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Full text of "The yellow witches' broom of subalpine fir in the intermountain region"

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Y 6 ——— = 
No. hi7 June 1957 


James L. Mielke 
Division of Forest Disease Research 

The yellow witches! broom disease of true firs is caused by the 
rust fungus Melampsorella caryophyllacearum Schroet. This fungus is 
native to North America (1) and also Europe and Asia (5). It has been 
known in Europe for about 150 years and approximately half that long in 
this country (1). 

The pathogen is not particularly destructive in Europe (5, 3), and 
there is no record in the literature of it causing serious damage and 
losses in any of the true fir species in North America. The purpose of 
the present paper is to report an epidemic of the rust in subalpine fir 
(Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) on several areas in the southern portion 
of the Intermountain Region. 


In North America, Melampsorella caryophyllacearum is known from 
Labrador and Newfoundland west to Alaska; south through Canada to the 
northern United States, and still farther south in the western United 
States to California and Mexico (2). It has been reported on Abies spp. 
in all of the western states except Arizona and Nevada (1). 


The fungus is one of the heteroecious rusts, i.e., it evidently 
requires an alternate host for the completion of its life cycle (3, 5, 
9, 10). The alternate hosts are species of Cerastium and Stellaria (2), 
commonly called chickweeds in this region. Some species within each | 
genus are annual and the others perennial. 

Aecial hosts of the parasite are the true or balsam firs. In the 
Intermountain Region the rust is known on white fir (Abies concolor 
(Gord. & Glend.) Lindl.), grand fir (A. grandis (Dougl.) Lindl.), and 
subalpine fir. The latter is by far the most common host of the three. 


The fungus is systemic and perennial not only on firs, but also on 
those alternate host plants that are perennial species (75 10.). 

Spores (aeciospores) are produced during the summer and early fall 
in small yellowish-orange sacs (aecia) on the needles that are borne on 
the witches! brooms. The aeciospores are wind disseminated and infect 
the leaves of chickweeds (3). Small orange-red pustules (uredia) soon 
develop and release urediosSpores which serve only to infect other chick- 
weeds, thus intensifying the fungus on that host. The uredial stage is 
followed by the formation of teliospores. These spores form within the 
leaf cells where they overwinter (10). Teliospore germination and infec-‘' 
tion of firs occurs the following spring (3). 


The outstanding characteristic of this disease is the witches! broom 
caused by it. The brooms are particularly conspicuous from midsummer to 
late fall, for it is then that their yellowish-orange color is at the peak 
of intensity and stands out in striking contrast to the normal dark green 
foliage. Aeciospore production, which is then in progress on the diseased 
needles, contributes to this color. Witches' brooms are upright, typical- 
ly compact with a dense growth of many small and shortened branches, and 
rarely exceed a diameter of 3 feet. The diseased needles are greatly 
shortened and thickened. 

In winter the brooms appear to be dead because the infected needles 
shrivel and become dark in color. Shortly prior to the advent of spring 
these needles drop leaving the brooms bare until new growth starts. The 
new needles are a yellowish-green color until midsummer. 

Witches! brooms occur on trunks and branches, but are most common on 
the latter. Swellings commonly develop on both branches and trunks in 
association with the brooms. 

Twenty years ago Garrett (l) reported that in Utah the yellow 
witches! brooms are often mistaken for some kind of "mistletoe." Even 
though no mistletoes have ever been reported on subalpine fir in Region 
h, this mistaken identity as to the cause of these brooms still exists 
to a large extent. Mistletoes are seed-producing plants; Melampsorella 
caryophyllacearum is a fungus and therefore reproduces by means of 

A similar appearing witches' broom is present in this region on 
Engelmann spruce, but it is caused by another rust fungus, Peridermium 
coloradense (Diet.) Arth. & Kern (6, 7, 8, 9, 10). It is not certain 
yet that this rust has an alternate host (ae 


Heavily infected trees are noticeably reduced in growth rate, and 
as the disease continues to intensify within them they are eventually 
killed. Trees of all ages are susceptible to the parasite. The disease 
is particularly destructive to seedlings and saplings and considerable 
mortality has occurred on some areas. 

No systematic survey has yet been made to appraise accurately the 
prevalence of this disease and the damage caused by it. Based on obser- 
vations, however, heavily diseased stands of subalpine fir are known to 
be present on three of the national forests in Region ) and more lightly 
infected stands have been noted on most of the other forests. 

In heavily diseased stands trees containing 30 to 50 or more brooms 
are common. Many large trees have hundreds of infections. In such cases 
almost every branch has one or more brooms. Estimates made in some of the 
more severely diseased stands ranged from 80 percent to 90 percent of the 
trees infected. 


It is inconceivable that subalpine fir would be present as a species 
on certain of the diseased areas today if the intensity of infection by 
this native rust had always been as great in the past as it is at the 
present time. If the fungus remains uncontrolled and continues at its 
present destructive rate the end result will be either greatly reduced 
stocking of the fir or probable elimination of the tree from some, areas. 
The great abundance of young brooms, ranging from one to several years or 
more of age, provides adequate evidence that intensification of the dis- 
ease has been occurring at a rapid rate. Literally dozens of such brooms 
may be observed in many trees. 

Some factor, or factors, not yet determined has been responsible for 
the increased intensification of the disease and infection of the firs to 
a degree far surpassing that of any case hitherto reported in this country. 
Moisture during the growing season is needed for infection of both the al- 
ternate hosts and the firs. General observations indicate that the epi- 
demic has been in progress for about 25 years, perhaps longer in some cases. 
Very favorable climatic conditions (a series of moist summers) during this 
period could account for the present behavior of the pathogen. However, 
weather records do not support this possibility. Furthermore, weather 

conditions alone do not provide the full answer because moist years or 
periods, favorable for intensification and spread of the fungus, cer- 
tainly must have occurred in the past. 

Evidently the fungus cannot perpetuate itself without the presence 
of the alternate host. Accordingly, the epidemic may be accounted for 
by a marked increase, perhaps an invasion, of chickweeds on areas adja- 
cent to and within the affected fir stands. At least two of our common 
and well-known chickweeds, Stellaria media and Cerastium vulgatum, are 
exotics that now occur over most of North America. These two plants are 
present on many of our mountain range lands. Changes have occurred in 
the composition of forage plants on such lands and it is entirely pos- 
sible that chickweeds are now more common than they were in the past. 


No special studies have ever been conducted on the ecology of 
chickweeds. The available information on these plants is based largely 
on observation. According to the Range Plant Handbook (11), chickweeds 
are common and are found on a wide variety of sites, but the majority 
of the species occur in moist or wet places. They also often concentrate 
in shaded or partially shaded places. Stellaria jamesiana is a native 
perennial species ranging over most of the West (11). It is a common 
plant in this region, occurring in the aspen and the fir-—spruce belts. 
This species has tuberous rootstocks which enable it to propagate vege- 
tatively as well as from seed. For the most part chickweeds are small, 
sparse in stand, and relatively unimportant as range plants (11). Graz-— 
ing animals, therefore, probably interfere little with the normal repro- 
duction of these plants. 


No attempt has been made to control the disease because it has 
never been regarded as serious enough to warrant special attention. 
Eradication of chickweed from the vicinity of the firs would ultimately 
eliminate the disease, but chickweed is so abundant that this is consid- 
ered as not feasible in either this country (3) or Europe (5). However, 
the plants probably could be killed with some of the present-day herbi- 

Tests are now under way with fungicides applied to the witches! 
brooms. If these materials should prove effective it probably would be 
feasible to apply them on high value areas such as summer homesites, 
campgrounds, and around ranger stations. Cutting the brooms from 
branches in young trees might provide some measure of control of the 
disease locally. A test of this kind is under way. 






Arthur, J... 
193. Manual of the rusts in the United States and Canada, 
XV+438 pp. Lafayette: Purdue Research Foundation. 

Boyce, J. Se 
1943. Host relationship and distribution of conifer rusts in 
the United States and Canada. Conn. Acad. Sci. Trans. 

353 329-82. 

1948. Forest pathology. Ed. 2. 550 pp. New York. 

Garrett, A. 0. 
1937. The Uredinales or rusts of Utah. Univ. Utah. Bul. 28(7): 

Neger, F. W. 
192). Die Krankheiten unserer Waldb&ume und wichtigsten Garten- 
gehtlze. Ed. 2, VII+296 pp. Stuttgart: F. Enke. 

Padyg.o. Uh. 
1940. Preliminary observations on the aecial hosts of Melamp- 
sorella. Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans. 3: 17-153. 

1941. Further notes on the witches! brooms and the substomatal 
pycnia of Melampsorella. Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans. hh: 

1942. Distribution patterns in Melampsorella in the national 
forests and parks of the western states. Mycologia 3): 


1945. Reports from recipients of grants from the research funds. 
Amer. Phil. Soc. Yearbook, pp. 157-160. 

1946. The development and germination of the intraepidermal 
teliospores of Melampsorella cerastii. Mycologia 38: 


U. S. Department of Agriculture. 
1937. Range plant handbook. Forest Service. Washington. 

1953. Chickweed can be eliminated in alfalfa. In Report of the 

Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agri- 
cultural Engineering, p. 28. 
