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Full text of "The effect of silage on the flavor and odor of milk"

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Washington, D. C. Vv September 20, 1922 


By JAMES A, GAMBLE, Professor of Dairy Husbandry, University of Maryland, 
collaborator, and ERNrEsT KELLy, in charge of Market Milk Investigations, 
Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. 

Page. Page. 
Causes ok taints in-milk S202 1 | Experiments with alfalfa silage____ 15 
Description of methods used in ex- Experiments with sweet-clover silage 17 
perimental wOtk@==—eees se ae SS 2 | Experiments with soy-bean silage__ 19 
The feeding of silage-—_—_..__—-—- 5 | Discussion of legume-silage experi- 
Experiments with corn silage------_ 5 TRENT eee se SR eee See et eae Dill 
Effect of condensing on silage- Part played by aeration in reducing 
MavOQred sa kes ee 13 silage flavors and odors__-----_- 21 
Feeding spoiled silage_________ 13 | Good flavors and odors in milk_~~-_~ 22 
Discussion of corn-Silage experi- Conclusion sas ae ee 23 
TTT See es ere a 14> |Sliterature: cieds == = ee 23 


Cow’s milk invariably has a more or less pronounced flavor and 
odor, but comparatively little is known concerning the substances 
contributing to these characteristics. The flavors vary from those 
that are pleasing to the taste to others which make the milk objection- 
able and unpalatable. It has been observed by several investigators 
that regardless of the feeds used and care taken, each cow imparts 
to her milk a more or less pronounced individual taste. In a row of 
cows receiving the same feed and care, the authors have observed 
bitter, strong, salty, and flat milk as well as that having a very pleas- 
ing flavor. Several of these if sold alone would have been rejected 

Norrt.—The authors acknowledge their indebtedness to T. E. Woodward, of the Dairy 
Division; also to W. R. Hale, J. B. McNulty, and J. A. Converse, who made the work 
possible through their supervision of the experimental barn. They also extend. their 
thanks to R. J. Posson, C. J. Babcock, and all other members of the Dairy Division and 
University of Maryland staffs who assisted in passing upon the many samples of milk 

and cream taken for this work. 
108550°—22 1 


by consumers, yet when all were blended into the mixed milk of the © 
herd, the resulting blend was pleasing to the taste. 
Flavors and odors in milk result from four causes: 

1. The internal or physical condition of the individual cow. 

2. Those absorbed within the body of the cow from highly flavored feeds. 
3. Odors absorbed into the milk after production. 

4. Bacterial development within the milk on standing. 

Flavors and odors of the first and second classes are more notice- 
able just after the milk is drawn and usually do not increase with — 
time. Those of the fourth class become more apparent after some 
time has elapsed. This bulletin considers principally the factors in 
Groups 2 and 3, although information regarding Group 1 is brought 
out by the investigation. 

Milk of pleasing quality is usually produced on farms making a 
specialty of high-grade milk. On the other hand, the great bulk of 
the country’s supply is produced on farms where milk production is 
but one of several farm activities, and, as a result, less time is avail- 
able for controlling the factors which affect deleteriously the flavor 
and odor of milk. With the exercise of a few precautions, however, 
some of the defects found in market milk may at least be alleviated. 

Factors affecting the flavors and odors of milk have been investi- 
gated extensively, and much excellent work pertaining to the subject 
published. However, such work has largely dealt with the subject 
in a general way. The authors of this bulletin have studied the 
problem from a somewhat different angle. The endeavor has been 
to suggest methods of assistance to the average dairyman in the pro- 
duction of milk reasonably free from the feed taints too frequently 
complained of in market milk. 

The objects of this investigation therefore may be outlined as 

1. To determine whether or not the feeding of the different silages does 
affect the flavors and odors of milk, 
2. If such is the case, to determine how these silages may be so fed and 

and the milk so handled as to UN ENZS their effect on the quality 
of the product. 


For the experiments, a small barn was constructed at the United 
States Department of Agriculture Dairy Experiment Farm at Belts- 
ville, Md. The building was of wooden construction throughout and 
was divided into two parts, one part providing space for four cows. 
The material used for floors, walls, and ceiling was No. 1 tongue-and- 
eroove pine. Building paper was placed on the outside walls of the 
part used for a stable. to make the building as free as possible from 
drafts. Ventilation was provided by doors and windows. 

The stable contained approximately 250 cubic feet of air “space 
for each of four cows, or about one-half the air space required by 


most city regulations, The object was not only to get a milking cham- 
ber which would hold odors, but, by cutting down the space one-half, 
to intensify still further the degree of feed odors in the stable air. 
This condition was necessary during the absorption work of the in- 
vestigation. The silo was at a considerable distance from this barn. 

Four cows, each giving about 10 pounds of milk daily, of approx- 
imately 4 per cent butterfat, were selected from the Dairy Division 
herd. Only those animals which gave milk free from decided off 
flavors and off odors were selected and these were transferred to 
the small barn. The milk in all cases was drawn by milkers who 
‘gave close attention to the cleanliness of the cows and stable and of 
their own hands.’ The cows were alternated from time to time in 
order to equalize any abnormal results due to the milk of any indi- 
vidual animal. For example, in working with the first absorption 
phase, each pair of cows was milked outside the barn on alternate 
afternoons. At intervals, the individuals in each pair were inter- 

_ During these experiments the cows when producing the check 
samples were fed on a basic grain and hay ration which did not ap- 
|preciably affect the flavor and odor of the milk they produced. 

In all the work, the milk from the different pairs was drawn into 
sterilized, covered pails, and the milk from each pair strained through 
filter cloth into a separate can that had been sterilized. The utensils 
were steamed in a sterilizer for 30 minutes, and afterwards allowed 
to remain there until used. 


After milking, the two cans of milk were promptly carried from 
|the barn to the milk room, the milk in each can stirred, and samples 
jtaken. The milk from ech pair of cows was emptied into a gravity 
\creaming can and with the samples was placed in a refrigerator which 
}eooled and held it below 50° F. The next morning dye dean le 
lin the different cans was drawn off and samples of the cream taken. 
- When the effect of aeration was studied, half of the warm milk 
}from each pair of cows was aerated by passing it over a clean surface 
cooler, the milk resampled, the remainder placed in the refrigerator, 
the milk allowed to cream, the skim milk drawn off, and the cream 
jalso sampled. 

| When, in addition, it was desired to get a standard sample known 
\to contain the flavor and odor of silage, part of the milk from the 
| cows not fed silage and not exposed to the silage odor in the milking 
|barn, while still warm, was redrawn through an apparatus contain- 
ling the silage odor. This apparatus is shown in Figure 1. Ten 
| pounds of silage, fresh from the silo, were placed in this “closed cham- 
ber an hour before the redrawing took place. 


The warm milk was poured into the funnel erected on top of this 
box, and redrawn through the openings into a container resting on 
the silage within the chamber. The odor arising from the silage in 

a a ct eel 6 i i Be 


ee os 

lig. , 1.—Apparatus for drawing samples of milk through atmosphere saturated 
with silage odor. 

the closed chamber imparted to the warm milk, which was passing 
through it, a decided silage flavor and odor. A portion of this was 
drawn, cooled, and delivered with the other samples. All samples 


were examined by men in the Dairy Division of the United States 
Department of Agriculture and members of the Dairy Husbandry 
Department of the University of Maryland. 


Flavors and odors are more apparent when the milk is at body tem- 
perature. For this reason all samples, before being submitted to the 
different judges, were heated in a water bath to about body temper- 

Some flavors and odors, because of familiarity, are quickly recog- 
nized by some people, and because of unfamiliarity may not be so 
quickly recognized by others. Standard samples of silage-flavored 
milk were provided to supply this information. When the portions 
were warmed and ready for examination, the sample containing the 
known silage flavor and odor was passed around and examined, so 
that the different men might have a measure for determining whether 
or not any of the other samples contained a silage flavor or a silage 
odor or both. Each man was furnished with slips upon which to 
record the flavor and odor in the different samples submitted to him. 
At the end of each phase of the work, the information on these 
slips, when compared to the key containing the history of each sam- 
ple, furnished a basis for conclusions. 


Ever since silage came into use as a feed for dairy cattle more or 
less controversy has taken place regarding its effect on the flavor 
and odor of the milk produced. It has frequently been said that 
the feeding of silage to milking cows gives rise to disagreeable 
flavors and odors. So much has appeared on the subject that health 
authorities 1 in some cities have incorporated in their city milk laws 
regulations relating to the handling and sale of milk produced by 
cows fed silage. 


During the first three weeks that the cows were in the specially 
constructed barn experiments were carried on for the purpose of 
determining the combination of concentrates and roughage for a 
basic ration which would not interfere with the flavor and odor of 
the milk normally produced by the cows selected for the work. 
When this combination had been obtained the barn and the cows 
were carefully cleaned. 


On alternate days 2 cows were removed to the outside one hour 
before milking and 150 pounds of corn silage, fresh from the silo, 


was spread on the platform underneath the 2 cows remaining in the 
stable and the doors and windows tightly closed. During the inter- 
val before milking, the silage odor so permeated the stable air that 
by the time milking was started a decided silage odor was present. 
“Tt will be noted that the quantity of silage spread out would have 
been equivalent to 75 pounds per cow in an air space of approximately 
500 cubic feet. ‘Table 1 shows the result of the experiment. 
Particular attention is called to the extreme condition of barn-air 
saturation used in this experiment. This exaggerated condition 
was obtained for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the so- 
called silage flavor and odor might be air-borne to milk under extreme 
barn conditions. No legitimate excuse can be conceived for the pro- 
duction of milk in a barn without ventilation or with the small } 
amount of air space used in this work to determine the above point. 
Manure was removed once each day and the barn thoroughly aired. 

TABLE 1.—Hffect of milking in stable air saturated with silage odor, 

Cows milkedin | Check cows milked } 
silage, atmosphere. in open air. 

Result of sampling. 

Milk. Cream. Milk. Cream. 

Nim pberiotexamina tions: - oes soso se lee Ee eee eee 415 415 415 415 
Off Mavorsesss- ee Ses ee a ee eee 96 103 Leos oe 
IN OYOPAAV OL oe. Sie oe eee SS ec ee 319 312 364 358 ; 
OnOd OF Rae aa eee es So SS ee 51 77 19 31 
INOLOMMOG OIE ese 2 Sas So ss See ee eee 364 338 396 384 

One of the most interesting points brought out was that although 
in at least one-fourth of the cases the milk produced by the a1 
milked in the barn under these extreme conditions took on the off 
flavors and odors present in the barn air to a sufficient degree to be- 
come apparent to those looking carefully for them, it certainly did 
so to a less extent than is commonly supposed. The terms used in 
describing the off flavors and odors were, “barny,” “ flat,” “slightly | 

oft off, vote slightly strong,” and “ slight feed.” It was observed 
that denon and odor in the milk were designated by the matter witht | 
which they were associated. The off flavors and odors were found 
more often in the cream than in the milk. This would indicate that } 
the fat of the milk absorbs off flavors to a greater degree than the } 
milk plasma. | 

While off flavors were noted in approximately one-fourth of thal 
cases, a large percentage of these were reported as “barny,” “ strong sg 
and “ off,” with but few notations of “slight feed.” : 

The terms used to describe the odors of the milk produced in thal 
closed stable were the same as those used to describe the flavors,} 
except that the terms “ barny ” and “ musty ” were used more often. 



From this work it is apparent that under these extreme conditions, 
not approached on dairy farms, the silage flavor and odor may, to a 
limited extent, be air borne to milk during production. 

“ Natural,’ “normal,” “good,” and “excellent” were the terms 
used in describing the flavor and odor of the milk produced outside 
of the stable by the check cows in almost 90 per cent of the cases. In 

45 out of 415 examinations, “slightly flat,” “flat,’ “slightly salty,” 

“ shehtly off,’ and “ off” were used, and in 6 cases the term “ slight 
feed.” All these terms except the last are employed in describing 
what are known as individual flavors. If we assume that a like 
number of the 96 off flavors in the milk produced inside the stable 
were also individual taints, this would reduce the possible number 
affected by the barn air in Table 1 to 51 samples out of 415, leaving 
364, or close to 90 per cent, which did not absorb sufficient silage 
edors during the milking in the closed stable to be discernible to those 
looking carefully for such flavors. 


Having determined the effects of an intense silage atmosphere on 
the flavor and odor of milk under the extreme conditions which pre- 
vailed in Experiment No. 1, the next step was to determine the effects 
under extreme conditions on the farm. In this experiment the air 
saturation arose from the silage which was fed to the cows in the 
barn. The cows were given all the corn silage they would consume, 
each cow receiving from 380 to 50 pounds in two feedings—one hour 
before milking in the morning and one hour before milking at night. 
The barn doors and windows were closed after each feeding. Dur- 
ing this experiment the milk and cream samples were examined by 
39 different men. : 

TABLE 2.—Effect of feeding 15 to 25 pounds of corn silage per cow before each 

milking in an unventilated barn. 

Check cows not fed 

Cows fed silage. silage. 

Result of sampling. 
Milk. Cream. Milk. Cream. 

LS UEEN SOL Ot EBL TOMS. = a ae Sen eb or ese oe eeeeseneeo coer os coc 346 | 346 346 346 
iiss {6 2 a ee ie eee nee 313 | 315 30 30 
WO Wirt GOT. 1 ee Be eae eoe nO ep Sen perseaaEacicoss5osec 33 31 316 316 
OTL OG OS eee 5 een cile ccin nicl oo vice mlneremiaemielel= 318 317 29 30 
SINONOETA OG Oe ase sale eae Sin rice oc nee ns wn olainlelsleleenici= = 28 29 | 317 316 

In almost 90 per cent of the cases the terms used in describing the 
flavors present in the milk from cows fed silage were “ very slight 
feed,” “slight feed,” “feed,” “strong feed,” “sweet,” “fermented,” 
“malt,” “slight silage,” and “silage.” From this it is apparent that 


when from 30 to 50 pounds of silage were fed daily to cows in two 
feedings, one hour before each milking, in an unventilated barn, a 
feed flavor and odor were imparted to the milk of the cows re- 
ceiving silage. 

The flavors and odors in the milk and cream from the alternate 
cows not receiving silage were usually described as “ good,” “ excel- 
lent,” “mild,” “natural,” and “normal.” The milk from the cows 
not fed silage furnished a check on the effects of the odors present in 
the barn air. Table 2 shows conclusively that when cows were kept 
in an unventilated barn in which the corn-silage odor was present to 
a greater degree than under reasonably good farm feeding conditions 
the examiners, looking painstakingly for such, did not find a feed 
flavor and odor except in a comparatively few cases. ‘These were 
silage taints probably due to carrying over such taint within the body 
from previous feeding, as demonstrated in subsequent experiments. 
These results show that the more or less common opinion that silage 
flavors are air-borne to milk is not true to the degree commonly sup- 
posed. They also show that milk from cows fed silage under the 
conditions of this experiment does take on, through the body, the 
silage flavor and odor. 


Having determined that the odor of corn silage is usually body- 
borne to milk, the next step was to ascertain the number of pounds 
of corn silage which could be fed to cows one hour previous to milk- 
ing before such milk would take on sufficient silage flavor and odor 
through the body to be recognized by those looking carefully for 
the same. Table 3 shows the result from samples drawn from the 
mixed milk of cows each receiving 10 pounds of silage. The barn 
was well ventilated in this and all experiments which follow. 

TABLE 3.—EHffect of feeding 10 pounds of corn silage per cow once a day one hour 
before milking. 

Milk irons cows fed 
8 Milk from 
Result of sampling. = Pe =e PCOMeOn 
Before | After |fedsilage. 
aeration. | aeration. 

Number of examinations.................-- MNS 0 ty Ce ee eee 51 51 51 

OPP Ma WOret oe eet seee ee wis Sie aes bo Cicintand Sc ae aS Re a A+ 38 2 
INO OM: Hav On eceas eee ee eee oie we ose ce See ee 7 BY |i 49 
OME OGD ONS Sse Sees a oinie Bae ie ood Sa cic wie Sow as oats ee ae eee 41 35 2 
ING Of OOF. fis < Seen amneacinem- occ penne «oo. as Cee rece 10 16 49 

The flavors and odors of milk from the cows fed silage were de- 
scribed as “slight feed,” “sweetish feed,” or “silage.” These re- 
sults show that the feeding of 10 pounds of corn silage to cows one 
hour before milking gave the milk a sufficient feed flavor to be recog- 


nized in over 85 per cent of the cases. Although sufficient flavor and 
- odor were present in the milk to be detected in this number of cases 
by men examining the milk carefully, it is probable that the feeding 
of 10 pounds of silage, as above, did not affect the milk sufficiently 
to be noted by the average consumer. 


To determine the effect of aeration on the feed flavor and odor 
present, the same milk, after being sampled and while still warm, 
was passed over a surface cooler and resampled. The results in 
Table 3 show that when the milk was aerated a part of the feed 
flavor and odor it contained was removed. The table shows that, in 
the aerated milk, feed flavors and odors were noted in six samples 
fewer than in the milk before aeration. They were reduced in de- 
eree also in the other samples. 

The cows not receiving silage occupied and were milked in alter- 
nate stalls from those receiving silage. In the table it is seen that 
in over 96 per cent of the cases no feed flavor or odor was observed 
in the milk drawn from cows standing in the same barn side by side 
with the cows fed silage. 

This experiment shows that the feeding of 10 pounds of corn silage 
one hour before milking gave a perceptible feed flavor and odor to 
the milk. It further shows that if such milk is carefully aerated 
while still warm, the degree of flavor and odor may be materially 
diminished. In the opinion of the judges, the silage flavor present in 
the milk often enhanced rather than detracted from its palatability. 


In the next experiment, the quantity of corn silage fed before milk- 
ing was increased to 20 pounds. 

TABLE 4.—/ffect of feeding 20 pounds of corn silage once a day one hour before 

Milk from cows fed 
silage. ° 
sae [Milk from 
Result of sampling. Spe cows not 
Before After | fedsilage. 
aeration. aeration. | 
ISS SyTT Epa OT GATTI Se Gee ee ee Se eee 25 25 25 
RE art eee See FF ee. a ee Ee Noe 18 18 | 0 
RUS aif Gesrdi ies oo ee ae eee oe a a ee ee 7 7 | 25 
RGF. 2 een ahah ee ee ae te ee eS 25 20 0 
INC OT Past. a ee ee ae ee 0 5 | 25 

The results in Table 4 show that the feeding of 20 pounds of corn 
silage each to cows one hour before milking gave the milk sufficient 
feed flavor or odor to be detected in all of the samples. The flavors 



and odors present were described as “slight feed,” “ feed,” “silage,” 
and “strong feed.” 

During the latter part of this experiment it became necessary io 
use silage which had been in the silo for four or five years. This 
silage had a milder flavor than the 8-month-old silage fed in 10- 
pound lots during the previous experiment, and gave the milk a 
milder silage fiavor. This suggests that the degree of odor present 
in the sete helps to determine the degree of feed ATE and odor 
imparted to milk. 


After the samples of milk from the silage-fed cows were taken, the 
remaining milk, while stili warm, was aerated by passing it over 
a surface cooler. Although diminished by aeration, the feed odor 
was still present in sufficient degr ee to be noted in over 70 per cent of 
the flavor examinations and in 80 per cent of the odor examinations. 

Table 4 also shows the conditions noted in the check samples from 
cows not fed silage. The terms used by the judges in describing the 
flavor and odor in these samples were “ natural,” “ normal,” “ good,” 
and “excellent.” In no cases were the judges able to detect any 
feed flavor or odor in the milk drawn from the cows not receiving 
silage. This agrees with previous work covering this phase. 

It is apparent that feeding 20 pounds of corn silage one hour before 
milking does affect the flavor and odor of milk to an appreciable 
extent. It is also apparent that aeration diminishes the degree of 
the feed odor imparted by the silage. The experiment fee sug- 
gests that when 20 pounds of 5-vear-old silage are fed, sufficient will 
pass through the body to affect the taste and smell of the milk pro- 
duced. While the feed flavor and odor in this milk were sufficiently 
prominent to be apparent to some consumers, it was the opinion of 
the judges that after aeration it would be accepted in a great many 
cases without complaint on the part of the consumer. 

The quantity of silage was next increased to 30 pounds per cow. 

TABLE 5.—LHffect of feeding 30 pounds of corn silage once a day one hour before 

Milk from cows fed 
oe Milk from 
Result of sampling. a Comoe 
Before | After |fdsilage. 
aeration. | aeration. 

Number oftexaminationsi sco ce ooo. oe. 5. eee eee 46 46 46 
Off flav orice den stds Codie oe eek ios ooo sn 46 46 1 
INO! off flavors si trees os cctesesewonee ioc. Gee eee 0 45 
Off odor. tare es ciawbink bod dede owen ndcc 0. 46 46 1 
ING OfsOd OF 6 Ses cine tae daar soc d cba c lets) eee eee 0 45 


The flavors and odors in the milk of the silage-fed cows were 
noted as “fermented feed.” “ feed.” or “slight silage.” “silage.” or 
“strong feed” in all cases. The results in Table 5 show that milk 
from cows fed 30 pounds of corn silage before milking had a decided 
feed flavor and odor. The taste and smell of the feed were noted in 
every case by all the judges. In the opinion of these men, sufficient 
was present to be noted by even those consumers giving but little at- 
tention to the flavor and odor of the milk supplied them. 


Although a feed flavor and odor were noted by all the men who 
passed upon the aerated milk, the degree present was diminished. 
This shows that when silage is fed in these quantities just before 
milking, aeration may be of much assistance in decreasing the flavor 
and odor of silage. 

The milk from the other 2 cows in the barn in alternate stalls 
from those fed silage was examined as a check on the barn air and the 
basic ration which all the cows were receiving. 

Comparing the results in this experiment with those obtained in 
Experiment No. 2, the effect of the new factor, ventilation, on the 
flavor‘and odor of milk produced by cows not fed silage is strikingly 
shown. (Compare the columns for the check cows in Tables 2 and 
5). Proper ventilation may play an important part in ridding the 
barn of manure oders. Adequate ventilation is, therefore, important 
in limiting undesirable flavors and odors which may be absorbed 
during milking. 

This experiment also shows that feeding 30 pounds of corn silage 
one hour before milking gives the milk a feed flavor and odor suffi- 

cient to render it objectionable to most consumers. Another point 

brought out was that, whether silage is fed immediately after being 
taken from the silo or allowed to air somewhat before feeding, the 
milk produced carries strong feed flavor and odor. This feed flavor 
and odor had a tendency, however, to be stronger in the milk when the 
silage was fed fresh from the silo. Even when as low as 10 pounds 
of silage per cow were fed a silage flavor was imparted to 85 per cent 
of the samples in a sufficient degree to be noted by those looking care- 
fully for it. The degree of flavor, however, was much less than 
when 20 or 30 pounds were fed in a like manner. It may be said 
that not until 20 pounds or more were fed did the feed flavor and 
odor become so pronounced as to make the milk decidedly objection- 
able to a majority of consumers. In fact, it was the opinion of the 
judges that the flavor imparted when 10 pounds of corn silage were 

fed enhanced the palatability of the milk. 

It was apparent that the greater the quantity of silage fed before 
milking the more pronounced the feed flavor and odor. The ob- 


servers noted that aeration diminished the degree of silage flavors 
and odors to a greater extent as the quantity of silage fed was 

The practice of feeding silage after milking is recommended by 
practically all authorities. The next step in this work was to de- 
termine the quantity of corn silage that could be fed after milking 
and not deleteriously affect the flavor and odor of the milk pro- 
duced. Two of the cows were fed all the corn silage they would 
consume in two feedings per day one hour after milking. One of 
these individuals refused more than 30 pounds or 15 pounds at a feed- 
ing, while the other readily consumed 50 pounds in two feedings of 
25 pounds each. The milk from these cows, when mixed, represented 
an average consumption of 40 pounds of silage per cow each day. 

TARLE 6.—HLH/ffect of feeding 15 to 25 pounds of corn silage twice daily one hour 
after milking. 

Milk from cows fed 
é Milk from 
Result of sampling. oT = - ae COWS moL 

Before After fed silage. 
aeration. | aeration. 

Nim beronexaminatvOns: ess) sce noo ee oe Oe eee eee 25 25 25 
Orit iho) cess SAS Nee ee ene ene ee ORE Son Be eo oe Seccosacus 15 2 1 
Novo fi Ha VOT swe sie an te ec is Se 2 eee eee 10 23 24 
Off odo eek. clei snk ces ce | eee 12 2 aes 
IN OxOfR.Gd ORS Sas ee toe oc Se Sato cass sone te eee eee eee | 13 23 | 24 

The results in Table 6 show that when an average of 20 pounds 
of corn silage per cow was fed just after each milking the milk took 
on a slight feed flavor or odor in more than 50 per cent of the cases. 
The flavor and odor detected were described as “slight feed ” and 
“slight silage.” This shows that while the feeding of corn silage 
after milking is to be recommended, such a practice does affect both 
flavor and odor when fed under conditions similar to those prevailing 
in this experiment. It appears also that while men accustomed to 
examining milk closely detected a slight feed flavor and odor, it was 
present in quantities too small to be objectionable to the average con- 
sumer, as 40 per cent of the samples did not show these character- 
istics sufficiently to be detected when the milk was carefully exam- 
ined by experienced men. 

It is interesting also to note that in the opinion of the majority 
of the judges, the slightly sweetish flavor imparted enhanced rather 
than detracted from the palatability of the milk. In no case were 
the feed flavors and odors present to as great a degree as was found 
in the samples from cows fed 10 pounds of silage one hour before 


This milk was afterwards aerated, resampled, and examined. 
After aeration, instead of 50 per cent of the samples containing a 
recognizable feed flavor and odor, it was observed in less than 10 
per cent of the samples. From this we may conclude that careful 
aeration of the warm milk from cows fed up to 20 pounds of silage, 
twice daily after milking, will materially reduce the degree of feed 
flavor present. Cows are usually fed less than 50 pounds per cow 
per day. If this is fed after milking, and the milk carefully aerated, 
_it is probable that the feed flavors and odors present will be so 
slight as to be passed by the average consumer without observation. 
It must be recognized, however, that this work was done with care- 
fully made silage. It is also probable that the sudden feeding of 
corn silage in quantities as great as 40 pounds a day to a cow not 
accustomed to receiving it might have a more decided effect on the 
flavor and odor of milk for the first few days, or until the cow’s 
stomach became accustomed to handling this quantity. It was noted 
that as each phase of the work with silage progressed the feed flavor 
and odor were detected less frequently by the judges, even though 
the same quantity was fed from day to day. 

As a check on the cows fed silage, the milk from the other pair 
standing side by side was sampled. The flavors and odors of these 
check samples, with one exception, were described as “ normal,” 
“natural,” “ mild,” “ good,” and “excellent.” 


Ten gallons of milk from cows not receiving silage was passed 
through a saturated silage atmosphere in the apparatus shown in 
Figure 1. This gave the milk a more decided silage flavor and 
odor than was observed when silage was fed even under the extreme 
conditions of Experiment No. 2. The milk was then condensed in a 
commercial apparatus and the resultant product sampled. 

In the early days several large firms buying milk for condensing 
purposes discriminated against milk from cows fed corn silage. 
This examination was conducted to secure information on the effect 
of silage on condensed milk. It was noted by all the judges that 
the distillate taken from the silage milk during condensing con- 
tained a concentrated silage flavor and odor, much more so than the 
milk itself before condensing. It was noted also that the condensed 
milk had much less silage flavor and odor than the milk from which 
it was manufactured. 


Dairymen are frequently warned by authorities not to feed spoiled 
silage because of its effect on the milk flavor. Experiments were 


carried on with the feeding of decomposed silage taken from the 
top of a silo when it was opened. From 5 to 15 pounds of this 
material were fed to each cow one hour before milking. It was 
noted that 5 pounds of this imparted a very strong flavor and odor 
to the milk, described as “ resembling garlic” by several of those 
who passed upon it. As much as 15 pounds of this material was 
eaten readily by the cows under experiment. Even after aeration 
it was found that when the quantities fed were as low as 5 pounds, 
sufficient of the objectionable flavors and odors remained to render 
the milk objectionable to the consumer. 


It is apparent that under the feeding conditions in these experi- 
ments the danger of tainting milk during production by exposure 
to stable air containing the odor of silage is not so important as 
some have stated. It is shown, however, that ventilation plays an 
important part in preventing the tainting of milk during milking, 
and, further, that milk should be removed from the stable immedi- 
ately after it is drawn. Statements have been made, and pos- 
sibly it has been the general belief, that the greatest source of silage 
flavors and odors in milk is silage-tainted barn air. These experi- 
ments show that silage fiavors and odors are almost wholly taken 
up by the milk within the body of the cow. Whether silage is fed 
before or after milking, the barn should be ean! ventilated be- 
fore milking is started. 

In the feeding of silage before milking, these experiments show 
that when as httle as 10 pounds to a feed was given, the milk took on 
through the body of the cow a faint feed flavor and odor. As the 
quantity was increased to 30 pounds at a feed, the degree of silage 
flavor and odor was likewise increased. It is also shown that careful 
aeration materially reduced the degree of both feed flavor and odor. 

This confirms the work of Knisely (§') who reports that milk 
from cows fed corn silage has a more pronounced odor than milk 
from cows fed hay. King (7) also states: 

It was demonstrated beyond. question that when silage is fed a short time 
before milking, a sweetish odor is imparted to milk. 

An article in Hoard’s Dairyman (7) states: 

If silage is fed before milking, there is likely to be a silage odor in the milk. 

Many fou workers have also pointed out these truths during the 
last 20 years. 

In the feeding of silage after milking, our results do not entirely 
agree with some other workers. It was found that when as little as 

1 The italic figures in parenthesis refer to Literature Cited at end of bulletin. 

ee ee ee 

eer ee 


30 pounds daily was fed in two feeds after milking, the milk from 
the cows showed a slight feed flavor and odor, and that when more 
than 40 pounds per day were fed to cows, their milk carried con- 
tinuously a slight silage flavor and odor. In this connection, it is 
again pointed out as reported by Henry and Morrison (6), that as 
feeding progressed the effects of the silage become less and less 
apparent in the milk. In our work it was found that while this was 
true when less than 35 pounds per day was fed to each cow, it was 
shown that when over 40 pounds were consumed, the sweetish feed 
flavor could always be detected. King (7) reports: 

It was demonstrated that if silage is fed to cows just after milking, in a 

majority of cases, milks so produced could not be separated by the sense of 
smell from nonsilage milks. 

Farrington (3) reports: 

It has been repeatedly proved that silage can be fed to dairy cows without 
tainting the milk, butter, or cream in the slightest. 

The presence of a small but discernible amount of silage flavor in 
milk need not perplex, however, for it is shown that careful aeration 
will reduce this to a point where the feed flavor and odor will not 
be detected by the average consumer. 

Moderate quantities of corn silage properly fed to milking cows 
have a tendency to enhance rather than to detract from the flavor 
and odor of the milk. This is especially true of individual milks 
normally flat or lacking in flavor. 


It frequently happens that farmers have difficulty in curing alfalfa 
for hay. The first cutting is sometimes so full of weeds that it dries 
slowly; in other cases a wet season interferes, while at other times 
a threatening early frost makes immediate cutting of the last crop 
expedient. Putting the green alfalfa into the silo has in many cases 
meant saving the crop. 

While some dairymen have used alfalfa silage with success, others 
claim that milk spoilage is experienced. However that may be, a 

_ great deal of alfalfa silage is now being fed. The experiments next 

described were carried out to determine how this roughage, rich in 
protein, may be fed so as to affect least deleteriously the flavor and 

odor of the milk produced. 

The alfalfa silage used was made from finely cut green alfalfa, 
carefully packed in the silo. 


The first work covered the feeding of 5 pounds of alfalfa silage 

one hour before milking. This quantity was gradually increased to 


20 pounds per cow. The cows on experiment would not consume 
more than this weight at a feeding. 

TABLE 7.—Effect of feeding 5 to 20 pounds of alfalfa silage once daily one 

hour before milking. 

Milk from cows fed 
Result of sampling. SS ee | COW SOE 

Before After |fedsilage. 
aeration. aeration. | 

Number'of examinations ses. << oo. oo oc eee ee ee eee 11 | 11 11 
Off: flavor ns: eee se bE os Se ee ee Taba 11 0 
NOLO fa VOR ee a Se Tee ee ene 0 0 1l 

The results in Table 7 show that the feeding of alfalfa silage to 
cows one hour before milking imparted a feed flavor which could be 
detected in all cases. The off flavors were described as “slight feed,” 
“ feed,” “shight silage,” and “alfalfa silage” as the quantity was in- 
creased up to 20 pounds. The odors were described with the same 
terms. When the milk from the cows receiving 5 pounds was aerated 
the flavor and odor were very faint. When 10 pounds per cow was 
reached, the milk contained sufficient feed flavor and cdor even after 
aeration to be ordinarily detected by consumers. When 15 pounds 
had been reached sufficient was present, in the opinion of the examin- 
ers, to cause rejection of the milk by the average consumer. Without 

question, the cream from this milk would be rejected by the sweet- 

cream trade. 

In this experiment it was noted that while aeration removed a 
great part of the feed taste and aroma, sufficient remained to be 
noted in all examinations. 

Standing in the barn in alternate stalls were the cows which did 
not receive alfalfa silage. It is seen in the table that no feed flavor 
or odor was noted in the milk produced by these cows. It is to be re- 

membered, however, that throughout this work, with the exceptions — 

of Experiments Nos. 1 and 2, the barn was well ventilated. 

As in the feeding of corn silage the importance of feeding alfalfa 
silage only after milking has been noted. To determine how much of 
this may be fed per cow, after milking, without rendering the milk 
objectionable to consumers, the following work, shown in Table 8, 
was carried on. 

‘Milk from 


TABLE 8.—Hffect of feeding 5 to 20 pounds of alfalfa silage once daily one 
hour after milking. 

Milk from cows fed 

Silage. - 
: Milk from 
Result of sampling. SSS ———] cows not 
| Before After fed silage. 
aeration. | aeration. 
arse ONE< AUN GONS= 22 ne). eee 14 14 14 
COSTE Shy ONS orn e ens Ney Sn ote Ts os et ei aes gr 10 : ) 0 
ISP OEP UPS Rk Se ee ek ee PINE SS 71 ath 4 9 14 
Bao serene ee te tT. . e e Rae ees. e 0 
INGIOHZOU Oe en ee erent ea eT ee ee 6 9 14 

In this experiment 5 pounds were fed to begin with, and this 
quantity increased 5 pounds every two days up to 20 pounds, when 
it was reduced to 5 pounds again, dropping 5 pounds every two days. 
It was observed that the alfalfa-silage flavor did not become notice- 
able in the milk until 10 pounds or more were fed. However, when 
from 15 to 20 pounds were consumed at each feeding the milk took 
on a decided feed flavor and odor. 

When this milk was aerated the degree of feed flavor and odor 
was decidedly reduced and was detected less often, as shown in the 
table. This again shows the importance of aerating milk. It was 
also observed that when the milk from cows receiving 10 pounds was 
aerated all judges failed to detect feed flavors or odors. 

This work indicates that alfalfa silage should be fed only after 
milking, and that the milk should be well aerated while still warm. 
The importance of this is shown by comparing the results in Table 7 
with those obtained in Table 8. 


In some cases clover crops have been made into silage with fair 
success. Where weather conditions interfere with the proper curing 
of clover for hay it is sometimes put into the silo. It is well known 
that the silage made from clover has a strong odor, necessitating care- 
ful feeding to avoid tainting the milk. For this experiment silage 
made from sweet clover, cut in fine lengths and tramped solidly, 
was fed to the experimental cows. It was noted that the sweet- 
clover silage had’ a more decided odor than the alfalfa silage. 



At the beginning of the work 5 pounds of sweet-clover silage were 
fed one hour before milking. This was continued for several days; 
afterwards the quantity was increased to 10 pounds and continued 
for several days longer; then increased to 15 pounds. An effort was 



made to increase the feeding to 20 pounds, but the cows refused to 
consume that quantity at a feed. It was noted that even when 5 
pounds were fed in nearly all cases the milk had a detectable feed 
flavor and odor, and when the quantity was increased to 15 pounds 
the feed flavor and odor became very objectionable. _ 

TapLe 9—Effect of feeding 5 to 15 pounds of sweet-clover silage once daily 
one hour before milking. 

| Milk from = fed | 
‘Milk from 
cows not 

| Before After ‘edsilage. 
| aeration. aeration. 

Result of sampling. 

Number of exantimations.—.-2 50 =) 2 = eee : 30 | ae 20 
Off flavor. 2-2-1 Se ee ee eS eee 28 | 20 0 
NOOSE Maver. =2028k Ss se ee et eS eS 2 | 10 30 
Oil odors 35 ae ese ea 6 ee = RSP eee 29 21 8) 


When the milk from the cows fed up’to and including 15 pounds 
before milking was aerated, the intensity of the feed flavor and odor 
was diminished, as shown in the table. In the opinion of the judges 
sufficient of the feed flavor and odor had been removed during aera- 
tion to render the milk palatable. 

This experiment shows that even as little as 5 pounds of sweet- 
clover silage. when fed before milking, produced a feed flavor; 10 
pounds produced a decided feed fiavor and odor, and 15 pounds so 
increased the intensity as to render the milk, if unaerated, objection- 
able to the average consumer. It is also shown that aeration so re- 
duced the flavor and odor present, when 5 pounds were fed, as to 
cause it largely to disappear. When 10 pounds were fed and the milk 
aerated, the sweet-clover silage flavor and odor persisted. When 15 
pounds were fed and the milk aerated, while the flavor and odor was 
somewhat stronger, a decided reduction in the degree had taken 
place. In the case of this silage, the odor, after aeration, seemed 
more tenacious than the flavor. 

In this experiment, as in others, check results were obtained with 
alternate cows not fed silage. There was a total lag, feed flavor 
and odor in the milk from these cows. - 


The next experiment was carried on to ascertain the quantity of 
sweet-clover silage that could be fed after milking and the methods 
of handling necessary to overcome the objectionable effects. 


TABLE 10.—Effect of feeding 5 to 15 pounds of sweet-clover silage once daily 
one hour after milking. 

Milk from cows fed 


“Milk from 
Result of sampling. 

cows not 
Before After |{edsilage. 
| aeration. | aeration. 

DPN DCHG eX AMNTMIALIONS == 2-221. 2... 2 1, eee 30 30 30 
Oa AVOr se ee EL a = a er ih a 28 20 | 2 
DLE TEEN Ges Re a OR oi ced I ies Pe Se 2 10 28 
ChEOC OR ee ee ee ee ask Ye eee eee! 29 21 2 
NID GUMOC) rs Se Ls Ee ee eee 1 9 28 

The results with unaerated milk show that when sweet-clover silage 
was fed after milking in quantities from 5 to 15 pounds, a feed flavor 
and odor were imparted to the milk. In explanation of this table it 
may be said that in 2 cases there were no feed flavors and in 1 case 
no feed odor when 5 pounds were fed. When this quantity was in- 
creased to 10 pounds, the notations were, “ slight silage,” and “ slight 
feed”; when 15 pounds were fed the samples were marked “ feed,” 
“strong feed,” and “clover silage.” Whik the feeding of sweet- 
clover silage is a desirable practice from an economic standpoint, the 
above results show that even when fed under ideal conditions it af- 
fected the flavor and odor of the milk produced, 15 pounds, fed after 
milking, tainting the milk sufficiently to be noted by the average 


Aeration, however, produced a marked change in the degree of the 
flavors present. By sprinkling the grain ration on the sweet-clover 
silage, each cow consumed up to 15 pounds of silage at a feeding. 
When this milk was aerated, in the opinion of the judges, the feed 
flavor was sufficiently diminished to be unobjectionable to the ay- 
erage consumer. These results show that sweet-clover silage should 
be fed only after milking, and the milk should be carefully aerated 
while still warm. : When this is done, up to 15 pounds at each feed- 
ing may be fed per cow without permanently injuring the commer- 
cial value of the product. 


Another protein roughage, soy beans, is also sometimes ensiled. 
When put in the silo alone soy beans make rank-smelling silage. The 
effect of this feed on the flavor and odor of milk is shown in the fol- 
lowing experiments. 


In feeding this material it was noted that 5 pounds gave the milk 
a detectable feed flavor and odor. As the quantity was increased to 
15 and 20 pounds, the flavors and odors present increased in intensity. 

Taste 11—F fect of feeding 5 to 20 pounds of soy-bean silage once daily one 
hour before milking. ; “i 

Milk from | Milk from 
Result of sampling. cows fed cows not 
silage. fed silage. 
INEM DeLiOn GxamMIn SblONS so 6 22 oe oo ae cole. ss Soo aie See eae See eres 16 | 16 
OPM aVOrsc Seok oo oes Ae skid oh da ab 2 ee eee eee 16 1 
INO OfR fla VOR ase oF Cee eee is sas Ss oe Boe oe ere rea 0) 15 
OTRO OTS secre a a teins Im Se SIE Soe a= ie enn 16 | 2 
IN OvOfMOd OG2 2 cate Ue eo Se ee Se ew ne ee ee ee eee 0 | 14 

The milk from cows not receiving soy-bean silage was scored, as 
usual, for a check, with the results shown in the table. 


In feeding 5 to 20 pounds of soy-bean silage one hour after milk- 
ing, it was noted that when the quantity fed reached 10 pounds, a 
slight flavor resulted. This was increased in degree as the quantity 
of silage given the cows was increased. 

Aeration greatly reduced the objectionable flavor, although the 
extent of the reduction is not shown in the table. When the quantity 
fed after milking was again reduced to 10 pounds, a shght feed odor 

vas noted by the judges after aeration. 

TABLE 12.—H/ffect of feeding 5 to 20 pounds of soy-bean silage once. daily one 
hour after milking. : 

Milk from | Milk from 

Result of sampling. cows fed -}| cows not 

silage. fed silage. 
Wumber ohexaminations: cs: he, ee ene 15 16 
OPP MAVOR Se Se ee es oe eeaaio cule Sie Se tie e wales a a 12 0 
IN(O Of MAVOL ours cere eee ee ee oy 2. 2 ee ere eee 4 16 
OMOd OG S24 Fee ee ae cee es otk. 3 Se ae eee 12 0 
IN OFOfROM OT Se ee ee ee Nee eS) pee ean 4 16 

Again it is shown that the cows not receiving soy-bean silage, 
standing in alternate stalls, produced milk not affected by the barn 

From the experiments with soy-bean silage it is apparent that 
when this feed is fed one hour before milking, even in such small 
amounts as 5 pounds per cow, it affects the flavor and odor of the 

milk. Increasing the quantity fed increased the feed flavor. It is 



evident that the proper way to feed this silage is after milking 
and, further, that even when so fed in quantities from 5 to 20 pounds 
at a feeding, most of the milk produced has a strong soy-bean silage 
flavor and odor. 


The legume silages fed in this work were unusually dark in color 
and had rank characteristic odors. The experiments show that they 
should be fed only after milking and then in quantities of not more 
than 15 pounds to a feed if milk reasonably free from feed taints is 
to be dbtained. 

Henry and Morrison (5) report that, “as a class, the legumes 
have proved disappointing for silage when ensiled alone.” They 
state further (4) that while alfalfa has been ensiled with entire 
success, “often poor, vile-smelling silage is produced.” In regard 
to soy-bean silage, Woll and Humphrey (/7) went so far as to say 
that satisfactory dairy products could not be made when cows were 
fed this silage. Woodward and McNulty (72) report that silage 
made from clover, while palatable, has an objectionable odor ncces- 
sitating care in feeding to avoid tainting the milk. 


Silage is a palatable, wholesome feed for milking cows, the feed- 
ing of which is generally conducive to economical milk production, 
and it will continue to be fed on an increasing number of dairy farms 
as its feeding value becomes more generally recognized. Lezumes 
likewise will continue to be grown and fed in ‘ncreasing amounts for 
much the same reason. Efforts will be made to save the crop by 
ensiling just so long as wet seasons prevent its being cured into hay, 
or when early frosts threaten its growth. In accordance with the 
method of feeding practiced by busy dairymen, corn and legume 
silages will continue to-be fed both before and after milking. Thus 
cows that eat pasture weeds, such as garlic and ragweed, or are fed 
silage, cabbage, or turnips before milking will continue to give 
tainted milk. The milk from cows kept during certain seasons of 
the year in unventilated, sometimes unclean, barns will continue to 
be tainted. These feeding and barn conditions are still more general 
than they should be, and, until they are corrected, the milk should be 
taken from the stable as soon as drawn and aeration more generally 
employed in removing immediately as much of these taints as possi- 
ble while the milk is still warm. The experiments have shown that 
this can be done easily and with beneficial results. 

The process consists in bringing milk in thin streams into contact 
with the air, thus permitting the escape of the volatile taint-bearing 


substances. As ordinarily practiced, aeration has a double purpose— 
first, to air the milk; and second, to lower its temperature. Russell 
(10) reports “the method certainly has no disadvantages.” It 
should be borne in mind also that feed and barn taints once re- 
moved are removed permanently by the process. Marshall says (9) 

“it is best accomplished immediately after milking.” 

acid, hydrogen, and sulphid of hydrogen, and supplies the milk with 
air so that in all probability the development of certain bacteria is 
checked, which otherwise, if the milk had been filled in containers 
in a warm and unaerated condition, would have imparted*to the 
milk a shen dice guescile taste and adore the milk woul have been 


In aerating milk it should be borne in mind that the same condi- 
tions which favor the escape of odors which the milk contains when 
drawn from the cow are also conditions which permit the milk to 
become tainted with odors from the outside. For this reason, aera- 
tion should take place in a milk room in which the air is free from 
bad taints or dust, and which is well ventilated. 


Tt is imaportant that milk have a good flavor and a good odor. It 
is probable that some flavors and odors constantly present in milk in 
time cease to be objectionable to the individual and are taken as a 
matter of course. In some alfalfa sections of the United States the 
so-called alfalfa taste is general in milk and in these sections is ac- 
cepted without comment. 

The work has shown that fine-flavored milk is an individual char- 
acteristic of some cows. It may be that whole herds of cows giving 
milk of desirable flavor will be assembled in the future, and the 
effort made to fix and perpetuate this desirable characteristic by 
breeding and selection. 

Preventive measures are always best; therefore dairymen should 
endeavor, first, to have cows and barns clean; second, to have cow 
stables properly ventilated; third, to feed after milking those mate- 
rials likely to taint milk; and fourth, to decrease feed and barn taints 
by proper and immediate aeration. Finally, prompt cooling and 
storing of milk at a low temperature will retard the development of 
odors from bacteria] action. 

As stated before, the cows used in these experiments produced daily 
approximately 10 pounds of milk each. It is possible that with cows 
of greater or less production different amounts of silage might be 
fed with varying results as regards intensity of the flavor imparted 

According — 
to Ernst (2), “the aeration of milk permits the escape of carbonic - 




to milk. It is believed, however, that the conclusions state funda- 
mentals which will have equal importance under all conditions. 


There is a wide variation in the flavor and odor of the milk from 
individual normal cows receiving the same feeds. 

While silage-tainted. barn air may have some effect on the flavor 
and odor of milk, it is of relatively small importance under average 
and even under extreme conditions. 

The flavor and odor of silage are largely imparted to milk through 
the body of the cow. 

Silage which is fed one hour before milking is so quickly avsorbed 
that its taint is discernible in the milk. 

Silage should be fed immediately after milking. 

Not over 15 to 25 pounds of corn silage or 15 pounds of legume 
silage can be fed twice daily after milking without imparting a dis- 
cernible flavor and odor to the milk of cows of similar productive 
capacity to those used in this experiment. 

Legume silage affects the flavor and odor of milk to a greater 
extent than an equal amount of corn silage. 

Careful and prompt aeration of the warm milk will permanently 
remove silage flavors and odors from slightly tainted milk and 
will reduce the degree of more pronounced silage flavors and odors. 

Moderate quantities of corn silage fed after milking and the 
milk promptly aerated may in some cases actually improve the flavor 
of milk that would otherwise have a flat or insipid taste. 

While silage odors in the barn air have only a shght effect on the 
flavor and odor of milk, it is best to provide adequate ventilation an¢| 
exercise other sanitary measures to insure the finest possible flavors. 

The feeding of badly decomposed or moldy silage imparts to 
milk undesirable flavors. : 

Cream from silage-tainted milk possesses and retains silage flavors 

and odors to a greater extent than the milk from which it is taken. 

Condensed milk made from silage-tainted milk has a less per- 
ceptible silage flavor and odor than the milk from which it is made. 


1905. How does ensilage flavor get into milk? Jn Hoard’s Dairyman, 
v. 36, No. 8, p. 228. 

(2) Ergnst, WILLIAM. 

1914. Textbook of milk hygiene. p. 149. 

1905. Silage odor in milk. /n Hoard’s Dairyman, v. 36, No. 2, p. 32, 
(4) Henry, W. A., and Morrison, F. B. 

1917. Feeds and feeding. 16th ed. p, 228. 









Same, p. 258. 
Same, p. 355. > 
Kine, F. H. 
1897. The construction of silos and the making and handling of silage. 
Wis. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bul. No. 59, p. 25-27. 
1903. Feeding silage to cows. Jn Oregon Agr. Expt. Sta., 15th Ann, 
Rpt., p. 4445. ; 
1902. Aeration of milk. Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bul. No. 201, p. 216. 
1897. Tainted or defective milks, their causes and methods of preven- 
tion. Wis.- Agr. Expt. Sta., Bul. No. 62, p. 23-24. 
Wott, I. W., and HumpHrey, G. C. ; 
1904. Soy bean silage as a food for dairy cows. In Wis. Agr. Expt. 
Sta., 21st Ann. Rpt., p. 67-74. 
Woopwarp, T. E., and McNutty, J. B. 
1914. The making and feeding of silage. Jn U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ 
Bulletin, No. 578, p, 5 (1914 edition).