882 ... 
Journal of the East India Associa- 
tion, 1867... .. 
Journal ofthe Farmers’ Club, 1847 
Journal of the Federated Insti- 
tutes of Brewing, 1895... .. 
Journal of the Institute of Actu- 
aries, 1851 

Jou rnal ofthe Institute of Ban kers, 
1879 . 
Journal of the "Institution of 

Electrical Engineers, 1872 ... ... 

Journal of the Iron and Steel 
Institute, 1871 ias 

Journal of the Linnæan "Society, 
1855 . 

Journal of the ‘Oxford ‘University 
Junior Scientific Club, 1890 tow 

of the Quekett Micro- 
scopical Club, 1866 _... 

Journal of the Royal Agricultural 
Society of England, 1846 . 

Journal ofthe 
Corps, 1903 _... 

Journal ofthe Royal Artillery, 1873 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic 
‘ Society, 1834 . de 

Journal of the Royal 
Institute, 1890 * 

Journal of the Royal Horticultural 
Society, 1804 . 

Journal of the ‘Royal ‘Institute of 
British Architects, 1893 _... 

Journal of the Royal Microscopical 
Society, 1878 . 

Journal of the Royal Photographic 
Society, 1853 . 

Journal of the Royal ‘Statistical 
Society, 1838 . 

Journal ofthe Royal United Service 
Institution, 1857 ... 


Royal Army Medical 


— — —— 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan, Newspapers. 





m a — m — 

Journal of the Sanitary Institute 
of Great Britain, 1894 . 

Journal of the Scottish Meteoro- 
logical Society, 1865 _... 

Journal of the Society of Arts, 1852 

Journal of the Society of Chemical 
Industry, 1882 a 

Journal of the Society of Compara- 
tive Legislation, 1896 . * 

Journal of the Society of Patent 
Agents, 1899 . 

Journal of the Transactions of the 
Victoria Institute, 1866... 

Journal of Theolagical Studies, 1899 

Journal of Tropical MORGNA, 1898 

Journalist, 1886 a a ei A ses 

Journeymen Bakers’ "Magazine, 
1885 . Sue an a Gay 

Judge, 1903 ... 

Judy, 1867 

Justice, 1884 _... 

Justice ofthe Peace, 1837 . — 

Juveniie Missionary Herald, 1845 .. 

Kalendar of Sundays and Holy 
Days, 1901 .. 

Kalendar of the Corporation of 
SS. Mary and Nicholas, 1901 

Kalendar of the English Church, 
1862 ... 

Kalendar of the R.I.B. A., 1834 

Kelly’s Handbook to the ‘Titled. 
Landed, and Official Classes, 1875 .. 

Kemp's Mercantile Gazette, 1867 . 

Kemp’s Trades Directory, 1902 

Kennel Club Stud Book, 1874 ... 

Kennel Gazette, 1880 — 

Kennel Review — 

Kennelman & Game Rearer, 1900 . 

Kensington, &c., Directory, 1875 .. 

Kensington Coaching — 1901.. 

Kensington Express, 1886 ... ... ... 

Kensington News, 1869 a 

Kent Archeological Society’s 
Transactions, 1858 : 

Kent, Surrey, and Sussex Direc- 
tory, 1845... ... ... “a 

Kentish Mail, 1862 ...  ... 

*Kentish Mercury, 1883 

Kilburn Times, 1867 _... 

Kilburn, &c., Directory, 1867 i 

Kime’s International Law Direc- 
tory, 1892.. Yas dew. “eee. ee, ana 

King, 1899... ... 

King and Country, 1902... we. 

King’s College Calendar, 1840. . 

King’s College Hospital Reports, 

1893 . 
King’s College Magazine (Ladies! 
Department) . 

King’s College Review, 189... 
King’s College School Magazine 
1897 . ens * 

King’s Cross, &C., News, 1903 ... 

King’s Cross Diary, 1892 

Kingston, &c., Directory, 1891... . 

Kirkley’s Theatrical Apartments 
Directories, 1900 .. 

Knight’s Be an ‚Apartment 
Register ... sas w 

Knowledge, J881 L. u. 

Knowledge Diary, 1901 

Kynoch Journal, i899 ... e 

Labour Co- partnership, 1894... 

— —— — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

_ (Metropolitan 

Labour Gazette, 1893 ... 
Labour Leader, 1894 
*Labour News, 1871 * 
Ladies’ Cutter, 1900 
Ladies’ Field, 1898 ... 
Ladies’ Golf Union Official Year 
Book, 1894 À * 
Ladies’ Kennel Journal, 1894 
Ladies’ League Gazette, 1900 . 
Ladies’ Report of Fashion, 1820 
Ladies’ Review, 1889 ... ... 

' Ladies’ Tailor, 1884.. 

Lady, 1885 ... . 

Lady's Companion, 1892. 
Lady’s Gazette, 1901 
Lady’s Magazine, 1 1901... .. 
Lady’s Own Novelette, 1888 

- Lady’s Pictorial, 1880 ... .. 1. 2.. 418 
Lady’s Realm, 1896.. tee Shes: taste 

Lady’s World, 1898 ... . 
Lamb’s Trade Diaries, 1874 
Lambeth Be. u 

Lamp, 1821 ... 

Lamp of China _... — 
Lancashire Directory, 1891 deco ee. 
*Lancet, 1823 _... — 
Land Agents’ Record, 1878... ... 

Land and House Property Year- 

Book, 1892 * 

Land and Labour, 1889.. — 
Land and Water, 1866 ... u. ... =.. 438 

. Land Magazine, 1897 

Land und Meer, — 

 Larks, 1893 . 

Laryngoscope, 1893 

Laundry Journal, 1885 ... — 
Laundry Journal Diary, 1885 ... 
Laundry News, 1884 : = 
Laundry Record, 1890 ... 

' Law Almanack, 18832 ... use so 

Law Journal, 1866 ... 
Law Journal Reports, 1823.. 

' Law List, 1740 

Law Magazine and Review, 1823 

Law Notes, 1882 die ve 

Law Quarterly Review, 1885 

Law Reports, 1866 ... ... 

Law Siudent’s Journal, 1879 

Law Times, 1848 ide 

Law Times Reports, 1843 ... 

Lawn Tennis, 189% ... ... 

Ne Companion & Diary, 
1347. * — 

Lawyers’ Remembrancer, 1898 

. Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book, 

1817 . 

| Layton's Handy Newspaper List, 
! 1894 . 

- Leach’s Art of Dressmaking, 1899.. 

Leach’s Children's and Young 

Ladies’ Dressmaker, 1880 ... ... ua. 
Leach’s Family Dressmaker, 1879.. 
Leach’s Ladies’ Work, 1892 

= Leach's Practical N Wor 

Basket, 1885 ... 

Leading Opinion, 1890 . 
' League News, 1900 .. 

Leather Trades Advertiser, 1903 — 
Leather Trades’ Directory. 1871 ... 
Leather Trades’ Review, 1567... ... 
Leeds & Suburbs Directory, 1 1893 ii 
Leeds Directory, 1581 ... ... — 
— Omenan, 1863 

st a  — 

240) J. W ‘ing, Junr., cs Lim, Eee Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Newspapers. ] 

Legal Diary and pimanacy4 19038... 

Legal Journal ... ... ae 

Legal Literature, 1899... ee aes 

Legal Pocket Bank, &c., 1908... 

Leicester &c., Commercial ist, 
1866 ... ... 

Leisure Hour, 1852... .. 

Lesson Handbook, 1902 

Letts’ Diaries ... 

Letts’ (Charles) Diarles _... 

Lewisham, &c., Directory, 1881 

Liberal Magazine, 1898  ... 

Liberator, 1855... ... .. 

Liberty, 1894 — weil aaa, Shae ae 

Liberty Review, 1898 N 

Library, 1889 ... .. * 

Library Assistant, 1898... .. 

Library Association Record, 1899.. 

Library Association Year Book, 1800 

Library Magazine, 1898 ... ... 

Library World, 1898 

Licensed Victualler, 1898 .. ue 

Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette, 1872 

Licensed Victuallers’ Mirrop, 1888 

Licensed Victuallers’ Official An- 
nual, 1894 _ ... 

Licensed Victuallers’ 

Licensed Victualiers’ 
1878... .. ons 

Licensing Worid, 1892 ... 

Life, 1879 ... 

Life-Boat Journal, 18523 

Life of Faith, 1874 ... ... 

Life of Faith Almanac, 1879... 

Life Saving Soeg s ANURI Re- 

rt, 1891 

Light, 1878 ... * 

Light, Heat, and Power, 1902 — 

Light and Heat, 1902 — 

Light and Love, 1881 

Light and Truth, 1831 . 

Light in the Home, 1827 

Light of Home, 1902 _... 

Light of Reason, 1908: us. ie “ase 

Light Railway &c. Diary, 1908 

Light Railway and Tramway 
Journal, 1899 ... .. 

Lincolnshire, &c., Directory, 1861 .. 

Lingua Franca of the Future, 1908 

List of Newspapers, 1878 ... 

List of Private Bills, 1847 . 

Literary Digest, 1890 

Literary Gazette, 1898.. 

Literary Guide, 1885 

Literary News, 1879 

Literary World, 1867... 

Literary Year- Book, 1900 ... 

Little Folks, 1871 5 

Little Frolic, 1898 

Little Messenger, 1896.. 

Live Stock Journal. 1875 ... 

Live Stock Journal Almanac, 1877 

Liverpool Commercial List, 1860 . 

Livin Waters, 1873 an said 

Lioyds’ Calendar, — 

Lloyd's Register, 176 = 

Lioyd’s Weekly Newspaper, 1842.. 

Lioyd’s Weekly Shipping Index, 1880 

Lioyd’s Yacht Register, 1878 ... ... 

Local Acts . 

Local Government. Annual, 1892 . 

Loca] Roveramen: ‚Paare Annual 

R feree, 1898 
Year Book, 

oe oe eee 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Local Goyernment Chronicle, 1855 
Local Government Directory, an 
Local Government Journal, 1872.. 
Local Officer, 1897 ... .. 
Local Preachers’ Magazine, 1851 .. 
Lock to Lock Times, 1887 . 
Lockwood's Builders’, &c., Price 
Book, 1856 _... — 
Locomotive Magazine, 1896 
London (Fry's), 188) 
London Alliance Review, 1899... 
London Almanac, 1770... ... ... 
London Amusements, 1902.. 

_ London and China Ex ress, 1858 .. a 

London and China Telegraph, 1858 

' London and County Trades Direc- 

. London and 

tory, 1880 
London and ‘Fashionable "Resorts, 
1872 . 
London and ‘General Freight Mar- 
ket Report .. 
Provincia) Musie 
Trades Review, 1877 ... 
London Argus, 1897... 

: London Art Fashion Journal, 1898 
London Banks, &c., 1865... 

_ London Catholic Directors. 1900 .. 

_ London City Mission Magazine, 1836 
: London Commericig! List, 1866 _... 

London Commercial Record, 1842... 

London Commercial Trades Direc- 

tory, 1900.. 

London Corn Circular, 1843 

_ London, Provincial, 

' London 

' London County Saune $ Seat 

Gazette, 1900 .. 

London Crusader, 1892 n 
London Customs Bill of Entry 
London Daily Wants, 1908... ... s. 
London Diocesan Magazine, 1886.. 
London Diocese Book, 1865 ... 
London Directory and Suburbs, 
1886 ... 
London, Edinburgh, 

and Dublin 
Philosophical Magazine, 1798 ... 
London vangelist, 1901 
London Evangelists 
London Fashion Review, 1901.. 
London Gazette, 1665 ... 
London Homceopathic 
Reports, 1892... ... .. 
Journal, 1845 ... 
Magazine, 1898 
London Manual, 1895 ... 
London Matriculation Directory, 
1874 .. 


Mining. ‘Share List, 1894 ... 

Musical Courier, 1894 

of To-day, 1885 

Philatelist, 1892 .. 

and Colonial 
Press News, 1866 ... .. 

London Pupil Teachers’ "Associa- 
tion Record, 1896 . * se 

_ London Quarterly Review, 1858 

London Reader, 1864 

London Report, 1900 

London Scotsman, 1897 .. 

London Scottish Regimental Ga- 
zette, 1895 s 

London Seaside and 
Apartments, 1901... .. 

London Society of Compositors' 
Guide, 1899 ... . 

Cou ntry 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 




_ Willing’ S 

London Suburban Dialer, 1860 

London Tailor, 1876 _... 

London Technical Education Ga- 
vette, 1894  ... 

London’ Temperance Entertainer, 
1901. a 

London Temperance Times, 1892.. 

London Theatre, &C., Guide, 
1901. z 

London Timber Trade and Sawmiil 
Handbook, 1908 

London Trades 
Gazette, 1901... ... 

London University Gazette, 1901.. 

London University Guide wa 

Londoner General Anzeiger, 1889.. 

Londoner Vereinsblatt, 1885 ... 

Londoner Zeitung, 1857 

Londra-Roma, 1888... ... .. 

Longman’s Magazine, 1882 oo... 

Longman’s School Magazine) 1892 

Lord’s Day, 1857 .. ... 

Lotus Journal, 1903 — — 

Louis Wain’s Annual, 1901.. 

Lowestoft Directory, 1889.. 

Low’s Handbook to the Charities 
of London, 1850 . di 

L.R.B. Record, 1902... .. 

Lumley’s Register, 1853 

Lunar Month, 1884... .. 

Lunar Month Annual Summary o of 
Past Racing, 1884... .. eh 

Luzac's Oriental List, 1890. 

Lyceum Banner, 13% ... ... 

McClure’s Magazine, 1894... 0... 

MacDonald’s English Directory 
and Gazetteer, 1898 ... 

MacDonald's Irish Directory ‘and 
Gazetteer, 1888... 

‘MacDonald's Scottish Directory 
and Gazetteer, 1884 .. 

Macfadden's Physical 
ment, 1901 _... 

'Machinery Market, 1879 

Machinery Users Journal, 1903... 

Mackey's Veterinary Diary ane 
Almanac, 1899 A ee 

Macmillan’s Magazine, 1859 

Madame, 1896 ... ... 

Madame Aubert's Governess and 
School List, 1859 . a Nee 

Magazine of Art, 1878 ee 

Magazine of Commerce, 1902.. 

Magazine of the London Royal 
Free ee School of Medicine for 
Women, 1900 . 

Magic, 190 ... .. 

Magisterial Cases, 1896... 

Maidstone, &c., Directory, 1899 

Mail, 1789... PER 

Malthusian, 1879 

and Labour 


Manchester and Salford ar 
Suburbs Directory, 1797 .. ... ... 
Mansnester Commercial List, 
1866 . BE ‚a, Ken. Es rein 
Manual of British & Foreign 

Brewing Companies, 1902 ... se ue 
Manual of Electrical Undertak- 
inss, 1896... ... 
Manufacturers’ Prices Current, 1897 
M.A.P., 1898... ... 
Maria ‘Grey College Magazine, 1891 
Marine Engineer, 1879... ... 



Press Guide. 


9 i 

Marine Superintendent ð Poker 
Book, 1898 a Be i aoe 

Mariner, 1889 ... 

Maritime Notes and Queries, 1873 

Mark Lane Express, 1832... ... 

Marlborough'’s Plain Calendar, 1887 

Marvel, 1893 _... 

Marylebone and St. John's Wood 
Directory, 1860... ... es 

Marylebone Mercury, 1857 ° 

ran Times, 1884 ... 

Mashonaland, 1891... ... ... 

Masonic Illustrated, 1900 . 

Master Builders’ Association 
Journal, 1896 ae 

Master Printer and Newspaper 
Owner, 1898 ... .. Sais 

Mathematical Gazette, 1894 0 

Mathematical Questions & Solu- 
tions from the Educational Times, 1864 

Mathieson’s ‘American’ Traffic 
Tables, 1890 .. 

Mathieson’s Fortnightly List, 1872 

Mathieson’s Handbook ree Inves- 
tors, 1900... ... — 

Mathieson’s Record, 1900 . 2 

Mathieson’s Traffic Tables, 1878 . 

Matrimonial Post, 1882. — 

May Flower, 1891 ... ... its 

*Meat Trades’ Journal, 1888 ae 

Medical Directory, 1845 .. 

Medical Electrology and. Radio 
logy, 1900... ... 

Medical Examiner, 1899 | 

Medical Magazine, 1892 

Medical Missions, 1880... 

Medical Press, 1838 u 

Medical Register, 1858.. 

Medical Review, 1898 ... . 

Medical Students’ Register, 1865 .. 

Medical Temperance Review, 1892 

Medical Times & Hospital Ga- 
zette, 1873 — 

Medico- Chirurgical ‘Transactions, 
1878 . Sas — 

Mediterranean, "1881 ; 

Melia’s Magazine, 1887 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomi- 
cal Society, 1822 nr — 

Men and Women, 1903 ... . 

Men of Note in Finance & Com- 
merce, 1900... Dr. “aba. wae” ORES 

Men's Wear, 1901 .. 

*Mercantile Guardian, 1854 0... 

Mercantile Navy List, &c., 1862... 

Mercantile Test, 1870... ... a 

Mercantile Year- Book, &c., 1887 

Merchant Shipper, 1900 Dan 

Merchants’, Manufacturers’, and 
Shippers’ Directory, 1877 * 

Mercury, 1885 ... .. 

Mercy and Truth, 1897 

Message from God.. 

Messenger, 1855 _.. 

Messenger for the Children of the 
Presbyterian Church of England, 1880 

Meteorological Record, 1880 ... . 

Methodist and General Desk 
Diary, 1875... tee Aus 

Methodist Evan elist, 1886 

Methodist Monthly. 1891 ... i 

Methodist New conneXion Maga- 
zine, 1797.. z 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 



Newspapers. ] 

Methodist Recorder, 1861... .. 
Rene Sunday School. Record, 


Methodist Temperance Magazine, 
1868 . 

Methodist Times, 1885.. 

Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 
1855 ... 

Metropolitan Water, 1888 .. 

Middlesex Hospital Journal, 1897.. 

Middlesex Hospital Medical and 
Surgical Reports ... .. 

Middiesex Hospital Pharmacoposia 

Middlesex Hospital Reports of the 
Medical, Surgical, and Pathological 
Registers, 1895 

Midland Centre and Midland Fede- 
ration Directory, 1903 . è 

Mid-Surrey Des 1877 

Military Mail, 1901. 

Miller, 1875... ... 

Millers’ Gazette, 1876 . 

Millhillian, 18898... ... 

Mind, 1876 ... .. 

Mineralogical Magazine, 1876... 

Miniature Novels, 1902... .. 

Mining Dividends and Rights, 1895 

Mining Highest & Lowest ro & 
Dividends, 1900 ... ... 

Mining Journal, 1885 ... ... ... 

Mining Mail, 1902... se see ace 

Mining Manual, 1887 .. — 

Mining Market Record, 1901 

Mining World, 1871... ... 

Mining Year Book, 1900 

Ministers Gazette of Fashion, 

` 1846. sss 

Minister’ s Pocket Diary, 1877 .. dis 

Ministry Card, 1900 _... 
Minutes of the General Confer- 
ence of the New Church, 1788 ... 
Minutes of the General Medical 
Council, 1858... ... 

Minutes of the Proceedings of the 
Institution of Civil Engineers, 1818.. 

Minutes of the Synod of the Pres- 
byterian Church of — 1885 ... 

Mirror, 1901 * iss. “oes F 

Mirror of Life, 1894... .. ide 

Miscellanea Genealogica 
Heraldica, 1866 ... ... see one 

Misericordia, 1883 ... .. 

Miss Weston’s Ashore and Afloat, 
1878 .. i * * 

Mission Field, ess ES 

Mission World, 100 een a 

Missionary Echo, 1894... .. P 

Missionary Herald, 1819 * 

Missionary Leaves 

Missionary Review: of the World, 
1887... .. 

Mode Palace, 1902.. — 

Model Engineer, &c., 1898 . 

Modern Astrology, 1887 .. 

Modern Language Quarterly, 1897 

Modern Medicine, 1891 — 

Modern Society, 1880 ... 

Mohawk Minstrels’ Magazine, 1878 

Money, 1872 ven — 

Money Maker, soy... 

Money Market REVIEW 1860 

Monist, 1890 ... ... 

Monitor, 1897 st se ae 



— — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — —— —— — — 


‘Monthly Mining 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

1871. sso 
Month, 1863 33 abe : 

Monthly Army List, 1809 ... 

Monthly Gazette of Current Lite- 
rature, 1858 ... 

Monthly Homeopathic “Review, 


Monthly List ofthe Principal Secu- 
rities dealt in on the Stock PACURAR., 
1887... .. 

Monthly Magazine ‘of Fiction, 1885 

Monthly Magazine of Pharmacy, 
1876... ... 

Monthly Messen er, 1848 . N 

andbook, 1895 . 

Monthly Musical Record, 1871 — 

Monthly Notices of the Royal 
Astronomical Society, 1881... ... 

Monthly Record of the Protestant 

~ Evangelical Mission, 1868 ... .. 

Monthly Reporter of the B. & F. 
Bible Society, 1858 =... ... ... ae 

Monthly Review, 1900 . 

Monthly Statement of ‘Colonial 
and Foreign Produce, 1858... ... 
Monthly Statement of Drugs, 1843 

Moravian Almanack, 1868... .. 

Moravian Messenger, 1864 

Moravian Missions, 1861 .. 

Moring’s Quarterly, 1896 ... 

Morning, 1850 ... ET ER 

*Morning Advertiser, 10 un 

Morning Argus, 1896 ae Canes Jane 

Morning Caim, 1890 _... 

Morning Leader, 1892 ... 

Morning Light, 1878 

*Morning Post, 1772 

Morning Star, 1898... ... 

Morriss’s Trade Journal, 1881... 

Mother’s Treasury, 1864 

Mothers in Council, 1891... 

Mothers’ Union Journal, 1886 . 

Motor, 1902... .. ss 

Motor Car Journal, 1899 

Motor Cycle, 1903 ... 

Motor Mart, 1900 

Motoria, 1908 ... ... 

Motoring Annual, 1902 .. ‘ne 

Motoring Illustrated, 1903 id 

Mowbray’s Churchman’s Kalendar, 




1891 . = 
Municipal Journal, 1893 
Municipal Officer, 1899 * 
Municipal Year- Book, 1896.. 
Munsey’s Magazine, 1900 ... 
Museums’ Sun 1901 
Music, 1895 . = 6 
Music Hall, 1889 — 
Music Trade Diary, 1900 
Musical Almanac, 1896.. 
Musical Budget, 1876 ae 
Musical Directory, 1852 
Musical Gazette, 1900 . 
Musical Herald, 1858 
Musical News, 1891.. 
Musical Opinion, 1877... 
Musical Salvationist, 1886.. 
Musical Standard, 1862 
Musical Times, 1844 Soe 
Mutua Confidentia, 1889 
My Agent, 1903 ... ... 
u NE Ru) Littie Friend Almanac, "1877 


_ Advertisements received , for all the for all the Metropolitan Newspapers 4 {adi 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

My Pocket Novels, 1900 

My Queen Library, 1896 

Myra’s Journal, 1875 

National Church, 1872 0. 
mavens Cyclists’ Union Review, 

National Deposit F riendly Society's 
Magazine, 1896 .. 

National Home Reading Union 
Magazine, 1890 ... ... 

National Review, 1888 ... ce 

National Righteousness, 1888 . 

National Service Journal, 1908 

National Temperance ‘League s 
Annual, 1881... ... 

National Tem perance “Mirror, 
1881 . — 

National Union Gleanings, 1898 

National Waifs’ Magazine, 1877 

Naturalists’ —— 1895 

Nature, 1869 ... 

Nature Notes, 1890.. 

Nautical Aimanac, 1787 

Nautical Magazine, 1833 

Naval Pocket Book, 1896 

Navy League Journal, 1895 

Navy List, 1815... ... z 

New Age, 1894... . — 

New Church Almanack, 1878 ... 

New Church Magazine, 1812... ... 

New Church roung — s Maga- 
zine, 1901 ... 

New Code, 1898 .. 

New Cross, &c., Free Press, 1900 . 

New Education Code for Day 
Schools, 1882 ... ... 

New Education Code for Evening 
Schools, 1895 . 

New English Art Club Catalogue, 


New ‘ilustrated Monthly Maga. 
zine, 1903... ... 

New Ireland, 1898 . es 

New Liberal Review, 1901 — 

New Life, 1902 ... 

New South Wales Post. Office 
Directory (Wise’s), 1860  _... 

New Special, 1903 .. 

New Zealand Directory ‘(Wise's), 
1892 . 

Newcastle, "&c., Commercial List, 

1866 . — 
Newness of Life, 1898 ... 
News, 1881 . 
News from Afar, 1894... ... 
*News of the World, 1848... ... 
News of the World Almanac and 
en 1897 
Newsagent, 1888 
Newspaper Press Directory, i 1846 
Niger Notes, 1894 ... .. F 
Nineteenth Century, 1877 .. dis 
Nister’s Holiday Annual, 1894... . 
Nonconformist Musical Journal, 
1888 . as 
North American Review, 1816... ... 
North & Mid Wales "Directory, 

North-east | Riding ‘of _ Yorkshire 

Directory, 1857 ove 
North London Guardian, 1881 ; 
North London Mercury . se sa 
North London Pulpit, i894 u 



North London or University a 
lege, Hospital Reports, 1894 ... 
North Middlesex Chronicle, 1868 . 
Norwood Herald, 1889... ...  ... se 
Norwood News, 1868 
Norwood Press, 1882 
Norwood Review, 1880... 
Notes and Comments, 1900 
Notes and Queries, 1849 ... 
Notes on Books, 1855... ... 
Notes on Scripture Lessons, 1847 .. 
Nouvelliste Financier, 1908 ... ... 
Nuggets, 1892 ... — 
Numismatic Chronicle, 1839 nade eke 
Nurseryman & Seedsman, 1896 ... 
Nurses Journal, 1890 
Nursing Directory, 1892 
Nursing Notes, 1887 P 
Nursing Profession, 1899 
Observatory, 1877 . 
*Observer, 1791 “es 
Occasional Paper, 1 
Official nn to the "British Rail- 
ways, 189 
official Handbook of the National 
Training School of Cooking, 1902 ... 
Official Handbook of the r resny: 
terian Church of En — 1887 .. 
Official Hotel Directory, 1898... ... 
Official Year-Book of he Church 
of England, 1882 ... ... 
Oll and Colourman’ 8 Journal, 1880 
Oiland Colourman’s ah Diary, 
881 . eae 
Oil Trades Directory, 1908... 
Oil Trades’ Gazette, 1886.. 
Colours ene: Drysalteries, 

1889... .. es 
Old Jonathan, 1875 F 
Old Moore's Almanack, 1880 . 
Olive Leaf, 1903... .. se 
Oliver's Weekly Guide, 1903 
On and Off Duty, 1888 * 
On Service, 1896 ... ... ese aes 
On the Line, 1882 ... die eae 
On the March, 1896 
One and All, 1891 — 
One and All Gardening, 1900 .. 
One by One 
One Thing Needful Almanac, 1871 
Onlooker, 1900... .. 
Oof Bird Ss. fetes, Hees 
Open Court, 1887 ... 
Open Doors, 1876 ... 
Ophthalmascope, 1908... ... 
Ophthalmic Review, 1881 . 
Optician, 1891 ... 
Orchestral Journal, 1860 . 
Orchestral Times, 1898 
Orchid Review, 1893 Ba re 
Order of Divine Service, 1887 ° 
Order of the Golden Age, 1896... 
Organist and Choirmaster, 1898 .. 
Cree Magazine of Voluntaries, 

8 de 5 
Orpheus Journal, 1878 
Our Boys and Giris, 1877 .. 
Our Boys’ ne 1887 .. 
Our Darlings, 1868... ... 
Our Heritage, 1895 
Our Home, 1889 ... .. deel, Sia 
Our Little Dots, 1887 ‘ss vo “se eee 
Our Log Book, i894 ase aga bob 424 



MA J. Walling, Junr. dem, Adwertieing Agents, 125 Strand, Londen, 

Newspapers. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

ne ee De ES Tr EN NS 

Our Magazine, 1875 .. -. +. 

Our Missionary Year, 190 .. 

"Our Missions, 1894... ... .. ... 

Our Own Gazette, 1884 . 

Our Own Magazine, 1879 . 

Our Paper, 1891 _... — 

Our Quarterly, 1882 ... 

Our Sisters in Other Lands, 1879 

Our Waifs and Strays, 1880 ... .. 

Our Western Empire, 1901... .. 

Our Work at Home & Abroad, 1878 

Our Young Men, 1902 ... ... 

Out and Home, 1894 

Out and Out, 1887... ... 

Out & Out Almanack, 1887... 

Out of the 008 1902 

Outfitter, 1890 ... ... ... 

Outing, 1887 

Outlook, 1898 ... ... 

Overland Mall, 1855 

Oxford Almanac, 1870... ... 

Oxford Diocesan Magazine, 1902 . 

Oxford Directory, 1880... ... — 

Oxford House Chronicle, 1887... 

Oxford University Calendar, 1818 

Oxfordshire Light INIANATY Chro- 
nicle, 1892 ... 

P.A.D., 1902 . 

Paddington "and West London 
Mercury, 1881 F 

Paddington, &o., Directory, 1871 .. 

Paddington Gazette, 1895... ... 449 

Paddington, Kensington, and Bays- 
water Chronicle, 1860 . 

Paddington Times, 1858 

Page’s Magazine, 1902 .. 

Painting World, 1902 _... 

Palestine Exploration Fund Quar- 
terly Statement, 1865 ... ... m 

*Pall Mall Gazette, 1865... «2. 00. 427 

Pall Mall Gazette rar 1888 ; 

Pall Mall Magazine, 1893 ... ... ... 427 

Pall Mall Pictures . dis ase Wet tase 

Palm and Crown, 1908 .. 

Paper and up. 1896... 

Paper Box and Bag Maker, "1896 

Paper Maker, 1891... ... 

Paper Makers’ Circular, 1861 . 

Paper Makers’ Directory of ail 
Nations, 1884 ... .. 

Paper Makers’ Monthly ‚Journal, 
1868 ... .. 

Paper Making, este o 

Paper Mills Directory, 1859 .. 

Paper Trade Directory Great 
Britain, 1884 ... .. 

Paper Trade Review, 1879 .. 

Parents’ Review, 1890 ... 

Paris Fashions, 1898 _... sas 

Parish Helper o manae 1901 ... 

Parish Kalendar, 1899 . 

Parish Magazine, 1859... ... — 

Parker’s Church Calendar, 1855 ... 

Parliamentary Debates 

Parliamentary Record, 1861 

Parliamentary Reports, 1900 . 

Parnell’s Superflcial Ready 
Reckoner, 1894 ... i 

Parochial Almanac, 1870 * 

Part Singer, 1860 ... .. .. 

Past and Future, 1897 . ve 

Patents, 1898 _... 
Paterson’s Practical Statutes, 1849 

—— — 

Advertisomenis received far all the Metropolitan Newspapers, 

Paton’s List of Schools, 1898 ... 
Pauline, 1882 _... u 
Pawnbrokers’ Gazette, 1832 
Peace and Goodwill, 1895 ... 
Peacock’s Pocket Diaries, es 
Pearl of Days, 1881... ... ae 
Pearls, 1908... ... ... 
Pears’ Annual, 1891 * 
Pearson's Magazine, 1896 nr ai 
OD WER). 1890 u ves sa 
Peat’s Farmers’ Diary, 1865 
Peckham, &c., Directory, 1886 
Peckham Post, 1902 ... 446 
Peerage and Baronetage of ‘the 
British Empire, 1882 ... a 
Pelican, 1889 _... 
Peloubet’s Select Notes on Inter- 
national Lessons, 1875... .. 
Penny Books for the People, 1876.. 
Penny lilustrated Paper, 1861.. ; 
Penny Magazine, 16898 ... .. 
Penny Pictorial Magazine, 1899 
Penny Serial Story 200K; 1892 
Penny Stories, 1898 _... Sa 
*Peopie, 1881 ww. .. uee aee e. 226 
People Almanac _... ‘ 
People’s Almanack, 1857 
People’s Monthly ... ... 
Periodical, 1896... F 
Periodical Accounts of the Mis- 
sions of the Church of the ee 
Brethren, 1790... ... 
Perry’s Gazette, 1776 ... 
Petroleum, 190 ... ... 
Petroleum Review, 1899 _... — 
Petroleum World, 1908 .. sau? wee Ades 
Pettitt’s Diaries ; 
Pharmaceutical Journal, 1841... ... 
Pharmaceutical Society's Calen. 
dar, 1841... ... ss 
Phil May’s Annual, 1892. 
Phllanthropist, 1881 
Philatelic Journal, 1901 
Philatelic Record, 1878.. =; 
Philosophical Transactions of the 
Royal Society, 1801 _... m 
Phonogram, 1894 _... u 
Phonographic Monthly, 1897 o.. 
Phonographic eee or Clinical 
Teaching, 1894 
Photo Bits, 1898 
Photogram, 1894 ... ... 
Photograms of the Year, 1895.. 
Photographic Dealer, 1896... ... 
Photographic Dealer’ s Annual, 1900 
Photographic Journal, 1858 ... 
Photographic News, 1858 ... 
Photography, 1888... ... 
Phrenological Annual, 1886 
Phrenological Journal, 1880 
Physical Development, 1901 
Physical Review, 1898 ... 

Ey Society’s Proceedin gs, 

Piano Journal, 1885 de Boe GES. nes 
Pick-Me-U , 1888 Was’ lever u ale. nee 
Pictorial omedy, 1899 Ses 

Picture Politics, 1894 ... ... 
Picture Postcard, 1900... ... 
Pierrot, 1908 se se ssn nue cs 
Pilot, 1900 — babe Gas 
Pioneer Review, 1897 bua? Saale Gor aan 
Pioneer of Wisdom, 1889 ses s ne 449 

a! | 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — 

Pitman’s Musical Library, 1883 .. 
Pitman’s Phonetic Journal, 1842 ... 
Pitman’s Shorthand, &c., Diary, 

1892 . 

Pitman’s Shorthand Weekly, 16 1899... 

Platform, 1900 ... ... 

Play Pictorial, 1902 .. 

Play Time, 1900... 

Playgoer, 1901 ... 

P!aylet, 1901 

Pluck, 1896 . 

Plumber and Decorator, 1879 .. 

Pocket Calculator, 1880... ... 

Pocket Lesson Book, 1874 ... 

Poets’ Corner, 1899 

Police Gazette, 1790 

Police Review, 1898... .. 

Policeman's Pocket almanac, 1900 

Policy, 1902 ... ... +. bee ads. hes 

Political Science by 

Politician’s Handbook, 1899. — 

Polo and ding Pony Stug Book, 
1894 . see 

Polyclinic, 1899... ... — — 

Poiyglot Calendar, 1894 

Polytechnic Magazine, 1878 

Poor Law Conferences, 1868 ... ... 

Poor Law Officers’ Journal, 1892 ... 

Poor's Manual of the Raliroads of 
the United States, 1867 ... 

Popular Phrenologist, 1896 

Popular Stories, 1895 ... .. 

Portfolio, 1870 ... se z 

Portfolio of Ladies’ Fashions, "1901 

Portfolio ofthe Monumental Brass 
Society, 1895 . 

Pee ou Southsea, 20. Direc- 

tory, 1887. 

Positivist Review, 1895.. 

Post, 1890 ... oa: 

Post Magazine, 1840 ds — 

Post Magazine Aimanao, &o., 
1840 .. 

pos Office Daily List of Sailings, 

: Post “Office Guide, 1858... ... 

Post Office Handbook, 1886 ... 

Post Office London Directory, 
TBST 5, ur a ae, u ee ee kes 

Post Office Temperance Pioneer, 
1897 . 

Poster and Post- Card Collector, 
1903 . Sa 

Postmaster- General’s Annual Re- 

rt on the Post Office, 1855 

Pottery Gazette, 1878 ... ... 

Pottery Gazette Diary, 1881 

Poultry, 1888 ... west’ es 

Poultry Journal, 1886 ... 

Power, 1908... ... 

Power Laundry, 1908 

Practical Advertising... .. 

Practical Art Gallery, 101 ... 

Practical Confectioner aus Baker, 

1882 . 
Practical _ Pocket- 
Book, 1899 
Practical Photographer, 1900 . 
Practical Teacher, 1881 ... 
Practical Teacher's Ar: Monthly, 

Electriclan’ 8 

1898 . — at Be ı ee 
Practitioner, 1868 ... — 
Preachers’ Magazine, 1887... un oe 


— — — —— — — — — —ñ nn 

— — —— e — — — — — 


J. Willing, Jur, Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Londom 

Precentor, 1908... ... +. see eee oe 
Presbyterian, 1885... +... ... ove 
Present Century, 1903 . — 
Present Truth, 1884 _... 
Primitive Methodist, 1868 . 
— Methodist Joyful Tidings, 


Primitive Methodist Missionary 

Primitive Methodist. ' Quarterly 
Review, 1863 . — 

Primitive Methodist World, 1878 ... 

Primrose League Gazette, 1887 _... 

Princess Novelette, 1886 a 

Printers’ Engineer, 1895 _... 

Printers’, Lithographers’, &o. ‚Sales 
and Wants Advertiser, 1887 — 

Printers’ Register, 1868 i 

Printers’ Year-Book eng Diary, 
1898 seer, ae 

Printing World, BD] a ae a 

Printseller, 1908 sea a kn Bes 

Prize, 1864 ... ... 

Prize Reciter, 1895 . 

Proceedings of the “Cambridge 
Philological Society, 1882 ... 

Proceedings of the Chemical So- 
ciety, 1868 .. 

Proceedings of the "Geologists’ 
Association, 1859 ... 

Proceedings ‘of the Incorporated 
Association of Municipal and County 
Engineers, 1864 ... 

Proceedings of the Incorporated 
Institution of Gas Engineers, 1892 ... 

Proceedings of the Institution of 
Civil Engineers, 1887 .. 

Proceedings of the Institution of 
Mechanical Engineers . 

Proceedings of the London Mathe- 
matical Society, 1865 ... 

Proceedings of the Malacological 
Society of London, 1898 

Proceedings of the Royal Artillery 
Institution ... 

Proceedings of the Royal ‘Colonial 
Institute, 1868 

Proceedings of the Royal Dublin 

Proceedings ` of the ‘Royal Institu- 
tion of Great Britain, 1851 . 

eee of the Royal ‘Irish 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, 
1800 sss aus: “eda! cass: ner, ale ea Case 

Proceedings of the Society for 
Psychical Research, 1882 ... 

Proceedings of the Society for the 
Study of Inebriety, 1884 __... 

Proceedings of the Society of 
Biblical Archeology, 1878 ... .. 

Proceedings of the Union of the 
South-Eastern Scientific Societies, 1890 

Proceedings of the ere Histori- 
cal Society, 1897 ... 

Proceedings of the "Zoological 
Society of London, 1888 

Process Photogram, 1895 ... 

Process Year-Book, 1895 ... ... 

Produce Markets Review, 1866 * 

Professional Notes of the Sur- 
veyors’ Institution, 1889 ... ... 

Professional Nurse’s Diary, 1896 — 


Wewspapers. ] 

' Willing’s Press Guide 

Professional Pocket-Book, 1872 . 
Profitable Farm and Garden, 1809 
Programme, 1908 _... . 
Progressive Advertising, 1001 .. 
ores Gazetteer, 1899... .. 
Prope riy Market Review, 1898 
_ Prophetic News, 1877 ... .. ... 
Pros and Cons, 1908 
Protest, 1902 _... — 
Protestant Alliance, 1858 — 
Protestant Chronicle, 1901 _.. 
Protestant Churchman, 1827 . 
Protestant Echo, 1880... .... ... 
Protestant Guide, 1896... . 
Protestant Observer, 1888.. 
Protestant Woman, 1892... 
Provincial Highest and Lowest 
Prices, 1898 
P.S.A. Leader, 1898... .. 
Psycho- Therapeutic Journal, "1801 
Public Diary of Fixtures, 1900... ... 
Public General Acts, 1887 ... 
Public Health, 1888... ... bie 
Public Health’ Engineer, 1807 ... 
Public Ledger, 1760 
Public Ledger Evening Reports 
Public Opinion, 1861 _.. 
Public Schools Year-Book, 1 1889 
Public Works, 1908 ... .. zs 
*Publishers’ Circular, 1887.. 
Punch, 1841.. ... — 
Punch ‘Almanac, 1841 
Puritan, 1908 _... 
Putney Observer, 1887 .. 
Pyrenean, 1881... ... .. 
Quarry .. 
QuarterlyJou rnal of Microscopical 
Science, 1852... .. 
Quarterly Journal of Pure and 
plied Mathematics, 1848... 
Quarterly Journal of the Geo- 
logical Society, 1845... 
Quarterly Journal of the Royal 
Meteorological Society, 1872... 
Quarterly Leaflet of the Woman's 
National Liberal Association, 1895 ... 
Quarterly Medical Index, 1900... 
Quarterly Record of the Royal 
Botanic Society of London, 1880 ... 
Quarterly Reporter of the German 
Baptist Mission, 1858 . 
Quarterly Return of Marriages, 
Births, and Deaths, 1889 ... 
Quarterly Review, 1806 ... = 
Quarterly Weather Report, 1884 ... 
Queen, 1861 .. 
Queensland Post Office Directory 
(Wise’s) ... 
Quiggin’s Isle of Man Almanack, 
1824 . és. ewe” ME 
Quiver, 1861.. 
Racehorse, 1901 — 
Racehorse Form, 1908 ... ... 
Racing Analysis, 1981 uno. 
Racing Calendar, 1778 . 
Racing Gazette, 1884... 
Racing Handbook, 1900 
Racing Pigeon, 1898 an me 
Racing Record, 1901 ... ae me e 
Racing World, 1886... . ses eee 05 
Railway Almanac, 1865.. 
Railway & Commerciai Gazetteer 

of England, Scotland, and Wales, 1868 

one eee 

= — — en ee i — — — — — — — 



— u re ee ee ee et mn 

Railway & Shipping Contractor, 

Railway © Carriage & Wagon Review, 

Railway Diary ‘and. Omciais' 
Directory, 1898 ... ... 

Rallway Engineer, 1880 

*Railway Herald, 1887 . 

Railway Magazine, 1897 

Railway News, 1864 .. 

Railway Official Gazette, 1870... 

Railway Review, 1880 ... .. ; 

Railway Signal, 1882 _.. 

Rallway S gnal Sheet Almanack, 
1884 . 5< see: Ges 

Railway Times, 1887... 

Railway Year-Book, 1898 

Raphaels Prophetic Almanac, 

, 1819... .. — 
Reading Directory, 1899 sc 
Record, 1828 

Record of Technical and Second- 
ary Education, 1892 ... 
Record of Transactions of the In- 
stitution of Junior gas 1884 . 
Red Letter, 1899 — ane 
Red Letter Calendar, _... 
Red Letter Day Kalendar, 1901... 
Redhill & Reigate Directory, 1890.. 
Reeves’ Musical Directory, 1879 
*Referee, 1877 ... 
Reference Catalogue of Current 
Literature, 1874 ... se. ese 
Reformer, 1897... ... 
Reformers’ Year Book, 1895 ... 
Refrigerating Engineer, 1902 ... 
Regiment, 1896... ... ... 
Regions Beyond, 1878 ... ... 
Register of Patent Agents, 1892 
Br. of Veterinary Surgeons, 


Registers of ‘Pharmaceutical Che- 
mists and Druggists, 1852 ... 
Reid’s — Entertainment 
Guide, 1 
Reliquary. and ittustrated Archeso- 
logist, 1860 _... — * 
Report of Fashions, 1820 ... 
Report of the Board of Education 
Report of the Proceedings of the 
General Synod of the Reformed 
Church of England, 1908 .. ... 
Report of the Society of Women 
Journalists, 1904 ... .. — 
Reporters’ Journal, 1875 
Reporters’ Magazine, 1880 
Reports of Patent, &c., Cases, 1888 
Reports ofthe British Association 
for the Advancement of Science, 1851 
Reports of the Proceedings of the 
Associations of Gas Engineers, &c., 
1888 . * 
Reports of the Sanitary Assurance 
Association, 1881 . 
Reports of the Societ “for the 
Study of Disease in Childhood, 1901 
Rest and Reaping, 1886 _... ... 
Retailers’ Record, "1908. 
Reuter’s Journal, 1890... ase 
*Review, 1869 ... ... — 
Review of Reviews, 1890... 
Review of Reviews Annual, 1891 
*Reynolds’s Newspaper, 1850 . 

— —— — — — — — 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan ee 

— — — — 





Willing’s Press Guide. 


Riaito, 1889 . 
Ridley’ s Wine and Spirit Handbook, 

Ridley’ s Wine and Spirit Trade 
Circular, 1848... .. .. 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle, 1880 . * 

Rimmel’s Almanacs, 1851 ... ... se 

River, 1895 ... sca do ve 

R.M.A. Magazine, 1000 0 nc e aes 

Road, 1891 ... ek den eas 

Road Coach Album, 1897 ... e ! 

Road Coach Guide, 1894 

Road Coaching Programme, 1891.. 

Roads of England and Wales, 1889.. 

Rochester, &c., Directory, 1890... 

Rochester Diocesan Chronicle, 1892 

Rochester Diocesan DIESEN: 1880 

"Rock, 1868 ... .. 

Rocks and Shoals, 1902. 

Roll ofthe Union of Graduates in 
Music, and Kalendar, 1893.. 

Romance, 1896 . 

Rosarian’s Year- Book, 1871 

Rosebud, 1881 ... 

Ross’s Parliamentary Record, 1861 

Rostrum, 1903 ... 

Round World, 1891... . 

Rowing Almanack, 1861 

Royal Blue Book, 1822... .. 

Royal College of Science Magazine, 
&c., 1886... .. 

Royal Cruising Club Journal, "1888 

Royal London Pena Hospital 
Reports, 1857... ... 

Royal Ma azine, 1898 . 

Royal National Commercial Direc- 
tory of Ireland, 1827 ... 

Royal National Commercial Direc- 
tory of Scotland, 1821 ... ... ... 

Royal Navy List, 1878 ... ... 

Royal Thames Guide, 1899.. 

Royalist, 1890 ... 

Ruffs Guide to the “Turf, 1842... 

Rural World, 1888 ... 

Saddiers’, Harness Makers’, “and 
Carri age Builders’ Gazette, 1871 _... 

Saga Book of the Viking Club, 1895 

St. means Diocesan Calendar, 


St. Alban’s Directory, 1899... 

St. Alban’s (Holborn), Monthiy 
Paper, 1884 ... 

St. Augustine’s (Kilburn) Boys’ 
School Magazine, 1892.. 

St. Bartholomew's ‘Hospital 

Journal, 1893 . 

. Bartholomew’s ‘Hospital Medi- 
cal Reports, 1865 . 

. Bartholomew’s Nurses’ League 
News, 1900 ... ... .. 

. George, 1898 _... 

. George’s Hospital Gazette, 1898 

. James’s Budget, 1880 ... ... ... 

*St. James’s Gazette, 1880... ... os. 

St. John’s Wood, Kilburn, and 

Ham stead Advertiser, 1880... 

St. Mark’s College Magazine, 1898 

St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields money 
Messenger, 1880 ... ... 

. Martin’s-le-Grand, 1890... 

. Mary’s Hospital Gazette, 1898... 

. Nicholas, 1872 ... ae 

. Pancras Chronicle, 1898 — 



St. Pancras Guardian, 1874 ... ... 

St. Peter’s Net, 1886 _... 

St. Thomas’s Hospital Gazette, 1890 

St. Thomas’s Hospital Reports: 
1870.. sae es see 

Sale Prices, 1902... 

Sales and Wants Advertiser, 1887... 

Salisbury Pocket Book, 1898 ... ... 
Salvation Army's Brass Band 
Journal, 1884... ... ee ee 

Sandow’s Magazine, 1898 . ade 2 
Sandringham Magazine, 1902 . à 
Sanitary Journal, 1888... ... ... s.o 
Sanitary Record, 1874... — 
Sanitary Record Diary, 1882 ... ... 


Saturday Review, 1855... s.e wee 
Scandinavian, 1881... a T. en bed 
Scattered Nation ... ... a.s ese eee 

Scattered Seed, 1859 ... ... 

Schild’s Home Journal, 1890 

Fashion, 1881... ... u 

Schild’s Monthly Journal, "1852 * 

Schlid’s Mother's Heip, 1872... o 

Scholar's Own, 1896 __... 

School and Home Magazine, 1892.. 

School Attendance Gazette, 1870... 

School Board for concen Gazette; 
1896 . — 

School Calendar, 1887 .. — 

School Days, 1891 ... 

School Government Chronicle, 1871 

School Guardian, ein 

School Manager, 1900 . 

School Monthly, 1892 ... .. 

School Music eview, 1896 i 

School Newspaper, 1874... ... ... 

School Review, 1891 . —— 

School World, 1899... ... .. 

School Master, 1872 “ee — 

Schoolmastere’ Year Book, 1908 ... 

Schoolmistress, 1881 .. 

Science Abstracts, 1898 ea 

Science Gossip, 1865 ... 2... sse oss 

*Science Siftings, 1891... ... ... se 

Scientific Roli, 1880 — 

Scottish Churchman’s Kalendar, 

Scottish Commercial List, "1866 

Scraps, 1888__.... 

Scribner's Magazine, 1887... — 

Script Phonographic Journal, 1887 

Scripture Lessons, 1856... 

Scripture Readers’ Journal, 1858 .. 

Searchlight, 1898 ... —— 

Secondary Education, 1896 — 

Secretary’s Journal, 1898 `. 7 

Secular Almanac, 1870... ... 

Seed-Time and Harvest, 1901 . 

— — Saving, 1861 . 

Seil’s Dictionary of the World’s 
Press, 1881 .. 

Sell’s Directory of Registered Tele- 

aphic Addresses, 1886... — 

Sentinel for Wood Green, 1895... 

Sentry, 1898 ... — 

Service for the King, 1879 . 

Sewanee Review, 1893 .. 

Shaw's Local Government Man ual, 
1840 .. 

Shaw’s Poor Law Union Sheet 
Almanack, 1840 .. ss 

Shaw’s Scribbling Diary, 1882... 

Magazine of Ladies’ 





J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Newspapers. } Willing’s Press Guide. 

Sheaf, 1903 ... ... ee 
Shield, 1897 .. 

Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, 

Shipping Gazette ‘Morning Sum- 

Shipping "Gazette: Weekly Sum- 
‚1856 .. awe 
Shipping World, 1883 ... ... aed 
Shipping World Year-Book, 1886... 

Shoe and Leather Record, 1886 

Shooting Times, 1882 ... “ 

Shoreditch Guardian, 1894 

Short Stories, 1889... ... 

Shorthand World, 1902 

Shrine, 1902... ... 

Sierra ‘Leone Messenger, 3 1893.. 

Signal, 1882.. .. 

Simple Testimony, 1884... 

Six Home Counties Directory, 

Six Months’ "Prices & Dates, 1887 .. 

SIADENNY Magazine of Fiction, 

Skerry’ 8 Employment Gazette, 1902 
Sketch, 1898 ... 

Sketch, Bits, 1895 ... 

Smart Novels, 1903.. 

Smart Set, 1901 

Smith’s Diaries er 

Smith’s Registration Cases, 1886 . 
SmEhnelg rere Monthly, 

Snap S Shots, 1890... 

Soap Makers’ Directory, 1898.. 

Social Democrat, 1897 ... .. ... 

Social Gazette, 1893 _... Br 

Society & Dramatic World, 1894 ... 

Solicitors’ Diary, Almanac, &e., 1844 

Solicitors’ Gazette, 1889 ... 

Solicitors’ Journal, 1857 ___... 

Solicitors’ Pocket Diary, &c., 1845.. 

Something to Read, 1881 ... ... ... 

Son of Temperance, 1882 .. 

Sons of the Brave, 1896 _... 

Sotheran’s Price —— Litera. 
ture, 1848 — * 

South Africa, 1889 . 

South African ABC Guide to 
British Manufacturing and an 
1897 . we 

South African ‘Buyers’ "Guide, "1902 

South African Directory ... ... 

South African Engineer, 1908 . 

South African Exports, 1903 .. 

Feun A Hardware Chronicle, 

South African Hardware Chronicle 

Diary, 1902 
South African ‘Photographer, 1900 
South African Pioneer, 1887... 
South African Year Book, 1899 
South American Journal, 1868 
South American Missionary Maga- 
zine, 1856. 
South Auetrallan Post Office Direc- 
$ OT 1895... .. Rian cee 
Sout Eastern Herald, 1882 bie 
South London Chronicle, 1857.. 
South London Mail, 1881. ... 
South London Observer, 1868 .. 
South London Press, 1865 . 





— — — ee 

— — — — — — — —⸗— 


South Place Magazine, 1895 ... 
South Western Gazette, 1880 ... 
South Western Star, 1877 ... 
a Directory, 1886... 
Southend Directory, 1899 .. 
Southwark and Bermondsey Re- 
corder, 1868 
Southwark Libraries. ‘Chronicle, 
1895 . 
Sovereign Magazine of Fiotion, "1903 
Sower, 1862... ... —— 
Spare ‘Moments, 1888 fad 
Speaker, 1890 ... A 
Specification, 1898 . — eds 
Spectator, 1828... ... s.. sss se <e 279 
Sphere, 1900 
Spink & Son's. Monthly. "Numis- 
matic Circular, 1892 .. 
Spon’s Architects’, &c., ‘Book of 
Prices, 1878 .. 
Spon’s Engineer's | Diary “& Year- 
book, 1890 .. 
S orting Goods Review, 1890 . 
*Sporting Life, 1859 ... ... 480 
Sporting Life Companion, 1875... 
Sporting Life Racing Guide, 1 1880 . 
Sporting Luck, 1889 ... is 
Sporting Sketches, 1892 
Sporting Times, 1865 
Sporting World, 1879 ... * 
S orts Trades’ Journal, 1902 ... 
“Sportsman, 1865... .. 
Sportsman's Monthly Guide, 1879 | 
sBorssmen sand Tourist’s auge, 
1878... .. A ee 
" springing Well, 1897 
Springtime, 1886... 
Sburecen's illustrated Almanac, 

Staff College Reporte and Exami- 
nation Papers... ... 

Stage, 1880 ... .. oss eee 880 

Stage Society News, 1908 . ; 

Stage Souvenier, 1908 ... ... : 

Stage Staff Journal, 1908 ... ... 

Stamford HIII, — Directory, 1880 

Stamps sse 

*Standard, 1857 u (cover) i ii 

Standing Orders of the Lords and 

Stanley Gazette, 1892 . 

Stanley eee Monthly Journal, 
1890 . — 

‘Star, 1888 . — 

Star in the East, 1898 ... ... 

Star Lore and Future Events, 

State Correspondent. and Higher 
Examination Journal, 1894... .. 

Statesman’s Year-Book, 1868 ... ... 

Stationer, Printer, and Fancy 
Trades’ Re — 1859. zio — 

Stationers’, , Directory, 1872 ... 

Stationers’ & Printers’ Annual, 1899 

— — Trades Journal, 

Stationery Worid and Fancy Goods 
Review, 1891 ... ... 

Statist, 1878 .. 442 

Statistical Tables of the Patients 
under Treatment in the Wards of 
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital 

Steamship Magazine, 1903 

— — — — — — — — —— — — —— — 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers: [249 . 

— — — — — 

Stock Exchange, 1887 . 

Stock Exchange Daily Official List, 
1848 . Ke 

Stock Exchange Gazette, 1901.. as 

Stock Exchange Handbook, 1889 ... 

Stock Exchange Making-up Price 
List, 1877 

Stock Exchange Official Intelli- 
gence, 1892 ... ... 

Stock Exchange Review, 1885 .. 

Stock Exchange Weekly Official 
Intelligence, 1882... .. 

Stock Exchange Year- Book, 1874 . 

Stock-Keeper, 1879.. 

Stoke Newington, &C., Directory, 
1881 . be 

Stoke Newington Recorder, 1871 . 

Stone’s Justice Manual, 1868 . 

Stone Trade Journal, 1882.. 

Strad, 1890 ... ... K 

Strand Ma azine, i891... 

Stratford, &c., Directory, 1886 

Streams of Gladness, 1908.. 

Streatham and Brixton Weekly 
Mail, 19038 

Streatham Free Press 

Streatham News, 1891... ... 

Street’s Newspaper Directory for 
Great Britain and Ireland, 1890.. 

Stubbs’ Commercial Year Book 
and Gazette Index, 1869 _... a 

Stubbs’ Weekly Gazette, 1858 .. 

Serer 1887... . 

- Studio, 1898.. — 

Sun, 1898 _... 

Sunchildren's Budget, 1 1850 

Sunday, 1873 _... 

Sunday at Home, 1854 .. 

Sunday Circle, 1902 Eu as 

Sunday Companion. 1825 . 

Sunday Magazine, 1864 ... .. 

Sunday School Chronicle, 1874... 

Sunday School Illustrated ar 
manac, 1849 ... .. ea 

Sunday School Journal, 1872 ... 

Sunday School Teacher, 1868... ... 

Sunday School Teacher's Class 
Register, 1842... ... 

Sunday School Teachers’ Pocket- 
BOOK, 1890 — wid bes 

Sunday School Times, 1859. 

Sunday Society's Reports, 1 1876 

Sunday Special, 1897 ... .. 

Sunday Stories, 1896 

Sunday Strand, 1899 

Sunday Sun, 1891 ... ... 

Sunday Sunshine, 1893 

*Sunday Times, 1822 . 

Sunshine, 1862 . 

Supplement to the General ‘Stud 
Book, 1861 .. 

Supplementary Military Jou urnal... 

Surprise, 1894 ... ... 

Surrey Magazine, 1899... .. 

Surrey Tabernacle Witness, 1897 .. 

Surveyor, 1892 . oe 

Sussex Herd Book, 1890. 

Swiatlo, 1898 _... 

Sword and the Trowel, 1865. 

Sydenham, &c., Directory, 1881... 

Syllabus of the Associated Board 
of a Toye rene of ee 
1889... ... 





Press Guide. 


— — o — 
— — 

Symons’ Monthly Merteororcelee 
Magazine, 1866  ... s. 
Syren and Shipping, 1896 ... ... -.. 
Table, 1886 ... .. 
Table Tennis Association Official 
Handbook, 1902 ; 
Tablet, 1840... ... sik 
Tabular Property Register, 1896 ... 
Tailor and Cutter, 1866 _... 
Tailoress and Dress Cutting, 1898.. 

‘ Tailoring World, 1888 ... 

Tales from Town Topios, 1892... 

Talking Machine News, 19038 ... 

Tasmanian Eon Office Directory 
(Wise’s), 1890.. Ss sae 

T.A.T., 1903 . 

Tatler, 1901... ... 

Taylorian, 1879.. 

Taylor’s Calendar of the Meetings 
of the Scientific Bodies, 1894 

Table, 1837 .. 

Teacher's Aid, 1885... ... * 

Teacher’s Guild Quarterly, 1901 ... 

Teacher’s Pocket Book & Clary tsa) 

Teachers’ Times, 1900... ... .. 

Telegraph Chronicle, 1893.. 

Temperance Caterer, 1876 

Temperance Chronicle, 1873 ... 

Temperance Monthly visitor 1850 

Temperance Record, 1856... ... 

Temple Bar, 1860 .. ‘Seve Gee 

Temple Magazine, 1896 ... 

Text Book of the Protestant 
Church of the United Brethren, 1781 

Textile Fabrics Directory, 1880 

Textile Journal, 1902 ... ... su. 

Thames, 1899 _... 

Theosophical Chronicle, 1898 . 

Theosophical Review, 1887 

Therapeutic Gazette, 1876.. 

Therapist, 1891.. 

Things New & Old Book Aimainac, 


1870. a 
Thin s to Come, 1897 ... jes 
Thor — farmers’ Almanao & 

Thoughts rom the Word of God, 
1898 . 

Tide Tables for British & Irish 
Ports, 1858... 

Tidings of Light and Peace, 1878 . 

Timber, 1885 ... ... 

Timber News, 1891 . — 

Timber Trades gout 1878 . 

*Times, 1785 ; 

Times Issues, 1892 . 

“Times” Law Reports, 1844 1. 

Times Law Reports Digest, 1884 . 

Times Reports of ommercial 

Cases, 1895 .. — 

Times "Weekly Edition, ‘1877 

Tiny Tots, 1899... ... .. 

Tit Bits, 1881 

Tobacco, 1881 — 

Tobacco Trade Review, 1868 — 

Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac, 
1881. ies os 

Tobacco Weekly Journal, 1898... 

Tobacco Year-Book, 1894 ... 

To-day, 1898 ... as 

Toilers of the Deep, 1886... 

Tongues of Fire, 1891 ... 



J. Ze Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

N ewspapers.] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Tero, Sol-fa Souree Calendan; 
loal Times, 1884- 
ottenham and Edmonton ‘Weekly 
Guardian, 1884 ... 

Tottenhamand Edmonton ‘Weekly 
Herald, 1861 ... 

Tottenham & Stamford Hill Times, 
1885 . — 

Tourist, "1896. 

Tourist’s Church Guide, 1874 . 

Town Topics, 1879 ... ... ... 

Toynbee Record, 1888 . 

T. P.’s Weekly, 1902... 

Tract Society’s Penny Almanack, 
1840... ... 

Traction and ‘Transmission, "1801 

Trade and Empire, 1908 _... 

Trade and Navigation, 1847 

Trade Marks Journal, 1876 ... .. 

Trade Protection Journal, 1908 ... 

Tradesman & Shopkeeper, 1902 ... 

Trainer’s Review, 1895... ... es 

Tramway and Railwa World, 1892 

Transactions of the British Asso- 
ciation of Waterworks Engineers, 1896 

Transactions of the Cambridge 
— Society .. 

Transactions ofthe City of London 
Entomological, &c., Society, 1834 .. 

Transactions of the Dermatologi- 
cal Society, 1894 ... 

Transactions of the Entomologi- 
cal Society of London, 1834 A 

Transactions of the Epidemiologi- 
cal Society, 1850 

Transactions of the Hertfordshire 
Natural History Society, 1880 ... 

Transactions of the Honourable 
Society of Cymmrodorion, 1751... ... 

Transactions of the Hunterian 
— 1819 . 

Transactions of the Incorporated 
Gas Institute, 1864 Ede 

Transactions of the Incorporated 
Institution of Gas Engineers, 1891 ... 

Transactions of the Institution of 
Mining and Metallurgy, 1892... 

Transactions of the institution of 
Naval Architects, 1860... 

Transactions of the 
Society of Glasgow, 1881 ... 

Transactions of the Jenner Insti- 
tute, 1877... ... 

Transactions of the Jewish “His: 
torical Society of England, 1894 

Transactions — me Linnean 
Society, 1791 . 


Transactions of “the "Medical 
Society of London, 1778 ... .. ee 
Transactions of the Medioo- 

lene Association, 1882 ... 

Transactions of the National 
Eisteddfod Association, 1894 .. 

Transactions of the Obstetrical 
Society of London, 1860 ate 

Transactions of the Odontologicai 
Society, 1868 

Transactions ofthe Ophthamoiogi. 
cal Society of the United Kingdom, 
1880 . 

Transactions of the Otological 
Society, 1899 .. — 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan, Newspapers. 





Transactions of the Pathological 
— — London, 1848 

Transacti ons of the Philologtcal 
Society, 1854 . 

Transactions of the Royal Society 
of Literature, 1825.. 

Transactions’ of the St. Paul's 
Ecclesiological Society, 1879 _.. 

Transactions of the Society of 
Anesthetists, 1898.. 

Transactions of the "Society of 

` Engineers, 1860 .. 

Transactions of the Surveyors’ 
Institute, 1868 ... 

Transactions ofthe United Wards 
Club of the City of a) 1903 

Transport, 1892 _... — 

Travel, a el ee ee 

Traveller, 1901... ... dds Gus? “ons 

Travelling Partner, 1001 oee ese ae 

Treasury, 1902 ... sss sse sso sse oso 

Treatment, 1897 

Trinitarian Bible ‘Society Gunar- 
terly Report, 1859 .. 

Trotting orid, 1902 ... 

Troubadour, 1889 seer Vaea Rido fesa: uesa 
True Protestant, 1901 ... ... see es 
Trust, 1891 . due Seas 

Trusting and Tolling, 1 1895 
Truth, 1877... ... 

Truthseeker, 1894 . — 
Tuberculosis, 1900 ... .. ee 
Tunbridge, &c., Direotory, 1889... 
Turf Gazette, 1901.. s ie 

Turfite, 1898 _... ss: Ze BE 
Typist’s Review, 1908 ee ee cee ae 
Tyres, 1908 . 

Ullmer’s Standard Circular, 1884.. be 

Uncle Ben’s Budget, 1898 ... ... ... 

Under the Dome, 1892... ... ese +. 

Undertakers’ Journal, 1886 gues dees 

Union Jack, 1895 _... 

Unitarian Bible Magazine, 1895 - 

Unitarian World, 1902 ... .. 

United Empire Press, 1901 .. 

United Kingdom Mineral Water 
Trade Review, 1878  ... 

United Kingdom Stock and Share 

Brokers’ Directory, 1875 ...  ... 
United Service Gazette, 1888 cu. u 
United Service —— 1829... 
Unity, 1868 ... .. as 
Universal Directory ‘of "Railway 

Offcials’ Annual, 1895 ... .. 
Universal Electrical Directory, 1881 
Universal Provider, 1898 ... 
Universal Stock Exchange Market 

Report, 1888 ... ... 

Universe, 1860 ... 
University College "Gazette, 1896.. 
University College School Maga- 
zine, 1851... ... ... 
University Correspondent, 1890 ... 
University Extension Journal, 1895 
UniversityofLondon Calendar, 1844 
University of London General 

Register, 1859... ... 

Unquoted Shares Register, 1901 . 
Vaccination Enquirer, 1879 

Vacher's Parliamentary Son 
panion, 1882 ees ... ese eee een ee 
Vahan, 1892... .. ese eoe see oso 

Vanity Fair, 1868 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

Vanity Fair erst 1869 
‚1908 .. 
Vectis, 1896 ... ... 
Vegetarian, 1888 
Ventilator, 1869... 
Vereinsbote, 1889 siz 
Verulam Review, 1888 ... ... 
Veterinary Journal, 1875 ... 
Veterinary Record, 1888 

en. Newspaper Gazetteer, 

Victoria (Australla) "Post Office 
Directory (Wise’s), 1884 . j 

Vigilance Record, 1887.. 

Vim, 1908 f 

Vinton’s Agricultural Aimanac, 1854 
Violin Budget, 1889... ... 
Violin Times, 1895 ... 
Vitality, 1902 
Volunteer, 1908... ... 
Volunteer Annual, 1903.. 
Volunteer Service Gazette, 1859 . 
Nor. „um :ora Loyal Almanac, 
Walford’s County Families of the 
United Kingdom, 1860... ... 
Walthamstow, &C.., Directory, 1889 
Waithamstow Express, 1883 ... ... 
Walthamstow Gazette, 1903 
Walthamstow Reporter, 1893 .. 
Wandsworth & Battersea Distriet 
Times, 1869 ... ... 
Wandsworth, &o., Directory, 1882... 
Wandsworth Borough News, 1884.. 
Wandsworth Observer, 1887 ... 
War or Brotherhood, 1890... 
War Cry, 1879 ... e 200 cee ose cee 
War Office List, 1868 ... 
Watch and N Trades Direc- 
tory, 1872... ... 
Watch Fire, 1881 Sis — 
Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c., 1874 5% 
Water, 1899... ... * 
Water Directory, 1877 .. 
Watford and Bushey Directory, 1899 
Wayside Words, 1864 ... — 
Webster’s Royal Red Book, 1848 — 
Wee Folks’ Annual, 1908 ... .. ... 
Weekly Budget, 1861 e a 
Neo Critical Review, 1908 ... 
*Weekly Dispatch, 1801 ... 
Weekiy List of Sailings —— 
Weekly Musical Review, 1908 ... 
Weekly Notes, 1866 = s 
Weekly Pulpit, 1908 i 
Weekly Reporter, 1852 .. — 
Weekly Return of Births 
Deaths, 1840 ... ... * 
Weekly Sport, 1908... ... 
Weekly Supplement, 1900... ... 
Weekly Times and Echo, 1847... 
Weekly Weather Report, 1878... 
Week’s Survey, 1901 ... ... .. 
Welcome Words, 1897 ... 
Weldon’s Bazaar of Children’s 
Fashions, 1881 ... .. 
Weldon’s Home Dressmaker, 1895.. 
Weldon’s Home Milliner, 1895 . 
Weldon’s — Dressmaker, 


1880 . 
Weldon’s Journal of ‘Costumes, 

878 . us SS 
Weldon’ Ladies’ Journal, 1879... 

m — — 

— — — — — — — —— — — — — — — 

u u 

— PPACUCRI Needlework, 

Wellcome’s’ Photographic Diary, 

Wesleyan “Methodist “Church 
Record, 1891 ... 

Wesleyan Methodist Kalendar, 1850 

Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1778 

Wesleyan Methodist — Book, 
1850 . s 

Wesleyan ‘Methodist 
School Magazine, 1857 .. 

Wesleyan Miccionaey Notices, 1816 

West Africa, 1900 ... ... 

West African Year Book, 1901... ... 

West End Gazette of Gentlemen's 8 
Fashions, 1861 er es 

West Ham Library Notes, 1895 _... 

West India Sonne Circular, 


1908 2... 2.00 se 

West Kensington, "&c., ‘Directory, 
1879 .. 

West London Advertiser, 1867.. * 

West London Medical Journal, "1895 

*West London Observer, 1855 ... ... 

West London Press, 1857 .. 

West London Reporter, 1879 ... 

West Riding of Yorkshire, Direc- 
tory, 1861.. m 

Western Australian Post Office Di- 
rectory (Wise’s), 1870... ... i 

Westminster, 1902 . * 

Westminster and Pimlico News, 
1887 . * * 

Westminster Budget, 1893 .. 

‘Westminster Gazette, 1898 — 

Westminster Hosp te Reports) 
1888... .. — 

Westminster Mail, "1900 

Westminster Observer, 1902 ... 

Westminster Review, 1824... 

Westminsterian, 1891 ... 

What’s What, 1901... ne. 

Whitaker’s Aimanack, 1869 

Whitaker’s eer see 1897 ... 

White Cross, 1885 . — 

White Ribbon, 1896 .. Seg 

White’s Sheffield Directory 

Whitehall Review, 1876 _... 

Whiteley’ s Diary, 1877 .. 

Who’s Who, 1849 _... 

Wide World Magazine... ae 

Wild Olive Graft, 1891, 1898.. 

Willesden Chronicle, 1877 . 

Willesden Observer, 1897 ... 

Williams & Norgate's Book Cir- 
cular, 1867 5 

Willich’s Tithe ‘Commutation 
Tables, 1887 ... — 

Willing’s Press Guide, 1874.. ‘ 

Willkommen in Europa, 1900 ... 

Wilson’s Handbook of South 
African Mines, 1902... ses 

Wimbledon, &C., Directory, 1890 

Windsor Magazine, 1895 _... 

Wine and Spirit Gazette, 1888... 

Wine and Spirit Manual, 1903 . 

Wine & Spirit Journal, 1902... 

Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and 
Agency List, 1890... ... 

Winean Spirit Trade Record, 1874 

Wine an Spirit Be Directory, 
1877 . ss 




d. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125(Strand; london. 

Newspapers. } 

Wine Trade Review, 1868 ... ... ... 

Wings, 1888 ... ... age eda hies zent 

Win er's Annual, 1884 — 

Within Our Gates, — 

Woman, 1889 _... 

Woman ‘at Home, 1898 .. 

Womanhood, 1898 ... ... 

Woman's Agricultural Times, 1899 

Woman’s Beauty & Health, 1902 ... 

Woman’s Life, 1895 ... .. 

Woman’s Trade Union ‘Review 

Woman’s Work, 1859 _... 

Mann. In the Mission Field, 
88 * 

Women's ‘Industrial ‘News, 1896 

Women’s Suffrage Record, 1903 

Wood Green, &c., Directory, 1880 . 

Woodford, &e., Directory, 1 1885 

Woodworker, 1901 . Ben — 

Woollen Gazette, 1908 .. * en 

Woolwich, &c., Directory, 1898 s 

Woolwich Co-operative Society 
Record, 1897 . * 

Woolwich Gazette, 1862... * 

Woolwich Herald, 1882... .. .. se 

Word of Life, 1895 ... .. — 

Word on the Watora; 1856 .. 

Work, 1889 ... — —— 

Work and Workers, 1898 ted? age? cage 

Work and Worship, 1897 

Worker's Friend, 1908 ... .. 

NOERINB. en s ne Journal, 


Workman’ a "National ‚Protection 
Association Magazine, 1899... ... 

Workmen’s Messenger, 1875 

World, 1874 ... .. — 

Worid of Billiards, 1900... ur oe 

World of Dress, 1898 iss 

World’s Comic, 1892 .. 

World’s Paper Trade Review .. 

World’s Work, 1902... ... ; 

Worthing, &c., Directory, 1899... ... 

Wright’s Directory of Lelcester and 
Suburbs, 1854... ... 

Wright’s Directory of Nottin sham 

Wright’s Directory of Rutland, 1854 
Writer’s Year Book, 1902 ... ... ... 
Writing Machine News, 1896... .. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — 

Yacht Racing Association Rules 
and Time Allowances, 1874... ... se 

Yachting Guide, 1878 ... ue e se 

Yachting World, 1894 

Yachtsman, 1891 e aa. 

Yarmouth Directory, 1899... ... 

Year-Book and List of — of 
the Society of Architects, 1884 . sa 

Year-Book of Australia, 1883... 

Year-Book of Pharmacy, 1865... .. 

Year-Book of Photography, 1859 ... 

near ecor of the Joint Scholar- 

Board, 1899 ... 

Year| ookofthe Royal ‘Society, 1896 

Year-Book of the. Scientific and 
Learned Societies of Great Britain 
and Ireland, 1884 ... .. 

Yearly Cou nty Court Practice, 1897 

Yearly Digest of Reported Cases, 

1897 . 
Yearly Practice of the Supreme 
Court, 1899 .. ... 2 
Year's Art, 1870. sus Bek: me ase ie 
Yes or No, 1902 ... .. cae 
York and District Directory . 
Yorkshire N List, 1866 . 
Young Abstainer, 189 ... ... se eo 
Young Crusader, 1891 . — 
Young Days, 1876 .. 
Young Eupang, 1880... oe cn 
Young Hel ers’ League, 1892... 
Young Ladies’ Journal, 1864 
Young Man, 1887 . 
Young People, 1899... ... 
Young People’s Magazine, 1894 
Young People’s lg 1854 
Young Pilgrim Book, 1867 . 
Young Protestant, 1896 
Young Soldier, 181... 
Young Standard Bearer, 1880 .. 
Young Woman, 1892 ... ... 
Zadkiel’s Almanac, 1881 ... 
Zadkiel' ererronomces Ephemeris, 
1848 . 
Zenana, 1872. 
Zion's Witness, 1859. * 
Zoological — 1865 
Zoologist, 1848 ... ... %.. 
Zoophilist, 1881... 


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s = World 
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Public Opinion 

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Shipping Gazette 

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Sovereign Magazine of Fiction 
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Spare Moments 

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Sunday Companion 

Surprise , 


Tailoring World 
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Universal Provider 

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Volunteer Service Gazette 

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Advertiser (Paddington) 
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Agent’s Journal 
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Anglo-African Argus 
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Architect and Contract Reporter 
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Automotor Journal 
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Balham, &c., Weekly Mail 
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a m 
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Chiswick Express 
Ohristian Life 
Chronique, La 
Church of England Pulpit 
City Leader 
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Civil Service Candidate 

* » Gazette 

Clapham Observer 
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Comic Cuts 
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Country Life Illustrated 
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Court Circular 
„ Journal 
Draper’s Record 
Dulwich Post 
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j World 
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General Practitioner 
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Great Thoughts 
Grocer and Oil Trade Review 
Grocers’ Gazette 
5 Journal 
Hoirdressers’ Chronicle 
Weekly Journal 
Halfpenny ns 

Hampstead and Highgate Express 
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au Shipping Guide 
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Local Government Chronicle 


Metropolitan. ] 


Local Government Journal 
Lock to Lock Times 
London and General Freight 
Market Report 
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a Tailor 
Theatre, &c., Guide 
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Paddington Gazette . 
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Peckham Post 
Penny Illustrated Paper 
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Petroleum Review 
Pharmaceutical Journal 
Pitman’s Phonetic Journal 
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Post Magazine 
Produce Markets’ Review 
Profitable Farm and Garden 
Property Market Review 
Public Health Engineer 
Putney Observer 

Racing World 
Railway News 
- Times 
River and Coast 
St. Pancras Chronicle 
Saturday Review 
School Board Chronicle 
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Scieuoe Biftings 

_ Willing’ s Press Guide. 

Satu a 

Shooting Times 

Shoreditch Guardian 

Short Stories 


Snap Shots 

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Southwark Recorder 




Sporting Life un Guide 

Stock Exchange Gazette 

a F evie 

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Stoke Newington Recorder 
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„ News 
„ Trade Journal 
Topical Times 
Tradesman and Shopkeeper 
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United Service Gazette 
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Wheel of Fortune . 
Wine and Spirit Gazette 
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Blackheath Local Guide 
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British Journal of Dental Science 
Budget Story Books 
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Guy’s Hospital Gazette 
India Rubber, &c., Journal 
Insurance Budget 

Journal of the Royal Ingtitute of 

British Architects 
Society of Chemical 


33 ” 

Bi-Weekl y—continued. 

Journal of Tropical Medicine 

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Moravian Messenger 



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Paper and Pulp 


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a Commercial Guide to 

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Burlington Gazette 
= Magazine 
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— — — — — — — — — — 

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — —— 


— — — — —— — 


Christian's Library 
Chronicle of the London Mis- 
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Church and Home 

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Colliery Manager 
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Coming Day 
4 Modes 
Confectioners’ Union 
Congregational Magazine 
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Contemporary Review 
Continental Traveller 
Cook’s Continental, &c., Handbook 
Cornhill Magazine 
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Councils’ Journal ; 
Country Gentleman's 
County Courts Chronicle 
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Cusack’s Journal 
Cyclists’ Touring Club Gazette 
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J imes 
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Dawn of Day 
Day of Days 
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ee and Painters’ Maga» 


Decorators’ Gazette 



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Dyer, Calico Printer, &e., Review 
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Educational Times 
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Flectro-Chemist | 
Eleventh Hour 
Empire Review 
Engineers’ Gazette 
Engineering Index 

5 Magazine 

s Times 

j World 
English Illustrated Magazine 
Entomologist’s Magazine 

$9 ord 
Evangelical Magazine 
Evangelist Monthly 
Evening School Monthly 
Fabian News - 

3 cts 
Family Friend 
Fancy Goods, &c., Trades Journal 
Favorite Magazine 

; Stories 
Feilden’s Magazine 
Field Officer 
Fife and Drum Journal 
Financial Express 
Finland Bulletin 
Finsbury Park Circuit 
Fire and Water 
Fire Oall 
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Flora and Sylva 
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Food and Cookery 
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Fortnightly Review 
Foundry Trade Journal 
Fox Terner Ohronicle 
Free and Open Church Advocate 
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3 » Magazine 
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99 ”„ 

Friendly Companion 
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Game Gazette 
ras Engineers’ Magazine 

Genealogical Magazine 

General Strike 

Gentleman’s Magazine 

Geographical Journal 

Geological Magazine 


Girls’ Friendly Society Associates’ ` 

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Go Forward | 


Golden Rule 

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„ Lines 
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Greater Britain Messenger 
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se Monthly 
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„ eart 
Handy Notes ou Current Politics 
Harness Dealers’ Monthly Re- 
Harper’s Magazine 
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as Missionary News 
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i Indicator 
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$ Opinion 
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Investment Register 
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Camera Club 
Chemical Society 
Clerks of Works’ 
Farmers’ Club 
Institute of Bankers 
Royal Army Medi- 
cal Corps 
Royal Artillery 
y » Royal Colonial 
nstitute ~ 
Royal Microscopi- 
cal Society 
Royal Photographic 
š „ Royal United Ser- 
vice Institution 
Society of Patent 
Agents . 
Journalist and Newspaper Pro- 
J men yon Bakers’ Magazine 
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Kennel Gazette 
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Kennelman and Game Rearer 
King and Ponny 
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» Gazette 
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29 ” 
” 99 

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Trades’ Directory 
infield? &c., Directory 
Engineer’ R ‘and Surveyor’s Com- 
pendium and Diary 
i Gazetté Annual 
“4 Price Book 
. Xear-Book 
English Catalogue of Books 
» Church Union Annual 
»  Churchman’s Kalendar 
» Clubs, List of 
Englishwoman’s Year-Book 
Entr’Acte Annual 
Epsom, &c., Directory 
Era Almanac 
Essex County Annual 
» Hall Pocket Almanac 
» Year-Book 
Evening News Cricket Annual 
Every Man’s Own Lawyer 
Export Merchant Shippers’ Direc- 
Farm and Home Year-Book 
Farmer and Stockbreeder Year 
Father Tuck’s Annual 
Folkestone, &c., Directory 
Football Annual 
Who’s Who 
Foreign Office List 
Forest Hill, &c.. Directory 
Free Church Year-Book 
Freemason’s Calendar 
Fruit Growers’ Year-Book 
Fry’s Royal Guide to tlıe London 

266] J. 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 


Gale’s Almanac 
Game Rearers’ Annual 
Garden Annual 
Gardening Year-Book 
Gas Association of the United 
Kingdom, Reports and Pro- 
ceedings of 
» Engineer's Diary 
s h Pocket Almanac 
i Text-Book 
— Undertakings, Pocket Book 

», Water, and Electric Light 
Directory and Statistics 
» Works Directory 
„ World Year-Book 
Genealogical and Heraldic Dic- 
tionary of the Peerage 
Gentleman’s Annual 
7 Pocket Daily Com- 
Girl's Own Annual 
Gleaner and Sower Almanac 
Golden Grain Almanac 

” 99 Diar y 
Goldsmith’s Almanac 
Golf Greens 
Golfing Annual 
Good News Messenger 
Gore's Liverpool, &c., Directory 
Gospel Text Almanac 
Gould’s Year-Book of Medicine 
and Surgery 
Grant Richart’ s Children’s Annual 
Gravesend, &c., Directory 
Great Thoughts Almanac 
Greyhound Record 
* Stud Book 
Grocers’ Assistant Year Book 
* Journal Diary 
Grocery, &c., Directory 
» Pocket Diary 
Guide and Almanac for Hamp- 
» Book of the Friendly Socie- 
ties’ Registry Office 
Guild of Church Musicians’ 
Guildford, &c., Directory. 
Guy’s Hospital Reports 
Hackney and Homerton Directory 
* Stud Book 
Hammersmith, &c.. Directory 
Hampstead and Child's Hil Di- 
* Annual 
Year Book 
Ham’s Customs Year-Book 
» Inland Revenue Year-Book 
Handbook of the Theological 
Handy Guide to May Meetings 
Harleian Society’s Publication 
Hart's Annual Army List 
Hastings and St. Leonards Di- 
Hatters’ Gazette Diary 
Hazell’s Annual 
Herald of Mercy Annual 
Herefordshire, &c., Directory 
Higlıbury, &c., Directory 
Highest and Lowest Prices 
Holly Bough 
Hornsey, &c., Directory 
Horticultural Directory 
Hotels of Europe, America, &c, 
Howe's Classified Directory of the 
Metropolitan Charities 
Hull Directory 
Humane Year Book 
Huuit’s Universal Yacht List 
Ilford, &c., Directory 
Illustrated Sheet Almanac 
Imperial Tariff 


Index of Archeological Papers 
en the Periodical Litera- 
ture of the World 
India List 
Insurance Blue-Book and Guide 
International Code of Signals 
ss Daily Text Book 
Mercantile Directory 
Investors’ Handbook of Railway 
Ipswich Directory 
Irish Commercial List 
» Road Book 
Ironmongers’ Chronicle Diary 
Isle of Thanet Directory 
Islington Directory 
Jeweller and Metalworker Alma- 
Jewish Literary Annual 
Year Book . 
J ohn Bull’s Year Book 
John Ploughman’s Almanac 
John Wisden’s Cricketers’ Al- 
* * Cricketers’ Note- 

Journal of the British Dairy 
Farmers’ Association 
» Of the Royal Agricultural 
. Society of England 
Kalendar of Sundays and Holy 
the Corporations of 
SS. Mary and 
» English Church 
» Royal Institute 
of: British 
Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, 
&c., Classes 
Kennel Club Stud Book 
Kensington, &c., Directory 
Kilburn, &c., Directory 
Kime’s International Law Direc- 
King’ s College Calendar 
* Hospital Reports 
š Cross Diary 
Kingston, &c., Directory 
Knowledge Diary 
Ladies’ Golf Union Official Year- 
Lamb's Trade Diaries 
Lancashire Directory 
Land and House Property Year- 
Laundry Journal Diary 
Law Almanac 
„ List 
Lawyer’s Companion 
35 Remembrancer 
Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book 
on s Handy Newspaper 

Leeds and Bradford Directory 
» Directory 
Legal Diary and Almanac 
» Pocket Book, &c. 
Leicester Commercial List 
Letts’s Diaries 
Lewisham, &c., Directory 
Liberal Calendar 
Library Association Year-Book 
Licensed Victuallers’ Official 

8 ” 

tád 99 
» ” 

39 99 
Life of Faith Almanac 
Life-Saving Annual Report 
Light Railway, &c., Diary 
Lists of Private Bills 
Literary Year-Book 


Little Frolic 
Live Stock Journal Almanac 
Liverpool Commercial List 
Lloyds’ Calendar 
» Register of British and 
Foreign Shipping 
» Yacht Register 
Local Government Annual 
Board Annual 

9» ” 

” 99 
» London 
Lockwood's Builders’, &0., Price 
London (Fry's) 
* Almanack 
3 and County Trades Direc- 

4 and Fashionable Resorts 
3 Banks, &c. 
5 Catholic Directory 
5 Commercial List 
* „ Trades Directory 
<3 Diocese Book 
55 Directory, with Suburbs 
5 Fashion Review 

. Hommopathic Hospital 

ae Manual 

A of To-day 

ö Society of Compositors’ 

5 Suburban Directory 
ji Timber Trade and Saw- 
mills Handbook 
University Guide 
Louis Wain’s Annual 
Lowestoft Directory 
Lunar Month Annual Summary 
MacDonald’s English Directory 

* Irish Directory and 

” ‘Scottish Directory 
and Gazetteer 

Mackey’s Veterinary Diary and 
Maidstone Directory 
Manchester Commercial List: 
&c., Directory 
Manual of Electrical Undertak- 

— Grey College Magazine 
Mee Superintendent’s Pocket 

Maritime Notes and Queries 
See Plain Calendar 
nes &c., Directory 
eson’s Handbook for In- 
Medical Directory 
5 Register 
s Students’ Register 
Men of Note in Finance and 
Mercantile Navy List and Mer- 
cantile Directory 
Merchants’ » Manufacturers’, and 
Shippers’ Directory 
Methodist and General Desk Diary 
Middlesex Hospital Medical and 
Surgical Reports 
Mining Dividends and Rights 
» Highest and Lowest 
Prices and Dividends 
Minister’ s Pocket Diary 
Minutes of the General Conference 
of the New 



Willing’s Press Guide. 


Minutes of the Synod of the Pres- 
byterian Churoh 
of England 

Moravian Almanac 

Motoring Annual . 

Mowbray's Churchman's Kalendar 

Municipal Year-Book 

Music Trade Diary 

Musical Almanac 

» Directory 
My Little Friend Almanac 
National Temperance Lesen! 8 

Naturalists’ Directory 

Nautical Almanac 

Naval Pooket Book 

New Church Almanac 

» Code 
» Education Code for Day 

n ” 

» English Art Club Catalogues 

» South Wales Post Office Di- 

rectory (Wise’s) 

» Zealand Post Office Directory 
Newcastle, &c., Commercial List 
News of the World Almanac 
Newspaper Press Directory 
Nister’s Holiday Annuul 
North and Mid-Wales Directory 
North East Riding of Yorkshire 

Nursing Directory 

» Profession 
Official Guide to the British 
Handbook of the Pres- 
byterian Church of 
Year Book of the Church 
of England 
Oil Trades Directory 
» and Colourman’s Journal 

Old Moore's Almaiias 
One and All Gardening 
» Thing Needful Almanac. 
Our Missionary Year 
Out and Out Almanac 
Oxford Almanac 
» Directory 
» University Calendar 

Oxfordshire Light Infantry 

Paddington, &c., Directory 

Pall Mall Pictures 

Paper Makers’ Directory 
» Mills Directory 
Trade Directory 
Parish Hel per Magazine 
Parker’ s Church Calendar 
Parochial Almanack 
Paterson’s Practical Statutes 
Paton’s List of Schools 
Peacock’s Pocket Diaries 
Pears’ Annual 
Peckham Directory 
Peerage and Baronetage of the 
British Empire 
Peloubet’s Selected Notes on In- 
ternational Lessons 
People Almanac 
People’s Almanac 
Pettitt’s Diaries 
Pharmaceutical Society's Calendar 
Phil May’s Annual 
Photograms of the Year 
Photographic Dealer’s Annual 
Phrenological Annual 
Pitman’s Shorthand, &c., Year- 



Policeman’s Pocket Almanac 
Polo and Riding Pony Stud Book 
Polyglot Calendar 
Poor Law Conferences 
Poor’s Manual! of the Railroads of 
the United States 
Portsmouth, &c., Directory 
Post Magazine Almanac 
„ Office London Directory . 
Postmaster-General’s Annual Re 
port on the Post Office 
Pottery Gazette Diary 
Practical Advertising 
Printer’s Year-Book and Diary 
Proceedings of the Incorporated 
Association of Municipal and 
County Engineers 
Proceedings of the Incorporated 
Institnte of Gas Engineers 
Proceedings of the Royal Colonial 
Process Year-Book 
Professional Nurses’ Diary 
5 Pocket Book 
Protestant Guide 
Provincial Highest and Lowest 
Public General Acts 
» School Year-Book 
Punch Almanac 
Queensland Post Office Directory 
Quiggin’s Isle of Man Almanac 
Racing Handbook 
Railway Almanac 
Diary and Officials’ 
» Signal Sheet Almanac 
Raphael's Prophetic Almanac 
Reading Directory 
Record of Transactions of the 
Institution of Junior Engineers 
Redhill, &c., Directory 
Red Letter Calendar 
Red-Letter-Day Kalendar 
Reeves’ Musical Directory 
Reformers’ Year-Book 
Register of Patent Agents 
T of. Pharmaceutical Che- 
mists and Druggists 
as of Veterinary Surgeons 
Report of the Board of Education 
Society of Women 
Reports of the British Association 
for the Advance- 
ment of Science 
” s» Proceedings of the 
Association of Gas 
Engineers, &c. 
Sanitary Assuranoe 


99 a9 

” “Association 
” » Society for the 
Study of Disease in 

Review of Reviews Annual 
Richmond, &c., Directory 
Ridley’s Wine "and Spirit Hand- 

Rifle Brigade Chronicle 
Rimmel's Almanac 
Road Coach Album 
a » Guide 
» Coaching Programme 
Rochester, &c., Directory 
Rochester Diocesan Directory 
Roll of the Union of Graduates in 
Music and Kalendar 
Rosarian’s Year-Book 
Ross's Parliamentary Record 
Rowing Almanac ; 
Royal Crusing Club Journal 
„ Thames Guide 
Saga Book of the Viking Club 

Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers. 


Metropolitan. ] 

— — 


St. Albans Diocesan Calendar 
š Directory 
St. Bartholomew's Hospital 
Medical Reports 

St. Thomas’s Hospital Reports 
Salisbury Pocket Book 
Sanitary Record Diary 
School Calendar 
Schoolmasters’ Year-Book 
Scottish Churchman’s Kalendar 

» Commercial List 

Secular Almanac 
Sell’s Dictionary of the World's 

» Directory of Registered 
Telegraphic Addresses 

Shaw's Local Government Manual 
» Poor Law Union Sheet 
»  Scribbling Diary 
» Solicitors’ Almanac 
Shipping World Year-Book 
Six Months’ Prices and Dates 
Smith’s Diaries 
Solicitors’ Diary and Legal Direc- 

» : Pocket Diary and 

South African A BC Guide to 
British Manufac- 
turers and Ex- 
* „ Directory 
iy » Hardware Chron- 
icle Diary 
” »  wear-Book 
» Australian Post Office 
Southampton Directory 
Southend Directory 

Spon’s Architects’, Builders’, and 
Contractors’ Book of 
»  Engineer’s Diary and Year- 
Boo 5 

Sporting Life Companion 
Spurgeon’s Illustrated Almanac 
Staff Oollege Reports and Exami- 
nation Papers - 
Stamford Hill, &c., Directo 
Standing Orders of the Lords and 
Statesman’s Year Book 
Stationers’ and Printers’ Annual 
* &c., Directory 
Statistical Tables of the Pa- 
tients under Treatment in-the 
Wards of St. Bartholomew’s 

Stock Exchange Handbeok -~ 
99 „ Official Intelli- 

genoe $ 
* Š Year-Book 
Stoke Newingten Directory 
Stone’s Justices’ Manual 
Stratford, &c., Directory 
Street’s Newspaper Directory 
Stubbs’ Commercial Year-Book 
Students’ Handbook to the Uni- 
versity and Colleges of Cam- 
Sunday School Illustrated Al- 
Teachers’ Pocket 
* Society Reports 
Š Sunshine 
Supplement to the General Stud 

* 39 


Sussex Herd Book 

Sydenham, &c., Directory 
Tasmania Post Office Directory 



Willing’s Press Guide. 


Taylor’s Calendar of the Meetings 
of the Scientific Bodies 
»  TitheCommutationTable 
Teacher's Pocket Book and Diary 
Text Book of the Protestant 
Church of the United Brethren 
Things New and Old Book 
Thorley’s Farmer's Almanack and 

Tide Tables for the British and 
Irish Ports 
Tobacco Trade Sheet Almanac 
»  Year-Book 
Tonic Sol-fa Calendar 
Tract Society’s Penny Almanac 
Transactions of the British Asso- 
ciation of Waterworks En- 

Transactions of the City of London 
Entomological, &c., Society | 
Transactions of the Dermato- 
logical Society of Great Britain 
Transactions of the Honourable 
Society of Cymmrodorion 
Transactions of the Incorporated 
Institution of Gas Engineers 
Transactions of the Institution of 
Mining and Metallurgy 
Transactions of the Institution of 
Naval Architects 
Transactions of the Medical So- 
ciety of London 

Transactions of the N ational 

Eisteddfod Association 

Transactions of the Ophthalmo- 
logical Society of the United 

Transactions of the Otological 

Transactions of the Society of 

Transactions of the Society of 

Transactions of the Surveyors’ 

Tunbridge Wells, &c., Directory 

United Kingdom Stock and Share 
Brokers’ Directory 

Universal Directory of Railway 
Officials’ Annual 

Universal Electrical Directory 

University of London Calendar 

General Reg- 


“ Vanity Fair” Album 

Vickers’ Newspaper Gazetteer 

Victoria (Australia) Post Office 
Directory (Wise’s) 

Vinton’s Agricultural Almanac 

Volunteer Annual 

Vox Stellarum 

Walford’s County Families 

Walthamstow, Leyton, &c., Direc- 

Wandsworth, &c., Directory 
War Office List 
Water Directory and Statistics 
Watford, &c., Directory 
Wke Folks Annual 
Wellcome’s Photographic Diary 
Wesleyan Methodist Kalendar 
* Pocket Book 
West African Year Book 
» Kensington Directory 
What’s What 
Whitaker's Almanac 
Whiteley’s Diary 
White's Sheffield Directory 
Who’s Who 
Willich’s Tithe 

” n 


——— — 


Willing’s Press Guide 
Wimbledon Directory 

Wine and Spirit Directory 

an E Trade Diary 
Winter’s Annual 
Wood Green, &c., Directory 
Woodford, &c., Directory 
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Workmen’s National Protection 
Association Magazine 
Worthing, &c., Directory 
Writers’ Year-Book 
Yacht Racing 
Yachting Guide 
Yarmouth Directory 
Year-Buok of Australia 
and List of Members 
of the Society of 
ji z Pi 
of Photography 
” of the Joint Scholar- 
ship Board 
» Royal Society 
Scientific and 
Learned Societies 
of Great Britain 
and Ireland 
Yearly County Court Practice 
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» Practice of the Supreme 
Year’s Art 
Yorkshire Commercial List 
Young Pilgrim Book 
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Zoological Record 



A BC Hotel Guide 

Bournemouth Directory 

British Mercantile Guide 

Continental Road Book 

Harrod's Royal Dispatch of Great 
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Isle of Wight Directory 

International Guide to British and 
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Kent Archeological Society's 

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Soap Makers’ Directory 

Tourists’ Church Guide 

Transactions of the Jenner Insti- 

Wright’s Directory of Leicester 
and Sue 
of Notting- 


Directory of the Tobacco Trade 

Official Hotel Directory 

Roads of England and Wales 

Transactions of the Jewish His 
torical Society of England 

Irregularand Uncertain 

Alleyn's School Magazine 
Anglo-Continental, &c., Guide 

Aspinall’s Maritime Cases 
Atlantic Courier 

Babylonian and Oriental Record 
Bedfordshire, &c., Directory 

Benjamin's Penny Recitations 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim,, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Berkshire, &c., Directory 
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Book Bite 

„ Gazette and Notes 

» Lover 

» Of Ireland 

» Prices Current 
Boosey’s Orchestral Journal 
Building Trades Directory 
Burton-on-Trent Directory 
Cabinet, &c., Trades Directory 
Calculator, or Builders’ Guide 
Calendars of State Papers 
Cambridgeshire Directory. 
Catalogue of Modern Law-Books 
Cavendish Music Books 
Channel Islands Directory ° 
Chemists’ and Druggists’ Direc- 


Cheshire Directory 

Children’s Special Service Mission 
Occasional Paper 

Choral Harmony 


Chronicle of Convocation 

Church of England High School 

Oity of London School Magazine 

Oolfeian Chronicle 

Commercial Cases 

Cook’s Excursionist 

Datchelor School Magazine 

Derby and District Directory 

Durham Directory 

Edward Alleyn Magazine 

Economic Proceedings of the 
Royal Dublin Society 

Engineers’ and Iron Trade Direc- 

tory ; 
Essex, &c., Directory 
Fashions and Patterns 
General Stud Book 
Geographical Teacher 
Gloucestershire, &c., Directory 
Grimsby and Cleethorpe Directory 
Guild of St. Matthew's Occasional 

Hampshire, &c., Directory 
Harmonium Oabinet 
Homeward Mail 
Journal and Memoirs of the 
British Astronomical 
of Pathology 
of Physiology 
the British Astrono- 
mical Association 


p the Institute of Eleo- ` 

trical Engineers 
iš the Oxford University 
Junior Scientific Club 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Kent, &c., Directory 
King’s College Magazine (Ladies) 

» _9» Review 
Leather Trades Directory 
Local Acts 
London and China Express 
a University Gazette 
Low's Handbook to the Charities 
of London 
Memoirs of the Royal Astro- 
nomical Society 
Middlesex Hospital Journal 
5 » Pharmacopæia 
Reports of the Medical, &c., 
Mineralogical Magazine 
Ministry Card 


Mohawk Minstrels Magazine 

Monmouthshire, &c., Directory 

National Righteousness 

North and East Riding of York- 
shire Directory 

» London or University Col- 

lege Hospital, Reports 

Numismatic Chronicle 

Pall Mall Gazette Extras 

aoa Superficial Ready Rec- 


9 9 

Penny Books for the People 
Philosophical Transactions of the 
Royal Society 
Physical Society Proceedings 
Pitman’s Musical Library 
Pocket Calculator for the Use of 
Timber Merchants 
Proceedings of the Cambridge 
Philological Society 
j of the Chemical So- 

4 of the Royal Dublin 

Pr of the Royal Insti- 

tution of Great 
j of the Royal Irish 
Pr of the Royal Society 
i of the Society for 
Psychical Research 
b of the Union of South 
Professional Notes of the Sur- 
veyors Institution 
Reference Catalogue of Current 




Reports of Patent, &c., Cases 
Royal London Ophthalmic Hos. 
pital Reports 
„ National Commercial Direc- 
. _tory of Ireland 
ye j Commercial Direc- 
tory of Scotland 
School Board for London Gazette 
Six Home Coanties Directory 
Sixpenny Magazine of Fiction 
Smith's Registration Cases 
Sons -of the Brave 
Tabular Property Register 
Textile Fabrics Directory 
Times Law Report Digest 
Transactions of the Cambridge 
Philological So- 
” of the Entomolo- 
gical Society of 
* of the Epidemio- 
logical Society 
5 of the Hertford- 
shire Natural 
History Society 
* of the Insurance, 

* of the Linnean 
% of the Medico- 
Chirurgical So- 
G of the Obstetrical 
Society of Lon- 
3 of the Philological 
* of the Royal Dub- 
lin Society 
of the St. Paul’s 
Trne Protestant 
Ulmer's Standard Circular 
University College Gazette 
School Maga- 
* Extension Journal 
Vigilance Record 
Watch and Clock Trades Directory 
v= Riding of Yorkshire Direc- 

Wilson's Handbook of South 
African Mines 
Wright’s Directory of Leicester. 

York and District Directory 

„ ” 


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proving of even greater value to 
Advertisers than before. 



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Willing’s Press Guide. 




All papers are inserted under the name of the place where they chiefly circulate, or publish, and are not duplicated 
Goder other headings, but those marked * are localised editions of papers, the principal issues of which are 

published elsewhere. 
Acton ... Express... 
„ a „Gazette .. 
Anerley ... ...Penge, &e. , Press 
Balham .. ... Weekly Post 
” ae 2 ... Weekly Mail 
Barking ... . ... Advertiser 
Barnes ... ed “Herald ... das 
Barnet ; ...Pres ... en — 
a Seh .Jimes 
Battersea ...Chronicle 
m ... Mercury 
Beckenham ... Advertiser 
j ...Chronicle 
j ... Journal... 
" tae ... Times 
Bethnal Green ...News ans 
Bexley Heath ... ...Observer oe 
* Times 
Brentford ...Co. of Mid. Independent 
Brixton ...brixtonian ... ans 
—— — ... Free Press 
ae ... Limes 
Brockley . * „News 
Bromley ... ...Chronicle 


Buckhurst HIIU” 
Camberwell Sy 

Camden Town... 


Chelsea Er 



Ciapham. a 


Croydon ... 


Dulwich ... 


East Ham 

East London 





Finchley u 

Finsbury .. 
Forest Gate 

...vournal ,., 
... Limes 
.. Advertiser 
“News ... 
„South London Observer 
„St. Pancras Chronicle 
5 Guardian 
Mail ... = T 
*Times ... na Ta 
Express .. 
axe ... Gazette .. * 
* Times ...- .. aus 
‚Citizen ... 
City Press 
*Free Press 
,.. Observer 
,.. Advertiser 
... Xpress ,., 
,. Guardian 
... Lost 
„Gazette .. RM 
— Middlesex Co. Times. ig 
... Weekly Mail. Er 
*Recorder ER 
„Free Press 
"Advertiser — 
"East End News 
» Ham Echo 
* » xpress... 
ooo 9 „ Mail... b.. 
„Eastern Argus... eee 
u deb, Se Post.. ss 
u ‚Observer’ — ira 
“Times .., 
. Chronicle 
_. Middlesex Gazette 
; ‘Finchley and Hendon 
i News.. 
Guardian a * 
Press ... — oe 
*Telegraph ee — 
Times `. = 
.. Weekly News `. 
‘*Express .. ar as 

' Forest Hill 
' Fulham ..., 

”„ eee 

r? eee 
i ” 
Hackney ... 
3”? ... 


| Hampstead 

| Hanwall ... 
Harrow ... 
Hendon u 
Hither Green 
Holborn ... 

Hornsey .. 

„ ... 
i ig 
King’s Cross 



New "Cross 

North London . 


” eve 
” ere 
” rr 

Paddi ngto n 


” oes 
Putney ... 



... examiner wen: es 
.. Chronicle eg see 
“News .. 
Observer sits 
Times ... er 2a 
..Kentish Mail ... — 
Mercury a 
-South-Kastern Herald 
.. Express ,. x . 
‚Gazette .. — F 
Mercury | — wee 
. Spectator — 
Express... ssa ; 
.Record .,, * * 
„Gazette ... 
„Gazette .., 
„Observer es See 
... Advertiser — wae 
. Times se oe lss 
Journal — ag 
.Guardian he “as 
"Press A eee ... 
„Journal... ésa ... 
Guardian — oat 
... Recorder 
„Gazette ., 
...New3 & Hornsey Gaz. 
...North Mid. Chronicle... 
Post .. ees ae 
...EXpress .. ‘we 
®Mid-Surrey Times 
ee NOWS e see 
...News ... 
...Surrey Comet .. 
...5. London Chronicle |. 
— News 
..Gazette . vez 
"= Journal 
e.. West Kent Argus 
„Times ... 
CE astern Mercury 
„Express... ate 
.. Advertiser F 
... Mercury š 
.. Limes ,., si 

>. > o u . 8 © o è ë o « 
. . 

...Herald .., 
...Free Press 

.. Guardian . 
... Mercury 
*Gazette . 

... Crystal Palace Adver- 

tiser ... 

. Herald , 
„Press .. 
„Review ,.. 
„‚Advertiser u 
Chronicle _.,, 
„Gazette .., See ws 
„Indicator u 
...Mercury — 
... Limes ,., ‘es 
Gazette... ER 

eee ove 

eo © e ® es e e . 

“Observer — u 

eNews .. * 
“Observer ohh a 
„.Herald wiss eve ese 
+e NEWS 

..Thames Valley "Times 

Advertisements — for all the Metropolitan —e 



Metropolitan. ] 

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St. Mary Cray 

Sidcup _... re 
South London... 
af — 
9? aoe 

Southwark ade 
Stoke Newington 
Streatham bide 


Surbiton ... 
Tooting ... 

” too 

Twicken ham 
Upton uae 
Walthamstov ... 

ii Sens 

. Advertiser eee ..o 
.. xpress ... es — 
„Times .., — un 
Times ... — — 
.Ohronicle se ae 
.. Mail st nia * 
... Observer * ci 
... Press 

*Chronicle s 
„Recorder * xis 
... Recorder —F ue 
# Free Press * 
... Mail — 
..New3 les obi 
Limes... — as 
.. Advertiser — de 
„Gazette ... — ae 
“Herald ... g 
.. Guardian 

..Herald ... 

..Times ... — — 
Herald ... — — 

... Advertiser ee 

.. Express ... 
...Gtazette .., — * 
Guardian es — 
... Reporter Bee 

“Times ... ee ave 
... Borough News.,, see 
... Observer ae Sie 
.. South-Western Star ... 
... Times s 



Wem bley 

West Ham 

West London .... 






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Manufacturing Stationers, 


gar All Orders- Executed with Desp 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Sr 68 xpress... Se ssi 
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v*Gazette... = * 

un “Observer vee eee 
i ®Gazette ... vee ... 
— *Observer — saa 
> “Borough of West Ham 
Express — we 
. ‚Observer 
s „Press ... 
eee ... Reporter 
... Mail 
... News 

... Observer un 
..Westminster ... 
_. Chronicle — abe 
_. Observer 
.. crazette .., 
“Herald ... 
„News ... — — 
...Surrey Independent ... 
*Express ... z — 
.. Mail — 
Times .. oon BR 
Herald ... — ea 
„.Sentinel.... — ssa 
...Gazette ... ie eee 
..Herald ... ne aie 
„..Kentish Independent... 

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— — — — 

972]. J. Willing, Junr., Lin, Advertising Agen 

(8, 125 Strand, London. 

; Willing’s Press Guide. 


(For Colonial and Foreign Newspapers, see page 382). 

Argus (M. & E.) (Brighton )—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Chichester)—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Hastbourne)—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (East Grinstead)—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Hastings)—62 Fleet St., E.C. 

Argus (M. & E.) ( Hove)—62 Fleet St., E.C, 

Argus (M. & E.) (Horsham)—62 Fleet St., E.O. 

Argus (M. & E.) (Lewes)—#2 Fleet St., E.C. 

Argus (M. & E.) (Littlehampton )—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Argus (M. & E.) (Tunbridge Wells)—62 Fleet St., E.0. 

Argus (M. & EK.) (Rye)—62 Fleet St., E.C. 

Argus (M. & E.) (Worthing )—62 Fleet St., E.C, 

Argylishire Herald—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Ashton Evening Standard—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Ashton Herald—58 Fleet St., E.C. 

Athletic News (Manchester)—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Auckland Chronicle—* Star’ Office, Stonecutter St., 

Ballymena Weekly Telegraph—54a Fleet Sc., E.C. 
Barrow News—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bath Daily Chronicle & Argus— 180 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bath Herald—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bath Weekly Argus—4 Ludgate Circus, E.O. 

Batley News—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bedford Times—115 Fleet St., E.O. 

Belfast Evening Telegraph—54a Fleet St., E.0. 
Belfast News-Letter—167 & 168 Fleet St., E.C. 
Belfast Weekly News—167 & 168 Fleet St., E.O. X 
Belfast Weekly Telegraph—54a Fleet St., E.C. 
Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 178 Fleet St., E.O. 
Bideford Gazette—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Birkenhead News—115 Fleet St., E.O. 

Birmingham Daily Gazette—65 Fleet St., E.O, 
Birmingham Daily Mail—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Birmingham Daily Post—88 Fleet 8t., E.O. 
Birmingham Evening Dispateh—17 Tudor Street, E.C. 
Birmingham Weekly Mercury—65 Fleet St., E.C. 
Birmingham Weekiy Post—88 Fleet St., E.C. 
Blackburn Standard & Express—34 Victoria St., S.W. 
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph —71 Fleet St., E.C. 
Blackpool Gazette—101 Fleet St., E.O. 

Blackpool Herald—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bolton Evening News—20 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Bolton Journal & Guardian—20 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Bon Accord (Aberdeen)—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bournemouth Guardiun—74 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Bournemouth Observer—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bournemouth Visitors’ Directory—101 Fleet St., E.Q, 
Bradford Daily Argus—75 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bradford Daily Telegraph—62 Ludgate Hill, E.O. 
Bradford Observer Budget—129 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 62 Ludgate Hill, E.O. 
Bridlington Daily Mail—74 Fleet St., E.C. 
Bridlington Free Press, 62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Brighton Times—130 Fleet St., E.O. 

Bristol Echo —174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Evening News—61 Fleet St., E.O. 

Bristol Mercury—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Bristol Observer—61 Fleet St., E.O, 

Bristol Times—49 Fleet St., E.O. 

Burton Mail—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Burton Observer—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cambrian—74 Fleet St., B.C. 
Cambridge Independent Press—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Cambridgeshire Times—47 Fleet St., E.O. 

Advertisements recewed for all the Provincial. Newspapers. ©’ 

Cambuslang Advertiser—30 Fleet: St., E.C. 
Cardiff Times—46 Fleet St., E.C. 

Carnforth News—101 Fleet S8t., E.C. 

Oatholic Times (Liverpool)—169 Fleet St., E.0. 
Citizen (Gloucester )—144 Fleet St., E.O. 
Congleton Ohronicle—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Oork Oonstitution—190 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cork Examiner—7] Fleet St., E.C. 

Cork Weekly Examiner—71 Fleet St., E.C. 

Cork Weekly News—190 Fleet Street, E.O. 
County Herald (Staffordshire)—142 Fleet St., E.O. 
Courier & Argus (Dundee)—109 Fleet St., E.C. 
Coventry Reporter—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Coventry Times—58 Fleet St., E.O. 

Cromer and North Walsham Post—130 Fleet St., E.O. 

Daily Dispatch (Manchester)—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Daily Express (Dublin)—199 Strand, W.C. 

Daily Mail (Hull)—74 Fleet St., E.O. 
Daily Record (Glasgow)—Oarmelite House, E.C, 
Dalton News—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Darwen News—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Derby and Chesterfield Reporter—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Derby Daily Telegraph—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Derby Express—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Derby Mercury—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Derbyshire Times—13v Fleet St., E.C. 

Dereham and Fakenham Times—60 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette—71 Fleet St., E.C. 
Devon Evening Express—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Devon Weekly Times—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Dewsbury District News—130 Fleet St., E.C. 
Dorset County Chronicle—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Downham Market Gazette—60 Ludgate Hill, E.0, 
Dublin Evening Mail—199 Strand, W.O. 

Dudley Herald—142 Fleet St., E.O. 

Dundee Advertiser—186 Fleet St., E.C. 

Dundee Weekly News—109 Fleet St., E.0. 

East Anglian Daily Times (Ipswich)—53 Fleet St., E.0. 
Eastern Daily Press (Norwich)—120 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Evening News (Norwich)—120 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Morning Gazette—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Eastern Morning News (Hull)— 159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Eastern Weekly Press—120 Fleet St., E.C. 

Edinburgh Evening Dispatch—45 Fleet St., E.O. 
Edinburgh Evening News—4 Copthall Bldgs., E.C. 
Engineer's Gazette—5 Pilgrim St., E.C. 

Essex County Chronicle—115 Fleet St., E.O. 

Essex Herald—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Brening Chronicle (Newcastle-on-Tyne)—84 Fleet St., 

Evening Citizen (Glasgow)—57 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Echo (Cork)—71 Fleet St., E.O. 

Evening Express (Aberdeen)—5 New Bridge St., E.O. 
Evening Express (Oardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Express (Liverpool)—81 Fleet St., E.O. 
Evening Gazette (Aberdeen )—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Herald (Dublin)—190 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Irish Times—61 Fleet St., E.O. 

Evening Mail (Newcastle)— 17 Tudor St., E.C. 
Evening News (Portsmouth)—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Post (Dundee)—109 Fleet St., E.O, 

Evening Press (York)—145 Fleet St., E.O. 

Evening Telegraph (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C, 
Evening Telegraph (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evening Times (Glasgow)—112 Fleet St., E.C. 
Evesham Journal—58 Fleet St., E.C. 

Exeter Flying Post—20 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Express and Star (Wolverhampton)—49 Fleet St., E.C. 

Farnworth Weekly Journal, 20 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Folkestone Chronicle—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Freeman’s Journal (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.O. 


Provincial. ] 

— — — — — — — 

Glasgow Evening News—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Glasgow Herald—112 Fleet St.,E.C. > 

Glasgow Weekly Herald—112 Fleet St., E.C. 
Glasgow Weekly Mail—190 Fleet St., E.C. 
Glasgow Weekly News—109 Fleet St., E.C. 
Gloucester Journal—144 Fleet St., E.C. 

Grimsby and County Times—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Grimsby Daily Telegraph—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Grocers’ Review (Manchester)—13 Eastcheap, E.C, 

Halifax Guardian—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hampshire Telegraph—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hartlepool Weekly Journal—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hastings and St. Leonards Weekly Mail and Times— 
118-119 Newgate St., E.C. 
Heckmondwike Herald—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hexham Courant—120 Fleet St., E.C. 
Huddersfield Chronicle—20 New Bridge St., E.0, 
Huddersfield Examiner—5 New Bridge St., E.C, 
Hull News—159 Fleet St., E.C. 
Hull Times—74 Fleet St., E.C. 

Treland’s Saturday Night—54a Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Daily Independent—-190 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish Field—61 Fleet St., E.C. 

Irish News and Belfast Morning News—2 Creed Lane, 

Irish Society —47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Irish Times (Dublin)—61 Fleet St., E.C. 
Irish Truth—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Irish Weekly and Ulster Examiner—2 Creed Lane, E.C. 
Irish Weekly Independent—-190 Fleet St., E.C. 
Isle of Man Times—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Keighley News—129 Fleet 8t., E.C. 

Kent & Sussex Courier—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Kent County Examiner—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Kentish Express (Ashford )}—50 & 52 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Larne Times—54A Fleet 8t., E.C. 
Leeds Daily News—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Leeds Mercury—65 Fleet St., E.C. 
Leeds Saturday Journal—53 Fleet St., E.C. 
Leioester Chronicle—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Leicester Daily Post—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Leicester Evening News—17 Tudor St., E.C, 
Leicester Mercury-—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lichfield Mercury—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lincoln Gazette —47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mereury (Stamford)—- 
146 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lincolnshire Echo—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Courier—81 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Daily Post—138 Fleet St., E.O. 
Liverpool Echo—138 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Football Echo—138 Fleet 8t., E.C. 
Liverpool Journal of Commerce—10 Old Broad 8t., B.C. 
Liverpool Mercury—46 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Review—30 Fleet St., E.C, 
Liverpool Weekly Courier—81 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Weekly Mercury—46 Fleet St., E.C. 
Liverpool Weekly Post—138 Fleet St., E.C. 
Loughborough Herald—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lowestoft Journal—60 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Lowestoft Standard—130 Fleet St., E.C. 
Lowestoft Weekly Press, 120 Fleet St., E.O. 

Maldon Express—115 Fleet &t., E.C. 

Malvern Gazette—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Manchester City News—176 Fleet St., E.C. 

Manchester Courier— 89 Fleet St., E.0. 

Manchester Evening Chronicle—92 Fleet St., E.C. 

Manchester Evening News—54 Fleet 8t., E.C. 

Manchester Guardian—53 Parliament St., S.W.; 54 
Fleet St., E.O. ; and 51 Cannon St., E.C. 

Manchester Weekly Times—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

Manxman—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Melton Mowbray Mercury—49 Fleet 8t., E.C. 

Middleton Guardian—30 Fleet S8t., E.C. © 

Midland Counties Express (Wolverhampton)—49 Fleet 

St., E.O. 

Midland Daily Telegraph—58 Fleet St., E.C. 

Midland Evening News—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Midland Express—-17 Tudor St., E.C. 

Midland Reporter—33 Shaftesbury Road, Ravens- 
court Park, W. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


—— — — — — — —— — — 

Midland Tribune—72 Fleet St., E.C. 
Midland Weekly News—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Morning Mail (Dublin)—199 Strand, W.C. 

Navaland Military Record--17 Fleet St., E.O. 

Newcastle Daily Chronicle—84 Flect St., E.C. 

Newcastle Daily Journal—169 Fleet St., E.C. 

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle—84 Fleet St., E.C. 

Newcastle Weekly Journal—-169 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norfolk Daily Standard (Norwich)—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norfolk News—120 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norfolk Weekly Standard—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

—— Agriculturist (Edinburgh)—11 Ludgate 

North Mail—17 Tudor St., E.O. 

North Star (Darlington)—146 Fleet St., E.O. 

North Western Daily Mail—101 Fleet St., E.C. 

North Wilts Guardian—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

North Wilts Herald—20 New Bridge St., B.C. 

Ben Daily Mail (West Hartlepool)—53 Fleet St., 

Northern Daily Telegraph (Blackburn)—71 Flect St., 

Northern Echo—“ Star” Office, Stonecutter St., E.C. 

Northern Gossip—58 Fleet St., E.C. 

N — Weekly Leader (Newcastle)—17 Tudor St. 

Northern Whig (Belfast )—49 Fleet St., E.C. 

Norwich Mercury—60 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Nottingham Daily Express—75 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Daily Guardian—61 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Evening News—75 Fleet St., E.C. 

Nottingham Evening Post—61 Fleet St., E.C. 

PoR ENa Nonie Guardian (Nottingham)—61 Fleet 

t., EC. 

Nottinghamshire Weekly Express (Nottingham)—i5 

Fleet St., E.C. 

Oldham Daily Standard—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Oldham Weekly Standard—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Oxford Daily Review—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Oxford Journal—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

pembrake Dock and Pembroke Gazette—80 Fleet St., 

People’s Friend—186 Fleet St., E.C. 
People’s Journal (Dundee)—186 Fleet St., E.C. 
—— Weekly Journal (Norwich)—60 Ludgate Hill, 

Pontefract Advertiser—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Poole, &c., Herald—101 Fleet St., E.C. 
Portsmouth Times—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 

Reading Mercury—20 New Bridge St., E.C. 

Reading Observer—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Rochdale Observer—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Rochdale Times—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Roscommon Herald—33 Shaftesbury Road, Ravens 
court Park, W. e 

Rossendale Free Press—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Salisbury Jonrnal—20 New Bridge St., E.C. 
Saturday Herald (Dublin)—190 Fleet St., E.C. 
—— Weekly Citizen (Glasgow)—57 ‘Fleet St, 

Scarborough Evening News—-62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Scarborough Mercury—62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Scotsman (Edinburgh)—45 Fleet St., E.C. 

Scottish Referee—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sheffield Daily Independent—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sheffield Telegraph—181 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sheffield Weekly Independent—47 Fleet St., E.C. 
Somerset Gounty Express—142 Fleet St., E.C. 
Somerset Guardian—174 Fleet St., E.C. 

Pan ae Mercury—“ Star” Office, Stonecutter 
South Wales Argus (Newport)—144 Fleet St., E.C. 
South Wales Daily News (Cardiff)—46 Fleet St., E.C. 
South Wales Daily Post—74 Fleet St., E.C. 

South Wales Echo (Cardiff) —46 Fleet St., E.C. 
South Wales Press--30 Fleet St.. E.O. 

South Wales Weekly Post—74 Fleet St., E.C. 
Southampton Times—74 Fleet St., E.C. 

Southern Daily Mail—3 Carmelite House, E.C. 
Southern Times—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

274] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand,|London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Southern Daily Echo—57 Fleet St., E.C. 

Southern Weekly News (Brighton )—62 Fleet St., E.C. 
Southport Guardian—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Southport Visitor—115 Fleet 8t., E.C. 

Sport (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 

Sporting Chronicle (Manchester)—92 Fleet St., E.C. 
Sports Argus (Birmingham )—17 Tudor St.. E.C. 
Staffordshire Sentinel (Hanley)—190 Fleet St., E.C, 
Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Stockton Herald—74 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sunday Chronicle (Manchester)—92 Fleet St., E.C, 
Sunday Telegraph (Sheffield )—180 Fleet St., E.C, 
Sunderland Daily Echo—53 Fleet St., E.C, 
Sunderland Weekly Echo—53 Fleet St , E.O. 
Surrey & Hants News—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Surrey Times—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sussex Daily News (Brighton)—62 Fleet 8t., E.C. 
Sussex Evening Times—130 Fleet St., E.C. 

Sussex Express—146 Fleet St., E.C. 

Thetford and Watton Times—60 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Tipton Herald—142 Fleet St., E.C. 

Umpire (Manchester)—118 Chancery Lane, W.C. 

Wakefield Express—75 Fleet St., E.C. 

Walsall Advertiser, 47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Warder—199 Strand, W.C. 

Warrington Examiner—49 Fleet St., E.C. 
Warwick, &c., Advertiser—120 Fleet St., E.C. 
Warwick and Leamington Times—58 Fleet St., E.C. 
Waterloo and Crosby Herald—115 Fleet St., E.C. 
Wednesbury Borough News—142 Fleet St., E.C. 

[Provincia l 

Weekly Freeman (Dublin)—211 Strand, W.C. 
Weekly Free Press (Aberdeen)—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Irish Times (Dublin)—61 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C. 

Weekly News @A berdeen)—109 Fleet St., E.O. 
Weekly Northern Whig (Belfast )}—49 Fleet St., E.O. 
Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh)—45 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield )—181 Fleet St., E.C. 
Weekly Welcome (Dundee)—109 Fleet St., E.C. 
Western Daily Mercury (Plymouth)—144 Fleet St., E.C 
Western Daily Press (Bristo!)—61 Fleet St., E.C. 
Western Evening Hera'd—144 Fleet St., E.0. 
Western Mail (Cardiff)—176 Fleet St., E.C. 

Western Morning News (Plymouth)—47 Fleet St..E.C. 
Western Times (Exeter )—-62 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Western Weekly News—47 Fleet St., E.C. 

Wigan Examiner—12 St. Bride St., E.C. 

Wigan Observer—49 Fleet St., E.C. 

Wilts Chronicle—115 Fleet St., E.C. 

Woking News and Mail—130 Fleet St., E.C. 
Wolverhampton Chronicle—49 Fleet St., E.O. 
Worcester Daily Times—176 Fleet St., E.C. 
Worcestershire Herald—4 Ludgate Circus, E.O. 

Yarmouth and Gorleston Times—60 Ludgate Hill, E.C. 
Yarmouth Weekly Press—120 Fleet St., E.C. 

York Evening Press--150 Fleet St., E.C. 

Yorkshire Daily Observer—129 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Evening Post—171 Fleet St., E.C. 

Yorkshire Gazette—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Yorkshire Herald (York)—145 Fleet St., E.C. 
Yorkshire Post (Leeds)—171 Fleet St., E.C. 

Yorkshire Weekly Post—171 Fleet St., E.O. 


401 STRAND, W.C. FRIDAY, 1d. 

Is the Recognised Organ of. the Variety Stage. 

The Music Hall & Theatre Review is addressed weekly to every manager of a 
recognised music hall in the world. It is a perfectly invaluable medium for printers, litho» 
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Advertisements received for all the Provincial Daily Newspapers. [275 

Speciai Advantages to Advertisers. 

JAMES WILLING, Junr., Ltd., 

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the following 


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cation received. 

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Willing’s Press Guide. 



*,* The references are to the pages in which the Publishers’ Announcements will be found. 

Evening Reporter (except Fri.and Sat.) Even... 
North-Western Daily Mail ar .. Even... 

Bath Herald .. iy .. Even... 
Daily Chronicle and Argus F * ee 444 

Argus... ee ee me a Morn... 
—W — ee — ius .. Even... 
Birmingham Daily Gazette * ... Mor... 
» Ma 2 she * ... Even... 415 
» Pos Morn... 416 
Evening Dispätch Even... 
Midland Express — cay * ie Do see 
Midland Sporting News ... P .. Even... 
Sporting Star BEN —* — . Morn.. 
Northern Daily Telegraph N Even... 449 
Blyth Daily Post .. ... «wees Even. 
Bolton Daily Chronicle (except Sat.) Even... 

» Evening News ue seep ~ 366 


Bournemouth Daily Echo.., * ... Morn... 

Bradford Daily Argus .. ue Even... 

„ Telegraph a N 

Yorkshire Daily Observer — Morn... 


Bridlington Daily Mail ... .. Even... 

Evening Argus .. ave ... Even... 

. Morn... 

Morning 29 eee ... .. a 
Sussex Daily News., eee ... ... ese „0. 432 
„ Evening Times — .. Even... 


Bristol Athletic New .. Morn.., 

Daily Mercury — .. 99 see 

„ Echo. ey ace .. Even... 
„ Evening News ... eee ... Ho o 443 
Times and Mirror.. .. Morn... 445 
Western Daily Press er 9 0. 443 


Burton Daily Mail. . Even... 
5 7 Evening Gazette (except Thurs. ) » 
Cambridge Daily News ... * .. Even... 
Evening Journal (except Fri.) ... es Even.. 

Gloucestershire Echo * 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Daily Newspapers. 

Argus... tae s — sen . Morn... 
wet asa ig. ae we = wees Kiel, 
Midland Daily Telegraph... ...  ... Even... 
North Star .. . . u. Morn... 
Northern Echo En — * is * 
Derby Daily Telegraph .. Even 
„ Express — 
Argus... a. * .. Morn... 
99 eee ee Even... 
Argus... des Morn... 
99 ooe eee ee se .. Even... 
Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette ... Mor... 
„ Evening Express ... ae .. Even... 
Western Times .. ce... 0. Morn... 
Folkestone Daily News ... . Morn... 
Citizen aaa = dis Even... 
Grimsby Daily Mail — 0. Even.. 

” „ Telegraph... ise — 99 eoo 
Sporting Echo eee ... ... ” ... 


Halifax Evening Courier... » ... woe Even... 

Potteries Sporting News .., .. Even... 

Staffordshire Sentinel ... en 

Hartlepool Daily Poing | List.. Morn... 
Northeru Daily Mail ak .. Even... 
i Guardian... .. 00H 
Argus... ue .. ate e.. Morn... 
99 ... ore ... Even... 
Argus see ... eee 2 ave eee Morn... 
sie ee ee . Even... 

Argus... u ee tee ne u Morn... 
FE asa a ae ir ale EVEN ce 

Huddersfield Daily Chronicle acorn Sat.) Morn... 447 
% „ Examine » oo» Even... 

Daily Mail ... a — .. Even... 435 
Eastern Morning News — * .. Morn... 
Hull Daily News ... a > .. Even... 


Provincial. | 

Fast Anglian Daily Times I: Morn... 
Evening Star — Even... 
Evening Telegraph... ee iia . Even... 
Leamington Advertiser Even... 
Leeds Daily News .,.. e. Even... 
» Mercury dee . Morn.,,, 
Yorkshire Evening "Post . — Even... 
a Post i ae ... Morn... 
Leicester Daily un: Even... 
” ” ost oe — Morn... 
* Evening News .,.. s Even... 
S Bporting News... Er — 
Argus * a 5 ... Morn... 
” ae * ai .. Even... 
Lincolnshire Echo... Even... 
—— PTON. 
Arcus ‘Morn... 
+ das ee .. Even... 
Evening Express .. Even.. 

George Broomhall’ s Corn Trade News... j 
Liverpool Courier . : wee 


5 Daily Post — 
ie Echo Even... 
s J ourna of Commerce Morn... 
i Mercury 34 d Sa ee 
Daily Dispatch __... .. Mom... 
Manchester Courier — — 
AR Evening Chronicle... .. Even... 
39 39 News 99 

y Guardian Morn 
Journal of Commerce... s» = 
Sporting Chronicle... wo won 


North-Eastern Daily Gazette Even... 
Tees Daily Shipping List.. Morn... 


Evening —— Even... 
Ma . eee 
Newcastle Daily Chronicle Morn... 
„ Journal... — iis — 
North Mail. eee u ir er ee 
Sporting News ... .. Even... 
NEWPORT (mon 2 
South Wales Argus Even... 
Northampton Daily Chronicle en 
F ... ven, oe 
Northampton Daily Reporter — 
Eastern Daily Press .. Morn... 
„ Evening New .. .. .. Even... 
» _ Morning Gazette .. ey .. Morn... 
Norfolk Evening Standard * .. Even... 








Willing’s Press Guide. 

Midland Sporting Gazette Even... 
Nottingham Daily Express orn... 
» „ Guardian » a Ul 
» Evening News Even... 
9 ” Post on 441 
Ashton Evening Standard Even... 
Oldham Daily Standard . * 
„» Evening Chronicle i 
OX . Su: 
Oxford Review Even... 
Evening Tidings (except Wed.)... Even.., 
Peterborough Evening News _.., „ Even... 
Western Daily Mercury ... Morn..,, 
» Evening Herald... .. Even... 
b Morning News — ... Morn.. 48 
Evening News Even... 
Southern Daily Mail ; ” 
Lancashire Daily Post ‘ Even... 

Argus... — ae — ... Morn... 
— P — * — ... Even... 

Scarborough Evening News I Fri. H Even... 

9 Post ... ” 
Sheffield Daily Telegraph Morn... 
„ Independent „o 450 
» Sporting News . M. & E. 
Yorkshire Eariy Bird — Even... 
5 Telegraph and Star ... — 
Shields Daily Gazette „. Even... 
» » News n os 
Southern Echo Even... 41 
Cheshire Daily Echo .. Even... 

Sunderland Daily Echo . Even... 
> Shipping News Morn... 
js Herald... Even... 

swi N DO N ‘ 

Evening North Wilts Herald Even... 

» Swindon Advertiser 


99 oct 

Argus . Mom... 
” — eu Even.. 


Warrington Daily Guardian ... .. Even.. 


Express & Star .. ri Even... 

Midland Evening News — 

Worcester Daily Times... — .. Even... 

Worcestershire Echo — 

J. Willing, Junr., Isim., Advertising Agents, (125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Provincial. 

Argus F es ar — .. Morn... Evening Press 2 es tes e. Even... 
» ies un — * .. Even... Yorkshire Herald .., — * .. Morn... 
Evening Express o u. Even... Cambria Daily Leader .. ..  .. Even... 
South Wales Daily News .., — .. Morn... 429 | Daily Shipping Register ... al ... Mor... 
eg » Echo... — Er .. Even... South Wales Daily Post .,, 2 .. Even... 
Western Mail vee me ne 0. Morn... 
Aberdeen Daily Journal 0... Morn... 419 | Daily Record... ae uua a a. Morn... 
» Free Press a a ai | Evening Citizen .. 2.00. Even... 
Evening Express .., ae * .. Even... 419 » Times aes e » 
ase Gazette „.. — — abe Glasgow Evening News ; — 
» Herald .. . .. «. Morn.,, 
Courier and Argus... . a Morn... GREENOCK. 
undee Advertiser... ... ee T ) .. Even... 
Evening Post  .., . sss Even... Nee (03 Se er 
Evening Telegraph... 2 men LEITH. 
EDINBURGH. Leith Commercial List ... sii we M, & E. 
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch ... .. Even... 
99 39 News eee i eoe „ eee PAISLEY. 
Scotsman da — 2 ... Morn... Paisley Daily Express ... ssi „. Even... 
Belfast Evening Telegraph .. .. Even... Dublin Evening Mail .. ..  .. Even... 
News-Letter ee oe e Morn... 863 | Evening Herald .. nen | 
Irish News a eee one ... ... ” coe 39 Irish Times eee eve ... 9 ... 
Northern Whig coe poe 426 » Telegraph... ae as a ee 
Ulster Echo... .. ... u on Even... Freeman's Journal... ..  ... ... Morn... 
Irish Daily Independent ... Bue See eae 
CORK. » Times... ve Se a dies es tt cae MOT 
Cork Constitution... .. u. Morn... Legal Diary .. 0 ww . . wee Even... 
» Examiner — ee oe — Morning Mail see see des ... Morn... 
Evening Echo ba — — .. Even... 
Customs Bill of Entry .. ... ... Morn... Evening News ozi i * .. Even... 
Daily Express eee eee eee eee 99 o.’ Waterford Mail ... eee eee eee 99 es 
Guernsey Evening Press ... ae Even... Evening Post m ssi .. Even... 

= Jersey Times.., = = nes .. Even... 
Isle of Man Times ,,, Pr .. Mor... 

Che Spectator 


SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Outside Page (when available), Twelve Guineas. 
8. B 



A : £ 8. d. 
Page = ur Z — oe 1010 0 Narrow Column (Third-page) .., = 310 0 
Half-Page (Column) .. u u 550 Half Narrow Column ... |. |. 115 0 
Quarter-Page (Half Column) ..  ... 212 6 Quarter Narrow Column... .. un 017 6 
á Companies. 
Outside Page ... . «we £1414 0 | InsidePage .. on. 21212 

Five Lines (45 words) and under in broad column (half width), 5s. ; and 1s. a line for every additional line (con 
taining on an averaye twelve words). Narrow column, one-third width of page, 7s. an inch. Broad column, half 
Width of page, inch. Across two narrow columns, two-thirds width of page, 14s. an inch. Broad column, 
following “ Publications of the Week,” 13s. an inch. Displayed advertisements according to space. Terms: Net, 

“SPECTATOR,” Ltd., 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C. 
On sale at all Booksellers, Newsvendors, and Bookstalls. 

Advertisements received for all Provincial, Newspapers. [279 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Largest Advertising Contractors 

Chief Office— KING’S CROSS, LONDON, W.C. 

Contractors for Advertisements on Railway Stations, 

Street Stations, Inside and Outside Omnibuses, Tramcars. 
&c., in all or any number of Towns in the United Kingdom. 


The Inside of Metropolitan Railway Carriages, Platform Adver- 
tisements, and Entertainment Announcement Boards In and 
Outside the Stations. 

NOTE.—This Company carries over 95,000,000 Passengers Yearly. 


Advertisements on the Walls, Inside 'Carriages, and Lifts of the 
Central London and the City & South London (Electric) Railways. 


Advertisements on all Railways, Omnibuses, Street Stations, and 
in Railway Carriages. Booksellers and News ents at Railway 
Bookstalis, and Bow and Whitechape! Railway. 



Enamelled Iron Tablets for Advertising purposes, Signs, Fascias 
Numbers, Labels, &c. 

Enamelled Copper Letters for Tradesmen’s Windows, &c. Every 
description of Gilt Wood Letters. 


280) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 






With the page of the Directory at which a full description may be found. 


Advance Calendar (Aspley — big 

Ampthill News (Bedford) .. š 

Bedford Daily Circular 

Directory (Bedford) . “a 
cord... * — 

Bedfordshire Advertiser (Luton) .. 

Express (Bedford) ... aay 

Mercury (Bedford) ... ee 

Standard (Bedford) . sos 

Times (Bedford) * 

Beds Mercury Almanac (Bedford) 

Biggleswade Chronicle _... 

Dunstable Advertiser 

Gazette... iii as = = 
Eagle (Bedford) pee ae — sats 
Elstonian (Bedford) — aes — 

Leighton Buzzard Observer * 

—— —— Reporter (Bedford) ... 
London Mercantile Gazette (Aspley Guisej 
Luton Directory _... ses 

News ... woe ise — 

—-— Reporter > — ees 

—— Year-book ... 

Scottish Gazette (Aspley Guise) .. 

-— Law Courts Record (Aspley Guise) 
Woburn Reporter (Bedford) — — 


Abingdon Free Press Reading er: 

Herald .. see 

Abingdonian (Abingdon) :. 

Beaumont Review (Windsor) 

Berks Advertiser (Wallingford) 
Archeological Journal (Reading) .. 

Berkshire Chronicle (Reading) ... — 

Masonic Register (Newbury) 

British Berkshire Herd Book (Abingdon) 

Cosburn’s Directory (Newbury) . 

Eton College Chronicle (Windsor) 

Faringdon Advertiser ee 

Maidenhead u. "a 

—— Annual.. see 

—— Argus .... 

—— Modern School Magazine — 

Mid Thames Valley Directory (Reading) 

Needed Truth (Reading) . 

Newbury Weekly News ... 

Old Windsor Magazine 

Radleian (Abingdon) 

Reading, &c., Directory 

College ‘Calendar ses 

— Co-operative Society, Record 

Mercury see she — 

—— Observer ese “va eae 

ae Standard evo eee 




St. Stephen’s High School Bean 
(Windsor) .. * one 

Sunningdale Banner (Windsor) | 

University College Beading Official 

Gazette ... des dee 
Wantage Free Pross eis ese ane 
Windsor Chronicle .. Per See asa 

— District Directory “de — as 
—— Express 

Wokingham, &c., Free Press (Reading)... 
— &c. , Gazette ceo evo eee 


Aylesbury Reporter * ose ose 
Buckingham advertiser ... s eas 
—— Express ws ose 
Bucks Advertiser (Aylesbury) te $ 
Herald (Aylesbury) . eee 

—— South, Free Press (Wycombe) 

— Standard (Newport een) 
Chesham Examiner... aes 

Newport Pagnell Gazette .. 

North Bucks Advertiser (Stony Stratford) 
— — Times (Fenny Stratford) ea 
Records of Buckinghamshire ayy) 
Slough Observer 

South Bucks Standard (High Wycombe) 

Undertakers’ Journal a i eee 
Wolverton Express... eve se oe 
Wycombe Abbey Gazette . en Sis 


Appointment Gazette (Cambridge) bis 
Basileona (Cambridge) _... * 
Borough of Cambridge Year-Book i 

Caian (Cambridge) .. wie ‘h 

Cambridge Chronicle 2 

—— Daily News ... “i 
—— Express 

—— Independent Press 
—— Review... 

— University Calendar .. * die 
—— —— Reporter... aoe 
Cambridgeshire Times (March) . sua 
Weekly News .. sos * 
Chatteris Miver ince (March) . 
News (March)... soe 

| Christ College Magazine (Cambridge) ‘ 
City of Ely Standard (March)... wae 
Eagle (Cambridge) .. vos eos * 
Ely Diocesan Calendar — . 
— —— Remembrancer (Cambridge) . is 
—— Gazette (Cambridge)... wae ... 
—— Guardian wae ane sas se 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers: 




England. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

. CAMBRIDGESHIRE—continued. 

Granta (Cambridge) di 

Huntingdon Advertiser (March) .. 

—— Herald (Cambridge) .. 

Isle of Ely Advertiser (Wisbech)... 

Leys Fortnightly — — 

Littleport Gazette (March) 

March Advertiser ... 

Masonic Year-Book (Cambridge)... 

Messenger of Mathematics) (Cambridge) 

Newmarket ae meres * 

—— Journal... eh is 

—— Sporting News 

—— Weekly News (Cambridge) .. 

Passing Notes (Cambridge) ,,,.., ..- 

Pem (Cambridge) . 

Proceedings of the Cambridge. Philo- 
sophical Society . 

Royston Weekly News ( Cambridge) 

Saffron Walden Rural Deanery esi 
— —— Weekly News ... aes 
Soham Advertiser (March) a i 

—— Gazette (Cambridge) .. aa 

Spalding’s Chronicle (Cambridge) sss 

—— Directory (Cambridge) es ar 

—— Handbook (Cambridge) 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society .. — 

Upwell Advertiser (March) 

Whittlesea Reporter (March) 

Wisbech Chronicle (March) 

— Constitutional u. 

— Standard sis ze 

—— Telegraph ase ais 


Adlington Chronicle (Horwich) . 
Alderley Advertiser (Wilmslow) .. 
Altrincham Advertiser 

—— and Bowdon Guardian 
—— Chronicle ad 

Banner of Hope (Stockport) 

Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton) . 
Birkenhead Advertiser 

„— Family Almanac 

News ... 

Cheshire County News (Stockport) 

~— Daily Echo (Stockport) i 

— Notes & Queries (Stockport) 

—— Observer (Chester) sea 
Chester Chronicle ... He es aT 

—— Courant es 

—— Diocesan Calendar : 

—— Diocesan Gazette ... RR 

—— Directory s sus aie 
—— Guardian es aed — 4 

Collegian (Chester) ... 

Coming Events (Birkenhead) 
Congleton Chronicle ssi 

— Guardian 

— Times (Macclesfield). 

Crewe Chronicle 

— Guardian i 

Farmers’ Herald (Chester) 
Hoylake, &c., Herald ane dan 
Joyful News (Stockport) u séi 
Knutsford Advertiser aos 
Macclesfield Advertiser 

—— Chroricle eu ea 

—— Courier... 

—— Times ... 





Manchester Advertiser (Stockport) * 
Nantwich Guardian — — 
North Cheshire Herald (Hyde) i — 
Northwich Chronicle ur nie * 
—— Guardian z 
Report of the Director of the Liverpool 

Observatory (Birkenhead) * 
Robinson’s nie, Directory (Bir- 

kenhead) ... * 
Runcorn Guardian .. — — ue 
—— Weekly News .. on — ase 
Sale Guardian ea * OE er 
Sandbach Advertiser si = 

—— Chronicle (Congleton) 
— Guardian 

Stockport Advertiser — ass 
—— Chronicle oe is — * 
— Co. Express... — ied eels 

Stretford Advertiser * ded das 
—— Telegraph ER : 
Wallasey, &c., Chronicle (Seacombe) 
— News (Seacombe) aes 


Bodmin Guardian ... sue 
Bude Directory and Visitors’ List 
Camelford, &c., Guardian (Bodmin) - 

— Post (Launceston) — 

Cornish and Devon Post (Launceston) « eee 

—— Echo (Falmouth) .. — 
—— Guardian (Bodmin) . ies gr 
—— Post (Camborne) ng 2 

— Tekenp: (Penzance) sss sé 
—— Times (Liskeard) .. ding eis 
Cornishman (Penzance) ... i F 
Cornubian (Redruth) — es — 

Evening Tidings (Penzance) * 

Falmouth and its Surroundings ... — 

—— Gazette.. wee 

Holsworthy, &e., Post (Launceston) 

Household Almanac (Liskeard) ... 

Journal of the Royal Institute of Corn- 
wall (Truro) — u 

Lake’s Falmouth Almanack ee — 

— — N evs see — 

— — Pacque 

— Railway Guide í Falmouth) .. 

Launceston Weekly News... — 

Liskeard Post (Launceston) 

Weekly Mercury 

Lostwithiel ‘Giardian (Bodmin) .. * 

Netherton’s Cornish Almanack (Truro)... 

Newquay Guardian es 7 

Pendennis Review (Falmouth) 

Royal Cornwall Gazette (Truro) ... 

St. Austell Deanery — 

—— Guardian (Bodmin) . 

—— Star 

St. Ives Weekly Summary... sss 
Saltash Gazette ... * 
Wadebridge Guardian (Bodmin)... — 
-—— Post (Launceston) ... — 

West Briton (Truro) — ae’ 
Western Echo (St. Ives) . 3 


Arthur’s Railway Guide (Carlisle) ees 
Beaty’s Northern Annual au) — 
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar was 



J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents; 125°Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 



Carlisle Express... 40 .. wee 
Journal... ... see sis 
Patriot .. —* aoe 
Cockermouth Free Press * — 
Cumberland Pacquet (Whitehaven) ei 
East Cumberland News (Carlisle) * 
English Lakes Visitor (Keswick)... 
Evening Journal (Carlisle) 
eee Advertiser (Whitehaven) 


Mid Cumberland Herald (Penrith) — 
Penrith Almanac ... oes 
Home Evangel — * 

—— Observer - 
Ruri-Decanal Magazine 
Post Office Directory (Carlisle) . 
West Cumberland Times (Cockermouth) 
Whitehaven Advertiser... 
Free Press... Beh — ae 
News ... acs 
—— — County Annual .. du — 
Wigton Advertiser .. eae 
Workington Beehive (Manchester) s 
en re) — — 
— al eee eve ove 

— News ... — —* * 
—— Star ovo eee 
Alfreton: Advertiser s.o ooo eco 
Journal... ese ioe its ove 

Ashbourne u 
—— Telegra 
—— Times De 

Belper News — sie or ; 
Buxton Advertiser .. — 
—— Chronicle (Glossop) . — iss 
—— Herald .. — * 
Church Evangelist (Derby) : 
Claycross Chronicle iste 2 
Clique (Derby) Ir * — > 

Coming Events (Derby) 
Country and Seaside Holidays (Derby) s 
Dawn (Ilkeston)... * 
Derbeian (Derby) ... ig ; 
Derby and District Methodist — — 
Co-operative Society Topora ves 
-—— Daily Telegraph aes * aay 

— Express... er 
— Mercury wae 
— Reporter 

Derbyshire Advertiser (Derby) * 
Courier (Chesterfield) — sei 
—— Cricket Guide (Derby) u 
—— Red Book (Derby) ...- 
Times (Chesterfield) ... 
Eckington, &c., Express ... .. 
Glossop-dale Chronicle ‘ ‘ 
ller (Derby) . aie dis 
ealth and Culture (Derby) eve — 
* Advertiser (Ilkeston) isé 
Observer * 
High Peak Advertiser (Glossop) .. — 
—— —— News (Buxton) .. T — 
Ilkeston Advertiser... 
Journal of the Derbyshire “Archwological 
Society (Derby) ... 
Journal of the Incorporated Society of 
Musicians (Derby) cas — 
Long Eaton Advertiser... oats ar 


Long Eaton Pioneer (Ilkeston) ... ae 
Matlock Advertiser and Visiting List 
— Guardian (Bakewell)... 

North Derby Advertiser (Glossop) 
Pocket Diary, &c. (Der Ba) 

Ripley Advertiser ... * 

—— News ... 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar (Derby) . 
—— —— Magazine (Derby) — 
Teacher of the Deaf (Derby) 
Temperance Bells (Derby)... 

Agricultural Register (Newton Abbot) ... 
Ashburton, &c., a ardian 1 Tomer] 
Barnstaple Times ... ace 
Bideford Weekly Gazette .. 
Brixham Western Guardian (Totnes) 
Buckfastleigh, &c., Guardian er 
Crediton Chronicle . * — 
Dartmouth Chronicle 

—— Western Guardian (nen “ i 
Dawlish Gazette * ees 
—— Times ... 

Devon Congregational Magazine (Torquay) 

—— Evening Express (Exeter) . 

—— Gazette (Exeter) 

—— Masonic Directory (Exeter)... 

—— Notes and Queries (Exeter)... 

—— Post (Barnstaple)... 

—— Weekly News (Tiverton) 

—— — Times (Exeter) .. 

Doidge’s, &c., Almanac (Plymouth) * 

East and South Devon en Se 
ton Abbot)... * — 

Exeter Diocesan Calendar... — — 

Post Office Directory... 

Exmouth Chronicle.. 

Eyre’s Plymouth, &e. , Directory... 

Football Herald (Plymouth) 

Freeman’s Exmouth Journal 

Ilfracombe Chronicle ig 

Imperial Stud Book (N ewton Abbot) * 

Journal of the Ex Libris reels (Piy- 

Kingsbridge Gazette ca * * 

— Journal... ie 

—— Western Guardian (Totnes)... aes 

Lynton Recorder ... 

Mid-Devon & Newton Times (Newton 
Abbot) .. 

Naval and Military Record (Plymouth)... 

Newton Abbot 

— —— Western Guardian (Totnes) .. 

—— News 

Newtonian (Newton Abbot) 

North Devon Advertiser (Barnstaple) . 

—— —— Herald (Barnstaple) ... s 

—— —— Journal (Barnstaple) . — 

Our Journal (Tiverton) “ee 

Paignton Observer .. eae 

— Western Guardian (Totnes)... 

Plymouth Co-operative Society Record .. 

—— Corporation Grammar School Maga- 

— &o., Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette... 

Plympton Gazette ... sis 

Poor Soul’s Friend (Chudleigh) . 

Report and Transactions of the Devon- 
shire Association (Plymouth) . — 

St. Mary Church Advertiser ie oie 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial, Newspapers. 






England. ] 


Salcombe Times... — sae 
Sidmouth Herald ose ote ... “se 
— Observer 

South Devon Gazette (Kingsbridge) 

Southmolton Gazette 

Tavistock Gazette ... ssi 
Teignmouth ee, 

—— Post... — ba * 
— Times ... * 

— Western Guardian (Totnes) ise 
Three Towns Almanack (Devout) das 

Tiverton Gazette ... * aoe 
Torquay re — eee eee eee 
— Times oe soe oe eee 
Totnes Times “es see 
Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post er sss 
Truro Diocesan Calendar (Exeter) aun 
Weekly Express (Chudleigh) _... — 

Western Daily Mercury (Plymouth) _... 
—— Evening Herald (Plymouth) eos 
——— Guardian (Totnes) ... wae is 
—— Independent (Devonport) ... o.. 
—— Morning News (Plymouth) ... — 
—— Observer (Tiverton) ... ses — 
— Times (Exeter) ons 

—— Weekly Mercury (Plymouth) 

-—~ —— News (Plymouth) 

Willey’ 8 Weekly (Exeter) ... — sh 

Blandford Gazette (Gillingham) ... — 
—— &c., Herald (Bournemouth)... 

Branksome Guardian (Bournemouth) ... 
—— Herald (Bournemouth) bee dee 
Bridport News — 

British Review and Journal of Biography 

(Gillingham) ace * E 
Bruton Gazette ( Gillingham) sa — 
Child of Mary (Blandford)... — 
Dorchester Telegram ve — 
Dorset Co. Chronicle (Dorchester) ais 

—— Standard (Sherborne) un. due 
Gillingham Gazette fas i: ii 
Lyme Regis Mirror — . à 
Poole Guardian _... Fr 
—— Herald .. * wes — 
Portland Telegram... 
Proceedings of the Dorset "Natural His- 
tory Field Club (Dorchester) . oes 
Shaftesbury Gazette (Gillingham) ane 
Sherborne Gazette an * oes 
—— Register eee ove 
Shirburnian (Sherborne) . 
Southern Guardian (Blandford) .. “ae 
Times (Weymouth) ... 
Sturminster Gazette (Gillingham) 
Swanage Guardian .. 
Weekly Journal (Weymouth) * das 
Weymouth Telegram aoe — as 

eee ... 

Wimborne Guardian 

—— Herald (Bournemouth) .. ... 
Auckland Advertiser F ase eee 

——- Chronicle (Darlington) swa aes 
—— Times (Bishop Auckland) ... aes 
Bank Student Bishop ee — 
Blue Stocking (Durham) .. ote 2 
Bootham (Sunderland) ... sas * 
Consett Chronicle ... ei — wae 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Consett Guardian eee ose ... ee 
Darlin ton wives eee 

Doda’s Almanack (Sunderland) |. . 

Darlington Annual (Darlington) -. 
Durham Advertiser sas ie 
—— Chronicle * des 

—— Diocesan Calendar ... . * 
—— Directory ave ose 
— University Calendar .. — ais 
—- — Examination Papers . a ar 
— — Journal ... one 

Hartlepools Daily Shipping List... os 
Weekly Boro Advertiser... — 

Ironworkers’ Journal (Darlington) Ses 
Jarrow Express... — des * 
— Guardian eee ove 

Library Circular (Sunderland) —F bad 
Municipal Free Press — aie 

Nautical Almanac (Hartlepool) . ove 
North Star (Darlington) seh 
Northern Daily Mail (Hartlepool) sss 
—— Echo (Darlington) .. dee 

Pearson’s Tide Table (Hartlepool) — 
—— Time Table (Hartl oreo) * RR 

Reed’s Tide Tables (Sun — 
Reid’s Sunderland Diary (Newcastle) ... 
Seaham Weekly News _... — 

South Durham Mercury (Darlington) sss 
Stockton Herald... = 
Sunderland Co-operative Society Record 
— Daily Echo ... see u * 
— — Pos es — eae “se 
—— — Shipping News.. ove 
Teesdale Mercury (Barnard Castle) ote 
Transactions of the Architectural Society 
of Durham — Sie 
Ushaw Magazine (Durham) 
Weekly Echo and Times (Sunderland) .. 
-— Journal (West Hartlepool) .. 
West Durham District Co- operative 
Record .. — wok 
Y.M.C.A. Times (Sunderland) ‘ive — 

Bancroftian (Woodford) ... ove s.. 
Barking Advertiser eee ese s.. 
Biggleswade Herald eee toe er 
Braintree Advertiser sui oes see 

—— Gazette (Halstead) .. 

British Railway Dividends (Brentwood) 
Buckhurst Hill Advertiser — aa 
Chingford, &., Times (Leyton) .. ssi 
Clacton-on-Sea Graphic ... * eas 
Climate (Leyton) ... eee e.. eee 

Colchester Gazette .. “ee 
East Essex Advertiser (Clacton)... ove 
— Ham Echo coo .. eee 

—— — Recordor (Mord) seo ... 
Eastern Counties Times (Ilford) ... die 

. —— Mercury (Leytonstone) zes ies 

Epping Advertiser (Loughton) ... gee 
— Gazette ooo es 
Essex Almanac (Chelmsford) ses ese 
— and Halstead Times... és sie 
-——:and Suffolk News (Colchester) * 
—— County Annual (Forest Gate) * 
—— —— Chronicle (Chelmsford) — 
—— —— Standard (Colchester) ... ew 
—— Guardian (Ilford)... — — 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


 Willing’s Press Guide. 



Essex Herald (Chelmsford) s 61 | Bristol and Clifton Directory ... dus 26 
—— Imperial Yeomanry Magazine (Hal- —— & District Post Office sun sse 26 
stead) 62 | —— Athletic News gat és * 26 
— Independent (Chelmsford) . i 62 | — Daily Mercury — 26 
—— Newsman (Chelmsford) wate 62 | —— Diocesan Directory ... * Be 26 
—— Redbook (ford) on — 62 | — Echo ... — és be — 26 
—— Review (Chelmsford) eae 62 | —— Evening News... * os 26 
— Telegraph (Colchester) : 62 | —— Guardian * abe * 26 
-—— Times (Romford)... ses 62 | —— Magpie.. ed wee 26 
— Weekly News (Chelmsford)... — 62 | — Medico- ‘Chirurgical J ournal.. ar er 26 
Felstedian (Felsted) ws ina 65 | —— Observer B: zi ʻi. 26 
Forest Gate Express (Leytonstone) — 67 | —— Times and Mirror _... ove see 26 
Grays Gazette * * dom 74 Weekly Mercury Er ie 26 
Halstead Gazette ... sa š * 77 | British kdvertiser (Bristol) i 26 
Harwich Free Press è — s 78 Caincross, &c., a Society 
—— Newsman er an zs 79 Record... 81 
Iiford Guardian... ` * iets 85 | Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Di- 
—— Recorder ses iss ss eee 86 rectory... aoe * Ses 86 
— Year Book sis eae 86 | —— Chronicle See’. Tes wed = 86 
Leyton Ap (Leytonstone) coe, eee 104 | —— Directory sas — sis ae 86 
—— &c., .. 104 | —— Examiner u * sis * 36 
—— & &c., Times (Leyton)... e. 104 | ——Free Press... Ka e. 86 
—— Express — .. 104 | —— Ladies’ College Magazine — ... 86 
Library Magazine (Leyton) . 104 | — Mace — oes * 36 
— Advertiser won . 110 | — Mer dda.” be 86 
—— Gazette (Epping) ... ‘ . 110 Cheltonian (C (Cheltenham) .. dis Ws 86 
Maldon Express (Chelmsford) ... .. 112 | Citizen (Gloucester) 40 
Ongar Gazette (Epping) . — .. 182 | Clifton and Redland Free Press (Bristol) 42 
Photographic Scrape (Mord) ; 189 | —— Chronicle — * eee 43 
Portfolio of the Monumental Brass So- —— Society (Bristol) aos sis axe 42 
ciety (Leytonstone) s aie 141 | Cliftonian (Bristol) .. aie 42 
Quarterly Jottings from the New Cotswold Flock Book (Cheltenham) 45 
Hebrides (Southend) ... 146 | Dean Forest Guardian (Coleford) 50 
Railway Club Journal (Weodtord) ou 148 | —— —— Mercury (Cinderford) .. si 50 
Romford Express ... sei ... 152 | Draught Players’ SUNEN (Bristol) vis 54 
— Recorder ʻ& 152 | Dursley Gazette ... sige — 56 
St.AlbansDiocesan Magazine(EarlsColne) 154 | Floriculture (Bristol) — vs 66 
Southend Echo _... see ... 166 | Gloucester Co-operative Society Record... 72 
—— Observer — oi * .. 166 | —— Diocesan Calendar ... aie — 72 
—— Standard sis Er — 166 | —— Directory des * P — 72 
peg oe Tele — ... eco eve eco 166 — Journal... 72 
Swiatlo (Leytonstone) .. 173 Gloucestershire Chronicle (Gloucester)... 72 
Tool and Machinery Register (Colchester) 176 | — Echo (Cheltenham) . 72 
Transactions of the Essex Archeological Horfield Record (Bristol) .. 83 
Society (Colchester) .. 178 | Journal of the British Society of Mining 
— — the Monumental Brass Bociety Students (Radstock) ... .. 98 
nstone) ... 179 | Lydney & Forest of Dean Directory ga Al 
Upin, Ilford, &c., Advertiser (Ilford) . 182 | —— Observer s se w I 
althamstow and District Ties (Leyton) 184 | Medical Annual (Bristol) .. .. 115 
—— Guardian * * 184 | New Bristol Directory _... * .. 125 
— Reporter 5 — .. 184 | Paidologist (Cheltenham)... 185 
Walton Gazette (Colchester) «se 0. 184 | Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalista’ 
—— News ... 184 Society (Bristol) .. we «144 
Wanstead and District Times (Leyton). 185 | Provincial News (Lydney * 145 
—— Express (Leytonstone) be 184 | Provincial Series of Almanacks (Lydney) 145 
—— Mail (Woodford) _... 184 | Redland Park Recorder (Bristol) we 149 
Weekly Telegraph for Waltham Abbey ... 187 | South Gloucestershire Chronicle (Thorn- 
Westeliff, &c., Kress (Southend) 189 ury ses eae sus —* we 1465 
Woodford Express rns) 195 | Stroud Journal... 0. oe .. 170 
—— Mail... .. 195 | —~ News ... — was — .. 170 
—— Times ... Ss eg RR ... 195 | Student (Bristol) ... — * ee .170 
Tetbury Advertiser... es sie .. 174 
Agricultural Students’ Gazette (Ciren- Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) ee 175 
cester) - 4 | Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester- 
All Saints’ Magazine ( Cheltenham) un 5 shire Archsological Society (Gloucester) 177 
Arrowsmith’s Bristol Tide Table... — 10 | Transactions of the British Orthopsdic 
— Comprehensive Railway Guide, sor Society (Bristol) .. e.. 177 
(Bristol) ... * 10 | West of England Observer (Lydney) .. 189 
Bristol & Clifton Amusements ... — 26 | Western Daily Press (Bristol) ... .. 190 
Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [285 


Willing’s Press Guide. 



Western Tempefance Herald (Bristol) .... 190 | Portmuthian (Portsmouth) wae .. 142 
‘Wilts & Gloucester Standard (Cirencester) 192 | Portsmouth Times ... 143 
Ringwood, &c., Chronicle (Bournemouth) 151 
Romsey Advertiser .. sis .. 152 
HAMPSHIRE. | Sheldrake’s Aldershot Gazette ... 161 
Advocate for Shirley (Bonthampton) — 8 , Smyth’s Philatelic Circular (Boscombe) 163 
Aldershot, &c., Directory .. En 4 | Southampton Amusements ese . 165 
—— Gazette (Farnham) . ave “isa 4 | — Observer ws . 166 
—— News ... ... s.. .. 4 | — Times 166 
Alton Mail (Farnham) j iss = 5 | Southern Daily Mail (Portsmouth) 166 
Andover Advertiser... as i 6 | —— Echo (Southampton)... 166 
— Standard al 6 San veo of Great Britain (Bos- — 
Army Service Co "Journal (Aldershot) 10 combe — 
Basingstoke a nn > 15 | Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight 
Bournemouth, &c., Amusements (Bos- Guardian (Shanklin) ... + = «se 186 
combe) .. a I. a 238 | Winchester Diocesan Calendar ... .. 198 
—— Business Directory oe ove 28 | —— ——- Chronicle : s ove 198 
——Daily Echo .. 0... .. ase 28 | — Directory ne 198 
—— Graphic 93 | Wykehamist (Winchester)... 197 
—— Guardian f gg | Yacht Racing in the Solent Almanec 
—— Visitors’ Directory au 28 (Southampton) ... ... ese 197 
oe nn ee dee 29 
t (Portsmouth) ... ee — 86 
Christchurch .. 38 HEREFORDSHIRE, 
Eastleigh Weekly News... 5 58 | Bromyard News and Record œ 29 
Evening News (Portsmouth) * 62 | Hereford Diocesan Calendar — 81 
First Vol. Batt. Hants Regt. Gazette — Herd Book e 0. ae 81 
(Winchester) ot 66 | —— Journal... eae — sa owe 81 
Football Echo and Sports “Gazette —— Mercury ee Bl 
(Southampton) .. ee u. 67 | —— Times ... eco eee ae Bl 
— Mail (Portsmouth) 67 | —— Weekly Marvel rae ba ‘we 81 
News (Portsmouth) . 67 Kington Gazette... ... ove eee 98 
Globe & Laurel (Portsmouth)... 72 | Ledbury Free Press ste tee 102 
Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton) . 77 Reporter ... see ave 102 
— Chronicle (Winchester) — 77 | Leominster Chronicle . 103 
—— County Cricket Guide (Southampton) 77 | —— News ... see .. 103 
—— Herald (Alton) A 77 | Newent Reporter (Ledbury) ii .. 126 
— Independent (Southampton) 77 Ross Gazette ... ...o 152 
—— Observer (Winchester) z 77 | Tewkesbury Mail (Ledbury 7) wus 174 
— Post (Southsea) u — a 77 | Transactions of the Woodhope Natur- 
—— Telegraph (Portsmouth) _... 77 alist Club (Hereford)... .. 179 
Hants & nn — Press (Emeworth) 78 
-——— — News (Petersfield) _... 78 
—— Gazette (Basingstoke) * 78 _ HERTFORDSHIRE. 
Holbrook’s County Year Book (Porte- Aldenhamian (Elstree) ... eos ove 4 
mouth) sas 82 | Barnet, &c., Times... — — ow. 14 
Isle of Wight ‘Advertiser (Ventnor) — 91 | --—~- Press ... — ose 0 M 
—— — Chronicle (Sandown) .. “a 91 | Barnet Times — * 13 
—— —— County Press (Newport) 91 | Chess Chronicle ( (Barnet) .. ees e. 37 
—— —— Herald (Cowes) .. “i 91 | Finchley News (Barnet) ... nee — 66 
-—— —— Mercury (Ventnor) 91 | —— Telegraph (Barnet) . 66 
——— —— Observer (Ryde) 91 | Freemason’s Chronicle (New Barnet) . .. 09 
-—— —— Times (Ryde) ... 91 | Gamekeeper (Hertford)... is ssi 70 
John Adams’s Almanac (Southampton)... 92 | Haileyburian a — 76 
Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks Harpenden M 78 
of Work (Winchester) ... as 95 Hertfordshire, & &c., Gazette (Hemel Hemp- 
Lymington Chronicle (Bournemonth) 111 stead) — — 81 
-—— Observer (Bournemouth) ... 111 | —— Almanac (Hertford) .. eee .. 81 
Monthly Joarnal (Southampton)... 121 Express (Hitchin) ... wis — 81 
— Official Directory (Aldershot) .. 121 | — Mail (Hertford) ai — tee 81 
-— —— Portsmouth & Southern — ——— Mercury (Hertford) . ss “81 
Directory (Portsmouth) .. 121 Railway Guide (Hertford) . ids 81 
Naval Annual (Portsmouth) s 124 | —— Standard (St. Albans) “es — 81 
—— Warrant er gen (Ports- Herts Advertiser (St. Albans) ... 81 
mouth) ... ita .. 124 | —— Leader (Watford) ... en 81 
Newport Times — 126 | —— Observer (Bishop’s Stortford) sas 81 
Observer & Chronicle for Hants and —— Reporter (Royston) . aes 81 
Dorset (Bournemouth) . 181 | Magnet (Watford) . 112 
Papers and Proceedings of the Hampshire Mardon’s Year-Book Bishop’ 8 Stortford) 114 
Field Club (Southampton) _... .. 186 | North Herts Journal (Hitchin) ... woe 128 
Philatelic Almanac (Boscombe) . 189 | Novitates Zoologica (Tring) en 181 
286] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Paternoster’s Monthly Advertiser (Hit- 
chin) or ‘and wen — ssi 
Peacock’s Directory for Watford... ia 
Record (Watford) ... so iis Sea 
Rickmansworth News (Watford)... 
St. Albans Almanack, &c. sat 
Gazette ... dis i — 
St. Andrew’s Magazine (Barnet)... “is 
Simson’s Almanack (Hertford) ... — 
Southgate Chronicle (Barnet)... sie 
Transactions of the East Herts Archseo- 
logical Society (Bishop’s Stortford) 
Watford and West Herts Post ... ees 
West Herts and Watford Observer 
(Watford) * is — sas 


Huntingdonshire Post (Huntingdon) ... 
Hunts County News (Huntingdon) 

St. Neots Advertiser — öde 

St. Neots Advertiser Almanac 


Beaven’s Advertiser (Cowes) ... u. 
Isle of Wight, Freshwater, &c., Advertiser 
— Advertiser (Ventnor)... ees — 
—— Chronicle (Sandown)... 
-—— County Press (Newport) ... sib 
— Herald (Cowes) aes * s 
—— Mercury (Ventnor) ... zis cae 
—— Observer (Ryde) sae * dea 
—— Times (Ryde) ... ane iei da 
Shanklin Gazette bee ee wee 
Isle of Wight 


Weekly Illustrated 
Guardian (Shanklin) 


Amateur Printing (Woolwich) ... 
Argus (Tunbridge Wells) ... wus 

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (Bromley) 
Ashford Institute Monthly Journal 
Baker’s Times (Lewisham) er 
Beckenham Advertiser (Croydon) i 
—— and District Times (Bromley) _... 
—— and Shortlands Chronicle (Bromley) 
~—— Directory . au * — 

Journal... eae * 
Bexley Heath Directory ... 

—— Observer... * ate 
—— Times (Sidcup) 

Boys’ School Journal (Plumstead) 
Broadstairs and St. Peter’s Mail 
Brockley News —* as * 
Bromley Chronicle ... 

— Journal... wee — Ses f 
—— Local Guide and Advertiser ssi 

eee eee 

—— Telegraph — * 

—— Times ... — eos u as 
Bush’s Bromley Budget and Almanac ... 
Caddel’s Year-Book (Gravesend)... aa 
Canterbury Journal... * u. 

—— Register * Se ila 2 
Chatham News eae * isi — 
— Observer er was a > 
Cheriton News (Folkestone) — * 
Chislehurst Times (Sidcup) — 
Dartford Almanac and Directory * 
-—— Chronicle — — 

— Express 

News (Maidstone) és s.. 




KEN T—continued. 

Deal Mercury : : 

—— Paper ... 2 ; 

Dover Chronicle... ine 

—— Express... —* io 

-— Observer * eee a A 
— Standard — oie : 

Telegraph — sas eee 
Dovorian (Dover) ... — wae 
East Kent Gazette (Sittingbourne) — 
—— —— Times (Ramsgate) s . 
Eltham, &c., Directory eos 
—— Times (Sidcup) aha i: 
Erith Chronicle (Bexley Heath) ... 
—— Observer (Bexley Heath) 
—— Times ... Ka sii or 
Evening Argus (Tunbridge Wells) 
Faversham, &c. Advertiser 
&c., News eee oes 
—— Institute Jourual  ... 
—— Mercury des 
Folkestone Chronicle ise ave * 
—— Daily News... * 
Express — 
—— Herald... eas 
—— Programme 
—— Searchlight 
— Society Times... us 
—— Upto Date... 
Gordonian (Dover) ... a eee * 
Graham’s Temperance Almanac (Maid- 
stone) — ER iie 

ese seo 

Gravesend Reporter u * Re 
—— Standard aay iss 
— Telegraph — eos . 

Herne Bay Argus ... 
—  —— Press ... — 
Hither Green Journal (Lee) 
Hythe Advertiser (Folkestone) 
—— &c., Standard (Folkestone) .. 
Reporter * aks — 
—— Sentinel (Folkestone) — des 
Keble’s Margate and Ramsgate Gazette . 
Kent and Essex Globe ( Gravesend) _... 
—— and Sussex Post (Hawkhurst) des 
—— County Examiner Directory of Ash- 
ford... — as sis ove — 
——— —— Standard (Maidstone) ... 
—— Courier (Tunbridge Wells) ... 
—— Examiner (Ashford) ... ies 
-—— Herald 'Canterbury) ... — 
——— Mercantile Gazette (Chatham) 
——— Messenger (Maidstone) 
-——— Times (Maidstone) ... P 
Kentish Express (Ashford) wae 
—— Gazette (Canterbury) sss 
—— Independent (Woolwich) ... 
— Mail (Deptford) Bes Se 
—— Mercury (Greenwich) soe 
—— Observer (Canterbury isa 
—— Telegram (Deal) coe des 
Journal ... — nee 
Lewisham Borough News... 
— Gazette... e.e “... 
—— Journal (Lee) ... wea 
Maidstone Gazette ... 

— JQ 

eee een 

Messenger of Wisdom (New Brompton) 

Monthly Official Chatham Directory ... 
—~— —— Woolwich Directo — ee 
Morning Argus (Tunbridge Wells) 
Northfleet Standard (Gravesend)... 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. 




England. ] 


Our News (Margate) 

Oxford’s Shorthand Chronicle (Dover) .. 

Plumstead News _... 

Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal 

Engineers (Chatham) ... 

Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac (W oolwich) 

Pullen’s Kent Argus (Ramsgate)... sini 

Queenborough Guardian ( Sheerness) 

‘““Queen’s Own” Gazette (Maidstone) ... 

Reports and Transactions of the Kast Kent 
cientific and Natural Higtory Sooiety 

(Canterbury) a 

R.M.A. Magazine (Woolwich) 

Rochester Journal . 

— Standard 

Royal Engineers’ J ournal (Chatham) 

St. George’s Gazette (Dover) ... — 

St. John’s Card (Bromley)... 

St. Mary Cray Express (Bexley Heath)... 

—— —— Times (Sidcup) .. 

Sandwich Advertiscr Sas ee 
Sapper (Chatham) .. Ie a 
Sevenoaks Chronicle. sie ee 
—— Telegraph ( Maidstone) — os 
Sheerness Guardian “ * 
— Times ... se — * 

Sidcup Times 

South Eastern Gazette (Maidstone) 
Swanley Times (Sidcup) 
Swanscombe Chronicle (Dartford) 
Temperance Worker (Maidstone) 
Thanet Advertiser (Ramsgate) ... we 
— Guardian (Margate) ... * is 

—— Times (Margate) er — —* 
Tonbridge Free Press * bis 
—— Standard is * da — 
Tonbridgian (Tonbridge) . “isis — 
Tuesday Express (Ashford) — s 

Tunbridge Wells Advertiser * oat 

— — Gazette ... e's 

—— —— Standard (Maidstone) .. 

Weekly Summary (Eltham) 

West Kent Advertiser (Dartford) 

— —— Argus (Lewisham) > 

—— — District Times (Bromley) — 

Westerham Herald.. * 

Whitstable Times (Faversham) . 

Wide-a-Wake Temperance Reciter (Maia. 
stone) — 

Woolwich Co-operative Society Record. 

—— Gazette (Pepe) én 

—— Herald .. — 


Abroad (Liverpool)... — aa 

Accrington Express * eit eve 

—— Gazette * des 

—— Observer ; sie 

Advertiser (Accrington) ... 

Albion Congregational Magazine (Ashton- 

Alderley, &c., Chronicle ( Manchester) . 

Alliance News (Manchester) es 

Amateur Mechanic (Liverpool) ... 

Annual Report of the Amalgamated 
Society of Journeymen Felt- ee 
: (Denton) .. s 

Ashton Co- operative Society Record “ee 

-—— Evening Standard (Oldham) — 

-— Railway Time ee eu * 

—— Reporter — eee ... 





Willing’s Press Guide. 


Ashton Standard (Oldham) * 
Assurance Agents’ Union Chronicle 
(Manchester) ... — ad 

Assure (Manchester) eas * 

Athletic News (Manchester) “i 

—— — Cricket Annual (Manchester)... 

Football Annual (Manchester) 

— Record (Manchester)... 

Authorised Programme of the "Roman 
Catholic Procession (Mancheuten 

Bacup Chronicle — 

—— Times ... 

Band of Hope Treasury (Manchester) 

Barrow — eens 

—— Herald .. — 

—— News ... sisi 

Barrowford Leader (Nelson) 

Beacon Light (Manchester) 

Benson's aero an 

Bibby and Co.’s Showman’s Pocket Diary 
(Manchester) * ies 

Bibby’s Quarterly (Liverpool) — iin 


Blackburn, &c., — ss “as 

—— Catholic News.. asa Er 
—— Times ... —* vat wes 
—— Weekly Telegraph 

Blackley Guardian (Midäleton) . 

Blac l operate Society Record... 
—— Herald . PER ae tue 
— Times ... 

—— —— Fylde Year Book | 

Bolton Catholic Herald (Manchester) 
—— Chronicle * eve 
— Co-operative Society Record 

—— Daily Chronicle * 

— District Congregationalist . 
—— Evening News... Fr 
—— Free Library Report... 

—— Journal... ete ei 
Boltonian (Bolton) .. * 
Bootle Times 

Boxmukers’ Journal (Heaton Chapel) . — 
Brierfield Leader (Nelson) — 
British Deaf Monthly (Bolton) . übe 
Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums — 
Burgon’s Monthly Magazine (Manchester) 
Burn’s Commercial Diary (Manchester)... 
Burnley Co-operative SEN Record 

—— Express sie és — dea 
—— Gazette “us 
Bury Co-operative Society Record ‘ 
— Guardian z R 
— Monthly Visitor dae — 
Times ... sas — ae 
Business (Manchester) ‘xe — BR 

Cadet (Liverpool) ... 
=. Mechanics’ Almanac (Manches. 

nd Builders’ "Pocket Book 
(Manchester) eee 
Cape of Good Hope Teachers’ Annual 
(Lancaster) os 
Carnforth News (Barrow-in-Furness) wae 
Catholic News (Preston) . ote ss 

—— Times (Liverpool) .. 

Chancery Lane Wesleyan Monthly Visitor 
(Manchester) ase 

Cheetham Guardian (Middleton) re 

Chemical Trade Journal (Manchester) .. 

Chilton’s Guide (Manchester) — 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 12 125, Strand; London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Chorley Co-operative — arg — 
—— Guardian ie — 
—— Standard = — Er 
Clayton Observer (Accrington ) 

Clegg’s Local Railway Guide (Oldham)... 

—— Oldham Annual see * 

Clitheroe Advertiser 3 OF 
Times ... wee ee ‘ 

Colne Leader (Nelson) tvs : 

—— Observer — * ee aye 

—— Times ... ve eee 

Comrades (Ashton-under-Lyne) — 

Congregational Monthly (Manchester) .. 

Co-operative News (Manchester)... 

Wholesale Societies Annual (Man- 
chester) .. 

Cooper's Tabular Guides (Farnworth) . 

Cotton (Manchester) 

—— Factory Times (Manchester) 

Gazette (Liverpool) ... 

—— Spinners’ Directory (Oldham) i 

Credit Drapers’ Gazette (Manchester) ... 

Crescent (Liverpool) sian 

Cricket and Football Field (Bolton) 

—— Annual (F. Sugg’s) (verpa 
Criterion (Eccles) ... 

Cross Fleury’s, Journal (Preston) * 
Cumberland Catholic Herald (Manchester) 
Daily Dispatch (Manchester) è 
Dalton News (Barrow-in-Furness) 

— &c., Advertiser (Ulverston)... 

Darwen Gazette ... saa — 

—— News ... aay eee 

—— Weekly Advertiser ba wile 
Dawn (Warrington) 

Directory of Occult Practitioners (Black. 

Droylsden, &e., Weekly Herald ( Ashton- 
Druids’ Quarterly Magazine (Manchester) 
Dukinfield Herald (Ashton-under-Lyne) 
Earlestown Examiner (Warrington)... 
— Observer — dale sas 

East Liverpool Magazine .. s — 
Eccles Advertiser ... — dus 
and Patricroft Journal PP Ste 
Co-operative Society Record — 
Evening Express (Liverpool) ... š 

Reporter (Ashton) ... 

Every Band of Hope Boy’s Reciter (Man- 
chester)... = 

Day Electricity (Manchester) 

Faces and Places (Manchester) . 

Failsworth Co-operative Society Record 

Farnworth Journal... eis 

Farrier’s Journal .. 

Financial Reform Almanack (Liverpool) 

—— Reformer (Liverpool) “a 
—— Tit Bits (Manchester) * 
Fleetwood Chronicle (Blackpool)... * 

Express — 

Formby, Newspaper, ‘Een Chronicle 

Times (Southport) ... 

Fowler’s Electrical Eugeen Year Book 

— Mechanical Engineer’ 8 s Pocket Book 
(Manchester) — ee 
Furness Year Book (Ulverston) .. Bee 

Garston and Woolton Reporter ... * 
Weekly News (Widnes) — 
Gazette—News for Blackpool, &c. 


General, &c., Directory of m 
(Preston) ... za 

— — — Burnley (Preston) Sie 

— — — of Preston.. 

George Broomhall’s Com ‘Trade News 

Daily (Liverpool)... 
News "Weekly 

— — Com Trade 

— Monthly Cotton Circular (Liver- 
Goron. Openshaw, Een, Herald (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) — 

—— Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) 

Grange, &c., Advertiser (Ulverston) 

— and Cartmell News eye in- — 
ness) 2 

Great Harwood News (Darwen) .. 

Greenwood’s Foreign Post Office List 
(Liverpool) — 

—— Liverpool Conveyance ‘List... see 

—— Nautical Almanac (Lancaster) aig 

—— Weekly Diary (Liverpool) . 

Grocers’ Review (Manchester) 

Guild Gazette (Liverpool)... “is 

Harvest (Manchester) — 

Harwood Observer (Accrington) .. 

Haslingdean Gazette (Accrington) 

ian iss 

—— Observer (Accrington) ae 

Heywood Advertiser si eae 

News ... 

Hightown, &c. ‚ Express (Manchester) . 

Holden’s Almanack (Liverpool) .. 

Home Art Work (Manchester) 

Horticultural Trade Journal (Burnley)... 

Horwich Chronicle .. aie 

Hyde Reporter (Ashton- under-Lyne) 

Insurance News (Manchester) _... 

International Directory of Booksellers 

(Rochdale) — 

—— Sugar Journal (Manchester) 

Islamic World (Liverpool)... 

John Heywood’s Railway ‘Guide (Man- 
chester) .. 

Journal of Decorative Art (Manchester)... 

—— the Amalgamated Society of Tailors 
(Manchester) ais 

— Federation of Insurance Institutes 
of Great Britain and Ireland Man 
chester) ... 

—— Manchester Geographical Society... 

Juvenile Rechabite (Manchester) i 

Kellock’s List of Steamships and Sailing 
Vessels for Sale (Liverpool) . 

Kemp's Liverpool Gazette ds er 

Knutsford Guardian (Warrington) aes 

~— Chronicle (Manchester) Ges 

Lancashire, &c., Building Trades Em- 
ployers’ Federation Year Book (Bury). 

—— Congregational Year- — (Man- 
chester) ... —* oie 

— Daily Post (Preston)... aia * 

Lancaster, &c., Co-operative Record .. 

—— Guardian wae sie aia Se 

—— Observer tee. 

—— Standard and County “Advertiser ioe 

Latter-Day Saints’ Millennial Star (Man- 

— Ou 

chester) .. ses 
Laughable Dialogues (Manchester) wee 
Leigh Chronicle _... ses 
—— Co-operative Society ‘Record ose 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. | 






England. ] 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Leigh Journal — es Sy s.. 108 | Millom, Gazette... ai 
Leven Advertiser — as ... 108 | —— Herald (Barrow-in-Furness) aus 
Liver (Liverpool) ... 106 | —— News (Barrow-in- ee ben 
Liverpool Brass Band J ournal .. 106 | Mining Engineering (Wigan 

Catholic Herald see as .. 106 | Monthly Megami of the. o. u F. P. (Man- 

Courier... .. 106 chester)... — 
—— Customs Bill of Entry 106 nn Times . aie a oe 
—— Daily Post .. .. 106 | —— Visi aa 

Drum and Fife Band Journal ... 106 | Mossley Herald (Ashton- under-Lyne) . ea 

Echo ... 106 | —— Reporter (Ashton-under-Lyne) _.. 
—— Entertainment and Pleasure Pro- Municipal Reformer ( Ashton-under-Lyne) 

amme ose — * ... 106 | Musician’s Journal (Liverpool) ... 
— Football Echo 106 | National Commercial Sa Man- 
—— General Brokers’ Weekly Circular... 106 chester)... — 
—— Journal of — --» 106 | Needlecraft (Manchester)... er — 
—— Mercury 107 | Nelson Chronicle ... * — See 
— Railway Guide 107 | —— Leader — ae 
— Review eas 107 | Newton Guardian (Earlestown) — was 
— String Band Journal ... 107 | —— Observer (Warrington) 
—— University College Calendar... 107 | North and Mid-Wales Directory Man- 
— Weekly Courier .. 107 chester) ... die 
—— — Mercury ... 107 | —— Live ] Times (Bootle) — “es 
—— — Post 1077| — Lonsdale Herald (Ulverston) — 
—— Y.M.C.A. Monthly Journal .. 107 | ——- Manchester Sentinel — 
Lymm Observer (Warrington) 111 Lyne) 
Lytham Times 111 | —— Western Daily Mail (Barrow) * 
M’Call’s Racing Chronicle (hiv erpool) .. 111 | Northern Daily Telegraph (Blackburn) 

— Turf Register (Liverpool) ... .. 111 | Oddfellows’ Almanac Manchester) = 
MeNichol’s Liverpool, &c., Directory ... 112 | —— Magazine (Manchester) 

Makerfield Examiner (Newton -le- Official Football Programme (Liverpool) 
Willows) ... . 112 | Oldham Chronicle ... 
Manchester Catholic ‘Herald... 113 | —— Congregationalists ... * 

Chamber of Commerce Monthly —— Daily Standard we 

Record ee 118 | —— Evening Chronicle ... 
—— City News... 118 | ~— Industrial Co-operative Soc. Record 
——— Co-operative Society Herald 118 | —— Operative oe “Paner , &c., 
—— Courier 118 Monthly Report .. wes — 
— Diocesan Directory * — 118 | —— Standard — * ‘als 
—— &c., Directory (Slater's) 118 | Onward (Manchester) — a 

Evening Chronicle 118 | —— Reciter (Manchester) * 

— New .. .. 118 | Order of Druids’ Almanack (Manchester) 
— —— — Football Handbook .. 118 | ——-—— Quarterly Report a : ournal 
—— Graphic a — we .. 118 (Manchester) s — sis 
—- Guardian .. 118 | Ormskirk Advertiser és — 
— —— Society’s "Gazette .. 118 | Oswaldtwistle Observer (Accrington) 
— Illustrated Weekly ... * ee 118 | Our Cats (Manchester) ... — 
—— Journal of Commerce — - 118 | —— Dogs (Manchester) ... 

Law Students’ Chronicle... 118 | Owens College Calendar (Manchester) .. 
—— Literary Club Papers * 113 — — Magazine (Manchester) os 
— Postal Guide ... * 118 | Pembroke House School ene (Man- 
— Quarterly Bir 113 chester) ... ie 
—— Royal Exchange Directory .. 118 | Pendlebury and Swinton Journal | 
— Suburban Advertiser “es 118 | Pendleton Co-operative Society Record... we 
—— Weekly Chronicle — ... 114 | Photographic Record (Manchester) é 
— —— Times _... u .. 114 | Pioneer (Burnley) ... 

Wheeler's Club Journal 114 | Police and Constabulary Almanac (Man- 
Masonic Journal (Liverpool) 115 chester) 

Mechanical Engineer (Manchester) 115 | Policy Holder (Manchester) 

Progress Uraneneetet 115 | Porcupine (Liverpool) vie — 
—— Review .. ... .. 115 | Post Office Bolton Directory es 
—— World (Manchester) .. 115 — Guide for Liverpool ... eee 
Medical Chronicle (Manchester) ... .. 115 | Practical Engineer (Manchester)... ai 
Memoirs of the ee Literary —— Electrical Pocket Book (Man- 

Societ er 116 chester) 
Mercantile Marine 8. "A. Reporter —— —— Electrical Pocket Book and 
(Liverpool) 116 Diary (Manchester) — — 
Merchant Service Review (Liverpool) 116 | Prescot Reporter ... 
Middleton Guardian — - 117 | Preston T Society Record — 
—— Standard (Oldham) . sss .. 117 | — Guardian i wa 
Milling (Liverpool)... .. 119 | —— Herald... — bas * 
Millom, &c., Advertiser (Ulverston) .. 119 | — Monthly Circular saa * ee 
390] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

- LANCASHIRE—continued.. 

Prestwich Guardian (Middleton) * 
ings, &c., of the Liverpool Bio- 
logical Society” un. 
-—— of the Liverpool Geological Society” 
Manchester Field Club aa 
—-—— Naturalists’ Society 
Protestant Standard (Liverpool) — 
Provincial Homes Journal (Manchester) 
Racing up to Date (Manchester) — 
Radcliff Co-operative Society Record ... 
—— Times... sae vies isë 
Ramsbottom Observer... a Be 
Rational Journal (Manchester) . sa 
Rawtenstall Times (Bacup) wae 
Rechabite Directory (Manchester) 
—— Magazine (Manchester)... 
Reporter (Pendleton) és 
Rishton Observer (Acerington) és 
Rochdale Advertiser — is 
—— Observer cin eee 
—— Times ... 
Roller Mill Manual (Liverpool) . 
Rossendale Echo (Rawtenstall) .. 
—— Express (Bacup) 
=— Free Press (Rawtenstall) 
Round the Churches (Wigan)... 
Royal National Directory of Ireland (Man- 
chester) : 



—— ` Scotland (Manchester) . * 
Runcorn Examiner (W Warrington). eae 
——— Observer (Warri n) eee 
Saddleworth Standard (Oldham)... 

St. Annes Express ... = 
St. Helens Examiner (Warrington) = 
— — ove ove 

— — Repo ove ... eee as 

Salford: ‘Bhronicle S F 
Scholars’ Magazine (Manchester) os 
Science and Art of Mining (Wigan) .. 
Select Stories (Manchester) — on 
Shepherd’s Magazine (Manchester) i 
Shortland Teacher (Manchester)... ‘a 
Slaithwaite Guardian — — 
Smethwick Weekly News (Oldham) * 
Soulsby’s Ulverston Advertiser . .. 
Sound Progress (Eccles) ... es 
Southport and Birkdale Directory (Man- 
chester) ges 
—— Journal... — isa 
—— Visitor :.. 
Sporting Chronicle ( Mänchesten).. 
= —— Annual (Manchester) .. 
— — Horses in Training (Man- 
— — Weekly Handicap Book (Man- 
chester) .. 
Stalybridge Herald (Ashton-under-Lyne) 
—— Reporter patton under Lyne) A 
——— Standard (Oldham) ... see — 
Stonyhurst Magazine ss es 
Stretford Chronicle (Manchester) Sea 
Striking Stories (Manchester) ..- dia 
Sub: Postmaster (Manchester) ’ zas 
Sunbeam (Manchester)... — Es 


' ‘ ‘ . © ‘ 
ee @ 
s e e e e 

Sunday Chronicle (Manchester) .. ove 
—— Closing Reporter (Manchester) Er 
Swinton Almanack (Pendlebury)... ove 

~ Telegraph (Pendlebury) `..  . 
Ready Ashton’s Northern Weekly (Bolton 
extile Manufacturer (Manchester) _... 

— ———— 




LANCASHIRE —continued. 

Textile Mercury (Manchester) ... © we. 

—— Recorder (Manchester) 
Thrilling Life Stories (Manchester) 
Todmorden oe is o 
—— Herald .. u * — 
— News 

Transactions of the Lancashire Anti- 
“ quarian Society (Manchester) .. 

—- —— Live l Engineering Society 
—— —— Manchester Geological Society 
—— —— Statistical Society ... 
Twentieth Century Directory of Seaforth, 

&c. (Southport) . er 
— — — Southport ... 

— — Wigan (Southport) * 
Two Worlds (Manchester)... iia 
Tyldesley Chronicle (Leigh) 2 
—— Weekly J — sas 
Typographical Circular (Manchester) — 
Ulula (Manchester) * — 
Ulverston Herald ... * 
—— News (Barrow-in- Furness) .. —* 
Umpire (Manchester) eee 
University College of “North "Wales 
Calendar (Manchester) . 
— of Wales Calendar _(Man- 
chester) ... 
Vegetarian Messenger (Manchester) — 
Victoria University Calendar, (Man- 
chester) ... — iss 

Warrington Daily Guardian eT dee 
— Examiner “x — — 
Warrington Guardian _... — RR 
— Observer e.a t.. eve ... 
—— Times eee ... eee ..o 
Waterfoot Times (Bacup ).. è aes 
Waterloo Herald (Southport) isa * 
—— Times (Bootle) ats — whi 
Weekly (Blackpoo))... š: — 
— Herald (Ashton-under- ‘Lyne) pee 
—— List of Cotton Ships (Liverpool) ... 
— Record of the Textile Trades 
Association (Manchester) * ie 
—— Standard (Blackburn) a — 
West African Mail (Liverpool) ... * 
Western Telegraph (Urmston) ... sts 
Wheatsheaf (Manchester) ... 
Widnes and Runcorn Chronicle (Run- 
corn) - — sa 
— Examiner (W arrington) 
——— Guardian — sae 
—— Observer (Warrington) 
—— Weekly News .. 
Wigan Catholic Herald (Manchester); . 25o 
—— Examiner ee 2:5 
—— Observer sse sis * date 
Winsford Guardian... — — 
Woodhead’s Directory of the "Credit 
Drapers of Great Britain ( re 
Woods’ Chemical Trade Diary m 
:chester) ... 
—— Ootton Diary (Manchostes) « * 
—— Directory of Manufacturers (Man- 
chester) ... 
“ (Man- 

—— Engineers’ Trade “Diary 
chester) ... eee 
Worrall’s Textile Directory (Oldham) — 
Wright & Round's Brass Band — 
(Live 1)... 

Y.M.C.A. Bee Hive (l anchester) 
Zuzimite (Liverpool) wes és 

Advertisements recetyyd for all the Provincial Newspapers. 











British Printer (Leicester) ieee 
Dominican, &c. Calendar (Hinckley) * 
Hinckley Observer (Nuneaton) . ssi 
‚Times .. iia 
Hosiery Trades J ournal (Leicester) 
Leicester Advertiser ` ae sila 
—— Chronicle * ade u tee 
— Daily er — ses 

—— District EN Record 
—— Evening News 

—— Guardian — uns 
Journal... a — eae 
—— Sporting News sse sas ve 
$.S.N. Journal — 
Leicestershire Almanac (Leicester) 
—— Cricket Annual (Leicester) .. 
— Football Annual (Hinckley) - 
Loughborough Echo — ae 

—— Examiner — * isa ies 
—— Herald (Leicester) — sie eae 
—— Monitor... 

Market Harborough “Advertiser . 
Melton Mowbray Journal .. — 
— (Leicester) 

Midland Free Press ‘(Leicester) .. 

—— Mail (Market Harborough) .. 

Monthly Megana of the L. O. A. S. 

Official Handbook of the ‘Leicester and 
County Cricket Association 

Peterborough Diocesan Calendar (Leicester) 188 
oe 88 

—— —— Magazine (Leicester) . 
Photographic Art Journal (Leicester) 
Ratcliffian (Leicester) * os 
Rosary (Hinckley) .. eis 
Rutland Echo (Melton Mowbra; y) eos 
Shoe Manufacturer’s Monthly (Leicesten) 

Alford, &c., Gazette ee) AR — 
Boston Guardian ... oor ee 

—— Independent ... see — 
— Post oes ooo 
Brass Band Annual (Boston) — ai 
Cornet (Boston) ... si R 
Crowle Advertiser ... ste 
Durdey’s Almanack (Misterton) .. 

‘-Fisherman’s Nautical Almanack 
(Grimsby) ... ue 

Football Telegraph (Grimsby) — — 
Gainsborough Leader ise — ails 
Grantham oe — — za 
—— Journal... — — saa 
Grimsby Daily Mail bes 

— —— Telegraph se — 
— Gazette... er — — * 
— News ... is seis eed — 
—— Observer * — — iis 
-——— Sporting zen — ax» * 
—— Times ... iè des i Gr 

Horncastle News... 

Jewellers’ Register, &c., ‘Trade Journal 

Lincoln and Stamford Mei scury (Stamford) 

—— &c. een Guide ... — 

—— Budget.. ss — ri 

_——— Citizen .. eis * 
— Co-operative Society Record li. 
— Diocesan Calendar ... eee ʻi 





Willing’s Press Guide. 

Lincoln Directory .«.. ose ese * 

nn Gazette.. ee eco oe wee ore 

—— Leader r 

Lincolnshire Chronicle (Lincoln) 

—— Echo (Lincoln) is wae 
Free Press (Spalding) wae 

—— Notes and Queries (Horncastle) 
Lindsey & Lincolnshire Star ar (Brigg) 
Louth ovens — Ta 

— News ... — 
Mablethorpe, &c., Advertiser sò 
Market Rasen Mail... “ale See 

Retford News (Gainsborough) 
Skegness Herald 
Sleaford Gazette ... 

—— Journal... — 

Spalding Guardian .. eo * 

— Post ... pate 

Stamford Guardian... és ze 

—— Post T 

Weekly Herald (Epworth) — — 

Woodhall Spa Times (Lincoln) ... ese 


Acton Express eis * = * 
Gazette... — ‘a * . 

Anti-Dull (Acton) . eek 

Chiswick Express (Acton) eee 

— — Gazette coe ere eve eco 

—— Times ... 
Commercial Travellers’ School Magazine 

County ‘of Middlesex Chronicle (Houne- 
low)... oo 
— — Inde ependent ( Brentford) Per 
Cricklewood Observer (Harrow) .. asi 

Ealing Gazette seat. a wes i su. 
Enfield Chronicle ... — er i 

—— Observer aa eis 
Finchley Times (Hendon)... — 
Greenhill Church Monthly (Harrow) ose 
Hanwell Gazette (Ealing)... Sas ii 
Harrovian (Harrow) * se 
Harrow Almanack ... * 
—- Bill Book — te 
—— Blue Book... — 

— Gazetto... ua * 
——— Observer > ee í 
Hendon Advertiser... de des 
—— Times ... ius — ʻi aus 
Kilburn Times wae is * dei 

Lyonian (Harrow) .. * 
Middlesex Advertiser (Uxbridge) — 
— Gazette (Enfield) ... i 
— Times (Ealing) dis * 
Northwood Gazette (Harrow) ase 

—— Observer (Harrow) a 

Pinner Gazette (Harrow) .. * eas 
—— Observer (Harrow) we 

Roxeth Magazine (Harrow) E 
Southall Gazette ... 2 * 
Stanmore Gazette (Harrow) 

— . Observer (Harrow) 5 sis 
Stoke Newington Recorder € ssi 
Tottenham Herald .. ssi i des 
—— Times ... er oes eis 
Weekly Guardian — ssi ee 
Uxbridge Gazette ... — date — 
— Rev iew. — 
Wealdstone Gazette (Harrow) 
—— Observer (Harrow) ... — 

J. Willing, Jıynr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand; London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Wembley Gazette (Harrow) 
—— Observer (Harrow) ... ... . 
West Middlesex Herald (Ealing)... eee 
—— —— Times (Staines)... * eee 
Willesden Chronicle ses ees bea 
—— Observer (Harrow) ... See 


Abercarn Weekly Argus (Newport) 
Abergavenny Chronicle... — 
Abertillery Weekly Argus (Newport) ... 
Bailey’s Tables of Distances from Port 
to Port (Newport) — es sii 
Blaenavon Weekly Argus (Newport)... 
Blaina Weekly Argus (Newport)... sis 
Brynmaw, &c., Argus (Newport)... F 
Chepstow Weekly Advertiser... eae 
—— Weekly Argus (Newport) ... oes 
— Directory — * e's 
County Observer (Usk) _... — 
Ebbw Vale Weekly Argus (Newport) 
Monmouth Guardian (Rhymney)... 
Monmouthshire Beacon (Monmouth) 
Newport Chamber of Commerce Year- 

Book Su * Ben beg 
—— Directory (Newport) ... Sue was 
—— Household Almanack Gs 

—— Tide Tables (Newport) ade den 
Phillips’ Machinery Register (Newport) 
Pontypool, &c., Directory (Newport) 

—— Free Press _... * * 
—— Weekly Argus (Newport) 
Property Register (Newport) _... 
South Wales Argus (Newport) ... 
—— —— Gazette (Abertillery) ... * 
Weekly Argus (Newport) 
Tredegar Weekly Argus (Newport) ... 


Cromer Post... — ees wee eae 
Daylight (Norwich)... on 
Dereham Times _... — — ae 
Diss Express se a a ae 
Downham Market Gazette — iv 
— — News (King’s Lynn) ... ist 
East Anglian Notes and Queries (Norwich) 
Eastern Daily Press (Norwich) ... yes 
—— Evening News (Norwich) ... — 
~—— Morning Gazette (Norwich) — 
—— Weekly Press (Norwich)... 
Gresham (Holt)... — — 
Hunstanton News (King’s Lynn) 
Jarrold’s Time Tables (Norwich)... 
Lowestoft Weekly Press (Norwich) 
Lynn Advertiser... de 
—— Football Star ... 
News ... — a * si 
Norfolk and Suffolk Companion to the 
Almanac (Norwich) — eis ties 
—— Chronicle (Norwich) ... — aa 
~—- Evening Standard (Norwich 
— News (Norwich) — — — 
—— Weekly Standard (Norwich) ni 
Norwich Co-operative Society Record ... 
~—— Diocesan Calendar ...... * 
— —— Gazette ... din 
—— Mercury ` avs 
—— Union Magazin des «Ser — 
People’s. Weekly Journal (Norwich)... 
Thetford Times... Ser hay 






180 - 


130 ` 



Yarmouth Independent ... 
— Mercury sai oes 

ase Gee 

— Times ... sss soe ove 
— Weekly Press (Norwich) - ... 


Casters A.B.C. Time Table (Peter- 
borough) ... — er si “ie 
Daventry Express ... * ws aes 
en Telegraph (Kettering) ... d 
Fenland Notes 
borough) . — ks * iis 
Kettering District Co-operative Record 
(Wellingboro) _... dee 
—— Guardian — — 
—— Leader * ove 
Laxtonian (Oundle)... — 
Northampton Daily Chronicle 
— Reporter... 
—— Football Echo 


ees eee 
eee oes 
eee eee 


— Herald - ... eee une 
Mercury — re iss T 
Northamptonshire Good Templar Guide 

Orion’s Prophetic Guide (Peterborough) 
Oundle Guardian (Kettering) ... . 
—— Journal (Wellingborough) 
Peterborough Advertiser ... 
—— Church Advertiser 
—— Citizen... * 
—— Evening News... 
—— Express te 
-—— Standard wie — — 
Thrapston Journal (Wellingborough) 
Wellingborough News : 

eee ' @e00@ 
ore eee eee 
Gee eee eee 
eee eee eee 

Post eis we 

Ainsley’s Nautical Almanac, (South 
Shields) — iia * Be 
Alnwick Gazette ... wes — 
Guardian — — — dee 
Archeologia AEliana (South Shields) ... 
Berwick Advertiser... Sa wee * 
—— Journal... es wa es 

—— Mercury — or —* sse 
Berwickshire Advertiser (Berwick-on- 
Tweed) _... sare — — 
—— News (Berwick-on- Tweed) ... 
Blyth Daily Post... — ane 
——- News ... si — ‘ioe Gas 
Christian Home Treasury ( Newcastle) ... 
Church Calendar (Newcastle) ... 
Collectors’ Advertiser ( Morpeth)... — 
Durham College of Medicine Calendar 
(Newcastle) sis ee — s 
—— —— Science Calendar (Newcastle) . 
Evening Chronicle (Newcastle) ... ‘ 
—— Mail (Newcastle) : — ase 
Foreign Coaling Instructions (Newcastle- 
on-Tyne) ... Fr “oa 
Free Press (South Shields) 
Haltwhistle Echo ... * — en 
Herdman’s Collector's Miscellany (Mor- 
peth) — s u 
Hexham Courant 
—— Herald... ... 
—— Weekly News... 

... s.. 

Journal of the Tyneside Geographical - 

Society (Newcastle) 

and Queries (Peter- 





Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. a [293 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Morpeth Herald ... 

Natural’ History Transactions of North- 
umberland, &c. (Newcastle) ... 

Newcastle A.B.C. Railway user 

—— Cö-operative Record .. 

—— Daily Chronicle - 

— — Journal ... — 

—— Diocesan Calendar ... 

—— —— Gazette ... i 

—— Post Office Guide 

—— Weekly Chronicle ies 

Journal and Courant . 

North Mail (Newcastle) ... 

Northern Catholic Calendar (Newcastle) 

— Gossip (Newcastle) ... 

—— Weekly Leader (Newcastle) 

Palmer Record (Newcastle-on-Tyne) _... 

Potts’ Mining Register (North Shields)... 

Reid’s Darlington Diary (Newcastle) 

— Durham Diary, &c. (Newcastle) 

—— Nautical Almanack (Newcastle) 

—— Railway Guide (Newcastle)... 

— Shields Diary, &c. (Newcastle) 

—— Tyneside Calendar (Newcastle)... 

Rutherford College Calendar m 

Shields Daily Gazette 

News * 
Shorthand Writer (Newcastle) 
Sunderland Year-Book _... 
Transactions of the I. M. Engineers 

(Newcastle) — 
— — North-East Coast Institution 
of Engineers (Newcastle) . 
Turnbull’s Dockand Port Charges (North 
Shields) ... 
—— Shipping Régister (North Shields)... 
—— Steamship Insurance Register (North 
Shields) .. — 
Tyneside Catholic News (Newenstle) 
Wallsend Herald — 


Allen’s Nottingham Red Book 

Bassetlaw Constitutional 
(Retford) . * 

Eastwood Advertiser. — 

Football News (Nottinghom) 

— Post (Nottingham) ... 

Horticultural Advertiser (Lowdham) 

Hucknall Dispatch... ee 

—— Star 

Johnson’s Football Guide (Nottingham) 

Lenton and Nottingham Co- — 
Society Record (Nottingham) .. 

Linney’s Illustrated Almanack Mans- s- 



Mansfield Advertiser 

——— Chronicle * 

——- Reporter a 

Midland Sporting Gazette (Nottingham) 

National Pig Breeders’ Association Herd 
Book ome len) 

Newark Advertiser .. 

—— Herald .. 

Nottingbam Chronicle 

—— Daily Express... 

— — Guardian... 

— District Co-operative Beeord 

—— Evening News... ia * 

— — Post esis 

—— Guardian Year “Book... vie se 








a le —— a a 

— — — —ñ —ñ —ñ —ñ— —ñ — — — — — — — — — — — 


Nottingham Library Bulletin .. — 

Notts F'ree Press (Sutton-in-Ashfield) ... 

—— Weekly Expregs (Nottingham) — 
Railway Service Journal Nene el 
Retford un — nis son 
South Notts Echo (Wotherfislay | 

West Nottinghamshire Observer(Beeston) 
Worker & Retford Guardian... suis 


Abingdon Telegraph (Oxford) .. 
Alden’s ` Illustrated Oxford Almanack 
— Oxford Guide.. ... 
Annual Report of the Association for 
Promoting the Education of Women in 

Oxford wae > ie * ise 
Banbury Advertiser — aoe coo 
— Beacon .. ies oe aoe wea 
— Guardian — ki ee ae 
Bicester Advertiser... ae ee ane 

Herald ... — sie 

Brackley Observer (Bicester) Sa 
Calendar of the Association for Promoting 
the Education of wemen 2 in Oxford . 

Gospel Banner (Oxford) . * * 
Henley Advertiser ... * 
—— Royal Regatta. Official | Programme.. j 

Standard vr & 
Isis (Oxford)... * BER > 
Jackson’s Oxford Journal .. pa 

Oliver’s Local Book of Dates (Oxford) sià 
Oxford Chronicle ... es die sae 
— Diocesan Calendar ... — ove 
—— Free Church Magazine eee ees 
—— High School Magazine. .... si 
—— Magazine ssi . 
—— Point of en é — 
— Review.. ; — En 

— Times ... — eee 
— a Almanae .. : 

— — Gaze — 
Oxfordshire Telegraph ( Oxford) . z 

—— Weekly News (C. Norton) ... 
Pelican Record (Oxford) ... 
Preparatory School Review (Oxford) ss 
Race Builders (Oxford)... 

St. Edward’s School Chronicle (Oxford)... 
Salter’s Guide to the ae ‘Thames 

(Oxford) ... wel * 
Thame Gazette es — eae iis 
Varsity (Oxford) ... eee 
Wadham College Gazette (Ostorä) ade 
Witney Gazette _... ues 
Work for the Far West (Oxford)... ave 


Matkin’s Oakham Advertiser... is 
Oakham Journal .. vie wig 
Rutland Magazine (Oakham) ase — 
Uppingham Almanac die sa sis 

Berry’s Guide to the Queen’s Scholarship 
(Newport) .. AR — isa 

Bishops C Castle Advertiser — 
Border Churchman (Oswestry) . ss — 




me wm DD 



J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bridgnorth Journal... eae Sis ade 
Byegones (Oswestry) — —* 

Charch Stretton Advertiser 

Ludlow Advertiser .. 

Newport and Market Drayton Adver- 

Oswestry Advertiser ee — 

Commercial Circular.. ba 

Pupil Teacher (Newport) .. 

Salopian (Shrewsbury) * 
Shifnal, &c., Advarliser (Newport) Sis 
Shrewsbury Chroniclo ... ie 

Stone Advertiser ern, — 
Wellington Journal... dee 
Whitchurch Herald... ‘a 
Wilding’s Directory for Shrewsbury 


Annual Monitor (Weston-super-Mare) ... 
Avalon Independent (Glastonbury) 

Bath and County Graphic... 

—— &s., Diocesan Kalendar (Taunton) 

— Magazine (Shepton 
— Mallet) — — — aoe — 
—— Chronicle ‘ists 
Herald .. See ix — 
— Observer (Bristol) — * EP 
—— Pictorial es — ee — 
— — Guide ken 
—— Weekly Argus... . 
Beacon (Bath) 
Benedictine Almanac (Bath) 
Bladud (Bath) — 
Bridgwater Echo ... s. ene 
—— Independent ... dos — 
—— Mercury ts — ee 
Burnham Gazette ... er 
Castle Cary Visitor.. 

Central Som. Gazette (Glastonbury) 

Chard News .. . 

Clevedon Mercury a 

Daily Chronicle and Argus ( Bath) * 

Davy’s Devon Herd Booi ee 
combe) ee 

Downside Review ( Bath) .. 

Flock Book of the Devon Long-woolled 
— (Wiveliscombe) . des 

Journal of the Bath, &c. , Society.. * 

Keene's Bath J ournal —.. ‘ 

gswood Magazine (Bath) 

Langport Herald 

Minehead Advertiser * > 

Notes and Queries (Milton) — 

Palmer's Weekly News (Martock} 

Pitman’s Phonetic Journal (Bath) aig 

Proceedings of the Bath Natural History 
Field Club... 

Pulman’s Weokly News (Yeovil)... 

Shepton Mallet Journal ... 

Somerset County Cricket Annual(Taunton) 

——~— —— Express (Taunton) ... 

— — Gazette (Taunton) : 

—— —— Herald (Taunton) * 

— Guardian (Radstock)... — 

—— Journal (Frome) eae * 

—— Standard (Frome)... see 

Taunton. Courier ... ee ove 

— > su 

Wellington Express 1. a = 
— Weekly News .. — 



25 | Wells Journal ... 188 
81 | West Somer. Free Press (W illiton) .. 189 
40 | Western Advertiser (Taunton) ... 190 

111 | —— Chronicle (Yeovil) -... 190 
— Gazette (Yeovil) sia 190 

126 News (Taunton) = 190 

183 | Weston-super-Mare Gazette 191 

188 | —— Mercury - 191 

146 | Wincanton Gazette (Gillingham) 193 

157 | Wiveliscombe Express (Taunton) 194 

161 | Yeovil Leader (Yeovil)... — ee 197 



188 | Advertiser (Brierley Hill)... .. ... 8 

191 | Assurance Agents’ Review (Wolver: 

192 hampton) . — 11 
Atherstone Herald (Tamworth) .. 11 
Brewood Courier... PER — 25 

7 | Burton Chronicle ... she — — 30 
12 | —— Gazette... as — 30 
15 | — Guardian (Coalville). — — 30 
15 | — Mail ... ssi als 80 

—— Observer i * — er 80 
15 | Cannock Advertiser... 88 
15 | —— Courier aes 83 
15 | — Mercury (Lichfield) — 38 
15 | Cartwright’s Monthly POPON (Willenhall) 84 
15 | Cheadle Herald ; 86 
15 and Tean Times — ews eis 86 
15 | Coalville Times _.. 42 
15 | Darlaston Herald (Wednesbury) ... 50 
17 | -——— Leader (Wednesbury) bee 50 
21 | Denstonian (Denston) id ‘ 51 
25 | Express and Star (Wolverhampton) ; 68 
25 | Firefly (Newcastle-under-Lyne) .. — 66 
25 | Free Press (West Bromwich) P 68 
80 | Handsworth Chronicle * 77 
84 | Hednesford Advertiser è 80 
85 | —— Courier... — sa 80 
85 | Leek Post 102 
42 Times ... .. 102 
49 | Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar ... 104 

—— — Magazine eas šas .. 104 
50 | —— Mercury 104 
54 | Lomax’s Red Book (Lichfield) 108 

Longton Times ` 110 
66 | Midland. Advertiser (Wednesbury) 118 
98 | —— Counties Express (Wolverhampton) 118 
96 Evening News (Wolverhampton) . 118 
98 | ~—— Herald (Bilston) — 118 

100 | —— Wednesday News (Wolverhampton) 118 

119 Weekly News a ) ee 118 

130 | N — ne Press — .. 126 

185 .. 126 

140 | Postal Clerks ‘3 Herald (Wolverhampton). . 142 

Potteries Sporting News (Hanley) 142 

144 | Reptonian (Burton-on-Trent) _... .. 150 

146 | Rugeley Mercury (Lichfield) .. 154 

161 | Ryder’s Annual (Wednesbury) 154 

163 | Saddlery and Harness (Walsall)... 154 

168 Staffordshire Advertiser (Stafford) 168 

164 | —— Chronicle (Stafford) . * .. 168 

164 | —— Sentinel (Hanley) * ... 168 

164 | Stone Weekly News 169 

168 | Sutton Coldfield Mercury (Lichfield) 172 

164 | Tamworth Herald . 178 

173 | —— Mercury (Lichfield) .. wae .. 173 

178 | Tettenhallian (Wolverhampton) .. oe 174 

173 | Tipton.Leader (Wednesbury) _... 176 

188 | Transactions of the Burton-on- Trent 

188 | Natural History Society... — .. 177 

Advertisements received for all the Provincial, Newspapers; 




Christadelphian (Birmingham) ... 
Coleshill Chronicle (Coventry) ... 
Coventry ans N Record .. 
ee Herald .. oto 

— Mercury - : coe — ove s 
—— Sohool Magazine ia eee eee 
—— Stoek and Share List * ves 

—— en “or PR ses 

Cycle Times (Birmingham) * sta 

Derbyshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham 

Devon and Cornwall, Bennett's Business 
Direotory (Birmingham) us * 

Dorset Records (Birmingham) ... was 

Edgbastonia (Birmingham). _... — 

Essex and Hertfordshire, Bennett's 
Business Directory (Birmingham) ... 

Football Flashes (Birmingham). * eee 

—— Pink One (Birmingham) - pase 
Form at a Glance (Birmingham)... — 
Gloucester, &c., Bennett’s Business 

Directory (Birmingham) a 
Good Templars’ Watchword(Birmingham) 
Hammond’s Standard BAVAN a 

(Birmingham) _.. 

—— Time Table (Birmingham) .. 
Hampshire, &c., Bennett's Business 
Directory (Birmingham) — 
Handsworth Magazine (Sir ngham): s 

Hardwareman (Birmingham) _... 

—— Year Book (Birmingham) ... — 
Hinckley Echo (Nuneaton) eos 
Index Library (Birmingham) ._... 

Institute Magazine (Birmingham) — 

Iron Trades Circular (Birmingham) _... 
Jewellers’ Advertiser (Birmingham) __... 
J eweller’ 8 Pocket Book (Birmingham) .. 
Jones’s ABC Railway Guide (Nuneaton) 
Juvenile Tem mpar (Birmingham)... is 
Kenilworth Advertiser (Coventry) ; 
Kent, Surrey, &c., Bennett’s Business 

Directory (Birmingham) 
King Edward’s School Chronicle (Bir- 
mingham) .. ai “= . 

Leamington Advertiser... malay 
—— Chronicle ... «6. 

— Circular — sia I 
ES Courier.. oe oe eee 
— ABC Time Tables 

Leicester and Nottingham, Bennett's 
Business Directory (Birmingham) 

Licenséd Trade News (Birmingham) 

Lincolnshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
tory (Birmingham) 

London and Birmingham Stock and Share 
List (Birmingham) eee 

Meteor (Rugby) _... 

Midland Counties Herald (Birmingham) 

-——— Counties Tribune (Nuneaton) T 

—— Daily Telegraph (Coventry)... * 
Express Birmingham) “ee 

—— Medical Journal (Birmingham) — 

—— Referee (Birmingham) * 

-—— Sporting News (Birmingham) Sia 

—— Times (Rugby) 

Moseley’ and King’s Heath Journal 
(Birmingham) ... 

National Association Review. (Bir- 
mingham)... E ase ove eee 






Willing’s Press Guide. 


North Wales and Shropshire, Bennett's 
Business Directory (Birmingham) ... 

Northants, Bennett’s Business Directory 

Northern Counties, ‘Bennett's Business 
Directory (Birmingham) oo aes 

Nuneaton Advertiser (Rugby) — ese 
— Chronicle... eee eee 
en Observer " eee -~ eoe + eee ... 

Owl (Birmingham) ... — 
Parish Register Society (Birmingham) .. 
Peck’s Circular Trades Directory (Bir- 
mingham) .. és 
Philatelic Chronicle (Birmingham) sis 
—— Record (Manchester)... ave: bs 
Police Chronicle (Coventry) ie 
Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural 
History Society ... 
pe and Shipping Journal (Birming- 

Redditch, &e., ‘Directory (Birmingham)... 
Rugby ‘Advertiser s sse 
—— News and District Observer ais 
ee Directory of pronmangece (Bir- 
— — of the Iron, Steel, &e., Allied 
`` Trades (Birmi hain) 
-—— Hardware Directory ( irmingham) 
— List of ‘Merchant Exporters (Ete 
mingham) ... .. 
Science Data and Diary (Birmingham) ... 
Somerset, Bennett's’ Business Directory 
(Birmingham Deas ave 4 
South Birmingham Chronicle... 
—— Wales, Bennett's Business Directory 
(Birmingham)... — — eve 
Sport and Play’ (Birmingham) ... soe 
Sporting Star (Birmingham) _... — 
Sports Argus (Birmingham) 

Staffordshire, Bennett's Business Direo- 
tory (Birmingham) — ic 
Stratlord-on-Avon Herald... * Eu 

Sunrise (Birmingham) 
Sutton Coldfield &c. Directory (Birming- 

= — i 
Tamworth Advertiser (Rugby) Bee — 

Teachers’ Monthly pane). us 
Telegram (Bi ham) . “u. 
Town Crier (Birmingham)... — 

Tramway News (Birming’ ham) — — 
University of Birmingham — aes 
—— — Engineering Journal . — 
— — Magazine . ese coe 
Warwick Advertiser — 
—— Bennett's Business Directory (Bir- 
mingham) ... ees e.. eee es 
—— Times ... 
Warwickshire Workers’ Aävocaie (Nun- 
eaton) cae 
Waterman (Birmingham) .. — 
Weekly Mercury (Birmingham) ... 
White and Pike’s Railway Guide (Bir- 
mingham) .. — aig 
Winning Guide (Birmingham) die 
Worcester Diocesan Calendar (Birming- 
ham) .. — 
—— —— Magazine (Birmingham) ee 
Yardley ‘News Letter (Birmingham) ... 
Yorkshire, Bénneté’s Business Directory 
(Birmingham) eee een eee eso 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agants, 125 Strand, London, 









Willing’s Press Guide. 

Bexhill Chronicle ane Tune Mor 8 


Sussex County Herald (Eastbourne)... 


— — on 18 | __ Courier (Lewes) 172 
Directory ... . eee eve 18 Dail News (Bri hton) a er f 172 
Obeerı “18 | Evening Times (Brighton) o -. 172 

Bexhill-on-Sea Kursal Daily News 18 ening 2 8 n ne 
Express ( en) Jari edas .. 172 
an (ioe N sia ies see 19 | Thistle (St. oT ae 
ue orsham) `... ale — dea 21 ee ee 
Bluejacket (Bye) . 0. 2 Tonbriäge Telegraph (Levan) a bee 
Bognor Observer... das * 21 reS = oe 
Treacher’s Brighton Record .. 179 
Bric- a-Brac (West Hoathly) ... eee 25 Tunbridge Wells Journal (Lewes) Suo 180 
Brighton oe ea), zas 25 | Uckfi eld Weekly = — 181 
ews... C et 
= * gr. | Union Church Magazine (Brighton) = e. 181 
an Magazins 2 Si . en West Sussex Gazette ee w.. 189 
Herald. x . j 2 25 | — — (Horsham) i . 189 
— Hove, &e., Directory .. * * 25 a 0 = : 7 o 
—— Observer (Lewes) a — 26 Öbservar- = 5i Hi "496 
— — = — * sa 25 = = z s 
—— Standar ose .. als .. 26 
Canterbury Blue Book (Brighton) ia 88 | Acocks Green Journal (Birmingham) ... 2 
Chichester Diocesan Gazette ... .. #87 | Advertiser of Wants ane ae er 
Observer ess és 87 mingham) .. — .. * 3 
Cinque Port (St. Leonards) = 40 | — Rugby Almanac zé 8 
Crowborough Weekly News (Brighton). * 48 | Agard’s International Hotel Guide ae: 8 
Croydon Observer (Lewes) * 48 | ——- —— Industries das ee ae, Ss 
Deal, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) ... * 50 | Alcester Chronicle (Redditch) ... sie 4 
East Grinstead Observer (Lewes) .. 57 | Animalia (Birmingham) ee — 6 
Sussex News (Lewes) ʻi — 57 | Atherstone Express (Nuneaton) . va er 11 
Eastbourne and Sussex Society ... .. 57 | — New .. eve aes 11 
Blue Book — si 57 Observer (Nuneaton)... eee Ca odl 
—— Chronicle — a s. ace 57 | Avon Booklet (Emscote) ... eee esa 12 
— Gazette... — è * 57 | Bedworth, &c., News (Nuneaton) . 16 
—— Illustrated Visitors’ List . * 57 Free Press (Nuneaton) ... eve 16 
— Pictorial ie — “ 57 | —— Guardian 16 
Times ... * s — ra 57 | Berks, &c., Bennett's Business Directory 17 
Eastbournian ies zsa 57 | Bible ‘Advocate (Birmingham) ... * 18 
Evening Argus (Brighton)... — js 62 | Bicycling News (Birmingham) ... .. l8 
Faith Links (Brighton) ... ta 64 | Birmingham A B C Time Table ... ove 19 
Folkestone, &c., Blue Book (Brighton) . .. 67 | —— and Moseley Society Journal we 19 
Franciscan Annals (Crawley) ... ane 68 | —— Bennett’s Business Pe ... 19 
Gowland’s Eastbourne Directory sie 74 | — Catholic News... on 19 
Harbinger (East Grinstead) gi is 78 | —— Congregational Year Book... wea 19 
Hastings Advertiser * eee 79 | —— Daily Gazette .. 19 
&c., Blue Book (Brighton) . * — 79 — — — Cricket and Football Guides 19 
&c. News eee ... eco 79 — Mail aoe eve ese ... 19 
—— Chronicle * — 79 — — Post — es Jis aie 19 
—— Independent (Lewes)... .. . 79 | —— Diary Guide ... eee — 00 19 
—— Observer — .. 79 | —— Evening Dispatch ... * 20 
Weekly Mail and Times ; — 79 Free Libraries Annual Report * 20 
Horsham, Blue Book (Brighton) eve 83 | —— Magazine of Arts and Industries ... 20 
Times (Lewes)... j aes 88 | —— Magnet... oa — ove oe 20 
Hove Gazette .. 84 | —— Medical Review — ose eee 20 
Lancing College Magazine (Shoreham)... 100 | —— News e w 8 
Lewes, &c., Blue Book (Brighton), .. 108 | —— Pictorial and Dart so. oe 0.20 
Littlehampton ie eas - 106 Railway Guide sae —* — 20 
— News s.e eee ... .. 106 — Red Book ... eee ... ... 20 
Midhurst Times _... .. 118 | —— Review and Record . e. ee 20 
Mid-Sussex Times (Hayward’s Heath) . . 118 | —— Sporting Life Tissue... ne 20 
Modem Brighton (Brighton) _... ... 120 | —— Stock and Share List fas — 20 
Morning Argus (Brighton)... — ... 122 | —— Sunday Echo ...  .. — * 20 
Philatelist Almanac (Hoathly Via 139 | —— University Calendar .. ss * 20 
Pike’s Dover Blue Book and Local Direc- —— Weekly Post ... .. 20 
tory (Brighton) ... .. 140 | British Record Society (Birmingham). * 28 
Seaford Gazette (Lewes) . * ... 160 — Stamp Directory — e.. 28 
Shoreham Gazette (Hove)... der .. 162 | Bull’s Eye (Birmingham) .. e 80 
South-Eastern Advertiser (Rye) .. ... 164 | Cambridge, Bennett’s Business "Direc- 
Southern Weekly News (Brighton) .. 166 ry 32 
Steyning Observer (Worthing) ... .. 169 | Central Literary Magazine (Birmingham) 85 
Sussex Advertiser (Lewes) ` .. 172 Cheshire, Bennett’s Business Directory 
— Coast Mercury (Worthing) .. .. 172 (Birmingham) ... — dis on 37 
Advertisements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [297 

England. ] 


Driffield Observer ... oe “a 
—— Times ... — — 
Easingwold Advertiser — 

East Riding Chronicle (Driffield) 

—— —— Telegraph (Hornsea) . * 
Eastern Morning News (Hull) ... — 
Elland Echo (Brighouse) ... * — 
—— News (Brighouse) 

Evening Press ( York) 

Filey Post (Driffield) 
Flash (Hull)...  - ssi 
Football (Leeds) 

Foresters’ Miscellany (Sheffield) ... 
Giggleswick Chronicle (Settle) 
Goole Saturday Journal 

—— Times ... 

—— Wednesday J ournal . 
Gryphon (Leeds) ... — 
Halifax Comet — — 
— Courier .. ; 

— Evening Courier bea 

—— Guardian — aut 

— Naturalist ace is 

Harrogate Advertiser 

—— Herald ... — 

—— Lantern Bi 

—— New Century ... 

—— &c., Times * 

Hebden Bridgo News 


Heckmondwike Herald 

-—— News (Dewsbury) ‘ 

—— Reporter enue): 

Holmfirth Express .. 

Honley, &c., Express i 

Horbury Herald (Wakefield) 

—— Observer (Ossett) > 

Hornsea Telegraph ... 

Howdenshire Chronicle (Pocklington) . 

—— Gazette (Goole) on 

Hoyland, &c., Advertiser ... 

—— Gazette (Barnsley Fo tee 

Huddersfield, &c., District Directory 

——— Boro’ Advertiser ; 

— Chronicle rer aes —* 

- Daily Chroniclo .. oa 

— — Examiner... ; — 

-——— District Advertiser 

—— Examiner s. 

Technical College Calendar 

&c., Time Table 2 we 

— Weekly News .. 

‘Hull, &., Amusements — 

’ Bast Yorkshire Times .. 

Lincolnshire Times 

Catholic Herald ‘ 

— Daily News 

— News ... 

—— Post Office Guide 

Street Pocket Guide * 

Trades Council Labour Journal 

Ilkley Free Press (Otley) .. 

— Gazette.. 

Journal of Conchology (Leeds) — 

— of the Bradford Textile Society 

— of the Society of cee and Colour- 
ists (Bradford) 

Keighley Burgess Roll... 

-~— Co- operative Society Record 

—— Herald . “u — 

—- News 


e e e e . 
. e e ®. ®. ° e . 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Keighley Year Book wis ats u 

Kingston Monthly a 

Knaresborough News (Wetherby) 

Post (Harrogate) 5 

Laisterdyke and Bowling "News| (Stan. 
ningley) .. 

Laurie’s Gems and Buffalo Star (Leeds)... 

Leeds Catholic Herald _... 

—— Co-operative Record .. es ae 
—— Daily News _... ase ‘ 
—— Directory “us ass . * 
—— Mercury — — * 
— Weekly Supplement — 
Saturday Journal os ie 

—— Stock Exchange Handbook.. 

Leodiensian (Leeds) — F os 

Locomotive Engineer's and Fireman’ s 
Monthly Journal ese) — es 

Loftus Advertiser ... : 

Magnet (Leeds) 

Malton Gazette 

—— Messenger 

Mashamshire Standard (Ripon) .. 

Master Tailor (Leeds) ae a 

Mentor’s Middleham Opinion _... — 

Mexborough Almanac siete ris — 

—— Times ... wae 
Middlesbrough Co- operative Record i 
Mirfield Herald (Heckmondwike) — 

—— Reporter (Dewsbury)... 
Monograph of British Land and Fresh- 
water Mollusca (Leeds) .. —* 

Morley News (Dewsbury) .. vis s. 

Observer — ie 
Nature Study ( Huddersfield) ie 
eee Advertiser... — ais 
— Ec oa one 

— Herald (Wakefield) . 

North China Mission Quarterly Paper 
(Leeds) ... 

North Eastern Daily Gazette (Middles- 

North Riding, &c., News (Northallerton) 

Northern Reporter (Wetherby) ... * 

—— Weekly Gazette (Middlesbrough 

On the Road (Hull)... iia 

Original Clock Almanac (Wakefield) — 

Ossett Observer... — iii 

Past and Present (Pontefract) 

Pateley Herald (Harrogate) 

Penistone Express .. wee ahs 

Pogmoor Almanac (Barnsley) oes sate 

Pontefract Advertiser wa eae ae 

—— Express 

Post Office Guide for Leeds, &e... 

Proceedings of the Midland Institute of 
Mining (Barnsley) 

Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological 
Society (Mirfield) 

Pudsey Advertiser (Stanningley)... 

— Echo ... 


Quarterly Letters to Men on n Public Works 

Rawmarsh, &e., Advertiser (Rotherham) 7 

Redcar and Saltburn News — 

Richmond Division Gazette (Northaller- 

Ripon Diocesan Calendar (Dewsbury) . 

— — Gazette — 

—— Gazette (Harrogate) .. sibs — 






vl, Willing, Junr., Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Wilting’s Press Guide. 


Kendal Mercury _...° oh 96 | Worcester Daily me — — 195 
Lakes Chronicle (Windermere) . . 100 | —— Herald.. ... — 195 
—— Herald (Ambleside) . 100 | —— Railway Guide. se — 195 
Transactions of the Cumberland Anti- Worcestershire Advertiser 195 
quarian Society (Kendal) .. 177 | —— Chronicle _.. 195 
Westmorland Gazette (Kendal) . .. 191 | — uy Council ‘Handbook .. 195 
— — cno ooo oe 195 
WILTSHIRE. Standard (Worcester) — .. 195 
Biown's Advertiser (Salisbury) . = 99 World’ 8 Exchange (Worcester) . oe .. 196 
—— Sixpenny Diary (Salisbury)... s — 29 YORKSHIRE. 
Devizes Gazette... 52 
Evening North Wilts Herald (Swindon) 62 | Ampleforth Journal (York) 6 
—— Swindon Advertiser .. ous 63 | Annual Report and Balance Sheets of the 
Marlborough Times * ssi .. 114 Associated Society of Locomotive Engi- 
Marlburian (Marlborough) . 114 neers and Firemen (Leeds)... 7 
North Wilts Church Magazine (Devizes) 129 | — — of ka rake Pocty (Brad. 
—— —— Directory (Swindon) ... .. 129 ford) . 7 
— — Guardian (Chippenham) 129 | Armley N ews dus — 10 
—— —— Herald (Swindon) . 129 Barnsley Chronicle... ove 14 
Salisbury Diocesan Gazette . 156 | —— Independent . 14 
—— &c., Directory... 0 0 156 | —— Telephone 14 
—— Jonrnal... —— ees 156 | Batley, &c., Free Press 15 
— Times ... ea 156 | — News — 
Sarum Almanack Saliahury wes woe = 157 | —— Reporter 
Swindon eae ) * ... 173 | Beckett’s Pocket Diary, &e. ( Sheffield)... 16 
Tisbury Gazette ( Gillingham) “0. 176 | Bedale, &c., Chronicle — 16 
Warminster Journal ag 00. 185 | — Times — so 16 
Wilton Gazette (Gillingham) + os 192 | Beverley Guardian.. te ae 18 
— Times (Salisbury) — 192 —— Independent e. e.. ... 18 
Wiltshire Advertiser (Devizes) . 198 | —— Recorder . ove vee 18 
—— Archeological Magazine (Devizes)... 192 | Bingley Chronicle ... 19 
—— Chronicle (Trowbridge) — 192 | Birstal Herald (Heckmondwike) .. 20 
—— County Mirror (Salisbury) . 198 News (Batley)... ese 20 
—— Notes and Queries (Devizes) 198 | Boston Spa } News "(Wetherby) see 28 
— Opinion (Marlborough) * 198 | Bradford Antiquary * si sas 28 
—— Telegraph (Devizes) ..  ... .. 198 | —— Catholic Herald ... * ssi 24 
—— Times (Trowbridge) ... ae .. 198 | —— Daily Argus ... ove ove e 24 
| — — isn) — Saw * 24 
—— Observer Budget _... oe oe 24 
WORCESTERSHIRE. —— Post Office Directory = 24 
Berrow’s Worcester Journal _... 17 Weekly Telegraph 24 
Blockridge’s Illustrated Dudley Almanac 21 | Bridlington Chronicle : 25 
Bromsgrove Messenger... sie - 29 | —— Daily Mail (Hull) 25 
County Express (Stourbridge) ... aie 46 | —— Free Press _... 25 
—— Herald (Dudley) — es * 46 | — Gazette... ees vas sus aah 25 
Droitwich Guardian — asi : 54 | Brighouse Echo 25 
Del, Diegefeh soe - 654 | ——Free Press... ee ose 25 
—— Herald ... uae * 55 | —— News 25 
Evesham Journal ... — sae 68 | British and “Colonial Mineral Water 
—— Standard nee — esi 68 Trade Journal (Leeds) . * 26 
Faith (Malvern Link) bug 64 | —— Chess Magazine (Leeds) 27 
Kidderminster News 97 | — Machinery Gazette (Leeds) ... 27 
—— Shuttle... ‘ 97 Temperance Advocate (Sheffield) . 28 
—— Times .. 97 | Caravan York) s iis 88 
Littlebury’ 8 Directory (Worcester) -- 106 | Castleford Herald ( Westgate) 84 
—— Railway Time Table Na .. 106 | Christian Words ( en. — 89 
Malvern en, — .. 118 | Cigarette World (Leeds) . ean — 40 
—— Gazette 118 | Citizen Weekly (Leeds) ... sis hs). 40 
— News ... 118 | Cleckheaton Advertiser * — 41 
Malvernian (Malvern) 118 Guardian see — 41 
Oldbury Weekly News... ... 182 | Cleveland Di (Middlesboro) — 42 
Pentecostal Bower (Worcester) .. 188 | Colonial Re rice (Leeds) ‘see 48 
Redditch Indicator .. 0. 149 | Cook’s Directory ( nn) — 45 
Rushdon Argus _... Du 154 | Craven Herald (Skipton) .. — 47 
— Peho ... s — er .. 154 | Daily Mail (Hull) ... — 49 
— Times ... dee ihe .. 154 | Dewsbury une News . — — 52 
Smethwick Telephone s+ oe 168 | —— Reporte i 52 
Tenbury Wells Advertiser... sia coe 174 Doncaster, &e., Advertiser (Goole) — 58 
prion erald (Dudley) ... - 176 | — Chronicle ae * ase 53 
Upto n-on-Severn News... 182 | —— Directory a. cae ee «= BB 
— Borough News (Dudley) . 186 | —— Gazette... — ose ee ove 58 
Advertigements received for all the Provincial Newspapers. [299 

England. ] 


Driffield Observer ... * ais 
—— Times ... dei das 
Easingwold Advertiser zn 

East Riding Chronicle (Driffield) | 

—— —— Telegraph (Hornsea) . ass 
Eastern Morning News (Hull) ... * 
Elland Echo (Brighouse) ... — * 
News (Brighouse) 

Evening Press i York) — wale * 
Filey Post (Driffield) ... — * 
Flash (Hull)... — eas baa dus 
Football (Leeds) 

Foresters’ Miscellany (Sheffield) ... 
Giggleswick Chronicle (Settle) 

Goole Saturday Journal 

—— Times ... 

—— Wednesday J ournal . 
Gryphon (Leeds) ... — 
Halıfax Comet — sis 
—— Courier... = 

— Evening ‘Courier 

— Guardian — was 
— Naturalist ... kst 
Harrogate Advertiser ssi 
—— Herald ... ext oe 

—— Lantern eee aie — de 
—— New Century ... ii aw zs 
—— &c., Times _... u — ios 

Hebden Bridge News 

—— — Times ... 

Heckmondwike Herald 

= News (Dewsbury) : 

—— Reporter — wile si 

Holmfirth Express .. = — sa 

Honley, &c., Express — site * 

Horbury Herald (Wakefield) 

—— Observer (Ossett) 

Hornsea Telegraph .. 

Howdenshire Chronicle (Pocklington) 

—— Gazette (Goole) ene 

Hoyland, &c., Advertiser ... 

— Gazette (Barnsley Ya 

Huddersfield, &c., District Directory 

— Boro’ Advertiser des 

—— Chronicle * — 

—— Daily Chronicle 


District Advertiser 

—— Examiner si 

Technical College Calendar 

— &c., Time Table ss — 

— Weekly News .. 

‘Hull, &c., Amusements ; 

— — ' East Yorkshire Times .. 

—— —— Lincolnshire Times 

—— Catholic Herald 

—— Daily News _... 

— News _... 

— Post Office Guide 

—— Street Pocket Guide axe — 

Trades Council Labour Journal ... 

Ukley Free Press (Otley) .. 7 

Gazette.. * 

Journal of Conchology (Leeds) 

—— of the Bradford Textile Society 

— of the Society of sere and Colour- 
ists (Bradford) 

Keighley Burgess Rol 

— Co- Operative By Record 

—— Herald . — or * 

—— News ... 


Willing’ s — Guide. 


Keighley Year Book — 

Kingston Monthly .. * 

Knaresborough News (Wetherby) — 

—— Post (Harrogate) 

er and Bowling "News. (Stan- 
ningley) .. — 

Laurie’s Gems and Buffalo 8 Star (Leeds). * 

Leeds Catholic Herald * 

— Co-operative Record .. ans 

— Daily News ... tee wie 

—— Directory * va r Z 
—— Mercury s: 2 — 
— — Weekly Supplement eka > he 
—— Saturday Journal F i 
— Stock Exchange Handbook.. we 
Leodiensian (Leeds) — 

Locomotive Engineer’s and Fireman's 8 
Monthly Journal ace: — side 
Loftus Advertiser ... * — — 
Magnet (Leeds) _... sea 
Malton Gazette er és 
—— Messenger eee oi — 
Mashamshire Standard (Ripon) . da 
Master Tailor (Leeds) sii ja 
Mentor’s Middleham Opinion 
Mexborough Almanac 
Times ... 
Middlesbrough Co- operative Record .. 
Mirfield Herald (Heckmondwike) ane 
Reporter (Dewsbury)... 
Monograph of British Land and 'Fresh- 
water Mollusca (Leeds) .. ; 
Morley News ei ke 
—— Observe 
Nature Study (Huddersfield) 
See Advertiser 


Herald (Wakefield) . 

North China Mission Quarterly Paper 
(Leeds) ... 

North Eastern Daily Gazette (Middles- 
brough) ... 

North Riding, &c., News (N orthallerton) 

Northern Reporter (Wetherby) . * 

.— Weekly Gazette (Middlesbrough ... 

On the Road (Hull)... ad 

Original Clock Almanac (Wakefield) F 

Ossett Observer... — oats 
Past and Present (Pontefract) — oo 
Pateley Herald (Harrogate) — 
Penistone Express .. PER — 
Pogmoor Almanac (Barnsley) eae — 
Pontefract Advertiser 5 oss — 
—— Express . 
Post Office Guide for Leeds, &e... 
Proceedings of the Midland Institute of 
Mining (Barnsley) 
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological 
Society (Mirfield) 
Pudsey Advertiser (Stanningley)... 
. — 7 
— New 
Quarterly: Letters to Men on Public Works 
(Leeds) _.. 
Rawmarsh, &e., Advertiser (Rotherham) Sr 
Redcar and Saltburn News 
an Division Gazette (N orthaller- 
Ripon Diocesan Calendar (Dewsbury) . 
Gazette — 
— Gazette (Harrogate) .. wed eae 

Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising g Agents, 125 Strand, London. 




Willing’s Press Guide. 


Advertisements received for all Periodicals, 

YORKSHIRE—continued. YORKSHIRE—continued. 
Ripon Observer ... 151 | Wakefield &c., Herald... eee 
Robinson’s Directory for Barnsley (Leeds) 152 | —— Diocesan Calendar (Dewsbury) ane 
— for Otley (Leeds) 152 | —— Directory Se > 
—— Harrogate, &c., Directory (Leeds) . 152 Echo ... ie ase * ea 
Rotherham ‘Advertiser i 158 | —— Express Es 
Express — ee — .. 158 | Ward’s Family Almanack (Beverley) — 
Rothwell Times .. Sie ie .. 158 | Watchtower a) u sie 
Saltburn Times .. z a . 157 | Weekly News (Sheffield) .. des wee 
Scarborough Evening News * . 157 | —— Telegraph (Sheffield)... * 
Gazette... isà * * . 157 | West Yorkshire Pioneer (Skipton) — 
Mercury wer “os i .. 157 | Wetherby News ... * nee 
— Post... seb * . 157 | Wharfedale Observer (Otley) è Í 
Temperance Mirror ... s 157 | Whitby Gazette... .. è 
Sedberghian (Sedbergh) ... ea 160 | —— Times ... aus Pr * 
Selby Express (Goole)... 3 .. 160 | Withernsea Telegraph — .. .. 
Times ... sis ais .. 160 | Wombwell Guardian (Barnsley). es i. 
Sheffield City Almanac... bes ... 161 | York Churchman’s Almanack ... * 
Daily Independent ... us. .. 161 | — Diocesan Calendar is * 
Daily Telegraph — vee .. 161 | ———— Magazine * s 
—— Red Book .. sex ete .. 161 | —— Journal of Convocation . š 
— Spanne Se ews 161 | Yorkshire Almanac (York) Be és 
Weekly ndent ats .. 161 | —— Christmas Annual (York) ... sia 
Shipley Express ( cere) * ... 161 | —— Chronicle (York) * * ... 
Times ... — .. 161 | —— College Calendar (Leeds) ; ve 
Skyrack Courier (Leeds) . ats 168 | —— Cricket Guide (Barnsley)... * 
Slate Trade Gazette (Hull) * 168 | —— Daily Observer (Bradford) ... — 
Smithson’s Northallerton Almanac 168 | —— Early Bird (Sheffield) é i% 
Sowerby Bridge Chronicle — 166 | —— Estates Gazette (Leeds) . > 
Sports Express (Hull) ... aus ... 167 | —— Evening Post (Leeds) — * 
Sunday Telegraph (Sheffeld) ... .. 171 | —— Factory Times ae) * 
Tadcaster News (Wetherby) — 173 | —— Gazette (York) is = 
Tees Daily Shipping List (Middles- —— Herald (York)... ise si ake 
brough) 174 | —— Observer (York) — 
Teeside Weekl Herald (Middlesbrough) 174 | —— Post (Leeds) . ane 
Thirsk News (York) si 175 | —— Ramblers Club J ournal (Leeds) * 
— &c., Guardian (Northallerton) ... 175 | —— Sports (Bradford)... FF das 
Tradesman Circular (Pudsey) ... ... 177 | —— Telegraph (Sheffield)... — 
Truthseeker (Bradford) ... i .. 180 | —— Textile Directory (Oldham)... * 
Wakefield Advertiser... — .. 184 | —— Weekly Post (Leeds)... ee — 
Brecon — Times... — eee 24 | Seren Cymru (Carmarthen). ; wi 
—— Express ove 24 | — yr Ysgol Sul ‚Llanelly) & ese 
University of Wales Calendar (Brecon)... 182 | South Wales Press (Lianelly) ... 
Tywysydd y Plant (Llanelly) é 506 
CARDIGANSHIRE. Welshman (Carmarthen) <- — wis 
Aberystwith Observer .. 2 | Winllan (Bangor) 
— News (Aberystwith) . 82 8 — * one 2 
ardigan Advertiser sus 88 
— Bay Visitor (Aberystwith) .. 88 CARNARVONSHIRE. 
— County Times (Aberystwi th) F 88 | Arvonian (Carnarvon) — ... * .. 
Haul (Lampeter) ... — — 79 | Bangor Diocesan aoe — 
Lian (Lampeter)... se . .. 1074rnarvon Herald .. on 
Perl (Lampeter)... 188 | Church Messenger... — — — 
St. David's College- Calendar (Lampeter) 151 | Clorianydd (Bangor) eee tee : 
Udgorn Newyddiadur Cymreig (Pwelheli) 181 | Cronicl (Bangor) «e en 
Welsh Gazette (Aberystwith) ... ... 188 | Cymru (Carnarvon)... ST — is 
meet (Llandysaul)... s.e ese 197 Dee (Carnarvon) — 
co Cymraeg (Carnarvon sag. > lee 
CARMARTHENSHIRE. Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd (Bangor)... =. 
en Weekly Reporter. ee .. 84- | Genedl Cymreig (Carnarvon) “ss. "ss 
Cytaill Eglwysig (garden). . ` e. 48 | Geninen (Carnarvon) — 
‘Diwygiwr (Llanelly) ove - 53 | Gwalia (Bangor)... — — 
Journal ee) —* 92 | Herald Cymreig (Carnarvon) —— 
Llanelly Guardian . ee s «+ 107 | Holyhead Mail (Carnarvon) See, Jet 
— Mercury --- 107 | Llandudno Advertiser ... s See 
St. David's Diocesan Calendar (Car- Llusern (Carnarvon) — — 
marthen) . e.. e.. ... ... 155 Merioneth News (Carnarvon) e 




Wales. } 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Monthly Treasury (Carnarvon) ... 
North Wales Chronicle (Bangor)... 

—— — Observer (Carnarvon) ... 
Original Llandudno Directory 

Papur Pawb (Carnarvon) .. oe * 
Trysorfa y Plant (Carnarvon) Sie ies 
Werin (Carnarvon) .. — als 
Wrexhamian (Carnarvon) . — —* —* 

Wyntyll (Carnarvon) — eee 

Abergele, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) — 

—— Visitor ... eee 

Almanac y Miloedd (Wrexham) . 

Banerac Amserau Cymru (Denbigh) 

DNS &c., Pioneer (Coina 
ay) as aes 

Cerddor y (Wrexham) as ei dea 

Colwyn Bay, &c., Directory — — 

—— and Welsh Coast Pioneer ... 

— Weekly News (Conway) w 
Conway, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) — 
Conway Weekly News . TP 

Cymru’r Plant (Wrexham) — 

Denbighshire Free Press (Denbigh) ate 

Greal (Llangollen) .. nue 

Illustrated Wrexham Argus 

Llandudno, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) .. 

Lanfairtechan, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn 
y) sre — si 

Tinnzollen Advertiser wa 

Llanrwst, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Boy) 

Free Press (Denbigh) 

N. Wales Guardian (Wrexham) .. 

--— —— Times (Denbigh) 

Penmaenmawr, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) 

—— Weekly News (Conway) — 
Prestatyn, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) . 
Rhos Herald... 

Rhy], &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay)... 
Guardian (Wrexham) 

Vale of Clwyd, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) 
Wrexham Advertiser iss i sė 


Abergele News (Rhyl) . * — 
County. Herald (Holywell) ... ae PER 
Flintshire Observer (Holywell) * ne 
Gwyliedydd (Rhyl) .. be sxs or 
Prestatyn News (Rhyl) * ae 
Record and Advertiser (Rhy!) wee es 

Rhuddlan News (Rhyl) 
Rhyl Guardian — sè 
=—— Handbook, &c. — 
—— Journal... eee — 
—— News | 

St. Asaph Diocesan C Catena miy) 
—— News (Rhyl) ... 
Traethodydd (Holywell) 


Aberdare Leader... 
Abstainer (Cardiff) ... 
Barmouth Advertiser 
Barry Dock News ... 
— Herald, &c., 

Bovian- (Cowbridge) eee = i 
Cambria Daily Leader (Swansea) 
Cambrian (Swansea) — .. des 




Cambrian Natural Observer (Cardiff) 

— Notes and Queries (Carai. 

Cardiff Directory ... — 

—— Figaro ... 

— Naturalists’ Society Report ... 

—— Shipping Gazette ... soe — 

— — Tables and — dus — 

Celt Newydds (Aberdare)... — — 

Cenad Hedd (Merthyr Tydfil) — TA 

Chance (Cardiff) ... 

Chapple’s and Kemp’s “Local "Pocket 
Guide (Cardiff) ... ane 

Chronicle for Glamorgan (Bridgend) ss 

Cronicl Cenadol (Merthyr Tydfil) —* 

Daily Shipping Register Even) 

Enterprise (Cardiff) - — 

Evening Express (Cardiff)... — 

Glamorgan Free Press (Pontypridd) sie 

—— Gazette tBridgend) . — 

—— Times (Pontypridd) .. — 

Heavens at a Glance (Cardiff) 

Herald Cenadol (Tonypandy) 

of Wales (Swansea) ... 

Llandaff Diocesan Church alandar 
(Cardiff) ... 

Llandaff Diocesan Magazine (Cardiff) « 

Maritime Review (Cardiff) — 

Merthyr Express... 

Neath "Gazette and Mid- Glamorgan 
Herald — 

Penarth Advertiser (Cardiff) Be 

—— Observer — wie wen 

—— Times ... age — 

Pontypridd Chronicle dae — 

Ea e S Observer ... ... eee 

Porth Gazette iei 

Public Library J ournal (Cardiff). jis 

Seren Gomer (Swansea) ... BR 

Shop Assistant (Cardiff) . * 
South Wales Coal Annual (Cardiff) * 
— — Daily News (Cardiff) .. eis 
— —— Daily Post (Swansea) .. 
—— —— Echo (Cardiff) .. ea 
—— —— Investment Circular (Cardiff). ie 
—— —— Weekly Post (Swansea) ee 
—— Walian (Swansea) .. aes aoe 
Swansea & Glamorgan Herald ... svá 
—— Tide Tables ... ees eas 
Tarian Gweithiwr (Aberdare) s i. 
Tyst (Merthyr Tydfil) — “es — 
Weekly Mail (Cardiff) F 
Welsh ne Directory (Cardiff) —* 
Herald (Cardiff)... i PR 
Western Mail (Cardiff) _... ase s 
Young Wales (Cardiff) sse see one 


Calendar of the Calvinistic Ben 
Theological College (Bala) ise 
Dydd (Dolgelly) _... Wiss ssi 
Dysgedydd (Dolgelly) sis — sea 
—— y Plant (Dolgelly) ... see * 
Glorian (Blaenau Pestiniog) * ded 
Goleuad (Dolgelly) ... — * wi 
Gymraes'(Dolgelly) ` se NA * 
Lladmerydd (Dolgelly) ... — ave 
Negesydd (Corris) . eee ese soe 
Pulpud Cymru (Bala) ces * cee 
Seren (The Star) (Bala) ... —— 
Towyn Times ee See et es 

— —— — — 

J, Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125(Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 



Tyst Dirwestol (Bala) a * .. 181 
Wythnos a'r Eryr (Bala) .. sr .. 197 
Montgomery and Radnor Heo, ant 
oes). — 20 
County Times (Welshpool) .. 121 
Express (Newtown) ... i 121 

County Echo —— * sii En 46 

Pembroke County nn (Solva) 
—— Dock Gazette .. sun er 
—— Dock Journal .. 

—— Herald (Haverfordwest) 

—— Times as 
Tenby And County News ... 

—— Observ 

Ward- Davies's 8 Free Press (Pembroke) .. 

| Central Wales. News (Llandrindod) — 

Haverfordwest Telegraph .. + os 79 ! Radnor Express _... 
Aberdeen Almanac... .. .. m 1 | Believer’s Magazine iimaraceh)' 
— Catholic Herald ove den ave 1 | Cumnock Chronicle ave 
Free Press... s one — 1 Express ear, aes 
Journal.. 25 — nae 1 | — News (Ardrossan) ... 
Post Office Directory ose 2 | Dalry, &c., Herald (Irvine) .. 
«—— Public Library zu Report 2 | Gospel Messenger (Kilmarnock) .. 
~——— University Calendar .. — — 2 | Irvine and Fullerton oes (Ardrossan) 
Weekly Journal — —* 2 | — — 
Balmoral Magazine (Aberdeen) .. eee eae 18 Kilmarnock Herald... iva das 
Bon Accord (Aberdeen) _... wale — 22 | —— Standard 

Brown’s Bookstall (Aberdeen) ... — 29 

Buchan Observer (Peterhead)... 29 
Catholic Directory ‘for Scotland (Aber- 
deen) bas da 85 
Evening Express (Aberdeen) — sso 62 
Gazette (Aberdeen) ... ssa 62 
Fisherman’s Diary (Fraserburgh) sk 66 
Fraserburgh ae — * 68 
Herald . — oon “os 68 
Huntly Express — — disse 85 
Mariner's Almanac (Aberdeen) i .. 114 
Northern Figaro (Aberdeen) 129 
Onward and Upward (Aberdeen)... 182 
Peterhead Sentinel .. 139 
Scottish Educational Year Book (Aber- 
deen) .. 159 
Notes and Queries (Aberdeen) 159 
Settmaker’s & Stoneworker’s Journal 
(Aberdeen). .. 160 
Shetland Pony Studbook (Aberdeen) 161 
Weekly Free Press (Aberdcen) . . 186 
News (Aberdeen) _... er .. 187 


Argyll Advertiser (Lochgilphead) — 9 
Herald (Campbeltown) ae wea 9 
Campbeltown Courier * sas — 33 

Dunoon Advertiser... a4 — — 55 
Herald . 55 
—— Observer and Argyll Standard (Sand- 
bank) Ges ei i 55 
Oban Times . Sat as > «ei ool 
Ardrossan Herald ... oo Say re 9 

Ayr ABC Time Table _... — see 13 
-— Advertiser `... * ve s.. 12 

eh: ee a Be, so a 12 
Ayrshire Post (Ay) ee: — wie 12 
Beith Echo ... ie — vhs u 16 

Advertisements received for all Periodicals. 

Kilwinning Chronicle (Irvine) Sis 

Largs, &e., News ... 

Our Little Ones’ Treasury (Kilmarnock) 

Scottish Women’s Temperance News 
(Ayr) ee * 

Stevenston Gazette (Irvine) 

Sunday School Workers’ Magazine (Kil- 
marnock) . 

Troon Herald (Irvine) 

—— Times (Ardrossan) 

Young Watchman (Kilmarnock) .. 


Banffshire Advertiser — 
—— Herald (Keith) . — 
— Journal (Banff) > 
—— Reporter (Portsoy) ... ais 
Dufftown News _... ié isa 


Berwickshire News (Dunse) — 


Caithness Courier (Thurso) er 
John-o’-Groat Journal (Wiek) aes 
Northern Ensign (Wick) .. — 
— Herald (Wick) 


Alloa Advertiser 

— Circular 


Annual Register for the County of Clack- 
mannan (Alloa) ... — 

Devon Valley Tribune (Tillicoultry) 

Hillfoots Record (Alva) ... 

Dumbarton Herald... ssi * iae 
Helensburgh News... abe — 














Scotland. } 

DUM BARTONSH IRE—continued, 

Helensburgh Times... ... . .. —* 
Kirkintilloch Gazette ts * wea 

— Herald . 

Lennox Herald ( Dumbarton) * 
Milngavie Herald ... as gee 

Annandale Herald (Lockerbie) ... is 
-—— Observer (Annan) ... “ae “as 
Dumfries Courier ... * ine 3 

Eskdale Advertiser (Langholm) .. BR 
Moffatt Express (Dumfries) * sae 
New Moon (Dumfries) 


Adam’s Reports of Cases before the High 
Court of J — in Scotland (Edin- 

Äunala of 


a of a Covenant (Edinburgh) 

Barton’s Scottish Trade Diay daa 
bello) — 

Bits for Our ‘Boys (Edinburgh) . wale 

Blackwood’s Magazine (Edinburgh) 

Brigadier (Edinburgh) ... 

Brydone’s Railway Time Table (Edin. 
burgh) * 

Burning Bush (Leith) dee 

Cameron’s A BC Time Table (Edinburgh) 

-——— Housekeeper’s Book (Edinburgh)... 

Cases Decided in the Court of Session, 
&c. (Edinburgh) .. 

Children’s Missionary Magazine (Edin 

Church of “Scotland Sabbath "School 
Magazine (Edinburgh) ... 

—— of Scotland Year Book (Bain: 

Civil Service Student (Edinburg h) a 

— pee of Scotland (nam: 

ur — T 

Crisp Bits ( Edinburgh) A ass 

Dalkeith Advertiser ve iss 

—— Directory * 

Disestablishment Banner (Edinburgh) .. 

Dollar Magazine (Edinburgh) ... — 

Edinburgh Academy med * 

—— Catholic Herald z bye 

—- Citizen (Portobello) .. 

— Evening Dispatch _... en 

—— — News _.... as — 

—— Gazette... 

Hospital Reports 

— Medical Journal — 

—— — Missionary Magazine ... 

—— University Calendar .. 

Educational News (Edinbur: PNY c: 

Expository Times (Edinburgh) ... 

Field Naturalists’ Quarterly (Edinburgh) 

Fiery Cross (Edinburgh) ... 

Foreign Mission C ‘hronicle of the e Epis- __ 

~ copal Church (Edinburgh) “77 

Glad Tidings of the Coming Bee (äin- 
burgh) * 

Golfer’s Handbook (Edinburgh) `. — 

Guild Life and Work (Edinburgh) — 

Home Friend (Edinburgh) — 

Hora Jucunda (Edinburgh) | : 

"Scottish Natural ‘History 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


J — z Comparative Pathology (Edin- 

— et the Scottish "Meteorological 
Society (Edinburgh)... * ysa 

Juridical Review (Edinburgh)... aus 

Leith Burghs Pilot .. — ii Sud 
— Commercial List — ae — 
—— Herald . i Bee ssi — 
— Observer P — ss 

Life and Work (Edinburgh) er — 
M’Laren’s Edinburgh Directory ... ... 
Midlothian Journal (Portobello) .. — 
Mission Chronicle of the Scottish Epis- 

copal Church (Edinburgh) — as 

Missionary Record (Edinburgh) .. — 
Monthly Visitor (Edinburgh) _... wad 
| Morning Rays (Edinburgh) * — 
Morningside Mirror (Edinburgh)... * 
Musical Star (Edinburgh)... — — 
— Treasury (Edinburgh) — 
Musselburgh News (Portobello) . — 

North British Advertiser (Edinburgh) Se 
—— Agriculturist (Edinburgh) ... 
Calendar (Edinburgh) ... 
Notes for Teachers (Edinburgh) .. 

Official Directory of the Chartered 
Accountants of Scotland (Edinburgh) 
Oliver and Boyd’s Edinburgh Almanac... 
Orphanage Monthly Magazine (Edin- 

burgh) ... 
Our School Magaz ine (Edinburgh) — 
Parliamentary House Book (Edinburgh) 
Post Office Dyractary (Edinburgh) — 
Principal Acts of the General Assembly 
of the Church of Scotland (Edin- 
burgh) ... 
Proceedings of the ‘Antiquaries of Scot- 
land (Edinburgh) ... 
— of the Edinburgh Mathematical 
—— of the Royal Society ‘of Edinburgh 
Queen’s Rifle Volunteer Brigade Royal 
Scots Chronicle (Edinburgh) . 
Report on Schemes of the Church of 
Scotland ... 
St. Andrews University Calendar (Edin- 

burgh) * 
St. Edward's Chronicle ( (Edinburgh) we 
Scots Law Times (Edinburgh) ... — 
Scotsman (Edinburgh) _... va 
Scottish Church Almanac (Edinburgh) . * 
—— Churchman’s Almanac (Edinburgh) 
—— Congregational Year Book (Edin- 

burgh) Kor 
_—— Congregationalist (Edinburgh) aud 
—- Geographical Magazine (Edinburgh) 
—— Guardian (Edinburgh) * Ss 
— Historical Review (Edinburgh) eas 
— Law List (Edinburgh) * eee 

—— Law Reporter (Edinburgh) ... E 

—— Medical, &c., Journal (Edinburgh)... 
— Boge ene: Club Journal (Edin- 

burgh) ese 
— Standard Bearer r (Edinburgh) 

67 | —— Typographical Circular ( (Edinburgh) A 
Socialist Monthly (Edinburgh) l 

Society Pictorial (E —— * 

_ Steamship (Leith) 

Student (Edinburgh) 

Teachers’ Notes on Scottish National S 

Scheme of Lessons (Edinburgh) ... 

304] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, — 






Willing’s Press Guide. 


Transactions of the Edinburgh Archi- 
tectural Association 
— — Field Naturalists’, &e., 3 

_— —  Medico- Chirurgical Society 
— —— — Obstetrical Society ; 
—— —— Faculty of Actuariesin Scotland 

—— —— Highland & Agricultural Society 
of Scotland (Edinburgh) ... 
—— Roya] Society of Edinburgh ... 
Union Magazine (Edinburgh) _... si 
Weekly Scotsman (Edinburgh) ... 
‘Woman's nn Magazine (Bäin- 
Year-Book for the ‘Episcopal Church i in 
Scotland (Edinburgh) ... 
.Young Herald (Edinburgh) “ou AR 


Elgin Courant . 
Forres Almanac _... ete 

Gazette... * 
Northern Scot (Elgin) 
Cowdenbeath, &c., Echo eee eae je 
Times (Lochgelly) * 
Dunfermline Citizen — 
Press ... — 
East of Fife Record (Anstruther) — 
Fife Free Press (Kirkcaldy) * a 

Herald and Journal (Cupar. 

News (Cupar) .. — 
Fifeshire Advertiser (Kirkealäy)-. ate 
Kirkcaldy Mail adi — 

Times ar 
St. Andrews Citizen (Cupar) oes 

Directory . 

Scottish Fisherman’ 8 Nautical Almänse 

(St. Andrews) ... * wee se 

Arbroath &c., Advertiser ... dar AN 

—— Guide ... — iva.’ dae se 

Herald coe * c.. s.. . eco 
Year-Book ... * as ase 
Brechin Advertiser .. — oe 
Citizen (Montrose oe aa 

Broughty Ferry Burgh Pilot (Dundee) .. 

—— Ferry Guide ... veg — 
Courier and Argus (Dundee) ais 
Dundee Advertiser .. ate RR ake 
—— Catholic Herald ze bis ve 
—— Directory ane sis T ssa 
Free Press _... Ka — cu 
a Prices Current * — sais 

—— Weekly News ... — sie — 
Evening Post (Dundee) ... 
—— Telegraph (Dundee) ... Er 
Football Handbook (Dundee) _... 
Post (Dundee)... ae wee 
Forfar ee a 

—— Herald .. see 
— Review .. 

Handy Time and Tide Table (Arbroath) 
Kirriemuir Free Press _... 

—— Observer was 
Lochee Weekly Herald (Dundee) ee 
Montrose, &c., Review... ge awe 


— — — — — — — — 


Montrose Standard .. 121 
Original Secession Magazine (Dundee) .. 183 
People’s Friend (Dundee) .. eee 188 
Almanac (Dundee) — 138 
—— Journal (Dundee) _... oes 188, 
—— Penny Stories (Dundee) _... 138 
Weekly Welcome (Dundee) — .. 187 
Wizard of the North (Dundee) ... .. 194 
Haddington aoe si 76 
—— Courier.. da iis — 76 
Highland News (Inverness) — 82 
—— Times (Inverness) eee —* 82 
Inverness Burgh Directory 88 
—— County N 88 
— Courier.. sien. iaa PER 88 
—— Football Times a en sss 88 
Northern Chronicle ( Inverness) .. .. 129 
—— Counties’ Red Book (Inverness) 129 
Seventy-ninth News (Inverness) .. 160 
Transactions of the Inverness Scientific 
Society (Inverness) ‘is ses 178 
AB > Bonnie Scotland Resorts (Rothe- 
8a 1 
— ‘Coast Guide and Registers ‘(Rothe- 
BAY)... eve 1 
Bute County Directory (Rothesay) ees 81 
Buteman (Rothesay) * 31 
Rothesay Chronicle... een ous . 158 
—— Express... nee due eee eee 158 
Laurencekirk Observer _... — .. 101 
Stonehaven Journal — gz we «169 
Kirkcudbright Advertiser un 
Douglas) .. * 98 
Stewartry Observer (Dalbeattie) ... .. 169 
Kinross-shire Advertiser (Kinross) . 98 
Across the Seas (Glasgow) * sie 8 
Adviser (Glasgow) ... eas dä eas 8 
Airdrie Advertiser ... sis 4 
Annual Burns Chronicle (Glasgow) — 7 
Bailie (Glasgow) ... ei — 12 
Barrhead News (Glasgow)... 14 
Believers’ Pathway (Glasgow) ees * 17 
Bellshill Speaker, &c. — 17 
Bible Card Almanac (Glasgow) . 18 
Boys and Girls (Glasgow)... oie — 28 
— Almanac (Glasgow) — oes 23 
Brigade Gazette (Glasgow) .. — 28 
Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical Alma- 
nac (Glasgow) _... — — 29 
— Nautical Diary (Glasgow) = 29 
Building Industries (Glasgow) ; 80 
Bulwark (Glasgow) .. 30 
Caledonian Medical J ournal (Glasgow) .. 31 
—— Railway Budget — 31 
Cambuslang Advertiser... 82 
Celtic Monthly (Glasgow) .. 85 
Christian News (Glasgow)... 88 


Advertisements received for all Periodicals. 

Scotland. ] 

Christian Scotsman (Glasgow) ... — 

Clyde Bill of Entry (Glasgow) ... 
Clydebank Press See 
Clydesdale Stud Book (Glasgow)... 
Coatbridge Express... 
County and Municipal Record (Glasgow) 
Daily Record and Mail (Glasgow) ee 
David Bryce’s —— Guide 
(Glasgow) .. * * ate 
Dewdrop (Glasgow)... 
Distillers’, &c., Magazine (Glasgow) 
‚Draughts ‘World Ge) ae es 
Engineer, &¢. (Glasgow) . * * 
Evangelist (Glasgow) eee one bus 
Evening Citizen (Glasgow) 
—- Times (Glasgow) 
Frazer's Time Tables (Glasgow) .. 
Glasgow Advertiser sus * 
—— Evening News 
—— Herald .. 
—— Medical J journal 
—— Observer * 
Post Office Directory sks 
—— Star * 
— University Calendar . 
—— —— Magazine.. 
—— Weekly Herald | 

— — New b.e eee 
Golfers’ Guide (Glasgow) .. — eae 
Good Seed (Glasgow) or wis fae 
—— Templar (Glasgow) . 

Govan Press 

Graphic Guide to Edinburgh (Glasgow) 
—- —— to Glasgow 

Guide (Glasgow) ... — a ves 

Hamilton en — die? 

—— Herald ns ‘ 

Herald d at Salvation (Glasgow) — 

Highland Light Infantry Chronicle 

Housewife’s Magazine (Glasgow)... 

Lanarkshire Catholic ee (Coatbridge) 

—— Examiner (Airdrie) : 

Land Values (Glasgow) ... aes 

Messenger (Glasgow) see ssi 

Motherwell Times ... — 

Motor'Car World ( Glasgow) eee 

Munro’s Scottish Licensed rege. Direc- 
tory (Glasgow) see 

Murray’s Time Table (Glasgow) .. * 

Musical Age (Glasgow) : 

National Bible Society "ot 
Quarterly Record (Glasgow) 

—— Guardian (Glasgow) .. 

Orr’s Scottish Orphanage (Glasgow) 

Partick Press (Govan) .. 

Phonographic Monthly (Glasgow) 

Pibroch (Glasgow) .. “at 

Postman’s Gazette (Glasgow) 

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical 
Society of Glasgow 

Property (Glasgow) ` ees sue 

Reaper (Glasgow) . 

Reformed Presbyterian Witness .. 

Report of Baillie’s Institution Free 
Library (Glasgow) 

Royal Belfast Almanac (Glasgow) 

—— Route to the Highlands (Glasgow) 

Rutherglen Reformer — 

St. Andrew (Glasgow) = «. wa set 


| p 




Willing’s Press Guide. 


St. Mungo (Glasgow) bea — — 
St. Rollox Express (Glasgow)... — 

‘Saturday, Weekly Citizen (Glasgow) š 
Scots Commercial Record (Glasgow) ... 
Scottish Baptist Magazine eon) e. 

—— —— Year-Book (Glasgow)... . +. 
—— Oo-operator (Glasgow) è 
— Critic (Glasgow) er 
— Cyclist (Glasgow) ... 
— Electrician (Glasgow) 2 
—— Parmer (Glasgow) 

—— Field (Glasgow) — és 
—— Law Directory (Glasgow) ... 
—— — Review (Glasgow) — 
—— League Handbook (Glasgow) 

— Masonic Directory (Glasgow) — 

—— National Sabbath School Magazine 
(Glasgow) ... ‘ale — en 

—— Referee (Glasgow) .«. sė 

— Reformer (Glasgow) .. 

-—— Register of Estates (Glasgow) 

—— Road Book (Glasgow) Sts 

—— Trader (Glasgow) ... 

—— Weekly Record (Glasgow) . ; 

Second Hand Bookseller (Glasgow) = 

Shoe and Leather Trader (nen) 

Southern Press (Govan) ... es ss 

Springburn Advertiser... 

Temperance Leader and League J ournal 

Thompson’ 8 Scottish Education Directory 
(Glasgow) ... 

Tide and Speed Tables (Glasgow) — 

Transactions: of Engineers and Ship- 
builders (Glasgow) .. 

— of the Geological Society of Glasgow 

—— ofthe Glasgow Archsological Society 

—— of the -Glasgow Natural History 

Society - 

—— of the Glasgow Obstetrical Gynæco. 
logical Society * 
—— of the Medico Chirurgical Society of 

` Glasgow — 
Victualling” Trades Review (Glasgow) see 
Weekly Leader — — ie 
—— Register Dagon) ii ioe 
Wishaw Herald .. igi — — 
—— Press ... wei eee sis 

Witness (Glasgow 

* * 
World of Grace and Trath (Glasgow) * 

Bo'ness Journal .. * 
Linlithgowshire Gazette (Linlithgow) ` .. 
Lothians Express (Bathgate)... ane 
West popan Courier (Bathgate) — 

Nairn County Press - one sea 
—— Telegraph (Nairn) — bes 
Orcadian (Kirkwall) des ‘ve T 
Orkney Herald (Kirkwall) sis s 
Peace’s Orkney Almanac «0 ... ss% 
Advertising Dispatch zen) ose dee 
Alyth Guardian... — — 
Blairgowrie Advertiser — ane ove 

City of Perth Co- operative Pioneor “i's 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 





Willing’s Press Guide. 


ena ne 

Advertisements recewwed for all Irish Newspapers. 

Excelsior (Perth) ... - ‘63 | Jedburgh Post dee, - ee * 
Glenalmond Chronicle (Perth) — ais 72 | Kelso Chronicle... er er — 
Leslie’s Time Table and Diary (Perth)... 108 | — Mail _... — 
Perthshire Advertiser (Perth) ... .. 188 | Scottish Border Record (Galashiels) is 
—— Constitutional en — ... 188 | Teviotdale Record (Jedburgh) ... ase 
—— Courier (Perth) baa .. 188 SELKIRK. 
Si etbearn Herald (Crieff) = ++ 170 | Border Magazine (Galashiels) _... aus 
PEEBLESSHIRE. —— Telegraph (Galashiels) sak aoa 
Peebles News 187 | Selkirk Advertiser ... — BER 
Peeblesshire Advertiser (Peebles) 137 | Southern Reporter (Selkirk) wee tee 
Clydesdale Catholic Herald (Paisley) ... 42 | Shetland News (Lerwick) .. oe 
` Dayspring (Paisley) s.. = A 50 | —— Times (Lerwick) “os sus sae 
Greenock es sdi — — 75 STIRLINGSHIRE. 
— Herald .. : = 75 | Alva Tribune (Tillicoultry) bee 
— Telegraph ee -- 75 | Bridge of Allan Gazette (Stirling) — 
Johnstone Advertiser * 92 | —- —- Reporter (Stirling) ... 
— Observer * ore * ons 92 | British Messenger (Stirling) r 
Notion (Paisley) ... se sits .. 180 | Callander Advertiser (Stirling) . 
Paisley Daily Express . + 135 | Falkirk Herald u 
Ze ae — eee in — Mail sue — es 
—— Gazette — aes * 
Pollokshaws News ... .. 141 Good News (Stirling) ~ = on 
Gospel Trumpet (Stirling)... 
Port Glasgow Express & Observer -» 141 | Grangemouth Advertiser ... B = 
ROSS-SHIRE. Increase (Stirling) ... we 
Invergordon Times .. uns eee « gg | Kilsyth Chronicle ... eee eee 
North Star (Dingwall) * ee ... 128 | Milngavie Herald . y a 
Northern Weekly (Dingwall) ‘ — 129 | Stirling Journal . —* 
Ross-shire Journal (Dingwall)... 158 | — a ae —6 
Border Advertiser (Galashiels) — 22 | Visitor for Bridge of Allan (Stirling) 
Galashiels u. ide ibe vr 70 
Hawick Advertiser .. ie ee Se 270 WIGTOWNSHIRE, 
—— Express — sf aie 79 | Galloway Advertiser (Stranraer) ... 
— News ... —* sae ees * 79 | —— Gazette (Newton Stewart) .., * 
Jedburgh Gazette ... das aoe eve 91 ' Tours in Galloway (Stranraer) ... eae 
ANTRIM. ANTRIM—continued. 
Baird’s Irish Railway and Steamboat Irish News (Belfast) a 
Guide (Belfast) .. . — ae 18 | —— Presbyterian (Belfast) 
Ballymena Observer gis — 13 — Temperance Eee 4 ournal (Bel- 
—— Weekly Tele egraph * * er 13 fast) | = * 
Ballymoney Free Press — 18 | — Templar (Belfast) — 
Belfast, &c., Directory ove 16 | —— Textile Journal RN so 
— Critic’... — sás 16 | — Weekly (Belfast) gui 
—— Evening Telegraph — í 16 | Larne Reporter 
-—— News-Letter ... s è 16 | —— Times ... 
—— Protestant Record ... — 16 | Linen Market (Belfast) 
—— Queen’s — Calendar ... . 17 | Lisburn Herald... «. ke be 
—— Weekly News .. s ssi . 17 Standard > —* * * 
— — Telegra ph s 17 | Messenger (Belfast) —* ue 
Bible Teri peraticn, Educator (Belfast) . — 18 | Missionary Herald (Belfast) — 
Carrickfergus Advertiser ... as — 84 | Nomad’s Annual (Belfast)... sso 
Christian Advocate (Belfast) ë 88 | —— Weekly (Belfast) 
Consecration (Belfast) _... — 44 | North Antrim Standard (Ballymoney) . 
Curious Notions (Belfast) .. * 48 | Northern Star (Belfast) ... 
Echoes of Erin (Belfast) ... : 58 Whig (Belfast) 
Forward (Belfast) ... be 68 | Reports and Proceedings of the Belfast J 
Insurance, &c., News (Belfast) : 87 History and Philosophical ees ees 
—— &e., Gazette (Belfast) 87 | Ulster Echo (Belfast) E din 
Ireland’s Saturday Night (Belfast) 89 | —— Football News (Belfast)... — 
Irish Baptist Magazine (Belfast)... 89 | Weekly Northern Whig ee). en 
—— Congregational Magazine (Belfast)... 89 | Witness (Belfast) .. * 


ROXBURG HSHIRE—continued. 






Ireland. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Armagh Guardian ... ste si — 
—— Standard : ee mas ; 
Lurgan Mail... awe 
—— Times ... wie 
Portadown News 
Recorder eae 
Ulster Gazette (Armagh) .. ši 

Carlow Sentinel 
Nationalist (Carlow) 

Anglo-Celt (Cavan)... iai * see 
Cavan Weekly News ene ove ous 

Clare Journal oo z5 ees ‘s 
—— Man (Ennis) . Nr dan aus 
Kilrush Herald _... er * 
Baturday Record (Ennis) .. s. — 
Cork Constitution ... x — 
—— County Eagle (Skibbereen) . * or 
—— Examiner a * ssa 
— Sün .. eee — 
Weekly Examiner ; 
— News ee ove ... ... 

Evening Echo (Cork) 

Forward! (Cork) 

Guy’s Cork Almanac 

Journal of the Cork Historical and Ar- 
chsological Society = * ses 

Southern Star (Skibbereen) von — 


Donegal Independent (Ballyshannon) . 
—— Vindicator (Ballyshannon) .. 
Donegal’s Own Journal (Ballyshannon) — 

Banbridge Chronicle. _... sss ese 
Down Recorder se ee — 
Newry Reporter soe — — 
Telegraph wie * ven $ 
Newtownards Chronicle ... — ans 
North Down Herald (Bangor) 

All Ireland Review (Dublin) 

Annual Report of the Irish Agricultural 
Society (Dublin) ... 

Astronomical Observations and Re- 
searches (Dublin) 

Authorised Report of the Church of 
Ireland Conference (Dublin) * 

Bee-Keeper (Dublin) 

Bray News (Dublin) — 

Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society 
-of Ireland (Dublei aa Ton gi 

(Dublin) . 

ia (Dnblin) 
— of Ireland Gazette ( (Dublin) — 
— -—- 8.5: Lessons (Dublin) .. 

— — a) ‚School Calendar 
(Dublin), a nr zn 







Civil Service Examiner (Dublin)... si 4 
Constabulary Gazette (Dublin) ... 44 
Copies of Registers of Pharmaceutical i 
Chemists (Dublin) s — 45 
Customs Dublin Bill of Entry ... ae 48 
Daily Express (Dublin) aoe wes 49 
Dublin Evening Mail os aes 54 
—— Gazette... eae «5 
—— Journal of Medical Science .. * ers 54 
—— Penny Journal sss sse — 54 
—— University Calendar... zis 54 
Evening Herald (Dublin) .. . ba 62 
—— Irish Times (Dublin)... g 2 62 
—— Telegraph (Dublin) . ss * 63 
Farmer’s Gazette (Dublin) ; bes 64 
Figaro (Dublin) ... ove — 65 
Finance Union (Dublin) ... * — 65 
Freeman’s Journal (Dublin) omy ss 69 
Gaelic Journal (Dublin) ... * sss 70 

General Advertiser .. 71 
Green Book of the ‘Architectural Asac- 
ciation of Ireland va ‘se 

- Hibernia (Dublin) . 81 

Incorporated Law. " Society Calendar 
(Dublin) ... aad 
International Theosophist (Dublin) 
Treland (Dublin) _... sf 
Ireland’s Gazette (Dublin) 
Irish Bee Journal (Dromod) des — 
Builder (Dublin) Hes en 
—— Catholic (Dublin) wat 
—— —— Directory (Dublin) .. `. 
—— Church Directory (Dublin) .. 
—— Cyclist (Dublin) — 
— Daily ea (Dublin) 
Draper (Dublin) a — 
— Record (Dublin) 
—— Emerald (Dublin) ... — 
—— Farming World (Dublin) 
—— Field (Dublin)... — * 
—— Golfer (Dublin) * * 
Grocer (Dublin) ... * 
—— Homestead (Dublin)... ak = 
Investor’s Guardian (Dublin) sen 
—— Law Times (Dublin) ove * 
—— Manufacturers’ an (Dublin). a 
—— —— Monthly (Dublin) - A 
—— Military Guide (Dublin) ` 
—— Monthly (Dublin) bua 

—— Naturalist (Dublin) bes a ei 
—— Nights (Dublin) * — 

—— Packet (Dublin) ii ; 
+~— People (Dublin) eos — 

— Protestant (Dublin) .. * Bu 
— Rosary (Dublin) ie oe 
~—— School Monthly (Dublin) — ws 
-—— Society (Dublin) — wae 

—— Teachers’ Journal (Dublin)... 

—— Technical Journal (Kingstown) 

—— Times (Dublin) 

—— Tobacco Trade J ournal (Dublin) . 

—— Truth (Dublin) 

—— Weekly Independent ( Dublin) 

Journal of the Association for the Preser- 
vation of the Memorials of the Dead 


(Dublin) - 98 
— of the County: Kildare ‘Archeological — 
Society (Dublin) _... + 94 
—— of the Department of Agricultural: 
and Technical Instruction of Ire-' ©... 
and (Dublin) . au. eee 94 

— — 

J. Willing, Tun., Lime: Advertising "Agents, 125 Strand, Lond Nr 

Willine’s Press Guide. 


DUBLIN—continued. KILDARE. 
i dical Associatio Kildare Observer (Naas) ... eee .n 97 
T Dablin) see o e Me 3 Dun 94 | Leinster Leader (Naas)- ... ese ... 108 
—— of the Royal Society o ntiquaries ; 
of Ireland (Dublin) 95 Kilk J ere 97 
—— of the — Society of Ireland Me Ma ee ss oo e 5 
Kin an N n) PE i g | — People e en e e 98 

gstown News (Rathmines) ; un. 9 
— N m a x soe ove 2 KING’S COUNTY. 

y 9l vne eee — AS King’s County Chronicle (Poneta), 98 
Lady’s Herald (Dublin) ... ane n i Leinster Reporter (Tullamurs) ... 108 
L.8.D. (Dublin) „en ane Midland Tribune (Birr) ... ..  .. 118 
Morning Mail (Dublir.) ae eee . 122 
Motor News (Dublin) — «ss — .. 128 LEITRIM. 

National Teacher (Dublin) oe ee 124 | Leitrim Advertiser (Mohill). * «oe - 108 
New Ireland Review (Dublin) .. . 125 | ___ Observer (Carrick-on-Shannon) ... 108 
Notes from Ireland (Dublin) -- 180 
Official Irish Travelling Guide (Dublin). . 182 LIMERICK. 
Pig Register (Dublin) ... .. 140 | Bugle (Limerick) ... — eae sad 29 
Poor Law and District Councils Journal Limerick SES * Par awe ... 105 
(Dublin) .. .. 141 Echo ... * — a .. 105 
Post Office Guide for Dublin... 142 | —— Leader .. wi — .. 105 
Purdon’s Irish Farmer’s & Gardener's 3 —— Weekly Echo .. — .. 105 
Almanac (Dublin) 146 | Munster News (Limerick)... — .. 128 
— Trish Land Reports (Dublin)... m LONDONDERRY 
thmines News ... : . f 
Red Guide (Dublin) . 149 — ae tee cee ive 2 
Report of the Inspectors on Reformatory a YOBBULLUMORE ans mi oe ae 

dustrial Schools of Ireland (Dublin) 150 | Derry an sag . 52 
Royal Irish Constabulary List (Dublin)... 158 | —— and Antrim ear Book (Coleraine) 52 
— University of Bun Calendar — an er one ase oe = 

(Dublin) — 158 — aa ... eee ... ... * 
SE blin) . ait eae en Londonderry Sentinel 110 
Sport (Dublin) B = * ... 167 | Missionary Volunteer (Londonderry) 120 
— of Tigas (Dublin) .. — sss T LONGFORD 

alk (Dublin) — ess * 

a Directory (Dublin) 175 | Longford Independent _... s. = eee 110 
Transactions of the Royal Academy ot —— Journal... =... ee.. 110 
— — De 2 our: 

am Herald (Dublin ` cs 
United Irishman (Dublin) =. 181 Aa pee Couns ob Ruane i 
et (Dublin) io et = Church of Ireland Parochial Magazine 

arder (Dublin) ... — R (Dundalk) .. — 40 
Weekly Freeman (Dublin) wae .. 186 Diozhoda Areni 54 
—— Irish Times (Dublin)... ... 186 gheda Argus u ee. eres Gey 
Whisky and Aue Trades Review ~ Independent ee ae ——— 

(Dublin) ... * 491 Droghedan (Drogheda) ... wa 54 

FER MANAG H. Dundes Democrat...  .. — > 
Fermanagh News (Enniskillen) .. 65 —— Examiner ... ... .. ove 
—— Times (Enniskillen) .. ene 65 | —— Herald .. * a “55 
Impartial Reporter (Enniskillen) 86 MAYO. 
Ballina Herald F * 18 
GALWAY. : 70 Connaught Telegraph (Castlebar) ww. 44 
Galway Express... er ue 0 Mayo Examiner (Castlebar) aes .. 115 
— Leader (Ballinasloe) ... e.e aes a —— News (Westpott) > 115 
— Observer ot — nes Western People (Ballina) .. — ... 190 
—— Year-Book Directory 70 
Loughrea Guardian (Ballinasloe) 110 MEATH. 
—— Nationalist — es“ iss Aap Meath Herald (Kells) ote ove oe 115 
Tuam People (Ballinasloe jee sei MONAGHAN. 
Western News (Ballinsaloe) se: aes AD Northern Standard (Monaghan)... ... 129 
KERRY. People’s Advocate (Monaghan) ... .. 188 
Kerry Evening — ee. ro ae QUEEN’S COUNTY. 
— —— Star (Tralee) ... — ein 3 
— News (Tralee)... = eo 97. Leinster ee 108 
—— People (Tralee) ae alee . 97 R ON. 
-— Sentinel (Tralee) “a és * 97 | Roscommon — ware) ee 152 
—— Weekly Reporter (Tralee) . .. 97 | — Journal.. Sas > 152 
Killarney Echo (Tralee) ... ... s.. 98 | —— Messenger sus . 182 
Adwertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers. [309 


British Isles. ] 


Sligo Champion... Sas sii 168 
—— Independent .. ` se — 168 

Cashel Sentinel... — sta is 84 
Clonmel Chronicle .. — 42 
Mid. Cos. Advertiser (Roseren) . .. 118 
Nationalist (Clonmel) i : 124 
Nenagh — — 125 
— New e.. 125 
Tipperary Sentinel (Birr) .. f 176 

Cookstown News (Dungannon) ... 45 
County Tyrone Directory (Cookstown) .. 46 
Dungannon Almanack (Cookstown) —... 55 
—— News (Cookstown) ... — ias 55 
Fermanagh Herald (Omagh) _.. 65 

Glasgow’s Household — (Cooks- 
town) 72 
Mid-Ulster Mail ( Cookstown) — 118 

South Derry & District me (Cooks- 
town) 164 
Strabane Chronicle... wea .. 169 
Tyrone Constitution (Omagh) 181 
Courier (Dungannon) 181 
— Herald (Strabane) eos 181 
Ulster Herald (Omagh) ... ise 181 


County Tipperary Endependent: er 

ford) 46 

Evening News (Waterford) ewes S888 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

WAT ERFORD—continued. 

Munster Express (Waterford)... oxi 
New Ross Reporter (W ed). s ssi 
Waterford ——— — F se 
—— Citizen .. wae dee — 
— Mail ... — aba es 

—— Mirror ... 

— News ... * * es ee 
— —— Letter ‘ a abs 
—— Standard é sais 
— Star... * —F — ds 
Wexford Express (Waterford) ... — 

Midland Reporter (Mullingar)... sss 
Tullamore Independent (Athlone) sas 
West Meath Examiner (Mullingar) * 
— —— Guardian (Mullingar) .. 

— — Independent (Athlone)... ies 
Enniscorthy Guardian mean) ar 

—— Recorder (Gorey) ... * ais 
Free Press (Wexford) .... wale ae 
Ireland’s Own (Wexford) ... — Ji 
New Ross Standard (Wexford) ... ee 
Wexford Independent ... * 

Wexford People .. ar ee 
Wicklow Posple (Wexford) * — 

Bray Herald (Wicklow)... * See 
Wicklow News Letter aus — sae 


Barrovian (Castletown) ase * 14 
Isle of Man Daily Times (Douglas) eae 90 
—— Examiner ee 90 
—— —— —— Directory (Douglas) * 90 

Times sae 90 
Jefferson’s —— (Douglas) .. — 91 
Manx Church Magazine (Douglas) m 
— Sun 

Wesleyan Church Record (Douglas) 114 
Mona’s Herald dis 120 
Peel Guardian dee so. .. 187 
Ramsey Courier . es “es .. 148 

Weekly News .. Ne ee .. 148 


Bible Christian Messenger eve un. 18 

Chronique de Jersey z. aes bas 89 
Evening Post eee — vis — 68 


JERSE Y—continued, 
Jersey Amusements aes “ve ove 
—— Express oe — ve 
—— Times ... sa or 
—— Weekly Press... 
Magasin Methodiste ase * 
St. Paul’s Magazine s.s aig —* 


Alderney Button Burster ... * 
Clarke’s Guernsey News ... Bis sie 

Gazette de Guernsey 

Guernsey Advertiser dei 

Evening Press wale was 

— Weekly Press.. 

Report, &c., of the Guernsey Society 0 of 
Natural Science ... se 

St. Stephen’s Kalendar ... ss — 

Star (Guernsey) ... vs ean — 








Contractors for Special 2-inch Corner Spaces on whole page of News 



310] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Provincial. 

Alphabetically arranged under the Towns in which they are issued. 

Fall particulars as to Publisher, Price, &c., will be found in the Alphabetical List, page 1. 
When no date of establishment is given it will be found on reference to the Alphabetical List 
that me title is that of a localised edition of another paper, or an exact reprint with a changed 

An Asterisk (*) signifies that the Newspaper is attached to the Newspaper Society. 
The population shown is that of the Urban and Rural Districts in 1901, and the references are 
to the pages in which the Publishers’ Announcements will be found. 

ABERGAVENNY (Monmouth). Population ALDERLEY (Cheshire). Pop. 2,856. 
7,795. Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus- Alderley Advertiser (Stock- 
tries: Mining, iron-working, and port) 
woollen manufactures. Alderley “Chronicle (Manches- 
Abergavenny Chronicle, 1871 ... ter) des. ave. Sees an’ Bue ae 
ABERTILLERY (Monmouth). Pop. 21,955. ALDERSHOT (Hants). Important military 
South Wales Gazette, 1888 ... depôt. Pop. 80,974. Indus.: Hop- 
Anınopon (Berk). Pop. 6,480. Markets growing, agriculture, and brick and 
on., Fri. Indus.; Agriculture ; 
cloth, carpet, and hemp manufacture. Ann ‘Gazette (Farnham) 
joing don Tree Press (Reading) att Sheldrake’s Aldershot Military 
Abingdon Heraid, 1867... ... Gazette, 1859 450 
Abingdon Telegraph (Oxford)... Perio, ieee S 
A a Aldershot, &c., Directory. 
British Berkshire Herd Book. ee — 
Radleian. on y cia 1rectory 

ALFORD (Lincolnshire). Pop. 2,487. 

ÅCCRINGTON (Lancashire). Pop. 43,095. Alford, &c. Gazette (Lincoln) ... 

Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Cotton- 

spinning, bleaching, and printing ; ALFRETON (Derby). Pop. 17,505. Market, 
au and machine making ; mining, Fri. Indus.: Coal and iron working. 
ton D Alfreton, &c., Advertiser, 1901. 
*accrington ivision Gazette, Alfreton and Beiper Journal, 
a. ..s sse 1870 ... eve eco ... ooo ace 
Accrington Express, 1908 ... .. m 
*Accrington Observer and ALNWICK (Northumberland). N — 
Times, 1866 u. see sse ooe oo 444 Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, 
Advertiser, 1889... 0. nn coal-mining, and quarry ying, 
| *Alnwick & Jounty Gazette, 1854 
Acton (Middlesex). Pop. 87,744. Alnwick Guardian & Count y 
Acton Express, 1900 sco ceo 00. Advertiser, 1885 ase Be oe 
Acton Gazette, 1868 ... ... .. 
Periodicals, dc.— ALTON (Hants). Pop. 5,479. Market, 
Scientific Roll. Tues. alu —— paper- 
making, and agriculture 
ADLINGTON (Lancs). Pop. 4,528. Alton all ham: ne 
Adlington Chronicle (Horwich) Hampshire Heraid, 1885 
ALCESTER ( Warwick). Pop. 11,892. (See also WINCHESTER.) 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Needle- ALTRINCHAM (Cheshire). A suburb of Man- 
making chester. Pop. 16,881. Market, Tues. 
Alcester SENTODIOIE: 1864 (Red- Indus. : Linen-weaving and garden- 

Qitch). wa. eee) Neeser ene: ede: aie 

ALDEBURGH — Pop. 2,405. Altrincham & Bann Guar. 

dian (Warrington) 

Aldeburgh, &c., Times, 1899... Aitrincham Division Adver- 
ALDENHAM (Herts). Pop. (parish) 2,085. tiser, 1880 (Stockport) 
Periodical— Altrincham Division Chronicle, 
Aldenhamian. 1887 (Manchester) 

Advertisements received for all the Birmingham Newspapers. [311 

Provincial. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

AMBLESIDE (Westmorland). Tourist centre 
— the Lakes. Pop. 2,586. Market, 

Eaka Herald, 1880... ... s.e oeo 

AMPTHILL (Bedfordshire), Pop. 2,177. 
Ampthill News, 1891 3edford) 

ANDOVER (Hants). Pop. 6,509. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Ma ting and agricul- 

Andover Advertiser, 1858 .. «+. 
Andover Standard, 1886 ... «. 

ANERLEY (Surrey). Pop. 7,000. 
Penge & Anerley Press, 1888 ... 

ARMLEy (Yorkshire). Pop. (parish), 12,787. 
Armley & Wortley News, 1889 ... 
ARUNDEL (Sussez). Pop. ae Market, 
Altern. Mon. : Agriculture. 

West Sussex Gazette. 1858 a... 

ASHBOURNE (Derby). Pop. 4,089. 
Ashbourne News & Dove ee 
Record, 1891 .. — 
Ashbourne Telegr aph, 1908... 
Ashbourne Times (Uttoxeter)... 

ASHBURTON (Devonshire). *8 2,628. 
Ashburton, &c., uardian 
(Totnes) see ave aac 6 

AsHForp (Kent). Pop. 12 ,808. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture; S. E. 
Railway Factory. 

Kent County Examiner, 1884 ... 

Kentish Express, 1855 ... See 

Tuesday Express, 1908 .. .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Ashford Institute Monthly Journal. 

Kent County Examiner Directory. 

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE (Lancashire). Pop. 
48,890. Market, Sat. Indus.: Cotton, 
iron, and hat manufacture; coal- 

mining z 
Evening tangara 

(Oldham) ... 
Ashton Standard (Oldham) 
*Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter, 
1855 ... N‘ e.. ooo 
Evening Reporter, 1876 — 
Weekly Herald, 1889 ..e ... ss. 
Periodicals, de. — 
Albion Congregational Magazine, 
Ashton Co-operator. 


Atherstone’ Herald (Tam- 
worth) .. — 
Atherstone News, 1886... — 
. Atherstone Observer (Nun- 
eaton) see sse ose ose ooe oeo oso 

AYLESBURY (Bucks). Pop. 9,244. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, condensed 
milk manufacture, straw-plaiting, 

“ and silk-weaving. 

Aylesbur Reporter, 1880 ... o> 
Bucks Advertiser, 1886  ... ... 
*Bucks Heraid, 1882... ... ese se 

Periodicals, ¢c.— 
Records of Buckinghamshire. 
Undertakers Journal. 

Bacur (Lancashire). Pop. 22,505. 
factures : Cotton and baize. 
Bacup Chronicle, 1902... ... ... 
Bacup Times, 1865... ... sse oeo 
Rossendale Express, 1894 ... e 

Bangury (Oxford). Pop. 12,967. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Banbury Advertiser, 1855 ... ... 
Banbury Beacon, 1860... ... ... 
*Banbury — 1888 e um 

BaRKING (Essex). Pop. 
Barking, East 
Advertiser, 1888 (East Ham)... ... 
Barking & East Ham Standard, 
1895 eee eee eee eee ese eee ... 

BARNARD CASTLE (Durham). Pop. 4,421. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Carpet, 
thread, hats, and coal and lead 
` mining 

Teesdale Mercury, 1854 

Pop. 17,822 
Herald (Richmond) 

BaRneT (Herts). Pop. 7,876. Market, 
WwW Indus.: Agriculture. 
Barnet, &c., Times... oo... 
"Barnet Press, 1859 .. 
Barnet Times & Finchiey Tele- 
graph, 1890 ... ... er 
Finc iey and Hendon News ... 
Finchley —— and Barnet 
Times ... sas 
Freemason’s Chronicle, 1875... 
Southgate Chronicle ... ... ... 


an and Ilford 

wee ... 

BaRNEs (Surr 
Barnes, — 


hton-under-L i 
— VAS REN: IR Periodicals, éc.— 
Comrades. Chess Chronicle. 
nen en St. Andrew’s Magazine. 
unieipal Reformer. BaRnsLEY (Yorks). Pop.41,083. Markets 
North Manchester Sentinel. Wed., Sat. hares "Coal and on 
ASPLEY Guise (Bedford). Pop. 1,261. working, linen-weaving, wire-draw- 
Periodicals, éc.— ing, and boot and shoe making. 
Advance Calendar. Barnsley Chronicle, 1858 ... 
London Mercantile Gazette. *Barnsley Independent, 1855 
Scottish Gazette. Barnsley Telephone, 1898.. 
Scottish Law Courts’ Record. Periodicals, é:c.— 
ASTON —see BIRMINGHAM. Pogmoor Almanac. 
ATHERSTONE (Warwick). Pop. 5,248. Proceedings of the Midland Institute 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture, of Mining. 
hat manufacture, and mining. Robinson’s Directory, for Barnsley 
Arnoratone Express, 1900 (Nun- (Leeds). 
eston) sse see evo sse sss woo so 440 Yorkshire Cricket Guide. 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

BARNSTAPLE (Devon). Pop. 14,187. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building, agriculture ; lace, fur- 
niture, and pottery manufacture. 

Barnstaple Times, 1868 ... .. 
Devon Post, 1872 .. . 

North Devon Advertiser, 1832... 
North Devon Herald, 1870... 

*North Devon. — 1834 s 

BARROWFORD (Lancashire). TER: 4,958. 
Barrowford Leader (Ne son) * 

BaRRoW-IN-FuRNESS (Lancashire). Pop. 
57,584. Indus.: Shipping, iron and 
ateel working, iron ship-building, 
paper pulp, and flax works. 

Barrow, &c., Advertiser er 
‘ston) ... — 
Barrow Herald, 1863 un en ee 
Barrow News, 1881... .. 
North-Western Daily Mail, 1897 

BasINGSTOKE (Hanis). Pop. 9,798. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Basingstoke News ene 

Hants & Berks Gazette, 1878 eve 

Baru (Somerset). Cathedral city, possess- 
ing noted mineral springs. Pop. 
49,817. Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Freestone quarrying, cloth- -weaving, 
cosch-building, and cabinet-making. 

Bath Chronicle, 1757 .. .. .. 
*Bath Herald, 1792 ... — 
Bath Observer (Bristol) — 
Bath Weekly Argus, 1870 ... ... 
Bladud, 1885 _... z 
*Daily Chronicle & Argus, 1870 ... 
Keene'’s Bath Journal, 1742 ... 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Batlı and County Graphic. 

Bath, &c., Diocesan Kalendar. 

Bath, &o., Diocesan Magazine, 

Bath Pictorial. 

Bath Railway Guide. 

Benedictine Almanac, 

Downside Review. 

Journal of the Bath, &c., Society. 

Kingswood Magazine. 

Pitman’s Phonetic Journal. 

Proceedings of the Bath Natural 
History Field Club. 

BatLey (Yorks). Pop. 80,821. Manufac- 
tures: Blankets, carpets, and cloth. 
Batley, &c., Free Press, 1899 ... 
Batley News, 1O7O> aus, Susan, Sek 
Batley Reporter, 1866 ... ... ... 

Battie (Sussex). Pop. 2,996. 
Evening Argus... ... sep soo ese 
Morning Argus... ... ... 

BEccLEs (Suffolk). Pop. 6,898. Market, 
Fri, dus. : Malting, corn, and 
river — trades. 

East Suffolk Gazette, 1857... 

BECKENHAM (Kent). Pop. 26,830. 
Beckenham,: &c., Advertiser, 
1888 (Croydon) ... sn se ie Zen 


Beckenham and plscrict Times 
(Bromley) ... ... 

Beckenham and. ‘Shortlands 
Chronicle, 1896 (Bromley) _... 

Beckenham Journal, 1876 ... 

Beckenham Directory. 
BEDALE—(Yorkshire). Pop. 6,749. 
Bedale, &c., Chronicle (North- 

allerton) ... 
Bedale, &c., Times (Harrogate) 

` BEDFORD (Bedford). Pop. 35,144. Market, 
Sat. Manufactures: Agricultural 
implements, lace, straw-plait, and 
Bedford & County Record, 1872 
Bedford Dally Circular, 1908 ... 
Bedfordshire Express, 1855. 
Bedfordshire Mercury, 1836... 
*Bedfordshire Standard, 1883 ... 
*Bedfordshire Times, 1845 ... 
Periodicals, dc.— 
Bedford Directory. 
Beds Mercury Almanack. 

BepwortH (Warwick). Pop. (parish) 
7,169. Indus.: Ribbon-making and 

Bedworth Free Press, 
(Nuneaton)... ... — 
Bedworth Guardian, 1872... 0.. 
ee News, 1891 (Nun- 
eaton) se vee see sse cee 

BEESTON (Notts). . 8,950 
West Netting 1amshire 29: 
server, 1888... ... see ee seo one 

BELPER (Derby). Pop. 10,984, Indus.: 
peas fy 
Belper News, 1896 ... ... sse sso 


BrERwIick-oN-TWEED (Northumberland). 
Pop. 18,487. Market, Sat. Indus: 
Shipping, fishing, artificial manure, 
manufacturing, agricultural imple- 

| ments, cycle works, and iron-found- 




Berwick Advertiser, 1808 ... ... 
Berwick Journal, 1855 ...  ... se 
Berwick Mercury, 18938... 
Berwickshire Advertiser, 1898... 

Bor: Pop. 18,185. Market, 

. Indus: Agricultural implement 

iaa dlae ara i iron ship-building, and 


Beverley Guardian, 1856 ... ... 
Beverley Independent, 1888 

Beveriey Recorder, 1855 ... ... 

East Riding Telegraph, : 1895 ... 

Ward’s Family Almanack and Diary. ` 
BEXHILL (Sussex). Pòp. 12,210. 

Bexhili Chronicle & Ilustrated 
_ Visitors’ — 1894 u. .. ee one 

Advertisements received for all the Brighton Newanoer, 

- [England. 




Provincial. ] 


Bexhill-on-Sea Daily News, 1908 
Bexhill-on-Sea Observer, 1896... 

Periodical, d:c.— 
Bexhill Directory. 
Bextey Heatu (Kent). Pop. 14,579. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Bexley Heath & District Times, 
I88L- ua rar an aes: “Ries paws ave 
Bexley Heath and Erith Ob- 
server, 1867... sce see eee es See 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Bexley Heath, &c., Directory. 

BicesTER (Ozford). Pop. 8,023. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Rope, sack, and lace 

Bicester Advertiser, 1879 ... ... 
Bicester Herald, 1855 ... ... ... 

Brmputpu (Stafford). Pop. 6,247 
Biddulph Chronicle (Congleton)... 

BIDEFORD (Devon). Pop. 8,754. Markets, 
Tues., Sat. Indus.: Shipping, ship- 
building and fishing. 

Bideford Weekly Gazette, 1885 

BIGGLESWADE (Bedford). Pop. 5,120. 
Biggleswade Chronicle & North 
Bedfordshire Gazette, 1891 ... ... 
Biggleswade Herald, 1908 ... ... 

Bıuston (Stafford). Pop. 24,084. Markets, 
Mon., Sat. Indus.: Iron-working, 
mining, stone-dressing, hardware: 
manufacture and japanning. 

Midland Heraid, 1851 ... ... ... 

BInGLeEy (Yorks). Pop. 18,448. 
Bingley Chronicle, 1889 ..._... 

BIRKENHEAD (Cheshire). Extensive docks, 
and important cattle import. Pop. 
110,926. Market, Tues. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, and engi- 

“Birkenhead & Cheshire Adver- 

tiser, 1858 ... tse see: dee noo ose 

Birkenhead News, 1877... ... 

Periodicals, d:c.— 

Birkenhead Family Almanack. 

Coming Events and Monthly Diary. 

Report of the Director of the Liver- 
pool Observatory. 

Robinson’s Birkenhead Street Direc- 

BirmincuamM (Warwick). Pop. 522,182. 
Markets, Mon., Tues., Thurs. Sat., 
Manufactures: Hardware, machi- 
nery, cutlery, arms, buttons, jewel- 
lery, toys, and metal work of every 

an Daily Gazette, 

Birmingham Daily Mail, 1870 = 415 

*Birmingham Daily Post, 1857 ... 
Panenan Evening Dispatch | 
*Birmingham News, 1880... ... 
—— Pictorial & Dart, 
Birmingham Sunday Echo, 1898 
Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

BIRMINGHAM —continued. 

Birmingham Weekly Post, 1857 
Football Pink One, 1893 ... ... 
Hardwareman, 1894 ... ue ue 
lron Trade Circular (Ryland’s), 
1864) - 266. seuss, eee. Rees Bow Ave Ave 
Licensed Trade News, 1888 _... 
*Midland Counties Herald, 18386... 
Midland Express, 1901... ... .. 
Midland Referee, 1898 ... .. ... 
Midland Sporting News, 1872 ... 
South Birmingham Chronicle, 
1307. vies: ete: en er % — 
Sporting Star, 1884 ; 
Sports Argus, 1897... ... ... .. 
Telegram, 1888... e ess see one 
Town Crier, 1861 ... e e 
Weekly Mercury, 1884... 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Acock’s Green Journal. 
Advertiser of Wants and Offers. 
Agard’s International Hotel Guide. 
Agard’s International Industries. 
Berks, &c., Bennett’s Business Direc- 

tory seo. — al ee 
Bible Advocate. 
Bicycling News. 
Birmingham A B C Time Tables. 
Birmingham, Bennett's Business 

Directory sss are mie. see wue: ars 

Birmingham and Moseley Society 

Birmingham Catholic Herald. 

Birmingham Congregational Year- 

Birmingham Daily Gazette, Cricket 
and Football Guide. 

Birmingham Diary Guide. 

Birmingham Free Libraries Annual 

Birmingham Magazine of Arts & In- 

Birmingham Magnet. 

Birmingham Medical Review. 

Birmingham Railway Guide. 

Birmingham Red Book. 

Birmingham Review & Record. 

Birmingham Sporting Life Tissue. 

Birmingham Stock & Share List. 

Birmingham University Calendar. 

British Record Society. 

British Stamp Directory. 

Bull’s Eye. 

Cambridge, Bennett’s Business Direc- 

Central Literary Magazine. 

Cheshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 

tory eee oo eee eco eee eee eee 
Cycle Times. 

Derbyshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 
CORY. “eke, Mew. Vous ioe! See, see. Sea 

Devon and Cornwall, Bennett’s Busi- 
ness Directory ... see sse ose eve 

Dorset Records. 


Essex and Hertfordshire, Bennett's 
Business Directory ... s.e see ses 

Footbull Flashes. 

Form at a Glance: Racing Analysis. 

814] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 








Willing’s Press Guide. 


BIRMINGHAM —continued. 

Gloucester, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory ... baat ne 

Good Templar’s Watchword. 

Hammond’s Standard Railway Guide 
Time Table. 

Hammond’s Time Tables. 

Hampshire, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory ... see sse soe sso e 444 


Hardwareman Year-Book. 

Index Library. 

Institute Magazine. 

Jeweller’s Pocket Book. | 

Jewellers’, Watchmakers, &c., Adver- 

Juvenile Templar. 

Kent, Surrey, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory 3$ co cee 441 

King Edward's “School ‘Chronicle. 

Leicester, &c., Bennett’s Business 
Directory ... see s+. sso coe coo 444 

Lincolnshire, Bennett’s Business 
Directory ... 444 

London and Birmingham ‘Stock and 
Share List. 

Midland Medical Journal. 

Moseley and King’s Heath Journal. 
*National Association Review. 
North Wales, &c., Bennett’s Business 

Directory .. .. 444 
Northants, Bennett's Business Direc- 
tory 444 

Northern’ "Counties, Bennett's Busi- 
ness Directory ... s.. sse cso we 444 


Parish Register Society. 

Peck’s Circular Trade Directory. 

Philatelic Chronicle. 

Proceedings of the Birmingham 
Natural History Society. 

Railway and Shipping Journal. 

Redditch, &c., Directory. 

Rylands’ ‘Directory of Ironmongers. 

Rylands’ Directory of the Iron, Steel, 
and Allied Trades. 

Rylands’ Hardware Directo 

Rylands’ List of De ETETEN 

Science Data and Dia 

— Bennett’s Business Direc- i 


South, Wales, &e., ‘Bennett's "Business 
Directory ... ses sso seo coo soo 444 

Sport and Lite, 

Staffordshire, Bennett’s Business 
Directory ... ss. soe seo see oe 444 

Sutton Coldfield, &c., Directory. 
Teachers’ Monthly. 

Tramway News. 

University of Birmingham Calendar. 

University of Birmingham Engineering | 

University of Birmingham Magazine. 
Warwick, Bennett’s Business Direc- 

bory sse seo coe oso wos oss ooe 44K 
White and Pike’s Railway Guide. 
Winning Guide. 
Worcester Diocesan Church Calendar. 
Worcester Diocesan Magazine 
Yardley News Letter. 

Yorkshire, Bennett’s Business Direc- 

tory ke New. 444 
BrrstaLu—(Yorkshire). Pop. 6,559. 

Birstall Herald ea 

wike) ... u a 

Birstall News (Batley) — 

BiısuoPp AuckLanp (Durham). Pop. 11,966. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Goal’ and 
iron minin 

Auckiand dvertiser, 1902... .. 
Auckland Chronicle, 1866 (Dar- 
lington) dea we Vous 
Auckland Times, 1854 tier “eee: “ave 

Periodicals, d:c.— 
Bank Student. 

BisHor Stortrorp (Herts). Pop. 7,148. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Malting,. 
aud corn trade. 

*Herts and Essex Observer, 1861 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Mardon’s Year-Book. 
Transactions of the East Herts 
Archeological Society. 

BısuoP’s CASTLE (Salop). Pop. 1,878. 
Bishop’s Castle dvertiser, 1900. 

BLACKBURN (Lancashire). Pop. 127,527. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Cot- 
'ton-spinning, weaving, engineering, 
T printing; iron and coal work- 

Blackburn & District Adver- 

tiser, 1890 .. 
Blackburn Catholic News, "1898 
(Manchester) ... — 
*Blackburn Times, 1854... * 
Blackburn. Weekly Telegraph, 

*Northern Daily Telegraph, ‘4886 449 
„S orts Telegraph, 1897... ... 
eekly Standard, 1882... ... 

BLACKLEY en ke A Pop. 7,832. 
Blackley, &c Guardian (Mid- 
dleton) sss ccs css wss numas doso vae 

BLacKrooL (Lancashire). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 47,846. 

Blackpool Herald, 1848... un ose 
*Blackpool Times, 1877 ... 0. 

Gazette and News, 1873 
Weekly, 1898... on... 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Blackpool Co-operative Society Record. 
Blackpool Times Fylde Year-Book. 
Directory of Occult Practitioners. 

BLANDFORD (Dorset). Pop. 8,649. Market, 
Sat. Indus : Agriculture. 
Biandterd, “ke. „ Herald (Bourne- 
mouth ... 
Blandford Gazette (Gillingham) 
Southern Guardian ... e ase 


Periodicals, dé-c.— 
Child of Mary. 
Bryta (Northumberland). Pop. (parish) 
2,861. Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal- 

mining and exporting, ship-build- 
ing, and agriculture. 

Advertisements received for all the Colchester, Newspapers: 


Provincial. ] 

- Oo — — an nn 


Blyth News, 1874... .. 
Blyth Daily Post, 1894 . 

Bopmin (Cornwall). Pop. 5473. 
Bodmin Guardian ... s.e see oe 
Cornish Guardian, 1901 

Bocnor (Sussex). Popular watering-place. 

Pop. 6,180. 
Bognor Observer, 1872 

Botton (Lancashire). Pop. 168,205. 
‚Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
‘Cotton-spinning, bleaching, iron 

founding, and coal-mining. 

Bolton Chronicle, 1824... ... 
*Bolton Daily Chronicle, 1868 
*Bolton Evening News, 1867 

Boiton Journal, 1859 _... 

Cricket and Football Field, "1884 

Teddy Ashton’s ` Northern 
Weekly, 1895 esa oso ose ane 
Periodicals, ée.— 

Bolton Catholic Herald (Manchester). 

Bolton Co-operative Society Record. 

Bolton District Congregationalist. 

Bolton Free Public Library Annual 


British Deaf Monthly. 

Post Office Bolton Directory. 

Boston (Lincoln). Pop. 15,667. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: Shipping trade, 
ship- building, seed- crushing, ma- 

chinery, and tobacco and leather. 

Boston Guardian, 1854... ... 
Boston Independent, 1879 ... 
Boston Post, 1901 ... ‘ 
Periodicals, ¢:c.— 
Brass Band Annual. 

Boston Spa (Yorkshire). Po 
Boston Spa News (Wetherby) 

BouRNEMOUTH (Hants). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 47,008. 
Bournemouth and Boscombe 
Amusements, 1894 ... 
Bournemouth Daily Echo, "1900 
*Bournemouth Guardian, 1888 . 
*Bournemouth Visitors Direc: 

ere ge ese 

. 1,887. 

tory, 1858 ... 
*Observer and. “Chronicle. "for 
Hants and Dorset, 1881 .. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Bournemouth Business Directory, 
Bournemouth Graphic. 
Philatelic Almanac 
Smyth’s Philatelic Circular. 
Stamp Dealers of Great Britain 

Bowes Park—see BARNET. 

BrAckKLEY (Northampton). Pop. 2,467. 
Brackley Observer (Bicester)... 

BRADFORD (Yorks). Pop. 279,809. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Wool and worsted manufactures ; 
iron and stone working. 

*Bradford Daily Argus, 1892 ... 
*Bradford Daily Telegraph, 1868 


ose ooo 





Press Guides 

— — 


Bradford Observer Budget, 1869 
‘Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 
1869 ... 
“Yorkshire Daily Observer, 1834 
Yorkshire Sports ... ... 

Periodicals, d:c.—- 
Annual Report of the Bront& Society. . 
Bradford Antiquary. 
Bradford Catholic Herald. 
Bradford Post Office Directory 
Journal of theBradford Textiles Society. 
Journal of thé ee of Dyers and 

BRAINTREE (Essex). Pop. 5,380. 
Braintree and Bocking Adver- 
tiser, 1859 ... 
Brani nes Gazette, 1858 (Hai- 
stead) see see oss soe ooo 

BRANKSOME — Pop. 8,095. 
Branksome Guardian (Bourne- | 


Branksome Herald (Bourne- 

mouth)... sse ese ooo .. 
BRENTFORD (Middlesex). Pop. 15 an. 

*County of ———— Indepen- 
‘dent, 1883 ... o.e noo vee oeo ooo 

BRENTwooD (Esser). Pop. 4,982. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
British Railway Dividends. 

BreEwoop (Staffordshire). Pop. 2,535. 
Brewood Courier (Cannock) .. 

BrivenortH (Salop). Pop. 6,049. Mar. 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, ex- 
porting, and weaving. 

Bridgnorth Journal, 1854 ... ... 

BRIDGWATER (Somerset). Pop. 15,209. 
Markets, Tues., Wed., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, bath-brick making, and 
agriculture, : 

Avalon Independent ... 
‘Bridgwater Echo, 1892... ... 
Bridgwater Independent, 1871... 
Bridgwater Mercury, 1856... ... 

BrRIDLINGTON (Yorks). Favourite sea- 
side resort. Pop. 12,478. Market, 

Sat. Indus.: Coasting, and agri- 
‘culture. > 

Bridlington and Quay Chro- 
nicle, 1897 .. .. 

Bridlington and ‘Quay Gazette, 

Bridlington ‘Dally Mail (Hull)... 
Bridlington Free Press, 1859 

Bripport (Dorset). Pop. 5,710. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building, agriculture, and twine 
and net-making. 

*Bridport News, Dorset, Devon, 
and Somerset Advertiser, 1855 

BRIERFIELD (Lancashire). Pop. 7,288. 
Brierfield Leader (Nelson) 

BRIERLEY Hitt (Staffordshire). Pop. 

Advertiser, 1858 

ete eee eee eee 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Brice (Lincolnshire). Pop. 3,137. 
Lindsey, &c., Star, 1889 ... .. 

BricnousE (Yorks). Pop. 21,7385. Manų- 
factures: Cotton, silk, wire, and 
woollens; coal-mining. 

*Brighouse Echo, 1887 ... na 
Brighouse Free Press, 1898... 
Brighouse News, 1866 ... ...  ... 

BRIGHTON (Sussex). An aristocratic and 
popular seasideresort. Pop. 123,478. 
Market, Thurs. ` 

Brighton Advertiser, 1876 (East- 
bourne) — 
*Brighton and Hove ‘Society, 1887 
*Brighton Gazette, 1821 ._...._—.... 
“Brighton Herald, 1806... ... ... 
Brighton Observer (Lewes) re 
*Brighton Standard & rasnlon- 
able Visitors’ List, 1858 ... s.e se 
Brighton Times, "1860 — 
Evening Argus, 1880... se s 
Morn ne Argus, 1896 _... — 
Southern Weekly News, 1876 ... 
*Sussex Daily News, 1868... . 
Sussex Evening Times, 1880 

Treachers’ —— —— 
1867 se o dad: ca. Sewer ea 
Periodicals, — 

Bird Notes. 

Brighton Colloge Magazine. 

Brighton, Hove, &c., Blue Book. 


Modern Brighton. 

Pike’s Dover Blue Book and Local 

Towner’s Brighton, &c., Directory. 

Union Church Magazine. 

BRISTOL AND CLIFTON (Gloucester). Bristol 
is a cathedral city and the com- 
mercial centre for the West of Eng- 
land and South Wales; Clifton, a 

icturesque suburb and fashionable 
Pealth resort. Pop. (Bristol) 828,842. 

Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 

Shipping trade with West Indies, 

America, Ireland, &c.; ship-build- 
ing; boot and shoe, cloth, leather, 
glass, sugar, and tobacco-manu- 
actures ; coal-mining. 
Bristoi Athletic News, 1889 
*Bristol Daily eee 1790 
Bristol Echo, 1901 ... 
Bristol Evening News, 1 1877 de 
Bristol Guardian, 1897... .. ... 
Bristol Observer, 1859.. cee ce 
*Bristol Times, 1718. — 
Bristol nt Mercury. 1790 .. 
Clifton Chronicle, 1850.. 
Clifton and Redland Free Press, 
1890 ... din. aka aoi 
Clifton Society, 1890 — ides 
*Western Daily Press, 1858 ... ... 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Arrowsmith’s Bristol Tide Tables. 
Arrowsmith’s Comprehensive Railway 

Bristol and Clifton Amusements. 
Bristol and Clifton Directory. 
Bristol and District Post Office Guide. 
Bristol Diocesan Directory. 






Bristol Magpie. 

Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 

British Advertiser. 


Draught Players’ Quarterly. 


Medical Annual and Practitioners’ 

New Bristol Directory. 

Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ 

Redland Park Recorder. 


Transactions of the British Ortho- 
psdic Society 

Western Temperance Herald. 

Brıxnam (Devonshire). Pop. 8,090. 
Brixham, &c., Guardian 
(Totnes) ... ses oes eee 

Brixton—see METROPOLITAN News- 

Broapsrarrs (Kent). Pop. 6,466. 
Broadstairs and St. Bes 
Mail, 1902 e ese ose oss oi 
Brockley News, and New Cross 
and Hatcham Review, 1880 

BROMLEY (Kent). Pop. 27,858. Market, 
Thurs. dus.: Agriculture. 
Bromley & District Times, 1884 
Bromley Chronicle, 1891 ... ... 
Bromley Journal, 1869... ... 
Bromley, &c., Telegraph, 1865. 
West Kent District Times _ ... 
Periodicals, dc.— 

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. 
Bromley Local Guide and Advertiser. 
Bromley Record. 
Bush’s Bromley Budget and Almanac. 
St. John’s Card. 

BromsGRovE (Worcester). Pop 8,416. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufactures : 
Salt, nails, clothes, and buttons. 
*Bromsgrove, &c., ME nn 
senger, 1860 dee ee ee 

Bromyard (Hereford). Pop. 1 668. 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agriculture, 
HOR — tanning, and cider- 

Bromyard nee? ane BECOnG) 
1888... ae — 
Brookwoop (Surrey). 
Periodicals, déc.— 
Bisley Programme. 
Proccedings of the National Rifle Asso- 

a a omerset). 
on ee Gillingham)... 

Me (Devonshire). Pop. 2,520. 
Buckfastleigh, aes ‘Guardian 
(Totnes) ... se dae eke! as 

Buckuurst HILL (Esser). Pop. 4,786 
Buckhurst Advertiser, 1887 

Buckinguam (Bucks). Pop. 3,151. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Buckingham Advertiser, 1854.. 

Buckingham Express, 13865 _... 

Advertisements received for all the Eastbourne Newspapers. 




— — 


Provincial. ] 

Brpe (Cornwall). Pop. 2,808. 
Bude Directory, 1900 ... ... os. 

Burnuam (Somerset). Pop. 2,897. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Fishing, brick 
and tile making, and agriculture. 

Burnham Gazette, 1864... ... 

BuRNLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 97,044. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus.: Cotton 
fabrics, machinery, iron-working, 
and coal-mining. 

Burniey Express, 1852... .. ... 

Burnley Gazette, 1868... ... ... 
Periodicals, &-c.— 

Burnley Co-operative Society Record. 

Horticultural Trade Journal. 


BuRTON-ON-TRENT (Stafford). Pop. 50,886. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Brewing 
iron manufactures, &c. oe 

Burton Chronicle, 1860... ... 
Burton Daily Mail, 1898 ... ... 
*Burton Evening Gazette, 1880 
Burton Guardian, 1894... ... s. 
Burton Observer, 1898... ... s 
Periodicals, dc.— 
Transactions of the Burton-on-Trent 
Natural History, &c., Society. 

Bury (Lancashire). Pop. 58,028. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Cotton, woollen stuffs, 
paper, and machinery ; iron and coal 

Bury Guardian, 1857 ... ... se 
*Bury Times, 1855 ... ee see cco 
Periodicals, c.— 
Bury Co-operative Society Record. 
Lancashire, &c., Building Trades 
Employers’ Federation Year Book. 

Bury St. Epmunps (Suffolk). Pop. 16,255. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

-  *Bury and Norwich Post, 1781 
Bury & West Suffolk Ad vertiser, 

18866 ... — 
Bury Free Press, 1855... . 
Periodicals, é:c.— 

Bury Monthly Visitor. 
Numismatic Magazine. 

Buxton (Derby). Famous mineral springs. 
Pop. 10,181. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Limestone quarrying, lime- making, 
and marble-turning. 

*Buxton Advertiser, 1852 ... .. 
Buxton Chronicle oe * 
Buxton Herald, 1842... * 
High Peak News, 1870 ous. sens. ies 

CAMBERLEY (Surr Pop. 900. 
Canberlcs Gazer 1902 ... oe 


CAMBORNE (Cornwall). ne 14,726. 
Cornish Post = ” Ining News: 
1890 e .. se wes 

CAMBRIDGE (Cambridge). University town. 
Pop. 88,398. Markets, Mon. (cattle), 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 

*Cambridge Chronicle, 1744 .. 
Cambridge Daily News, 1888 . 
Cambridge Express, 1868 .. 

nn (Kent). 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


*Cambridge andependen= prese; 

1807 Ssa. as 

Cambridge Review, 1879 0... 

Cambridge vniversity Re- 
porter, 1870... ... eee 

Cambs. Weekly News, 1839 _... 

Huntingdonshire Herald ... ... 

Periodicals, é:c.— 

Appointment Gazette 


Borough of Cambridge Year Book. 


Cambridge University Calendar. 

Christ’s College Magazine. 


Ely Diocesan Calendar and Clergy 

Ely Diocesan Remembrancer. 


Ley’s Fortnightly. 

Masonic Year-Book for the Province 
of Cambridge. 

Messenger of Mathematics. 

Passing Notes. 


Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society. 

Saffron Walden Rural Deanery Maga- 

Spalding’s Handbook, Diary, 

Spalding's Street and General Di- 

Spalding’s Visitors’ Chronicle. | . 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philo- 
sophical Society. 




CAMELFORD (Cornwall). Pop. 7,188. 
Camelford Guardian (Bodmin) 
Camelford Post (Launceston) 

Cannock (Stafford). Pop. 28,992. Indus. 

Cannock Advertiser, 1878 ..._ ... 

Cannock Chase Courier, 1889... 

ee runes Mercury (Lich- 

‘ fie eee eon ee ... eee cee eon 

Cathedral city. 
Top 24,868. Markets, Mon., Sat. 

Indus. : Hop- -growing, and agricul- 

Canterbury Journal, 1888 .. 

Canterbury Register, 1895 

Kentish Gazette, &C., 1717.. és 
Kentish Observer, 1882 ais 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Canterbury, &c., Blue Book. 
Reports and Transactions of the East 
Kent Scientific, &c., Society. 

CaRLISLE (Cumberland). Pop. 45,478. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Manu- 
facture of cotton, tweeds, hats, 
biscuits, ironwork ; cenoo panung: 

Carlisle Express, 1857 ... .. ... 
*Carlisie Journal, 1798 ... e u 
*Carlisle Patriot, 1815 ... ... ... 
East Cumberland —— 1888 ... 
Evening Journal, 1885 ... .. .. 

Kent Herald, 1792 ... ... z 

.. 41 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125,Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

CARLISLE—continued. - 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Arthur’s Railway Guide. 
Besty's Northern Annual. E 
Carlisle Diocesan Calendar. 
Post Office Directory of Carlisle. 

CaBNFORTH (Lancashire). Pop. 8,040. 

Carnforth News (Barrow)... — 

CASTLE CARY (Somerset), 
Periodicals, &e.— 
Castle Cary Visitor. 

Pop. (parish) 

CASTLEFORD (Yorks). Pop. 17,882. In- 
dus.: Coal-mining, pottery and glass 
manufacture, and agriculture. 

Castleford Herald (Wakefield) 

CATERHAM ( a op. 9,486. 
Caterham Chronicle corey cen) 
Caterham Weekly Press, 1889.. 

CHARD (Somerset). Pop. 4,487. Market, 

Mon. Indus.: Lace-making, and 

Chard ang itminster News, &c., 
1873 - ‘eis Set, tae. ded Sen 

CuatHam (Kent). Royal dockyard ; naval 
and military station. Pop. 40,753. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Shipping and 
shi -building ; ; cement and bricks; 

"Chatham & Rochester News, 

Chatham & Rochester Obser- 

ver, 1870 0 woe seo 000 oso 06 

Periodicals, — 

Kent Mercantile Gazette. 
Monthly Official Chatham Directory. 

Professional Papers of the Corps of: 

Royal Engiueers. 
Royal Engineers’ Journal. 


CHATTERIS (Cambridge). Pop. 4,711. 
Chatteris Advertiser (March) 
Chatteris News (March) ... ... 

CHEADLE Baer), Pop. 10,807. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Mining, and 

Cheadle, &c., Times, 1898 ..._ ... 
Cheadle Herald, 1877 ais eek. as 

CHEETHAM (Lancashire). Pop. 29,590. 
Cheetham eee” (Middie- 
ton) eee ese see o R 

CHELMSFORD (Esse). Pop. 12,580. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture 
Essex Count Chronicle, — * 
Essex Herald, 1800 ... ... 
Essex Independent, "1862 
Essex Newsman, 1870... ... 
*Essex Weekly News, 1862 ... 
Maldon Express, 1872 ... ... 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Essex Almanac and County Directory. 

Essex Review. 




CHELTENHAM (Gloucester). A fashionabl 
health resort, with mineral spring 
and proprietary colleges. Po 
49,439. Market, Thurs. 

Cheltenham Chronicle, 1809 ` 
*Cheltenham Examiner, 188224. 
Cheltenham Free Press, 1°. 
Cheltenham Looker-on, ‚IQ, 
Cheltenham Mercury, 18: Q 
Gloucestershire Echo, 18° 
Periodicals, éc.— 
All Saints’ Magazine. 
Cheltenham and Gloucester. 
Directory. > 
Cheltenham Directory. 




Cheltenham Ladies’ College Magazine. l 

Cotswold Flock Book. 

CuEepstow (Monmouth). Pop. 8,067. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, salmon fishery, and agriculture. 

Chepstow Weekly Advertiser, . 

Chepstow Weekly Argus (New- 
port) ... les 
Periodical — 
Chepstow Directory. 

CHERTSEY (Surrey). Pop. 12,762. 
Surrey orale and Middlesex 
News, 1881... ... «+. 

N (Bucks). Pop. 7,245. Market, 

Chesham Examiner, 1889 ... 

CHESTER (Cheshire). Pop. 88,309. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, lead works, railway carriage 
works, boot-making, tobacco-manu- 
facture, machinery, ‘chemicals, seed, 
cabinet and furnishing works. 

Cheshire Observer, 1851 
*Chester Chronicle, 1775 
“Chester Courant, 1780... 

Chester Guardian... ... .. se 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Shester Diocesan Calendar, 
List, and Church Almanack. 

Chester Diocesan Gazette. 

Chester Directory of Trades, Pro- 

fessions and Gentry. 


Farmers’ Herald. 

CHESTERFIELD (Derby). Pop. 27,185. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Lace, silk, and 
cotton manufacture ; ; coal-mining. 

Derbyshire Courier, 1828 ... 
*Derbyshire Times, 1854 ae 
Matlock Advertiser, 1879... ... 

CHICHESTER (Sussex). Pop. 12,241. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus : Agriculture. 
Chichester Observer, 1887... .. 



Evening — er eher ees.” tes 
Morning Argu iba eb ERR el 

Chichester Diocesan Gazette. 
CHINGFORD (Essex). Pop. 4,872. 
Chingford, &c., T mes (Leyton) 

CHIPPENHAM (Wilts). Pop. 5,074. 
North Wilts Guardian, 1872 

Advertisements received for all the Hastings Newspapers. 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — 

BupgE ING Norton (Ozford). Pop. 8,780. 
B Market, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture; 
manufacture of tweeds, gloves, and 

— ele ié — News, 1865 

CHISLEHURST (Kent). . 7,429. 
Chislehurst, &c., "m mes(Sidcup) 
Cuiswick (Middlesex). Pop. 29,809. 

Chiswick Express (Acton)... ... 
Chiswick Gazette, 1868 F 
Chiswick Times, 1895 .. .. s. 

CHORLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 26,850. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Cotton- 
spinning, railway waggon building, 
and iron-working. 

*Chorley Guardian, 1871 .. ... 

Choriey Standard, 1864... 

Chorley Co-operative Society Record. 

CHRISTCHURCH (Hants). Pop. 4,204. 
dus.: Agriculture, and watch- 

chain making. 
Christchurch Times, 1855... ... 

CHUDLEIGH (Devon). Pop. (parish) 1,820. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Weekly ‘Express, 1855 00 cee cee 
Periodical— i 

Poor Souls’ Friend. 

CHURCH STRETTON (Salop). Pop. 816. 
Church Seren on. Advertiser, 

CINDERFORD (Gloucester). Pop. (eccles. 
parish), 3,032. Market, Sat. Indus. : 
Iron and coal working, and mining ; 

Dean Forest Mercury, 1881 _... 
CIRENCESTER (Gloucester). Pop. 7,586. 
Markets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: Agri- 
“Wilts and Glo’ seen Stan- 
dard, 1887 ... .. — 
Agricultural Students’ Gazette. 
CLACTON (Essex). Pop. 7,458. 

Clacton-on-Sea Graphic, 1899 .. 
East Essex Advertiser, 1889 

CLAPHAM — see 


Cuaycross (Derbyshire). Pop. 8,848. 
Claycross Chronicle, 1900 u. sss 

CLAYTON (Lancashire). Pop. 8,158. 
Clayton Observer (Accrington) 

CLECKHEATON (Yorks). Pop. 12,528. 
_ Manufactures: Woollen goods "and 

Cleckheaton Advertiser, 1856 .... 

Cleckheaton Guardian, 1867 

CLEVEDON (Somerset). Fashionable sea- 
side resort. Pop. 5,898. 
Clevedon Mercury, 1860... aie 





| CLITHEROE (Lancashire). 


| | | 
J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125. Strand, London, 

Pop. 11,414. 
Clitheroe povertiece4 1886... 
Clitheroe Times, 1888 ... ... 

CoALVILEE (Stafford). Pop. 15 ası. 
Coalville Times, 1898 ... ... n 

COCKERMOUTH (Cumberland). Pop. 5,855 

Market, Mon. Indus.: Woollen trade, 
Cockermouth Free Press, 1899 
West Cumberland Times, 1874 

COLCHESTER (Essex). Military centre for 
the Eastern district. Pop. 38,851. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures: Iron- 
works, boots and shoes, and clothing. 

Colchester Gazette, 1814 ... 

Essex and Suffolk News, 1860 .. 

Essex County Standard, 1881... 

Essex Telegraph, 1858... ... seo 

Periodicals, ¢c.— 

Tool and Machinery Register. 

Transactions of the Essex Archæo- 
logical Society. 

CoLEFoRD (Gloucester). Pop. 2,541. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Iron and coal 


Dean Forest Guardian, 1874 _... 

CouEsHILL (Warwickshire). Pop. 2, 598. 
Coleshill Chronicle, 1874 ... .. 

CoLNE (Lancashire). Pop. 28,000. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : Cotton 

Colne and Nelson Times, 1873 .. 
Coline Leader (Nelson)... ae 
Colne Observer, 1898 

Er (Cheshire). Pop. 10,706. Mar- 

t, Sat. Indus.: Silk-weaving and 
Be -spinning. 
Congleton Chronicle, 1855 .. 
en leton Guardian (Warring- 

Congleton Times, 1898 (Maccies- 
field) .. s. 
ConsETT (Durham). Pop. 9,649. Market, 

Sat. Indus.: Iron and coal work- 


Consett Chronicie, 1895... ...4 
Consett Guardlan, 1860 ___... 

Coventry (Warwick). Pop. 69,977. 

Markets, Wed.,Fri. Indus.: Ribbon, 

silk, woollen, and cotton machinery, 

art metal, bicycle, and watch manu- 

TROONITI Herald, 1808 ... ... 

oventry Mercury, 1878 . 44 
Coventry Reporter, 18855 ... ... 445 
"Coventry Standard, 1741 ... ... 484 

Coventry Times, 1855 ... 
Midland Daily Telegraph, 1891.. 
Periodicals, d:c.— 

Coventry District Co-operative Society 

Coventry School Magizine. 

Coventry Stock and Share List. 

Police Chronicle. 

i Cowes, Isle of Wight (Hants). Seaside 

yachting resort. Pop. 8,654. Indus. $ 

Shipping, and shipbuilding. 

Isle of Wight Herald, 1864 esq me 
Periodicals, déc.— 

Beaven’s Advertiser. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

CRAVEN (Salop). Pop. 1,500. 
Craven Herald, 1874 (Skipton) 

CRAWLEY (Sussex). Pop. 487. 
Franciscan —— 

CREDITON (Devon). . 8,974. 
Crediton Chien cle, 1881 

CREWE (Cheshire). Pop. 42,075. Indus: 
London and North- Western Railway 

Crewe Chronicle, 1874 ..._ .. 

Crewe Guardian (Warrington) 

CRoMER (Norfolk). Pop. 3,776. 
Cromer, &c., Post, 1890 — 

erowborous? eck. Naws 
(Brighton) ... ... 

CROWLE (Lincoln). Pop. 2,769. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Flax, brick making 
brewing, and agriculture. 

Crowle Advertiser, 1871 

CROYDON (Surrey). Pop. 188,885. Markets, 
hurs., Sat. dus.: Agriculture, 
and boot manufacture. 

*Croydon Advertiser, 1869 ... ... 
Croydon Chronicle, 1855 
Croydon Express, 1878.. 
Croydon Guardian, 1877 ‘ 
Croydon Observer (Lewes) 
Croydon Times, 1860 ... ... 
Purley, &c., Gazette, 1908 . 

Periodicals, d:c.— 
Automobile Bon Marché. 
Bartlett’s Illustrated Almanac and 
Local Guide. 
Croydon &c. Pictorial. 
Readers’ Index. 
Ward’s Croydon Directory. 
Whitgift Magazine. 

DaLton (Lancashire). Pop. 18,020. 
Dalton AUNEFEIBER (Barrow- -in- 

Dalton News (Barrow -in- 
Furness) .. «. — 
DARLASTON (Staffordſshire). Pop. 15,895. 
Dariaston Herald (Wednes- 

bury) ... 
Paria eion Leader (Wednes- 
bury) ee se u * 
DARLINGTON (Durham). Pop. 44,496. 

Markets, Mon., Fri., Sat. Manufac- 
tures: Woollen stuffs, fiax, cotton, 
and iron. 
*Darlington, &c., Times, 1847 ... 
*North Star, 1881 ee un ove 
*Northern Echo, 1869... 
South Durham, oc: Mercury, 
1851 : 

Periodicals, d:c.— 
Darlington Directory. 
Dodd’s Darlington Annual. 
Ironworkers’ Journal. _ 
Municipal Free Press. 

Dantrorp (Kent). Pop. 18,643. ' Market, 
Sat. Manufactures: Gunpowder, 
paper, silk, and leather. 




Advertisements received for all the Leeds Newspapers. 

Dartford Chronicle, 1869 
Dartford Express, 1872... ... 
Dartford News (Maidstone) . 
West Kent Advertiser, 1876 ___... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Dartford Almanac and Directory. 

DarrmoutH (Devon). Call port for mail 

steamers, and coaling station. Pop. 

6,579. Market, Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
building, and engineering works. 

Dartmouth Chronicle, 1851 ; 

Dartmouth WORTEN Barden 

(Totnes) — isa 
DarwEen (Lancashire). Er 88,211. 
dus.: Cotton-spinning, paper- 

making, mining, Xc. 

Darwen Gaze te, 1885 . 

Darwen News, 1874... ... 

Darwen Weekly Advertiser, 1898 

Daventry (Northampton). Pop. 8,780. 

Market, Wed. Indus.: Shoemaking, 
and agriculture. 

Daventry Express, 1860... ... 

DawLisH (Devon). Fashionable marine 

resort. Pop. 4,008. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, and fishing. 
Dawlish Gazette, 1897 ... ... ... 
Dawlish Times, 1862 _... * 

Dear (Kent). Favourite marine resort. 
Pop. 10,575. Markets, Tues., Sat 

Indus.: Shipping, boat-building, 
and fishing. 
Deal Paper, 1892 ... 
rn: Walmer, &c., Mercury, 

Kentish Telegram, 1858 Sie Seale 
Periodicals, dic. — 
Deal, &c., Blue Book (Brighton). 

DENTON (Lancashire): Pop. 14,984. Indus: 
Hat-making, cotton- -spinning, and 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Annual Report of the Amalgamated 
Society of Journeymen Felt Hatters. 


Dersy (Derby). Pop. 114,848. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus.: Iron-foundries 

and railway works; silk, clastic web, 
and porcelain manufactures. 
*Derby, &c., Reporter, 1828... ... 
Derby Daily Telegraph, 1879... 
Derby Express, 1884 ... * 
*Derby Mercury, 1732 ... we 
*Derbyshire Advertiser, 1846... 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Church Evangelist. 
Coming Events. 
Country and Seaside Holidays. 
Derby and District Methodist. 
Derby Co-operative Society Record. 
Derbyshire Cricket Guide. 
Derbyshire Red Book and a 


. 438 


Provincial. ] 


Health and Culture. 

Journal of the Derbyshire Archmo- 
logical and Natural History Society. 

Journal of the Incorporated Society 
of Musicians. 

Pocket Diary. 

Southwell Diocesan Calendar. 

Southwell Diocesan Magazine. 

Teacher of the Deaf. 

Temperance Bells. 

DeRrenaM (Norfolk). Pop. 5,524. 
Dereham, &c., Times, 1880.. 
Devizes (Wilts). Pop. 6,532. Market, 
hurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
*Devizes, &c., Gazette, 1816 
Wiltshire Telegraph, 1877 e es 
Periodicals, dc.— 
North Wilts Church Magazine. 
Wiltshire Archeological Magazine. 
Wiltshire Notes and Queries. 

Devonport (Devon). A Royal dockyard. 
Pop. 70,487. Markets, Tues., Thurs., 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping and ship- 

»Western Independent, 1809 _... 
Three Towns Almanack. 

Dewssury (Yorks). Pop. 28,050. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Manufactures: Carpets, 
woollens, and blankets. 

Dewsbury District News, 1845.. 

Dewsbury Reporter, 1858 ... . 
Periodicals, d:c.— 

Ripon Diocesan Calendar. 

Wakefield Diocesan Calendar. 

Diss (Norfolk). Pop. 8,789. Market, Fri. 
Indus. : Brush and matting- making; ; 

Diss Express, 1864 . 

DoncasTER (Yorks). Pop. 28,924. Markets 
Tues., Sat. Indus. : Great Northern 
and Great Eastern Railway works ; 

agriculture. . . ' 
Doncaster, &c., POV eer 
(Goole)... «- * 
«Doncaster Chronicle, 1836... aie 
*Doncaster Gazette, 1786 ... ... 

Doncaster Directory. 
DORCHESTER (Dorset). Pop. 9,458. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Iudus.: Agriculture. 
Dorchester Telegram, 1855 ... 
*Dorset County Chronicle, 1821 
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural 
History, &c., Club. 

Dorxine (Surrey). Pop. 7,670. 

Dorking Advertiser & Post, 1887 
Periodicals, dc. 
Dorking Directory. 

Dover (Kent). Continental packet station, 
fashionable watering - place, and 
military depöt. Pop. 41,782. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Wed., Thurs, Sat 
Indus. : Shipping ; ; ‘sail, rope, and 
paper making ; ; steam- packet works. 





' Droyspen (Lancashire). 

Press Guide. 


*Dover & County ron ele, 1885 
Dover Express, 1858 ... se se 
Dover Observer, 1894 ... 3 

“Dover Standard, 1872 ... ... ae 

*Dover Telegraph, 1832... cae Gee 

Periodicals, dc.— 
Oxford Shorthand Chronicle. 
St. George’s Gazette. 

DownHAam Market (Norfolk). Pop. 2,472. 
Downham Market Gazette 

(Norwich) ... 
pew nem Market News King‘ s 
Lynn) .. .. wae 

DRIFFIELD BER D 11,988. — 
Thurs. Manufactures: Linseed-cake, 
cattle food, flour, sewing-machines, 
and artificial manures. 

Driffield Observer, 1858 ___.... 
Driffield Times, 1860 _... 
East Riding Chronicle, &c., "1871 

DROITWICH ( Worcester). Pop. 4 — 
Droitwich Guardian, 1868 ... ... 

Pop. 11,087. 
Droylsden, &c., Weekly Herald 
(Ashton- under- Lyne) vii casa eh 

Dup ey (Worcester). Pop. 48,809. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Iron and 

County Herald... ... — 

Dudley Dispatch, 1900... ... 

*Dudley Herald, 1866 ... ... we 
Periodical, de— 

Blocksidge’s Illustrated Dudley Al. 


DUKINFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 18,929. 
Dukinfield Herald (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) als win, ce 

DUNSTABLE (Bedford). Dos. 5,147. Mar- 
kets, W Sat. Indus.: Straw- 
plaiting, and agriculture. 
Dunstable Advertiser, &c., 1878 
Dunstable Borough Gazette, 
1865: 0. use oso sso “as 

Durnam (Durham). University city. 
Pop. 14,641. Market, Sat. Indus.: 
Iron and coal working ; ; carpet, 
woollen, and soap manufactures. 

*Durham Chronicle, 1820... ... 
*Durham County —— 
1814 .. . ® ee. ‚dan 
Periodicals, éc. — 
Blue Stocking. 
Durham Diocesan Calendar. 
Durham Directory 
Durham University Calendar. 
Durham University Examination 
Durham University Journal. 
People’s Penny Stories. 
Transactions of the Architectural 
Society of Durham. 
Ushaw Magazine. 
West Durham District Co-operative 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Avena Agents, 125.Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

DURSLEY (Gloucester). Pop. 11,633. Indus. : 

Cloth manufacture,.and agriculture. 
Dursley, Berkeley, and „eur 
ness Gazette, 1878 ... .. 

EALING (Middlesex). Pop. 838,040. 
Ealing Gazette, 1898 ... n 
Middlesex County Times, 1842.. 
West Middlesex Herald, 1855 ... 

EARLSTOWN (Lancashire). Pop. (eccles. 

parish) 6,688. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

- Mining, iron- founding, engineering. 

Earistown Examiner (Warring- 

Earlstown Observer (Warring- 

EASINGWOLD (Yorks). “Pop. 9,90 09. 
Easingwold Adver iser, 1892 

East GRINSTEAD (Sussex). Pop. 6,094. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
East Grinstead Observer, 1881 
(Lewes) * 
Evening Argus... 
Morning Argus... 
Periodicals, de. 

EASTBOURNE (Sussex). Favourite seaside 
resort. Pop. 48,887. Indus.: Agri- 
. culture. 
Eastbourne Chronicle, 1856 
*Eastbourne Gazette, 1856... ... 
Eastbourne Illustrated Visl- 
tors’ List, 1874 ... ... — 
Eastbourne Times, 1901 
Evening Argus... ... 
Morning Argus... ... 
Southern Weekly News... 
Sussex County Herald, 1875 
Sussex Daily News = 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Eastbourne and Sussex Society. 
Eastbourne Pictorial. 
Gowland’s Eastbourne Postal and 
Borough Directory. 

EısstLeicH (Hants). Pop. 9,317. 
Eastieigh Weekly News, 1892 . 

Eastwoop (Notts). Pop. 4,815. 

Eastwood, &c., Ädvertiser, 1894 

Eccuss (Lancashire). Pop. 84,869. Indus.: 
Coal-working ; silk, cotton, and iron 

Eccles Advertiser, 1853... ... ° 
Eccles & Patricroft Journal, 
(Bolton) ser ii 
Periodicals, de. 
Eccles Co-operative Society Record. 
Sound Progress. 

Ecxineton (Derby). “Pop. ‘12 895. 
Eckington, &0., Express eee 
"house) .. ... 
Eouam (Surre 
eae Es 

ELuanp ( Yorkshire) Pop. 10 412. 
Elland Echo (Brighouse) .. eee 
Elland News, (Brighouse)... 

Pop. u ‚895. 

————— —————————  n 
Advertisements received for all the Liverpool Newspapers, 


News, 1997 CODER 






ELTHAM (Kent). Pop. 7,226. 
Eltham, &c., Times (Sidcup) ... 428 
Weekly ‘Summary, 1892 ° ar a 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Eltham, &c. » Directory. 

Ey ( Cambridge Pop. 7,718. 
City of Eh Standard (Marem 
Ely Gazette (Cambridge)... .. 
Ely Guardian (Cambridge) joa 

Emscote (Warwickshire). 
Periodicals, éc— 
Avon Booklet. 
Emsworth (Hants). 
Hants, &c., County Press, i895 

ENFIELD (Middlesez.) Royal Small Arms 
Factory. Pop. 42,788. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Crape and jute making, 

Enfield Chronicle; 1898.. 
Enfield Observer, 1859 ... ... 
Middlesex Gazette, 1886: ... 

Eppins (Essex). Pop. 3,798. 
Epping Advertiser, 1896 aueh 


on) Was 
Epping Gazette, 1901 

Ersou (Surrey). Pop. 10,915. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Epsom District Times ecu) 
Epsom Herald eee * 
Epsom Observer, 1901.. 

Periodical— - 

EpwortsH (Lincoln.) Pop. 1 ‚856. 
Weekly Herald, 1889 ... .. .. 

ERITH (Kent). Pop. 25,295. Indus.: 
‘Ship-building, iron works, and gun 
factories. . 

Erith Chronicle, 1891 (Bexley 

Erith Observer (Bexley Heath) 

Erith Times, 1882... 

EVERCREECH (Somerset). 


` 423 

Pop. 1,188. 

Notes and Queries. 

EvesHaM (Worcester). Pop. 7,101. Mar- 

ket, Mon. Indus.: Market Suntan 
*Evesham Journal, 1860... 
Evesham Standard, 1888 .. 

EXETER (Devon). Cathedral ‘city. Pop. 
47,185. Markets, Tues., Fri., Sat. 
Indus.: Shipping, agriculture, and 

“Devon and "Exeter Daily Ga- 
zette, 1772 . san za 
Devon Evening Express, 1866 . 
Devon Weekly Times, 1861... ... 
Trewman’s Exeter Flying P Post, 
1763... ‘ae : 
*Western Times, 1827 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Devon Masonic Directory. 
Devon Notes and Queries. 
Exeter Diocesan Calendar, &c. 
Exeter Post Office Directory. 
Truro Diocesan Kalendar, &c. 

me ewe 

„ (323 


Exmouts (Devon). Pop. 10,487. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Fishing and lace- 

— Chronicle, 1882 ... 
Freeman’s Exmouth Journal, 

1862 ee oe oso eso ose oos oso 

FarLswortTE (Lancashire). Pop. 14,152. 

Failsworth Co-operative Society 


Fatmouta (Cornwall). Port of call for 
outward and homeward bound ves- 

sels. Pop. 11,773. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Shipping, ship-building, and 

Corni ah Echo, 1861... 42. se ee 

Falmouth Gazette... ie 
Lake's Falmouth Packet, 1855... 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Falmouth and its Surroundings. 
Lake’s Falmouth Almanack. 
Lake’s Falmouth Directory. 
Lake’s Railway Guide. 
Pendennis Review. 

Faninocpon (Berks). . Pop. 11,626. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Faringdon Advertiser, 1855 

FARNBOROUGH (Hanis). Pop. 11,500. 

Periodicals, éce.— 
Streams of Gladness. 

Faxnnam (Surrey). Pop. 6,124. Market, 

urs. Indus.: Agriculture ; hops. 
Farnham, &c., Herald, 1897 

Surrey and Hants News, 1859 .. 

Fannwortsa (Lancashire) Pop. 25,927. 
Indus.: Cotton- -spinning and coal- 

Farnworth Weekly Journal 
(Bolton) sse ese oso eos seo one 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Cooper’s Tabular Guide to Industrial 
Life Assurance. 
Cooper’s Tabular Guide to Ordinary 
Life Assurance. 

FaversuaM (Kent). Pop. 11,290. Markets, 
Tues., Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, oyster- fishing; gunpowder, 
cement, and brick-making. 

Faversham, &c., Advertiser, 
1908 .. . oe 
Faversham, &c., "News, 1888 — 
Faversham ‘Mercury, 1860... ... 

Faversham Institute Journal. 
FPELSTEAD (Essex). Pop. (parish) 1,087. 
Fenny STRATFORD (Bucks). Pop. 4,799. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Agriculture. 

North Bucks Times, 1879 ... 

Frey (Yorkshire). Pop. 8,094. 
Filey Post, 1865 ( riMeld) — 





Willing’s Press Guide. 

FLEETWOOD (Lancashire). Pop. 12,093. 
ey Chronicle (Black- 

ool) 2 
Fleetwood Express, 1877... 

FoLKEsToNE (Kent). Watering place, and 

Continental ee station. Pop. 

80,694. Market, Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
ing and fishing. i 
Cheriton News. 1899 

Folkestone Chronicle, &c., 1848 
Folkestone Daily News, 1899 ... 
Folkestone Express, 1868 ... 
Folkestone Herald, 1903 ___... 
Folkestone Programme — 
Folkestone Search Light, 1889... 
Folkestone Up to Date, 1898 

Periodicals, &ce.— 
Folkestone, &c., Blue Book (Brighton). 
Folkestone Society Times, 

Forest GaTs (Essex). Pop. 40,420. 

Periodicals, dc.— 
Essex County Annual. 


Formpy (Lancashire). Pop.-5,642. 
Formby Newspaper, 1897 ... 
Formby Times, 1895 (South- 

port) e se Bar hisa Adee 

FraMLINGHAM (Suffolk). "Pop. (parish) 
9,526. Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

Framlingham Weekly News, 
1859 swe eb: aid “eye aes 

FRESHWATER (Isleof Wight). Pop. 8,442. 
Freshwater, &c., dvertiser, 1899 

Frome (Somerset). Pop. 11,055. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Manufactures : Cloth, 
silk, and iron. 

Somerset & Wilts une 2 
Somerset Standard, 1859 ... ... 


GainsBoroucH (Lincoln). Pop. 17,660. 
Market, Tues. Indus.: Shipping, 

and engineering works. 
Gainsborough Leader, 1897 .. 

Durdey’s Almanack. 

GaRBTON (Lancashire). Pop. 17,288. 
Garston, &c., Reporter (St. 
Garston Weekly News (Widnes) 

GILLINGHAM (Dorset). Pop. 8,880. 
Gillingham Gazette, 1908 u ou 
Periodicals, da — 
British Review ard Journal of Bio- 
GuasTonBuRY (Somerset). Pop. 4,016 
Markets, 2nd & 4th Mon. Indus.: 

Leather ‘manufacture, gloves, shoes, 
end agriculture. 

Central Somerset Gazette, 1860 

oe = 
J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Guossop (Derby). Pop. 21,526. Market, 
Sat. Indus. : Cotton- -spinning, calico- 
rinting, and paper-making. 
Glossop-dale Chronicle, 1859 
High Peak Advertiser ... ... 
North Derbyshire and North 
Cheshire Advertiser, 1870 ... ... 

GLOUCESTER (Gloucester). Cathedral city. 
Pop. 47,948. Markets, Wed., Sat, 
Indus. : Shipping and agriculture. 

*Citizen, 1876 ... 
"Gloucester Journal, 179% 1... 
*Gioucestershire Ch ronicle, 1838 

Periodicals, éce.— 
Gloucester Co-operative 
Gloucester Diocesan Calendar. 
Gloucester Directory. 


Transactions of the Bristol and Glou- 

cestershire Archæological Society. 

GopaLmine (Surrey). Pop. 8,748. 
Gootz (Yorks). Pop. 16, Aue Market, 

Wed. Indus.: Shipping. 
Goole Saturday Journal, 1886 ... 
*Goole Times, 1868 ... 
Goole Wednesday Journal, 1891 
Howdenshire Gazette... ... ... 

Gorton (Lancashire). Pop. 26,564. 
Gorton, &c., Reporter (Ashton- 
under-L yne) 
Gorton, "he. Heraid (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) — 

GRAnNGE (Lancashire). Pop. 1,998. 
Grange, a Advertiser er 

Grange, &c., News (Barrow. in- 

Furness) .. — 

GrantHam (Lincoln). Pop. 17,598. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, iron- 
founding, and malting. 

Grantham Advertiser, 1884 
Grantham Journal, 1854 

GRAVESEND (Kent). Port of call for vessels 
to and from London. Pop. 27,175. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship 
provisioning and building; rope and 
sail making, fishing and gardening. 

Gravesend, ‘&C. , Reporter, 1856.. 
Gravesend, &e., Standard, 1864 
Gravesend Telegraph... sae? “ae 
Kent and Essex Globe, 1892 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Caddel’s Year-Book and m of 
Gravesend, &c. 

Grays (Essex). Pop. (parish) 18,881. 
Grays & Tilbury Gazette, 1884 

GREAT HaRrwoop (Lanc.) Pop. 12,014. 
Great Harwood News, 1900 
(Darwen) se se ue — 


GrimsBy (Lincoln). Pop. 63,188. Markets, 
Mon., Fri., Sat. Indus. : Shipping. 
Football Telegraph, 1898 ... .. 
Grimsby Daily Mail (Hull)... ... 
Grimsby Daily Teperspl,. 1900 
Grimsby Gazette ... ... 
*Grimsby News, 1874 _.. 
Grimsby Observer, 1871 ... .. 
Grimsby Sporting Echo, 1898 . 
Grimsby Times, 1898 ... .. ... 

Periodicals, dc.— 
Fisherman’s Nautical Almanac. 

GUILDFORD (Surrey). Pop. 15,937. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Guildford Free Press, 1900... 
*Surrey Advertiser, 1861 
Surrey Times, 1855 

Periodicals, dc.— 

Guildford Directory. 
West Surrey District Good Templar 
Hackney—see METROPOLITAN News- 


HaLEswonTH (Suffolk). Pop. 2 246. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Halesworth Times, 1855 

Harırax (Yorks). Pop. 104,933. Market, 
Sat. dus.: Woollen, cotton, 
worsted, silk, and carpet manufac- 
ture; coal and iron working, and 

Halifax Comet, 1892 

Halifax Courier, 1858... a 

*Halifax Evening — 1892.. 

*Halifax Guardian, 1832... .. .. 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Halifax Naturalist. 

HausTEaD (Essex) Pop. 6,072. Market, 
Tues. Manufacture: Crape, silk, and 
velvet; and iron founding. 

Essex & Halstead Times, 1861.. 

Halstead Gazette, 1857 — 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Essex Imperial Yeomanry Magazine. 

HaLTWHISTLE (Northumberland). Pop. 

Haltwhistle Echo, 1901. 



Hanpswortu (Stafford). Pop. 52,921. 
Handsworth Chronicle, 1889 
(See also BIRMINGHAM.) 

Haney (Stafford). Pop. 61,524. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: China and 
earthenware manufactures; coal and 
iron mining. 

Potteries Sporting News, 1882... 
*Staffordshire Sentinel, 1854 

HANwELL (Middlesex). Pop. 10,487. 
Hanwell Gazette (Ealing) 


HARPENDEN (Herts). Pop. 4,725. 
Harpenden Mail (St. Albans). 

Advertisements received for all the County Newspapers: 





Willing’s Press Guide. 

— = z - 

Provincial. | 

HaRrRoGATE (Yorks). Noted mineral 
springs. Pop. 28,414. Markets, 
Tues., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Harrogate Advertiser, 1886 
*Harrogate Herald, 1847 
Harrogate, &c., Times (Otley) 
Periodicals, dc. — 
Harrogate Lantern. 
Harrogate New Century. 
Robinson’s Directory for Harrogate 

Harrow (Middlesex). Pop. 10,220. Indus.: 

Harrow Gazette, 1855 ... 

Harrow Observer, 1895... ... 
Periodicals, d&c.— 

Greenhill Church Monthly 


Harrow Almanack. 

Harrow Bill Book. 

Harrow Blue Book. 


Roxeth Magazine. 

HARTLEPoOLS (Durham). Pop. 22,787. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, ship- 
building, fishing, mining, and iron 
and marine-engine works. 

Hartlepools Daily Shipping 
List, 1875 ... 
Hartlepools Weekly Borough 
Advertiser, 1898 ... 
*Northern Daily Mail, 1877 . 
Weekly Journal, 1901 . 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Nautical Almanac. 
Pearson’s General Tide Table. 
Pearson's Time Table. 

Harwicn (Essex). Favourite watering- 
place. Pop. 10,019. Markets, Tues., 

Fri. Indus.: Shipping. 
Harwich Free Press, 1877 .. e 
Harwich Newsman, 1870 .. .. 

Harwoop (Lancashire). Pop. 9,078. 
Harwood Observer (Accrington) 

HASLINGDEN (Lancashire). Pop. 18,548. 
Haslingdon Gazette (Accring- 


Haslingden ‘Guardian, 1890... 
Haslingdon Observer coring: 

ton) 444 

Fashionable seaside residential 
town. Pop. 65,528. Market, Sat. 
Indus.: Fishing. 

Evening Argus... .. 

Hastings, &c., Advertiser, 1855 

Hastings, &c., Chronicle, 1858 .. 

Hastings, &c., Independent 
(Lewes) “a 

Hastings, &e., Mail and Times, 
1899 ... 

Hastings, &c., News, 1848 . aes 

*Hastings, &c., —— 1858 . 

Morning Argus... — si 

Southern Weekly News 

Sussex Daily News .. .. 
(See also LEWES.) 

Periodicals, dce.— 

Cinque Port. 

ww 482 


Hastings, &c., Blue Book (Brighton). 

HAVERHILL (Suffolk). Pop. 4,862. Indus.: 

ee Weekly News (Cen: 

ge) .. 
— m ‘Echo, 1888 

Hawkuurst (Kent). — 8,097. 
Kent and Sussex bo ee “a 

Haywarp’s Heatu (Sussex). Pop. 8, 117. 
Market, Tues. Indus. : Agriculture. 
Mid-Sussex Times, 1881 — 

HEANOR et) Pop. 16,249. 

Heanor Advertiser (Ilkeston)... 
Heanor Observer, 1900 —... ase 
Heaton CHAPEL (Lancashire). 
i Periodicals, ¢e.— 
Boxmakers’ Journal. 
Hespen BripcE (Yorks). Pop. 7,536. 

Hebden Bridge News ( odmor- 
Hebden Ë Bridge Times, 1881 .. 

HeckmonpwikE (Yorks). Pop. 9,459. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Blanket and 

heavy woollen manufacture; mining. 

Heckmondwike District News 
(Dewsbury) aes 

Heckmondwike ‘Herald, "1877 

Beene Reporter(Dews- 
ury) —— 

HepNEsForD (Stafford). Ben. —— 
parish) 10,020. Indus.: Mining. 
Hednesford Advertiser 
Heanes tore Courier (Cannock 

Chase) s.e s.s soe seo voe oso oso 
HEMEL — (Hertford). Pop. 
11,264. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 

Straw-plaiting and papermaki 
Hertfordshire, ae a Gazette, 

Henpon (Middlesex). "Pop. 22,450. 
Finchley and Hendon Times ... 
Hendon Advertiser, 1894 ... 
Hendon & Finchley Times, 1875 


HENLEY -on- THAMES (Ozford). Pop. 
5,984 Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, malting, brewing, and 

Henley Advertiser, 1868 .. 
Henley, &c., Standard, 1885 
Henley Royal Regatta Official Pro- 

HereFrorp (Hereford). Cathedral city. 
Pop. 21,882. Market, Wed. Indus. : 

Hereford Journal, 1713 sea ee 

Hereford Mercury, 1770 
*Hereford Times, 1832 ... 

Hereford Weekly Marvel, 1869... 

Periodicals, che. — 

Hereford Diocesan Church Calendar. 

Hereford Herd Book. 

Transactions of the Woodhope 

Naturalists’ Field Club. 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 


å = Willing’s Press Guide. 

| _[England. 

Hernen Bay (Kent). Pop. 6,688. Indus.: 
Oyster-dredging, shipping, and 

Herne Bay Argus, 1890... ... ... 

Herne Bay Press, 1888 ... ...  ... 

HERTFORD (Hertford). Pop. — Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Malting, and 

Hertfordshire Mall, 1903 ... ... 
*Hertfordshire Mercury, 1834 ... 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Hertfordshire Almanac 
Hertfordshire Railway Guide. 
Simson’s Companion Almanack. 

Pop. 7,071. 
Leather and 

Hexuam (Northumberland). 
Market, Tues. Indus.: 

*Hexham Courant, 1864... ... ... 
Hexham Herald, 1868 aa, atte ce 
Hexham Weekiy News, 1899... 

Hrywoop (Lancashire). Pop. 25,461. 
Indus.: Cotton and woollen manu- 

Heywood Advertiser, 1855... ... 

Heywood News, 1892 ...  .... 


Hiautown (Lancashire). Pop. 827. 
Hightown, &c., E Apress; 1901 
(Manchester) _... — 

Hincxzey (Leicester). Pop. 11,804. Mar- 

ket, Mon. Indus.: Shoes, stock- 
‘ings, needles. 

Hinckley Echo, 1898 (Nuneaton) 

Hinckley Observer suneaten). 

Hinckley Times, 1889 

Periodicals. &c.— 
Dominican, &c., Calendar. 
Leicestershire Football Annual. 

Hırcaın (Hertford). Pop. 10,072. Market, 
Tues. dus. : Straw-plaiting and 

*Hertfordshire Express, 1855 _ .. 
North Herts, &c., Journal, 1873 
Paternoster’s Monthly Advertiser. 

Hoarary (Sussex). Pop. 1,442. 
-- Periodicals— 

Philatelists’ Almanac. 


HoLtLoway—see METROPOLITAN News- 


HoLMFIRTa (Yorkshire). Pop. (sub- a 
976. Market, Sat. Indus 
Woollen manufactures. 
Holmfirth Express, 1886 

Houswortuy (Devon). Pop. 1,371. 
Holsworthy Post (Launceston) 

Hott (Norfolk). Pop. 1,844. 

Advertisements received for all the Plymouth Newspapers. 



Honuey (Yorks.) Pop. 4,904. 
Honley, &c., u Ba ee alee 

Horsury (Yorkshire). Pop. 

BOTDUR: &c., Hera a ‘Withern. 

ea) oa 
Horbury Observer (Ossett) aay 

HorFIELD (Gloucestershire). Pop. 1,435. 
Horfield Record (Bristol) ... ... 

HoRLEY — ). Pop. 8,300. 
Horley A vertiser, 1895  .. ae 
HorncastLe (Lincoln). Pop. 4,088. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Horncastle News, 1885... ... se 

Lincolnshire Notes and Queries, 

Hornsea (Yorkshire). Pop. 2,381. 
East Riding Telegraph, I ob 
Hornsea Telegraph ... .. 

HornseY—see METROPOLITAN News. 

Horsuam (Sussex). Pop. 10,781. Markets, 
Mon., Wed. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Evening Argus... ... — 
Horsham Times (Lewes) 
Morning Argus... 
West Sussex Cou nty Times, 1869 


Horwicu (Lancashire). Pop. 15,083. 
Horwich Chronicle, 1888 .. ... 

HounsLow (Middlesex). Pop. (eccles, 
ae 12,868. Manufacture: Gun- 

county of Middlesex Chronicle, 
-1858 see. ees wen Hie 

Hove (Sussex). Pop. 36,542. 
, Evening Argus... se eee cee one 
Hove Gazette, 1896 Se Aver Soe 
Morning Argus... ... 26 see 00 

HoyuakeE (Cheshire). Pop. 10,911. 

Hoylake, &c., Herald, 1888 u 0 | 

HoyLann (Yorkshire). Pop. 12,464. 

Hoyland, &c., Advertiser, 1902... 

Hoyland Gazette (Barnsley) . 

HUcKNALL TORKARD (Nottingham). Pop. 
15,250. Indus.: Agriculture, min- 
ing, and hosiery. 

Hucknall Dispatch, 1903 ... ... 
Hucknall Morning Star, 1889 ... 

HUDDERSFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 95,008. 
Markets, Tues., Fri., Sat. Indus. : 
Woollens, worsted, silk, cotton, ma- 
chinery, and coal- minin 

Huddersfield Boro’ Advertiser, 
1884 ... eae 
*Huddersfield Chronicle, 1850 ... 
Huddersfield Daily Chronicle, 
1871 ae ses seo ose sos soo oeo 
Huddersfield Daily ERAIDINER: 
Huddersfield District ` Adver- 
tiser, 1886 . * 
*Huddersfield Examiner, 1851 ... 
Huddersfield Week| News, 1867 
Yorkshire Factory Times, 1889 



Provincial. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

a unse 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Huddersfield, &c., Postal Directory. 
Huddersfield, &c., ' Time Table. 

Huddersfield Technical College Ca- ` 


Huuın (Yorks). Pop. 240,259. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus.: "Shipping, rope 
and canvas making, iron ship-build- 
ing, fishing, oil-cake, and paint and 
colour manufacture. 

*Daily Mail, 1787.. Sti 
*Eastern Morning News, 1794 se 
Hull and East voter re Times, 

Hull ‚and Lincolnshire. Times, 

Hull Catholic Herald, 1888 .. 
Hull Daily News, 1884 ... se «4. 
Hull News, 1852... see eso wee age 

Periodicals, dc.— 
Hull and East Riding Amusements. 
Hull Post Office Guide. 
Hull Street Pocket Guide. 
Hull Trades Council Labour Journal. 
Kingston Monthly. 
On the Road. 
Slate Trade Gazette. 
Sports Express. 


Hunstanton (Norfolk). Pop. 1,893. 
Hunstanton News ( ing’ s Lynn) 

Hountinapon (Hunts). Pop. 4,261. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Huntingdon Advertiser | Maren) 
Hunts County News, 1885... ... 
Hunts Post, 1869 ; 5 

Hype (Cheshire). Pop. 82,768. "Market, 
Sat.: Indus. : Cotton. manufactures. 
Hyde Reporter (Ashton-under- 

Lyne) ... see eee tee ee see oue 
North Cheshire ae 1887 ... 

Hyras (Kent). Pop. 5,5 
Hythe, &c., Advertider (Folke- 

Hythe and Sandgate Standard, 
1902 (Folkestone) 
Hythe Reporter, 1883 

Hythe Sentinel, ts _(Folke- 
stone) ... w+ 
ILFORD (Eisen). Pop. 41, 240. 

East Ham Recorder — 

Eastern Counties Times ... 

Essex Guardian, 1894 ... 

liford Guardian ... sse sse ss 

ilford Recorder, 1899 .,, se se 
Periodicals, ée.— 

Essex Red Book. 

Ilford Year Book. 

Photographie Scraps. 

ILFRACOMBE (Devon). Favourite watering- 
ing place. Pop. 8,557. Markets, 
Wed Sat. Indus.: Coasting trade 

and fishing. 
Ilfracombe Chronicie, 1860... ... 
ilfracombe Gazette, &c., 1875 ... 



Inkeston (Derby). Pop. 25,883. 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Coal and 
iron mining, lace and hosiery 

Ilkeston Advertiser, 1881 ... 
likeston Pioneer, 1853 .. 

ee (Yorks). Pop. 7,455. Mineral 
spring resort. Indus. : Agriculture. 

likley Free Press, 1872 (Oey) 
likley Gazette, 1861... 

Ipswich (Suffolk). -Pop. 66,622. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Shipping, ship- 
building; agricultural machine and 
locomotive manufactures; manure 
works; boot and shoe and stay mak- 
ing; silk and flax spinning. 

*East Anglian Daily Times, es 
Evening Star, 1885 ... ... — 
Suffolk Chronicle, 1810.. — 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Herd Book of Large Black Pigs. 
Ipswich Modern. 
Ipswich School Magazine. 
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institution 

of Archeology. 
Suffolk Handbook and Almanack. 
Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book. 


JARROW-ON-TYNE (Durham). Pop. 84,294. 
Indus.: Coal-mining, ship- building, 
and chemical manufacture. 

Jarrow Express, 1870 ... 
Jarrow Guardian, 1872... 

KEIGHLEY (Yorks). Pop. 41,565. Market, 
Wed. Manufactures: Worsted, 
machinery, and tools. 

Keighley Herald, 1878 .. 

Keighley News, 1862... ... 
Periodicals, ée.— 

Keighley Borough Year Book. 

Keighley Burgess Roll. 

Keighley Co-operative Society Record. 

KENDAL (Westmorland). Pop. 14,188. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures: Wool- 
lens, carpets, ropes, and fish-hooks. 

*Kendal Mercury & Times, 1785 

»Westmorland Gazette, 1818 _... 

Transactions of the Cumberland Anti- 
quarian Society. 

KENILWORTH (Warwickshire). Pop. 4,544. 
Kenilworth eReNercieet; 1858 
(Coventry) ...  ... be aes 


Keswick (Cumberland). 

Pop. 4,451. 
— Sat. Indus.: 

Lead- pencil 

Eneliehe Lakes Visitor, 1877 

KETTERING (Northampton). Pop. 28,658. 
Markets, Mon., Fri; Manufactures: 
Boots and shoes. 
*Evening Telegraph, 1897 




J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

X Willing’s Press Guide. 


Lan — 


Kettering Guardian, 1882 ... 
Kettering — (Welling- 
borough) ... * 

Kettering District Co-operative Record 

Kew (Surrey). Pop. 26, 999. 
Santa Lucia. 

KIDDERMINSTER (Worcester). Pop. 24,681 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Manufactures 
Carpets and rugs. 

Kidderminster News, 1900.. 
Kidderminster Shuttle, 1870 
Kidderminster Times, 1867 

KILBURN — see 


Kine’s Lynn (Norfolk). Pop. 20,289. Mar- 

kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Shipping, 
shipbuilding, fishing, seed- crushing, 
oil cake, and agricultural implement 
and machine making. 
*Lynn Advertiser, 1840 ... 
Lynn Football Star, 1908 . 
Lynn News, 1860 — 

KINGSBRIDGE (Devon). Pop. 8,025. | Market, 

. Bat. Indus : Agriculture, malting, 
fishing, a shipping. 

*Kingsbridge Gazette, 1854... ... 

Cotton, cabinet furniture, table baize, 

. chemicals, varnish, and railway 
" waggons. 
"Lancaster Guardian, 1837 ... 
*Lancaster Observer, 1860 ... ... 
Lancaster Standard, 1898... ... 

Periodicals, dce.— 
Cape of Good Hope Teachers’ Annual. 
Greenwood’s Nautical Almanac. 
Lancaster Co-operative Record. 
Laneport (Somerset). Pop. 18,446. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus. : Agriculture, and 
river-carrying trade. 
Langport, &c., Herald, 1855 

Launceston (Cornwall). Pop. 4,053. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
“Cornish and Devon Post, 1857... 

Launceston Weekiy News, 1856 

LEAMINGTON (Warwick). Mineral springs, 
fashionable health resort, and hunt- 
ing quarters. Pop. 22, 889. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Leamington Advertiser, 1842 ... 
*Leamington Courier, 1828 . 
*Leamington, &c., Chronicle, 1865 

Periodicals, che. - 
Leamington Spa Courier A B C Time 

Leamington, Warwick, &c., Daily 
LEATHERHEAD (Surrey). Pop. 4,694. 

Kingsbridge Journal, 1866 ... ... Leatherhead Observer (Epsom) 421 
Kingsbridge Western Guardian LEDBURY (Hereford). Pop (parish) 8,259. 
S Totnes) ... ... eee ese Market, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture, 
outh Devon Gazette .. hop-growing, and cider-making. 
Kineston (Surrey). Favourite — Ledbury Free Press, 1869 
— bury: Pop: rd 375. Ledbury Reporter, 1896 
ingston Guardian, 1900 
nes LEE (Kent). Pop. 18,649. 
_ Periodicals, ae Lee Journal, 1899 
Kingston Directory. 
Sabbath of Creation. Lrepvs (Yorks). Pop. 428,953. ee 
Tues., Sat. Manufactures : Cloth, 
Kineton (Hereford). Pop.1,953. Market, blankets, shawls, iron, leather, and 
Tues. Indus.: — flax. 
Kington Gazette, 1854 . re 1884 
x a ws, 1872 
KNARESBOROUGH (Yorks). Pop. 4,979. ne er uny. is £ 
A News (Wether- Leeds Mercury Weekly Supple- 
ment, 1899 ... 
Knaresborough Post _(Harro- Leeds Saturday Journal, 1884.. 
gate) cco oso ooo .. .. Magnet, 1866 * give 
Periodical— Skyrack Courier ... 
Ripon Diocesan Gazette. Yorkshire Evening Post, 1890 ... 488 
, *Yorkshire Post, 1754 .. .. 488 
Kyutsrorp (Cheshire). Pop. 5,172. Mar- Yorkshire Weekly Post, "1882 433 
a — Indus.: we Periodicals, d:c.— 
CE 4280 DTOCHFIAT: Annual Report and Balance Sheets of 
er &C., AN Cen the Associated Society of Locomo- 

a ee tive Engineers and Firemen. 
ae ‘Chronicle (Man- British and Colonial Mineral Water 
Knutsford Division Guardian a ee 

(Warrington) ° British Machinery Gazette. 
LAMBETH — see METROPOLITAN News- Cigarette World. 
PAPERS. Colonial Recorder. 
, Football, 
LANCASTER (Lancashire). Pop. 40,829. Gryphon. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures : Journal of Conchology. 
Advertisements received for all the Whitehaven Newspapers: [329 



Laurie’s and Buffalo Star. 

Leeds Catholic Herald. 

Leeds Co-operative Record. 

Leeds Directory. 

Leeds Stock Exchange Handbook. 


Locomotive Engineers, &c., Monthly 

Master Tailor and Cutter Gazette. 

Monograph of British Land and Fresh- 
water Mollusca. 

North China Mission Quarterly Paper. 

Post Office Guide for Leeds, &c. 

Quarterly Letters to Men on Public 

Yorkshire College Calendar. 

Yorkshire Estates Gazette. 

Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club Journal. 

LEEK (Stafford). Pop. 15,484. Markets, 
ed., Sat. Manufactures : Sewing- 
silks, ‘braids, — and Be 
Leek Post, 1885 ... ... 
Leek Times, 1870 

LEICESTER (Leicester) Pop. 311,574. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures: 
Elastic web, hepesry, lace, gloves, 
cotton, woollen ‚and boots and 

*Leicester Advertiser, 1842 ... 
Leicester Chronicle, 1810 ... ... 
Leicester Daily Mercury, 1874... 

*Leicester Daily Post, 1872 . ; 
Leicester Evening News, 1902 . 
Leicester Guardian, 1899 ... .. 

*Leicester Journal, 1753... .. 
Leicester Sporting News, 1878... 
Midland Free Press, 1855... 

Periodicals, &c.— 
British Printer. 
Hosiery Trade Journal. 
Leicester District Co-operative Record. 
Leicester S8.S.U. Journal. 
Leicestershire Almanack. 
Leicestershire Cricket Annual. 
Monthly Magazine of the L.O.A.S. 

Official Handbook of the Leicester and 

County Cricket Association. 

Photographic Art Journal. 
Shoe Manufacturers’ Monthly En 
LEGH (Lancashire). Pop. 40,001. Mar- 
kets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: Cotton- 

spinning, silk- -weaving, coal-mining, 
and iron-founding. 
Leigh Chronicle, 1852 ... .. .. 
Leigh Journal, 1870... — 
Leigh Co-operative Society Record. 

LEIGHTON Buzzarp (Bedford). Pop. 
6,331. Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Agriculture, straw-plaiting, and lace- 

Leighton Buzzard Observer, 

Leighton Buzzard Reporter, 

1878 (Bedford) . 

LEOMINSTER (H ereford). 

Pop. 5,826. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: 




Willing’s Press. Guide. © — 

Leominster Chronicle, 1898 
Leominster News, 1880... ... 0... | 

LEWES (Sussex). Pop. 11,249. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture and 
news aper-printing. 

*East Sussex News, 1856 
Evening Argus... Pe ee 
Morning Argus... ... see ese eee 
Surrey Gazette, 1846 a. ales 
Sussex Advertiser, 1745... .. 
*Sussex Express, 1887 ... .. 
Sussex & Surrey Courier, "1880 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Lewes, &c., Blue Book (Brighton). 
LEWISHAM (Kent). Pop. 98,912. 
Lewisham Borough News, 1898 
Lewisham Gazette, 1879 
Lewisham Journal (Lee) ... ... 
West Kent Argus, 1894... u. + 
Periodical— . 
Bakers’ Times. 

LeyTon (Esser). Pop. 98,899. 

Leyton Advertiser, 1898: u sss 

Leyton, &c., Times, 1901 ... 

Leyton Express Dao are ehe ate 

Periodicals, éc.— 


Portfolio of the Monumental Brass 

Transactions of the Monumental Brass 

Eastern Mercury, 1887... ... se 
Forest Gate, &c., Express 
Leytonstone Express, 1876 .. 
Leytonstone, &c., pevertieet 
1894 .. on 
Leytonstone, &C.., Times ... ~. 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Library Magazine. 

LICHFIELD (Stafford). 
ket, Fri. Indus.: 

Lichfield Mercury, 1814 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Lichfield Diocesan Church Calendar, 

Lichfield Diocesan Magazine. 

Lomax’s Red Book. 

LincoLn (Lincoln). Cathedral city. Pop. 
48,784. Market, Fri. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, ironstone mining, and manu- 
facture of agricultural machinery. 

Lincoln Citizen, 1900 ... ae .. 
*Lincoln Gazette, 1859: zus: 50. ee: 
Lincoln Leader, 1896... * 
Lincolnshire Chronicle, 1882... 

Lincolnshire Echo, 1898 i 
(See also STAMFORD.) 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Lincoln Budget. 

Lincoln, &c., Railway Guide 

Lincoln Co- operative Society Record. 

Lincoln Diocesan Church Calendar. 

Lincoln Directory. 

Pop. 7,902. Mar- . 
Agriculture and 

LISKEARD (Cornwall). Pop. 4,011. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture and 
-mining. © S 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand] London. 

Willing’s Press. Guide. [England.' 

LISKEARD—continued. LIvERPOOL—continued. 
Cornish Times, 1856... ... Holden's Almanack. 
Liskeard, &c., Post (Launceston) International Book Finder. 
Liskeard Weekly Mercury (Ely: Isiamie World. 
mouth)... ... oh aides aus Kellock’s List of Steamships and 

Sailing Vessels for Sale. 

Kemp’s Liverpool Gazette. 
Household Almanack. ies Day Saints’ Millennial Star. 
Pee (Sussex). Pop. 7,868. Liver. 
: Shipping and agriculture. Liverpool Brass and Military Band 
Evening Argus. Journal. 
ree on Gazette (Worth- Liverpool Customs Bill of Entry. 
ne) Liverpool Drum and Fife Band 
Litt ehampton News & District Journal. 
Advertiser, 1869... ... — Liverpool Entertainment and Pleasure 
Morning Argus... e sse see wee een — 
LITTLEPORT (Cambridge). Pop. 4, 181. iverpool Railway Guide. 
Littleport Gazette (March)... eee String Band Journal. 
iverpool University College Calendar. 
LIVERPOOL (Lancashire). A most im- Liverpool Y.M.C.A. Monthly Journal. 
portant port, transatlantic passage M‘Call’s Racing Chronicle. 
station, and emigration depot, with M‘Call’s Turf Register. 
extensive docks, bonding stores, MeNicol’s Liverpool &c., Directory. 
ship yards, é&c. Pop. 702,247. Mercantile Marine Service Association 
Indus.: Export shipping trade, Reporter. 
importing cotton and general mer- Merchant Service Review. 
chandise; manufacture of anchors, Milling. 
cables, ropes, sailcloths, machinery, Musichn’ s Jourr `. 
chronometers, tobacco, &c. Official Footbal rcgramme. 
Catholic Times, 1860 ... e s. Porcupine. 
Evening Express, 1870... .. Post Office Guide for Liverpool. 
Liverpool Catholic Herald, "1890 Proceedings, &c., of the Liverpool 
*Liverpool Daily Post, 1855... ... 489 Proceedings of the Liverpool Geolo- 
Liverpool Echo, 1879... 489 gical Society. 
Liverpool Football Echo, 1889 .. Protestant Standard. 
Liverpool General Brokers’ Roller Mill Manual. 
Weekly Circular, 1849... Transactions ‘of the Liverpool Engi- 
*Liverpool Journai of Com. neering Society. 
merce, 1862... ... eee ees a 

*Liverpool Mercury, 111. .. viii Weekly List of Cot an 
Liverpool Review, 1868... ... ... Wright & Round’s Brass Band News. 
Liverpool Weekly Courier, 1808 488 Zuzimite. 

Liverpool Weekly Mercury, 1811 viii 
Liverpool Weekly Post, 1878 ... 489 | Lorrus (Yorks). Pop. 6,508. Market, 
Masonic Journal Sat. Indus.: Mining, iron-smelting, 
North Liverpool Times (Bootle) and agriculture. 
Protestant Standard, 1872... Loftus Advertiser, 1876 
Periodicals, ée.— Lone Eaton (Derby). Pop. 18,045. Mar- 
Abroad. ket, Sat : 
Amateur Mechanic. , Long Eaton Advertiser, 1882 
Bun Penny Liverpool Railway Long Eaton Pioneer, 1892 .. 
Loneton (Staffordshire). Pop. 85,825. 
Bibby’s Quarterly. 
Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums. Longton Times, 1888 ... ... +. 
Cadet. LOSTWITHIEL (Cornwall). Pop. 1,881. 

. Cotton Gazette. Lostwithiel Guardian (Bodmin) 
Crescent. LOUGHBOROUGH (Leicester). Pop. 21,508. 
Cricket Annual (F. Sugg’s). Market, These ate 
Donaldson’s Engineer's Annual. Hosiery, cotton, and woollens. 

East Liverpool Magazine. Loughborough Echo, 1891... ... 
Financial Reform Almanack. Loughborough Examiner, 1894.. 
Financial Reformer. Loughborough Herald, 1880 
wre) — s Corn Trade News (Leicester) ... = 
George Broomhall’s Corn Trade News: Loughborough Monitor, 1861 — 
(weekly). LouGHTon (Essex). Pop. 4,780. 
Gorst’s Monthly Cotton Circular. Loughton Adver iser ... 
Greenwood’s Foreign Post Office List. Loughton Gazette (Epping) . 
. Greenwood’s Liverpool Conveyance LoutH (Lincoln). Pop. 9,518. Markets, 
List. Wed., Fri., Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
Greenwood’s Weekly Diary. -coach- building, and machinery 
Guild Gazette (Liverpool). -manufacture, wool stapling. 

Advertisements received for all the Isle of Wight, Newspapers» [331 

Provincial. ] 

Louth, &c., Advertiser, 1859 
Louth News, 1872 — 
Periodica is, éc.— 
Jewellers’ Register and Trade Journal. 
LowpuHamM (Notts.). Pop. 942. 
Horticultural Advertiser. 

Lowestort (Suffolk). 

Favourite bathing 

place. Pop. 29,842. Market, Wed. 
Indus.: Shipping, ship-building, 
— , rope, and net- making. 
nn oft Journal, 1873 (Nor- 
ch) — 
Lowestoft Standard, 1882 (Nor- 
Lowestoft Weekly Press (Nor. 
wich) eee 

Lowestoft Pocket Time Tables. 
Lupiow (Shropshire). Pop. 4,552. Maer- 
— Mon., Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
Ludiow Advertiser, 1855 

Luton (Bedford). Pop. 86,404. Markets, 
Mon., Sat. Manufactures: Straw 
Bedfordshire —— 1855.. 
Luton News, 1891 ... ... — 
*Luton Reporter, 1876 ` 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Luton and District Year-Book. 
Luton Directory. 

Lypney (Gloucester). Pop. 8,650. 
s.: Mining, and une 

Lydney Observer, 1873.. 
Provincial News ... 
West of England Observer, 1876 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Lydney and Forest of Dean Directory. 
Provincial Series of Almanacks. 

Lyme Reais (Dorset). Pop. 2,095. 
Lyme Regis Mirror, 1897. 
Lymınaton (Hants). Pop. 4,165. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, and 
ship- -building. 
Lymington, &c., Chronicle 
(Poole)... .. 
Lymington Observer (Bourne- 
mouth)... .. 
Lymm (Cheshire). Pop. 4 07. 

Lymm Observer (Warrington) 

Lynton (Devon). Fashionable seaside 
resort. Pop. 1,641. 
Lynton & Lynmouth ee 
1874 ... 
LyTHAM (Bansdshire, Seaside seat: 
Pop. 7,185. Market, Sat. 
Lytham Times, 1821 
MABLETHORPE (Lincolnshire). Pop. 984. 
1884 .... os 
MACCLESFIELD (Cheshire). Pop. 34, 835. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufactures: 
Silks, satins, velvets, and cotton. 
Meer seleld Advertiser (Stock- 

Macclesfield Chronicle, 1877 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

*Macclesfield Courier, 1811... ... 

Macclesfield Times .. .. +. 
MAIDENHEAD (Berks). Pop. 12,980. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture 

*Maidenhead Advertiser, 1869 . 
Maidenhead Argus * 
Periodicals, déce.— 
Maidenhead Modern School Magazine. 
Maidenhead Annual. 

MamstToneE (Kent). Pop. 83,516. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Thurs. Indus. : Paper- 
making, quarrying, agriculture, and 

Kent County Standard, 1873 ... 
*Kent Messenger, 1859 ... .. 
Kent Times and Chronicle, 1875 
*Maidstone & Kentish Journa; 
1786 ... vis 
Maidstone Gazette, 1902 aoo ws 
*South Eastern Gazette, 1815 ... 
Periodicals, éce.— 

Graham’s Temperance Almanac. 

“ Queen’s Own” Gazette. 
Temperance Worker. 

Wide Awake Temperance Reciter. 

Matton (Yorks). Pop. 4,758. Market. 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, brewing, 
flour-milling, and biscuit-making. 

Malton Gazette, 1854 ... ... es. 
*Malton Messenger, 1854 

MALVERN (Worcester). Fashionable health 
resort and mineral springs. Pop. 
16,448. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Malvern Advertiser, 1855 ..._ ... 

Maivern Gazette, 1898... ... ... 

Malvern News, 1860 — 
Periodicals, éc.— 



MANCHESTER (Lancashire). A cathedral 
city. Pop. 548,969. Markets, Tues., 
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Indus.: Cotton- 
spinning, bleaching, dyeing, and 
printing ; silk-weaving, and hat- 
making ; the manufacture of woollen 
fabrics, machinery, We. 

Alliance News, 1858... 

Assure, 1889 — 

Athletic News, 1875 

Chemical Trade Journal, 1887... 
Co-operative News, 1871 ... 
Cotton Factory Times, 1885 ... 
Credit Drapers’ Gazette, 1882.. 
*Daily Dispatch, 1900 

Grocers’ Review, 1888... ... se 
Hightown, &c., Express, 1901 .. 
Insurance News, 1884 ... .. 
Journai of Decorative Art, 1881 
Manchester Advertiser (Stock- 

eher Catholic ‘Herald, 
1888 ... ... aos 
Manchester Chronicle, "1900 
Manchester City News, 1864 ... 
*Manchester Courier, 1825... ... 
Manchester Evening Chro- 
nicle, 1897 
«Manchester | Evening News, 1868 
*Manchester Guardian, 1821 
Manchester Journal of an 
merco ... coe cee sso soo 





J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Manchester Weekly Times, 189i 
Policy-Holder, 1888... ... ua 
Sporting Chronicle, 1871 ... 
Sunday Chronicle, 1885 
Textile Manutacturor; 1914 
Textile Mercury, 1889 . 
Textile Recorder, 1888.. 
Umpire, 1884 
Periodicals, &éc.— 
Assurance Agents’ Chronicle. 
Athletic News Cricket Annual. 
Athletic News Football Annual. 
Athletic Record. 
Authorised Official Programme of the 
Roman Catholic Procession. 
Band of Hope Treasury. 
Beacon Light. 
Bibby & Co.’s Showman’s Pocket Diary 
Burgon’ s Monthly Magazine. 
Burn’s Commercial Diary. 
Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanack and 
Workshop Companion. 
Calvert’s Mechanics’ and Builders’ 
Pocket Book. 
Chancery Lane Wesleyan Monthly 
Chilton’s Guide. 
Congregational Monthly. 
Co-Operative Wholesale Societies. 
_ Cumberland Catholic Herald. 
Druids’ Quarterly Magazine. 
Every Band of Hope Boy’s Reciter. 
Every Day Electricity. 
Faces and Places. 
Financial Tit Bits. | 
Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ Year 
Book. an 
Fowler’s Mechanical Engineers’ 
Pocket Book. 
Home Art Work. 
International Sugar Journal. 
John Heywood’s Railway Guide. 
Journal of the Amalgamated Society 
of Tailors. 
Journal of the Federation of Insurance 
Journal of the Manchester Geogra- 
phical Society. 
Juvenile Rechabite. 
Lancashire Congregational Calendar. 
Laughable Dialogues. 
Manchester and Salford Equitable 
Co-operative Society Herald. 
Manchester Chamber of Commerce 
Monthly Record. 
Manchester Diocesan Directory. 
Manchester Directory (Slater’s). 
Manchester Evening News Football 
Manchester Graphic. 
Manchester Guardian Society's Ga- 
Manchester Illustrated Weekly. 
Manchester Law Students’ Chronicle. 
Manchester Literary Club Papers. 
Manchester Postal Guide. 
Manchester Quarterly. 
Manchester Royal Exchange Directory. 
Manchester Suburban Advertiser. 


Manchester Wheelers’ Club Journal. 

Mechanical Engineer. 

Mechanical Progress. 

Mechanical Review. 

Mechanical World. 

Medical Chronicle. 

Memoirs and Proceedings of the Man- 
chester Literary and Philosophical 

Monthly Magazine of the Independent 
Order of Oddfellows. 

National Commercial Gazette. 


North and Mid Wales Directory. 

Oddfellows’ Almanack, 

Oddfellows’ Magazine. 


Onward Reciter. 

Order of Druids’ Almanack. 

Order of Druids’ Quarterly Journal. 

Our Dogs. 

Owens College Calendar. 

Owens College Magazine. 

Pembroke House School Magazine. 

Philatelic Record. 

Photographic Record. 

Police and Constabulary Almanac. 

Practical Engineer. 

Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket 

Practical Engineer Pocket Bock and 


Proceedings of the Manchester Field 

Proceedings of the Manchester Field 
Naturalists’ Society 

Provincial Homes Journal. 

Racing up-to-Date. 

Rational Journal. 

Rechabite & Temperance Magazine. 

: Rechabite Directory. 

Royal National Directory of Ireland. 

Royal National Directory of Scotland. 

Scholars’ Magazine. 

Select Stories. 

Shepherd’s Magazine. 

Shorthand Teacher. 

Southport and Birkdale (Slater’s). 

Spiritual Quarterly Magazine. 

Sporting Chronicle Annual. 

Sporting Chronicle Horses in Training. 

Sporting Chronicle Weekly Handicap 

Striking Stories. 



Sunday Closing Reporter. 

Thrilling Life Stories. 

Transactions of the Lancashire Anti- 
quarian Society. 

Transactions of the Manchester Geo- 
logical Society. 

Transactions of the Manchester Statis- 
tical Society. 

Two Worlds. 

Typographical Circular. 


University College of North Wales, 
Bangor, Calendar. 

University College of Wales, Aber- 
ystwyth, Calendar. 

Vegetarian Messenger. 

Advertisements received for all the Stockport Newspapers.c [333 

Provincial. ] 

Willing’s Press. Guide. 


Victoria University Calendar. 

Weekly Record of the Textile Trades 


Woodhead’s Directory of the Credit 
Drapers of Great Britain. 

Woods’ Chemical Trade Diary. 

Woods’ Cotton Diary. 

Woods’ Directory of Manufactures. 

Woods’ Engineers’ Trade Diary. 

Y.M.C.A. Beehive. 

MANSFIELD (Notts). Pop. 21,441. Mar- 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Hosiery, 
lace, and cotton manufactures ; malt- 
ing, and iron-founding. 

«Mansfield Advertiser, 1871... ... 

Mansfield Chronicle, 1895... ose 

Mansfield Reporter, 1857 ... ... 

Linney’s Illustrated Almanack. 

MARCH ee rn 7,565. Mar- 

ket, Wed dus. griculture. 

Cambrid eshire Times, 1872 ... 

March Advertiser... ... ... .. 

MARGATE (Kent). Popular Senade resort. 

fiction ‚057. Indus.: Shipping, and 


Keble’s Margate & pamegat 
Gazette, 1870 

Thanet Guardian, ı 1866... oe ess 

Thanet Times, 1896 ion ioa ke 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Our News. 

— EHARBORODGE (Leiceoster). Pop. 
7,785. eb Tues. Indus. : 
Market Harborough never: 
tiser, 1854 ... ws 
Midiand Mail, 1890 .. 

MARKET RAsEN (Lincoln). Pop. 2,188. 
‘Market, Tues. Indus.: Agricul- 

Market Rasen Mail, 1856 ... ... 

MARLBOROUGH (Wilts). Pop. 8,887. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
*Marlborough Times, 1857 ... oes 
Periodicals, déc.— 
Wiltshire Opinion. 

MarrTock (Somerset). Pop. (parish) 1,966. 
Palmer's Weekly News, 1883... 

Maryport (Cumberland). Pop. 11,896. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Exporting 
coal and iron. 

Maryport UL, ene 
haven) .. 
Maryport News, 1885 . 

MATLOCK Deroy). 5,979. 
ME Guardian ian, 1902 BAR 
we ... és 

Matlock Advertiser, 1879. 

MELTON MowsraY (Leicester). Pop. 7,454. 

Market, Tues. Indus. : Agriculture. 

Melton Mowbray Journal 

(Grantham)... ses sse wee oss soe 


MELTON MowBRAYyY—continued. 

Meiton Mowbray Mercury, u 
(Leicester) ... 

Melton Mowbray Times, 1859... 

Rutland Echo ... ... ad 

MexsorouGH (Yorks). Pop. 10,417. In- 
dus.: Mines, potteries, glass, chemi- 
cal, and railway works. 

Mexborough, &c., Times, 1877.. 

Mexborough Almanac. 

MipvLeuam (Yorks). Pop. (parish) 648. 
Mentor’s Middleham Opinion, 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Iron-working, 
amelting, shipping, ship-building, 
steel and tube works, marine engi- 
neering ; pottery; salt and chemical 

*North-Eastern Daily Gazette, 
1869 .. 

Northern Weekly Gazette, 1855 

Tees Daily Shipping List, 1891 

Teeside Weekly Herald, 1902 . 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Cleveland Diary. 
Middlesbrough Co-operative Record. 

MIDDLETON (Lancashire). Pop. 25,178. 
Market, Fri. Indus. : Cotton 
spinning, dyeing, and printing ; 
— a small ware weaving; coal- 

Pop. 91,817. 

Middleton Guardian, 1877... ... 
Middleton Standard (Oldham) 

MipHurst (Sussex). Pop. 1,650. Mar- 
ket, altern. Thurs. Indus. : Agri- 

Midhurst Times, 1882 ... .. se 

MILDENHALL (Suffolk). Pop. 8 
Mildenhall, &o., Advertiser 
(Bury St. u, ae las, ~ Sees 
Mruiom (Cumberland). Pop. 10,426. 
Miilom, &c., Advert ser (Ulver. 
ston) ... 7 s 
Millom Gazette, 1890... 
Millom Herald (Barrow- in- 
Furness) .. .. 
Millom News (Barrow. in- 
Furness) se oso o me 
MINEHEAD (Somerset). Pop. 2 Bil. 

Minehead & meet Somerset 
Advertiser, 1882.. 

MIRFIELD (Yorkshire). 
Mies Heraid 

ke) . 
Mirfield, &o. Reporter (Dews- 

Pop. 11 846. 

Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geo- 
logical, &c., Ea 
MITCHAM —— . 14,908. 
Mitcham Hera (Sutton) is 

Mitcham uns (Croydon)... 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand) London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


MonmoutTs (Monmouth). Pop. 5,095. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Iron and coal 
working, and agriculture. 

*Monmouthshire Beacon, 1887 

MORECAMBE (Lancashire). Pop. 11,798. 
Seaside resort. Indus. : Agriculture, 
and fishing. 

Morecambe Times, 1881 
Morecambe Visitor, 1874 ... ... 

MoRLEY (Yorks). Pop. 28,688. Indus.: 
Woollen manufactures ; — 
Morley News (Dewsbury) .. 
Moriey Observer, 1871.. 

Morpeta (Northumberland). Pop. 6,158. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Flannel 
weaving. = 

Morpeth Herald, 1854 ... ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Herdman’s Collectors’ Miscellany 

Collector’s Advertiser. 


MossLEY (Lancashire). Pop. 18,452. 
— Herald (Ashton. under- 
Mossley Reporter (Ashton- 
under-Lyne) .. er. ea, are 
NanTwıcH (Oheshire). Pop. 7,722. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures: Shoes, and 

Nantwich aoe (Warring- 
ton) ee Aea aes 

NELSON — Pop. 82,816. 
Indus.: Cotton manufacture. 

Nelson Chronicle, 1882... ... se 

Nelson Leader, 1900 ... ... ase 

NETHERFIELD (Notts.). Pop. 2,648. 
South Notts Echo, 1899 ; 

New Brompton (Kent). Pop. 12,087. 
Messenger of Wisdom. 
New MALDEN (Surrey). Pop. 508. 
Periodicals, £c.— 
Malden Local Guide. 

Newark (Nottingham). Pop. 14,985. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, 
malting, and iron- founding. 

Newark Advertiser, 1854 
Newark Herald, 1791 

Newsury (Berks). Pop. 11,061. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture, 
malting, and machine-making. 

*Newbury Weekly News, 1867 ... 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Berkshire Masonic Register and 
Cosburn’s ne Directory for 
Newbury, & 

NEWCASTLE- an (Northumberland). 
Pop. 215,828. Markets, Tues., 
Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Coal mining 
and exporting ; shipping, ship-build- 
ing, engineering, iron-founding, 
blasting; manufacture of glass, 
earthenware, rope, leather, and 

NEWCA8TLE— continued. 

Evening Chronicle, 1885... ... 448 
Evening Mail, 1908 ... .. 

"Newcastle Daily Chronicle, "1858 448 
*Newcastle Daily Journal, 1882... 
“Newcastle Weekly Chronicle, 

1764 448 
Newcastle Weekly Journal, ‘1711 
*North Mail, 1901 ... co 0000 

Northern Gossip, 1894... .. 
Northern Weekly Leader, 1884... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Christian Home Treasury. 

Church Calendar. 

Durham College of Medicine Calendar. 

Durham College of Science, New- 
castle-on-Tyne, Calendar. 


Foreign Coaling Instructions. 

Journal of the Tyneside Geographical 

Natural History Transactions of 
Northumberland, &c. 

Newcastle ABC Railway Guide, 

Newcastle Diocesan Calendar. 

Newcastle Diocesan Gazette. 

Newcastle-on-Tyne Post Office Guide. 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Co-operative 

Northern Catholic Calendar. 

Palmer Record. 

Reid’s Diary. 

Reid’s Durham Diary. 

Reid’s Nautical Almanack. 

Reid’s Railway Guide. 

Reid’s Shields Diary. 

Reid’s Tyneside Calendar. 

Rutherford College Calendar. 

Shorthand Writer. 

Transactions of ane Institution of 
Mining Enginee 

Transactions of the North East Coast 
Institution of Engineers. 

Tyneside Catholic News. 


.19,914. Markets, Mon., Sat. Indus. : 
Mining, clothing, &c. 
Newcastle Guardian, 1855 .. er 
Newcastle- under-Lyme Free 
Press, 1882 ... 0. see soe ave 

NEWENT (Gloucestershire). Pop. 7,067. 

Newent Reportan, en (Led. 

NEWMARKET (Cambridge) 10,686. 

Market, Tues 
Newmarket. Advertiser ( Manon) 
Newmarket Journal, 1872 ... ... 448 
Newmarket Sporting News, 1887 
Newmarket Weekly News 
(Cambridge):.. sse see 0 

Newport (Monmouth). Port with — 

docks. Pop. 67,290. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus. : Shipping, coal, 
— &c.; iron, coal, and stone 
*South fh Wales Argus, 1892 .. .. 
South Wales Weekly Argus, 1892 

Advertisements received for all the Warrington Newspapers. [335 

Provincial. ] 

Willinge’s Press Guide. 

Periodicals, &ca— 

Bailey’s Tables of Distances from 
Port to Port. 

Newport Directory. 

Newport Household Almanack. 

Newport Tide Table. 

Newport Year Book. 

Phillips’ Machinery Register. 

Pontypool and Eastern Valleys 

Property Register. 

Newport (Shropshire). Pop.8,241. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Iron and coal 
working, and agriculture. 
Newport Advertiser, 1854 ... ... 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Berry’s Guide to the Queen’s Scholar- 

Pupil Teacher and Scholarship 

Newport, Isle of Wight (Hants). Pop. 
10,911. Markets, Wed.,Sat. Indus: 

*Isle of Wight County Proges 1884 
Newport Times, 1870 _... 

NEwPORT PAGNELL (Bucks). Pop. 4,028. 

Market, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Bucks Standard, 1859 ... 

Newport Pagnell Gazette, 1867 

Newquay (Cornwall). Pop. 8,115. 
Newquay Guardian, 1887 

Newron (Cheshire). Pop. 16,699. 
Makerfield Examiner, 1895.. 
Newton Observer (Warrington) 

Newton Axspot (Devon). Pop. (parish) 
12,518. Market, Wed. Indus.: Great 
Western Railway Locomotive Works, 
tanning, and agriculture. 

East & South Devon AQYSLEISET, 
1868 .. 
au Devon & Newton Times, 

Newton “Abbot Western Guar- 

dian (Totnes) * 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Agricultural Register. 

Imperial Stud Book. 

Newton Abbot. 

‘Newton News. 


Normanton (Yorks). Pop. 12,858. Indus.: 
Coal mining, iron working, and agri- 

Normanton Echo, 1897.. 
Normanton, — Herald (Wake- 
field) eee eee eee 
Normanton Advertiser. 

NORTHALLERTON (Yorks). Pop. 4,009. 
Mashamshire Standard “ae 
North Riding, &c., News; 1900 TA 

Smithson’s Northallerton Anank: 


(Northampton). Pop. 
87,021. Markets, Wed., Sat. Manu- 
factures: Boots and Shoes. 

Northampton Daily Chronicle, 
1880 ... 

Northampton Daily Reparter, 

‘Northampton Herald, 1881, 
*Northampton Mercury, 1720 ... 
Periodicals, d:c.— 

~ Northampton Football Echo. 

Northampton Good Templar, 

NORTHFLEET (Kent). Pop. 12,918. 
Northfleet, &c., Standard 
(Gravesend) — 

NorrtuwıcH (Oheshire). Pop 17, 609. Mar. 
‘ket, Fri. Indus.: Salt mining and 
manufacture; ship- building, and 

Northwich Thronicie, 1885 — 
Northwich Guardian Warring: 
ton) — 

NoRTH LONSDALE (hancdshire). 

a ponsdale Herale (Bar: 

NoRwIcH (Norfolk). Pop. 111 ‚728. Mar. 
ket, Wed., Sat. Manufactures: Silk, 
crape, woollens, boots, shoes, starch 
and mustard; galvanised wire, an 
agricultural implements. 

Daylight, 1878... ... 

Eastern Daily Press, 1870 . 
*Eastern Evening News, 1882... 
*Eastern Morning Gazette, 1902 

Eastern Weekly Press, 1867 

Norfolk Chronicle, 1761 _... 

Norfolk Evening Standard, 1885 

Norfolk News, 1845... .. 

Norfolk Weekly Standard, 1868 
*Norwich Mercury, 1714 _... 

Peopie’s Weekly Journal, 1864... 

Periodicals, dc.— 

East Anglian. 

Jarrold’s Time Tables. 

Norfolk and Suffolk Companion to the 

Norwich Co-operative Society Record. 
Norwich Diocesan Calender and 
Clergy List. 
Norwich Diocesan Gazette. 
Norwich Union Magazine. 

Norwoop—see Croypon, and METROPOLI- 

NottTincHamM (Notts). Pop. 239,753. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures : 
Lace, hosiery, silks, woollens, and 

Football News, 1891... .. s 
Football. Post, 1908 y 

Midiand Sporting Gazette, "1888 
Nottingham Chronicle, 1901 — 
*Nottingham Daily Express, 1860 
*Nottingham Daily Guardian, 

1861. u dae 

Nottingham Evening News, 1885 
Nottingham Evening Post, 1878 

Nottinghamshire Guardian, 

Nottinghamshire Weekly EX: 
press, 1710 ... ... 



336] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agenis, 125: Strand, — 

Willing’ s Press Guide. 


Periodicals, d:c.— 
Allen’s Nottingham Red Book. 
Johnson’s Football Guide. 

Lenton, &c., Co-operative Society 

National Pig Breeders’ Association 
Herd Book. 

Nottingham District Co-operative 

Nottingham Guardian Year Book. 

Nottingham Library Bulletin. 

Nottingham University College Cal- 

Railway Service Journal. 

NuNEATON (Warwick). Pop.24,995. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Manufactures: gene 
hats; mining, and qua 

Midland Counties Tri une, 1893 

Nuneaton Advertiser (Rugby) 

Nuneaton Chronicie, 1868 ... ... 

Nuneaton Observer, 1877 ... 
Eersodscale, dc.— 

Jones’s A BC Railway Guide. 

Warwickshire Workers’ Advocate. 

OaxHam (Rutland). Pop. 10,064. 
Oakham, &c., Journal (Gran- 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Matkin’s Oakham Almanack. 
Rutland Magazine. 

OLDBURY (Worcestershire). Pop. 25,191. 
Oldbury een ewe (West 

Bromwich) .. 
OLDHAM (Lancashire): Pop. 137, 238. 
Manufactures: Cotton, hats, silk, 

machinery ; collieries. 

*Oldham Chronicle, 1854 ___... 
Oldham Daily Standard, 1847 . 
Oldham Evening Chronicle, 1880 

*Oldham Standard, 1848 _... 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Clegg’s Local Railway Guide. 

Clegg’s Oldham Annual. | 

Cotton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ 
Directory of Lancashire. 

Oldham Congregationalist. 

Oldham Industrial Co-operative 
Society Record. 

Oldham Operative Cotton Spinners, 
&c., Monthly Report. 

Worrall’s Textile Directory. 

Yorkshire Textile Directory. 

OnGar (Essex). Pop. 10,044. 
Ongar Gazette (Epping) . avs 
Ormskirk (Lancashire). Pop. 6,857. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus: Agriculture, 
and coal-mining. 
Ormskirk Advertiser, 1858... ... 
Ossett (Yorks). Pop. 12,886. Indus. : 
Coal-mining ; heavy woollen, 
“worsted, and cotton manufactures ; 

Ossett Observer, 1864 . 
nn (Lancashire). Pop. 

Oswaldtwistle Observer (Ae 
crington) s.e see see oee coo 



Oswestry (Shropshire). Pop. 9,579. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Malting, agri- 
culture; railway plant works. 

“Oswestry Advertiser, 1849... 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Border Churchman. 
Byegones. . 
Oswestry Commercial Circular. 

Oruer (Yorks). Pop. 9,280. Market, 
Fri. Manufactures: Printing ma- 
chinery, worsteds, paper, and 

Wharfedale Observer, 1871 

_ OUNDLE (Northampton). Pop. 2,404. 
Canale &c., uel elee (Ketter- 

ng) ... 
Oundle Journal (Welling: 
borough) tee aes Gee, En. Sa 

Oxrorp (Oxford). Pop. 49,418. Univer- 
sity city. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

Isis, 1892 

Jackson's Oxford Journal, 1758 
*Oxford Chronicle, 1837... 
Oxford Magazine, 1883.. 
Oxford Review, 1865 
“Oxford Times, 1862... ... 
Oxford University Gazette, 1870 
Oxfordshire Telegraph, 1900 ... 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Alden’s Oxford Almanack. 

Alden’s Oxford Guide. . 

Annual Report of the Association for 
Promoting the Education of Women 
in Oxford. 

Calendar of the Association for Pro- 
moting the Education of Women in 

Gospel Banner. 

Oliver’s Local Book of Dates. 

N Diocesan Calendar and Clergy 


Oxford Free Church Magazine. 

Oxford High School Magazine. 

Oxford Point of View. 

Oxford University Almanac. 

Pelican Record. 

Preparatory School Review. 

Race Builders. 

St. Edward’s School Chronicle. 

Salter’s Guide to the River Thames. 


Wadham College Gazette. 

Work for the Far West. 


Paraxron (Devon). Pop. 8,885. 
Paignton Observer, 1892 m 
Paignton Western SUBTEN 

(Totnes) Sse ai 

PATELEY BRIDGE (Yorkshire). 
Pateley enidee: &C., 
(Harrogate)... e.. 

PENDLEBURY (Tancdsherds 
8,493. Indus.: 

P 8,040. 

Pop. (parish 
Spinning, and coal- 

Pendlebury, &c., Journal, 1875... 

Advertisements received for ll the Worcester, Newspapers: 




Provincial. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Swinton and Pendlebury Almanack 

PENDLETON (Lancashire). Pop. (parish) 
1,068. Indus.:. Spinning, coal- 
mining, and chemical manufacture. 

Reporter, 1878 ... see sse see seo 
Periodicals, dc. - 
Pendleton Co-operative Society Re- 

PEntsTone (Yorkshire). Pop. 8,071. 
Penistone, &c., Express 

PENRITH (Cumberland). Pop. 9,182. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Mid-Cumberland Herald, 1860... 
*Penrith Observer, 1861... .. +. 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Penrith Almanac. 
Penrith, &c., Evangel. 
Penrith Ruri-Decanal Magazine. 

PENZANCE (Cornwall). Favourite water- 
.ing place. Pop. 18,128. Markets, 
Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Mar- 
ket-gardening, fisheries, and mining. 

*Cornish Telegraph, 1851 ... ». 
Cornishman, 1878 ... +. se eee 
Evening Tidings, 1870 ... 

PETERBOROUGH (Northampton). Cathe- 
‘dral city. Pop. 80,870. Markets, 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 

*Peterborough Advertiser, 1854... 
Peterborough Citizen, 1898 
Peterborough Evening News, 

1896 .. sas con tee eoo see cee 
Peterborough Express, 1881 
Peterborough Standard, 1872 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Caster’s ABC Time Table. 
Fenland Notes and Queries. 
Orion’s Prophetic Guide, Weather 
Almanac and Ephemeris. 
Peterborough and District Church 
Monthly Magazine Advertiser. 
Peterborough Diocesan Calendar. 
Peterborough Diocesan Magazine. 

PETERSFIELD (Hants). Pop. 8,265. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 
Hants and Sussex News, 1891 ... 

Pinner (Middlesex). Pop., 3,366. 
Pinner Gazette (Harrow)... .. 
Pinner Observer (Harrow) _ ... 


Commercial Travellers’ School Magazine. 

Piaistow — see -METROPOLIGAN News- 

Plumstead, &c., 

Boys’ School Journal. 

PuymoutH (Devon). Pop. 107,509. Mar- 
‘kets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, ship-building, rope, sail- 
cloth, sugar, sulphuric acid, artificial 
manures, soap, and alkali manufac- 

Pop. (parish) 68,287. 
ews, 18395 ... 

Naval & Military Record, 1886... 418 




*Western Daily Mercury, 1860 ... 
Western Evening Herald, 1895... 

*Western Morning News, 1860 ... 418 

Western Weekly Mercury, 1879 

Western Weekiy News, 1861 
Periodicals, de.— ` 

Doidge’s, &c., Annual. 

Eyre’s Plymouth, &c., Directory 

Football Herald. 

Journal of the Ex Libris Society. 
Plymouth, &c., Licensed Victuallers’ 
Plymouth ` 

Record. > 
Plymouth Corporation 
School Magazine. 
Report and Transactions of the Devon- 
shire Association. 

PıympTon (Devon). Pop. 19,788. 
Plympton Gazette, 1894 

PockLineron (Yorks). 
Market, Sat. 
Howdenshire Chronicle, 1876 ... 

Ponterract (Yorks). Pop. 18,422. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Malting, garden- 
ing, liquorice-growing, and mining. 

Pontefract Advertiser, 1854 

Pontefract, &c., Express, 1880... 

Past and Present. 

PontypooL (Monmouth). Pop. 6,126. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Iron and 
coal working. 

Pontypool Free Press, 1859 

Poore (Dorset). Pop. 19,461. Markets, 
on, Thurs. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building, fishing, iron-founding, 
potteries, and twine factories. 
Poole Guardian (Bournemouth) 
Pooie, &c., Herald, 1846 ; 

PoRTLAND (Dorset). Pop., 15,262. 
Portland Telegram e - 

PorrsmoutH (Hants). Royal dockyard. 
Pop. 188,183. Markets, Tues., 
Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship-building, provisioning and out- 
fitting the Fleet; stay-making. 

Chat, 1884 ... see sse see seo 
*Evening News, 1877 

Football Mail, 1898 ... 

Football News, 1908 .. ... 

Hampshire Telegraph, 1799 
*Portsmouth Times, 1850 ... 
*Southern Daily Mail, 1884... 

Periodicals, dce.— 

Globe and Laurel. 

Holbrook’s County Year-Book. 

Monthly Official Portsmouth and 

Southsea District Directory. 

Naval Annual. 

Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal. 

Prescot (Lancashire). Pop. 7,855. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus : Watch-making, 
files, and tools. 

Prescot Reporter (St. Heiens)... 

Co-operative Society 



Pop. 2,463 




J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125-Strand, London. 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 


Preston (Lancashire). Pop. 112,982. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Fri., Sat. Indus.: 
Cotton, flax, linen, leather, and 
machinery manufactures ; ironworks 
and ship-building; coasting trade. 

Lancashire Daily Post, 1886 

*Preston Guardian, 1844 

Preston Herald, 1855 
Periodicals, de.— 

Catholic News. 

Cross Fleury’s Journal. 

General, &c., Directory of Blackburn. 

General, &o., Directory of Burnley. 

General and Commercial Directory 

of Preston. 
Preston Co-operative Society Record. 
Preston Monthly Circular. 

PRESTWICH (Lancashire). Pop. 12,889. 
Prestwich, &c., everaen Mid- 

Pupser ( Yorks). Pop. 14, 907. Market, 
Sat. Manufactures : Woollens, 

leather, and worsted. 
Pudsey Advertiser, 1888 (Stan- 
Pudsey. & Stanningley News, 
Pudsey Echo, 1889 . 
Tradesmen’s Circular. 
QUEENBOROUGH Ben: Pop. 1,546. 
Queenporeuen Guardian 
(Sheerness)... ... 
RADCLIFFE (Lancashire). “Bon. 25,368. 
Indus. : Cotton spinning, dyeing; 
mining: iron manufacture. 
Radcliffe Times, 1899 
Radcliffe, &c., Co-operative Bociety 
Rapstock (Somerset.). Pop. 8,865. 
Somerset Guardian, &c., 1892... 
Journal of the British Society of 
Mining Student». 

RaMsBoTtomM (Lancashire). Pop. 15,920. 
Ramsbottom Observer, 1890 
— (Kent). Popular sea-bathing 

place. Pop. 27,698. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping and fishing. 
East Kent Times, 1866... ... u. 
*Pullen’s Kent Argus, 1873 `.. 
Thanet Advertiser, 1859 
RawmarsH (Yorkshire). Pop. 14,587. 
Rawmarsh, &c., Advertiser, 1908 
RAWTENSTALL (Lancashire). Pop. 31,052. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Cotton 
and woollen manufacture. 
Rossendale Echo, 1896 ... ... 
Rossendale Free Press, 1883 
Rawtenstali Times (Bacup) 
Reabine (Berks) Pop. 72,214. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, and seed- 
| growing; manufacture of biscuits, 
ales, and tinware. 

Berkshire Chronicle, 1828... ... 444 
*Reading Mercury, 1728 ...... 441 
*Reading Observer, 1860 ... ... 449 

Reading Standard, 1885 

Advertisements received for all the Yorkshire Newspapers. 3 

Periodicals, &e.— 
Berks, &c., Archeological Journal. 
Mid-Thames Valley Directory. 
Needed Truth. 
Reading, &c., Directory. 
Reading College Calendar. 
Reading Co-operative Society Record. 
University College Reading Official 

Reocar (Yorkshire). Pop. 7,695. 
Redcar, &c., News, 1870. 

REDDITCH ( Worcester). Pop. 13,498. Manu- 
factures: Needles, pins, and fish- 

Redditch Indicator, 1859 

REDRUTH (Cornwall). Pop. 10,451. Mar- 
ket, Fri, Indus.: Copper and tin- 

Cornubian, &c., Times, 1868 

RercatTe (with REDHILL) (Surrey). In- 
corporated borough.* Pop. 25,998. 
Market, alt. Wed. Indus.: Agri- 

Surrey Leader, 1890 
*Surrey Mirror, 1879 

Retrorp (Notts). Pop. (parish) 10 603. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Paper-making : 
iron works, and agriculture. 

Retford, &c., News, 1855 (aine: 
borough ss bee 
*Retford, &c., Times, 1869... 
Retford & Worksop Herald, 1881 
Bassetlaw Constitutional Magazine. 

RuyMNneEY (Monmouthshire). Pop. 7,914. 

Monmouth Guardian, 1896... 

RicumonpD (Surrey). Favourite suburban 
riverside resort. Pop. 81,677. 
*Richmond, &c., Times, 1878 
Richmond Herald, 1885 
Richmond News, 1902 ... ... 
Thames Valley Times, 1885 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Asylum News. 

Richmond Times Almanack. 
Richmond District Directory. 

Ricumonpd (Yorks). Pop. 8,837. 
Richmond Division Gazette 
(Northallerton) ... Shar! aan bee 
Cooke’s Almanack. 
RICKMANSWORTH (Herts). Pop. 5,627. 
Rickmansworth News, 1894 

Rinewoopo (Hants). Pop. 6,220. 
Ringwood, &c., gnboniele 
(Bournemouth)... ... 

Rıpıey (Derby). Pop. 10,111. indie. 
Iron and coal working. 
Ripley Advertiser, 1864 __... 
Ripley and Heanor News, 1889.. 
Ripon (Yorks). Cathedral city. Pop. 
8,225. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Ripon Gazette, 1866 / FAPTOPATE) 
Ripon Observer, 1885... ... 

RisHtTon (Lancashire). Pop. 7,081. 


Rishton Observer (Accrington) 444 


rrovincial. ] 


RocupaLE (Lancashire). Pop. 83,112. 
Markets, Mon., Sat. Manufactures : 
Cotton, woollens, silk, machinery ; 
coal-mining and quarrying. 

Rochdale Advertiser, 1902... 
*Rochdale Observer, 1856 
*Rochdale Times, 1858 ...  ... +. 


International Directory of Booksellers. 

RocuHzster (Kent). Pop. 30,622. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Shipping, agri- 
culture and hop-growing. 

Rochester, &c., Journal, 1854 ... 
Rochester, &c., Standard, 1889 

Romrorp (Essex). Pop. 18,656. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, gar- 
dening, and brewing. 

Essex Times, 1868 ... ... «. > 
Romford Express, 1894... ... se 
Romford Recorder... — 

Romsey (Hampshire) Pop. 4,865. 
Romsey Advertiser (Andover)... 

Ross (Hereford). Pop. 3,302. Market, 
Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture, brew- 
ing, tanning, and iron-founding. 

Ross Gazette, 1867... ... se e 

RotHERHAM (Yorks). Pop. 54,848. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: Coal- 
mining, and iron and brass manu- 

*Rotherham Advertiser, 1858 
Rotherham Express, 1896 ... 

RoTHWELL (Yorks). Pop. 11,702. Indus.: 
Coal-mining, rope-making, quarry- 
ing, and agriculture. 

Rothwell Times, 1873 ... 

Royston (Herts and Cambridge). Pop. 
8,517. Market, Wed. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, malting, brewing; manure 
works; agricultural implement 
works; training stables. 

Herts & Cambs Reporter, 1855; 
Royston Weekly News (Cam- 
bridge)... see see see tee tee tee 

Ruesy (Warwick). Pop. 16,830. Markets, 
Mon., Sat. Indus.: Agriculture; 
steam and electrical engineering; 
railway works ; cement works ; stay- 

Midland Times, &c., 1858 . .«.. 

Rugby Advertiser, 1846 

Rugby News, 1898 ... +... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Advertiser Rugby Almanack. 


RueeE ey (Staffordshire). ER 4,447. 
Rugeley Mercury (Lichfield) 

Runcorn (Cheshire). Pop. 16,491. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Coasting trade, iron 
and coal working, and quarrying. 

Runcorn Examiner (Warring- 
ton) see ee see see tee tee eee 
Runcorn Guardian (Warring- 
ton) ee see see eee ese see coe 
Runcorn Observer (Warring- 
Runcorn Weekly News (Widnes) 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

RusHDEN (Northampton). Pop., 12,460. 
Rushden Argus, 1691... ue a 
Rushden Echo, 1897 __... 
Rushden Times, 1891 

Rype, Isle of Wight (Hants). Fashion- 

able seaside and yachting town. 

Pop. 11,042. Markets, Tues., Fri. 
Indus. : Shipping. 

isie of Wight Observer, 1852 ... 

isle of Wight Times, 1862 ... ... 

Rye (Sussex). Pop. 8,900. 
Evening Argus, 1880 ... 
Morning Argus, 1880 ... ... ... 
South Eastern Advertiser, 1853 
Periodical— s 

SADDLEWORTH (Yorkshire). Pop. 12,819. 
sare tc Standard (Old- 

SAFFRON WALDEN (Esses). Pop. 5,896. 
Saffron Walden Weekly News 
(Cambridge) «+. sse ses sre cee 

Sr. ALBans (Hertford). Pop. 16,019. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Straw-plait- 
ing, and silk-weaving. 

Hertfordshire Standard, 1877... 
*Herts Advertiser, 1855... ... +... 
St. Albans Gazette, 1895... ... 
St. Albans Almanac, &c. 
St. Albans Diocesan Magazine (Earls 

Sr ANNES-on-SEA (Lancs). Pop. 6,807. 
St. Annes-on-Sea Express, 1898 

AUSTELL (Cornwall). Pop. 8,340. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. Indus.: Mining, 
‘fishing, sardine factories, china-clay 
works, and agriculture. 

St. Austell Guardian (Bodmin) 

St. Austell Star, 1889 .. .. +... 

St. Austell Deanery Magazine. 


ST. HELENs (Lancashire). Pop. 84,410. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Class and 
chemical manufacture; copper- 
smelting, and coal-mining. 

St. Helens Examiner (Warring- 
ton) ses cee sse seo see see tee 

St. Helens Newspaper, 1858 

St. Helens Reporter, 1865 ... ... 

Ives (Cornwall). Pop. 6,697. 

St. Ives Weekly Summary, 1888 

Western Echo, 1899 .. .. + 

St. Joun’s Woop—see METROPOLITAN 



Sr, Mary-Cxurcy (Devon). Pop. 6,576. 
St. Mary-Church Advertiser, 
1901 aee aea eos ses ceo ooo men 

Sr. Mary Cray (Kent). Pop. 1,894. 
St. Mary Cray, &c., Express, 
1888 (Bexley Heath)... ... sse ee 
St. — Cray, &c., Times (Sid- 
cup see nae ee ate Wes tse eti 

340) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

Sx. Neots (Huntingdon). Pop. 8,880. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 

ture; paper and lace making. 
*St. Neots Advertiser, 1878... ... 
St. Neots Advertiser Almanac. 


§& ALCOMBE (Devon). Pop. 1,710. 
Salcombe Times, 1879 . 
SALE (Cheshire). Suburb of Manchester. 
Pop. 13,088. 
Sale and Stretford auandean 
(Warrington) se s a 

S ALFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 220,956. 
Salford Chronicle, 1868 ... 

SALISBURY ( Wilts). Cathedral city. Pop. 
17,117. Markets, Tues, Sat. Indus.: 

*Salisbury Journal, 1729 
- Salisbury Times, 1868 ... .. 
*Wiltshire County Mirror, 1833.. * 
Periodicals, dc.— 
Brown’s Advertiser. 
Brown’s Sixpenny Diary. 
_ Balisbury, &c., Directory. 

Salisbury Diocesan Gazette. 
Sarum Almanack and Diocesan 

SALTASH (Cornwall). Pop. 3,857. 
Saltash Gazette, 1895 

BALTBURN (Yorks). Pop. 2,578. 
Saltburn Times, 1887 

SANDBACH (Cheshire). Pop.5,556 Market, 
Thurs. Indus. : Iron and salt works; 
silk manufacture; boots and shoes. 

Sandbach Advertiser (Stock. 
port) ses “Sis “Gee Pee. ede. Bats! Sas 

a Chronicle (Congle- 

Sandbach Guardian (Warring. 
ton) .. F 

Sanpown, Isle “of “Wight (Hants) 
Favourite bathing-place. Pop. 5,006. 
Indus. : — 

Isle of Wig t Chronicle, 1866 ... 

SanpwicH (Kent). Pop. 8,174. 
Sandwich Advertiser, 1874 

ScARBOROUGH (Yorks). Fashionable sea- 
bathing and mineral-spring resort. 
Pop. 88,160. Markets, Thurs, Sat. 
Indus.: Fishing, and shipping. 

*Scarborough evening NewS 
1882... ... Se 
*Scarborough Gazette, 1845 
Scarborough Mercury, 1855 
*Scarborough Post, 1876 
Periodical — 
Scarborough Temperance Mirror. 

SeacomBE (Cheshire). Pop. 20,749. 

Wailasey Chronicle, 1888 ... 
Wallasey News, 1899... ... ... 
SEAFORD (Sussex). Pop. 3,355. 
Seaford, &c., Gazette, 1898 
(Lewes) is, ae 
SEAFORTH (Lancashire). — 18,268. 
Twentieth Century Directory for Sea- 
forth (Southport). 



SEAHAM (Durham). Pop. 10,168. Indus. : 
Shipping, and coal-mining; chemi. 
cal works. 

Seaham Weekly News, 1860 _... 

SEDBERGH (Yorks). Pop. 8,935. 


SELBY (Yorks). Pop. 7,786. Market, Mon. 
Indus.: Shipping, boat- building, and 

Selby Express (Goole) ... 
Selby Times, 1860 ... ... .. 0. 

BETTLE (Yorkshire). Pop. 14,818. 
Giggleswick Chronicle. 

Sevenoaks (Kent). Pop. 8,103. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Hop-growing. 
Sevenoaks Chronicle, 1880... 
Sevenoaks Teleeraph (Mae 

stone) . 

SHAFTESBURY (Dorset). Pop. 2,097. 
Shaftesbury Gazette ann 
ham) ... .. 

SHANKLIN, Isle of Wight (Hants). Ber 
side residence. Pop. 4,588. 
Shanklin Gazette, 189... ... 
Weekly Illustrated Isle of Wight 
Guardian, 1882 ... ... 

SHEERNERS (Kent). Royal dockyaid and 
Military depöt. Pop. 18,273. 
Sheerness Guardian, 1858 . 

Sheerness Times, 1868... 0... m 

SHEFFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 880,717. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Manufactures: 
Cutlery, plated goods, edge tools, 


machinery, needles, printing types, 

and hardware of every description. 
*Sheffield Daily mgepencen’ 
1819 .. 

*Sheffield Daily ‘Telegraph, "1855 
Sheffield Sporting News, 1882 . 
Sheffieid Weekly Independent, 

1819 ... * 
Sunday Telegraph, 1896 
Weekly News, 1899... ... 
Weekly Telegraph, 1862 
Yorkshire Early Bird, 1897 ... 
Yorkshire Telegraph ane Star, 

1887 e wee 

Periodicals, de. — 
Beckett’s Pocket Diary. 
British Temperance Advocate. 
Christian Words. 
Foresters’ Miscellany. 
Sheffield and Rotherham Red Book. 
Sheffield City Almanac. 

SHEPTON MALLET (Somerset). Pop. 5,288. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Silk, shoes, 
hosiery, lace, and agriculture. 

Shepton Mallet Journal, 1854 . 

SHERBORNE (Dorset). Pop. 5,768. 

Dorset and pote Siendand, 
1858 .. 

Sherborne Gazette (Gilling 
ham) .. — 

Sherborne Register, 1898... 


Advertisements received for all the Carnarvon Newspapers, 




Provincial. } 

SHIELDS, NORTH AND SouTH (Northumber- 

land & Durham). Pop. S. Shields, 
97,267. Market, Sat. dus.: Coal 
and iron exporting, and ship- 

Free Press, 1891 
*Shields Daily Gazette, 1849 ° 
*Shields Daily News, 1864 
Periodicals, dc.— 
Ainsley’s Nautical Almanack. 
Archeeologia Aeliana. 
Potts’ Mining Register and Directory. 
Turnbull’s Annual Steamship Regis- 
ter for United Kingdom. 
Turnbull’s Dock and Port Charges 
for the United Kingdom. 
Turnbull’s Shipping Register. 

SHIFNAL (Salop). Pop. 6,516. 
Shifnal, &c., Advertiser vee 

SHIPLEY (Yorkshire). AN 25,570. Indus.: 
Plushes, dress goods, woollens ; 

stone, iron, and machine works 
Shipley Express, 1894 (Bradtond) 
Shipley Times, 1876 ... .. 

SHOREHAM (Sussex). Pop. 3,393. 
Shoreham Gazette, 1899 (Hove) 

Lancing College Magazine. 
SHREwsBURY (Shropshire). Pop, 28,396. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Flax, 

thread, canvas, linen, and army 

clothing: agricultural implements. 
*Shrewsbury Chronicle, 1772 
Shrewsbury Border Counties’ 

Advertiser (Oswestry) ei 
Wellington Journal, 1854 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Wilding’ 8 oe for Shrewsbury. 

Sınpcup (Kent). . (eccles. parish) 4,318. 
Sidcup & Die rict Times, 1881 ... 

SipmoutTH (Devon). Favourite watering 
place. Pop. 4,201. Indus.: Agri- 
culture, and lace-making. 

Sidmouth Herald, 1849... ... 
Sidmouth Observer, 1887 ... 

SITTINGBOURNE (Kent). Pop.8,944. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture, oyster- 
fishing; brick, cement, and paper 

East Kent Gazette, 1854 .. ... 

SKEGNESS (Lincoln). Pop. 2,140. 
Skegness Herald, 1882 . 

Pop. er Market, 
Cotton-spinning, and 

SKIPTON (Yorks). 
Sat. Indus.: 

*West Yorkshire Pioneer, 1858 a 

Sxyrrack—see LEEDS. 

SLAITHWAITE (Yorks). Pop. 4,768. 
Slaithwaite Guardian, 1896 

SLEAFORD (Lincoln). Pop. 5,467. 

Market, Mon. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Sleaford Gazette, 1854. Ta 
Sleaford Journal, 1872 . 





_Willing’s Press Guide. 

SroucH (Bucks). Pop. 11,461. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Slough, &c., Observer, 1883 ... 
SMETHWICK ( Worcester). Pop. 54,560. 
Smethwick Telephone, 1884... 
Smethwick Wee ly News ee 
Bromwich) .. 
Sonam (Cambridge). Pop. 4,188. 
Soham Advertiser (March) fai 
Soham Gazette (Cambridge) ... 

Soutu Bank (Yorks). Pop. 9,645. 
South Bank Advertiser, 1876 

SouTHALL (Middlesex). Pop. 18,200. 
Southall, &c., Gazette * 

SOUTHAMPTON (Hants). Port for West 
Indies, Central and South America, 
Brazils, River Plate, South Africa, 
&c. Government emigration dépôt. 
Pop. 104,911. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

. 453 

Shipping, and ship provisioning and 

Advocate for Shirley, 1894.. 
Football Echo, 1898... ... 
"Hampshire Advertiser, 1823 
Hampshire Inde endent, 1835.. 
Southampton Observer, 1867 .. 
Southampton Times, 1860 .. 
Southern Echo, 1888 _... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Hampshire County Cricket Guide. 
John Adam’s Southampton Almanas. 
Monthly Journal. 
Papers and Proceedings of tlıe Hamp- 
sbire Field Club. 
Southampton Amusements. 
Yacht Racing in the Solent Almanac. 

SouTHEND (Essex). Favourite marine 

resort. Pop. 28,857. Indus.: Agri- 
Southend Echo, 1892 .. es e 

Southend Observer, 1870 ... s 

Southend Standard, 1871 ... 

Southend Teiegraph, 1900... 


Quarterly Jottings from the New 

SouTHMOLTON (Devon). Pop. 2,848. 
Southmolton Gazette, 1872 ... 

SoUTHPORT (Lancashire). Fashionable 
watering-place. Pop. 48,087. 
*Southpor Guardian, 1882... 
Southport Journal, 1882 .. . 
*Southport Visitor, 1844 
Twentieth Century 
SouTusEa (Hants). Pop. 88,918. 
Hampshire Post, 1874 ... se s 


SowERBY Brivce (Yorks). Pop. 8,658. 
s.: Woollen manufactures. 
Sowerby Bridge Chronicle, 1888 

SpaLDING (Lincoln). Pop. 9,885. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
*Lincoinshire Free Press, 1847 . 
Spalding oon 1881 
Spalding Post . 

Directory for 



— 451. 


J- Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

STAFFORD (Staffordshire). Pop. 20,894. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Engineering, 
boot and shoe making, and tanning; 
horse-nail manufacture. 

*Staffordshire Advertiser, 1795... 
Staffordshire Chronicle, 1877 ... 

— ae); Pop. 6,688. Market 
west Middlesex Times, 1881 ... 

STALYBRIDGE (Cheshire). Pop. 27,674. 
Stalybridge Herald 
Stalybridge Reporter (Ashton. 

Stalybridge Standard (Oldham) 

STAMFORD (Lincoln.). Pop. 8,229. Mar- 

kets, Mon., Fri. Indus.: Agriculture. 

*Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford 
Mercury, 1695 

Stamford Guardian, 1873 a = 

Stamford Post, 1889 

STANNINGLEY (Yorks). Pop. (eccles. 
dist.) 5,578. 
Laisterdyke — Bowing ee 
1895 bee 

STEYNING (Sussex). Pop. 1,752. 

Steyning Observer (Worthing) 

STOCKPORT (Cheshire). Pop. 78,871. Mar- 
kets, Fri., Sat. Indus. : Cotton, 
hats, machinery, tobacco, and calico 

C shire County News, 1855 ... 
Cheshire Daily Echo, 1888 ... ... 
*Stockport Advertiser, 1822... 
Stockport Chronicle, 1891.. 
Stockport Express, 1889 
Periodicals, déc.— 
Banner of Hope. 
Cheshire Notes and Queries. 
Joyful News. 

StrockTon - on - TEES (Durham). Pop. 
51,476. Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 

Ship-building, shi ping, engineer- 

iron manufac- 

Stockton & Thopnany” Herald, 
1856 9. ... ... eee oes eee 

ing ; sail-cloth, an 


Stone (Staffordshire). Pop. 14,066. 

Stone, &c., Adve iser (New- 
port) aga. zene 
Stone Weekly News, 1901 ... 
BTONYHURST (Lancashire). 
Stonyhurst Magazine. 
Stony STRATFORD (Bucks). Pop. 2,359. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture. 
North Bucks Advertiser, 1854 . 
STOURBRIDGE ( Worcester). Pop. 16,802. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Glass, fire- 

clay roducts ; iron-working. | 
County Express, 1864... ave Ges 

Willing’s. Press Guide. 


STOWMARKET (Sufolk) Pop. 4,162. 
Stowmarket Goueleni 1868 (eae 




STRATFORD-ON-Avon (Warwick.). Pop. 
8,810. Market, Fri. Indus.: 

*Stratford-on-Avon Herald, 1860 


STRETFORD (Lancashire). Pop. 30,436. 
an Advertiser (Stook. 

Stretford Chronicle (Manches- 
ter) ... ... ... ose eee eee ... 
Stretford Telegraph (Urmston) 
Pop. 9,188. Mar- 
oollen and silk 

Stroup (Gloucester). 
ket, Fri. Indus.: 
weaving } dyein 

Stroud journal, 1854 bet Stee wes 

Stroud News, 1867 tia BUG Delete Hay 

Cainscross, &c., Co-operative Society 


STURMINSTER (Dorset). . 8,804. 
Sturminster Gaze te — 
ham) ... os aoe 

SUDBURY (Suffolk). — 7,109. Markets, 
hurs., Sat. Manufactures: Silk, 
velvet, malt, and bricks. 
Sudbury, &c., Advertiser (Bury 
St. Edmunds) a — — 
Suffolk and Essex Free Press, 
1855... see 

SUNDERLAND ——— ame 146,565. 
Market, Sat. Indus. : Ship-building, 
coal-exporting; sail-cloth, earthen- 
ware, glass, and iron manufactures. 

*Sunderland Daily Echo, 18738 ... 
Sunderiand Daily emepine 
News, 1865... ... de 
*Sunderland Herald, 1831... 
Weekly Echo & Times, 1887 . 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Dodd’s Almanac. 
Library Circular. 
Reed’s Tide Tables. 
Reid’s Sunderland Diary. 
Sunderland Co-operative 

Sunderland Year-Book. 
Y.M.C.A. Times. : 

Pop. 15,019. 


SURBITON (Surrey). 
Surbiton Times, 1895 ... a. sa 

SUTTON (Surrey). Pop. 17,224. 
Surrey County Herald, 1898 .. 
Sutton, &c., Advertiser, se 
(Croy don) ec. Aas kee ek 
Sutton Herald... a. ‘ii 
Sutton Observer (Epsom)... 
SUTTON CoLDFIELD(Warwick). Pop 14,264. 
Sutton en Mercury 
(Lichfield) ... ... ae lh ee 

Advertisements received for all the Swansea, Newspapers 






Provincial. ] 

SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD (Notts). Pop. 14,862. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal-mining, 
agriculture : ; cotton and hosiery 

No nen melive — Brees 
1885 * 

SwanaGE (Dorset). Pop. 8,408. 
Swanage Guardian (Bourne: 
mouth) zes 

SwANLEY (Kent). Pop. 1,718. 
Swanley, &c., Times (Sidcup)... 

BWANSCOMBE (Kent). Pop. 6,975. 
Swanscombe Chronicle — 
fordi sss- wane “evs > 

Swinpon (Wilts). Pop. 44,996. Market, 
Mon. Indus.: Great Western Rail- 
way works, quarrying, and agricul- 
ture; military and railway uniforms, 
and boot and shoe manufacture. 

Evening Herald, 1882 ... 
Evening Swindon Advertiser, 
1898 ... . 
*North Wilts Herald, 1861... 
Swindon Advertiser, 1854 .. ose 
North Wilts and District Directory. 

SWINTON (Yorkshire). Pop. 12,217. 
Swinton, &c., Telegraph, 1894 
(Pendlebury) ... see smee oeo 

TADCASTER (Yorkshire). Pop. 29,507. 
Tadcaster News (Wetherby) .. 

Pop. 7,271. Mar- 
Paper and small- 
wares, clothing and coal- -mining. 
Tamworth Advertiser (Rugby) 
Tamworth Herald, 1868 ... 
Tamworth Mercury (Lichfieid) 

TAUNTON (Somerset). Pop. 21,078. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Silk- 
weaving; glove, shirt, and collar 
making: agriculture. 

Somerset County Express, 1887 
*Somerset County Gazette, 1836 
Somerset County arald, 1848 

Taunton Courier, 1808.. 
Taunton Echo, 1887 m a 
Taunton Maii, 1893... ... — 
Western Advertiser, 1884 . 
Western News, 1855 _... 
Somerset County Cricket Guide. 

Tavistock (Devon). Pop. 4,728. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture; 
copper, tin, and lead- -mining. 

Tavistock Gazette, 1857 

TEDDINGTON (Middlesex). Pop. 14,087. 
Teddington, &c., Guardian, 1901 
Amateur Trader. 

TamwoRrTH (Stafford). 
ket, Sat. Indus.: 

TEIGnMoUTH (Devon). Salubrious water- 
ing place. Pop. 8,686. Market, Sat. 
Indus. Agriculture, coasting, and 




Willing’s Press Guide. 

Teignmouth Gazette, 1849 
Teignmouth Post, 1882... . 
Teignmouth Times, 1855 .. .. 
Teignmouth Western Guardian 

(Totnes) ... os. van. de 

Tenpuny (Worcester). — — 
2,083. Market, Tues. Indus: Fruit 
and hop growing, malting, agricul- 
ture, and cattle sales. 

Tenbury Wells Advertiser, 1869 

TETBURY en. — 1,989. Mar- 
ket, Wed. : Agriculture. 
Tetbury Advertiser. 1879 ... as 

TEWKESBURY (Gloucester). Pop. 5,419. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Hosiery, 
malting, and brewin 

un Mail, 1901 er 

Pewkeabuny, Re; sister, 1858... 

Tewkesbury | eekly ‘pecore, 

THame (Ozford). Pop. 2 oul. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Thame Gazette, 1856 co. en ane 

THETFORD (Norfolk). Pop. 4,618. 
Thetford & ween Times (Nor- 

NIGH) aas aor Lade aae aia Sant. ah 

THIRSK ( an — 12,710. 
T &C., Sue any 1900 
aea] — “šo 
Thirsk News, 1897 — 
THORNBURY (Gloucester). Pop. 16,576. 
South Gloucester arongia; 

Thornbury Gazette (Dursley) 

Thornton Heath Echo, 1898 _... 
Hearts of Oak Gazette. 

Turapston (Northamptonshire). Pop. 
Thrapston — (Welling: 

borough) ... ... ie "ee 

Tipton (Staffordshare). Pop 80,548. 
Tipton Herald (Dudley) _.. 
Tipton Leader —— =" 

Tıssury (Wiltshire). Pop. 7,7 
Tisbury Gazette Gillingham) 

TIVERTON (Devon). Pop. 10,882. Markets, 

‚Tues., Sat. Indus.: Lace and net- 
"making agriculture. 
Devon, & 

c., Weekly News, Ha 

*Tiverton Gazette, 1858 b 

Western Observer, 1874 .. 

Our Journal. 

ToDMORDEN (Lancashire £ Yorks). Pop. 
25,419. Markets, Wed., Sat Manu- 
factures : Woollens, cottons, and 

Todmorden Advertiser, 1858 

Todmorden Herald, 1900... aee 

Todmorden & District News 
1828: sis — 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand) London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


TONBRIDGE (Kent). Pop. 12,736. Indus.: 
Hops; agriculture. 
Tonbridge, &c., 

1869: - aus Sans aa vos veo Ges oes 
Tonbridge, &c., Standard, 1889 
Tonbridge Telegraph, 1863 

(Lewes) eee aa Selen See eee 


Torquay (Devon). 
town and winter residence. 
38,625. Market, Sat. 

*Torquay Directory, 1839 
Torquay Times, 1865 
Devon Congregational Magazine. 

Totnes (Devon). Pop 4,084. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, fishing, 
cider, and serge manufacture. 

Totnes Times, 1860... ... 
Western Guardian, 1882 

Trina (Herts). Pop. 4,868. 
Novitates Zoologicae. 

TROWBRIDGE (Wilts). Pop. 11,526 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. Manu- 
facture: Woollen cloths. 

Wiltshire Chronicle, 1895 
*Wiltshire Times, 1876 ...  ... a. 

Truro (Cornwall). Pop.11,562. Markets 
Wed., Sat. Indus.: Tin mining and 
smelting; agriculture and shipping. 

*Royal Cornwall Gazette, 1801 ... 
*West Briton, 1810... see see oe 
Periodicals, dc.— 
Journal of the Royal Institution of 
Cornwall. . 
Netherton’s Cornish Almanack. 

TUNBRIDGE WELLS (Kent and Sussex). 
Famous mineral springs. Pop. 
88,888. Market, Fri. Indns.: Agri- 
culture, and manufacture of wooden 
fancy wares. 

Evening Argus ... se se se 
*Kent & Sussex Courier, 1872 

Monnina en nie < uae wee? “ade 
Southern Weekly News (Brigh- 
tom) cn onen cae tee tee wwe Viy 
Sussex Daily News (Brighton) 
*Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, 
TSSL- a. 28 Ser 3 Sa ae, ae 
Tunbridge Wells Gazette, 1828 
Tunbridge Wells Journal, 1862 
(Lewes) en aa Ban, E 66 
Tunbridge Wells Standard, 1866 
(Maidstone)... a ea? Sher. a8 

TWICKENHAM (Middlesex). Pop. 20,991. 

Free Press, 


Fashionable seaside 

Twickenham Herald (Rich- 
TyLDEsLEY (Lancashire). Pop. (with 

Shakerley) 14,843. Indus: Cotton- 
spinning, silk-weaving, 'and coal- 
Tyldesley, &c., Chronicle (Leigh) 
Tyldesley Weekly Journal... ... 



UcKFIELD (Sussex). Pop. 2,895. 
Uckfield Weekly, 1908 ...  ... usa 

Unverston (Lancashire). Seaside resort. 
Pop. 10,064. Indus.: Iron-mining, 
iron-wire, paper-making, manufac- 
ture of tar-products, and agriculture 

Soulsby’s Ulverston Advertiser, 
1848 .. — ae ae ee 
Uiverston Herald (Barrow) _... 
Ulverston News (Barrow-in- 
Furness) .. se * 
Periodicals, che. - 
Furness Year Book. 

UppinenaM (Rutland). Pop. 6,809. 

Uppingham Almanac. 

esd one eee 

Upton Park (Essex). 
Upton, Ilford, 

UPTON - UPON - SEVERN (Worcestershire). 
Pop. 14,273. 
Upton-on-Severn News, 1902 ... 

UPWELL (Cambridge). Pop. 2,094. 
Upwell, &c., Advertiser (March) 

Urmston (Lancashire). Pop. 6,591. 
Western Telegraph, 1895 

Usk (Monmouth). Pop. 1,476. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Agriculture, and sal- 

County Observer, 1855... 

UTTOXETER (Stafford). Pop. 5,183. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, 
grazing, and stock farming. 

Uttoxeter Advertiser, 1882... 
Uttoxeter New Era, 1855 

&c., Advertiser 

_UxprinGE (Middlesex). Pop. 8,585. Mar- 

kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 

Middlesex, &c., Advertiser, 1853 

Uxbridge Gazette, 1880... ... ... 

Uxbridge Review, 1899 ... 

Ventnor, Isle of Wight (Hants). 
Favourite watering-place and winter 
residence. Pop. 5,866. 

isle of Wight Advertiser, 1857 ... 
isle of Wight Mercury, 1855 

WADEBRIDGE (Cornwall). Pop. 2,186. 
adebridge Guardian (Bodmin) 
debridge Post (Launceston) 

WAKEFIELD (Yorks). Pop. 41,544. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Fri. Indus.: Worsted 

and woollen manufactures, mining, ` 

and malting. 
Wakefield Advertiser, 1897... 
Wakefield, &c., Herald, 1801 
Wakefield Echo, 1876 
*Wakefield Express, 1852 
Periodicals, de.— 
Original Clock Almanac. 
Wakefield Directory. 

WALLINGForD (Berks). Pop.2,808. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Berks & Oxon Advertiser, 1855... 


ee a cee e a een er na ee ee ee un 
Advertisements received for all the Edinburgh Newspapers and Periodicals. [3845 

Provincial. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

WALLINGTON (Surrey). Pop. 5,1 
Wallington Herald Sutton) wis 

WALLsEnD (Northumberland). Pop. 

Walisend Herald, 1901... ue .. 

WaLsaL (Stafford). Pop. 86,440. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Manufactures : Hardware, 
saddlery , locks, and keys. 

Walsall Advertiser, 1857 uno 2 

Walsall Observer, 1868 . 

Saddlery and Harness. 

Walsall Annual Red Book 

WALTHAM ABBEyY (Essex). Pop. 6,547. 
Market, Tues. Manufactures : Pow- 
der, and explosives. 

Weekly Telegraph, 1863 

WALTHANSTow (Essex). Pop. 95,125. 
Walthamstow, — Guardian, 

1870 .. 
Walthamstow, "&c District 
Times... ... 
Waithamstow Reporter, 1898 . 
Watton (Essex). Pop. 2,014. 

Walton Gazette (Colenester)... 
Walton News _.... — 

Watton (Lancashire). Pop. 11,271. 
Walton Times (Bootle) ; 



WANSTEAD (Essex). Pop. 9,179. 
Wanstead Exprese 
stone) ... 
Wanstead Mail, "1900 (Woodford) 
Wanstead Times (Leyton) 

WantaGe (Berks). Pop. 8,766. 
Wantage Free Press (Reading) 

WARMINSTER (Wilts). Pop. 5,547. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, malt- 
ing, and silk-working. 

Warminster, &c., Journal, 1881 

WaRRINGTON (Lancashire). Pop. 64,241. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Manufactures: 
Tools, wire, nails, glass, iron, pins, 


leather, cotton, and oE 
Warrington, &c., xamine®, 
1869 .. 

Warrington "Daily Guardian, 

*Warrington ‘Guardian, 1853 

Warrington Observer, 1885 

Warrington Times, 1901 ... 
Periodicals, é:c.— 

Warwick (Warwick). Pop. 11,889. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture, and 

*Warwick, &c., ae 1806 
Warwick, &c., Times, 1861. 

WATERFOOT (Lancashire). 
Waterfoot Times (Bacup) .. 




WATERLOO (Lancashire). Pop. 28,101. 
Waterioo Herald, 1895 (South- 

Waterloo Times (Bootle) .. 
Wartrorp (Herts). Pop. 29,028. Market, 

Tues. Indus.: Malting, brewing, 
and paper-making. 
Herts Leader, 1894... ... ... oe 

Record, 1897 ___... 

Watford & West Herts Post, 
1897 .. 

West Herts and Watford Ob: 
server), 1875 ... as. s 

Periodicals, d:c.— 
Peacock’s Directory for Watford. 


WEALDSTONE (Middlesex). Pop. 5,852. 
Wealdstone Gazette ( arrow) 

Wealdstone, Koi Observer 
(Harrow) — — saa 
WEDNESBURY (Stafford). Pop. 26,554. 
Markets, Fri., Sat. dus.: Iron, 

steel, railway wheels, coach axles, 
gas-fittings and coal- -mining. 
Midland Ädvertiser, 1859 .. ove 
Wednesbury Borough ne. 
(Dudley)... — 
Wednesbury Herald, 1875 ... 
Wednesbury Leader, 1897 . 
Ryder’s Annual. 

WELLINGBOROUGH (Northampton). Pop. 
18,412. Market, Wed. Manufactures: 
Boots and shoes. 

Wellingborough News, 1861 
Wellingborough Post, 1886.. 

— 6,278. 
Coal and 

WELLINGTON (Shropshire). 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
iron working, agriculture. 

*Wellington Journal, 1854 

WELLINGTON (Somerset). Pop. 7,282. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, woollen manufacture, and 
brick- making. 

Wellington Express (Taunton) 
Wellington Weekly News, 1860... 

WELLS (Somerset). Cathedral city. Pop. 
4,849. Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture ; brush and paper — 

*Wells Journal, pis Š 

WEMBLEY (Middlesex). . 4,519. 
Wembley Cake | arrow) 
Wembley Observer (Harrow) .. 

West Bromwich (Stafford). Pop. 65,172. 
dus. : Coal and iron mining; 
hardware manufacture. 
Free Press, 1875 
West Bromwich, &c., Chronicle, 
1896 ... 
West Bromwich Weekiy News, 
1871 ; ; 

West Ham—see one and — 

Westcliff, &c., 

Express, 1902 
(Southend) ... san 

eee ..s ode 

. 48 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London.. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

WESTERHAM (Kent). Pop. (parish) 2,905. 

Westerham Herald, 1832 ... ... 


WESTON-SUPER-MarE (Somerset). Fa- 
vourite seaside resort. Pop. 19,047. 
Indus.: Agriculture, and terra-cotta. 

*Weston Mercury, 1848 ... ... .. 
*Weston-super-Mare Gazette, 
I845 niais isi siis sae ans 
Periodicals, éce.— 
Annual Monitor. 

WETHERBY (Yorks). Pop. (parish) 15,848. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Agricul- 

Northern Reporter, &c., 1868 ... 
Wetherby News, 1857 ... .... .. 

WEYMouTH (Dorset). Pop. (with Mal- 
combe Regis) 19,881. Indus.: Ship- 
ping and shipbuilding 
Southern Times, 1851 ... 
Weekly Journal,1901_ ... ... 
Weymouth Telegram, 1885 
Wuitsy (Yorks). Sea-bathing resort. 
Pop. 11,748. Market. Sat. Indus.: 
Iron, ship-building, and manufac- 
ture of jet ornament. 
*Whitby Gazette, 1854 ... 
*Whitby Times, 1862 

WEHITCHURCH (Shropshire). Pop. 5,219. 
Market, Fri. dus.: Agriculture. 
Whitchurch Herald, 1869 ... . 

WHITEHAVEN (Cumberland). Pop. 19,325. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. In- 
dus.: Exporting coal and iron; 
mining ; iron and steel manufacture. 

*Cumberland Pacquet, 1774 .. 
Whitehaven Advertiser, 1882 ... 
Whitehaven Free Press, 1881 ... 
*Whitehaven News, 1852 

Whitehaven News County Annual. 

WHITSTABLE (Kent). Pop. 7,086. Indus. : 
Oyster-dredging, shipping, and agri- 

Whitstable Times, 1864 (Favers- 
ham) .. .. ase 

WHITTLESEA (Cambridge). Pop. 3,909. 

Whittlesea Reporter (March) | 

Wipes (Lancashire). Pop. 28,580. In- 
dus.: Chemical manufacture. 

Widnes Examiner (Warrington) 

Widnes Guardian (Warrington) 
Widnes Observer (Warrington) 
Widnes Weekly News, 1876... ... 
Wiaan (Lancashire). Pop. 60,770. Mar- 
kets, Mon., Fri, Sat. Indus.: 
Cotton - spinning, linen - weaving, 
dyeing, coal-mining, founding, print- 
ing, and agriculture. 
Wigan Catholic Herald, 1894 
—— BT aia eh 
*Wigan Examiner, 1858 ... * 
Wigan Observer, 1858 ... .. ... 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Mining Engineering. 
Round the Churches. 
Science and Art of Mining. 
Twentieth Century Directory forWigan 

Advertisements received for all the Carnarvon Newspapers! 


WieTon (Cumberland). Pop. 8,691. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Cotton-weaving 
Wigton Advertiser, 1857 

WILLENHALL (Staffordshire). Pop. 18,518. 
Cartwright’s Monthly Review. 


WILLITON (Somerset). Pop. 12,582. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture. 
“West Somerset Free Press, 1860 

Witton (Wiltshire). = oe 2,208. 
Wilton Times (Salisbury)... ... 

WIMBLEDON (Surrey). Pop. 41,604. 
Surrey Independent, 1878 ... 
Wimbledon Gazette, 1892 ... 
Wimbledon Herald (Sutton) 
Wimbledon News, 1898... .. ... 

_ Periodicals, éc.— 
King’s College School Magazine. 
Messenger of the Sacred Heart. 
Stella Maris. 
Union Observer. 

WimBornE (Dorset). Pop. 8,696. In- 
dus.: Agriculture. 
Wimborne Guardian (Bourne- 

mouth)... ses see nasi ses She. ooo 
Wimborne, &c., Herald (Bourne- 
Mouth) se. sews a nae ties, ear: Se 

WINCHESTER (Hants). Cathedral city. 
Pop. 20,919. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Agriculture. 

*Hampshire Chronicle, 1772 .. 

*Hampshire Observer, 1877... 

Periodicals, d:c.— 

Bugle Call. 

First Vol. Batt. Hants Regt. Gazette. 

Journal of the Society of Estate Clerks 
of Work. 

Winchester Diocesan Calendar. 

Winchester Diocesan Chronicle. 

Winchester Directory. 


WINDERMERE (Westmorland). Pop. 2,879. 
Lakes Chronicle, 1876. oie a 5 

Wınpsor (Berks). Royal residence. Pop. 
14,274. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Windsor Chronicle, 1874 ... ... 
*Windsor & Eton Express, 1812 
Periodicals, éc.— 

Beaumont Review. 
Eton College Chronicle 
Old Windsor Magazine. 
St. Stephen’s High School Magazine. 
Sunuingdale Banner. ` 
Windsor District Directory. 

WINSFORD (Cheshire). Pop. 10,882. 
Winsford, &c., Guardian (War- 
rington) oin ara evar drekt «ane 
WISBECH (Cambridge). Pop. 9,831. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus. : Corn, coal, timber, 
and agricultural implement trades ; 
shipping, and ship-building. 
*Isle of Ely Advertiser, 1845... ... 
Wisbech Chronicle, 1857 (March), 

[England. ° 





Provincial. ] 

Wisbech Constitutional 
zette, 1868 _... it 
Wisbech Standard, 1888 
Wisbech Telegraph, 1855 

WITHERNSEA (Yorkshire). Pop. 933. 
Withernsea Telegrap Bar he 

Witney (Ozford). Pop. 8,574. Market, 
Thurs. Manufactures: Blankets, 
heavy woollens, and gloves. 

Witney Gazette, 1861 ... ... ... 

WIVELISCOMBE (Somerset). Pop. 1,417. 
Wiveliscombe Expres (Taun- 
ton) se se — 
Periodicals, de. — 
Davy’s Devon Herd Book. 
Flock Book of the Devon Long-Woolled 

WoBurn (Bedford). Pop. 1,129. 
Woburn Reporter (Bedford) . 

Woxıng (Surrey). Pop. 16,222. 
Woking Herald (Chertsey) j 
Woking News & Mail, 1894... ... 
Woking Observer, 1897 ... — 

Wokineuam (Berks). Pop. 8,254. 
Wokingham, &c., Free Press 


(Reading) ... 
Wokingham, &c., Gazette, 1908 
WOLVERHAMPTON (Stafford). Pop. 94,179. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. s.: Iron- 
mining, smelting, and founding; 

coal-mining, manufacture of hard- 
ware, locks, edge-tools, implements, 
tin and japanned ware, papier-mache, 
fencing, &c.; 
Express and Star, 1874... ... 
Midland Counties Express, 1861 
*Midland Evening News, 1884 _... 
Midland Wednesday News, 1884 
Midland Weekly News, 1884 _... 
*Wolverhampton Chronicle, 1789 

Periodicals, &c.— 
Assurance Agents’ Review. 
Postal Clerks Herald. 
Wolverhampton Journal. 
Wolverhampton Monthly Temperance 
WOLVERTON (Bucks). Pop. 4,187. 
Wolverton Express, 1901 

WOoMBWELL (Yorkshire). Pop. 13,252. 

Wombwell Guardian, 1902 

Woopsripce (Suffolk). Pop. 4,640. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Shipping, 

and agriculture. 
Woodbridge Reporter, 1859 

WooprorD (Essex). Pap. 18,806. 

Woodford Express Fan: 
stone) ... 

Woodford Mail, "1897 | — 
Woodford Times, 1867 ... : 


boot and shoe making. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Periodicals, che. — 
Railway Club Journal. 

Woopwnay Spa (Lincolnshire). Pop. 988. 
Woodhall ehr meer 1899 Piin- 

coln) se a eee — 
Woo.wicu (Kent). Royal Arsenal, Pop. 
Kentish Independent, 1848... ... 
ween Gazette, 1862 2 (Dept- 
ord) woe eee 
Woolwich Herald, 1891 . 
(See also METROPOLITAN News- 
Periodicals, d&c.— 
Amateur Printing. 
Monthly Official Directory of the Wool- 
wich District. 
Pryce’s Illustrated Almanac. 
R.M.A. Magazine. 
Woolwich Co-operative Society Record. 

WORCESTER (Worcester). Cathedral city. 
Pop. 46,623. Markets, Wed., Sat. 
Indus. : Porcelain, gloves, and ma- 
chinery manufacture; dyeing, and 

*Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 
1690 give — 
Worcester Dally ‘Times, 1880 ... 
*Worcester Herald, 1794... ... +. 

Worcestershire Advertiser, 1861 

Worcestershire Chronicle, 1838 

Worcestershire Echo, 1877... ... 

Worcestershire Standard, 1897 

Periodicals, d:c.— 

Littlebury’s Directory. 

Littlebury’s West Midland Time 
Tables, &c. 

Pentecostal Power. 

Worcester A BC Railway Guide. 

Worcester County Council Handbook. 

World’s Exchange. 

WORKINGTON (Cumberland). Pop. 26,141. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Mining, 
iron and steel working, shipping, 
ship-building, and salmon-fishin 

Workington Suapelan (White. 
haven) .. — 
Workington "Mail, 1908 .. 
Workington News, 1882 
Workington Star, 1888 . 

Workington Beehive (Manchester). 

Worksop (Notts). Pop. 16,112. Market, 
Wed. Indus.: Agriculture, coal- 
mining, malting, chairmaking, wood- 
turning, &c. 

*Worksop & Retford Guardian... 

WorTHING (Sussex). Favourite watering ` 
place. Pop. 20,015. Indus.: Fruit 

Evening Argus .. 

Morning Argus... aus 

Sussex Coast Mercury, 1861 
Worthing Gazette, 1883 
Worthing Observer, 1856 ... 

Worthing Directory. 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 (Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Wales. 
WycomBE (Bucks). Pop. 25,319. Mar- York (Yorks). Cathedral City. Pop 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Chairs, paper, 77,914. Markets, Thurs, Sat. 
and agriculture. Indus.: Leather gloves, shoe, and 

Bucks South Free Press, 1856 . 

South Bucks Standard, 1890 

Wycombe Abbey Gazette. 

YaRMouts (Norfolk). Popular bathing- 
place. Pop. 51,250. Markets, Wed., 
Sat. ‘Indus.: Herring fishing and 
curing, ship-building, and shipping. 
Yarmouth Free Press (Norwich) 
Yarmouth Independent, 1855 ... 
Yarmouth Mercury, 1880 
Yarmouth Times, (Norwich) 
Yarmouth Weekly — Nor: 
Wich) ... .. + 
YEOVIL (Somerset). Pop. 9 861. Market, 
Fri. Indus : Glove-making. 
Pulman’s Weekly News, 1857 ... 


Western Chronicle, 1764... ... 
*Western Gazette, 1736 .. Ses ee 
Yeovil Leader, 1898... sun 

glass manufactures, iron-founding, 
confectionery, and agricultural ma- 
nures; railway works. 

Evening Press, 1884... ... 
Yorkshire Chronicle, 1855 ... 
"Yorkshire Gazette, 1819 
*Yorkshire Herald, 1790... ... .. 
Yorkshire Observer, 1898 ... ... 

Periodicals, éc.— 

Ampleforth Journal. 


York Churchman’s Almanack and 
City Register. 

York Diocesan Calendar. 

York Diocesan Magazine. 

York Journal of Convocation. 

Yorkshire Almanac. 

Yorkshire Christmas Annual. 


ABERCARN (Monmouth). Pop. 12,607. 
Abercarn NE. rgus (New: 
port) ... ... ie 

ABERDARE (Glamorgan), Pop. “43,865. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Coal . 

and iron minin; : 
Aberdare Leader, 1902 
Celt Newydd, 1908... .. 
Tarian y Gweithiwr, 1875 . 

ABERGELE (Denbigh). Pop. 2,083. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Quarrying; iron and 
lead mining. 

Abergele & Pensarn Visitor, 1856 
Abergele, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn 
Bay) si ses. . west, mas ars 
Abergele News (Rhyl) ... 
ABERTILLERY (Monmouth). Pop. 21,995. 
Abertiliery Woekly Apens (New- 

port) .. 

ABERYSTWITH (Cardi gan) Popular 
watering place. Pop. 8,018. Mar- 
ket, Mon. 

*Aberystwith Observer, 1858 
Cambrian News, 1860 ... se sa 

Cardigan Bay Visitor, 1887 ane 
Cardigan County Times, 1880 .. 
Welsh Gazette, 1899 f — 

Bara (Merioneth). Pop. 1,544. 
Seren, 1885... ... a 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Calendar of the Calvinistic Methodist 
Theological College. 
Pulpud Cymru. 
Tyst Dirwestol. 
Wythnos, A’r Eryr. 

BANGOR (Carnarvon). Pop. 11,269. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Slate-quarrying, 
agriculture and Shipping. 

Clorianydd, 1890. 
Gwalia, 1880 ... as 
*North Wales Chronicle, 1807 ... 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Bangor Diocesan Calendar. 

Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd. 

Barmovurta (Merioneth). Pleasant water- 
ing place. Pop. 2,213. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus. : Agriculture. 

Barmouth Advertiser, 1877 

Barry Dock (Glamorgan). Pop. 27,028. 

Barry Dock News, 1889 
Barry Herald, 1896 . 
BEettws-y- Coes Camano. “Plo 1,070. 
Bettws-y-Coed, =o Pioneer 
(Colwyn Bay) — se 

BLAENAU FESTINIOG (Mertoneth). “Bon 

Glorian, 1899 cu. s.s sos ses 0 

BLAENAVON (Monmouth). Pop. 10,869. 

Blaenavon —— Argus (New- 
port) : 

Buiatna (Monmouth). Pop. 18,000. 
Blaina Weekly Argus (Newport) 

Brecon (Brecknock). Pop. 5,875. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture, and 

Brecon & Radnor Express, 1889 

Brecon County Times, 1866 

Radnor Express, 1889 ..._ ... 
Periodicals, éc.— 

University of Wales Calendar. 

BRIDGEND (Glamorgan). Pop. 6,068. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Coal and iron 
working; agriculture. 

Chronicle for South ane me 
Glamorgan, 1880 waa 
Glamorgan Gazette, 1894 . 

Advertisements recewed for all the Welsh Newspapers. 



Provincial. ] 

BRYNMAwR (Brecknock). 

Carpırr (Glamorgan). 

CARDIGAN (Cardigan). 


Pop. 6,881. 
Brynmawr, &c., Weekly ATEUS 
(Newport) ... .. 

A seaport town 
with very extensive docks. Pop. 
164,420. Markets, Wed., Sat. In- 
dus.: Shipping trade, ship-building 
exportation of coal, iron, and mine. 
rals ; copper- -working ; ; engineering. 

Cardiff, &c., Shipping and Mer 
cantile Gazette, 1859... ... sä 

Cardiff Times, 1857.. ie 

Evening Express, 1887 . — 

*South Wales Daily News, 1872... 

South Wales Echo, 1884 _... 

Weekly Mail, 1870 ... 

*Western Mail, 1869... 

Periodicals, éc.— 


Cambrian Natural Observer. 

Cambrian Notes and Queries. 

Cardiff Directory. 

Cardiff Figaro. 

Cardiff Naturalists’ Society Report. 

Cardiff Tide Tables and Almanac. 


Chapple’s & Kemp’s Local Pocket 


Heavens at a Glance. 

Llandaff Diocesan Church Calendar. 

Llandaff Diocesan Magazine. 

Maritime Review. 

Public Library Journal. 

Shop Assistant. 

South Wales Coal Annual. 

South Wales Investment Circular. 

Welsh Catholic Directory. 

Welsh Catholic Herald. 

Young Wales. 


Pop. 8,511. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Shipping trade, 
fisheries, agriculture, brick-making, 
and potteries. 

Cardigan Advertiser, 1866 ... 

CARMARTHEN (Carmarthen). Pop. 10,025. 

Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping trade, tin works, cloth-weaving, 
and agriculture. 
*Carmarthen weekly Se ROLLER, 
1860 _... 
*Journal, 1810 
Seren Cymru, 1857 .. 
Welshman, 1829... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Cyfaill Eglwysig. 
St. David’s Diocesan Calendar. 

(Carnarvon). Pop. 9,760. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Shipping, 
timber, and coal trades, fisheries, 
and slate works. 

Carnarvon Herald, 1831 

Eco Cymraeg, 1899... ... .. a 
Genedl Gymreig, 1877 0 ee oes 
Herald Cymraeg, 1854 e .. ose 

Merioneth News and Heraid . 
North Wales SIAINER en 

Werin, 1885... ... sa 

eee eee eee eee eee 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Periodicals, dce.— 

Church Messenger. 
Monthly Treasury. 
Papur Pawb. 
Trysorfay Plant. 

CoLwyn Bay (Denbigh.). Pop. 8,688. ' 
Colwyn Bay Pioneer, 1898 . 
Colwyn Bay Weekly News, 1883 
Vale of Ciwyd, &c., Pioneer _... 

"Welsh Coast Pioneer, 1898... ... 
Periodicals, dé:c.— 
Colwyn Bay Directory. 

Conway (Carnarvon). Pop. 4,681. 
Conway, &c., Pioneer oer 

Bay) — 
Conwey Weekly ‘News... — 
Corris (Merioneth). 
CowBRIDGE (Glamorgan). 
DENBIGH (Denbigh). Pop. 6,4389. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 
ture, and tanning. 
Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 1843 
Denbighshire Free Press, 1881... 
North Wales Times, 1895 ... ... 

DorgeLLy (Merioneth). Pop. 2,487. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Tan- 
ning, flannel, and linen manufac- 

Dydd, 1868 ... ce sce cue ave 

Goleuad, 1869 ... ee ee tee wee 
Periodicals, d¢e.— 


Disgedyda y Plant. 



EBBw VALE (Monmouth). Pop. 20,998. 
Ebbw Vale weekly Argus (New- 

Pop. 1,202. 

port) ... .. io .. 
FisHeuarD (Pembroke). SP 1,898. 
County Echo, 1892... ... .. 

HAVERFORDWEST (Pembroke). Pop. 6,007. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coasting, an 

Haverfordwest Telegraph, 1854 
Pembrokeshire Herald, 1844... 

HOLYHEAD (Carnarvon). Pop. 10,072. 
Holyhead Mail, 1881 ( arnarvon) 

HoLYwELL (Flint). Pop. 2,652. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Coal, iron, and lead 
mining, quarrying, smelting ; ; flannel 
and paper making. 

County Herald, 1888 ... e s 

Flintshire Observer, 1855 ... see 
Periodicals, éc.— 



. 452 


350] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand,» London. 


JOHNSTONE (Pembroke). Pop. 241. 
Johnstone Advertiser, nn 
Johnstone Observer, 1869 ... ... 

Lampeter (Cardigan). Pop. 1,722. 

Haul Ye. 

Llan a’r Dywysogaeth. 


St. David’s College Lampeter Calendar. 

LLANDRINDOD (Radnor). Pop. 1,827. 
Markets, Tues., and Sat. 
*Central Wales News, 1898... «.. 

LuanDupno (Carnarvon). Favourite sea- 
side resort. Pop. 9,807. 

*Llandudno Advertiser, 1885 .. 

ee &c., Pioneer (Col- 

Llandudno Register, 1854 (Car- 

Original Llandudno Directory, 

1854 .. sa 
LLANDYSSUL Cardigan). Pop. 8,034. 
LLANELLY (Carmarthen). Pop. 25,617. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Ex- 

port of coal, iron, copper, tin, &e. 
Llanelly Guardian, 1863 ... 
Llanelly Mercury, 1891.. 

South Wales Press, 1858 
Periodicals, d-c.— 


Seren yr Ysgol Sul. 

Tywysydd y Plant. 

LLANFAIRFECHAN ee Pop. 2,768. 
Lianfairfecha ee a Pionger 

(Colwyn Bay). wae! aie» eas “Ses 

LLANGOLLEN (Denbigh). Pop. 3,304. 
Market, Sat. Manufactures: Wool- 
lens, slates, watches, ales. 

Llangollen Advertiser, 1860 

LLANIDLOES (Montgomery). 

Market, Sat. 
Montgomery Echo, 1886 

Luanrwet (Denbigh). Pop. 2,645. 
Llanrwst, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn 

Pop. 2,769. 

an wst Free Press (Den bigh) 

MeRTHYR-TypFIL (Glamorgan). Pop. 
69,227. Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus. : 
Ironworks—the most extensive inthe 
kingdom; coaland mineral mining. 

Merthyr Express, 1 1864... % 

Tyst, 1864 ... ... — 
Periodicals, dc— 

Cenad Hedd. 

Cronicl Cenadol 


NEATH (Glamorgan) Pop. 28,732. Mar- 
kets, Wed., 
Neath Gazette, 1885 

Newtown (Montgomery). Pop. 6,500. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Manufactures : 
Flannel, cloth, "tweeds, &c. 

Montgomeryshire Express, 1860 

Press Guide. 

en —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — 

PEMBROKE (Pembroke). Royal dockyard. 

ai 15,853. Markets, Wed., Sat. 

Pembroke Dock Gazette, 1861... 

Pembroke Dock Journal, 1901... 

Pembrokeshire Times, 1879 ... 

Ward-Davies’s Free Press, 1879 
(See also SoLYA.) 

PENARTH (Glamorgan). Pop. 14,227. 
Penarth Advertiser, 1900 . 
Penarth Observer, 1891 
Penarth Times, 1882 

PENMAENMAWR (Carnarvon). 
Penmaenmawr, &c., 
(Colwyn Bay) 
Penmaenmawr Weekly News 
(Conway) — 

PonrypooL (Monmouth). Pop. 6,126. e 
Pontypool weeny Argus — 
port) ... 
PONTYPRIDD REN Pop. 82,319. 
us.: Coal-mining, iron-working, 
and woollens. 
Glamorgan Free Press, 1891... 
Glamorgan Times, 1895 
Pontypridd Chronicle, 1881 
Pontypridd Observer, 1897 

Ports (Glamorgan). 
Porth Gazette, 1900 

Prestatyn (Flint). Pop. 1,261. 
Prestatyn, &c., Pioneer 

Pop. 13,508. 

wyn Bay) see u. mee ase ie see 
Prestatyn News (Rhyl) 
PWLuHEL! (Carnarvon). Pop. 3,675. 
Udgorn Newyddiadur Cymreig, 
1898 ... ... 
Runos (Denbigh). Pop. 8,473. 
Rhos Herald, 1894 ... 
Rayı (Flint). Popular watering plače and 
marine winter residence. ey 3,473. 
Gwyliedydd, 1877 ... .. — 
*Record and ‘Advertiser, 1856 ... 
Rhuddlan News ... — 
Rhy! Guardian (Wrexham) * 
Rhyl Journal, 1866 ... ... * 
Rhy! News, 1900 
Rhyl, &c., Pioneer (Colwyn Bay) 
Rhyl Handbook, &c. 
St. Asaph Diocesan Calendar. 
Sr. Asapu (Flint). Pop. 8,091. - 
St. Asaph News (Rhyl)... — 

Sotva (Pembroke). Indus.: Shipping, 
and agriculture. 
Pembroke COUNTY. ——— 

SWANSEA (Glamorgan). Extensive docks. 
Pop. 94,514. Markets. Wed., Sat. 
Indus.: Export of coal, minerals, &c.; 
copper, tin-plate, iron, spelter, steel 
rails, patent fuel, and other works. 

Cambria Daily Leader, 1881 
Cambrian, 1804... ... 
Daily Shipping Register, 1817 « 
Herald of Wales, 1847 ... .. 
South Wales Daily Post, 1898 . 
South Wales Weekly Post, 1898 
Swansea and Glamorgan 
Herald, 1847 ce see ses seo ooo 

Advertisements received for all the Swansea Newspapers] 





Wales. ] 

SwansEa— continued. 

Periodicals, éc.— 
Seren Gomer. 
South Walian. 
Swansea Tide Tables. 

Rhondda Leader, 1899 . 
Periodicals, dce.— 
Herald Cenadol. 

TenBy (Pembroke). Seaport and bathing 
resort. Pop. 4,400. 
Tenby County News, 1893 .. 
Tenby Observer, 1853 ... 

Towyn (Merioneth). Pop. 8,756. 
Towyn-on-Sea County Times; 
2895 ... — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

TREDEGAR (Monmouth). Pop. 18,497. 
Tred — weeny Argus MEW 
port) ... 

WELSHPOOL (Montgomeri: Pop. 6,121. 
MOD SONIERY Founty: Times, 
1880 5 

WREXHAM (Denbigh). Pop. 14 966. Mar. 
kets, Mon., Thurs., Sat. Indus. : 
Mineral and coal working, brewing, 
— tanning, rope-making, and 

*Narth Wales Guardian, 1867 ... 
*Wrexham Advertiser, 1848... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Almanac y Miloedd. 

Cerddor Y. 

Cymru’s Plant. 

Illustrated Wrexham Argus. 


ABERDEEN (Aberdeen). Seaport, and uni- 
versity city. Pop. 153,508. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Linen, cotton, 
woollens, jute, paper, and comb 
manufactures; iron foundries; gra- 
nite- polishing, ship-building, rope- 
making ; fisheries. 

*Aberdeen Free Press, 1853 .. 
*Aberdeen Journal, 1748 _... 
Aberdeen Weekly ourna, 1748 
Bon Accord, 1880 ... .. 
Evening Express, 1879 .. 
Evening Gazette, 1882. 
Northern Figaro, 1884 . 
Weekly Free Press, 1806 
Weekly News, 1864 .. 
Periodicals, Be, 
Aberdeen Almanac. 
Aberdeen Catholic Herald. 
Aberdeen Post Office Directory. 
Aberdeen Public Library Annual 
Aberdeen University Calendar. 
Balmoral Magazine. 
Brown’s Bookstall. 
Catholic Directory for Scotland. 
Mariner’s Nautical Almanac. 
Onward and Upward. 
Scottish Educational Year Book 
Scottish Notes and Queries. 
Settmaker’s and Stoneworker’s Jour- 
Shetland Pony Stud Book. 

AIRDRIE (Lanark). Pop. 16,858. Mar- 
ket, Tues. Indus.: Coal and iron 
working; ; cotton-spinning. 

Airdrie Advertiser, 1855 ... 
Lanarkshire Examiner, 1862 

ALLoa (Clackmannan.). Pop. 10,711. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Coal, ship- 
ping, glass- working, spinning, ship- 
building, and brewing. 

Alloa Advertiser, 1841 ... ... ... 

Alloa Circular, 1868 — 

Alloa Journal, 1844... 
Periodicals, dc.— 

Annual Register for the County of 


— — — — — 




ALva (Clackmannan). Pop. 4,824. 
Alva Tribune (Tillicoultry) — 

AuytH (Perth). Pop. 8,025, 
Alyth Guardian, 1884 ... — 
ANNAN (Dumfries). Pop.7,073. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Agriculture, nurseries, 
shipping, and fisheries. 
Annandale Observer, 857... ... 

ANSTRUTHER (Fife). Pop.1,582. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: Fishing, and agriculture. 
East of Fife Record, 1856 ... ... 

ARBROATH (Forfar). 
ket, Sat. Indus.: 

Pop. 24,677. Mar- 

Linen, spinning, 
and bleaching ; iron and leather 

Arbroath, &c., Advertiser, 1903 

Arbroath Guide, 1842 ... ... 

Arbroath Herald, 1938 ... 2. oes 

| Periodicals— 
` Arbroath Year Book. 
Handy Time and Tide Table. 

ARDRossan (Ayr). Favourite watering 
place. Pop. 11,845. Indus : Shipping, 
ship-buildin ‚and engineering. 

Ardrossan erald, 1853 
Troon Times .. 0. 0 

Ayr (Ayr). Pop. 31,537. Market, Tues. 
Indus. : Shipping, fishing, tanning ; ; 
woollen, cotton, leather, shoe, lace, 
manufactures, and engineer- 

Ave Advertiser, 1808 
*Ayr Observer, 1832.. 
*Ayrshire Post, 1880 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Ayr A BC Time Table. 
Scottish Women’s Temperance News. 

| Banrr (Banff). Pop. 4,546. Market, Fri. 
Indus.: Shipping trade, fishing, and 
*Banffshire Journal, 1845 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Scotland. 

CuPAR une Pop. 6,768. Market, Tues. 
— : ‘Power-loom manufactures, 

BATHGATE (Linlithgow) Pop. 14,004. 
Markets, Mon., Tues. Indus.: Coal, 

iron, lime, glass, and chemical inning, and quarrying. 
works. Fife Herald and Journal, 1822... 
Lothian Express, 1888 ... ... +. Fife News, 1870 . 
West Lothian Courier, 1873. — St. Andrews Citizen, 1870 .. 
BEITH (Ayrshire). Pop. 7,523. Periodicals, éc.— 
Beith E Echo, 1893. College Echoes. 

BELLSHILL (Lanarkshire). aoe 3 0 
Bellshill Speaker, 1891... .. 

- BLAIRGOWRIE (Perth). Pop. 4,464. Manu- 
factures : Flax, linen, and jute. 

DALBEATTIE (Kirkcudbright). Pop. 8,149. 
Stewartry Observer, 1888... ... 

DALKEITH (Edinburgh). Pop. 7,297. Large 
grain market, Thurs. Indus.: Agri- 

Blairgowrie Advertiser, 1855 ... culture, mining, paper, and carpets. 
Borrowstowness (Bo’sess) (Linlith- Dalkeith Advertiser, 1851-... aae 
gow). Pop. 11,478. Indus.: Ship- 

Dalkeith District Directory. 

Daury (Ayrshire). Pop. 8,212. 
Dairy, &c., Hera d (Irvine)... * 

DINGWALI. (Ross). Pop. 2,758. Market, 
altern. Wed. Indus.: Agriculture. 
eis North Star, 1893 a: dade: aa 

Northern Weekly, 1897.. ` 
BRIDGE oF ALLAN (Stirling). Pop. 8, 207. Ross-shire Journal, 1875 ... 
Bridge of Ailan Gazette, 1884 Durrrown (Banff). 
(Stirling Dufftown News, 1894 ... — 
Bridge of Allan’ ‘Reporter, "1859 DUMBARTON (Dumbarton). Pop. 15,167. 
(Stirling) u. Market, Tues. Indus.: Ship-build- 
BRouGHTY Ferry (F N Pop. 7, 644. ing, iron- founding, and dyeing. 
Prouehton Ferry Burgh Pilot Dumbarton Herald, 1851 
(Dundee) * 

see Lennox Herald, 1862 
Broughty Ferry Guide, 1886 

ping ; ; coal, and iron working. 

Bo'ness Journal, 1878 ... * 

BRECHIN (Forfar). Pop.10,444. Market, 

Tues. Manufactures: Linen, flax, 

yarn, paper, whisky, and ale. 
Brechin Advertiser, 1848 
Brechin Citizen, 1889 .. 

BuckiE (Banff). Pop. 5,834. 
Banffshire Advertiser 1881 
CALLANDER (Perth). Pop. 

Callander Adver isen (1938) ser 

— — —— “Bop: 20, aıl. 
Cambuslang Advertiser, 1896 .. 

CARATI TONN (Argyll). Pop. 10,236. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus.: Shipping, fishing, 
distilling, and ship-building. 

Argylishire Herald, 1850 _... 
Campbeltown Courier, 1878 

CastLE Doveras (Kirkcudbright). Pop. 
2,865. Market, Mon. Indus.: Agri- 

Kirkcudbrightshire Advertiser, 
1858% | sien iene, Gad: eee aR Kane GAG 

CLYDEBANK (Lanark). 

Clydebank & Renmew — 
1891 .. a.. 

COATBRIDGE (Lanark). "Pop. 29 ‚996. In- 

dus. : Mining. 
Coatbridge Express, 1885 ... 
Lanarkshire Catholic Herald... 
COWDENBEATH (Fife). Pop. 7,908. 
Cowdenbeath, &c., Echo, 1900 
(Dunfermline) su 

CrIEFF (Perth). Pop. 5,706. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures : Woollens, 
worsted, leather, and chemicals. 

Strathearn Herald, 1856 

Cumnock (Ayr). Pop. 5,867. Market, 
Thurs. Indus. : Mining, and woollen 

Cumnock Chronicle, 1901 ... 
Cumnock Express, 1866 
Cumnock News (Ardrossan) 


Advertisements received for all Edinburgh Newspapers and, Periodicals. 

Dumrries (Dumfries). Pop. 18,146. 
Market, Wed. Indus.: Sheep and 
cattle trades; tweed and hosiery 

Dumfries Herald, 1809 ... ... 

Dumfries Standard, 1848 ... 

Moffatt Express, 1901 ... 

New Moon. 

DuNDEE (Forfar). Seaport, with large 
docks. Pop. 163,626. Markets, 
Tues., Fri. Indus.: Principal seat 
of the jute trade; manufactures of 
flax, linen, canvas, rope, machinery, 
flour, and confectionery ; ship-build- 
ing, whale-fishing, and shipping. 

*Courier and Argus, 1816 
*Dundee Advertiser, 1801 
Dundee Free Press, 1899 
Dundee Weekly News, 1855 
Evening Post, 1900... ... ... 
Evening Telegraph, "1877 
Football Post ... 

Lochee Weekly Herald 
People’s Journal, 1858 .. 

Periodicals, &c.— 

Dundee Catholic Herald. 
Dundee Directory. 

Dundee Prices Current. 
Football Handbook. 

Original Secession Magazine. 
People’s Friend. 

People’s Friend Almanac. 
Weekly Welcome. 

Wizard of the North. 

DUNFERMLINE (Fife). Pop. 81,697. Mar- 

ket, Tues. Indus.: Linen- -weaving, 

dyeing, iron-founding, and coal- 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

DUNFERMLINE— continued. 

Dunfermline Citizen, 1885 .. 
Dunfermline Express, 1900 ° 
Dunfermline Journal, 1872.. 
Dunfermline Press, 1859 

Dunoon (Argyll). Favourite coast resort. 
Pop. 10,468. 
Dunoon "Advertiser, 1908 
Dunoon Herald, 1876... oe 
Dunoon Observer, 1871 eens 
Duns (Berwick). Pop. 3,199. 
Berwickshire News _... 
Berwickshire Advertiser, 1898 ° 

EDINBURGH (Edinburgh). University city, 
and celebrated seat of learning. 
Pop. 808,688. Market, Wed. In- 
dus.: Packet trade from Leith ; 
printing, bookbinding, publishing, 
and brewing. 

ee Evening preparen 

*Edinburgh Evening ‘News, 1873 
Edinburgh Gazette, 1700 i 
Educational News, 1876... ... 
North British Advertiser, 1826 
North British Agriculturist, 1848 
Scots Law Times, 1898 ; 

*Scotsman, 1817... ... 

. Scottish Guardian, 1870 
Weekly Scotsman, 1817 

Periodicals, de 
Adam’s Reports of Cases. 
Annals of Scottish History. 
Banner of the Covenant. 
Bits for Our Boys. 
Blackwood’s Magazine. 
Brydone’s Railway Time Tables. 
Cameron’s A BC Time Table. 
Cameron’s Housekeeper’s Book. 
Cases Decided in the Court Session. 
Children’s Missionary Magazine. 
Children’s Paper. 
Church of Scotland Sabbath School 
Church of Scotland Year Book. 
Civil Service Student. 
County Directory of Scotland. 
Crisp Bits. 
Disestablishment Banner. 
Dollar Magazine. 
Edinburgh Academy Chronicle. 
Edinburgh Catholic Herald. 
Edinburgh Hospital Reports. 
Edinburgh Medical Journal. 
Edinburgh Medical Miss. Magazine. 
Edinburgh University Calendar. 
Expository Times. 
Field Naturalists’ Quarterly. 
Fiery Cross. 
Foreign Mission Chronicle of the 
Episcopal Church. 
Glad Tidings of the Coming Age. 
Golfer’s Handbook. 
Guild Life & Work. 
Home Friend. 
Hora Jucunda. 
Journal of Comparative Pathology. 
Journal of the Scottish Meteorological 
J aridical Review. 


Life and Work. 

M’Laren’s Edinburgh Directory. 

Mission Chronicle of the Scottish 
Episcopal Church. 

Missionary Record. 

Monthly Visitor. 

‘Morning Rays. 

Morningside Mirror. 

Musical Star. 

Musical Treasury. 

North British Agricultural Calendar. 

Notes for Teachers. 

Official Directory of the Chartered 
Accountants of Scotland. 

Oliver & Boyd’s Edinburgh Almanac 

Orphanage Monthly Magazine. 

Our School Magazine. 

Parliamentary House Book. 

Post Office, Edinburgh and Leith 

Principal Acts of the General Assembly 
of the Church of Scotland. 

Proceedings of the Antiquaries of 

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathe- 
matical Society. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of 

Queen’s Rife Volunteer Brigade Royal 
Scots Chronicle. 

Report on Schemes of the Church of 

St Andrews University Calendar. 

St. Edward’s Chronicle. 

Scottish Church and University 

Scottish Churchman’s Almanac. 

Scottish Congregational Year-Book. 

Scottish Congregationalist. 

Scottish Geographical Magazine. 

Scottish Historical Review. 

Scottish Law List. 

Scottish Law Reporter. 

Scottish Medical, &c., Journal. 

Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal. 

Scottish Standard Bearer. 

Scottish Typographical Circular. 

Socialist Monthly. 

Society Pict . -ial. 


Teachers’ Notes on Scottish National 
Scheme of Lessons. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Archi- 
tectura! Association. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh Field 
Naturalists’, £c., Society. 

Transactions of the "Edinburgh Medico- 
Chirurgical Society. 

Transactions of the Edinburgh 
Obstetrical Society. 

Transactions of the Faculty of Actua- 
ries in Scotland. 

Transactions of the Highland and 
Agricultural Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of 

Union Magazine. 

Woman’s Missionary Magazine. 

Year-Book for the Episcopal Church 
in Scotland. 

Young Herald. 

wid glk oo a ——— 

354] J Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, 4 London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


TE aaaeeeaa U 

ELGIN (Elgin). Pop. 10,277. Market, Fri. 
Indus. : Woollen, net, and rope 
manufacture ; ; brewing, tanning; 
saw mills. 

Elgin Courant & Courier, aia 
Northern Scot, 1880... ... 

FALKIRK (Stirling). Pop. 36,628. Mar. 
kets, Thurs., Sat. Indus. : Iron- 
-works ; collieries; agriculture. 

Falkirk Herald, 1846 ; 
Falkirk Mail, 1886 * 

Forrar (Forfar). Pop. 12,879. Markets, 

Mon., Sat. Indus. : Linen-weaving, 

Forfar Dispatch, 1888 ... iia 
Forfar Herald, 1877 
Forfar Review, 1888 

FoRRES (Elgin). Pop. 5,241. Market, 
Tues. Manufactures: Woollens, 
and chemicals. 

Forres Gazette, 1887 ... ... as 
Forres Directory and Almanac. 

FRASERBURGH (Aberdeen). Pop. 9,715. 
Markets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Ship- 
ping, and fishing. 

Fraserburgh Advertiser, 1852 . 
Fraserburgh Herald, 1884 . 

Periodicals, e— . 
Fisherman’s Diary. 

GALASHIELS (Selkirk, and Boxburgh). 
Pop. 13,969. Market, Tues. Indus.: 
Woollen and cloth weaving ; Ayang: 

Border Advertiser, 1848 ..!. 
Border Telegraph, 1898 ... .. 
Scottish Border Record, 1881 . 

Periodicals, éce.— 

Border Magazine. 

Galashiels Almanac. s 


GLaseow (Lanark). University city and 
an river port. Pop. 571,615. 
Indus.:. Shipping and exporting 

trade; iron shipbuilding, engineer-. 

ing, and chemical wrrks; cotton, 

silk, and worsted manufactures. 
Bailie, 1872 ... ... = 
Barrhead News, 1894 1) | 
Daily Record & Mail, 1895 

Engineer & Iron Trades Adver- 

tiser, 1870 ... ... Sea’. saa” Gay 
*Evening Citizen, 1864 e Ses 
*Evening Times, 1876... 4. 
*Glasgow Evening News, 1875... 
*Glasgow Herald,1782 ... .. 
Glasgow Observer, 1885 
Glasgow Star, 1908 ca 
Glasgow Weekly Herald, 1864 . 
*Glasgow Weekly Mail, 1868 
Glasgow Weekly News, 1898 
Govan Press, 1875 ... ... uae n 
National Guardian, ‘1881. 
Partick and Maryhill Press, 
1890... was 

Pollokshaws News, 1885 
St. Andrew, 189 ... ... 

St. Rollox Express, 1892 _... 
Saturday Weekly ZEN; 1849 
Scots Pictorial, 1897... ... 
Scottish Cyclist, 1888 . 


Scottish Farmer, 1893 ... ... 
Scottish Law Review, 1885.. 
Scottish Referee, 1888 .. 
Scottish Reformer, 1866 
Scottish Trader, 1897 . Ba 
Shoe and Leather Trader, 1880 
Sou narn Press, 1887 ... ... ... 
Springburn Advertiser, 1898 ... 
Victualling Trades Review, 1887 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Across the Sea. 
Annual Burns Chronicle. 
Believers’ Pathway. 
Bible Card Almanac. 
Boys and Girls. 
Boys’ and Girls’ Almanac, 
Boys’ Brigade Gazette. 
Brown’s Comprehensive Nautical 
Brown’s Nautical Diary. 
Building Industries. 
Caledonian Medical Journal 
Caledonian Railway Budget. 
Celtic Monthly. 
Christian News. 
Christian Scotsman. 
Clyde Bill of Entry. 
Clydesdale Stud Book. 
County and Municipal Record. 
David Bryce’s Educational Guide. 
Dew Drop. 
Distillers’, &c., Magazine. 
Draughts World. 
Frazer’s Time Tables. 
Glasgow Advertiser. 

. Glasgow Medical Journal. 

Glasgow Post Office Directory. 
Glasgow University Calendar. 

Glasgow University Magazine, 
Golfer’s Guide. 


Good Templar. 

Graphic Guide to Edinburgh. 

Graphic Guide to Glasgow. 


Herald of Salvation. 

Housewife’s Magazine. 

Land Values. 


Motor Car World. 

Munro’s Scottish Licensed Trade 

Murray’s Time Tables for Scotland. 

Musical Age. 

National Bible Society of Scotland 
Quarterly Record. 

Orr’s Scottish Almanac. 

Phonographic Monthly, - 


Postman’s Gazette. 

Proceedings of the Glasgow Philo. 
sophical Society. 


Reformed Presbyterian Witness. 

Report of Baillie's Institution Free 

Royal Belfast Almanac. 

Royal Route to the Highlands. 

— — —— 

Advertisements received for all the Glasgow Newspapers and Perigdicals. 1855 

Scotland. ] 


St. Mungo. 

Scots Commercial Record. 

Scottish Baptist Magazine. 

Scottish Baptist Year Book. 

Scottish Co-operator. 

Scottish Critic. 

Scottish Electrician. 

Scottish Field. 

Scottish Law Directory. 

Scottish League Handbook. 

Scottish Masonic Directory 

Scottish National Sabbath School 

Scottish Register of Estates, Shoot- 
ings, and Fishings. 

Scottish Road Book. 

Scottish Weekly Record. 

Second-Hand Bookseller. 

Temperance Leader. 

Thomson’s Scottish Educational 

Tide and Speed Tables. 

Transactions of Engineers and Ship- 

Transactions of the Geological Society 
of Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Glasgow Archso- 
logical Society. 

Transactions of the Glasgow Natural 
History Society. 

Transactions of the Medico-Chirur- 
gical Society of Glasgow. 

Transactions of the Obstetrical 
Gynecological Society. 

Weekly Leader. 

Weekly Register. 


World of Grace and Truth. 

GovaN—see GLASGOW. 

GRANGEMOUTH (Stirling). Pop. 17,468. 
Grangemouth Advertiser... ... 

GRantown (Elgin). Pop. 1,568. 
Grantown Supplement 

GREENOCK (Renfrew). Pop. 68,217. In- 
s.: Shipping, ship-building, fish- 
ing, iron-founding, and sugar-re- 
fining; rope and sail-cloth manu- 
Greenock Herald, 1852... ... 
*Greenock Telegraph, 1857... 

Greenock Directory. 

Havpincton (Haddington). Pop. 5,126. 
Market, Fri. us.: Agriculture; 
woollen and leather manufactures. 

Haddingtonshire SONONL BER, 
Haddingtonshire Courier, 1859 

HamiLton (Lanark). Pop. 40,872. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Agriculture and 

Hamilton Advertiser, 1856... 
Hamilton Herald,.1889 ... 
l Periodical— 

Highland Light Infantry Chronicle. 

Hawick (Roxburgh). Pop. 18,502. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Manufastur>s: Woollens 
and hosiery. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Hawick Advertiser, 1854 $ 
Hawick Express, 1870 ... ... 
Hawick News, 1882.. 

HELENSBURGH (Dumbarton). Favourite 
residential town and watering-place. 

Pop. 8,409. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Helensburgh News, 1870. u 3 
Helensburgh Times, 1880 ... .«. 

HıuLroor (Clackmannan). 
Hilifoot Record, 1900 (Alva) 
Huntıy (Aberdeen). Pop. 4,899. Mar- 
ket, Thurs. Indus. : Agriculture, 
ee making, and granite- 

Huntly Express, 1868 ... ‘a 

INVERGORDON (fuss). Pop.1,119. Indus.: 

Small maritime trade. 
Invergordon Times, 1855 

INVERNESS (Inverness). Pop. 27,046. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Shipping 
trade, ship- building ; woollen, iron, 
dye, tan, and granite works ; silver 
jewellery and tobacco manufacture; 

Highland News, 1883 ... 

Highland Times, 1896 ... 
*inverness Courier, 1817s... 

Inverness Football Times, 1885 
*Northern Chronicle, 1881 ..._ ... 

Periodicals, dc.— 

Inverness Burgh Directory. 

Inverness County Directory. 

Northern Counties Red Book, 

Seventy-ninth News. 

Transactions of the Inverness Scien- 

tific Sotiety. 

IRVINE (Ayr). Pop. 6,458. Market, Mon. 
Indus. : Chemical works: : shipping, 
and hip: building. . 

Dalry, &c., Herald ... sa .. one 
Irvine Herald, 1870... ... 

irvine, &c., Times (Ardrossan) 
Kilwinning Chronicle, 1893.. 
Stevenston Gazette 

Troon Herald, 1893 . 

JEDBURGH (Roxburgh). Pop. 4,583. "Mar- 
ket, Tues. Manufactures : Woollen 
stuffs, flannels, and hosiery. 

Jedburgh Gazette, 1870 
Jedburgh Post, 1895 vs 
Teviotdale Record, 1855 

Keita (Banff). Pop. 6,828. 
Banffshire Herald. 1892 

KELSO enge. Pop. 4,525. Market, 

ri. Indus.: Agriculture, coach- 

building and fishing-tackle nee 

Kelso one: 1882 a... ... see 
Kelso Mail, 1797... ...  ... 

KILMARNOCK (Ayr). Pop. 88,142. "Mar. 
kets, Tues., Fri. Indus.: Carpets, 
shawls, shoes ; collieries. 

Kilmarnock Heraid, 1880... ws 
Kilmarnock Standard, 1863 __... 
Periodicals, de.— 

Believer’s Magazine. - 

Gospel Messenger. 

Our Little Ones’ Freasury. 

Sunday School Worker’s Magazine. 
Young Watchman. 

356] Ja wuung, Junr., Lim. , Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

aR Raa = a sts er a 

Ki.syta (Stirling). Pop. 9,840. 
Kilsyth Chronicle, 1891 —— 

Kınkoss (Kinross). Pop. 2,655. Market, 
Mon. Manufactures: Cottons and 

Kinross-shire Advertiser, 1847... 

Kimxkcabpy (Fife). Pop. 14,175. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Shipping; coarse 
linen, canvas, floor-cloth, and rope 
manufactures ; iron-works, and col- 

Fife Advertiser, 1838 

Fife Free Press, 1871 ... ... ... 
Kirkcaldy Mail, 1885... ... .. 
Kirkcaldy Times, 1876 . ; 

KIRKINTILLOCH (Dumbarton). Pop. 14,401. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Mining; 
cotton ; iron-founding, 

Kirkintilloch Gazette, 1893 ... 

Kirkintilloch Herald, 1883 ... ... 

Milngavie Herald, 1901 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 

Reformer’s Year Book. 

Kırkwauı (Orkney). Pop. 4,522. Indus.: 
Shipping, fishing, distilling, and 

Orcadian, TBh oe Seas: ee asa 
Orkney Herald, 1860 a ee a. 

Peace’s Orkmey and Shetland Almanac 
and County Directory. 

KIRRIEMUIR (Forfar). Pop. 5,902. Mar- 
ket. Fri. Indus.: Agriculture and 

Kirriemuir Free Press, 1884 
Kirriemuir Observer, 1809 . 

DLancHoum (Dumfries). Pop. 3,500. "Mar. 
ket, Wed. Indus.: Agriculture and 
woollen manufactures. 

Eskdale Advertiser, 1848 ... ... 

Laras (Ayr). Pop. 5,501. 

Largs, &c., Weekly News, 1877... 

LAURENCEKIRK (Kincardine). Pop. 2,011. 

Laurencekirk Observer, 1902 ... 

Leira (Edinburgh). Seaport of Edin- 
burgh. Pop. 78,895. Market, Wed. 
Indus. : Shipping, ship- building, 
rope afd sail making, mae 
sugar-refining, engineering, and 

Leith Burghs Pilot, 1864... 
Leith Commercial List, 1798 

‚Leith Herald, 1846 ... ... 1 5 

Leith Observer, 1896 
Periodicals, éc.— 
Burning Bush. 
Lerwick (Shetland). Pop. 6,519. Indus.: 
Fishing; woollens. 
Shetland News, 1885 
Shetland Times, 1872 
Leven (Fife). Pop. 5,577. 
Leven Advertiser, 1888 .. 
Linustugow, Pop. 8,076. 
Linlithgowshire Gazette, 1891... 

LocHGELLY (Fifeshire). 
Cowdenbeath Times, 1892... ... 
LOCHGILPHEAD yll). Pop. "671, 
Indus. : ls and fishing. 
Argylishire Advertiser, 1887 

Advertisements received for all the Scotch Newspapers, [357 recewved for all the Scotch Newspapers. 



LOCKERBIE (Dumfries). Pop. 2,029. Mar- 

ket, Thurs. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Annandale Herald, 1862 ... n 
MILNGAVIE (Stirling). Pop. 8,108. 
Milngavie Herald, 1901 Bed "ae 

MonTroseE (Forfar). Pop. 14,027. Mar- 

ket, Fri. Indus.: Shipping; linens. 
Montrose Review, 1811... eee 
Montrose Standard, 1837 ... 

MOTHERWELL (Lanark). Pop. 18,662 
Indus.: Coal-mining. 
Motherwell Times, 1883... ... 

Narren (Nairn). Pop. 5,782. Markets, 
Thurs., Sat. Indus.: Shipping 
trade; agriculture. 

Nairn County Press, 1892 ... ... 
Nairnshire Telegraph, 1842 

NEwTon Stewart (Wigtown). Pop. 
2,886. Market, Fri. Indus.: Agrı- 

Galloway Gazette, 1870 ... ... 

Osan (Argyll). Favourite tourist resort. 
Pop. 4,046. Indus.: Shipping, and 


Oban Times, T66L ur. ac. au ace 
PaisLEy (Renfrew). Pop. 99,899. Mar- 

ket, Thurs. Indus.: Wool, silk, 

thread, cotton, shawl, carpet, tapes- 
try, curtain, starch, and soap manu- 
factures; dyeing, weaving, bleach- 
ae iron-founding, and ship-build- 

“Paisley Daily Express, 18974 ... 
Paisiey Gazette, 1864 ... u. s 
Periodicals, dc. — 
Clydesdale Catholic Herald. 
Paisley Directory. 

PEEBLES (Peebles). Pop. 5,810. 
Tues. Indus.: Tweeds. 

Peebles News, 1887... ... 

Peeblesshire Advertiser, 1845 . 


ı PertH (Perth). Pop. 29,793. Market, Fri. 

Indus.: Shipping ; cotton, wool, flax, 
iron, dye, and bleach works. 
*Perthshire Advertiser, 1829 _... 
*Perthshire Constitutional, 1832 
Perthshire Courier, 1809 ... ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Advertising Dispatch. 
City of Perth Co-operative “ Pioneer.” 
Leslie Time Tables. 

PETERHEAD (Aberdeen). Pop. 15,146. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, 
ship- building; whale, seal, and her- 
ring fishing ; granite. -quarrying. 

Buchan Observer, 1868.. 
Peterhead Sentinel, 1856 


Port-GLasaow eee) Pop. 16,888. 
Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping and 
export trade ; ship-building. 

Port- Glasgow Express, 1875 ; 

PoRTOBELLO (Edinburgh). Pop. 8,181. 
Manufactures: Bricks, tiles, earthen. 
ware, and glass. 




Scotland. ] 

Edinburgh Citizen, 1864 
Midlothian Journal, 1883 
Musselburgh News 
Periodicals, &c.— 
Barton’s Scottish Trade Diary. 
Portsoy (Banff). Pop. 2,091. Indus.: 
Coasting, fishing, and — 
Banffshire Reporter, 1850 . 

RotwHesay (Isle of Bute). Fashionable 
watering place. Pop. 9,378. Mar- 
ket, Wed. Indus. : Shipping, fishing, 
and weaving. 

Buteman, 1854 ... 
Rothesay Chronicle, "1859 
Rothesay Express, 1877 

A BC Bonnie Scotland Resorts. 
A BC Coast Guide and Register. 
Bute County Directory. 

RUTHERGLEN (Lanark). Pop. 21,011. 
Rutherglen Reformer, 1875... 

St. ANDREWS (Fife). Pop. 9,410. 
Periodicals, éc.— 
St. Andrew’s Directory. 
Scottish Fisherman’s Nautical Al- 

SELKIRK (Selkirk). Pop. 7,090. Market, 
Wed. Manufactures: Tweeds, 

shawls, and tartans. 
Selkirk Advertiser, 1902 
Southern Reporter, 1855 

STIRLING (Stirling). Pop. 18,609. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Tartan, shawl, and 
carpet making; yarns, cloth, agri- 

cultural implements, and coach- 
Callander Advertiser, 1884... 
*Stirling Journal, 1820 ... ue se 



Willing’s Press Guide. 


*Stirling Observer, 1836 _... 
Stirling Saturday- Observer, 
Stirling Sentinel, 1888 nen 
Periodicals, &e.— 

British Messenger. 

Good News. 

Gospel Trumpet, 


STONEHAVEN (Kincardine). Pop. 4,497. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Fishing: 
leather and woollen Tg 

Stonehaven Journal, 1845 . 

STRANBAER ann) Pop. 2,856. Mar. 
ket, F Indus. : Shipping and 

Galloway Advertiser, 1848 .. 

Tours in Galloway. 

Tuurso (Caithness). Pop. 5,406. Mar- 
ket, Fri. Indus.: Shipping, fishing, 
and weaving ; stone-works. 

Caithness Courier, 1876 

TILLICOULTRY (Clackmannan). Pop. 4,937. 

Devon Valley Tribune, 1899 $ 

Wick (Caithness). Pop. 12,250. Market, 
Fri. Indus.: shipping, herring- 
fishing and fish-curing : net-making, 
cloth and barrel manufacture. 

John o’ Groat Journal, 1836 
*Northern Ensign, 1850... 
Northern Herald, 1903 ... 

Wısaaw (Lanark). Pop. 13,11%. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Iron and steel work- 
ing; mining 

Wishaw Herald, 1889 a 
Wishaw Press, 1870... —— 


ARMAGH (Armagh, Ulster.) Pop. 7,588. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving tanning, and spin- 

Armagh Guardian, 1844 
Armagh Standard, 1879 
Uister Gazette, 1844 = 
ATHLONE (Westmeath, Leinster). Pop. 
6,617. Market, Sat. Indus.: Distil- 
ling, tanning, and woollen trade; 
Tullamore Independent, 1894 ... 
Westmeath Independent, 1846... 

Bauuina (Mayo, Connaught). Pop. 4,505. 
Market, Mon. Indus.: Fishing, 
corn and rovision trade. 

Ballina Herald, 1844 
Western People, 1883 * 

BALLINASLOE (Galway, C.). Pop. 4,904. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Connaught Leader, 1902 
Galway Leader, 1900 

Loughrea Guardian, 1895 ... 
Loughrea Nationalist, 1962... 
Western News, 1876 — 

858) J. 

J. Walling, Junr., Lim,, Advertising Agents, 129 Strand, London. 

Pop 10,886. 


— Sat. 
ing, , mining and agriculture. 

Baliymena Observer, 1855... ... 

Ballymena Weekly Telegraph... 
BALLYMONEY (Antrim, U.). Pop. 2,952. 
Market, Thurs. Indus.: Linen- 
weaving; grain and provision trade. 
Ballymoney Free Press, 1868 ... 
North Antrim Standard, 1887 ... 

BALLYSHANNON (Donegal, U.). Pop. 2,859. 
Markets, Thurs., Sat. Indus.: 
Shipping, fishing, milling, pottery, 
handkerchiefs, and embroidery. 

Donegal independent, 1881 

Donegal Vindicator, 1889 ... 
Periodical — 

Donegal’s Own. 

BANBRIDGE (Down, U.). Pop. 65,006. 
Markets, Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 
Indus.: Weaving and agriculture. 

Banbridge Chronicle, 1870.. 

Bancor (Co. Down). Pop. 5,908. 
North Down Herald, 1871 ... 


Betrast (Antrim, U.) 

Brag (King’s County). 

Bray (Dublin). 

CarLow (Carlow, L.). 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Pop. 849,180. 

Market, Fri. Indus.: Shipping 

trade, ship-building ; ; linen-weaving 

and cotton-spinning. 

*Belfast Evening BEIBBVARN, 


*Belfast News-Letter, 1787 . 

Belfast Weekly News, 1855... 

Belfast Weekly Telegraph, 1873 

Christian Advocate, 1888 ... 

Ireland’s Saturday Night, 1894 

Irish News, 1855 _... — 

Irish Textile Journal, 1852 

Irish Weekly, 1878 ... ... .. 

Linen Market, 1889.. 

Northern Star, 1897° 

*Northern Whig, 1824 

*Ulster Echo, 1874 ... ae 
Weekly Northern Whig, 1858 ... 426 

Witness, 1874... — 

Periodicals, dc.— 

Baird’s Irish Railway, &c., Guide. 

Belfast, &c., Directory. 

Belfast Protestant Record. 

Belfast Queen’s College Calendar. 

Bible Temperance Educator. 


Curious Notions. 

Echoes of Erin. 


Insurance, &c., Gazette. 

Insurance, &c. ‚News. 

Irish Baptist Magazine. ⸗ 

Irish Congregational Magazine. 

Irish Presbyterian. 

Irish Temperance League Journal. 

Irish Templar. 


Missionary Herald. 

Nomad’s Annual. 

Nomad’s Weekly. 

Report and Proceedings of the Belfast 

istory and Philosophical Society. 
Ulster Football News. 
Women’s Work. 



Pop. 4,488. 
Midland Tribune, 1881... ... 
Tipperary Sentinel 

Pop. 2 ree ; 

BoyLE (Roscommon, C.). 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
Roscommon Herald, 1859 ... 

Pop. 7,424. 

Bray, &c., Herald (Wicklow) 
Bray News anes) 
Kingstown Society 

Pop. 6,518. Mar- 

kets, Mon., Thurs. Indus. : Agri- 

Carlow Sentinel, 1830 ... 

Nationalist, 1888 

CARRICKFERGUS (Antrim, U.). Pop. 14,208. 
Markets, Mon. ‚Sat. Indus. : Ship- 
building, flax-spinning, and salt- 

—— Adventisen, 1888 
(Lettrim). Pop. 

Leitrim Observer, 1890... 

Advertisements received for all the Dublin Newspapers and Periodicals; 

CasHEL (Tipperary, Munster). Pop. 2,938. 

Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agri- 


Cashel Sentinel, 1885 ... ... us 
CASTLEBAR (Mayo, O.). Pop. 2,585. Mar- 

ket, Sat. Indus.: Linen. -weaving. 
Connaught Telegraph, 1828 
Mayo Examiner, 1868 ... .. 
Cavan (Cavan, U.). Pop. 2,822. Market, 
Tues. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Anglo-Celt, 1846 _... 
Cavan Weekly News, 1864.. 

CLONMEL (Tipperary, M.). Pop. 10,167. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Provision, 
butter, and cattle trade. 

Clonmel Chronicle, 1848 
Nationalist, 1886 

COLERAINE (Londonderry, U.). Popu 6, ; 958. 
Markets, Mon., Wed., Fri., "Sat. 
Indus.: Exporting, linen- -weaving, 
distilling, and salmon-fishing. 

Coleraine Chronicle, 1844... ... 
Coleraine Constitution, 1874 . 
Derry and Antrim Year-Book. 
CooKsTtowNn (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 8,841. 
OU News (Dungan non) 

Mid. Ulster Mail, 1891 ... 
Periodicals, de. — 
County Tyrone Directory 
Dungannon and District Almanack. 
Glasgow’s Household Almanac. 
South Derry and District Almanac. 
Cork (Cork, M.). Pop. 76,122. Markets, 
Mon., Thurs. Indus.: Shipping, 
exporting grain, provisions, cattle, 
&c.; linen weaving, tanning, and 
*Cork Constitution, 1822 ... ... 
Cork County Eagle, 1857 ... 
"Cork Examiner, 1840... 
Cork Sun, 1903 ... .. 
Cork Weekly Examiner, 1896 . 
Cork Weekly 1883 ... 
Evening Echo, 1892.. 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Guy’s Cork Almanac. 
Journal of the Cork Historical, &c., 



Downpatrick (Down, U.). Pop. 2,998. 
Markets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Brew- 
ing, and. tanning. 

Down Recorder, 1836 _... i 

DrocHena (Meath and Louth, Li "Pop. 

12,765. Markets, Wed. ‚Sat. Indus. : 
Shipping, agriculture ; linen and 
leather manufactures. 
Advertiser for the ent) of 
Louth, 1896... ... 
*Drogheda Argus, 1885 ... u 
Drogheda Conservative, 1887... 
Drogheda Independent, 1884 ... 

Dromore (Down, C.). . 2,859. 
Dromore Weekly” imes, 1901... 

i (Ireland. 


Dusuin (Dublin, L.). 

Ireland. ] 

University city; 
important seat of education. Pop. 
290,688. Indus.: Shipping and 
carrying trade with Great Britain 
and — brewing, and iron- 

Eustoms Dublin EN or Entry, 

1850  .. 
Dal Express, 181 .. 
Dublin Evening Mail, 1893... 
Dublin Gazette, 1705 
Evening Herald, 1891 ... ... 
Evening Irish Times, 1879.. 
Evening Telegraph, 1870 
*Farmers’ Gazette, 1842 
Finance Union, 1876 
*Freeman’s Journal, 1768 
General Advertiser, 1837 ... 
Ireland’s tie: 1889 
Irish Builder, 1859 . 
Irish Cyclist, 1885 ... ... 
*Irish Daily Independent, 1891... 
Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 1864 
Irish Farming World, 1888.. 
Irish Field, 1870 _... de 
Irish Law Times, 1867 .. 
Irish People, 1899 
Irish Society, 1888 . 
*irish Times, 1859 _... 
Irish Weekly Independent, 1898 
Morning Mail, 1870... ... 
National Teacher, 1875 
Sport, 1880 ... ... 
United Irishman, 1899 . 
Warder, 1821 ... ... 
Weekly Freeman, 1817... ... 
Weekly Irish Times, 1875 ... 
Periodicals, &c.— 
All Ireland Review. 
Annual Report of the Irish Agricul- 
tural Society. 
Astronomical Observations and Re- 
Authorised Report of the Church of 
Ireland Conference. 
Calendar of the 
Society of Ireland. 
Church of Ireland Gazette. 
Church of Ireland Sunday School 
Church of Ireland Sunday School 
Civil Service Examiner. 
Constabulary Gazette. 
Copies of Registers of Pharmaceutical 
Chemists, Druggists, &e. 
Dublin Journal of Medical Science. 
Dublin Penny Journal. 
Dublin University Calendar. 
Figaro and Irish Gentlewoman. 
Gaelic Journal. 
Green Book of the Architectural Asso- 
ciation of Ireland. 
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 
International Theosophist, 




Willing’s Press Guide. 


Irish Catholic. 

Irish Catholic Directory. 

Trish Christian Worker. 

Irish Church Directory. 

Irish Draper. 

Irish Emerald. 

Irish Golfer. 

Irish Grocer. 

Irish Homestead. 

Irish Investor’s Guardian. 

Irish Manufacturers’ Directory. 

Irish Manufacturers’ Monthly. 

Irish Military Guide. 

Irish Monthly. 

Irish Musical Monthly. 

Irish Naturalist. 

Irish Nights. 

Irish Packet. 

Irish Protestant. 

Irish Rosary. 

Irish School Monthly. 

Irish Teacher’s Journal. 

Irish Tobacco Trade J ournal. 

Irish Tourist. 

Irish Truth. 

Journal of the Association for the 
Preservation of the Memorials of 
the Dead. 

Journal of the County Kildare Archseo- 
logical Society. 

Journal of the Department of Agricul- 
ture and Technical Instruction of 

J — of the Irish Medical Associa- 

—— of the Royal Society of Anti- 

Journal of the Statistical and Social 
Inquiry Society of Scotland. 

Lady of the House. 

Lady’s Herald 


Legal Diary. 

L. S. D. 

Motor News. 

New Ireland Review. 

Notes from Ireland. 

Official Irish Travelling Guide. 

Pig Register. 

Poor Law and District Councils 

Post Office Guide for Dublin. 

Purdon’s Irish Farmer's, &c., Al- 

Quarterly Irish Land Reports. 

Red Guide to Irish Railways. 

Report of the Architectural Association 
of Ireland. 

Report of the Inspector on Reforma- 
toryand IndustrialSchoolsof Ireland. 

Roya! Irish Constabulary List. 

Royal University of Ireland Calendar 

St. Stephen’s. 


Sword of Light. 


Thom’s Official Directory. 

Transactions of the Royal Academy of 
Medicine in Ireland. 


Whisky and Allied Trades Review. 

860] J. Willing, Junr., Lim.. Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

DUNDALK (Louth, L.). Pop. 18,067. Mar- 
ket, Mon. Indus.: Exporting agri- 

cultural and general produce, cattle, - 

Dundalk Democrat, 1849 
Dundalk Examiner, 1880 ... 
Dundalk Herald, 1868 ... ... ... 
Church of Ireland Parochial Magazine. 

DUNGANNON (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 8,694. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: 
Linen-weaving and coal-mining. 

Tyrone Courier, 1880 ... 
Dungannon News, 1893  (Cooks- 
town ... ... 

Ennis (Clare, M.). 
ues., Sat. 
Clare Journal, 1776.. 
Clare Man, 1895 oe 
Saturday Record, 1885... 

ENNISKILLEN (Fermanagh, U.). Pop. 5, 412. 
Markets, Tues., Thurs. Indus. : 
Agriculture ; tobacco, Be and 
linen manufact ture. 

Fermanagh News, 1894.. 
Fermanagh Times, 1880 
impartial Reporter, 1808 

GaLway (Galway, C.). Pop.18,414. Mar- 
kets, Wed.,Sat. Indus.: Exporting 
agriculture produce and cattle; fish- 
ing ; linen, woollen, and jute manu- 

; Agriculture, 

Galway Express, 1858 ... s.. ue. ` 

Galway Observer, 1881... 

Galway Year Book and Directory. 
Gorey (Wexford, L.). Pop.2,178. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Enniscorthy Recorder, 1893 

KeLLs (Meath, L.). Pop. 2,428. Market, 
Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 
Meath Herald, 1845.. 
KILKENNY (Kilkenny, L.). 
Market, Wed., Sat. 
eulture, brewing, 

_ Pop. 10,609. 
Indus.: Agri- 
tanning, and 

Kilkennysi Journal, 1767... ... .. 
Kilkenny Moderator, 1814... 1 
Kilkenny People, 1898 ... * 

Kurussa (Clare, M.). Pop. 4,179. Mar- 
sn Kl Sat. Indus. : Shipping, 

and fi 
Kilrush Heald, 1877 - ster aie 
LARNE — U.). Pop. 6.670. Market, 
: oo Indus.: Shipping, and linen 

Larne Reporter, 1861 ... e ss 

Larne Times, 1892 ... se sse ote 
Lurram (Down)— 
Irish Bee Journal. . 
Limerick (Limerick, M.). Pop. 88,085. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Ship- 
ping provisions and agricultural 
produce ; gloves, lace, and clothing 
manufactures ; ; distilling, iron-found- 
ing, and bacon- -curing. 
Limerick Chronicle, 1766 ... «. 
Limerick Echo, 1899 om 
Limerick Leader, 1889 . 

Pop. 5 ‚098. "Markets, | 




Limerick Weekly Echo, — ine 

Munster News, 1851 
Lissurn (Antrim, U.). 
Markets, Tues., Sat. 
Lisburn Herald, 1891 0 oo. 
Lisburn Standard, 1877 — 

LonponpDERRY (Londonderry, U.). Pop. 
89,873. Markets, Wed., Sat. In- 
dus.: Exporting agricultural pro- 
duce; salmon-fishing, distilling, and 
ship-building ; ; underclothing, linen, 
flax, leather, and iron manufac- 

*Derry Journal, 1772 . 

Derry People, 1902 (Omagh) 
*Derry Standard, 1836 ... 
*Londonderry Sentinel, 1829 

Periodicals, déc.— 

Derry Almanac. 
Missionary ‘Volunteer. mt 

Loncrorp (Longford, L.). Pop. 3,747. 
Indus.: Agriculture; provision 
trade ; ‘linen, coarse woollens, spool, 
and brick manufactures. 

Longford Independent, 1868 
Longford Journal, 1839... ... 

Lurean (Armagh, U.). Pop. 11 ,777. 
Market, Thurs. Manufactures : 
Linen and cambrics. 

Lurgan Mail, 1890 
Lurgan Times, 1877.. Se. eae 

MARYBOROUGH (Queen's Co., L.. Pop. 
2,957. Market, Thurs. Indus.: 
Agriculture, milling, &c. 

Leinster Express, 1831 ... k 

MonıuLı (Leitrim, C.). Pop. 1,251. Mar- 

ket, Thurs. Indus : Agriculture. 
Leitrim Advertiser, 1856 5 

Monacuan (Monaghan, U.). 
Markets, Mon., Wed., Sat. 

Northern Standard, 1839 ... 
People’s Advocate, 1876 

MuLLineaR (Westmeath, L.). Pop. 4 ‚500 
Market, Thurs. Indus. : Agricul- 

Midiand Reporter, 1891 : 
Westmeath Examiner, 1882 
Westmeath Guardian, 1885 

Naas —— L.). Pop. 8,886. Markets, 

Pop. 11,459. 


Pop. 2,982. 

Mon., Thurs., Sat. Indus. : Export- 
ing ; ‘agriculture. 
Kildare Observer, 1879.. 
Leinster Leader, 1880 ... ss 
NEnAGH (Tipperary, M.). Pop. 4,704. 
Markets, Mon., Thurs. Indus.: © 
Agriculture. aa 
Nenagh Guardian, 1888 ... ... 
Nenagh News ... ... — 
Newry (Down, U.). Pop. 12 405. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Thurs., Sat. Indus., 
Exporting agricultural.. produce, 

cattle, provisions; flax, linen, lea- ` 

ther, and cotton manufactures ; iron 

founding, and distilling; granite. 
Newry Reporter, 1867 ... s.e s. 
Newry Te egraph, 1812... ... «00 

Advertisements received for all the Irish Newspapers and, Reriodicals: 



Newrownihns (Down, U.). Pop. 9,110. 
Market, Sat: Indus.: Agriculture ; : 

Newtownards Chronidéle, 1878... 

OmacuH (Tyrone, U.). Pop. 4,789. Mar- 
ket, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture; 
leather trade. 

Fermanagh Herald, 1908 ... ... 
Tyrone Constitution, 1844... ... 
Ulster Herald, 1901 _... 

Parsonstown (King’s Co., L.). Pop. 
4,955. Market, Sat. Indus.: Agri- 
culture ; stock and wool farming. 

King’s County Chronicle, 1845... 

Porrap6wn (Armagh, U.). Pop. 10,092. 
Markets, Tues., Wed., Sat. Manu- 
factures, Linen, and cotton. 

Portadown News, 1859... ... 
Portadown Recorder, 1887.. 

Ratamines (Dublin). Pop. 82,602. 
Kingstown News .... sha “aie 
Rathmines News, 1805 sce ase 

Roscommon (Roscommon, O.). Po . 10,862. 

Market, Sat. Indus.: Agriculture. 

Roscommon Journal, 1827... ... 
Roscommon Messenger, 1851 . 

Roscrea (Munster). Pop. 2,825. 
Midland Countles Advertiser.. * 

SKIBBEREEN (Cork). Pop. 8,269. 
Southern Star, 1890 

Suiao (Sligo, O.). Pop. 10,870. u Markets, 

Tues., Sat. Indus.: Exporting 
agricultural produce and provisions; 
Sligo Champion, 1886 . 
Sligo Independent, 1855 
STRABANE (Tyrone). Pop. 5,088. 
Strabane Chronicle, 1896 ... .. 
Tyrone Herald, 1898 ie 

TRALEE (Kerry, M.). Pop. 9,867. Mar- 
kets, Tues., Sat. Indus. : Export- 
ing agricultural produce and pro- 

Kerry Evening Post, 1774 ... ... 
Kerry Evening Star, 1892 ...  ... 
Kerry News, 1898... ue ... ave 
Kerry People, 1892 ... .. ... os 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Kerry Sentinei, 1878 .. as 
Kerry Weekly Reporter, 1888 ... 
Killarney Echo, 1899 ... 

Tuam (Galway, C.) Pop. 2 896. Mar- 
kets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Agricul- 

Tuam Herald, 1887 . ae 
Tuam People (Ballinasloe) | st 

TULLAMORE (King’s County). Pop. 4,522. 
Leinster Reporter, 1859 ... ... 

WATERFORD (Waterford, M.). Pop. 26,748. 
Markets, Mon., Wed., Thurs., "Sat. 
Indus. : Exporting, and agriculture. 

Un Tipperary IndepengenE 
Evening ‘News, 1898 oss ase 
Munster Express, 1860.. 

New Ross Reporter, 1871 ‘ 
Waterford Chronicle, 1766... ... 
Waterford Citizen, 1859 ... ... 
Waterford Mall, 1828 — 
Waterford Mirror, 1800 F 
Waterford News, 1848 ... — 
Waterford News-Letter, 1800 ... 
Waterford Standard, 1868 . 
Waterford Star, 1890. ... die 
Wor & Kilkenny Express 

WESTFORT (Mayo). Pop. 8,892. 
Mayo News, 1892 ... .. use wee 

WExFoRD (Weazford, L.). Pop. 11,154. 
Markets, Wed., Sat. Indus.: Malt 
trade; exporting agricultural pro- 
duce and provisions; fisheries ; 
manufacture of agricultural imple- 

Enniscorthy Guardian .. .. 
Free Press, 1888 _... — 

New Ross Standard, 1879 ... 

Wexford Independent, 1769 

Wexford People, 1858 ... ... 

Wicklow People, 1882 ... 

Ireland’s Own 

WıckLow (Wicklow, L.). Pop. 3288. 
Market, Sat. Indus.: Chemicals. 
Wicklow News-Letter, 1857 .. 




CASTLETOWN (Isle of Man). 

Doveras. Pop. (Isle of Man) 64,089; 

(Douglas) 15,719. Market, Sat. In- 
dus. : Shipping, tanning, brewing ; 
woollen, Paper, mineral-water, and 
sail-cloth m 

Isle of Man Daly Times, 1897 . 

isle of Man Examiner, 1880 

*Isle of Man Times, 189 ... .. 
Manx Sun, 1821... ... u... 


Mona’s Herald, 1888 ... ue wee 

Periodicals, de. — 

Isle of Man Examiner Directory. 

Jefforson’s Almanack. 

Manx Church Magazine. 

Manx Wesleyan Church Reoord. 
Peet. Pop. 4,860. 

Peel uardian, 1882 se see u 
Ramsey. Pop. 5,025. 

Ramsey Courier, 1884 s.. see 436 

Ramsey Weekly News, 1889 ... 

362] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

[British Isles. 


ST. HELIER— continued. 

Sr. HELIER. Seaport, watering-place, and 

summer resort. Pop. (Jersey) 52,455 ; 

(St. Helier) 28,020. Markets, Wed., 

Sat. Indus.: Coasting trade; fish- 

ing; early fruits and vegetables. 
Chronique de Jersey, 1814... 

Evening Post, 1891 ... 

imes, 1815... ... * eae 


GUERNSEY. Pop. (Guernsey) 82,607; (St. 
Peter Port) 16,658. Indus.: Ship- 
ping; blue granite working and ex- 

rting; cattle-rearing; flower and 
it cultivation. 
Clarke’s Guernsey News, 1873... 
Gazette de Guernesey, 1791 ... 
Guernsey Advertiser, 1869... ... 
Guernsey Evening Press, 1897... 

Jersey Weekly Press, 1855... ... 
Periodicals, d:c.— 

Bible Christian Messenger. 

Jersey Amusements. 

Jersey Express Almanac. 

Magasin Méthodiste. 

St. Paul’s Magazine. 



Guernsey Weekly Press, 1902... 
Star, 1813 ou oe ee me 
Periodicals, d:c.— 
Alderney Button Burster. 
Report, &c., of the Guernsey Society 
of Natural Science. 
S. Stephen’s Kalendar. 


Te FIIR — 

Oe. ON, 
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ee e 9 O0 ob oe O87 ey © @ @& ee ù t oo 
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Advertisements received for all the Theatrical Newspapers. 


eae dae Ma ta |) 

e o9 ooe 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




0°. The original title, where ascertained, follows the date; the second title is that under which the publication 
now appears. For the dates of changes refer to the list at page 367. 


Oxford Gazette (London Gazette).! 
Course of the Exchange. 

1699-1700 Edinburgh Gazette.? 



Dublin Gazette.? 

Worcester Postman (Berrow’s Worcester 

Nottingham Weekly Courant (Notting- 
hamshire Weekly Express). 

Newcastle Courant.’ 

1712-138 Stamford Mercury (Lincoln, Rutland, 




1725 _ 






and Stamford Mercury).® 

Bristol Postman (Bristol Times and 

British Chronicle (Hereford Journal).® 

Norwich Mercury.’ 

Kentish Post (Kentish Gazette).1 

Leeds Mercury (Leeds and Yorkshire 

Northampton Mercury.!? 

Gloucester Journal.?5 

Reading Mercury.!4 

York Courant (Yorkshire Herald).15 

Lloyd’s List (Shipping and Mercantile 

Salisbury Journal (Salisbury and Win- 
chester Journal).! 

Adams’s , Weekly Courant (Chester Cou- 

Gentleman’s Magazine, 

Derby Mercury. 

Belfast News-Letter. 

Sherborne and Dorset Mercury (Western 

Coventry Mercury (Coventry Standard). 

Birmingham Gazette. 

Bath Journal (Keene’s Bath Journal). 

Cambridge Chronicle.!? 

Sussex Advertiser. 

Aberdeen Journal.” 

Leicester Journal,?1 

Oxford Journal Oxford 

_ Journal).?? 

Leeds Intelligencer (Yorkshire Post).?5 

Bath Advertiser (Bath Chronicle).*4 

Public Ledger.25 

Norfolk Chronicle.2® 

St. James’s Chronicle (English Church- 

Public Register (Freeman’s Journal).2® 

Exeter Flying Post (Trewman’s Exeter 


cm fe 










Gospel Magazine. 

Limerick Chronicle.” 

Waterford Chronicle.5! 

Leinster Journal (Kilkenny Journal). 

Kentish Chronicle.5? 

Wexford Journal (Wexford Independent} 

Exeter Gazette (Devon and Exeter Daily 

Hampshire Chronicle. 

L: Derry Journal (Derry Journal). 

Morning Post. 

Shrewsbury Chronicle.54 

Racing Calendar.>® 

Cumberland Pacquet. 

Kerry Evening Post. 

Chester Chronicle.3# 

Clare Journal.?? 

Perry’s Bankrupt Weekly Gazette (Perry’s 

Armenian Magazine (Wesleyan Metho- 
dist Magazine). 

Bury-Post (Bury and Norwich Post). 

Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow Herald).5® 

Daily Universal Register (Times).3® 

Doncaster, Nottingham, and Lincoln 
Gazette (Doncaster Gazette). 

Maidstone Journal (Maidstone 
Kentish Journal). 

Hull Packet (Daily Mail). 

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine. 

Wolverhampton Chronicle.# 

Bristol Mercury.*! 

Hue and Cry (Police Gazette). 

York Herald (Yorkshire Herald) ). 

Gazette de Guernesey.*? 


Bath Herald.*t 

Kentish Herald (Kent Herald). 

Evangelical Magazine. 

Hull Advertiser (Eastern Morning 

Morning Advertiser.” 

Worcester Herald. 

Staffordshire Advertiser. 

Bell’s Weekly Messenger and Farmer's 
Journal (Country Sport). 

Scottish Congregational Magazine (Scot- 

. tish Congregationalist). 

Kelso Mail. 

Methodist New Connexion Magazine. 


Flying Post). 1798 Carlisle Journal. 
1764 Chelmsford Chronicle (Essex County | 1798 Leith Commercial List. 

Chronicle). 1798 London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philo- 
1764 Newcastle Chronicle (Newcastle Weekly sophical Magazine. 

Chronicle), 1799 Hampshire Telegraph. 
1764 Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton | 1800 Essex Herald. 

Journal (Western Chronicle). 1800 Waterford Mirror. 

1 The references are to Notes on the following pages. 

364] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 (Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

a Gy Se re — 


(*) Copies are in the British Museum. Twenty-one 
numbers issued at Oxford were “ Re-printed at London 
for the use of some Merchants and Gentlemen, who 
desired them.” ‘‘Numb.1” is without date, the first 
paragraph being headed “ Oxon, Nov. 7”—the cause of 
an erroneous date often given for the first issue : a later 

ph is dated Nov. 14. The second issue is with- 
out number, but headed “ From Thursday, November 16, 
to Monday, November 20, 1665,” showing that the first 
issue might have been from the earliest date (Guernzy, 
Oct. 30) to November 16, 1665. One earlier date in the 
first number is Nov. 4, 1664, the last figure perhaps an 
error inreprinting. Owing to difference of Style, para- 
graphs of foreign news dated in advance of the day of 
ublication are to be met with in later issues. One in- 
ruption to the asserted regularity of the paper’s 
appearance was caused by the Fire of London, wken the 
rinter—“* Tho. Newcomb over against Baynards Castle 
Thames Street ”—must have been burnt out, and 
No. 85 did duty for a week, being dated “‘ From Monday, 
Beptember 3, to Monday, September 10, 1666.” i 

(*) 1690 is the date often given. The first volume is 
in the British Museum, Nos. 1 to 3 being too much 
mutilated for the date to be correctly ascertained, but 
the fourth number is for Friday, March 10, to Monday, 
March 13, 1699 (N.8. 1700). 

(*) The date commonly given is 1711, but as many 
copies of an earlier date are in the British Museum, it is 
assumed from No. 339, for July, 1708, that publication 
commenced in 1705. 

(*) Green’s History of Worcester (1796) states thatit 
is conjectured a public paper was established in Wor- 
cester about 1690. That date is consequently claimed 
for this paper ; but Green further adds that, whatever 
may. have been printed previous to 1709, the Worcester 
Postman, in June of that year, assumed a regular and 
orderly appearance in a small folio of six pages, the 
printer being Stephen Bryan, The earliest copy known 
tobe in existence of the Worcester Postman is said to 
consist of two pages, post folio, with a date in 1710. 

Volumes for 1712-14 were exhibited at the Caxton 
Celebration in 1877. In 1722 the paper had become the 
Worcester Post or Western Journal, and later the Weekly 
Worcester Journal, under which title a copy for Friday, 
March 3, to Friday, March 10, 1726-27, is in the British 

Musenm, its number being 924, agreeing with the date . 

July 1, 1709, for the first issue. In 1729the paper had 
become the Worcester Journal, and on June 23, 1748, it 
announced the death of “ Stephen Bryan, who near forty 
years was printer of this paper.” About three months 
before his death Mr. Bryan assigned his business to Mr. 
Hervey Berrow, whose name was added to the title on 
Oct. 11, 1753. 

(*) Stated to be unnumbered till 1725, when No. 1 
was added to the issue for May 1. 

(°) For the first eighteen years the numbers were 
divided into half-yearly volumes. Perhaps the earliest 
copy in existence is for Jan. 6, 1715-6, vol. vii. One 
for Nov. 7, 1717, vol x., was exkibited at the Caxton 
Celebration, and the earliest copy in the British Museum 
is vol. xi., No. 21, for Thurs., May 22, 1718—twelve 
quarto pages, 84 inches by 6. A number for 1719, 
vol. xiv., is said to be in the Museum of the Philosophi- 
cal Society of Leicester ; one is spoken of for 1723, 
voL xxi. ; and the British Museum contains vols, xxxi. 
and xxxii., for 1728, now an octavo of eight pages, 
9 inches by 54. The date of establishment of the 
present paper is probably 1731, as a copy of the Lincoln, 
Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, for Jan. 9. 1789, says 
“This paper for upwards of Fifty-seven years has been 
and continues to be circulated every Friday morning,” 
&c., proving that the Stamford Mercury was not looked 
upon as the original of the present paper. The claim 
was first made on July 7,1826, by a new proprietor, 
when he counted the 36 half-yearly volumes as so many 
years, and thus added 18 years to the age of the paper. 

C) Much of the pedigree of this paper and its gol- . 

terals is shown in thefollowing list of Titular Changes. 

(°) 1713 is claimed as the date of establishment. A 
copy inthe British Museum of the British Chronicle 
for March 28, 1771, is No. 34, vol i. 

(*) The date is assumed from an obituary notice of Mr. 

m.Chasein the paper for June 2, 1744, wherein he is 

said to have “printed the Norwich Mercury for about 
30 years.” The proprietors on Jan. 26, 1884, issued a 
fac-simile of the paper of Jan. 21-8, 1727, and they have 
in their possession “an odd copy or two for 1721.” 

('°) No. 530 is dated March 22, 1722 (published twice 
a week), and No. 1 of the Kentish Gazette is dated 
April 30to May 4, 1768, On the following 28rd of July 
the Kentish Pust was incorporated, and the paper 
appeared as the Kentish Gazette and Canterbury 
Chronicle, beginning again as No. 1. 

(*'!) Vol. ii., 1719-20, was in the Caxton Exbibition. 
The paper was discontinued from 1755 to 1767, a new 
numbering then being adopted. 

(‘?) The first number was published on May 2, 1720. 
A copy of the first volume is in the Northampton Free 
Reference Library. 
inn 1720 has been given. No. 255 is dated Feb. 21, 

(**) A copy of the first number, for July 8, 1723, is in 
the Bodleian Library, and of this a facsimile was issued 
as a supplement to the paper on July 8, 1882. 

(°) The Fork Courant was incorporated with the 
York Herald, which started on Jan. 2, 1790. 

(°°) 1720 is frequently given. A copy for July 10, 
1739, is No. 76, vol. ii.; and one for March 12, 1744, is 
No. 372, vol. ix. A copy of the Salisbury and Win- 
chester Journal for Sept. 7, 1829, is 5639, following 
which the number is 56310, and so onwards ! 

(77) 1719 and 1721 are given. A copy for 1772 is 
No. 1868, 

C°) 1736is commonly given. The proprietor (1884) 
says 1737. 

(°) 1748 is also given. A copy for Dec. 8, 1804, is 
No. 2198 ; pointing toa still later date. 

(*°) 1745 and 1746 have been given, 

(°) Complete file from No. 1. 

(=) A volume of the Oxford Journal for 1753 was in 
the Caxton Exhibition. Jackson’s Oxford Journal for 
April 3, 1762, is No. 466. 

(7) A copy of the Leeds Intelligencer for Jan. 3, 1883, 
says 1751, but in 1866 the date claimed is 1754. 

(74) A copy of the Bath Advertiser for March 8, 1760, 

| is No. 230, and one of the Bath Chronicle for May 7, 

1761, is No. 80. 

(7°) The date commonly given is 1759. No. 1, in the 
British Museum, is dated Jan. 12, 1760. 

(°) This had only reached No. 1319, vol. xxvi., on 
May 23, 1795. 

(77) An earlier date, under a different name, is some- 
times given to this paper, but with this title a copy of 
No. 17, for April 18-21, 1761, is in the British Museum, 

(2°) 1755 has been given, but a copy for Sept. 10, 
1763, is No. 1, and one for March 14, 1776, is No. 88, 
vol, xiii.—“ total number 1639.” 

(?°) 1730 is frequently given. 

(°°) A copy for Nov. 23, 1775, is No. 761, vol. viii., 
and the title is preceded by “ John Ferrar.” 

(°‘) This paper expired in 1844, its death being 
announced in its last number on the 1st of February. 
Two months later another proprietor started The 
Chronicle. On Feb. 7, 1849, “ Waterford’ was added 
by the proprietor to the headings of the inner pages, 
and a few weeks later it was added to the first page. 

(*) This is said to be an error, being the date of the 
amalgamation of the Aentish Post and Kentish Gazette 
(see note ('°), However, a copy of the Kentish Chronicle 
for April 28, 1795, is No. 1592. 

(**) 1782 and 1789 have been given. The paper was 
not numbered till June 21, 1792, when it was begun 
with No. 1024. 

(*) A volume for 1772 was in the Caxton Exhibition. 

(2°) A copy for April 13, 1774, is No. 2 (i.e., for that 
year). The numbers were reissued as a pocket volume 
at the end of each year as Weatherby’s Racing Book. 

(**) 1773 is sometimes given. No.1 is in the British 
Museum, and dated May 2, 1775. 

(?”) 1778 is also given. 

(**) 1777 and 1779 have been given. 

(°) The first number, in the British Museum, speaks 
of itself as the Untversal Register, while its heading 
is “The Daily Universal Register, Printed Logo» 
graphically. By His Majesty’s Patent. Numb. 1, 
Saturday, January 1, 1785. Price Two-pence Half- 
penny.” The printer is James Fleming. The first 
number of Zhe Times is now exhibited in the British 

Advertisements recewed for all Provincial Newspapers. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

jae ten only reached No. 996, vol. xx., on 

(*) A Bristol Weekly Mercury had an existence much 
— in the century. A copy for Dec. 1, 1716, is 

(**) 1788 is also given. 


11, 15, 16, and 18 EAST TEMPLE CHAMBERS; 

(Proprietors—J. E. DIXON & CO.) 

(**) No. = The Observer, for Jan. 8, 1792, is in the 
British Museum. 

(**) In 1862 this paper was incorporated with the 
Bath Express, afterwards the Bath Herald. 

(*) No. 2 of the Morning Advertiser, dated Feb 10 
1794, is in the British Museum ; aleo facsimile of No. 1. 

Postal Address: 
J. E. DIXON & CO. 

Telegraphic Address: 

The Athletic ewe Agency supplies Special Reports, Notes, and Articles on Athletics, Cycling, Lawn 
Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, Hockey, Cricket, Football, Swimming, and other Sports, with or without cae tions. 
Each Branch is Edited = a Specialist. Every Fixture of Minor and General Interest covered. tes and 

ecial Feature. Results wired at Shortest Notice. For Terms apply to ATHLETIC N EWS 
AGENCY, 2 Whitefriars Street, London, E.C. 


The Bolton Evening Hews warty). 

The Oldest Evening Newspaper in Lancashire. Established 1867. Price One Halfpenny. 


The Bolton Journal and Guardian. 
The “Eccles and Patricroft Journal. 
The Farnworth Weekly Journal. 
The Leigh Journal and Times. 
The Pendlebury and Swinton Fournal. 
The Tyldesley Weekly Fournal. 

Each of —— above Newspapers has its separate Publishing Office, its Resident Managing and Reporting S 
each has its own Local Advertisements and Local News, and is, in the fullest sense, a distinctively — 
Newspaper. Published Fridays. Price One Penny. 


Published SATURDAY, all the year round. Established 1884. Price One Penny. 

TILLOTSON & SON, Ld., Proprietors, Printers, Pablishers, &c., BOLTON. 
London Office: 20 NEW BRIDGE STREET, E.C. 

366] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


The following list, which deals only with publications which have not completely passed 
out of existence, will afford considerable help in tracing the history of some of the oldest 
newspapers and periodicals, and greatly assist in a search for many which are otherwise difficult 
to find owing to some trifling alteration in the leading title. 

The date of issue or of change, where ascertained, follows the title; a second title printed in 
italic indicates that the list must be again entered with that title until the new-found one is printed 
in Roman character, when, if further information is required, reference should be made to the 

publication in the Alphabetical List, page 1. 

When a publication has received a new title, the contraction bec. signifies “ became ’’; and when 
a title has been incorporated, the contraction inc. stands for “incorporated with,” “amalgamated 

with,” or “ merged into.” 

Aberdare Times, 1861, inc. Aberdare Leader, 1903. 
Aberdeen Chronicle, 1806, bec. Aberdeen Herald, 1822. 
Aberdeen Herald, 1822, bec. The Herald. 

Aberdeen Evening Express, 1879, bec. Evening Express, 

Aberlour Orphanage Magazine, 1885, bec. Orphanage 
Magazine, 1901. 

Abingdon and Reading Herald, Aug. 27, 1870, bec. 
Abingdon Herald, 1883. 

Abingdon Herald, July 27, 1867, bec. Reading and 
Abingdon Herald, May 14, 1870. 

Accountants’ Students’ Journal, 1883, bec. Accountants’ 
Journal, 1887. 

Accrington Advertiser, 1889, 
Northern Morning News, 1900. 

Accrington Times, 1866, inc. Accrington Observer and 
Times, 1892. 

Acton and Chiswick Independent, 1888, inc. County of 
Middlesex Independent, 1885. 

Acton Gazette, 1868, bec. Acton, Chiswick, and Turn- 
ham Green Gazette, Apr. 1871, bec. Acton Gazette, 

Adams’s Weekly Courant, 1730, bec. Chester Courant. 

Advocate, bec. Warwickshire Workers’ Advocate, 1902. 

, African Critic, 1895, bec. Critic, 1898. 

Agnostic, 1884, dec. Agnostic Annual, 1888. 

Agricultural Gazette Almanack, 1874, inc. Live Stock 
Journal Almanack, 1886. 

— Journal, 1870, dec. Alfreton and Belper Journal, 

ar. 1887. 

Allen’s Indian Mail, 1843, inc. Homeward Mail, 1857. 

All the Year Round, 1859, inc. Household Words, 1897. 

Alnwick Mercury, June, 1854, inc. Aluwick and County 
Gazette, Jan. 1, 1884. 

Alston Herald, inc. Hexham Courant, 1864. 

Altrincham and Bowdon Advertiser, 1880, bec. Altrin- 
cham Division Advertiser, 1890. 

Amateur Art Designer, 1887, bec. Art Designer, dec. 
Home Art Work, 1889. 

Amateur Observer’s Almanac, 1807, bec. Heavens at a 
Glance, 1899. 

Ambleside Chronicle, 1885, inc. Lakes Chronicle, 1889. 

Ambleside Herald, 1880, bec. Lakes Herald, 1887. 

Amserau Cymru, 1843, inc. Baner Cymru, 1860. 

Anerley and Penge Press, 1883, bec. Penge and Anerley 
Press, 1901. 

STED Frengi Stage Chronicle, 1899, bec. Cnronique La, 

bec. Advertiser and 

Anglo-New-Zealander, Aug. 1, 1881, bec. Australian 
Times, Sept. 11, 1885. 

Animal Protection Societies’ Directory, 1898, bec. 
Humane Year Book, 1903. 

Annan Observer, 1857, bec. Annandale Observer, 1874. 

Answers to Correspondents, 1888, der. Answers, 1890. 

Anubis, 1902, bec. Out of the Silence, 1903, 

Appleby Chronicle, inc. Lakes Chronicle. 

Archeological Review, 1888, bec. Folk Lore, Jan., 1890. 

Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy. bec. Archives of 
Skiagraphy, bec. Archives of the Roentgen Ray. 

Argus, inc. The Globe. 

Argus (Brighton ), bec. Evening Argus, 1896. 

— (Norwich), 1863, inc. Norfolk Weekly Standard, 

Argyllshire Standard, 1871, inc. Dunoon Observer, 1895. 
Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, 1741, txc. Birmingham 
Daily Gazette, 1897. 

Advertisements recetved for all Periodicals, 

— — — 

Army and Navy Magazine, 1880, inc. Colburn’s United 
Service Magazine, 1888. 

Army Circulars, bec. Army Orders. 

Arrival List, 1854, bec. Ilfracombe Gazette, 1875. 

Art Union Monthly Journal, Feb. 15, 1839, bee. Art 
Journal, Jan. 1, 1849. 

Artbur’s Directory of Carlisle, 1877, bec. Post Office 
Directory of Carlisle, 1880. 

Ashford and Alfred News, July 17, 1855, bec. Kentish 
Express, 1858, 

Ashford Chronicle, 1884, bec. Kent Examiner, 1884. 

an Reporter, bec. Ashton-under-Lyne Reporter, 

Ashton Weekly Reporter, Apr. 14, 1855, bec. Ashton 

Ashton-under-Lyne Herald, 1889, bec. Weekly Herald, 

Asiatic Quarterly Review, dec. Imperial and Asiatio 
Quarterly Review. . 

Aspirant, 1889, bec. Civil Service Aspirant, 1890. 

Astrologer, 1887, bec. Astrologer’s Magazine, 1890. 

parolees Magazine, 1890, bec. Modern Astrology, 

Astrological Almanac, 1834, bec. Zadkiel’s Almanac, 

Asylum Journal of Mental Science, 1855, bec. Journal 
of Mental Science, 1858. 

rn Mercury, 1873, inc. Auckland Chronicle, 

— Mail and Colonial Mining News, 1894, inc. 

olonial Mining News, 1902. 

Australian Times, Sept. 11, 1885, inc. British Austral- 
asian, 1888. 

Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Journal, 1893, bec. 
Automotor Journal, 1902. 

Automotor and Horseless Vehicle Pocket Book, 1897, 
bec. Automotor Pocket Book, 1902. 

Aylesbury News, Dec. 3, 1836, bec. Bucks Advertiser, 
Jan, 2, 1847. 

Ayrshire Argus, 1872, inc. Ayr Observer, 1890. 

Ayrshire Express, 1854, inc. Ayrshire Argus, 1872. 

Ayrshire Weekly News, 1859, inc. Ayr Observer, 1901. 

Bacup and Rossendale News, 1862, bec. Rossendale 
Division Gazette, 1890. 

Baily’s Fox Hunting Directory, bec. Baily’s Hunting 

Baily’s Monthiy Magazine, bec. Baily’s Magazine of 
Sports and Pastimes, 

Ballyshannon Herald, 1831, inc. Donegal Independent, 

Banbury Herald, ine. Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1870. 

Band of Mercy Advocate,1879, bec. Band of Mercy, 1883. 

Baner Cymru, Mar. 4, 1857, bec. Baner ac Amserau 
Cynıru, 1860. 

Bangor Observer, 1883, inc. North Wales Observer, 1884. 

Bankers’ Magazine, 1844, bec. Bankers’, Insurance 
Managers’ and Agents’ Magazine, 1890. 

Bar Reports, 1865, bec. Law Times Reports, 1871. 

Barking and East Ham Advertiser, 1888, bec. Barking, 
East Ham, and Ilford Advertiser, 1889. 

Barnsley Times, Apr. 7, 1855, dec. Barnsley Indepen- 
dent, 1882. 

Barnstaple and Bideford Times, Oct. 12, 1855, bec. North 
Devon Advertiser, Dec. 28, 1855. 

Rarrow Advertiser, inc. Barrow Pilot. 

Barrow Pilot, 1870, ine. Barrow Herald, 1877. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Barry and Cadoxton Journal, 1888, bec. South Wales 
Star and Barry and Cadozton Journal, 1891. 

Basingstoke Observer, Aug. 11, 1883, inc. Winchester 
Observer, 1884. 

Bath Advertiser, Oct. 18, 1755, bec. Bath Chronicle, 
Oct. 15, 1760. 

Bath and Cheltenham Gazette, 1812, inc. Bath Herald, 
1 3 


Bath Argus, 1870, bec. Bath Daily Argus, 1896. 

Bath Argus (Daily), 1896, ine. Daily Chronicle and 
Argus (Bath), 1900. 

Bath Chronicle, Oct. 15, 1760, bec. Martin’s Bath 

Bath Daily Chronicle, 1877, inc. Daily Chronicle and 
Argus (Bath), 1900. 

Bath Express, Oct. 6, 1855, dec. Bath Herald, 1876. 

Bath Herald, Mar. 3, 1792, inc. Bath Erpress, 1862. 

Bath Journal, 1742, bec. Keene’s Bath Journal. 

Bath Register, inc. Bath Herald, Oct. 4, 1793. 

Battleaxe, 1883, bec. Church Army Gazette, 1886, 

B.B., 1895, inc. Young England, 1901, 

Beau Monde, 1852, bec. Schild’s Monthly Journal, 1879, 

Bedford and Bedfordshire Herald, 1879, inc. Cuton 
Times, 1887. 

Bedford Chronicle, inc. Bedfordshire Mercury. 

Bedford Mercury, Apr. 2, 1836, bec. Bedfordshire Mer- 
cury, Nov. 30, 1857. 

Bedford Record, 1872, bec. Bedford and County Record, 
Jan. 3, 1880. 

Bedford Times, 1845, dec. Bedfordshire Times, July, 

Belfast Linen Trade Circular, 1852, bec. Irish Textile 
Journal, Jan. 15, 1886. 

Bell’s Life in London, 1822, ine. Sporting Life, 1886. 

Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 1796, bec. Country Sport and 
Messenger of Agriculture, 1896. 

Belper and Alfreton Chronicle, 1885, inc. Belper News 
and Derbyshire Telephone, 1901. 

Bent’s Monthly, Literary Advertiser, 1802, inc. The 
Bookseller, 1860, 

Berkhamsted Advertiser, 1895, inc. Herts Advertiser, 

Berkhamsted Times, Tring Telegraph, and Chesham 
News, 1875, inc. West Herts Observer, 1900, inc. West 
Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Berkshire Times, 1860, inc. North Wilts Herald, Dec. 8, 

Berwick Mercury, 1893, bec. Berwick Mercury, Times, 
Gazette, and Warder, 1903. 

Bethnal Green Times, 1860, bec. Eastern Argus, 1876. 

Beverley Weekly Recorder, July 7, 1855, bec. Beverley 

Bexley Heath, Erith, and Sidcup Observer, 1867, bec. 
Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, 1885. 

Bible Class Federation Quarterly, 1900, tnc. David's 
Sling, 1901. 

Bible Standard, 1877, inc. The Faith, 1889. 

Bible Work at Home and Abroad, 1883, bec. Bible 
Women and Nurses, 1886. 

Bicycling News and Sport and Play, 1876, bec. Bicycling 
News and Motor Review, 1901. 

Biggleswade Chronicle, Sandy, Polton, and Shefford 
Times, 1891, bec. Biggleswade Chronicle and North 
Bedfordshire Gazette, 1898. 

Billposters’ Journal, 1887, bec. Billposter, 1889. 

Bilston Herald, 1871, bec. Bilston Weekly Herald, 1885. 

Bilston Mercury, 1875, inc. Bilston Herald, 1877. 

Bilston Weekly Herald, 1885, bec. Midland Herald, 1887. 

Biographist and Review, 1902, bec. British Review 
and Journal of Biography, 1903. 

Bird o’ Freedom, 1879, inc. Man of the World, 1890. 

Birmingham Journal, inc. Birmingham Post. 

Birmingham, Moseley, and Balsall Heath News, 1884, 
bec. South Birmingham, Moseley,and Balsall Heath 
News, May 23, 1885. 

Birmingham Red Book, 1864, bec. City of Birmingham 
Red Book, 1889, bec. Birmingham Red Book, 1900. 

Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 1884, bec. Weekly 
Mercury, 1903. 

Bishop Stortford Observer, 1861, bec. Herts and Essex 
Observer, 1862. 

Bishop Stortford Weekly News, 1899, inc. Saffron Wal- 
den Weekly News, 1901. 

Blackburn's Academy Notes, bee. Acarlemy Notes. 

Blackburn Standard and Express, 1888, bec. Weckly 
Standard and Express, 1893. 

Blackburn, Weekly Express, 1887, inc. Blackburn 
Standard and Express, 1888. 

Blackpool, and Fleetwood Gazette, 1873, bec. Gazette 
and News for Blackpool, &c., 1893. 

Blackpool Weekly, 1898, bec. Weekly (Blackpool), 1900. 

Blandford and Wimborne Telegram, 1862, inc. Western 
Chronicle, 1886. 

Blue Ribbon Gazette, 1882, bec. Gospel Temperance 
Herald, 1882. 

Blue Ribbon Journal, inc. Herald of Wales. 

Blyth Scribe, 1894, bec. Blyth Daily Post, 1899. 

Bognor Visitors’ List, 1867, inc. Bognor Observer, 1879. 

Bonnor and Middleton’s Journal, Aug. 13, 1744, bee. 
Bristol Times and Mirror. 

Bookbinder, 1887, bec. British Bookmaker, 18%. 

Book of the Ohurch of Scotland, 1888, bec. Church of 
Scotland Year Book, 1900. 

Boot and Shoe Maker, 1878, bec. Boot and Shoe Trades 
Journal, 1880. 

Boot and Shoe Trades Chronicle, 1876, bec. Shoe and 
Leather Trades Chronicle, 1877. 

poe Leader, 1886, inc. South Birmingham News, 

en News, 1900, bec. Lewisham Borough News, 

Borough of Hackney Express, 1857, bec. Hackney Ex- 
press and Shoreditch Observer, 1885. 

pore of Hackney Liberal, 1878, bec. Eastern Argis, 

Borough of Hackney Standard, 1877, bec. Hackney 
Standard, 1885. 

Borough of Lewisham Gazette, 1885, bec. Lewisham 
Gazette, 1891. 

Borough of Lewisham Herald, April, 1888, ine. Borough 
of Lewisham Gazette, 1890. 

Borough of Marylebone Mercury, 1857, bec. Marylebone 
Mercury and West London Gazette, 1890. 

Borough of Wednesbury Herald, 1875, dec. Wednes- 
bury Herald, 1878. 

Boston Spa Journal, 1873, bec. Boston Spa News, 1878, 

Bosworth’s Clerical Guide, 1886, inc. Clergy List, 1888. 

Botanical Magazine, 1787, bec. Curtis’s Botanical 
Magazine, 1801. 

Bowness and Windermere Chronicle, ine. Lake: . 

Bowness Herald, 1882, bec. Windermere and Bowness 
Herald, 1885. 

Boy P Onenpion Story Paper, 1900, bec. Police Budget, 

ar Observer, inc. Bicester Advertiser, May 9, 

Bradford Citizen, 1884, bec. Citizen Weekly, 1893. 

Bradford Weekly Telegraph, 1869, bec. Jllustrated 
Weekly Telegraph, 1885. 

Bradshaw’s Railway Gazette, 1845, bec. Joint Stock 
Companies’ Journal, 1898. . 

Bray Herald and Arklow Reporter, 1876, bec. Bray and 
South Dublin Herald, 1901. 

Brazil and River Plate Mail, 1863, bec. South American 
Journal, 1878. k m ; 

Brecknock Beacon, 1885, inc. Brecon CountyTimes, 1897. 

Brecon County Times, 1866, bec. Brecon and Radnor 
Express, 1889. 

Brecon Free Press, 1882, bec. Brecknock Beacon, 1888. 

Brentford and Ealing Independent, 1883, bec. County 
of Middlesex Independent, 1885. ` 

Brewers’ Weekly, 1899, inc. Brewer and Wine Merchant, 

Bridgend and Neath Chronicle, 1880, bec. Chronicle far 
South and Mid Glamorgan, 1895. 

Bridgwater Gazette, 1871, bec. Bridgwater Independent, 
July 11, 1885. 

Bridgwater Guardian, 1885, inc. Somerset County 

z en 18, 1887. i 
ridport, Beaminster, and Lyme Regis Tel 1865, 
inc. Western Chronicle, 1686. = a 

Brigade of Guards Magazine, 1888, bec. Household 
Brigade Magazine, 1897. 

Brighton and Hove Guardian, 1827, inc. Brighton and 
Hove Society, 1901. 

Brighton Daily Gazette, May 26, 1885, bec. Brighton 
Gazette, 1886. 

Brighton Daily News, 1868, bec. Sussex Daily News. 

Brighton Fashionable Arrival List, July 31, 1858, bec. 
Denen Standard and Fashionable Visitors’ List, 


368] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

3ristol Daily Post, Jan. 24, 1860, inc. Bristol Mercury, 

Jan. 26, 1878. 

3ristol Mirror, inc. Bristol Times, Jan. 1865. 

3ristol Postman, Feb. 14, 1713, bec. Fariey’s Bristol 
News-Papem, May 8, 1725. 

Bristol Sporting News, 1889, inc. Bristol Athletic News, 


Bristol Times, 1839, bec. Daily Bristol Times and 

Mirror, Jan, 1865. 
British Advertiser, 1870, inc. The Capitalist, 1885. 
British Bandsman, 1887, bec. British Musician, 1892. 
British Bookmaker, inc. British Printer, 1894. 
British Chronicle, Aug. 9, 1770, bec, Hereford Journal. 
British Columbia Review and North American Mining 
Journal, 1897, dec. B.C. Review, 1901. 
British Daily Farmer, 189%, inc. Dairy World, 1895. 
British Deaf Ohronicle, 
British Economist, 1886, bec. North British Economist, 
British Indian Commerce and Eastern Trade, 1901, bec. 
Anglo-Indian Review, 1903. 
British Israel, Jan. 1, 1880, bec. The Messenger, Aug. 23, 
British Lithographer, inc. British Printer. 
British Musician, 1892, ine. British Bandsman, 1898. 
British Postal Guide, 1858, bec. Post Office Guide, 
British Press, 1815, bec, Jersey Times, 1888. 
British Protestant, 1884, inc. Gospel Magazine, 1898. 
British Woman’s Temperance Journal, 1883, bec. Wings, 
Brixton, Streatham, and Norwood Times, 1881, bec. 
Brixton and Streatham Times, 1888, 
Bromley and West Kent Courier, 1879, inc. Lewisham 
and Blackheath Courier, 1885. 
Buchan Observer, 1863, bec. East Aberdeenshire Ob- 
server, 1875. 
Buckinghamshire Advertiser, 1853, bec. Middlesex and 
Buckinghamshire Advertiser, 1890. 
Builders’ Merchant, 1897, ine. Quarry, 1899, bec. 
Builders’ Merchant, 1900. 
Builders’ Price Book, 1844, bec. Laxton’s Builders’ 
Price Book, 1855. 
Builders’ Price Book, dec, Lockwood's Builders’ and 
Architects’ Price Book, 1856. 
Builders’ Weekly Reporter, 1856, bec, Builders’ Reporter 
and Engineering Times, 1886. 
Building Socteties’ and Land Companies’ Record, 1869, 
bec. Building Societies’ Gazette, 1887, 
Burbage’s Nottingham Chronicle, ine. Nottingham 
Journal, 1775. 
Burnley Advertiser, Mar. 1, 1852, inc, Burnley Express, 
. 1880. 
Burnley Free Press, 1863, bec. Burnley Gazette, 1863. 
Burton and Derby Gazette, 1880, dec. Burton Evening 
Gazette, 1887. 
Bury and Suffolk Standard, 1869, inc. Bury and Nor- 
wich Post, 1887. 
Bury Herald, ine. Bury and Norwich Post, 1850. 
Bury Post, 1782, bec. Bury and Norwich Post. 
Cable and Agricultural World, 1893, bec. Agricultural 
World and Cable, 1901. 
Caledonian Mercury, Apr. 28, 1720, ine. The Scotsman. 
Calne Chronicle, Mar. 29, 1876, inc. North Wilts Herald, 
July 6, 1878, , 
Camberwell and Peckham Star, 1890, inc. with South 
London Chronicle, 1891, 
Camberwell, Peckham, and Dulwich News, 1876, bec. 
Camberwell News, 1888, 
Cambridge Undergraduate’s Journal, ine. Oxford 
Undergraduate’s Journal, Oct., 1875. 
Canterbury Chronicle and Kentish Standard, Jan., 1&69, 
inc. Kentish Chronicle. 
Canterbury Press, inc. with Kentish Gazette, 1891. 
Cardiff Free Press, 1876, inc. West of England Ob- 
server, Dec. 29, 1877. , 
Cardiff Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, 1859, bec. 
‘one Swansea, and Newport Shipping Gazette, 

Cardiganshire and Merioneth Herald, 1884, bec. 

` Merioneth News and Herald, 1889. 

Cardiganshire and Merionethshire Herald, 1883, bec. 
- Cardiganshire and Merioneth Herald, 1884. 

Carlisle Examiner, 1857, inc. Carlisle Express, 1870. 
Carlow Nationalist, 1883, bec. The Nationalist, 1888, 


1861, bec. British Deaf 

Advertisements received for any Néwspaper in. the, Kingdom. 

Carmarthen Journal, 1810, bec. The Journal, 1887. 
Carnarvon Herald, Jan. 1, 1881, bec. Carnarvon and 
Denbigh Herald. 

re Family Magazine, 1374, bec. Cassell’s Magazine, 

Cassell’s Ill. Family Paper, 1853, bec. Cassell’s Maga- 
zine, 1867, bec. Cassell’s Family Magazine, 1874, bec. 
Cassell’s Magazine, 1897. 

ue Magazine, 1867, bec. Cassell’s Family Magazine, 


Catholic Opinion, inc. Catholic Times. 

Celt, Y, 1878, bec. Celt Newydd, 1903. 

Central Weekly Times, inc. Leinster Reporter, 1859. 

Chambere’s Edinburgh Journal, Feb. 4, 1832, bec. 
Chambers’s Journal, 1844. 

Chapel-en-le-Frith, &c., Advertiser, 1877, bec. High 
Peak Advertiser, 1881. 

Charity Organisation Reporter, 1872, bec. Charity 
Organisation Review, 1884. 

Chatham News, 1859, bec. Chatham and Rochester News, 
ae bec. Chatham, Rochester, and Gillingham News, 

Ohelmsford Ohronicle, Aug. 10, 1764, bec. Essex County 
Chronicle, July 25, 1884. 

NE News, 1857, bec. Westminster and Chelsea News, 

Chesham News, 1900, inc. West Herts Observer, 1901, 
bec. West Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Cheshire Evening Echo, bec. Cheshire Daily Echo, 1895. 

un Observer, 1899, inc. Herts and Essex Observer, 

Chester Record, Jan. 8, 1857, inc. Chester Guardian. 

Children’s Missionary Magazine of the United Pres- 
byterian Church, 1880, bec. Children’s Missionary 
Magazine of the New Free Church of Scotland, 1901, 
bec. Children’s Missionary Magazine of the United 
Free Church of Scotland, 1903. 

Ohildren’s Prize, 1864, bec. The Prize, 1875. 

Children’s Tidings, bec. African Tidings, 

Children’s Treasury, 1868, bec. Our Darlings, 1881. 

Chislehurst and Mottingham Chronicle, 1893, ine. 
Bromley Telegraph, 1901. 

Chislehurst and Sidcup Times, 1881, dec. Chislehurst 
and District Times, 1885. 

Christchurch Chronicle, ize. Observer and Chronicle 
for Hants, 1881. 

chau Guardian, 1883, inc. Southern Guardian, 

Christian Advocate, inc. Bible Advocate, 1890. 

Christian Ambassador, 1863, bec. Primitive Methodist 
Quarterly Review, 1879. 

Christian Budget, 1898, inc. Christian Herald, 1902. 

Christian Chronicle, 1881, inc. Christian Common- 
wealth, 1887. 

Christian Church and Word and Works, 1896, inc. 
Christian Leader, 1899, bec, Weekly Leader, 1902. 

Christian Leader, 1882, bec. Weekly Leader. 1902. 

ae Pathway of Power, 1874, inc. Life of Faith, 
1879. ° 

Chronicle, Mar. 30, 1844, bec. Waterford Ohronicle 
(inner pages only), Feb. 7, 1849. 

Church s, 1871, bec. Churoh Belis and Illustrated 
Church News, 1901. 

Church of England Temperance Chronicle, 1873, bec. 
Temperance Chronicle, May 5, 1888. 

Church of England Temperance Magazine, 1862, bec. 
Church of England Temperance Chronicle, 1873. 

Church of Ireland Temperance Visitor, 1879, bec. 
Visitor, 1898. 

Church Work, 1856, bec, Guildsman, 1882, 

Churchwoman, 1895, inc. Guardian, 1908. 

Cigar and Tobacco World and Tobacconist, 1889, bee. 
Cigar and Tobacco World, 1898. 

Cinderford Mercury, 1881, inc. Dean Forest Mercury. 

erg Times, 1856, inc. North Wilts Herald, Oct. 

City Mission Magazine, 1836, bec. London City Mission 
Magazine, 1887. 

oy x Westminster Mail, 1900, bec. Westminster Mail, 

_ Civil Service Aspirant, 1892, bec. Aspirant, 1898. 

Clacton News, 1889, bec. East Easex Advertiser and 
Clacton News, 1893. 

Clarke’s Civil Service Examiner and Guide, 1895, bec. 
Civil Service Weeklv, 1899. 
Clarke’s New Law List, 1803, bec. Law List, 1841. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Cleckheaton Advertiser, 1853, inc. Spen Valley Times 

Clerical World, 1881, bec. Family Churchman, 1882. 

Clerkenwell Chronicle, 1884, bec. Weekly Nets, 1886, bec 
Finsbury Weekly News, 1900. _ 

Clerkenwell News, 1855, bec. Daily Chronicle, 1878. 

Clifton Directory, Nov. 13, 1850, bec. Clifton Chronicle, 
Jan. 7, 1852. 

Coffee Public House News, 1878, bec. Temperance 
Caterer, 1887. 

Colburne’s United Service Magazine, 1842, bec. United 
Service Magazine, 1890. 

Colchester Mercury, 1867, inc. Essex Telegraph, 1902. 

Colne and Nelson Pioneer, 1882, dec. Nelson Chronicle, 
1890. i l 

Coltman’s Registration Cases, 1843, bec. Fox's Registra- 
tion Cases, 1889. 

Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Visitor, 1885, inc. Weekly 
News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 1894, bec. Colwyn Bay 
Weekly News, 1899. 

Colwyn Bay Gazette, 1883, inc. Abergele and Pensarn 
Visitor, 1856. 

Colwyn Bay Visitor, 1883, bee. Coluyn Bay and Colwyn 
Visitor, 1885. 

Commercial Record, 1898, bec. 


Commissioners of Patents Journal, 1854, bec. Offctal 
Journal of the Patent Office, 1884. 

Conchologist, 1890, bec. Journal of Malacology, 1892. 

Confectioners’, Bakers’, and Pastrycooks’ Union, 1887, 
bec. Confectioners’ Union, 1898. 

Congleton and Macclesfield Mercury, 1885, inc. Congle- 
ton Chronicle, 1895. 

Constitutional, Sep. 15, 1836, bec. Public Ledger, July 2, 
1837. i 

Consular Journal, 1897, inc. Commercial Intelligence, 

Cook’s (W.) Poultry Journal, 1886, bec. Poultry Journal, 

Corn Trade Journal, 1876, bec. Millers’ Gazette, 1881. 
Corner’s Wellington Weekly News, Oct. 1860, bec. 
Wellington Weekly News, 1880. 
Cornish Weekly News, 1858, ine Royal Oornwall 

Gazette, 1877. 

Cotswold Herald, inc. Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1865. 

Cottage Gardener, 1849, bec. Journal of Horticulture, 
Apr. 2, 1861. 

Cottage Gardening, 1892, bec. Gardener, 1899. 

Councillor, 1896, bec. Councillor and Guardian, 1897. 

Country, 1873, inc. Bazaar, Exchange, and Mart, 
1879. i 

Country Brewers’ Gazette, 1877, bec. Brewers’ Gazette, 

Scots Commercial 

Country Resident and Farm Monthly, 1901, bec. 
Feathered Life, 1903. : 

County Council Gazette, 1889, inc. County Council 
Times, 1889. 

County Express, 1867, inc. Stourbridge, Brierley Hiil, 
and County Express, 1885. 

County Press, 1831, ine. Hertford Mercury, Nov. 24, 

County Press, 1895, dec. Hants and Sussex County 
Press, 1897. , 

County Times, inc. Surrey Advertiser. 

County Wexford Express, 1869, bec. Wexford and Kil- 
kenny Express, 1880. 

Coventry — Journal, 1873, bec. Ooventry 
Mercury, 1888. 

Oo eaae Mer uii July 20, 1741, bec. Jopson’s Coventry 
and Northampton Mercury, Feb. 21, 1743. 

Coventry Mercury, bec. Coventry Standard, Aug. 5, 1836. 

Coventry Observer, inc. Coventry Herald, Apr. 2, 1830. 

Coventrv's Monthly Advertiser, 1855, inc. Tottenham 
and Edmonton Advertiser, 1880. 

Cowal Watchman, 1876, bec. Dunoon Observer, 1886. 

Craftsman, 1894, bec. Cardiff Figaro, 1901. 

Craven Pioneer, 1858, bec. West Yorkshire Pioneer, 1885. 

Cresswell's Nottingham Journal, 1756, inc. Leicester 
Journal, 1757. 

Croydon’s Weekly Standard, 1859, bec. Bucks Standard, | 

1887. , ; 

Cutter and Electro-Plater, 1891, imc. Jewellers’ Trade 
Advertiser, 1894. 

Crele Referee, ine. Cycle Trader, bec. Cycle and Motor 
“Trader, 1902. 

Cycle Trader, 1895, bes. Cycle and Motor Trader, 1902. 

Daily Argus, 1891, inc. Birmingham Evening’ Dispatch, 

Daily Bristol Times and Mirror, Jan. 1865, dec. Bristol 
Times and Mirror. 

Daily News and Express (Hull), 1901, det. Sports Ex- 
press, 1903. 

Daily Post, 1876, inc. Sunderland Herald, 1881, bee. 
Sunderland Daily Pust and Herald, 1903. 

mi re (Glasgow), 1895, bec. Daily Record and 
Mail, 1901. 

Daily Universal Register, Jan. 1, 1785, bee. The Times, 
Jan. 1,1788, 

pan Times, 1882, bec. Darlaston Weekly Times, 

Darlaston Weekly Times, 1885, inc. Midland Herald,1887. 

Darlington and Richmond Herald, 1873, bec. Richmond 
Herald, 1880. 
Dartford Telegraph, 1886, bec. Dartford News, 1899. 
Dartford Times, 1885, inc. Dartford and West Kent 
Advertiser, 1887, bec. West Kent Advertiser, 1890. 
Daventry Spectator, 1866, inc. Nottinghamshire Guar. 
dian, 1875. 

David's Sling, 1895, bec. Bible Class Journal, 1903. 

Dawlish Western Guardian, 1882, bec. Buckfastleigh 
Western Guardian, 1901. 

Day of Rest, inc. Sunday Magazine, 1882. 

Deal, Walmer, Dover and Kentish Telegram, 1858, bec. 
Kentish Telegram, 1896. 

Dean Forest Examiner. 1872, inc. Dean Forest Mercury, 

Democracy, 1901, bec Ethics, 1901. 

Denbigh, Ruthin, and Vale of Clwyd Free Press, 1881, 
bec. Denbighshire Free Press, 1888, 

Derby School Fasti, bec. Derbeian, 1875. 

Derbyshire Telephone and People's Advocate, 1898, tne. 
Belper News and Derbyshire Telephone, 1901. 

Designer, 1900, inc. Delineator and Designer, 1902, bee. 
Delineator, 1908. 

Devizes and Wiltshire Advertiser, 1857, dec. Wiltshire 
Advertiser, 1903. 

Dewsbury and Batley Chronicle, 1884, dec. Dewsbury 
Chronicle, 1885. 

Dewsbury and Batley Herald, Jan. 1854, bec. Dewsbury 
Chronicle, 1864. 

Dewsbury Chronicle, 1864, bec. Dewsbury District 
News and Chronicle, 1895. 

Dewsland and Kemes Guardian, 1861, dec. Pembroke 
County Guardian, Apr. 1883. 

Des Reformer, 1861, bec. Vegetarian Messenger, 

Distin’s Brass Band Journal, 1869, dec. Boosey’s Brass 
Band Journal, 1884. 

Doncaster, Nottingham, and Lincoln Gazette, bee, 
Doncaster Gazette. 

Dorothy Novelette, 1889, bec. Dorothy’s Home Journal 
for Ladies, 1890, 

Dorothy’s Home Journal for Ladies, 1890, bec, Family 
Novelist, 1899. 

Dorset County Express, inc. Western Chronicle. 

Dorset Free Press, bec. Observer and Chronicle for Hants 
and Dorset (Bournemouth), Mar. 31, 1875. 

Dover Chronicle, Jan. 4, 1835, bee. Dover and County 

Dover College Magazine, 1878, bec. The Dovorian, 1878, 

Dover News, 1866, inc. Dover Express, 1879. 

Draper, 1862, inc. Warehouseman and Draper, 1887, bec, 
Draper. 1902. 

Drapery World, 1894, ine. Warehouseman and Draper, 
1897, bec. Draper, 1902. 

Dress Cutting and Making, 1898, bec. Tailoress and 
Dress Cutter, 1903, 

Drewry’s Derby Mercury, 1731, bec. Derby Mercury. 

Dublin Figaro, 1892, bec. [rish Figaro, 1892, bec. Figaro 
and Irish Gentlewoman, 1901. 

Dublin Post Office Guide, dec. Post Office Guide for 
Dublin and District, 1899. 

Dudley Mercury, 1887, ing. County Express, 1896. 

Dumfries Courier, Dec. 6, 1809, bec. Dumfries and Gale 
loway Courier. r 

Dumfriesshire and Galloway Herald, 1835, inc. Drumfries 
and Galloway Courier, Apr. 2, 1884. 

Dumfriesshire Herald, Apr. 24, 1835, bec. Dumfriesshire 
and Galloway Herald. 

pines Brewery Manual, 1890, bec. Brewery Manual, 

Durham Advertiser, 1814, bec. Durham County Adver- 

rg acer — ver 7 — 
370] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents,.125 Strand, London. 

So ge ee ee 

Changes. ] 

East Aberdeenshire Observer, 

Dyeing and Cleaning Trades Review, 1885, inc. Laundry 

News, 1886. 

Eagle and County Cork Advertiser, 1857, hee: Cork 

County Eagle and Munster Advertiser, 1898. 

Ealing and Acton Register, 1868, inc. Hants and Berks 

Gazette, 1878. 
1875, bec. Buchan 

East Cornwall Times, 1857, inc. Cornish and Devon 

Post, 1877. 

East Essex and Halstead Times, 1861, bee. Esser. East 

and Halstead Times, 1393, dec. Essex and‘ Halstead 
Times, 1900. 

East Herts ond West Essex News, 1889, bec. Bishop, 

Stortford Weekly . News, 1899, inc. Saffron Walden 
Weekly News, 1901. 

East India Register, 1803, bec. India List, 1877. 
East Lincolnshire Ti es, inc. Louth Times. 

East London Press, 8883, inc. Eastern Post, 1887. 
Denen Argus, 1876, bec. Borough of Hackney Likeral 
Eddowe’s Journal, Feb. 1,1843, bec. Eddowe’s Shrews- 
bury Journal, Nov. 9, 1853. 

Eddowe’s Shrewsbury Journal, Nov. 9, 1853, bec. 
Shrewsbury Journal, Mar. 21, 1883. 

Edilowe’s Shrewsbury Journal, 1853, inc. Wellington 
Journal and Shropshire. News, 1891.. 

Sdinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1805, bees 
Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1855. 

Blectric Light, 1882, bec. Electrical Engineer, 1883. 

Elgin and Morayshire Courier, inc. Elgin Courant, 1874. 

Elgin Courier, 1827, bec. Elgin Courant, 1834. 

Elgin Courier, Apr. 18, 1845, bec. Elgin and Morayshire 

Empire, 1870, bec. South African Empire, Jan. 1,1890, 
bec. Empire, 1900, bec. Empire and South African 
Empire, 1901. 

English Independent, 1867, inc. Nonconformist, 1880. 

Wphphatha, inc. British Deaf Monthly. 

Erith and -Belvedere Reporter, 1885, inc. West Kent. 
Advertiser, 1890. 

Eryr, ine. Wythros a’r Eryr, 1899. _ 

Essex and Herts Mercury, inc. eee Mercury, 1844, 

— ee Newsman, Feb. 5, 1870, bec. Essex 


— World, 1898, bec. Democracy, 1901, bec. Ethics, 

Evening Chronicle, 1824, tne. The Globe. 

Evening Mail, bec. The Mail. 1868. 

Evening News, ‚Aug. 1,1870, bec. Hull Express, 1876. 
vening News, 1889, bec. Erening News end Evening 

- Mail, 1901. 

Evening Post (Worcester), 1877, bee. Woreestershire 
Echo, 1883. ` 

Evening Post (London), 1887, inc. Evening News, 1889, 
bec. Evening News and Mail, 1201. 

Evening Press, 1882, bec. York Evening Press, 1896, bec. 
Evening Press. 

Evening Star (Glasgow), 1870, inc. Glasgow Evening 
News, 1875. 

ans Telegram, 1873, bec. Gloucestershire Echo, 

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, Jan. 6, 1865, bec. Devon: 
and Exeter Daily Gazette, May 1, 1885, 

nn Flying Post, 1763, bec. Trewman’s Exeter. Flying 


Exeter Gazette, 1772, bec, Woolmer's. Exeter and 
Plymouth Gazette. 

Exeter Journal, 1856, ine. Devon Weekly Times, 1861. 

Exeter Weekly Times, Oct. 6, 1827, bec. Western Times, 
Jan. 3, 1829. 

Exmouth Journal, bec. Freeman's Exmouth Journal, 

Exmouth Mercury, 1856, inc. ‘Freeman's Exmouth 
Journal, 1880. 
port Drug and Chemical Circular, 1878, bee. British 
and Colonial Druggist, 1884. 

Faithful Words, 1872, bec. Springing Well, 1897. | 

ma and Penryn Times,.1894, bec. Cornish Echo, 

Falmouth and Penryn Weekly Times, 1861, bec. Fal- 
mouth and Penryn Times, 1887. 

Banciers’ Chronicle, i879, bec. Stock- Keeper, 1880. 

— Gazette, ‚Apr. 1874, bec. Live Stock Journal, 

Fancier’s Gagette, 1886, bec. Vintons Gazelle, 1887. - 

; Galloway Review, 1869, inc. Ayrshire A? guz 
. Garston and Woolton -Observers, 1881, inc. Garston{ 

Girls’ ‘and Infants’ Mistress, 1893, bec. Infartz 

Williig’s. Press Guide: 

Farley’s Bristol Journal, bec. Sarah Farley’s Bristol 

Farley’s Bristol News-Paper, May 8, 1725, bec. Farley’s 
Bristol Journal. 

Farmer, 1843, bec. Farmer and Stockbreeder, 1889. 

Farmer's Journal (London), 1806, inc. Bell’s Weekly 
` Messenger. 

Farmer's a Journal (Kirkwall), 1876, bec. Orkney and 
Shetland Telegraph, 1878, . 

Farnworth Journal, 1873, bec. Farnworth Weekly 
Journal, 1884, 

Farnworth Observer, May 5, 1860, inc, Farnworth 
Journal, 1873. 

Faversham News, 1883, bec. North East Kent Nevrs, 1895. 

Felix Farley’s Bristol J ournal, 1752, inc. Bristol Times, 
Apr. 2, 1853. 

Fenny Stratford Times, 1879, bec. North Bucks Times, 

Ferman agh Mail, 1808, inc. Impartial Reporter, 1893. 

Financial and Mining News, 1884, bec. Financial News, 

Finchley Free Press, 1893, bec. Free Press for Finchley, 
1901, bec, Finchley Press, &c., 1903. 

Folkestone Advertiser, 1884, inc. Folkestone Chronicle, 

Folkestone Chronicle, 1818, inc. Folkestone ne 
and Observer, 1897. . 

Folkestone, Hythe, &c. , Reporter, 1899, bee. Hythe Re- 
- porter, 1900. 

-~ Folkestone Observer, 1888, ine. Folkestone Chronicle 

‘ and Observer, 1897. 

Folkestone Times, 1887, inc. Folkestone Observer, 1888. 

Folkestone Visitors’ List and Society — 1884, 
bec. Folkestone and Hythe, &c., Reporter, 1899. 

Food, 1884, tne. Caterer, 1890. 

Football Field, 1884, bec. Cricket and Football Field, 1888. 

Forest Gate Gazette, 1885, bec, County Borough cf. 
West Ham Gazette, 1902. 

Forest of Dean Examiner, 1872, inc. Dean Forest Mer- 


` Forester, 1860, inc. Gloucester Journal, 1884. 
- Fountain, 1876, bec. Christian Chronicle, 1881. 

Fox’s Registration Gases, 1886, bec. Smith’s Registra- 
tion Cases, 1891. 

Free Church of Scotland Weekly Record, 1861, bec. Free 
Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 1862. 

, Free Gospel Magazine, 1867, bec. Independent Metho- 

dist, 1898. 
Freeman, 1853, bec. Baptist Times aud Freeman, 1899. 
Frome Times, 1859, inc. Somerset Standard, 1886. Bis 

' Funny Wonder, 1893, bec, Jester and Wonder, 1902. F 

Furnisher, 1900, inc. Furniture Record, 1901. 

, Furniture and Decoration and The Furniture Gazette, 

1870, dec. Furniture Record, 1899. — 

and Woolton Reporter, 1888. 

Gas and Water, 1884, bec. Gas World, 1886. 

Gag Engineer, 1876, bec. Gas Engineer's Magazine,’ 


Gentleman’s Magazine of Fashion, 1824, inc. London. 
Tailor, 1903. 

Gibson’s Law Notes, 1882, heec. Law Notes, 1883. 

Gilead, 1864, bec. Wayside Words, 1877. p 

Girls’ Teacher, 1900, bec. Girls’ and Infants’ Mistress, 
. 1901, bec. Teachers’ Times and Kindergarten Gazetie;: 

Glasgow Advertiser, 1782, bec. Herald and Advertiser > 
Nov. 1, 1802. 

Glasgow Sabbath School Union Magazine, 1550, bec," 

Sabbath Schocl Magazine, 1864. 

! Glasgow Weckly Citizen; 1842, bec. Weekly Citizen,” 
` Glasgow Weekly Record, 1899, bec. Scottish Weekly. 

Record, 1903. 

. Glass of. Fashion. Up to Date, 1893, inc. Delinealor-. 

Designer, 1902, bec. Delineator, 1903. 
Glossop Times, 1868, inc. Derbyshire Times, 190], . 
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Calendar, 1864, bec. 
Gloucester Diocesan Calendar, 1898. ; 
Gloucester Mercury, 1855, ine. Gloucester Journal 

. Geld Coast Globe and Ashanti Argus, 1900, bec. Anglos: 

African Argus and Gold Coast Globe, 1902. - 

- Golfing and Cycling, Illustrated, 1896, Bec. Golfing, 1898, ; 

Good Company, 1876, dec. Home Stories, 1396, 

Adnertisements received for all Provincial, Magazines,. adle, 


Willitig’s Press Guide. . [Titular 

Good News for Young and Old, 1885, bet. Scattered 
Seed, 1885. 

Goole and Marshland Weekly Times; Sept. 1863, bec. 
Goole Times, 1879. 

Goole Weekly Herald, 1891, tne, Goole Times and 
Weekly Herald, 1901. 

Bade Times, 1858, bec. Goole Times and Weekly Herald, 

Gospel a Herald, 1883, dec. Signal and Gospel 
nion Gazette, 1886 
Truths, 1871, bec. a Banner, 1879. 

Grain of Mustard Seed, 1 bec. Women in the 
Mission Field, 1899. 

Grasmere Chronicle, inc. Lakes Chronicle. 

Gratis Tradesmen’s Whitehaven Advertiser, 1882, dec. 
Whitehaven Advertiser, 1885. 

Gravesend J — 1864, ine, Gravesend and Northfleet 
Standard, 189 

Grays and Mibury Standard, 1892, inc. Kent and Essex 
Globe, 1898. 

Greenhithe and Swanscombe Reporter, 1888, fac. West 
Kent Advertiser, 1890. 

Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle, 1862, inc. Green- 
wich and Deptford Observer, 1885. 

Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 1884, bec. Kentish 
Mail and Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 1891. 

Greenwich Observer, 1879, bec. Greenwich and Deptford 
Observer, 1884. 

Greenwich, Woolwich, and Deptford — 1838, bec. 
Kentish and Surrey Mercury, Apes 

Grimsby and Cleethorpes Standard, 1508, bec. Grimsby 
Football Echo, 1895. 

SEs Express, 1878, inc. with Hull Daily News 


Grimsby Football Echo and Sporting Echo, 1895, dec. 
Lincolnshire Sporting Echo, 1896. 

— Post, 1871, inc. Grimsby Observer, 1899. 

Chronicle, "inc. Grocers’ Journal, 1894. 

Guinn 1838, bec. Banbury Guardian, July 6, 1843. 

Guardian, énc. Dudley Herald. 

Guardian and Public Ledger, 1832, bec. The Constitu- 
tional, Sept. 15, 1836. 

Guildford Observer, inc. Surrey Gazette. 

Gwron, Y, 1838, inc. Aberdare Times, 1868, inc. Aberdare 

er, 1903. 
Hackney Argus, 1898, inc. Bethnal Green News, 1899. 
Hackney Mercury, J uly 4, 1885, bec. The Mercury, 1887. 
sar eae Telephone, 1898, bec. Brill’s Jewish Special, 
Halifax Local Opinion, 1892, bec. Halifax Comet, 1893. 
Handbook to the Upper Ten Thousand, 1875, bee. 
Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and Official 
Classes, 1881. 
Happy Hours, 1868, inc. Christian World (Family 
ircle edition), 1878. 
Harrow Green Gazette, 1876, inc. Leyton Express, 
— Free Press, 1856, bec. Hartlepool Weekly 
Hartlepool Weekly News, inc. South Durham and 
Oleveland Mercury, 1873. 
ee Weekly Journal, 1901, bec. Weekly Journal, 

Hastings and St. Leonards Herald, 1853, dec. Hastings 
and St, Leonards Observer. 

Hastings and St. Leonards Times, 1877, inc. Hastings 
and St. Leonards Weekly Mail and Times, 1899, 

Hastings and St. Leonards Weekly Mail, 1898, tne. 
rr ha and St. Leonards Weekly Mail and Times, 

Hazell’s Cyclopssdia, 1886, bec. Hazell’s Annual, 1889. 

Hemel Hempstead Advertiser and West Herts Times, 
1895, ine. Herts Advertiser, 1901. 

Hemel Hempstead Gazette and West Herts Advertiser, 
1858, dec. Hertfordshire, &c., Gazette 

Henley Free Press, 1885, tne. Henley and South Oxford- 
shire Standard, 1892. 

Herald (Aberdeen), 1876, bec. Weekly Free Press and 
Aberdeen Herald. 

Herald and Advertiser, Nov. 1, 1802, bec. Glasgow 
Herald, Aug. 1805. 

Herald of Astrology, 1881, bec. Astrological Almanac, 

Herald of Wales, 1882, inc. Swansea and Glamorgan 
Herald, 1891. 
Hertford Mercury, Jan. 6, 1844, bec. Hertfordshire 
Mercury, 1857. 

Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Journal, 1873, bee. North 
Herts. and South Beds. Journal. 
Ban Guardian, 1851, inc. Herts and Essex Observer; 

High Peak Ohroniole, inc. Glossop-dale Chronicle. 

High Peak Express, 1875, inc. North Derbyshire and 
North Cheshire Advertiser, 1877. 

Hinckley News, 1861, inc. Loughboro’ Monitor, 1895, 

Hookey, 1897, dec. Hockey and Winter Sports, 1898. 

een — 1894, inc. Herts and Essex Ob- 

Holborn’ Guardien, 1869, bee. Holborn and Finsbury 
Guardian, 1890. 

Holyhead Weekly Mail, 1881, dec. Holyhead Mail, 1884, 

Home and Foreign Mission Record, 1843, bec. Home and 
Foreign Record of the Free Church, 1850. 

Home and Foreign Record of the Free Charch, 1850, 
bec. Free Church o of Scotland Weekly Record, 1861. 

Homely Friend, 1877, bec. Home Friend, 1880. 

Home Sweet Home, 1898, bec. Home Circle, 1901. 

Home Tidings, 1878, bec. Polytechnic Magazine, 1888. 

Homing News and Pigeon Fanciers’ Journal, 1889, inc 
Homing World, 1902. 

Horsham Advertiser, 1871, bee. West Sussex Conny 
Times, 1888. 

Horwich Chronicle, 1888, ine. Dewsbury Chronicle, 1889. 

Hospital Gazette, 1885, bec. Medical Times and Hospital 
Gazette, 1893. 

Hounslow and Twickenham Independent, 1884, inc 
County of Middlesex Independent, 1885. 

Householder, 1886, dec. Home, 1889. 

Hove Echo, 1897, ine. Hove Gazette, 1908. 

Hove Gazette and Sussex Recorder, 1896, bec. Hore 
Gazette, 1898. 

ence Advertiser, 1885, inc. Hucknall Morning Star, 

Hucknell Morning Star, 1885, bee. Hucknall Morning 
Star and Advertiser, 1889. 

Hue and Cry, 1790, bec. Police Gazette. 

En Advertiser, July 5, 1794, inc. Eastern Morning 


Hull Express, 1876, bec. Datly News and Express, 1901, 
bec, Sporta Express, 1903. 

Tr ae) Telegraph, 1855, inc. Hull Express, 

Hull Packet, 1787, ine. Daily Mail (Hull), 1886. 

Humanity, 1895, bec. Humanitarian, 1903. 

Huntingdon, Bedford, and Peterborotigh Gazette, dec. 
Cambridge Independent Press, May 11, 1839. 

Huntingdonshire Herald, 1807, bec. Huntingdon, Bed- 
ford, and Peterborough ‘Gasette. 

Hunts and St. Neots Advertiser, 1885, bec. St. Neots 
Advertiser, 1886, 

Hunts and St. Neots Advertiser, 100. bec. St. Neote 
Advertiser, Hunts and Beds News, 18 

Ilfracombe Observer and Visitors’ List, 1883, inc. Ilfra- 
combe Gazette, Observer, and Arrival List, 1893. 

Illustrated Barnstaple and Bideford Times, June 30, 
er bec. Barnstaple and Bideford Times, Oct. 12, 


Illustrated Berwick Journal, June 16, 1855, dec. Ber- 
wick Journal, Dec. 29, 1855. 

Illustrated Obristian News, 1896,inc.Christian Herald, 

Tlustrated Church News, 1892, inc. Church Bells, 
Illustrated Journal of Patented Inventions, 18&4, dec. 
Illustrated Official Journal, 1889. 
Illustrated Malvern Advertiser, June 28, 1855, bec, 
Malvern Advertiser. 
en North Wales Chronicle, bec. North Wales 
Illustrated Shooting Times, 1884, bec. Shooting Times, 


Illustrated Tid-Bits, 1884, dec. Illustrated Bits, 1884. 

Ilustrated Times, June 9, 1855, inc. Penny Illustrated 
Paper, 1872. 

Illustrated Weekly Telegraph, 1885, bec. Bradford 
Weekly Telegraph, 1899. 

Ilminster Leader, 1898, inc. Yeovil Lender, 1901. 

Implement Manufacturers’ Review, 1875, bec. Imple- 
ment and Machinery Review, 1878. 

Independent, 1885, bec. Marylebone Times and Inde- 

, 1892, now Marylebone Times. 
Independent, 1890, bec. Examiner, 1900. 
Indian Female Evangelist, 1872, dec. Zenana, 1893, 

372] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Infants’ and Girls’ Teacher, 1900, bec. Girls’ and In- 

Jants’ Mistress, 1901, bec. Teacher’s Times and Kin- | 

dergarten Gazette, 1902. : 

Ingeniero y Ferretero, 1885, bec. Ingeniero Espanol,1897. 

Insurance Circular, 1869, bec. Finance and Insurance 

Insurance Gazette of Ireland, 1879, bec. Insurance and 
Financial Gazette, 1889. 

Insurance Post, 1888, bec, Enterprise, 1902. 

Intellectual Repository, 1812, bec, New Church Maga- 
zine, 1881. 

International Arbitration and Peace Association 
Monthly Journal, 1884, bec. Concord, 1887. 

Investment List, 1892, dec. Investment Register. 

Ipswich Express, Aus. 18, 1838, inc. East Anglian Daily 
Times, 1874. 

Irish Christian Advocate, 1883, bec. Ohristian Advocate, 

Irish Evangelist, 1859, inc. Irish Christian Advocate, 1885, 

Irish Evening Herald, 1891, bec. Evening Herald, 1895. 

Irish Farmers’ Journal, inc. Leinster Express, May 3, 

Irish Figaro, 1892, bec. Figaro and Irish Gentlewoman, 

Irish Grocer, Drug, Provision, and General Trades 
Journal, 1892, bec, Irish Grocer and Wine Merchant, 
1902, bec. Irish Grocer, 1903. 

Irish Insurance, Banking, and Finance Journal, 1881, 
bec. Finance Union, 1890. 

Irish Insurance Journal, 1876, bec. Irish Insurance, 
Banking,and Finance Journal, 1881. 

Trish Life, 1890, bee. Dublin Figaro, 1892. i 

Irish Railway Guide, 1852, bec. Baird’s Irish Railway 
and Steamboat Guide, 1861. 

Irish Sportsman, 1870, dec. Irish Field and Gentleman's 
Gazette, 1894. 

Irish Wheelman, 1890, inc. Irish Cyclist, 1903. 

Iron Trade Exchange, June, 1849, bec. Iron and Steel 
Trades Journal, 1887. , 

Isle of Ely Gazette, 1872, dec. Cambridgeshire Times, 

87 e 
Isle of Wight Express, 1870, inc. Isle of Wight County 
Press, 1903. 
Isie of Wight Mercury, 1855, bec. Ventnor Gazette, 1834. 
Israel’s Watchman, 1877, bec. Prophetic News, 1879. 
Jackson’s Woolwich Journal, 1844, inc. Kentish In- 
dependent and Woolwich Journal, 1901. 
Jersey Independent, inc. Jersey Weekly Press. 
cee Telephone, 1896, bec. Brill’s Jewish Telephone, 
Jopson’s Coventry and Northampton Mercury, Feb. 21, 
1748, bec. Jopson's Coventry Mercury, July 4, 1743. 
Jopson’s Coventry Mercury, July 4, 1743, bec. Coventry 
Journal of Commerce, Oct. 1861, bec. Liverpool Journal 
of Commerce, 1880. 
Journal of Greengrocery, Fruit, and Flowers, 1895, 
a Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Trades Journal, 

Journal of Physical Therapeutics, 1900, bec. Medical 
Electrology and Radiology. 

Journal of the National Indian Association, 1871, bec. 
Indian Magazine, 1887. i 

Journal of the Royal Historical and Archæological 
Association of Ireland, 1870, bec. Journal of the 
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1890. 

Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 1872, 
bec. Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engi- 
neers, 1889. 

Jungle Need, 1897, bec. Eleventh Hour, 1903. 

Juvenile, bec. News from Afar, 1894. 

Juvenile Magazine, 1842, bec. New Church Young 
People’s Magazine, 1901. 

Juvenile Missionary Magazine, 1847, bec. Children’s 
Missionary Magazine of the United Presbyterian 
Church, 1880, Children’s Missionary Magazine of New 
Free Church of Scotland, 1901, bec. Children’s Mis- 
sionary Magazine of the United Free Church of 
Scotland, 1903. 

Sun Times, Jan. 1, 1864, inc. Kendal Mercury, Apr. 9, 

Kensington and Hammersmith Reporter, 1879, bec. 
West London Reporter, 1891. 

Kent and Sussex Times, 1875, bec. Kent Times, 1886. 

Kent County News, 1876, bec. Canterbury Press, 1879. 

Kent Examiner, 1884, bec. Kent County Examiner, 1889. 

Advertisements received for all Magazines, 

Kentish and Surrey Mercury, Apr. 27, 1839, bec. Kentish 

Kentish Chronicle, 1768, inc. Kent Herald, 1903. 

Kentish Herald, 1792, bec. Kent Herald. 

Kentish Independent and County Advertiser, 1843, bec. 
Kentish Independent and Woolwich Journal, 1901. 
Kentish Mail, 1882, inc. Greenwich and Deptford Ob- 

server, 1884. i 

a Post, Jan. 1717, inc. Kentish Gazette, July 20, 

Kind Words, 1866, bec. Young England, 1880, 

Kingston and Surbiton News, 1881, inc. Surrey Comet 
(mid-weekly edition), 1901. 

Knaresboro’ Times, July, 1860, bec. Knaresborough 
News, 1878. 

Knight’s Official Advertiser, 1855, bec. Local Govern- 
ment Chronicle, 1872. 

Knitters’ Circular, bec. Hosiery Trades Journal and 
Knitters’ Circular, 1899, 

Knutsford Advertiser, 1877, bec, Kuutsford and North- 
wich Advertiser, 1884. 

mn Gazette, 1875, bec. Knutsford Advertiser, 

Labour and Unity, 1868, bec. Unity, 1877, 

Labour Annual, 1895, bec. Reformers’ Year Book, 1901. 

Lady’s Magazine, 1901, dec. Lady’s Magazine of Fiction 
and Fashion, 1903. 

Lanet Post, 1883, inc. with South London Mail, 
1891, : 

Lambeth Times, 1887, inc. Lambeth Post, 1889. 

Lancashire Faces and Places, 1901, bec. Faces and 
Places, 1903. 

Langport Herald, July 7, 1885, bec. Langport and 
Somerton Herald. 

mane Weekly Reporter, Jan. 1865, bec. Larne Reporter, 

Law Reporter, 1313, bec. Bar Reports, 1865. 

League Journal (Glasgow), 1857, bec. Temperance 
Leader and League Journal, 1903. 

Leamington, Warwickshire, and Centre of England 
Chronicle, 1865, bec. Royal Leamington, Warwick, and 
County Chronicle, 1878. 

L:Derry Journal, June 3, 1772, bec. Derry Journal, 

Leeds and Cheadle Post, 1885, bec. Leek Post, 1887. 

Leeds Intelligencer, July 2, 1754, bec. Yorkshire Post 
July 2, 1866. 

a Mercury, 1718, dec. Leeds and Yorkshire Mercury, 

Leeds Times, 1833, inc. Leeds Mercury Weekly Supple- 
ment, 1901. 

Leicester and Nottingham Journal, 1757, bec. Leicester 
Journal, 1761. 

Leicester Journal, 1753, bec. Leicester and Nottingham 
Journal, 1757. 

Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Queries, 1889, 
bec. Leicestershire Almanack, 1898, 

pace ery Echo, 1878, dec. Melton Mowbray Times, 

Leicestershire Mercury, 1836, inc. Leicester Chronicle, 
Oct. 1, 1864, 

Leicestershire Times, 1868, inc. Rutland Echo, 1877. 

Leigh Times, 1871, inc. Leigh Journal, 1875. 

Leighton and Linsdale Times, inc. Bedford and County 
Record, 1877. 

Leinster Journal, Jan. 24, 1767, bec. Kilkenny Journal 
Mar. 17, 1830. 

Lewisham and Blackheatk Oourier, 1884, bec. Lewisham, 
Blackheath, and West Kent Courier, 1885. 

Lewisham and West Kent News, 1880, inc. Lewisham 
Blackheath, and West Kent Courier, 1885. 

Lewisham, Blackheath, and West Kent Courier, 1885 
inc. Borough of Lewisham Gazette, 1888. 

Lewisham Chronicle, 1888, bec, Borough of Lewisham 
Herald, April, 1888. 

Lewisham Courier, 1885, inc. Borough of Lewisham 
Gazette, 1888. 

na Free Press, 1890, bec. Lewisham Independent 


Lewisham Gazette, 1891, bec. Lewisham and Lee 
Gazette, 1900, bec. Lewisham Gazette, 1901. 

Lewisham Independent, 1893, bec. Borough News, 1900, 
bec. Lewisham Borough News, 1901. 

Lewisham Opinion, 1884, bec. Lewisham Free Press, 1890. 

Leyton and Leytonstone Independent, 187 T, bec. Leyton 
Express, 1884. 

Liberal Review, 1868, bec. Liverpool Review, 1883, 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

Licensed Victuallers’ Mirror (Cox), 1888, ine. Sporting 
Mirror, 1892, inc. Football Chat and Athletic World, 


Lichfield Chronicle, 1877, bec. Lichfield Mercury, 1877. 

Life Assurance Agents’ Journal, 1885, bec. Agents’ 
Journal, 1890. 

Life and Beauty, 1900, bec. Diet versus Drugs, 1902, bec. 
Health without Drugs, 1903. 

Lightning, 1891, bec, Electrical Times, 1901. 

Lincolnshire Sporting Echo, 1896, bec. Grimsby Sport- 
ing Echo, 1900. 

Literature, 1897, inc. Academy and Literature, 1902. 

Little Soldier, July 7, 1881, bec. Young Soldier, 1888. 

Liverpool and Manchester Photographic Journal, 1857, 
bec. Photographic Journal, 1859. 

Liverpool Citizen, 1887, inc. Porcupine, 1891. 

Liverpool Journal, 1830, inc. Liverpool Daily Post, 1884. 

Liverpool Photographic Journal, 1854, bec. Liverpool 
and Manchester Photographic Journal, 1857. 

Liverpool Shipping Telegraph, 1826, inc. 
Journal of Commerce, 1900. 

Llaudilo Gazette, 1874, inc. 
Guardian, 1874. 

Lloyd's Illustrated London News, Nov. 27, 1842, bec. 
Lloyd’s Weekly News, Jan. 15, 1843. 

Lloyd’s List, 1726, inc. Shipping and Mercantile 
Gazette, 1884. 

Llanelly and County 

al Preachers’ Treasury, 1887, bec. Preachers’ 
Magazine, 1890. 
Locomotive and Railways, 1900, inc. Locomotive 

Magazine, 1903. 

London, 1893, bec. Municipal Journal, 1899. 

London and Westminster Review, 1836, bec. Westminster 
Review, 1841. 

London Colonial News, inc. The Empire. 

London Financial Guide, 1888, inc. Financial Times, 

London Mornfffg, 1898, bec. Morning Herald, 1899. 

Londonderry Standard, 1836, bec. Derry Standard, 1888, 

Loughborough News, inc. Loughborough Monitor and 
News, Nov. 1870, 

Louth Times, 1872, bec. Louth and North Lincolnshire 
News, 1897. 

Loving Words, 1891, bec. Acceptable Words. 

——— Weekly J ournal, 1873, bec, Lowestoft Journal, 

Luton Times, 1855, bec. Bedfordshire Advertiser, 1893, 

Lymington Observer, 1878, inc. Observer and Chronicle 
for Hants, 1881. 

ae and Kirkham Times, 1870, dec. Lytham Times, 

Macclesfield Guardian, 1873, inc. Macclesfield Chronicle, 

Machinery and Engineering Materials Gazette, 1896, 
tne. Machinery Market. 

Machinery Exporter, 1881, bec. British, Colonial and 
International Machinery Market, 1902. 

Mackereth’s Furness Year Book, 1894, bec. Furness Year 
Book, 1902. 

Magazine of Short Stories, 1889, bec. Short Stories, 1893. 

Maidstone and Kent County Standard, 1873, bec. Kent 
County Standard, 1885, 

Maidstone Gazette, 1815, bec. South Eastern Gazette. 

Maidstone Journal, Jan. 1786, bec. Maidstone and 
Kentish Journal. 

Maidstone Telegraph, Jan. 1, 1859, bec. Kent Messenger. 

Mail, 1868, bec. Southern Daily Mail, 1895. 

Malvern Advertiser, June 16, 1855, bec. Illustrated 

. Malvern Advertiser, June, 23, "1855. 

Man of the World, 1890, inc, Sporting Times, 1900. 
Manchester Faces and Places, 1889, bec. Lancashire 
Faces and Places, 1901, bec. Faces and Places, 1903. 
Manchester, Salford, and District Congregational Maga- 

zine, 1879, bec. Congregational Monthly, 1888. 
Manufacturing Confectioner, inc. Confectioners’ Union. 
Market Rasen Weekly Mail, 1856, bec, Market Rasen 

Mail, 1886. 

Marriage Advertiser, 1882, bec. Matrimonial Post, 1885. 
Martineau & Srhith’s Monthly Trade Circular, 1874, bec. 

Hardware Trade Journal, 1879. 

Martin’s Bath Chronicle, tec. Bath Chronicle before 1784. 
Master Baker, bec. Baker's ‘Times. 
Masters’ Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 1888, bec. Hope, 

1884, dec. Bluejacket and Coast-Guards’ Gazette, 19U0. 
Mawson’s Sunderland Diary, 1892, vec. Sunderland 

Diary, 1902, bec. Reid’s Sunderland Diary, 1903. 

Mayo Telegraph, 1829, bec. Connaught Telegraph, 1875. 
May’s British and Irish Press Guide and Advertisers 
Directory and Handbook, bec. Willing's British ani 
Irish Press Guide, now Willing’ 8 Press Guide. 
mewn Mowbray Times, 1859, inc. Leicestershire Ech, 

Mercantile Diary, 1880, dec. London and County Trades 
Directory, 1887. 

Merioncthshire Herald, bec. Cardiganshire and Merio 
nethshire Herald, 1883. 

Merrie Magpie, 1887, inc, Brixton Free Press, 1888, 

Messenger, 1883, bec. Covenant People, 1894. 

— of Peace, 1882, bec. Gospel Messenger, Jan. 


Methuen’s Book Gazette, 1894, ber. Book Gazette and 
Notes, 1894. 

Metropolitan, 1872, bec. Metropolitan Official Adver. 
tiser, 1888. 

Metropolitan Local Government Journal, 1872, be. 
Local Government Journal, 1892. 

Metropolitan Official Advertiser, 1888, Dec. Metropolitsz 
Local Government Journal, 1891. 

Mid-Surrey Mirror, 1879, bec. Surrey Mirror, 1880. 

ee Standard, 1878, bec. Surrey Independant, 


Middlesborough News, 1855, inc. North Eastern Weetis 
Gazette, 1884. 

Middlesborough Weekly Gazette, bec. North Easterı 
Weekly Gazette, 1883. 

Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries, 18%, 
inc. Home Counties Magazine, 1899. 

Middlesex and Surrey Express, 1886, inc. West Middle 
sex Herald, 1897. 

Middlesex and Surrey Gazette, bec. Hants and Berks 
Gazette, 1878. 

ee Counties’ Reporter, 1885, bec. The Reporter, 

Millinery Record, 1896, bec. Coming Modes, 1903. 

Milverton Mail, 1896, bec. Wiveliscombe Express, 1901. 

cee Mercury, 1896, inc. Wiveliscombe Expres, 


Mining, inc. Mining Engineering, 1896. 

Missing Link, 1865, bec. Bible Work at Home and 
Abroad, 1888. 

Missionary Echo, 1871, bec. Echoes of Service, 1885. 

Mitchell’s Maritime "Register, 1856, dec. Shipping 
Gazette and Lloyd’s List, 1884. 

Monmouthshire Chronicle, 1870, inc. West of England 

Montgomeryshire Echo and Radnor Gazette, 1886, bec. 
Montgomery and Radnor Echo, 1898. 

Monthly Illustrated Reporters’ Journal, 1884, bec. 
Reporters’ Journal, 1891. 

Monthly News Letter, 1835, bec. Bideford Weekly 
Gazette, 1853, 

Monthly Popular Chronicle, 1882, bec. 
Monthly, 1889. : 

Monthly Record and Animals’ Guardian,.1899, dec. 
Animals’ Guardian and Anti-Vivisectionist, 1902. 

Monthly Record of the Protestant Churchman’s 
Alliance, 1893, bec. Notes and News, 1895. 

Monthly Tidings, 1885, bec. Monthly Treasury, 1893. 

Moravian Missionary Reporter, 1879, became Moravian 
Missions, 1903. 

Morgan’s British Trade Review, 1863, bec. British Trade 
Review, 1863. 

Morning, 1892, tec. London Morning, 1898. 

Morning Herald, 1899, inc. Daily Express, 1900. 

Morpeth Monthly Herald, 1854, bec. Morpeth Herald, 
July 14, 1855. 

Morriss’s Trade Journal, 1881, bec. British Empire 
Paper, Stationery, and Printing Trades Journal, 1903. 

Moseley and Balsall Heath News, May 26, 1883, bec. 
Birmingham, Moseley and Balsall Heath News, 1884.. 

Motor Cycling, 1902, bec. Motor, 1903. 

Municipal Record and Sanitary Journal (Glasgow), 
1902, bec. County Municipal Record, 1903. 

Nairnshire Mirror, Mar. 30, 1841, inc. "Nairnshire Tele- 
graph, Nov. 2, 1854. 

Nation, 1824, inc. The Globe. 

Natural Science Gazette, 
Comments, 1902. 

Naturalist's Journal, 1902, bec. Nature-Study, 1903. 

Naval and Miljtary Gazette, 1833, inc. Broad Arrow, 1888. 

Naval Brigade News, 1878, — Miss Weston’s Ashore 
and Afloat, 1886. i 


1900, bec. Notes and 


J. Willing; Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Changes. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Navy and Army, 1895, inc. King and His Navy and. 

Army, 1903, 

New Age, June, 1887, inc. The Tattler, Aug., 1888. 

New and Old, 1877, bec. Goodwill, 1902. 

mee Forest Guardian, 1885, inc. Southern Guardian, 

New Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Quarterly, 1879, 
bec. Kingswood Magazine, 1883, 

New Law List, 1704, bec. Clarkes New Law List, 1803. 

New Penny Magazine, 1898, bec. Penny Magazine, 1903. 

Newcastle Chronicle, Mar. 24, 1764, bec. Newcastle 
Weekly Chronicle. 

Newcastle Daily L:ader, 1885, inc. North Mail, 1903. 

Ans Entomologist, 1841, dec. The Entomologist, 


Newmarket Monthly Illustrated Journal, 1872, bec. 
Newmarket Journal, 1882. 

Newry Commercial Telegraph, Nov. 12, 1812, bec. Newry 
Telegraph, 1877. 

Newry Examiner, 1830, bec. Dundalk Examiner, 1880, 

News, 1869, bec. Littlehampton News, 1890 

News, 1884, bec. Faversham News, 1885. 

News of the Week, 1888, inc. Weekly Mail, 1895. 

Newsagent and Booksellers’ Review, 1888, be:. News- 
agent and Booksellers’ Review and Stationery 
Market, 1903. 

Newspaper and Poster Advertising, 1900, dec. Adver- 
tising Review, 1903. 

Newspaper Owner and Modern Printer, 1898, bec. 
Modern Printer and Newspaper Owner, 1903. 

Newspaper Press, inc. Printers’ Register, July, 1872. 

Newtown and Welshpool Express, 1860, bec. Mont- 
gomeryshire Express, 1877. 

Newtownards Independent, 1871, inc. North Down 
Herald, 1880. 

Nonconformist, 1841, bec. Nonconformist and Inde- 
gendent, 1880 

Nonconformist and Independent, 1880, bec. Independent 
and Nonconformist, 1890. 

North and South Shields Daily Gazette, bec. Shields 
Daily Gazette, 1883, 

North British Daily Mail, 1847, bec. Glasgow Daily 
Mail, 1901, inc. Daily Record and Mail, 1901. 

North British Economist, 1888, bec, Banking Insurance 
Investment, 1897, 

North British Grocer, &¢., 1888, inc. Grocers’ Chronicle, 


North Cambs Echo and Wisbech Chronicle, 1892, bee. 
Wisbech Chronicle and County Press, 1903. 

North East Kent News, bec. Faversham and North 
East Kent News. 

— Eastern Advertiser, 1885, bec. Malton Gazette, 

North Eastern Weekly Gazette, dec. Northern Weekly 

North London Echo and Tottenham and Wood Green 
Ohbronicle, 1886, inc. North Middlesex*Chronicle, 1901. 

North Londoner, 1869, bec. St. Pancras Guardian, 1874. 
North of England Advertiser, June 30, 1855, inc. New- | 

castle Weekly Ohronicle, 1884, 
—— Wales Express, 1877, bec. North Wales Observer, 

Northallerton, Thirsk, and Bedale Observer, inc. Ripon 

Northampton Mercury Daily Reporter, Feb. 1880, bec. 
„Northampton Daily Reporter, 1885. 

Northampton Weekly Reporter, 1881, inc. Northampton- 
shire Guardian, 1885. 

Northamptonshire Guardian, 1876, inc. Northampton 
Mercary, 1890. 

Northern Counties Grocers’ Review, 1888, bec. Grocers’ 
Review and Provision Trades’ J ournal, 1891. 

u Evangelist, 1872, bec. Herald of Salvation, 

Northern Grocer, 1885, bec. North British Grocer, 1888, 
northern Leader, 1884, bec. Northern Weekly Leader, 
Northern Miller and Baker, 1885, bec. British Baker, 1888, 
Northern Notes and Queries, 1886, bec. Scotlish Anti- 
quary, 1899, bec. Scottish Historical Review, 1903 
Northern Times, 1877, inc. Oldham Daily Standard, 1880, 
Northfleet and Swanscombe Chronicle, 1895, bec. Swans- 
combe Chronicle; 1903. 
Notes and News, 1895, dec, Church Standard, 1898. 
Nottingham-and Leicester Journal, 1757, bec. Notting- 
ham Journal, Jan. 31, 1761. 

Nottingham and Midland Counties Daily Express, 1860, 
bec, Nottingham Daily Express, 1885. 

Nottingham Journal, 1765, inc. Nottinghamshire 
Weekly Express, Aug. 1887, 

Nottingham Review, 1808, inc. Nottingham and Mid- 
land Counties Daily Express, 1870, 

Nottingham Weekly Courant, Nov. 27, 1710, inc, Not- 
tingham Journal, 1765. 

Nursing Record and Hospital World, 1888, dec. British 
Journal of Nursing, 1902. 

ne Budget, 1869, bec. Bradford Observer Budget, 

Official Journal of the Patent Office, 1884, inc. Illus- 
trated Official Journal, 1889. 

Official Military Directory of the Curragh Camp and 
Newbridge, 1878, inc. Irish Military Guide, 1893, 

Olde Norwood Presse, May, 1882, bec. Norwood Press, 
May, 1883. 

Orkney and Shetland Telegraph, 1878, inc. Shetland 
News, 1885. 

Oswestry Advertiser, 1849, bec. Oswestry and Borcer 
Counties Advertiser, 1888. 

Otley and Ilkley Guardian, 1871, bec. Wharfedale and ` 
Airedale Observer, 1880. 

Our Home, Garden, and Poultry Yard, 1889, bec, Our 
Home, 1893, 

Our Own Fireside, 1863, bec. The Fireside, 1874. 

Ours, bec. Green Howard’s Gazette. . 

Outlook, 1881, inc. Presbyterian, Mar. 7, 1884. 

Oxford and Cambridge Undergraduates’ Journal, Oot. 
1875, bec. Oxford Review, 1885, 

Oxford Gazette, Nov. 16, 1665, bec. London Gazette, 
Feb. 5, 1665-6. 

Oxford Gazette, 1745, bec. Reading Mercury, July, 1767. 

Oxford Journal, May 5, 1753, bec. Jackson’s Oxford 

Oxford Undergraduate’s Journal, Oct. 1865, bec. Oxford 
and Cambridge Undergraduates’ Journal, Oct. 1875, 
bec. Oxford Review, 1885. 

Paddington Mercury, 1881, bec, Taddington and West 
London Mercury, 1886. l 

Paisley Herald, July 2, 1853, zne. Paisley and Renfrew- 
shire Gazette. 

Parish Councillor and Rural Times, 18395, bec. Council- 
lor, 1896. 

Parish Councils’ Journal, 1895, bee. Councils’ Journal, 

Partick and Maryhill Press, 1881, “inc. Govan Press, 1885, 
Patriot, inc. The Nonconformist. 
Payne's Leicester and Midland Counties Advertiser, 
Jan. 1, 1842, bec. Leicester Advertiser. 
Penarth Chronicle, 1882, bec. Penarth Times. 
Pendleton Reporter, 1878, bec. Pendleton, 
Broughton Reporter, 1884. 
Pendleton, Salford. Broughton Reporter, 1878, bec. 
. Reporter for the County Borough of Salford, 1892. 
Penrith Herald, 1869, bec, Mid-Cumberland and West- 
moreland Herald, 1891, 
Personal Rights, 1881, bee. Individualist, 1993. 
Petersfield Weekly News, 1883, bec. Hants and Sussex 
News, 1891. 
Petroleum Industrial and Technical Review, bec. Petro- 
leum Review and Mining News, 1903. 
Philosophy of Advertising, 1881, bec. Sell’s Dictionary 
of the World’s Press, 1884. 
Photographic Journal, 1859, bec. British Journal of 
Photography, 1860. 
Physical Culture, 1898, bec. Sandow'’s Magazine of 
Physical Culture, 1899. 
Plymouth and Devonport Weckly Journal, 1817, ine. 
Western Daily Mercury, 1862. 
Poet Lore, 1899, bec. American Quarterly, 1903. 
Poole and Dorsetshire Herald, Apr. 9, 1846, bec. Poole 
and South Western Herald, 1849. 
Poole and South Western Herald, 1849, bec. Poole, Park- 
- stone and East Dorset Herald, June, 1877. 
Poole Guardian, 1883, inc. Western Chronicle, 1887, 
Poole Sun, 1877, inc. Observer and Chronicle for Hasta, 
Poole Telegram, 1879, inc. Western Chronicle, 188. 
Portobello Advertiser, bec. Edinburgh Citizen and Por- 
tobello Advertiser, 1897. 
Postal and Shipping Guide, 1884, bec. Mercantile Guar- 
dian, 1888. 
Potter and Cement, 1902, ine. Brick and Pottery Trades’ 



Advertisements received for all the Societies’ Journals. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Potter’s Electric News, July, 1855, tne. Pembrokeshire 
Herald, Feb. 4, 1870. 

Preparation, 1890, inc. Illustrator, 1898. 

Presbyterian, Mar. 7, 1884, bec. Presbyterian Messenger, 
July 3, 1885. 

Presbyterian Messenger, 1885, bec. Presbyterian, 1891. 

Press, May 7, 1853, bec. Press and St. James's Chronicle, 
Aug. 4, 1866. 

Press and St. James’s Ohronicle, Aug. 4, 1866, inc. 
English Churchman, Nov. 27, 1884. 

Preston Pilot, 1825, inc. Lytham Times, 1888, 

Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine, 1850, bee. 
Juvenile Magazine, 1878, bec. Morning, 1901. 

Public Ledger, Jan. 12, 1760, bec. Guardian and Public 
Ledger, 1832. 

Public Register, Sept. 10, 1763, dec. Freeman’s Journal. 

Putney and South-Western Chronicle, June, 1884, bee. 
Putney and Wandsworth Borough News, Jan. 3, 
1885, dec. Wandsworth Boro’ News, 1900. 

Quarterly Journal of Berks Archeological Society, 1889, 
a Bucks, and Oxon Archeological Journal, 

Quarterly Journal of Conohology, 1874, bec. Journal of 
Conchology, 1879. 

Wen Token for Juvenile Subscribers, 1856, bee. 
Ohurch Missionary Quarterly Token, 1879. 

Rabbit Keeper, 1888, bec. Small Pets, 1889. 

— Illustrated, 1894, bec. County Life Illustrated, 

Radnorshire Standard and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 
1898, bec, Oentral Wales News, Radnorshire Standard, 

and Llandrindod Wells Gazette, 1908. 

Railway Chariot, inc. Railway Signal. 

ey Fly-Sheet, 1870, dec. Railway Official Gazette, 

Railway Magazine, 1835,bec. Herapath’s Railway Maga- 
zine, Jan. 2, 1841. 

Railway Record, 1884, inc. Railway News, 1901. 

Rawtenstall Free Press, Feb. 1883, bec. Rossendale Free 
Press, Oct. 3, 1885. 

Reading and Abingdon Herald, May 14, 1870, bee. 
Abingdon and Reading Herald, Aug, 20, 1870. 

Reading College Official Gazette, 1901, bec. University 
College Reading Official Gazette, 1903. 

neonne Herald, 1869, inc. Abingdon Herald, May 14, 

Reading Mercury, July, 1723, inc. Oxford Gazette. 

Record of Fashion, 1876, dec. London Tailor, 1884, 

Record of Zoological Literature, 1865, bec. Zoological 
Record, 1870. 

Redruth Times, Apr., 1863, bec. Cornubian and Redruth 
Times, 1879. 

Reformer, 1834, bec. Hertford Mercury, Jan. 6, 1844. 

Reformer, 1885, bec. Scottish Reformer, 1892. 

Refreshment News, 1888, inc. Temperance Caterer, 1891. 

Renfrewshire Independent, 1856, bec. Paisley, &c., 
Gazette, 1899. 

Reporter, 1889, bec. Coventry Reporter, 1890. 

Retford, Worksop, and Gainsborough Mercury, 1886, 
bec. Retford, Worksop and Gainsborough Herald, 1889, 
bec. Retford and Worksop Herald. 

Revival, inc. The Christian. 

Rhyl Gazette, 1900, inc. Rhyl News, 1901. 

Rhyl Record and Advertiser, 1856, bec. Record and 
Advertiser, 1902. 

Richmond (Surrey) Herald, 1885, bec. The Herald, 1895, 
bec. Richmond Herald, 1899. 

Richmond (Yorks.) Herald, 1880, inc. Darlington and 
Stockton Times. 

Richmond Telegraph, 1869. inc. York Herald, 1876. 
Ridley’s Monthly Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 1848, 
bec. Ridley’s Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, 1890. 
Ringwood Guardian, 1883, bec. New Forest Guardian, 


Ripley News, 1889, dec. Ripley and Heanor News, 1890. 

Roath Chronicle, inc. West of England Observer, 1884, 

Roath Observer, Jan. 18, 1878, inc. Roath Chronicle. 

Rossendale Division Gazette, 1890, inc. Haslingden 

Rotherham and Masbro’ Advertiser, 1858, bec. Rother- 
ham Advertiser, 1885. 

Royal Leamington, Warwick and County Chronicle, 
1878, dec. Leamington, Warwick, Rugby, and County 
Chronicle, 1888. 

sone Crow, 1855, bec. Herts and Cambs Reporter, 

Rugby Gazette, 1858, bec. Midland Times and Rugby 
Gazette, 1876. i 

Runcorn and Widnes Examiner, 1869, bec. Runcorn 
Examiner, 1879. 

Ruskin Union Journal, 1900, inc. St. George, 1901. 

Ryde and Ventnor Times, 1857, tmc. Isle of Wight 

eae ca Magazine, 1864, dec. Scottish National 

ee Times, 1855, bec. Herts Advertiser, Jan. 1, 

St. Austell Gazette, 1897, inc. St. Austell Star, 1897. 

St. Crispin, 1869, bee. Boot and Shoe Maker, 1878. 

St. Helens Intelligencer, 1853, inc. St. Helens News 

st” Helens Standard, 186 Reporter, Sept, 

t. ens Stan ‚18685, inc. Prescot 
1880 ; bec. St. Helens Reporter, 1888. : 

St. Ive’s Times, 1896, inc. Hunts County News. 

St. James’s Chronicle, Mar. 14, 1761, tne. The Press, 
Aug 4, 1866, 

St. John’s Wood and Hampstead Advertiser, 1883, dee, 
St. John’s Wood, Kilburn, and Hampstead Adver- 
tiser, 1890. 

St. Neots Advertiser, 1878, bec. Hunts and St. Neots 
Advertiser, 1885. 

St. Neots Advertiser, 1886, bec. Huntingdonshire and 
St. Neots Advertiser, 1892, 

St. Neots Chronicle, 1855, ize. Hunts County News, 

St. Stephen’s Gospeller, 1886, bec. S. Stephen's 
Kalendar, 1890. 

Salford Weekly Newa, 1859, inc. Manchester Weekly 
Times, 1889. 

Salisbury Advertiser, 1853, inc. Wiltshire County Mirror, 

Salisbury and Wiltshire Herald, July, 1833, ino, Wilt- 
shire County Mirror. 

Salisbury Examiner, inc. Salisbury Times, 

Salisbury Journal, 1729, bec. Salisbury and Winchester 
Journal, Dec. 7, 1772. 

Salisbury Standard, 1869, inc. Wiltshire County Mirror, 

ao of God, 1878, bec. Tidings of Light and Peace, 

Salvationist, 1879, bee. War Cry, 1881. 

Sandown Free Press, 1883, inc. Shanklin and Sandown 
Weekly Neves. 

Sanitary Inspectors’ Journal, 1883, bec. Sanitary 
Journal, 192. 
Sanitary Journal (Glasgow), 1894, bec. Municipal 

Record and Sanitary Journal, 1902. 

Sarah ok Bristol Journal, inc. Bristol Mirror, 
1808 (?). 

Saturday Falkirk Herald, 1846, ine. Falkirk Herald, 1891. 

Saturday Night,1882, inc.Telegram (Birmingham),1899. 

Scarborough Daily Post, and Scarborough Weekly Post, 
1876, bec. Scarborough Post, 1887. 

Scholastio Register, 1878, tne. Journal of Education, 

School Board Chronicle, 1871, bec. School Government 
Chronicle, 1903. 

Science Schools’ Journal, 1886, bec. Royal College of 
Science Magazine, 1891. 

Scots Pictorial, 1897, bec. Society Pictorial, 1903. 

— Postman, Aug. 17, 1709, inc. Edinburgh Gazette, 

Scottish Antiquary, 1890, bec. Scottish Historical Re- 
view, 1903. 

Scottish Athletic Journal, 1883, bec. Scottish Sport, 1888. 

Scottish Banking and Insurance Magazine, .1879, bec. 
North British Economist, 1886. 

Scottish Congregational Magazine, 1796, bec. Scottish 
Congregationalist, 1880. 

Scottish Cyclists’ Annual, 1894, bec. Scottish Road 


Scottish Naturalist, 1871, inc. Annals of Scottish 
Natural History, 1883, 

Scottish Society, 1900, inc. North British Advertiser, 

Scottish Sport, 1888, ine. Scottish Cyclist, 1900. 

Scottish Umpire, 1884, tnc. Scottish Sport, 1888. 

Scottish Wine, Spirit, and Beer Trades Review, 1887, 
bec. Victualling Trades Review, 1889. 

Scribner’s Magazine, 1871, dec. Century Illustrated 
Monthly Magazine, 1881. 

Secular Review, 1877, bec. Agnostic Journal, 1889. 

Sell’s Commercial Intelligence, 1898, bec. Commercial 
Intelligence, 1899. 


J. Willing, Junr,, Lim,, Advertising Agents, 125, Strand, London. 

Changes. | 

Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

Seven Sisters and Finsbury Park Journal, 1879, bec. 
Hornsey and Finsbury Park Journal, 1881. 

Sevenoaks Herald, 1877, bec. Sevenoaks Chronicle, 1880, 

Sewing Machine Gazette, 1874, bee. Journal of Domestic 
Appliances, 1881. 

Bhanklin and Sandown Weekly News, 1886, inc. Isle of 
on Express, 1887, inc. Isle of Wight County Press, 

Shanklin Free Press, inc. Shanklin Weekly News. 

Shanklin Weekly News, 1878, bec. Shanklin and Sandown 
Weekly News. 1886. 

Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, 1819, bec. Shef- 
field Daily Independent, 1901. 

Sheffield Evening Telegraph, 1887, bec. Yorkshire 
Telegraph and Star. 

Sheffield Independent, Dec. 11, 1819, bec. Sheffield and 
Rotherham Independent, bec. Sheffield Daily Indepen- 
dent, 1901. 

Sheffield Independent Budget, 1884, bec. Sheffield 
Weekly Independent, 1887. 

Sheffield Sporting Tissue, 1865, inc. Sheffield Sporting 
News, 1886, 

Sheffield Weekly Telegraph, 1862, bec, Weekly Tele- 
graph, 1888, 

Bherborne and Dorset Mereury, 1787, inc. Western 
Flying Post, 1748. 

Bherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton Journal, 1764, bee. 
Sherborne Journal, 

Sherborne, Dorchester, and Taunton Journal, bec. 
Western Ohroniole, 1886. 

Sherborne Journal, bec. Sherborne, Dorchester, and 
Taunton Journal. 

Sherborne Recorder, 1853, bec. Dorset and Somerset 
Standard, 1886. 

Shields Daily Gazette, 1849, bee. North and South Shields 
Datly Gazette. 

Shipley and Saltaire Times, 1876, bec. Shipley Times, 

Shipping Gazette, Jan. 4, 1836, dec. Shipping and Mer- 
cantile Gazette, Mar. 12, 1838. 

Shoe and Leather Trades’ Chronicle, 1877, tne. Shoe and 
Leather Record, 1887. 

Eror usna Magazine, 1866, inc. Reporters’ Journal, 

Shottin’s Advertiser, 1892, bec. Athletic Reoord, 1903. 

Showman, 1900, inc. Music Hall, 1902. 

Shrewsbury Free Press, Apr. 1865, tne. Shropshire 
Guardian, Aug. 1881. 

Shrewsbury Journal, March 21, 1883, bee. Eddowes’s 
Shrewsbury Journal, Oct. 1884. 

Bhropshire Guardian, 1881, inc, Wellington Journal and 
Shrewsbury News, 1891. 

Shropshire News, Jan. 28, 1855, inc. Wellington 
Journal and Shrewsbury News. 

Sidcup and Chislehurst Times, 1881, bee. Sidcup and 
District Times, 1885. 

Siftings, 1891, bec. Science Siftings. 

Signs of our Times, 1867, bec. Ohristian Herald, 1876. 

Simmins’s Weekly Advertiser, 1880, bec. Sussex and 
Surrey Courier, 1881. 

Single Tax, 1894, bec. Land Values, 1902. 

Sleaford Advertiser, 1872, bec. Sleaford Journal, 1879. 

Small Pets, 1889, dec. Fur and Feather, 1890. 

Smart’s City of Gloucester Diary, 1882, bec. Gloucester 
Directory, 1902. 

Bocial Review, 1893, inc. Irish Society, 1901. 

South Birmingham, Moseley, and Balsall Heath News, 
May 23, 1885, bec. South Birmingham News. 

Birmingham News, 1880, bec. Birmingham News, 

a Durham Herald, 1866, inc. Northern Daily Mail, 

South Essex Chronicle, 1881, inc. Essex County 
Chroniole, 1884. 

South Essex Independent, 1862, dec. Essex Independent. 

South Hampstead Advertiser, 1880, bec. St. John’s Wood 
and South Hampstead Advertiser, 1883. 

South Nottingham Gazette, 1901, bec. Nottinghamshire 
Chronicle, 1903. 

South Somerset Leader, 1898, nc. Yeovil Leader, 1901. 

South Suburban Press, 1887, bec. Southern Press, 1892, 

South Sussex Herald, inc. Sussex Coast Mercury, 1870. 

South Wales Oritic, 1878, inc. Swansea Gazette, 1888. 

South Wales Daily Telegraph, 1900, inc. South Wales 

Argus, 1903. 
South Wales Star, 1891, bec. Barry Dock News, 1895. 

South Wales Times and Star of Gwent, 1829, inc. South 
Wales Weekly Argus, 1903. 

South Western Comet, 1898, inc. Surrey Comet (Wim- 
bledbn Edition), 1901. 

South Wilts Express, 1869, inc. Wiltshire County 
Mirror, 1887. 

Southampton Herald, July 28, 1828, bec. Southampton 
Town and County Herald, 1825. 

Southampton Town and Oounty Herald, 1825, bec. 
Hampshire Advertiser, Sept. 29, 1831. 

Southern Referee, 1890, inc. with the Southampton 
Observer, 1899, 

Southsea Observer, 1874, dec. Hampshire Post, 1874. 

Soati wark Ensign, 1878, inc. South London Chronicle, 


1878. | 
Southwark Standard, 1881, énc, South London Mail, 1891. 
— Valley Times, 1887, inc. Cleckheaton Advertiser, 

Spennymoor Times, inc. Auckland Chronicle. 

Spiritual Notes, 1878, bec. Light, 1881. 

Sporting Bits, 1892, dec. Sporting Sketches, 1894. 

Sporting Gazette, 1862, bec. County Gentleman, 1880. 

Sporting Mirror, 1892, inc. Football Chat, 1901. 

Sporting News, 1888, bec. Midland Sporting Gazette, 

18 J 
Stafford Ohronicle,1877, dec. Staffordshire Chronicle 1884, 
Staffordshire Times, June, 1855, énc. Newcastle Guar- 
dian, 1881. 
Stage Directory, 1880, inc. Stage, 1881. 

| Stalybridge Herald, 1887, bee. Stalybridge and Ashton 

Herald, 1888, bee. Stay Drage Herald. 
Stamford Mercury, 1718, bec. Lincoln, Rutland, and 
Stamford Mercury, 1784. 

Stanningley and District Weekly Advertiser, Dec. 4, 
1884, bec. Pudsey District Advertiser, June 19, 1885. 
Star (Glasgow), Jan. 12, 1870, inc. Glasgow Evening 

News, 1875. 
ae of the East, dec. Evening Star and Daily Herald 
Statesman, inc. Globe. 
Stockport and Cheshire County News, 1855, bec. Cheshire 
Oounty News, 1876. 
Stockport Chroniole, 1874, #ze, Cheshire County News, 
Stockport Echo, 1888, bec. Cheshire Daily Echo, 1890. 
Stockton and Hartlepool Meroury, 1855, inc, South Dur- 
ham and Oleveland Mercury, 1860, 
Stockton Examiner, Feb. 16, 1878, inc, Stockton Herald, 
Stockton Guardian, inc. Bonth Durham and Cleveland 
Mercury, 1869. 
Stookton Journal, 1880, inc. South Durham Herald, 
Nov. 1884. 
Stourbridge, Brierley Hill, and County Express, 1885, 
bec. County Express, 1890. 
Stourbridge Observer, 1864, inc. Stourbridge, Brierley 
Hill, and County Express, 1888. 
Stratford Express, 1858, bec. Borough of West Ham and 
Stratford Express, 1887. 
Stratford Times, 1854, inc. Stratford Express. 
Student’s Journal, 1873, bec. Hospital Gazette, 1885. 
Suffolk Ohronicle, 1810, inc. Suffolk Chronicle and 
Mercury, 1899. i 
Suffolk Herald, inc. Bury and Norwich Post, 1850. 
Suffolk Mercury, June 2, 1854, bec. Suffolk Times and 
Mercury, 1876. 
Suffolk Times and Mercury, 1854, inc. Suffolk Chronicle 
and Mercury, 1899. ' 
Sun (Mill Hili), 1839, bec. Mil] Hill Magazine, 1878, 
Sunday Scholar's Companion, 1855, bec. Boys’ and Girls’ 
Companion, 1882. ; 
Sunderland News, 1881, inc. South Durham and Cleve- 
.land Mercury, 1858. 
Surrey County Observer, inc. Olapham Observer. 
Surrey Mercury, inc. Kentish Mercury. 
Surrey News, 1844, inc, Surrey Advertiser, 1894 
Sussex Chronicle, inc. Hampshire Telegraph, 1808. 
Swansea and Glamorgan Herald, 1847, inc. Herald of 
Wales, 1894. i 
Swansea Daily Shipping Register, 1877, bec. Swansea 
Gazette, 188 2 
Swansea Gazette, 1877, bec. Daily Shipping Register, 

Tadcaster Post, 1861, bec. Tadcaster News, 1878. 
Tailor and World, 1888, bec. Tailoring World, 1890, 
Tattler, 1888, bec. The Pelican, 1889. 

Advertisements received for all Trade Journals. "| -ole 877 

_ Willinig’s . Pfess‘ Guide. 

. [Titular 

Teachers’ Assistant, 1872, bec. Sunday School Journal, 

Telegraphie Journal,-1872, bec. Electrical Review, 1889 

Temperance Monthly, 1889 „bec. Ilustrated Temperance: 

Tenby Telephone, 1879, bec. Pembrokeshire Times, 
Dec. 10, 1836. 

Tetbury Magazine, May, 1879, ine. Tetbury Advertiser, — 

-- May 18, 1883. 

Tidings, 1870, bec. Evening Tidings, 1886, 

Tipperary Free Press, Dec. 1826, bec. County Tipperary 
lndependent, 1881. 

Tipperary Nationalist, 1886, bee. Nationalist, 1891. 

Tiverton News, inc, Devon and Somerset Weekly News. 

Tonbridge Free Press, 1869, bec. Tonbridge and Tun- 
bridge Wells Free Press, 1890. 

Tonic Sol-Fa Reporter, 1853, bec. Musical Herald, 1888, 

Tooting and Balham Times, bec. Clapham Observer. 

Torquay and Tor Directory, 1839, bec. Torquay Direc- 
tory, 1852. 

Tottenham and Edmonton Advertiser, 1880, inc. Totten- 
ham and Edmonton Weekly Herald, 1883. 

Tower Hamlets Independent, 1866, bec. East London 

« Advertiser, 1885. 

u Journals’ Review, 1391, bec. Mechanical Review, 

Transactions of the Kilkenny Archreological Society, 
1849, bec. Journal of the Royal Historical and 
Archeological Association of Ireland, 1870. 

Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Archi- 
tects, 1835, inc. Journal of the Royal Institute of 
- British Architects, 1893. - 

Transactions of the Sanitary Institute, 1880, bec. 
-Journal of the Sanitary Institute, 1894. 

Traveller, inc. The Globe, Jan. 1, 1823. 

Tricyclist, 1882, inc. Bicycling ‚News, Oct. 9, 1885. 

Tring Advertiser and West Herts Times, inc. Tring 

“Gazette and Advertiser, - 

rer — and Advertiser, 1899, inc. Herts Adver- 
tiser, 190 

Tring and akt Gazette, ine, Tring Gaeette 
and Advertiser. 

Tring Telegraph, 1875, ine. West 7/erts Observer, 1901, 
bec. West Herts and Watford Observer, 1903. 

Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser, 1853, inc. Wilt- 

‘shire Times, May 1, 1880, 
Trowbridge Chronicle, 1901; tne. Wiltshire Chronicle, 
1895 | 

True Briton, inc, The Globe, 

Tunbridge Wells Courier, 1872, “ine. Tunbridge Wells 
Gazette, 1903. 

Typographical Societies’ Monthly Circular, 1865, bec. 
Typographical Circular, 1877. 

Ulster Insurance Gazette, 1879, bec. Insurance Gazette 
of Ireland, 1879. 

Unitarian Herald, 1861, inc. Christian ‘Life and Uni- 
tarian Herald, 1889, 

United Secession Magazine, 1833, bec. United Presby- 
terian Magazine, 1847, 

United Service Journal, 1829, bec. Colburn's. United 
Service Magazine, 1842. 

Universal Advertiser, 1901, ee Collectors’ Advertiser, . 

Universal Engineer, 1878, inc. The Ironmonger, 1889. 
Universal Register, 1879, bec..Domestic Help, 1884. 

Universal Register of Shipping, 1886, inc: Lloyd’s 

‘Register of British and Foreign Shipping, 1890. 
Usk Observer, 1855, bec. County Observer, 1882. 
se Marvel, 1868, inc. Hants and Berks Gazette, 

Vanguard, 1885, bee. White Cross, 1894. 

Vegetarian Messenger, 1851, bec. Dietetic Reformer, 1861, - 

Ventnor Gazette, 1855, bec. Isle of Wight Mercury, 1890. 

ToS Fanciers’ Gazette, 1887, bec. Fanciers’ Gazette, 

ee Gazette, 1887,- bec. Vintons Fanciers’ mavctte, 

Visitors’ List :(Worthing), ..1861, ine. Sussex Coast 
Mercury, 1869. 

Wakefield and West Riding Examiner, 1849, inc. Wake- 
field Journal, Jan. 24, 1852. 

Wakefield Journal, 1801, tnc. Wakefield and West Riding 
Herald, 1870, 

Wallingford Chronicle, tiné. “Abingdon. Herald; 1870. 

Walsall Free Press, 1856; inc.‘ 
South Stafloräshire Ollznalole, 903.. ,. 


alsali: Observer and 

J. Willing, J UNT., Lin, Advertising Agents, 125(Strand, London. 

Waltham Abbey and (Cheshunt ‘Weekly Telegraph; 
May, 1868, bec. Weekly Telegraph, Apr. 24, 1885. 

Walthamstow, Chroniole, -1870,. ine. Walthamstow and 
Leyton Guardian. 

Walton Times, 1884, inc. North Liverpool Times, 1903. 

Wanstead Times, 1876, dec. Wanstead Express, 1883. 

Warrington Examiner, 1869, dec. Warringion and Mid- 
Cheshire Examiner, 1878. 

Warwiok and Leamington Times, 1861, bec. Warwick, 
Leamington, and Warwickshire Times. 

Watford Observer, 1863, inc. West Herts and Watford 
Observer, 1903. 

Me Post, 1895, bec. Watford and West Herts Post, 

Weald of Kent Chronicle, inc, Sussex Advertiser, 1863. 
a of Kent News, 1881, bee. Kent and Sussex Post, 
Wednesbury and West Bromwich Advertiser, inc. Mid- 
land Advertiser. | 
Wednesbury Borough News, inc. Dudley Herald. 
EN Citizen, 1892, bec. Saturday Weekly Citizen, 

weis Courant, Nov. 27, 1710, ine, Cresswell’s Notting- 
ham Journal. 

Weekly Free Press, tnc. The Herald (Aberdeen), 1876. 

Weekly Freeman and Irish Agriculturist, 1817, bec. 
Weekly Freeman and National Press, 1893. 

Weekly Herald, 1888 bec. Catholic Herald. 

ee Meroury, 1879, bec. Western Weekly Mercury, 

Weekly News, 1886. bec. Finsbury Weekly News, 1901. 

Weekly News and Visitors’ Chronicle, 1894, bec. Colwyn 
Bay Weekly News, 1899.. 

Weekly Official Intelligence, 1882, bee. Stock ‚Exchange 
Weekly Official Intelligence, 1899, 

: Weekly Record, 1856, bec. Temperance Record, 1870. 
| Weekly Record, Glasgow, 1899, bec. Glasgow Weekly 

Record, 1902, bec. Scottish Weekly Record, 1903. 

Reporter, 1878, dec, Leighton. Buzzard Reporter, 

Weekly Worcester Journal, bec. Worcester Journal. 

Wellingborough and Kettering News, 1861, dec. Wel- 
lingborough News, 1882, 

Wellingborough News, 1882, dec. Wellingborough and 
Kettering Newa, 1885. 
Wellington Standard, 1886, inc. Wellington Journal 
and Shrewsbury, News, 1891. 
Wellington Times, 1860, inc. 
Weekly News, `` ; 

Wesleyan Juvenile Offering, 1844, bec. At Home and 
Abroad, 1877. . 

West Cumberland Guardian, 1881, ine. Whitehaven 
Free Press, 1880 

West Ham Herald, 1888, deo. South Essex Mail, 1899. 

Corner’ s Wellington 

` West Herts- ‚Observer, 1900, bec. West Herts and Wat- 

ford Observer, 1903. 

West Kent Courier, 1879, bec, Lewisham and Blackheath 
Courier, 1884, 

West Kent, Gazette, 1879, bec,. Kentish Mail, 1882. 

West Kent Times, ine. Kentish Mail. 

West Middlesex Standard, 1889, .inc. West Middlesex 
Herald, 1686. 

West Monmouth Guardian, 1896, de. Monmouth 

West Surrey Times, 1855, bec. Surrey Times, 1891. 

West Sussex. County Chroniele, 1877, inc. Portsmouth 
Times, 1880. 

Western Argus, 1865, inc. Ayrshire Argus, 1872. 

Western Counties Herald, ‚Dec. 19, 1874, inc. Western 
Daily Mercury, July 3, 1875, 

vee Farmer, 1889, inc, Somerset County Herald, 

ee zung Post, 1744, inc. Western Gazette, June 

Western Indian and Commercial Advertiser, 1890, ine, 
Our Western Empire, 1901. - 

Westminster and Chelsea News, 1881, bec. West London 
Press, 1886. 

' Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, 1847, bec. 

Westminster Review, 1851. 

. Westminster Review, Jan. 1824, bec, London and West- 

minster Review, 1836.. 
Westminster Review, 1841, oe Westminster and 
: Foreign Quarterly Review, 1 
Westmorland Advertiser, is, "eo Kendal Mercury, 
May 17, 1834. 

Changes. ] Willing’s Press Guide: : 

Westmorland Exchange, 1888, bec. World's Exchange, 
1893. 1901. 

Westonian, June, 1843, bec. Weston Mercury, June 30, Woodford Observer, 1878, bec. Woodford Express, 
1855 1883 g 

| Wollaston and Bozeat Echo, 1897, inc. Rushden Echo, 

855. ; 

Westralia, 1896, inc. Colonial Goldfields Gazette, 1897. | Wood Pulp Maker, 1896, bec. Paper and Pulp, 1901. 

Wexford Guardian, inc. Wexford People, 1357. | Woods and Forests, 1883, ine. The Garden, 1885. 

Werford Journal, 1769, bec. Wexford Independent, | Woolmer’s Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, bee. Exeter 
Dec. 17, 1830. | and Plymouth Gazette, Jan. 6, 1865. 

Weymonth Directory, &c., 1892, bec. Weekly Journal, | Woolwich Observer, 1879, inc. Woolwich Gazette, 1885. 

9 = Worcester Journal, bec. Berrow’s Worcester Journal, 
Wharfedale-and Airedale Standard and West Riding Oct. 11, 1753. 
Advertiser, 1897, inc. Wharfcdale and Airdale Ob- Worcester Post, 1722, bec, Weekly Worcester Journal. 
server, 1902. 

Worcester Postman, July 1, 1709, bec. Worcester Post, 

Wheel Life, 1884, inc. Bicycling News, Oct. 9, 1885. 1722. 
Whitehaven Guardian, 1875, bec. West Cumberland Workington Observer, 1887, ne. Whitehaven Adver- 
Guardian, 1878. ` > tiser, 1888. 

Whitehaven Herald, Aug. 30, 1831, bec. West Cumber- | Worship and Work, inc. Regions Beyond. 
land Guardian. . Worthing Intelligence, 1856, inc. Worthing Observer 

Wigan Courier, ine. Wigan Examiner. 901. 

“Wildfowler’s” Illustrated Shooting Times, 1882, bec. | Wrexham and Denbigh Weekly Advertiser, March 11, 

Illustrated Shooting Times, 1884. 1854, bec. Wrexham and Denbighshire Weekly Adver- 
Willenhall Reporter, 1885, inc. Midland Herald, 1887. tiser. 
Willesden and Kilburn Herald, 1885, bec. Willesden | Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser, Aug. 29, 1857, 
Chronicle and Herald, 1890. bec. Wrexham Advertiser. 

Willesden Herald, 1884, bec. Willesden and Kilburn.) Wrexham and Denbighshire Weekly Advertiser, bec, 
Herald, 1885. Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser. Aug. 29, 1875. 
Wilmslow, Alderley, and Cheadle Chronicle, 1881, bec. Wrexham Guardian, 1869, bec. North Wales’ Guardian, 
+ Knutsford Chronicle, 1887. 1879. 
Wilmslow and Alderley Chronicle, 1887, bec. Alderley | Wrexham Registrar, 1848, bec. Wrexham and Denbigh 
and Wilmslow Chronicle, 1901. Weekly Advertiser, March 11, 1854. 
Wilts Independent, 1836, inc. Wiltshire Times, May 1, Yarmouth Advertiser and. Gazette, 1868, inc. 
1880, Yarmouth Mercury, 1901. ° 
Wiltshire Protestant Beacon, 1867, bec. British Pro- Yarmouth Gazette and Gorleston Weekly News, 1858, 
testant, 1884. bec. Yarmouth Advertiser and Gazelte, 1896, inc. 
Wimborne Guardian, 1883, inc. Western Ohronicle, Yarmouth Mercury, 1901. 
1887, Year Book of the Church of Scotland, 1886, bec. Book of 
Winchester Observer, 1877, dec. Hampshire Observer, Church of Scotland, 1888. 
1886, Year Book of the Friendly Societies’ Registry Office, 
Windermere and Bowness Herald, 1885, inc. Lakes 1886, bec. Guide Book of the Friendly Societies’ 

Herald, 1887. Registry Office. 
Windsor and Eton Gazette, 1884, bec. Windsor Yeovil and Somerset Times, 1851, inc. Western Flying 
Chronicle, 1896. Post, 1851. 
Windsor and Eton Journal, sne. Bucks Herald. York Courant, Aug. 1725, inc. York Herald, 1848. 
Wisbech Advertiser, 1845, bec. Isleof Ely and Wisbech York Herald, 1790, bec. Yorkshire Herald, 1890. 
Advertiser, 1887. Yorkshire Advertiser, 1866, inc. Yorkshire Telegraph, 
isbech Chronicle, 1857, bec. North Cambs. Echo and July 1871. 
Wisbech Chronicle, 1892. Yorkshire Telegraph, 1869, inc. York Herald, 1874. 
Wishaw Advertiser, 1869, bec. Wishaw. Press, 1875. Yorkshireman, Mar. 1834, inc. York Herald, May 1859. 
Witney Express, 1861, inc. Witney Gazette, 1888. Young Engineer, 1901, bec. Engineering World, 1902. 

Witney Telegraph, inc, Oxfordshire Weekly News, 1869. Young Templar, 1873, bec, Juvenile Templar, 1877. 
Woburn and Woburn Sands Chronicle, inc. Fenny Young Women’s Christian Association Journal, 1887, 
Stratford Times, 1881. bee, Go Forward, 1891. 






(Also Agents to the NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT.) 


Advertisements recewed for all the Swedish Journals. ce [879 

Advertisements.] Wiiling’s Press Guide. 

The Stage 


Circulation Guaranteed Larger 



Advertisements received up to 6 p.m. Wednesday. 

THE STAGE, which is produced by fast rotary machines similar to 
those employed on the Daily Press, is published at 8 a.m. Thursday. 



Telegraphic Address—“ THE STAGE LONDON.” Telephone No. 5213 GERRARD. 




380] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Wiliing’s Press Guide. 



The list following is confined to titles which found a place in the last issue of this Guide 
Many other titles which have disappeared from the Alphabetical List will be found in the preceding 
list of Titular Changes and Amalgamations. 

Abingdon Hockey Magazine. 

Advertiser and Social News for 
Battersea, &c. 

African News and African Mining 

Alma Mater. 

Anglo-American Press. 

Anglo-American Traveller. 

Angto Oatholic, 

Archives of Surgery. 

Art Record. 


Ballinrobe Chronicle and Mayo 


Barking and East Ham Standard. 

Barnsley Daily Argus and Sporting 

Barrow Daily Telegram. 

Believers Monthly Magazine. 

Beverley Echo. 

Bible Light. 

Bolton Express. 

Book Queries, 

British Embalmer and Funeral 
Trades Monthly. 

Burnley News. 

Buyers’ Economist. 


Cambuslang and Rutherglen Ex- 
_ press, 

Camera Magazine. 


Castleford Gazette. 

Catford and Hithergreen Times. 
Catholic Exchanges. 

Charles Black’s Journal. 
Chesham Advertiser. 
Christian Irishman. 
Ohurch Review. 
City and Stock Exchange Reporter, 
City News. 
City Sketches (Nottingham), 
Clyde, La (Glasgow). 
Coleraine Herald. 
Coloured as 
Commonwealth Pictorial. 
Crampton’s Magazine. 
Oyclers’ News and Motor Cycle, 

Daily Star (Blackburn). 

Dog World, 


Dressing Table. 

Eartern Argus (Glasgow). 

Eastern Counties Magazine. 
Eastward Ho ! 

Enfield Free Press. 

Entertainment and Licence Reform 


Evening Student. 

Family Churchman. 

Fertiliser, Seed and Forage Trades 

Field and Kennel. 

Forest Hill, Sydenham, Penge, and 
Crystal Palace Times. 

Fruit Trade News, 

Glasgow Examiner. 
Gospel Missionary. 
Grocer and Vintner. 
Guild Gossip. 

Halfpenny Novelette. 

Harringay, Hornsey, and Finsbury 
Park Express. 

Heanor Express. 

Henfield Observer. 

Holiday Home Register. 


Household Hints, 


Hull Lady. 

Nford Express. 

Illustrated un News. 

Imperial Argu 

Imperial Review and Gazette of the 
Empire. f 

Insurance Press. 

International Art Notes. 


I. O. U 

Irish Musioal Monthly. 

Ironmonger’s Ohroniole (Spanish 


J — of Acetylene Gas Lighting. 

Ladies’ Sport and Pastime, 

Lancashire Catholic. 

Lee Gazette. 

Leicester Times. 

Leyton Advertiser. 

Leytonstone Advertiser. 

Liverpool and District ——— 
tional Magazine. 

London Guide. 

London Racing Special. 

London’s Daily Guide. 

Longman’s School Magazine. 

Machinery, Implements and Mill 
Furnishing Wanted Lists, 


Melton Mowbray Weekly News. 

Methodist Weekly. 

Methodist Welcome. 

Metropolitan Review. 

Midland Engineer. 


Monthly Register. 

Music and Poetry. 

Music Pupil’s Monthly Magazine, 

Music Student. 

Naval and Military Review. 
N. B. (Edinburgh). 

New Order. 

North East Kent Times. 
North London Observer. 
North Midland Magazine. 
Northampton Advertiser, 

Oban Telegraph. 

Occasional Magazine. 

Ocean Life. 

Official Hotel Directory. 

Official Templar Hand Book. 
Old Paths. 

Olive Branch, 

Optical Magic Lantern Journal. 

Our Home Pets. 

Parson’s Directory and Visitors List 
of Budleigh Salterton, 

Philatelic Monthly Referee. 

Photographic Ohronicle. 

Pocket Annual and Engineers’ Year 

Poor Law Union Gazette, 


Postal Mentor. 


Present Day Papers. 

Printers Mart and Review. 

Progressive Fancier. 



Publications of the English Goethe 

Quarterly Medical Journal. 

Race Course. 

Racing Record. 

Radcliffe Express and Times, 
Ratepayer’s Monthly. 
Raunds Free Press. 
Rhopalocera Exotica. 

Royal Navy List Diary. 
Rutherglen Express. 

Rutli, | 

Sanctuary Keeper. 

School Board Gazette. 

School Magazine. 


Shorthand and Typewriting. 

Shot and Shell. 

Shurey’s Illustrated. 


Situations Vacant and Wanted. 

Sligo Star and North Western Coun- 
ties News. 


Special Guide. 

Spiritual Review. 

Sporting Age. 

Sporting Herald. 

Sporting Snips. 

Sports Review. 

Sports Telegraph. 

Stamp Collectors’ Journal. 

Stock Exchange Mail. 

Strand Miscellany. 

Stratford-on-Avon News, 

Streatham Weekly Post. 

Surbiton Recorder. 

Surrey Standard. 

Table Tennis and Pastimes Pioneer. 

Teddington Guardian. 
Textile Industries, 


Tooting, Balham, &c., Grumbler. 

Tottenham and Wood Green Journal. 

Tottenham and Wood Green Free 

Toy Dogs. 

Trader and Consumer. 

Training Special. 

Tunbridge Wells Municipal Post. 


Twentieth Oentury. 

Ulster General Advertiser. 

Advertisements received for all Colonial and Foreign. Newspapers. 


London Addresses. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

United Temperance Gazette. 
Universal and Ludgate Magazine. 

Walthamstow and Leyton Herald. 
West Australian Mining Manual. 

World of Fashion. 

Universal Clerical Companion. What to Read. Yardley and Solihull Record. 
Up River and Down. Wheel of Fortune. Yardley News Letter. 
Up to Date Jeweller’s Register. ioe Monthly Guide, Young Oxford. 
Wallach’s West African Mammal. Workhouse Master and Matron, Zion News, 




Adelaide Advertiser—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Adelaide Evening Journal—80 Fieet St., B.C. 

Adelaide Observer—80 Fleet St., E.C. 

Age (Melbourne)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

American Electrician (New York)—Hastings House, 
orfolk St., Strand, W.O. 
rican Machinist—3 Bouverie St., E.C. 

American Register.—20 Haymarket, W. 

Argus (Melbourne)—80 Fleet St., E.C. 

ee Constitution—5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 

Auckland Star—2 and 3 Imperial Buildings, E.C, 

Auckland Weekly News—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Australasian (Melbourne)—80 Fleet St., E.C, 

Berliner Tagblatt (Berlin)—14 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Bloemfontein Post—16 and 17 Devonshire Square, E.C. 
(See Advt. p. 394.) 

Bombay Gazette—Trafalgar. Buildings, Northumber- 
land Avenue, W.C. 

British South Africa Co.'s Government Gnzette.—16 
and 17 Devonshire Square, E.C. (See Advt. p. 394.) 

Bulawayo Ohronicle—16 and 17 Devonshire Square, E. C. 
(See Advt. p. 394.) 

Caleutta Exchange Gazette—1 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Canadian Military Gazette—-208 Ashmore Rd., Queen’s 
Park, W. 

Canterbury Times (Ohristchurch, N.Z.)—2 and 3 Im- 
perial Buildings, E.C. 

Cape Argus—16 and 17 Devonshire Square, E.C. (See 
Advt. p. 394.) 

Cape Times—14 St. Mary Axe, E.C. 

ee Chronicle—5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 

Chicago Daily News—Trafalgar Buildings, S.W. 

Chinese Daily Press—131 Fleet St., E.C. 

Christchurch Press—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Ohristchurch Star—2 and 3 Imperial Buildings, E.O. 

Cologne Gazette—14 Queen Victoria St., E.C. 

Daily Messenger—142 Strand, W.C. 

Daily Telegraph (Sydney)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Diamond Fields Advertiser (Kimberley )—14 St. Mary 
Axe, Leadenhall St., E.C. 

ae Evening Star—2 and 3 Imperial Buildings, 

Dun’s Review (New York)—79 Queen St., E.C. 

Electrioal World and Engineer (New York)—Hastings 
House, Norfolk St., Strand, W.O. 

Elsbach’s East Indian Press (Paris)—30 Fleet St., E.C. 

Engineering & Mining Journal (New York)—20 Buck- 
lersbury, E.C. 

English Mail (Bombay)—121 Fleet St., E.O, 

Express and Telegraph (Adelaide)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 

Farmaud (Christiania)—30 Fleet St., E.O. 

Farmer and Grazier ( Melbourne)—2 and 3 Imperial 
Buildings, E.C. 

: Figaro Illustré (Paris)—25 Bedford St., W.C. 

sl India (Oaloutte) 48 Fleet St., E.C. (Xe Adyt, 
p. 384, 

Hong Kong Daily Press—131 Fleet St., E.C. 

Indian Agricuiturist (Calcutta)—46 Fleet St., E.C. 

Indian Churchman (Calcutta)—1l Whitefriars St, E.C, 

Indian Daily News (Calcutta)—1 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Indian Planter’s Gazette—1 Whitefriars St., E.O. 

Indian Sporting Times—121 Fleet St., E.C. 

ne City Star—5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, 


Leader (Melbourne)—160 Fleet St., E.C. 
Locomotive Engineering (New York)—3 Amon Corner 

Lyttelton Times (Christchurch, N.Z,)—2 and 3 Imperial 
Buildings, E.C. 

Madras Mail—1 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

Mode Illustre (Paris)—13 Bedford St., W.C. 

Morning Post (Allahabad)—1 Whitefriars St., E.C. 

New York Herald-—Trafalgar Buildings, Northumber- 
land Avenue, W.C. 

New York Independent—5 Henrietta St., Covent Gar. 
den, W.C. 

New York Journai—5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

New York Press—5 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, W.C. 

New York Sun, Effingham House, Arundel St., Strand, 

New York Tribune—149 Fleet St., E.C. 
New Zealand Farmer—2 and 3 Imperial Buildings, E.C. 
New Zealand Graphic—2 and 3 Imperial Buildings, E.C. 
New Zealand Herald (Auckland)--30 Fleet St., E.C. 
North aa Review (Philadelphia) 21° Bedford 
St., W.O. 
Otago Daily Times—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Otago Witness (Dunedin)—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Petit Parisien—176 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Pioneer—13a Cockspnr Street, S.W. 
Pioneer Mail—13A Cockspur St., S.W. 
a Gazette—5 Henrietia St., Covent Garden, 

Railway Age (Chicago)—-3 Amen Corner, E.C. 
ee Master Mechanic (Chicago) -3 Amen Corner, 

Railway Review (Chicago)—3 Amen Corner, E.O. 
Rand Daily Mail—143 Fleet St., E.C. 
Rangoon Times—1 Whitefriars St., E.C. 
Rhodesia Advertiser (Umtali)—16 and 17 Devonshire 
Square, E.C. (See Advt. p. 394.) 
Rhodesia Herald (Salisbury)—16 and 17 Devonshire 
Square, E.C. (See Advt. p. 394. 
Rhodesian Agricultural Journal.—16 and 17 Devonshire 
Square, E.C. (See Advt. p. 394.) 
South Australian Register (Adelaide)—80 Fleet St. 
South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide)—160 
Fleet St., E.C. 
Star (Johannesburg)—16 and 17 Devonshire Square, 
E.C. (See Advt. p. 394.) 
Saee ana (Calcutta)—46 Fleet St., E.O. (See Advt. 
p. 384 
Street Railway Journal (New York)—Hastings House, 
Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. 
Sydney Mail—40 King St., Cheapside, E.O. (See Advt. 
p. 383.) 
Sydney Morning Herald—40 King St., Cheapside, E.C. 
(See Advt. p. 383.) 
Theätre, Le (Paris) —25 Bedford St., W.O. 
Times of Ceylon (Colombo)—Trafalgar Buildings, 
Northumberland Avenue, W.C. 
Times of India (Bombay)—121 Fleet St., E,O. 
Toronto Globe—222-25 Strand, W.O. 
Toronto World—145 Fleet St., E.O. 
Transvaal Leader ıJohannesburg)—14 St. Mary Axe, 
Leadenhall St., E.O. 
Weekly Press (Christchurch)—30 Fleet St., E.C. 
Wellington Evening Post—30 Fleet St., E.O. 
Yokohama Eastern World—14 Queen Victoria St. 

® a 

J. Willing, Junr., Him., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide.  [ Advertisements. 

Svdnev Worning Herald. 

Largest Ciroulation. | Best Advertising Medium. 

INCE its first establishment in 1831 the “ Sypney Mornine Henarp’’ has always main- 
S tained its position as the most prominent of high-class Australian newspapers. Its 
literary organisation is excellent, its printing machinery embraces the newest improve- 
ments, and its mechanical arrangements are of the most modern type. It is regarded as 
being the most influential journal in Australasia. His Honour Chief Justice Darley, when 
delivering an important judgment, recognised its position and referred to it as ‘‘ the 
leading paper of the colony.” It has special correspondents in all parts of the world, 
it circulates everywhere, and as an advertising medium it is unequalled. Of its Federal 
number on June 6, 1899, 273,000 sixteen-page papers were published. 

Che Sydney Mail. 

Australia’s Best Illustrated. 

‘Adapted equally to the wants of City, Town, and Country residents in Great Britain and 
Australasia. It supplies the latest trustworthy intelligence to all classes of the community, 
having special facilities for obtaining the latest and most authentic news from all parts of 
the world. Special attention is devoted to Sporting, Agricultural, Pastoral, and Mining 
subjects, and general matters of social, domestic, and fashionable interest. The illustrations 
are of the best kind, and the Fiction, Essays, and other literary contributions are from the 
pens of writers of acknowledged ability in Great Britain and the Colonies. 

On reference to the Journal itself, it will be seen that Agencies are established through- 
out ALL THE STATES, New Zealand and New Caledonia, and it has now obtained a large 
and increasing circulation in the United Kingdom. 

‘‘Heratp” subscription rates... — ise — 

216 4 per annum 
a Mar” subscription at 8 m ane 116 0 j 
“ Herarp ” advertising rates— Ordinary Column .. 0 6 O per inch. 
Special Column .. . O12 0 m 
Nonpareil Paragraphs .. 0 1 O Per line. 
Minion Paragraphs .. 0 2 0 

39 * 
Minion — special position according to arrangement. Double column adver- 
tisements double single column rates. | 
“Sypney MaıL’” advertising rates— 
Ordinary Advertisements ... eae . ». £0 6 0 per inch. 

Special Advertisements... — . 012 0. , 
Paragraphs, Nonpareil and Minion | at .. 012 0 j 
i Double column advertisements double single column rates. 
Discounts on the “ Marr ’”’—3 months’ insertion . eas ... 10 per cent. 
6 99 99 ... eee eee ” 

12 m Bet wines sats 20 i 
Blocks are admitted in the “ Marr.” 

Advertisements received by all the principal Advertising Agencies in the 
United Kingdom, or at the 

London Office: 40 KING ST., GHEAPSIDE, E.G. 

Telephone No. 5003 BANK. Telegraphic Address ‘‘ BOOMERANG, LONDON.” 

_ Advertisements received for all the Society Journals. Ta {883 

Advertisements. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

She Statesman 

is Guaranteed to have by far the 


And twice that of any Journal published | 
Calcutta or Bengal. 

London Office:-46 FLEET STREET, EG: 

Scie Proprietors: R. KNIGHT & SONS, CALCUTTA. 

friend of India. 


A an | 
London Office:-46 FLEET STREET, aa 

Sole Proprietors: R. KNIGHT & SONS, CALCUTTA. 

See tee nei see ee ree ge Se all 
384] J. Willing Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Gulde. 






The Time of Publication is denoted as under :—Twice a Week (2); Three times a Week (3); Weekly (tv); 
Fortnightly (f); Monthly (m). All others are published Daily. 


lice. Times (w). 

ie iwal North. Northern Postb (w). 

| arkly East: Reporter (w). 

-waufort West. Beaufort Courier (w), 
ledford: Enterprise. 
iwitstown. De Britstown Bode (w). 

‚jurghersdorp. Albert Times (w). 

“ape Town. Argus (Adet. p. 394). Weekly Argus 

".  (Adot. p. 394), Government Gazette (2). Review 

(w). Register (2). Times. Weekly Times. South 
African News, 

sathcart. Farmers’ Ohroniole (2). 

volesberg. Advertiser (w); 

Cradock. Midland News, Observer, 

Dordrecht. Frontier Guardian (w). 

East London. Despatch. 

.-Fort Beaufort. Advocate (w). 

. Graaff Reinet. Advertiser (3). i 
Graham’s Town. Journal (3). Penny Mail (3). 
Humansdorp. Re-echo (w). 

Kimberley. Diamond Field Advertiser. 
King William’s Town. Cape Mercury (2). 
, Kokstad. Advertiser (w). 
Mafeking. Mail. 
Middelburg. Middelburg Echo (w). 
Mossel Bay. Advertiser (w). 
Oudtshoorn. Courant (2). Het Zuid Westen. 

s Paari. Patriot. 2 

Port Elizabeth. Advertiser (2). Eastern Province 
Herald. Telegraph. 
Queenstown. Representative. 
Richmond. Era (w). 
Somerset East. Budget. 
Tarkastad. Herald. 
Uitenhage. Chronicle. Times (w). 
Worcester, Advertiser (w). Standard (w). 
Wynberg. Times, 
Victoria West. Messenger (w). 
Vryburg. Bechuanaland News. 

Commercial and Planters’ Gazette. 

Natal Mercantile Advertiser. 

Port Louls. 

Durban. Natal Mer- 

Pletermaritzburg. Natal Government Gazette (w). 
Natal Witness. Times of Natal. Natal Afrikaner. 


Bloemfontein. Post (d & w) (Adot. p. 394). Friend. 
Kroonstad. Times, 


Bulawayo. Chroniele (Adet. p. 304). 

Salisbury. British South African Oo.’s Government. 
Gazette (w) (Advt. p. 394). Herald (w) (Adet. p. 
894). Rhodesian Agricultural Journal (bi-m) 
(Adet. pı 394). 

Umtali. Advertiser (ddot. p 394). 


Jamestown, St. Helena Guardian (w). 

Advertisements recewed for all the Colonial Newspapers, 


Johannesburg. Gazette (Government journal). Star 
(Advt. p. 384). Weekly Star (Adet. p. 394). Leader, 
Rand Mail (d & w). 


Agra. Advertiser (w). 
Allgurh. Institute Gazette (w). 
Allahabad. Morning Post. North Western Province 
Advertiser (3). Pioneer. Pioneer Mail (w). 
Amritsar. Punjab Gazette. 
Assam. Civil List. Government Gazette. 
Bangalore. Daily Post. Examiner (3). Mysore 
Gazette (w). Mysore Vrittanta Bodhini (w). 
Bankipur. Bibar-Bandhu (m). 
Benares. Bharat-Jivan (w). 

Advocate of India. Indian Spectator (w). 
Akhbari. » Textile Journal 
Bombay Budget (w). (m). 
Gazette. Samachar. 
3 Overland Sum-| Soudogur, 
mary (w). Student’s Friend (w). 
Government Gazette (w). | Times of India. 
Asian. Indian Daily News, 
Öapital (W). „ Daily News Over- 
» Empress (f). land Summary 
Englishman. W) 
Englishman’s Overland » Engineering (w). 

Mail (w). » Lancet (w). 
Englishman's Saturday » Mirror. 

Evening Journal (w). » Nation (w). 
Evening Mail (2). » Planters’ Gazette 
Exchange Gazette (f). and Sporting 
Friend of India (w) News (w). 

(Advt. p. 384). » Witness (w). 
Hindoo Patriot. Planter (w). 

Indian Agriculturist (w).| Statesman and Friend of 
» and Eastern En- India (Adot. p. 384). 
gineer (m). 
Calicut. Observer (w). 

Cochin. Argus (w). Courier (2). 
Dacca. Bengal Times (2). 
N Morning Post of India, Nusrat Advertiser 
Hyderabad. Deccan Times (3). Journal. 
Karachi. Sind Gazette (2). Sind Times (2). 
Lahore. Civil and Military Gazette. Observer (w). 
People’s Journal (w). Punjab Patriot (w). Sun 
(w). Tribune (w). 
Lucknow. Daily Telegraph. Express(2). Punch (w). 
Advertiser (w). 
Eastern Guardian (w). 
Eastern Star (w). 

Masonic Review (m). 
Muhammadan (3). 
People's Friend (w). 

Fort St. George Gazette| Standard (3), 
(w). Times. 
Hindu (3). War Cry (w), 

Law Journal (m). Weekly Mail (w). 

Madura. Indian Chronicle(w). Mail. 
Nagpur. Government Gazette. News (w). 
Ootacamund. South of India Observer. (3). 


Colonial. ] 

Daily Telegraph. 

Poona. Beacon Magazine (w). 
Mahratta (w). 

Dnyan Prakash (w). Herald (w). 
Rawal Pindi. Punjab Times (w). 
Simia, Times-Advertiser (w). 


Akyab. Arakan News (2). 
British Burma Adver- | Gazette Weekly Budget. 
. tiser, Maulsulin Advertiser (8). 
Commercial Advertiser. | Mercantile Gazette (w). 
Friend of Burma Gazette. | Times. 


Catholic Messenger (2). Ceylon Ex- 
Ceylon Government Gazette (w). 
Ceylon Standard. Independent. 

aminer (2). 
Ceylon Observer. 

Mail. Times of Ceylon. Weekly Ceylon Ob- 
server. i 
Jaffna. Catholic Guardian (w). Morning Star. 


Hong-Kong. China Mail. China Overland Trade 
Report (w). Daily. Press. Government Gazette 
(w). Overland China Mail (w). Telegraph. 

Shanghal. Celestial’ Empire (w). China Gazette. 
North China Daily News. North China Hérald 
(w). Mercury. 

Penang Gazette. 
Borneo. Herald. 
Seychelles Government Gazette (w). 
SIAM. l 
Bangkok. Free Press. Observer: Times. 

Free Press. Government Gazette (w) Straits 

Budget (w). Straits Times, 

Yokohama. Japan Daily Herald. Gazette. Weekly T 
Nagasakl. Press, ‘ 

Kobe. Hyogo News. Kobe Chronicle. 


Levuka. Polynesian Gazette. 
Suva. Fiji Times (2). Na Matu (m). Observer (2). 
Royal Gazette (as necessity requires). 

i SAM OA. 
Samoanische Zeitung, 


Adelong. Argus (w). 
Albury. Banner (w). 
News (daily). 

Armidale. Chronicle (2). Express (2). 

Baliina. Pilot (w). 

Balranald. Riverine Recorder (w). 

Bathurst. Advocate (daily). Free Press (daily). 
Sentinel (w). Times (daily). i i 

Bega. Enterprise (w). Gazette (2). Stendard (2). 

Bingara. Telegraph (w). 

Blayney. Advocate (w). Argus (w). 

Bombala. Herald (w). Times (w). 

Bowral. Free Pres (2). 

Braidwood. Dispatch (2). 

Broughton Creek. Mail (w). Rezister (w). 

Bulli. Bulli and Clifton Times (2). ' 

Bungendore. Mirror (2). 

Burrawang. Herald (w). 

Burrowa. News (w). Times (w). 

Camden. News (w). 


Border Post (2). Evening 

7 Willing’s Press Guide. 

_ Mount Costigan. 

386] J. Willing, Junv., Lim., Advertising Agents, 195 Strand, London. 

Campbeltown. Herald (w). 

Candelo. Union (w). 

Carcoar. Chronicle (w). 

Casino. Richmond River Express (w). 
Cobar. Cobar and Louth Herald (w). 
Condobolin. Argus (w). : 
Cooma. Express (2). Manaro Mercury (2). 
Coonabarabran. Watchman (w). 

Coonamble. Independent (w). Times (w). 
Cootamundra. Herald (2). Liberal (2). 
Coráki. Herald (w). 8 rt 

Corowa. Free Press (w). 
Cowra. Free Press (w). 
Crookwell. Gazette (w). 
Deepwater. Miner (w). 
Deniliquin. Chronicle (2). 
Riverine Advertiser (w). 
Dubbo. Dispatch 2: Liberal (w). 
Dungog. Durhaın Chronicle‘(2). 
Fernmount. Times (w). 
Forbes. Gazette (w). Times (w). 
Gien Innes. Examiner (w). Guardian (w) 
Gosford. Express (w). Times (w). 


Pastoral Times (w) 

Goulburn. Advertiser (w). Evenin’ (3). 
Herald (3). Loe. 
Grafton. Argus(w), Ixaminer (2). Grip 2). 
Grenfell. Record (w). Vedette (w). 
Gulgong. Advertiser (w). : 
Gundagal. Times (2). ; 
Gunnedah. Advertiser (2). Namoi Independent (2). 

Hamilton. Radical (w). 

Hay. Riverine Grazier (2). Standard (2). 
Hillgrove. Guardian (w). 

Inverell. Argus (2). Times (2). 
Jerilderie. Herald (w). 

Junee. Southern Cross (2). 

Kangaroo Valley. Pioncer (w). 
Katoomba. Times (w). 4 nn 
Kempsey. Argus (w). Macleay Chronicle (w)}. . ` 
Klama. Independent(2). Journal(w). Reporter (8): 
Lismore. Chronicle (2). Northern Star (2). 
Lithgow. Mercury (w). 

Liverpool, Herald (8). 

Maclean. Clarence River Advocate (w). 

Maitland. Mercury (daily). 

Milparinka. Advertiser (w). 

Milton. Express (w). Times (w). 

Mittagong. Advocate (w). Mail (3). 

Moama. Border Post (daily). Herald (daily). 
Molong. Express (w). i 
Moree. Gwydir Examiner (w). 


' Moruya. Examiner (2). 

Moss Vale. Record (3). Scrutineer (2). 
News (2). 
Mudgee. Independent (2). Western Post (2). 
Murrumburrah. Signal (w). 

Murrurundi. Times (2). 

Murwillumbah. Tweed Advocate (w). 
Muswellbrook. Chronicle (w). - 

Narandera. Argus(2). Ensign (w). 

Narrabri. Argus (2). Herald (2). 

Newcastle. Dispatch (2). Morning Herald (daily). 
Now:a. Colonist (w). E 
Nyngan. Mercury (w). a 
Orange. Tke Banner (w). Western Advocate (2). 
Parkes. Independent (2). 

Parramatta. Cumberland Argus (w). Cumbérland 
Times (w). s 

Penrith. Nepean Times (w). i 

Picton. Advocate. 

Port Macquarie. News (3). 

Queanbeyan. Age(2). Times (2). 

Quirindi. Advocate (2). — 

Raymond Terrace. Gloucester Gazette (w}_ 

Robertson. Advocate (2). J DE 

Scone. Advocate (2). 

Shoalhaven. News (3). Telegraph (3). 
Singleton. Argus(2). Free Press (3). -7 t 
Sydney — 2 
ABC Railway Guide (m).| Badmin Leader (w). 
Ashfield Advertiser (w). ., Observer (w). 
Australasian Record (w). | Bird o’ Freedom (w) 
Australian Engineer (an). | Building and Engineering 
ag Journal (m). Journal (w). 
55 Temperance | Bulletin (w). 

World (m). | Christian World. (w)- .:. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— er — — nn Lu nn and — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 

-~ - ney—continued. 
wrchman (w). 

Presbyterian (w). 
- Jonial Military Gazette 

Protestant Standard (w). 

(m). Redfern Times (w). 
- :>mmercial News (daily). | Referee (w). 
awn (m). Rookwood Chronicle (w). 
zonomist (m). Rural Australian (m). 
. 'ntr'acte (daily). St. Leonard’s Times (2). 

"vening News (daily). 
reeman’s Journal (w). 

reemason's Chronicle 
overnment Gazette (w). 
.ogarah Advocate (w). 
eichhardt Standard (w). 

{anly Gazette (w). is 
‘4 Guardian (w). 

farrichville Review (w). 
“ Iining Standard (w). 

Shipping Gazette (m). 

Sporting Gazette (w). 

Star (daily). 

Sunday Times (w). 

Sydney Daily Telegraph. 

„ Mail(w). (Advt. 

p. 383.) 

Morning Herald 
(daily). (Advt. 



Town and Country Jour- 

‘fewtown Chronicle (w). nal (w). 
5 Independent Trade Review (m). 
War Cry (w). 


North Sydney Record (w). 

- )ncea Week (w). 

: amworth. News (2). Observer (2). 
wee. Manning River Times (2). 
sora. Independent (w). 
anterfield. Star (2).: 
smut. Tumut and Adelong Times (2). 
salia. Uralla and Walcha Times (w). 

agga Wagga. Advertiser (3). Express (3). 
alcha. Witness (w). 

-.-algett. News (w). 
alisend. Sun (2). : 

. ‘allington. Gazette (2). Times (2). 
fentworth. Standard (w). 
Aicannla. Western Grazier (2). 
findsor. Australian (w). Windsor Gazette (w). 
lingham. Advocate (w). Chronicle (2). 

- doilongong. Argus (2). Illawarra Mercury (3). 
ass, Courier(2). Evening Tribune (2). 

. ọung. Burrangong Argus (2). Burrangong 

Chronicle (2). 


Akaroa. Mail (2). 
Arrowstown. Lake County Press. 
Ashburton, Guardian (daily). Mail (8). Standard (3). 

Wesleyun Advocate (w). 

Auckland— : 
Auckland Directory. New Zealand Herald 
Bible Standard (m). (daily). 
Church Gazette (m). Observer (w). 

Helping Hand (m). Shailand’s Trade Journal 
New Zealand A BC (m). (m). 
5 Farmer, ; Sporting Review (w). 
Bee and Poultry Jour-, Star (daily). 
nal (m. Weekly News (w). 
New Zealand Graphic (w).! 

Balciutha. Clutha Leader (w). Free Press (w). 

Blenheim. Evening Star (w). Marlborough Daily 
Express. Marlborough Daily Times. 

Brunnerton. News (daily). 

Cambridge. Waikato Advocate (2). 

Carterton. Wairarapa Observer. 

Charleston. Herald (2). 

Christchurch. C. S. Gazette (w). Canterbury 
Times (w). Lyttelton Times (daily). Mercantile 
and Bankruptcy Gazette (w). New Zealand Baptist 
(m). New Zealand Church News (m). Press 
(daily). Prohibitionist(w). Railway Review (w). 
Schoolmaster (m). Spectator (w). Star (daily). 
War Cry (w). Weekly Press (w). — 

Clinton. Clutha County Gazette (w). 

Clyde. Dunstan Times (w). 

Coliingwood. Golden Bay Argus (w). 

Coromandel. News (2). 

Cromwell. Argus (w). 

Dannevirke. Bush Advocate (3). 

Dargaville. Northern Advertiser (w). 

Dunedin, Australasian Oddfellow (m). Budget (w). 
Evening Star. Farmers'Circular (w). Katipo(m). 
Masonic Journal (m). Musical Monthly. New 
Zealand Baptist (m). N.Z. Christian Record (w). 
New Zealand Tablet (w). Otago Daily Times. Otago 
Witness (w), Otago Workman (w). Temperance 
Herald (m), 

— —— — ee 



Featherston. Chronicle (3). 

Fielding. Star (daily). 

Foxton. Manawatu Herald (2). 

Geraldine. Guardian (3). 

Gisborne. Poverty Bay Herald (daily). 

Gore. Mataura Ensign (w). Southern Standard (2), 

Greymouth. Evening Star (daily). Grey River 
Argus (dally). Weekly Argus (w). 

Greytown. Wairarapa Standard (3). 

Hamilton. Argus (3). Waikato Times (3). 

Hawera. Egmont Star (w). Star (daily). 

Helensvilie. Kaipara Times (w). 

Hokitika. Evening Guardian (daily). Leader (w). 
West Coast Times (daily). 

Invercargili. Southern Cross (w). Southland Daily 
News. Southland Daily Times, Southlander (w), 
Weekly Times (w). 

Kaikoura. Star (2). 

Kawakawa. Luminary (2). 

Kumera. Times (daily). 

Lawrence. Tuapeka Times (2). 

Lyell. Times (w). 

Manaia. Waimate Witness (2). 

Marton. Advocate. Mercury (daily). 

Masterton. Mail — airarapa Daily (daily 
and w). Wairarapa Star (daily and w). i 

Milton. Bruce Herald (2). 

Mosgiel. Taieri Advocate (2). 

Napier. Daily Telegraph, Evening News (daily). 
Hawke’s Bay Herald (daily). 

Naseby. Mount Ida Chronicle (2). 

Nelson. Colonist (daily). Evening Mail (daily). 

New Plymouth. Budget (w), News(w). T 
Herald (daily). Taranaki News (daily). 

Onehunga. Manuku Gazette (w). 

Opotiki. Herald (w). Korimako Hou (m). 

Oxford. Observer (w). 

Paeroa. Gazette (w). Hauraki Tribune (2). 

Pahiatua. Herald (3), 

Palmerston. Palmerston and Waikouaiti Times (w). 

Paimerston North. Manawatu Standard (daily). 
Manawatu Times (daily). 

Patea. County Press (3). 

Picton. Marlborough Press (w.) 

Port Chalmers. Federated Shipping Gazette (w). 
Land and Sea(w). Shipping Gazette (w). 

Queenstown. Lake Wakatipu Mail (w). 

Rangiora. Standard (2). 

Reefton. Guardian (daily). Inangahua Herald (3), 
Inangahua Times (daily). 

Riverton. Western Star (2). 

Ross. Advocate (3), 

Roxburgh. Mount Benger Mail (w). 

Southbridge. Guardian (2). 

Tapanuli. Courier (w). 

Tauranga. Bay of Plenty Times (3). 

Te Aroha. News (2). 

Temuka. Leader (3). 

Thames. Advertiser (daily). Evening Star (daily). 
Timaru — (daily). South Canterbury Times 
(daily). i 

Waimate. Times (2). 

Waipawa. Mail (3), 

Wairoa. Guardian (2). 

Wanganui. Chronicle (daily). Evening Herald 
(daily). Weekly Chronicle (w) Yeoman (w). 
Wellington, Church Chronicle (m). Evening Post 
(daily), Government Gazette. New Zealand Mail 
(w). New Zealand Times (daily). New Zealand 

Trade Review (m). Weekly Heraid (w). 

Westport. Buller Miner (w). Times(w). Westport 
News (daily). 

Whangarel. Northern Advocate (w). 

Woodville. Examiner (daily). 


Allora. Guardian (ww). 
Barcaldine. Western Champion (w). 
Beenielgh. Logan Witness (w). 

Biackwall. Barco Independent (w), 
Bowen. Port Denison Times (2). 
Brisbane— ; 
Age (w). Courier (daily). 
Australian Pastoralists | Evening Observer (daily). 
Gazette (w). Flashes (w). 
Church Chronicle (w). Government Garette (%). 

Advertisements recewed for all the Australian Newspapers, [387 

Colonial. ] 

Keystone (w). 
Law Journul (w). 
Mail (w). 
Mercantile Gazette (w). 
Nord-Australische Zeit- 
nng (w). 
Queenslander (w). 
Bundaberg. Mail (3). Star (©). 
Cairns. Argus(w). Post (w). 
Chariesville. Times (w). 
Charters’ Towers. Herald (daily and w) Northern 
Miners (daily). Register (w). 
Clermont. Peak Downs Telegram (w) 
Cloncurry. Advocate (w). 
Cooktown. Conrier (2). Independent (2). 
Croydon. Golden Age (2). Mining News (2). 
Cunnamulla. Watchman (Ww). 
Dalby. Herald (w). 
Eidsvold. Reporter (w). 
George Town. The Mundic Miner (w). 
Geraldton. Advocate(w). Chronicle (w). 
Gladstone. Ob:erver(w). 
Goonwindi. Melntyre Herald (w). 
ae Miner (3). Times (3). 
ughenden. Observer (w). 
Ipswich. lpswich Advocate (3). Queensland Times (3). 
Laidley. Star (w). 
Mackay. Mercury(3). Standard (2). Sugar Journal(m). 
Maruba. Express (w). 
Maryborough. Chronicle (daily). 
Wide Bay and Burnett News (3). 
Mount Morgan. Chronicle (w). 

| Railway Times (w). 
Sportsman (w). 
Telegraph (daily). 
Week (w). 

Weekly Advertiser (w). 
Worker (w). 

Colonist (w). 

Normanton. Chronicle (2). 
Ravenswood. Mining Journal (w). 
Rockhampton. Argus (daily) Bulletin (daily). 

Capricornian (w). Church Gazette (m). North 
Rockhampton Advocate. People's Newspaper (Ww). 

Roma. Maranoa Times (2). Western Star (2). 

St. George’s. Standard (w). 

Southport. Bulletin (w). 

Stanthorpe. Border Post (w). 

Tambourine. Advocate (w). 

Thargomindah. Herald (2). 

Thursday Island. The Torres Straits Pilot (w). 

Toowoomba. Chronicle (2). Darling Downs Gazette(3). 

Townsville. Dailies: Bulletin. Evening Star. 
North Queensland Herald. 

Warwick. Argus (2). Examiner (2). 

Winton. Herald (w). 


Adelaide Observer (w). | Quiz (w). 
Advertiser. _ South Anstralian Chro- 

nicole (m). 

Athlete (w). , 

Bible Christian Maga-, „ 5 
zine (m). I (w). 
Christian Weekly (w). |, Southern Croas (w). 
Evening Express and Standard (m.) 
Telegraph. Sud-Australische 
Evening Journal. . ung (w). 
Garden and Field (m). War Cry (w). 
Government Gazette (w). 
Clare. Northern Argus (2). 
Gawler. Bunyip (w). 
Gladstone. Areas Express (w). 
Jamestown. Agriculturist and Review (w). 
Kadina. Kadina and Wallaroo Times (2). 
Kapunda. Herald (2). . 
Laura. Standard (w). 
Moonta. York's Peninsula Advertiser (w). 
Mount Barker. Courier (w). 
Mount Gambier. Border Watch (2). 
Eastern Star (2). 
Narracoorte. Herald (2). 
Orroroo Enterprise (w). 
Daimerston. N. T.Times (w). 
Port Augusta. Dispatch (w). 
Port Pirie. Advocate (2). Standard (2). 
Strathalbyn. Southern Argus (w). 



Devonport. North-West Post (3). 
Hobart. Dailies: Mercury. Tasmanian News. 

Weeklies: Catholic Standard. Church News. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — —— — — — — — —— —— 
— — — — — 

Government Gazette. Hood's Literary Sex 
People’s Friend. Tasmanian Mail.  AMfontities. 
Walch's Literary Intelligencer. 
Latrobe. North Coast Standard (2). 
Launceston. Daily Telegraph. Courier (w). Er 
aminer (daily). 


Alberton. Standard (2). 

Alexandra. Standard (w). 

Ararat. Advertiser (2). Chronicle (2), 

Avoca. Free Press (w). Mail (2). 

Bacchus Marsh. Express w) 

Bairnsdale. Advertiser (3). Courter. 

Ballarat. Courier (daily). Star (daily). 

Ballan. Times (2). 

Beaufort. Advocate (w). 

Beechworth. Ovens and Murray 
weekly and weekly). Register (2). 

Benalla. North-Eastern Ensign (w). Standard (?). 

Boort. Standard (w). 

Broadford. Courier (ww). 

Bruthen. The Times (w). 

Buninyong. Telegraph (2). 

Camperdown. Chronicle (3). 

Casterton. News (2). 

Advertiser (tri 

Castiemaine. Leader (daily). Mount Alexande 
Mail (daily). 
Chariton. Independent (2). Tribune (2). 

Cheltenham. Leader (w). 
Chiltern. Federal Standard (w). 
Ciunes. Guardian (2). 

Colac. Herald (2). ‘Reformer (5). 

Coleraine. Albion (w). 

Creswick. Advertiser (3). 

ee Advertiser (Ww). Express (2). Journal 

Daylesford. Advocate (3). Herald (3). 

Dimbooia. Banner (w). 

Donald. Express (2). Times (2). 

Drouin. Express (w). Independent (w). 

Dunoliy. Express (w). 

Echuca. Advertiser (3). Riverine Herald (daily). 

Edenhope. Kowreeshire Advertiser (w). 

Elmore. Standard (w). 

Euroa. Advertiser (2). 

Geelong. Advertiser (daily). Evening Star (daily). 
Evening News (daily). News of the Week (w) 
Stock and Station Journal (w). Times (daily) 

Gordon. Egerton Advertiser (w). 

Hamilton. Church News(m). Spectator (3). 

Harrow. Ensign (w). 

Heathcote. MclIvor Times (w). 

Horsham. Times(2). Wimmera Star (2). 

Inglewood. Advertiser (3). Star (daily). 

Jamieson. Chronicle (w). 

Kangaroo Ground. Observer (2). 

Kerang. Observer(w). Times (2). 

Klimore. Advertiser (w). Free Press (w). 

Koroit. Sentinel (2). 

Korrumburra. The Mail (w). 

Kyabram. Union (w). 

Kyneton. Guardian (3). Observer (3). 

Lancefleld. Mercury (w). 

Leongatha. Great Southern Star (w). 

Liiydale. Express (2). 

Maffra. Spectator (2). 

Maldon. News (2). Times (2). 

Mansfield. Courier (w). | 

Maryborough. Advertiser (3). Standard (3). | 

Melbourne — 

A BC Rail and Road | Australian Chemist and 

Guide (m). Drugist (m). 
Advocate (w). » Christian Standard 
Age (daily). 

„ Coachbuilder (m). 

Age Annual (annually). 
„ Cordial Maker (m). 

Alliance Record (f). 

Argus (daily). | » Grocers’ Journal 
Austral Light (m). | (mn). 
Australasian (w). „ Handbook (annliy). 
= Keyston (m). | » Insurance and 
Australia (m). | Banking Revord 
Australian Baker (m). | (m). 
» Brewers’ Journal „ ironmonger (m). 
(m). „ Journal (m), 

— — — Ban a a na ie — — — — — — — — — — 
388] J. Willing, Jumr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 126 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

ne em — — — pe 

Mel bourne—continued. e 

Journal of 
Pharmacy (m). 

Australian | 
» Magazine of the 

Imperial Review (q). 

Inventive Age (f). 
League of the Jewish Herald (f). 
Cross (m). Journal of Commerce({). 
» Medical Gazette »  Ofthe Royal Agri- 
(m). cultural Society(m). 
» Medical Journal Kew Mercury (w). 
(m). Law Times (f). 
» Miller (m). Leader (w). 

» MiningStandard Malvern Arms (w). 
Malvern and Armidale 
Express (w). 
Mentone Chronicle (w). 
Newport Times (3). 
Northcote Leader (w). 
Northern Tribune (w). 
Oakleigh Leader (w). 
ss Times (w). 
Pastoralists’ Review(m). 
Port MelbourneStandard 
Poultry and Dog Gazette 

» Schoolmaster(m) 
» Shipping News 

W . 
» Sunday School 
~ Teacher (m). 
» Trade Review 


» Typographical 

Journal (m). 

» Weekly (w). 
Bible Echo (f). 
Boroondara Standard. 
Bradshaw’s Guide (m). 
Brighton Leader (w). 
Brunswick Medium (w). 

— — — — 

Prahran Telegraph (w). 
» &c.,Chronicle(w). 
Punch (w). 

= Reformer (w). Quadrangle (m). 
Building and Engineer- Record (w). 
ing Journal (w). Review of Reviews (m). 
Caulfield Leader (w). Richmond Australian 

= Times (w). 
Christian World (w). 
Church of England Mes- 

senger (m). 
Coburg Leader (w). 

» Advertiser (w). 
Discovery (f). 
Essendon Chronicle (w). 

* Gazette (w). 
Farmer and Grazier (m). 

Financial Gazette (f). 

Courier (w). 
Richmond Guardian (w). 
St. Kilda Advertiser (w). 
Shearers’ Record (m). 
Southern Cross (w). 
Spectator (w). 
Sportsman (w). 

Sun (w). 

Sword and Shield (f). 
Table Talk (w). 
Temperance News (m). 
Traveller (m). 

Fitzroy City Press (w). Truth (m). 
»  Observer(w). | Victorian Baptist (m). 
Flemington Spectator » Churchman (f). 

„ Independent(m). 
» Naturalist (m). 
» Railway Gazette 

„ Independent (w). 
Friendly Societies’ Re- 
view (m). 
Full Salvation (m). 
xood Health (m). 

j Railway News. 
‚ Standard (m). 
V. R.C. Racing Calendar 

» = 

———— mm cn ne — — — ————— — — 

Government Gazette(w). (m). 

Harbinger of Light (m). War Cry (w). 

Hawthorn and Kew Ex- Weekly Times (w). 
press (w). Weigel’s Journal of 

Hawthorn Citizen (w). Fashion (m). 

Herald (daily). 

Mildura. Cultivator (w). 

Minyip. Guardian (w). 

Mir-boo North. Herald (w). 

Moe. Advocate (w). 

Mooroopna. Goulbourn Valley Yeoman (w). 
Moorwelil. Advertiser (w). Gazette (w). 
Mortlake. Dispatch (2). 

Murchison. Advertiser (w). 

Murtoa. Standard (w). 

Nagambie. Times (2). 

Nathalia. Herald (w). 

Natimuk. Mail(w). 

Nhill. Free Press (2). Mail (2). 
Numurkah. Standard (2). 

Oakleigh. Leader (ww). 

Omeo. Standard (w). 

Port Albert. Standard (2). 

Portland. Guardian (3). Observer (2). 
Port Fairy. Gazette (2). 
Quesnscliffe. Sentinel (w). 
Rochester. Express (2). 

Romsey. Examiner (w.) 

Rupanyap. Spectator (2). 
Rushworth. Chronicle (w). 
Rutherglen. News(w). Sun (w). 

St. Arnaud. Mercury (2). 


| Sale. Gippsland Mercury (3). Gippsland Times (3). 
Ti. Australian News (m). 

Sandhurst. Bendigo Advertiser (daily). Bendigo 
—— Mail (daily). Bendigo Independent 

Seymour, Express (2). Telegraph (w). 

Shepparton. Advertiser (3). Farmer’s Gazette (w). 
News (2). 

Stawell. Pleasant Creek News (3). Technics (m). 
Times (3). 

Swan Hill. Guardian (w). 

Talbot. Leader (2). 

Tallangatta. Herald (2). 

Tarnagulla. Courier (w). 

Tatura. Guardian (w). 

Terang. Express (2). 

Traralogon. Gippsiand Farmers’ Journal (w).' Glen- 
gary Farmers’ Journal (w). Record (w). ` 

Tungamah. Express (w). Independent (w). 

Violet Town. Herald (2). 

Wahgunyah. News (w). 

Walhalla. Chronicle (w). 

Wangaratta. Dispatch (2). Standard (2). 

Warracknabeal. Herall(w). Northern Argus (w) 

Warragul. Guardian (2). 
Warrnambool. Evening Echo (3). Standard 

Wedderburn. Express (2). 

Wodonga. Sentinel (w). 

Woodend. Star (w). 

Wycheproof. Ensign (w). 

Yarragon. Express (w). 

Yarram-Yarram. Chronicle (2), 

Yarrawonga. Chronicle (3). Mercury (w). Murray 
Indepeudent (w). 

Yea. Chronicle (w). 

Albany. A BC Railand Road Guide(m). Australian 
Advertiser (2). 
Bunbury. Times (w). 
Coolgardie. Miner. 
Fremantle. Messenger (w). 
Geraldton. Advertiser (w). Express (w). 
Kalgoorlie. Miner. Western Argus (w). 

Perth. Daily News. Government Gazette (w). 
West Australian. Morning Herald. Western 
Mail (w). 

York. Eastern District Chronicle (w). 



Ashcroft. Mining Journal (w). 
Chilliwack. Progress (w). 
Cranbook. Herald (w). 
Cumberland. News (w). 
Fort Steele. Prospector (w). 
Golden. Era (w). 
Grand Forks. Gazette (w). 
Roe i u (d&w). 

amloops. Inland Sentinel (2). Standar 
Kaslo. Kootenain (2). = m 
Midway. Advance (w).: 
Moyie City. Leader (w), 
Nanalmo. Free Press (d & w). Herald (d & w). 
a Economist (w). Miner (d & w). Tribune (d 

New Denver. Ledger (w). 
New Westminster. British Columbian (a & w). 
Revelstoke. Herald (2), Mail (w). 
Rossland. Miner (d & w). 
Sandon. Mining Review (w), 
Silverton. Sivertonian (w) 
Slocan. Drill (w). 
Trail. News (w). 
Trout Lake City. Topic (w). 
Vancouver. News-Advertiser (d & w). 
(d & w) World (d & w). 

—— News (w). 

ctoria. Colonist (d & i 

Times CLG wr) ( w) Mining Record (m) 

Wellington. Enterprise (w). 

Birtle. Eye Witness (w). 
Boissevain. Globe (w). 


—— — — — çeú — — — — — — —— —— 

Advertisements received for all the Australian Newsnaners, 


Colonial. } 

Brandon. Sun(d&w). Times (2). 

Carberry. Express(w). News (w). 

Carman. Lealer(w). Standard (w). 

Cypress River. Western Frairie (w). 

Deloraine. Times (w). 

Eikhorn. Advocate (w). 

Emerson. Journal (w). 

Gladstone. Age (w). 

Glenboro. Gazette (w). 

Hamiota. Herald (w). 

Hartney. Star (w). 

Holland. Observer (w). 

Killarney. Guide (w). 

McGregor. Herald (w). 

Maniton. Sun (ww). 

Melita. Enterprise (w). 

Minnedosa. Tribune (w). 

Morden. Chronicle (w). 

Napinka. Gazette (w). 

Neepawa. Press (2). Register (w). 

Pilot Mound. Sentinel (w). 

PortageiaPrairie. Graphic. Liberal (2). 

Rapid City. Beporter (w). 

Russell. Banner (w). 

St. Boniface. Maniloba (w). 

Selkirk. Journal (w). Record (w). 

Souris. Plaindealer (w). 

Stonewall. Argus(w). Gazette (w). 

Virden. Advance (w). 

Winnipeg. College Journal (m). Commercial (w). 
Loegberg (w). Manitoba Free Pres (d & w). 
Mirror (w). Nordwesten (w). Nor’ West Farmer 

(m). Sameiningen (m). Telegram (d & w). 
Tribune (d & w). Voice (w). Western Church- 
man (m). 


Bathurst. Courrier des Provinces Maritimes (w). 

Campbeiiton. Telephone (2). 

Chatham. Miramichi Advance (w). World (3). 

Fredericton. Butler’s Journal (m). Farmer (w). 
Gleaner (d & w). Herald (d & w). Religious 
Intelligencer (w). Reporter (w). University 

Gagetown. Gazette (w). 

Hartland. Advertiser (3). 

Moncton. Times(d &w). Transcript (d & w). 

Newcastie. Union Advocate (w). 

Richibucto. Review (w). 

Sackviile. Argosy (m). Chignecto Post (2). 

St. Andrew’s. Beacon (w). 

St.John. Educational Review (m). Gazette(d & w.) 
Globe (d & w). Messenger and Visitor (w). Pro- 
gress (w). Record. Sun (d & w). Telegraph (d 


St. Stephen’s. Courier (w). 
Shediac. Montteur Acadian (w). 
Sussex. Maritime Farmer (f). Record (w). 
Woodstock. Dispatch (w). Press (w). Sentinel 


St. John’s. Evening Herald. Evening Telegram. 
News (d & w). Royal Gazette (w). 
Twillingate. Sun (w). 


Battleford. Saskatchewan Herald (w). 

Caigary. Herald (d & w). 

Dawson City (Kiondyke). Klondyke Nugget (d & 
w). Mining Journal (m). News (d & w). Sun 
(2). Times. 

Edmonton. Bulletin (w). 

Grenfell. Sun (w). 

Indian Head. Vidette (w). 

Lethbridge. News (w). 

MacLeod. Advance (w). Gazette (w). 

Medicine Hat. News (w). . 

Moose Jaw. Times (w). 

Moosomin. Spectator (w). 

Prince Albert. Advocate (w). Times (w) 

Qu’Appelle. Progress (w). 

Regina. Leader (w). Standard (w). 

Saitcoats. Assiniboian (w). 

Whitewood. Herald (w). 

Wolseley. Echo (w). 

Yorktown. Enterprise (w). 




Willing’s Press Guide 

amnor: Gazette (w). News (d & 2) Press (d 

Annapolis. Spectator (w). 

Antigonish. Casket (w). 

Arichat. Record (w). 

Baddeck. Telephone (w). 

Berwick. Register (w). 

Bridgetown. Monitor (w). 

Bridgewater. Bulletin (w). 

Caledonia. Gold Hunter (w). 

Dartmouth. Atlantic Weekly. 

Digby. Courier (w). 

Guysborough. Gazette (w). 

Halifax. Acadian Recorder (d & w). Chronicle(d & 
w). Dalhousie Gazette (m). Echo. Evening Mail. 
Herald (d & w). Homestead (w). Maritime Medi- 
cal News (m). Maritime Merchant (2). Presby- 
ae Witness(w). Royal Gazette (w). Wesleyan 

Hautsport. Advance (w). i 
Kentville. Advertiser (w). Western Chronicle (w) 
— Advance (w). 
unenburg. Argus (w). Progress (w). 
Middletown. Outlook (w). 
— ARRON: Eastern Chronicle (w). Enterprise 

North Sydney. Herald (w). 

Oxford. Journal (w). 

Parrsboro. Leader (w). Record (w). 

Pictou. Advocate (w). 

Port Hawkesbury. Bulletin (w). Eastern Journal 


Shelburne. Budget (w). 

Spring Hill. Tribune (w). 

Steliarton. Record (2). 

Sydney. Island Reporter (w). Post. Record. 

Truro. Colchester Sun (w). News (d & w) Search 
Light (w). Times-Guardian (3), 

Westviile. Free Lance (w). 

Weymouth. Free Press (w). L’ Evangeline (w). 

Windsor. Hants Journal (w). King's College Recori 
(m). Tribune (w). 

Wolfville. Acadia Athenæum (m). Acadian (w). 

Yarmouth. Herald (wt). Light(w). Times (2). 

Acton. Free Press (w). 

Allsa Crag. Banner (w). 

Alexandria. Glengarrian (w). News (w). 

Alliston. Herald (w). 

Almonte. Gazette (w). Times (w). 

Alvinston. Free Press (w). 

Amherstburg. Echo (w). 

Arnprior. Chronicle (w). News (w). Watchman (w). 

Arthur. Enterprise (w). 

Athens. Reporter (w). 

Atwood. Bee (w). 

Aurora. Banner (w). 

Aylmer. Express(w). Sun (w). 

Ayr. News (w). 

Ayton. Advance (w). 

Bancroft. Times (w). 

Barrie. Examiner (w). Gazette (w). 
Advance (w). 

Beamsville. Express (w). 

Beaverton. Express (w), 

Beeton. World (w). 

Belleville. Albert College Times (m). Chronicle (w). 
Intelligencer (d & w). Ontario. Sun (d & w). 

Belmont. Times (w). 

Berlin. Deutsche Zeitung (w). Evangeliums Bote (m). 
Gospel Banner (w). Journal (w). News-Record 
(d & w). Telegraph (w). " 

Blenhelm. News(w). Tribune (w). 

Blyth. Standard (w). 

Bobcaygeon. Independent (w). 

Bolton. Enterprise (w). 


Bothwell. Times (w). 

Bowmanville. Canadian Statesman (w). West 
Durham News (w). 

Bracebridge. Free Grant Gazette (w). Muskoka 

Herald (w). 
Bradford. Witness-News (w). 
Brampton. Oonservator (2). 

Peel Ba . 
Times (w). N 


J, Willing, Junr., Lim:; Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, | London, 

Brantford. Bee Journal (m). 
Expositor (d & w). 

Bridgebu Review (w). 

Brigden. Public Opiuion (w). i 

Brighton. Ensign (w). ‘ 

Brockville. Recorder(d& w). Times (d & w). 

Brussels. Post (w). 

Burke’s Falls. Arrow (w). 

Caledonla. Grand River Sachem (w). 

Campbellford. Herald (w). 

Cannington. Gleaner (w). 

Courier (d & w). 

Carleton Place. Central Canadian (w). Herald (w). 

Cayuga. Advocate (w). 
Chatham. Banner (d & w) Planet (d & w). 
Chatsworth. Banner (w) News (w). 

Chesley. Associated Presbyterian Magazine (m). 

Enterprise (w). 
Chesterville. Record (w). 
Clarksburg. Reflector (w). 
Clifford. Express (w). 
Clinton. Huron News-Record (w). New Era (w). 
Cobden. Sun (w). 
Cobourg. Post(w). Sentinel-Star (w). World (w.) 
Colborne. Express (w). Northumberland Enter- 
prise (w). 
Coldwater. Planet (w). 
Collingwood. Bulletin (w). Enterprise-Messenger (w). 
Comber. Herald (w). 
Cookstown. Advocate (w). 
Cornwall. Frecholder(w). Standard (w). 
Creemore. Star (w). 
Delhi. Reporter (2). Vindicator (w). 
Deseronto. Tribune (w). 
Drayton. Advocate (w) Times (w). 
Dresden. Times (w). 
Dundalk Herald (w). 
Dundas. Star(w). True Banner (w). 
Dunnville. Chronicle (w). Gazette (w). 
Press (w). 
Durham. Chronicle (w). 
Dutton. Advance (w). 
Eganvlile. Star-Enterprice (w). 
Eimira. Advertiser (w). 
Elmvaie. Chronicle (w). 
Elora. Express (w). 
Embro. Courier (w). 
Erin. Advocate (w). 
Essex Centre. Free Press (w). 
Exeter. Advocate(w). Times (w). 
Fenelon Fails. Gazette (w). 
Fergus. News-Record (w). 
Flesherton. Advance (w). 
Florence Quill (w). 
Fordwich. Record (w). 
Forest. Free Press (w). Standard (w). 
Fort William. Journal (d & w). 
Galt. Reformer (d & w). Reporter (d & w). 
Gananoque. Journal (w). Reporter (w). 
Georgetown. Herald (w). 
Glencoe. Transcript (w). 
Goderich. Huron Signal (w). Star (w). 
Gore Bay. Conservative (w). Guide (w). 
Gorrie. Vidette (w). 
Grand Valley. Star (w). 
Gravenhurst. Banner (w). 
Grimsby. Independent (w). 
Guelph. Herald (d & w). Mercury (d & w). 
Hagersville. News (w). 
Hamilton. Herald. Spectator (d & w) Templar (m). 
Times (d & w). 
Hanover. Post (ww). 
Harriston. Review (w). Tribune (w). 
Hastings. Star (w). 
Havelock. Standard (w). 
Hensall. Observer (w). 
Hepworth. Journal (w). 
Hespeler. Herald (w). 
Highgate. Monitor (w). 
Hillsburg. Beaver (w). 
Huntsville. Enterprise (w). Forester (ww). 
Ingersoll. Chronicle(d & w). Oxford Tribune (w). 
Sun (w). 
Iroquois. News (w). 
Jarvis. Record (w). 
Kemptville. Advance (w). 
Kincardine. Reporter (w). Review (w). 


Grey Review (w). 

— — m Mu 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Advertisements received for all the Canadian Papers. 

| [Colonial. 

— eres SR: A ai 

— — 

Kingston. British Whig (d & w). 
man (w). Medical Quarterly. 
Queen’s Universal Journal (2). 

Kingsville. Reporter (w). 

Lakefield. News (w). 

Lanark, Era(w). > 

Leamington. News(ww). Post (w). 

Lindsay. Canadian Post (d & w). 
Warden (w). 

Listowel. Banner (w). Standard (w). 

Little Current. Expositor (w). 

London. Advertiser (d & w). 

Canadian Free- 
News (d & w) 


Canadian Entomolo- 

gist (m). Catholic Record (w). Echo (w). 

Farmer's Advocate (f). Free Press (d & w). 

L’Original. Advertiser (w). Advocate (ww). 
Lucan. Sun(w). 

Lucknow. Sentinel (w). 
Madoc. North Hast:ngs Review (w). 
Markdale. Standard (w). 
Markham. Economist (w). Sun (w). 
Marmora. Herald (w). 
Mattawa. Tribune (w). 
| Meaford. Mirror(w). Monitor (w). 
i Merrickville. Star (w). 
Midland. Free Press (w). 
Mildmay. Gazette (w). 
Millbrook. Reporter (w). 
Milton. Canadian Ohampion (w). Reformer (w). 
Milverton. Sun (w). 
Minden. Echo (w). 
Mitchell. Advocate (w). Recorder (w). 
Morrisburg. Herald (w). 
nn Forest. Confederate (w). 
Napanee. Beaver (w). Express (w). Star (w). 
New Hamburg. Canadisches Volksblatt (w). 
dependent (w). 
Newbury. Journal (w). 
Newmarket. Era(w). Express (w). 
Niagara. Times (ww). 
Niagara Falls. Record (d & w). Review (w). 
North Augusta. Citizeu (w). 
North Bay. Dispatch (w). Times (w). 
Norwich. Gazette (w). 
Norwood. Registcr (w). 
Oakville. Star (w). 
Oil Springs. Chronicle (w). 
Omemee. Mirror (w). 
Orangeville. Banner (w). Dufferin Advertiser (w). 
Dufferin Post (w). Sun (w). 
Orilla Canadian Workman (m) News-Letter (w). 
Packet (w). Times. 
Orono. News (w). 
Oshawa Ontario Reformer (w). Vindicator (w). 
Ottawa. Anglo-Saxon (f). Oanada Gazette (w). 
Citizen (d & w). Daneborg (w). Free Press (d 
& w) Journal (d & w). Mining Review (m). 
Temps. United Canada (w). 
Owen Sound. Advertiser (2). Sun (2). Times (w). 
Paisley. Advocate (w). 
Palmerston. Reporter (w). Spectator (w). 
Paris. Review (w). Star-Transcript (w). 
Park Hill. Gazette-Review (w). 
Parry Sound. Canadian (w). North Star (w). 
Pembroke. Observer (w). Standard (w). 
Penetanguishene. Herald (w). 
Perth. Courier (w). Expositor (w). 
Peterboro’. Examiner (d & w). Review (d & w). 
Times (d & w). 
Petrolia. Advertiser (w). Topic (w). 
Pickering. News (w). 
Picton. Gazette (w). Times (w). 
Platsvilie. Echo (w). 
Port Arthur. Herald (w). 
Port Colboine. Times (w). 
Port Dover. Maple Leaf (w). 
Port Eigin. Times (w). 
Port Hope. Guide (d & w). Times (w). 
Port Perry. Observer (w). Standard (w). 
Port Rowan. News(w). 
Prescott. Journal (w). Messenger (w). 
Preston. Progress (w). 
Rat Portage. Miner (w). News (w). 
Renfrew. Journal (w). Mercury (w). 
Richmond Hill. Liberal (w). 



— — 


Colonial. } 

Ridgetown. Dominion (w). 
(w) Standard (w). 

Ripley. Express (w). 

Rodney. Mercury (w). 

St. Catherine's. Journal Ad & w) Standard (d & 

— — — —— — 

East Kenut Pluindenler 

w) Star (d & w). 
St. George. Sentinel (w). 
St. Mary’s. Argus(w). Journal (w). 

St. Thomas. Journal (d & w). Municipal World 

(m) Times (d & w). 

Sarnia. Canadian (w). Observer (d & w) Post (2). 

Sault Ste.Marle. Algoma Pioneer (+). Express 
(w) Star (w). 

Seaforth. Huron Expositor (w). Snn (w). 

Shelburne. Economist (w).. Free Press (w). 

Simcoe. British Canadian (w) Norfolk Reformer 

Smith's Falls. News(w) Record (w). 

Southampton. Beacon (w). 

Stayner. Sun (w). 

Stirling. News Argus (w). 

Stouffville. Tribune (w). 

Stratford. Beacon (d & w). 
(w). Herald (l & w). 

Strathroy. Age(w). Dispatch w) 

Streetsville. Review (w). 

Sturgeon Falls. Advertiser (w). 

Sudbury. Journal(w). 

Sundridge. Echo(w). 

Sutton. Herald (w). 

Tara. Leader (w). 

Tavistock. Gazette (w). 

Teeswater. News(w). 

Thamesville. Herald (w). 

Thessalon. Advocate (w). 

Thornbury. Herald (w). Union Standard (w). 

Thorold. Post (w). 

Tilbury Centre. News(w). Times (w). 

Titsonburg. Liberal (w). Observer (w). 

Tiverton. Watchman (w). 


Acta Victorian (m). 
Algoma Missionary News 

Canadischer Kolonis! 

. Canadian Pharmaceutical 
Journal (m). 
* Poultry Review 
»  Practitioner(m). 

All the World (in), 
Bookseller and Stationer 

(m). a Shoe and 
Bulletin (m). Leather Jour- 
Business (m). nal (m). 
Canada sn » Sportsman (w). 

Monthly. — Teacher (f). 

Canada Lancet (m). | Catholic Register (w). 
Canada Law Journal (f). Christian Guardian (w). 
Canada Lumberman (w ' * Worker (w). 
& m). ' Church Evangelist (w). 
Canadian Architectand Citizen and Country (w). 
Builder (m). College Times (m). 
„ Baker (ın). | Congregationalist (w). 
* Baptist (w). Cycling (f). 
3 Bookseller (m). : Dominion Dental Journal 
a Church Maga- (m). 
zine (m). S Medical Jour- 
»  Ohurchman Gey nal (m). 
* Cigar and To-: Fast-ind Echo (w). 
bacco Trade: Evening Telegram. 
Journal (in). | Faithful Witness (w). 
3 Craftsman (m). | Farming World (m). 
ss Druggist (m). | Freemason (m1). 
3 Dry Goods Re-, Globe (d & w). 
PR view (m). Home and Youth (m). 
S H News.! Independent Forester (w). 
Ladies’ Journal (m). 
ss —— (m). | Mail and Empire (d & w). 
3 Furniture Jour-' Merchant (2). 
nal (in). | Merchant and Manufac- 
* Grocer (w). turer (m). 
zi Hardware (w). į Methodist Magazine (m). 
»  dournalof Medi-;| Missionary Outlook (1m). 
cine (m). Monetary Times (w). 
* Kennel Gazette; Money and Risks (m). 
(m | News, 
„ Law Times (m)., North-Ender (w). 
* Magazine (m). | Presbyterian Review (w). 
Manufacturer ; Printer and Publisher(m). 
(f). | Saturday Night. 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


‚ Seottish-Canadian (m). | Tribune (w). 
Secular Thought (w). ' Trivity University Revier 
Select Knights Journal; (m). 

(n1). ‘Truth (w). 
Sentinel (w). Varsity (w). 
Star. ' West-End Echo (w). 
Suun (w). ' West-Ender (w). 

Sunday School Banner(m).' Westminster (w). 
Trader (m). | World (d & w). 
Tottenham. Sentinel (w). 
Trenton. Advocate(w). Courier (w). 
Tweed. News (ww). 
Uxbridge. Journal(w). North Ontario Times (w). 
Vankleck Hill. Review (w). 
Wabigoon. Stur (w). 
Walkerton. Bruce Herald (w). 
(w) Glocke (w). 
Walkerville. Herald (w). 
Wallaceburg. Herald (w). 
Warkworth. Journal (w). 
Waterford. Star (w). 

Bruce Telescope 

News (w). 

' Waterloo. Cunadischer Banernfreund (w). Chronic 

Telegraph (w). 
Watford. Guide-Advocate (w). 

`. Welland. Telegraph (w). Tribune (w) 

Weston. Times (v). 
Westport. Mirror (w). 

' Wheatley. Journal (w). 

‘ Summerside. 

Whitby. Chronicle(w). 

Wiarton. Canadian (Ww). 

Winchester. Press (w). 

Windsor. Herald (d & w). Progrès (w). Record 
& w) World. 

Wingham. Advance (w). Times (w). 

Woodstock. Seutinel Review (d & w). 

Woodville. Advocate (w). 
Wyoming. Enterprise (w). 

Gazette(w). Sunbeam (m) 

Times (d& 


Charlottetown. Examiner (d & w). Herald (w). 
Island Guardian (d & w). Islander (2). Patriot 
(d& w) Watchman (q). 

Island Farmer (w). Journal (w4 

Pioncer (w). Prince Edward Island Agriculturist 

(w). i 
' Tignish. Zmpartial (w). 


Aylmer. Review. 
Bedford. News (w). 
Berthier. Gazelle (w). 
Buckingham. Post (w). 
Chicoutimi. Progres du Saguenay (w). 
Coaticooke. Observer (w). 
Cookshire. Chronicle (w). 
Cowansville. Observer — W). 
Fraserville. Journal (w). 
Granby. Leader (w). Mail (2). 
Hull. Advance (w). Spectateur (w). 
Huntingdon. Canadian Gleaner (w). 
Joliette. toile du Nord (w). 
Lachute. Watchman (w). 
Levis. Hebdomadaire (w). Quotidien. 
Loulseville. Progress (w). 
Magog. Enterprise (w). 
Montmagny. Zcho(w) 
Aurore (w). | 
Canada Medical Record | 

Union des Cantons de 0 Est (w). 

Educational Record (m). 
Endeavour Banner (m). 
Family Herald (w). 
Gazette (d & w). 

(n 1). I 
Canadian Military Ga- 
| Herald (d & w). 

zette (f). 

Canard (Ww). International ` Railway 
Clinique (m). and Steam Navigation 
Colonisateur Canadian Guide (m). 

(f). Journal @ Agriculture 
Commercial Gazette(w). fllustré (m). 

Cultivateur (w). ' Journal d’Hugiene (m). 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Ac Advertising Agent Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — —— — — — —— — — — — —— ⸗— 

Montreal - continued. 

Journal of Agriculture! Propayateur (f), 
f). Record of Science (q). 
5 Commerce | Reveil (w). 

(w). Revue Canadienne (m). 
* Fabrics (m). » de Jurisprudence(m). 

Nedical Journal (m). „ Légale (m). 
Monde Illusiré (w). Samedi (w). 
Moniteur du Commerce | Shareholder (w), 
Northern M f) Sieh: a 

Northern Messenger (f). | Stenograph @Qpiadienne 
Patrie. : m). ies 
Patriot (w). Sun (w). i 
Pharmaceutical Journal | Trade Bulletin (w). 

(m). » Review (w). 
Presbytcrian Coliege | True Witness (w). 

Union Médicale du Canada 
Witness (d & w). 

Journal (m). 
” Record (m). 
Presse (d & w). 
Prix Courant (w). 
Ormstown. Bulletin (w). 
Quebec. Budget (w). Chronicle. Courrier. Eréne- 
ment, Evening Mercury. Journal des Campagnes 
(w). Semaine Commerciale (w). Soleil (d & w). 

Richmond. Guardian (w). Times (w). 

Rock Isiand. Journal (w). 

St. Hyacinthe. Courrier de Si. 
Tribune (w). Union (d & w). 

St. Jerome. Avena du Nord (w). 

St. Johns. Franco-Canadien. News (w). 

Ste. Anne de la Pocatiore. Gazette des Campagnes 


Shawville. Equity (w). 

Sherbrooke. Examiner (2). Gazette (w). Pionnier 
(w). Progrès de T Est (3). Record. 

Sorel. News(w). Sorelvis (w). 

Three Rivers. Trifluvien (2). 

Valleyfield. Progrös (w). 

Watorloo. Advertiser (w). Journal (w). 

Hyacinthe (4). 


CYPRUS.—Larnaca. Cyprus (w). j 
” Nicosia. Journa! of Cyprian Studies (m). 
GIBRALTAR.—Chronicle. Guardian. 
MALTA.— Malta Government Gazette (2). Malte 
Standard (w). News(w). Times (w). 


St. John's. Antigua Standard (2). Register (w). 


Guardian (2). 


Bridgetown. Advocate. Agricultural Reporter (2). 
Barbados Globe (2). Official Gazette (2). Times (w). 

Hamliton. Colonist (w). Royal Gazette (w). 

Roseau. Dominican (w). Guardian (w). 

St. George’s. Chronicle (w)., 









| Falmouth, Gazette (2). 




Government Gazette 

Kingston. Daily Gleaner. Daily Telegraph. Tri- 
Veekly Gleaner (3). Gleaner Pocket Edition (f). 
Mercantile Intelligencer (f). Times. 


Basse Tepre. St. Christopher Advertiser (w). 
Oliristopher Gazette (w). 


Castries. Voice of St. Lucia (w). 


Kings'own. Sentry (w). 



| Scarborough. Gazette (w). News (w). 


| Port of Spain, Gazette. Royal Gazette (w). 

Public Opinion. Weekly News. 
Royal Standard (w). 

Georgetown. Argosy (w). Daily Chronicle. Echo 
| (w). Official Gazette (2). 
| New Amsterdam. Berbice Gazette (2). 

| Belize. Government Gazette (w). Independent (w). 



Is undoubtedly how to determine the bonå fide circulation of the publication in which he contemplates spending 


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Advertisers, when making up their New Year's Lists, should obtain particulars of current rates from any 
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Full particulars of rates, and special positions vacant during the coming season, can be had on applicatici 

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—— — — — — 

Advertisements received for all the London Newspapers. 


Advertisements. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 

“rade Follows the Flag.” = 

It is for YOU to see that it is YOUR trade. 

The following are the Eleven Leading Newspapere published in South Africa :— 
ja — * i T WEEKLY STAR. 
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Orange River Colony ... BLOEMFONTEIN DAILY POST. 

„ „ se y WEEKLY POST. 
Rhodesia (Salisbury) ... THE RHODESIA HERALD (daily and weekly issues). 
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An litustrated Magazine of Fiction. 
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Front Page er > epee ct LOO. O°) Der Page in. na e a aa ate, 0 
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All inquiries relating lo Advertisements should be addressed to 





89) J . Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. (America. 

— —— —— 





When the Period of Publication is not indicated in the Title, (2) signifies Twice a Week ; (3) Three times a Week ; 
(w) Weekly; (1 & w) Daily and Weekly ; (f) Fortnightly ; (m) Monthly. All others are published Daily. 

Abilene (Kansas). Chronicle (d & w). Reflector 

( w). 

Adrian en): Telegram (d & w). Times (d 
& w). 

Akron (Ohio). Beacon-Journal (d & w). Democrat. 

Alameda (California). Argus. Encinal. 

Albany (New York). Argus (d & w). Country 
Gentleman (w). Journal (d & w). Law Journal 
AR Press (d & w). Sunday Telegram. Times 
(d & w). 

Alexandria (Virginia). Gazette (d & w). Times. 

Allegheny (Pennsylvania). Alleghenier (w). 

Allentown (Peunsylvania). Call. Chronicle. City 
Item. Leader. 

Alton (Ilinois) Republican (d & w) Sentinel- 
Democrat (d & w). Telegraph (d & w). 

Altoona (Pennsylvania). Gazette. Mirror. Times. 
Tribune (d & w). 

Americus (Georgia). Herald. Times-Recorder (d & w). 

Amsterdam (New York) Democrat (d & w) 

Anaconda (Montana). Standard (d & w). 

anderson (Indiana). Bulletin. Herald (d & w). 

Ann Arbor (Michigan). Argus. Courier-Register (w). 

Annapolis (Maryland). Capital. Examiner (w). 

Anniston (Alabama). Hot Blast. Republic(w). Star. 
Times (w). 

Ansonia (Connecticut). Sentinel (d & w). 

Appio on eer Crescent (d & w). Post 
( : 

Arkansas (Kansas). Traveler. 

Ashiand (Wisconsin), Critic (w). Herald (w). 
News (d & w). Press (d & w). 

Aek aula (Ohio). Beacon-Record. Telegraph (w). 

Asna Con Carolina). Citizen (d & w). Gazette 


Atchison (Kansas). Champion (d & w). Globe (d & 

Athens (Georgia). Banner (d & w) Southern 
Farmer (m). Woman's Work (m). 

Atlanta (Georgia). Christian Index (w). Consti- 
tution (d & w). Journal (d & w). Mail and 
Express (w). National (w). Southern Cultivator 
(f). Southern Fancier (f). Sunny South (w). 

Atento City (New Jersey). Press. Review (d & w). 


Auburn (New York). Advertiser. Argus (2). 
Bulletin (d & w). Journal (2). 

Augusta (Georgia). Baptist (w). Chronicle (d & w). 
Herald (d & w). Tribune (d & w). 

Augusta (Maine). American Women (m). Oomfort 
(m). Hearth & Home (m). Journal (d & w). 
Aurora (Illinois). Beacon (d & w). Express. News 

(d&w). Volksfreund (d & w). 

Austin (Texas). News. Statesman (d & w) 

Bakersfield (California). Californian (d & 2 Echo 
(d & w). Independent (w). Standard (w). 

Baltimore (Maryland). American (d & w). Catholic 
Mirror (w). Deutsche Correspondent (d & w). 

nn a es 


Herald (d & w). Journal. Journal of Commerce 
(w). Katholische Volkszeitung (w). Manufacturers’ 

Reoord (w). Maryland Medical Journal (w). 

Methodist (w). Methodist Protestant (w). News. 

Record. Sun (d & w). Telegram (w). Trade 

(w). Volksfreund (w). Wecker (w). World. 

Bangor (Maine). Commercial (d). News (d & w). 

Batavia (New York). News. 

Bath (Maine). Independence (w). Times. 

Baton Rouge (Louisiana). Advocate (d & w). 

Truth (d-& w). 

Battle Creek (Michigan). Journal (d & w). Moon 


Bay City (Michigan). Democrat (w). Michigan 

Freie Presse (w). Times (w). Times-Press. 

Tribune (d & w). 

Bayonne (New Jersey). Herald (w). Times (w). 

Beardstown (Illinois). Enterprise (3). illinoian Star 

(d & w). News(d & w). 

Beatrice (Nebraska). Express (d & w). Times (w). 

Bellaire Sa Herald-Tribune(d & w). Independent 


Belleville (Illinois). Advocate (d & w) News- 

Democrat (d & w). Post Zeitung (d & w). 

Beloit (Wisconsin). Free Press (d & w). News (d & w). 

Belvidere (Illinois), North-Western (d & w). Re- 

publican (d & w). 

Berkeley (California). Californian. Gazette. 

Bessemer (Alabama). essemer Weekly. Herald- 

Journal (w). 

Biddeford (Mainc). Journal (d & w) Record 

(d and w). 

Binghampton (New York). Herald. Leader (d & w). 

Republican (d & w). 

Birmingham (Alabama). Age-Herald (d & w). 

Ledger. News, 

— — (Illinois). Bulletin (d & w). Panta- 

graph (d & w). 

Boise City (Idaho). Capital News (d & w). States- 

man (d & w). 

Boston (Massachusetts) — 
Advertiser (d & w). 
American Architect (w).| Courier (w) 

BR Cultivator(w).! East Boston Argus-Advo- 
Atlantic Monthly. cate (w). 
Banker and Tradesman ' ð Free Press( w). 

(w). Evening Record. 

Banner of Light (w). Globe (d & w). 
Baptist Missionary | Herald (d & w). 

Magazine (m). Home Journal (w). 
Beacon (w). Investigator (w). 

Boot and Shoe Recorder: Journal (d & w). 

(w). » of Commerce (w). 
Budget (w). » of Education (w). 
Christian Endeavour Leader (m). 

World (w). Living Age (w). 

= Register (w). | Massachusetts Ploughman 

5; Witness (w). (w). 

Columbian (m). Medicaland Surgical Jour- 
Commercial (w). nal (w). 
“5 Butietin(w). Missionary Herald (m). 

Congregationalist (w). 

— — ee ae — E 

Advertisements received for all the American, Newspapers. [395 

America. ] 

Morning Star (w). ' South Boston News (w). 
Musical Record (m). Telegraph, 
New England Farmer’ Times (w). 
Transcript (d & w). 
Traveler (d & w). 
Watchman (w). 
Waverly Magazine (w). 
Woman's Journal (m). 
Working Boy (m). 
Youth's Companion (w). 
Standard (w). Zion's Herald (w). 
Boulder (Colorado). Camera. Herald (d & w). 
News (w). Rocky Mountain Baptist (w). Silver 
and Gold (w). Tribune (w). 

New England Grocer(w). 
Pilot (w). ; 
Post (d & w). 
Republic (w). 
Satnrday Evening Uaz- 

Bowling Green (Kentucky). Argus (w). Courier 
(2). News. News —-- Democrat (w). Times 

Bridgeport (Connecticut). Advocate (w). Evening 
armer (d & w). Evening Post. Standard (d & 
w). Star(w). Telegram-Union. 

Bridgeton (New Jersey). Chronicle (d & w). News. 
ioneer (d & w). 
Brockton (Massachusetts). Enterprise. Times. 

Brooklyn (New York). Citizen (d & w). Eagle (1 & 
w). Freie Presse (A & w). Greenpoint Star (w). 
Lanterne (2). Life (w). Nordiske Blade (w), 
Standard-U nion (d & w). Times. 

Brunswick (Georgia) Times-Call(d& w). 

Buffalo (New York). Aurora (w). Catbolie Union 
(w). Commercial (d and w). Courier (d & w). 

Demokrat (A& w). Eveuing Enquirer. Evening 
News (d & w). Express (A & w). Freie Presse 
(d& w). Review. Times (d & w). Volksfreund 

Burlington (Iowa). Journal (1 & w). Gazette 
(d& w) Hawkeye (d & w). Post (w). Tribune 
(d & w). 

Burlington (Kansas), Jeffersonian (d & w). 

Burlington (Vermont). Free Press (d & w). News. 

Butler( Pennsylvania). Eagle (d & w). Times (d& w). 

Butte City (Montana). Inter-Mountain (d & w). 
Miner (d & w). 

Cairo (Illinois). Argus. Bulletin (d & w). Citizen 
(l & w). Telegram (d & w). 

Cambridge (Massachusetts), Chronicle (w). Har- 
vard Crimson. Press (w). Times (w). Tribune (w). 

Camden (New Jersey). Courier (d & w). Democrat 

(w). Echo (w). Journal (w). Post-Telegram. 

Canton (Illinois). Gazette (d & w). Ledger. Register 
(l & w). 

Canton (Ohio). News-Democrat. Repository (d & w). 

Carbondale (Pennsylvania). Leader. 

Carlisle (Pennsylvania). Herald (d & w). 
(d & w). 

Cedar-Raplds (Iowa). Gazette (qd & w). Republican. 


Centralia (Illinois). Democrat (d & w) Sentinel 
(d & w). 
Champaign (Illinois). Gazette (d & w). News (d & 

w). Times (w). 

Chanute (Kansas), Sun. Tribune. 

Charleston (Illinois). Courier (d & w). News (d & 
w) Plaindealer (d& w). 

Charleston (South Carolina), Deutsche Zeitung (3). 
News and Courier (d & w). Post. 
Charleston (West Virginia). Gazette 

Mail-Tribune (d & w). 
Charlotte (North Carolina), News. Observer (1 &w). 
Chattanooga (Tennessee), News (d & w). Times 
(d & w). Tradesman (f). 
Chelsea (Massachusetts). Catholic Citizen (w). 
Frce Lance (w). Gazette (w). Record. Telegraph 

(d & w). 

Cherryvale (Kansas). News (d & w). 
Chester (Pennsylvania). Republican. Times. 
Cheyenne (Wyoming). Leader. Tribune (d & w). 
Chicago (Illinois)— 
Abend Post. 
Abend Presse, 
. Advance (w). 
American Artisan (w). 

American Field (w). 
Arbeiter Zeituny. 
Arkansas Traveler (m). 
Beobachter (w). 

PR Bee Journal Bladel (w). 

(w). Breeders’ Gazette (w). 
» Contractor (w). Campbell’s Tllustrated 
» Elevator (m). (m). 

Willing’s Press Guide. 



Oanmlian American (w). Journal. 
Champion of Fair Play Ledger (w). 
(w). ‘ Legal News (w). 
Medical Standard (m). 

Chronicle (d & w) 

National Hotel Reporter. 
Citizen (w). 

New World (w). 
North-Western Christian 

Christian Cynosure (m). | 

Daheim (w). 

Dairy World (m). Advocate (w). 
Domestic Engineering Orange Judd Farmer(w}. 

(w & mn). People’s Health Journa! 
Dramatic Times (w). (m). 

Drovers’ Journal (d&w). 
Dry Goods Reporter (w). 
Duch Casu (w). 

Prairie Farmer (w). 
Progress (m). 
Railway Age (w). 

Eagle (w). * Review (w) 
Epworth Herald (w). Record. 

Fackel (w). 
Farm, Field and Fire- 

Rundschau (w). 
Saturday Blade. 

side (w). „» Evening Herai 
Farmers’ Review (w). (w). 
f Voice (w). Seutinel (w). 
Financial Review (m). Shoe aud Leather Revier 
Four Hundred (m). (w). 

Free Methodist (w). 
Freie Presse (d & w). 
Gazeta Polska (w). 
Graphic (w). 

Skandinaren (d & w). 
Sports Affeld (m). 
Standard (w). 

Evening News. 
Stationer and Printer 

Grocer (w). (m). 

(;rocer's Criterion (w). Sun. 

Horseman (w). Svenska Tribunen (w). 
Hotel World (w). | Svornos. i 

Household Guest (m). 
Illinois Slaats - Zeitung 
(d & w). 
Tndicator (w). 
-Inland Printer (m). 

Tribune (d & w). 
Union Signal (w). 
West End Advocate (w). 
Westen (w). 

Western British Ameri- 
Inter Ocean (d & w). can (w). 
Interior (w). es Catholic (w). 
Investigator (w). 43 Fireman (w). 
Ialia (w). Young People (m). 

Chillicothe (Ohio). Advertiser(w). Gazette. News. 

Cincinnati (Ohio). Abend Presse. American Grange 
Bulletin (w). American Israelite (w). Catholic 
Telegraph (w). Christian Standard (w). Chris- 
liche Apologete (w). Commercial Gazette (w) 
Commercial Tribune (d & w). Enquirer (d & w). 
Evening Post. Freie Presse (d & w). Herald ani 
Presbyter (w). Journal and Messenger (w). 
Lancet (w). Live Stock Review (2). Lookout 
(w). Price Current (w). Sonntag Margen (w). 
South-West (w) Sunday School Journal (m). 
Times-Star. Volksblatt (1 &w). Volksfreund (d 
& w). Western Christian Advocate (w). Western 
Tobacco Journal (w). Westliche Blaetter (wi. 
World’s Progress (m). 

Cleveland (Ohio). American Builder (m). American 
Sportsman (w). Catholic Universe (w). Christ- 
liche Botschafter (w). Church Life (m). Evan- 
gelical Messenger (w). (Gazette (w). Illustrated 
Times (w). Iron Trade Review (w). Leader (d & 
w) Marine Record (w). News and Herald. Ohio 
Farmer (w). Plain Dealer (d & w). Press. Recorder. 
Sendbote (w). Sun (w). Union Gospel News (m) 
Folksfreund (w). World (d & w). 

Simran u! Advertiser. Age(d & w). Herald 
(d & w). 

adie es (Kansas). Independent (w). Journal 
Cohoes (New York). Dispatch. Republican. 

Colorado Springs (Colorado). Gazette (d & w). 
Mail. Mining-Record (d & w). Telegraph (d & w). 

Columbia (Pennsylvania). Courant (w). News. 
Spy (d & w). 

Columbia (South Carolina). State (l & w). 

Columbus (Gcorgia). Enquirer Sun (d & w). Ledger 
(d & w). 

Columbus (Kansas). Advocate (d & w). 

Columbus (Ohio). Catholic Columbian (w). Diz- 
patch (d & w). Express (d & w). Journal (d & 
w). Ohio Waisenfreund (w). Press (d & w) 
Westbote (d & w). 

cone (New Hampshire). Monitor. Patriot (d 

z w). 

nn — — 

396] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand,ı London. 

Willing’s ‘Press Guide. 

Souncil Biuffs (Iowa). Nonpareil (d & w). 

Sovington (Kentucky). Commonwealth (m). Post. 

Srawfordsville (Indiana). Journal (d & w). News- 
Review (d & w). 

Sripple Creek (Colorado) Press. Star (d & w). 
Times-Citizen. Times (w). 
Cumberland (Maryland). News. Times. 

Dallas (Texas), Baptist Standard (w) Christian 
Advocate (w). News(d & w). Southern Mercury 
. (w). Texas Farm and — (w). Texas Farmer 
(w). Times-Herald (d & w). 
Danbury (Connecticut), Evening News (d & w). 
Danvllie (Illinois). Democrat. News. 
Danville (Pennsylvania). American (ww). 
gencer (w). News. Record (w). Sun. 
Danvi lie (Virginia). Free-Press. Register (d & w). 
Davenport (Iowa). Democrat (d & w). Demokrat 
(d & w) Leader (d & w) Republican (d & w). 
Times (d& w). 
Dayton (Ohio). Christian World (w). Herald (d & 
e W). Herald of Gospel Liberty (w) Journal 
(d & w) News (d & w). Press (d & w). Religious 
Telescope (w). Volks-Zeitung (d & w). 
Decatur (Illinois). Herald (d & w). Review (d & w). 
Deo Kalb (Illinois). Chronicle (d & w). Review (w). 
Denver (Colorado). Colorado Journal(d & w). Field 
and Farm (w). Live Stock Record. Mining 
World (w). Post (d & w). Republican ( d & w). 
Rocky Mountain News (d & w). Times (d & w). 
Des Moines (Iowa). Farmer's Tribune (w). Grand 
Army Advocate (f). Homestead (w) Iowa 
Capital (d & w). News. Plain Talk (w). Register 
aud Leader (d & w). Svithiod (w). 
Detroit (Michigan). Abend Post (d & w). Ohristian 
Advocate (w). Christian Herald (w). Courter 
Cw). Evening News. Familien Blaelter (2). Free 
Press (d & w). Journal(d&w). LegalNews(d&w). 
Michigan Farmer (w). Michigan Volksblatt (d & w). 
News-Tribune (w). To-day. Tribune, Truth (w). 
Dixon — Star (3). Suu (d & w). Telegraph 


Dover (Ne ew Hampshire). Democrat (d & w). 

Dubuque (Iowa). Globe-Journal. ‘Telegraph-Herald 
(d & w). Times (d & w). 

Duluth (Minnesota). Herald (d & w). News-Tribune 

Dunkirk (New York). Advertiser (w). Herald. Ob- 

East Liverpool (Ohio). Orisis (d & w). 
Review. Tribune (d & w). 

East St. Louis (Illinois). Journal (d & w). 

Easton (Pennsylvania), Argus(d & w). Call (w). 
Free Press (d & w). 

Eau Claire (Wisconsin). 
(d & w). 

El Dorado (Kansas). 
(d & w). 

El Paso (Texas). Herald (d & w) News. Times. 

E!gin (Illinois). Courier (d& w). Dial. News. 

Elkhart (Indiana). Review (d & w). Truth (d & w). 


Leader (d & w). Telegram 
Republican (d & w} Times 

Elizabeth (New Jersey). Journal. Leader. 
Record (w). Times. 

Eimira (New York). Advertiser (d & w). Evening 
Star. Gazette (d & w). News. Sunday Tele- 

Elwood (Indiana). Call-Leader (d & w). Free Press 
(w). Record. 

Emporia (Kansas). Gazette (d & w). Republican ` 
( w 

Englewood (Illinois). Eye(w). Times (W). 

Erie (Pennsylvania). Dispatch. Gazette (w). sea 
(d&w). News. Tageblatt. Times. 

Eufaula (Alabama). Times (d & w). 

Eureka (California), Standard (d & w) Times 
(d & w). 

Evanston (Illinois). Index (ww). 

Evansville (Indiana) Courier (d & w) Demokrat 

(d& w) Journal-News (w). 

Fall River (Massachusetts). Advertiser (w). Globe. 
Herald. Independent (d & w). Monitor (w). News 
(d & w). 

Fayetteville (Arkansas). Daily. Democrat (w). 
News. Republican (w). Review (w). Sentinel (w). 

Findley (Ohio). Courier (d & w). Jeffersonian (d & w). 
Republican (d & w). 

Fitchburg (Massachusetts). Sentinel (d & w). 

a ee — 

Advertisements received for all the Fashion. Journals: 


— — — — ———— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6— — 


F Int (Michigan). Democratic (w). Journal (d & w). 

Florence (Alabama). Herald (w). aan 

Fond du Lac (Wlsconsin). Commonweulth (a& w) 
Reporter (d & w). 

Fort Ponga (Iowa). Chronicle (d & w). 
(a & w). Post (w). 

Fort Madison (Iowa). Democrat (d & w). Gem City 
(d & w) Republican (d & w). 

Fort — (Kansas). Monitor (d& w). 
d & 




Fort Smith (Arkansas). Elevator (w). 
Record (d & w). Times (d & w). 

Fort Wayne (Indiana). Dispatch (2). Frete Presse 
(d& w) Journal.-Gazette(d & w). News (d & w). 
Sentinel (d & w). Staats-Zeitung (d & w). 

Fort Worth (Texas). Mail-Telegram. Register (d & w). 

Frankford (Pennsylvania). Dispatch (w) ). Herald (w). 

Frankfort (Kentucky). Call. 

Frederick (Maryland). Examiner (w). News (d & w). 

Freeport (illinois). Bulletin (d & w). Democrat 
(d & w) Journal (d & w). 

F renne (California). Democrat (d & w). Republican 

& w). 

Galena (Illinois). Gazette (d & w). News-Democrat 

Galena (Kansas). Republican (w). Times. 

Galesburg (Illinois), Mail (d & w). Republican- 
Register (d & w). 

Galveston (Texas). Evening Tribune. News (d& w). 
Opera Glass (w). Post (w). 

Geneva (New York). Advertiser - Courier (w). 
Gazette (w). Times. 

Glens Falls (New York). Messenger (w). 
lican (w). Star (w). Times. 

Gloucester (Massachusetts). Cape Ann News, Times. 



Gloversville (New York). Herald. Leader. Intelli- 
gence (w). Leader. 
Grand Rapids (Michigan). Democrat. Germania 

(w). erald (d & w). Michigan Tradesman (w). 
Press. Standaard (2). 

Grass Valley (California). 
w). Union and Herald. 

Great Falls (Montana). Leader (d & w). 
(d & w). 

Greensboro (North Carolina). Record. Telegram (w). 

Greensburg (Pennsylvania). Press (d & w). Tribune. 

Greenville (Pennyslvania). News(w). Record. ` 

Greenville (South Carolina). News (d & w). 

Griffin (Georgia). Call. Echo (d & w) Farmer (w). 
News & Sun (d & w). 

Guthrie (Oklahoma). Capital. Leader (d & w). 

Hagerstown (Maryland). Globe (d&w). Herald 
(d& w) Mail (d & w). 

Hamilton (Ohio) Democrat (d & w). Republican- 
News. Sun (d & w). Telegraph (w). 

Hammond (Indiana). News (d & w) 

& w). 

Hannibai an) Courier-Post (d & w). Journal 

Harrisburg (Pennsylvania). Church Advocate (w). 
Patriot (d & w). Pennsulvanische Staats-Zeitung 
(w). Star Independent ( d& w). Telegraph (d & w). 

Hartford (Connecticut). Catholic (w). Connecticut 
Farmer (w). Courant (d & w). Examiner (w). 
Globe (w). J/arold (w). Journal (w). Post (d & 
w) Times (d & w). 

Hastings (Nebraska). 

Tidings-Telegraph (d & 


News (w). Republican (J. 

Haverhi | i (Massachusetts). Gazette. 

Hazelton (Pennsylvania). Plain-Speaker. 
(d& w) Standard. 

Helena (Arkansas). Progress(w). World (d &w). 


Peena (Montana). Independent (d & w). Record 

(d & w). 

Henderson (Kentucky). Gleaner (d & w) Journal 
(d & w). 

Hoboken (New Jersey). Observer. 

Holland (Michigan). Grondwet (w). Sentinel. 

Holyoke (Massachusetts). Defenseur (w). Free Press 
(w). Telegram. Transcript (d & w). 

Hopkinsvilie (Kentucky). New Era (d & w). 

Hot Springs (Arkansas). News (d&w). Sentinel. 

Houston (Texas). Chronicle. Herald. Post (d & w). 

Hudson (New York). Gazette (w). Register, Re- 
publican (d & w). 

mn mn 


America. ] 

Huntington (Indiana), Herald (d&w). News- 
Democrat (d & w). 

un G on Virginia). Advertiser (d & w). 

en EN Mercury (d& w). Tribune 


Hutchinson (Kansas). News (d & w). 

indianapolis (Indiana). American Tribune (w). 
Baptist Outlook (w). Bulletin (w). Daily Reporter. 
Independent (-v). Indiana Farmer (w). Journal 
(d & w). Live Stock Journal. News (d & w). 
People (w). Sertinel(d & w). Sun. Zelegrapk. 
Trade Journal (w). Western Horseman (w). 
Wheelman’s Gazette (m). 

Ironton (Ohio). Irontonian (d & w). 
(d & w). Republican. 

ithaca (New York). Cornell Sun. Journal (d & w). 
News (d & w). 

Jackson (Michigan). Citizen (d & w). 
(d & w). Press. 

Jackson (Tennessee). Sun (d & w). Whig (d & w). 

Jacksonville (Florida). Metropolis. Times-Union 
and Citizen (Q & w) . 

a (Illinois). Courier (d & w). 


Jamestown (New York). Journal (d & w). 
Janesviile (Wisconsin). Gazette (d & w). Recorder 



(d & w). 
Jefferson City (Missouri). Press (d & w) Repub- 
lican (d & w). Tribune (d & w). 
vencreony ite (Indiana). National-Democrat (w). 
Jersey City (New Jersey). Evening Journal. Herald 
(w). New Jersey Staats-Zeitung (w). News. 
PORNSESER (New York). Democrat (w). Republican 
Johnstown (Pennyslvania). Democrat (d & w). 

Tribune (d & w). 
Joliot (Illinois, News (d & w). 

( 5 

Joplin (Missouri). Globe. News-Herald (d & w). 

Junction City (Kansas). Union (d & w). 

Kalamazoo (Michigan). Gazette-News (d & w). 
Telegraph (d & w). 

Kankakee (Illinois). emer (d& w). Gazette 
(d & w) Times (d & w). 

Kansas (Kansas). Gazette (d & w). 

Kansas City (Missouri). Drovers’ Telegram. 
Journal (d & w). Live Stock Indicator (w). Mail 
(d& w). Presse (d& w) Star (d & w). Times. 

Kenosha (Wisconsin). Gazette (d & w). 
Telegraph-Courier (w). 

Keokuk (Iowa). Constitution-Democrat (d & w). 
Gate City (d & w). 

Kewanee (Illinois). Star-Courier (d & w). 

Key West (Florida). Advertiser (w). Inter Ocean. 

Kingston (New York). Freeman (d & w). Leader 

Journal-Tribune (d & w). 



(d & w). 

Knoxville (Tennessee). 
Sentinel (d & w). 
Kokomo (Indiana). Dispatch (d & w). News (d & w). 

Tribune (d & w). 
La Crosse (Wisconsin). Abend-Stern. Chronicle 
(d & w). Press (d & w). Republican (d & w). 
Lafayette (Indiana). Call (d & w). Courier (d & w). 
Journal (d & w). 

Lake une (Louisiana), American(d&w). Press 

Lancaster (Pennyslvania). Examiner (d & w). Freie 
Presse. Inquirer (w). Intelligencer (d & w). Lan- 
terne (w). New Era (d & w). News. Volksfreund 

Lansing ( eae Journal (d & w). Republican 

Laser fo inos, Democrat-Mirror (d & w). Tribune 
w . 

Lawrence (Kansas). (d & w). World 
(d & w). 

Lawrence (Massachusetts). American (d & w). 
Anzeiger (w). Eagle. Journal (w). Sentinel (w). 
Sun (d & w). Telegram. Tribune. 

Leadville (Colorado). Chronicle (d & w). Herald- 
Democrat. News Reporter (d & w). 

Leavenworth (Kansas). Chronicle-Tribune (d & w). 
Standard (d & w). Times (d & w). 


— — — — a ee m — — — — —— — — — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — — — —— — — — — — 

Lebanon (Pennsylvania) News (d& w) Report 
(d & w). Standard (w). Times. 

Lewiston (Maine). Journal (d & w) Sun. 

exon (Kentucky). Herald (d & w). Leader 

Eine (ono). Republican-Gazette (d & w). Time: 
Democrat (d & w). 

Lincoln (Illinois). Courier (à & w). News-Herald. 

Lincoln (Nebraska). Journal(d & w). News. 

Litchfield (Illinois). Herald (d & w). News. 

Little Rock (Arkansas). Advertiser (2). Democrat 
(d& w). Gazette (d & w). Arkansas Methodist 
(w). Zeitung (w). 

Lockport (New York). Democrat (w). Journal 
(d & w). Review(d&w). Sun(w). Union-Sun. 
Logansport (Indiana). Journal (d & w). Pharos 

(d& w) Reporter (d & w). 

Long Island City (New York). Star (d & w). 

Los Angeles (California). Express. Herald (d & w). 
Record. Times (d & w). 

Louisville (Kentucky). American Baptist (w). 
Anzeiger (d & w). Christian Observer (w). Com- 
mercial (d & w). Courier-Journal (d & w). Far- 
mers’ Home Journal (w). Home and Farm (f). 
Katholischer Glaubensbote (w). Ohio Falla Expres 
(w). Omnibus (w). Post. Times. Western Re- 
corder (w). 

Lowel! (Massachusetts). Citizen. 
Evening Sun. Journal (w). Mail. 

Courier. Etoile. 

Eyneh pune (Virginia). Advance (d & w). News 
(d & w). 

Lynn (Massachusetts). Item (d & w) News. 

Macomb (Ilinois). By-Stander (w). Eagle (w) 

Journal (d & w). 
Macon (Georgia). News. Telegraph (d & w). 
Madison (Wisconsin). Cardinal. Democrat (d & w). 
Journal (d & w). 
Manchester (New Hampshire). 
Budget (w). Mirror and American, 
Farmer (w). Union. 

Manistee (Michigan). Advocate (1 & w). 
Manitowoe (Wisconsin). Oitizen (w). Nord-Western 
(w). Pilot(w). Post (w). Times-Press (w). 
Mankato (Minnesota). Free Press (d & w) Review 

(d& w). 
Manefeld (Ohio). News (d& w). Shield (d & w). 
Marietta (Ohio). Leader(d&w). Register (d& w) 
Times (d & w). 
Marinette (Wisconsin). Eagle (d & w). North Star 
(d & w). 
Marion (Indiana). Chronicle (d & w). Leader 
(d&w) News (d & w). 
Marton (Ohio). Mirror (d & w). Star (d & w) 
Republican (w). 
Mariboro (Massachusetts). Enterprise (d & w). 
Marshaltown (Iowa). Times-Republicau (d & w). 
Massillon (Ohio). Independent (d & w). ‘Times. 
Mattoon (Illinois). Gazette (w). Journal (d & w) 

Star (d & w). 

ee (Kentucky). Bulletin (d & w). 

McKeesport (Pennyslvania). News. Times. 
McPherson (Kansas). Republican (d & w). 
Meadville (Pennsylvania). Gazette (w). Republican. 

Star. Tribune-Republican (d & w). 
Memphis (Tennessee). Commercial-Appeal (d & w} 

News (d & w). Scimitar. 
Menominee (Michigan). Herald 

Advertiser (w). 
Mirror ani 


Democrat (w). 


Meriden (Connecticut). Journal. Record. 
lican (w). 

Meridian (Mississippi). Star (d & w). 

Michigan (Indiana). Dispatch(d & w). News(d & w) 

Middletown (Connecticut). Penny Press. Tribune. 

Middletown (New York). Argus. Mercury (w) 
Press (d & w). Times (d & w). 

Milford (Massachusetts) Journal (d & w) News. 

Miliville (New Jersey). Republican and Reporter (d 
& w). 

Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Catholic Citizen (wl 
Columbia (w). Evening Germania. Evening 
Wisconsin (d & w). Haus und Bauernfreund (w). 
Herold (d & w). Journal (d & w). — Polski 
(d& w). National Reformer (w). News. See-Bote 
(2). Sentinel (d & w). Vorwaerts (w). Wahrheit 

398] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Minneapolis (Minnesota). Commercial Bulletin (w). 
Farmers’ Tribune (2). Free Baptist (w). Zreie 
Presse(w). Housekeeper (m). Journal. Mississippi 
Valley Lumberman(w). North-Western Miller (w). 
Svenska Amerikanska Posten(w). Svenska Folkets 
Tidning (w). Tidende (d & w). Times (d & w). 
Tribune (d & w). Weckoblad (w). 

Mobilie (Alabama). Herald (d & w). Item (d & w). 
Register (d & w). 

Mollne (Illinois). Dispatch. Mail (d & w). Journal 
(d & w). 

Montgomery (Alabama). Advertiser (d & w). 
Evening Journal (d & w). 

Morristown (New Jersey). Chronicle (w). Express 
(w). Jerseyman (w). 

Mount Carmel (Pennsylvania). Ledger (w). News. 


Mount Vernon (Illinois). News (d & w). Register 
(d & w). 

Mount Vernon (New York). 
Chronicle-Record (w). 

Muncie (Indiana). Herald (d & w). 
Times (d & w). 

Munroe (Louisiana). News (w). Star. 

Murphysboro (Illinois). Republican-Era (d & w). 
Independent (d & w). 

Mu (Iowa). Journal (d & w). News-Tribune 
(d & w). 

Muskegon (Michigan). Chronicle (d & w). News. 

Napa (California). Journal (d & w). Register (d & w). 

reer (New Hampshire). Press. Telegraph 


Argus (d & w). 
Star(d & w). 

Nashville (Tennessee). American (d & w). Banner 
(d & w). Christian Advocate (w). Cumberland 
Presbyterian (w). Gospel Advocate (w). News. 
Sunday School Magazine (m). 

Nebraski City (Nebraska). News (d & w). Press 


New Albany (Indiana). Ledger (d & w). Tribune 
(d & w). 

New Bedford (Massachusetts). Evening Standard, 
Mercury. Republican Standard (w). 

New Britain (Connecticut). Herald. Independent 
(w). Osterns Harold (w). Record (d & w). 

New Brunswick (New Jersey). Home News (d & w). 
Press (d & w). Times (d & w). 

New Haven (Connecticut). Herald-Journal (w). 
Journal-Courier. Leader (d & w). Palladium (d 
& w). Register (d & w). Republikaner. Union 
(d & w). Yale News. 

New London (Connecticut), Day (d & w). Globe. 

New Orleans (Louisiana). Abeille(d & w). Chris- 
tian Advocate (w). Item (d & w). /talo-Americano. 
Morning Star (w). Picayune (d & w). South- 
western Christian Advocate (w). South-western 

Presbyterian (w). States (d & w). Telegram. 
Times-Democrat (d & w). Zeitung (a & w). 

New Rochelle (New York). Paragraph (w). Pioncer 
(w). Press (w) Tribune (w). 
New York (New York)— 

Abendblatt (d & w). 
Advocate (f). 
American Agriculturist 

5 Art Journal 

= Banker (w). 
* Dairyman (w). 
5 Hebrew (w). 
> Machinist (w). 
j Metal Market 

» Stationer (w). 
Argosy (m). 
Army and Navy Journal 

Art de la Mode (m). 
Banker’s Magazine (m). 
Belletritisches Journal 

Book buyer (m). 
Brewer’s Journal (m). 
Carpentry and Building 

Catholic News (w). 

Advertisements recewed for all the Societies Journals, 

Century Magazine (m). 
Christian Advocate (w). 
— Herald (w). 
5 Intelligencer 

Christian-Work (w). 
Chronicle (w). 
Churchman (w). 

Clipper (w). 

Coal Trade Journal (w). 
Commercial Advertiser. 
= and Finan- 

cial Chron- | 

icle (w). 
3 Enquirer(w). 
= Gazette (w). 
Confectioners’ Gazette 


Courrier des Etats-Unis 
(d & w). 

Critic (m). 

Crockery and Glass Jour- 
nal (w). 

Deaf Mutes’ Journal (w). 

Delineator (m). 

ai gp a as ili a i 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

New York—continued. 

Dramatic News (w). 
Dry Goods Economist 
Engineering and Mining 
se News (w). 
Evangelist (w). 
Evening Sun (d & w). 
x Telegram. 
Examiner (w). 
Family Story Paper (w). 
Financial News. 
4s Record (w). 
Fireman's Herald (w). 
Forest and Stream (w). 
Forum (m). 
Frank Leslie's Popular 
Freeman’s Journal (w). 
Freischuetz (w). 
Geyer’s Stationer (w). 
Harper's New Magazine 
Hebrew Standard (w). 
Herald (d & w). 
Home Monthly (m). 
Hotel Gazette (w). 
Tilnserated American 
Independent (w). 
Insurance (w). 
Irish American (w). 
» World (w). 
Iron Age (w). 

Jewish Gazette (w). 
s we (w). 

» of Commerce (d 
& w) 

+ Of Finance. 
Journalist (w). 
Judge (w). 
Law Journal, 
Life (w). 
Maritime Register (w). 
Medical Journal (w). 

4 Record (w). 
Merchants’ Review (w). 


North American Review 

Novedades (w). 

Observer (w). 

Oesterreichisch - Ungar- 
ische Zeitung (w). 

Outing (m). 

Paper Trade Journal( w). 

Teup!e’s Home Journal 


Post (d & w). 


‘Produce Review (w). 

Progresso Italo Amert- 

Publishers’ Weekly. 

Puck (w). 

Railroad Gazette (w). 

Record (m). 

Retail Grocers’ Advo- 
cate (w). 

Review (w). 

Revue (w). 

Rural New Yorker (w). 

Saturday Globe. 

School Journal (w). 

Schwaebisches Wochen- 
blatt (w). 

Scientific American (w). 

Scottish-American (w). 

Sewing Machine Times 

Shoe and Leather Re- 
porter (w). 

Sonntags Blatt (w). 

Spectator (w). 

Spirit of the Times (w). 

Staats-Zeitung (d & w). 

Standard (w). 

Stockholder (d & w). 

Sunday Democrat. 

Telegraph (d & w). 

Times (d & w). 

Tobacco Leaf (w). 

Town Topics (w). 

Tribune (d & w). 

Truth (m). 

Truth-Seeker (w). 

Turf (w). 

Underwriter (w). 

Union (w). 

@United Irishman (w). 
U.S. Tobacco Journal 

Up-Town Press (w). 

Metal Worker (w). 
Music Trade (w). Volkszeitung. 
»  Review(w). | WallStreet Daily News, 

Musical Courier (w). Weekly. 
Nachrichten aus Deutsch- Witness (w). 

land (w). World (d & w). 
Nation (w). Zeitung. 
News (d & w). 

Newark (New Jersey). Advertiser. Erzlachler (w). 
Evening News. Freie Zeitung (ad & w). Sentinel 
of Freedom (w). Sunday Oall. 

Newark (Ohio). Advocate (d & w). American-Trl- 
bune (d & w). 

Newburgh (New York). Journal (d & w). News. 
Press. Register. 

Newburyport (Massachusetts). Herald. News. 

ae (Pennsylvania). Herald (d & w). News 

Newport News (Virginia). Press. Telegram. 

Newton (Kansas). Kansan-Republican (d & w). 

De (Massachusetts). Graphic (w). Journal 
w . 

Niagara Falls (New York). Cataract Journal. 

Norfolk (Virginis). Dispatch. Herald (w). Land- 
mark. Public Ledger. 

Norristown (Pennsylvania). Herad (d & w). Regis- 
ter (d & w). Times (d & w). 

SPE — (Massachusetts). Herald. Transcript 




NOrERampton (Massachusetts). Gazette (d & w). 


Norwalk (Connecticut). Hour (d & w). 

Norwich (Connecticut). Oooley's Weekly (w). 
Bulletin. Courier (w). Record. 

Oakland (California). Enquirer (d & ws Journal 

(w). Times. Tribune (d & w). 

Ogden (Utah). Standard (d & w). 

Ogdensburg (New York). Journal. News. Repub- 
lican (w). 

Oil City (Pennsylvania). Blizzard (d. & w). Derrick 

(d & w). 

Olean (New York). Democrat (w). Herald. Ledger 
(w). Times (d & w). 

Omaha (Nebraska). Bee (d & w). Danske Pioneer 
(w). Mercury (w). News (dl & w). Post-Tribune. 
World-Herald (d & w). 

Orange (New Jersey). Chronicle (w). Journal (w). 

Oshkosh (Wisconsin). North-Western (d & w). 

Oskaloosa (Iowa) Globe (w). Herald (d & w). 
Times-Journal (d & w). 

Oswego (New York). Palladinm (14 & w) Times 
(d & w). 

Ottawa (Illinois). Fairdealer. Free-Trader (d & w). 
Journal d & w). Republican-Times (d & w). 
Ottawa (Kansas). Herald (dA & w) Journal (w). 


Ottumwa (Iowa). 

Owensboro (Kentucky). 
& w). 

Paducah (Kentucky). News (ld & w). 
(L&w) Sun(d&w). 

Paris (Texas). Advertiser (l & w). News (d & w). 

Parsons (Kausas). Eclipse (d & w). Sun (l & w). 

Pasadena (California). News. Star(d&w) ` 

Conrier (d & w). 

Inquirer. Messenger (d 


Passalc (New Jersey). Herald. News. 
Paterson (New Jersey), Call. Guardian. Labor 
Standard (w). News. Press (d & w). Telegraaf 

(w). Volksfreund. 
Pawtucket (Rhode Island). Gazette (w). Times. 
Pensacola (Florida), Journal. News (d & w). Sen- 
Peorla (illinois). Demokrat (A & w). Herald (1 & w). 
Journal (d & w). Sonne (d & w). Star (d & w). 
Perth Amboy (New Jersey). Democrat (w). Herald. 
Republican (w). Chronicle (d & w). 

Petersburg (Virginia). Index-Appeal (d & w). Pro- 
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)— 
Abendpost. Lutheran (w). 

Baptist Teacher (m). | 
Bulletin of American 
Iron and Steel Asso- 
ciation (w). ® 
Ohristiai Instructor 

Methodist (w). 
News (d & w). 
North American (d & 

Practical Farmer (w). 
Presbyterian (w). 
F Journal 
Press (d & w). 

» Recorder (w). 
a Standard (w). 
Commercial List (w). 


Demokrat. Public Ledger (d & w). 
Episcopal Recorder (w). Railway World (w). 
Evening Bulletin. Record (d & w). 

„ Herald. St. George's Journal 

5i Telegraph. (w). 
Friends’ Intelligencer Saturday Evening Post 

(w). (w) 

(Gazette (d & w). ' Sonntagsblatt (w). 
Golden Days (w). Sporting Life (w). 

. Guardian Angel (w). Sunday Dispatch. 
Inquirer (d & w). i School Times, 
Item (d & w). ss Transcript. 
Keystone (w). — World. 

Ladies’ Home Journal Tageblatt. 
(in). Taggart‘'s Times (w). 
Legal Intelligencer Tobacco World (w). 

(w). Vereinigte Stuaten Zei- 
Lippincott’s Magazine tung (Ww). 
Phi ipabunrg (New Jersey). Democrat (w). News, 
Phoenix (Arizona). Enterprise (d & w). Gazette 
(d & w). Republican (d & w) 
Pine PUR (Arkansas). Commercial (d & w). Graphic 

Pittsburg (Kansas). Headlight (d & w) Tribune 

400] J. Willing, Junr., Lim.. Adyertising Agents, 125 Strand] London. 


Willing’ s Press Guide, ` 

Pittsburg (Pennsylvania). American Maruf- 
turer (w). Beobachter (d & w). Bulletin (w). 
Catholic (w). Christian Advocate (w). Chronicle- 
Telegraph (d & w). Dispatch (d & w). Gazette 
(d & w) Leader (d & w). Legal Journal (w). 
Methodist Recorder (w). National Labor Tribune 
(w). National Stockman (w). Post (d & wi. 
Presbyterian Banner (w). Press (d & w). Times. 
United Presbyterian (w). Volksblatt — & w). 

Pittsfleid (Massachusetts). Eagle (d & w). Jonrnai 
(d & w). 
‚Plainfleld (New Jersey). Courier-News. Press. 

| Pomona (California). Progress (d& w) Times (w) 

Port Huron (Michigan). Herald (d & w). Times 
(l & w). 

Portland (Maine). Advertiser (d & w). Argus(d& 
w). Express. Press (d & w) Sunday Time, 
Transcript (w). Zion's Advocate (w). 

Portland (Oregon). Catholic Sentinel (w). Evening 
Telegram. Mercury (w). North Pacific Rural Spirit 
(w). Oregonian (d & w). Pacific Christian Ad- 
vocate (w). Tribune. (ww). 

Portsmouth (New Hampshire). Chronicle. Gazette 
(w). Herald. Times, 

Portsmouth (Ohio). Blade (d & w) Times (d &vw). 

Pottsville (Pennsylvania). Chronicle. Republics 

& w). 

Poughkeepsie (New York). Courier (w). Eagle (Il 
& w). Enterprise (d & w). News-Press. News- 
Telegraph (w). Star. 

Providence (Ithode Island). Corbett’s Herald (w). 
Evening Bulletin. Evening News (d & wi. 
Evening Telegram (1 & w). Journal (d & w. 
Sunday Dispatch. Visitor (w). 

Pueblo (Colorado). Chieftain (d & w). 
(d & w). 

Quincy (Illinois). Enterprise (w). Farmer's Call (w). 
Germania (à & w). Herald (d aud w). Journal. 


Saturday Review. Whig (d & w). 
Quincy (Massachusetts), Advertiser (2). Ledger. 
Patriot (w). 

Racine (Wisconsin). Journal (d & w). News. Time 

Raleigh (North Carolina). Newsand Observer. Post. 

Reading (Pennyslvania). Adler (w). Deutsche Eich 
(w). Eagle(d & w). Evening Telegram. Herald. 
News (w). Post. Times, 

Richmond (Indiana). Item (d &w). Palladium (d& 
w). Sun-Telegram (d & w). 

Richmond (Virginia). Anzeiger. Catholic Visitor 
(w). Central Presbyterian (w). Christian Advo- 
cate (w). News-Leader. Religions Herald (w). 
Southern Churchman (w). Times-Dispatch (d & 
w). Virginia Staats Gazette. 

Riverside (California). Enterprise (d & w). Press 

Rochester (New York). Abend Post. Democrat and 
Chronicle (d & w). Herald (d & w). Post-Expres 
(a & w) Times. Union (d & w). 

BOOK Island (Illinois). Argus (d & w). Union (ù 


Rockford (Illinois). Register-Gazette (d & w) Re 
public (d & w). Star (d & w). 

Rome (Georgia). Chronicle (d & w). Tribune 
(d & w). 

Rome (New York). Citizen (2). Sentinel (d & w). 

Rutland (Vermont). Herald (d & w). News (d &w) 

Sacramento (California). Bee (d & w). Leader (w. 
Record-Union. Union (w). 

Saginaw (Michigan). Courier-Herald (d & w). News 

Augustine (Florida). Record (d & w). Tattler 
Banner-News (d & wi. 


Charies (Missouri). 
Oosmo:-Monitor (d & w). 
Cloud (Minuesota). Jonrnal-Press (d & wi 
Times (d & w). 
St. so h (Missouri). Catholic Tribune (w). Gazette- 
d (d & w). News (d & w). Volksblati (a & wi. 
St. Louie (Missouri)— 
Age of Steel (w). 
American Baptist (w). 
Amerika (d & w). 
Anzeiger des Westens. 
Bulletin of Commerce 

Central Law Journal 

Christian Advocate(wi 
Christian - E 

(w). Colman’s Rural Worl 
Central Baptist (w). w). 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

— oo. 

— — — — — — 

‘E. Louis—continued. 
ES vening Ohbronicle. | 
«Zlobe-Democrat (d & 
G-rocer (w). 
#FIFerold des Glaubens 

F$ otel Reporter. 
Journal (d& w). 
It edical Review (w). 
N ational Druggist (m). 
>t. Paul (Minnesota). Dispatch (1 & w). Globe 
(da & w). News. Northwestern Chronicle (w). 
Pioneer Press (ld & w). Saturday Evening News. 
Volks-zeitung (A & w). 
Satem (Massachusetts). Essex County Mercury (w). 
Evening News. Evening Gazette. Observer (w). 
Register (w). 

Observer (m). 
Post-Dispatch (d & w). 
Republic (d & w). 
Sporting News (w). 

tar (d & w). 
Trade Review (w). 
Western Watchman 

Westliche Post (A& w). 

Salem (Ohio). Bulletin (w). Herald. News. Re- 
publican (w). 
Salina (Kansas). Republican-Journal (d & w). 

Union (d & w). , 
Salt Lake City (Utah). Deseret News (d & w). 
Salt Lake Herald (d & w). 

San Antonia (Texas). Express (d & w). 
Prese(d&w) Light(d& w). 

San Bernardino (California). Free Press (ld & w). 
Sun(d & w). Times Index (d & w). Transcript 
(d & w). 

San Diego (California). San Diegan Sun (d & w). 
Tribune(d & w). Union (d & w). 

San Francisco (Cnlifornia)— 
Abend Post (À & w). | 
Argonaut (w). i 
Breeder and Sportsman 


Franco-Californien (d & 

Grocer (w). 

(w). ! Hebrew (w). 
Buletin (d & w). ` Nalia. 
California Christian Jewish Times (w). 

Journal of Commerce 

Advocate (w). | 
(d & w). 

California Demokrat (d 

& w) | Mining and Scientific 
5 Journal (w). Fress (w). 
ey Staats Zei- Monitor (w). 

tung (w). | 
Cali (d & w). 
Chronicle (d & w). | 

News Letter (w). 
Occident (w). 
Pacific (w). 

City Argus (w). o] +» ural Press(w). 
Commercial Herald . Political Record (w). 
(w). Post (d & w). 
* News (d & Star (W). 
w). Tageblatt (Ad & w). 
Elevator (w). Voce del Popolo. 

Examiner (d & w). Wasp (w). 

San Jose (California). Herald. Mercury (d & w). 

Sandusky (Ohio). Journal (d & w). Register (d & w). 
Star (d & w). 

Santa Barbara (California). Independent (d & w). 
News. Press (d & w). 

Santa Cruz (California), Record. Sentinel (d & w). 
Surf (d & w). 

Santa Monica (California). Outlook (d & w). 

Santa Rosa (California). Press-Democrat (d & w). 
Republican (d & w). 

Sault Ste. Marie (Michigan). Journal (d & w). 
News-Record (d & w). Soo Democrat (w). Soo 
Times (w). 

Savannah (Georgia). News(d&w). Press. 

Scheneetady (New York). Gazette (d & w). Star. 
Union (d & w). 

Scranton (Pennsylvania). News (w). Republican 
(d & w). Sunday Free Press. Times. Tribune. 

Seattle (Washingtor). Post Intelligencer (d & w). 
Times (d & w). 

Sedalia (Missouri). Capital (d & w). 

(d&w). Sentinel (d & w). 

Selma (Alabama). Journal (d & w). Times (d & w). 

Shamokin (Pennsylvania). Dispatch. Herald (d & 
w). News(d&w). Times (w). 

Sharon (Pennsylvania). Herald (w). Telegraph (d & w). 

Sheboygan (Wisconsin). Journal, Telegram. Zei- 
tung (d & w). 


Shenandoah (Pennsylvania). Herald (d & w). News-, 

Budget (w). 

Advertisements received for all the American Newsnanere: 

— ⸗ — —ñ — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — ee ae a aaa 



u nn nn 

Shreveport (Louisiana). Caucasian (d & w). Journal 
(d & w). l 

oe city (Iowa). Journal (d & w). Tribune 
( w) . . 
Sioux Falls (South Dakota). Argus-Leader (d'& w). 


Somerville (Massachusetts). Journal (w). 

South Bend (Indiana). Times (d & w). Tribune 
(d & w). 

South Omaha (Nebraska). 

Spartanburgh (South Carolina). Herald (d & w). 

Spokane (Washington). Chronicle (d & w). Spokes- 
man-Review (d & w). 

Springfield (Illinois). 
Register (d & w). 

Springfield (Massachusetts). Farm and Home (f). 
Good Housekeeping (m). Herald of Life (w). 
New England Homestead (w). News. Republican 
(d& w) Union (d & w3. 

Springfield (Missouri). Leader-Democrat (d & w). 
Record (d & w). Republican (d & w). 

Springfield (Ohio) Democrat (@ & w). Gazette 
ca & w). Journal (w). News (w). Press-Repnblic. 

Stamford (Connecticut). Advocate (d & w). Tele- 

Drover’s * Journal. 

Journal (d & w) News. 

Stapleton (New York). Gazette (w). Herald (w). 
eader (w). 

Steubenville (Ohio). Gazette (d & w). 
(d & w). 

Stillwater (Minnesota). Gazette (d & w). 

Stockton (California). Independent (d & w). Mail 
(d & w). Record (d & w). 

Stonington (Connectient). Mirror (2). 

Streator (Illinois), Free Press (d & w). Independent- 
Times. Monitor (d & w). 

Syracuse (New York). Herald (d & w). Journal 
(dq & w). Northern Christian Advocate (w). 
Post-Standard (d & w). Union (w). 

aerate oe eee Ledger (d & w) News 

d& w). 

Tampa (Florida). Herald (d & w). Times (d & w). 
Tribune (d & w). 

Taunton (Massachusetts). 
Republican (w). 

Terre Haute (Indiana). Express (d & w). Gazette 
(d& w) Journal (d & w). Tribune (d & w). 

Texarkann (Arkansas). Texarkanian (d & w). 

Thomasville (Georgia). Times-Enterprise (d & w). 

Tiffin (Ohio), Advertiser(d & w). News(w). Tribune . 
and Herald. 

Toledo (Ohio). Bee(d& w). Blade(d& w). Evening 
News. /rpress(d & w). 

Topeka (Kansas). Capital (d & w). Kansas Farmer 
(w). Mail(w). State Journal (d & w). 
Torrington (Connecticut). Register (d & w), 
Trenton (New Jersey). Gazette (d & w). 
Journal (2). Sunday Advertiser (w). 

True American. 

Trinidad (Colorado). Advertiser(d & w). Chronicle- 
News (d & w). 

TOY. ooo Citizen’s Journal (w). Messenger 
( w) 

Troy (New York). Evening Standard. Northern 
Budget (w). Observer (w). Press (d & w). Record 
(da & w) Times (d & w). 

Troy (Ohio). Democrat (w). Record. 

Tucson (Arizona). Citizen (d & w). Star (d & w). 

Tuscaloosa (Alabama). Gazetta (d & w). Times 
(d& w). Sun(d & w). 

Utica (New York). Deutsche Zeitung (3). 


Gazette. Herald-News, 

St aats 


(w). Herald - Dispatch. Observer (d & w). 
Press (d & w) Saturday Globe. Sunday 

Valdosta (Georgia). Times (w). 

Vicksburg (Mississippi. Herald (d & w). Evening 

Vincennes (Indiana). Commercial (d & w). Sun, 
Western Sun (w). 

Virginia City (Nevada). Chronicle (w). Evening 
Webes) le) Plaindealer (d & w). Times 

Waco (Texas). Telephone (d & w). Times-Herald 
(d & w). 


America. ] 

Washington (Dist. Columbia). Army and Navy 
Register (w). Chronicle (w). Evening Star. 
Hatchet (w). Journal (w). Law Reporter (w). 
National Tribune (w). Post (i & w), Sentinel 
(w). Sunday Herald. Times(d & w). $ 

Washington (Indiana). Democrat (d & w). Gazette 

— — — — 

(d & w). Herald (dl & w). 

Washington (Pennsylvania). Observer (d & w). 

Waterbury (Connccticut). American (d & w). Demo- 

crat. Examiner (w) Herald (w). Republican. 
Waterloo (Iowa), Courier (1 & w). Reporter (d & w). 
Tribune (2). 
Watertown (New York). Standard (d & w). Times. 
wein. (Maine). American Nation (m). Mail 
( w). 
wauk an (Illinois), Gazette (d & w) Sun (d 


m Senn Herald(w). Pilot(w). Record 
( w). 

Waycross (Georgia). Hefall(d& w). Journal (w). 

Wellington (Kansas). Journal. Mail 

West-Chester (Tennsylvania). Local News, Re- 

West Superior (Wisconsin). Leader (d & w). Tele- 


Wheeling (West Virginia). Intelligencer (d & w). 
News (d & w). Register (d & w). Zeitung. 

Wichita (Kansas). Beacon (d & w). Eagle (d & w). 
Star (w). 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


Wiikesbarre (Pennsylvania). Demokratischer Waech- 
ter (w). Ieader (d & w). Luzerne Legal Register 
(w). News (d & w). Record. Record of the 
Times (2). Times (d & w). 

Williamsport (Pennsylvania). Gazetteand Bulletin 
(d & w) Evening Sun. 

Willimantic (Connecticut). Chronicle (d & w). 
Journal (w). 

Wilmington (Delaware). Every Evening. Freie 
Presse, Gazette (w). Journal. News (d & w). 
Republican (d & w). Star(w). Sun. 

Wilmington (North Carolina). Dispatch. Messenger 
(d& w) Star (d & w). 

Winfield (Kansas). Oourier (d & w). 

Winona (Minnesota). Republican and Herald (d & w). 

Winstead (Connecticut). Citizen. Herald ( w). Leader 

Winston (North Carolina). Journal (d & w`. 
Sentinel (d & w). l 

Woonsocket (Rhode Island). Call. Reporter. 
Worcester (Massachusetts). Evening Gazetz 

Evening Post. Spy (1 & w). Telegram (d & w. 
Yonkers (New York). Herald. Statesman. 
York (Pennsylvania). Daily. Dispatch (d & xı 
Gazette (d & w). Press, 
TOPE Onn (Ohio). Telegram (d & w). Vindicator 

Zanesvilie (Ohio). Conrier(d & w). Signal (d& wi. 
Times-Recorder (d & w). 


With whioh is inoorporated “‘ The Churchwoman.’’ 

THE GUARDIAN is a Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, Education, and the Fine Arts, for Churohmen and 
Churchwomen, dealing with the ecclesiastical and many of the secular sides of social and industrial activity. 
Its Corre3pondence columns are open to all shades of opinion. Special reports are given of all important matters 

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TELEGRAMS : ‘* Guardian, London.” 

402] J. Willing, Junr:, Lim., Advertising Agenis, 125 Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. 


— — — — — — — — — — 






3russels. Eunorkan Express, with which is incor- 
porated the Belgian Times and News (general), 
1874. 16 pages, 164 by 123. Saturday. 20 cen- 
times, E.A. Huybers, 62 Montague de la Cour. 


Alexandria. EGYPTIAN GAZETTE (general), 1880. 
English and French. 6 pages, 21 by 16. Daily. 
1 piastre per copy. HK. Snelling. 


(register, guide, and advertiser), 1881. 4 pages. 
204 by 154. Ist of month. 20 centimes, Place de 
la Mairie 3. 

Cannes. CANNES GAZETTE (general), 1889. 4 pages, 
4to. Friday, during the season. 10 centimes per 
copy. H. M. Lumbert, rue d’Antibes 47. 

Mentone. MENTONE & MonrE CARLO News, 1896. 
8 pages. Saturday, Nov. to April. 20 centimes. 
Rue Prato. 

RIVIERA ExPRESS, 1902. Daily, 6 A.M. (Jan. to 
April). 15 centimes. Rue Prato. 

Monte Carlo. DAILY TELEGRAM. Daily from Janu- 
ary l to April 15. M. P. Main, Smith’s Bank. 
Nice. ANGLO-AMERICAN GAZETTE, 1869 (Social, 
Artistic, Sporting). Monday during the winter, 
24d. 8 pages. E. Ralli and H. Powys Adams, 

Avenue de la Gare 36. 

MEDITERRANEAN. Monthly, November to April. 
20 centimes. 62 Rue Gioffrido. 

NICE AND Swiss TIMES (general), 1870. 8 pages, 
224 by 18% (printed at Geneva in Sunımer as Swiss 
and Nice Times). 20 centimes per copy, Frank 
Webb, Rue Chauvain 2. 

Parls. AMERICAN REGISTER. Saturday. ld. 13 Rue 

DAILY MESSENGER (general), 1814. 4 pages, 25 by 183. 
Daily. 10 centimes per copy. Rue St.Honore 167, 

2d. M. P. Main, 3 Rue Scribe. 

HuRUPEAN NEWs (general), 1866. 4 pages, 23 by 17. 
Weekly. 25 centimes per copy. A. Danımien, 
d’Aytre, rue Lafayette 39. 

New YorK HERALD (general), 1887. 8 pages daily 
and 24 pages Sunday. 204 by 14. 15 centimes 
daily, 25 centimes Sunday, per copy. Avenue 
de l’Opera 49. 

PARIS-AMERICAN, 1900. Saturday. 20 francs per 
annum. Donald Downie, 1 Rue Scribe. 

1875. French and English. 4 pages, 22 by 15. 
Sunday. During the winter from October to May. 
20 centimes per copy. J. Aparici de Valparda, 
10 rue Nogue. 


1887, 8to 1lO pages. Weekly. 20 pig. T. Reuss, 
Albrechtstr 100, Streglitz. 

(commercial), 1884. 10 pages, 124 by 93. Weekly. 
12 shillings per aun. W. M. Kuhlow, Kiirassier- 
strasse 2. 

Advertisements received for all the Continental Journals 

Frankfort (Main). ENGLISH Matt (social, literary, 
dramatic, and travel), 1894. Thursday. 3d. Dr. 
H. Felbermann, Zimmerweg 6. 

Leipzig. Export JOURNAL (book, paper, and print- 
ing trades), 1887. English, French, and German. 
16-20 pages, 84 by 62. Monthly. 4 shillings per anu. 
G. Hedeler, Nurnbergerstrasse 18. 

(warrants of arrest, with plıotos.), 1887. English, 
French, and German. 4 pages, 9% by 74. Thursday. 
20 shillings per ann. J. Travers. 


Flushing. THE CONTINENTAL SpokrsMAN (horse- 
racing). Daily. “Free on receipt of address.” 
Topping & Spindler. 



Naples. NAPLES EcHo (English & French). 4 pages 
Saturday. 20 centimes. 16 Via Pignatelli, Naples 

Rome. ROMAN HERALD (general), 1887. 4 pages 
214 by 14. Saturday (Nov. to May). 20 centisimi 
per copy. A. H. Wilson, 22 Piazza di Spagna. 


| Christiania. SCANDINAVIAN (general) 1882. 4 pages, 
204 by 153. Fortnightly (June 15 to Sept. 1, 
and quarterly during winter). 10 dre per copy. 
Carl Johans Gade 35. 




| Davos.Platz. COURIER (general and local), 1894. 

Fıi. 25 centimes per copy. 

Geneva. ANGLO-AMERICAN GAZETTE, 1869 (Social, 
Artistic, Sporting). Monday during the winter. 
i Z5 centimes, 6 pages. E. Rali and H. Powys 
i Adams. , 
| Swiss AND Nick Times (general), 1870. 8 pages, 
224 by 183. Weekly. 20 centimes per copy. F. Webb, 
I: 12 ruc du Mont Blanc. (Printed at Nice during 
N Winter as Nice Times.) 

; Lucerne. Swiss SUMMER GAZETTE, 1899. Saturday, 
from May to October. 20 centimes. M. P. Main, 

Montreux-Territet. ENGIIsH Ecioxs (social, tennis; 

golf), 1891. Sat. 25 centimes per copy. W. B. 
White, Territet. 


Constantinople. Ltvant HERALD AND EASTERN 
EXPRESS (general), 1856. English and French. 
8 pages, 184 by 14. Daily. 1 piastre per copy. 
Edgar Whitaker, rue Asmali-Medjid 35, Pera. 
WEEKLY BUDGET (Weekly edition for abroad of the 
Levant Herald). 14 pages, 134 by 84. Monday 
afternoon. 8d. per copy. Eilgar Whitaker, rue 
Asmali-Medjid 35, Pcra. 


Algiers. ALGERIAN ADVERTISER (gencral visitors, 
paper), 1888. English and French. 6 pages, 
Oct. to April. Thursday. 6 franos the season. 
J. C. Hyam, Anglo-French Press Association, 
20 Avenue Dujonchay, Mustapha. 


Advertisements. | Willing’: S Press Guide. 

. 20, 000 “READERS 


be Allusttrated Weekly Joum 



“The ‘Gentlewoman’ is bought by women, read by women, and, as 
women spend nine-tenths of what men earn, the moral is obvious.’’ 



Brilliant Illustrations by the Best Artists. 

— —— 


Scale of Charges for Advertisements: 

One Inch Rate .. .. .. .. £010 0] One Column (4 Columns to Page) £7 10 6 
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— — — — —— — — — — — — 

Cheques and P.O.0.’s payable to the order of Mr. Anexanper J. Warvrn, to whom &— 
business communications should be addressed — | 

“THE GENTLEWOMAN” Offices, 142 Strand, London, W.C. 

404] J Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

ne ee ar a — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




The Time of Publication is denoted as under :— 

Twice a Week (2). Three times a Week (3). 

Weekly (w). BE 

Four times a Weck (4). 
All others are published Daily. 


tram. Narodné Novine. 

ad. Arad és Vidéke. 

»zen. Zeitung. 

segenz. Tagblatt. Vorarlberger Laudeszeitung. 

:ünn. Mihrisch-Schlesischer Correspondent. Tages- 
bote aus Mähren und Schlesien. 

sda-Pesth. Budapest. Egyetértés. Magyar Alam. 
Magyar Hirlap. Neues Pester Journal. Ország- 
Világ (ill.) Pester Lloyd. Pesti Hirlap. Pesti 
Napló. Politisches Volksblatt. 

pracow. Czas. Glos Narodu. Nowa Reforma. 

zernowitz. Zeitung. 

ebreczin. Ellenör. Hirlap. 

raz. Morgeupost. Tagespost. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

ermannstadt. Siebenbürger Deutsches Tageblatt. 

ınsbruck. Bote. Nachrichten. 
Stimmen. Tiroler Tagblatt. 

chi. Wochenblatt (w). 

arisbad. Badeblatt. Tagblatt. 

aschau. Felsi Magyarorszug (3). 

Jagenfurt. Zeitung. 

ronstadt. Gazetta Transilvaniei. Zeitung. 

aibach. Slovenski Narod. Zeitung. Slovence. 

‚emberg. Delo. Dziennik Polski. Gazeta 
Lwowska. Gazeta Narodowa. Kuryer Lwowski. 

.inz. Tagespost. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Nnarienbad. Tagblatt. 

Aeran. Zeitung (3). 

Jeusatz. Zastava (1). 

imitz. Nasinec (3). Mährisches Tazblatt. Neue 

pague. Abendblatt. Bohemia. Hlas - Naroda. 
Gloyd. Núrodni Listy. Politik. Prazsky Dennik. 
Tagblatt. Zeitung. 

`pessburg. Westungarischer Greuzbote. Zeitung. 

teichenberg Deutsche Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 

Salzburg. Chronik. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Temesvar. Zeitung. Reform. 

Thuröcz-St. Marton. XNürodne Noviny (4). 

Trento. Alto Adige. La Patria. Voce Catto- 
lica (3). 

Trieste. Il Mattino. La Sera. Osservatore. 
blatt. Zeitung. Il Piccolo. 

Troppau. Freie Schlesische Presse. Zeitung. 

vienna. Deutsche Zeitung. Deutsches Volksblatt. 
Fremdenblatt. Neue Freie Presse. Neues Wiener 
Journal. Neues Wiener Tagblatt. Oesterreichische 

Neuc Tiroler 

Volkszeitung. Presse. Tagblatt. Vaterland. 
Wiener Bilder (w). 
Antwerp. Escaut. Handelsblad. Koophandel. 
‚Lloyd Auversois. Matin. Opinion. Précurseur. 

Arion. Avenirdu Luxembourg. 

Bruges. Journal, Patrie. 

Brussels. Belgique. Belgian Times. Chronique. 
Cote Libre (Financial). Courrier Beige. Courrier 
de Bruxelles, Etoile Belge. Gazette. Indépendance 
Belge. Journal. Messager du Dimanche (w). 
Moniteur Officiel. Moniteur des Intéréts Maté- 
riels (2). National. Patriote. Petit Bleu. Peuple. 
Réforme. Soir. 

Charleroi. Journal. Gazette. Organe Financier. 

Courtrai. Journal (2). Echo (2). 

Ghent. Bien Public. Flandre Liberale. Gand 
Financier (w). Impartial. Journal. 

Liege. Courrier. Express. Finances Liégeoises (w). 
Gazette. Journal. Meuse. Nouvelles du Jour. 

— — — 




. Horsholm. 

, Ostende. 
: Spa. Avenir(w). 

Five times å Week (5). 

Louvain. Gazctte(w). Libéral(w). Vaderland (w) 

Malines. Mechelsche Oourant (w). 

Mons. Gazette. Hainaut. Intércts Montois (w). 

Namur. Ami de l'Ordre. Indépendant Financier (w). 
Journal. Opinion Libcrale. i 

Echo (2). Feuille (2). Saison (5). 

Impartial (w). Saison (6). ' 

Tournai. Belge (3). Courrier de Viscaut.. Feuille 

Verviers, Courrier de la Ve:dre (w). Nouvelliste. 
Union Libcrale. 


Sofia. Bolgarski Tirgovski Westnik (Commercial 
Guzette). Messager des Balcans. Mir (Peace). 
Narodni Prava (Peoples Rights) Otsiw (Echo). 
Svoboda (2), (Liberty). Zuame (Standard). 

Aalborg. Amtstidende Nordjylland. Stiftstidende. 
Aarhus. Folkeblad. Jyllandsposten. Stiftstidendce. 
Assens. Avis. 
Bogense. Avis 
Copenhagen. Aftenbladet. Berling:ke Tidende. 
Dagbladet. Dagens Nyheder. illustrerct Familie- 
Journal. Nationaltidende. Politiken. 
Faaborg. Avis. Folketidende. 

Fredericia. Avis. Dagblad. 
Frederikshavn. Avis. 
Helsingör. Avis. Dagblad. 
Herning. Folkeblad. 
Hjörring. Amtstidende. Vendsyssel Tidende. 
Holbäk. Amts Avis. Posten, Dagblad: 
Holstebro. Avis. Dagblad. 

Horsens. Avis. Folkeblad. 


_ Kallundborg. Avis. Dagblad. 

jöge. Avis. 

` Kolding. Avis. Folkeblad. Posteno. 

. Rudkjöbing. Langeiands Avis (5). 
Silkeborg. Avis. 


Advertisements received for all the French Journals. 

i Korsor. 


Middelfart. Avis. Dagbladet. 
Naestved. Avis. Tidende. 
Nykjobing. Avis. Posten. 
Odense. Avis. Fyns Stiftstidende. 
Randers. Amts Avis. Dagblad. 
Ribe. Stiftstidende. 

Ringkjöbing. Amts Avis, Dagblad. 
Ringsted. Folketidende. 

Ronne. Bornholms Avis. 
Rosklide. Avis. Dagblad. 


Fyns Tideride, 

Skanderborg. Amts Avis. 

Skjelskör.. Avis. 

Slagelse. Sori Amts‘idende. 

Svendborg. Amtstidende. Avis. 

Thisted. Amts Avis. 

Varde. Ribe Amtstidende. Vestjyllands Dagblad. 
Vejle. Amts Avis. E 
Viborg. Stiftstidende, 


Alexandria. Phare d'Alexandrie (French). Mes- 
sagiere Egiziano (Ital.). The Egyptian Gazette 
(English and French). La Reforme. 

Cairo. Journal Officiel (3). Le Cuire. 

Port Said. Le Phare. L'Echo. 

Le Journal. 

-= -— -m ——— — 


D D 

Continental. ] Willing’s Press Guide. 


Aix. Le Memorial. 

Aix-les-Bains. Le Progrès. L'Avenir. 

Alençon. Avenir de l'Orne. 

Amiens. Mémorial. Nouvelliste. 

Angers. Le Patriote 

Angoulème. L'Echo. Le Matin. 

Annecy. Les Alpes (2). 

Avesnes. Observateur (3). 

Avignon. L'Echo. 

Bar-le-Duc. L'Indépendance. 

Bayonne. Saison. 

Beauvais. L'Indépendant. 

Beifort. Journal (2). 

Besançon. La Franche-Comté. 

Biarritz. La Gazette. 

Bordeaux. La Gironde. Le Nouvelliste. Petite 

Boulogne-sur-Mer. France du Nord. Impartial. 

Brest. La Bretagne. 

Caen. L'Echo. 

Calais. L'Avenir. 

Cannes. Le Littoral. 

Charieviile. Courrier des Ardennes. 


Chaumont. Petit Champenois. 

Cherbourg. Le Réveil. 

Clermont Ferrand. L'Avenir. 

Cognac. Le Cognac. 

Dieppe. Impartial. Journal. 

Dijon. Bien Public. 

Soual. Journal: 

Dunkerque. Nord. 

Epinal. Mémorial des Vosges. 

Grenoble. Le Reveil du Dauphirne. 

Havre. Courrier. Gazette Maritime. Journal. 

Laon. Journal de l'Aisne. 

Le Mane. Chronique de l'Ouest. 

Lille. Echo du Nord. Nouvelliste. 

Lunéville. Eclairenr (2). | 

Lyons. Bulletin des Soies et Soieries (w). Courrier. 
Petit Lyonnais, Progrės. Républicain. Salut 

Marseiiles. Gazette du Midi, Journal. Petit 
Marseillais. Phare du Commerce. Sémaphore. 

Mentone. Avenir (w). 

Montmédy. Journal (2). 

Montpellier. L’Eclair. 

Nancy. Ami du Peuple(w). Estafette Lorraine (2). 
Progrès de l'Est. 

Nantes. Patriote. 

Nice. Petit Niçois. Phare du Littoral. 

a. Avenir du Loiret. Journal du Loiret. 


—r — — — — — nn 
a gle nee Dana 

Acclimatation (2). Fer (Iron) (w). 
Annales Catholiques (w). Figaro. 
a Politiques et » du Samedi (w). 

Littéraires (w). France. 

Art et la Mode (w). »  Chevaline (2). 
Autorite. » Nouvelle. 
Avenir Militaire (w). Gaulois. 
Bulletin de l'Académie Gazette de France. 
de Médecine » de Paris (w). 
(w). » des Campagnes 

» des Halles. (w). 

» Medical (2). » des Hopitaux(3). 
Caricature (w). » des Tribunaux. 
Causeries Familières(w). .» Médicale (w), 
Oharivari. Génie Civil (w). 

Cocarde. Gil-Blas. 

Constructeur. Illustration (w). 
Courrier du Soir, Industrie (w). 

Croix. Intransigeant. 

Daily Messenger. Journal Amusant (w). 
Dix-Neuviéme Siécle. » del’ Agriculture 
Droit. (2). 

Echo Agricole. » de la Semaine 

„ de Paris, (w). 

» du Commerce (3). » des Débats. 
Eclair. » des Halles et 
Economiste Francaia(w). Marches (4). 
Education (w). » qes Villes et des | 
Entr’Acte. Campagnes 
Estafette. 4). | 
Evenement. | » du Dimanche | 
Famille (w). | (w). | 

— — — — — — — 

— — —— — — — — — — 

Journal Financier (w). Patrie. 

» __ Lilustré (w). Pays. 

»  Officiel de la Petit Bleu. 
République „ Caporal. 
Francaise. » Echo de la Mow 

Justice. (w). 
Lanterne. » Journal, 
Liberte. ` „ Journal pour Ris 
Lumitre Electrique (w). (w). 
Matin. „ Moniteur Univer 
Menestrel (w). sel. 
Mercuriale des Halles. » National. 
Messager de Paris. » Parisien. 
Metallurgie (w). » Quotidien. 
Mode Francaise (w). Petite République Frar 
Mode Illustree (w). çaise. 
Monde. Presse. 
»  Comique (w). Progrés Militaire (2). 
»  Illustrė (w). Radical. 

Moniteur de la Banque Rappel. 
(w). Republique Francais. 
dela Mode (w). Revue de la Mode (w]. 

is des Arts (w). » des Produits Ck: 
s des Dames et migues (w). 
des Demois- „ Industrielle (w. 
elles (w). » Politique et Li: 
»  Officicl du Com- téraire (w). 
merce (w). » Scientifique (w) 
z Universel. Salon de la Mode (w). 
a Vinicole (2). Siecle. 
Mot d'Ordre. Soir. 
Nation. Soleil. 
National. Sport (2). 
Nature (w). Temps. 
New YorkHerald(Europ. Union Medicale (3). 
Ed.). Univers. 
Paix. * Illustré (w). 
Paris. Voltaire. 

Perpignan. L’Impartial. 

Poitiers. Journal de la Vienne. 

Rennes, Courricr. 

Rhelms. Champagne. L’Avenir. 

Rochefort. Le Courrier. 

Roubaix. Indicateur. Journal. L'Avenir. 

Rouen. Journal. Patriote. 

St. Dig. Gazette Vosgienne (2). Impartial de 
Vosges (w). ° 

St. Dizier. Ancre(w). Courrier de la Haute-Marne (2) 

St. Etienne, Journal République des Paysans (ww). 

Saumur. Courrier. Echo Saumurois. 

Soissoris. Argus. Progrès. 

Touton. La République. Var. 

Toulouse. Journal. Messager. Progrès Libéral. Rėvei: 

Tours. Echo d'Indre et Loire. Journal. Message 
d’Indre et Loire. Union Liberale. 

Troyes. Progres National. 

Valenciennes. Courrier du Nord (3). 

Verdun. Courrier (3). Est (3) 

Versailles. Courrier du Nord (3). Häberal de Seine 
et Oise (2). 

Vouziers. Echo Vouzinois (3). 

Aix-la-Chapelle. Anzeiger. Echo der Gegenwätt 
General-Anzeiger. Post. Volksfreund. 
Altenburg. Landeszeitung. Zeitung. 
Altona. Nachrichten. Tageblatt. 
Altona-Ottensen. Ottensener Nachrichten. 
Alzey. Beobachter. Rheinhessische Volksblitter. 
Amberg. Tagblatt. Volkszeitung. 
Annaberg. Wochenblatt. 
Ansbach. Friinkische Zeiturg. Neue Ansbacher 
Apolda. Tageblatt. Tagespost (6). 
Arnsberg. Zeitung (2). 
Arnstadt. Nachriclitsblatt. Tageblatt. 
Arnstein. Wernthalzeitung. 
Arolsen. Woaldeck’sche Rundschau. 
Aschaffenburg. Beobachter am Main. Intelligenz 
blatt. Zeitung. 
Aschersleben. Anzeiger. Tageblatt. 
Auerbach. Nachrichten (3). Zeitung. 
Augsburg. Abendzeitung. Kurier. Neue Augsburger 
Zeitung. Neueste Nachrichten. Postzeitung. 
Baden-Baden. Anzeiger. Badeblatt. Tageblatt. 

406] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

alingen. Volksfreund (5). 
allenstedt. Harz Zeitung. 
amberg. Allgemeine Zeitung. Neueste Nachrichten. 
Tagblatt. Volksblatt. 
armen. Zeitung. 
autzen. Nachrichten, 
ayreuth. Oberfrinkische Zeitung. Tagblatt, 
elgard. Zeitung. 
ergedorff. Zeitung (3). 
ergzabern. Tagblatt. 

A bendpost. Königlich privilegirte 
Abendzeitung. Berlinische Zeitung. 
Berliner Tageblatt. Lokalanzeiger. 
Börsen-Courier. Märkische Volkszeitung. 
Börsenzeitung. Morgenzeitung. 
Courier, Nation. 

Deutsche Warte. 

Deutscher Reichs- u. 

Neue Börsenzeitung. 

Preuss. | » Preussische Kreuz- 
Staatsan- | zeitung. 
zeigerf (of- | Neueste Nachrichten. 
ficial). I Norddeutsche Allge- 
* Submission- | meine Zeitung. 
sanzeiger. | Parole (w). 
Deutsches Blatt. Post, 
3 Reichsblatt Presse. 
(w). Reichsbote. 
5 Tageblatt. Reichsfreund (w). 
Echo (w). Tagestelegraph. 
Fremdenblatt. Tägliche Rundschau. 
Gerichtszeitung (3). Theaterweit. 
Intelligenzblatt. Volkszeitung. 
Kapitalist (w). Vossische Zeitung, 
Kladderadatsch (w). Westendzeitung. 
Kleine Journal. Zeitung. 
Bernburg. Anhalter Kurier. Morgenzeitung, 
Beuthen. Benthen-Gleiwwitzer Tageblatt. Ober- 

schlesische Grenzzeitung. 

Biberach. Anzeiger vom Oberland. Ochsenhauser 
Zeitung. Wacht von Oberschwaben, 

Biebrich. Biebrich-Mosbacher Tagespost, 

Bielefeld. Neue Westfülische Volkszeitung. Post. 
Volkswacht, Wächter. Westfülische, 

Biesanthal. Post (3). 

Bitterfeld. Kreisblatt (4), 

Bochum, Märkischer Sprecher. Westfälische Volks- 
zeitung. Rheinisch - Westfülisches Tageblatt, 

Wiarus Polski (3). Zeitung. 
Bockenem. Provincialzeitung. 
Bockenheim. Anzeiger. 

Seesener Zeitung. 

Bonn. Brühbler Stadtanzeiger. Deutsche Reichs- 
zeitung. Generalanzeiger. Stadtanzeiger. Tag- 
blatt. Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 

Bopfingen. Ipf. 

Borbeck, Altendorfer Zeitung (3). Altenessener 
Zeitung (3). Zeitung (3). 

Borkum. Badezeitung. 

Borna. Bezirksanzeiger. Tageblatt. Tageblatt für 


Brandenburg. Anzeiger. 

Braunsberg. Ermliindische Zeitung. 

Bremen, Nachrichten. Weserzeitung. 

Breslau. Generalanzeiger (w). Morgenzeitung (w). 
Schlesische Morgenzeitung. Schlesische Voiks- 
wgcht. Schlesische Volkszeitung. Schlesische 
Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Bromberg. Ostdeutsche Presse. Ostdeutscher Lokal- 
anzeiger. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Bruchsal. Badischer Bote. Kraichgauer Zeitung. 

Brunswick. Anzeigen. Landeszeitung. Stadtan- 
zeiger. Tageblatt. Volksfreund. 

Lokalnachrichten. Obererzgebirgische 

Ratlıenower Volksblatt. 

Bunzlau. Niederschlesischer Courier. Stadtblatt. 
Bu rg. _Dithmarscher Tageblatt. Tageblatt für die 

Cannstatt. Neckarbote. Neue Neckerzeitung. 
Garlsrune. Badische Landeszeitung. Badische 
Presse. Badischer Beobachter. Badischer Gen- 
eralanzeiger. Badischer Landesbote. Deutscher 

Volksfreund. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 

Advertisements recewed for all the German Journals. 


Cassel. Allgemeine Zeitung. Generalanzeiger. Hess- 
ische Morgenzeitung. Hessische Post. Journal 
(3). Nachrichten. Stadtanzeiger. Tageblatt. 

Celle. Zeitung. 

Cham. Bote (3). 

Charlottenburg. Gemeindezeitung. Neue Zeit, 
Neues Charlottenburger Intelligenzblatt. 

Chemnitz. Neueste Nachrichten. Presse. Säch- 
sischer Landbote (w). Siichsischer Ladesanzeiger 

Coblentz. Generalanzeiger. Volkszeitung. Zeitung, 

Coburg. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Colberg. Badeanzeiger. Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 

Colmar. Elsässer Tagblatt. Kurier. 

Cöln-Ehrenfeld. Köln-Bergheimer Zeitung (2). 

Cologne. Cölnische Zeitung (Cologre Gazette), 
Lokalanzeiger. Rheinischer Merkur. Stadtan- 
zeiger. Tageblatt. Volkszeitung. (off.). 

Cöpenick. Dampfboot. Friedrichsfelder Zeitung. 

Cöslin. Generalanzeiger. Zeitung. 

Coswig. Zeitung. 

Cothen. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Cottbus. Anzeiger. Bramborski Zassnik (w). Zeitung, 

Crefeld. Generalanzeiger. Niederrheinische Volks- 
zeitung. Stadtanzeiger. Zeitung, 

Crimmitschau. Anzeiger. Stadt- und Landeszeitung, 

Custrin. Tageblatt (3). 

Dantzic, Allgemeine Zeitung. Christburger Zeitung. 
Yourier. Intelligenzblatt. Kleine Zeitung. Kleiner 
Courier. Tageblatt. Westpreussische Zeitung. 
Westpreussisches Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Darmstadt. Deutsche Kunst und Decoration (m). 
Illust. Zeitschrift für Innen-Decoration (m). Neue 
Hessische Volksblätter. Tagblatt (5). Täglichep 
Anzeiger. Zeitung. - 

Deggendorf. Donaubote. 

Deidesheim. Wochenblatt.. 

Demmin. Anzeiger (3). Tageblatt. 

Dessau. Anhaltischer Staatsanzeiger. Anhaltisches 

Detmold. Lippische Landeszeitung. 

Deutz. Deutz-Kalker. Zeitung. 

Diez. Lahn- und Aarzeitung. 

Dillingen. Donaubote, Tagblatt. 

Dirschau. Neue Dirschauer Zeitung. 
Zeitung, Zeitung. 

Disseldorf. Das Technische Ausland, 

Döbeln. Anzeiger. Zeitung. 

Donauwörth. Anzeigeblatt (4). 

Dorfen, Zeitung (3). 

Dortmund. Generalanzeiger. Lokalanzeiger. Tre- 
monia. Westfälische Freie Presse. Westfälische 
Reform (w). Zeitung. 

Dresden. Anzeiger, Bürgerzeitung, Journal, 
Lokalanzeiger. Morgenblatt. Nachrichten. Neues 
Dresdner Tageblatt. Sächsische Arbeiterzeitung, 

Dudweiler. Zeitung. 

Duisburg. Allgemeine Burgerzeitung. Rheinzeitung, 
Tageblatt. Volkszeitung, 

Diiren. Roerzeitung. 

Dürkheim. Anzeiger. 

Düsseldorf. Generalanzeiger, Neueste Nachrichten, 
Zeitung. Volksblatt, 

Eberbach. Zeitunz. 

Ebern. Baunachbote. 

Eberswalde. Oberbarnimer Post (4), Preussischer 
Stadtbote. Zeitung, 

Ebingen. Albbote. Neue Albbote. 

Edenkoben. Gegenwart. 

Egeln. Wochenblatt (4). 

Eichstätt. Kurier. Volkszeitung. 

Eisenach. Tagespost. Zeitung. 

Elsenberg. Nachrichtsblatt (3). 

Eisleben. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Elberfeld. Elberfelder Zeitung. Generalanzeiger, 
Täglicher Anzeiger. Wupperthaler Volksblätter. 

Elbing. Altpreussische Zeitung. Neue Westpreus- 
sische Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Eltwangen, Jagdzeitung. 

Emden. Ostfriesische Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Ems. Fremdenliste. Generalanzeiger. Lahnbote. 

Eppingen Volksbote (4). 

Erfurt. Allgemeiner Anzeiger. Tageblatt. Thü- 
ringer Zeitung. 




Continental. ] 


Erlangen. Fränkische Nachrichten. Tagblatt. 

Eschwege. Tageblatt. 

Essen. Allzemeiner Beobachter. Generalanzelver, 
Rheinisch-Westfälischer Volksfreund. Volks- 

Esslingen. Schwäbische Rundschau. Tagblatt. 

Flensburg. Anbenran Avis. Avis. Lille Blast. 
Nachrichten. Norddeutsche Zeitung. Norl- 
schleswig’sche Post. Vertslesvigs Tidende. 
Zeitung. ° 

Forchheim. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 

Forst. Wochenblatt. Zeitung. 

Frankenberg. Tageblatt, 

Frankenthal. Anzeiger für Weisenheim. Grün 
stadter Tagblatt. Lambsheimer Anzeiger. 

Lambsheimer Tageblatt. Ludwigshafener Tag- 
blatt. Oggersheimer Anzeiger. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 

Frankfort (Main). Actionair. Allgemeines Börsen- 
hlatt(w). Börsenzeitung. Frankfurter Zeitung. 
Generalanzeiger, Handelzeitung (w). Journal, 
Kleine Presse. Lokalanzeiver. Nachrichten. 
Oderzeitung. Ocffentliches Bursencoursblatt. Pal- 
mengarten-Anzeiger, 'Theaterzettel. 

Frankfort (Oder). Intelligenzblatt. 

Franstadt. Volksblatt. 

Stadt- und Landbote. Tage- 

hlatt. i 

reiburg (Baden). Bote. Breisganer Zeitung. 
Pfennigblatt. Tagbiatt. Zeitung, 

Freienwalde. ÖOberbarnimer Kreisblatt. 

Freising. Amperzeitung. Tagblatt. 

Freiberg (Sachsen). 

Freudenstadt. (irenzer (4). 

Friedland. Zeitung. 

Friedrichshagen. Niederbarnimer Zeitung. 

Fulda. Bote für Stadt und Land. Tageblatt. 

Fürstenwalde. Tageblatt. Wochenblatt. 

Fürth. Bürgerzeitung. Centralanzeiger. General- 
arzeiger. Tagblatt. Volkszeitung. 

Gaildorf. Kocherbote (4). 

Gardelegen. Kreisanzeiger. Nachrichten (3). Tage- 
blatt für Calbe. 

Gebesee. Zeitung (5). 

Geestemünde. Beverstedter Tageblatt. Nord- 
dentsche Volksstimme. Nordseezeitung. Pro- 

Geislingen. Zeitung (4). 

Gelnhausen. Kinzigbote. 

Gelsenkirchen. Arbeiterzeitung (3). Emscher 

Zeitimg. Volkstimme (3). 
Gera. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Gerabronn. Vaterlandsfreund (4). 
Gerolzhofen. Eote vom Steigerwald. 
Giessen. Anzeiger. 
Glauchau. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Gleiwitz. Intelligenzblatt. Oberschlesische Volks- 
stimme. Oberschlesischer Wanderer. 
Glogau. Neue Zeitung für Niederschlesien. 

Niederschlesischer Anzeiger. Stadtbote. 
Gmünd. Remszeitung. Volkszeitung (3). Zeitung, 
Göppingen. Hohenstaufen (4). Wochenblatt (5). 
Görlitz. Nachrichten. Neuer Görlitzer Anzeiger. 

Niederschlesische Zeitung. 

Goslar. Zeitung. 
Gössnitz. Wochenblatt (4). 
Gotha. Tageblatt. Thitringer Anzeiger. Thüringer 

Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Göttingen. Anzeiger. 
Graudenz. Gesclliyre. 
Greifswald. Kreisanzeiger. Tageblatt. 

Greiz. Landeszeitung. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Grossenhein. Unterhaltungs- und Anzeigeblatt (4). 
Grünberg. Schlesische Wollengewerbe. 
Grünstadt. Zeitung. 

Guben. Niederlansitzer Volkszeitung. 


Zeitung (4). 

Güsten. Anbaltische Blirgerzeitung (3). 

Güstrow. Anzeiger. Golberger Zeitung (4). 
kower Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Hadersleben. Avis. Dagbladet. 
Folkebladet. Freja. Modersmaalet. 



Tagblatt. Zeitung. 


Jonrnal de l’Arrondissement (2). 
Preussisch - Litthanische Zeitung. 



— —— — — — — — — — 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

— —— — 

Hagen. Bergisch-Mürkisoche LZeitung. Westfäliseh 
Post. Zeitung. 

Hainichen. Anzeiger. 

Halberstadt. Bürgerzeitung. Zeitung. 

Hall. Tagblatt. 

Halle. Centralanzeiger. Generalanzeiger. Saas 
zeitung. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Hamburg. Börsenhalle. Correspondent. Fremd« 

blatt. Nachrichten. Reform. Schiffsnachrichrea 

Hameln. Deisterzeitung. 

Hamm. Hamm-Soester Volkszeitung. Westfälische 
Anzeiger (4). 

Hanau. Anzeiger. Presse. Zeitung. 

Hanover. Anzeigeblatt. Courier. Deutsche Volk 
zeitung. Fremdenblatt. Neueste Nachrichten. Pax 

Tagblatt. Volkswille. Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 
Hanover-Linden. Rundschau. Zeitung. 
Harburg. Anzeiger. Courier. Zeitung. 
Hassfurt. Tagblatt, 

Hattingen. Zeitung (5). 

Hechingen. Holenzallern’sche Blätter (4). 

Heidelberg. Anzeiger. Fremdenblatt. Nae 
Heidelberger Anzeiger. Pfälzer Bote. Tageblat 

Heidenheim. Grenzbote. 

Heilbronn. Anzeiger. Neokarzeitung. 

Heiligenstadt. Eichısfeldia. 
Helmstedt. Kreisblatt. Tageblatt. 

Herford. Zeitung. 
Herne. Zeitung. 

Hettstedt. Wochenblatt. Zeitung. 
Hildburghausen. Dorfzeitung. Kreisblatt. Tage 
blatt für Themar, Tägliche Nachrichten. 
Hildesheim. Allgemeine Zeitung. Bockenene 

Tageblatt. Courier. Generalanzeiger. Tageblatt 
Hirschberg. Bote. Post. Tageblatt. 
Höchstadt (Aisch). Aischthalbote. 
Hof. Anzeiger. Tagblatt. 
Hohenleuben. Lenbabote. Wochenblatt. 
Hohenstein Ernstthal. Tageblatt. 
Holzminden. Tiäglicher Anzeiger. 
Homburg. Kreiszeitung. Taunusbote. 
Hoya. Wochenblatt. 
lImenau. Henne (4). 
Immenstadt. Aligüuer Anzeigeblatt. 
Ingoidstadt. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 

Inowrazlaw, Kujawischer Bote. 

Insterburg. Ostdeutsche Volkszeitung. Tageblatt. 

Iserlohn. Anzeiger (w). Kreisanzeiger. Tageblatt. 
Zeitung (3). 

Itzehoe. Nachrichten (3). 

Jauer, Tageblatt. Unterhaltungsbliitter, 

Jena. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Jever. Wochenblatt. 

Kahla. Nachrichtsblatt (4). Thüringer Nachrichten. 

Kaiserslautern. Kuseler Tageblatt. Ptilzer Volks- 
bote, Pfälzische Presse. Pfälzische Volkszeitung. 
Pfülzischer Anzeiger. Stadtanzeiger. 

: Kalkberge Rüdersdorf. Gemeindebote fiir Kloster: 


felde. Herzfelder Tageblatt. Neuzittaner Tage- 
blatt. Rüdersdorfer Tageblatt. Tageblatt für 

Kamenz. Zeitung (4). 

Kattowitz. Oberschlesische Nachrichten. Zeitnnr. 

Kaufbeuren. Anzeigeblatt für Oberdorf. Kanui. 
beurer Anzeigeblatt. Tagblatt. 

Kempten. Allgäuer Zeitung. Anzeiger. Tag- unl 
Anzeigeblatt. Zeitung. 

Kettwig. Zeitung (3). 

Kiel. Nachrichten. Nord-Ostseezeitung. Tageblatt. 
Wiesensteiger Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Kindelbrück. Zeitung. 

Kirchheim. Plochinger Anzeiger (4). Teckbote. 

Weilheimer Zeitung. Zeitung. 
Kirchhelmbolanden. Anzeiger. 
die Kantone Obermoschal. 
Grünstadter Anzeiger. 
Kissingen. Saalezeitung. 
Kitzingen. Zeitung. 
Königsberg. Allgemeine Zeitung. Amtliches Kr: 
blatt (4). -Hartung’sche Zeitung. Lokalanzeige. 
Ostpreussische Zeitung. Polizei-Anzeiger. 
Königshofen. Bote vom Grabfeld (4). 

Anzeiger für 
Gollheimer Anzeiger. 
Nordpfälzische Bürge- 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents; 125(Strand, London, 

— — 

GERMANY —conlinued, 
‚Onlgshütte. Laurahütter Zeitung. Stadtblatt (w). 

‚onitz. Tageblatt. 
sonstanz. Abendzeitung. Nachrichten. Zeitung. 
Kreuznach. teneralanzeiger. Kurhanszcitung, 

Kurliste (4). Oeffentlicher Anzeiger. Zeitung (4). 
Kronach. Frünkischer Wald. Tagblatt. 
S<uimbach. Nachrichten. Tagblatt. 

-ahr. Zeitung. 

-andau. Anzeiger. Eilbote. Zeitung. 

-andeshut (Silesia). Stadtblatt (3). 

-zaundsberg. Anzeigeblatt (3). Neumärkische Zeitung. 

-zandshut (Bavaria). Kurier. Zeitung. 

-andstuhl. Zeitung (3). 

-zangensaiza Allgemeiner Anzeiger. Kreisblatt. 

„zangenschwalbach. Aarbote. 

Lauban. Anzeiger. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Lauenburg. Allgemeine Landeszeitung., 

L-aupheim. Zeitung. 

Lauscha. Zeitung (3). 

lL-eer. Ostfriesche Post. 

Leipzig. Daheim (w). Gartenlaube (w). General- 
anzeiger. Illustrirte Zeitung (w). Intelligenzblatt, 
Nachrichten. Stadt-nnd Dorfanzeiger. Tageblatt. 

Leisnig. Tageblatt. 

Leobschutz. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Leonberg. Zeitung. 

Lichtenfels. Tazblatt. 

Lichtenstein-Callnberg. Anzeiger (2). Tageblatt. 

Liegnitz. Anzeiger. Preussische Schulzeitung. 
Schlesisches Pfennigblatt. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Limbach, Anzeiger. Tageblatt. 

Limburg. Anzeiger. Nassauer Bote. 

Lindau. Tagblatt. 

Lindenbe Tageblatt. 

Linz. Bendorfer Volkszeitung. 
Rtheinzeitung. Zeitung (3). 

Lissa. Anzeiger. Tageblatt. 
Löbau. Drewenzpost (3). Siichsischer Postillon, 
Lohr. Anzeiger. Zeitung. 
Lörrach. Oberlinder Bote. Vom Rhein 


Lübeck. Anzeiger. Eisenbahnzeitung. 
Luckenwalde. Anzeiger. Zeitung. 

Luchow. Zeitnng fiir das Wendland (3). 
Ludwigsburg Markgröninger Zeitung. Neue 

Ludwigsburger Tagblatt. Zeitung. Zuffenhanser 


Ludwigshafen. Anzeiger. Generalanzeiger. Pfälzischer 


Ludwigsstadt. Korrespondent (3). 

Luneburg. Anzeigen. Zeitung. 

Lych. Zeitung (3). 

Magdeburg. Anzeiger. Deutsche Pfennig-Zeitung. 

Neuwieder Tageblatt. 


Generalanzeiger. Volksblatt für Anhalt. Volk- 
stimme. Zeitung. 

Malstatt-Burbach, Tageblatt für Dudweiler, 

Mannheim. Neue Badische. Landeszeitung. Neues 
Mannheimer Volksblatt. Volkstimme. 

Marbu Generalanzeiger. Oberhessische Zeitung. 

Marienburg. Zeitung (4). 

Marienwerder. Neue Westpreussische Mitthei- 

Mayen. Volkszeitung (5). Zeitung (5). 

Mayence. Anzeiger. Journal. Nachrichten. 
cster Anzeiger. Tagblatt. Valksacitung. , 

Meerane. Tageblatt. Wochenblatt. 

Meiningen. Regierungsblatt (4). Tagelılatt. Werra- 
zeitung. Zeitung. 

Meissen. Tageblatt. 

Mellrichstadt. Rhön- und Streubote, 

Memel. Dampfboot. Lietuwiszka Ceitunga (w). 
Pakajaus Paslas (w). 

Memmingen. Tagblatt. Volksblatt. Zeitung. 

Merseburg. Correspondent (5). Kreisblatt. 

Merzig. Kreisblatt. 

Metz. Gazette dela Lorraine, Lorrain Lothringer 
Zeitung. Messin. Post. Zeitung. 

Miesbach. Anzeiger (4). 

Miitenberg. Anzeiger (4). 

Minden. Zeitung. 


— ee 

— — — — — — 

s- an e 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

Advertisements received for all the Italian Journals( 


Mittweida. Wochenblatt (4). 

Mosbach. Badische Neckarzeitung. 

Mühlacker. Durrmenz-Mühlucker Tagblatt. 

Mülheim (Rhine). Rheinische Volkszeitung, 

Mulheim (Ruhr). Dinslakener Zeitung. Oberhausener 


Tageblatt. Ruhrort-Meidericher Tageblatt. 
; Mulhouse. Anzeiger. Express, Neue Mitlhauser 
i Zeitung. Millbauser Anzeiger Tagblatt, 

Müllheim. Tagblatt. 
Munchberg. Zeitung. 


| Munchen-Gladbach. Generalanzeiger (2). Glad- 
i bacher Volkszeitung. Gladbacher Zeitung. 
Munich. Allgemeine Zeitung. Anzeiger. Bay- 
erischer Kurier. B. Landbote. Flicgende Blätter 
i (w). Generalanzeiger. Neueste Nachrichten. 

Münnerstadt. Volkzeitung. 
I Münster. Anzeiger. Morgenanzeiger. Westfälischer 
i Merkur. 
Naumburg. Kreisblatt. Nachrichten. 
Neisse. Anzeige (3) Kreisblatt (w) Presse (3). 
Neubrandenburg. Zeitung (4). 
Neuburg. Anzeigeblatt.  Hochstädter 
Neneste Nachrichten. 
Neuenbürg. Imztläler (4). 
Neuhaidensleben. Stadt- und Landbote. 
Neumarkt (Bavaria). Wochenblatt (3). 
Neumunster. Holsteinischer Courier. Landes- 
zeitung. Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung. 


Neunkirchen. Saar- und Blieszeitung. Tagespost. 
Neurode. Hausfreund (w). Kreisblatt (w.) 

Neuruppin. Märkische Zeitung. 

Neuss. Neuss-Grevenbroicher Zeitung. Zeitung. 
Neustadt (Aisch). Anzeigeblatt (4). 

Neustadt (Haardt). Diirkheimer Zeitung. Neue 

Neustettin. Norddeutsche Presse, 
Neustrelitz. Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche Landeszeitung. 
Zeitung (4). 
Neuulm. Anzeiger. 
Neuwied. Zeitung. 
Nienburg (Weser). Post (3). 
Norden. Fremdenliste. Stadtblatt (3). 
Nordhausen. Courier. Zeitung. 
Nördlingen. Anzeigeblatt. Rieser Volksblatt (4). 
Nowawes. Nowawes-Neuendorfer Zeitung. 
Nürnberg. Fränkische Tagespost. Fränkische- 
Kurier. Generalanzeiger. 
Nurtingen. Tagblatt (3) Vom Hohen-Neuffen. 
Oberhausen. Neue Oberhausener Zeitung, 
Oberlutter. Amtsblatt fir Königslutter, 
Oberndorf. Schwarzwälder Bote. 
Oberstein. Idarer Tageblatt. Neueste Nachrichten, 
Oels. Kreisblatt (w). Locomotive an der Oder. 
Militscher Tageblatt. 
Oelsnitz. Vogtliindische Zeitung. 
Offenbach. Abendblatt. Anzeiger. Central-Polizei- 
blatt Zeitung. 
Offenburg. Ortenauer Bote. ; 
Oldenburg, Anzeigen. Nachrichten. Zeitung. 
Oranienburg. Liebenwalder Wochenblatt (5) 
Märkische Presse (5). Wochenblatt für Gross 
Schönebeck (5). Wochenblatt fiir Pankow (5), 
Zeitung für Niederbarnim (5). 
Osnabrück. Tageblatt. Volkszeitung. Zeitung, 
Osterburg. Altmärkische Zeitung. Kreisblatt, 
Osterfeld. Tageblatt. 
Osterwieck. Ilsezeitung. 
Otterberg. Anzeiger. 
Paderborn. Westfälisches Volksblatt. 
Parchim. Norddeutsche Post. 
Pasewalk. Anzeiger. Patriotisches 
| Tageblatt. 
' Passau. Donauzeitung. Tagblatt. 
; Peine. Tagespost. Zeitung. 
« Peitz. Tageblatt. 
Pelplin, Pielgrzym (3). 
: Penig. Penig-Bornaisches Tageblatt. 
: Pfarrkirchen. Rotthaler Bote. 
: Pforzheim. Anzeiger. Beobachter 
| Pillau. Schiffsliste. 




Continental. ] 


— — — 

GERMANY— continued, 

Pilikallen. Grenzzeitung. Stallupöner Zeitung. 

Pirmasens. Anzeiger. Zeitung. 

Pirna. Anzeiger. 

Plauen. Vogtländischer Anzeiger. 

Polzin. Badezeitung (w). Zeitung für Bad Polzin. 

Posen. Dziennik Poznanski. Gazeta Poznanska. 
Glos Polski (3). Goniec Wielkopolski. Jednose 
(2). Kuryer Poznanski. Morgenszeitung. Ore- 
downik, Postep. Przyjacial Ludu (2). Tage- 
blatt. Wielkopolanin. Zeitung. 

Pössneck. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Potsdam. Generalanzeiger. Intelligenzblatt. Nach- 
richten. Zeitung. 

Prien. Chiemgauzeitung (3). 

Pyritz. Kreisblatt. 

Quedlinburg. Amtliches Quedlinburger Kreisblatt. 

Querfurt. Kreisblatt (5). Zeitung (4). 

Rastenburg. Ostpreussisches Volksblatt. 

Rathenow. Kreisblatt. Zeitunr. 

Ratibor. Oberschlesische Presse. Oberschlesische 
Volkszeitung. Oberschlesischer Anzeiger. 

Ratzebuhr. Stadt- und Landzeitung. 

Revensburg. Oberschwäbische Zeitung. Ober» 
schwäbischer Anzeiger. 

Rawitsch. Kreisblatt (4). 

Recklinghausen. Stadt- und Landbote, 

Reetz. Tageblatt. 

Regensburg. Anzeiger. Morgenblatt. Plakatan- 

zeiger. Stadtpost. Tagblatt. 

Regenstauf. Regenthaler Bote, 

Regenwalde. Tageblatt. 

e Rehau. Schwarzenbacher Zeitung. Tagblatt. 

Reichenbach. Nachrichten (4). Wochenblatt. 

Remscheld. Bergisches Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Rendsburg. Wochenblatt. Zeitung (3). 

Reutlingen. Amtsblatt (4). Schwäbische Volks- 
zeitung. Schwarzwälder Kreiszeitung. 

Rheda. Allgemeine Zeitung. 

Rheydt. Zeitung. 

Riediinger. Zeitung. 

Riesa. Elbeblatt (4). 

Rixdorf. Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 

Roda. Zeitung (4). 

Ronneburg. Anzeiger (3). 

Rosenheim. Anzeiger. \Wendelstein (4). 

Rosslau. Zeitung (3). 

Rosswein. Tageblatt. 

Rostock. Anzeiger. Nachrichten. Zeitung. 

Rothenburg. Fränkischer Anzeiger. Nachbarn aus 

Rottweil. Schwarzwälder Bürgerzeitung. 

Rudolstadt. Schwarzburg - Rudolstädter Landes- 
zeitung. Zeitung. 

Rugdenwalde. Neue Hinterpommer’sche Zeitung (4). 

Ruhrort. Meidericher Zeitung. Oberhauser Zeitung. 

Rummelsburg. Anzeiger. Zeitung. 

Saalfeld. Anzeiger. Kreisblatt, 

Saarbrücken. Generalanzeiger. St. Johanner 
Volkszeitung. St. Johanner Zeitung. Zeitung. 

Saargemünd. Zeitung. 

Saarlouis. Journal. Saarzeitung. 

Sagan. Tageblatt. 

St. Ingbert. Anzeiger (5). Zeitung. 

Salzwedel, Wochenblatt. 

Samter. Kreisblatt (2). Tageblatt, 

Sandersieben. Zeitung. 

Sangerhausen. Nachrichten. Zeitung. 

Saulgau. Oberländer (4). 

Sayda. Anzeiger. 

Schalke. Zeitung. 

Schlawe. Kreisblatt (2). Zeitung. 

Schieswig. Nachrichten. 

Schmalkalden. Thüringer Hausfreund. Tageblatt. 

Schneeberg. Erzgebirgischer Volksfreund. 

Schneidemühl. Ostdeutsche Post. Zeitung. 

Schonebeck. Tageblatt. Zeitung (5). 

Schongau. Nachrichten. 

Schopfheim. Markgräfler Tageblatt. 

Schwabach. Allgemeine Volkszeitung, 

Schwedt. Zeitung (4). 

Schweldnitz. Schlesisches Tageblatt. Tägliche 



Willing’s Press Guide. 

ee — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — 
m a a a 

Schweinfurt. Tagblatt. Unterfränkische Zeitung. 

Schwelm. Zeitung. 

Schwerin. Mecklenburger Anzeiger. Mecklea- 
burger Nachrichten. Mecklenburgische Zeitung. 

Schwetzingen. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Seifhennersdorf. Oberlausitzer Tageblatt. 

Selb. Oberfränkisches Tagblatt. Tagblatt. 

Siegburg. Zeitung (3). 

Siegen. Zeitung (4). 

Sigmaringen. Hohenzollern’sche Volkszeitnng. 

Solingen. Solinger Zeitung. 

Soltau. Bühmezeitung (3). 

Sömmerda. Zeitung. 

Sonderburg. Dybböl Posten. Zeitung. 

Sondershausen. Deutsche. 

Sonnebe Tageblatt. Zeitung (5). 

Sorau. ochenblatt (5). 

Spandau. Anzeiger für das Havelland. Preussiscl« 
Lehrerzeitung. Tageblatt. 

Speyer Pfälzer Zeitung. Rheinisches Volksblatt. 
'estricher Volksblatt (3). Zeitung. 

Spremberg. ` Anzeiger, 

Stade. Tageblatt. 

Stadsulza. Thuringer Courier (5). 

Staffelstein. Tagblatt. 

Stallupönen. Darkehmer Zeitung. Neue Pillkaller 
Zeitung. Ostdeutsche Grenzboten. 

Stargard. Neues Pommer’sches Tageblatt. Pom- 
mer’sche Volkszeitung. Zeitung. 

Stassfurt. Zeitung. 

Steele. Zeitung. 

Steglitz. Anzeiger. 

Stendal. Altmäbkisches Intelligenzblatt. 

Stettin. Generalanzeiger. Eisenbahnzeitung (w). 
Neue Stettiner Zeitung. Ostseezeitung. Pom- 
mer’sche Reichspost. Pommer'sche Zeitung. 
Stettiner Stadt-Theater. Thenterzeitung. Tage 
blatt. Zeitung. 

Stolp. Post. Zeitung fur Hinterpommern. 
Straisund. Zeitung. 

Strasburg. Elsässer Journal. Landwirthschaftliche 

Zeitschrift (w). Neueste Nachrichten. Post. 
Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Straubing. Morgenblatt. Tagblatt. 

Stuttgart. Beobachter. Deutsche  Reichspost. 

Deutsches Volksblatt. Katholisches Sonntagblatt 
(w). Nenes Tagblatt. Polytechnisches Journal 
(w). Schwäbische. Merkur. Staatsanzeiger. 
Ueber Land und Meer, ill. (w). Würtembergische 
Sulzbach. Bote. Dudweiler Anzeiger. 
ten. Zeitung für Elversberg. 
Swinemünde. Amtliches Kreisblatt. Badeanzeiger. 
Tauberbischofsheim. Badische Tauberzeitung. 
Thorn. Gazeta Torunska. Ostdeutsche Zeitung. 
Presse. Przyjaciel (2). Zeitung. 
Tiisit. Allgemeine Zeitung. Keleiwis (w). Nauja 
Lietuwisska Ceitunga (2). Zeitung. 
Tirschenreuth. Volksbote. 
Tondern. Nachrichten. 
Torgau. Zeitung. 
Trebnitz. Anzeiger. 
Treves. Generalanzeiger. 
Tübingen. Chronik. 
Tuttlingen. Grenzbote. 
Ueberlingen. Scebote. 
Ueckermünde. Kreis- und Tageblatt. 
Uelzen. Kreiszeitung. 
Ulm, Schnellpost. Tagblatt. Zeitung. 
Usedom. Zeitung. 
Varel. Gemeinnutzige. 
Vegesack. Norddeutsche Volkszeitung. 
Vohenstrauss. Anzeiger. 
Waiblingen. Remsthalbote. 
Waldenburg. Schönburger Tageblatt. 
Wandsbeck. DBergedorfer Anzeiger. 
Hamburger Vorortszeitung (3). 
Courier. Stadtblatt (3). 
Waren. Mecklenburgische Rundschan. 


Landeszeitung. St. 

Bote (3). 

. Wattenscheid. Volksblatt. Volksfreund. Zeitung. 


Weida. Zeitung. 

Weiden. Oberpfälzischer Kurier. 
Weilburg. Tageblatt, 

Weilhelm. Tagblatt. 

Weimar. Deutschland. Zeitung. 

J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

GERMANY— continued. 
Weinheim. Anzeiger (4). 
Weissenfels. Kreisblatt. Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. 
Weissensee. Amtlicher Anzeiger, Zeitung. 
Welzheim. Bote vom Welzheimer Wald. 
Werdau. Tageblatt. 
Wermelskirchen Zeitung (4). 
Wernigerode. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Wertheim. Zeitung. 
Wesel. Neue Weseler Zeitung. Rhe nische-West- 
fälische Volkszeitung! Zeitung. 
Westerland. Sylter Kurzeitung. 

Wetzlar. Anzeiger. Nachrichten. 
Wiesbaden. Anzeigeblatt. Badeblatt. General- 
anzeiger. Nassauische Volkszeitung. Presse, 

Rheiuischer Kurier. Tagblatt. Theaterzettel. 
Wiidenfels. Wochenblatt (4). 
Wilhelmshaven. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Wismar. Mecklenburger Tageblatt. 
Witten. Märkisches Tageblatt. Tageblatt. Zeitung 

Wittenberg (Halle). Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Wittenberg (Mecklenburg). Kreisblatt (3). 
Wittenberge. Intelligenzblatt (4). 

Wittstock. Kreisblatt für die Ostprignitz (4). 
Wolfenbüttel. Kreisblatt. 
Wollin. Lampe. Misdroyer Badecourier. Usedom.- 

Wolliner Dampfboot. Usedomer Inselbote. 
Worms. Generalanzeiger. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 
Wriezen. Oderbruchzeitung. Zeitung. 
Wunsiedel. Bote. 

Würzburg. Fränkisches Volksblatt. Generalanzeiger. 

Kiliansblatt. Neue Bayerische Landeszeitung. 
Wurzen. Tageblatt. Zeitung (3). 
Wusterhausen. Täglicher Anzeiger. 

Zabrze. Anzeiger. Kreisblatt (w). Tageblatt. 
Zeitung (3). 
Zeitz. Anzeiger. Crossener Zeitung. Sächsische 

Provinzialzeitung. Zeitung. 

Zell. Kreisblatt (2). 

Zerbst. Extrapost, Zeitung. 

Zeulenroda. Reussische Zeitung. Reussischer An- 
zeiger. Tageblatt. Triebeser Zeitung. Triebes- 

Zittau. Lusatia. Morgenzeitung. Nachrichten, 

Zweibrücken. Pfalzischer Merkur. Zeitung. 

ze Eisenbahnzeitung. Tageblatt. Wochen- 
Zweisel. Bayerische Waldzeitung. 
Athens. Acropolis. Asty (Star). Ephemeris Neo- 

logos (News). Progrés(Greek & French), Spheera, 
Larissa. Salpinx. 
Patras. Neologos. Peloponiesos. 
Piræus. Spbeera (Globe). 
Syra. Patris. 
Volo. Phoni tu laon (Voice of the People). Thessalia. 


Amersfoort. Amcrsfoort'sche Courant (2). 

Amsterdam. Algemeen Handelsblad. Amster- 
damsche Courant. De Industrie (w). Echo. 
Effectenblad (2). Nieuwe Amsterdammer. Nieuws 
van den Dag. Standaard. Telegraaf. Tyd. 

Arnheim. Courant. De Post. Weekblad. 

Assen. Provinciale Drentsche en Asser Conrant, 

Breda. De Brednaar. 

Delft. Courant. 

Deventer. Oourant (w). Dagblad (w). 

Dordrecht. Nieuwsblad, 

Enschede. Courant (2). 

Goes. Courant (3). 

Groningen. Courant. 

Dagblad. Nieuwe Haarlemsche 

Haarlem. Courant. 
Courant (2). 
Hague. Dagblad van Zuid Holland. 
Courant. Staats Courant. Vaderland. 
Harlingen. Dagblad van Friesland (3). 
Heerenveen. Advertentieblad (2). 
Heerlen. Limburger Courier (3). 
Hoogeveen. Conrant 2). 
Houthem. Limburgsch Nieuwsblad (3). 
Kampen. Anwyzer (w) Courant (2). 

Provinciale Groninger 


— —— 

Advertisements received for all the Dutch Journals: 


Leeuwarden. Courant(3). Friesche Courant. 
Leyden. Dagblad. 

Maassluis. Oourant (2). 

Maastricht. Advertentieblad. 

Meppel. Courant (2). 

Middelburg. Courant. Zeeuwsch Dagblad. 

Nijmegen. Provinciale Geldersche en Nijmegsche 
Rotterdam. Maasbode. Nieuwe Rotterdamsche 

Courant. Nieuwsblad. 

Tiel. Courant (3). Nieuwe Tielsche Courant (2). 

Tilburg. Oourant. 

Utrecht. Dagblad. 

Veendam. Courant (3). Nieuwe Veendamer Courant 

Viaardingen. Oourant (2). 

Viissingen. Courant. 

Winschoten. Nieuwe Winschoter Courant (8). 

Workum. Friso (2). 

Zaltbommel. Bommelsche Oourant (2). 

Zutphen, Courant (3). 

Zwolle. Provinciale Overysselsche en Zwolsche 

LUXEMBURG. Anzeigeblatt für das Grossherzogthum 
Luxemburg (2). Freie Presse. Indépendance 
Luxembourgeoise. Sontagsblatt (w) Volks- 
blättchen (w). Wort für Wahrheit, Zeitung. 


Alessandria. Avvisatore (3). Lega (w). Osser- 
vatore (3). 

Ancona. Ordine. 

Bari. Corriere. 

Bergamo. Eco. Gazzetta Provinciale. 

Biella. Eco dell’ Industria (2). Tribuna, 

Bologna. Gazzetta d’ Emilia, 

Brescia. Cittadino. Sentinella, 

Brindisi. Indipendente, 

Cagliari. Unione Sarda. 

Caserta. Unione. 

Catania. Corriere. Unione (w). 

Como. Ordine., 

Cremona. Provincia. 

Cuneo. Gazzetta (2). Sentinella delle Alpi. 

Ferrara. Gazzetta. 

Florence. Corriere Italiano. Fieramosca. 
Rivista Sciertifica Industriale (b.-m). 
Genova. Caffaro. Cittadino. Corriere Mercantile. 
Eco d’ Italia. Industriale (Machinery Advertiser ) 

(b.-m). Operaio Ligure (w). Secolo xix. 

Livorno, Corriere Toscano. Gazzetta. Telegrafo. 

Mantova. Gazzetta. Provincia. 

Messina, Gazzetta. Imparziale. Politica e Com- 

Milan. Commercio. Corriere della Sera. Illustrazione 
Italiana (w). Illustrazione Populare (w). Italia. 
La Sera. Lombardia. Osservatore Cattolico. 
Perseveranza. Piccolo Illustrato. Politecnico (m). 
Pungolo. Secolo. Secolo illustrato della Domenica 


(w). Sole. 
Modena. Cittadino. Diritto Cattolico, Panaro. 
Naples. Corriere. Discussione, Libertà Oattolica, 

Messaggero Napole. Piccolo. Pungolo. Roma, 

Padova. Veneto. 

Palermo. Avvisatore. Democrazia, 
Sicilia. Isola. Nuova Sicilia. 

Parma, Gazzetta. Indipendente. 

Pavia. Patria Italiana. 

Perugia. Provincia. Unione, 

Placenza. Progresso. 

Pisa, Provinoia. 

Ravenna. Ravennate. 

Regglo. Italia Centrale. 

Rome. Capitale. apitan Fracassa. Diritto. Don 
Chisciotte. Esercito Italiano (3). Gazzetta Ufficiale, 
Giornale dei Bambini (w). Italie. Messaggera, 
Osservatore Romano. Popolo Romano. Tribuņa, 
Voce della Verità. i 

Sassari. La Nuova Sardegna. 

Savona. Cittadino. 

Syracuse. Tamburo, 

Treviso. Gazzetta. 

Turin. Gazzetta. Gazzetta del Popolo. Ingegneria 
Civile (m) (Civil Engineer). Ingegneria Sanitaria 
(m). Stampa (Gazzetta Piemontese), 

Giornale di 

— — — — — — 


Continental. ] 

Udine. Giornale. 


Venioe, Adriatico. Difesa. Gazzetta di Venezia. 
Verona. Adige. Arena. 
Vicenza. Provincia. 

Monaco. Le Mante-Carlo. 


Cettinje. Glas Ornagorza (w). 


Aalesund. Handels-Tidende (2). 

Arendal. Vestlandsk Tidende (3). 

Bergen. Aftenblad. Tidende. 

Brevig. Adresse-Tidende (2). 

Christiania. Aftenposten. Aftenposten Ugendgave 
(2). Dagbladet. Fädrelandet (3). Intelligentssedler. 
Morgenbladed. Morgenposten. Nationaltidende. 
Norsk Kundgjvrelsestidende. Teknisk Ugeblad 
(m). Verdens-Gang. 

Christianssund, Romsdalsposten (3). 

Drammen. Blad. Tidende. 

Frederikshald. Smaalenene Amstidende (3), 

Frederiksstad. Dagblad. 

Grimstad. Adressetidende (2). 

Hammerfest. Finmarksposten (3), 

Haugesund. Karmsundsposten (2). 

Holmestrand. Posten (2). 

Horten. Gjengangeren (3). 

Kragero. Vestmar (3). 

Laurvig. Jarlsberg Anıstidende (5). 

Levanger, Nordenfjeldsk 'Tidende (2). 
Throndhjems ar (2). 

Mandal. Lister Amstidende (3). 

Moss. Tilskuer (3). 

Risoer. Folkelanken. 

Sandefjord, Tidende (3), 

Stavanger. Amstidende. 

Tönsberg, Blad(3). 

Tromsö. ‚Posten (2). Stiftstidende (2). 

Trondhjem. Dagsposten. Trönderen. 


Norge. Stavangeren. 



Coimbra. Coimbricense (w). Correspondencia (w). 
Tribuno Popular (w). 

Lisbon, Commercio de Portugal. Diario de Noticias. 
Diario Illustrado. Jornal da Noite. Jornal do 
Commercio. Nacao. Popular. 

Oporto Commerciodo Porto, Jornal. Primeiro de 
Janeiro, Provincela. 

Bucharest. Constitutionalul. Indépendance Roumaine, 
Mesagerul National. Romanul. Tagblatt. Vointa 

Crajowa. Gazetta (3). 

Galatz. Covurluiul. 

Jassy, Evenimentul. 


Abo. Underriittelser. 

Archangel. G. Wjedomosty. 

Astrachan. Listok. 

Charkow. G. Wiedomosty. 

Cronstadt. Wiestnik. 

Dorpat. Neue Dirptsche Zeitung, 

Helsingfors. Hufvudstadsbladet. 

Kasan. Telegraf. 

Kiew. Ingenieur(m). Kiewljanin. 

Kowno. Gubernskija Wjedomosti (2). 

Libau. Zeitung. 

Lodz. Tageblatt. Zeitung. 

Moscow. Deutsche Zeitung. Novasty Listok. Russky 
Listok. Technitschesky Sbornik (im) (Engineering), 
W jedomosti, 

NijnI-Novgorod. Bürsenblatt. 

Odessa. Listok. Westnik. Zeitung. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

nn ee ee oe, 

— =~ — ç — — — — — — — — — — — 

— — — — — —— — — 

— — — 

Reval, Zeitung. 

Riga. Tageblatt. Technitschesky Nowosti (m) 
(Engineering News). Zeitung. 

St. Petersburg. Birshewaja Gazeta. Birshewyja Wedo- 
mosti. Graschdanin. Herold. Ingenerny Journal 
(m)(Engin.). Journal. Nowoje Wremja. Nowosti. 
Prawitelstwenny Westnik. Russky Invalid. Schut 
(w). Senatskija Wedomosti (2). Swet. Synn 
Otetsctwa. Wedomosti. Wsemirnaja Illustracija 
(w) Zeitung. 

Samara. Informationsblatt. 

Saratov. Tagblatt. 

Tashkent. Turkestanskija Wedomosti (w). 

Tiflis. Kawkas, 

Vilna. Westnik. 

Warsaw. Dnewnik. Gazeta Handlowa. Gazeta 
Polska. Kuryer Codzienny. Kuryer Poranny (w). 
Kuryer Warszawski. Przeghad Techniczny (b.-m) 
(Engineering ). 

Wiborg. Wiborgsbladet, 


Belgrade, Male Novine, Mali Journal. Odjek (Echo). 
Serpske Novine (Servian Gazette), Vaczerni 
Novini (Ev. News). 


Algesiras. Ultimo Telégrama. 

Alicante. Constitucional. Graduador. 

Almeria. Ormica Meridional. Diario. , 

Badajoz. Crónica. Diario. Independiente. 

Barcelona. Correo Catalan. Diario de Barcelona. 
Diario Mercantil. Diluvio. Industria e Inven- 

ciones (w). Las Noticias. Publicidad. 

Bilbao. Diario. Noticiero Bilbaino. 

Cadiz. Correo. Palma. 

Cartagena. Diario. Eco. 

Ciudad-Real. Labriego. Voz de la Mancha. 

Cordoba. Diario. 

Coruna. Lealtad. Tel(gramna. 

Granada. EI Popular. 

Leon, Porvenir. 

Madrid, Correo Militar. Correspondencia de 
España. Dia. Diario Español. El Heraldo. 

Epoca. Espafia Cientifica y Agricola (w). Gaceta. 
Gaceta de los. Globo. Illustracion Española (w) 
Malaga. Noticias. 
Murcia. Diario. Noticiero. 
Palma. Diario. Islefio. 
Pampelona. Eco de Navarra, El Liberal, 
Pontevedra. Diario. 
St. Sebastian. La Libertad. 
Santander. Voz Montafiesa. 
Segovia. Adelantado., 
Servilla. Andalucia. Mercantil. 
Taragona. Diario. El Mercantil. 
Valencia. Mercantil. Provincias. 
Valladolid. Crdnica. Norte. 
Zamora. El Mentor. 
Zaragoza. Diario. Diario de Avisos. Mercantil. 



Arboga. Tidning (2). 

Boras. Tidning (3). 

Borgholm. Olandsbladet (2). 

Carlskrona. Blekinge Kurier. 

Carlstad. Nya Wermlandstidningen, 

Christianstad. Nya Skanska-posten. 

Eksjö. Hvad Nytt ? (2). 

Engelholm. Tidnine. 

Enköping. Posten (2). Tidning (2). 

Falkenberg. Tidning (2). 

Falköping. Tidning (2). 

Gefle. Noorlandsposten (3). Posten (3). 

Gothenburg. Förposten (w). Handels-og-Sjöfart:- 
Tidning. Nyaste Förposten (w). Posten. 

Halmstad. Halland. Hallandsposten (3). 

Helsingborg. Dagblad. Nyaste Oresunds-posten. 

Hernösand. Posten (4). Westernorrlands Alle- 
handa (4). 

Jänköping. Smalands Allehanda (3). 

Kalmar. Kalmar (3). Tiduingen Barometern (4). 

412] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand; London. 

— — — 

— — — — — o L — — — — 

Willing’s Press Guide. (Continental. | 

SWEDEN—continued, Chur Bündner Tagblatt. 
Karishamn. Allehanda (3). Karlshamn (3). Davos- Platz. Courier (w). ; 
Landskrona. Korrespondenten (3). Utkiken (3). Del&mont. Democrate. Feuille Officielle, 

Linköping. Ostgöta Correspondenten (4). Diessenhofen. Anzeiger am Rhein (3). 
Per ES ae p aCe Ostgoten: T.. Einsiedeln, Anzeiger (2). e 
Lund. Folkets Tidning (3). Veckoblad (3). Fleurien. Courrier du Val de Travers (2). 

Malmö. Skanska Aftonbladet. Skanska Dagbladet. Frauenfeld. Amtsblatt des Kantons Thurgau (2). 
Sydsvenska Dagbladet. l Thurgauer Wochenzeitung (3). Thurgauer 

Motala. Tidning (3). Zeitung. 

Norrkoping. Ts Fribourg. Ami du Peuple @)., Confédéré (3). 

Nyköping. Södermanlands Läns Tidning (3). Journal (3). La Suisse. Liberté, Zeitung (2). 

Orebro. Nerikes Allehanda (4). Geneva. Courrier (3). Genevois. Journal. Tribune. 

Oskarshamn. Posten (2). Tidningen (2). Glarus. Nachrichten. Neue Glarner Zeitung. 

Ostersund. Posten (3). Grindelwald. Echo. 

Sala. Allchanda (2). ‘ Herisau. Appenzeller Zeitung. 

Skofde. Westgiita Korrespondenten (2). Horgen. Anzeiger des Bezirks Horgen (3). 

Söderhamn. Helsingen (3). Tidning (3). Interlaken. Interlakener Zeitung. Oberland (3). 

Söderköping. Posten (2). Oberländisches Volksblatt (3). 

SSivesborg. Posten (2). Langenthal. Oberaargauer Tagblatt, 

Stockhoim, Aftenbladet, Budkaflen (w). Dageblad. | Lausanne. Courrier Suisse (2). Estafette. Feuille 
Dagens Nyheter. Fäderneslandet(2). Kasper (w). | d’Avis. Gazette. Nouvelliste Vaudois. Revue. 

Norden (w). Ny Illustrerad Tidning (w). Nya Locle. Feuille d’Avis des Montagnes (3). 
Dagligt Allehanda. Post Tidningar. Sannings- Lucerne. Eidgenosse (3). Fremdenblatt. ‚Tagblatt. 
vittnet (w). Svenska Darbladet. Teknisk Vaterland. n 
Tidskrift (m) (Engineering). Vart Land. Lugano. Gazzetta Ticinese., 
Stromstad. Tidning (2). Montreux. Feuille d’Avis(3). Journal et Liste des 

Sundsvall. Posten (4). Tidning (3). Etrangers, , 
Trelleborg. Allehanda (3). Neuchatel. Feuille d'Avis. Suisse Libérale. 

d ila. Bohusläningen (3). Nyon. Courrier de la Côte (3). 
es Umebladet (2). a Olten. Tagblatt. Volksblatt vom Jura (3). 
Upsala. Fyris(4). Posten (3). Upsala (3). Payerne. Démocrate (2). 
Wadstena. Läns Tidning (3). Porrentruy. Jura (2). Pays (2). 
Warberg. Norra Hallands Tidning (2). St. Gall. Ostschweiz. Stadtanzeiger. Tagblatt. 
Wenersborg, Tidning (2). l St. Imier. Jura Bernois (3). 
Westeres  Wesmanland; Läns Tidning (3). Schaffhausen. Yutelligenzblatt. Tagblatt. i 
Westervik. Veckoblad (3). Sion. Confédéré du Valais (w). Gazette du Valais 
Wexiö. Nya Wexiöbladet (2). Smalandsposten (3). (2). , 
Wisby. Gotlands Allehanda (4). Solothurn. „Anzeiger (3). Tagblatt. 

Thun. Täglicher Anzeiger. 

ad. Allehanda (3). Posten (3). 
vetrad ( N Joen o Landeszeitung (2). 
R evey. Feuille d’Avis, 
SWITZ ERCAN D Wadenschwyl.: Allgemeiner Anzeiger (3). 
Aarau. Aargauer Nachrichten. Aargauer Tagblatt. Weinfelden. Thurgauer Tagblatt. 
Aargauer Volksfreund (3). Aargauischer Winterthur. Landbote. Nachrichten (3). 

Anzeiger (2). Zermatt. Journal de Zermatt. 
Affoltern. Anzeiger (3). ' Zofingen., Tagblatt. Volksblatt (2). 
Aigle. Feuille d'Avis. Messager des Alpes (2). Zug. Nachrichten (3). Volksblatt (3). 
Altdorf. Gotthard Post. Zürich, Limmat (3). Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Post, 
Appenzeil. Volksfreund (2). Schweizerische Bauzeitung (w,ill). Schweizerische 
Avenches. Courrier de la Brove (2). | Handelszeitung. 
Baden. Freie Wort Gr Tagblatt. 
Basle. Allgemeine Schweizer Zeitung. Anzeiger. 
Nachrichten. Nationalzeitung. Volksblatt. TURKEY. 
Bellinzona. La Riforma. Adrianople. Ederine (w). 
Berne. Anzeiger. Berner Tagblatt. Bund. Intelli- Constantinople. Levant Herald. Moniteur 
genzblatt. Oriental, OsmanischePost. Stamboul. Turquie, 
Biel. Journal du Jura. Schweizerischer Handels- Tarik. 
courier. Tagblatt. Salonica. Phare. 
Burgdorf. Berner Volksfreund. o Smyrna. Amalthia (2). Impartial (2), Journal de 
Chaux-de-Fonds. National Suisse. Smyrne. Nea Smyrni. 



DNA NA Ne NA ANA Nl Del Nel” 

Athletic News Agency ... eas bale — esis eee bss aes kis ... 366 
Cape Argus — —* — T ee — <i sas — er a. 894 
Eyre & Spottiswoode (Official Publications) ... — a — a — ... 379 

Harmsworth & Co. (Commercial Printers and Stationers) ... ae — si wae 272 
Marinoni (Web Printing and Folding Machines)... — tue * Inside of Cover 
Spottiswoode & Co. “ee: | hee wi — * er a — ais wea -199 
Statesman sad is * gi — si ies T ae * .. 384 
Sydney Morning Herald he — oy as des AB aes — ... 383 

Willing & Co. (Advertising Contractors * sie — — * “is ... 280 

— — — — — — i i et — en ee nn teen a a i, 

Advertisements received for all the Swiss Journals. [413 

Willing’s Press Guide, 


For the supply, by telegraph or other means, of Home and Foreign news, Leading articles and original 
descriptive matter, London letters, Parliamentary and Law reports, University intelligence, Market returns, City, 
commercial, sporting, and general news, &c., in manuscript, proof, stereotype, and parily printed sheets, 

These Agencies also undertake, in some cases, the composition and machining of newspapers, and to provide 
Reporters for special and general purposes. Terms for the various services may be ascertained upon application. 

ABERYstwxTH Newa AcEency.—(J, Denley Spencer) Mornington House, Llanbadarn Road, 

ANGLO-AMERICAN Press AGENcy.—6]1 Chancery Lane, W.C. 

ATHLETIC News Acency.—?2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. (Advt. p. 366.) 

Attwoop’s Rrportina AcENcy.—1 Newcastle St., Farringdon St., E.C. 

AUSTRALIAN Press Assocration.—80 Fleet St., E.C. 

Carpet Court Press AcEXcy.—Throgmorton House, Copthall Avenue, E.C. 

CENTRAL NEws, LIMITED.—(J. Moore, Manager) 5 New Bridge St., E.C., and 5 Austinfriars, E.C. 

CENTRAL PrEss.—Guy L’Estrange, Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W. 

St., B.C. 

CoLumn PRINTING Company, LIMITED.—(J. A. Moore, Secretary) 5 New Bridge St., E.C. 

CommerciaL Press TELEGRAM BurEavux.—5 Copthall Chambers, E.C. 

COMTELBURO, LiutrEp.—11 Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. 

OrnickET Reportina AcENcy.—-80 Fleet St., E.C. 

DarzıErn’s News, LIMITED.—15 Moorgate St., E.C. 

Drxon, J. E., ATHLETIC News AGENcy.—2 Whitefriars St., Fleet St., E.C. (Advt. p. 366.) 

Hxonance TeLecrapH Company, ,-Limitep..—(Wilfred King, Managing Director) 17 Cornhill, 
R.C.; 64 Haymarktt, S.W.; and 56 & 57 Fleet St., E.C. 

Lonpon Press Bureav.—(W. H. Johnson) 27 Chancery Lane, W.C. 

METROFPOLITAN REPORTING AcEncy.—T. A. Reep & Co., 37 Cursitor St., Chancery Lane, E.C. 

NATIONAL Press Agency, Limiten.—Whitefriars House, Carmelite St., E.C. 

NEWSPAPER Socrety.—(H. Whorlow, Sec.) 14 New Bridge St., E.C. 

NORTHERN NEWSPAPER BYNDICATE.—(Ernest E. Taylor, Manager) Kendal. Telegrams :— 
“ Syndicate, Kendal.” 

Press AGENcy.—J. Moore, 38 Parliament St., S.W. 

Press Association LimitEp.—(E. Robbins, Manager) 14 New Bridge St., E.O., and 2 
Copthall Chambers, E.C. 

Rarrway Press Burrav.—57 Moorgate St., E.C. 

RevuteEr’s TELEGRAM Company, Lisitep.—W. F. Bradshaw, 24 Old Jewry, E.C. 

Sports REPORTING AGENcY.—30 & 31 Temple Chambers, E.C. 

TEMPERANCE Press AGENcy.—H. J. Osborn, 29 Paternoster Row, E.C. 


WHEELER & Sons, C., Queen’s Chambers, North St., Wolverhampton. 

414] J. Walling, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. i 

Willitig’s Press Guide. [Advertisements. 

u — — — 

Birmingham Daily Post 

Has by far the largest Circulation of any Morning Paper 
published in Birmingham or tn the Midland Counties. 

The BrruinaHaM Dainy Post is a high-class Paper, published by the 
Proprietors at 88 New Street, Birmingham, and circulated in Birmingham, 
and in all the principal Towns throughout the Districts of the Midland and 
Western Counties. 

Is the principal medium for Advertisements and all announcements of a 
Commercial or an Official character in Birmingham and the Manufacturing 
Districts, inclusive of the South Wales Mining and of the Potteries Districts. 

T'he BIRMINGHAM Daıty Post has been recognized in business circles for 
forty-four years past as the leading Newspaper of the Midlands. 

Birmingham Weekly Most 

(Established 1825 as ‘ Birmingham Journal”) 

Is a most carefully edited Family Journal, containing the Local and General 
News of the Week, and is brought out in the very best manner. 

The BirmingGuam WEEKLY Post has a large Weekly Circulation in Family 
Circles, both at Home and in the Colonies. 

Birmingham Daily sail 


‘Contains full Reports of Markets, Stock Exchange Intelligence, Sporting Events, and all 
Local Meetings of the Day. For Advertising Terms, Address 

“DAILY MAIL” Office, Corporation Street, Birmingham. 

London Offices and Private Wire Office of above Papers :— 

Advertisements received for all the Directories and Guides. [415 

Advertisements. ] ____ Willing’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — — — — — 





“DAILY CHRONICLE ” Buildings, Fleet St., E.C. 

Notice. -Notwithstanding the largely increased 
of this journal, the following low charges are made for adver- 
tisemeuts :— 


For Servants, Housekeepers, Cooks, Girls, Porters, Mechanics, 
Apprentices, Boys, and others Wanting Places, 

Two lines .. ... 9d. Every additional line, 4d. 


For Mechanics, Apprentices and Boys, Clerks, Servants and 
Girls, Miscellancous Wants. and Sewing Machi nists, 

Two lines 1s. 6d. Every additional line, 6d. 

For Houses and Land for Sale, Busineszes for Disposal, Shops 
and Houses to be Iet, Apartments and Rooms to Let, 
Miscellaneous Articles to be sold, Musical Instruments for 
Sale, Sewing Machines for Sale, Horses, Vehicles, Stables, 
&c., Wanted to Purchase, Houses and Apartments Wanted, 

Two lines .. 1s. 6d. Every additional line, 6d. 

TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS in ciassified columns : 

Three Lines, 2s. | Four Lines, 2s. id, ! Five Lines, 35. 4d. 
Six Lines, 4s.; and NINEPENCE per line after, 


General Trade Announcements, Sales by Auction, Publi- 
cations, Educational, Parochial, Shipping, lustitutions, 
Partnerships, Lost and Found— 

Four lines .,. 2s. 8d. | Five lines .., 3¢. 4d. | Six lines ... 4s. 
Per line after, 9. 
Leader Page (except Theatricals that are inserted sd. 
regularly every day)—Five lines ... sie — .. 50 
Per line after ... * — PR — v 10 
Trade Advertisements in Agony Column—Four lines 4 0 
Perlineafter ... — * * si ore L 
Legal Notices, Monetary, Public Loans, Companies, 
Governniental, Parliamentary Elections— Four lincs .. 4 
Per line after a ie ; 1 0 
Leader Page—-Four lines .., A one 6 0 
Per lineafter ... a had es * æ. 1 6 
Theatricals and Entertainments, if inserted regularly— 
Four lines : : — eve 2 . 2 0 
Per line after... ex u * V0 6 
Births, Marriages, andl Deaths—Three lines 3 0 
Per line after ... — ey * 10 
Paragraphs (with ADVT. at end)—Four lines .. 6 0 
Per line after . . Ll 6 

Per inch Front page, 11s.; Leader page, 12s 6.3; next 
matter, 11s. 87. 
Quarter, One-third, Half, or One Column charged at the 
following Column Rates :— £ s. 
Front Page (Trade Announcements) ... u .. 12 0 
Leader Page (Trade Announcements) ... ve — 
Publishers’ Announcements at the special rate of .. 12 12 



Column next matter * a ws &14 

Double Column next matter .., ids we «6s & BO 

Double 3 Po » with block £35 

Whole Page with block .., — * £100 

Column next Money Article .,, £30 

Double Column next Money Article £6U 

Column next matter — — — £25 

Double Column next matier ... — £50 

Whole Page — nee £175 

Block Advertisements inserted in centre of back page 

(no other displayed advertisements on same page) #30 

Advertisements must be prepaid. Postal or Post Office 
Orders to be made payable to EDWARD LLOYD, Limited, 

General Post Office, and crossed “London and Westminster 

Bank.” Stamps not taken. 

— * * a m — — — — — — — — 
- — 

> c 

L E 

Publisher's Own Statement. 

—— — * — 

Acknowledged to be the best 


and noted for containing 


The very Latest Inteligence from all Parts 
of the World. 

Last Nights Telegrams from Special Corre- 
Sspondents in ail parts. 

Political and Social—by the best writers 
of the day. 

Literary Notes, Reviews of Books, Science 
Notes, Dramatic and Musical Notices and 



The large and influential circulation whiclr 
the DAILY CHRONICLE now enjoys in the 
Financial and Commercial world, places it in 
the front rank of London dailies as the best. 
medium for giving publicity to Prospectuses 
of new Companies which are issned from time 
to time, and for bringing them under the 
immediate notice of the moncyed and investing 

Nearly a whole page is devoted every day to- 
Financial and Monetary Matters, as well as to: 
the reports of meetings of Public Companies. 

The City Article contains the latest Stock 
Exchange Quotations, full Money Market 
returns, yiells per cent., and a brief sum- 
mary of the Forcign Bourse with ruling 

Special reports of Bank Returns, home and 
foreign, and of Railway Traffic Receipts as 


Owing to the great number of advertise- 
ments received§by this paper it is necessary to- 
send them as early as possible to ensurean inser- 
tion at an carly date. No reduction made for 
any number of insertions. Is now read by at 
least One Million Persons every day. All 
Advertisements must be sent direct to the 
Office, or through a recognised Advertising 
Agent. : 

Telephone—No. 166 HOLBORN. 

416] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Adverfising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’ s Press Guide. [Advertisemenis. 

— r — — — — — oe — — — — — Ba — — ahh ee 

Reynolds’s Newspaper oe 

More than Two Million Readers. 




Reynolds’ S Newspa] er. 

A HOUSEHOLD WORD in Democratic and Radical Circles. 

— — nn 



7 3 lines and under ,., on a tye ‘i 3 fi 
3 lines and under em — i 0 Every additional line sii . O 1 0 
Every additional line pats . VU VU 6 12 lines, 1 ineh vl2 0 
GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS :- — | Per inch, blocks .. 100 
3 liues and under .. . O 2 6 COMPANIES :-- 
Every additional line up to 11 lines . U O 9 Per line 014 
n un hich, ty pe) 7 .. O10 0 Whole column a A ue w H0O 
THEATRICAL :— Per inch, type * * .. 016 : 
3 lines and under ... n 026 Per inch, block ae . 1 0 
Every additional line up to 11 lines |.. 0 0 9 ADVERTISEMENTS ACROSS TWO COLUMNS :- 
Additional space by special arrangement. | Ver inch, type und .. 112 0 
PARAGRAPH :— With Wocks or block type — . 200 
7 lines ue — F as — . O 10 0 (Length of column of — an is 25 inches.) 
— ditioual line hes Ses . 0 2 0 > COLUMN ADVERTISE TS :— 
BOOKS , Ordinary Position, type nee eee LH 00 
“Publishers, &e.,per line ... ae . «8 OB, Next Matter ... — Be .. 20 0 OU 
12 lines, 1 inch’ en — . 0 8 U0! Next Matter, blocks — — ..2500 

In estimating the cost of an ae erbiseiment, reckon seven w ords to every ordinary line. 
Post Office Orders to be made payable to JOHN DICKS, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London. 

ww Advertisements intended for insertion in all Editions should be received not later than five o clock rM. 
exay Weineslay. 


C A R P E N TE R & B U I LD ER ‚ issues as many copies as all the other Builders’ news- 
| ? . 

. papers combined. 

SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. : Useful to all concerned in the construction and main- 

«x. d. tenance of the home. 
SITUATIONS VACANT AND oe 3 lines .„. 10° 
u U 

Every PASIOUARS ORGS 4 Every Buper should file the ILLUSTRATED 
j — GENERAL. ` CARPENTER aud BUILDER. One Penny, weekly. 
.. a — AMATEUR MECHANICS should read the ILLUS- 
Every additional line up to 11 lines .. 0 6 : TRATED CARPENTER and BUILDER. 
12 lines (1 inch) 6 6 
‘Every additional line up ‘to 34 lines `. 0 9 

For WorksHop REC¥IPTS read the ILLUSTRATED 


Columns, £3, and pro rata for Trade Advertisements. 
Additional space by special nn 


Advertisements received J for all the Local Metropolitan Newspapers. [417 

Advertisements. | Willing’ s Press Guide. 


The Western Morning News. 


THE WESTERN MORNING NEWS is a First-Class Daily Paper, the oldest in the 
district. Independent in opinions. The earliest and fullest in news. Circulates among all 
classes and parties, and is the best medium for advertisers, having a far larger circulation 
than any two papers published in the district combined. 

THE WESTERN MORNING NEWS is the only Paper published South of 
Birmingham which HAS ITS OWN PRIVATE WIRE connecting the London 
Office, 47 Fleet Street, with the Chief Office at Plymouth. S ial 
Advertisements are received at the London Office up to 10 p.m. for 

insertion in Next Day’s Issue. 

—— — ne en nn m nn m nn m 

The Western Weekly News, 



Advertisements can appear in aLL EDITIONS of THE WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS ata 

Advertisements for THE WESTERN WEEKLY NEWS must reach the Publishing Office 
not later than Thursday Morning if tay are to appear in all Editions of that Paper. 

— — — —— — — — nn — — — — — 

The Naval ana Military Record 


The only weekly Service Newspaper (as distinct from a review) with Correspondents in 
all the Royal Dockyards, Naval and Military Centres, and on all the Foreign Stations. 

Vice-Admiral C. C. P. FITZGERALD writes: 
“ You have the ear of the lower deck as well as of the Officers’ Messes, more 
than any one I know of; perhaps even not excepting Miss Weston. I write to 
you, Sir, because yours is by far the most widely read Naval Paper in existence.” 

The Western Morning News Company, Ltd. 

Chief Office—31 GEORGE ST., PLYMOUTH. London & Private Wire Office—47 FLEET ST., E.C. 
Branch Offices--DEVONPORT, EXETER, BRIDGWA TER, TRURO, dc., dc. 

418] J. Willing, Junr., , Lim. , Advertising J Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements. 

Aberdeen Daily Journal 
Aberdeen Weekly Journal 
Aberdeen Evening Express 



* The Journal has the largest Subscription List and bond fide circulation North 
— nburgh. 

A Fact to be Remembered 1 

Cassell’s Saturday Journal. 

Weekly. One Penny. 


Has always been popular with Advertisers, and is 
becoming more so. 


For tariff and specimen copy apply to Advertisement Manager, 
CASSELL & CO., Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C. 

"Advertisements received for all the Trade Newspapers. {419 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 



The Ideal Country House Paper. 


There is something different about ‘THE COUNTY GENTLEMAN” which appeals ta 
& large class of country readers. Its articles are by EXPERTS; it is not illustrated 
solely for the sake of illustration. 

` For Advertisers who wish to reach the country-house classes there is no better 

Ask your newsagent to send you a copy of 



“The Echo.” 


Favourite Evening Paper for Family 



420] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. _ [Advertisements. 


8 pages. Every Friday, ıd. | 5 pages 


The only Newspapers printed in the Epsom Poor Law 
District and Epsom (or Mid-Surrey) Parliamentary District. 

‘hese Newspapers, specially catering as they do for the compact and — and 
growing districts of Sutton, Epsom, and Leatherhead, and being the only Newspapers printed 
in the District, the Proprietors are enabled to give fuller and more detailed accounts and 
more news than any other papers, have in consequence a ‚large and influential en 
which is rapidly growing. 

Prepaid Advertisements id. per word; 3 insertions the price ot 2. 
Auction Advertisements 3d. per line. 
Particulars of other Advertisements on — 



Printers, Publishers, and Proprietors: BIRCH & WHITTINGTON, 10 Station Road, Mipsom. 

The Free Lance. 



The most high-class Penny Society Paper ever published. 

Provides bright, readable, and authentic information about Court and Society Movements 
and Doings, and all the Topies and Amusements of the day. 

The Paragraphs, Leading Articles and principal features are written by the cleverest 
and most experienced journalists of the day. 

THE FREE LANCE is a most valuable médtum for Advertisements, circulating as 
it does amongst the best un of readers in every part of the world. 



Rates for Advertisements. 

£10. 10s. per page, 10s. per inch, subject to usual discount for series. 

Advertisements received for all the Colonial Papers, [421 


" Advertisements. Willing’ s Press Guide. 

- — e o — — — — — — — — — — — — 

The Hospital: 


Price 3d. Price 3d. 

The HOSPITAL is the only Journal devoted to the combined 
interests of the Medical and Nursing Professions and the Insti- 
tutional World. 
It is therefore the best medium through which to introduce articles 
to the notice of Medical Men, Nurses, and Institutions, and above all to 
Invalids through the medium of the Medical and Nursing professions 

Published every THURSDAY for SATURDAY. 

Seale of are for For Vacancies and Employment. 

si eee | eres ener © oe 
` or Situatio wo an 

Hair — w ee 8 under . — 01 6 
Quarter P tss 110 0 Vacant “Appointments and 
Eighth Pao | 015 0 Situations, Homes, Apart- 
ae mente, &c., 21 words and 

Special "Terms for Series. under .. 030 

Advertisements should reach the Office by 4 P.M. on Wednesday in each week. 


The Meee ee te ee Strand, 
London, W.C. 


Certified Circulation 103,000 Weekly. | 

Over 50 Years ago the late Cuarues Dickens started HOUSEHOLD 
WORDS. His aims and objects then are ours to-day, and HOUSEHOLD 
WORDS is still the best paper published for family reading. 



Pages 29 and 8 of Cover and White Pages. Load 

Whole Page _... — ze — * = 20 0 0 
Half Page i * * yi — 10 0 0 
Quarter Page _... F oh 5 5 0 
Eighth Page ... — gi 2 15 0 
ok O 12 6 

Per Inch 3% bus nee T rn ie * 
Front and Back Pages of Cover by Arrangement. 

Serres Discounts.—5 per cent. for 13 insertions. 10 per cent. for 26 insertions. 
15 per cent. for 52 insertions. 

AU ‘ Copy’ should be sent in fourteen days before the date of teaue. 
Advertisement Department, 8 Whitefriars Street, London, E.C. 
422] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents,:125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

te tet gd JA 

12 pages 




[Advertisements. . 



+ on application. + 


3934 Liverpool Road, Islington, 




Bromley Times. 

Beckenham Times. 

West Kent Times. 

Erith Chronicle and Belvedere Times. 
Eltham Times. 

Swanscombe. Chronicle. 

Chislehurst Times, 
Sidcup Times. 

` Bexley Heath and Bexley Times. 

Swanley and Eynsford Times. 
Dartford Chronicle, 
St. Mary Cray and Orpington Times. 

For all 12 Papers. 


Once. 3 time. 6 times, 13 times. 

s. d. 8. d. 8. d. 5. d, 
12 or less 0 6 1 0 2 0 4 0 
18 and not.above20 0 9 16 3 0 6 0 
21 — 28 1 0 2 0 4 0 8 0 
28 5 36 1 3 2 6 5 0 10 0 
37 m 44 1 6 3 0 6 0. 12 0 

And so on at the rate of 3d. for every extra eight 
words, and three times for the price of two. 

For any one Paper. 

(Price per Inch Single Column, and number of Insertions.) 

. Once. 8 times. 6 times, 13 times, 26 times, 52 — 
2s, 0d. 18.9d. 18,6d. 18,4d. 18s.2d. 1s. 
Special terms for more than one paper. 


. a. 
Parliamentary Notices ... i 0 per line, 
Company, Legal and Official Notices. 09 „ 
Auctions .,. eee eee 0 4 ” 
» forall 12 papers 08 „ 
Paragraphs We, * eee tee: oe DE oe 
Births, 2s. ; Deaths, 1s. 86d. ; Marriages, 2s. 6d, each, 

Special Terms can be had for insertion in more than one paper. 



Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Magazines. 


~*~ u 
Advertisement] Willing’ Willing’s Press Guide. 

Che Manchester Courier 




‚ Cotton Trade, Iron Trade, and The London and Manchester Stock 
Exchanges are given. The Foreign and Home News 


“MANCHESTER COURIER’S” London Office, 89 Fleet Street, 



2 NEWS. 2 


The First Evening Paper connected with London by 
Special Private Wire. 


The — Sale of any EVENING Paperi in the United Kingdom. 

Are recommended to look carefully at the Advertising columns of the MANCHESTER 
EVENING NEWS. No other Evening Paper can compare with the EVENING NEWS 
for the number and variety of its Advertisements, 

London Office: 54 FLEET STREET, 

Where all information can be obtained, and Advertisements 
handed in for publication in same day’s issue up to time of 
going to press in Manchester. 

Manchester: 3 CROSS STREET. Proprietors: WM. EVANS & 66, 

494} J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

_ Willing’s Press Guide, __[Advertisements, 

1 d. THE ONLY Military Newspaper 1 d. 

= Military Mail 


To be FOUND in 


1 d. Gate, Arena 2 Amen ne 1 d. 
The oldest, best, most widely circulated and influential Mining = in the World. 

Che Mining Journal, 

ee COMMERCIAL ene Tis 



Advertisement & Editorial Offices: 46 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C, 
Telephone : 4411 CENTRAL. Telegrams: ‘“‘TUTWORK, LONDON.” 


THE SUBSCRIPTION, including Postage to any Part of the United Kingdom. is £1. 48. 
per annum; Abroad, £1. 8s. Payable in advance. 

Tbe Mining Journal advocates the interest of the Mining and Metallurgical industries 
at home and abroad, and has a unique reputation for its Special Correspondence from all the 
Mining Districts of the World, and also for its Prices Current of Metals, which are bought and 
sold in all parts of the Globe upon the basie of the “next published Mınına JOURNAL prices.’ 

The Mining Journal offers unusual advantages for Advertising Sales of Mineral 
Properties, Machinery, Commercial Notices, Inventions, and all articles for the use of those 
engaged in Mining, Engineering, and Mechanical Work. 

The Mining Journal was established more than sixty-nine years ago, and still main- 
tains its position as the leading organ of the World’s Press devoted to Mining and its allied 

The Mining Journal is neither controlled, nor is any interest in it held or exereised, 
by any Mine Owner, Speculator, or Syndicate; nor is it in any way wanton connected with 
a ae or Share-dealing Agency. 

, Advertisements received for all American Newspapers. -\. [425 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Established 1845. 

The NORFOLK NEWS, consisting of 16 pages, 112 cols., is one of the largest weekly newspapers in the world, 
Is most extensively oiroulated throughout Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Lincolnshire, Huntingdonshire, 
&c. It is published on the Friday for the Saturday, in time for despatch by the afternoon trains and the evening post. 

While giving all the general and district intelligence of the week, the NORFOLK NEWS aims at GREATER 
ORIGINALITY than usually distinguishes provincialjournals,and with this view it has a staff of SPECIAL oe 
BUTORS on agriculture, commerce, music, matters of social interest, &c. It is far and away the best weekl 1y paper 
in Eastern England for advertisers,and is the recognised medium for auctions, official advertisements, and public 
companies’ prospectuses. Advertisements must be received not later than Friday morning. Price 2d.,or by Post, 2§d. 

Head Office—5 and 7 Exchange Street, Norwich. London Offices—190 Fleet Street, E.C. 
Published by the NORFOLK NEWS CO. (LTD.). 

Established 1870. 

The EASTERN DAILY PRESS is the oldest Morning Paper and has the largest daily circulation in the Eastern 
Counties. It is published in time to be laid on the breakfast table in most of the towns and villages in Norfolk, 
Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire. As it circulates among all classes, it is a specially advantageous medium for 
advertisements, and affords the surest and best means of an extensive publicity. It is the recognised medium fer 
official advertisements and companies’ prospectuses. 

Published by the NORFOLK NEWS CO. (LTD.). 
Chief Offce—5 and 7 Exchange Street, Norwich. London Office—120 Fleet Street, E.C. 

LIBERAL. Established January, 1882. DAILY 14. 

Circulates extensively in Norwich, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, and ee A East Anglia, Far ahead of any 
other Evening paper in influence and circulation. An excellent medium for Advertisements of every class. 
Chief Office—5 and 7 Exchange Street, Norwich. London Oflce—120 Fleet Street, E.C. 

Established 1867. Price One Penny. 

This popular journal has by far the largest circulation of any paper in the Eastern Counties, and is an 
‘excellent medium for Advertisements. Advertisements received up to Thursday noon 
Head Office—5 and 7 Exchange Street, Norwich. London Office—120 Fleet Street, E.C. 


Che Northern X Whig. 

Bas is the COMMERCIAL CAPITAL of Ireland, and ULrsreR is the most enterprising 

and flourishing of its provinces. The population of Belfast is now over 349,180. The 
population of Ulster is 1,581,351. 

The entire population of Belfast, and of every town and village in the province of Ulster, 
is embraced by the circulation of The Northern Whig, established in 1824, and long known as 
the leading Irish Liberal Newspaper. The Northern Whig also commands a large circulation 
in Dublin, and has subscribers in every part of the South and West of Ireland. It is therefore 
almost unnecessary to point out to Advertisers of all classes that no other journal in Ireland 
-can offer superior advantages as an advertising medium. 

The Belfast and London Offices of the “ Northern Whig” are connected by Private Wire. 

Che Weekly Worfhern Whig. 

An elaborate resume of all the News of the Week, with an enormous town and country circulation. 
Lonpon anp Private Wire Orrices— BELFAST OFFICES— 


Terms may be had from the Publishers— 

426] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements. 

tt The Observer. 


The Leading and Oldest London Sunday Newspaper. 


Telegrams to 4 a.m. on a neey — 

Full and pool ATL, SATURDAY'S NEWS 

Twenty-four Hours in Advance of the Monday 
Morning Papers. 


THE MARKETS: Home, Continental, and American. 
Latest Prices and Comprehensive Review. 


THE OBSERVER has a large circulation amongst the Titled and Wealthy Classes, and is 
an excellent medium for Company, Trade, and General Advertisements. 

396 STRAND, W.C. 2063 GERRARD. 


Four Editions Daily. One Penny. 

The Leading Penny Evening Paper. Brightest and Most Interesting. 

The Evening Paper of the Business Man, the Club Man, the Politician, the West End 
Resident, the Society Man and Woman, and the Best People Everywhere. 

Advertisement Manager, Newton Street, London, W.C. 


Monthly. One Shilling. 
The Finest Magazine Published in the English Language. 

The Circulation is the largest of all the Shilling Monthlies and of the Highest Class. 
Welcomed in thousands of good families where the Sixpenny Magazines are seldom seen, 
and unsurpasged as a Medium for reaching the afiluent. 

.. Advertisement Manager, Newton Street, London, W.C. 

Adwertisemenisreceived for all Provincial Newspapers, [427 

Advertisements, | Willing’s Press Guide. 
Telephone : 2216 LONDON WALL. Telegrams : ‘! USANCES, LONDON." 

The Rialto. 

s Many a time and oft on the an In — rated me about my monies and my usa nee.” 






Until you read 



Send a Post Card to the Publisher for a Specimen Copy, post free, 



Takes Premier Place amongst the Evening Papers for 
Vigour, Freshness, and Variety of Interest. 


It is conspicuous for? ita EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION, INDE. 


Owing to the phenonemal increase in the circulation which has taken 
place during the last twelve months, the St. James’s Gazette affords 
an unparalleled medium for Advertisers. 

ee oe ee a E ee — u — IT a nn 


428] J. Willing, Jinis — Advertising Agents, 326. Strand, London, 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements. 

e Sketch, 

$y reason of its popularity and large circulation, has proved itself an unusually 
ood medium for those Advertisers who aim to reach the well-to-do classes, 

nd its for Advertisement Space will, circulation considered, compare © 
avourably with those of other high-class publications. 

Without displacing the sale of the already existing Illustrated Papers, it has 
sreated and supplied a demand for a new class of Sixpenny Weekly, at once 
ight, realistic and artistic, its motto being ““ Art AND ACTUALITY.” 

‘‘ THE SKETCH ” is a medium well patronised by Advertisers of the better — 
lass, and those in a position to judge pronounce it to bea Paying Medium. 


Can be had on application to the Advertisement Manager— 


The TIMES says :— 

—" Cardiff is now the first port in the world for the shipment of coal.” 

The STANDARD says :—“ It will be a revelation to many people to — that the third most important ea 
in the United Kingdom is Cardiff. Such, however, is the fact. . . >è » Cardiff is, in fact, the third port 
in Europe, as well as the commercial capital of Wales.” 

The. nn NEWS says :—“ Cardiff is one of the moat rapidly increasing towns in the Kingdom, and is 
new the third shipping port in Europe.” 

The MORNING POST says:—“ In plain words it is, therefore, a fact that Cardiff as a shipping port 

stands before London and Liverpool. This is likely to surprise a great many who are unaware of the 
great expansion of Trade in Oardiff of late years. 



8 Pages Daily. 64 Long Columns. Price 1d. 

Has a constantly i increasing circulation, and is published throughout an exceptionally large 
area, It is circulated in every part of 


The SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS is pre-eminent as an Advertising Medium, and is 
the great commercial paper for the wide district throughout which it circulates. No appeal 
for Capital can be effective in this district unless it is advertised in the “ Soura Waxes Damy 
News,” which each day publishes a Special Money Artiele on “ Soutu Wares Finance.” 

OGurer Orrices: CARDIFF. Proprietors: D. DUNCAN & SONS. 
LONDON OFFICE, 46 FLEET STREET (Opposite Fetter Lane). 

Advertisements received for all the Literary Journals...) [429 

Advertisements. } Wialulinx's Press Guide. 

— — — — — — — 

Southern Wleekly Mews 



The Soutbern Wieckip Wews is the Finest Medium for bold Advertisemenits in the 
South of England, and is famous among Local Weekly Newspapers for completeness of 
Local News and area of circulation, covering the large county of Sussex from end to end, 
and circulating also in the adjoining districts. Displayed Advertisements a feature. The 
Soutbern Wieeklp Hews has more District Reporters than any other Weekly Newspaper 
in its wide District, and is valued at Home and Abroad for the attractive and comprehensive 
character of its News. It is a thoroughly sound Family Newspaper, with en. features for 
All Classes of Readers. Apply for Specimen Copy. 

BRIGHTON : 130 North Street. HORSHAM: 60 West Street. (Tele: BO 

HOVE: 180 — ar i 00. | 62.) Dun: Arch No. 1, Railway Station | 

WORTHING: 8 Chapel Road. (Tele. 16.) EASTBOURNE: 59 Grove ad. ' 

CHICHESTER: 35 Southgate. (Tele. 16.) BATTLE; 67 High Street. Ro 

LITTLEHAMPTON : 8 Terminus Road. HASTINGS: 14 Castle Hill Road. (Tele. 39.) 

(Tele. 14.) EAST GRINSTEAD: 1 West Street. | 
TU 2 ee en : Vale Hall, Vale | py: Tower Street. (Tele. : P.O. 31.) | 
(Tete: s 208:) LONDON : 62 Fleet Street, B.C. 3 

The Sporting Wife. 

(Eight pages every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday.) | 



Largest Circulation of: any Sporting Paper in the World. 

a I Ne 
430] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. - [Advertisements. 


(Established 1822.) 


Politics, Art, Music, Drama, Literature, Court and 

Latest Sporting In Intelligence. 

A Daily Paper published once a week.—Press Opinion: 





Proprietors~-THE HOLMESDALE Press, Limited. - -Chtef Office and Works—REDHILL JUNCTION. 


The Stirrey Mirror and County Post. 


THE SURREY MIRROR AND COUNTY POST is the only county newspaper printed in the East or Mid! 
Parliamentary Divisions of the administrative County of Surrey. IJt is the medium for all Official, Legal, 
Auction, and Local Authorities’ Advertisements in these districts. In the Borough of Reigate (population’ 
27,000) and the Towns and Villages within a considerable radius the circulation of the Surrey Mirror and 
County Post is practically a monopoly, exceeding as it does by many thousands weekly that of all other Surrey 
newspapers. The circulation of the Surrey Mirror and County Post has trebled during the last five years. It- 
has no rival either as an advertising medium or newspaper. 

The Surrey Mirror and County Post. 
The only mid-weekly paper printed in East or Mid-Surrey. It possesses a large circulation. 

Dorking and Leatberbead Advertiser and County Post. 

The only local paper published in Dorking or Leatherhead, and circulates throughout the district of which’ 
these towns are the coentre to an- extent that makes it the medium for all local advertisements. 

Tbe Epsom District Times and County Dost. 


The only mid-weekly paper published in this important district, and circulates in Epsom, Ewell, Sutton, &c. - 

Caterbam Weekly Press and County Post. 
Purley and Caterbam Valley Hovertiser. 
(PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY,) ONE PENNY. (Established 1889.) 
— in Caterham, Croydon, Whyteleafe, Kenley, Warlingham, Oxted, Godstone, Bletohingley, and 

Advertisements received for all the Directories and: Guides, [431- 

‘Advertisements. ] Witling’s Press Guide. 

— — — — — eee m 

Susser Daily Mews. 


mm — — — 

The Susser Datlp News is the Leading Journal and Best Advertising Medium 
the South-Eastern Counties, circulating throughout Sussex and surrounding Districts. I 
has a numerous staff of well-chosen Resident Reporters and Correspondents in e counties. 
and is extensively read by all classes, and by none more regularly than by Professional and 
Commercial men. Accurate rte are given of every Local Event and Public Meeting, 
combined with the latest General, Parliamentary, Theatrical, Sporting, Literary, and Marte. 
Intelligence. The Sussex Dailp Hews contains the Advertisements of nearly all the. 
Public Bodies in the District, and these, with announcements of the requirements of adv. 
tisers from an area even beyond the South-Eastern Counties, afford conclusive proof æ 
its high position, wide circulation, and value as an Advertising medium. Serial advertix 
ments are inserted upon very advantagoous terms. 

PETTEN baka — (Tele. HORSHAM: 60 West Street. (Tele.: Po, 
HOVE: 130 — Pier Batrance,| 52.) LEWES: Arch No. 1, Railway Station 
WORTHING: 9 Chapel Road, (Tele. 16.) 

CHICHESTER: 35 Southgate. (Tele. 16.) 

LITTLEHAMPTON: 8 Terminus Road. 
(Tele. 14.) 

Road. (Tele. : 208.) 

EASTBOURNE: 59 Grove Road. 
BATTLE: 67 High Street. 

HASTINGS: 14 Castle Hill Road. (Tele. 3) 
EAST GRINSTEAD: 1 West Street. _ 
RYE: Tower Street. (Tele. : P.0. 3L) 
LONDON : 62 Fleet Street, E.C. | 

_“ That which did not a little amuse the merchandisers was, that these pilgrims set very light by all their wares.” 






A Weekly Show of Political, Soolal, and Literary Wares: 


First Two-Inch Space .., ... as O 0 per insertion. 

Other Spaces u u ou 00, # » 
Facing Society Article® ,. 814 14 O por insertion. 
Facing Vanities and Cartoon 
Pages e aac dee css aes, 1600, y 
Other Pages Facing Matter 
or Back Page... ... .. 1212 0 ,„ j 

® It is understood that when no Soctety Article 
appears Advertisements ordered for this position will be 
given the best possible place. 

Per Page... ... .. 0... £11 O 0 per insertion. 
All the above prices are pro rata to ¢ page. 
' Over Oartoon Article ... .. £1 1 Q per ineh, 
TopInch ... oss sse 00 116 „y 

Wide Column, Facing Matter £0 12 0 per inch. 
n Ordinary 
tion dag? aaa Sree? voo 010 6 » » 

Narrow Oolumn, Ordinary 

position ae 080 „,„ 
%_* Paragraph Advertisements, 3lines or less 15] per 

insertion. 2/6 for every additional line. 

All the above charges are subject to a discount of 10% 

on orders for 13 insertions amd 15% on orders for 3 
or more. 


Narrow Oolumn, first 6 lines, 10/- 
afterwards £0 1 3 perline 

Wide Column, first € Hnes, 15/- , 02 , 
Whole Page eee — eee i eee 21 0 Q 
Half Page . 1100 

Facing Matter or Back Page ... 26 5 0 

Copy and Blocks should reach the Office by 1 p.m. on Tuesday, to ensure insertion on the following Wednesday, 

All Advertisements are subject to 
Orders “till countermanded” are 

by a forinighi’s notice. 

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.—Three Months, 78, ; Six Months, 14s, ; Twelve Months, 2838.—Post Free in ik 
United Kingdom. Twelve Months, 30s,—Post Free Abroad. 

AU applications 

respecting Advertisements and Terms of Subscription should be addressed to Min. A. H, Poo, 


ö—— — —ñ — e— ç e — — — — —e — — — — — — — 
432] d. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements. 

The Workshire Post 



THE YORKSHIRE POST has a daily circulation far larger ‘than that of any other 

Worning Journal in the Provinces, and is the paper principally read between the Trent and 
ihe Tweed. 

Ags an advertising medium it stands at the head of all the English provincial 

Worksbire Evening [Post 

Daily Circulation ranges from 180,000 to 250,000. Has Private Wire from London to Leeds. 


(28 pages, id.) is one of the most — Illustrated Family Weeklies in the Kingdom. 

Chief Offices, ALBION STREET, LEEDS; London Office, 171 FLEET STREET. 

Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday. 


On Sale in every Corner of the Kingdom: 


THE “ SLOPERIES,” 99 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, Loudon, B.C. 

by the score if you are doing a direct retail © 
trade in anything and have not an Advertise- 
ment running in “The Bazaar, Exchange, and 
Mart,” the Household Journal and Family 
Newspaper, with a good clientéle, consisting 
essentially of buyers. Send for rates, and 
don’t turn your back on good business any 


Advertisements recewed for all Provincial Newspapers. [433 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 


Advertiser for Rothesay and the Western Isies, and 
The oldest and most extensively circulated newspaper published in Buteshire or Argyl- 
shire. The recognised organ for all official announcements relating to the county. During 
June, July, August and September the BUTEMAN contains a List of Visitors to Rothesa 
Craigmore, Port-Bannatyne, Kilchattan Bay, Millport, Tighnabruaich, and Kames, and has} 
more than treble the circulation of any other paper published in Rothesay. 


Office : 10 Castle Street, Rothesay. Publisher: W. A. Wilson. 

(EsTABLISBED 1863.) 
Is the Leading Organ of the High Church Party, and has the Largest Circulatios 
of any Church of England Newspaper. 

Terms for Advertising. 

CHURCH SERVICES AND APPEALS. Per inch ns, . es se —F O 8 0 

38 Words or less .. 0 0m 2 8 First four lines .. 00.00.08 36 
Every additional 8 Words or less zi 0 Per line after eae eel 0068 

To insure insertion it is necessary that the money be remitted with the Advertisement, 
which must be delivered at the Office not later than WEDNESDAY MORNING. | 
Cheques and Post Office Orders should be made Payable to G. J. PALMER & SONS, and crossed “......... and Co.” 

Publishing Office: PORTUGAL STREET, LONDON, W.C. 



Published every Friday by the Colliery Guardian Company (Limited). 
Price 5d.; by Post, 6d.; Annual Subsoription, post free, 248. ; Half-yearly, t2s.; Quarterly, 6s. 

Contains Latest Reports from all Coal and Iron Centres, Special Continental, Colonial, and Foreign Intelligence, 
Prices, Markets, &c., Articles on Practical Ooal-mining and Surveying, Open Contracts, Coal and Iron Prices, 
Share List, Reports of Mining Associations, Mining Institutes, Engineering Societies, Public Companies, Descrip- 
tions of New Machinery, Appliances, Methods, &c., Literary Supplement. 

Advertisement Tarif on Application Dre otra 

Cheques and P.O.0.8 should be made payable and all communications addressed to 



sé Standard ’’ is the leading newspaper in the CITY OF COVENTRY, which is well known 
as er ne CYCLE, TYRE, and MOTOR MANUFACTURING TRADES. and the seat of WATCH- 
MAKING, ENGINBERING, RIBBON WEAVING, and other Industries. Its area of circulation includes the 

i ted Warwickshire COALFIELD. 
te ans will be found the Government, County, and Municipal Advertisements; as well as announce- 

ments of all the principal LAND, PROPERTY, and STOCK SALES in WARWICKSHIRE and MIDLAND 

COUNTIES. It is the leading AGRICULTURAL newspaper in Warwickshire. 


Every Wednesday morning, 8 pages, One Penny. 
Head Office: 20 Broadgate. Printing Works: Grey Friars Lane, Coventry. 

434) J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. '[Advertisements, 


Established 1857. Published Every Thursday. Price One Penny. 

THE CHRISTIAN WORLD circulates in the best middle-class Households of all Denomi- 
mations, and has by far and away a larger sale than any of its religious contemporaries. It 
may, therefore, fairly be expected to prove exceptionally helpful to all classes of advertisers. 

THE CHRISTIAN WORLD contains a larger number of Domestic advertisements than 
any other religious newspaper in the world. 

The minimum charge for advertisements, set in single column form, is at the rate of 11s. 3d. 
per inch for one insertion, and for a series of not fewer than six insertions, 10s. per insertion, 

JAMES CLARKE & Co., 13 & 14 Fleet Street, London, E.C. 



Is absolutely the best medium locally available for all classes of Advertisements. Published Friday Evenings at 
6 o'clock. Advertisements received up to 2.30 o'clock. All Advertisements of the “WANTED” Class are 
inserted in f 


For the ONE INCLUSIVE CHARGE of Halfpenny a Word, with Three Insertions for the prio: of 
Two. Advertisements received by all Newsagents, 

Tolephone No. 478. Chief Offices: 145 & 147 NORTH END, CROYDON, 


Four Times Larger Cireulation than any other Manchester Morning Paper. 

Scale of Charges for Trade and Business Advertisements :— 
1 insertion * ... 6d. per line. 24 insertions .. 4d. per line each insertion, 
12 insertions PER . dd. y each insertion. 78 u we 3a. 5 b 5 


Fourteen lines to an Inch. 

Sermons, Lectures, Theatres, Concerts, Lists of Subscriptions to Charitable Funds, Auctions, Births, Marriages, 
Deaths, In Memoriam, Removals, Lost and Found, Cricket and other Matches, Bazaars... ae ... 6d. per line. 
Railways, Tenders, Contracts, Legal Notices, Corporation, District and County Council Announcements, Public 
Meetings, Parliamentary Election Notices .. ee en me Les a ne. I per line, 
Prospectuses of Public Companies :—1s. per Single Column Une, Ordinary Position. £16 Single Column, Ordinary 
Position. 2s. 6d. per Double Column line, Ordinary Position, £40 per Double Column, Ordinary Position, 
1s. 6a. per Single Column line, Financial Page. £214 per Single Column, Financial Page. 3s. 9d. per Double 
Column line, Financial Page. £60 per Double Column, Financial Page. Paragraph Advertisements ... ls. per line, 

SPECIAL RATES for Quarter, Half, and Full Columns—Single, Double, &c.—with or without electro-blocks, 
anl also for Full, Half, and Quarter Pages. 

“ Publishing Ofice: Withy Grove. London Office : 92 Fleet Street, E.C. Proprietors: E. Hulton & Co., Ltd. 


(Incorporates the HULL PACKET.) 
Six pages. Establiehed 1787. Publishes Eight Editione Daily. liluetrated. 

The DAILY MAIL has a far larger circulation than any other daily paper published in the East Riding 
of Yorkshire and N. Lincolnshire. I]t is the organ for Government, municipal, public companies, and official 
announcements. e 

All Advertisements ordered for the DAILY MAIL, HULL, appear without further charge in all editions of the 
Grimsby Daily Mail, the leading daily paper for Grimsby and North Lincolnshire, ; 

Guaranteed circulation from 43,000 copies daily. 

Head Offices : 22 Whitefrlargate, Hull. London Office : 74 Fleet Street. 
Branch Offices at Grimsby, Goole, Dritfield, Bridiington, Louth, and Gainsborough. 

Saturday. Eight Editions. Estabiished 1857. Tweive Pages. 84 Columns. 
The largest, best, and most popular family weekly Papersin Hull and the adjacent counties. Two distinct issues, 
Advertisements appear in all Editions of both Weeklies for one inclusive charge. 
In addition to the several Morning Editions, there are six other Editions published during the day up to eight 
o'clock at night. Guaranteed Circulation from 45,000. 

Head Offices: 22 Whitefriargate, Hull. London Office: 74 Fleet Street. 

Advertisements received for all the american Newepanest [486 

Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide. 

Independent. . Established 1874. ONE PENNY. 
Chief Offices: IPSWICH. London Office: 53 FLEET STREET, E.C. 

Cireulates in Suffolk, Norfolk, Esser, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Hertfordshire, and Middlesex, covering a 
wider field than any other Eastern Counties Paper. 
It is the recognised medium for al! Business, Official, Legal, and Parliamentary notices, and is generally the 
. selected paper for Prospectuses, in consequence of the position it obtains among the moneyed classes. 
The EAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES is an eight-page paper, and the array of advertisements is a sure proof of 
the favour in which it is regarded by the public. 
The aim of the EAST ANGLIAN is t publish a sheet which will dispense with the necessity of taking a 
London Newspaper, and in which al] the news of the district is focussed ; it is therefore an excellent combination 

of a London and provincial paper. 
From first to last its circulation has regularly and steadily increased, and that increase was never so apparent 

as in the past few years. 

The scale of charges for Advertisements may be obtained of James WILLING, Junr., Lim., or any Advertising 
Agents, or will be sent on application to the Chief Office or London Office as above. 


| | Established 1887. 
Oldest and Best East End Paper. 
EVERY FRIDAY, 2 p.m., 1d. 

The Official Organ for Legal, Parliamentary, Company, and Auction Advertisements, 
Friday morning latest time for Advertisements. 


SCOTT, ADY & CO., 48 Whitechapel Road, E. 
The “ Financier & Bullionist ” 



The Latest News and Cables from all quarters of the Globe. 


To be obtained at all Bookstalls, or at the Publishing Office, 25 Dean St., Fetter Lane, E.C. 

Head Office—54 Wool Exchange, Coleman Street, E.C. 


Established 1847. Weekly Friday 6.30 for Saturday. One Penny. 
Legal and Official Announcements, 1s. per fine. Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &c., 6d. per line. Educati 
Public Meetings, Announcements, 6d, per line. Wanted, To Let, &c., prepaid, 20 words for-6d.; every additi 
8 words, 2d. Three insertions for the price of two. 

Established 1884. 
Scale for Advertisements—Parliainentary, Public Companies, Chancery Notes, Parochial and Official, la 
line. Election Addresses, 9d. per line. Auctions, Building Societies, Entertainments, Lectures, Para 
Publications, &c.,6d. per line. If Displayed, 5s. per inch. Tradesmen's Advertisements 3d. per line. If Displa 
3s. per inch. Classified Advertisements.—Apartments, Houses Wanted or to Let, Machinery, Vebi: 
&c., for Sale or Wanted, and the like class of Advertisements—20 words, 6d., and 2d. for every additional 8 w 
Three insertions for the price of Two. 
Advertisements must be received not later than Thursday, 6 p.m., to nn insertion. 

486] J. Willing, Junr.; Lim, Advertising Agents, 125 Strand; London. 


Willing’s Press Gulde. TAdvertisoments. 


The above newspaper contains articles on the Breeding of Racers, Genera) Turf and Stud Gossip, and Hunting 
News by a special staff of expert writers. Special Shooting News and items of general interest. Also 

Tattersall s Monday Catalogue in full. 

TERMS YOR ADVERTISEMENTS.—Four Lines, 2s. 6d., 6d. per Line afterwards. Paragraph Advertisements in body 

"of paper : Three Lines, 4s,; each additional "Line, ls. Displayed Trade Advert ments : One Inoh Single 
Oojumn, 4s. per insertion ; One Inch Across Two Columns, 8s. per insertion. Pages and Half- — as per 
asreement. A liberal discount for a series, 

Cheques and P.0.0, ta be orossed and made payable to the Publisher, J OHN DUNCAN MACFARLANE, 



ONTAINS numerous Engravings of Sporting, Dramatic, and General subjects by eminent 
Artists ; and is one of the best Illustrated Journals of the day. 

The letterpress is bright, entertaining, and original, and treats of Hunting, Racing, 
‘Coursing, Rowing, Athletics, and all Field Sports of interest to the Country Gentleman ; the 
Drama, Music, Chess, Literature, News of the Week, and every topic likely to interest the 
‘general public. . 
‘Has the largest circulation of any Country Gentleman’s Newspaper (one exception), 
Terms of Advertisements on application to the Manager, G. J. Maddick, 172 Strand, W.C, 



Has a ——— tar exceeding that of*any other newspaper in that country. = the largest dally paper in 
Ireland, and possesses a telegraph wire of its own from London to Dublin. It has a large staff of London and 
Foreign Correspondents, also local representatives in every town in Ireland, 



The best weekly newspaper in Ireland ; non-political and non-sectarian ; gives an excellent Summary of all 
the Events of the week, and is very largely read, 
oo GERIET Westmoreland Street, Dublin ; and 61 and 163 Fleet Street, 
t LON DON, E.C. 

Read by Cornishmen all the world over, and largely bought by Visitors in the season. 
Thorough hly up-to-date, with a large postal circulation. “Guaranteed teed Circulation. | 


Gorn wall Advertiser, and Visitors’ List 
8 — = columns, all printed locally. Eetabliehed 1855, 

The oldest established and recognised leading Falmouth weekly. Has a large and steadily increasing circulation 
throughout South Cornwall. Is unequalled locally for advert. aing announcements generally, and gives most 
fully all the district and general news of the week, with accuraey and strict impartiality, 

Several new features recently introduced, thereby increasing its popularity. 

Parliamentary 41/- per line : Legal and Official, 6d. per line: Auctions, 4d. per line ; Trade (13), 1/- — Mia 
prepaid, 21 words Pie /= Other rates on application. Copy must arrive, at the latest, by first post on Fri 
‘morning. Published on Friday for Saturday. 
J. Ë. LAKE & Co., Publishers and Proprietors, 11 and 12 MARKET STRAND, FALMOUTH. 

— —957* — 

Advertisements recewed for all the Metropolitan Neuspapers. 1434 
ava . 

Advertisements.’ Willing’s Press Guide. 



Yearly Subsoription, 28s. post free. - 

LAND AND WATER is the only journal of ita class that employs a specialist to edit 
each department. 

LAND AND WATER ic illustrated, and ciroulates most extensively, not only throughent 
Great Britain and Ireland, but the Colonies and Abroad, and is necessarily one of the best 
mediums extant for the publication of Announcements intended to reach the wealthiest 
and best classes of Society, as well as those interested in all kinds of rural pursuits. 

Terms of Advertisement | from the Manager. 


, — — eg — 
The only Official Organ aud Independent Paper published representing the large body of Traders associated with 
the Licensed Victualling interests is ph 

Which has a large circulation, being six times larger than all the other papers representing the same trades 
combined. Attention is called to the fact that in all the principal hotels, taverns, and other licensed houses 
— an Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, is the LICENSED VICTUALLERE' GAZETTE ip, 
because its known literary features form an attraction to the proprieto rs’ customers themselves. nge- 
— to the members of the trade, their own official organ is of such value to them that they ¢annot do 

thout it in their houses, it being the means of drawing customers. The LICEN Eh VIETU LLERS 
GAZ E is the only. paper published giving in its news oplumns each week an authentic Ut 
‘inns, and taverns, with their feases, rentals, &c., which are for sale, and the results of the London gales a ante 
also in the following week 

The circulation of the ‘LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ GAZETTE exceeds that ofany other trade journal, en 
therefore its an as a medium for advertisin g the sale or letting of breweries, hotels, restaurants, inns, taverns, 
and all other —— perties is evident. Persons who have such to dispose of will find that the LICENSED 

ICTUA LLERS” GAZETTE is the best, and indeed the only true medium for bringing the announcement 
of the entire tradeeverywhere. The ordinary business advertiser may be sure of his announcements being 

read by maltitades of the general public, as the LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ GAZETTE lies about all she 
week in the licensed houses throughout the k kingdom. 

The LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ GAZETTE and HOTEL COURIER is published every Friday morning 
(price 2d.), at 81 Farringdon Stregt, London, and advertisements are regeived till 6 ọ'olpok ọn Thursday evening 
as above. 


Contains Sporting Gossip. About-Town Ghat. Theatrical and Music Hall News. Racing 
Selections. Public House Sales by Auction. Chronicles of the Prize Ring, 
~ Newmarket Notes. Home Trials of Horses. Turf Anecdotes, &o. &c. 



Hstablished 1808 : . : Daily and Weekly. One Penny. 
‘ “The LIVERPOOL COURIER iz a first-class newspaper having a very large 
circulation among the Commercial, Manufacturing and Agricultural classes in Lancashire, 
Salop, Cheshire and North Wales. ‘Special attention is devoted to Shipping and Commercial 

Fr on which subjects the COURIER is regarded as the highest authority in 

— he COURIER also contains the Latest Home, Colonial, and Foreign News. 

Proprietors—C. TINLING & CQ. 
London Office—81 FLEET ST. Entrance, First Door Right Hand, Salisbury Court, B.C. 
Adyertisements are received at the London Office, and forwarded when necessary by Special Private Wire 

to the Chief Office, Liverpool, for insertion in next morning’s publication. 
N.B.—The COURIER has a Special private Wire from London, 

489] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 135 Strand, ‚London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements:. 

: Theoldest Daily Paper in Liverpool, and the leading Commercial Organ in the North of England, . 
THE LIVERPOOL ECHO (established in 1879) . — 

is the Popular Evening Paper.. Has twice the Circulation of any other Evening Paper. 


The most largely circulated Weekly Journal in the Provinces. 


/ Since the year 1882 we have been in the habit of periodically calling in an independent firm of Auditors to 
examine our books and report on our Circulation, and ALL ADVERTISERS READ WITH INTEREST the 
Gertificates we issue showing our continued progress. The guaranteed circulation of the LIVERPOOL DAILY¥ 
POST, LIVERPOOL EOHO, and LIVERPOOL WEEKLY POST has increased from 428,605 copies in 1882 to 
1,400,000 COPIES. We confidently assert from reliable knowledge at our disposal that our establishment is 

circulating MORE NEWSPAPERS than all the other Liverpool Newspaper Offices combined, No 
Liverpool papers publish their circulations, and their assertions are wholly unsupported by figures. 


‘London Office—(F. JOHNSTON) 138 Fleet Street, 

is connected with Head Office at Liverpool by private wires which are available day and ziehe 
for the transmission of news and advertisements. 


. Che London Argus... 


The Best Printed, the Best e Bost Illustrated, the Best Written, and the most influential £ 
Municipal J ournal published. Advertisements in the Lonpon Arcus are: >` ¢ 
. read by the people who have money to spend. 

The “Argus” Guide to Municipal London, 400 ‘pages, nearly 500 :Portraits, Demy 8vo. 
. Price 2s..6d. The most complete book of the kind ever published. 



The ‘‘ MANCHESTER GUARDIAN "' has long enjoyed the reputation of being the most influential of aJl Provincial 

Papon, It is acknowledged to have the largest circulation he world, oor the Manufacturing Distrieta of Lancashire and 
nu of m most oven populate — in the worl — exclusive of areas: xe Hirkepphoad 
over wehiy towns of more than 30,000 inhabitants. In the large towns ughout the South-wes © it is 
largel — , and by the issue of a Special Edition for Wales, it has greatly inor a its circle of readers in North Wales. 
tion, 'it has a circulation peculiar to itself among the more cultivate classes of Great Britain in every district, 
— claims with justice to be or one of the leading Political Papers in the counti. A reference to its columns at any time 
will show ae it contains a far larger number of Mercantile Advertisements of the highest class thail any other News- 
r out o ndon. 

POPePEOIAL TRAIN SES.—The Proprietors of the ‘ MANCHESTER GUARDIAN " have made arrangements with 
the London and North-Western Railway Com mpany | for two Special Ne weperer Trains, one leaving Manchester (Exch go) 
for , at 2.90 a.m. and the other leaving f on Road for Crewe, at 3.25 a.m. aa y. „zus a nenn lace 
in communigation with trains running North and South which have hitherto r pmy lographi earl er edition. 
They are thus in a tion to place before sall their readers a fuller record of the teste telegraphic male ce than has 
hitherto been practicable. 



IVE. Fig I>., ae 

`> = (Edited by T. ». O'CONNOR, MP. we ae 

M. A. P. is undoubtedly - ‘the Most Popular, Brightest, and Most 
Interesting of the Penny Weekly Papers. It has for ts Editor. one of the most 
Brilliant Journalists of the day. 



oil 5161 Gerrard. Telegrams : — London.” 

Advertisements received for all Directories and, Guideso\c,. > 


Advertisements. | Willing’s Press Guide, 




Are Separate and Distinct Publications, covering a separate section of the proeperous area between Birmingham, 
Leicester, Coventry and Tamworth. See that your agent includes them. 30,000 weekly. 

Combined Series of Five Insertions, 2/- per inch inclusive for contract. 

Head Office and Publishing Centre: Tribune Buildings, Nuneaton, London Office: 72 Fleet Street, E.C. 

id. — eee ere 

Motor Car Journal: | 


Promoters of the 9th Annual International Automobile Exhibition, March roth, 
to March 26th, 1904, at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London. 


Telegraphic Address :—" INDUS, LONDON,” Telephone :—1264 HOLBORN. 


EASTERN MORNING GAZETTE.—The Eastern Daily. Halfpenny. 
NORFOLK EVENING STANDARD.—No other Conservative Evening Newspaper in Eastern England. 

Published SATURDAY. | 

Head Office :—NORWIOH. London :—130 FLEET STREET. 
LOWESTOFT STANDARD.—Offcial Organ of Conservative Party for North Suffolk.—Saturday. 

CROMER AND NORTH WALSHAM POST.—The only Paper published in the District. 
NORFOLK CHRONICLE.—Established 1761. The County Paper. 1d. 



. Subscribes to 

The Newsagent and Booksellers’ Review 
Stationery Market. -- 

The original and oldest Journal for the Book, News, Printing, Stationery, Fancy Goods and Allied Trades. ‘ 

Official Organ of the Newsagents’, Booksellers’ & Stationers’ National Union. 

Has by far the Largest Circulation ot any Journal ol of at kind in every. part of the Britisi 
es an onie 


440] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. [Advertisements: 

ae eee — — 

‘The ‘Leading Papers in the North Midlands. 


Every Morning . ONE PENNY. 


Several Editions Daily ` ONE HALFPENNY. 

— Every Saturday. ONE PENNY. — 

Branch Offices—-Basford, Mansfield, Lincoln, Loughborough, Grantham, and Derby. 


Finance and Joint Stock Companies Journal. 

Contains the Latest News on all matters connected with English, Colonial, and American - 
Railways, Foreign Loans, Banks, and all other Joint Stock Undertakings. 

Terms of Subscription (payable in advance)— _ 
Six Months .... .. ‘($013 6 | Twelve Months .. £1 7 0 


Cheques and Post Office Orders payable to the Proprietors. 



Eten cpm nn — — 

: Tae RAILWAY TIMES does not profess to represent all phases of Joint-Stock enterprise, but devotesitselfalmost 


Of these it treats more fully than any other Financial Journal in existence: 
= THE RAILWAY TIMES makes a special feature of the affairs of 

Office: 88 and 99 CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. 
Telephone No. 799 Housorn. Telegrams : “ ALTIMETRY, LONDON.” 


Beneraf Advertiser for Bucks. Berks, Hants. Oron, Surrey, 
Susser, Middfeser, and Wifts. 
Published every SATURDAY MORNING, and an early Edition 
on Friday Evening for despatch by the Night Mails. 
Scale of Charges, or Quotation for a series, forwarded on application to— 


e .- Advertisements received for all American Newspapers. _ - [441 

Advertisoments.]| Willing’s Press Guide. 

— ee — a | — u — — —— 

The South Wales Daily Post 


Published in Swansea and South-west Wales. It has a larger circulation than any other 
two papers, and will therefore be found by advertisers a splendid medium for bringing their 
announcements before the Tradespeople and Residents of Swansea and the district. 

The population of Swansea Town is overt 100,000, and there is an additional population of 

150,000 within a radius of 10 miles. 

Published every Afternoon, = _Five Editions Daily. 
The South Wales Weekly Post. 


If you wish to extend your © connection amongst t the wealthy and spending 
lasses then advertise in 


The Authority of ‘‘ The eee is Grea 
. Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE. | 





Editorial Office—16 SERJEANTS’ INN, FLEET STREET, E.C. 

FEATURES,—* Tue Boox or THE WEEK ”’ (this Review is admittedly the best thing 
of its kind in London journalism), ‘Drama or THE WEEK,” “GREEN Room anp Mustcan 
Gossrp;”? “ Booxs anp Booxmen,” “THE Art Worx,” “ Bovuporn Gossip,’ and “ Boczat, 
Diary or THB WEEK.” 

The SUNDAY SUN contains all Saturday’s News, latest Financial 
and other intelligence, Cricket, Sport, Music and the Drama, by 
Qualified Writers. 

The Sunday Sun has positively no equal amongst Sunday papers for Literature, 
News, Wholesome and Entertaining Reading Matter. 

THE SURREY COMET | TE mio-weexıy 


12 pages. Saturdays. One Penny. a NEWS. 
re ee Est. 1881. Wednesday. id. 

Leading Journal for Important Districts of Surrey and - 
Middlesex, with Kingston, Wimbledon, Richmond, Surbiton, | Distinet Sheetfrom the Saturday 
Twickenham, Hampton and Teddington. as chief centres. f ., “ 
The Medium for Official and Auction Notices. Comet.’ Guaranteed Circula» 

GUARANTEED CIRCULATION EXCEEDS 17,000. tion exceeds 4,250 weekly. 

Knarp, DrEwETT & Sons, LiMITeEn, 1p, Kingston- on-Thames. | xxırp, Drewert & Soxs, LIMITED, 
TELEPHONE: KINGSTON I. Kingston-on-Thames, 

442] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, Londons 

Willing’s Press Guide. | _ [Advertisemehts; 



Published every Friday. 

IRCULATE in Hammersmith, F Fulham, Kensington, Waltham. Gréen, Brompton, West Kensington, Earl's 
Court, Knightsbridge, Chelsea, Shepherd’s Bush, Notting Hill, Bayswater, ‘Paddington, Kilburn, Willesden, 
Kensal Green, Brentford, Ealing, Acton, Chiswick, Turnbam Green, Bedford Park, Wandsworth, Putney, 
Wimbledon, Barnes, Mortlake, Kew, and Richmond. 


TE.—IwENTY WORDS : Once, é6d.; 3 times, 1s. DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENTS, Once, 38, $ 
13 ee Aer = x — 1s. 6d.; 52 weeks, 1s. 3d. per inch. 

Telephone No. P.O. Western 1075. 


42,500 Copies per Issue. 

“We have examined the books of the Printing and Publishing Departments of the WELLINGTON 
JOURNAL AND SHREWSBURY NEWS for the Quarter ending March 28, 1908, and we hereby certify that 
the number of Copies Printed and Circulated in that period, after deducting copies ‘returned, exceeded $52,500, 
being an average of over 42,500 copies of each issue. —{Signed) os A. HARRISON, BARRATT, WEST, & Oo., 
Chartered Accountants, 15 & 16 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, May 1, 190 

THE JOURNAL is published simultaneously in Wellington and Shrewebary, and distributed by over 800 
officially appointed local agents, besides numerous street vendors, &c., in the West Midlands and Wales. 

~ Advertisements intended for insertion in all editions must be received by Thursday. 

_ Proprietors : LEAKE & SONS, WELLINGTON. 

te a 

Westminster Observer 



The Chief Bristol Papers. 

Every Morning. One Penny. 


Several Editions Daily. One Halfpenny. Special Athletic Edition on Saturday Nights. nae ' 


Clilustrated Weekly.) Ten Separate Editions. One Penny; 

These Journals have an extensive circulation in the whole of the Western Counties and South Wales: 
Best Advertising Mediums. Best Newspapers. 

Chief Office: BALDWIN STREET, BRISTOL. London Office: 61 FLEET STREET, E.C. 
=, Advertisements received for all Periodicals, . [443 


Willing’s Press Guide. 


Established 85 years. 

Oldest and Largest Paper. Most Advts. 
Saturday, 72 cols., p. 1d, Tuesday, 36 cols., p. $d. 

Haslingden Observer. Harwood Observer. 

Oswaldtwistie Observer | Rishton Observer. 
Clayton Observer. 

Advertisements inserted in the Six Papers at one rate. 

Head Offices: Aocrington. London—115 Fleet 


BATURDAY, JULY 97th, 1901 



Driving Rotes, Practical Experiences. Runs and Toure. 
Uustrated Descriptions of every Autocar and Motor Cycle 
Hints and Advice. Trade Notes. 



Ap indispensable companion to all interested in the 
automobile pastime 


fne aD sewsages® cod booksellers. or direct Gem the publishers: 
ILIFFE & SONS Limited, 

No. 600 Vol vil Price da 







.HEAD OFFICE: Valpy Street, Reading. 


The paper is conducted on non-political and non- 
sectarian lines, and is recognised as the family paper of 
the district in which it circulates, and the medium for 
official and business advertisements. All local events 
are chronicled, and the meetings of publio authorities 
are fully reported. A leading feature of the paper is 
its spirited advocacy of local government reforms, im- 
proved sanitation and public improvements generally ; 
its articles being written by an experienced journalist 
and a well-known authority on local government work. 
During the summer months a full list of visitors is 
published weekly. 

Established 1757. 

Published every Thursday morning. 

The CHRONICLE circulates in Somerset, Wilts, 
Dorset, Gloucester, Devon, and Cornwall, and other 
parts. In politics Oonservative and Unionist; in 
religion a firm supporter of the Established Ohurch. 

Advertisements inserted in the BATH CHRON- 
IOLE come under the notice of all the principal families 
in Bath and surrounding counties, as well as of the 
leading agricultural and commercial classes. It is also 
the recognised organ for Government and official 


The DAILY OHRONICLE has a very large circu- 
lation in the city and neighbourhood, and is an 
excellent financial and general advertising medium. 

Printed on a Fast ROTARY WEB MACHINE: is the 
only newspaper in Bath printed from Stereotype Plates. 


(Proprietors of Bennett’s Business 

Chapel Works, Granville Street, 




The WEEKLY TELEGRAPH thoroughly covers 
a district with a population of over 

& wonderful pennyworth, smartly edited, well illus- 
trated, and cram full of articles and news selected 
with the utmost care.”—NEWSAGENT. 

The Best Family Paper in the Provinces, 

Largest Circulation of any Weekly Paper Printed or 
Published in Blackburn. 

Head Office—Blackburn. 
London Office—71 Fleet Street, E.C. 

444]. J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 


Willing’s Press Guide.: (Advertisements, 
Established 1837. 


Eight Pages; 64 Long Columns ; Price, ld. 
Oldest, Largest, and Best Penny Paper in Lincolnshire. 
The BOSTON GUARDIAN has a larger circulation 
than the combined sale of all other Boston newspapers. 
No announcement can be properly brought before 
the people of Boston and Mid and South Lincolnshire 
unless it is inserted in the BOSTON GUARDIAN. 


RINTING Oo., LIMITED, 94 West Street, Boston. 

The Daily Conservative Paper of Bristol and 
the West of England. 


ts the leading morning paper between Bir- 
mingham and Exeter, and has an extensive 
and influential circulation in the Counties 
of Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, Wiltshire, 
Dorsetshire, and Devonshire. 

Telegraphic Address ; ‘ Mirror, Bristol.’ Telephone 
Number : 227, Bristol. London Office : 49 Fleet Street. 
Provincial Offices—Birmingham: 86 New Street. 

Liverpool: 15 North John Street. Newport : 3 Com- 
mercial Street. . ; 

is the recognised medium for Government 
Announcements, County Advertisements, 
General Official Notices, and Sales by Auc- 
tion, of which a larger number are published 
in the Saturday Edition than in any other 
Paper in the South or West of England. 

The only Unionist Paper in Bristol. 

Advertisements forwarded by all London and 
| Provincial Advertising Agents. 
| u 


Uxbridgé Advertiser, Windsor and Eton 
Journal, &c. . 


(The Paper specially selected for Government and 
County Council notices.) Ä 

Established Seventy-two Years. 

__ Isa first-class Conservative and Agrioultural journal, 
the only Bucks paper cireulating in every part of the 
County, and the recognised organ of the Constitutional 

Published every Friday Afternoon (for Saturday), 
price 2d.; by post, 24d., at the Office of the Paper, 
Walton-street, Aylesbury. 


` Established 1865. 

‘With which is incorporated THE SURREY COUNTY 

Friday, 5 p.m., for Saturday. Price, 1d. 

' Éverý description of Printing executed on the 
‘premises with neatness and despatch. 

i W. BALDWIN, 65 High Street, Olapham, S.W. 

Advertisements received for all Provincial Newspapers... 


Containing, besides the official and other valuable 
information respecting the Catholic Church in this 
country, in the British Empire, &c., an Ecclesiastical 

Calendar, a Catholic and General Almanac, and an 

immense amount of useful information on subjects 

of interest to Catholics and Protestants, 

Price, 1s. 6d. net. 
Thelarge circulation of “Tur OaTHoLic DIRECTORY,” 

- both at home and abroad, and its constant use through 

out the year by the Clergy and Laity, render it one of 

the most valuable advertising mediums of the day. 

Scale of Charges for Advertisements: 

£ 8. d. 
Quarter Page a me 016 0 
One-third Page eu 0 100 
Half Page ki en eee | cess ok OO 
Whole Page .. u 2 cee 2310 0 

. Published by BURNs & OATEs, LTD., 

28 Orchard Street, London, W. 

x mn 



` An Illustrated Weekly Magazine of Progressive Litera» 
ture, Whimsical Fiction, Poetry, Theatricals, Cycling, 

Cricket, and Everything Else. 


Published every Friday. One Penny. 


PROSPECTUSES .. .. ....—«.. 9d. per line 
MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &c. .. 6d. ,, 

(13 Insertions, 9d. per line ; 26 Insertions, 6d. per line.) 

BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS on pages 3, 4,7, and 8 

1 Insertion, 6d. per line; 6s. Ud. per inch. 
13 » did y» 5s. 6d. PR 
26 y Bid. = 53. 3d. ” 
52 3 5d. s 5s. Od. 


‘ Seven Words calculated to a Line; Twelve Lines 

; ___ to an Inch, 
.. Over Leader Page and Special Positions are charged 
25 per cent. Extra on above Scale. Change of matter 

. is not allowed more than 3 times in each 13 Insertions. 

All Advertisements must reach THE OLARION 
Office by 12 o’clock Tuesday noon to be in time for that 

. Wweek’s issue. 

Advertisers, not known personally or by reputation, 
not having an account at the Office, must have their 

' orders accompanied by a reference in London, or cash. 

All cheques and money orders to be made payable 
to THE CLARION Newspaper Co. (Lim.), 72 Fleet 
Street, London, E.O. 

'Tèlegraphic Address—"“‘NuNQUAM,” London. 

Three Editions. | Friday and Saturday. 
Eight Pages. One Halfpenny. 

Circulation Guaranteed. 

Found in nearly every home in Coventry and district, 




Wwilling’s Press Guide 



One of the largest Local and County Papers in Wales. 
The oùly. Paper for West Denbighshire and the Vale 
of Clwyd. 3 
Its very large circulation, amdéngst all classes and 
parties, in an important district, embracing three 
counties, makes it one of the very best Advertising 
Mediums in the Principality. 

Proprietor—C. COTTOM, Vale Street, Denbigh. 

| The Paper for Derbyshire is 

22,560 per issue. 
The DERBYSHIRE TIMES is the only paper pub- 

lished in the County which has such a guarantee] 
_ circulation. 

Proprietors—WILFRED EDMUNDS, Ltd. 



London—130, FLEET STREET, 
Telephone No. 2994 Central, 



The only certain medium for introduction to 16,000 
Dulwich houses, The only organ for official and legal 

183 Lordship Lane, 8.E, 

THE — 

Business : 31 Box Avenue. Editorial : 315 Stratford. 
Circulation exceeds 12,000 weekly. 
Published every Friday evening, 
Chief Offices : 16 Mile End Road, E. 



The Oldest and most Influential Newspaper in the 
District. - 

Established Forty-five Years. 
Published every Friday. Price One Penny. 

Scale of advertisement charges on application. 

_ by Horace 

Published every Saturday. 

` and counted, and are t 
, tising mediums in Essex. 

~- MR 
One Penny. (Established 1889.) One Penny. 
Published every Friday Afternoon at 2 o’clock. 

Post Free to any part of the World for twelve inonths” 

6s. 6d.; for six months, 3s. 8d.; for t 
months, 1s. 8d. ; Single Copies, 1&d. 

_ “Merry-go-Round.” Music Hall and Theatre Notices, 
Music Hall and Theatrical Mems. “ Gadfly’s Musings. 

Two full-page Cartoons and “ Thumbnail” Sketches 
orehen and Tom Downey (LIMELIGHT). 

Terms for Advertisements: Six Lines, 23:: Thirteen 

. Insertions, £1. 1s. Eight Lines, #s. 6d.; Thirteen In 

' gertions, £1. 5s. Extra Lines, $d. each. 

Three Lines—Special Colımn—1s. 

Special Quotationsfor Large & Continuous Advertisements, 
' Advertisements commencing “ Wanted,” 40 words, D.: 

for every additional 10 words, 6d. 

_ Quarterly Advertisements may be altered from week 
to week without extra charge so long as original space is 
kept. Copy must reach the Office on Thursday morntAg. 

Address—17 Uatherine Street, Strand, W.C. . 


. The Great County Paper. of Essex. 140 Years Old; 

Published on Friday. Price One Penäy: — 
(Advertisements taken up to 6 p.m, Thursday.) 



103 Years Old. 
The Second Oldest Paper in the County. 
Published every Tuesday.. 
(Advertisements taken up to 6 p.m. Monday.) 
` Price One Penny. 

Price One Halfpenny 
(Advertisements taken up to 10 a.m. Friday.) 
Every Saturday. Price One Halfpenny. ‘ 

These Papers are printed on a Web Machine, at the 
rate of 12,000 copies per hour, all perfect, cut, folded, 
e best and most popular adver- 

Proprietors— MEGGY, THOMPSON AND Co, 
| Head Offices—98 High Street, Chelmsford. 

Branch Offices at Stratford, Romford, Braintree; 
_ Halstead and Maldon. 


Circulation larger than that of all other Financial 
Journals in England combined. 

Prints daily Special Cable: Reports of American and 
Foreign Markets. 

For Advertising and Subscription Terms, address the 

The FINANCIAL NEWS, 11, Abchurch Lane, E.O. 

446] J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agente, 125 Strand, London. 

Willing’s Press Guide. 



_ County Conservative Family Paper. 
Established 1823. Large and influential circulation. 
Patronised hy the Nobility, Cle and Gentry through- 
atrop Ae Eaa aad adjeeing Counties. 
Chief Office—39 High Street, Southampton. 

‘ Branohes at Portsmouth, Winchester, Romsey, and 
Salisbury ; and at Cowes, Newport, and Ryde, Isle of 
Wight = 

7 -+ 

Printer and Publisher—Hewry KING. 
‘Established eighty years, 

yee + wer 

(ESTABLISHED 1772.) - 


Basingstoke, Andover, Alton, Alresford, 
‘Southampton, and Isle of Wight Courter, 
. and General Advertiser 
‘for the Squth and West of England, 
Published every Saturday Afternoon by— 
JACOB & JOHNSON, 57 High Street, Winchester. 

Price: Unstamped, 2d., or 3s. Bd. per Quarter; by 
Post, 2$d., or 2s. 9a. per quarter. 


i Established 1799. 

. Saturday, 2d. Twelve Pages, 

has acquired a world-wide reputation for the excellence 
of its Naval jntelligence, and the latest Service news, 
from Special Correspondents, is to be found in its 
‘columns, © 

‘Is the recognised medium for Government, public, legal, 
and aychioneerg’ advertisements. nu 


Saturday. 56 Columns. One Penny. ; 
- : As an Advertising Medium it offers special advan- 

tages, as the oldest local journal in the N.W, district, 
and is read by all classes, 

-Proprieters—J#aLous & O0., 
High Street, Hampstead, N.W, 
, AND 
‘  Qirculating in Hendon, Finchley, Hampstead, Ohild’s 
Hifi, Cricklewood, Mill Hill, Edgware, Kingsbury, 
Whetstone, Fortis Green, Stanmore, and the Harrow 
and Hornsey Divisions of Middlesex. 
Proprietors—J. H. WaRDEN & Oo,, Steam Printers, 
Stationers, and Advertising Agents. 
pact Office—Church Road, Hendon, London, N.W. 
ranch Office—11 Regent’s Parade, Finchley, N. 
One of the most independent and successful local 
ip the county. 


A Weekly Journal devoted to the interests of Herne 
Bay and its immediate neighbourhood. 

Eight Pages. Published Friday Evening. 
One Penny. 

Office—18 High Street, Herne Bay. 
Telegrams : “ ARGUS, Herne Bay.” 




And supplies the Best Medium for Business and 
Monetary Advertising in the large and important 
manufacturing distriog of which Huddersfield is the 


has a full telegraphic service daily of Parliamentary 
and General News, with Money Article, and the 
Latest Prices in the London and Local Stock Markets. 

A special feature is the caré and completeness with 
which its local and district intelligence and public 
meetings are reported. 


has recently, on the oompletion of its 50th year af 
publication, been greatly enlarged, and now consists of 

Eighty-Four Large Columns, 

presenting all the usual features of a first-class family 
newspaper in addition to'the matter already described. 

Proprietors—George Harper’s Executors. 

London Representative—Mr. W. H. WELISMAN, 
20 New Bridge Street, Ludgate Circus, E.0. 

` AND i 
With which is Incorporated the “ ISLAND STANDARD.” 


The prize competitions, published weekly, make it 
one of the best family papers circulating throughout 
the Island and Hampshire—send for a copy, 14d. 


Est. 1717. Published Friday Afternoons, Price ld. 

The Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press is the 
Oldest Newspaper in Kent, has a larger circulation 
than any other Kentish newspdper published east- 
ward of Ashford; and its sale CONSIDERABLY EX- 
OTHER JOURNALS printed and published in Canter- 
bury. It is the best medium in the County for Official 
Auction, and General Advertisements. 

Offices : 39 St. George’s Street, Canterbury. 

— — 

© . Advertisements received for all the Metropolitan Newspapers: | [447 

Advertisements. ] 

Willing’s Press Guide. 

a ec 

and West London Times. 

The recognized Local Family Paper, being the leading 
. journal for the West of London, and the oldest 
established in Kensington. 
Published every Friday Evening. Price One Penny. 
Has the largest guaranteed circulation throughout 
Kensington, Notting Hill, Shepherd's Bush, Bayswater, 
Paddington, Hammersmith, Brompton, Chelsea, Ful- 
ham, Walham Green, Bedford Par Ohiswick, Acton, 
and Ealing, and is the most influential newspaper in 
the western suburbs, 

It contains original articles by eminent writers, with 
all the local news up to the hour of going to press, 

The KENSINGTON NEWS is largely patronised by 
all classes of society, and is thus the most effective 
medium for advertisements, being the largest paper 
circulated in the districts mentioned. 

Proprietors—JamEs WAKENAM & Co., Ltd. 
Head Office—4 Bedford Terrace, Kensington, W. 
Branch oles Caxton Erinting Works, 116 Uxbridge 
Works : Rabbit Row, Silver Street, Kensington. 

Sixpence Weekly, 
An Illustrated Society Journal. 

A First-class Medium m Advertisers appealing to 

Offices—1793 Strand. 


Is the ONLY Paper printed in Market Harborough, 
and the only recognised Advertising Medium by 
district Auctioneers. 

Circulates in 50 Villages, 

(Established 1857.) 

Offices—68 Weymouth Street, Portland Place, W. 

The best Local Medium for Advertisements in the 
West End. 
L. WARING, Manager and Editor. 


l (Established 1836.) 
Printed at Birmingham every Wednesday Evening. 
Has a large, carefully selected and special circulation 
amongst the Nobility, Landed Proprietors, Land and 
Estate Agents, Solicitors, Anctioneers, Farmers, &o., 
throughout the Kingdom, and is expressly adapted 
to effect the object of Advertisers, in which it is pre- 
eminently successful. 
__ The Proprietors solicit an inspection of a copy of 
their paper, and beg particularly to draw attention 

to the number and importance of official and other |: 
Public Announcements, Prospectuses, Advertisements | 

of Sales of Estates, Farms and Residences, as also 
those to be let, &c. &c., which appear in “ The Midland 
Counties Herald,” the columns of which contain more 
advertisements of this character than any other English 

Provincial paper, 


Established Half a Century. 8 pages. 656 columns. 
Saturday. One Penny. 

is the only newspaper printed in the Borough of Ealing. 

is the recognised Organ for Parliamentary, County, 
Municipal, Paroobial, Legal, and Professional Notipes. 

has a guaranteed circulation of 8,000 copies weekly, 

and as an advertising medium it stands unri 
Scale of charges on application. 

Telograms—“ Times, Ealing.” Telephone No. T, Baling. 

a E T E EE E 

Established 1764, 

Newcastle Daily Chronicle. 
Published every Morning, Price One Penny, 

Newoastle Weekly Chronicle, 
Published every Friday and Saturday, 
Price One Penny. 


Evening Chroniale, 
Published every Evening. ‘Price One Halfpenny, 

Chief Office—Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 
Nat. Tel. 1213; P.O. Tel, 141. 

London Office—84, Fleet Street. Connected with 
Chief Office by special wire day and night. Nat. Tel. 
1659 Holborn. . l 

Post Office Orders to be made payable to-the Pro- 
prietor of the NEWCASTLE OHRONIOLE. | J— 

Registered Telegraphic Address — “ OHRONICLE, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne,” gk 


The NEWMARKET JOURNAL (weekly) and the 
only papers printed and published in Newmarket, or 
within 14 miles. | - 

The NEWMARKET JOURNAL is an eight-page 
Family Newspaper, circulating extensively in the 
Newmarket Parliamentary Division of Cambridgeshire 
and also in West Suffolk; while it enjoys a house-to 
house sale in the town and neighbour of New- 

; market, its postal circulation extends to all parts of 

the Country, and even to the Continent, a fact partly 
explained by the position which Newmarket occupies 
as the Metropolis of the Turf. The JOURNAL is, 

: therefore, — over a very wide area, as an 
: Advertising Medi 
_ 8 A.M. every Friday fcr Saturday. One Penny. 

Proprietor—G. SIMPSON. Offices~-High St., Newmätkeb- 

um for All Classes. Published at 


J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London 

ee nara 

. ee eee 

Willing’s Press Guide. 




Eiaut Pages DAILY. 
Net Sale exceeds 60,000 Copies daily. 

Thoroughly covers Lancashire and West Yorkshire, 
the wealthiest, most densely populated, and best adver- 
— tising ground in the kingdom. 


recognised by Public Company Promoters as one of 
the best mediums in the Provinces for Prospectus 
Advertising. _ 

Head Offices—Blackburn. 
London Office-~71 Fleet Street, E.0. 




One Penny. Established 1837. Twelve pages. 
84 columns, 
. Circulates in the Counties of Oxon, Berks, and Bucks. 
Best Advertising Medium in the three Counties. 
Publishing Offices, 119 High Street, Oxford. 


Every Saturday Morning. One Penny. 
Eight Pages. 

Circulating in North and South Paddington, Bays- 
water, Maida Vale, Hyde Park, Notting Hill, Kensing- 
ton, Westbourne Park, Queen’s Park, Kensal Green, 
and surrounding parishes, of which it contains the 

principal local news, together with a summary of the 
week’s general news. 

SPECIAL FEATURES.—The Weekly Register is the 
recognised local medium for letting or selling houses 
and properties generally, and comprises twelve columns 
of houses, shops, land, &c., to be let or sold privately, 
also forthcoming auction sales, in the above districts. 
Jt is an exceedingly valuable and expeditious medium 
for landlords and tenants alike. 


Publishing Offices—10 Sutherland Avenue, Paddington. 
Branch Advertisement Office—143 Westbourne Grove. 

Telephone No. 1011, Paddington, W. 



These form the best Advertising Media for reaching 
Stamp Collectors and Dealers throughout the English- 
` speaking world. 
Particulars on application to the Publishers, 
Cuas. J. ENDLE & Oo., Boscombe, Bournemouth. 



BOOK DEPOT, 36 Gray's Inn Road, London, W.O. 
Publishing Office of 


(A series of Sermons addressed to the Lost Tribes of 

Sermons I., II., & ITI., in cloth, gilt, 1s. 6d., post free, 
1s. 9d. each sermon; in cloth, black lettering, 1s., post 
free, 1s. 3d. each sermon. Vol. I. (containing the three 
sermons), roan, gilt lettering and edges, 5s. 6d., post 

free, 63. 

‘* PIONEER OF WISDOM,” monthly, 1d, 


A Popular Mid-Weekly for Plumstead, Wootwich, 
un Oharlton, Abbey Wood, Belvedere, Erith and 

Published every Tuesday morning at jd. Has a 
very large circulation among the 20,000 workmen in 
Woolwich Arsenal, and generally among the working 
classes of the district. 

Receives the Advertisements of the Woolwich 
Borough Council, Woolwich Board of Guardians, and 
the various Government Departments in the district. 
Special low quotations to large and permanent 



Published on Saturday, enlarged from 56 to 64 
columns, ld. 

Largest sale in Berkshire, 

The READING OBSERVER is distinguished for 
the tone, vigour, and originality of its leading articles, 
and for the fulness and accuracy of its local reports. 
Its special attention to land questions has caused it to 
be largely sought after by the agricultural classes of 
Berks, Oxon, Hants, Surrey, and other neighbouring 
counties. Few provincial newspapers can boast a more 
rapid and substantial growth than the READING 
OBSERVER. Itis the appointed medium for Govern- 
ment notices, and is unsurpassed as a channel for 
auction, official, and other advertisements, 

A Mid-weekly Edition, price }d., is published on 
Thursday morning, and a Football Edition, price 3d., 

on Saturday evening. 
Publishing Offices—Blagrave Street, Reading, Berks, 



Certified circulation exceeding that of all other Rhyl 
papers combined. 

Prarca & JONES, Russell Road, Rhyl. 

Advertisements received for all the Interary Journals, .- 


Willing’s Press Guide. 

‘Advertisements. | | 
— — — en 


The North-Western District Advertiser, 


The ONLY Official Organ of the Licensing Magis- 
trates, London School Board, London Oounty Council, 
and the Parochial and Administrative Boards of St, 

 R. & J. WIDDICOMBE, Founders and ELODFIEROT, 
80 High Street, Camden Town, St. Pancras, N.W. 
Eight Pages. Fifty-six Colamns. Estab. 1866. 

The Oldest Established Agricultural and Oommercial 
Newspaper in the West of England. The 

And General Advertiser for Wilts, Hants, Do ; 
Somerset, Devon, and Berks. Established 1729. 

educed to One Penny. 

Is published every Saturday morning, at the Office, 

Canal, Salisbury. 

Numbering among its subscribers the most in- 
fluential of the Nobility, Olergy, Gentry, Farmers, and 
Tradesmen of the district in which it circulates, 
Advertisers cannot have a better medium of communi- 
cation with those classes than is supplied by this old- 

established and widely-circulated Journal. 

The Journal is the sole official organ in South 
Wilts for the County Oounoil Advertisementa, 

Advertisements must reach the Office by 6 p.m. on 
Friday. . 

or ! 
Established 1855, 

Office—83 Southampton Street, Strand. 

Published every Saturday Morning in time for the 
early trains. 



A Monthly Journal devoted to the improvement of 

School Attendance. 
Published on the 1st of the Month. Price ld. 

Publishing Office— 
139 Chadwick Road, Peckham, London, 8.E. 


Price 1d. Weekly; 1}d. by Post; ls. 10d. for Three 
Months; 3s. 6d. for the Half-year ; 6s. 6d. Yearly, 


Being the Weekly Paper published by the National 
Society ; an Educational Newspaper and Review, 
While mainly dealing with questions relating to 

elementary education, a due share of attention is given 

in the SCHOOL GUARDIAN to topics connected with 
secondary and superior education. 

A portion of each paper is devoted to notices and 
reviews of books relating to educational subjects, The 
reviews, as well as the articles, are written by men of 
acknowledged ability, who have a practical acquain- 
tance with the subjects they discuss, 

As the SCHOOL GUARDIAN has a large weekly 
circulation, it will be found a valuable medium for all 
Advertisements that are intended to be read either by 
School Managers or Teachers. 

Communications relating to Advertisements or the 
business of the paper should be addressed to the 
Publisher, SCHOOL GUARDIAN, National Society’s 
Depét, Sanctuary, Westminster, 


Established 1819, Daily, 1d. 

oldest and the leading Ne per in South Yorkshire, 
and covers a local district with a population of Two 
Millions, No expense is spared to sustain the high 
position it has ever occupied. 

The growth of business and a determination ta 
keep ahead of the times has led to the erection of 
very commodious premises in Fargate, the leading 
thoroughfare in Sheffield. These buildings have been 
fitted with every convenience for the production of a 
morning journal of the first class, and form one of the 
finest. newspaper offices in the provinces. An installa- 
tion of twenty Linotype Machines has been added 

aud the paper permanently enlarged. A Three-reel 
notary hine, of latest construction, forms part of 
the plant. 


most widely-read newspaper throughout Yorkshire and 
the adjacent counties of Derby, Wotte, Lincoln, Lan- 
caster, Stafford, Chester, and Leicester, and is invariabl y 
selected for all important announcements, legal, parlia- 
mentary, auction sales, tradesmen’s advertisements: &¢. 
Its prepaid scale is at once economical and efficacions. 

LIMITED, 21 Fargate, Sheffield. 

London Office for Advertisementa—47 Fleet St., RO. 


Thursday (for Saturday), One Penny. 

Permanently Enlarged to Twenty-four Pages, - 

An Illustrated Magazine Newspaper. 

Oontains a large variety of original matter, includ- 
ing Serial Stories by eminent Authors, complete Tales, 
Illustrated London Letter, Fashion Articles, Tea Table 
Chat, Children’s Column, Notes from Derbyshire, 
Yorks, Notts, and Lincolnshire. It is a thorough 
Home Journal, containing interesting and amusi 
reading for each member of a f y- No expense 
spared in securing stories by the best authors, and 
many of the tales which have appeared in its columns 
have been written exclusively for that purpose The 
sale, which is er increasing, is one of the largest 
in the Midland, Nort ern, and Eastern Counties, 

Terms for Advertisements on Application, 


LIMITED (Managing Director, JosEPH OOOoKE), 91 Far- 
gate, Sheffield ; and 47 Fleet Street, London, E.C. 


— oldest Newspaper Printed and Published in the 

Large increase jn circulation during the past year. 
Offices : Aldershot and Farnborough. 

MAY & SHELDRAKE, Publishers, Aldershot, 



The oldest established and by far the most influen- 
tially circulated paper in the Count , and the leading 
journal for Shropshire and North Wales. 

: Published every Friday morning. 
The only Newspaper printed in Shrewsbury. 


450] J. Willing, J UNT., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London: 

= Willing’s Press Guide. : [Advertisements. 

re nn ————— — — — 


Established 68.Years, 
©- Published at Taunton on Saturdays (Market Day). 
2 Price 1d. 12 Pages—84 Columns. 

The Recognised County Paper. 

- * The Somerset Oounty Gazette ” series is now the only 
one printed in Taunton. 

It has the LARGEST CIRCULATION between Bristol and 
'.Exeter, and is undoubtedly the Best Medium for all 

Classes of Advertisements in that district. 

** The best Edited and most influential Local News- 
. paper in South London.”—&. James's Gazette. 


A first class family newspaper, and the recognised 
- advertising medium for the South Eastern and South 
‘Western postal districts. Largely made use of for 
legal notices, advertisements of auction sales, announce- 
ments of new companies, and tradesmen’s addresses. 
Byer a pio One Penny. 
Office : Lion House, Red Lion Oourt, Fleet 
Street, E.C. 


A Daily Newspaper for Hants, Wilts, and Dor set. 
Large and increasing circulation. 
Grand for Advertising. 
a Hundreds of Wanted Advertisements. 

Weekly. One Penny. 

County Newspaper. 
Established 1835. 
80 Columns, Every Saturday. One Penny. 
Offices { 45 Above Bar, Southampton. 
57 Fleet Street, London. 


Amalgamation of the Suffolk Mercury, Ipswich and 
Oolchester Times, and Buffolk Olrunicle, 

Weekly Circulation, 26,000. 

More than the combined circulation of all otber 
weekly papers in the County. 

Chief Oflice—13 OARR STREET, IPSWICH. 
London Office—53 FLEET STREET, E.O. 




F. TAYLOR, “ Telegram” Office, 


Monday, and Wednesday, price Halfpenny. Friday 
and Saturday, One Penny. 


The Surrey Advertiser 

SURREY, and ciroulates in every town and village in 
the County; it has also an extensive circulation 
throughout the Home Counties. 

The Surrey Advertiser 

is the only Newspaper in Surrey printed and folded 
on a Hoe Rotary Machine—producing 12,000 perfect 
copies per bour, 

The Surrep Advertiser 

is guaranteed to have the largest circulation by many 
thousands of any paper in Surrey, and is the selected 
organ for the Government, county, municipal, pro- 
fessional, agricultural, and mercantile notices. 
Scale of Advertisement charges can be had ou 

Head Office, Guildford (Telephone No. 9). 
Branch Offices: Kingston, Chertsey, Farnham, 
Surbiton, Richmond, Godalming, Woking, Dorkinz, 

and Camberley. 

A. F. ASHER, Proprietor. 

Established 1878. Localised Editions :— 

Fridays (64 Cols. ), 1d. The best Medium for all County 

Advertisements. Blocks not inserted under $ D.C. 

The herald 

is generally known in the County of Surrey to have u 
circulation of exceplional character, extent, and in- 
fluence, and has maintained a steady and regular 
growth sinoe its establishment in 1878. Dealing with 
most matters of public interest in the interest of the 
public, it is pre-eminently a Family Newspaper, and 
circulating extensively throughout the County of 
Surrey, and in the most populous residential neigbbour- 
hoods in the suburbs of London, offers a splendid 
Medium to Advertisers. 


At a Special Meeting of the Epsom Local Board, on 
March 20, 1893, the Chairman reported that inquiries 
had been made with a view to ascertaining the relative 
circulation of the principal local papers in the district, 
the result being that the HERALD was found to have 
a circulation of THREE TOONE as compared with its 
contemporaries. This has been well maintained ever 
since, Oentral Office: 26 High Street, Sutton. 

And North Middlesex Advertiser, 

Is the oldest, largest, and best paper published in North 
Middlesex. Circulation 14,000. 

Published every Friday, 10 or 12 pages, One Penny, by— 
. ORUSHA & Box, Tottenham. 



Every Saturday Morning. Price One Penny. 
Being the only Conservative Penny Weekly News- 
paper published in Southampton, it has a large circula- 
tion among that class of residents, which makes it a 
most valuable advertising medium. Terms moderate. 
For particulars apply to the Manager, A. HARDING. 
OBSERVER Office, 10 Above Bar Street, Southampton. 


Advertisements received for all the Australian Journals, 5 o 




The combined series circulating extensively 
throughout West Middlesex, South Bucks, is the best 
medium for all classes of advertisements covering this 

Offices—87 High Street. Uxbridge (Tel. G.P.O. 18); 
16 ee Street, Southall; 217 Uxbridge Road, West 

Series of Weekly Newspapers, comprising : 
One inclusive charge for Advertisements. 
Publishers—JOHN WALKER & Co., Warrington. 

With which is incorporated 

Only Local Paper catering for Colwyn ‘Bay, Conway | 
and Penmaenmawr. 

R. E. JONES & BROS., Conway. | 

One Penny. | 

Willing’ s ; Press Guide. 

and has an extensive and influential circulation $ 
' Windsor and Eton, and also in the surrounding neig 

' Water, Sunninghill, Sunningdale, 

Proprietor, Frederick William Oxley, by Oxley & Soi 
Windsor. ; 


A Halfpenny Paper circulating throughou 
whole of the parishes amalgamated in the O 
Westminster, and deals principally with the muni 
life of this large and wealthy borough. 

Published every Friday. Price One Halfpenny. 

Established 1812. 
Is the second oldest paper in the County of Berk 

bourhood, including Slough, Colnbrook, Burnhar 
Old Windsor, Egham, Englefield Green, Virgin§ 
Ascot, Brackn 
Winkfield, Dedworth, and Olewer ; thus being the B 
Advertising Medium for the whole District. s as well 
for Windsor and Eton. 

Price One Penny. 
Printed and Published gn Friday Evenings for. 

Printers to H.M. the King, 4 High Street, 

Oftice—Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth. 
Published every Friday morning. 

Old-established and Leading Local Paper. 


Price One Penny. 
‘Money Orders payable to F. H. OAUSTON. 




Oolumn Advertisemente, per inch .. 

Quarter Page 
Half Page, or One Oohumn 
Three-quarter Page 
Whole Page 

(next Matter) 


ao es 5 O 
46 20 0 
2 f m 87 6 
: 55 O 
5 me 70 0 
.. 106 0 


Ge” Advertisements are under notice for a whole year. 

452 J. Willing, Junr., Lim., Advertising Agents, 125 Strand, London. 

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